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\i\scaps0 Satish Kumar Kokkula\par
Personal Details\b0\i0\par
\i Date of Birth: 10\super th \nosupersub Sept 1986\par
Sex: Male\par
Nationality: Indian \par
Marital Status: Single\par
Languages known: English, Hindi and Telugu.\par
\b Permanent Address :\b0\i0\par
S/o K Srinivas ,\par
H no : 47-202, Deepak Nagar,\par
MandaMarri, \par
Adilabad (Dt)-504231\par
Mobile: +\b0\i0 91-9052913900\par
\pard\intbl\qj\tx2695\tx2865 E-Mail: \cf1\ul\b0\i0
\cell\pard\intbl\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp40 \shading1000\fi-1021\li851\ri-
155\sa120\qj\b\i0 SATISH KUMAR KOKKULA\par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\qj\b0 Seeking an opportunity to working in a challenging
environment which will suit to my academic aspiration where I can prove and improve
my skills.\par
\pard\intbl\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp40 \shading1000\fi-1021\li851\ri-155\sa120\qj\b
\pard\intbl\qj\b0 2001- 2002 Standard X, SSC (\b 78%\b0 )\par
Carmel High School, Mandamarri.\par
2002- 2004 Board of Intermediate Education (\b 88%\b0 )\par
S.R Junior College, Hanamkonda .\par
2004-2008 B.TECH Mechanical Engineering (\b 75%\b0 )\par
J.B Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Hyderabad.\par
\pard\intbl\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp40 \shading1000\fi-1021\li851\ri-155\sa120\qj\b
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-450\li460\qj\cf0\b0\i0\f1\'d8 \f0 Participated in
national level paper presentation in VNR VJIET on the topic CAMLESS FOUR STROKE
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360\qj\tx360\f1\'d8 \f0 Captain of the cricket
team in school level. \par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360\sl480\slmult1\qj\tx360\f1\'d8\tab\f0 Got
best student award in SSC\par
\pard\intbl\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp40 \shading1000\li-170\ri-170\sa120\qj\b
\pard\intbl\fi-450\li460\qj\tx10\b0\f1\'d8\tab\f0 CAE : HYPERMESH,MSC NASTRAN &
\pard\intbl\fi-710\li720\qj\tx460\f1\'d8\tab\f0 CAD : AUTOCAD, CATIA V5\par
\pard\intbl\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp40 \shading1000\fi-900\li730\ri-155\sa120\qj\b
\pard\intbl\qj\b0 \par
16 Months of work experience and good theoretical knowledge in Aircraft
\pard\intbl\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx0\tx1908\b Company : \b0 Infotech
Enterprises Limited \par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx0\tx1908\b Working : \b0
Since Aug 18, 2008\par
\b Department : \b0 Aerospace\b \b0\par
Designation :\cf3\b0 Design Engineer\par
\pard\intbl\shading1250\keepn\s4\fi270\li-270\ri-720\qj\tx0\tx1908\cf0\b PROJECT
Project Title : \cf0\b0 Structural design of Fixed Leading Edge of
\b Client : \b0 Gulfstream Aerospace, US\par
\b Software Used : \b0 CATIA V5 R17\par
\b Role : \b0 Team Member\b\par
Duration : \b0 3 months\par
Description \b0 \b :\b0 Project involves Structural Design of Fixed
Leading Edge for Gulfstream Aerospace of GVI P20 Aircraft. Design targets are
weight reduction of wing and 50% part count reduction by designing part as
standard, increase strength by designing in subassemblies like clips, ribs,
intermediate ribs, plenum beam, splice strap, Intercostals etc. All CATIA models
have been developed by using Relational Layout Modeling (RLM) technique for easy
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-1900\li1900\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx1691\cf3\b Project Title
: \cf0\b0 Drafting 3D CATIA models for D-jet\par
\b Client : \b0 Diamond Aircraft Industries, Canada.\par
\b Software Used : \b0 CATIA V5 R17\par
\b Role : \b0 Team Member\b\par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-1900\li1900\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx1596\tx1691 Duration
: \b0 2 months\par
Description : \b0 This project involves generating manufacturing drawings
and installation drawings using GD&T as per ASME Y14.5 1994 standards for the given
3D CATIA models (customer inputs).\par
\pard\intbl\fi-1890\li1900\qj\b Role Played : \b0 I was responsible for
creating 2D drawings by studying 3D part and sheet metal models and also applied
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-1900\li1900\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx1691\cf3 Project Title
: \cf0\b0 FE Modeling and Analysis of Aircraft Interiors\par
\b Client : \b0 Midcoast Aviation, US.\par
\b Software Used : \b0 Hyper mesh, MSC Nastran & Patran\par
\b Role : \b0 Team Member\b\par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-1900\li1900\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx1596\tx1691 Duration
: \b0 2 months\par
\pard\intbl\fi-1890\li1900\qj\b Description : \b0 The scope of the project
is to prepare an FE Model and the QAS report of the aircraft Interiors. The
aircraft interiors consist of galleys, storage cabinets, closets, bulkheads, side
ledges, etc. FE Modeling of panels is done for all the honeycomb panels with Nomex
and Norlam type. The assembly is constrained at the floor attachments to simulate
the seat track at one end and at the other end to simulate the connection to the
frames by tie rod. The aircraft interiors are analyzed for the flight, emergency
landings, abuse and rapid loss of pressure.\b\cell\row\trowd\trgaph170\trleft-
Analysis done :\par
\pard\intbl\fi-360\li720\qj\tx720\b0\f2\'b71\tab\f0 FEA of the interiors and method
of application of loads.\par
\f2\'b72\tab\f0 Modal analysis check of the monument\par
\f2\'b73\tab\f0 Static analysis of the monument for the four load cases.\par
\f2\'b74\tab\f0 Load Extraction for all the components like tie rods, hinges,
latches, panel loads, inserts, panel attachments, pins, etc.\par
\f2\'b75\tab\f0 Stress analysis of components like lug, tie rod tube, inserts,
brackets, honeycomb panels, seat tracks. \par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-1900\li1900\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx1691\cf3\b Project Title
\b Client : \b0 GKN Aerospace.\par
\b Software Used : \b0 MSC Nastran & Patran\par
\b Role : \b0 Team Member\b\par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-1900\li1900\sl360\slmult1\qj Duration :
\b0 3 months\par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\fi-1900\li1900\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx1900\b Description
: \b0 The scope of the project is to check the element quality, shell orientation
and material orientation according to the client\rquote s requirement and make
necessary changes on the element if it does not satisfy the requirements of the
client. Generate new bulk data file and run the bdf in Nastran for Normal modes and
Linear Static Analysis. Results in op2 and f06 format are delivered to the customer
along with a detailed report for the registration of the FE model for the Airbus UK
which gives all the details of the FE model and plots of the displacement and
stress tensors.\par
\pard\intbl\shading1250\keepn\s4\fi270\li-270\ri-720\qj\b STRENGTHS\par
\pard\intbl\nowidctlpar\qj\b0 Hard Working, Self Confidence, positive thinking\par
\pard\intbl\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp40 \shading1000\li-170\ri-170\sa120\qj\b
\pard\intbl\qj\b0 Cooking, watching animation pictures\par
\pard\intbl\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp40 \shading1000\li-170\ri-170\sa120\qj\b
\pard\intbl\qj\b0 I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct
up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-
mentioned particulars \par
yours faithfully,\par
K.Satish Kumar\cf1\i0\par

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