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Son omniprsence

Le Bodhisattva Avalokitsvara est sans doute le plus connu dans le Bouddhisme.

Dans la tradition Terre Pure, il figure trs souvent auprs du Bouddha Amitabha ainsi que le
proches reprsentants du Bouddha. Le premier symbolise la grande compassion
et le second, le pouvoir surnaturel.
Sa prsence auprs du Bouddha Amitabha montre que le souhait de renaissance en Terre Pure
relve bien du grand vhicule. Il est trs vnr et dans les coles Terre Pure, on pratique la
rcitation de sa longue Dhran avant toute prire pour la Terre Pure dAmitabha.
Sa reprsentation fminine diffre de la masculine quatre bras quon trouve dans la tradition
tibtaine (voir galerie).
Il est donn comme le successeur du Bouddha Amitabha dans le long texte tibtain de
prire de renaissance en Terre Pure.
En clair, pratiquer la mditation d Avalokitsvara revient indirectement pratiquer
progressivement dans la direction du Bouddha Amitabha.
Le texte de pratique de Tchenrezi (autre nom) vise comme but la grande compassion mais aussi la
renaissance en Terre Pure dAmitabha. En Occident, on est davantage touch par ce

Bodhisattva qui semble plus proche que le Bouddha Amitabha.

Mais alors, pourquoi invoquer Amitabha ?
La pratique de Tchenrezi vise la ralisation mme du corps d Avalokitsvara, l'actualisation de notre
nature veille. On conjugue cause et effet. Seulement, combien sont les personnes ordinaires
qui peuvent prtendre pouvoir raliser en cette vie leur nature veille ? Les souhaits de
renaissance formuls doivent ncessairement tre associs avec une pratique de linvocation du
nom du Bouddha Amitabha et une Foi totale en cette Terre Pure. Ce tri-aspect est fondamental
dans lcole Terre Pure.
Linvocation est le lien de connection avec le Bouddha Amitabha. Voil ce qui manque dans le
bouddhisme tibtain. Mais loin dtre en opposition, ces deux traditions se compltent.

manation dAvalokitsvara


Tel tant le cas, au lieu de rester dans le rve malheureux de ce monde, adoptons le
rve heureux de la Terre Pure... Dans le monde de saha on va de rve en rve, sombrant et
retournant ternellement dans le cycle des naissances et des morts sous les lois du karma. Le rve
de la Terre Pure, au contraire, volue du rve lveil suprme, par un veil progressif qui nous
mne au stade ultime de la bouddhit. Bien que lillusion du rve soit la mme, les conditions de
ces tats de rve dans un cas et dans lautre sont vraiment diffrents. Il est donc vraiment
ncessaire dinvoquer le nom du Bouddha et daspirer renatre en Terre Pure.
Il y avait une fois, un adepte Zen qui pensait que la Terre Pure est une illusion et quinvoquer le nom
du Bouddha pour y renatre tait inutile. Entendant ceci, un vnrable Chinois rpliqua :
Ceci est une erreur. Tous les Bodhisattvas jusqu ceux du Septime Stade pratiquent dans un
rve. Mme ceux qui ont atteint le niveau de lveil gal sont encore profondment endormis dans
le grand rve de lillusion et lignorance. Les Bouddhas sont les seuls que lon puisse honorer du
nom de Grands veills. Lorsque notre propre corps est dans un rve, on peut sattendre au
bonheur et la souffrance; nous ressentons encore la joie et ne sommes pas labri de la
souffrance. Comment pourrions-nous prtendre que nous sommes veills et que notre
environnement est un rve?

Les Voeux
Chu ai Bi
- Dhran - Vietnamien Nam m ai Bi H Thuoong Pht B Tat,

3 ln

Thin th thin nhan v ngai ai bi tm a la ni.

Nam m hc ra at na a ra da da.
Nam m a ri gia ba l kit , thc bat ra da, b tat oa ba da, ma ha taa t oa ba da, ma ha ca
l ni ca da. An tat ban ra phat du , s at na at toa. Nam m tt kit l t oa, y mng a li gia ba
l kit tht Ph t ra lang a ba.
Nam m na ra cn tri h ri, ma ha ban a sa m, tat ba a tha u du bng, a th duung, tat ba tat
a na ma ba tat a, na ma ba da, ma phat at u , at i t tha. An a ba l h, l ca , ca ra ,
di h li, ma ha b tat a, tat ba tat ba, ma ra ma ra, ma h ma h, ri a dng , cu l cu l
kit mng, l l, phat xa da , ma ha phat xa da , a ra a ra, ia ri ni, tht Ph t ra
da,da ra da ra. Ma ma phat ma ra, muc l , y h y h, tht na th na, a ra sm Pht ra xa li,
phat sa phat xm, Ph t ra xa da, h l h l ma ra, h l h l h ri, ta ra ta ra, tt ri t t ri, t r
t r, b da, b a da, b a da, di ri da, na ra cn tri, ia ri st ni na, ba da ma na ta ba ha.
Tt a da ta ba ha. Ma ha tt a da ta ba ha. Tt a du ngh tht ba ra da, ta ba ha. Na ra cn tri,
ta ba ha. Ma ra na ra, ta ba ha. Tt ra tng a muc kh gia, ta ba ha. Ta ba ma ra, a tt a da, ta ba
ha. Gia kit ra a tt a da, ta ba ha. Ba a ma yt tt a da, ta ba ha.
Na ra cn tri ban a ra da, ta ba ha Ma ba ri thng yt ra da, ta ba ha.
Nam m hc ra at na a ra da da. Nam m a ri gia ba l kit , thc ban ra da, ta ba ha.
An tt i n man a ra bat a gia, ta ba ha.
3 ln
Nam M Bn S Thich Ca Mu Ni Ph t.
3 ln
Cette longue Dhran dAvalokitsvara est rcite normalement vive allure et par coeur en dbut
de crmonie. Chu ai Bi signifie Mantra ou Dhran de la grande compassion. Il a un grand
pouvoir sil est rcit avec coeur (voir la parabole fentre suivante). Il montre quel point lesprit
dveil est important pour une renaissance en Terre Pure.
Chant de rcitation

Naissance et Mort
Pourquoi invoquer le nom du Bouddha ?
Tous les tres sont assujettis au dmon de la mort. Il[s] sont frapps par les huit grandes
souffrances que sont :
- La souffrance de la naissance
- La souffrance de la vieillesse
- La souffrance de la maladie
- La souffrance de la mort
- La souffrance de la sparation davec les tres chers
- La souffrance due la rencontre avec des tres indsirables
- La souffrance due aux dsirs non raliss
- La souffrance due aux cinq agrgats
Une mditation constante permet de nous tourner vers la qute dun bonheur authentique.
Et cest bien pour chapper ce cycle de naissance et de mort, pour mettre un terme ces
souffrances que le Bouddha exhorte les tres pratiquer linvocation. Elle devrait accompagner
toutes autres pratiques du Dharma. Cela d autant plus qu elle est accessible tous les tres.
Aux environs de 1330, il y eut une longue disette en Chine. A Hang-Tcheou (Hangchou), on trouvait
partout dans les rues les cadavres de ceux qui taient morts de faim. Chaque matin on dversait les
corps dans une grotte de la montagne, derrire la pagode de la grande harmonie. Parmi ces morts, il
y avait le corps dune vieille femme qui au bout de dix jours, ne se dcomposait toujours pas.
Chaque jour, ce corps remontait, on ne sait comment, et se retrouvait au-dessus des autres. Surpris
par ce spectacle, quelques personnes ramenrent ce corps en le tirant avec des cordes. Ils
trouvrent, dans une petite poche de sa robe, trois feuillets de papier orns dun portrait du
Bouddha Amitabha sur lesquels taient notes les prires quotidiennes de la vieille femme.
Ceci parvint la connaissance de ladministrateur local, qui ordonna que le corps soit plac dans un
cercueil et brl. Au moment o les flammes envelopprent le cercueil, on dit que les gens virent
limage du Bouddha Amitabha et des Bodhisattvas entours dauroles tincelantes.
Grce cet vnement beaucoup de gens commencrent pratiquer linvocation au Bouddha.
Et encore dans le soutra du grand agrgat :
A lre du dclin du Dharma, bien peu parmi la multitude des disciples atteindront la Voie. Au
mieux, ils pourront placer leur confiance en la mthode Terre Pure afin dchapper
lenchanement des existences.

Esprit dveil
Parole du Bouddha Sakyamuni :
Dans lavenir les soutras disparatront. Mais dans un esprit de compassion et de misricorde, je
ferai en sorte que ce soutra (du Bouddha Amitabha) survive encore 100 ans. Quiconque ladoptera
pourra atteindre, comme il le souhaite, le salut.

Esprit d veil
Celui qui aspire renatre en Terre Pure ne doit pas manquer de pratiquer la mditation sur lesprit
dveil. Car en effet, le but ultime de cette renaissance est datteindre rapidement la Bouddhit pour
venir secourir les tres dans le Samsara. Il faudrait par consquent rflchir sur les six points
essentiels suivant :
- LEsprit clair : apprendre percevoir que son corps, ce je est illusoire, un ensemble de
- LEsprit dquanimit : Mditer cette parole du Bouddha : Tous les tres vivants

possdent la nature de Bouddha ; ils sont nos pres et mres du pass et les
Bouddhas du futur. . Cela permet de se dbarrasser de la discrimination aveugle.

- LEsprit de compassion : Sefforcer de reconnatre notre propre souffrance pour prouver de la

sympathie pour celle des autres tres sans exception. Pour cela, il faut contempler avec attention les
vicissitudes de la vie.
Le Bodhisattva Samantabhadra a dit dans le soutra Avatamsaka :
Les Bodhisattvas prouvent une grande compassion en observant dix situations des tres vivants:
absence de soutien ou de personne sur qui compter; dfaut de rgle morale; manque de vertu ou de
qualit morale; endormissement dans lignorance; propagation de crimes; enchanement aux dsirs;
immersion dans locan des morts et des renaissances; maladies chroniques; manque de dsir
daccomplir de bonnes actions; lgarement hors de la voie de lveil. Les Bodhisattvas observent
toujours les tres vivants en tant conscients de tout cela.
- LEsprit de joie : Quelles que soient les circonstances, surtout face ladversit, garder un tat de
misricorde face aux motions perturbatrices. Se rjouir linverse de toutes bonnes actions
- LEsprit de repentir et les Voeux : Sous lemprise de lignorance, nous avons une attitude plutt
ingrate et inconsciente vis--vis de lactivit des Bouddhas. Il faut avec confiance admettre que notre
karma est trs lourd et chercher sen repentir sincrement.

Dans le soutra Maha-Vairocana :

Lesprit Bodhi est la cause, une grande compassion est le fondement et lhabilit des moyens est
la fin suprme.
Ainsi donc, il est essentiel de dvelopper lesprit dveil pour parcourir la voie.
Le dveloppement de cet esprit doit saccompagner de trois conditions :
- Mditation des dangers du Samsara (ce point est trs bien soulign dans le long texte de
souhaits en tibtain), et ncessit de rechercher une renaissance en Terre Pure car la rgression
est encore possible avec lesprit dveil !
- Urgence de chercher la libration en cette vie-ci par linvocation car lmancipation en cette vie
est trs difficile du fait du dclin du Dharma. Penser que lon peut progresser dans notre pratique
traditionnelle de vie en vie est trs hasardeux.
- Parfaire lesprit Bodhi : Si lon veut, une fois cet esprit dvelopp, raliser les aspects altruistes et
personnels du voeu dIllumination, il ny a pas meilleur moyen que de rechercher la renaissance en
Terre Pure. Car il est plus facile de progresser et aider les tres en apprenant directement aux cts
des Bouddhas et Bodhisattvas que dans ce monde sous forme humaine.

La Foi
Les soutras affirment :
Mme les Bodhisattvas sgarent au stage du Bardo; mme les Sravakas [ disciples] sgarent la

La Foi
La Foi est la porte de la Terre Pure. La sagesse ne suffit pas. Lorsque le Bouddha
Shakyamuni exposa le soutra du lotus, une foule de Sravakas [ disciples] avait quitt lassemble sous
lemprise du doute ! Le Bouddha demanda alors que certains textes du Mahayana ne soient pas
divulgus ceux dont la Foi ntaient pas profondes afin dviter de lourds karmas.
Les lments de la Foi, dans la mthode Terre Pure ont trois aspects :
- Confiance totale sur le plan thorique et pratique de la mthode enseigne par le Bouddha
- Confiance totale en les voeux formuls par le Bouddha Amitabha
- Confiance totale en notre propre nature, en nos voeux et en la loi de cause effet.

La Foi profonde na rien voir avec les mots ou le jugement. Elle est ralisation profonde,
esprit pur sans la moindre trace de doute.
Le sujet des doutes de la mthode Terre Pure
Les sources de doutes sont multiples :
- pour les adeptes qui prchent linvocation mais selon les habitudes des non-bouddhistes
- par manque de connaissances et de comprhension
- par attitudes sectaires et attachement excessif une tradition ou cole particulire
- en trouvant cette pratique trop facile croire
- en pensant que la Terre Pure est trop belle pour y accder, cest un artifice pour progresser
- en pensant que nous manquons de capacit
- par orgueil qui pousse penser quelle est seulement pour les tres de capacits infrieures
- par une mauvaise interprtation des soutras.
Lauteur de louvrage procde alors une question - rponse pour carter les doutes au sujet de
cette mthode.
En rsum, la rponse globale peut tre ainsi :
Cette mthode englobe les coles de Mditation ( Zen ), de ltude des soutras, de la Discipline
(Vinaya) et de lsotrisme ( Tantrique ) :
- la prononciation du nom du Bouddha dpouille de toutes illusions et des attachements, ce qui est
le principe de lcole Zen.
Le soutra Avatamsaka enseigne :
La Foi est le fondement de la Voie, la mre de toutes les vertus;
Elle nourrit et fait grandir toutes les bonnes intentions.
La Foi peut assurment conduire lIllumination.
- les mots sacrs Amitabha Bouddha revte des sens multiples et varis trs profonds, ce
qui recouvre la quintessence de lcole de ltude de soutras
- prononcer le nom du Bouddha permet de purifier notre karma, ce qui relve de lcole de la

Amitabha Bouddha

- les mots
ont le pouvoir dun Mantra, pour
soumettre les dmons, raliser les voeux, liminer les chagrins et les torts, et carter le mauvais
karma, ce qui renvoie aux fondements de lcole Tantrique.
Nul besoin de salarmer de ne pas pouvoir atteindre le monodisme de linvocation ou le

samadhi de linvocation pour achever compltement notre vraie Nature de Bouddha.

suffit de prononcer le nom du

de mort pour tre libr.



10 fois sur son lit

Amitabha Bouddha 10x

(Dieu lev et exalt au-dessus de toutes choses )
(M. U.)

Le but nest pas de mettre un terme aux penses discursives mais dans lurgence de renatre en
Terre Pure, pour mettre un terme la transmigration. Linvocation, sappuyant sur le conditionn vise
l'in-conditionn, o prcisment la ralisation de la vacuit. Il faut pratiquer sans sattacher aux
marques de la renaissance en Terre Pure. Beaucoup se trompent sur les mots en ignorant que
naissance est en ralit aussi non-naissance . Il faut faire attention de ne pas sgarer dans
le nihilisme et l'attachement la vacuit.
Pour les doutes lis aux mauvaises interprtations des soutras, lobstacle majeur est donc la
dualit. Lessence est formes, et noumne et phnomnes recouvre la mme identit. Il est
important de ne pas pas sombrer dans les extrmes la lecture de soutras profonds comme celui
de diamant ou encore de la grande connaissance transcendante. Dire que la Terre Pure nexiste pas
rellement pour rejeter la pratique est trs dangereux. Cela coupe court toutes possibilits de
dveloppements spirituels.
Le Lankavatara Soutra dit ceci :
Il vaut mieux tre attach lexistence, mme si notre attachement est lchelle du Mont
Sumeru, que dtre attach la vacuit mme si cet attachement est aussi infime quune graine de
Dans le soutra de Vimalakirti, on trouve ceci :
Le Bouddha met constamment en valeur la mthode Terre Pure pour clairer la multitude, bien
quil sache que les tres vivants sont vides
( sans nature propre), comme toutes les terres des Bouddha.

La Pratique
Le but ultime de la pratique est la ralisation de notre propre nature. Mais cela est trs difficile. Ce
nest pas la porte de la majorit des tres ordinaires. Une Terre Pure a t instaure pour ancrer
la conscience des tres afin quils puissent slever aisment. Il sagit dun puissant moyen habile
pour se librer, mme si sur le plan ultime; il ny a ni naissance, ni non-naissance.
Les quatre pratiques
Elles peuvent se rsumer ainsi :
- Terre Pure / Zen
- Terre Pure / Rcitations des Soutras
- Terre Pure / sotrisme
- Terre Pure exclusive
Au sein de la Terre Pure, il y a quatre mthodes :
- Invocation orale : Il sagit de rpter avec la parole ou de faon mentale la formule : Nam Mo
Amitabha Bouddha ou Amitabha Bouddha ou Nam Mo Amitabha . Cette mthode
enseigne par le Bouddha Shakyamuni est la plus rpandue de nos jours.
- Invocation avec contemplation de la Vraie Nature de Bouddha : celle -ci consiste pntrer
notre propre nature de Bouddha. Il sagit de contempler le corps du Dharma du Bouddha et
datteindre ainsi ltat de samadhi. Relevant du zen, cela concerne les tres de hautes capacits.
- Invocation avec contemplation de la pense :
Fonde sur le Soutra des Mditations, elle consiste en la contemplation mentale des
caractristiques du Bouddha Amitabha et des Bodhisattvas Avalokitsvara et Mahasthamaprapta et
de celles du royaume de Suprme Flicit. Le disciple qui matrise cette pratique peroit la Terre
Pure en permanence, les yeux ouverts ou ferms, et parcourt toujours la Terre Pure en pense. Il est
assur dy renatre. Les vertus acquises dpassent toute imagination. Mais elle est trs difficile. La
pratique dAmitabha dans la tradition tibtaine relve plutt de cette mthode.
- Invocation par contemplation de limage:
Elle consiste fixer toutes les caractristiques dune statue ou image du Bouddha Amitabha. Elle est
difficile car elle peut gnrer des maux de ttes. Il sagit plutt dune mthode susceptible daider

linvocation en jugulant notre esprit. Si elle est pratique avec un coeur pur et dvotion, elle peut
effacer le mauvais karma, mener la ralisation de sa vritable nature.
Linvocation devient la non-invocation,
La non-naissance est naissance.
Une fois l, inutile de faire lombre dun pas de plus,
Tu es arriv la capitale de la lumire.

Les Voeux
Une fois la Foi acquise, il est indispensable de former les voeux sincres de vouloir renatre en cette Terre Pure
pour se librer et pouvoir rapidement librer tous les tres.

Limportance des voeux est trs souligne dans le soutra dAmitabha par le Bouddha Shakyamuni.
Tous les tres ont la capacit de renatre en cette Terre Pure. Pas seulement les tres ordinaires le
souhaitent. Cest aussi le cas de sages.
Il est important pour celui qui est engag dans cette mthode de formuler des voeux.

La Pratique
Un matre de la Terre Pure a dclar :
Vous ne pouvez renatre en Terre Pure sans la Foi et les Voeux, mme si vous invoquez le nom
du Bouddha au point que ni vent violent ni forte pluie vous touche, mme si votre invocation est
aussi ferme quun mur de bronze ou une porte dairain.
... Car une fois re ns, ils seront runis, dans le mme endroit avec les tres de la plus haute
vertu. . Saripoutra, je vois ce quils peuvent gagner et cest pourquoi je dis : quiconque entend cela
doit absolument prononcer le voeu de renatre en cette Terre.
Saripoutra, ceux ou celles qui aspirent renatre en Terre Pure dAmitabha et qui ont dj fait le
voeu, qui sont en train de le faire ou qui le feront lavenir, obtiendront l, avec la plus haute et
parfaite connaissance, ltat de non-rgression.
Et ceci, quils soient dj ns, en train de natre ou pas encore ns. Voil pourquoi, Saripoutra, tous
les hommes et toutes les femmes qui ont la Foi, doivent faire le Voeu de renatre en cette Terre.
Exemple de formulation qui doit tre sincre
Je fais le voeu qu lheure de ma mort les obstacles svanouissent,
Le seigneur Amitabha Bouddha de trs loin savancera vers moi,
Avalokitsvara rpandra sur mon visage une frache rose,
Et Mahasthamaprapta dposera mes pieds une fleur de lotus.
En lespace dune seconde, je quitterai ce monde dagitation,
Atteignant la Terre Pure en moins de temps quil faut pour tendre les bras;
Quand le lotus spanouira je verrai alors le Bouddha Amitabha plein de compassion,
Jentendrai alors le profond Dharma,
Lillumination me touchera,
Jaurai franchi le seuil de la non-naissance.
Sans quitter la Terre Pure je redescendrai en ce monde saha,
Et trouverai mille moyens daider mes semblables,
Tout labeur sur cette terre sera au service de mes semblables.
Voil mon voeu, puisse-t-il tre accept,
Et faites que le futur lexauce
De ces quatre mthodes, la plus accessible pour le commun des tres est celle de linvocation
orale : un vritable raccourci pour atteindre la libration.
Les 10 variantes de linvocation orale
- Invocation intra-auditive : coute intrieure du son
- Invocation en grenant un chapelet
- Invocation au rythme de la respiration
- Invocation en Chane continue
- Invocation claire et lumineuse : ladepte invoque le nom du Bouddha dune part, et de lautre,
reflte la lumire pour illuminer sa vritable nature. Il atteint le plan transcendantal suprme du
vide.... Il faut tre dun trs haut niveau pour comprendre cette mthode.
- se prosterner en invoquant le Bouddha : cette mthode permet de dtruire la torpeur

- Invocation au compte dcimal : un groupe de dix rptitions du nom dAmitabha est considr
comme une unit
- Invocation de la fleur de lotus : visualiser lune aprs lautre, les quatre couleurs de la fleur de lotus
( bleu, jaune, rouge et blanc ). A chaque invocation, ladepte visualise une fleur de lotus panouie
mettant la lumire colore dans un mme ordre de succession, en imaginant un dgagement de
parfum pour chaque fleur.
- Invocation au milieu de la lumire : simaginer dans un espace trs clair pour linvocation et
contrer les visions rpugnantes qui peuvent surgir quand les yeux sont ferms.
- Invocation en visualisant Bouddha : aprs linvocation, visualiser le Bouddha Amitabha en corps
dor se tenant aux bords de ltang des sept joyaux de la Terre Pure ( Voir galerie ).
Toutes ces variantes mnent au samadhi de linvocation du Bouddha.
La crmonie Terre Pure
Elle se compose en gnral en trois parties :
- Les louanges aux Bouddhas et Bodhisattvas : prise de refuge et prosternations.
- Linvocation proprement dite
- Les voeux et la ddicace
Obstacle la pratique : la torpeur et la dispersion
Il faut dvelopper la vigilance et lattention pour pouvoir contrer ces obstacles lors de linvocation.
Chacun peut trouver peut trouver parmi les variantes cites plus haut, la technique qui peut laider
pour cela. Quand aux penses subtiles, cest bien plus difficile contrer.

Les soutras enseignent :
Une pense dure quatre-vingt-dix instants; en un instant il y a neuf cent naissances et dcs.
Points essentiels de la Terre Pure
Naissance et Mort
Esprit d veil
La Foi
Les Voeux
La Pratique
Approfondir pour pratiquant confirm
Persvrance et fermet dans linvocation
Les derniers sacrements
La pratique de la Terre Pure est trs prsente en Asie de
l Est. Si on devait la rsumer en une courte phrase, a serait :

Invoquer le nom du Bouddha Amitabha chaque instant !!

Mais il ne faut pas se mprendre. Il ne sagit pas dune simple pratique aise qui consiste rpter
machinalement le nom du Bouddha en pensant que de cette faon, le tour est jou. Il faut runir
des conditions que Kalou Rinpotch rsume trs bien dans son texte pris du livre La voie du
Dans cette section, lobjectif est de prsenter succinctement cette voie de la Terre Pure, qui est en
ralit si difficile admettre et pratiquer notre poque, surtout en Occident, o la foi manque de
Le livre ci-contre, qui renferme lessence de cette mthode, est un livre qui a t publi en Anglais
aux tats-unis et traduit en Franais en peu d exemplaires, il y a dj plusieurs annes.
Lauteur est un patriarche vietnamien de la tradition Terre Pure du nom de Thich Thien Tam. Son
livre est le fruit de plusieurs annes de retraites et dtudes du canon bouddhique.
Heureuse la personne qui dun esprit ouvert, tombe sur ces quelques lignes !!

Dj Engage dans le bouddhisme, elle pourra en tirer un norme bienfait.

Non engage dans le bouddhisme, elle aura une empreinte salvatrice dans le futur.
quipe Amitabha Terre Pure

- Se rendre compte que la pratique de la Terre Pure est plus facile que la voie de ltude des Sutras,
de la Discipline, et du Zen, car dans cette pratique, le disciple est soutenu par la puissance du
Bouddha Amitabha. Mme accabl de mauvaises formations karmiques, il peut renatre en Terre
Pure, et l, il trouvera rapidement le chemin de la Bouddhit.
- Ne pas sinquiter excessivement de ses penses vagabondes, car bien que linvocation avec un
esprit dispers ait un effet beaucoup plus limit quavec un esprit concentr, elle a bien un effet. En
persvrant, la pense juste mergera delle-mme.
- Penser que parmi les nombreuses autres Terres Pures, la Terre Pure dAmitabha est la plus facile
atteindre, grce au vu daccueil et descorte du Bouddha Amitabha.

Les sacrements
Les sacrements
La souffrance de la mort
La souffrance que gnre la mort est trs grande, et pourtant, nul au monde ne peut y chapper.
Cest le sujet de mditation permanent quon doit garder lesprit. Comme on ne sait pas quand ce
moment arrivera, il est ncessaire de sy prparer. La pratique de laccumulation des mrites par
linvocation du nom du Bouddha Amitabha est cruciale.
Ladepte doit se prparer extrieurement et sur le plan spirituel :
- Extrieurement, il doit sentourer de bons amis pour tre aid au moment de la venue dune grave
maladie ou du trpas. En effet, au moment de la mort, notre lourd karma accumul depuis la nuit des
temps peut se manifester fortement et nous dtourner de la pense vers la Terre Pure. Il faut se
prparer se dfaire de toutes entraves matrielles et affectives.
- Spirituellement, ladepte doit cultiver le dtachement envers cette vie illusoire et voir en elle et
toutes ses composantes,son caractre passager ( famille, richesse, biens matriels,...). Il doit
orienter constamment son esprit vers la Terre Pure avec l esprit altruiste de vouloir la libration pour
lui et tous les tres. Car en effet, lheure de la mort, il peut faire face aux obstacles des trois doutes
et des deux principaux passages troits.
Doutes et passages troits
Ils se rsument ainsi :
- Craindre que notre courte pratique face notre mauvais karma accumul, ne puisse nous faire
renatre en Terre Pure
- Craindre de ne pas avoir accompli nos voeux et de ne pas avoir limin l avidit, la colre et les
illusions, et donc de ne pas pouvoir renatre en Terre Pure
- Craindre que malgr notre invocation, le Bouddha Amitabha napparaisse pas au moment de la
- En raisons des souffrances de la maladie, le disciple peut se mettre dnigrer le Bouddha parce
quil ne met pas fin ses souffrances en rpondant aux prires
- Par attachement affectif, il peut se ligoter sa famille comme un ver soie dans son propre cocon.
La faon de surmonter ces obstacles est la suivante :
- Se remmorer avec foi le dix huitime voeux du Bouddha Amitabha ( voir Soutra )
- Penser que les voeux non raliss sont secondaires et se concentrer uniquement sur linvocation
au Bouddha. Il nest plus temps de sy proccuper, dautant plus quon est impuissant sur notre lit de
Le soutra des questions du roi Milinda contient cette parabole :

Un minuscule grain de sable lch la surface de leau coulera immdiatement. Mais un bloc de
pierre, quoique gros et lourd, pourra aisment tre dplac par bateau. Il en va de mme pour le
disciple de la Terre Pure. Avec un karma mme lger, si le Bouddha ne viens pas son secours, le
disciple sera condamn tournoyer dans le cycle des naissances et des morts. Mais mme avec un
karma charg, grce laide du Bouddha Amitabha, il pourra renatre en Terre Pure.
- Ne pas se proccuper de la venue des bons ou mauvais prsages de la mort : simplement fixer
son esprit avec ferveur sur le nom du Bouddha Amitabha.
- Penser que les souffrances endures sont lpuisement de notre mauvais karma, et donc en
ralit, le bon signe de notre pratique. Il ne faut pas chercher lassistance de gourous ou autres
charlatans ce moment de la mort.
- Pour les liens affectifs, mditer ou se remmorer le fait que nos proches de cette vie ne le sont que
par le concours des liens karmiques des vies passes. Si nous les chrissons vraiment, nous
devrions nous tourner vers la Terre Pure afin de pouvoir ensuite les librer du Samsara. Cest la
meilleure preuve d Amour vritable.
Lassistance dun guide spirituel
Il est bon que le malade en phase terminale puisse bnficier de la venue dun guide spirituel. Les
membres de la famille doivent y penser, mme lorsquils n'ont aucune connaissance avec le
Dharma. Si cela nest pas possible, un lac avis devrait tre sollicit pour prcher le Dharma.
En gnral, le guide devrait suivre les points suivants :
- Rappeler au mourant les vicissitudes du Samsara et les joies de la Terre Pure afin de gnrer la foi
en lui
- Expliquer le cas chant, comment lever les obstacles voqus ci-dessus
- Conseiller aux membres de la famille dvoquer toute question dordre matriel (testament) afin d
viter de raviver des attachements.
- Conseiller vivement aux proches dviter tout larmoiement nfaste pour le mourant.
- Encourager le mourant pratiquer le don de ses biens pour une bonne cause.
Comment mener la prire dintercession ?
Le malade mourant est souvent faible physiquement et mentalement. La pratique de linvocation est
trs difficile. Pour laccompagner, les proches peuvent mener une prire dinvocation au Bouddha
Amitabha, en appliquant les rgles suivantes :

Persvrance et Fermet
Tout est phmre, le Dieu de l impermanence nattend personne, ce corps est aisment rduit en
poussire, la Voie est difficile trouver. Le disciple doit garder ces penses lesprit et ne jamais
perdre de vue les deux mots souffrance et mort , afin quils agissent sur lui comme des
- Suivre les 5 ou 10 prceptes et accomplir de bonnes actions sans invoquer le Bouddha mnera
une vie cleste, mais ne permettra pas de sortir du Samsara. Or dans le Samsara on passe un
temps beaucoup plus long dans les voies malfiques que dans les royaumes clestes.
- Garder lesprit que nous nous trouvons dans lre de dclin du Dharma : qualits et vertus se
sont dsagrges par rapport lpoque du Bouddha. LEveil est donc devenu difficile daccs si
nous ne comptons que sur nos moyens personnels.
Un matre dit son disciple trop occup pour pratiquer :
Si nous avons dcid de nous arrter, cessons donc de suite,
Pourquoi promettre de reprendre notre pratique au terme de nos proccupations, puisque celles-ci
ne prendrons jamais fin.
- Pratiquer de faon progressive pour ne pas se dcourager. Il est conseill davoir deux priodes de
pratique : lune fixe et lautre libre (invocation permanente).
- Avoir une invocation nette et dlibre, la pense adhrant aux mots, conscience et mots tant
lunisson. Les invocations doivent tres claires et distinctes. Au bout dune grande accumulation
dinvocations, le nom du Bouddha schappera tout moment de la conscience Alaya du pratiquant.
La qualit de loraison est plus importante que le nombre dinvocations.


- Le pratiquant doit parvenir tout considrer comme des illusions phmres, pour parvenir au
monodisme. Ce nest pas abandonner tout le monde, car cest sassurer sa propre renaissance
pour revenir ensuite et sauver ses amis et ses proches. Voil lamour vritable !
- Penser que lorsquun disciple invoque le nom du Bouddha, une fleur de lotus nat dans le lac aux
Sept Joyaux. Cette fleur poussera en fonction des efforts du disciple.
- Si le disciple manque de temps, et a lesprit dispers, pratiquer la mthode des Dix rcitations :
prononcer dix noms du Bouddha chaque inspiration-expiration.
Pour maintenir la persvrance et la fermet dans la pratique de la Terre Pure, il faut :
- Garder lesprit lobjectif suprme. Il faut pour cela cultiver lesprit d veil et le renoncement.
- Penser quavoir connaissance de la mthode de la Terre Pure et ne pas pratiquer avec assiduit
cest se montrer ingrat envers le Bouddha et perdre une occasion exceptionnelle de retrouver sa vrai
- Se dire que nous pratiquerons dans une vie future est aussi chimrique que de disserter sur un
- Enfin, penser l impermanence, et la prcieuse existence humaine
- Devant le mourant, placer une statue ou image du Bouddha Amitabha, des fleurs, et brler de
- Invoquer tour de rle plutt quen groupe pour viter d incommoder le mourant encore conscient.
- Linvocation doit se faire en fonction du got du mourant et de faon mlodieuse. Pour le mourant
comateux, lui souffler le nom Amitabha aux oreilles.
- Linstrument de musique, sil est accept et tolr par le mourant, devrait faire retentir un son non
grave, net et clair ( sonnette comme dans les pagodes par exemple ).
Aprs la mort
Il est crucial de ne pas pleurer, toucher, bouger ou nettoyer le corps du jeune dfunt pendant
quelques heures (environ 8 h). Car mme si son souffle nest plus, sa conscience est encore
prsente. Il est encore en mesure dprouver des sentiments. Le mieux et lunique chose faire est
dinvoquer le nom du Bouddha sans pleurer. Il faut aussi viter de palper le corps pour savoir si la
renaissance sera bonne ( la partie chaude situe au niveau de la tte est un bon signe ).
Au sujet des dispositions funraires, elle devrait tre simple. Il faudra faire attention dviter toute
offrande de nourriture carne car cela pourrait aggraver lourdement le karma du trpass. Le Soutra
de Ksitigarbha ( lun des huit grands Bodhisattvas ) explique bien le mal commis par labattage des
animaux destins tre servis aux invits pour les funrailles. Cela peut se faire encore en Asie.
Durant 49 jours, comme cela a t enseign par le Bouddha Shakyamuni, il est bon pour les
proches de pratiquer autant que possible de bonnes actions et den ddier les mrites au dfunt et
tous les tres pour en multiplier le bnfice. A titre d exemples :
- sefforcer de manger vgtarien
- pratiquer la gnrosit
- faire des prires
- viter les distractions mondaines
- etc ....
Dans le Bardo, le mourant de par son corps mental, est dou de clairvoyance. Il est capable de
percevoir toutes choses dans lunivers, et donc de lire directement les penses des proches !! Il faut
par consquent sefforcer de garder attentivement les trois portes que sont le corps, la parole et
Histoire dun lac
Le lac tait issu dune famille de petits commerants pauvres. Bien lev et courtois, il matrisait
bien le monde des affaires. En 1922, suivant lexemple dun ami, il chercha refuge auprs du Triple
Joyaux, et avec quelques autres se consacra dvelopper l'Esprit d' veil pour son salut et celui
des autres.
Quelques annes plus tard, en raison dune grave maladie, il dut abandonner un rgime strictement
vgtarien et scarta peu peu de ses amis bouddhistes. En Juillet de cette mme anne, son tat
saggrava et tout le monde sattendait au pire.


Sachant que le trpas sapprochait, il se repentit en toute sincrit de ses pchs, se dtacha
compltement du monde matriel et consacra tout son temps et ses efforts linvocation du
Bouddha. Ses condisciples, craignant que sa pratique ne manque encore de profondeur, restaient
continuellement son chevet.
On commena la prire dintercession le 12 Juillet. Trois jours plus tard, il se sentit soudainement
revigor, frais et dispos. Le 17, il dclara avoir rv dune aurole de lumire aussi brillante que cinq
ou six ampoules lectriques.Ce soir-l, son teint paraissait normal. Ses condisciples continurent
rciter le nom du Bouddha jusqu laube et sapprtaient partir lorsque le lac dclara subitement :
Je nai pas encore atteint la Terre pure. Je vous prie de continuer linvocation toute la journe.
Le groupe acquiesa volontiers et linvocation se prolongea; le malade parlait trs peu. Il souriait
paisiblement, le visage radieux, comme sil venait de recevoir des nouvelles au-del de toute
esprance. Cela dura quelques heures puis il simmobilisa les yeux fixs sur la statue du Bouddha
Amitabha devant lui. Son regard se voila alors et son souffle se suspendit. Il succomba cinq
heures le matin mme.
Les disciples se relayrent pour prier, intercalant de vives paroles de soutien et dencouragement
jusqu ce que son corps soit compltement refroidi. Sa famille avait t prvenue de ne pas pleurer
ni se lamenter. A dix heures du matin, lun des adeptes palpa le corps et constata un refroidissement
gnral part au sommet de la tte, qui tait aussi chaud que de leau bouillante.
Les soutras enseignent :
Le sommet de la tte reprsente la saintet, les yeux rvlent la renaissance dans un royaume
Le coeur dsigne le monde humain, le ventre reprsente les ombres spectrales,
Les genoux rejoignent le rgne animal, et la plante des pieds, les Enfers.
Avec cette dernire partie, un aperu de la tradition Terre Pure pratique en Asie du Sud Est,
labor partir du livre Bouddhisme, Sagesse et foi ,se termine.
Que cela puisse tre bnfique tous !!

Dhran de la Terre Pure

Nam- mo A-di- b da , a tha da a gia , a ia gia tha , a di ri b ty , a di ri
a , tt am b ty , a di ri a ty ca lan , a di ri a ty ca lan a , gi di ni , gi gi
na , chi a ca l , ta b ha.

se prononce d
d se prononce comme y


Purifier son karma ( la Dhran de la grande compassion )

Il y avait une fois, un homme qui rcitait la Dhran de la Grande Compassion pendant prs de
douze annes. tous les jours au moins 108 fois, et parfois beaucoup plus
Une fois, en voyageant, il sarrta pour la nuit dans une auberge. Le propritaire tait un voleur qui
venant de sasseoir dans son auberge, attendait des riches clients de passage. Il avait pour coutume
de leur offrir une belle chambre, de leur verser une forte dose de drogue dans le vin offert, et alors,
au milieu de la nuit il se faufilait dans leur chambre pour les drober et parfois mme les tuer.
Lhomme qui rcitait la Dhran de la grande compassion croyait en le Bouddha, de toute faon, et
ainsi, il ne but pas le vin Autour dune heure du matin, il entendit quelquun ouvrir doucement la
porte et qui se faufilait dans sa chambre. Ouvrant les yeux, juste lgrement, il vit le reflet dune
lame polie dun boucher dans le rayon de lune. Quelquun a lintention de me tuer, se disait-il,
paralys de peur. A ce moment, il y eut un coup la porte. Le probable meurtrier rapidement plaa la
lame derrire son dos et se dirigea vers la porte. Qui est-ce ? murmura- t il. Mon nom est Dou Shu
Peng, avait-il en rponse. Fouinant travers le trou de la serrure, laubergiste vit un homme robuste
habill dans un uniforme de policier. Que voulez-vous ? demanda-t-il nerveusement. Je suis venu
pour rendre visite mon ami qui se trouve dans la chambre. Voudriez-vous lui demander de faire un
saut chez moi demain pour prendre le petit djeuner ? Oui, je le ferai, rpondit laubergiste, et le
policier sen alla
Laubergiste dcida quil ferait mieux de ne pas tuer ce soir. Le matin suivant, laubergiste dit au
convive, un ami vous nomm Dou Shu Peng est pass cette nuit. Il est venu pour vous inviter
prendre le petit djeuner chez lui. Dou Shu Peng ?.... se demandait le convive, et alors il se
remmora que dans le mantra de grande compassion, il y a une ligne Dou Shu Peng. Oui !
Sexclama-t-il,Jai un tel ami. Jtais sur le chemin pour le rencontrer.
Matre Hsuan Hua.

Persvrance et Fermet
- LEsprit de non-rgression :
Mme aprs un repentir, llimination des obstacles
nest pas encore termine. Il faut dvelopper une forte endurance et dtermination face aux
nombreuses difficults sur la Voie, afin de ne pas perdre ses voeux.
Pour prserver nos voeux et engagements, il faudrait
se dire ceci : Mme si ce corps qui est le mien
doit subir dimmenses souffrances et privations, est
battu mort et rduit en cendres, je ne commettrai
pas, en aucune circonstance, dactes malfaisants et
ne ferai jamais de pas en arrire dans mon
Le nouveau livre intgral par ici ...
Amitabha Vajrayana
Le Bouddha Amitabha, rayonnant et majestueux, est de la couleur du rubis. Il a sur sa tte la protubrance des
Bouddhas, sous ses pieds, les Roues symboliques. Il est orn des trente-deux signes auspicieux et des quatrevingt marques mineures. Il a un visage et, dans ses mains qui font le geste de lquanimit, il tient le Bol
dAumne. Vtu des trois robes du moine pleinement ordonn, il est assis, dans la posture adamantine, sur un
lotus mille ptales que couvre un disque de lune.
(extrait texte prire daspiration renatre en Sukhavati ou Dwatchen )


Le Bouddha Amitabha dirige la famille du lotus. Sa couleur rouge rubis du corps est symbolique de la passion
liminer. Le bol daumne contient un nectar dimmortalit et de purification. Ses yeux sont dun bleu azur
profond, et entre les sourcils se trouve un poil lumineux qui rayonne de la lumire dans toutes les directions.Il
possde les marques majeurs et mineurs dun Bouddha qui sont difficilement reprsentables.
Il sagit dune adaptation tibtaine des enseignements dans les sutras selon la tradition du pays des neiges.
Amitabha Mahayana Asie-Est
Il y a davantage de variations dans cette tradition. Le Bouddha Amitabha peut tre en posture de mditation,
mais aussi debout, comme sil venait vers nous avec la paume de la main droite tourne vers nous dans un
geste daccueil. Cest limage du Bouddha qui vient nous chercher au moment de notre mort pour nous mener
vers sa Terre Pure. Il est parfois reprsent entour des Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara (Tchenrezi en tibtain) et
Mahasthamaprapta (Vajrapani en tibtain), ainsi que dautres Bodhisattvas en trs grand nombre. Il est souvent
de couleur dore, avec des oreilles particulirement longues et des yeux effils.


On trouve parfois une croix gamme ou svastika au niveau du cur du Bouddha. Dun point de vue historique,
ce symbole est lun des plus vieux de lhumanit (poque prhistorique) et on le retrouve dans toutes les
civilisations du monde et toutes les poques (Mexique prcolombien, mythologie des pays scandinaves,
Afrique noire, pays celtiques, Irlande, Kurdistan, Crte, Japon, Chine, et bien sr, Inde).
Il a t repris par le bouddhisme, o il comporte le sens de bon augure et de bonheur ainsi que de dure, de
stabilit, de permanence. En tibtain il est

Marques Majeurs du Bouddha Amitabha

1- Les paumes des mains et les plantes des pieds marques par des roues du Dharma ;
2- Les pieds bien stables, comme une tortue ;
3- Les doigts des pieds et des mains joints par une membrane ;
4- Les plantes des pieds et les paumes des mains douces et dlicates ;
5- Le corps possde 7 traits puissants : deux talons larges, deux mains larges, deux larges omoplates, un cou
large ;
6- Les doigts longs ;
7- Les talons doux ;
8- Le corps dun Bouddha est grand et droit ;
9- Les chevilles ne sont pas protubrantes ;
10- Les poils du corps sont orients vers le haut ;
11- Les jambes sont celles dune gazelle ;
12- Les mains longues et belles ;
13- Lorgane secret rentr dans son tui ;
14- La peau couleur dor ;
15- La peau douce ;
16- Les cheveux boucls senroulant vers la droite, brillants ;
17- Une boucle de cheveux entre les sourcils ;
18- La partie suprieure du corps semblable celle du lion ;
19- La tte et les paules parfaitement rondes ;
20- Les paules larges ;
21- Le sens du got excellent ;
22- Les proportions du corps sont celles dun nyagrodha (figuier indien) ;
23- Une protubrance au sommet de la tte ;
24- La langue longue ;
25- Le son de la voix de Brahma ;
26- Les joues semblables celles du lion ;
27- Les dents parfaitement blanches ;
28- Pas despace entre les dents ;
29- Les dents galement rparties ;
30- 40 dents ;
31- Les yeux de la couleur du saphir ;
32- Les cils comme ceux dune gnisse.
Amitabha Terre Pure * Dharma Diffusion

Amitabha Mahayana Asie-Est

Il y a davantage de variations dans cette tradition. Le Bouddha Amitabha peut tre en posture de mditation,
mais aussi debout, comme sil venait vers nous avec la paume de la main droite tourne vers nous dans un
geste daccueil. Cest limage du Bouddha qui vient nous chercher au moment de notre mort pour nous mener
vers sa Terre Pure. Il est parfois reprsent entour des Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara (Tchenrezi en tibtain) et
Mahasthamaprapta (Vajrapani en tibtain), ainsi que dautres Bodhisattvas en trs grand nombre. Il est souvent
de couleur dore, avec des oreilles particulirement longues et des yeux effils.


On trouve parfois une croix gamme ou svastika au niveau du cur du Bouddha. Dun point de vue historique,
ce symbole est lun des plus vieux de lhumanit (poque prhistorique) et on le retrouve dans toutes les
civilisations du monde et toutes les poques (Mexique prcolombien, mythologie des pays scandinaves,
Afrique noire, pays celtiques, Irlande, Kurdistan, Crte, Japon, Chine, et bien sr, Inde).
Il a t repris par le bouddhisme, o il comporte le sens de bon augure et de bonheur ainsi que de dure, de
stabilit, de permanence. En tibtain il est appel yung drung, ce qui veut dire ternel.

Angel VEHUIAH: This angel is invoked to undertake and perform the most
difficult things.


A critical mass of people using my rosary, Archangel Michaels Rosary

and the Miracle Freedom rosaries from Mother Mary can, within a
matter of years, uncreate thousands of years worth of misqualified energy and
imbalances in matter itself. The prayers of the righteous avail much, but so
much more can be accomplished when the righteous no longer pray passively
but fill their roles as co-creators and invoke the light of Spirit to stream into the
sphere of Ma-ter.


LIGHT, OF FORMLESS LIGHT. I am the Presence of light that is not light in
comparison to darkness, but light as a pure concept, [light ] as a conscious Being
through the FIAT LET THERE BE LIGHT! And there was light, a light that can take
on any form imagined, envisioned, by a self-conscious being.
Ecole Terre pure
Ecole Tibtaine
Paroles de matres
Parabole- Amitabha
Citation - Glossaire
Lecture conseille
Kalou Rinpoch
Chetsang Rinpoch
Machik Labdron la Dakini du Chd
Patriarches Terre Pure
Ct Mahayana sino-vietnamien
Ct Vajrayana tibtain
Mditation - Calme mental
Mditation de Bases
Mditation sur motions ngatives
Mditation sur motions positives
Mditations philosophiques


Amitabha Bouddha et la Terre Pure de Dwachen

( Les commentaires oraux de sa saintet le Drikung Kyabgn Chetsang
Rinpoch )
( voir Portrait dans la rubrique Galerie)
Ce matin, sa saintet va donner des enseignements concernant le
Bouddha Amitabha, le Bouddha de Lumire Infinie, et sa Terre Pure. En
accord avec les enseignements en gnral, cet aprs-midi, sa saintet
enseignera la faon dobtenir le transfert de conscience vers la Terre
Pure du Bouddha Amitabha. A travers cette pratique. Spcialement, il
vous enseignera comment pratiquer ce texte dont vous tous devrait
avoir une copie. Il sagit dune sadhana quotidienne pour la pratique du
Bouddha Amitabha. Hier, vous avez reu linitiation.
Gnralement, il peut tre dit quil existe beaucoup de Terres Pures,
beaucoup de paradis dtres veills que nous appelons Bouddhas. La
Terre Pure de Grande flicit du Bouddha de Lumire Infinie,
Amitabha, est vritablement un endroit unique. Il existe des Terres
Pures dans les quatre directions, Est, Sud, Ouest, Nord, et au centre.
Parmi eux, la Terre Pure du Bouddha Amitabha est la plus facile
daccs et de cette faon trs spciale. En formulant une aspiration
spciale pour renatre dans la Terre Pure de grande Flicit, on
peut accomplir le transfert de sa conscience vers la Terre Pure. La
puissance de la prire, la puissance de laspiration dvoue et
fervente, est tout ce dont il est ncessaire.
Il est dit que la Terre Pure du Bouddha Amitabha, en relation avec notre
univers, est dans la direction de lOuest et au-dessus de notre univers.
Nous devons accepter une vue cosmique et raliser quil existe
beaucoup de systmes de monde travers lespace. Ceci est un vaste
systme dont je suis en train de parler. Prenons nos repres ici. Ce
dont je suis en train de parler, en termes de grande vastitude des
choses, vient de ceci : Le Seigneur Bouddha est le matre veill
dans un grand chiliocosme. Ceci signifie que notre univers entier,
avec ses soleils et ses lunes, ses toiles et plantes, forment une
unit. Multiplier celle-ci par mille et ensuite par mille et encore par
mille. Ceci forme un chiliocosme. Le Seigneur Bouddha
Shakyamuni est le Seigneur dans lun des chiliocosme. Le
royaume du Bouddha de Lumire Infinie va au-del mme de cette
chelle cosmique. Je suis en train denseigner maintenant, daprs
une prire pour exprimer cette puissante aspiration de renatre
dans la Terre de grande flicit, compose par Chagn Rinpoch.
Dans la prire, Karma Chagne Rinpoch dit que la Terre Pure de
grande flicit est une chelle tellement grande, tellement

loigne de notre ralit ordinaire, que nos yeux de chair ne

peuvent lembrasser. Ce nest pas une chose qui peut tre
apprhende de faon physique. Cela est tellement vaste ; son
chelle est incommensurable par rapport nimporte laquelle de
celles que nous connaissons, quil est impossible pour nos sens
de percevoir.
Elle est si loin et vaste, tellement au-del de nos capacits de
mesure. Nous pouvons voir les toiles et voyager vers la lune,
mais nous ne pourrons jamais nous approprier par la porte de
nos sens, la ralit de la Terre Pure de Grande Flicit. Il en est
ainsi de notre pense et perception ordinaire. En ce sens, elle ne
peut tre atteinte par les moyens matriels. Cependant, nos
propres esprits, une fois purifis, une fois dpouills de leurs
erreurs, une fois de retour vers la condition primordiale, peuvent
directement exprimenter la ralit de la Terre Pure de grande
Flicit. La faon de percevoir la Terre Pure est par lesprit, et non
par les sens.
Ainsi, tablissez la vision dans votre esprit et imaginer que dans le
centre de la vaste Terre de grande Flicit, rside le Seigneur de la
Terre Pure : le Bouddha Amitabha, le Bouddha de Lumire Infinie.
Il est de la couleur rouge rubis et ressemble au Bouddha
Shakyamuni. Il possde les 80 marques majeures et 32 signes
mineurs dune manifestation pleinement veille du nirmanakaya.
Il a, par exemple, la protubrance crnienne que vous pouvez voir
sur les statues et sur les thangkas du Seigneur Bouddha. Il a des
marques de la roue sur ses mains et ainsi de suite, donc, vous
pouvez voir quil y a beaucoup de signes diffrents. Ses mains
sont dans la position mditative, le Dhyna Mudra, et dans ses
mains se trouve un bol daumne. Il ressemble vraiment au
Bouddha Shakyamuni, seulement sa peau est dune couleur rubis
profonde. Il est resplendissant et radieux. Il est assis sur un
disque de lune pose sur une fleur de lotus. Derrire son dos, se
trouve larbre qui exauce les souhaits. A sa droite se tient le
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Chenrezig, de couleur blanc. A sa
gauche, Vajrapani, le seigneur des moyens puissants. Tous trois
sont les Seigneurs de la Terre Pure de grande Flicit.
Pour donner un bref aperu sur lhistoire de la formation de la Terre de
grande Flicit du Bouddha Amitabha, cest une Terre Pure, qui ne
possdent aucun dfaut. Elle est parfaite en tout point. La ralisation de
cette Terre pure nest pas survenue sans cause. Quelle fut cette cause
de ce paradis parfait ? Il y a beaucoup dons auparavant, avant de
devenir un Bouddha, le Bouddha Amitabha tait un moine dont le nom
tait Dharmakara, qui littralement signifie Lorigine du Dharma.

Quand il tait un Bodhisattva, il formula une srie de prires, ou

daspirations puissantes, au sujet de la faon dont les choses devraient
tre quand il deviendra compltement veill. Il dit : Il existe un
nombre tellement grand de Terres Pures et qui peuvent tre atteintes
par ceux des tres qui ont abandonn la non vertu, qui ont accumul
un[e] grande quantit de mrite, et qui pratiquent assidment le
Dharma. Ils peuvent atteindre ces Terres Pures, mais cela est trs
difficile. Quen est-il de ceux qui nont pas abandonn la non vertu, qui
nont pas accumul une grande quantit de mrite, et ne peuvent
pratiquer dune faon rigoureuse ?
Laissez-moi tablir une Terre Pure qui peut tre accessible facilement
pour eux. Puiss-je librer ces tres qui nont pas ces qualits supra
normales des pratiquants qui ont atteint les autres Terres Pures de tous
les autres Bouddhas.
Il existe beaucoup de versions de la prire (ou des vux), du Bouddha
Amitabha formule quand il tait Dharmakaya. Au Tibet, on ny trouve
pas moins de 500 diffrentes versions de la prire. En Chine, on peut
trouver beaucoup de textes concernant la formulation des grands Vux
du Bouddha Amitabha. En gnral, on peut dire que toutes ses
aspirations puissantes peuvent tre rsumes sous forme de 48
Grands Vux. La Terre Pure de Grande Flicit fut amene la ralit
suite lun des 48 grands Vux. Ceci est la cause de lexistence de la
Terre Pure de Grande Flicit. Cette Terre pure nexiste pas sans
cause, rien ne fait. La cause pour cela est lactivit du Bodhisattva qui
devint ensuite le Bouddha Amitabha.
En gnral, tous les Bouddhas portent tous les tres sensibles au
centre de leurs curs avec Amour et Compassion. En dehors de leur
grande Compassion, ils formulent des aspirations puissantes. Ils font de
grands vux. Ils sexercent travers beaucoup de vies ; en
sentranant comme des Bodhisattvas avant de devenir des Bouddhas
pour toucher tous les tres sensibles par une vaste varits de
mthodes. Tout comme vous pouvez crer un feu en frottant deux
btons ensemble, suffisamment longtemps et difficilement, de mme,
laccumulation de mrite et la sagesse primordiale, nimporte quoi peut
tre accompli. Ce qui tait accompli, dans ce cas, tait ltablissement
dune Terre Pure de Grande Flicit dans la direction de lOuest de
notre univers par le Bouddha Amitabha travers son amoncellement
norme de mrite et la sagesse primordiale. Examinons encore une
fois, la mtaphore des deux btons ncessaires pour crer un feu. Le
feu ne jaillit pas automatiquement dun seul bton. Vous avez besoin de
deux btons et de leffort pour les frotter ensemble dune faon
particulire pendant un certain temps. Au bout du compte, une tincelle
jaillit de la conjonction des btons et le feu prend. Dune faon similaire,

tout phnomne, toute ralit, tous les dharmas, se manifestent par la

conjonction de la vacuit et de lorigine interdpendante. Tout chose est
totalement inter relie avec toute autre chose. Ceci est appel lorigine
interdpendante. Ceci est lun des btons.
Lautre bton est la vacuit : la vrit de la vacuit, le manque complet
dexistence inhrente de nimporte quel phnomne. Les deux btons
ensemble, sont la vraie nature de la ralit. Ceci est vrai pour toute
chose, de toutes les r alits. Laissons de ct la Terre pure un
moment et examinons le royaume dans lequel nous vivons. Notre
monde est le mme. Notre monde est le produit de lunion non duel de
la clart et de la vacuit, de lapparence et de la vacuit. Les choses
apparaissent dune faon compltement ininterrompue, et de plus nont
aucune essence.
Leur essence est vide. Cela signifie que toutes les possibilits
dexprience dcoulent de lunion non duelle de lapparence et de la
vacuit. Examinons la manifestation de notre monde ou de celle de la
Terre Pure.
Toute chose nest pas simplement vacuit parce quelle apparat, nestce pas ? Nous pouvons voir les choses clairement. Toute chose semble
avoir une existence et une base matrielle dans notre monde. Cela est
le ct de lquation indiquant la claire manifestation des phnomnes,
des expriences. Cependant, ce ct-l ne pourrait tre sans la vacuit.
Si nimporte quelle chose, absolument tout, avait une substance solide,
matrielle, une existence inhrente, rien ne pourrait exister. Cest
cause de la vacuit que les choses peuvent manifester des
apparences. Seulement parce que il y a la vacuit, toute chose peut
exister sans exception. Sans vacuit, il y aurait seulement une forme
monolithique indissoluble. Il ny aurait quune seule chose dans ce cas.
Rien ne pourrait venir une existence relative sans la base ultime de la
vacuit. Cest pourquoi, notre monde existe de par la vacuit. A cause
de la vacuit, la Terre Pure de Grande Flicit fut tablie par le pouvoir
de laspiration, laccumulation de mrite, et la sagesse primordiale de
ltre veill Amitabha. Ceci est particulirement difficile comprendre
si vous tes nouveau dans le Bouddhisme, je comprend cela, mais
cest seulement parce quil y a vacuit quil y a apparence.
Continuons maintenant notre examen des qualits particulires de la
Terre Pure formule par laspiration du Bouddha Amitabha sous le nom
de Terre de Dwachen. Il existe beaucoup dautres champs de
Bouddhas, comme cela a t dit, mais afin dy parvenir, on doit
atteindre un niveau vraiment exalt. Par exemple, pour parvenir dans
une Terre dun autre Bouddha, il est ncessaire dtre un Bodhisattva
de la dixime terre, ou approchant les portails de lveil complet et
parfait, et avoir accumul une grande quantit de mrite. Il est difficile

pour les tres ordinaires daspirer un tel niveau. Pour nous, le

Bouddha Amitabha a formul ses puissantes prires daspiration. Bien
que sa Terre Pure semble trs loigne de notre monde, il est
relativement facile de latteindre pour des tres sensibles comme nous.
Ceci est du la puissance des prires du Bouddha Amitabha et de ses
vux. Comme cela a t dit plus haut, il existe diffrentes versions des
vux, prires, et de laspiration du Bouddha Amitabha. Pour
brivement les compiler en une seule dclaration, il est ncessaire de
dire que lessence des prires, vux, et aspirations sont : Puisse une
Terre Pure tre tablie de faon pouvoir tre atteinte par les tres
ordinaires au karma impur, tres karma dmoniaque, qui nont pas
abandonn la non vertu. Quand vous atteindrez les Terres Pures des
autres Bouddhas, cause dun tat exalt avant de sy rendre, vous
serez veill. Dans le cas de Dwachen, vous pouvez y parvenir, mais
cela ne signifie pas que vous serez veill. Ce qui arrive est que vous
ne rgresserez plus dans le cycle de lexistence, mais vous aurez la
place, toutes les conditions auspicieuses pour laccumulation de mrite
et de la sagesse primordiale. Vous pourrez abandonner tout non vertu
et pratiquer afin de dompter et entraner votre esprit au point dtre mr
pour lveil. Cela est ainsi une introduction la Terre Pure de Grande
Maintenant, je vais vous donner une explication de prire aspiration
renatre dans la Terre de Dwachen compose par Chagne Rag-Astrs
Rinpotch. Pour commencer, je vais dbuter par une description de la
topographie de la Terre Pure elle-mme. La terre est diffrente de celle
de notre monde. Elle nest pas dure, et couverte de pierres. Elle est
compltement plate et lisse. Elle est faite de poussires de pierres
prcieuses. Dans la Terre Pure de grande Flicit, on a toujours la
sensation davoir une vue expansive. Elle est vraiment large. Il ny a
aucune altration de lumire et dombre. Une lumire universelle
pntrante sans obstacle provient de la forme physique du Bouddha de
lumire Infinie, Amitabha. Le royaume entier est rempli de la luminosit
du corps veill du Bouddha Amitabha. Le sol nest pas dur. Il est doux
et si vous tombez, vous rebondissez. Vous ne vous cognez pas les
orteils. Tout est trs doux en Dwachen. Tout comme pour la flore de
Dwachen, les arbres, qui sont abondants, sont des arbres de joyaux
qui exaucent les souhaits, des arbres qui vous accordent tout ce que
vous dsirez. Sur les branches se tiennent des oiseaux de genres
varis. Ils sont tous des manations du Bouddha Amitabha. Ils ont des
belles voix mlodieuses. Au contraire des chants des oiseaux
ordinaires, ils chantent les enseignements du Dharma dune faon
pacifier et enchanter lesprit. Quiconque l-bas entend les mlodies du
Dharma devient paisible, heureux, et content. On y trouve beaucoup de

rivires et de cours deau, ruisseaux et ruisselets. Leau nest pas

ordinaire. Elle est parfume. Il y a des tangs ou lon peut se reposer et
se baigner dans des eaux parfumes. La terre est remplies de fleurs de
lotus glorieusement odorantes, qui souvrent et manent, de leurs
coeurs, des rayons de lumire en abondance. A lextrmit de chaque
rayon, se trouve un Bouddha. Les Bouddhas enseignent tous le
Dharma. Ils enseignent le Dharma dune faon telle que lesprit est
dbarrass de toutes motions ngatives.
Dans la Terre de Dwachen, il ny a pas de maladie, de pauvret, de
vieillesse, de mort. Il ny a aucune distinction entre un tre et un autre.
Tous les tres sont beaux de faon gale. Tous sont remplis de qualits
positives. Il ny a aucune faute, aucun besoin, aucune peine, aucune
souffrance en tout genre, mme le mot souffrance ny est pas connu en
la Terre pure de Grande Flicit.
La faon de reprendre naissance en Dwachen est dmettre une
grande foi et une grande aspiration pour la Terre Pure, et avoir le dsir
dy renatre. Quand vous y renatrez, cela ne se fait pas de faon
ordinaire. Dans notre monde, nous arrivons tous dans la douleur et
travaillons dans la tristesse. La naissance est un phnomne
douloureux ici. En Dwachen, on ne renat pas travers une matrice,
mais de faon magique dans le cur dune fleur de lotus. Si vous priez
de faon concentre et avec une grande foi pour y renatre, vous y
renatrez. Si vous avez quelques doutes, vous y renatrez aussi, mais
vous renatrez lintrieur dune fleur de lotus. Vous tes baign dans
la lumire radieuse du Bouddha mais vous ne pouvez voir toutes les
qualits de la Terre Pure et vous ne pouvez vous y balader volont.
Vous tes dans une fleur de lotus ferme jusqu ce que les restes des
doutes et des ngativits soient limins. Alors, la fleur de lotus
souvrira. Si vous navez aucun doute en tout genre, vous renatrez
dans une fleur de lotus ouverte. Ceci concerne le type daspiration que
vous faites pour renatre en la Terre Pure que vous formulez au
moment de la mort. Gardez lesprit cette importante distinction des
deux renaissances en la Terre Pure. Il est important de formuler
laspiration approprie de renaissance au moment de la mort. Faites
cela de faon nergique et sans le moindre doute. Si vous permettez le
moindre doute de pntrer vote esprit, vous renatrez dans une fleur de
lotus ferme.
Si vous formulez une puissante aspiration au moment de la mort, alors
sans exprience interfrente, vous renatrez dans le cur dune fleur
de lotus ouverte en prsence du Bouddha de Lumire Infinie, Amitabha.
Une des merveilleuses qualits de la renaissance en la Terre Pure de
Grande Flicit est celle-ci :


Si vous avez lu les rcits de voyages pour les autres Terres Pures,
vous pourriez vous rendre immdiatement par le simple souhait. Vous
pouvez de faon magique vous transporter vers nimporte quelles
autres Terres Pures en formulant simplement le souhait de vous y
rendre. A partir de ce monde, vous ne pouvez immdiatement accder
aux autres Terres Pures, mais de la Terre Pure de Grande Flicit, vous
pouvez. Vous avez le passeport, les visas, tous les tickets ncessaires
pour aller dans nimporte quelle Terre Pure de nimporte quel Bouddha,
dans toutes les directions et nimporte quel moment souhait.
Quand vous reprenez naissance dans une fleur de lotus ouverte, vous
ntes pas encore parfait. Vous avez limin toutes ngativits de votre
courant desprit, mais vous reprenez naissance dans une forme qui
possdent beaucoup de qualits qui sont semblables un Bouddha
bien que vous ne soyez pas encore un Bouddha. Vous renaissez avec
un corps resplendissant en or. Vous avez des pouvoirs tlpathiques et
extra sensoriels. Il existe cinq types de pouvoirs extra sensoriels dont
vous jouissez. Une autre qualit que vous possdez en tant que
nouveau n, est que toutes les choses dont vous avez besoin pour en
faire offrande aux Bouddhas, que vous pouvez maintenant percevoir
avec vos yeux physiques, sont manifestes automatiquement de vos
mains. Ainsi, vous pouvez accumuler des mrites et les perfectionner
pour dvelopper la sagesse.
De plus, laccumulation de mrites et de sagesse,qui rsulte ultimement
en la Bouddhit, a lieu trs rapidement en la Terre Pure de grande
flicit. Au contraire des autres Terres Pures, la dmarche de
laccumulation de mrite et de sagesse est trs rapide en Dwachen.
Le Bouddha Shakyamuni lui-mme a dit : Cest pourquoi prier pour
renatre en Dwachen permet daccumuler autant de mrites que si
vous deviez offrir les sept types de joyaux et dautres prcieuses
substances, remplissant les trois milles milliers de systmes de
monde. En gnral, nous pouvons dire que nimporte quel tre
sensible qui entend le nom du Bouddha Amitabha (en accord avec les
Grands Vux du Bouddha Amitabha) formule laspiration renatre en
Dwachen et sengage dans cette pratique, peut renatre en Dwachen.
Il est plus difficile pour ceux qui ont accumul la ngativit des cinq
fautes inexpiables. Toutefois, mme de tels pcheurs, sils pratiquent
intensment, il est possible pour eux aussi de renatre en Dwachen.
En bref, au sujet des enseignements du Bouddha Amitabha et de la
Terre Pure de Grande flicit, dans tous les pays Mahayana, cette
pratique est trs rpandue. Pourquoi cela ? Cela est du la nature des
vux du Bouddha Amitabha. La pratique du Bouddha Amitabha et la
Terre Pure sont adresses aux personnes ordinaires. Nimporte qui
peut sengager dans cette pratique. Vous navez pas tre un grand

tre exalt qui a abandonn la non vertu. Vous navez pas tre un
super pratiquant. En dpendance avec le pouvoir des vux du
Bouddha Amitabha, vous pouvez vous engager dans cette pratique.
Ceci est une pratique du vhicule du Soutra. Cest pourquoi, elle peut
convenir nimporte qui. Cela est trs dmocratique et disponible pour
Traduit par Michael Lewis
Transcrit par Ngaka Jeffery Knchog Gyaltsen.
Traduit en franais par Minh Tho et Seunam Tso.



















Awaken and BE the light of the world!

September 29, 2004

Audio file (mp3)

TOPIC: Understanding the role of Light







FORMLESS LIGHT. I am the Presence of light that is not light in

comparison to darkness, but light as a pure concept, as a conscious Being of



did this through the FIAT LET THERE BE LIGHT! And there was light, a light that

can take on any form imagined, envisioned, by a self-conscious being.


POLARITY OF MY BEING. Therefore, the light created by your Creator is the
Mother light, the Ma-ter light, from which everything in the world of form is
created. Yet that Ma-ter light is created, is drawn out of, my Being and the
infinite, formless light that I am. Therefore, although everything in the world of
form is created from the Ma-ter/ Mother light, that very Mother light [itself] has my
Being embedded in / within it. And thus it has the potential to attain selfconsciousness and eventually the consciousness that the Self is God. Yet that potential can be
manifest only when the Ma-ter light is acted upon by a self-conscious being,
created under the lineage of your Creator.
How galaxies are created
The basic reality of life in the material universe is that this universe is created
out of the Ma-ter [Mother] light that has the seed of God consciousness within it as
an unmanifest potential. All of the far-flung1 galaxies, that your astronomers
have discovered in the heavens, were created because one or more selfconscious beings superimposed upon the Ma-ter [Mother] light a form that was held
in their minds. Through that same process, everything on Earth was created, including the tiniest blade of
grass. And because my Being is embedded in everything that was created, every
spark of energy in this universe has the potential to gradually attain selfconsciousness and thereby consciously and knowingly outpicture the
perfection of God.
Indeed, when your Creator conceived of when God first created the material universe, he
defined a set of laws to guide the unfoldment of this universe. He then sent his
sons and daughters, his co-creators, into this universe to co-create the myriad
of galaxies you see today. This hierarchy of self-conscious beings, of cocreators, have created everything [that] you see in the material universe, but they
have not necessarily created things the way you see them today. When planet
Earth was created by the Elohim [by the co-creators with God], they created a planet where


Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms

Adj.1.far-flung - distributed over a considerable extent; "far-flung trading operations"; "the West's farflung mountain ranges"; "widespread nuclear fallout"
distributed - spread out or scattered about or divided up2.far-flung - remote; "far-flung corners of the
distant - separated in space or coming from or going to a distance; "distant villages"; "the sound of
distant traffic"; "a distant sound"; "a distant telephone call"


everything had a perfect balance between the expanding force and the
contracting force of God, between the expanding Alpha light and the contracting Omega light. [What is called "day"
and "night" or "light" and "darkness" in Genesis]

Human souls were then allowed to take on bodies on planet Earth. And through
their free will, they were meant to continue to build upon the foundation
created by Elohim. In other words, human beings were sent here with the
command to Multiply and take dominion over the Earth. They were to
multiply their talents given to them by God, meaning their true divine
individuality, and they were then to use their creative powers to envision forms
that were in harmony with [t]he laws of God. And then, through the power of
their conscious minds and their attention, they were meant to superimpose
those forms upon the Ma-ter light that make/made up this planet.
Through that process, human beings would endow the Ma-ter light with the
Fathers consciousness and thereby help the Ma-ter light grow toward selfconsciousness. And in so doing, human beings would also grow in their own
self-awareness, until they could attain the ultimate self-awareness that makes
you a self-luminous, self-contained, self-aware being who is literally like a sun
that radiates light from within itself. And the light you radiate is the
FATHER/Alpha light of my Presence that sustains everything in this
The illusion of matter
Think about the fact that without your physical sun no life would be possible
on Earth. Yet what drives the physical sun is that the sun serves as a

portal, whereby the spiritual light of my Presence can stream into

the material universe and be lowered in vibration, until it is radiating
as the life-giving rays of the sun.
This then is your potential as a self-conscious being. You can eventually become
a self-luminous being and radiate light that can nourish and sustain life in the everexpanding chain of Gods creation. Yet at some point in the distant past, human
beings gradually became more and more enveloped in and focused upon their own
creations. They forgot that they could not create anything lasting by using the Ma-ter
light that had already taken on form. They forgot that they could create something
lasting only by using the FATHER / Alpha/ light of my Presence, allowing it to stream
through their conscious minds and superimpose the perfect vision of God upon the
passive substance of the Ma-ter light.
After they forgot this, and were lost in the consciousness of duality that caused them
to see themselves as separated from the Father light, they began to believe that all
that is real, all that exists, is the Ma-ter MOTHER light which has already taken on
form. They began to believe they could create only by using their physical bodies,
eking out2 a living by the sweat of their brow. They thought they could build only by
using matter itself, by manipulating that matter through the very limited powers of

ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms


their physical bodies. They forgot the immense powers of their minds and became
trapped in the matter universe.
They now began to see the contracting force of the Mother as their enemy, because it
would break down and destroy their creations. They had forgotten that the Ma-ter
light will blindly contract, and it will destroy all structures until it becomes spiritualized
and can consciously maintain the form that is in harmony with Gods law. And they
forgot that they were sent here to spiritualize the Ma-ter light by endowing it
with my Alpha light, streaming through their minds and blessing everything in
this world.
Human beings are not sent here to forever be locked in a struggle against the
contracting force of the Mother. They are here to bless all matter until the contracting
force finds a perfect equilibrium and maintains the perfect forms of the kingdom of
God that will last forever and ever because the Ma-ter light has now

become the Word incarnate.

When the Mother light becomes

spiritualized, it can self-transcend instead of changing only as a result of being acted
upon by self-aware beings.
After human beings forgot their reason for being, they began to believe that the
matter universe is a prison. They felt lost and limited, so they began to resent the
Mother, to be angry with the Mother and to hate the Mother. And ever since then,
they have shown their contempt for the Mother by misusing her creation in the form
of their own physical bodies and the very planet itself. And thus human beings have
created imbalances in the physical body that have led to the current very restricted
life span and the many diseases you see on Earth. They have created imbalances in
Mother Nature that have led to many imperfect conditions, from famine and a limited
food supply to natural disasters.
Human beings have forgotten why they came here, namely that they came to multiply
their God-given talents and to take dominion over the Earth by imposing the perfect
vision of God, seen through their God-given individuality, upon the Ma-ter substance.
Instead, they have superimposed an imperfect vision, seen through the human ego
and the individuality they have built based on that ego.
I come to awaken you

Verb1.eke out - supplement what is thought to be deficient; "He eked out his meager pay by giving
private lessons"; "Braque eked out his collages with charcoal"
fill out
supplement - add as a supplement to what seems insufficient; "supplement your diet"2.eke out - live
from day to day, as with some hardship; "He eked out his years in great poverty"
live - lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style; "we had to live frugally after the war"3.eke out make by laborious and precarious means; "He eked out a living as a painter"
squeeze out
earn, realise, pull in, bring in, realize, gain, make, take in, clear - earn on some commercial or
business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?";
"She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each
month"4.eke out - obtain with difficulty; "He eked out some information from the archives"
squeeze out
obtain - come into possession of; "How did you obtain the visa?"


I am the Presence of Infinite Light, and I am come this day to

awaken those on planet Earth, those who can be awakened, to their original calling
and their reason for being on this planet. I am come to call those who are willing to
see beyond their human egos, their human individualities and their dualistic beliefs
and world view. I am come to awaken those who are willing to gradually rise above
this limited sense of identity and reconnect with their true, divine individuality, so that
they can rise and claim their God-given right to be the sons and daughters of God in
the Earth, to be the co-creators with God in the Earth. I am here to call those who
are willing to rise above their fears, their lack of worthiness, their sense that they
have no right to be here on Earth or to exercise their Christhood. I am come to
awaken those who are willing to consciously make the decision to take back their
dominion over themselves and then exercise that dominion of the self by taking
dominion over the Earth.
I am come to call those who are willing to come apart from the mass consciousness,
to be a separate and chosen people who have elected to worship the one true God
who resides in the kingdom of God that is within them. I am come to awaken those
who are willing to be the open doors, whereby the perfect vision of God can once
again be held in [T]he conscious minds of the inhabitants of the Earth. And through
those minds, this vision can be superimposed upon matter itself so that this planet
can shed the imperfect images, the imbalances, that have been forced upon it for
eons. Thereby, this planet can quickly right itself on its axis and once again spin off
the imperfections and outpicture the harmony, the balance, the peace and the
perfection of God. This action will truly bring the abundant life to all people on Earth
and manifest Gods kingdom on Earth, as that kingdom is already manifest in Heaven
in the form of a perfect vision held in the minds of the Ascended Host.
I am come to awaken you to your inner calling, to awaken those of you who
volunteered to come to Earth long ago to raise this planet and its inhabitants out of
the darkness and into the light, the light of God, the light of the Father, stirring the
ocean of the light of the Mother and materializing Gods perfect vision in the Ma-ter
The Rosary of Infinite Light
As a powerful tool for you to rise and take this dominion and fulfill your roles as coCreators with God, a tool to complete the cleansing process of raising the Earth out
of all imperfect vibrations, I am come to give you a new rosary, namely the

Rosary of Infinite Light.

This is the rosary that is released from my heart

through the heart of your Mother Mary, who has vowed to be the anchor point for
my light in the material universe, and specifically for planet Earth. So by

invoking my Presence from Above, and her Presence from

within matter itself, you can call forth an extremely powerful action that can
heal yourself of all manner of imbalances and imperfections, and at the same time
heal the planet.


There is nothing on this planet that is not created out of the

Ma-ter light. I know that so many of you feel hopeless and look with
despair and a sense of paralysis upon the many imperfect conditions that you
see daily in your own lives, on your television screens and in the news. I know
that so many of you have a strong desire to see this planet rise, but you feel
powerless to do anything about it. Yet I am telling you this day that you do

have the power within you to call upon my Alpha Light and to
superimpose that Light upon the Ma-ter light out of which
everything on this planet is created.
Do you see that the imperfect conditions around you are really created out of
the Ma-ter light that has taken on an imperfect and unbalanced form, because
an imperfect vision was superimposed upon it through the conscious and
subconscious minds of human beings? Do you see that by invoking the Alpha
Light and superimposing a more perfect vision upon the Ma-ter light, it is literally
possible for a relatively small number of human beings to uncreate what has been
created in imperfection for thousands of years.
A critical mass of people using my rosary, Archangel Michaels Rosary and
the Miracle Freedom rosaries from Mother Mary can, within a matter of
years, uncreate thousands of years worth of misqualified energy and imbalances in
matter itself. The prayers of the righteous avail much, but so much more can be
accomplished when the righteous no longer pray passively but

fill their roles as co-creators and invoke the light of Spirit to

stream into the sphere of Ma-ter.

TOPIC: How can the kingdom of God come to Earth?

How could the kingdom of God possibly come to Earth, as it was promised by Jesus
Christ 2,000 years ago? For the kingdom of God to come to Earth, the kingdom of
God must materialize on Earth. The kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom, so the
kingdom can materialize on Earth only when matter itself becomes spiritualized, and
this can happen only when the Ma-ter light becomes infused with the light of the
Spirit that I am. Yet that spiritual light can be infused into the Ma-ter light only through
the conscious minds of those who are the awakened, self-aware co-creators of God,
those who are the sons and daughters of God who rise up and dare to consciously
accept who they are and why they are here.
It can happen only through the minds and hearts of those who dare to follow in the
footsteps of their older brother, Jesus Christ, who came to say, I and my Father are
one. My Father worketh hitherto and I work. Therefore, as long as I am in the world, I
am the light of the world. I am the spiritual light of the world and I am the open door
that no human can shut, the door through which the spiritual light can stream into the
Ma-ter universe.
He that believeth on the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ shall do the works that Jesus
did, and you shall do those works when you let this mind be in you, which was also in

Christ Jesus. And truly, the teachings you find on this website were given to you from
the heart and mind of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the sole purpose of
helping you put on the mind of Christ, so that you can BE the light of the world and
manifest the kingdom of Light on Earth.
I seal you now in the infinite Light of my Presence, and I call you to recognize
the spark of my light within you, to express that light and to stop hiding it
under a bushel. It is not your light, and thus it is not your light to hide. Let your
light shine before men, even if they persecute you for my sake . For my light is
also the judgment of those who love darkness rather than light. Therefore, I say
NOTE: More information on the Rosary of Infinite Light see this message from
Mother Mary.

Copyright 2004 by Kim Michaels

Are you willing to BE part of the

Hierarchy of Light?
Presence of Infinite Light, December 29, 2004
NOTE: This dictation is part of a series that was given after the earthquake and
tsunamis in Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004. The dictations contain teachings
on the origin of natural disasters and how to avoid them. The preceding dictation was
from Shiva.
I AM the Presence of Infinite Light, and I come on the heels of my brother, Shiva. I
come to pick up on the teaching given by my son, Zarathustra.
I come to help you understand that the one thing that provides a way out of the
current situation on Earth is spiritual fire. The spiritual fire that can truly consume all
of humankinds miscreations and misqualified energy, before those energies become
so dense that form itself begins to collapse under its own weight. So the key to
avoiding to literally have the fires of Hell begin to consume the physical planet is to
invoke spiritual light that will consume the misqualified energy before it reaches the
ignition point.
The key is to invoke the spiritual light from Above, and you have been given
extremely powerful rosaries for doing this very task, including the Rosary of Infinite


Light that many of you have so graciously given over this past month. Yet there are
many other spiritual rituals, from other spiritual traditions, that are suited for this task.
Still, beyond using the outer ritual, it is necessary and important that you understand,
that the light invoked is not simply a mechanical thing. Invoking light is not a
mechanical process; it is very much a creative process. And it will be ultimately
effective only when you see yourself not as a human being who is separated from the
spiritual realm, but as an extension of the spiritual realm, as an extension of the
hierarchy of spiritual beings that we are.
You need to understand that this hierarchy reaches all the way back to God itself.
And so I want to give you a simple, and somewhat simplified teaching, that will help
you tune in to this hierarchy.
How worlds are created
Everything in the world of form is created by self-conscious beings. You are a selfconscious being, who was meant to be a co-creator with God here on Earth. You
were born of self-conscious beings in the spiritual realm, and they were born of selfconscious beings in a higher spiritual realm. And this Chain of Being goes all the way
back to the One Being who is the Creator of this universe. Yet beyond the Creator of
this universe is an even higher level. And the ultimate reality is what Jesus has called
the Pure Being of God.
The Pure Being of God is complete, is whole, is full. The Pure Being of God is
fullness, and in the Pure Being of God there are no divisions or differentiations
thus there is no form. Therefore, one can say that in the Pure Being of God,
nothing can be created because God is all and God is fullness, so how can
there be differentiations?
So before anything can be created, the Pure Being of God withdraws and creates a
sphere that is not fullness. And that is what many religions have called the void. And
into that void travels the Being who is your Creator. And that Being starts creating
from within itself, and it creates a sphere in the void that does not fill up the entire
void. And then it creates self-conscious beings out of itself, and as they internalize
the light of God, they fill up the first sphere of God.
When that sphere is filled, God and the Beings of God transcend themselves and
expand to create another sphere. And in the beginning that sphere is not full of light,
yet it has more light than the void around it. And when that sphere is filled up, another
sphere is created. This process of the inbreath and the outbreadth of God is meant to
continue until the entire void is filled and again becomes the fullness of the Pure
Being of God.
When a new sphere is created, it is set apart from the void, and that is what is
recorded in Genesis as the process of God creating the light and setting the light
apart from the darkness to create the first day (Genesis 1:4-5), thus forming the first
sphere of light. This illustrates the process of how the universe of which you are a
part, the sphere of God of which you are a part, was first brought into being.


God then sends self-conscious beings into what Genesis calls the Earth, but which is
truly this sphere of God that is much more than the Earth and more than the physical
universe. As these beings internalize the light, they gradually intensify the light, until
the entire sphere is filled with light and only light. They do this by following Gods
command to multiply and take dominion, and they take dominion by using the
creative power of God within them to issue the fiat, Let there be Light where I am!
I AM the light of the world
I AM the Being who embody the qualities of Gods light, the light out of which
everything in the world of form is given form, because the light takes on form.
You will remember that the first act of creation, recorded in the Bible, is Gods
exclamation, Let there be Light! And there was light. Thus, it is my joy to enter in
and to fill the void with the light of God. But I can do so only when invoked by selfconscious beings who are part of the chain of hierarchy that was sent into that
particular sphere of Gods creation.
For you to be ultimately effective in invoking the light of God, you must shift your
awareness, until you begin to realize and accept that you are a part of the hierarchy
of self-conscious beings, of co-creators with God, that reaches all the way back to
your Creator. It even reaches beyond your Creator to my Being and the other Beings
of God, and even to the Pure Being of God in which there are no differentiations and
therefore no beings but just BEING.
When you reconnect yourself with that chain of hierarchy that is, the Hierarchy of
Light you will become an electrode for spiritual light. And as you feel that light
stream through you, and as you allow that light to consume the darkness in your own
being, you will gradually be purified, until you come to the realization that even
though the Pure Being of God withdrew and created the void, the void is not empty.
The void still has the Being of God within it, only it does not have Gods fullness. It
has the potential to have Gods fullness, and that fullness will come about when you
realize that you are not just an electrode for the stream of light from hierarchy, from
an external source, but that you can reach a higher level, where you see that you can
radiate light from within yourself.
That then is when you make the shift from seeing yourself as a human being to
accepting yourself as an immortal being, an ascended master. Thereby, you become
a sun in your own right, a Being who is not just permitting light from Above to stream
through it but that is allowing the inner light to shine through, to shine forth in all
directions, as the unconditional love of God that rises like the sun upon the evil and
the good (Matthew 5:45). It is this light that will fill up the material universe and raise
planet Earth out of the darkness created by humankind over the ages.
The process of separation


You must understand that the Fall of Man was a process, whereby souls separated
themselves out from the chain of hierarchy. And because all souls were given free
will, this was allowed. So the soul has a right to withdraw itself and explore the
sphere of God in which it abides, such as the physical universe. It has a right to do
this, but only for a time.
It does not have the right to become forever trapped in this sense of separation
because the River of Life moves on through the freewill choices made by other selfconscious beings. The River of Life is truly the flow of light through the hierarchy of
self-conscious beings that is slowly but surely filling up the sphere of God until it
reaches the fullness of God. And nothing can remain in the darkness forever, for as
the sphere is filled up, all darkness will be replaced by light.
So hierarchy will not be stopped, the flow of light will not be stopped. And therefore,
ultimately all that is not of the light, all that thrives in the shadows of the darkness,
must either be consumed by its own density or transformed by the light, transformed
into the light.
And that is why those who set themselves apart from the River of Life enter the realm
of time and space that is confined to limitations yet cannot remain in a given limitation
forever. Thus, you have the limitation that you cannot escape your place in space that
inevitably leads you to the place in time that is deathunless you transcended time
and space in the spiritual resurrection, as demonstrated by your older brother, Jesus.
I now leave you to ponder this teaching, and I give way for my beloved daughter,
whom you know as Mother Mary, but who is also more than you know.
NOTE: This dictation was followed immediately by a dictation from Mother Mary.
Copyright 2005 by Kim Michaels


Rosary of Infinite Light.

Awaken and BE the light of the world!
Presence of Infinite Light, September 29, 2004

TOPIC: Understanding the role of Light

I AM the Presence of Infinite Light, of undifferentiated light, of formless light. I
am the Presence of light that is not light in comparison to darkness, but light
as a pure concept, as a conscious Being of Light. I am the Being from which
your Creator manifested the pure concept of light into the light that could take
on form. Your Creator did this through the fiat Let there be light! And there
was light, a light that can take on any form imagined, envisioned, by a selfconscious being.
That light became the Omega polarity to the Alpha polarity of my Being. Therefore,
the light created by your Creator is the Mother light, the Ma-ter light, from which
everything in the world of form is created. Yet that Ma-ter light is created, is drawn out
of, my Being and the infinite, formless light that I am. Therefore, although everything
in the world of form is created from the Ma-ter light, that very Mother light has my
Being embedded in it. And thus it has the potential to attain self-consciousness and
eventually the consciousness that the Self is God. Yet that potential can be manifest
only when the Ma-ter light is acted upon by a self-conscious being, created under the
lineage of your Creator.
How galaxies are created
The basic reality of life in the material universe is that this universe is created out of
the Ma-ter light that has the seed of God consciousness within it as an unmanifest
potential. All of the far-flung galaxies, that your astronomers have discovered in the
heavens, were created because one or more self-conscious beings superimposed
upon the Ma-ter light a form that was held in their minds. Through that same process,
everything on Earth was created, including the tiniest blade of grass. And because
my Being is embedded in everything that was created, every spark of energy in this
universe has the potential to gradually attain self-consciousness and thereby
consciously and knowingly outpicture the perfection of God.
Indeed, when your Creator conceived of the material universe, he defined a set of
laws to guide the unfoldment of this universe. He then sent his sons and daughters,
his co-creators, into this universe to co-create the myriad of galaxies you see today.
This hierarchy of self-conscious beings, of co-creators, have created everything you
see in the material universe, but they have not necessarily created things the way

you see them today. When planet Earth was created by the Elohim, they created a
planet where everything had a perfect balance between the expanding force and the
contracting force of God, between the expanding Alpha light and the contracting
Omega light. [What is called "day" and "night" or "light" and "darkness" in Genesis]
Human souls were then allowed to take on bodies on planet Earth. And through their
free will, they were meant to continue to build upon the foundation created by Elohim.
In other words, human beings were sent here with the command to Multiply and take
dominion over the Earth. They were to multiply their talents given to them by God,
meaning their true divine individuality, and they were then to use their creative
powers to envision forms that were in harmony with he laws of God. And then,
through the power of their conscious minds and their attention, they were meant to
superimpose those forms upon the Ma-ter light that make up this planet.
Through that process, human beings would endow the Ma-ter light with the Fathers
consciousness and thereby help the Ma-ter light grow toward self-consciousness.
And in so doing, human beings would also grow in their own self-awareness, until
they could attain the ultimate self-awareness that makes you a self-luminous, selfcontained, self-aware being who is literally like a sun that radiates light from within
itself. And the light you radiate is the Alpha light of my Presence that sustains
everything in this universe.
Think about the fact that without your physical sun no life would be possible on Earth.
Yet what drives the physical sun is that the sun serves as a portal, whereby the
spiritual light of my Presence can stream into the material universe and be lowered in
vibration, until it is radiating as the life-giving rays of the sun.
This then is your potential as a self-conscious being. You can eventually become a
self-luminous being and radiate light that can nourish and sustain life in the everexpanding chain of Gods creation. Yet at some point in the distant past, human
beings gradually became more and more enveloped in and focused upon their own
creations. They forgot that they could not create anything lasting by using the Ma-ter
light that had already taken on form. They forgot that they could create something
lasting only by using the Alpha light of my Presence, allowing it to stream through
their conscious minds and superimpose the perfect vision of God upon the passive
After they forgot this, and were lost in the consciousness of duality that caused them
to see themselves as separated from the Father light, they began to believe that all
that is real, all that exists, is the Ma-ter light which has already taken on form. They
began to believe they could create only by using their physical bodies, eking out a
living by the sweat of their brow. They thought they could build only by using matter
itself, by manipulating that matter through the very limited powers of their physical
bodies. They forgot the immense powers of their minds and became trapped in the
matter universe.
They now began to see the contracting force of the Mother as their enemy, because it
would break down and destroy their creations. They had forgotten that the Ma-ter


light will blindly contract, and it will destroy all structures until it becomes spiritualized
and can consciously maintain the form that is in harmony with Gods law. And they
forgot that they were sent here to spiritualize the Ma-ter light by endowing it with my
Alpha light, streaming through their minds and blessing everything in this world.
Human beings are not sent here to forever be locked in a struggle against the
contracting force of the Mother. They are here to bless all matter until the contracting
force finds a perfect equilibrium and maintains the perfect forms of the kingdom of
God that will last forever and ever because the Ma-ter light has now become the
Word incarnate. When the Mother light becomes spiritualized, it can self-transcend
instead of changing only as a result of being acted upon by self-aware beings.
After human beings forgot their reason for being, they began to believe that the
matter universe is a prison. They felt lost and limited, so they began to resent the
Mother, to be angry with the Mother and to hate the Mother. And ever since then,
they have shown their contempt for the Mother by misusing her creation in the form
of their own physical bodies and the very planet itself. And thus human beings have
created imbalances in the physical body that have led to the current very restricted
life span and the many diseases you see on Earth. They have created imbalances in
Mother Nature that have led to many imperfect conditions, from famine and a limited
food supply to natural disasters.
Human beings have forgotten why they came here, namely that they came to multiply
their God-given talents and to take dominion over the Earth by imposing the perfect
vision of God, seen through their God-given individuality, upon the Ma-ter substance.
Instead, they have superimposed an imperfect vision, seen through the human ego
and the individuality they have built based on that ego.
I come to awaken you
I am the Presence of Infinite Light, and I am come this day to awaken those on planet
Earth, those who can be awakened, to their original calling and their reason for being
on this planet. I am come to call those who are willing to see beyond their human
egos, their human individualities and their dualistic beliefs and world view. I am come
to awaken those who are willing to gradually rise above this limited sense of identity
and reconnect with their true, divine individuality, so that they can rise and claim their
God-given right to be the sons and daughters of God in the Earth, to be the cocreators with God in the Earth. I am here to call those who are willing to rise above
their fears, their lack of worthiness, their sense that they have no right to be here on
Earth or to exercise their Christhood. I am come to awaken those who are willing to
consciously make the decision to take back their dominion over themselves and then
exercise that dominion of the self by taking dominion over the Earth.
I am come to call those who are willing to come apart from the mass consciousness,
to be a separate and chosen people who have elected to worship the one true God
who resides in the kingdom of God that is within them. I am come to awaken those
who are willing to be the open doors, whereby the perfect vision of God can once
again be held in he conscious minds of the inhabitants of the Earth. And through
those minds, this vision can be superimposed upon matter itself so that this planet


can shed the imperfect images, the imbalances, that have been forced upon it for
eons. Thereby, this planet can quickly right itself on its axis and once again spin off
the imperfections and outpicture the harmony, the balance, the peace and the
perfection of God. This action will truly bring the abundant life to all people on Earth
and manifest Gods kingdom on Earth, as that kingdom is already manifest in Heaven
in the form of a perfect vision held in the minds of the Ascended Host.
I am come to awaken you to your inner calling, to awaken those of you who
volunteered to come to Earth long ago to raise this planet and its inhabitants out of
the darkness and into the light, the light of God, the light of the Father, stirring the
ocean of the light of the Mother and materializing Gods perfect vision in the Ma-ter
The Rosary of Infinite Light
As a powerful tool for you to rise and take this dominion and fulfill your roles as coCreators with God, a tool to complete the cleansing process of raising the Earth out
of all imperfect vibrations, I am come to give you a new rosary, namely the Rosary of
Infinite Light. This is the rosary that is released from my heart through the heart of
your Mother Mary, who has vowed to be the anchor point for my light in the material
universe, and specifically for planet Earth. So by invoking my Presence from Above,
and her Presence from within matter itself, you can call forth an extremely powerful
action that can heal yourself of all manner of imbalances and imperfections, and at
There is nothing on this planet that is not created out of the Ma-ter light. I know that
so many of you feel hopeless and look with despair and a sense of paralysis upon
the many imperfect conditions that you see daily in your own lives, on your television
screens and in the news. I know that so many of you have a strong desire to see this
planet rise, but you feel powerless to do anything about it. Yet I am telling you this
day that you do have the power within you to call upon my Alpha Light and to
superimpose that Light upon the Ma-ter light out of which everything on this planet is
Do you see that the imperfect conditions around you are really created out of the Mater light that has taken on an imperfect and unbalanced form, because an imperfect
vision was superimposed upon it through the conscious and subconscious minds of
human beings? Do you see that by invoking the Alpha Light and superimposing a
more perfect vision upon the Ma-ter light, it is literally possible for a relatively small
number of human beings to uncreate what has been created in imperfection for
thousands of years.
A critical mass of people using my rosary, Archangel Michaels Rosary and the
Miracle Freedom rosaries from Mother Mary can, within a matter of years,
uncreate thousands of years worth of misqualified energy and imbalances in
matter itself. The prayers of the righteous avail much, but so much more can
be accomplished when the righteous no longer pray passively but fill their
roles as co-creators and invoke the light of Spirit to stream into the sphere of


TOPIC: How can the kingdom of God come to Earth?

How could the kingdom of God possibly come to Earth, as it was promised by Jesus
Christ 2,000 years ago? For the kingdom of God to come to Earth, the kingdom of
God must materialize on Earth. The kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom, so the
kingdom can materialize on Earth only when matter itself becomes spiritualized, and
this can happen only when the Ma-ter light becomes infused with the light of the
Spirit that I am. Yet that spiritual light can be infused into the Ma-ter light only through
the conscious minds of those who are the awakened, self-aware co-creators of God,
those who are the sons and daughters of God who rise up and dare to consciously
accept who they are and why they are here.
It can happen only through the minds and hearts of those who dare to follow in the
footsteps of their older brother, Jesus Christ, who came to say, I and my Father are
one. My Father worketh hitherto and I work. Therefore, as long as I am in the world, I
am the light of the world. I am the spiritual light of the world and I am the open door
that no human can shut, the door through which the spiritual light can stream into the
Ma-ter universe.
He that believeth on the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ shall do the works that Jesus
did, and you shall do those works when you let this mind be in you, which was also in
Christ Jesus. And truly, the teachings you find on this website were given to you from
the heart and mind of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the sole purpose of
helping you put on the mind of Christ, so that you can BE the light of the world and
manifest the kingdom of Light on Earth.
I seal you now in the infinite Light of my Presence, and I call you to recognize the
spark of my light within you, to express that light and to stop hiding it under a bushel.
It is not your light, and thus it is not your light to hide. Let your light shine before men,
even if they persecute you for my sake. For my light is also the judgment of those
who love darkness rather than light. Therefore, I say with the full power of the
Presence of God that I am, Let there be light on Earth, now and forever. And there
IS light! It is finished. Amen.
NOTE: More information on the Rosary of Infinite Light see this message from
Mother Mary.

Copyright 2004 by Kim Michaels

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An acceleration
Mother Mary, September 29, 2004
My beloved hearts, I am Mary, your Mother, and I am come on this momentous occasion to
give you the prayers that are needed for the Rosary of Infinite Light. Therefore, I now give
you the affirmations that you can use to fulfill your roles as co-creators with God.
I AM a son/daughter of God, and at this very moment I stand up to be counted as a cocreator with God on Earth. I hereby consciously choose to acknowledge the power of my
free will to choose light, to choose life, to choose the perfection of God over the
imperfections in this world. I choose to affirm that nothing imperfect is real and that only
Gods light and Gods perfection is real and has permanence.
Therefore, I affirm that within my heart is the spark of God, the spark of light, that truly is the
open door that no human power can shut, save my free will. I now choose to open that door,
and therefore I am the open door which no human power, or any force of darkness, can shut.
I hereby acknowledge my true individuality as my I AM Presence, and I choose to let the light
of my Presence stream through me and consume all unlike itself. I choose to be the God
Flame that I am in Heaven, manifest on Earth as the fire that burned before Moses when he
ascended the mountain of God. I choose to let that fire that I am bring forth the true spiritual
law that could not be given to Moses because of the recalcitrance of humankind. I choose to
be the open door for this true spiritual law to now be brought down to the physical octave on
planet Earth.
I choose to be the open door for the Light of the Presence of Infinite Light to stream forth in
the material universe and consume all imperfections and imbalances. I choose to be the
open door for envisioning the kingdom of God on planet Earth. I call upon the Presence of
Infinite Light to send the unstoppable, unconquerable Light of God to superimpose the
perfect vision of God upon the Ma-ter substance that makes up my own physical body, my
soul and mind, my outer circumstances and this planet itself, from all aspects of human
society to Mother Nature.
I choose to accept my Chris potential and I vow to dedicate my life to putting on the mind of
Christ as quickly as possible. I vow that I will never have any false gods before the true God
in Heaven, represented to me by my own I AM Presence. I vow that I will not take upon
myself any graven image in the form of an imperfect vision. And therefore I will not accept
any of the imperfect conditions on Earth as permanent or real. I will see that beyond all
imperfections is the Ma-ter light of God, and I will hold the immaculate vision of God and see
that Gods vision is materialized because it is superimposed upon the Ma-ter substance
I therefore declare that as long as I AM in the world, I AM the light of the world. I am here to


take dominion over the Earth, multiply my divine individuality and the light given to me by my
I AM Presence. I vow to take dominion over my soul and mind, my physical body, my
personal circumstances, my nation, human society and nature itself. I vow to accept only the
perfection of God, I vow to see only the perfect vision of God, given to me through the Christ
mind. I vow to BE the flame of God, consuming all unlike itself and I declare that I am willing
to start with myself and to allow the flame of God that I am, anchored in my I AM Presence,
to consume all imperfections in my own consciousness, including the human ego and the
carnal mind. I am willing to let the flame of God consume all imperfections in my soul, my
mind, my body and my life.
I vow to nevermore limit Gods ability to work through me, and I vow to always affirm the
reality of the Living Christ within me and my oneness with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Therefore, I shall not deny my oneness with my Master. And by affirming my oneness with
the Living Christ within me and with the Living Christ within Jesus, I truly am the light of the
world. And through the power and authority of the Christ within me, I therefore say, Let there
be light and only light on planet Earth. And there IS light. It is finished. Amen.
A powerful dispensation
My beloved hearts, I trust that those of you who are aware, those who have read my other
discourses and have given my other rosaries, can see that this new dispensation, this new
rosary, truly is an acceleration, even beyond the powerful rosaries given to you earlier. I trust
you can see that this is a unique opportunity for you personally and for the planet as a
whole. I can tell you that this latest rosary is a gift that is given to those who have merited
this gift by faithfully giving my other rosaries.
I must also tell you that this new rosary is so powerful that in order to give it, I request that
you have established a firm foundation by giving my other rosaries and Archangel Michaels
Rosary for a time. I ask that you do not give the new rosary until you feel you have
established enough spiritual protection and have internalized my other rosaries to the point
where your Christ self tells you that you are ready for the new rosary. Therefore, this rosary,
the Rosary of Infinite Light, will not be released publicly on this website at this time. You may
request a copy of this rosary, which will then be sent to you. I am asking you to request my
new rosary only when you have established a firm foundation by using the other rosaries,
when your Christ self gives you the direction that you are ready for the new rosary, and when
you are ready to make a commitment to use this rosary on a regular basis.
I want to tell you that this rosary represents an acceleration in many ways, and one of these
ways is that the rosary is not meant to be set in stone. We are giving you a matrix to help
you get started, but we do not mean this to be the final or only matrix. We want each and
every person who gives this rosary to exercise his or her Christhood and modify the rosary
to fit your personal situation and give calls for causes that are dear to your heart.
So when the rosary mentions a specific condition, you can insert other conditions than what
is mentioned in the rosary. You can give more specific calls than given in the rosary, but keep
them short and concise and do not altar the basic matrix of the rosary.


You can give an entire rosary for one condition only. For example, if you face a health
problem, you can give an entire rosary in which you call forth the light of God to manifest
perfection in every cell and atom of your physical body [mentioning this in every verse]. Or
you can give en entire rosary for a specific world condition that is of concern to you. This
then is a step-up and acceleration to help you put on your Christhood and express that
Christhood by entering into a partnership with the Ascended Host, whereby you can know
from within what is your particular spiritual mission. By performing this sacred labor, you can
hold the balance for the Earth at this critical time and help bring about the kingdom of God in
a particular area of life that is dear to your heart or where you have particular expertise.
The secret of light
My beloved hearts, in order for your use of the Rosary of Infinite Light to reach maximum
effectiveness, it is essential that you understand the secret that was revealed by the
Presence of Infinite Light in his discourse. I encourage you to study and absorb that
discourse, until you fully understand the secret being explained. Yet to make it easier for you
to absorb this secret, I will give you the Omega perspective on this topic.

TOPIC: The Ma-ter light has a potential to become

After our Creator had created the substance of light, the Mother light that can be molded into
any form, our Creator used it to first create the central sphere of the spiritual realm. Since
then, our creator has created a number of "concentric" spheres, and the material universe is
simply the latest sphere in God's creation.
When a new sphere is created by God, that sphere is created out of the unconscious Mother
light, what we might call the Ma-ter light. The Ma-ter light has Gods consciousness
embedded within it, and therefore it has the potential to attain self-awareness. When it does
attain that self-awareness, the Ma-ter light can consciously outpicture the perfection of God,
and it is indeed the highest love of the Mother light to be in complete obedience to the vision
and the laws of the Father.
When the Mother light consciously outpictures the perfect vision of the Father, held in the
mind of the Son, the universal Christ mind, then you have Gods kingdom manifest in that
particular sphere of Gods creation. This means that from then on, that sphere of Gods
creation has become part of the eternal creation of God, and it is eternal because it is
constantly and consciously self-transcending in step with the self-transcendence of God. It is
self-transcending because the Ma-ter light that makes up the sphere is conscious and
therefore able to follow the ever-expanding creative drive of God without being acted upon
by an outside force.
Before a sphere of God attains self-awareness, the Ma-ter light cannot consciously
outpicture the vision of God. Therefore, that Ma-ter light passively adapts according to the
mechanical laws that God defined for the creation of that particular sphere. When God
created the sphere that holds the material universe, our creator defined a set of mechanical


laws. Your scientists have currently discovered only a fraction of those laws, and they are
described as the laws of nature.
When the Elohim created planet Earth, they used the power of their attention to materialize
the physical planet. They did this by imposing their vision upon the unconscious Ma-ter light,
and the Ma-ter light conformed according to the mechanical laws that define and guide the
material universe. Yet despite the creative powers of the Elohim, they could not endow the
Ma-ter light that made up the early Earth with self-awareness.
They could not do this because they were not inside the material universe. After the planet
was created by the Elohim, a number of self-aware beings volunteered to take embodiment
on Earth. They came here for the specific purpose of multiplying their talents, meaning the
Alpha light, coming from the Presence of Infinite Light, and their divine individuality,
anchored in their I AM Presences. By multiplying their talents, they would begin by taking
dominion of their own souls, their minds and their physical bodies. And through that
dominion over self, they could then expand their creative powers (You have been faithful
over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.) and take dominion over the
The process of Transfiguration
What happens when you take full dominion over yourself, meaning your soul, mind and
body? You reach the point that my beloved Jesus demonstrated on the Mount of
Transfiguration, when he became transformed into a being of light in front of his disciples. At
that moment, the outer form of Jesus was transfigured into a being of pure spiritual light.
This means that any imperfections that Jesus might have taken into his soul were
transformed until only the pure, divine matrix of his soul was left. It means that any imperfect
beliefs or feelings in his mind and subconscious mind were transformed into the perfect
vision and feelings of the Christ mind. It means that any imperfections in his body, from
genetic defects to toxic chemicals or environmental pollutants, were consumed, and his body
outpictured the perfect design of the pure human bodygiven the current level of vibration
of the Earth.
This is the potential that all of you have when you walk the path of personal Christhood and
take dominion over yourselves. When a critical mass of human beings take this dominion
over self, they can consciously use their creative powers to take dominion over the Earth.
Thereby, they can literally superimpose the perfect vision of Christ upon the passive matter
substance that makes up this planet. This can cause the entire planet to be transfigured, so
that it can once again be in alignment with the perfect vision of God that is still held in the
minds of Elohim.
This can remove all pollution in nature and all pollution in the human body. It can remove all
imbalances in the crust of the Earth and consume the very cause and core of natural
disasters. It can consume all imbalances in the animal kingdom and even the density of
matter itself. This can turn the planet into the harmonious and balanced platform for soul
growth that it was designed to be from the beginning.


For this to happen, a critical mass of human beings must decide to be the open doors, so
that the light of God, the self-conscious, self-aware light of the Presence of Infinite Light, can
stream into their minds and stir up the ocean of the Ma-ter light. When this happens, the
unconscious and passive Ma-ter light can indeed be awakened, until matter itself becomes
transfigured into pure light substance that is conscious of its own existence and of its ability
to consciously outpicture the perfect vision of God and maintain that vision on an ongoing

TOPIC: How to use yur power of vision to improve your

own life and raise the Earth
All imperfect appearances are unreal
I encourage you to study my previous discourses on the expanding and contracting forces of
God. You see, as long as the Ma-ter light is unconscious, it will blindly contract and thereby
break down all organized structures. This is simply the natural expression of the
unconscious Ma-ter light that is designed to balance the expanding force of the Father light.
The Ma-ter light naturally contracts, unless it is counterbalanced by the expanding force of
the Father focused through the Christ mind.
As I explained in previous discourses, after the fall of Lucifer, the dark forces have misused
the contracting force of the Mother in their attempts to control human beings and neutralize
their free will through physical and spiritual slavery. This has led to the creation of a
counterfeit and unnatural force on this planet, and it is a perversion of the Mother. This force
actually breaks down organized structures faster and with greater intensity than mandated in
the mechanical laws of God. In other words, there is a gravitational force, a magnetic force
of darkness, that is currently stronger than the contracting force of the Mother as designed
by God.
Because most people fail to understand the existence of this counterfeit force, and because
they do not realize that by falling into a lower state of consciousness they have actually
contributed to the strength of this force, many of them have come to resent the Earth Mother
and the resistance they feel to their creative efforts. This has generated a worldwide force of
hatred of the mother, and among many expressions are the hatred of women and the belief
that man has to subdue and control the natural environment instead of working with it.
The forces of darkness that work on this planet are seeking to gain absolute control over
human beings, and they can do this only by controlling the minds, especially the power of
vision, of human beings. They seek to do this by causing people to worship a false image of
God and by causing them to accept false images of what this planet should be like. They
then cause people to accept that these graven images are real and permanent. That is why
you see so many people on this planet who accept certain limitations for how life can or
should be, and they think life could not possibly be any other way than what they have been
brought up to think is real and permanent. It is precisely this mass illusion that has formed a
veil of energy [energy veil = evil] that separates human beings from their true God and from
their spiritual teachers of the Ascended Host.


Therefore, an essential part of taking back planet Earth and raising it to its original purity is
that you must consciously free your mind from the false visions, the false God and the
graven images, that have been programmed into your minds since birth, and indeed for
many lifetimes. You must make an effort to clear the faculty of your vision, and you must do
this by understanding that all of the appearances currently found on Earth, all of the
imperfections and imbalances, are nothing more than images projected unto the screen of
life. The movie screen itself is made of the unconscious Ma-ter light that takes on any form
projected upon it through a conscious mind. The light that drives the film projector is your
attention, and the film strip is the images you hold in your conscious and subconscious
minds. Therefore, when you change the images held in your mind, and look beyond all
imperfect manifestations and appearances, you will change the images projected upon the
screen of the unconscious Ma-ter light.
When a critical mass of human beings take back the power of their vision, you will see such
dramatic changes for the better on this planet that most of you simply could not envision or
accept them today. If I were to tell you what can happen within a matter of decades, you
would refuse to believe me, and you would call me a hopeless idealist and a utopian. Yet I
am not trapped inside the energy veil of imperfect images and beliefs. I know the reality of
God, and I know the reality that the unconscious Ma-ter light will simply take upon itself any
appearance superimposed upon it through the minds of human beings.
There is only one way to change the world, and that is to change the way human beings look
at themselves and the world. However, for that to happen, we must also change the way
human beings look at God and their relationship to God, and that is precisely what the
teachings on this website are all about.
Take back the power of vision
I therefore encourage you to consciously use your power of vision to see that behind all
imperfect appearances is the Ma-ter light. You might envision this light as tiny particles or
strings that vibrate at very high speed. This is like the subatomic particles or the superstrings
that your scientists are currently using to describe the process whereby the unconscious Mater light takes on visible form.
So when you are confronted with an imperfect appearance, whether in your own life, in your
physical body, in your society or on the planet as a whole, I encourage you to make a firm
decision that you do not accept it as permanent or real. You make a conscious effort to see it
as a temporary projection upon the screen of life, and then you see beyond it to the white
screen itself, namely the vibrating particles of the Ma-ter light. You then use your attention to
see beyond the outer appearance and to see the perfect vision of Christ instead of the outer
Do you understand what I am saying here? You are alive because you are constantly
receiving a stream of spiritual light that flows from your I AM Presence through your soul and
is directed by the power of your attention. Whatever you focus your attention upon, you will
magnify through the power of the light within you. So if you focus your attention on an


imperfect appearance, especially if you accept it as real and permanent, you will actually
reinforce that condition.
I encourage you to consciously take back the power of your attention and vision. When you
are confronted with an imperfect appearance, I am not asking you to ignore it or even to
deny it. I am asking you to acknowledge that it does exist, but you also acknowledge that it is
not ultimately real and it is not permanent. Therefore, you do not accept it as permanent, and
instead you look beyond it and see the vibrating Ma-ter light behind the outer appearance.
You then fix your attention upon a more perfect vision, the most perfect vision you can
imagine, and you affirm that vision as real and permanent.
What is the perfect vision of Christ? Because so many of you have been brought up with
imperfect images, I encourage you to ask your Christ self to hold the perfect vision for a
particular situation or condition. For many of you it is currently impossible to imagine the
perfect vision of Christ in some of the situations you encounter on a daily basis. Yet your
Christ self can hold that vision for you, if you will but ask. And if you keep asking with an
open mind, your Christ self will gradually lower that perfect vision into your conscious mind.
I am asking you to be wise as a serpent and acknowledge that there are currently many
imperfect appearances on planet Earth. Yet I am also asking you to be harmless as a dove
by consciously acknowledging that they are not real or permanent. You therefore see beyond
them and allow the light of God to stream through your attention and superimpose the
perfect vision of Christ upon the imperfect condition.
Do you see that this is how Jesus healed the withered hand and performed his other socalled miracles? When people saw the man with the withered hand, they immediately
accepted the condition as real and they thought it was permanent. Jesus did not accept this
illusion. He saw beyond the outer appearance and focused his attention of the vibrating
particles of the Ma-ter light. He then fixed his inner sight on the vision of a perfect hand, and
he consciously, and with the full power of his Christ mind, superimposed that vision upon the
particles of the Ma-ter light. He took dominion over these Ma-ter particles and commanded
them to outpicture his vision. By letting the light of the Father stream through his mind, Jesus
changed the vibration of the Ma-ter particles, and they now immediately outpictured the
perfect vision held in the mind of the embodied Christ.
If you believe on Jesus, you shall indeed do the works that he did. Yet if you believe on the
prince of this world and his lie that imperfect appearances are real or permanent, then the
prince will have something in you that will prevent you from being the open door for the light
of God to stream through your mind and spiritualize your life and world.
So I encourage you to see your life as a game in which you are constantly confronted with
imperfect appearances and tempted by the prince of this world to accept them as real or
permanent. And instead of falling for the temptation, you can attune to your Christ self and
ask him to give you the perfect vision of Christ to replace the imperfect appearance. Then
hold on to that vision be faithful over a few things and see how your life and your world
will change.


I know that some will think this is a fruitless exercise, and you may use all manner of science
to ridicule my suggestion. Yet I can tell you that the imperfect appearances you see all
around you were created by the very same process. It was the energy streaming through the
souls of human beings, misqualified by the imperfect images held in their minds, that created
the imperfections you see on this planet today.
The true and the false path to salvation
There are two ways to remove the imperfections on planet Earth. One is to allow them to
intensify until the imbalance becomes so great that the contracting force of the Mother, that
has now become an unnatural force, breaks down all structures and even causes the
physical planet itself to implode. This is the process of a guaranteed salvation started and
reinforced by Lucifer and all of the dark forces who are seeking to destroy this planet in their
prideful attempt to prove that God was wrong by giving human beings free will. If you want to
align yourself with them, then keep reaffirming that the current imperfections are real and
Yet if you want to reverse the process of self-implosion and turn it into a process of selftranscendence, then follow my suggestion and use the power of your vision to affirm that the
kingdom of God is manifest on Earth. Walk the path of personal Christhood, until you are
personally transfigured and become the son or daughter of God on earth that you have the
potential to be. Then radiate Gods light, until the entire planet is transfigured and the
kingdom of God is superimposed upon the unconscious matter substance. The Ma-ter light
will then become self-aware and consciously and lovingly materialize the kingdom of God on
I can assure you that the Ma-ter light has no greater joy than to outpicture the kingdom of
God, and it has no desire to remain trapped in the imperfect temporary appearances you see
on Earth. The Ma-ter light has no greater joy than to obediently follow the perfect vision of
God. It is through this process of conscious and loving obedience that the Ma-ter light can
grow in self-awareness and become spiritualized, so that the entire material universe
becomes a permanent sphere in the body of God.
Yet for the Ma-ter light to consciously outpicture the perfection of God, it must be awakened,
it must be spiritualized. And this can happen only when the Ma-ter light is infused with the
spiritual light from the Presence of Infinite Light. That spiritual light can enter this universe
only through a self-conscious being who has become awakened to his or her Christ
potential. Therefore, one might say that matter is simply waiting for you to set it free from all
imperfect images and awaken it to its inherent divinity.
The Waterfall of Light
As my final remark, let me give you a visualization that can help you produce the maximum
effect from the Rosary of Infinite Light. I would like you to visit a waterfall or to watch a movie
of a waterfall. I would like you to focus your attention on the image and the rushing sound of
a waterfall and allow it to be permanently anchored in your memory and vision.


As you are giving the Rosary of Infinite Light, I would like you to visualize that you are sitting
under a waterfall of light from your I AM Presence, and the descending light is filling your
soul, your mind and your body and then flowing out to cover the very condition that is the
focus for your rosary. I would like you to envision this waterfall as an unstoppable force, as a
force that nothing in this world can block.
While giving the rosary, imagine the sound of a thousand waterfalls, a sound so strong that it
gives you the clear sense that it will sweep aside all density and all imperfect appearances.
There is literally nothing in this world, no appearance whatsoever, that can stop this rushing
waterfall of infinite light. Therefore, I encourage you to visualize the unstoppable waterfall of
light while you give the Rosary of Infinite Light. Allow yourself to become one with this
rushing light, allow yourself to become the waterfall of infinite light that truly is the wind of the
Holy Spirit.
I now seal you in the miracle light of my Mothers heart, and I say to you, My gratitude and
the gratitude of Heaven is upon you this day for Being here below and for being willing to
become here below all that you are that we are Above.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Mother of Light,
the Queen of Light, in the name of the Miracle Mother, I seal you in my heart, now and
forever. I seal all people in my heart, now and forever. I seal the Earth in my heart, now and
forever. Amen.
See the Rosary of Infinite Light.
Copyright 2005 by Kim Michaels


Mother Marys Infinite Light Rosary

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and
the Mother of Light, Amen.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I dedicate this rosary to the
manifestation of the perfect vision of Christ in . . . (insert personal prayer here).
Lords Prayer of Light
My Father, who is beyond Heaven, I honor your Presence of Infinite Light, of
undifferentiated light, of formless light. I acknowledge the Presence of Light that has
no opposite, and I honor light as a pure concept, as a conscious Being of Light.
My Father, who is my Creator, I honor your gift of life and self-awareness. I say with
you, Let there be light in all aspects of my soul, mind, body and life! And I accept
that there IS light and only light.
I acknowledge that I live in a world that forms the Omega polarity to the Alpha polarity
of my Fathers light. I acknowledge that everything in the world of form is created
from the Ma-ter light. I acknowledge that the Ma-ter light is created from, is drawn out
of, the Presence of Infinite Light. Therefore, that very Mother light has Gods Being
embedded within it, and it has the potential to attain self-awareness and outpicture
the perfection of God.
I acknowledge that I came here to be a co-creator with my God, and I am a selfconscious being, created under the lineage of my Creator. I vow to fill this role by
taking dominion over my own body, mind and soul and allowing the Light of God to
stream through my being. I am the open door for a stream of Gods light that will
awaken the Ma-ter light. I will multiply and take dominion until the kingdom of God is
materialized on Earth.
I take dominion over my soul and mind
1. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the crystalline structure of my soul. My I AM Presence works hitherto,
and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize
the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
Hail Mary, Mother of Light,
I am in the world of Ma-ter Light,
yet my Being is of the spiritual Light.
I am the open door for Gods Light,
forming an unstoppable waterfall of Light,
that fills the Earth with the Presence of Light.
Holy Mary, Queen of Light,
I honor your pure Mother Light,

and see that matter is made from your Light.

I am one with the Presence of Infinite Light,
and as one we command the Ma-ter Light,
to materialize on Earth the Kingdom of Light.
2. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the core of my soul. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by
taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
3. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all spirits or energies that have invaded my soul. My I AM Presence
works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding
it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
4. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up my identity body. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by
taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
5. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up my mental body. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by
taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
6. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up my emotional body. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by
taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
7. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all imperfect energies or dark spirits in my energy field. My I AM
Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and
commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
8. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up my human ego and carnal mind. My I AM Presence works hitherto,
and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize


the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Hail Mother of Light
9. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up every cell and atom of my physical body. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
I am the open door
I AM a son/daughter of God, and at this very moment I stand up to be counted as a
co-creator with God on Earth. I hereby consciously choose to acknowledge the
power of my free will to choose light, to choose life, to choose the perfection of God
over the imperfection in this world. I choose to affirm that nothing imperfect is real
and that only Gods light and Gods perfection is real and has permanence.
Therefore, I affirm that within my heart is the spark of God, the spark of light, that
truly is the open door that no human power can shut, save my free will. I now choose
to open that door, and therefore I am the open door which no human power, or any
force of darkness, can shut.
I hereby acknowledge my true individuality as my I AM Presence, and I choose to let
the light of my Presence stream through me and consume all unlike itself. I choose to
be the God Flame that I am in Heaven, manifest on Earth as the fire that burned
before Moses when he ascended the mountain of God. I choose to let that fire that I
am bring forth the true spiritual law that could not be given to Moses because of the
recalcitrance of humankind. I choose to be the open door for this true spiritual law to
now be brought down to the physical octave on planet Earth.
I choose to be the open door for the Being of the Presence of Infinite Light to stream
forth in the material universe and consume all imperfections and imbalances. I
choose to be the open door for envisioning the kingdom of God on planet Earth. I call
upon the Presence of Infinite Light to send the unstoppable, unconquerable Light of
God to superimpose the perfect vision of God upon the Ma-ter substance that makes
up my own physical body, my soul and mind, my outer circumstances and this planet
itself, from all aspects of human society to Mother Nature.
I take dominion over my life and circumstances
1. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up my family and home. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by
taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
2. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up my work situation and finances. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and


I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the
perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
3. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up my local community. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by
taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
4. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up my nation. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking
dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of
Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
5. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all nations of the world. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work
by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
6. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all governments of the world. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I
work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the
perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
7. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the world economy. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by
taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
8. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the food production and distribution of the world. My I AM Presence
works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding
it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
9. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the energy production and distribution of the world. My I AM Presence
works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding


it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.

Hail Mother of Light
I accept my Christ potential
I choose to accept my Chris potential and I vow to dedicate my life to putting on the
mind of Christ as quickly as possible. I vow that I will never have any false gods
before the true God in Heaven, represented to me by my own I AM Presence. I vow
that I will not take upon myself any graven image in the form of an imperfect vision.
And therefore I will not accept any of the imperfect conditions on Earth as permanent
or real. I will see that beyond all imperfections is the Ma-ter light of God, and I will
hold the immaculate vision of God and see that Gods vision is materialized because
it is superimposed upon the Ma-ter substance itself.
I therefore declare that as long as I AM in the world, I AM the light of the world. I am
here to take dominion over the Earth, multiply my divine individuality and the light
given to me by my I AM Presence. I vow to take dominion over my soul and mind, my
physical body, my personal circumstances, my nation, human society and nature
itself. I vow to accept only the perfection of God, I vow to see only the perfect vision
of God, given to me through the Christ mind. I vow to BE the flame of God,
consuming all unlike itself and I declare that I am willing to start with myself and to
allow the flame of God that I am, anchored in my I AM Presence, to consume all
imperfections in my own consciousness, including the human ego and the carnal
mind. I am willing to let the flame of God consume all imperfections in my soul, my
mind, my body and my life.
I vow to nevermore limit Gods ability to work through me, and I vow to always affirm
the reality of the Living Christ within me and my oneness with my Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. Therefore, I shall not deny my oneness with my Master. And by
affirming my oneness with the Living Christ within me and with the Living Christ within
Jesus, I truly am the light of the world. And through the power and authority of the
Christ within me, I therefore say, Let there be light and only light on planet Earth.
And there IS light. It is finished. Amen.
I take dominion over human affairs
1. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the armed forces and weapons of the world. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
2. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all nuclear arms and radioactive materials. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light


3. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the manipulators planning a third world war. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
4. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the news media and all information technology. My I AM Presence
works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding
it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
5. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the educational institutions and materials of the world. My I AM
Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and
commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
6. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the health care systems of the world. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
7. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up the physical bodies of all people. My I AM Presence works hitherto,
and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize
the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
8. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all imperfect energies or dark spirits in the souls and minds of all
people. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this
Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and
Hail Mother of Light
9. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all religions and churches of the world and the belief systems of all
people. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this
Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and


Hail Mother of Light

Awaken to the reality of Light
I affirm my oneness with the Presence of Infinite Light, and I say to all people,
Awaken to your original calling and your reason for being on this planet. I call you to
see beyond your human egos, your dualistic beliefs and world view. I call you to
awaken and rise above your limited sense of identity. I call you to reconnect with your
true, divine individuality, so you can rise to your God-given right to be the sons and
daughters of God in the Earth, to be the co-creators with God in the Earth. I call you
to rise above your fears, your lack of worthiness, your sense that you have no right to
be here on Earth or to exercise your Christhood. I call you to awaken and
consciously make the decision to take back your dominion over yourselves, and then
exercise that dominion of the self by taking dominion over the Earth.
I call you to come apart from the mass consciousness, to be a separate and chosen
people who have elected to worship the one true God who resides in the kingdom of
God within you. I call you to be the open doors, whereby the perfect vision of God
can once again be held in the conscious minds of the inhabitants of the Earth. I call
you to use the power of your attention and to let Gods vision be superimposed upon
matter itself, so that this planet can shed the imperfect images that have been forced
upon it for eons.
I call for the Earth to right itself on her axis, to spin off all imperfections and to
outpicture the perfection of God. I call forth the abundant life for all people on Earth. I
call forth Gods kingdom on Earth, as that kingdom is already manifest in Heaven, in
the form of a perfect vision held in the minds of the Ascended Host.
I call people to awaken to their inner calling and remember that you volunteered to
come to Earth long ago to raise this planet and its inhabitants out of the darkness
and into the light, the light of God. I call for the light of the Father to stir the ocean of
the Mother Light and materialize Gods perfect vision in the Ma-ter universe. Let there
be Light on Earth. And there IS Light!
I take dominion over my planet
1. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all imperfect self-images in the identity body of planet Earth. My I AM
Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and
commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
2. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all imperfect world-views in the mental body of planet Earth. My I AM
Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and
commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light


3. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all imperfect spirits and energies in the emotional body of planet Earth.
My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light
and commanding it to materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
4. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all pollutants in the air. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I work
by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the perfect
vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
5. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all pollutants in the water and water supply. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
6. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all pollutants in the ground. My I AM Presence works hitherto, and I
work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to materialize the
perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
7. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all magma under the surface of the Earth. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
8. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all tension and pressure under the Earth. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light
9. I affirm that the Presence of Infinite Light has dominion over the Light substance
that makes up all imperfections in the animal kingdom. My I AM Presence works
hitherto, and I work by taking dominion over this Ma-ter light and commanding it to
materialize the perfect vision of Christ, now and forever.
Hail Mother of Light


The Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. (3X) Amen.
By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I declare that I and my I AM Presence
are one and that my God works hitherto and I work. I now envision myself seated
under the waterfall of infinite light, streaming like a rushing, unstoppable force
through my soul and mind. I hear and feel the all-conquering power of this light, and I
accept that I am the open door for the Presence of Infinite Light to step through the
veil on Earth. I use my conscious attention to direct this unstoppable force into the
imperfect conditions of . . . and transfigure them into the perfect vision of Christ. With
the all-power of the waterfall of infinite light, I affirm:
light, now and forever. Amen.
In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the
Mother of Light, Amen.
I affirm that I am sealed in the miracle light of the heart of Mother Mary. I accept and
absorb the gratitude of Mother Mary and the gratitude of Heaven. I vow to BE here
below, all that I am Above, and I declare my oneness with my I AM Presence, with the
Ascended Host and with the Presence of Infinite Light. In the name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Mother of Light, the Queen of Light, in the
name of the Miracle Mother, I accept that I am sealed in the heart of Mother Mary,
now and forever. I accept that all people are sealed in the heart of Mother Mary, now
and forever. I accept that the Earth is sealed in the heart of Mother Mary, now and
forever. Amen.
Copyright 2008 by Kim Michaels


Archangel Michaels Rosary

This rosary is perfect for invoking spiritual protection for yourself or others. It
is also very powerful for cutting people free from dark forces and for changing
world conditions. For personal protection, you can use this rosary instead of
the decrees/affirmations to Archangel Michael presented in this section.
It takes about 35 minutes to give the full rosary. If you do not have time for the
full rosary, you can give Sections 1, 2 and 5 as your daily protection. Or you
can give the "I Choose Life!" affirmation followed by 9 "Hail Michael" (or as
many as you have time to give).
NOTE: This rosary was introduced by a dictation from Archangel Michael.
Section 1.
In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and
the Miracle Mother, Amen.
Beloved Archangel Michael, I dedicate this rosary to the manifestation of Gods will
and Gods kingdom in . . .
(Describe the situations and conditions that you want Archangel Michael and his
angels to resolve.)
Lords Prayer
Our Father-Mother God who is within all life, we honor your Presence, the I AM,
within us. We accept your kingdom manifest on Earth through us. We accept our
responsibility to manifest your will on Earth, as it is manifest in Heaven.
We accept that you are giving us our daily opportunity to be all that you are. We
acknowledge that you forgive us our imperfections, as we forgive each other and
surrender our will to the higher will within us. We therefore accept the truth that the
universe returns to us what we send out.
We take responsibility for our lives and our planet. We vow to rise above the
temptations of the lower self, so that you can deliver us from all imperfect energies.
We affirm that your kingdom, power and glory is manifest on Earth, now and forever.
Archangel Michael, take command over all dark spirits
1. By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I call to Archangel Michael to
manifest your Flaming Presence with me and form an impenetrable shield around my
energy field. Protect me from all imperfect energies, dark spirits, discarnate souls and
all forces of anti-christ, and enlighten me so that I can identify dark vibrations. I
hereby choose to stop all darkness from entering my being. Archangel Michael,
protect all people from all imperfect energies and dark spirits.


Hail Michael
Hail Archangel Michael, Lord of Angels,
Your Presence is always with us.
Protect us from all forces of darkness,
and bind the enemy within us.
We take dominion over our lives,
and manifest Gods kingdom on Earth.
Holy Michael, Defender of Faith.
we invoke your Blue-flame Sword.
Cut us free from the lies of anti-christ,
so we can pierce the veil of separation.
We affirm our oneness with God,
and form the Body of God on Earth.
2. Archangel Michael, manifest your Flaming Presence within my energy field. Bind
and consume all vortexes of imperfect energies that threaten to overpower my mind
and emotions. Cut me free from all connection to the planetary vortexes of negative
energies. Enlighten me so that I can identify all imperfect energies in my being. Help
me see that they are not part of my being and that I do not need them. I now choose
to let all dark energies go. Archangel Michael, consume all toxic vibrations in the
energy fields of all people.
Hail Michael
3. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all dark spirits, all discarnate souls and all
forces of anti-christ that have gained entry into my being and are seeking to control
me from within. Enlighten me so that I can identify these enemies within me. Help me
see that they are not part of my true identity and that I do not need them. I now
choose to let all dark spirits go. Archangel Michael, cut all people free from dark
Hail Michael
4. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all spiritual poisons in my being. Cut me
free from the poisons of ignorance, anger, pride, greed, envy and non-will/non-being.
Enlighten me so that I can identify all spiritual poisons in my being. Help me see that
they are not part of my being and that I do not need them. I now choose to let all
spiritual poisons go. Archangel Michael, cut all people free from spiritual poisons.
Hail Michael
5. Archangel Michael, bind and consume my carnal mind and my human ego,
forming an anti-self that seeks to prevent me from accepting my true identity.
Enlighten me so that I can identify the lies that my anti-self is using to control my
actions, feelings, thoughts and sense of identity. Help me see that the anti-self is not
part of my true identity and that I do not need it. I now choose to let my anti-self go.
Archangel Michael, strip me of my anti-self and bind the anti-selves of all people who
are willing to be free.


Hail Michael
6. Archangel Michael, cut me free from the gravitational force of the mass
consciousness that pulls me into following convention, to never rise above the lowest
common denominator and to deny my potential to put on the mind of Christ. Strip me
of all spiritual blindness so I can see that there is a better way to live than the way
that seems right unto a man. Give me the courage to come apart and belong to the
separate and chosen people. I now elect to follow the Way of Life, the way to Christ
consciousness. Archangel Michael, cut free all people who are willing to rise above
the mass consciousness.
Hail Michael
7. Archangel Michael, cut me free from the consciousness of materialism that causes
me to feel attachments to the things of this world. Help me see that my Christ
potential is the true key to the abundant life. I now choose to seek first the kingdom of
God, and I know that when I attain the Christ consciousness, all things will be added
unto me. Archangel Michael, cut free all people who are willing to rise above the
consciousness of materialism, the consciousness of death.
Hail Michael
8. Archangel Michael, cut me free from all attachments to my current beliefs and all
fear that if I give up my limited beliefs, I might lose my sense of identity. Enlighten me
so I can see through all of the dualistic beliefs that have been programmed into my
mind by church and state. Help me see that by giving up these dualistic beliefs, these
man-made idols, I will win my true identity in Christ. I choose to stop dancing around
the golden calf of these carnal beliefs. Archangel Michael, cut free all people who are
willing to rise above the consciousness of duality, the consciousness of death.
Hail Michael
9. Archangel Michael, cut me free from all attachments to my mortal sense of identity,
and all fear that if I give up this carnal mind, I will have no identity left. Enlighten me
so I can see through the unreality of my anti-self and see that behind it is my true
identity as an immortal spiritual being. I now choose life, and I accept my true identity
in Christ. Archangel Michael, cut free all people who are willing to rise above all false
sense of identity.
Hail Michael
Section 2.
I Choose Life!
Beloved Archangel Michael, save me or I perish! (3X)
Archangel Michael, save me from the consciousness of death that causes me to
identify myself as a mortal human being who is separated from my God.


Beloved Archangel Michael, thou Defender of my Faith, if people knew better, they
would do better, and by the authority of my God-given free will I hereby declare that I
am willing to know better. I am willing to be cut free from the lies of anti-christ that
have enveloped my soul, so that I am caught in a spider web of lies from which there
seems to be no way out. Archangel Michael, I am willing to rise above the
consciousness of death and be free to see the truth of Christ and the shining reality
of God. I am willing to see my God and no longer live as a human being but live as
the spiritual being that I truly am.
Archangel Michael, I am willing to change my life. I am willing to lose my mortal
sense of life, my mortal sense of identity, that is based on the limitations of this world
and the duality of the carnal mind. I am willing to let mine eye be single, so that I can
see beyond the subtle lies of the serpentine mind and be filled with the Light of
Christ. I am willing to surrender my emotional attachments to the things of this world
and the limitations that seem so real. I am willing to lose this sense of life to win the
immortal life of the Christ consciousness and accept my true identity as a
son/daughter of God.
Therefore I now say, with the full authority of my free will and the power of the Christ
Flame within me:
I choose the consciousness of life, the Christ consciousness, and I accept that am
alive forevermore in the light of Christ. I accept that behind all appearances of this
world is the reality of my God, and therefore I vow to nevermore give permanency to
any worldly appearances. I affirm that God is everywhere and therefore also in me.
I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel
Michael in this world.
Archangel Michael, take command over the lies of anti-christ
1. By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I call to Archangel Michael to cut us
free from the lie that human beings are sinful by nature, that we were conceived in
sin and that everything we do is a sin. Cut us free from the self-condemnation, blame
and guilt that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions
and dark forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept
the truth that we were created by the love of our Father/Mother God, who designed
us in their own perfect image.
Hail Michael
2. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that the expanding force of the Father is
in opposition to the contracting force of the Mother, and that the Father is good and
the Mother is evil. Cut us free from the hatred of the Divine Mother, the hatred of
women and the denial of the feminine aspect of every soul that arises from this lie.
Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this
lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept the truth that God has both
masculine and feminine aspects and that they are in perfect harmony.


Hail Michael
3. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that God is angry and judgmental, and
that once we make a mistake, we are doomed forever and are no longer worthy of
Gods love. Cut us free from the fear of eternal damnation and the fear of facing God
that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark
forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept the truth
that when we face God, forsake the consciousness of death and sincerely ask for
forgiveness, we are instantly forgiven by the unconditional love of God.
Hail Michael
4. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that we can commit a sin that cannot be
undone, and that the matter universe is a prison from which there is no escape. Cut
us free from the hopelessness, despair and spiritual paralysis that arises from this lie.
Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this
lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept the truth that everything is energy,
and therefore any mistake we have made can be undone by invoking the Light of
God that consumes all unlike itself.
Hail Michael
5. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that we are victims of circumstances
beyond our control, that we dont need to take responsibility for our lives and that
there is nothing we can do to work out our salvation. Cut us free from the
irresponsibility and indifference that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all
individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut
people free to accept the truth that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to us
what we send out. Therefore, we can change the world by changing our
consciousness and putting on the mind of Christ.
Hail Michael
6. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that the material universe is separated
from God, and that God is far away instead of inside of us. Cut us free from the
feeling of abandonment and aloneness that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael,
bind all individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie
and cut people free to accept the truth that without God was not anything made that
was made. Therefore, the kingdom of God is within us, and even the most imperfect
conditions simply hide the shining reality and the perfection of God.
Hail Michael
7. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that we are separated from God, that
we cannot reach God on our own and that we are unworthy to be the sons and
daughters of God. Cut us free from the carnal mind, the false sense of identity, that
arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark
forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept our true
identity as spiritual beings, as sons and daughters of God, who can reach God by


entering the Kingdom of God within us.

Hail Michael
8. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that we must choose between relative
good and relative evil, and that there is no alternative, no middle ground. Cut us free
from the imbalance, extremism and fanaticism that arises from this lie. Archangel
Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and dark forces who promote this lie. Expose
this lie and cut people free to accept the truth that the reality of Christ is above the
relative opposites of good and evil. Therefore, we can find harmony and inner peace
only by following the middle way of Christ consciousness.
Hail Michael
9. Archangel Michael, cut us free from the lie that Jesus was the only Son of God,
and therefore it is blasphemy for us to follow in his footsteps and do the works that he
did. Cut us free from the denial of the Christ within us, the consciousness of antichrist, that arises from this lie. Archangel Michael, bind all individuals, institutions and
dark forces who promote this lie. Expose this lie and cut people free to accept the
truth that all of us have the potential to let this mind be in us, which was also in Christ
Jesus. Therefore, God can do the works through us that he did through Jesus.
Hail Michael
Section 3.
I claim planet Earth for God
By the authority of the Christ Flame within my heart, I claim planet Earth for God and
for the Ascended Host. I will not allow the forces of anti-christ to destroy this planet in
their attempt to prove that God was wrong by giving us free will. I will not allow them
to destroy souls in their prideful quest for revenge against God. Therefore, I use my
free will to choose the truth of Christ over the lies of anti-christ.
Beloved Archangel Michael, send billions of Blue-flame Angels to cut all souls free
from the lies of anti-christ, the consciousness of death and the veil of separation.
Beloved Jesus, send your angels of judgment to all souls and help them see beyond
the duality of the carnal mind, so they can freely choose whom they will serve.
Beloved Mother Mary, send your angels of unconditional love to set all souls free
from fear. I call that all souls be empowered to make a completely free choice
between the consciousness of death and the consciousness of life. By the authority
of the Christ Flame within my heart, I call to the four corners of the Earth:
Archangel Michael, bind the souls who choose death and remove them from the
Earth, so they cannot drag humanity down into their self-created Hell. Archangel
Michael, protect those who choose life, so they can manifest the Christ
consciousness and become the open doors for bringing Gods kingdom to Earth.


I claim planet Earth for God, and I accept Jesus Christ as the spiritual King of Earth,
now and forever. Amen.
Archangel Michael, take command over the forces of anti-christ
1. By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I call to Archangel Michael to bind
the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people through the lie that ultimate
freedom can be found only by going against Gods law, and therefore we should
follow them in their rebellion against God. Expose these forces and cut people free to
accept the truth that ultimate freedom can be found only by using the Law of Love to
co-create Gods kingdom on Earth.
Hail Michael
2. Archangel Michael, bind the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people
through the lie that our actions dont have consequences, and that if something feels
good, it couldn't be wrong. Expose these forces and cut people free to accept the
truth that Gods law is just, because it returns to us all energy we send out.
Therefore, ultimate freedom can be won only by doing unto others as we would have
them do unto us.
Hail Michael
3. Archangel Michael, bind the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people
through the lie that free will is dangerous, and therefore we should follow the elite
who claim that their earthly kingdom is better than the kingdom of God. Expose these
forces and cut people free to accept the truth that no earthly authority can lead us to
Heaven, and therefore we can be saved only by following the true authority of the
Living Christ within us.
Hail Michael
4. Archangel Michael, bind the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people
through the lie that we cannot govern ourselves, and therefore we should follow the
elite and worship them as gods on Earth. Expose these forces and cut people free to
accept the truth that those who rebelled against Gods law are trying to enslave us,
because they want to steal our spiritual light and prove God wrong. Help people
accept that by putting on the mind of Christ, we are fully capable of governing
ourselves. Therefore, God within us will manifest his kingdom on Earth.
Hail Michael
5. Archangel Michael, bind the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people
through the lie that the ends can justify the means, and that it is necessary to do evil
that good may come. Expose these forces and cut people free to accept the truth that
no good can ever come from violating the laws of God. Therefore, we can remove
evil from this planet only by abandoning the extremism and fanaticism of the carnal
mind, by walking the middle way of the Christ mind and by responding to all
situations with love.


Hail Michael
6. Archangel Michael, bind the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people
through the lie that revenge is necessary and justified, and therefore we should follow
those who cry out for violence and war. Expose these forces and cut people free to
accept the truth that ultimate freedom can be found only by loving our enemies and
forgiving all who ever harmed us. Only by letting go of all negative feelings can we be
as little children and enter the kingdom of God.
Hail Michael
7. Archangel Michael, bind the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people
through the lie that we dont need to follow Gods law of constant growth and selftranscendence, but that everything can and should remain the same. Expose these
forces and cut people free to accept the truth that ultimate stability and security can
never be found by building on the shifting sands of the material universe. Constancy
can be found only through the rock of Christ, which empowers us to flow with the
river of life and constantly become more of God.
Hail Michael
8. Archangel Michael, bind the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people
through the lie that we need an outer religion to reach God, and that only a small elite
can communicate with God. Expose these forces and cut people free to accept the
truth that each person has a Christ self, which is the open door that no human
authority can shut. Therefore, we can all commune with God by putting on the
wedding garment of the Christ consciousness.
Hail Michael
9. Archangel Michael, bind the forces of anti-christ who seek to control people
through the lie that we can be saved only through an outer organization, and that a
small elite has the power to save or condemn us. Expose these forces and cut
people free to accept the truth that because the kingdom of God is within us, no
earthly authority has the power to keep us out of Heaven. Therefore, Jesus did not
come to do all the work for us but to help us find salvation through the Christ within
us. We are saved when we follow in Jesus footsteps and accept that, I and my God
are one!
Hail Michael
Section 4.
Awaken all people to the defense of life
Archangel Michael, manifest your Flaming Presence on Earth and send billions of
Blue-flame angels to awaken all people to the need to defend life wherever it is being
abused and destroyed. Cut free all people from the inertia, the indifference and the
spiritual blindness that prevents them from seeing that people are being abused from
the womb to the grave. Cut all people free from the emotional wounds, insensitivity


and self-absorption that prevents them from saying: Thus far and no farther, I will no
longer allow the abuse of life on this planet!
Archangel Michael, awaken people so they can come apart from the power elite, who
misuse life and treat people as commodities or as chess pieces in their never-ending
game for power and control. Help them come apart and be a separate and chosen
people, a people who is elect unto God because they have chosen life, they have
chosen to defend life against the dark forces that roam this planet, seeking whom
they may devour.
Archangel Michael, enlighten people to the power of free will, so they can realize that
you are willing to remove all darkness from this planet, but that you cannot act until
we choose to come apart from the darkness by letting this mind be in us, which was
also in Christ Jesus. I now use my free will to call to all people on Earth:
Wake up and defend life in the womb from abortion, violence and drugs. Defend all
children from sexual and emotional abuse, child prostitution and slave labor. Defend
the teenagers from drugs, peer pressure and the If it feels good, do it! culture.
Defend adults from being treated as commodities and from being used as pawns by
the power elite. Defend the elderly from being discarded as useless, instead of
having their wisdom used constructively. Defend all life from the abusive mindset that
nothing is ever enough or good enough.
Wake up and take back the power of your free will, and then give Archangel Michael
and the Ascended Host the power to remove all darkness and bring Gods kingdom
into manifestation on Earth! I claim planet Earth for God, and I accept Jesus Christ as
the spiritual King of Earth, now and forever. Amen.
Archangel Michael, take command over the power elite
1. By the authority of the Christ Flame within me, I call to Archangel Michael to bind
the power elite who believe they know better than God how everything should be
done. Expose and consume all misuse of power, all corruption and all lies of antichrist used by the power elite to set themselves up as gods on Earth, lusting after the
absolute power that cannot be gainsaid. Cut people free to come apart from this
power elite, so they can be a separate and chosen people. Help them see that the
power elite is the abomination of desolation, standing in the Holy Place of Authority
where it ought not. Help them worship only the one true God who is beyond any
earthly authority.
Hail Michael
2. Archangel Michael, bind the power elite who are using religion to enslave people
through fear, preventing them from becoming one with God. I especially call for the
binding of those who are seeking to prevent Jesus from coming again through the
hearts of his true followers. Expose and consume all misuse of power and corruption
in the religions of the world. Cut people free to come apart from all false religions, so
they can be a separate and chosen people. Help them worship only the one true God


who is beyond the idols, the graven images and the golden calf created by false
Hail Michael
3. Archangel Michael, bind the power elite who are using governments to enslave
people through unjust laws that give special privileges to the elite. I especially call for
the binding of those who are seeking to destroy democracy by manipulating the
democratic process. Expose and consume all misuse of power and corruption in the
governments of the world. Cut people free to come apart from all unjust
governments, so they can be a separate and chosen people. Help them stand up to
unjust and manipulative laws, so that God can act through them and bring Godgovernment to Earth.
Hail Michael
4. Archangel Michael, bind the power elite who are using the monetary systems to
enslave people and concentrate all wealth in the hands of a small elite. I especially
call for the binding of those who are seeking to destroy the free-market economy,
promoting monopoly capitalism through government regulations. Expose and
consume all misuse of power and corruption in the economies of the world. Cut
people free to come apart from all unjust economic systems, so they can be a
separate and chosen people. Help them throw off the yoke of individual and national
debt, so that God can act through them and bring the abundant life to Earth.
Hail Michael
5. Archangel Michael, bind the power elite who are using the engines of war to
enslave people by creating unresolvable conflicts that lead to violence, terrorism and
war. I especially call for the binding of those who are seeking to create a one-world
government by starting a third world war. Expose and consume all misuse of power
and corruption in the use of military and surveillance technology. Cut people free to
come apart from the engines of war, so they can be a separate and chosen people.
Help them stand up to the warmongers, so that God can act through them and bring
true peace to Earth.
Hail Michael
6. Archangel Michael, bind the power elite who are using the media and educational
systems to enslave people by preventing them from knowing the truth and learning
from the mistakes of history. I especially call for the binding of those who are seeking
to prevent people from knowing about the power elite that have been enslaving
people for millennia. Expose and consume all misuse of power and corruption in the
media and educational systems of the world. Cut people free to come apart from all
manipulative use of information technology, so they can be a separate and chosen
people. Help them stand up to all lies, so that God can act through them and overturn
the power elite.
Hail Michael


7. Archangel Michael, bind the power elite who are using their positions of power to
abort peoples spiritual growth through an endless quest for status, money and power
or through materialism, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography and all other forms of
addictions. I especially call for the binding of those who are seeking to enslave the
body and mind by promoting the culture that If it feels good, do it! Expose and
consume all misuse of power and corruption in the institutions that shape culture. Cut
people free to come apart from the indulgent culture, so they can be a separate and
chosen people. Help them stand up to materialism, so that God can act through them
and turn the Earth into a better platform for the ascension of souls.
Hail Michael
8. Archangel Michael, bind the power elite who are using their positions to abort
peoples spiritual missions through a complete disrespect for individual freedom and
human rights. I especially call for the binding of those who are seeking to enslave
people through unjust imprisonment, debt, slave labor, prostitution, social
engineering or political, religious and cultural brainwashing. Expose and consume all
misuse of power and corruption in the institutions charged with defending human
rights. Cut people free to come apart from all attempts to take away their God-given
rights, so they can be a separate and chosen people. Help them stand up to all
attempts to destroy freedom, so that God can act through them and secure a free
and just society with equal opportunity for all.
Hail Michael
9. Archangel Michael, bind the power elite who are using their positions to enslave
people by a complete disrespect for the sanctity of human life. I especially call for the
binding of those who are seeking to prevent souls from coming into embodiment
through population control, abortion, abject poverty, unjust laws, and a deliberate use
of disease and starvation. Expose and consume all misuse of power and corruption
in the institutions charged with defending human life. Cut people free to come apart
from all attempts at population control, so they can be a separate and chosen people.
Help them stand up to all attempts to destroy life, so that God can act through them
and bring the right number of souls into embodiment.
Hail Michael
Section 5.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting
all people free from dark spirits and dark energies.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting
all people free from the lies of anti-christ.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting
all people free from spiritual slavery under the forces of anti-christ.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions of Blue-flame Angels are cutting
all people free from material slavery under the power elite.


I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel

Michael binding the power elite on planet Earth.
Hail Mary
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore. (9X)
NOTE: The above Hail Mary is the one best suited for the present Aquarian age
consciousness. The Hail Mary below is the original one, given as a transition
between the Piscean and Aquarian consciousness. You can use either one according
to your own sense of what resonates with you.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, one with Grace,
the Lord is with us through you.
Blessed are we by your miracle Grace,
and by the miracle love of your son, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of Miracles,
we surrender our fears, now and forever.
We accept Gods unconditional love,
and see the Miracle Kingdom manifest on Earth. (9X)
I accept that Mother Mary envelopes me in the infinite and unconditional love of the
Divine Mother. I accept that I am worthy to receive that love, and I absorb it into my
being. I allow this perfect love to cast out my fears and other imperfect feelings. I
accept that my soul is finally free to respond to all situations with love. I accept that I
am a sun, radiating divine love to everyone I meet. I accept that as Gods love
streams through me, it consumes all unlike itself, it consumes all forces of anti-love
on this planet.
The Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. (3X) Amen.
In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and
the Miracle Mother, Amen.
I affirm that Archangel Michael and his Blue-flame Angels surround myself, my family
and all people with an impenetrable shield of Blue-flame energy. I affirm that we are
sealed from all toxic energies sent against us by the forces of this world. I affirm that


we are sealed from all hatred, backlash and revenge from the forces of anti-christ,
who are angry when we give this rosary. I accept that Archangel Michael binds the
enemy within me, my human ego, so that when the prince of this world comes, he
has nothing in me. I surrender my anti-self and accept that it is consumed by the
Violet Flame and the unconditional love of Mother Mary. I accept that my anti-self is
replaced by my Christ self, now and forever.
By the power of the Christ Flame within me, I affirm that the kingdom of God is
manifest on Earth. It is manifest through the infinite power of God, acting through my
I AM Presence and the presence of the I AM THAT I AM, Archangel Michael. Amen.
Copyright 2008 by Kim Michaels


Dictations by the Presence of Unconditional Love

I release a flood tide of unconditional love

Presence of Unconditional Love, October 23, 2005.
You cannot stand still!
Presence of Unconditional Love, May 2, 2004

You cannot stand still!

Presence of Unconditional Love, May 2, 2004

TOPIC: Unconditional love is the drive to be MORE

I will be who I will be, for I am the unstoppable, the unquenchable, force that is
beyond any force you have seen in this universe. I am even beyond any force
created by God because I truly am the force that inspired God to create the universe
and the forces therein.
I am beyond force, for I am a Presence, a Being, and yet I am movement, I am flow, I
am eternal and perpetual transcendence. And therefore I will be who I will be at any
moment, and at any moment I will be more than I was the moment before.
I truly am the unstoppable flow of light expressing itself, yet never stopping to
become trapped in any particular expression. I am the unstoppable, unquenchable
Presence of Unconditional Love, and I am in everything that was ever created by
God. I am even beyond anything created by God because I am the Being, the
substance, from which God created all that was created. And without me was not
anything made that was made. I am unconditional love, and in me there are no
conditions that can stop self-transcendence.
God has created you to be a co-creator with him. God has given you imagination and
free will, which allow you to create any form you desire. Yet you cannot create
anything out of your own self because everything that was created was created out of
me, out of my Presence.
Because I am unconditional love, I allow you to create any form you desire, any form
you can imagine, any form you choose. Yet precisely because I am unconditional, I
will not allow you to become trapped in any form that you have created, or that others
have created and which you have come to accept as permanent, or even as your


true identity.
I will not allow any part of Gods creation to stand still indefinitely or to become
permanently trapped in any form. It is lifes desiring that every part of life should grow
to become the fullness of life, to become all that life is, to become all that God is. And
then from there even become more and create worlds upon worlds upon worlds in a
cycle that never ends because it truly is beyond time and even beyond eternity. It is
infinite but it is even beyond infinity because love, unconditional love, is the drive to
be more than you are right now. And even God is that drive, God is that drive to be
more, or nothing would be created.
Were it not for the fact that the pure being of God has a drive to be more, there would
be no individualized creator who could have created the universe in which you live.
And were it not for the fact that even the creator desires to be more, you would not
have existed as a co-creator with God. And precisely because you were created out
of the drive to be more, you cannot stand still in your present state of consciousness,
in your present sense of identity.
Even if you have created a perfect sense of identity, you still cannot stand still in that
identity because even that which is perfect can become a trapif you become
attached to it and think that it is your permanent identity. Your permanent identity is
that you are an individualization of the pure Being of God, and as such you cannot
allow yourself to be trapped in anything that you have created. The pure Being of
God is more than any form, is more than anything that was created. The pure Being
of God does not stand still but is constantly expanding and growing, even beyond all
boundaries, even beyond all boundaries that could possibly be imagined by any
being that has not yet attained the fullness of God awareness.
God then is beyond all limitations, and in the pure Being of God, the term limitation
has no meaning. For in the pure Being of God, there is no separation; there is only
oneness. And in that oneness is the living, breathing, ever-moving, ever selftranscending oneness that pulses and rises and expands and becomes more of itself
every moment for all eternity.
While those who are created by God, but have not yet attained the fullness of Gods
consciousness, cannot possibly imagine that something could become more forever,
the pure Being of God has no limitations of imagination.
I am truly the first offspring of the unlimited imagination of the pure Being of God, and
therefore I am the drive to be more, to always transcend and to become more than I
am at this very moment. Therefore, I truly am the force that drives all life to selftranscend and become more. Therefore, I am the force that will break down all prison
walls around your imagination and your sense of identity.
I will allow you to create any identity you desire but I will not allow you to become
trapped in that sense of identity or to hold on to it forever. Because truly you are
created to be more, you are the offspring of Gods desiring to be more of itself, and
as such you have to become the more in order to keep up with the creative, everpulsing drive of God for self-transcendence.


And so if you hold on to any image, any identity you have created, I am then the
unconditional love of God that will come to you. And at first, I will gently remind you
that you need to transcend and move on and become more of who you are. And if
you resist me, my voice will become stronger and stronger, until you need to use all
manner of force to ignore it. And if you do ignore it, and if you do close your mind and
heart to my voice calling you to become more, then I will simply keep building the
pressure until the pressure becomes so great that any limited sense of identity you
have created in this world of form will be blown apart by the unstoppable force of
unconditional love, the force of God itself to become more in a never-ending cycle of
I am the offspring of God, I am the firstborn of the pure Being of God who IS before
the creator of your universe. I am the offspring of God, and God is more than me. Yet
because I am the offspring of Gods desiring to be more, I too am more. And thus I
am the more desiring to be more of the more, and this is the ever-moving dance of
cosmos that gives rise to universes beyond universes and worlds within worlds in a
tapestry of life that is beyond your comprehension.
But it is only beyond your comprehension as far as you identify yourself with the
limited form you currently inhabit, instead of identifying yourself with the pure Being
of God from which you sprang. Therefore, I come to tell you that it is time to move on.
It is time to transcend and go beyond the current limitations that you see for yourself.
And in so doing, you will help the entire planet Earth transcend the limitations that are
the result of the limited sense of identity held by the people on this planet.

TOPIC: A critical mass has been reached and it is

time to move on
I come to warn you that human beings have for too long held on to their imperfect
images and structures and their desire for ultimate control and power on this planet.
They have built towers of Babel, and I am the unstoppable force of God that will
cause those towers to crumbleunless human beings again reconnect to Gods
desire to be more and let go of their limited sense of identity and their desire for
I am here to tell you that my force has reached a critical mass, and if people do not
embrace my force and flow with it and surrender their attachments to their imperfect
images and reaffirm their drive to become more, then I will truly blow apart their
images, their civilizations their towers of Babel, the structures they have created in an
attempt to control the very life force itself and cause that force to come to a halt.
Truly, no force on planet Earth, no force in a universe ever created by an individual
creator, can stop unconditional love because I am beyond anything created by any
I am then the sounding of the silent bell of God that calls all sons and daughters of
God to leave their nets of attachments to the things of this world and break down the
walls in their consciousness that hold them back in a limited sense of identity. I am
the sound of the last trumpet, calling you to come up higher and reconnect with your
God, with your I AM Presence and with the drive to become more of who you are in


I say, "Let go of all the shackles of mortality and imperfections that you have allowed
into the hallowed space of your identity, that you have allowed into the Holy of Holies
of your soul, until these imperfect images have become the abomination of
desolation standing in the holy place of identity where it ought not." For truly in that
secret chamber of your heart, there must be only the pure identity of your God flame,
your I AM Presence, which is more than any form in the material world and therefore
can never be confined to any form or attached to any sense of identity. It is created
out of the drive to become more, and therefore is forever committed to becoming
more of God.
I come then to sound the clarion call to all those who are willing to come up higher
and be who they are. And therefore I say, Reconnect to your first love, reconnect to
your highest love, which is the love for your I AM Presence, which is the love for your
creator, the God who created you, even the love for the pure Being of God who is
beyond all form created by your creator.
I call you to reconnect to me, to reach for me, to open up your heart and mind to me
and to willingly and consciously allow me to consume all blocks and imperfections in
your consciousness and being with the gentleness of my love before those blocks
are blown apart by my unstoppable force of love, taking away your limited sense of
identity before you have had time to accept a higher identity in God.
I come then and I say, Follow me into the unconditional love and the infinite joy of
the God who will be who I will be because I am forever the more.
See the Unconditional Love Rosary.
See Mother Mary's message that followed this message.

Copyright 2004 by Kim Michaels

I release a flood tide of unconditional love

Presence of Unconditional Love, October 23, 2005.

TOPIC: The greatest fear known to humans is the

fear of losing your individuality
Truly, you have called, and your call compels the answer.
I am the Presence of Unconditional Love, who has inspired this rosary,* which you
have given with such devotion and such fervor of your hearts. Truly, this rosary has
the potential to awaken inner memories of who you are and why you are here.


Consider how many people on this planet are haunted by those two questions, Who
am I, why am I here? Does life have any purpose or meaning? Oh, my beloved
hearts, it is the desiring of your Creator that all people on Earth should know their
source should know who created them and therefore should know the
unconditional love that their Creator has for each one of them.
It is also the Creators desire that all people should know the purpose for creation
itself. The purpose that they saw so clearly before they chose to descend into the
denser energies of the universe in which they have now become trapped by a lesser
sense of identity. Truly, this is not the Creators desire. But it is the Creators desire to
see you become even more than you were created to be. And you can become more
only when you have free will. And thus, when you have free will, you have both the
potential to become more and the potential to become less. For without that potential
to become less, your will would not be truly free and thus you would not have the
ultimate potential to self-transcendout of your own choosing instead of being forced
to do so by the Creator.
You are the fortunate ones
Truly, when you look at planet Earth today, you might consider yourselves as the
fortunate ones, for you have discovered that life has a spiritual side. You have
discovered that there is indeed more to life than what you were told in church and in
school. Imagine how many people have been brought up to believe that there is no
God, that there is nothing beyond the material universe. Then imagine how many
people have been brought up to believe that they are nothing more than
sophisticated animals.
Think of how many people truly believe that after the death of the physical body their
individuality will cease to exist. And then consider that individuality is your most
precious gift from God and, therefore, the greatest fear you could have is to lose that
individuality. And so, if you think that after a mere thirty, fifty, seventy years you will
die and be no more, your entire life will be lived in fear. And that is why you indeed
see a dark cloud of fear hanging over this planet. And oh so many people are trapped
behind that wall of fear and dare not even allow their imagination to consider that
there might be more to their individuality than a mere human being.
My beloved, then consider how many people have grown up in a religious
environment, and they have been told that there is a God and there is a concept of
immortal life. Yet they have also been told that that God is an angry and judgmental
God who is watching their every move, looking to condemn themand possibly send
them to hell if they do not follow certain outer rules. So although these people know
that there might be something after death and that eternal life might be a possibility,
they still live in an ongoing fear of hell. And why do they fear hell? Because they do
not understand that Gods love for them is unconditional and that God might judge
their actions as being not in accordance with his Law of Love but that God never
judges them because they are still the pure beings that God createdeven though
they have accepted an overlay of a limited sense of identity.
My beloved, then consider that there are even those who have found a more open
and comprehensive spiritual teaching in the many different New Age movements and


teachingsand even the teachings sponsored directly by the Ascended Host. But
consider that even many of them are trapped in a small box, where they have
created a mental image of the spiritual path and their own potential. So even though
they know they are spiritual beings, even though they are open to the path of spiritual
growth, they have not truly dared to realize that the true spiritual path, the inner path
behind the outer teachings and organizations, is the path to personal Christhood
whereby they become the Christed beings walking the Earth.
And therefore they dare to acknowledge the truth that Jesus stated when he said,
Ye are Gods! Truly, this is a statement that immediately arises the worst fear of the
ego, because were you to recognize that you are an individualization of God and to
fully accept this, then your ego would instantly lose its hold over you. And thus the
ego knows that it would die.

TOPIC: A technique for helping you accept

unconditional love
I come to bring the Flame of Unconditional Love
And so I am come this day to bring the Flame of Unconditional Love in a measure
that has never before been outpoured on this planet, so that we can create a tidal
wave of unconditional love that will rush around this planet from the East to the West
and wash away the fears of recognizing your true divinity.
I am asking you who are here and who have given this rosary to participate with
me in releasing this flood tide of unconditional love, the unconditional love that is
beyond any form created in this world of form and thus cannot be stopped or held
back by anything that was created in the world of form. And thus I ask you to say with
me, I am love, love I am.
And now we will step it up and say, Love is more, more love I AM.
My beloved hearts, I thank you for being who you are and for being who you are
here, in this moment. Truly, being more in the limitations of time and space is the key
to transforming those limitations, so that they too can become more and so that all
people on Earth may experience the abundant life that the Lord Christ truly came to
bring them. And thus, having set this platform, I shall withdraw as Jesus himself will
address you.
It is sealed in the Flame of Unconditional Love and the Earth is sealed in the Flame
of Unconditional Love. And the flood tide of unconditional love has already moved
around this planet a million times and will continue to do so as long as there are
those on Earth who serve as the anchor by giving Mother Marys rosaries that all
invoke the unconditional love of God.


* The participants gave the Unconditional Love Rosary before the dictation.
Copyright 2005 by Kim Michaels

Enough is enough!
Audio file (mp3)
Omega, October 22, 2005
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is and which was
and which is to come the Almighty.
Thus you have called, and I have answered.
I am the Omega flame, called forth through this rosary* and the heart of Mother
And I come to Earth to pronounce the full and final judgment of the power elite
that has taken the abundant life away from the sons and daughters of God.
Their day is done on this planet, through the absolute determination of the
Mother of God, anchored through the absolute determination of Mother Mary
who is the highest representative of the Mother of God on this planet and
anchored in the physical through your heart flames and the heart flames of
each and every one who gives Mother Marys rosaries worldwide.
Thus I say, This day the Lord has declared: Enough is enough! You who have
taken the abundant life from the sons and daughters of God, your day is done!
Your citadels of power will truly no longer be protected by your karmadodging,** from the just return of your karma. Thus, they will crumble under
the weight of their own misuse of power. They will be ground into dust by the
contracting force of the Mother that will no longer be held back.
This is the beginning of a new era for planet Earth, for truly the collective
consciousness has been raised to the point, where the abundant life must be
manifest in the physical, so that the Golden Age of Saint Germain can come
forth. And thus, through the chalice raised, I have descended and pronounced
this judgment this day.
Thus it is done! It is finished! It is sealed. For the mouth of the Lord, I WILL
[BE] WHO I WILL BE, Omega, has spoken it!
[Participants seal the rosary]
* The participants had given the Nurturance Rosary before the dictation.
** A technique used by members of the power elite to get the general population to participate in an


ungodly activity so that they share in the karma of that activity, even though it was designed and
planned by the elite.

Copyright 2005 by Kim Michaels


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