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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 (19:25:21) Will

ie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.\par
(19:27:47) Kinkyclawz: Hi Willie! I'm here and ready to tidy up in advance of th
e rest of the ChatPack arriving. :D Ah yes, and bubblewrap on the surfaces. Ahh
, look, Cabana-Russell is helping me, bless him. ;) \par
(19:39:25) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat.\par
(19:39:37) Kinkyclawz: Hiya Degnne! \par
(19:39:41) Kinkyclawz: Howsya hun? \par
(19:40:45) Degnne: Hi KC!\par
(19:40:55) Degnne: I'm good. How are you?\par
(19:41:33) Kinkyclawz: Not bad thanks. Just hunting for We Are monsters, I know
its been updated, just couldn;t get it on my phone. lmao. \par
(19:42:04) Degnne: ah cool\par
(19:42:23) Kinkyclawz: LOL Bless Seth! lmao\par
(19:42:39) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I love Seth. no control. Heehee!\par
(19:43:44) Degnne: Hehe. Seth is great.\par
(19:43:58) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Herrick's not fooled - unsurprisingly. ;) \par
(19:44:15) Kinkyclawz: ohh, we're "Hehe"-ing a lot tonight already, LOL\par
(19:49:56) Willie: Cieria enters the channel.\par
(19:49:58) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, a bit distracted, I'm going to upload the other ch
atlogs to scribd\par
(19:50:04) Kinkyclawz: Heeey, hiya C!\par
(19:50:06) Kinkyclawz: Howsya?\par
(19:50:17) Cieria: Hey KC, I'm good thanks you? \par
(19:50:25) Kinkyclawz: not bad thanks. :d\par
(19:50:42) Degnne: Hello Cieria\par
(19:50:51) Cieria: Hey Degnne\par
(19:51:57) Willie: Kinkyclawz rolls 1d6 and gets 1.\par
(19:52:05) Kinkyclawz: Aha! beat that!!\par
(19:52:13) Willie: Cieria rolls 1d6 and gets 2.\par
(19:52:17) Cieria: :P\par
(19:52:21) Willie: Degnne rolls 1d6 and gets 3.\par
(19:52:21) Kinkyclawz: Damn, you did! :P\par
(19:52:23) Kinkyclawz: lmao\par
(19:52:28) Cieria: lol!!\par
(19:52:30) Degnne: yay we can count\par
(19:52:42) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, we can!! We're on a roll! LMAO YAY!\par
(19:52:49) Willie: Kinkyclawz rolls 1d6 and gets 2.\par
(19:52:51) Cieria: Or Willie can count...\par
(19:52:55) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, counting down again?\par
(19:52:57) Willie: Cieria rolls 1d6 and gets 6.\par
(19:53:09) Kinkyclawz: LOL Damn!\par
(19:53:15) Willie: Degnne rolls 1d6 and gets 4.\par
(19:53:32) Kinkyclawz: But Deg won round one, \par
... aaaand C won round 2! Woohoo! Well done gang! \par
(19:53:32) Cieria: I think Willie's counting needs work :P\par
(19:53:54) Kinkyclawz: Why? I see ntohing wrong with it... *looks all innocent,
with crossed eyes and a daft grin*\par
(19:55:05) Cieria: brb these dogs won't leave me alone until I chuck some food a
t them.\par
(19:55:45) Kinkyclawz: Go, chuck food at them! Well... not literally, 'cause tha
t can get messy. ;)\par
(19:58:11) Kinkyclawz: HB!\par
(19:58:20) Cieria: Back. I did chuck food at the big dog. Or I chucked it in the
direction of his bowl anyway> It went over the floor xD\par
(20:01:55) Kinkyclawz: WB!\par
(20:02:04) Kinkyclawz: I bet it won;t stay on the floor for very long. ;)\par
(20:02:36) Kinkyclawz: C, didya see the new We Are Monsters? http://wearemonster
scomic.wordpr\u8203? ess.com/2010/06/13/005-someones-b\u8203?een-snacking/\par
(20:02:51) Cieria: I did! You posted it to your twitter so I clicked the link xD
(20:03:14) Kinkyclawz: ^^ Aha, of course! Forgot you'd very likely be lurking. \
(20:03:21) Kinkyclawz: lingering. \par
(20:03:35) Kinkyclawz: watching carefully and waiting for an opportunity. lol \p
(20:03:38) Cieria: I talk sometimes :P \par
(20:04:18) Kinkyclawz: you do! Sometimes. :P ;)\par
(20:04:37) Cieria: I talked yesterday...\par
(20:04:53) Willie: AnniesBFF enters the channel.\par
(20:05:05) Cieria: Hey Tiff!\par
(20:05:16) AnniesBFF: Hey, C\par
(20:05:18) Kinkyclawz: Yes... did you talk to me? My memory's shot at. lmao \par
Heeey1 Hiys Tiff! *higz* Howsya?\par
(20:05:24) Kinkyclawz: *hugz also*\par
(20:05:26) Degnne: Hello Tiff\par
(20:05:33) AnniesBFF: *hugs* I'm good\par
(20:05:38) Cieria: KC, I don't think I did. \par
(20:05:38) AnniesBFF: Hey, Deg\par
(20:06:20) Kinkyclawz: No? Hmm, that might be why I didn;t realise. lmao\par
(20:07:57) Willie: Kinkyclawz rolls 1d6 and gets 6.\par
(20:08:06) Kinkyclawz: OOH! Unexpected!\par
(20:08:13) Willie: AnniesBFF rolls 1d6 and gets 1.\par
(20:08:14) Willie: Cieria rolls 1d6 and gets 2.\par
(20:08:17) Willie: Degnne rolls 1d6 and gets 6.\par
(20:08:26) Degnne: ooo tie\par
(20:08:29) AnniesBFF: I almost always get a 1 :(\par
(20:08:38) Kinkyclawz: Woo, tied for the win. :D Niiiice!\par
(20:08:52) Degnne: Willie thinks you're #1?\par
(20:08:53) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Tiff* Ahh, I got a 1 the first time round! Yaya for
the ones!! ;) \par
(20:09:05) AnniesBFF: :) lol\par
(20:09:19) Kinkyclawz: Indeed he does, and C comes a lvoely close second 'cause
she's cool! lol \par
(20:09:30) Cieria: :)\par
(20:10:04) Kinkyclawz: ^^\par
(20:10:18) AnniesBFF: :D\par
(20:11:41) Kinkyclawz: Well, then, what shall we discuss tonight, ChatPack?\par
(20:11:55) AnniesBFF: Idk...\par
(20:13:31) Kinkyclawz: Me either. *wanders into the cupboard*\par
(20:13:50) Kinkyclawz clatter-clatter-crash-bang-wallp\par
(20:14:17) AnniesBFF: careful in there...You okay?\par
(20:14:19) Kinkyclawz: ooh, anyone want any blue bubblegum candyfloss (cotton ca
ndy?) ?\par
(20:14:30) AnniesBFF: I'll take some\par
(20:14:40) Kinkyclawz: Its a bit messy in here. Tiff, can you get the other end
of the candy floss machine?\par
(20:14:41) Kinkyclawz: lol\par
(20:15:02) AnniesBFF: lol...sure...*grabs end of the machine*\par
(20:15:21) Kinkyclawz: *helps Tiff wheel out the machine*\par
(20:15:30) Kinkyclawz: C, Deg? Want some candy floss?\par
(20:15:59) Kinkyclawz: *heads back into the cupboard for some sugar to spin and
a duster to clean off the ... um... dust*\par
(20:16:21) Cieria: Mmm yeah please KC :) \par
(20:16:39) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, got other flavourings here! \par
(20:16:46) AnniesBFF: Green apple?\par
(20:17:03) Kinkyclawz: Raspberry, lemon, cherry and *grinz* green apple! \par
(20:17:16) Kinkyclawz: Want a mixture folks?\par
(20:18:44) Kinkyclawz: Orr *digs around some more...* Oh look, corn for popping!
(20:19:11) AnniesBFF: Could I try a green apple/cherry mix?\par
(20:19:18) Kinkyclawz: Can't put that in a candyfloss maker, though, huh?\par
(20:19:36) Kinkyclawz: You sure can tiff! *starts up the machine, smiling happil
(20:20:02) Kinkyclawz: Pours in sugar then adds the green apple and cherry flavo
(20:20:18) Kinkyclawz: Ooh smells nice!\par
(20:20:26) Kinkyclawz: C? Deg? Any flavours you want gang?\par
(20:20:51) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, wonder what kinds of sweet things the quartet might
(20:20:54) Cieria: Blue!!\par
(20:21:09) Degnne: I want corn flavored!\par
(20:21:25) AnniesBFF: Let me know how that tastes :D\par
(20:21:45) Kinkyclawz: Blue bubblegum it is, C! Coming right up,.. in a sec... \
*twists in a stick & makes Tiff's cotton candy*\par
*starts amking C's blue bubblegum candy floss*\par
(20:22:08) Kinkyclawz: Deg, you want popcorn falvoured with the candy floss flav
(20:22:29) Kinkyclawz: Whihc ones, hun>\par
(20:22:29) Kinkyclawz: ?\par
(20:23:41) Degnne: that actually sounds tasty\par
(20:24:32) Kinkyclawz: Hee, which would you like m'dear? \par
*keeps lsitening while she roots for a popcorn maker*\par
(20:24:59) Degnne: bubblegum, I think\par
(20:25:25) Kinkyclawz: It does sound good. \par
*creates a blue bubblegum candyfloss on a stick and hands it over o C*\par
(20:25:32) Kinkyclawz: *to C*\par
(20:25:32) AnniesBFF: May I have my cotton candy?\par
(20:25:50) Kinkyclawz: I handed yours over a bit ago, hun. ;)\par
(20:25:55) Cieria: *wonders if there's the fair's still going on so she can get
real candyfloss*\par
(20:26:09) Kinkyclawz: C: Ooh that'd be great!!\par
(20:26:18) AnniesBFF: sorry, KC...I wasn'\par
(20:26:20) AnniesBFF: t \par
(20:26:23) Kinkyclawz: Tiff, (20:21:45) Kinkyclawz: \par
*twists in a stick & makes Tiff's cotton candy*\par
(20:26:26) AnniesBFF: paying attention...lol\par
(20:26:35) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.\par
(20:26:39) AnniesBFF: Sorry...I wasn't paying attention lol\par
(20:26:39) Kinkyclawz: Hee, don;t you worry. The cotton candy won;t go cold. ;)\
(20:26:43) AnniesBFF: EILEEN!!!\par
(20:26:44) Eileen: Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\par
(20:26:49) Kinkyclawz: suesse!! *hugz* Wie Gehts?\par
(20:26:56) Eileen: Hey Tiff, C, Deg and KC!!!\par
(20:27:07) Eileen: I'm great!!! Watching Soccer\par
(20:27:08) Kinkyclawz: *finds the popcorn maker* \par
(20:27:08) Eileen: lol\par
(20:27:14) Degnne: Hello Eileen\par
(20:27:19) AnniesBFF: mmmm...This is really good...Thanks KC\par
(20:27:21) Eileen: hmmmm cotten candy?\par
(20:27:24) Kinkyclawz: Maybe we should have a fair right in here, a lil party fo
r summer. lol\par
(20:27:26) Eileen: can I have one?\par
(20:27:33) Cieria: Hey Eileen!!\par
(20:27:51) Eileen: How are you all?\par
(20:27:54) Cieria: The fair isn't still going on :( \par
(20:28:06) Eileen: I'm in heaven atm to be honest\par
(20:28:07) Eileen: lol\par
(20:28:22) Eileen: *steals herself a cotton candy*\par
(20:28:32) Kinkyclawz: Yep, you can have some different flavours too. We hgave b
lue bubblegum, lemon, cherry, green apple and raspberry. \par
Orrrr, Deg is experimenting with popcorn coated in candyfloss flavours. ;)\par
(20:29:08) Kinkyclawz: *watches open mouthed as Eileen takes some blue bubblegum
cotton candy*\par
(20:29:18) Kinkyclawz: awwwwwwwww...\par
(20:29:42) Kinkyclawz: C, we can have one right here to try to make you feel bet
ter if you like?\par
(20:29:53) Kinkyclawz: *gets the popcorn maker running and throws in the corn*\p
(20:30:09) Kinkyclawz: *throws in blue bubblegum flavouring, too*\par
(20:30:13) Cieria: KC, we've already got candyfloss here :) And that's what I wa
nted really :P\par
(20:30:28) Kinkyclawz: So long as you're happy, hnny. *hugz*\par
(20:30:32) Eileen: can i have a black-red-golden one?\par
(20:31:32) Eileen: ok 2nd half starting now\par
(20:31:35) Eileen: ill be distracted\par
(20:32:20) Eileen: btw Tiff did you get my messages on fb?\par
(20:32:26) Eileen: i was spamming you last night\par
(20:32:31) Kinkyclawz: That would be... um, we don;t have black, but you can ahv
e a raspberry and lemon mix if you like... not sure what we can use for black t
(20:32:31) Eileen: *giggles*\par
(20:32:47) Eileen: nah its ok kc\par
(20:33:03) AnniesBFF: I don't think I got the message, Eileen, but I can check i
t now\par
(20:33:03) Eileen: ill take the raspberry and lemon\par
(20:33:17) Kinkyclawz: *nudges Eileen playfully and makes the candyfloss stick t
o her nose. \par
(20:33:22) Eileen: dont fall over with the number tiff\par
(20:33:23) Eileen: ;)\par
(20:33:30) AnniesBFF: Okay\par
(20:33:36) AnniesBFF: I'll try ^_^\par
(20:33:39) Kinkyclawz: Raspberry and lemon it is! :D *makes another batch of can
dyfloss with flavouring*\par
(20:33:39) Eileen: *laughs and falls off chair*\par
(20:33:54) Eileen: Thanks KC!!!\par
(20:34:03) Kinkyclawz: LOL You're welcome!\par
(20:34:18) Kinkyclawz: Deg, your popcorn is getting a bot noisy, dya want it now
while its warm?\par
(20:34:27) Kinkyclawz: bit not bot. ;) \par
(20:34:29) AnniesBFF: *Takes another bite of cotton candy* \par
(20:35:15) Degnne: yes, please\par
(20:35:43) AnniesBFF: Thanks for the pics, Eileen :D\par
(20:35:49) Kinkyclawz: *serves up Deg's bubblegum popcorn... sneaks one piece aw
ay for a test*\par
(20:35:56) Kinkyclawz: Anyone want more?\par
(20:36:09) Kinkyclawz: Mmmmm, thats bubblegummy Deg!! Niiice!\par
(20:36:40) AnniesBFF: *quickly eats the rest of the first* I'd like some more pl
(20:37:05) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Tiff! No need to rush, the machine's gonna be runni
ng all night. ;)\par
(20:37:09) Kinkyclawz: Same again?\par
(20:37:35) Kinkyclawz: (this virtual food is making me hungry! lmao)\par
(20:37:37) AnniesBFF: Raspberry cherry, please\par
(20:37:44) Kinkyclawz: ^^ Done!\par
(20:37:45) AnniesBFF: lol, KC\par
(20:37:51) AnniesBFF: thank you\par
(20:38:09) Kinkyclawz: *starts another batch and drops in raspberry and cheery f
lavourings* Anyone want some of these?\par
(20:38:26) Eileen: yw Tiff\par
(20:38:31) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, sorry, the done was me making the deal, that doesn;
t really work virtually does it? lmao\par
(20:38:32) AnniesBFF: :)\par
(20:38:45) AnniesBFF: lol, KC...Not really lol\par
(20:39:10) Eileen: god, do the australians have to play so rough?\par
(20:39:58) Kinkyclawz: Are they playing rough?\par
(20:40:12) Kinkyclawz: ;) sorry Tiff! Ahh, here;s your candyfloss. :D\par
(20:40:18) Eileen: yes, one foul after another\par
(20:40:19) Eileen: lol\par
(20:40:28) Kinkyclawz: *hands over the fluff on a stick*\par
(20:40:32) Eileen: btw, sorry for England\par
(20:40:37) AnniesBFF: *Takes cotton candy* Thanks, KC\par
(20:40:39) Eileen: you need a better goal keeper\par
(20:40:45) AnniesBFF: *Takes a bite* \par
(20:40:47) Kinkyclawz: Yikes, they're confused and think they're boxing in the O
lympics, dya think? lmao\par
(20:40:58) Eileen: i hope next game will be better\par
(20:41:02) Kinkyclawz: He's not bad, just misguided, A bit Green. :P\par
(20:41:09) Eileen: as long as its not against us\par
(20:41:10) Eileen: lol\par
(20:41:15) Eileen: haha\par
(20:41:26) Eileen: lol\par
(20:41:29) Kinkyclawz: ^^ ;p;\par
(20:41:35) Eileen: noooooooooooo all soccer/football talk\par
(20:42:00) Eileen: 2:0 for Germany atm\par
(20:42:10) AnniesBFF: brb\par
(20:42:11) Eileen: YAY!!! Red card for australian player\par
(20:42:12) Willie: AnniesBFF logs out of the Chat.\par
(20:42:19) Eileen: hb Tiff\par
(20:42:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww, Tiff! HB!\par
(20:42:51) Kinkyclawz: No idea about football, gotta say. \par
(20:43:07) Willie: AnniesBFF enters the channel.\par
(20:43:16) Eileen: sorry im a fanatic concerning world cups in soccer\par
(20:43:17) Eileen: lol\par
(20:43:22) Eileen: WB Tiff!!!!!!!\par
(20:43:22) Kinkyclawz: WB Tiff\par
(20:43:32) Eileen: *runs her over*\par
(20:43:42) AnniesBFF: ty\par
(20:43:50) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, I think I might have poisoned Degnne with that b
ubblegum popcorn!\par
(20:43:57) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Tiff ebing run over by excited Eileen. \par
(20:43:57) AnniesBFF: *moves out of the way b4 Eileen can run me over\par
(20:44:24) Kinkyclawz: Awww... try again eileen. * winks at eileen*\par
(20:44:31) Eileen: *crashes into the wall*\par
(20:44:36) AnniesBFF: *glares @ KC*\par
(20:44:38) Eileen: owwwwwwwww *holds nose*\par
(20:44:49) Kinkyclawz: *winks at Eileen*\par
(20:44:52) Degnne twitches on the ground\par
(20:44:54) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, *winks at Tiff*\par
(20:45:02) Kinkyclawz: Ouch! Are you olkay Eileen?\par
(20:45:20) Kinkyclawz: *gets the prodding stick and nudges Deg* Oh dear. That ba
(20:45:22) AnniesBFF: That's okay, I guess, KC...\par
(20:45:24) Eileen: KC, note to Willie: patch this spot on the wall for my next r
un-in with any of you\par
(20:45:39) Kinkyclawz: I'll tell him. ;)\par
(20:45:46) Eileen: you ok Deg?\par
(20:45:58) Eileen: *gets a tissue to stop her bleeding nose*\par
(20:46:00) Kinkyclawz: *adds a little more bubblewrap to cover the hole temporar
(20:46:05) Eileen: ty KC\par
(20:46:09) Kinkyclawz: Here, sit down Eileen. \par
(20:46:29) Kinkyclawz: Dont tip your head back, s'not wise. ;)\par
(20:46:32) Eileen: *sits down and continues to watch soccer*\par
(20:47:10) Kinkyclawz: *turns the chatroom television so Eileen can see form whe
re she's sitting*\par
(20:47:27) Eileen: ty KC\par
(20:47:30) Kinkyclawz: *wonders where the tv came from in the chatroom...*\par
(20:47:52) Eileen: I have hidden it in the corner\par
(20:47:53) Eileen: hehe\par
(20:48:03) Kinkyclawz: Oh, behind the vampire bush?\par
(20:48:08) Eileen: wow 13 fouls against germany\par
(20:48:19) Eileen: *swings fist at Australian players*\par
(20:48:21) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Thirteen. Unlucky for some...\par
(20:48:30) Kinkyclawz: Foul number 14?\par
(20:48:30) Eileen: no closer to the right\par
(20:48:31) Kinkyclawz: lmao\par
(20:48:44) Kinkyclawz: Wow, clever! \par
(20:48:50) Eileen: australians now have 3 yellow and 1 red card\par
(20:48:51) Kinkyclawz: Clever place to hide the tV I mean. \par
(20:48:55) Eileen: rightly so\par
(20:49:00) Kinkyclawz: They're going for a rainbow!\par
(20:49:05) Kinkyclawz: lmao\par
(20:49:07) Eileen: ?\par
(20:49:17) Eileen: i see\par
(20:49:34) Eileen: yes, I disgised it as a chair\par
(20:49:38) Willie: abi enters the channel.\par
(20:49:46) abi: ah hello.....\par
(20:49:49) AnniesBFF: Hey\par
(20:49:52) Eileen: Hello Abi!!!!!\par
(20:49:56) Cieria: Hello\par
(20:50:00) abi: hey folks!!\par
(20:50:06) abi: sorry its been such a while :(\par
(20:50:07) Eileen: *wisely refrains from running abi over dabbing at her nose*\p
(20:50:09) Kinkyclawz: Heeey! hiya Abi! *hugz* Howsya>/\par
(20:50:20) Kinkyclawz: Welcome home Abi! lol\par
(20:50:20) Eileen: how are you?\par
(20:50:30) abi: haha im good, knackered but good.\par
(20:50:31) abi: hows you lot?\par
(20:50:42) Kinkyclawz: Um, be gentle with Eileen, she missed while running over
to Tiff and hit the wall with ehr nose. :( \par
(20:50:51) Kinkyclawz: mad, as ever. And wuite well, thanks. :D\par
(20:50:55) abi: oh dear oh dear\par
(20:51:05) Eileen: Tiff just stepped aside!\par
(20:51:07) Kinkyclawz: *gives Eileena little hug. \par
(20:51:15) abi: awwww\par
(20:51:18) Eileen: *glares at Tiff*\par
(20:51:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL *winks at Tiff* \par
(20:51:24) Eileen: ty KC\par
(20:51:29) abi: so whats everyone been upto? dead excited that theyre filming?\p
(20:51:33) AnniesBFF: *laughs at Eileen* :P\par
(20:51:44) Eileen: dont wink at her, makes it seem like it was planned!\par
(20:51:49) Kinkyclawz: Yeah! \par
(20:51:54) Eileen: *sniffles* They planned it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\par
(20:52:01) Kinkyclawz: It wasn;t planned. I, um, just ahve that eye infection th
ing.... \par
(20:52:05) Kinkyclawz: have you got drops?\par
(20:52:09) abi: awwww\par
(20:52:42) Eileen: me? I'm just babbling on about soccer\par
(20:52:42) Eileen: lol\par
(20:53:14) abi: ooo yeh is germany winning?\par
(20:53:18) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, not heard much about filming today but excited non
etheless! lol\par
(20:53:27) Eileen: 3:0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\u8203?!!!!!!!!!\par
(20:53:32) Eileen: *dances around room*\par
(20:53:36) abi: very nice!\par
(20:53:41) Eileen: yes we are\par
(20:54:48) Kinkyclawz: *hopes Eileen dancing around won;t set her nose off bleed
ing again*\par
(20:54:56) abi: haha yeh eek!\par
(20:55:13) Kinkyclawz: Oh hey, Eileen1 If you bleed, lean over the vampire bush.
He looks hungry tonight. \par
(20:55:38) Kinkyclawz: Abi, we have a new plant in here, a bush thats also a vam
pire. He's cute, really. ;) \par
(20:56:04) abi: i was gonna say ive clearly issed a lot!\par
(20:56:08) abi: when did he arrive?\par
(20:57:52) AnniesBFF: g2g...brb\par
(20:57:57) Eileen: 4:0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\par
(20:57:58) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, we noticed him last week, not sure when he actualyl
appeared. Eileen, he's in your corner, dya know when the vampire bush arrived?
(20:58:00) Kinkyclawz: HB Tiff!\par
(20:58:00) Cieria: Bye Tiff\par
(20:58:01) Eileen: God im in heaven\par
(20:58:08) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, well done Germany!! \par
(20:58:13) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Eileen*\par
(20:58:17) abi: :)\par
(20:58:27) Eileen: *sighs in relieve*\par
(21:00:04) Eileen: *sits back down and bleeds into the vampire bush*\par
(21:00:21) abi: :D\par
(21:00:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL \par
(21:00:49) Eileen: *hears the bush sigh in relief*\par
(21:00:53) Eileen: ROFL\par
(21:01:41) Eileen: the bush arrived last week i think\par
(21:01:44) Kinkyclawz: LMAO\par
(21:02:04) Kinkyclawz: He did? Cool! I wonder if he was lurking when I headed to
the gutter. \par
(21:02:05) Eileen: i think it was a gift by deg or c\par
(21:02:23) Eileen: and then got somhow turned into a vampire one\par
(21:02:27) abi: cool gift :D\par
(21:02:31) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, musta missed that. :D Such a lovely gift!\par
(21:02:36) Eileen: or was that 2 weeks ago?\par
(21:02:41) Eileen: lol\par
(21:02:42) Eileen: yes\par
(21:02:48) Cieria: I think it may have been my gift... But I can't remember for
(21:02:48) Eileen: ty again deg or c\par
(21:02:49) Eileen: ;)\par
(21:02:54) Willie: AnniesBFF has been logged out (Timeout).\par
(21:03:03) Eileen: awwwwwwww wb Tiff\par
(21:03:10) Kinkyclawz: It might have been the week before 'caue I was absent. \p
(21:03:12) Degnne: It wasn't me\par
(21:03:13) Eileen: no: hb\par
(21:03:15) Eileen: lol\par
(21:03:19) Eileen: poor thing\par
(21:03:23) Kinkyclawz: I have a note from my mum to explain my absence...\par
(21:03:28) Eileen: ah yes possible\par
(21:03:43) Eileen: but no idea how it got turned into a vampire bush\par
(21:03:47) Kinkyclawz: ... but the vampire bush ate it. \par
(21:03:52) abi: haha\par
(21:03:55) Eileen: i think it was Fang's fault\par
(21:04:00) Eileen: he was bleeding near it\par
(21:04:03) Kinkyclawz: It might always ahve been a vampire but did a Mitchell an
d made us think it was innocent. lmao\par
(21:04:18) Kinkyclawz: Oh yeah, he was bleeding a bit last qeek. \par
(21:04:19) Eileen: ok show the note, KC\par
(21:04:24) Kinkyclawz: week. \par
(21:04:28) Eileen: *in a teachers voice*\par
(21:04:42) Kinkyclawz: I can't, the vampire bush ate it, Miss. *pokes out her bo
ttom lip*\par
(21:04:48) Eileen: ah maybe KC\par
(21:04:56) Eileen: hmmmm\par
(21:05:22) Eileen: ok then get to your desk KC, next time keep the note away fro
m thirsty bushes please\par
(21:06:03) Kinkyclawz: *looks suitably pathetic* Thanks Miss. \par
(21:06:16) Kinkyclawz: *sits down, wondering where the desks came from*\par
(21:06:26) Eileen: *nods and watches KC walk to her desk*\par
(21:06:31) abi: haha, oh god this is starting to sound like my day job at schol!
(21:06:34) abi: oops school\par
(21:06:45) Eileen: I hid them beside the tv, KC\par
(21:06:50) Kinkyclawz: LOL With a strangely mental twist. LOL\par
(21:06:52) Eileen: disgised as tables\par
(21:06:57) abi: :D\par
(21:07:02) Kinkyclawz: Wow, thatsa realyl good hiding place!\par
(21:07:10) Eileen: and i cant spell\par
(21:07:20) Eileen: yeah Kc, dont you think?\par
(21:07:30) Kinkyclawz: *sits, laughing at her desk* LOL Miss can;t spell!\par
(21:07:38) Kinkyclawz: lmao\par
(21:07:39) Eileen: oh did i do a good impression abi?\par
(21:07:39) abi: :D#\par
(21:07:48) abi: far too good eileen!!!\par
(21:07:58) Kinkyclawz: I certainly agree. C? Deg? Did you spot those desks and t
he TV sitting in Eileen's corner before tonight? \par
(21:07:59) Eileen: YAY!!!\par
(21:08:15) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, you scared me anyway. ;) :P\par
(21:08:21) Cieria: Nope. Didn't see them before now. \par
(21:08:36) abi: npe me either\par
(21:09:35) Eileen: what a little paint can do\par
(21:09:39) Kinkyclawz: *grinz* So definitely a great hiding place. ;) \par
(21:10:19) Kinkyclawz: Hey, ladies - did you see the new cartoon form our reside
nt gent Degnne? http://wearemonsterscomic.wordpr\u8203?ess.com/\par
(21:12:21) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, I killed the conversation completely? LOL\par
(21:12:42) abi: sorry planning lessons!!\par
(21:12:47) abi: ooo thatlooks interesting\par
(21:13:40) abi: haha love the wales one!\par
(21:14:19) Kinkyclawz: The Wales one is ace init? They all are. ;)\par
(21:15:59) Kinkyclawz: Ahh Gawd!! Cripes, I bought some lollies from a sweet sho
p in Bristol and one is a blackcurrant sherbet with a lolly - mum let me try so
me of hers and OMG! Its so sour! My eyes are watering and I'm drooling - not in
t he "here comes George and Tully" way either! *shudders*\par
(21:16:13) abi: eeek!\par
(21:16:19) Willie: AnniesBFF enters the channel.\par
(21:16:19) abi: sherbet is awesome but that just sounds icky\par
(21:16:25) Kinkyclawz: Shes enjoying them though so more power to her. \par
(21:16:45) Eileen: sorry watching soccer\par
(21:16:46) Kinkyclawz: Its not bad tasting once you stop shivereing from the sou
rness... I think. lmao\par
(21:16:50) Eileen: WB TIFF!!!\par
(21:16:56) Kinkyclawz: hehe no worries, I'm talking sweets again. lmao\par
(21:16:56) AnniesBFF: Thanks, Eileen\par
(21:16:58) Kinkyclawz: WB Tiff!\par
(21:17:14) AnniesBFF: Thanks :)\par
(21:17:19) Kinkyclawz: *yawns*\par
(21:17:30) Eileen: ;)\par
(21:17:31) Eileen: love the comic btw\par
(21:17:31) AnniesBFF: brb...again...\par
(21:17:37) Eileen: great stuff!!!\par
(21:17:39) Eileen: hb Tiff\par
(21:18:43) Eileen: i know in which way you drool KC\par
(21:19:08) Eileen: i tried very spicy tabasco in an italian restaurant yesterday
(21:19:22) Eileen: and my mouth was litarelly burning\par
(21:19:37) abi: right guys i gotta go do some more work before bed\par
(21:19:42) Eileen: and watering\par
(21:19:48) Kinkyclawz: Ouch! That sounds painful Eileen!\par
(21:19:49) Eileen: awwww ok abi\par
(21:19:53) abi: last 2 weeks of term thank god, cannot believe ive nearly made i
(21:19:56) Eileen: game's over\par
(21:19:57) Eileen: it was\par
(21:20:02) Kinkyclawz: *hug Abi* Aww, seeya alter Abi! Thanks for coming in, we
missed ya! ^^\par
(21:20:04) Eileen: and i had no water left\par
(21:20:06) Eileen: lol\par
(21:20:11) Cieria: Bye Abi\par
(21:20:13) abi: thank you for having me back!\par
(21:20:20) Kinkyclawz: Aww, no! no water and burning nouths are not good! :(\par
(21:20:20) abi: hopefully catch you guys next week x\par
(21:20:25) Eileen: bye Abit!!!\par
(21:20:26) abi: xx\par
(21:20:27) Eileen: *hugs*\par
(21:20:44) Kinkyclawz: Abi, everyones welcome any time, hope you can make it nex
t week hun. Goodnight and sleep tight hun! :D\par
(21:21:11) Eileen: sleep tight!\par
(21:22:32) Willie: AnniesBFF has been logged out (Timeout).\par
(21:22:46) Willie: AnniesBFF enters the channel.\par
(21:22:50) Kinkyclawz: Aww, seeya Tiff! \par
(21:22:55) Kinkyclawz: WB Tiff! :D\par
(21:22:56) AnniesBFF: :)\par
(21:23:13) AnniesBFF: Thank you :)\par
(21:25:04) Willie: abi has been logged out (Timeout).\par
(21:26:56) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, we've all gone quiet now. :D\par
(21:27:34) Degnne: Sorry, had to get some caffeine\par
(21:27:39) Kinkyclawz: *covers her ears* No, not all of us! LMAO\par
(21:27:43) Kinkyclawz: always a bonus. \par
(21:27:53) Willie: Fang enters the channel.\par
(21:28:01) Fang: Hello\par
(21:28:01) Kinkyclawz: Heeeeey! Fang!!\par
(21:28:06) Kinkyclawz: Howsya hunny?\par
(21:28:13) Degnne: Why hello Fang\par
(21:28:22) AnniesBFF: FANG!!! \par
(21:28:30) AnniesBFF: *Tackles Fang*\par
(21:28:30) Cieria: Hey Fang!\par
(21:29:02) Kinkyclawz: *yawns*\par
(21:29:22) Eileen: wb Tiff\par
(21:29:27) Eileen: Hello Fang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\par
(21:29:52) Eileen: Why are you screamng Tiff?\par
(21:29:55) Fang: I was good KC but then there was an unfortuante tackling incide
(21:30:07) Eileen: How are you Fang?\par
(21:30:43) Fang: Screaming is just the effect I have on some women ;)\par
(21:30:59) Kinkyclawz: At least she tackled you. ;) Eileen was gonan tackle Tiff
, Tiff sidestepped and Eileen made that hole in the wall thats covered in extra
bubblewrap. Be careful she has a sor nose, poor suesse. \par
(21:31:13) AnniesBFF: lol, Fang...KC said we had all gone quiet, so I was trying
to disprove her :D\par
(21:31:33) Kinkyclawz: Tsk, there's always one, isn;t there? LMAO @ Tiff\par
(21:31:46) Fang: You're all queit, something is wrong here\par
(21:32:07) AnniesBFF: Of course, KC...And in this bunch, I decided it was going
to be me!!!\par
(21:32:15) Kinkyclawz: Oh, forgot to offer Abi candyfloss. \par
(21:32:16) Fang: I assume the nose and the hole in the wall are related?\par
(21:32:26) Fang: Abi was here?\par
(21:32:44) Eileen: OK I didnt hear it that loud Tiff, I'm already deaf from all
the Wuwuselas (sp?)\par
(21:32:52) Kinkyclawz: Yes, impact by one caused the other. ;) \par
Yeah, but she had to leave, has school work to sort out I think she said. \par
Fang, want some candyfloss? \par
(21:33:09) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Tiff. Good girl! \par
(21:33:21) Eileen: yes, dont you see the shape of the hole is the same as the sh
ape of my nose, Fang?\par
(21:33:38) Kinkyclawz: Fang, good news is you've not missed the topic., the bad
news is its because we never found one. lmao\par
(21:33:57) Fang: oooh *Takes candyfloss*\par
(21:34:01) Eileen: i refrained from tackling\par
(21:34:11) Eileen: one broken nose is enough for tonight\par
(21:34:12) Kinkyclawz: *pulls back the extra bubble wrap to show Fang the hole i
n the wall*\par
(21:34:17) AnniesBFF: "LOL @ Tiff. Good girl!" ???\par
(21:34:20) Fang: WEll I can't see the hole in the wall as somebody put bublle wr
ap in the way\par
(21:34:24) Degnne: I bet Annie hid the topic in the oven.\par
(21:34:25) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but the vampire bush is still hungry... \par
(21:34:31) Kinkyclawz: What can we feed him with...\par
(21:34:34) Eileen: yes besides me babbling about soccer not much happened\par
(21:34:43) Kinkyclawz: Deg, you could be right. :D Feeling better now?\par
(21:34:57) Kinkyclawz: Not so bad off the bubblegum popcorn?\par
(21:35:32) Degnne: yes better now\par
(21:35:39) Fang: Football Eileen football, although I'm glad Germany made me 4 w
hole pounds so far, I also have betes of them winning the group and teh whole s
(21:36:10) Kinkyclawz: you have betes? Are they better then bets?\par
(21:36:13) Fang: I'm sorry I wasn't here to take care of your nose though especi
ally after you looked after my injuries last week\par
(21:36:50) Fang: why yes they are KC, tsk KC taking the piss out of a typo, the
(21:36:52) Kinkyclawz: *psst, Fang, she still wants to be tended to. ;) She also
has a telly hidden in her corner... and several school desks. Well camouflaged
(21:37:14) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I'm all about the irony. That'll straighten things o
ut. LMAO Ohhh, I know, bad joke. \par
(21:37:30) Fang: so that's gambling addiction to add to add to my perceived alch
ol problems\par
(21:38:22) Kinkyclawz: If you want gambling addiction, you can ahve it hun. ;) F
ancy a sweet tooth too? *offers Fang some of Degnne's bubblegum flavours popcor
(21:38:26) Cieria: I'm gonna curl up in front of the tellie for a bit, give my b
rain a rest. I'll be abck on later. \par
(21:38:30) Eileen: lol Fang! Yes football!\par
(21:38:44) Eileen: did you bet Fang?\par
(21:39:06) Kinkyclawz: Aww, okies! *hugz* Seeya later C! I might not be on when
you get back (work tomorn) so goodnight and sleep tight when you go hunny. :D\p
(21:39:13) Eileen: KC, betes are female bets\par
(21:39:18) Eileen: they must be better\par
(21:39:27) Kinkyclawz: Aww, so they;re safer, wiser bets then? \par
(21:39:33) Eileen: ok C!\par
(21:39:33) Kinkyclawz: lol agreed! lmao\par
(21:39:37) Eileen: Sleep tight!\par
(21:39:40) Fang: see you later Cieria, well if I'm still here\par
(21:39:40) Eileen: *hugs*\par
(21:40:03) Fang: yep Germany made me 4 English pounds, as you can tell they were
massive bets\par
(21:40:28) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, big wins! Love them! You won more than me hun so wel
l done!! :D\par
(21:41:07) Eileen: lol\par
(21:41:12) Eileen: I'm just so happy\par
(21:41:20) Fang: did you bet though\par
(21:41:22) Eileen: But I hope you didnt bet on England\par
(21:41:30) Eileen: sorry you only got a remis\par
(21:41:40) Fang: yes I did :(\par
(21:41:44) Kinkyclawz: Fang: Nope. But you still won more than me. ;)\par
(21:41:52) Eileen: hope next games are better, at least if you dont play against
us! ^^\par
(21:41:59) Kinkyclawz: England aren;t out of it yet tho, you never know. ;)\par
(21:42:14) Eileen: i didnt bet\par
(21:42:17) Eileen: maybe i should\par
(21:42:18) Eileen: hmmmm\par
(21:42:24) Eileen: awwww\par
(21:42:30) Eileen: hope you didnt bet too much Fang\par
(21:42:38) Fang: well I didn't expect you to bet Eileen, that would go against y
our puritanical ways\par
(21:42:53) Kinkyclawz: maybe you should! lol Esp by Germany's progress so far. ;
(21:43:03) Eileen: lol\par
(21:43:10) Eileen: but so kind of you to ask anyway\par
(21:43:13) Fang: I have more bets on Germany to win the group and the world cup\
(21:43:38) Eileen: thanks for you confidence in us Fang\par
(21:43:39) Eileen: :)\par
(21:43:52) Eileen: to be honest i was not so sure about the team before\par
(21:44:00) Eileen: now you see why im in heaven right now\par
(21:44:12) Kinkyclawz: Heehee. Aww, you two are so sweet to eachother. \par
Degnne, have you placed any wagers, large or small, on the World Cup outcome?\pa
(21:44:24) Eileen: well, we'll see\par
(21:44:27) Kinkyclawz: ^^ Indeed and with good reason Suesse! lol\par
(21:44:31) Willie: Cieria has been logged out (Timeout).\par
(21:44:48) Kinkyclawz: byebye Cieria. ;)\par
(21:44:58) Degnne: nope, KC\par
(21:45:23) Eileen: bye C!\par
(21:45:33) Fang: did you have sparkling water to celebrate Eileen?\par
(21:45:35) Kinkyclawz: Good lad, save your pennies. ;) I've just nto got any lef
t to spend after the other weekend, lmao\par
(21:46:07) Fang: when you spent it on strippers and cocaine KC? or something els
(21:46:37) Fang: oh and Cahill should never have been sent off\par
(21:46:43) Fang: not that it would have mattered\par
(21:47:00) Eileen: no sparkling water here\par
(21:47:12) Kinkyclawz: LOL Just our Cabaan boys and candy floss and popcorn, tha
ts all. \par
(21:47:25) Eileen: Cahill?\par
(21:47:28) Eileen: was that England?\par
(21:47:33) Kinkyclawz: Cabana boys rather. lmao\par
(21:47:40) Fang: oh yeah how was Seth and Mrs Orange?\par
(21:47:53) Fang: no they guy who got sent off for the Aussies\par
(21:47:53) Kinkyclawz: Aww, they were WONDERFUL! :D \par
(21:48:09) Eileen: ah yes\par
(21:48:15) Fang: yeah they didn't even looked scared in the photos\par
(21:48:19) Eileen: but the aussies obviously love to foul\par
(21:48:20) Willie: spacewaltzer enters the channel.\par
(21:48:26) Fang: and how wa Milton Keynes?\par
(21:48:27) Kinkyclawz: Nope, but perhaps they should've\par
(21:48:37) Eileen: our poor boys are banged up now\par
(21:48:42) Fang: Hey Spacewaltzer\par
(21:48:58) spacewaltzer: Hi there, Andrew (Spacewaltzer) here for the first time
(21:49:03) Eileen: *hands out bandaids to the players*\par
(21:49:15) Kinkyclawz: Milton Keynes was great, London was great (though I was e
xhausted by then), then an impromptu trip to Bristol to see a mate. :D \par
(21:49:16) Fang: nah only their sub was dirty, otherwise they were fairly clean\
(21:49:28) Kinkyclawz: Hee, hiys Andrew! Sorry, missed your entry! Howsya?\par
(21:49:33) Eileen: Hello Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!\par
(21:49:38) Degnne: Hello Andrew.\par
(21:49:40) Eileen: Welcome to the chatroom\par
(21:49:41) spacewaltzer: I'm great thanks. Had a good weekend\par
(21:49:48) Fang: Were you in London for any reason?\par
(21:49:51) spacewaltzer: Nice to meet you all\par
(21:49:55) Kinkyclawz: Welcome to the... yeah, what Eileen said. lmao\par
(21:50:01) AnniesBFF: Hello\par
(21:50:19) Eileen: 13 fouls dont look that clean to me\par
(21:50:20) Eileen: lol\par
(21:50:36) spacewaltzer: Who are we talking about?\par
(21:50:43) Fang: In case your wondering Andrew we're talking about the world cup
(Eileen's German) and Kinkyclawz going to a convention where she saw the actor
s who play Seth and Owen's orange girlfriend\par
(21:50:46) Eileen: how are you Andrew?\par
(21:50:54) Kinkyclawz: Fang: Yeah, went to the second day of the London Expo - g
ot to meet Gregg Chillin too! As well as most of the rest of the cast of Pulse
AND two writers I've been dying to meet for ages. :D\par
(21:51:21) spacewaltzer: My girlfriend is German, by the way, and we're heading
over there soon\par
(21:51:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh one sec folks. \par
Andrew. I have to do the legal stuff for your first visit. Are you alright with
me saving and sharing the chatlog, m'dear?\par
(21:51:41) spacewaltzer: No problem\par
(21:51:47) Fang: ah cool it was like a mini tour, were Owen's eyebrowes as big i
n real life?\par
(21:52:10) Kinkyclawz: Cheers hun! lol :D \par
Andrew: Ooh, you're going to Germany soon, wonderful! Is it like for a holiday,
hun? \par
(21:52:20) Kinkyclawz: Fang: Heehee, actually they really were! \par
(21:52:33) Kinkyclawz: But he was, thankfully, nowhere near as smarmy as Owen is
. LOL\par
(21:52:39) spacewaltzer: Yes, I don't just do holidays though, I do work as well
(21:52:42) Eileen: oh cool\par
(21:53:02) spacewaltzer: Just so happens my trips to Norway and Germany have fal
len close together\par
(21:53:10) Kinkyclawz: Andrew: Ahh, wasn;t implying that you don;t work... its a
working holiday then? \par
(21:53:16) Eileen: lol i mean cool your visiting germany\par
(21:53:22) Kinkyclawz: Aha, so why not combine the two. ;) Nice thinking. \par
(21:53:32) Eileen: ;)\par
(21:53:34) Fang: well that's good, it wouldn't be so great if he was like Owen\p
(21:53:42) Eileen: where will you go in Germany?\par
(21:53:45) Kinkyclawz: Indeed. LOL\par
(21:53:52) spacewaltzer: No, not working, there is a family gathering we're atte
nding so the date was fixed, and the Norway trip was for a gig\par
(21:54:13) Fang: With your trips to Brizzle KC you could start a bh tour if it t
akes off in America\par
(21:54:25) spacewaltzer: My girlfriend (Annemarie) comes from a village near Bad
Durkheim in the Palatinate\par
(21:54:47) spacewaltzer: We're going there, I think the family gathering may be
in Heilbronn though\par
(21:54:47) Fang: Bad Durkheim is a cool place name\par
(21:55:02) spacewaltzer: Sorry I didn't do the umlaut though\par
(21:55:22) spacewaltzer: It claims to have the biggest barrel in Europe (actuall
y a restaurant)\par
(21:55:34) Eileen: Bad D\'fcrkheim?\par
(21:55:37) Fang: good job you apoligised spacewaltzer, Eileen is very effiecent\
(21:55:39) spacewaltzer: Yes\par
(21:55:47) Eileen: ah i see\par
(21:55:48) Eileen: ;)\par
(21:55:53) Eileen: so nowhere close to Berlin\par
(21:56:03) spacewaltzer: We're also nipping over into Alsace for a couple of day
(21:56:14) spacewaltzer: No, nowhere near Berlin. Is that where you are?\par
(21:56:20) Kinkyclawz: Ins't it just, Fang1 lmao \par
Can we do umlauts on here? The restaurant is inside the barrel?! Awesome! \par
Fang: Ahh, tours. Lots of folks there are planning to sort out tours, but Ican h
appily say I know a lot of the main filming sites now. ;) S'awl good. I'm actua
lyl pining for Bristol right now. \par
(21:56:32) Eileen: lol im infamous in here\par
(21:56:45) Eileen: yes in Berlin\par
(21:56:58) Kinkyclawz: *bows down to the imfamous eileen, aka Suesse*\par
(21:57:03) spacewaltzer: And Eileen doesn't sound a very German name to me\par
(21:57:31) Eileen: lol it isnt\par
(21:57:41) spacewaltzer: Any Irish blood?\par
(21:57:44) Eileen: but my parents are originally from Saxony (western)\par
(21:57:58) Eileen: nope not one drop\par
(21:58:10) Eileen: rather eastern europe\par
(21:58:20) Eileen: but like 70 years ago already\par
(21:58:21) Eileen: :)\par
(21:58:23) Fang: Irish blood, Mitchell there's a joke in there somewhere\par
(21:58:33) spacewaltzer: Actually Irish blood has different connotations for us
on here, doesn't it?:)\par
(21:58:41) spacewaltzer: Snap!\par
(21:58:42) Kinkyclawz: I was thinking that but refrained... honest. lmao\par
(21:58:49) Kinkyclawz: Sure does. ;) :P\par
(21:59:19) Eileen: well my grandma's name is Hildegard, that should be german en
(21:59:20) Eileen: rofl\par
(21:59:24) Eileen: she is cute!\par
(21:59:40) spacewaltzer: Actually yesterday I confessed to Annemarie that our tr
ip to Bristol in August isn't jsut for the balloon fiesta\par
(21:59:48) Kinkyclawz: Very German! :D \par
(21:59:54) spacewaltzer: She took it quite well\par
(21:59:59) Eileen: LOL\par
(22:00:08) Eileen: how did she take it Andrew?\par
(22:00:10) AnniesBFF: g2g...ttyl\par
(22:00:15) Fang: see Eileen is a vampire she just said she that she lived in Eas
ern Europe 70 years ago and her Gran is still cute due to not aging (well that'
s my interpretation anyway\par
(22:00:17) Eileen: oh too late\par
(22:00:18) Eileen: lol\par
(22:00:19) Kinkyclawz: lmao Brilliant cover story though, Andrew (have you a par
ticular nickname you like, m'dear, by the way?)\par
(22:00:20) Eileen: awwwwww\par
(22:00:22) Eileen: bye Tiff\par
(22:00:24) Eileen: *hugs*\par
(22:00:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww okies, HB Tiff! \par
(22:00:36) spacewaltzer: She just didn't have the hospital or the cemetery on th
e list\par
(22:00:36) Degnne: bye Tiff!\par
(22:00:52) Kinkyclawz: lmao Fang, you're so good at reading between the lines. ;
(22:01:19) spacewaltzer: Nickname? Well I use this spacewaltzer name all over th
e internet, but I don't have a regular nickname\par
(22:01:23) Kinkyclawz: Andrew: Are you gonna wander that way on anyway? ;) What
area are you staying in?\par
(22:01:41) Kinkyclawz: Can we call you SW then? We liek to shorten names. \par
(22:01:49) spacewaltzer: I think the B&B we booked is in Clifton\par
(22:02:07) Kinkyclawz: 'Cept Fang and Eileen of course, proper respect and due d
efernce to the ChatPack roylaty. ;)\par
(22:02:11) spacewaltzer: SW is fine. I'd be flabbergasted if anyone knew where t
he "spacewaltzer" name came from\par
(22:02:23) Fang: JD would...\par
(22:02:36) Kinkyclawz: Ooh Clifton is lovely. Near the suspension bridge (got so
me good shots of Bristol on a good day)\par
(22:02:49) Eileen: KC!!!! Damn you found me out!!!!!!!!!!!\par
(22:02:58) Kinkyclawz: SpaceWaltzer... yeah Jd would know. but sadly his interne
t is a bit iffy right now. :(\par
(22:03:08) Eileen: LOL I mean Fang\par
(22:03:10) spacewaltzer: Yeah, it should be a good trip. We will be seeing the b
alloons as well, of course\par
(22:03:25) Kinkyclawz: ;) You think I wouldn;t know. LOL \par
(22:03:37) Kinkyclawz: Planning to go to Totterdown too, to se the House?\par
(22:03:46) Kinkyclawz: And pubs?lmao\par
(22:03:57) spacewaltzer: Yes, the house is at the top of the list\par
(22:03:58) Fang: poor Eileen SW is here one night and her cover gets blown\par
(22:04:04) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.\par
(22:04:05) spacewaltzer: Along with the New Found Out\par
(22:04:15) Fang: Hey JD\par
(22:04:18) Kinkyclawz: OMG JD!! Hello my Twusband!! \par
(22:04:28) keepmakingtea: Internet came back...\par
(22:04:34) keepmakingtea: For how long, we don't know.\par
(22:04:34) Kinkyclawz: The New Found Out is so friendly! They even let BH fans s
tand behind the bar and have thier pictures taken. ;) \par
(22:04:42) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, fingers crossed for a while JD!\par
(22:04:47) spacewaltzer: That sounds cool\par
(22:04:49) Degnne: JD!\par
(22:04:55) Fang: well they would be friendly, they're not used to customers\par
(22:04:55) Kinkyclawz: It certainly is. ;) \par
(22:04:56) keepmakingtea: THE NEW FOUND OUT IS REAL?\par
(22:05:05) keepmakingtea: DEGNNE!\par
(22:05:10) Fang: keepmakingtea is also known as JD\par
(22:05:14) Eileen: Hello JD!!!!!!1\par
(22:05:23) Kinkyclawz: Spacewaltzer (henceforth SW) this is keepmakingtea, aka J
D. :D\par
(22:05:24) Eileen: *stops herself again from running JD over*\par
(22:05:32) Kinkyclawz: Damn, you beat me to it Fang1 lmao\par
(22:05:33) spacewaltzer: I don't suppose the owners of the house invite people i
n to lie at the bottom of the stairs?\par
(22:05:38) keepmakingtea: EILEEN! TIFF! DOCTOR! KC! ... SW!\par
(22:05:41) Kinkyclawz: Ooh yeah, lok after your nose Eileen. \par
(22:05:54) Willie: AnniesBFF has been logged out (Timeout).\par
(22:05:54) Eileen: phew good JD didnt read what you revealed Fang\par
(22:06:00) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sadly, no they don;t SW. \par
(22:06:11) Kinkyclawz: JD: Yep, not only is the pub real the LOVE BH visitors! l
(22:06:11) Eileen: oh that is nice of them\par
(22:06:48) spacewaltzer: Strangely, Annemarie doesn't know Totterdown, despite h
aving lived in Bristol\par
(22:06:50) Fang: you could pretend to be the gas man and have them clear out of
the house, but the local neighbourhood watch may have alerted them to that sche
(22:06:51) Kinkyclawz: Aww, sorry folks. I'm gonna have to bail out. Got work in
the mornning. :( \par
(22:07:06) spacewaltzer: Bye KC, nice to chat\par
(22:07:10) Kinkyclawz: Dya know where Totterdown is SW?\par
(22:07:19) Fang: aww goodnight KC\par
(22:07:23) keepmakingtea: Good night, KC!\par
(22:07:25) spacewaltzer: South of the city centre, yes?\par
(22:07:26) Eileen: me too KC\par
(22:07:36) Degnne: good night KC\par
(22:07:36) Kinkyclawz: Likewise, SW! :D Welcome to the Caht., :D Dya think you m
ight return next week? lol \par
(22:07:52) spacewaltzer: I'll be in Germany next week\par
(22:07:56) Kinkyclawz: SW LOL Erm, not sure but I can guide you to it from Brist
ol Temple Meads Station. \par
(22:08:01) spacewaltzer: But I'll definitely be back\par
(22:08:02) Eileen: Good night KC and Schlaf gut!!!\par
(22:08:10) keepmakingtea: Cool, you can meet up with Eileen.\par
(22:08:14) Fang: that's no excuse SW, Eileen manages to post from Germany ;)\par
(22:08:28) Eileen: Me too SW!\par
(22:08:33) Eileen: LOL sorry little joke\par
(22:08:38) spacewaltzer: I'll see what I can do\par
(22:08:57) Kinkyclawz: LOL But I didn;t manage to do so from Milton Keynes. lmao
Ah, sorry, of course, forgot. \par
*hugz Eileen, Fang, JD, Deg, and SW* Righty ho, goodnight, sweet dreams and be s
afe everyone. \par
(22:09:02) Eileen: sorry to have to leave you too guys\par
(22:09:08) Kinkyclawz: I'll be lurking as usual, just not at the ocmputer. lol ;
) \par
(22:09:19) spacewaltzer: Gute Nacht!\par
(22:09:23) Eileen: thanks for having me tonight and bearing with all the footbal
l/soccer babble\par
(22:09:32) Fang: if you wait a few minutes you could leave with me Eileen\par
(22:09:39) Eileen: LOL\par
(22:09:40) keepmakingtea: Good night, Eileen!\par
(22:09:49) Eileen: *hugs KC back*\par
(22:09:50) keepmakingtea: And Good night, 17.5th Doctor!\par
(22:10:11) keepmakingtea: Looks like I caught the tail end of the chat.\par
(22:10:26) Fang: you think time travel would make betting on the world cup easie
(22:10:42) spacewaltzer: Probably considered cheating\par
(22:10:51) Kinkyclawz: LOL Bye bye everyone. Wow, mass exodus! That leaves you,
Deg and SW, JD! Have fun lads! :D \par
(22:10:56) Eileen: ok ill wait Fang\par
(22:10:59) keepmakingtea: Good night!\par
(22:11:20) keepmakingtea: So, 900+ years can really start wearing on your sense
of morals, Doc?\par
(22:11:40) Eileen: lol\par
(22:11:42) Fang: hooray, you wouldn't want to make JD think that everone was lea
ving due to him would you? it's only polite\par
(22:12:21) Fang: well you never know when you'll need a brown paper bag full of
money JD\par
(22:12:42) keepmakingtea: Hmmm... Good point.\par
(22:13:02) keepmakingtea: Nah, I get it. I couldn't get in until late, so of cou
rse it's not because of me.\par
(22:13:02) spacewaltzer: So, first time here, I know Eileen is in Germany and KC
, like me, in Manchester. Where are you other guys?\par
(22:13:08) Eileen: Great point!\par
(22:13:37) keepmakingtea: I am in Springfield, MO.\par
(22:13:38) Fang: I'm in Reading (the one in England)\par
(22:14:10) Degnne: I'm in West Virginia, USA\par
(22:14:12) Eileen: Berlin\par
(22:14:14) Eileen: lol\par
(22:14:31) spacewaltzer: Godd international spread here then\par
(22:14:31) Eileen: sorry if i take some time to answer\par
(22:14:42) Eileen: it just doesnt scroll down for me automatically\par
(22:14:45) Fang: and btw we do sometimes speak about being human too, if you wan
t to discuss anthing next time just say we're always in need of a topic\par
(22:14:57) Eileen: lol yes we do\par
(22:15:00) Eileen: promise!\par
(22:15:18) keepmakingtea: Next week I'll try to get a quiz ready, with pictures,
internet connection allowing.\par
(22:15:22) Fang: just pretend it's due to the time difference Eileen\par
(22:15:28) Eileen: and Tiff (AnniesBFF) is from teh USA\par
(22:15:33) spacewaltzer: Something BH related then: I just finished reading the
books today. Anyone else read them?\par
(22:15:34) Eileen: but i dont know where exactly\par
(22:15:39) keepmakingtea: Same place as me.\par
(22:15:42) keepmakingtea: I got the books.\par
(22:15:47) keepmakingtea: Read them a bit ago.\par
(22:15:56) spacewaltzer: Opinion?\par
(22:15:58) Eileen: i own them now but didnt read yet\par
(22:15:59) Fang: ah cool, any good?\par
(22:16:19) spacewaltzer: I thought they were a lot better than I would expect TV
spinoff books to be\par
(22:16:20) keepmakingtea: Pretty good tie-ins, not sure if they work completely
in continuity, though.\par
(22:16:38) spacewaltzer: They definitely capture the characters\par
(22:16:45) Fang: so they retain the feel of show even if they don't really fit i
(22:16:59) keepmakingtea: Yeah.\par
(22:17:14) spacewaltzer: Yes. I haven't checked every detail for continuity\par
(22:17:32) Fang: I think the charachterisation is most important so at least the
y got that\par
(22:17:36) spacewaltzer: But I guess they are meant to slot in somewhere after S
eries 2 Episode 1?\par
(22:17:36) Eileen: oh good to know!\par
(22:17:50) keepmakingtea: The biggest thing for me was too many new characters a
nd big events that are not referred to in the show.\par
(22:18:04) spacewaltzer: There is zero werewolfery in them, however\par
(22:18:06) Kinkyclawz: *****\par
(22:18:17) Fang: hello KC's ghost\par
(22:19:00) spacewaltzer: I actually quite liked the "intermission" sections in b
ook 3\par
(22:19:04) Kinkyclawz: *whispers eerily* don't mind me, just saving the chatlog
in case of internetty problems. Mwahahahah...* *kerploofs out of existence*\par
(22:19:06) Kinkyclawz: *****\par
(22:19:34) keepmakingtea: Those were cool...\par
(22:19:40) spacewaltzer: I found it poignant to hear Annie talking about "when I
'm old" and George about what he did on his holiday , i.e. become a werewolf\par
(22:20:28) spacewaltzer: There are some good jokey moments as well\par
(22:21:31) spacewaltzer: Don't know what I'll do now I've finished them. I was m
ainly reading them over breakfast.\par
(22:21:48) spacewaltzer: Getting up for work didn't seem so bad if I had a dose
of BH to come\par
(22:21:58) Fang: just don't watch GMTV\par
(22:22:17) spacewaltzer: Never do. Only the BBC.\par
(22:22:17) Fang: right I'm ready to go, are you coming Eileen?\par
(22:22:55) Fang: good, bh to GMTV is too big a fall\par
(22:23:08) Eileen: *muah*\par
(22:23:19) Fang: muah?\par
(22:23:39) spacewaltzer: I have actually started another book, which is rather d
(22:23:53) spacewaltzer: "Don't Sleep There Are Snakes"\par
(22:24:06) Eileen: im ready Fang\par
(22:24:11) spacewaltzer: By this guy who lived with the Piraha Indians in the Am
(22:24:27) Eileen: muah was for KC's ghost\par
(22:24:32) Fang: according to urban dictionary Muah means "the sound made by giv
ing a kiss" or "he sound you think when you are shouting evil curses at someone-
or just being an evil little genius" which one is more like Eileen\par
(22:24:48) Fang: oh a haunting ghost like noise?\par
(22:25:01) Eileen: lol\par
(22:25:15) Eileen: the first one is the most accurate, Fang\par
(22:25:38) Eileen: ok *gets her jacket from the hook disguised as a hook*\par
(22:25:41) Fang: yeah you don't seem like an evil genius\par
(22:25:48) Eileen: im ready to head out!\par
(22:25:52) keepmakingtea: Ah! Tricky hook!\par
(22:25:58) Fang: *helps Eileen putjacket on*\par
(22:25:58) Eileen: lol\par
(22:26:09) Eileen: thank you kind Sir\par
(22:26:11) Fang: right lets go, goodnight everyone\par
(22:26:21) spacewaltzer: Bye!\par
(22:26:29) keepmakingtea: I'm gonna have to run, folks.\par
(22:26:39) Eileen: Good night Deg, KC's ghost, SW and JD\par
(22:26:40) keepmakingtea: Nice meeting you, SW!\par
(22:26:49) spacewaltzer: Likewise\par
(22:26:51) Fang: *pulls back bubblewrap so Eileen can leave throught the hole*\p
(22:26:52) Degnne: perhaps we should end chat then\par
(22:27:03) Fang: yeah I hope we haven't scared you off SW\par
(22:27:05) keepmakingtea: Degnne, keep the great comics coming!\par
(22:27:11) Fang: Goodnight all\par
(22:27:14) spacewaltzer: Suits me. I need to get ready for work too\par
(22:27:18) Degnne: good night Fang and Eileen\par
(22:27:30) keepmakingtea: Peace all!\par
(22:27:30) Eileen: Nighty!!!!!!!!!!!!\par
(22:27:31) spacewaltzer: But I'll definitely come back. Seems like a good crowd
(22:27:32) Willie: keepmakingtea logs out of the Chat.\par
(22:27:59) Eileen: *follows Fang out deciding the hole in the wall is too narrow
for her*\par
(22:28:05) spacewaltzer: Bye everyone. Like I said, I'm away next week, but I'll
talk to you all soon.\par
(22:28:12) Degnne: Good night, everyone.\par
(22:28:18) Eileen: Great SW! Pleas do come back!\par
(22:28:27) spacewaltzer: Will do!\par
(22:28:28) Willie: Degnne logs out of the Chat.\par
(22:28:33) Willie: spacewaltzer logs out of the Chat.\par
(22:28:39) Eileen: bye! *finally vanishes*\par
(22:29:31) Fang: ah my plan worked the chat room is mine, all mine *evil laugh*\
(22:29:54) Fang: that's a bonus for you KC\par
(22:34:20) Willie: Fang has been logged out (Timeout).\par
(22:34:28) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout).\par

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