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1a 8 big-headed arrogant adj
1a 8 cheerful joyeux adj
1a 8 confident sr de soi adj
1a 8 dishonest malhonnte adj
1a 8 dull ennuyeux adj
1a 8 we had good fun on s'est bien amuss adj
1a 8 honest honnte adj
1a 8 impatient impatient adj
1a 8 intelligent intelligent adj
1a 8 modest modeste adj
1a 8 moody de mauvais humeur adj
1a 8 patient patient adj
1a 8 relaxed dtendu adj
1a 8 selfish goiste adj
1a 8 sensible sens adj
1a 8 sensitive sensitif adj
1a 8 serious srieux, grave adj
1a 8 sociable sociable, convivial adj
1a 8 talkative bavard adj
1a 6 Come on in! Entre! interj
1a 6 Good, thanks. Bon, merci. phr
1a 6 How are things? Comment a va? phr
1a 8 See you tomorrow. demain phr
1a 6 skateboard planche roulettes n
1a 8 That would be great. Ce serait super. phr
1a 6 Whats she like? Elle est comment? phr
1b 11 cab taxi n
1b 11 cookie biscuit n
1b 11 elevator ascenseur n
1b 11 fall automne n
1b 11 movie film n
1b 11 pants pantalon n
1b 11 sidewalk trottoir n
1b 11 soccer foot(ball) n
1b 11 subway mtro n
1b 11 vacation vacances n
1b 11 lift ascenseur n
1b 11 pronounce prononcer v
1b 11 season ticket carte d'abonnement, forfait n
1b 11 sorts sortes, genres n
1c 12 building btiment n
1c 12 casualties victimes n
1c 12 collapse collapser v
1c 12 collection collection n
1c 12 drawings dessins n pl
1c 12 fire incendie n
1c 12 fortunately heureusement adv
1c 13 helmet casque n
1c 12 hit succs n
1c 12 original original adj
1c 12 phone tlphoner v, n
1c 12 warehouse entrept n
1c 12 worker ouvrier n
1d 14 Bangladesh Bangladesh n
1d 14 Cantonese cantonais n
1d 14 the Caribbean les Carabes n
1d 14 celebrate clbrer v
1d 14 celebrity clbrit n
1d 14 central Europe Europe centrale n
1d 14 eastern Europe Europe de l'est n
1d 14 ethnic minority minorit ethnique n
1d 14 the EU (European Union) Union Europenne n
1d 14 Hong Kong Hongkong n
1d 14 India Inde n
1d 14 miss manquer v
1d 14 mostly pour la plupart adv
1d 14 originally originaire adv
1d 14 Pakistan Pakistan n
1d 14 Welsh gallois n
2a 17 cello violoncelle n
2a 17 clarinet clarinette n
2a 17 drums batterie n pl
2a 17 flute flte n
2a 17 guitar (acoustic/lead/bass) guitare (acoustique/principale/basse) n
2a 17 saxophone saxophone n
2a 17 trumpet trompette n
2a 17 violin violon n
2a 16 architect architecte n
2a 17 gig concert (de rock) n
2a 16 mood humeur n
2a 16 old-fashioned dmod adj
2a 16 party boum n
2a 16 playlist n
2a 16 podcast podcast n
2a 16 professional professionel adj
2a 16 record producer producteur de disques n
2a 16 vinyl records disques vinyles n
2a 16 webcast webcast, mission web n
2b 18 bowling bowling n
2b 18 bowling alley piste de bowling n
2b 18 Can I think about it? Je peux y rflchir? phr
2b 18 check (something) out se renseigner sur phr v
2b 19 disco disco n
2b 19 fireworks display feu d'artifice n
2b 18 Not much pas vraiment phr
2b 18 paintballing jouer au paintball n
2b 19 talent competition concours de (jeunes) talents n
2c 21 amazing spectaculaire adj
2c 21 amusing amusant adj
2c 21 awesome impressionnant adj
2c 21 awful terrible adj
2c 21 boring ennuyeux adj
2c 21 brilliant brillant adj
2c 21 confusing droutant adj
2c 21 dreadful terrible, grave adj
2c 21 dull ennuyeux adj
2c 21 excellent excellent adj
2c 21 fantastic fantastique adj
2c 21 fascinating captivant adj
2c 21 sad triste adj
2c 21 scary effrayant adj
2c 21 terrible terrible adj
2c 20 Batman Batman n
2c 20 fan fan n
2c 20 funnier plus amusant adj
2c 20 funniest le plus amusant adj
2c 20 Harry Potter Harry Potter n
2c 20 Lord of the Rings le seigneur des anneaux n
2c 20 Matrix Matrix n
2c 20 message board forum n
2c 20 movie film n
2c 20 Pirates of the Caribbean Les Pirates des Carabes n
2c 20 plot intrigue n
2c 20 sequel suite n
2c 20 Shrek Shrek n
2c 20 Spider-Man Spiderman n
2c 20 superhero super hros n
2c 20 vote vote n
2c 20 worse pire adj
2c 20 worst le pire adj
2c 20 X-Men X men n
2d 22 attend assister v
2d 22 charity association caritative n
2d 22 climate change changement climatique n
2d 22 continent continent n
2d 22 famine famine n
2d 22 famine relief soulagement de famine n
2d 22 fan fan n
2d 22 global warming rchauffement de la plante n
2d 22 horrified horrifi adj
2d 22 lifestyle mode de vie n
2d 22 performer artiste n
2d 22 politician homme politique n
2d 22 poverty pauvret n
2d 22 raise (money) collecter des fonds v
2d 22 show-business industrie du spectacle adj
2d 22 the press presse n
3a 26 bother tracasser v
3a 26 domestic domestique adj
3a 26 dream rve n
3a 26 nightmare cauchemar n
3a 26 snack encas n
3b 28 argue/have an argument (with) se disputer, discuter phr v
3b 28 ask somebody out inviter phr v
3b 28 break up (with) se sparer phr v
3b 28 fall in love (with) tomber amoureux phr v
3b 28 get divorced divorcer v phr
3b 28 get engaged/married (to) se fiancer/se marier v phr
3b 28 get on well (with) s'entendre avec phr v
3b 28 go out (with) sortir (avec) phr v
3b 28 make up se rconcilier phr v
3b 28 a bit fed up en avoir marre adj phr
3b 29 bone os n
3b 28 had a row s'est disput avec v phr
3b 28 Lets hope Esprons que phr
3b 28 Look at the time. Regarde l'heure qu'il est.. interj
3b 28 Typical! Typique interj
3b 28 was supposed to tait cens phr
3b 29 wedding (fte de) mariage n
3c 30 daughter/son-in-law belle-fille / beau-fils n
3c 30 fiance/fianc fiance / fianc n
3c 30 married mari adj
3c 30 mother/father-in-law belle-mre / beau-pre n
3c 30 single un aller / clibataire n [adj?]
3c 30 sister/brother-in-law belle-soeur / beau-frre n
3c 30 stepmother/father belle-mre / beau-pre n
3c 30 stepsister/brother belle-soeur / beau-frre n
3c 30 anymore ne..plus adv
3c 30 appetite apptit n
3c 30 case study tude de cas n
3c 30 crowd foule n
3c 30 lock serrure n
3c 30 stressful stressant adj
3c 30 (to get in a) temper (se mettre en) colre n
3c 30 time out pause n
3c 30 tip conseil n
3c 30 trust avoir confiance en v
3c 30 useful utile adj
3c 31 yoga yoga n
3d 33 cancel annuler v
3d 33 decide for (himself) dcider v phr
3d 33 different from diffrent de adj phr
3d 33 for a start, pour commencer phr
3d 33 into (reading) intress prep
3d 33 join in joindre phr v
3d 33 kid enfant n
3d 33 particularly particulirement adv
3d 33 the trouble is, le problme est que.. phr
3d 33 upset (someone) vexer v
4a 34 Calm down. Calme-toi. interj
4a 34 (weve) missed it on l'a rat v phr
4a 34 postcode code postal n
4a 34 purpose objectif n
4a 34 road works travaux n pl
4a 34 sat nav navigateur automobile n
4a 35 set of clothes des vtements (garde-robe) n
4a 35 straight on tout droit adv
4a 35 until you get to jusqu' ce que tu arrives phr
4a 34 Were lost nous sommes perdus phr
4b 37 age (what age were you) ge (tu avais quel ge) n
4b 37 big grand adj
4b 37 cost frais n
4b 37 deep profond adj
4b 37 depth profondeur n
4b 37 distance distance n
4b 37 expensive cher adj
4b 37 far loin (ici: l'autre bout) adj
4b 37 fast rapide adj
4b 37 height hauteur n
4b 37 high haut adj
4b 37 length longueur n
4b 37 long long adj
4b 37 old vieille adj
4b 37 size taille n
4b 37 speed vitesse n
4b 37 wide large adj
4b 37 width largeur n
4b 37 advantage avantage n
4b 36 afford se permettre v
4b 36 average moyen adj
4b 36 brave courageux adj
4b 36 central central adj
4b 36 cross traverser v
4b 37 disadvantage dsavantage n
4b 36 double-decker bus autobus impriale n
4b 36 energetic nergique adj
4b 36 hire louer v
4b 36 Hyde Park Hyde Park n
4b 36 licence permis (de conduire) n
4b 36 London Londres n
4b 36 method mthode, moyen n
4b 36 Millennium Bridge Pont Millnaire n
4b 36 option options, possibilits n
4b 36 pedestrian piton n
4b 36 practical pratique adj
4b 36 system systme n
4b 37 traffic jam embouteillage n
4b 36 tunnel tunnel n
4c 38 advice conseil n
4c 38 air air n
4c 38 building btiment n
4c 38 fruit fruit n
4c 38 ice glace (glaons) n
4c 38 news journal, actualits n
4c 38 pollution pollution n
4c 38 rubbish ordures n
4c 38 snow neige n
4c 38 traffic circulation n
4c 38 Adelaide Adelaide n
4c 39 anybody quelqu'un pron
4c 39 anyone quelqu'un pron
4c 39 anything quelque chose pron
4c 39 anywhere n'importe o pron
4c 38 Australian australien adj
4c 38 Canadian canadien adj
4c 38 Churchill Churchill n
4c 38 climate change changement climatique n
4c 38 coastal costal adj
4c 38 dolphin dauphin n
4c 38 dirty sale adj
4c 38 enormous norme adj
4c 39 everybody tous pron
4c 39 everyone tout le monde pron
4c 39 everything tout pron
4c 39 everywhere partout pron
4c 38 fresh frais adj
4c 38 freeze geler v
4c 38 hunt chasser v
4c 39 nobody ne..personne pron
4c 39 no one ne..personne pron
4c 39 nothing rien pron
4c 39 nowhere nulle part ailleurs (ici: il n'y pas mieux que pron
4c 38 perhaps peut-tre adv
4c 38 polar bear ours blanc n
4c 38 port port n
4c 38 seal phoque n
4c 39 somebody quelqu'un pron
4c 39 someone quelqu'un pron
4c 39 something quelque chose pron
4c 39 somewhere quelque part pron
4d 41 Beverly Hills Beverly Hills n
4d 41 California Californie n
4d 41 celebrity clbrit n
4d 41 ceremony crmonie n
4d 41 Disneyland Disneyland n
4d 41 earthquake zone zone de tremblements de terre n
4d 41 experience ressentir v
4d 41 extremely extrmement adv
4d 41 footprint empreinte n
4d 41 ground terre n
4d 41 handprint empreinte de main n
4d 41 Hollywood Hollywood n
4d 41 industry industrie n
4d 41 Los Angeles Los Angeles n
4d 41 Oscar Oscar n
4d 41 pavement trottoir n
4d 41 port port n
4d 41 (film) set plateau (de tournage) n
4d 41 sightseer touriste n
4d 41 sign panneau n
4d 41 spread taler v
4d 42 star toile n
4d 41 state tat n
4d 41 theme park parc d'attractions n
4d 41 trail sentier (de dcouverte) n
4d 41 Universal Studios Universal Studios n
5a 45 do a course subject faire un cours v phr
5a 45 do a test faire un preuve v phr
5a 45 do an exam faire un examen v phr
5a 45 do nothing rien faire v phr
5a 45 do some exercise faire de l'exercice v phr
5a 45 do some shopping faire des magasins v phr
5a 45 do some work faire du travail v phr
5a 45 do someone a favour rendre service qn. v phr
5a 45 do the housework faire le mnage v phr
5a 45 do your best faire de son mieux v phr
5a 45 do your homework faire ses devoirs v phr
5a 45 make a cup of coffee faire un caf v phr
5a 45 make a decision dcider v phr
5a 45 make a difference faire la diffrence v phr
5a 45 make a mess salir v phr
5a 45 make a mistake se tromper v phr
5a 45 make a noise faire un bruit v phr
5a 45 make an appointment (with) prendre rendez-vous v phr
5a 45 make breakfast/lunch/dinner/a meal prparer le (petit-djeuner/djeuner/dner/un repas) v phr
5a 45 make friends (with) faire des amis v phr
5a 45 make money gagner de l'argent v phr
5a 44 baseball base-ball n
5a 44 bunch bouquet n
5a 45 century sicle n
5a 44 exactly exactement adv
5a 44 introduce prsenter v
5a 44 you are lucky tu as de la chance adj
5a 44 revision rvision n
5a 44 score score n
5a 44 since depuis prep
5a 44 the States Etats-Unis n
5a 44 tourist touriste n
5a 44 the West End West End n
5a 44 window shopping lche-vitrines n
5b 46 look after s'occuper de, garder phr v
5b 46 look at examiner phr v
5b 46 look for chercher phr v
5b 46 look forward to avoir hte de phr v
5b 46 look up rendre visite , aller voir phr v
5b 46 box office bureau de location n
5b 47 comic BD n
5b 47 hobby passe-temps n
5b 46 non-stop sans interruption adv
5b 46 stuff affaires n
5b 46 taking it in turns tour de rle v phr
5b 46 that bad si mauvais adj phr
5b 46 What on earth ? mais quoi.? phr
5b 46 worth all this trouble valoir la peine phr
5c 49 boil mettre la bouilloire chauffer, faire bouillir de l'eau
5c 49 chop couper v
5c 49 fry frire v
5c 49 grate gratiner v
5c 49 grill griller v
5c 49 heat rechauffer v
5c 48 oven four n
5c 49 peel plucher v
5c 49 pour verser v
5c 49 roast rtir v
5c 49 slice couper en tranches v
5c 49 spread taler v
5c 49 delicious dlicieux adj
5c 48 freezer conglateur n
5c 48 guest invit n
5c 48 ice cream crme glace n
5c 48 oven [repeat of 372] four n
5c 49 puzzle puzzle n
5c 49 sunbathe se faire bronzer v
5d 50 astronaut astronaute n
5d 50 bone os n
5d 50 crew quipe n
5d 50 dehydrated dshydrat adj
5d 50 electric storm orage n
5d 50 exercise faire de l'exercice v
5d 50 float flotter v
5d 50 hang accrocher v
5d 50 jet jet n
5d 50 launch lancement n
5d 50 muscle muscle n
5d 50 rowing machine rameur n
5d 50 shake trembler v
5d 50 sick malade adj
5d 50 sleeping bag sac de couchage n
5d 50 space shuttle navette spatiale n
5d 50 space station station orbitale n
5d 50 spacecraft vaisseau spatial n
5d 50 spin virevolter v
5d 50 swallow avaler v
5d 50 tie ficeler v
5d 50 upside down se balancer la tte en bas adv
5d 50 weaken affaiblir v
5d 50 weightlessness apesanteur n
6a 52 be in touch se voir phr
6a 52 Can you believe it? incroyable interj
6a 52 How amazing! incroyable interj
6a 52 I havent got a clue. je n'ai aucune ide phr
6a 52 lead singer chanteur principal n
6a 52 poster poster, affiche n
6a 52 punk punk n
6a 52 Thats a shame. dommage! phr
6a 52 Thats so cool! super! interj
6a 53 weird trange adj
6b 55 carry porter v
6b 55 climb escalader v
6b 55 dive plonger v
6b 55 drop laisser tomber v
6b 55 fall tomber v
6b 55 jump sauter v
6b 55 lift soulever v
6b 55 pull tirer v
6b 55 push pousser v
6b 54 sink couler v
6b 55 slip glisser v
6b 54 swim nager v
6b 55 trip trbucher v
6b 54 alive en vie adj
6b 54 brave courageux adj
6b 54 coconut noix de coco n
6b 55 ladder chelle n
6b 54 miracle miracle n
6b 54 oyster hutre n
6b 54 Pacific Ocean Ocan Pacifique n
6b 54 rescue sauver v
6b 54 right way up du bon ct adj phr
6b 54 rock pierre n
6b 54 rough agit adj
6b 54 shark requin n
6b 54 sunburnt brl par le soleil adj
6b 54 survive survivre v
6b 54 tiny petit adj
6c 57 lose a match perdre un match v phr
6c 57 lose interest se dsintresser de v phr
6c 57 lose sight of perdre de vue v phr
6c 57 lose weight perdre du poids v phr
6c 56 lose your memory perdre son mmoire v phr
6c 57 lose your temper se mettre en colre v phr
6c 56 lose your way tre perdu v phr
6c 56 attack attaquer v
6c 56 backpack sac dos n
6c 56 bump bosse n
6c 57 crash fracas n
6c 56 criminal criminel n
6c 56 documentary film documentaire n
6c 56 Englishman Anglais n
6c 56 fact fait n
6c 56 film maker producteur, ralisateur de films n
6c 56 ID (identification) carte d'Identit n
6c 56 identified identifier v
6c 57 key cl n
6c 56 mystery mystre adj
6c 56 New York New York n
6c 56 nobody personne (ne) pron
6c 56 recognise reconnatre v
6c 56 success succs n
6c 56 unknown inconnu adj
6d 58 chat bavarder v
6d 58 cheating tricher adj
6d 58 copy copier v
6d 58 fair (on somebody) quitable adj
6d 58 (feel) guilty se sentir coupable adj
6d 58 get on with faire des progrs phr v
6d 58 keep a secret garder un secret v phr
6d 58 you are lucky tu as de la chance adj
6d 58 sigh soupir v
6d 58 situation situation n
6d 58 turn up augmenter le volume phr v
6d 58 worried inquit adj
7a 63 cardboard carton n
7a 63 cotton coton n
7a 63 denim jean n
7a 62 fur fourrure n
7a 63 glass verre n
7a 63 gold or n
7a 62 leather cuir n
7a 63 metal en mtal n = adj
7a 63 paper papier n
7a 63 plastic plastique n
7a 63 rubber caoutchouc n
7a 63 silk soie n
7a 63 silver argent n
7a 63 suede daim n
7a 63 wood bois n
7a 63 wooden en bois adj
7a 63 wool laine n
7a 63 woollen en laine adj
7a 62 charity association caritative n
7a 62 fair juste adj
7a 62 fair trade commerce quitable n
7a 62 fake fur fausse fourrure n
fleece toison
7a 62 Its gross! c'est dgotant! interj
7a 63 jumper pull n
7a 63 logo logo n
7a 63 recycle recycler v
7a 62 saucepan casserole n
7a 62 second-hand d'occasion adj
7a 63 support soutenir v
7a 62 a tenner billet de dix livres n
7a 62 volunteer volontaire n
7a 62 wage salaire n
7a 62 you bet bien sur! phr
7b 64 billionaire milliardaire n
7b 64 global mondial adj
7b 65 Harvard Harvard (universit) n
7b 65 inspire inspirer v
7b 64 instant messaging messagerie instantane n
7b 65 replace remplacer v
7b 64 social network website site de rseau social n
7b 64 text message texto n
7b 64 virtual world monde virtuelle n
7c 67 bush buisson (ici: rosier) n
7c 67 cliff falaise n
7c 67 coastline littoral n
7c 67 desert dsert n
7c 67 harbour port n
7c 67 path sentier n
7c 67 stream ruisseau n
7c 67 wood(s) forts n
7c 66 Arizona Arizona n
7c 66 Australia Australie n
7c 66 border frontire n
7c 66 Colorado River fleuve Colorado n
7c 66 coral corail n
7c 66 cornfield champ de mas n
7c 67 creature crature n
7c 67 damaged endommag v
7c 66 desert dsert n
7c 66 erupted entr en ruption v
7c 66 exploded a fait exploser v
7c field pr n
7c 66 Grand Canyon Grand Canyon n
7c 66 Great Barrier Reef Grande barrire de corail n
7c 67 Himalaya mountain range chane de l'Himalaya n
7c 66 Mexican mexicain adj
7c 66 Mount Everest Mont Everest n
7c 66 Nepal Npal n
7c 66 north-east nord-est n
7c 66 Paricutin Volcano volcan Paricutin n
7c 67 shallow peu profond adj
7c 66 spectacular spectaculaire adj
7c 66 split fissure n
7c 67 sulphur soufre n
7c 66 Tibet Tibet n
7c 67 volume volume n
7c 66 wonderful merveilleux adj
7d 69 air miles mille marin n pl
7d 69 Antarctic Antarctique n
7d 69 Arctic Arctique n
7d 69 Burma Birmanie n
7d 69 carbon dioxide dioxyde de carbone n
7d 69 carbon footprint empreinte carbone n
7d 69 climate climat n
7d 69 coal charbon n
7d 69 crop culture n
7d 69 cyclone cyclone n
7d 69 drought scheresse n
7d 69 drown noyer v
7d 69 electricity lectricit n
7d 69 energy nergie n
7d 69 fail chouer v
7d 69 fault faute n
7d 69 flood inonder v, n
7d 69 fossil fuel combustible fossile n
7d 69 global warming rchauffement de la plante n
7d 69 greenhouse gases gaz effet de serre n pl
7d 69 hurricane ouragan n
7d 69 increase monter, augmenter v
7d 69 melt faire fondre v
7d 69 New Orleans Nouvel Orlans n
7d 69 oil ptrole n
7d 69 overheat chauffer v
7d 69 planet plante n
7d 69 reduce rduire v
7d 69 rise augmenter v
7d 69 starve affamer v
7d 69 storm tempte n
8a 70 B & B (bed and breakfast) Chambre d'hte n
8a 70 campsite camping n
8a 70 caravan caravane n
8a 70 cottage maisonette campagnarde n
8a 70 (self-catering) flat appartement avec cuisine n
8a 70 hostel auberge de jeunesse n
8a 70 hotel htel n
8a 70 motor home auto-caravane n
8a 70 tent tente n
8a 70 villa villa n
8a 70 common courant, frquent adj
8a 70 Dubai Douba n
8a 70 environment environnement n
8a 70 foreign tranger adj
8a 70 grandchildren petits-enfants n pl
8a 70 green holiday vacances vertes n
8a 70 industry industrie n
8a 71 mobile mobile adj
8a 70 prediction prdiction n
8a 70 training formation n
8a 70 tropical tropical adj
8a 70 underwater sous-marin adj
8b 73 impatient impatient adj
8b 73 impossible impossible adj
8b 73 impractical peu raliste adj
8b 73 independent indpendant adj
8b 73 inexperienced inexpriment adj
8b 73 informal dcontract adj
8b 73 unattractive antipathique adj
8b 73 uncomfortable inconfortable adj
8b 73 unfit pas en forme adj
8b 73 unfriendly inamical adj
8b 73 unhappy malheureux adj
8b 73 unhealthy pas sain adj
8b 73 uninteresting sans intrt adj
8b 73 unkind pas gentil adj
8b 73 unlikely improbable adj
8b 73 unnecessary inutile adj
8b 73 unpleasant dsagrable adj
8b 73 unpopular impopulaire adj
8b 73 untidy en dsordre adj
8b 73 unusual peu commun, rare adj
8b 72 and stuff et le reste phr
8b 72 adventure course parcours aventure n
8b 72 assault course parcours du combattant n
8b 72 assess valuer v
8b 72 climbing wall mur d'escalade n
8b 72 Have a go Essaie.. v phr
8b 72 indoor en salle adj
8b 72 instructor moniteur n
8b 72 Its supposed to be a devrait tre phr
8b 72 pour(ing) down pleuvoir verse v phr
8b 72 Rubbish! Btises! interj
8b 72 safety rope corde de scurit n
8b 72 sensible sens adj
8b 72 So what? et alors? phr
8b 73 strange trange, bizarre adj
8b 72 trekking randonne pdestre n
8b 73 trip excursion, voyage n
8b 72 Try out essayer phr v
8b 73 waterproof jacket veste impermable n
8c 74 half-term petites vacances n
8c 75 no need inutile, pas ncessaire phr
8c 75 passport passeport n
8c 74 pen friend correspondant n
8c 74 recognise reconnatre v
8c 75 remind rappeler v
8c 74 St Pancras station gare de Saint Pancras n
8d 76 gapper tudiant qui profite d'une anne d'interruption d'tudes
8d 76 abroad l'tranger adv
8d 76 break pause n
8d 76 Cambodia Cambodge n
8d 76 Cuba Cuba n
8d 76 dig creuser v
8d 76 disabled handicap adj
8d 76 earn gagner v
8d 76 expedition expdition n
8d 76 experience exprience n
8d 76 fruit picking cueillette de fruits n
8d 76 gap year anne d'interruption d'tudes n
8d 76 opportunity occasion n
8d 76 possibility possibilits n
8d 76 routine de routine adj
8d 76 specially spcialement adv
8d 76 temporary temporaire adj
8d 76 Thailand Thailande n
8d 76 valuable prcieux adj
8d 76 Vietnam Indochine n
voluntary bnvole adj
8d 76 volunteer bnvole n
8d 76 well source n
9a 80 little petit adj
9a 80 mix mlanger v
9a 80 oval ovale adj
9a 80 overweight lourd, corpulent adj
9a 80 play tricks jouer des tours v phr
9a 80 powder poudre n
9a 80 practical joke farce n
9a 80 publish publier v
9a 80 reader lecteur n
9a 80 shortage manque n
9a 80 simple simple adj
9a 80 solution solution n
9a 80 solve rsoudre v
9b 83 bald chauve adj
9b 82 eyebrow sourcil n
9b 83 fair/olive/dark skinned peau blanche, .. adj phr
9b 83 fringe frange n
9b 83 in his/her twenties/thirties dans la vingtaine / trentaine adj phr
9b 83 long long adj
9b 83 overweight trop lourd adj
9b 83 parting raie n
9b 83 pony-tail queue de cheval n
9b 83 round rond adj
9b 83 scar cicatrice n
9b 83 shaved ras de prs adj
9b 83 skinny maigre adj
9b 83 spiky en brosse adj
9b 83 square carr adj
9b 83 tattoo tatouage n
9b 83 teenage adolescent adj
9b 83 thin mince adj
9b 83 abroad l'tranger adv
9b 82 balaclava cagoule n
9b 83 burglary cambriolage n
9b 82 criminal criminel n
9b 82 replace remplacer v
9b 82 secret secret n
9b 82 technology tecnhologie n
9b 82 witness tmoin n
9c 84 fame clbrit n
9c 84 I guess so. Je pense que oui phr
9c 84 Lets see voyons phr
9c 85 nervous nerveux adj
9c 84 signed engag v
9c 84 team quipe n
9c 84 that sort of thing ce genre de choses phr
9c 84 youth de jeunes adj
9d 86 apparently apparamment adv
9d 86 award attribuer v
9d 86 blow over oublier, passer phr v
9d 86 brainy dou adj
9d 86 break time pause n
9d 86 cheat tricher v
9d 86 compete participer, tre en comptition v
9d 86 correspondent correspondant n
9d 86 county comt, canton n
9d 86 declare dclarer v
9d 86 delighted ravi adj
9d 86 equipment quipement n
9d 86 final finale n
9d 86 gossip ragot v, n
9d 86 I hope so j'espre (que oui) phr
9d 86 ignore ignorer v
9d 86 prize prix v
9d 86 share part n
9d 86 top marks vingt sur vingt, un trs bon rsultat n
10a 89 amazing/amazed stupfiant / stupfait adj
10a 89 amusing/amused amusant / amus adj
10a 88 annoying/annoyed agaant / agac adj
10a 89 boring/bored ennuyeux / ennuy adj
10a 89 disappointing/disappointed dcevant / du adj
10a 88 embarrassing/embarrassed embarrasant / embarrass adj
10a 89 exciting/excited passionant / enthousiaste adj
10a 88 frightening/frightened effrayant / effray adj
10a 89 interesting/interested intressant / intress adj
10a 89 shocking/shocked choquant / choqu adj
10a 89 surprising/surprised surprenant / surpris adj
10a 89 tiring/tired fatigant / fatigu adj
10a 88 alarm button bouton d'alarme n
10a 88 alone seul adj
10a 88 apologise s'excuser v
10a 88 bang claquer v
10a 88 clear-thinking avoir l'esprit clair adj
10a 89 credit card carte de crdit n
10a 88 crisis crise n
10a 88 hide cacher v
10a 88 lift ascenseur n
10a 88 stuck coinc adj
10b 90 cheer up allez, courage! phr v
10b 90 find out dcrouvrir phr v
10b 90 get on s'entendre bien avec phr v
10b 91 get up se lever phr v
10b 90 give up abandonner phr v
10b 91 go on se rveler phr v
10b 90 look out regarder par (la fentre) phr v
10b 90 run out (of) tre court de phr v
10b 90 turn on allumer phr v
10b 90 chat bavarder v
10b 90 gardener jardinier n
10b 90 lawyer avocat n
10b 90 recent rcent adj
10b 90 research recherche n
10b 90 researcher documentaliste n
10b 90 salaries salaires n pl
10b 90 salon salon de beaut n
10b 90 stressful stressant adj
10b 91 sweets bonbons n pl
10b 90 tip pourboire n
10b 90 wish souhaiter (j'aimerais bien) v
10b 90 worker ouvriers n
10c 92 cartoon dessin anim n
10c 92 chat show mission dbat, talk-show n
10c 92 comedy comdie n
10c 92 cookery programme mission de cuisine n
10c 92 documentary documentaire n
10c 92 film film n
10c 92 gardening programme mission de jardinage n
10c 92 music programme mission musicale n
10c 92 pop star contest concours de jeunes talents n
10c 92 quiz show jeu tlvis n
10c 92 reality TV show tl ralit n
10c 92 sitcom (situational comedy) srie tlvise n
10c 92 soap opera feuilleton n
10c 92 sports programme mission sportive n
10c 92 the news journal, actualits n
10c 93 Calm down. Calme toi. interj
10c 93 channel chane n
10b 91 continue continuer v
10c 92 keep an eye on (the football score) garder un oeil sur v phr
10c 92 legend lgende n
10c 93 Not again. (oh non,) pas encore! interj
10c 92 player joueur n
10c 92 series srie n
10c 92 swap changer v
10c 93 Thats not fair. Ce n'est pas juste. interj
10c 93 You know, Tu sais.. phr
10d 94 academic scolaire, acadmique adj
10d 94 attend assister v
10d 94 check out se renseigner sur phr v
10d 94 circus cirque n
10d 94 coach entraneur n
10d 94 magic magie n
10d 94 particular Lonie adj
10d 94 Performing Arts arts de la scne n
10d 94 range gamme n
10d 94 residential rsidentiel adj
10d 94 soccer foot(ball) n
10d 94 specialise se spcialiser n
10d 94 summer camp colonie de vacances n
10d 95 surf faire du surf v
10d 94 traditional traditionnel adj
10d 94 weight loss perte de poids n
10d 94 wish me luck souhate-moi bonne chance phr
11a 99 (bank) robber cambrioleur de banque n
11a 98 break into a building cambrioler un btiment v
11a 98 burglar cambrioleur n
11a 99 burgle a house cambrioler une maison v
11a 98 catch/arrest a criminal arrter un criminel v phr
11a 99 commit a crime commettre un crime v phr
11a 99 go to prison aller en prison v
11a 99 mug a person agresser quelqu'un v
11a 99 mugger agresseur n
11a 99 pay a fine payer une amende v phr
11a 99 pickpocket pickpocket n
11a 98 rob a bank/person dvaliser une banque / voler v
11a 99 shoplifter voleur l'talage n
11a 98 steal some money voler de l'argent v
11a 99 thief voleur n
11a 99 vandal vandale n
11a 9998 vandalise property vandaliser la proprit de qqn. v phr
11a 99 write/draw graffiti faire des graffiti v phr
11a 98 anxious nerveux adj
11a 99 careless ngligent adj
11a 98 cent centime n
11a 98 change changement n
11a 98 clue indice n
11a 98 coin pice n
11a 98 counter comptoir n
11a 98 disguise dguisement n
11a 98 dollar dollar n
11a 98 mask masque n
11a 98 Mickey Mouse Mickey n
11a 98 note billet de banque n
11a 98 obeyed obiaissent, obi v
11a 98 obvious vident adj
11a 99 security camera camra de scurit n
11a 98 security van fourgon de transport de fonds n
11a 99 solve rsoudre v
11a 98 till caisse n
11a 99 valuable de grande valeur adj
11b 100 admit admettre v
11b 100 album album n
11b 100 file fichier n
11b 100 illegal illgal adj
11b 100 prosecute poursuivre en justice v
11c 102 gone off sonn phr v
11c 102 Hold on. Attends. interj
11c 102 I just want to je veux juste/seulement phr
11c 102 Ill see you back here. on se revoit ici phr
11c 102 Im not wild about Je ne l'aime pas phr
11c 102 Im off to je m'en vais.. phr
11c 102 stuff truc n
11d 104 bar barre n
11d 104 cell cellule n
11d 104 century sicle n
11d 104 chemical produit chimique n
11d 104 court tribunal n
11d 104 crime scene lieu du crime n
11d 104 detection rate taux de dtection n
11d 104 DNA ADN n
11d 104 evidence preuve n
11d 104 guilty coupable adj
11d 104 identify identifier v
11d 104 innocent innocent adj
11d 104 judge juge n
11d 104 jury jury n
11d 104 medieval mdival adj
11d 104 police force police n
11d 104 police records rgistres de la police n
11d 104 power pouvoir n
11d 104 prison prison n
11d 104 red-hot de dernire minute (ici: toujours au courant desadj
rcents dvelop
11d 104 scientific scientifique adj
11d 104 speed camera (cinmomtre) radar n
11d 104 summarise rcapituler v
11d 104 superstition superstition n
11d 104 suspect suspect n
11d 104 system systme n
11d 104 technology technologie n
11d 104 unfair injuste adj
12a 106 (shin)pads protge-tibia n
12a 106 athlete athlte n
12a 106 ball balle n
12a 106 basket corbeille fruits n
12a 106 bat batte n
12a 106 beat (your opponent/a team) battre (son adversaire / une quipe) v phr
12a 106 coach entraneur n
12a 106 cyclist cycliste n
12a 106 equipment quipement n
12a 106 glove gant n
12a 106 goal but n
12a 106 goalkeeper gardien de but n
12a 106 helmet casque n
12a 106 hit/kick/throw/pass (the ball) frapper/donner un coup de pied dans / lancer / se
v transmettre) le bal
12a 106 net filet n
12a 106 play/win/lose/draw (a match) jouer/gagner/perdre un match // faire match nulv phr
12a 106 player joueur n
12a 106 racket raquette n
12a 106 referee arbitre n
12a 106 score (a goal/point) marquer (un but/un point) v phr
12a 106 spectator spectateur n
12a 106 team quipe n
12a 106 umpire arbitre n
12a 106 bridge pont n
12a 106 cheer acclamer, applaudir v
12a 103 clap applaudir v
12a 106 equipment quipement n
12a 106 field pr n
12a 106 goalpost poteau de but n
12a 106 last durer v
12a 106 park garer v
12a 106 protect protger v
12a 106 shopkeeper commerant n
12a 106 transport transporter v
12a 106 wetsuit combinaison de plonge n
12b 109 break your (arm) casser le bras v phr
12b 108 cut your (hand) se couper la main v phr
12b 109 get an insect bite se faire piquer par des insectes v phr
12b 108 go to hospital/the doctor aller l'hpital / aller voir le mdecin v phr
12b 108 have an injection se faire faire une piqre v phr
12b 109 have an X-ray passer une radio v phr
12b 109 hurt your shoulder se blesser l'paule v phr
12b 109 pull a muscle se faire une longation v phr
12b 109 put a bandage/plaster on it appliquer un bandage/pansement v phr
12b 109 put some cream/ice on it appliquer de la crme/glace v phr
12b 109 sprain your (wrist) se faire une entorse au poignet v phr
12b 109 take a painkiller prendre un analgsique v phr
12b 109 twist your (ankle) se tordre la cheville v phr
12b 108 (a bit) over the top un peu trop, exagr adj phr
12b 108 ambulance ambulance n
12b 109 injury blessure n
12b 108 It looks nasty. a a l'air grave phr
12b 108 Look out! attention! interj
12b 108 make it tre l, arriver ( l'heure) v phr
12b 108 See what youve done. Regarde ce que tu as fait interj
12b 109 temperature temprature, fivre n
12b 109 treatment traitement n
12c 110 adjust rgler v
12c 110 Central Park Central Park n
12c 110 charts hit-parade n pl
12c 110 cute mignon adj
12c 110 delayed retard v
12c 110 fascinated fascin adj
12c 110 Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue n
12c 110 monkey singe n
12c 111 proud fier adj
12c 110 relative parent n
12c 110 responsible responsable adj
12d 113 (un)pack dfaire v
12d 113 almost presque adv
12d 113 conservation protection n
12d 113 deliver newspapers distribuer des journaux v phr
12d 113 emergency d'urgence adj
12d 113 expedition expdition n
12d 113 last-minute de dernire minute adj
12d 113 lemur lmur n
12d 113 lend prter v
12d 113 Madagascar Madagascar n
12d 113 opportunity occasion n
12d 113 organiser organisateur n
12d 113 rainforest fort tropicale n
12d 113 rucksack sac dos n
12d 113 safari safari n
12d 113 set off partir phr v
12d 113 teddy (bear) nounours n
12d 113 wildlife faune n
Example Sentence

Dan is really big-headed he thinks he's very important.

Tom seems a very cheerful child.
Jenny seems very confident about passing her exam.
Many people though Maxwell was a dishonest businessman.
The book was great, but the movie and the actors in it are dull.
We had good fun playing at the seaside yesterday.
My father was a very honest man who would never steal or cheat.
The officer was rude and impatient when I didn't understand.
Lisa is very intelligent, and very quick to learn things.
We are taught to be modest and not to brag about things.
After his divorce, he became moody and began drinking too much.
My father is a kind and patient man who never gets annoyed.
She looked happy and relaxed on her wedding day.
That was a very selfish thing to do.
You can rely on Julia she's a very sensible girl.
He was very sensitive to other people's needs.
There's been a serious road accident one person has been killed.
Jim is a very sociable person who loves to go to parties.
He wasn't in a talkative mood, and didn't want to speak to me.
Don't stand in the doorway, come on in!
I've posted all those letters you gave me.' 'Good, thanks.'
I haven't seen you for ages, Lisa! How are things?
OK, I'm going home now. See you tomorrow.
All the kids come here with their skateboards.
Would you like a lift to work?' 'That would be great.'
I haven't met your new girlfriend what's she like?
We took a cab to the airport.
When the boy asked me for a cookie, I realised he was American.
There were several elevators in the lobby of our New York hotel.
Americans talk of going to see the fall colours in New England.
Did you like the new Batman movie?' 'Yes, it was great!'
The golfers were all wearing brightly-coloured pants.
Cars are not allowed to park on the sidewalk.
Do you prefer to watch American football or soccer?
If you need to travel across the city, the subway is fastest..
We only get two weeks' vacation each year.
I took the lift to the tenth floor.
He always pronounces my name wrong.
My season ticket on the railway will cost me 1000 this year.
Our local library has all sorts of books for adults and children.
The science laboratory is in this building.
Police fear there have been at least 300 casualties of the bomb.
The building collapsed in an earthquake.
She's got a wonderful collection of CDs.
Chris has made many drawings of this landscape.
The village was completely destroyed by fire.
Fortunately, the car wasn't badly damaged in the accident.
You have to wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike.
The group's first album was a big hit.
The original price that he wanted was far too high.
I need to phone my dad.' 'Here, would you like to use my phone?'
The riverside warehouses have been made into luxury flats.
The workers at the factory are asking for more money.
My friend Imran comes from Bangladesh.
I learned Mandarin once, but I never learned Cantonese.
More and more people are going to the Caribbean for their holidays.
The team celebrated by opening some bottles of champagne.
There were lots of TV celebrities at the party.
Switzerland is one of the smaller countries in central Europe.
Eastern Europe is becoming popular with holidaymakers.
Poles are still a small ethnic minority in this city.
More countries have joined the EU in the last few years.
Hong Kong was given back to the Chinese in 1997.
My father worked as a chemist in India in the 1920s.
I really miss Mum and Dad now I'm at university.
The poker players were mostly men.
My family are originally from Ireland.
England are playing a series of test matches against Pakistan.
It's difficult for many people to pronounce the Welsh double LL sound.
Jacqueline du Pre was a very fine player of the cello.
You play the clarinet by blowing through a special type of reed.
In most bands, the person who plays the drums is rather strange.
James Galway played a wonderful flute solo.
John plays guitar in a local amateur band.
The saxophone is often associated with jazz music.
Richard teaches trumpet at LaGuardia Arts in New York.
Nigel was a student at the Menuhin School, learning violin.
Her dad is an architect who designs hospitals.
Their group has a regular gig at the local pub.
Dad's in a bad mood he's cross and bad-tempered today.
Her clothes are a bit old-fashioned and out-of-date.
We're having a party next Saturday do you want to come?
I've organised all my brass band music into one playlist.
I always listen to their podcast to pick up tips about the software.
Her brother David is a professional photographer.
Pete earned lots of money as a successful record producer.
Marie still has some vinyl records that she wants to transfer to CD.
Join our webcast at 10.00 am on Tuesday to learn more.
Jack's taking his son bowling for his birthday party.
The bowling alley is quite quiet on weekday afternoons.
Will you accept my offer?' 'Can I think about it?'
I want to check the company out before I agree to work for them.
Are you going to the school disco?
There will be a grand fireworks display here on 5 November.
Do you like classical music?' 'Not much, no.'
He goes paintballing with his crazy friends at the weekends.
Paul won a national talent competition when he was 28.
Their apartment has an amazing view over the city.
I find him slightly amusing, but not really funny.
It's an awesome achievement to win at such an early age.
What awful food! I'm going to complain.
The programme was so boring, she fell asleep.
The painting was mass of brilliant yellows and reds.
I find some of this maths a bit confusing.
There was a dreadful accident at the level crossing.
The book was great, but the movie is dull.
He's an excellent player, and the team will be sorry to lose him.
It's a fantastic film! I'm going to see it again tomorrow!
I'm reading a fascinating book about the history of Britain's trains.
The movie had a very sad ending. I cried all the way home.
It's a really scary movie. I was frightened to go home in the dark afterwards!
I have a terrible headache. Do we have any aspirin?
Batman will be played by a different actor this time.
Steve is a rugby fan, and likes to go to all the internationals.
I've never seen anything funnier than Dave falling into that pond!
That's the funniest film I've ever seen.
When is the last Harry Potter film due out?
The film 'Lord of the Rings' used some fantastic animation.
There's a lot of flying around in long leather coats in 'The Matrix'.
Leave your number on the message board and I'll call you later.
Shall we go and see a movie over the Christmas holidays?
How many 'Pirates of the Caribbean' films have there been?
I'm having great difficulty following this complicated plot.
What was the name of the sequel to the original 'Star Wars' film?
Shrek is a big green monster with a Scottish accent.
Spider-Man can climb up walls and shoot webs from his wrist.
Many of these superheroes started life as drawings in Marvel comics.
There were 603 votes for Mr Jameson, and only 16 against.
Your singing is even worse than mine!
Who is the worst player in the team?
The original X-Men consisted of five teenagers with special powers.
300 students attended the lecture.
She works for the charity Oxfam.
Climate change is causing some unusual weather in most of the country.
The situation is different on the African continent.
Famine and disease are widespread in this country.
Famine relief has been slow to get through to the victims.
I'm a big fan of Arsenal's style of football.
Maybe the warmer weather is caused by global warming.
Kate was horrified to discover that she was actually two hours late.
They have a very exciting and glamorous lifestyle.
He had a career as a circus performer before entering politics.
I don't trust politicians they seldom tell the truth.
Millions of people are living in poverty and hunger.
The show raised 30 million for children's charities.
It was a very show-business party lots of people calling each other 'Darling'.
There have been some good reviews of the play in the press.
I can't be bothered to do any more work I'm going home.
They enjoyed 30 years of domestic happiness.
Susan had a lovely dream about her holiday.
I had a nightmare about the possibility of nuclear war.
I was hungry when I woke up last night, so I had a 2 a.m. snack.
I'm not going to argue with you any longer just do what I tell you!
Ken's going to ask her out to the local cinema.
When did you and George break up?
When she saw the puppy, she fell in love with it instantly.
My parents got divorced in 1986.
Marion got engaged to a police officer last month.
I've always got on well with my brother-in-law.
How long did you go out with Sarah for before you broke up?
They're constantly arguing, but they always seem to make up afterwards.
What's the matter?' 'I just feel a bit fed up with life, that's all.'
She broke a bone in her leg.
Bob had a row with his girlfriend last night, and they're not speaking.
Let's hope that next year brings us better luck.
Look at the time! I'll have to go.
Typical! You wait an hour for a bus and then three come along together!
I've just remembered I was supposed to meet Charlie today.
I've been invited to Janet and Peter's wedding.
You're not losing a daughter, you're gaining a son-in-law.
How long has Jane been your fiance?
Janet is married to a famous footballer.
My father-in-law worked as a coalminer all his life.
Can I have a ticket to London, please?' 'A single or a return?'/Donna is single again after her recent divorce from Lenny.
My sister's been married for 25 years.
Why is a stepmother always wicked in fairy stories?
I have a stepbrother who is 31 years older than me!
I don't see her any more since she went to live in Australia.
That walk has given me an appetite.
The brochure gave some case studies of how things had been done in the past.
There was a crowd of people waiting for the film star to come out.
Why is the lock on this door not working?
Airline pilots have a stressful job.
Lucy gets in a temper if she can't have what she wants.
Let's have a five-minute time out and a cup of coffee.
This website gives tips and tricks on how to use the software.
Trust me. I'll look after you.
She gave me a very useful map of the town centre.
Yoga is supposed to be a good way of relaxing the mind and body.
We had to cancel the picnic because of the bad weather.
These are your choices you'll have to decide for yourself which one to take.
The weather today is completely different from the weekend.
How are we different?' 'Well, for a start, you're a man and I'm a woman.'
I got very into British history when I was in my 20s.
The other kids wouldn't let him join in when they played football.
Do you want to have kids?
Crime is increasing, particularly in the cities.
I want to go the trouble is, I don't have anything suitable to wear.
Her remarks about my hair really upset me.
Calm down. You won't win the argument by shouting at me.
When we got to the station to catch the train, we'd missed it by five minutes.
Please enter your postcode in the box provided.
My purpose today is to explain how the Internet works.
We were delayed by road works on the M25.
This sat nav is no good I'm completely lost!
She packed a spare set of clothes.
Go straight on at the traffic lights.
Carry on until you get to the cinema, then turn left.
Can you help us? We're lost.
What age were you when your father died?
A big black car arrived to take us to the station.
The cost of accommodation in the city centre is very high.
The snow was so deep it was nearly over Kerry's head.
As part of our project, we had to measure the depth of the river.
Kelly was only able to run a short distance.
We can't afford this it's too expensive.
The principal's office is at the far end of the corridor.
He has always loved fast cars.
We measured the height of the building.
Ben Nevis is a high mountain in Scotland.
They measured the length of the garden.
She's tall and slim, with long legs.
An old woman came up to me and touched my arm.
Nigel and I are about the same size.
What speed were you travelling at?
We came to the banks of a wide river in the jungle.
Can you tell me the length and width of the desk?
The advantage of living in a town is that there is lots to do.
I want to go on holiday but I can't afford it.
The average age of the students is 14.
He wasn't brave enough to dive into the deep water.
Several countries in central Europe have joined the EU.
Peter crossed the road carefully.
What are the disadvantages of living in a flat?
London is famous for its red double-decker buses.
Their style of dancing is very energetic.
We hired a car for three days.
Let's go for a walk in Hyde Park.
Can I see your driving licence?
We want to spend a week in London and then go to Paris.
What is the best method of travelling to York?
The Millennium Bridge crosses the River Thames near St Paul's Cathedral.
We have three options to choose from.
That car almost knocked down a pedestrian.
Science involves a lot of practical work in the laboratory.
We need a better system for dealing with complaints.
We got stuck in a traffic jam.
Trains go through the Channel Tunnel between Britain and France.
I need some advice about boys.
The air is very clean in the mountains.
The science laboratory is in this building.
Bananas are my favourite fruit.
Would you like some ice in your drink?
I heard some interesting news about Charlie.
Plants and fish are dying because of pollution.
Could you put this rubbish outside in the bin?
Snow is white and soft and falls from the sky in cold weather.
There isn't as much traffic on the roads on Sunday.
I've been to Australia, but I've never visited Adelaide.
Does anybody know where my car keys are?
I don't understand how anyone could do that.
I haven't got anything nice to wear for the party.
I'll go anywhere I'm just desperate for a holiday!
We found the Australian people very friendly.
Grant is going skiing in the Canadian Rockies.
Churchill is a small town on the shores of Hudson Bay.
Climate change is causing some unusual weather in this country.
The coastal regions of Italy are wonderful places for a holiday.
You can swim with dolphins in the hotel pool!
Don't get your clothes dirty.
1 million is an enormous amount of money to me.
Everybody congratulated Robin on winning.
Hallo, everyone! It's good to see you!
Everything I did was a disaster.
Everywhere she looked there were empty boxes.
Harry likes to buy fresh vegetables from the local market.
The lake has frozen over.
They still hunt deer in this forest.
Nobody turned up to his birthday party.
There was no one on the train it was empty.
Nothing will stop me coming to see you next year.
I like nowhere better than Edinburgh as a place to visit.
Perhaps you'll win next time.
Polar bears are threatened by the fact that the ice sheet is shrinking.
Liverpool is a large port.
The seals sat sunning themselves on the rocks offshore.
Somebody has stolen my wallet!
Will someone please tell me what's going on?
Something I said seemed to annoy her.
His house is somewhere in the woods to the north of here.
Beverly Hills is where all the film stars live.
California is famous for sunshine, beaches and the film industry.
There were lots of TV celebrities at the party.
The opening ceremony for the new theatre was performed by the Queen.
They took Sadie to Disneyland Paris last summer.
San Francisco is in the middle of a well-known earthquake zone.
He experienced some pain in his leg.
John was extremely annoyed when Fred called him boring.
The children had made footprints in the snow.
Moira was lying asleep on the ground.
Famous people have left their handprints in the paving stones on Hollywood Boulevard.
Hollywood was once the centre of the US movie industry.
The airline industry is finding it difficult to attract enough passengers.
Los Angeles is a huge city that stretches for miles.
She won an Oscar for her part in the film.
What English people call the pavement, Americans call the sidewalk.
Liverpool is a large port on the west coast of England.
You can visit the sets of some of the old Westerns.
Sightseers crowded round to find out what was happening.
There was a 'No Entry' sign on the door.
Spread the icing on the top of the cake.
There was a big star on his dressing-room door.
Hawaii is the 50th state of the USA.
The cost of the trip includes tickets to all the theme parks.
There's a visitor trail of all the big stars' houses.
Universal Studios is a theme park in Florida.
Jim's doing a course in Architecture at the university.
You can't talk to him now, he's doing an English test.
On Monday morning we'll be doing our French exam.
Do nothing just wait to see what happens.
I need to do some exercise and get some of this fat off.
She did some shopping on the way home from work.
I'm going downstairs now to do some work in the office.
Do me a favour, will you? pass me the salt.
It's very untidy here he never seems to do any housework.
It doesn't matter if you don't succeed just do your best.
Jack does his homework and then has his tea.
Will you make me a cup of coffee, please?
I've made a decision I'm going to apply for college.
She thinks that working for a charity is a good way to make a difference.
The kids have made a huge mess all over the kitchen.
They made a mistake when they put him in charge.
Don't make a noise you'll frighten the birds away.
I'd like to make an appointment with Doctor Smith, please.
Let's get up at 8 and make breakfast.
Ken made a lot of good friends when he worked there.
Becoming an artist is not an easy way to make money.
Who's your favourite baseball player?
He gave her a bunch of flowers.
It's been over a century since the factory was closed.
I know exactly what is going to happen.
Eric introduced me to his mother.
I'm going to Florida this summer.' 'Oh, you are lucky!'
Have you done enough revision?
What's the score in the football game?' '21.'
They've scored twice since you went out of the room.
I love driving holidays in the States.
A group of Japanese tourists walked right in front of my camera.
She's appearing as Nancy in the West End production of 'Oliver!'
We didn't buy anything we just went window shopping.
Will you look after the kids while I go to the shop?
Will you look at the car and tell me what's wrong with it?
I've been looking for my keys for an hour and I still can't find them.
Bill is really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
I went to look up some old friends when I was in Wales.
Ring the box office and ask how much the tickets are.
What's the name of that comic that Jack reads every week?
My hobbies are playing the guitar and reading.
She talks non-stop I don't think she ever keeps quiet.
We helped Jill move her stuff into her new flat.
The boys were taking it in turns to play in goal.
I hate my job!' 'Is it really that bad?'
What on earth do you think you're doing?
Is it worth all this trouble to fix such an old car?
I'll just boil the kettle and we can have a cup of tea.
He's in the kitchen chopping carrots for dinner.
I'll fry the onions.
Grate some cheese and put it on the pizza.
Grill the steak for about 4 minutes on each side.
Louise is heating up some soup.
Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
Will you peel the potatoes, please?
Jane poured some more coffee into our mugs.
Shall I roast or boil the potatoes?
David sliced the turkey.
Spread the icing on the top of the cake.
This soup is delicious!
There's some ice-cream in the freezer.
How many guests are coming to your party?
Would you like some ice cream for pudding?
Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
This jigsaw puzzle ahs 2000 pieces.
This is a good place to sunbathe.
Glenn was one of the first US astronauts.
She broke a bone in her leg.
The crew of the plane are trained in fire safety procedures.
This recipe uses dehydrated onions.
There was an electric storm just as the plane came in to land.
I try to exercise each morning.
Does plastic float?
Peter hung the painting above the mantelpiece.
The fountain sent jets of water 50 metres into the sky.
We watched the launch of the space shuttle from Cape Canaveral.
Running gives you strong leg muscles.
Mike trains on a rowing machine at the gym every week.
His hands were shaking because he was so nervous.
I couldn't go to school because I was sick.
This sleeping bag will keep you warm on cold nights.
The space shuttle's next launch is on December 12.
You can see the space station on clear nights with the naked eye.
It costs a lot of money to build a modern spacecraft.
The dancers spun round and round on the ice.
Don't chew the pills, just swallow them.
Kate tied some string around the box.
Jane was hanging upside down by her knees from the branch.
Her long illness had weakened her.
Astronauts experience weightlessness in space.
OK, I'm going now, but I'll be in touch again next week.
Can you believe it? I've actually won something!
These creatures live in total darkness how amazing!
Do you know where the bank is?' 'I haven't got a clue.'
Don was lead singer in a punk band when he was younger.
Ray saw a poster advertising the concert.
Punk music was very popular in the 1980s.
My dog died yesterday.' 'Oh, that's a shame.'
Your dad used to be a punk rocker.' 'Really? That's so cool!'
It was quite a weird experience.
Steve carried a tray of drinks into the room.
The men climbed the high mountain.
I walked to the edge of the pool and dived in.
She dropped a glass when she was drying the dishes.
Heavy rain was falling on my head.
Jordan jumped, but the ball flew over his head.
I can't lift this table on my own.
She pulled the chair forward.
He pushed the wheelchair along.
The boat sank because there was a hole in it.
Be careful not to slip the floor is wet.
We swam in the warm waters of the lake.
He tripped on a rock and broke his ankle.
The doctors struggled to keep him alive.
He wasn't brave enough to dive into the deep water.
You win if you can knock the coconut off its stand.
This ladder isn't tall enough to reach the roof.
It's a miracle she wasn't killed in the accident.
Have you ever tasted oysters?
The Hawaiian islands are found in the Pacific Ocean.
Roberts rescued a two-year-old girl from the burning car.
Cats always seem to land the right way up when they fall.
The boy picked up a rock and threw it at me.
The waters around this area are often rough, with huge waves.
Gary was bitten by a shark but survived the experience.
Be careful not to get sunburnt.
The driver survived the accident.
They live in a tiny house with only one bedroom.
Arsenal haven't lost a match since October.
After five minutes I lost interest and wandered off.
We lost sight of them when their bus went round the corner.
After Christmas I'm going to try to lose some weight.
Gina lost her memory after the car accident.
Don't lose your temper, I'm only trying to help!
We lost our way in the fog and nearly fell off the mountain.
Two men attacked him and took his car.
I carried everything including my tent in a backpack.
How did you get that bump on your forehead?
She dropped the plate with a crash on the kitchen floor.
Some criminals will do anything to get what they want.
He's making a documentary film about unemployment.
An Englishman called Brunel was chief engineer on the Great Western Railway.
They won't make a decision until they know all the facts.
David Lean was the first British film maker to be nominated for an Oscar.
Do you have any ID?
The witness identified the accused as the person who attacked him.
This is the key for the front door.
How we managed to survive the storm is a mystery!
Richard lives in New York, near Times Square.
Nobody offered to help me when I lost my passport.
You look so different I didn't recognise you!
They were pleased with their success at the tournament.
The number of people who died in the earthquake is still unknown.
Pete and I were chatting in the bar.
If you can't play without cheating, I'm going home.
Helen is copying the words from the blackboard.
It's not fair to expect me to do all the work.
I felt guilty that I hadn't offered to help her.
How are you getting on with your essay?
Can you keep a secret? Peter and I are engaged!
I'm going to Florida this summer.' 'Oh, you are lucky!'
I'll never finish this essay,' she sighed.
We are in a very difficult situation.
Can you turn up the volume on the TV? I can't hear it.
His mother is worried that he might not get better.
I wrapped the book in cardboard to protect it.
Kate's dress is made of cotton.
Denim jeans are not very warm in cold weather.
I stroked the rabbit's soft fur.
The ball hit the window and broke the glass.
Gold costs a lot of money.
Shoes and bags are sometimes made of leather.
There is a metal gate at the entrance to the park.
She wrote the address on a piece of paper.
This bottle is made of plastic.
He has a rubber duck that he plays with in the bath.
Silk is an expensive material.
Many old coins are made of silver.
My mum sent my dad's favourite suede jacket to the charity shop.
All the furniture is made of wood.
A large wooden door prevented us going any further.
She bought five balls of red wool.
Nat bought a thick pair of woollen socks to go hiking in.
She works for the charity Oxfam.
It's not fair to expect me to do all the work.
The company encourages fair trade so that the farmers get a decent price.
It's not real ermine, it's just fake fur.
A good shearer can take the fleece off a sheep in one piece.
He left all the washing-up for a week in the sink.' 'That's gross!'
Where's my blue jumper?' 'I washed it this morning.'
The Pepsi logo is printed on every can.
Things like used bottles, paper and cans are collected and recycled.
Put the liquid in a saucepan and heat gently.
We've always bought second-hand cars, never new ones.
Keith is divorced, but he supports his ex-wife and daughter.
How much do you want for it?' 'A tenner.'
The shop is run by volunteers.
They promised us a wage increase.
Do you fancy an ice cream?' 'You bet!'
He's a billionaire who made his money in computers.
Pollution is a global problem.
Paul is going to Harvard to study engineering.
What inspired you to go back to university at the age of forty?
Instant messaging allows you to see someone's reply as they type it.
When the TV broke, we didn't replace it.
Facebook is perhaps the best-known social network website.
Send me a text message to tell me where to meet you.
The 'Sims' series of computer games create a virtual world.
My parents gave us a rose bush for our new garden.
Don't go near the edge of the cliff.
You can see the rocky coastline from here.
The Sahara desert is one of the driest places on Earth.
We watched the fishing boats returning to the harbour.
A narrow path led down to the stream.
The stream was swollen with water from the melting snow.
It's very quiet and peaceful in these woods.
Steven Spielberg and Wonder Woman both grew up in Arizona.
You need more than two weeks for a holiday in Australia.
We were not allowed to cross the border between the two countries.
The Colorado River flows through the Grand Canyon.
Many fish live around this coral reef.
There's a strange pattern in the middle of the cornfield.
A pond like this is full of all sorts of living creatures.
I damaged my watch when I fell on the icy pavement.
Deserts cover about one-third of the Earth's surface.
When the volcano erupted, people ran for their lives.
The army exploded an old bomb that was left over from the war.
There were cows in the field at the back of the house.
You must visit the Grand Canyon when you're in Arizona.
Boats take you out to the Great Barrier Reef to see the fish.
K2 is a mountain in the Himalaya mountain range.
I like hot, spicy Mexican food.
Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth.
Nepal is a mountainous country between India and China.
My house is in the north-east of the city.
The Paricutin Volcano erupted from a crack in the ground.
The children paddled happily in the shallow water.
We got a spectacular view of Niagara Falls.
The volcano started as a split in the ground in a farmer's field.
Sulphur and lava are often produced by volcanoes.
Tibet is the highest country in the world.
What was the volume of all the lava produced by the volcano?
It was wonderful to see him again.
This airline offers air miles for frequent travellers.
The expedition will study penguins in the Antarctic.
The Arctic is the area of the Earth round the North Pole.
Burma is often now called Myanmar by its inhabitants.
Plants use carbon dioxide to grow and develop.
You can work out the carbon footprint of your journey to work.
The climate in the Maldives is hot and sunny.
Put some more coal on the fire.
The main crop grown here is barley.
Tropical cyclones are often formed after large thunderstorms.
The country has had two years of drought.
The fishermen drowned when their boat overturned.
Does your cooker use gas or electricity?
How much energy does this electric fire use per hour?
Many people starved when the potato crop failed.
Sorry about that.' 'It's OK, it's not your fault.'
Heavy rain caused the river to flood the valley.
Coal is a fossil fuel that is used in some power stations.
Maybe the warmer weather is caused by global warming.
Without greenhouse gases, the Earth would be too cold to live on.
A massive hurricane has swept across the southern states of the USA.
The price of fuel has increased by 5%.
The sun had melted the snow.
New Orleans is well known as the birthplace of jazz.
Kuwait is one of the countries that exports oil.
Cars overheated in the traffic jam because of the hot weather.
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.
We had to reduce the price of our house in order to sell it.
The amount of crime in our cities is rising all the time.
He got lost in the desert and starved to death.
It looks like there's going to be a storm.
Let's find a nice B & B and spend a weekend in Edinburgh.
The campsite has no running water or toilet facilities.
My neighbour has bought a large green mobile caravan.
Catherine lent us her cottage in Leadhills for the weekend.
In some US hotels you can have either a room or a self-catering flat.
We stayed at an international youth hostel in Bavaria.
We stayed in a small hotel in the centre of Paris.
They've bought one of those huge American motor homes.
We had to put up our tent in the dark.
George rented a three-bedroom villa in Florida.
Rabbits are the most common wild animal in this area.
Many luxury hotels have been built in Dubai.
We must protect the environment.
He speaks three foreign languages.
Tom's grandchildren are now three and six years old.
We went on a green holiday, working on a conservation project.
The airline industry is finding it difficult to attract enough passengers.
A mobile health clinic travels to all the towns in the area.
Here are our predictions for next year's top fashions.
The company has a training programme for new employees.
They stayed in the tropical rainforests of north-east Australia.
A submarine is a type of underwater ship.
The police officer was rude and impatient when I didn't understand.
Finishing this job before tomorrow is an impossible task.
It's impractical to suggest that we can do this in two days.
My grandmother is still very independent despite her age.
The team had a number of young, inexperienced players.
We had an informal party to celebrate his return home.
His violent temper is one of his unattractive features.
I'm always so uncomfortable on long plane journeys.
I'm so unfit I could only run half the race!
Some of the kids in my class are really unfriendly towards me.
Barbara had a very unhappy childhood.
Louise always looks so unhealthy.
The book's cover was uninteresting, but it was fascinating to read.
She said some very unkind things.
It is unlikely that you will get your money back.
Having two cars is an unnecessary luxury.
There's a very unpleasant smell coming from the bin.
Billy was unpopular at school and very unhappy.
Why is your bedroom always so untidy?
He has an unusual name Vladek.
At the camp, we did riding and climbing and stuff like that.
Chas runs adventure courses for adults in the Scottish Highlands.
We got a chance to go round the army assault course.
We assess the students' work throughout the year.
Bob practises at the Leeds climbing wall every Tuesday.
Have a go at sailing and see whether you like it.
The sports centre has two indoor and five outdoor tennis courts.
My driving instructor says I'll never pass my test!
It's supposed to be a pleasure to do this, but I find it hard work!
It's been pouring down all afternoon.
It's very hard to work out this sum.' 'Rubbish! It's really easy!'
Each climber attached himself to the safety rope before he set off.
You can trust Julia she's a very sensible girl.
It's really late,' 'So what? You don't have to get up early tomorrow.'
I could hear strange noises in the basement.
Ian is going trekking in the Himalayas next summer.
Dad's promised us a trip to Disneyland.
While we're there we can try out the new swimming pool.
The canoeist wore a waterproof jacket to stop himself getting soaked.
How much holiday do the kids get at half-term?
There's no need to come with me, I'll be fine on my own.
Jackie lost her passport somewhere between home and the airport.
I used to have a pen friend in Paris when I was a teenager.
I didn't recognise you, you've changed so much!
Remind me to take the cake out of the oven.
St Pancras Station is one of the English public's favourite buildings.
Tokyo was full of 'gappers' teaching English to the locals.
Have you travelled abroad much?
In the mornings at school we have a break between lessons.
Sinead has gone to Cambodia and Vietnam with her boyfriend.
Richard likes the relaxed atmosphere in Cuba.
Dig a hole and put the rose bush in it.
There's a lift for disabled people.
How much do you earn a week?
The company are financing an expedition to the South Pole.
The new principal has a lot of experience.
I went fruit picking in the south of France one summer.
He took a gap year and travelled round the States.
I'd love to have the opportunity to study abroad.
We discussed the possibilities of working together next year.
The interview began with a few routine questions.
The wonderful costumes are specially made for the dancers.
She got a temporary job working in a supermarket for a month.
Many people visit Thailand for its splendid beaches.
Working for them gave me a valuable insight into office work.
Liam was a soldier in Vietnam at the time of the war.
She does voluntary work for a children's charity.
The shop is run by volunteers.
This old man was getting some water from a well.
Look at that little baby.
Mix two eggs in a bowl with some flour.
Rugby is played with an oval ball and football is played with a round one.
Several overweight businessmen were relaxing in the bar.
Stop playing tricks on your little brother it's not nice!
Have we got enough washing powder?
Don loves playing practical jokes on his friends.
Marie used to work for a company that published children's books.
These books are aimed at adult readers.
There is now a serious shortage of hospital beds.
She explained her work in simple language.
Have you found the solution to that maths problem?
Students and teachers need to solve this problem by working together.
He's going bald. Soon he'll have no hair left.
Her bushy eyebrows almost met in the middle.
He's very fair skinned for someone from a tropical country.
My fringe needs cutting I can hardly see!
Colin's dad has started going out with a woman in her twenties.
She's tall and slim, with long legs.
I'm sick of being overweight I'm going on a diet!
She has a centre parting in her long blonde hair.
Sue sometimes wears her hair in a pony-tail.
The baby has big round eyes.
I have a scar on my arm where I cut it years ago.
You'll recognise my brother he's very tall and has a shaved head.
I was very skinny when I was a teenager.
She had short spiky hair.
What shape is this box?' 'It's square.'
He had a tattoo of a lion on his chest.
She teaches teenage girls in a secondary school.
A tall, thin man came up and asked me the time.
Have you travelled abroad much?
The thieves wore balaclavas to hide their faces.
There have been five burglaries in our street this month.
Some criminals will do anything to get what they want.
When the TV broke, we didn't replace it.
Where did you go on Monday?' 'I'm not going to tell you. It's a secret.'
The development of modern computer technology has been very fast.
There were no witnesses to the murder.
Appearing in a television series brought him instant fame.
Do you want to go home now?' 'I don't know I guess so,'
Let's see, where did I put that screwdriver?
Julie looked nervous before the test.
City have signed Robinho this week for 25 million.
They're the worst football team I've ever seen!
Ben likes football, cricket, and that sort of thing.
Dawn runs a youth centre down near the high street.
Apparently, he doesn't like his job.
She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
The row had all blown over by the time we arrived.
He's one of those brainy kids who always knows the answers.
You can't go out at break time today because it's snowing.
Kylie and Grant cheated in the spelling test.
Ten runners will be competing in the race.
Brown is an overseas correspondent for the BBC.
Sam is one of the best cricket players in the county.
In 1943, Italy declared war on Germany.
We were all really delighted with the news.
The researchers were using the most modern scientific equipment.
Tickets for the World Cup Final are hard to get.
Tell me all the gossip about Rita's latest boyfriend.
Do you think we'll get there on time?' 'I hope so.'
I said hello, but he just ignored me.
Gail won first prize in the spelling competition.
What will you do with your share of the money?
Ted got top marks in the class maths test.
It's amazing that you never knew that before!
Jack told a long, amusing story about his grandad.
Ken has a very annoying habit of asking lots of questions.
This is the most boring job I've ever had!
I was disappointed to hear that I hadn't passed the exam.
She was embarrassed to admit she had been wrong.
The kids were excited about going to Disneyland.
Our car crash was a very frightening experience.
It's an interesting fact that John is one of ten children.
Yvonne was shocked to discover that she had no money left.
It's not surprising that you're tired after that long journey.
I'm too tired to get out of bed this morning.
Harry hit the alarm button and a nurse rushed into the room.
Peter was alone everyone else had gone home.
I apologise if I said anything to hurt you.
He banged his fists on the table.
Don't drink too much you want to be clear-thinking in the morning.
You can pay by cash or by credit card.
The UK is in the middle of an economic crisis.
Mary hid the money in a cupboard.
I took the lift to the tenth floor.
John's stuck up the tree and can't get down!
Cheer up everything will feel better in the morning.
Jean found out that she had won first prize.
Charles and I get on really well.
What time do you get up to go to college?
Jim has given up any idea of becoming a pilot.
Nat went on to becoming one of the country's leading businessmen.
Look out of the window what do you see?
We've run out of sugar will you go and get some, please?
Turn on the cooker and set it to 200 degrees.
Pete and I were chatting in the bar.
Our gardener cuts the grass twice a month.
You'll need a lawyer if you're going to buy a house.
This is John Irving's most recent book.
Research into the causes of cancer is gathering speed.
Holly is a researcher on the local newspaper.
What are salaries like in the publishing industry?
Fran wants to open a beauty salon in the High Street.
Pilots have a stressful job.
If you eat too many sweets, you'll get fat.
I'm not giving the waiter a tip he was very rude!
I wish that I could visit my brother in America.
The workers at the factory are asking for more money.
Sally watched a Walt Disney cartoon before she went to bed.
Brosnan appeared as a guest on her chat show.
All my favourite films are comedies.
Gordon has a well-known cookery programme on BBC1.
We watched a documentary about dinosaurs.
'Star Wars' is my favourite film.
There are too many gardening programmes on TV.
I want to watch a music programme on Channel 4.
I don't like most of these kids who take part in pop star contests.
QI is one of the best quiz shows on television.
All kinds of people take part in reality TV shows.
Father Ted' was the best sitcom I've ever watched.
My wife watches all the soap operas, but I can't stand them.
He likes to watch the sports programme on a Saturday evening.
The news is coming on in about five minutes.
Where's the TV control? Quick!' 'Calm down, it's here.'
Which channel is the film on?
Lisa's continuing to make good progress with her French.
Keep an eye on that pan and make sure it doesn't boil over.
Robinson was a rugby legend in his own lifetime.
I've lost my car keys.' 'Oh, not again!'
Murray is now one of the top tennis players in the world.
There's a new series of 'Lost' starting next week.
He swapped his light jacket for a heavy coat.
You cheated that's not fair!
You know, I've often thought of living in the country.
The school has excellent academic results.
300 students attended the lecture.
I'm going to check out what the Students' Union is like.
Most circuses nowadays don't have any animals.
Jack's my tennis coach.
By magic, she turned the frog into a prince.
If a particular food makes you ill, avoid it.
Richard attends the Giuliani School of Performing Arts in New York.
Mitsubishi has brought out a new range of small cars.
The park is in a residential area of the city.
Football in Europe is called 'soccer' in the USA.
Mike is going to specialise in Engineering in his next year at college.
I worked as a counsellor at a summer camp in New York state.
We went surfing every day when we were in Australia.
This group only perform traditional folk music.
Colin suffered from severe weight loss due to his illness.
Right, I'm off to sit my exam. Wish me luck!
The robbers drove away in a stolen car.
Thieves broke into a house across the street and stole a TV.
Burglars are very common around Christmas time.
The man had burgled 15 houses in one small area of the town.
Police caught the criminals as they were loading the money into their van.
If you commit crimes you must expect to go to prison.
Reynolds went to prison for 10 years for his part in the robbery.
Two boys mugged an old man and stole his pension money.
The muggers were caught and identified by their victim.
Tom had to pay a fine because he parked where he shouldn't have.
Pickpockets often operate in this area.
The gang robbed the National Bank of 5 million.
Detectives keep an eye out for shoplifters in the store.
He stole some money from his employers, and they sacked him.
Car thieves stole several luxury cars from the Mayfair area.
Some vandal has scratched the bonnet of my car!
People who vandalise property are often difficult to catch.
Someone has drawn and sprayed graffiti all over this wall.
Many students get anxious about exams.
Try not to be so careless in future.
There are 100 cents in a dollar.
There have been huge changes in technology in the past five years.
The police searched the area for clues.
He put a fifty pence coin into the drinks machine.
He placed the item on the counter and said, 'How much is that?'
The thief wore a scarf round his nose and mouth to disguise his face.
Dad gave me five dollars for washing the car.
The thief wore a mask to hide his face.
Mickey Mouse is probably Disney's most popular character.
Mum gave me a five-pound note before I went to the shop.
When I was a boy, children always obeyed their parents.
It was obvious to me that Joe was unhappy.
The security camera was broken, so we got no pictures of the thieves.
A security van arrived at the supermarket to collect the day's money.
Students and teachers need to solve this problem by working together.
There was over a thousand pounds in the till.
A very valuable painting went missing from the gallery.
We know you stole the money. Why won't you admit it?
Do you have Madonna's new album?
Please open the file labelled 'Data'.
It is illegal to sell cigarettes to children.
The police decided to prosecute him for dangerous driving.
I woke up and realised my alarm clock hadn't gone off.
Hold on. Let's decide where we're going before we set off.
I just want to say how much I appreciate your help.
I'll see you back here in about 20 minutes.
I hate Fred.' 'I'm not wild about him either.'
I'm off to the shops. I'll be back in about half an hour.
What's that green stuff on the wall?
There were several bars across the window to keep people out.
Certain cells in the body normally protect you against disease.
We have recently entered the 21st century.
Some of these chemicals are very dangerous.
The court rejected the charges against him.
No fingerprints were found at the crime scene.
The detection rate for burglaries is very low.
The victim's DNA was found on the accused man's clothing.
There is clear evidence that this disease is caused by eating too much fat.
Robyn felt guilty about stealing Stella's pen.
Police identified the victim of the accident as John Shelley.
He says he is innocent of the murder.
The judge sentenced him to one year in prison.
Has the jury reached its verdict?
A medieval castle stands high above the old town.
The city is proud of its police force.
Police records show that he was previously arrested in 1995.
All his life he'd wanted power and money.
He's been in prison for two years.
Jack is excellent he's red-hot on the latest technology.
We carried out a scientific experiment on a volunteer.
There are lots of speed cameras along this road.
To summarise, I think the best car is the Toyota.
Not walking under ladders is just a silly superstition.
Police have arrested two suspects in connection with the attack.
We need a better system for dealing with complaints.
The development of modern computer technology has been very fast.
It's unfair to give sweets to her and not to me.
You should wear shinpads when you play football.
Athletes have to be careful with their diet.
She threw a tennis ball at me.
She brought me a basket of fruit.
A baseball bat is round but a cricket bat is flat.
Leeds beat Wolves 41.
Jack's my tennis coach.
This part of the road is for cyclists only.
Cyclists use the most modern scientific equipment available.
I must buy a new pair of gloves.
The Russians scored three goals in sixteen minutes.
The goalkeeper made a mistake and the ball flew past him.
You have to wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike.
Lampard passed the ball to Terry.
The ball went into the back of the net.
The team haven't won a game since last month.
Federer is one of the top tennis players of all time.
Professional players carry a selection of tennis rackets.
Just at that moment the referee blew his whistle.
Chelsea scored in the final minute of the game.
There were 25,000 spectators at the match.
How many football teams are there in the Premier League?
The umpire gave the batsman out.
They are building a new bridge over the river.
The crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.
We all clapped and cheered when United scored.
What equipment do I need before I can go climbing?
There were 30 cows in the field.
The ball hit the goalpost and bounced over the line.
His first marriage lasted 10 years.
Where did you park the car?' 'In front of that block of flats.'
The police should protect people from dangerous men like him.
All the small shopkeepers are protesting against the plans for a supermarket.
The coal is transported by train to all parts of the country.
Wear a wetsuit to keep you warm when you're diving.
I broke my leg when I fell over.
Zak cut his hand when he was peeling the potatoes.
Dick got lots of insect bites when we went to Hawaii.
If you're not feeling well you should go to the doctor.
You can have an injection to prevent getting flu.
Doctor Smith said I should have an X-ray in case my arm was broken.
I hurt my shoulder when I bumped into the wall.
Ted has pulled a muscle in his back.
Do you want me to put a plaster on that cut?
If you put some ice on that bump it will soon go down.
Bryony sprained her wrist when she slipped on the ice and fell.
Take two of these painkillers every four hours.
Brian twisted his ankle when he stepped off the pavement.
I think his reaction was a bit over the top.
I asked a neighbour to call an ambulance.
He was lucky to survive with only minor injuries.
That cut looks nasty it might need stitches.
Look out! There's a car coming!
I'm not sure if I can make it on Wednesday.
See what you've done! You've knocked my plant over!
Her son had a temperature so she took him to the doctor.
I was sent to hospital for immediate treatment.
How do you adjust the colour on the TV?
The hotel overlooks Central Park.
Their album entered the charts at number 6.
The baby has a cute little nose.
Our flight was delayed by three hours in Atlanta.
The little boy was fascinated by the train set.
There are some great shops on Fifth Avenue.
Can we get some peanuts to feed to the monkeys?
He is proud of his son's achievement.
We'll be visiting relatives at Christmas.
Mrs Hendrick is responsible for all the cooking.
I'm not going to try to unpack till tomorrow.
Almost everyone did well in the test.
Frances works on a conservation project in the rainforest.
A young boy delivers the newspapers every morning.
Liam had to have an emergency operation on his appendix.
The company are financing an expedition to the South Pole.
His last-minute goal saved the match.
There are two different species of lemur in this area.
I can lend you 10.
Madagascar has all kinds of unusual birds and animals.
I'd love to have the opportunity to study abroad.
The organisers of the event had not provided enough parking.
Steve worked in the rainforest during his gap year.
You'll need a bigger rucksack for an expedition of that length.
We spent three weeks on safari in Kenya.
The train set off on time, but it got to London 30 minutes late.
She still takes her old teddy bear everywhere she goes.
There's a surprising amount of wildlife in our back garden.
ark afterwards!

ch other 'Darling'.
/Donna is single again after her recent divorce from Lenny.

en done in the past.

hich one to take.

by five minutes.
ul's Cathedral.
s on Hollywood Boulevard.
at Western Railway.
a decent price.
nto their van.

too much fat.

r a supermarket.

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