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Filière: Toutes les filières
Spécialité: Tronc Commun
Level of study: B1-A and B
Code: Ms-Bloc 3
Course title: Business English 1 / Anglais des Affaires 1
Course instructor: Dr Serges Moïse Essossomo

All questions are compulsory! Answer them as brief as possible. You are reminded of the
necessity of correct English.


A. Translate the following sentences into French (0.25 X 10 marks)
1. A fault confessed is half redressed __________________________________________
2. All is well that ends well _________________________________________________
3. Good fences make good neighbour _________________________________________
4. I am between the devil and the deep blue sea _________________________________
5. Never judge a book by its cover ____________________________________________
6. Peter is talking to the brick wall ____________________________________________
7. Speak of the devil and he will appear ________________________________________
8. Strike the iron while red-hot _______________________________________________
9. The early bird catches the worm ___________________________________________
10. To set the cat among the pigeons
B. Provide the English equivalents of the following idioms, proverbs and fixed
expressions (0.25 X 10 marks)

1. J’ai faim et soif_________________________________________________________
2. Je suis fatigué __________________________________________________________
3. Je suis allé à l’école hier; je vais au marché aujourd’hui et j’irai à l’église demain
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. Je n’ai pas encore fait mon devoir___________________________________________
6. S’il vous plait Monsieur, je voudrais sortir____________________________________
7. Pourquoi me regardes-tu? Est-ce qu’il y a un problème?_________________________
8. À ta place, je ferais fi de cela ______________________________________________
9. Ce qui est marrant est que je ne le connais ni d’Adam ni d’Ève
10. Cette situation me dépasse; je ne sais plus à quels Saints me vouer
11. Dire que les femmes aiment l’argent est un secret de Polichinelle
12. Fumons le calumet de la paix ______________________________________________
13. Je ne l’ai pas fait exprès; mais de mon corps défendant
14. Je vais coussi coussa ____________________________________________________
15. Ma demande d’emploi est restée lettre morte
16. On ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre
17. Qui remet à demain trouvera malheur en chemin
18. Bonjour Marie! Ça fait un bail!_____________________________________________
19. Pourquoi n’as-tu pas fait tes devoir?_________________________________________
20. Laisse-moi tranquille!____________________________________________________


A. Drawing from your knowledge of the essentials of general conversation in English
Language, tell what you are supposed to say in the following contexts? (0.25 X 10 marks)
1. When you want to eat ____________________________________________________
2. When you want to drink___________________________________________________
3. When somebody sneezes _________________________________________________
4. When the person sitting next to you is sleeping ________________________________

5. When somebody says “Nice to meet you”? ____________________________________
6. When somebody says “How do you do!” _____________________________________
7. When somebody is travelling, going for a long journey? _________________________
8. When you are giving something to somebody? _________________________________
9. When taking leave from a pen friend? ________________________________________
10. When you want to draw somebody’s attention?________________________________
11. When somebody has been introduced to you? _________________________________
12. When you have not heard very well what your interlocutor said and therefore want
him/her to repeat? _____________________________________

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or expression (0.5 X 5 marks)
1. Jenifer is leaving __________________Paris tonight.
2. Jane got married a couple of days __________________
3. ___________________last did you see Peter?
4. ___________________is the shortest month of the year.
5. ___________________ bag is this?
C. Put the following sentences into the negative form (0.5 X 2 marks)
1. Peter stole my blue pen.
2. Someone has been looking for you since morning.
3. John likes rice and beans _________________________________________________
4. I will go to school tomorrow ______________________________________________
5. You like football _________________________________________________________
D) Transform the following sentences into the passive voice (1 X 2 marks)
1. The cat killed the mouse.
2. The lecturer is helping the students.
E) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or expression (1 X 2 marks)
1. Stop staring at me, _______________________?
2. Let’s leave now, _________________________?
3. You can’t drive a car, _____________________?
4. Peter saw John yesterday, __________________?
F. Conjugate the following verbs in the SIMPLE PRESENT and SIMPLE PAST
To go, to do, to have and to be

Name the following external organs of the human body (5 marks)

1._____________________________ 9._____________________________
2._____________________________ 10 ____________________________
3. _____________________________ 11 ____________________________
4. _____________________________ 12 ____________________________
5. _____________________________ 13 ____________________________
6. _____________________________ 14 ____________________________
7. _____________________________ 15 ____________________________
8. _____________________________ 16 ____________________________


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