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The Face Stability of

Slurry-shield-driven Tunnels
G. Anagnostou and K. Kovdri

Abstract--During the excavation of a tunnel through soft water- R$sumg,--Le creusement d'un tunnel darts un terrain meuble
bearing ground, a temporary support is often required to maintain ndcessite souvent un sout}nement temporaire afin de stabiliser le
the stability of the working face. In a slurry shield, this support is front de taille. Dane le cas d'un bouclier g~bone, cette pression de
provided by a pressurized mixture of bentonite and water. Slurry- stabilisation est r~alisde par un mdlange de bentonite et d'eau sous
shield tunnelling has been applied successfully worldwide in pression. Durant ces dernikres anndes, grdve g~ une dvolution
recent years. Under extremely unfavorable geological conditions, technologique importante, l'utilisation de boucliere g~bous pour la
however, face instabilities may occur. This paper aims at a better r~alisation d'ouvrages souterrains a connu un saccgs mondial.
understanding of the mechanics of face failure when using a Pourtant, face d des conditions g~ologiquesextr~mement cl~favorables,
bentonite slurry support. The complex interrelations between the des probl~mes majeurs de stabilitd du front de taille peuvent se
various parameters (shear strength and ground permeability, prdsentsr. L'article prdsent a pour objectif d'am~liorer la
suspension parameters, slurry pressure, geometric data of the compr~heneion de la mdcanique de la rupture du front de taille pour
tunnel, safety factor) are studied. Attention is paid to the time- le cas d'un front stabilisd par de la bous ~ base de bentonite. On
dependent effects associated with the gradual infiltration of slurry ~tudie les relations complexes entre les diffdrents param$trss
into the ground ahead of the tunnel. Related topics, such as the (r~sistance au cisaillement et perm~abilit~ du sol, pression de boue,
stand-up time, soil properties and the effect of advance rate, are donndes g~omdtriques du tunnel, coefficient de sdcurit~) en tenant
discussed quantitatively. compte des effets transitoires dtls ~ l'infiltration progressive de la
boue darts le sol en avant de l'avancement. En outre, d'autres sujets
comme le temps pendant lequel le front de mille reste stable ou
l'influence de la vitesse d'avancement sont discut~s quanti tativement.

1. Introduction results in excess air pressure and may ditions, face instabilities m a y occur
cause an escape of air to the surface-- locally when this technique is used

u r i n g the e x c a v a t i o n of a
tunnel through soft water- either by leakage through soil pores or (Belling and Eisenbach 1989; Baben-
bearing ground, the excava- by a heaving of the ground mass above dererde 1991; Balmer 1992).
tion face becomes instable when the the shield. This phenomenon is par- Figure 2 shows schematically two
soillacks sufficient cohesion. Atempo- tieularly likely to occur when the tun- typical patterns of failure. In the first
r a r y support is therefore required to nel is shallow and its diameter large. case, major soil movements are re-
maintain ground stability in the work- The problems associated with the
ing area. use of compressed air have led to the
In shield tunnelling, collapse of the increasing use of slurry-shield tunnel-
walls and roof is prevented by the shield ling over the last twenty years (see,
and the subsequent segment lining. e.g., Becker and Sawinski 1982). In a
Apart from r a t h e r impracticable types slurry shield, the temporary support of
of support such as breasting plates, the face is provided by a pressurized
stability of the working face can be mixture of bentonite or clay and water.
achieved by using compressed air. Because of the high viscosity of the
However, the use of compressed air slurry, the risk of an uncontrolled es-
introduces the risk of a blowout, i.e., a cape of fluid by leakage is generally
sudden reduction of support pressure reduced. As slurry is only slightly
on account of rapid loss of air. The heavier than water, the excess fluid
difference in the hydrostatic head at pressure in the crown is small. The
the crown and the floor of the tunnel risk of an upheaval of the ground there-
fore is eliminated as well.
In the last decade, slurry-shield tun-
nelling has been applied successfully
worldwide on several projects. The
Present address: Dr. G. Anagaostou and largest existing tunnel (in Grauholz,
Prof. If. Kovdri, Institute for Geotechnics, Switzerland), excavated by the slurry Figure 1. The cutting-head o f the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology shield method, has a diameter of 11.65 hydroshield in the Grauholz Tunnel
Zurich, ETH-H6nggerberg PF- 133, CH-8093 m (see Fig. 1). However, under ex- h a d a diameter o f 11.65 m (from
Zurich, Switzerland. tremely unfavourabie geological con- Kovdri et al. 1993).

Tunnellingand UndergroundSpace Technology,Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 165-174. 1994

Copyright (~) 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved ~ Pergamon
0886-7798/94 $6.00 + .O0
2. The Collapse Mechanism
Notation Face stability in homogeneous
The following symbols are used in this paper: g r o u n d can be a s s e s s e d by considering
the simple m e c h a n i s m i l l u s t r a t e d in
c = cohesion; v = excavation advance rate; F i g u r e 3. This t h r e e - d i m e n s i o n a l
D = d i a m e t e r of tunnel; v = criticalexcavation advance model, which was first proposed by
dlo = c h a r a c t e r i s t i c g r a i n size; rate; H o r n (1961), is b a s e d on the silo-theory
e = p e n e t r a t i o n distance; = s u b m e r g e d u n i t weight; of J a n s s e n (1895).
e=~ = m a x i m u m p e n e t r a t i o n dis- 7b = unit weight of slurry incl. The circular cross-section of t h e tun-
tance; aggregated solid matter; nel is a p p r o x i m a t e d by a square whose
F = s a f e t y factor; 7d = dry unit weight; sides are as long a s the d i a m e t e r D of
the tunnel. The collapse m e c h a n i s m
f = critical p r e s s u r e gradient; 7s = unit weight of slurry with-
consists of a wedge a n d a r i g h t - a n g l e d
f = p r e s s u r e gradient; out aggregates;
p r i s m t h a t extends from the t u n n e l
f = s t a g n a t i o n p r e s s u r e gra- 7. = unit w e i g h t of water; crown to t h e surface. The soil is
dient; Ap = excess fluid pressure; i d e a l i s e d as a rigid-plastic m a t e r i a l
H = overburden; = ratio of h o r i z o n t a l to verti- obeying the Mohr-Coulomb failure con-
Hw = e l e v a t i o n of w a t e r table; cal s t r e s s above the tunnel; dition with cohesion c and angle of
k = soil p e r m e a b i l i t y w . r . t . ~w = ratio of h o r i z o n t a l to verti- i n t e r n a l friction ¢. Then, at each point
water; cal s t r e s s in t h e wedge; on t h e slip surfaces, the m o b i l i s e d
n = soil porosity; p~ = dynamic viscosity of slurry; s h e a r i n g r e s i s t a n c e v is given by
p = pressure; ~tw = d y n a m i c viscosity o f w a t e r ;
c~ = n o r m a l stress; c tan~# ( 1)
Pb = p r e s s u r e in bentonite;
c= = vertical stress; F F
p, = p r e s s u r e in g r o u n d w a t e r ;
q = macroscopic f i l t r a t i o n ve- = vertical s t r e s s a t the where aandF denote the normal stress
locity; interface; and the safety factor, respectively.
r = r a t i o of volume to surface = s h e a r stress; The wedge is acted upon by: (a) its
of p r i s m a t i c block; zf = yield s t r e n g t h of slurry; weight; (b) the r e s u l t a n t n o r m a l forces
S = s u p p o r t force; z¢ = frictional resistence; a n d s h e a r forces along the failure sur-
faces ADE, BCF a n d ABFE; (c) t h e
So = s u p p o r t force o f m e m - = angle of i n t e r n a l friction;
r e s u l t i n g s u p p o r t force of the slurry;
brane-model; co = inclination of slip surface; a n d (d) the r e s u l t a n t vertical force of
t = s t a n d - u p time; cop = inclination of critical the p r i s m a t the interface DEFC.
wedge. Solving the limit- e q u i l i b r i u m equa-
tions of t h e wedge yields the s u p p o r t
force for a specific collapse mecha-
nism, i.e., for a specific i n c l i n a t i o n ~oof
s t r i c t e d to a zone close to the h e a d i n g . culations h a s a l r e a d y been a d d r e s s e d t h e slip surface A B F E . The critical
T h e cave-in of t h e g r o u n d m a y ob- by several a u t h o r s . F o r a synopsis of i n c l i n a t i o n ~ . i s d e t e r m i n e d by i t e r a -
s t r u c t t h e r o t a t i o n of the c u t t i n g - h e a d , the various analysis methods, the t i v e l y m a x i m i z i n g t h e n e c e s s a r y sup-
t h e e x c a v a t i o n m u s t be d i s r u p t e d , and r e a d e r is r e f e r r e d to K r a u s e (1987) a n d p o r t force o r - - f o r a given s u p p o r t
t h e soil h a s to be r e m o v e d m a n u a l l y B a l t h a u s (1988). L i m i t - s t a t e - d e s i g n - f o r c e - - b y i t e r a t i v e l y m i n i m i z i n g the
from the w o r k i n g area. In t h e second b a s e d solutions h a v e b e e n p r o p o s e d by s a f e t y factor. All c o m p u t a t i o n s are
case, the collapse p r o p a g a t e s t o w a r d s Leca a n d P a n e t (1988) a n d Leca a n d c a r r i e d o u t i n t e r m s of e f f e c t i v e
t h e surface, c r e a t i n g a c h i m n e y a n d Dormieux (1991 ). s t r e s s e s , w h e r e b y a h y d r o s t a t i c distri-
By t a k i n g into c o n s i d e r a t i o n t h e ef- b u t i o n of pore w a t e r p r e s s u r e s along
s o m e t i m e s a c r a t e r on t h e g r o u n d sur-
fects of s l u r r y p e n e t r a t i o n into t h e t h e slip surfaces is a s s u m e d .
face. The h e a d i n g f a i l u r e t h e n r e s u l t s
ground, this p a p e r a i m s a t a b e t t e r The s h e a r s t r e s s e s d e p e n d essen-
in excessive subsidence, a n d possible
u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e mechanics of face t i a l l y on the horizontal stresses acting
damage to overlying structures. W h e n
failure w h e n u s i n g b e n t o n i t e slurry. n o r m a l to the vertical slip surfaces.
tunnelling under a river, a lake or the
Because s l u r r y i n f i l t r a t i o n is a t r a n - However, the horizontal stresses can-
see, a direct channel is established
s i e n t process, t h e s t a n d - u p time, as not be computed w i t h o u t consideration
between tunnel and water.
well as the safety factor, a r e influenced of t h e deformation c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of
The p r o b l e m of e x p l a i n i n g a n d pre-
by t h e r a t e of excavation. t h e ground. Following J a n s s e n ' s silo-
dicting face i n s t a b i l i t y b y s t a t i c a l cal-
theory, a c o n s t a n t r a t i o A of horizontal
to vertical stresses will be a s s u m e d
here. Terzaghi a n d J e l i n e k (1954) pro-
x7 posed a value ofA = 1. Based u p o n t h e
m o d e l t e s t s of M e l i x (1987) a n d
G u d e h u s a n d Melix (1986), a value of
0.80 h a s been chosen for the n u m e r i c a l
e x a m p l e s p r e s e n t e d in this paper.
The vertical force a t the interface
C D E F is c o m p u t e d b y a p p l y i n g
J a n s s e n ' s silo-formulae first to the pris-
m a t i c body above t h e w a t e r table, a n d
at~erwards to t h e p a r t b e t w e e n w a t e r
t a b l e a n d crown. Thus, the different
u n i t weights above a n d below the wa-
(a) (b) t e r t a b l e (see Table 1) a r e t a k e n into
account. The m e a n effective vertical
Figure 2. Typical patterns of face failure. stress a along DEFC is given by:

1~[~ TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY V o l u m e 9, N u m b e r 2, 1994

qv= T ' r - c (1_ e-Xta~/~w# ) +
T d r - c (e_Xtaa,Hw/r_e_~tan,H/r ), (2)
tan~ M
where H , / - / , $.dand 1/denote the over-
burden, the elevation of the water table
above the crown (see Fig. 3), the dry L
unit weight, and the submerged unit
weight, respectively. The parameter r
denotes the ratio of the volume to the
circumference of the prisma [r = 0.5 D
tanw/(1 + tanw)]. The eq. (2) holds for
a safety factor o f F = 1. Other values of
F can be taken into account by replac-
ing c and tan~ by c / F and tanep/F,
respectively [see eq. (1)].
With regard to the a stress distri-
bution along the slip surfaces ADE and
BCF of the wedge, the linear approxi-
mation proposed in the German Stan-
E H.
dards for slurry walls (DIN 4126,1986)
will be assumed (see Fig. 4). Accord-
ingly, the verticalstress G increases
linearlywith depth due to the weight of
the soil,whereas the contribution of
the interface stress ~ to the vertical
stress decreases. The m e a n frictional Y
resistance vfis then obtained by inte-
grating A G tan~ over the slipsurfaces J D
A D E and I~CF:

% = X,(-1y'D + 2 o,,)tan¢ (3)

3 3 F
The approximation of Figure 4 is
discussed elsewhere (Walz and Pulsfort
Figure 3. Sliding mechanism (after Horn I961).
1983). The authors have also carried
out a numerical study in which the
wedge-equilibrium was analysed on the Table 1. Parameter values.
basis of the silo-theory, i.e., the wedge
was divided into horizontal slices (see Parameter Value
Walz and Prager 1978). This study
revealed t h a t the approximation sug- Soil:
gested in DIN 4126 (1986) overesti- • Dry unit weight 7d (kN/m 3 ) 20.0
mates the vertical stress ~ and, conse- •
Submerged unit weight 7 I (kN/m)3 12.0
quently, the shearingresistance as well. • Porosity n 0.20
However, the uncertainties associated • Strength parameters c, variable
with the linear approximation of Fig- • Permeability k variable
ure 4 can be compensated by choosing
a lower coefficient of lateral stress A
instead of A in (3). In the numerica~ Unit weight of slurry:
examples offered in this paper, a value • Including aggregated solid matter 7b(kN/m 3) 12.0
of ~ = 0.40--half as large as the one • Without aggregates T,(kN/m 3) 10.3
above the tunnel--will be assumed.
Yield strength vf(Pa) of slurry (cf Krause 1987, DIN 4127):
3. T h e Stabilizing Effect of a

With 4 0Yobantonite 15
B e n t o n i t e Slurry • With 7% bentonite 80
The supporting effect of slurry has
been studied extensively by a number Dynamic viscosityP~(cP) of slurry (after Xanthakos 1979):
• With 4% bentonite
of authors over the past forty years in • With 7% bentonite
conjunction with the design and con-
struction of diaphragm walls. For a
comprehensive review, refer to Xan-
thakos (1979). Recent research works
related to the use of slurries in shield pressurepw in the soil (Fig. 5). The unit the slurry during excavation, a value of
tunnelling include those of Kntipfer weight ~ of the slurry is higher t h a n =12 kN/m 3 will be assumed in the
and Meseck (1984) and Kranse (1987). that of water. The excess pressure Ap numerical examples. It should be noted,
To prevent a seepage flow towards is therefore not constant over the face however, that here, in contrast to the
the excavation face, the pressure Pb in of tunnel, but varies from a minimum slurry technique applied to the con-
the slurry must exceed the pore water at the crown to a m a x i m u m at the struction of diaphragm walls, the den-
invert. Because of the soil retained in sity of the suspension is not so impor-


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Excess Pressure "Membrane"
epage Force

< D > (a) (b)

Figure 4. Vertical stress distribution (after DIN 4126). Figure 5. Stabilizing effect of the suspension: (a) without and
(b) with penetration into the ground.

tant from the point of view of face sion comes to a standstill after the With a friction angle of approximately
stabilization because the slurry is pres- penetration reaches a distance e 40 °, the vertical tunnel face would be
surized inside the working area. The corresponding pressure gradient stable even when the ground is cohe-
It is well known that the stabilizing f. here is referred to as the "stagna- sionless and the excess pressure at the
force of the slurry depends essentially ~on gradient": crown is 0. This phenomenon occurs
on the degree of penetration of the because the assumed unit weight of
slurry into the ground (see, e.g., Ap (4) the slurry is 20% higher than that of
f so - -
Xanthakos 1979): i.e., the less the slurry e max '
penetrates, the greater the support where Av and e,~ denote the excess Figure 6b illustrates the interrela-
force. fluid pressure and the final distance of tionship between overburden H, el-
In the borderline case of a practi- penetration, respectively. evation of water table Hw, angle of
cally negligible penetration distance For a specific slurry composition internal friction ~0and necessary ex-
(Fig. 5a), the hydrostatic pressure of (bentonite type and concentration, ad- cess pressure zip at the limiting equi-
the slurry acts as though the face were ditives,etc.)and a specificsubsoil type, librium (safety factor F=I). These
sealed by an impervious membrane the stagnation gradient is an experi- results hold for the special case of a
(the so-called "membrane-model"). In mentally measurable constant. Ac- granular soil (c = 0).
this case, the support force results from cording to (4), the penetration dis- It is readily apparent that neither a
the difference in hydrostatic pressure tance will increase linearly with ex- doubling of the overburden from 10 m
between the slurry and the ground cess pressure: to 20 m (see curves b and g) nor a
water. variation in the elevation of the water
The penetration distance is small ~P (5) table (see curves g, c and d) will influ-
e max-
immediately after the filling of the ence considerably the required excess
working area with slurry, or when the pressure at a given angle of internal
Because the excess pressure zip is
soil is fine-grained or the slurry has the friction. It is interesting, however,
not constant over the tunnel face, the
ability to form a seal (the so-called that while the necessary fluid pressure
distance of penetration will vary with
filter-cake). A filter-cake is formed increases with the elevation of the water
depth along the tunnel face. It should
when the suspension contains aggre- table, the excess pressure zip decreases
be noted that (5) gives the final dis-
gated solid matter that is filtered out (curve d is deeper than curve g). Be-
tance of penetration, i.e., after suffi-
at the beginning of the slurry penetra- cause of the buoyancy inside the pris-
cient time has elapsed. Time-depen-
tion. A fine-grained low-permeable matic block above the tunnel, the higher
dent effects are dealt with in Sections
layer thus builds-up and increases the the elevation of the water table, the
6 and 7.
filtration effect. The difference be- smaller the effective vertical stress at
Face stability will be studied first
tweenpandPbis lost inside the filter- by taking the simple case of the mem-
the interface DEFC (Fig. 3).
cake and penetration of the bentonite Figure 6b reveals, furthermore, that
brane-model (Section 4); and after-
into the soil stops. a low excess pressure of 20 kPa is
wards by considering the more com-
Suspended material u s u a l l y is sufficient to ensure the face stability
plex case involving infiltration of the
presentinthe slurry. Aggregates (such of tunnels in gravels or sands with
slurry into the ground (Section 5).
as sawdust; see Fuchsberger 1975 and values typically greater than 30 °. At
Balmer 1992) may be added to the an excess pressure of 70 kPa, the tun-
suspension when necessary--e.g., in a 4. Results Based upon the nel face would be stable even in a lake
uniform, coarse and poorly-graded Membrane-Model marl in which c = 0 and ~#= 15 °. Such
ground. We carried out a parametric study excess fluid pressures can be realized
The stability of trenches where the for the example of a tunnel with a easily in practice--for example, by
slurry penetrates rather deeply into diameter ofD = 10 m; the overburden is adjusting the air-cushion pressure in
the ground has been studied by Miiller- H = 10 m, and the water level i s / / = 5 a hydro-shield. The results obtained
Kirchenbauer (1972). The stabilizing m above the crown. Figure 6a shows by the membrane-model imply, there-
effect of the slurry is attributed to the the excess pressure zip at the crown fore, that face instabilities should not
mass forces associated with the pres- that is necessary to retain equilibrium occur when a slurry shield is used,
sure gradient inside the suspension- (safety factor F = 1), as a function of the even when the ground has an ex-
saturated ground. The resulting sup- soil strength parameters c and ~. At a tremely low shear strength. However,
port force of the slurry is obtained by given angle of internal friction, a low the question arises: To what extent
integrating the mass forces over the cohesion c a n be compensated by a does the membrane model retain its
penetrated zone of the wedge. Be- higher excess fluid pressure z~---a main validity when the slurry penetrates
cause of its yield strength, the suspen- feature of slurry shield tunnelling. into the ground?


excess pressure, the final distance of
penetration will depend solely on the
stagnation gradient f,o (5). The fluid
excess pressure at the crown of the
tunnel is chosen to be zip = 20 kPa.
The authors carried out a paramet-
i D=10 m ric study concerning the effect off,° on
the safety factor F. In these computa-
100 tions, the variation of penetration dis-
O H=10m tance over the face was taken into
~,,_. 80' Hw=5m account. At any f,o value, the critical
inclination ~ r was determined itera-
~ 60 tively.
The c o m p u t a t i o n a l r e s u l t s are
shown in Figure 8. The stagnation
gradient, as well as the corresponding
distance of penetration at the level of
20 the tunnel axis, are given on the ab-
(a) scissa. According to the membrane
01! 20 25 30 35 40 model, the safety factor is 1.50. With a
decreasing stagnation gradient (i.e.,
Friction Angle an increasing penetration distance of
the suspension into the ground), the
,,, a: H= 5 m , •H w = 5m safety factor gradually decreases. At a
,,b b: H=2Om;H w 5 critical stagnation gradientfo, of 12 kN/
~ 80 c ,, g: H=10m;Hw m 3(i.e., a mean penetration distance of
3 m), the safety factor equals 1; at
~ .~ " ",'~ c: H=lOm;Hw= Om I lower stagnation gradients, the tunnel
v .o ,; .;,orn,. ;,on I face cannot remain stable.
These results can be better eluci-
dated with the help of the following
empirical formulae, suggested by the
LI~ 20 .....~""; German Standards DIN 4126 (1986):
015 20 25 30 35 40 f~ =2_~ (8)
d 10
Friction Angle
Eq. (8) livks the stagnation gradi-
Figure 6. Limit equilibrium conditions for membrane model for a given set of ent f,o to the slurry type, characterized
parameters. byits yield strength vp as well as to the
subsoil type, characterized by its ef-
fective size dlo, i.e., the grain diameter
5. Stability Assessment with the wedge (i.e., ate < D taneo) and sub- at which 10% of the soil weight is
Slurry Penetration into the linearly thereafter. In contrast to the finer. The extent of slurry penetration
membrane model, the resulting sup- does not, accordingly, depend on the
Ground complete particle size distribution, but
port force depends on the value of w,
5.1. Support Force i.e., on the specific wedge. The critical r a t h e r is governed by the finer par-
The well-known reduction in the sliding mehanism (i.e., the value of~r) ticle fraction. For the theoretical and
stabilizing effect of slurry after it has will therefore be influenced by the de- empirical background of(8), refer, e.g.,
penetrated into the ground can be ex- gree of slurry penetration. to Miiller-Kirchenbauer (1972) and
plained in the following way. When Figure 7 shows the graphical rep- Xanthakos (1979).
the suspension penetrates into the resentation of(6) and (7) for a mecha- With regard to the yield strength vf
ground beyond the wedge block, it ex- nism with eo = 20 °. In this example, of the suspension, the bentonite con-
erts its thrust on a soil zone that is not approximatelly 10% of the force of the centration is essential (see Krause
involvedin the slidingmechanism. Sta- membrane model is lost per m e t e r of 1987; DIN 4127, 1986). Table 1 shows
bilizing body forces are thus withdrawn penetration. After the complete satu- the concentrations, as well as the as-
from the wedge, and the resulting sup- ration of the wedge under consider- signed v. values, t h a t will be used in
port force S (Fig. 7) will decrease gradu- ation (at e = 4 m), the force will de- the examples offered. For the design
ally during penetration. By neglecting crease more slowly. This is, however, of a tunnel, of course, the actual rela-
the variation of ponetration-distance e unimportant because the slurry will tionship between yield strength and
over the tunnel face, the following fairly have already lost approximately 50% concentration has to be determined
simple expression can be derived: of its stabilizing effect and, further- experimentally.
more, because the respective fluid Using (8), it is possible to represent
S _-1 e ife <D tanco; (6) losses are in practice intolerable. the safety factor as a function of the
S. 2D tanO characteristic grain size d m (Fig. 9).
On the abscissa, the grain size range
S _ D tano ire >D tano>,, (7) 5.2. S a f e , A s s e s s m e n t for gravels and sands is given as well:
So 2e Consider again a tunnel (D = H = 10 a d m value of 0.60 mm~ for example,
In; H = 5 m) in a granular soil (gravel) could belong to a poorly-graded me-
where S o denotes the support force of with an angle of internal friction of~ =
the membrane-model (i.e., at e = 0). dium sand with a small silt or clay
37.5°--the highest value for prelimi- fraction. The curves A, B and C in
The support force accordingly decreases
nary designs suggested by the G e r m a n Figure 9 correspond to different val-
linearly with e during the saturation of
Standard DIN 1055 (1976)• At a given ues of bentonite concentration and of


"~ 20 kPa ."~
t--i.." !

10 rn ....~i~!!;i!ii~ii~iii!iiiill
+ iliiiiiiiii~,
I, -
e !

10 m ~ uspension
2,0 -
o 1,0"
£/3 0,8-
o,6. 1,0 ~ ~ , "
I I i -
500 150 50 15 5 1.5
r~ Stagnation Gradient fso(kN/m a)
CI. 0,2
£/3 0,0 I i I. 1 --
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.S 1.0 0.06 020 0 60 2 6 20
Penetration Distance e/D Penetration Distance e (m)
Figure 7. Loss of effective support force due to suspension Figure 8. Safety factor as a function of stagnation
infiltration for ~ wedge with to = 20 o. gradient (~ = 37.5°).

excess pressure zip at the crown of the can the stability of the tunnel face be raising the fluid pressure. In extremely
tunnel--i, e.,to differentvalues ofthose increased by raising the excess pres- coarse and poorly graded soils, an im-
parameters which can be directly con- sure or the bentonite concentration? portant technique for stabilizing the
trolled by the engineer in practice. face--the control ofthe fluidpressure--
5.4. Effect of Excess Pressure AP becomes ineffective.
5.3. Effect of the Characteristic Curve B in Figure 9 holds for a
Grain Size dlo bentonite concentration of 4% and an 5.5. Effect of Bentonite
Let us focus our attention on curve excess pressure of 40 kPamtwice as Concentration
A in Figure 9 (excess pressure zip = 20 high as curve A_ Accordingly, raising The difference in curves A and C
kPa, bentonite concentration 4%). At the excess pressure causes an increase lies in the differing bentonite content
low dlo values, the deviation from the in safety, but onlyin fine porous soils-- (7% and 4%, respectively). Accord-
membrane model is negligible; the i.e., soils in which the lower pressure ingly, by selecting a higher bentonite
safety factor in this range remains ap- would be enough as well. When the concentration, the grain-size range of
proximately constant. In a subsoil with characteristic grain size is bigger than soils that can be supported by a bento-
a d/o value that is smaller than the approxlmately 2 mm (i.e., poorly graded nite slurry becomes, in this example,
grmn size of medium sand, the slurry gravel without a fine-grained fraction), larger by an order of magnitude. The
acts as though the face were sealed, increasing the fluid pressure will only bentonite concentration influences sig-
regardless of whether or not a filter- cause further infiltration and fluid loss. nificantly the heading stability in a
cake has built up. As a matter of The considerable influence of ex- poorly graded, coarse subsoil (see
interest, in a subsoil in which the con- cess pressure on face stability in the Babendererde 1991).
ditions for the formation of a filter- case of a small d]ovalue can easily be As a comparison of curves A and C
cake are fulfilled, the filter-cake will be understood. In fine-grained soils, the reveals, increasing the bentonite con-
statically unimportant. membrane model represents a reason- tent has little effect when the soil is
Soils with a dlo value higher than able approximation (Fig. 8)--i.e., the fine-grained. From the point of view of
0.60 nun occur rather infrequently. effective support force S is only slightly face stabization, therefore, there can
Nonetheless, we will study the safety lower than the support force S o of the be no objection to the use of a slurry
in the range dzo > 0.60ram as well, in membrane model, which increases lin- with a low concentration of bentonite;
order to explore the limits of slurry- early with excess pressure. In a coarse such a suspension is favourable be-
shield tunnelling. AS shown by curve porous medium, however, increasing cause of the easier separation and bet-
A, a steep decrease in the safety factor the excess pressures causes a propor- ter handling of the excavated material.
occurs at dlovalues in the range of tional increase of the force So, but at Conflicts may occur, however, when
coarse s a n d (0.60-2.00 ram). At a the same time, a decrease in the ratio the ground consists of different layers
characteristic grain size in the magni- S/So as a result of the deeper penetra- with extreme variations in the finer
tude of fine gravel, the safety factor tion (see Fig. 7). In the final analysis, fraction.
becomes equal to 1. In a coarser sub- the support force S--and, consequently,
soil, heading failure will occur. the safety factor--remains constant. 6. Stand-up Time of the Tunnel
In the example discussed above, To summarize the above discussion, Face
the concentration of bentonite is 4% the deeper penetration of slurry into
and the excess pressure is 20 kPa. The the ground represents a serious safety In Sections 4 and 5, the stability of
question then arises: To what extent risk that cannot be compensated for by the tunnel face was studied for two


"~ 20kP
model 1o~~il;~iiii
- -I ~ ~\..::::::~i~;!::ii!ii~iiiil
' ::
(~p=40 kPa) 4,
2,0 -,~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B Membrane-
13 E 4
t~ 'IL
p.=?o. k.p.2 ~D

LL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

O 3
¢D t~
O~ .-- 2
(/3 £3
1,0 I O
,.~ 1
0,06 0,2 0,6 2,0 6,0 20 t~
Grain Size d (mm) c- 0
£L 0 5 10 15 20

I "SAND" I"GRAVEL" Time (hours)

Figure 9, Safety factor as a function of characteristic Figure 10. Penetration distance as a function of time (4%
grain size dlo (~ = 37.5 °. Curve A: z~ = 20 kPa, 4% bentonite according to Table 1, dlo= 6 mm, k =10~ m/sec).
bentonite; Curve B: zip = 40 kPa, 4% bentonite; Curve C:
zip = 20 kPa, 7% bentonite).

borderline cases concerning penetra- gradient ~p I ~x is lower than the stag- Accordingly, infiltration velocity de /
tion distance (e = 0 or e = e ). How- nation gradient f,o;at higher pressure dt decreases with increasing penetra-
ever, penetrahon distance increases gradients, the validity of Darcy~s law is tion distance e and it becomes equal to
gradually over time. Face stability is assumed: zero when e = e . This occurs because
therefore time-dependent as well, i.e., dp of the g r a d u a l ~ decreasing pressure
the safety factor decreases gradually >~o; gradient. Eqs. (13) and (14) illustrate
q =k ~-b -~Ztl~-x
from its m a x i m u m value (correspond- the importance ofgronnd permeability
ing to e = O) to its m i n i m u m value (10)
and suspension viscosity.
(corresponding to e = e ). Subse- Integrating (13) and taking into ac-
q = 0,if [ ~ x l< fso; (11)
quently, time effects will be studied count the initial condition e (z,O) = 0
for the simple case where excavation where k is the permeability of the leads to the following expression:
is interrupted, e.g., during installa- ground with respect to water; p~ und p~
tion of the lining segments. denote the dy'Damic viscosity of water -e- 1-e
t - - - - ,
(= 1 cP) and bentonite (see Table 1),
6.1. The Penetration Distance respectively; and 7~ is the unit weight (15)
The first step involves computing of water. For the sake of simplicity,
or, on account of(4):
the time-development of the penetra- beth ground and suspension are as-
tion distance, based on the theory of sumed to be incompressible. n #ub 7~,Ap [1-e e
multiphase flow of immiscible fluids In this case, the filtration velocityis
spatially constant (&//ax = 0) due to k ftwf,o 2
(Bear 1977). With regard to the stabil-
ity of the tunnel face, only the area the one-dimensional mass conserva- (16)
close to the face is important. It is tion equation. Consequently (10), the These equations give the time t that
therefore reasonable to model suspen- pressure decreases linearly within the m u s t elapse in order for the suspension
sion infiltration as a one-dimensional suspension-saturated area [0 <__x to infiltrate up to a distance e. Equa-
process. e(z,t)], i.e., the pressure gradient is tions (15) and (16) cannot be solved in
In Figure 10, e(z,t) denotes the pen- constant: a closed form with respect to e. It can
etratien distance at time t and eleva- easily be verified, however, that the
tionz. The hydrostatic pressure at the dp _ pw(z)--pb (z) _ - Zip (z) (12) penetration distance reaches asymp-
tunnel face (x = 0) and at the suspen- dx e @J ) e Cz,t ) totically em~ when t--~.
sion-water interface Ix = e(z,t)] is equal Figure 10 shows the graphical rep-
to pb(z) and p~(z), respectively. The From (9), (10) and (12), one obtains resentation of(15). It is apparent that,
displacement of the interface is given the following expression for the infil- a t ~ r an initial phase with rapid infil-
by the me an microscopic velocity de / dt tration velocity de ~dr : tration, the penetration distance in-
of the suspension: creases more and more slowly up to its
de k lJw (Zip@) f,ol (13) final value (in this case, 4 m). In this
de _ q (e,t) (9) dt - n/.t b Yw ~ e - - - ~ - ]; example, the suspension will infiltrate
dt n ' up to 1-2 m within a few hours--pro-
or, due to (4):
where n and q denote the porosity and vided that, despite the high fluidlosses,
the (macroscopic) filtration velocity, fluid pressure in the working area can
respectively. The filtration velocity q dtde - k/4~ Fw f " ( e m~ (z(z)-e(z
,t ) ~t ) ) be maintained.
is equal to zero when the pressure


6.2. Face Stability H = 5 m and for two different excess
in excavation of up to several hours,
The support force of the suspension fluid pressures. As in the examples in provided that the permeability is lower
is obtained by integrating the pressure Section 5, the ground is assumed to be than 10.4 mJsec. In highly permeable
gradient f~ over the suspension-satu- cohesionless with a friction angle of ground (e.g., k = 10.2m/sec), face insta-
rated area of the wedge (see Section 5). 37.5 °. The safety factor decreases bility will occur after a few minutes.
It should be noted that the extent of gradually from its maximum value
this area, as well as the pressure gradi- under the membrane-model (approxi- 7. Face Stability during
ent, are time-dependent. The following mately 2 for Ap = 40 kPa). The initial Continuous Excavation
relationship is obtained from (15): safety margin vanishes after a critical
time-period tcr--i.e., at tcrthe limit equi- In this case, the infiltration of slurry
librium is achieved. Accordingly, tcr takes place simultaneously with the
represents the stand-up time of the removal of ground at the face. The
k ~f,o 2 f~ f , )) slurry supported tunnel face. penetration distance is, therefore, gov-
(17) Of course, such a stand-up time ex- erned not only by the filtration velocity
ists only when the face is instable at d e / d t , but also by the advance rate v,
The pressure gradient at an arbi-
the maximum penetration distance e , i.e., the infiltration is partially com-
trary time t can be computed itera-
i.e., only when the stagnation gradient pensated by the continuous excava-
tively from (17). It can readily be veri-
f~ois lower than the critical gradient fcr tion. Only the simplified case with a
fied that f, decreases over the course of
(see Fig. 8). Figure 11 reveals, further- constant advance rate v is considered
time and that f s ~ f , o when t--+oo. Fur-
more, that the higher the excess pres- herein.
thermore, apart from the borderline
case of t --+~, the higher the excess fluid sure, the longer the stand-up time.
pressure zip(z), the higher the pressure This can be explained on the basis of 7. 1. Penetration Distance
gradient. Because Lip increases with (17). Neglecting the variation of the Figure 13 shows schematically the
depth (Section 3), the pressure gradi- excess fluid pressure Lip over the tun- infiltration velocity d e / d t as a func-
ent will increase from its minimum nel section and replacing f, by the criti- tion of the penetration distance e. Note
value at the tunnel crown to its maxi- cal gradient f~, (17) gives the stand-up that the infiltration velocity d e / d t de-
mum value at the tunnel floor. time t . It can readily be verified that
• cr creases with an increase in the pen-
The variation in the pressure gra- tcr increases linearly with the excess etration distance e (Section 6): at e--~
dient over the tunnel face is more pressure zip. e , d e / d t will be equal to zero. Ac-
pronounced at the beginning of the Obviously, permeability has a deci- cording to (13), the infiltration veloc-
infiltration process (low t values), es- sive influence on the stand-up time. ity increases to infinity for e -~ 0, i.e., it
pecially when the excess fluid pres- The lower the permeability, the slower does not have an upper limit• Figure
sure Lip at the crown is low. The fact the infiltration of the suspension and 13 also shows the constant advance
that the pressure gradient is lower in consequent loss of effective support rate v.
the upper part of the tunnel section force; and, thus, the longer the stand- Assume that at time t, penetration
suggests that an instability of the face up time will be. Based on a simple distance and infiltration velocity are
would occur there first. Therefore, dimensional analysis, it can be readily given by point A in Figure 13. Accord-
sliding mechanisms involving a wedge verified that the stand-up time is pro- ingly, the infiltration velocity is lower
in the upper part of the tunnel face portional to the reciprocal value of than the advance rate. In this case, the
m a y b e more critical than the ones permeability: A one order of magni- penetration distance--as measured
studied in this paper (see Fig. 3). tude higher permeability results in a from the instantaneous location of the
By taking into consideration the correspondingly lower stand-up time. tunnel face--gradually will be reduced
time-dependency of the penetration This relationship is represented by because the excavation advances more
distance and the pressure gradient, a straight line in a double logarithmic rapidly than the infiltration of the sus-
the safety factor can be computed as a plot, as shown in Figure 12. In this pension. Consequently, point A will
function of time. Figure 11 shows the example (cohesiouless ground and in- move on the curve towards the left
computed relation for a tunnel with sufficient fines), the tunnel face will (lower penetration distance) and up
the geometric data D = H = 10 m and remain stable during an interruption (higher infiltration velocity). After

2,0 5 days
• 1 day
E 8hr
'~P= F- 0 kPa
¢1 kPa 3hr
LL 1,5. \ \ SAVI NGS ::~ 1 hr
>, \ IN TIME "~
t- 30 min
4-, 10 rain
1,0 ~tcr ~ t c r min ....... I ........ 1 ......
• I • ! • ! .~.a| • I • ! .~..i ! •

10 -5 10 4 10-3 10 -2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time (hours) Permeability (m/sec)

Figure 11. Safety factor as a function o f time (4% Figure 12. Stand-up time as a function o f permeability
bentonite according Table 1, d lo =6 mrn, k =10 a rn / sec, (4% bentonite according Table 1, dlo =6 mm, g r a n u l a r soil
granular soil with ~ = 37.5°). with 0 =37.50) •


.~. 100

B g lo
0 1 0-4 1 0-3 1 0-2
0 ecr emax
Penetration Distance e Permeability (m/sec)
Figure 13. Relationship between penetration distance, Figure 14. Critical excavation advance rate as a function
infiltration velocity and excavation advance rate. of permeability (7% Bentonite according to Table 1, d~o =
20 turn, granular soil with f = 37.5°).

some time, point 0 will be reached. ~b v (19) 10.8 m/sec, the advance rate should be
Subsequently, the penetration distance fs=f,o+n)'wpwk a t l e a s t 17 mm]min. At higher advance
will remain constant because infiltra- Accordingly, during continuous ex- rates a safety margin will be present;
tionvelocity and advance rate are equal. cavation, the pressure gradient f, is at lower advance rates, the tunnel face
The opposite will occur if the infil- higher than the stagnation gradient f.° becomes unstable.
tration velocity at some particular time by an amount t h a t increases linearly
is higher t h a n the advance rate (Point with the dynamic viscosity p~ of the 8. Closing Remarks
B). In this case, the penetration dis- suspension and with the ratio of ad-
tance will increase over the course of The effectiveness of slurry support
vance rate v to permeability k. depends essentially on the infiltration
time and, consequently, the infiltra- Remember t h a t the lower the pres-
tion velocity will decrease. Point B will distance of the suspension into the
sure gradient, the lower the safety fac- ground. With increasing penetration
move on the curve towards point 0. tor, and t h a t face instability occurs
It can be seen that, during continu- distance, the effective support force, as
when the pressure gradient is lower well as stability of tunnel face (as ex-
ous excavation, a quasi-steady state than a critical valuef~ (Fig. 8). Accord-
occurs in which the infiltration veloc- pressed by the safety factor) will de-
ing to (19), however, an insufficient crease. Because in~tration takes place
ity is equal to the advance rate. The
stagnation gradient f~ can be compen- gradually over time, the safety factor is
corresponding penetration distance is sated for by a higher excavation ad-
obtained from (13) by setting d e / d t time-dependent.
vance rate. Consequently, in coarse- The computational method pre-
equal to v:
grained and poorly graded soils (i.e., in sented in this paper is based on the
soils with f..< f.. ), the advance rate model of Horn (1961), existing knowl-
e _ 1 < 1 (18)
must be higher tl~an the critical rate v edge concerning the interaction be-
e max l + n ~b ~w v
(Fig. 13) for the tunnel face to remain tween bentonite suspensions and the
stable. The critical advance rate is ground mass, and seepage flow funda-
Accordingly, the higher the ratio obtained from (19) by replacing f, by for: mentals. In this way, one derives quan-
v/k of advance rate to permeability, titative relationships between the shear
the smaller the penetration distance V c r f k ~fcr-fs°) ~tb Pw
n ~'w (20)
strength parameters of the ground, the
will be. The term on the righthand p a r a m e t e r s of the suspension, the
side of this equation represents a re- Accordingly, a permeability higher slurry pressure, the geometric data of
duction factor that expresses the in- by one order of magnitude results in a a tunnel, and the safety factor. Soil
fluence of continuous excavation on correspondingly higher critical advance permeability, as well as the dynamic
penetration distance. F r o m the re- rate. viscosity of the suspension, are deci-
suits of the previous sections, it be- Figure 14 shows the critical advance sive with respect to time effects; in very
comes clear that the face stabilitydur- rate as a function of permeability for coarse-grained soils, the excavation
ing continuous excavation will be the example of a granular soil with advance rate also has an influence.
higher than ifthere is an interruption very high dig value of 20 m m (e.g., The results of the parametric stud-
in the excavation work. poorlygraded coarse gravel) and ahigh ies presented herein are in accordance
bentonite concentration of 70 kg/m 8 with experience. Even when, in the
7.2. Face Stability (material constants according to Table absence of laboratory or field investi-
1). Forreasons discussed in Section5, gations, the data necessary for a stabil-
To quantify this effect, we again
the excess fluid pressure zip does not ity analysis are incomplete, the com-
need the respective pressure gradient.
have any influence on for and, conse- putations may be useful, because they
By reformulating (18), the following
quently (20), on vcr. According to Fig- improve understanding of the complex
interesting relationship is obtained:
ure 14, in a soil with a permeability of interrelations involved and, therefore,


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