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Ptrophysique tudes des gisements Gophysique Petrophysics Reservoir engineering Geophysics

Dpartement de Gologie et Gnie gologique Department of Geology and Engineering Geology

Paul WJ Glover, PhD (UEA, RU), MSc (Newcastle, RU), BSc (Imperial College, RU), ARCS
Notre vie actuelle dpend des ressources naturelles quoffre la Terre, telles que les rserves deau et ses ressources nergtiques. Les rservoirs souterrains nous fournissent de leau et des hydrocarbures. Ils permettront galement un stockage ventuel du CO2 lavenir. Mes recherches actuelles se concentrent sur les proprits des roches poreuses dont sont constitus ces rservoirs. Il sagit de comprendre des proprits importantes de ces roches en laboratoire, comme leur porosit, leur permabilit ainsi que les proprits des ondes lectriques et lasModern life depends upon energy, water and the Earth`s natural resources. Underground reservoirs provide us with water, gas and oil as well and perhaps a future place to dispose of CO2. My research focuses on the physical properties of the porous rocks that compose the these reservoirs. We aim to understand the important properties of rocks including porosity, permeability, and the electrical and elastic wave properties in the laboratory. We specialise in the theory and measurement of the electrical and seismoelectro-kinetic properties of reservoir rocks in an attempt to use the properties to predict the amount and flowability of water, gas, oil and CO2 in the subsurface.
Cellules de conductivit de fluide lectrodes de platine noircies au platine, construites par Paul Glover pour mesurer la conductivit des fluides en fonction de la frquence avec une grande prcision. A platinum-blacked fluid conductivity cells constructed by Paul Glover to allow high quality electrical conductivity measurements on fluids as a function of frequency.

Rsultat dune analyse de tomodensitomtrie rayons-X dun chantillon de carbonate vacuolaire. La porosit est importante mais la conductivit lectrique est la permabilit sont faible cause de la mauvaise connectivit des vides. X-ray CT scan of a vuggy carbonate core prior to impedance spectroscopy measurement. The porosity is high, but electrical conductivity and permeability is low because the vugs are not well connected.

tiques qui les traversent. Plus particulirement, nous nous concentrons sur les mesures et la thorie des proprits lectriques et sismolectrocintique qui permettent en effet de prdire quantit des fluides ainsi que la manire dont ils sont en mouvement dans le sous-sol.
Proprits lectriques et sismo-electrocintique des roches. Les phnomnes lectrocintiques mettent directement en relation les flux lectriques et hydrauliques; en effet, lorsquune roche est soumise un gradient de flux de fluide, on remarque lapparition dun courant lectrique (alors appel courant lectrocintique), et rciproquement. Ces phnomnes lectrocintiques sont de premire importance car ce sont eux qui relient le flux de fluide aux variations du signal lectrique enregistres avant un tremblement de Terre majeur et autour des volcans. Une description dtaille de ces mcanismes nous permettrai damliorer les prdictions des tremblements de terre et des ruptions volcaniques. La comprhension des phnomnes lectrocintiques pourrai galement mener la cartographie de fluides se trouvant dans le sous-sol partir des mesures lectriques, amliorer les mthodes de dcontamination du sol ou aider

Electrical and seismo-electro-kinetic rock properties Fluid flow and electrical flow are linked at a fundamental level by electro-kinetic phenomena, where fluid flow through a rock causes an electrical current to flow or vice versa. These phenomena are important because electrical signals measured before major earthquakes and around volcanoes are linked to fluid flow by electro-kinetic mechanisms. Accurate description of the mechanisms would enable us to improve the prediction of both earthquakes and volcanoes. The link may also allow fluid flow in the deep earth to be mapped from electrical measurements, aid the development of new oil, gas and water borehole tools, and provide methods for cleaning contaminated soils. There are two major problems. (a) There is no AC theory linking fluid flow and electrical conduction through electro-kinetic processes. (b) The major controlling influences on fluid and electrical flow through rocks and soils is not sufficiently understood. We are developing experimental methodologies to measure the electrical and seismo-electro-kinetic properties of rocks in parallel with the theory describing these processes. The research implies that we design, build and test our own equipment as commercial versions are not available.

Le volcan Zao-san, Hokkaido, Japon. Les variations de potentiel spontan mesures sur des volcans tel que celui-ci sont le rsultat du flux hydraulique qui provient de phnomnes de convection. Des variations soudaines dans le flux de fluide en trois dimensions peuvent tre calcules en utilisant les paramtres lectrocintiques. Cela permettra dvaluer le risque dune ruption. The volcano Zao-san, Hokkaido, Japan. The measurement of spontaneous potential on volcanoes such as this are the result of convection-driven fluid flow in the subsurface. Sudden changes in the 3D fluid flow can be calculated using electro-kinetic parameters allowing the chance of eruptions to be judged.

au dveloppement de nouveau outils danalyse de forage. Il y a cependant deux obstacles majeurs la comprhension de ces phnomnes. (a)Il nexiste aucune thorie impliquant les phnomnes lectrocintiques qui relie un flux de fluide fonction de la frquence et la conduction lectrique. (b) A lheure actuelle, on ne comprend pas suffisamment bien les processus contrlant le comportement des flux hydrauliques et lectriques. Prsentement, nous dveloppons des mthodologies exprimentales afin de mesurer les proprits lectriques et lectrocintiques des roches en parallle avec de nouvelles thories dcrivant ces processus.

Le flux de fluide travers une roche rservoir poreuse qui est canalis par linteraction entre la tortuosit naturelle de la roche et la chimie des pores mesur par tomographie par mission de positon. Fluid flow through a porous reservoir rock that is channelled by the interaction between the natural tortuosity of the rock and the pore chemistry as measured by positron emission tomography.

Ptrophysique tudes des gisements Gophysique Petrophysics Reservoir engineering Geophysics

Dpartement de Gologie et Gnie gologique Department of Geology and Engineering Geology

Paul WJ Glover, PhD (UEA, RU), MSc (Newcastle, RU), BSc (Imperial College, RU), ARCS
Avancement des travaux sur les mesures exprimentales. Une cellule de mesure lectrocintique en rgime continu a t conue en collaboration avec le dpartement de gnie mcanique. La construction de la cellule a dbut en dcembre 2007 pour sachever en mars 2008. Les tests dbuteront immdiatement aprs la livraison. Actuellement , nous travaillons galement la conception dune cellule de mesure des proprits sismo-lectrocintiques et fonction de la frquence. Un nouveau porosimtre hlium, qui a une prcision qui nest pas disponible ailleurs, a t conu, construit et mis en jeu. La construction du nouveau permamtre Advances in theoretical development We have modified existing theories to produce a simple AC theory of hydraulic and electro-kinetic streaming potential coupling coefficients for capillary tubes before investigating the effect of mixing tubes of different sizes. The results (shown below) show variations that are similar to those found in impedance spectroscopy, but which are not exactly the same. Experiment should allow us to determine if the theory shows a real difference. Meanwhile, manipulation of the electro-kinetic equations has led to a new way of predicting permeability. Both of these advances will be offered for publication in 2008. Avancement de ltude thorique Nous avons modifi les thories existantes afin de produire des thories simples sur les coefficients de couplage hydraulique et lectrocintique en fonction de la frquence pour des tubes capillaires. Des tudes sur des milieux constitus de tubes de diffrentes tailles ont t effectues par la suite. Les rsultats (ci-dessous) montrent des variations similaires celles observes pour la spectroscopie dimpdance, mais qui ne sont pas parfaitement identiques. Les expriences vont donc nous permettre de dterminer si la thorie met en vidence une diffrence relle. Dautre part, ltude et la modification des quations rgissant les phnomnes lectrocintiques ont men une nouvelle faon de prdire la permabilit dun milieu poreux. Ces deux points feront lobjet de publications courant 2008. 1.4 1.2 Coupling Coefficient 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06

Le nouveau porosimtre Hlium pour des chantillons cylindriques de 1 ou 1.5 pouces de diamtres. The new helium porosimeter for 1 inch and 1.5 inch cores.

Klinkenberg est aussi bien avance.

Nous avons aussi dvelopp des mthodes de mesures du pH et de la conductivit lectrique complexe de fluides saturants laide dune cellule lectrode de platines noircies au platine. Ce dispositif est plus fiable et prcis que les appareils de mesure de conductivit prsents dans le commerce. De plus, cette cellule a t conue afin de mesurer la conductivit complexe aux mmes frquences que lon utilise pour la spectroscopie dimpdance. Nous avons tent de stabiliser nos mesures de conductivit lectrique complexe en installant la cellule de spectroscopie dimpdance basse pression dans une chambre temprature contrle. Advances in experimental measurement A DC electro-kinetic cell has been designed in collaboration with the department of mechanical engineering. Construction began in december 2007 for delivery and testing in march 2008. Currently, we are also working on the design of a cell that will allow AC seismo-electro-kinetic measurements to be carried out. A new purpose-built helium porosimeter has been designed, constructed and commissioned, which will contribute to our ability to measure the basic properties of rocks with an accuracy not possible with commercial instruments. Construction of the new klinkenberg gas permeameter is well advanced and progress has been made in completing our suite of sample coring, preparation and saturation apparatuses. In addition, we have been developing methods for the measurement of the pH and complex electrical conductivity of pore fluids using platinum blacked electrode cell. This approach is more accurate than commercial fluid conductivity instruments and allows us to measure the pore fluids at exactly the same frequencies that we use to measure the rock samples during impedance spectroscopy. We have attempted to stabilise our measurement of complex electrical conductivity by installing the low pressure impedance spectroscopy cell in a temperature controlled chamber.

Conception de la nouvelle cellule pour mesures lectrocintiques en rgime continu. Elle est faite dacier inoxydable, de laiton, de PTFE et dautres polymres. Elle sera prte tre teste en mars 2008. Design of the new DC electro-kinetic cell. It is constructed from stainless steel, brass, PTFE and other engineering polymers and will be ready for testing in March 2008. 10000

Real Hydraulic Coupling Coefficient Real Streaming Coupling Coefficient Imaginary Streaming Coupling Coefficient

Predicted permeability (mD)

Imaginary Hydraulic Coupling Coefficient

1000 100 10 1 0.1


0.001 0.001







Frequency (Hz)
Les coefficients de couplage hydraulique et lectrocintique en fonction de la frquence pour un milieu poreux thorique compos de particules sphriques de 0.1 mm de diamtre disposes de manire alatoires. The hydraulic and electro-kinetic streaming potential coupling coefficients as a function of frequency for a theoretical porous medium composed of 0.1 mm spherical particles arranged randomly.

Measured permeability (mD)

La permabilit au gaz de roches rservoirs de la mer du Nord (Royaume Uni) peut tre dduite des quations lectrocintiques en fonction de la permabilit Klinkenberg (Units : millidarcies). Permeability to gas of reservoir rocks from the UK North Sea predicted from electro-kinetic equations as a function of the measured klinkenberg permeability (units : millidarcies).

La cellule de spectroscopie dimpdance faible pression installe dans une chambre temprature contrle, construite partir dun cellier vin. The low pressure impedance spectroscopy cell installed in a temperature controlled chamber modified from a wine cabinet.

Ptrophysique tudes des gisements Gophysique Petrophysics Reservoir engineering Geophysics

Dpartement de Gologie et Gnie gologique Department of Geology and Engineering Geology

Paul WJ Glover, PhD (UEA, RU), MSc (Newcastle, RU), BSc (Imperial College, RU), ARCS

Publications Publications (2007-2009) Glover, Bormann, The characterization of trough and planar crossbedding from borehole image logs, Journal of Applied Geophysics 62 (2007) 178191. Glover, Comment on Permeability prediction from MICP and NMR data using an electrokinetic approach Glover et al., 2006, Geophysics, 71(4), F4960, Geophysics, 72(4), 2007, X3X5. Glover, The use of electrical surveying and predictive deconvolution in the search for Anglo-Saxon grubenhuser at New Bewick, Northumberland, UK, Proc. 36th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Qubec 2006, 1-4, CELAT, Srie Archomtrie, 2008 Glover & Adm, Correlation between crustal high conductivity zones and seismic activity and the role of carbon during shear deformation, 2008, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B12210. Glover, What is the cementation exponent? A new interpretation, The Leading Edge, Jan 2009, 82-85. Glover & Walker, A grain size to effective pore size transformation derived from an electro-kinetic theory, Geophysics, 74(1), E17-E29, 2009. Glover, The discovery of an Anglo-Saxon Grubenhaus at New Bewick, northern UK using electrical surveying and predictive deconvolution, accepted in Archaeometry 2009. Glover, Predicting porosity, permeability frequency and hydrocarbon saturation using cuttings gas logs, Poster, EGU 2008, Vienna. Matsuki, Chida, Sakaguchi, & Glover, The variation of fracture aperture and permeability during normal closure, shearing and with scale in large synthetic fractures, Poster, EGU 2008, Vienna. Walker, Glover, Ruel, Lalande, Jodouin & Hadjigeorgiou, Un dispositif pour mesurer le coefficient de couplage lectrocintique d'chantillons de roches poreuse en laboratoire, Oral, ACFAS 2008, Qubec. Matsuki, Chida, Sakaguchi, & Glover, The variation of fracture aperture and permeability during normal closure, shearing and with scale in large synthetic fractures, Poster, GAC-MAC2008, Qubec. Glover, The prediction of porosity, permeability and hydrocarbon saturation from cuttings gas log data, Poster, GAC-MAC 2008, Qubec. Glover, & Blouin, Modeling increased soil radon emanation caused by instantaneous and gradual permafrost thawing due to global climate warming, Poster, GAC-MAC 2008, Qubec. Glover. & Walker, Modeling hydraulic flow and streaming potential coupling coefficients in capillary bundles and porous rocks as a function of frequency, Oral, GAC-MAC 2008, Qubec. Walker, Glover, Ruel, Lalande, Jodouin, & Hadjigeorgiou,, A method for measuring the AC and DC streaming potential coupling coefficients of porous rock samples in the laboratory, Oral, GAC-MAC 2008, Qubec Glover, Magnetic susceptibility measurements on ancient and modern potsherds using a fast, cheap and portable probe, Poster, EGU 2009, Vienna. Glover, What is the cementation exponent? A new differential interpretation, Oral, EGU 2009, Vienna. Glover, Ogilvie, Isakov, A new method for calculating the mean aperture of fractures in rocks: The dual mean, EGU 2009, Vienna. Glover, Measurements, modelling and applications of the electro-kinetic properties of rocks, Oral, GASTEM Lecture Tour 2009 Hungarian Acad. Sci., Sopron, Hungary, 27 April 2009. University of Padua, Italy, 29 April 2009. University of Strasbourg, France, 11 May 2009. ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland, 12 May 2009. University of Paris II, France, 19 May 2009. Imperial College, University of London, UK, August 2009. Glover, A differential interpretation of the cementation exponent, Oral, 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto. Glover & Walker, How are grain size and pore size related? A transformation based on electro-kinetic theory, Poster, 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto. Glover, Archaeometric prospection using electrical survey predictive deconvolution (ESPD), Oral, 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto. Glover, Magnetic susceptibility of ancient and modern potsherds using a fast, cheap and portable probe, Poster, 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto.

Prsentations Presentations (2007-2009) Glover & Blouin, Modelling increased soil radon emanation caused by instantaneous and gradual permafrost thawing due to global climate warming, Poster, EGU 2007, Vienna. Glover, The discovery of an Anglo-Saxon grubenhaus at New Bewick, northern UK using electrical surveying and predictive deconvolution, Oral, EGU 2007, Vienna. Glover & Bormann, The characterization of trough and planar crossbedding from borehole image logs, Poster, EGU 2007,Vienna. Walker, & Glover, Dispositifs pour mesurer les proprits lectrocintiques de roches en laboratoire, Poster,JSTE 2008, Qubec. Walker, Glover, Ruel, Lalande, Jodouin, & Hadjigeorgiou, A laboratory apparatus for measuring the frequency-dependent streaming potential coupling coefficient of porous rock samples, Oral, EGU 2008, Vienna. Glover & Walker, Modelling the frequency dependence of hydraulic flow and streaming potential coupling coefficients in capillary bundles and porous rocks, Poster, EGU 2008, Vienna.

Modelisation physique de Vulcano, Italie, en utilisant la mthode des lments finis et la couplage lectro-cintique. Champ lectrique (fleches), champ magntique (couleur).

Physical modelling of Vulcano, Italy, using a finite element method and taking account of electrokinetic coupling. Electric field (arrows), magnetic field (colour).

Ptrophysique tudes des gisements Gophysique Petrophysics Reservoir engineering Geophysics

Dpartement de Gologie et Gnie gologique Department of Geology and Engineering Geology

Paul WJ Glover, PhD (UEA, RU), MSc (Newcastle, RU), BSc (Imperial College, RU), ARCS

Laboratoire de Ptrophysique Impdancemtre (SOLARTRON SI 1260) Systme dacquisition de donnes (KEITHLEY 2700/LabView) mesures de potentiel lectrocintique, temprature, pression et dbit Porosimtre lhlium (conu et fait en laboratoire) Permamtre gaz (conu et en construction en laboratoire) Conductivitmtre et susceptibilitmtre terrain Systme de caractrisation des fluides (pH et proprits lectriques) Systme de dposition lectrolytique prparation dlectrodes (INSTEK) Cellules de mesure de limpdance complexe des roches Cellules pour le mesure des proprits lectriques des sols Nouvelle cellule pour mesures lectrocintiques en rgime continu
La prospection lectrique pour des restes archaeologiques les rsultats des mesures lectriques analys avec la deconvolution predictive. Les carrs rouges sont les restes des petites maisons. Electric prospection for buried archaeological remains the results of an electric resistivity survey that has be subjected to predictive deconvolution. The remains of buried houses are seen as red squares.

tudiants Students Emilie Walker (PhD) Eric Tardif (MSc) Mlissa Jodouin (BSc-MSc) Guillaume Lalande (BSc) Mathieu Bergeron (BSc) Nicolas Dry (BSc) Guillaume Cyr (BSc)

valuation Reviewer G3 Transport in Porous Media Journal of Geophysical Research Earth and Planetary Science Letters eEarth Annales Geophysicae Journal of Archaeological Science US Department of Energy NSERC

Nouvelle cellule pour mesures lectrocintiques en fonction de frquence

Subventions Funding NSERC - Individual discovery grant: Unification of fluid flow and electrical conduction in rocks and soils $ 43000 per annum (2006-2010) NSERC - Research Tools and Instruments - Category 1 : The measurement and application of electro-kinetic measurements in hydrocarbon-bearing rock fractures $ 62100 (2007-2008) Service externe External Service GASTEM Inc., Qubec Intragaz Inc., Qubec

Organisation de congrs Conference organisation ERE 9 Archaeometry: The use of geoscientific techniques to probe the archaeological environment at EGU 2007, Vienna. MPRG7 The transport properties of geomaterials: Theory, modelling, measurement, application and integration, EGU 2008, Vienna. SS2 Rock physics: Tying geophysics to geology, GAC/MAC 2008 Qubec. MPRG7 The transport properties of geomaterials: Theory, modelling, measurement, application and integration, EGU 2009, Vienna ERE14 Archaeometry: The use of geoscientific techniques to probe the archaeological environment, EGU 2009, Vienna. GA13 Integrated and multi-scale studies in petrophysics and applied geophysics, AGU/GAC/MAC Joint Meeting 2009, Toronto.

Cours Gophysique du globe (Session dautomne 2007 -2009) Analyse et modlisation des systmes naturels (Session dhiver 2008-2009) Gophysiqe applique (Session dautomne 2009) Mthodologie de la recherche (Session dautomne 2007 -2008 et hiver 2009) Conception en gnie gologique I (Session dhiver 2007) Analyse gologique des diagraphies (Session dhiver 2007, 2009) Ptrophysique (Session dhiver 2007)

Le systme Solartron SI 1260 (impdancemtre) pour mesurer les proprits lectriques complexes des roches. The Solartron SI 1260 impedancemeter system for the measurement of the complex electrical properties of rock samples.

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