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Une guerre des toiles

Les tournes de ballet dans la diplomatie culturelle

de la Guerre froide (1945-1968)

Stphanie GONCALVES DE ARANJO- Thse prsente en vue de lobtention du

PASSOS grade acadmique de
Docteur en Histoire, art et archologie

sous la direction de Madame la

Professeure Irene DI JORIO

Anne acadmique 2014-2015

Grazzie mile
mens sana in corpore sano

1. tat de lart : Guerre froide, culture et danse 15
2. Une histoire des tournes de ballet pendant la Guerre froide 24

1. Danse et politique, une histoire dans la longue dure 32

2. Un art transnational 36
3. Limportance des tournes dans le ballet 37

1. France et Russie : des traditions croises 52

2. Deux jeunes compagnies : le Royal Ballet de Londres et les compagnies amricaines


3. Le ballet, art de pas et de passeurs 81

1. LOpra de Paris en tourne aux tats-Unis 89

2. Les tats-Unis la conqute de Paris, 1946-1952 117

1. Quand la crise politique mondiale frappe Paris et le monde artistique 126
2. Les consquences de lannulation et les ractions de la presse 133
3. Les relations entre la France et lURSS en 1954 135

1. Une invitation ancienne 144

2. Les socits damiti 146
3. Boulganine et Khrouchtchev en Grande-Bretagne 148
4. Le dbut des ngociations et le principe de rciprocit 151
5. Lorganisation de la tourne 156

6. LAffaire Ponomareva 164

7. Larrive du Bolcho Londres 173

8. La tourne retour du Sadlers Wells Ballet en URSS ? 185

1. Le Kirov Paris en mai-juin 1961 196

2. La dfection de Noureev 206

3. Le Kirov Londres et le Royal Ballet Moscou 212

East European Tour
1. Lorigine du East European Tour : une tourne avorte en URSS 236
2. La prparation de la tourne (fvrier-septembre 1966) 243

3. Au cur du East European Tour : Sofia et Bucarest 254

4. La rception de la tourne 258

I. Sources 273

II. Bibliographie 290

Lac des Cygnes

in medias res

La danse pour passion




Le temps de la Guerre
froide, Du Rideau de fer l'effondrement du communisme,
Financial Times Nureyev as dancer
and as Choreographer and ,

La constellation Noureev, La Fabrique de

l'histoire Un Jour, Un
destin Noureev, l'attraction cleste,

Moi, Maa Plissetskaa.

Les temps de la Guerre froide
American Historical Review


Revue dhistoire diplomatique

Les historiens franais l'uvre, 1995-2010


La Guerre froide vue den bas

stricto sensu

Cold War International History


Diplomatic History .

Who Paid the Piper ?

Paix et guerre entre les nations Russia, The

Soviet Union and the US: an interpretive history Entre guerre et
paix The Kremlin and the world politics
Expansion and coexistence. The History of Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1967
The Rivals. America and Russia since World War II
Dangerous Relations. The Soviet Union in World Politics, 1970-1982

Selling the American Way: US Propaganda and the Cold War

Cold War History Project

Reviewing the Cold War approaches,

Interpretations, Theory,
Diplomatic History
Reviews in American History

Cold War Constructions: The Political

Culture of United States Imperialism, 1945-1966,
To Lead the Free World: American Nationalism and the Cultural Roots of the Cold War,

Journal of arts, management and law society

Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War,

Information Research Department

America and the Intellectual Cold Wars in Europe: Shepard Stone Between Philanthropy,
Academy and Diplomacy,
American Foundations in Europe: Grant-Giving Policies, Cultural Diplomacy and Transatlantic
Relations, 1920-1980
Contemporary British History,

America and the Anti-Communist propaganda, 1945-1953: the Information Research

Intelligence and National Security

The CIA, the British left and the Cold War: calling the tune?

Contemporary British History,

The global Cold War : third world interventions and the making of our times
The Cold War in the Third World

The Cultural Cold War in Western Europe (1945-1960)

Culture et Guerre froide

The Cambridge History of Cold War, vol.1: Origins

European History Quaterly

The crisis of Dtente in Europe: from Helsinki to
Gorbatchev, 1975-1985
Europe and the End of the Cold War: a reappraisal
European integration and the Cold War: Ostpolitik, 1965-1973

LEurope de lEst et de lOuest

dans la Guerre froide, 1948-1953
LURSS et lEurope de 1941 1957
East-West Cultural Exchanges

Culture and
International History

Une Europe malgr tout. Les changes culturels, intellectuels et

scientifiques entre Europens dans la Guerre froide
East-West Cultural Exchanges and the Cold War

East-West Cultural Exchanges in the Cold War

Culture and International History

Searching for a Cultural Diplomacy

Art in the Cold War: from Vladivostok to Kalamazoo, 1945-1962,

Cold War Confrontations: US exhibitions and their role in the cultural

Cold War, Late modernism: Art, culture and politics in Cold War
America, The battle for realism: figurative art in
Britain during the Cold War, 1945-60, Pavilions
of Plenty: Exhibiting American Culture Abroad in the 1950s
Comment New York vola lide dart moderne : expressionnisme abstrait, libert et Guerre froide

, Les Amricains et la France 1917-1947. Engagements et

Revue d'histoire moderne et
Revue franaise d'histoire des ides politiques, Upstaging the Cold
War, American dissent and cultural diplomacy 1940-1960
Relations Internationales

soft power

Satchmo Blows Up the World: Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War
Dancing with de Beauvoir: jazz and the French

Jazz, rock, rebels: cold war politics and American culture in a divided Germany,

German Pop Music How american is it?

Jazz diplomacy: Promoting America in the Cold War era,

Recomposing German Music: politics and musical tradition in Cold War Berlin

Diplomatic History,
ibid. Twentieth-Century Music and
Politics: Essays in memory of Neil Edmunds
Music Divided: Bartk's legacy in cold war culture,

Diplomatic History,
Music in Americas Cold War Diplomacy
Relations internationales

soft power Soft power: the means to success in

world politics
US Television News and Cold War Propaganda 1947-1960
Cold War, Cool Medium, Television, McCarthyism, and American
Culture British Propaganda And News Media in the
Cold War
British Cinema And the Cold War: The State, Propaganda And Consensus
Hollywood's Cold War
Cinematic Cold War: the American and Soviet struggle for hearts and minds
An army of phantoms: American movies and the
making of the Cold War J. Edgar Hoover goes to the
movies: the FBI and the origins of Hollywood Cold War,
Hollywood exiles in Europe: the black list and Cold War films

Journal of Communications
War of the Black Heavens: The Battle of Western Broadcasting in the Cold War
Cold War Radio: the dangerous history of
American broadcasting in Europe, 1950-1989
Cold War History
Dropping the Torch: Jimmy Carter, the Olympic Boycott and the Cold War
Olympisme et Guerre froide culturelle, le prix de la
victoire amricaine The Cold War and the 1984 Olympic Games: A
Soviet-American Surrogate War
College Football and American Culture in the Cold War
Cold War International
History Project

musical diplomacy top-


La Guerre froide vue

den bas

Globetrotting: African American Athletes and Cold War Politics

The International Journal of the History of

Local Consequences of the Global Cold War

Vie quotidienne et pouvoir sous le communisme.

Consommer lEst
Cold War cultures: perspectives on
Eastern and Western Societies,
Music in Americas Cold War Diplomacy

La Guerre froide vue den bas

Danser avec le IIIme Reich : les danseurs modernes et le nazisme

Pour une histoire culturelle

Les enjeux de lhistoire culturelle, Lhistoire culturelle,

Writing Contemporary History

LHistoire culturelle : un tournant mondial dans lhistoriographie ?
Dictionnaire dhistoire culturelle de la
France contemporaine
Histoire du corps, T.1 De la Renaissance aux
Lumires, T.2 De la Rvolution la grande guerre, T.3 Les mutations du regard, le XXme sicle

Au bord de la falaise. L'histoire

entre certitudes et inquitude

Danser avec le IIIme Reich : les danseurs modernes et le nazisme
Ballets Russes

Dance Panel

dancing diplomacy

New York City Ballet .

Serge Lifar : la danse pour patrie

Noureev l'insoumis Rudolf Nureyev, The Life

Triomphes et scandales : la belle poque des ballets russes

Les Archives internationales de la danse

Lveil des modernits, une histoire culturelle de la danse (1870-1945)

Danser Paris dans lentre-deux-guerres, Lieux, pratiques et imaginaires des danses de

socit des Amriques (1919-1939)
Dance for Export, Cultural Diplomacy and the Cold War

Dance Chronicle
Funding Footprints: U.S. State Department Sponsorship of International Dance Tours, 1962-
Theatre Journal
Dancers as Diplomats : American Choreography in cultural exchange

The Dancer Defects, The struggle for cultural supremacy during the Cold War

Swans of the Kremlin, Ballet and Power in Soviet Russia

dancing diplomacy


Continents in Movement

Ballets Russes

terminus a quo ad quem

Mmoires dun homme de spectacles

Paris: Capital of the world
Paris: Capital of the arts, 1900-1968

Annales, Economies, Socits, Civilisations

Vingtime Sicle. Revue

Le Monde
Days with Ulanova

prima ballerina assoluta

Moi, Maa Plissetskaa.

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008 Maa Plissetskaa. la Magnifique

Le Monde
USSR and Eastern Europe
Philologiques IV, Transferts culturels
triangulaires France-Allemagne- Russie

Danser Paris pendant lentre-deux-guerres, Lieux, pratiques et imaginaires des danses de

socit des Amriques (1919-1939)
Dance Chronicle
Ballet across borders : career and culture in the world of dancers
Anthropology of the performing arts, Artistry, Virtuosity and Interpretation in a cross-
cultural perspective
The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

Le Ballet de lOpra de Paris,

Dance Chronicle
Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales

Histoire du corps, 1. De la Renaissance

aux Lumires
Dance as Text : Ideology of the Baroque Body
Dance as Text : Ideology of the Baroque Body Dance
Dance is a weapon
New Dance Group


Les neurones miroirs

The Cambridge
Companion to Performance Studies

American Speech
Choreographic Politics : State Folk Dance Companies, Representation and Power

Danser avec le IIIme Reich, les danseurs modernes sous le

Actes du
colloque Opus

, Opus-Sociologie de lart
Dance is a weapon: le New Dance Group,1932-1955

Stepping Left, Dance and Politics in New York City, 1928-1942

homo sovieticus


Histoire du corps, 1. De la
Renaissance aux Lumires

Histoire du corps, 1. De la Renaissance aux Lumires

Iron Curtain. The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956

Swans of the Kremlin Ballet and Power in Soviet Russia

Apprendre par corps, Socio-anthropologie des techniques de danse

Noureev linsoumis
Choses dites

Regards sociologiques

Signes du spectacle : des arts vivants aux mdias
Dance Research Journal

Diplomatic History

Theatre Journal
Lire, voir,
entendre, La rception des objets mdiatiques

Dictionnaire de la Danse Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

Commedia dellArte

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

De la Culture
en Amrique
3.1. Des acteurs


Les Grands Artistes Classiques

Cent ans de recherches sur Molire, sur sa
famille et sur les comdiens de sa troupe
Music Divided: Bartk's Legacy in Cold War Culture

Twentieth-Century Music and Politics: Essays in memory of Neil Edmunds

3.2. Un art transnational qui sinscrit dans des lieux

Mmoires dun homme de spectacles

Inventing the Business of Opera, The Impresarion and His World in
Seventeenth-Century Venice
Des artistes en ville. Gographie rtrospective des plasticiens Bruxelles (1833-2008)

Red Curtain Up
tour manager


The Royal Ballet The First Fifty Years

The Oxford English
Dictionnary Online sub voce
La danse pour passion, Autobiographie
I consider it essential that we take immediate and
vigorous action to demonstrate the superiority of the products and cultural values of our
system of free enterprise

Theatre Journal
Jazz Diplomacy, Promoting America in the Cold War era
Dance for Export, Cultural Diplomacy and the Cold War

Dance for Export, Cultural Diplomacy and the Cold War

Jazz Diplomacy
External relations : general files Anglo-USSR cultural relations, setting up of anglo-soviet
consultative committee on bilateral relations 1967-69
Dictionnaire de la
Guerre froide
Ballet across Borders: Careers and Culture
in the World of Dancers Review Contemporary Sociology
Ballet across Borders:
Careers and Culture in the World of Dancers Contemporary Sociology
Ballets Russes

1.1. La longue histoire de lOpra de Paris

The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

Chorgraphie ou lart de dcrire la dance
Giselle La

La Bayadre Giselle Le Lac des Cygnes

Raymonda La Belle au bois dormant

Ballets Russes Ballets

Sudois . Ballets Russes

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

The Cambridge Companion to

The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

Vingtime Sicle. Revue
d'histoire Triomphes et scandales : la belle poque des
ballets russes
Daphnis et Chlo

Ballets Russes

de la danse 2008
Nouvelle Histoire de la France contemporaine, 12. Victoire et
frustrations, 1914-1929 Danser Paris
dans lentre-deux-guerres, Lieux, pratiques et imaginaires des danses de socit des Amriques (1919-1939)

Serge Lifar : la danse pour patrie
Le ballet de lOpra de Paris
Le Ballet de lOpra de Paris,
Serge Lifar

Les abonns de lOpra (1783-1786)

Le Ballet de lOpra

La danse pour passion

Le Ballet

Ballets Russes

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008


Ballets Russes

Dictionnaire de la
Danse 2008
Dictionnaire de la
Danse 2008
Le Manifeste du chorgraphe Trait de chorgraphie
Au service de la danse
Dictionnaire de la
Danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la Danse
2008 Le Ballet..
1.1.1. LOpra de Paris sous le signe de la Collaboration

Intellectuels et artistes sous lOccupation, Et la fte continue

La vie musicale sous Vichy

Intellectuels et artistes sous lOccupation, Et la fte

Intellectuels et artistes
Le Ballet
La Vie quotidienne des crivains et des artistes sous lOccupation
Entre deux rondes Suite en blanc

Entre deux rondes Alexandre le Grand .

Deutsches Openhaus

Le Ballet de lOpra de Paris,

Serge Lifar

Dance Tabs

Serge Lifar

Journal Officiel
Laction artistique de la France dans le monde, Histoire de
lAssociation Franaise dAction Artistique
Florence Poudru, Serge Lifar

Serge Lifar
1.1.2. Se relever de ses cendres aprs la guerre

Intellectuels et artistes

Le Ballet
et artistes

Le Ballet de lOpra de Paris

Encyclopdia Universalis
LOpra de Paris au XXme sicle

Encyclopdia Universalis

Le Ballet
1.2. Le Ballet en Russie, une histoire dans la longue dure

1.2.1. La naissance de lcole russe : un ballet sous influence trangre

Dictionnaire de la Danse
Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008
Ballets Russes

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Peter the Great: A Biography

Russia: a history

Catherine the Great, Life and Legend

Catherine the Great, Catherine the Great,

Philologiques IV,
Transferts culturels triangulaires France-Allemagne- Russie

Le mirage russe en France au XVIIIme sicle

Russia: a

Russian Review

Russia: a history
A forgotten empress

American Slavic and East European Review

La Commedia dellarte

lingua franca


Russia: a history
Dictionnaire de la danse
sub voce
Dictionnaire de la danse 1999 (en ligne).
Catherine the Great,

The Russian Review

Catherine the Great,

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

La Fille Mal Garde

La fille Mal Garde


Dictionnaire de la danse 1999 (en ligne sub voce

Dictionnaire de
la danse 1999 (en ligne sub voce

Dictionnaire de la danse 1999 (en ligne sub voce

Dictionnaire de la danse 1999 (en ligne sub voce

La Sylphide


Dictionnaire de la danse 1999 (en ligne sub voce

Dictionnaire de la danse 1999 (en ligne sub


Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research
Ballets Russes

1.2.2. La cration des Ballets Russes : de la Russie lOccident

Ballets Russes

Le Monde de

Annuaire des thtres impriaux,

Lge des Extrmes, Histoire du Court XXme sicle

Ballets Russes
Diaghilevs Ballets Russes
The Ballets Russes and Its World
Dance Research: The
Journal of the Society for Dance Research Ballets Russes
Style: Diaghilev dancers and Paris Fashion
Vingtime Sicle, Revue dhistoire

Revue dhistoire du thtre

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008
Ballets Russes
Ballets Russes

Ballets Russes
Ballets russes du colonel de Basil
Ballets de Monte-Carlo .

Ballets Russes

Ballets Russes,

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Diaghilevs Ballets Russes

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Lge des Extrmes
Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research
The Ballets Russes and Its World
Dance Chronicle
Ballets Russes

Ballets Russes

Ballets Russes

Ballets Russes

Ballets Russes

midi dun Faune Le Sacre du Printemps

Larousse Dictionnaire de la danse 1999, sub voce,

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008
Lge des Extrmes
1.2.3. 1917 : un ballet qui devient sovitique

Ballets Russes

Le Coquelicot Rouge Gayan

tabula rasa

Ballets Russes

Swans of the Kremlin Ballet and Power in Soviet Russia

dramaticheskii balet drambalet

Ballets Russes

Ballets Russes


Culture and Entertainment in

Wartime Russia

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008


Le Lac des Cygnes

Le Lac
Lhistoire dun jeune homme au XIXme sicle

Swans of the Kremlin

Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy
Swans of the Kremlin
Swans of the Kremlin
2.1. Un ballet anglais rcent et ses influences croises

Ballets Russes Royal Academy of Dancing

Swans of the Kremlin

Moi, Maa Plissetskaa.

Russia: a history
kontsertnaia frontovaia brigada
Culture and Entertainment in Wartime Russia
Russian Review

Culture and Entertainment in Wartime Russia

Dictionnaire de la
Ballets Russes
Academy of Choreographic Art
Old Vic Dancers .
Sadlers Wells Ballet Royal Ballet

Ballets Russes

Marie Rambert Dancers

Ballet Rambert
Royal Ballet .

Dictionnaire de la
Danse 2008
Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Red Curtain Up
Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008
Ballets Russes

2.1.1. La Seconde Guerre mondiale : une opportunit pour le Sadlers Wells Ballet

Le Vic Wells, Sadlers Wells Ballet

Council for the Encouragement of Music

Crossing the Channel, Cultural Identity in the Court Entertainements of Queen

Henrietta Maria, 1625-1640
Le Ballet
The Royal Opera House in the Twentienth Century

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

The Royal Opera,
and the Arts

Board of Education

Entertainment National Service Association


2.1.2. La cration du ballet national Covent Garden

Royal Opera House

The Royal Opera,

The arts as a weapon of war, Britain and the shaping of national moral in the second world

The Royal Opera

Vic-Wells Ballet
Hamlet Miracle in the Gorbals
Adam Zero
Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008
The Royal Opera,

A Dancer in Wartime
The Royal Opera
Royal Opera House

Ballets russes

Royal Opera House

Arts Council of Great-Britain

War ArtistsAdvisory Committee

Ibid ,
Ibid ,
Thorie gnrale de lemploi, de la monnaie et de lintrt

John Maynard Keynes

Covent Garden, the Untold Story: Dispatches from the English Culture War, 1945-
2000 Notes
Kenneth Clark: A Biography,

paint: Art, War, State and Identity in Britain, 1939-1945
The Royal Opera
Covent Garden, the Untold Story

public schools gentleme

Sadlers Wells

The Royal Opera The Quiet Showman: Sir David

Webster and the Royal Opera House
The Royal Opera
Covent Garden, the Untold Story: Dispatches from the English Culture War, 1945-2000

Ashtons Ballets, Style, Performance, Choreography
Royal Ballet School
Vic-Wells Ballet
Sadlers Wells Ballet

2.2. Le jeune ballet amricain incarn dans deux compagnies

Native Americans

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008 Noureev lInsoumis

Dance Research Journal

Natives Americans

Journal of American Studies

School of
American Ballet

Ballets Russes

School of American Ballet

Ballets Russes.

Manifeste de la Danse du Futur

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Dance Research Journal
Dance Chronicle
Voir une danse. Dcrire et interprter Isadora Duncan

Isadora Duncan, La danseuse aux pieds nus ou La rvolution isadorienne dIsadora Duncan
Journal of Cultural
Dictionnaire de la Danse
2008 Dance Chronicle
Juilliard School Metropolitan Opera
Ballet Ballet School

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Balanchine Conversations avec
Balanchine Following Balanchine
Stravinsky & Balanchine: a journey of invention
From Petipa to Balanchine: classical revival and the modernization of ballet
Artists in Exile, how
refugees from twentieth-century war and revolution transformed the American performing arts

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

Swans of the Kremlin

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

The Theory and Practise of Allegro in Classical Ballet
The Theory and Practise of Advanced Allegro
in Classical Ballet
Dictionnaire de la danse 2008
importer of talent

Monte Carlo Ballet


alien art

The Last Impresario, The life,

times and legacy of Sol Hurok,

Impresario: A Memoir, New York, Sol Hurok presents: A Memoir

of the Dance World,
The Last Impresario
Impresario: A Memoir, New York,

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

The Last Impresario

The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and The Birth of Public Relations

Impresario: A Memoir, New York,

The Last Impresario
americanas .

Dance for Export, Cultural Diplomacy and the Cold War

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Dance for Export

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

The Last Impresario
Cold War Crossings, International Travel
and Exchanges across the Soviet Bloc, 1940s-1960s

Les transferts culturels franco-allemands

Lac des Cygnes Giselle La Fille Mal Garde

Dictionnaire de la Danse

Pdagogie de la danse classique

Trait de danse
Basic principal of classical ballet, Russian
Ballet Technique
Choreographic Politics, State Folk Dance Companies, Representation and Power


Signes du spectacle : des arts vivants aux mdias

Office of Strategic Services


Ma vie sur les pointes

Who paid the piper ? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War

L'Entente cordiale, cent ans de relations culturelles franco-

britanniques (1904- 2004)
Who paid
Cultural exchange and the Cold War, Raising the Iron Curtain
Luvre du XXme sicle

Central Intelligence Agency

Luvre du XXme sicle

Legacy of Ashes, The History of the CIA

1.1. LOpra entre 1945 et 1947

Le Figaro
Ibid., . Le Monde
Le Monde
The New York Times
Le Monde

La danse

La danse...
LAppel de la montagne
Diane de Poitiers

Le Ballet de
lOpra de Paris
Dictionnaire de la Danse
Apollon musagte Le Baiser de la Fe Le Palais de Cristal .

Le Ballet de lOpra
de Paris
Ballet de lOpra de Paris Srnade
Le Palais de Cristal

La danse
Istar Suite en


Le Mouvement social
Mouvement social
Le Mouvement social
1.2. LOpra invit aux tats-Unis : prparer la tourne

Golden Jubilee

Danses avec la plume

Histoire de la danse
La danse,
Le syndrme de Vichy, de 1944 nos jours

Serge Lifar, La danse pour patrie

La danse
Empress of Canada De Grasse

1.2.1. Les acteurs

La danse
Danser Paris dans lentre-deux-guerres, Lieux, pratiques et imaginaires des danses de
socit des Amriques (1919-1939)
Linconnue franaise : la
France et les Belges francophones, 1944-1945

La France sans toile : souvenirs de l'avant-guerre et du temps de l'occupation

lexicographique en ligne

Le Jeune Homme et
la Mort
Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008
1.2.2. Les finances

Institut National de la Statistique et des

Etudes Economiques

Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Annuaire diplomatique et consulaire de la Rpublique franaise

1.2.3. Publicit et communication

A retrospective exhibit of the French Court and Opera ballet (1851-



The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times,

1.2.4. La scne

The New York Times

1.3. La dimension symbolique des ngociations


The New York Times

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Le Monde

Le Figaro

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Le Figaro

Slection du ReadersDigest fast-

La Dame aux
Camlias La Chatte Les Forains
Diane de
Poitiers Le Chevalier errant Les Amours de Jupiter
Dictionnaire de la musique ad vocem

CORELA - Cognition, discours, contextes,

Irresistible Empire: Americas Advance through 20th-century Europe

Seducing the French : the dilemna of
Americanization The
anxieties of affluence, Critiques of American Consumer Culture, 1939-1979

Seducing the French : the dilemna of Americanization

Les Cahiers du Centre de Recherche


Les Cahiers du Centre de Recherche


La culture au service de la diplomatie ? Les politiques culturelles extrieures de la RFA et

de la France au Brsil (1961-1973)

1.4. Quarante-cinq danseurs franais en Amrique du Nord

Paris New York, Intellectuels et artistes franais en exil, 1940-47

Le Monde


La danse

Le Figaro
Le Figaro
Le Figaro
New York at

La Mort du Cygne
Le Figaro

Le Monde
La danse
The New York Times


New York Herald Tribune

Historic District Council.org

The New York Times

New York Herald Tribune
La Mort
du Cygne


1.5. Lectures croises, points de vue divergents


Le Figaro

The New York Times
1.5.1. La presse amricaine

New York Times

New York Times

nothing at all to recommand it choreographically old-


Les deux pigeons Escale .

mar a cordial international


The New York Times

The American Modern Dance and its

Critics: A History of Journalistic Dance Criticism in the United States, 1850-1934,
International Encyclopedia of
The New York Times,
The New York Times,

The New York Times,

The New York Times,

The New York Times

The New York Times

Le Chevalier et la
Demoiselle Mirages Palais de Cristal

New York Times

La danse

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Serge Lifar
National Library of Australia
Suite en Blanc

Serge Lifar

Le Monde

The New York Times

British Path
California News

New York Herald Tribune

a little embarrassed

Paris Dancers held no


The New York Times

The New York Times

Ma vie
1.5.2. Les critiques de Sol Hurok, le Roi du ballet130

Brownsville Labor Lyceum

bad boy

Revue LISA, Littrature, histoire des Ides,

Images et Socits du monde anglophone, , Cold War, Cool
Medium, Television, McCarthyism and American Culture
The Last Impresario, The life, times and legacy of Sol Hurok,

1.5.3. La presse franaise

Le Figaro

Ma vie

Le Monde Le Figaro LHumanit

Le Figaro


1.5.4. Le point de vue des diplomates franais


Le Monde

Le Figaro

Le Monde

Music in Americas Cold War Diplomacy

Le Monde Monde

Le Monde
Music in Americas Cold War Diplomacy
Music in
Americas Cold War Diplomacy
a posteriori
Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques
Suite en Blanc Divertissement
Guignol et Pandore .

2.1. Des tournes de danse amricaines ds 1946

Le Monde Guignol et Pandore

Suite en Blanc
Suite en Blanc

Music in Americas Cold War Diplomacy
Selling the American Way, U.S. propaganda and the Cold War

Opera House Retrospective 1732-1982, 250 years of actors, singers, dancers, managers and musicians of
Covent Garden seen through the eyes of the artist,

2.2. Luvre du XXme sicle, une fte amricaine 164 Paris

Luvre du XXme sicle .

Information Control Division

establish good psychological and cultural weapons with which to destroy Nazism and

Who paid the piper ?, The CIA and the Cultural Cold War
Qui mne la danse ? La CIA et la Guerre froide culturelle

Toute la danse
Toute la danse
Who paid Music on the frontline : Nicolas Nabokov's struggle
against communism and middlebrow culture,
Ode :
Mditations sur la Majest de Dieu
Union Pacific La vie de Polichinelle
Encyclopdia Universalis,
Who paid.,
promote a genuine desire for a democratic Germany .

lInternational Organizations Division Congress for Cultural


lAmerican Committee
for Cultural Freedom Fondation Farfield

Cold Warrior

Information Research Department

Sacre du Printemps

Who paid.
complete equality ibid.
New York Times

Who paid
Who paid
dipe Roi
American Committee for Cultural Freedom

the political, cultural and moral meaning of the

Festival and of its program should not be overt [], it should be left to the public to make its
inevitable logical conclusions


Le Monde



Who paid
Le Monde
Histoire gnrale
de la presse
Who paid
Le Monde

, Combat
Ballet Society

Srnade Les Quatre Tempraments


Le Monde

Le Monde


Le Monde

Le Monde
LOiseau de feu

The Dancing Times

Boston Symphony Orchestra

Farfield Foundation

The Dancing Times

The Dancing Times

Who paid
The New Yorker
the private angel of the Congress of Cultural Freedom

Luvre du XXme sicle

Who paid

Muong Tenh





ibid ,

, Din-Bin-Phu, Le rapport

Le Monde

Le Monde

Paris-Presse lintransigeant
Paris-Presse lintransigeant
Laffaire des ballets sovitiques .



Din-Bin-Phu, Le rapport secret,

Le Monde



Festival des uvres du XXme

Le Monde


Le Monde


Portraits of Prominent USSR Personalities Swans of the



Le Monde
Le Monde
Le Monde

Etoiles du ballet russe

Le Monde

Le Lac des Cygnes, Les Sylphides

La Fontaine de Bakhtchissara de
Zhakarov Romo et Juliette
Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008 Days with Ulanova, A
Unique Pictorial Portrait of the Great Russian Ballerina
Le Monde
Le Monde

Dimanche Matin

Le Monde
construction du genre dans la danse classique et la danse contemporaine : des modles d'opposition? L'exemple
du traitement du genre dans le ballet cubain : l'influence des contextes sociopolitiques sur la transmission d'une
(de) vision(s) du genre

Iconography of power. Soviet political Posters under Lenin and Stalin,

Le Ballet de lOpra de Paris,

Romo et Juliette
Le Figaro
Le Figaro

Le Monde
, Le Monde
Le Monde

Le Monde
Le Figaro


Le Monde

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

Le Figaro

Le Monde

et Oulanova

La France de la IVme Rpublique, 2. Lexpansion et limpuissance 1952-1958
Libration .


Double dtente, les relations franco-sovitiques de 1958 1964

Relations culturelles avec la France et les autres pays

Le Monde
Histoire de lUNESCO, les trente premires annes, 1945-1974
3.1. Laccord diplomatique de lchange franco-sovitique

International Organization

LUNESCO de 1945 1974

Convention crant une organisation des nations unies pour lducation,

la science et la culture Unesco.org

La guerre des crivains

Paris New York, Intellectuels et artistes franais en exil, 1940-47

Double dtente
La Tentation
du rapprochement, France et URSS lheure de la dtente (1964-1974)
3.2. La Comdie-Franaise Moscou

Tartuffe Le
Bourgeois gentilhomme Le Cid Poil de Carotte Hommage Molire

Poil de Carotte

La Comdie-
Franaise en tourne ou Le Thtre des cinq continents, 1868-2011,

Relations culturelles avec la France et les autres pays

Ibid. Inumis
Relations culturelles avec la France et les autres pays

Relations culturelles avec la France et les autres pays




Regards sur le sport. Hommage Bernard

Le sport : de lhistoire larchive

Double dtente
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Cold War Respite: The Geneva Summit of 1955

Cold War Respite: The Geneva Summit
of 1955 The Journal of Military History

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Swans of the Kremlin, Ballet and Power in Soviet Russia


Democratic Party

Visit to United Kingdom of Russian State Ballet
Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research,
Visit to United Kingdom of Russian State Ballet
de facto

Politics Resources
Visit to United Kingdom of Russian State Ballet

Very Deeply Dyed in Black: Sir Oswald Mosley and the Resurrection of British Fascism
after 1945
British-Soviet Friendship Society .

Visit to United Kingdom of Russian State Ballet

British Soviet Friendship Months
Visit to UK of
Soviet woodworkers ; British-Soviet Friendship Society plans for 1953 ; Visit of Soviet cultural delegation;
Soviet artists' concert tour

Journal de Musique (1949-1995)

The Cambridge
Companion to Violin

English Folk Dance and Song Society

The British Soviet Friendship

Society presents Soviet dancers in Britain in action photograph
Soviet Friendship Society Scottish-Soviet Friendship Society Society
for Cultural Relations with the USSR
Daily Worker
Communist Party of Great-Britain

The Dancing Times

almost impassable owing to crowds clamouring for unwanted tickets and others

Visit to UK of Soviet woodworkers; British-Soviet Friendship Society plans for 1953 ;

Visit of Soviet cultural delegation ; Soviet artists' concert tour

Secret Propaganda War: Foreign Office and the Cold War, 1948-77

Journal of Contemporary History Britain, America and Anti-

communist propaganda, 1945-1953: the Information Research Department
Visit to UK of Soviet woodworkers; British-Soviet Friendship Society plans for 1953 ;
Visit of Soviet cultural delegation ; Soviet artists' concert tour
disposing of peace and political literature, with enthousiasm and salesmanship

The Dancing Times

The Dancing Times

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

The Dancing Times

Soviet Ballet Ballet
The Rose and The Star: ballet in
England and Soviet compared

Swans of the Kremlin Une dstalinisation manque :

Tchcoslovaquie, 1956
Visit to UK by Mr. Bulganin and Mr. Krushchev from Soviet

no publicity should be given to this

Visit to UK by Mr. Bulganin and Mr. Krushchev from Soviet Union Draft
statement about the visit of the Soviet leaders in the event of the rejection of the revised programm

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells

Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
Visit to UK by Mr. Bulganin and Mr. Krushchev from Soviet Union

The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History

Visit to UK by Mr. Bulganin and Mr. Krushchev from Soviet Union


Opration Tonnerre .


Communist and Post-Communist Studies,

Blog des National Archives de


Warship World
Daily Mail

Opration Tonnerre Thunderball


Arts and Science Division

Relations Committee

swapping theaters

Visit of N.A. Bulganin and N.S. Kruschchev to Great Britain, April 18-27, 1956
digital archives Memorial University of
Newfoundland (
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
The Times
Soviet Relations Committee
Soviet Relations Committee
British Power and International Relations During the 1950s, A Tenable
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
Soviet Relations Committee
Relations Committee

in the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, rather than

at a less adequate theatre

Arts Council of Great-Britain

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Soviet Relations Committee
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Le Lac des Cygnes La Belle au Bois Dormant Giselle Copplia Don
Quichotte Romo et Juliette Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and
the Bolshoi Theater co

It will be necessary forthwith to discuss the matter with the authorities of the Royal Opera House, Covent
Garden Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Arts Council of Great Britain

Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts
The Arts as a weapon of War, Britain and the shaping of national morale in the second world war

It was noted that the Arts Council would be involved in any manifestations in this country, and should
therefore be brought into the discussions at an early stage Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells
Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co Soviet Relations

prima ballerina

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Prima ballerina assoluta

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008


company limited by guarantee Arts Council of Great-Britain

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

The Guardian

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Drama Advisory Panel

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

I said that I thought that the spring of 1956 would be a good time for us to welcome your company. I have
had an opportunity of goinf further in the matter, and I find, with the greatest regret, that it would not be possible
for us to entertain a visiting company until July, August or September 1956 Exchange visit of
Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Soviet Relations Committee
5.1. Les aspects matriels


Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

a fairy tale situation Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

The Canberra Times


Peter Brook, from Oxford to Orghast,

The Guardian
Hamlet The Guardian

Net Film
Soviet Relations Committee
Anglo-Soviet cultural relations, Reports on activities of Soviet
Relations Committee of the British Council, 1957,
are not interested in making profit

printed in USSR

Moscow theater for young people: a cultural history of ideological coercion and artistic
innovation, 1917-2000
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi
Theater co

Ibid. Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co


Degrs Revue de synthse orientation smiologique


Soviet Culture Noctambule

which would enrich choreographic art



Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

5.2. Le partage des frais

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co


Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co


per diem

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

The Daily Telegraph

British Path
Soviet Relations Committee

5.3. Loisirs et divertissements



Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Anglo-Soviet cultural relations, Reports on activities of Soviet Relations Committee of the

British Council
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
cultural and other amenities and
Soviet Relations Committee

undesirable associations

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
Soviet Relations Committee

Who was Who

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
Soviet Relations Committee

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

5.4. Casting et vente des billets


Birmingham Mail Easton Daily

Press Manchester Evening News
Stage Leamington Spa
Courier Birmingham Post
Belfast Telegraph
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Swans of the Kremlin

Moi, Maa Plissetskaa.

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Northern Department

Moi, Maa Plissetskaa

The Guardian

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Northern Department

6.1. Une simple affaire de vol ?

Criminal Division

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting
one wooly hat and four feathered half hats

Office for National Statistics

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union

accused of shoplifting in London

Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been charged with shoplifting
Evening Standard

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting
N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

British Path

British Path YouTube

Evening Standard
The Times Daily Mail
Daily Herald Daily
Telegraph Daily Express
N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting
6.2. Monte et mdiatisation de l affaire Nina


N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting
Evening Standard
N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting Herald Tribune
British Soviet Friendship Society

we are all very conservative in the family

dirty provocation


Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting

in London
N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been charged with
Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in
London The British Peace Committee
N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting
N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting
N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

police provocation persecution
prepared in
to discredit a Soviet


6.3. La rsolution de laffaire

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been
charged with shoplifting

N. Ponomareva, a member of
the Soviet athletic team visiting London, has been charged with shoplifting

The New York Times

The New York Times The New York Times

The New York Times
The New York Times
The New York Times The New
York Times The New York Times
The New York Times
The New York Times
The New York Times
The New York Times
will write next from Yugoslavia. I hope none of our girls get caught stealing hats in
Belgrade .

Gromyko was plainly using it as

a threat but he seems to be doing so with some circumspection


Soviet Relations Committee

The New York Times The

New York Times

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London
The Times

Soviet Relations Committee


Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

N. Ponomareva, a member of the Soviet athletic team visiting
London, has been charged with shoplifting

Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

The Dancer Defects

Swans of the Kremlin
Case of Nina Ponomareva from Soviet Union accused of shoplifting in London

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

British Path
7.1. En dehors de la scne

per diem
per diem


Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Swans of the Kremlin

The Observer
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
A view from the bridge
is completely non political

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

7.2. Sur scne, un triomphe populaire

the first arrivals make up their beds

on the pavement in readiness for their long wait of three days and three nights

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

The Magnificent History of Britains

locomotives from Stephensons Rocket to BRs Evening Star
British Railways Press Notice dated October 25, 1956, Visit of the Russian Bolshoi
theatre ballet to Stratford upon avon to see a special performance of Othello at the Shakespeare memorial
theatre on 28th october 1956
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells
Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

The Observer
drambalet Romo et Juliette
La Fontaine de Bakhchisara

La Fontaine de Bakhchisara drambalet

Romo et Juliette

Romo et Juliette

drambalet Le Lac des cygnes

Swans of the Kremlin


Dictionnaire de la danse
Bakhchisaraiskii fontan
Dictionnaire de la danse

Swans of the Kremlin

Lebedinoe ozero


7.3. Accueil et rception(s)


Swans of the Kremlin

The Times
The Observer

The Dancing Times

Broadcasters Audience Research
Romo et Juliette Lac Giselle

The Times
The Times
Daily Express
Swans of the Kremlin The New
York Times
The Daily Telegraph
Romeo and Juliet

The conductor raised his baton, there was

an instant of bated breath and then, with the first bars

If a bomb dropped on this opera house, then America would rule the world of ballet

Dance and Dancers
Le Monde

Dance and Dancers

We love you all but we would love you much more if you
would go

fortunate and famous


Dance and Dancers .

The Dancing Times
News Chronicle
Daily Express
Le Monde

The New York Times
Le Monde

Dancing Times
one of the most historic cultural
exchanges that has ever been begun . New York Times

a posteriori

The New York Times

The New York Times
The New York Times The New York Times

The Independent
Daily Express

The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph

The Sunday Times

Russia beyond the headlines The
Royal Opera House

The Guardian

Think Russia
The Bolshoi stuff is
so old-fashioned Daily Mail
La Fontaine de
Bakhchisara is the Bolsho so old-fashioned ? The

prima ballerina assoluta

Daily Express
The Daily Telegraph
Dance and Dancers
Daily Mail
The Listener
Daily Express
Incredible ! Superb ! But is it new
for the people popular in the wider sense
fifty years back
ne danse pas

I was shivering, excited and disappointed

welcome the superb dancers [but]

nod in disapproval from the low level of creativity

The Listener
Sunday Times
The Daily Express

The Sunday Times

The Daily Express
The Guardian
Soviet Relations Committee

Relations Committee

boost the morale of the

company official blessing


Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

The Observer
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
I feel this is very
necessary as the Russians would otherwise think that we did not attach importance either to
the company or the visit

8.1. Quand la crise internationale touche le ballet

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

send-off party

Soviet Relations Committee

La Guerre froide vue den bas

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

Soviet Relations Committee

Soviet Relations Committee

Soviet Relations Committee

8.2. Lannulation

Relations Committee

Soviet Relations Committee, Minutes of Meetings,

Soviet Relations Committee

8.3. Les problmes de lannulation

Soviet Relations Committee

the profits of the Bolshoi

[in London] should suffice to meet the expenses of the cancellation of the Sadlers Wells visit
and with something to spare

Soviet Relations Committee, Minutes of Meetings,

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co

hatches will be big enough

which helps to form an acquaintance with the culture of other peoples and corresponds to
the spirit of friendship and mutual understanding

Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi

Theater co
Exchange visit of Sadlers Wells Ballet and the Bolshoi Theater co
Soviet Relations Committee

Soviet Relations Committee, Minutes of Meetings,

Soviet Relations Committee, Minutes of Meetings,

Red Curtain Up

terminus a quo

East-West cultural relations exchanges in the Cold War

Dancers as Diplomats: American Choreography in cultural exchange

Nureyev: Aspects of the Dancer

Noureev Nureyev
Rudolf Noureev
Rudolf Noureev Rudolf Nureyev : Confessioni
Nureyev : la sua arte, la sua vita,
Rudolf Nureyev : Three Years in the Kirov
Theatre Noureev
Temps lis avec Noureev Noureyev, his life
The Dancer who flew: a memoire of Rudolf Nureyev,
Noureev The Real
Nureyev Noureev l'insoumis
Remembering Nureyev: The Trail of a Comet
Rudolf Noureev., Les images dune vie
Le club des
incorrigibles optimistes
Rudolf Nureyev, The Life Contemporary Review

Rudolf Nureyev, The Life,

The Dancer Defects, The struggle for Cultural Supremacy During the Cold War

Nureyev : An Autobiography

Rudolf Nureyev Noureev l'insoumis

The Dancer,

1.1. Lorganisation dune double tourne

Ce Soir

Le Monde

Documentation sur les solistes du

Thtre du Bolcho Ballets du Bolcho Ballet Kirov de Leningrad

Double dtente
Double dtente

biographique du mouvement ouvrier franais tome 9
Mmoires dun homme de spectacles
Double dtente
Double dtente
Documentation sur les solistes du Thtre du Bolcho Ballets
du Bolcho Ballet Kirov de Leningrad
Le Ballet de Leningrad Paris (Thtre Kirov)

La politique, la culture. Discours, articles, entretiens, 1925-1975

Atelier 62

1.2. La rception

La Belle au bois dormant

Le Monde
Noureev l'insoumis
Paris-Presse Lintransigeant


Belle au Bois dormant]


, Spashchaa krasavitsa

Revue d'esthtique
Paris-Presse L'intransigeant,

Paris-Presse L'intransigeant,
Le Figaro
Littraire Le Monde
Tarass Boulba

La Fleur de



Les Orientales Odalisques

Le Figaro Littraire
Le Monde
Le Monde
Le Monde
Lorientalisme, LOrient cr par lOccident

1.3. La rvlation Noureev

prima ballerina

Le Monde
Noureev l'insoumis
Noureev l'insoumis
La Belle au Bois dormant


Noureev l'insoumis
Rudolf Nureyev, The Life,
Noureev l'insoumis

Solor le guerrier

Oiseau de feu

Le Figaro Littraire

La Croix


Lettres Franaises
LExpress Le Figaro Littraire
Le Parisien Libr
Le Ballet de Leningrad Paris (Thtre Kirov)

Le Parisien Libr

Le Parisien
Le Figaro Littraire
2.1. La mdiatisation de la dfection

New York Times Russian Dancer Defects in Paris

La Croix
The Telegraph

Rudolf Nureyev, The Life, Noureev

l'insoumis The Dancer
Rudolf Nureyev,
The New York Times

New York Times

The New York Times

New York Times

Le Monde

Time Magazine


The New York Times


Daily Express Daily Mail

Noureev linsoumis

The New York


The New York Times

Time Magazine Young Iron Curtain refugees

United States Information Service

Leap to Freedom

The Dancer

The New York

The New York Times

The Independent

The New York

, The New York Times The Epic Rescue of the Andrea
Doria, Desperate Hours,
La plus belle danse de Nora Kovach et dIstvan Rabowsky

Le Parisien

The dancer,
2.2. Une affaire Noureev ?

The Dancing Times

a young man who acted on an impulse after considerable

adulation in Paris
Ballets Russes

La Belle au Bois Dormant

Noureev l'insoumis
Noureev l'insoumis
The Dancing Times
A lAffiche du Monde

The New York Times,

Le Monde
Noureev l'insoumis

Noureev l'insoumis

Le KGB contre lOuest, 1917-1991

Le KGB contre l'Ouest. Les

archives Mitrokhine (1917-1991) Vingtime Sicle, Revue dhistoire
Noureev l'insoumis
The Dancer Defects, The struggle for Cultural Supremacy During the Cold War
The Dancer Defects
The Dancer Defects
Noureev l'insoumis

Final Home
Noureev linsoumis
3.1. Les origines de la tourne


Ballet sub-committee
commitment moral obligation

Soviet Relations Committee

Ballet sub-committee

Red Curtain Up

Red Curtain Up

Anglo-Soviet cultural relations, report on activities of Soviet Relations Committee of

British Council ; records of meetings, 1957


3.2. Un accord culturel

Soviet cultural and scientific agreement

Leningrad Symphony Orchestra

Old Vic Company

Old Vic

United Nations Treaty Series

Treaties and International agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

Old Vic Theatre

Financial Times Scottish Daily Express

Financial Times

Scottish Daily Express

3.3. La ngociation, a complicated enterprise


protracted negotiations

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Old Vic



Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union


Thisismoney Office for National Statistics

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union


Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

The Telegraph

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

virtual monopoly of the
commercial performances

3.4. L affaire Noureev vue de Londres : embarras et intrt

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

United Nations
Treaty Series Treaties and International agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of
the United Nations

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Historical Dictionary of British Foreign Policy

French rivals
I assume he is, if not for us, an interest as a defector, or a potential

3.5. Le Kirov Londres


Dancing Times

Le Lac des Cygnes

La Belle au Bois dormant Les Sylphides Giselle La Fleur de
La Fleur de Pierre

The Dancing Times

Dance and Dancers

The Dancing Times,

The Dancing Times,
The Dancing Times
Dance and Dancers
Dance and Dancers
The Dancing Times

in abstentia

3.6. Le Royal Ballet en URSS

Dance and Dancers

The Dancing Times
The Dancing Times
Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Ballets Russes

Red Curtain Up

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

La Belle au Bois Dormant

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Dictionnaire de la Danse

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

a queue of Soviet citizens waiting at a beer cart

I felt sure it must have been a routine move to warn us all to

behave circumspectly . Daily

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union


Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union


make a very bad start to the tour

unpleasant incident
may damn that this
was a lack of reciprocity in the warmth of our welcome for the Kirov Ballet !

at pains to be pleasant

Ondine .

[his] interest in the arts is intermittent and such a weighty

representation from the Presidium would normally be reserved for some cultural
manifestation from Cuba, or some other uncomitted country whom it was desired to

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union


the Soviet autorities made every effort to be co-


Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Dictionnaire de la danse 2008

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union


3.7. La rception de la tourne

the visit was a success from every point of view

it was a very great

success and, in my opinion, well worth every penny of Government money spent on it

they clearly did a splendide job


Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

It is
unconceivable that the company could have achieved the staggering success they did, if they
had really hated everything, as much as [Fonteyn] made out

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union


Power Discord in Palestine: The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry into the problems of European Jewry
and Palestine., British Documents on Foreign Affairs,
From 1940 through 1945. Series A: The Soviet Union and Finland

New York Times

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

off I
am making extensive off-the-record use of her views


Information Research Department

News Department Northern Department

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

America and the Anti-Communist propaganda, 1945-1953: the Information Research
The Dancing Times A rewarding experience

La Fille Mal Garde

Ondine tremendous success

rather modern, percussive

La Fille mal Garde immediate hit

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

The Dancing Times

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Ibid.. La Fille mal garde

the mime the dancing reflecting the spirit of the story to such a


pseudo-esthetics La Peri Rinaldo and Armida

La Belle au bois dormant

Dictionnaire de la Danse 2008

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

La Fille Mal Garde

no aptitude for ballet dancing


La Belle au bois dormant

supports the honour and glory of our nation and empire on the point of one
beautiful foot !

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Visit of Royal Ballet and Old Vic Theatre to Soviet Union

Apollos Angels: A History of Ballet

Le Lac des Cygnes Giselle

La Fleur de Pierre
the show must go on

Noureev l'insoumis

Dance and Dancers

East European Tour

East European Tour

East European Tour

Board minutes Ballet

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Ballet sub-committee

Ballet sub-committee suggestions [] are rarely



East European Tour

the Russians were less
forthcoming than before drag

Ballet tour in Europe 1966

The British
Council would be able to offer only 20 000 (about half of what was available from this country on the
previous occasion) and the Russians were less forthcoming than before
elsewhere in East Europe

the Russians made no comment

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

USSR and Eastern Europe
if the dishonouring of the commitment to them were followed by a visit to
the Balkan countries this would have a deplorable effect upon relations with the

World Theatre Season


The Continuum Companion to Twentieth

Century Theatre The Oxford Companion to
the Theatre Stage
by Stage, My world of Theatre
East Europe Committee

Soviet Relations Committee East Europe Committee

USSR and Eastern Europe

USSR and Eastern Europe
an alternative to the Communist front organisations

agreements with Communist countries

full-scale cultural

USSR and Eastern Europe

USSR and Eastern Europe

Royal Ballet to Europe : Reports

Rud Pravo

USSR and Eastern Europe

strong assault tremendous fight
strong pressure

nothing had
been said to him about the cancellation of the visit of the Royal Ballet

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966


stage manager

stage manager
tour officer
Choreographic Group

The Board noted that

arrangements for the East European tour were proving very troublesome, both on the financial and on the
administrative side
Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

2.1. Le parcours du East European Tour


Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

at the next convenient juncture

Fashion Congress

The Times

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

A good Comrade : Jnos Kdr, Communism and Hungary

A Good Comrade: Jnos Kdr,
Communism and Hungary The American Historical Review
Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet Tour to Europe

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

World Theatre Season

Ballet sub-committee

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Great-Britain and the creation of Yugoslavia, Negotiating Balkan Nationality and

Cambridge History of the Cold War

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

East European Tour

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet to Europe, Reports

2.2. Le rpertoire

East European Tour

Ballet sub-committee


Les Noces Le Sacre du Printemps

The Financial Times

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966


taking into account the particular problems of a tour of East Europe, the repertory was suitable
and could be accepted ibid.
The Cambridge Companion to Stravinsky
ad personam LOiseau
de Feu

Le Lac des


The Lady and The Fool

Raymonda LOiseau
de Feu Lac des Cygnes La
Belle au bois dormant Serenade
La Fille Mal Garde

A Midsummer Nights Dream The Dream

Symphonic Variations

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

Marguerite et Armand
La dame aux camlias sub-

2.3. Le choix des danseurs

prima ballerina assoluta

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966


The Telegraph
embarassement our
friends at the Soviet Embassy

Financial Times

The Guardian
Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966
Le Lac des Cygnes


they are probably reluctant to appear

to condone the most famous ballet defection since the war

major cultural event

when the threatened storm in Bucharest did not, in

fact, break

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Lidova Demokracie
Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966
2.4. Organisation, communication et logistique

Two files fairly bulky ibid.
reluctance Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Although the Rumanians accepted the possibility with commendable tolerance, it would indeed have
been a great pity had she not performed, especially as her appearance had been promised when we
originally offered the Ballet in December ibid.
Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports
East European Tour

Le Lac des
Cygnes La Fille Mal Garde

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports
backward Balkan country


Deputy prime

unprepossessing exponent of
Communist ideology, wooden-faced

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia


USSR and Eastern Europe

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

it will be interesting to know wether Waggon n899202 ( Empty to Warsaw ) ever reached its
destination or wether it is still languishing in some East European siding Royal Ballet
tour in Europe 1966
The Guardian

Dance & Dancers

Irish Music Daily


Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

4.1. L angle aveugle du public

Lac des

Le Temps des Mdias La rception

Lire, voir, entendre, La rception des objets mdiatiques,

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

4.2. Rayonnement, propagande et prestige

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports Rud

The Guardian

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

The Independent

The most useful tour yet undertaken by our national ballet

The Guardian
4.3. Le rle et la perception des danseurs ambassadeurs

The Guardian
Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

encouraged us to meet people

La Fille Mal Garde


Southern Africa
Lge des extrmes, Histoire du court XXme sicle

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports,

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

cheerful Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

happy few

London Life

But what most of us found intolerable was the general

depressing atmosphere. People rarely smiled

the tour was much freer politically than we had


Evening news
Royal Ballet. to Europe: Reports

London Life
food was not particularly good Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Evening news
London Life
Evening news

London Life


Southern Africa

La Fille Mal Garde


Southern Africa The Guardian

The Telegraph Daily Mail
Standard Royal Ballet to
Europe: Reports
Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

Royal Ballet tour in Europe 1966

Fille Mal Garde

La Fille Mal Garde

the blend of 18th century lyricism and robust
enormous success
Lac .

Romo et Juliette

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

Royal Ballet to Europe: Reports

Bulgaria: Royal Ballets visit to Sofia

The Telegraph
Daily Mail

Southern Africa
Lac des Cygnes
Le Lac

Le Lac des Cygnes

dancing diplomacy

Moi, Maa Plissetsakaa

Relations internationales

den haut

La Guerre froide vue den bas

La Guerre froide vue den bas

den bas

conditio sine qua non

Luvre du XXme sicle

terminus ad quem

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Choreographic Politics, State Folk Dance Companies, Representation and Power

a) Archives

Archives Nationales, Pierrefite-sur-Seine (ANP).

Archives du Ministre des Affaires trangres, La Courneuve (AMAE).

Archives municipales d'Aubervilliers (AMA).

Archives de la Prfecture de Police de Paris (APPP).

Bibliothque-Muse de lOpra de Paris (BMO).

Bibliothque Nationale de France, Dpartement des Arts du spectacle (BNF).


Le ballet du Bolcho

Le Ballet de Leningrad Paris (Thtre Kirov)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Marx Memorial Library, Londres (MML).

The British Soviet Friendship Society presents Soviet dancers in Britain in action photograph

New York Public Library, Jerome Robbins Dance Division, New York (NYPL, JRDD).

The National Archives, Kew, Londres (TNA).

Royal Academy of Dance, Philip Richardson Library, Londres (RADL).

Royal Opera House Collections, Covent Garden, Londres (ROH Collections).

b) Autobiographies et tmoignages

La danse pour passion


Ma vie sur les pointes

Stage by Stage,

My world of Theatre


Impresario: A Memoir, New York,

Red Curtain Up

Sol Hurok presents : A Memoir of the Dance World,

Theatre Archive Project


Mmoires dun homme de spectacles

, Au service de la danse

Ma vie

Soviet Ballet

The Rose and The Star: ballet in England and

Soviet compared

Nureyev : An Autobiography

Moi, Maa Plissetskaa

c) Presse gnraliste quotidienne et hebdomadaire

Les articles sans page ont gnralement t trouvs dans les revues de presse cites plus
haut ou en ligne, o la numrotation nest pas toujours conserve. Les auteurs ne sont
galement pas toujours indiqus. Nous avons class les titres par ordre alphabtique puis les
articles par ordre alphabtique.



Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Figaro

Le Monde (les articles sont consultables sur les archives en ligne du quotidien,
www.lemonde.fr) :

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde


Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde

Le Monde


Le Monde

, Le Monde

Le Monde
Le Parisien Libr

Le Parisien Libr

Le Parisien Libr

Le Parisien Libr


















New York Herald Tribune :

New York Herald Tribune

New York Herald Tribune

New York Herald Tribune

Paris-Match :






Paris-Presse lintransigeant :

Paris-Presse lintransigeant

Presse L'intransigeant,

Paris-Presse L'intransigeant,

Paris Presse L'intransigeant

The Daily Telegraph :

The Daily Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph

The Guardian (les archives du quotidien sont consultables en ligne sur

The Guardian

The Guardian

The Independent (les articles rcents sont consultables sur les archives en ligne du quotidien,

The Independent

The Independent

The Independent

The New York Times (les articles sont consultables sur les archives en ligne du quotidien, dont
certains sont rservs aux abonns )

Think Russia

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New
York Times,

The New York Times

The New York


Daily Express

The New York Times

The New York Times

, The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times,

The New York Times

The New York Times,

The New York Times,

The New York Times

The New York Times

Daily Mail

Daily Herald

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York


The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York Times,

The New York Times

The New York Times

The New York


The New York Times,

The New York Times

The New York Times

The Times :

The Times

The Times

Autres :

Le Point.fr

Daily Express

The Sunday Times

Manchester Evening News

Leamington Spa Courier

Birmingham Post

Belfast Telegraph

The Telegraph

La Croix

The Observer

News Chronicle


The Daily Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph


Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Daily Express

The Canberra Times

Daily Mail

Ici Radio


Dimanche Matin

Time Magazine



The Sunday Times

Le Parisien Libr,

Birmingham Mail

Easton Daily Press

Evening Standard

The Times

d) Presse spcialise





Le Figaro Littraire

Le Figaro Littraire

Le Figaro

The Dancing Times

The Dancing Times

The Dancing Times

Dancing Times

The Dancing Times

The Dancing Times

Dance and Dancers

Dance and Dancers

Dance and Dancers

Dance and Dancers

Dance and Dancers

Toute la danse

Toute la danse

Toute la


The Spectator



The Listener

Rudolf Nureyev, The Life Dance Magazine



e) Documents

Chorgraphie ou lart de dcrire la dance

Les abonns de lOpra (1783-1786)

The Theory and Practise of Allegro in Classical


The Theory and Practise of

Advanced Allegro in Classical Ballet

Le Manifeste du chorgraphe

Trait de danse acadmique

Trait de chorgraphie

Revue d'esthtique

Basic principal of classical ballet, Russian Ballet Technique

, Histoire de la danse

Memorial University of Newfoundland, Digital Archives

f) Interviews par lauteure

g) Vidos

Institut National de lAudiovisuel franais

British Path

California News
British Path

LOpra de Paris au XXme sicle

A lAffiche du Monde

h) Bases de donnes en ligne

Institut de Recherche et
de Coordination Acoustique/Musique Ircam.fr


i) Traits et Accords internationaux

United Nations Treaty Series Treaties and International agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations
a) Ouvrages de rfrence

Annuaire diplomatique et consulaire de la Rpublique franaise

Nouvelle Histoire de la France contemporaine,

vol.12. Victoire et frustrations, 1914-1929

Histoire gnrale de la presse

International Encyclopedia of Dance,

Dictionnaire de la Guerre froide

Dictionnaire de la musique Larousse.fr

Dictionnaire lexicographique

Encyclopdia Universalis

Dictionnaire de la Danse

Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement

ouvrier franais tome 9

The Oxford English Dictionnary Online, .

Who was Who

b) Ouvrages et articles sur la Russie et lURSS

Russia: a history

Catherine the Great, Life and Legend


Philologiques IV, Transferts culturels triangulaires France-Allemagne- Russie

Une dstalinisation manque : Tchcoslovaquie, 1956

Communist and Post-Communist Studies,

Iconography of power. Soviet political Posters under Lenin and


A forgotten empress

The Russian

Catherine the Great,

Russia: a history

Peter the Great: A Biography


American Slavic and East European Review

Le mirage russe en France au XVIIIme sicle

La Tentation du rapprochement, Frane et URSS lheure de la dtente


Catherine the Great,

Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy,

c) Ouvrages et articles sur la Guerre froide

Diplomatic History,

Intelligence and National Security

Le KGB contre lOuest, 1917-1991

Iron Curtain. The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956

Cold War Constructions: The Political Culture of United States

Imperialism, 1945-1966,

Paix et guerre entre les nations

European History

Selling the American Way, U.S. propaganda and the Cold War

Les historiens franais l'uvre,


America and the Intellectual Cold Wars in Europe: Shepard

Stone Between Philanthropy, Academy and Diplomacy,

US Television News and Cold War Propaganda 1947-1960

Cold War Respite: The Geneva Summit of 1955

La Guerre froide vue den


The Dancer Defects, The struggle for Cultural Supremacy During the Cold

Cold War Radio: the dangerous history of American broadcasting

in Europe, 1950-1989

, Les Amricains et la France 1917-1947.

Engagements et reprsentations

Jazz diplomacy: Promoting America in the Cold War era,

Cold War Crossings, International Travel and Exchanges across the Soviet Bloc, 1940s-

Britain, America and Anti-communist propaganda, 1945-1953: the

Information Research Department

The Journal of Modern History

Revue d'histoire
moderne et contemporaine

Revue franaise d'histoire des ides


Cold War, Cool Medium, Television, McCarthyism, and American


Upstaging the Cold War, American dissent and cultural diplomacy, 1940-


Une Europe malgr tout. Les changes culturels,

intellectuels et scientifiques entre Europens dans la Guerre froide

To Lead the Free World: American Nationalism and the Cultural Roots of the
Cold War,

Music Divided : Bartk's legacy in cold war culture,

Diplomatic History,

Music in Americas Cold War Diplomacy


Russia, The Soviet Union and the Us : an interpretive history

American Foundations in Europe: Grant-
Giving Policies, Cultural Diplomacy and Transatlantic Relations, 1920-1980

Late modernism: Art, culture and politics in Cold War America,

The Cambridge History of Cold War, vol.1: Origins

Journal of arts, management and law society

Double dtente, les relations franco-sovitiques de 1958 1964

Reviews in American

Revue LISA, Littrature,

histoire des Ides, Images et Socits du monde anglophone,

Les temps de la Guerre froide


Comment New York vola lide dart moderne : expressionnisme abstrait,

libert et Guerre froide

Pavilions of Plenty: Exhibiting American Culture Abroad in the


An army of phantoms: American movies and the making of the Cold War,

The battle for realism: figurative art in Britain during the Cold War, 1945-

Recomposing German Music: politics and musical tradition in Cold War


British Propaganda And News Media in the Cold War

Entre guerre et paix

Britain's Secret Propaganda War: Foreign Office and
the Cold War, 1948-77

American Historical

Art in the Cold War: from Vladivostok to Kalamazoo, 1945-1962,

Cold War Confrontations: US exhibitions and

their role in the cultural Cold War,

Cold War Respite: The Geneva Summit of 1955

The Journal of Military History

The Cold War in the Third World

Leap through the curtain : the story of Nora Kovach and Istvan Rabovsky

The Kremlin and the world politics

War of the Black Heavens: The Battle of Western Broadcasting in the

Cold War

Dancing with de Beauvoir: jazz and the French

Jazz, rock, rebels: cold war politics and American culture in a divided

German Pop Music How american is it?

Hollywood exiles in Europe: the black list and Cold War films

The Cambridge History of the Cold War

Cultural exchange and the Cold War, Raising the Iron Curtain,

Cold War History

J. Edgar Hoover goes to the movies: the FBI and the origins of
Hollywood Cold War,

The Cultural Cold War in Western

Europe (1945-1960)

Journal of Contemporary History

Cinematic Cold War: the American and Soviet struggle

for hearts and minds,

Contemporary British

British Cinema And the Cold War: The State, Propaganda And Consensus

Hollywood's Cold War,

Cold War History

Journal of Communications

Revue dhistoire diplomatique

La Guerre froide, 1943-1990

Between fear and freedom: cultural representations of the Cold


Diplomatic History,

Who Paid the Piper ?, the CIA and the cultural cold war,

British Power and International Relations During the 1950s, A

Tenable Position ?

Expansion and coexistence. The History of Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-


The Rivals. America and Russia since World War II

Dangerous Relations. The Soviet Union in World Politics, 1970-1982

Contemporary British History,

Satchmo Blows Up the World: Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War

Cold War cultures:

perspectives on Eastern and Western Societies,

East Plays West: Sport and the Cold War,

Legacy of Ashes, The History of the CIA

Music on the frontline : Nicolas Nabokov's struggle against communism and

middlebrow culture,

Reviewing the Cold War approaches, Interpretations, Theory,

Diplomatic History

The global Cold War : third world interventions and the making of our

The CIA, the British left and the Cold War: calling the tune?,

d) Ouvrages et articles sur la danse

Isadora Duncan, La danseuse aux pieds nus ou La rvolution isadorienne

dIsadora Duncan Malkovsky

Histoire du
corps, 1. De la Renaissance aux Lumires

Royal Opera House Retrospective 1732-1982, 250

years of actors, singers, dancers, managers and musicians of Covent Garden seen through the
eyes of the artist,

Research Journal


The Royal Ballet The First Fifty Years

Rudolf Noureev

Russian Review

Rudolf Nureyev, The Life

Contemporary Review

Dance as Text : Ideology of the Baroque

Body Dance Research

The Continuum Companion to Twentieth Century Theatre

Histoire du corps, 1. De la Renaissance aux Lumires

The Cambridge Companion to Stravinsky

Ballets Russes Style: Diaghilev dancers and Paris Fashion

Remembering Nureyev: The Trail of a Comet

Lire, voir, entendre, La rception des objets mdiatiques,

Noureev linsoumis

Ball Room, Revue de Danse

The Royal Opera House in the Twentienth Century

The Ballets Russes and Its World

Dance Chronicle
Ballet across Borders: Careers and Culture
in the World of Dancers Review Contemporary Sociology

Swans of the Kremlin Ballet and Power in Soviet Russia

Twentieth-Century Music and Politics: Essays in memory of

Neil Edmunds

Dance Chronicle

Apprendre par corps, Socio-anthropologie des techniques de danse

Actes de la Recherche
en Sciences Sociales

Dance as Text : Ideology of the Baroque Body

Diaghilevs Ballets Russes

The Ballets Russes and Its World

Cambridge Companion to Ballet

Following Balanchine

Inventing the Business of Opera, The Impresarion and His World

in Seventeenth-Century Venice


Stepping Left, Dance and Politics in New York City, 1928-1942

La vie musicale sous Vichy

Ballet de lOpra de Paris

Le Ballet de lOpra de Paris

Danser avec le IIIme Reich, les danseurs modernes sous le nazisme

The Oxford Companion to the Theatre

Signes du spectacle : des arts vivants aux mdias

Sicle. Revue d'histoire

Triomphes et scandales : la belle poque des ballets russes

Revue dhistoire du thtre

Danser Paris pendant lentre-deux-guerres, Lieux, pratiques et

imaginaires des danses de socit des Amriques (1919-1939)

Stravinsky & Balanchine: a journey of invention

Le Ballet de lOpra

The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

Rudolf Nureyev, The Life,

Pdagogie de la danse classique

La Vie quotidienne des crivains et des artistes sous


Covent Garden, the Untold Story: Dispatches from the English Culture
War, 1945-2000

Covent Garden, the Untold Story:

Dispatches from the English Culture War, 1945-2000 Notes

The Cambridge Companion to Performance Studies

A Dancer in Wartime
Rudolf Noureev, Les images dune vie

Rudolf Noureev

Crossing the Channel, Cultural Identity in the Court

Entertainements of Queen Henrietta Maria, 1625-1640

The Dancer who flew: a memoire of Rudolf Nureyev,



Leap through the curtain : the story of Nora Kovach and Istvan Rabovsky

Frederick Ashtons Ballets, Style, Performance, Choreography

The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

Dance Chronicle

Journal of Cultural Economics

Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research,

The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

Rudolf Nureyev: Confessioni

Nureyev: la sua arte, la sua vita,

Nureyev : Aspects of the Dancer

Anthropology of the performing arts, Artistry, Virtuosity and

Interpretation in a cross-cultural perspective

Temps lis avec Noureev

Dance is a weapon : le New Dance Group, 1932-1955

Le Ballet de lOpra de Paris,

Serge Lifar : la danse pour patrie

Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research

Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research

Les neurones miroirs

The Last Impresario, The life, times and legacy of Sol Hurok,

Culture and
Entertainment in Wartime Russia

From Petipa to Balanchine: classical revival and the modernization of ballet

Choreographic Politics: State Folk Dance Companies, Representation and


Royal Opera

The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

Noureyev, his life

Regards sociologiques

The Real Nureyev

Culture and
Entertainment in Wartime Russia
Research Journal

The American Modern Dance and its Critics: A History of

Journalistic Dance Criticism in the United States, 1850-1934,

Moscow theater for young people: a cultural history of ideological

coercion and artistic innovation, 1917-2000

, Opus-Sociologie de lart

Actes du colloque Opus

Histoire du corps,
1. De la Renaissance aux Lumires

Conversations avec Balanchine

Nureyev : a biography


The arts as a weapon of war, Britain and the shaping of national

moral in the second world war

Dance Research: The Journal of the Society

for Dance Research

Ballet across borders : career and culture in the world of dancers

Rudolf Nureyev : Three Years in the

Kirov Theatre

e) Autres ouvrages et articles

La Comdie-Franaise en tourne ou Le Thtre des cinq

continents, 1868-2011,

Le sport : de lhistoire

Guerres mondiales et
conflits contemporains Dossier Les permanences balkaniques au XXme sicle
Irresistible Empire: Americas Advance through 20th century Europe

Philologiques IV,
Transferts culturels triangulaires France-Allemagne- Russie

LAction artistique de la France aux tats-Unis : 1915-1969

Les transferts culturels franco-allemands

Great-Britain and the creation of Yugoslavia, Negotiating Balkan Nationality

and Identity

Le Mouvement social

American Speech

Opration Tonnerre Thunderball

War paint: Art, War, State and Identity in Britain, 1939-1945

The Epic Rescue of the Andrea Doria, Desperate Hours,

A good Comrade : Jnos Kdr, Communism and Hungary

A Good Comrade: Jnos Kdr,

Communism and Hungary The American Historical Review

La Dimension cache

Au-del de la culture

Le langage silencieux

Peter Brook, from Oxford to Orghast,

John Maynard Keynes

Le club des incorrigibles optimistes

Mouvement social

Lge des extrmes, Histoire du court XXme sicle

The anxieties of affluence, Critiques of American Consumer Culture,


History of the Balkans



Cent ans de recherches sur

Molire, sur sa famille et sur les comdiens de sa troupe

Les Cahiers du Centre de

Recherche Historique

Seducing the French : the dilemna of Americanization

Les Grands Artistes Classiques

La France et lItalie dans les Balkans 1914-1919

Introduction la psychologie culturelle

Journal de Musique (1949-1995)

Paris New York, Intellectuels et artistes franais en exil, 1940-47

La politique, la culture. Discours, articles, entretiens, 1925-1975

De la Culture en Amrique

Histoire de lUNESCO, les trente premires annes, 1945-1974

Soft power: the means to success in world politics

L'entente cordiale,
cent ans de relations culturelles franco-britanniques (1904- 2004)

Laction artistique de la France dans le monde,

Histoire de lAssociation Franaise dAction Artistique

Peuple des Balkans

The American Historical Review

Intellectuels et artistes sous lOccupation, Et la fte continue

La France de la IVme Rpublique, 2. Lexpansion et limpuissance


Le syndrme de Vichy, de 1944 nos jours

Lorientalisme, LOrient cr par lOccident,

La Prsence culturelle de la France aux tats-Unis pendant la

Guerre froide : 1944-1953

La guerre des crivains

Kenneth Clark: A Biography.

Atelier 62

Bulgaria in British Foreign Policy, 1943-1949

Journal of American Studies

Mouvement social

The Arts as a weapon of War, Britain and the shaping of national

morale in the second world war

The Cambrigde Companion

to Violin
f) Sites internet et ressources en ligne


National Library of Australia

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data.bls.gov


Dance Tabs

Warship World

Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques

Danses avec la plume


Irish Music Daily

Ecole Normale Suprieure de Lyon

Culture 24

Historic District Council.org

Blog des National Archives de

Old Vic Theatre

Opra de Paris

Palais des Sports

The Pilgrim Trust

Politics Resources

Broadcasters Audience
Research Board

The Telegraph



Daily Mail

g) Documentaires

, Din-Bin-Phu, Le rapport secret,

Maa Plissetskaa la Magnifique

La Danse, le ballet de lOpra de Paris

h) Thses de doctorat

Voir une danse. Dcrire et interprter Isadora Duncan

La culture au service de la diplomatie ? Les politiques culturelles extrieures

de la RFA et de la France au Brsil (1961-1973)

La construction du genre dans la danse classique et la danse

contemporaine : des modles d'opposition? L'exemple du traitement du genre dans le ballet
cubain : l'influence des contextes sociopolitiques sur la transmission d'une (de) vision(s) du

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