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, .......--~-S-.P-·Emmi:·c.

. -PR-.Q-..-.C-E-ED.-·
. -rN-.
·.· Gs-·
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r·~,t. . ·r!ii!t+tiii•
. ewfl
. aw+eae, eeiiw · A., f Mii·@ · ss+msi · SP Rieua.;+y;
,_;.·~~~~~~~~~~~~~,--~~~~--, ' .
r·• :Rui·E.·72·
I 6... Rescissiqn an·d · revocation of· adoption (Rule
· ·100);. . . . ..
. SUBJ·ECT MATTER AND. , Note: The procedure for rescission and .
· rev9catiori of adopt.ion has been ·assim.ilated in

l .. tt,e Rule on Adoption which becar.ne effective on
RULES·. Augus.t 22, 2002 .(R/G_UERA; Pri(rJer-Reviewer ·
.or:i. .. Remedial Law Vol. 2 {201·l); p.4 [hereinafter
p" : · 2 RIGUE._RAJ): .·. . · .
f. . Sp~d~I Proceeding . . .
f\ A. remedy i?Y which a party seeks -to establish a ·7. .!:!ospital.izati'on of insane persons' (RULE 101);.
i? .§tatus, a Bight, or a ·farti:Cular [act' (SRP) .(ROG, 8.. Jiabe.as Corpus (R(!LE 102); . . . · ·
( R~~c 1; Sec. 3 par. (c)). . . · . -. · ·9: Change of Name (RULi.;. f03); · · . . : . ·..
·10 .. ~oluntary ·dissolution. of ·cor'poratfon~; (RUt~
ft · ·
A·~pecial proceedinq ls a petition fo.r.a declaration of . . . .. . 104); · · · · ··
t a status, right or .fact..·(h,for~n. Comments qn. the · ,. . ..
z-. Rules of Court; 1979. Ed. pp. 119- ..120).: :·. . · · ·. · :Nqte.: .Petition for '. voluntary · -dissolutlen Of
;,', · · . -corpcratlori i~ now filed withthe Se'cor_ities
Nature of Sp~c!al Pro~ee~i.ngs:' -·. ·. .. . Exchange· .Oommlssion.r.and.' not the· courts
i .-·. ~enerally. special P.roc~ed'.ngs are no~-adversan~.1 · _purS~ant· to Se~s.. · 118 .and 1t9 .:of. the
i i_n natl!rE}, .bec.ause.·.(he~e 1$ _.no .def~nite adv_er~e /: . . Corporation Code"(2 RIGUERf!., supra at 4).
.. · p~rt~ 111 suc.h. proceedinqs (Montpne~ ~ v. S;har(c(:)(j{ . . · . - · · .". . , : . · '. . · ·
District Courl, G.R. No. 174975'. .Jan!.!a:Y 2~, ?99,;i(/. .;;., · Pet!t(~rr: for li.qu_rd.;ltfon -of an · inso~~ent
. . . _· . · ·. :· · . . · , : ~ii '.',",~,fl . · · corpcraticn.Is.clasalfledas :3 speclal proceeding. ·
Note: It .may ~err:t~m non -adversarial; ~otr.l ~h~ ca~~~~'.:.;; ,?,1;/._;_.,.~_(0ng . v.,.... f;'hilippine D~po·su lnswant:e. Corp:,
. concl.uded, .o.r 1t .. may als?· , h~ppen. _that. ~!1,. ls'.,,•!~r:,: . ·:ii!tG:B. ..No··0t.75116 August.18 2010). · . ·
trar:isformed rnto-an a~ver&anal.proceedmgr,,~VchaS\_,.. ,r(·-'.'-~·-...:i:~1/' · '. · •. ' . _. . .
. ~-~enthere are oppos!tors_to the p~ti~.9.r-)~J.DE_LEON;\.:._~1, ·11_- Judicial f~·proval ~t. voluntary . recognition of
_& W/LWAY.CO,_ S,fec,al .P,oceeqmgst{i.~~f!_rt1als t'~t.,..!J..,_,~i : · minor. tt.~.r?;ilchildren (RULE 105); .
B.ench end Bar, (""0.15), p.2 fhe!elnafte7i.'f)~i:ff.$)~>& .
J.1.t· ·. . -'t;,)\12. constlt'tti~m~ffamily homo·(RULE: 106)·
. -:- _., .. ,. "-.<
WILWAYCo,·spec,af Prqcee.cj~rrg,s));:J~·.
· · · • ?'[7 (( · o/ .f ·~ .~ ·
c-.. · ....;\ . · ·. .. - ·. . · .· '. . · ·
·· ·No~U: A: r th\·effectivity Qf ttie ·Family.·code,
~JtL r •.,t _ tl\era<]si".!'no
·· · · · d .· ~~ -~ · ~ : ,,;;i
.· .· SECTION · 1 .. SUBJECT
·v . ~~·-;;J E"'-'ti r,~· .... ··mc.re;"'!need to constitute a family
! ....... ~-,,·,,Le.,;, . .
. ·. , . ·. . . . , · ~- -~?{;: ;·.. ~j . :}!} . hom~,.._fQ~~.e~same· is deei)ied au~?iTiaticalty_
... Special Proceed_ings in. the Rm-es/.o\).foui;t: . 1~1.· : . constrtufed un.def Art .. 153.of the ,Family Code (2
. (SEGTAR-HH,-CV·JCDC.) : . _- . ·.'" .ff 'j,J .. : . J;;";.i:-1:'?~'!!_UERA, supra,at.4-~). .. . · . .· , ..
1. :§.ettlement of est~te .of dece.ased p~rsons (RI.JJ~.....;....:.,,,'i'-t<•'i;,.. ,;0~~\"-,·•-.....
• 73-90); · · · . ·· '-'t .· ./._;.,.--·~--.~- .. f b ·
,,.,,;-._eelaratrpn_ ~ ,a. sence an d~ath
·d (RULE
. , 10
2.. ·gstheat (Rule 91); ·. . · _l!( .. /J<! ·. . ' : . · and· .. · . '. . . .· :. . ·
3. Guardianship and ct:istody ofchildi:~~ffetde92-' . · · : ·· . .. . . ·: · · ·
97); . · . Nob,~: ~:petition for _declara.~.on. 9f presy,m~Uye,
. 4. .Irustees (Rule '98); . death_ rs n,ot a. sp.ec,al pro~e~.drng· (Republw v..
s .. ·~dopllon (Rule ~9};·· Madro_na,-.G_.R .. 163604, May 6, 2005) .
. ·· .
. - .. · .
Over-all. Chairperson, ERICA Cha'ir, ~ JOY D:.'IECSO?-!' . FLORENCIO. F. STA. :ANA ID,.: .WAGAN; Atiy. fRANCESCA
MAE C. VISTA Chairpersonfqr .Assistant . Subj_ect :. Chair, GE~ P, ·. MARANAN, LOURDBS.M.~GA '.
BARBERO Chair.pcrsonjo,.Hotel Electronic. Data.' Processing,· o~rIS •. JR[S L. MENDIOLA,
DIMAANQ Y_i~e Chairperson for and fASMJN 'N ... AJ'O$TO~ MQ!'ll)tGO, l<IMBERl,.Y.ANN.:~
Secretariat, EARL JUSTIN. M. Civil Proced1,1re, VIKTOR KEVIN HONRALES, .MA. .LAtAINE T;·
· YAMBAO. Vice Chairperson for . S. :RUBIO Cr.iminal P~<:l!aure,' ·BAlOLOY, . MARY JOIE . S. .
'DE LEON Vice Chairperson for CRUZ Evlder,ce; )OS.HU,( V. QUIAMBAO,' NEU.. KIRBY L
BADANGAN Vice Chairperso'rt ·... Actidns, \fJNCE .. · NOEL':. J;. :RAMOS, PETE~ PAUL P.
for Audit, JOiillAN.N. CHAVEZ· LUPANGO'Speciaf.Pr.ocec.dlngs, · CAGlffi.At'lG,'\N,. RUIZA V.
Vice: Chairperson for ·E/ectronu, · TOLENTIN.O
Pata · Processing, . HANZ· ·
•' ...
.: ~ .. ; : . :
. Chairperson for'Loglstics, DOHN
Chairperson for Membership
! .

.. -~l
. :~i

14. ~anc'ellatlon ~nd eorre!;:tion. of entrie~ In the civil obflqatlons . .·(Pacific· -"Banking ... Corporation. tf
registry (RULE 1 OB).· Employees Organization v. C:A., ·.GR .. No. f}
109373, Marr;h·2,o, 1995). · . ' . \~
Note: The list under Rule· 72, Section 1 i.~ not · ~·· 8. -Wri.t of dmpa'ro (A.lyt_No. 0'7-9-12~SC);.. · · .:~~~
exclusive, 'Any petition Wh.ich has . for its: main 9. · .Writ.of tf.a'beas.Data (AM. No. OB-.1~16-SC)'; · ·)~
purpose .the establishment of a. ·status, r.ight; or a of.
10. Writ fiali!<asan(A'.M: No. '09-6-8-SC);: · , ._Jf.
particular fact may be 'lncluded as a special 11. ~rbitratibn.(A:M. No,:b7-11.-0B-SC); and . · .· -:~
.. proceeding . (FE$TIN, · Special · prote(!dings, : .A, ·12·.- ,Becognitic;>n and enforcement of ·an. arbitra~ ·.:~
Foresight-to the Ber Exam and the Practice of Law, . . award:.(R.A. No: 9,2.85)'. ,· . ·· . · . · . .. . . ·: t
. .(2015);·p. 1 [hereinatt_er FEST/NJ). . , -., . . (DEJ.EON & WILWA YCO, supra at 4-5): ·: . ;.l
.. ~· . .· .· . .. ~.. . : : . ··-.:~!·
Special Proc.e~dings .. no. Long·~r Covered by .the : · SECTION 2. 'APPLICABILITYOF 'RULES OF CIVIL -~
Rules of c·our.t: ·. . · . .. . ·. . ·. · . ACTIONS . . . .. .•
.1, .Ruie · 9~ Adoption· arid Custooy of Minors ··· ·
. (repe~led by A.M. No.. 02-6-02~SC, . Rule. orj In 'the.. absence of. special provisions:. the rule~
Adoption}.: · . > . .. . · . · ·.. · . · provided 'tor in.'ordina~y~a.ctions shall be~ .·as tar as
2. · R.ule.100- Recission and revocation of Adoption practicable; applicable In special proceedings;
. (repeate:d. by A.fvf .·Mo.. 02-6-02-SC, ;J:~ule on ., . . . . . . . . . ·. . . . ...
Adoption)· · . - . ... ·'. . · -==-=..ApplicableRules .of Civil Procedure '. · .. ~:
T 1 1~r-~~ation, fi)!ng · and. servic.e o.f appllcatlons, .: J.
,fr<~, ;;-~...;i;='U~ _/.\J.
3. ·fi~le '.f°Q4- Voluntary Dis_solutionof~Co~fj9fa~
.. (repealed QY. the Revised Corpoiafion Ltll?de rnpt1o~~s~~d?t~er papers; . : · · · . · · .• ~
. .· (R.A. 11282)) .. . . l: Qmn}bus. M_~t,onf{ule; . . .. . 11'
4.' 'Rule 105-. Judicial· Approy.a)."'·Of~o)t;(nfary · · . 3 .. °Sl@p6e9p~~\. . .. . . ' . ·;~
. Recognition of Minor N~turajfCfol~1Yffe~al~d~'T=~.....c.,c;?.{np,ut~on Qftme; . ·:t'
. · by Fan:,ily Code, Art. 1-73) f!._Q.'.c.":>-t./· J' · '@ jf ...§.-?"" Molip~g'.~ffj l\(ia;I; :· . · · . . _:.{
5.' ·Rule 106- Constit~tiono_ffamily;J}orrieJchildren· ~~ .•&..\. · M<;>~eso't~tscpvezy; . . . · . · . · }j·
(rep~aled by_ Famtly Co1fi.:Art.1f.52 and 153).
. ·. . , · ;;P:·! · · r-: · ----6.J:~
_ ~ · l_w.. .~q 7. . Tr_1alibefore\ ~9,~!fSloners; ~nd : _
7~prrer ti;>.~~1;mae, (Nfatute·.. v. Court ef. '?!,
: . . :Ji

. O.ther $pecla'l"Pr:oce~.dingf '(·sAc1101c-L~~K~}"'71 Ii c.;:~"JJ.pp~als,:GJ!f.. Np""<~i6751, January 31, · 1969). . )
.1_. §.u~ary pro~eedm_gs ':lnO~f-'t~e Fa_!:!ll.,~Code.r~"-'-I r 11yl'd ·.. .J_. ~ l=:.;.f';i . . · . · . · .· . ;.
?-' -~ct1ons mentioned !n t.'13.~R'as;r:i~ly·~?u~~~ct.of .~5~!#:App!.!._9.1filiir!IDJ; 9if Certlf1c:atlon Against Forum ./::;;.
.- . .1997 (R.A·B_369}; such fi~f.1n i ·&~\
· .. :a. Declar<!bon .. of ab~ol\;ite..J.~ull(!y~\~YOJ~
-' ~ l
J lio13.p1pgJ . jj ~rg. · . . .: · . , . . ~
ul~172,Par,f JI oUhe same Rµ.les pf.Court ;;-;
, . . .marriages and .an~i.Jlment).~of '-\eJl'l1~ibt~·::ll
· tfyftlteifthat.{ihthe ~sen~e of spe9ial provis'ioni:., _./;;
pr~~ided fofin tirdinaFy, aqtion~ shall be, a~ ·.~

. ~; . ~~~~~r::~r~~~~~~
. . ma·rriages; - ·. · .\., . · ·. . · ~ "'--..~.:.r~is.

~n -~~:~;~'jl1S\~~1£~~fi,~~;l;~;p'.~~~~:f~ir_e~~~;oc~~~f:,~· :~.
minor children, ano : ad~1s~p11~°c>f.:-===-~"=teFUfJ,~ti..ory...a9tfmst forum -shopping fgi: c9mplamt~ .. ',
common pr.operty;:-: · . ~~;. 1(/l .. ·~;;r
1-a.~~~i!i~(Y·p1eadingp, .a ·written explanation .for. -· 11
d. Violeace against.women ·1;1nd theif~et:iU~ren. !."'i,rr;~erso'nal service and.filing, and:the·payment of ·{~
. ahd protection orders; .. ... . :-~,.,~fihng fees·fe>r mone·y.cla,ms.against i3r,.estate-wou,d· >.I;~
3. .Proce~r;lin.9s.un~edhe-~hild and Youih Welfare . . :· riot in a.nxway 01:is.truc.t·pr9bate·proceeaing~ •. thus, '}
Code (P_,D, No. 603)., C~ild Abuse· As;t (R.A. No. . : they are applicable to. special·pr09ee9ings '(Sheker.. f.~
7610);, and. Ohild E.mployment Act (R.A. No. · v.. Estate ot.,.·Afice. Sheker, G.~. No.· 157912., 11
7658),. Sl!Ch as:· . . . . . . Deee_mber-13, 2Cf07). . . . · . : · ' ,ill
· ~·. · Oeclaratiori of .. status. as ·abandoned;· · · , ·:-.. . · · : .· · · · ... · ... · !!jj
. - d.ependent,.or negl~9ted children; . Writt~n Explanation for -Non-Personal Service i]J
b. .'v'oh.intary or involuntary comrnitment·. of · · :. arid Filing;·when· ~uperfluous· · . ·. ·: . Ji
· -children; arid . . . . A ·written. ex'planalion why se.i:vice . was not done ·- ,~
.... c. Sµspension, te:rmin.ation, .or restoration of · ·personally mi_g!Jt· h?ye be.eh sup.~rfluous ccinsi<:J~ri.ng . ~
parental authority .. · .· the di!:;tance between the Court 'of Appeals·-and ·:e
4. · Qon:,es~ic.Adoption:' (R.A. 8552); Donsol, Sci_rsog.on where the petition was posted. :In )J
5. lnter-coLintry,Adoption .(R:A. 8043); · .any case, a~ the rule· is so w~rded. wlth th~ u.se of.·:;!
6. ~o-rpdrate Reh~bilitatiGin (R.A. .No. 10142);· "-.rriayt ..signi~ying. pennis·siveness,. ~ violation thereof· j
7. .biquid~tlon proceedings; · · . .; gives the ~ourt..discretiori whetlier .or not to consider "J.
· . . th'e·papt=fr as not filed:WhiJ13· it'.is tr~e that procedural · 1
· Note: Wha~ it 'Seeks i~ 'rner~Jy a.dec1arat1on by rules are neces~ary to-secure an .~rd~r1y an9 speecfy. 1,
· tlie trial court of tHe.·corpor<!tion's itisolvency so · admiil_istration of justice, 14·. rigid: ~pplication. :.of · ·i
. that its creditors may be able fo·file their clajms Section 11, Rule 13 .rh'ay be relaxed in,this case .in :J
in the. setUement of the corporatia'n•s d~bts and
. .
the interest of substantial. justice. Citing the case .. •i
. . 1
. .,,
. :.~
~.om-----lllil!llll---------- .....--------....;--------------~s:::r11~~m
,. ~; hWINMtMPi MF St+

{; of Reyes v. Court of. Appeati i.t declared that "the

t Rules of Court shall not b~-.ap~lica.ble In agrarian
::._ .cases even m suppletory char.acter."(Musa v. Amor, One by which a : party sues· Remedy· by- .
anotherfor .the enforcement or which. a· 'party .
~~-' .G.R. No 141396,
9,· 2002).. · . . .
.. prot~.~tion.: of. a i-rght 'or 'tliEl seeks to'
,'.. Earliest Effort$ . Betwe.eri Family Members. to prevention or redress of-a-wrong.! establish a
r,, .. Compr~mlse·not Required . . ·· . _ '", A civil' action may 'either be status, a. righ( .
;;.' Sir.ice.a·special'proceeding is not a sult or ordinary .ordinary 'or special. or. a 'partlcutar
t action whereby ·a. party -sues' another , tor ·. the
t e.nforcement·of right or the prevention of awronq,
. fuct-.

~ 'the requirement that . no suit shall be. filed·. or

'.'·'· 'maintained between· 'the members of the same". Governed · · bY. ·Govern~d·
t. fa.mily unless. it. should -appear'mar earnest efforts': the : rules .for prima~ily . by
G~v~rned: by
special . ,:: rules
L · toward a .cc:im_promise have been made, but.that the: · ordinary- .civil- ordinary rules anci' . =. ordinary
r same .have failed. 'does not apply to a .special actions. . .p.uf: slibJect to' rules. apply as
~ · proceeding (Vda.. be Manalo . v. CA,- Q.R. No: . ' specific rules: far . . as
129242; January.16,. 2001)... .. . . . .• . practicable'.; .


The .. perlod ·. to Appeal · . is ThE3 ,. peri'od . to

appeal ,'ls only tr,rough .rec_ord .appeal· is· . 30 .
, 15. d~ys and on ·ai:i'peal '{li~e 'days ahp .aside' .
.:notice of.appeal in ... partition: from . notice .of .·
.. suffices...•. -.· expro'p.riation,. appeal; ' .a
·, etb.). -:. . The record. . 9n
Generally,' . · Some . : are Generally, 'non- .Record· ·· On pericid Of·Wh.ic;:h appeal is
. adversarial in'
. nature, '. There
adversarial . lrr 'adversarlat
nature . . whiie :because it. . ls .
appeal ··.Gan· be is·.30 <;:lays. . required,
filed ;3s well.
are. . ·definite some. . . ·.are· direcfed a,gainst
parties merely remedial the" whole .
pl~fntiff . v .. in . nature' "like world, . . as
defenda.nt.. lnterpleader. m:ajority of . . BasEid . bri· a Some special Not based on a
' special .cause.of-action. civil actions cause of action.
. ·proceedings :have. no,.cause. (~xcepU-iabeas
arf/in rein. of action. Corpus).



. ,
. . . .
OF: ·: Issuance o~ l,.etters Tes~amentary or Letters of .
Administration · ·
. _..(!..· :
ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSONS· . Filing of Claims against the Estate
· (Rule 86) ·
'tn discussing the procedure for settlement of estate ' .
_of deceased persons.the outline shall be as follows: .0.. .
1..: :_ Venue and-Process (Ru(e 73); , ..... -,
2. -, Summary S~ttlemenl of Estates (Rule 74); . , · · Payments of Debts of the Estate·
3. Production ofWill;'Ailowan9e·ofWill Necessary · · · (R(!le 88 .and Rule 89)
. ·(Rµle·-75); · . . . . . ·.:IJ.,
4. : Allowance or Disallowance of.~/iil (Rufe -76); .:: ·
5 .' Allowante-ofWill Proved Outside ofPblllpplnes · P;artitiOIJ; and-Distribuiion of.Estate
· · . -and Adrnlnlstration .o_f Estate-Thereunder (Rule · (Rule__ 90) ·
. .. 77.); ' . . . .. . · · .. · .ij. . ,.-,
· r 'l~
6. · ~ette~s. _Tt:s!amentary. and bf Adminfitration:· ·1 · . ,
. When, and to Whom Issued {Rufe.78);. · · ~~~"· ·-~-,.._ : · . Closure · _· · -~.t
7. Opposing Issuance of, Letters Tes~ap.'l~ritary. 1, -y"'"""'-~ :: · . . · . · . l-

. . Petition and Contest for Letters ·o~cltufnis~a._tjon'(
(Rule 79); . · · : ~,.
· 8. · Speclal-Admlnlstration (Ru_fe ff:6):_t~ ) ,,/
< ) J: 4~~psfanff9-cil,fas!s. , · ·
~==l~]{l-7 ,6J)f\e~C1vtl_
. ·· -
Code states that the rights to '!,;;
_ =-==·sucl;:~ss~b"n~fl}ir~esmitted·from the moment of the ... '.·!~
~. Bon_ds _of Executors and ~-tlm1n1~~~to~(Rtt~~- je. -1eattl.,oft~~~ece5f:~(_lt. Before actual transmlsslon of j·
81); . · ·· . : /,<._r:_)f ·· I ... ml - ..~1:9h~s. ~~le!~Jl5,~)~~must be _observed. Once the. ;_f
_10. Ge_n_e~al Powers and D~res of,:;;xec~tors ari{l ,~r.-oced~f outt~fled m-.,~e ROC IS complied with, the ;~:
Administrators (Rufe ~4)1£ . · .//. . !I ·-·_:... •. ng~~~he·hel{~§ijo,;icttdlhetime of de.a~h-~f.the "L
11. lrivent?ry.and ~pp~a1scg";JJrw1~.1.ontofsu{?E2rt·
·:,of Family (~ufe·83);. ff'~":- ,1 . '\ · -~~
12. Accountability and COlljlPJ;:JjlS'ai!onof E"kecut&'~~-- r ~- . l
t::.~44"WA¥CO,~Ufi>i'a at
·· -~ t=--=1:
. pe~~on ~hose ws~!~.~as settled. (DE LEON & . ·(

· ..
.$· ·_-
and Administrators''(Ru/f.·~6)jl-1, · o~~~~~'M_fd!.5li ~ett~~mer:i_tof .Estate of.a Deceasec{ .:t
13. f3e~ocation of__ A¥iqisJr;ati.~n,;~~\ ·. eatb,t")'t 1· I ijf~~~ .!:!Jfsuf1;'!~.cl'\:De~d · .. ··. -;,~
: Resignation;· and . Remov'af of t~_edGt~-$. ·0~4 <¥-cclt~·
fiidn.(IJ,.OC; Rl.!,LE 69); .. ; ~-
.. -Ad'"!lini_s!rat?rs(Rufe 82);\ \_. . Lf~,;,;~~~. ~~ ~ud1s.t~l _Sett!1merit of Esta_te (ROG, RULE ~~
14. Claims Agamstthe Estate t~ule 8S)"t "~ / , feq/1), . · :! . . . · 1,\
15. Actions qy c:1n_d _!:\gains\. ExecCTt~rs @.!l'r1;1~1~~~{Jfary Set\1$3ment of Estat~ of Small .Value l
. .A.dm1nistrators (Rule 8_7); . ·, · . ;,:· -~~ ,.1 C~(IJ.wC,\~.,l!LE{/4, Sec. 2); :· · ~ii
16.: . Payment of th~ Debts of the Esta~:{13.9.e138);"'?'~,.;::.::,.,,AP":~.r{'~,~t~"!f)N1II (RO(?, RULES 75 to 77); . {
17: Sales, _Mortgages;_and Other Encvfno,l~~{J of "'JVl"'
{§~~tji~~forLetters Tes_tamentary(RfJC, RULES ·.~,
· Property·ofDecedent (Rule BP);. · : "'~~...."""-.: · ·. !, -~J!J.::~°:79)_ . ·, ~1
·18. Distr.ibution and Partition of· the Estate (Rufe===~,_Pe_tlt1onfqr !-etters of Administration in cases of -:;';,;
_gar_ . · · . . ( · . · ·, : · . . ·lntesta~~ (RULE 79).. · j'!
Fiowchart: ~ettlement of Estata-··~f· t>e~~ased :r..;.,.ci_Ki~dlq>fS'e.tue~e~.t •, . : ·. a.; . . ·lR
P~rs5ins ·1 .. l;:xtrajud~c:i~l:"Settl«:ment-Aproceedingwh,ere; /:
, ... , __ th_i! dec~dehihad.left-nowill.and no debts, and: J;
~·1 · . Death I· tthhe_ ti'e1.i_r~ ·.~adi~hdicate ': the · es"te!te· _a/n.ohgf J,
. . amse ves wit out· see~ing · letters o .. : ,i
:0,. . .- . , adminis_tratiori· (ROG, RULE j 4, '$ec. 1).· · . )}
·. Production of Will . . .
. .
. .
2. ·. Judicial Settlement -: Testate or jritestate· ,,.:~
. .. -~

. (in case oqestale) . · proceedTii_g , instituted· in, the country Vf_here. };·
: . (~Ule 75) .' decedent had his residence at. the ·tini"e of.his· ·~;;,
de<1th o~ h~d · esta~e• if · a nonresident "(ROG;-
RULE 74, Sec. 2): . · · . . . · ... ·,;s:,
Allowanc~ or Disallow;:ince of Wiil
. (in case oJ.te'stateJ. .
a. · Summary settlement ofestate (if the vah.ie. }?:
of estate is below P10,000); and · · · ·. ~:
(~ule 7:6.) . b. .. Reguiar·s·ettlemeht . of estate.. .'· ··~
.0. . .'}3
Note: The "judicial Settlement of a decedent's estate :·.,
is a proceedin~ in rem. ._:[


----~-s~P~E~C-IA--L. -.P•
.. W~C~EaN~TfU\a·m£1.ZBEDm.8Alll'!!~DOmPaERA~Tm/OmNmS=-mfl•E•MmODRmYA·l~D~~~O'l,9111:lllllll
~Ill!~: ...;..~~-~~--~--~--, ,
-i~ ·RtfL~'73·..
· decedent: .
0~pon·the·gros~ value ot'the e.state orthe
-. . ..
.ii./_: P.
1. . In Metro Maniia :- .MTC: gro·ss value· does not ·
1~, -
.. exceed P400,000.00; otherwise, RTG; · ..
. .
f;sedtiO!'J 1· Wl;IERE ESTATE OF -DECEASED. 2. Outside MetroManila -f MTC: gross value does'

.-lr , . ·. · · . . . ·. . . · . ·.
· . . not exceed .P300,000.00: otherwise; RTC (B.P. ,
I· Big. 129,· Sec: 19_,_·par:.(4); Sec. 33, _n'ar.·(1)): .... : ..
;.,tThis section relates· to the matter of venue of e~tate
.},pi:oceedings when i~ refers to t_he dec~denrs place Note: J~ris'.diction · over .the :subject m,qtter ·.-_is
fi:>r residence or location of thedecedent s estate (DE · ciet(;lrmir1ed by the' material .allegations·in the petition
'tPiEON.~WtLWAYCO, supia at 11) .. (Cadimas v:. Cartron; G.R. No .... 180394; B~ptember

j:t~~~~. . •, :·. . . ; ·. . : . ·-,· . . . . . '. . 29, 2008); h_ence, it is notthe actua_l gross.. value. of
the __estate wt.,icry is:t~e.·bas{s of-Jurisdiction out -ttie
al.leged gross_va.lue'ofthe e~tate: . : . . . .
;l'H,1.• .· _IA~a.bitant of t~e Philip~ines.'.(whether citizen or .
·$.:: .allen) 'at. the time of his .death -.,Court ·of the- Note; Jurisdictio.ri under Rule 73, Section 1 does not
fft ·. provlnce/cltywhere th~ deceased resides at the relate' to: jurisdi.cti~m· per se but to venue. .Hence;
_;;t . · time of death; ; ' ·. · . · · ' · . institution in 'a .court.where the decedent is neither-an
~~-2, jnhabltant. of.J~·or.eign.Co~ntry.....: Court. of cJAY ·. . inhabitant nor had 1:iis·_:estafe.may be the.subject of
~~f . province wherein he had his ~-~tate (RO?, ·1:ULE<(.;) . 'waiver· (Uriarte. v. CF!, G. R. -Nos, L-21938739, At?ay
·}.\'.·, · 73, Sec, 1). · · ·, ·· /·/,// \ 29, 1970): · · -· · · · ·
~~: ;._. ' . • .· ", . . . . • . - . • · . (;/,;fr( _ ~~-.-.\ .·.; • . '
t:f( The question .of residence is determiriative only, :9,t ':; :., '· 1
When Probate .Court Acqutres J.~ri~d.icti~n: ·
if' the venue and does no_t affect the jurisdlctlon ?J~t,'e:\ ~'.::::~.:::-l'ti~_,p!_ob<'V,er.i
c~~rt acqulres jur~sdi,ttjqn. fro,m th_e
f_r;'court(C~nco·v._·cA, G,R No._402~742, O~fJ.~y( 2§,c_J1;r;..·-;m€itr1..~.~t~~~t1_t1on_ .. for. the _s~ttlemrnt of est~te_.(S
f~'·1_979). Howe~~r.! · where: · th~ pro~J~~~JF9 was.t, !'!
filed .with s·~,~-~ourt:- !t _cannot be· d1v,ested. sut:h_ ?~
~::, commenced with a.: COllrt o~ _1mpro~.~t-~inue, <!f;-I:) 'jur:isdictfon J>~ t~e· sµb_sequ_entacts of the_paii1es as ·
rb . where th? dece~erit w1;1s. neither· a ,r~_Jtd,!;lr.!_aJ,, t!J.e· ~'>i · ! by__ enterin. \9' · iOto• extrajudicial partiUon · of.·the· e~tate
l}~. time of hts.death nor had est~te Jt;\~e1n,t~~:~uch !,A (Sandova,f v,!IS~ti~go, G,R. No,·i..~17.~3;_ May__30, ·
rf., objection · was · _$ea~on~bly r~,~~~V':1~ !fiW (ptobat~~ . [.'.\ . 1949);. ofi~by Wing a,.nother petition for set~lern.~nt m .a· ..
f.{ . Goli~, .l~e .petition· sho_~ld. q~M1JS!_Tl~~~f
and"'-_th~.~ r.;..J prop,%k~ct-~f:..YB!~\IP.etltvenu~ (R9dnguez ~.. De .
t .·
.procee~mg:5. sh_qu!d_ be 1nst1tut~· ·.n~·l'fie-P~?)er CO.It~
v. Eusebio, .G.R. tyo. ~k!!__4-0~/:f!:~certib1'j 1,,;1 .. ·.
r.A Borja~~l!•"'ff{.4:fi?f..9.93,June. 21, J99_(!)-· ·. ·,
-(~useb10 ··«<L...;..-:"'"'. • . , • . , •. . , ... ,-
_·28, 1956); -. . · .. ·... . · 'Y·-~~/"\c~\ · f. . t"J · Rule of Pref~~Emtial Juns~_,ctioo;.·.· :_ .., ....
[,. _. · . · · . · ~ ~ .. Ji\. . i .., ~-Geraeral Rule: The court first taking cognizance of·

f·:: Note: ir no objecti~n was raised in the ·ijr.~,!litt~.c~!;!,,.•.l;;r'.)titftS:~ftle'!;l;entof ttie estate .of. the. decedent _shall.
f . tt,e q:>urt may . pr9ceed... ~ith. the. settfei_rpent p! ·!_f.fe--:-"~ .. :,-·~'exetc,se..,juiisdictidn . to ·ttJ_e. _exclusmn . of all· ot,her

,i . · estate since .residence is merely ar,1,· \E!l~rrt~nt' of
venue, wl:iich is waivable (ROG, RULE 4;;$_)y;_;,',4, par
L (b)),'. . .. .
courts (RQC, ~U,LE _73, Seq. 1),
· .· - · ,
Exceptro'~;·.Estoppel·by Laches. .
. .
.. ' •' .. ~- .
~;> Res.ider:ice·.· ... ·. . . : . . · . . . · ,. . . Prefe~ence, however, is give.ri. in f~vc;,r. of the i:;ourt
!'. where testate proceedings,.as'-con:iparedlo iQtestate
g, _!~_means ~'is ~~rsonal, actl,ial, or physical habitation, proceed_ings:. ar_e._he_Id~.:.'.. . . .. : ..
f' -his .actual re·s,dence or.place of ab.ode (Fule v. CA,
!,,,·_.-.·GR.·No. L·-4.0502:, N_.ovemb.e.r· 29,· 19761• ._.:. • . ··. · • : • • :· • · · •. ·• ... ·. d. ; · ·
'I As soon as thEf prot;>ate court .acquires juris. iction
~, · · ·· · ·. · ·. .· · over. all the prop(£rties· of ·the deceased, ·no. ·other·
t ·Note: It is not the 'legal ri!>jdence or .dop,i.cile. as
('.. defined· by'law~Animlis revertendiis not considered.-
. court can dispose · of s1_..1ch propert\es, withquf th.e.
probate ·courfs. ~pproval, for .,)hat . wc:iula be.
}; . . . · · . · .· .· - ;, . tatita111ourit ''to rjivesting the: latter. wi'th jurisdipt19n
t : Remedies.for. l_nipropriety of.Venue
!_:. . . (U mqn
.. B an k · v, ·s. an t'b
... · · · ·G·....R. · · No.· ,· 149926· ,
1 .afJe?,
c' ·1. · · In an appeal.from the -court, ·if) 'the original case; ·. i=eb'ruary 23, 2005). ·l:his rule i:flih1it~d to Phil_ij)pine
); ·: or·. . .... : .. · . . . ·. · . Courts. (Republiq-,v._ Vi/laram.a;:C3.R. .f\!o. ·117733,
!' . 2_. · Wh.en the want.'.of: jurispiction. ~ppears on the . September 5, 199!)- :
record (Consolidate,.q.Bank and Trust Corp.. V,
Intermediate Appelfate Cqurl, ·G.R, No, 7501.7, Extent of·Jurisdictlon.
Jbne·t:3,. 1991). Prqbate ·courts are. courts o1 li.mited jurisdiction .. Jt
may only determihe· and rule upon _issues relatin9 to
,.,; the ·settlement of the estate; namely: (LAD) •·• ...
' 1. .biquidatidn ofthe: estat~; · · ·· ·
2. ~dmir:iistratiqn of.the estate; and


... BA.R OPERATIONS - l!llmml!lll
0EMORY AID ;zo/9 llllllil . ·:'t·:c-
.:u -~
. . .. .' ' .~
3. Distribution of the estate (HERRERA; Special .. ~ights (Bayaga's v. Bayagas, G.R. Nos. 187308 ·,,
. Proceedings and Special. Rules _Implementing . and 187517, Septerriber"18, 2013). · · . . . ,·~
·the Family Covrts Act of ·1997 Vol. Ill-A (~005),
·p. 12 {hereini1.ft.er3A-HER_RERA})... . 7 .· The vali9ity of Qlsinheritance effected
testator; -arid' . :· • . . .. . . . ··c
P;ob~te Court may . Admit . a · Compl~int-in·- 8. -The. .Becognition of a natural child (RE<:3~.LADO, ":'.}
Intervention · · · . · : · Remedial Law 'Compendium Vo/; II, (2008), p . ."·."t
Probate court may admit" ccmplalnt-jn-lntervention 13"[hereinafte~ 2 REGALADO]):' . . . . . .. · '. ,:,~~
provided that it obtained the" consent of all. interested . . ... . : .. . . ~·
.. parties to · its assumption of: jurlsdlction over the . _SECTION. 2 .. \NH ERE THE".. !;STAi:e . $ETTLED . £f
.question 'lo the title to· :the . properties· (velerev', . tJPON.DISSOLµTION (?f.MARRIAG~ ...·.. . . · \1
tnserto; G.R .. Mo: L-56504,-M.ay 7,. 1987): · . . . . ·. .· . :~
· · · ·· W~en the .iml_rriage is dis~·~tve~ by the death of the· ~~~1J
J~risdlction over Questions of Tltl¢ to Property husband orthe wife, the .community·property.sl\all\i
General Rule: A probatecourt cannot determine tlie be inventoried, administered;-and liquidated, and the _:-?;;
· issue of ownership. The jurlsdlctlon of. the 'probate · · debts· ·thereof paid; in: the testate or- intest_ate .;~
court is 'limited Io-matters .rel.ating to the 'settlement .. proce.edings of the" deceased spouse. I{" both : ·,Jj
· of. the .. estate, the· probate. ·of wills,. and the _: spouses have.died, ifi"e_ conjugal partnersmpshau be \~.
appointment . and . removal of. ~.drninistrator~.._,,,~quidatedin the.testate or Intestate pr9.ceed1ngs.of l
executors, gi.iardians -or trustees. The· quesW5H'""'.of.'lf i : ·e/B~~QG, RULE 73, Sec. 2; V(ta v.: Montano,.G.R. :~,--
ownership is,.M a r~le, an extraneous !J!cilter,~..t1_i?~
the probate .. court cannot resolv:¢".~
.fln~i!¥.::e..=~ .r, . K ./' -.: : · · . ·
19! ,1fi91)..
. . · · .' .. r: · · · j.l'
.> • : • .: ·}·

(Intestate Est~te of Ismael Reye51.vf,Re/e,~{9RN0 .. -· ·On~rpr9p_~,:?ourt cah' -~0'.'lpet~ntly_ rule Ori .'?
139587'. November 2, 2000) .. ;f""" "\<),/;."""'"'.,.....~....-~r:Whe~r:1~(er.op:~:tt~~~-are_.cornyga1.a11a form part-of -f
· ·· ·· · . · /,0~ l',· f . )Tu :-ii:. {~e esflte:~~R-IJJ~lolv. Court of Appeals, GR No.. .cs~
Exceptlpns:-{IHA) : ;f ~Y.rf l J.1 ~ ·.Jf.88921, prihff,.201'-~). · . · . · . .. · J
1. Ownership may be provisionally1detenhined for . .. · · \ ( ff)\ .' · , . · i,
. the purp6"se of includin9 ~.ef.rty·in !pven' ory., "!(,_ are.'dit~r car:i~Qf.§.Y,elthe surviving ·spouse of a .. ·1:
wiihout pr,ejucfice to its(fi.ri~l~!i1€termiri~tiorf,fr;i.t'lr

452.62, July 23, 1990); ~~I

rcfi=!J:e'den~ in ar:i ~rainar~', proceeding for cotle.ction of . "i;-.;
l?eparate action (R_eyesijV.}tfoMtueda,'G..R, :fip~~TfillIIJJ tlm,. of,§ mon~y j-Ct-lar. ;ab_le . against_ the /:onjug':'I
. r].\ : ~:propert,§f.i!~ prg.per: c 1;0edy 1s for the creditor ~o _file ,. ·
2. When all. the fieirs ~ti,o[t~ 1e... ,}'(;'~ii;!--::inejgj .,- .~ -c~•:p,l~~ei~ttle.,m'~~t of.~state. of t~-~ decedent . :;:·
· distribution of the deced~ht,s·e~ate ro:e.,.'p~?r~~
Court o~':i :4ppeals,
the ·co(.lrt, and subject to·tl}e·jurisc4,ictioh~er~f'..:ll'.Ji. ~ej@j}ler29,f 2000), . ·· . · ." . . . · ·.
1 G.R.· . No. 1341.00, · -~·
· · .:1,: .
in all matters and incidertts nece\sary-t~t~t~~,~,,,.,,,,,..-G::Y..· · /.. · j . . . . :. . · · ·.. -~
complete· settlement of.. suc)\,estate,~~ Jofig9i~t'tPa~'?.~/rhe. ·povvers· of adm1h1~trat1on . of. the 1
. no · _interests _of third partje~ · a~~:Jm~f€!::CL.:.:.,s~y.i~ ~P.~\.l~Ycease upon· the ~eath o_f ·one · \'
(Bernflrdo v. CA, G.R. No .. L-,1-8.l.48; §~~~u1'11'.Y'==--=s;:>6ui,i·'\.·.)lh_!3$e · · .powers . are passed to,· the 1-
. 28, _1-963); and_ · . . ''"~ ·0 f .
11.,jf J~~ir;iJSt@e( appointed by p"robate co"Urt ...in th,.e .:·f
3 .. · Qu~st\on is o':~ of· cofla~ion or ~d~ni;:~! 1\ !Js~y~·e'ritprnceeclings (Alipio. v.; Co~rt of Appeals; ··,
(Coca v,.Pang1frnan,G.R._No. L-27082, Ja,:,u.a~fJR._No.134100, September29, 2000). . . ' ,:,I
31, 1978). . .. . . :t
Other Question$· Whic.h~the Probate Co~rt-:can ~ . . . :~
Determine: (SISIW-l·f-DR) . . . . . . The·. RTC m·aY. . . .iss!Je . .warrants·
~ a.nd
. _proci;isse~·
. . "io . -:t'~f:

. 1.. .§.latus· 9f a Woman- who claim~ tcr ba th~ lawful c_ompel the attendanc~ pf witn.ess~s or .to carry irito t
wife of-the' d~~den.t; · ·
2 .. VY.hether property. i_n !nvent~ry.
.· ·
,s.. · ... ·
co~jugal or
· · effect : the.fr: order.s .anq Judgmen_ts,' and·· all·· other ·
powers_ granted._ther:1'by lav{ : : . . . :.{:
ex9li.Jsiv~ property of _deceased.spo_use; · .. · . ·. ' ·. ·. . . . . . . · ... :-!
3: The'§tc;itus of each heir; . . .. .If a- person does- n'Ot- perfor:m,an-order.or. J1..1dgment r
4... Malte_rs !ricide.ntal or coll~teral t<? the settlem·e.nt ·.rem~~_red QY a ,9ourUn" lhe· exern,~e of its 'p"rol:!ate ·}_:
and ·distribution of the estate; . · . · · jurisdiction; .it· tnay- issue ·.a warrant for tl')e ·:.
5.. 1'be validity pf a Waiver hereditary ~ig_hts; ·app~etier:;isior:, a.n.d Imprisonment of such,person until -\
6. Who.the .!:!eits of the.decedent. ~re; ,- · .. he perforn1$ Slicti order. Or j.udgrT)eJit; 9r'Js rele5'Sed. . ,i
. . ..
. . .
. . .
\ \
. ·...
Note~ A 'trial court cannot make ~ declarati~~ of · Note: Generally, probate ~ot.irt cannot issue Writs. of -~
. heirshlp . in an 'ordinary ·civil . action because execution since its orders · 1:1su~lly · refer.· to. the · · :t
matters related to . the rights. of. filiation and adjudicalic_>n of claims against the. estate'.which the· f
heirshi1{ "musf be . venlflated in . a _special exec;utor/administrator may satisfy without the ne.ed
. proceeding 'tor the purpo$e of deteiminin'g_·such of exec'utory process (2 REGALADD_, supra.at 14r
·' .


.:JIIO·f :sw4¥E p ... . . . ~ ·im+a·••m•m•••-

There are however 4-:in~tances ~herein· a probate ·General Rule: The settlement.of the estate of the
· c;ourtmay issue a writ of execinlon: (PECS). decedent should. be judicially .adminlst~red f,rough .
'1. Eartition expenses: . · an EXECAD... ..~ . .
.z. gxamina\ion costs; ,
3. · Contributive shares: and." Exceptions: .
'· (2
4. Surety's liability on bonds . · . . The. heirs' m'ay resort to:: · . ·. . . .
R/GUERA, supra at 106':.107).

1-: Extraju'.dici~l.s~ttlement of ·es.tate.(ROC, RULE

· ·. '· ,. · ··74 Sec.1)·or .. · · ·· . : . ·
:·secTioN 4. PRESUMPTION'Of:~EATH ·.. · 2. su'mmar/sett1ement 'of estates of s·m~li .value
• • • • • • ••• -.~...
• • (Rdc, RULE 74; sec.:2)...
_ .·. .
. for''p~rpo.s.es of,..settlement ·of:h.is estate; a. person. ,, . . . ., -, ..•.
:· sh.all bepresumed dead if absentand unheard from" . Note; In b:~th excepflonal . t:i'r~U~~tarices, 'an _:
·.for .the perioes fixed ·in.the ..Civil Code. eut: if·such .": EXECAD need not be appoirited.. · ·
person proves to-.be alive.;· he shall be entitled to the . · ·• · . · ·
balance of his estate after. payment of ';:ill his de.~ts.. . : . s~CTION...1 . .'EXTRAJ.UDIGJAL·~ETTLEM~N.T BY .
. The balance rnay' be. recovered by motion: tn -the A~R[:EMENT·BETWEEN HEl~S :. : · · .: ., . .
: -sarne procee~ing. (RQC,RULE•73, ~ec,. 4(- · · . · · · .....
,, . . ,' ', . ·.·."· . .. Pr9cedure. In ·Extrajydiclal S.ettleme'nt by
There is [10 need· for' an -lndependent action. for . ·. Agreement-Between/Among Heirs
Declaration of Presumptive Death. fc;,r· purposes bf' ....~ . . . · .· . .
Succession. Such declaration may be made only,in"'·· · /~ · . .. . . . .· . ·· . ': · .· ,·
. connection with the 'proceedings for the'.settlementfpf. ... DJVis_lo~ofestateir}a
· • · · . · ·.: · 'n··i:{l· .. .J4.~. .. pubhc·instrumentQr·
of the estate the alle?e.d de~ent (~ REGALA0 O~:;;>.1t] ·
··amilavitof.adjudication . · ·.. , .. , . . .• . .
supra al. 6). . . . ').J • ,, . ,;.r~I ·--=- . , . .~~. . . . : .
•. . , . :· . . . . .,(f/ . ,4';; ~~f(r.,:;,.~.,,- . b .. I . . .· .
In· case of reappearance, .,the r.et~rni~g.,..~?tntee·1 ::t'1r0··-:-"~~;~±.;'ifie!p~bl!~·.insfrument4:>r.afl)davitof. , ..
recovery· of his. estat~ is subject· to.1ll'fEt'followingf~-~ , · · adiH~/Cation must~~ filed with the
.. . . x!, ,7. f
c · nditions·
.q .
· · .
. · . ·. . ·
.' "s· -~ . .
. ~;..,.?-./_!, .,.._../! ,,/,:': ·t·I _
1jiirop~r Registry ?.f De~ds. ..
~limjjta~~ously,a.b4?ild equl'valentto ·
1.. All l11s ~ebts mu~t ~ave been PJM,··} ) ·~-!,.'°7'.;. · .
2.. · He· shall ~ecov~.rhis. prope~in··{he cend1tion 1[1 .
· . w~ich it may. be f6an.d·togett:J7r wi~,~t9~ ~ri~e o~ :· ~ ~..~ .
· .:.• . ·
t" : . ·· Qi'e Vf!)µe·~f~rsonal i:ir~perty shall be
:Jiled "Xtth, ti\,~ proper Reg1slry(?f Deeds.
. ;/_~~ r ... ~-; • . ·. · · ...
. · any property that: may h~Y~: beett )j}1~l)ate(t:.:_qr:· 'f !~· "~f*(l'!~~.~..,,;s:~i'W' · · · . .. ·. · ·· ·
· the property:~cqu1~~cf.there~!~~·cjf.l:d~1~~: .. ·:'-'~}rJ . flf. ~~ jj;t:J.Filb\\~a\io.nofnotlceorth1f~ctof
3. 'He Is n.ot.e1Jtitled .to the:,frt11ts·-9fara§.r~jft,(Cl~:i'. . HJ . . eictrajud1c1~.settlemeryt once awee.k·fo_r.3
· CODE Art 392) · ·. : . '..J:. · \1f. · . . ~ ~ . · · con~~cutiveweekstn a n~wspaper of
. · '. · · ·.: · . . '\).,_:)d· ·. .· ,.K!.IT.~"f.T:'?-:,, :· gener13lclrcu!alion ·
Note: There .i:nustbe iirne!ion.to f~c~v~(~t~:~~.~~e'.?~ ,.~t'l:i,~:'.i i:,;.~w..l . . . . . . , . : . . .
..~f the.•estate ~-n the s~~e proceedmgs!.,J'! .,., ·: V.. jf
.Requ1s1Jesof Ex~r:aJud1.chil,'Settle~ent:
. . , . · ~'S;j.._~\ . A . , Substant1.ve·{W.DA) ·· · •.
. . -:- . 1. ·. The decedent 1.eft: . ..
a... No Will; and . .
. RULE.74·. · . . o. . No Qebts, .or if .there are· any; t1:1e.se debts
. SUM'MARY SETTL·E·M·EN·:r.O.F. _: .have beer\ 'paid,by,fne 'heirs at the 'time 'the'
extrajud.icial settlement IS entered into;'.·'
·ESTJ.\,1'ES~ 2. The. h,eirs ate. all ·of ~ge·. 6r the· rn.inors '. 'i:ire
Sumn:1ary ·Settlement of E~tate · .. ·
. ·: ··
. ..
, · reprl:i5.ented : ·by.· .tJ:ielr. ·: ,j\J.di~ia_\- :or . · legal.·.
: ·. representativ(;i,s duly author.ized... for· ttie·.purpose.
. •, . .
It Is . a judicial · procee.ding wherein . without.' the
· ·appoin'tment of· an Executor. or·. Acimlnistrafor B. Pr~~edural (1?.RB-PN) . . . .
(EXECADj' and. without 9elc'!Y,, the c9mr:>eterit ·'C;OUrt 1, Divisioh of estate must be in a Public 'instrument
summarily proceeds to: value the estate ·of the· or by mear;isof an affj.~avitof seif~adjudicationin ..
the case of :a "sole heir;... . . . . ·. . .
. dec;ed.ent; j:lSCertain· his-debts and.cii"dE:i: paym~nt.
thereof; al!ow. his will if any; C:,ec':lare his ·heirs, · 2. .Filecf w.ith: prope~ Registry 9f Deed~;· ·· .
devisees; and legatees; an~fdistribute hls net estate.· ~- E:·iling'. of the ~ond from e~ch ·6r a joint bond from ·
all· and : . • • .
among his known heirs, devisees arid legatees; who· .. t • •• •• . ~ • •

shall. tnereupon be·entitled to ~~c~ive and.-enter into .4 ... f.ublication ··of the extrajudicia! s.ettlernerit.and·
the possession of the parts-of the estate so- awarded. such ot~er Noti'ce to interested persons. as the . ·
..to.them, re.sp~ctiveiy (A'su.ncion v. De la qruz, G.R. . col.lit may' direct, in. a newspaper of general.
circulatiO't-1· in . the prqvince once' a week . .for 3
f\Jo .. L-7855, November 23, 1955). . · .·
consecutive weeks. ·


I , .
. SAN BED1 LAW C£NTRAllZEDBAR t;JPERAT/()_NS;.MEMOll.Y AJD.20,-9.. . .. ·.).
_, Fi - ··-~f.

Note: The amount .of the, bond shall be equivalent to Note: The other ·h~lrs are· also not bound by the· ..';;
.the Va.Jue offhe perscnalbroperty involved, which · extrajudiclal · settlement · -.should :the Oeed: ot ;~
, · shall be certified · to under oath by. 'the parties ExtrejudiclarPartition or Affidavit of Self-Adjudication :: i',
· concerned. It shall be condltioned .upon the payment
. ot.any just claim that may be filed undersecnon 4 of.
. be'false (RO~\RULE.74; Sec. 4 corre._late with Sec..
1). . ·. . '·. ... . . . ·. . . .. \
Rule'l4, lflt'is real property; nobondis needed but·
a lien is. constituted on the 'property. . . · Extrajudlci~I Settlement vs •. s·ummary
. . · Setflel'llent .. . ·
Affidavit of Self-Adjudication . : .. · ,° . · .:
· An affidavit required by Section 1°0,f'RULE 74 to-be
executedby the sole'tieir.rif a deceased.person.ln
.a'djudi'cating to himself the 'entire· estate left by the ··
de~¢dent,.filed·in:th~·tJffice·of the .Registryo.f Deeds.
. .
. . .
.. Remedy 'ofHelrs in Case of Disag'reement'ln the No CQUrt intervention Judici~I:, ~ .. adjudication,
Settlement of the Estate.-.. · z; • • ••
required. -- . although, in 'a "summary
F.ile a special civil action for partition (RO.C, 'RlJLE ...: ·:' pro~eedirlQ. : .· .... ·.. .· . ~ ·.
69, sec; 1).· · · .... · · ·

,Ambunt · of. ~iontj :is.. Amcunt of bond . is to be

equal to the value of determined by ·the court .
. personafproperty. . . ' · · ·· · '

Bond :is filed ..wjth. th.e. Bond rs· -

ReQister o"f_Deeds._ ·_.. c;o1;1rt:· ', . _
· Purpci~e'of Pu,blication o.f. th~ Settlement
The : publlcatlon . bf ·the settlement · does hot (DE l.,.E(?NAND.WILW'.4~C~; SUf?ra.at 3!~38).' ·
·constitute constructive notice to the heirs who . . . . .. ,. \

had no knowledge ordld not take' part because the

same was notice atter.tne fact of ·execulioQ. The
Disputable ph;~;;;umption that decedent left no .
'debts . ·. . ·. '~- . .. . . : ... : :x
requirement. of" publication · 'ts geared for. the It shall be presumed that ttie decedent left no debts ,!
.protectlon of ·~r.editors and. was never intended to JF no cr~ditor files a · p·eut1oi') . tor 1etters ot :X
deprive heirs of.their lawful participation in the estate administration Within twq (2) years'·i;lfterthe death of :r:,
·(Benatiro v. Heirsof C,uyos,'.GR. No.. 161-2?0, Jutr. ·f~e decedent (RO'C, RLJLE74,;sec. 1).' · · ·}
• ·l=P;
30, 20.08).



. Note: ·RULE .74,'·Sectipn 1 does notpreclude the. Hearing on the petition· must be held not less than
.. heirs from iostitutir.\g · adrnlnlstration proceedings.. one ·m·
month nor more than· three (3) months
even if the estate has-no debts or. obligations. if'they. from the date of the last ~ublication ofthe n_c:iuce.
.do not desire 'to resort, for' ~ood reasons, to an
ordinary actlon for partition (Ro.ctriguezv.' Ten, G.R. Co'urt may proceed ·summarily and even without.
No:t~6044, November 24; 1952). the appointment of an. EXECAD.. The court may
.also: ,·. _':· . . ..... · .. : ... · -. ·.
"Good reason" depends on the oircumstances ot · Admit the will to probate, if any;.:.· . .
.each case (Pereira v: CA,: G.R, No. 81'147, June 20, · Determine -ttie heirs .and the persons· legally
. 198,9)_. .. . . . ... entitled ·to participate' in tti·e ~state.; .
Order tt:ie: payment of debts •. ifa11y.'. ·.
.. SETTLEMENT OF .Court•: makes. :order raspectlnq . the, cost of
. ;· . .
·.. .
proceedings; . . . . :· ' ,,• .
: Judgement shall be recorded in the office- of the .
·. ·.Sum,marySettlemen·t · · . . .. . · .r ·clerk.of court.· If ·.the·.order involves real estate,.
In accordance .with B.P. Big. 1'29, the summary. :'register in -the ~ropei"te~istr~r'.s.off.lee..•. · ... : ..
. . settlement of' estates :qf small· value is. within the
:: .. : [urtsdlction of.the MT cs.. . .· . Heirs; iri lli'eir' ~wh right/Wh~ ~re. of1av,.,fu) aqeahd
. · · ·. . . , .. .. ~ ~: .. · ..~ . . · ' .. : · .. · · ·· leg81 "capacny, or by-thetr legar·guardian·s or.
.. s_umr(lary S_eftle~enr·may ~e chos~_n:_by the ~e1~s~1~) l. trustees, m~y receive .and enter into possession
regardless of whether the decedent died testat~C?fiv.~ of the orti6n of.the. estate awa'rded to th~m. · ·
intestate (DE LE?N.AND Wll.WAYCO, supra ·atg~J{1Jtf;~).·...
. · .· ' .. . . .. . ' . , 1··
1•:,W/:iJ SECTION 3: BO.ND ·To· .. BE FILED sy·
. Requlrementsr.
. ·. A: . Substantive. . . . .· · . · .
. ·. .· · . ·,
· . : ... · ..
/:j,4:_,..'{}1..-,.-01si._Rl8l'JJ:EES· ' . · · ·
t~iriJif..E;illZ!;i~~·~Jfh· r- · • • •

. The complaint.must cill!=)g·e that-the gmss )~-~µe.ofthef · .i{ The co~'.b~f~re'allowing' a partition .in acc~rdance
estate of. the d_ecease_d. person do.~(,~~!.eice~.9}!]'.!~,j with !he ~pro~·s~<;>ns of t~e: preceding_. section, m~y

. ·:

B. Pr~c:eduraf
· . · · . . . · «:·,:. ':. '{,.-;., · P·:

. .
. · }';)i.f\...·..:A t.i:\ . r~qufre th.{9~tri/:]Otee~. ~fproperty other than ceal.1s ·
}f~ ·to., be di$!tibt!ed~o file a: pon~·· in an. amount _to be
~,'(/J;r.. · ·· · v·':"r:;,' .r.: f;";• fixed ~'C.CO\J~; cdt,i_d_ifioned f9r _the · payment 'of any
1. . Pe_t,,tio~ of an 111tereste<:J(;~,~9>on,~~t co~:a1n~
allegr;1t1on of ~ross value o-testatef,~'f':i.. 'S;),
'fJ. ·-}usf ·'*1.a!tti::··lNl:!~pJrr;i.~Y ·be·. filed u_ndEl'r. the. next
~ ,succe~irfg;5•i9-l!C:>fe:(R.O~,RU,LE 74, Sec. 3):-
t:-?:.f;h ... ~ ·) r/ ·.
2. Date for /Jeanng:

"!lo~e!ha~ 3__months fr<!?m. date olf

.a_. . · $hall oe. set by. court r,iot less1~1-ic:~~.~.~tl')
~pr J~ . ..:.if:~- · · · · ·· · , ·
A. t?ond .i~ requ,i,red on,ly. ~~e~ :p_~rson~!. pro(:>.erty is
pu~t'<;:at1<;m · }r.-r.;Jl;l.'7plved,as tne real estate 1s subJect-,to a hen m favor·
. qf notice; and .. ·· ~. . · Ji~~., ,, ~..}!f!t.·Pt~@,!9~1neirs; o.rother, p.ers?n~ for the full P,eriod
b. Ord~r of _hear!ng puphshed, once1J~~.wee~l~~- · 0 f".z years from· ·such di,stribution .~nd, such ·Jien
· · consec~bve weeks m. a newsp_ap~~'Df_.g~n.eral cannot ·b,13' supstituted by a bond.(~ REGALADO,
circctla!1on. . •. ·.. · -~!! . . .
supra'at 19, 'citing· Ri3bcing··v.·lbaflez, G:R. No. L-
. 3: .Notice shall be servec;J UJ>?n. suc;:h _mtere~te~. 1578, $'epfember30; 1947).. . .
persons:~s'lf:le 9ourt may_cfirect; and . ·: . . . · . . . . · .. · - · · ·
4. Bond .fr1. an amount.fixed by the- court (n~t value the amount ~t'bon·d :rei'quired ~n·d~r a ·summary
of.pe'rsonal pioperty) conditioned -upon payment set(lemeiit 'is detexmlned·!Jy t6e'coµrt, un,ljke in an
. of fust claims under _Sec. 4: . :;_ -' · . . . . . ·... eixtr-aNdlcialsettlemeiit wh1;1re the. am'ount'is e,qual to
. - the vah,l_eof _ the per-sonal:property_·as.es!~blis_hed by
Pr6~edu~e i~ su·m~~;; s~tt1emeni.ot Est~te~,
the instrument bf adjudlcation ·(2 Rf=GALADO,-supra.
'of SmalJ.ValU:e ... a(21r:. . . . . . ' .
Pet1ti~n tor summary sett1.emeritwitn ao·a1.1~gation-·. '• .. - ; . .
that'the·grossval1:1e·of-the·e~.tate does not·e.xc~ed · 'se.CTION 4.' LIABlllTY o'F DISTRiBl.JTEES AND
f>10 006.00 . .. .. ... . " ESTA.TE: ... : . . . · ·. · .
.n.·.. .
A'bond iri the amo1Jnt'-fixed bv the court'is filed. . VVh~n se'ttle~ent 'of Estatei
. ·. Comp~lletl:':' ·. · '
·the ~ourts may:be .
·; .
Publication qt petition once (1}a week.for three . 1. ·If there ,is . an . undue dep'rivatibn · of . lawful
(3) consecutive weeks ina ne~spaper of gen.era! f:lc'!rtiqipation On the .e;;tate 'Ori th.e part Of an· heir .
circulation in the province (and such othe·r.notice qr oth~r inli:!r~sted person;: · ·
to interested oerso.ns·as the G0Urt mav,direct): I
i Existence of oebts·.against..the estate; or
· . .,ij; 3. · There h·as · been uridtie deprivation of lawful
participaticm payable in money on the part of an


t -mllmlilMl!llllmmll~KAml-11,nJi.. !,;

· helrorothertntecesteo person (DE LEON.AND 2 .. Petition for Relief ~n the ground ~((FAME)_ J
WILWAYCO!supra at'39). · · fraud-,.gcciden~ •. mistake., gxcusable neglig'ence J
·, · - eo .. days after JhE:!° petitioner learns of the . ,;;
Note: The bar against tjistribute·es· from objecting to . judgm_ent; Ji rial order or ci_th~r proceedlnq to be ·. ~~
an. extrajudlciat pi;irtition- after the· expiration of ..two. set aside, and not more than 6 rnonlhs.after such -.J
(?) years is applicable only, . . ·. . . · . . · judgment or finalorder was entered.(RLJLE-:38); .· :f:
.1_. To persons whohave partlclpated or taken.part · . ' . . -~
or had notice of the extrajudlclal partition (Cua v. . Rernedles of the. Creditor -:if not settled. within· ,";t
·Vargas;, G.R~ No. 156536, October- 3f, W06); thetwo (2)·year Period. · .)/
and· · . . · '. v , -· • • • ,.,,,

2: Wheh all the persons o_r heirs of the decedent 1. Fiffng a motion in the same proceedtnq. · _.1f.
'have -taken part ifi the. extrajudicla' settlement ,: Where 'the estate has been summarily .se'tt!ed,' -;,~
.(Sampilov. CA, G.R. No. L-10474, February28, the unpaid creditor rnay.wttnln two (2) years, file . _,.',;.
19saJ. · · · a .rn_otio·n .In' court wherein · such summary Ai
settlement was .had, for. the -payment .of his .· i
There is, nothing- in S.ec. 4:t;,fRu/e :14 which shows credit. .): . . . .
· clearly. a.statute of limitatib.ns'·and a barof actions ·. .,,-.
:against third persons (Samp/Jo. v. CA; GR. No.. -~- . . 2 .: : Ordinary action ·. .. · . )(-!
- =-;·==-es..... , .....'A;fter the lapse of two F)
10474, Fepruary28, 1958).
of "the
. · .
Aggrieved. ?<·Pa:
-, ·
· ~
ies. fter
·1r ·
may J /'., :,*,
years, an ord_inary -~
instituted against the · ~·
.f di~trrl:>'t:ltees within the statute of -limitations but -~~~
• J~ ~ ,...... ""- \/ ... ; ,,.. ~ ....

Settlement of the Estate-
. ·
. . I/ . ~
/, -~ )- ~ ~,:.c;.~-'·:,:."""""r.ipt <}~ai_f;'l!;t,J~~ bond_.
;;'?' • ._.,,_,,,,_ v. ;..:t'. . . .,.__.
:. ~~
. . . . ·.!1;

·1. With'fn two(~) year~ -'.(1J/§6m~)!J,~_p;ien!'"'.""~-=-s~~ii~e{f@n'-?}l~e ~ien · . · : }

"S'-'l" Thei tw~:, ~~ea,~ hen. upon· the_ real property >.-•f
of the·estate 1f an heir or o!ntE;r)P~r3,0n ~as beef}. ·
unduly deprived of hi~ l_avJful_ pl:,lf{Jeipatfn _in tt.li_. -j~. Li~ distrtbutett f by -,~~xtrajudicial 9r. . sur:nmr;1ry .'t
estate, or(~) file a cla1m~gamst~e bqpd or the.,.-;~~
real estate or ooth if t.
. (Se_c.4); . . . . . · /
?~ace. unp~~~!s'."'l.lf.
,f-_, ·«., ·. ~ 7-
~ . !5' f~+
. . settllj1menf,!'!tefI.)e~annotated· on the title issued ·)~
.distri~!J~~~?..\c\.nd·after two· ~2) years-will be ·.:~
fflNI <-$:'.:cantlled bY.) tne CfQi_ster of dee~s without need · ,~
2. R~s~ission _ i~ cas_~ of ~ret.~/jtipn of-co p,uls0.iy~ 1
of, ?urt ord~r,.,{lcin?f .Reg/stratfon Commis-sion . ~di
heir 111. part1ti9n t.~mte~ "'w'ifl'l.!~ad ~ _C.!,'!!!;_~ C1~0Nffi5'!10. ;3, f
Janua_ry~8, 1~6~)- . . 1~fed ·J.t
c~f?E, J!.r.t; .11.04),
. 3. Rec<;>nveyance of real P{~l)'erty;,:-. :
it~·ni · ~h,.
~ . ~ ~-,:rr~-- 71.-07 /,'. ~ fl
.J<..~ . J£:,l:7.=;i'2!~r{not~tton cr~ates ~ legal encumbrance?r
. ·· .. : :.1.
-:; j
· . · \ . \ '-(5~ f?-:'s '--0//;!t'~l<i~n·th(real PWP.erty m favor of the excluded :l
. No~e: An heir deprive!'.! of on~ shar~~-~c._ $'al;-~ ..; /J?"~irsg!ftredi\oy,' (Tao vs. Benelirao,., G.R. No. J 1·
non-participation: may _file \,an -a"Gt~(.{(~¥:7_n_hJ,o38,~0,- Oct~b_fjr 16, 2009). . ·:I
reconv~yanc·e. ~ithin ten (10) ye·a'r"~,whlc~is-~~see~~~~~P'-? . ,f - ·- - . h~ ·. . :.1
on c1n-implied or cons~ructi:,,e trust Y~~lle1:Y,r'i}in=-=-~,:: ~Utfl[i _:..JUir}YYcannot be discn~tgeq nor_ tt,e· .:5;,
of Appeafs,-GRfllo. 1()9963,.·0ctober 13t:c-;!,_!:!.~9jd!_ · '1\fi t'.:\_"\"aF)nol$ltic5n be cancell~d within the·two (2) year . -;'
.· ,. .. . · . _. · ~~- L .a:.{ -~p.ericfd_ even if_ t_he distributees offe.r .10 post a .· 1-;i
. N.ot~: If the "2-year period ha::;· expired; one may fiie''"".'"'~="""'- bond to answer fa~ contingent claims from .whic.h ·"·
. an actiori fat reconveyance based oil an ii;nplted trust lien is established (Rebong v. tba/iez;·G.'R:;No.. 1
.. under:Articie .1:457 of ih'e Civl(.Code which. provides L-1578, September30, .1947). . . .- · · ::·,r
· tlia~ i(property.is:acquired.thrc,>Ligh fraud,·the:person . . .. · · . . . ;i
obta_iohig it is py_force·of l,aw considered a iri.!stee of SECTIO~ 5. PERIOD FOR.CLAIM. OF MINOR OR .. 'f .
. .an irnp"lied-.trust·for':the benefifof . .the_person from INCAPACITATED PERSON . . . ·1:
whom· the prop·erty comes. · T!'i:e action' should )ie i.1
brought wlthiri 10 years from the· registrafion·of Ule · .If on .the daf~ of the e~piration of .the.two (2)-year -~
title in· the. name ofthe tr.u:S.te.e (OIVfL C.PDS,A-RT. . ·period, the _creditor or heir is:-(~IPO} · .·: · . . ,,f~
. 1144).:an<:J provided fhat,the prqperfy has no.Lbeen 1. - · A 'Minor;· • · ~. . .. ,,~
i : ·tJ1:~~n~:~ his. -l~
. aqquired by ari. innocent purctjaser ·.for viilue .:(2 2 . Incapacitated· 1Phil.ippines,- ·:: .. ,·
R/GUE_RA, siipra a't . he.: may p(esEmt
. ( Action to )mnul a deed ·of extrajudicial . claim within one (1) year a~er· s_~ch dii:li;ibility is }'I;
. settlement -on t~e gro4nq offra.ud which shcnitd . .(emoved (ROC, RULE 75, Sec. 5). .,
be filed within 4· years from the·. discovery 6f . · · · ,:
fraud; · · · '·· 4J
__ ,;~


l±iiM lop 21 · · Sii-M wwia sai · + · · wee
the. hearing and after the hearing; the· court shall·
RVLE 75· issue letters of administration to the p~r-sqn .it -,
·~,,,.· ·.PRODU<;TION OF WILL; · · · · · .· finds competent, . .- · · ··. ·

i~. . "NE.CES~ARY .. Filing and Approval of Claims Against Estate
· Mon_ey claims·_filed ~gatns_t the e_state :(RULE-86) ..

r: ·A.
'"f·.. ·. . . . . . .
w}1i 11a·~_be~n defi~etj as a spe~les.of conveyan~~
ir- wher~tiy a· person is
permitted, with the formallties .
. Non.mon·ey claims filed ·against -tbe executor or_
administrator in.ordina action RULE87.

l<f:'' ~ prescribed .by law, 'to control to ~ certeln degree the. • . Payment of Debts and Expenses· . ·.:. ·
:. disposition.of -hls estate af.ter his death (Ceneae-v. Payment of debts, estate'tak; ·aomltllstration
{~ Court .of Appeals, GR. No.· 103554, May 28, _ 1993). . . .. · expenses, allowance-tothewldow and minor or ..
~i::-··... . . ·.. - ,.. . . : '. . .. . . . . ' inca· ·acitated children. . ' ..
,J::;::·:Ki.~~s of°Wllls.Whfoh a Testator may Execut~:- ..Q.. ·.
,%.> · ·. ~: · Notadat · ~111. -rnust be a9!<_n~.'f'\E'ldged. _befon: a . ·. Deterniinafign· of Heirs and. oi~t~ibution .
A~·:.: notary public. by a testator and _the ·attesting Courtissues .. order d~tei:friining_-~he heirs arid
. J; wltnessea (CIVIL CODE; Ait~. 804 BQ9)_. . to . · distributin the rertlaindE3"r of the estate.

rr .:
/· 2.. Holographic willr _wri!te·nt dated, _ _imd sign·ed by
th? te_~tatbr him_s·elf(C/V/L· C.OD~•. Arl, ,810).. . . ,.,~~ L . .
·· · ·
. . .. . . . .· ..
· ..Q..
~losu,re .. · - .. , .: . <

~-·· SE_CTION. : 1, ': '.A~-~~W~NCE .. N~~-E;S~-1~f i J~!\ Proceedtnqs d.e.enied term,nated lilnly""after- .. -
CONC'-:U51VE AS :r~ EXE_C_UT:ION _. ·. .
... - \ '(,,.~•.. i•. ,; })· ·_· . payment o.~-~11 debtsand' d~lii.tJ~ of the'··

··..·. . _. _ ·. _ ·. . . . ·;;. ~-··· ., -. :; ~ ... .,. _ _ . ~ema1nJl1 estate to the heirs. .

pass either· real ?r. personal .~ytak:.~/,.·
·:~~(,~~{(~}1£!,fj}~up,a at ~6_-27)~-.

,;; . .
NC?. w111:
unless it ls pr?':"ed,and- allowed in- the PJJ>.rttfr-'"court. ->
S~bject to the right of _appeal_. su<rh alj<;>~ahce of_ thz\-.J
.I {~ . ~.:....~~
Nature of
Pl'~Rate_ ~~Oc1!3edmgs

_ - ;· _ _ . ·
. · · · ·.: -
·1_. · - _ 1. tr:,
R~l1J!ii ~ndm~ Of! .the whol_e .W?rlg._ It cannot ·
will .shall be .conclusive .as to its dJ:JEi. 1<ecut1on;,--·-1'
(ROC Rule 75 sec. 1). ·· ·.
:f _.· · . '. · ;'
· /:(' 1,-;--..,....-:t . ~
. · ·. ·. )~.,. ~ -~~,.,;_:~~

tA .·
be··d,~f>~~seJl. with and-. sut,st1tuted. by ~nother.
1,: · ·
procjediQg i1tdicial or_ ex~ra·. Ju~Jg!al wi.thout _ ..
!'=. .-
:pµ.rp·os"e-: - .tfo . finally: ancf 1{e-JwitiveJy;s!3ttie .. :ail~ +... . ·offe,pdin~f: pul)uc· policy' .{Gueya_e-.a. v.: G_uevara, .. -
~.. questi':>ris_concem1ng.t~_e·c_ap~W-i of<Ure'J~toi'<.@,~ .. t:··:_. . .· ~rl!!:r;:/$<f{~"'-~4~P;-;;Jam._1ary 3-1'. :1~~6; _M,raso/·v:
t~ . th_e ·prop~f .. execut1orr ~ (Fe_mancie?.._v. °B"I'.1f!Jba, 1 (Gry . f:,J Mag~u.~rr . tJP:]3!)
N_Q.L~ 12166, _ April ~9,. . '.'959, .-
~~ ... · No. L-23~38,. October 12, ·1967)~-s.--:;:::ti'.;,-·,.;;\ } ·;.-~ .· RUL~,. '$:ec_. 1_, CIVIL. COD{=, A_rt. 838, see_
l{ ·· ,·. ·: ·_ ·.. - : ._ .'.· ._ · _ ., . · '~ " 'H ; _ :"~ · ~~·also ,So/Jv10..v: CA; G •.R. .f':lo. 834B1.-.Fepn,:1ary .1i;·
~._.;..:J::-r:!;";;:;{;1;~~2;- _ _ .. _ · · _
f!:i; · - · PROCEDURE
~rf.?-': . · . · .
IN Juo1<:1~L-SE'TTL~~-~~:r-o~
. .
(-,-. r .. ·/;,f
<c.. r···.~,---~-·-'-" .. '---~.-·.::ill
. 2.
. . -
"Mandatory - ;N? will shall _pass -either. .real or
.. \ . .
·. .. .. ' .. - ,.l-~.- ; '(
. personal · property· ·ll_n,l~ss ft· is.- proved. "_anp
·' . . Filing of the Initiator~ Ple"ading<::;:2~ allq.wefii:J in the proper qotirt (R°l,}LE 75, ~ec. :1J,
_(Le,, ·petition _tot allowance of"will or petition for
· · ·.. . . . - l.etters testameRtary} - . Note: .Partitioning the estc!te with:o.ut j:,~obating.
·.· ..- •'.n.. . the .will is. ln;iprope'r, .i-~gardless of. whether th~
Notice of Hearing : -- partitio·n: would :o( would not l;)e •"in: ·accordance.
The,cburt·shall issue a notice of hearing. with .t_tie · provisions of .the wilt" (2 R/GUERA;
. ·Public~tlorl° orice· week for 3 weeKs°.imd _supra ~t 28). . · · ... . . .
pe:tsonal ,r:i'otice to known· heirs, legatees, .
:{. ~~
.. : ... devi~ees; and executor:· . 3. · Jmpr~s..o"ript1.bie .-:- . it Js ·r~qu·i~ed by ~1,1.blia· policy

t.- - ..l).:: ... and: the. state could not h1:1ve· intended to .defeat

. ·AJ Lowance/Disallowaiice · cif..Will· (Probafe Proper} the same by applyirg- "thereto th·e· ~tatute. of- .
limit;:itio.n of actio11. · (Guf3vafa:.v. "Guev~ra; G.R:.
. ·. .
Proof of will. ·Necessary ·quantum· ©f evidence .if
.. uncontested or con_lested -~nd in cases o.f lost or f\Jo. L::-5.465,. Jan1,.1ary·
31;: ._ 19{56; Jvfir~sot" v,
: . ·. . ' .. destro ed will. ·Mags_usi, G.R., No.· L~1.21f36', April-· 29,-·1959;

!i' . RULf= 75, :.$ec. 1; C.IVIL. CQDE, · Art. 838; see
.. .als_o Soliviov. CA, G.R. No; -834_8'4, "Ffibrvtfry ·1,2,
Issuance of .Letter's. Testa"rnentary/of 1990). .
. : . .Administration.
When _the wi,i°! has been proved and allowed, the· !4. The doctrl~~ 6f estoppel d~es ap.piy. NOT
t··:,: . .- · cou_rt shall issue letters testamentary to the.
·persori·na·m·ed.as.executo.rin the will. In intestate
The presentation· .arid . probate the will is of .
,. required by public .:policy.-. if involves· public
roceediri s after the ubli·catlon .of the notice of r • • • ' •

:,. •


. ··~ ..f,
. .. '. . .. . . . .. :f~
interest (Fernande;:. v. Dimagiba, ~.R. No. L-. SECTIQN_-5 •. PERSON·_RETAINING WILL·MA)''Be. °1'
. ~3.638, October 12, 1967). COMMITTED . . -;_;.,
A person having-custody of a will after the 'death o(J'·
~r~bate Co.uH:· .does not Look· Int~ lntrlnsic the te~tator who- ,negle_ct$. without. r~asonable cause' ·· ;J
. Validity' · to deliver the same, .Wh~n ordered to do· so, to the -·~
· General Rulec the scope of the 'court's inquiry· is . · · courrhavinq Ji.Jrisdl9tion. may be c,ommitt.edto prison ;t
_liin1ted to questions on: the, extrinsic validity..ofthe · and there k_e.pt until he 'dellvers will. (RO(;; RULE :·)~
. will; the probate court· will only 'determtne. the wfll's · ~5,Sec. 5)... _· · . , , .. : ·_.· .. : .·-. ·.. -\:~
formal\ validity
. and. due
. .
Note: -Mandamus cannot be avatled ··Of to comp~I :-\
. e·xceptic;in.: It is not beyond th!'! . probate' court's .. -another person to produce the will pf the deceased · A''
jur1sdi~tiori to pass upon the intrinsic validity. of the ·. ·. · there being . another plain, spe,e.dy, and -adequat~.. A:,
. will : . 'when. so warranted by _exceptional remedy in Rule· 75 "(Uy 'Klao Eng v, Lee, ...G.R. No· .. ::~-
.. circurnstarices. When · practical considerations" . ·116831, -Jenuery; 15, W10i ·· · · •·
:. . .
"demand that the intrinsic validity .of the wflf be ·.
: passed. upon· ~ven before"it is probated, .the probate
court should meet .the tssue '(Mbi ..ale$ v. Of<;>ndriz, · · . . ,
.. G.f::.:No::_ 19899.4, F~b"!ary 3, _2016). Also, intrinslc- · . . . .· . ·· .. RULE 76_ ·:. . : . 0
v~l.1~1ty· may, be 'de_tern:,med :,vhen the_ defect of.th~== ., :· ALLOWANCE OR . - :}
w1ll ts apparent on «.ts face and. the probate 9,Mh"~I )" 1 . , ~~ ,· . · · · · c.
may .?ecome a useless cere_mqny.ff i~ ~~n'ltin~~lly_·(.) . \T -
p.I~LLO'\'VJ\.N~E. OF W_I~L- · · - j ·
· . · ,.;;.

lnval_ia (Reyes·v. CA-and V1vares, GfR(Ffo./f[W!)9~~~ . »-_:

Qctober-30, 1997). - ... ~/.:C~/~/,/~~.:._.J.s,,~~
Note: In the .even~ of probateiK!1)A~?u'jfaje~i . ~. '.!,.,~.e'-~~~6vJQ:fi!:Jll~~·
&'<· . .: _· · ·. >
. . · - ??
court a doc'un:i·ent purportin~ .)1
! : . "}

the will; pr-0ability exists that .tJ{e ca~~'Willcaome J·~ . . .r~,be t~e. I~~· f.:'.l:f ~~d testame_ht.of a dece?Sfld :;-

the intrinsic validity ~-r nullity ~tnw

once again ·before this Courfl on thef~am~ issue of per~on orcle.i;_JJ:it'}~\r:1a~ ~ offif1ally ·re_cogn1ze~•. l
will. _1itTiesu_l.. '. ':·. _ i:eg1~ei;e~;.a.nd~ls,-p:tOl:IJ.S)Ons·farn~d OUt .ms~far as '.,f
. would be a waste of t1me;effort.-;-EP:C~ense pl s a'cfde.CI}>·mm· ~-'1~ar1teJn acco\d,afl~r•th \he:l~w (also r:eferred to ~
anxiety (Nuguid· v. Nugu~d; :pig;· N~: , ;23~~.:J:lffi~llow n~ oflJJt~)l{l (JU.R_AD_O,. Comm~nts and }
June 23, 1966). . . · -~ <~ l · , · · ·. -~Jur1s~r,_ · :8.Cf:'' -~n . ~fcess,on_ , (2009),. ·. p.· _ 134 ''fl
1• : ,.{t-,. '-~"-·~[J:ier.epa i(f}oU~)J .· . . . -,.
·Ji:t.J1~-ro . .i
• · • · • · .
·'.bi.\~R ~- · . ~~~"'I' {(:.7··. )/ . · -~,,f .-· ·. · ·, . . : '. _: ·
·. . : . . · _ \ . · \ -,~{f~;~ ~~. €~te d~re~·.fin;ll~.~nd .~efiniti~el_y se~.es all_'}
'.!"he custodt_an must deliver th~1II to tf:\e coil".Y~~'-,v>tl~~ns .?0 'pernmg_. . ·· · · · .. ·. · J;
the e?(ecutor· within twenty' (20) 'a,~ys_aftil:N;ie 1~~~~:1-, J.!Pac . of ~he}e~tator; ·· :·_ ·.. . · :· . . .' ·''i
· of the.deatti--of the testator (ROC, 'RULE-lp;"S~~;J"EN~~t~" . r?eer_ ~37cution~and · · • · . ·.«
· ·: ·' · · · -, .:.{. O· ~~-==:"';}_..,..::11.\~""''i,i~J~;mg'.of his ·l~si will .~~d. te~tame~t .• ~
. SECTIPN ;3. EXECUTOR TO PRESEN"r~JOA1No· ""\. ~ A. ~i\8-f~.Jtrve_of. y,.,hethe~ 1ts pr.?y1s1on_s_ are valid __ 3
ACC~P.TOR REFUSE. TRUST ~-.-,.,...::: lV1.t):l-~,p·e~f~rceable·. or-. otherw1Sf?(fernahdez v... }.
. ·. -'°""'6':.;n.,.,,_,;-...,.:.a>¢0imag1ba, ·$.~. No. L-23638._Qcfo,ber.-12, 1967). }t'
.' . The ~xecutor, within t~enty (20) day,s ~fte~.h-.e_knows · · . . ·. ·· . . ·. · ,:t,
. of ~he 1teistator's de_ath. ot after he 'knows thaf-he· is· . SEC-:J:'ION· 1. -.WHO MAY .. PETITION F.QR · THE ·?
named an executor'if-he.knows it after the testat6r's Al:-LOWANCE OF .WILL-.:· · · /''}
: death, shall: · · · .. . .. ·. . :4-
1: Pr~sent . the will to the- court (unless "It" has. 1 .. Executor; · .. ·· · ··· 0

reached the, court in ar;iy other manlier);. and 2, · . Qevise~ or lega.tee.named in .a will;
I :•}

. 21 Signify in writing his aceeptance or refusal of the ·. 3. Any othe~ P.erson: i~ter~ste.d in. the estate,··rnay, . : :W.

· trust (ROG RULE 75 s 4). · · · · .. . at an.y time _a.fter· the death. of the -testator .. ;.,
. ·. . • • _ec. · petitiqn the·colJrt,having jurisdiction to ·have tti~ ·}
wiU · .allowe.d_. ..w~e_th,er. the same tie •,in:: his;.·
po_ssessjo11or.noti or. .is los~ or _destroye,dJROC,· ·.t;
. . . RULE16,. Sec. 1). . .~ 1,
A.per.son who neglects any of.the duties required iii · · · ,·
the ·two last ·preced1ng sections · without excused An· interested _·parfy is one · who w~uld be·· 5.
sciii\sfactor_y-to th~ court s_hall be fined not-.ex~eeding benefited by the-estate, s_uch as an heir.,.or. one.]'.'.
two_thousand pesos. (ROC," R,ULE-75, sec. 41. who. has a· claim. againsUhe est~te; such a~ a . ·:;;:•
credit"or (Sumilang v. Ramagosa, G.R.. Nd. L- .. ::
23135, Decemf?~r 26t1967).
. • . • ..
· · · · ··l
. . .1·:.


ewe a .·.:

.,, ,
. I
The testator himself .rnay, · during hi; lifeti.rne,
F , a
Extrinsic Validity · .
, .

petltlonthe .court for the allowance of his will . .lt covers only matters involving: (LTD)·
· (ROG; RULE 76,. sec: 1) .. · · ' . 1 -.·. ,begal Fcrmallttes.. · · ·. ..
·s ... Arty'creditor - aspreparatory step for filing of his. . -2. Iestamentary Capacity; and ·
claim therein .(3-REGALADO, supra at 30). . 3.". :.Q,_ue Executi.on. .

Note: ln g~n~tal; ariy p~rsori .having a ·.direct ~rid ·exceptions:· . · · · .-

material iriter~st"" In 'the . will or estate tt.rillana .v. . Principle of.Practical ·considerations ... ·.,
Crisostomo, G:f?. No. L-3378,.Augu_st 22, .1951). . .f. ·The waste ot time, effort: expense p(t:1~·added .
· ... anxiety· are the. practical conslderatlons .tfiat '.
SECTION 2: _C0NTE~TS OF ~ETITION (JN~vL¢) . induced "the SC to-a belief thatwe mighf'-as well ·
.. , · meet head-on the tssues of-the ·.validity Of the: .
1_. The Jurisdiptiohal ·f~ct~ (DR~F) . provlsions. of the will irr question ·such..as when ·
a. .Q.eath of fhe-restator;" .· . :..: . , . . . -there.is preterlflon (Nuguid v. "Nuguid, G.R. No. ·
· · b. His Resic!ence: at the jlrne of. death or the · r L-23445, Jurte 23, 1966). · · ·· · · . :·,. · ·
· province : where estate· was . left. by . tha . ·2. .Where the entire or ~II testamentary dispositions
decedent whp is a. noi;i-re&identj and · ... : ·. . · ·: we-void andwhere the defect is apparent oh Its
c. The f actthat .the will -has.been delivered to . "face (~:g. donations prohibited under Article· 739.
the court"(2 REGALA.DO, supre at 30).· ·. ~ : . in. -reletion U) ·-Artie.le'. 1028 ~of .the .Civil .c;ode)
z. .. Th_e·N~mes, aqes, 8:nq·residE:lnces of the heirs, ;.._") (Nepomuceno Ii. CA; G.R. No, L~6,_2~52, October:
. legat,ees, ·a~d· qev1s~_es · of the _f~_st_alor.!io(:V,l{- 9, 1985). · .. . . . .
dece(ient; . · · , .· ·.. · ·. /«,,;{if';.,:.\_ . · . .· · . . · .
'3: The probabl~ ·.~alue ·ana character .of(Jtlf:·~;_;i::) 'LE:;GAL.:: FOR~ALITIES .' .. · · · . · ·. · . · ·.
pr?pe:rtyof~nee_stat~;. · .- ·~ ·. ·.· ·.. ~~).:;_,.. i(:r;1-~~:!~~1.a_l"'-'.,VJ~.<WS3-Sf:'~A)1 ... ·.' •· .. ··
4. Tt,e _n~me ..of ~he· person .for whom.~ett~J~ai:~<f'~:_:J4i·~!;~~y~t.)~e !n Wnt1.ng · a~d executed· in_·· the
prayed; .and · · . · · ... ·. . · ·.. :_""r;1i~7 · .· \.-:, ~d . ·
1ahguage;Jtno'.w"flt~ the testqtor; · · · ·. ·
5. The nam~ of the person h.aving g,u$tody·of"the\J1 2. , It must -~,\Subscnb.edat the end, as a rule, by
will if it has not been delive'red to Wi~_.?ft.i.!rt. ·• J>:::tl the t~~a p~imself; ·. · · ... ·. · ·. · . . ·. · _. · ·
, · · . ·. . . . ·. · · ·/pf Jt.;<:-# ' ·.
.".l;) 3 .. A.t. le~st thr\e· ill y.,itnesses. must ·.ittest and ..
But 110 defect in· tbe. petition st.i~1f"tendEV'~Y<!>id.the · t~~ ·sub~irib~ to\the. _will · in. the', pres.ence of ttie ·
allowance of• the will, or ·therfs"suarat:.e.~ofletter~~-. 1;\ ·. "test,tor <lfld o~one another;" .. .
testamentary or of ·admii;iit~¥tf6r,p:,w.!_0;i}'Jh·e~~!1r
annexe_~·(f?OC, -RULE 76,_ Ssc~~~a.f:J.)·Jz .. ~\'.~ . ·rn. . .
. ~;~ .4. ·r~;t~},t~~~~y;the:witne_ss'es must .§(gn_each.
~r:id·"'~~.er~'.,p.age,. except the l~st! on .. the l_eft

J~risdr~tlon.al Requlr~ments
:1. As to .form..,.; ·. :.
. <'>
-::,-:.J ·. , · );.i11•:6~"}(b~}1ttestat1on must. .§tatei
_Y.: ·. t:L,5.~~r~~~np~g~~_(jf th~ mu~rbe !iU~?ere~i: . .
· . .
a. Petition .myst be Y:erifled; !.:,~~- . fa.~-;::::,...Ji1•'lV-,~a~~ number of paQes of the will;
b. Ce'rtifi9ate a·gaif1sl for.um slio"f>plng.Oji~sJ'"l::le '. · · ·· 1;>. The fast that V,e testator,§ign~d thE(Willand· .
.~ : attached.to the p.etitio~; and _: ·-~.Z~·,:{A· , · · . · every .page·in the p're~en_c~of the· witnesses;
c. The ·payment of doc~et and· ot~r lawful c. The.·\Nitnesses 'signed the will a_nd .all its< .
·Fees.· , . . ;. · . '.' pages in the testator's pres~nce and of one·
2 .. f.ubttcation of notice of hearing:. : a·nother;· and.. ·.. . . . . .
. . . 7. The · testator ·. and ·the .. 'Witnesses.·· roust·
Effect of.the P~qbate·ofa \JVill. · ~ ~ck.nowledge .th.e will' before 'a·:notary· ·.public
It ii:,-cpnclasi'ile _as.to the executi~n.ahd validity of tt")e· · (CIVIL CODE,_ A,:ts;· 864, .8.05, 806J:· ·:· .. · · .. ·
wilt (ev!,ln ~gainstttie.:State).-Thus, a· c;;iimlnal. Ci:iSe. ,. . .•
agc!inst'the forger may not lie,~tt~r the wm·nas been .. ·. H61og_raphi~ Wilt.(WDS) . ·
probated (JIJRADO, suwa at. 1-44) ... · · ·: . · · A h_olQgr,aphic will must.be-: , -.
· · · ·' ·· · 1 ·; · EAtitely ~ritten, . · ·
Sec.. 1, Rule.7.6"Cann9t be Waived . 2. Qated, and . .
The ~ame requiremenfis ertibopiect in.Art; "B3(!_ofth.e . .. - . .-3. .§igl')ed by_ the n,and of th.~ testatqr.himself:.· .·
Civil ·co.de: which ~s a s.u.bst_antiye law.: . . . ~ · · .. ·
It is.subject"to no other;form, ;311d maybe: m~d.e·in or·
Qnly Extri~·sjcValidity Is. petermlned : · - , . 01,1t·t>f·the·Philippin·e.s, ·an~ rieecl not be·.witnessed ·
. General Rt.ile: Only. determination cif the extrinsic. (Article ~10, Civil Code) .. : ..
Validity "r)Ot . the ihtrinsic Validity or. validity . Of.
test"arnen~ry dtspositions. . . . · ·. Testamenta_ry Capachy.: ,
. · It refers to tsstato(s ability io ·know: (NPC) ·
· 1. The Nat_ure of the estat.etO' be disposed of;
· 2. T~e f!roper objects of his ·bounty; and ·


.. .
. . - MEMORY (IJD 201.9
. . . .. -~:;;
~~i'.sll.UUS1111'51:ni:IB11111!111!11.. 1911lllllllmll.. lal .... Zllllllli!'lllllllill!lml!lml:l~...llllllm~mlll...lD'!BII.... Bllml .. llla:i .,
~ ~!~
· ·. 3. The Qharapter of ,.the t~Sl?il'nentary. act (CWIL Mod¢s of Notification: · · j.
CODE, Art. -799). · .. · . ·. · · .. . . 1. If by mall. -:- At· least twerity (20)· days before }
. ·. hearinq' if.the placesof residence are 'known; 'or ·j~·
· ·oue E~ec1,Jtion...... . . · . . . · ·. 2... If by.personalservlce -.At least ten (~O) days.':,~
. It refers to the testator-ls voluntarlneas to disp6s~ . · before hearing. . . . · . ,-),!
of his estate.·· As .suc"h,:. if a person. is unduly Note: The. requirement . of,. personal .'notice under · :~~
· influenced ..9r: pressured to. execute a· will: 'there. is Sec.4, · Rule· 76 is mandatory 'and .its ornlsslon ?,
really no intent to bestow.that property :(OE LEON . constitutes areverslbls 'error for.beinq constitutive of
AND wu.
WA YCO;.supra 78" 7-9). at. graye· abuse ·of·'discretion, (Aranz vs. Ga'ling,. GR.
. . . No. '77047, May. 28, 1·988). ·
lndlcatlons ti.P~e E~ecution '{VPIS) . .> . . . . . . . . .. '·. }

1. - There·. wa~ .'rio Yi.tiation. of. consent=throuqh SECTLON , 5. PROOF; AT'·. HEARING. · WHAT· :;1
.:; duress: tear, or threats; .. . SUFFICIENT IN'ABSENCE OF CONTEST : . . -f~
2.·· If w~s·:·not·.procured··by undue cir improper· ·- · · · · : . ·· _· · · · ff
. fressure ·. ·:Jnfl.uence· .Pr.f. the . part .. 'of'.'the · .v : Atthe heaFing, compllance.ot p.ub(ic~tio.fi and notice ·:::-
beneflclary, or someother person for. his benefit; . · must first .tie shown before,[ntroduction of testimony ·;.
and . ·. · ..", . . . ·· .· , _ · . . . · ... -Insupport of-thl3·will (ROG; RU!E 76, ·sec. 5).'
3. The §ignature of the testator ts gen.uine i.e. the . · · · . . . ~ · . .• ·. . ,: ". . . ·. · .
testator inteild~dthat wt,at he ex,er;ute_d~a..s.h~~~,,,;;.({,O!.-evicfenqe.r.eqvired,
. (~st.will and testemen: (CIVIL CODE,-,1J1.,'-B'ggj: 'f
· · '-· · · :. · /' · J"l>. · · ~
1·. .
'li, i'·-'-' .:- ·' · .
_see tab~e Linder Sec. 12)
'.' . '· . . · . ~'


. 4~: ~·~
· ' · ' ~"A''- ,,;..""\., · ~ 4
~, r. ),. ~l:t ·.
in Support
a WUI · . .
· "''t:"r;
. : . ~ECTIQ11f,3: COURT TO ,AP.POIN>T~'°I~ F$)$=,---·-=,,.~oj,_t~~~a-~ill ·.. · - : ·. . . · · .. · ... · ~-?,
··PROVING" )\'ILL .. NOTICE Tlt~~EO~,_:Jc9.,.,BE. - . 1: 'Wo~a'r1al,Y11q1s~ If no perp.On'.<appears to contest: ··ii
· PUBLI_S!:IED . : . . (. .:···9, ~ ·-----~~Q('a~~l!rJ.ce:~{ !be wilt,. tn:e. court may ~rant· .·~
. · · ·· · , . · · · . · /,('JP,., 'Y/ ·. . ~ J"' '\o/ . allC?Y'anqe..ititi~~! on th~ ~est1mony of one of the !l
~he.pro?ate of.a ~ill is· a pro9.,~edinr//fi-e ,' a_n~ tt.Wi sub~cribil\~(wi~esse·s. 'only; jf ~uch . ~itness · ·.;
publ1c~t1on provided for 1,o~ht$ Rue 1s a /~J~ ·
r· t~sti{y ttiatl!'(e;}\'!11\ras ~~E!.cuted as requir!:!d by :.f

Jurisdictional r~quirement~ir ,::-,· i ~P'LE,.l~,.S~c.5),< . . - _ . ·.c,i\
. · ·, · · · : ·. · · · / 4-, // ' · :· ·-:---=,t,--:--1~w·7!ROC; -~~ e:~<1.· · ii au sui;\fi>lblo)l · viitnesse.s '"8id9 Outsid0 . '"i
The personal servic.e o.f noii~~p~n the li~irs _i&1 . . . fj)r~ ,fhe prov~n.t~:qep.o!ii.~briis. allqwe_d and .!.!ie: · ::'.';
matter .of. l?f.OCed_uraf <;:~•1,veme_n:?e ~\~ot a -e:: . ~tn~Y autli,nze a P.tiotograph1c.copyoJ \··
· jurisdictional. requisite (2 RE~Al(:rf>;·S~Fa ·ai;31). tel 1 ~J1 . 1
.. · ·
f; ~ w~iU cj..~:~~.de 'an~ to be· presented tq . ·::
. . J \.,, ~. \_ ~ '\. ~~ -<t:,;('[~~ ijJt:te1111t . es~ o'lift.s·exai:n1n~tior, (RQ~,RU~E ·-f.:
· . If th.e petition for probate is,9.n the·,esta~S~"wpfL.. >'~ ,. Jf/ff6,.$ c.7). ./.::· . . . .· .. · . : ·, ..t
ini.ti'ative.duri_rig~is li_f~tim~ (Ari(fMcutJ~t~.~~·· Y ,tje. ~uq~cri.bin!i1 · witnesses.~ are . de.ad<·!. !f
1 ·,. NI:> publication 1s · ne.c~ssar~~ROC, ~~-~$~~\b 1efane, «?J.f'no~e of them r~s1des m tl:ie · /
.. Se':. 3); ai:id . .. . . · · . ,?'.. -~~· ~~Ptit\!P..!fi~e~~.:rhe:?Ourt rn.aY. admit t:stimony · ·.f1
2. Notice shall ~e f£1a~e ·only to . e -.c~tiil;lofy~
heirs (ROG, RU4.,E 76, Sec. 4).
· · '· · · ~-
.,;:u.l 1'iv·
...... "''t,q.th.~t·w,tne.s~es·
· · . · · ~~'"' ·. J> .l ~· ·~..&?and as evidence ·of the execmtion of the will . A~
~o prove. tlJe .sanity-of the .'. 'i;
l-!~~tlator;a1:1.d.the,due·e.xecutioo· pf .th~ will, :1

Note:· Threi (3) week.s .s'l~c.cessively ·is· n~t stf!clfri="'~,::---, it, may ,aornit"proof.pl .'the tiar;idwritil")Q of tl:l~- :.:'
· .twenty-one '(41 }days. It is sufficient tha~ publication·· . · . , . t~staJor arid :of the su..~scri?ing·witnesl;j~s or· ..:;~
. has t,een ..rr,.ade·once (t) a week successively three . ,of. ar,,y of .them (~OC,"RUtE 76, Sec. B). · !:.
. (31. tirh~s;·.evem if. less: than tw'enty:o·n~ (i1) days . .. _. : . . . ·. , · · . · · ·. :. . , . · . .: ·· . . . .J'..
'i'ntervenep . between Jtie· first and·· fast ·pµblication ·2:· .Holograph.19 Wills ..;- it' shall be necessary that. :Ji!
.. · (l3asa.y. Mercado,·G:-R.' No.. L-42226, July 26, 1935); . at.' ~least: o.ne (:i )' .. witness wqo .knows · th.e j
. . : .. •, ·: . . . . ,, . . ' handwriting." ·ano .. signatute .of :'the. tesiatqr. ...:,
·$ECTION 4. HE;IRS, DEVI SEES,· LEGATEES, AND. . · expficitly·de.clare·tfiat' the ~ill. and· signature a·re· ·.{
EXE.CUTORS . TO BE. NOTIFIED BY MAIL OR ii, the.handwriting-of.the t~sta~o~. In the ab.ser,ce.' ~°::,.
PERSONALLY. '. ,, . . . ·of such.:~ompeterit .~i~n~ss;· a.nd if'"the· court J
.P'e·rsohs •ob~ NC>ti~ed, . . · . deems. it'· .necessary,.'_!:lxpert·testimony· may be·. ··,i
· .1 ... Designated or·· known .heirs~·· ·1eg~t~es,. and · .·. . resorted·to (ROG; RU.L'E .7.6. $ec.:.5J. .. ·
· devis·ees. residii:,g in the Philippines; and . · ·. · . · ... . . . : . . . ·· .:,,,
2. ·. Executor and· co-executor if not the p·etitior.ier, if · In case of. a holographic will; it is 'not mandatory . · !
their places ofreside'nce be .known; or - that WlfheSSE;l~· be. first ..pr~sented be.fore'·e>,Spert . f
3. .compulsory. he,irs, .if tlie testator asks for the . testimony .may be· resorted tq, tmlike r:iotarial '.l
allowance of his own wnl. ' . wills .wherein- the 'attesting witness~s"must first ·i?
be pr.esented or accounted for .(Azao/a v.. ;;
Si,:,gson, G.R. No. L7140DJ,° August .5; 1·960j. · ..•
. . . . \ . .:~

·... ,/


t Reason: Thi.s is so
because 'holopraphlc wills are. . ·3; .: lf.°ii wa; executed under duress •. of the influenc'a
f{ not...requir:ed to be.wltnessed a_nd tf)e exlstence of a ·. of fear, ·or Threats; . . .
t-~·· qualified witness· ·m.ay· be. beyond -the. control or_ 4. If it was procured by !J_ndue·. and improper
!~· k,:iowledge of - the. proponent of the wiU (2 ·· 'pressure .and influence,' on. the part" of· the
'beneflclary," pr ..of some. other- person for his
r: . . ··
,;; · REGALADO, supra af-35).
.. , .· . . .
- ·.. ·. · )5e_n¢fif; or... . · . · .. ·· .. . .
~.., . SECTION s. PROOF :OF LOST OR DESTROYED 5. · If the ~ignature of lhe testator was procured by : .
f WILL; CE'RTIFICATE iHEREUl'QN .... ) . • . . : . fraud or trick, -and tie' 'did not inter-id that the
~- . . ' .. :rnsirurnent>shpulcj be.his wlllatthe time of rix"ing
~\ Thif section appi°i~s· t~ a. lost or. destroyed notartal . · . -, hls signatore thereto (fWC, RUL,E 76; Sec: 9).
~- will°and r.\Ot- to a holoqraphic will.· · · ·\ · ·· - ·· · · ·· ·
ff · ·. · ·: : . , · · . · . · · · : . · , __ · . . .·. . Note: -The· liSt is exclu.Sive (S/)~u~Ss A}e"r~· v. c~,
f( _Facts·Wb\ch.Sl')ould b(f Proved .iri Orderthata G.R, -106720, .Seotember 19, 1f)94). Sec. s is· a

i:,,· · Lost pr Destroyed Wi.11 may be All9wed~.(DEEP) . ·repri:i'ducHori of Articl~·839 of the .Civfl Code (l',jero v.
1. That. th'e. wi!I- has been 'Quly gxecuted, by th'e . ·
··· . .. . . . .·.· . .· . ·· · .. ·· .
.Court of AppE;als; GR 'Na. 106712.0, September 115,
1· 94.) · · · · I
i:. __ · testator; . 9 ;. : · . _: . . . . . · · .· · ,. · .- · .
;r . 2. That the will was in Existence when the testator · · • · . . · .
K>. . .di.ed, Of. if i~-Wa~ not:that it.has .beer:ifraudulently.. _ .. ~ N~fe.:· the: Jnsanity,-death, non-residence- of the or
~:.,. or accidentally destroyed ."in the:lifetime. of the· . . ~tibscribing wit_n~sses,_iri th~ Philippines shall not

r,., testato,r \'.','ithout t"!is knowled~e;" and. . : .... · ..~....~ · .preve:r\ttbe:co.11rtfr.om·admitting the "will_ into. probate .
3_.' the fr'qvisions of tl;te wilr.~re cle~r:{e'sta\:)lis~~.~\/).( as .. 1~.tlg . as t_he ·t~stafor'.s sani~y and the: due
:r. . by at least two.. cregible witnesses:_ (ROC... _RU,f.:§:_/ir.1~.-' e~ec~tion·· of the··. will_ are proved · (DE LEON &
~· . 76; Set: 6). ..· . . . · · (;i,;i~i:·';~-~,.~ · WILWA.YCO,$Upra_ at 68). . - .

· ~eneral Rul~; ~~ h~·logr.aphic·:will.;
cannot be prob.ated. · · .
·:if _<J_est~t~;:~-·:~:1?~1[~~~i;,-~!.,~o;,,p~l~n~e-Ruie· ,· · .· · ·
. ;..-':f,. 1 · · If ifi-e~.:-w,l~"'~has: been executed. in substantial
. ·. :
6°;)'/ . :. J~... ~ . . c~:i"mpliaricefa,-wl\~:the foqnalities of _the.law,' and the ..
Jw,-~:lt ·
• • • • • , . • • •• ••

_: ~ea~o~(.· The b~~t ._and. 0!11Y.'· evi9_~:11~f_-is· pos_sibi~ty1/~a~·faith-anc! fraud is obviated, saidv,,ill
-' tiandwntirm of the testator in th~...~~.aid_;;~;f-it ts ir& stiqul!'.l. bf aJmfi.ted to· probate .(CIVIL. CODE, A_rt.
'·: necessary that there be- a i:ompatis'Qri between thtl ~. '809). ¥ Ji ~' · · . ··
... sample handwr!tt~.n- statem_ent'J,Cqntie;~~ta,tor,~nd~ \:ij. . .. . . . /; ;· ~ '\ : ·. . .. ·. .
the.handwritten Will (Rodel{ls1-~·JAraF~~~~--N_~; · ~;rjj · Join~;;et?:f.~~~;~f(Parate.Will~
. ··88.509, December.7_, 19"f$2J.
,: · · . · .
'.'1, p.r::--.·~~-:··?."y,· 1·~tr. .. · ·.
Separatel.w.J!{§;_;Y.i.hicticontain ~ssent1aOy the.same.
; . ~~-"-~.:?'\;\ ; . . {, · i.¥ provisions .and pertain _to propert.ies which in al)
. ··. .

· . Excep~l-~n.: If there· exists' a ph0:ttl.~jtic. ·xer?x _- · [(.. :J'Jfi.~~~il!!Y.. a.~~ .'. c~mjuga)· .. i~ nature, .. practical ..
copy.thereof (Gan v: Yap,•G.R.No. L-112-.t!ld):'Augusl .... ~i:f,1...._~o:r,s1oerat1ons. dictate. their-·Jomt r>.robate· (Vda.. D.e
30, 1958; Rodelas. v. Aranza, G.R. {N.o. ·t,.-o(J57JJt;:::-,:~pfiir'(/z,rt~iete, G:R.·No: 76714, June 2, 1994).
December 7, 1982). · ··. -F(- · t/f! ·:· ... ·: · · · . ·· ·
· ·· ,." .. · · · . · : ·_.,~~;;./fl ". ·. ·: · · Sep·arate ·wills· . probat~d :.- jointly \n · .. view "Of
. SECTION .7, PROOf-Wt:i~N Wl"fr,JESSES--0.Q:N_OT."·. . ·. sitn,ultal')eoµ.s,.deaths.of the spous~s' testators.··
· RESIDE IN PROVINCE . · · .. · · . . ·· . . .- · · ... · . . .-: ... . · · :: . .
. . , . . . . . . .A..liter.;,ir'~1pplicatior:t.0Hhe role5:stiould be avbided if
(See discuss/oh under Sec. 5) · : ·· · · ·· · . ··· · they \.VO~ld. · :only: . re.suit in the delay in the
(For-evidence req1..1/redisee iab/e·under. Sec.· 12) -'administration 'of ,ju.s"tic.e.· What the law. expressly
prohibits. is ,th.e (llaklng Of joint Wills' e:ither for the .
· SECTION. :a:· P~OOF . WHEN WITN,ESSES: AR.E .. · . .
testato~ .r.~ciprbcal M11ef.it or of:a thirc! person. Wills .
· PEAD OR .INSANE ·aR:DO N·o,:. R~SIOE ·1r:,i· 'rHf; ·. of'·ttie deceae·nt spouse are essentiqlly similar .in
· · · PHILIPPINES . -. di~posjtion'·an'd pr~perty;.Joint probate was· allowed -·
(Aca.in v, /AG1•• ~.R .. No: !2706, Oc.tobe.r 27, 1987).
.. (See. discµssiorJ under: S~c." 5)
·cr=or. evidf!f)ce r.equJred,see'tabte. under ~ec: 1-2) . ·:· Law· Governing Forrris
of Wills - ..

· · SEtT1ci~:9:_
~ c;~ou~Ds·
. ~ok
. .
:The-law ln'for~ al the time ofthe execution .of a wfll
G-~JL~. ··: · (CIVIL CODE, Art. 795)..
The ·will s.hall be -clisall~wed Jn any· 9f'the .. following··
. ' .
-~~~16~~:::/:;o_NTESTANT TO.F.!LE GROUNDS
cases (~xt:rUS): . · · , · · . · · ....
1. ·1f riot Executed and attested as required.by law;
2: If the t_estatbr was !nsane, or otherwil}e J'.l'lent~lly ·. Contest"ant must:
incapable t9 m~ke a
will, at ~he time of its_. 1. . Stat.e In ·writing · tiis ground$ for opposing t11e ·
exec~tiori; . ·.· . allowance· of the will; and . .

0 a
2.. Serve copy -ther~~f ·to petitioner and other: ·
interested p9-~\~s (ROC; RULE. 76, Sec. ·10). . .-

· 2. · · Hoiographic: .Wills-:- The same Shall be allowed· ·

. if at l_e~st three {~) ·v,,itness.f;l~ . who· know the .
b.andwrjtingof the testator explicitly declare. that. ..
!he -~ilt and the siqnatureare ·in·. the ·tiandwrifing .
of. ttye testator: in 'the absence al any competent .
witness, and if the· court deem · it necessary,
'expert-teetlrnoriy rriay·be resorted to (Sele. "11).

. No~e; If the ·holographic will is contested. three

· . (3). witnesses · wtio· know the hahdwritlng ·and
. signature of . the . testator are. .: now
_r}'lquired/hiand~tory.,t6 prove lts:autt1enti9ity and
for its allowance. The. word "shall" ·connotes a·
mandatory order. The ·goal is. to give effect to the :
wishes of the . deceased and ·the evil. to be


. . '
AID 2019

"If. the subscribinq evidence the . testat~r signature 'are in

v;,itnesse~ are presented· tliat (ROG,. RULE. 76, the· Y.!ar.1ciw~iti_n,.g.
dead, insane, or the" :- will . was Sec. 5). of the· testatqr.
none of:' them executed and ; (RbC,. . R.ULE .
resides . in -the. attested in the Re~son: This is. 76, See. 11.) .....
Philippines - The· 'manner . so . ' . because . . .' . .
. court. may . -adrnit . .reqinred by law -holographic. wi_lls N:ote: ,· 'If .. the· ·
testimony ofother (an. 'instance ·, . are.not"requlred to· hologr'apt,ic Will. .
'Wi.tnesses . . . to where . a
party . be witnessed ahd' Is .... contesteq, .
prove the sanity of -rnay impeach the exlste_rice o(a th,~~ ., .. . · . (3r, ..
the testator, and his .· . . own qualified witness witnesses.. who ,
'the due execution witness) (ROG, may · be. ~ey6nd kJ:iow. · , .. ·.·· tt:ie .
of the ~ill. andas- RULE 76;. Sec. tl:ie · c0ntrcil ··or- har_:idwnting and ·
eviderice.. o( the · 1-1).· ·· . · · ")...
knowledge of the sign~,u~~ of. the
execution of the : : ., . . . .· · . _. propo'nen"t of ·ttie test~tpr. ... are
will, It. may admit "Note: Thists an · ·. ' will . · :(2 now.· .. ·· .· . ,·
. proof . .Of . the exception to the . " I ... REGALADO,·· req'uir.€d/m~naa
-handwriting_ of the rule that a party : supra a(~5).· · · . · ·to!Y·to Ji_rOVf!!·its
testatorand of.the Is '- . generally . · ' , ~uthe1,1tttity.1:1r:id· . ·
·S.~~sc~_bih~.. . . b~"U_nd. ~y ..the -~/·. . Jpr:, .· ·_;· '. ·: Jt~
w1tnesse~ _; or J)f te~t1mony . · ·/~r; ·.J/,,'>-- . · allowan~- · The.
any ·of · ·: them ·evidence. · tlilat· / .... ,*).i .word .... ·:"st:iali~
·(ROG, .F~ULE. 76, he . · p·rese~ts;; : '._,",;.,:~1 co~notes·· . ·. a .
$ec, ~):"". · · .. because .' h~te~ ;,,a,i(t- · ~. marld~t9ry : . · ·. · . ·.
. . . - _..,..,. I. ... ,,,•f!> ~
. ·. _,.ml~ke . 5?.r.~1r:,aryfO . qr(Jer.· The goal · .
. ,. is. to, give effecf

· act1onS:,,,·he has .\
no''cli'oice in th.e; '.--,!~ . . . toJ.t.h~.w-lshes .of"
' 'evl<,£~riJ~ a~, he- ,.,.,..ll,.
. · · · . ~Eiiit~!t'.Q'§hd to · .
· .,{,';..?. accouot"'ffi"r alf, .
r1 · ·.
: · the· · ,ded~!''1sed
• · .;:11J~i" 111!3 .ex_il J9
· . · ba, preve.hted is· .
(;t ~~!t~nfl. · ,<' .,. 1 :~ . . '. tti.e':'..; ~os·si~jlity
,,.{ wit~!s~1s- ~:2Jf, .._t\; . ·tliat : .. · .. • "
-~· ;~.,!S';;B'~.~nHel9, 1,.,/, -... · -,crnscrupulb.us
· -tl:iat~\,\ :th&' r,J · · ·. . individuals who· ·
' .. tes,ttmo,.~~-lof
·t~e }.}':':"".. . : . for.. their. !;>.eriefit .
. ·not~;---befgre ...,•·' '~-· · wi!I: · : ·: en'lpfdy :
wltcim the~~\vflJ·--N.t~!.>,< means_:·'. · to .
. \1·,1 . /,/\./ ·d~feac:·.: ·. . :the
was~\:~ . J .( .
~ckno~eHged. . . · ·W.i$hes . of·· the
will prevail over _ . . ·. ·. ·. ·· testatQ.i-.·; lt"wilJ·
'thatot-the two ~·." . : 'he. noted. -that
~- ·. attesting · · . .- . . ho( .... alf ' ."'ih.e
witnesses · wnol' · . Wifnesse~ were ·.
claim' undue' I'•• fa,nijli~r·with,the
'executon.ot the . . haiidwdting. of
· wiil. ·(Rain~~, v.. . the ·. "': testat6~
'CA;: G.R.. No. L- :. . · . . (Codqy ··: .... : . v>
. '40~04,. January . Cf!/Ug_ay, .. G.°F( .
3·1, 197.8) .. · · : · : Nq: .... .f2;3486,
·· . ·: Aug>.12, 1999); •
At least on~ (1) The. will shall tie . . ·. .
wi_ti:,e_ss . . who allowed if '·. at. .. Gener~I ·.Rule::.
knows. · · the least three (3) · A.:. hof6gr.ap'fifc:
handwriting and witnesses·. who wili ·rr .d¢.stroyed
signatur~ . of ,he krjow .. · the cannot : be ·
testator explicitly handwriting of..· pr.Qb~~_ed. . . l
declar.e · that·· the the · · · testa.tor
will and .. -:the explicitly · · Reason: This is
signatur.e are in detlare that ·the bec;~use · ttle
the .handwriting of wili . and '- best aod only.


. . I 373

evidence 'ls the :13:. CERTiFICATE .OF ALLOWANCE./

handwriting of A,JTACHEQ TO PROVE WILL. T_O BE-RECORDED .· ~'.~
the testator in
IIQ Tl-:fEOFFICE.OF . REGISTER.. OF DEEDS' . . · - ·;~~- .
the said _will, It Is · · . . .. · · · -~
necessary that · Certificate of Allow~nce.:.... When tssued: . · : . ·:~~
there . be a If the·<;:ourt is satisflad t.iP?n proof that: ._ l
comparison . .. 1. Will was duly executed: . . . . · · . .-3;-
b.etween- : tt:ie 2: .Testator was o'f sound and· disposing}nlnd at the· . :t
sample·..' ... time of execution: and '. ' . . . .. ' . )t
·· ... · 'handwritten · 3.·· _Testator.was not acting under duress, menace ..-.f,
statements.. · of · a Ad undue iofluence," fraud. Or , .. ' · . '. ·. ,·;·
thetestator and . · · - . . · ' . · . . ~..
the h.andwritten.- .. ·c~r:tificate. of Nlqwan.~e·must be:
will. (Rodel,aS: v. 1'. Sfgn.ed _by the Judge; · · . · .. __ . · · ·.
Arenz« ,. GR. 2·. · Attested'.by the seal of the court· and· .
. No. · L~saso9, · :3_. ~ttachefto the will._ . ·,". . . '· · :.
Dec_e·i:r?be·r- . ~:?:; .· · .. . ', ·: · . · ... ... · ·

ifu .

. 1982):. . t' , , Note~ The _v.,,111 andthecertificateshould be.filed-and .. ·!;,:.

· ·· · · · ··: -~-~,.,.-.,Lecordedby theclerk.'. · - . ··, · · · ·
Except1~1r-·· 'J\~~..,,_ . . . . . . . .. . . ,
. th~r,e;r6'~b;:t~1,..- ~- - · -1t~t~e_Y,.,il.l,'.0d.~Vi!>ed~ea.I· Pi:o~~-!"t¥·:. ·.. ·.... '. ·.
. ,~J:1ot~aJ1~~.~~ ~~"':'"-=-ei,fe.~ed 183,.r/!l~f the .will dev1s·1ng real estateand of
(I Je!-,OX~Qf;!~ .-, ;_ . _. _.cerf1fiqatill.of.~hQ~rice thereof, shall berecorded in
-, · l·- :- ~ "F.·-ihe-..-8.._~~ t~:<.Ef bK~~s. of .the prQ~nce. in ~hlch the
. ·. lf./ . ,:3,1;i:r.~ f ·. . ·:1rds "',: . vf·\· :· ,., . · , .·
0~ c:··. ··.. .

~-< f/!~~1n·~ e:s:t~_. ;~-h-n'

A,'-ugust[3o, . ·. ,. · . ", , .-· ', if) ·
( · · .· . · · · :·
. iaeTc 1.. ....;.,f""'~"'""'~--~....,:;-a..::.+~--'---.;.,........;.._..,..._~
" -·. 7~;~~--,,&-
Ii r-,~- ,if
k :- · .· : · :,::<ri'r~ii 77 · . · '. · : · .: ·i E
11 ~ ~~o.
~ <;:;.,,\ ..
1 L~5 so9,.;;r · · · · · · · H.i.!':Vv.·· " ·0· · · · · · ·
r7 ,--:..!ci.wJJ:l ·. · LLOtu{NJ_CE. FW·U
.. T.

. ,
· It '--1, I "~) N VJ (i) , · . · .

~#~~r%~~ 1!
1, ' .,::;--~

In the Obie~~ o;
n:iay· be resorteµ to· (ROG, . RUil -~,,.,;--
L;,:~"ZM· I .. "IS.TRATJON
P\ · . · . . H· ,r · OF
1 gF
· · ·
· ,' ..

76,.Secs. 5and~.- ·_:,~~-:-1EN1'~~-,,. , . .,,J!R:E-~NDER .· · .. .-.· .· · ._.~,.-

'."r';61-;;,:_-=~-"~~,<\,:· r,f.·. ·. · . .. ·.
.The :"fact .that he.T.t,.~f~
affirms . tha~ t_he displ"~v1_ i~he. .· ,1\. /J
hol9graphic · will genuintifi'ess.·.
~r~~~~~ ··:° .. ·
a ~p_ec1al_ proc~eding :t<f?sta~,lishth~_- ~~
l'V llvl ~..J.:'11- .. .:!' . ~111 prov~d .1n- ~ . foreign._. cour:i_try. . {·

ari9 the· signature- ar:ia . . du~ _~-P-~eprol:iate or . r~~uthentication of a . will ·.already I'
-are ·irr his own execuuo·ri ·. P.robatecH:md~uowed in a foreign country Is differen~ . ·J.
hanpwri~ing. shall .thereof. · ·ih'all · from _proQ~te -of- .a· '!\'.ill, _albeit executed :·~~road, .. {
· be sufficient be . 01'.l . the J).t!:)Sl;mted for. the first ti.me _befofe a C011'1petent CO_\Jrt . '.!t
·-evidence ·of the cbntesfa.nt . . . ._flerf;;._(PE.tEON-AND WILWAYCO, supra ~t 79-80),, ·.,.,
g'ehuinen~ss · and (ROG;. ·. RUJ_,E ·.. . . . .· . . . ' .. :··· . : ... . . . ,i
p_ue . . . ~xecu.tion 7(}; Set .. 12). · ·. · Repfoba.t~ :-imdet · R~le . 77 - ls' diff~~ent'. fron'I. · ;i
thereof .. (ROG, . . . . . pr<;>!J~te: ~".'ere th.e foi'.eign-will.-. is . pn,~sented for :t
RULE 76, sec. 12).. The. testator _. the flr$t time · . · . 1.,
. ', i:ri"ay, "in:' .his . A"_ will of a"-foreigner· ·executed. abroad can .·be . }·
turn, :pres·ent . pr~b~t~9. ·in. the P.bilip~[ne's. without·. need· of be(ng · .£
additional. . . . · pro~~te_d abroac;L· :.- . · : . · .. . . ·. Jii
proof as·. niay ·· . · . . · · .. , · . · · · · · ·:~f
-qe n'ecessary Art. ·8·16 of-the Civil-Code states that the will of ari ·.·.(
to . rebot. ·th~. . ·alien .. who. is ... abroad . produces effect in the ~
evidence tor . -P_hilippines if _made· 'in': accordan·ce· wfth the·.}
the. contestsnt. ·
formal!tie$ p_re.scribed by the.l~w qf the pla9e ~h.ere
·he resides, or.according td-the formalities observed -.;:
. ·s 12,, In his country: . . . . ··· · ·:·:
76,.. ec. 1• . . . . _.,.
. (DE_ Ll=ON AND::--w=1L;-;-W.-;-;.:A~Y=G-=o~,.s-u-p-ra..1...-ij.,....t
=-7.0.,....--7-1)-. ...:_.....1
.: ·s. _P.SANE·cfAL' J>.f.lOCEEDI

Note: Philippine laws do not prohibit the probate .of

wills. executed. by for(;ligners abroad. although .the

required (Vda. De

76714, J.une2, 1994).. . ·


Perez v. Hon. Tolete, 'G'.f?., No.

·. · :.
: . '
. .. . '
.. . same have not yet-been probated andaltowed in the,
countries 'of their execution. The rules 'do
notreoulre . Evidence .to be Presented for.. the '~ep(o.oate, of ..
. proofthat theforelqrt will hasalready been· allowed ..'the'Wili:.{DDAPF) . . · ·· . . . : . : · - ·_· .' .
'and ~r,9bated fn.the.country qf Its ex~cu1ion'{/(? Re: 1. · The Que execution of the will in accordance with .
Palf?ganas v.. Palagan·a.s,G.R. No. 1~9.114, January. . the torelqn taws;' . - . .: . _.
26; 20f1i, . - 2. Testator has .hi's Qcimicile fn .the foreign country : :·-·,:
.... - and not in.the-Philippine.s;_ . .· . . · .. . ·
. · Rea·s·on: If th~ heirs 'do: not hl:i~e the l')'leans·-to go·. 3: The will· has been. ~dmitted -to probate in such
abroad for the 'probate_ of the will, i.t is: as good as . . · country." · · ·' ·. ( . · · ..
depriving- them outright of their inh~ritarice (In Re.,· . - ;· · A. . The fact that' the foreiqn, tribunal is):i· frooate·
p~lag~Qas ~, Pa/a(jana~, G.R..f:./o.,.1691.14,.-JanuFJry ._· CO\Jrfand ... · . · · · :· : · . . .. . " ..
, 26, 2011) ... •. 5. Thelaws of a foreign country on
procedure and .' .
:.. . . . . ; . allowance of v..ills_(Vda. De Perez v.Ho«. Toleie, ·
.· S~CTIO_N . f . .WILL .·PROVED '. OUTSIDE THE .: . :· .. G.R. No. 76714;' June 2,. 1994) .. : · . .
PHILIP-Pl~ES.MAY-BE ALLOWE;D·HE.RE · ·. · · · : , -· -· . ..
. . . .. . .· . .. . -N~te: Tile ri~c-ess_ity.Qf prese~ting' evldenc~ 'on {tie:·
-lt-ls a requirement that ~;wilfwhjch was probated in · · · .· foreign laws upo.n.wh19h the probate in the for~)gn .
a· forelgll country be. re-probated: in-the Philippines, /'.'=~- .· country is. based is impelled· by the . fact 'that .our
If the · decedent · owns · properties .in 'differ~r:i{}4[ · courts cannot ta~~ judi_cia'I noticeof them,(Vda._ Pe
countries; 'separate- proceedlngs. must 'be .had' 'tb.//.\,),,"Perez v. · Hon. "Tolete, GR:, No.: 76714; Jun.e-·2,
bo_verthe same '(FEST/N, supra a_t 61) . .- . ·.. ·\/jf;:;·n.~j
199~). _. ·_ .... .. ·, . ·.. · .... _ ·_ . ~ : : . ·,.· ··: .
-Reprob~te. is spe~ifi'c~-lly. go~er·n~d .b~ .-R~/~ --Jj.1'..·lii°:~;.IJjtf~ciC:tr::i,ie:cii,-rocessu~IPres~~ptloh. . :- . .·,. : ·
reprobate, the 1oca1 ·court ackr;iowledges-,.as;6rnciin 0 !;j· WFie·re~~!Nar,i9n 1aw rs not pieaded or, ·even- if .
the findings of the foreign 'probate- coufy'p1ovidea itsftc;i · plead~d: i~Jp\tproved,. the presumptio.n. is tft~t .
jurisdictio~ ·over ~he matter A,an. be ..es1t~t>)_@he~ .. db,.J:.~ln
f9reign. 1~1/ i~ t!i~
.~ame _-as ours_. (ATC/ .Oversea.s
Re: p_a/aganas ·v. Pa'fag?oas,. G.FJ/efA/o;f;-1:69'.114,. · tr . 'B
.Cprporat!JJn. c:~f11ri,. G.R: N_o. _17.85.51,-Qctober 11,
Ja~u€lry 2q,. 2011)_. ·: .: ·": ;(ff.·~}(\~ ... ~ J;~ _ ~010).,.. ~( _. Jf. .\· _ ·. _ . ·:· _- :-~ _ · · <' -. ·_
-r:he venue. ~or the :P?tition -fo~f~P'r~o~re;}~)"1e ja.l:);le · J;1'i ·.. sectt~Ni:/iy,;;~~~N·. WILL -ALLOVVED, ·. AND
as that prov1cl,ed form Rule 73. .,,,.___.:._ .~-;,._;-_<. -- ,(,':I'{) .
. ·, . ...._,7.:.-~-.,,.( - LI
, ·,
~FFEC'Ftl:fl_~f:.OF ·
. . . . . .
· . · '.
SECTiOtf. ':2, . NOTICE·· OF -~e'ARIN'i§~jF(?R f{__ ~.,j~ ~ppe_ar~ .at t~e. hearing th~t .tl1~ 'will ~lio~ld b'e
ALLOWANCE : : · · . . -.... ~\;..j:f,:1 · .. .ji1ur.2V,;;,~~p.Jr1the. Philippines, ·the-- court. shall all_owit,
. . · · , · · · . ·. · · -<ftt;. ~~.:1.L~.:-ar:itt·a~e~ifl'cate of its alloy;ance, signecf b,y the judge_.
Wher_:i a_ copy. of such will _an.?·of_·the or-.q'ri;., or·~·oree .' . ·· an~. attested by _the s.eal of th~- court t~ \-\'.h,~ch shall,
of the .c;1llowar1c.e thereof;,.b:oth duly au~~n!,~ated,. .be attach~d .a·copy of the· will,- shall· be _filed -ar'ld · ..
are filed: with. a .. petition fot ':al{o'!Vai1ce1="'ia·.. frie_ · re~orded;by _the 'elerk, and thf will •'sha.11. tiave'1he
Philippines, . t:iy'. ttie. . executor :or .other· :·person . 'same effeyt as if ~righ)~lly,prOVEtd and allowed il) 0

inte(ested,'in the court having jtlris.dittion--,_such.co.urt · such cqurt (F,WC~ fWLE 77, Set;. 3).·-' · -· · . : ..
shall' fix ? .time and place for th!:} hearing','and ca\.i~e - . . . .· -
notice ther\;}of to be ,give.ri c;!S in 'gase '9f an or.igin~I _SECTloi-{4.·ESTATE, HOW AOtJ1,1N1s;TE.RED·.. :··.
will presented for allowa·,:1ce... :,. . _. . ·:: _-. ·. ' .. Effects of Admission :of.a Forej'go Wiil:: ,: :· ..
· · What-Should be File.d·,· . , .. 1. ·;The ,.cc:iurt ·,s.t1all grant :lett~~s_:.testime_nta!)'. or- ..
Petition for allowance acc9mpariie;Jwith: . . letters. of administratiOl'.l·_Wi~h:the'.will'anriexed;,-. · ·
1: . Authenticated cop'y of'the· will; at\d .- · , · . .. . ·2. Tlit;l·said letterS.shall .ex,tend.only to the testator'.s
.. 2 .. Authenticateddecree of th'e all<;iw~n~e therepf: estat~ locate.d in ihe Ph1lippines; . '. · .-
3. . The e$tate··i,hall be qisposed of following the will ..
· W)th r~gard · tb ~o~ic.es·. th~.- will ·probated· _abroa~ . . .- after ,Just. debts and expenses of administration
should be treated.as if it.were an original will or a will . are P.aid; and· . . . .·. . . . , . .
presented for·pr9~ate for
the first' tirn_e .. Accordingfy, · 4. . Anyresidue shall be disposed of;aS pro'vided for
compliance wit'1 s.tictions: 3. and', 4 of 'Rule., 76, . .estates in tlje Philippines belonging to persons
wliich. ·require publication:. and 'notice by mail 'or . lh'.l:l.o d_o ncit reside in the cpu11,try (DE i.E_QN AND
personally, fothe' kriown-- heirs, 'legatees, ijnd WIL.:WAYCO, supra at 83).. . . .
devisees o.f. the 'testator resicjent_'iA' the- Ptiilippines ·
~.nd to the' executor, If. he i.s ne>Uhe. petitioner·; are .


.. BAR .
. . AID. 2019' :
iAK& seek a t &NRM

Ancttlary Administration. . ·executor

. and -Adrnlnlstrator;
. Distinguished.
When a· person dies intestate owni_ng property in the· ·
country Of domicile as 'well as in a foreign country,
administration shall be- had- in both· countries. That
-which ls granted in the .jurtsdiction other than the
decedent's domicile .. i~.-:. termed' . ancillary .: A person . named · . as- A person appolnted· by
adrnlnlstration (3A~HERRERA, at 77), · . executor.in tbe.wm.· · the court fn cases:·. ,· .
: : . . ·supra
. . .
The testator'. did not
. apppint an 'executor: or.
If the executor refused
. .RULE 78 .: . .J
,': .·· LE.1'T,E.RS'TEST,Al\l:ENT~RY: (administrator .With . a
will annexed): or • ,-
. A:NO QF ADJ,\i.lINIST~f10N, If . . the ·... will '. was
. . WUEN AND·'l'o WHOM disallowed; or .
. . . if a.. · person did not
·l$SVED. make a. Wil! (int~sta:te '
• ' ., , ' . succession). . . .

• • • . • . . ••. . . t


'·..•. , -malll--ilmml1Umm.-.il.......... ~ ................ ~I/IID!IIII------...-~~~
s·P.Et·tAL. :P.Ro.c Ei:.0·1.N:Gs; ·_.
¥': _ ~---;sm-•m-llBIIIDIM!li&lli:IIHIDhlllffillMCllfW•
i:.. . . - , ,• . . ~ .
. .~
to such an extent as to· render thesubject 'of (Villanuev.a v. Chevez, _G.R. 'No. 7671, January 25,
the habtt as unsafe against to entrust'with 1913) · · ·
the. ca.re of: property 9r ·the 'transactton of ·, · . . . ·.: ·. . · . ·
busine.ss.(3A-HERR~RA,.sup;a at _7aj;· .: , . •. Sf!=CTIQN3. MA~~IEP.WOMEN r{'JAY SERVE
1'.. b. lmprovide~ce· - mean·~ ~a~~ -~re··,a~d : : oi A.·. married wo{itan. ·m~y serve . as executrix. or .
t .· .-!presight _·in 'the. manadernent of ·property''. ~dmini.s~ratrix, ·and .the .fl'.larriage ofa- single w_oij,an

l-.~~\ whlch would· be. likely to render the·estate shall not aff~ct. her a4thprity. so to ~ei:ve under· a
. : ·. and.effects of. the iote~tate unsafe c1n_d -liable . ·. pr~vlous· appointment. (ROC;}~ULE 78, Se.c. 3). ·
· to·.. be, ,lost or dlmlnlshed in: value .(~lack's
s·ecT1oi,i'°4. LETTERS TE~TAMENTARY.tssueo
Law ~ict/onary,:511_! ·ed.,_.P:681);_ . . :·" ',
· -,:'xa-;,,~fe:· ga'rnbiin.g; .. ·.
. . ·.· .
: . .. _.; .·

·: Letter_s Te.stameptaryys~ Letters of.

[:::. ·, .Symptoms; carelessness, · prodigality,. · · -_ . Adrnlnistraticin · ·
t · indifferel'l_ce
f/_: :·
c. want Qt uode,itandi~g ..:.)1rn.01.mt~. to Jaci
of .intelligenc~ such as· ·woul.d, or'. rnigt)t_ ·.--:. .,
The· ··authority Th~ . exec~tor:
f_:· subject one to sinister influence or coercion. ·
f . ' ,·: : . -aqainst -, itfe'· general_ 'interest. of. t~e'- estate.. -,~ . : issued·· to· the ·(CAl3·
.execu~qr· .. ·
. . ·
(s ~c;:imp'etel)t; ·- . .
t~-- ·.· · .:
.. · (3A~HERR~RA,-supra':at-B(l);. _. • . . ·
-, . . ·. t•f> .. ., . .· ·. . /f{f~tf..'. ·named in the· ~ccepts· .. the ~· _
f : . ·. d. ·: Want oflntegrity- integrity is·syriony~c/u.s'i,t/!. ~ . ""i)l ..tci manage trust:. and Gives . :
?, .: to problty, honesty.. and· upri_ghtne~s:.f'litt;:fJ~ .. .and-a~miriister the req!)ired ..
the.estate: . !;!ond
tl. . . . ·
;.. . business . relations .· ...yith · others. .. .',Jitf,1~-t1i1.r.:h<
..o' .(ROC, ·
accusation ~tio_u1d b~ .certai_n:;:fnd:?J:a~6·ir1·its~:Y Ii;.µ:.. .,_. ·· · ...
. .
- .. RULE'78, ·se·c.
'4).' .
nature__<1d.J, or_. . ,1.tL-M ./tp7_ .
e.. Convi~tkm. ·.f9r:. a~
off11m¥~t~vo!}'lp~·1• ...
. -~o~I t'urpitu.de ..:. .,an ~!;;,~·.0.f~a~eness,
·-f!{ ·.
Th·~·· .authority
issu~~ by. the.
·-fhere 'is a will
but . · . . 'the.
cciurt · .. to·, · a executo'r:·. ·
( . : vileress, ?r. depravity,,,.j11>the. pl1j~ate+ anJ!\ 117,.
'iromp7tent-. . Is not named..iil
r . s~cial·du_tie~·wh1_c~_c('T,.~n.-o~tJ~!s_f~I°'"':.. · f:>-l~ ..
p:~son f6 the will; . ·. . ·
me"!, to society in. gel:ier.al;"-col'.)tl;af¥.fo~t{lg.. f!.sl
· accepted ar:id .custoni~l\¥,J.iil.~f::rlghtJfri',~·. r-'~l 1~dmiriister the
estate of the
Is in¢:ompeterit; ·
Refuses .the ·
duty between mc;m and. wq'i;'ti:afi'·o'l'1'1;onauftt.-. (1.

' contrary· to :justic~, .· non.~1ty,;,_,mo~~sty ··or :
- good mo~a!s (Za,:i v. Flor~s;,Affg~.,t1_0!(21JQ::-./d~i-:
f ~-~;- deceE!sed · · , . if
..the executor
.trust; or . .· · ·
Fails to give the

! . MC) P-1_356,:Nov~mb~;.21, .1~lJJ1;·· ',(:;,/---:-1~:-"'-.~· :ri~med. in the .bond re:quired

will· refuses to by . the - rules.
'. .• N_ot~.: Th.is_'e:~u·me.ra\io~·Of .basi~.-!or '.'fJ~~r~fo.~~·~is-._: . -<__.:'' c3ccept · .th~ (RO_G, . · .RULE
j'. ,. not exclusive. Tpe court may cqns1der otli.er fa.ctbrs. ·Offi¢e, .. Or ' is 78, S.ec. 6): ·
;·-: · that.may shqw_ that t~_«f pers·on· is 1.mfit,..a_s·EXECAD_ in9ompetent. :. · ·'
· ·.(D~ LEON.&.. WILWAY~Q, 8~}-.'. ·.. supra ai ,:he authority Deoed~nt dies
t ·. issued by' ..thef intestate; or . :.
f:. Requirement's for an EXECAD:. : ; .
,court'. to .. a The.\-iili- is void
·~·Z'•. ·1.·./i.tlea·st.'1-8:yearsoJd; ·_.·· , , ..
com.peterit . • · or... ·is . · not
>,!1. ·2. · .A resii;lent of the-.Philippin~s; and ' . :· ,
~ ·. 3. The'..Court d13ems ~uc;h·pers_on·as fl((De LEON .perso'n . . .to .admitted . : to .
?, &_:WILW~yCO, supr.fi.at 87): · ·· ; administer ·the protiate. · · ·
};.. •' '• • I • • .: ._ estate' .of .. tlie .
, . sEcT10N2. exi:cutaR·oF ·execu·ToR NOT To d~cease'd who
~-- ADMINISTERE~TATE. '·' . ·· .... : ·f . _;,: , died ·· fntestate
·' ·or with v·oid
~' The executor. of an .execl!tOr shan'not', 'as .such, will.~
ft · . administer the. estate · of ·the first'. testator_ (ROC,
._ (O,ELEON &'WILWAYQO:_supra at f}O).
f· RULE 78, Sec. 2): .. · . · · ·. .' .
· The cirde;. of tt:ie court admitting .tl;re wH'i to pr~bate
i•,..· . In thii .~,t~atii,,~ •. the,: c~·urt .. rriay .appoint. an· may be. ~pJ:ieale<;l. by the party aggrieved "by, the
~ . administrator de· bonisrion (Latin - of .. good.s·not decision. (ROc;:·RULE 109, Sec.1) . .In s(i'ch case,
i'.:. administered) as . the :new. a_dminJstrator l3fter the lhe ;court. giust 'still issue-'the ietters testair1entarx to ·
tr. death· of an executor. who ·was ·not ·able to settle :tlie
f' . estat~. of the 'first decedent during· .·his lifetime
the . petson n_am.ed · as · ~xe·cutor. · (DE LEON. ~
WILWA.YCO,supra at 90)'.' · .


------------· -·· ·-···

MEMORY Alf) ~01.9 .•

. .. . .. ·· ::~
SECTION ·s.· · WH.ER6 · SOME CO·E.XECUTORS. Ange/fts-Mag/~ya, G.R. No. 153798, S~f!lember.2,.":5:-f
DISQUALIFI_E.D, OTHER~'MAY ACT . _2005); . . ........ '{

When all'ofthe°-executors·na~ed in a.will cannot act'. · . P~efer~·rice of s·urviving Spouse not Abso)ute: .· : :t
beca'us.eo{.in~ompetency'refusal -~o accept-the t~st, Preference'is not absolute if.there are ·otherre·asbns .. ?::
or failure to give bond on the pa"ij of one -or' m.or.e of justifying the appolntmsnt 'of an ·a<;lmiriistc~tor:·9ther '};"
· them, letters testamentary may iSS!,le to such bf them ... · than the surviving spouse.. Jf the lnterest lnthe estate ·.:Z,-.
i3s are c::pnipetent", accept; arid gi~e :bond an<;J may is what principally determines the. preference In the.':·{:
perform the duties and discJ:1arge .the trust requi_red- appolntment.ot an administrator pf the estate o.f a>J~,
py_the will.. .. · · · · . · ·.· ·.-. · · · .. · .' ." deceased person, andlf, under the clroumstances or;\ ..
each case, it develops that there is another W.ho has.---~\
sEct1o'N 6.WHEN ANo·:i"o WHOM ·LETTERS OF ~ more· interest therein than the survtvinqspouse, the .-f .
_J\.qMINISTRATIONGRANTED .. · . . preference established in the latter's favor falls to the·/~?
· ground (Guzman. v. Umcolir;,ci' G:"R. No. L-46320:\ ~
.iettei'i q{Admi11l::;tr,pji9h-rnay__ be qra.nt~ci wbe.n .· · .October 5; 1939). · · · ·· · · ·· : ·· . · _.· }
(NJRBI): :<: . . :· · ,· . .: . ':, ·.: · . -·. ':'. ,. · . . . . ·:i
1. · ·No'executor ls named -in, the wi_ll; or . ·· · 2. · frincip~I Creditors . · · · . · S
JR: . ~:. u-1• J\ ,\f. g-~!t1:
2. The executororexecuters:... ·. · ··. ·. '. ' H'the surviving. SP.OtiSe pr. the-next ofklrrot-tha
a. are· f nc_?,mpeter,t; 'or , : : . . . . .:.~.=~·ers_o:.1 seiec_ted . by ~hem I:>~ )n~o~petent. or J\
· . b. -, R~f1,1se the trust; or .. . . . ,-,::;::~ J:,i.n"'t!\~ngto serve,·Of-"/f the. surviving spouse or."*·
c ..· fall to ~iye §.ond;·or . · · . m}Xl neqlscts f~t 30 days· after the death ::•
3. The decedent ·~Jed_ [ntestate (Rde:;,_Rf/lJ.f=,!f/}.,;,,.,e==~ oJ th11?~ge~~ent to. applY: .f9r adO'li~istration· 'by _:;~
v.J'.. -;.- . . 6~
~.,h~VOr tl:l'eif.'l_('IOi:ninee,anY. one or mor~ P.f the :-i.
t ~. , '" -. . _ · ··'
Sec, 6). · ·. . · ,?...~- ·
. . · ·. , · ·' : .· . . · ii'A1· ..'..t-·J ,.,L-r ....-~=--.,_,,,orinci1;:i~1~rJ ·k1rs, if com~tent ·snd willing' to .)
r· ·,. · · · ·. · ·
"'}r" se~e; ~ •..,. , , . _. : . . . · .... · : · ·· · . .: ·t·
· . ·1~,.
Vff :tf'::~
Order · of ._-preference in. ·fd~i'i)lng,7_ ...e\lers. g.t; · ...
Admlilistratiori: (SPA). !· »:,'7,J' · I _. w · fit. L&._ · \ · \
· ·· · · .Jr If .. t. , . ::5l.i Ho~ver, \e~l{Qt·of. s1,1_ch persons..to apply for -~-1
1- Survivii'l~ ~pot1se or. next~}{-ink>r. -~~ir~nortnn~'l!l: · ·~:~~ffe\Sad~t(i'l~t_s~/a!lfor 30 ~·ay~ after·.d.ecjth is . ~?
!he SUrvlVIOQ _h~sban~ &fl Wlf~ ~r·Jne n;xt.oi}t{p77\ t::-'"'.'.li!~;·fiot fuffic1eff to .etclude_ th~ WldOW .fr.om. the .. ~·,
or both.in the di.screlio~o(}h~~C~l:lrt, o~fo •.suo~;~@c-1 adrqinistratiQn~of·~uae estat~ 9f her hµsband. ·.· .:'
person· as such survivi(\g~?-~~e.o~i(~ of .kin, ~~Jl~;~st;l)e·a ~tron~_<;:ase· .to ~~:'tify·!lie: J~. .::a !.
.. ?J
re.q_.uests 10 h_ave· appoi~tectitl~o~.,eJe~an ira f :!!). e),"c)~~J)n fhfl<>Wt.~o~ifrorn .·t~e adm1rnstr.at11;m--.'),
.. - ~:
w1lhnil to serve.
.- .· Ui . · ~,J~K'\ r'Jifr 4..r,-j.,.:;,/.3/(t;lf=RRltRA;'!iupraat {)4). ·
f. ~<.f> ~~<lli, .. :i,,.,;7)'\~.I. J. . . . .
. /'" !.
·: R~ason·: Su~iving spouse. is \ot·.ciniy\~pa~~~"'" '"". ·-. (ang~_f,s/(yly qualified f\pplicant.: · · , . · . · ··,j ·
the ._coojuga! ·partners~ip bl!~ 1~ ~lso_. "a~~~~ll::.l"\o?f\J-.J tht;i:-e is.no·_s'feh cr.~_ditor·coi:np~te·ntaQd willing 1:
deceased (:De Guzman v. Umcohoc, .GIJ. :~~ . • . .t.9,ser:,1~,._,trjiy be gr(;lnted to·such·other person -;!':.
46320, Of~ober 5, 1_939). · ~~ ~( J;/f';;">.:,,,..,.;........:u=-~~
as(tbe~~g0'rt-may· .s~lectJstrange~).·.even if it.: /j\
· . · .,. , . . . ~·~ V /.: .· 1\.: ,;r /~ t8)?~e\J:s,"fhc!ttti~re.ate other competent P,ersons: ii
:The· preference'f9r the· surviving spo1.ise.~S.kfmes )Jh•. 1.. ~lJ.a'l'thg better rig'ht to the adniinistration."lf the :!!-
. Jnat"the marriage to .. ths · dec_edent Is· valid. 1t1i,1i~.....,.-""""'"-=-1atier fail tq :appear"when:notified. and cli;ih'rdhe· 0
marriage· . between· the . suiyiying· :SpOiJSe .' and . . issuance of letter themselves. . . . . . '\
decedent i$. voidable, : it. does .. not·. aff~ct. uw .. . : . .)'
'·preference for '.the.· s~rviying. ~potise: Wh.ere· the · Basis ·for the:·preferentic,1f right:'.Th~ ·under,~ng ·:':~
marriage is. void, the !'s.urviving. spbuse"·canriot be assum.piion is tt:iat thcise wh.o will n:~ap t~s-,ber.iefits·,·
· prefe'rre·~,~ioce". the . v~ry b.asis: for tt,e: preferet1ce .of -~-~is~i-. ·speecfy; at:id· economic·a1adtni_nistratloriQ.f ..
(i.e.,· the 'ITlc!rital union) is :.abseh.t (DI; L,J;ON. & . the estat_e· or. "qn· 'the . cfther ha.nd, ··suff13r the.. , .
WILWA 'tCO, s_upra:~t 94). . . ' . . · cqn_sequ~nces ·9t . .waste, ··. ·ii:nprovidence·, . · o/. ;f.
· .. .. . · mismanagement,:haye-1he tiigher interest ·and m9st. .s
Nex(of kl_n· ~r~- tho~e p.e~s~ns wno ·are· enti\leci°. t_>y'· influential··motive. to administ~r th~.. e.state correctly ·.;"f
law to receive th\')" · d.ecedent's -prop~rty . (~ . (Gon"zales·v .. Aguinald<J, (;;.R. No. ·14769; -Septemb.er :.'.f
REGAlAQO, supra at 46; Ventura v.~.Ventura, 'G.R. 28 -1990). · ·, ·' ·• ' . · ·. -~
No .. L-2p~06,. lfpril 27, /988).. : · · · '· _ . · . ·.. .... ··: · :t
. . Rule on.Setting Aside .the .Order of f>reference· ·./
Note: In resolving the issq~ of whether.-an applicant
for the letters .of ac;lmioistration .is a- next of kin or· an
h.ei( Of the decedent,. the ·probat~ -court perforce ·has.
..Gener.al Rule:. A prot_)ate· court canriot arbitrarily ai:id );
without sufficient reason ·disr.egard_-tlie. prefer~ntial_-
-rights of the SUrvivin!;l" Spo\,JSe (0 the· administration
to .detE'!rmirie the issue· of filiation. A separate action -of.. the estate· of the dec~ased spouse.. (Uy v.. CA; ·:}
·will only re"su_lt · in ·multiplicity of suits _(Angeles v. G.R. No. 167979, March 16, ·2Q06r. : }
" «~~I
. \~



Expeption: If the person ·e_nJoying,suc.h preferential administered in the · ·riature . of ·assets o( the·
- rights is· unsuitable, the.court may appoint another deceased l,iable f9r his' indi:vi~t~al debts or· to be·
person which would rest to the soundjudqrnent, of - .' d_istributed a·mohg his. lleirs (Testate Estate of
the CQU~, -Unsuitabtenese Q1ai .c~osi~t iri" adverse . . . Perkins v. Benguet Consolidafed,· Jnc., G.R. No.' L-
interest of soma kind or hostility to these immediately ·· 23145,.Nove'n-fber 29, 1968)°:"·=
:interested in the estate (Uy v. CA-,. G.R.. No_. 167979,
Ma"rch 16;. 2006). . . R~ason for tile e~c~p"ti~n: It is-oft~rr nece;sary t6
have more. than one. administi-atior:i 'of ar:i. estate..
Nofe: The <order ~t · ·appoin(ment of." :regt,1lar When ·a ·person dieS,intestah~ owning property in the.
· .adm[nfatrator is flnaland appealable. "CQuntr"y of his· _domjcile ~~ welf.. as: in· a·. foreign
country, :adm_inistraticm. "is . had in. both_ countries
o'~ty of Ct.>urt
·in' an Applic~tion. for Letters of . .(TestateE,state.of Perkinsv::Beriguet Consolidated;
. .Adn'lini_Stration ,ln_v'oking Preference of . (nc., G.R_ .. No. L-_231'1-5, ;Ncwember29, 1968);.
Appolntrnent · . · . ., . .
The court shall pass. ftrst on tlie truth of· thelr . Note:· Principal · Admi'nis(ration -~_'.that. Which is
respective -claims : of. relationshlp -to be able to ·granted inthe jurisdiction of decedent's lastdomicile.
. appoint an. adrriinistrator in. accordance with the : . Whereas, Ancillary·_ Administration '_. 'A.nY either.
order_ot..p_refere,:i_ce.esta!Jli_shed.byIaw. administra_tion.(TestateEstate .of Perk.iris v.Benguet ·
_ Appointjru~nt"of_Co~ad.~i.nistrators . . . '·. · : Con.so/idat~d/fnc.,q.:R. No: L~t31"45,Nove:mher 29", .
. Co-adrnlnlstrators may ·?e appo/~ted fo_r the ~en_e~t:-~,. ·1 68)·_. . . . .
otthe.estate and ;those mterested therein (Matutp}M-,1i-".-' \ . .-
?.. . · ... : · · : . .
. . . . . . .· .. : '. . ,
:· . . · · , .
CA ·GR No 2675"1 January 31" ·1969) t i·.l}:ir~ Note ...A party indebted· to the decedents estate
. ', ·.. ' : ::· · '. · : ' · · ·, · · [X:·::!;;i!_;\ cannot . cempatibly perform thec-dutles . of . an
. 'Under bq~h. P_hliipprn~ and 'Am,.E?;j~ah .jurlsprudeti'bf'~~;;:::miffr9.~riisfr~~r-~.~rid ·shc;iu'ld not b~ appointed as. ~:uch .

the appomtm.erit". of co adm_ini_stt~tors · has,<6ee,l;i; \i)\1;:.....JLf.!{l~:o'l_rQ1?JhM1flar~,?'
0 ; ·Ny t-17633, .Octob.e: 19,
upheld for vc;1nou_:ii.f.easons, t9w1t . . . ,// -, . ;-_· 1,1 . 1966)..'W·h~.~f; :'l:lch 'fact ·of mdebtedn~s~ V'{a~ only.
1 •. To hav~ the ~enefit· bf their ~i:i~9f!l.ran_t an.11\7.;'.:'I subsequ~.n~~4~coyerectaft~rtt:ie admm1s~rato~.had
. ,' .: ·perh.aps ~t all till,'I.es _t_o 'have··differ,~_ti_._~_t~r,e~Js~.C~_- be_1:m du_lY)~· P~:}rJ_te?,: he__.· sh~ul~ nol·.~e r~m~.v~d;
. · '"repre,sent.~d; · · . . :. . --;,;.~!:?. r~,t'i,," · . ,.:_k;.{ . ab~ent.. j_nY . o ,..er lawful·. g_rel)nd .. (Daftsay V, .
.. 2.. Wh7rejust!~e a~q ~quit~·~:tr:ffund~f\{op'_P6sin~ 'h\\ .
C{)nsol~pron,h~-- \\No. L,.~447Q.2,_ "'uly30, 1_~_79).. . ..
. . parties ·or. factions· be(~representeo 1n tl)e . ~-·~'!. l kS- · · . · ·, ·. ·
.of ·
:,..-, •.,.:.,..' ~...~_.r._·?,.,'-- -- ...........-- ........
managen)ent tlie eiitate~i:if tt'le'd~'de~'sed~::\.·. · \;,ti . _ ......~-~
· 3; · When.lhe.-ei,tat~ is_large, _in'frJ~~te.-r-_~er)f~rplexirtij
one to settle; .. . . . .· . ,,:.'.:::::!.,. '-.\
. ·11
jt -. !¢:
m· ,. :.
.. 1~··-·
~~!~~~~R-_. .-· . · ,
. .. ULE 79·
4.· To t:i.ave all tf")e _interested· P~fSO~~"sati~~f:dand: . i:,tr'1
i:~1...,.9P)?O,SjNG.·IS$UA,NC$·OF .·
. the r~pr.esentat,vE:s -to work- ~n.har.morf.y for)h~,,,.,..J'::{;:'. r:>: ·',T;.f~~KRS ·TE.8··TAMENTA-RY·:
best interests of the estate· and · yo/ · : ,.-:, : :,::::c::-,~ """ ..ltl'!l:.;.,.:v..,~.·-:

· ·. . . · . .. . . , . • .
· 5: · When\1 person entitled to• t~e aditjfn.~treftroX of. .PE '.f ITI <:)N .AND ·.CONT:E:s T F·o R.
· · a~ estate dE)~jres t~ ,ha~e·._anothe1~troliet~nt_. . : LETTERS O'F . .
· persor:i <1ssoc1ated with him in the office (Suntay _ A. · : .·. · _.:_ · ·
111· :v. Cojuangco~suntay,: G.R. No;__ 183053;·_ · Dl\il;NlSTM'f.ION
,6ctoper·10,.2012J~ · ·· · ·
Scope a·d...imits of Admin.l$tr~tion. . sect10N_1~ OPPc>s1r10~ · TO. ·.1ssu.A~CE.; 9F ·
··General Rule: Admi.ni~tration extends only to the LETTERS: TESTAMENTARY,- SIMULTANEOUS
ass~ts., Q( a . decedent fourd within ~e · stater or . . .. PET.IT-ION FOR AD.MINIStRATION:. . .
·.{ .
country . .where . jt ·=w~s 'griinted,. SO. tttat an"
. ad.rriinistra~br appointed ill __ on_e·· state or country has The rhain issue .is the determination .of the person .
· no power . over the . property ih a.not.her ·state or ,who ·is , ·dghtfully · .ent_itled tp ·. 'administr.atiori (2.
country (Leon V, Manufacturers Liff] fn_suramie Co., · ALBAf'.!O, supra ·at.·:)6} . : . · .
G.R: No: L-.367,7,· November 29; 1951 ) .. · A grant of
. administ~ation does not ex,pr-oprio .Jigore{'By its owh
Any perso~ inte;~st~d ir)- ttie ~ii(. may
.st.atein. :W~itihg .
the grounds why letters. testamentary should not
force or vigqr") have any. effect beyond the !imits of
issu~ to the- person.s named therein a·s·exe.ct,Jtorsor
; the;ca·untry:in which.it is granted (Testate· Estate of
any of thern,-:and the court, after hl,'laririg upon notice,
.Perkins Benguet Consolidated, ln<;f.; GR. No. L- shall pa~s upon·the .suffic,iency _of such grounqs.
23145, November 29, 19(58), · · : · ., · ..
A p~tjtipn. may. be .accompanied by a Petition f~r the
·Exception·!· The ancillary administration is p~oper, issuance of. letters of administration with the :will :'
.when·ever a .person dies, 1.eaving in a' country other annexed. (ROC,_RULE 79·sec. 1).. . . .
than th~t of. 'his 'last· :domicile,. property to be


r ,

.. .
Mean.ing ,of tnterestad, Person . NQte: No defect in the petltlon.shall.render void the
An interested party is one· who would be benefited· . issuance of th~_ letters of adrnlriistratlon. . ::
by the estate, such as an. heir, or onewho has a
. claim ·cigains't the estate, such as a creditor. Th·e· ·. ·· 3:

interest must be material and direct,·and not merely . :

indirect or contingent. (San Luis v: sen. Luis, G.R. . · ·. . · . .
No. 133743, February6, 2007)._ .. ·, · ·
.. . ·: . : . .
· · D,uty of Court ~fter _the Filil'_l,9 of aPetltlon for the :~
. .. ,. ·: _. - l· .~

\ . . · Issuance of Letters ofAdmlnistratfon ·.· · ';i;.

. In- order. to be a party, a. person must' have material . . The court shall: ,· ·.' '. ·· ·· : . . . .;t
and direct, and not one that" [s only indirect· 'or . . '1_. .Ffx the time and place for hearing; and · . · · ' ;:. ·il;
. contingent interest (San Luis v, San tvis,:.G,f?; No:, ?,. · Cause notice. bf such· time. and ·place. to be' ·.}:
· 1337 43, February·6, 2007).· . · c; • published 3}" weekssuccesslvely to be giv.en to- . J
the. 'known. heirs and creditors of.·the decedent · ; .
. The rule. does. not require. 'that ,ttie- cppositor be .. · ·· ..... and. to- any other persons beliE;!yeci to h_ave ·. t
qualifled-as administrator. Aperson mayopposetbe .· : interest 'in the estate (ROG, RULE 79.Sed. 3;' · j
pefitio.nfor probate y,,~thouf sirnutterieousty ·s~·~kirig . . .. : · ·.Rl!,_LE 76.' Sec. 3)·: · : ·· ·. --:_· . ·. . · · ··· · .. · . . '
· . appointment · as . administrator .. (DE -'LEON ,~. _. . . .. · · · ·,. .. . .~;,
WIJ,.WAYGO,supre' at 97J -, ·. · · : ·. ·. · . -Publlcatlon and Notl~e is Jurisdlcti~fnal· _:·. · . · · ·.i
~.,..,.....,.:..:_:""'e._gblicationand. notice .throuqh publicatlon · of tile .1
;T .Y
. • . · • •• • . • • · • • • · ·: •• .. , 'v , •

... C()mmon··,aw wife is sUIF eonsldered_ an .~Qier~st~d :[· 'l'?.etw~n.,?Jor. t'1e _-s_e,ttle~e~t)i>f_the. :estatf ,of a
party b·ecause·o~_Art. 144 NC9 and Art:,:>'1,tf~F.<f:{$an: ~-- -ft~9eaJ:~i"p~son1s jun~_d1c~onal.·(De. _Guzmq_n· v: .,·4~
. · . Luis ys'. $an Luis, G.R. Np. ·13374~,ire/[2,e_<!J)~:.. . .~g_e.J..e~,f!)i?':W.9 .. 7859_9.-Jvne 2p, 1988). Where no .~ l
· . · . . . . · -: . ii'/'. V/~- · .· notice,;a,s--'i'~qyi·~:tt.bythis section has, been g_iven tq · %
Mino( ~an.Oppose Appointn;,r{~j_L":.~~.,.~-"'"'!Jer.s{).~b~~,.:>Ji.~ ...h~ve.an int~re~t in_ the es~te_.of · 1
An ~-~ir.wh.? is a minor c~n opg~~~it.~~app~fntme@t if ·-~e · d~ieas~~~~n.!..·~e··. p~oceeding. for-· t~e \~
of h1s drunkard· brotper·as1,admlR.t9Jrc;1Jor/of their ~ .:Settl~mert ol\ ..tfie,estate IS .vo1d _and should. tie .. /J'i
panmt's ~state. In ·s~ch Ca'-0 ..:.~ef• thejmi~ 1~1r-an~~~! .Wfi\llCfJ,~sehtlal. to tJ:>.•: yalldity of an · ,~
.c;l1squahfied ~s,adm1mstrato~l~~..J?'FvensfP,rffi~. 11 .~m.1!11sf~at10~ .~roc~~ptng.-1s.tbe pu~h_ca,t1on of_ the'.-,~
. @ntest _the app_bintment'of~ail'4A~ .. pet_e~t p.er-s~~~Jfe~ of~ea!_in£W~na,t~e~~nding_-of r:io~ice~ .thJ:lr~of __ ;
· ~Id.).. . .. · .· . -U,,?t-sl .· .i . . ~__:.--1. · : an~m>Vf1,he1_rs l1clf19=1rwd_1tors.o~ _t~e. de~c~n_d,;1ntl? .. )'.·
. . ¥. ~l ~[\~ _,,_:::7-'............_(Eus~~blC~-D
SECTION. 2. CONTEN!S e_J; ((\\
LEJTERS OF ADMINISTRA~l0N1' ~,;:. ._~A . · Jttl._. 1t:·lf}y'
!;::'ET1i~tJ~~~~ 'l
I r-;7fifo~)/
0 £) ·
l'°/,o:;;,- · !
V.a'!Pores.r.G.R. N_Q.·.l.;_7019,.May 31, .. :-:,
!{. . .
, .· . ·
. . ·
, · ·.
. · . . . i'
. .· . t
..(JNVL) ·. .. '\·: .. ~~' · ,~tp {ft:fil ""Z~~)O --4 ...ffOPf:'? fflO"! .TO. ~ETITI.ON FOR ~\
. . . \ . . . .",. -~~~JN)STru\TIO.~ .· .• ·f
1. ~he Jurisdictional facts -(D\9) · .::'. · · .. -S'01 ·~\.~~ ·,// ·.. ·.,I··: ;: :.. . · · . . . .. - · ... · ·.::
· a.. T~e· Qe~th ·of-th_~ test~tar;_'~ : .. 7. .:· t·
._.El\i l~f!~li!E:,re~~,..,..Pe~son· · ma'.t'. .l?,y. filin9: -~ ._written .• ~
. b. H 1s ~es1derice at. the time of~~-d~~e,."~"'--=~~P"\~tt1~?' contest µ,e: pietlt1bn·_ (RPG,. RULE 79,· :j
· province where;~he probqte.C.O~i;f;(S~S)~tng or. 'y{ /§€/'t..Jt)t--·~p~ . . . ·. . · . . . . . . :·- . . :·),
· i( he is an inhab!tant of;a for~igr;i c~tEY,,;.._~i~ I ~$;:.,.r. .. : ·. ·. . ·.- · · · · 1:
having left his gstate in such province (Vcla~~Grouhdsfor Opposition: . . . :- . .f
DeMan.'afov.· CA. G.~- No. 129242, January .· · ·1. lncompetencY-of the person'for..wh9n'llet.t.Eirsare . ..;J.
16, 2001). .• . · prayed: or . . . . . . :' · . . . · ··..
· · 2. · Contestant;_s own. right:.to· ·the administra~ion·/f!
'No.ta: Th_e. allegation that ·i::1 petitii;,ner seekihg· (R.OG, fjWLE.79,,Sec._4.t .. : ·. · . ·. . ·. :)1
. · letters administration is an· inter'esfed. p·er.s"ah · . . . . . ,·. : . : • ·· . · · • ·., . ·· ,· . · .;..,
· does not fall · within· . the eriumei:ation . of Such-:perscin may ·pr;;1y .that letters issue to himself, : J
.· jurisdictional ·tac.ts. Thus, a motion to ·i.'J[smis$ or .to -any:cqm.petent pets.on or person. ri'ar:ned.in the ~'
m~iy lie not on the basis ·of.Jack·of(junsdicti<;m-on opposition. (ROG;--RULE. 7-9,:Sec. 4).. ·- · ·. :·.}:
the part of the. court, but on the g(.Ound of-Ja{~-Of · ·. ·. . . ·. . .· J
· legal capacity .to institute_ the p(oceedings (3A~ SEC.TION. 5. . .· HEARll'IG AND·.· tiRDElf FOR \r
HER~ERA,.supra at 90).- !,.ETTERS TO.l~SUE. ·. . ..... -,, · · . ,t
. .. .. . . . . . '. . . . .. . . . . . . . . - . . . , . -~3:
2. ·Ttie
N_anies, ages, residences of heirs and the· 1;3.efore Letters of. Administ~ation. m~y be· issued, it.:~~
nafr1es and ages Qf tfle creditors·; . . .· . . ' . ·. ·must first be shoWn- that: . · . . · . . ·. . .. · · _- · -, · Jo
3. The .probable ~alu·e and character of t_he estate; . 1. . Notic~ as required'in Se~. 3 ·was given_; and. .. ;·
and ·
4 .. Tl:le n·ame ·of the pers9n for whom ,betters are
prayed for. · ·
2. The -decedent ·reft n·o. will or. there.. is no :.{
... competent and yiillrng ·axecl)tor. '-· ·r.



·SECTION. 6. ,WHEN · LETTERS OF . Not~: Unless emergency situations threateni~g ttie

ADMINISTRATION'• . ,GRANTED' : ANY ro disstpailonof the assets of anestate are present; a
'APP~ICANT .. . . · · ·: ... speclal.admlnlstrator rrtay not be .appolnted without
. ... . complying· with 'the notice requirement under Rule .
: Letters may be···gra~t~d: to':a~y ·~ua.lified applicant 76,. Se<;:tions 3 and 4 (Qe 'tsuzmen'v. Angeles, .G.R. '.
even if' it. appears that .lhere are other competent No. 7.8590, 'June 20, 1~.88). ·. . - ·. . ·. ·
• t: .•
persons having better right tothe admlnlstratlon.tt
-,the latter fail ta ctalm 1thefOettersWhen ·notified by Not~: lh tti.e'second·in~tal')ce, the a:cimini~tr.atof shan .
the court ':(ROC, RULE 7<;1,:-$ec, 6) .. · have the same powers. as that of -a general .
.administrator but only insofar as the claim ·cif the· .
executor is' concerned. .. . ·
(?r.der of'App.ointin.ert-·.(Discr~tjon~ry). . .·. ·. · .
. . ·R.ULE .. 8 O· . · ·: · . The prefer¢nc~ accorded by Sec. 6:of RLil!:i 7~ of the
-Sl.>"EC.IAL' ADMlNISTRA'l'bR. ·:. Rules :ot Courtto a·syrvi.vfog· spouse refers to'the·
.· · · · · . · .. ',., appointment of a regular administrator, r\i:>t tothat ~f
. . ... special J;~drni~i.strator, and that the order appointir;ig .
·SECT·iON"' ·.1. ;APP01N.T,MENT ·.OF.·, SPECl~l:. the tatter, lies: ..within .tl)e dfscre~t>n·:.of the probate -, ,.
AOMINISTRATO.ff ··' · ... court, and is.n9_t appealabte (Pijuan v, De Burres,·
.. ·. . : . . . . . . .. . . . . . G_:R:_.No.. L-?1P17,.,N0vemb.~r 29, .1.9.o.6). ; ·... ·. · .;"
Natu'ie of .a Special Administrator . · •·. . · ;"':'). · : . · ~. · · · , . · ·. · . · . ·· .'. . • . · ·
. t .: A representa.tlve·o.fthepecedenfappbinted-1?(/{f ·_ ReC{ui.reme.rit . .of .. Notice -: an(:!:.. P!,ibHc'ation ...
··th~ -pro~~!e . co~rt to :c:are·:fo'r ·arid p(~se~1 ;,;1il:';'.,';}~. l.ndisP.e~~~ble . . . . . :, . : : · .· . · · · · ..
estate 1:1nt1l i3n-executor or general admlrnstt~t0r':·.~;,) . In.. tt'i.e c.as~ of Df/J. ·Guzmfl_n v. Angeles (G.R. No. .
· js · ap~ointed .'(F4le v: · G,'.',· .G.R. Nci. L-4.o~j;i~;_;;:,\i,r. .;lfl.-~,f.9; JunJ;~o;.1.98.E!), th~ Sup,reme Qourt r.ul~d ~ha.t ·
: Novemb'ei29, 19.76); . . ·. · . · ;;:y :t;f,1t~~~:;n.Qti'c$-_..,p.u('s~J.int .to .Section. 3, .Rule 79 ·is" a
. 2. · The ·sp~cial adminislrator is !'l<>t ..~Q·,:'9'Efnt or,? {l · j,urfs'ai·~uon!3f;~~g'yire~enfeven in the app9int~.ent'of
representativ~ o.f !Jle ~c;t,r!ie.s.stf~ge.~ti~g .!h:~'!·:-.;::~ 1• • ? sp~c1a!.a~f\1~1strator.(3A-HE~K'.,£R.1\ supra ~t 96)..
. a~~.oJntment. :The. prm~1pal: ~i~·O:fl
appoin~me_nt .of.:a,tempo.rary.a9-l9.1fii~fr,~.t~'f"1stp ·
ofA tger. r!;}... '· _" .'If ii ..\ .. . . . . . - ·. · . . . . .
R~m.edy/Agrm,t:t~e: Appointment ·of .. SpeC:i~I
·: pre~erve the..~state until:it:5:~ttss tciJhe,,lland~i. !i1..i .Admlni~tra.t9r . i .. · · .. , . .. . · . ·
. cif a p~~s~n· fully ~utbori:,i:1~,,J.o:adffi:!.r.ii!jter it.fat~· i·,~. Ttie. ~nly r:iT_~~!~~g~ln~t.t~':l· ~PP,Omtr-nent of ·a .
the benefit of c_reclitors ~p tffilf~,...{:0.fRmpe.sv.. · Jl ·. speq!~l~~l~~tr.al0J11s·.
9ert10ra~, un~f/r. Ru.le 65.·
_qc~f!lPO, G.~ .. No.· 1-8~879;.'. /;_Uft·9l?f.J.-1,9); . r-·~). \/J .C~rt,ora,,:1·,~rffi~~er;-require~ no~~1ng .less.th.a~gr~ve
3:. . He 1~ an. offr~~r·of ~lie CQ.!JFf'W~$.'S.ubjec.tJo . t, · a[?:use of discretion ~f the court m. q,ue.s.t1on (r:~n·.v.
)Js super.vision.ifri'd ·conkol,·expeilcteo.t.oM6rk'.for.
. t ,. t .. t .. f th . ' j,I>, ·J ;.: ..• J
hi-. _.,J~~.t:Jorio,./.f.~ G.R. No. 166520, fyfarch f4, w.o.8). ·.'.. · . , ·
1 ·, ,.)/( I . .. " ·
. e be~ 1~ ere~ s o .. e entii:9.i:lst_~,t,~,;J~$'pec1al~_,.1i·:f~>'-J(~!~""· . . · ,· ·. •. ·. .. ·· ,.'; 1:: . . . . ·
1~ smqpth adrnmlstr~tr~n ancf earll~.~J settlJ.rff'fnt:-~~""."-~-H0~ev~r'i1t'h~re n:i~st. bE: a. Tempo:ary. Restr.a,~,~~ . .., .
(Valarao v. Pascual, ·t3.f:?. No, 50.16,~ ryo,veh:t_,ber . Or.d~r: o~ lFJJunctiori ·,O~d~.r .. to s!op ,t~~ ~p~c1at
26~ 2002). . . . . . . . .x~~'!~S · : ,
. · _Adm1111strc;1tor. from assammg ·the '·poS\tlpn (ROG, .
· · . ·. ...... .·. RULE 65, Ber;;.· 7). . ·: . · ·: . . ..
Effec~ .of·. :the.:,App.ointme·nt· of .:'a .·Speci.al ..
.. ·.. Administrafor· · . ': .... ,.··~. · '. ·. · · ·. Not~:·· Qotirts · may ~ppoint '. or ·remove ·special ..
. i~ rnean's:or'im.plles a·deni~rot'the po'w.er to·ap·p~int .'. . .· . adrpirjistrato.rs 'based on. grourds. either th.an those .
. a regtitar administrato·r during tne·j:)eri'dency of the . .-. ·ent.i'rner~~ed ib .,·the. Rufos, at th'eit· dis.cretion. (2 .
appeal (DeLa. Cavada.v. Butte,'G.R ....f.Jos. L-660t'- . REGALADO, sup'ia.at45).
. . . . . , •.: '
. · . · ·.
02, Dece,rnber 2~; 1956): · ... : .,
. . . . ... . :,~
. . .. ·
·No.te: A ~pecial.~d~ltris:tf~tq}is.~~·p,ointed :o~ly to/a ·:
'A Speciai' Administrator ·.shall' be ·App?inted - ... lirryite.d time and for ~ specific, p:~rpose.. N·aturally,' · · ·
When: · ·.·. · ··; ..,. ,. · ·· ' · · · because of th.e temporary and special ·cha'ra'cter·of.
·1. '-riiare is clila'y in gra'nting let.ters testamentary or his · apP9intment;· it wa~ ct:eeme.d. · by ·u,e law: not·
of adminisfratJon :·by' at1y 'cause., including an. ad~i.sat:>Je for ... a~y ... ()'afiy., .to·· ?ppeal. (~o.tn $aid .
i:i'ppea(from. thfiJ altowar:ice ·of disaltqwarice· bf. a. temporary appointrn~nt (De Borja. v .. · T.ai'I; G.R,. No..
will (Roe; RULE-BO/ Sec: 1); or . · ." · t..-q476, Noyemb.er:1.8; 1955). ·
· 2.. TM executorcir administrafofis a claimant of the·
~state he .repres!;3ot~. in' which case 'the special . :~oriiy : o~:e· ·.
Special .Adni1~ist~at6~: b.e· ·rriay .
administrator shall h~ve the· !\a.me power a.nc,f be Appointe·d.for iln Estate · · .' ·
su~ject to the same liability as, the general '· General° ~ule: tt: is _ncit'possible to .,;ippoint a specl.al .
. admlni~trator·qr. e.xecutor (ROG, .RULl=86; .sec. administrator for the conjuga.l. ~.state and another ..
.B). . .. one for:the estate ol the.deceased person, because
. only one s~cial adm.inistrator may be appointed •? .



admlnlster an estate temporarily·(Roxas v. Pecson, . 2. · To .fr~serve such goods-; chattels, ·. rigt,ts,

. G:R.· No. 2211, December, 29, 19-;IB)-. · · ... : credits, and estate ·of -the deceased for the
·. . . . ·-:
executor-or admlnlstrator afterwards. appointed;
. l;x~eption: If there· are tw~- fa.ctlbns-among the heirs 3. To. Commence· .. and maintain suits as
a11d the courtd~ems 1q,est to appoi,:it more than one. administratcir:'. · . . . . . . . ~,
·· spe.cial administrator,j\,JStil::e an'd eq.uity d.emand tl'!at 4. To·_eay suchdebts of the deceased ontyas. /i
- :. both factiori.s be represented in ttie rri'an?geme'nt -Of. ordered by the court; a·na : ·. . : . . . . ... -, . . ·::,..
· . the. estate of the .dec.eas.ed·, (Matias v. 'Gonzales, '. 's. · To '§ell only such perlshable and other property · · j
G. ~: No. ·13391, M;3y_ 25 1960):- . as the court orders sold. (RULE.S·OF COURi,
'Ru~e.80, -Sec. ·2).·. . ... ·: . ·· : . . ·
. Regular .Administrator v~. Sp~clal.. A'dmi~ls,tra~or.
86.od •of jhe··~pec!al. Admi'rilstratci,: -", . .. ·P
A · spec{al 'admlnlstrafor- before · entering upon the }~
·.duti~s ofhis trust shall giV!=' .bo_n.d, in Such sum as . :!!,
.; · the court directs (ROG; RUL,E iJ.1. ·;sec.,~).. · · ,q
.Finai : and .:·~ppealabie )nte~i.ocutory. and:· not ... · ... ·.·~ '··.
(Roe R.l)..LE 109 se'c · ·. ·eal bl (ROG RUL.E C9nditions of tt)e Bond · :at.:· .the Sp~cia 1

'1)· : '. : · ... '. · .· ~~~ s!c' ~ (~j) . '


.. . Administrator:JIVIAD) : · : .. · ,, . ., . ,,
• .

·. · · · ·•
• 8 • ' • •
. · . .
• •'
·· · · · ·
I" 1

-·>-: . . L
1' J J'\.7
·=d·:.: Make and return .a 'true· inventory cjf. tl')e goods, · ~
• ~~ •• ' •

·.Ch~elS, right~/ Credits,: . and': estate (?f th.e· · ..

d§ce~~ .·w.hich come to his possession or .. [~
, • ,. ·'I

=,.=.-... :.,
!\ · '\
QbJ1gated. to pay .. the Not habl.ett!<['P~Y.C:~~ _ ~{)·o~(eiJfi~', . . . . . : · . . .. ·.. '. : . ·'~
d~bts of _the est~te. d.ebts..~.ff'.ttie (y.e~sefa._. . -2~'><t-l"'J.tnc~g~for. ~.u.c~ as.:~l'.e r!:lceived 'by him ·,\
.(.ROG, RUL.£=.81, se.c. 1 unlesp.scf.ol:~r,91)'.J~-&-=~\V.Q.~~':'i~e<J:tzy the court; ·a.nd.. . .: · .

i': .
par..~).. · . . . · ·.· ·. _cou~'i.{FJ,Q;'t}.j#~I!.£!..!30,, '\· ~~·.Qe11vet~~t§.~i"g_e to. the pers~n. appqinted
. ·... · . . . Seg. l)1"\ ,,r · .P. · · JP . !~ .4~ !=XSC~t~.q'(to_s\l?h..9lher. persPfl.~.s may be _:-.
• , ~... ~\;-:,'\ · aut~~nzed\tt,fo.:c~tv~.th~m (R_Q~,·_-.F~UL~. 81, . :;:M
, t
'-!~.·. · ·. · .
i , . . ""'""Serl.'}). ' l:=>,,·. ""4 :\\l · . . · ·· .· .< .. . . . . . .

• . .. !J
T~ere. is no -exe<;:utor Jjpefe-i is d lay~~· 'fill · · ·:.. ·• j
named in the will; . · gra~~f:l,Q~ ·. . lettefr ~¢tion.sA[~ins! ttie,f P,~cial. Adminl.strator_·· . . . I
The · executor or- tis~~~.Qta.~-J,:or_~~:::;Ge~e.11 ~;MJe: .f.'!hil~,fspei~lal admi~istrator m·ay. I.
executors are:· a m11a1s[,et10 ~ ,. O'P, ??Ji 1 ~~om~e ~7ancy_:~~1~t~in.slJ.1~ u.l'!de~. s~c .. 2, he
. ·incompetenf .R [,,~ 80,~eJJ-1~~~":... .~ ":·!~~Jf ·9}3 SUji:I !>y'afcredlt~r for_th,e paYfi!ent of.·
· refuse the ·trust; or -~x ~utor.1s~a·cla·,~i'ht~ ill ~l_!;ie/,~t>ts.·pf)f.te.. deq/as~.d (Df!' ·Gala v.: Gonzales,
· fail.·to give·bqnd· . the ~·state ~OC, .. 11~ ~~~· Ljp.0289.i, '!y/arch: 26,.1.9~9). ·such· suit must ·
De~ederit- dies intes~ate 86, S~c.BJ. '" S('fpITT~'f.'~Pth2,'(appoipti:p~nt 9f.a regular-administrator (2 ·
(ROG, RUL~.78.Sec. 6), · .. ~.~ , ..: · ~;,_,..__-::!E::~..!-ff£Jfjft1!J:p@,;,p'!fr~ .. at 53). .'··.. . ·.· ;·. · . ·
. . , . _ '~)., ii "\:(\ ...... .R' . ,·.. . .. ' .
~·eP,\io6J.'1A .s~~cial ~dmini~tratoi:__may .be. rriade·.a

. Provid~d ·.by .the_.'i:ules, 'oisci'etlona~y 'on.,.~~~~:!~,...,...tld,~·;(t_in'.? suit against th.a. estate.'.l(h.ere:

i.e.:·· · court in the-selection.of .. ~1 .. ihecred1torwo.ul<;ls\Jffer.theadverse,effectsof'
. . : Nqt:a· miQQr; ~ .' the ... p·erson : to _·be . _ .th·e. ~~nrJing ·o.f t~e statu~e ·of lii)'litations ~gainst
Resi~ent . · of .. ' the· a1:1pointed, which .rrtl.ist_ them_.1f,th~ apJ?pln~eT)t ~s delayed_.(~nderson_v.
Philippines·; and · .. be·· sound,· that· is .riot , , · · Pe,-kms, ·~.R. _t:,1,9.: ~.-15388,·Janµary ~1, -1961);.
· Fi.t to ~xee1;1te the cMi~s· whfrrisical; ?r .co.ntrary to · .z..
The · mo,rtga9ee : :br!ngs.. An . ..i:1~~i~n · for· the
cit the. tru~t. (RbC, RULE;. .reason, j1,1stice,: or equify ... ,.for!='cl.osure.of ,the IYlpttga~e of .a prop!;)rty:ot the . ~
. 78;Sec: 1).' . ·, .,. . (Uy... v. Ca,. G:R· No. :estc;\te,'otherw1se,~_he·:verypuq:,ose·'.o.~~h1ch·the .:1
· · ·. · 167979, March:-· 16; · ..-'m_ortgag·e was . constituted· .will be. : cjefeated ,@
'··.. . · 2006): . (Lf.w.anag. V: CA, G.R. Nq. L-20735, Avgust 1.4,· .\,1
. ~$~ .,
'sECTION·2:. P.PWER~ A~[)·DUTIESOF sF1eC1AL. ·.. ·. ..·" . . ..
Tn~. sp~:~iai aoministrator also hat the c::lut~ to s~tm~it. ·~;~

ADMINISTRATOR' : · · ·· ·· ·
·.· . :.'an )nver.itory ~nd .f? ·r,ender .an .accounting of his . ·-~
· A speci91.administrator has the following powers'and . a'dministra.tion as required by. the ter,:ns of his bond ~~
duti.e$·(PoP-CoPS): · .. ·..... · _ · ... · _ (ROG, .Rule 81, Se.c.. 4). , . . · _· .. -. . · ,j
1. To take.f!?ssession and·charge ,of the. g90ds,'
chattels, ri.ghts, ·credits,· and .estate. of. the·


·•i eeeeeaw ,
if; bf&;;aa . . ... . . !¥1897* iENSMH

· SEOTIOt:J . 3, r WHEN, .. POWl;RS :SPECIAL . OF 2·... ferformance of Court Orders - Perform all .
ADMINiSTRATOR .: CEASE.· TRANSFER OF·· . · orders of the court. .;
.. EFFECTS; P.EN.DING SUITS . . 3.. [nventcry - Make and return to the court, within ..
.: 3 months, a true .and complete inventory of the-
-'. . Cessa.Uon of Powet ofa Speci~·I Administrator .. ·. property. of the deceased which came to.. his' i •
When letter.s -testamentaryor. of admtnistration are kriow)edge'and possession or· to the possession
;:: grant~q. on. the' estate of the. deceased; the powers . . .of.any other person for·him; and · ,
of the special administrator shall cease (ROG, RULE 4.. 8ccouf1ti11g ~ Render a true· and just -account
BO; Sec. 31' ~- .... :· . . .. - withirt' 1. year and .when required 'by the. court - .
. '· -(ROG, RULE-81,_Sec'.· 1). ' ·
; . P~ty ~f ;~~- -Special ··Admiiiist~atbr
'-. .Power:s havEi C~ased . . ·. · . . · . -~· . .
. of .·the · f:!ond ts Liable with· the
· lj e shall forthwith deliver to the .EX.ECA.O· tlJ!:l··goods,, Adrntntstrator . .. . . .
::.. chattels, money, and. estate of ·the· _qeceaseg· hi his - The surety is liable. under. the adminlsfrator's.bond,
:-:·· hands .(RQC,RULE'.80,. Se_c. 3) .... ; · · . · · . : . . for as long· as the, administrator has. duties' to 'do as.:
t·, Pending S1;1its·. . · . ·: such.admmtstratot .. The adrnlnistrator is still duty.
· The l;XECAO. may prosecute to final judgment·suits bound torespectthe i_ndemn~tyagreements enl~red
commenced by special adtniAistrato(·(ROG, RUL:E jnto·. by. him ·in consideration: of, the .suretyshlp ··
80, Sec .. 3). . . . ": : · . ' . . because.. the liabili_ty·of the sureties is co-extensive .
,.(:',:)i' .: Witl;l' -tfiat .· bf, 'the administrator 'an_d.' embraces the '
' ,,.,;:;".);{ ' performance of.' ev~ry duty-he, is called upon to: '
___ ....,....,....-- ....-.-.- ..----- -. -,.-----. _.._....
,~ ..
::;""",.~;,,-;_!/\'..perform.in ·the course of .administration ... (L~z.on
. RULE St.·. . · . , {;;~:.; ;,-·~11:11/i Suretyf;ompany,'Inc, v. Quebrar,GJt No. L~40517; ·
BON~$, ?.F E~E,C~T01:l~~~ij·Cfi)f!;h.it~i;;q!:1.i:~h9f4J. '-:.' :.·: '' ·_ : . · . · . .
< ·. _:· ·_ . _:. (c'_; : . ;:: t[ ..
ADMINISTR.A..TO_RS· ~.-<(Y · ~..:,, H· Adrnini$trat&r's . Bond .,.. Statutory . Bc,_nc;:I:
. :- . . . of
_~or~~::,O;~J11'~·ribed:by:'st_~_tutefo~ms part bond_
· -~or an. EXECAD to. gualify un_der_t~Eti~~J.VJt}TI\,Jl?t ~-' . : g .. : :, l, f 't · · . · · . . . . . · . · ·
. SECTimi 1. ~O_NQ. TO Ui1/clW{i:~Ei=~~ . as'
li~·n:, - . ~~:~~~:'tt!flt".:~'1~~~nT~~=i1~t~
-occurring ~duri~~ '!tie' te_rr:i'
b~nclar~ I.fable.only·

ISSUANCE OF L.ETTED-S ?-:t-AMOUNJ~, . ~,~J. covered ti~)J~ond/_Terms a~d ~ffect!v1ty of bond

. · · · · ""'·:"f7~;,. ._ / .. ·Ii;! do_riotdependonp.aymentofprem1um_a~d·doesnot
CO~DITIONS :- ,. · · \:5; ., . Y.) . ·. . . 'J,.l-,.-:'-·'rl~flii'euntil th_e adrri,i_nistration i~ -c1osed. As tong ps
' , . • · : · . ·. . . ·1,:,,;__:/',; · :li•?!.:m~1P.rQg§te··court. retains jurisdiction of the··estate,
~pon th_e execution of_his_tru~t (ROG,_
When bond_ ,s_·filed. _Before. an .EX..~;~/AD ~g}~[~::7.l.U!~i'~i;;.....b"Qjld!Thcqntemplate~ ·continuing liability,
BJ,i~ec: _
. n'otwithstandingthe· non-renewal of the bond (Luzon·
. Surety Company, fnc. ·v. Queprar, G:R. No; L-40517,.
. . .. t- ·r b- 't· . d'b ·t·h, rt (RbG·. ·.·R-~Uc-L-:-E
8.1. . . January.31·, 1984). . . . . .
Amoun . o e 1xe. y e cou . , . . ,. .
Sec.·_ 1).' , . . . . ·-- . : · ··. , . .' ,. . SECT!O.N: 2-: BQND O.F EXECUTOR ,WHERE; ·
· !l=>~.rpose: The p~r.pose bf_saiq.. 15~nd .is to saf~gu~rd. . . ~~:&1ii·. ,1.N_ WlLL. WHE:N FURTHER BOND · ·
-the e$tate, so .tf.lat the.· ;:ipllity_ to' give a bpnd is; · · ·
therefore, iri_the natur~.of a·~ualificatioiHcir the:office . G.en~~I · -Ruie: An -exe~utor is re·quired to·. give a
, . (Sison v. Teod_oro, G..R. ,No. L-9271,.Marclr -29, : b.ond. cohditidhed on
one's performance· of ttie
· · 1 f!57). · · .· . · :. : . · · ·. :· · · obligation i:lhder R~te _81, Sec. 1 .. ·

It ·is· .ir:iti:mdeci' as. ir:itlemnity to· the. creditors; th~· .
heirs)md· the. _estate. The··court. Shall fix
'the amount · ·
· E:xceptfon:· If the·testator in .his will dire9ts·.th~t,'the.
executors · serve without frond, or with. only his·
.thereof· and hole it ac.co.untable for.·a'ny. br,each of. individual bond; - ·
duty that may' oe: .d.cm_e ' b}i-the ad:niinist.r~tor 'pr
. executor:_The liability mc;1y b.e'. enforced by motion or . . .. Exceptron ·to .the 'exception: Ttie court niay still-
in a s_eJjarate dvil ac_tiori (FES.TIN; ~1;1pra
a{ a7j._ :. ·. req.4ire.the executo.rto file a bond: _.
1 . · Coriditio~ed only to pay the d13bts of the test:;itor;
Conditions t>fth~· Bonds: (APIA)' ' ' ' -~·- tfrcase .o.f a change in his circumstance; ·or for
'1. 8dministration - Administer·the estate and pay other sufficient ·case, with .the conditions of .the
and discharge all c,febts, legacies and charg'es., bond (ROC, RULE. 81,. Sec. 2). ·. . ...
including dividends· declared· by .the court-from
the proceeds;. · ·


- -S-PEtiAL- . .-P·ROC·EEOI N.GS·.
.. ._ ..
.. AP~l~fSlRATO~S . . -: .
· 7. ·. For--ttie· paxrnent of ixi>enses. of adrnfnistration ·
(ROG; Rule RULE, Sec. 3). ·· · ' ,1
. .' . . . . . . . . . \:
.. Wheri two ~r more persons. a.re appoin_ted executors Note: Th~. right of __an EXE¢Ao: to the poss_esiioi-\ .Y
Cir administrators-the court maytak~·a s"eparate bond and management of the real and personal .prop~rties·.· ":'!f
from each,·or"a joint b9nd·from. "c11l •. .. ·•. . '. .
of the deceased. is .not absolute arid can oniy: be·-,~
. exercised so long as it is" i.'iecessary for the payment .. ?,
'. . - .

SECTION . · 4, ·. BONO QF . :sP.ECiAL . of the ' debts kina·. expenses of. the .acfministratlon )t
ADMINISTR~TOR·· (Estate otHilerlo f1uiz. v.. G.A,. GJt. No. ) 18671;· }~
Januflry.29,_ 1996): . · . .. :)·
. Please r~fer·to,disc~ssiori ~-nd.er R~ie 80, 2. ·. Se~. · . · · . ,l•
·.(Fd_r, purposes of confihuous.:flow .of discµss~on on .No Necessity of. Leave -of. Co_urt· ip. ~xer.cise of,:'-t
EX(=GAD;Rule 84 will be disoussed tlrst, to/lowedby ·. p·ower.s of AdmJ"nlstrati9n :· · ' ·:, · )?
RufeS:83,. .85; and then 82); .· . · ·: ... · · · An aomlnlstrator or· executor. has allthe powers--;~-
. . . . . ' . . . . . ,. . necessary for administration" ef.lhe estate "which. he -{
.. _ can exercise without _leave 'ofcourt (2 .R~_GAL.Apo; :t
. . ·· supra-. at 65). ~:rot;leave of court· is. reqJJ°ifed for acts .)t.
-",. ; ' · ... · RULE $4' -of dominion or ownsershlp.: · · :· · . · ._· · · . ·· {ti
·. ·.·_.-··:.GENERAL POW·ERS AND , , ,_.--1==-~0"'".:.:.:.. ... · . ts·· ... :.P· ---.·, :: . · . _:"f
'· 0 ,._.E.. · ·: · --~~ )T . J·· ,)\_ig~~£._nSo urv1ving artner s. · . . _ .·:.
J?_UTIES. _}: : XEClJTOR~.::. J! ·it.... .lf~,;.fE~hl~.L~the_EXE_C~D. oa,_th~ ,1.at~e(s.rE:que~~;. f

· · AD~INlST~Tq:Jf&:'"\ -~ ,;;"""_,,:. . .,.,,,~-aj_l b~ok~ ~?pers, anq.preiperty in the prop13rtytn ·.-;/

·· · · · tP,,. - ' J · · · . · "l.he ·i?~h}~!~"'ttt?lnds; and · . : · . . . . . . _{;,
.· _ : .. •. , "<Je.- .;.,,.~---~~:."'·-~l~~p~}ni)t}\~:·e?Cer.cis_e
.. :· .· a:
Powers and Dut~es of the E)S, _g-J).Q.oJ?tliejl::state~. 1.r'
of rig~ts and :e~hibih}

(ExAM0PIPE) ·· .· ·t
1 .-,,Jj
-the \boo~,s~p~s,
· cJ!')d, propert)r,_ as may. be_ :'·~
:fi -~~ · . .tm. orde;ed 15¥. Qiie COl{rt on.the wri~en application of '~
1. T.o Examine and rnak~ ifivoiceSJOf-th~1woperty , ..,. · the·EXECAD(t@~~, RULE 84, Sec. 1). · . . "\~
. .belon~ln_g. td the:· p~rtl,le~~ip,t'.in C\'s_~-;-·cw::-·s-·. . ---,.. -~( ... ) ~ ii .. · .
. .· ·, · . : .· .· . . ,,:
.· ~~ceas-~d._partner:(ROqJRfdl(i:(/!84,Sei, 1~~rj-:'r ~S~e .festr,c~ions1:\o~.,,_t.~~-- J:>o,wer an""-?
· . . · t . A~. ~, ~-~., ,0 ~dminls!ratoi: pr!Ex,ecfiitor (ASLEEP-BC.):· . .. . ,,}
Note~ ·The smviVirig 1:fa4.nor·
~t -trarlli'ers, . on~ID,"t"~1. · ca-~b'gf:;'Acq~ir~·byfpurchase-, ·~veri at p~b1lcl"or --~~ [

requ~~t; shall_ exllibit_ JliP\ ~II' ~i$1~:,:_~06Rs.~~:·j"~i0~i.¢~,~c~l~'Hre}tli\'er in p~rsoo or·m.e9ia..ti_o_n_of -~-


. · papers, and proi:,erty in ,the1r·ti.\rids~0'6o_~~ol&!· ~.,(0P" ~}(tfiltlr; #e .
_p)lcfpe~y -urjd_er ·adr\linistration. :}
-qn the written.applicatl"oo\ot~i,Jc~EX¢~~~:~f'.'...!'3 · ~f..(il.'f{LG0D~, J..rf
1491): ... ·, · · · -.~ . ·...._
· court:hav1rig juris<ili¢tion.ot~ha est'Fi~ m.~'ft~~·~·~. /"2'8'c~hnot/' §pe;Jilate: :- ·. v,,it_h . fu1;1~s . under - r
any ~·uch survivi?g partner~ ~artnet~,loll\;~l,~[~~ ~~")j,trfst~atlonJ.KOG,_ Rufe. 85,..Sec:_ 2); ." -1 · .... fi.
pen:n1qb~ exerc1s~:of)h~.ngf.\!s, and,to~~~tt,s1t:!:.f::J~l:~9-?~ndt;b_~ase- the properly.fa( m_or~th~n one (1 ~- .:,if
:, the._ bpoks, papers, .. ~np prO~.QYi(~:1Q1~Y~=---==·:. Y,e'p_t4-.(()J.YJJ.1600E, Ari.. 1878);: .'. ·· · .· · ··. .';;'..
punish·any.partner.,t~1hng to do so~O.(~dl}t'~fpt }; i,'f"/1 ~\.\:,;/. . · . · · · . : ::· .:.::.· .. · :;:t
(ROG, RULE 84, -$ec: 1). . · :_ · . , ~,.,~ :__.1\11~!,;_:~ote: Ayiew ii, held, howeverithat the aforesa1c!. ,J
. .. . =~"""'=-=. p.rovisioh of. Art.: 1878 of" the Civil Code orf.i
2.- To hav~ Accfiss· t_o, and_., exa_mine . and take. agency s_hoµld". not apply 'to· lea"ses en_tered intcU1\
copies .:of ·books .:and pape·r-s relating to. _the by .'an~ EXECAO-; und!;!r the theory, thaJ theiy-.{
·. -partnership.in case o~ _a deceased partner (ROC, :epresent not o.~ly the. e~li3t1fbuta.Jso itie· partf~S·.:w.
_-.. RULE 84, Sec. 1)~ . . . .. . . 111ter~sted th~rein, that-they are required to file a.-'.if
··· 3. . to Maintain=:in tenanta_bl~ repair the IJouses and bond a_nd· tljat their ac_ts are
suQject to sp_ec!fic :·i
, othe~ .~tru9fµres· ari_d "f~Jlc~s , ~el.on~ing to . t~e ' pro\iisions.bf law anfforde~ of ttie "pro.bate.coµrt,-~~
estate; an<;!: deli:ve.r the·_sam"e.irrsuch repair to the wh_idh circurnst~nces are"riot th:ie with respect to /
heir.s or _qevisees .wiJ~_n djrected -~O d~ so by the agents (2 REGALJ?,Pq_ supra at 65).·;_ '. · · . : .t,·
court.(ROG;.fWLEE84, Sec;, ·2); . · · . · . .._ . . . . . ... '· . . :. .-'.1.i.
4.: To fo.ss.ess·.and .ma_Rc!Qe· .tt:ie real. as· well as 4.' Cannot 5.xercise th~ rigt)t ..of legql re\:lemptici.~:}
: p_ers.onalestate Of the. cjec1:1ased ~O. 101'.19 as ili~ over:~. portion . of property· O~n·ed.-in·· ·cprfltnQn/.1~
. ·-, r:ieces~ary (ROC; RUl,..E 84, Sec. 3): · . . · , . ·which is sold ·by .one of the pttier·: 60-owne_r~·t;
5. T9-mak1;1Jmprovements on ~he properties ti.rider. (Cato. v. CA, G.R.~ No. L-46oq·1,. "(v1ar¢i '.2."5, ·:t~
admini_strati?n.with the·nece~s.ar.y c6µ_rt ;3pproval .1982j; · · . . · · . ' ·· ·· · . ·_.. ·_·. :. · · I'!
. excep_p9r necessary repairs -(RQC, RULE 84~ . . s·. Cannot ·gnter .[nto any tran·sactjon involviilg (he1\t.
Sec. .2); .. .. estate subject. tp the . testate. or fntestate_. ·;r;,
6.. For the ~ayment"of .the·deots· (ROC, RUL~ 84, . proceedings ·witt:iout ·prior appro_vaf of the court-·.'··1
Sec_, 3); ~rid · (E~tate of "Glave I(. · Reyasi ·G.R. · Nq.- L.:294!]7, ·\,
July 29, 1983); · ·. · · ·. · · · · · '/
. ~
• ,to,.:



. .
6.. .Canriot.J:~rofit oy th~ increase or decrease in,the - In the appraisernent of such. estate; the courtmay
. . . value of ihe 'property' under adminisfration order one or inore of ,the inheritance, tax' appraisers ..
· · (ROC;-"RUl.,.E:85, Sec. 2); . . . . . to give his.or their assistance, . . . . . . . : . ·_ .
7.. Canr:iot ._§arrow money without autho.rity·of the :
·court' and. . . . .. . - ; .. ·' . . . Three-Month P.erlQd.NOT Mandatory:. ,. .·
8. . Canr{ot Continue'. the l;)asiness: of th'e de'ceasJd The three-month period is not mandatory. The fact
un!ess ·auttiorizeid.by the co1.1rt (Roe; RULE 84; that art inventory . was· filed. after the three-month ·.·.
· Sec,. 1). ·· ·. ·.. . · : ....• · ·: .' . .. · .. , ·. . perlod , would _··not deprive . the' probate'. court .'of
.ju.risdi.ction to , ·.'approve. :. it. ·, : However, . ·. 'an .:
tnctdents 'in -hisDuty as ':Administrator · adrninlstrator's · unexplained ·: 'detay, dri filing · the ·.
As -adrnlnlstrator, he. is. required to handle: .~nd Inventory may be a .~r9u[id·for l:lis removal {$ebic1I V•.
. marshal! _all'-assets · of the ·dece~se.d· (Vi!squez. v, Sebiel: 'G:R-, Nb~L:~3419;June 27,' Jf}75) ..... · ..
Pdrla; G. · R,: fj(?. L-6.7.67, February 28, ·_1956) .c;1.rid. ' · . · · ·· · · · _. · · ; ·
manage th:e estate wlsetyandeconorrncally andin a.:. .;: Signlfica.~ce.of ,A,;proVal of ~ril~ventoi\y: ..
'busirie~siikE!. manner (Tarrib11hting· v. San Jose, G.R. . · . , .Approval . o'f : ari inventory·. ts · hot ·a· ·co'nclu.sive
No:L-8.162, August 36, 1955). · · .. . determination 'of· what '.assets constituted ·the
. '·. . . . . ", . . decedent's estate' and of-the valuation thereof: Such- .
-For -the purpose. of mar~ha_lli!)g·. all. the .assejs and determlnation is only provislo.n~I and <!! Prima '[acie_
property of the deceased, he may bring· such action · finding' of the issue· of· ownership. (Gonzeles-v. · CFI
as 'h.e may deem 'necessary (Chua Tari' v. De 'la ..-1.~· Manila, G.R.· No, j_.34395,. May, 19,. 1.981). · .. · :.
Rosa'. G.R:. ,Y,~- L,a790; March.31, .1~6{1). . (;_:'£2-1;\ Pr~p~rty -~l~~ed -~Y.. th.ir~p;~~o~~-~~y··~e i~-~l·u~e~.
· Inti dents on Duty ·ot- Distri_b.ut.ipn. . ·: h,,_:,':,,-':,;,~~J-'iri the Inventory aspart' of Ui~ assets-of the· estate .
. i;he E~EOAD, . ls· re9~ired,. a~er all- debts -a,n~ ;:1;,.,,.. ..;.;r~h~-
the· p,r9~~~·court inay ord.e~:sugn:,iri.C?!u_si_o.n•.b~~ · . ·
expense~ hav~ beeri·pa1d, to·_ct1stnbut~t~e n~\.,slat~ ·''f'f;'--~~9fliJ,~.r-~B_f~th.~Pf~b.ate·court 1s only? pnm'!- faC;1.e ·: _ · •
among the ~nown heirs,. dev1sees, legateg~;Aind ·a.1_1t,., , 1 d_etermu:ratfop\~no doe~ not prt:icl.ude 111e· claimants ·
other person's·lnterested-(ROC, RUL.fi.:'~.iJ;Sef, 1).j.\.h1 . {rom ~~.1!1tJ:i-1~\~~·~n· ·prdir,i'ar:y _.c.ivil acUon f~r. the.
· .. ·.· .- . · -• · · . · · \."l. ;f ·.·- ·.. &>-·-,_,. ct.. eterminati8n.o~itle:(Gonza/es
_ An EXf:CAD .shall h,.;ive .the .right
. J·SJ.~f,,._
'd' . fl.~
>'-\ . :,:/ ,-JI ' . .
:_No.. L~3~39.5,~µ _' 19; 19~1). ·.:
v. CF/
.• '
Manila , GJ~. ·
.. · _ -: · ·. :-.~ .· .. . .
•8;1'1d m~riagem~nt ophe real '<!l~:;Jt,el~s~m1rperson~: j,! ., '., ·~" ,..: · k ·._ .f" _·, < . · . · ·. _ : :_ · _ _. ·. . . . '
· .estat9:,of t.11e..clecea$ed • ~0.\0!19-i""& tlJ.~·~eCE;!SS'ary'., 1~:i. N.atur~'••of. lh~.<
'R:l:U~l~n·· of. Property. the m.
· fqr_ the. payment .of. tl)e debts/<J_n·d·,ttt~l'.>'fil'P,~n.s~,of . !}I lnven qri'';'fi-/P:y,7,;,i!f..
~J ·
. ·, ·· · .·
~-.·coi?t..t~~!aRe.s,''9ogn~z~nce. ~f··p~~t~~e. qt:
· . , · .· !,.
: . a.dmi~istration,(Layongu~v..·Pe')'~deJ11f!?S_jln,G~'i;_i'.r ·
No. ~-1:)6.66! Octob_er31, 1966) ..... \?:,..::_;·r\:>x: . f: · r'f
1~(estaf~ proce.e~1r.,gs has power an.ct JUrJ_sd1c.t1~m to
.. . .. : . . ' .: . , . ~ ;,, ·, )'J. · -. , }',~-9'~l_e"!7'ine.wh,~th~.r..or ·.Rot tha pro,~rti~s. J.n~l~~.ed·
. · · . . . · · \"·--c:!..:7 .. . . r.;:!~ 1;11;1~frw:i~~f,..,l,~Xclude.d tt:,erefrQ(Tl:b.elOl'lQ. pnfna f~c1e. to
.: _ .. . _ . . . . .':."? . ./':,';· ~..,.,.:.~ne:.Oeeeased;-~lthot1gh,such.a determ!nation_i~ not
:, . ·. ~. : . ~U:(,E 83 · .·U ;., ftJ : fin~!.or·u1.ui:natE!1.n. .n·a~lir~...an?.withoutpreju·9ioe_to
INVENTORY AND .App R.A':Js.i\,L• . . th~ right .of .1~.t~~ested. par;t1e~,. m ~ ·~roper _a9t1on,. ~o.
:p · · ·1· . · . ·F··. · ·
· . . · ·". ·o,F.
·' .raise me question on th~ ow.n.er~t.up (Romero\(, CA,·
. G.R Nd. 188921,'Apr(l 18, 201.2).. . ·
_.·FAMILY ·. '-:. · · .... · . · ;.-. .. .· · · · :· ·.' . . .
._,. ............__..._.-.,...._...._ . ---------- · .. SECTION: 2: CERTAIN ARtl~I.E~ 'NOT TO. BE

Purpose 'of lnventQry. .· . J, • • • •

. .
· . · . · ·· .
. ..
·· This is to-aiQ the·coµrt in ~eversing ~he accounts arid 1 .. Pro:v.!sioµs·an.d.9th.er arti9.t~.s. as wil! nec!;issarily
' . determinfng the liabilities of the· EXECAD. arid in -be con~(lmed in:_the.§Wbsisterice bf the,f~i'{JiiJy of
. .. rriakjog.:~ final arid equitable'distrjbutl'on of the estafe . the deceased, . . . . • . .
· and otheiw.i$~-f~cilitate.the .distrib.utiqn o.f the esJate ·2.. · Marriage l;!ed ~rid b_edding;.and: ·. .. .
, . (~l.W Cf!oog· King v.. C.ollector of Internal Reven1,1e,i. · 3; c'1otne.s 'qf 'the. s'urvivipg · spoiise and .. minor
:··, .G.R. fyo. .L-37601, Decemb~r·?6, ·~974): . . · . ·chiidren (ROC; R't/LiE;,a·3; Sed. -2); : . ·. · .. • · ·. ~
:• .. ·...... ·

. :~~~~~;E~:yTEH~~~ti:~f3fM.~~~~f'.0 ~E seciio~
· 3.- ·j,.t.~ow~~c~
. .
To.· -~,i,~~
. ·.
• •' • ·• . •. >
. ·'. -The,. EXECAD shall return :to the court true a Allowance reieis 't0: the ·mari'etaryadvances wtiicn
lrio,;,eniory and. appraisal 'ot
all reia1· and ·p~rsonal · are ·subject to: collation· an9. are likewfs~ 'deductible
· estate. of the · deceased which has : come, into his · · frorri their share in the estate of the. dec~aen't.
. possession or .kROW.ledge, withfn 3 months after bis·




. . -SA!'18£DA Lf!WCENTAAL(lED BAR OPE8A1_10NS • M~';}!IY AJq 201~·

. . . . . . . . .. ~ .

Persons . . Entitlec;l ·I ·to Alloyvanc~ ·. ·:-ou_r-1ng' Exception to the Exception: If "the -EXECAD ·.:.[.,.
P(ocee~ings- gair:is. knowledge· _respecting· ·t)le ?eceased'~ ·.·· l
·1. Legitimate survlvif!g spouse (Nepomuceno. v. -estate; he may be 'held accountable 1f he fails to ·:.::'
CA, .G.R. No. L-62952, Odtober 9, 1985); and recover possessionof the same throu_gn his fault · ·:iv
2. Children.. of;lhe. decedent (Ruiz-.v, CA; G.R. No> .. · . ·or.negligence (Id.). ·. . : · · - · . . . · :~~
1186°7.1, January 29,.199_6). . ', . . : ·.. . . '. :. ·. _... .' . i~t
2. · All the [nterest, profit-and income ofsuch'eslate · :r
Note: . The.· children . need, -not be mi_nors.."'.' or. (ROG; Rule 851 Sec, _1); 'and ·.. . ·.' . \ . · ... :~\
incapacitated .to be entitled to .allowance. While the . · 3 .. The f_ro_ceeds of the estate· as sold by him, at · i~
Rules of 'Court limi_fallowani::es·.to the '°"iqo'A' and. ;.
minor or incapacttated children of the deceased.Art-
. 490 and 188 of NewQivil·Code{how._A,:-t.·194 of.tt,e .. . .
the price at which it.was sdld (ROC RULE 85
·. Se~: 1): . . .
. .
..... ' .· .: : .
. . . . . . . :J;
», • • '. • • : J
.. Family . Code) gi~es . .-the. surviviAg spouse- and SECTION z..
. his/her children withouf. distinction: Since· tlie LOSE ~y OECRl:A~:fE_INVALl,IE; .i <. • .' • • •.

provision of the qvil Code, :a substantive la~. giyes·:' . . .. -, _ .. . . . . . :;

the surviving spouse and to the children- the right to· · No EXEGAD sh 1311. profttby the ind-ease, or suffer . ~\I!
receive support durinq tlie Iiquidation of tne estate-of · Joss·by me decrease or destruction;" wi'U,out hlsfautt ,_). ~
the deceased, such rig):lfcannot-be lmpalred by ,Rule· bf any.part the estate (~OC,Ru/~ 85, Sec. -2}. . : • -)!
83 Sec': ·3 qt the Rules o.f.:Co_urtwhic::Jl is.a p_rocedu~aJ.-.~--- · · . · · . ·. . , . . ., · . . . .1, .
. ~ule. Be .. it n~ted hqweyer th~t ·w!ttr
.r~yf}ct"-t~.. ii
·;,r ·IHife"r.e.,~ ~xcess . ·_. ..... · . · . · .· ·_::~
~p?use,· the sam_e must bS the !eglt1"9,,t~:SP~!J.:i~· · ~.J. _
1A:~/mfestJc{;ount fqr-the exce_~s when .h~ sells any . ,_(.
not co~mon-law ~pous~s whC? a.re.}ji~fffloth~r~,.."'"-=-..c,P..!111.J';tf
the children (~aotero. v. (!,Fl of ~G:'al(ite';\j}_:· ~-:r:,Jo. · ~- V, A"'
th~ e.s'ta~for mor~ t_h~!l th~· apP.rarsement. · }
·: · · · . · .· · ·;
61700~03, Sept.:24, 1987):" -.I '~ ,. :· ~~1Mn~.~i~to"$ _.,. .. '.:\, .... ·. · . . . -- · ·_- . , · · J.:
· . · . · · ·. , 1' f"]-"::-. · · ·C · ·,· "'i? {~i:iy· 1s. sdlfto1i~:ttran the apprais(;!meJ'ilt,_he is f
Grandch1ldrE:n are not. ent1tlef to·~-~!1g an1~ und ~ ..-litat liabt~.· for'1.!le·. los~ if 'the sale has beetn ,iustly . :~;.
Rule 83 (Rwz v. c~. G.R. N'i" 11867,·1, Jan_uary_ 2,., ..,().., made. l \\ i I.".'\\. · .- ,.,·
1996). · ··· .,· 1....-...,....1-f · · .. f ·
·-Q~\.--,~ · · \V -> lt; · · · · · . · • ~~
.Nature ofAllowahcla!s·
_ · . -_ .
·N.~ .. l.
6 .....,,,_ . . . _ ! .;.,,~tili1l . I. . . '· ..,;.,,s j
~ . . . r ! ~-e c\aim.wa~.~e~'f'it-.
. ·

·- .. · .
. . . _ . ·- ' !j
i I

. When ·liabilities exc::eed the ~S~~ \?f

th_e..,e~tate~.hi~ r _ftll~ 5!3Jfles a ctwi)'n-=a~i~st ·~~--~st~tefor. fes~ th~n .)-.
widow and children ·are_ r.i.Q~flti.tleA)~\.\~ppQ~~1tsnq~~):al~e. -~(~'." _entitl~!:l to c~arge._m h,s .~:
~endfn!;! the liquidation ?fthJ}J~tfsJJl~est1t~,.,n.t~e.{"'\l:· • &t}}~o-~~)Y_th/
a~1t!JJ1·he.actually_ paid. . . · j
ground.th_at_such support, ha~1ng the\har~!~o,~IJ{f.Jjj
advance · payment, 1s ~o· be~ tlequct~d fto.!fi~g~-- . .A'",., ":'t ,.
3 t
. respecti~Ei ~.hare_'. of each hef'~~ui'fng\9i_str_ilzi1fiqr.i.._~0
(W~gner v. Moore, G,R._No. L~5842, Mf:a,:c~~e:'!Ehft'l~.'~E~ln
~ /f_Es~L.AlJE,:
· t
,ti .. · , .·. .· · ·
.. .- . . .. _· .
t bl f ·.c1 bt 'd th·

1927). · · . '\., 1:·~~~'£i~)~J:0,~)~ .o ~ccouri a ._e or .. e s. _ue !cl· ,':;

· .- · : '~.::- ,( _9(1.. ~~¢ce~~ed.,, 191-'i remain u_nc~lleqted w1thput his fault. }

·. . 85. . . ~~
· .
. >-VI
,~.·· ..~ . ·· 1\ j{ i\,,_.\ t.~
":"~EALTYU$E.D.BYHIM, .. . ,· ' .·f-
·, · · · · :· -· · --·~,,

... Acco_·{!~iT_.A_a·-I.LI_·TY. A.Ni>'·. . .. . ·. . . . '.};

- 'If EXECAD uses . or-· ·occupies .,real estate under.. - :;1
.COl\![PENSATIQN. OF ·. :. · aqmjnistra"tion, tie r'nust.acqour1t.for.-it~ .' ;_,.
. EXECUTORS ANb ·.- .1.,- ·.As.maybe· agre.~d. upori-between"t1im anct the: \fi.
A. .. · · · · · · : parties i'nterested;_ct · : . · 8
.' ... DMINISTRA-TO){S,--· . · ·· · ·2. . A..s deterril111
· ed bY· the. cou · rt. · · .
.. ... ·.. . .: .. . : .. ·.. . . . •, . :·· .. ·: ~·-- ....... ·. . -~~:..;
secT10N_ 1. E>,CE~u·ro~. o~- AoNi1N·1s:rRATOR·· . ORDELAYST'O.RAISE'OR.PAYMONEY< .
·: . . . :, . ~ . . ·. . . .::;_~-
Gener~I Rule: The .EXECAD"js.accountabl~ rbr.the . Wheo EXE CAD ·is Acc_ountable fQr Damage~ 1;1n~. j-:
Liable .oii h_is ~·and: (DeP-VUns) . . . . . . . _..: . }
. following: .(WIP) .·:
. . · 1. · If an ·EXECAO: · . · · .. · · ; 1
-1 .. ·whole estate·of the. deceased at the·value '6f the · a. Neglect;:;. or· unreasonably D_elay? .to rc1ise ·. -~
· appraiserjient contai.ried.in the. inventory;_
. . . , . . . .
money, by ccillecting the debts or selling.the ·.:r
real9r persorial estate of the deceased;·or· .'.~~
. Exception: He·is not accountable for prop·erti~S- b. · Negl~cts to· fay· over the money. he has in Ji
·which never came to his poss~ssion (DE LEON. · his ·hand~; · : ·· · . · · ·•·
& WILWAY~O,·supra at 12_1) .. · · 2·. The ~alue of the_e·state is _lessened;· · j,
. {'

- 3. Unnecessa_ry cos~ or interest accrues: or Guzman. v. De · Guzmen-Oerllk»,· G.k .. No. L-·

4 .. : 'The perl?ons.interested ,2liffer..loss,. ·•·. . 29276, May 18,. 1978); .· .
.... .
7. 'The .services rendered by an· administrator in:
No.te:' l"he E~ECAb'.s responsil;>ility for th~:darnages '.: : favor of an heir which services. were.root -, · .
cannot be· shifted to ·the· estate (3A-HERRERA, . beneficial to the estate. (Sison v. Teodoro, G.R.
supra at 119). · ' · .. · · · . · No. L-927J; March 29, 1$57); · . ' .· . .
B.. · · P.remiums for. EXECAD's, bond· (Sisori ·v.·
· ~ECTION 6,· WHEN.ALLOWED ·MONEY P.Alb A$ Teodoro, 'G:R. No. l-9271,' March 29, .1957);;, :
· COSTS . . · 9... Expenses fqr~he repairof property ofthe estate
... t· · .. . beirig occupied. and .used tjy. the EXE;CAD .(be
-~~~eral1Rule; The amount·p~id by ari.E.XECAQ.f9r . 0 . .. · Borja ·v ... De Borja, G.R. Nd. 'L-'6622,' July 31,.
costs awardep aga1nst him shall be allowed in his. . · ... 1.957):'" · . ( ... · . · · . · :- · •, . : . · .' .
administration account" ·. 10. Expenses for the· ·kE:?f:ping.9f _ordinary recerds >
. ', . .. . .. . . . . . , · -. · ·. ail.9 receipts lnvolved in his .9.dminlstration work· .
. ·Excepti6~: It appears-that th¢)ction o~ proceedinq _,: . · ·. (De .~o(ja-v. De. ~orja, G,.R. N6;· L.-'6622:· July 31,
. in which· the costs ·are taxed was · prosecuted or ·'.1957); and ·.·· · '·. r • ". : ·.. · • • .
. resisted without just' cause,' and not iri ·good fai_t_h.. .' :. . . 1.1 .. :Loss·e_slncurred i.n the, conduct. 'of business with .
. . . ... · ·. . . _ ·. ·,._..;. the use· of the·.ful").ds of th~ .estate- (Wilson v.
· .'. SEC:TION 7:. ',:WHAT. ·EXPENSES. AND . F~ES . . . . ·.· . Rear, G·.R. ·No: 318_'6_0,,t)CflobeH6;:1930;. . · ·-
ALLOWED·· EXEcyTOR~- PR- ADMINISfrRATQR;:· ?,!~·. · : .
." · .. ·. · ·. '. . ··-:. . · · · . ~· :
NOT -TO· ·CHARGE.· FOR .. ·sE_RV,CEs··: Gpmpensation,if.Ufere'.is 9.0-provisl_on ln th~.w.1.11 - ... '
'AT:TOR~EY; CO,MPEN'SATI.Olli PROVIDE[;> fB't'/t~:.\ _1:·; -P4.00a·dayfo(the tim~·act_uallf·and-.nec¢ssarily · ·
4 · emplo~ed_;_or: . ·. . . .·, ·: . .. .. ;.. · ·
.. , . : . :-.;_. . . .· . _. . .. · .~J ·lt'~;ilW>-~-·-·Com~rm~~{ODupQn !he .va!\.Je·~f so ~u.ch·_of t~~ . .
Rlght.t~ Neces.sary-.ExpE:ns·es , _ __.,,f'
~<-~ft:,;J,d:!!::!,:.,j,tc!.t~£~:~·- COIJles. 1rJo. h1~· ~osse~~1on .and 1s · . ·
An EXECfD ls.allowed the ·nec~.~sary.,~lJ:f35il'!sesin\"'.' ll
---fmall_y--dJ~J!.qS~d.of, 1n. t~e. payr.n~nt of debts,:
the care,. IJlanagement, ar;:id·settlemeq\?f-1heestat~iL.J~
. · .. ·, .. , . . - -. ··\1•:\. ~1'.:
_ex.~ens,f~!,\le~ac1~s.-0r·_d!~\nbutlye shares, or by
· dehv.ew. tjli ~~1rs or dey,1sees; of.: - : , .
N.ecessary Expense.s are· such e1<~ftr.i~~~":a~·ar'? ·. f·~1 a. ·. TJ,q·~'??tent(2%) of the first P5,000; · ··~
. en.tai(e~.Jpr the·_pres~rvatipn·an~:"'produ.cltv.it1.i:of th~~- . ~~ ·.'. b. <:J.ne·)!>er~en!.{1%) of.more t!'lan P5,00~ bt;Jt
estate ·and. for ·its managecr\'et:it fort'P,\:l~Poses.·.of~ ti~. . .~ohn9~e fhan.P30,000;·. · :· : . f
~· liqu_l~~tion;' ·P,aym_ent of ~ebts}~~d1.istri~~utt~ri·dl~~ :
residue. an:iong perst>ris: ent1_tled ~tf;Te[.'?to... (3'~1 .ff
.~,·~:l ·
~r¢~!;'fillfJ~cent. (%%,: 9f. . mo're. ~a.n·
:: . .

· · _tP.3p:QQ:Oit?ot not mo\e.than P100;000;_a~d


HE_1!R,E;RA siJpra'af.121~122).. :~.:!Fv~
. . . . . . .. , . . . ... . . '.l. . .. '.•\ . .
.J/. . tL . . .
1:tj : ... d'. ·.One-:fourtlJ°(W/o)of..m<?re than P100·.900. .
, . .. ,. . .
..N¢t C 0n~id'e~ed.a~ Ne~ess.a~ -Expe,~·e,Jt . ,': : . 1AN:·[~1e:~~..,9reate~
0 SL!~ may be allo~ed if:.:. .·:.. .
1 . .'Exp.enses .on tHe anniversary of tne;aeathqftl!fe'!.~ .:..wu·:r,~e,q-eSfate 'IS large; : .. · . . · · . :.
- .decea:sed:(De J3ui'ina(I ·v. De GM1fi,an.0t,ar.l~(o,. · 2.: Th~· settleme·~t. has been ptte.n~ed ·with· gr~at .
· _ G ..R. .No. L-~_Q276,Mfiy 18', 1_978); .._,-{{1)..:.i,~ ,. · di~~ulty; an.d. . ,.·. ·. · · · .. · .. · ··. , .. · .. , · ·
.2,·. E~penses incurred by a pr'esumptiv.e.ffeirforher.- · 3, · T,rte ~etUei:nent' has required .a .high .ct~gree o(,'
· appearanc~ ~nd tt)at bf her witnesses atthe ~~ill· .... , :.. capacity of- the· EXJ=GAD: (D'e: .Gala-Slson,v:
· to-oppqsethe··:pr9bQte'of~n allegeil'will (Asina~ · : ·. · Maddela;·G-:R. L~24584, Octob.er·3o, 1975}.-
. v. CF/ of Romblon,. G.R. No. L-?.9038; March 10,' ·. ·.. . . - ·· .. · ·. ·. . :. ·.
·,1928);.' .. · . , · ..... - · ·:-.<. · . .:. . . Attorney's Fees: . . .. , ·
3·. . . Exp~nses to,r. the :se1tlement of the: questiol'I· as . An c;!dm)riistrator'wno ls a.;lawy!3r· may. no( recover . ·
to who -are .entitled to the. estate· left .by the : ··attorney'.s fee·s from the est;;ite~'hls·.corripensation· is
. decea~e'd {Jof1anri,f3s, ,/ ::imped.,a'I,•, G.R. No. {.-.... ·. . . ·fixed by tlie ruJe but sucfl' compe'nsatto,;:ls:·in ·the :
. 1915;3, June.3.0, 1922); . · .. ·. - . · . · · · nature of .e~ecutor's·ora'dr'ninlstrato.r'scommis$ioris,
4. Expenses ·inCtJrrecf l;>y the'EXEGAD to ·pr.ocu,re a . .and-nev~r as :attorney'stee·s.. ".
· bond·(Siilit y.' Sailtps, °G.:R No, L-34$95; March ·
·: . 15,.1932); ·. ·.. (. . .' .. :· .... : · . · . ·.. EXECAD Pays. the Attoriley;s Fees· · .
·. 5..· .Personal expenses of the occupant of the heir.of ·A. laws,er-: of' an -ad,:ninfstra~or o~ e~eculor .may -Ml' .
... ·the . ,family,. fe'sicfence (e.g:.: salary . of .. the char9e the·estale for'his f~es·; bµfrc;!ther;·.he mu~!..-·
· : househqld:h,fJlp,light anc:t wate.r bills; cost of gas; .charge his client (i.e. · the· executor qr_ :the :
. ,oif, ·floor wax· ·switch. nail) (De·· Guzman v.' De· administrator). . .
· . . . . .· · · ·
Guzman-Garillo,· G.R. No. L-29276, · May. 18,
.. 1'978); - : . : . · . ·. . . . " . .' Where the apministrafor is· .hf mself the counsel for
6. Expenses for. stenographic .: notes,- arid the 'heirs,-it Is the latter who .must. pay_ therefor.
unexpla,n·ed ... representation·... expenses (De

2019-SAN !;3EDA
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·SAN _rif;DA I.Aw
· TJ0/1/S - fr!EM.ORY AID ·20.1.9
&bm.... imm11•--•••---••aa111:1•mmmi--•-••11:111--1m•••-1S1111mea · · ·\~
Nature of !=ee of the ~ttorney ofan EXECA.D. . The·fact:that all the·heirs otthe estate have entered ..:J.·,
It is. a personal liability of the. executor/admtnlstratcr . . into an extrajudlclal settlement and .partitlon can riot ;.,
(Sato v... Rellos, G, R. No.' L-171~4, Sept.ember 30,. in· any way be: interpreted· as· a waiver· of the 'c:S
.196':I). . ' . .. . . • . . . . . . . . e • _objec~ons ·or:
the heirs to the accounts submitted by 1t1
the administrator (Jq~onv. Joson, G.'R. No. L-9.$86, . A}:
When ·c:1 ..laWYer has ren~er~id legal services ~o th.e May~0;·.1961). . . . . .... · if
EX~CAD.to assist him in the. execution of his.trust,
hii, attomey'.s fees rnay be aliqwe·d as:expenses.of .
admini~tration. The .estate, is, howev.er;· not direetly·
. secnon 9, l=XAMINATIONS ON .OATH° WITH '.
•• .. ~~.., • : _. .:.;,iJ.
liable for his.fees: th~ liability for\he p_a.yrnent·resUng·
p·rimai-Oy on th~ EXEGAD.' If the ·administrator had .The court may exainin~\he .EXECAD upon.oath with
. ;~i:
. paid the fees, he would be sntitled to reimburs.einent respect to' every matter- .reiatin·g -to .any account :.~r
· from the estate (Oc.cena v..
Marquez;., G.R. · No. 'L- . rendered by him, and shallso examtne him as to the . ·4.
.. 2739.6_, Septeinber301 ·1.974). · ·· ' · correctness. of : hls account before the same is .: ~.}fi ,,l"
allowed (ROGiRu(e,85;.Sec. 9): __ .. .,.,
Procedure-for Coilection of.Attorney's:Fees . ·.\~
.1. Request the adrnlnistrator to make payment and .. l~xar'tlinatio~ may be Dlsperised with wfi·~n:. · ;';
. file an actlonaqalnsthirnin his-personal capacity 1. .: No objection. is madeto thEi .allowance of. the ·. ,:l
.2. Petition in the testate or intestate pr.5?9e€dmg .1.LJ J\J
.an.~·?ot J::S a·dmin.ist~~tor sh_ou.ld.he fail to PclJ~q,.~.....'-:"'"~ account: and ··. ·... ·. ': ·.,. .. ·. . .
-z. 'r'll~.g_grr,ectness. is satisfactorily . established by ;r
· .. . .

.- · ·t,,
~sking the · court, · afte_r . _no!i.ce to.,.,;,,a,!,~ Ptfl?phs ·.ii. ·
1ntE::r~~ted. to .allow .his cla1m,;;c:f11_d a,~e.c~J_~.fu-~~.:..;.,,..,
.iJdm1rnstrator 10 pay 1t as..ifi<'t},.~p,tr:is-e of
J. r '"'"· . , - .:· . · · . . · . · ~
cg""mp·~~~. proof (ROG, Rule _85, Sec. 9).

. The~~~&'fejll:.tf~?·01stnbutees·an~ creditors have .:/

ad'."inistration.(3A-H_ERRE!J1. st1f?f"JY{(1~J}~~""~e'.~~~~~$t~le~\pf !l:ing examined .(ROG, Rule .: .;
. · . ,J/ J.."J:°<, /.
Note: The awar9 of th·e pro_bjte co1!.j{if1s a8peala.ble J~ A'~
f 1~) lf f<f, Se.er;. 9). \, ?JJ ~-.
). '; f ~. .. . · · ·
. · .-;1:l!
by record 'o~ appe~I (Gonza_Let:.9rerlse v. ~.!.. G.R. _6~,-·-,$EC1:'10jN.10.y,;--5,u.(1> ~NT TO BE SETTLED _ON. _t
_No. 80526, Jufy.18, 1988). If :;.?.ff. ~· , -·~~-::rroTICc.. · -· !I ,,,.,..--,,.ii· · · . - . . . (.
- . . 11 ~ t. i .. ~t:-j.t-~ JLt:(,,,~ . ii. I" . .l .. . . . . .. . . ~i
SECTION , · 8: : WHE~ .:,f.J3,gECUTO~- .. OR~ ~ · :::£~fore · ~CCO.~(it,of•l,executoror adminjstrator is ·. J··
AOMINISTRATORTO-RENp~~ff:C~ef~-~ .~all,?~e<f.Jtcojk:e ~~fll} ~et/given.~ persons int~rested --~~
. . \ "': tJ:'\ \\.- . '\~ \, . rn · 1 ·\6ift.he"i:twi!eJ nd ;f!>lamlotEtXammmg.and· allowing the :f_f
: Gen~~al .Rule: Within 1_; .y~kl·tPd~ th'~··, ~,.o~ . ~,@Jrpif~p s.ut'r notJ~efma_y be given P.ersonall_y to .\
rece1vrng ·letter.s testamentary o&_ le · j~s. ~ 7jf('\f.~ sor:i_v mteresfedor. by advertisement m a ;:.'_
administration. . · '\ ..... ~' . _; ~ ... ~e,Wspapel''.Or new~laj:>ers.9r both, as the court : ~~
. . . . -. '\ "'- sclEN~~SjbZe>C,::zuff85, Sec_. 10),. · . _ ~-ii:
Exceetlon: An e~tensio.n ~f ti0?~1.&,allo~~!\b:t.,__'f!t.~. .~ ·. \~ -7 . ·. - · · . : · ~'~
CO!-[rt for presenting cla1rris agamsl;\R!-<lP~!f!ij ..}rye-.r...m~S(G:.T:l,P.~ },~_:-.. URETY ON BOND MAY BE PARTY ·;t'
· · debts of th~. estate, or fa~ dispo~ing of,;;t__~i!e~Jate; 1[ /j;O~GQJINTING, .
· and he shall render such further acco1.1nts""'a$.the l.V Ji:.J,"'·~,,?
1': · · . · ·· ·
.:. . .
· .. · · . · . · · . ~-~'
. · \y.;

. ·.court may.reqi,.lireuntil the estate.-fs l,,'fholly.s:ettled~,ic:.."Opon the'seftle:riient.of the ~c:count.of.fhe E).(E,CAD, ·~t
· · · ·· a person Uable ~s ~urety in-·res?:ect t~ J1Jch ac_count . }
The fact that the final accounts had be.eh.·approited . may, .upon apphcat1on, be adryi1tteq a~ party to:such :":,.
does ,npt divest the court of jurisdiction to require· . _ : · accou'ntlng (ROG, Rule. 85i Seq. ·11).
supplemental accoi.Jntil'lg·for,· aside frQrri t!,e.. initial: . " ..
accounting, lhe Rules. provide that "he shaU render ... Sui'mnary .oj Ac<:01Jntc1bilitles··t>fanEXECAD
such furtJ,er ,apcounts·.as _the court.may reqµire unti! · .. 1 ... Eveiy EXEGAD. i·s chargeable. in his·· account
the estate is wh,olly settl~d" (Tuman9 v. L.agu_io, ·G.R. witn the whole of the· estate.o(the. q~ceased
. No.L-50277, febiuaiy 14i.1980J. , . . . . which ha5;corne into his poss~ssio.n,at.the·value ..
· ~· · ·· · ' of-th~ ~ppra.isem0nt._co.htail1ed."ln.,the Inventory;.·· ....
. Non:-W~iver of Quty t~ Rend~r Acc~unt . : with 'all'the-interest,:profit,. .arid iricor:ne of such. }.
The duty of ari adn'linjstrator.fo r~n.der-an account is ·es.t~te;_ arid with the p_roceedsof. so much of:t11e:. · ~i
riot a mere inpi dent qf an··administration proceeding.·. . . estate· as,·is sold by him,• at the price at which it . }°)
. which c~n be waived.pr disregarded when the.same . \v.as·sold (ROG; RULE.85; $ec. 1);. . . : . :.. ~·
. ·is term.iriated,.but it is a quty that has to be perform Eld 2. He shall n9t. profit by the .inprease, or .suf(er toss · ):
· and duly acted. upori. 'by the court .before· the by the.decrea$e ·or destri.JCtion,.with·outhis fault. , ..,K
adininistra.tion . i$ finally . ordered · closed and 9f any part oY the estate .(Rot; RU.LE85, Sec.· .;k
terminated. °(Joson..v. _Joson,: G.R..: N.o. L-9686; May 2); . . · . . · .. · . · _. . };
30, 19.61); · . .


. •> ~~-.---SP-E--C....- l~A--L-P-.
. . -. --~=is::


. ., .
.', 3. He· must 'account f9·r. the excess when he sells · .3. ·, The:· ad~·inist~ator shall _a~naer his aecour')t
.: · any- part of the· estate for· .rnore than the. · ·within such time as the court di~.ects; and.. _- ·
·. appralsement, and If any is sold for the less thari 4. ·. 'Proceeding · fqr- · !he·. issuance ." of : letters: ..
. th~ appralsernent, he ls. not responsible for the: · testamentary or of Administration underihe·will
toss. If. tHe 'sate has been ·justly. made -(ROG,· shall follow·{~OG;"~VLE-82; S~c. 1). · . . ·. ··
RULE 85, Sec. 2);. · . · . ·. · . · · .· · ·.. ·
· 4. · ·If he settles any claim against-the estate.for less ' · : Wh~{h~~ the ·- intestate proceedlnq ... alread¥:.
than its nomlnalvalue.the is entitled to chargel..i!l · commenced; should. be discontinued , and' a new ·
hlsaccourit only tbearnourit h~ actually paid on ... pr~ce~cllng·. under- ·a· .separate . number. apd tille ..
the settiement (ROG/RULE 85;... $"iifc:. 2);- ... _: . . .. should.be constltutedls ent{r~IY. a matterof.torm a:n.d · ·. ·
· · 5. HEl shall not be. accountablefor -debts due .the·. .. · 'lles'wlthin the sound discretion of the court (Reynoso · .
-:· deceased which rematn uncollected without his · . v.. Santiago, G.Ri No .. L-~039, December?_9, · 1949)'. · · :.
fault (ROG, RU.LE {J5,:..Sj3c. ;J); . · ' . . . . · · ·. . .. · .
6. ·. He ~half:• account for the i.r:isi0.J11e"from_ lh~· realty . Fi'rst·C.~urt - Intestate: Second -Cotirt -Testate ...
use~ by him cR.O'O, RULE.BS; "Sec •.4):." and. · ": -General. Rule: Thecourt wit!), whom the pet)tion-'i~.
·7 .. · He.~~all be ·acc6i.mtgbl_e'.tor\"i,,~~t~. "Thls means . first fi!e~.; must -~Isa ·fin~Hake cognizance otthe ..
· · that If. the value-·' of the. estate.', decreases, .or · · settlement · of the ··estate ···:fn : order fo.. exercise· ,.
. unnecessary costs and.expenses acc((,le;·o·r the· [urlsdlcticn over it to the. excluston of alt'otrier courts .
. . . · person .Interested in the estate· suffe·r loss as a· · . · · ·. ·, : · · · . ·· : · · · · · . .. ·
result-of his ne9fecf_or. ·unreas.onable-del~y'.t_o~·;, -~xc'i!j)Jion: ·. Such. ·.court ma~: decline -to . take .. ,
_raise mone~;.,by c9llecting. th~ _d_e~t~ or sel~Q~?J/};· . cognlzanc~ of .t~e petition ·a;1d. hol.d'·· the p~tltio(l ·,
the real. or _per~qnal· est~te; or opns n~gte~t,t~f',;.:p-.;-._before .._It· l!'l a!)eyan~e. and .mste.ad ·defe,r lo the
pay oyer tt,e _ mon·ey ·in his· han~S; · .he shalLQ~1~;.;1~~~1 sec<;>!'ld ( court which_. .t\a~· before it the: petition ,for
answerable for the same (ROG;.RU,LE "85,. S~cf-~::} 1~:.d -~~9ba.te, of,t_t~_e·decedent's all.egad. last· will:·, ·upon .
·• .
· ·. ·· · '
_;4, iP
• r;,:. 1···ithH'?i-!'-"'··
VI°.(~ 't'-··•··
';.,.~-.,.J~('Un€J,:-th,;,.,':I) .
· ·:· ·
. ·· · ··
. . · .· . .. · ... · : · · :.- .>:;fi<. \v' ,}l' . 1. )\~petitloflVOrproQate of the decede'nt'.s lasfwill
·· =. · :,(;~·v.' · J.L,:;~ _- .
·.h~s .be_-~rrfjqre~ented in. ano~her c<?urt where.-t~e .
· · .· ·. : ·.· ~:-~ ~t · .,1,: y· ;1,,: : .. · de.~~c;le~\l.opv,?usl~ .had_~,~ co~Jugal domrctl~ ,
· . . · ·. RUL~ ~-2· · · ·.d:J.
}{1?f ··· .·.· -ln{ . . and;-~~rd,:e_dtw!th his surv,v,ng widow a.net their .
· · REVOCATIO~F .i\~ ~; f~,;\ .-. ·mlngr,_chttdre\ and
-· · . . . ;t,. ~ .. ·. ,c,1,')v.: . :. . . · ·~
ADMIN.ISTR~.1:1~~, ll.E~:I:,H-;~S,_· < ~~~ . · ~tin~fgHi,el:qe'cedenf
:!:;~ · ... . .. ·. · ,· ·...
z: · The7all~g...atiori~pf..theintestate petition before 'it ·
died lntestate·rriay be
. :RESI~NATI~N A~~,;:~~~-9.f
Ajft; . i}~ . act~'a~.~11.fil~~(euencov.-'CA,_ G.R. fvo. L-2474_2, ..
: O_F: E!{Efl!'.I'OI_tS''.~~~?\ } i"1 ._ Octob.er.26/97~( . . . . ..... , :· ...
. . . A. . .. . .: . ii,... J::i/ .. t~h~~-qt ·.. · · ·
. :.O.P1"1lNISTRATO;~~\,.P. .-_ ·. :.::.A1r,_;c-i~(l1.Pi~'?.J~~ov~r~d; "Prob_ate_, ·Pr9ceJ~din9,: :shall·_:.
. . . , .. ··.. . . · ·. "';{. .... ; -"'~-. _i.Wi*'~~place3.ifi'te~tate. Pr<?ce_edi.ng: . ·. .. . ..
. : . . :' · · . , . . · · . .L-1 · tJJI}{: . Te.s~ate:pro~eeding~ take,"precedenceover int.~sti;!te
SECTION .1. ADMINISTAATION ·. REY,P~l;=tO· IF · procee~ing~ for the same estate. Thus,. if during the
WrLL · ·, DISCOVERED. . . . . P_~O<;:·EE~ING~ /.. pel}dency ·of :intestate ·proceedings, . a will ··of the
· THEREUPON, . : '. · . · ·· . c:Je.cedent-is discovered, proceedings.for:the probate
qf 'the. wilYsh.;ill" reprac:e the intestate .prqeeedings · .
·R~VOCl!tion ot.Lette,:s (J,f Adml_riistr.aU'orf . . . .
-. even if· an administrat<?r.had alre~dy,b.e~n ~ppoi!'lted . ·. ·
. 1. When the decedent's· will · is di$ocivered . and
· aqrriittec:i' to pr'o6ate; and · . : ·· · . . · ··therein .(Cuenca v.· GA, G.R. N0. L-24742; October
·26, '1973). . . .. ,· .
· 2. vyh'en rett~rs ·.of: administration· ~re i_lJega!ly.
Issued ·:·without;· jurisdictior.i:- ... (DE · LEON &
W!LWAY.co; sup'rriat. 108J.. :.. .. . H.o.w"everi.the.dis·cav~ry·of a.doc1,.1ment purportir;ig · to
..... , . ', be tlie last will and testament" of i:i deceased .'after.- · •

· . t,iote:. wtii1~ t_he sec.ond·.9round·does not ~ppear in · .. : ·the· ~p(foi~tment·of ·an administrator oflhe estate of ..
Sec. 1, :it is submitted that where1 the.' probate ·c.ovr:t · _the 1.atter, upo'n the assumption that. .he.: or. she:· 1:iaci
acts in exces.s· or without juriSdiction,.-ttie.lE!ttEirs o( · died. inte~tate, ,qoes not· ipso fa9.to·nullify the fetters ·
administration may be revol<ed .at any time -(Id. at·. of acl!lllnistl'l'itfon already' issu¢tf or even authorize .
1Q9). . . . .·: - : . . . ·.the revocation.thereof,.uhtil the alleg'ed wi°IJ·has bee'n · ..
. . ' : proved. and. ·<jlllow~d ·by .. the court (Advinctita v.
.. Effects of the Revocation (SCRAf . . Teodoro, G.R. Ncr.· L-9282; May. 31, .1956) ... The
1, The adrrlinistrator shall Surrender the letters ·to dec_eder:it's will must be prot;>ated firstJ>efor~. the. ·. ·
tKe court; . . - . court m,,ifrevoke the letters ..bf administration "(DE :.
2. .All. power~ i.inder. the· letters of administration LEON &'W/Ll11AYCO, supra at 108-10f}).
shall -Cease· . ·
.... ' , . ..

. . .

SECTION -2. COURT MAY REMOVE os ACCEPT· EXE CAD,. administration . may be warit~d. to ariy ·
RESIGNATION .. OF . .EXECUTOR oa suitable psrson..
DEATl-f, 'r~.ESIGNA.T_ION,.OR REMOVAL . . . Note: The det~r.mination of a person's suitablllty f~r
· the office of" judicial administrator rests.' to a great
extent, ..in the sound judgment of the court exe_rcisil')g
the 'power of appointment. arid. said 'judgme.r1t is: not
to b.e.interfer~dwito onappeal unless the said court -:~:
··is clearly-in erro(.(Lim v:Diaz:"t,Ji/ar~sG.R. Np. L- ·t
17633- October 19,.1969):' < · · · ..··\~
N,atu~e Ad~i·n.ist~~ta'r•s'P~sijidn .. . j"i
· . The position· of the -adrnlnistrator is one of. .:;.;i
ccnfldence.: When the .. court· finds -that the . f
·administrator is riot ··entitled to such confidence, i~ is·.·. ;f
. justified in· withdri,lwing the appointm.ent.and ·giving -: ;,!;!'
. no vali~··e.fficacy thereto (9obarrubiasv. Dizon~ .G.R, ./?!:
No, L-:225,.F~'bruary26, 1946).. : ·. . . · · · · · ;:;i, .
. • . . • • • · :,••=-~t~e.i"'.
Val~d:·: .Gro:unds' for. Rem9val ·. of an :l
. .. . · ..
ts.: · -.for R~mova1:1~_.,f6f,,,~r
.-,.· d: . ' ·lf T
· -. ' · : ·: :._ . . .
<.J ~,1 ~~.re.i.tysj.eal~iRabilityand consequent,unsultabillty to :,:;;J
grounds that. exist that . OC[;tir~aft~r.,~Jj.$·---.=,o~~m'?ntg~'"t~;._~sfate (De Borj~ ~. Tan,. G.R. No. L-' ,.;s:
b~for~ the letters· are letters,a~(~$.su~&.:.··'; ~ _ ~"""''""""'""" 64-7i~ 1:-f.pv.rtrib.fr 18; 1955); · · ·. . · ~-1;
. ;/,,= ¥../~.........-- .
,~i3.· 2.~i~~~!°:e_Qp.~,·fur:i~s·-of the.. estate without :~
issoed. . ·· ·
(DE LEON & W/LWA YCO. sulfra\-at,_}Ofi-110). f -A·
"\'% JUd1c1al aeiir:o.~l~t . .. . ·
. · · · · " ff-. · · // J- · · · .•
D_~gree·_<>.! Care ·expec~~~of·i4,.d:<tp~jii~tra~~r. .
,r\ ~·
-t"-1[.~-~-5e(Gar[~v:_' ~ asquez,.G.R. · Np. L-26884,
An ,:1dm1mst_rator occup1~s·i J,tc{~1~n .o.f thf hlfl~£l:1L.::,]~~-Jk,.,4,Pril3.0,19 ~G)par.1 • ... · . · -. , .·. .
A~~\rse ii\tires,t-0{1anadministrator to that of the

trt-!_st ~nd confidence._-,As ,sue~;~~ i.s re';luirecrz~q;. ~- ~J fals.f-. rep:efl'~~\i~n '?Y.. ~n -~~r:tl!nlstrat~r m·
exercise rel:!sonabl~_d1hgen~e·~~ctm..eiegood~ se~~j-';~h1Sif1~po!Jlynent (Cob~(Tup,asv. ~1zrm,
. faith (Alonzo :Q~· Ancheta. \ Q?JJ.tetat{at: eFsey-:;;;-~:-SU/,~'f1}-?j · -y.- J~
·. _ · , - .. : . .
Da.laygon, G.R. No. 139868,,JtffeJ8ti200 :'°\," if:i l J.., · ;/;A J. .JI v.·
11 f.Ad. · ·· - t t .- · ·
· ·· ·.
Grounds .for. Removal_ of
'· \ .
Ex\~Ao/\, . : .
~~& I .;/'. .

1. Negle<?t to render hfs acco~q.t_ (with~1 y_e9r ~A-..:~~dom1r1~tn~JP~

. ~ ~- ~~~9n·.m. r,c.emov~l ·o
;,.::S.~ttleo/,rulf: if
, . m1ms .rc:i o_r
thal. .tbe.. remo~al of an· .·
JS "':''tpin the _discretion. of the cou~ ..-
.· ..

. .when r~tj-uir~d by the court);_~ . ~<"'-~-h::l_tl'>.J \. ~_o1ht~O!( ~1m. U~us.t, h9wev~r. ,!1.aye s~me f~cts. .0,
2 .. Neglect·to settle the estate ac~rdingifo~--...;_..,= ~P!f}i.el'l!tidvet.0r.¢"1t 1~ .ord~r: Jo Justify sue~ i::e~oval. .. ~r
3; Neglect to perform art otder·o: jti"dg1i2er{9~;the .. ;:=
lf· J6~~-:(&ci~v~ffif_ an adm~-nJ~tr.a~~-r,
court or a.duty. expressly·provlded. by1h~':11es; .l\/li~!2~~:.,,,::9~Pr~c~s,· and <l1_ctates ,~f. t~e hen's. a~d. ~.
do.es_c.no~ lie oh ·'J
: 4. f,.bscondlng;: ... '.:. ·. · . . . .. _· .~:"->=,,,__ ,,~.•Jm..oet1clanes of the estate (~abrr'!_I v. _.GA,. G.R.Nq, ... ,1~
Note.;.Jemporary ab_sence.in the·st1;1te.does'r:iot 101S12, August 7, ·1992). · .· . :-p·
"disqu~fify one· to be _an administrator .of the . Order,.qf Remov.aiAppeal able'. . •
·e;ista-te(Gonzales v;·/l.g.ulnald.o; G.R: :No. 74769, · · Thlire is no question. thaf the· order of ·removal is.,.):.
.. September 28, 1990). . . • . 'appealable ..· HowE:wer;· ·.an. /~ppellate.:' 9ourt ::. is •. {
· · ~.. Insanity;·.·. . . disinclined ·to-interfere with. the action taken·. by. the . :r~
·-'6. focapability tq.'disc!:,arge ~h.e tru~t; or . probate cburt in t~e; matte( oi" the' ·rei:nova~ of ·an :~:;
7. Unsuitability to discharge the trust' (RULES OF executor or administrator unless positive error or .J'
... COURT, RULE'BO, Sec. 2). . . ··. gros~ ,abuse. of dfsc.retion._is s_hown (Boj:romeo. v: '.{
Bo"orne.o,G.R. No. 1...-6363.•. S~ptember 15,." 1·9q5).· :.it:
Action -ot,the ·court . .
w~_enJh~ following"gtounds" are,present, .th~·court
may: ; . .. . ·.· . .. . . .· ..
1. Remov~ !Jim; qr . :. . . . • . ·: ..-. .. · ·. . · . • .. · · .. · /ft1
2. On .~
. ... ~ permit
to .
resign. Lawful acts of an EXECAD l;>_efor£dhe.f~~O?atio9__pf-
his letters . testamentary : or . of adm1rnstrat1on, ·-1·
When an EXECAO"bies: Res.lg..;s, oi:ls Removed·. · resignation or.removal are valid, ·as _if there·had, been · {{'
The. remainfng EXE.CAD may 'administer the. trust 1)0 .SUCfl revocation, resigriation, 0.r
removal· (ROG,. )i,
alone, unless. the. court grants_ l_etters· to other R!JLE 82, . Sec. 3}: The revocation of the letters .of ~ :':¥
persons.' to act with, him. If. there is no _remaining adrninistratio.n. and the .administrator's: removal. '\~
• .r,.



r -·
NA i*?5fi ¥ NE ee,

iii!f;_t .:·,_shall·
M IA - .

terminates his ci'uthoriiY. dgc'eden~'.s

to: adrninlster.jhe' Purpose. of Pr.e~entatlori. o( Ci°a'ims. Agai~st the
estate. Acts done prior-to.the revocation orremoval Est~te: ·:re.protect the estateof-deceased.persons. ·.
r~main :valid; they are not ·nu.lli~i~d _by the .' . That way.the EXECAD wlllbe able to examine each
r revopat1on. of. the . letters of admlnistration -or- . . claim and. determine whether it is a proper one which ·
W,' · adm.i~is.trator's .removal (DE LEON. & .WIL~ A ~CO, . · shoutd be allowed. Further, .the primary;object.of the .'
~~· ·. supr.a at 1_13). . . . . . . ·: ' . provisions 'iequiring -, presentation is. to appr1se,the

if.·;. · ··· · · · · ·. · adrnlnlstrator and the probate court of th~ existence ·
If there are. two ¢r more joint; ~dministrators:.. the_ · · · of the ctalm so that.a proper ary<! timely arrangement
~· remO\.tal of ol"!e does. not automatically extend.to the · ·. may be mad.e for· its 'payment iri full or by· pro rata
~. ··other;.' unless -the: court provides for it. In that' case, . . . portion in the due. course of the· administration,
t. the .other adrninlstrator ·shall .admlnlster- tl'le: whole . -, masmuch as uponthe death of a person, nls entire

r ·. . ". ·. ·. . . . : .
} estate (ld..at 114), ·: · · . · '. .' ·

~;: Whether intestate proceedings already comrnericed .

. . :. . . . . . . . .
· . : · .' '·: · · · .. estate is. burdened with.tl'le payment-of all of his
debts and no creditor shall enjoy- any 'preference 'or
priority; all: bf: them 'sh~ll.. ·share. pro ··rata· .in' -the
',/ .. sh<;>.UIQ be discontinued .and a .new proceeding under. . . liquidation .of. the· estate ofthe deceased (Estate ot .
..~'· a separate ri:Umber and. title sliould be. constit_uted is·. Ofave v. Reyes, G:R. Np. t.:-.'29407,'July 29, '1'983). :
'.. . entirely a matter of form arid !ie$',within the cqurt';f . . . .... ··-' . . . . .. . .. . .. , . . . .
,i( sp'und di\cretioR (lr:J. at 1,14, c7£1ng lr,testaJe{=state of. . . . Ori_ly.·M,pn_eyClaim's may J~.~ File.d · - ·, ... . . . .
·I . · · . , .
,{· .;2805,4,_Junfd ~,· 197i).,.
· · ,. . "Y..r\
;, · ·. Wolfson 'v. ·.!estate .Estate.. of Wolfson,:G.,R: No. ·,L-. · · . Cla(r:'s focmoi:i.ey.,debt,. or-ihte~est_ ·thereo!). u_por:i· a.
. · ·. · .. · :·: .:: .. .'., . . · .. ~.;,Ir'?, . llab1l1.ty contf'act~d by ~h~'·depeder:,t ~ef~re·~1s .dea~h
JFESTIN,Sr:JPTJ'J at-109). •. .. . · . . .
':_.: ·.~_E.CT.ION 4, .POWERS. O,F NE~.'EXECUTOR}?'~,/\.}: . '. .. :. ', .. · .· ·.. · ... · . .. .'· .. · ·: · ·: : .-·· .
,;/ · ADfl/llNJSTRATOR.: RE_NEWAL OF, ·L1CENS9,1<~k:;:.tt )':lot-all ·mqn·ey.cl~fms. i),ay, h.owei/er; be pr~seri\ed~
~/ S_EL,LREJ!\LESTATE_ .... ·,: ·»r\,;,:~;)..,:,.~RHL O'nly_:~~ose ·Whl_Gh;.·a~l:i .proper -a~amst. t'1e
fi' - · .. · · . · . <;;,·.·f\.fi'l.?;i::1:l~~e.r,it;.{tfa~is.., c::1!3im -upon .a·liability ceintracted·by
1: New' EXECAD 1s · the. ~ers~n to wh9.~:)~_tters\,•'11 · 1h
l:.;detf¢'~n,t-lb~fore:his dea_th. According_ly.,· claims
testam~nta~ or. of admm1strat1on. are.,.gr'aAted afteS,s-l.4 fri~.tJig .atteit~~ 'death ·c~nr,pt be prese~ted, e~cef?l
·._the. FeV?Callon .o~ .former letters, ~r(t~f .. 9e_a~·.''l 11.AJ'etal eXJ:?e2s\s {T.estate estate-- qf ,the _deceased
torn:i:~~~J~~-~c:i-. · ,· tt 'j?a'Jtn';'nci(f_: ~el/if.a. v. ~ada: Me~[~a,. ·G.R. ;·N~. · _L-.
t.i .
':'.:: .res1gna~on, or ~~m~~al _of _a
p · N EXECAD tC,"'E) ·,ef'-= .. · 1819, O!?fobej'25},J949),.
/\' r: . ifu,· .. . · ~ . ... ·. ·1 . .1._ ~ . · : .- . ·.. ... .
ower~ o t.he ew c;,
f ·. 1: · ~ollect ~ild -~?ttle the es~~;~}.roi&,,t1'h~ter~~ ' .-·c,~,~~1t~ti'.:\1l{~~I' the .pea~ ·of tlie' De~¢cfent
:;. . 2. _!;ro~ec.~~e ~Jr defend a9t,on.s~c~mp~;.;tdbt~~-J - f'.~~ w_hich ·ea:n;!;!!i_I~aesentedAgainst the Est~fe: _ ·
f... . against the form~r. E_Xf;:CA~. ~~1,..,,}-.,,\,. . . _'£,, . };1,. , 1 '., Fun.er?.! expe_r1~es;, a·n9... . . · . . ·
r '. ·. ·
:- 3. Have .§.~e~utlon on JUdgment~'(reeover1;;,<;1 m_tliie
name of fortne~ EX_EC,'\D (ROC1~'\flLE~/!!.,2,
-s_~c . ·.1t·~;::;:n~:?- . . . 4 Expenses.of the last sickness of the decedent.
. . · .; . · .
t. . ; 4).
" . . . . . . , . . .. t~· .t' /.'-;.;.:::-...:;.::.ii~'1)1keciF10~. TIME.WIT.HIN~Hl~HCLA.JNIS SHAl,:L
f.,. :r:·. R_enewal
· . ·• .· ::'1 ·
of.Authoi'ity.'to Sell. . · · . ·<.j;.,Jt '-'.
·f...·,:l. BE'FILED · ·
·· ·
"'· · .. ~uthoricy- .to sell· previously gh,en to 'ttj:~-Jonner . .. . .
f:·_: EXECAD may b.e reriewed .Y.,ithout notic~ br hearing When to.file claims.: · . · . ·· . . · . · .
... . · Gene.ral Rul~i .. Within the :·time ·.fixed· ii) ·me .. notlpe ·
t'. (ROG, Rl.)!-E 82, Sec. 4). . which· $hall ·not· t?e'·more than. 1_2 mdJ:l_ths· nor Jess·
i_.. ·. .. . .. ·than·.6 months a:fter th'&.'date· of.the f,irst pu_blication
~ . · of~~ notice (RQC, Rille.~6, S~c .. 2). Otherwise;they
8 6. ·

t'.-:° 'RULE are barred forever-(R_OC; Rule'86, ~ecio): · ,

L· ·. . . ..Ad.AINSfT
. . . · .. Exteption: Jardy.clalrris-
. .. .: ...

r~·: SECTION. NOTiCE · :to ··CREDITORS TO BE. .Notb:· .Th~(·perl9d pre·scribed··!h' the: n9~ice is ·n~t ·
r... . ISSUED··av
. .
. . exclusive. ; that:.money· claims against" the -~state
'. tnay . be. allowe~ any .~ime _.: bef~r~· an . order of~ '
t-: : rnim~~Jat~1r an~r granung ,~tters.te~t~me_ntary 0~ ot distribution is: entered, at the·c:11screuon of .the court;
[' . adm1il1strat1on, ·. the cqurt shall issue a . no~ice for .cauie and up0n.'suc1:J t~rms as
_ate equitat:i!·e. 1

[ requiring an perso,ns h~yihg~moiley c.laimif against.
the estate· to -file to them _in the office of the plerk of
}; . · ~9.urt (ROC,RUl,..E 86, ·sec. 1)
: This· extension-'of. 'the period shall 'tiot:exceed one
. month, from the. issuance of the .order ·authoclzlng
. such extensio·n:.(Oe Ratna v. Pafi/eo; .G.R. No. L-
~·· 18935, Febtuaiy 26, 1965). · ·
f- . 'Where .to File Clalms: .All. mQney: claimi; ·IT)USt be . ' . . . .
•-' · .entertained, by. Settlement Cqurt res,ardless . of. · . ·
f amount (ROG, RUL~ 8"6, Sec. 1), ··


. .
. MEMORY . •. .
. AID:20·~9
·~mllll&IIB--llil-mllml!IIBjmlla ... mlll'.ll !llllli!llll~lm----llllil:l-!lm!-~llrllli -s:
• Tardy Claims / . . 1• ·' Within the rangl!! ot the period under S~c. 2,Rµle 86, .J.,
These.are clc:!i{l'!S not filed\:Vithln ,he dryginai ·peripd .theprobate.court ispermttted to sE!t the period.for ;J;
fixed by the Rules. · · · filing of ctaims ·and the perlco, once fixed by .the .t
court, ls: mandatory (Hetrs of Pizarro;: Sr. v :if
At anytime before an order of dlstributlon is entered.>, · Consolecion, G.R. No. 51278, May_B,·1988) .... · ' .::;t
on appllcation of a creditor who has failect.to me nis . ·:. ·. ~ ·. · .· . · .. ., . , . . . : . . . · i
claim within the, lime _previously limited; the court When <statute ·of ._N6o-cla.ims Prevails .over .·~{~
may,_ for cause: shown. and on.such terms'asare : ·.statute.of Limitations· . . .. •, . : . -~-
equltable, ailow such.claim to be ijted within .;3. time · The statute of non-ctalrns supersedes the statute of.~-
not exceeding qne (1) month from the-prder.allowing lirnltationsinsofar as .the debts ofdeceased persons J.
·the· filing of such particular clalm (ROC, R.ufe · 86, · are concerned because if a. creditorfails to file his !}
Sec .. 2). . · · · • ·claim. withln the time fixed· by'.t~e court in th.~ notlcs;'. :}
. . . . . ; : . .. . . . . then the cla1m Is'barredtorever _(In Re: Sstat~ of De: ~1
.Note: The: one-month · . extension· dcies.. not: •. . . f?1os; G.R. No -, L-7~40; Maroh,· 27, :1913). • ··.· . ::-'t
commence from the expiration tt:ie original p:ericid ', .. · . . . . . . , : .... ·,. ._. . .. _. . .. . · . !~t,
fodiiing claims. ·1t begins from· the date :of .the- order · However; bo\h statute of non-claims· and statute of · '.j
of the CQUrt allowing ·said filing,:(.Barredo'v:· Court of. .. limitations must concur in -:t?.r.der" for .a credltor to~ :}}
A,pp_e.ats~·G.R .. No. L-1?863, Novemf:Jer28, 1962). collect_;·tt,us:-.a creditor.'cannot claim,:even ·if within .t:
_ . :. . . ·: ' : : .·· . --~-=-.Jlle.statute of ·non-claim~; if. hi~· claim ,t1a:s alfe.ady : ·,~
_No~e: A .tardy cl_airr, _involves. a two.-·ste1:,J2r0'~ss.
First, the-.claimant files a. motion f~rJe;we .toJf.ll.ea
. ·L\
·p["€is'cr.ib~d _l:ll')Q_er the statute'of lirnitati~ns.. . . .. 'Jf
}J. . . ,~~-.· ·. : •.. · . . .·. .. . . ~;
tar~y cl~_irh W!~h .!~e-}Jrobate. .court a~riyJim:f.t2.e~~~=:-1-=...,·a~.~)_'al. ule:l'i~fo_r.ea credltp~ .ma¥ go ,ayains( lhe. : 1
an order of d1stqbut1on is entered,/!'t;J:1~.rtl.~ti~pt-fii.ust· . - .. estat~.J ~i~l~~ust both be·wlthm th~-statute of it~

~,ho~ goo? ?'lus_e for t~e deli:iyJ\ili't~..:(~h~ls~~om:l':-.......,..k""":ltmit&t.iorts~(.cts~a.t'c\le of non-claims'. · · ~.
~ t~e motion for..l~ave· 1.s. ~ran\;.9°-l=le gi~1m~n\ t.hEJQ; ·
files the. tardy· claim _within ~lp_eno~}-6t.::or(e-mo.r-i\i'.i
· from nqbee·of the orger of .th¢,court wanbn$ leaye_tC?.... ,
·'\VT. · .·~. ·.~-~\
.ExceP,ti°bns:\ f.,._. "-
\ .. .· .· . · . .
· ·. . .· ·. ·. · . . ~~.
.1. The l:red!t~r~t3~c\pP!YWith.th~ court for a ne.w .::.,,
· '\ ;~

file t/le'.tar.dy ctaim .(2 RIGUEi$;;stifra at Zx9- . ~ ,. · -peri'cfi !')O~ ~xcee~iig, 1 ."month'·.from the -order~ f
·. · · · · · : I p<:,"I f/ .. . : . ·: : ~'t-f .: .'~;::~llo'vl(ing tl'\e,~1 or ju~t _cause (ROC, RULE · .f
. STATUTE OF NON-CLAIM:~·. -'l !i . . &"~ 1 "'tri 86, pec:,2); t4 . . . , ... ·,. . · ... J
. _ I tis the. per;iod fixed .for the fi{l~cXa_irr(s"'®.~t,t')e :;;,.-:13...~,QciJ¥iitq.. l'l)a,Yl set-_.up__ his cl_i:iim as · a.· )J
estate, such that, claims n~t..ff}ed·,··wtth'f"~J.~t~~ ·· J "~j\··Cc~[~czl;;ai Ji~f!f.ctionfilQd. by .t.hc .~)5ECAD: ·>
period are barred forever. ·\i
.. . . ·. .
\:,- ,;. · ~'li '- ~
. . .. ~P".'..~:lif
~{'?- . . .
A~mst hi · -1{RO~i·~ULE86, Sec.. 5). · . · · · .. i.:,
. .
Th~ rule re_quires c~rtairi c.re.cli~o~ oKa d.e L&i· ~~ii:7iip1e.sf Late F.i .i11g, -~h~n Ailo°\~ed" ·: . . . · i-~
·person to present' their claims ¥0£.;~xamifl~tio a1ENrf'\J">·Wh~ii a clalrnfof P31,000 was not ·presented j-
: allowance. withi~ a-spe~ifi~d perio,(3A-HER~ ·. ,··'----=:-:-·J,...~-~--'·--~cau~~e~qministr.a_tor made- i1 a·pp7ar' that · {
supra at 132), . · · - -.. '~ --f-9.ii""t:::z. ·
.~-"?'"':!!the."1-g].l)e;>f:f~e estate did noJ excee.d P1_.~00 (In \f
. . . .. ·-· · · · ~ Y · ·1,l,:A". /j~'r.,~)ffk_t,a1e.of Reyes, G.R.No. -L-42092, Oct.obe.r , "':.
Reaso11:·. , . .. _ ··""-..,......;_ · · ...VH. ~Bf--1.936).. ,. . ' · :. ·. ... . J
1". :ro pr?teGt t~e: .estate_ ·.or the.. dec.~aseq D~"'~ :raudulef'l,t. ·omis~ion' o.f C~_rtain.' a~~e.t_~·JO~the ;]:
· . mform.11'\g ·ih.e ex~cutor qr adm1rnst~ator·of .the _ inventory (Bflrredo _v, CA, G.F.( ·No,:L-17863, -~ii
· clairns against. it, thus enabling' him to exa_m)ne;· ' ,..· Noitember-28, ·1:9,62).: . . . · . . . . . '... . ·-: '.!;
: each "Claim and to de_ter.rnine-whether. il..is a·. ~ ·3. Where the.judgment in favor .of,:claimant was· -..;
· prope~ one whic_h._s}'lould be all~i,yed; ·, · - ·,. - ··, rendered. by the Gourt. of 'Appeals :on· appeal -~~
2. For .the .-speedy. s~ttlei:nent of. the·. affairs of the after .the .et<'piration qf-thi;l·statute 9f non~clafms:. .t'
d~cea~ed: and .· - · clalmant. ~rg1,1iog t~at she courd .nof have fileq..a: .. )--
3. · The · early·· delivery -of :·ttie. property· to the money clairti ·before since· the tri.al court did1no.t .::i
. distributees, Jegalee.s·.. or ,heirs. (Union Baqk of award dan,ages· : in:. her:, {avor. (De. Rc1ma v... :I
the Philippines v. Santibanez,·-~.R. No, 1°49926; Pafifeo,.G.R No.,L-18452, May 31~ 1965) ·. · .},·
February·23, 2005): ·· · : . . .. · · <. . :. · ; . . . · . · ·. : · · . . · ·. · ·. · · · · : };
.... ., Pr.esentation · of ·Mp.ney Claim m~y be.: Waiv:ed· . {'
.· Period·to File.Clal~s is Mandatory .. r . . (W.aiver of StatLitej,t._Non:cJaimsj ... ·.... . . . .. '.i:
Even if the testator acknowledged the,debt in his will Under Rl.!fe· 3, $~c, 20 .of the Rul~s ·of Court, _wheri_-. 1l.
and. instructed .the. -executor to- pay·th~·_.debt, ·th~ the. actitm is for re"coiiery·of moMiy, debt cir Interest '
statut~ of non:claims n,·us~. still b.e cornj)lied With; thereoli', ·and . the c;lefendant · Elies before,. final .-J
otherwise, the claim ·may also be b·arr~d:· · •. j~dgment in tt:ie.9FI, the civil c~·~e s)'ll:ill ~e dismi~sed .
to be prosecuted.· in.. the ·. testate ·or·· lntestat~. ·;;;
ploceedlng.s-to av_oid usele~. dopliclty of ·p~oGed0re:· ·. J



However, if the j~dgmij~t· in the .' civil" case. has? · · · · SECTION 5.. CLAIMS W~ICH' M.UST: B'E FILED
become final, the estate.cannctbe heardto say that ·, . .·.UNDER ·~oTiCE. 'IF N'OT FILED, · BARRED;
tne judgment reached aftera (ull ··dre·ss 'trial on the ·. · EXCEPTIONS. · ·. · · ·
.m.erits· will now go for- nauqht, Ttie estate .has thus. ·
waived 'lts right to have the -elaim re-litigated .in the · .' Claims referred to under this· section refer to claims
estate . proceedings. . For, though .presentment 'of .. ·. for-therecovery of-monsy ;md.which are not secured·
'probate . claims .. is .'imperative,. if . is g,enerally bya llenaqalnst theproperty.of the esta'te·(olave v:
· understood that it. may be waived .bY fhe estate...s· : Cenies, G.R. N6: l-'12709; February. 28, 19.62).:
representative. ·certainly,, th\fl'. administrator's fai!u_re ..
.• . . . ,: ·.· ·: . .. . '
.to plead the .statute of. non-claims, ·and -hls active' -,.-.. . '·. If the'.ct~im· is secured, apply Sec, 7 of Rule 86:qf the .
'participation, ·.and resistance ·.to .the .civil ·actio'n/ . Rulesof Court. . ·.· ·. · · · · :- · ·
amounts· to such· waiver. (3A-HERRERA, supre at ·· ....
. 136-.137; Intestate Estate:of EEhcarna.cion Elchico ·v Ciaims·Which must be ·F,U~~ _Undet.the S~at~te.oi' ·
· PaiJlpanga:·13us Comperiv, inc; G.R. No;,L-18936, N.on~claims· (C!=SJ)· : ··. · .... · · .. · .
. May 23, 19~7). . · .. ·· :- . · : . ·. ··. :. . _ : 1·. Money 'clalms ·- ·ttebts )ri'curre.d· 6Y: deceased . ·
, __ during his lif~tin,,e ar!sing fror:p g_pgtraet: ::
'secnea .; s: ·PUBLICATION·: oi=·
CREDITORS'. •, . ..
No:ricE -
.ro . · . a. ~~pres.i, or'i!l)~li,!;ld: .: . : .' ' : ': .

- Note: This refers.toallmoney. claimi arising

Duties of . the: Exe"?utor/Adminlstra~(?r' upo!1 . ~1} ·. · - . _out of contract, ·quasi-c?0.tract,qr'rav.r.: but .do ·
Issuance of Notice ·. : . . ~· . /li?lf.1. . · not refer.. to those- ansmg from .cnrne: or
.A.- )'.>ubllcaiion requir.~r;nen~.. . . . . . . ·(li~$f{i.,J.~~{ ; .' quasi-dellct._ .Clai'."lsJ~r money which· are.
·-:. EverY. EXE,GAD·-shall,·.1mm~d1at~ly after.(1,tq~·,r.-/~:;, · . ./_ fourded on. tort or crime .ar.e ,not money.
notice,to creditors is i:mpcd, c.iusc the sarnj tg,..~.it17 i.,L..., · ·
cl~lms)md should thus be .,filed again~t th~·
be published· fcir three (3) successive. w.e~~~fni.~t~~\ry ~.1.1.~~i'".°";·~·x,M~tdr/!:!clrr_iin.ist.rator or. ag~inst the heirs ..
, newspaper of gen~ral circula~ion in t~~,i~i:ovince. 'V ~J . · : · ~i.,r:2°Rtf}1:JERA, supra 9( 74). : .. . ~ ·
\ . . - . . ,' ;ff"P"" .. br-1 . ·. . ht . . . . . . .,
· B... Postin.g re_qµirement

S~a- 3). . . . . '·.

. , ·.
It a ~he :decedent last ·resided fB'9C,J~piil't:' 86,. .
Lf(Y.- .
-T,l~!f : . · ,.,.,.,.~, · . ·
y·1b- ~
,;:?t ·
~a . _. · T~~ .,e~ __ quasj-:contract is il')cluded In the
c~hc pt'~mplied ~.Pl')tracts~·.as·· ~lsf.lc'l ·ir,i the
,L!le, o~ ~o.u1t ·.(M$tropolltan:Ban~ &: Trust
- . · ·; · · . . . {:,C.-,, · · ..;-}.,,., , ·: · · ·. " ).~ 196m~Y\\ . v. Absoh,1te· · . ManagfJ_ftlent .
• SE~TION_4~FILING·~OPYO~t~INT~."1PTl:0 !;:fJi 5<. ., . ·. · .-.~. t~!fqi~~·
~- ~-N<?:·~?_794_.!)8,. -~af)~~ry·g:.
, ?. _ :· . · . · . : , . . ~ -. · ... .-_· :·: • .
. . . . .. ~~.. (,·-•;, ... ,/ .!? ~(i),tQ).,_...,.., . . . ·. . . ' .. .. •'
. i;).lJti~s,.,<>F.th~.-·~ecutQr/~dril\i1~$a(~f/u!''}.~-
P_~.l!c.at1onof_Nqb~e: .. · . ... ·~ . · \,1· .· :·· ,
A,.""l'.1~1!\b .. o~e.ornof.a~e;.·
1/l{ithin te"ll (1.0). d.ays · pfter publlcat.ion~ap_g5pqsting ,.. · . ..-!::.J.t~\
it +.:19:.,;J,~-l;?sofute
or con~ingen,t. . . ., .-. . .. ~
tt)e '.EXEC.AD. shall file or. ca.u$e fa t(~file~ ![i1fti"~~..:..~~L..,,,~.txD. . ·.. ; ..:_ . · : .
court;·. · •. · .. · · . ·. · ·. ,\.,t · . MW .. · · 2. Cla11:mi for .f.uneral expenses; .. . .
1. _. A prjnt~id copy of th~. notice; and
2. · The printed cbJW shall be accompame'd :·by an
\~l~~~ · .: ..: 3. 91aims f<;>~ expe·nses fotthe last':§1ckne~s·of
. dec.eqent; and. .- . .. . .. .. . . . . . .
t~f ·
· ·. affidavi.t setting for.ththe:. ·· · · · .· . . . .. . 4; .J.ud9.1nE1ntfor money ag~il)St'th~· ~e~denL· ·.. . ·
· .,a, · Oates.'of the ftrst and last.publi.cation t1:1erepf · · · ·' · . -- · ·
b, _Name 6f'the ne.wspaperin which'the.same. ·Exam'ple:·\,v'tien· judi;jmerit·in a civii case.has·
. · is printed (ROC, Rl./L_E.86.,_ Sec. ·4J:··.. . - become.final and execulbry;·executio.n'is noitt.ie : .
pr_oper remedy. to·enf~rce,.payi:nent: the,claitnant .-...
Note: A notice' to crecjitors .file. their .claims is not . ·. ·, .should . preien.t. claim . before ,the 'probate'· court •'
pro·p~r i( only. ·a.. :spec!al adininist~ator'' has. been . : (Domingo.v. tfon ... ~arlitos;.. G.k. No; L-.18994,
. appointed· because· . a . speciaf·. -a<;lministrat0r i~ · · ,!une 29, -19?3}. · · ·
gener.ally.-.not ~:mpowered.·to'. pay the <le~t~: of ·the
deceased :(ROG(. RUL~ BO;, ·sec. ·2;. and. his· ~ond, No'te:; The. enumeration. i$. ·exclusiv~. (FES.tiN,·.
unlike .that'. of.. a ··regular·· admi.nlst~c1tor, is ·r.iot. ·~iipra 13~ 109)..... : ·....
. co11~itiqned upon fh~. j:>aym.ent of suet) .debt~ (2
. REGAL4.D.0, ~upi'a at .71), :-._ . ... Absolu.te G.l~i,ih·· .. · .. : ·~·:.· · · . .. .· : ..
The·absolute claim is. s·uch a claim as, if contested ·
Re~son: To lnfbrm the ·creditors.· as well. as 'the: 'b~tween'!1ving'"pei-sons·:··wou!d b,e pr9per subject o(
co'urts that 'the notice requirement has' be.err .duly . immediate legal action' and-would sup'ply a·basis of:
;followed. · · a judgmel'1_t Jor a. sum certain·,(Gaskell v. ·Tan.Sit,
· G.R. 18405,.September-23, 1922J: .


.. ----------------------·
SP.ECt·AL.· PROtE·E,i:l"I NG:S
. . •• . .. # 0

. W¥E awe q

· : Contingent Claiin , . . · in the probate court as amoney claim in accordance -1

A cqntingent claim is cine i~ which .liability depends with Ru.le 86, Sec. 5 '(Peredes: v. Moya, ·G.R., No. L-, f)'
. . Or.I Som~ fu_tur~ event tha~.may.9r·may not happ~l'.l,. 38051, December 26, ·1974:).. · · ' · ·:/.
· .and which· makes. it uncertain whether there wilrbe . . <.1:
any liability·al"all. It has· F'eferenceto-the "uncertaintyIf none of the ·h'eirs is ,.._;jjling. to be· substituted to the. · /·
defendant, · the credltor 'has to ·. procure . the·-·.
of-liability, and ·not.to u_n~~rtainty of collection (Id.).,
appointment :of· ah executorradmmtstrator teoc, '/.f;
ttrnay ·be approved at their. ~re;e'ht value tnoc, · \
RULE Bf>, »= 5). · · .... · ·
.. .
RULE 3, Sec. 16) ... · · . ·
When Fin~I Ju~gmentha.d been: Rendered:'
.... · ·

.1•. If wittioirt -levy - if final judgment had already .,~·
. , ,j
Deficiency.Judgm'erit·. '. . · .. ' . : bee·n rendered against'the-decedent prjo(to ·his· ·. ;i
A deficiency Judgmi:!rit is. a: connnqenrctalm "arid... .deatb,. but ~i_thout· levy on.iexecution haying· A
··t.lierefore.'must-be filed with the probate court where . 'been· . effected against- his ·: property, · such -{'f,
the settlement of the deceasedis pending/within·the judgijient must also ·bEffile_d: as clalm aqalnst ·: a 1;
:period fixed for the filing.ofclaJms· (FirstNational City the ti-state in the: manner .provided for by 'this · '?}
Ban~ of NewY.or~v. Ct,eng'·Tah. G.R. No, .L-1423{ ·. Rule:··. · · .. · : · ·. , · :~
: February-28, 19.62); .' · . · -: 2: lf·levy·has·been made"' if:levy.ha;, al,:eady:been· · ;;,,
. '':. . . . . . rnadebeforehls.deafh,execution shall proceed _.:;!
•. wheth.er ~-s~e~s.~d ~~fo[ii?fter u -~~~~~~-~Oli.~,
,. _. . ~/.
Cla~rtjs0 ~of Unpaid Taxes not lnclud.~d-fn -~,-(R.OC,Rule 3,9) ss« !,. P.W·· (c)). ·...
the.death of the· deceased, ca.n be c<?Jleoteo"{rwn)}_.~.-..=......;p,ec~oE'kr:.- . ,. . . . , .· . :
:. . .
'oBLIGf'.;l~N .
.. .

hetrs even after. thedistnbution of:Jt.p·~·p'?EJp)utiesof· . · -~,.~~~ ~ . . . ·· ·. t

the . decedent. · )"hey . are e~/'mptfg~fi:OJ,Xl.;..,..the=-i~heJ!;,._ tl'·e.'¢61igatib.n· on.he decedent- with another
applica.tion of the 'statute c°f n6'J:l,:9laJiS::TJie hei~ .·. :i ~btod'i s~~ta~~~-d~im should !:le filed against.
shall be liable therefor, in proirti6n,tf!th.eirYshare,Jn !B:~
&fecedent as~1ffhe · were the· orily debtpr wittiout
the inheri.tance (Marc.os II v.;pou,:t oj-Appi/ais,. G.R. { ,.. prejudict on 'iit ffea\
of _the. estate to recover
No.. 1_2088_~, June-5, 19_97). ~ !.""'?·.~-. . ··l·-:--,., :._,~~-
""cdnfriotiqon fro1 ~~Rfer debtor'{ROQ, RULE 86'.
. · - .: . .· · ~if!~y · . · . · '-3" /' ~~6)).1-· ·_1! '.,· I .. · . . . .
Clanl'\·Which'.!s ~xtlngl1stieilt91stl~~ \5hed~ ":~·, ,-..5,{i; .·. J, · · ~~
S : ·. ·· _ . · . . · ... ,
. 'from Action _V.Vhich ~o·e~Q&t" s~~W{..:. . -~-=,',liJj]JJ,,·Joint ~~ati.or;i ·D,eF,_e~ent.. ' ~r . ,. . . . . -~
· · · · ' .. , '· ·· i !ff'.,. e-qffif
i&iu~tp~~yl'l;1ned to_the__ portron belonging ::.:
· ),'!"""'t~b44[.~ de,·l. f J · .. · · ·' 11.t
.. ~~(~~= .. · .. : .. ~ •' . . - : ' .. .. :·}~
Personal to either of the cfaim.- surv\e~ Yt '-.~·· ,,'N,..6~"}.p·urit1an~ .t<:> . .ffet·- :1216 of t~e Civil· Code, in ·. ~i
'partie.s' . and ; . IS decedi>nt's. d~thC..ii:[fi'~NT·1~"s~,?o~J,ti~,d~a~h'<fon.e:ofthe·s0ltdary.det>t?rS, the· ·1i
· . . · · · . . . · '~:'.·. · .,~ ~ ..-.. '; . ~r~~!af mW oEf so.·choo~es; proceed against the . -,,,;
.~:c\:i~G!yi~ _ l ~-~l'Vi¥i~.~~~y debtors. without neces_sity·of.filing . '?:i
extmgu,shed by deatli
Claim ... ' . is
not ~- . . <uI : . ""r\1-~JJ~in,;iiyt(e esta~e of, the ;cfe.cea_s_eddeb.tors '(3A- . :·;;;
·t· · h.d b' ·· d · th
exmgu1s e . Y- ea
·and ~ ·but shail be
· ·,
· ,r.,LH~(:38ERA. -.supra. at 153; .PNB v. /nctepehdent ;._··
A ·· · , G L
... -~·,.. an.e_rs ssoc,ation, · ~R.. No. .-·28046, May 1 '. . ·.~
.·. · 6 ,,,

prosecuted. a~ ~- mon~y · ·H::J!3_3). :. ... ·- .f

claim ~ga!flSl· the estatE:l secrioN. 7. _· MO~TGAGi{bEBT· DUE . FROM . Jf'
of the deceased: · ESTATE,. . .. · ._ · .: . · . %':~
· Example~/
. ': .nipiley Actions
. .. . . ·. · ·. •.. ·. ·. · ·. ... .· :: ·· ·. ·· ' .
aff~ctihg, ,·: - Re,medies of tlja Mqrtgagee l'n Case'··of Death· of ·,;;
. . · l
·cJair:n . prop.ert'y'rights.... such as ..· the Mo·rtgagor,Altematlve.Remedies: .(.A.FR) ?~
reqovery of . ·real : or 1 .. Aban.don i?r -':waive ,the. se9urity and . prosecute.. ~1
personal.'j:,roperty. or: an . . , his -dafrn against the· estate ·,md·:shar.e. in Ure :;
'----~---~-......... irjt~rest there.in, ..... ·
. gener.al diStributiol'l of th~-assets· c;if this e~\ate-;

. 2_. : fo'replose his mort_gage . or· realize upon his

· · Effect: of O:~c~dent'; Death Durirrg an Action tiir security by action in court ma!<ir,g the
Sum ofMoney; Writ' of Ex~·cutioil- not Proper . ·· . :EXECJ.\Da party defend~nt; or ...
· · w·h~re the defendc!~t .dies whfle the action, for a ~um
.. of f!IOhey.is pendiQ.9 _against hin:i in the C.A, he_ shall: . · Nc;,te: ·1t·ther~ is judgment ·for ·<;!eficiency,after
·be sut:>stituted thereiri by_his legal representative .bi.Jl the sale of the mortgaged properties or property
the· final judgment of the appellate court shall not be pledged. in the foreclosure .or other proceeding" ·),
enforceable by a w_rit of.~xecu~ion but sh~ld b'e filed .to realize· upoo·the security;:he m.13y file a claim A:
. ' -

. --- -·· ·-·--------------------------~~-·

AW Hii&iiM A

(contingent) against the estate within the statute C~n-tents of the. Claim:·
of non-claims; · , · :·· . -,· .. · '. · 1. If a ciaim be founded on a bond, ·bill, note, or any
.other instrument: . .
. :. 3.. Rely solely 'on his mortgage or other security a. The original need not-be.filed: ..
· alone and· foreclose ·(Judicially or extrajudlcially) . . .
·-·. ." the same at anytime within'"the 'period of· the Note: .The original shall" be exhibited.von
.statute· of llmitations but he cannotbe admitted demand of the .EXECAD or by order ofthe
· as · creditor and· shall. not ·· receive . in : the . court or judge unless it is.Jost or destroyed,
· dlsfributlon or"the othlr 'assets of the estate. . .
.: ~ . b. : But a copy there~f ~ith a.II the endorseme~ts
shall be . attached. to the '. claim, filed ·.
~ · ::t~~r!~er;~ZJi!~e a~~~~t~: cfa71:~~\~~~c~-~~~~: .therewith,.and served on the'J~XECAD; .
.. that remedy he cannot.avail of any ofthe other-two 2.: it.the original is lost or destroyed:
remedies ·(Bachrach: Motor Co., tnc., ·_v, lcarangal,. a.· :Th~ claimant must.jaccornpany his, c;laim
G,B: No.-J;:-~535q,_ May-29, 1!}~9). . . · · ·. wlth affidavit or affidavits contatninq acopy
· · · ·· or particular descnption of the instrument. ·.
Right ofRedernptlon · · . · , ·.. . . . and _ · · ·
. Therule reserves a right to·tlie EXECAD of an estate b .. $tating·its loss or destru_., ctio,n·:. ·
.to redeem .a ·m_ortgag~~ .or pledged property :of .a .· . :
:dec~de_ntwhi.chthe mo~~agi_e.o(p!e~g-~~-~as_opted..,,,/) 3. _ If.the clairn is d~e: . . . . .
. to foreclose, instead .of filn')g a money claim w1th·t\Ji;/!Y ··a.·. It must be. supported by .an affidavit·stating
probate cou~ Ur\?er _sa!d Sec.. 7; of Ru_le 86. ~~iJ~~f~,~~·. · · the amount due;' · · - . . . ·
the rede~ption rs subject t~ th~ approv.al_ o~ •.l~°rf-!tj;;1.t~ -b .. .Th~t rip payments_have been made thereon
probate court, the exerc1s~ of. the · nghtJJ fS!\,,:~41'.~..:..--:--, ·-wh.1Gf:l are not credited; and · · . _ .
· discretionary up<?n the said EXE~A~.and. n:i~t~~.~~i 1•J.Uif!!~?~""Fb'.e;t;ct that ther,ehave tieen· no offsets, to
be ordered by the probate court upon its ~'f)~·i:n_ot1on'-'"\\1 ·. . ~tli'€f'~tjowledgeof the affiant. · .. ·
.·. ;,?'!!' . . ,. . : ·
'27; 1978). · .
. . · :
v. Castaneda, G.R.Nq.l.tt36~7, Juneklti

. . .._
; ~:;)> ~f{_:. . :
'.::,,l!_:,,., l;;:.,f
)<]1. ·.
· j
. ·
1· If the" S;la[p:i\s not due or·co!1tin~ent, 1t _ml)st be
. acc<?,~P_air.1e~, _by an afflc;!avit __stating· the.
SEQTION 8. CLAIM . O~SXEC.Utolt1"_ 9~- ii!\ - p-art1dula_rcsU.,~reof; and , · .,
ADMINISTRATOR AGAINST~tsl_ES1,T-E · . ~ fl 5. Whin ttil · affi~~vit is ·made by a person other
. · · · :· . . · ·. ·- ~.:~V .,._,. )),~;, ~;,. ~f~l ffi'.;,a;pJ1}~,f~.1,rJffi~l
Appointment of Special Admit;iistrctta.r~·S. ~-1 .. : fj:11 . . afficlav.i.t-1J~.iieasonwJ:iy it is not maqe by the
.. he must set'· forth . In his.
If tne EXECAD. has a claim ag~~t~e:1sJa~e I)'.~ ."1,J' : E:laimal)t (ROG, RULE/36,.sec. 9). · . .
represent~. ~e shall give n~tice ther~ot1in·~~ing, "to . !d~,..,-=, _. . · ·· · . · ·
tlie- court and the court .shall apposht..#-special. ,H~~""Th~Gl~1m once filed shall be attache~ ·to tne record
admiriistr~tor.. · · <,~?'- .·~y.;;;;~H.·l;j_ct~~;ca~ in ·whic~ th~ ,letters testamentary-?~ _of
. . . . . ., ._ _ . . . . ~~A · . /~~ .
a?r~·urn~tratl(>nwe_re.issued, ~lt~ough t~e:cou_r.t,.1n1ts ·
·. puties o~:Sp_C;?c1_~1..Adrnm1strat~r ~~:r(. , discretion, _and. ~s a matter of co_nv~rne~ice, may.
The special .administrator shall, in the adjustment of or~er all ·the cl;;11ms to_ be collected 1n a separate
· i;;uch claim, have th~ same power·and. be subject-to . fold.er (ROG, RULE 86, Sec. 9).
same lia~flity as_. the· general. adminJst~ator or_ ' SECTION 10. ·ANSW.ER. OF . EXECl)TOR. OR -
:. executor 1n -the settlement_of ~ther ~la1n,~:fR.'?C, : ADMINISTRATOR. OFFSETS · . ·
Rl/LE _86, Sec. 8). · •· · . · · · · · ) · ·
· ': Within fifte~n.(15) d_ays aft~r.service of~ cop1_of the ··
· N6te;: Thi~\s on~ otthe inst~n-ces where. a ·special.

.: claim: on the EXECAb, he· shalL file h·is ,anSwer.

admiriistra.tqris a'ppo1n.t~d.The special adrri!ni_~trator. admitting· or denyi"rlg the claim· .. specificaiiy, and.·
.wi(I· have . c:.iutnority to. act ohly wit), respect..to ·ufe' setting fortti the substan~e..of the matters which.are
. claim. of th.~ regular administrator or-the execu,tor , . relied upon.to·supportfhe admis.sion cir deni.al (ROb, .
(? REG~LADO, sdprt{at'83).: . . . . RiJLE 80, -s~c. 10). · · . . . : . . . .
SE.CTIO~ 9. HOWTO. FILE.A'CL·AIM,CONTENTS The: EXE CAD: may int~rpose any . counter~raim in
~~~~~~~R~:gJ'cE· ·. 10 EX~CU'.f()R -·. ·9R · offset · of a . claim. against the .. estate: . Said
COl.!ntercl.~im . is regarded as a . ·cornpuls<;>ry
.counterclaim as the failute• to·file -the sa·me 'shall bar
Ho~ t_o File a ¢1a1m · . . . .. .: the _.ciairp. forever. . . .. .
1. Deliver the claim-with·the ne.cessary vouchersto
th~ clerk of court; and· · The court in its discretion may extend the time for.
filing such answer._ . . . . .
2: Serve a copy thereof on the EXECAD.
~ .. •w+1111!!m-mi:mlllillm11111•mmmem~
,,111·a•w1mcm•em.-EB1m+111w11:11•m+wmu~ES1Al!.l!F lillll•1111111,•me1111:il·
..... 111 · ·::1-
SECTION .. 11.
. . . -~
~01SF10SITION "OF ADMITIED 2. Where an · action commenced against -the -: .
CLAIM . deceased for money has been .disco.ntiriued·and .·-~·
the .clairn embraced therein presented as in this · :"t
Any claim admitted entirely by "the EXECAP·.shall rule provided, the .prevantnq party. sh.all be. :}<
immediately be-submitted by the Clerk to the GOUrt . ~llo"'."'ed·th_e costs· of his action op_ 'to tt\e· ur:ne o(.c);:
·. who may; · · ·. · · . · . · · Its discontinuance. · · . · · ·
1. Approvethe same Without hearing; or .
2. The court in· its discretion; before approving .the · . . ·CLAIMS AGAINST :rHE ESTATl:.FLOWC'"'ART
claim, . order . that known· heirs, legatees,. or.
: .
b.e notified': and-heard. · · •· · · I . . . .
. Granting of Letters Testamentary or Letters of
. it o~
upon heari~g.· an heir, legate.e devisee ooposes . .-.. ., · : ·
: .
Administratio~ : . .
. '. ·.·.
. ·. .
. .. ·· .
. "the claim, t_he court m~y. in lts.dlscretion, allow tilm
fifteen (15) d,ays.to file al"! answer to-the claim. ·
. ')s~u:ance ~i notice. "req'uiri[lg.all persons havi119 . '.
SECTION 1.2. TRJAL°OF °CONT·ESTEO.CLAIM · money clalms agc!,Jnst the 'decedent'to filethem
in -the office -bf the,Clerk of.Court with,i_na:· period

. Note: The. mode ofappeaj is. record on appeal "and . n. ·.
:0 . \
·.. .. .
must be filed .wJ.thin 30 days from notice of j_udgrnent.
,. '. ·' ·.
A. copy of the answer_ shali". be: served by the·
. · EXECAD u on the. claimant. : .. .-:•
. .
· . $1;:CTIQN"14:.cosis
.. ..
: ';. ..o:." '·: .: -: :_:·1.•.
1. Wti~n. EXECAD,. in his answer; admits and ~----=------'-------; ........c......,;.:....__"--_~___,
Where th~. fraudulent ~.oriv~.y_a-~cewas m~d.e.· by
. 'offers ·'t<{ pay: part of theclalrn. and the claimant
refuses to accept the amount offered: . . the deceased in his (ifetirjle'to'his EXE;CAD,.any
. .a. .lf he obtains 'a more favorabie judgment- credltorrnay l:>rlng·the aotlon in-.tl)e.n~me of.all the
... costs may be recovered.by him, creditors, and, in-such a· case.Jsave of court "and .
b. · . If he does· riot obtain a more favorable posting of a: bond are not' necessary, , c:
;iuc;tgment ~ costs max not berecovered.and ..
· he must' pay to the EXECAD costs from the . -~-~
. time of the offer. · · . 'i
. ·. -~-
. ·\!.
. .,..·


- -·---· ··--- ··-------------------------1

S-PECl'AL :p:R.0:CEED·I NGs·

deceased during 'his lnterest'therein 'from the'

·RulE 87 . lifetime ari~ing . 'from estate; ·. . .
ACTIONS BY AND'AGAINST £ontrac.t; . . · · · . .Action . to · recover
:·· ·ExECUTORS AND. . · · damages arising from
Clalms · forfun·er~I !tijury."· . . . .
.. ADMI,NIS-TRA.TORS expenses pr for the last . .
§ickn~ss · of . . . the Enforcemenl of -a _bie·n
decedent; . thereon: ,
Sl:CTION -1·. ACT!ONs'V'IHICH MAY _AND ·v,.rl-i1ck J.~~gn:i"e_nt . for. , money ' : . .. .

MAY ·.BRING -~OR DEFEND ACTICJNS · _WHiCH .. SE~1;10.N 3.i~-~1~'-MAY·Nc',T·S~~ "UN:T;i:.-. SHARE ..
SURVIVE . . : ASS.IGN_Eb . . 1 . • . . .

. A:ctioi:is th~t survtvethe deced~nt'~- death. V\:'he11 an .EXE CAO-Js appointed and assumes the . ·
No action upori .a claim for.the recovery of money or ' . trust, no 'action to recoverthe titie or. possession pf
debt or interestthereon st:)1')11 be commencedagainst . landsor for damages done to such lands-shall ·be .
.u,e·EX.ECAD;'except;.(RLD) .· ·. · . ··· ·. · ·. · ·~aintain.ed'.against him by arrheir or devisee un~il:
1.· ._T-0 :B,eco.ver· real-or personal property.i or ~i:{:~j/. 1; -Therete.anorder of the court assigning such
. . ir.iterest-th.erein, iror'n the estate.or . : . l~_;f/"·:h., rands-to' such lielr or devisee; .· .....
2. To· ~nforce a ,bier:-i thereon, and · .. • ·: · [· ,,{t::~:J~ 2. · The: time allowed for payi_n~--debtshas expire·~.
3: · Actions to recover Qamages for an -mJuryl"t(?,',i:.,,'f.·iit;,__..... (ROC'.f,t!LE 8.7, :Se.c; 3), . , ,· .:_ . ·:·
person 9r .pr.op~rty, real or personal, ~~tti~.~Wf!.~!~!!'._e,~~~;;,> . , · ·' ·.
commenced'aga_inst hlrn, .· !J · ·
,-,r.~1/ . y) Ge.neral::Rut_t The heirs have no leg~l.'s~qnding to
. .. · . .. . . {:-J~ 1 . jy 1! sue for_the·r,.1f0v~ry of.property of .the es~a~e. agai~st
~e1te: lnJuryl to p_r0perty rs .not hm1_te~_Jg~·nJllnes
. $pacific· prop~rty.- but extends to otRj~ }'r.}.QDgs t5y . ~A) · proceed1~s.u \:
w_hich persohal estate is· injur:ed:§f'-c:limi~s~cl:To .!f\ :
. . ~all~iqusl-}'. cause_ a ~a_rty t.e'f~u·ser.1ip~~cess·a~~
t¥'.,. .}l ·

expeoses 1s ·c~rta_1nly 1r,ury t-9 JH~a'f!t~tpmP~'tr ... ln~ 1 .. lft_.tne;c~·,i;_g~l:)~il~unw1lhng or._refuses to_ bnng
J \~ · ·. ' : · , . · ·. · - · .
·the EXE_q1it>~~~nng·th_e·penden!;:y.of admn:ustrabon

: .. · jJ ..
i '

·1,.. : _.. : ·' ·. · ·. . _: . . · .

Ex_ceptta.~s:_ ·
.· · '. .· .

. (3A-HERRERA,_ supra at_ -f6§j_· T/3.-e.7;:/fw~r.cf;.;'tJf. J;.~ ,. ·:suif:~4ill~i,>-·: . · .. · :· .' ..... : .

· · Liquidators v. Heirs of Maximo. Kataw··'G:13.._,-No. ff· VY. ' · · . ·. . -:. . · ·. · '
. 18805, August 14; ·196i).. ~.-~ j:~:~~
. \:\ · · ~ . Re~edy of, H!i.rs If EXECAD. is Un~illing· or·. ·
. .. : . . . . _ . \<-·~~!.) ... · . ___..}tc.~Jl,.-lill:\~j~~PJ~~!~ to Bri!1g ~ult._· . _ :. . _ · . · .
:·Actions Wh1~h may be Brough~ b:1,1·the-exe9.~~· ...j,";1~~'.'t-"(tj:1:1e:..'l;ieirsmay·bring tlie sUJt and.1mplea9 the -··
::·. ~or. the recovery or pre>tectio11 of ·th~!PlOPJ~fti or • : . ex-_l3.cutor.·or a~~ inistrator_a~ a co-defendant.for .
ngh1s of the qeceased, afl EXE(;AD- m~y,..l:>nng .or bemg an unw111,ng .co~plamtiff, -pursuant to,Rufe· .
defel)d, in the. right of deceased; actioas for~uses· . 3, $ec •. 10 (2 . R/GUERA, . supra 91 ·.citing· ·
which.surviv~ (ROG, RULE 87, Se_c. ~). . . _Borromeo v: Borroinf3o, G.R. N().L-41.17'!,-.July_..
. .. . · .. . · . 23,. 1987).. . . · '. · . . · ...
· An acticm for i-evivi,i'l'cif money judgn:Jent maybe fiied · · · · · --
·against the administrator to preempt,prescription of 2. When the . administratbr is alleged ·to. haite
judg.meot (l{omuaidezv.. Tiglao, .G.R. No. L-51151,.·· ·partic1pated ia the·act co~plain_ed of and· he is·"
. July 24,_ 1981).:... . . · . . · .. ' : . ' .· · ·. · '><.__ · 'made a'JS"arty:deferidant;' · . ·.. ·.: . . ·. ·.
. . . ",,..:.._ _3_. Wh¢n · _th~re ·.is.'. no . appoipted . a&Mnistrator
_·,.,_ :jRio(er/6 v... CA/.G,~. No: 129008',:January 13, :
· 2Q04j;:an_d·. '· ·. · ·. ·· .· · .
4: · P_~ndin~ ~!_'le filin_g c,f c;idJiiinis.tration· prci:~.edings·
.(CIVIi.. ·c(!D~,. ~rt. 777),., . : · . . ·
A1,:tioris .- ttiat may ·be · Actions . that may, -b~.:
commenced 'against the commenced . directly ·..
. Note: This. prohibition ·a'pplies ·onh~ -,to' heirs or
.. estate qf the deceas·ed: against the executor and
d~vjsees and not to a donee inter vivas wh'o may fife..
adminis_tra:tor ..
I•,~·~; '"T • ,•: • ·'',,\T:•;'r,11,~··•,,''' ·,~.,, ·,•,:._-..._,.•,· ,, '"'~;
.~n c;tction to. compe_l-the :admir:,istrator to tleliv~r the
.. · · •. · •. :,= . ',As to Actioils"Covered·
l \,_. --·~·· -.~.·. ·::'.- .. .1.....
·: ·, . "· -:· · · .. ;
·.. •,. ....... '> l,,,._ ..... ~ .... -~ .• -· -:'..t ~-':
·pro~rty donat~d '(3A-f.{ERRE"RA,supra af 167~168;'
L-qpe~ v. Olbes: _G.R. No:·L-·5480, Ma,r<:h 21; 191oj.- .·
...!.~· • '

(CSFJ)' (RILi)"- , .
'Money claims, , debts· _Bee.ovary of real/
incurred by.· • the personal proper:!:Yor. .any

. .
•11'2~CZ!li::m!!ll!iil mm_m_llill_lllllil_lim l!lm... ----•--•• ', {;
. . .
. ·:~
,DJlfl:--~-..-·--l'.lllll---------~---11111---allllllll_llm l l l ··£~


. SECTION .4. E~ECUTOR OR· AQMINISTRATOR It does not, in terms; authortze the court to enforce ··{ .
. MAY c·OMPO.UNDWltH DEBTOR: · . .' delivery 'of possesslon of the things involved. To . t..
obtain the possession,.· recourse . must t~erefore .: i.~.
Wfth the approval of ttie court, ~n EXECAD may ·. generally be had to an. ord_inary .action (Goanco. v, · .;:
. compound with-the debfor of the d_ec~ased for a de.bt .. -PhilippirJe. . National ~ank, . G.R. '. No.· L-31679; , :.:&
due, and may give ~- discharge· of such.'debt cin · ·
· receiving_-a just dividend of the. estate of th_e ·9ebt9r.. ·
January 14.,. 1930). . . . . :·. · ·· . . · .. l
. . . . ,. ·. _,. . .. . .·A~
(ROC;RULE.87, Sec. 4): · Note: An. EXECAD by mere motion in the probate· ·.j~
. court cannotrecover property claimed to pelqng .to . ;-~
: the 'estate butln the{posses'sionof a thi_rd party, The , :1'
'· admlnlstrator has to bring .an independent action for . :y:
the purpose against the. t~ird person because tie is· .. t
A mortgage belonging to the estate of the deceased ', 116t .t,mder the probate court'sjurisdjotlon.·The third . ·ji'
person, ai; mortgagee Qr .asslqnee 'of.the·right.or a ' .'
mortgage·,:.:may· be .foreclosed by._·the .EXECAO · -personimay .have defenses a~9_.t,his shoukl-ba- \J'
threshed out in a full-blown hearing .and not in :the ··}
(ROG, RULE 87, Sec. 5). . ·. . . .:sum.mar.y .. proceedlnq -of .. a probate.. case. (2· :' :{
, Note: There is no need for a· specj~I i:u,ithority from. . . RIGUE,Y..;$upta;_at 93 oiling be/a Cruz.v .. Camol?, :"J~
the court for the administrator or executor to bring an . · G.R. No: L-21034, Apri/·3.0,_ .. 1.966). ·

r~-~-~J~ tft~ff:~~
acti~n f~r f~recl~~ure on . b~h~I( of : the ;j:§tat~"~,.~'ftQJ;! . \ -~ .· PE~SON:' - !;~TRUSTED WITH.
. (Ca/1mba~. v. :Bf!WO, G:R No: L 2219:,~f?etfl!7ber ~.
2,1924). ·. ·/v
SECTION 6. · l?R.O.CEEPINGS W;.11.~~P~~PERTY ~.:.,,;,. . Pow~!:§
-~ .)., . . .· . ·."

with Respe~t to_ ~ny Pe.rson .- ~~


~ONCEALED, . EMBl:tZL:Etli#~,.,....-""':Glf'· :.1t-_wh_Q~~~~sJe:~:fth the Estate o_f a- Deceased .. ·_;;-

. : . ·. . . . - l A~t:~I· . ;f
,f' 1Dl J. r~erson\ ".\.\P1'.:).· '•\ . .
lF A'.fi~ .. /.J::t.le ·cou~. om~~mi:>l~nt of an EXECAD rr:iay~. .
. . '~~

Two ~ituations Conter:npla!'E!~ unger'Se!?. 6. . :r~~A ·1. Cite ta

pe?s,o~e:'!i1t~~stedby the .EXECAD with ..":;:
1 . When. th~ -~~E~A[?, . h~ir.)itgi£ee, cr~it~r:-o?""' ii::--- ...
~ny. ~~rt. of t/;l~}l~?:f.eto appear ~efore i~; and '. · ~;~
other 1nd1v1dual 1nteres~ed-1A,le esta{e o~er7 ~~· . .~·Re~flre_su~fper~ow to render.a full.a9count; on · l
B oat7i,o'f prc5~P.!3rtf-i>.e!pnging_to such estat~ .which . ·'.f!,.

deceased 'complair:il.> t<?.;:tm · C(?urt\ havii1'g~fu]
juri.sdiction of the esJif"e--!....t('l t .t11ji!t;son is2~-"'"~, ..... c~iz,~0'9: h ~ pds~ession ·in trust .for .·such· 4
suspected of having co'~qlilWi~ .. ·, elilqi?~~i,00,. t:i;~. '~,X,(Qo· ~,,'d~~i~'procee<;lin.gs t~ereon ROC, ;~
cqnvey~d away any of \he- mo'J:ley-,\~iG\' 87,,ec.._lf,jf . ·.-: . ·· . . . . :~
chattelsofthedeceased;,w .. '\. :-;::it.. '~/,/, . ., "·_ :, .
1 ·.- · .. ,· · · · ;,;
2. When·such person has· in J\i.s pe>ss'\~sion qr. s ,,/"'E, ~~ of ~;9fusa~ ~!!suc_h.Pers.on_ · ·. : . · · jt
knowfe9ge of- any dee~'. 'bfnve,taiice, ~~H"e~'\'~~,p.e,s_s'on so c1!;.a r-efuses lo,appea~ or to .r.ender :·;
contr:.~ct,· · or .other wnt1t1g\.whrch~'Too.ta1ns~~-lfuc~~c~~(iJ.)tie:court. may.·.pumsh him for··'.~~-
disobeyed a laWful order of the f

·evide.nce of or tends or dis·c1os~~~the'519t.~e1''='-"=·c:;.·~nt~!fi!f~~avi.ng
interest, q~ clai~ ofthe'deceased.'s.'~1('.
. .. . ~
. wmirt,!(~Jl}?RULE·87.,
... .. ~
Sec:?· .. ·.. .
·.. J'
- The c.ourt'may cite such suspecte~ ~~rson to: . ·~=:'S'ECTION 8.EMBEZZLEM.ENT BEFORE LETTERS :·/!
1 .. Appea~ before it;"13hd . . .· · -, ·;.- .. : · · ISSUED . , .. , ·. · · · . ·. · . · . . \~
2, Be e·xarnined ur:ider .oath (ROC, RUL'E~87, ·sec.' .. . . . ··:'t
· 6). Double Value Rule · · ·. ' . ., · : ··'1.
· Not~: The court.-rnay punish a-perst>h Wh9 ;efuses
-If ' a
person, before ..the.·· granting of. 'letters·. ·\.
. testanientary·c:ir--of adrninistratjon·on the es.tate offhe . .J
. to· . appear · 6.r. · answer , on.· _i;l!ch . ~xamination/ .

. . dec~~sed, ~mbe.zzl~sor.alienates ·~my of the ,:nonexr

interrogatories for c;;o_ntempt, and may commit him to
prfson until he submits to'.the order..of the court. ·
, . : . . ',. : .· :
goods·,··chattels. (5r effects of s1:1ch de.ceased;'such, ~,;
perso.n ~hall. ~e liab_le :t'? ?.11 :ac_tiori irj favor of the
. EXE CAD of the: .est~te for ..double·· ttie ·.value. ·or tl:ie ,, :;,;
The intei:rogatories put' to· any such p~tSbn; and t\is ,
·answers thereto; shalibe:'in writing arid filed wlth the prqperty. so~d, em.bezzled,. or alien;:ited, t9 b~'. · ·.f
clerk's office (ROC, ·RUL!;. .87. S~c. 6): · · recovered for the l)erie{il of such estate (ROG, RLJLE . · {P
.. 87;Sec. aJ: . · · · · · . :}
Purpos.e:To elicit l~formatioi'l or: tp secu·re·evidence . . . . . . . . . . . : . /~

from those persons suspe.cled of havin~ pos.sessi6ri ·Note: ·The rule contempl,:ites of an embezzlement or' :·.:,..
or knowledge of property· or will of the. dececjsed, ·or 'auenatipn which. causes the . estate .to. ·lose ~he >;
·of having concealed, ·embezzled or conveyed away property converteq· by .. the · wron_gdci.er· · (3A- ·-'·)j,
any · p~operties of the deceased (Modesto v. · H_l=RRERA; sup,:a at 1.73), · . . ,;;.,
Modesto, G.R .. No. L-1180( June _3.0, 1959).. ·



SECTION 9. PROPERTY FRAUDULENTLY Requisites Before Creditors may File Action:

RECOVERED. WHE~ EXECUTOR OR 1. Then? is a Deficiency of assets in the hands of
ADMINISTRATORMUST BRING ACTION an executor' or administrator for the payment of
· debts and· expenses of administration;
EXECAD may· Re1.:over Properties or Rights 2. the deceaseJ in his lifetime had Conveyed real
Fraudulently Disposed or personal property, or a right or interest
EXECAD may recover properties or rights therein, or' a debt or credit; ·
fraudulently dlsposed of by the decedent for the 3. The conveyance·· was done with intent to
benefit of creditors when the • following Q~fraud :,is er.editors or.to avoid any right, debt,
circumstances concur: (DCIS) _or duty; or had so conveyed such property, right,
1. When there is a Qeficiency of assets in the interest, debt or credit; ·
hands of an executor or administrator for the 4. By law the conveyance would bs VC"id as against
payment of debts and expenses of · his creditors, and the subiect of the attempted
administration, and conveyance would be liable to attachment by
2. The deceased in his llfeti.ne had ~onveyed real any of them in his lifetime (RCC, RULE 87, Sec.
or personal property; or a right or interest SJ;
therein, or a debt or credit, 5. The executor or administrator has not
3. · Such conveyance was made with [ntent: Commenced the action;
a. To defraud his creditors or 13. ,beave or permission is granted oy the court to
b. To avoid any righ't. debt, or duty; or ,, the creditor to file the action;
c. Conveyed such property,. right, intei:es.ts 0, 3:~. 7. The creditor has filed in a court a j!u;id executed
debt or credit that by law the convey,i~Glf,;;¥,Z;i:J to the executor or administrator in an amount
would be void as against his creditors, ,fo'ct;;::;''.'-;";,,[f: -r:~ approve!;!, by the Judge; .
4. The .§ubject of the attempted conveyance .woulc(': · ~/?P>~ul~1tr,~,. ~,,/t,:;.1; . . . .
be liable to attachment by any of t'WJil' in nis )' ~ Ne't8;f,:~ amo.unt as ~pproved by the Judg~ is
lifetime(ROC, RULE 87, sec. 9). /_,_t.,, -,:...,.F cond1bo,~~~·to indemnify the EXECAD aga:nst
. . . ?t~ t, . .;~r-P"-~; the c~ir:1;.;i;~d expenses incurred by reason of
Note: In these cases, the EXECAD m;.ao/ c~mmence p1 such ~ti~n (ROG, RULE 87, Sec. 10), and
• ·-.>' ; ,,1 •·. r- l . ii ~ .\ l-
and prosecute to final Judgm~p~~actf~r14-for th~'l t!} 8. The(actidh by~-ihecreditor is in the name of the· 1

reco_very of such pr·operty,. ~J~t. mter~s.t,. de~t. or · ~d'{ ExEftutocfor administrator. However, where the i
credit for the benefit of the cre.~torsi'-""'" ;-;:.i;.f ·~\, ~t co!ci._y~eya~c;·?_r;attempte_d
c~nv_ey~'nce_had b~en
v.;. ,,,-:l~/?f~ · 'f (fi made-:t,y:tt-re~aecP.;:tsedm his lifetime m favor of
EXECAD not Bound to Commen~eq,~ttio.r~.
The E::XECAD 3hc>ll not be bound t'ctcsmm~F.Ce the
~t~.;,, the executoror administrator the action which a
r·'rf1!''1Creditor may bring shall be in'the name of all the
action unle~~: . . . \;;..-«'·· 0!~~he·
... :..::tJ\~~.;:~or~gJtor,,s,and permission of the court and filino
.1. There IS an application of the cr1itors ' ~ '·'"' -·o(fioncf asabove orescribsd, are not necessary
deceased: and · ·~1 . "~ , ,_ (ROG RULE 87 Sec 10)
~. The creditors making the a~plicatid"!;p.a,;Si;,such J, ' · ·
part of the costs and expenses, or give security Note: The last three (3) requlsltes are unnecessary
therefor to the EXECAD, ·as the court deems where the qrantee is the EXECAD himself, in which
equitable (ROG, RULE 87, Sec. 9). · event, the action should be in the name of all the
creditors (3A-HERRERA,supra at.17.'5).
The EXE:CAD may, on his own lnitiative or <>n option
of the creditors and ·as directed by the court, institute
an action for the recovery of said property, but tr.e
court may direct the creditors to defray part of the RULE 88
costs and expenses of the suit since said actior,· is PAYMENT.OF THE DEBTS OF.
for their own benefit (2 REGALADO, suprn at 93).
If the EXECA(') still falls to bring such action. any of
the creditors rnay bring suit in his own .name, with If, after hearing all the money cl~ims. against the
leave of court, upon the filing of an indemnity bond estate, and after ascertaining tha amount of such
for such costs and expenses as may arise from the claims, it appears that there are sufficient assets to
suit (2 REGALADO, supra at 93). pay the debts, the EXECAD shall pay the same
within the time limited for that purpose (ROG, RULE
88, Se~. 1).


... -_._.,_ =-•--~-------~---~-..--.
. .
~U..IDIIIIIZIISlllll!m:IIIIZ~...ltlllB!lm3llilllllll~mlllllllBl!:ll,ll...m.lll:llllllZ9m!SElllll!lllllllm.. alli1211.. :!J!!l.. ~mQ· -~
·. . :·;t
Requisites Before \he EXECAD may· Pay . th'e Note: Acknowledgement by the testator of a specific· ·t
Money Claims Against ttie Estate,.(HAS) . debtln'hls will does.not relieve the creditor froru the :'f
f. A .!:!ea.ring is conducted:· . · · · · · duty -0r·filing his .clalm in the' testate qr intestate ·.t~
2. Th4;3. ~mounts .of s.uch· claims.' are ascertained; proceeding (3A-HE;RRERA, supra at 178).' ·:§!
and . . . .
3. · l'here are ~ufficient ass'etsto· pay ti:ie debts , ·.
. _;-;::
·Issuance ofWrit of Execution· .. . 'i...
instances when Realty can be Charged.First:
G~neral R~I~: The pr<;>bafe court c~nnot i~sue a i.v6t
(1-DIP-C.T) . . . ·. · . . · . ,,
of executiol'): A wnt of execution is. not tb.e proper
proce.dureto -satisfydebts. °The'court must order the. · 1. .Wilen .tha . decedent's . personal property 'is :;J'
. · lhs'uffi.cieot; . . . ', . . . .}
. sale :o.r. mortgage'of the properties of decedent, the..
·proceeds of which . will . satisfy the ~ebts ~no . 2. ·wnen the sale ..of. personai.. property shall be ·2
Qetri.menfalto the partlcipants of the estate; . ''1,
expenses {Aldamiz v. Judge of CF/ 'ofMindoro;:G.R. ·.·
No_. L~236(), f?'ecember 29, 194_9).: · ·' · -
3·. ·when. th.¢ 'sate 'o( personalproperty may Injure J
• ·, , # ••
-the .bustness or; interests of.those interested in , "'.\'
• • • • • • -1•1

·N~te: Reason •'why. execution is ·NOT. a proper . . . . . tlfoes_tate.:_·,. ·:.. . . ·.: . . ·.. :' . . . .:)
remedy.tosatisfy anapproved cl~~m:·,: . . · · · ~-·. Wh~n the.. t~st~tor_d~r~ng_.~ls ·hfetim~ has not ./J;_)

. lien upon a property or-the estate.and .,,:;~

2. Special procedure "is .for·the equ,t t0~rd~~the
1. · Payment apprcvinq .a claim does. not·crea~_made. _sufflc1~nt fr~v1~1on for ~-~e payment of, ;:

l .·
-~~~h.9ebts, e:wense_s.~nd. legac1es (R.OC, Rule ,.·~
9/S~%,,2);· · . . . .. .. . ·~·
. . · ·. ·. · · . . . . · ', . . . . : · 1, ~ "VrJE~,.,.~ .
· ·, sale to satisfy the claim.' · ,:¥'~- ()" ... __..,;;,.,,5.'V . he9 tQ~1sced:nt was, m his l!fetime, under ) .
"':""':~1!>:l<?c;·~!!'~lng-m law, to deed_re~! property to ·J
Exceptions: A Writ of ExecuJfun~mai~;(ssy.e..-.fn'4s~~n-~qp~.fR'¥.C, Rufe. 89, 5;C. ?J), arid
Orde.rto· : ~ f /:,,. ·"'i"jl''/:.
1. ·Satisfy the .d~t~ibutive_fo~"re)/of
. legatees,. ~nd '. h~irs_ ip ~~ssgs_sjonf.:._gf'
.Jev,~~. .
proP, €1rtY1'f!)iJs\tor
1.. ~......:.:·
1 1:. ·\if)\\ . .
_6: Wh1;in~&dJ~Gfclent_qurin.g._h1s lif~~ime_held real :;"'
i.~ ·]{ 9
another (Re>c;__ .Rufe·sg,
. i~

· · " _' ·
. '~
. d~_cedent~ assrts, . H~ f . ·~·
2. Enforce payment of thf expe.!fsl:ls_ of\.Partih.~
J..:. . ~~f~re ·he _Fo~e,goin~·!=xc.ei;itions shall Apply, f'
e;:tll.e'Foll wing ReAuisites must be Complied with; i

3. ~~~i~ty· ~ost~ -~~n· j-%I~~~- ~~~lted -~~,~~~~~gJ~~A~~~ls-~n

,,~~·)ijll1,j1'·~j~~?Jr· l~Ji · ~Ap~l;c~tio~--with
·. · . 'th~---~~
· -~
.. exam,nabon ,n pmDate'(p~':J'P.•ng
. , .supra_.a_r_n2).: . . \ . \ .. ~~~~-
· .SECTION 2; .PART .OF .EST:ATE FRl]M ·. i,11GH~
·~~n·.~~ti_c~ }'ig1v13n to. persons~(ntere,sted;
ti~· _{, · J · · . · -~~
DEBT PAID WHEN PROVISio[~ADE-BYW(J_.~~~°h~ar.i9Jf~:by tJ,ie . C~urt _(f?E ~EON AND -~
If Jhe'. testator makes a provi;1en in -~i~w.iIT"'~~.k.-w~c~;.~pra at · . · .· . ·:.~
.· designates the ~state to be; app~rJ.ate6;1~-1:li~---~--Fi~~"(f9t-!)':,,_esTATI;: TO BE RETAINED TO.MEET ~
paymen_t ,,of h1.s -d~bts, the -exf'te'°S~S'. for 1\./ff'CO]'J:t:IN~~fJT:CLAIMS .
ad,:nlnistrat1on, or. family- expenses, they~t:iaL.-:be . .l '\i Lr~~~·· . · · . . · .·
. -
., .
· .,
. paid according to the pro.visions of the .wiJI ·(RO""c~=1-rthaCb.urt.is.Satisfiedthat-the C·ontinge'ntClaim . ~
' Rl:Jl;E. 88,Sec.2). · ' ·· dµly Filed is Valid: · '·,. · ·. -: . · . · '::~,
· · . · 1. · ·1t·may ·order 'th~ f;XECAD to retain iri h.i.s hands J
E:1f~ct'ifProvision Mad·e by the Wit.I 'or ttie. Estate ,· · a· sLifficient. part· of the estat~ to pay such
· App:r9prlated is· not-Sufflcienf . . ·contingent claim· when _it pecomes absolute·; or· ~.,.
. Si.ich part ofthe.. es~te as is not disposed qt- by will1 2. ff the .estate is insolvent, such 'portion equal ·to .. %
real o.r petsonc;1I,if.arw,shall be.appropriated foi' that · · the.dividend of the creditors. . . :_ ·:. · . J
purp9,se (RQC,,RLJLE 88., .Sec. ·2;. ·. · - · . . ·· :i;.
Requlslte·s:·(FAV) ., . . . 1
Gener.al. Rule: P~yment of the debts.. of.the· est~_te . 1. ·Contingent cla.1m·i;,.duly filed; 'i: ·
. 'must 'be· taken in the- f9llowing' order .of preference: . 2. Tlie claim 'has becothe Absolute; and · ];
. <W~R). . . . . . . '. . · 3.:. Court is satisfief that the claim is yalid. -· . ,;i'
1. From. the portion oi' pr-operty designated 111 ·.the
Will; . . .Sl;CTION ~: t{OW- ·. CON:TINGgNt. CL.AIM
2. From th.e f.ersonal property; and
3. From the _Beal property. ' Ai.LOWED AND P,A10·: · · ··:l
.I. 1. lf,s1,1ch contingent 'claim bec;omes a.bsolute and j
Exception: . The court, on.' petition .of inte.r~sted · is presente'd to· the.·court ·as ·an- absolute claim ··~~
partl!;!s; may modify such order Qf disposition. . within two (2) years f(orr'I the time allowed for.
other er.editors to pr~sent their dafms.


a. If it is-not dispute.d-birthe .EXECA.D,"it may · ln such a Case, the Court; After. Hearing,· may: :
be anow~d ~y the -court; a net ' . . . (.SOI)' . . .
·b.. 1f disputed, it may be. prove!! and allowed or · - · 1. §.ettle the amount of their several. liabilities; ..
· . disallowed by the -cout1 as the -f<!lcts may 2. Qrd!:!r how much and .in wh.at manner .each
warrant (ROG, RULE 881 Sec." 5)., - person-shall contribute: and. . . . . .
3: It may· [ssue execution as circumstances may·
·. :Note: . .J( the continqent-claim 'is allowed, the.· · require (ROC, RULE BB, Sec .. 6). '. . · ·
. ·. creditor · shall· 'recelve payment lo.' the same · · · ·
extent as the other" .ereditors .lf the- -~state. N"ote: Heirs are not required.to respond wlth-their
retained by "the EXECAD is sufficient .(ROC..: ·.. own property ;}cir . "the. debts · of their. deceased .
. RULE 88'. Sec. 5); . . . . . . . -ancestors. However, even afte1' .partltion; they· _are
· .-.. . liable · indtyi<;lually-· for 'the- payment of)ill l~wful- "
2.'·. If the claim is not so presented, ·after having ... outstanding claims aqainstthe estate in proportion 1·
·. become absolute, wlthln said two "{2). y~r.s,:and - .to the amount. or value of. the property they have
anowed."the assets retained in the hands of. the · · , respectively received froin theestate (.Pavisx. beta- .
-E),(ECAo.-· not .exhausted · in .fhe .payment :of. Rose, G.R. No. 3083,' March 18, .1_907) ..
· clairns-.sha]! bedlstributed .by theorder of the . .
court to-the. persons entitled tc:i the· same (ROG,· .·. Remesfy of. Execution NOT Available in. Favor-~f
RULE Bl{ Seq. 5f. · · . '. , . a Creditor Against the Estate ,of th~ Decedent .. .
"· ... · . : ·. ·· . ··-, .- · · .. :- .· . · '<.' :. . ' .. /.'l· Theprocedureoutlined by f~w.i~ the sale of p~~~pnal" · .'
. Act1on,Ag~!n~t Dlsfrtbuteaa -, . . ·,,~~( ~ property or.the sale or mortgage of_ real property o(::.
'Btrtthe-assetsso.dlstrlbuted may.stlu be apl?.fl~~Jl.-t, .the decedent and the proceedsshalt be paid. o.ut of .. '
t? the·paymen_t of-the claim, when. establisp\:),c;l;t~>lf;.},said sale (Atqamiz v. CF/ of Miniloro, G.R: 'No .. L_-·
a.nd l~-e" ~r,edit9rr'nay maintain_at:1 _c!ctiq_i:, ~~ae'~l,:,-';irtf.,-,?°"~_o, £?ec1W!b~r.29, 1949): . . : . ..

d1stn.butees,:aqd their. estates stiall'.9:e:-J;aole for;.. tf.

t~e-~1stri~utees _to r~Gov~r·the_debt - a~~d~su~!Jpj~-'-~~'.:..:t_?;;,-n_---:-:·:;'.'1. .
Wt.le~ mayJ~~ecutlon Issue .
. . .
.. .
: ·
.. , .
the debt-in proportion._to the e.s.~afe-ttiey·hav~~--,)~ . Execution ;.~¥ issue . only. whe~e the. heirs,. ·
. re~pectively received from the p\cfe.efh- _of_ thJ;--1-:'\ . devisees,/ a,'n'4, 1egatees. have· entered i!'lto· · . :
· deceil$.ed(ROC, RULE 88, $e9;.§)Lr Jh.u.f1 ."" Ji _pQ"ss~ssJpn hbfl$heir re~pective· portions. i,n ·.th_e ·... ·..
·_. . . . . . ;...,;;/ , ;'rj'(~/. JA esta!e.: PJfO~ \?· P~1!1~n_t of debts a~~ exp~!1ses of ·.·
3. If the. contiqgerlt cla1n;i•:~,at1,1t~·:o-after. th~ )'~it _admm1~~ratto1pmd~,1t ,s later ascertained _that there
expiration of ~h~ two (2) y~ars·, t-ne:-'1g!dl\ors~,W . fl';j 9re- §li:tliaeli!~~·~rr9·;~penses .. to. b,e:paid,.. rn. which
sue t.h~ ~i$tributees who afe\ITabl_r;;:;in;~f.9PO~iqry ~:;. ·case tt\e~olift~vingjurisdicti~n. afte~ hearing; may
. t':) the s.hares i~_.the e$.t.at~.resp!:2ll)lefy-(~~-cei:,.t,~ k·f org_er t~e heirs,, devise es and le?atee~r to, ccin~ribut? .
_by the.m·(Jauc1an.v1 Quero/! <l~- N_o.·4;l113c[.7;-· -~~riiii'il-'"',the paym~nt, :and rnay- issue· execution 1f
October-!5, 1918).. ~ · . : ... ((~-....,f.J . · ). ,~1.1,9r.<:µmsta~nce.s. require. . . . ·· . · ·, . .
. .. . . ~,,;V' . 'A'~ .....~.!..:...~ ... ,-:r ,.:"J . . . .. . . ESTft,.TE
. ..

Geoer~i. Overview of .Payment'-.:ol:.po~trrfgf~t

_c,_aini . . . .. . . '• .. -.~~-,,}!_1.. .-·. _INSOLVENT. . .
. : '. .
. Jf rt becomes absolute.and-is pre-s~hted to .the court ·· .
. as an absolute claim within ·2 ,years· from 1h"e· time .. · If ~hi3 assets whiqh . can b~ ·appropriatecl tor ,the.
allowed for the presentation of Glaims, ;it will be ·pai~ · . · payment of debts ~re not -sufficient for that purpose,
in." the. same manner as other c.l~frns: Aft~r:·.:l'laid· . · the EXECAD snail pay the debts· against the. estate,.
p~riod,. the·. ~reditor -t"Q_ay,· .procee·a.· against. "t~e .: ·.: observing the· prq'(isi·ons of Articles· to$~_and 2239
t:llstributees, proviqed. ·said . continge_r)t/·.c;laim$ tiad .· · to ~251, of the , Civil Code {C<;>ncl!rrenee-. -and
been· fili:¥d ·and allowed· by. the probate court :(De.. f>ref~rence-of Credits) (ROG, RULE 88,. Se.c: 7),
EJEiutista. ~- De Guzman,. -:G.R.· .. No. L:,282_98; . . . ·;··. ·.
N9vember2S,·198.3),. ·.. . ·:. : .: ··. . ·SECTION· 8 .. DIVIDENDS "TO ·,BE PAID :1N·
. . . . . . . . ' PR<ipORTION TO CLAIMS. . . . . .
Sl:f~RES· WHER.f DEVISEES·,. LEGATEES, OR. : . If th~re are TIP ~ssets sufficient to. pay the credits 6f
. HE,iRS·HAVE.BEEN IN PO~SESSION . "any one clai,s of creditors after. paying· the". credits .
e'nUtted to preference over it, each- cretlito~ 'Nithin· ·.
· This ~ppii°es where de~isees, ·1egatees; or herrs._have such cl<'!ss shali be.paid a dividend in proportion-to ."
ehtered into po_ssess(oi, of p0rtions of the· estat~ · his claim (ROG, R.ULE 88, Sec: 8).· .
. before the de_bts arid expense.s have _been s~ttled
. and paid, and.have. become liable' tq contribute for No Credito~ of al')y. one cl~ss shall receive . any
the _payment of such debts and. expen.ses . (R<;JC; paym:ent until those of the precedlng.clas~ are paid
R~LE 88! pee. 6). · . (ROC, RUL5 88, Sec. 8). . . · . . .
. ..


SAN 8£.DA i..A'.'(CEfffRAUZED BAR.OPERATIONS_ _-- MEM0(1Y AID 2~19 .
. ~. . . .. :.;.i:
. SECTION 9. EST.ATE OF INSOLVENT. N_ON- Z.: · Order the distribut_ions · among the . tredltors -·~
RESIDENT,.t:tOW DISPOSED OF · whose claims 'are deffnitely'allo\ved, leaving iri r,i
. th_e hands of _the EXECAff suffi'cient a:ss.eJ~ to :t
. In case adrnlnistration i~ taken in the Philippines of pay the claim· disputed and -appealed (Roe, -:;
the estate of a person who- was at.the time ·of his RULE 88, ._sec. 1_2). •' ·. ·. : . ){
death an inhabitanfof another countrjand who died
. insolvent, hisestate found in the Philippines.shall, as ·. When _a: disp~ted. cl~im: is . .fina'ny settled t_he c~u·rt/:l~ j.
far as practicable; be so. disposed of that his having jurisdiction of the estate shall order the same·-·; i

creditors· here and elsewhere may receive an equa_l to be· paid out of the assetsretalned the sa~~ i:i~ fo. '
share.jn proportion to their respective credits (ROG; extent ar,td in the sameproportion with the claims or\?
RULE:~8, Sec. 9}.": . other creditor's (ROG, RULE 88,. Sec. 12).: ... . · .: : . ::{
H • 0 •
. . . : . .. ' . . . . ~;:;~
. _.: secT1cr:t10.:'wHEN ANo How c;:·LA1M::PRoveo· SE~T_ION .13. WHEN ... SUBSEQUE,NT ::}
Instances '. when the.. court. may: make further .··i;.t
it. 1t Appears that: . . . orders for tne_c11str1but1.on of the assets:·.-· t , · • -~i:
.'. 1. · · Claims Wfke proven outside . the· Philippines 1. Whole of the debts are not paid; . . . .
. aga~nst the estate of an insolvent; . .· . . :f'..,,...,..~,~.c~-Wholeassets are no~distributed~ or· . ·.· .. . . .X
2 .. The insolvent decedent was .at the ti!f.)fa""°Tn,s 7 · T
j- .:..t:Hb~,assets afterwards come to the hands of .. ;.:;_
. · death an mhabitantof the Pl:li)ippi~~s-;1nct"\. i.L..,·
"]\./thJ·f~,lf,FE.QAD-·(R<;>q, RULE 8$, Sec:_13)... . : ~-
3. __ The -~XECA9 in th_e.Philipp!nes)ia(KITT;~e_g~.§.,,,:r:='..,-=~!~'-! ( _, '- . · .: .. '. •• • • • • ·"!

. and .opportuntty to contest 1t~r,f1~0Wa"}CilRO_C, .

RU!:-E 88, Sec. 10). · · 1,7-: - ,/,; !~/,?ef'.. · ~~~G.C..Q,~a~q~TH Tl;RMS·OF ORPER . · t~

· ~~t· V/Y 11"
the c~urt ·. ·. { ""-{,);f -_-.f ·· . JP>
The court shall "rEice'ive a ce~lfied·lisJt'ofsudh clairils,
4\ \ ·"l-s ~''.\'\ · · ·
1,[h~n a~ o~~r·itt;,;aifo~ihe.di'stiibt1ti6n.·of as~ets
A~among w~
c~e\itp.r()H;eEXECAD shall~ as soon.as -~:

·when perfeqted in· sucli. cou6tt9.:";anG1 a~a (ne-saihe l, ~lll"-'.'"""tne ttmiof pa:Y}r~_wiI·v~s. pay the creditors the, · t
to Jhe IJst of cl~i~s. p~ove~.,aga1.~#tth~ '4ec~'a°C'~,;!; ~~(mt of 'th.~(\\ 'clai1t o(·~he .c;Jivide~~- tt,ereon, in. ::j:l
person m"the Pti1hpp11i1;.s so;,th~t.a~std1str:it>ut1or{o~.1ll,#ccordace- w~tl-t· 1the~1t rms _of. such -order. (R.OG, . <-t-
.: . i · .:· · .. , ' . . · -~-
7~.> ·
the ~hole estate.·may be m~de<:eq,ufllY~:,~ra._.g~l!.its~-- ...._ RULEj.~cSJ/C·i~1}-
creditors accord11Jg to tj'leir r~sp~ct~e c · s~bc,-?ff · ;A.
~-,! / · . ·. · ' • · . {.';°
•.RUL!=B8, Sec.'10). . . .l~.J )\ '0¢'~ J~p.y.J;J~li5,fflME1/"ff.OR PA:YIN~ DEBTS.AND·.!f.
. . . · ·. .. . \ ~ "<(P .,~ "-l:Y;~<;iA~IES-1FIXED; OR. ·_EXTENDEQ AFTER ·A.
· Prii:,ciple·bf Rec"ipr'ocity-.. \ . \. · ~.,~li.,~E,"}9tHIN VV,fiAT PERIODS · · .. · . · ·... }_;
The be~efits of Se<:tion~ 9 -~~d 101:~nn~t8?e,1-~r-->L · /( · · . ·. · -JJ
... extend~_a to: the cre~1tor~ tn· anolh.f;!'co~r-ilrV~~1_~~. ~' .~.:n_~.,f~rR~n1,91~it·. . .. ·. .-... · . . . . . ·. ·:J:,:
prope~~ of,su~h decease~ pers~n ttje-t;_!:~!C?~t'f-JlOF-'"""=~--=-:""-'G_!!n_el'f\R~l~;~Sha_ll ~~t ·exceed 1 year in. -the firs~:·:. .
• : «tQ~~ll~:?PPOrt1oned to the cr.ed1to_rs re-1!.'1(!~g._1~!he ~j""j{
11Qs1'3~ce,~ens~uanc~ :~Uhe Jetters._te~tai:nentary -."?'.'
. .Philippines .... · . . , .. · · -~~·- "'.~lo_!'\6J::.acfministri!3t1on within· whl~ll.-ta wind .up the .. &~
. • ·· . . . . · . · · ·· : -~~~tt=iof the deceased. : · . -. · · . ·. . · . . . :-;;
. Sl;CTI0~.1.1:0RD~R F_OR._PAYMENT.OF.DEBTS .. . , . _-. .· . · . · .. t
. . Ex.c~pti.on: Th~ c;ourt· inay·e~end the period;" after. ''-t
. Bef9r~ ·tfle ·expiration of· the time limited· for the hear.ing and notic.~,_ontJi!::l°"follo.wing_conditions: . -; ;_~
payment ci(the debts! .. the. court shall ordeF the 1. The-exten~ion must ·not exceed"6 months for a.{·
·payr!ienf thereof, and t~e (fistrlbuuon ot tli·e· assets . single' exler1s1ooi anct · · .-· . . : . ·. · : A
rec~ived l,jy the ·EXECA[) for that'purp.ose amor.tg the . 2. ·' ·The · whole perio.cf -allowed to the· original. ;
breditors, as the cir"cum.stance.s of the· .estate require . EXE~AD shall .not.exceed 2 years· (ROC,RU[E-' . .\
and 1n·accordance with' the·provisions of-.this rule . ·.~9, Sec .. 1§). ._ . . · . . . {~
(ROG, R_.Ui.E 88, Sec:11). . · · · · · · ·'ij
-N~t~i· ~~e--pro~isfon· i~~"t1ire~or-y: an.~:-ixte~-~io~~--~f. _:_:1
SECT.ION 12. ORDERS RELATIN~ TO PAYMENT . the period may be granted· by 'the court taking into . ,.
OF!)EBTS-WHERE'APPEAL IS TAKEN account tlie cirCllmsta_n~E!S_atten.dirrgthe distribution_.:_;,
· qf the· estate.(2 R!=GALADO,·$upra at 96): . . :.
·.If.an.appeal has been tak,~n from·a-decision oftt)e ·· -· ·. ··· · -~
court' concei:ning a claim;. ttie court may.: · . ... .- · 1
.1: Suspend the order for the payment.of the debts;· · .. j
. "or •. . '.;3
·. ·,1


. . ·-jl
. JI
. s·PEC:IAL-P-R·oc:E·EblNGS.

I ' • •

SECTIO,N16. succssspa OF D'EAQ .EXECUTOR Articles 105~ and 2?39 to. 2251._offtie.·Givii.
EXTENDED ON NOTICE· WITHIN· .A CERTAIN · b. . No .credttor of ,foy one Class shall receive.
PERIOD . anypayment unti! those: .of. the preceding
.. class are pald (R'bC, fW.LE 88; Sec,B);
The successor of: an. EXEbAo: who: dle'S. may be 'c. .. 1f there are no .assets sufflclent to. pay I.he.
given .an extension not exceeding 6 monthsbeyond . ·. credits' of any one- class of- credltoraefter
the time which the court·tnTght have allowed to such· ·. paying tl:i~. credit'sentitled topreference over.
· originat'.EXECAD: · ·. ' ·.: :_ ·: ·. · .· : . · it, ·e·ach.credltor.within such class shall. be·
1 .. Upon 'appiicatlcn of the new administrator; .· : .. palda dividend In proportion 'to his claim; ~
2.' After hearing; and . . . . d. Where the· deceased was a· non-resident.
3, With, notice" to all 'parsons interested (ROC,. his -estafe in . the· Phlllppines . shall be .
· ·. RULE 88, Sec. ·1s). . . . . . disposed of in· such ..a waw that creditors in ·
. : .- .. · . ·: . ·. ·
Summary of Rules o·n Payment of Oebts of the
· ·,. .·. . .. · '.. . _ . ·.:·... . ..-·· · ". · ... ··the Philippines· . . . andetsewitere
· · . · . · : each an equal· share; in prpportjon· to ,their.
.. ·\

·estate·.by the Decedent . . . . . . respective credits ·(!J.o,C,-.RULE88, Sec. 9);

1 . · If there are suffici~nt properties,' the debts· shall. 'and · . · .' . .. .
. be paid, thus: . . . . :. . .; . . . ft,. ··.c·iaims duty.proved _ag~inst the e.siate of a11
a .. All-debts shall be paidin full within the.tlrne · ·. · - ·= .; · insolvent· resident ·of :,the P.hilippines;' the
,· · -limited for_.that p.urpose. (ROG,,_R.ULE 8~,>;>:.'{·. '·EX_i;CAD,: havi~g:-had :tfre/·qpportutii.ty-'to:
:. Sec. 1)/ · .' ··. : . ~!.',.f?; . .contest such claims, shall ~e included in.the
b.. If ~e t7sta_tqr ·!11ake_s.provi_sion by hi~ wn(.;Affi;J;Jt. · :.. ·certified list. -~..f. clai~s.. ,prov~d :ag~inst the
desigr-Jatesthe estate to be ~ppropna~e~l9F>fr~.J .. · .. deceased. The-owners of SL!Ch claims shal_l..
the payment of his ,debts, ··they shall be ~ajtJ,.f.~:tf.i.f · . : ... · . , _pa· e-9titl~ ·tb a·just dfstributi~n of the e.staie
according tc;;>'the provisi.O[TSof tt\e will!_~t{ic_t/;;],: '~~~;-dfiiff.cprclahce ·y.,itti.the. preceding rules if the
must be respeqted (ROG, R,ule./}lfJ!Sep. ?;\.·/ ~, . . l\"pr-op,e'!;1,t ot, such. ·decepsedt pers911 · _in
Robles _v... Manah_an, GR. Alp/ L-10''111.tr,. ~· . : an'7tlir~C:, co~ritry Is lik~wrse ·~qu~Uy
' · Aµgust 31, .1960); · · .' )>i>/{ · · .. )<~t~ · · · cc1~'1o~iqned.-to ,the credi!o~~- resi<jing ·iri the·
·. "(,. ·. If· .the a.state designated· \!';j!te'}~i~~n_ot . f~ . · . . 1· P .il.iRPin~s an(\ O~(;lr creditors, ·acc9rdin_gto·
:suffici~t. such. part ··.9.,frj;tf'ie·. est~fe:tof the . {'ti\;·. .. · . eir ~res~ecpve clajms (ROG; -f:lULE 88',
.tes~ato:-, r~al or persq?,~l~,as15:-:~9(d1sp~secl\. l~J . !-~~ltE.2:. . .\;;,.,;. · · ·. · · ·· . ·
· Of by Will, If any Shall D~,appr-0prJ.~t~3·for,!!JAt · -tjf
. purpose (ROG, Rufe 88~S.e_cp2i,,:-,{*:t_· .;;;>), ·
. d.' ,The ·personal· E)state of l~'::.,q,et"eti§°ed.n1~t · ti' , . .·.
t~~.i ·-~(.!'~f~tr~"t!ff:'.($,9.
· ·· · .. ·

. . · ·. : .
. di~posed of. ~Y' will ,shall l?e_::!ir-it :c~~geat;le . · f 'iifl! t::>:"~ · · · . . • . ~'.ULE. 6 9:· · ·. . . . .
with the payment ,of -debts. ar,.C:1-;>~pense~:./~i;.i~-:at:~·;8~v};l.'S.·· MORT.GAGES . AND . ·-:.
(R~C, R,ule 88, S(?C. 3); '· <,;..,-:. A(~:,;.-..;.i..U~ &;r}.~~ ' : . .. . · ·. .· ·.'-. ':
· e. If said personal. estate is nol•suffici_1~n{{for . · .,OTI{ER .ENC:u:'MBRANC;ES OF ·
· that purpo.se, or its Sl31~ would~t~~§~Jld to··.· . PROPERTY·.O·Ji'·D~CED.EN'l;'. , :
. the· detriment. of the participants-' fo~ the . a,..;.--·-·-_...;... · __.
.· -estate~· :the·· whole of the· real :est8t~ nOt ~· , ·- . ;. ·..
dispose' of by will,: or so f'i:tuch thereof .as is .. :seCTIO.N1-, OR.DER Of SALl;.OF.P,ERSONALJY :
necessary, may. be· SQl<;l,·. mortgaged,. _or··. . ·" . ' .. ·:" . ·.. .. · .. · ,: .. : .
. qtherwise-encurnbered fot th~~ p·urpo,se'by . 'Upon the -~pplic.atiori ··'Of ·tt.ie .EXECAD, -~Yid -~n ..
tne'EXECAD;after.obtaining_the.auth<:>rity of . · written· ·n~~·ice .. to· tJ,e ·. h'eir,s ·~nd -o!h~_r··pei-s9ns· .. · . ·.
the court .. (ROC, Ruie BB, $ec:.3); ·. . · .. 1
. inter~sted, the ,court -may ord~r' the. whole or part of ..
f .. AnnleficienGy'shall be.m.et by co~tributic:ins... -t,lie personal estate .to·be·solc:fifnecessary: .
: from·devise·es, iegatee·s and heirs who have 1·. To pay debt~ and exper:tses-of·admfrilstration·; ·
. entered. into possession o( portions ·of'·the· ·2 .. · To'·pay legacie.s; or. . .
.estate before,''debts arid ·expenses have : ... 3. .ii;> cover ,e)Spelis,es for'the ·pre~ervation. of ihe ·
peen paid (ROG, Rufe ~t!, S.ec. 6); arid.· :. . ·. estate (ROG, 'RULE 89, Sec. 1):. .. _ . .
g. The· EXE.CAD sh.all retain su'fficieht estate _to·
pay contingent ·claims· wtfen the same Notic~ Is ·Mandatory· · ._
b'ecbl'n.es absolute (ROG, Rule 88, Sec. 4) .... FailtJre t9 giv~. notice to heirs; devisees odegatees
would il'l\!alidate the .'authority granted by .the· court.
2. If the estate i.s insolvent, th.e debts shall· be paid ' . · _ (FESTIN, supra·[!t·124r. . ...
. in the following inanne~: · ·· · · ,· ..
a. Tt:ie EXEC.AD shall· pay the debts against Set~lect_is the r.ule in this ·juristjiction t~at when an :
the· estate, observing .the _provisions of order ali(ho~izlng the sale or encumbrance-or ·real
property was' issued by t'iie testate or. i_ntestate .court .


. .
without previous
. . -
to · the .heirs, oevisees, · · ·


·. .
by a guardian ad tltem, the notice maybe giVen :···.}j
.. . - . ' -~

legatees as required by.the Rules, it is ri9t.on.ly 1t1e · to .sucli counsel "Or . guardian ad litem (3A- · '\
contract itself Which is null ahd void put also. the . · Hf;RREFµ\; supre ·al 193; Ma_nec/ang I( .. Baung,. : -.~
or<;'ier . 'of the · 9ourt ·: atithorizing · the ... same .. · .. G.R. No. L-27876,.Apr}l. 22, 1992): •· · . · ;:~,
. (Paha'rnotang v.. PNB, G.R. No .. 15640:J, March 31, ·_,.,
: 2005). . ;, . .:. . . . . . 3_. !!earing (RQC,_ F~W.t.E89, Sec(~). :.·'.-if,
.. . -· .· .. ·. {
Reason: ·i;he heirs are_. :the .. presum,ptive owners. Note: Assets in the.hands of executor/administrator· ':¥
.Si1we th.ey succeed. to al.I the. rights ancj .obli.9ation of will . not . be reduced · \o prevent . a:' creditor .. from · : )·
tn.e·di:icease<;! from lhe mqmerit ofth~ latter's de.ath, receiving.his full° debt or dlrninlsh his dividends. .' · .;i\
they are the.persons qjrec;:tly. -affected by the sale·or· ' . . • • • ·.r .• • ..• • • ' ,·. ' '• . • • ·~i=.'·
· mortgage ·and, th_erefor~. can.hot be deprive.d·of:lhe SECTION'. 3. · .PERSONS-~IN.TERESTl:D ·. MAV'. :f
property, exc,ept in . t~e mann~~ ·p·rovid~d. ~y law· . PReve·N·r"sue H SALE: arc., By;G1v1N.G. sONo · ·. · \~
···(Man'ec/ang v, Bavn, G,f? . .No. L-27876,. April 22;. · · .- . . ·.· . . : .• -, c . _.' · .. • •. ·_ ..• · !f
· 1992). · . ~ · . ... .
No .such -authority to sell,.'r.nortgage·,,or otherwise .-.1
encumber realof personat.estate shall be gra.nfed if·-: ·?;
.· SECTIOtif 2. ·WHEN .
90URT · MAY AUiHORIZE · any-person lnterested inthe estate glves. a. bond, a· · ;~$.
SAL~, MORTGAGE/OROTHER ENct,MBRANCE . . · ~;u1:rt'to·be fixed by. Ine court, ~nc!.iti9ned lo pay the J
OF I~EAtTY ro. PAY _DEBTS. ANP . LEGACl§.§,=;~g,e~ts, "expenses of .adminis'trall5>n.,_; and .leqacies . ~"·
. ·. . . . . .
·~ ·{\~
fLJ- .: .}{I/Sjc.~~
time. as _the ~ourt directs :(RO$, ·,RULE
. . . , . . .
. The court, on the application of the ~~}:\.~ .;frid,J!ll~~~~ -{ f /:'~ .: · : . ,· · - .: · _: ·. · '.·-t
writtennotice to the helrs., devis~es} .an~l~gate.es . .. C~lt!o(js o}'B~r:id · . . · · · ·. . : . .. . · ·.. .:i'.'J
. · _resi~ing in the, .. Philtpplnes, :,ta0.ii,itt}efr1,~···tl:ie-_.:.,w~~r;--1·:"""".'·l:Q,,,r>~<m~ > ~i~~·
7 ~xpe_n~~s.of ad_minlstration; : '.{.
EXECAD _to ~ell_. mortg~ge,.o)tq!J;1e~_wf ef'c_umb~Jj -- 'o//' a~fft lefj~'~e~w,lthins.t1ch1hme ·as the court_.)~
~o. much as may·be .necess~~y.o.ftfl~/eal~s!llte~ L6 ·.i-~ oire~ts; :\- /... · •...,\ .. ·: . . , .. · . . . . ·. )
·11e!,I of.pe~sonal. esti~.t~.• f?~tthe pu,(p.9se f, paying . : .2. Fcir tpe se~~,~tiqt.\~.eci;e~1tori;;; as -.yell.as o_f_the · i•
such debts expeQ~~s. ~M:r~~es,r .. . . . ·- . , . ~Et=:AD;a1vcf£1:)..~~$.pros~cu~edfor.t11e benefit l
· .1. , If :p~r~onaJ:effat~-i~ .fl~l/s~iGi,'nt ta·~·by. d'el1t.s':°71 f l('.1l'-5of er1er (R~e, R.U1E.E!9i $ec.__~)- .... · . ;.,.
. _expenses of adll)101stra~1op,,i-~h· _·1e_gac1\s.~ ~1~r.m$f't:-l ·, ·-. · :. ~ 1~J · · ·.. · · · ·. ·: _.. . :f
2. · If the· _sale .·of. persona~ eslatet..m2fy.Ji!frv.r~th.e ~ "~Not~-:_-Jflltliijtd··~ersp~lloppoqe ·:an ·apphcfit1on fpr1 ·~:;
.. busines.s.or6therlntere~ts,ct,~se1~\\~td 1~;,· 1 ~~~~1r tliS1}i f>EOJ)'em' of·1t10 clecec;ient, :claiming,.' .'i~
.. tM estate;. . ~,~,.9 \ .. · ~b~-- · "": Jfl"e~~f(G!il~ p46pe~}1.,#the·.·title· claim,· caAnot. 9~ 4
3. If the testator has not m~e ~.uffiGi,~nt)i5:~~ -~ .. ·-:~f~<!icJi(e99-y:t~e·.1?,fobate court, b~t it can h?ld · ·J
f~x P_a¥ment· of-.,suc;:h. de~- ts, exP.~~-s.~),fa~ ,....,..,./appr-0-\laloffhe sa!e.'.'ifn.abeyance ~nt1!J~e question: . t'.
legacies (R.OC,. R,UL~ 89, c. 2); :~ \..._80Jn°ffi;i~ne.c.;.fl1p·.shp~fflave been <;le~1.oed 1_n .a.·proper •
· 4: If the deceas_ed.' was in n,. lifetlgie~JJ.Q_cJ~~c'tj~J:1{I~~J!fo Realty Dev., ln.c. ~v. GA, GR. ·· t
contrac~. binding _in law to_deed\~~f~§~~i"·~~~s-'\6{$~3. August 31, .1981)- .. _-_,. . · \
beneficiary (ROG, RULE; 89;.Se~.-~.~.~~<!. · -;\/ A\~,~ "':,.i.;JY • · ... - . ·.. •. . . • - : . . ·.--:f•
·5. If _the d~qeas.ed _during_'_his !ifetinie ti'~l~J.~l: fvl.1..~g_JJON 4 . .WHl;:N _COURT MAY .AU.1'.HORIZE:_:.'J,
property in trustfornno.ther per$.Ofl (ROC, RUL'i=°"'~~=="SAL.E· .Of ESTATE· AS. ·BENEflCI.AL TO ·.1\~
()9, -Sec.'9). .. . . . . ·iNTE;RESTED': ·. PER~ONS. · '. DISPOSAL. m= . -~
·, . . PRQCEl:D.S. : . . . . ,t
lf,~a pc1rt'carn;iot be s~ld,: ~ortgaged,· .or .otherwise.. • ~ • • •••• : • • ' • • • • • ; :. • ..... ... ~ • • • : • 1 (~

· _ en'c;umbere,c;J,without injury to those intereste.c! in. the . ,. . VVtien it ap.pears-.ttiatth~ sa_re·qt th~ whole:or·a.part. ,f
remainde'r, - the authority . may'.'.be for ·the sale, . . . . dt the.real or personal a.stale·,will pe beneficial to th~·. 'li-
mortg.age; Of' Otbef· ·enoui:nbran"ce·:·Of the Whole· Of ·. heirs, devis,e~s. Jeg~tees, .arid otl}er. iri(e.rested :{
su,ch real. e.state,,or so .inuch the~eotas is nec~ss~iy . person~. the court. m_ay, . upon application.-of the. · ~
·or beneficial under the.circumstances (ROG, RULi=. · .,EXECAO and .. on written-. no.tice .. to.- .the ·heirs,·\~
:89,· -S~c. 2)._ .. · · · devisees, an.tj leg'at~e~~'t{ho ~~e .'Interested in the ;t
e~tat~ to: be sdlp; authorize tt,e: EL<l;CAD to sell t.he, . '!-_'.
whole"or. a _part of_ said estate '(ROG, RULE 89,- .Se.c ?,·
· Re~uisitesi.(AWH) , .
1. Appllcatido·c,,f·executor/administrator-;: · . .. ·
.·.1): .. ·.:~-. ; :-·: . ·.... ·. ,· .. :~ :.- ; . :,· · ..
2.. Wr!tteiri n<,>tice · to h.eirs, ciev.i$_ees ·and· legatee~
residing in ~he:Pl'!ilippines_; antj Not~: the· sale need.not be riec~ssary_tO.Pc!Y debts. :A
legacies, . or. expens'es •of 'ar.ifJlhi_istratitio,. but the.·.}!
Note:·. F.or purpos·es of: complyfng with the authority shall not be grant~d if inconsistent with the.. {:·
requirem:en,t of notic~ under Rule 89, notice fo' provision~ of a .wi!I (ROC; RULE 89,' Sec. 4f . . . - .:f
the parents of. a. minor i,s n·ot·s.uff.i~ient. :Hc;iwever,
. ~ . •. .. :;,..

if the heirs we're duly represented ~.Y counse.l or

. ' .. . . ·,
.. \'

The.· proceeds shall . be:. assigned· to . the persons· The court shall thereupon fix a time and· place
entitied to.ttw estate in the proper proportions (ROG, for . hearing such petition, .and cause notice
RU,L°E.89, ~ec. 4)... . n· . . statlng.the 'nature of the, petition, 'fhe reasons tO:r
the same,.and the ..time andplace.of hearing, to
. SECTION 5'. WHEN. COURT MAY AUTHORIZE be given personauy-or ·by. mafl)to .tbepersons
SAL.E,·MORTGAGE:OR O'II-IERE·NetJMBRAN~E interested-and may cause-such furthefnotice to
QF'ESTATE TQ .PAY .0Efi3T$·ANO L~G"ACIE~ IN. be given; bypubticatlon orotherwlse, as it shall
.OTi:!ER COUNTRIES . · . . . , ' · .. ·. . · .· -~eem.proper;.... · · ·: : ·. ; · ... : ·.. . . . . ·
· . 3. - If . · .the ·· court . -requires it, :" the· · executor::. or
When the .sale of {ier~onal ·_."estate, 'or :.ihe. sale.:" . . adrmntstrator sh!3°II: give 'an addltlonal' .i:,·pr,d, ·in .
. in_o~g~ge'.9r_9tt)e"r -~nc,umbrance <?,f_.real .estate i_s rJ?t · such sum as the court ·directs·, conditioned that
necessary. to. pay ,. the - debts, · expenses· of · · such executor· oradmlnlstrator ~ill -account'tcr ..
administration; or r~ifacies·.1n the Philippines, butlt the proceeds' pf the safe, ;nort·ga_ge, or other
ap,pe·ar.s.from records :arid· proceedings of ~ p~-0b~te -:- encumbrance;.. . · · · · . t, . . • · ·; • . ..

-, . court ih .. another country. that the- estate of the. , · _. 4'._ I( _.the requitemeiits,. i'ri : t.he. · P.re,9-~ding
-e . deceasedln suet, other..country. ·is not sufflclent.to. ..,. ·_subdivisidns.of._this·section have been complied
pa_y'the"'di!Jbts, e.xper,ise$ _of· adrnlnlstration, ~-n·d· with, -the ·.court,_. qy' order .. statii,~{. such .
legacie_s: there; the courthere may -authorize the: · .comouaoce, may. authorize the. executor or
executor c;ir.·ap'(ninistrator. to.sell th.e.personat.' ~state'•.· .· . .- ··. ·.administrafor,. to . sell;' mo·rtgage:·. or ~othe_rwise -
: · or ~o:sell, mortgage, or.otherwise encumber th!:) real··~ ,. · ·en¢1.1rnber, in ·prop~r- ·castfs, .such part. of..fhe ·
.·. _e'$l~tei for _the_:payrt,:erit·of .de~ts or l_ega~cie~ i!1 JQ~r,y{f . : ·. ·. est~te, a~ "deemed"nec~~S"~r_y~ and_in_ ca~e of .
'.'other country, rn,same manner.as tor the _pay,:nento.f"r1• .:, · • sale the .cdurt may authpr1ze·-1t to be public or .
. -debts 9r legac_ies inthe·f)hi_lippines (ROG, 'RUL$ ~¥,;':'.··~;:1;A.. private, as·would be tnost.t?eneficial t<;> all pprties ..
Sec. 5). ·. . .· ·. .· · : · .·. . . . .\L/J.1,•;;,;;,~-~;:.~Poncero.eq..'The executor or'administrat6rcshall·
-~ ·.. .· · · · ·. .. · ·.. . · ;,:l t:~;;tt~I:4E'·;!J~!IBrffi9"fte_d-With,a certifi~d:copy pf-sl!ch.order;
SECTION 6 • .WHEN· COURT M_AY 1()':r_l:f6.~1ze·~:1-R . 5_.. 4rtn~:est/teri~;.:to be·_:s¢1~ at auction·, ·the mode of
SALE,.MORTGA.GE, OR OT_HER_EN~.QMBR!>,NCB\r,}j ... ··. gi~in_g·9foi.l~e of. th~-time ~i:'<l. p(ace of the.s~le
~F. Rl;AL TY: _AC~UIRED· ON ,.EXE~.!JJJON · q,_Rft- !.--.
-· _FORE_CtO~URE · , ·. .· ·_,;/;..).k>;'.::r~-#'..
. ·. sliall ·~r
o\erried~Y· th~ p_roy1s1pns.c'~rlcermng
t·14 . · . notic~/>f, xe~tiqn·sal.e; ~i:10:· .. ··_ ·... ·. , · ......

. ·. . .. . . . ·. ·. · ,'fr:,;"?' · · ,<.1rb· (!\ · :6·. ··Th_e~ :.shpU bl :recorded in the. registry_of deed~.· _
The , cotirt_ . m,:1y _;:114thorizlt.:;::~n ·,~ecutor. ,. 01:4 .~:~ · . oftlii: prc:f.~inc~n Which:!l:1e r:eal estate-thus-sold, ·

:~:~b~~~' l:~1:llt)e !~q~l~:g.tt~ir~~~iM}{1.

0 .'·. ·... ·- -~with~H,lf{t1;i 1~:s;;~t6:r;~:.~eo;.~; ~~~;:;~;:.: .

ari<;i under t~e ,s·,iirr,e,reg1,1l_.:1tions as 'pfe~crib?f.~·in ttfis Y.k: ~ such;real.Els!ate; wjiich· shall .M as· va~i<i a~)f the
, or. foreclosure sale, u_nder .the .Saf17-~';SJ~ttir,i$1ancas· ,11- the:. dMd·oft~e ,execu~or <>r adrr:w11strator-f9r

. rule fi?:r the sale, mo_rtg_age,.<;>r. oth~r en'9~rn!)'r.ar,iceof :~.i-~ir>t'~;x1.';9~.e,_d:.IJc!d t?eewexecutedby the ,de9e1;1sed:in his
.. ,othe"r:real estate·_(ROQ, R.':)LE 89, Sec;.;e):.: ·>::(r-~t·~JLlifetil:i:i~(ROC,
RULE.8_~. Sec.· 7). ·... . . :,

. . ~·~'l . ;: ..~ .... . .
S~CTION .. REGULATI.Ot-iS .'fOR.'"Qtt~'J!flNG . · Nb.te:.Objecti;ri'o(orieofthe h~l~s-tothe ~pplicaMn
AUTHORITY TO, -SELL, : MORTG"AGE,.-· OR · for authority !6 sell "a_proP.ei:ty qfthe·e~~ate, ·or her .
·.1.s_ ]=NS_.u.~.e_ER_.1::_sT_AT·E·
.. _."_o_:rtt_·;_E~W- .· · . · ~-: . • ·faill!·re t<> re.eei'(e1tie nqti~.ofsuq!i.clP.P1ication,is.no~
· : su1ficient legal ·cause fo annul th.e-':sale ·~xdered· by:

. The·. ~oµrt· _havil)g jurisdiction :of the: e~t.ate of ttie ' ·· the coµrt, where it-. i;ippears· ·t11at- she· liad actual .
· '~ ~ d~ceased '.°'. : may . ·aµthorize .· ' ihe . · ex~cutor· . or. ·. k_nowledge, of the applicatiofl (3A.HERRERA, ·supr_a
. ' adl'Yiil=!istrafor.·to s~;n p_e·r.sohal".estat~; · o·r to sell,' at-197). ·. · - · .. · · - . . . · . · · ·.
· · .. ··.ni6rtgage,~ or_.otrye,:wise · e_ncurnoer..:-:re·a,. estat~,.- in: . . ;• .· .; ' ·. ·
. . cases provided ,DY these "rules cind:wheri_.(t a'pp~a~s . .·. App.lig,.at!on. f~~: .
At.ithptity-.t~ Seu; ~fortg~ge,. ~r .. ·. .
-: . '. i:,ec~~sary. o'r t;,enefici~I . under the: ·ton_o1ing ·. · Encumber P-·roperty of Jhe· Esta,~ may b~ ·o.~nied •
. . reg1,1lati<:>1.1~:-. , . : .. . . : _. .. -. -~-. . . by the. Court If: . .. ' . . . .. · · ... .
1. The E;XE:.CAD stia!l 'file a wri~ten·petitiorr: setting .-1 :··The dl!;iposition .J.s. ·riat fqr ~iny .of the reasons
. forth. the following:·. .- .. ":_ . . . -~ . : .. : specified by ·th'e·rules; oj,_- ·. . . .
.'. a. The: debts d!,,Je fton:i,.tbe' d.erieas_ed, '.the 2 ... Under Rule 89, Section 3, any person·irttereste.d
expense.s for ·admirilsJratfon: the te·g~ci_es_; : ' iri th~ estate" g1ves a b9hd cohaition~d to PilY the
b. The value .~f the. personal estate; . debts, expenses of a<JmiQis_tration arid legacies.
c .. The. sjtuation. Q( -the· estate· tq. be sold,·
mortgaged, or en~ymbered; and . · · · .
· d. ·Such· othet facts showing_' that the .,sale·,
mortgage, 9r_en.cu·mbrance [s n!?cess~ry or


. -- - ·-- _,
. SPE.
~EDALAWCENTRAL.tzEb BAR oPEAA.noNs - ~EMORYAtb.2019 · ·.

OF D.EEC> . ~ , . .
• • I '' • .• • ' t • •

When Executor shall execute the Deed

. Where the deceased was: in his . lifetime under · · -
.c~titract;blnding iri.law,-to deed realproperty, or an·: . ,. . .
interesf therein, :the COJ.Jrt; Orl .apptication for . that Payment of. depts,.funer'al cl'\arges,-anc;l.
purpose;. may autncrize the EXE CAD to· convey', . expenses' of administration, allowance to. the
such property. according· to· such contract (ROG, ·• widow,: and hiner.itanc'e t~x. if any, ~hargeable to
· ... RULE 8!); Sec, 8). the~esfate i,n accorcfance·yv-it~ law
When.Clerk.~f Court -~t:i:a1i Execute·the Deed. · ·or : ...
if. the contract ]$. to 9911yey · real property .. to ~he,
'EXECAD, the c;lerk.ofcourt shalt executetha deed ·. Payment of bond.. by dlstnbutes, or a~y.ofth.~m.
(R,OC, R'l/1,.E 89, ~tic. 8). · . in asum fixed by the court, 'condlttonedon the
: . '·. . . • . . . . ·. ·: .. . . . · .... · . paymentotthe ob!igations . .
. Instances.. when no ....such
· Au,thorized . , · ·.
. cenveyance
. . Shall
- ~...,,,.:,;.;.
. · · . · . ,:-- ·. . ·if
1. . ·wheh notice of ·the .aopucation .wa~t given to' \!..
J ·
l!,~-11-"'="'"'"' .
'. ·
· · · . (Sec. 1) ·1 · ··

........,..,..,.-,-.,,.....-,,--=---'--=---~ .......---,---'------1
, · p0er·
r.sons int. e~e.$ted e.ithe .r...
.. P_.er~o·
.. ·an·v.~.r.t,
Z:» r
. ,.:=:n'..,..:_.. ·
. ~ppiicatfori. bf ,!le E?(f=CAD ()~ of'a person
:2.. lfthe assetsin t~e ~·ar;ids.091 e. ~,,5~l1,..'WJll,ee-~ ... · lnterested.in the estate . .. ·
reduced so· as to .: pre19.0~, we~it.6:·.:fro~.-
receiving his full debt or..d1m1.a11~ hlsj1d1v1deo.o . -@'.~
kf. ·. . . . : . ~sec:.'
~ . .· "..
/r, \
(ROC,.R.UU; 89, Sec.
. -• , . ·
· ... ·
Bfi,. ·
11 •---;·
,, ·-in'-
ff · ·
.· · . ·
,-iotice.a.nil'Hearing: .,
· ·.
. SECTlON . 9. ·.w~EN coul
~NJ~Y· A.U:fJ,HO~if.~·-1.·'° . . (Sec '. 1 ~ . . . :. .. . .. ·:.},
· CONVl;Y~NCE; OF l!\N~S~~.l¢H .D.E~EAS.E~~rnl ~J} ··,
. .._HELD IN !RUST . . 1 .9..-s1 ~~·· \:;.J \_:_ . _. ·. . .. . . .· . . :l
,iJh··· .t·h d. ·.·. d l h..
. ... ere· e ecea~e in 1~. 1J1i~·ictr~f'.i.~
~ .. ·
re ~.,;J?l~ {~
J· ·r. · .Assigrii-fienuire;lct~ij·~f.the·estat~.tothe·· ..... , ... ~.
· ·
persons entitled. to the same · · · · · ·.
in trust for anoth~r per~on, thei.court rt,~y a~~f10{1~F. . · . . : , ·{Sec: 1) ·· · ·
·~iven: ..~.s required ·in . .the, 1a~t~·prececl~g .se.?0~ ·· . . . . . · .- · ... _ ·._. . .. .
authon~e the e~ecutor or admin~tr<;'tQrto
.. property t.o the person, .Or·. I_\> ·'eX!;)~IQf~
dt:~fl~N1 -- '.\,_
· Determin'ati'on
· . ... ·
of qu·estions·.as to a'dvaijce.ment.
(Sec· 2f · · ·. · ·: . , .
. administr-at9r-,. for whose use aod D ~fif~r.~~115~~ ·. · · . · · ., ' · .·
, . held; .ancftt.ie cour:tm~y· o~<;ler the exec0ti8!1.~;ach ~ ~ A[ __ : ·.:.:;.;~
trust, whet~er createa.·l;>y .deed ?r ~Y. la~"'~~...,d,.. ·. · .. ·i .
R.ULE 89,. Sec.. 9). . · · · Payment ofpartition ~xpen·ses by the EXECAD. if.
· hE)· ha.s retained suffic_ienl .eff~at~;. Ot),erwis.e,: :
they.shall be paid by' the partie~ ii') proporijon to
·...• -. . .their.respe'9tive·sh~res or iiitE)rest. · ·.
... · · . . · (Sec::.3~ - .
. . ·~ ··: .• · .. r ... ,

. .' u;,
., !Becording .of final orde~s··and .iudgme~t~ In the
RD of-lhe'province·wh~re the prop~rty .. is
; . . .. 'situated .
· ·.. , · (Sec. :4~

' .



'. si:cTiON i"

V\IH.EN. ORDER·FOR ots'rRIEJUTION Two Requisites.Before Dlatributlon of Estate:
~ OF RESJDUE MADE ·: •. . · . . . . ··. · ·1, Liquidation; and · · · ·
., ·General Rule: No distrlbution shall ·be allowed until

~- the 'payment of_. the such as debts, liq~idalion reTers to the:determin~fiori o{all the :
. · funeral charqes, expenses for: .. administration, the _ . assets. of the estate and the .paymerff of all the '
:: . allowance ot, the· widow, and. inheritance 'tax.' has. debts and expenses (Bemerdo- v .. Court· ot. ·
been made or provided for. . Appeals, G.R:No. L-18.148, Fe~ruary ~8, 1963) .."
. . . . . - .
· Exce.ption: Unless the :distributees or any· of thein 2. -~e,~la.ratio_n of H_eirs.··~-
~' "give a bond, _in. a:
s,uin 'to be, fixed by .. lJ::ie··court, ·..
::: conditioned for ttie• payment of: said obligations.._ ..oe~larafio~ ..of heirs is undertaken determine ·to·. t6
·.:· (ROC,- RULE. !19,· Sec. 1). .: - . .. . . · whom' re~idue of the estate should be disfributed .
;,. ·. . .. ~ .. _. . . . . . .(DEL'EON·ANDWILWAYCO,.s_upraat.179):·: .· ...
\ 'When th~-Residue·ofthe E~tate-may. be Assigned.. : · · · · · · · ·· · ·
:'.. to the Persons Entit.led to the Sam.~. · :· ·. . . Thi/court Shall have. ttie.Folfowlng Power in the
. 1: .. When:the·debts,Jop_eralcha_rges, ·and expenses; ' Disfrjbutlorr'artd Partition olt°h"e·E;state: . .
.:r- · .of ·admi(listration,.·.the allowance to the' widow, f. · Collate; . . · · ·
· · ... -and Inheritance ·-.t~x;. if any, chargeable to .the 2. · Determine heirs; ,;(nd
· · · · estate in· accordance with Jaw, havebeen paid; . · · 3:. · Determine the· share of each 'heir, . .
. .: 2. on "the · -~·.app·ircation· of ". the executor _ .or....~;; . . . . . : . : · · · - ·;. · · · ·.· · · · ':' · . ·'. · · - .
. . · administrator; or ot. a .person interested: i_n i~f/}r The· probate .court.Tn the -exerctse ·ot !ts lurlsdtction :·· ...
_· · estate; and · . · ·. · · ·
· 3, , After heari~g upon no1ice (ROC, RULE. 90,
... 1). , ...
... .

. .. . .
: : : /.- )j-:·';t\ to distribute the esJatE:, -~·a_sthe power to,determine ·
··the_.proportlo?-ior P_a~s- t~ which .each :.~istribi.ltee. is
. , ~, ff.~:· i.., . -ent1Ued (Vda.:,j!e Kilayko v. Tengco, GR. No. 4542p,.
.. :

·· · - - . - . · · · ·.· .: : · · :·.·:. ·. .- . ,;,iP 0:"~.~;,;~:NWlc1?:-2r-.-~:Q_;,1_2J. · .. ·. _ · . .

'· .f: ~~~~t~·r~~::~~·i:i:~~~-~~))t~:r~:~r;~1~:sidupJ:lf
0 .. ~~t:7'::,~1~·te:
~c-tion for .th~ ~~~ja~ati~n:~~ heirs
·· · ·oft~~ estate·to th~ person~ e:~ti~ep;._!.9l'f!e-~~m$.·?:·:-ii... is not.nece,s~~\ {R{:lymuncJ_o v: Su_arez, et-_al., G.R.
..to. J~~ No. 1.490.~7.:wov._~mber.28, 2008)..
. nai:ning th~m;-and th~ .proportlO~~.or.1~&
which eath i.s e~titl~a .~R.09-Gtf.&l,J~:i6~ee: 1)i., . .1:;. f i · \\ · . . · · .. , ~ · . . · - · · : . ·.·. ·
·· · · ·
. . . .
. 2. The ,9r~e'. .of. d1stri~ubo~r:~~st_aJs~,J>e at. the~ I~ Prob~f9o~t!!·O·~':__Det~rmiileH~_irs ·. . . .. ...... . ..
. ·sarr.1e-time declari,ihon of·~l'rs"Sll't(~a~epll'tate . [~~I The ~w.ooa~:,cou~W,asthe. ·power to entertain .the· .

. ,.
: ac!ibn.forthe"decla_ratjon ofl\~i~s~jp~i)~~t_p_rep,:ri
(P,mentf!/ )i'.
, t/il ··_9ifest101!\;l~l}~tl:i\~r-or· n~t ~- a· ·per~pl'l ··is·. ~n. - . ·
Pala,;ica, ,. G:lB'!:>dNO~'f.~21018•. r-•('.l acl<nowledged natural child . of,· the. ·gecedent
. .
December 1.8,_ 1905):. · . ' : --~·_·fl·
• • ,~-·- \'. . J ,, ..
·i.\' :._ ·.·. · i,ir.,.d,!.JW.oga.~on · v. ·. Belmonte,· G.R.': No.· .· L-1·6Q5,
. .
· · · · · ·· . . · . _ . 't}>j:;i'....,.... · · j:;J.."-..i~$.~PiCf!'lber 1 :3, 1949). · · · ·
· Right of:the· Persons Name~ :as..OiiJr"ibutees~fi:.1....-~-~..:.:;'.,,...._ii.!f'·~ - · ·.· · -. ..· .
. · the O_rd~i"-~f Distribution ·_' .· ·.fj\J. ·.. . .
··. i:~t,.. . :'fhus,, an-.action ,·for fOf':pul.~01)1 reCO!;J.~ifion. Of ·8 .
_.:sl!ch perso_ns. may . demc;in~ ~nd · re~-~\their_ . .natural
respective shares: from the .executor.· .or.
7h,ld. m~y be 1nst1tµJed and ·de?1d_e~·.m. th.e
proceeding for the se_tUement· of the estate. qf the.
administratqr;·or any ott:i~r person ~aving the.same an_ces.tC?r(3~-RERRERA;_supra at" 210).-. . ·... ·
in-his_ P<?s.sesslbn (~OC; RULE._QO, Sec.··1). · · · · · -· ·
. •. Order- Decla"ring the. Heirs ·and/or. Their .Shares
... oi;tribtition 'only·· made ..After :Payme·n(··Of ... are App·e.alable ·. · ·. · · · ·.· . ." . ·· .
Obligations; Exception :· · . . .. : : · . . An· order that determines the. distributive shares· o( . , ..
Gen_era! .R.ule:.Tti~. estate st.ial( not tie, dfstributed . · . -the heirs is.'final ~nd, therefore, appealabi,e.- Being··
prior to the payment·of all cliarges to-the .estate. · final in charaGter, i~ should _be.appe~fed· b_y the pa'rty ·
. . . _.,, . . ~ . ·~ .
adyersely" affected within the 30-.day_ reglEimentary· .. ·
EXqeptiOnS~ . . ... . ~· . . . ,· · period pr6',(ided for appe~I (Imperial v. · Munoz; $.R.
f.. .The e.stat~°tia·s·s.ufficient residu_al .~s&ets and tl)e · No .. L-30787,_ August 29, 1974). ·_. . . :~ · .. . . .,
· , ·distributees filEif sufficient bond;:. · · . ·· .
2... the ·speGif\c 'property· s.oi.Jght to' be d1s.tributed . · : · When . and. how to Appeal:.from · an Order ·of·
might.suffer in.value; · : .· . · . Distrib!iti_olJ · . ·
• • .

3. An agreem~nt· a·mong the heirs nigard.ing such · An -order of distribu_tionls appealabfe within· 30 days
distripution; and .' . . . . . . . from notice _by filing both· a.:.riotice of" appeal. arid ·a
4. The conformity of the majority of the'.creditorsto record o·n·appeal with the-probate court..
. . . si.icli dist_ribution (F[:=STIN, supra c;!f !-26):
Reason: This is because the- .-order of distrib.ution.
Involves multiple or separate appeals. -The probate
oourt still needs to hold. on to the originaf"records
.. .. :


--··- --------------·
?.YMM Rlpii4A4 lililW&k':4 +IRW id b iii/ .. ;~:

since ·m.6tio~s to file leavefor tardy clalrnsrnay ~till . ·. 2. w~~rE! t~e he~r-a~dh~s-jjddress ~~ kri~vyn to·th~)&
be filed at any time before theentry of tlie order of _- · pe~1tlt;>_ner•. .butno n.ot,ce. was given .to, him, thet::_r.:
dlstrlbution (2 RIGUERA, supra at 105). · helt.canftle an action to annul the Jydgment. \'f
. ·The fa[lure· 10 notify .hirn deprives the: prob.ate·.:;'{
. When the 'Probate Court·L~ses Jur~~diction, .· · · court ot jurisdlctlon to render a valid judgment ·.·.:t,
The ·· probate 'court . loses j~risditti<:m over ·. the 3. Where the.-heir 'er hts eddress ls. ·unkno.Wr.f ani/·;,i
settlement proceedinqs only · upon . pavment: of all (JO notice was giver:i to him, he can ,file. a rrtQt1on:.·.~.::
debts and expenses ofthe obliqor and delivery of the ·wi\ti the probate, court for· th_e· d~livery ·or hfs./}
entire .. estate to all the heirs (~uilas y,.Judge o_f CF/ », -, ~-- share .or to, r~~p~n- tf:ie. proc.eedings·. if. 'the<'¥

ot Pampanga, G,.R. No .' L-26695, January 31, 1972) . · · : order of ·c_losureJs,."~o.f yet. fina1: .ff the. ord_er· ofi£
an_9/_or personsentltled thereto. : ',. . · - ctosure has become fi(lal;the remedyof the hejp. .'.~
. . . . . ·\S to ~ile an· action fo_r recor_wey~hce·~ga_ins"t:'.:~
lnstances lncluded in theProper Ex~·rcise ~f the . the dlstrtbutees, · .·· · · . :,·
Probate .Court to Make a Declarationof Heirs . ··· "4 ... Where the ·hefr.-is ..given·,fi share·.';o.the order ot>r,
.. 1._ .Thepowerto entertain the question whether.or . .'· .- ,_·'.·d(sinbution,:'r!e·:may·-mo.ve t.e>Hhe.. detivery-ot=':J
riot a perscm.js ail acknowiedgeq natural child of. . . . : ' . tt:ie._sam·e-to hjm; evei:i after·the" clos..:fr·eof th~·'!(
. decedent (Conde·.. v. · Abaya, GR. No .. 4275, proc"eedings;··subjeqt.. to acquisitive prf?scriptioo 1,.
·: .·· .- .. March.23, 19q9);"' , . . ·1n· favor qf-adv~r-se posse,ssofs,·Th~·provislo'ns. ~f
2, ·.. ·. The validity .of disfnheritance . effected by .st:l@-==~ · of . R~_le 39, '· SElqtior:i : 6 do· not :·apply.to ~peciar.-"\
·, t_~stator. (Hf/ado_ v. Ponce ."de Leon, .G~"'7vo.·lu- • "'?- ~fo~eedings. (Rodi/ v.. B~n_edicto, ··f3JR:-N_o. ·L~··:'.;~
.. ·.. _8020~R, Q(?fober 22,. 19f53);Md_- ~ f;,\ -' .
J.\f-~?,'§1~a(11.iary·22; _1980;.?.-RIGUERA:,.supra at_ ·l
· 3,. · The .s_tatfls· of .a woman who cta1rr.~f't0j[e)jJ.'E~==-.,,,..,;:___:ts._'09)r;;:"<-\__,.
. · .. _. . . · · · · . '. · . _- 'j,
'. la\',/(u\. Wife of. the deced~nt·_,ff,orre$v,,_.Jav1er; :· ~"-'~ V ':tf.:~"'-::,,l:-,, · · . · ·
· ·• . .. · · cf j
.. ·:· (3.R .No. L-105_6f?, March 24,f '(9'i/,BJ) /?.:,.,~..,..:.----~,._,N-at~r~-!_:['>Ex;;,.o~tion
may be.1s.sued to enfor9e- :; I

. · . . . . . · . - . ,/,<:'~ \/ . .£ @ · . 'l:' ·
-~p~~n~ of1rfl-'~~P~~es of partition .(ROq, RULE; . ~- ,.
However, the adoption decr~e c_an~9( be .~assailea' ·· ·1.lil\. ,',!JfJ, Se.a.\3) ·.'\l.,·: : , · . · ·. · . '. ·. · _ :· · : ·,";:-
coll;;iterally.. _ip set~lem.ent, pto~cee_di~g~(~ant?.S. .v. t'"\f:~ . ·-~ .. ( .-· : (f}., - :t,
.· .. ·. . .. · ·..} I
.A,:anza(JSO, G.R. No. L-2691U,]JYgt!Jst·:21,.rf!JB?r: . .,,, :1L;.
Wfi!,o~~ecut,i?~~-i. . . ·.. '.. . ' -~~. I·

ff. . . . I
'. ·. .. . . -.:IJ ~-1
. Cond1t!oi:ts Precedert to ,b~pb.pplied\vith fo~irnuz~¥ecuti_gn:
the Issuance of.,.,th Order.~f'a~s~r;1butfor{t\ ~ -d:·· ·
>l""'"""j -~ · . ·: · · . ·- · ·
JI . ~-":-~:J.ts:Giir:ier~lbRull!!:-.1pr99-rt'e·courtc?l"nnot issue wnts of .:t"
/Jff;s,.·'.. -:. ·_.: · J , ·. · ·. ·,· ·. : , · ,J
·./· I
1.: · Showin~ that th~ ~xee.,._u~o~"\~dryi~~~tpr,._orlu?· I 1,_iffea_s,{~:.-:"ts"~o,ale:~yp·~· ord~rs,-~s a rule; ~efe~ to :i
()~_rson.in,te~estedm_th,e ~st.atif~JJphe1:lJ9°~1t~ncf~-1~<~.J!,9 ~£l!rat1~,.~--0(&0jl:~·aga1~st the ·estate:wh1ch _.;3:1
2, _ . The requirements ?IS t<:> .nQ11c~ an'~hea},~~tl.(li.r~· :;tJ£~ ·
,ECAP' may f;:,~•sfy _wrtl:Jout the need. of ·/
··. · . _suGh, ~ppUc~ti-~_n ~ave b~e,~fiUectt'·~~--~~~~..)1:ry.~c~.ssA.f~!G_~ER~,
supr~-~t 1{16s_10_!). :'.~
. Note: T~e. court acquires_ juns.~ic~<?-~-'!,.,.&,Etf.., ~rlfu~ac~p~~(P~e~)- . ...- ': . · . · : . ·... ··. "f
pet~ons inte'.este:d, through ~he pubJJgat!_:>~L)Rff'~"-""=--"-~~rt:1~of11,,9xr,ens~~ - to enforce P.aymentof the ·.'t·
~ot,?e rr.escnb~d.-a~d any order that may~ ~~r~d: 1\ Jf A1-e~~~,w.(:is.of parti.t!on (ROG_, Rlf.[E 90, Sec. 3),: . J
1s binding ag~ur.ist. all. of t_hem (Manalo v.~-P-ar:~m:~, 1'l_lt:l':u-.Examination Oo~ts-- to· s_atisfy the 09sts wtren a J~
. 13.R. No,_ 241:68, September 22, -1925). - . · --- . --~pe~p:~ _is;. ~ited·~1~_r _- ~xa·~ination.. in· probate /
.. · · · ._ pr.~ceedmgs (ROG,. R(!.LE. '1.42,. Seo, 1'3); ..~,
. Prohlbitlon.-Agalnst lflterference py Other Cou r:ts 3. · £0\"ltribuliye Shares - .to· s~tisfy the cdritrjb1,1~ive _c::,
. In. the ·:interei;t · of orderly procedure· arid· to avoid. . . . ~hate of the d~v.isees:. le9.atees,·a°rld heirs wl:\eh :~B.
confu'sing . and.... conf!icting· d_ispositions ' of . a ·. the. latter_ had entered Ptij:>r poSSE;l,SSion;ovei. the, ·J:
decedent's·astate, a court shouli:f·not- interfere with · '. .· .· esta.te (ROG, R_UlE 8(3, Sec:· 6).; · · . . . ... ,.: .. '. m
pr9bate proce:ebings ,pending in· "a co-equal court· · .4. · _§.ur~~y'_s_ !,..iab_ility_on.:-.Bonds:~:.t<:>-~rif<?~celia~ility.::~
(3,f\-HERRERA,..supra at 215: Sotivio v.·.cA, GR: bf.i;mret1es unde.r: bqnd!:1:.filed . .....,1th lhe'.j::irdt:?ate-/i'
No>B;3184, F_ebn,iary 1:2,-.19~0).' . · · .. .' ·. · · _co1,1rt·(Cosnie. ..~i:1Mendozav.._Pacheco; G;R; Np . .(k;.
43351;_ .Feb'l.ffifY 26;., 1.937:);: ·. ·: ·. : · : ; 1!f
Rerr.iedie~ of·_.~~ H~j~ .En~itled .to t_he Re~l~ue of : . ~ .· . . . :-.·
. ~
· :. the Estate but not Given his Share: . . Powerfo lss1..1e.Writ. of p'C:,sses~io,i ..0 ·. ':. . ·' ·.. J,
1.· where. an lieir.who has be.en duly notifi~d-of.the ; . . . The ·r>"robate·''c.ourt(has ·the... authority fry. order the. J ·
proce~dings is_ not :1nc(ud.ed o.r °)'lot given ~my , . issuance of a·writ of
poss.esslon for"the 'recovery of·::
shar.e ii:, .the order of distribution, he must move . the share hy the heir•. o~,Qther-inter~stedp·ersonfrom.]
for . recc;>nsi~eratlo~ .o.r 'appea(. tlierefro.m. ttie ~X!=~AD, ~r-other·p~rsori~ having possession of Ii'
·· ,· within· 30 days from notice·, otherwise the- · the property Without tl')e_ need of previous .de!Tli:t~d <~!
. .. order becomes final.. . (3A-HERRERA,supra at 223). .-\
. •. . ' ?


t ·-·- ¥4i4&+4 · aa, oeioe+ &ii •• HF M#ki-WMM~

(: sECTIQN·-2 ..QUESTIOf'1S AS TO ADV.tt..NCEM~N.T In approving a project of partition, it-.is not necessary

t 'ro BE DETERMINED · .· ·. ·- ··. · . · . for" the court to. state the ', specific property
k.: . . .· . . . . . : · adjudicated to· an heir (In··retDe Borja v, · De Borja;
[ ·Questions as to advancementsmade, or _a.liege~· tq . · .G.R. No.' L--1259, April 27.. 19.49); 'but may award the..
:'.-' have been made, by the deceased. to any heir may· · · s~me ··10 the helrs -in ·-prb Indtvleo shares. If:. they
{ · be heard and: determined by th~ court having cannot agre~ · · on their· · respectixe ·specific :

ff· . jurisdiction of the -estate .'pro_ceedi'ngs(ROC?,

90,_Sec'. 2). . . . ::
:. RVL.E. . . participations, they can thereafter resort to an action
. :tor partition (ROO, RULE'69j.; '

itt,:· The
To whom the final order is binding
final ttie~E:on sh~II be ~indif19 on: .... ·
order .
Effect-of~ 'Finai ·Decr~e'of,Di~tribution''.
!;!.. fina_l decree. ot' di$'tribution: O.f the est~te ·.o(a
1 i·, 2. · · Heirs (ROG, RULE 90. Sec. 2)... :
1. The person raising the and
· .. .
·. .. ·deceased· person vests the title to. the land of the
· · · '· estate tothe dlstributees (Vda; de Kilaykov. :fengco;

r The RTC, acting as. a gen'~r'al court in. a· casi for

· . . G.R .. No, 45425; Mari:Hi 27; 'j992). ' .
.· . . . I . . • •

j,:. reconvey,;1nce of propertyjsdevoid' of authority to act . When is l'itle Vested. - :· . .

f,on .matters _relating to. advancement ci( legitime . From tb.e finality·ofUie orde~of distribution. ; ·
t:-· (Natct,,ervs. CA, G.R. No. 133000, October·2,2001).. · .-: ..
t: • - • • • •.. •· ••

;.; · · · ·. . . ... ·Fil')al Decree of Distribution is Appealable

f-. SECTION 3. BY: WHO,!VI . EXPE'r~SES OF· 'di. l(th'e·decree·fs·~rroneq'us, 'it should b'e corrected by,
fr .PARTITIO_N PAID · · , : ' · ;~'.".'.J:t'
·, - !:I~ opportun~.~Pp~al, fororrce 1t ~ec.ome_s ~nal, its
· -1-.:,\j[a.n\ _binding. eff~ct 1s hke -.any other Judgment m rem,

:,: • • .: • •. · •

By whom Exp,en_s.e~of p~rtitio~. Pald . .l!~~{;·~.::•.!l'.ti ~_nless property set aside for l~ck ?f-jurisdiction_ or
t · ·Expenses ·of. part!t10~ may 1?~ ya1d by the- EXEGA.D:• ;,,?!U· _t'?H~· )(11h~w.._t~e·cou~ has vall.dly 'Issued a decree ·
· · out of the assets m his harid~·1f: (SEI)_ .,/<
·. 1:J
t'·~:/~i»~~1stnbuJ1.Qn}a!:d the same has become. final, the .
~. 1. . .§u~cient; . . · ;.,.'!',-;:;, · . . l'IJ . validitf"'~,F-Ajn,yali1~Y· of the·. project of . parti~ion
;;rr v.
2, §q_u1table· to the cour:t; and . ?_,,~.,,--<., :· . "_<1:-.
·.~3, Nqf!riconsisteritwitl:i t~e intention)?LJ.~~ te~t_a.wv. 'I\
L ;:.r!~ -' becom~s (n'(a.r:it(Vda. ge K,la.yko Tengco_, ,G.R:
No. 4542,5;Mf1'1~ 27, 1992),
<· . .- . (ROG, R,ULE 90, Sec.3): . · -,,?;;§. . }.ic,i'.;'~J · · · ~:\ . . · : . . . / .u ·\ :
.· . ' . : ..
· . ·· · · . . · . .. i
· . . > . . . . .. . . . . :-t?'"' ·. "r·i~ · . · , ~t°' Prpb&te,i>r.ofe'~'*J._n_gsnot Tern'linatecl.!:)y Finality_. I

Otherw!se, they, ~hall·.-.b~ PF&..f.Y _t~C:,:;t:,arti~s·iW°'} .,;;t__of·_t~e:!F!er.3-"al.2,_l~,!.1e'P,roject of P<:'rtiti9n:: .. _ ..

prop~rt~o9to the1r-respec-t1v~sq<jlres:uPin_)~-fEjSt1_rt.!l1,~·~i!' T_h~- ,Q~J1t.~e_tfltt;~.ppr-oya1 of th.e__proJec_t_of pa11tion
'fffi- I

premises (ROG, RU/..E 90, .s~c:~).. ·. 1;;;;:,,1>1.•\ .111 : by itse"lt..!!al~.a~es:not· terr:rnnate lfl,e prob.ate . i.
. . . · · . ·- . . . . . . . _ . · '\~y~{;;· ·. _·)(. · /J .
prQCe.ec!ings. A_s_loni;i a_s.t~e. order of the ~jslribution_
SECTION. · 4. . RECORDING TH'S-,' ORD~R OF' ·. t?,:....,_ofJbe estate has not been complied with,. the probate
PARTITION.PF ~STAT'E ·.·. · ~\--:!,:/. . .- ·. -~):;t;tvtei~~$0.QS . .'CanhRt: .be·. '';dee.m~. bl?Sf;)d. and .

. ·. . · . _ _ .. · . . <~r . ~·~-..--...,..:cqerrr:t1A:atecl)becausea· JUd1c1al _paft1Mn IS ~ot final_ !'
. · Certified c~pies of final.orders and juc/qffifnt{f~!l'Je · · a~d ~on:clus~ve_ an_cl does_.not_:prevent the··t:i.eir-_frorn_·
· .. court r_el_atmg to the real . esta\e, ()r tl.':lt'l-·~f1:1_t19n . · bnrigm_g ~n. i:3ct1on to-·obtam his_ share, prov1deq t/1~
· thereof shall be recon;:led in the registry of'deeds of · .. pr.e.scriptlveperiod _therefor has not elapsed (l,.ee,v.
·· the province where the property is ·situated (ROG, · _,· Coµr{of Appeals,- G.R: No..L-.37135, December'2{J,
RULE 90, Sec. 4). ; ~J~73). . · ...
·\" .
., . Project of Partition ., · Wh.en . Ot:der Qf . -~Distribution. ·. Sho~ld · .lie.
It is a document prepared· by, the);:XJ:;CAD setting .. Registered ·. · · - · .. · ..
forth the manner in which the estate· of the deceased . · . If ihe order 'of distribution ·affects registe'redJands,. ) _·
is to be distributed·a.mong the heirs. If the estate-f~ a . the -s·arne-sh·ouldbe register~d once it ~ecome'sfinal. ..
. testate estate; the· p~oject ·of partition musLconfprm
to. 'the terms of. the. will; . if :intestate, . the project of, . · Proof _of.l?ayment or _exenwtion tr9m_ es~a!e,_tax shall
partition m1.1st be H, accordance· with lhe provisions' · . be .. Pr~sented. tq th_e . register .of deeds as :a
of the CiY,il Code (A!-,l3ANQ, RevieW<;J(,·supra.:'at"58, requirementJor regi~t~ation·. L.Jpon. the. pres.entation
citing '.Gamia de Reyes v.. Reyes·de L(ano,.G:R. No. of' th_e' '.owner'&. duplicate. ceitJficate of tit)¢. new-
L-420~2, ·octob_.e~28, 1~36). . . · . . . --. ' . cettificates ;of' title shall be .issued t_o -the parti~s
. entitled·. -thereto In aceordanQe . ~ith .the approved ..
Note: Th-~ heirs may, by agreement, submit a.project partition
. and distribution
~ supra
. at. 106).
of partition . to · serve as a. ·basis of tlie · order· of
distribution. The heirs.who do.not agree, thereto may, .
submit, ·a counter-project ofpartition (Reyes v. de
. Llano, supra).. - . . .


. uiw c;ENrRALizco
. .
. . - .MEMORYA10.20,.9 · ..

:~:::.R:ro., of c10scira lssued , . ...

: The probate court loses: Jurisdiction .of an. estate
. under administration "only after the payment.of all the '. . . . __

·... ·_ESCHEA.''rS'.·. . .. ~
....,.. __.
debts and the rernainlnq estate dellvered fo-th;e heirs
entitled. to receive the. same; The finality of the order
. fillng."of P~titiqn·.
. (Sec: 1 i _' -
of distribution· or of the approval of 'the project of
partition . ." does not yet. terminate the pro.ceidings ·. JL .
.:.· (Gui/as, v. J_udge, ·CF/ of Pampanga, G.R. ·./)lo. L~
2669_5,'Ja.nua_ry~1, ·1972),' · .· [ssuance . of' .Order
for hea'ring
\)" .
. _. . .· · ~~ec._ 2"11. -··· ...
. . . n. .·;.
-: :-· {),,
p·ublication of Order · ·: · :.•
{S_eq. 2~· · . : .. ., ....


.. :· ....

. ./ .
.P.rinclple Behind:Esche-;Jt Proce,edings.
esqheat proceedings reston the.prlnctple of ultimate.
ownership.' by· the state of all property ·within its.
juris~ictic;m (Rellosa v. Gaw Chee Hun,· G.R. 'No. L-.

- MEMQRY AID 20,9 .

U.ricl~imed Balances Act (Act No: 3936, as

emended by P.O. No. .'679}°-'Dorriiani accounts'
for 10 years shall. be ·escheated (Acf No. 3936, .
· Sec. 1): · · ·.- · ·

·1411, September. 2~,-.1953).. ·~
. . U~clalmed batances- include d~eciits 'or deposits' of'.
Nature' of' Escheat Proceedlnqs . . : . ". .. .. . money, . bulllon; security .. or -other evidence: of
Esclieat [s not an.. ordinary civil 'action bt;i,t .a .speclal i~c:!el:itedne.~s~of any kind; and interest thsreon-wtth .
. proceeding -~at should· be commenced not 'by .banks in,fa,vot of-any person unheardfrom 'for a .
cornplaitlt· but by petition (Mimicip'al.Cot.incl/ 9f Sai:I .' · perlod.of terryears or ·mote,;lo.gethetwith the interest ·
Pedro,.'L'aguna.v. Go/egio de Sa'h Jose.Tnc.; G.R. · andproceeds thereof (Aot·No. 3986, Sec. 1). . · . ',
No' 'L~5460, Fel)ruary 25,. {93.B): · . . · ',· _ . ·: · · .· .- - =· •. · , .• · = :. · · ·

. Note: Escheatls'·a pr~¢'eeding -wheFeby'·the. State

lt.. subifa'riuai ~igtif of·.the.-st~te and Is-not.a ciaim. . '. ·· compelathe .surrender .to it of unclalmed -deposlt
baseooricharlty, gr~tuity·or· u.iiea'rrie·d·benefit .(3A~ '. · ·. balances when- there is· s,ubstantial ground for a. .
ff ERRERA,. supra at 225; citing_: Link's Esiate,.. 319 ' belief that-they have been c;1~andoned, for~otten·, or ... · ·.
Fa: 5q, 516, 1_80:f'... -1,·2 (1935)). · · ' -wlthout anowner (DE.LEON &_Wlf.;WAYCO,· supra ·
. ·-=-- · at 205).· · ' · ·
aasis.of the State~s Right. to Rec'eiv.e Property in .
. Escheat . :·:. · ' ... · ... · .. ·. ,.: · ·. · · · ·. -1:). · Escheat under the Act No. ·3936 most be filed in the
· 1n _ default_· ·of. persons entitled to succeed ·<iL~~-1\ _.: .RTQ of the 'place Where .the· d.orc:nant ..de.posits· are
accorc:J:a~c~with_the p_r.ovisior:is oftl)_e Civil Co.de;(thef:ltf;.i..· ·found (Act No. 3936; Se~.'3l. .. : · ·, .. ·=. . . · ·
State shall ,nhent t_he y.,_hole estate(C,V/L.GODl:,'.•4'd,:if.:)'i1}) ·.. · . . . : , .. . . · · : , · · · · ·.
-1011). · :· · · .· . ··, · · · , · · · ..,,t.f:'·"~iq.."1 When 'Esch_rat is ?.roper· . .. · · · ·
. · ·· :. · ,· · . ~ff
. _;.4v. ·
r.: i_~/f..;!!~~·:7rf;~,r~on.dies inte.~tat~. seizefot real' .or

Three.(3) lnstanc~s of Escheats · 'G_ ,·_( personai·-p,10 erty 1n tl:).e P,tiilippine~. leaving no hei(
1. When a.pers'?n'dies i~tes.tate·l~1~rt~ no he!!{h,,~J . on;,erson·t(~I,~ entitled.to t_he s~~e. !he.-_S_olicitor
.. . but l~?V.ln~. pr.ope~ ·u1 _the P~1ltp.P.J!),~S (R09,t"'~: -. Gerier~I o 1J~. -~~pr~~~ntat1V~.-.'"' beh~1.f of the
Rufe. 91~ Sec. W, . . ·. . ·· ~,1::-J). ff'~ · . · · · # Repubhc iq le_ ~h~hpprnes·,may file ;;i petition 1n the .
2. . ~eye~s,_on:P_roceedi~g~··-:)ff;lSP.erty at1er.rated_IQ.... i:~~ .:_ RT~ ofp~~-e prp~in,ce.whe.,re· the_ de_ce~~ed last
v10.l<lt1on of;'tti_!a!Constrtut1o!rf!'it_h~~a~(: ;- S.\ -ki:~ . res1dl;ldi(~r 1~fy.,h16;.~e.:naa·:e~tat~... 1f-he res1~e.d:_oµt
· · .. .. . . : , . ..~·/ <=,;.::~ ..?'l ~ !,';!\
.. of th~t,~1pp1Qn~~-'S'.eJfl'~gfq_('th theJ~cts, ·and ptciying
· . .An_ action ..f~r reversion is~q,'J_~~ti-Og;~r9ughPq,~. -j't. that ~h~;.e:_~~~e1-~of_the:. deceased: be. ded~red · ·
. t~e·~epublro !q recov~r·~r:opE\!;!~~al!~!\~ted}~
. . . v1olat1on 9f the :Constitution ·oi:.~.oJ-·-ani.,statute
:J e~c~ea!e.? (ROG,_RULE .91, '$ec. 1):.. . ·
¥.;:~.;,,i · . . . . • :- . . ·· : .. · . . .
· ,. •

(ROG, RULE 91, Sec. 5). It sh al( bE(9Q,'1;[.ef.ne.d_l;,_y.· /;>., .. ,.~e.qyJ~.i..t~ for F(ling of. petition {INP)
· · Rule·91·; t-foweve.r, the action rnu(t)?e·il")stitut~~t-~u:,wu~~atta~erson died !f)t~state;.' · . .
in ttie province where tt,e lan!i lies~!{ whql~~i- in · 2: That he .feft ,No heirs.or-persons. by.law entitled·
.. :part. · :. · .. - · ,._ · .. . ·. · ·. 'f~~~ . · to the same; ~nd ·. . .
.. · · · :' · · ·- · 3. The deceased. left fropertii,s(RO.C; Rule . 91, ·
Lands ·of the· public domain and real n'ghts · Sec.' 1) .. · ~ .· .: . ' ·. · . ··.. :
thereto which:were acquired in violation 'of the.
Constitut.ion orth~'public lc!'nd'laws shall also be. ·.Esct'!ea_t. ·Proc~e~iil~s ~.anri(?t. b~·Co~_vtirted' i'nto.
·.. reverted:to the _State. (CONST., Art. XVI/J; Sec.. Settlement- of Estat.e .. ···. : ... : . ) ·· . · ·. . .
· 2·1). · .. bn·c.e '-the. court, _ijctjulres j1,1risdiction to ·hea.r the ·
. · . , petition·tor·esche:i;it by.virtue of'.the publication of.-th_e··..
. No_t~_; '. The· ·con~tl.tutlo·n~I 'proscript.io~ on. alie~ :. . p_etiti~n:. for eschea!, . this .jun~dicti6r.i cannot . be
• · ownership of lands pf· the.. public· or ·P'ri.vate. · copverted. into one .. for . the 'distribution . of .. the·
. ·don;i&in · was· intende·g. to· pn:itect lands· from ·. ·.... properties of the dec~de.~t For· ·such proceedings .
. fallih_g "iri t.h~ · hand.s ot non~Fifipinos. However, .. -..:: ·, . (for' the distribution of' the ·est.ate:of-the dec'ederits) to
, . ,tiere would. Qe n.p· 'n'l~r~ public. policy Yiolated be instit'ut~d;. tl)e pr~per patties· rhu~t b.e ·pre~ented
When. the land· is ·in· the harlds of Filipincis . and· 'the _proceedings ~ sh.ould ·comply· ~Ith · the
· qualifi~d to acquire and own such land .. If. lan'd i~ · . requlrel'!lents of.the ~ule··(/n·re;AnneFallon .MurRhY,
· ·invalidly transferred . to _an all.en · who. G.R, .. f;vo. l,..~14157,"0cto.ber?,6, 1960). · ·.
subsequently'becomes·a citizen·or tran~fers it to · • ' · ·
·.,.a.citizen, the· flaw in the. original transaction is' Wheli Es.cheat.F>roceedlng is·.·Proper-e~eh if the
·considered .cured and the iitfe of th~· transferee · · Deceden, Died Testate- : . . . . .. _
is re.ndered valid(Re'pµb/ic.11•. Registry of _Deeds · Even if the decedeAt died testate,. but his will was not ·
of Roxas City, _G:R. No. 158230, July.16, 200£:J)... allowed to probate: if is·as it'he died intestate. In
such case, if he has no. knowry heirs and ther'e ,are


. ,

SPECIA·L ·t>ROC-EE.DlN-.G·S · ·.
· :tm,iw,wn · ·· ·,ew · w#eei+ -, .. 4>W+i-,. wswe ~ ·f:J:
' ~ : . . •.:}~
no personsentitled fo hf~ property, the samecan still' Reme~~ ~f R?spondent If· Petition does not Show )i
be escheated (FESTIN, si:F?ra ·at 138). · · · · · that Petiti on· 1s Entitled to Remedy/Prayed .For . , ..•,;,:
. ·--=-· Wh_e!1 a petiti?n of escheat does not state facts '.fit
Parties in an Es"chei,it Proceedinq . whicti en.title the petition to the remedy prayed·for- '.':i
1-. An escneat proceedlnq must be. initiated by the _: · and even admj{ting· them· hypothetlcally,' it is clea~-.;:\~
· 'gcivemment through the Solicitor General or his " · that there is no gro1:1nd for the court to proceed to the· :'.'
representative (ROC, RULE 9-1, Sec. 1); : . lnqulsltlon pr(?vi~~d. -by_ law,. an· in_tere,ste_d party_·:
2. · All interested parties~. espectslly · the" actual should not be· disallowed from filing.· a motion ·-to.·.·~,•.
occupants and. the adjacent lot- owners shall be.. dlsrntss the petition which ·-,is untenable from all :.:.
personallynctlfled of the.proceeding and giv~n. standpoints.. And when>the· motion .to dlsmlss is .. :;~,
th~ opportunity to present .. t~eir:valid ctatrns; entertained'upon this.grouncl; the p~t.it!on may be.~~
otherwise, if will" b.e reverted ·10. the· State dismissed. unconditionally and. the petitioner .le, not ,1s
(f3errrrudo. v: Court. of Appeals, G.R. · No. L~. · entitled, as in. the case of a demurrer, to be .afforded·.}
, 38622, OctolYec26,. 1!)87); · . · . · · a_n opportunity to amend his 'petition (Th~-Municipii/..:-.:fl
3. Any person alleging to liavif a direct right or . . . . Council, of San Pedro,.Lequn« v. ·. Colegic,· De. San . J•
. Interest ln'the property sought to be·escheated Jose,Jnc:, G.R. No.· l-4546.d," February25, 1938): .. }~
.. is likewis~ ah- .interested and necessary · pa11y!. . ·. · . z · · · - ·'. ,.·•
may properly oppose the petition ·f!)r .escheat cir. . . SECTION 3. HEARING.ANO·JUDGMENT . . ,'V
' ... file a· ~laim thereto with the' ·i;ourt within.· t!].~,,.= ·· . ··. · · · · _:_ . , . 'i:i
· . peri9d. prov(ded for .(The fl,f_unicipal_q.~µ~iTof U. i
<~egili~~ . B~fore ·Judgment o~. Esch~~t.. is · }f
San Pedro, Laguna.. v. Coleg,o-c/e ~df!Sfftlnc., v.
}s~1oetJ.·. ll: "~.,. . .. . . . ·,!:.
supr<;1:}; a,n,d . . · · ·,#' <.
°'\ :-;. ~--"""""~-.:~T!iE: ..{couflt,;;n~ .. a'dJudge. that th·e estate· of the : _.:/:
4 .. Under the .Llnclaimed . B~l'a.nce~)lw:~ a· de5§a~ti1ntl;Je.. ~hilipplnes, after the payment of just i',
depo_sitary.. barik. shoYl.d_/b~gt~a",_.slS~~~...,,,.~delDt~~~~c@r~~i.h~hc!II e:;icl)eat-upon s~tisfacto·ry ·j~
respoflpent_. in. an actior.i -J9re~cfi.eat /since T~ .;i,."'. · ,p_J;Oofirr\ppe-Q,qpef.itJo\the fo!lowing: (PIP-l-{C) · · ,":
.geprivelaf · · · ·A· The•tubli~fi?~~
dect.ee o!. escheat_ wouldj~eC~§pfily
of the 1,1se of such depo~_.rt.~.(Ac(Nb. 36, Sec: "§;
· 3; Republic v: · Cfl of Mc[rl'il~G£R.· No. f:303,rr;-·
3f 2. o!t.tbeord_erof hearing; . · :· · · . · ·.,;'
That,the p~r.son.~t~d·!ntestate; ·
-:f:··,~W1e·Ls s~iz~q ofteallpersonalf roperty in the \;
· . : .:,,,,;,

.. August 30, 1988): · f{ ;«'".;,,., ff · l · <":."1:'!\~ <#hi~i ·pines;\\~ i · . .. · : · ·· ,{~

. '· . -·· . . . L f ~, ·. · ti'., . ~
Rei'il Par:ty m lnteres~ ln.E_scnea$~ro'(~,9~ng_;> :.__ -~~~~ · . pm('~;an~
Tha he left\rte;,rHlinor·.per~on entitled to s,uc_h·.
-~ [j. ' . · . . .. . ~·
If! all act1pns for_ the· rev~rs1~rttrt\', gqx_i(AJ&.elitot~Ai . ! .,,,- .. ' · ~69:s nR) h,~f:i~J~nt~a use: to the contrary j
lands of the-pubhq domain orlfl'lprovl:}(Tlent~,t~on~ft· K.fJ.:,;*~'Q, ,RIJWE 91:0.:.S.ec. 3). , . . . . ·-~~
!he .~_epublic of ,.the P~ilipp(n·\~ is -tH~1_r~a ~ ~ ~: ~: .''-,; .-;:/?/._~.:::g / . ·· //. · . : · · · · . . . . . :<'l\
interest The·act1on sh.all be rnst).luted b9tlhe ~1fi1~ '"'-~""§.vra.~l'fce~~quired61n Escheat-Proc~edmgs ·; · ~~\
qener~I or the o.ffic~c acting_tr hl\,stead,Tu....!,:)e~a!f~f-~~~4rgeri of pro5/ rests _on the state to. prove that ·t.
the Repuqlic of the P-hilippin~s (M~ese ~~_pQ~es~t~tfi'E!)_.J_?J«,f°p~fty,..4P 9£.festion is In all respects lia.~le to · ., ,
Velasco, .G.R. Nd. 164024; Janua_iy2~ -e@_9,n
1'·"'";:;-,,,~,='Efich~'f\'v'°t 'l · . · · ·. · . -~.
W~eie to flle · ·. · · · . . : · · ·. . ·· ~,::: ..,( ~- ·-l\A~J;;~~--~~~s not ~ov~r propert;e: ~a~~~ ·f~om ·/~'..'
1. Resident:-· RTC of
the. provinc~ -where·~~eWemy' nc1tiona"1s as ·a result ;of World War II and':.}
dec~ased·laslresid~d; · ,. , . .. . . reqtt(red. to be trai:,~ferr_ed. to the Repul;llic of the ·)ff
2. Non-Resl~ent -. RTC. of th.e· plape · wh~re -his Hhilipp_in.~s by.the United Stc1tes .in accordance_wit(:l )~
estate is located (ROC, RU(.£.g1, Sec .. :t:). its own· 'enactm!:)rit commonly known. as ·the-'.·~
. . . Philippine. Property· Act of ·1946. Such properties Jt
SECt{c>N .z;. ORDER.FOR HEARl~G ·. ·: · · belong_ t~.the Pliilipp~rie government nof by Virtue 9f· };.~
. ,. . . . · the- .escheat p~oceedrngs, but on the. strengtt, of the · ;'.,'
:if the~petition ·sufficient in 'form and substance: the·.. transfE!r authorized and· . required ·by-· the Act ·:;,
court shall: (HP). ~ · ;· . .. ·. . . . . ' · (Repu6iic ot . the Philippines· v: :intermediate -~
1. - Mat<e.ati orderof..!:!earing-·hearitig shall n'ot be AppellfiteGo.url, G:R._NQ.!3831,°F.=ebruary-21;, 19137,<:t_.
:m.or.eJhan.6 mont_h~··after·eptry otorder; ancf... f!E LEON & Wll.: WA YCP, ,supra. at 201 ) .. · . jf
2.· .. Dir~ctthe.eublication of a copy.of fhe or~er--:- ~t · ·· ··.,
· least once a week. for 6 consecutive· we·eks .in . To '. WOOJ'Tl . the . 1 Property Eschea~ed . will be ~~
· so"me· n~wspaper of gen~rai ci.r.culation. in" the - . Assigned: . · . . ;-'°\
. provin·ce (ROC, Rf..!LE:9_1; Spc. ?). . .. 1. · If personal property::.._ to the mi.micipality or-city ~·.
Note: Publication of the notice· of -hearing Is a · where he last resided; . · · ... ,·;\j
jµrisdictional requisite, non-compliance · with 2. If :real property :... to the. -.municipality. or eity ~;:.
· which affects the validity of :the p1oceedings wh~rE:the property is ·situated; or · · . · · :t
(Divino·v. Hilario,-G.R-:-:No.L--44658;January 24,
:1936). · . . . ;. . . . .·· .


... - .... ·---·------------1

-n• 'aisatMPIFW MMid ·WNMS&IW RIIS 4

. 3. If deceased' never,resided ln the Pflllip~lnes. . 'thelr claims, otherwise they may lose them foreverin
- t!=Uhe municipality· or citywhere the property . a final [udqrnent (R'ep1.:1blic v. CA, .G.R, Np. 143483, ·.
rriay befound. . . . . ··January 31, .·:2002; FESTIN, supra
. ·a't-139]:
. .
. : The court, at 'the' instance al) inte-rest~d party, or Trial Gpu"it Cannot Convert an "Escheat
ori its ownmouen, ·m~y.ordec the establishment of a. · Procaedlnq into an Ordinary SP.ecial-P.roc~ecUng
. permanent trust,. so that' only. the tncome' from. the . The two actions are' entirely-aiffe~ent from each other
. property shallbe t:ised.(ROC, R.ULE 91,.Sec. 3). · . and. the requirements ii:) vestinq jt:ir.i~diC:tion .. are-·.
1 -. , · • • ·• • -.: , ••• ·.. • entirely diff13rent. In special proceedings, publication
Beneficiaries of
the Estate Esche.ated · .', . . i$ -once a week for three _(3) consecutive weeks,
The.estate shai'\.b_~·for _the.benefit of public schools. Vfhile. in· escheat, once a wee,k for- slx (6) weeks.
· and public 'charitable jnstit!.i'tions:and centersJn said (FESTIN, supra a(140). . · .. - .. . · : ·:_ ·: ··, .
. rnunloipalitles-or cities fROc,·Rule)l1,Sec. 3; CIVIL
.·. CODE,·Art. 1013):' : . . . .. ' .... ·, . : . . ..
· ·
.SECTtON 5. OTHER.AGTIONS Fb.R ESC_HI;~!~: ·.. · ·

r: -wai~e~ o~ R-i~~t
t~ Esch~~i · · ... : '. ·.·.: ' .· . . . 'uotll otherwtse'provided by law, ~ctions.;ev~r~ion ~i-
. The right to. escheat' may be· W,;liile~· expressly; or .. , _. · . escheat of properties· auenated in vlotation . bf-the
impliedly {3A~HERRERA,'supre at ?29).: . · · · · Constitution or .of any statute.shall' be gov.erned by.
. . . . . . . this rule .• except that the action .shall be instituted iri
-· .sacno» .4·.: WHEN_· AND B'( WHOM CLAIM TO;/~· 'thei .province where the land· lies inwhole or. In_ part
·. ESTATEFILE_D·-·:.-:-.·.· .' · ... ': ··-~ ;J4\ .jJ{~
(ROC!.RUL.E__9_1,·S,e.c:·5).·_ .. :· _:- _· .. _.;': ·:· .. ·.·- .
. · ._.Who\,~~~ Fjlea'Cl.aim.on-the Es_¢~eat~d Pr~p_~ijf',·__ </P~ . •.: . . ·> . . . . ·. . . . ·. . _. . :'·.- .
. ~nr d~visee( )e~at9.1:l, li_eir, :,Vi,dow/~~.. -?(othe: ?,•; . /'\'' .. : . . . : ·· ..-:peti~v;i;;,·':!~!.:. .-
. ·: '., :_ ·. .
· e!'ltitled tp.~µ~h ·estate 93n file.a claim thereJp:.w,~_:J11i#L: ... .:..:JJ-E~,J;if}M-L·.Q-UAI~.})IA_NS A_ND
·. · -"~-7GtrARDIANSHIP. · · · ·.
,;_ti,., _.,....;.'''--------,-----J
.. thf? court within five {5) year_s f~-9m the_9.a;!~0( sucht-lf
· ·,( t:.,)q. . L.'----i,i.tt~li~~-
.- . Judger:nent
·.. ' .
. ...
. _
. (('· .
~-:. ·.,·. ·. :: · .. ;:~. ~{{ .. · ..•. _,#:';.>--·i\· ·. .'·. ·. . _ . ' . . _.: .
. . su:ch p'er~~n'shall_-_hav~,pos~~ssi?~9f;;.an_ct}ftfe:to the . _G·over_ni91~ f.:~
. Sarne; QT. 1f sold_; -~e·- .i;rlUl'IICl~?j!!Y'.°'.'.Or c1(ws'i:rall _b( . \i' \ · Guard1a~S,hlP,,C:)f minors I~ now govem.ed-by tl:Je. Ru)e '
-~~J'.k . :. ·.. · . : ·.· ·. · · ._· · . ·_
· accquntab!e·_tCl him' for .. the WP':7-~ds_'·aft.~\~edacting~
. · re.asoriable.cMrgas tor the ca~cif-the"'~t<,?J.e. (~~'·
on -~!1c:i,.rE.ia~~!i.i1?.'!ref.-Mlt:iors (A:~. ·-,yo. 03~02-05- .
SC) w5!..~~~,q~§~hMay 1_;2003. · : · ·· ·-": ·. ·
RULE 91, Se¢. 4}.· · . <:;~- ·.i>";;r~~;}).: ·.P-;;j .. 1// ..... --,4;::-:f.!S;-7 . ·. - . , _. , . ·, .
. :. _: , . . · _ : .. · . >f~,..,.-';fh.t~:· ·
).I .. 1:~I, On the ·othei:han.d_; ·g~ardianship· of. incorri:~t.ein_ts·
Aponee_,-even,though not ~n ~e,r·,:~~n A~,l?~rt his_ . t.!/.-::..-w,t_"!'ff. are. not mm0rs 1~ stil_l goverrJed _by the .prpv1slons
R19ht•Over- an·E;sc_heate~ Propf!!,:tY t;:-"... ,-;:-:.,.11· ;__. · .,);,,.,;c?J:_th~e;;i_R'ules of .Co(Jrt on __ quardianship (R,Oc,·
A doriee. has th.~· persoriahty- to l:>e a_ O!l:l~man\i:W1(~m-·-<-'•-4f..oR&iiE·92~tb RULE,.9!) and A.M._No. 03-02-0~SC,
·the t?ur:view pf Sec.·4, R~J!E~ 91, oftbf_R~vtsect,~Wles .. · Sec. 11. · · · ·• · ·
·ot· Court oecaose :he_ is: an .i.nterestect~~Bi~ An,.
· interested pary -is .a,ny--. person ,alleging . ta" have a ·. Gµ~rd/ariship _ll> the. power of protective. -auth~rity_ .-.
_ .. direct tight or iritei-est in the ,property sough.t to .be._· · . ·. given by law.and impp~ed_jn·an._individual ""!.ho-is.free · ..
. escheateei' is-Jike-«ise an: interested'· party'"~l)d may· .. · . and· in· enjoyment- qt· his_:rjghts_.qYer o·ne-\'(ho~e .
. · -a,ppear' .and' oppose the. petitidn f9r. escti~a_t.. weakness on accoLin_t of His :age'. or. qtfier 'intirinity
.(Republic v. GA :and· Solano,· .G.~. No. 143483,. ·· - ren&jei's · him- . unable. to·. 'proted · himself (3A.:··
January 31, 2002).' · .. : . . . . HERRI;RA,$ilpra €It 23.5).:· . . '• . ·
. . .·. . .
. . When to File'·. · · . . A guardranship is a·.tri.J~t-relation of the most sabred·.: .
· Within:" five .. (5)} years .. fr;o'i:n ~at!;! of judgmen_t, 'character,. ir:i which. one 'pe'rson, 't?llec'l a _guardian·.· .
· otherwise · i~ will - be .
barreq forev~r (2 RIG_.l:JERA, acts· f9r .another c:;all.ed:.'the' '\\'.a.rd' whom: the iaw
.:.·s,;,pra'at11-1) ... · - ... · regards.as incapable of managing his owrl'a-ffairs:·A
.guardianship is design'ed 'ta.further lh'e'.ward'~ well-
Not~: Unde:r :10,14 of Art.
¢i;if'Cod~.. th~_fiv.e-.(5)- .· the being, riot _that· of the gtJardiar.r: It i~ 1rytend~cl to
ye?r per.iqq is reckoned from the .date !l")e p-rop~rty .: preserve the ward's ·property, S$' w~II as tc;i_ r~rider
was delivered,to ·the· state and 'f.Urther. provides that- .· any assistance that the. ward r:nay pers6nc1lfy require.
\f the p'roperty had ·been sold; th~ municipali_ty or 9ity It has been stated that whi1¢ · custody Involves
shall. l?e acc~untaQ1$3 only for such· part Of the Immediate· tiare an<;! control, guardianship indi_pates -
proceeds as may_rfot have' been'lawfully spent: . not· only those res·ponsibilities; -but those of one iri
~,: loco parentisas.well (Oropesa v: Oropesa, G.R: No.
Reason:. It js ~ecidedly prescril:_1ed to encourag!3. 184528, April ~5. -2012). . .
. WOUid-be claimants fo be -punctulliOl.lS in asse(ting


.... i.
mi.ii'--••••••-•••·· ·\~,~:{~
~~ma11mm:rm11111:~-----•m .. ;am1mimm:m:1•1:aim1111 · ·•.
. .
. Ba~is of Guardianship · . . (Rfve'ro.vs. CA, G.R. No, 141273,.M~~ 17, :<·
. Where minors are tnvotved. the.state acts as perens .'2005). . · · . . · '. . .· -·:;
-patriae.- It is the duty of protectinq' the rig.his of . . . );-
persons or- indlvlduals who because of" age or 3.. ··Judl~ial ·. Guardia,i- · · appointed in.' ~r'
: incapacity are: in . an unfavorable position Vis-a-vis . . , pursuance to- law, as guard.Ian . for insane·),\;
· '. , other parties. Unable 'as they ate to. take due· care of · .persons, . prodigals, .. minors, · · . eto(3A- · ~t'
what . concerns .thern, they have. the . political
community to, look after lh.~irwetfare (Neiy.de l..!eo.n
- .
supra at 2.37).. . .. -~ <~
v: Rosario Lorenzo, €/fat,; 9-.R. No. L-23:)76,April 1, Courts with -Jurlsdictlon:.' . . . Jt
1972). '• .• . . . 1. Reg_l~n'al .Trial C:o_urts .(R'f~) -·8:P .. Big.. 129-' ._;"~
. · provides that · RTGs- have-: jurlsdiction ··.over .'J·
Purpose: To. safeguard ·the right and interests.ot · .. actions· and special proceedings ·fallir.ig within .''f~.
minors and Incompetent persons . . · ·· . ·... . the-exclusive original jurlsdiction ofthe ~uvenile-·:.:-:.'i
·. ·'7' . and . Domestic Relations . Court. '. R,::c . has . ,:~~
Guardian is apersort Inwhomthe l~w-has·ent(ust~o - ·· jurlsdictlon over pr6.ce.ed\rigson guardia.ns~ip of-. i
. the CUStQdy and control .of the. per-son or estate or . · incompetents. · .\.,.
- ·· botli of an infant, insane, or other person incapable. · ·: · · · · · . ·.. . -. . , . . . : . _: J
. of· managing his own· affairs ,(3A~HERRERf!,., supra . ·_2. Family· Courts (F-C)·...: RA. No. .836_9.o~herwise :,:::.
·at 23!$), :· : · ·. · : · ·. -: · '. -=-=~~- known.as Family Courts Act of 1997 vested Jh.e }
·.' ·. . . . · . .. · . . . . . .· . -#!~~ · '~u· · ,--,, -~~!~ Cc:ur:ts ~ith ex.c)us!v~ original_JUrisdiction-,:'.·},
. Note: __The_ -~ourt, · ~n guai:_d1ansh1p. pr:99e:~m~. ts_·,. · . J'V·
~t··gi·~~ansh1p_of m.m_ors·(F~STIN, supt? .at ~:,
· .solel_y ~onc~rn~d w!th the wa~d's cu)'J0~(an1 fJ~p$,[»c.:=~~ J{SO)y/..,.~~: :· ~ · :)?
. adm1n1st~at1o_n of-~,~ properties_ ~t:if11cTu~;1.!J~f~1~g . ·~ · · d"\ . . · '. . . . · .·. .· ,.:: .
owner~h1p or title m the hand~ _pf a'1¢?~ia~/1n,,t:i1~~--..,~· . ·, . ~(),. '. ·.. . .. :-·
l~ · ," · · \. ·
·. pr-0cee~l~g (F~ST~N, ~u~r~_t: )/ . L
. -.c~pacity-a5:·such -s~ould· be l~t!il-f~ ,,.,a Jepa(a'

In guard1ansh1p proceed1rygL~h# cour;\ cannor !fl · · -:-,.

. · ~~--.:. ,·. :_.\~(_JV~ i··
· · ' .:j;
'N Ut<~ .· .·
\.. · . :. 1 . · .· . ·. •.. , .
. : .
. ., ·:,;..
. Rr.tua!IY order the'. de_1ivery4<~1zt1~·eBward'sl.pro~ife"!iJ'Y..:~.:r1 :::;:::~~F:,w'~. . . t . . , n.. - . . :. . ' . ·t
fou.nd to- .be. ~~~ezzl_ed, 9on9,9at~d. <:~\>~v~y.e~~~ECTI !~t.. . 1.y ~~}{ERE,_:' ,TO . I_N.~T!TUTE· /~
.'·. -~xc~pt~~en_the~1tle_oftheja'rditl;)\he~am~)ls.clear 2:....-·-a,PRO;QffiiGlS! .... n . -. · ·.,. ·. .: :~
· and tndtsputable . .Absent lhe'te~c~tt\?~J~~·· Gfveryf,j ~-j"".. f}?J,:; ~ j · · . ··: . . :~
of _su~h:· prope~y · ~us_t .be~/~~de\11n· ~~:s ~qJ~ti~ ~!;~~b9.,~~ · 1 . ,.'J. . .. · . ···;_t,
proce~dmg (Cu, v. P1cc10, G.J\ N?· L~131~s}/y~ -'1-\i! . ~i{"e-J~d_e_nl'.-'RT':fJth.e ~rd's.res1de:11~~;.. . . \.
1952). · , . . . \, . . ~\, "-./~~6o·RJ.'sident ,;r _RTC of tj1e place: whete the. ;}f
, . · \', · :-~ (..§'Crc}.r.C\~.~s Pi'<;>p~g =is:locaied (ROC,RVLE Q2, Sec,· . .:.1
.. Kinds of Guardians · :\,. }1' ~,,-"'->, ---::.~.!..,dj_~~:.... t~ · · · ·· : · . . .. . · . {9
f!-· According to Sc_ope:.. ·, <t...:On~~~~ -:(;.'l:,<)1- -~ .. · ·.· ... · · . •.. .· .- ~]
1 .. Guardian of.the Person. - on~whd'}as-1'~ 1 f5.eb-r10~ .' 2, M_EANING :oF .'THE WORD--'t•
. .
. . person of the minor;. ' .
· .2.·- . Guardian Qf the rroperty ~ orie appointed :
.. _._ . ===-~-. . . :· . ' . . , .
bel;?n lawfully invested With'the·ca~·~·:1.¥.ll1;,i'rq,_~l'v1PETEWT". · · ·

.. _ Under this rule, incpmpeten~ includes;_(CLF?·QUN}._ _. ·ti

. .
. : . · · _<
to have. th~ .l'T!anage_ment of the estate of ·a 1·:· .. Persons. suffering '·.from. penalty·_. of. · ~ivil ,:·/
minor.or inc_om'petent;-a-rid . . · '.interdic;tion; · . · ·· · · · ·~
· ' i · 'G~n~ral Gu.ard.lan...: one·:appointed to ·bave
all the pro~rty of the wa~d·(3A-HEf?RERA,,·
_H_osp.·itali~ed '!:epers;
Prodigals; · ·. ·
.. . . _· __.-. ··-.·.::ii~.~-!J.i.··
-supra at 23_7). , . - · .. · · · · ,. ·;
. _ ·No~~~ .A prodig_al is .$-ynonyrllous _tb a spendthri«•.:~J
B·. Acc.o~din.9to Con\,tituti,m: · or -a. per~on ·who,-..by°e.xcessive drinl<ing, gaming·; ~r
. . . 1. : Lega_l_ Gua,rdi~n:- without need of judicial · idle·ness or :debauchery,--of ·ari.y ·kind shall so ·!";
appointment; . · ·. . . spemf,.-wasfe-or lessen-his estate as'to·expose ?,,
2 .. Guar~lan ad l_iterri. -:-·:8PPOinted by COl,JrtS of ·' . · himself-or his family to want,. or suffering,· or Qt
· justice to · prosecute or defend: a minor, exJ:)osethe town to''char9.e:.or·expense:for the-~-
ihsane . or : _person <leclared. to . be .. s1,1ppo·rt .of .himself _or his· fam.ily .(Encyc/op.edic ·;r
incompelent, in an action in_ court and . Law Qictionary; p. 811); . ··· . . · · :- ;f(
·. :: . . . . . . . ·. :'· ·.. ·. . . . ·. ~~
Note:. ·Guardians· ad -litem are considered 4. Deaf and dl!mb who. are unable.- to read and ."i.
officers of the court in a limited $ense, and . 'write; . . . . . ....~
the office of such guardian is to repre.seot 5 ... Those of Y,nsound'mind thqugh fhey ma·y hi:lve: t
the .interest of t~e incqmpetent or the min~r · lucid in_te_rvals; and · · '< · · · • Jl



. Nofe: The ·diagriosi~ of schizophrenia'alone wi.11 '.

. not be sufficient.to declare a person incompetent . RU~E 93
who will require a· gi.Jardi"an. A person suffeting 1\PPOINTMENT OF
from__schlzophrenia-does not necessarily lose his·
competence to dispose ; of his properties . . . -~UA.:RliIAJilS . -
(Catalan-vs. {3asa, ·July 23;.2007). . • : . .
. SE:CTION 1·: - ·.: WHO, .·_MAY.. PETITION. FbR
6.. .Pe~soris N~t of wnso~nd· mind. butby reason of
· weak m_ind_. ·age;_ disease, and other -slmilar ·
. - . . .. . GUARDIAN
. . . . .F"OR RESIDENT'.
. ....
causes (WACO), cannot.. without outside aid Wh.b may F.ile: (RFC[)) .:
take "care- bf themselves. and manage. theit 1 :·· . Any :gelative; · · · · ·
_property (ROG. ~!-)LE _92, Sec -. 2).,_ . ·· ·. . . .. · . · ·2. · Friend· ·· ·: . ·
incompete~t. ·P~~sori· Under- Guard.lansh'ip· as .· · 3: -·Other'\,erson · .orr behalf -·of · the · -re~ldent ·
Distinguished from lncompetent-EXECAD . . .· . incompetent who has no.. :patents or. liiwful .
· ln_compe~encyto act.as _E~~cAp cannotbe equated ·. gu~rdian; ·or . _: : · · ·: · : · .· . :· · .
. With. the .incompetency _that justifies ·the pfacjlig .ofa ·4_. . The _Q.ireqtor of H~attti"" .jn·: favor .:'of' an 'Insane-
· · person under· gl(~rdiatiship .. From. the fact that a · . :·person who. shoukf be flospifa_iized or· in.favor of
.' 'person.may.be \ncompetent to act as
EXECAD, it .. , ·. an isolated leper (RO<;:, R.~LE93; ·seo.°-1).
does _not, ~ollow .t~at ~e ?o~ld _. be ·placec:r":under:~)··~· · · ·: ... · . · · ·· . ; . . · .. r-. ·• '. : •

._guard1ansh1p. B1,.1t 1f a person is incompetent to:~·J):)_i N~te.: Courts shoul~ not ·appo1~t person~ as·
as ~XECAI?, -then he is. not the incor_:npete_~Vpe(~~Q~/.A;-ii\. -~~;:ir.d1aoswho_-~re_not"_ 'ki!h.iri th~ jurisdictlorr ~f. our
envisaged m· the_ law· 9f guardianship (5ncarM,i:;iq~f; .J.iJ\I . co~r:ts.for they wtll t_1~d it d1ffi~ult to·protect the _war~.
Lopez Vda. de Baleyot v. L(Jonor Ines Luciano, Gl.~:"'·-!i,!f!!.) f'(arJcil _ _vs. Be/mes, ~.R.. no. · 132223, · Jljne 19,"
# !.• ~:..it111f,,.~_~q.~·W · /f,'l . · ',, · . ·. . . .
No. L-42245,· Ju/y"13, 1976).".
• ·. · · .
~ · ./.~ ~ w ·tr~-:~{!:...~~: · . ·. · :.· .
· SECTION 3. TRAf':l~FE_R O_F.V~f'."~.Etf{l:~.:J-.~--. . ,:.A.,.,JL
-~tohibite~ iif\Guardians · ·. . ...
. ·. .· .. · .. )\,. V(\ ·. _)Pf;·!l_" .1 .. _lf the ,ru~e_$.tet;J _pe~sor;i. IS· a. crE!~!tOr _a11d
_._proceeding, ,:nay transfer. t~e r~¢.e~to t11f,C\:)ll~ of . n\. :
The _co~rt. t~~mg cognizan~e of th~;gu~"t~i~l'lsflip . 11~ .. · . ma,~YJ.l~fe'~ftl:leestate of the mirior, he car:inot •
·be . ~p.111te~ _guardian . of : trie -person . and .
aAother P;:ovrn~e. o_t munic1p~!Jt.¥;~he.t:J,.iRthe war~. ~~ · . ·, pr~~~~Y Qf tfi~ .lattef.. No tna!1. ca_n seive 't~o
has acq~ired .. rea! .prop7rty. ~Jfh'e·i=:f:ras3r-af!sf~ · j~~~ . _- . ·..r~3,J!;~.. Jifl,fflV!f)fena · v, So_telp, ·-~-R.,_." NJ. t~--
thereto h_1s bon.a f1d~ r:3s1.?enc~.-~d·!b·e;J6\ter_c¢i1rii
.. -f:r1 .. _4_~'-8&~-f'/'r.X~Jft}er .1_3'. 1042). . . · ..
. shall h.ave .f~l.1 . Jl!riSdtction tq,~i::..9ntinl,1.e tlfo. .· :·. it/
2.~.:. M~_nor, ~ncr'" : ·. ., . ·· .· . · .. · .·
proceed1ng~. without req·uiring paym~aj of .ci¢.ElitiOnal . t·t__;_ ~. l~compe,te.nt· who h~s _no. capacity to care of ..
court fees. (ROG, RUI.-E 9?, Sec. 3) Vk;.,fi,) . , . _..!'·~~it~~~tl~!.':V,~elf and/or -'~is properties .. (DE· LE<;'JN ·& ,_
. : . . · . ·. · .·.f:'Y·: A'~~.. ,._._;.~~~yco,supra a_t 21-5). : ·. . . . .
Guard1ans_t,1p Cou!1 has:no Jlirisdfctfc;in to~~ttle · . -. · . . · · . . .. : :· · .
_t~e <;ontrovers_y.a·s tELWho h~s ·a:B~tt(~·:.f!4~.~t.or: · : _Fa~tors..Consider.ecfin ~poln~if")g a Gl!ar~_Ja·n: ·
Title t~·-Pro1?ert.1es .Conveyetl in _the- Course·of . (FPJ-_IV!.°C~a-~P)· .· .. ··. ·. ... . . .: · . ··.
:;Gu~rd1anshiP. Pro.c~edings.. ·. . . . . :. : ; .. · 1. .E1~a~q1al s1tu~t~of"!;
The · controversy, should be · threshed·'. out ··in ~ a 2. Rhys1cal_ condition; · ..
.~ep.ar_at~ a~tion·_ as .the. di,spute·· is:. beyqn_~· ,the 3.- .Sound.·:·:- J_udg·ment,.. · pr1,1derice · .. ·. aod
·1unsd1ctlon of the g_uardjans.hip court (Parco v-.CA; · . _trusty.;ortb1ness;. . . . .
G.R. _No. L-33_1_52, January.30; 1982). ·. · · .. 4 .. __ MoraJs,cha~.act~r an.d cor:id1:1ct;· . . ··: .
· · · 5. ; :J:>,resent · .and- : pa5.t tlistpry: · o"f a · prci"spectiv·e
· · · ·- · · appointee;,and .· . .·· · ·
·6. · frobabi_lity ..of .his. beir)g. abl_e· .to :exE!rcfse· the
... '·po"'!.E:1fS~n~ dulies of"guardian for th~ full p~riod
·- . · dun pg_··:which guardial)ship 'vVill . !;le_ neces~ary .
. . ... : . (Francisco_v. CA, {,7.R. ·No. L-57 438, January 31 .
·.. · 1·984). . · ·. .. '
. .. . ~ :Incompetent Gua'~dian . ·. ·. . ·: . . ... : .
A guardian is or _becomes incompetent'to·~er:ve the.
trust,if he is so disqualifJed by:_-(MeConMo-Ph)' . ·
1. ·. Mental lncapacjty; : · · ·· :
2. · Conviction ofa crime· . · · · ·
. 3. Moral d_eJinquency; o/ · · · . . .
.4. ~sical disabili~y . as . to · be prevent~d from · ..
·properly d_ischargfng the_ duties o(his'office (Id.) .


. . .
. ' . .•. SAN ~ED~ LAW CE('ITRAt/Z~O BA/l OPERATIONS - MEMORYAID 2<J'19 . ·. .· ~i
Note': .In the appointment of a guardian ..f.pr an , . 1 SECTIO'N 3.COURTTO.SETTIME FORHEARING,.''S
incompetent, the choice of suitablequardlan is left. . .a. NOTICE THE.REOF . ·. : . ·. .. . : . . : .· :.·: _:;:,;·,
to· the sound discretion of. the guardianship court · · . ·. : ·· · · · .. · . · · · . ~ .· ·· ',A?,
(Goyena v. · Gusiilio; G.R. No .. '147148, Jar.wary 13; · · . When a petition for the· appointment· of· a 'general. .<1'
,1()03). · .. ' . · l . ,guardian· is filed, the ..court sha'n fix a lime ..and place .· ·i
: for hearirig the same, and shall cause ·reasonable'.',':?,.
A non-r~sJde.nt .~·hould 'riot be app<:>inted as a ri6tice"th!;!reof'ij:>. be given to the persons,mt3ntioned · ,l·
gl.ja~diar::, because.il'would be difficult'f9r bim.~o ft,11fill · in.the petition.and rrray dlrect.otber gef')eral or- special·· ,?-,;
liis.duties {Vansil.v. $a/mes; (3.R. No. 132223'. ·June
\ ... notice thereof-to be given. (ROC, RULE 93, see. ·3).
. . . . . ... . .. : : . . :r
19, 200'1): ' ..
To _whom NQtic~ .se:rved . -' . .. . . · .?;f
Ruie of Preferel'.Jct:t . · .. , f · Persons rnentioned in.the pefltlon residing in the ·:l
There .is. no. .'rule. of.· prefererice regardi~g . the. · Phil.ippines; and . _ .. . . : .. ·Jl
appointrrie.nt'of a'. guardiao oVer an incom.pstenr(2. 2. The.incompetent-(ROC; R_Vl,.E 9,3, Sec.-3). · .. :(
R!GUERA,supra a~ 117). · ,- · ·. . .... :: . · .. · ·.- .. , · . . . . . . .. . . : :- . .... :.:s,~
Genera( R~·le: ' Ther~ is 110 req~lremer,t ... io~: f
. SECT!ON 2. CONTENTS Of PETmo:N. . . publi~tion, <>.nly.noti.ce. .. .· : '·l
• ... • .... ••• • •• - • .• '·· • ,,. • ...i-:;

. A'petition· for appointment qf geirera'IgCJar~ian m;,.t,,.~ ..~i...~ptio~:.l~case o_f a n·o~_-tesi~ent in~~mpet~f.lt,

·. to~:~~~~~~~c~i~~al.f~~~s;(iR). · ~ · · U )f\~~~~s~s·~rv(c~ o~ '~~~ic~ ·u;bn the:·~er~;n~ : $

,' a.': The [ncompetency "of t~e.p!3~~for'fn91j:ID.-=:'"-=-~ltn.tlon~'i:i ffi''lqe·petition, incl!,.lding ine h'lcorripetent 1,
. ..guardi_anship is i;;o1.1ght; ~f: . ~i~,,·.: .. .: y;l~cfis,~(aJ:,l'lq_'b~
1 is -. rnandatoryandjurlsdlctlonal.: ):
b. The: fact.. that_. wa~d. B~~1de_<'~1tne ....~pJaee<::<"~~!'a·-·~)~ "-~ .. A-~-,.··: . . . : ., ... · · · . · · ·. ·X
wherethe court has iuv~9ipt1~n,f.. 115) f..
1r ·{~ the.. per~?J~.'?A!JJa1te,sen.t1ce · of notice upon th~.. ,,~
· · · 2. ap~oint~e.l!it · . f.gt} · -~~c!o~,pf·tlie.._~o~~it(.ll .Where. he is ho~p(t~.lize.d ts·. ~}.
Th~ !ncomp~teri.cy r;en9r,fing~:tt:if;~
necessary or conve111enW . J . .:- ._~rt'w sum~~ t .. \UP,~· . -. · ... · · · .. . . · .
-;3 ..
The ·!fames,. ages,.. au~'Stc:Je!'lcef:"?rtfie .. I -

reJ~tiye~ of the incom~e-nt-.~.i1'd·?f'th.~p~r~Q'b~'~ r:\A1tlqe.,Ju~on!

having· him ih their careu. - Kl . · · ii,'. ·. f.r\;1·
' . ., ,--~-~

)Jurisdiitional d=="' u
\\ . •

. . '. • .

·vears· is·.-~.
· · · : ' : . · · :1
Min.it 14 ·
4. The pro,ba9le ~alue andi{Bha~ .ter ~orff~,e~tat~~~~!:N~!1..:f<}.O}P~,nce~with t ~ required.hoti~e as·provided ':'~
and.·; · · . · . .\.: ;@. . '6.'\\ · ·. ··~\'\ ;
.~nder;t~~/3 JRw_d/3 qf the Re11ised Rufes of ;.: oJ
. 5. · The- (lame of the p~rsJhlf0r,.\.vb<;'m ,aJt.eri·Of .
l~w1,_~9ers.~'le gua'rf,lianstiip proc.~eding$·nµII and ... )~
. . g·uardianship are. prayed '[ROG; ~ULl=XS~~ & , . .• '-fjpfc('(t,Jgfy,. ~4~/.' v. l.,o[enzo~ '(;!..R. Nos. L-23096 and .:.t
· :2): · . .· . . · ·\ ... :'\_.. . . ,;,.,J~J.rf6,Af#/27,:19!72). ·.. : ·.: ·.. · .-· · ·: .·:.

1. As to.form: - · .. · .
· .. -<. ()/)
fo;· tt)~ ·!3~~oint~e~t---of. .. a
=·~ia:g-ener~'f\~u~~rgJ_a_nis..fi.led,· .the· court s~·au ~x. a 'time·· .J
. ··a. · The petition must be verified; ~';../} ~ !j'( @mt'Pl~EtJ l,irit~hearing: ard shall·cause reasonable. .-~:•
. b. Acerpficateaga,ns.t forum-stioppingll'l~1~e.- l'V.(Lli,h_!Jt_e-..tcf'b_e..given to.tl)e p~r$ons nier,tion~d in the <;!

· .. a.ttacheci·in .the petition; and · , · ·-"-";:•==--=petition,including ttie min<;>r lf'~e is1fourteen··yec\lrs of:;
· · ager or over, and may direct ..other generator special· :.t
. ·_No~ti: :.By ·.v,irt1.Je. of. f:?_ule. 72.' 2,. S'et..
·. riotice to ·be· given· (A.M.'NO .. 03-02-05,SO,· May-.1;·. •!._;
_.· provish:>ns.C?f.the Rl,Jl.es of.Cotlrtrequtring a· ioo3) . .' · -···". '· . ;. .. · .. · ... .' ,, . ·,· · .·- )}:
·certification qf no.h-forum ,shopping fof.
.. :complaints' :an(l . ·initiatory plead!n9.s . ar~
. ·applicable .to.specia·1 ·proce{:?clings (~heker v-,
. s~c,::'oN 4. OPPosmo~· T~.·p~TJTI.ON ·.: .· :J
Estat~ of;'A!lce S'f?eker, G.R. Ho. 157912,' · .. Ariy 'interested person .may, by···filing .·a :·wri~ten. ?'

December 12, 2007):.
.- . ·.· · ..
. ..

Pa9ri-i~nt of.correct d~ckei·tees; >

opposition, contest· the· r>etition •. (RO.C,· RULE 9,3, ·f
Sec. 4).
. ... · . ·, · .· i
''t • • • • •• • • : • • ,. • • I
G'cou.nds: (CU)' . , . . ·.. :·· .'J.
2. . Notice -=to perso11s 'jn.te~e~ted,.or. publication·. i~ . · · 1 .. ~b1T1petifncy.ofa.lleged in9qmpetent; qr · . ;i)
·case o( a .non-resident_y.,ard(ROC, RULE 93, .2, !!,nsuitability of the person for wh~m letters ar:e J
~ec.. 3): . : . . prayed (R~9, R!JL~.93,·Se.c. 4). ·

Note: No defect .iti

the petition 'or. ~erification
shall rencjer . void the' 'issuance of letters' of.
guardia~ship (Roe;; RULE'93,. Sec: 2).: . .


. ,

IF Miki I Hi$A
• J .
Prayer of Opposltor. , . , AnciUa.l'Y. Guardianship refers- to" the guardians.hip
. He may· pr-ay. that the 'petitlon be dismissed, or.that · in a state otherfhari that in which gui;frdianship is .
. letters' of guardiansh.ip issue .to himself; Q~ to a'ny.·.: . originally·~j_"ranted (3A-HERRERA;supre.ei 2?6).
. : ·suitable person - named· in the opposition -.(ROG, .
. : RULE 93, Sec.~)- . . : SECTION 7. PARENTS AS-~UARDI.ANS.
· SECTION 5. · HEARING ·}\ND ORDER . FOR· .. . ··'Prq~ls IO,n..'Modifle'd· b.y Family Code ..

L:ETTERS TO .ISS!JE · · ·. This 'provision · may, be deemed to have · been

· modified by 'the ·pr.ovlslons of the Family Code· on
.: At the-'Hearing..{PN--HAI): ': · .' . . · ., :.. · -. Guardf~,:iship_ part!_9ularly Arts.' 225 and 220. (3A- ·.
1. :r:~e· alleged lneornpetent must be fres.ent if,~ble · HE;RRERA;s_upra, a.( 277~:2~8). · · · ··, ·. . ·
. to attend; · · · '· ··
. .. . .. . . . If the market' 'value of :the ·'propei:ty. or·tlie annual
Note:.' In gtJardiariship proceedings, the ·1aw · ·· . income of the.child.ls P50,000 or-less.jhe father and
mandates the application ofthe Rules on Object -: . . inotller:jq_intlyexercises .l_egal guardh::rriship. In case
Evidence. '."fhus, the presence 9f,the .proposed" . 6f: _disa·Qreemerit,-, )he, father's . declston :prevails,
watd-.is for the-court to easily ascertain whether unless there .' is. 13 j1,1qici~11 order ·.to· · the . contrary
. or not the ward is Indeed a minor, or: the ward is (FAMILY CODE., Art: 225): ·. . . . .
really -an Incompetent whd is not a rrrinor.:
. · ,. - · . . - . : ·. . · ·. > . . . ,-.- . . . . . . . ;. . ... ·. ", .. . .
lf°the. market .val'ue\exceed.s. p5'0;"000·. the . parent

2.. It musr'be shown that .the reqtiir~c:i Notice h~cf/)1 . concerned .-~ust .. fiW ··verifieq· · petition for "the a
been given; :. . . ._- · · . · . _. ·{'.!',;~~}\~.;~ approval C!f !.he b.b~c:!.:_th~ amo~nt.of whiph..the·.c~ur't
. :. · ·. . _- ·:. · .. ; . . . ' .. :. . .' :\:f""i"'\~;-;.~·i tna_yde,_ter.rnrne_,.but mus~not be less ~~t ) 0%. of th_e
•. No~e: .Unlike m settle~er:it, pr<:;>ce~du~gs wn'e~~!} .. ~:':J----,V~}.W.tf<>Uh;';,,eroperty.·.or th~ ~m~u.~.1 rr-ic.°.~e of the .
. .· notrce. and .. P\.JblJcatron .req1..1I r~mer;it!?,11'?r:~~-. 'T pH~~!!<t,/f..-1M!~~- COpE;-A{t'_ ~25). .. .. · . . · ·
. ·jurisdictional, 1he Rules do 110,t. ,r,e~r~· the·-.., .If . · ~ .__.,__,.,. . ~ . ·. · : . _ · . ·. ' · ·
. g~?rdianship c<;iui-Ho.i&SUe an orrfi.P~ettin.9th"e~Tl!rJ.. i:>arent~. a.!1fm«ofa~to .Guardi~n ~f· Th1;tir M.inor
·:c~se for.·he~ring._w_hich shotili:1 ~e: ~~~Jj~ed:.,T~· i,· _Cbi!dr~n ./.R "+: . . . . .. : .... ,. . ·
be serv.etJ upon t.he -~r~ h~~9-el_t"{if be.)s~le~.l?t n1~;\ · ·
.RuJ~.s-~nly _requrr~ personal -r1,9J1c:e, ~~.ttf=-must .. ~-~ Sec.,. 7.; .F,fot~ _9~ ·of the ~ey_,~_ed Rules 5>f .c<?urt
~?nfi.lJ1l~#he ~e~i~111:1ti~n.·of_th~ pa_r~nts.a's ipsofacto

rh, .
14 years old) or to .any m\et?~tedper.son.. · · .·~ guardia,p'.°.qf.\te1r~tn(?r ·cb1tdren wJthout. need of a·
· ·· . · . \:/ ~=::-'~~) ~~ . cpun-~p"it~n1m~9f~!~m'd' df'.)ly. f<?~ ~.Ood. _reas~m may· ·. ·
3. :Th~n~ourt sh.al_l .!:!e~r the eY.1~~c~:~9·ar> : (-\,:1"_ .,~H"k another(p~~-P-~Y~(/r:iamed_-(Vanc1/ v. Be/me-?, G.R.
. 4.. If the.. pe_rl?o~· !~ i~de~d._inc'<;>W~Jerit;.;>i,it:st,~11 '.. f/ No. 1322~3; Juhe.°?9.,·2~0.1):. ·. ·. · .
· A!)pomt a suitable g1:1ard1an and~s'\sue.t~vers of }:hi~~· . · '·· . ' - .· .... ·:. · _ '. · . . . ·
. . . guartjianship (~OC,:RULE93, Se~_,St-;b/. . ·::..~_,.,.~!-i,g.~~;fl(?J:t~.~~RVICp Of~UDGnliE~T. :
. .. . .-. . . '""~ ,Y.'. •··A<.,. .t.~,.,~~· .. l•:u.t~ . - . . . ,
-·sECTION 6;_WHEN .. AI\JD HOW 0 .~uA~1?,iA~/150F( Finai ·orders ~r-jlidgmen"ts und~r thls""rule shafl be· .. :
· l'JON~RESIDENTAPPOINTEl),_.NOTICE!;."' .....:j.0- : served ·upon the ci.vil registrar o{ -the. municip91ity or- ,
· · ·: · · ' ·· · ·'· ~- ·· · · . c;ity ...ih~re the· m,incir:or. incompetent per.son .resides
Who·rnay Fif~ .. . . ·._.c;>rwt\e:i:~ h.i.si:p_roperty or·._part-·thereof·is."·situat~cf.
When a_person. liabl~ to b·e .put under ·guarc;lianshlp · (RO_C, RULE 93, ~~c.. 8). · . . · · ·· · .: .
- resides withqut. th·e -Philippines bi.It . has est.ate.' . .. ··. -
ther~in: ·a petition for th~ 'apppint.n')~nt of a guardla.n : . Pr~cedure for Appoiniu.ient·~f Guardian
. of the· estate• rria;i"be "filec{. by:'(~Fl).. . 1. : Upon !he filing of the petition, the"GOUrt stiaHset
:.:,1/:: Any B~lative·; · .. , . .. . . · .. ·tMe.sarne:for hearing (RO.C,.RULE 93; Sec. 3); .
. 2.: fHend·cif.su.ch-·p.ers-on;or. ·· ·.. ' · · ~ : ·2. ,Notic·e·ofthe·date of·tne h~aring sball be given .
. ~' · Ar:iyon~· !ritere::!te!f it'l' th~ est&\e, Ir_,· expec;:taAcy ·.,. · ·. ' .: t6 persons mer.1ti_oned.in tlie ·petition, 'resi_ding .in
.. or otherwise"(ROC,.R.UL.E93; ·sec. 6). ·.. . . ·. _·; tl)e. province qr tt,~ incompetent .himself, and'.
. . . . '· . . · . ;, : . .. . . may: dir.e"ct:. other g~'neraV OT· . special_: no1ice
Manner .of Giving Notice . . _ . . _ _ the(eqf to_!:ie,given °(RO.C, RU[E"93;Sec. 3)/and.
Notice· .shali. :be ·given · thrqugh · · public"ation.": or 3.. The ·court. court ·sf.lall he·ar ,the evidence of the
· ·otherwise. If. after notice given tp sucn person a nd in 0 parties in- support of the.rr respective c!l)egc!tions.
·. ·such.·· manner. ·as .. ·the 9ouit ... deems proP,er,. by Jf w~rrarite~,.the ·cblll;i· sliall aP.poi~t·a suitaple
: · public·ation o·r otherwise, and .h~aring, ··the ·court "is guardian of the per~on· or property, or both, ·of
. · satisfi~d that- such noh-r~si.dent _is. a. minor' or the·minor(A.M: No: 03-02-05-SC,:Sec. 11).
inco:m_petent·;rendering. a guardian ·necessary or
convenient, it ma"y appoint a . guardian' for such
est,;1ta. . . .


-------------------------------------- ·-·-·-·-·--· ···-- - ---------'

~----.-..ID':lllia~~lllill!nill;imiai~11!19111----~---m:m:m-=IS!lll!II--. :r

_·. RULE.94 .
a condition of the. payment of a legacy.or distributive·. :i
share . to" the :~uardian:-when there Is any express·)~,
.... ·a. oNDS. OF GUARDI:A~s· statutory requirement to .that effect (Id. at. 283). : ·· 1
. . ~ . .. . . . . . •. • .. • -·. <
Requisite~: (No.NJ)· . . .. . :.(~
. SECTION 1. BOND TO· BE ~IVE_N· E;SEF=O~E . 1. After due Noti"ce to interested parties; and . il;
·.ISSUANCE OF"· . LETTERS. · AM.OUNT. 2.· No··:·fnjury- ·can _result .. therefrom .to ·those;·',,
. . . CONDITIONS ·· · .: .lnterested in the estate. . . · .. · ·: . · · . ._. , ...
Before· ·ari. appointed g.uc:1rdiar:i· ·~nters upon the· sacnox. 3. soaos ·To BE:F1Liio. ·AcT10Ns· ;~
·execution of hi.s tr(!st:_or letters-of gui;ir.d_ial'lship"issue\ . THEREON · . : . . . .. : ·\t
h_e·sr,all.give ·a bond,'in such'surh fo be.determined . ~··
. .-:r
.. -by .th~. court (ROC, .RUCE 94, _$ec. 1).. ·. Wtiere to' File . · . . : . .. ·. ·. i-
The.'bonds shalt be fil~d in .. the Offlce ·6f· the .Clerk of··."·.
· :GOndiUOlls: .(ll~AP)· . ···· . . .. . .. . Court. . .· ·.
1. Tc.makeand returnto thecourt, y.,itliir:dhree.(3)·
months, a true and complete !n\le.nt9.ry Qf all the .
.. ·. .. . . . .
. How a. Guardl~n·~- Bo_nd Prosecuted in. Ca~e- of· (,;:
·· .. 't'
estate of bis ward . which: shall come· to his . . Bre~ft'! o.f Con.dition . .. - · . ···,r;
possession or. ~nowledge or .to 'thi possession In: caseof breach.ofths bond's con.diticins, the bond-J-
or knowledge otany other. person for !lim;,.,,..,.,,..,.......~. ·:-ama~.~ 'prosecuted inthe same proceeding or in.a -.·~;"
2: To faithfully execute thedutles <?fgis"tflj!,st•. to ru-· -Y ffAa~Je~~ti?n., for the useand benefit of the ward" 'Jt'
manage _!;lni:l,dispose ofthe est~p-1G~1\rqi~'g~to_'_:.__.!.P(i-.pf anyroe)sorfJe_gaJJy·interested in the _estate. . . . t
these rules for the best interest10Jtt,·~·~r9."ancf':"'-·~.,,_~.Jl . 1, .? ~ · ·. · . · · ~
to provide. for- ·the· proper ~r£;cy~dy.·:a,ng~:~~!ur'e!of''t_l_l~~Bo~~-. . · . . .. : . j.:f;
education of the ward; /;. ·~::Y/ ·
l''""~"". ~-~ff,-----rfi_~~~.eJ..~~;A1J,~aro1an .: rs a. .contin~ipg_ one· -1:
3. To. (ender a true ~n.d ju§t·~P,yrntqt all t'Ji~ · · r -~~a.1~~t,fhe~~~r~,~!lS'~nd their estates. until all of its .. ,'(
. estate of th~ ·-.yard 'ir:r .f'~: tial'}~s•. af d. of. all_ ar~lflllf11lfd\Tne~ere.fac_~ that de'.endant j},
proceeds or, rntere~t def~Yed_;J~~refrorp-.-ar,l(;l_0 __ was rem!i)ve_d ~:Q~'.~?d1!fn~1d-~ot r~h~".e her ~or her_ ,~
tl)1;1 manageme~t-~nd di#P.~illq:nofth~ar:r-;i~-;t1L5' ·· b .~smtn from~li~g_ib.l-¥furrr:igthe time she wa~ duly ::"i
the time ;des"i!iJnated b~ th~ielr.ufes -~d s~~lg ·. ~QUt:g -a.. such)!.l~~dt,a_r (Guerrero_ v. T_eran,. G.R. .Jf
other· times· as . the co'in.t?'dir cts·· 'a1114_· at -ffl~ ·
expirauor .of his_ tru.st·to~~eJtl~· is ~~.oJ~\f~-~itf:t..!~-::- · · ·
the t:ourt a~d dell_verJ~_nd\p~)'-PJ~rait~f!~tate_li J;r,~.,,,. j,.,./ ,A · --..;; .
J~1<>1 --U~~rl ·- _·
ll!l. L04§1.~Mare~''1-~ 119{)9}. .. · ·

· · - .
. . .. · .· · · ., · ,~i
:- J ·

· JP
-e.ffects, and money& terrl~ir:ring_ i~ h!s-~aJ\.<1~:.,otlBtJ ~~ ~ ~~7 I/. 0 If · · : · .: · · ' :
:. d~e from hi_m.on. such sett\f.lment,~, th~el'*'n-.:. ~~- /· ... :--)'P.LE 9~ '. . : . ·
: · l~wfully erJtitl_ed thereto; a.net~ · .: '. .. · 7 ~ ~~~$.L~G A;N'D--ENCUM;.BERING
· 4. To ferfo~ all·order.s of the~'<urt by tQJ••le~ ~ /RRO:P.~RTY·OF· WA.RD.· '
p_eryormed_(ROC,'RU[E94, Se~~~f~~-"'-~"' ~~;., ,~. ~:·/?·.. · .· . . ·, .. ·:
Purpose of. ttie'·B~nd · , - ·.:. ..._~~- VJ·· · ,::=; . .
11.· ..1,f :f,~"""'1 · ·· . . . .
-~or_!he .pcot~ctfon· ofthe ·property of tt}e ~l'To&-..,.9&,;~§r.J;l<lf:l1, P~lT.ION. OF ·-~UARDIAl\l
incompetent to the end that he-may be assured ·of an ff!:AVE'fO.SEL,L QR ENCUly'IBER ESTATE .
hone.st admi_nistratio.~ "of . his _funds:" (~A-HERRERA, Grounds: . . .... ·},
sl./pra.at 2_81-282)". ·· 1. ·. w·heri°the:inco'me."ofestate is insufficient:· -; ·. ·;)if"
.. ··t·y of .the B on· d
· Necess.1 · · ·.: . . .. ·· . ·. · . ·. ·. . - ·. a. T.o maintain the ward:and ·his family·,·cir · :-:,,:_t, ..
Wheri required by:st~tl-1tes.t9 give a·botld.no person· b.·· ·T·o:main_tain .and- educate the ward when a .f{;
ca!") qualify ·and -ad -a~- guardian it{itl:i~ut cofr1plying' -. · ·. ' minor; or. · · . · . · :. . ·: · ·. · ·· K
· With this.-cor,dition·.precedent (Id). .. . · . · . _'· · . 2.. When _it appear~ ~haHt js .for -the ·benefit of the °if
. ~ · .-· : :.'· ~ar.d (ROG, RULE_ 95; Sec. · y.. . · . . · . · . . . f~
. . . . : . . .. ., . . . . .. ~~
Time when.Bond Take~ .Effect ... : ...
: N~te: It is ·n·ot neces!>ary fbr a grant of authority to · .:1?
.. At the time of a.ppointment notw"ithstanding the bond
'being fi(ed later (Id). ·. · . ·.. ' . . .. · · th.e guardian to s.elJ. the estate of the ward. to state . {
that th.e income. "ls Insufficient to maintain the waro ~\
. SEC'tlO~ 2.. W~EN ... ~EW ~ONt/ M~'r BE ·and:'his family° t;>r to· .maintain .9r educate the ward :~i
REQUIRED AND OLD SlfRETIES.DISCHARGED •. · when a 111inor."_lt is enough, as the-other altemativ~-: .;(
. of the lavl provi<;tes,"ihat it is ·fo.r the benefit ot'the ??-
New· b~nd '!'ay ·t:?e Required .wh.en the Court ward that Ii.is real estate or som1;1· part "thereof should •,¥;
p~ems it Necessc:1ry : _- . · . _ ·. . be sold, and the proceed~ thereof put· out at interest,-.:;;
A:ne~.bond may be requli:ed when."the guardian is 9r inve~ted irfsome· produclive securiJy(Tailera 'v. El :X
about fo receive funds not in contempf~tiort .wheA the Hogar_ Filipino, Inc., G.R. No. L-5893; February,28, . .:,,.
original bond was· executed and should be given· as
. . . .
· 195_6). . /.


-· ·sPECI.AL f>R.dC·EEOl'.NG·s·:·
. ;

. .
Jurisdictional Requl"ements::{VNH). :·SECTION 3. HEARING ON Rl;TURN OF OR,D~R. .:
1: Petitionmust be
Yerified; - . , . COSTS
2. .'·Notice must .be giverrto the next ofkin; and . 0

3:·· Hearing so· that' they" may. show cause why 'At the time and· 'pla~e in th~· ord~r .t6
. petition should-net be granted.. . . .. . show chase, the court shalt: .. . . .: ' •.
1. Hear the proofs and alleqationsof-the petltloner
';°"• • • • • : • ••

S·tatmfof:the Sale Wlthout.Autti'orily . · · .and next of kin, and other persons interested,'
saie · of the Ward's reatty by the .9uardia11 without. . , toge~her with their y.,itnesses;: .
· autho·rity'frR.m 'the . court is 'unenforceable (CJViL · ·· 2, · Grant or refuse. the prayer.of the· petition as'the
CODE, Art: J40_3(1)). ·... · . . ·. ; .. . . . best interests o,f the ward. requlre: and ·. ..: . . .
· 3 .. Make such order as-to. the costs ot-lhe h~~ring_.
: Under the· 'law,. a'

parent :ac::tin~ merely. es 'legal a_s may be just (R(?C, RULE 95, ·$). ... ·· ·· s=
· admtnlstrator.of the property ofhis/her.children does
·. not have, the- p~y.,er -to d,i.spose.o'f;.or. alienate, .the : c". SECTION 4. ·coNTENTS 'or. ORDER-FOR SALE ·
.property · of. .said minor without ·. jodiclal . approval . · . OR EN.C'U"MBRA~E; .''AND; :HOW ... LON(.; .
fLindain v. CA; ~:~. No.. 9.530~.°Augu~t ~0,' 1992). _; - EFFECTIVE . . ..
. (
N~te: Forthe ·sale:ot-encu~bran~e.·of . the ·property,. If, after foll ·-.examination, if appears .- that 'it is ·
· .averified petiti9ri'.i~ ~equireq, but.no such verffiqation . oecessar,y; or would be benetlclat to the ward; ·to's'ell.
... is requlred1or tt:i,a\p.lfrpo~·e'wit!). respectto the estate , ~ · · or encamber the. estat~.. or som~ po_rtic;,n it; th!3 · ~r
·or:a: deced.enf (ROG, _Rt!,l:.:E ~.9, Se.cs. 1 and 4). ar;io};):{· court shall orqer-~u~J1 ~ale or encumbrance·a~d .that: ·
· a m·~re._motion .therein \~ill:sµff!ce. · · . ·. · {·f(.r:/-.;,~ tfle p·roceeds-thereof be..expended: for thE: 'foltqwihg:
· .· · : :. ·: · . · · .. · . :.':/{~.':.,r; ~" . 1. T.h~.maintenance'of the ward and his family; · · .
SECTION 2;· . ~~D.ER -. TO SHQ~ _CJ\CJ}Sft·.:';}t~J.;..._Thee~!!f.ftion.oft~~ ~a.~d, _if a'~iilbr; or :~· .. ·.
· - - . ·. · · . .' ·
. · .•. . -,·;:..,.4. {;,-~·.-' H·
.. ·· · · . ·. !,j...:.,.,.3-;::1_;~!\E:,.R-.lW!f.lfil
of the sai:ne. interest, or .
4. · Tne·;,._mp.estment · of .the . satne · as t~e
. . ··

.. !f it se~ms prol?~ble that s~ch -~~~e

.0~(.1Pc6..,mbrancp;\.,,-,1.l . c!rcurn~.f¥i~~-es may .require· (ROG,. FfUl-,f! 95,
1s ~.ece_s,sa_ry,or ~9u_ld be. ~~nef!cial·l?µtl}..1.!'..~ard..\t!J,_e?-:-J-\- · Ser;,. 4J1· ~ \ .... · . .· · · . . . : · ..
co.urt s~all nia.ke-.an order ~li'ElCti.ng_Jbfol.ie,x_r·e~m of ... F~l . . . . fi \ . . . ·. . . . . ·.. . ..
the wara.:and all p~r$c;:ms mte~~~l:l"-1r:i th'.~islat.e,tp~. C:.:l Cont~ntl~f~ra~r ·. . . . ·... .. ,· .. · ...
appe.a.r a.t !ii reasonable ti1,l~~ancl. p~9f · therein"" ~·.q 1. · T.h~j~de~ ~hal{ sp~c1fy th.e causes Why·!he._sa1e· ·:·
tl . . .
: sp~·~Jf1ed to' s~ow. ca~se w~Wfh.a.-:::-ptJ!YSfr. of~~~
pet~,~~ sh9~ld ~ot p~ grar:,_ted.(R.f?E· ft!ql:~·~5;
2),. .. - . . . . , 'i
·S ~.
:·~~>.".\~. . J ·
pJ . I i,J
6~~~.~~!'fl}lc!~~ws OE:OeS!,>ar_y_or B.enefiCll;!I;· and
2. It. rna~,!~eel" !_hat .e~tate. ~rd'ere.?- , S?ld pe
:l' · d1sR05.ed of at._ elthe~ -:J>Ubhc or p_nv~te .s~t~;

. ._ - · ·~\.·r,:. ;,\- ._ ·· k-.

-.----subJect'to:s_uc~ cond.1t1<;>ns.as. to.the time a,:id_
Next _of )(In refers to t~ose whos~; rell:'!t!~sl:/ip with , _,A~!t: :
~;trr.ai:merof payrnf::nt, anq s,eyunW).'.,'he~e· a part o.f
the decedent ls·such .. thijt they are _en~\!~d t9 ,l?-IW,te:::_. hL..t~!...:-tt-rePfj'a'ymentis· deferred as in tt,e discre.tion'"Of
in th~· e_state· ?s. gistribute'es(Garcf~\R~i~foQ/ v: the courtare d.e,em·~.c:l'mo~tbeneficial to,.theY-!.aX~.· ·
Belen! G,.R •. No. 1891.?,1, _.:!ufy !J-1, _2013)~~-:J..:1 . (ROG, RUL.E.95, Se~.·4). . · · ·

NhJ1CeJ~.Jui-i~·dict10~~1;· Ex.qeption : R:eqµirement Of Add.iii~~ai ~Bond. ··. · . :p ~ . ··

Notice :-to next .. of kiri;'.and intereste~ . perso~s · is · The origillal bond ·of the, ·guardian shall ~lal}d .as
jurisd1.cponal: Fail,ure to 11otify the next of kin s~all. ~e. s~_cufity-,f<;>rthe proper appropria~io.ri of the' p~oceed.s
a ground .for dismiss.a!. of the petition under ~hi$ Rule of the S:aleO:·but t_he judge__ may, if ,deeme~ ~Xpedlent,
(Sinco_v.,L9n,ga,. G.R.:No. L·2'1962; February 14, requir.e .an·additior-,al bond .as a conditio_n for tile·
1928~. · . . ...... · . · . ~ . .. ": · granting of the order of s.ale · (ROG, RU(E !:}5,-.:sec,
. 4). . ,• ' . .. . . . ·. ·.·. . .'. ,· .: ..
Howeve.r,·ri9tfce is AOl n'ecess~ry ;.vhe-~e the next of
Kin to tlie -wi:Jrd,and'. all_ perso'ns interested· In the .., No order of sale granted in ,p.urs·u.arice this secijo,n : of
estate are·" her.' motfier, and ·guardian, unc:;I~~ · and ... 'shall continue. ,in force more than or,e ( 1) .year ·aft.er ·
aunts w_ho ·agreed to rnake the transfer of their . granting the sa~e; .without a_·sa!e beir:ig . Md. (RQC, ..
. respective ;shares .in:th~ propefty to .t~e corporation RULE 95, Sec. 4). . · ·
·. to be organized. (T..aver~,v: El Hogar Filipino; Inc., .
supra). · · · · · . Ge.nerai' Rule: Sale must first t?e .c~ryfirmed' by. th~ ·.-
court, ,,and th~t 'until sµch confirrn~tio~. n_qt even .
equitabli'fljtlepas·se·s (3A-H'ER.RERA, stipra.~t '289):.

Exception: The co'ttrt's o'rder expressly authorized

the gt.iardfan to ·execute and deliver to the purchas1:1r
· definitely ,:iamed, a deed of yO!"veyance to· a parcel ·


. 419
4 MM .. . . ...
SF 114 . MWIU! z ..· ~?i~
of la~d spe~ifically described at a .price already fiXt?.d · . a_uthority. must always . be eithe.r prior to . or .,t
,. . - . ·.:i
and 1t was intended to be. the approval itself of the · e~presse<_i· (Philippine Tru_st Co: ir. Stegner,' G.R. ·jl
sale that was ~lrea~y perfected or aqreed upon by ·· No'. l,.-?532, Octobert 1; · i95Z); · -. . · . : . · :%\•
the seller. and the. buyers, neeqing only .a judicial go-· .
ahead.. s.1gnaf to· reduce :the agreement to···the·_:·
statutory form and it . ·had been made without
departure from the terms of the order (Sorieno v. . - _:".Ru~~ 96 .. ·. .:
Latona, G.R. No. L-3408, December 23, 1950): _· . -GE;NERA.L-.POWERS\A.ND
:ou·i:ation' ~f the Order of Sale andBncumbrarice _ nuTiEs
~· .
of Pro.perty ·. · : ·~1,:1
·. Wiihin one..(1) year fromthe granting of the order; ,Authority·of guardian ·. · .' ·· ·-:;,,
Jhe .authority to sell or.encumoer shall extend not _ln·. ge~e~?il., a . gu.a.r.dia,nhas f~II .authority t.6 tak~ :(J;,
beyond one (1 )· year uniess renewed ·by tne court pos_s_e&s1on of the . ~r'9perty of the ytard and tci~ ·
(A.M. No. 03-02-05-SC, Sec -". ?-2) .. · _ . . .
pe'"!~rm a.II_ acts necessary fqr.· its ma_nagement,;m'd · '
P~e;;umption th.at Ward has Sufficientrncome to bn~~ and defend sucti actions,~s may be rie~cied.·;
It is presumed that.ifthe property was not sold within .., · for this purpose(Caniza,v, coun of Appe_als;, G.R; . ·
one (1) year,. the ward has sufficient income .. · ·· :.... _ Na: 110427, February ~4, 1997). · · · · 'Jt,t.
.· The gu~rdian,. among ot~ers; can.Q~~a(~t::~~j~i;~~~wers
pur<:hase·even at a public or judici~J:1at1cfio'1;1!J;iit{teJ;.,,,=:u,,,,;,,~-lii.e_.fo1er~~nd_
·~~ci-~-~u~{ot G.u_;rdi~~-~ . _ · ·
.dut1es_'of .a guardian are _the·\·
10 person or throuqh the mediati ?:>f 99 ~pt~:u,'e"· . . 1oJ1~!."9J.(0a~s.~aPIA)~. . . · . . . - ~:·,:.[
p~operty-~f the :Person or person.ifwtie("i:n,'ay15~rader-"""j}4.,_.:._,,, T~~v~~t~E!·.Ca~e.and; cusJ?dY of th_e p·erson of_ :/
, his guard1ansh1p (CIVIL CODI;f1.f:!;r114§Ji). i . · .;i)f' · M' fits-,fa\3:,;~!;s!Jt~~ management of his estate, or }::·
· . · f '· .f ·-.,,J f. · ·
JR} .IS\ ]{ the. ljlla~ge,mlf!nt\ofthe estate only. as the· case -,. ~~
· . Rem~dy from the Order of,~~le -j
g. . ,,Q.\ ma_ytb~ (Rc[y,_f..V~E 96, ~ec. 1); . . ·:~)
Appeal is. the proper r.e111edy/_agatneftan orgeronmr..QilTI·r'-2"'.""""'T.c;,.gaythf:?¥.at.<fsrus~ d.!3bts ~ut of hrs personal ::}
c_ourt aulhorizi,ng the, sale /rof~edward's\pr?J§'Ef~)- ,I ~,,.~est~~. I a~?
i\tfiie""fi=l\om~/of,:~is real· estate, -.if \~;
(Lopez \/. Te~doro, G.R. Noli b~p,71.,May 29, 195DJ.( • . ~~,:3 s l~~t •. If ~~~ew_ou~·of. his real esiat~..upon .:.'.;
· . . \I <~ \\ (:J.l\ · ~~~ : o ~- an~9-rd~n~pr fhe sale-or. encumbrance .'~ j·
Note.:?fhere'bei~g a presump~ofittl~tttie~~'~l~'ftfie...f,;'-1 ~tf.l ifR~/;~JI.}]JJ(96,. Sec, 2); . . . . · · :i/
wards. est~te 15 valid, · it\ GiinAot ·b&\Qf~~£ ~ . , ils ~lc'oUA}?,fcollectdebts,.and .appear in.·.;i 'f.
collat~rally in the-··registrati.on pr\ceed~~·~-§ : ~+-.ii\,t1_9J1sf~J'-".ardc/JOC,.RULE96,Sec.·3); ·... :;_,
separate. acti~n to avoid or re§cind th~~ale ·ap,tl1'e'"'~.-J./
-~:zrJ/~!}~gethe i.l.state_ C!f t,h~,ward _frugally at'ia . //
· grounds specified by law shouf~t,ae filed (M.argat4'~p... ~1~~9~.Y waste.J.P:and ~pply · proceeds to the .f;
. Rabac.~I. G.R. No. L-143_02, Aprif13A 196;j-J,~;:li~
. \~. ~(9r~::-""'~=~-~,,:,.~..::rf~~r~:1~~Jn-zyftit1on
w~rd·(~qc,. RULE f}6, Sec._ 4); ..
after hearing (ROG; RUL~ 96, ~'.
SECTION 5. COURT MAY ORD!=R 1Riv~~i"JV1'(NT ''.. "' °A."'\~flt,~.fy.. . ' : , . · .. . .,·
OF PROCEl;DS AND DIRE~T MANAGEM'E~~OF iVlio~~:!:'QJJ:lfl'der·toth? ~ou~ ali !nve·r;itory of th·e estate ·
ESTATE . . · '=~=""'=-"'"""=·:oF-h1s.ward w1t_h1n tfiree· (3) ·months after his
. · . . . ap~o!11tm~!ht, :· ~mf_ . -. annua.irx . a_fter .·. such ji.
-~ The co.urt rnay:- .· . . . . ~ppom~ment ~~ "my.entoty: arid a.ccollnt., whictL3
1. A_uthorize and require· the guardia_n to- inl,'.est t!Je . =· ·: -m1:1s.t b~ unde.r <;>ath. (ROG,-- R-ULE 9q/ Sec:. 7); :}•
·proceeds· bf sales . or enc:;umbran'ces·,. and any · and ·: · ··· ·: · · .. · · · · · · .: · ·, %
other of _his _ward'.s money in hi~· hands, ~n real · ·:· 7.· To re_nd,~rari~ccoun(to.the)~o.~rt..tot sah!erri.~ri·~-,{
~stat~. or otherwise, as shaU be· for· the best_ .. · · - and a_llowa.nc~:~ponthe :expiration of a ye~r trorvi:
interest of aU--concerned; and; · _ . t_he. ~1me of h1_s. ~ppo1nti:n~nt,. an·d as_ often.:;J'i
.2, . !"la.~e such other orders... for th~ i:uanagement, . . thereafter as may be reql!_ii'~d .{f<OC,. RULE 96, : if;
· investment, an<;l_ disposition of ·.tne estate and .. Sec.. 8). ·.. ,: ·,. ·t:
.. effec:;ts,· as circumstances· may requir·e·.(RQC, : · ·' .. · · , .. '.:_ · .. . . · ·. . · .. · . -:(;'
RULE 95,, SfJc.5). · . ·· . · . . .· Guarc;lla_n Cannot Make. a:Don·ation :of Ward's:);
i:>rop:~rty ·. . ·. ·· · · · . · .· · ~'
A !;JUardian, ju€Uike a.trustee, is prohibited under- Art.. · '.:r;.
Secti,o.ns. 1' flnd ? of this Rule [Sec.{. under the ·· 7_36 of ~he Civil ca·de from making a· donation of tl'i~ {
current ROG] relate only to the investment of propert1e~ entrusted to. h)rn (Araneta v. Perez; <p. R.. i
p,roce,eds from the sale or encumbrance of the ·No. L-18872; J1..fly'15, ·1966) .. · · ·. . · ,;;
. e.state; and; investment of other funds is covered by -7~
Secti<;m 5· of this. Rule. VVhile S~ction ,5. requires ·
jud_icia\ authority in order that a guardian. may invest
the Ward's mon.ey, it does not provide that .said

. 's·p·E.C.IAL PROC.EEP°l'N.GS,

~~~~~Oi·1. TO WHAT.,GUARO_l~N~H.IP ~HALL case' affecting· the property of . the minor;. duly
approved by the court. (Santo· Dpmingo v. Santo
Domingo, G.R: No. L-10886, April 18, 1958):.
. . . , .:
A guardian appolnted shall . have the care · iind .
,custody, of:. the. person of his .ward,.' and- the sacrron ·._.4 -, ES')'AT~ ro ... · SE.. MAN~qeo
mari'a'g~rnenf of his· estate; or the management· of 'FRU~AlLY AND.' PROCEEDS APPLlED . TO.
the estate only; as the case· maybe (ROG, RULE; 96, MAINTENANCE
. · ... .'· . OF.WARD ·
Sec '. 1). . · . ,. . . . . . .,, . . ~ .
. A guardian must 'manaqs .thEf'estate. of· the ward
The gua·rdian .ci the estate :·of a .npn•r~sio.e'nt shali. ·. frugally and.withoutwaste; aria 'apply 'the· income
have: the manaaerrient of. all the estate of the ward · . arid ·ttie. 'ptofits. thereof '·tO: tne. comfortable ·'and
withffl the Phtlipplnes, ·and no.court otherthanthat Irr · sufficlent maintenance of the .ward. an.d _his'fafnily, if;
which. such. g1,.iardian·' v;as appotnied. shall ti.aye ,· pee.
". : tJ:i_ere·be any (RO..G;. RU~E ,fiJ6, ·4). . ·. . . ·
[urlsdfction over the gua~dian~hip (R.09,· RULE .96,. ·
Sec: 1), -, · ·~~. . .. ;;. ·, ·, . ·-.·I~ ·suqh income and -profits· be insufflclent. for that ·
. . ·pu~pose,:th~ guardian rriay sell or encumber thereal
contllcts regard,ing·,. the ·ownership. or- ti~~:: to .. the · . · estate,.:UPOO.·b.eing authorized by 9rde.r so to do, and
propertyin 'the ~ancl_s of the guafdia.li in.bis·capa0y ·. -apply ~o.1"!1.u~~ ofthe..proceedsasmay benecessary
as such should be litigated in a separate proceedmg, : .. · to such-maintenance (ROG, RULE 96, S~c.:4). . ".
~he court in, guardi.a.n.ship ·.Pr<?ce.edlng bein.g ,s9lely .,...~,?>,; :- . . .· · · . · ~ ·· .. . . •. · .· . .
concerned with· the ward's· care arid qu.stody ~ui.c:1: /{( . Power .of .. the . Parent/l~gal Guar:dlan,; .over the
proper'. administratton of his propertle.s (Vilor~!1:;:;i(~/i\ __ P.ro'perty Jjf t.he_Ml~o(Requir~s\Judlcial Power
Administrator of Veteran Affairs, G.R. ·No, L-9~fo.:;.,.?>1 1
Under. the·~aw, a ·paren.t,·,acting merely ·as·the ·legal.
June 28, 1957)'. . . . ·.. ' · : · . · · : ·:· . ·~ f.~;"'~,!t..-'({~~~isting~·~he.d.fro_rr jiidi?iai) ~dmi~is·t~ator.-of-tlie~
· ' . . ·. :· ·. : · · : ... .-,,JV hx-; ;'~,;;.u:P!.QP.jP.Yrs>.fJJ11/her111mor ch1ldreri, ~oes not h.av_ethe·
. The right ·to. manage the ward's estate c;an:ie.e(with".it~ !,.i power1o·disP.0se of, or' alrenate, the prop.erty of said: ·
the right to" take possess.ion th.ereof..~f[cffecove'rJfn~l · child re~ ~itJJ~qi judicial approval. The powers· and
from· anyone who.retains .it and brin'~.•~.~~ d~fe!;l,~: :·.-~·t duties Qf thei-Widow:as ·1eg~I .adminis~ratoi_ of her
such actions.as may iJe·:need(ul·!,q~>-thi!frp1,ufose: · J:t.
min0r cniJfl're 's~rqperty as provided .in Ryle·84 by
(9ani~a·vs GA.-G.R. No,.1,1042IY'eb-:;2¢.f;2ffiF7'J:. ,. . ct·.
the. R.ul~t .of, Co~~ ~r:ititled;· "<3.e.n·erai:Pciwers· an.d
· . · · . .. .. . /!""',-, ~:: :-:-.:· · .~ :
'(J.!l ·,D!,Jties Jl~ Ex-ecuto.r;s. ari1:L·Aqm1nistrators" are . only
;~~;;;tj]t~v-:·'·~~-;(. fr
SECTION 2\ GUARDIJ?.1\1 T:p/P.AY,~d.~~TS~F .' . ·~,, .. powet~;:Q'f,:p~d~.sf.~fo .~1and. management (Lindain.'v.'
WA~p. ' · .. , .· · 1~a'. .. G.-R:4~1t~&J-05'_'.Aug~st20, .19~2!'. · . ...
·Orde~ of liability ~f Wa~d·~ Prop~i;tY, . Y.
1 . ·. .. ~.L:. ._ijower of. ~he - PareQts/Guardia~ to .. Repudiat~ .. . :
E_very guardian.must ~ay th~ W8:rd's.juJt.<t~ts'out of. ~/<;"\lrl~..~fjfc!Q..CfRequire~·Judicial Approv~I · . , . . · · .•
h1s: · · ·. . . . : . . · . i'l j'."{;~--:--°'~":'!Lpa.re~tsca~cJ. guardiaiJs ~.ay not ther~_fpre rel?ud.i~te'
1: Personal estate·;md mcom~ ofreal<estate;;~d · the mhentance· -of· thetr wards without Jud1c1al
·2, Real'es~te (R.OC,. RULE:96, Sec: 2)ih,:/& · : · approval. Tflis·is·because r'epudlatl<m flmoun.ts to
. ·.. .. . . : . ', .. , . . . . ~·-~-:-- . . an·alienatiocrof property which must pass.the-court's
SECTION. ·3. GUARDIAN TO .SETT.LE ACCOtJ'~TSi: . ·: . sc.rutiny·.in order· to prot99t the inte~est o{ the· w~rd, .
COLLEC.T· PEBTS 'AND, Ai>PEAR.. IN·. AC-TI.QNS.. ·. Not hav.ing.. tleen Jt1d,icialfy atith9rize'd;.the Release:·
FOR WARD -' . . • and Waiver of Claim,ih .the.instant c·ase is:void'imcf .
.. , will .not bar private. rE3spondents'from asserting .their
·A guafCiarl must:~ . ·. . . · ·~:- ... ··''rights a~;he_irs. of the deceas~ (G.uy v. CA,. G.R. f'ilo..
1 .. S~ttle all .'c;IQCOunts of his ward~ . . ·. , . 163707;.Septf!mber 15'. ~00{3), .. · ·. ·
~- Demand; s1.1e.for, and,receR,e alfdebts <;lu'e,him, : . . . ,· ..
·. or may, with the'c;1ppr'ovai of the.court, 9011)poi.md. :· Degree of Care· · . .
fqr the same· .and give 'discharge.s to the debtor, · .· · Th~ guardian is ·b0und to exercise"sucti diligence .
d.n receiving a 'fair:ar:idjust. dividend, ofthe est<;1te an.d. Pl'l!cienc~ as re·asonable merf ·orc;i,n·an1y er:nplqy
. and effects; and' . . . . .. :: . ' .' . : ih the ·Conduct C;>f ~heir ow,n affairi, ·and Will be· h'el<j
3. Appe?lr for and ·represei;lt'tiis ward in all. ac~ions . • liable. for any fciss which results'from' his failure· to
~nd special proceedings. unless a_Aotfl~r'pe.rson . . ..exercise' such.. prudence and . · diligence .(3A,
be appointed for ttiat purpose (ROG, RULE .96, ·.•
Sec. '3) .. · · · . ..
HEfRRERA,supra.at 301). · .· . · . :
. ! . . . . ·'· . . .
OrdJnarily .• a· guardian .ad litem'has no c;1,u.thority to.ac,
or _bind ·a minor· in .a·ny. transaction With ·regard.to his
estate, but he· can, however, do so with the· approv~I ·
of the c~ur:t, such as ·the 'am,~a}>le settlement 'of .a


-··· - --------------------------------~---·
,~ti;P+ ia ..
. . . . . )

SECTION s. GUARDIAN MAY BE AU'THORIZED. ExceptiQn- . :. ··. . . .· . .-. :J-

.. TO JC>IN 1..N P.ARTITlbN PROCEEOINGS -AFTER Only i), extreme cases, 'where prop.erty .cleal'fy·-~-;~
HEARING . . . . - . . .. belongs to the ward 'qr where his title thereto haS.··ir
. .. . · been already judici~lly de'cided, may the court direct·-~1-
Requisites .. · its delivery to the guardian. 1.1'.l eff~ct,· ~h~r~ can oniy__ .-:r,!
.The court.may authorize .the gu·ardian to join' in an be delivery or return "qfthe.embezzled; concealed or .;#;'
assent ·to a partition of real or 'personal. estate ,held conveyed property "of ihe ward, where .the rig~t or 't
by the 'ward ·jointly or incornrnon wltnothers, .but .._ fitle 'ofsald ward is clear and-indisputable (Parco 11. ·:
such. authorlty shall only be granted atter: (HeN-C) . · . court.ot Appeals, -({R. No. ~3152, January 30, 19$2 ;':'
1. Hear\ng; · . · · .. · · .citing Cuiv, Picc~o, G.R~ No -. (,.-5.1,31, './_uly_'.31, ·1952)i."J~
2.- .. Notice tcnelatives:ofthe ward: and, .. · : . · · · . . . -;" .. ;. ·. . , · ··.-.)y; .
. ·3. -.~areful:'iiwestigatio.n ..as to the· necessity "and SECTION 7. INVENTORIES Ati!D 'ACCOUNTS OF ·Ji
· .propriety of the 'proposed action'.(ROC,. RULE.. .' GU.ARDiANS,AND Af>PRl>,IS.E.ME;t,f(OFESTATE)§.
'. 9.6• Seo. 5J.. . . . ·· '. : ·.. · ·, ·.· -. ·: .· ... ~ .Perlod to:Make ,ari'lnv~~lo~-<:._ .. · ... .-- · ·.-.·;;ii
• • • r; • • • . • : . ••• • ' • • ••• • A .guardia.~ must render tb the court a't/ inventory'of··;:-
. . When. interests of either parent 'or guardi.ao in the· . . · . . · : .. . .. . .. :.'?-
.p-~rtitl"on conflicts with that of..the child~en.'s or ~i:i-rd's · . . . J~e.. est_ate_ ?~ his· ward wi~~)n. thr~e (3)_ i;rcl!)ntl:ts- .after. )
under th~ir parental .authority; ""such . parent"· or ~1s:" -. appointme_n!, -~nq : ·annu.=i~I}'. . ;:tft~r. ~~ch ..,.f.

_ ' . . . . ./.',1WMf:~l·
~ · · J. lltillc~for~pf
· · guard{an ca not ·. rep~eseht :them . (Salunga 'vs , ~pp~1ntment an. 111.v~~tory _and accou,n~1 the _re.nd1t1on ..}'
~~~f!.Yu of. wt11c~ T)1ay ·_be .. qOIJlp_ef(~d ·upon. ·the:.
. .~ . . '. · .
.Evangelista G;"R..-N().L-5314 Oct(}b(3r·2'
~~-mter~~ted p~r~o~ (ROc;'.. :fll,L_E 96, ·,
_· SECT,ION· 6 .. PROC~EDING . WJil.ifQ·F~~~~~~~.._~J. i,!, _. _-· . . · · _- .: ·. ·:· .;,_ . .- . . . _· .· .
. ·· . . · ·
. ,. /!""!.,.\J/ ""'""':--:: ~t ·
SUSPECTE.!) OF EMBEZZU~G 9~.CON.:C~l!lNG.-·~·....:......J!1'::nfo.cy

.,t '"'-d.·-~··v .· I ~ .
.~r:t{t'A):~our'it-Mp~tbe S't'.'1.om t()' . , ...
1'l[e guald1an\(RQO.
accounts shall·be sworn_to by ·.
fi,,ULE 96, Sec. 7). . . - -"'
Upon com~lau1t of.the guard!c1n ~f'.;. . rd, or ~f ar.J.y ·.. . . Lt':i. \ •. , \ ( -:..., "i . . : · ·· . · . ·· · · .. ~~[
person. haying actual or _pro~p~cll.ve mter4st 1n· the Estate ~f .War<\~dstl!ie Appraised·. · · . _ _);,
. estate of t~_e war~ .as ~re_dito(~~tr-rf othe'*-1s~:.:-f~l. . ~\i !~e t~tate ~Ctt:i..ei't-.t~.rd. des9_ribed· iri 'the first.''.],

1 ¥.
anyone . IS ·. saspected· 6f.-:--ha:'lr.,g. en\bezzH;t.,~7'~. ~i:~htory:shall ~eap-pP,~ised.. f(l the:app~a\~emen~-. ;}·.
. ?on_c_ealed; or co~_v.eye~aw~yj\n.Y.money •. 9f>Ods.~~mzt1He_c·o1;1~-~Y re~~j.{e a_ssi~titnce .qf_9ne···or IT)Ore: 0~

· mteres_t,. ~r. a wntten ms~e~t.1_&eto@JJI!:\~thejz_~9.f_!J]gjhWE
_..ward or his ~state; the courf#njl1"C1e th~s9'~P,e.9tea;"fl? 1j[Sec>:71f::?,
per~o!1 to :appear for e.xan\tin~tio'n,~ouen!~g~c~
~.-~~ .,{/4-:·.
ta~ppraisers·(R.OG; RULE 96,'·'~),
· ·. · · ·. · · · · . :·
j- .··-:-.: , · · .. · .. .- ·. ·. :_: .:_· · · -_ ;;,\

mo_ney,.. gocid~; i~terest, cir-.i~.._strume~t,..a~~~kf~-1~~9.!;!e"<fln.gw. _an~ er:iod· .. for· 'l!'vent<;>ry · and_.f

_suet,- o~ders as _will secu{e the\estate~amst~).~~fji:~fual:d~'of . D1~coyer-e<;I . or. Sub~e.quently ·&·
embezzlement, conceaime~t ort~~_ey;:ir-u:;~(,~~lEl).f(1f9,li1f~;st.-'t'rop1a:i;y··~f the,.W-ard· ;.' • · ·. · ... · .... · .:i-'
RULE 96, ·-Sec.· 6). . · · · . ~ . 7~-"!,~~e1.e(\~}!J-wcperty;ot the, ward oot mclu~ed m ./t
. . . .· ·. . . .· ·. . . . ,, .f J.~n ·~i'.('i~~fl:!_~cy:,dfr_e.adyre~~ered \~'· .tlisc~vered, _-or-_-.t
G~ard1a.rish1p Court:C.annot-Gel')eral1y"9re:t.e~}he fu f; 1~u:5:ee.ctea~~?c>. or acquired ·oy . the. ward,·. hke .;;
:oellyery Q.f Embezzled,,Concealed, or.·co~A~~~ '.!.'v'l£p~eedfr,~s shall b~ h~d_ f?r.s~cuf'ing an· iriventorY.. {i
·. Property_of th~ Ward· · · . . . · . . "'~-and,appr.a1sement _thereof ..w1th11')-. tl:iree (3) moath$0:_;·-
---Gerier~lly;',the g·uar'diansh"ip-court exercl~ing sp~ci~I .. .aft~r suc;i, disc01iery; succes·sion,: or. acquisiJic>n.
and. lilJ')ited_ jurisdiotibn cannot actually order. the ·· (IJ-OC, RU/..:E 9'6, Sec:·7). ' · ·.. · -· · · · '. ·. · .. · .. ·.
deiiver{ of"the rfropetty.of ttie 'ward 'to.und :fo be : :. . . ~ . . . . . . : . .· ·.. ·. ·. ·. : :· ..... ' .... )
emb.ezz.led, concealed or-conveyed·(parco v. Court· Sl:CTIC>N 8. WHEN· GUAR91A.N'S·.A<;:CQUNTS·.·;
ofAppeals, GR No; 33,152, Janµary 30,· 1982 citir:,g . PRESENTED -FOR ..Sl;:TTLEMENl, EXPENSES ,"
. Gui v. 'Riccio, G.lt .l'fo. L-5131; July 31, 1952). . . AND <;;OMPENSATION AU::.OWI,::D. "'
.. . . . . . ,. . ·~ . . . . . ..: . . . . . . . . ,. ·.:~ia
·. ~urpos.e ·. ·. . . . Upon th~· expiration.'of a ,year: fr6n:i tti·e .time of his· .f
'. The : jurisdiot1qn .. cif ·.the.: c.ourt in· ·.gu'a,rdianst:iip . appointrrient, aAd. a~ often th~teaftw ··c!.s. n:iay b~/;.
require_d;a -guardian rnust·pre"sent his.accou·nt fo·the :J,£
' proceedirigs;· ordinarily, is.-to cite persons suspected
of having embe~l,ed; qqncElaled .or c'onveyed the court for .settlement arid :allo""'.ancir-(ROC, RULE 96!
Sec. 8). ': · · · ·· .. ·.-,~ ·
property belonging to tJ1EJ ward :for the p1,1rpose of
· obtaltii(lg information. Which may be used. in an . . . .. . -::~
.. In the settlem.ent of ti,e account, the gu?irdia[l, oth~t·-~
action later to. be instituted by th~ guardian to protect . than i:i j)i3rent,. stlalf be allowed. tne. amount of hi~- ·_>;,"
the right of the ward (Parcov. Court-ofAppeals, G.R... reasonable expenses incurred in tlie execution"of his· ·,;
No. 33152, _Januc;1ry 30, 1982 piting .Cui v. Piccio,·
· G.R. No. L-51311 July 3_1, 1952).
. trust and also ~u~h compensation .for
IJ,ls se_rvices)is\(
. · the cour1 deems·just, not exceedin~ 15% of the net'-;i·
income of·tt,e w~rd. (RQc,· RULE 96, Se~. 8): . · )
. . :J
:· .. . .···.:1f
.. :.~
422 I ...2019 SAN BEDA LAW .~
. .
.. : . ·:~-

Effect of Approval of Account The court cannot on its own {motu proprio) order the
The account is only lnformative in character. closure or . terminate . guardianship without
However, the approval of such account does not application or notice. of the ward or hearing (De
necessarily mean the legality bf each iter-i in the Guzman vs Aquino, G.R. L~29134, July 31, 1970).
account, neither does the approval mean the
adjudication_- of the property . mentioned in f~e SECTION 2. WHEN GUARDIAN REMOVED OR '1 ·
accounts or expenses therein" (l.tcaeuco VS. ran ALLOWED ro RESIGN. NEW APPOINTMENT !
Pho, G.R. No. L-19512, November 21, 1923).
Grounds for Removal of a Guardian:

' 1. Insanity 1'ROG, RULE 97, Sec 2);

2. lnqapability or unsuitability to discharge
R.ULE97 functions (ROG, RULE 97, Sec 2); ·
TERMINATION OF 3. Wasta2e or mismanagementof the propertyof
the ward (ROG, RULE 97, Sec 2);
GUARDIANSHIP 4. Failureto render an account or make a return
within 30 days after it was due (ROG, RULE 97.
Sec 2); or
SECTION 1. PETITION THAT COMPETENCY OF 5. Conflict of interest (In the Metterot Guardianship
WARD BE ADJUDGED, AND PROCEEDINGS of Catmen Vda. De Bengson v, PNB, G.R. No.
THEREUPON ~ L-~7066, December 28, 1'J61).
'" ~ .;$: .t':.,i~;r
Who may File .;t;,sj;;~ Note: Since the Rules enumerate the grounds for
To have his . present . competency -judiqi:Ej) removal of a guardian, a quardlancannot be legally.
determined, a petition for that purpose may be''1} --~.L~!JlOVedfrom office except for the causes therein
by: . /;r . ;;.:".'.~ritioned!-',l!:r9weve•,conflict of interest has been i
1. A person who has been declared 1ncop;.J11etent ~ heict\ukii,!i"el:i:\groundfor removal, premised on ·the t·
2. His guardian; · · /°!§?" h. } logic that ~?t~96nistJc interests would. render a !
3. Relative; or · · ·· . V { ,, · · 1,~ii::{ guardian u~Jbitable for t.,e trust (In The Matter of i
4. Friena (ROC, R,ULE 97, Sec. ~~)t'"'~.,:_.,· f G~ardian,4hiP,jOR_farmen Vd3. De Bengson v. P.NB,

. . . . _,,;1~? it~ ~ t\l .
The petition shall b~ verifled . · · ath cto,g_r~nallstate~..
ll GR. No.1.L-1W066• December 28, 1961).
l ~ .\ . . . · · . .
~ ".c··,:,: ~ The-'p.ID~f:Oi'ffcifJl'ief~movalof the guardian must be
that such person 1:; then co
Where to File
~-- ,.,,., ;, ,''4-jfJ !@ filed ifi"'..:tti@'_:4aon'e _g~ardiansbip proceeding (2 !i
· -,:i;,-,.. •.• , ;! rt,._, REGALADO, supra at 135). i
The court which appointed the guafpfanis,~lso the ":ll
court competent to decide the peti:ion tor re~pralion -~~- .
· · '. ~9)'.. .Qf the Guardian
to capacity which :s merely a contii~~tiono()h!il "'f~medy of a guardian from the order of removal
original guardianship proceeding (Gj{!,sostolJ!(q··v. is to appeal (Olarte v, Enriquez, G.R. N0. L-16098,
Endencia, G.R. No. 45623, June 30, 19'.3{!_). :-
- . ·.. ~. . October 31, 1960).
Grounds for Termination:
1. Competency of the ward has . been judicially . The guardian may file a petition before . the
determined (ROG, RULE 97, Sec. 1); guardianship court for permission to resign his trust,
2. Guardianship is no long1;}; necessary; stating the grounds therefore; and accompanled by
3. Death of gua·rdian; or a report of the state of his account and an- offer to ·
4. Death of ward (Can'iza v, CA; G.R. No. 110427. settle the account and deliver lhe estate over the
Februery 24, 19ff7{ court (3A-HERRERA, supt» at 314).

Note; Notice of hearing of-the petition is not intended Spec'ia~ Disqualifications (JAN)
as a personal service process in. the sense 1. J.udges1 clerks of court, and lawyers (ROG,
necessary to give the court jurisdiction over the ward RULE 1:37, Sec. 1 and A.M. No. OS-4-1-SC);
(In Re: Guardianship of Incompetent Jose de 2. Advance A_ge of the guardian (Prencisco v. CA,
lnchausti v. Soler, G.R. No. L-15119, January 19, G.R. no. 574:.:JB, January 31, 1984); or
1920). 3. ,Non-residence of the guardian.

Who may Oppose: (GRA) Note: Courts should not appoint persons as
1. .§uardian; . guardians who are not within the jurisdiction of our
2. ·RelativP.of the ward; or courts or they will find it difficult to protect the .ward
3. A_ny other person, in the discretion of the court. (Vancil v. Be/mes, G.R. No. 1322?.3, June 19, 2001).


·fiRO·C:EEDfN .2019

May appoint a "special No such thing as a special , ,W . "J;
Voluntary emanclpaticn · ·ur,ider the . amendments ·administr~_tor . guardi;m . . ... ~ :J \'t
introduced byR.A. No. 6809 is nolonqer recognized
(Remedy: ·-Appeal , ·from : i,{
as :a ground for the termlnatlon o( parental authority:
or gu~rdianship
. (3A-ljERRERA;supra at 315).·· . · order . appointing . the . 4
. . . .guardian)" · · :}
. . ~1
The. guardia~ship '1'\8,Y also 'be terminated-when it
. appears that_- the guardia~ship is. "(I(). longer . · . · FLOW.CHART:· .GUARDl~NSH!P- FOR . · ... '' );.i
i:iec_eis.sary_(ROC,.RULEp7, Sec.· 3): . · INC<:>~PET~NlS. WHO ARE; Nq;r MINORS·'

· SECTION:4. RECORD. TO. B.I= KEPT BY JUSTICE Petition for A ointment of_"Guardian RUL.E 93
OF TH E. 1::i"EACE OR_MUNICiPAL Jl)DGE · . ," · ·... ·.:
Resident ward - . . Nori-restoent ward ..
· · · RFOD.· . · FRIEs
This:.~e6tion "has .been· rendered ob~·olet.e:-as all Rl..)LE93, ;Sec. ~1 t?ULE 93, Sec. 6
. . in
. the
.· Phlllpplnes
. ·. are.
all•. courts

SaJe · "of personal Sale .9f ·per-sbnal· or'..(eal

propertles.flrst (RU.LE. pjopertles first (R.ULE 95)
l Termination of Guardianship.;
(RULE 97)

89)' ·. . . ·. . . . /. . . . :" . . :· · . . ": .


· Bond . : defeats; : .the Bond does nofciefea·t the . .. OF ·MINORS' ·: ....
. ·. . . !

"Petition -for Authority "PetifloriTor Authority to

to.Sell" · · ·. ·· · $el.I" · · · .. -· .. ·
. (A.1111. No._ oa.oz.cs.sc, ·.Ett:ectiv"~ May 1, ·2003)

. Di.fferen;ceBetween SC A.M~ No. 03~Q2-:0!? and th.e,. -~

_.Rules.on Guardianship of R11le.s of Court . , , .. :-;:f.
SC.A.M .. No. 03~02-05 covers person or property o.~ij~
both ofthemlnor ward. The rules _on guar.dil;ir:isl"\ip of .. y
Incapacltated persons, .now, 'only . .deals · with: .<f
Orie .(1)year 'effectlvltyof incapacitated whp are 18 years· old and above. If the ~'l'
"authority · · to · .sell" Incapacftated ts.a minor, sc A.M.· No. 03-02-05·· :<f_f
will apply (FESTIN, supra at 167-{6Bi .. -}~,
• . .:r,-



. . . .
Effect of the Rule , 4 ... The · §ecretary 'of Sociaf._ Welfare and
This rule ·amends Rules 92-to 97 inclusive of the Development; or'. . . -, .
Rules of Court. -on · ,guardianship of . minors . .s. The §.ecrefary of Health 'ln case otan fnsane
. Guardiariship of incornpetente who·are not, miners minor "".ho:needs to be- bospttallzed ..(A.M.. ivo.
shall continue to
be. under the jurisdiction of. the_. 03•02-05-S~, Sec, 2). : · ·, · . a
regular' courts and· governed QY the. Rules of. Court
(A.M. No. 03-02..05-$C, Sec. 27): · SE.CTION ·3. WHERE TO FILE ·P~TITION ,
. ' . . . . ·. .· ..
Tender-Age Presumption··.· .· . ·1. Resident 'minor - A petitfon for-'guardi~nship.
A mother; is tobe preferred in awarding custody of ... ·.. <:!V..er the.person orproperty, or both, of a minor .. ; :
children under the..age of. seven (7) (i=AM~LY cooe. may be filed in •the. 'fain11y Court Of the province
Art. 213): ·· ' . - . or: city where the minor. actuauy resfc;fes. . . :· . ·
. . ~ . . · -; · 2. · Non-resi~e·nt minor ~. If ~.e resides iry·a foreign ·
How to' Ov~rC'om·ethe P.resun:ipt'ion : . country, the petition shall oe f!!eq Wilt\ the Family
This· . presurnptlon . .rnay be· .' overcome only . by Court of the. province. Qr city' where 'hls [lrop,ei:ty. ·
.c6mpelli_n.g ··~vic:!enqe of tne .mother's .unfltness . or.any part thereofis situateci'(A.-M. !lo:··03-02-
.· (Pablo-Gualberto Guelberto, G.R: .v. No. 154994, O~-sc, Sec. 3J. ; · · · · ·. ·
.June 28,~20.05).; . . · · · · · · ·
. · .: · · · . The. petltion.shall be veri~ed 'and-accompanled by E!
u·nsultabllity of the Mother · · ·. . . . · · -~ · ·.. >) · · certification aqalnst fo~um shopping {Sic. 7). . .
Tt:i~ .rnotherhas beendeclared unsuitable to hty.~/}:i.,, · i.. , : ,.1. • .•

. custody of. her .children Jn _one or more . of}U1E(/ ;, •\ S~CTlqN 4. GROUND.SOF P.ETlTION ,
s. following instances- neqlect,.' ab,af.1dOnl)l 1l.},;··'\',,,1 .r · ·1 . . . .: . . . .
unemployment,. immorality; h.abitual: drunkenn~s~,··.: .. !?.!'i._..,....T,~ gr~u11d.5:.Jorthe appoint~ent of a g4§1(dia.n.over
... drug aqd ictiOf), maltreatment' of the C~ildi'i!']S~,~j{~~(: ·i i\_:~,:tb~.: :[~'.r:son.fif,{~~OP,erty, or b__oth, Of a. mil")Or .;ire the .
: afflict.ion With.1:1·cqmrnu.nicabre dis~as~>.::-::;f/· . ~:\.J fJ foll0Wi.n~W(E>1?u~Bl··. .. . · ·. · .' . .· _-,- · · ..
· . · : , .. :· .. ·-· - · · . (:~,,.--~. · · d\s1,j 1.. ~~13.th,~,nueQ..~bsence, oc 1np~pac1ty of hts
· .p?ren\S-: ti' ·;, ·· · .•. ·. .. :_.. · ... _ . . · . ·
. B!-Jt.sex.ua~ pr~ference or mo'r'.3l laxjty.~l~:J.1tdoes.n,.9't•.>-~--!'
prove parental .neglect or. mcom.r-~enqe~~.mibla-
Gi.Jalberto v: ..G{!alberto, G.R. J'jo~-:;154991r,j!i'D__ne 2.~~
i;·:1 :
2. Susp7.fis1~m~c;lepr1va,1on,, or termination of ·
:par~ft'a) ~uthbrtty;..... '. . . .. .· · ..... ·. ·... ·
20.05). · . 7.. ·f..tt
P;~ · "1. i!';, 3: ·. .B'efamiJe of.~~,s surv,vi_ng·parel}t1 1f tJ,e latter--
. . · . · ·. : ·.. · · . . .~({ ··=->PJ;,1\ ~0 fii\J' · is,-'fp~·~i\i:OSl!l.ifa~ tq,exercis~ pa~ental .. · .
51;:CTION.1. A~P1.,.1c;;ABl,Ll_:IY~.._!1-j~R-~~,,E1r-::,-) . j:i..: . ·. auth'oi:ifrtQf:'..~ ...,~ : . ·, " : . .
_. . : . . . , · --·.· : · .- · : · ~ ~~: . .\ - )! , 1.f 4.. When the !;!est in.te~ests of,th.e. mi~.or SQ require:.
.. The·Rule ifpplies to petitions for; Glil.~rdiai}s~lp'-over No .. 03-02..-05-S(?, S,ec.-4). · .- · ., . --::
. rty,. o.r b'.0 t.._ 01.r',a·m100_!;;..,,,., 11f<~-.(A.M.
.. the person. or prope {l, r ..t11'1M . N'0.:......,/..-,f.•d'w\,
11•1·• , •1t
..,j,:I-l'>~,,.;:~. . · · ·· . .. · · ·
· .,. · .· . . · . ·
03-_02_-05-SC, SfJC;_ 1). ..• . · . c-1.;,~· . · >.,a;_..:.,.,...;....~SE€1rf~N-5. QUALlflCATIOl'ilS OF GU,ARDIAN$_-'· .
, · . · · r .
. . · '\;_\
•~ · [ .-
·r1v f .· . -
, : ·.
, . · ·
. ., ..
. The f~ther and tt:ie mother:.shalljo.intfy ~xtihii~~legal . In appointing a•g.ui;ir~ian, the cour.t s~all. co.risidw·the
· gu~rdiansi,ip over:. the person .and property# of their·· .'guar:di.an's: {MP-FRALA)... · '
rilinot'withouftl)e nece"ss_ity o(a coui\ apROintmeht. · 1 :. · Moral_characte'r; -. . .
·. IQ ·such::case, this Rule shall· be· ~uppletory to the '.-2 •. f.h~ical, rne·11fal,.~nd psyc1J9l9gi.cal:cofidition;
,provisions ·Of .the. family. Code - on Guardianship 3. fin·anqiaJ l>latu:t. ...... . · ., . : · . .
(A:M· No. 03.io2>-0s-sc; Sec: 1}: . · · _. 1· Bel.ationship oftru~t i,yittiJh.e 111.in?r;;, ·. .. . ..
. ,. ~ · s.. Availability to exercise the powers and duties of
· Nilnor.Ch.i!cfre11' . . . . . . . . .. . a,guardian ..f9rthe:fllll period,9(the 'guar~liansh.ip~.
Minqr: children ref~;: to. perspns. below· eighteen ( 18) 6. ._. .back of cqnflict of ·intere:st with 'the· minor;' and·
·years of age-or .those over but-are unable to fully.take . · 7 ... ,Ability to inanag~ tne pror;i~rty of the_ miil_or:(A.M,
care of. tliimselves':.or protect. them-selves· frocn. No ...03-02~05-SC,.Sec,.5) .. · . . .
abuse, . ·neglect, ·:·cruelty,· exploitation, or SECTIO·N.:.-.6• __:.:·W·.tfO ·: c.·:~·.· A.PP•O.INT.
.. ·... M·A'Y·. E.p
discrimination .be~ause· of a
.physicaf ·or 'mental' .... ~
disability or CO(l<;litio_n.(f?.A,. No. 76-1·0, ;3ec.. 3[a}). GUARDIAN. (>.F· Tl-:1.E :f:!ER$0N o~ F'R.OPERTY,
./ ·oR BOTH,.OFA ~i~<;>R . .. .
SECTION ..,· 2: WHO ·M,AY . fiETITION. . FOR· . · .· ··
APPOINTMENT OF <;;UA~DIAN.(M14-.ROSSf · In default ·ofparen~s o·r a court-~ppolhtec:i'guardian,
· · ·, · . · · · the ·cou.rt may. appoint . a · guardian- -of a · 'minor,
. f; The Minor. himself -if fourteen '(ti) years of age observing as fat 8$. practicable, ·the following orcler
' . or over; . · .of preference·: (GB-CO) · . ·· ·
.2. An'y .Beli;itiv~; . ·. .1. The survi11ing .§r~ndparent and .in case· seve,ral ··
3, Qther person on behalf of.a mir:ior; .
. . the court shall
,. . ~ select


J .. . . . • +: .

of. · them' taking ~ into acccitmf .. all relevant

"considerations; · · .
SEC~'.ON 9. -C~SE _s~~py ~E-~~R~ . . . : j)
2. Th.~ ol~est ~rother .o.r sister o'f th~ min~r ·QV~r · . The court.-shall order a social worker to conduct a . ;1r-
twenty-one (21) ye~rs. of age, unless:. unfit· or case: stody of the. minor .: and a~ pro~pective ih
'disqualified; . . · · ... . .. guard1a!')s .. and · submit·. ,his report -artd :\
3> The actual Custoaian of the minor over twenty~ recommendation (3 'days before heari!lg).to the co1,1rt ·.:-J.
· or:ie ·(21) ·years of ·age', unless .unfit·· dr
· disqualified; and · . . . · · . . ...
4. A(iy Qther perso.n, wh9 _in the souricl di~<;:retiqn
No:. 0_3-02_-os-sp, 9). . . =.
for its. guidaoce before/the scheduled hearing (AM.-: -'3":
. . ': ~

ot the cour.t w:ouldserve the best .int!=lrests of_the. ·. Note:·.. No

<·case · study . report .· is required in /~
minor (A.M. No.· 03-02-05~S.C,. ~ec. _6). . - proceediriqs · for 'gu~rdiansh_ip' of incompetents · (2 :\t
· :'.RIGUERA, supra at.11.9). ' : .. ' .,.
. SECTiON 1:coN,:-ENTS OF P.ETITION- . ,. · ·.-·. .. · ;,_-,f,
~ The· social .work~rimay int~rvene .on. bih~I;·~f the ·.-{f
Form-of the Petition· . -
Tlie p~titiqn shallbe .verified.and accornpanled by.a
. . :· . minor i( he finds-that the··pe~itiO[l for gu~rdlanship
· should be denied '(A.M_. No. 93-P2:05-Sc,:se.c.9).
certification aqainst foru_m shopping. · · · · · · . · :' · · ·.· · .,-· .... · . .-. . : · ~ ···
.. . . . . .·. ,· . :.. . . . . · SE.CT.ION~10._brJ:>.O~ITION.T9.P~Tn:l~N -~ . ·. .:. .
. However, no defect in the petition or verifioation.shaU~.,.-"=~ . . · . · · .- _ . · · . ·· · . ?,}
render void the issuance of letters of gua(9ial'fs°t:ifp_l• 1 ·t~\';'i~l!;l{_~sted

(A.M- No. 0~-02-05-SC, Sec. 7).
. .
. .. i~ D\,.
,,;i,~~ !. ~~~ec.joJ.1·;,..,,~, ..- ·
_perso~·.m_ay-cqnte.stthe petition by ·:}
Q _£~'-l,if}g_ ~~~tfll~n~p~s,tion (t:,.M.·.No .. 03-02-05-SC,
·_. . ..
. Contents (~u~G~DR4P-Le·Gu) /l'r- \~p""'- :· _ . · .· . ~,-~8\ : .-_ : · . · · ·~ · · · .{
1. Jhe Juc1sdJcbonal facts: (M~Y ~).# ·-·~·~-~"'?.Y.U,..~W{_e.pJi°'a.s1t1on~ . ·. . · .- · . · .. ·.,'<
. · : a. .Minor(!Y .. ?f .. the ~t~r( ',{forrwnomi
' g1,1ard1ansh1p IS sougpt: an'd:/ j I-· ·-
·,tr, M_aJfritYt~!...a~~ ~inor; or .. - - ·.' . . . : ~
l&. Unsw1tab1 ,hf of $.ti~ person for whom letter-s are {
. ?;
b. The fact:that the mi~p>r ~e.s_id'es_in ~!'lace - ~ ·, _·pray~d--(A: ef:,o.J(J,r,-0~-05-SC;
·. where tl)e court hasµJ.is'thofion.' ;.: ·. ·. .
;2. 'The'.· Name, .. age, ap<t~ei.,deA·ce~qt~ili~·A -Kc1inrent1_ofOp o~ltipp. tc;> the Petiti~n
. ~t . ~-i . ··
Se?. 1p). ·

· .}'
. f)(Ospective ward; .·. n-~l '·. ~ l ,_ - -[~ , ~- Gro,nd relie l~r·aan~ ·. · . · ·: , . ...;];
3. TIJe · .§round ren~erfn~ie · ~{~~(;!lit · • _ 2.' ·p!~Y~tbatt e .pei,_fQn be·den~ed; o~ ·.. _· · . . . --;
necessary or t;o·1 wem.1,mk ti":\ ·. \~\, . . ~ i JJ-~~P~_ e.r)7ti:,aiitette:f.t. of guard1~~st11p _133~C to · ,~
4. ·The .Qeath of the parer\l_f~Bt'U:l, rn~6f"~r,,t.hE1.4'
.}~.;{'~·,n}_ s torJo anY:iwlable person named.in the .~;
:,r/ffm:fszi~io · ,(A. fl1JINO.03-0_2-05-SC?_,Sec.. 10). , · J
ter~ination,. deprivation, ·r~( SUSj:>'ension\ef}f__~~-"".,., /,..,,-
parentc1r a1,_1thonty; \ · .. _\\,,: ~:,v- _,.J;f/'\_/ , r· . , .- _ .· · · ·- . . . · . . _.,,,_
5. The B,emarriage of the min~~i:; surviy1~~...P~<B'i~1£t.fr5~c;FIOJ)I f. HE~ING A!\!D·OR_DER FOR . ,-_}.;;
· 6. .The nam_es, ages, and res1d~.g,ces 9Jr:..r.zla~\1t1es:---:--'-~.ile.JJE~S'~Q..l~,S~E · ·. . .·· · · ·. f
within the .4th civil degree of~in..t>r(JpnAr'c:>f~=~'" ,~\"\: J f?1' .. , ~· · . , -~~
persqn~ hayin_ghil'!l in their care· a1,d::.~st~~j;_·.. ·
7_. Th~ ·erobable value, -~haracter, and lo~tl~~l:1~.
· , }Al\h~
h~~tiifig·of the p~ti~fon:.it must b~ sh~wn· t~at·
ltftie;_!;.!a,<l~ireme_ot_of ooti.ce-has b_e~n· complied ·with ~
. the pwpe_rty·otthe rnmor; ar:id .. . . . · ._ ....,,,,_(A.'1(1:No. 03:02'-0!5:-SC,.Sec.. 11). :.,I;
' · .8. _.The name; age, and residen,ce of ttie·person for: · . · -· .· ,'.-· . ,: · ·. . . .. . .)
:·.- wtiom Letters o( Guardianship
, · No .. 03-02-05-SC, Sec. 7). ·
·prayed (A.M,
· ·
The prospective· ward· ,shall-- be pres,~nted to the·_ ..,;:.
.·CO:u'r:t.. Tile .. court. shall· heaF:.tti~· evidence of ttie ·:]
· partjes. in support' qf..· their . resi;iective. allegations . ::
:· SEC'TlON.8. TIJVIE ANO. NOTIC_E OF HEA~iN_G .(A.M; No: Q3"-02-057S.(J;$€/C. 11J.· . · 'J
. . . . : ·.· . :' . ~ . . . ~~
· · Whe·n .a petition for ttie appointment of a ge.ne~~i · .
. . guardian is filed, the. court shall- fix .a time and
'place .
If ~arrahte~f. the ~o~rt s~~)I _-app·oint ·a -~uitab.le
guard\an pf the person or property, or both1 of !he .,;;J
.. for itsheannq, arid shall cause reasonable notic~ to .. - minor (A:M.- No:· 63-02-05-SC, Sec. 11).. .
. ,, . -. .
. . -·~
. -~,
be ·-giv~i:i to the persons mentioned in the petition,. - .
.. in'clµ.dihg the.minor if .he is 14i years. of aqe or over;.. •. At 'the··discretion of
the .court,:· -the he.~rihg .. on ,
g'uardianship may· be. clos_e·d·Jo the public. arid 'th~ st
.and rriay direct other general _or· special nonce to be
given (A.M No. 03-02-05-SC, Sec. 8). · · . records of the case shall'nol be :released' witHoul its )j;
approval. (A.M. Np: 0.3·02~05-SC;_Sec: 11): . : \j,,
.'.Nof~: Notice to a minor-who is'above fourteen' (14)
. . . : . "f
years old Is jurisdictional. Non-compliance with. this
renders. the proceedings nuil and .void. i

. ..
. Bf:DA
.. . 2019.
. .

The bond .shalt inn? case be lessthan ·10%· of·the.

, value . of.. such . property · or ." annual · income · to .
quarantee . 'the .: performance· of the.: obligations .:
·p,re~~ribe<;I fo_r g~heral guardians (A.M. No: 03-02-
Wh.en the. -minorresidesoutside.the Philippines'but · o_s-~C, _Sec. 18)_.. ·. .' ·: .' · · · .. . .. . . · .
'has property in the. Philippines, ,any relative: or.frlend ·. \
of such. minor,..or anyone. interested in~his property; . · Venue of Filin'g.of Petition for Approval 6f Bonci. ·
in expectancy or otlie.rwise, may petttlen the Farnlly.' A verified petitionJor approval of.the .bo.rid.shall be
Court for' _the.. appolntment qt .a :guardiar:i· over' the · {iled fn· the F;:itnily Courtof the place.where the chlld . ·
property (A.M. No. 03~02-05-SC, Sec. -12). . .. ' · · resides or, if the child resides jn ·a.foreign country, ·,n ..
. · Notice of hearing of the petition shall be given to the the Family Court' of theplace where ~the property or · ..
. minor by publicaticn or any· other means as the court . . any part thereof. is situated .(A. M. ·No.. 03-02-05-SC,
may deem proper. .T~e court-may dispense with the · . ' 'Sec. ·16), · · ·
presence of the non-resident minor (AM.. No. 03--02~ . ·.. : .. . ., .. · · . ·:
05-~C, ·sec.· 12)... ' ... ·. ·. · · : · . :. . . . : Petition.as $'u1T1rTiary ·Proceecllilg " . . . ' .
. . . . a
. The petition sf:iaU be .<;lockete.d~s summary speclat . .
.ff ani,;r the h.e~ring.'the ·.court i~ 'Satisfied that such:,., . proceedinq'. 'in which all· incidents'··and . issues .
non-resident lsa minor and a glfardi'an. lsnecessary . regardi°ng· the performance of the 'Qbllgations a of
or convenient, 'it'. ma'y appointa gliardi_an over his ·.. - .gehef~I gl!ardi?tn shall):>e.heard an~.:resolit~d {AM .
.Pt6perty.(A.'.M:No. 03-02-lJ5-S9,·Se.c-.·12): · .. /,~ No. 03'-o_2_-0~SQ;·Sec. 16).. ·. · .. · . · ..

SE~Tl':)N ·-1~.: B~;~

·OF. G.U~Ro·,~N;
AND CONDITIONS .. . .. : . . .. ·. · ....-_
::~~~;¥,~~~~.. i~~e~~ of p~·~er. to. '.Adm!~ii~er by· .Parents·. a~ -·
. · ( ;~..j'~.~;}r.i~J . Natu.r~IGu,ard!an o~ the ~inor - · .· .
. · ·· · . · \! f.:<:~, ,Ad~rnistr.a~on· mcl!Jdes all ·acts for the pres1;3tvat1on
·. Before th_e '~ppointed·. g_uar:dfan enters up9.~.ft~:\/~:i.Y~tt.t.~~;B~~p'¢f:t,Y af'!d)he rec~ipt offr(,lits accor.ding to
. execution of his trust, or letters of gy1ar91anship'(,.. tj. the natl:lra1•1Rurpose" of 'the thing.· Any. !3Cl of
issue, he ll)ay b.e .required t~ post 3:.~on{~n_sucp.i'i:-;_:f~ · .. disp_osition_fh·t~li,ena_ti?r\ or any· r~duction i(l th~
sum as the--c9urt shall d~tennme and ~1fi<;l_f}1oned-~s,.....~f~
follows: (IFA~) . . . .· .· . .,,;..~~ J{}?~- :' . . K:!{ . limit:;; ora
substanctepf,~h~ p~tr.rmony of the .child, exceeds.the·
mwislation._ ..~ . . . . ·. . . . ...
1 .. Inventory, · .. · . /.~.,,,, , ,i!:.~
~ali , Jj~I· · .. /; . 11

r;~ ·
\ . . ·. . ·
2: . Eaithful ~x~cu.tion of0Utif!;;if·Tr9-~t;... ' ~ :,
.3. .'8cc:o~.m~ing; anc;I . .. . . - '~
4.. eerforrnance of Cqu[!'s:Ora~
?=?1.!~1 ••• ~1 .
Tfiu~;cf,f'~thej 9r-~?t.~er,i:IS. the' ~aturc;11 ~uardiar.Lof_
the 11;1@:_~~ct,e~f,.~,ental'?Uthonty,,· does not h?1ve.
·the poW:et:lgJ':lt{po-s-e or en~um~er: the prop.erty of Ur_e.
· . <';b:{1,-.{\). l' t'-; fatter. Such.power_i_s ·granled·by law only to a judicial
· (Se~ noteS·U(ld,er Ru/e ..94_,'.~ec. 1) ~. ·Ii : jt_\' /,t;.~}.{irdial)of't~e ~c1rd's pt,~p,erty·_ai:id.e_yen then Ofl~.Y
· . · · '.· _ · .
, t;,. .d.d ~ -1:,c"~;-"-~ttl;t,th~~iv.rt-~:pnor approval secured rn accor-dance
SEC_TION. 1 ~-. WHE~-~ · Tq FILE. ,;;t~E.. .J1lpP-c.;i.;_,..._.!w!t-t-i4f.le~pF(?'Ceedi~gss_et forthr~y.th~ Rul_~sof Court
A~TION THEREON ~-~ · . · .. (Napole9n D. Nen, et a{, v.. H_e1rs of J-f~dJl'.'(uS(?P Uy
·. · . · . ·. . · : -~--"!;· 7--.J"
... - ..and JLilpha '[brah~m,Uy, <;3.R No. ·194366, Octo~er
· The b.onq PQ~ted py a guardian s.hall.be .fil'ed in the:; .. , · . · .10, 2012). ...
Family Court, anci, in .cas.e cit breach of any of its .· . . . · .· . . ,. .
conditions, tt:ie guarqi~ri rti°ay be .pr.osi,icu'ted.iri lh~. · '. .SECTION ·-17;. GENE~Aj. DUTl!;:S _OF-.GI.JA~l)!AN ·
same p~oc.eeding for the 9enefit Of the Wi:1(9 or-of ai,y . - . · . . ,.. .. · .. .
other person legally iriterested'in.the·pr~perfy. . . . · .. ·. A g~ardia~ sh.all'_ha~e.tlii:i-care a~<:f-.cL,Is!9dy.of the:·
·person· of his ward and th.e management of 'til~
\,vh~never nec~ssary, · the· cq\,lrt. · may-.. retjuii"e · µie property, or only the: mc3~i,tg~ment' of his· prqperty ...
guardian tq' post i\j new. bol'}d, 31')~ m_a'y dis.c)'Jarge.. The gtian;:tian of the pn;,pe,:ty.o( a nonresident IT)inor
· from further liability the sureties an the old.bond after . shall t.i.~ve the mar.,-agement of al! his property ~ithtn : · ·
due. riotic~ -to jtiteresteq pers.ons, if no injury may . the Philippin~s. .. ·. ·
result therl!lfrom to:thos,e interest~d in th_~ property: . - .,

(See notes unq~r Rule ·96) .·.. · .
~~1~gi~-~d~ Tt!OpNrfo~e0 .$-~CJ"IO.J'.il J9: P!=.TITION TO .SELL OR. ENCUMBER
PROPERTY .: . . . . . · .
If .the market ·v~fue of th~ property or_ the· annual·.
income of' the ch'ild ~xceed~ P50,000, :the parent . Grounds
concerned shall furnish a bond in such amount·as ·f. When . the. ,income of a· pro~rty under
.the court may determ1ne. guardianship ·.1s insufficient · to .maintain · arid·
. ·.· ... educate wartl; or . ..



. . . ·.. . . . :. : .• ,.·i;
2. ·· When it is for theJienefit of the ward (A.M. No, Hastailed to render anaccount or make a return .. t
·30.days after it was due.. · ··· ·. · ;\If
· 03°-6;2-05-S<;,_ Sec.· 19).7 •.. · : . . . . . . ,• . . ..,. ..
. ··=~~.
In .such · case, the personal or rear property; or any·· · · Th~ court may allow._ the .guardJa~ to resign· for" )5
part thereof may be sold, mortgaged," or otherwise · ... · justifiable causes. ,.; . · · - . .. t
encumbered, and the proceeds.Invested.insafe and . · .. · · . · . . . . · · · ~-.~~
productive security, . or ,in ·the improvement .o.r Upon the removal or resiqnatlon.of the 9u~·raian; the. '-:~t
securityof .etherreaf property (A.M. No. Q3-02-05- court shall appoint a·new one· . . .··1]'
.. · SC'. Sec:·1w~· .. ·.: . ·. . . ·. . . . . · .. - . . ... '.. . .. ·:f
._ No motion· for removal or resiqnation 'shall be.)_;·
Requisites ... . . . . granted· unless "the guardian has _submiHed ·1fie·. .' .·t11
T.he gti~rdiar:t may file. a: {VI.BO) proper- accountiri9 of the propeftY of the Ward. and .: '·'\_,
. 1. _/ye·nfied. petition; .. · ~ . . . ·. -; the court has approved the· same. _ ' · :.~,
2 .. · Setting t9rth -such facts. that the income is'. · ·. _ · . · ·. · · · . ." · : · · · v · ~t
.. · Insufficient or that it.is for ll1EH3enefitof the wa"rd; · -
1 •
·. and . ,·· . - . • GUARDIANS_HI.P. . · ·.'!.',
3 .. Pr~yjng thatan Qr~er: lssue authorlzlnq the sale. . . .: . . . . . -:- :· . . . ··~
·; .or _encumbranc·e .ofthe- property (A.M. No. 03- ·. · . 1, The ward has _q:,me of aqe..or, . · · ·f.i
·· · ·. -~-==.""'":d· -Thewardhas died. . ·. · . : ,- .. r: · · .- · .>· ?~
· ~· .,.,
02-05--:s.9). :. .. . . · , ·...
.......... -~~ .. , .
fhe -~uthonty to.se1i ·e_,v::u~~er. s.ha).L---n~f:.~}t~rid )\~lr9J;~nl~'.~:ter.~in~tio_~: be ;,,~Y f;,~t;
~ropri~.or ·. \~t
· · . .. ·. , - ;,1"1': .'~"":>"." . . .
.. beyirnd omH1 }.ye.ar~ unl~ss reneweel-15:{fn~q9~~t,,,:,e:.,:.'"=R--¥!?.--¥erl:fl'-d.

SECTION 20 .. ORDER__TO_.SHOW &I\Q.sV..,....,.~--=31--"and/~a:e~t{.~f"!!l~~ard

it\.<?~ion b_y any p~tson allowed to r11~ a /
petitior.tJtir.gu,ar_i:l~nsh1pon -the _grounds of.maJonty.. ~·
. . T~() g4_ardian·s~all notify· ·:~
l! .
· ~· · . fJ:J;..,, !:.f · / lO) i~ . -.ttte c·o.Uit)>tS}J~fl,\ct -,vithJn· ten (.10) day~: .of its :~·
l l.
. · lR1:.;J:tl~NI(.
. (S~e ~otes under Rufe_ 95, Se~.. 2}"'>/if .. .tr . ,;" ~ ..ll~curre1ce.'~\_(;.... .\ ... ,.- ·. .- .·. · . · . . · , · . . )

SEqTION 21. H.EARl":'G O~

A •
l \~\,,{{) f, · .. ', ·
.N~ff~':.'Tfle p~tit1 n rny~lv,ing._mirjors is.required to be .. ';:
· ·· · .
CO~TS . . ... , : · . · ·:-,
. . ·. · · . . n ...~ ~
f~.. ,.j
1/ '. · : \.
~~/1. ~f§I:!fied· phg _ac ~~rued ~y .c~!11ficati6p· aga!nst :
· f-:<f~-~oium.~opprng!wrule.i tt,nt..11:ivolvmg ·incompetent .t
°f I

(S,ee 1;1otes "under .Rufi:r95, . ,~c:J3J .ri . cl\.....: _. ~~ must_se~~e~. ?hi~. L80~:911er. .n.~. defe?t · 1~ the . ·:}. .i
· 'i. :f'') \\ · 1 \"';.!.,.:,.._ · · ~ . I :.. 17:~enfi9;n1P~-~nfi~atiQ_~~sl:'iall ~ender.V,did .{he ,issuance. l·f
: · · · ·
oa.::a ' -~~'9
go rdian,p. , ·. · ·
· .l
· . . · ?i'
. , ..... · . · ', . . f. l!
. . ,. . ~ . ~ ' '/' ~ . . 'o
Under ~e-ction 4 of Rule. 95, ·th~\cJrd's p1fOR;~rt ~Y'71,.~· . ::{f,., . ~· ~ · JJ:' ·. · · ' '
· b~ sold a\--a p~blic or private sa!e,'~(~iletfl.,e-~~-dt--'iflJi~ .. ·,~ ./ · ·.
/3.i/e-l'."'011==.,.;~":· ,-(\, ,); '/.)'
M·· p '\'~\.\,~/.
minor's property,· under Sect1.on 2~f?f
. Guerdictnship of Minors,.may be had .only~ar,iyblic
· sale (2 R_f~UE_RA, s1,1pra.at 123). . ·.: ·,,., ~~.J;_~-~ · .· . ·
(See no_tes.underijule 95, Sec.".4)

SEtTION.23 .. _qO.!J.Rt M.AY: o"R~ER INVESTME~T ·: .

· ·PROPE~TY ......
··: ,.
. _(See-_no.tes._under.Rule 95, Slic .. 5) '· :
s·ecT;O~·· ~4: -;~R~~Nos. Fo~ -RE~·ov,.:~ -·oR ..
\\' · ..
,, .... ·;

Ground.s for·Removal: . ·
When. the gt,1ardlan: ·
1 .. · Becom~s _.insane. or · o.therwise incc1pable · ·of
· ·discharging h{s trust; · .
2. Is found th.e'reafter"to be: unsuitable; .
3. . Has .wasted or m.ismanag~d the property of the. · · .
ward;:or . . ,(--"
;· -:.•.


·-·· - ·-------------------'
· s·p:EClA'L .. PRO.CEE.Df NGS.
· .. SAN aEoAuw·qNrRAuim. BAR
. oPEliAnoNs.,
. . 2a,9
:. . .

·persqr{-_pfoperty;.or bothofthe tncornpetentperson ·· Person, property, <lr both.of the mi~or ·

··., ..
N_ote~The mlnor'sparenta.are th~ :joint. te"gal gua~dian~-
"of:~uc~_ryilnor;Wi_t_hqutneed of court appolntrnent





V\/.here the in_com:petenf ' ·' . ' : : "{ _".c)eath., coritin"u~d ab~~nc_e/or incapacity-of his.
.i. · -Has no parent.or- . . . ·. .. . · ·p,frents·· · ·. ·· ·· · · - . · ..
2. Has no lawful
. gu!;lrdiaA (ROG;. RUL-E-93,Sec.
1)~_: 2 .. · $u~pen~i~~ •. depriy~tion,.or. termtnatlon ·.of -parental
· authority; · . .. . ·· ·· ·· · .
_ .3". .R-ema"rri.~~e of.his suryj_vi~R--"aren( iffl1e _ latteris,
. . :-· . fouri'cf unsµifabl~- to exercise parental authority; or
·. , 4.-. When'the best interests of the-rnlnor f;O. require
· . (A_.M· No. 03--~2~q5-S¢, Sec ". ». . . . . . . . .
1. Jurisdlctlonal facts;' . '1 .' .Jurisdlctlonal facts;- . .
.2. l_ncoinpetency rendering· ·· "'ths · · appointment 2. Gr6.i.tnq_ re_nde!ing_ ttie ,-ai,poi,jtm"ent."·nec~ssary_ or
necessaryor convenlent; .. · convenlent; .· .
· · · -·: . . . · · -. ·
3. Names, a_ge's, and .rE!sidences of the relatives .or 3. _Name, age, acid resident-of the.prospective ward; -
the incompetent, and of the person having h°irn in 4. Nam.es, ~mes, and relatlves-wlthln the 4lh civil pegree ··
care; . .. ' . .. . ' of the mlnor, and of_ persons having him in their. care
4-. Probable value ~~<;I characterofhls estate; and 'and:cusl9dy; ·· ·


. : ·sAt.l ewA.LAw cd,rr.RAL1zro_ BM OPERA1JONS- MEMORv'AID;019 ·

3. 'Name of the person for whom l~'tters ot., . ·5. Death of the. parents of'the minor or the. termination · -~ii,..
· · ·guardianship areprayed (~OC,.RU,t...E 9~. Sec. .. , deprivation. crsuspensicn of their p·ar.ehtal.aUthority; ./~.-.·
2). ,, 6. Rernarriaqe of the minor's suryi~ing parent: .. ·: _ · . r
. 7... Probabte: value, character, · and tocatlon of the ·:it
property.ofthe minor; and. ,'
8.. Name.s.; age· and residence of theperson for
. . :r
wnoin . ··}
letters of guardiansh.ip.are prayed (AM No, 03-02-· .'{
057SC, Sec. 7). . . }f.
1.' incompetency . of . the .. person for' whom.
g1,1ardianship. is sought.;,·ai:ld· ·~. , . . ..:
2. · .That-the wardis dornfciledln.thePhllipptnes

(Ccl~~:.MaP1R'A) · :· ~ · · . .~ . ···~ ·.. ~ . : . . ;.: .· . :'!

., 1. To have the.Care and custodyof thepersoriof his Wi3rd, a.hcf the rnanaqemenf of his estate, .. orthe },'
. · management of the estate only, as the c~l?e may be (R.OC, R_UlE.96, .Sec. 1);' .. ·. . · · . · · -: .. , · '. : ·. : .. · ·;t
2. To fay the wants just debts out of his personal estate,'and the income of his real estate, if·suffipierit;.if not, J
thenout of his real estate upon obtaininqart order forthe sale or encumbrance thereof (RQC; ~UlE 96,'.
· Sec.. 2); . · . . . · .. . . · . .. ..
. ·.,,
3. To §ettle accounts, collect'd.ebt~. and appear in .actlons for wa_rd)· (ROG, RULf:! -96, Sec. 3);·


r-. r:ir=ca·••••••llll!•••mim-mmmm•mwssm•11wmA•••l!lt1R. ..•li·•lll!l•••••••111m,mrr111r.rzm
.;,.. ------------~---------,--~--,-----,-------,------,-------,
\·.. 4 .. To Manag'e ..the estate of the .ward ·frugally aridwithoutwaste, and apply proceeds to :the maintenance of
(. · wBrd (ROO, 'RULE 96, Sec. 4); . ., . . .. · . ·. . :: . . ·. . . .
5 .. Tq join·in.fa"i-titi9n after hearing (-ROG, RULE 96;· Sec. 5); . ·· ·. · · , . · .. · . · · · .
1 6. ·. To render to .. the court an [nventory of.the estate of his ward -within. three (3) months after"his appointment,
~/.. and apmially after such appointment an inventory and account, whlchrriust be. under. oath (ROG, R[JLE'96, · .
~,: SecJ); ·. . .·. . . . - ·. - · . · · -. · . - · . · · '.., ·· : ·. . . . ..... .
V r. ·B~port_.to me court any property of the.ward not included.jnthe inventqry which lsdlscovered, or succeeded
f·. ·. ·· to, or acquired by the ward within three (3) months (ROG, RULE96, Sec. 7}.; and : . :· ·. . . ' -: : ·. · .
&.··: 8. · Torender an ~cco1.mt to.the court for settlement.and allowance.upon the .expiratiori'of a year fro'ri, -the ti_me
t,". . ··'ofhis appolntrnent, and as._qft:9n lh~reaft~r as· may. be required (RO~>RULE 96; Sec. 8). _·. · ·•. · -'.:.
t:t :··-(l~S.t\-P}.-', · ... ·. _.· · ·. ·.··. : . ··. · .. ·.· · ..· ·.· <.': . _· · . -. . · :_-._:." : . . · .· .': . . .'
1. fo.-make and return to the court, within three(:}) months, a true and complete!mientory.of all the-estate, real
?' · , · · ah<lpers<;>riai;;of htsward which shalt come to his possesslori orknowledqe ohi1'y:other person for· hlm;' . .
~- • 2-.'.:. To .Ea!thful)y execute the duties of his trust, to· manage an~ (:lisi5:ose o( the estate according_·fo -the rl).les for
,;~." . , . · the best interests of the warp-, .afld to provide. for. the proper care, q.istody, ~rid.education of. the ward;· ·
~- : . 3: ,:(the ~xpjr~~ion of h_is _tru"st,_-:to gett~e hi_s -~cco1.mt:3 wittr_the .90':'rt ~ncf deliv~r. and; pay over ~JI ·ma -~_state:.
t-· _·
eff':c!s, _arid m~n~y_s ;r~rn~lrnng in· his __ ha~ds1_
. entitl~_d}_he:-etq.r. , : : . . . . ... .
. · · ·/1.f. ):/.1
from- ~1rn o~ su~h _settle~enf._ ~o !-~~ -~erson l~wf~II:·
. .· .. ·· . _: : . . ; · . .. . . _- _ :
r- · 4. To .:entler-_a.t11.1_e and Just ~CCQ.unt_ of all !h:e(~?t~t~· o)\t~~ ward m his_ hand.:>; an~ of.-a!l .~roceeds· o_r. ,~tere_st
;,- : . . .denve_d th~refrom, aod ·of the management t!3nA: ~1sp'6.~1t1on of t~e- s~me, c!l the trme deStQnated by-the rules
:, .
. . d :<." . th . t' . th" rt . d' 1 • • • J d ,, .,, ''I
.an_ -_.suc ... o__ . er _1mes as_ . e cou _s; ir~ct~; a13i·,<::,,~:..~j';i-: ._ . · .:~·;
· ·. · .· : . : . .. . ·.. :· . . . . · ..
~-· . 5.. -To .Eerforrn all orders of. the court by t,tm Jo/,f,~pe'rf.O.JJJil/~'ii;J(?.q$,:-R_/)U.E--94, SfJc. 1; A. M. .No·. 03~0~-05-SC;
•·· · ·sev,-:··14·,.'/.:...
, ·· · · ·· .. .,:-t..J,':;,/
· ~--r-:,.,-. \;J 1. -· ""-~~;.......,..r · · ·- ·· · · .
'.. , .. . . Jl ·. .
·; ·.·

Ire. court; motu proprio• or up.on ven:tl~~ motio~\bf."arff Tri~\:x16ttfmtiu'p~opr~~ or up6n verifiiiic:rnic{tio~·of -~-!'lY
.- ,person allowed to· f)led a p~titior'i-'-fo~gJ;¥~ianship . pei:son aJlowei;l_to"Jiled .a·petit!otrfor guardianship
·may te.nninate the guardianshjp on-'til;,ii;:gfoi.md that 0'113Y·te"r"minate·1tfe gµardianship ol'Hhe·ground that .
. ·. (D_N.D.D): · . . . . . . : . (ADD): . . . . .
1 ·. Th.~.ward h.as been Qeter'nJined t<;>" be competent by ·1. The ward ·has. cQme of ~g-e;or·, . ..
th_e_gi:@"rdiansliipcqurt~ ··. · . · 2.: Th_e ward h~$-Q.ied {A.M. No. 0~-02-05--.SC,.Sec..
2:. <;;ua·rdi~nship· is No 1tmgernecessary;. .. . 25). . ·. · :.- · .-··
3..:·t~e.:_wl3r~hasQi~<;l;.or . ·.· ·. . ·· . - · 3. ·The.guardia'n ryas.Qiect-. ·._
4. The .~uardian .has .Q.ied (FE_$TIN,· suprq at_ 163). . ·. ·

~.. . 1 .. CompeJenc.y of tti'i:i alleged incompetent; ~r ·. . . ,

.1_, Majority of t_h~··mi~or; or". .
·2. Un.suitability)>( the _persoh for whom letters are 2... Unsuitability ol .the person ·tor whom letters· are
· ·· :. · · · . ·p,:~y0d (R,<;)C, RU~E 93, ~6c...4). . praYed (A .. M. N(:,°. .o~:02-0~SO, -~_ec. 10);·"' ·. . .
. ,


.. •.


..I-. '....;.·.....,....__,...-~R-· .I·. _· .·


TRUSTE.ES _..·_ C~urt th~t has ·c;~rt ·wh.icl:l ·h.~s. ·C;urt which.has:~~
jurisdiction : . jurisdiction· is.)~TC jurisclictiori : i&. ~
may be· MTC- (incompetent) ·. or RTC or· "MTC !f: i
.Trustae . . . . =· or RTC, · . · · Family,Court . appoin.ted · .: to'. :-1
The. person- in whom ·confidence Is. reposed as . '(minors). · carry. into ef:fec.f. f
.reqards property. for the benefit ot.another P.erso~ . .p'rovisions of :a,~·
. · ". ( Civil Code; Art.. ~ 440). :... .. · will; · .. ff trustee'. f:'
. ·. . . . ··. dies,··-:resigrs. or:?:·
removed in '. a: t

This.rule provides for the procedure for appointment

<of a trustee." · .· . · · . · · >· . · · · · · · · .· .· .,.. contractuat ·trus{ i
-RTC ·' has· ::,.;
Rule gs·only .. to express trust.ione whlchls created -•-\, . \•I•' jurisdiction in -the. t
by. a will or· written instrument _(FESTIN! _SUP.Ta at appolntrnent ·. "ot t'.
. ' .~
t77), . -ne_w trustee. · · t;.

No·tiiji~_'lirri.l~.·· Valid .fo(bnly: one· :No time lim.it.

(t).year.affer:gra_nt, ·: ·. ·.·• . ·
. ·oftbe sarne., :·: ·

A~po1nted. :6y Appotnted .

the . court. to :guardian- ..
settle ~.st~t.e ·. . .. : .:
of decedent. · . · ·


. .
lr &la&'l.-•-.-----------a.~~-111[111----------IIIIJlll------~--;:=a~:;:
.. - MEM.bRY
. AJD ~019 .


r ·. • . . . • .Jurisdictlo~: The RTC or MTG in· which the will .
Not exempted Must always file a May. be . 'was allowed, if it be a wifl allowed _in the Philippines. .
':, .. from. ·.filing bcnd., exernpted: from : Otherwise by.the RTC ofthe proviricein wliich \he··
~- bond :ex_e.n_ if filing ' bond if ~ property, or. some. portion . thereot., affected by' the.
such - provided in . the· trust is,.situated.. . . · .. ·.. : . . . . ·. -. ·
exemption is·.: . :-. ···will '. . or If
-e- provided-. : in beneflclaries : A Trustee is Necess~ry to ·Carry·i,:it<i .Eff~ct: · ..
f _the v,ill (bonl'.l requested · 1 .' Testamentary Trust- a. '!Viii cre'atiiig .a' trust but
ls ' Only · .. ~x.emptio,n. · ·. . thetestator omitted to.appolrit a trustee :in the.
conditioned .:, · '. . .: Pt,llippine~; and . · , · · · · .
f::f upon. . ·. 2. . Co'_r1t.ractuaJ.:' Trust - . other written instruments .·.
~·. payment . of. · where .the,trus.teethereln-declines, resigns, dies, ·
.j. • • ,

debts); · · or is removed bef?re acqompUshm_ent-of trust. ·. · .

i!il!IIIJ! to.
N.qte~':rhis ru1e a~p1ie~ .o.niy express trusts and not · ·
$_ervice~ of -Gual'dianship . is. Tru'steeship •. is to ·implied trusts. which.:arise:f,y operation ot.law.
i EXECAD · is -tiifrmii;ated' . upon terminated 'upon . . .Expre~~ trusts necessarily invofve'three parties: {1)
terminated , attainment of ·age turning· over .the the trt.istor; {2): the trustee; · and(3) the··beneficiary,
tQ<'.}; ·f,ilso known. as the cestut.oue 'trust (2 RE<3AUJ.DO,.
upon · ., of 'majority of the· property ·
payment . ·:of_ mmor · or upon .benefjc1ary;si(o/'.
debts of the gaining · . · ·.
. · ¢xpiration ..>\:~i·9_ :,-f~\ . .
supra· at 1 ?3J- · · ·. .. ·. .
.· · - . · · ' · . . . . .

and competen·cy·in the· trust. · .
. .
h;,; ~~/. .;Jot.\_ Kmdspf_Trusts:. - ·
I ' tr, . . .. •1¥ 1 ...... ' T t Ex
. :.
. t t
. . ·
·. .. ..
. hf h
distribution.of. case. of.' .an, · · _·_)}'\~ :·:;(t~-.-~c;,xpr_e~ll> .....·rus_- .~ress. russ~r~_~,o.~ew .c
property. .. to incompetent: · ·No~e: ·. d'J?erlo t~-~ar~-cr~?1led by the dir-ect ar:id positive ac~~of the·
heirs..... . . .- lf : ...
fn~.Y,.-Bef,:Provide~: x
·parti~S('~.. ~ome."'!riting,_.or. deed,,or wit!, or by_
Note: N~d co1,1rt te1;in)~e will<~f ~!~ ·. , wor9_~ ~i·~mgan lnt~nt1on t_o crea~e a trust..-...
·orderforthe latter, tr.1.1JJ.col'ltract;,.1.r ·il . 2:· lmphep trists-· tlJ?se w~~ch, w1t_h,n~t. be:lng.
~ t-'6-5?·. ~~ . . E!!Xpre§s, .r~ deducible from. the. nature of the'
~--~miiD~ffliii!ii~,i.~~~ fi:i\ · · .tra.n~.acti0.n a) ~alters· of intent,. or which are
. u.st pa··y·.the · ~-v-.,., · · t~i'l . s_~l?·~rin~~ced~~tlie.t~~tis~c!ion.by operat!bo Q~ . · ·.
1:"•- 1·
Must pay the,,~~p~s".l);!,o-;,r.iftgati~p,to· ;+i f : ... t~~l:l@.'~f:fiJ,!W,f.s·~f eqwty; _m~~pen?entty .our~.· .
debts of th~ of the ward. '<JJ .. · l~}'!Y.:i-d,<'J~.bto/.{Pfimi . . part1cu.l@'.ta.lent1onof the. parties. · . . .. . .. 1
· esfate. · .. · ~· ,t;;_e~~f~r.y_ i''6r ~,!f. · a·: .-R,~s~ltin_g tr:t1sts~ ·based. on. the. eql:litable·
.. . . · _. . \ ~r~,storJJ · .· 1;fT-r?:;.ifl . doctrin_e tha~va1.u-;1bJe~r,sider~tion a~d no~ ..
.. . ... \"'»~_:..:»/ . . ,A..,~·:.,·'.·i<r."' leg!11 title· determines the equitable. title or
.· . · . . : . · : . ,('7. .. r.r,;:.:::;u~::;.~....:'.r:;:...tl·_f~terestand. are pr-e~um~d-always· to h~ve
P~OCEDURE FC>R APPOINT.~~,1\JT_O~fW . . . . . .. been t:ontemplated: by the 'parties. :They
. ·..T~UST(;:ES ,UND~R-R~L.69t3J):. : -ts · . aris.e from the. niitur~ or. circum~ta.noes·.of
.. ·. ' . ' . : . ·-:.-::.. . the ~~nside·ration :involved in· a. tr~nsa~tion: . .
. • · · whereby .one. .person. thereby·· becomes ·
-AllbWance of tne'instrument:qreating th.e trust' in',(ested· with legal. title but .is oblig~t¢d''i'l · ..
. . : · .. ··.... ·. : .(P.rob.ateof V:1ill)) · · : . . . ·. : , equity \o tio1d)1is lega1 title fo'r'the"benem-ot:
· ·· another. · . ·
. • . •f • '· .•••
b·. -canstr~ctive .'trusts:·.~ .'c~eated· by. tl)e
. petition by.the '!=)(ECAO or the. p'ei'soii'appoir:ited . , construction: qt eiq'uity in 6rder to s~tisfi*~.:
de.niands. pf justice· and : preveht ··utiJust
.. : : as tajstee iri the .instrui:nen~ · . . . . . : ·..
enrichment: They arise conirary·to intention.
''1,-' against one. who, by fraud, duress or abuse.-
. . "f• . • I •. . of confidence, o~tains ·:.or h9lds :tl)'e. legal
Notice t0. all. interested p~rsom~ ... right fo "property' v,,tiich .he ought ·not,. in
) ·.. -·equity and good;coliscience, to.hold '(O'laco
·: ·.'1,,. · v.. Co. Cho Chit, G.R. No. 58010. March 31,
1993).. . . . .· . . ·...
Natur~ o.f Pos.se~siori by Truste:e , .
. '¥ General Rule: .For the purpose of prescription, tt,e
possession of tlie ·property py the truste~ is not an
n_·d~__ adverse _p9ssesslon,. but only rn· the name and in
behalf Qf the owner of the same. · ·


.. mil!... IIIIIIEllmlllml.... llli!lm._......... ~ ......... am ..11!19.. <·,
.· /~

~.u lml .. llllll!llll
.. '}:~~r

Exc~pti<?l'F 'Pre.s~~pt{on may arlse .. wt:iere' ·the~e· is . . .$~CTION ·4. PR(?'CEEDINGS WHE~E T~USTEE'. ;t~
adverse possession of the property.
' . ·.
. . . . . ·..
· · . ',·
·.· .. : . .
· ·'·''
... :·.. ·
TQ ·'Constitute.: A~ver.se . Possesslori, the . ·Whe,n a land· i~ th·e. Philipplmjs is h~ld in. trust .f~r 'a· f
F:ollowlng' R~quls·ites must Concur: (1) that· the : : ·.. resident by a trustee who derives his aothorify fro·m ?
trustee has .. performed unequivocal' .. acts. of . abroad, siren trustee 'ini:ist petition the R,T~ where '.$
· repudiation amounting -to ouster gf the cestui que the land · is .sltuated,' otherwise; the trust will . be \t,>!'
trust; (2) that such positiveacts of repudtajton-have vacant.andanewtrustee will be appointed. · <·~(
be0ri known to the'.:Ce·~tui· que trust;-:a"nd (3)". the· .. ..-··~
evidence thereon should be dear. ano conclustva Whe.~ ~ trust is··~re.~te~ .at>roqd for property. in ~he.:·X
(Cenizev. 9A: G.R. No, 1>46345, Janu·a,:y30, 1990;· Philippine~f •. Ju,.dicial approval is'still'ne-eq~d though ::;:
FESTIN,. supra ·at 1 ~8). . .. ... . · · . ·· · the truster is ative; . ·. _- · .· . · · ,, J~
As Stieb, a trustee may acquire, the 'trust.estate by ..: . . .::. SECTION S.'T,~STEE Musi-FILE B()NO: .· .Ji
-prescrlption provided' there -Is an o'pen, ctear, and · · , · .. .. ·· .· • , . . ··~
unequivocal -repu.diation. of the trust. known· to the , · · · ~erie_ral Rule:: A -trustee shall. file.,.witf.i the Clerk of }1
Ce$lUi que trust (Salin~~: v. Tueson, . '.G.R. No. L- . C.ourt .h~vjng junsdl~tion of fhe trust a bond ir.,' the ':'~
33626, ¥arch_~, 1931): · · ' · . , arnoi.Hit,tixe'dbythe'jodge.ofsaJd··court:·.... .:' :£1~
~: ..,.._ . . . ·~ -· . - ': .. ~-~--:.r.::::.=:r~~- ·:. :'· - : .. ·· - - • • ";

tfj' ·
FbRMER ·TRUSTEE NEED: NO.T/A~J\lf1~~$.~B,==~,,,
·Jr.x~~t~_,n: .~he}rus~e~ .~ay be .exs~pted by t~~ j:
;c~J~voru:1J~n(:1 a bond when.requested by: .
°i ~~ . . . . . : · · ., . · _
· ..
. ';?ff
, ·. · .·
/!'.~··. YR'r~ . ·. 2.. All-~sop~~nef1c1aljy
. . . . . . // ~<"//' ~r--~-- - .
W'1~n a New Tru~tee Appoint~~}'\ ,/' !( · 'lrj)· 1r
mtereste'CfJn .the trust.. . t:11.
·~ ·.' ~' . ,' . : ·. . .- . . . "l'
,~ot.e: Suq ··~?~~fin·. "?~Y b!;? cancelled by the .:'{'
If a testator has omitted in his t,11
to~P.ffoint~ trushfe {~ ~.urt. a\ any~ timei and the trustee .required to :·:.:fl
in·. the Pbilil)r>ines;. and iff~ch /ppoirftrnent .is ,9-.. .torthwith~'file a \onf)\' . · . · :'i
r.ieGe~Sary.t6.. carry into·eff11~ttj:e>provisiorsonne-1r•=~ ·. V/""":~.i , · . ·. -o · ;..;f
wm. . · . . . . .· ~ ~ n .. · . . ~ >-~;,r ~I~
~~~ct·f>t·t~~~~;~_to~~,: a oo~ be internrete~ . ·tj·1 Wi''
·. • ·
!=xtent of Po"'.'ers . . .
· g ~~ U
y -~
· · The trustee ._to b~: appointet: s~alJtpay~~~~~~a~:~.. .,.;%
t .c~l
~)--J~ fq.,,! I
\ .. iz\,....~.!.11'.wJ.>¥-l~e.c.r.urt. a.~;-r~!'tiCJJ';'ljli A onr.dechne tp .acceJ!)t the >:J.
~fj · '. ~"'.;/
D : ·,' · . . . . . . . --1}
. ' .. . . . . . . . ;
. rights, ,powers, and duties, a~\JJlrfwp,om'\~~¥~~t~ ~F,~=6. gONDliljJ~N.S INCLUDED IN BQND -;:~
shall ·v.est; as.·. if ~e, · t,ad . b~fn ?PPQi~te~·
testator ... ·. · ·.·:· .. · ~t
1@"'~e"<l'.lll · ,,~s!:~ :/.:: . :'//· . .
: ' '·'. ~~f#'\. /,- ·· ·· , · : ·.
: · .
· ·
. . · · . ., ... ~~· · Sr,1t'!);.. "<t".\~A: c}~un~.~ Th~ e will render upi::m-.oath at least · j
No person·succeeding to the trust~s E~lCAQ..£>l~~ee~~ ~r.until'his trust. is fWilled .a true j
.f~rmei: trustee shl:lll pe required to·ac'G_,~P,t ~~1i:µs-t~"';'..:_:~~~~c{%!!)t. o.fifti~~property :in ~is .11ands.and.of. the .j
" . ·. . . . ·. . ' . ·~-,,,;,. l!l rvfJ
~~ah~;ie.lfi'entai:\d dls'position th~reof,.:and su.ch )
Note: Nc,>tice tq .~nd consent of the beneficlacy_..~re .k .H ~9th-efac;Goul'.)t.s as .the .cqurt tnay order; .·. ·. ·\!
. n·ot ess~ntia,rtor·the creation of 11'.le trust (De t.eo,nv~~"" · · · : . ,:. . : . · · · . · ..7. ·.. . · . · . J-
. 'Molo-Peckson, G.R.. ,'No.: L-17809;· .De'Qember 29, . Note:· Accounts trustees. must be. uricler. oath ,:··1 of
1962): .. :· .. . ~nd· .s~a_ll ·. b,,e°.. fifed.: annuall1;' Accounts. · of . =~
· EXECAD are:not requ.1red·to be·under,oath and, ,:;1
. NEW· . • TRUSTEE - . UNDER .: A·· · WRri"TEN ·
ex'cepffor the initial c;1n'd ·final. submission o.f their ,·:1
. accounts; they shc.ill be filed o'nly.·on s'uch'times . ;!.
INS:T,RUMEN:T· , : . . . as· may· be requi~ed by the :Court. (2: Rf.GUER.A, ··i
$Upra at.12.,!J); · . · . · . .'. · -· .· · , :i
Wh~h a .Ne.;,,;. Tr,Y1stee · is·.: Appointed~. Wt,en ·.a · - -. ,' •• '
• • \ • • "!'
tl'uste.e,under.:a· written. instrument declines,· resigns, . 2. · §.ettl~men~ t?f.A~~qunts -. That at th.e expiration. · ;
· · dies··or fs removed before the objeqts of the.trust are . · of his t,rust he Wi!J.settle .his·acc;:ounts in court·and · ·::
"accomplished and n·o·adequate provision.is made in· .. pay OY.i:lr and deliver all tt)e. estate·=re'i:nainl.ng in ·)
· · s·uch irislrument suppfyin.9 the vac<;1ncy.. · his hands, Or
due· from him bn such settlement.. ·.
. . . to th~ pe.rson or ,P.ersqns' ehtitie,dthe,:eto; . . ·. . f.
. Extent of Powers: $ucli·new trustee shall have a.nd 3. !nventory-"Thatthe.trustee will ma.ke and return
ex.ercise the same powers, rights.' and duties as if he at
.. to the court, such tin:,e·as it may order, a true
· had .been originally app9inted. inventqry of. all the estate belo~ging to· him·.as
trustee, which at the tim.e of the making qf such
.inventory shall h<;tve come.to his possession or
knowledge;: and

. .

4, '..M~~~~emen·i and. Oispositii:m ', That h~. will· : ·:· 3. [ncapability of discharging the trust; . -·
manage. and 'dispose of all such estate, arid 4.: ~vldent unsuitability (RQC, RULE 98, Sec. 8).
faithfully discharg~ his trust ih. relation thereto, .. . ·, .
.. according to law and ·the will of. the· testator Or· Resignation of Trustee
the provisions of.the instrument 'or -order under ·. : · · A. trustee .is at liberty to tender his ..reslqnation arid
· which he is appointed: : . .' · • .apply · for" his· release on : the-' sole .ground.· of·
unwilljngness· 'to. act. further-In' th~ .trust. <But the '
. W.he·n.th~ trqstee is .appointed as a .success.or to :a acceptance· of the r.es\!:1nation· of a trustee ls not. a
P,'i'ior tniste~. the co.y~ may'dispe[\~e with the m~kjng ·: matter bf course; 'due reqard must be had for. the
.. ·~nd return of an inyentory. if on~ h~s· already been · interest of .the parties to be ·affected and. there 'must
fileq; · ., · · .. · ordif'!~rily. be some ground for djsch~rge other than'
the mere wish of the ·trustee to be: relieved (3A-
secnox' 7. ·APPRAIS.~.-l. 'co'MPENSATION OF f-{ERRERA.s_uplp ~t 459). . . ·. .•. ·.
: TRUSTEE·.· . . . . .. ; · · · ·" ·· .· ·
. ·.. . Extent ~f Trustee_!'sAtJth6rity .
The ·CO.mpenia1[~m-:of the .trustee' is 'that which is . ··r~.e'·p?wers of a .trustee,appointed by. a Phil(ppine· .
provided. ·by .the· instrument c~eati.ng . the trust.:. ·. · co1,1_rt. ca~not · extend ·~eyond. Jhe -~ri_fines . of. th.e·
Otherwise, it ~hall ~e fixed by the court .. ·. . · : . · terrltory of ·tl)e. R~pu~hc of the Phlllppines. · T!:,1.s rs..
. · · -, .' _ . · based .on the pnnq1ple Jl'l~t his. authority . cannot
. ·Factors Affecting Trustee's Co~pe'ns.ation: -~-O~'I\ .
. ex~~nd beyond thejurisdlctlon of the. .Rep~blic_?f th~
1 .. The character-and powers offhe trusteeshtp;;fl_}1?'i.( Phllipplnes, under w~ose courts he was appomte~.
2~~ Ri~k ard resppnsibility:: . · - · . f.iir·rff/J~. ~emot~IY-, the rule: 1s also b~sed on ._the rule m
3. :nme··and : · - · · · . 11, ·:>.(~:f!~~ mtemat1onal· J~w.of the sovereign equality of .states
4 .. Labo.~.an~ 'skill· required in t~e ~·ci~inistratio{f?H~~flL(HER_R!=RA,. SP_·e¢ia(':'rose~dings!sypra at 452). .
. ·.. the .trust as well·~.s the care and n;ianagem~1''t·Qtt/·::.,~;M:l:"l,m,_), •. .,:.:. · ~ ·· · . ·. ·. ·. · · · ··
the. estate (Ararieta \f'.S. ·Perez, G.R::Jl·f!f'6187;\{)l4: ·. $1;Gv.lQ.[f~~~ PROCEEDI_NGS. FOR ~ALE· OR
: . February27, 1.963). . (,/:!<. : ,,~k-J~ l;NCUMij.~rf~ ?F'T'RU~TEST~TE. .
.· N_ote:'Th~ time t~' d·~ter~ine thi. fe~-~~~t~gg~·?t·":1~·
th~ fees _of the trustee is w~en J\~~les. o<ft1falmfq.r r-l .. · ;r~{f?O.u.rt'fa!' !~.-j~risdidi~n.

the same. (Tuason· .v..... Peref;CGR.~·. L-16187~. t1f:~ whet) .sJlch,. tiale W encurribrance .1s neces.sary..or.
U1~ trus.t may_ o.~~·er.
the s~l.e fr ..e . '?~J:>rance of an~{ e~.t~t.e hel~ m trust
· ·
F,e bruary 27, 1963):
· · 't'':,,
.:<'\. ,... . •
"'"'"!~··;;~ · exped1~..t1t ·· I! 'f. · ·. ,. . . ·

tf!t·~ ·. l,.
• . ":.;J
'<:::::C- - ,"'-~
...... ;,/
. """"···
'':-1" '
"~1 .·~,'aifl~
~~-it-~-; ..,,.,,.,
~"'0"~·1-:r:. .
· · ... · · · · ··
· i R~qui~l\~"~j!.,i".,.;.;;r. .
· .;.. . · . . . . .
.._. . · \. . ip:r::;:";,·" · . : · . . I
· Re!mb.ur~.ementof Trustee for"i;-?(}feriset?f;.- ·. · ·· .· \ 1.·· on.Petition; · . . ·
It. IS.. a w~lt-settled rule that a·'~tee'f.'fill_. .e' .1, rr:,,zkAfter..DueNotice; aAd
re1ml:!ursed fr,om .the. trust est?te ·fC:,r ~ll·;;!JeG~~sary. .}ljJ.~;f;j;.:,:mar.ir;ig;. . . . ., .
ang reasonable expense·s (-3A-HERRERA;·su.q4,1}~--~•'il' "':-w:i·~~ .. ·. · . - .. . .
~5~)- ,;.·. .> . _· .. ~l~: .'1f/-I . · . ·. ·.
. · ·.. . Th~ Rul~~·cin s.~le·and.Encur:r,brance offrust'l;:s~ate.....
. . ,. . . . . : · · · . : · · .~tli:i.\.. .. . · . shaH conform as neiarly as may be to· the. P.fQVisions .
51;:CTJ.ON._ ~- ~~M,QVAL..O~ ·Rl(:SIGN~ll.ON OF. on Sai.e·and::Enc!.!mbrance. by:Gua.rdian~·.
·TRUSJ"E;E .....· .,- . · ·· . . . ·. . .. . ., : . . . . _.. . ... . . .
··· General ·rufe; lJ')e. trustee. is prohibited .from-
.. Requisites . · · "' 1 . .. . . . . · ·. - . · . . acquiring tlie proper.ty whether.by purchase, even in · ,
1. In ca.s~ o( resignation. of a tru.st~e... whether: . .. .. il publi~ or judicial'action, ¢itt)er·iri person or th.rough .
·appointed by the · court or ·u11der a· written· · . the mediation·-0f.anofher {CIV/L·.CODE, A1f 1491). ·
_ in~tru~ent, tie .mily. reSign his: truSt fr:it ·aPpears · .· · · ·· ·
·· . to.the c<?"urt pr.aper to allow suth :resignation; Exception: Wtie'1 tnistee is in adver~e posses~ion
.2. · In case.ofr~m.ov.al (Pet~t,loH}:·. . · . . · (Caniz.a · vs c~., G.R.· 'No .. 1.10427, FefmJ~ry -24, ·.

a. A Petition filed· by the parties benefit'ially · . · 1997J.: · . ''. · .. . . . · .

· · ,.b.._ trus~~~·; a~~ . . . ·- . ,

. c. !:!.earing. (ROG, R_ULE.. :f}~. ·s.. ec. BJ.·. .
. .. .
. .. i:t:f
~~ . · ·. os.e en. ~re
Re;:,e~e.~ ~y .the .
Y · m1mstrators
· . or Executors · . . · . : . · . . · .
. .
Accout:tts. .of trustee·s·.and guardJans· must be under
Who may petition: Parties ben.eJicjally interest~d · oath .~nd s.l:lcl'II be filed annually.. · . ·· · . .
.. 'A trustee may be removed.on the toi1o~i~g· grounds: Accoi.u-)tS of admlril~trat~rs. or . executors are not
(IE-IE). . • required to be u11der ciath and, except for'the. inl.tlal
1 ·. Insanity; . . , and ,final.submi~slon of thei.r accounis,·they .sh~fl be
2. .Remov.al appears .!;sserttjal ip the interest of the filed only 4:>n su'ch t!mes as :may be required by the
petitioners; · · court (2 R!GUERA; ~upra at,
1 ?9). .


.··. ;_-;.
--.siO!IIBl!...... lmi .. llillai.. lllE..... llmlc;lllillll
... Bllmll!il!IIDmlllllll~IZIIIEll
.. lal .. lB'IIZlmnll
.. 1111.. ISlllllllllll:III .. ~~,.

Nature of Adoption . .
. .
. .-~
- . · ' ·~
. w
'·. 1-,, ·A_o......o_.P_·-_1_10_.
_N ___.I.
Adoption isnot an adversarial proceedinq. There is ,-/ii
no· particular . -de'fendaht ·. since .the proceeding" f'
involves the status of a person, it being an action in . "\.
Governing Rules . ; . . : . .· rem (3A-HERRERA,·sup,:a at 324)... · ., . . j(~
1. ·'The'prov'il,i0nsoftheRulesofCourtonf,dopti'9n . · ·. ·· · · _· · ·. . . . _ }Ji
have 'been 'arnended by ~.A: No ..- 8552, the ·. · - -Hence .: no court. may entertain · unl~ss It has {j
Domesflc Adoption Act' c;>f1.9~8;. · · . . . jurisdlctlon, not only over _the sµbjed m,alter:. of- the --.} ,·.

·-i R.A. Ncd3043, the Inter-country Adoption Act case· and over the parties,' but also.over the res; /!';.
of 1-9-95· · . . '· . . ·· . . .. which. is the personal status of...the parties. Our.Civil ),
. 3. 'Administrative Matter'· 02-6-02.-sc. · the Rule Codeadheres to-the'ttieoiy thatjurlsdiction over the :.f{
. on oemesnc .. ~-nc;I · Inter Country:: A~option, status of a
natural person· is determined. by'':the .-_~:
·which· expressly repealed Rules 99 and 100 of . latter's nationality' :'(/J.E '7,f;=.ON · AND WI~ WA YCO,I· -~ ;,;:
.. ·the Rules of Court (A.M-6-02-SC, Sec, 25);· .' · ... ., ·. supra at _263),-.. · : . · . . . ; .. · ..... :·~ .~!~
4.: -Administrative· Matter. · 02~1-19-SC;· . -Re.: . . · · . . . . · . . .. · . -.;
. . ·.}>roposed:R,ule on'.Ci>mrriltment of-ChiJdren; · .· Adoptlon is strictly personal between-the-adopter f(J
and · · · .,. · · · · · ·· _. · .. · · and the adopted "(Teotico v. :D.~I Val, G.R. No. L-. f;:
5. · Adm:i~istrative_-Matter-:03-04-04•SC, the R~le 18753, Marc_h.26, 1~65). :. · · ·<
·. on Custody o~ .. Miriors. and .Y/rit_.of _Habe!!fa~,.,.""'.:.
. Corpus in Relation to Ct.lst~dy of Min,(?f.S?"'~-:· -,1
. · . _. · · - . · ·. . . .. . ~
~ . t:..
. ·
J· : . :
..of Adoption

. ·. ·: ,

being humane a~_d ~al_utar_y,. hold .

· .. · i:~
·.. · . .,._· ."f
~doptlon. · · .. · .. . - ,1, _,.(':"\. J:'.":'":,,,. : or-.-===Jh{ J.,nte~f~h-~d. welf~re . o~ ·_ihe_ ·_child ~o be of -f:'
The ·process of -making a child; ~tlether.;,rf;ll~et'.f.o_r _paraln~Llnf cp1:1s1detation and". are· ·des1g ned to ,1·
not. to. the ada~t~r. po~ses_s i!14{6{'JI~ ..Jne,_..ctg_~~-r.~·r-<?iiigt ~~?s: ~~ienta1. _-care,. a·h1 ..eow?ation ,tor · f
accorded to~ leg1tlmate_ch1ld:5iY.-!y~J~.chcj11 a~:·_1.Si jK' ·!-!.t'lfortu\a_te~,n~.~~-~rorph~n!:ld _ch1ldr~1r.a_n~ give_ :l\\.
proceeding in rem which ·w~ateWf!3etw,~en .t~p .al\\ -·~em th'r, pro,te~tion">~t .society- and. family m the ~
· _persons . ~ -~elationshi~ simjl~t _t? ~h~ wtiioli results . p.erson qt. the '~~~t~r::aswell ~s to ·auo:,v c~ildless :'~_
_ fro_m l139!ti~te _patern.1ty a~c!,f_.~l~ffe-1011 (In_ t~e;·Maf!~r- . ~~i?_!esJor pet~Q,!;!l>.-4\t;>_ experience ·m~ J~ys . of 'i'
of.the Adopt,on,of Stephan1f J.il1i;j'Jl.s!.0rg~·-Ga~~,.- t:(15~r.e_nth~-7od. _an~. g1v~ ~em .Jegally _a c;:~1ld· m ,J:. t'1~-.
· <3.~. No. 148311; March·_311i2001:'~\·· .·. ''. ·
· . , . : . . . . . · : . .. '·<l"': ·. ..
. _Co~oe_pt <:>f,Ad,?_P~•?-n ·. -. \\ "· ,"'""\' .. · ~\;\ .
•*. · a.
·.:. ~personaf the ~<tb,pt~dJl·r'lth~·rnanif~stat,on·-of_ tl"le1r ·:-~·
~ rra~_1/~,ent;;i1· 1n's met~- . • E_very · r~aspnabl_e__ :;·
. · efipteng·~.,e.cu,.-~ho~lcl'-t>~~s!ained 11 to pro~ote :a,n9 fulfill_ «;,i
. Ad?Ption 1s . a _iunq1c~I · act,i~~,ir~?{edrlijQI~ .·_ J.le ;(;tte;~ti§!,)el:lnsl'con:ipass1onate_object_,v_esof th~_.law ·_ E_-
wb1cf:l -cr€ates _between two_~~rsons~_-relate.n,~.. . : __,i. a.JJ!J.h}.6nsj}v.... Agfava,_ G.R .. No, · k36309;. "Jfi
sii:r,ilar.to that which res·ults.fro~ l_egitin\.~te-p te.~0et7~friber ?6, 1973)f. · . · · : · : .· Jg
.· and fillatfon'(3A-RE~_RERA, stip~-31'7<1. at sc,E··Nl··
:1·~->. j?:P · j1 · ·.. : . · · . ·, ' :J
~ffeg.tS"oft~~-o~fon:{SALT)-' , · · · · · .... _.
•• • • • • :, - • • , ••• • • •• ·;:..~ •• J~ -

'' Moption is·. a privilege., not innate -~ fl(ri_~~~ntal·,-....:.-.-~:-1~-P...<'\BP.te~S,/Shall have. reciprocal. 'rights" o(
· __ bu~ r;:it~er a right _cr_eated _by. st~t~te. _.1.t~i~i'i,&11¢ge,
wh1ctJ 1s· govern1;3d by the states -determ'1ha.t1.o'hof 1.V R J: t.,).ti)ia'fi~n-
ff J1:."'\·~\;~c~slon w,it~ouf distinQt.ioh. from.·legit)ma\~ ·.. j
· . · · . .... . · · · .'.,!;;'.
-what ·1s _fcir--the best welfare of 'the: child (Lahorrr~-=~"1'.;$'":Adopte~ will ~xercise paren\al ii:.ithorfty.';- . ··iP
Sibulo, G:R. No. 14398~, July 14," '2003): . :·· . . . · - . .3.. : Adoptee. shall be.. considered ._be'gitimate_ child bf:.··;~
· · · · . adoptedor a.II int~nt;, and p_urpo_se~; and . . ·. ·· .(
Note, on\, an· adoptloh ina~e in ,pursuan~~ ~ith the 4. ·. ·All legal Iies- between t;>io!ogic~J .par~n(s and the '.}i
. procedures laid down u_nder the Rules di) Domestic adoptee shall. be. severe~,' · gxcept . when ._,·:i
and·;, Inter-Country Adoptior;i: is. valid in· this . biological parent ..is :sp·ouse of adopter(R.A. No-. -_.;f
jurisdiction: . ··. ·. . · _ ... · . . ,.: .. :: . 8552, Secs. 16-18); · - · . _ _. · . . 'Ji·:
' •• ' • • ' • • • I • • : .;";

.ii: child by ad~i,u~n can;~t inheru·:from-~t)e ~are.rit- . ~ote: ..TKe ~d~pted sh~ll' ~emaic:dm intest~t~-h~ir.of .. i:
creditor'unless, ttr~ act of-adoption rias b~e11 _dpne in : his ·n·atural parents and ,other b!oOd f~,ll;\tives·. (PE. ,i~
sfrict accord. 'with· the. statut~·. Until this is.:d.ohe; no· .. LEON & WILWAY~O,. s.upra.aq30).. · ' .· '.0,
.-rights 'arl3-~cquir.ed oy.ihe'child'and neither:',tl')e, ..... - •' . : _·. ·. ,' . . tf
sup'p_osed adopting·-parent nor ·ac;!opted child could General-Rule: The decree of adoption shall ha',!e a__ j•'
. be 'bo~nd· .. ·.tfiereby'. Tfie bu(den of .proof . in ·retroat:tive effect from the time· of: mti p.etition ·(A.M:/"" ·
· establi'shing adoption .is upon the ·person·~laimin~ 02-.6~02-s'c, Sec. 16). · ·. · . . . , /r,
·· such relationship.· He must prove· compliance with · . . . . , . . i:..
· thei ~fatut1;1s·-relating. to adoption in t~e_jurisdlction. Exce_ption: In Tamargo v. CA,. where:a.~hild s~ot J
. where- the .adoption·qccurred (L(!zatin v. Campos, and killed another while.he was-in fhE{actual custody f~
G.R. No. L-43955-5_6,July 30,. 1979)'. of his parents, the ·Supre·nie Court re}ec,tedthe .v.ieW · {.
that, 1.1pori entry of an adoption decree relativ¢ to ttiat -.)
. :l
. ·;~


-------------------------------· --------- . -------·-··· ·- ·----------------'

~;... . : . . ; . : SAN. BEDA.LAY( ~NTRALIZED_BAR ORERA-TIONS.:. M_EMOf!YAtD 20~9. • . ... . - l'fl"lrp

f,ictilld; the adopting paren,ts sti?uld be held liabl.e for. · Exception: . It .ls ~ot ..
necessary ·if- t~~ S\Jbjec;:"t of
~-the death·caused by.the adopted onthe groun~ .that · adoption· is -deerned · as
an abandoned child, An
hhe adoption decree.should retroaet as otme date of abandoned child. is .a chili::Lw.ho. has no proper
mjling of _·petition, . the_re~r makin~·. the ~d<:>~tirig_ . parental. care or Ql:(a.rdi~r'lsh_ip,· .or Y"!°l.~s·.e p;mir:it(sf
::tp11rents; m accordance wit~. law;·llable principally. have deserted hlm/herfora period of at least three .
f/rhe $upreme Court in hC?lding thatthe retroactivlty -, (3.) continuous. months•. Which · include. foundling
f-of the decree stated by the 'law should not apply . (RA.· ·9523, · afso known as;.· An· Aqt. Re.q.uiring
fl.n·this "Case- as It, would go against the principle· · Certffication of·O{SWD to Declere a -Child Lefiafly
t~of-~icarious. ll~~l!ity' of parents (:which principle . Availa_ble_ torAaoption.eee Ptereql..{isite;or.Adoption.
~1:is premised UP.On their-children living· With them· P.rbceedings). :. .
[arid '. under . their . par~n~al ',. ~1:Jthority) . (STA.
r:t'M.A~IA,f.'~r~ons apdF.am1/y,R~1ci_t10n (2015), P.· ·.730 Subs·equen(La·ws, '·. , ; .. .
rf:fherelne_fter_STA.MAR.IA]).. ··. 1 ... P ,0 .. ~o. ·603, otherwlse. l<nown as. Child- ..and ·
t ·.. ·· '. ·. · : . . .' .· · ·. . Youth Welfare Code, .wfikti··expressly repealed
{May an' Illegitimate Child, upon _Adoption-by her authe .Civil Oode-provislons onAdopttorr, as·
f; N.atur~I·Fa,t~er, use the -S1._1rname of her. Natural amended ~y E.O, N~.-,~1;'.· · . · ,- . ·
trv,other as her Mlddle.Na_ine? . . . 2 .. R.A .. -Np • .-8.043.ori lnter.qounfty A.doptl~m;· . _
~·Ves.· In one cas"; the.'Supreme· Court al!owed the 3 .. ·An'le,nded · . l_mple"1.enfing. Rule.s __: and
[i~do.pted · child. to U$e · as. h~r: .m.iddle. name th~. Reglllath;>l)sQf R.A No. 8043:· ..-; ·. . . _ ..
{surname of,J~iological moth!:!(wf:i~ was not mar~ied..../~ · ··_4. Faroi.ly Coqe o.f th~ Phil[ppil}0s .which rep~aled.
;;-tc:dhe ,biologfoal fatherJadopter and who ·COns·en~d,/-1X. · . - . the .substa_ntive-pro.visions of P.D: No; 60_3 and ..
f-,fo. _the ad_opti'on; :This ·was allowed b-y the _S\.ipr~~~/ ~J~- · . E.q. No, :91; . · .. : · .. . . : .. :: ... - · . .< _-·
?Gourt by stating th~t_. .alth_ough th.ere i.s "? I.aw t{~tW1''/;?~. 5:. ·Family Cqurts. Act~of 1997 ,_e7t~~lishing, :i:11!1ily .
; effe9t r:io law proh1b1ts the same from be.mg don13.J(lj.J;r ·.tf.•1 t,., . ,.~.
Courts.6Jxested· with exclusive. and original .
: . the Mat~er O.! the<A~opfion-· of . StephanieAatf?~(i f;',:.!i'il~j.ll:r!sdie:{~~i)l'over .~d~ptl~n-cases;~ . : ' . ·: . ; . . ...
· Astorga Garcia, G:R No .. 148311, March;.31,.-2005).-V 1{ · 6. R:A~iflioA,:8552:othe.rvio~e k.npw,, al,,. Qpmesbc
·,. , · . .:_ ·. . . · '. (;-; .>;: .
/.i-.-~{J · Adoptio,~_&~: and ·. . ·. · . .-. . · . '. .
:· '.~on_str~9~iQn ~f. Adopti~11 ~tatt.A!1?.:1 All., t~/"J( .. 7: . lmp·1einegtif.)@. rule~·. p"rC\rn!,llgated··· ~y" .th~
,, s~ct1on~: are ~~~1gned to pr.o~e~t the,;~-esllt's!_terests· · 1~1 . , .· Suprem.eflcd~i:t: · ., .~ · .. . .. · :__ . ·
. ~f the ad_optee (3A~HE~Rl;;RA-, .~'r'a at 3J6-J:::.~ ... - r~~ . . a ... _!:!VI-HO?~:i,::19-SC •. Re: P.tQPO~ed. Rul~ o~ .
·: ·. . .:· ·:. . ·.. · . . :k-')1· ~:<11. · · ~ {tirl. . . ,JiComr._'l1tni~~t o!·Ch_1tdr~n; effective April _15·, ,. ·
lt1s settled ttiaf adoption statO~~; as:,we}C~~moi'\tw:.~ ~-;~~ . ~-;!?J.lj2~!:W:~~ -: . '· . . . : · . ·.
.- ·of procedur~ leading to ad.optio~shoyfd;l)e'.::fiber~I~ .,)1 . . b.-"1A~~Jl2iif.Q2~SC-·Rule."ori Qomestic·and.
. ··. const~(Je~ to ·?a~y·o~t the. be_nefic~\£..1:!.CPO~~f of t~e .. tJ . . . -1nt_er-C0\..\!1.tr}'.A~cij:>t!on: effectiv~.A~~us~ 22,
.·· ~dop~~n 1nst1iutioa: ~nd to-prot~c;t t~i\~dopJep ch1\d .. ;11~ ~ ·2002; ari_d ~ ,.., · , . · .. , . . _. ·
.. in the ngh~s and pnv1leg.e~ coming to 1~~-~-,9-~esulJof _,,~•··~"t•~:;,~:;).J~.IJ.!e _on ·cu~to~~, ~.f Ml~o-~·and Wn_t of
· the adopt!on ( -Repu_b/Jc .v. CA. 53-~·,(No. ~-~"1-0.....!..;...:u.tt!~>..1,.ll~-i:iabeas Corpus 11'( Relatfon to .Custody_of
: January 24; 1992). . · · i,,{ .· f_/V- · · Minors, effecti\le May·1'5, 2903;.. _.· .. ·: ·
· · ·. . · . . . . ·',i'.:.;'8 •\ . '. ; 8. R.A..NQ.9523, An act requiring certification from· .
S.imu'latidri,9fC.hild's Bjrttl in Lieu qf Actcfpfio.n· the ··. Department--·. of- .. :Social.· .Welfare: · and
, · The. mere· regiskation o.f o child in his or tier birth.
. - certificate;~~ the chi id of.th~ supposed. parents is n9t
.' a val.id adop~on, do·es not confer upori"tl'ie child the
for adoption. · < ·' ·: · ·_: ·:. ·
Devefopment tq_declare a child Jeg·a11y:ava.ilabte

·9, R;A 11222, .Ari Act· Allo~rig -the F:foctifi~tit:m.of·

: ·
. .status· ·()f 'an. adopted· ch.I.Id .and the. 1e·g~I .. righ~ of_ · Simulated· . Birth,.· Re.cord~:.: anq ., Pre~cribing_'
.. such_ child, and ev~n amounts to simulation ·of t_he . · :Administrative·. Adoption P.ro~ee_dings. ·for the
. · ~ljild's pirth or falsffica.tioo ·of. his· or'·. ·her . birth Purpose. ·
·_-certificate,which is a pub.lie d6cument (Badua, v. CA, . ·. ·: . .· ~ · · . . . . . ·.
G.R: No .. 10;>625; January·24, 1994):_ . Pfpcedur.e: The wh.ole adeption':proces;; .involv.es .
two phases_:,- . . . . . . • .. . . ·. .. . . . . ..
' , 1~/.~fte~ Co·n~e~.t 6ft~e. Biologl~~I Parent~. , . : 1. First ph:fae:. tt,e.adfl'11nlstrati-ie:phase which is .
.. Gener.:iJ. Rule:. Ttie written consent of the ·bfological · dorte .by the QSWQ. The.."adininist~ative -phase: ·
· . parents. is indispe11sab.1:e for the· validiiy of a decree· . ends wheli tlfo DSWO is.sues .a Certification that
of aooption, . . a child i$,. le"gally. available .for ·a~option:··_fhis '
ph~s.e ·is _govemetj by· tbE! ·.provisions '.pf R.A.
fhe ·natu·~al rig_t:it"ota' par~nt t.o his child ·requirei., that . No.9523 (STA MARIA, sUpra at
710).. . . . .
· ·his consent must. be o~tained before his· parental
. rights .. and d1.dies . may .be. terminated . and . re- . 2. Second phase: tiiejudlcia~ phase wh.ich is done
estaolish·ed . i1:i ·acJopti.ve parents. (Diwata Ramos. by the proper family court. whlct\ will fin~lly issue
Lahdingin v. Republic,,G.R. No. 164.948, June·· 27, the decre~. ·
200(5). . . .



S·P.ECIAL . .'PR:Q_C.EED ,· N·G·s

. , . I . .. . ': ...

. ADOPTION ......

. (See's. -1 :25: A.M. No.' 02-6~0,2)

Procedure for: Domestic.Adoption ·und.e.rA.M.' .
: ... No. 02-6-02-SC(PbRHTA). . · :: . . .
. . . ·.·.
. .· ~


A ..

6. Has · Not been convicted of any. crime.

in'vol.vingmoral turpitude; and ..



. .
. c. Any-Guardia~ (TC),·· . "A ~hild. legally available foradoptlon" . ·
1 .. After Iermination of the guarp(anship, It' refers to' a 'chjld io.'wi:tose favor a .certification was .'
. withrespect to the ward;·a'rid Issued: by the DSWD that-he/she is:legally available ·
2'.. Clearance . of -'his/her .. financial toi:.a_doption after the fact of.abandonmentor rreglect ...
acc01..intabilities-.(A.M. No, 02-6_..02~SC; has been proven through thesubmission otpertlnent :
Sec. 4). · · documents, or one who was .voluntarily committed
. by his/her. parent(s) or · 1egal guardian . (R,A No,
.. Joint Adoption~of Spo-~ses:.'. · · .... ~523,·._sec.'2). - : . : . . : · . ·_ .. · : . -._
· General rule; Husband and wife· shall jointly adopt. . · .
· (A.Ni. No. 02-f>:02-SC,·Sec. '4). . ., .·. ·_· . _. . · T~.o'i.iyays to Commit a C~ild:. .
· l. ·: AdministrativeJ,Volu~taiy -· In ;this· case,'·.the .
This ~i~ in: consonance ·;ith the· concept . 'of Joint .. < . . . parent · ~r gua.rqian -of the · ·child 'voluntarily ·.
· · p?re'tita~ authority over the child_;· wtii~tJ Is the. ideal cornmltted ,., him to the' DSW.D or .'.any _'duly · -
situation. As'.the child to· be. adopted is elevated ·to licensed child placement or child caring.agency. · .
the _level. of ac'iegitimate child; ·it is· but -naiurai.to. The c_hilcf. must be surrendered in writing. Such
require ·.the spouses- to _'adQ_pt.joir:itly. The--rule- also written instrument must b~· notarizedand ·signed
·. insures harmonybetween .tt,e spouses: (RfJpublic·v. in the presence· of an authorized representative
- Toledano, G.R. No. 94.14.7! June IJ,_' 199_4)."" . . · .of the department · ;;iffer ..courisellnq has :beeri
. -·:' .. . .. . . .: made lo· enoouraqe the, parents· to k~ep. the·
Exqeptions:· (Ll$) . '. , · . . . . . . : .,-'r)· - : chil~. ·. · . . ·: . . . , . : . -. .
. 1.., ()ne SP<?USe seeks fo 'adopt ~he..b_egitimate-.cWJ.At/}l .. 2._ .~µd!f?laiJhi~oluntary·- The.parents, 1:<now~·or.-
. - · of on~ spouse by the ot~_er spouse; .. ::·_· .·. /"t~J.lf~t?>.~ · unk~own.• hav~_~eeh per11J~nentlyandju9iclally- _.
2: One spouse. seeks . to adopt his/her. 1(?!'ii:!r;.?!:).i}- degnved of parental authority over t~e child due
. !!legitimate qhild _'with; th~- consent.9f -~e_ o'tf.irt)i'.~· ~ '}:1-;.-~o ab~r;i9or:rinent;_. su~staotia!; . corit\nuous. or .
spbus13, · pro~idE?d,. h?"Yeve_r, .that fh;r·?'ih%·::::~4~,;,~~0r1Rp~,t.~.91tp.egl,ect and abuse;_ o~_Jr:ico_mpete,:tce_.tq
spow;e has ~1gn1fjed 1)1'." con~ent th_~et.9;/or, . b ~~-t · . "a1.seJ1ar~.i...pare':!~I· resp,ons1b1ht!E;!S (:4.~.. 02-6~
3. ·1f the spo,uses are le~aJly.§eparat~~Mrom .eac,b.;r-t Sel'
-02, 11..Follow
3J the procedure irr Proposed·
oth~r _(~.M.·"!~--0~-6-02-,SC1~8_!!Jc'.~~f.1 ~- . -;:"-:-. ; .\· . Rul~ .o: ~P)r~i_tment_of C~iltjr~~ (A':''02-·1.-19-. ;
· . -· . ~ , ._ .. d.-p'§:if-...,.-:f._ · · p·l. . · · S.C).u d_~ SP,,.ee:1al laws. . . . . . . . . !
lo . C?Se husband . and ·Y1(fe ·-j~~t1y adpfg't~F Ol'Jf_ il'-~ . . /- · ~ ·::'\ .. · .. · · ·;_: · . - ·· · · i
. spou~.e adopts.!~~-illegitimat~;~~lP of~e-~fher,;Join~ ,..-,1._- SECTr<J~}EN~e-. . . . .. ·_.. . . . . . ·.. _.. I.
parental authority shall _be Eil?<8ftJsed:~:!J;l'et~~po~~~ ·
(AM.-No._02-6-'02-SC,•Sec, 4):,;°" ?(;',~,- 1-·., r;.
¥,~f · ·~vi)i:i}.i.~~t~;ilY ' · · ·. · .-.
fi,'.{ The. petiti_o:~~:.aai;>ption sl"!all be .fil~d with the .

· - · . -· -. _.. . . ·. --~,.,./'<(·. ·f' ·1N .Family ·Court of-the' province o~ city wber~· tl'Je
SE_CTIO~5. VV~O MAY,BE _ADC?.PliE,0 . ))_ ' ·. ~'{_,_..:p,J:9,~pec~ve.addptiy~ parents reside (AM.' No. ,0?.-6:;
.(BC-RIL':--0) . ·· . · tJ~. · __ --~1::~':.p._~~~/r,t~'?.--6).
.. - . .- · . .. · · · -.- .
. 1. A Child whose -~iol~gical. ~r- a~:~~~e'~(a7~~~-;-r~-:;~.~~~~;~~~~ C~NTENTS.OF THE ·f>ET.ITrON... · .. :
· _ have died,_-l:1ut no pro~eedi_ntirslia1K.t>tm~i.ated__ . . .· · . · . ·. .
· ·within 6 .mohths from the time.of deatli of said· The .petiti'on.$h~1i be :verifi~d'~nd specifi~lly st~t~ at
parents;. . . ·-. . . . . . the. ti~?c!infL.Of the. initiat!)ry-ple~diR'g' ·Wheth'er .the· ...
2. Any person beiow 18 yec;1rs 9f age who has been- petition contqins ari app_lication for chang¢ ofname,
vofunt~:i'rily ~omrrmte~f· to tne D$.VVD 'under r~ct!fication of - -.sfrnulated·..... birttf, . ·yolurit~·ry or
. . · Articles 154, 15$; an·d· 156· ·at- P'.O: No.-. 603' .or. ·. irivoluntary·c;on:i,:nifmentcitchildren, or de~l~_i'pJjon~f ·
· .. Judlcidlly declareif l;lvai_lable 'for' ~doptibn; . .. . child ~s abaridoneg/ depei:,de·nt or r:ie.glecf~d· (A.M: ·
3. A child· WJl.ose ·adoptioir 'has bee·n previously . No.' 0~,.6-02-SC,·Sec. 7): . , ·
. . ' . Rescinded; · .. . · .. · .. . - . · . · . . - . . . . . "' . . · ·
4. ~~ ·1ii~gitirrrate chila,' by _-c,l qualified adopter ·to . 'A. certificat_i~n . -0C n9n-foi-um. ·shopping' 'shall ~e
raise . th'e status.. of the' former . to that' of jncJu:~eo pur.:,ua'nt.tQ '§e.ctiOl'.1· 5,' Rule 7 ·of:tljEf .1997
.. legit.i(!lacy,;_· . -'. ·. / . ; . · .. .. . . · · · · . · · · , . Rult;is- of. Civi~ Prqcedure (AM. No. Qi-6-02-SC;·Sec.· .
5. The .b_egitirn.at~ ctil.lq o{ c;me spou.se, by_the,other · .· 7), · ·· · . . · .. ..: . · _-: ... --. · .. ·. .. · · ·,
spouse; and - · ' .• · · · : ·. · .
6. 'A -p~rson"of 1,eg~t · ag'e-rega_rdless_·of civil status, P.etition·for Ad.option not Limit~d to.Qoestions of .
if, prior to 'the adoption; said. person has been . .Adoption Only · · .-· · · . - ·
consistently co~sidered :and treat~d- tiy the ·fhe pefition may specifically state at the heai:liog of
adopters__a·s their own ·child since· mj_nority;and . the .initiatory :pleading whether·th~ .petition c1::mtalns
· 7: A child not Qtherwise disqualified by law c;>r the. an ap'plicatiori fot a change of. name; rectification of
·,· rules· (A.M. No.. 02-6-02-SC, Si:tc. 5). slmurated birth, voluniar.y'or inyo1untary,commitnien't
of ·children. or declaration of child as. aband0riec:t,' ·
depen:dent, or' neQlected, ·..


- .....
"11-il-is+t . E ff -: - M .4 &_ ¥4A . @Gt·;·.-?~~

Ail Petitions Shall , Allege th~ Jurisdictional 4 ... That th.e Department,child-placement 'or chijd_·, _i{
Facts: . · . • · · . . caring agency_is authorized to giv.e its consent· ·
. 1. The· first name, surname .or names; age. and. . (A.M. No. 02-6-02-SC, Sec. 9]). . .:,.
· .. re~ide·~ce of the adoptee as shown 'by his record · "·
· of .birth, baptismal,' ot.foundltnq certificate. and Note: "Foul')dling" :. refer~ to · ·~ deserted . o/ :~,~
.. school records: . . . .·· abandoned infant. or: child. whose patents, -guardian ,-!,
2: That theadoptee is not disqualified qy law to be. or relatlves-are.unknown: or a childcommittedto an.'
adopted; · . · . . .. · . orphanage ;·or charttabte or .sim.ilar.-itlstitution- with:
3 ... The :probable value and .character of the estate u_nknown facts'of birth. and parentage and regil?tered .
. ofthe -adoptee: and· · . · · . . in the Civil Reqlster as a "foundling·:" .(A.M. No. 02-6- .:
,( Thi=l' first name, surname or· names'by which the. 02-SC, · Se,c>3{e}).·: · . · . .
. adoptee Is· to be known and r.egisjered in the
.Civil Registry '(AM. No. 02-6-02~SC, Set:.. 7). · . Ab,andoned ..Chil.d .refers to -,a child wh,o has ii~·<
proper parental care '<i guardianship, or. whose )~
. · .C6ntents· . of- the Petltion. Dep~·nding· on . the ·. par~nt(~.) have ~!"lsirted hinit~er .for ~: period of at·/~
·circumstanc_es: · Jeast three (3)'c{:intinuou~:..months; which'iricludes··a \t
. ·.· .· . . foundling__'(R,A.,-Ni,. 952{3, Sec'~);__ .. · . ·". ,'. :(vr'
A. ·1(the· adopterIs a Filipino cltlzen:.. · Ab d · ·t .. . .. . · · . ._· ;i\
·-1.' The petition. shall allege the jurisdictionaL · : ·. .an· o~men . · .· ·. . · . ;:i;•
facts; and. '. ·. . ·.·
2, ·rtiat the petitioner is LPG-C.dNE.f~See ~ J ffii-!J'J.JW?~ro.~

; . biscus$iOn on Section .4(A1/.'<.Wlq~:Nf~Y.,,,.;.;._~J:,~\,c:k,ed!,~9S,r,f~pra

sense,. 11 means !q'forsak~_entir~ly, ~o _; {f
at_3~1).:<.. .· . '. ·
(3A_-HER_RERA,_ .. Special ·';!,;
Ad t) AM N 02 02 s,J! s· "' '·.,:7.t7-? e_,,.,--- ,:~ . .. .
ii:' ·

. . ~p ; . .: . _o. : ~6-.• >~C
. refe~lice}dap~[_ldOn~~n~of a child. b~ his_ parenti )1

· · . .. tf ~,l·.?' ~c$""'"': · ffl~t o~b~do~l\!entimports any conduct of the '-;,

B. __ ·I~ the_A~op,t~rIS an Alle~,.,,Q"') /. (: :. : 10 . "t7fitr.ent a~hic'!\e1ir.i'.c\;l$. settlecj_purpose to .forego all · .>(
1.. Th1?.:P.et_it1on: shall. a~ege 1bt·J!-m~d1cllonal · .~C. -pare!l~;~dutie~,gnd;c,_etinquish'alfparentaJ. i::l?ims·to .
. ,ac1s. .. ... · ,r, . 11 _. L.:.... 11 '!'°"o1hlh~g1,ect omfusa11o_penonn th•
. _2 .. That th~ pebt1on-1s 5i~D~'1!fSef!·D_fcas~'!;.!;- l~f ~J.':!.~aljnd.Je~j~1,.9J:;l.ligations·of care and :support, ·
· on Section 4(8)- .l,1.,'. o-4.;iarfld.opt), ~.m~2 l~J ~y,.ir.ildh p :ents o\~· th:'li~children-(Cang v: CA, G.R. . '!:
02-a-02~sc, se_c. 7£ 1);e_{'"~- . . .;.. \. ·· tJf;.f&.r-iff.iilflil1'05· o~ ~epf~ffi1JJl.l2s._;199a;:· ... · , '.. :J
· . · . ~ l..4 \!:. · · (~\ ly:;) N
· . ~~:~ . J. , : . · .
· ·,··.~
_c._ If .the A~opter is the ,e.g~t)q,ua.fdJ~~~f'ffie;m . Jiifiysjpa~ti:an.~-m~~t.faiohe,"WithOU!financial'and ~~,
, Adopt~~:· . . ·t U -\. -~--~~'-L~ ~o liirt10 ;. 1s not~antamount to abandonment $,
. :The 1;>et1_tron shall.allege T'f (Se$_i;Qtsc $J'br-(t':)_tF~ --~'(;;. KV. CA· G.R.. )!lo. 1053.08, September 25; · J,
_Section 4(C):.... Who· Maylt.~opt);A'f"14_.-No ....().'2.t[,,l_/if · ;f. . y..:. , .
. _ ·. . . .. J,
02-S,C, -Sec. -7{3]). · '\ ·· '· ~S~ - \. ~ f . .. y/
. · ·. :- · -- J
. · · ', ;, ;:~otpe9Ei'en~chiistf'refersto one who is without a . !C
D. If the Adopter is _Ma°rried: · . \~ ../_9_,t··{:~~~at~'t~·~¥d)~,pr custodlar:i ?~. <?ne· whqs~ ·parents,. · :t
" The ~~o~se shall be a co-petitione.r t0r<l:5int -1~- /{
~~r~~..o,.~eft~er·cus_tocliao_forgood·cause d_esires_. f
·a9option except under the. gr.ounds~at~.a _in _ vl/io~1?.,~.,1"~11eved· of his car.e and pusto.dy · and is . -~'&
; . Sec. 4 (A.M.-N,o: 02-6~02-.SC,Sec. 7(4]). "'=·~~pendent:uponthe public· for supp:ort (AM. 'No. 02- . -:;;.'
. . . . .. 6-(J:4-SC, Sf1q:3{g]). ·. :. .. . . . 'f
, ):. if tli.e ~d?!lt~Ed~ ·a FoJnd!i°ng:· · . · . . . · · .· , . · . ·-;t~
. The petition shallalJegethe entries which.should Neglect~c;fCllil~ refersto~:child wt,pse basic.n~eds .;;J}.
. ·. appe,a.r :in· his. birth certificate, such :as ~ame: :of · '· ha;ve :bee.11. d.eliberatelY;,1,JAatten.de<! or inadeq:Uately ..,'::;;;
: . child, date of birth, :place ·of b.i.rth; 'jf.kF16Wn;· sex; attended. ~.within . a period of- \hree. ($f ·can~iQl,IOUS' }}f'
narri.er -and-~citizenship ·01 ado.ptive mother· an·d. -~'. . · -moriths. Neglect m·ay occ;:ur'in two. (2) ways:.·.: . . :}
. father,. and.the date arid place·:offt)eir marriag~ · · F.: There is. physical .neglect wher) the. child .is \J,
.: (AM,. No. 02~6-02-Sq, Sec. 7(1]).. · malr:iourii,hed, . ill-i,lad, · ~nd. without .proper .)1
shelter. · A child is urjatterided when.· left by )~'
Uncle~ S~~;'g; .the ·p~titlo~ Sh~IL als~ All~gei-.. · hi'~seJffherself without-prope~. provisions and/or .iJ;
with?ut:proper- s~pervisiQ-1); or:· . . .·. . . . .. l··
'.J. The· fac;~s. showing,.that tne child is a •foundling,
·ahandoned; d~perident; or
neglected; ·
2 .. The names of the-parents, if known, .arid their
2. There. IS ·emc;>tional... negl~c.t when· th~ ·chil\'.I is ~t
maltreated, raped, : seduced;: . -exploited, ,G:
·residei:tce. If tt:ie child has no kno~n. or living ov_erworked;'or made to wor~ under conditions .·5,
paren_ts., tl)en the :na'.me p[ld resitj'ence . bf the .riot conducive.to 9009 health; or is made to·bt3g · .".'.!'
guardian, if any; . . . . in the stre~ts or pu,blic places; or.when children '•t
3'. . The,. name of the duly licens~<;I child~pJacement- are i,n mo~I · dao9er,. or. expose~ to gambling; };
agency or indiviQual under who·se care· the child : prostitution,. ·and otner vices. (RA No:· 9q23, )i
Sec.. 2). · ··--:,p
· is in custody; and· · . ~


·SPEC:fA·L· :pRC);C.EED.i'NGs: .
. ....,, ..... ·sAN.Bf.£>A'LAW·CENT-IIALIZEDBAA 0P£'Mr10Ns·- MEMORY.AID.20·,9.
· •·
- F. · 1f the Petition Pray;. for a .Change of Name: . placemerit.aqency, child-caring agency, or
. The ·petition ·sha·II state ·tlie cause ·or. reason for . the . proper . govemm'ent instrumentality
the ·ch.ange of name. (f!.:M. No: 02~-02-SCi .Sec:. which has legal custody of the child;' . · ·.
7[6J). ' . 3. . The legitimate and adopted ~hildren"·of the ·.
-adopter andof the .adoptee, if any, who are
·Unde't Sec. 10,· the tltleor caption must contain: teri {.10) years .of age 'orover: · ·
.1. · The· registered·name of. the· chifc;I;. . · -, . 4-; The. !11.egitimafe children of · the adopter'
2. ~1i8ses -or other names by Which. tha.child has. ,. · :liVing .wlth. hlm. .who are ten (10)' years. of .·
been known;·and .~ ·· . . . . . ·.- aqe.or over; Md .. ··.
~-: The full' name by whlchttie-chlld -l's to.be known: · · ·· 5 .' · The '.§.pouse,. if any, of ·the adopter or
(AM,: f'l_o: 02.-6-(J.2~S9, ~ec. 7f10]), , .. : .' : · : _) .: . adoptee ..· _'.; · .. · ..

.. SE~Tk>N a RECTIFiCATmN oi= s'1r,1uLATEJi ..

N'ote:·.The·:written·corisent of th~'biologicai·pare~ts ..
.. BIRTH. ·.' · : · · · · is. Indispensable for the .valldltyof the decree of ..
'.:- ·..:. ·.
·. • . . .
adoption.}Lalidingi'! .v._ Republic, G.R. No. 161,948,
In case. the· petition also.rseeks rectlflcation ~f a Jtin.e 27; 2.006). . '·. ·
.. ..
. : simulation of birth, it.sha,U alleqe 'that: (APB'C)) ., ... . . :~ . . ..
1. · Petitiori,er :is ··-~pplying · 'fpr recnflcanon .. of a : .Parentaf C.on·~e.nt 'Required by:Law. in· Adopti~·i1.
· slrnulated birth; · · . . : · · · . · :_.. ·, ·. · R~fers to' Parents'. v.,h_o., have not. Abanqo.ned
: 2. ··1:'hE(si!TI!Jlatio~ _of· birth was made. f.rior 'to .the~:\ .: · ~.tlei,r.,Pl:tild:·J\cc9rdingly, one whom s~ch_;ch_ild.was
:date.. of_.effectiv1ty of,. ·~.A }lo., 8552, an~·.. !~f,i/'f ·. ?1ve~; l>X ._hi~ "'!1<?th~r. v.:ho _doe~ not w1sti . to be.
, · apph1::at1on .for r.ect1fica110.n Qf .· the.. ·#k~~:1.);;~··.
1de~tlfie.~.1s considered ~he·guard1al') of·th~ child and
: · registrati.on and th~:1peti.tion for adoption vtfi'.t';i,·\}~) ca.n ~i:V~,V{llid:cors.entto the i;:t,ilq'_~ _adoption, as;said ·
. filed witt_lin Vve (S') .years from s·aid d.ate; · .. , . hf,;1>·'.·"- ~ ,....F.ti.lL~- is co~,1sid~red as .a.bandhned. (Dun<?an'v.' .CF/
3 . .T.he petitioner made the 'simu[ation~_of. ~Ji fQ!' ~ff,~::;.;:Eii~_g£0G.4'<Nrf.'L-:30576, Pepruaiy 10, 1976). .
)' the !!esl'interests of the adopte.~ a.n.1:{9-;,,· - ? IJ .
~l:llJ~~.- .. · . - . · · · ,
. 4. The adopte.e .has been co,nsister:it1fct>psis:ler~rtl:f~ Never.theles1s1~1·the ,requirement of written cons·ent

and. t~eated: by petitioner as his ~Y'i.Q,.ChildJ~#~Y~
No. 02-6~02~S(;; Sec-.8). · . _ •;1:3--11:· F';p,
· - : ,._. ·· · .. ., · , . ·.,.tf1P'' .. :
."tt"-b:<'. ·~ ·
r~! .
· · c~n 'be.dis,~erjli·witl:i if the parent ·has· abaridone~
the clJil~ 91t t~at. 4ch .Parent i~ )nsane or hop~lessly.
il!A .lntemper-iite,.M pr ¥.ided '·tl)at :suffic·ie·nt· facts are

c(vil regi.stl}' to make it appe~,CiJin :tjclEf·Qli:t~,)recAf~~

.. ttiat·a certain child.was born to'\t_Per~or:i·W~ols.<ff'o.\... 11. 1998). "''-'1:~&_i;!::,$''· ·. · ·.
.. Note: ~Simul31ti<>i:t· of birth_" isj1P? tar_n·p,~i:_iriij-Ofthi'\. ~!'.t alleged,.fn th~pet~fipn in_qr.der to warrant exemption .
.··,[;.; (Can'g;)9fi.:''1i:J~'[i13'f~o. 105308,_ Sept(!mber- 25,
· . · ·
'" h)S biolo~ical .i:nother, thus causing~;t;!g!f,cMfd}?lo~) .: ·':~.. " . .' . . . . . . . : .· .. ·.· . :... : . , .
his true identity c;'lf\c! status' (A,M. N,o.l 02-f,02-SC, · ~fi1t1f
,:;if.hd.d Studr Report ?fl' the adopt.e.e and his
.· Sec. 3[5]). · . . t),:.. .::-'. .7 · · . _}st/'i•~j'?!.~Ji;il~icalp~rents; ·. ..· . ·.
· .· ·· · ·. lit'·~~ .. ·. .,..A.~__i.;~....,.:....41.~ut'l.~·'~ ·. _ ·. ·
~EClJc,>N' ~.· ADOPTION Ci= A':i=ou'~p.LIN~i~~N·, . . ·Ncite;'·."Child_.~~l;JdY R'eport·:~efers, to a. study
. ·ABANDONED,· DEPEND.ENT OR NJ;..GL!i_§:TEQ . . · . mad~ by'_th~ _court social wci.r.ker of tlJ~. child's
.CHil:.D ·. · , · · · · · --~ · · . ·. · ·1egi:il ·status; placement history, _psychological;·
.. social; .. spiritual, 'me<;lical, . ethr:io-cultural'·
(see n.oti:tsunder Sec .. 7)" ., ~ackgro4nd and that 'of: 'his biqlogiea1: family
?, . , , neeoed· . in. determining the·. inost appropriafe .
.SECT!ON 10. CHAN.GE OF NAME : . place'rtient'forhiin (AM. No. 02-:-6:02:SC, ·sec: ..
: .. $(q]).' < ••• •

(see notes ciiid'e~:sec.r)" :

.. ·,-: o·; . If t~e ·.P~titione~ is· ~n'aiien,
. .. . ;·i .ANN.EXES-T~·THE P~Th"ION~
. . . .·
~er.titication by his.
diplornatic :or . consular office· \ or anY.
• ·: .·. .. ·:. . I . apprqpriii~e.go~ernment agency ~hat be:has .the
. The following documents shall be attached to the .. leg·ai cap_acityto' adopt iri ,tiis country.and that his
. . petitioh:;(BA6~-HD) . . . . . ·. . . . . .gover.nment .allows the. adoptee· to.·enter. his
A. '..§.i.rtti, bapti.smal cwfoundling certificate, a§> . ' country ,as' hfs o~n adopted( child Lin.less
the case: may b~,,· ·and SChOOl'TeOQrds ..ShOWing . .exempted under Sec. 4, par.2~ofA:M. -No. ·02.:6-
the· na~e, age, and re~idence of the adoplee; ... ·. ··02; ... .- · . . ·. . ,: -. . ·'

~.' ·Affidavit of consent of the following: (A!3C.ISJ · . E .. .tJ.ome ·study· Re.port· on the. adopters. "If. the.
. 1 . .'The Adoptee, if tea ..(10) year_s.. of ·age or ' . adi;,pter· is ... a.~ ·alien' or rel:;iding abrqad. but· ·
over· · · qualified to adopt, the home. study report by a·
2. ::Th~ ..~iological parehts of the. crnd; it ·foreign· adoption agency duly accredited·.by the
·known~ or the·legal guardian, or the child·. · ~nter-Country.Adqption. Board;' i:ind


---------------------------------------- ..- ..
. ·sA'N'BEDA u,w CENTRAL!zm BAR _oPERArioNs - MEMOR\'.' AID 2019.. . ·• .:Jt
:Note:, "l::fonie·. Study Report''. refers
made. by : the co.urt "social: workeriof. the
to. a. study Role of the Solicitor·Generfl,1:. When the petition
includes a prayer _for_~hange of name, notice to the .tr;;.
motivation· and capacity' 'of· ttie ·prospective · . Solicitor General· is. -mandatory to· protect the·'.-~-?
. adoptive parents to provide a ~home that meets interests of the St~te. On othermatters, the -courts·:·1f
the needs. of a. child, (A.M. .No. 02-6-.02-SC, .: are given discretion to decide whether such notie~ .:·}/·
Sec.3[p)).' · · .· . . ·· . . -, shoulo beqiven (JA-H~RRERA,:suprij_at 347) . . ·:·· ..>~
· v,: 2. ·child & Horne Study R.eports. ; . . ... · ..
F. Qec~e~· . a~· an~~_ilJ;lent,. 'iiu!llty;. :o~ !~gal The··social.worker·v.~_rifie~··'"'(ith0the Civil Registry the.·
separation of tl'1.e. adopter as '"'(ell as that of the reat identity and shall ·verify the registered'name of .~,,

.. blotoqlca! parents of the adoptee, if any.:
. · . . . . . .
adoptee and the 'Iactthat'he. is legaily avallabio for'
. adoption. If the adoptee's birth, wa_s·.hot..registered, ·. }:..
· SECTIONS 12..16.·P~OCEDURI:: · the -social worker shall_-register the adoptee and.<}
, .. . -secure a certificate -of foundllnq .or -late. reglstr~U6.n··..}~
:1 ... OrderofHearinq . .. .. (A.M. No.. 02-~02, Sec, 13). · .. : .. - . : . . .... .-·~
·. . . a, · If the petitlon and· attachments are sufficient ' . . ·· · . · · .· . ' . . · . ·- . ·. · :.f
·in fo.rtn and substance: the court shall- issue · The social worker. shall make .recomm~ndations·to/}'
an order; ..' · ·. .' · · · the 'court if he. flnds some grounds to deny the-: ' .~
.b: _: lt.mlt$fbtFptibi'ished··at teast once ·(1) a_· .. . petition(AM. 'No. 02~6.~0,?, Sec.. 13).,. · · ·, :,_ .. ·. :-.~:
. week for triree (3) successive wee~s- i~!!J~==e·- . · · ·. · .. · ·-' , · . . · . :_ )~
_.p_r~vin_ce·_or ci~ \A/h~re·t~e court i~ljitrnited; ,r · 1_. i(h'1-:s-o~I ~orker'st")all es~bhsh.that: :. . . ·. . )
c .. A!:the'dlsc_ret,.on.nf"the .co.urt, ~les ~f~the l ..J J:-\.jT'rje ~!l~ls le_ga~ly_aya1lab_le fo_r a_dopt10!);. ~f
order of neanng shall i·e · :L#nl~h~ .lo ).e~=~-l,,.-.Jlhe·~~u~11ts1n ~upport thereof i:lr~ vahd and.\(;;
o:ffice. of. the Solfcit9"r ·.Ge. ~fa! ti\r-ciu€ilfthe__ : ..._a"l:J!t:!e:1t19-y~'()., · · : · _:. , . · . . . ··,. ·. · ~ ;~,
· ·provingial_or city j?rosec _tor,""t~E#p§yvp,-ana 'R; "C'.·-,.14.~~o~ert!a,s smc~re intentions towards,the. ·.,:-
the bioldgi,c:al ·paren~i Rf('l:~ifadr'ptee, Tiifi ,j(' W" ado_~te~~-~,piJ' . . . . . . •, . . . . . ~t
known; · . . II · ·"'YLf . . . . ~ ;>- ,~\.· Th7\a?OP\~n shal.~mureto the best m~e~es.ts_of . -1 ·.
d.·. If a change _m the nA01.P,..o~the~- op~~
m: ff·
"'L _l_?e.chrld. '~{J.'f) ,.

l ..
· .. :.
. · . ·. . . . ·}

·ai·. · .
-. p_ra~~<;l for th~_ii>ejjl_101J;,·~ot1c tq_},!;\,.,i=:. _2.n. casEi an. a\e11,9~~ pter, the home· study report ·-~
. · .Sol1c1tor Ger,e'ral st'iatffartr{jandato y. ~ A .. '-\ ~iii_us, show·:t~!l't:
·- . ·. : · . ~ €~ ~. -· . . ~W,1·::; · Toeradopter1ras0llgt'l.b.;ipac_ityto ad6pt·and. --·-~•
. Content~ of Order:. : :q ~ ·. ,:=-gb. Hi~!i~m-~~nt·aiiffs the_ ad;opt~ to·enter his· t
1 .. Adppte_e's· . ~eg,st~ret;l t,11a~ 1 in ~1f . :\ b1rthg1 '1 s;:11 co tcr.?s .ffi..1s~opt~d ch1lcf~1n--.the· a.b~ence of · .. t~
. certificat~, and·the n~m~\·lfy wh' 9h tit \a..ij~te~ ·\-i.~f~iert1ficj1tion. r~€Juired · under Sec.: l[b},.R.A. ,-~--
. ·has b~en known (to be st~~fl in t~i'. cap~loh')~~ I · · ~~~:t;l..f•·l:i552;f(A.M:~8.. 02-6-02, .Se.c.13). · . · .J·
2. Petition's purpose; ..' \_ · ; : , · -'~:5_;;p, . . . / j( . · . · , . ·· · · . :'
3. ·co':!pl~!e narne_wh1ch_the ai:J~tee-wtitiµs ·_·n~lET 1·1~·~>· e,r.!ng ,.f'. -- · ... ·. ·_: · - ·;
pelitl?.11 1s· granted; : . ..· ;.~~ -..I'~;~-~ta'f?::2,9,,s~t1~\~.~o~,:pr?o~ th~t ~he.or'd~r ?f heanng_has . /
4. _.Date and·plat:e of'heanng {w1th_1n-~ffi~i}-gy~orrr"'"'""'""·='~?A\~-r.lt;>~~0,fcf<a~d J!.Jnsd_ictronalrequirements·flave . ~
the dat.e-c;>f the orde(~- issuance, e~.Q~ t~ _g_~se, ... _r\.A j~.ell'b-~~~hed w1~h, th.~..<~~urt·sh~II proceed. to ·t)ear -j
~f application for change of 11ame wh1ch~a~---.::.,L !!!~pet1{1on. The p!3titioner and th.e adoptee_ m!-Jst · .•-··
must not ba within 4-r,,onths after la~t publication-·=p~rsonally~ppea.r and the former must testify·before ·
. of thEf notice 11or.wJthin ·30· days prior to eJectiOn); . . the. presidin(J_judge or the· ~ourt on:tt)e .date S~.t fof /
S: .Oirectl.ve·to -'the: .'so'cial 'worker to prepare and· hearing (A.M. No.. ,02~~02, Sec. 14): · . : . . ·.,.
submitchiltj- ~·ncr.home study'reports b~fore the .. . .. . . . ·. . ._. .·. . ·.-~--.- •. . .. :. _. :· ... .. . . . . ... Jr
. tie~rir:ig,' if-such. rE!ports were not .attactiecHo the The .cour.t shall verify from_ the' soC?i!:11 _w9rker. ar_ld \!i
petition que to \.mavai_l.ab_ifjtyat ~he time ·of th.e determine whether- the ·bic;>loglcal parent ·has _b~,eh·. )i:
.. ·filing; and··:··. - ·. · ·. ·.. . · . properly couns·eled·agairist making ·hasly _decisions.- ~i
6. . Dir~ti\ie to the soc_ial . worker .. to . conduct CQUsed. by strain ot · an~iety to ·give \Jj). the child; )~
:c.oun~eHng..sessiop~ with the. biological"f>arents ensure thi:it ·!'ill measures 'to' strepgthe1\ tt:ie "family).::,
. an~ te sub.niit .a report before the· hearing (AM. have . lieeri . exhauste&,_. arid asc.ert?in· . if- any };;
· No. ·02:5-02, Sec. 12); . · prol9nged. stay of.the child. :ii.i .his o)Nn ·home: y.,in be · \~
·· · · inimical to his welfare and 1nterest. . . · · ·:-. · ..... ;~
. The ne·ces~ary.fu~isdictional requ.ir.en,ents sh~ulct be , . · . "!{.
indicated.in the petition fo"radoptiOA. J~U~,.the naine . ;~?
of the per~on to be adopfoq is that appearing ir:1 tf.te
civil·. ·registry · and· ·th·e coul't does· not". acquire
jurisdiction ifa different name is carried iri the notice
of puplication'(Crµz v, Republic, G.R: No. L~20927,
Jufy_26, 1966). _ · ·· . · ·



4: Super,vlsed Tri a• Cu;;tody . s: Decree of Addption when issued.

B_e~ore issuance of decree of adoption the court shalt· . If the court is convlnced from.the tri~I custody
giv~ th~ adopter trial custody· of. the adeptee for at; -, : : . report an.9_ the evidence presented, that the-:
least 6 months. (A.M. No: 02-6-()2, Sec. 15). . .· . . -adoptlon shall redound to tb.e best interest of the
· · . · .c~ild, an edoption decree shalt be issued -(A:M -. No.
~ote:. ;,S~pervised;-'trlal. custody" r~fers to the. ·02-6~02;- Sec.16)_ - ,.. . ·.' : . . ·· . . ·.
"periodct jlme during_ whioh asoclal worker oversees· . , · .. ." ..._, · .
the 'adjustment ·and emotlonal readiness of- both contents 'ofthe Adoptit>,:l Decree: .
adopters and: .adoptee · in: staqilizing · their, Jili°al . 1.· "Thename by which th~·child·is to be known; .·
relationship· (AM. No_-02-6-02, Sec.3).. · . · . · - 2. · 'Order to the-·Clerlc o.f Court to issue· to the .
.,.. - . . .. . . . adopter a ·c~rtificattfof.fii:laliiy upon.explration of .
·can the. ·C.6u~. R~.dµ<.e trre . Peri~d/Ex~mpt an .. .. . · . 'the fifteen :{15).:ct~y regleinenta'r'y period .withln:
Adopter from the 6-t'n.on~~ Period? . . whi.ch to appeal; ' · . · . . · · ·. ·. · . :.
Court-may reduce the period or exempt parties from .· ··3, .· Order to the adepter to submit a certified true
:Supervised Trial Custody, if, it. finds that the same .. copy of th~ deer~~ of adoption and the· certificate .
.shall befor;t11e.-best-inte·r.est·ofthe adqptee.. . .of fin~lity to .the Cjyji'.f~eglstrar·where the chitd.": ·
·. · . · · ., · . · · · was. ?rigi~a11y. regi~tered :_within. 30' da~ ...from ·.
lhe tri~i-ttistpdy'. sh~ll·-~e· m:onitored.by ·the s~cia1 receipt of the certltieate of finality;__ · ·. · . ·.
worker who. submitted .andvprepared .the·-case 4. In case,ofchange·of.nameithe·decree,sha'llbe · ..
'studi'e$. . . : ·. . . ·.. . . )-;:;) . . Sl.l?'!li~t~d fo .t_he.Q.i~H; R_e.gis.tra(~herethe ·court ·..
. · · .. . . , : · .. · · v<'./.f- iss_u_mg~thesame--ls s1t(,lat!;'3d;· and. · · : . ·.

montt,s Supen.rised Trial Custody.

. . . . . • ·· '-'' ,
General· Rule:' Alien adopter. must complete tl)'e :q"';.(-:\\_ · 5~ Order the Ci.yil'Registrar:· · '. .
, :
t-:;A :
;:;,.e-·:. :
\.! /~lli {t;J ~ .
a.· . !o ~nnotate·_on t.tie .'.3dQpfee'.s _original birth_ .
__ce_iyvcate.t~e. decree _of adOP.tlOn W_ithi.O.~0
.. ·

Exce~t.i.?i:1;Sam.a as ;~xe'!-lptions from-requir~':J}intk~H~>-.:t12})Jz-:r:.9-~,}~~rQm, r.e~eipt qf c~rtifit:~!~ or finality; . .''.

of,r_es1tlency and c;ert1f1cat1otrnnder .Sec.,:.,~\~ar.2:. ·.~ I{ . b. -lfo-1~s"uenew ~~rth c_ert'.fffate wt,1cli shall not
- _.·. . . : '· .. · ·· . · . (:r···· ,J;\.-t! · bea~~y notat)~n Jhat !t 1s new or a111e~de.d
· Temporary.·Parent<!I Aufh.ority: .1t·Js· ~rovisiona!Jy"·--··.v.•
:.vested in the adopting p~reots·durib~,ti,J··;~lll"Sd-'of r1r\..
'?: -ir,1-r
· . ·ce_r,J1~cate wh,c;I:! stial\ ·allow: registry

n~in~er~ate·oJ..reg_istrati~n. name of _child;.
-~-~ial ~u~tod_Y, ~efo_re th~ isstJ~~Ce'"of ~td~~ree
. ad~p~on, ·precisely. because111J~~?1dO,Bt1pg parents~· ·
rf~-,:~atE:t_ofbl~;~lace,of birth; riame and
1"'~.1bze~sh1p>lofad_opt1v.e_pare~~~an~_-fhe date ...
· ·. ~lftl"~~}~-;.P.fJtl;,~1~.rn.amage, 1f ~pphca~Je; ·. . ·
· are_g1v~fl~c~ual tustody_of th~"-GfiilCFdl:frJbgts.tich''J.(ial.t;11

·peno,d (Tamargo .v, CA; G.R, ~: 'Bfi~4·l{:Jun_e~) ·· c. ~~~\tiE!/ o.ng\rial ~lrth c_ert1fic_ate.m the ' ·. i

·. : · . .
. · · · ~\-:;;:-:.~,;/'<.\
. . -v . < \
· . --JIJ' . sl/
!! , ,. ci'lil .registry .ret:orc_;ls
. . whic!,·:~n
. be
. .9pened .
. ·: .. . . . .. . ·. \i, " '°~} . ' ~··,,.:.,.....:.. · ~>nly .up_o.n· the·:order _of the.' qourt w_bich ..
. Howeyer.;"iNhefe t_h_e<t_rial_custody had·l0q1,Jgunnor _ _);~;,f_i;~il'A issued U1_e decree of;a~opt~on: and· . -. . ·
h~d ?lre~~Y beer:,· co~pleted·at the t~li_ll~ Wh~!f,:~~-...;-~ ...a~....tla~ird.su?m1tto.tb~,co1:1r11ss_umg the_d_ecree of·-.
quasr:-_dehffvt_a·scomm1tt~d_by a qhiid··t~-~-r ac;topt~d._- · adopt1~m proo,f.. of .compliance :Wlt~ .. a.11 _ t~~:
. _the ~qopbng p~n,mt~_..ca'nnot. assume ~-i;l!!?:!J~bilify .. tore~o.rng-Wr~hlij 30 days from d_ate of receipt
the,refor.. ·T-hE! natural parents should b.e Joined i'fs· of the d~cree..
indispensable . part1e·s tb_;;_ the· suit- for damages.. .
(Tamargo . v. . .CA:stipr.a).
. :
··. The Clerk _of·Cotirt shat!~k~~p: a book. of adoptions
If the child tq~·eadppted·is below 7_years o~c!'geand showing' the date· oHssuance of the de·&-ee in· each .
is. pl.aced wit~ .the prospective adopter. through a ·ca$e, compli.;ince by tti~ Civil Re.gl$tra·rwith Section
QSWD_ pre-'adoptiop placei'n_~nt authority;· the -col)rt .. · · 16'($){3):arid all ih.ciderts·'a.~sirg after ttie i~suance
shall. ortjer. that tpe: prospective'. adopter sh~II enjoy . - : of the. d.etre.e (A;M: 'No. 02~6.::02-sc.-Sec: 17}. · ..
1;1\1 · the' ti'enefi~s to. which. the biological . parent- is · ·
enlitl!:!i:Hr'o_r'nthe date the adoptee:is pl_acep with·him.·
. . ~.. .
. "SECTiO~ -~~: ~p·~~.~~Nti~t · NA"t'UR~-- 6F
. PROCEEDINGS..: . . .
.'. .
Tlie social worker shall s_ubmit to 'the. court- a .report •• '• =· .? .... ·· . . . ·, •..
oh tne result of the trial custody..wit~in 2. weeks after-
• '• . !
General Rule:.,·: l',ft~r... cqrnplian·ce. -""'.i.th the·
· its tenninalion. . . .jurisdictional r.equiremenis-;. all adoption hearin9s· ·:
shall be C!Jnfldential . ar.id .shall ·.nof b.e· open to the ·
Note: As a 'rt.ile,unless there is a compelling.rea_son ,. ·i:iublic. All related recorqs_;snall. oe· kept strictiy
to separate the:.chilcffrom the. mother, .a· child.below confi<;leritial. . · - ·
th'e age·of severi.(7) cannot be separated from. the
:·: mother .(Qacasln v.Dacasin, G.R. ·No_ 16878.5, Exceptio~: For security' reas~ns · or for the best
. February·s, 2010). · · interest of ~he child, the Court· may,'u~n:meritorious
grounds allow th'e release of the.. information with·: -


.. . . . ( . . . .
*" sis' e -i; .
. . . .
WM F iiMW&
. i&Fi ff
. FF
. ·. . --~i
· . restrictions, if necessary (3A-HERR6RA, 'euore at ' The Rules shall apply tothe adoption of a legally free f~;
348). . . .. . Filipino.child··ln·a'foreign.country bva person.'\
, . qualified. to adopt under Rep~bllc Act No. ·ao,43 J,
otherwise known asthe triter-Country Adop1ibQ·i.:.a°v(_:~"?,.
of f995. : . · · · · · . .:-: ._";"{,
'INTER~C~u~TRY_An.O:PT.i.<>N :· . . .. . . ·~[~·
Inter-country Adoption ., . . . . . ;1.>i
(R,.A~ ;N°9·· 8.0·4-3. ,..._ JNTER.-. °The sooio-leqal -process of adopting a· ~illpino ,child. ·1
· COUNTRY ArioPTION AcT·OF-· by· a forelqner.: o.r a . F.ilipir'lo citizen per.manentty \i\
.. _1995; AN!). A~E-ND·ED · ·, · ·resjdi!19 qbro_ad where· the petition- is filed,· .. the·:;,~
supervised ·trial. custody" ls .uridertaken; and the"}
IMPLEMENTING RuLEs':ANn .decree of adoptionIs lssuedoutslde.the f:hiliRpines\&,
RE.ciuLAi10N~·o'.F.IN-TER-·: ·{R.A. No. 8043,--Sec. ·3(a)).· · :.. . .-.. : ... · ... , ·.; -::.
.. : . : . AI>OPTiON) . .
.COUNTRY· ·. . ·.:::e~
. . . .. Wher~,to File P.etldon · . . . . .. . . · . ·· "f\.
·1 .. 1t_~~y be flled .with the.'J~ter0.CountrY Adoption ii.
· Board ·.·through the Central. Authority · or an }t
:.. ·. accre.dited, _Forei_gn A~i.opt.ion _A~e11cy, in the ·11),
Filing of applicatlontc before .the.lCAB
thr.ough t.he CentralAuthorityor the Foreig~ .; -~'""*'..:-:.-country
: ':"here th~_app!,c.~nt_res1des;. · . . . . ,:i
"{j;ilJ· ~.~r;,,tf:J.~ case otforeiqnnatlonals who file a-petition .,r,,,
. .
· ·
. ·. :
. Adoption Agency]

. · . · ·. · "' :.JJ..
_- ·. · /'l'"')
·-..,.. .·.
· . -./" :. :;;.~~~!s~t
'. , 1\.J ;o~alf}'Jf/~bn in ,fhe Phtljppines ·i,ml:ler ·.R.A. .. No.· .:-4

. . .i, 1
Family selection and m§fihin~pTJ~e,~---
• ,r ~.>.. ~ ... ·
. i·,:ft
lj~i~:mal· Trtal Court _havi!)g jur~sdi~tio·n ,}!f~
.,~~:. __:. <'Y~~,tlle_,t~l't;.(R.~.:N~. [l043,_ -10); after--~
-=-...::_4'imJJ!'l~"Jl.&_pe_ti~?!"'.to be .~uffic1ent:in form _ar.:iq :..;~
prospective.adopfive child wit ~-t e;lfpr,rban~ ~ · "W' su6~tan~e.~{1..~.:proper.-~case for inter~ountry :?,t;
·< ,. H' ·· 1}.\). :h'k _a!'.l~~tion;\:,ihall ~,m·me~iate\y· · yansnilt _the ;i.
. ·. •. · • : -: . •• . , .

·.. ; . . _l! .. , . . . · .--:..Pet1t1on : ~~( :(t!Jei

·.Board . ·.t.>r, _appropnate }if.
. · : ·. · . . , ;t. ~-:?' ff .
·Acce~tanc;;e oft~e matcpm941rg,posal Y_ tt1~~
. . · . · J'r· afffion(AmeQq"""~_,lrnplementmg,
~ 1 Ii r~"Reilatiof!s1on.R·:IA!No.·?_043
.j · Rules.· · and ·2'
(Amende<:/IRR on ·,f
.applt<;ant and assessr{1en!;9-f~r~ado t_1v~. u. · · :,-i:'l _RA· 043); sl~91.ij . · . . .• ' · · . . . ·. · · J
. . . . . placem_e; t<fe~ u· .
(.'jl \,_ ·. -:, .. ·. ::. )' f2:); ·;.·-,., ~ f··. '. . . : : . . . : . .
. ·. · · . · . t I" ·,K) 1 · . ,,-"'. · ·: iffi · 1 1 r'l P er;~ :u.atry doptlon Board . . i . : .:. ::~
..J! ~-- · . ·.J . -~ ,~JJ}Ji~~~ f ere .ted. lli}ct as the .cenJral auth.ority in_· , ;,
:S ~- .
-·!J)~~~/r'ela~.pgfo inter-c.ountry adoption. It ~cts as -;it
tlCAB issuance of pla~m-ent.~tho i :
· .\ . · · ~l;ie~lt.cy~~aklfl~b,#.y for.·purposel? of catryfng out. '&,
· . .. · · ·. , ··· ., S~~~_pr,ovtsions of !Pe. Inter-Country Adoptior, ~ct; ·in :j'-
jrri.al.custod~ . · ·)':~~;- .. ~L----co'n:,~\;ll~~tion,,_indfc®rdinationwith_ t~e- Departmeilt . :\{r
· · -" ..f_' · .~- ...,..-~(~-<?¢latWeiJ'a'i'.e and Development ·{DSWD), the· :~
. . •
. '. u J',
• . · :· • ._,,;:;,;
tr &if~~ot-:;;::filld-;eare a net plac.en:ient. agepcies, ·,t
..... l.t~£P-.1Mt agencies, . ~s • well as · non-government· ..
· ICAB transmits Affidavif.of Cbnsen"t.of Adoption.· =="'o'rganizations engaged:in child-cafe·ari.d placement - ·.j.
executeo by the DSWD to'tti°e'Central Acith2irity ·, . ao!ivities {R.A: 8_D43, Sec. 4;_FES"[_IN,.supra'.8(182)'. cf'
· _ ·.-. .· or Foreign Adopt.1on.Ag~nc.yj .... ·: .. ·. . . · . · ·: . ..- . . · ·· . _]'
· .. . . . .Co~position of~ ·the · lnter-C_o.u~try .Adoption . i
., . . . . .. -. ·- -
Filing of Retitioh for-adoption by the aqpptive. ..
. . . . . . .. ·. ~
Board"· .

: · and · ·
- · ·

··. · .. · · . · .
.. · 1: ·.· Seqr;et_aryof tbe- psi.Np,. as ex officio. Chairinan·;
· .
· ·;.i

· ···;:'
~pplican·ts·1,, the courtot.trfbunaJ::i(] atcc\rdance 2. ·. '.Six· m~r'nb~rs· to be. ~ppoir.1ted by the P~eside,:it: ·.-1,
.. . with ·-their._ nat_ional lawl.. ·,.. . . : . · for-a n_onrenewable term of 6 year.s: ... · . >\:
a:. One psyc;hiatris.t or psychologist; · . ·,· l
.. _:. b. 'Two ·lawyers . .who ,at least ..have -the.:·,~
... qualific9tibn qf an RT:{; judge;·,· ..·. . .· . ."· ..
· c.:
Orie· registered social worker; and . · . ·
<. ... d. Two repre$entatives frbm_NGO.s eng-.i1ged in . )J~
· child caring aRd· placement activities (R.A. · · J
•. J
Recqrdirfg of the Judgment in the app·ropr'iate
· . · . Civil Registry in the Philippines] . · -
. ·. .

:No. 8Q43,· Sec. 5).: · · : ..
. -~ . ·,


.' ·:
. LJ\W
.· . aiJ.R
·. . 2019
.· : MEMORY AID .:
. .. .
. Who may Adopt , . . medical_ conditi.ons (Amended IRR-on RA 8043, Sec.
· Any foreign natlonal ora F\lipino' citizen permanently· ; 26)... . ., · '\ .. ,
· r.esiding _abroad who has 'the qualitlcatlons.and none
. -Of.. the dlsquaffficatlcns under the Ac_t_ may file an A child .. unde~ the ··lnter-'Country Adoptibn.·Act, is:
. application, if he/she: . · , · · · d~fined. qS ~ar)y·_perso'n below-15 ye~rs of:age. (R ..,r
Nq~ 8043, sec.. 3(b)). -· . . . . , ·. ·
Qualifica.tions: (AJC~NEP-RCQ) ·. . .. . ...
.1:. · At least-27 years of~g~ and-atteast 1.6 vears: ·: Tt'le ..lnte.r.-Go!.!nti'y A~option Board ~b1;1II e~sure·th~t .·
. older:than the ·child tobe adoptedat the time of · . all P?!::sibiljties- tor··adoptl~.n of thr '.chi!~ uni:le_r th,e ·
· th'e:applidati6n, unless the.adopter'ls: ·. .· F:amrly ·code. have been e~hausted; and that inter- . ·
·a. · Parent
. . . by nature
. . _of the 'child
. ..to be
. adopted;
.. · . .
'~ . country: adoptian·.is Jn the best 'interest pf the. child
i.· .. , · ·_··
or· · · .. ,. · · ·.. (R.A.'No:-BD1f.·$ec.7); .. ::.
· ... b. s·p~use of such.parent by nature-";: . .... . \.:
' ·2.. lfmarrled; hisltjer spOIJS~ must J,oir:itiy. fil~ fqr the Appl_ic.an.t's S~ppqrting DQcurpeaits:::·
,· adoption; ' .: - . . _.. . . . . . : :·· $uppor:tin'g 'documents . to : .be- 'attached to the
. ·3. ,£apaci~y ·to 'act and. assume· all tli'e 'righ~s .and Application shall. consist of t!.'ie foflow.1~g:. (BMS·~I_P..,
· ·. responsibilities'. · ot. · parental .authortty tinder CCP) .. · · .' .· · . ·. ·. · ·
. his/1:)e'f natlonal Iaws,' ·and has undergone -the , · .. 1.· :§irth· certificate.of theapplicant; . · . ,; .
appropriate ,counseling. from. ah- _'accredited · 2, Marriage contract, If married; and; .if· applicable,
. counselor in.his/her country; ~-···· :., .· .. ·. · .· ·. · · .,:_'?. ttie'diyorc~ -oecree.' qi)udgment qissol~if.ig· tl'\e
· , 4. Ha~· !jo( ~een convieted.ot.a crime _inv·oi'?of>;A(.. .: marriag~; :. . ... · _.. . , · . . . . .. . . . ..
. moral turpltude;. · . , .. .· i,./.f.'tr,tt'?;i, 3. .§.worn statement of consent · of applicant's
.. 5. · .'~ligiole to adopt uni:ler:·histner. nation.al ~aw.1:iif:,,,nic•s. biological· cir _adopt~d cn.ildren_ a_bove te'n -'(10)
6:. In: a. f_ositio_n_.t<:>.' provi~e lRe. proper· care ·1ri;~;; ,~_.v1i ..:_; ~ye~r~__of,_~'Qe_i : ~- . · . . · . . :; · ..
· support and to grve .t_i:,e nece~sa_ry· n:,ora1y:i1t_e..$>._111<"..Jt4\}~~~!.~~l,?Jlledrcal ·.:i~~ psy~holo91~al e._vafuaflon
. · and· exarJJpl~·s to·the ch_il~ and·; :in,Jtw,·prope_rt . · ,of'•~e'.'~]plicant·eertifie.d ·by. ·a d_uly: fit-en~ed
· case, to_all ~rs/her.0th.er ch1ldre11;(.fV .• 1,lr
/it,, ·: . phys1_c1~fr~nd psyc_holog,st~ . . . . . , .
7. Agr~es_to Uphold the basic.-Eigt,!s;of·.tb~~-chil~-~;!;-_;--~ · s·; . !ncomf tijx\,feturns ·9r. any.authentic-document
e.~bodie.d u~d~r .. Philippin~ )~o/s.}·t!t_e;-.JD:N,. -~ . _· show!~g [the\curren"t'fina'n'cial c_~pability'.-oLthe··
C~~~$~tior:,· on the. Rights,,~f..,,a.. _Ch'il~~~mdtp · ·?·. · ... -~P~~ca_nt~·. ·1;: ·. • -·-·.. ~. ~- ... : ·.. .
~brae by,:, th~ :.rules· and-f~gy_1at1ois#,_~ssue.d_.t~ J~il ··6 .. · e~1~!e··:c:pa~a~~~'()f.pet1t1orier_ IS~l:H':C by !11~· ·.
rmplernent-!he lnter°Cour:1\!"tA.cfo>pt1gJj.f,pt; -~-:- F'1 · ·. P.~!·~~~pa_J!;r:r~rt or otl,'ler p.rop_e:r-~overnr:nent .:
8. Comes·fr<:Jm:a ,£ounti>y: .:. ·,·•"':--. :_ ,:"-:::::;r,<, A,~ r:-·.<:. age)'l'cy,Qf:..tfia.,ptace·whe~1;1 the applica_nfs reside; · .
a.· With w1i:om .the Philippines"'h,si.:S"tl!P.!6:ma~c -l{ff. ·. 7. ·~tiwacter reference fro.m.. ,·'. .the.': •. l<:>cal ..
_. -relations;: · . .· ·.\fr ·,;.1 · ~ .·~f:.....;;,:,,e-~·,~hurch/minist~r.·the:petitio_n.er's ~mpl9y.er and.a·
1 · b. _.-Whose. ·gov~.rnment.·_maintaiQ\11~~.foreign~-Mt;:~.,,i,~rr.~W!>-r~r of_the ~mmediate _cohlml!nity who t)ave
. adoption-aQency; arid· : ti! · '. /'{Y:-'~.t;...;..·a.~J<n_6'efn:th_e. petit_ioner.for atleast _five (5) ye~rs,;_'
q; . Whose laws ..allo-.y adoption; aq~ · . · {if\:! · · .. ·· 8. · ..£ert1fj<;:at1on from ·the Qeparfm_ent· of Justice or
9. Possesses all the .Q.llalifrcatic,msandlj'l'\>n ...e)(the ot~er app_ropr:iat~ ·.gover_nmerit ~9,er:ic~ ·th~t ·the
·. · ·disqualifications under ·,the' lnt~:.:country applioant .is qu~lified to adopt under·· his/her·
Adoption Act ai:ici ot~er applicable'·=P.hllippines . na't!onal.19~ and that·the c,hil_cHobe"?dOpted is .

< . ~ _- ·. . . ·. . . _.· . .
-laws:(R.A.. No. 8'0'13;· $ec. 9). · · · - · allow~d to.eriter the country for·trial cust0dy ar:id · - .
. Who tri'~y be Ad~pie~. ~~bgf~/:rzt"··~·nt_(~_
-'·in ..t~::.·.:~~-i~ . ;1_a~c\pnce.
Ai:iy' child who: h.as be~11. voiuritarily or~ ir.ivolµri'tarily · R · Recent j:)ostcard-sii;E;i·fi<;:tures' of the applioant,
' .. committed.to the DSWD as qependent;abandoned; . ·. ·their immediate.family niembers and.their home
or. ~eglected.pursuant-to-the _provisions of the Child . : (R.A. NcLB_Ofl.3,Sec.10). . . . , : ·· · ;.'·. .
. and Youth Welfi;ire Code:(P:D. No..' 60~) maybe th.e'
' s!,tbject'of in.ter-Cqar:itry'Adop.tion(Amended!RR on F1,mctlori_ of the, ·RTC~ The.RTC,.. after, finding 'the
,. RA 804'3,. ~ec. 26). ·. · .· . ' · '· · ._ · · · _.. · . . ·. · .. , .petition. (in case' of'for~ignets who file :a· petiti91J for
· .adoption :if!. ti)~ ·Philippines -tind~r -R.A.No:-85~2) to
Provjdeci;that in thEl case of a child ~tfo i~ vplunt~rily . · .: be s_ufficlen_t in ,torm _and 'substance ,and.. ij proper -~
comm_itteq,.the physical transfer of sa_id child shal_l be case· for inter-country adoption-;- sha!I imme·diately
. made· not ·earlier than- ..6 ·months from the - date of. tra'rismit the petiti.or.t the· Board (or appropriate . to
execution of the Deefd of Voh;ij,JaryCommitment by ·aation: ·. · · · ·
the child'.s biological parent/.s·0r guardian-. Provided . . . ..
further; howe.\ier:.. that. this . prohibition: ~gail)St Adoptl_on unde_r F9reign 1_,.aw
physical. transfer shall -not apply to children being An· adorition -createq ·.under·. the law .. of a foreign
adopted by a reta~!ve. or to children with special country ' is. entitled to registration .. _in.' : the
. civil. register of.. the Philippines·.
. . The :


. " . . ,, . . . . . . ;~~

. . . .
effects of suct'I adoption -shall.be governed by the law
·. oHhe Ptiilippin~s (Marcaida v. Agli.J6at,· G.R. No. l~ 3.
2. ~t.tempt on the life of the 13doptee;.
Sexual.assault or·violence;·.or·. . .,:~,·

24006, November25, 1967), ·· · 4. ~bancto'nment or 'failure to comply wit~. pat'enta1:/
...... __ :
·0Pli\)atio0s· (A.M. No. 0,2-6-02, Sec. 19)~ · ·
"Best lnte~est of the .Minor" Standard
. ,Refers. to th.e· totality. of the cifcµmstances' ·arid Under the D~mestic Adciption. Act of 1.99~ -(R ..Ai,!./
conditions :as are most congenial to. tfie survival, . No:· 8552), the. adopter can no-Ionqet rescind ttrEi\?.\j
prot.ectlon, ··and, feelings ·.of 'se9urity of the minor ·. . adoption, He.. ca~ ..rnerely.dlainherit the adoptee in ·:i
. encouraging ·to his phy,sJccil,. psychologica\, c!ntl · accordance with Article .9-1.9 of the Civfl Code (A.M' .:,~
· ·emotional de\,efopment: ·11 . also·, means the · reast . ·: 'No .. 02~6-P2~SC, Sec._ 19). . . ·· .. . · .. \fl
detrfmentat avi:!il~ble alternativefor safeguarding the' . . : . ". :·· . .. :_ .. . . . . . . ,-. J~
growth. and d9:velopmenfo(the/n1nor (A,M. No: 03• It ts.sttnrroteworthv, however, that adopter, whfle.:t an
.04-04-SC; 'Sec. 14). : · . barred Jro~ · severing· ttie legal.ties ,of adoption) can. :;),lj.
·- '. · always · for valid · reasons· cause-the -forfeiture' df ~,.
· It . w;Li!d · thus . be · aqalnst th~ spiriJ '0f. ·
the law ,if ·. . certain be.nefits otherwise . sccrulnq to . an:},;
financi~l. consideration were to .be the paramount- undeserved- child. F.or.. -instance, 'upon grounds :1':"
consideration in deciding whether .. to deprive . a ", recognized by laY:,; an ad.opt~r may deny an 'adopted:·-~;
person ·Of parental ,autl)orjty over .~1~/h.er chlldren. . chi!d.'his fegitime. and,: by.,a Wi.11· and· testament, may '=J

/<~·f~~~"'ij 1G?j.o:l4J.~.:..,·!.uty
· Again, it is the best inter.est of. the .'child that taf<:e8~eelyexclude him. frorn.: having .a. share in the··
·'. precedence in ··adoptiqn. (Landingin v. f}ft/ffiol7c,. :~'sfo~~~
portion of:his·e~tate:.· (Lahorri v.· Sfbulo;·-., ..
fR. No, 164948, June 27, ·?006) -. 14.; 2003) .. .--, ·: : ·· .-·: ,~c
. . . . '. ., . h·. ·'\.)r?"~. ,-'. ~~.sfd'n,r!~~s<{shal~r~v~rt to}~ status pripr:t~ {
· . · . · ,..,. '~· ~j):;;_-:.-. __ .,...- -~clq.Rijo~~-~"illy)~s<>f the. ~ate of judgment- of {
R.ESCISSIO.N OF ,A,~,Qfjrl, 1.'N. · 6 .if
:rig~ts"acqLiired·p~iorto·. {
• ·. • · _; .·~:.~ ,; .· ' . /At,\ · ,j:Cl.d1c1al rrscjs~qn-.shal.lb~ r.espected(R.A.No. B.~52t· .f·
· · · . /I · · /I . [. - · . · Art. 6, Sec. 20h (/) \ . · ·. · ~-
This. is. 'governed. by· Secs. ·1~1°fQ'¢4J,bfA1·~f'1p':~.o
-. ~7:"4· .. · ·\ '..,~ t: · .' ·: .. · · : .· · ·.:t·
6-02~?c. ·..
. . .
, · .
. ...
· · g~

Appli'cabiUty:. The .gr0un~<t€ir.~ri~vo.;~\ .of an:~_:,;.,,The p~,l~hal
ff' · ·. · -~"--';!.
-$~t.of,'·.2p.. yE'f:iu5 ~
-\~ithlhe Family Court of~e.
·'·-if. . ]P"""'d
. -:
. : · - . .. . :
· .;,l

·'adoption .refer onlx 1o .an ac\io.p.tjelil~tafi t@.' ,~toUk~b)_.yice, rf".~~ree. e adoptee resi~e·s (A:M. No . ._:;J, f.le~·(
: not to an adoptio·n·vofd~fromit_fielb~~irini ~~613.us~:q,: ~§~~~:· ec,:'2,0). •, ·. ·. ·. . . · · ·{.
· it is ~ainted with fraud (Rayucfd v. Pa{$'t,;,01 G. ~"\~
. · 16642, April· 181-1962). ·
.. . . . .
. . ;.:l'.:
.. "- . · .
. ,,
'/1?S;,""· .
~~t,· · .
.Unli.l<e ...in 'Je.vo~_aJio.n· o(. ",guardtans.hip, ··,:r.;
Sn-{E~;·?(li.e'~.ocatiqi/6tadoptibl)..iS a ~eparat~ proceeding fmm ,;;,
/!: . . .f. .·. · : . . ·. · . .. · ~
.SECTION' :19. RES'CJSSION OF~D'OP,,T_lb~'~l"~~!.~~pt(6~~ s,Uf)seque~t.P~?tio'nforrevo~ati?n'of :',(;.
. THE ADOPTEI;:_. · ~ -<f-.!.'J,u:.,,,,~~·i:-.t...~.,a~o~qn~1yi~Jtfier·a coptinuatto.n of nor an 1nc1dent .:,;:
·· . . · · · . . ~.,..,"' ..//. '\ 1,1 lir::i·'lhe.,'PfQ,9..e(dingsfor adopti~·n but:an.entirely ~ew _jf:.
Form of Petitlory , · . .. . · ~.,.~ l\f:
il.pf~.e<:fmg.. tt would appear ·thaH(:i-is peitition may be · ~~
The petition ·shall be verified (AM: No. 02-6-02-SC~7o;,;"nl'fd-in a ..c:6urt other.·than ..tn!3'·court whict:i'jssued tt,e -·,ii
'. Sec. 1.9).. '. . . ·. . ·: . ' .. · .. · ~doption (De. !iii' Cruz v. De·/a .C,ruz;.L~:1.9391,. 29 \s;~
· · · .. s.eptember:_1_9.64). . · . :_ : · · · · .. ·. ;. · %
. Wh~ may_File . . . · : ·.. · · · ?
. ·..The·.verifie.dpetition shall·be fil~cl·by:' .. · : S.Ecr10N: 21· .. 'Tlf,IIE.. WiTHIN ~1:1.ICH ·.. TO· FILE· '.'fit.
1.: ;Ad.opte~: ... ':,: · . : ·. . .· .· - .'PETIT10N' .. , .· .·· . ·, .. · · ·. . ·.;~
· . . a. Who is pver..eighteen (18).y·ear.s .c;,f ag.e; ·oc. . ·,:- . . . · .. . , . · · : . 1.l
b. , If still ~. minor\ with 'th,e·assis.t~nce. of the lh CaSE! the adopte~ Is incap.aci.tate.d . . . ·S~
· DSWO; or . ' . · The adoptee. if incapacitated, rnusi'file the petition . ;~~
. 2. ·_Guardian. ar: counsel;. if :_over eigh~een. (1.~) but·· fQ.rresci~~ion ?i- revocation.of adoption.within-fivHS) :' >.;
incapacitated (A.M. No, 02-(J-02-SC, Sec... 19). · . · years aft(;lr, he reao~e~ the age of majority (~.M. No.· ''i~

~~~~~~;tf~~ ~:~0~:s::s:indedb~sect on any 6f the'. ;s

..~:~:::it::c~::~t~~ lnco~p~teh'i ' ... · ..... - :;:,j
following grounds committed by · the adopter: If 'he·was lncomp'etent' at. the Ume· of the adoption, .·]
. (PASA) . . . . W!thin- tive. ·'(5} ·. ye_ars after · recovery . from such -;1
.1 .. Repeated. Ehysical. violence . ·and . v~rbal incmm(:ietency (A.M; No. 02-6-02, ·~.-ec.21). ·. . ·_.·,'._·;;:~
.maltreatm!;lnt by the. adopter despite having
. Undergone GQUOSeling;.' · . . :
'•, Jf~
. f'
. . ::~~
. ,;

·. ~ .;~..

-· --- ----· . ·- --- ----



. .. . . •.. - . •
. ',
.. >
SEC:tl(?N 24 .. ~ERVICE oF<iuoGMENT
The ·COUrt sh~II issue' an c:>rde~ requiring.:the adverse . A·certlfied' true copy of the judgment together with -a
party to ariswer the petition .within fifteen (1 i,) clays. certificate of finality issued .bY the Branch Clerk, 'Of.~e
from recelpt of a copy thereof. The· order and copy. . Court ·which. rendered the decision tn accordance·
of tp.e petition shall be s~i:v~d 'pn the adverse patty' · with 'the ·preceding,SeJtio.n shall. be served: b.y· the
in· such manne.r as the court may direct (A.M. Np, q2,,_ : petitioner upon the. Civil R~gistra.r 'concerned wlthln
6-02; Ssc. 22) .. ·. · · · , .. - ·•. tl')frty .. {30)··days ·frof'i:i. receipt "of .the '.certificate· of
· ... ·: , .. , . . • · , . · :.. · ' -.'finality (A.M.:No, .02-6-'02~sc, .Sec. 24). . ·
The -cou rt. doesnot have ·h,friSdictiori t6 'annul ·3ft0r · . " . · · · · ; .. . = · ·: · · · . · .

·:.the period fixed-bythe Rule, adecreeot adoption.. . The. Ci"'.il. ··R.~gistrar ·.sh.all· forthwith enter. 'the··,.· ..
For, reasons of' public order, judicial' litigations. must . · resclss ion decree in the register and submit proof of.
have.an end; hence, decisions must'nbt .be·chan.geg . · ..compliance. to ti.le court issuing the decree -and. the.
after fheexptratlon of tne perlod.Jt b'eirig:bey9n·d the · Cl.erk of Court ~ithiri .thirty (30) days from receipt of
[urisdictlon.or control'.of·c;ourts .(Dayritv.Dayrit,,G.R: · the d~cr.e~·(AM. N'<:J•. 02-6702:.s,c, Sec. 24).,, . :
·No. L-78p8;,b~t9ber ?6,:1959): . . · · · ·
. Th~·. Clerk of. Court·. shall enter· the- compiiai:ic; in · i
.Effects o/Ji:1dgr11~nt'of Re~~isiHo.n' ·. ·. ··:· accordance ·~iih Sectlon 1·7·hereof (A.M. No. 02-6.~ .
.(RP·R~S-NC) . _ . .. ' .. ·.. · . ,·. . .. , . . . 02-S.C. Sec; 24). . '
If .the. court finds. that the 1:1ll~gatio.ns of the P~.titi.<?n· /~, ·.. , . .. . . . . ". : . . . . . , .· .
. a'.~etrue,. it sh'~~! r~.~der judgrne!1t o_r~e.ring.: ·.. :'. ;i-u{:'./-:/i:. RI.lies on Venu~,:~uml)iatr.. . · _. · ·
1_... The ·g~~c1ss1on of adoption,. with or.-w1tfi.~yr,'\i?i. «;,eneral .Rule:· In 'd.oi:nestic _ adoption, where . th~.
. . cos~s. as justice. requires; · ·. , · .. . . · . u:~,(~;:ffi~ peti.tior:ier-,'ei.the.C,.the·'prospective adoptive parent or
2. · ..e.are,ntar authoriW).>( .tiiolo!Jica!' pa'.l:erit or l~g~!ffi#"(-7'~..~ptee:·(inl',o/3se Jl ofres~is_sion), rc~idcs. . · · · · .
. ?ust?dY o~:oswo·~ill'be.~e.sJored if.the·,adop!ee!.<1lf~ill'..:.'.ui:r.e'J:."'·~~::Jf·.»··. · ·. ·. . . . ·
1s,st11l 13 minor.pr incapacitated; . - . · · ·. v:: r-;-.
3. ~cipg:>c.al_fights.and obligation~ ?(~doptee.and{~!t. . adoptee re1t~~~.or:rri_ay be found. .
Ex.c;.ept1on~'1tnter~country ;:idoptlon, '¥/here the·

. •. adoptenyill'.be exti~guished; .. · 1~\ {( ... ,..P".

4. §ucces~ioriai rights shall rev~rt t~Jts§(~~s-~~·_or.. · ·
to adopt,on, as of the.date o.f.'1,0Qgme,nt;ot1u.d1c1a.l.. · t•i
~t- - :. : · · , ~ ~ · . . ·

. ·re:;;.ci~~iori,-' ~ested right~:!}cqLlir:~!( prior · ·t~.'· i;;;01 ·

.. · · j4gicial rescission_ snal.1 bli,/~~,P'~tl~g~f~ . .. \'.::..~.,· . · ~tt:~. ; ·,vvfJ,,EJ&e·. th~ .F<fmiiy l
. 5. : ,:he ad9p~ee · to. tr$e th~ 1i~IT!et~t:3t~~. invf\!S-., wr .: ;Wospective c;:ouf1 cif
i .
f ..
: . "origin'al !Jlrt~ or foundling. c~tt_if.r~~:an~,~.· ·: ..·. J} . l!{f-. adoptiye the
6. Civil r(!gistrar where the adoptlo.?.,_,decfee was. · hi~, parepts province
. . . r~g'ister~d:to ca.riceI. the -new: ~irtn:,p~{fi~tf of' . tii+it i:aslde · or-city
.. -~ th.e a~opte.e .and reinstale his o~fg~nal b~'1.f;i.1;-;15r-Ef;::M:.ti Family · S~c. 20
-foundling ,Qertifica.!e (.AM, No. oz:to2i,t"'-"-$'e¢. · . . , Court ·Of ; . .
23). . . .'\..'\,. ,:~· · , -
. . .·.·. . .. ~L:.. . .- the
..~gree.m.eht:B~twee~·the Adopte.r.~~d.:Adopted'. :.: or city
. -A subsequent . agi'een'ient .between them .nd'r .
betWe.en..adopter ano natural parents can.npt·by it~elf .Where · .the. Famiiy .. · :sec. '28
effectuate ·.. the tevoc~tjon of adoptron (3A~ adopiee · Court or
_HERRl=RA,. supra <1t'442).:_: .. resides . 'or ·lrit~r-:· .
.may . be· . .Country
Collateral.Attarik O{l th~ vai'ici.ityofAJopti~n. :· ·. fouryd· · · · ·. Adqption
The settled rule is that ~ finding .'that the .requisite ... !3oarc;I'
furisdictlonal 'fact exists, ·whettie't erroneous or .not, . .
· cijnr,1ofbe questioned. iri a Goliateral proceeding, fot ...
.a pres'umption. arises 'in such cases .where.· the ...
validity' of' the il!dgrrient' is thus attac~ed .that the: .
. ,:iecess.ary juril?dictional · facts :were proyen '·'{3~· .
HE,RRERA,' supra at 442-443). · ·. . ·
·.· . . . . . · .... ~--
No a~tion· or proceeding for judfcial confirmation·of .a
··, d.e facto .'adoption is auth'orized in ttii.s ju.risdic~ion,. · ·.
(Office ·of the .CoqrJ Admi(listrator vs. :Gines, A.M:
No. RT.J · 92802, July 5, ·.19~3). ·



c~MPA'.RATivE ·-c~ART; R.uLE·1.-os, R.A.· 9-04s, ·Aivn.R.A. -:1.6172~·

· · · .: ·. ·. · · · · .. • . .·: · ·4ND Rtn.u a o S · ·.. ·:·: . ·.·· ..... _·: : · ·. ·-.' · .·

Change' pf fun"_·. rrame" or

surname . • . . (substantial
. corrections) · ·. ·


.arc otthe provincirin which 1..

:· petitioner· resided for. three
'. (3) years·priorJo.fillng·(~ec:
·. 2). .
2. Local civil registrar 'of the ..place where ·the ....
· · interested. . party is · presently residing- .or
." · · domiciled, if petitioner has already migrat~d. to
· · · another place in fhe country;. ·
-3·. ·. · N·ea.rest Philippine consulate in ~se of citizens
of the Phllipplnes i-eslding or ·domiciled · in _!.. •
. foreign countries. ·



1. · 'rh.at petition h·a·s been a 1 .· Fads . necessary'. 'fo 1. F acts. necessary . ~ 1 .. That pet(tion has been a
. ·bona' fide ·resident of the establish the merits of establish the • merits · bona fide resldenr.of the
province · ·where· ·.the . 'the petition; , . . ·.. '. of the petition; · . · province ·. where. · ih.~ '. ·
p·etitiori is filed for afleas·t 2. That the· petitioner is 2. That the petitioner is ·· .· petition Is _filed for at least
.thr,ee (3) years' prior to . -competent to. testify-to" . competent to testify , three (3) years prior.to the
. ·tt:ie date of suct:i filing: , · the matters stated; ·. tothe matters stated; · date of such filing; .
· :t.· Th~· cause for. whi¢h. the ·3.' Particular erroneous · 3. Particular erroneous 2.' The cause .fo(which th~
· .. · change of·petitione(s . :" entry or.entrles, which entry· . or· . entries, . ~ha~e . .of petitioner's
.' · n.am·e·.is sough( and· .·. are . sought ·to ,: be which "are 'scillght to· _,name is soug~t; arid . . . ~.
. 3,. Th~ narpe·as~ed .for" corrected ."l3nd/or, -ttie,. · be corrected .· and/or· 3. The name· asked for . :!'<-·
4. All ·names- by v,,hfch : . ct:,ange .souqhtto be · the change s9ug_ht to 4. All:. names · by-. which
. P..etitic;mer.is·known_ (Id) . ·,. made; . . . : be rj:lade; . .. . petltloner is known . .. .
'.4. i\11 'names tiy: which 4. All 'names -by .which . ·· . .. . · · · .,
petltloner fa known; · · :· petltlonerisknown: ·
5.. · Petitlon shall .. _be· s. · Pefltion · . ·$h~IJ . ··be'
. · suppcrted . by': . the · .: .supporfed' by , tti~ ·:
· following documents: fol(owing,documEfr1ts:
' i. · A certified : · tr:u.e,~ · i: A .. certfi.iecf.· ·tru!:3 -: .
·m~chin~ ... ".9H-i)1j'.. _·. ·· · rn_:;!chii:i~:: copy of . ..
the cert1f1~,~~;9.~lff \·
. the.· p_age_l~?VJ~.t·f(\i. =.
the certlficate or of ·... ·· :

••• v, • reJ.11~1ry.: · ,\f ~9-~'$; ~1.~;;,{£.§llitry.-.,"

.pc3:g~ of ·)he
..... ·.~ook· ...
containll)~Y t,;t~p;.-1.r~B:.eeri,t~lOJ.rffea . . . ~he .
. en~rx:~r . er-1tr-les, . enfrr~·•tJ~f en_tnes
~.~'Qht : to . ,k\.~,e·. : . S~UQht
. . c~~e,c'ted .. -):~o.r;• : .:.ccrrecte~ ; \ · or
ffr\,\: 00 !
. . d:fon'g~~;~v. . ,·r1\ .· changed::. t_ \~ .
_,,,--iJCJJ.1At ~~·a).-btwo.(2f~ · ii. A( le~it U ,"(2) . . .·. o J'
l~7. Pl:lp1~~
· .·.
or P,'~llat~~ tr . . . pul>lff ~~rJpriv_~-Er · ., · ·
·-;':-r· ,;c;.d~S9"'Prnt~c:.- .f i{ . ~q~fl}HJil>~·;ii/t''f!;17· 1
',>, ·• ~~;~i~!iJ .,~~thef ·J,. ·_·sho~i_A914;0ff.q-U'ie .
· ~-:--:~coj,et;f( entrf .qr~ .,J · correct. entry or
\(e'~triesi~Po~· 'hi_ch'_K~"'"~rjtnes tJ_po~ w~ich,
tt\~~gi;rect_1ons."~fi'E,\o;:,(tl;fn~~_ectlQl'.I·or , .
c~tnge. yh';1.1;::;oe ...,,,~-chat'l_g~sh~II- .. be..
based· aa,di,/ · . ·. · bas~·:and . ' ·
iii.· Oth'eb:_<fl3cuments , · iii: 0th.er'. ddcurn'erits
. whi~h~"petition. or ·~whjch. pe_titlbn : or .
. the· ·· : city : ·o~ · t_hs · . '"cit~::· .. ·o.r,
niun1cipal registr.ar ·munit:ip~l fegi~trar ·
or '. toe cons.ul "or .: ·th1.=1··'... ··consul .
·generar- mc;1y . . gen~rai' . . m~y
i;:9hsiper relevant. , . · cohsider · releva·nt
· and rieces$ary· for:. ··and necessa·ry. for .. '
. the approval_ cif the : ttJe.clppraval pf.the .... ·. \, ..
··: ·.
·petition.. · · . ~~titian .· . · ·

. No petition fdr cor,rection ·· ··..

of ··. erron·eo"us entry · ..
. .conc.eming the .date of .
birth or the sex 'of ·a
person· · · shall · .be.
·entertained exc~pt:lf {he
. petition is accompartied- .
' : by earliest school record '
or . earliesf school"
documents such as, bu·t
not ljrri(ted to, ml;!dical



records, ·baptismal
certificate . and other
documents issued by
.. .: . religious autnorttles: nor ...
shall any en.try involving
change. . of ·, ge:nder .
corrected -except if the
petitionls' accompanied .
by -a certitlcatlon issued
'by . an . accredited
_goverrirrierif- -physlciar; ..
attesting to _the fact that _: '·
the "petili.orier . has -r1of.
urid~rgohe sex d1aDge
or sex 'transplant, . ·
·- :.. : . : . .
:-· ._from.
.· .... ''.'





6 .. surname ., .r,>
· causes· embarrassment
·, .. ~ :
. and there is no showing. ,-
that Jhe desired change · ·
of . · name was . for. a ·
. fraudulent · purpose · or.. ·
that the· change of name
'would.. prejudice .public
interest (Republfc of the
Philippines· -v. Court. of
-r :
. Appeals, G.R. · No;
88202, · December, 14,



- MEMORYAID.201g .. "

At least once.
a "week .for -N leastonce aw~ek:fortwo·(2) consecutiveweeks Ai" least once a weelf·fo·r
th"ree.(3) consecutive weeks (publish the whole affidavit)-in cases ofchanqe _of three· (3) consecutive weeks
in a newspaper of general first name or nickname, ,'!") addifion . to "the p_osting. in : a newspaper - of general .
circulation jn. the province requitement. . . . . .circuletlon in .the province .
(notice· and hearing) (Sec. (rrotice and hearing)._ (Sec.:.
3).... ., ·. 4).. - .· . .

Not.required. 1 .. Duty" of.

the civil ·registrar ·Or COl'.\SUI to post Not required
petition· in, a. corrsplcuousplace for -ten (19)
consecutive-days.. ·· · ·

·in the case of mig~~\ir petitioner; the petition 'shall.

· be P.ciste~fir~t at theofftce orthe Pelition-Receivfng
-Civil Registrar (PRCO) tor-ten -(10) consecutive
days .oefore sen'.din"i;Jit -the RKCR: Upon- recelpt,
. : the· F{~Cf3,. stia(I psdt ·agci,W "the· petition· i.n Iiii.office
.. \,.
·for another ten-(:10).,corfse'.cutive days (!R~.of R.A
.. : 904B, Adininistratlfie::Qc8,irNo. 1; Seriesof 2001-).
. .. . .. · ·, .. : , . . f.(iiJ(I·.~~i;{>. . . ·

1 ~ ·: · S.oli~i.t~r Gen~ral. ·1. . Civil· registrar.· ..

2.- Provincial fiscal ' .
3. · City flscal-, .. - . . '.-: ...
4. lnterested parties ($ec.
4X ·
Correction 'of clerical or \1( Chi:ing¢..pffiri~ame.{t
f. C~rreit~ifl~:!tJ:-..;
. ty.pographioar· errors in ~°:~;;~ckn,'§me: i9/thel'· 4 clerical·"~ ·. ·2:: ..
or Marriaqes; ..
· any entry in i::iiiif registry .. · . c-':'1l.reg1~t?' v . r. L:-..J.xpog~~h!cal e?'o.rs. 3. P.eath$;. . .. · .
. documents, except . ~~..;'l'.";1::tl . . ·..): 11!~•'>-".'~!J'.1\~~-~1~1·re~,s~~.: :4. . Legal se.pc1rat1ons;
'. corrections . .involving. , . ({v:_' .' ji(!,..:::-:-_··. ;,_ "7-cru1J.[)'.C!U:Qliil!11!l.CO_rcl3cbon5-:· . Judgn:1ents. · . . . . . · :_qf
change in. sex; age, "\/ . .(.i,l' . .
of date ()f birth and . arnulments.ofmamage;
naticinatlty and statu~ of '..\.~:if.J.. · sex· 6., . Judg_mer:its . · · tfeclaririg · .
· .a.person;'.aj'l_d ·. · · '~~. · · . m~rrlages·void from the
2. · Change of a person's . : beginning; · · ·
· ffr~t name or ni~knam~ 7 .. · Legifinia~iqns; · : ·. · ·
. in his or her civWregistry· 8. Adoptions;· . ··
·· · · g·: .:Acknowledgments. · bf
· · m~tural childr:en; ·
10. ~ Naturalization; . ,
-11·:. E.iectiqT), .. · . loss·· -,: or
reqov.~ry ofcitizei1$hip; ·
· 12_., Civil ii:iterdipti.0n; ·. · .
· 13 .. Judicial determination of
filiation; and . ~·
\4... ~hange 'of ·:nam·e (s_ec_..
2), .

CA under R.ule.41 civil Registrar General under Sectio.n,7, R.A. 9048 CA·u~derRule 41
. or Gourt of Appeals.·u'nder Rule "43 ;

. '

. ..BEDA
2019 SAN . . LAW Cl;:NT8ALIZED
. -l 451

No provrsion as to the The city or municipal civil The city , or . municipal No provisron as to the
. payment of fees ·. : ·registrar. or . the consul civil . registr~r '.. or. the payment ~f fees . .
general ... ' shall . be consul .g~nerai· shall . be'
authorized '_to· .. collect authorized · .to. collect
reasonable fees.. as a reasonable - fees as a
· · condition for a_ccepting 'condition' for' accepting .
the petition. An· indigent the pelifion.·An 'indig~nt . · .
. . · ·: petitibner .- shall·. be· petitioner.: "shall.__ be .:.: .
exempt · from ,: the exempt :, ·. from the.···
... payrnent.of the said -tee.' paymenfot~he.~aid f~e. · ·

l •

. ..-:

; ..

. ~ :· '.

. '



f-. . · . SPEClAL _,P.RClCEEOI NGS.·
;.:_ .. mmimDma11m:11mia..._. ........... 1111S111lll!l!IIB!lz:illllm:ill._am~
RULE :t. 0·1 COMl'vi°ITMENT ·
. · PROCEE1>INGS'Foit yenu-e:_ RTC:-of the province· where th~- pers9n
;;:, :iiosP1TAL1zAT1()N - OF .INSANE alleged to be in~ane Is found{ROC, RULE 101; 'Sec.
~- . ~ .·PERioN~: .··. . 1).. . . . . . . .·. . . . . ·. • ...
~-.' . .
. . - .of. . . _.Who.' ·may. file:. :·secretary of ' Health' . with the .
f.: .

Two Ways co·mmitm.enf ··assistance.bf city or provincial prosecutor:.. ··

t• · v · I . . d ... . ··.·· ... . . . . . ...... . ..
f. ·
· ~·· . ·.1-. o untary; an . . .. , ·
2. ' -~nvo:urita.ry-(Civil or Cnaji~al) ]"'otfi; Th~ court, may:m~tii proprio,- send-~ litigant to
: the·Nat_ional Center _for M~ntal.Health (NCM~)- · ·
t( Appllcatlon 9f th13_ Rule· . . · · .: ·.. >
f· Jhe ·.11.1~~: is appl_icable:only.wh.~n -th7_t:,ospital~ation . · · ': . lns.;nity -i~ a .·condition of the·. rrji~\:i .:Vhi~'h is ·s6
t of the :1t1sane p~~i,q.n, lsfor, t.he'"P.~bhc w~lf!:lre-, ?r for. . impaired iii function. or so deranqed astolnduce a
~· . the.. welfareof said p~rson_! who, m.-the.JC:1¢Jgrn_~rlt Of : deviation from normal conduct .on the personso
r ··,
the, Diredor,,{h.ow-Secretary) of. Heatth.. is insane, ·. ·affHJ;~ed;
[- provided' that the .one . having .. cha_rge o( him )s .
t; opposed to such confinement (3A-,He1~_RE.RA,supra Tt,e fact that a person i~ . acting 9ra:zy is not
f;.. at ~62).. . . . _ . · · . · . .. ', , . , · . · · ,'(!7'. . conclusive ~~at, h_e !s insane .. The popul~r meaning_
:;;, : : .

f: . .
. . , . . :·.. ·. . , , .. _- · . ;,-. · /J,·,fl /,J.5'
t--· ·. Hospitali2:ati.9n. o(l.nsa_!1~ under Rule.101: vt~~.. 1
of the word. crazy' 1s not synonym~us with· the l~ga_l
te~ms "!n~ane", compos. men~is', ··unSOL!,nc;I
. . ~uard1_ans!'IIP .under·.~ule~ ~~~97 .. _.. .;;..;:'./;;-,;,1 mind", ~,d,ot" or "lunatic" (US v-, vequiter, G.R. Nos»
a:.~ ;A »«
• ~11•:.Jl.f!..,;,{s~=1J1an<f.~::~47~, March 13, ~~14). . ....
-·,·wt:.L'4?r':i-~.,;, :J- · ., . .. .. - ·. · · - · ·
( · .· : · .. ·· · · ·
L • • . • .
~- · . · ' ·/· 1i R_equisites:J\ . .. · .' . . .. · , .· . .
? }r-f . ! '·· 9ecreta~f\,<;>f Healt_h ts ~f the opinion. that t~e
' . . . . . , _.,,, . . . --tt .· .comm_}}fi,~r:i~of.ihe persor:i alleged to be. 1nsarie
.for tlie prote'9ti9n of the ·For . t'1Ekj...PUrf!J9e# of
comrnunity:;at la.rg'e and prot~~yiig .. thEf·,,1,rerso.n ·
in.Jhe. natur~. ·of poli~e· ~n~f-J2,-e ·,
~d. .
_of. tt:iEf \.. :l;S-1 2 ... e.~t~
t\. . , is for;,puali_cit~elfare o( for the welfare qf said
pers~fi: .4p.d \: · . · ·· · . ·. ...
S~AE,~~~on i?J. ~-~e .. Qne hayir:ig _ch~rge· of him

,. , · -regufatioiis (HE_RRERA; ins·ar:ie (lef!1: -.v1\ · ~.. . . · .ii, _. 6~8.9~~~-~~!'.I~mgtakE:n toa ho.sp1tal or.other
·supra a-r 463J. ·. . :"-1..~ }:..~5:. .. rF{ _ ·r,rA · ._: p1acetto.r:JD..s.af)e p~rs~r:i (1.e. asylum). . _ .. : .
f"_ · . . : .-,)-.,•',,..-.'°(I\ .. II ·,•' · . , • ·. ·
i · · - . · · . · · · ·.· · · ·. \_t--~ \'~ ,7· ~- t·(,...secT10N 2. ·oRDER FOR H"EARtNG · · .-
Procedure for_fhe Hospitarl~~\\.?~i. ·. ·. · J;'fj·p~,. ;~'1~- : _- •. .. ·. '. . ·. · ..
f': ·. , -of ll"!Saile PE;!,sons _.,.(:J~~:....~,"'··"p.~~eclil~or.the eom~i!ment:of ···J/·Y. ·:
insahe,person an
. · · !•'J. :-r,.t · · · . upon·thef1!mgofthe·pebhon: · · ·
.. petiti~ri fo'r:commit,;,entfil~.d in' the.-Rie:tlS.&:i1J1 · .1:. _The cbu·rt shall set the petition for hearing;.· . ·
·. · ·, · · ·. : ·· · · · , -- · 2. · Th~/ cour:t:shall.fix a ·date and place' for hearing.: · ·
w .. . .· .· . where.all conc~Jned may ·appear. to· c9ntest ~h'0 ..
-, ./ petition··. . · · ·
... Courr dide~'fixing_ tt:ie d~te and"pl~ce fqr bearihg:.
· and. o"rclering: the Sheriff to proquqe _the ·alleged .
.· 3: ~--
Copies 'of the. 110.tice' of ·hearing shall l;l~ ·seived
upon:· . · · · · ·· ·. :. · ·· : - · ·
t. insane. person in th.e hearing (Sec.2}1-. ·· . a,. The person al.le'ged fo be insane; and . · \ . .

I ' r •,, • • •

, ..
~- .
.··. ··.·.,. -·-w· :· . . . · 1;i, .The .one:having _charge .of him,-or on s·uch of
. .·· .. his-relatives·residir-ig·in the provjnce/dty as·.
i. .
Seivice -of Notipe o.f the Co1.,1rt _order tcithe··
. . I . . . . ·.. .,,.,_
. . · the judge may dei:ln'l proper;
. 4.. The cou_rt shall order the sheriff
.· . . .
prod!JCEI the to
r· . -· · aneged insane persc:iI_l and ~o tt:i~ ·per:son wt.io · . ·allege<:!' il")~arr~ pe'rson.(-if possible) on the d~·te ·
·· :. . ·n~s custody of hin'i/ber·(Sec.'2~ ·. of hearing: . . . .
:. ,'";, .
5. ,· .Up.<;>n_ satisfactory proof tl:l~t the commitment is
·' .. ,. - .. nece~sary ~nt! that. his relatives are unable to

.. [Hearjng cin the P~tition (S,ec.3)/ · ·take proper .custody and .care of t,icn, ·the court ·

i '· shail q(der his commitmen't in a .hospital/~sylum
(ROC, RUL_E:.1_01, Sec .. 3); al"\d .. . .
r: . · 6. The col:Jrt shall make. proper provisions for the
,. / custody.of the.property or money belon~ing ,to
~ . the insane. until a g_i.Jardian is properly appointed
i'.~. (R'oc, RULE 101, Sec. 3); '

t- .

- &-

Right of the . tnsane · Peraon 'to Notice and

Hearing; Ordinarily, 'the person· whose liberty. is ·RULE l:02· · . '·
sought to be restrained is entitled by law to proper HABEAS Co_RP.US.'.. -;
. notice to- such "proceeding an,d by force. of statute
other persons may be entitled to notice.rWftlle it has · .: . . ···'"..... · ..
been held that want of notice does not render the Rule 65 ys Rule._ 1.02
proceedinqs-lnvalid and that.the 'commitment. is not
subject tocollateral attack, it has also been.held that
want bf' notice renders .the ·_procee,ding void or.. at
{east, is ·a good ground for- .vacatlnp. the order. of
commitment (3A-HERR~RA.supra at 464).

,. :·

. s.EcTi<;>N 5. ASs1sTANCE._.:o~· F1scAL -IN.· THE

. ·:""~~-
PROCEEDING .. .Disti·~g~ish !3etwe~n;Prelimih~ry Clti!ti~n and . 1...,

. ·. · Peremptory Writ Of -Habeas. Corpus · . -· ·.}"/;

... It sJi~ll'be ~~(y.of .-he ~r~vindal or city.fiscal (now.' ·· . . .. · .. : . . . ,, ~·.I,·
prosecutor)to ·pu~pare the petition for the $ecretary
. of Health arid. represerit' 'him · 'irr, court -in all
Requires the respondent to Uocondii9n~lly"' '. ·: ·
· .- · proceedings, under this R_ule: .
appear -arid show Cc;l.U,Se commands' . ·.. ·.... the _-;,~,
.. _ : (For p~rpose~ of .c.ontinuous. fl~w. of discussion on why . the peremptory writ respondent to 'have · · (?)
: -Sper;:ial Writs,· Rule ·.102 .vyf/1 be d_lsc.ussep toge.ther should notbe granted. .lt ls. the ·· body' of the . if
· · with the Rules on A_°mpa,:o, Habeas Data am:!_ the Writ used· in cases where .. thei. 'detalned ·· person N1.
of Kalikasar,).· · · ·· '[necessuytorthe-lmrnedlate. before· the court .at a · · :~;
issuance ~f the peremptory time and place therein .'J_
writ is not nian[fest. . · . · specified· , . · · -,}
· (Lee Yick Hon v, · The: iosvfar.(?o(lection;f Customs,'._ ~~
No. L-16779,




. ·' ·.'f


SP.EC1AL ·.pa·o·c·EED I NG.S·
rt N *':** ··- . . .
Differenc~ betweel) Wrjt. of Habea~ Corp.us·tn;,m Note: Actual phy!5ical restraint is not retjuired;·ihy .
Privil~ge of \lyrlt ·of-Habeas..<::orpus:. . . restraint which will prejuqice .freedom of action is
·The writ- is the order. requjrfng th~ person to. whom it sufficient (Moncupa · v. · Enrile, G.R. N.o. 63345,
.:is issue·d to prqd.uce ttie b0dy-0f the persqn alieged January 3·0; 1986). · · · · . ··. · ~· · :
. to be restrained. ·.of his liberty .and ~o ju$tify the..
deteritio"n. The ·.writ issues as. a· matter ··of CO.Urse ·. Purpos·e:The esse~tial; object ·.aricl pu~ose of the.
When it. appEiarsfrom Jhe petitio.n"thal .the Wrif pu·ght .. . w.rit. of habeas· corpus is to inqufre into all manF.ler of
t6 · issue,: ··the. · suspension · of .. th·e ·privilege ... :. involuntary restraint as distinguished ·frbrri voluntary.
.notwithstanding. On the other hand,. th·e privileg·e.. of . · and ·to· relieve a p~rsci'n the_refrom if.su·ch'·restr.aint is·
the·writ is the fl.lrther:order inquJ·ring into th~ cause '-ill.eg~I:(Moncupa v. Enrile, · G. R: ·No.· 63345, January
. of detention ·a'r1ddire.cling the-·relea·se ·of the~person · 30, 1986). · .• . ·
'ifhe iS''illega!ly detained (2 RIGUERA,p.1'42).. . ';...
· : .
-. . . · . .. . . . . .·.. ·

. . . Thew_rltof habeas f?O(PU~ was devised and.exists as

· · ffroceth.ire for the .Jssuance of the ... a speedy and. eff~ctual. remedyto relieve .persoris ·.· .
:. Wrif 91. Hfibeas. C.orpus. under Rule.102 .. . from .. u_nlawful. restralnt.. and .as the· best- and only .
!!·. · ·. .: ·su~cien(d_efense.o_t.personal freedom. Any further ·
. '. rights of the parties.are.left·unkll.iched.b'y' decision ·.
. pet{tion alleging· the . . . ,· .. : on. the writ;: whose. prlnelpal purpose is to set-the
illegal confinement or detention~ . individuar·af libeity".(/n the Matter.·bf the Petition of
':. ·. ~ . . . : . . . . : . ·. ' . - . '. . .· . . .: . . r/D, . 'Habeas GQ·rp.u(of I=_r!(e.mia.·E. R?·~rigti~i:. ·GR. No.

·. ·
. · · .. .• . •
!lssl!anc~ ofth.a-liVl'tt by the court of compet~.n;~'il
, . · .,:,1
'*~~ . . . _ . . . . . , . . · · . · .
j~.risdi.ction,. or. in. case of. emergency, thel\0; :~;.,;,),~ Fµn,ctiori of ffab~ris Corp.us . . · ·. · · . ·
169.48?, .January_.29,.2008).

· ..
. · . . : ju~g~ · ·. · .· \i /: ·
,":°;;;';!.,.J,~~.quir~.!!1-!P the legality of ~ne·~ det~,:itlo~.- In all · .
.· ·. · · · · . _. -_,,.;. ·.l.;..t'f ~JlP.·~~6.f:.f!.~bec!s~orpf!s; the ~~u.rt must:ii:ig~ire
. . , . .: . ,,,f,:,, . · . : ,~., jJ 111!0 ever¥J:>ti..~e.a.n.d ~sp~ct of.13et1t1one~·s detention_.
.!Service o.f t~e wnt by lea~1~g t~e8f~9!i:1al with.._ \.'"iJ · . - from th.e aj<fi~ent petitioner was taken tnto custody
. · the p~rsqfl to ':"(horn·~ is dire~tejthd, _ · :,,!· .. -:~r, 1,1p .to.the rpo01e;r1tttie c_ourt:pa.sses upon the n:i.eri~s
.. preserv.1.~g.a· copy on which t~~~l<e?J~.r:n.L l~ .
or the petiJJoru~fru "only after.such a scrutiny can the
· .., t;;,."· · l.J ·:-v : . ~. tiiA court ~at\s~(f.. elr\,t_hat the. d~e··pr~cess .cl~us.e e.r our
· . · .. · . ,.:,-;;st . ·J',· ... ,· . ,,.·· ". ?n'! ~onst1t~on 1 as ~~eri -sat1.~fi~!:i· (13emarte ·V· · CA,.
· ~x~cutiqn of ~he wnt by ~[1y.er~".'g,t~~pdY·,~f.-- · t•.'!' . G.R.'Cf:l,9,"j'., p~£'F,\Oc.lot,.~r 18, 1996):·. · ·.~ . · .
.. . ·. .}he'person .
\1-..., ,, ,, ..• :.,
o~.). ,.
r···I . .. · .. :,..~t{.-iif.)':,i..Y.
Ej:J l.u..z.:;.;.."';. ..
··.·.. . . . .
· '--, p;.,;..'.· /\ · //' i ;,7 Natur.e of the Petition: · ·. .
• . · , , ) .- . · ·l~J..:..::,..\,.,r;_.Petitior:i for' h,abeas -corpus, w~ich is·· an
.!Rellirn ·?f s.ervice of the:·~.::, .1-7•!>l;f~~·1.rl;n~uis!t.lon by, th.e government, :at .!he_··
per-son/officer haying custop°M . /1f::::'.'.,-t~:...i:-u.!s'tl§gestionand Instance ,of..an individual', most
.. . . <:"'i' .. . .. .
.probab!y,but·still iri the na.rrie a.nd capa'city of the
:Sovereign is l\ke: a ·p·rqce~ding in tern. It js .J;lrso
· · •. Jl~ari~g or,i the return!:· . ~~-:,,. . institut~d fo~ the pur:po's~offixing the status. of .a
. . .. . . ' . person ·and that. tJ:te~e. can, be .. no juqgment
. ··ent~red ·a.gainst anybQdy sihqe-there is no ·real
· IRecorrimitman·t/b~il; <;>f dis.c'~arge of the · _ :-plaintiff. :and.,defendant· (~limpoos-.v. CA; ·G:R. ·
·· . ' ,· · •
detained person I .
• . I •, •
. ·, . N9. F27331,.July ~o, 19$1J •. :· < .
· '2. It .is not' h'1 the· nature' of a writ of· error; nor
·. i ~·intehd.ed '·.as. _substitu.te ,for .the ·tri?I .'i:~urt'~.
· . fum,tion; Tl:le writ cannot be used to .(nvestigate _, :
. ·and consider ques.tio.ns of ecior thatmrght: be •.
. .· raised . refating. to procedlire. qr .-On the. merits
SECTiON. 1. · l'O WHAT HABEAS :CORPUS · (Marfg//a v: Judge_ Pahgilinc!n. G..R;· No, .160739, . ·
EXTEND~. . Ju1y-11/2of3J .. · . · · · ·. · _ · . . -
3. It cannot take the place of _appea~ -certiorari or
1. Case; . of megal · c0nfinement o~. deten.iiqn .by · · . ·writ·of.error (Mangila ·v: Judge. P.ang1lina'n. G.R.
· . which a.person is depr,ivecl. of his liberty·; and No, ·16,07.39, J_uiy ·17, ..2013). , · · ··. · - ·
2. Cases .PY which tJie · ~ightful custody of the 4. The. in'qu!.ry in ·a h.ab~as corpus pr.oceedihg is
: ··person. i.s ~ith'held .from the. perspn. entitled addressed to the.: qo~stion···of. ·wh~ther the .
'ther~to. · · ·· · · proceedin.gs and the assailed order a(e; .for any
reason, ·. null · and void (Mangil!ll. v. · Judge· _·
Pangilinan, GR. No. 1.607~9. July 17, 2013).

. .

5. · The writ· is .not ordinarily granted where the· law' · .; The Writ·m~y-be Availed of as a <::on~equence· of.·:;t
provides .for other remedies ·in the. r~gLilaf a Judicial P.roceedlng, such as the Following: .· .:\':,
course, .and in the . absenc;:e:. of exceptional, -.1. :· There has beena deprivation-of a constitutional.--,?}
circumstances (Mangi/a· ·. v, "Ji.Jdge Pangilina(1, ' . · · a
-ri"ght resultilJg. in. the· restraint"of person· (Go ,;._- ./t
· . : : (;:R.No.", 160_739, July 1:7, 2013),_: · .. · pimagiba~ G_.R. /\lo'. 151876,. June .. 2·1,'.-2005); · ,·?
6. Habeas· .. corpus· should not be granted in . 2:. The court .h~d. rio.-jurisdiction ·. to .lmpose .the- )\
advance of trial (Mangila _v: J_acl_9e Pangilinfln, ' · sentence- (Go v. Dimagiba, ·G.R. · No, 1{?1876· · ,.
·.-G.R.' No. 160739, Jilly 17; 20-13).. · .' June 2_1,_?005); · . · •. ·. . _· - .. .. · . . ' -_-~}
7.: Hebees.corpus is a .surnmary remedy (Man_gila 3. · An excessive· penalty. has been· imposed, as -, t·
v, Judge Pangilinan, G.R. 'No; 160739,. July 17; such sentence·is void as to such.excess (Go it. 'f i
2013)'. . " . · . ·. · .. .· '.
8. The writ of. habeas-corpus does. not.act upon the .
" · bil')1agfba;G,R, No. {5_187.6, Ju_ne. 21,-20.05);°' ...
4. Where the law is amended, as when the penaity. y,,;.
prisoner who seeks' relief;_but upon.the person ·. . is lowered. ·Obta_in. freedom atter .. serving';:i
who 'holds hlrn in what is· -.aileged. to"be. the -- .. minir:ntim- sentence when the .penalty under an.:.'}
u"nla_wful · 'authority.' Hence, )he only partie~ . , · · · . old lawhas-beenreduceo by.anarnendatory lav/}i
• before the court.are the petltloner (prisoner)' and · · (Cruz· ii. 'Dlrector 'ot Prlson_s, .G.R. No. -1..,.:6497, 111·1
-;the person holding the·petitio~er in,_custod~; and.· · · · . .No_vember 3," 1f)1 oj; · . . ·. · : : ·· · · ·· ···_. .-· ":,
the only question to -13~·resolved i~ .wlt~tlier th~ .- . ~- .. betniaf:_o( right. to a ':s·peedy· trial. _(s!nce · if is · 'J}
custodian has-_authority to deprive the petition~~
of -his liberty. TtJe wdt ,may ~ deni~(:i,$if1he
petitioner fails t? s~ow_-f~cts _that I}e;\l~.ef1Jt~ed-_-·
U . 4,..'6, \J ju"tisdictiori<;1I). ,(Sa.Ivana . it. Ga.ala,· G,R. No. L- · -~·
~i5fi,February 21; 1.931); · ... ·..
";'fl.~1~ r'E:~~Jts o"f post:~6nvlcti6n _DNA _testing .. ,
·· · . . ~
th~r~~~-- ex merito -Jµ~t,c,as (Mang1LO.t ~U,~~=,::-:,,.~,,,,. &_(e· fv9-r-a?J~ tC? th~ _convict ( Salve.ma.v. <?ae/fJ, 'j\,
Pang,lman, G.R. No.. 1.60739:.i!'du!Y:17';.,2'9J.8r . &R, No. ffo:·§/f:155,February 21, 193.1),. .. ~
·1 .
"palladium_ ofhberty" IS. i:1 pr,,~Jl'a~~~El-:W_jit ~hiGlt t
9 .. A writ'<:>f.habe~s COf/~Us,.whtcr~!st~9J('cr~.9;as,•a"'~~--~7';<--~~t5!t~!(P~{~.p,ts to ~e~a_in custody of a _rni~or
-~!?'- ch1I~, eV,!;lr.);:ifJJjpi~tter:be 1~. the. cuslod,Y of,;! third ~:;.;
. does. r:io~ 1ss_u_e as a .ma,tfer,of\;_Z.g~t qft-._rn -ttfo fjt~. .l.~ persR.n ~~\~!3~ ow~;fre.e will ($alvana .v. G~ela, :,'
s9und. discretion. o.f the ,:y9urt. i.,1s, ho1wever,a. ~ · G.R.v~Jo. [13~{5ffi,':iFebruary21, 1.931), -5:
w~it ot right on proper ~o~n:i]l!tie ~eln~Hmacfe]y . . -g-:-"."~rricl~term_in·trr~)h,~ ~c9~s~itutionality of ·a .statute ··;;::
-proof. R~sort to the wrrt~1s-.net(\:-rnqu1r~ lnt'o:'tt:Je? t::;::;J!1.,(Peqpleofl~e Ph;l}bpmes v. .VerarG.R: No. L~ .:lk
crimin~_I act of w_hich aiicsro_!Dlrint is··i~de a.ti~..mL'.u.;:;:)~ 456~5. Nov.97t'rberM6;10"37)'. .. ,, . . ·. -·J
-unto the_ right ~f.1rber1y/1tJb@tiiJi~ta;1rw{~~~~L~~\0]estrpg· .. tf1rr . 1ega1rty_. _of.. ~n_· -;.i1reri's -):.:-
. and the 1mr:ned1ate p·ur~!'ir.f0-p~ s~ ,~~'\'!i reh_etit,1· 17'
0 cj,l(i~~er1fen~'P,Yopos.e.d :e~pul~1or-1·· fr:orri· the· . -~
. 'from.= tht: illegal :re~tra1~P(Maggda 'fft)~~ge!i:It1k~~?.P-fG"P,J:lrn~~~Lao"'Tf:_1.g Bun-1(.Fabre, G.R:No. _t-_. ..y
Pangilinan, -G.R..No. 160'h39, J.ufY.~17, -~~- ~)~ f
'-£V/Ao.,f_,Oc£5b~r-2?:f1'948); .· .. : . .. · .,_ . --~ •
. . ; . · : ·. ·. ·· :.\. _. ._:·\.:_ ··· . · "''1.,;/.:.1,~f",permjftin_g an{ali~n,to._land-in··the Phi.lippines ·.}
Pet~t1on fort~~ writ <;>f-habeas·:9_orpuil:~n_n(!__~-'J-Bt,IT\~ •_'rr)J([heng .../- lnsular-;_Col/~cfor of. c;ustoms,._<(
~-v~ile~ qftogetherw.1th·t~~-petrt1-on.f~r_;fftlQriril-l.x... °" . fjj.ff!,_; .N.£:t'-cJ.6jfJf3,:Se_f!lef!Jber 13, 1920); ar:i_d .... · _:"i:·
The Writs of habeas c9rpus· and ~~r:a!~rtlal?'e:=o··""---:--"'·~ r~,a~~~1firng the legality· o~ an· extradition . ~~'
ancillary to ea·ch _o~her··-where nepessa..r.Y..-'{p)~Jy.e } J.r N. "t_tfjflti!~P:' States__ v. Rauscher,_ 119 µs-· 407, . J·
effec\ to the·_superv_isory powe·rs_"ofthehigh~!CQ.Q,rts-. _ V lf::_~;.t)e'tember§, 188~). :, ~-. , , · . . . . . · ")f:
A. w~1t ·of habeas c.orpus.. reac_hes·. the body· ~-=-~f2.Whtn a ·persqn ·1s depr1yed of liberty due . .to · ;;;;
Jurisdictional m,at~ers, but not :the ·rec~rd; ~rit of ··.. . . · :mista~en identity. (In the .Ma,tter of the Petition,·)'··
. : ~ertiorari reacl:le!'i". the ·record~ bu~ n.ot" t_he' .body. · · for Habe_a~-Corpus of Dattikan Mafa.ng-Salibo, . ·:t,;
I-Jenee, writqf ~abea~ corpus may be· used with -the : . .. .G. R. No: 197597, April:OB;· 201 !)).. ·>·?
. writ of certiorari for the purpose of revi~w. ·· . · . :· :. · ·.. · . -: . . · ·· . ,;rr
. . . .· . . . .". When-Petition foi;-·Habeas CorpllsNOT Prop~r: ... ·'.t
Howev~r, habeas· corpus doEis·-not lie where. th~ · . _1 .- ·. Foq1ss~rtin9or vindi~ating ti,e denial of-\he right_,'\
pe'titione·r has the. reine~y of appec:11" .or certiorar;' . · ·. · _to bail. (G1;1/vez v: C'A, G. R, No,_. 114046, .October ')[
b!;l<,al.Jse it. wm not- be. pemiitted· to perform .. ttie · 24,- 1994); : . . .· · · . · .... · . · .: o:i,
fun_ctioris .of a wri_t of error or c!PiJeal for the·pu.rpose • 2. ··i=o"r correcting errors.in·the appreciation of facts ::?%
·ot reviewing· mere" ·.errors· brirregularities . fn·.. the .· ·-or i~w ·(So_ttd v. Dfie_cto_r.of Prisons, G:Ri.'No.·_L:. \0
proce!:}dings .of .a 90urt ·having jurisdictiori :over 'the .18871, M~y 3_o; 1962); .· . .· . . . ··,;,,
person "and the·subj~ct matte, (Galvez.v."·CA, G:R.: · 3. Where ·_.the trial· c9urt had Jurisdiction· over the ·i
No. 114046, October 24, 19911). . cause, 6vedhe pe.rson of the accl.Jse.d, and to .. t
im_pose the penalty _provided· for ·py- law,-. th~- .J·
Grounds tor·s!jspension of:t~e· Privi.l~g~,of the .
Writ of Habeas Corpus.4nder- the Constitution:.
. · rpistake GQrhmitte.d by 'the trial . court, 1f . any, :i
refer? to the_ appreciation of tq~ facts and/or in · _:. ~/
L ·1nva.sion, when public safety requires· it; or· , . . the appretic!lioJi! ~! _th_e law, which cannot .be : .;}.:
2. Rebellion, · when . pubHc- .safely requires · it corrected by habeas corpiis (Sotto v. Direct<Jrof ··,::
(CONST:Ait. Vil, Sec. 18). . · . . Prisons," G.R. No. L-18871; May 30, 1962); or · .,.,

456 I 2019
•,. . . . . . ' . .

'4. ·On~e a person detained is duly charqed ln ..court: ...

S.cope 'of· Enforce.ability·
. ... · .
. he may no longer questlonhls detention through
a petition for issuance of a writ of hebees corpus,
Hisremedy wduld be to quash. the. information
_·and/or. the. warrant of . arrest ·duly·· issued
'(Rodriguezv, Bonifacio, AM. No, RTJ-99-1510, Enfqr~able ·.· thrqug.hout !=nforceable·.cinly within
November 6,· zooo). . . ·. · · . · -:: ·, .. . the f'hilippi\:les. tt,eir: r_especti'ile Judici"al .
5; To. ·compei a. husband to .
live,. wit~ his ·wife. region. · ··
(1/i:Jsorio v. Bildner, -G.R. /\Jo". 139789; May _12,
.2090). , .. · . .
:Returnaple to a~y
court:' · ._i~eiu~nable o_rily. to itself.
'1n. CaS:es of. lll"eg~~ Confinem.~nt:o~.,o~te~tirih:·.. ·, ·...
General. Rule: T.l'le. release; whether permanent or
: · 1. RTC' or ·any' judge • :-· . . . • ..
· ·thereof: · · · · · ··
temporary, of a detained person renders thepetitlon z'. . CA .. ."pr any justice· .
for·ha:bfJBS corpus moot and academic, · -, .. ,. . . . !h.ereof; .· .. .
3... -~c .. or al"!y. jusli_ce ·
Excep.tiorl: When there are restraints attach~c! to
th.~m:iof- . · ·
· hls release· which precludes freedom· of .acnon.un

;~t·., ·
. which.case the courtcan still inqulre into the' nature.. . .. . . . . . . . '. . .
. of hislnvoluntary r~str'ain_t (Vil/avicenc~o _v.: Lu__kban,,_;..
-. Ju_ris_aiction .in· 9as,~s' o.f Habea!S C,;,rp'!s ._with.·
·. G:_R. t:Jo. l-14639;_ March 25,_ 19/9). · · : ,,;i,<,-~,1,~J.. .
Resp~ct.to cu_~_tody_of Mino~s · • 1-· .· .. ··
'. · · · ... · - . : · . · · . /·:-:..f/._.J,'. · A verified .. pennon for .. ~ wnt .of nebees corpus .
.: . Volunt~ry. Rest.rain.\ :· ·.. : .. .· . .'· t;:".;/-~}"11 inyo_lying .custody of minors -shatrbe filed .with the,
· Gen'!raJ Rule; Writ_· not. aVaila~le . if ·restrainJJ.is ;1 ~1 ;i;i 1~a~~ly ~<>,~~:
The wr!t
shallbe e_nfor.cliable_ withln
volunta(.y (Kelly v.. Directorof. Pnsons, 'G.:R.__f;,Jp. t:l.J1i~<i itEt.jf~t~ti~~lon _to ,vy~rch the. Farnr(y-Court belo_ngs. . .
20478, Mercn 1.4, 1923); (Sambongy. SJJ-rJr.R._No.; ·!,(!· . The pef1t1o_n,~~Wlik~w1se·be.f1led-w1ththa SC, CAo_r,.,
. 11-1876, Ja:7uary 31, 1996). . .. {-./sP · ' . .(;;fl , . _w!th any 9f)tfit:rernbers and,-if s'? gran~ed!. !he. wr,t
. : . · · . ·. . ,. · · · '. · t>f1. .· · )/ f~.; _shall be. e~~'f!r'~~ble anywhere 1n_ the P,hrhppmes
Exc.ei:,tion: .~nt'.w1II ~1e to en~ble}lj~,·P.o!~".1.ts (or . ·L-L (Madrian!k;· ra-o/.ian,:_G.R. f:!o.. 1_59314, ''./UI'( 12'.
pe~son ... hav.rng substft~ted P.~ri0ta1. --~a~o);ny~ . ~8-
.. recov.er·cu~tody of a_ .mrnor qfiiiltflltl°)o9JlR_sh~t iS 1~<\
custody of a .3"' perso!) on l')ei:(ll.wrr<'ll-01.rt.!9A,JT1J1~~- .
rr.!:..t~·rj · _ · ·
2097);'· WLiia -M,l(t_aht(:t.v. Cf],da-Dep_ara, G.R.' No.:
21063.§l,!plv "g_l},'W1.4): · · ·..
-~;if.f~'.·f:t~:i:~.;!P · . -
· ... ·
· · · · ..
CA, q.R. ('Jo. 12,5901, March (1,"~,~01);.;.y-t-~~).. -~~)/ . ~~~ .. SE.C:Tib"t.J!.:~l!l.iff;QUl~rFE$ FO~ APPLICATION
· - . .,: ·. · · · · . . ~P.'\:.._· . -Jr . ~U THERl;FOR
'Note:.Voh:.mtarin~~s Is view~d·fr9m~t,~fp.oiri,t:pf,.iie~ l:t·w":;) .. . . . ·. . . ·. .
.: · · · · · · · · ·. · . · <
of.'the ·perso_n entitled to 9ustody._ : \~,~'.~-
. ----<':~:.1,(;..-=Wfto,jn~JYtapp.ly: · . · : · ··
.,:.,.-;:-:-_..J..;.~4~P~rt\.-~cirwhose relief it.is intended; or
' . . . .· .
·. --. . ..
. ~-EC:1~,N_2_.·~H~ ~~Y-~RANTTH:E_~[:f'f] :.'.. · .· 2. '• .SR~e pers"oO"on-hfs_behalf. · ·. ·.. · . ·. · · .
The RTC, CA,. .Sr.id SC have. concur(eot Jurisdictio.n · The Sig~ed. ·v~r1fi~d
·Petitio.~: m4.st ·:s~f ~orth:
' ·to. issue writs of habeas corpµs. 'The MT-y, by virtue · . .(P.NP-Ca)' ', , ·. . . _. . . . : .-_ ', . . . . ··. : ..
of special }urisdictidn under 13.P, .Big, 129, can is~ue : . 1. . Thatt~e. fers'or:, ·1n whose -b~h~lf the-;:ipplicatioil
the writ i'! case tt:,er~ is no:avail.a~l.e_ R!C judge_. . is· maae is impr_isqned or r~~trained of hls1i~erty;
· •,· · · . · · · ., . 4. The Name ofthe pers~ri detaining. ancither; . · ' ... :
. Hi~rarchy of.cQurts is·not applicable.·. . . 3·... Th~ flace where he. is impr\soned or restrained· .
.. The writ issue_d ·by the· RTC. is ·enforceable wit!Jin its . · of his libe.rty; -and · . · .- . · . · . · . · . :. .
territoriai·jurisdiction; while the w'rit"issu.ed. by CA or; ·. _-4. The'.Cause:·6f his-·deter1tion: < •
:sc·is enforceab.le .anyv.ihere ln the Philippines. ;< :· ..
-· · · · · .· : · · Note: The- formalities ·:reqiJlred:.:tor .,petitions· for .
. The S(:Jndiganbaysn may·. issue . writs- of habea·s :habeas corpus. must. be . c6ti"strued .liberally.·. Strict:.
corpus only j{ it is -in aid of its appellate. jurisdiction' compliance. with tt,e 'technical tetjoirei)'ients·Jor a
(P.D, 1606, as atnende<f. by R.A. 8249,.-.Sep._ 4). · habeas ::corp!JS petition rria,y: ·.be dispen~ed ·with
· · · · · · · Where .th.e 811eg8tions in ttie ap°plicatio'n are-..sUfficJerit
This pr:Ovisiqn i~. :a.riother exception to ttie' r.tile. that a.
to m"ake ou"t. case for habeas corpus .(Fletcher ·v.
processe$ of the RTC ··Court ar~ .erifor.ce~ble Director of Bureau of.Corrections, UDK-14071, July.
throughout the Philippilies (2. REGALADq supra at 17, 2009) .. · · ·· · · ·
176): . . .. . . ..


. . . . . . . .
~· . \!

Defect tn the· Form is· not Fatal proven lawful,_ then the habeas corpus proceeding/)
The petltion for' the. wrlt-ls required tobe vei:ifi~d but terminate (In the Matter otthe Petition· for Habe"cfs':tf
the· defect· in form will: not· be· ·fatal·. 'In 'fact, the : Corpus of Kunting, G.R .. No. ·167193, Aprii.19, 2009j. :}t
S4preme .Court h,as ·h~l.d that it is-tl')e duty': of a court- . .. . - . . ·t
to issue the writ If there is 'evidence that a .perso.n·fa . Note: Posting of· bail is not a waiver .. Under th~ -/,. ·
. ' unjustly restralned.of his' liberty within Jl:lrisdiction . . Revised . Rules o.n· CriminaJ .· Procedure, ·. an·-~
even'-jf there is no· apptlceflon (Villav.icencio·· v. application' f~r· bail is' not 'necessaruy a· bar' to · ~j
Lukban; G ..k.' No. L~1463~,'.March:.2~.,-1919~.· : · ~~~-1.~~~ the v~lidit~ ?f t~·e· arrest (ROG'..~()L~ 114, -;:4) i'.
u is ~e~e~sary, howe~~r~,that the person in whose . . . . .: . ·. . .'$
behalf. ·the petition is. filed Js' under actual and . A petltion for habeas corpus cannotbe granted if the· (;
effectiv~ ·restrairit or deprlvation Of liberty (GonZa/f)s . , .· . a..ccused has· only -served ·the mirurriurn of· his· .,_1t..
v. 'viola, G.R .. No·.. ~·43195, ·August ?3, 1935)... · · · , sentence as he must serve his. sentence up. to. it~· !;},.
.TIO~· .4. WHE..N. w·RIT··. N._0,:.· Al.LOW.~D· .•. OR... ... . m:a,sim~m term (O(fi.ce·of the :cqur:, AdministratorV. .'·;~
.SEC c Judge Pe.re/lo,_ A.fl!. No. RTJ-05,UJ52; Decembec-!ff
Dl:>CHARGE AUT.HORIZE!),(JUCIT). . . · ·24,--2008); . · ·. , ·. .. . . ,;
:· .·... . -. . .. · .- .. : . . . ./{·
1. · If J.u'risdiction. appears after the wrifls:a11owed ... .: · SECTION 5'.. WHE,;.j' WRtT,-MUST. BE. ~GRANTE;D :~

process judgm'ent or order . . . ~~p;%: . t.~-

· n_otwithstanding any- informality.or. defect· in-th~~~-.ISSUED:- .,,- ·. ··
is. -~~ . : , . .
2. If the pe~son·is .in the custody, of ao}}ffi'.cer tlii<;Jer · j · JPfi.~e~~~\{.or: Grant·of
·. . . .
.. _ ·

Writ: (VACS-RH)
· .
. i~
. }/
·pfOC~SS issued . by a COUrt O~t5'y.(.virt\Jro~...-,..1:..-=~,f-l
. judgment or order of a court ~!f!l:c~r~tWV!P~as ·
~rif1~9Jtfeiition· signed by the party for Whose .
. ·. . .~li.~._r1I isAnie~ded;. or by some 'other person in ··t'.

ti . ·
Jurisdiction to is~ue. the ·pfoces~y}~fi~th~-= .,r1,.~~.._""bisJjel!iff,.,,:.;,_. :· . . · ·. · -~
judgment or make the ord~.fi~~ '',!!' ., !! . · ID) 1.!i;. · .~.,.:__ .~1Yav.,a'h~~~rit.

~\I. . . , · .
· ·. . . . · ·' · ~
-4i i[ ·go~an.q cfffic~r\\Opr?auce; : · _ '"i
.. 3. lf_the 'pe_rsoh is f:~ar~ed ~(th,o"'-rvMhvic.fedof an
· offense in .~he Pl:11hpp111e#,, L - ·;t· r,.. 4. .§.erv1.c.e.of~~Yis,l:1enffor other .officer;
-s. -~-
:· __ lawful.ju'dgm.e'.1~;._ .· n.F~ ·: · ,· ·
4. It thf:? .pers,on .is ~uffenfd)!J!rPrsonl'l']i~µnae'r ·

5 . !hree (_;3)-di;ty ~leten~or. ,~f~,a 'SUspec Wl~Mp~

:.·-~~~Ii I tz~~l:!.ea~ng.9~-~~urn1.. · · _..
l . · .. f! ~ .· · · . . · ·
'. - 'f
· -~
· charge _provided that~ 1h~ ~rresr.:,1 ·those.~ <·Geil~le-;:1,lt it aP.pear-s th<;1t the -writ .should . ::"
suspected of the . <:;f\.1,1~1!"'9~ · t~ffJ~·stn . oiir.~Js~e ,~Q_erl<:'9iicQ1:1ft/.shall issue the writ under the ';\'l
'conspir~cy _t~ ):ommit .'\l,l;lri-brj~~ ~m~~~ i =· . ~-ti··. se I (RP<?.,. RIJJf/.E,102, Sec.. 5). . ]'
acqordance with ttie ~ct. (~um.~n ~ec~n • '.9! " · ~,,;.,._~ . f... -J! · · . · · . .. . .J
201?7, R.A. 9372, Sec. 18, ~o take ~{(ect 0/3-~~~1:~pfionjn .. ern1:;_Fgency caS!:)S,' the judge. may· ;;.
14, 2007), _·_ . . . '\ _ . -~~ (§C\y-E~r'-1~J~~!th~~rit .uri~efhis.. own hand and depu~ize_ any · ·1
. . . . · ._, ... : -;~- ·~per~gn1"'0-~~""ey-(koc,BULE102, Sec, 5) .. · .":
. Superyenin·g·ev~nts may Bar Rele~iE~Fr}un~=~.,..~.;(\ ...J\.L_. ~ ·. ·. · .. · · · . · . .f-
c!rrest of a person is i[legal, supervening1~iie;!ts:F.'fY .1\_ ,1 /Ex'y~tl6g.s on· Cases When a Virtue of··Habeas · r-'
· ~ar ~elea~e o~ di~charge_fr9m.cpstody._,vyh1iH~E_e· J. 'Y a..t;c:w;J;iJJS..
mquirecj into IS the legality of t,1s detention ·as o(at-~c.=,ay.Virtue,of a Judgment:, '
'May ae lssued Even if ·the D~teritlon. is
. . il
•'the.earltes,t, the filing of tile ~pplication.fodhe writ of. . . . : 1: :.. i:'lier~ was s d~'pfivat1on.of a cons~tutiorial right .1
·. habeas corpus, ·.for even if. the -'d.etentior:i is a_t its.· . . · in· the· restr~il'_lt_of pe~son; _... . .. . . · ·. · . ·. · ~:w.
inception :}legal,· it may, by reas:or:i ·:oL :som.~ · . · 2. ··The ·co1,1rt. has .'no jurisdiction .. to impose .a ,;j
··supervening. : events such : as ·Jhe instahc.es · sentenc~; . .-. . . . ·1
IT'!entipned-ir.r.;Sec. A, be n.o lo_nger ill~gal-at \he t.im·e . 3. · Tf.le· ·imposed· per.ialty · wa~ ·excessive, thus _:,7
.. of ~h!:l fllini,/6.t-!he ~PPiica~on_ (Ve/as'co v:- -CA, G.R..
No; 1186.44, July_l, 1995).
.., _· . -.. v~i~ing'. ~e_ntence a·s t9_.e.x:cess.. (Ba~-redo v.. Hon..
· . Vmarao;G.R.. /'IJ_9.. 16872,8,: .August ,2, 200.7; ..,·
· :· FESTIN, supra .at 212); . . . . .
... : · W~it of :Habeas <;;o~p_u;;· c~rin.ot be· 1ss~ed--o~·ce·· 4: Wne·re the law is a'm~nded, as when the penalty ..
. .PerSOI) i~ Chargec;I with ·Crim!nal O,ffe.nse ' . Is lowered; . Obtain . freedom- after serving .. '·
Under Seqtion· 1., Rule 102 oft~e Ruies of Cour:t, the n'linirj'i1.1m sentence when. the, pe('lalfy under· an· · :~
wri.t of: habeas corpus extends.. to· --;-" all' case of old law has beeri reduced by ari ainendatory law' .~
il.legaLconfinement'or detention.by'which, any persoi:i .(Cruz 'v. directo.to.f Prisons; G.R. No.· L-6497, .(,·~
is deprived. of his liberty, or. by which· the rightf1,1I November 3, 1910); and···. . .':
custocy _of any_ person is withn~ld from ·{~e· pe.rson 5. yvtiere.the ~esults.of pa,st~~r:iviqtlon DNA'testfrig j
entitled thereto". The rern·edy of habeas corpus has . are f~voraole to ttiEt convict;. (A.M. ()6~11°5-SC, ;:·
'orie objective: to.inquire into the caus~ of detention .· .Sec. 1.0). · . . · :

of ~(.'person, and if .found illegal; the cciurt orders .the ·•t
release qf the d~tainee. If, however, the detention is · il


.. -, sAN awA 0w auresuzeo aAR oPERATIQNs··-·ME1>,10R~A10 20,9.

;ECTION. 6. T_O WHOM.,~RIT. DIRECTED, AND D_utles of the Officer: . . _ ".

,VHATTO.RE:QUIRE . 1., Convey .the person so imprisoned ·before-. the
· judge, unless from sickness or infirmity, such·
\. · In case . Of·. ·imprisonme"nt · O~- restraint l;)y · an p.erson cannot, Without · danger be brought
officer: · · · · · · ·· ·· · . · · · · . ·before the ..courtt.and . · ·
i° .: The writ shall be directed to him: 2. Makethe return.of the w~it together wifhthe day
~: The officer. shali produce 'the body of the person · and the cause' of caption 'or-restraint. ·
before the court. · . . . .
!. State the· cause. of detention and prove his SECTION'9. DEFECT OF FORM
authority. · .' .,_ · ·· · .. .
-· No Writ can be Disobeyed fo"r-Defect of Form if it--;-
3 .. In case qf imprisonment or restraint by.a person Suffidently ·states: . .
not an officer· - · · ·: ·. 1. the person in whose custody or" under whose .
I~ .The .:Vrit shall be dir~cted to an officer. . restraint.the party imprisoned or "restraint is hetd;
?, ·The ·.officer-shall take arid produce the -body of ' . 'and . . . . ' . . .. . .
· · theperson.before.the court. . . . ,. . 2. The. court.or judge 'before whom he .is to .be
l. The· officer shall, summori:the".persori· detaining brought.
. smother to appear before the court. to s_t)ow.·the. . . .
· cause of theIrnprtsonment.or restraint. · . . ·. . ~ECTION 10::CONt~NT$. OF RETU~N

~ECTION 7: i;-toV:i
,VRITSERVED ·.. . · . ·
PRl~-6~ER o~siG~ATED
.. . · : · · . ·.
~Jit~t;~.. Wtien ·.the -person to be produced [s impris~ned or
;tJri·,(;(,f.f!':i restrained by ~rn· officer,_ the per~on who makes the .· ·
... · · . · l""-tr,11,.)'.''~;.l return. shall state therein, and m other cases the.
Fhe person to .be produced should be 9esignate'~ tfi'.•·~·'?.f} _P€;(§On in wnose custody the prisoner is found shall
h~ writ: . . '. . :· - :. . . ;f/ t;~:r~~rY..s!~~~l;l,ryy.6'j~i~g. to "the court or juc_!ge before whom
I. By his. name, if known; or . :,,.·;-«'f.f . · · v·. r1 the:wriHs-::reti:irnabl~. plainly and unequivocally: .
~- ·If his _name ,i~_notJn6wn, ·ti~ maY:-~~he_rwis,e\~l 1 .. Wh_eth~fr1f:\e.has _or h~s !1ot _-th:' partyln his
·· described or: ldentifled. . . . . J i0,./.t .. ,}r1l . ·• CLtStoqf O,r ~ower, O~ un~er restraint; . ... .
· . _. . . . .: . _ .. · · ·. ;:,:tt-· J'.t~ _-- ·. . · ii] _.2. 1f. he J<as:jth\ party ·1!1 -~is '?-ustody or yower, qr
rhe .wnt may,~~- served.· m ·any" p._F
I. Bythe·shenff;,
.· ·. /.<.. . . '5'.~~,;
·v-~.:::-J: . , _~ .
)a~.·. · ~nd__."f! r~rtra~~t. · t_h_e aut.honty an9: ~he_,-true. and
0 r.-,·· . whqtec~J1~e·f~ereof,setforthat-]arge-;.w1th,~
!. · By·other proper-officer; O~/.-: ,.,..,;c:',:V;,'~· '~':::1.. I!! · cqRtJ~"KLffff,;iWffe~? order, exe'cution, .or other·
L' . By a· pei;son deputed by the.pourt,orjcidge:_,~~i · . rii . .prcfces.~.s..Jfu.ar;i.y,"upon
which the paf1y is held;. .
. . , . :. . ·. . . · ·. ·.. . . . ~:;d::.~i, - · . f . ~-'='1 ·' 3:: . If t~e: party "is . in._ h.is c~Ste>?Y o~ po_W\')r _or":. is.
fow S.erv1C?e: 1s M_~~e; . · · · ~ .. ". · H-. . ·. :. :['fw.,~""'::7-.' rest~amed· . by him, : and -,is not _ pro_c:!uced,
I. By leaving the ongmal of the wrrt ~h~.!fei'f?erson:__.•i~'r:r~1.~:;-~!:e~1(-J.<?,!.!.!arly·: ~he .. nature . and . gravity.. of· . the
. to ""'.hem~ if is.dire.cted or to ~my ~~tso"ri·J:i.$i'!r.if.........:.~11,·--~~s_ic~A~s'sor·infirmity.?f such part}' b.y re_.ason of
· custody .if the former caonot tie fol.!l[icl ·or fli;ISJnot · · . which he cannot;· without danger, ·be brought
the person rn hi~ custody.; and· . )\fi:-·~·U, ·,. .. . before the c.ourt or judge.; and · ·. ·
t . 'By preserving copy on which to rnak~"'refi.1mof : '.4, . lf tle h.l:lS had t_l'\e party .in his c,ustody,or power,:
service.. ·. . ·.. . . .: . . . . : ·or ·urider. restraint;. and has' transferred . ·such . '
fhe writ itself plays.the role of ~ummons .in ordinary custody or. re.straint to another,· pa~icurarly· io
!ivi( actiO!lS; Cburt. acquires jurisdlc~i6n over th·e. wtjon:1;at what tirile,forwhat cause, and by What
,erson '
Of the respcihdent
. .
by° mere. .service
. of. writ
.. . . .aLithe>.ritY..:SUCIJ
. . transfer was made. · .~ . .

SECTION . ·s;: . H<;)'!V W_Rff -:.EXECL!T!=P . AND ·sEC-'fJON· 11 .. RETURN TO· BE SJ'GNED AN_D
~ETURNl;D · · ·· SWORf'fto.
. ... .-•. . ~ ..
:ieneral RuJe: Officer:to w_hom. writ is· directed shail · · General· Rule: The return- or -~tate~erit· ·shall · be
:onvey the detained person;or:i.the·day specified in '· sworn tb :by. the persqri whci·makes it. . .
he writ: . ·. . . . . . ... . : ....
I. . Befo~e the judge. who ·allovye_d the writ; oi . Exc·eption: The ret1,1rn .is· made and signed by. a,
~- · rt he is · absent, before· any. judge of the sarii~ swqm public-officer in his offici~I capacity.
~6~rt. . . . .
··Exc{eption ·t~
the Exception:. Wherrthe prilloner is
:xceptl.on: . it the. person f~ be. produced has . not protluc~d. .. .
;ickriess or infi~mity·such that he cannot be brought
)efore th~ c6urt ..yit.~outdanger... In all cases, the reti:irn or statement ·shall be signed
l:>y the person who makes It. . ·


SPEC-iAL·. ·PROCEE-01.N"G·s .
~!!ll~.~~,~~~!m+&FSF11i111..·N111181lmm~·-.. ~iiffH ns..:-•+m~~9Afla·~wa.aw1D11..
.. m·m11m1Z111·~1Mm1~F1m1.. 1111··E&PIIBJ!&mia· 1111i1111.. 111:111111aAillli111m11'.1111.. iil!

SECTION 12. HEARING . ." ON ~ETURN." the Bureau of lmnii_gratioh~(GO v. Ramos, ·G.R. No: .{
ADJOURPII.MENTS·.., '· . 16.7569, Septemb.er 4, 20Q9}. · · · · · . · 1i,
. .. ' , . ff;
I .
~ • • 1 ·, •

Geri~ral Rule: T.he.co\)rt. or judge ·before whom the Rec9mmitment or $all; When Allow'ed . · ,." _i}"
writ is returned· ·or a,djourned must.. immediately . · 1 . If the offense is punishable by death, the persor{ .';-·.f
prooeed to ·hear and "examine "tl'Je re.turn; '. . . . _lawfully,. detained . shali not be- releas.ed;·''?:~.
· discharged or bailed'. ·. . ·. · ~ · · · · .:;;;
1:xception: .The. hearing may
be.adjouroed for good i .If the·!;i.ffense is not punishable by:c:1ealh; he rna~·:·,t
causes~ . "provided . : that condition's . upon ·the. be recomrnltted.to'Imprisonment ot-admlttsd to :*-'!
safekeeping .of th.e detained person laid .. If the a~e . bail. in the discretion ofthe court o~-fud~e.·(RO<;:, ··"./
: . detained person :cannot. b.e pro.duce"d. before th~ .RLJLE 102,_Sec. ,14). ' :.·. : .. · .. ]t
·court;the:·offi~~r or person.detainin·g mvst satisfy-the ·· ... ·:. ~ .. :··.-··.:.·· ... ;.. -·· · .r, · . ·.~(\~
court .of the. gravity of the alleged sickness or" Note: If he be admitted to bail, he shall forthwith file r1?i
. infirmity·. · .· . · . · • · · : · a bond i_n such sum as, the .court or:.Judge deems' -:;.t
reasonable, conslderinq 'the· clrcumstajrces of Jh~ .!~
Mote: puring the hearinq; the court or· judge shall" , .· prisoner aiia · thee nature · of _th~ 9ft~'ris.e. charqed, "jf
disregard matters of form and techrticall~les.-of l~e . . conditioned :for '.liis·· appearance · before:· =ihe · court .1i
authority-or Order of commitment. : · . where the 'offense is properly cognizable-to abide "its .: ;:"
. . .. . .. ..... : . : . . . . . / ·:. : . ._.,.~=--~..,,,.,;.w~r of judgment; and the.court"~r J~dgeishall'certify· ..¥:·
. . The· failu~~- of_ peti~ioners, t.o _file _a reply to}b~re~rn 1f ·r J·he1J?i'0¢.~~dings,_to~ethe(':_~ith_tn~_ lfo~d, foi:fl:lwit_h to .::.;r
... of :the _wnt .warrants .th.e ::d1sm.rssa1 :ofrt~ pSJltton U .
~~prr,.;p~~-~o.tl'r!--:If· s_Uch- bor-19 1s_.not ·_so_ filed, the t:.
because unless confroverted; the ·aUJigai!on~~njt!,e;.=..o.::-.:.:::-L
..;:,Q!J~Qler~~111>~.r-ecoi'nrnitted to c~mfjnemen~ (R."0Cf·,"'

v. Javrer, G.R.,No .. _L-36101, Ju1}e

· ·.· · ·, ··':' · . · · di,{')~\
2§.;.,_Q_fJp>f.,,.,,,,,__.,. '."J'b ,_._,.._,,_,.. .t.·~, ~<~
return_are deemed to ,be tru.e·.or ,ft~ttectJ.FJl:irendo~-~·RU!::&-{_@.;·S"l;c.,_'-1:~·-.. ~ . ·. . _. . . · . · .
. · .... · · , , ·
. . .' · :'
.'J,(,. f, - Tl)}· "if ..~.,ectio\-14'}\R~l·tt.,JO~of th'e Rule~ ot-.9ourt.applies·· .
. _ . . .. . ... l. ··,.;7:,
.SECTION ·13·.; WHEN· THE·.~~Ttlf,U1t.EVJDEN~F.: · ~~ ,<\jmly .to li;ases:,..)'#ie~e\tpe,applicant from the writ of·-:·.

f ~ Y.5.i.. ·habeas. ~orpu:S.\i( r~tr.a·ined,l:ly vfrtu.e of a .criminal:·,',
u-:~- . . . . , . . .
-~~~rge~1~ainst.Wlin-.~n\not Wh~re _t~e: applicant. i;, )t
· If dell;mlr_?n·.,s-·._b.y· public jt1(1i0111ty,. ~he·Jetul'mJ.)1$";., ~!'~mg;,entenc~))y r~.~son of·.a fmal judgment' .r/
con_sidete_d·prjma-(ac::ie evid_~~~f~n.e.:v~lid{tYof l,b '.i.~.fjF!J;';'(VJ.cenlff!v.. J u1~e,.:,Mf~O:ucon,_A. M: RT J-02-11398,. ,_;;
restraint ,3-!Jd '.{f.l'~.. pe.titioher.nas:rtqe\u,Jt·~t- P.f00!.'2:~ Jun':._~p~9s1.
t~;A ~ . . .~i I i,i).· 1.:"L.-:ij_
n, ·
1'f-~:d, p: . ·.. , ·
r. · . · . ·. .:-_. . . · . . ,.
. ·. ·. . . · ·~fl1
· -~
z· · . · · · · .,. . .:t
_to show that the restraint is. ij!~ITT!I)'
. · , ·· " . ·. · • • tiv·. ··1·• ~*~'\, -~· ;Jf..~=@· 9'i~{$ffes~ ~H.EN(RRISONl:RplsqAARGEDlf,
. 'If -~~te~tion is· by reason. Of\\Private'\~µtM"\W>JM"".;;J· :,'£ ·1,q,~)EAtJ.':' ... · ,t
return 1s considered only as'\a plea~{~ thev§:~s".;~",,...,, G:,\/. !}'· j1 · ·· · · . . ··. ., · ·- .. r..
. asse~ed J~ere[n.anc;I the perso~iesponsl~l!?.f6~fh_~fR~,7i{...ft?.8-~isyfllawfullyJmpr.isoned,· the court shan ·orde_r·.J;

the_deteni)on is legal and_jus~fied, .

, . .· · . ··.
,,.. f
dete.ntioh has' the burden of prpo~o eS\!;Jblfs~.)hat~~~~--:;lflrgj_se~af~$l.J?Ulftt-~hall
_Q/j ;=,-~~f·tfi~1f.oeph.Jat?e~,:i
riQt be effe~tive until a copy ?
se,yed on the officer ?~P,er's~m .·
. · . --~· V/ . · 1\ I.~ KJ.~1Q,1r.tg,,.Ute r;insoner.- If t~~·.person det~m111g him ·
SECTION · · 14•.. WHEN· · Pl;RSON LAWF-\J.1_!;;._Y. J.. V k.lci~,§.,it~ppeal,th.e rrisoner ~hall be released, :- J~
IMPRISONED, RECOMMITTED;:AND WHEN -LE'f==~ ' · . . .. .. · · · · . ;" · · ·.;;.f.
·TO'BAJC.·... .. . . ;-·· .· •.. · ·.. . . . ·... . . . . . . ~er,iod of Ap"p.eak'.Wittjin·4,~.h·durdromnotice'ofthe ::'};
. . . · Judgment-Or."fina"J order- cJppea,led fr.om.(R9C:::,::RULE.. :;~.
HabeqS corpus Would ·not lie:· after-the Warrant of. · 41, Sec: 3)., Form of appeal is by. notice\df appeal:··;. -~I
. Commitment was issu.ed:by"thi:rco'Llt1 on. the basis of . . . . .. . ./
the Information filed agaJn.sphe. accused ·(f{ag°fln Ii.. , ~- . SEC,:IO!"J. _16,,·· P.J=NAl;TY . F(.)R··. REFUSIN'G" ·10.'·:,,.,
.. ~nrite/ G,R._· No,- 70748, OptQ/;Jer 21, 1985). . · , ··.. . ISSUE WRIT;.OR FOR DISOB~YING rHe.:SAM~ · -'. ·,r
. . . ·, . . ·. : •. . . . : . - "· . . . \ .. •'. . . _·. . . ,, . . . ,., . _.. ·.·_~'Jt
. f>erson-=Detainea is Duly Charged - No· Writ . . A ·pe:1aity·. 'of" P1;000 -and· may; b~,- ·puflis"t:i"eEl · for,;,;
Once-a person detained is duly charged ·in court.he contempt. t · · . . . . • .. , .'·,. '.tt

.. r:nay nQ longer qu~stion his detentlci.n througf, a :· · . . - ~-. · ": ·: ·14

·petition fofisi,uaric;;e·of a writ ofhabeas ·corpus. · ··. · . Punishable··Acts .or,d.in.1ssioris: ·.· · · ...:. .- ·. ·· :· · :w:
1. :The Clerk·of Court· re~ses to'·issue the writ after.",;;
.. Ttie re.medy · w"quld be to quash the fhformatio~ allowance by the court"and:de.maAd. · .. , · · · -~
. . and/or the warrant- of arrest-duly 2. The person.directed in the writ:. · . . · ';'.,,
. . ' . . issued.
. . -~e. >';~1
a·.. · Neglects'. or: refuses ·to· ·obey. . . or. make
The. term "court;' irjcludes quasi-judicial bodies of ·. ~etur.n;. . . . · · ·.j
. goverf"!men~al ,agencies _autho.~ized-,. -to order· the . I), Makes a false refurn; O! . · ·:. . ·· . ··
petson'~ confinement,_ Ii Re the Deportation Bpard of


- .

c.. Refuses ·to· d·~!iver a. true copy .ot the SECTION. 19. RECORD OF' WRIT; .F.EES AND
. warrant/orderof commitment, within 6 hours . COSTS,· : ·, . . . . .
· after demand (ROG, RULE 102, Sec, 16). . When a person confined under color of proceedings
. 3. · trnprisoninqa person.set atliberty_by the writ, for · · in a criminal case is dlscharqed, ·the costs shall be .
· the same offense (ROC, RULE·102, Sec. '17). · · : U:ix~ aqainst the Repu~lic of the Philippines·. .',
4., Removing a -prlsoner from one.· custody to: . . .. ,: ' ...
0r,.u.nder 0

.. another (Roe; _RULE 102, Sec. 18). · Wt.ien a person In custody by Virtue ~ol~rof
proceedlnqs _in. a civil case is discharged,. the-costs
... SEC.TION 17. PERSON-DI.SC°i-tARG~D NOT TO. BE. ·· shall 'be-taxed against him, or. against 'lne'. person
AGAIN 1.MPRISO_NED · · . who sfgned the application for the writ, o'r both, as
the court shandirect; '
:. Generai 'Ruie: A person who ls ·s~t at libl:'rtY upon a . . .. . . .
wrtt of hi:Jbeas corpus shallnot be again imprisoried ·. · .... Habeas Corpus.a.s:a Pcst-convlctlon.Remedy, ..
for the· same offense. · . · .. , · · · -- · the wrif of habeas corpus· 'applies to· all case.s:-of
· · · · · .. illegal confinement or'detention 'in:whic.h indlviduals ·
. ·:Exc.epti.on:..H~-is i;i,·prisbf!~d by ylrt~~ -~fl~wful·orc;ler·. -are deprived of liberty .. The writmay not be availed ..
. _or p~ocess'of court having [urisdiction of the offense. of when the person _in. custody' is'. unde{ a'· judicial
: o.r cause. process or by virtue· of a valid 'judgment. . . . .
.. . .. .' . ~
• The release contemplated underthe writ of habeas ~m However,· as, a post-convtctlon renietfy, it' may be: .. ·
., corpus .. is :on?: w_h'ich -Is fr.ee from any in'v.olun~~/)( · allowed ·whei:i, as. a. consequence of· a ·jucli~ial
. restra!nr When theperson Sb re!ea~ed ·cont.(nu~,~i'l;J4r-f~~-- . p~oceedihg·, -~.ny- · .of the · following·. exceptlonal
be denied of one ·or more· of his constitutionaf';,1£111:·) circumstances ts attendant: · . :· .
. fr~,edorns. where there is present. denial of 'jjue:'.;,.-•J;fL..:h·:
There .IJ.as been.a· deprivation of constitutional a
· proces~ ... or Where the r~~tri:Jir,JlS:' ar!;) no! ,!J!,e~elY.r/1rf'1.i.~:.i/t~~\!#-.~;Oj~ing·in·the''~e~tra!ntof a pe!SOri;
.1nvoluntary but appear to be . unne~~-~~'iffY..- the0 {i,. · 2. · T)'!e~,Qc,qt:~· had no Junsd.1ction to impose the
p1;3rson· concerned pr those acting in 1'11lyl:fehalf .m~f.\...Jj . sentenc~t or , · · ·· · . . .
still.:avail themselves a·gain of. the privi)tg~/,1f
the 'wJJVl\ 3. ·. The- in/>1~l1-penal.ty· has bee,n excessive; thu·s.
. (MonQ~pa v.''Enri/e, Gt. _No-:L-6;i4J{:,Jfp~?!! 3~;. f:K ·... :~v~idi9,~ 1.cr¢-~entence as. to.. s.uch'e~q~ss~(G.o ~-...
-1~_86J.._· ·..· : ... /(:;/;;~ t1-f:;.:{,~~--~--~,·-1;;~ .' .D1~~g'.b1:,~~-:No,-_1~_!ll~~'.-~f'1e21,2005). l1 ·
Whether-the State·ca·n Rese,ve'the:=Pq~r:toJBe- ·. '{~ ·
arrest ·a ·Person for an Offe~te Af1err:··;..9co~.w:'o) i!.nj'
· J~~~, - · · . · . ·. · ..
·, :c. ·. ··. . , · · o· · ·
.· ·"'"R::::::ritfa,.:rl.ofV;
. Co.mpetent jurisdiction has Aifsc,1,,./e(t.H(h:l oft!i~. N US.TODY.-. F
·o~f~~se: .such a· res~rvatio~-is' }epy_~nan,J)t~tfie·.

pnnc1ple that the, gov~r.~ment 1s·one ..09aw.s.and ':?! ___,;1

.~.,r.: ,.r:J:{~"HABEAS
· . . UI:.B
fl~ . ·. l\:IINORS ·AND -W:R.I_T:OF
CORPUS IN·. :· .,
of men. Under this pnnc1ple the momenta perso1i'.'1s'--..•.1.J'"a. · &... ~· · . · . · .. · · .. · . .
.:acRuitted'ot-a criminal. cha~ge he .ca~(Bp.lon6ei"be.· .- · RELAT}ON' .To l'lIE-·c_uST'OD.Y ·: ·
. · de.taih·e~or-re-arrestedfor'the same 9ffe~~,;{,;_oyotp · · ·.OF MINORS
. v. Ra,:nos, G.R. No .. L.-69270,'.October 1-5, _19_85). • · , 1 •• .
. / ..,.
SECl'IO,N .·18:.'; . WHEN PRISONER1 .'MAY.· BE··, .".. " · :.- ·.. . · (A.-M:. No.' 03:_.04·P4~s C) ·· ·
REMOVEQ PROM ONE CUSTODY TO ANOT°HER" . . .. . : : . . . . .. ~ . . : ·. .- ·:... • ~=...-:-. . . . .. ),-.';~ . . . . . ..
In a·petitionJor habeas corpus,· ..the child's we.lfare is
~en.eral · Rule;:. A person :~on;imi.ted t'9 _prison, ,6~· i~··.· ·. the "S~pr.enie,. c,~nsid~r~tion\;,Th~. Child anc:i. Youth .
..~~stotjy of ar ·officer,. for any criminal ma'~ter, $hall . W.el(are Code · ..unequivocally pr9vides ·that: ih all
nqt be removed·.therefrom. · · questions r~garding th~ care a,n9 custody: ·amori'g.
·.·. others.. of.. the · child,.. his . welfare shall . be. ·the
·excep.tions: ·. ..pararriount consider.atioh (S~liente'sV, Abaniila, G.R'.
. f: Sy. fogal ·prcic.ess; . , . _No.. 162~34,.August29; 2006).. ·. :· :. .
2. : F?.risdr\er is delivered tc:i an inferior officer-to carry
to.'jail; . . ·. .. · · · · . ' : Jtequfsite~. in .'P.e"titlq~s >t~r 'Habeas ..Corpus ..
3. By order of proper court 6r jud_g~ directing tliar ·involving Mii'lor~: {RWl;J) . · .:· · . . .· . · . : .
he be ·removed .from one place t~ another within' 1. · That the petitioner has the Right of custody .over
th~ .f:'hllippi,:ies for tti~I; ·or . . . . .if\e·minor;. .. . : -:· .
· 4. ' lri c.ase ·of fire, epidemic, .insurrection.' or ·otlier . 2. That '_the. tightfu!.:custody of. the. ('nlnor·:is. b~irig
necessity or public calami~y. . · . Withheld 'f(c;im the· p,etitloner.'by·the respondent;
. and· : .
3. mat it is· to the Best interest' of the minor
...concerned to,be'in the cµstody'of"petjtioner and


·0"41:' . . .. - """ . ·.. ~?f
· not that· of ·the respondent (Sof]'lbong ii. CA; et ·. · Contents of Verified Petlfion: (P-NOS) . · .. · ·, :·~
al. G.R. No. 111876, ·J_ahuary 31, 19~6). · : . 1 .: Jhe ··.e_er.s_onaf clrc\.)mst~nces. of.the retiti~mer /r:
. , , . -. . "'· and respondent; ·.. ·. ::·~'it-.
Purpose of ·the Petition for ~he Wri.t of Habea·s 2. The Narne. age and present whereabouts'bf tR~-'.l
..corpus: . · . · minor and his or her relationship to the petitiohel'...~~
In casesmvolvinqmlnors, the purpose.of a petition, · and respondent; . . .. · . ·.- ... ·'"\¥1
tor habeas corpus. is not limited· to .the production of 3. tfi~. :m~terial . Qp~rative, ·facts.· , cor.istitutiria ::tt
. the child before the- ·court; the main 'purpose. pf th'e . . deprivation of custody; and " . . . ·.. .. . . . . . '/'~
petition 'for habeas corpus is to- determine who has . 4. · ·§.uch. other .matters whic_h· are· relevant to tl:le '\J
the .rightful custody over the child (Bf:i'gtasv.. Santos, : .custody of minor (A.M;:.No.... 03-04-04-SC -~t
G.R No. 166682,.No'vember/7. 2009}. · · · · ·. · · · ·, Sec.a}. . · ·· :·. '.\~

Who.: may File the .Petition fo-r .. ~he:Rightful.

· Custqdy of Mhi6rs . . . .. .
.', Motion-to Dismiss,.
· .. :· .·. . . - · · Motion to dismiss. is· not ·allowei;l · except · on :·the
: .·.. .:):~J
A verified petltion f9r the rightful custodyof a minor ground.of lack.of jurisdiction over the subject in.;itte(/
maybe filed by ahy'person claiming such.right.(A.M. :.or' the.partles (A.M. No.·03-04-:Q4~SC, $e~.6). .:
No. 03:..04-04-SC, Sec.2). . . ·.· .: · .. · . .. ·· .: . ' .· ,·.
. . . :· . . . . Remedy ·. · .. .. . ,,,
Where File:·Petition for the Rightful Custody £.!=-.~..);Y. grc;>und other. than. -lack -of jurisdiction. over t'he -~~-
Min ors: Family' Court. of: the provlnce Of Cj!Y.;,wn"'ere ··,.-,u·-. ~i:i6Pct,(!Jatler or parties to warrant dlsmiS$af·may i:>e:. )t
the petitio~er .resi~es 9r. where .th~ mjn-6r-.m~ ·be. l .. , J,se~sfm.'~ffirmativ,e·defens~. : ·. · . . . . : :: _:.
found (AM. No. 03-04-04-SC,.s_ec.3)-1:~ -J,._;;;....-=--=~~-./( ff../',.·~ · . ·, · ·. · · . ·.:_._
. . . . . . . . . l~~~-.Y~ . .. .Filin)J._ot!-~nsw,t.i,. P._erjod . . . :.t-~
. W~ere is ~he Filing of_'P~titio~~~v.(rjt_pfHj!beas~"'·ResP..~~~~~ustJi~ a vc:?rifiedanswer.witnin flve.(5) · ·'.t)
_Corpus ln Relatlon to the:cu,t9..~y,,Q'{;~in.'or~:·-10 ·~-· 4JIYS .frqm· f!:Jt>lef.310~ of summons and.copy of the.·}
A verified .petition. for '.·a · WJit· dP-"'Ma'bea_dcorpU:S · .petition t(".M:<~</f...03-:~4-04-SC,Sec.7), · · · · . : J,.
involving custody of minorsfsh:311 bl filedjwith the. , . · .· l \ ( f)·\ : '. ·. .· . : · . . ·r
:a~ily Co1,1_~· _T~e. wlit _shall Fii~fo(ceabl~1wilfi.1~1.fs . . ~-~.?-r~rPi'f"trial i~/~:fil!Q~tory'(AM,No. 03-04~01-~.c•. ·· :-i
Jud1.cial region to which th~f'Pa~~Y.c_ou_d1be_~0tig~
(A.M. No,.03-04-04.-SC; Se~. 29.),q . \
~(/c?9); ,f
t:r~.B . ! .. j "'"""-1 n· .. ·
·) .... · . :1 l · · · . · . . . · : .. ,
· .. · · .'~?
. · ·· · . · · ·.'!.\ <t_1 ~ •. Q\.. :.: . · · ~ Eff.ectsf~!j"f.iluieto AJ?pear. at the -Pre;.trial, . · · Y,·
Fili rig. with·~e_gular Court; ~h~.n·J\llo~f.~ ~il·-~t19t1·t_pttitiof
. Tl:ie petition ·may ho~eyer o{rire~ \iith. lne}&~!!l.µla5:~
court in the: absence ·of the ~residibh.-jud?i~l-1h.Ef-i2, ~~~J;~f!sel
11J, w,: er-{al!#to appea_r.person~lly at·the. · .;{
4~a1; th) 9aS:e'ihalt be dismi.ssed,,unl~ss his. · ·J
· fr· a dtj\y ..aut.horized repf.es_entative· .f;:
F~mily .Court,. p~ovided, howe\{er_ ~h~t\the·.reg~la~:>-_,,.;.r- Gi??,6ea.7flncoyqfand_·proyes a _valid excuse for.. ;t
court shall·r.eferthe .case to the Family Co1:1~ ais~~-~~.S~enpn-apl)e.a;~ncepf the petitioner. . . ','i\
as its presiding j,ydge returns to· qq\ · . --~.~ll2-:";,:!f,:l:~
7. r\~Q.9fJ~'enthas:il~d ~is an~~er but faili; to. :~·f1~
. . . ·. , . . . ~ ...r O.r.1, -~=~ ~P'f,~~\,aj~il,E!l·pr~-\n~I, t~e. petibqoer .shall be ~{.
T~e pet1t1on_ m~y also b? fifed_ with th~';fu\01 ~r- }\· _t\."'\~alJo~~,dt-'fo·present bis.. evidence ex-P.arte .. lh~ · J
. with any of its: r:nembers · and, 1f so gr-a~tea:1t:1~~0Elrfshall.thef) r!3nder JUdgm~nt ocr the basis of · -~.
shalr be enforceable .anywhere· in the· Philippines. - - ·the pleadings and the e:Vidence ·thus· presented : ··!·
The writ may be _inadE;: returriat,le .to)i t=amjly C91:1rt · (AM: No~
03-04"04~~C, Se.c, 11).. · ·.. . . ·. . . ?
or. to any re~:jular 'co1,1rt with'in th.e regi9n where. the:· · · ·' · · .. :¥
petitioner- r$'sides or. where tt)e minor rnay be found : . Failure. to .fiie the .pre-trial br.ief .or to.comply with its · .3.
for hearing ancfdecision on the· merits (A.M. No: 03::. ·. required content shall:have the same ·effe.ct as:failure. \
to ._appear· at the pre-trial (A..M. No. 03-04-.04-SC,. ·;1f
04-04-SC, Sec. ·20). · · ··
·sec. 10). .. . . . . J
Court of Appeals..has Jur.isdic~io.n:to.lssi.l~ Wi:-its ·
of Habeas Corpus In Cases lnyoMng·Custody of' · ·. Provisional Order· A.war-ding· Custody:· As far as·.
Minors · ·· · · · · · pri:tcticable,· th'e foilQWing ordeF· Qf .preference- :;;hall.
Ther'e is nothing in RA 8369 which revoked the .Court ' be· observed in the -award of custod.y: (BEG-BAO) ·.
· .of Appeals' jurisdict_ion .to· issue )&'rit$ of habeas.: · ·1 .. ~oth par.emts.Jointly; ·. · · .. . ·. . · ·...
corpus invo_lving the custody,o(mfnors; (In the Matter 2. . !;ither parent, taking into ··acco:i.mt ~II r.el.evant . :n•
of /.',ppiicf}tipn·for'the-_ls~.u'?nce of a Wdt~~ Habeas considerations, esµecialLy the choice of the · . ).
. Corpus:. Thom~on, v. Thornton,. G.R. f'!o. · 15459~, minor over .:sev~.n. (7) years of . i;ige and of. 1
Aµgust 16, 2004) In. fact, .the Court of Appeals.ctnd sufficient discernment unless the. parent chosen · .. 'l
Supreme Court . hav~ concurrent juriifdiction ·with · ls unfit; · . ·: . · · · .' · ·· .~3
. - . . . ..,.:;J
.family courts.. .in habeas corpus C8$eS Where the. · 3. The. Qrandpar.ent O( if t.here ar~ s·everal . ~
· custody of minors is involved (Madrinan v. Maarifian,· grandpa·rents. the grantjparent cho~en by the. -~
. G.R. No. 159374, July. 12, 2007); ·: . _ · ~- . ·. minor over seven (7) . years ·of. age and of ·J ·'!


.. .,•·
c .


. .. AID. 2019 . .
t, ·
t. ·
sufficient .dtscernment.: unless the grandparent'
chosen is· unfit or discj.ualified; . . . .
express' provisions of. Articles· 49 and 50 of the
·. F~rnily Code (Yu v. Yu, G.R. No. 164915; March 10,
fi 4 .. Tbeeldest §rot her or sister over.twenty-one (21) 2006).. . . . . . . · · ' . · . ·,
&' . . . . yea.rs .. ?!
-a_ge.: unless tie Of she is unfi~ or , , ~· : .
t:.. .dlsqualltled: · · · ... , , · : . . : . Ahabeas_corpuscaseinvotvirm.amirforisriotlimited
~·. 5. The ~ctual custodian of the minor over 'twenty- to the production of the. minor.before the -court. The
k. . one. (21) years of age,.unless the former is unflt' ·, · · mainpurposeof the proceedloq is to·determine who
f~ or <;lisqualified; or :· · . . . . .. . . · . has xightful' custody over the child:. The. court-should
~· . 6.' 'An~: Qthe~ 'p:erso~· or· in~ti!uti?n ~he court may ..
t ··
d~~m-'· s1:11tablf3 to .. ptov1de proper care · and,
gu1danqe·for the rnmor (AM. 'No, Q3-04a04-SC,
,. .
~fill proceed_·. h:~ de_te,rml_n~.~h9 sheuld have ·the .
rightful custody of tlie ,child (B~gfas. v. Hon. Santos, ·
·· . G.R No; 16668_2,.November 27, 2(109},. · .,
. ·. .' .Sec.1~). . · . . .· , · · ·: . . :. · · ·· · :· · · ' · · r- • •
v-: ,' ·. ·; ... . . . . . ·. . ,. . . . . . .. . .. V\lh_ere both parentshave joiht custody" ofa child. the
-. Temporary Visitation Rights: ,The,·."cour:t' .shau- ·. . ·writ ma"y_ bi:t availedof ifa'.fa.th~r 1$..deprived ofhis
(.'P_rovi~e.. In ·.Jts ~rd~~ a"".arding provisional 'custody .. • right to· see.his child. (~a{ienJes'.v,~banilia; G.R. No. ·
, appropriate v.ls1tat1on nghts .to the. ·non-custodia!. 1.,62734,i)tJgu~t29, 2006).. , . . ·. · .. '" ,
g(. ·par¢n't ?r:.P.~rel'lts -unless tne·:courtfind.s ,sai.d.p~rent' · .· · · · -:· · ·· · · .' · · ·
~ · or"'parent~ unfit .. or disqualified.· (A.¥. No, 03-04-04~··. ·. Barangay concilialion.· dqes· not a,pply: fq. habeas
f ·: . SC, Sec. 15)> · . · . .. corp~~- . 0Qe · _c~n 'go to C<?l}rt without. barangay

"''=" . .. · . . .. . ·.. ·.

J· .
. .. ·
; _._ HqJa .o.~pa_rtur~O"rd,er:The m.(nor:ch!ld subJ~ct_<i,:;:P Sept. ·.13, 2004).. .
t~e 1>ellt1on sba)J. not.:be bro.ug_hrout" <?f 'tl:le.. cou,r.Jf.y·;/.f( ·
· conc1(1atton:(B1b1ana vs.·'LP,uides; G.R: No. 137359
. . .. ,
. . . . . ' ..
. ..:, ·. . .· .
t,....' · .with~.u! prior Ofder from the court while the petitic;>i:i:!f;-:;;;;;). . ·. ~·
~·'.pen mg. ·
~. • · '
·. ·
·• ·
:' ·. , , \J (
/,J (. ·,
·.,,,;:·::-Jr-'~~ ·
The Court,m_otu.pr9prio ot .upon·applicati9.n-ftnder\;-(~(:.:;..· ··f'L.~~':~1.:.,: : · . . • · . . .
· . ·. · · . · · . . . · . . · ,· · ··.
1t1J.l ' ' ........ .r.J..
I .

1: oath, ~ay issue an ex parte 'hold 'dep~;u:fufe ordel"~ r. · .· . . -.1\

·. · ..
. . . ·: · · ·
· -

!t:-... . . :·.
(A.M. No. 03~04--04-SC, Sec.16).
.. ... - : . .ty
\:'. '/.1:~-;·j
:)> ,_f .
:. ·: (A,M. ,9~\~-1~·SC; Septem_ber 25, 2007)
)r-r'.\ . ·.. ·. /1 fJ '~ ' • . ·. ..
t: Note:· .Tt,e court' may also issue'a· P./o'tec~ior!/drt:ier . .:,. Wnt_of_1!PPj'?,:0~1 .:: · :· · . . . . . . . :_ . · · . ..
(A.M.: No.. 03~04-04..:sc, Sec. 111/:;:;.,Y-.. v~.fZ,!7' ·. ~· . I!·\: ":" remedi/av~lal5Je to:_ar:i~ person :whose right to life, .
f.B. · ·. ·, :' · · · ..: · . · . .. t. /;::.,,,.. Jo<""}"'\ . • .~. 1-q h~~rt~. /rid iecutlty 1s ~1olate.d._or threat~n!'3Q· with .
\' ·
Period _C?_f Appeal: ~otice. of(1~peal~11j,i~:fifte,~Q· . r:1
v1ol_~t.t9~~~~p;~f:':!~;Yul._act. or.o.rrisslo~ ~_t::3 public ·
(15) d~ys: ~rom__ notice of de~J.al _·.9b_::r;rt.6!1on.:tw~ ?°'·'i offi?1ab~mpl2.y,eE:, o.r·.of a pnvate·md1v1dual ·or
t' ..
rec9ns1d~rat10~ ~r new_ tciar {A.M.'·~'?~9';3;<l4,021-'S~
Sec.19). · '\'.\ .. · \'.'\
. · i:l
I . . · , . . ..
entLty.__ · :·. · .... '. , . . ..•. · . . .. : . .
· · , . .. . . . . · .
i.. · . .. . . . · ~ (\. ).J ·: 1•'JT-t1tzjcovers'-
· extralegal · killings . :and ... enforced ·
r._ for .r~conslder~t1on or new tnal t.,as be~ri' filed/.\/ · ..
':'r.·thre_a_ts'._the~edf ;-(A.M. ·Ql-9~12-
·Nqt~: ·No' ?!PPE1~1 ·sh~II b.e a~low~d _~nfe?.r,arn.R,~$?.tiz:(..'.0i:1:Jf~~?..P!ar<:Jptes
.. SC, Sec. 1).. Apphcable,m ·pend mg ca~es .due to' th.e
( ~ j.u~_ment:_l.nv~lvlng the," c:ll~tody · of .•f~~!'i'R'i child ·. remedia,I .nature..qt. tlJf writ. <. : · · ·· ·
f.,· canno~.· ac9orded the. force. and effecro( ·res .· .. · · . · : : · ... :. .
1:. judicata er;kett v. Judge sa,:mierlto; Jr., A.M:. No. Nature·<>fthe Wot·of A:mparo. ... . . , . . ...
:-,. RT J-12-2. 26, J.a.nu_.ary 30, 2013). .. : : ·. ·.. . _ T~_e r.emedy .of the Wrtt pf ;tlmpaf.o' i1, an equitable
f· : · . ·. . ·. . ·. . · . .. . ·. : . a_nd e?<:frao_rdmary remedy t6 saf~g\,Jard the ·right' of.
f . In c.ase .. q( leg.al·. separa,tion ·.of the parents, th·e t~e_ people-to _life, Ji_berty~nd·security,as·~n~hrin'edin
{;. custody ofth~ minor children shall'b·e·awarded hthe. · ·the .19St Constit1,1trqn. The.· Rule· the ·.writ of on
r,.: lnnocent'spouse; unless "otl,ierwise. directed,by the 'Amparo.\A{aSissued as an exercise oftl:le Supreme
k courfin' .~he interesfof _the mifl.Or..children. But when . .'Cpurt's :pow!'3r tb. prornulga~e . r.ul.e·s·'·cri,:iceming {lie
~:, the hUSPflf)d a no wife are livin'g s~pijrately aod apar.t ·. prot~c~on .;ind enf9r2ernent of constitu_ti1;>nal rights. It
},- . .from _e·ach other, W!tho~t .. decree of: the c?urt,:,the · .aim_s. to .apqre~~ ,c_oilcerns· ~uch _as;· :=1m<:>ng · oiners,
f · ~0.1,1(1· sh.all· .a.y;a,rd· t~e ~are, ql,!s.to<;!y,, and control of . exttaJ~c;l1c1al k1llm_gs .and ·enfo.rcetl· disappearances
f . e_ach child a_s will be· f.or his ·best ·interest; ·permitting (De L.1mci .v.. Gatdu/a, G.R.: No. 204528, Feb(l.!ary 19,
[ .th,e ~hild -t.°..choose. which. p~rent he prefers· tq,1ive 2()13). :·· · · : r · ·
~ , w.,Jl:l 1~ ·l:le 1s ~>Ver seven (7) years of age l.lnless- the
s ·, .-parent so. chosen be unfit to take charge of the chiid .
f by .reaspn of.moral depravity, habitual-dn.inKenness·,
· · • ·
'The .remet;ly. of. th'e writ of ampar.o provid:es rapid
. judici1:1f'-reli~f as it partakes ·of a-s·ur:ninai:y proceeding .
r·. · or.. P,OVerty (~y.v: CA. G.R. No~ 124518.-De'cember
·2.7, 20~7).: · . ... . . · . . . .· ·.· . . .. ·
that'requires only substantial evidence.to· make the·
approP,riate reliefs availabla.~o·thepetitioner; it"is not
an· ac~ion to determine crin:,inal g1..tilt requ"iririg proof
·_.. · . By. tiling a.. petitio~ f~r . declaration of n·~mty of·· beyond reasonable ·doutit, or li'ability tor· damages·
;, . marriage, the . issue oi custody of the· children is requiririg prepon.derance of . evidence, or
;~ · .<:Jee.me·d autorri"atically s~brnitte~ pursu~n.t the. io. . administrative respon~lbility r.equiring substantial·
w:\.~;. l>\¥ifflW .Mf El ~friR·
evidence that . will . r,equire full .an.d exhaustive · 4·_ The Intent ofwhleh is to -place. such persons' 1-
proceedinqs (Secretary of. National Defense· y. outside the protection of· law(R.A. 9851, Sec ... :,i
Manalo; G.R. No. 1(W906; October 7, 2008). 3(g)). · . : ·: · . < . ~
lndlspensableElement of thidVrlt ~f A~p~,:-o . ·N6te: The writ of empero, in· its present .forrn • .-is·'./¥
lt·i~;'QOW clear that for the protective Writ of Amparo confined only to these tw_o instances of "ext~~lega1·:~i.
to· issue, allegation·· and proof that· -the persons .. _ ·killings"· and 'entorced disappearances" (Reil. Fr.'. j\
.subject thereot are-missing ar,e nofeno·ugh: It must ·-Reyes v. CA, o.e. Nf:!: 182161, Decemben3, 2009). -;,_],,,
also be shown and proved by· substantial evidence . .. . . . -, . ~~-
.. thatthe disappearance 'was carried' out 'by, or with E-_nforc"e°dDisappear~nces-i~ Relation to .the Writ~-···
. the authorlzation, .support or. acqulescence of, ot Amparo . _· · . . . '. . . .... ~
the Stateor a'polltlcal orqanizatlon, followed b¥ a· . · The writ- of ampara. does not determine guilt. nor .t1
.. refusal to acknowledge the sameor give information . . pinpoint crirninal culpability for- the disappearance,·}
on the fate or whereabouts of said missing persons, - . rather• .,__ it determtries :- responsibility 'or.. at- 'least/
Wifh. the: intention pf- r~rl')_9V\n!). them. ,froin fhe. : accountabnlty, .for the· enforced disappearance 'for ':
protection ofthe law for a prolonged period oftlme: · purposes of imposing the approprfate rernedlss to -:
simply put, the-petitioner in c!ri amparp. case has .the . adqr:e_ssthe disappearance; (Razon vs, 7agifis, G.R, -.
burden of ·proving by. substantial evidence- ·Hie '. . No. 182498, December$,.2009) ·. ·. ·. . . : ,:

parttclpatlon (Navia- v.5432.1' Perdico; fft~o. -[

._r 1844.67, June-19;_201.2). · · / '[~ ·\
indispensable . . element' . of. ·. go_ve_r.ni:nerj~b_ewrit of ampa_r_o originated in Mexico.' '.'Amparo" ·:
·!~el""a11!~':a~_s "prot~ction"·in Spani_sh_:·What. ~eg~n
f}rot~Q\!on'agamst acts.or.om_,~s,ons of J)ubhc ..
. · · ·· ~<'):' ,(\,;,.!"2''~ll..,hQ.rifi~ ).1:1"1~iation of _c?nstilt.1ti0.~al · rights later : .
Extraie·gal· Killings ·. . . ._h ·' \ · r~ : • • evoTue.~_,,f'~r-~,fa~r~ purposes: · · . _ . ·
KilHngs·committed ~lthout.dLie 11roce(~~~(ec-~~1~~p~o .. ?JUb~'CTad ~ for the· protectiC!n of ..
salvage, . ~uinma_ry and .1fl:J!J.91¥,.ifi'xef.~ution;u ""t' . ~(
(S({)c.retary·of National Defen~¢ v.
. . . . . /f . ·
alo, !upra).lf · "1t!
perton~Q~~tf,g;.oi\i.equivalent to_ r:tabeas Corpus .
/.&. writl. _"t. (. ·,,..,\
· - H ·· ;.:..:!l:'~mP..,aro do~t{.a).~~y~s~ _f(!r _judicial review of .-:f
· . ·• . . ·. ·.\
Privilege 'of the .Wri_t of Am,~'7EJi~i~guisfecf".~~ :i·ur----0-...::,._-:jon~s}itution~· A!XPJi~ta.tutes; . .• •. . J.
the actual order called the·Vfr:it~0kffmparo.t '·,t~-':r ii .r.;-f~'AmRaro·. C sac,qq - for JUdi.c1~.1 r'e~t~w of. {
T.h~, pri~ilege of the Writ ~o~~:paro_;.~t16uld.tb.1~~!=l· con_lt~!ionJ,ity--a1~ile~ality_olj~di~i~Ide~i~iP!'JS; .. Jr I
d1stingu1s'hed fro~ .the-ac_tu~l ol'<'!et_fBl~~a t%\wntof5,-e-.r:'!._.f."J.~~A':'f!lnls,t.r;fl.t{vo·-for 1ud1c1al rev,~w of · ~;
. Amparo. The privilege mclu_ge;Pr..ya1l~t':P(th~;E{Ii ,,~~i·.
-~{992'~tur·rat~y~~iqfis.;and . · · · :-!,
P.ntire .proce?l:l(e outlined: r~:{A.,.~~
l":I,\'·.§f~~~~CB~ Jd,_@~l'.~-rJJ..iJ..j1'ro ~firarlo;,?'protection of peasa11t's rights t !
After .ex_amml11g the p_et1tldr· and·\1ts ~~~O~d;ts, '~,f~q,ifed fwm agra,1an-refo.rm process (Secreta~ ',t
, affidavits, t~e. Return and the S:videnc!,l1Qnw~ed:ii~ .. / _sf'oj,11/atiw,al Dl(e;, v. ·
se Manalo; supra). · · ,;;~
t'1e summary heari_ng, the judgm~eu:itshou"td>deta_i!J~----;-1,~~ /_. · .. · . ·· . ·· · j.
. required acts_ from the respondents-{hatwil~fi'ri~te~J,T..l:~im1~d'1o \i~~If ~rty; and security becaus.e there i'
if n<?t totally eradfca.te;:the ViOlcjtie>n 6f':Qj·uf~re,ff~--'="-".:::-a(e'.:~t~-!:,J~_9j/rced· remE!~ies, br9a9 enough to . .!f.
the faetitioner's life, libe.rty orsecurjty. ~~-,,,,/ "'-/j_. . }"-,'·{ /e_p~.Jt1~15oth~ctual and._threaten~d violatlon of j
, . . ... ~-- 1Vlliiorhar:i,-nghts. . ·. . .. • · . :,;
A judgment_ which simply .grants. "t~e _·priyilege'.~~~ .. . . .. . . . · f{
wrie.can'r'1ot be executed·.lt'is tantamount to a failure . The.te.rcn 'any threat/·hmyeve(, cannot be.taken to.· r
of t~e·ju9.ge_ to intervene ~rid grant'judicial: ~tJccor to . . mean ·~\,.ery_c;:onc!3ivaflle Jh_r~at_in the mind that may '}
tl:ie petitioner, petitions fil~d .to avail ·of the. pi:ivilege . ' c,ause on~ _f9 fear ·for his life, liberty,, or sec'urity. In : q;
t>f the Writ of Amparo ari.se oul of ·very· real· and ·. ·tlie context ofthEi'A(7'1paro.Rule, only acfu'al threats,' ··J
conc'rete'circumstanc.es. "Jljcii'cial responses.cannot.. . as ri-,ay_ be· estab!ish_ed· from 'al.I. of .-the· tacts" and' }
. be !:IS t~agl9ally syn)bqlic oc
ri_tuali~tic· as."g_ianting_the . ·. · cir'cu_mslar)C~Sof the:c:a·se,ca~ 9ualify as a' violation_ f ·
. privilege of the· W_rit_ of Ainp~r'o:'' (De . l..ima v: . . that may be ad_d_ressed_µnder the Rule pn the Writ of ·.-J
~atdula, G·.R. No. 204528, ·February, 19, 2013). · · · AJi"!paro (In.the Matter·oftb.e Pe_tition fer the Issuance:. :k
· .. · . · · · of A Writ of Amparo "irr'Favorof. Lili beth· o. Ladaga, · - .:_\',.
·Enforced Disapp.earances ·{AGRI) · .· G.R°, No .. · 1 fJ96_B_9, Nov.embei, 13, 10.12). · . . '
1. ·.srest, deitentlon_: otabductlon of a person; . .. · · •,. ':_:t_t,·:
2 .. By cl Qovemment bf.fi~er. oh;,rganized groups or ' B~re-- '. alle·g,ations... thaf ·p'etition~'rs. '"in . unison, •
privat~ ind1viquals actin·g with_ direct or indirect'
· aqquiescence of.the g,oyerninent; .
3.. Refusal of the· state· to · disclose the fate or-
· . con$.piracy·1md 1.n cqn_t~fDp(ofcourt, there ·and.then ..f
. willfully,. forpib_ly and feloniously Wjth the USS 'of force ...
and intimidation . ente'tE;id and forcibly, · physically _,,
whereab.outs the 'person conc;erned 9r. refu~al manhandled the _.respondents .a.rid arrested the.. ·;r
to acknowledge the depri_vatio'n C?f liberty;·· . · respondents" will not suffice to prcive entitlement to' ,,.,
the remedy of th~ writ 9f·amparo '(Gastillo v. Cruz,
G.R. _No. 182165, November 25, '2009) ..


. ·..


. The.threatened·d~int>li~ion ·of a dwelling by virtue pf·...

a firfa.1 judgment of. the court, is not included amonq . ·
theenumeration of rights for.whtch the. remedy of c;1·., ' SC, .CA; 'Santliganbayan 'RTC .. or· "'1TC ·, within
.. wrjt of empero is made available. Their claim totheir:". · or- .RTC where.·threat or whose tetritorial
. ~welling, assurninq tbey still liave any ·despite the · .: act' committed (A.M. No.. -jurisdiction/ . . judicial .
.final Jod{fment adverse to them;' does not-constitute, 07-9-12·$C. Sec: 3). region,' a. crime was
· .right to life, liberty;' and security. There is, therefore, .. . committed. (RO.C, · Rule
'. · no legal oasis for the issuance. of the· writ ot amparo . ·126, ses, ·2J . .-... · ....
(Cari/as v. NAP/CO Homeowners,·G.R:· No. 182795,
jqne. 5, 2008).. ··. . . ·_·: . · ·. - · · · · · · ·... · ·: ...

Th~· -'~rlt .:of· ainp~~o;

fs. '~ot' available- ag<!in~/ ~.:
.· BarangaY._ .Captai.n's al[eged trespass of petitioner's
. . . property since it is merely a. violation of' petffioner's .. ·...
. _ property rights '.{Sps. Pador. Arcayan/·G-~. No:- v. ·
1~34~9<Mareh 12; _2013}. · ··: :·.. .,. _' . :. . Un'dElrth~:lnspeciion'arid Personal property- is
·· · : · · · ·· Production· · '· Orders,' sejzed'·(ROC; .RiJ./e.'12(5, '
.. lr:i, ',the .contexrot Section 1 of ttt{Am.pai.o· Rule. personalty .is 'not seized Sec. 3): ·... · · ·
. ·~r~edo.m f:o~ ~ear-' is the.riqhtand any thr.~~t,.to the bqt is. m.erely··:insp.ec}ed ·: ·, : · .: · · .'.. . .
·r.1g~ts 'to life, liberty .:o.r security !S. the aohohabl~,._~'?\ . or copied (AM. No.'07-9- .. '· ·. · · ·· ... ·
· · wr~ng. (Secretary-ot-Naticnal Defense-vs; ~~najp;yp~ sz-sc. Sec. 14(b)). · : · , · .. -. · · ·
: G.R,· N9··.180906; October 7, 2008)::. · - ·· · · ·. t;,·J11.;fh · · ·.. · ,. ' · :. · · ·' · · · ' ,-. . .
.'·,:,<·~ (2 RIG.VERA,supra at.162~163). · . .
t:.:::.~-- · . ' ;.,;., . · , ·· ' : · ""·- . . . · . ·
... ·.. · « · ., · -: · : • • ' · · •.. ; .... ·
A ·petition.-.for~r.it.of ,.anjparo. is· not ·av'ailaQl~J·i/i:;
o~der,for a blological.motner·fo r,ecover .ci:.sto~-~- ;;·r~;>it~ft<~>·~-~Y.~:,~t.le.. (Or~er of· P~?'f~rence), ·_By t~e
ofchild from. DSWD_ : · : · _; ._.· . , >·rf:"/. · ·. ;-"J:f ~ggnev.ed~P~1Y orb~ ar:iy, qu~l1f1eq ·i+erso_n. o~·ent.1ty
Tt'lere is : no . enforced <11sappeara.nce· ,Within ··U:ie;t __ ~ .. !n the followm~ order.-(1.R.C) · . . . . . .
context of the,-Rules .'on Writ of Amp£!\g~f3(hc.e\.vhji:..C:"'tf 1;. Any m/91~~rof t~_e)n:irrtedjate,:family, ,namely:
is ·involved is the ·issue of child·,91-l~toot;,·~im:l!t·t'1e
·exertise of parental ri9.ht~·oyer .~ehild; -~6;::for all
,} : .
) · _aggri.,~ve11 Pl\,._Y: .
th.e_ -~,¢0 .seht.ch1!dren,.._ ..a_nd, P.arents.. of_ the
· ! .. ·.. · . . . :., ·. .

in!~OlS• and· purp_oses, 'has b~(J~gailY,{C.Prl~ii;let~cl~.'f.t;,l _:- 2 .. · )\nyJ..~s~end,~t,.·. _dE:SCenda.nt.. ; or.'. c'olla~~ral /'.
ward. of\. th~. State, ·the ·An'IJil~ro•rufe°'.':fc~trn'o'(';;:Ji~ ie1 . : ·. ~?.t~J!~,~f~~.~:1~!,9gnevEl?. _Pa.(ty_w1_th_fn. t~e fourth
.properly -applied,(Ca,raqiv.' Seg~t-:G ..f3;::N.<?l.,19365~\. ~·~j· . ~ .. ci.v1«Q_eg~:~.fons~~g,um1ty
~if~p . .or. .af~n.1t~;:m,d.efa_ul.t_

r:~~~~-~r.1¥. . ·
Au9.Qs{~-~-207_4); ..... : _: •. : .-. · .. -.. v~.: ·. ·· ./ · t,;f. . -~~ 11'\Q~e m.e~tioned .,n. the preced1n~ .paragr.aph;·
·A·f1!P~t~·'. is·· ~~t :;~_~aiia,~.le\~· -'ali!_r~·~i~Jl~'b; :, ~~nc:e~~d.: : ·~.i,~i~e~:.. ,:' ::·:?r~anizati;n,'
·s~reau 9f lmmigr~tio.n,. · ·. . . . 1t:;,;: .· . /~~,i:;:.~·~ssO~JJ~1°:n .9r. ms\1tu~10.n, 1f t~ere .1s n?· ~nown
Ttie ;c'9v~rag~:of. _t.h.fWrffo.! Amparo ·~1:cqnfifle~ to .. ·. m.e~ber of tl:le 1mmed1a:e .fa.m1ly or re!~tl\'.e o.ft~e '.
· cases: of. · ·extra1e~al , killings ·: am}~-efitprced··. ~ggi:,eved part)!,_ : · .•· · ,. , ·
disappearance Qr: threats. .th'er.eof.·'.Hence·'the: ·writ. · · · ·· · · - · · ·· ' ··
. d:1.nnot .be availea' by ·.an· alien.'·detairied·;by" the · ··· .Filing of a ·.petition by' tbe agg'rieved party s.i.is'pends
Bu real!. :·of. ·1m)Tiigration·'by ·virtue -o.f. ·legal prbcess · thE'; right of all 6th.er auth.orized .P?rties to ,file s·imilar·
· ·(Mlson v.,Gallegos, -G.R. Nos. 210759,.-211403,· and . petitions. · · ·
. 211~9~. J(Jne:.23, 2015): • .. · ,.' . . • . .. . ·. ~i)<e_wise, th_e)iling of the petiti.b~ by ..an.atjtf'i~ri:z:ed
paW1y ·On behalf Of th·~ aggrreved· party susp·~nds the
t • • •· - • • : ·, • • ••

:. ·.Di~~r.enc.eo~~ee.h)~ -~J!t.
<>! Arri~~ft> 'an:d right· of all . ot!Jers, ·observing. \he' o'~per -~~tabIi shed·
... ·. · ·- ,. · . ·.searchWa:rrar:i,~,. ·:." · ·: :· . · . herein (-4.M. 0?-9~12-s<;;; _'Sf:c: 2). . - .. '·.. · .._- · .. : :
=. ·• ·. • :, . i• •'' \.". : ....

Rea~on: _.To . P.revent the indisc~irr:iin~te ·. and·

groundless filing of petitions-:tor amparo'W.hich may
ev~m prej,udiGe'the .right. to - lif~. lib$ny ..or. ~e.curity.of
the- aggri.eved pai:ty: · .
. ·... P~otective:: ,T~.· pro.t~ct ·~. Crimihar' · Prc},secution:- ' .
. . · · .persor·~~ rlg~f IQ. 'life; to 'discolier ~od: seize . Where to fiie: . . . .
. liberty o'r.security. : .. · p(;lrsan·a1. .P~bperty in . . . ·1.. RTC. where: .the th re.at,. ·act .. or. omis~i.on .:was
· . . · ._ , furt!J~ranc~ · bf .cri.mlnal .. committed or al"ly o.f its elf:!i:nents occurr~d;· -,: ..
: prosecutlori... · ·. · · . 2, V'lith the S<!ndig.anbayan, CA; the .sc· pr ... any
justice of such·courts.
This wri't. shall be .enforceable anywhere. i'n t~e .
Philippines .


. Note: Basically it is similar to the Rule on .petitions The writ should set the date and time for a su_mmary -;k
for the\.vrit.of.tiabel:ls.d.>,p_us.It i's; however.tdifferent hea,ring of the petition which shall not be later-than- .·'.Ji:
because it 'includes the Sandiganbayan ,for- ..the .seven (7) -days: from the date otlts issuance (A.M. qf_
. reason that' public officials and employees will be· . 07-9~12-SC; Sec. 6): . . ·· . . · . ·.. ·/
· respondents ii) ampa,:6..petiti9ns. . . . .. . · ';:~
Purilsfimentfor Re°fU~al to 1.~su.e Writ and S~rve .'~:~;..
·. \
· · ··
· c'ontents th~ Verifie~ Petition .(P-R-liA-R-0)'
, · 1. eersonalcircur:nstances' of .the petitioner and of
it< Contempt withb_ut prejudice to other dis9iplinary··:.
actions (A.M. 07·9-12~SC,. Se<;.)6). '. . : : · · · /7\.
respondent. responsible for,··the threat, ." act or . . . ... ',t,i
ornisslon:" -, . . . _.:. ·.·: .How ttie'Writ is.Served. . . . . . ····:'-i·'
. ·. 2.' Violated' or threatened, _Bight to life, - lib'erty or. The writ is served UP!)~ the. respondent bya Judicial ~:~.
security ot.the party aggrieved. Stati.ng in detail officer or bya person'deputized by the court.,.justice '.f,
.. . thectrcumstances-: . . . or'·J_udge·who 'shallretaln a copy.on which to make a ~?1;
·3_ , $pe·cify the name~r. personal circumstances of r~torn of service. · . .' : . . . . • · .: . . · · -... · , .:~
· .. the lnvestig,;i'ting authority or lndlvlduals. as well . . . . ' . : '. ._. . : ". '. .· .- · ... ' . . . :.,;
: as.·Jh.~·manli.er.~nd·conduct of frwestig!=ltion;. : .' In case the writ cannot be servedpersonally on the· :fof
. . 4. . ~ctions and recourses taken by the petitioner to respondent, the 'rules on suostituted: service shaw ::1t
· · .deterrnlne the whereabouts of aggrle.ved party· apply. · · '. . · · . · ·: . : :· ·,·· · . · . · : ::t
...._' and ._identity :of· the :per!io".1. re~(?Ol')sible for the.=""'~~~-·., : .·. . · · , .. < . · ... · ·. · -i
~h:8 Je~~f ~~~;:·~-~!7~-~d·. . . · .. ';,f?~·c. ·lJ
A ~eneral pr!3~er for Qthe,: jus~~i~tj~~!;l.,,_,---at=...;.pJ,\~~l;!n.
;~;r~;~n:$.00'~S ~~-t~~- f~Sp~nsi~~·:pleadi~·g,·io.';~~ :·Jc.
iJrJJ~an'.An.s"':'e~, .~he :Ret~rn·_~as. o~her :1
reliefs may be m_cluded·(A.Mjfpi-1'~~t'.%c, • · pu.rpo_~Va~i4e:,~rn 1de1:t1fy,ng ·t~E; 1~?u~~ 1~ the .j
~{V/' -~~ .. - ar-e _.also re.ql!1r~d t~ .de:ta1I the ,?
. 5). . . ·
. .
. . . . : . :~ .
· . · . . . .f /'y,r,.· f ., _:;E"~~a.,i:~gs--R~~d~nt\_
·,:o) '"'t- ·~r.bon1ther.,(~a!'.!}.ta~en· ~o- deter;mioe th_~ ·t~~e· or '1~
1. W_~~n. issu~d by the .RT(f~~_a j-~~ge t~_~re~e
. _ wntJF.9tumable beforeffecfc,tWc~\Jrtor 1fuage~
· . .ir
· : -H~I _
..Wl:ler.e_a~outs'\oVthi ·~,g'gneved party (De Lima v. -.;-'
Gatdula,~G..R._·N~i{.Jll,4~2~~ Febru~ry.19, 2013).. ·
.:.~. . .. , 4.?~ >,. · · · . .. ·
-2. vy1:1en -issued by-the ,Sf!~g~1b~a';1,\Co.0RL~:~mt t.~~n~e~\s of R~ 1~--~ i'· . <.' · ·.. · · . ·· · .. /~:, ,
?-Ppeals.. or any ·of. their.-,.wsvces, -It trnay ,b:(~i:~~tth!_fl ~eventy-\Wo""(t7i21)hours·-~fter.service of the :-~·
retu1rnable t!) sv.c:;~_courtrpf'a'riMj~sti~~~tof~or ';!}.::.T!.f!wri(,thf ~~on1ent st'i~l·file:a veri~ed·wri~ten retur.n. :;
to any,,RT?·.where tbe\\~r:t=rF1:i1rct ~i)~v..5s1onH:1,'.-rl'l!;---\piietffi~Cwttry ;,,t;ipg_e'fijri9... a_ffidav1ti;; 'V\'.l'nch shall, :·1,;
~as cornm1tted or ar1y of,1,ls.iele?\?nts\o.cc.~.ir-1;,_ed;~ ~..4.:in,99.~j{er tnjbg~. -~9ntam_--the following: . · · ·{,
.3. 'Wheh.issued: by _thE;? Supreme.fourt o('a1JibtJtf!'.III· . ':sr/,x~I~efenses.tJ show that tt;i~·~espondeot did - ·~
. jµstice'.'_• it._m~y be return~le to ~yh:_'C'e.U,ft~'-.~~-'l v.i~,te or t~~iat~~.with vi~lati6r:1_Jhe right to· J/
any, · .Justice . thereof,· '\9r be'fq_r~· ~Jfi~fj:.~r-y't~fe,Jtl:forty,anfsecunty of. th_e aggrieved party, . e::,
. Sandif!fl':bajan or ttie Court it App~~Q...~~~~~-"".'"
of t~e1r Justices, o.r to any. ~~--~Ft'_!M~~~Ef==-.,.....,.,,.,....2:""'
,::;YJr.~ug~~9Yict?r ornissioni· ... ·: ·
11ie~~fs;.6~<'!_ction~ taken by-the-respond.efll to , ;:
· . · · .· · -t
wh~re·the threat, act or omission was-.:_~ffJJl'.i}fted 1~ · ;f. .1\ . 1_d~~rp;uife·. Jhe fat_e: or .. whereabo1;1ts· of.. t!Je ;~;,;
or. any ·of its elemen~ took place _(A.M. 'fY'l""§iJ,l-· A.V .!1.l~~9gg?ieve_d:party :and. the·· person ·or . .per.sons · r·
.' SC, Sec.3). . ' · ""'-"'=·=-=."'="':··resp_orislble for'.the.thr.eat... act or.omission:: . -"'.it.l\
. 3> All releva,nt infc,mnatio.n l11,t~~ possessjon.otthe ·. j'
.No ·oocket Fees· · . :respondent. p~rtairilng ·tq the ... t_hreat, act-. or '.y:,
Reas·on:· The. enforcement ·0f these :sacrosanct .'omission :ag~in.st the aggrieve_d.parfy1 and : . -;\
rights s.hoµl!i not be frustrated by ·raek :of finai'ice~. ·
. 4. _ If t_he respondent is a·public offiti<!!_l employee, . )." or
.. ·. . . ' . · .. .'

G~n~rai·R~le: Tli~ Cle~ 9f Court shall issu~ the writ

tti_e r~_turn shall further. :~tate·· th~ actioris . !h.at ~
have been or Will ·still.be tak~n: · · .: · · · . · · ·. · /t
uric;ler the'·seal of 9ou.rt. .a.:· ·ro verify·O,e;id~~tity of the ~ggriev.~d ·p,arty;· ·{
. . ~- .. -~· b-: T0 recover.arid pre~er-ve·~vidence r~lated to: ·: {!!-
'Excep~lon:· tn··cast3 .bf urgent necess"jty, the. Justice the death or,
dt!'Jappear~nce. ~hich m~y ..a_id . });'
. or· Judge' may is;:,tJe the writ' u_nd~r· his or. her own. in th~ ; pr:os~i::utjoh .. _of·· th~ .. person/,$ ._,.Jt
.. 'hand 'and ··may deputize any officer-. or person to
. serve'it.:. . .. · ·, . ': ._· . . . .
:· r.esponsi_ble; · · · '. _: · . ·. .· .'.·. .. . ·· · . · /tt:
· c. ·Te:> identify wltnesse_:, and obtain statements ._-,-,:5.
. from them . concer'riing ,· tfie ·.death ··or.::.·%
., Issuance of. the Wr.it: Upon the fiiing of tbe· petition, ·disarwearanve· · · · ·: · · : · · .-·~·
the. cour:t.Justrce or judge shall immediately ~rder the d:.. To. determine. thecause, ~'.ari~er, to·bauon__ .=)t
·_issuan·ce·of.fhe writ if on its face if-oug_ht to issue, . and time of deatn or 'disappearance as well :· }l
The wn{ shall be.served.immediately.· as any pattern or practic.e that may . have '<11;.
brought-about ttie deatn or-'disappearance-:· .·~_if.
.. . . .iS-
~ ~~l-


. - ~·

· e. Tp Identify and ~pprehend-· the · person/s ·: defenses shall be raised in the return: otherwise,
involved in the death or dtsappearance; and · tt·i"ey shali""be deemed waived · ·
-( ·. To bring the suspected offenders before the .· 2. Ttie' court· shall proceed to here· the petition· ex.
· competent court; and . . ·-, perte as provided under: Section 1'2. · ,.
5 .. Other matters relevant -to the investigation, ifs · . · ·· .. ~- The "court may eite·for .conternpt a.respondent
· . resolution and prosecution ·of the case (A.M."No: ·: who refuses to, make ·.a -return (2 RIGUERA;
07-.9-12-SC, Sec. 9). · · ·· · · ·.· .: at '169). : .: : . · . supra
.-··.· : . · •.
T.he· period to
file a. return cannot be extended··
excepton highly meritorious grounds (A.M .. 07~9:12-
SC, ·Sec. 9). . . - . . The ·heai.ing. 'on.' the petitiort shall .t,e· summary,
However •. the· eo~rt.··jiJstice;- orjudqe may ·call for_ a·
. Note: A general deni.al of me·
alle.gations .. iri the· . preliminary conference to simplify the issues. and.
'. · _P,i:i"titio:n:sha_li' not be allowed (A.M. No: 07;9.12-sc,
Sec: _9):_- . ' · ·
deterl]l'ine the.;'possibility of
.oblajning stipulations
'and adrnlsslons fJdlil_ the pariies- . . .
. ' . ,.. ' \ ,.· .
The policy ._ii; to. require- revelation . of all- evidence, Th h . . .: h -.11 h f . · d 't · fl · ' 1 t a·
relevant to the petition. · · · . . e ~ann_g s a . e r~rry; ~y · o. 0ay_ um 1 comp e. e .
·· . · · . · . and given-the -sarne priority as petitions-for habeas..
Raason: So that.all pieces ot.evldence rel~vant t6: : ·.· .. corptis·(A.Nf. No.
07~9-12-=Sc,·sec, hr. _.-: .
:the .r~soh.ition of the . petltlon. may be ''pres~i:iteg:~a0 · ...... · ..: · '. : · _.. ._, . . ', '. • ·. :- ·. ; . . · ...
.. · especially as that the·proceeding is a search for ..t~&}~r-t'l · SECT1.c;nt 14.- INTERIM RELIEFS· AVAILAB!-E :T_O
yuth. :. . . ·. . . · . · ·_· ·. ·.· . ". C/tr;._i.;1t:.p(T.ETl...'Twl~).NE~.!..l~ON ·FILING' QF .THE'.PETITION:
· i.t ._,.Ji( Jt\;J r-· I ·
·. • :· ·. ', . .: . r"~. . · . : . .. .
·· · ·
Avqid·s the· ineti~ctiiieness -of t~e writ of fiao~a~::f;:~.!.fo. . . ..,,.,·
· cor,:~us: where ciften the respor.ident-,make.s.a sJra1p~~,/1YtJ'.~~1!.!:~!ffi~9~ Prote·cuoi:i- ·~rder - _The_ cou!1!
denial m the return that he or .she has c1,1s~®Yover"' M ·Just1ce"Of_."iJudge-, ~pon· mot1i:m or· motu -propno,
the. rnissing pe~son, and the petitiqn ifaJsmissed_.· ;!!.-,...~ . may or~~l~that..the petitioner or the ~ggriev~d
·. ~ · . .. - . · f~.1. .JY.~-t~ party._af:11J aey· merr,_~r _of th~ -immEl_diate family
Effe_c1,qf Failure. to ~~~a~ a_l~ D~fe9~~~.:> k~~;;:1: . . 1::l be· pr/eo,te'4._i1,-~-g.o_ve~nment agency ·or :~Yan
All def~nses· shaH·be r!31sed_ 1n t~t,et.urn,:,ptijm;w1s~!,,._- C,~j, acc'jclit~'person· or p~ivate 'in~titt,1tio!1· capable
_. . they shall. be. dee'."ed -wa1v~Q;'..~A:M..;?,7,;"~-1~:~C:'.:~·f1. . ".. of }feep1QJJ a\~ ... ~ec1,1n~g _the1F ~sa_fetr·.:'f:the ·
· . -~e~_. 19 (Omnibus Waiver R\J1~). ,,-_?_:?"~) · · ~ · 1:. . . p,t•[!~.~~~~rs;;:;~~~or~a111za.t1?n,.c;1s~oc1a_t!on_· or
· · : • · : - · .~,., ~'~( · ~.;<,~. ·. ~.,., · · ·. insti.tulig~Ierredto.1n,Secf1of? 2(c)'ofth1s Rule,
.. Proh1bl~_ed_.Ple~d1~g~and: Mot1_0,'i!~~-~C,}fJ
. · 1. Motion to d1sm1ss, . . . \·,. .
. . }/ · .
,·, .,· . f ·-~r'f.l · . the p_tcitec~io11 ·may. b~· ·exterided tq the ·officers .
involved , · · · . · . · · . : · · · · ·.
?- · Mot_icin, toi: e~~ensi_on ?f time to"fi;~ .9.~Aisifi?h•.. _)~;~~~'1,.g.9cti.?ri·orde~_.:...The cou.rti j_9.st_i~. <:r'.i~dge,
.... a1'.fldav1t, po~1tio.n paper, _and otl:J_e~:p/.ea_cfrn].~tv:--~:~~;; llifur,,e#~nfiB9 molioo and after.~\J~ hearing, .may
3. D1]?tory _motio~ .tor_ pos_tpon';l~ent,tL · ;/.:/ . order any person i_h possession or control of a .
· 4.- Morion for~ .bill ofparticlJ_l::ir~, -~A-i\, · · ·- designated: larJd or."ottier:. property, .to p~rmit
··. 5,·· Counterclaim or cr'?s~-clarm, ;,rq . entry for the p1,.1rpose o( i.nspectirig, me~·suring, .
6. Thlrc!-~arty complaint, surveying; or photographing the. pri:>p~rfy"_oi any
7. Re~ly, .. . . . . . re~evarit ~.bJeclgr. operatiqh·thereon. · . ·. . .
_8.. Motion tord_~clare resp~mdent 1n default, 3, ~r.oduction Or.~er:...:.Tne· court,' justice or'.J\Jdg~,: .:
· 9.: Intervention;.. \1pon.verified motion and_ after due hewirig, may
10. Me~ora_ndum-, .. - . . . .: .. .. . order- ;any. perso,h in. possei,si~_n, cust~y···or ·
11_. _ty1otion: ·f?r ~econ~1derat!on. of mt.erl_ocu.toi:y · ··cQr:itr.ol. 91:any· ·<_jesignated_.dpctJments, paper~•
. ord~~s o_r iriten~ reh~f .orders, and • ., :. . . , booRs,: accounts·. letters, photographs,. objects.
12. •Petition for c_ert1oran, mand_~mus, .or:_prqh_1b1t.ion . or. tangible. things, .ot: ·objecfs · tn: digitized or
against any in_terlocutory order {A.M. No. 07_~9- eleclronic form 'which: constitute or· c:ontairi
· . 12-sq;·Sec. 11).. .,· ·' evici'ence re"ieva~tto·.the petitiori'·or.th'e return: to
SECTION . 12. EFFECT·· 'OF"" FAILURE; JO. FiLE produce and "permh th~ir inspection, copying_~o'r
RETJJRN. · · .. ·.. -~~~fographi~g by or· ·on :ti.ehal_f of !h~. i"nov~nt~-
ln case the respond~nt' failed to file, return, 'the a. 4. ·_- Witoess Protection·OrQer • The· co.urt, Justf6e·
court. justice,. or judge shall. prb~eed. to hear. the ·. or judge, 'upon motion or rhotu prdprio, niay·refer
petl~i<?ii ex p~rte (A:M. Na. ·07-9-f2.:sc, Sec. 12): _- . "the witnesses· to the bOJ for
admission to the
: 1. "The effects oJ failure. to file ttie ·return "are the' Witness Protection, Security' and Ben"efit
. following: The responde.r1t·waives any de"f~l'"!~e· · Pr~grain, pursuant tp R.A No. 6981(A:M.·:No.
that he may have had. \)Ader _S~ctlon 1.9_, ~II 07-."9-12-SC Sec. ·14): .


:PiMti. I

Note: The court.may.issue a TPO-.withoufmotion

since the life, liberty. and.security ofthe petitioner


F *!' .

15 _POK
relevance of the·.evidence to the issue at i,-a·nd and·.;~.
. consistency .with au .. other. pieces. of. adduced,};
. -:': .'1

. are at_stake·. If there Is a motion.•. it need not be evidence.' Thus, even. hearsay evidence· can be. .fi
verified. ' admittedff it satisfies this basic. minimum fest. The)1
courts should -sxerclse flexibiliJy in the consideratioh:.5/
. "lnterirn reliefs .ca.ff ·only be grant_ed. before final . of evidence; including hearsay evidence, .. in : ' .
. adju.dica~ion.ofthe'Gaseis 'made. tnanycase, it must ,· .\ · extrajudiclal ki!iings and . enforced disappearance;
be underscored· that the privileg~ ot-the writ of · .·cases /Razon· v,' Taf!itis; .• BJ~. -'f!o.. · ·18?498;)
empero; once granted,. necessarily. entails the. . December. 93.: 2009; 2 RIGUEF{A, supra at -177); · -:.:._.,
protection of .'.the agg'r.iev~d 'party: Thus; -slnce . · . · ·. · >.f
petitioner. w.a§ gran.t~d the.privileqeof thewrit.of SECTION 16. C()NTEMPT·. ,,~
empero, there-Is no need. to 'issue a .ternporary . . . .. . . . , . . . . ) ..
protection .order · independently- of. the former, The The court, Ju.slice, or judge may punish-fer ~dntempfr !~f
. · order .. restrfcting ·. respondents from goiflg· 11~ar ·1,<The respondent whb refuses to make .retutn· ·,:~ a
.. Ro.driguei is .subsurrred under the · privile.ge :qt -the- · ·
writ (?odriguez- _v.. Macapagal-Arroyo, ._ G.R .. No.
· or . : . . • · ·. . . ·· :·_-(-
2. Makes a False Return; .ot ·
· ··
. . . .
· · · ::
', · · .:}:
H/18()5 and 193160, J>J.ovemb.er·15,: 2Q.11).. 3. '. Any person who otherwlsedtscbeysorresists ~i.{t
. . . . . .: . . .lawful.process or order. the court. of . .. i: )\.
T,h~ production order .under tli~· ~ule_ .on)t'ie Writ of . · : ·· : ·. . .... · · :J 1
0 J.:,
fLJ. Jtrlo~~:-,
· A_mparo should _not. be · confused with . a ~flar.en· -~~e~£e . n_temnorn:iay be rm,Pnsone?or rm posed a frne:..
warrant for ~aw ~nf?r~ef:ll~nt u_nde~Ar:t,))J;"'.~~f~\\.~.of 12~.SC,}ec. ,1 ?( . . .. : . · . ·:tJ
~he 1987' C~mslltut1on,_ Thrs C.oost1t~o9~l~~~i~~n=-=-,~~.9._TI0*;.?17':,,.Bl)ROEN . .'·OF· PROOF ANp .,)
~s a p~otectron of th_e people fro.m ~$. urh;f~~,9abll , ,sl'AN.E>ARD.O~'rntLIGENCEREQUIRED 'Jf
rntrus1~ry .of the gov~rnm.eryt. norrt-~~~,stJ..o~,of~~--.,: ~~"{_\-· ;~'t. · , .,. . ·.: . :\
governm~nt froi:" the de!T)_al')d. 9f}')_~PE:O.Pl~;\'as':su<;1 ')k..., -;J;t,ie' 'if~rti~~~ ~lfr\
establish ttlE~ir . :cfaims· by 1
respondents .. l~st(:lad, the am/a~..PJJiuct~on ordi~ ..&.\ ..~1:1bstantfal e~id'ence\- -· · . . · . \A
rJ)ay b.e likened to the· prodyption 6,fc;l.oc4,fl1entsor ;i~ · ~
thi_ngs u.ndElr Se<;tion ~., Rule)27~f,t~~·Rul~s,:.ef~~ivif,.L~,J.....T!t'e~esr.r,onden1<~~f(s.,1,a
.1.,( (!') ,. . . .
P~!~ateindividual o_r entiti.:~i~
Procedure . (~ecretciJ,Y of ~9,p,at_ 0.~1en_S(ttf--;i, !,~!:~FrI,.~f prGve th_a~\ordma~y drlrgen?~-~s requr~ed by /-
· {'
. Man~lo, G.R. ~<>.- ._1 B~~-06, 1~1ff_
200[}}._.. . i:f~~~l?phca~f~ .l~ws, jl.Jl~~fhd reg~l~tlor~s. wa~ ob~ervetl ·:}
SECTION : 15. A'f./AILM,IU'tYl-~.. O~{_E.Rl~----c.~~~e /efsiJ!!il1F:.:;~:iary.· ·.·. . - : . . -
tf, .
.. ~·· 1.Y-:J~:te
. . • : . . .1\
\' .
:· ' ~r, . ;.
·,?J~:\. ret'wfdenr'who,.lsja
pu_blic official or employee .:::.
thjl_ extragr.dinary.diligence as required.::,~
-Upo~ venfi!;ld motro~ of~he res~_onden~_nd~e'r .,: "'
~eanng.' ,the court, J_u~ttce, ?r :L~d~e._m~y 1s~ ~~~~si}tved_jyf'the6
~Y.?apP1ic:3!*i· .laws;fru_!f?.S," ~nd reguta.tions was·,
pe!if:ormanFe of duty. · - ·,·,.;.
~nspect!on ord~r. or pr~~uct,o~,0~~e~. A ~~!_.~~~n~~SPO!JJ:!entyublic official or eimployee,.cannot J
ms~e_ctro_n orde~ sh~n be ~upporte~.by ~f~!~1~~.:-.....,""'',;1nve~~~e'ii:>~Jtimpuon ·tha.t otticia1 duty. h_as.be~n ..T
testrm.ornes otw1tnesses havrng perso'F.).ii!l-~_c~~l)39ge -:;-- . J5f~~~pff,J1:>rmed.toevade responsibility or liability }"
~~J~~.d;~~~~1;J..~f.t~eres~on_d~nt (A.M~~~~M!~Of'07-9-12::s~, Sec.. 1:7;.· , .. · . <{
Note: Th~ failuredo :establi.~h tl'tat..the pubJic otf[cial SECTJON 18. JUDGMENT <~·
observed exiraordinar'y .di.ligence in 'the perfonnance. . .. . ·. . . . . ·, . .. . .. . .. /&;
of duty does· no\ result in the au~~maJic grant of. the · . The court shall rende~judgment within 1 O days from ·t-,
-privilege of !he amp.aro writ. It. does·.not relievei,.the js
. the ~ir'ne the·peUtion sul;>n:iitted for de.cisi~ri. , );'°
petitior:rer from . establishi~g: his -'or her· ~1t,:1ir:n ·by· . . . . · · . ' . . .· · ,t1;,
substantial ElVidehce_.· Th_e.· om.fss1orfor 'inaption ·Q.n ·Note: No enforqement -withi.r, 5, days:- from' .finality /i:
u·nlike:in Habeas ·Data.· , ·. . · . ; · · . · · · ·. · ··.·,~L~
the part ot the p~bnc_ _otticiat provraeS', howeyer, .· . · ·.; · ..
$Pr.rie · bpsis· for .the petition~r to move and 'for the -·
court··to. grant certain· i'nterim'·reliefs (Yano .. v... ·1t th,e allegations in·the.·"petition are proven.by /i
· · , · · · , · substantial e\iidei:lde, the· couit · .shall . grant ft.le' ·t
· Sanchei, GR:.. No. 1866.40, February 11• · 2010; 2
RIGUERA, :supr6 at
177). . ·. . . .
.privfle.ge of- the ··writ ·.and ·suc..h· reliefs. as· may b
prop.er and.appropriate; otherwis¢, 'the p·riv1lege ~hall. {
.. e. {.·

Th~r.e ,js no.' n~ed to show .. thaf petitipner- ..has be denied (A.M' No. 07-9-·12-SC,'Sec.1'8). · · ·· ,}:
exhausted prior administrative 'remedies, . J
· .:.,'.@
.. . .· ··~E'c'no-~1·9.-~PPeAL . "' . ..
H·earsay ·f;_Admisslble in ainparo cases . : .. . .: ·,
Technical n;.iles pf evide,:ic~ are·not strictly observed Any 'party .niay_ ap.peal from ·me ·final judgment or ·
in writ of amparo ca'se.s. The rules ·of evidence are . order to the Supr~rne Co.Lirt ~nder Rule 45. The .'t'
red.uced to the most.basic test of rei;:ison-·i·.~ .• to the ·. appeal may raise questions of fact or law or both.
. . lt. j



. .
.The period ot appeal. sh:;ill be s·:w~rking 'days from · to the petitioner of the order archivinq th_e case (A:M..
the date 'of notice. of the adverse juct.gnierit. The. 07-9,12-SC, _Se.c_. 20). . . .
appeal snail be given the, same priority as in nebees
corpus cases (A.M. No. 07-'9-12-SC; Sec, 19). . · Note: Proceedlnqs. ·Jn_ a .writ of arnparo b.~ ·may
· · · · ·."· .· . ·· · .. -. · archived for a valid cause, as when witne.s~esfail to .
Note; Wti\ienot.expressly provided; ii') case'.a.niotion. . . .appear due to. threats on ttieir liYes or .analoqous ..' •
·fo( reconsiderationor motion for-new trialis f.iled and . · ·ca_l;J~es, or when the attencant.tnvesuqatlon reaches
denied, -the 5-working-·day period · should · be . an Impasse -.($alao v, Ermita, '_G.R.' Nos.. -1f:!6050. ~ ·
domputed:--f~cim; notice .of 'the. order def:)ying the · : &186059, Aµgust 1, .20·17).· · · ··
Motion for Reconsideratlon or Motion for New Trial ·•· . · ·. ·
(i RIG_UER.A, suprfJ_ at .17.61: ·
. . · ·
'SECTION.: 21. . ·INS.TIT'u°TION. :
. .
· ~~~so~: A,;,p'a(a·~fo~eedi~~isinvolv~ -d~terminatio~ .. Filiryg of a ·p~tition tqr tne
·wr{t of a/.r:iparo ·sh~·lt, not
_. .of facts · considerinq its · subject~extra/~g.a/.killings.
pr_eclude ~h.e filing. of' s_epar~te· .criminal,. civil: or
and enforced dfsappearance.s. - '· .· - . . . .. . . .
. ·admih~str?ti.ve
../ ~ctions
{A:M.. 07-9-12-SC, Sec .. 2"1).
. . ,• ·.· .
· Judgments Subject tb Appeal ~i~ Rule 45 • ,SECT!ON:12. EFF.ECT OF'i=ILING OF A CRIMiNAL
If:-. the: c'illlegatio!'ls .· are proven - w.ith ,, substantial AC'rlON. . . -
evidence, the .court ~h'all grantt),e privilege ofthe
writantj such reliefs";':as 'may be proper: ·and. --..;.-21 · · . . . · :· · · - · ' · . · . ·. .. -, : . ·· -
appropriate: _Jh'e .. · Judgment· . should . cont~ir:C)'J( .Wh_en a· c'.'Cl?'_nal. a~tl<5n. h?~- been. colJlmer:,c:ed,_ nc;>
. measures, which the [udqe ,views as essential to{the,'4 J\ s~par~teP~t,t.ronfor the.wnt ~haU be fi_le~,:-~he. ~ehef-s
· continued protection of'the:petition·er·in the Am,haccf'.: ;,tl, u~d~r the writ shall be available. by _ni~t10~ m the
., . · · · · · . . :- · ··1 .,~?· .,·p'.1 cnmrnal.case. · · .. . . .. . ·· . · ·
ca~~- .thesemeasuree IT)ust _be d~tarled en.ougry;so,:,.:·:.-· ·,1.J -· : --. · ,.., ·• . . - · . ·.· · . .-: · . · · .
~ha~_tnejl:ldge_ may·be able .t~ iterify'-~nd ·.m?~Jt~ft~c-1f~!8{ii~)m.c.~i!'.1!1-.~·ng~i ihe)~~le ·o_n the.Wrii'oiAmpa(d
. actions ta.ken ~y ~he _res~on?ents. lt~1s !~J_Sj}!li;fgrnen~,.. !j- . shall gov;rrn°Jl\e: oispositjon.of reliefs availabfe unoer i
· t~.at could be.subJ~ct to appeal to th~ ~preme Coup T•.r-, ttie ~rit:of.a.ffip~ro (A.M. 07-9-'12-SC · Sec. 22). · i•

vra Rule 45 (De Lima:~. Gatdu/a,:~,R:,Nqt.'204§2ft.'r-"."f~ ·. . . .-: /1.f: l . . : . . · _ - ' · ·... i

February_ 19, 201.w. · · . · · .r0::.f'}I~ .> • b1>1 SEC.TIOl'w23ijC~N~O!-JDATION. l
· · . , · - - -.- · : . ·<<-v .1t,~· r~1. . . . . I ,~ . ·~- . . . : ...
D~.J:is.ion~. in .writ ~f amP;art:_i<\°9,dwr.~~9[ ba~ea_~~; f'.t ~he'}J_V_ -_·cri . 'rial -~_,fti?n.-is. f!fedc.s1,1bsequenj to the', .
. corp!Jf· cas1:s ~re'r_m11,1e~rat~t¥-'exetut~1 ·: ~".:~,' '. ~.;f}f fihnif,qfJfJ. 1):~!9f ~he.~writ, the latter shall_ be
T,here ':> no_ need to file ~ motr?~{pre~i:l:~$;1JJ~~fo~Jl-- . .Js-;j' · _consoliaat.e.Q, Atie ,c~iminal ·i;iction. ·
.. a~paro ..or habeas corptlsdeG1S1onvJ;i~!lPe"l,ft-:a·ca~ ..~ . If,/ .. .. . .. . . ·, .
tt.le C_A.erredin ruling that its directi~ ts:, imrM.dlately \·:/ ..'!'{.t.1en a cr_imin.al·action.and .a. separate;civil action
release a,bdl!cted j)~rsof!~ _- w~_s·. riot t~tJtoiri'i3.ti_c~lly_~);i$./rt;·JiJ~.~-, su~s_equtrnt .to_- a ·pe~iti(?~ . ~o_r. )·a . "."'rit · of
. _exe~u.tory.an.d that the. pe~1~1:oners sh,wJ.si·.hav~,,t!!¢.a:,;.;..,,...:.,-L<:!282!J'l>:~P'.llli·.Iatt~r sha11 be·.cons9hctated · w,tn the.
: a .r:notro.ntor wr.,t 9f e>eec1Jtion. Tha,fwduld defe~tjthe· . .cr.11111.na.l a.ctroFt · · · ·· · ··
very .. purpos<': . of ~avi_ng sumrriar( prb·c~~fu'.9s )n :· .. . . . - . .. . . . . . .· : . . :. ..
· am~aro pet1t1ons. _-,Sun,mar.y proceedings . are . _After con~ohdatron, the: procE:~ure. ':f!'lder ttiis ~llle .
. immediately executory. without ,prejuaice to _appeal · · ·.~hall con~~~e to a~pl,yto th~ d_1spos1bon of the reliefs
(Boac·v: Cadapan, ·G.R.. NQ$. 18446.1-62, May ;31,: - · m the petition (A.M. 07~9-12-SC,.Se.c .. J3),
· ·
· ·
supra:at179-180): ·
· · ·
·. . .· · •. :· . ·· .
· ·, · · Ooctrrne of Command R,espqnsibility
· · .. · , -: , . .. .
.. ·, .

SECTIOt{ io. ARCHIVIN~ AND .R·eyrv~L.-Of · .. · Under thls -doctrine, any. government · officra1 or
CASES.. . sup_ervisor,or.offict';).rof the Philipph1e National Polfce
· = :ar· tti~.t·of an~··ot~er" ~p.w ehforce1'11.0ntage'ricysha.11 ·be
- ·u1;>erallzed Rul_e on·Dismis:~al . . .. held·,?cc?llntable .fo( ·~eg]ect of Duty" if .he· has :
The c~urt shall not. disr:njss. the petitipri, but shall. · .. .-·-know.ledge of ~-c;rime or offense shall.be,committed;'
ar9hive,i,. if up·on·its determiriation it cannot proceed is b~irig_ comrr:ritted,or: has"been to'rnmitte'd by ·his .
.. fo:· a valid' c~use suc;:h a~ the fail~re .0( petitioner o·r · subordinates, .'or .' by ottie~s witfiin·. his· area . 'of,
-wrtnesse.s !o appear due lo threats on their lives:: ·. : re,sponsibility'and, despi,te such.:knowlea,ge,:he did..
not take -preventive or ccirtective ac.tion either before · .
. A p~riodic· ·review ,of. th~· ah:hived cases: $h~-II · be durin·g,. o.r imrr.iectiate1y atte·r- its commission {1=.o'. ·
226', S.ec. 1), · , . . · . , ,. · ·.
mad~ .by t_he amparo, <;;ourt tl;iat shall, motu proprio or ··
upon motior:i:by any party, order their ·revival.when The doctrin~of comrna~d res.po~sibility·m~y'be·6~e.d··
ready fpr Jurthe·r proceedings. The petition shall' be · to. de(e_rmine'whether responderits·are 'accountable
disiriissed with prejudice upon failure to, 'prosecute for .and have tlie duty to address .the abduction of
.. the case afte_l' the:·lapse of two (2)_ y,ear~'from notice . petitioner in order -to eriable' 'the courts to devise


s·P.ECl·AL.PROCE.E.·Dl'N.GS ·: _J
~:s.J.'.l------llll!-11!111-----~---ll!li-----------1111!•~~----- ,JJ·~

. remedial measures to protect his ·rights (Rodrig.uez · .

. . .

lnstances .. in ·."which such information is·· beirig ·

.. ·''):!

.v: Macapagal-Arroyo; ~upra). ·· · · collected thro1.1gh .Linlaw(ul means ih order to act:iieve :-:~'_\~
unlawful 'ends, It must be emphasized that' in· order· :'k'
. D<ictrine.of Command.:R~spo'n·sibility-·in'A.°mp~ro' for theprivilege of the writ to be granted, there f)1Ust :~;;;
Proceedings ". . · ·. . . ·: · · . · · exist a nexus between the right to privacy on the one .. {::
The President cannot be included· as'respondeht In hand, arid 'the right to life; liberty or securtty 01_1 the '·\ii
if· writ of. 'smpero case solely cm .the basis of- other (G_afnboa v. Chan; G.R .. No. 193636! July 24;.-.}~
. command responsibility because ot.the presldentiat ' .. ?012). . . '1'
.tmmunlty 'from suit' (Burgos v. ,Macapaga/.:Arroyo; : . . . . · ... . . ..:(·
-G.R. No. 1$371.1,·June· 22,··2010). ·. ' _ · ". · · .. The writ. of .ha~eas data_provldes. a ju~li~ial ren,~dy f[;
· · · ', . •· . . .. · ·· ·. ·. · to protect -a person's nght- to· contro! m(orm_ation ·-!:::~
The AFP -Chief <;>f Staff ,and the· .PNP Dlrector may · . ·reg~rding oneself;_· particularly _ In instances :wh.erE:l· ·· :11
· also be included. as respondents, · but. not for. the'. · . · such. inforrnation is. being_ collected through unlawful .-,~
p1.frpose.. of attaching · . accountability · and. :- means in orderto acnleve u_nlawful·e11.ds.-'(RoQ'riguez:.;
respohsibllity .to : .·tti.em .. .for ' · the enforced.. · · v. Arroyo, G.R. No. 191805; November ts, 2011)_. ··. )~
.dis?pp.ear-.an'c~\>fthe victim but only ta.determine the '. . · . : · . .. , · . . .· . ,. · : :. · · . :-£
author who, 'atthe first instance, ·i~ .accountable'for · As· 'an Independent. and Summary Re.medy' to '. ·s,
: . and. h_l,/s tbe duty teaddress the d_is.appearan.ceand · Protect the·Rig.ht to Privacy .... e~p~cially the right·<{'
harassment ~oniplain~d. c:if ·in· order to en~b!e·_:!~-~.J.~;_!!_ifor.rpatio·n~I
court to ~ev1se remedlc!I ~easures (RtjffeJ.60"'"'-'v.
·. M_acapag~I-Arroyo, GB. No. 183871, f;ebrua,%._ 18,
u·/ . · ~rivacy_-: the-proceedings for th~ .
i~S!f~G-~~ftt_-ie wnt_ 9~ .habea_s. da~a· does _n<;>t en~a1t··. ~~
· .i..ar:1y find{rig,,:_~f _criminal, cwil <?t · adm_in1strabve.,. ,,,__·
-2010). ·: · · . . ·
.. ·. ·· .~4""-)':'.J-~,;:.~gYJP.~b)litf
· . .,1r~·-'\. ri:-.: . ~-- ~r:~. . e alleg~tio_n~ in the ·_petition. are _;1
pr.oveQ. t~toug~s~bstanhal evidence, then the Court 'W
The doctrine of comrnand r.es~nsi, i it~ h~s htt~i?J~=~ay·.~~- ,r<;?. '\ · · .. . · ·.,.
at all, _bear._ing in. amP,aro pr<;.c~~~ip~s1R·ufrico -~~;- ;iJ, g~t _a,,,._· ~-~\s~.§\~.~-·data~aseor information; . :ft
M.acap_agal-~rroyo, G.R._ No. ,1~38..7.1:JFe~iruary_ 1'f P JJt\ . l!I. ·enjojp·the'~1:1~tc~rrl,plainedof; qr · . . .;!J,,•
.201.0). · · .. i.f . .. _,:.{\0"~~-~~s~~li'~~t_~~~~e or _informati~n cont~ins ;-
. . 1 1;;,--, If·---· I - . '[· ,!··
·_N9te: I~ Burgos-,v: /.1acapi~/if.:l1fWY0,.refP~~ll;(IL~ 1j, t::'"""°~estguction·~"r'rect1ft~tidn!(Rodrigu~zv. Arroyq, }'·
erro11eousd'.ata o~lj\formation,order its de!etion, .":!.
was still the. incumbent{ Pre.s,,'1/.ent,... u,phke-;.:!JJ~ ' ~~- G.RlNo. ·19 ao§:1Nbvemb"er"15, 2011). ,j
Rodriguez· v. Mae:a.P.aga/-A~fQ~hu~1~1~Ae l~t~~l!!P .. . /fir.'rj} , ff . ~·ii . '. . : . ..;;-
case., t~e. [_espondent. 110 f~ngeT-\nJOY.,Stitl~l;IA!o/~'S-vane.fs~{a v;J;J:a~-.ii~jJAfT!PB:O . . . . . . .. . · ·:·;~
\ UtJ t ij.
from St._Jlt
·. . : ·,
· ·
. . ·. .
. . ·.
· · '
· \....
· ·· \
~~:, .
~<P- ~~ °"~~.-Y.!c.1flpb{~~J}lfa ~.SSerJi1{1 .-allq~S f.~mlh'?S of VICtlffiS Of . j_,•
dis~ipeara c~ \o_ petitiQn· t~e ·c;;ourts t_o ·;
, -~ "~~,,_~m~e g~Jrnment,~d ·securlfy -offic1<;lls to allow . >'g I
· o· w··_· "0.'.F: H. ~- -~- ( ~ ~e~~s 1E· ..tll)"'..docum,efnts about the missing pers~m. :,~ :-
RU.LE _N RIT . . ~:.Alt~.. -~ :...-N i.~11q~-ef1!7P'P.(Q,:;Jefnies st.ate· off!cials U:e d~f~ns~ of ~~:
· . .DAT.A "'/Q..,-, · ~~de"ii1c11,\.t.~9i\'A'.~JC~ -they normally eyade pet1t1ons for .. ~
·· · · · . · ·
- ..·. nvif· ffilb'e~s..j}Jff,?;sthat ·families of. m is~lng per.sons :me, · .. · 1
. · · · l llalrd:.,._(rompels tliem instead to ·exert efforts to find x
· (A.M. N9'. ()8-1.;16~SC,. Ja_n~ary22; .20_08):'""'~~1fiese. m1ssing persons or, face.:-sandio_ns (Ff=~TIN,; .- .-,
(l:ffectivity: February-2,:2~08) _ · . . · .. s_upra at 284-28_5):· · . . · · : · · • . ·
Writ of Habeas Data·· . . . .. . Wrlt.o.f.:ain~aro arid h;ibe~s· dat~ :not, av1;1ilable t9
: A. remedy av~ilable to any person v.:hos~. right to· . ··protect purely property or commerciat co11cerns .
privacy in. life,_ liberty or security 1s vrolated · or· . .· ·The writs of a,mparo'and_hctl;Jei1$ dat~ will NOT is.sus.
th.r~~tened by an unlawf~I a~t or <?.m is~i~n ~f ,a public : - _'' · to pr.otect· pOtE'.lly°:propert{ o_r c;omme'rcjal_. concerns
· offlc1al or. employee! or. of a, private mdtv1dual or·· · .nor when tlie .grounds invoked iri supp0rt of thE:l · ~¥
er'ltity eng8:ged in t~e gatheri~g, coll~cting Qr. stqri_ng_- . · . ···petiti~ns thefefor ar~ vague .or_doµbtful.Emplbynieri! ,,. j
of. dat~ '?r mformatioo. regardIA~ _the per~on, family, · ,·. constitut~s a:prope_rty: right under the· context of the_-- -~-.
hom!3 ·and c~>rrespondi:mce of .the -~ggne"'.~~ party·. ' · due process·cJause -of-the .Constitution, rt il? .evident .:.} .
(A..M.'· 08-1-1_6-SC; Sec. 1). . that respondent's :Tes~rva_tio"ns 'on the rea_l reaspns ::{
..T·h'e wr'it· of habeas.data· .. 15 an ·ind_epe~d~nt <>nd· .. ·. · for her tra_nsfer-·- a legitimate conc;;ern respecting the ._·,.~.
.... .term~ian.dconditions of-9ne's l;lmpl_oyment-are what , ·j
summary remedy designed: to. protect . the. image, . prompted: her. to. adopt the extraordinary remedy of '. ~~
privacy, ·honor; inforrT1ation; · a_nd ··freedom qf · habeas data • .:Jurisdiction over such: c;oncems .. is .}
information· of :an- indiv.idu!:31; and to provide-a forum . ·. inarguably 'lodged, by law with the· NLRC and the :}
to en.forceone's·"rightto the tri.Jth and to inf_orma'tional · ·. Labor Arbiters (Meralco 1,1.. Lim, G.R.". No. 184769,

.. .!'
privacy: It sEieks to protect·a· person's·right.to coi:itrol October 51 .20fQ). (,'
information regarding . oneself, particularly. In ,-·

470 2019 SAN SEDA


Habe.as· dat.a cannot be invoked when -respondents. 2 · Any ascendant, descendant or collateral relative ..
in the -petitlon. Jor - lssuance · of the writ· are not- · of· the aggrieved. party within the fourth civlt.
gathering;- collecting,. or storing_ data or tnforrnatlon . degree of consanguinityotaffinity, in default of .
(Castillo v. Cruz, G.R.· No. 182165, November 25,. those mentioned 'in. the preceding paragrap-h. .
·. '2609). , (A.M. N?. 08.-1~16-~C, Sec<2).·

s~-ction.1 of the Rule on Wi:it ~f tfflb"ea-sDete, when Note: Untlke in empero, human rights'organizations ·
taken in ·its·. proper- context, as· a whole.-. irresistibly or: institutionsare 'no longer allowed lo ·:-file 'the .
conveys. the idea that hab~as. data . is. a protection petition.· · ·
.against unlawful actsoromisslons of public.offlciats
and of.
private individu'a!?'or .entities enga'ged ih · SECTION 3. WHER.E·Jo FllE".
:~athering,. colle~tihg, · or storinq of' data about -the.
aggrieved patty and his orher-correspondences, or: . The· petition may be filed with the: .. .: .. - .
· about. his or her family. Such individual 'or entity · 1. Regional' Trial Court·. where _the _petitioner or
need. notto' be In 'the.-:_busines~ of- ·collecting or respondent: . resides;' or that. ·which' . 'has .
storinq.data (vtveres». St. Therese's College, G.R. · -jurlsdiction over: the place' where .the .data or
: No. 202666, Si:)ptember 29,: 2Q_f4) .. - 'information is gathere'd, colleetedor.stored; at
· the option of- the petitioner; ·
The writ of h.~b~as data will riot. issue to protect. .. · 2.- · .Suprerne Court or the Court· of Appeals or the
purely property or commercial concerns nor when ::,-_,-.., . Sandiganb.flyan_when the action 'concerns public
the groun~S,'invo~ed in_ slipp6it_of. the· petiti91J{{/{. ._ · . data files of gqverriment·offices.(A.M: No.' 08~1-
therefor are,vague and doub.tful (Leev.11a·gan,_ f1;~{{~;!;\ 16-SG. Sec. 3). · · - · -. ·
No. _203.2.94,. October 08, 20·14;). , \' 1'-+-:-· .:, .:11:·t . .
·. :. '.· . · .· . . _ .·: -- ... ·. )} p;._:"/,,,_,'/-.-~.E~TION 4d{YHERERETURNABLE
Zones Qf Privacy·i_n-J~h~liP,pine:Law,_·· · . ;,1.1. l\J,'t'i~·~~ti,,--JJ\/1 .·-.
1; ,Privacy of communication ~nd corr~sp_§n'dence~·
_ clause(CONST:A.rt~. Se.q.3;,Pa1;.;_,fit· ·
tr Wliernhe;Wht,.isissued by:·
: .

. ,..-t}I . 1. Tl'le. RJ)G\\of an-y. judg~ thereof....: 'returnable

. .

2·. Due<proce,ssclause (CONST. Art'ff:§,6,c .. 1);· .').V)l,,. befb_re(St+~~,courtor judge;_·· , . · .. · . ·

3. Ri~ht . a_gainst. urire~son_able ;A4:ta~9ti\:~~'atd Vt . 2: Gf. orfthi_sardiganbay~h<>(~ny of its Justic~~~
. se1zurEl:> claus_e (C?ONST.1f!,1&-."Sec:1.f}i..:;:,.,.. ,,. f· :~ !J.efohe:>ur'~h c91:1rt <;>r .aAy.Just1ce_thereof;· o~_~o any ·
__ . 4. Li~ertyofabpde claus·~ (.g_'§?.'tt.,ST..-!ff!:::f~ _s_e9. 6);'~ (;,} '-~~g1·~r:i~!lf2:l~\~~'.LJrt-~ th": place wnere:~he
.5 .. Right . to · form and Joi_n.0~ss.ociat.!9.FJP,,· clat.1.§E;: '!.,; JJ~~t!9!,j~F~!?J;tP.!'iFond_entresides,· or. tl'lat which
· (~ONST.~rt. 3, S~c. ~);.· "'~".:.... -~·;>-, .~..: : . ·) ;·~ · ~as1jurJ~'Q.i.~0Froverthe·p1acewher.e:the data or.'
6. Right agamst self-1,ncnm1nat101:i,,~lagse'{S.O/VSf-. ·. !'? mtorrnallon·1s gathered,_co.llected 9r- stored:;.,· ..
Art. 3, Sec. 17); . . . \}, ,.; . ~,) )1:;-....:___3....,_,._sc or any of its justices ~-befqre: , · .such Court.
7. Respect to the dignity, p·ersonalitj(;~priv.~c.y;:ind ~r;;,.',.'.~\,.,e,:1:.:ioli"!;!flY~Jw,ticethereof, .or before the .~ot.irt of
peace. of mind (CIVIL QOD.E, ·~rt. >2.W; /,z,:;E:.:.. ._.__~~r.'.~;Appeals or the Sandiganbayan..or any of it-l:>
8.. Where :a_puoJic office or: P,rivate ih_d._ix_idu,a,l·~~ay justices, or to _any RegioF1al Tria1·.court'.6f..the :
· ....be heHd · liable if. he viol~tes ~the:',}rig~i{._a·nd place where the _jjetltioner · :or · r~spondent
· liber,ties· of anotlie·r (CI\IIL. CODE,:·A£'.'3"2;;' . resides, or that ·which has ·.jurisdiction :over the :.
9. Violation of secret~. of .an ·officer-· (REVISED place.where Jfo{data tS-drifqrrnation is gafhered;·
, · PENALCQDE, Art. n9); . · · · · .. · · · .._ ·.· _.collect~d or stored {A.M No.· OB--1~16-'-SC, Sec..
·10. Revela~i_on .of ·trade. --and :i1:1qu~trial ... SE;!crels 4). · · · -
. . (REVISED PENAL CODE, Arts. :290-292K
'f.1 :' Trespass t9 dwelling {REVJSED PENAL.CODE,. The Writ. of ·. habeas_ data ~h<jlll .b·e . ehforceabi~ .
:., Ait. ~80); . . ' . anywh~ire in the- Philippines_. (A.M. .No: 08-.1::16-'SC,. ·
12.;:·Bank.Secrecy l,.aw;-and : . Sec: 4t · · ·
1_3. Rules. of Coutt' cm ··privileged cori,munications
. (ROC, RUL~ :130, Se_c. 24)._·.' SECTION 5. DOCKETFEE$ ·

SECTlotf2. WHO'.l\"AY.FlLE '; . . -'-"No

docket and other iawful fee~ shall be:·requirep · ..
' #-. . f~om. an indige·nt- petitioner (A.M._NQ ... 08-1-1o·$C,
. Any aggrie~ed,party.lll?lY file.a petitiori for'the writ of_ ~~~ . . .· ..
habeas data. However,Jn cases of extralegal killing~
and enforced disappearances,. tl)e petition may be Ttie petition of the indigeii~ shall· be docketed· ~nd
filed.by:. · · . : ·acted .upon immediately,· -with6'ut prejudice lb
1.' · Ariy m_ember- -of the. imme(:liate .family qf the 'subsequent _subrnission 'or
proof of-',indigency not'
aggrieved· party, namely:· the- spouse, children . later than fifteen· ( ~ 5} ..days· f.rom the filing of the
and· parents; or . . . .Petitio_n (A.M. No. -08-1-16-SC, Sec.- 5). ·


. - .I . 471.·
.... ,•


. . . . . ' .
A verlfledwrltten petltlon for a ~rit of habeas. . Respondent shall file .a. -veJified written ·r~turn'.;}1,
dat1:3-shoulc:l contain the following.(PMALRO):. . 'togethf:lr. with· Sl\ppoi:ting · affidavits ·.within' five (5),f
·1: · fersQnal circumstances of the petitioner and : worklnq days from.. service of the writ, w_hich· period}it
. respondent;' , . . may . be . reasonably extended. by the Court ·for~.~~
2 .. The Manner the right of privacy is violated· or · justifiable reasons (A.M. No: OB-1-·16-S~, Sec.. 10).> \'.,
threatened; · · . ·· ·· . ' · · · . · · · · ·· · · · ~:·
3. ·-~ctro·ns· and. recourses taken .by· petitioner to · -Contentl of Return: .. ,
secure the data or information; . . . . . The return shall, am orig othet thinqs.. contain the:·1,
4. .b,oca.tion: of the. files, ·re.gisters _or database, the. followin\:{:(D:cp~C-0). · ' ., . .. . · ·· ,'1.'
gbyernment. office,. .. person . in 'charqe, in· 1: Th_e. lawful .Qefenses such as national·security,,r3.\
pcssessicn.and control of the data, if known; . state- secrets,' . privilege~· .. COl'flmunli:_ationt:~t·
· · 5:· Beliefs'prayed for; -and . . · · .· . ·· .confidentiaifty, of' the· source of information of-.c~•.
6 .. ~ther .. relevant- reliefs as· are just &· equitable. . . media and. others;. . · . . .. : . . : . · ·. '.t
(A.M,.-_No. 0!3-1-1·6-SC, Sec; 6J. 2. in case.of resp_cind.e,n~in .Qha_r'g1;1,·possession or: -~f;
· · ·. · · · ·· . · control -otthe 'data or il'.lformation Sl!bject of the-~.
'sEcT10N· 1; 1ssu·A,.fCeOF. THE wR1t ·. . · · petition: . · · · · ... ~;:·
: .• .- ., . . • .-'--.,:,,=.,,...,._- . a. A Qisciosu·re of tfi'e data or-information about ;?;!
-Upon-the filing of the petitlon; the court, j,u.sti"cEi-,.,:or l
"f ~"'-~e petitioner, the- nature of such data -Or·_.t
. iu·age. shall lmrnedlately order the iss,,~a1tce~t me. ,... . I\J-1·
iQf~mation •. and .· the · purpose · · tor its_-r·i~
writif on its face. it ought .to issue (A,µ\~5.~'Q8~::r·.g,:,.-;;'.~~.~< · g~~ec'tl~n; · . :· · . · · _.· · · · .. "-.°:~~
· /~A '\~.;?#.
.. .
SC, Sec_. 7). ·
·. : . . . . . /; ,,o,:r ~~...--r;--,.,. . ..""":.
· · · . - ·~'\-if1'ie_jst_~gs or · ~ct1on~ ·. f~ken by , the· :~·
r~ondeiS\ to_ ensure the s~ci.Jrity and ·j...
·1t -wr ·
Ttie Clerk of Court (COC) sha}f,t~J tf:)e_""..fit u~d~J) -~1on!l?J~~_$tif}(.ofthedata or il'.lfor.mation;.and -
· ._.the se~I of the court and caw~~ 1t to>t)~erv.~dwithin l1r~ ~'i..-.. c. \ h·e ~ven9,iand. accuracy of the data or ,.fi
·.three' (3) <;lays ·tram· the.,is~uance;;for,· ir{/ case ~of ./1 ,,>, .
i, form:~i6t]fite~d. ·< :· ... · .: .· 'i,•
urgent necessity, the justice~~cra~emay tl'ssue··me · -·-:- 3. ~Qtl'_ler ~jl~gati~~s:.rel_evant to the resolution. ,'!!
writ un?er his or· her· own 7}:if'ia-::.aw.d may\dep"utti~? . t-~.Y" 9f·
i~e ·11/~~dlng {A.M. No._· .08-·1-1.6-SC, , i
. _.. any o_ftlcer·o.r person serve ~t'(~.:M-j[NO, 0~\-_16·~ClJ~illII7Jfft! . J!?.ec.. ~O)J ~~A~· ". . .· .. : . . ... {
. Sec. 7).. · · · · · · 11 ~"-i \\ ··. r. _:;..;..:..i::-.:. iJ}J:i5> · P , j · · · · · · · · · · }

~ro(~. ·.
- . · . ·. ,.· .· . . .- ~,· «).\ \~ ~~i · ,st: ote;r~~lne~~~er{i~Iof.-tbe···aflegalions. in the··;;
The writ shall als<;> set the dat.~.~i"ldti~e fo(s} ~~ ..a~~- ,.¥...1~~tlj:ib~Q;._~allnpt be ~W>.wed (A.M.. Np: 08-,t-16-SC, ·J~.
hearing qf the petition .which ·~hall no\ be l'at~'tQa.~ ·, J' ! . . .. .
i,. '. . ~~
teri (1-0) wprking days :fron'l tl)~ate o~ iS~flr.i~~~./.-~....,..· ... /" . ·· ,,/ , ·· .. · · : ·· · ... ~,
(A.M_. No_,: 08-t-_f6~SC, Sec. 7). "(, . "-'\,.L ~C[~~ct,10~1:f't.. CO,TE-M.f~T· : ·. . . ·. .::
. . ' .1_"7.,.~ -~--...£!:~~ \~ ,7 .' .,. . . .
SEC!ION.8. P.ENAt::rY.'t:6R REFl1Sl~6 Jys'tice: or.. Judge: may 'punish. with.~-
_'ISSUE OR 51=.RVETHE WRIT · · "~_, V j , n.. '{ ,trnfjFi:;i§nrw~fof flne: . . . ::. , : : .·. . . . .:-t_.
. ··· · .· , ~~~~· .!.'V JLr:fJ~:l.~;esliondent. who co·mmits cbntemi:M:iy. making_·\
· A cle.rk of court who refuses to is~ue the writ afte'1'ris'"-:=="".~a faise·retwn.or . ·.. · _,. · "t.t
. :all6wanc.e, o.r a d~putlzed persc;m wh<;>, refuses to · -2.· Refuses to rrrake a ~eturn;· cir . . '. . _-. · ·i
_serve the sa.me, shc:-H l;)e punished by the. :court,' · 3 .. Any' pe~ol'l\yho.o.t~erwis.e:·disobey.sor resists ? : t;
. Justice or judge. .. for foriterript i,vithotlt prejudice to lawful process-or prdet of.tf1e.cour1.{A'.-M. No.. 08- · J
pther ,disciplinary. _ac~ons (A.M. No. ()8-1-16-SC, ·:_·1~16-$C,-See.. 11). . , . ·: · ·· · : :. · .· :._;,t
·sec, 8).. :. · . . .· · ·.. · . · · . . . : .;_ · .... ·. · ·. ·. · . ·., __ .. ·. · . · :';-
~ECTl~f':19:·~ow TH~ WRIT IS SERVED· IN'·CHAMBERS ... . .• · ·}
.. . • . . . .• . . 1,'_ •. . •. . ·. •' ,~-
. The wrJt sfi\111 .l;>e ~erv~d 'upon the re~pondent by a . ·. A hearing ..in chambers .may be COQclucted where the. t\
.judici,al qfficer or by a p,erson deputized·by the court, respondent in~okes the-defe.rise: . . .. '·. . . . ·::
·justice, of jud~e'wh~ sh.all.re.lain a copy on which to . . 1, ·That the releas~ of tiw·data or .informaticm-·in,~!'
make ·a return pf service (A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC, Sao. . question: shall: compromise natiohat se.curil¥ or J1'.
9). . . ·~tat~ seifrets;.o.r·:: : : . -· · .. _.; ·. . .. .'f
. 2. When th.e data.or informatioh cannofbe divulge(:!· .:
tn·c~se the writ 9annot be. serve,~ pe~sonaliy on the to. the .P0bliC' due· .to -its nature. or privile_geQ ':l
respondent, ·the rules on·. substituted service s.hail. · character (AM,N,o, 08-1~16~SC, Sac. t~).. · .'' ·:~\ 'r,f_
apply (A.M. No. 08-!·16-~C. ~ec. 9).
0 0 I

., .
472 I' 2019 SAN BEDA LAW

. . '.

t.'i ~ECTION · 13.' PROJ-UBITED Pl:.EAD_INGS ·,AND Gr~nt oftbe Writ Olstin~uished from Grant.of.the:
t, MOTlONS : · Privilege 'of the Writ . · · .. ' . .'
't . . The grant of the writ refers· to the decision of Ute
§ · · 'rne.. folloWin.g pleadlnqsand motions are prohlblted: : court; to. give· due· course to the petition," require
t 1'.. Motlonto dismiss: .. . . .
~-. 2 .. · Motion ·for extension ·of time .to file return, ·
.·. . respondents to file their return and setthe petition·
·. for hearinq. . · · ·. ·· · .· · . :· ·
t ·· .
. . opposltion, affidavit, posltion ,rjaper and, other
pleadings; . ·: ~- ,, - · · Th~.·g·r.ant of'th~ -~rlvile·g~ oJ tli;
vii-it 'means.th~-·
k' . 3. · Dilatory motion for.postponement; · · · . the petition is found'. meritorious, .the. prayers ther~in '

g 4._. :Motion for a !:>ii.I a·f partitu1;3rs.; . · . . . . ar.e gr_af']ted and _tt)e P,etitio.ner is granted tJ:ie reli.e'f.
r; · 5. Counterclaim or cross-claim; · . : " . sough.t,. ·. · · :. · · · · ·

i a: .
6. · Tl:~ird-party complaint; , . · ·. ·, . .
-· 7 'Reply· · · · SEC:_riON.17. RET). ll~N OF SERVlqE .·
f;..: ·. ~otio~ to declare 'r~~pond~~t ln def~·ult;_~. . . ... .. . .
r;1:: 9: ~nlerventlon; ·Thirnffl~~r ~-&executed th~\µdgment sflall, ·w,th'iri'. .-
~·: 10. Memorandum; . three (3) daysfrornIts enforcement,'make a )Jerifie·d::
f 1.1. M9tion ,:for . reconsideration · of · Interlocutory retumfo.:-the:cqur.t .(A.ivt: No. 08-1~jB-SC;Sec. 17):· ...
i:. · orders or·interim relief.orders; and · . .. . . .. . ·. . . .. . · ·' : . .
r. .1.2. Petition ·for certiora_fi;_mandamus ·.cw
prohibition Contents c>f'tti~ Return of
Sei-vi'ce {Si SO} . . . . .
t · ·· · against any _interlocut_oryorder. (A_.M. No. 08· 1-:;,.,/,,Ir., 1·.. -~ull §.tatemerit _?f the .proce_edings.under the w_r.it;
f'- . 16-SC,.Sec. 13). · · · · .. ,,. . · 1,i,1;~\{ . · and · · ,. . · .· : . : .

rr.f ·. :. . ·. · · '. : . . .. /i·:'~·.{1;/;"<;;, _2; ·. Complete' '!r:·1ventory of- the· database · or· .
SECT_ION 1f · EFFECT ·OF FAILURE TO: F141;·~'i,r ;;.1>.'.t] J ·.. .: info~m.ation~or.documents or articles inspected,· .:
RETURN · . ·. · ·. : . · -: : \i
... .t:·:·,,.~~.)r:,_,r··~l!pd~tep:{~~t!fied, or d~leted, with ~opies sei:ved.
f•. Inc~~~ the ~esp~~de~tf~ils to file~ ~etu~:J!)~{au~.(Yjtf~~-{~~}?e:reri,t~oyn~~~a~~t~ ~~5!~~~]:jgm~r:itiV:as.
t justice.or jud_ge sh~II pro??.e~ to ~e~rJm,eigtition e~x~7
'.': .· parte; granting. the petitioner ~uct, ,<raj,1~t: ~s t~ffe.,...:.>:-lr.\ ·
.\1 . . ·
and:.· ff ff\ · . . · · ·· : · · . · · ·· ·
t_· pe_titi.on_Q'lay wa~r~nt uryle.~s·the_ coup,J_i;ti!f,dlscr~tiell'}_... · ·:d ·.. 4. All t.t.i?·Qpi_e\tforis~f,.the p'arties ~e~arding. ~~
l · requires .the pet1t1oner t<;> ~ubr:n.~~1d_en f~l'A:
M: N~ ~';..,. · · .. _ma~,;i'er ~ncl (Erg!Jlano/of the service of the .~nt
~ ()fJ-1·16rSC, Sec. 14). (t-·,·;, -~f.i-....· · . '\ ! ~ .. (A.N'J. N~:k08-'f.;.Jf;:.SC,Sec. 17). .·
f · ,·.> •'--·.r.1 !'-,..

.~~~~f\;?r~i.; 1 ;~/.
· .,, • . <-"r-1,..~·:-P.""., ..'l:'~"":-r11 ·
. . . . . . . ..
. .
~ .l ~ .tJY..;)'l
'~ r:·,: . ·~. ·:"4,: ~..i-1. ,t--;i:.,'.(141i'!"-. . . · . . .. . . .
~-- S~~Tl~N- ~ 5..S~M~A~Y _er ~E_CTl~N~]}~tf~~RI~~(?N_ 0,FFly~~:S.RE~UR~ ·
:' The heanng on the petition. shaJt be f~mary. r/i,=.;J,b~ court _shall l?l:lf;the .r~tum for h:e.ar.mg With due
~ .However, the. court, Justice or judg~\~)-~al[.a. /p•.!1·"'.,o.,itj~e:,.toJ!)eparties and.act accordingly' (A.:M· No.
} pr'e!imi~ary ·confere~c~.. to sJmpli~ th'r,7-is?ueJ,.:i~ooC..:--.t/.£.~fJ'B-1:...:,,:j5"!s_o,Sec. 18). . . .. · · . .
(, .. determine the poss1b1hty of~obtatnirJij_!;S~UpyJ.1;1t~ons.. . :. . ·. · . .. . · ... . . ..

't.: .and·adn'.li~si·ons fron:i th~_part1es (AM. ~~ii~1-16-·

.SC; 'Sec. 15). : · .
. . . "
· ·.·: · '
. ·. ·
..·v .. _S.ECT_lc'.>.N 19:,AP.P~AL,- .. ' ·... · · .:· ... · ·, , .
:Any_ party may appeal from the judgment'or:ord.er,'(he
. _ · ··. : : ·· Slipren:ie. C<:Jurt. under. Rule 45'... The appei,il . ma:Y ·
rr · SECTION·16. JUDGM!=NT .. · · · . .raise questions of fact or lc!W or both ·(A.M. No. 08-1~..
· · 1'6-SC, seq. ·-19). · · ... ·· · · · · :·.
[~·. , The court sh~ll tender·judgment within ten ·(.1_-0)'_days · · ·· · · · · · · ·· ···
[. fromJhe time. the petition is submitted for de.cis1on . . T~e.p~:ricici ~f.app~al shall ~e.
fi~e (5).wo'rki~g .d~y~.
f · . (A. M: No: 08-1, 16'-SC,.Sec: 16)'.:. · · · ·, :' . · from th~ date. of- ri_dtice of the Jud'gmerit or.'final or<l~r ·
~.. ·. :- . . · : · ·.. · ·_· .<·. · ·. · . .
(A.M. No: oa-·1~·_16.:.·sc, _sec. 19).· ·
~: - . If the allegations i11 the ·petition: are· proyer:i ·by · , · · ...· · · · · ' · ,. · · · · · · - · ..
~- · substantial· evidence, the· court sh~II e,njoin. tpe .act.,··. . .Th~'. ~P.P~~l . s~-~11 b.e. g.jven. th·~'. s~me..'p.rJorit~.as ih
\:· comp.lained of, or' order tha··d~letiori, destructibn, or . . habeas .. cofpus ~nd amparo.case.s.(A·.M,Na. OB~t-··
f," re·ctification of .tlie .erroneou·sdata or' informatioi'i' an.d . . 16-.SC,Sec, 19J, : . . · . · . · . ·:. .. · .
t. ·g(ant othe('relevant. reliefs as. ,may. be.
just. and . . . . .
~,~· .· equitable; otherwise,.the privilege ..ofthe writ sti~lr be
i' .denied (A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC, Sec. ·16). · . · ·. ·:·
fs.."· Upori its ffnallty, judgrhellt. ;hiill be· enforced: b.y the
r!r sheriff or any lawful officers· as may be designated
by the c_ourt, jw,tice or-judge within five .(5) working·

days .(AM. No. 08-1-.16-SC, ·sec'. 1'6).·. ' ·



.. ~~~ ~ ~ 111!11~11111111!1-- .. ml!I ·.:~

. Jt
SAN oeOA uw anm\,am "'" "'°"no,,; - ""'°'' AiO ,oig .. 1
~ECTION 20.· ', lNStlTU.~ION . OF Sl:PARATE Nature of the Writ · -
A,C1lONS ·1 .. Available to: (JEN2A-)
a. Ju_ridicai,pers.on; ! '.
. :<:·~·
-: }.
Effect.of.filing of P~tltjoil lri Relation to.the Right b. Entity authorized by law, j:>eople•s{f'·
to File Other Action. . · ,· . organization; · ·. · .. :'.·.{:
. The. filing of a pet[tio~ foi"ll:ie ~vrit·of habeas ·datq sh'all. · c. Natural· ·. · · · : .. · · - ·. ·. ,~.
nor preclude the filing of ·separate. cfiminaJ, c'ivil or , · d. Non-m>~ern.rtJentalorqanfzatlon: or.· . · · :.).,f.
administrative actions (A.M. No: ()8~1:16-s·c, Se_c:. . e. Any fll!blic interest group. .accredlted by, 0~ · ·}(
20).. . . . . . - .registered with any gov~rnment agency, on. )Ji

.. .·. J...., . · ·. ,.:.:?!
2 .. Whose constitu_tional ·rigfil to a balanced arid·:f!·;
.. healthful e<,'ology is violated; 'Or threatened with··](
. Effeet- of ·.Flling'·~f. a·:Cri.mi~a{ A.ctio'n'After: the . : . violation; arrd . . .' - . . · ... }.,'-~
Filihg. .of ~~ Petit.ion · _-. · . . · ' . . . .·. 3.: · .. BY: an µ_nl_awfl;ll.act or omission ofa l?ublic officiar·f
. When a cr:in:linal action' -ls filed· subsequent to the ··: · · ·· or: employee; .' or private indiv.i.dlial or entity, :Q!.•
. 'filing .of a" petition for -the writ, the latter shall be. · · involving · environmental darnaqe ·of · such .J
consolidated wlth.the.crlmlnal action (A.M. N6 ..'08~1- .. · · · m;=ignit1,1de: as tg:-·prejudice,.the life,. health or-. ~i
te-sc, Sec. 20).· . •. .· .. ·._ . . . · · prqpef{y of inhabitar:its.:jr:i two or· more cities or'."f
, : . ":: . · ... .: ~"'"~-=-frov!_nces(Rule. ~;:Sec.. 1?- .: . · .. : : .: ·: '--:1\
.. . . : :i _... . ;.·..
;When a.·cn~mal·act1on i,1nd,'.3'separat.e_C.J,.'1lr.~~!on Jfu-· ~-.y~,~ -;: ,·,··· .. · ··
are·filed sl{qs~~uentto a. P.eti.tion {Qr .a -~,rif._of~~J.?.tqs ,. · , }~~~uj~lti~~ Wnt o~ ~a!1.k~san.:·(VU.~) .. -: . , . /:'..
.: .. : .·' . .'··.'."['

d~ti;I! th.e ~etit1on: .shall_. be·. consQl!,!:fat('d'\y1!l, .,:t'lg,~,,""1"..,~~!.th~r1t~1\ae:t_u.a.\ .?f th,reatened y1~~at1on of ttre O.~
· ~n~ma1.~ci1on (A.M. No. 08~1~~z~t~~jJJ:,;.~·,,.'-.:..,..\-- c~~tt~~A~·~):~~V,9·~:bal.ancE3d cind.h.ealthf~I· :}
. Afier, CO'n~dlldation, the _proc~~.~~~~{&t~ · ..~uJ~. ~ .
shatl .pontmue to goyem the dJsposlti9fi of t~·e. re.he1s ff:.,.. ·l
l~.~~~tened.violat1ori.ariseS ;;~~ ~n
;, b1 · · . ;lb,·' . · . · . · .. - .. . · . ·,i:
~~,4 .
in tt)e petltip-n·(A.M. No. 08~1.f1o~SCjSec. }1 )> : : · ,,, .. . Ynlc1~ul. ~t,o1r.J 1\1s_s1o;n ..of a· pu~hc .official o~ . ;\
. ··. -. . - .. · · .. .' : ,6 7.f.i · I~::--=-~ _' _ .
'r~P{Q~ee, ~{?!~tr. m_d.lv~du.a~_._oc.;entity;and .... _. ~1

. . . . . . . ,a·~: ai~-. ·.
~:-3~.9Th,e ;.~ctualot:ffre~t~ned.v1ola!1.on
· CRIMl~A~.ACTION: . . .'., ..~- t,. . . . · WwiJSrIJ.rii}fti> _Jeaq. to: an tt §nvj~rriental- da,:na~.e· 9f: su~h',<:,~
::s=~,~~e·'as·to p.}ejudice ·the· life,' health ·or :3;_
When a ·crirr.,j!1~l.;3c.ti_o.nh~§tqern,~in)u.~:g~ , ~o,'!-}-· r•!'.vl.~P.- i(~y ~,fn1fialqi;fnts.i1~.two or more cities o/·
or w,11· ,m,?J~~ /:i
separate petit,on for the wnt it\ah· fi~~lec;f~'fi~~f:sl.h~,~ L,_ef§'>}"'- ·• · ~i<c . ·
.(S' · · .!I: . ·t I . · · Th 9::· . Ci' - t _'.',;!
Linder:the writ s~all be .~_vaitaole to~n.a§Qfiele,q'L -\~~"('~- ce} e~o/f'..a :"1·8·• ~- · ... , ,m.ae.. _ i
patty by :IT!olion in the ctiminal'i>~se (~!if!.-.N~·08f£_ · , ~, nge_,com'!J/~s,oo.et.at, G:R. Ng;.. 21-~010,_. : ~1
:.~~-sc,_sec:.2.2)~·. ·. ·.: ':.· ~~~:,t1'7,~Q1Jf _·. :.· :. · ,; :·;-~
· .T_he Pr<?ced!-Jre· und~r:this ~u·1e ·s~<l)tt\~.r"l:')~~".""..N:ot~~~ i~~ll:.seJtled .th~t a_ ~·arty cl?imi~g- .t~e. ·:;.:-
d1spos1t1on of .the r~hefs ava1l~ble under~!h~Wr).f·of "\\ ff.jil?!'Y'.~P~~ivifi~ 1ssu.ance .of a wnt·pf k<:3hkas~n has · {i
habeas data (AM. Nq. as~ 1-1~S¢,. Sec:
:i}.)~<r::.--:: . -1'V!.L.. 'f6>!h,.<jJ,.v:.tliat'alaw, rule .or_reQlllfltion wa:s .itiolat~d .o.r .,-: .
.. . .. . · .· · . · · ·· ·.. · · _. · ~"""'--..,....cr=Woul.d_be·· violate~ .(Segovia et..al., v.. T.he ClimaJe ',J
.·.·. · (See Cor.nparati~fJChart of Habeas. CQrpuf, Writ of". · · Change Commiss~onet.al; GR. No, 211010;:f!Aarch_:~:;~
Amparo an_dH_abeasData) : ~, . : ... ·. . ·:, 7, 2017). · .. , ... ·._. .. ..·~~

Burden of Prt>ot', .

. ...I .
. .. . . . :};'
Petittoner·has the bt1rd!:l1J·to'pro\ie th~:. .. . . At
. . ... 1 .. Envin:::,nmen't~l lawJule, oi.. r.egulation violated q(}&
threatened,to'be violated;: . . . : . . . . . . .. - -··
· · . : 2 .. Acror om.ission com,;1~in~~ of; and •. . . . · , :. ·. ·".9f
. '(A.M·, No,'Q9-6:8~SC, April 29,.2010) . 3. E.nvlronmentar damage of such magnitude as Ur.,:.,.~,
prejudice. 'the.. life, ··h.ealth, or. properly. of.'{
. Writ. 'of kali~asan is· a ~pa'cial remedy. a~~iiabl~ . · .. · .. inhabitants: in.. two: 0r . more. prQyinces. '([!!L .:·;
:agairyst an. unlawful act or omission of a public official ._ . -Atchipel~rjQ Minerals,. Inc~ v.. Agham Pa_rtyli~t,,.·!.[
.or .employee, or priv·afo indiv19ual 9t entity; invotvirig G.R. No. 2091'65;Aprit 12,. 2016).: · .. :· · .. · .'";t,:,·
. e,nyironmental damage_ of such ni'3gnitu'de as. to . . . . ·.. - -· . . .. . .. . :.t~
preju~ice the life,.. health _c;r property. of inhabiti;1nls in · Matters Alleged in the.Petition · . , · 'if
tw0 or more cities or provinces (SC.A'rinotailons, . Ttie verified petition· is· required to allege the. extent · :,~ -
supr_a af. 134). · · · · . of magnitude. of ·tt,e environmental damage.· All : :..
. relevant and material evidence must be attache'd .to . .'_f!
. the petition
. . to allow .the ..court to determine whether ·~,"·-..r.


t: mm.. 11_!1111 lllll!!IIIIIIS:. l!llll lll!lllllll i!:r::...:11:1~~ ~11!1

,. S'f>'E'tjA_L 'PROC:E.EbfN'GS.
.r -, SA~ B~Dlj LAW C£NTRAL/Z£D BAfl OP~RATIOf:'IS' - IAEMORY All) 2019 ..

the Immediate· Issuance of the. writ is warranted. . Prohibited Pleadings: fDEP~ B.C·TReD)
TE.PO ·is a .. relief .:available, as 'in . the Writ of 1 . · Motion to Qismiss;. ·
. Continuing Mandamus (SC .Annotations, supra.
) '. (3~). . . . ..
at 2. Motion·for Exten~ion of time to file return; ·.
· 3. Motion f(?f :e:o.stpcine'ine.rit; ·. ·.. , · · · · . ', .
4. Motion fora .§.ill of particulars:
{ . Where to ~iiei 5.. · Counterclaim 'or cross-claim; · ·
; ·1. Supre_me Court; and .. ~ . : ·.. . 6. · · !t.iird~p~rty complaint; ·. : . '':
7,.. ~ly; and .. .
~. - 2.-.- Any station of the C.ourt of Appeals (Ru/JJ 7, Sec.'
•',•3). . . . a: · Sec.
. ·. .
Motlon to Qeorare respondent'in.default '(Rule 7, · ·
,! • ~): . : .. - ... ·, . .. : ", · . . . ·. ·
-Oi:>cket·Fees ·: . : .
~ The .petitioner 'shall be· exemptfrom the payment of . . Moticin for.lnteiv~ntio.ri;-Exciuded·. · .. : .
'(:. docketfees (f1u/e r.ss« 4). This is 'consistentwlfh . A. 'moticrr for intervention 'is.' e>5,ctudi:W'trorri. the .
~"· .thecharacter of the· ~lfefs available under the ,;vr(t,': ·enumer-ation. f.llowing·thfs rnonof ls a-reafflrrnauon .
}' which-excluoes damages forpersona! tnj(J,ries: This ot: the.. public participation . aspect· i,'l .,the Writ .ot .
{. exemption alsoencouraqes the jiutil.ic parttclpatlon ·Kalikasani/nce there.may.be l?rge,qualified·pool o(
~.: in. availing of the. remedy ('SC Annotations, supra at . possible representatives inJe.re:sted ln avai.llng· of the
~ · · .1.35). . :;_ . . .. : . . ·· . . . .. : r.em!:!c;iy (SC 'Anootetians, eupre at ·.136). .
. ·~ - . . .
·. •. Jssuan~a:,of tli~ Writ· · ·. ·: ·. · . . · ·: .
,:,:it\ . Effe~t .ofFailu.reto. File -Ret~r,;' . ··· ·
. ',: ... · , ·,.. . - •
:: .'. W_i~l'iin ~.~a~s from t~~ d:=1te offiling of the pe~tl<>?.iJf!";-;:f: If t~e respoude~t fails.to_ ~le a return·,.th~ c91:Jlt _shall
·: . the pet1tio~ 1s ~uff.ic1ent-1n f_orm a11d substance/:tn_f/.\;;,1 p,roce~d to hear the- pebhori e~ _P.~rt_~ (Rule 71 $ec. , · .
}· court shall-giye an order: · . . : ·. u~:/'.'' ,~:)' 10). .- . . · , · , . .· .. . · •, · ·
/.i-f:~;'~~~~,. ~~~·~- , • ~·· ~ • • • • • ·_

... /'5f . t~JtW,1_NQ..~~;~\9,'*·'~.t~~- urgen?Y

: • • ~--· • • I ' > • , • :' ~• • • : • '' • • •

': • 1.'. · ·ls~l!i~~.the writ;'and . . · of_ t~e need

;· 2. R«=:qumng the respondent-to file ay~p~~.,l'return.
. . . ..
.(Rule 7,'_Sec;. 5).
:' . .
. .
. . (~ >.-
fb/'Z . ,; ._...1F"'."'." r~ .
· .-::ft....) . a bar. ~o J.'1~.
· 1ssual"\ce-ef'(e.wnt, the fa1.lure·to f1Je.. a ret~rn 1s .not ·. ·
court to.. hear . the peut1oh (SC
~nnot~flOIJ. , ~U'p_ta at .. 137). · ; . , .
. . Se7lce of t~e. wnt m~y· _be __ dori,7ztf!ier~sm,~ally or:~ ;g ·. : ./ · M \ ·.. · · · ... :·· . · ·, ·
. . . throu_gh.subs~tut~~ servre:e ,(R'!J;:t['.'Sec.'Yj}~~·,. .. Q f ~ ._1.:ieanngi_. . ~; ·:~} ._.
· _. ,. ·.: · . . . : . . . . : · .
,. · . ·, ; · .· · · , : _:.. rt-~ . .'~.~. · · · ~ ~,·~ · .The helihng11~~9lu~
the--prehm1.nary-_conference ..
S~rvic~fof ~r!,t .. · ·.· . ··~ri?f;J;.J) .. ~ .-~~?-
. -~s-~·a1r:q;w~!J1¥-~~~-f~~d
. . The writ shouid· be served ?gar.Q~t t~~~.[~~J.!On~Jj: ~-:' ' given th"~;:pFrontyas petitions .for .the. w~1ts. of .
siXo/ f;$t. days arid sh.~1!.be , ~~?~
. . preferaqly lr'\'per.son. If- p~rs~mal ~e~.e.a:n1not ,~e .f.'.
ha.beas corpus; ampar~ and_ habe~s ·d,ata (R_ule 7, '~·
; _- made,. th~ ,rµles .on s~b!3tltuted~ser;sti~.~ s.h'ti.rt ?lPPlY ..... fi<(~1,:...$ec:. 11): · ... - : · · .... · .1 · ... ·
/ (SCAnnotations;·supra at .135'). · - t\ ....d.z..J. · ·1f,,-,;.;t.·~~,-~. . . : . · ,.. . . .: ·· ·
· . . . . _. . ,- . . . - - ·. - . · . rt° ·. ·
/~t,;rr,d~ulN~{tt~~tlt'hf·En~irotrrri~Jital.C~s~ · . . .
Return bf Re~pon,dent;.Cqntents·Re~u,rf.· f;(xi· The ~nyironmental d~rt1a9_e su~J~Ct of lhe. wnt may·
Within.· ~ non,.e~tendible···period of 1'0:~:{$.!, after · .involve iss.ues thaJ-a"r.e bf.comple):( char~cter, 13nd for
service of.the ·writ,.the respondent sh.all'file verified . a
. this. reason, · the h.earing ·._is·" not' · summary. The
return which.sli'all'confain all defenses ..showir'lg that·· .. :abbreyiatecf.time fram'e required, however. insures
.resppndent·diq ·l').j:>t vicila·~fl.or. threaten. to.violate, or· . . ·. th~tthe pr~edings.are e~p~dited (SG Annotati9_ns,
.. ·allow:the vlola.tioa.of any e.nvironmentc1l,l.aw, ,rule· or . -~ ·. sup.r.a a~ t3'7}: · , ·' · . · .' · . · · · .. · · .,
. : ·regulation. ,pr .. comrnil'. any' act . resl.Jlting. 'to. ·. . . . .. ·. . . . . . .
i environmental. damage of sucti· magnitude . as to· . · .D~fectJn'Eovirorinienta(Compliaoce Certificate':
,.. : p,:ejUc;fiCe the·, life, ti~atth qr prOp_ertY of inhabitarlts in (ECC).,,. .· . .. . . . . .. . . . :
~ 1"'(0-. Or Riore "'cities .Or provinces;. AU def~nses· not,. ~ . The·proper. prOCeduFEfto qUestion a defect in ~n.Ecc'
raised: in 'the. return shall be deemed waived. 'A· to',follow. the .DENR. appe~r groc'ess: .~ecourse': ·,s
ger:ie~al·d_~·nlai' of allegations: fn th~ petition sl,all be! . may·))e made' to. the. c9urts' it'l :accord13oce .,With me
<;onsidered· as .l;in admission' tl:!er.eof. 'lri. case. the. 'doctrine·bf. exhaustion of:administr1;1tive remedies. ' .
. respondent .faffs to.·. file' g .. retl,Jm, the . court ·shall -, However, ·in exceptio.r.iat:cases, .a .Writ of ~alikas'an .
. proc~ed 'to· hear. the petition "ex pa(!e ,(R1,Jfe. l, Sec,·. . may be av~il~d.'of to challerig¢· defects·.in·. the ·_ECG · .
8)." · . . ' . .: · . . . .' IJ.fOVid.ed thaf the:· . : ·. •. ·. . .. . ·:'.. ·. . ' ...
. .. . . .1. ·oefects: . are · cau$ally ~ l(nked. o'r': .reaspnab1y
... '·.N·ote: lss1:1an'Ce of a Writ.'of Kalikasan.-and ·service cor'lnect~d- fo an envirOnrnentat'.~a(Tlag~ of the
. upon resporident'requires the latter. tq file a verified . nature'·and. magnitude contemplated under the
return but .does not ipso facto e·njoi,:'i or restrain the Rules on Writ 9f Kalikasan; and . · · .' · . .'
re~porident unless a TEPO 'was·i:;,sued. . . . 2. Case does ··n·6.t v.ioiate, or falls u·nder an
exception·: to; . ~he doctrine of. exhaustion of
.administrative. rei'ne,die,s ·~nd/oi' . prim'ary .

:s· pEt.lA·L PRC)CE_Ep:iNG_s·.
I f'4MMPti01¥ 6114.

. · jurisdiction; (PfJje -11. Cas(ifo, GR. No. 207257; Avall~bility·of Other Remedies . . ....
February 3; 2015)'. · · · A person who avails of the Writ 'of Kalikasan may:?
.also file separate suit for the recovery .of damagesf::;J~
Dlscovery .Measures .. · . for·inju_ry suffered (SC Annotations,'supra ai 139). ·,-}_
A. party inayJile ,a verified motion for the fcllowinq . . . :·· . . . . . .. <{'l
reliefs: · - · · The reliefs that maybe granted under the writ 'are t·?
1. · . Ocular inspection; and· .. . . . . . . broad, -cornorehenslve and non-exclusive.. Th~ -\L
2 .. .Productlon or inspection of documentsor.thlnqs reliefs· regarding the monitorlnq.and periodic reports·
(Rule 7, Sec. f?). . · · ensure enforcement ··of the judgme,nt of the court
. (Id:). . . . . . :~.
· Contempt: The cour;t may after hearing punish· the · · . · · ;.. . · - --- · · .· . · .5.{l·
r,espondent who refuses or unduly delays th~ filing . 'AppeaL: Withi.n ·,15. days from the date of notice of-. .-?.
of a return, ~r wlio makes. a -false .retu'rn,. or any. · . the _a~ve.rsE: · judgment_ or ~er;iial of motion for· t
person who disobeys or resists a lawtul.process or .• recohslderatlon, any party may appeal to- the.\·.
· order _of the.court for Indirect contempt (Rule 7, Sec. ' Supreme .Court under Rule 45 of the Rules Court:\~ of
13). ·. · ·. . ·. · · _ ': · -Thef~ppeal may raise questions offact (Rule 7;Sec. ·: ··
' . . . 't6) .. : . . ' . . . . . . . . .'
Submission 91·· Case.· for Decision; Filing of· -: . . . -·
· Memoranda ..
After nearing, the court shall . issue. a9#.6raer if
submit!ing the .case for. .declslon: Th~/&u1\;~ay 'l
. . ..
· .. ·-~·=JD~tituti.on ofSeparate Adion..s
ji,ffiJill~ of a petitlon for the Issuance of the writ of: .T.
jl<'~fka~-an";sl1allnot. preclude the' filing of separate·,{_;,

require the fil_ing· of memoranda· »iif~1ri"'1t.i!?_:m,m.l?-~~=-8~!,..triri,;ina~T"':-administrative actions (Rule 7, Sec: .{1

ext~~df~le peri<;>d of 30· 'days · ~f-~!1:1'-
.thi)'.-~ie~e . 17):'>.\..~· i:-/ ,,!'"'\.\ · . .. . . ' -~,t1

petition rs subrnitted'for dec1s109,,:~u/~_J; .pec,;;,t.a)~?,E-=-~""''~~.,.,. .~\ _· _
? . · . ..

_ . ' . · _i'£-,,-,, _"',· )Q)· -ir ~VII;· CnfTilr'l~f f1~)l~~1'.'1.1Slrat1veactions .are allowed ·
Note, The court, ;n Its diSC',!'tlo~,'y tJll, . ~· ;o...pmc,\ed 'se~raJe1<> fTOm the petition for ·the
fil,ing of memoranda in electr~nic i.f po s;ble. · isS.uand<jof th\ Wo;ii);flacethey are different actions ·i,
. · . · ·. . j ?', . . . . . ,. · ID'f'~!~fff!rentolj.j~~~~-~{ SC Annotations, supra-~t-,_:f;
J udgrnent · · t4-~ ~ ·. \ ~~'"'s,...;;i ~I ,: , ,_-'f?!/!Jf jJ.. · 11. t · .,, ~ · . . · '.;'
Withi_n 60. days ·trom· th. ·_t~a~ lhe ~~liu11H~,\ ·l--;jjo.. · I. h=--f~1 ·~ · . _ ,
submitted ·ror. decision, t~e~Qllf.rl snall,~r-~~~~Writofr~'h'rnJngMa~da17!1iS · . -
judgment granting or deriyin§ t~pflyile~o:t~m~e writiP j ~~~t~-is~ped fY:~eo,\jrfin _an environmental case.·
'{~0 ·. ~
· ' · · . ·
·. \ 411,) \
The -reliefs that may be grant~f! unde~e Wr:.~if.'~~
·. "~\ ~<.fl,:-,..:·"' I
•. /s{~~~f
or instrumentality of _the_·
p,1 off1ce'7th,ereof to -per.forman act or-·.,,,
,a9Jf.decreytl by final judgmei:it which shall %;,
the fol!owing: (CRNI-PO) . . \ ~'\:~ - Scf~W.aaJ.n-~!fectiveunJil judgment is fully satisfied,(Ru/e .
1. Directing responqent to perma)\ently .Qea·s~,a ·c-s-b~d,~e-r1). l;;.."T/ · · .
· desi_st fr?m committing act~ ~r\s:ie~le~flg"'lhEf=-~-'7 -t(-\v.~.{f/. . ·: . . . · · · :·
· performance of · a . duty m· "1-1Q.)atfoJ} of 11.,l_d- l!!:f.ft,eo,
avj,tJJeclof: It may be aya1ted of to qompel the
environmec:ital laws resultinQ in· envi~m@.)tal f.,
A.le~J!g_r.r:ri'a'nce of an act spe~ifieally en_joined by law. It
d.estruction or dama·ge; _ . · . ·: · · ~~"."•""-':'permitsthe court to retain jur,isdiction after juqgment
2. :· Di(ec;ting , the .. respondent public ... offiqial, . . .. in order_to· ensure the ·su(;cessfuJ implementation of
. government; ageo¢y,- private person· br· entity to' the· reliefs mandate.clunder the court's .decision. The
·· .. _Rrotect, :preserve, . rehabilitate' .or. restore the.,' court' .may. compel' the _submission of compliance J
enviro!')menf;,. . . . . . . . ',• . . '· . reports fro_m th.e _respondent government agencies. fl.,:
: 3. - Directing · the . respbndent public.· of~qiat > as_ weJr as avail-'of·oth~r means' to:· monitor. tM. ·.f
government agElncy, priliate~persorr or entity to . . compliance with- its decision ( SC Annotations, si.Jpr'a :•.5;
Mqnitor stri.ct-compli_ance with the·decisio_n and at 142): · · · ·, .,,.-
·o,rders of the·.coi.Jrt·; : :_ .. · · · . · . . .. . ' . . ·,. . '%
4 .. ·o'ireGtihg the .r~spohdent·. p~bnc-· · official; Note:. Proc~durally; i~s filing before the .courts is--'t::
government agency, or..priyate person or.entity ·.. . similar to.the 'tiling ·ofan ordinary writ o{ manda'nius·.. fl
to make periodic Reports o~ the execution of.the· . . . · Howev.er-, · · the· . issuanc;e of a- Temporary'}j.
. final Jqdgrnent; aiicJ· . . . ::· .. ·. . . . ... Envir~nmentai Prote(?tion.Orderis m:3de availabte· .. J
'5. Such Qther reliefs which.relate to the right of the . as ·an auxiliary remeqy prior to the issuance of trie f1
people to a 'balanced and healtnful'ecol_ogy or to . writ- itself: It& ·av~Hability· as a special . civil actiorfc -~~
the .i:irotection, · pr-eservat16i:i, reha~ilitation or· likewise ·conrplements. its role· as a .final relief in X
res.toration of the environment, except ttie award. environmental civil;. cases . and· in· the Writ .of:\~.
<>f .damages to in<;lividual petitioners (Rule 7; Kalikasan, where confrnuing. mandamu.s .: may ·w
· . :sec; 1'5}. . likewise'be issued should the facts.merit such a relief ·.t
(SC Annotations-,:supra at 142). · · · ·j
, .
'. -----~~--~-----1111111!!111---;.....~-

;:,_. ·sp:ECIAL .P·Rb.CEEDINGS· -,

'-· Ill::.=~-

SN @¥IE "· · 112Dt1w11eonwe ·
Requl~ites.of Cp_ri,tlnujng Mandamus: : ·Judgme.nt · ; .' · ' · ·' . ·. ·. ·
'.·· (CP;MEN) . · . . . ': _If warranted, the court _shall. grant pcivileg~.of th'e Writ'
1 .. There must be a _g_1~ar· leqal right or duty; . . . of continuing mandamus requirin'g resp_onde'nl .to
\ 2. The act to be performed must be: Pra·ctical- perform. ~n act_o.r s~ries: of acts .u.nfil.the judgi'nenf is
Within the powers ofthe respondent-to pertortn . fully satisfied ~nd _tci grant such ~ther relief~. ~s may .
such that iqh'e-writ continuing mandamuswasc be warranted. . . 1 • .. • • . • • ••• : .,-
. ·.

issued; he can . comply "with . it; or. else. the .

essence·wjll be defeated: · :. · . · · · · . . · ·
i -3. Respondent must be ·axercisln_g a· Ministerial
.:.·. 'duty-a dufy:·whlch 'i!f absolute and imperativ~.
(. ·_. ·. and involves merely its 'execution.- · · . .-· ..
;,: 4.· Tile 9u~y or ._a·c~. to be performed .must be ·in_· js' directed ,If _·, is· available .
, connectien-with the ·Enforcement'or violation of "against ._... . . against .:u·n1a~u·1
;,' an. environmental ,law rule or .reg4lation or a
right;. and. . · · · · · . .. · 'Or
Th~. · . un.l.aWful act oinis·sion df
neglect . -ir.t ··the ·a. pul;>.ii.cofficial .or.
5. There is Mo .other plaln, speedy, and· adequate·
remedy in ·the ordinary course .of law. · _ , : per:for.rrii:iryce. · :of emplqyee·, : . or
an. act wliich th~ private_. 'ihdiv1dual
, .. -Grounds f~~- C~ntin~ing· Maripamu;_··.. . . law. .. specificall.y or eritity;involving
enjoi(1~ _as a duty :environmental · :·
· _'.;. . 1: \J\.'.tf.en any :agency or :inst~me·rjtality. -of the,,/.) · ·.
resulting ·from a_n. da·,:n.agi;j,..6( ·Stich
government . or . officer . thereof' l!nlawfuJ!-v~;.,),1
·,L office, · -.trust ..ar rriagr,itu'.de·: as to' : ,..
n·eglects trre performance.of.an act which the'faw'.., : . ·,
station : ·in ·j)re)udfce fhe.'.life .
, .. SP?Cific~lly en)oirJ$ as 'a duty resulting fforf\\iJY\/:-\
, .. · office, . trust :.or· station· -in: connection .'with\thef.. _,_t '' :1, ·connection . "Yit.h li.ea\~t\: or prq.perti,. ·: :
enforcement or violation of an· erivirbn'mentaHaW,~i-·11t'7-:: the enforcement of · intiabitants· .in.. ·
rule or regulation :or a right therein; aqd.;.'/. " v J'J''~"'· of violation of an. two ·.... or:· . more
.environmental .- cities.. . . ·. . .
. 2 ... When_. any age_ncy. or. fn_stru~~r:'falii'yof th,e~;__.)
i)aw. . rule · . -ot :- . · . . . .
Ti ·
. government · or ·; otficer-.. · there0t\ . .tjhlawtuJ.!Y?·1 -,
excludes: another from the use ot'JriM,9.rr.i~'ht of· 1·'·\ . ~,gulation.:·:qr. a Tl').e·rnadnltudp·of·.
.. hrt ht 1R I. 8 S
~UC: ng, -. 1·_ U e '." ec.. ;~"
v--,~,. ~ .
1) ;:.,:,7 -s:« ·,:;:
Ii:-\ rig!1t therein'; ;>r. en"vi_ronrtiei'l(al:. -
u~Jawf_l,!I damc;1ge .: i.s · a:
• •

Where to file. ·· ·
• (1 ~7j. ... · . •• . ~ · f,'lR·.·
·'{.;;:"~ ~~)j.t). ·~;;,_ . ~;,J · ;'f~ u"zjp_n· • · vof co_ndition';.'·.":sine:
.In ,the Regio_na_l ··:rriat· _Court_ ;x_~~isj91fJ1t~sd(c~4..
ov~r t_he territory ·wher~ t~e; ach0t1~~ fl~glect.gr . !,;;-
~:J. fl.fl©. t:ler .from.the. ·qua .' non ,in .. a·
·'use·· .. ·. . • . : or petition . for· the'· .·
o,:n1ss1on occurrE_i_d or with the .~oulj pf APp~als.br· ·)''(-....
enjQyment . of is~uarice of Will a
the Supre:me·.court.(Rule a; Sec. 2). _. \}-......../;._}. . · ··· !\'·°} such right. of K<1llka'sah· ancf
·fY ·. . ,1.(r.~~-
. mu'st ·. :.:_.. .. ·. ·q.e:
.No D~~~et Fe~s · .· -: . · . Note:· 'In · t;>oth contained in .the.
_The.'petitioner sii'a)I be, e~empt .froro·tti:i~ii>'a~t·~t of : instatlces, . there "'-'.e:~tied pel(Vo~.
is.. . .'no. . plain, '
docket fees {R.ulelf. · Sec. 3). ·. · · --~
. t· . . : . . . . . 'i,peedy .. ·. ·and
adequate' .
Ord~r 'to Comment': :1t the p°etition is 'sufficient in
substance· and Jorrri','the court shall "issue ··.uie writ i-e~eQy . 'in 'the ..
and· require the. respondent, to .comment ·within 10 ·. o_rdiriary . :course
of law.··. ·, .. ,.
days from receipt ofthe copy thereiot (Rule 8 Sec. ' .'. .
_4),' ·. . . . . • . . · •. •
A~~iiable ·o~}Y tci A~aiiil.t?le:..
·one ·: who ' is .n?tur~r6r jµrj_dfc~I'
> :·. . to
·· -Expe.ditf!19 P.roc~~-di~gs:.~EPO. ··.. .. . ..
.: .The_. . er:wirorii)'leotst: .cou·rt .may ,jss.ue . ·orders to p~.rsonally. .. person,'-. · entity
· .'e_xpedite the p~oC:eedings, ancf it may also .gra.nt a. _aggrieved by.the. avthori~~.d.... by
TEPO for the preservation· of the rig~t.s pf the parties unl'.3W!ul )id ·or law; .•. : p_eople's"
p~n~_ing.such. pr~ce~dirigs (Ru~~ 8, Sec .. 5). :· . o.m,ss,on. · organiiatioo, . ·or
.any . ::· public :·
inter~st ·· ~r-ciup
• , • I

Nature of prp'ceedings . .
_The procee~ings ;,hall oe.'summary in nature (Rule acc;:redited· or
EJ. Sec. 6). . · , .. · · ·. · registered :with' ..
any gova'rnment
T~e.petiti~n sllall be res~JVedwithout delay ~ithin 60 agenpy;'.ob beh,~lf
of per.sons whose-
days from the. date of the subm1ssion .of the petition
for ·resolution.· ' · · 'right , ._to · · 1\1


f • • ••
-~~~----- . . --118!1-----~---------ll!limimci )\:1
j ?7.jk

·' balanced and recovery: o.f .};

healthful ecology damages-... since'.
is violated. · · or. the Rules allows .' :·
threatened to be . tor. the institution ·::
violated.. · of · · -separate
actions:.· ..
Only the The · government
gov.e'rnment or Qr. . . . .
'its officers. individual. . · 61'
entlty, · .

Exempted . frori, Ex~mpted from .

the '. payment of the payment .. of .
'docket-fees. docket fees. . · ...... J •
. .· .

All.6ws-. darna~es No d~tnage; may

for the malicious be· awarded in -a
,neglect bf . the petltlon for, the
performance or issuance of Writ
the !egal. duty of 'of. . Kallkasan' _;
the .. respondent consistent . -with
identlca\ to 'Rule the pub,ifc~interest' .
65 of the· Rules character ··of thEi .. ·
of Court. petition,

A party who
avails of - . this
petition but , .vvho ·. . ~-
also. wishes to be ' .

indemnified ·for
injuries suffered .
may file . another ·.: .
suit for the


r---~~-1111!11_ -SP-:.

o-· .· -C-E.
. -E-.D-1.N--G

.Co~PA~i-~vi ·C11A~T: HABEAS ·CoiPus/AMPARO;.HABEAs·: · ·

:: . . . ... DA.TA. AND i<A'LIJ<:ASAN... . . .. . . ·, . .


{ Rightto libertyof and rightfui .Right·. to life,". ··ii~rty;·· arid; Righi ·.to. pnvacy in .life; Right.to.a batancedand
.custody by the. aggrieved: security. .qf-" the · _ag_grieved liberty"or security of the .healthful ·. ecology
party (ROG, Rule 1.02, Sec. party ·,an.d · covers · 'only aggrteved party and may Jnvolvinq environmental
1). . ' (;!.XtralegaJ . killings:· ·.a:,:id cover: extrafeglijl killings· clarriage .. ·of .. such
.. enforced . 'disappearances aotl . . ... enforced rnaqnltude . as .. ·. to
(A.M;, No. -07.;9.:12-:SC, · Sec. d_isa.j.)pearances . (A.i4.: prejudice .the 'lite,._'.health
1).. -: ·.. No; 08-f-16-:SC; Sec:1) .. or: ·:·'. property · .: of
· · : . -inhabitants in two-. ,it"
. ,·
-.: . : . more . ci.t,i~s· (kM. No.
f· .: · ... 09-6-;B_sSC,. April'. 29/
2010, Sec:.tt . · . ·

Publi2. ·· officiai -or

employee. or.a .. pr.ivate
individu13l·or entity· ({d). ·

~.... •..

·. - ; 1. · .Party fcir"who.se relief ifi's A:gg(ieved . party. c•ir.. by ·any Aggriev'ed. party; but in 'Avallable to:· · .
. . intended; qr· .. · .... ·. gualifieci-_.perspn. or entity: in 9asei . of . exfralegal 1; 'n_atliral , or' juridicaf
2. by some· person· orr' his the followinqorder: "'· · killings·.. and · enforced - ·. person: .. · · -·
behalf (ROG; Rule 103;: ·f any . · ..:member..:~. of the· .·di$appearances, ITla"ibe 2. ~ntity· authorized by
· Sec. 3). · · immediate family. of. tile filej:1-by: . ·· ·. law; and . . . ·
aggrieved : p,ity, . ·Le:;" 1. ·.:ar:iy. mernber , of the .3. -people's . : .
. 'spouse, . . children . and . immediate . farnlly of. . . :~rganizati.o.n: or any
.. parents; . . the aggrjeved party, ·: puqlic inl~frest'grou'p:
c.'. ·• • . .
any. . -:i3'scendan"t, . Le., spouse, ·children ·accr_E(!d~ed · o·r .
. . .. d.e_scendant · or . collater~I : and pa.rents;· c;,r · . • registered. with · arw
·. relative of the· _aggrieved 2. any . . .. asc~ndant,· - · ·go'lernrrient agency,
party within the fourth. c.ivii . descendf;lrit . . . ''cir . . on.hehall of pe"rsons
d~gree. of consanguinity collateral relative -of .. whose . right to . a
. Qr.afflr:1ity; ·or · · · · · · ·· the aggrieved· p~rty · balanced. · · · ._ · · and.
3. · ·any concern.ed citizen, ·.within. the· fourth, civil hea1thfui ecology is
organization;. ~ssoci~_tiqn . de!gre.e ·.. : of . violated,•. . . or
or institution (ri.ght to file· is . c;onsariguinity . or threatened.. to . be
· violated (A.M. No.·


. ·SAN JJEOA.l,i,.w CENT_~uzroBA~ OPERA nows. .:·"Mfk!OR~ A10::1cir.9 ·
. . .
: . success'ive)'(A,M. No. 07.~. ·affinity (A.M. No.· ,08- 09-6-8-s·c;. April ·29, .'.o\
. 9~12,-s,c,. Sec. 2). 1-16-SC, Sec'. 2) -, ' . · 2010, Rule· 7, Sec -.i;i
1J.. · . · ' 0#.tt,'
. :··'.~

1.: RTC or any. ,jµdge··1. i·RTC.,of the place i,,ybere 1· .. RTC · where. . the- 1-. ·
. . thereof: 'or . . ·. . . ~ :. . the threat act tj_r omisslon petitioner : · ... or 2 ...
·. 2·.· CA. or , .any member .: · wascommltted .orany of respondent . resides, . '
. . . thereof ... -ln . instances · . its elements occurred: Or' or. ., that· . Which. has
· .' 'auth9rized by law; or ·2. Sah'c/iga17bayim 9.( any jurisdict,ion. over th¢
3. $8 or· any · member justice thereof; or· , place where the data
• · thereof; or · . . _3... ¢A' or any Justt~~ thereof; . or . iritonnafion . ·,s .
4·. Sandiganbt;Jyan ·or ·ariy · or -, · · · . · .. · gathered collected or
.. . .rnernber thereofiri -ald of
4. SG .!ir any Ju.slice thereof . stored, -~t 'the· option ...
· · · its .,l3,ppellate. Jurisdiction· ·. :: (A.M No. · 07-9,.1'2~$C, of petitioner; or ..
(ROG, . Rule·102,
. Set: 2). > . . Seoc.S}. · .. 2. SC · CA' . . or
. · Sa~diganbayan when. .· ..
I. . · . · · .. ·~;,,,--,:__.,~e. action ,,cqndims '
· · · . ?.;"'. 1 T · •. ·'jpl:!l:>.Ug_ data fil~s of
· ,,?. . · ~ - ·. ><....): ''\J_ gjv:e~~t offices .
· · ~ iQ .
.f. ">-..,.-:x.__.,.,..,
. . '",,... . v-r: . : ·. --~ . .
, (~.M;, Alo.~B-1.-1.6-.
~..;::: t° /"
·. 0~._!!3e·cgJ,._ . I
. ·.
. .

_If granted by the sce- CA .l.f is:s.u~d !)y t~~e"ii.tQ..,2=aJiJt~~-.by. the RTS or]
or any member of · such.. judge thereot,'·1t ls te'turnatffe.ally judge thereof, itshall
.courts, _ii" may'· 9e made· 'betorfal.such:courfor judge .. 'oe -returrtable be'fo.re .- . :
returnable before -the court . · ·. · .· .' ': such.court or judge.· · .
. or· aiiy.l'.J'lember the.reo.f. or If_: · : issued . , · by· . -the . . ·. ' ·. . ·. ·. · ·
before· an RTG. <;>r .any.. judge Sandiganbayan.' orlhe. CA or If. issued:by thei CA the ( or·
thereof: . . . . . ·any'oftheir justi_c~~·;il n:iaybe S.c!ndiganb'aya,n·or .any.of
. . retumaple. befqre.su.ch court. its . jl,lstices, -it ·may· be · ... : . ..... ..
ICgranted by tb~ RTC or a· or ·an·y,:justice ther(;'lof, or 'to 'retur'i:,able before such .
judg!=!:thereqf,. it is returna~!e 'any'RfC .Of the place where· court· or any-· . jus'tice . ... ~.. '· ·.
bef9re himsel((ld.J.. ·. ·.. 'l!ie. 'threat; ~ct·
or omissio.n· .thereof, or to any RTG of ·.

. was. commilte<,l or' any of 'its the 'place .... 'where the
element~ occurre.d. ,, . ·petitioner or 'respondent
. .. . _ .. . . rEfsides or'that which ha~
lfissued-·by the sc··or any of jurisdiction · ·aver.· the
iJs ,' justices,.=. it may. be' place. where· tt:ie data.or .
. ·ret~rnable· before.·such Court inform_atlon is gathered,
. or a·ny.Justice thereof, or- lhe collected or stored.
Sandiganbayan o'r CA c;>r any ·. . '
.of· their': justices, or to. any




.. '.. . ·e &SE
**'"*' ,· RTC otthe place-where the If issued bythe·sc'orariy ·
·threat, . act. or omission Was of its justices, it. may be
committed .or .- any qf .. its returnable before· such
~lenients occurred (Id.). : : court or. any · °justice
· -- thereof; or before· the ·cA · \·
or.. the Sandiganbayair·or : ..
any of. its· justices, .or to
arty RTC - of the place, ·
wh<:;re the petitioner.. 'or' .
respondent .resldes or '
that ·. : ·vvhich. . . . has
Juiisdicfiorl' over . ···the .
place :w.h.ere·-the ·data err
.~ · ·· iofo~atiorl _is ·_g.~th·er~d,·
collectedor stored- (A·.M: 1-
No_;OB-_1-:.1~sc..,sf!~· 4): .: ...

served to .ttie\persory - to $eryecf upon \tie respondent t:,erscinalli bufifit ca~notb~:;erved _i;ri;}rsonally, the.
. .whqlJI iLj_s directed) and if rules on substitutedservice shallapply.i-? - .: .' .· ··: ·
not'.found ~r has not. the · .: ·" · ... ; .. · :. . . - , · ...
prisoner-jn his .custody, to .:: .-
the other. person h~Virig or · . ..
exercising -: s·ucti · custody ..·~ :··
(ROG, Ru.li3 102, Sec. 7).. ·

If the personto whom :·1~~ If the respondent 'refuses to.

make a· return.or'..~akes a false return. tie may· be
Vlrit is . qirecfod neqleots. ·or punished with imprisonrilen't orfi~eJ6r-tommitiiri~ contempt, _ , · ' ·s ·,:
· refuses to · obey:: .or make
return . of the· same, . or .
makes ii-. false· . return
· ·thereof, ,; or· ·who, · upon
- -demand 'made by or on· .
behalf of· the· prisoner, ·
refuses·· ·to . .del~v-er to . the·
person demanding, 'wlthln 6


hours after the demand
therefore, ~ true copy of the
warrant "or .order .of l
commitment, he shall forfeit ·
to· the · party. aggrieved the
sum. of P1 ,000 and .may be
punished .for ·. contempt
(RQ.C,Rule 10_21 Sec;.·/6) .

. · The· person who makes the ·Th~ person who files the return is the respondent.
. · i~turn.1s the' officer by wti"om . . . · . . . · ·. . · . ': . . .·
the prisoner is imprisoned -or .. · s •

the'perscn.ln whose custody .· .: ;.

the prisoner found·.(ROG, · '>
Rule 102, S.ec. 8):
. . .. ·.·.
· · ., .
' '

Unless. for gooci cause. Jhe' court,. Justice O;, Judge

shown,' the hearing' is may grant interim rellets, (o
. adjourned, · irr which wit:: · . . ··
. event _the: court 'shall· 1. -Ternporary .. protection
make _an order for the · order; · · .. · .. ·. . . .
safe keeping ·.of -t!'le 2. Inspection.order; . . .
. person ·im'piiSoned or 3:· . Production or.der;·.and·
. . restrainedas the_.na'ture. ·4.: .Witne~s ,iircitectfon order
· of the case requires: .· ·. · · ·(A.M: No.. ,07~9~·127Sc, ., .
.. '2·. The court or.judge must · Sec. 1:4). .· . . ·
. be satlsfied . that the · .' · ·
· · person's illness· is· so
grave'tl:lat he cannot be
· produced · without any
danqar tnoc, Rule
102, Sec.. ,12).:


. sAN
. . ·. MEMORYAID·2019

The presumption of r~gi,Jlarity

does not apply {A.M. No. 07-
9-12-SO, Sec. 17)' · ·.. ._..,

·Juagmeht shall _be rendered .,..,;ithin .10 days fromthe time . W4thfQ.60 days'fr.o;,, .the
the petition lssubmitted for declsion.. . . ·. . . time the :. petltlon .:is ..·
. . . . . . . -subrnltted for decision,
tfi~. court' ~hall· . rend~,..
Judgment g'ranting · or.
denylnqthe privilege 'of
•. .. the writ-0f.ka.lil<asan .. ."

.~ ..

· If detention is . _6y· ,.pu.qlic Q'uahtum·'of proof-is substantlal.evldence .. . f.

'authonty, the .. quantum of . ·. . . . . . ,. . . ·.

· proof is clear and:~onvinclng . · ·
evldence.> · ·. ' · · · .,:
. ··.:· ..
lf detention 'is · by private
authority,' the . quantum of
proof Is preponderance :ot
evidence, , · · · · ·
..:.. ..
. . ·. (PE; l,EQN
. YCO, supra
. at. 363-381}.


rmmmlll!l!ll'Dl!IIIJllillmllll'IEl•:maa•m••m•m11111mmL'lllB111mmmmmm:•lll'il-ml;!lll!llill!II ..... -r
..... , .. - .: - ' : .. ' . · .. ·:~
. (For pu;pqses of continuou_sflpw_ of disci.Jssioh Rufe. .A petition for correctlonis an action in. rein, an a·cticihj~
103 will be .discussed. together with Rufe: .1 OB, -R.A.. against 'a thing. and not ..~gainst ~a· 'person. The -ff.'
9048, and R.A. 10172) · · ·a~ci~ion on the petition binds not only the· partiesJ·:
· thereto but the '1h61e world.·":'" in rem .proceeding J~/i'
· validated essehtia!Jy.(!'lrbugh publication.Publication,.?,;,
is notice tothe whole world that tpe proceeding haJ)r
:·RULE 103 for its object to bar iQdefinitely.a_11.·v,,ho'migbt.be:,.~J
CH.A,NGEOF N4ME . m ioded to make · ~~ :objectiol') of ~ri.ysort !=19a.inst. ths~?'.f)-
. riijht sought tobe established. I~ ls·the publication ot~?.f:1
such notlee.that btings:,in the whole world asa party·_.?}-
Persqn'.s Na~e .. · . :in -the case :and vests' the courtwtth jurisdiction tc{~~
· A -rrian's name is· the .desiqnation by which h.~- ,is . · .. hear ~n.<! decide-, lt.(Mi/aeros M~.Barcol as
. knownand calied inthe community-in whic'1 he lives. . ..guardian .and·guf:!rdiar( ad (item -ot Mi:,ry Joy Ann.~
and Is: best known.' It is defined. as the .word or . Gusti/a V. 'Court of App.ea/s,. G.R. No. 120587:.:'i
combination : of .words by which 'a 'person is ·. ·Januar.y20, 2004) .. · ': . - . . · .. '·ff
distinguished.from.other individuals and, also, as the ,. · - ·; . ·:·.f
.label or . appellation .. which he. bears for : the. . c,tiange.,of··Name:·u~der Rµle 10~ Distinguishecli$.
convenienceof the .world at large addressinq him, or, from Correctfon· of .J:ntr.,y. oll\lame,o·n-der:Rule-1.QS·,Y
,in _speaking 'of or deallnq with hi!Jl.''l_t' is· both _gt=,,;..~~ordet'to'diff~i'eotfate change ~f11am'e'[Rule 103l}A1,
.personal as well as public. interest that ever,~:;pEfr'son-ii.J· 'v. -g:oqj'·'t::~r{ection-of entry of name [Rule 108].' i! must ·.11',

A;.~ .
must have a name (In the Matter of the;Aclopfisn of '( .f..i;lf.ri"sl•u9ft~stood that thereal bt·official name of a-~;;
Stephanie:Nathy Astorga Garcia, G,p?;tcfc4.{§fJ'J;J~1""'=1?.§~@ i5)l9R.l~~ich is !;Jiven in the 'c;i~.il registrar, nqt' }~;
March 31, 2005).. · . . "''tr/~ ·. . · _ th_e. 1~ll!¢:'~y·whle~..h¢ ·"'.la~ l:!aptized mhis_ c~urch Q~ .J,
· . ,. . · ., . . .., ~~~~JJ ,~.,,,;,,;~~~by;,:wtl!f'rbe1h"a,~
A- Name. ·~ ~aid ·to H~:i x..;i~the ~ftUOWl'lB;· .
. Char~cten_stic~. . Ji , ~.,_.} :r
l . . Ji .11-;t~. ~ , . \ "(~ f- ,,.~~' : ·
b~:en_lsnow!1 ''1 the. c9mmu_nrty·(Saf.! ,.:;:_
rfj,G>qUe 'tt: _Ffe.~~'[b')°'G/~·: L-22035, Apri/'3Q, 1968).... ;~w
· · · · · :l
1. lt .rs ab~olute, rntende~ ~p prote191~he md1v1duql · . · Hence, <IP.Y pettfi~11jviti\hseeks to·chaqge the name :,:~:
. ' fr~m bel!:19 c,onf~sed w,t,1.0_!_!1.§lrw, ' ' t·--~ '.re.~osaeoi in the ~flVIJ..J_egfstryis a petition for chang'e :Ji•
2 .. It IS obh'iJatory,m_ cert,iy.r~rcts,fo[:n~y~·· "'ot7}riamefgovetn~d'$y~~le
ca~ b~ w1~hout a name;~ :~ ll ..... · \
·103. On the other ·h~nd, .· .:!
f::.. · ·r, 1Jile/~ c~ectjon:~,f::t-ypb~rap~ical.or-icl!;lri~I errors in... ::),: .
;3. It. 1§ f1x.ed, unch~mge~rel... fl
1"1rrtg!~le,: a ;zw_I:f!!the 8!1).-r~ _t~~ n~.rrteJwh1?~.are ·obVJo~s :to the, y 1·
least ;:it the start, a~d .1a;¥q13\eJlan.~~ ly-tor~,i/r-:.\Jni:le~~E~1ng:Ja'r-e~t~~v~m.ea by Rule 108 (2 ./fi

,go~d ~us: and by JUd!~~~l~roc\eqi~~~\._ .~ suwa at.7f19'6). ·· · , . . . •;,.

4 .. It 1s outside the commer~e \qf· m~£'.'i;,,aq,cfi - ·:··~-?('~ . ,l · '/· · . .. · . ~,{;,
~heref~re inaliena~le ~nd i\~~n.ssJi~~·ibl. ~'ct:-.,.;· .1/1[(~ ~~re1or 9.h~fige·~f.N.am.e."undei: Rt,11.e 103 .;·,~··
. mtar v,vos.or mort,s causa.; ~.J:ld. ~ -~~'S ,./ , ·. f· : . .. : . . .·. · ·.';;.
5, It ls.imprescriptible (In ~e.: ~titio~ fQr:§ll!h?i:'~/ \'In- .·,r.·: . · :.i·. · · }'.
. . of N_ame. and/or. Correction of. 'E,q_try./n[!,te,.:f:!.iw~~-=~---- --::"l X':".'.ition for C~ange of N.am"'I ... ;~

· · ~%g~~Z:c:J;~%aM~i'Jo~~~las.~nWa o~f~:: [\{fg~~·~t~~d~r. fixin?ttn~~:d~t~· and .p·,~;~: of. hear(~~ ·. · ·'.~\

·: ·'Note:·. Rule 103 .. covers . principally ·. the ·chan~e"" - ·. .. . . . _' . . . . .. . :. . . ·il
· .. surname and middle name: For change qffirst hame · . : . · ... : · . .. .-, · .. : . . . ·.'1
. and/or- nickn~m.e, tt:ie principal govitning ·law is R.A.· . · · . · fubhc~U,on .o,~ t~e:co.u_rtpr.d~r. fixmg the date ·:{
. No. 9048 which vests primary jurisdiction· with the . · 8'1d .pl~c~, r:>f tieanri~: ~t.t~ast once a..week f9r. 3.. {{~
; tocaFcivil ~egistrar'(LCR).or,the consul general (C<;3) . suc.~es.s1ve w_e.eks.r.n. a r;i?w.spaperof gei,eral · · jf
to e.ffect such change·(2 RIGUERA; si.Jpra··at' 195); · ·.. ·· · . · ci~cu(a!tqri. ·. . : . · : :~
'-~....;..~~~~~~---.-~~~..:..:.~~~~--,. ~
. ,;fote: The general rule is that a:charige of name may-:. · '.
only t;,e effectelLby. a judicial ..o.rder (CfVIL CODE.,
. ~i.
:(l;ea'ring_.o~. th~ .f?etiti6A. J ,· . ·}~
Art. 4.12). However,.under RA. No. 9048, a pharge ·
of first name or nic~name ·may be done under. the· .
procedu,re set forth therein (2 RIGUERA, supra at.
'1f}5). · · . ,
i lJudgment .g~ntln~ I denying fhe -~hange .of.
. name. Copy of the judgment shall' be served
upon th.e;Civil regis~r:ar, wtio shall ahnotate lh.e .' ': ;~
. ' .
N·ature of Proceeding; in rem ... ·.J.
A change ·of. name_ is : a.
pr_oceeding · in rem:·
N~te: .Th~ date set' for h~aring shall ri.ot be within. ;il','ii·
:. lif
· Jurisdiction to hear anQ determine the petition for . ·
change of name is acquired after due pubtlcation of thirty .(30)..days prior to an
election nor'within four .
the ord~r containing. certain data (~epub/jc y, (4) mo'nths· after ~he. last put:;>lication of the- noticE;i
(ROC, RULE 103, Sec. 3). ·. . . ·.f.A
Metc<?derda, G.R. No. :860~7, December.a, 2010).


s.-p~_C_I.AL ·pRQ:CEEDi NliS.

)'l:• -.
I .•

; .. SECTION 1. VENUE ; reasonable cai.Jse_.~nd where. there 'ls showing
1;.:,.;· - .
:(. that. the petition was motivated byfraudulent intent
;{ The RTC of. the province' where the petitioner· has· or that the chan·g~ of su...:iame,wili prejudice- p()blrc.
't·· been·:-residing.·forthree (3} years· prior. to the. filing-of interest' {Oshita v. R~public; .:G.R. Na. l-2f1BO;
~·~:-, the petition.' . . ... March 31, _1967; 2 RIGUERA, supra.at 198) . .'· .
sacrion 2 ... conrarrrs oi= i'>~i-1T10N . -ThEi ·statf;l has .an, Interest in· the, names borne by .
. individuals and entries for purposes of ic:lentification,
. , : A petition for c;:.tiange qt .name shall .. be signed: and ' · and that a. change of name is a privilege and nof.l:J.
~-"·.verified by the-person desiring his name chanped.or · · · · · rjght, so that before c\ _pers.on. CcjA be 'authorlzed to
~- 'some other person in his behalf, ~nd: shall set forth:' · ·. change his name given himelther'In his certittcateof
,.f · 1.· That petitioner has-beeh a .bona fide resident of . birth· Of. civil· registry, .h~· must show proper or .
~ '. .. the province where the petitiori isJilea for'at least .: ·.· ·.· reasonable· cause: or any cornpetlinq reasori which
t;. three {3).vears.-ptior to the \:i.ate,offlling; '. · · ·:_ m_ay°-justify such clia_nge. Otherwise,' th~ request
. : 2. The cause· for whlcti · {tie· chanqe -, of the . '. · .. shall bedented (lnRe: Petition for Change.of Name·
;\'- .'. · 'petittoner's name ls iought;-arid .. ·· · .. · ~. :· ·of ,Julian Lin Caruiasan Wang,: G.Ff· No.:·· 1'599.66,:,'
~~-.' 3 .. The· nameaskedfor (RULE 1·03;-Seq. ·2),. -: . March30, ,2005). . . . ' ·
:·· •... : .~ . v. . .. : ••. · :: ··· .· ..· .. · ~.: .• ·. . . ·. . ·.•.• i ·~ ..

·:: · 'The rule does !jot require ·that the citizenstiip..of the · ·· .When··Chimge of Name should 'NOT be: alfowea:·
{ pet\tlone'r be ~tated in the petifipfl (Yu···:t:Rfip~blic, /~ · 1.- :Th·e fact of· le,gar··se:paration alone·, ls -·not·~a
~::,. G.R. No: L-20~7 4,. '¥fay 25,_.:1966). '. : ·.. · . 1,.Jlff}i·t. . . sufficient_gm~Ad t~ justif.y_-a cha~ge oft.he nai:n.e
,,. . . : . ·. . . . . .. .. f.{/f :·i~d.'·~· . . (Laperal ~· Republic,.G.f?. No. I- 18008, qotober
'f .. \/erificatio~ is riot ·a jurisdiction,~!; but·~. fo~1:je!{.\;,.1;•t; · · 30,.1962). . · · · :. :··,._. · · .·
,.,..?:,-,,.,!h~ m~~~ ~a<::t tnat.the· appli~nt .has been usin~.

\ requi:;;ite._Th.i:: lol,Ofer.court di9 n~t_commit ~.re".'e~rsJpl~;1,A•?(t
\ ': E)rr<;>~· y;hen. 1r der:i1ed. the .. mot10.r _to_ d~Sfl?J.~ tti:~i!(W~ir::'.',,la>_;~~~r,teri) '.1~1')1~ ·and, ba,& bec:ome knol,Ofn by _it
'·' . P.~tition upon the gr-oul')d of lack of Ju1'1s91~0 .. !he'-\,i !~· does:.Aot,per se· alone constitute _"proper' an!=!
f .. jurisdiction of the."co\Jrt was.~.no! a~(?.~e~ _by th(~~'1~'·. . reaso~.#J~ caµse" or justifjcation, tc:i · tegally

absence· .. of . the : .proper venfica\1,q!;l..'.{ qt. t}J!:11~ ~ · .authort~{::\' change of nam~ (Qng Te· v.
petition(Oshita· v. RepuJ?li<;, G:R,,.".,,if5/o.l!lif.~18.Q,·· f~ ·.. · .RE!pu.tifijG:f, No. L~1q549;.June 30, -196,2).
;, Mar.ch ~1, ·19.67):" . . ·. · £tr_'. ff~';;;? . ·~ · _: [~:\-".· ~- ·T:~.e;len"il·at_f~e i~ ~_t)a~:a c~·~pge,of r,,~me sho~ld .
,.. · . · · .' · . . . -~·~ .·· .....:~ · .. , . ~. ~i"': ·· nofl?.e peJm1tt~~_ 1f 1t will give .a fal_se 1mpress1on ,
~- . Note.:·. Th~ n9n:inc)usio~ ~f.a~f~.'l'rarytgs}.r_aJi~~~~. ff.i. · 6f~(i(ifJ~f-h~f.fJ)\qj'.iship !o. :another. wh_ere non·e .
i:. C?f the.appl1.ca~t, '!1 tt,e c~pt1on ~t~~e,,9.aj~t;_9rlt1>1f-f~: r;_;, .· _actUall~&.&[str(Repupllc.v. Ma,;pos, G.R. Nq. ~~- ·
~:- ·11t1e .of the petition d~feats the :vet.,Y.;'..B,..on>q~~·of ttfe. · r:if .
t-=:·. required,publicatioh (Repablic v. Zc:i$~;.G.~;~No: 11.r,.·
~: 48762, Sep~ember .12, 198{3). . .
h;:.:. . 31065, ~ebruary,15, 1:990) · .. :·.
4:.;-,.Sex reas~ignment is· -11ot
-~~-~!! ... · ,,..;.;,le';;_.;;l':,;i··~ch~D//R
." . · .
valid ground to
one's first ~ame (ap81ies, to. both .. RU~E:
· . ·

E. · · ': . : · . . :. · ·..
::'r.7· ,...t{f;:-~·~.-'-'~~-HJ3!1aAo, R.A. No .. 90~8) (Silverio. v. R_epubl";,_
f· ~round~-forChalige of.Name (R1L~SS): f.)'t.J· .: _- · · · . G.R.. NQ.. 1?4689,-0ctober22, ·2007). A ch~r:ige..
f: 1. .When·the n_ame is Ri~iculous, _disl'i~!~le-or · · . 'ot!1ai:rte ·does not:alter one's leQa!yapac_1ty'or
f· ex~remely d1ffiqult to wr1te··or pronou.nce: . : c1v.1l st_atus. RA 9048 does not~ahct1on a change
~' . 2... w~~n -~~e chan,Q~j~ a !,.egal consequen,ce-'of. of-first-name. on the._g~o'unj:i·of se~ ~ea~signni~nt.
!:. . · (eg1ttma~1on gr.adoption';: . . . . . Rather." tli~m· avq1d!ng .: conlus100,.· changing
f,. · 3. When the cl'.\ahg_e .will ,8void.·confusion_; .. ... . petition~r's. first riafl)e 'fot.. his. d'eclaredptlr"pose
t. . 4. When. one: has continciously u·sed . and··:ti.eeri . roay"only create grave complications. in the civil ·
k. !Snown ·Sih6e. chiid.hood_.by ·a Filipjr;io n,anje 'and , . _registry: and· the· public ~.nterest (Silve~o ·. \I,
t· was unaware ..of.ahen·parentage; ·. : . . . Repu.b..hc, G.g No. 174689, Octol}er 22;·2007).
f.r · 5. . A sincere c;lesir.e to adopt a Filipino name ··to . . . . . . . . ··
{ 7.
erase" .§igns of former aliena,ge·, 'all:in go6d ~aiih., :
and withou~-prejudicin~tany.boj.:ly; c'!nd· ·.'. ... '
·.w~ere Chenge ~f ,Name· Allowed Arlsin·g· fr:~~
.· .. ·ctiange :of Gencfer:· · ,·. . ·.. : . · , . .
~ 6. When ttie §urna.me causes·~mbarra~~rr:ieritand ,. As for:respondent's 'chinge· of name under R1,1le 103.,
there is no·.sh.owing .th;;it the· desired· change of lhis Court has held that a' cbange of name 'is,not .a
t ,
nam~ was for a frai.Jdul~nt- 'purpose .or. thi;i_t_th~ , .. . · maue·r· of . righl · but of judicial ·9_is'cretiori. to' tie
!'" change of Aame· would prejudice public ir;iterest- · . exei:cised in the light of the re~s0ns ad:cluced and ttie .
t . (Republic. of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, .. · . c;:onse·quences that will follow. The trial ·~ourt's.grant . · ·
!. ·G.R. No. 88.202, Decerhber.14; 1f}9$). ·. · of respondent's change·atn.ame-from Jennifer toJ.eff
~: .. . . . . •. '·:· ' ·. '.: implie~ a 'change of a feminine name '.to.a masculine·
f Grou.m::ls not' Exc!usive" · · .. . . , nam~. C_on$idering the . consequence that
r·.. The·matter whether t9 grant a petition·for change of. resp.ondeht's chang~ of name merely"f,icognizes liis

name is left to the sound discretion ofthe court. The
• •

be g'ranted• where• .tiiere •
is 'proper
• ••
_preferred gender, "!"e find merif in -res,:tondent's.
c_ha~ge of name. Such a ch~nige will co~form· ~i.th .

H!tl~- • ..,._ ... ..... __ LAW CE{·,{F~ll;ll'iD
Sl.<':J _BED~ lllllli! m.--ii_
BAR OPERATIONS - MfMOfW,itO 2019 .. .... .·;f

the chan91;1 of .the ·entry in: his birth cer!ificate from Juri.sdictiorial Requlrements. , 'it-
· female to male '.(Republic v. Cagandahari, G.'R. No. 1: · · The v_eri_fied petition .should . be pu_blished. f~r· 3ji
1.6.6676, Septerob_er 12, 2008). · .· · · · successive- .weeks rn· some . ·newspap·er ot',:ii
geheral,circulati~ in the province: and· · '. ~7
Applica.billty.of Rule· 103 to Aliens . 2. B_oth. the titl~. o~ caption of \he'petit\on.and.ifa·:>
An alien. c;:an petition'. for a cha.nge of name but he body shall recite. the: · .. ·. ·. . · · · .• }t
· · must-be domiciled in the Philippines (Ong i-luan 'Tin . a. . Nari1'elnames ck aliases. cif the ·applicaht· '. ,_ri;
Rep_uplic, GR. (:Jo. L-20997, 'Aplil.27,·1967):·
. . . . .. .. . ~ : b. •.. Cause fr?~ which· the change of· nam~ i~JJ:
·. souqht; ·and. . · _ . . . . · · -:
i-he· ·nam~. th~.t c~n be ·chang~ct .is th.e. name tha{ . . c. ·:. N~w name asked . for.:. (Secan . Kok ·Va-::'
appears·i.n the civif·regl~ter. ana not in' the b~ptismal · · .. :Republic, supra), . . .· · :: , · :.,if!'.:.
certificate or.that by_whlch the.p!;!rson·is known ,in the ... . ' . . . ... :~'.'

.. corilriiunity (filg Yao Slqng v. R.epublid,, G:R. No. L- Publlcaticn p.f Title and Caption of the Petition · .;,.'J{.
20306,_ March 31, 1.966).. · :. · --.-:. · .For the publication to be
va!id.. and ,effective, the }f.
"published order. should reproduce the title of the ,:1r
Res1,1mptionof M"alden Nam.e " · "petltlon cori~aining· _th~ : data ?lr~?dy .st~~ed an~ J,.
There is 'no need to file a 'petition for resurriptlonof . should contain correct lnformation-as to:. (N.aCNe) ·, ~f~
. maiden name'. .When the marriage is di~s.olved, she . . 1.. Nam~: (?r. _rtames.o.r-a\iases:ot the applicant; · -<lit
automaticalty assumes herrnatdennarne .. (Y~sin_y~....-.,a,:-~:·:The,£~µs~.torwh11?fl thename.ls.souqht.v -, :_;'.;'
· . ·u
Shari'a Dtstrict.Cotut, G.8. No. :94986 febr:,.1.1,afy23, 'f :S, ~'r.l:J~,,New_name asked for:.(Republic I(. Zosa;...:~,:['
1}}9?).. : . . ·_ . . . •. 1\!~JR.1!"~-4~7.62,·
Septe':'ber _19~8~. . : . '.2· :'·l
L~·gal _sep~ration is :'not a .'g~ou,pf;<2.~tp~.f~~~ ..R~t~~l;l'..~~~n-th_ep.etitiongnd tti.e:<?·~~er;~s ~o·..);::
-spouse ·.for a :change of pame'· ·un(t~r.,~Rul9;....1-03w~~t~~. ~p.e.~L~\.of. \e. n~.n:i~ . ot _the -pe.t1t1on.er,.- is· ,:"!!·
(Liiperat v.:-Republic, G.R. No~ 11tf.:aot/Ef!Octtfber-.·3f);,· 9r' --~-Sst:a11a~~ec~~~~·t
f962). . · · .
J, f· . : '· f . ·.
. ff'· ~V
d1? not. c?rrectly _1dent1fy tl)e .. '\:
Jf:'.' .tfi~ · ·i~rty to_ ~aid ·~~eeedttlgs ( Ta? v.. Repub/tc, _G.R. No:.>:f
· . • . .
. f>et\tio_n: _for. c_hanil~ · of
I~~ .
j • r')

j·.4· · -fR~ ·
-16384jApriA?i 1_l9p2).
Atfe~W-only"J<f'r~ei :fib 1 H~\Y ~~, . - · .· '_. . . .
Petitioner E~cluding tt,~ .S,p~as~tandC_h;ildre~~;.~{5· ~q.

i.V.- .. :· .·.

< .
. ·;;;.
A ~h~~g~.of 11ame granted ~¥;.J~e tourt a!(~cts.ol)ll~.ho m ~~po (i"fn~-i~titl~n ~ ..·· · · .' · ·f1
a petitu;mer. A seearate· pet~1on,1fQ~r-ph~iig~l'bf ~~~ · ..:_Afl ·, if~Jest,li p~ n; or.·. .. · . ,;~
~e.ca~,.. .i.:ii.: . :} ~:t1epu·~~~~ l,. e · Philippines: .through - t.he · :;t
must be filed for_.h1s/h_er spotfSP f!n ;..cl11I · tp~-
.Kok. v.. Rep_v_~lic;:, G.R .. Nol'f::.:2 6~, :'. . '(.'
19"(3).. . -. . ·. \ .. '\..
l~~';~,<..'...~jtorq.Unera(f the propeir pr.ovinci~I or:city. :{·
i..P~~/ ~~osec7-r.. / : .- ··· ;J,
.~oes t~e law ~flow on~ to dr~t~.~.;)'adte ~'l'-'E}~l::-: - .-rc:~le'(6f.o.~5;
j0o·~~ENT, . _· :· . :·. ·... .. _:~
from his .regh,ter:ectna·me1 . '\ .. . -,;,~~~~ -/~··.ti~ / · · ·· · · · · . - ·~
~o .. _Middie_ · ·names· 'h~ve ... pra~tl~t :·1~9fiepal·,:;,~~q-.."$~!!JJagidry
-~1gr.uf~a.nce_. , It. serves to. identify )~~~rn;:il· ·l. ) .ili~'1~·lr'li;,..01'der
proof. in. open ·co.urt. or-r tl:i,e date. -~
that such ord~r has.be~npu9lished
h~e~ge . or fi!1~llon ol\a-.person as well as~~~~ .1.V~t'da_ncjthat t~e al_leg!3ti<:>ns of .the petit_1on·are .. :i,
distmgu1~h him fr~m.others who may have the s~r:ne~, .true, th_e court shc!l,I: 1f prope~ and:reai;Qnc!ble·ci;iuse· · .. i
g1ven.nan:ie ~nd su_mame ash~ has (ln R,e: _Pelllion . _appears for. ch?ngmg Jhe name· of thE:. petitioner, ··:J
for <;Jha.nge·of Na,me t;,f Juliad Lier Carul~san· Wang, : · adjtrdge. that sµch n;:ime be. c'¥!figed in accord~nce .~
· G.~. No .. 159966,.March 30, 2005).. · · · with the pr-ayer~fthe petition (RO<;;; RULE·103, Seo.·. }.j
<. :. . ;' .: . . . . : '. .·. ·. · ]
. . . : . . . ·. - 5) . . . . .. . . ' . ·.•·,,
: S~TION 3:·.0RDER FOR:HEARI.NG '. .. . . ... · -
. ' ... . .PetitlQn f,or_:·ch~ng·~. Qf · N~me. _Affee$$ . Only:,::'
ff.the petiflon filed is· sufficient in form anq substance; ~.etitioner.l:xc!~:ding'the Spouse and Ch.11.d~en· . · ·1
the -court.sball'lssue.an orc.ter: . A change of-nc:1me. gra.nted by :,the cou.rt 1;1f(ect&.·qnly . i~
1. Reqlting tt,e purpose oithe. petition:· . the· p~titf~ner. A' separa,te·: p·etition. tor· change of ·}
. a
?.: . Fix date a.rld place of hearing;_ and .. · .·: . . name must l;i(!':,file.d for: hfs wife ..or childreh (Sect;m A
3. · .;Direct' that a .copy' of the,·order ·be -published Kok. v. · R~p~blio, · G:R. Nb. ·.L-2762'1, A.ugJ:}$t· 30, ·.,~
•' before the 'hearing at least 'imce. ~ week for. 3, 1973), • • , • • • ' ;j I .,

co.nse~utive ."Y~eks some.newspaper ef general · ·· · : · · · · ·· ··.:

:c;;irc.ulatlonpublished. in the provinc~: . . .. Petition for Adopt.ion 'not Llrpited to Change of '..?
· .. Surname : . · · .· - . · . ·.· · . . .i
Hearing ·shall not be Within 30 days: prior ·to ·an A decree of addption grant's tl')'a adpp'tee:th~ ~ight to-· :1
election.nor within 4·monttis after the last publication .use the adop'ter's.surname·, if change:of fir$t name is.::~
so. desir.ed, it mus(be 'pr~yed_.. and 'alieged',in. the ?
. of ·the notl~e.: .
petition .for adoption (A.M. 02-.?-02-~C,
Sec. 16). . :;


.... ,.

. AID. 2019
. . . .
'he petition for. adoption rr,tay ind~de a
petition for . stepfather. ou- laws . do. not' authorize iegitimate
:har:lge of'. the .adoptee's first name. There- are no· .children toadopt the surnarneof a person.who is not
estriotion&-- in this regard under Section 1.0 of the their father. (Padiila v. Republic, G.R. /Yo.·L~28274, ·.
~ules of Adoption. In fact, Section 10 states that ln April 30, .1982)'.
:j;l~e \he .petition also prays for .chanqe _pfriame, the
itle cir- caption must contain the register;ed name of · Reasons: To- . allow .said minors _to adopt · th.e
h.e·child ahd the full narrte by which _the child is to be . . surname of their rncther's second husband, who is .
;no.wn (2 f!IGUERA,__supra a.t 202). · · · .'not their. fattier, co.uld .resutt in confusion· 'ih· .thelr .
... paternity, lt.could also create the suspicion that said·
.' . .
. .~ . . .. . . .
.. ·. minors, who were born d_uring::the coverture-ot their
-'.: . mother' with tier f[rst · husband -(Padilla v. · Republic, ·
ludgrneots . ;~ orders rendered .in coimectton' witti . _G -,R. N°:. L.~282_74; Apr_if.'30,1982).. .
his rule sha]! .be furnlshed the civil re~istrar of the .
:ity or municipality where t_h'e--courtissuing the same .· ·Jhe change . of .narne {liay give rise to Jegai·
s sltueted.whcshell forthwithenter the same in the . cornpllcatlons.: · espe:dally:. ·if- the ·stepfather· -has
:f.vil regisler' .(ROC, RULE 1. O;), Sec: .6). :·. ·.. . legitimate. children; For, in theevent of the· death. of ·
. · ... · .. :., . . . · . . . · th~SteJ)·f~th¢l\ the=.child·m·av.eVen clalm.inherltance:
!ohsequ·ence of a· Grc;1nfotChange of.Name -· rights as a legjtimafe_·child ·(Republic. v." Court of ...
\ mere chanqe of name WOUIQ notcause 'chanqe a . . Appeais ,·;gid · Cynthia· vtvencio; ·G.R .. No.- 88202; ..
n_., ~ne:~· existing ·fa~ilY,-felatfons, nor ?reate n_e~;,1.')· _Dec(Jmb~r_14; 1998f· ·. ·
amily nghts and.duties w.here none exists. befor..~..r.J~ . ·: . · · ·. ·. : . · .. · . . .
~eith.~r Wo~!d it ~ffrct a persop's. legal c$pacit~ ,ifiy,i}/'1;~{ N~te:._If th~ :in'tentiori of the. ?tepfat.~e~is to ma~e the
itatus _or c1hzensh1p. Wh<1t w_ou!d b~ ~lter~~ 1s.,t~f.';;r,.,f1 ch1Jd.ari h~tr, !hen change of naml:! 1s not the remedy,
~or? or .group 9f words. b.y which; he IS Jdent1_t1ed '~nJ!.·,·;c.J.!':i_R'.~_µt_adopt[OR!rthe_ J>et~er n~rn.ed~_(Repu~/ic V. ((:!ourl
j1simguished fr~m:i the rest of _hts fellow .meJ).:.(Af1...flf.-:(tJ'V!,,._fifMeg€'fl_lf,iPJJd9yntt71a V.1v.enc10, G.R. No. 88202,_
'Jha}'. v. Republic, G.R. No. L.28507, Jt;Jy,r?J,·:H;70)._':..,,
'' . . . ' · (. 1(/. "
rr ,
j!lt-. · -
. .
. .

fote: A married . woman has an· optio-m;lbUt no~~);.:.r~·t . . . :. . ·.l ft.. '.- . . .
:luty, to.u·se ~he surnam~_of the hys1}.am)~f~.:any of . r~· : ..
l!· ~ . '*,. . . '. . .
f;·~ . :·
j. :.. · ~U-~·E 10 8
t,e ':'ays. proyided by Art. 379-:~ft]:le C'tvtn.£od~.
3he l,S, therefqre al.~ow.ed_to 4s_1)l<?t ?m1i~ny ot}he~. rt~·, :· . l.:.:C~N_&iJ.,L'ATION OR . ·
.hree names provided ·m -A~ . ;,,37'0:,::Jigt,)ill,>O'!:i1~rJ :.\:•i ·• "~_,·,i!-'~·;;,,.;~~,.1,, · .. · · ·. · .-., ·: ·,
:i:1,aiden n~p:ie \JPOA ·i:narriage: ~-~~ _isl:°-qt~{ohibJt'e~. J;-;J.. CO]x~~If1't0N OF· _ENTR.I~S IN
· :rom-,co~t1nuou~1y·us1ng. ~'1.er. .ma1der;!!:g6'i'~,1.tic:m ..~tle f·.f · TH . E CIVIL.REGISTRY
s-marned because. w.h~n a woman .. mar~~-s~. sfie: f:-L~. · .. · ·
foe-s ·nol.chan~e he.r na.me but- only 11@.r-cJ§.Wstatus ,.~ttr;;ji-t-f-i~. ·.: .'. ·, ' : · .: . : . : . . - :· . . _ . . · .
169202, Mwch 5, 2010).
.. . . .· . . ..
:· · .· -1
~Remo. v: Secretary_ _of· Foreign Aff_aJ.r,f:'. (3.R:~;~~_.t::t.!~~tat?toi:y~Basis:

.· ::~!'!:.\ _
A,:trcle.1i2 of_t"}e C_iv_il Code which_
/'(v . .. provides that Nno- entry. ·m ·P .~1v11 register shal_l b!:l
c~anged or_ corrected,. wi_thout a judicial order-.~
Under Art:-370 of.the C1v1l·Code, a marnea woman .. .
'nay use: . . . ' Nofe:. !n Repubiid. v. Cagandaban, it was held that
L . Her maiden ffrst-name:and surname.and add het, . . R.A. .Np. 9048 removed frortrth~ ;lmbit of Rule 108 ..
husband'.s: sutname, . . . . .. < • ·correct_iori-Of cle..ricat .or'typogr:aphical.errors and that
2. · Her maidiln · first ·name ah<;l her· husba_nd's · · Rule 1 _08 _-applies. only· to su_bstantial cl:l~nges · or
surn;:jine, 'or, ·corr.ec_tibn of.'e~tries in'-.the cfvi_!' register (Repu/jffc. v.
3, Her- husband's full' na_me;-but prefixing·_ a·. wold . . · - Cagandahan;· G, R. Na.. 1·66676, · Septf!imber. ·· 12,
_indiQatirig thaf sh'e is'his.wife; such as "Mrs." ·· . . . ·'f20Q8). However, itis more ifrecise to,statEfthat Rule
. . -108. 1!:i still. av~ilab1e for correction· Qf clerical .or
N_t>t~: App.ea! frcirri the_ RTC'-s ordet: gr_;nting a .
typographic~!- .·errors, although· as, ~ secondary
petition· for change qf name· is ·perfected b'y filing a _recourse ·c2 R(GUERA, supra at ?03). . . ,
notice of appeal only.· A .record· on .appeal' -is. riot
required since the. case. dc;>es not involve multipie or·. Thus, Rule 108 covers the c,cirrect1on ot·substantisil
separate ai:ipeals .'where: the trial· cou'it need_s. 'to . . errors and clerical or tyi:iographici;tl-errbrs iR -the civil .
retain 'the· original -rec.ord (Republic v.- Nishina, GR. ..·registry. · -s·ut for. the· .correction . of ·.clerical ···or
No. 186053;.November 1, 2010). · · typograptTical- er.rors: e,xc\uding_ chan~e of na;ionality ,·.
age, and _stat\JS (NAS); change of first name· or
Remarriage-o'f Patent . . . nickname; and change of the.date:and month in the .
In case of the de<;1th of the legitimate falher and the dcM of birth or sex of a person where it is: patently
mother r~marries, a' legitfmate child· cannot change . clear· that 'there ·.was.. mistake in ,the entry, the
tier surname in order to adopt. the surriame of her. ·principal governing· 1aw is R.A. · ·No. 9048, as


SAN_B.EDA !AW CENTRAL/:Z~~ ~R OP.E~~/ON~ - MEMORY AID W.79 ..:.-;.

amended by· R:.A. No1 10112· which· vests. primary · . Proceed.ings_ for the Carrcellatlon or· Correctiol'I ,;).
'jurisdic!ion with the. LCR or' CG to effectsuch' change . · of -Entr_les-in the C ivii Registry may be: . · .. )!t
(2 Rl'?UERA, supraat 211). · ': 1. · Summary.- when the correction sought to be·ffe.-;;
. : m~de ls a mere clerical .error (now'govern.edby 11·
No Intent on the part'of the.lawmakers to remove'. · · R.A. .9048). . . . · . . ·.. , · '.:'
. the a4t~lQ.rity of.the trial courts to make Judicial ·2 .. Adversarial ....:.where the rectification affects ci\;,il:'.if._
corrections 'of entries. in the civir i:egistry . . ·.: . status; cltizepshlp or nationality ot.a party or a'r\y;;~~'.\'
. tl-can thus be' concluded ·ihat "the ~ocal civ.'il_ registrar other substantial change. . . . . --;s,·
· . has .prlmary.. not exciustve. ·jurisdiption . over such · · . · /ti"
.. petltlons for correction of clerical errorsand chaog'e. Even. substantial errors in a·._civil: registry_ may .beJ:
. of ·first '. name or." nickname, with R.A. · No. 9048 · ·.. : corrected and the -tru·e facts establ_ished provided the. /f
... presc~ibing . the. procedure that. the· petitio!:er -a_ncf . parties· aggriEived by 'the error' avail themselves or.'}-
- local. civil _ r~~i.strar should . follow,.. Since. ·R:A. · l'Jo. . th_e· 'appropriate adv~rs~ry proceedlnqs (Republic ·t"' v. ·
. _9948 refers · s~cifically to·· the ... adrnihistratlve · vetencte; G.R. No. L-32181, March 5, ·1986); . · ;·J~.
. . . S_l,lmm(ilry·proce~dingbefore.the lccalclvll reqistrar it
wou\d_b~ inepproprtateto apply thesame procedure
· to petltrons.for thecortection of entries lnthe clvll
Adve~sarial Proceeding ·..
' . .
A,:i appropriate adversary proceedinqIsone hav.ing· l~
. ,
.. :{,
· registry before the .courts (Re: Final Repoff'·op the opposing parties; contested., as distingµish~d from-. .:'·
Judicial Audit Conducted at t/1eRegioha_l-~ril:llColdlJ.1-~,au""""""~JJ.._ ex pa rte· application;-. one. ~f which the' party ;:.tt
f3r. 67, Paniqui,._ Tarlac,· A.M: No: 06_-7-;f;J..df:ITT°9,_ t~'e"Ri~9;,£~.li~fhas··given Je·gal war~i:n_g_ .to th~ ;othe~.J;.
}?otob_er 19, ~001r. _ .• _ · .-· · :. _,/;." .. ~-- .- . ---"'·.f.~.//Y,Ja_n.f\:<~tttor. d~d· _the 1att~r an __ opporturnty to:·,.zr
,: . . .. ~ , · . . . f.·0 { }..,~··:--·'-"'~~.gte._stiH~e;i,'.'t',c v. Kho,_ G__.R.. No. 170340, June .''..fl
Change of .First Name ts W1tll\fl'~tlify~.1tfiaiy . 2_9, -zeQ,ty'. A~ ·. · '.' . · · , . ·. ·, _. :: . ,i~
· . Jurisdiction .o,f t~e L9cal Civi~e'"gi~r,~f.f'~,._..--~~~7=~.,.;,.:~\'(Y
RA .9048. now _governs the_ ?~P1J,![r.4(jr~tfa1:1_e·T~at ·t. · ~ ;\. · · · ·.. . . ,.:' .
~le. _ 1_qa. ~~ert:)11\ tne: pro~edura'I _ req_~irein~nts . s:;
vests tl)e power an~ authon~.t<) ~~(i,KtamAp~t1t1orils; .,.,,}•· ~ifi.~reunq~r '~T~'. folfRw~d, · 1s. the appropna~e <:{
. .. -']:l

fo_r ~hange ~f first nam~_.to t~e ci!y:qf munifp~~i.~I . . .ac;i_V~!,Sa_t pro~~~.~ lr.eff.ect.s1,1_b~tanti_al·p_Oi'(ection ·t
. ·registrar or.·cons_ul .. 9.~ne_ra_lQ~(ned'. d~~cfef_ ~e- . . ~_Qcf-c~al"}ges m~~Ets~of the .c_1v1l r~g1ster (LE~e v.. :'.~;
· . lavy, · -the(efore,, iur1sd1clton;/ -rover1~apphcatol'ts~li;i? r.:_-Cei7G.R/ NQ. L-1183[!7,iWct. 11, 200.1), . ~.
-ohangeoffirsthamei~howp~ti __ lodg~~rWith_tful·-T iiiii/J~ ·J ·., 1J~Jn · ', · ·. . ·: :· . ;-:k
.. aforementioned .ad~lnts.tra~tv.o:-.~f
and effe~t of t~e law 1_s to. ~x Nd.lj11.I~ dlaJ;lg_!~ITtrs~t l ·~-
... name from}~e coverage:of-;~_t:ife~)93:?~b_ij~~~ o~.-.
1 ~{01"~4JJZt\l.r
;for:("°".J~\_.!_Rtent~The. r~a~IIJ wh¥ non~9;1encal · mistak~s cannot ·:b.a ).:
. orreg.tl;l.tt'ti _d~~tl!i~,~11'1m~ry. pro_ce~mg_ set.Py.Art .. J
~ey,.1C1v)!c;zyode·"!1~s in th~ fac~_that t~e \;.·'.
: . Name) and · ..108· -{qanceltatton . or ~orr'e1<JI,im~
Entries_ in. th.e Civil_ R~gistry)" ~Jhe Rtiles of~9~"1't~~~~·t:i"'
· ~· opE~),makn:fg up .1fle qiv1I · Register and. all .. 7
ents~elating/thereto. ·shal_l' b~ ·cori~idere_d'
. until pn~ \.l_nless an administrative-,pe,tition'r~{..c~Q.9_~~tl[l:i.lidict,ments.~n?·shaU,be·prir'na faci~ e.vidence__ ·J;
. . 0f' ·nan'le 1s. -first file·d an~ _subse'q\Jently -:de'hi~~ · ~·fac~tie;,e-in contained_, (CIVIL C.O_DE, Art.:. :t
. ·. likewise l~ys dowr::i ~he c6rrespondf?-ig;Y,6~~~~~.fl.:lf):{~~e_.it~tg.e7entriesin th_e civll register could b~ '.~~:
· · · and ·proce,dvre: In SUfl'!", the. reme"oy~aru;i:,tl:le } /f
J:fPt-{e~ti:!4:,.dfct:ia.nged thr.ough. a mere. summary·. f;::
proc~e.d,ings ·regula"tlrig change_, of first" n'lil"Fi.~~re l"i;; A _efgp~edf(ig,:and 0ot_ thr?ugh a1n1ppropriate actioi:,,,: -:'.i:.
· ·pn(Tlarily _admlnist[<i(ive _ in_ natur~.:. not .Judic~~""'WMrein· ·all parties. _who _111ay ·b_e aff~cted ..by the · 'i,
(Silverio'v:Repub/io, G.R. No. 174689; Q.ctober.2}, · ent-ries are no~ified or represented we-would set wide _>~
2007). · · · open the· dcior to fraud .. or" other ·m·ischief ·the.-/~
consequenceso_f.which might be·cte"trihrental,a,nd far· 1
. · rea.ching"(ln. Re: Cesar . Yu. v.. Civil. . Registrar . of.. ~i ·)'
. . . ,· . . . .. . . . .. . Mani!~., G.R, Nb. L~3f$478,_April '29; .1983)~ . :_. ' :~'Ii
Any person- int_erested in any act, event;· order' or.· -.. · . . : -' \l
, .·decree- ·c;:o"ncerning ·.the .. -civlt. :statu& of".:pei-sons:. · Proceedings for the cbrrection.of entries should not ··1{
. . recorded' in ·the civil registry; may -file a verified . . .. be 'considered- as '·establistiin'g one's sfatus in a . ' .;1:,.
. p~tition for the_ canceilatioh .or correction ofany entry. .. . . man~er conclusively beyond . dispute. The 'stal_t.Js·. : I,
.. relating thereto· (f~PC, RULE. fOB, Sec·1). corrected·· jVouid · not have: a superior . quality for T
.. . . evjdentiary purposes. There · is ho increase· or ·.. }J
·.where to file · · · dirn.inution of' substantive right (Cf!iaG Ben-.-Um v. ·. j·
··. The'-pelilion shall ·be filed .with the RTC. of 'the Zosa, G.R. No. L- 40252, Dec.ember'2{!, 1986). _· . ·"<:.
.. ·province Where the corresponding civil registrar is. . . ·-{l
l9cated (R_OC,-F.WLE:108; Sec··1)_.:_ . ·' ·




TO · lntersex- may have :biolcigic~I: cha~acteristics of".&oth
CANCELLATION OR CORRECTION .. male and female sexes" fRepub/ic v. ceqenaenen;'
·· i · G~R. No. 166676, September:12, 2008). ·. · \
They·. are· -the foll?,"'!'ing: (VoN-fil;3Ep:s;1S;A- . . . ~ .
· BALD·~A~) .. · . -:. . . . · . . . . Principles Laid ·p~wn.. by the SC in Republic -v•
. 1.· Judgme·n_ts declaring· marnaqes ~aii:I from the .Cagandaf>a(J:wifh Resp_e.ct_.to Peraon witt, CAH~· ·: a
· . beg'iRning; . ." . . . . . · 1. Where . the person is: biologically or naturally .
2,~ _!:!at~ralization (RQC, Rule 108, -, sec.
i;; . · intersex, the determininq factor in his gender
3: .-J1,1dlcial determination of filiatio~ (R()C, R1..1ie classlflcatlon would be what .the, lndividual,
· ·. "1Q8, Sec. 2); . · . ' . .. · .· . t.ia~ing reached- the· a'ge of.majority, with. good
4:· Clerical or- typdgraphical errors and.. chanqe of reason· thinks of his/her· .sex: -: sexual
. the dayandmonth.in the.date of .§:irtt:i:'· . . -devetopmenf-fn. cases of mtersex .persons
5. Voluntary ..§inattcip.atiq.ri of a minor (ROC, Rule .makes r. the gender . -classification at. birth .
108,- Se9; ·2J; · · · ' · · · ·. · ·. lnccncnrsivee-Jt.ls at maturity thaf the gender"c:if.
6. ~hange._c:if name (ROC,.Rule 108, Sec. 2); . such persons· is. fixed.:.·. · . .. · · .
7. Election, toss or recovery of. Citizenship (ROc,· 2. To .t1;1eperson with CAH belongs_the human right .
Rute ·108,. Sec .. 2); '. · . . .' . . .. . . ·to the pursuit ofbappiness and Of health, and-to - :
. 8. Clerical or typographical. errors 'and chanqe of hi_rn shoul!=l Q!;!long:tl:ie primordial cholcs.of what· : · · .
'§13x:of.a· person where it is pa,tently_qle'ar there courses of action .to' take. along the· path of his·
.: wa·s clerical or typoqrapfiical error or mistake in r-7-\ sexual development.and maturatiori, . :· . .
.. . . th~ ··entry (RA: 9~48,__ · as.: a.f1!eniJec( by ~,;.t~i · 3. There is. merit in the crang.e qt name of ~- ~,erson -
·10172,.Sec .. 1). with CAH Where.the same is the-consequence
:-!J. · ·
J · . . · . (.-:·,.,/ _,, .
· 9: · Ci>Jil fnte~d.ict_i~n(FJ~c.-Rule: 1 OB, Sec, ~); ·\_';.:.:,:·~ , of. Jhe · _recog!)iti"on. of .' ~is preferred · gehder:
· 10. _Legal §eparatiQn$ (ROC, Rufe ·19.a, Sec.- 2);'iJ /.-, . ,, ;,.,,!. -,-0Repu9M., ·v. CagandtJh.an,. G.R.- _No: 166676,
: 11. 8dopti0'1§. ,(ROC, Rule 10B;Sec.. 2);: . _,.,,.;t G;·:!};:J..;.:...:;.~~~ptemP..~r-.12~ ;woa;: · . · . . ·. . .· . ·..
12. Births{ROC Rufe 108 Se'c. 2)" · · ,..,•<'j,/' '-.t j,1 · · ~- ....~l!:.....-p, · · · · . · .. ·
13. "Judgments. ~f_8nn_ul~ents·Qf .M.a'fri(!;ie (ROC/\.-~'1 S!=CTION"JJfRARTIES .-. ·. ., ·.
···. Rule. ~OB,. Sec. 2).; ... __ ·.: ·' · · .-\:;,)-C- , )::-,-v __ . . .. ·. . . / ft , . . · . . . - · ·.
. 14:·_begitimati(?ns:(ROCi.Rule 108!~._,~i-c, ?h'";p. . if.;( -The Fo.ll9wipg\,Sball_.b~ :Macf:e Pa_rties to· the.
1.5:·Q~~ths (ROC,'f:?ul~ 1:08,,Sec;,2); · '\[~ Q.. '.\ P.rocee1JTi9:ij ~-- · . '.: ·. · ···. .
'16·. -Mamag~·s-(.ROO;".Rule-.1Q~~pc. 2°K;-;1\ . ~-:-,· ~r.1); 1. Civi[regi~trar;." rid' . . .. · .-. · . . · · '
.- 11.. ~iknowledgrne(lts · qf .-na.!~ral<:"oJ:fi"lf!J:~'f)·(RQ.9! ·_···r,;,;i · 2:_ .A:l(~e:~~n~q;.~ _ve·orctaimar.y1nte-resfwhich·
_. . ·Ruf~ 108, _Scc.·2); '?r·. ·• \ ....._
. 18; Clerical or tyPograph1cal error.s~-tnilfa.ngepf . ;'j
~r.l : F;,·J. _:'./. W<?_Cil~~et:te,d._ther-eby_(~OG,. ~~ti; 108,
· Sec .. 3).. · · ,. . . · · · · .. , ··· . · ...
. fi t. N · . k. . .
irs . ame or.me name;.
··. · •.,, •· ·. ,·,1
\>·\ ". .,,,. ·
)'\....----:rr-1 · . ·
. · ·
. . . .
· · · ·
· ·· ·· ·
· !
..· -· . · · ~ · ··, . · · · · . . ·. _ · : :· · ~;~;..;.:!..) . , .:..-,j _: ''.H\~~-<>!.f!.:::C~$,Jailut.e.to:-implead _the parties. ',\'.hb: W9u,1d
··· "S.~x cha.nge" or. ''S~.x reassrgnme"'t'Vnot·..y!tflm-v..:.!~:-Aaturall,Y:-ar:ld l~gally be affec.~ed.byth_e grant of..tt)e
. the'ar_nbit.ofRule 108· ·. · .. ·_. · -h~· _'!,~/ . · · .· · · petition would... render the. :proceedings· ·and the
9incg··the· ..statutqry laog~aQEi ·of the _Ciirl5:i{~ister · jtJdgm~rit void_ ···(~epu}?lic · .v;_, Coseleng-Magp_iiyo,
t~w·was. enacted ·in tlie: early 1900s .anaYran;iains G.R. No. 18f}746, Febru~ry 2, 2011).,: · ··. .
unqhan-ged;-itca-nnoH:itfargifed·that_theter.ms-"sex~ . ' ·· .. · .. : , . : : . ··. ..'--··. ·.
as us~d fhen is something alterable thrQugli surgery · - SECTION.4. ·NOTICE AND PUBLICATIO.i•f
or soma.thing 1h.at .allows a· post;-operative··rnaie-to~. ·· Upon· the m1ng·_0Uhe petiti1:m_,.. the.court: sha.11; J:iy, -an :, ·.
terrral.e.trcjnssexu~·I to 'be.. \nclucled in·,the.category of ord~r:; f.ix-.t_he time a.nd place "fdr·th.e he~ring of the'·, .
''.fem~le" (Si/ve.ri~v. Bepub/jc.ofth.ef'hilippiries, G.R. same, and cause reasonabls ·ooti.ce. tlie~eof .to.. oe ·.
No. 174689,'0ctcjber. 22, ;2007). · ·· giy~n to. the p·ers'ons- named.Jn the· petition (RO.C,. ·
. . . ·_.: . . . . RUl..,E 10!;J;Se·c,:4). . · ..
·conge~ita_l Adren~j -Hyperplasia"icAH) -..
·: ,•

. Tliis. c9ndition c·a_u,ses the· eai1y__ ._cir· "ir.ia_ppropriate• . The cour./~_hall al~o c-~use·the ~rd~r.·t~ b~. ~y~li.she9 .
. appE!arance of rriala: characteristics. CAf'.i is'one of once (1) a.week forthre,e (3) conse~tivewee~s in a
· . many COl")°ditions \hat . inv9lves · ·intersex anat9my_.. newspaper qt. general'- circulatjon. ·in: the. province· •
. .Oi.Jring the twentieth c;:entury,: medicine pdo"pted the (ROC, R_ULE 108, Sec:4}. . .. . ., . . .
term ~inter'sexuali.ty"'.tp apply tp human .beings. "'."ho
c.anhot be. classified as··e1the·r male or -female. The
te'rtr.i is · ho"'." of. "'!idespread · use: According · to
Wikipe~ia; interse~u.ality "is .the s.tatifof a living thing The following -are -may oppose the petition:·.
of a gondct,oristic _-. · specie's· whose . sex 1. The Civil Registrar; and . ·. .
"chr-0rriosomes, . ge"nitalic;1,. a·nd/or. secondary sex ·. 2. Any person having ..or claiming: any·· inte-r.est _-
ctJa.Facteris\i9S are determined to be·. neither . .. under the entry'whose· cahcellatfon or correction ·
exclusively male nor female. An organism_ with is sought (ROG, RULE 108; Sec. 5). .



Period to File·oppos1i1on : . . . Wheri Petition for· Declarato.ry. ijeli~f

Within fifteen (15) days fr:orn notice of the petition or· Instituted . ·· ·· · ·
·from date of last·public;ation·.(R09, RULE 108, .Sec,:· : l\ petitlon for declaratory reliet.rnay b~ instituted by ..
s;.. . . . ·. . . . .. · an ~li~n.· for. the recognition of foreign · divo'rce. ·~
.. because. a foreign d!vorce .d~cree is ·presumptive':./ a
Two ~otlce.Re_quirement . evidence of a rigtif-tha~ clothes an alien '_with leg a(<.
Sedions'4· & 5-shows !hat Rule 108 mandates two interest
• •
to• fjle .a petition·.
• •
for 'lts• recognition. befo.re:',Jf
• ·:.,;.i:i':
··sets of _notrces to differ~nt potential cippositon;;,:·Th(f local courts. However, the recognition ofthe decree-;.]
first notice is given to the j)ers9ns.:'named. in-·the . ih .the declaratoryrellef case .does' not authorize tne \ ~~'
petitidn'.'. and. ·the .· second {which · is ·, throu.gh - cancellation _pf the :marriage enJry-in the civil registry -;,:;,
publlcatlo'n) is that given to.o.ther P,ersbns riot na;1:1ed · as what is required ls· a pt9ceedirig under Rule 108 '. :~)
in the· petition. but nonethElless may be aonsidere<;l . of.the. Rules-of Court (Corpu.'zv. Tlrol Sto.· Tornes,<&i
interest~d or . affected . parties; . such as . creditors· .. ,G.R;' No. 186571, Aug1.1st-11; 2010). . · · · · ···. ·..P·
(Republic v. Coseteng~Magpayo, G.R. No.·18974i3, · .; . ·. . ·.-: ·.:· . · ·-: . . ·. · .... · . ·:.r;
Febru.a'12, 2_01_1). · ·· · · . .. y\l_hen a peU_tior\fo~ cancellation or correction of an .:l
· · : · entry in· the civil. '.registrar involves · substantial and· ·F
SECTION 6. ·EXPEDITING PROCEEDiN~S.. . controverslal alterations, ·. ioclu\'.ling· those. · on '·~
. ~ ... . : . . ·,., .. , .. . . citlzenship.. legi~macy.:. or-
·-pat~rnity -or":filiation .o.r·.Af
. . The court iri which'.the proceeding is .brouqht ma¥,...,.-...,.:.a:=-..=.~gitimacyof.marrlage, a -strlct compliance with the ·<f.
. . make orders ..~x~editi~g- lhEc: proceedjngS,J!!ild'°"~y u·,_ -~~lt·!Q~!smandated (Rei;~Mc·1t~.·-~Usagnay-1JY_:.·.·;
also _9f~nt p_rehmmary ~nJUn~tto~ for th~J:!~Se~t1o_n . - . J<!i:vN<;f i(:J(),10, A1.1gust ~-2; ?013).. . ' _·_:.1f
of the nghts of th~ parties pending su~~roo~5i_d1~~~;&'.' · /- ,\,.._ , ' .. · · . - · . . · . · . ;_ . :i&
(RPC, R_Ul,..E _108,·Sec: 6). . · /./- \;d;-..-P"" . · · ForeigQ,S iVOfJ;~~cree may be jud_icially recognized: ::/
- · · ',
. "SECTION _1: ORDf:;R
· .. ·
.. -
·.. , J' .
_;/.t..h ~
1 ~.,,,,. .
l·r .·
Rtil¢',JlOB tcontepcion vs. CA, G~R:- No.• :-~;.
;_,,~34S~\Aag,~!fcl·1._i'\ao5), · : _
.JJ.tt. ,/NJ. 1 . \.-r . , ... ·..
; . - . . , . ;¥:.-
. '.t• ,·
A1:ter hearing, the court may Jith~r j, · · · .· . . . · _. .. _Proc_!,~ure t~(<f~)i~ell~tlorforCorrection of· .. } i
1. Dismiss the petition;.or ;I,,.~ il- ... ·~1--·~'. - :·. . . ,._,, · E1t~.uii'!d~r Rule 108 ·-,t

. 2 .. -Issue ':3n· or~er granti~g--tnf3q cancei ation~~~ 'tz"''.""~ ·, ·. . :"}° · · ~ ~. · .· ·. . ,<. 1 I
u ~"-'-s1·\,i·. a.,~
.. cor(ect1on prayed for (Rpq_'-'i.RlfJLE 108~ec. ;z. . m.rrrn ··, :Oub;~iti~·
n·o·· tli~e-
:::kiri:.a .
i'iirt ·rd·e- at 1· · t · ··i j

,~v ~\ :·
. . ., : . . . ~ . . . i~k1i
z~ (tf,r~~~~~luc~ess~~e ·zfJ-
ln either case, a certified · co~Y,,°ift'tJil
,. 1 .,, · JUcl1~!;lAl sna1";p 1~ e11 , · · ~ ... ::'> · a·P.'"er'""o""i.:~
· · ~wi p
11· · · · 1 c1rcu
,'i:lenera ·.· · · ·1a-...ion WI ·.th · i'.
· · •••·
· be serve.d upon the C1 Vil rei!3fst-rar . OOC rae"R_\yihO!;'!:,\ ~'1, :::~· · ·~t.:b . bJ lfi f ·· JI
.,...,~::ll.. · '"" ..
t ' · .• d· . .';!,,'
'k.tJ~- ,t V°..,Q
\ - . _ShS:11 ann'otate the s_ame in .hi\,rec9ra~RO.--~~-
. 108!Sec. 7).. ·,~ . . °'·: . . _s.. a _;, • ~ _.1cettwventit9:p~rs~ns n-ame In
jY·. _- .. ~e P~. _10~ . :
: .:-f,__
·. · .· . · · . · . _\~ . · '-.' ~t::rr~Nr'r.:\.b. · · .· . · :· ~~ · · . ,- . : ·. ~ .- ·.:}!:
VVhei;e_ Change of· t,lame Allowecj ArJ&l!lt.-.:.!.t~m-L~ .. '';. , . ~-·:·;,r: /. .. · . _ :-. · · .. · · · ·;r;: ,.
Change of.. Ge:,ider . . . . ~: ., --f_!:.,n ~~-: ~F~'lr~:v~t?
P?~1ti9n by.t~e ~IVII regl!:;_lrar.and_ : .. ·.·,ii '
.ft 1$ ~li~mitted that a.P,etitio~ f~r ch~_ng~o.f:-..llame-1f'!nd.. '\ j{ ~ "laQft~.eJ;?,? ha,~ing/cla_1.m1r.ig_11:1ter~s~=~n~e~the . · .,:ii
correction of entry may, be JOmed 1n one proeeea1ng lv l. .-~n~r,y.-Wfl.osecanc~lla,ti_on/con:ect1onIS :~ou.ght, .. ·s:·
· 1:r the cnange·of nar:)'le ~nd c9
rr=ectian_qt·entrf~re~-" ,"'~ithi11;1_"sAa.y.s.!rqm_r;-.oti~eo!th~petjlion;of .. · ::J
based on ·the same:.underlying facts .or logically fror:n tl1e l<Js.t_da~~-of pubh_9t1on of-the riot1cel. .J ·
·.corinect~d tci ·each other and "prov.id~q tliat. all ~e . . . - - . . . . . <i
requirements · of RL!le 10~ are ... com.plied with. . · , . ·,. . · .ii
(Republic V..· Belmonte, G.R. Nb,. L-32600, February : · ·. · :. ' H~al'lng'·~n the--pe·t,ti.o~ -".'~
~6;_ 1988). . . .. . . . . . .. ~· . . .: ::if.~

Thus jr, Republicv. Cagan'daijan,the SC -~pheld the.

ptoprie·ty ·of a petition whicb as~s· for thi:r change of
: .·
, · :.Judg~ent-gra.nting/d~~ying itie ,petiti6n. \~opy · _... ;;;-
.· . ·sex-from· female to male and change of name from . .. :.. of thEl]uqgm.e.nrshall be s"ervedupon the civil. '._c;;
. Jennifer to Jeff (Republic II, ·cagandal:,ai1,:·G:,R.No,.. '. registrar,:11t.lJO ~()all anr.,otate. the same!. . ""'
'1666!6, Septembei12, 2008). - : · · · ·. · ,.-. · · · ... :.]~

As '10 -ttie venue, ii is· submitteci: that ·.ven~e should. ., ·.>J·

fol.low that . for the 'principal proceeding. Thus in·· ··
,.cagar'lc!aha_n,the principal proceeding is the.chao.9~ ·',.
of sex {change. of name being m_erely ihciden~al);
.hence the venue should be with \he RTC.of the place
where the corresponding civil registry is localed. (2
· RiqUE=RA, supra at 219):. .



.· true i~. · addition
. . .. .. ~H)4_ s· , 1, · A . 'certlfled to those
. . . . ·.
No.· ···. . machine. copy 0f the required under · RA
· ceruflcate. or .of .the 90'48: · · · .
Republic Act No. ~048 o~·th~ ~clerical' Er;or Act" . pag~ of the registry 1 .". For· correctloh, · of .
whi'ch was passed by_Cong,ress oi'i February 8, 2oci1. . · book containing 'the -, erroneous entry; of
amended Arts: 37.6_·and 412 bf (he New CNil Cocie. · · .entriEis sought to.tie· date of birth or the
corrected t-: . ··:·or sex ;·o'f a· person.]"
Republic ·:Aet · No. 101°72 .·or "An.· Act· Further 'chanqed;. .. . e·arliest: school
Authorizi_ng_ the:'city ~r _Municipal Civi_l Registrar or 2. At : leasf two · (2) record'. or· earliest ·
the . Consul Geherat to ., Correct- ·Clerical.· or publlc: 'or · -. private . 'schcol documents .
Typographical Errorfiri the bay_ and .Month -irr the· . . documents ..showing .such as,· but not
Date of Birth or. Sex· of a .Person _App~ai-ing in the the correct entries · . · limited. to, medical .
. Civil Register Without .Need of a Judlcial.Drder" · · upon · ·WhiGt).:-.: .· records, .bapttsrnat .:·
amended Secs., 1',° 2, _!:> and .8_.of.R.A. ~048: ··.. ·' . correction or. change · · certificate . · and. ·
·... . . 'shal) t>:e based; . ·. . .' otner. -docurnents
The : Offi.ce · · Qf .. tbe · ¢ivil-·· 'Registrar·· . G~~e~a·1-,:. 3.. Other- . documents . . is~ued by°-religiou:r,
prornulqafed-Admlntstratlve OrderNo •. 1', s~ries of : Which the petitioner · ·. · authorltles: arid ·
2012; to implement the· provlslons of R.',A.·_.._1~1!~;111_6_})}. . -or .. the 'city· or :?;> For :. chan·ge ... :··of
suppleme:nt~ng ~dmin~stra.tive.Order. ~o.1:, ser;J,~~,...)1- . · ml,J~icipal .. ·: . :civil . . gen?~r :cor~ected.:
of 2001, which m tum implemented R.A. No. 90'48.1'{-£:J-i<?,. . · · registrar ·.or· · · the ·· . · certiflcatlon ·issued
. ·. t,,!
•'.J.J.[l, •:.. ,.l!.1~'\ . • consul-qeneral
'J.' v- .... ,.. •
may .
by an. • accredited
.. ~~ {jf~/t:r/ ~ ,.:_. ·.C~f"!Side{' · . relevant ·. govemr.ne.nt, : '. _
/f -; .. ,,.~tkf.ff...!il:.:t~.r.µ:. ,:$~~~ssary for' .. r>h~id!'1n ·attesting'
· <JJ '1'1 · . ,thetap.'e,tpval·of th.e to the fact.that the
'.};;:-.FL.. . . ··petitio~1f~,id · ... · petilic;ine.r h_as. ~at
. · -;rA 4~ Certifi.~{i · · ·tr9m .undergone .. · sex ;,
_Clerical ·or typographi?al '1 :. ·_Cle~c#15.;,, -- ~:.or. ..
errors an_d_chan_ge_of first : t~'gr~phi~a;rrorif. ·
~it~A · . ··. -.· app's5prf~b\ ..
. . . .transplant.
change . · or sex

r.'.i~ · ·
name or nickname-. .

,,{5!'n,¢ cti~$1~ of /i.rst '\.
. ;r.i;an'l"l!!-·orJ;jicitr,am'e~1,
2. T-l;lJ;. dl,lyr.·:atM.mofit~ 1
f'r; .~, :ag~~c1eJ·.-_-·t~t. the
_ - .pend:tl,!.@~se··or.n,o
id tn~'-~fiM~'()fbirtlif
~.!{ '>;,;.
.. or· ; "4 (>.:,· ' -:i;~ . . . . .
3. Sex · :~h,,.9 01 ·. a
2··j 1'~
f . . f ;~-
,,l~ t,.,:f.,_t!i",;.1.r."'\ .
criminal re.cord. . . .
. . .

, . .. •
· · .
· .. : · ~
. .. .
- ~
person<w11·ere . tntf(e- :'.;.. &..:...Ger:ier:'ai'.::Ra.le~· No entry jn a civil. register shall' be
is ·pate,~~h:lef(ttfat . ch~mged_~r corrected W!thoufa judici~! _order (Q/VIL .
. · therewas:.:!?f13.l'~! or (.JODE;,ArJ. 412). ·. · · . . · ·. . ..... ··. .
. ..... .. :.. typogi:aphlcal erro.r; ·· · ·· : · · · , ·- · · · ..
~xcepti~n:_· Gl:ertc;jil. 9r .typographici;il \/rr.o.r-s. whitl:i

. ~I"! :be corrected..or ch~nged by Ute coricemed ·city

· or }Tl_Uriicipal cfyil . reg'istrar or. ccir:isul. gerie,r;a( {n
· accorc;lance·· with · the ·p.rovisions.9f this· Acr and. iis.'
A mistake: comrriitted in 'A ilii~·takei!' dom~itted :in· · ( impleme~1in9'. rules and regulations ofRA,--9048 as
the performance ... of the . -performance. of . :-;:ir:Mnc;ied:by RA, '10172 . .' _ · · · ·
·clerical· work that .- is clef.foal ·•work:· that~· is ·
harmless aT).d innocuous, harmless .. 'and : . . · C~se.s'· cov.ere~·: '.Cl~.ii~I, ~r. ~prog~aptiical .. e~~(s
such as mis~pelled:narrie Innocuous; · sttch· ·as. .-~r:id ·ctia.rige of:. (F9s) · ..· _; . . · . . . . . · .· . ·
or misspelled 'p!ace of niis.iip¢11e.d ·:. name .:or. · 1. first hami3 or nicknani~; . . . .. . .
birth or the like. . '- . misspelled. p!aqe' : . of 2,. · _The'Qay a.nd month in.:the.date of birth;·ot
. birth,. mistake ·in the . 3. · §.ex of a person wher~ it i~ pa_te.ntry cl~ar there
No. correction' : _.·must en.tiy 'of. clay arid mol'.Jth . Wa$. clerical or typogr<1phical' ~rror oi' mistake in
inv.olve . the·: change of 11'ithe date of birth or:the the, e~try (R.A. ·.: 9048, ··· as amended·.. l)y
. natiqnality, age·, status'or sex· of the' perspn or..the R.A.10172, Sec. 1);_ ·. ' 1
sex otthe petit_ion·er. . 1;ke.- . · · · · · ·
Case.s ril~,:- covered (NAS)·
. No correction must ~: Nationality ·
involve :the: cha·ngef of 2. 8ge . .· . .
.~ation'a'llty; .. :ag~. .: or 3. §.tatus (R.A. -No;. 904Ras amended by R.A. · No.
stat1:1s of the pe!_itioner. 10172, .Seo. 2 par.3)~.


.... '
•. . . . -·MEM.ORY
. AID :2oi9··
,"• .
· N6te.: Where the .effe9.t of a correction ~f entry iri 'a a. , ·~lilcoi-d-ke_epirig·: ci~il · reglstr~r (RKc°Rj . ..;.. :::;:..,
civll'r~glstry.will change thestatus of the1 person from · refers to the Ci.ty/Muniqipal Civil Registra( in · ,
"legitimate'.'. or "ille:gitimate;" 'the same cannot be Whose archive is kept tne.record.wnlch contains ·~~
. granted in.vsummary. proceedings: The changes . . the error to be corrected or the.ftrst name 'io'be. :it
· -souqht by respondent · were substantial, thus, an.: · . chanqed. This term shall. be ·u~e~ or:,!y.irl' cases ·.:f/
adversarial proceedlnq is ·ess.ential in order to fulfy . . inv.olviMg migrant'petltlonar, · . . . : . . ... .·· ''.j
thresh OL)l ·the allegations '·iA respondent's petition . A, ·P,eti~ion-rece.iyii)g civil -regis'tra,:. (PRCR)-l ':{
(FfepiJ.blic v, Lebiedor, G.f!. Np: ·132980, Maret, 251' . : . refers tothe Cify/Mimicipal Civil Registrar<oHhe. -$1
1999), · .. · .: ,. · · · . . · · . ·. · · '· cltyor municipality where the petitioner resides .'!!,.
'·' . . . . . .· ·.. . .or ls-domlciled ai:i,cfwho receives th~ petltiori.on-·::f
Clerical or Typograpttical E.rro.r- .· ·· . · .. ' .·. . ·. behalf ·efthei R.epord;k~eping· Civil' Registrar in ·.f
· A mtstakecomrnltted in the· performance Qf .clertcat the case ·oka . n:iigrai:l~ :petiti0.Mr (RUL.E-. 2, }f,
.work in .: writing, ·ccipyi11g, ·transtribing ·or·. typipg· an· tmp/em~ryting'111/es.& Regt.i.tations .. of ·R.A. No.. )t
.. entry: In -'the civil reqister that is · harmless · 'aod · 9048, July 24, ioot).' , . :.-- ', · ·. · ·' ':.
:· innOCUQU$, suqh ~Sa misspelled name or mlsspetled . . ·: . · .... ·~ .... :
·· place of birth-or the· like; which is visible to tt;ie eyes · ·Groul'.lds: (Rl;m-Uf'G) . _.. . . .. ·: . . .'. ·.f
. or ·obvi,ou~' to· the·· u,ncler.stanrting, aria. ban .be . · · 1. ThEfpetitioner'finds thEffiFst name or nicknamEt.:·,,\
· . ·corrected or ch~nged ohry by referenc.~ to. other . ·. ·. ~ .. t~ .be B.idiculou~. tainted ··wJth · . .Qisf1onor. or ,~

no corre?tion must inv.ol\1e t~? change.qf n~!i.o~ ...

age ··or .status ot .the. petitioner· {R.f.~04/!)+-as
~l··;· .J
existiri.9 rec~rd.o/ record~: frovided,.however, Thab:.,..,=-c,..,.,.·- E!xtreIT).ely .Qifficuft to wi:\te·.Qr.prpnqun·ce; . . . . . :il.

t.rr~~;~!'lewfir~~; riame. or· nickn.ame' lias' b~en . :~,
V:h~~l~Halt.K•. ~nd·. contmuo4sLy ··~~E!O .J?y .. the. ·f
amended by f?.:A. No. 10172, Sec.:21J{a~ [. "t-~~p.~tit1611~r~nd·h~.·.has.be~r:, EUbhcly.knqwn by i.
. ·. · · _._. . , · ·. . . /'l' · -~~~.o-~ _'-: . :~h~tst.ofrq"e't,.~(.nl~k~~me lh th~ comml,Jnity;_ or . :i.
Note; n:ray pe_- very well sard t~~tR~$.J!?.~~J~~r---a~-:*ll1~~~~ge~11a\(Old C<;>Qf~.S!<:>n. (RA. 9048, .:f
9.04~. 1s· C9n.gress' .re?pons.>\(;l~t~~ cpnfus1~1~· 'l., '.'W Seq 4µ\v,'"l-..J..-~.-< .: ·. . . · . \,
~roughfby tbe failute to delin.~ate ·a.'$'N'> whit exact!¥- {"ill. J~ -t · · . _\
t!- ·· · ~. . . · . : ·· ... · · ·. · · · ·: J
f) \. · . .. · · . ·: . . }~
1s that SChcalled summ.a_ry procedure·1tor·cqanges or .
COffElCtions of a. harmless· ,~~G.ous. frutrre-as'"-"
dis~ingui~~ed .. trom that ~pprepriate.
·.prQ9"eed1.n.gf~r. changes . Lo~,,11?,fre<:tton· · of. !.f~- ~!ror'.
S1,Jbstant1ar. ~1n~.· The obv1~.uS"-eJJ.tct 1~W{ .~move
iv.~r~~: ·. Wtio may.fire·'.\(:
-~'y"per.son of 1~.gaJ,,e21t ha\tiF1g direct and 'personal -.ts
~ri1Ie.te~tii the co~r~ction::o.f.ac1erica1 .or typo'graphica1
rnJ~o er:it~_r~f'lf~ ..change pf first- n.am.e. o~ ;:;
• rn~~~h_e~v11.r~· ster (R.A. ~048, $ec. $). ~:·A
!rom :!he· amt;>,~ of R~I~ iop,rt~~, ·c'l:i~§..ll?.n·.
·<?ha~gmg·of.clerrcal ortypogriPt-ircal ._rro.rs:.~e}tne.
:.~i 1,s-1- .. /' Jt:-0./. .
f ~"{:: . ,. ·. ·.-.
~(~g; .~.ith pirectJ110 ~~rso.n~l.Jnterest:·· '. :;;':·
. . · : ·. · ·_..:'['
of. the· ~iv~l .register. Hence,"{h~!are .1~ 1 for l,~.~ . ~ . . ~{/A ~ys'lti.e
· q.t.operat10.n·of Rule 108 are·suB.gtant1afshange.r:5'?~~1:jeo.~l)l'er's sp9):lse,.children, parents,.brothers, .. f
iwnerqrt.h!:l record; ... _.: . .. · .. · . · , . · :t
,co.rrections in en~iies of the .ci11,Wl~gister'.'(-~e.V.:~~IRi:,n_),.M·ster~:\i_r.andP.,ar~nts, ·Qµardian; ~r .· . .. ·--:f;
G.R.-N.o. 118387.;0cfober 11, 200:1.J. ;,~~::- ~ a .•
........ u~tiV:ot~,,.,Pp~ond.uly·authorized by. law o~ by .'.
: . ·· . · . · . · .·,·.-<'_Q(),~==·=".., . -t\Ji(\owr:r~,::<-:-of · the ctocum.E!nt sough.t. to .be ·~;
Petition for ~hai:lge of r,aq1e (RULE 103}a.Qd~.eJ,1ii9n "'?i,. A.t\ y_c'rJrre·9efcf (RULE.3, fBR of R.A. .9048). . .· . ·· };,
for cancellatio~· 9r·c9rrection. o~ en~ries (ROt-'E-...1.W_ l,':.>i.D»:""""'~· . . · : . ·: · < · ' · · , · ·. . )!
are· dls~inct. proc~~dings, HeDce, . a. p~rty cannot~vi~edJhatwhe.n·<;! p~rson is a r:ninor qr physical}y: ~}'
cha,nge, his name .and cortect an· entry··in a· ·single .. . or mentally iocap~citated; j:)etiti.ori may be filed c;,n.his Yt
p$ti.tion· vy.itho't:Jt.. ·Satisfying . the. juris~lictional. behalf by. hfs spou~e;·qr aniof'.his Chlldren,··parents.; ii·'.
reqllirer:i:i~nts}3A~Hf=RRER_~;.supf"!1 at· 564).: ·.. :. . . brot~efs, · sisters·,·... Qfan:dp~rent.s; ~~ardjails, .:or;-,,'
· . · '·, · · · . · · · . .. . person~.d\.llY authorrz!:!d by law.(RUL~ 3J /RR ~f f?.A. __
Trye. can~~!l~tior:i. or co.rreq_tiohof errtries:ih· t~e C.lvil· ,9048)..· · ..... · ,::,
Regj~try j~ :a ;proceeding rem.: Strict ·cqmpli~nc;:~
with :all. Jurisdictior:ial r·egLJirernents. particularly. ·on Y'Jhere-_tofire. . ·. . ... · . .-- . . . ... . · . . . . : ... ;..: . :!·
pub)icatio11, is ess.ential in· order to vesqhe c·ourfwith 1. Local civil' regis~ office or. Cieri( of .the. Snari!l3' ;;.
jur'i~~ict_Iori._(2 RE.GALA_DO,'supra af193). : ·. . . Court where tfie.'_ rec'ord . b~lng.:.sought ·to· be' J·
correcteq or changed is kept; · · . .. · · . : jf
. Definition·of Terms;· · · . , . 2 .. · If p~titi.one.r,· .has~,alr~a~y: m,igrat~p. to. anothe!:'•.~t
1: .. First .. ·-.refers.to a nam~ or Aicknami:l · pl~ce .in . the.· 09uptry: :petitioncr~c.¢fving. civil':?>·
· given t(1 a:persqn Whic.h may C6nsist.of-0ne or · registrar of lhe. place where the Interested ·.pariY.. ';,:.
. more names rn ~ddition· to· the. mid~le and.. last is· pre.sently residing or dom.i9iled (RULE 4, IR~_-:t
·names. · ·· · · ' . . · · · : : .. .' . of R.A. 9048); or . . . . · .: · . . . ..:,,.
2. . Migrant . petitioner :.... refers to a petit.ioner 3. · . .With the n·earest Phillpp.ine Consulates, fqr·.{
··whose present ·residence ·or domicile is differerit citi?,ens of· the Philippines - w!'io' are presently, {
from ttie place where .the. civil tegistry .rec:_:ord to ·i'esidliig or domiciled jn}oreign·.countries (R.A.. i~
be corrected was registered.. 9048, as amended, Sec .. 3).· ·. ·1<


... S_P,ECIAL p:Ro-cEE:DI-N:GS
·Of 'MA A Ni waw-s IMRUM

Petitio11s, Availed: only pnce: . . The petition. and .its supportinq papers -shalt be filed
_-Allpetitions for· the. clerical or typoqraphtcal errors . in three(~) copies-to bedjstributedas follows: ..
. al}cl/o~ change of ·fi~sf names. o"f. nicknames may be 1. First copy to the concerned city or municipal civil
-availed of only once _($ec.:.3). · ·. registrar,·or theconsul-qeneraf ·· .· . •
2. $;'econd.c:opy to the Office .of the Civjl Registrar.
Hence if a 'person has a·vailecf of a -p~titi.oh. for General: .and ... .' : ··., .: .
correctlon of clerical or typographi<&°l-error i.md~r"RA 3. : T~i"rd copy Jo the petitloner- (R;A. No.. ·9048 as
9048, and he. wantsto correct-another clerical or : .' ·.-'amenpedbyR.A.-No.".101-72,.Sec. 5)... · .:. ·. : .
. ·· tyJ)t,graphiC81.error~· he··shtiUld:fii~·.a· petitiJ>n ·witti the · · · ·
RTC under Ruie· 108.· · · . . · Pub~lcatlon Requirement·; · . ' . : . · .. · ·
.· . : .-·, ·.' · :, . The· p~tit(o"ri. must be' published~ at. least onee (.1) a .
. Hol(fever;~ if. ~---persqn_. has- (i!l;ld:· a petition· for "week for·t_wo,(2) consecutive weeks. iri· a1. newspaper
correctton of clerical or:1typogr'aph'ical·Srr.ors, he can · · of genera!."circulation.. · · ·. . . . . ·. • · • • ·., • •

~ti!.' avail of a. :petitro11-for: charge, of first· name or .. . .. . . . .. . . . .

rflcknarne, and vice-versa. .' . : . ·. . .. . . N~te'.Publi~a.tio~-6~1/i:!pplie·s irithe:.follo~ing ~ses:
· · · ·· ··· : • ·· · "· . ·. -· ·. 1. Change.,of"fii'$t name; or ... / ·' . . ... •.
. Form of-Petition·· .' .. · · -~ 2.. ·co~rection,ofenfryconcerrunq.day.and month of.
·. The petition rnµst~e-~erifie.d.(R,A No.:904?, ~ec. 3). . . 'date ofbicttr-ri"r· ·: .··.: ."-':·: .· . :· . . .
. ~ .. · · . . ~ · · · .. · '. .. ·.~ ·. · . · · . :. ·. ~ .. · · . · 3:- Co(rectiO~- ~-f ent~y-.. conC'e~niflg se~ of person
Th~· petitioh shall' -bet. in-.:th~· ram:,·_ of ~n
."affidavit, · f~:. · · (R."A, No. 9048·as amended by R.A. No. 1Q1.72;·
: su·b~cribed . and· siiyorn'.. to· before any persgr.1\:>:i( . . . . Se'c.·5). . · · .' · :· . ' · .· ·. : .
authorized by t~~ 1~w to administer oaths_. ·rfi-A/!!~{tf>·t}·· · ..·. . · . · .- · ... :·. .· .. . . . . . . ·:
~048, Sec. 5), · . " · : · . :, . . . · · q:.::;.~~ f;;.l
Dµti_es··9f.the,c;_1fylMunic1p_a_l C1v1I· Reg1str~_r or the
. , ·· ·: . . · · ··. \; i, ... f:'.t;!-.Co.nsul G~JW[al: - · ·.. · . , . · .. . ·
ponten_ts. ot" the Petition~ . , ... :. . . . . . . · A;/''· ~,;,f(;f,t1!it.t~~x~~J~ffl t~e-' pe!it!on,. anti _it$ .. supporting
1. · The facts nece$sary to establish tl}~.rr(lent~· ,of~.Y¥1 ·. cfo'ctmer;its; • ·. · ·:. : . · . .
"the: petition;· . ·, :, . ·· -. (,,..,.~"::.. .. ,,~) I 2. Pos"t · U;(~jl petition "in !:l conspicuol'.Js place.
'~. Th:at t!1e petitioner js competent tb.J~f~!Y to t!];iJ.:-k~· pro'{idlfdff 1t,ir· _that . purpo_se_ fo_r" · ten (10)
. . 111at~ers-.stated; . . .. ·.,. ..,r,;.;:i ·
~,>·~.f . ·F · con:>ifoJ~Y~~tays_ajtertie ·finds the petition a~d
" 3. · The .erroneous_ ..entry ·whiS't.,1:ifEi sol(_@"tit':lto··b~ ... ~1\- . [ts··~JlPPO!tings· jn
doc1;11.nehts sufficient form and ·
1tr:i . ·
.. · .··c~rrec_te~ (R.A:.No. _90481:,_SfJc_,.5). i?'.-;'i . : ·. ·. "\ ,·s!!.t:?.~~nclfi_·· \ : :·. . . · . . c: .,:
· , · . . ·. ·; · · :·-,:J7 ·r:.c~p- · ~'>· hi. 3. ~~-~~gj~,.;:P,..Ule>h:al)d_ .rel)der a .dec1~1on n9t
k:} ·.
-Annex~s to the Petition: ... · "<!:, · . ~:;;;-1 ~ ·· c-::,J) ·later"-!'Jmi..9~1ye (5) working_ days after the ..
for · (; , .
1. A certified.true 'ni.achirie copy"'on~.Ir~ce.'f{Ift"i;:ate com'pletiOQ of :the. ;P"osting·· ~ntl/or. publication . ·
. ·of ttie. .P&ge 9f ttie reg!s.try b!?6~.c;:.ont~i)iti11g,Jfi~ 1"/or~·-.r~.quireme.nt-;· . - · . . : . · · .
·· · entrie9 S(?ught to be.cQrrectecror.clt.Jj=!qffeill;_: .. ·. . : J..;>·,q4t1>.11\ransmit a cop.y of hls :decision together.with the.
2. At least tw9 -(2)· public 9r prl-v.~t~(.~ocu9:1e')IS-~::.:' ..u.tl!~!±re~<ff;dsl-<?f
.., the prp_ceediflgs t6 the Office ot'the
.:· '. s~owing_. ·y,e_ · corre~t . entri_e~. (ufo_l)· f:,v¥{i9h:. · . Q,ivil Regis_trar Ge_neral within fiye (5)· wo"rkir'lg
· . :. ·· .<::orr~ctio~_or char:ige:sh~Wbe bc;~ec:t~:,::':'i.: :- · . ~ays fro.rn the. dat~ of th~ deqisi~n (R.A. 9.048,
·3, Other documer:its which the· petitioner or. ttie city.: · S~c. 6).. . ·
.; .or mtinicipal civil" registrar cir the. con~uJ general . . ... ·. . . :... ·.· ..
11;1ay con"sider r¢1~v~_tjt-" a_nd nece.s&cil'Y.. for tpe.-· · ... · D!Jtles an.d Powers' Q,.the Civil Registrar General:.
. · appr<:>val.of.the p~titior:ii .· · ... ·. . · · :·,.: · .,. . ·:-· . .1 .. Wlfhin Jen .(10) working c!li1yS'tr9.in receipt of.the.
k For cqtrectloh·.qf.e1mn.eoL1sentr:y-of dat~ of b.trih · · . ·decislon. .gtan~ifig· the· petition, th~ ,Civil Registrar ·· ·
· or'the sex of·a person:··earliest.scnqoi record'·or Genera!_·.s~aU .exercis·e."the power to "impugn
.· earliest school ·.documents: SUGh as, but not. . such decision :by W~Y of. ·;;1n obje_ction .based: on .
.. lli:r,ited-~9;'n,:~dicj31_re49~ds;__ baptls_mal c"ert_i.~_catE;_;'.. .the.-follo\Ying .gr:oUnds: . ·.·.- .. _- . . . ..
""and .at.lier .. doc~ments isqued· by" religious.·. . a. The! erro-r-is· n~t cle~lcal or typograptiioal;
.. authorities: ·. '' : . ·.. .. . . . . . :b .. T~e .correction of entri_e"S: is· subsi;;inlial "or
. 8. :·For. chan.gEi ···of gen.cfar ··~rrected:" certifl~atiqn. co'nfroversial a·s it'affects the civil"status of-a .
i_s~ued .by. an. accreditecl governmerit ."pljy~iciar:," pers"on; and - . . . . . .
attesting to the fac.t that the .petition·er. has. not c ... The!· b_asis u_sed ' In changing the first . or. r
underg"c;>ne-sex thange or sex"ttiinsplant:"·ari°d ; . hickname of .a person does not fall under .
6, Certification. from· appropriate ·law, ·enforcem~rit ·· . . .. tho~e provided by. law. ·· . ' . . ..
agencies that the petitioner has no pending case· 2: · The· Civil Re"gisftar .General. shall J.n:m'iediately
or-no criminal reco"rcl. (R.A..'9048, :sec. $). · . . · no~·fy the. city/municipal civil· regist~ar or the
' · ' · consul general of tlie · action taken .on the
decislon. · . ·

. .
SAN BEDALAWcp-rr~1iw BAR OPE~ TlQl'!S~ M£M_ORYA!D 2019

... , i(the Cfvil Registrar ·Qenifral-- ·fails .to-.eX~rcise his Procedu_re: Republic ~~t. Noj048 ..
P.OWer to
impugn within the prescribed period, tne: .
decision of ·the city/municipal civil· .registrar or. the
. y\ffidavit·with -supporting ~cicuriieots (3 coples_j
consul general shall become final ~.nd executory.
. : . .. . . . . . .\ .. .. . . ------- --
.... -------
...-..-_-_- ....... ...

Effect. of Appr'ovlng the: Petlti~h for CMi;,ge.. ·of '. ·)t chanqe · . filed. wit~ the·Ci~ or. Municipal ' . ·
·. Name . . · · .: . _. first nam~J. · ·civil registrar (Loeal .Civil : . ·.,~.
. The _change shatlbe ·reflecte.c:fin the birth ~e~jficat~-- . . nickname; . . ··- · ~egistrar !~¢~]) \Jr Consul" . - _'::.1,
'. by way of rnarqinal .annotatton. tri. case. there are ·· 1.Two· weeks , , _ -~--~~
other civil registry recordsof the SG1me person':Whicfi .· pubtlcafion .- .' · . . .· · . ~- . . . ··:· :t.'
.' are affected- by such ·.cha.nge,: the _decisi9n. of 2.Certification · · IW-day·poslirig by-the LCRor · ::.;
. approving the change of:fir$t--.na_me in.·the birth thafthere is · .. ·-.:consul.Gepera~ · .. ·.;J
. cirtificate, upon lilecomi11g .final .arid executory,__ shall .
be sufficient to be used as basis in changing the first
. nam'e cit· the same person Tn: -hl~ 'other affected·.
no . pendjng
:-::n~l or._·
·. · · .~ · ...
or Consut ~~neral: 5 <:1ay_s to :
· · . ACT on the aoQlic,a"tionl · ·
' .''?;

~6~ -<~
records.without need tor filing .stmltarpetttlon. In
such -a-case, ttie successful petlttenershall' file· a·
·-recordj .·

. ·--k:3rarJtsl· : .
- . :
·. · :- ·.-_p'eniest"-... .'}.~
request in writing with.the concerned LCR or. Consul ;-·_'.....,..-...--..,....-..;...,:~.:--------.;_--. .,;;,,
to make such marginal annotation (/RR of_R.A. 9048.,_,..,r:,:r=r~,.~- tr~ansmit d~clsio~ & records to Civil . . ·
lJ .J\ .. ::.:_,~
. . . . . . .tff,;~~--- ~ . ·,:_ ~ / /,';- ,.
· R~L~. 12).'. : · ·: . _.: · ·· : · , .. · · _ . ~~:· ~\,:~tr?r_~~~e;:~ithl~?-~or.ki,~g
;, · ··
>:.._ ' • . • . ..• _ .. _·. . • .. , .: • '·',t

. · -1~\ V/[~:~"-~-€t~,r :_~~~~'ie~~~6~ .

.· · .

· . fh.,_"'-V//':
'/j':;(_~ "~

· ·
..- "'"''"''''''"'~~

. 1vr il~i.n.J,?.(d_a.ys\. ~f not impugned,
·.i,:ci,~ee~s~na;_:._.-._. :'..
Geoerai1}i~y ·;,, \ and executo_ty~ ·· ."
.· ·
· ·'.ll
: . , fl. . .I{ • • · ,. } ·• • impug'n lbe'" ,; i. ·

~-l---:- _ l ~,~i~~_. ·:t:~tfi~, ::~1=t. .-·.· . :·. .

ii ~ // · . ~- ' ~ ..,,,...a~t:isionb' '-.v : ·i : : · ·.. . · · · · ·

r~.-·_ :o\~ ..
·-:,¥-0 . ~)n---_
. •t,. d)\ ~-~·~ ,': .,' .c, ! . . '
~l .

\ · . · ,, .. ~n . · ~ ~ ~ify.t~the /CR or,.

__ nsul .....-~--,,i
, . ·-\. . ~ . : ._;,; f ::,,i · i1~ral" 'th. the a verse
.. .
. ·. \(.
·. ··
. ·. ;~. SCIEN'l. ~-. ,<jP'
. -~ : . · .· ecisiori,,
~ . i' . : . I :' :.: • ~ptr::
. ~;::-~-"="".«.---= -:~· -~ -~''"',,,. . ,. -: Regi5.tr'af
.· · Ui." .··M··.
~ ·1 ~<?fter~0. 'SµI '':>_er:i.~ralsh~n,:. . .. _.Genera~
· ·. • . Ji. U: . \ ~ ~ · t1fy pet1t1onerl .·
. ~""~,:=- ....
--· · :a::a ·• · • :flle ..app_i"opriaie . . :--_ ·t"
. \ ·.. . . •'. . . . . . . . . •· peiiition with the' t
.... r.,Ao.tl9n·for.Reconside.ratfon · · proper court! ... :· rt
-~i~h ~i~_l:Registrar'9en~_r§li -.._ ·. . : · ·., .. · ~~
.. . :l
Not~: I~ ~s:e: of. a i'lligrant_ -p_e~iti6ner; pe.titi~n .":
shall· pe. posted first at the office pf the ·peti\ion: ·;.-:
the; 1
receiving Givil· registrar for teri (10). com1ecutive days __ ::;~
before s~nding_lt to the r~cord,keepiiig.civil. reg'istraf :;i
· -(~KCR). Upori receipt," ~he _R-~CR ·shau··-p_ost !39ain :~
the petiti?n , \n ·his . offip~· for -:.another, t~,r\ "-C.10) J
· cons~cutive day~ (/RR of R;A 904:8, R.1../LE:.9). _ · · · · },
·. . . : : . . . . ·. ' . . .. -~r-
. · In th.e cas~ wher,e ~.person's civil registry."record·or ·-:t'l
· records-were regi~tered in .t_he Phjlfppines or' i.l'.l any. Jr.~
of th!:!_ Philippine· ~ohsulate_s, t:,ut :the p.erso.ns. ···;~
presently r'esides ~r is domiciled 1n a· foreign cour:itry, · !_
posting ·and/or publication, as the case may be, shall . ;··

. ·. . • ·-:,1,
. · . ·i
494 2019

• ~J~
,., the place where the record souqhtto b_e. corrected is
, kept (IRR of R.A. 9048, RUl.£ 9). .
~ . ·. . . .. ... . · . : .
f ·Groun(is_ for Impugning the o'ecision Granting
~ · the. Petitlori-, .·. · ·. . ,,
1. Er(orts not.clerical or typo,graphic,;11; . _ _.;..,·
C 2 .. ·correctio,<of an.
'entry. or. entries in the_ .clvil
r~gis.ter_.)~ . suosti;ihtj~I: or controversial 'as it
~-··· .. · affects the civil .status of a person; or ·
i- '.3... The basis used in charigi'ng . the: first name, or
,·, nickname .does 'riot f.all under aryy ofthe grounds ·
1/ :,(R.A: No. 9.048.as emendea by ~-A No. 10172,.
[;;Sec:7j:· .' · .. ··: . .. ·'·:_.·. ,.·
,{'r·.. . .. '.· ..

t. (

.. ·.
. r..


. ....
: . .;


------------------------------------------ -- .....
.··. . wi9·
. AID .

, ·• I , •. . • : •. , • ·, •. , ' , • .-

'COMPARATIVE 'CHART.:' R uLE 10'3, R.ULE ;t.01$,.·R.A.·9,04,B, AND

. R.A::i.0172_. . .
,·. ·..: .. , \.

Change. ~£ fuli name·. or

.C.h°ange_ .of first Mine or· 'cqrrect!Qn.. tif clerical or
surname . (substantial nickname .and .ccrrecuon typo'grc;iptiical. errors in
corrections)°-:- of . clerical · errors - of
entries ·in. the· C-iviJ date 'ot ·birth or sex of a
• • • •

'.Registry··~· .,- · ... · person ·· . , ..

(typo9rapMica1· 9.J~el'~al'~~; , -. . . · · · ·· ·
errors ~h~~ I\·:
... ,..
_[_ ..
L.~-- . .\.:.
J -l~-'r ·I~
.. ~ '\ . .1 ~

. Heartnq
. ~·
is necessary
. -.

.Signed. a~d verlfled -petltion: Verifi~d petition- in 'theform of affidavit·

($ec. 2),' · · · · · ·- ·:
,:/ .
. "

RTC of the provincetn ~tiich 1 ... Local civil -regfs.try· office· of ...the city, ..of RTO of the ci~y or provln'cei;)
petltloner resided. for "three . . rnunlclpauty where the record being sought -to where .. the : correspondlnq . r~
(3) years prior to filing (Seo. · -· · be corrected or chanqedis.kept; · · civil registry·is·1ocated ·(Id:).' .j
.•. 2): ·. - ·. "• ' ... · · . . . · ·.i
2.' ·. Local civil registrar' of the place _wtJere the
interested · party is - presentlyvresidinq or
dornlciled, if petitioner lfa~;'already migrate<;! to
another place fn 'the. country;

3.. Nearest Philippine consulate 111 case ~f cltlzens ,

___of the -, Philippines -re~idlng or. domiciled in· ·.
for~igir countries.

496 'I. ·2019-.SAN

-SP.E.Ci'AL. p··ROCE.Ef)I N·Gs: ..
· ... MHRIE, . . ~ .. . . ·- . fiiWH M ... x& . .


1_. · That petition· has a f.·: Fa~ts.. necessary· , to- 1. Fads.. necessary . to 1._ ·That. petition has been
· bona ·n.de .resident of the . establlsh the mertts of · ·eswblish the .merlts bqrj'a fide resident 'of the
province '-where.. · · the · the petltlon: .·.. , · . .' · . of the petition; -, ·. · . . province · where . -. 'the ·
. petition ls.flled for at least. 2 .. That the petitioner ls 2 .. That the petftioner is · petition is filed for 'at least. -.
'. three.' (3) · ye;;ir~ 'prio~ to .. :·.c()m))et~nt.to testltyto competent to Je_stify :.. · three (3) years prfor to the
the date of such .filing;· . the. matters stated; . : . to the matters stated; . , date 'of such filin:g;_
2. The cause for which the 3.· Particular erroneous ·3. Particular' erroneous- '2. The cause for' which the .
change,of petitloner's ':erilr'Yor entries, which . • entry. . or . 'entries. . . change of: . petitioner's
. name j~·sought;. and. ~ are :.so1.1ght .. 'to be. which' are sough( to]". -narne is' so'ugli(and . . .
3.. The name .a~ik~d tot' . - . corrected and/or . the' be corrected . and/or; 3.: The: name asked-fer . ·: .·
. · 4. ·.All nam~s by.whi.c~ .. · . ~tiange spllght to b_$ . the chang·~ souqhtto: 4. All·:: names by.· :-Yhigh ..
· . petitioner ts known (/cf.) .. · made; . ~ .- be made; ·"' . . petitioner is ·.f<l)o.wn:... ·
· · · · 4. · All': names qy ~icb. 4. AH narn.es by which,
.: petifio'ne(is·".!<now.n: .._ petitioner.is known..
... •.•
· · . · ·s:· ?e\itiori '.. st:ic!II. . be 5. ~etition .: shall· be
,· . supported, : . ·by - ". the _supported . : .by .· . the
followJng.'dcicµrnent~: · · folJQwing documents:
~ ..·.. :L.·, 'A . · c~·rtl{ied · .. ·.t~.7i} _.- i. -: A c~rti~e~ true .· : · ·
. .mach1_ne. ,~opj"~ ;· . mach1!:le, _copy of ,
th·e.cer,tit191t;9'~~i\ th.e . c;ertlflcate ·. or .
· · ·· tlie, ·page .~r:ott:\'1.e: 'J,\' · cif t~e page_ of the·
,regis~ry_.. \1 ~~~ it'...:..C"/e,9ii>tfY.~· ·boo_k • :
.. ~~
v ...
11t-.t ~1·~11t§1mr:rg1·- the
, , ·- --= ,1~f"'t" "Ff'{ · • \·
e.nt_%;'1j}r· entr~.es;, ·. :· ..~n.try•.L.0~i.,e.'!tries.: .
\ ." ... sefu!'.ltit to ~~'>~' . ·. · sought. ;~~ · be .
. -cfo1i:p0fed : · ~>o;i, · correct~~ i or ·
· ._ - dMnS~~../.,. -~ :1 · ·c1:iange'cl;· · ·"' · .·:;·
.· -:&.~:Af· . r'e£ikbtwo '{2)' \ . _' if. At le/st' , ~o'(2~ · . · .. .:,
ff:-,'? p~~~!-~·. or _..prlv.a.t~\·,;·. · _.p_ub'lr·pr U pi:i~\te· .
.. . . , . !~;,,, ~0£9-nJ..fO~~t:::;_, ,, :t, .~. ·. . d~~W.~'ff:tl~~f:~1>··
. -<! ~f.~'~ c-~Hhe•,, .. ·. :-sliowi~fo!JJ:tJil""e .
, ~fu~~eGt\: entry/ o{ ~ . · ·.'· ¢orrect · entry. or ·
· ~~n~rieg\Upon·whlcJ:f ,.,...,,.~.-~ritr-ies ·.. upon
th1i:.:.,c12tf.e.ction 'oy.l<:"'''1~;-~'·wh.iE:b · .. · the
c.r,;rrg~ .~.lii}J).l;s;ti·e•~!:,;.,s~6r.rip·h~11 .. or.:·. .·. · .. -
...· ~~.s,e~;:a1ij ...· ' ·. change_ shall . be
hi: ·om~~~tiQcuments -· based; and · · .
. . whict,,··~ti(i.~:m·.·or iii. 'Oth'e'r'. do.cumerits
'.the . . . city. qr : which petition 'or .
· . mur.iicip,al r~gislrar . · the · city · · or- ... . .·.
·:.or·· .. the· con·sul -. . · · municipal : · .. .
... ' general : ·. may .. or .
registdir.. the" .. :, ' :.
'CQ_nsider· , relevan( ..: CQnS~I general· ..
and. necessary for : m'ay .... con~ider
·tne·appi'qval of the· refevant. - and ..
petitio'n, . ·. . necessary for the . l
· .. , : appro:val of 'the
. ,· · petjtion.

No petition for correcti_on · .~, .. :,

·of.: error1eOU$ . entry, _ ~ :: .

concerning .th~ date of . ·

birth or the' ·sex of a . ...
. persor.i . shall be
·~ntertain'ed except'if tt,e .'•
·petition ..is a~comp_anied
by.earliest sch9ol record
.or earliest school


~!iJ!Srlil;;;:i;:m-llllll!IIBllllm! .. ---i~----.--------~---------.--··. :·:,/.i
· sP.·E'C:1.AL ·.PRbc·e.-Eo·1 N'GS:.·
:SAN. BEOA !,AW C~NTAALIZED 'fJAfl, OPER:4 TIONS - MEA:!ORY AID.2019 . ·. ')f.,

· documents such as, but

not limited to', medicai ' '.
records, · . 'baptlsmal
certhioate,.' and- otner
documents · issued · bY.
. religious authorltles: nor:
sriall' any entry involving
~hange. :of ... gender
corrected except. if the
petition is accompanieo'·
by a 'certlflcatlon issued .:
.. )
· by ·: ;an·. · accredited
·government·. 'physic;'ian
·· attestinq to·the fact that·
· the· petitioner· 'fias not
undergone .sex- change
~r·sex transplant.·. . .· . ~
. . : . ,-~

: Name ·.~i~ ,. ri~icul~u~; ~~itidner. ft~-9*'.:fhe j;1 ~.

tainted· with . dishGn~r .._,~rst' . ·' hame~·."70: 11 t;~~pogra hieal e{br.
and extremely difficult '.!:'t~ ~i~k~~ . , t@~~fil-:".;j'P 1~
·,tiii),~ · : .· _'. 1. , J
. 'J;§J.; ·.
,:,j;! i~·

. .
· .I v')
2,. Consequence
· at. r ~~lh :z;~~·,
trinor ffiN J./!),
chang~_of status; : .. : . ~ ,.Ji·. e~t~erri~~~1:f,~u,Wt o
~o/ .'.

1 -:t,;.0 · ·.
.l(j~·f'./ri;r. 1·


3'. N~cess1ty to avoid·~- wn\~ or p ~'b~ . · · ,,.;,.f .:$S ·. ~, , . , .A' :
·~ confusion · · 2~ The~w t1r-~~.,/' -~ . , · ~··· .J'.
4 .. Having conttnuously "'~or nl'C~Qa~'(,~f~\J.y,#"'?'°'·:. ,. ")'!: · ·
used and been known .. '%._£en,· ~~itu.etly-~u:l. · ' .1. ~~- b,,.:..,jr·. .
stnce.. c:f.iildhpod by a . COA,tlrfU.Q.tl. l~L£5ec:f-ey. ·~. "":\\.,.i\:. /' .
Filipino .narne, unaware p~tlti8r.u~r· f'l~he hal.: If· I,\\...\ ~,i-/'- · .
.. ofalieh par~n~age; . . . b~em puB'llbl:y..,knowh~~£.~-:>''_"·
5. · A ..sincere : desire .. to ·. : by that. first 0ame"W
•· ·
-, ....
adopt a Filipino ,:iame to . · nicknam.e.·. ·in .. the ;. , .
. eras~ signs. of. former '. . community; 'o.r .
,"a11enage'alf in.good' faith 3. ThEi . change': 't,'.itl
.· arid witl;lout p,rejudicing· · ·avoid ·: coi"ifusion
. any~ody . . . (S~c,4).
6. When tt1e. surri~me ··. ..·· .
. :causes em!)arrassment
. anc:I there is·no showing
that the desired cha.ng'e.. ·. :_

: · . o( . nam.e - w.as . ·for a .

fra~d1,.1lent· purpose or .
thc:1t t.he change.of name ·.
'wouic,l prejtidice ,pubfic
·interest (Republicof the . . · ., )
Pt,i/ippine.s v. · Court of . ·
AppeSls;· µ.R. · No. ·
.8~202,· .December 14;
1998).. . ·-~

"-----'---------"-----------'.. . . 0.-------'----'-"-------""----'---- "l ,:.'f'

. . I. 20l@·SAN
498' . .
. ;
SAN ~EDA.I.AW CDYTRAf;.IZE[.) 6~~ OPERAT/Df.lS .~ ~1£MORY AID 2019

\t feast once :_a week for At least 011ce a we~k for-two (2) consecutiveweeks At least, .once a. week fqr
hraa (3) consecufive weeks (publish the whole affidavit)-:in cases of chanqeof three (3) consecutive weeks
1 a -newspaper of geriera1_· first name: or nickname;- ln - addition to -th.e'posting 'in· a. newspaper of general
:irclilation· .in·: the .·prov.it)ce requirement, ... · · circutatlon ln the· province].
noticeand hearing}(S~c. 3), · _(nptice_ and heaying) ·(Sec.
. . .. . ~

{ot required Dufy-i:>£°.-the civii regi;tra~·or..eonsul to post petition: f\lot required .

in. a conspicuous place for ten ·(10) .consecutlve . . .
days. ,.

1n the case of m_igr~ht petitioner, tt}e· petitj_on stiall

· bEfpo~\e.dfirst at the offi9l;i of the Petltlon-Receivinq
Ciyil .Registrar (PH¢oj for ten (10) consecutive
· days beforesending ltIo the RKCR Upon receipt,
_the·.~K_C~ shall·ps()(ag:pJr. ~h~ !?eti{ion. iO'hlS office
· toranotherten (1 O~ e66secutlve -d;3ys,-(!RR of R.A.
9048, Acfminisfrati~$f.or{lJ,:.No.1/Se.riesof2001}.'
. : . ·. . . . .· P•t.,._11..;:j~..\- ... ,_ .· .· .· ·:

Civil Reqistrar Ge~eral"un.der Section .t, R:A. 9048

or.Gourt of.Appeals.under.Rule 4_3

. ' .

--------------------------------------------------·- --·--· --··-----·-·-·--·-··


. No· provrsion as : to. the The city or municipal. civll Thi city or munlcipal No provision as to
payment of fees registrar or·· the consul civil .. registrar- or the payment of tees.
·general . shall. . be 'consul general .shall be
'authorized .. · to .collect authorized to · collect
reasonable fees as a reasonable "tees . as' a·
· condition · for. acceptinq condition for accepting
the petitlori., 'An indigent the..petition.. An indigent
petitid,~er . ._shall. . ·be petitioner ... '. shau . be
exempt .. from . . the exempt · from · the
paymerit.ot.the said.tee, · paymentofthe said Jee.·-


.. ~


. ·.. ~
- ,


f· ...... -..~----~~~~;........,----~
S!m .... ll!lli:imllli'lli•.
;· · '!II···lalllRIIWlllil!ll#tllliM~-IIWllmiil::RM:ioim1111111GlmMIAMll!l!!WIII
il' · mll!IIIIIIJmilmlllllllllm:11

; . : J
RU:L~·104. .· : .RtJLE 1.0.5 ..
VoLu~TA:RY.Di:sso_i.u'i'10N OF AP PROV Av 0.F
; .. ' ~---......,...;..;...~---...;...-:-~--.....:..----.:..1

. OF l\lINOR.·N:ATURA.L.' '· .
i, ·. Note: Dissolution of corporations stiould ·n~w be · · ·c:ajLDR~N-·
r, filed ·with the s·ecurities and Excharige Co'm-mission . ·
t, and is covered l)y'Title XIV, Secs: 1°33 to 139 of the . · '
!,' · . ·R'eyised corporatlon · Code. of · the .. Philippines . W,::ider'th.e Family Qo~:~,'-t_h.er~-a~e.c:;n.ly\V:,o.ctasses.
, · •.
:·{herrqinaft.(!r,_:REV/SED.CORP. CQDl=J.
. . ·
<·.• of children, n~m~lyJegltimate'"~bd illegitfmate.·The· ··
five olsnnctlons among .varfous types of illegitimate· .
!\· -: A. · corpo~t.ion· formed .··or. o~g;nize~·-. ·under the children under the Civil' Code have beeri'ellmineted .
l. provlslons of. the . ·cqrporation.··. Code rnav .. be (Gf.!pusa,:i Chua v.. CA; G.R. Np. L-,46716> Ma'fch" 15; · ·
f: dissolved. voluntarily .' or lnvoluntarily (R.E°VISED 1990).. · ·· · · · · · ;· · · · · ·-· ·
; ... ·CORP:·ebbE. Sec. 117j.. .. . -_ ... '· : . .. ..... \· . ·:. ·.
:,· • • • r • .: :· • • Th:S matt~r 9fth~·fili~tjons of ifle$ltimate chil.dre~-an·d· .
( .. ·~odes.of Volurita'ry Di~s.ol.i.Jti~n. . . . . . the proof thereof is governed by,Arts. 172'.ar,d °173',
·; There are three.modes ofvofuntary.dissolutioru- .. : lrrrelatlon to.A:rt.j75 of the Fa,;nily Code: ..... · ·.
:... f. : Voluhtary. dlssolutlon- where no creditors are---,.,(.Z• .· · .
'.. · . ·. :affEfcted.•(CORP.. CODE, Seq. 134); · · '/0 ):'){ Volunt~ry -~ecognitidr'l°· ·. . . . ." . . . . .. : .
': '. 2.: Volunfary ·. -dissolutton where' :_.c·r~di~ors. ('~re/-':'.r\. AA· a~missiori'of the fac_t of·palernity Of: IJ:lc:1\~fhity b.¥ .
. : af!~cted;(90RP.CODE;Sec: 135); ~nd· \f'f,,,··.,.~:.1! the. P:es~me(;l_ p.a~e.11.t, .e_xpres_sed_ ·.m .·t_he·. form
3. D1ssolut1on- ·· by· 'shortening cor'porate -J¢'r(:i;ii '.',;r~·f--J:)j1f,E:1SJ2!lbedr.rJ~theC1~1I Code .. l~:3 es~ence Ires in th..e
( C.ORP .. CODE, ·Sec,. 136). . . -__,,., ,:;r · . "',(.) r1f1:·-11v~W§[~1~~·P,arenttHat-t~e ch11d is his; the forrilality
. ·. , . . . ·'. . . . /)<.,·< -f' ·
•; . IS· ~ddea ·nt·mia1<e_ th~ admission incontestable;. if.I
,... : An0~ar. mqde, of_ "v?luntary" dj_ss_olutiG{n b~):q( vie~ of the, 'f~sequ~nces · (~apus<f1.n Chu~. y. Cf\;
_ allo~mg_ t~e· exP.•rab_on of .th.~ .cor~,~~~~)!J~!.91
-~ ·_ ·f "\ stJprf?). . . \. . · ·· , . · · .. . : .
pro:v1ded ,n the articles of incor,p0fat10A.,of the .1,J. · .. · . ·
:cprporatiqn'' (VIL0NUEI/.A, g.f(;ffppin.e. '\c.ortfoiat~ ~~y ARt-._·_:i_t.~z._
-ff · ~ . , . ·
~he~ Hliatlon_.··.Pf. legitimate chlldren -i~ ·
··Law- (2013), p. 817). ·
.' ·. · · : · . ·.
__:;;i\y t,;.,,.
· · I\.J-i-:,..,;
,e_,,- )
. . < .. ( "'---~. ·"'_j; ,~~ .
:)'::·,;, ·t ·1
.. [~i!! estap..hs1:i~d,Jiy.,,.£!tiY1of
:,; ·1 · Tn~
~he following; -.
1 ··'' ··• -.:.- , M:i{~h'' . .. . . . h
-~t,~0 q{1t)P";#t'. ·app~aril')Q int e civi_l register.
· ·. .
. By virtue of R.A. . 8_799 (Sec~!i.E;:f:~~~'pl~tio~j .·i~\ .. · . or a fln'.a~Jl!.l~~rnei:it;·o_r: · :..· ·.. _- . : . .. · · . · ··
Coge);_ the SEC~s ·. Juris~liction ov¢r,-tne \dllowii:ig · l'f ~ 2.. A!l adrn1ss1or, of le!:jitn:nat~ fihatipr-i in a public
cases el)umerated_.under S~c. _5 of'P..;ID..:'~9,~}A _has·· ,~';7~:n.~.SX:uf!1ent _or a._private_ han~writ~e.n. instrumenJ
been . transferred
., .to. the approp_rlate
. J;?~gional !.~-
t;' / .
.,..,..~-~ ..,~---·-1-...¥..1..t._. ,-'. 1:?ythe·parent9oncemed._
.' .
.C OU rt• · .. , ...,. .. ,{, 'J· . .
1·:·_, D~yj_c~s.Oi"SCh.emesemployed by'~i.arw(acts'of . In the .;~bserice of the .fo~ego_irJg· evid_e~~e~ :the
. the, hoard ,of directors; busin.ess '"ass·~eiates, · · legitimate· fill9~i9.n .sha)I be proved by:. ' .' . : : · . : ·
o~ffcers/l?a.rtners· amounting · to . fr~1.1tl . or : 1, The oper.i a11d _co,:iti~uous poss.ession of.. the'
rnisrepreseiJ'tation detrimental to the interest _of/ status of a legitlm?te chi!d; o~ .· · .. · : . · .. .
· th~ public; . , . . : · 2. Any other means a)lowed. by the'f~ules Of Co.urt-
2·. · Cdnfroyersi~s · arising· outo(in.tra.sco'rporate. or and specfal la.ws (fAMILYCQDE; AR.T- _172) .
. partnership relations; . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .;_.. : . ·.... ' . . .. . . :
.. _3_. . Cqntrove.rsi'e·s·1n the election or appointments of 'N'ote: f,.:recor<j',of birth appe~rlng in. the.·civil regfster
. _tjire~to.rs·, tru'stei;ls: officers, .or ma'nagers; and is,-: g.oo.cr ,pro?f. '<=!~: :jt . proq.~1fds . from- an'.. offi~ial'
. 4 ..... Petitions .•. of' . corporations, partne,rship, or . . govern.!llent.. sdµrce, ·It is consid~red· ·a .. public ·
· a·sso.~iatici~· to: be declared in the state of docur.ner:il ahd_ .is. p_rinia}c!Cie evic:!erice of the, facts··
suspension of payi1Jefit&. · · ·· ·· thereir\ ,c_ol)ta,ined (Malic_d~m v. _Republit, ·-G.R. No.
.. . ~~1-rJ~_41, odober 3_~. 'ff}64): ·.: . : . : . '
An·, . admis.si~~ of l~gitl~~t~.·: tni'atjo'~· ·i~- ~- . ·P~~ii~:
instrument or a private· handwritten instrument and.
signed by the.parent c6nc¢rned is complete act'of. a
recognition without need of.col!rt action (De Jesus·\,:
De. Jf:Jsus, G.~. No:. 14?'87.7, Octol;)ei ?, 200'1).' ·. .


l ~~~,:s;~~------··~~~----~......
lllll!l~i.. ........ ~~ ........ ~ ... ~ .. .iiiii..... ~3:a..;~,r
· :,t
:.~ .


Resemblance · between -a ·minor and his· alleged
· parent · is competent · and . material evidence' to
... .: .surnarne of'th~ mother or chanqe ft tb the .surnam
of the father (Grande I( .. Antonio;. G.R. No, 20624Be ·:::.,
establish parentage (Tijing ii. CA, G..R. No: f25901,·· · Fe/)ruary.18, 200.4). · · . '· · "·
March 8,·2001):· · .. ·. . . ·
Deoxyribonucleic· Acid (DNA} testing is a · Valid . .
rnean_sof qetermining p~te~nity,(Agustin v. CA, :G.R. RULE.1Cf6
No. 162571,
June.t S, 2005).·
. .
.. · . .C(ll~{STIJ.'UT.ION OF -FAM-I LY
. . : .· . :. li(),MR . .
AR!· '173; The i;l~tion to .clai~ ...leqltirnacy- maybe
broµght bythe child· dun.ng hls or her lifetime·Md ·
during minority or
shall .be transmitted to the heirs should the child dle>.
in estate of insanity. In.. these : . r,lo.te:. The rul~ has aireadY. been :,ej,e~led ldi >
c<:1se.s,.the heirs·shall have a period of fiye (5) years Chapte(2of..T1tJe V ~f!heF;;JmilyCocff#.,w.hict)tool(···
within which to (nstitute_the.'action (FAMILYCQDE, effect on August 3, 1988. -- · · ·
f!iRT. 173).·. . - · .· .- · . · ... ·_.. ... ·· .- .. ::.:
.. . . . . . . .. . _. !h~r~' is .no. need to· co~s.~itutidhe ..)arfliiy: h~rr\~ .:/
·. 'Note: A_fjoal Judgf1lent is a ju_dicial 'declsion be~ri.ng .. Jud1c1ally _?r extraliidici~lly. ·:rt, the .family· actually· ..
9~ t~e status of t~e. c_hildrf:n as le~iti_ma~eand t:ien.9_~_,_,,_;.==:,.resl1~s,._m. ,:the ·, ~rem1ses; ·_1t !s .autornatlcally ,
_bmdml'.:! and conclusive: A final judgment is~ke.»ise'i ~-, ·%'01:~'~~d asa f~m1l_y.home as.?<?ntemplated by law
._a pub(1cd~cument.' Hence, final judg~~ot· ~~ir,g 1l, j .<'41_9ti':',i,qwl{~-_v-Breva; G.R_. No.. 86355, M,iy 31,. ~
from an ~?tl?n toclalm.leqltlmacy u~de.f'Art·J,i1?,-~..;~"'!fa-~~_t· ', {r ;;\,.... · ·. · . ,. . . : · :\
proof of f1hat1on. , · ~ \.y'.'r-·. · · : ~~ V' J~ · . · · · · ' . ·
· . . - . · /' '""..-> 1 .-'/ ...-.-·...JtJ.efarr.iJ!yJ;i.dw'e-1~ a i;ai::recl.synibol'of family love ·.
. f "< "?"' ""'"""' '!,,:-..~~
A finar judgment h9we'{er _basift;.9ri,,a;-tcimpromis,i:;,~F :~~~·,::i~tie r;'1:osi~vff.~herished m,emories.th~t last ·-~
.J\.. ~ y ~- • -~ •

agre~ment w.here the partiesjtipi:i~{iidan~ agrei!tf . 4~ ]l;.'~_nr:ig.;<:fe.~:u~lme_.1tis the dwelhng__ house where ..
on the status of a person ~1,s voi(f.. Conlractually ...t:::.··,, tn~ _husoa~d ~~d, '171fet, or an onmarned heaa of a· .
~gr~ei~g and establis~if)g thii c1w1~sfalus·oiif"'peTs'onzI" f~<:1~,:uly..,i:~s1de, .1r~ud.in@ the land QI') which it is.

i r-<=J°l
. ·
1s aga1~~t the·la".' and P.ublftpoliCf Art. ·2~35l~1f&f?,, ~~- s~edfCa_ba~f~B,~s.ay, G.f(. No. 180S87, March
the C1v1I .Code prov1desij t!)at~!po· co[)'iorom~~ • d 20~!J). . Q. · ··
ag~eement upon tbe _tivil st~t1.1~.f.~er~on~t1$.hall be~"· · · ·. J~lli _ ;! 8 . ' · ,. . · ·· ·
valid (STA: MARIA (1999), s;ugrw':'a.~i637'~'f:i,~J..r.~~- - .· ...Jl~e~f~t'MJS~--m ·~..?JW~1tuted_101nUyby the husband
.- · . ~ V_ ~ \ . ~J~.. . ~ ,k;JB9).~~ ~ye or~ Y ari1l{n:marrieq h~ad of a family, is"·
ARTICl,..E 175. Illegitimate cmildren "way 1fab~s,hrifjf:! · ~iiel.'.~teJ!ll')g·_J:iouse ~her.e ·ftiey and their family ·.
their illeQitimate filiatiqJJ in ttie ~ame w'a)I ;:ind'Q ~},, tr·e
.,,/~g~.,:id land,fn whichJt is.situa{ed (F~MILY ,.·, <"
same ev.idence as legitimate chi)·~_en
. " ,-~
.. ,, ..
S07"-0rt'fR-°zs, I:..
,_ Er~dU:X ... , . · .: LI'
At;t: 152): ' .. . '.' . :
. ·.
The ~?tio~ must be. brought _withiR'1fi~...s5~~;;r.i<R1~-~..fl.e' ...,~r:q/lYi~~s. dee~e_d C?nstit~ted on:a house ':
spec1f1ed 1n ,Art. 173, except when th~alti6J _is 1\:.iff. ~n,S.:~\\.{~vthe t1.m~_ 1t 1_s ·?ccup1e~ a_s. a _family
ba.s.ed on thf:. second paragraph of.Art.·172, ·m~i~h L'V)Llr~SJ~.J}~~--F_rom· ~he time ct
1t~ ·cdnstitut1on and so··
case the actlqn may be brought dur~ng the.lifeti.rneof=""~-IOR!f_as~l)Y · o~. 1ts .. benef1cianes: actually resides
the alleged.parent. therein, the.f;:im1ly home coritinues,to·be:such arid is'.··.
. . . :exern.pt frorn execution>torcecf sale aftachment .:' 'ot
In the.case of Gorio-Javi~r \.'.· CA, .it was held thattl:ie .. . . . excep.fas·.hereinafter pr-9vided and to
the extent of··· :
. due rec?gn_ition of ·an· illegitimate child in a record of the ~a~ue allow.edby_ law (FAN!ILY CODE, Ar( 153). · ...
birth, or in a w.iil; or in a statenient before the'-court·.
Tl.le. Beneficiari_es of a Family t,IQme are·:·
. . of 'r~cord,. or iri ariy, auttiE:ntic wr.itin!i is, in '.itself. ·a 1.' .. The ~usband and wife,·or 8!1 u.nmarriec!person
_consummateda~t of acknowledgfTlel'ltof a·child, ·and'·
·. who is.the head of.a-familyi',and ..
. no· furthe_r court ~~tio.n. is ri;;quired (Gono-Javier'v'.
. 2. · Their pa·re~ts./.-ascendants; .· descendants, · :.
CA, G.f:. No. 111994, Dece_mb.er·29, 1994J.' :. • brothers and··sisters,whether the' reiatiorishipbe: .
·.1egi~imate. :or: illegitimate, ·v.:ho ·are livir.ig ·in. the·.=
tis.e of F.c1ther's Surname·· . •, famllx home_ ·an.d wh.o_depend· upon the' nead of .::
Gener.if Rute: Illegitimate -children snail use the' . ·the _family for legal-support (FAMILy CODE Arl. . ··.
surname o,fthe mqt\,er, ·· , 154): . . . . · .' .
Ex~ei>tio~.=- _As a corisequence.: of the Judicial· . - ...
General Rule: The family name i;.hall .be exempt
RecGignition of the paternity by the father, .'the
from·execution, forced sale or:atta.chment · ·
illegitimate childre·n may use of the father. In further ·Exceptions: . . .
. . interpreting the provisi<:m, .the illegitimate children
has the .opti<;>n· whether to continue to use the
1.. For :no~payinent.of t~xes;.


----------------------------------- ··-·. -··-- .....

'.'.; For debts incurred prior to the constitution of the .
2. under. the clrcumstances, · the -abserit.. spouse is· ·
~- . family home; . · · . - · · . already dead, The mere absence of the' spousefor
, 3. For; debts .secured 'by rnortqaqes . on the such periods under. the law, lack of any news· that
: · premises.before or after such constitution: and _., . such 'absentee· spouse is. still. alive, fa)Jure. to
4. For. debts • due . to. -laborers, mechanics, communicate, 'or generar presumptlcn of. absence
architects, . builders., rnaterialmen and. others . _under the Civil.Code_would not suffice (Republiq·v.·
;:_. whohave renderedservlceor furntshed material Tempus, _G._R. No. 2_1.42423,:MarchJ6,2016)... .
'\. for .the· construction .of the ·builqi.ng (FAMILY
.CODE, Arj. 155).. · . .. .,: · ... : . Mere' allegations with~~t docu~~nts tb.corr6borate
;-:.. !he allegation and the lack cit any attempt to·se.~k-tM
i, ·Not~: ,-he· settled rule is that the·right_.-to exemption aid of . ·tne- authorities reg1;1rding. :..the .: spouse's
or forced .sale-underArt. 153.of-the.Family Code.is a' · disappearance will· warrant the dismissal' of the
~;' personal privilege. granted to the judgment 'debtor . petition ·.(Republic V. Orcelino-Villam.ie:va·,G'.R .. No.
and as sucrt.it .rnust be ..claimed not bythe sheriff, 210929,.jufy 29,__201_5). · ·
. btlt. qy the· debtor. .hlrriself before the . sale of 'the
,. . property at public auction. tt:is not $Ufficieritttiat the · · ... Procedure,in . the. Rule
. on. Absentees
., . ·.
.. person c,laimir)g exernptlon merely alleges.thafsuch
: prcpertylsa family home. Tflis claim for exemption' . fetiti;nforAppoirit~erit.ofR~pre;eQtaiiveI
·•· .: mustb·E: set-up and proved to:.the·'Sneriff. Failure to .~, ·. · - ·. · · ·' .,.. · '· ··. ' · ..
. . . do so would· estop the party fromlater claiming tti.e.. /'\ . . ... . . . . ,. '.
. .exceptien (Verso/a v,' ·CA,G: R. No. 164740, July 41(/J.J ·i·' . .of 'and : ' ·
·>. : :; . _: . ': aL?ff}i:i . :.
!APPlici:i'tioi1:fo(Decla~ti·on absenc~
. ... : : .. ~ . ; .. ·.·.· . . ·, -ippoi~1ril~nt.of :frustee Oi: Administratof.
· ·. · .Th~Jamily: !lbm:eshc!ll:continue d!=}~pi~e· ttie·deattj t·V~i.;f(:..,.,....~,.,..,c'-c _ . .,-. .,.._---~-i~~\·...,_
...-·-~---.--~- ..........._,..... __.
orie.or both sp~uses.or ':)f th~ _unmarried. he~d 5?fJll§;~{?;~[!!fi!'t-;;,,.'J;,,.i\ . . .
f~itltlY. for a penod of-t¢n-(10).yeJ1rs·9r foc{ls;,(png_as··-<·!; . · . . ..: --::-1\ · . . ,_ ,- .
. there.· is. a minor··beAeficiary; and. ttii,(9'.(drs.cann9t!t•• ~I .. 0

~m.~~ trerm1
. . · .- ·.. . ..
of Adm1rnstrabo.n/Tn,il;l~ees~1p·]
partition the ·same u~~e~sth~ court fin;p;~,,?{l'!"Pelli!Jfl.-,..--t~ · ·_. . !/--~: ~-
·rea_son~ therefor. T_~1s n1le. shall SJZPl¥,reg~i'£.ll~s of · .~ J.. _. -f . ~- \·
whomever owns the' prope~i~v·cons\1ttrte-ctth~-: t,~. n . ,,. . . .
SECTI_Of'. ·APPOINl°MENT , .. · .. 0 OF
family home_ (FAMILY OODEi~tt;J_159.t~?'; ·. · .. -~- ,'i.:f:t .
'(J• f'. ~-- .,,(r.) ~'
~E~R~f~~J~~ . . ·. . . . . . :
;t. i . . qx: ...,:i:,.,. J*{··· : i.,, •.~ . . . . . . l'!
__ ....

.............. - ......... · . _·.·-.-·,~::-·

...,·...: •..
• . . . · ''<· ~>;,-·,.,~
,F"_ .. ~;;;;·)..,.t
..:.,.., r::~
. Whe_n:~!:!1R~M!YCct(J~ppearsircim· hi_s ·domic!le.,. his·.
·. !! '· . ;,( · where1:1pouts bei_ng \Jnknq~n,,a11dwithoutleaving an-
. -RULE 107 I..~ ~ . .\'.\ .. t ~~( ...,...:..ag!=)nt to adminfster his property, .. or the. power
ABs'ENTEES. ~)"'.~{/ .: · . . ;,.
· ·
.J.1?'~;~6!trred'__ upo_n tti~ · agen~.: has expir.~~;· any_
· · ~,J . · .,.,.<".'~-" c,,,,-"~1nter.es~party;_relat1veor .friend, -may petition the
·. . ·., - . . ·. . . . .. ,. · ;· · ~~I 't: .· f (\/. . . ~Tq.of ttie place ):Vhe:r(;l tile abs~ntee resiqed ;before·
·Absentee 1s· one who d.1sappears frqm ~i~~oljl1icile . .f.us .d1sappeararice,. for the .appomtl'Tlent _of a ·person- .
:and h'is. whereat;>outs being unknown ancf without - : . 'to _re?pre:serit him; provJsionally. in :all., th~t._.0'1.ay.. be·.
having.-leffan .tgent to"admi_n_is~erhis property orthe ·,. ne~essary_(RO.C;Ru_le 107, S~o.. 1}. · · - . ,
pow.erc.onferr'edupon the :agent r:,·as expir.ed. -. .; . . ·. . . . . • . .. . , . ' .. - .
,. ;;11i~- s~m~ ~~1e_ sball be..otiserveq.when ~naer si~iiar': .
. Whoever cJajm s a'.riiint pertai~ ing. a pei&Ofl 'whose to ·-circums~nces'.the power c.o.nferred by thi;r ab.sentee .. - .
existen.ce is no_t,recognized·m·usf proye:thathe-was ·_. haf~xpired (CiVIL Cf)DE,A'rt. 381): : · : · .
. li-viag at the· tfm.e~~his· extst~nce··was nec·ess~.f"y in ...
orde( to-ac·cjuf.r1;1 said right (QjVIL CO.DF;E; Art. 39.3).·: · · Wher.e to file · · · ·· . •..
· · · ·' : .HTC.o.f the placewtiere tt,e absentee iesided before
Mere. Absence Wit!tollt. ··Effort .. to: Locat~: is hi~. disapp~ar~nce (RO.C, R~f.e 1o_t;:_$ec. 1).
· lns,l.ifficient. . . . . . .. . .
Before a judicial tjec1a·ratio.n of presumptive death · SECTION 2. DECLARATl9N·OF)~BSENC-E; Y'/HO:
can be obtaine'd, if.must be'.shown that'the ahse'nt: 'MAY.PETITION'--· · . . .. ·.. . .
spouse. h·ad been a~s~ht for f.aur (4°) c~osecutive.
years and .the present· sp'ouse· had a .welf-founded Note; 'This rule' i~ .based Ori Arti~le~ 384 and 3's5 of . '.
the Civff'¢ode.. · · · · .
. b~lief ttiafthe,:;i_b.ser:,tspo~se was a_lready d~ad. The
,-well founded. belief .in . the . absentee's .. death
requ°ires the p'resent i;pous.e°jo prove tt)~t',:his/her. . After 'the lapse 'of two · (2}' years frorri his
belief Wei$ the result Of diligent an(;! reasonable . disappearance . and withouf.. any newsabout the:,
efforts to locate the abs'ent spouse and that ·based absentee or. since thtfreceiptof the iast:news, or of
on these· efforts and _.inquiries he/she· believes· that fiv_e (5) years'ih_ case the ab·sentee has left~ ·person



in charge .of the administration his .property, 'the of. A person in.the armed forces who has·
declaration of. his . absenc.e"and appointment of a
· trustee or administrator may be .applied for (R()C,
. .' taken · part" i.n . war; and has bee.i-r
: missin9 for 4· y~ars: . _. · · . :
Rufe 1-07,· Se·c/ 2).. · · A person..who has been in. danger of ,
.. death. under other circurnstahces.. and '/'it
. Wh~ .may file· a petition. for -appolntment of his e,x)stence has hot-been khoWn for' 1-1
. administrator or.trustee: . . :. ·. 4 year$ · .
l: . Tlie spouse present: · · . . .· . · Present.spouse may re~arry
2. · The heirs instltuted in a will, who may present an
authentlc..copy of the same; r _- •. • .• _Petitl~n· · filed .. · for . declaration
3.· ·Ttie relatives who woulci succeed .by.the.law·-0f ·a_psence underRule 107 ··
intestacy; or ·.. . . . . .• ,, . .. . ,. . .. . .. ' . !i,,
4. Thdse~- Who" have.,·over. -the -property -of, the : fr years' ...Presumed.. dead _.for. all.; purposes, '\;
absentee some. righ(.··subordin~ted : 16 the irjcluding. the qpening" otsuccesslon, ir ....
condition of his" <;le~th.(RO_C, Rule 107rBec. 2). . the 'absentee disappeared after the'·-~
· ,,.:.. a_geC:Sf75_yMra._old, .. ·.- - '
. Purpose·'ot
·· · . - : .·• · ·.Petition
· . ·. . .. ·.. · ·· . : .· ·. . . ::· . . presum""'.
·· ,...,; . d~ad . f or. .,·a II . purposes,
· . · · ·, · · . ..
. The prn:n?rdial purpose of Rule 101 ·_ts to provide for 7 years . except for the purpose of succesaion : ., ::;:·
· · 1:ln admmrstrator o,.f the property of the absentee. TIJ~=.,-..· _ · · . . · · . · . -~·
~eJ.le~al' interest of the _soc!~ty fnay_r~qui~Jtiat·Yne-vl 1·. ~-;· _·._.,; ,. ...._·'
.Pres~med .dead. for,;.· purpose · of.?·
. property · does not · remsim aqando,.r:iea . wltl:!out :.._.... . ··· ~t;.a~~ op_emn~ absentee's succession · . · ·
·someon~ represer:iting it and _witJ;1,o't;it(~)-ciw~,,,.,- :~ElEOJ)!i&- JLWAYCO u ra at.541-542).' · ·
He~?e, _,f the. absentee left no_,fp.,rqp~r.t;es -rlsuch· ·,.....,,...... _ .· ··"'-.,.., : : '.,R'), ~\ · ! s. .P_. . . ..
petition 1s unnecessary. (Reyes!v.~'l,eJ?fJ~ .,,G:c~-;:p_-
No. L-32026· Jcinua . 16 198( e·"R-IGi.JERKsupre_ r=!S. ,.N~ r-~t1J101;t,!~~,JJ,efl~rati_on.o~
-=---r-. ~-' '-'l'r· ~- ·. . .
Presµi:npt1y_e De~th
hJ :1.,\
. . .· · . . .
230) ·, ' · _ry ' ;'/. 4t,,,,.,)f .; '
. / . .. J . , o~ ~tt{?n~ralt_ ~\Jle,r'.~ ; mdepe(ldent ... ~ct1_?n _ for :
1:l'~clarat\onof~rO-UT.f>~tO~of-;Qeath. . . ';
,One's· disq'ualificatio11 as
• • • • ·
aJ 'fie.ii"
If .. *'.''· ;'! • .
th·e, ;t6senfe~~-·
, -~,;r,-...,
·~!. J. : . · ·
i ·, · ·. ·
i .,.:..E~c;ep11~n: The£11.ee~:f~rdecraration of presumpt1vE?,.. ,.
· . . ·.
d_oes n~t mh1b1t him or heJ,fi'om/!pet1t~9n ng foFf~ ., ·',-d~alhtof-purpos.e5 ·ofJr'.t=imarriage· (FAMILy CODE :-::t
c:leclarat1on of ab~ence or 1~0 _,,b.e\ ~ppomJe&J as. ~~:wE!4'#.. 4-;)J · .~i~fU' · . · · · · : . ,~
'g ·.
·h' ·. ·. - ·· . ·. '·. ' ___:,-
administrator of the abse'nt~e's1.~$lat~(Ni\l_l~~~::'..~j~.
Villarnor,. G.R.- No. 842~0, JLtdP'.) 1(9
~~,, ·- ~hat to~ th~ pu~ose _ /
It is not necessary that-a dec,aration'lt:-fa~n~~u,. t~.,_i;i'y"~~ctil"\f .a ser,ond marriage; ~ t~~ present. ·
• · . . . ·• · '~ "<J "-.a, ~P-otrse musf file' a ..tsummary proceedm'g for the
made . . m. a proceeding
. . . separat\from
· · -,~,pner~~-a
·a);id · /@E'.~· "'"' ~,, f"'~I'\/
ec arat·1on,7"' of' th w'' presump
pet1t1on for adm1rnstrahon ((Rey s v. Alep:l'fl.dro~>'c·· '1n1:.:.~~:y,.-r .?~ "\t, /Y· · ·th "'t
, · ·1,1ve
•· d.eath' of the ··.
· ·u·d' · . t'o th > I tt • · ··
, • ~ '"'~.1--=e~ee,~'"!.''
No. L-32026 Janua 16 .1986). '\.
/0 '~.. 9,,u . p~eJ ice. e , a er.s

· ·
. ' ry ' ,
When petition.proper
, '
: ·. · ,
. -.. -~
. 13~ 2~rJl~~,-~~~
"'""'~EJ),a'1!f~~fa.celf:(,Repub/Jc ·v. Gran~da,. G.R. No. ·.
\,,,,,;;:f)1 012) .. · · ·
IV~ y._\.- ><-"""'' . .
· · ., . .· · :,
. =·-:-"'.'.'.'. ..::P-r:~9.•.~ion~ o! the_,Revised Rule~ 9~ cvid~nc~ on .-.:! 1
· Presumption ·of De.a.th: Th1:1t · after:-an ·absence. of. ·;;;
... s~ve11" (7)-y:ears;-"lt b ei!1g lJ°~knov,,I'):V<{h-eth1fr.ornot the .. '~1;1

. Petition· far.'·- . ~PP.oiotmenf ·i;r absentee.. still lives, he. is consii;jered t:lead for all .';;i
re'presentative-tini,:!er Rule· 107 except · purpose's, except for those -of-succession.. . . .. . -t;
if-the. ab.se.ntee Mt an administrator to .
. • ; • • ......
. ,
. rtianage_ his pro_pe'rty). . · · Th~.'~~~entee shall' ,:iot b~'c'onsid~fed de~d f9i: the . ,'.}
2 years.. . , purpose _-of ·opening .his succes~i.on. till after an :~i-
. . • .· .t.:
Present spous~ · may . remarry if the
. ...
ab_sen.ce. of ten.. (1.0) ye.ar,s. ,If he clis~ppeared afler J:
· circumstance.s mentioned·in (1) below · the age of seYenty-five f75)years, .an ab~ence of five . :.C,f
·are present . . (5) years · shall _·.-9.~·- · Sl!fficient .· in .9rder . that :his· . .:~;
_su¢<?es:>_i_o.n rnay.t>e openell .(RULg 131, S~c. 3(w)).·. :};'
Presamed dead ·for···all :.purposes.· T!ie following shall b.e .c·o.n'sid~red·dead·. for all . ·~
lnclui;:ling su.ccession: . . purp?s'es. _·io_cli.Jdintl. the: ,division of t1;1~·~estatE!, ··.-rr
. A person o·n bcian;:I a.vessel lost durinij· ·arriorig th!\) h!;lirs: (VADS) . . . . /J
,4 years ·. a sea voyage(, Or. an. l:len:>plaFre wi,icl:1 1. - A. pe:rs0n on bo~rd a Yessel.. lci~t·duritjg a: sea . '.·'-fJ
is missing, who has, n_ot b~en heard. of . voyage;or an aircraft which. is'missing, who has.· ,::
for 4 years since the I sos. of the vessel · not been heard of for four (4) years since the
cir aeroplan¢: . .
loss.of thevess~I or aircraft; : . / . ·. _


I:1:;· -

t· 2.· ,A
m_emt;,er.,of the 8rmf:d.forces who has taken ..
partin armed hostilities, arid has, been .r:n is.sing
· .+ s;,+sw

2. -Tha_t_the ,present spouse· wishes to.remarry; ..

: 3.. · That the present;spous~ has well.fol!nded,belie.f

.. . forfour (4)'yec!rs; · .. . : that the c:;1bsentee is·qea.d; and. . .. :
-: ··.3. A. person who has been in. Qang·er · of death . · :4. . That }he p~esent spa.use files a surn111ary-
v. . . under other cfrcurnstancesand whose existence- : ... procee9ing for the declaration of pr~s!Jn:,ptive
' . -has notbeenknowri fo'r.four.(4) years:·.and . .. ... , . . death of the ~bsen~ee '(Republic v. Granada,·
': .-' .4.. : If a man:.i~d person has been' absent for four (4) . GJ{_No, 187512,.Jurye 1q. 2012).. ,.· -~. ·
~ · · . consecutive ··years,- the spouse present jnay
, . . contract a §ubseqtient marriag~ if. he or she has a·
Note:· Th~ hearing of petition for the declaration of
·. .· a .well~foU.nded belief-that the' absent spouse' is · presumptive.death is a summary proceedlnq. under
[_;. already deadtn-case otdlsappearance.where the Family Code-arid.lsthuspoverned by Title XI.

'i.. )here; 'ls ·.. danger of. death: . ·under . the·. thereof; Article 247 the Family Code provides that
~ '. circurnstances hereiriabtjve'. provided, ·an . the Judgment' pf 'the' tfial court, ,n 'summarycourt .. ·' .
.. · absence .of onlytwo (2) years. shall. be sufficient. proceedings· .-shall '. be lmmedlately . final 'and .
:· for the· ·~u.rpo~e. of. contracting <a subsequent .'. · · · ~~~cutciry._:Thus, there: is .no reglementary, period
t;:. , , : i:narr,j~g~. .: 1-lo:,vever, i.rJ any , ca~e. : · !:>~(ore · · ... w1thil'.l· which to · perfect an. .appeat (Repi:Jblic _v.
i ·· . ' .marrymg ~gain,· the- -spouse · present · must. . .Narceda; GR.No. 182760, .. Apri/, 10, 2013). ,~ ·.. ·
~· . institute a. summary proceedinq-as · provided in. . . .
i··. · tl:u{ Family 'code and inithe .r\1les.. .tor .a .. ,.: .SECTION·.4i TIM~ QF,-HEARING; NOTICE;,AND
t:·: ,·.' · _decJ?ration. of. p,reS!JrDPliV~ 'OEiafti .of. :1t:r~ /~"', P.U~LICATI.O'N·THEREOf. . . . · · . : · · ·
lf.: : .absen_te.e!··';Yi.tt1_out' prejudice to .th.e_:eff~ct.tiP.1-:''lf :: :_,. . ·: · · .. : · · ~. ' . . . · .:.. · · .. · ~· ·
_r~appe~rance-oft.he pbsent s.pous~ (~ULEf:~Jlt;f:r:ti .. The G?~,rt s1!al\ fix ·the_ date an<:! plac;:e for hearing. ·
f .
f:-:: .
Sec. 3(W.)).. . . ·. · · . · .. · ... , . f,]V.?f;,.• ~til . Requli:~me:nts.asto tt.ie notice.of hea,rin,g - .. ·.
1• l;~i:f!,•f c.?,Ries.i:?f.t?...~.noti.ce:oft~e.time and place fixegfor.
ir. ·.
:; · .· · • ~: -: . .-.. · ... : ,. : .•.
r,:· · Effects of ~eap.pearance . .· . ~~,.=,rf'·~l\~tl:t·el\J.fl'i'fl'i~alrb~served upon the known .heifs·,
f·· If t.he abs~ntee ~eappears;.~r withqµt_ ~.P.P!.sfFihg h!s,:: legafe~~.s;~'.~~~e'?s,<;:reditors and other interested·.
;.; .'- ;ex,ste_nq~ 1s prove~. he ,shall recoverl'it$··proper:ty 11;1"-:-7,,i] per.sons, aql;)ps.Uen (1 Q) days b~fore the day .of the
1 tl)e.c~nd.i~ion in whic!'l it rn.ay be fo\m9{!~tl(!hepriefetr-~l. h~aring (R:fj<d,Ya_.ULE .107, Sec: 4), · ·
t· . of ·any pr9pe~ that m·ay h~ve·_bee_~~~ter:Jtt~· u} · . · . ·. .
tfe ·~
(" prope.rty_ acquired. ther~w.1th; ~!,!$,:-lie cti~.r?o.t.:cl~u·Il· ~~ · lt·shall b~ pJbir~\edonce 0) a week for three (3)
f l ;'!' . . · :, . · · · . ·. · · ,

f,-: · . eithedruits or rents.' (qf VIL'Cyitf~ ti.rl63.9jJ.:., ·. ·· ~\· ~i.;- · e:oQs~v,e.~E!!:lk\·-prior.to· the· time. de'sigl')at~d for
r ... · ·. .· . .• • • 'If."i,::, ~~~~ . ~"' ,),-,! th_e l'leaJ19g~}'i;icfiew.,spaper:of g~neral·circulation· in
.:-' The. subs_eq~_enttn~rric!ge ,bl't.9}.:. Pf5.~~r~~PO.lf\~ . · r:n· · th_e protiii'~~:e'(<:cr11?wh'~re the absent.ee_·resldes·, as
.. shall b~ au_tom~~ic~lly1ern:iinate~ b"r,~}!1~:,:_~(9ri:Jir1gp_f. r:;J . the court shc!ll.9eem·best (ROG, RULE 107;..Sec. 4).·
~ the. affldav,t,of reappearance ,of the(abser'it\~pouse, !J1~.-_..;..,r,··, · · .. · . . . · : . . ..· : ·
t unl~~s tl)ere· fs · a Ju_dgni_en_t ~rmulljn~~~p.(i:ifey1ou5.)";,:;;.~1~~1(l.5W--5. ~PPOSIT-ION · '. ·
~amage or· dealafmg · it· v_o,~ ·al) 1if1yo . (:FANffJ;y.;r:.t.~~-..,;.,,_, •.i:M~:.a!>__ · . .· . . . .·
copE. Ari. 42).··· .· , . . · ~ ,\ ' fj',J · · .. Al')yOI')~appe1;1ring,to.contestthe,petitiM shall:.
:, . · .· ·. ~,W·~ . · 1. State in writing· hls·grounds therefor;·_and : .
, · ·SECTION. 3, ·CONTENTS OF PETITION· ... - ' 2. · · Serve a copy thereof-on the petitioner and· other
~ : . . - . . . . :·. ''. : . ' :·; . : ... interestep. .. parties . on or before the, : date
0 1 ... The-jurisdictional °fa.cts;· . . . ·::--: . . .. de~ign1:1-te:d .for ·the hearing -(Roe; RULE .. 107,
·. ·_2, ·The mimes, i,!ges, and·tesioehc~s..'of t~e. heirs . sec. 5J.' · :_... .. . ·-:. · .:· :·· ·: . ·
.. . instituted 'in 'the. will, copy of which sh~II .be. · ·,, ....
.presented·, and. of the relativ.~.s 'who· would· .... SECTION ~-:P~OOF'AT HEARING;.ORDER ..
. . s'ucceed by ttiefa~ .qf)nteita_cy; . . . . . .:. . :·... ' .. . . . . .. . . ·,
3: ·: The '.l-:1ames. ·aod residef!ces of. ·creditors·, a11d .At the-~he~ring, c;mpi.i,;ince · ;ith. the provision· bf .
. · .othe,rs who inay.'have ·any adve!'rse'inle(esf dver · ·section 4 of this·· rule ·must. first :be sho,wii (ROC,
. the propetty'of_ihe·absentee; gnp·. .·... RULE .107:, ·sec. 6). . · · · · ·.. · · ·
4.'· · The: probable .value, lo9<1tion· ahd ch'aracter of · ·. . ..
. . 'the ptoperty belonging to 'the absentee (ROG, Upon ·Sqtisfacto~ .proof.· .6f 'the allegations· _ir( the
·· Rule 1_07,··.$~c. jj.' . . . · ..· . . : petitioo,·the court shal~ issu~ an order 9ranting.the
·. same anq app~inting the- representative,. :trustee .ci.r
· .Requisites for· the Declaration of Pf~sump~ive . ·adminlstratot'tor·the ~bsr,mtee. The.judgf3 shall take.
Deat!J under·tfre.F.a·mny:.Code. '· ... · : . ·. .the necessary measures to ~afeguard the rlgtits·and.
1. That the -absent spouse has ·been .missing for 4 ·. inte·rests. of ·tne. absehtee. and . shall specify_: th.e
cbnsecu_tive years, or 2 cortsecutive years if the powers, obligations and . remuneration of· .his
.disappearan~ occurred where' .there'is· d.anger, representative, trustee or. administrator.• regula.ting
under th·e circumstances -faid down· in Article . them· by the' rules concerning guardians 1
391, Civil Go.de; .. : · · ·· :· RUi,E 107, Sec. 6). · · · •


- .
r- __,.

SP£c;1AL-- PROCEEDl··NGS ":j

.. 1!11111111•11D!•i.m-.i•-IIIIIIII!•;..~.;/~

- .
In case of.declaratlon'of.ebsence, the same shall not --·· propert.i_es.in _tti·e hands of the wife may 'be co_mbi[ied~:";.
take effect until 6. months. after its publication .in a . . and adJud1cated in the same "proceedings (Peyer vs· ,;.i
newspaper of general circulation designated by the · . lvfartinez, G.R. No. L-3500, Jfi(lUary_.12, 195_1). . .· ··:.i
court" and if! the Official Gazette.. (ROC, Rule 107,
Sec: 6). · ·
· · .. . · · ·- r---~-----....;.__. . .;,. . .;
. ·'31~
;..,.;_.:·"·ilc: ,;.___ .:]}~
SECTION_7, WHO MAY APPOINTED~> s·e . . RULE i09.·_. -..
· In the appointment of a. ~epr~sentative, trustee, ~.or .
·: administrator:' · · · · . PRO_ClfEDINGS
- 1. The spouse present .shall: be preferred when.
-therels no legal separation; or' . : . . . - . . . .. . . .
2.. Any competent person; if 'the absentee Jett no ·. The PE:1ri(;)d of appeals ~n- Special Proceedings .sh~11:i,
spouses. or _if the spouse present ts.. a min.or: or ·be 30 days ~nd a record 6.n. appeal i~·regui_red."(:3A-·: ..
otherwise incompetent (ROG, RUI-E 107, Sec. HE;RRERA, Special Proce(!diogs;supra at 578)._ · .Yl
7). . · ,. ' - . . · ·. , ·· . . · · ,_. . ·. . 'i!•
_ _ . . s.ec,::_t_oN··1., o~oERS. o.R jupqME~_l's .FROM. J:.
. .The wife whols appointed as an administratix of the· .WHICH.APl;>EA,LS·!'.V!~Y-BE TA!<,EN · . . · ·' .. · _J/
husband's property cannotalienate or encumber-the..-· . .. . .. ' : .. ':'f
"husband's property, "or that of_ conjugal f)a~µ:el'i,"nip.~~J·=:~~"'1!2.terested . person may appeal. in . 'special . ff'
'Without judicial authority (CIVIL CODE,,,~ 38.~.. t P,J:?yei-~9.~. f~om such order orjudqrnent rendered·--'i'.'3
-:t~ · ,· 7tw\rc~.(AE>AS.CO) . : cf;:
· · _ . . . · · '. . - /<. ·. ~~)·

SECTION 8. TERIYIINA-TION·OF __ -, /':, _;,_;...p::~~="."-~-:~,'!1toi~"?\1~~~1ows a_~ill; · ·. . ....

ADMINISTRA'FION . . . "if, ~ ~~.,,,,....,_,_....7it.,._ik-.J?ete[.,_m.p~~ w~p _ are_ ,th~. (a~ul heirs of a" :i
. .: . . . . .. _ II&~'Jf:- .r . . i) =:s ~1, _c1eer;:ist<f,p_~ysp~;or.the d1st~~but,v~ share of the . •:f
The trusteesb_1p or- adl'l)inistr~fion't>f,,We pr£perty ID ~ 4~ esta_te t~-~Jc_t'i s.~f~ person i_s 'entitled; . . __ ··:Q.l

r . r·--'""
the absentee_ shall c_eal?e._up,<iS{!:_Ord~fof th!. court jn i ,. · ;:S. ~llot.sOf ~isrll/?"1~t1n Whole Or IO part, any claim . ··).'
. any of_fhe f_ollo1,Ving cases:. if , .,. --;;;;,:· -ag~,~~_t.:the\es!ate,(:)t-_a decease_d_.person;prany .. i~; ,.
_ o~r):. .t::-/,-,.i:#1.a.11 P~~se~t~e=6_i:i\~eh_alt:of
1 ·. y.vnen t!)e abs~nte.e· afip~r~.i".tlers~milily
means of an·agent-. . ~ ·: . ,:st r. ·. r '?.,..£..... ' -~· to a,ctaJm.agamst~t~
t~e estate _in offset /{:
. ... ' ...,,
2. W~en. the death ?f th~ ci9~'ttil:d~1[!wro~;d~1P4~- ·.§.efffr~ th~ ~-ac~oun~ . ··Of . .aA . :: executoi, . -~
a,:id h,s testate ,or•intest~t,-~ei~~,-aj:>p~ ::".
3. When a third perso,:i- almdats, sho"W'iij~
proper- ~~cumenL that ~e. h~s\ ·accii:l1r~~t~1Dil ,·lp~_?~'il~me11
°"~ ~,"P -:---a1·im1s).ratorr:E:~-~,t~e- or gu~!d,a,n;
J:.'.'...11;~g;~Jiut~i%1,-i 'fq7ypr()ce,edmgs re~ati~~ to tb_e -_':'.~
_o~ the ,~s_tat~_of .a· dec.easeq person,
. - \[,_

.,:f. II·
aosent~e·s pro·perty··by p'&t_chas~'~\~rotlte~.lill~~.L.,,"~'9l-~e
(ROG, Rule 107, S_ec.-8).-· ~~\: 1~-
a,l}i:r,1~1st~~Ji~~ of <;1 trustee. or_.:9uardi?m, _ a . }
~,~ •.-:~~~-=\t:,)'ioa19,-terrnma_1!Pr:i1~.t~elowerc_oui1oftherights · __ :
·_ _ . 7-.o.~'-~ r;b .1 ....r...-ot;l:ie,..P._~rty~s1,ppeahng,.except th~t ·no appeal :· ,.
In thes·~ · cases . the ~rus.tee or adn'linisf~r.s.pall:;o=---===~"'!~~!.!.. 1aJJ~~ed fro~ · the appointment ·of .a :Bf .
·cease m ·the per:formaflce of his offle~,. and, the . ,, -.'!' r,'<\~~eC},aJ,pclrrunistrato_r;and· :., ' · . · . :
p_roperty shal~·pe. pla_c;ed at the disposal ·C?f t~o'S~\-~o 1\1! f6:--?J~}9e''finalOrqer or judgment !~n~ered jn th,e ·.
m~y have a right thereto·(ROC,BULE .107, · Sec~)"."'-:----:-----..--~-'case,and aff~cts · the substantial nghts .of the
· . · . ,;".- - person ap,p.eahng,.unl~ss lt be an or.d~r granting
A petition for certio.rarl· "unde:r· Rui~ 65 IS" the or:· denY,ing a · motion for.'- a ne-...; ··trial or for · ..
·!)roper remedy·to" chalienge· the"decision of"a reconsideration; : > . : . ·._ .. _'.;.~·
!ower .court declaring a
persoff ...presi1o:iptively - . .. . . ·. . . · · . . :· ... .- ::· i
dead. . . - . · ·· · . Note: Rule 10!;1 enutne_rates itJi cases wherein., :>
~nder:_,6..rtic_lE: 41 of the Fam_ily Code;.the.lositig pa.rty ·multip!e appeals ·a·r~: ~llow.ed. a6.~t'-a. :record on:. $~
m a· _summary proceeding tor the declaration of a~peaL.i~·- requirecl fqr- an app~al :t"o: ·be ·
pertecte_d. :-.:!
. , presumpti,ve. deatti · inay fiie a petition :for, certiorari The petitior.i for the declar.ation 'qfpresumptive death · .. 1~
. · with the CA. on the·· grourid that,: in rendering - . . of .. ~n ab~ent spouse -not be'ifig_. incfude<f in .the . ,?,
· jucfgrfJent .thereon·, the" ·trial ·:court .committed grave !3f!U?1eration, petitioner'_s· -~e-re ·notice Of ~appeal · 1J
. abus~ c;>f discretion ar)lountir:ig-to la_ck_ofjurisdiction." sufflc_es.- -T~e reason i$ .that ~afd. petitiori · fs . a . }
From the·Decision of the··cA. the aggrieved· party· · summa·ry·procE!ecfing under the Family Coc:ie. and<;-{
_ may elevate the matter to this Court via a ·petition for · .· not a s~ecial · ptoci:~di~g u·nder · Uie Rule~ of Cqurt . J'i
review on certiorari tinder Rule 45. of the· Rules- of . (Repub/J.9 of the Ph1hpp1f]es II. CA, GJ~: No. 163604, '.t,
· .. Cour;f"(Rf!pUbli<; _v. Saregof.lon, · G.R. No, 199"194 May 6 2005). . . .. 'fr
2016{ · ·.·.. . : . . . , . _Ratio~ale: To·enable the rest of the case ta proceed ·-..~f..'.
__ r_.~-~·

The petition to declare tlie iiusband an a_bsentee a·nd in ·the event -that. a separate and "distinct issue is :.:
the petition to p1ace the mana9emen-tofthe con-jug.at . resolved by . the·· court· and .he1d·· to· be finai . ./'
... ~


. . . - . .
SPECIAL · PRO:CE_ED.I NGs·- -. ·.·

5. ·: Appe~I by ~t:ir~iy of. an .E-;~CAo: a~mht~d -~s.


(Marinduque Mining ar,d lndustri~I Corp~ratio;, ·v. :

CA, G.R, No. 1612·19;_ October 6, ~008) .. '.
· · pariyto an c1cc:ounting.rnade by such EXECAD,
in an.. order. bf' ··the.·. CQUrt apprQV!IJ9. ·or
In· ~hi~ m~lti-appea(~od~. tffe probate co~rt l~se; . disapproving such· accou'ritlng (Sagufn.sin v, ·
·.jl,lfisdictio_norify over ti}~ subject rnatter.ofthe appeal .. Lind~yag, ·G:R. · Na. L ~ 1'7759, December, 17,
: but retains jurisdiction overthe special proc~_edfng . · · t-962) · . . . · · : · · · · · · · ... · · : · ·· · - ",
. . from which the. appear was takeri for purposes of· . . . 6. : . Appe~I by ·Heir·from.. n,qryey_ claim .: (Fl~eme; v.
· further:reme~ies the.' parties. may a:vail of.Where . · '. Hix, G.R. No; L".>32636, March 17,'-193_0); · .' .
. · 'muttt-eppeatsare allowed, we see no reason why a · 7. -:·Qrder for- license, to .sell.' ($antos Vi. R_oina,:i. · .
. . · separate petition for certiorari.cannot be allowed 'on · Catholic.Bishop of.Ntifiva. Cacf#res, .(;.R. No. L- ...
, . ari li:lte:rlocutory aspect ·at t~e case. that is 'separate 21289,· Aprii. 5, 1924);. ·.. · · .: ··. · . .: . · '. . ,
· and distinct asan-issue from the 'aspectof the case .s.: Qrder aqalnst bond (MORAN,: supra); and.' ·
.tt:iat has :. been .adjudged \\'ith .finality by the ·lower. 9. . Qrder to ..contract · ohlig1;1tku1<to«, Bor'jf:l v.
court (~rione5;y: Hensori-Ctuz.: GR. No, 1.59.130, · · Ei1earn~ciof!,. G.R:N_o.. L~4179., May.30, -195)).
A't:Jgusf.2:2~ .2008). · ·· .. ·· :. · · .· · · · · · ··
. , B... ·Guardia·nship
.,: - R~cord. ~{ Appeal ··is Required o·n_ly in C~ses , ·.1. ·. Order a·npulling. ··appointn:,e'nt of.· g.Li_a.rdian
· .Where Multiple Appeals may-Arise· ·, · · · · (Ale.many:v . .'Sv.:ee.ney, ·G,R.-'No.· 1403, ·March
. Rule 109 contemplates multiple appeals duril")g the . . . : . 19, ·1904}; and · · . :· . .. , ·. . · .. · , , ! ··•.
· pendency 'pf. sped~~- proceedings .. A -record on_.,,-_,, . 2 .. Qrd~r. rery,o_v1~g ·a _go;11r~iaQ.'(blarte v. Er:,rique~,·
,.' a pp.eaI.:'-- °In addifon to .the noti_ce of appeal -:- _i~. t~i:is.,J>;u . . -~-R._ No. l;-1g098; · Octr;,J:?er.31, 1 ~60); .. : ·. ·.·
· retiuired.to be filed as the origin.al .records ofihe casE(./: ~:\ ~· .: · , · · . · . .:- - . ·
.s.tiouict remain _;wit~· the ~rial. court to ·en_;;ibt~__t~_e{~trs{~t::;~,o~d~rs:tt:iat..~re-.~ot°Ap~ealabie .. · ·. ·. · ~ .. : .: ..
. of the G~se to·pro~ed _,n tt,e event that.a s~p<:l~t~.~,.... ·st...1 1~r~~r.,9u;.ect1ng .adm.1nlstr~tor to U3..ke aqt1on to
. and .c!is1il)Gt· isso~ is resoNed·by.said cou_rt. il!).g~'heJ.iJ:,,rj~·c,:'~"'"'~~~~.oy~rflaJnount dl,!e to:; -~h_e, ·es~at~. (Frankel· v..
to be fin'a[ ln;the.presei"n.t case, the·:f.iling,.oh'i-'recordV.. Id . WeBlter;lG.R Nb: .3863.7,· QeQember·21, 1932);
on. 'appe.al was. not necessa·ry sir.ice n~"i>tner matt'tr-f\_,;~ · 2: Order ot,k~t probate couAthaf,certail') pr.0pertie~
'rE:m~ned ~o be h_eard and _determin~-~·:J?i t_he ·t~t~,-,;.·'·i:.\ · ~hoµt9/ inc;luded:, . i!t.,. the ' .i~v.erito_ry . i~ · 1I
· court .afte_r .it iss~_ed :the appeale;t,jJd~r-~r.~tmg I~~· · mterl~c.uti ry_wnd.cannott?e appe.aled (Ar,mas-v.·
respqhdent's petition _for cari<;~{l_~!i0n_?fo},rth:r.ecorg, ~~A . -·f1:1~re;Jdo, G.~\:No, tf?~40_7, .. Ja~uarx t~;_ 201_4).; !
_a~d ?hl:lnge ·of S_Utnc!m~_tn the,<0~VJ],_reg1str_Y,\!Rep,ubftc'<>. r~-~\. :an~~ ; . i:...::"· ·:.. : .. · ,. ·. : .... ·. . ·. ·. ,

. ,~· Ntshma, G.R. No: 186053, 'tjgv_em~t:L,~iJ20"/:fJ~;~
·· . : . .- .. "' {,a~y:~,:<.: . ,:;:., } . ~:1
t~f· 3. <Stt:.ie.~ 8\,,~~giPspeq1~I ;~dm_m,~trat_~r (RQC,: · ...
RUl,£ ...1§.9n.S~c;. 1(e}). , ..... : ... .-.... ·· · · ..
· The proprietY, o('gr~n~ing 1etter'$~,2~m~~tary ,ff> !;~! . . : . . · .. .. .. .. · ··
.. respondent~ d.o not 'ffJI~ wit.hin an_v gr~up(j wfltc~ican . · /\1..; .....Jf!!Jt~r.ari:ai::id _mandan:,us ~r~. not substit~tes for ...
be the subJeqt of ,a tjtr~ct ·appeal to \tne~'.S:uprem~ -''.u;<~;~PR~~.l.; Hav1.ng lost the. remedy. to appear dl(E! t~ the ·.
:Court. under.; ~ule' 45 of the Rules. of c~i,irt(Repd1Jjic:'.~!..\:!!J..1.partiest..1'Wn n~glect, the.y· caririot ,§.eek redr!3SS:, by .
of the Pt:iflippin-es v.. Marcos II,· G.R. Noi 13@37.;'1 & .ce,:tiorari and· inan.damus, · it- r,iot appearing.. that'-the
'130!J..f5.5,:.Aug_us(4, 2009j_. · · · . "-~~)j . ' I.ewer· court acted: Vfi.thOl;lt jurisdictic:>n ':(R_r'qfet9 ),i.
· · · · · · -.........,-.. · . ·. Guitierrez Davtd,.G.R. No .. ~-4!7.36, Ap_ril_ 18;:1941).
Vl(lio may appeal . :·· . . -- ".··.· ... · - .
An inter~sted .person _who~e interest. must: be :SECTION. 2. · AD.:VANCE .. DISTRIBUTION IN
··. mat~ri~I arid dir.ec_t; not m·erely indirect or contingent - . SPECIAL·PROC_EEl'.il~G : , '· :_·.. . .· ·' ....
(Teotic;o v. ·De ·.vat, G.R. No.. L~18753, March 26,. · · ·. · ·
·1965)'.·. . . . . Rule. on Adv.ancE! Distribution.- ... · . . .
: Notwiµistan.ding a p·endlri!i c6iifr6versy·_Qr' app~aJ ·1r,i
,Npte: The:app~al sh~II affect every·orde.r, decf.ee,,or. proceedings to ·seftle .tha:·e~tafe._o(-a de.c.ede.n.t,.thf:i
jµdgment appealed fi'om,.and not me.rely th!;! interest cotJrt: .· . .. . .
which :the app.ellants may."_~ave. t/'lerein'-'(Pa(lfS I.I.. : 1_. lo its.c;lfscretion;,.. . .
·Yangc_o; G.R. Nf?. L_-29.46~. Dec_emb_er 22, 1·928). _ · · 2. Upon s°i.19h "terms. c;IS -ft. ·may· dee'(n .just ·and
- ·· · proper· · · · . ; · · , · •· _. ' : · : · · · :· · ·
Multiple App~als . • ·. . 3: . p~'rniit'that sµ~h .part· the estate .as may ~o\ be-
A Settl~,menf'of t~e'.l:~ta.te(WACO;SHOO) .· aff¢cted :l?Y . the • controversy · ·o;'· appeal · be
1. - Order admitting th.e Will to probate; , di_;,tributed among th1f h·eirs· or. legatees, upqh
2. <\~ppointmentof EXECAD; ·: ·. .: . · · · · · ccimpfi_a~ce with,ttie condition in Hul_e 9Q; · .
. 3.. · Appeal from the order concernfng .a £Ontested . 4. The d.istributees~ mu1>.t·post a· ban~ a~. provided
daim·· · ·, · · · under Sec. 1, Rule :go (P.ena·-and N_oJasco 'Law ·
4 ... · Qrde~ ~etermining the heirs; Office v. LCN Con·struc'tion Co°rp:, .G.R, ·No.
174873; Augu$f 26, 2008)... .



• •• •

- . . . 'tl

Residence ?f.the .dec.ed~ntat· the lime,.of, MJ:C it'tti~:-~rOS!i y~lue_..of _f.ne ~sfot·e:.does :St.
death, -or 1f the·.. decedent is ·a non- not- .exceed. P30G,OOO· · outside. Metro . ·.·,,.,.
resident, place wtl.~re.hehad 'an estat~. · M_anjla, or d~es._,n.ot,~Xc;eEJd. ~400;900 in · \~1
Metro Manila. ·., · .. . . .. ~
.. . . .. : . '. ·. : . · . .. · .. -11·.
RTC if .the gross value, of· the 'estate '·.;;7
exceeds the above -~rjiounts ' . ·. ,' . . : :"'{
. .:,·-·':...-~.
.. •·, . . .. . ,':-":
. . -<4\
.• ,:,;i



. if

... ~,
:. : -'.?

_.:_.:.._"'--'--"---'-'=.,.,,_.~;:.;:..;......::::;,-=-'"'~e..::;_-+-------,-'--,-----"----':-----,- .·,
liiter:count!Y· : '._11

"Where the de.t~ine~ 'is. detained .(jf. the sc, CA, RTC, MTC in the .provlnce or. city
·peitition is filed with the RTC} ·, . . . .tn .case there lsno ~TC judge; ' .
• •: •.• • • •• '· .Sarfdi~c!~~fiy~~ on;y· in. aid:~f ;ts· appel·I~~; .:
r -r. :J
juris~l~,ion_.. . .. ·. . . . . . . ... . .. }l
-- .· ~
Wh~re the.
p~tilio~er resides or \.vhere ·.F.amiiyCourf ·cA and SC.
the ryiinor·may b.e found. ' . ·.. :. . '.. ;.
Whe~e. the petlttoner _. orvrespondent RTC·. : ··
.resldes, or· that which has. jurisdiction SanJiganbayan,, GP.or sc:;.'when the action
over . th_e- place. "where. the data or concerns public data files bf government
information i~ ' "gathered 'collected or offices . . . . .
~tored, at the option of petitioner




'Where. the threat act. or omission ~as RTC· · ·

committed' or ..~·ny of . its' elements Sandigt;mbay~n. CA; or SC or any justice ·
oqcurre~ . . . . '. thereof
. -·· .
.Where, petlttoner' resides . ·g:rc
.Where the corporation's principat place RTC . ·,
of business'
: . .is lbca'ted . . . .,, . : . .. -. . . -.. .. ,·

:~h~re. _ttie a~sentee: reslded.befcre h!~ RTC .. ·. . .

disappearance · . . . .. , •·

. \, , ;

Whe~~ the correspo.nding Civil Registry N,on-clerical 'eq-ors:·RTQ·

. rs located·.. . . . . ,' . . . . . -
·-, ·. : Clerical Errors (RA 9_04?.a.s· emenaea by
.. · · · ", · ·°>;'; . _. · .. RA 10,~_7'.2):"Civil Begistry ' ,

r :


,· .\ .


-~~ll'mla:il?!lll!Bi lll!ll_ .. - 1!111_~----!lm----- \~,:1'

m,,!t '.l ----------------~------- . . .------!'llli--

. £AW
.?t . IJ,

(For· better presentation;· -~it c5'the; :;Piecial · laws· R~a~on: The. satisfaction of- these .. conditions is· ":'~:.
· .t
·related to the-subject are· disCLJ_$Sed here.) · · : · required. 'since these motions are prone to abuse' .;;:
· during litigation. Motion·fqr_interv:en!i~n.i~: ..permitted .. •'f
in order toallow the public to participate in the filing: .. :¢,
ifuLES. OF- PR:OCED.URE :P.oR. . .and prosecution of environmental cases whicl) are:.:..:}
. .with. publlc Interest.
. Petltions
are ·likewise· permitted ··sin.ce. · 'these
fq~ Certiorari
. ·. ii
raise. .r;A
. . .·.JRP;EC) . ··rundament~ly. questions . · of - . ju.risdiction.- . (,SC · :Jf·
Annotetioris, s_up1q at 108~109). · .... · .;!,
(A.~. No.· 09-6.-S-sc: Ap_ril i~. _201 O) _. Prohibited f>leE\dings:- (DiT~BR2ED),: .-?J
1. 'Mot_ion--.toOismi_ss the complaint; · . ?'>
Scope · · .. · . . . . 2. . !hird party complalnt; .. · . . . · ·-.·~
These. Rules shall· gove.rn. the procedure in civil, · 3. · Motion'for a Jaill of particulars; . ?l.
criminal and special civil actions before the. RTGi 4. Beply ?!n·d ]~ejoinder;: . ·:.. ·, · . · . ·.. ,.i.
MeTC, · MTCC;· · MTc· and MCTC.. · .invoi"'.ing. 5. · Motion tor.:5xtensi_on·,of. time .to file pleadings, · ~-{
· enforcement OT· violations ,of .er:wirQnrr:iental and · .· · except to :-'file ~!'ISV\'.er;:: 'the extension not· 'to. ·}~i,
ether related ·laws,· rules and . regulations (Rule · r, · · . · exceed fifteen .15 'days; and. . . . . _

. · . . ·· . ·..~~?~ _M.otlori toJiecla:re.the. ~~fe.ridar:t in 9efault (f!ule .
: Se<:·· 1J. .
. .
:· .. - .
. . ~'.{i!§.J ot YJ.
(See .Sec: 2.; .' Rulfi. 1 of· this Rule )}f;:-a_ \.
· J.:};\\/..~ec.
t,,:~ . · ..
2).· . .
?/ -. _' · ~. , . .' . . . . .
. . ·- . · · ·
·. · .f ..

-en_viron_m_entallaw) .... ;'. ~<~~


·. · ~ote:. Th~ ijulis rem.~)~- cbnsi}(eri,~(V~P1.;;;ng~i~:!;!t,tt~J{~

jurisl?ru.d~nGe·:regarding._t_h.e d?,2-~ ~t·~x9.aust!~Ri- T.
·f~;~t:n~s 0
~wnge~~f-~ ~J$0RJJ,~ntal _ .. ca~~s .. Pr,ocedu~a)' ·.I
wfd J· i
-0f ad1J11rnstrat1ve remedies and .Pfl~~Y JUflScltctrQ!'l'. .!§~ '~feguaids ti.av,! beet;tintroduced .for truly complex :i
(Sqpreme Court. Anflota_ti~r1A.·to 1fM. O!f6-8-~C, ,f(},~ .. c~lilii;~' ri\~tffi.~~,ss_itate~further eva_luatio~ of . -~·.;}_.
JOU;( SC,·A~f?!]fil~{OfiS,~supra [jt:108).. .
Rule~ of Procedurefor~n~1'f.n':JllfF1talpas~~p:-:1~0""j~e
J...5'~ . ( - · ·. . ·. . . /

fheremaf!er·SC Anno.(at,onsp~"-;: ( · \' . ~-c~'.!\.~~ ·.'!_t. . 1]' .: · · . · · · · ; ·:~
~ppli,cability.· ... : .... fi·~r._-·\:1t\ ·. (ti~~';;'.:~,~~ri~~~:1il~~·
JYlUSt,sta~e th~t it is·an .·Jj I.
These Rules may apply in ~~el §l:iit~no\~~"f"sar,i1y-i.t-j. ....~nvir$Jli . "''6fal

t_. , · : · . · : . · · . ~~
the law. iriltolved_. Attached: ,; :.:1.
b~Sf:d' 0n __ environri'len.tal :la,~oli~ws~~{~in~· t~~'o/}.L ~ -'e1 .. ci!!rtlflca9,bn aQainsr forum. -Shopping .. ··;~~
.enviro·nmeotal. provis!on~ (e.'Q, if a 'ct!t,fenc,J&t~~{:2·1 "s;;'J,~Vl~~v ec.~4.,.
civil_ damages· qr_ defamEttion 'J§_uit inv_oJ;,_es'sfA·l?t_ ""!'.,,/-'·< . . ~ . .. . · . :-· : ·. . . . . ,; :
defens,e under Rules 6·and 19J~then m~settl',~~-~e pr9?i$iqn r7 uire~ .t'1e att~chment .of all . :~
•.1tt~.~~n~ ~~~Q_.ava.fl.abl.e.-This is·to !acilitate c~mpl~te . '/,;q
shall apply Insofar . _as the S~~P · .d~'te~{;'.:)s:LH.l~
concerned (Id..).
· . .~
. . ~- -(9n. -:-~re~~r:i.tat.19P _.,pQact~ by th~ parties., This likewise· · r1
, '. ~~;-· ,..,,./ l · · 1\ .Jl !e.rf.~J~-'t,.~....4elaxation of· th.e. te.chnical_ ·.rules on 1;;,;.
I. · CIVIL PROCE~U~E. · : '~....,,,~ . _ l.Vlla.M1isJ1flility(SC Annotations, supra_ at ,110).- ~~J
... ·.·. ·. -~~· -.. . ·j
PJeadlngs···anq Motions .A.ilowed:-'(DR-CAC21) . .. _.: ... ·.who may file ·an·action :?J
2. · MotipnJor .Qiscoyery; ·
·. 3: ·Motion ~or Be_¢ons\deration of judgm~nt;
1: Any.. reai. party-in-interest · .incli.Jdirig. the
.. government_ ari~Uu-ri9iqa1. .entit_(es a~thorized by
4. · :~ompla1pt; : . Jaw-(~ule 2, S~c. 4): ·.... · · , ·:J
s. · ~ns~er; · . . • . ··. · . ·. .- 2: . Any Filipino citize.r{ iri representation of others,. --:1.
6; Q6r:npulS~fY::countercla1.m;. , . ·. · · incll,!ding_minors_or gene~tions yef. unborn, ~ay ,':'~
7. , Qt'-o~~-clarm; an~: . .· . . .' - fil~ .an. 1:1c_t)on tq. (\lnfor'qe. rights or ob_lig_at,ons -,i
·8. Motion for !nterventlon (Rufe 2,.Sec. _1).. . under .enviromnental )pWS (Rule 2, Sec. 5). · ·~

~"c;te: .·~he e~cimer.atio~ iri this; seatl~n.:i~ exclusive , : A·~eal· party.;n:Jn.~~~~~t ~~t~i~~·i~~ same_ meanin~ '·]
and mu.st be read· in·conjunctl.on witti Section i(Sc.·· ' under the Hules of· Court and Jansprudence. BuUt . ··~
·. : Annotat(ons, supra at 107): - . -must be ut:iderstood.in conjunction witti the. nature ··t~ of
· · el)vironmerital riglit.s, Which are :enjoyed 'in general • ;i
.Pleadings Aiiowed)n Highly-meritori~us ~a~e~:. . ,: by .all'jncl\vid~als, l).rider this stiction, boft'1 a Filipino . ;~
. (P~R) . . .. . . . ci~i~en and an alien' car:i ·me. a suit SC? 'long as they are : j
1. Motion for _eostponement; able to show· direct and · person~! injury. (SC_ · ~
2. . Motion for New Trial; ·and . . ·. Annotations,supra at _11 O). · ·.}
3. Petition
. to;--
Relief from·
' .
judgment . (Rule 2; Sec. '},'1
~:. ~
.. . . ;~
- 1
. ..
. . . · SAN B"&DA LAW Cf:NTiW.·IZED
. ~ MEMORYAJti)2019
. .

. Gltlzen Suit . I . •. . Req!.Jisite.s . of ... Temporary _Envlrqramentai

· ·se:c, 5 is 'a ·su.if lfmlt~d to. "Filtpino citizens and· one Protectfon-Order: (CEGE) · · .... · .
. thatts filed in the publlclnteresthenca, no proof of 1 ... The .Q.omplai[lt"with prayer.for the issuance of a
personal injury is required (ld.).. ··. . · . : ·. . ternporary.envlronmentalprotecttonorder; -
· · · · ·· 2. . The matter is of ]ixtreme ur9encY. ijn9· .the
Citizen. suits. may'. be . fiJeg for· .all · types of ·. applicant will'· .. suffer . · §,:ave injusti9e: and
envlronrnental. cases, except· forcitizen..suits. urider · . · . irreparable injury; and : ·
'the clean Air.. Act.of 1999 and the Eco!ogic_al..S.blid . ·3_ Issued .!;x-parte (Ru1,/2, ·sec. 8).
· Waste 'Manageme·nt .Ael ot,_.2000·. Vyh1ich shall. be. · · ·. ' · ·
governed by_ their respec~iv_eprov_isio~,s (Id: a(-112). . · Note': Th~- Rules p"rovid.e.that an applicant ~ho. fil·~; .
·· · · -, · · . for the .issuance-ofa=TEPQ· is exempt' from -the
. +he_· R.PEC.. :cHd· ,1.ib~~.ali~e ·iii~ requirements, on . ·postifig of a bond, but the Rules also-provide for-the
standing, al_lowlng the filir:i:g·_of citizen's suit for the · safequards for the possible pernlclous :effe"pts·upon
enforcement ... of ~ights ·.· and · obligations under. .. · the. pa·rty o~ person· sought 10 be enjoined by the
·envirohmehtal laws.' Th,$° has been-confirmed by this'· . .· .TEP(?,! · . . · .. • · . . .· ·
Court's rulings fn· Arigcj v, Swift, and fnteina,tibna/. . · · a: A TEPO. may only· be. Issued in matters· of ..
"Service (or · the· 'Acquisition · ot: ·'Agrl-BioTe_ch ·. :extra.me· u'rgency andwhen the applicant wfll
· Applicatio,:is, · tnc .. ~- : Greenpeece _so'uth1?ast A~i"a_', . · .'si..lffer g_rave.ir:ijustice ~nd irreparable in)'lJrYi·arid·
. (Philfppjnes).,:However,.it bears.netlnq thatthere i~ a'· b:. The·. court ·should.· fieriodlcally . mi:mitor' the
difference between· a petitiqn·,fo(tMeissuance·.of a~h . . . :. existenqe_'of a_cts_which'are the st.ibject matter.of
writ. of ·k~lfkasan, ~he.rein~· it., js -~~fficie.nt. that)tJ_~1 ~7.( :. ·:~
the. ·:rE~O, tt")e TEPO can _be lifted _at1Ytir;ne·a_s. ·. .
• p~_rson fih~!;! · re_pre~ents}tie_ mha_b1tants .pfej~d)~~,9'/t·' t;;· · ·. · th.e: c,_r~um~_tam;:es.. may. ·. wa~nt ( SC ·
by thE: ~-nv_ironmen~ald_arnage sabJecroftl:lewr~t~~qcf:: f;f~~
Anno~atio_ns! supra at 1-1 q). . ·. · ·.. ·:·· · _
a P,et1t1on for th_e 1~su~nc::e.of a wnt .of, cont.mu[qg,,·. ,t,!. ... .',

personallyaggneved by-the.unlawfu\"act..or~m1.s.s1on'? r<

· : . ri.

· · ' . ..
mandamus, wh_ich is only a"'.ailal;>le tb one_)1.tiqig.c;>fiµ.<J.....~~r;~l:~lil~; Notice and hearing must be compl_ied..
. · · ': ·. · .. ·
. ·: ·

(Segovia et.al:, v. Th.e ClirtJate C..hang_e~oflJmissioq~·.,,..:~ . . ·. . .. iW\ . . · · .· . ·. .

. · et..al, G:_R. No: 21.10.10, March 7, 2017ft,./J ·,
.. · .· .. ·
... _. ' · ·.... ,,.,(5-
1~"-:::--.-11'.. ·. ·
:·ser.vic~ of tlie .c.otnp1_a1nt ·_. · ·4Y ', <'~.l~~ .- . _h_,1 · \IVflo_
r.H . . ..
E~ception.,-1:t'\ TEPO ".lay be issued ex parte:
Jl \·. ' .
1sst!e:. -Th.e -ex.ecuuve judge:. ot ·th~
. ..
The plaintif1:-is_ required,t9 iur?.~JS'°Jhe ..99.vfp'lme~ntor~· . 1~.t~
~_ultlp~s~_U_?oUrt~-~~fore_ ,raffle ·_or the pres'idiRg .
the appropr)a..te~genc)',althoq_gfMt~tffili~~·.a ~e.P,X _-.
. of the.· .complaint. · Proof of"~ervip.e::-,{.(,ip,Qn · ~l'.\~
ft;J · , · . . . ~~
(R~le_ 2, Sec. BJ.: . . . . ·
· ·· .· . . ·. ·. ·

g·~vernment. or the a~pr~pri<'lte <'ag_~ia6~:i~~.all t:Je . 1:}

l;ffe9fi~ity~,:72-_hoursf~om: da_t_eo~ the rec~ipt or the_ I-
c'lttached to the, complaint (Rf!le 2,. Sec,:. 6J. lj · : . ·: J;'_!,t 1mpor_ary.enyir~~l'!?~.ntal pr.otectio_n. order by- the · r
· . ·· · .- .. ·· .. ·. · . H,... '""{.,v ·. ·.. ·- . .-·.r.r-1· .1?,arty·9r 12ers0n·enJoined. · .·. · ·
~_'Note; IHs·. inandator.y for the plaintif.(.)5(notity:f~~J:~'·'':"'.1:~~-'"·:;..) ... ·. ·· .· . · : .. · · .... ·
.concerned pranch'ofgovernrneo_t;the ·iq~~R ~fiG.ljttfo VVithin. :said. period, ·tl:ie court ·wher_e . the· .case ·i~
·_OSG. · If· . their:. ,.participc;1tiori-: _shot:i!<f-tiprove 4:1ssigned, sha.11 con<;lµ_ct .a· summary-- hearing tq
unwarranted; they ·may. file ·a m;;inifestatiofl to _that deter_mine· wliether tt'le . temporary .environmental·.
·effect (SC A_nt10(at~9n$, St,Jpra at 11-2) .. , . r 'protection order.. · may_ ··. b.fil . extended _u_ritil. · the
. . . .. ' ... ·terrn.ination of. the c~se. . : .; '
. ·Temporary . Erivlr.oriihj:intal,°.-.Prot~ctio~ .. 9rder '. ,. . . . .. ...
·(TEP<;>)) Environme.ntat:.Protection.:Order'(.l;P..O.)' · The· applicant.shall be exempted:from the posting ·of -.
It refers to:an prder issued by the- couit •dir~'C\ing·or. a· bpnd · .. for . the issuance.- . of a temporary
enjoining·. an¥. pe_rson oi- . ge5v~mme!')t agenpy t_o ·env.ir9i:iment=cilprotection-order '(Rule. ..~! Sec. ·a). . . · ·.
perform pr desist from,.performing an act in order to .
pr9_tecC presef"-'.e or, r.ehc:1bilitate th~-- ehvironrnerit ·: . Diss:Ol.utlo·n o.f . Tempc;>rary · l;:nvironmental
. ·,(Rule 2r St3<8J.. . "·... · · · .': · . · .. _ _. . _· · .·. ..'. · Protectjqn Prder . ·. •'. . . . .
. . . :.. ·Requisites~ '(ABCQ). · · · . · . ·.. . · .
Note: The TEPO· integrates both .prohibi~ve· and . 1.-: "8ffidavits.Of·1he party or person enjOined Which
mand~to_ry-.relietsin 0rd.edo appropriately ad~res_s thE!, ~pp_iic.antmay oppose-, also by affidavits. . : ..
. the ·factual circumstan~es.s~rroupding the. cas(;! ,as 2. A _'.sliffjcient _!!ond- .by the party or person :
· derived ,frorh .'the 'natur~ .6f. EPO' c:is defin.ed 'above:.. enJoln'ed; . .
· The ·procedure tor. the issuance of the T.f;:PO.stems 3. Th!:). applicant may· qe fully ·.Q.ompensated toi
· from the. ·same procedure ·for 'the Issuance of.a such damages a$ he may ·suffer; and.
.Tempor-a,YRes~aiAing'9rder. as it:aJ)'pears'io· Secs. 4 .. It .appears aJter hearing that. ·its ·issuance. or
5 :and ·6 of, :Rule. 58 ·of .·the. -Rule.s' bf Court· (SC .contjnuance.would cause irreparable Qamage to
.Annotations, supra at 113). · · . tMe_party or person enjoine~ (Rule 2, Sec: .9), ·


...............~---------·. l
""''"'"'w c"'"'"Zf'D .... "'"',ATIDf" - MeMORY ... "" . . . .

Prohibition. Against··· Temporary Rest'ral~lng At least 3 days before the pre-trial, .the parties ·shall
Order and Preliminary· l'nj{mction . · · . ·· · : submit pre-trial briefs (Rufe 3, .sec .. 2):· . : . · \it~
No court can issue a 'temporary restraining order or ' . . 1./t
·Wri~ of pretlmlnary injunction against lawtul actions.of ·:,{f
government agencies that enforce. environmental ·• .. . .. . . -.:i·
laws . or .Prevent 'vlolatlons 'thereof except the Comply with It .rnay be'· a ground for . .s:on~e.mpt ....,::;,
Supreme Court (Rufe 2, Sec: 10). .. the.contents of (Rule 3;.Seg. 2), .. • · · .·X
' · · · · ,. · · .the · .Pre-trial · ' · -. .-:.;..-..,
Note.: Th~ prohibition. on the. issuance of a TRO brief. · · ' · . ·}
rernainsthe .generai rule; w.hile its issuance is. the.. . · . ~..1.}
Appear at pre- The· court shall not dismiss :th~ .,
-exceptton.. hi availing. the exception, t.he movant .. · t · I b · · th complalnt., except upon; repeated 'i';ir,
must' overcome 'the presumption of. .reg~.larity in the · ;.::intrt/ . ~· .~nq unjustified · failure '·of the· .-]1
performance of a .~uty by·: the .respondent · plaintiff toappear.» · "~
goVemment-ag~ncy"or official. The ji.rdge must then - (Ritfe'3· sec' -7) · ~ ·-.~-~~;
re~uir¢' ~ hlgtie( stanq~rd and heavier-, burden of . .. · - ' ·· , ·, · · --.: ; . , }'1!
proot (SC.Annotations:,'suore at f1:6).· . ·-.· · ', ·.,~
Appear at pre- The Court sh<\lli receive ~vidence. :. jJ;
trial · · · .... : by expeste(Ru/e.3; $eb 7). ··. . .. ):~

• • ' ' u·. \_;.ip

·r1 .f. r\d . t . . 'l'
~f-} • .
• ~~--.CZ.-:=-,~~~ ·r -·~,.,(-

J-:Pfe;:trial.Same. ~ffect faih.)re tp aP,pear.at ·
. . . . . • . ,. ·:..-:--=-""""':,....~e..f/ l!. ~
pre:tria! (f?ule.3, Sec. 2).. ··· : . ·~
Premised · ·on · ttie ·Rremi~,~·:Y~ ~ ~·-"'t e . : ~-~- v · . !\;' · . : .. .· . .- · . ,' ·. \ .
. yiol.~tion . o.f : ... an pr~su!\'iptieJv.-1-~~r· . · f, .:-r::Fai.l~ri~fi~'::Pr,\(ial .Brief \ ·.. ..: :'. . . .. • .· ~~
. d raw. qr a, regu."'rt1y.,..,
. i\1·'_;1~·· 1 1:on.
, .
. Q
- "~[~·
· ·wte
> · la~. para~a"''"·
. ,,, X~~''t, of this · . section imposes . a· . · ,i'l':
. t .reatene da~.~gl'.l or go.~e~11·1~Q ... ~rd .. ,u_ ·'. 1U.': :,s· .n-ctiOn' ·an '1n~.. f~lwre.. to 'file· f;l "pre-trial' brief ... :;:
ln1ury to the environment a~?ncu~s/in ~nforc,ng /9\ ~-~~erthiless,tt;i( n1io?e .may proceea 1n setting the ~ it

. by any person,. even .t~e ei'l~~'1ental liW~-aTI";l._ -1:~ ~_PJe-ff!ar.to. kee~·.l15-~~~~\~ dock~t~d. A ·show-ca~se )~· i
gover~mel)t . and its pf.o~~t1'1.g . . : ~e .1~ ~ 1 k,.?@e.'rm y hke_w1.\t ~eJ.s ued seek1n~ an ~xplana,1on .4 1·
agencies: ..· . · e. v1i:p_1.:1mient. . · ,_ · ::;:.. ~z to wtl erther.01.H:ietn he parties·.failed at pre-trial. . .~~ l

. - ·. . . ·. . . . . . \\ · - r·. A,~-- I J Jl . . .
~i.,llilJ!p: • .:."J! I! ! .
-- . ;r .
-·':.....c T~~t Sr. ro~{~e:_ci '..t"·ore.:lenie_nt ~ppr~.a~h to. a.· . i .
. · ..i:'axment of F.ilif)g an~.oth~rr"-.fMI.Fe~~ . J.ef~arty.1'1~a) 1l~·t~i:fil~~.,pre~tn~l 1?nef ~mce_1~ 1s,mor:e .. ''. I.
· It. shall be -deferre~ until aM.f'jtiag~nt A)~ -.thti~ ~-cdl)ill!JJ>i;_tfQ.t\ or #v1de.r:icff to .. be s~b.m1tt~d given the. ·~·.,r._
·· •· plaintiff is allowed to litigate a~ ·,m incjigE\n~{tt~h'~?:"'1· ~feo~~ natudi of ~1Jf eriY1r9nmental ~s.e · and· the ... 1, 1 ·
constitute_a first lien 011- the )ud@.pieht a~~rcl. Y~--~"~~I x sffaracteJ/ of. .evidence invol.ved. (SC ~t

For a qitizen ~uit;·th.e court shal~~efer;.the~~Y.~~~~~~'s;:sup'?at 121).. , . · .· · · .. ':~

.~f filing an.~ other ~~gal f~es .that sl:u~ll .set11Aas.Jgsl-".:::.., ;.,,/.;.;,-4 • ~}:.. ,,t: . ..· . :. . · · · . , :,~,
hen on the Jt1dgmen.t award (Rule 2,'s~f Jg)/') .-~""="-=_!{efe~(.~\tgi~~cliatlon · .. : .. • • Ji
J · •. "\ ~~f,t~~
1. : •
· · . . . . : ·. · . ·. · . ~~, U if s~_ft"ofpre~~rial . c;:o,nferer:ice, the· .cou~ shall .;.f~
Ver.ifieq Answer' .. . . . ·., . · "'~-=-~!!5..~q9Jf.e·~ the _.parties. ·h'i!ve seft!E:O. th~ .-dtsp.1,1t~;. ,~~
D~feMant shall file a verifie.d ans~~r withilV1S.d.ays · · ot~erw1se, ·t!:)e court sh?III tmmed1ately·· ref~r.. tt,e ·:i/
from the· ·recejpt .of the s'ervice .of. summons. parties.or _th_eircouhs'Ell, i~ aut.horized by.their clle11ts, · ·../{
···Affirm.alive .and special clefenses nqt pleat::led ·shall ·to the. PtJili;>Pf[le·.. Me~iatlori Cehter ·uriit tot the .it'
~e .dee111ed:· waiyed, except- Jack. of jurisdiction. purp.oses of me~i~tion.. If not av~iJaql_e, :tt,~. court · :;:~~
: · · Cros·s"Claims ar)d . comp1.1Jsory · couriterclaims not shall refer· the .ca'se ·.to· the. clerk of court 9r leg~I . ··.J.,
as.sert~ shall .be· consider,ed .barre9 (Rufe. 2; Sec: · · researcher fof. r:ned.iatio.n·(Rule 3, Sec, 3), : ·:: ·
·: 14). . . . . . · .. ··.1-~
, . ,c- . .preliminary Conferenc.e·.. · · .. : . · · ·. · . · :i-•
F.ailure to'Flle Alis~er.. . . ·. . . . . . If tbe mediation fails, the ·court,.will schedule the ;J
The court shall ~ecla~e· def¢1i.d~nt in ~efault, and continuance of tl:).e. pr~tria.1.· · . .'., .. · · · ·. .·~
. ·l!pon motion of the, plaintiff; shall receive e.vkleoQe
,l. . . ~;
·· exparteand render J.udgmerit base.d·thereqn and tlie Pre-trl~I Conference;.·con~e-ri't D~c_ree' . . .
reliefs prayed for (Rule 2; Sec. 15). ·· The Judge shall' put.the: patties and their coun$els : (
. .. ,· . . . . under. oath; and they shatr remain under oath •jn' all ·.::l1.·
Pre-trial · , - pre-trial 9onferences (Rule 3, -Seo. 5). . . · .. . '
A .'notice Of p~~:trlal must be issued. Within 2 days · · : · ·
from ·the f!ling of th.e.answer to· the COUt)terclair'n. or . Consent ·o.~cree... ·. .
cross-clairri, if any, 'to. ~e held not later ttian. 1 month Is. a jud.icially7approved settlement · .between : .
from the filing of th~ la.s.t plead.i~g (Rt,Jle 3, S!3C. 1). concerned .parties based ~n. P.ublic. iritere·~t··and {



iiiRiS *** lid -~"'-
,ublic -~ policy to protect and preserve · the . Period to.Try and Declde ,:. . , : · ·. · ·. ..
ihvironment(Ru/e f; Sec. 4 (B)). The court has t year from 'the 'tiling .of the complaint .
·. to decide, the case unless an extenslon is granted by
rhe judg~·.shall ..exert best efforts to persuade the the $upreme 'Court Upon . petition for justifiable
iartles to arrive at a settlement of the dispute. The .reaso~.s lR(!le,4, Sec.. 51, · · .·, t, : . -:

udge may Issue a consent _'decreen!Jpproving ~IJe. .. ' . '

1greeni~r1~·· between the .partles in accordance with : . Priority of Case.s .. · . . .. .
aw; morals; public order and public policy to· protect · The designated environmental courts .:wili lry and .
he"right ofthe peopleto a balanced and healthful .... ' . decide environmental cases .on 'top of their other
icolog.y. E;vil:fence·not presented during.the pre-trial, · · . caseload (SC ,qrin.o~ation~, supra ·at.1ZT). · ·
except newly-dlscovered evidence, shattbe deemed ' .'
'rvaived:JRu!e 3, Sec.B): · jucG,ME;NT AND EX:ECU1TION
:... · .. ··.

ll9te.,-Alte'rnptive·modes of disputeresolution should -R~lie.fs:ih,,Citl~en ·Suit: :(.P.2RAPS) ·. · . -

,e encouraqed . -because . of: th~ "·naiure of' If warranted.' . the. 'court m~y,: granf'to the plalntltf'.
snvlronrnent ·: cases . which. require . broader ·· .. proper renets wtiich shall include: · :· -, . · ·
settlerrtents that.are more appropriate to negotiation .1 .. The frotection, ,!lreservatiQ.ri.orBehabilitation ofv :
,r:agency. action .(SC·Arinotations, St.fpra·at'.125); . ". . · .. the .~iw!ronment; . ,. · .. . · . , . ·. .. · _ .: , . · . .
· · ·· 2. The.payment of Attorney's fees.costs ofsuit and
rr.i.al_ .- . . . '. . ' ' ' . ' ··. ' . . . ;,>j ' other _liiigatior;i ~xpen.ses; ; ... i ·:· ' . . . ' : · ·. .
r~~ Judge shall conduct contmuous,tnal_w~_i.cl1 s2~Jf:/).J,,. _.3:·: _Req.ul:~· t~e. violator' tq_ subm.1t. '." ._er?,gram of :
~ot ~xceed 2. months from: the.date of the 1ssw~1ifc~.-..ii~ . re.habilitab(?.n:'or !estoration of'the !:)nv1ronment..' :
?.f tti.e pre-~ri~l ord~r,.Bef':)re th_e expiraticm·of thE! ~+~;_;,,· :. t;,;i; ,· The cost~hf Whk;h_.~hall_b.e borne· by the _viqlato_r; . ·
nonth pe.rioo. the Judge.may ask the.Supr~me C~u,t;t.,.. ·:.A ..... and:· ;,--.;.,:. ·. , · . ·;,· . : :' .·. :,- ·. ··. · .···

:ause (Ru)e 4, Sep. 1).

. · · . : .. .
. ·
· . · · · ·. · · · . (,·/·..
·).,•;;f/ v~- ·lf. ·, . .
'or· the extension ·Of :the trial period. f6r justifiable ·71>.:~6-,p,b.Atfl~ute to .a fu>.ecial ·trusLfund for that
ptfrp_~s"~~.~bject-to·.thecontr.o! qf
. ...·fl-,...Yl·" · 5, Sec. Jf'1,~- · .· · ...
the cciurt,(R.ufe
.. . . · · ,
Contjnuqus:Tri.al Req1:1irement : :- )·">.(\ )<]l. . . :.:· /J \ . . ,: . . . ·:. -- : : · ., : . ·, · ·
fhis section provid:es _for the ·conduc;:t-'.,6f c;;ohtirfaotis itl~ Note: No ~ari!iages. ~n be·awa~qed in a citizen.suit,'
tr!al._fhis·, however, doe:s oot w~~fthE:~iJoi:i"c:11:ict o( . l•J'.' Th_is.rnea{4~~ i~-'r\Jine. w~thUie policy _th~t·a cit~~~r:·
tnal, on a 1ay:to-day b_as_rs. En;!:P,!ias1s _1s~,1]_plymad~--1 ·'f.}~J
.s1,1_1t 1~J~d._11th~~~h(: mt~.re~i, an~ 11;1, effect,·)1 ,s· ..
q_n· thEl_' ·t1mefrarrre within. wh.1£:p:'t1:r~-"1r.L~~-'.\"'u~~ 1.:~iJ ·_the 6(\Y,)~~~*°r;f_tw~ch .. Is vindicated· tn the a~fion.
conducted.(-~CAnno_taflo_ns, SUW{!:!fl,;'lf?(3),·~,' F.JI\: r·:1 lf1i,f:?n_ly!l:e..QQ!;!e~etofa p~~y or person·~ho w1~h_es
· ... · · .. :: : · . . , ... : . . · ~~,-~b:.:V''~~\·, , 1 · r;, . t9. re~.ov_er:~~~a~~s. for· mJti'>'.· suffered 1s .to. file a
Affida~1t!pn heu.. ot.D1_r~"ct_E~~m,!'1atjp.!1 ):) .. _. ., .. il~,,~-~p 1arat~.;actio_n: untjer ..9~ct1on. 4. Ruf.e: 2 · (SC
Affi9av1ts-shall be '1Sed 1n heu o( dir~cp_~J:(:~1U).n?t1on_: ~.-,~,,.tAn'?,9f~.t,0~1. supr!rnt.128).· . . · . : . · .. · ..
of the witnesses and tne court shall str,ictly adhere~{~_ e_;...,~;...i~:....
the one. day exam ina.tion of witness \(tie (~~Jr/.4, . . judgrmmt Executory~: Exceptions· : · . . . ,
Sec,2arid$).· . . , . · · ~::L~.t,S. . · '!'
jud_g;ne'nt.r.et:i~ered._pursuaht.to·the~e-~ules is ,
.r · .1n:imed1.~tely:-ex~cutory (Rule.lS,·Sec. ·:2): ;ft tnay -not ·
Submissioo of. the, 'Case· f6r Decision; F.ili~~ o.t be st;:iyed byJhe·ppsting_of a bond und,er Rule 3!fof · ·
Memoranda · · · ·. · · · · .· th~ R!,Jles.of Court· ;:incf (he 's0.le r~medy lies with tbe ·
After.the last party h~S rested.jts case: the
court shall ·. '. appellate.co~~· Th~ appellat~_co4rt c.an i.ss.ueaTRO ·
issue an order submitting .the case for decision: The· ., · ·to r~strain the execution .ofthejudgmeril and.should .. ,
cou'rt. rriay require pa~ies. ta .. submit' their ,resp~ctiv~ the appeil;;ite .court actwltti grave abuse·of discretio·n''
rhenioranda, if possible in etectric'form.;within a.non-. in refusing to· act of the··applica.tion- of the :TRO, a .
extendible .'periqd of thirty·(30)° da·ys from date .th~- petition -for ;certiorari under 'Ruie· 65 can.'be.·brought· ..
.ca.se is.submitted for decision. Tb.e court shall have · before the .Supreme Court (SC Annotations,·supraal, ·
a period:'of ~lxty. (60) days to' decid~ the cas~ from ·. 128'-129). . : .. : . .. · .. ·.'.. · · . ·:· .- .. ~
date the ·case is ..s.ubmifted for. ,decisioo (Rule 4, · S.eo,' ·
4), . P~im1~~nf EJ>O; ·~rit\i~~n~i'riuitlg.Ma~·da;;u~
The CQUri may convert the ~emporary erh1ir.onmental
MemQra~\f~ ii:t Electro.nic Fo!1J1 . protection order· to a. :permal'lent · enyfror:iment~I
In response {o' .deyelop,ments iR · information . protection ord~r or .' i~si.Je a · writ .of . cqntiouing
·technology '.·arid. in . ·anticipatior) :· of. (u.rther mandamus directing t}ie''·perfofrnaR~ o.f acts,Whicli
·develo~men~s 1n·the legal.system with r~spect to the , shall be effectivifuntil ,tl:le jud.9"}9rit is fully satis;tied
use of computer~ ahd internet, submission- of .the (Rule 5;.Sec. 3). · · . · . .:.
memoranda in· electronic form may be. allowed (SC
~.nnotat;ons,.sup,:a a~ '127).


' ' . \. ' ..
mlF-~t::::11:;1;.nlSlm .. --------·---------.----------·---a.-...J<it.
. ·. . . . . . .. :
· . )J:
. •.'.}·
lt!~~c.s'l.ml llllll!l llllliam.. lllll!llml l[ml m_ l!lllll!IIIBl .. ilmlllll!l1111.1n-rft
Envlr~nmental Prot9ction Order: (EPO). · 2. Xis_ a wltness in a· p·.endiryg .en.v.~r6n~_~ntal._c.as~ t:·t
Refers to. an order Isauedby- the court directing .or . against A and the-latter, retahate.s.b.y filing a case'::z1
enjoining .. any .. person. or. government agency. ta ·for .daniag-~s or libel ~gain~t X;· o_r : . · _ . . )j
perform or desist from .pertorrninq ·an act in order to . . 3. X Is .~n- envlronrnental · advpcate who "rallies. for, ·i,.,~
protect,. preserve or rehabilitate "the· envlronment · . · . the protection of erwlronmental .riqhts ' and, a·({'
(Rule__ 1, Seo. 4(~)). · · · · complaint for damaqes i:i fil'ed aqalnst him ·by A·'·&
(Ibid.). . . · . · .. · .•"f1i
Whim Writ of.Mandamu~·.is 13vail~d.of. . . . -. . . _ . . .•. '';f
The continuing 'menaemue is made. availal;>le under Natura of the. Pro.ceedlng_. .._ · . . , );.~
this provision· as. a final relief. The nature of the case ·· :r~e ~~aring for tile ?_efense ofa S10PP. ls s4mmaiy:7]f
in'Wl')ich. the judgment ls issued.will be a decislve , in. nafurato expedltethe procsedinqs. The party:Xf
factor in· determining whether to. tssue" a w.nt .of seeking- the .dlsmlssat 'of the case· 1:1lleged .to. be a·-'~i.
continuing meridemus: A TEPO may be' converted SLAPP. rnay easily assert .this defense and prove it)~
into a writ of continuing mandamus ·sho.uld .. the onlywitn substantial evidence.'lf the court finds'\hat\'f
drcumstances warrant (SC ArmotatJ.oris,,tsupr:a·at· . · the defense is valid, the piaintift is required to prove -1
12m-.: . . . . . · the following':... · . _ . : . . • .. .. . .
. . . ·. . ·.. • ·.. _ · · .. 1,. -..ttie· case tsnot a $LAF.iP; and' . · .
· Strategic Lawsuit -'Agafnst Public Parttclpatlon" ·. 2. 'themerlts of the case (Rufe. 6,. Sec. 3).
·(SLAPP) · ., ·· · -·. . ·. . . ·,,_ ~-, · :. _... . .. ··: .. : . . .· - · · . .-:_~,
Refers · to an· action .. w.hetber. civil,· ; cti~n1:i~r .1f ..;,. ·'.-Rual'ltum.Pf Evide.n~e: ·· · · - · · : - · t~.
administrative,· brqught -~ga.inst . : §jif'~."P~~ori, -~- ) ji\)Ttl'fp)-r.ty seeking the d_isn:i_issalof th·e case must -'\.
il)stitutii:>n ·c;,r any govemmerir ag1fow-"''9r,t.~CaJ."'
_goy~r.nment unit or· its offi~ials· a11;~!~111PI0~'-5(~it~·.
pfo_vf ~y,~uQstantial evid,mce 'that his acts for: j{
. _ . · ._.,th~. -ienfo/?s.~~nt.of . eliviron~entc;11· .law is, ~ ~~
the intent Jo. harass, ve~, exE:)rt.Anl:ft("~'l:>;es~!-[r.~~Qr=sF~"'."'r-...~h)J:ij~t~)act~t'jl for. the.protecti.on, ·preservatrQn. _-,';?;
stifle any. legal recour~e-that si,i,15,tQer~~:.J~'sti!1.1tiqt1t? 1.l"" · ·'-YT ano}:re~\1'ipti~pf.l.\\of. the .~n~i_ronn:,ent.,: .· . . ..: 'j\
en~~r~ement o~ env1ronr:ne_ntc::1 }~~:?•protec1~':'..J:,~the ,, ~rd~,
or gove1rnment age~cy·has t'1en.o~.,6).aytct~e m__tt.le. ,~..__,2\. .ThelpartYt/~mq,,tli!p,act1q.n a~_sl:!lle_~ as ~LAPP,
_sha)~p~ove~t;>t9rbp~onderanc_e ~f e)lid~n~e t~at '--~~
..env,ronment or. ass~rt,o_n._ t;-eJ:W.tfpnme}:l
al ng!Jts. .i .. _, . : f~e Jct!oll 1i_·n£~ 'fl.:APP .a_nd !S :a vahd a~tr_on \ff
(Rule 6 Sec 1)' · ·

S~A~; aS ~ D~,.,;~., HOJ,'~~ ("11\ " .

_ If'
K'di-"if,. · . ·
a.. ·.cas~. is a-· strategic \a.>VJr:~(\.'ag'~Jpit~ 1~
7 '~~~;~,~m..J;!;J
~"''- '-'
6 Sec4 '3) %

n,~ of S~P.
· · · ·' ·

1.f. tt,e actlon.is·disr'ni~?ed, .\:

' · · ,.,,,

~h~II be· l
ps:1rt191pabon, the tj~fenda~~\..jn ~at ~~~-ax~ .. :w-t~-e,~_Q'i,t'..·
ay JfiW~r~d,amages·,:·att?me_y'.sfees. and .. :;,
: interpose· the a.ff!rm~trve,:def~\lse,~~~b..th_eJs°1's9"ls-~~- -~~~- · u•.! Jf.r;i_der !:1 ,Pbuntei'cl~1~ tf ~~C:h hq~ been .. /f
stratE:gic lawsuit against P!J.blJ~art1c1~~:m7R_ ~~- · . e. cJ_ISm1ssalfhali b.e ·w1tl:\· pr_eJ.!J.~rce.(Rule 6, , ::r
Sec. 2). .: . , .. · ~SC1£ITT~~G. ). /· ... /. . · · . .,:i .
. Natur.e._ofSLAPP·Suit_ . : ---~ ~9t1':~"~ ·. ;,!~~~ts ~he ·defe~-~~ -~~- ~~~~~-. th~>l
Once ~h~ defense o_f S_LAPP 1s·allegeq~~~ ·ac:r~er r•. ff b,y"rn_-eb~dcfu_~d ~urmg ·the ~l!~mary he_ar!_ngs_hall · -~<
for a c;:ase· ou\s.1de the <>overage_of tties~·~J.f3?• J.,V il.Lbl·.Jt~ateclas ev1aenpe of. parties pn .the ml?rits of the : -/:-
this Huie ·will· pn ly apply insofar as .the <:letermjnatio~:s_e.:·:Th,e·action ·..shall_ proceed .i~ accordatlce .with . ,:.:~
, . of whether s.ucli SL,APP ls concerned. ASLAF?.P·suit · the· Rul~s pf.Court.(Rul~·6;.Set;. 4). · ·· · Yi
is in ever.y sense a harassment suifand th~- affron.t. · ··-· ., ·
against ·constitutional Tights is (he very reasoh .y,ihy . P.riority'il} ¢riurt Hea~irigs ..· . .. , .... '. .: :.:ii
Flo pending legal . action is'. required . to Gountef a . . The· coury ·is required to. prioritiz~ .the hearing, ~ri~ \
$LA~P suit. . ·. · · : reso1utiofi'ofa SLAPP defense, t~e 'pri.or'itiz.ationiii a ;.,

Sine~. motion to ·_disrniss·Js ..a: prohibited pf~a.ding, .
SLAPP as 't:!n affirmative defen.se_should·be·.raised
hearing. a SLAPP·. d·etense. is. ·another·· mode· 'of -·
. expediting the .pr<;icee<:l_in~s. (SC;~nnotations,.:~upra .z~j
;;:;;;~~~~,.~;: to~~~n;~·~r.~:;!~~.::.Fl!
ii) an answer along with other .'defenses that may be ..
raised ·in the case .aJleged''.to be a ··sL,AP.P ·(SC·

. t,
Annotations,.~upra at-131)..' _._:

Examples,.olSLAPP Sui~
· ··

· .. ·
. :. ·s
O_n·Uie other hand, -the de)'lial of a 'SLAPP·d.efe.f!Se ·
alld"'.'(s the' action to proceed-in accordanpe:with (he·· ·:i
1. .X files a complaint in an emiironmental. .case · Rul~s of C.o"urt Since the 'evidence·._i!dduced ·in the. '.:.'..
.. against A (violatorot environmentallaws] ·and A. hearing of a SLAPP. defense.remains on record;'tbe··:. ,.;:i
retaliates by filing a complaint" for · damages ptaintitt is not required to.otterthe e.vidence.akeady , I
.• against X; · adduced-again (/dr. . . '·-
. .,~!


··, .. SAN BED.A u:,w C£~TnALJZEDBAI_WPERAnoN~- _MEMORY:Ato.?019 .· : .... ', . · .
II: CRIMIN~L PROCED.U~~ 1. Wher;', in his-presence, the person to tie arrested '
has committed, is. actually 'comrnlttlnq' or ;is
Pr~·secutio_n_of Offenses .. · . '. .. · atternpfinqtc'commltan offens.e; or . . · : . :
Who may file: An_y offended party, peace ,officer or 2. When an offense has just beencommltted, and
anypubllc' officer ctiarged--with the enforcement- of . ". he . has· probable cause. to believe· based . on
an environrnentatlawmay file-a complaint. before thei · · personal knowle!;ige• of facts. cir· circumstances
proper-officerIn 'accordance with_the. Rul_es..otCourt -ttiat t~e persohto be arrested has committed 1t.
(Rule· 9, -Sec. t):. · · ·· ·
f~dividuals dep'u(i'zed·. b5'
'the: p.ro~er governm~n~
F.illnij of Information · · ·. .· ·. . . . ·.: . . . agency who are. enforclnq.envlronrnental laws shall
An lnform~fion-c):lar.gi_ng a person with _a violation of · · enjoy· the. presumption of regularity_ under Section
environmental· law and ·:"subs6'ribe'd -: by -the . · 3(m), Ruje 1_31_ of the Rules of Court when effecting
.prosecutor,'shalt be filed with the.court'(R~le-9, :sec . ... arrests for violations of_ environmentallaws (Rule 11,
. . 2): ... ·.:: . . . . se«; .1): · - . ..

SpEicial-P.ros.ec;utor . . . .. · · · · . ·. ~<>te: .. in order.to_vaJldly.·eff~~t:~a'r~~tlessarrest.the

In crimi['~d cases, w~ere'there. is no private offended' ·. -: . arrest· must. be.. .done: immediately . after .. the
party; a counsel: whose servicesareoffqred ~y ·any -· 'commission.of the'. offense {SC Annotalions, supr«
pe.rson 'or org~qization may.be allowed by the court · · . . ar 147). · · ·
. _as. _spe.ciar prosecutor..: ~i_th }.M·.. ?~lisent of 'an.~::,,:'S . . -. .. - ." .. . . . . .
· subjectto the C<?nt~ol· ~Ad superv1s1qn ..of~the. pu~IJ$!):;!i : Prov1s1~~~1 Reme_d1e~ ·. . . ·. .. · ,_ ·
· . prosec1,Jtor (R_t:Jle 9, -Sec., 3).. . :· · · '. - ·. f
~i'.;·f/·:.:.\ The-prov1s19na1, re.meay of· at~chrnent ~nc::'er -Rule ·
. . .: , · ·. .· . . .... :. -~'!(;;;.v:;-,~~e.- 127_. of _th~ ~u/es <:?' qourt may-'be av~il~c! .of' in • ·
:tii~ pr?v!s1on recog~zes . the po'S~1br)r~y;,1 <if;,J_~-H'~~X.'fOl)ment~·cases (Rufe 13,Se~s~/. and 2). ·:
rnterverytioh. from. a special· prose~utor even_)od~.·-.f.(Hu.•.:·.i,;.;JJJf"'"1,":)._f~,t' . · .: : . .· . ·· :
absence of. a private ·offended party.. T.b.~·;:·speoialt.,· 11 · · Con1{ent-,of-~·f'le·Pros~cutor. ·· . · · · · ·. . ·
prosecutor complemei:,ts the· public /l§p0sect.1tor. ir.i,L-1 . : . Consent of 1\f~. pros_ecut9r, . the offended,. party. or .
. advanciri_g public interest in environr;n~.!1~1 .casej•""."'•~, . concernedi~v~rnment.agency·is ~e'qqjr~ ·in order
_The. ln~ervention.by the special.pro~~pu~t~h'Efl1.6e . f.:l' to_ s'ucce~!f11y\~~rive.;at· a. valid pJ~a::bargainiryg.
· subject' to_ the; · ci:ms?~t ~!1d ~trol of -i~e.::p-ublig,,_· ~:-')' agree.m,,nt·( p Apnotations,.~upra at152).: · · ... ·
prosecutor.1:hr~ prov1s1or-1 app~~;t9thos~rn;,tances"> ~,1.1\ . %
·1-1· • \ • •• ·_ •• _ ·.: • • •• _

s_wbs~t!'Y'.SJ~Wfi'? _· · '. ·. -_- :. '·. _. : . · ·.

of. ~vic;timl_ess. ?ffe_nses" wh~r~:tthei:e1~~~
'. ~ffel)d~d party W~O. t°!?S' a c,iir~c~r-fl'lR~!J~.',rnt~r~~\_-
; to prosecute a cnmrnal. act,on :("{j_fe.::1,n~Qfationft.
~}!l ·
In.' C~Se'~b.~~cfion_ 'and. SU~S1d1ary·. _hab1l:ty. IS.
.allowed b~ _law, ·the~-cour:t ·may, by· motror;i.,of·tll(;r
· _supra at 145). · · \.;:: I\ · "ti ·. · - · . · .· ~-~~.....~e_rson enti:l~d to r~co?er.}Jride_rj\Jdg!:f1e.~t, enforce
.· . -)~..-,,t.d : )·-r.".~:,,Sactr:--subsrqiary hab1lrty against·.- a·· person or=.
·- P~osecutloh _of Civil Actions : .· ~~/; · 4~y:..it!~;.,kz.i:J-&i-t>Watf6~s\rbsidii!iri.1y.liabl~:·u'ric:fer Art'icie.102 ar-1,c;l .
. _ .ln~~itu,tlon -of.Criminal'.and._Civ_ilA~ti'p~s : 1tt/ .. · · . 103 of the -Revised P.enal Code_.(RuTe .18;· .Se.c:'1);. ·
. When·a ,criminal'action··is i!-ls.~itu.ted,·ttie~~i~!!_:~ction · · ,·
for ·the· recovery:9f. Civil lic1bility .cJri~it:'!9 ~'fr.om th~ . ~trateg!c"Lawsuit'Ag~insp~upiic p~-~dp~tiorfln
Off(;}n~echarged:;-shall:be (feemed instituted with.ttT1;1 ··· Crimlnal'Cases ·.. · - . . ··: ,. ,·,. .
criminal :ac;tton unless the .complainant waive·s fhe Upon· ·the. filing of .intormaµon in ·court. and befor~ .
civif c!Ction,' rese.rvas·the.right to in·stitute'itseparately· . arraignment,. the acc.i.Jsed.' may···file. :If ·r:notiol') fa ·
or institutes'c[vil ~ction 'prior-'to the-crimin~l·.action .. discniss on the ground-that the,cr.in,ina(··a.ction is a· -
"(f?ule 10, Sec.1). . :stra'fe.glc. lawsuit agaiost public j:)articip'ati6r({Ru/e. ·
- J9, Sec. 1f .· . . . . .- .-
.Nofe~This provis.iQn;d~parts.fr9m t~e trad.iti9i:)afrule ..
'on institution ·of civil acti_on,s un9er Rule 111· 'of the>·.. . ·.: ~.anh~.r:of~llegihg S~AP.P_: T-h~_~c;i-r)'nl,lP by\vtji~h·.... 0

'R1,1les ·of.Court:in th'at_it pr.9-vides for-an·c:1pplicab!e to allege· that a crim.iilal.action ·1~ a.SLAPP..is through
rule on the ·dl~position of d~mages.where th'e're i's ·no . · a motion.to dismiss rather than a ""1.oti9nfo qua:sn. A
privat~ . offei;ided . parJ.y ... The . : provision. likewise motion.to di~miss al_lows t~e~actlon to be·qi~llenged
codifies·1he essence of· restorative justice when .it -as a SI.APP; .whl_le. ~ motio~ ti:>'qµastl is-directed ~6.
· recj~ires ~hat 1tie award sHall . be- given.:_ to 1he· · ·_the lnfo!lllation (SCAnnotation's, supra a.t: 157!'. · . ·
: c.oncerned· government agency. This is restorative
:· justice transposed into the context of environmental Natu.~e.of·Proceedii:lg:-The. ~earing ~lti1e.·d~feri~e ..
·.·Jaw·( SC Annotatioos, supra at '146): ·· · ·of_a Sl,.APP·shall be summary in -nature.· . . ·. ·

Arrest without Warrant: A peace officer·--or. an Quantum of 'Evidence: Same as S.ec. 3·,
(Civil· Pr9cedure) of this Rule ..
. Ri:Jle
, '
-6 .
indlvldaal deputized by 'the proper gdvernfTlent
· agency may, without a warrant, arrest' a person:
. '


. . .· ::i "t
MEMO'!" AI0'-2019..

. . .. .. .· ., ·.·· ... :'. .... :}\

·. When motions are,grant~d: Thecourt shall grant uncertain, actions shau be taken fo avoid or diminish · ',·
the ~motion· · jf the accused · establishes ·in · the the·. threat," The' Honorable . -Sup,reoie Gourt ,j
summary he~rin~. that the criminal.case has be.e~ permanently stopped the· fiekl testing foll .B_t_ talong, .}~
filed.with inteni. to harass; vex-exert undue. pressure · upholding the decision of the ..CA which stopped the< -_ili.,
or . ·sti~e any . leg~I recourse' that· -any . person, field trials for. the ·~enetically rnoditled :e_ggplant. The:·-··J
instltutlon or the government has taken or may take · Honorable Supreme Court is the first lnthe world.to :-rl'
in the enforcerrrent of environrnentaf laws, protection· . adopt the precautionary principle' regarding 'GMO .. · =;t-
of the environment or assertion of environmental · products jn its decision "(Jd,J: · i,~
· rights: .If the court d"'4;3nies the n'.\otion_; the court shall • · · · · .,..
immediately- proceedwith the arraignment ·of the . When. there i{'a lack·.-of·.fulf s~ientifi~."c~rtajnty,iri . .-J\·
accused (Rµ.ff'19,-~~c. 3). estabtishinq a causal ·Hr:,k between human activity·.).
. ,., . · .. · and envlronrnental effect, the court shall apply the '. :i
in ..· EVlDENCE. -~ ... · . .precautlonary.princlplein resolving the, cas~ before ·1
· .. · · · . it."The constitutional iig_ht of-the people to.a -balanced : J:
Pre~~utiona_ry ~rinc.lp.l·e·.states :that. wher{h~nia.n and heal_thful_ ecology -~hall be !;!iver.i the benefit of _·,,r
activities . rhay · 1~a9 · to . threats of serious an~. the doubt (Rule ~20.,: .~ec. 1, Ru{es.9( Proceaurefor ;~~
Irreversible damage_ to -the. -environment that is , , _Environmental .Case.s;·fd.). . · · .. · ·· . -~!(
scientifically plausib1e"l;1Ut.uncertain,"actforis shall be : . ·. · . · .· ·. . · '. · .. . ··?
takeri·to.avo[d .. or diminish .that threat (Rufe· 1, ,Se~=~~hEiri-there -).s a_·lj:ick .qf. full scientific certairity -in ./i.
. 4(()). . . . · . . . . .: · ~,~"' ·i,):?ta51!s,t}i_rig.a causal·;liril< bet.weer huma,n 'ac~ivity· ~'
. · . · · · . · . . · · ~~- --~· · : . !a\1
. .

ep~i'ii9!J~!n~al .e~ect; the -~?urt shall apply the. (..

Precautionary Principle . · . /,""'\ !. ~~~~_uusn~Y£1n~1ple-lr_i r.e$olv1ng .-the_case before :I:
'file pr!=!ca~tionary pr,~ciple 'i:> CC?!:\~~f:r.d,1~--tit1cfple. _ · it (R_&le~2_0,~~eb,/tJ.· . : '· ·. ·, ; · · . · · ]f
. 15 of the Rio Oec.113:rat1or.r,whrchJtate~~th,;Jif ~9.9re~ ...,~~,:. ;\ . . :'. . · · · . . . · ·-%,

e!°~! · ;,. _ • d'e~·l. · · .

to protect the envir9nmenV,4@e<e P,~.c.fitionaw · <:;jf'· ~f.te:.. \Th~?lt1*t~t\lt!,o_n!3_l. l'ight qf the people. to a ~
·approach shall be widely ~pproa'c~'edl b' .. States . ·/~ ..l!jal_an.ce~ an(\l'\"ealthf~l:eqology shall ·be· given. the · \,·
. according, t9. t~eir ?apabili}i~.t '!'1~ere ~~e 1)6, b~nefi! ~~-the <. · · · . . ;",j
th,?ats. of senous o, ,rreveN;,blyraff'age;.I CS _j . .~ -·. < • • • • • • • . .. • ,i1
scientifj: certaioty.~_hall·.not,e"os~~fas a r asoiil?,r · · is;!11;1.tifpp~y_1pg.the~.f~ca11,/~ary ~nn_c1p_le,._ttie folloWmg ,,J'
. postponing cost~effective .. i m~asif[es: to l. pr~veo ··illJi'Z@.;attors.~rnong.q$1ileJ~jT~Y b~ considered: (TfP) ,~
¢r:ivironi:nent~I- _deg·radati?nt "(lr{t~rl\'~Ji~n~\ · J:.r:.vJ.ce ::::S.!:.:..:J~Jf4_~0._h§i"'!a.l'.lliT.e or !iealth; . .- . · · ,. , . · !;_
· 'for·the· Acquis1~1on of Agrt""bl~l~Cf,~P,~ht'(~y \ lnc,fu'( '~1-iz:-:--!ij"e~ulfto_pre~t1Jr
. v.; Greenpeace S-quth!=last ~'la· [PfiWpp1~)},'. G.R~ l""'~-~~Jtce
fu_ture_ genera~10ns; or··
tti_EJe_nvirqnment . w1_tl)out legaJ
.No .. · 2092_7:1, · 209276, _20.913.01,' &'\ 20~~~0,."'©If-"' .. -~f'O"~nfa1d"erj:1:tlEm OfjlhEf e.nvironme~tal· rigtils-. of ·1
December 2015). . . . '\ · !\ · · · · i'7,.:~ /,,. licfae aftected·.(@u/e20, Sec. 1). . · . J·
. ,:, --~~ S' . .;.o_.., .b._ /. p . .. . . . ,, ·:
· , · · · -", · · -.~ .. CJR1,H"'·c:
R:eq·ulsites of Precautionary Principle: ,{tTC;OJ
. ,:? . ~r . .
- .:.-.0oc1,1irientacy Evidence·· .
.· .
. . ·JtJ .
. 1.: . Th~.re are. ttir.eats of serious~tf~{er~£5re.:...:.~@t99.1Ei~11S·Y(~:eos·.al')d.si~il~r·
e~iden?~ of events: ~
.. · dam~getothe_~n~ironi:nen_t,. ·'.- -'~,,-."'~{ ·1\, A-fa.ct~~~sactions of w1Jdlife .by-p.r.~d~i:;ts .or ··:-i
2. t,ack· of f~II sc1e_nt1fic-ce_rtamty ·10 esta_1:i1_1~n1~~ 1'Vl_Ia¥~t1Ves,:forest. p~oduc;ts:_ or, m_rne~al :,-~source.s · 1.
causal. hnk ,between human .actp.,1ty an~bJ~ct .of a·. case. shall· be ,:?dm1ss1b_le · when: -;
environmentaleffect. ariEl '· . . . . . .: authenticated by the :persorr wlio took the same; by . -;,
' 3 .. Cost-effective . .'measures- . · to= -, preve11t some .otl'ter· P!:lrson. present "when the evidence was . ··1,
;'°nvirohm~"ntal degradation .. -~hail ·not. ·be; tak"erj_;·~roy any oth"er:person compete~t to testify on· . :it
pos.tpane.d' (lrit~rnational ·. s~rvice for:. ttie. the ·accora~y th.ereof._· . . . -·;i
. Acquisition ofAgri-biotecii. Appli~~ti~ns; lnc. ·:v. ·. -~ntries···in 6ffici~I i-~cords ~~de· in ·ttie perfo~atlce · i
. q~eenpeace_ So.1:1theast Asia [Ph1hppmes], G.R. ., of .h_is· d1:1ty by a,.pubilc o~icer or. by a ·person.in ~he ·J
No. 20.~27.1, 209~76; 2q93~1. & 209430,: ·08 per:-ornj~nce. of a-:c:M~.enjoine~ by__ l_a~, are_· prima . ::j
December. 201"5.)... fac,e evidence of the fa.ctss.tated·ther.e1n .. · . .,-;~
. . .. !l
·. Bt Talon'g Case.·. ·,
'.A petition by GreenpeacEf Southea~t As_ia-.. and '·
farmer-scientist coalition MASIPAG asl<ed the Court
of.App"eals (CA). to stop the pranting of Bt (Ba.ell/us
ttiqring(en"$I~) talo.ng (eggplant), in.test fields was ·
granted CA grqnled the, citin~ .. tt:ie . preca1.Jtionary
principle stating "when .hum.an activities mc:!Y lead'to
threats' of serious and irreversible damage to· the
environment that is· .. scientificaliy. plausible .· but



I RuLE ~N J;.E-G>\L si~All:no~

••i ...
I 6. -besbianism pr hornosexuallty of the respondent;
7 ...: £ontracting by the respondent 'of a subsequent-
. · bigamous marriage_, whether in or outside the
. _Pr,ilipp1nes; , · .
A.M;.Na. 0~·11:.,11-SC,
. . . March4, .2003
. . 8.- · Sexuallnfidellty or perversion of the_ respondent; · .
"· . ·: 9: 8ttempt -on the'. ·li_fe . of petitioner. by the .
: . · respondent; or · . .
10.. Ab~ndonm(!nt of -petittoner by "respondent
.... without Justifiable cause for more · than a year:
(Sec: 2): · · ·

C_°c?_ntetits and Form. .

· The petition shall:-
. , · . .. . .
· · 1:· Ailege the··complete Iacts-constitutinq the cause .
. · of action.. · · ·
The action qr' defense .The '.petiti6n ···mt.ist:: b~. 2. Sta.te·-·the· names .. and ages bf the common
'does not prescribe; ~, filed-within-5·years.fronf e :·. • children of the partles:

· · ·· ··· · the ' tirrie o(:' · the ... - · · .

occurrence · of ., .. the • Note: l.f there· is no adequate provisio~ in a
·... · cause. · ,. _·. . A~..<\ .. · ... ".'lrl~ten agr;eement, the petitioner may apply- for
· ,:~j( -, · ·.·a· provisional order.
·,. ; • ,. l~~.. i·~.~ · ,. . ·,·· . .' . . .··
·: . Family' Court 'in. theipr.o:V.ince or ·city_._wh.e're ~~·,'.i;i,)i.~.
3:' -_$pe,cify. the p-ro_perty. re~ime go~e-~!ng·.t~eii'
_pe~itioner or _tJ1e re~poh~ent has_ be~~ re_si1i9,W.fof.. ,r-;7{:;k~~!~:-r-&~~!~ 1~~n::~d- t.he .properttes -~~v?~_ved,.
.: · atteast 6_ mo~ths-i;,riot. to ~he date of:f1hn~.9,f~1~·case 'if ·tf, - 4. · _ Biif'·v.eid~'cfand accompanied by. certification .' a
. _of ~- n~n-res1dent, whe~~he may .b~1~una in the
Philipplnes. atthe election of the petit1pn~. . : . - · , ;J.lf·;1 •
\J! .
against ,yf'(:'!rum shopping . which must be :
nfl-11,; 'i\_1·gned by th. 1·1· · . -· · ·
_ , :,f' !.!- :'\.\ e pe 11oner;. .
• _ _.
. -
. . • _ :
. . .- .
: /· ;~> ,1.__ • _ .:f·
__A'c,/: ~;.<~- ·' .·
~~ _ _:
.:J a .. i
I. a . .- .
. Sc~p~--- . ·_; ''.: .. · . :: ·_',efPP ·. /~"? : ~- ~i~ .. No!~/ lf_tw~;P«r!itioner. i~ irr ~-fi:itelgn' c:ou~~ry_. the
Tfus Rule shall go'f~m petiho_ris-:-.!~r-le@-~,~par~ti!)n• ~1
v:9L~t_1~r - a1;1~ -~ cert1fi_cat1'.'>n against_ ..·for..um.
under the Family Code of the '~ilippf~,e~~(.S~c. :'ff;~.: -~·~ . ·sq9.P.R'.f.l~!'.1-~~\1:~1~)5eaµthentrcated. by· the duly
· . . .: , · -~ ~~;.-:i."i· · !ttill v~-f aut~er.lz~~cer of the Philippine e'mbas,sy or _
, The__Rules' _of C~urt ·st,al.1 apply s~~plefer_iiy1f..' ·- } : f.N . . . .
'fegation, COl")SUI g~ne~I .. consul or vi~e-cqnsu_l .
. . .,. . :-.~ t\ _ }~ ,_.. i'''-~..:,-.,.oreonsular-agent m said country - _- .-.. .
. . . ~.'\. ,> \} • f'.\r: •'•'l·"- · . . · · ,
Petition - · - -- \tr.:'.'_.,.. . . ..:,-<,·~,11t.\;.,·,:r;;;i' ...... · · · ·
"Yho· May File: l_t_m~y ·only b~ _file_d)~l
eithlf'(~~-~:,......,~..:9e~filed·i,:16 c~pies _and ":'ith.in !;i days furn(sti a
. husb~mdorthew1fe.
.- . , · .
. ··
~-,,,:...,\ -
· , . :cop~.to t~e-C1ty or_Pro_v1~_c1al. Prosec;_utor an~
. -creditors, 1f any, and submit to_ the.court proof of
When·to'File .. . . . _.....- . : . such service within'the._same-peiiod(Sec. 2(b)) ..
: It may,only·:t>e- file_d within 5 y~ilrs ffom -the_.tirrie of · .. _; . .· . . .· ' .
tJ:,e occurrence of .any of the - following -causes; Note: .F~ilure -to _comply with. th~ _.p.rec~ding : .
·£RPAF-DL-CIA2) . . . • .' · • ·• , . r'eq1,1ir'.ements may· be· -a ground·- for ·irnmediate ·.
.. 1 .. • Repeated phrslc~l--violence' 'oi- grossly' _abusiv~ ·.- ·. dls'missal of the '.3Ction .(Sec.:2(b)}~ .
· cqndu¢t -direyted· against the· petitiorier.1 a.·
. . c·om·mon ch1Jd, or a child_'of the· petitiener; _... - . · .. Provisional Orders : ·. . . . · · ; · · . · .
. ,_2. •' f.hY.sical vi9.1en9i:l.or .in?ral pre:5sure to c,ompei'._ ·- - ·. The petitioner may apply'f<;>r pr~vjsio~al order it'ther~.
·· the · petitioner . to. change religiou?;, ·0r ·. politicc;1I· . is no- ~dequate. provision in. the writteri agreement:
affiliation; ,. · . . · ·: {SCAVO} . . .
· 3. ...Attempt of· the re·spondent to--coni.1pt o.'i' in_dli'ce:.- 1 . -_-.§.pou~a)_.support; · . ., . · , . .
the petitioner, a common child, or a child 0f·ll:ie 2. _The 9,ustody aod i,upport of common children;·
. petitioner, .. to'. engage in '. 'pros.titu,tbn or. . $ .. 8oministr.atioh · of• c;ornmunity or: conjugal
property; · ·
cqnnivance jn such ·eorrupti'on or inducement;
4;. .E.lr:ial -_judgment. .s_entenc;lng the - respondent to . . 4. Yisftation rights; and/or
.. in_,pris·onm·ent of rripre than six· ye:ars, ·even if - · - 5. Qther mc1tters.-.simi1ar1y requiring -urgent actiol')
pardoned; . . .. : ·-(S,ec: 2(b)). - . · ·
. 5·. Q.ri.ig ad9iction .or habitual alcoholism of. the
r~Spondent; · · ,.- · ·


. . I 517
.. 1!1!~1::!!l
l:..::!m!i::llll lm! llll[lll~l!lll 111111 llll! ~1~
:A1t~llmlllm llll!__ lmll&'!lmlniillli!S!•---- .. -----·--:,,··~:;'.
Venue· . . ·· P_re-trl~I . . . . · -~>k
the petition shall be filed in the Family ·c.ourt-of the A pre-trial is mandatory. On motion or moiu proprio.. j.
· province .o~ dty where: , · · · · · · the court shall set the.pre-trial: . .. . . . •. ,·l
· · 1. : Petitipner .or the. responderit'has been resid_ing 1. .Afte~ the Iast pleading hasbeen .served a~d_·-,l~-
for·at least.6 months prior-to ttre date of filing; or filed; or · . · . . . . . .. ·. . :{'.·
· 2. In case· of a. non-resident, where he· may be 2. · Upon recejpt of -the report: 'of the publi€' :····,
found il'l the ·P.hilippines_ o~ .at the .el~ction of the .. prosecutor that no :ci:>llu:~lcif!.exists ..be~we'en th~_; -, ;
petitioner (Sec. ·((c)). · , ·.· parties on a date noteartler than ~.months from :,_•
. ·.· the fil1n·g'clate: · · · · · · .· . :·. · .·:
Summo.ns: .'f.h(r ~ service. of sl..il'r\mo~s shall be
gov~rn·ed !:iy ~ul_e 1:4·_ofthe .R~<;; (Sec,~)-. N~ti~i:!'of Pre-trial:.the ~otice.·'shali~ontci'in:··. . . .
.· · .•· : · .-. · .. (t
·1: .,.·The date of pre-trial; and _- .
Motloo:to Dismiss· . . . . 2. · An -orderdirectinq the parties to serv~ and file · .f·
No motion to dismiss. shall be 'allowed except on the .t):leir-.respe~tive pre-trial·t?.ri~fs. . . . . · .,-,;,,
ground of-lack of jurisdiction over the 'subject matter
or ove~the parties . · · · . · . · · · · -,
. ·. . . . . .. ·, : . •. r . :~ .

The notice shall tie served separately .on.ttre parttes .,·~1;

.. .: >ti
. , . . . ,- • . AND counsels ·as well as. on the publje prosecutor- .. : if;.
Any other grounl'.l. that 111ay warrant the dismissal . . . '. · . : .. . . · :,., . ·. · ·. . . . , .J;

'1TJ ·t~~v,
may q'.e raised a~ affirmative -defense ·ih an ans~..&-,.,=r.,"'"'!!~,:helrdutyto appear ~.ERSONALL Y. at the pre> ·.-lf
(Sec. 4); ·· · . · : · · .: ~ · ~- · ·. ·. · . . . ~,.
An~w·~~: The_ ;~SP~.~~-e~tshal; fil~ .')Js~~r~j~-~f41e1t~~~t· f~il~- to :_~le ~n: ~11~we( _a,notic_e."o~ . .-;~
s· _days from :th~ r.ec~1p_t-o~ su~~s,.._ot~'1}t~1r130 : · . pre-ll1~~1:iall~'t1i~esent to )11m. .. . . ; . . ·. ;;::
· days fr-9m· th_e last. pubhcat1011 i_wcas~,:· f. ilrv1.c.e.cer._....~,.._-,,., ''>.,._..(<..._,... ..,J,..~.. · . . .. ·. · . -~~r
:_. publi¢ation.. . : · . · . /I£~ ·0 ~ y-.;; ' .'..;.-,, -l:~:ca_se~ofs\1"J29s,~y ·pub(lc~Uonand:respondent ('}}
. . : . ji · · ~- : · - _· lf' _,{{;tiled to\file:1di~an~1tr.,.notice shall be.sent to·h1s ·· ·.\;,
The answer ~ust !)e y~rified ,r~e_..R,f.:tilio~'r h.!._ms_elf. ~~l_f.f!Oi.ynad ~~flSI~,8):: .. ·. ·. . . . Jr;
. ·.. •
, ·
Q 1"1'.,..
,67 II
N. . . , .. , _ -~ .
~f':''=t°!'ll~-, .!i f p ~-f .
~ ~~ .
1 ·1· (F
. ._. ... . .
2-CO) . . . : ..
. .:;,_•
~'t- /,..., . '- 1..,_~111en~ o . r, nal.,B~ e_ . EW : .
c • '~cfl•"' .. "'~~
1, .• --t. 11 . \. _. . . . . ·f,'t
L.. '.\.. '

• •. ·. · . • .
· Whe_re. no answer-1~ filed ~r]}do~s. not teJ1deraN~i:_7,fiw1't'.::i- Ad'Vltted .E.~dts~n~.propos~ st1p_u_latl<?ns _of ... 1}
,~~·. ·, tg~·
· lssu~. · . . ·.: . ·· ~1 tq~ ll_ ·. ~-. \~-· _,..:. "::::i~~:_~~~sWjll· as factt,Jal ·and leqar. :
If the: respondent-.-fa1ls to fitb ~a.lil'--a\,sw. t!"~~\: cou~~-"', · .iS.S);!~s1/ j.~"'~-/1~1sputed·. · . . · ,. . . ·.. . . ,' . .f
shall l)ot declare him in defa~lb.V .J '\, ~~, i~ ll~Jl .!;_vi.efenc~"_h;f.bepresented., including tt,e. }
.... : :. . :· _ \: : · "\. : .. ~(fl:.. ~-=i · ~~"?,€(~·. gpiniory,_.j1if _.c;H1.Y, ·: briefJy. ~~ating. or : ·.;t,'
.· In instance~ where n.o _a11swer·~ fllec:! ~~~t d i~~~escrip)fi9 the njlture.!md pu'l?ose;, · , . ; ... ~,
tender an '~:>ue, the ~ourt .shato.rder.'\~.~- ..~c-.p.:.,·,::;ft~J)J,h7.,J,(umbenip'B nam~s of W1tn~sses a~nd their ::t
. pr.osecutor to investigate whethe~collusjon~~ tS:...l-d...--:"·..:-Wfic!avjt:S"7 .if · . .. . , .. · · · · .. · . . . --~~t
between parties (Se9: 5): . .,_./ ..911,·~=--""'~~ f\~{t~~h}ynfof the Wlllingn_es·s.of th~ pat1iE~s to· . .'r<:
· ,. • • · -. . . · .• ~~'<..-,..~.,.,...- . l\ JIJ,~ 't~~t~jJ_~fo agreen:i~nts a~ n:1ay be allo:w~d by law;· </
rnvest1g~tion Report.of Public Prosecuto~~ i'l/,l ~-.uadfca1mg.the desired.terms; · .. , ·. · :i
1. Th~. public prosecutor. shall_ submit. within
. . moi:ith after .-the_ .receipt of the orqer, a· ·report··
r-====··r ·
A .. concise. :stateme.nt .·· ot., the . · ~l~iins. ·· and . :d;;
· applicable laws aAd. autfiorities; and . . . · ·· . ,:i
... stqtir.,g woe.th.er ?I collus_ion e~lsfs.'betweeri ~he . ·6. Such Qther matters whlch may ti~ ·required ·by :. ·l
. "partie~; he :shall also serye c.opie~- tcf th.a parties · , · tt,e court . · · : . · :·· .... ·. · · .;f
.· -'.2 .. ·~n~6fl~~~;;l!~i~ts,the pobii~ pros.~c~\or shall'
··sta~esucl:I f~cfon the rep~rt -.yithin:10 d~ys from
. Failure to ·.c;o~pl~ ~\t~-the ;eq~ire~~nt~ s~~ll .-~a.v~ .r
· · tlie.. sam~· effect of non_~app~~taric.e ·at the pr~~trial .: --~\\
· ·receipt of .a 'copy .of a report. .The coµrt sfiall'set • (Sec: ~), ...,._ . :;r.
· · -the· report for· hearing. and if convinced. of the . . . . .. .;;:
... .. . . ccillu·sjoi), th.a petit!on sh~H be dismissed; and· F~llure to ~pp~ar at.the ~re.~tri~i: , .. ·. . . : ;}J_i
3. · lf:.there iS; no collusion, 'the. 9ourt shall set the 1. If the petitioner. fails to. ·appear_· personally, the · ·.y
case· for pr.e·tnal (Sec.-6). . .casl') sball be dismissed 1,mless:acou.nirel 0r duly /{.
. . . . authorized · re.prese·ntative prOV!;!S. v.alid :: ·,. a:
. Social Worker- · absence··of the petitione~. · . · . . . .. · ... ·.. _·,
· · Tl)e' court_' m~y re·ql!ire a soc.jal wo-rRerto conduct a 2. If the·.. respondEjnt'.filed_ his answ~r· but.failed to ·,.. \
; case study ani:I su~mit.the corresponaing report at. . · a·ppear at the _pre,trial, the court &.haJI proceed. ·-:~
least 3 days before pr~-trial... · . and _requi~e _the publiCJ>,.rqsecutor-Jo fnv~s1igate· ·)~
whether a collusion exists and submitwl.th'in 15 · :,.· •
The.court may als.o requ·ire a case study at a'r:iy·stage days a report (~ec. 10). . ':!.:'
of the case whenev~r necessary (Sec·.. 7). ·



>re-Tria.l_.Conference: "At,the_ pre-trial conference,' Trial .

he: court: . : · · · The·, presiding judge shall 'personally conduct the
1.. May· refer theJssues _to a
mediator who shall trial.' No deleqatlon of the reception· ofevidence'to
·. assist the" parties-in reachlnq an agreement on the commissioner: ·shall be. allowed· except as to
matters not prohiblted by law. · matterslnvolvinq property "relations -of the spous~s.

· The mediator shaff render ·a· report within . 1:. The .gro~nd~for."1e·gal sep~ratio_~must be proved. ·
month froro · referral.. Which ···.m·ay · "only be ·.
extended for period "on. another""1:ri1onth tor . The ·Court· m§Y "arder,th~" exclusion from the 'court
-good,re'?son$ snown.. · room of all persons .includinq -rnernbers of the press;
who donothave direct Interest inthe case, '.:
?. . In case mMiation fa not. avalled of- Of-~f it fails, .
', the .court .sfialt · proceed with -the pre-trial . No -, copy. shall b~-· taken. nor any: examlnatlon-or
. conference. The 'court · shall consider expert .perusa] of the 'records of the case, or." parts maybe: .
. testimonies .and .ctner; matters that.' may aid ·-"made by any personother thanthe partyorcotmsel,
· ..prom
. .... of.· the-. case {Sec.
pt disposition
. .
11 ). · except by.order of-the court (Sec.,1.4). - · ·

:>re-T:ri°al Order: . . Meil)pranda: The court may require the parties and
I . The pre-trial order shall, recite in det~_il, · .: · the · · publlc- · prosecutor . :to: file their : 'respective·
:a. The ma~te_rs takeri up in the conference; .. · ~/~J . °le~oranqa supp()rf:oJ th?ir· clair,;is w\thin 15 day~

c. .:r~e
, ·b. 'The action taken thereon:. . ' · . · · .;iA•.i/1}1}, ...
amendments allowed on the P.leadir~~(((}i'
from th~ ·date_· the- ,tnal 1s termmated. ~o other
. p_leading~ or ~apers may.·be ~ubrnitted wit~out l~_ay~

q. t~~- ag~eer.nents or.ad.mis~1ori_ nia~e b~ii~~;:a;::1~of.c:4~· . ~- :. . . . ; . :. .-·, ·. > ': . :. . . . . . .

part1e~ o~ ~ny ma,t\ers cons.1dered, 1n,9~~0ll1.£J;r ,r[ilfl~~~~_t;\~Jit•.!a.p,~e.e>f lhE: · perJo_d,: t_he .c':se. sh~II: _be
any proy1s1onaI Qrder t}:lat may ~ ..Af:i¢essary;J r( · . c_ons1!:le,~E1,a~subrr),tted for dec1s1on, with or without
.or agreed upon by the parties<·;.< . . . ,...r:L-~J . mer:no(anda16Sec.15). '. .· · ·
., ,. ·l .r . . . . . .A. . II ~ \ . .
· i;i· ·.. <,;oun.dsj;!.f~r.::~~enial·.. of . ~etiti"o~:.·
2. - S.hC?,ui~i the -~cti:onproce(:lfl t~ tr~jfftW~~~1ei'fa{~~- f~r Leg~I·
contain a recital of the foll~Vl_'W"€t: . "'tTw;,~· e rf~ Separ.atf,~n:~-C3P.~) · ·. ' . · . ·. ·: · ·. . ·
· a. UndiGp_utcd ·factG, ad~jt,t~.d faG~~.-~_ndttios~ · g!l 1: Thwagg~ievedle_arty had ~ondoned the off~t:lse
· "Yhicl} 11t:.ed noLb~ pr~~y~Q;"'"t.,.,;;'-'.J?'f'~ ~~ ~!i~ . !Ssf,~l:~~tr.i,a 9f or ~f!S consented_ to the
~-. Factual and legal issues;. c..:-;-J, . . .r,,:;d !n"I . . commt§.l>JQ.l'.U't:>fitne ·offense or a~t complamed'of;
c: Evid_ence that have been "np1~~- tfo. ~-/ _
k11'd .will 2. ." There· is :Qonni\iance in the c;~mmissron of the
presented;· . . , · : _::~ ·,-, . ·. \) . . . '-;mi;.i;w. offeinse. ~r,-act constituting· tfle ground for legal
d. Names of witnesses who w1ll ,J:ie;;P-fesen_ted _}. ;~11 i1i:f1,~epa_ration; . . . · .. ·: · .
and their testimobies. in •(lje .for-y.i:i'C'~of;~f:.,.:;......3.p'=TiAW~.Tu~o(lusion:betweenHie parties-to.obtain
affida"'.[ts;·· . .. , . (;J~. (/x.f · · the de.cree of,fegal sep~r;3tiort; . , . . ...
e. . $chedule of i:iresentat_ionof evi't{~l"tce;{and . 4.. Bo~ .fames -have. ,giVeR "_groun.d .for _le~al
f: Directive to the publi~ prosecutorli:(~pp·ear · . · .separation·(/n pari deticto); or·; . .. . .
.: . for the State. . . 5.- .. The -action is. barred by fres.cdption. (FAM/f.,Y
· · ·coDE, Art, _56j (S~c.16):. .. · ·
fhe parties :shall not ·be allowed to raise issues· or"
.:>resent w:i,tnesses and evidenpe other than ..those . lss1,1an_ce Oftbe ~e<:r:¢e.
stated in.the pre-tr.iaf·o_rder. · . : lftl'le cour.t gran}s the petitions- it shall' decla"re that
. u,e: Oe~r~e of. Leg'al .Separation shall .. be ·issued by
fha: parties' shall have. 5 d~ys_ fr6;,, the ordei: to the.court-only AFTER.tu.II com.pliance with'.liquidation ·
;,repose corre¢tions or-modifications (Sec. 12)... . under th.e Family Code;.. , . · . · . . .
. ·~ ~
P~6hlbited Coiilp~omise. . . : . Howev~r; i.n.·the absence of any pr~perty'; the cqurt
fhe court shall"riot.allov{compromise 'on prohibited shall issu"e the·.decree which" shall"t;re regist~red "in
matters, such.aiithe foliowing: (CV~F2A.J) · the Givil. Registry where thEf·mai'ria,ge.,was.re.corded .
1'. · · The £ivil ·st?tus of persons; . . ~nd in \lie Ci_vil registry wtier.e ,the Family. Court ·
2. T'1e." J[aiidity of a·. marriage or of· a legal· - . gran~ng the "decree is. l:ocated,
' separation; .
3, f\.1ture support;
4. .t.Utl!re legitirrie; .
s: -~IJY ground for leg~I separation; and
6. · ·Jurisdiction ·of courts (Sec. 1·3).


.. ~~:ffll:iz:.l,.. 1111111 IJ!l!!ll mlilllll!I ,(


~Nilliimlm:DBB-IIIIIIIIIIISlllill•1:m .. B1• .. _ ••• · :y
;. ; l1.
Th~ declslonjshall iik~wi~e d;eclare the fo_llo~fng: ·.·. 2... The· 'court. shall 'quote in ·the Decree· .th·e '·'.:''·
1. The spouses.are entitled to live separately from d_ispositive portion of tne Judgment ~·n't~rj:!.c(an.d ,}i
·· each· other bu! the marriage· bind is- . NOT.. attach :to· the· Decree the -approved deed 0( }ii
• severed: · .· · : .. · · . .. . partition.(Sec. 19). . .... · .' • -~:
2. Tl:le .obtiqatlon "o/. mutual support between , · .. · . . ·· · · · .\';£F..
.· - . spouses ceases: and · . ·. . · . . . . . . Registr~tion· of the Decree: . The. prevailing. party ~1~
3.- The · offe'qding . spouse is_ · disqualified from shall cause the registra!ionefthe Decree in the;Civii '),!~
inheritin,g fromthe i1;1nocent spouse by intestate ·. .. Registcy where the marriage was refi!istered, in the ;! .··-:
-successlori, arid· .provlslons in favor of. the c_i,yil :Registry otthe place where the Family C:Qllrt: ,_,;
0ffending spouse made in the willof the innocent granting the petition is located, and ir;, ·the N~ttonal -, ilj,
· · .spouse are revoked by ·operation of .Jaw (Sec:· .Census and Statistics, Offic.e · (nqw Ph_ilippine <,:(;
·.16). ', · · . · · Sta\istics: Authority).. Compliance ··r~1x:frt must be. i.T.{i;
. : submitted wijhh_ ~-~ days_ by .the p~e~~.iling:p~rty ,·~f
. Appeal. . . . . (Sec. ZO). · · . · . . . · ·;:,.;
Precondition: A motion for-reconsideration· or· new : · . . .. . . · . ·· ·. · · :.'if
trial within 15.days from the notjc~ o{Jucigmerit (Sec. 'Public_ation of t_he·.. Decree':_· .I~ CF3se 'service of ·.\f
summons by. publication, the parties shall caus.e the · ·.1
1 )
·7 ·
. .. publlcation' of the Decree once in a rieytsl)aper oL t,
T.lie petitioner must allege )fl th:e ·petitipii -th~t.'IJJ,~~~!!!er~i_ci_rculatio~ _(lbic:/?).· .. · ... _· . . . · . .- : .\(,
·_o(~in~ry_ re.me~ies·o~·.n~W trfa_l;.. c;1pP.eal_.:-~iU~~(c>r·l11-J-· }i~~r.~ce: The ·r~~i~t;red.. b~~re~ _s~~II be the_:~~
_re.lief.from J!Jdgment'. und7r Ru!~ .3_8.p~f . e.,Rqt~~~.of_ ·4,e~t e"._lct,eM~!O.·.pr<>v~ the. leg~I- sepa~t10n of·_the ..- ~"'
Gou~ are n_?. l9riger a~~1labl~. thro.,11 . <no) fiijlk~""'p-a~~·~b.~~~l se.rv~ as· n~tice ·tq third_ ~erso.n~ :{ .
. hers, C?th~rw1se, .the petition will. ~c;i1srn1 ,$egr!fme. . concernr&g)laf~rooertiesof the spouses (Ibid) · ..
petitio.ner fails to avail· of the ,eP"5ia1~Aflr?ew,~trJa1r·-~"'."'.';""".._.,_ «:..,"{: · -:r\: . . · . ·. · · . ~· . · · · . ::f
appea1;0nellef from j~?grhent ~W}gh~er·.g~n, ,fa\,/it 'ir
1:;ffect)f D~tllf:~f'ta Party;· D!Jty of· the Family' ·1.~I
or re_gltgence b~fore f11tng hefpet1t10,~,,1th lhe Co.Lift' .AJ!} · ,.t)'ourt'o),~PP\li''-t?.~~urt·. ;:' . · · . . . :· . ':ff
of._.Appe~ls, she_ c.ann.ot res9f~°.. th{reme~~Y ~:1_.er 1~\_~Ju_·Be!~re En~r~j'Of\'iJudg~ent..;T~ecourt _-s~a11 · · ..j_i
~ufe 4 7 of. fhe F?_ufes, othe'}"'IJJ~:f~~e. woui.B~!~( ... ''l1if. ~--..s]rd~fi ~-h~ c~~-~.,..Gtp~ed· a:nd termmatE!~·without· _· \~~-
. from . her .inaction . 9r .-n~ghge. ~G;.:.
(Re · ublm~~~_Ji:' . ~-,:,re.J1dt~ toU~he se~le~~_!}t.of e_state, m proper .,}·
· Sand_,ganbayan,_ G.R:. No.~ 14,(f6.1f,. Febr. ary .i.9~\.lli.ri.iiIJr:~ .pro,1&e.d1ngs:p~~-f.gu~a~.courts. · · ._. .. · . : . · '~
. 200.1( · . . ·. .
· ·
, l'<t;,~ t ·i,. ..-,.;
,;~ .. . :. ,
F=::$2. ··A~ie,-.~)tryj~'(.:'JJP9JT1~rit..::.1t _.shc1II·. b_e ·?il1ding_ .·,-4
i <. () \'~ , ?:;\ ~,. -~ 1,-q ypon-tt;a paft1e~np.the1r.successor.s-m-mterest . : i
Mode O! ~ppeal.: Notic~ of ~·ppeal~with ~...:Jf~~~ayi,~: ~?)P..~db'°Er°sstefement/oni:,.eestate irqhe;· (egl.ila'r ·:~~
from .. notice of . eternal ·of th~\.: niot~> ·.'_fo,..,._.,.,
r-ecom~.i_cf~ratio·norriewtr1al by1~e aggr~edp· ·
. the ~01te1tor Gene(al (Sec. 20)'. ~ X (._ SCfa~
1 _'./.5{~'w{s
,~,v: __
(SJ°c. 21).)Y · ... ,. ·.. ·. · · .
,;t::,.('·· .7. · · · · {1 · · ~ : ·. . ·. · · · , . · ·
11t,!l,~.JS( yea r~/~r~m· the · Date the, :D~c1s1oh, ..:.),
. ·
· . , : . - · .· . ·. · .r -~-..;;;.~G~mg ~@-.P~t,tion· for, Legal. Separation ·has' '-/f
_Liquid~tion; Partition ·imd· .Distrib. tjoif, ~~~...,..,.-t;1[co}·flA~c9fthe lnnoc~nt Sp~use .may: . . :t1
and Support of, Minor: Chll.dren: ;l,Jp-0.i'._eot·tJ.·of ·'l.,. 5.. AjRll~?e'tition_und~r:oatt, iri the-sarne p,roceeding : :~
judgi'neot.J:Jranting the petitionr or io case.-0Ta~r.1eal, · .LVL~i;::tegalseparation to tevoke ,.tbe.. Qonations 'in :],
upon the receipt of entry.of j1:1dgment'of {he appeliat~==-· . favor of. the offending spouse,. howev~r. . rt
.··court gr~ntin.g the .. r:i'etiticm;. the · FamJly ;Gq:urf, on . . . . alienations, liens a11d encumbrance·~·re1gistered \:
motion. of either.:. par.ty, 'shali pro~ed_ . witt,' the • ·ir good faith b'efore the·recording· of-the petition :·{l
· liqµidatio':), partition an~. distrib_ution oqhe properties · --for revocation ~tiall be. resp.edep; ai:i_d >..
r :·. ~- .W:
of the spouses, rnch.!.ding the, ~ustody ·~net support of 2. . Revoke the de.sigriation.of ..I.he offeildh:ig spoljse )~
. common childrenJSec.. 18). · · .' .·. · as a beneficiary in any·:i~~.ur;3nc~ poli_c'y_~veri'if ·:1
. such desig_tiation. be . stipul_ate.~: ·as irr~vocable .: · l
lssl!ance. of De.cree of Legai· ~eparatiom-, (Sec. 22) ... ' · <.:. {
1. The court shall · ·;ssue · the · Decree · of Legal
Separation AFTER: . .. . . . . . · ·. . Ncite: Th.~ rev9~tio~. or .i:;hai:ig'e. sn.~i t~k~(eft~ct · j·
a. Registr,ation of ··1h_e· entry of·: judgm.ent . upon'written notification there.of to.tlie insurer·'(/bid.)... /fr
.. . . . : . . .... , . . . .;.. ; . ··:(l
granting -the' petition. for. legal separation in
·the Civil registry.-whare. t~e .marriage w~s ·Reconciliati(!·n. ·. . . . . . .· ?f°
celebrated and in the Givil n~gistry where the· · If tl'le spouses .had reconciled, a Joint manifestation . ·-~
. Famil.y Court,granting1he petition is. located; · ;unoer. oath du.ly ~igned ·by 'tl:ie si:i'ouses, 'may be filed ) ..
a~. . .. '.·. . -in the- ~ame proceedfng for regal separation. . .. :f
. ·b. Registration of 'the·· approved part_ition :ah~ 1. If reCOl')Ciliation OCCU!"f'E!~ · While, the . ~
. distribution of prope'rties jn the Register of . pro~e~dlng (ot. legc!I separation· I~ p~nding: ·-~,
Deeds where the re.al properties are located; The: court shaO immediately · ,$sue an ·. o~der .- :<,.
. . tecminating the proqeeding.
••• •
•·· · · ·Y \1


. ...
-. .. AID il019

. ·. : ·'
. 2: . .If reconciliation occurred after· rendition of
judgment . granting petition .. but. ~efore .RULE ON DECLARATiON OF
tssuenceof the. Decree: Thecourt shail.isaue .. . ABSOLUtrE•NUi;LiTY AND·· .
-a Decree of Reconciliation and specifying the-:
regime cif property relations 'of the. SROUSeS ·.. AN1··~--ui.MENT,0F v61nABLE
. whether thEdorrn_e_r is revived-or a new on_e is . . . M:ARR.tAGES . . . ..
chosen (Averffted motion for revlval of.~egime of
property .relations. or the. adoption o( another
· i:egime must be filed· in the same proceeding-for
'. •, .
· the approval: gfthe court .and should 1he. same 0

. be. _approv~d;. -the 'spouses ·sh.al( cause: the Scope . . . .

pubhoatlon of : such verified . petition "for.. 2 .This Rule sha_ll_ govern the·petitions·fqr decl~rati0n of·
·.-. · consecutive wee~s· ln.a newspaper of g0neral · .' absolute-nullity of void marriages and an·nulment of
. circulation); . ·,, . . ·. . . .. __ voidable marria.ges under the Fi:irnily Code of "t_he
3'. . :1f,Reconciliation occurred afterthe lssuance · . P_h.i!ippilies. . . · .. ~: .· ._ . ·. . .
-of .the. DecreerThe court, upon proper motion . 'The Rules of Court_ ~tia1t ·a-~~lysuppletorily (Sec.: 1);
: ~hall Issue ,a' D~cre_e- of .Reconciliation :i:;ul ·the·
. separation of- property arid ·any· forfeiture of the .. ·. Petition for·th~ qe~laratitjn of Absolute Nµ{lity.of
.. shar.e··:9f'.the guilty· spouse iilready-effecte.d·-: .-· VoidMarr\ag~s . ·. · . •. · : · .. .:" ',
. 'subsists unless thespouses agr~ed ·.to revive r.4~ . ' .. .. .
. ·'~·.
'. their former regime or adopt. a new one- -(S~f(;t}{ Who·r;n~Y fil_e. · ... · .' · -
23). · · · · ,!·:·i/,;~ 1- It is filed solely by the husband or the wife.
. ., . . . ~-- ...,;.•!:.:.-~ . . . . . .
Note: In casl;;l of _1, 2, and 3, (f_ the. _reco~'?P~f:J:!:':
;tl~~?'ceptl~!'ls;._..,. . . . · · · · ·
spouses chose Jo .. adopt: a regime o.f P.r9.pert'1;:'.lfi.Bf::!t~~1Jl11tiqtwamage cases commencedbefore the·
.- . relati?:1s· dfff~rent fro:':1 that which they'J1~~(~-fi6rto~!J-f . . . ~'effeliti~Jty.~of.-A·.fl.lr: N<?· 02~1 HO-SC (March. 15-;
the f1hng. of the petiticn for legal s,sp,a'rat1on,th_l1.-- ~ 20Q3);·a.nj\, · · - . .. .
· spouses 'shall comply,~\th Sec. 24_heW9J/f ,; _;y.·~---,~··\· ·. 2. · M_a~ria.,~J~leb~ated during e_ffectivityof the v=
, · . . · -9 11~.f. ·. t · . G1v1I 51od[. \\ . . ·, . · -
~.evlva·I of '~r.operty . Regime--:-;6Yj Ad~ihon <l! - -\ : ,
··~ti' : ; :· '\ . : '.· . . : . . . .. ' . .
anothe~·Re91me· .· . · · /i;:_.,. ~~ . · ~ ·~ Note: lu:·~-
R le &i>e~ not apply to .cases already
1, .: In case _of reconci~ati_on ~?--er;S~c~3j~pa_r~9-)! (~~~ com~~J.l'f~~fp,:~~~ar_ctl. 1q,. 2003 .a_lthoughthe
the parties shall file a.V~rlfl~\:t tno.t)..OJ\]:.for.,R_ev,1V-?it · - r~,;:-t marn~g_e!mYQwdP-1~. within- ··the <,over:age, . of the
'< · . 'of.regime of.·property:relation'Wot·ttw,:aqgption·Qf f,:YJ Family Coi;i~:-~This. is- so,· as t.he· ·liew··Rule -~hi.ch
ariother~~egirrieof property/~1a'ti&q~ i~ Jf~.S~~e . r1
'I ~(;\Ci~me~tt:e~tive on March 15,. 2.903 is pro$'pectil(e

_ proc~edmg .for legal separation att?Gt:lll'l.g•tosaid. _.,-;}1~Jm•,t\~;,.appltcatlon.. . .,

motion their ·agr.eeiment for the .agrf(oval· of"fJ:\g_:!L;..:,;...i..ic.'.,id~:,,.-i'.¥~
CP.~rt'; .·.. : . :__ :. . (l . q;J . . ·
The·innoyatiOn incorporated in.AM. No. 02-11-10~.
. . · ·· ·

· . 2, fhe · ~greerrient 'whjch. shall· l,)e v.~r~~~i,;

sfialf . SC: ·set_s forth· a ~emarcation ·between: tTtarriage~.
specify the following: . ,· .... · . . · · . covered by the Family Code and. thq~e sbler,:in_ized·
a. The, pr,ope.rti_es to be contributecf to the .. ,· _unpe(:the·Civil. Co.de. Th_e. -Ru.,~· extEi°nds,c,mly to
resfored.orn·e.yregime; . ,. . marriages entered.into·during.the effectivity ofrthe
· . b. · Those to qe ·retairied ?S sep;,mite.prope,r:-ties . Far:nily· Code whi,ch~took_"e_l'fectori August_3, 198R
' ofe,;:ich spouse; and ·: . ·· . .· . ··. ·· · · - . ,. . ··'- ·'. · · · ..;· .· : · . ·. . .
c. ·Tl'!e nam·es.of all their1cnown cr..editors;.thei~ The Rule on. DedaratioJ) of Absolute Nullity of Void , '
· ' . addres·s~.s.and the ~mouri'ts oyvjng to ~ach: ·Marriage!;. ar:id. Anr.1ulment ..of- Void~!:>Je. M~rriaQE'l,s :
. ,, · · · · · · ·· . does not- apply in a petiti_o:n··ta tecog_riize .{foreign .
3 .. -The ·creditors .'sfrall. be furnish.ed with c6pie~ of. juqgm_ent relating to-:tqe;status of a marria!le·w.t1ere.,
the motion and the agre.ement; . · . one of th_e p~rti~s is ·a citi~en of a forejgn · co.untry:.
. . 4. \ The ~ourt shall require tile spouses to cause-the . Moreov~r., in ·Jufianer.Llav.t;J v. 'RepQb/ic,th.e Court ..
. . publication . of their. )rerified · motion · for 2 heid thatthe ruil;!. iii A.M:_.No'. 02-~ 1 ~j O.SC that':ar:ily
. consecµtive weeks Jn a news·paper ·cif"ger:'ieral the °flUSbar:id or:wjfe.can file a declaration· Qf D~llity or
. circulation; and· ·'. . . .. . annulment ofmarriage_"cjoes not a'ppty_'ifthe.reason .
5. · After due hearing, and the court decide_s t1:> man, .. beflind the p-etilion is 15igaijiy" (Fujikiv:Marinay, G.R .
. the motion, !t l}hall issue 'ari order.. directing the fllb. ·{96049, June 2tj; 2013). · ·. : · · ·. ·
.. parties to·. record the. order . in the. pro.per
r~gistries of property within'·30;clays from receipt Wher_eto fjl~· . . . :. .
of a copy ..of the. order and·. submit p"roof of The petition ~hall be. filed in t~e. Family Court. (Sec..
complia_nce within .the same peti~d (Sec. 2'!)- · · · · 2 (b)).


. . S·PEC·iA'L~· PRO·c·E.EDI
. . . I
• . .
TIQtJS. ~ MEMOR'( AID 20i.9
. ,'.j'...
, ·.:~
· .. _,
~m•••••••l!llll•••~••••••l!FJl•. •••••••••111111:11••••••• ·.·.·i,,
lmpres~riptlbility.of Action .or De.f~ns·e_' . ,Venue'. . . :··.i{!.
An act,oh.or defei,se fodhe d~clar~tiOA .of absolute . The petition shall be filed in the Family Court of the :-:··'·
nullity of void· tn~rriage shall NOT prescribe. (Sec. 2. ' province or -clty where ·the petitioner or. the··::
.. (c))'.. . . -. · respondent has beenresldlnqfor at least 6 ·months....
• ... · :
prtor to.the date· of.~!ling~· · .:1!~·
·. .. · . ": . · . ., .: . . . ·. . ·. -~t

. Wf:!at to.Allege· , . . .
The petition shall.allege the complete.f~cts showing ln case of non-resident respondent, where he may :-.,"~~
either or both . parties· . wfire· : psyptiologlcally be Jound in· the Philippines, at the ·election of the·.· }.t~
.... incapacitated .from :complying, with 'es~eritial marital petitioner (Sec. 4). · .: · . · ·!i:1.
· cipligations at- the .. time ef-celebration of ·marriage . . .
even if inci,:lpacity becomes manifest only after the· Contents;and.For~··ot_the Petition: {C2-VA-6) . "
.. celebration. . . .1 .. The petition shall .allege the· ~omplete facts -..fJ.'
.constltutinq thecauseof action; . ._, . .
. The. complete . facts should, allege, the physical 2. State.· the · names .and ag~s · of the .Q.ornmon
·· manifestations; if any, · as- 'are · indlcative. of ·:childrerf of. tlJe parties and ··spe~1fy the regime .
· psycholoqica! incapacity.at the time of celebration of ~. _.governing their- property. retattons; aswell as the
. the ·ina.rriage: Expert opinion .need not. be alleged : . ·prop_ertles in'v'.ol_ve:d; ... · : _ ·
.(~ec.)· (d)):' · · .. ,.· :· · . . .
. · . · · - · ·. . . -_ · · · ·. ~.. ,....._.,"'~~ Nqt~_;: If there is n_o: adequate provision in the
Petition for annulment of voidab_te·marri~ge-""': ',r -J \~
'v'.Vho may file:_(C.5.F2Ul~$) - . . ·. '·~-·.-.1"'~~ L ';
· 1. The" .g_ontracting .. party who.~t(~r~ijf. :.~..:.=--==-· ~ . ~g.u~~ISUPP.<?.rt; · . . ·
·~r·· agr~erµent, the petitioner: may apply for
o}sianal·?~tler; (SC~VO) ·. .. ';
. guardian, of. person exerp'tsing ');Sq9sfitute. -~~t:tf~·kif~9dy and support' of common ·)i
. . · parental a:_uthorJty did not'givfhl~J.rt!cc> $0nr,':"'"':J~- ·.el:i_il~ri; }~: · . ·· · . · · .;t~,
·-; .: Wi!~iri_ five (5}· years ·af!er/~~injn_gJ:~~ .'a~e fi!t '].(- W ~cr~~sf~tiq~.Of community Or conjugal· \r{
rnaJonty_,:unless 5:uch ·p';\ftY :f?'e,~~ co ab1tate'd g)tl }./\\: · · . ~rog~i{(".', _'\\ .
with tt)e other: ~s ~ust?an~ or wif~; or. tt!e.i,are"r')t,
g,uar.d_iatforperson ·~avifig~~t5dy.~tiafi~

2. Tl:}e§ane spous~. who. ~a~o l<nowled~e of lfu -

_ .. e~th~r
. . b.etorl;l:~t.le party react:i··t~e<a~e5>tmaJo~ty;~'-;.\. :---""~~-· fcti~n. \':""'
p · f. .. . ,
.., , · .. d. · Visltati~rf_rjg!.lt\·and/or·
. . .
· .

~!milarly ·requiring . ur!;Je.nt ·):¥
· ·., · · · .:· ·

_-. ·

1 · • .
· other's insanity; or by.a~9"r-e~ive,~~ian,or -- 3. The .~a plliation . 1mus.t.. pe Verified . ·and ··ij
. person having custody df1l:1tf"fq~ane~tlal1'fb e,m I~:~ . A1&:~m...anipc;i:,-.c'<yi· , -certification -against. non- ·. · iv
:#t.c~ ·
,before the.death of eithe~paitf: ~r by;\_n1)~---.~~n%~
··s~use,durlilg the lucid iri1erval ~r;afte r,arr:ij_i:\g~ '·'-'>':' ""w ·
&. : sbogpin.g;a. d ··
if-· ... - ·
.. · · · · ·
sanity, provide9 fHal the· p~itioner)~fter· :orfli.Qg'-•..., ..../"'. :;.§ij1,t~: . 'k1he.·pe\iti. ner.Js in a f9reign country, the ·. ·. }f
.· . . . · ·~:t~
·: ::f

to reason; has not f~eely coh~ited witti~~(Qt6'.~EN'1'\~:Y~rJ~~$t1on SIJ~· certification .~gainst fon_.im f
as h~s.band or_ wife; "~- .7..~,~.6ppf_Q.9.,....~.9.R1.1..be· au_t~e~t)_ca~_ed bJ'. a' duly . · ,:[;
3. Tl:te mJured.party whose ~onsen~wasQ~~IJ;:ied~~~:~otl\on.z;vomcer·of
. · ·l;>y fraud, within· five_ (5)_years afterll\l~Jli{covery }. · If A-1,._\-.IE:g~o;(:
·. qf ·the:fraud; pr~vided tbat _t.~e ~~-rty~ill;l-:-tu11:._..1.:VLT
. .
..;;.~.:P'- . . . . . ·. . :.
the Ph1hppme.Embassy or
· ·· · ·. .

··.knowledge of th.e_ fact~ constituting fraud;-~~- · lt-,shall be· Signed In SIX·ifil COplrS. .·:·:.
n0t frel:}ly. cohap1ted with. :the other as h~sband . , · · .. ;~,
or wife'· . . . -Service· , ... :: · ·· '- ;.g·
4 .. The iniured·party whose. consent was obtained The petitioner° s.h.all>serve a. copy of th~ petiti.on on' ·c;.
· . by Force, Undue influence, or. intim.ldation ·within · · the· Office of the Solicitor Gen"eral and the Office of
''(5)yeai's from tl)e time .thS force, intimidation,· or -. 'tj,e·City or'.f:'rov:iricial·Prosecutor;within.fiye .(5)' days
. . undue i!)flller\Cl,ldisappeared· o)· Ce?S~d,:and.the. from the date· of·fllirl'g and· Subl'T)il to the court proof
party has ·not freely cohabifed ·w.ith·the other' as of service·. . . .
'liusband -cir wife after.·tt:ie. disappe~rance , of
fraud, fntfmidation; or undue 'influence;, . . . . :Fi:illure·fo co~p\y ~ith the tequiremen~. may be a : ·,_:-·
5. · .The . injured party.: where . the .·other· spou&,e· js 'Jgrotina.for ifhme(liate·~is_missaJofttie ~<'!Se (Sec. 5). /.;
phY~ica_lly !ncapable of· consummating .. the. "( .,~~
marriage· with t.he other. ·and such :in<?apabili~y. ·: Summons. . . . . . J;
· cohtinue~ and appears to be incurable, within (5) The··~!;lrvjee-of .summons sflall be governed by Rul.e. · -.:1~:
years after the celebration of marriage; and . 14 ofthe 'Rules of Court 3:m~ b.y ttie. fallowing rules: · · ·
.· 6. The inju_red. party y.,here. the· btt"ier was afflicted ... ·. . . ·.· . . . .
. --·.
with a Sexually-transmissible disease-found to·
. be serious a.nd app~ars to be ·incurabll:l,witl'.lin q .
years after the celebratior of the marrlage .(Sec;
w;. . .

. $22 I 2019 SAN BEDA. LAW ~ENrRALiZED


-------------------------··· .. ·-··· ···-···-··-···

SPECi.A·L·. ·p,ROCE E.D 1-1\iG·s·
mi . Mft!#!lf ·IM41MSMPhif8 Yi IWiiPSI 19:PfMWHM +em@tiMWCIIR

Where·. the respondent cannot.be located at his. Social ~Jorker ... . .

given address: pr his whereaboutsare unknown The court may requirea social worker to conduct a
. "and cannot be ascertained .by diligent irl'quiry case study and submit the _corresponding report-at
The·seriiice ot.summons may, by leave of court, be ·· teast 3 days before _pre-trial.. :·· ·
effectedupon him by publication once a week ·for two
consecutive. weeks .. in. l:i, ·newspaper" .of general : The court may also· require a· case study at any stage ..
circutatlon ·in:the_ Pniiippines arid in such ·p1ac·es 'as
. the court rry·_a¥ order (Seic. ·6).· . · '.- , . :._
of Hie case wheriever necessary (Sec. 10);.·_. .
- ..
Pre-Trial· • · ~ ·· .
A 'copy a~' th~ summons sh~ii also be seNed on th~ · ., ·., .. n is mandatoryOn motion or motu prciprip, the court
respondentathts'l!=)St known address by:i:egistered: . · . ·. shall .set ttie· pre-trlal after the last pleading Qa'S. been
· malt or any· other· means the · court may- deem· served and filed,, or upon receipt (if the' report· that ·
sufficient (Id.). · .. .- . : . there is no collusion {Sec. 1:1): · · · ·

Co'ii'tent~ ot'tfi~publi~h~d.summonii'.(TO-NP~} . Notice·of Pre-trial

1, ··!itle,.ofthecase;' ., .. _.·. . . . ·.1, Contents. __ .
· · 2. · Qock~t' nurnbef; .·..,; ,: · ·:-,.· ·. · ·· . a. . Date o,'f pre-trlal 'conference: . • .
3:- Nat~:i'r~·of the p-~titio·n;.: -, . · ··: . . b. · An Order di"rectit1g the -parties to- file ~nd ·
. 4. f_rincipal-~rounds of the p_e,ti_tioh and the' reliefs.· .. · . serve· pre-trial briefs at least 3 days before
prayedfor; and .. · · ", . . ". . · · : · · _;;,.~·o'!') . -. the pre.:frfal: .. · · · . · · · '.'._ · ·. . · ··: ...
5 .. A Qirective tor.the respondent to answer witl)i(l·y}{ _2. Notice sha)I be servec;l.separately on the parties
· · 30 days from the'lasf:isst:ie' of publicatiOf) (S~qf[/~l'--·
···. .6)• · • · • '.,- "· · ' '• ·• •. •·. • '!· · ·. '··~ ·\ ·
AND . counsels as well -as on ·-the '(public

. :. •. • . : • · · . :iJ·r~r-J,:,::: ..·t."i:•-J
·· .. ' • pros·ecutor-
• . . 'and · · · · · ·
· ·. . . I :· :- I\ • • • ' • •

· . , 3.....,. $enf .to,..respondent .even ·he f:alis, t_o file arii ...
-Motion to Dis'inlss. = ·. - .tJ: 1· ·:''.>i:~:~;· answef.-j.16'.J. · ·' · · · .-
f( : .
· . · · - -: ,: -

No ·motion to' dismiss -thE1 petition: ~hall.htf;~'(~V:.,ed(.J --·-<:'.''"""'~:\' ·. ·.- · · . :

exc~pt on the ground ~flack.~fjurisd)p!.ici~~over-tt\~~:tJ. Contents.~ffffe-,..Tri~I-Brief: (f'C_O~FE~) . ':. J .- ..
subJe_ct:rpcitter9r oyer-tt)e_parties. J . .}.f'i.
• . .. ".·· _. ·:
< y. {~, · _ 1._ ·. ~ stat;,m#n\ofwrlhngne.ss.of the_ parties to enter .
· . . .·. ·. · ,. · ,~ 3J.'f:c.'-:"'--<J :: - .i .J · · ·mto-._~gr¢:edt~n~s as may. be all~ed l:)y law,
O~tJ?rtJr'O~il~th~a~'fn'~ywa~rantJ~~~lsmi~(a~y be·. ~\ '. .. · indi~ti~tj)lhe\-desired·l~rms;... : · ; .. · : .
ra,s_ed·as ~n affirmative defe~S~J.r:ia~::~§Wer(fe~- ·f;:'\ · ;_ 2 .. · ~f.:?T-lfljr,_,:.la~r_T.ent of. the!r ·respect1'{e·-<,la1ms .
. 7). . , . . . ·.\:-/. ~-···,;,,-;;~::''-'<.:\--..' t!:i-_.. . tQ~~ffi~r:,;-~j-~\;¢,·fhe · app_hcable' laws· .and i
_Answer\: . _. ·. _· .. · .... "· ·::?'~-;-,.a:\': "~.") .
1: '. Tne re~P.:Ond~~t- s~all Jil~ hls'jiila~~(i:Hhin.:IP. . .
1;'J · ·
,4 .·
••/ · ~· . . ·: · . · · ·. · :· .- .
3. .Sue~ Qther ma~t~rs_as the":co.urtrri~y re~t,1ir~; .
: .. -daysfrom serv,pe ofsummon~.'drW.•thid:.:~O-days . ["......A':".'.,".,drn1tted fac_ts.· and ?ropo~ed st1pulatio,:is of
' from·the·las! publi.Ca!iOfl.".lt.musf,Oe-:~erifi~d by·· ,I ,:;i.•-~ '.·'.·•'faC~~-diS W.~ll_as th¢.d!Sputed factual and .. (egar-.
·.· ttie.respor.ident himself. ·-~?:. . _··x~..J.,:::.0~::.::.;;.!jt~i'u~.s-;:'>.. - · . : . · · .
. . · . __ . · _ \,{ "' f/•J .. . 5. ·All the §videnc:;e to be resented,· includintrexp~rt
· 2: I~ the,.responde~t fails to file an·ims~/Jle 11!!!1 ·. · · ··opir.iion, brit::fly staUng or d~scr\bing th.~ ~ature
··notbe declared ..m·default.· · · ·. _.... . · · and.purpose thereof; and . ·. ··.. ..
. . . ·, · . ' · ·. · · 6. The nl.1ml:>er· and names .of. the· Witnesses.' and
. 3:.. · .If no a'nsWer·Was fil~cj Ot jf-\hE/aniWer'd6es n6t '. · ·' their r.especiiye ·affidavits: . -
. . t~nder an issue, .the court shail order the public
. . prosecutor: ki .investigate~ wh'eth'er collusion Fai_lure to file· pre-trial. brief· or .to comply.. _with the ..
exists.between-tt-i~·parties (Sec. ay;:; .·· : .... . requited- contents. shall . have, the· same. · effeG.t as '
. . ,. . , . . .:. ' ... · " . . . - ... :· ~· . "\: . - . ;. ·.. _failure .fo _appear:at th·e.pre-ttial (S_e¢, 12.):, .; ·:. : . -
. t .
· 1nvestigatior,i Report ·of Public.P~osecutor:·. : ~: ·' _-
1 .. The .. publiC:_prosecutqt. shail ·submil".wi~hin··1 .. . Effect 6f failu_re ··to app·ea r ·persohally at Pre-Trial.

inonth after tt:ie r.ec.~ipt;of 'the order:·fl 'i't3p9rt · . · . _If the petitioner fc1ils fb ·a·ppear personally, the c;ase·
stating Whether a Collusion' 'exists.betw~~n .the .shall· be':disr'rlissed ·unfess· ·his.-·.cmins·~1 · or' a. d1:i'ly
.· . :-parties; .her shi,111 ·aiio 'serve fopies to· (he parties . cJUthorized representative appears and· proves .a ..
; and t:dunsels; ; .. . . . . . . . vallo excuse for the· non-appea_rance of the petiJiori~~
2. If ·collusron · exists·,· the :'public prosecutor·. shall (Sec. 13(a))._ · · ·
state s~ch·facton the report within 10 d_ays:f,bm .'
r_eceipt 6f a copy of-a·reJ5?rt. The·_c91..1rt shall s~t If the· respqndent has ffled his· answer- but fails· to
th·e ·report tor ·hearing and 'if·:convinced :of-the . appear., the, court shall 'proceed with pr.e-frial ·.and
c6Jlusioh, the petition shall be dismissed; and : require 'the public prosecutor to investigate' the non-
3:, lfth~re is -nb colhisio'n,. the cb'uft' shall set the appeara_nce and submit a report within (15) days
· 'ca·se.for pre-trial (Sec. 9).' ·. · ' (Sec. 13(b)).. ·


. ·-·----·-·------·
1:::.:llaammmm.1211:•am•i.m::~mr.li1&11111111Jl!lll!ISlllll!mlimll!la'lmlEl!•lll:l!ill!B--••-•mmmm._ .. 1..
.Report in case of N.C?fl.·appearance· The· parties shall· have s:days fro~ receipt of trie pre-
. A . report · to
th1f court; sta1ing VJhether his non-' trial order to propose -correctic;iils. or modifications , J.
.. appearan.ce · is du~ to any · collusion between the, (Sec. 15(e)). · · · · ':it'.(
parties. If there.is no collusion .. the court shall require.
·the public · prosecutc>t' to interven_e for _the St!:lte: Prqhib_it~~fComproniise:.(CV.al2~~J):·: · ·.· , ·.. · ·:·.?
during· the, trial. on ·th_e. merits to preven~ ·suppression The court shall notallowcornpromlseon P.Jbh.ibited. .. J;,
or fabrication'of.evidence (Sec. 13(.b)). . .· matters, suchas the:follpwirig:· · . · ;;,
1 .. The£ivil_:st~tu.s-ofp~rs.ons; . . ,~\~
. Pre-Trial Conference-· .' 2. The Validity . of 8·. .marnaqe "or of .a legaC '•
Atthe pre-ctri~l:conference, the_ court: .. · separation: · . .·
1. · May refe~. the issues to a. mediator,who. Sh~II · 3. Any·groqnd.for .begal. separatlon: ·
·: asstst .the 'parties in reachinq an
agreement on . ..4.. FL!tur~,begitiine; ::-. · .· ·
.matters notprotiiblted by law .. ': . 5: . Future ..§.upport; and. · . .- .. · .. ·
· . · .· - · · . ·- · · · 6, Ttie J,1:.11isdict1on·of courts (Sec. ·16).:.,
.The· rn.~diatci~ :stia11.'.~~!'lde·r· .• fi\report within, 1 ... . . · ··· .. · .'
month. from· referr.~~. ~hich- . may only be Trial . . . . . .. .
extendedfora' period on another 1. month for 1. Thepresicling"judgc_shallQprso·n.allyconductthe··.-,
. g·~od reasons shown._'· . . .· . . . tri~I. 'No de~e.ga~ionof ttw·r~ception.o1 evi.den~e: -§:
.. . . . :. . . . . ., · . . ===.,_.,_.,,.... to the. commg,s_ionershall be a~lowed except as ··}1<,
2, In. case mediation is not .availed of or if~t:-'fa1ii, T J. 1\~'fo~atters·involving 'property r.elalions .of. the :·.f::
the.'. court shall proceed. wi_th Jlae_:p-~,trial L .[\J sppu~~ . '. . .: ., _ : . . . . . . · : ·~·
conference. The . court shall ~cfn~ael\ ~XP5'.D""""~"'"'"·=.l:~~ne{(lrg.yild~.for:dec;laration of absolute nullity of · :t:
testimonies and-vother matt~f§J-"'tha~?}(~id .. ""'~tmet~~~.:!rriag_E3must be proved. . . ·{
.- prompt disposition of t_he.c~f~ rs~/J.:4J'. ,;,.._,,.,.,,.-""':?':'"~"'"'.'-.._..,..~":1~,... .i\., . . · · · . . · · .. ·· . .. . A;
. 1.'JQ=. / -~t~
. ·, . •
Pre-Trral Order .
: . .
. .
The pre:\rial.order-shall r1::cite in_ d.et#il,
'V,f" .
l . . Tlii ",{ 1f" !"otr. i'.>l~ Jf~SJTI~~nt~~ th~ .R'~~ct.ings._-s1:1mmary.
k -~1-
. '\
.!£">::. JUdgrenlt;\qrC?nfess,on. ~f ·JUd_g~ent i,ha!I be ·Yi".
. alloV(ed. \' (J!) l, . : : .;;(
1.. The m~tters taken u_p in~ttie)';tl1fo'renc~;--:---:- · "'-:-.--~U · ti~ ·.:r.i.1, ~~ : •. · :· · : · . ; if
2. · Th~ actio_n taken thereo~(~t y . i -~~, ;;_-J'i.l.~heB,Colirt ilrla'yi;er ·the exclusion from· the . ,\1
. 3. _ -T.he amem,1ments.allow~~a'lr-,~t~e plef:_~~gs; am~,'"•l i,,1jf_d .c.ourftroom..oi _al Pp (ison~ _incJ~dl:n~.-mem.b.:lrs of .J·
. ,4. The. agreernents..or a~mt~$l0\f;1 r1~~\ex_!~e~';;:. · t~~,~~-.11>;,ro d ·riot,haV~ _(!tr~ct interest I~ ~re -f
· pai:t,~son·:mymatter.sc~n.s1¢'efed, m.cJu~1~g any,~. r 1 ~ .. • eps.g_~· · }J ~ H . -. . . · · · . · · /.
. provi:,io'n_a~ order. th~t · ~'al1:>t\ n~b{~)l~. o~: j..i(<~r")1~t9.JPY·s~~l.1,beftfi~enn9r ~ny examinStio.n or · If.
. agreed upo_n by the partiet. (Se9._'{f(ap~\'~"'·· f ~~~flSal fl :Jr;
. . . . .-. . . '~.
Cont~nts of the Pre~trial O~del'~
' ·v~
-,~:--.·. ~SC'j7'_N-t'\.r"-
.the ~-r<?ords: of. the .case· or parts
.,,_k/ ~~ybeP,adeby,t-anypersoh other.than the party }-
...Sir <?sef~sel, eicept.by1 E;>rd_er oqhe·c!)_Urt (Sec. °;.'.:
The.order sh~II contain a recital of.'~e f9ll?_wrn~;;::-...:.·_* __.1..-~ ..P't:'." \'~~.,,., · ... • , •• •• _:· .• · • -~~

· 1. · Facts undisputed, admitted, ari'~tho~ ..··,,{jJch"·"'"='""'_,,.,,.-_"(\"\.,J . · · ·· · · ·. }'

.. ne-~d not be proYed.subjectto Sectih{.;!_tf~o"t.;_ihisl\Vj. f J.Mlr.Qr~Ji_d . . . · ~ ·· · .. . · . · . ,; , . ._ . . · ' .. :~
Rule;· . . . · :,, · , . ~~ A Ilr1,~...coui1 may requirE;i .the .parties .a.nd tf:ie. pubJtc .. ,J
2. · F~c::tu~l .and le,galdssues· to be litigate~; .. ·. . -~"-='l)tosec;:~or.,ta·. ·file·. ·their. respective · r.nemor~nda · ·\&
3.: ··Evic;l_er.c:e,·inclu:ctingobjeqts.·~no..documei1ts, tnat._ support of their.c\air:ns withi'"!..,15:·days:froriftt)e a·c!te· At
· ·have b~eh marked-aild '!"jll be presented; . ·the trial 1~ t.er:mina:ted: ·No.9..ther pleadings·:or papers ,·{
. · 4.. Names,of Vo(ilae·sses who, Will b~ presented and may qe Sutimit\eq with.out leave. of GOUft. : . . . i : _;{J,
. <theidestiinonies 1n·theforni ofaffidaiiits.;.arid· After.· ·u,e lapse cit" the:·perioc:11 the case shall. be ·?J
·. 5. Schech.Jle of the presentation of evic;lence {Sec: consider-eel"as ·submitte'dfor "ciecfsioh,.With or'withouf ·. )r.
,· 15(b)) ..·. ·.- ... ·.-.. _:: .· / · . · ·· .: · , ·, m,emor-ahd!:1,(Sec:18)_. ·· ·· : · ·t .. : ·., · · ·

The. pre-triel order shall als,6 contair:i a· :dfrec;ti.ve to Decision . . .: .. , ·- -· . . · . ·. . . , :· ... . . ·

· Jhe pu,blic. prqseci.Jte>r to appear tor· the State. and 1. lf'-the ·col!rt-grarits .tJ,e _petitj_on; if shall .decli,ire·
·. take' SlElps:.to· P,°rEivent.·collusion between ·parties a.t that the.'decree .(jf absolute·'nullity°or decree of
any ·stage of. the procel;)dings -and fabrication :or annulm'ent shall b.e issue<;!. bythe,:court"cinly~fte"r
· suppression ofevidence durir1g the. trial on the merits complianc.ewlth Article 50 and 5-f Qf the Fafriily
· ._(Sec~· 15(c)). · · · · · · · Cocje. ·· . . . .. · , . · . . · . . ..
2: i:i'ie. partie's .shall be sente(fwith.-cople$:.of. the
· Jhe. partie; ·shaU n_ot bi allow~~ ~b
raise issue~ or ctecision- ..p~rS6na11y'9r t;>y_ regis~er!;!d mai.1...lUhe
· · pres.en! .witnesses a.rid. evide.nce· other than those respondent· is. surnmonec;f by· p(iblica~io11, the ~;,
stated in' t~e .pre4rial· or,der (Sec.· 1 s(d)). . · · · dispositiv.e p.9rtjor.i ·_of tl)e-. ·decision .~hall be : :· ~-
published . once in a . newspaper of. general · ?
circulation. . · ·· · j
, . . ··.'a·~
sA.N a·EoA LAW cENrn"i..uzw aAR OPERAr,oNs ._ MEMORY AID 20,,j ·
tu . . ;· 'µl 'wnc;a 'MFi""'*WP
., . . ..
3. The.. ciecision be~o,nes fina_l.upon-{he :expiration . · The court shall.quote In the: D-ecree the ..dlsposhlve
of .. 15 days' from", notice. to partles. Entry: of . portion of ·the jtJdgmeni..entered and· attachto the
, judg.ment . .shalt- ·be·· made: if no motlori .for. . . Decreed the approved·deed of partition °(!$.ec~ 22). :
.. r~c.or:i:sid!§ration·or new trial, or-appeal is filed .by' .. . .. . . : ·. . . . . ... . -".
'c!llY.9fthe parties: . . . · · .. ~ · N~t~·:' E.x~ept in.. the. case Of children .urid.er.,~. se
4. Upon the finality .o] the decision, the court shall . and.'53. of the Family Code, thecourt shall order the
issue the decree if parties have 1)0 properties. If, · ".· · Local Civil -R,~gistrar to Issue' an. amended'. birth
they have ··properties; the'y. have to:· observe the · · certificate intlicallng· the· new status. ofthe. children·
; procedurelri Section 21 of this: Rul~. affected. ·· . . ··· .· .. · . ·''. .: .· _' ,. . .

The ·~ntry of judgment s}~ail be re-gistered in the ¢ivil . ··~eglstratl~n:~~/;u·~lf~~tio~ of,th~:ciei:r~~ . .

Re_gistry. .where.. the rnarriaqe ~as recorded aricf ih ·. The- prevail(ng· party shall: din.rs·e.the· r~gistration of ..
tt'I~ Civil -Registry where the F-amily Cciurt .grantin·g· ·th~ Decree-in the. ¢ivil Re.glstry where· the marriage r:
the,peti~fon 'ts located ·(Sec. 19). ·. · · ·. . .- ~as registered, the Civil :R~istry·.whe~e tiuH:a)Tlily:
.-..... ·· · Court granting the petl!fon. ls located, and fa· the :
.. · Appea( ' .· ·. · . · · · . :' . . . .. . . _ . ·· Nat1011a1: · v,C13flsus · and"> ·Statistics Office· '(r:iow:_
· · Pre-condltlon: No ~ppeal frorii.the declslon shall be ·· · · Philtpplne .statjst19s Authorlty).' . .. , . . .:
ailowed .unfess the appellant has filed a moifon for . . . ' . . •' . . .
. ;~ · reconsiqeration.,.or .ne\'1,- trial. within .'15 days from . . .. A repor_twithin.(30) days.from receipt t?f:the.copy of
. : . notice of'judgment. : . . \ ·. -, ·. . .. -~: U,e -Decre.e· m·ust. be _made by ·thejirev.a"iling· ·~arty
· · '.: .·:. . . ·. . · . ' :- ..'. · /,,~-.•{
/.:l'W ,,:.. ·rs·ec:. 23(a·
. . 111·1· .
•. ·. , _

. . . ·.
. •
. . ..
. .

· ·: N"o~ice ..of a1;>peal: An aggrieved pMy or t_he Solipi{C?,f./:;~-i· · · ·.. ·, · · · ·. . · .· : · . ' .·

~0!1~~1 may appeal from the· decision· by fili~_g::f.,;.;;;.~·l ,~abllcatlori of the pectee, when ·nec·essary. .
· .Notice of -Appeal within· 15 days ·fro·!\1 nottce'..c:;>f·:~,\;i.•L~fl,.;;.;cas13 ~-~ic'e . of. sliml'l)ons was made by
def"!!al of the motion. for -reconsi~erati~n·~,r,;.tfe~:·'.:)f.'' •'.1i,i.~P.\LBjp<1\igµ~1t'1a p~rties·s~·a)rc~u·se·the..public~!ion of
trial. The appellant ·~hall serve a- copy ~<>.f;p1'otice·of~/,.(' .·~e .. P~ere~)p11c~ 111 a.~ newspaper· °.f general
a~pea, _on t_he ad_ver.se:party_($ec. _20rz> ·: . j.;;:fL . ·-~'.:~~,.at1o_n}![-~·/3(b)). . . . . . _. _ _. . · . . _
"(1q~idation,. Partiilon an.d_ Pistrib)-!~Pn~l4.~stody, '.. !;~.
.Bps\ ·. ~vJd°e.~c}\ to. ~roye' . the ~eclar~tion ·. of
51.jpport" of ,Commo11 Ohildn;mfa.'!st o~mr.ery,ot.._ t1 .
ab~olll.t/n.~1,1ity~r ann.ulment of marr-iage ..
.th·eir: Presurnpti~e _Legitimeµ::;" · ~- · ·.. -- · : :--- . 1-:J~ The regj~t~r~. Pe~ee sh?ll .be the. best evidence -to
·~poi, the. en.trybf jud~m.ei1t_ 9(lf~tiil~tfi_grP,,tiff~t;:i!.~:·.-1 p.ro~f!m,'?-J~.~/.~jion __ . ·of· _abSQ_lute. n"!IJit_y. or.
1n··ca.se of appeal; upon .recet12t o!-:::.llilf3';•!;mtry'"'9~ fd
·~nn_lllmeljti.Q!l!l ..aR'fage and ;,hall serve·a~·:not1ce.to
judgmen! of the·appellate ~ourt grarlliJ.~lti~l~e~itiol:-· 1::;
'th!rd per,~Qnsconcen:iing tt:ie pf~perties of.pe1iti?ne'r.
_·the. Family c;;ourt; ·on motion of e1tb(lf par;t)j,· shc1n -J,.,,..:.-:-a~.9 ·respondent · as . ..yell· ·as. , the preper,les· or
pro,ceed with the.liquidation partition ~qg..~jstribution ·.'.)i,fl.."i:i?f:~S~r:i"'P.tJYe legitimes delivered to their comr:non
.of the properties of ~e. spou.se~ incli(~Jrig .cu~t~g,yp;..:,;t~ill¢ttil~r'&'n1~ic. 23(c))... ·
suppqrt .of common . childreh · and deli?.e!Y" Q°!:'tt'i"eir· . · : . •. ·. ·. ·. ." ·.· .. · :· , . .. . .
presu·rhptive .leg.itime·s·p!Jr.suant.to Ar-ticles ~Pa)id-51 ' ... · Ef(ect ·of Death. Qf _a f>ar:ty:flJ .®s.e a party di~s ·.at .
of the._Fp.mily C,ode'unless .such·matt~rs')'1~~ been. any stage-.o.f th~ pro·ce..e,ain9.s befor~ th~. entry of
adjudicat~d in 'previous :'iudicial. proce.ed_lngs(Seq. · judgmenJthe ~cpurf shall Ofd.er·the case.closed. ~nd.
21). .. . · terminated; wJtt:iout-prejudi¢e·to.the settlement ofthe ·
. estate in proper .proceedings in regular'"courts:.. .
. 1.ssuance of Decree. of Declaration: ·.Nul.lity: or - of •, . ... ~ ~ .:· ~ .. . . . . .. . . :···
. · Annulment of Marriage: . : · .' , : If 'the. party· qi_es.. afte~·.th~'-;°ud~j.;,~nt of: n'uffit/o.i-
: The court ~bali i.ssue the Decree AFTER:. · · · .. · . c'l'nnufmenf. the judgment .'sha'li--be binding upon· the
--1. Registratio"i1 of the .~ntry of judgment" gra·nting · ·P.~rtie~ .~and ··th.eir .. $u~c13ssors' in:· interest'.'ir{ -,he
. . . . the ·petition'.ror de'daratiori of nulllty "of irlarl'lag'i;i settlemfilrit o.f the .esfate ·(Sec:' 24]:.. · · : · · .
.. ,· ·.· , ·. ..... .· .
·of'annulmen(·or marriage in t.he;Civil. Registi:y
where the ma(!'iage was ·cel.ebrated · and in· ·the
Civil Reg.is.try where the Family Coutt".is Locate.cl;_
· 2.. Registration-· of·. the· approyed partition and.·
. distribution: of the. properties of ttie spouses·, in .
the proper· Register·. of Deeds where the .real :
prop(:lrtiEl'S are l.oca.ted; ~nd .. '· ..
3. Th.e deliv~ry· of tt1e children·•s. pr~sumptive:
l~gili!ll"eS iri C~Sh, propefty, or Sound .se·curitieS. · ·

. ;


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