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Références du devoir

Matière : Anglais

Code de la matière : AN01

N° du devoir : 2
(tel qu’il figure dans le fascicule devoirs)

Pour les devoirs de langues étrangères, cochez obligatoirement

☑LVA, ☐ LVB ou ☐ LVC

Vos coordonnées

Indicatif : 3022A01587

Nom : Hamlat

Prénom : Ameziane

Ville de résidence : Tizi-Ouzou

Pays (si vous ne résidez pas en France) : Algérie

Saisir les différentes informations demandées puis commencez à saisir votre devoir en page 2.

Nom du professeur correcteur :

Note :

Observations générales du correcteur :

Votre texte passera automatiquement à la ligne pour
laisser une marge au correcteur (Marge obligatoire sur
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Commencez à saisir votre devoir ci-dessous :

1. Compréhension oral :
Le matériel audio qui nous est présenté met en lumière une femme qui
associe « la Journée internationale du deuil » et le célèbre jour de Thanksgiving. Ce
Le dernier représente une sorte d'hommage au travail américain, à la liberté et à la
santé. Par conséquent, elle est aimée par eux et célèbre chaque année. L'oratrice se
souvient de ses jours du lycée et plus précisément le jour où il a pris conscience de
son sombre passé origines de Thanksgiving tout en me rappelant l'importance de se
souvenir l'histoire pour ne pas répéter les erreurs de nos ancêtres. Mais elle prétend
que pour lier célébrer cette fête (avec la famille exprimant sa gratitude, etc.) avec la
fête nationale Le deuil présente un défi. Ce Jour de deuil national démontre
l'importance de sensibilisation, en particulier pour les jeunes, à la souffrance, au
massacre et au génocide Les Amérindiens ont souffert lors de la conquête des
2. Compréhension écrite :
Pour le document 1 :
Document 2 is an excerpt from the novel "The Pilgrim" written in 2011 by Hugh
Nissenson, which recounts the early years of the Plymouth Colony in the 17th
century. The document describes the character of Squanto, a Patuxet Indian who
had learned English in England and who helped the settlers of Plymouth Colony
survive their first winter. The narrator, Governor Bradford, introduces Squanto to the
settlers as an interpreter and a guide who taught them how to fertilize their soil.
However, the governor also mentions that Squanto is a "benighted, treacherous,
heathen savage who worships the devil," emphasizing the negative view of Native
Americans held by the English settlers. Later in the document, Abigail and Governor
Bradford discuss the massacre of the Virginia colony by local Native Americans,
which had been reported to them by Captain Francis West. The governor describes
the attack as merciless and cunning, highlighting the perceived threat posed by
Native Americans .The narrator's tone is one of distrust and suspicion towards
Native Americans, with the governor describing them as "barbarous enemies" and
emphasizing their supposed treachery. The text also highlights the power dynamic
between the settlers and the Native Americans, with the former relying on Squanto
for survival and using him as a guide and interpreter.
Pour le document 2 :
The document is a transcript of the minister of state’s speech pronounced on
November 17th 2020 reflecting on the experience of the Pilgrims on board the
Mayflower 400 years ago. The purpose of the text is to draw lessons from this
historic event and use them to promote cooperation and trust between different
communities. The main theme of the text is the importance of cooperation and
building trusting relationships. The author acknowledges the painful history of
relations between European settlers and Indigenous Americans but emphasizes the
importance of working together and achieving the most together. The author uses
various devices to achieve this purpose, such as highlighting the courage and
fortitude of the Pilgrims who undertook a perilous journey to an unfamiliar land. The
author also acknowledges the assistance and knowledge of the Native Americans
who helped the Pilgrims survive, emphasizing the importance of working together
and learning from each other. The author also references the commemorations
Modèle de copie Word

taking place on both sides of the Atlantic, which involve participation from the
Indigenous community impacted by the arrival of the Mayflower. This shows the
author's commitment to promoting inclusivity and diversity, and using the lessons of
the past to build a better future based on cooperation and mutual respect.

3. Expression écrite :
Dear fellow members of The Mayflower Society, it is an honor to speak before
you on this special occasion of Thanksgiving dinner. As members of this society, we
take great pride in our ancestors who embarked on a perilous journey across the
Atlantic in search of religious freedom and a new life. Today, we gather to
commemorate their bravery and perseverance, and to celebrate the enduring legacy
they left for future generations.
As we sit down to this Thanksgiving feast, let us take a moment to reflect on
the sacrifices and hardships endured by our Pilgrim ancestors. They faced countless
challenges, from disease and starvation to hostile indigenous peoples. Yet, they
never lost sight of their ultimate goal: to build a better life for themselves and their
families. However, it is important to recognize the role that indigenous peoples
played in the survival of our ancestors. Squanto, in particular, was a crucial figure in
helping the Pilgrims to survive their first winter in the New World. His knowledge of
the land and its resources, as well as his ability to communicate with the local tribes,
proved invaluable to the Pilgrims. This brings me to a larger point about the
importance of cooperation and mutual respect between different cultures and
communities. Our Pilgrim ancestors may have come to this land seeking freedom
and opportunity, but they also brought with them a worldview that did not always
respect or understand the indigenous peoples they encountered. It is our
responsibility as members of this society to acknowledge this history and to work
towards a more inclusive and equitable future.
As we enjoy this Thanksgiving meal together, let us give thanks for the
bravery and perseverance of our Pilgrim ancestors, as well as the contributions of
the indigenous peoples who helped them to survive. May we continue to honor their
legacies by striving towards a more just and compassionate world, one in which all
cultures and communities are valued and respected. Thank you.

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