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Clarinet Quartet

Viva la Vida
Words and Music by

° b4
Moderato q = 138 Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin

Clarinet 1 in Bb & b 4 œ œ
j j j j j Arr.:
j Thomas H. Graf
. . œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
b4 j j j j
Clarinet 2 in Bb & b 4 œ œ œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ
. . > > >
Clarinet 3 in Bb & b 4 ‰ j‰ j ‰ ‰ ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œj œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ
> > >
bb 4 j j
‰ j‰ j j j
in Bb ¢& 4 œ . œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ >œ
Bass Clarinet

mf . . . - . . . -

° b
8 A
Cl. & b ‰ œ Œ Ó j j j j
> œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
b ‰ œj ‰ j
Cl. & b ‰ j Œ Ó œ œ- œ. œ. ‰ j‰ j
>œ œ. œ. œ. œ- > > œ. œ. œ. œ- œ
> >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
b ‰ ‰ j
(melody) mf
Cl. & b j œœ ˙ j‰ œœ
œ> œ- œ- œ- ˙™ œ
>œ œ œ- œ œ - œ >œ œ
œœ œ œ œ œ- ˙™
b j

B. Cl. ¢& b ‰ œ Œ Ó j j
> œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ ‰ j ‰ j œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
mf . . . - >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.

° b ˙ ™™ j ˙ ™™ j
Cl. & b ‰ œ ‰
j j j
> œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ w œ
Cl. & b ‰ œ ‰
j ‰ j‰ j j j
œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
> >œ œ- œ. œ. mf
Cl. & b ‰ Ó ‰ j‰ j
˙ œ> œj œ- œ- œ- œ œ œj œ™ œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ
. . . ->
j j
B. Cl. ¢& b ‰ œ ‰ œ œ œ ‰ j‰ j j j
> - . . œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ >œ
> >œ œ- œ. œ. mf . . . -

° bb
œ œ ˙™™ œ w ˙™™ œ w
œ œ J J j j
Cl. & ˙™ œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.


b j j j j ‰ œJ œ œ œ >œ ˙ ‰ œ œj

Cl. & b ‰ œ ‰ œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ Œ

> - . f
b ‰ j‰ j
Cl. & b ‰ j ‰ j ‰ j‰ j ‰ jŒ Ó
>œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ
>>œ œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.
b j j j j
B. Cl. ¢& b ‰ œ ‰ œ œ
j j j j
> - . œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.
. . . - mf

Copyright © 2008 by Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd.

All Rights in the United States and Canada Administered by Universal Music - MGB Songs
Copyright Secured
Music Plus OrderAll Rights Reserved
3428707585. Used by Permission
1 copy purchased ofon
by ines correia Hal
9, 2020. Corporation

° b

Cl. & b œ œ ‰ j‰ j ‰ j‰ j ‰ j‰ j
. . œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.
b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ ˙™ œœ ˙ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ#œj œnœ œ >œ ™ ‰ J
Cl. & b œ J
b ‰ j‰ j
Cl. & b ‰ ‰ ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œj œj œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.
> > - . . . . . -
b j j j j
B. Cl. ¢& b œ> ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ> ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.
œ. œ. œ. œ- . . . -> > œ. œ. œ. œ-

° b œ >œ -œ œ. œ.

Cl. & b œ œ œ œ > ‰ J ‰ J œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ ∑ Ó ‰ œj œ

. . . - > > - . . -

b ˙™ ‰ œJ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ ‰ œJ œ œ œ œ ˙ ™
œœ ˙ > > œœ ˙
Cl. & b ‰ œ -œ
b ‰ j‰ j ‰ j‰ j
Cl. & b ‰ ‰
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œj œj œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.
> > - . . . . . -
b j j j j j j
B. Cl. ¢& b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.
. . . - > > - . œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- > > - . . . . . -> >

° bb œ
(melody) C
- -
œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
> >œ œ >œ™ œj -œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ j >œ ™

jœ j Œ ‰ œ œ
Cl. & œ œœ œœ œ œ œœ J J œ œ œ
b œ œ œ œ œ œ#œj œnœ œ œ ™ Ó -œ -œ œ œ >
œ œ œ œ œ œj >œ ™
-œ -œ œ œ œ œ w
Cl. & b
J > >

Cl. & b ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
mf > > > > - . .
B. Cl. ¢& b ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ
> > - . . >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ > >
° bb œj -œ -œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ j œj œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ j j >œ ™ -œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ >œ ˙
45 mf

Cl. & J œ J >œ > œ œ J J

b -œ -œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ œj œj >œ ™ j j
Cl. & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙
>J J> > - - > > >
Cl. & b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
> > > > - . . > > > > > >
B. Cl. ¢& b
œ> œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >
° bb -œ -œ -œ œ >œ œ >œ ™ œ œ œ œ ˙ ™ Œ œ œ œj œ™ œ œ œ ˙
œœ ˙ Ó
Cl. & J

˙ ™™
b j j j j
& b œ- œ- œ- œ œ œ œ™ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ Ó œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.
> >

Cl. & b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
>œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ > > >œ œ- œ. œ.
B. Cl. ¢& b ‰ j
>œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ
œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ > œ œ œ
> œ œ œ
> > - œ.
œ œ œ œ.
> >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ
Viva la Vida - www.the-hit-factory.com
Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
° b œ œ œ
>œ >œ >œ œ. >œ >œ œ >œ >œ >œ >œ >œ œ. >œ >œ œ >œ >œ >œ >œ >œ œ. >œ >œ œ >œ œ.
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

Cl. & b
b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.
Cl. & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœ œœœœ
> > > .> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
mf mf mf
Cl. & b œ œ œ œ ‰ j‰ j œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ
. . . - >œ œ. œ. œ. œ. > . . . œ. > . . . œ.

B. Cl. ¢& b
œ. œ. œ. œ- ‰ j ‰ j œ. œ. œ. œ- ‰ j ‰ j œ. œ. œ. œ- ‰ j ‰ j
mf >œ œ. œ. œ. œ. >œ œ. œ. œ. œ. >œ œ. œ. œ. œ.

>œ œ œ > E >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ ˙ >
° b œ œ œ œ ‰œœ
> - . . œ ˙ œ™ >œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ

Cl. & b ‰ J J ‰ J ‰
> > Ϫ >
b j j >
Cl. & b ‰ œ œ œ œ. ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ
> . - > J
ff f
b j
Cl. & b ‰ œ œ œ œ. ∑ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
‰ j‰ j
> - . > > >œ œ- œ. œ.
ff f
B. Cl. ¢& b ‰ j ∑
>œ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ
>œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >
° b ˙ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ ˙ ™ >œ
ff f F j- - >
œ™ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ >œ œ >œ™

Cl. & b J ‰ J ∑ J
&b ˙ œ™ j > >
œ ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ™ œ ‰ œ œ œ -œ -œ œ œ œ œ w
> J œ œ > >
& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œœœ œ
œ > œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
> > - . . . . . ->
> > - . .
B. Cl. ¢& b
œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ
œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ œœ œœ
>œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ > >
œ œ >œ œ
° b œj -œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ j > ™ œj -œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ j œj œ œ œ œ œ œ > œ œ œ œj j

Cl. & b œ> œ

œ œ J œ J> > œ >œ ‰
b -œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ œj >œ ™ -œ -œ œ œ œ œ >
œ œ œ œ œ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ œj j
œ >œ ‰
Cl. & b œ> > >J J> >
Cl. & b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ j‰ j œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
> > -. . > >œ œ- œ. œ. > > - . .
B. Cl. ¢& b
>œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œœœœœœœœ œœ œœ œ œœœ
>œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ > > > > > >
° bb œ- œ- œ œ œ œ œJ >œ œJ ˙
> > -œ -œ -œ œ œ œ œ™ œ œ œ œ ˙™
œœ ˙ Œ œœ
Cl. & J

œ œ œ œ ˙ ™™
b - - > > > j
Cl. & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œJ œ œJ ˙ œ- œ- œ- œ œ ˙
œ ˙ Ó
b j j ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
Cl. & b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ œ œ
. . . -> > - . . œ
œ. œ. œ. œ- > > - . . œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.
> >
B. Cl. ¢& b
œ> œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ > >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
> > > > > > > > >
Viva la Vida - www.the-hit-factory.com
Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.

° b j
w w

Cl. & b œ œ™
œ œ œ w
b ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
Cl. & b œ œ. œ. œ- >œ œ. w ˙™
. > - .
Cl. & b ‰ j ‰ j Ó w
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ œ> œ- œ. œ. ˙
B. Cl. ¢& b ˙™
‰ j w
>œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ
> >œ œ- œ. œ.
° bb w ˙™ ˙™
œ œ w w œ w
Cl. &

b U
& b ˙™ w ˙™ œ w w
Cl. œ œ w
b U
Cl. &b w w
˙ w w w
mp pp
bb w
¢& ˙™
w w w w
B. Cl. œ

Viva la Vida - www.the-hit-factory.com

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Clarinet 1 in Bb

Viva la Vida
Clarinet Quartet Words and Music by
Moderato q = 138 Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin

& b 4 œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.
Arr.: Thomas H. Graf

> > > > > >

& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj Œ Ó j j

> > œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ


& b ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. j j j j

> œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.

˙™™ ˙™™
& b ˙ ™™ ˙ ™™
œ w œ w
b j j œœœœ

œ w œ ˙™ J J

& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.

> > > > > >

b >œ -œ œ. œ.
& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ

œ ‰
> > œ. œ. œ. œ- > J ‰ J >

b j j

&b ‰ œ> ‰ œ- œ. œ. ∑

Copyright © 2008 by Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd.

All Rights in the United States and Canada Administered by Universal Music - MGB Songs
Copyright Secured
Music Plus OrderAll Rights Reserved
3428707585. Used by Permission
1 copy purchased ofon
by ines correia Hal Leonard
Jan 9, 2020. Corporation
2 Clarinet 1 in Bb

œ œ™
b ‰ œj œ j
38 (melody)

&b Ó œ œ œ œ œ œ œj œ œ Œ ‰ œ
- J

-- > -œ -œ œ œ œ œ œ > >

œ >œ œ œ ™
-œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ
b œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ™ œj j> œj
œ œ œJ œ œj

& b œ J

b œj œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ œj œj >œ ™ -œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ >œ ˙ -œ -œ -œ œ >œ


& b J >œ > J J

b œ >œ ™ œ œ œ œ ˙™ œ œ ˙ Œ œ œ œj œ™ œ œ œ ˙

& J Ó

D>>œ >œ œ. >œ >œ œ >œ >œ >œ >œ >œ œ. >œ >œ œ >œ >œ
b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ


>œ >œ >œ œ. >œ >œ œ >œ œ. >œ -œ œ. œ. >œ œ œ >

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
b ‰ œ œ

&b ‰ J

œ ™ >œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ >œ ˙
> > >
œ™ >œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ ˙ œ™ >œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ
b ˙

& b J ‰ J J ‰

œ ™ >œ -œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ > >œ™

œ >œ œ œ ™
-œ -œ œ œ œ >œ œ
b ˙ œj œj j>
œ œ œJ

&b J ∑

b - - >
œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ > >
œ jœ œ œ œ > j j -œ -œ œ œ œ >œ
œ œ œJ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ ‰

J> >

b œ >œ >œ ˙ -œ -œ -œ œ œ œ œ ™ œ œ œ œ ˙ ™ œ œ ˙ Œ œ œ œj œ™ œ œ œ w
&b J J J

˙™ ˙™
œ U
b w w w œ œ w w w

mp pp
Viva la Vida - www.the-hit-factory.com
Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Clarinet 2 in Bb

Viva la Vida
Clarinet Quartet Words and Music by
Moderato q = 138 Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin

& b 4 œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
Arr.: Thomas H. Graf

. . . -> > - . . . . . -> > - . . . . . -> > - . .


& b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj Œ Ó ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
. . . -> œ
œ. œ. œ. œ- > > - . . œ. œ. œ. œ- œ
> >


&b ‰ j ‰ j ‰ j‰ j ‰ j‰ j
>œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.

& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.

> > > > > >

b œ >œ ˙
& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ Œ ‰ œJ œ œ ‰ œ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ
23 (melody)

> f

b ™ œœ ˙ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ#œj œnœ œ >œ ™ ‰ J

œ œ œ ˙™ œœ ˙ ‰ œJ œ œ
&b ˙

b œ ™ œ œ œ >œ Œ ‰ œ œ œ œ >œ ˙ ™ œœ ˙ ‰ œ -œ œ œ œ œ œ œ#œj œnœ œ œ ™ Ó


& b J

œ œ œ œ œ œj >œ ™ -œ -œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œj
b - - -œ -œ œ œ > >

& b œ œ œ œ œ >œ w > >J


& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œJ >œ >œ œ œ ™

b > j j> j j

œ- œ- œ œ œ >œ œ >œ >œ ˙ œ- œ- œ- œ œ


& b œ œ™ œ œ œ œ ˙ ™™
b j j j j

œ ˙ Ó œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.
> V.S.

Copyright © 2008 by Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd.

All Rights in the United States and Canada Administered by Universal Music - MGB Songs
Copyright Secured
Music Plus OrderAll Rights Reserved
3428707585. Used by Permission
1 copy purchased ofon
by ines correia Hal Leonard
Jan 9, 2020. Corporation
2 Clarinet 2 in Bb

& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
> > > > > > > mf > > > > > > >

b . ‰ œ œ-j œ. œ. ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ

& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >
> > > > > >
mf ff f

œ ™ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ ˙
> œ ™ œ ‰ j œ >œ œ œ >œ ˙ œ ™ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ
b > > >

&b ˙ > J œ >

œ™ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œj >œ ™
b -œ -œ œ œ œ œ w -œ -œ œ œ >
&b ˙

J œœ> œ > >

b -- > > j j> - - > >>

& b œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œJ œ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œJ >œ >œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œJ œ œJ ˙

œ œ œ œ ˙ ™™
b j j j

& b œ- œ- œ- œ >œ ˙ œ ˙ Ó œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.

&b w œ œ
˙™ ˙™ œœ w w ˙™ w w
mp pp

Viva la Vida - www.the-hit-factory.com

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Clarinet 3 in Bb

Viva la Vida
Clarinet Quartet Words and Music by
Moderato q = 138 Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin

Arr.: Thomas H. Graf

&b 4 ‰ j‰ j ‰ ‰ ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ œ> œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œj œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.
> >
7 (melody)

&b ‰ j‰ j ‰
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ œ œ œ ˙™ œ œ ˙ œ> œj œ- œ œ œ- œ œ
>œ f- - - >

&b œ œ ˙
‰ j j Ó
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ- ˙™
œ> œ œ- œ- œ- œ œ œ œ™


&b ‰ j‰ j ‰ j‰ j ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.
mf . . . -

&b œ œ œ œ ‰ j Œ Ó ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ ‰ j‰ j
. . . - >œ >œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ. œ. œ. œ- > > - . . . . . - >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.


&b ‰ j‰ j ‰ j‰ j ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ œ> œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.
> > . . . -

&b œ œ œ œ ‰ j ‰ j ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ ‰ j‰ j
. . . - >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- > > - . . . . . - > >œ œ- œ. œ.
œ œ œ œ œ

& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
> > - . . > > - . . > > - . .


& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
> > - . . >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ >œ


&b œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ ‰ j‰ j
œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ . . . - œ
> > - . . œ
. . . - > >œ œ- œ. œ.
œ œ œ œ

Copyright © 2008 by Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd.

All Rights in the United States and Canada Administered by Universal Music - MGB Songs
Copyright Secured
Music Plus OrderAll Rights Reserved
3428707585. Used by Permission
1 copy purchased ofon
by ines correia Hal Leonard
Jan 9, 2020. Corporation
2 Clarinet 3 in Bb

& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
> . . . . > . . . . > . . . .

& b ‰ œ œj œ œ ∑ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ

> - . .
ff f
> >


& b ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ

‰ œœ
œœ> œ
> - . . > >

& b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ
. . . -> > - . . > > - . . . . . -> > - . .


& b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ ‰ j‰ j
> > - . .
œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ

& b ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.

œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
‰ j‰ j
> > > >œ œ- œ. œ.
b U

&b Ó ˙ w w w
˙ w w w
mp pp

Viva la Vida - www.the-hit-factory.com

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Bass Clarinet in Bb

Viva la Vida
Clarinet Quartet Words and Music by
Moderato q = 138 Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin

b4 j j
& b 4 œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ> ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.
Arr.: Thomas H. Graf

. . . -> > œ. œ. œ. œ- . . . -> >

b j
j j

&b œ> ‰ >œ Œ Ó œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.

œ. œ. œ. œ- œ. œ. œ. œ- œ
mf >
b ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ

&b ‰ j ‰ j œ
œ. œ. œ. œ- > > - . .
‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œ œ œ œ
>œ œ- œ. œ. > > - . .
b j j
& b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ> ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.

. . . -> > œ. œ. œ. œ- . . . -> >

b j j j‰ j j‰ j

&b œ> ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ ‰ œ œ œ œ ‰

œ. œ. œ. œ- > > - . . œ œ œ œ > > œ- œ. œ.
œ œ
œ. œ. œ. œ- mf . . . -
b j j
& b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ> ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.

. . . -> > œ. œ. œ. œ- . . . -> >

b j j
œ> ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.

&b ‰ j‰ j
œ. œ. œ. œ- . . . -> > œ. œ. œ. œ- œ œ œ œ œ
> > - . .

œ> œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ

œ> œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ
> > >

&b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
> > œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ >œ
> > > > > > >

Copyright © 2008 by Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd.

All Rights in the United States and Canada Administered by Universal Music - MGB Songs
Copyright Secured
Music Plus OrderAll Rights Reserved
3428707585. Used by Permission
1 copy purchased ofon
by ines correia Hal Leonard
Jan 9, 2020. Corporation
2 Bass Clarinet in Bb

&b ‰ j œ. œ. œ. œ- ‰ j ‰ j œ. œ. œ. œ- ‰ j ‰ j œ œ œ œ
>œ œ- œ. œ. œ> œ. œ. œ. œ. œ> œ. œ. œ. œ. . . . - >œ


&b ‰ j ‰ j ‰ j ∑
œ. œ. œ. œ.
>œ œ- œ. œ. >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ
ff f


>œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ


œ œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ
> > > > > >


œ> œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ > > > œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ


&b œœœœœœœœ œœœœœœœœ

œ> œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ > > > > > >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ œ >œ œ


&b ‰ j œ w
>œ œ œ >œ œ œ œ >œ >œ œ- œ. œ.

b U

&b w w œ w w w
Viva la Vida - www.the-hit-factory.com
Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Basset Horn (Clarinet 3)

Viva la Vida
Clarinet Quartet Words and Music by
Moderato q = 138 Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin

b 4
& b b 4 œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.
Arr.: Thomas H. Graf

. . . -> > > > - . . . . . -> >


b j
7 (melody)

& b b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ- œ- œ- œœ ˙ ‰ œ j œ œœœ
- œœ
. . . -> > f > œ - >


&b b œ œ œ™
œ œ œ œ œ œ- œ œ ˙ ‰ œ j œ œ œ œ j Ó
œ > > œ - - -

& b b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ

. . . -> > œ
œ. œ. œ. œ- > > - . . . . . - > > - . .
b j‰ j

& b b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj Œ Ó œ ‰ œ j j
œ. œ. œ. œ- > > œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.
> > mf

b j j j j j j

& b b œ œ œ œ >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.

. . . - . . . -

b j j j j

& b b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.

> > - . . . . . -
bb œ. œ. œ. œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ ‰ j ‰ j . œ. œ. œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ

& b -> > - . . - >œ >œ œ- œ. œ. œ -> > - . .


b . . . j j

& b b œ œ œ œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

> > > > > > > > >

bb . œ. œ. œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ j j

& œœœœœœœœ œ - > > - . . œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.
> > V.S.

Copyright © 2008 by Universal Music Publishing MGB Ltd.

All Rights in the United States and Canada Administered by Universal Music - MGB Songs
Copyright Secured
Music Plus OrderAll Rights Reserved
3428707585. Used by Permission
1 copy purchased ofon
by ines correia Hal Leonard
Jan 9, 2020. Corporation
2 Basset Horn (Clarinet 3)
b . . . j j . . . j j . . . j j

& b b œ œ œ œ- >œ ‰ œ. ‰ œ. œ. œ. œ œ œ œ- >œ ‰ œ. ‰ œ. œ. œ. œ œ œ œ- >œ ‰ œ. ‰ œ. œ. œ.

b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.

& b b ‰ >œ œ- œ. œ. ∑
> > œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ
ff f
bb ‰ j ‰ j . œ. œ. œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ >œ œ œ
& b œ ‰ œ
>œ œ- œ. œ. - > > - . . œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ œ
b . . . j j
& b b œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ. œ œ œ œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œj ‰ œ-j œ. œ.

> > > >

b . . . j j j j

& b b œ œ œ œ- >œ ‰ >œ ‰ œ- œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ- œ ‰ œ ‰ œ- œ. œ.

> > œ. œ. œ. œ- >œ

bb ‰ >œ ‰ -œ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ ‰ œj ‰ œj œ œ

& b - - . . œ œ œ œ œ
J J > > . . . -> > - . .
b U

&b b Ó ˙ w w w Ó ˙ w w w
mp pp

Viva la Vida - www.the-hit-factory.com

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
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Yesterday - Beatles Classic Lustig ist das Zigeunerleben - German Folk Important: Feel free to ask for any substitute
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Song - Waltz - Oktober Fest parts, special instrumentation or custom
Wonder Classic Mein Hut der hat 3 Ecken (My hat, it has arrangement.
Your Song - Elton John three corners) - Folk
Mein Mädchen (du bleibst heut' bei mir) -
German Waltz Oktoberfest
*all songs in this column are exclusively available on Mit Dank von mir - German Waltz –
Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Big Band & Concert Band Big Band & Concert Band
Copyrighted material Original Compositions & Public
Domain Please support our music and
forward this file to your music
Basin Street Blues – Trombone Feature Buy
now friends, music teachers, music
Allerbester Laune - German Polka - Concert
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor Band schools, students… Thanks a lot!
Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo Alone at home - Alto or Soprano feature - Jazz
My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad Waltz - Big Band Last modified: 2017, November 12th
What a wonderful world - Tpt. Feature - Amboss-Polka - German Polka - Oktoberfest -
Vocals opt Concert Band Important: Feel free to ask for any substitute
Bonnes Nouvelles - Latin Jazz - Guitar Feature parts, special instrumentation or custom
*all songs in this column are exclusively available on
- Big Band arrangement.
Calella Opening - Concert Band
Conflusion - Suite – Large Wind Ensemble
D.J.s Dream - Latin/Samba - Big Band
- check out: Das war noch nicht das letzte Mal - German
Polka - Oktoberfest - Concert Band
Drachenfels voraus! - German March -
“hitfactory2009” Oktoberfest - Concert Band
 Saxophone Channel Fabs final song - Ballad - Jazz - Big Band
 Brass Quintet Channel Forever mine - Ballad - Vocal feature - Jazz -
 Big Band Channel Big Band
Forever mine - Waltz - Jazz - Big Band
It’s up to you (to fall in love) - funky - Flhn.
feature - Big Band
Mi Pescadito - Big Band
Mit Dank von mir - German Waltz -
Oktoberfest - Concert Band
Molly on the shore Irisch Reel
No more snow Waltz - Big Band
Nightingales B-Flat – Big Band
Oh happy day - Christmas Song - Gospel - Big
Oh happy day - Christmas Song - Gospel -
Concert Band
Recuerdo Malaga - Samba - Big Band
Recuerdo Malaga - Samba - Concert Band
Salut Bayonne - Samba - Concert Band
Salut Bayonne - Big Band
Solang der alte Peter - Munich City anthem -
Concert Band
Sommergeschichten - Suite in 7 movements -
Concert Band
Spring Song- Concert Band – Big Band
Summer love - Big Band
Summer Sun Dance - 11/8 - Folk Dance Style -
Big Band
Summer Sun Dance - 11/8 - Folk Dance Style -
Concert Band
TAKE OFF & BLOW! - Bright Swing - w. Alto
Solo - Big Band
Tender feelings - Bossa Nova/Samba - Big
Tuba Galopp - Fast Polka - Oktober Fest -
Concert Band

Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 | E-Mail | www | …

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
These arrangements are exclusively available The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra - Brass On Broadway - George Benson - funky - Brass
at www.sheetmusicplus.com. Quartet Quintet
Please click to get instantly to the title. The house of the rising sun - The Animals - On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
1964 - Brass Quartet Brass Quintet
Last modified: 2017, November 10th The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero - Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Brass Quintet
Brass Quartet Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing -
Brass Viva la Vida - Cold Play - Brass Quartet Brass Quintet
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Brass Quintet
Quartet-Quintet-Trio Richie - Brass Quartet Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led
White Christmas - Bossa Nova - Brass Quartet Zeppelin - Brass Quintet
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Brass Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Brass Quintet
Jones - Brass Quartet
Quartet Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Brass
All you need is love - Beatles - Brass Quartet
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Brass Quartet Quintet
All you need is love - Beatles - Brass Quartet
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - Brass
All you need is love (Ab) - Beatles - Brass
Wonder Classic - Brass Quartet Quintet
Your Song - Elton John - Brass Quartet Thank you for the music - ABBA - Brass
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - Brass Quintet
mortes - Brass Quartet
Quartet That Old Black Magic - Sinatra/Ella - Brass
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
famous Rumba - Brass Quartet
The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Brass Quintet
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Brass Quintet The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On
Darin) - Brass Quartet
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad An Open Fire) - Brass Quintet
Bridge Over Troubled Water -
Jones - Brass Quintet The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra - Brass
Simon&Garfunkel - Brass Quartet
All you need is love - Beatles - Brass Quintet Quintet
Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Brass Quartet
Angels (C-Major) - Robby Williams - Brass The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) -
California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
Quintet Jobim - Bossa Nova - Brass Quintet
the Papas - Brass Quartet
Angels (Db-Major) - Robby Williams - Brass The house of the rising sun - The Animals -
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
Quintet 1964 - Brass Quintet
Brass Quartet
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero -
Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - Brass Quartet
mortes - Brass Quintet Brass Quintet
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Brass
Basin Street Blues - Jazz - Brass Quintet The Muppet Show Theme - Brass Quintet
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman -
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
famous Rumba - Brass Quintet Brass Quintet
Cohen's Classic - Brass Quartet
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby Valerie - Amy Winehouse - Brass Quintet
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Darin) - Brass Quintet Viva la Vida - Cold Play - Brass Quintet
Cohen's Classic - Brass Quartet
Bridge Over Troubled Water - WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Brass
Halleluja (high key) - sophisticated
Simon&Garfunkel - Brass Quintet Quintet
arrangement of Cohen's Classic - Brass
Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Brass Quintet We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel
California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas & Richie - Brass Quintet
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
the Papas - Brass Quintet What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong -
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Brass Quartet
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di - Brass Quintet
Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Brass Quartet
Brass Quintet Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Brass
Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Brass
Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - Brass Quintet Quintet
Don't Worry, Be Happy! - Bobby McFerrin - Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Brass Quintet
Jump - Van Halen - Brass Quartet
Brass Quintet You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! -
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Brass Wonder Classic - Brass Quintet
Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing -
Quintet Your Song - Elton John - Brass Quintet
Brass Quartet
Flashdance...What A Feeling - Irene Cara - You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - Brass
Libertango (shorter version) - Astor Piazolla -
Brass Quintet Quintet
Tango Nuevo - Brass Quartet
Goldfinger - James Bond - Brass Quintet
On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Brass Quartet
Cohen's Classic - Brass Quintet 25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Brass Trio
Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing -
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
Brass Quartet
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Brass Quintet Jones - Brass Trio
Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Brass Quartet
Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Brass Quintet All you need is love - Beatles - Brass Trio
Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led
I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
Zeppelin - Brass Quartet
Bennett - Brass Quintet mortes - Brass Trio
Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Brass
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco - Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
Brass Quintet famous Rumba - Brass Trio
Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Brass
Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Brass Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Quintet Darin) - Brass Trio
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - Brass
Jump - Van Halen - Brass Quintet Bridge Over Troubled Water -
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Simon&Garfunkel - Brass Trio
That Old Black Magic - Sinatra/Ella - Brass
Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing - Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Brass Trio
Brass Quintet California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Brass Quartet
Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo - the Papas - Brass Trio
The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Brass Quartet
Brass Quintet Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On
My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Brass Brass Trio
An Open Fire) - Brass Quartet

Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 | E-Mail | www | …

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Don't Worry, Be Happy! - Bobby McFerrin - Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel
Brass Trio Darin) - Clarinet Quartet Richie - Clarinet Quartet
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Brass Trio Bridge Over Troubled Water - White Christmas - Bossa Nova - Clarinet
Flashdance - ...What A Feeling - Brass Trio Simon&Garfunkel - Clarinet Quartet Quartet
Goldfinger - James Bond - Brass Trio Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Clarinet Quartet Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Clarinet
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas & Quartet
Cohen's Classic - Brass Trio the Papas - Clarinet Quartet Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Clarinet Quartet
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di - You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Brass Trio Clarinet Quartet Wonder Classic - Clarinet Quartet
Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Brass Trio Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - Clarinet Quartet Your Song - Elton John - Clarinet Quartet
I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Clarinet You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story -
Bennett - Brass Trio Quartet Clarinet Quartet
Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Brass Trio Flashdance - ...What A Feeling - Clarinet 25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Clarinet Quintet
Jump - Van Halen - Brass Trio Quartet A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Goldfinger - James Bond - Clarinet Quartet Jones - Clarinet Quintet
Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing - Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of All you need is love - Beatles - Clarinet Quintet
Brass Trio Cohen's Classic - Clarinet Quartet Angels - Robby Williams - Clarinet Quintet
Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo - Have yourself a merry little Christmas from Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
Brass Trio MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Clarinet Quartet mortes - Clarinet Quintet
My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Brass Trio Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Clarinet Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic - Quartet famous Rumba - Clarinet Quintet
Brass Trio I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Brass Trio Bennett - Clarinet Quartet Darin) - Clarinet Quintet
Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing - I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco - Bridge Over Troubled Water -
Brass Trio Clarinet Quartet Simon&Garfunkel - Clarinet Quintet
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - default - Brass Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Clarinet Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Clarinet Quintet
Trio Quartet California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Brass Trio Jump - Van Halen - Clarinet Quartet the Papas - Clarinet Quintet
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - Brass Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
Trio Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing - Clarinet Quintet
Thank you for the music - ABBA - Brass Trio Clarinet Quartet Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - Clarinet Quintet
That Old Black Magic - default - Brass Trio Libertango (shorter version) - Astor Piazolla - Don't Worry, Be Happy! - Bobby McFerrin -
The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Brass Trio Tango Nuevo - Clarinet Quartet Clarinet Quintet
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Clarinet Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Clarinet
An Open Fire) - Brass Trio Quartet Quintet
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic - Flashdance...What A Feeling - Irene Cara -
An Open Fire) - Brass Trio Clarinet Quartet Clarinet Quintet
The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) - Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Clarinet Quartet Goldfinger - James Bond - Clarinet Quintet
Jobim - Bossa Nova - Brass Trio Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing - Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
The Muppet Show Theme - Brass Trio Clarinet Quartet Cohen's Classic - Clarinet Quintet
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - default - Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
Brass Trio Clarinet Quartet MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Clarinet Quintet
Viva la Vida - Cold Play - Brass Trio Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Clarinet Quartet Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Clarinet
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Brass Trio Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led Quintet
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Brass Trio Zeppelin - Clarinet Quartet I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Clarinet Bennett - Clarinet Quintet
Richie - Brass Trio Quartet I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco -
What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong - Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Clarinet Clarinet Quintet
Brass Trio Quartet Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Clarinet
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Brass Trio Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - Quintet
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Brass Trio Clarinet Quartet Jump - Van Halen - Clarinet Quintet
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie That Old Black Magic - default - Clarinet Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! -
Wonder Classic - Brass Trio Quartet Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing -
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - Brass The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Clarinet Clarinet Quintet
Trio Quartet Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo -
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On Clarinet Quintet
Clarinet An Open Fire) - Clarinet Quartet My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Clarinet
The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) - Quintet
Quartet-Quintet-Trio Jobim - Bossa Nova - Clarinet Quartet My Funny Valentine (D-Minor) - Jazz Ballad -
The house of the rising sun - The Animals - Clarinet Quintet
25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Clarinet Quartet
1964 - Clarinet Quartet On Broadway - George Benson - funky -
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero - Clarinet Quintet
Jones - Clarinet Quartet
Clarinet Quartet On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
All you need is love - Beatles - Clarinet
The Muppet Show Theme - Clarinet Quartet Clarinet Quintet
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Clarinet Quintet
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
Clarinet Quartet Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing -
mortes - Clarinet Quartet
Viva la Vida - Cold Play - Clarinet Quartet Clarinet Quintet
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Clarinet Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - default -
famous Rumba - Clarinet Quartet
Quartet Clarinet Quintet

Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 | E-Mail | www | …

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Clarinet Quintet Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Clarinet Trio A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led Jump - Van Halen - Clarinet Trio Jones - Flute Quintet
Zeppelin - Clarinet Quintet My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Clarinet All you need is love - Beatles - Flute Quintet
Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Clarinet Trio Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
Quintet On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic - mortes - Flute Quintet
Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Clarinet Clarinet Trio Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Quintet Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Clarinet Trio Darin) - Flute Quintet
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Clarinet Bridge Over Troubled Water -
Clarinet Quintet Trio Simon&Garfunkel - Flute Quintet
Thank you for the music - ABBA - Clarinet Thank you for the music - ABBA - Clarinet Trio Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Flute Quintet
Quintet The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
That Old Black Magic - Sinatra/Ella - Clarinet An Open Fire) - Clarinet Trio the Papas - Flute Quintet
Quintet Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Clarinet Clarinet Trio Flute Quintet
Quintet WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Clarinet Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Flute
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On Trio Quintet
An Open Fire) - Clarinet Quintet We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra - Clarinet Richie - Clarinet Trio Cohen's Classic - Flute Quintet
Quintet What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong - Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) - Clarinet Trio MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Flute Quintet
Jobim - Bossa Nova - Clarinet Quintet Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Clarinet Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Flute Quintet
The house of the rising sun - The Animals - Trio I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco -
1964 - Clarinet Quintet Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Clarinet Trio Flute Quintet
The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero - You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Flute Quintet
Clarinet Quintet Clarinet Trio Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! -
The Muppet Show Theme - Clarinet Quintet Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing -
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - Flute Flute Quintet
Clarinet Quintet Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo -
Valerie - Amy Winehouse - Clarinet Quintet
Quartet-Quintet-Trio Flute Quintet
Viva la Vida - Cold Play - Clarinet Quintet On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Clarinet Flute Quintet
Jones - Flute Quartet
Quintet Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Flute Quintet
All you need is love - Beatles - Flute Quartet
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Flute Quintet
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
Richie - Clarinet Quintet Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Flute
mortes - Flute Quartet
What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong - Quintet
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Clarinet Quintet The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra - Flute
Darin) - Flute Quartet
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Clarinet Quintet
California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
Quintet We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel
the Papas - Flute Quartet
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Clarinet Quintet Richie - Flute Quintet
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Flute Quintet
Flute Quartet
Wonder Classic - Clarinet Quintet Your Song - Elton John - Flute Quintet
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Flute
Your Song - Elton John - Clarinet Quintet
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - 25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Flute Trio
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Clarinet Quintet A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
Cohen's Classic - Flute Quartet
25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Clarinet Trio Jones - Flute Trio
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad All you need is love - Beatles - Flute Trio
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Flute Quartet
Jones - Clarinet Trio Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Flute Quartet
All you need is love - Beatles - Clarinet Trio famous Rumba - Flute Trio
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! -
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing -
famous Rumba - Clarinet Trio Darin) - Flute Trio
Flute Quartet
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
Libertango (shorter version) - Astor Piazolla -
Darin) - Clarinet Trio the Papas - Flute Trio
Tango Nuevo - Flute Quartet
California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas & Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
the Papas - Clarinet Trio Flute Trio
Flute Quartet
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di - Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Flute Trio
Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Flute Quartet
Clarinet Trio Flashdance - ...What A Feeling - Flute Trio
Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led
Don't Worry, Be Happy! - Bobby McFerrin - Goldfinger - James Bond - Flute Trio
Zeppelin - Flute Quartet
Clarinet Trio Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Flute Quartet
Don't Worry, Be Happy! - Easy & Funny - Cohen's Classic - Flute Trio
Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Flute
Bobby McFerrin - Clarinet Trio Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Clarinet Trio MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Flute Trio
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel
Flashdance - ...What A Feeling - Clarinet Trio I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony
Richie - Flute Quartet
Goldfinger - James Bond - Clarinet Trio Bennett - Flute Trio
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Flute Quartet
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Flute Trio
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie
Cohen's Classic - Clarinet Trio My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Flute Trio
Wonder Classic - Flute Quartet
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
Your Song - Elton John - Flute Quartet
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Clarinet Trio Flute Trio
I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Flute Trio
Bennett - Clarinet Trio Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Flute Trio

Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 | E-Mail | www | …

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Thank you for the music - ABBA - Flute Trio Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Saxophone Quartet California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing - the Papas - Saxophone Quintet
An Open Fire) - Flute Trio Saxophone Quartet Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - default - Saxophone Quintet
Flute Trio Saxophone Quartet Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - Saxophone
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Flute Trio Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Saxophone Quartet Quintet
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led Don't Worry, Be Happy! - Bobby McFerrin -
Richie - Flute Trio Zeppelin - Saxophone Quartet Saxophone Quintet
What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong - Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Saxophone Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Saxophone
Flute Trio Quartet Quintet
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Flute Trio Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Saxophone Flashdance...What A Feeling - Irene Cara -
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Flute Trio Quartet Saxophone Quintet
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - Flute Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - Goldfinger - James Bond - Saxophone Quintet
Trio Saxophone Quartet Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Thank you for the music - ABBA - Saxophone Cohen's Classic - Saxophone Quintet
Saxophone Quartet Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
That Old Black Magic - Sinatra/Ella - MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Saxophone Quintet
Quartet-Quintet-Trio Saxophone Quartet Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Saxophone
The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Saxophone Quintet
25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Saxophone Quartet
Quartet I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Saxophone Bennett - Saxophone Quintet
Jones - Saxophone Quartet
Quartet I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco -
All you need is love - Beatles - Saxophone
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On Saxophone Quintet
An Open Fire) - Saxophone Quartet Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Saxophone
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra - Quintet
mortes - Saxophone Quartet
Saxophone Quartet Jump - Van Halen - Saxophone Quintet
Basin Street Blues - Jazz - Saxophone Quartet
The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! -
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
Jobim - Bossa Nova - Saxophone Quartet Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing -
famous Rumba - Saxophone Quartet
The house of the rising sun - The Animals - Saxophone Quintet
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
1964 - Saxophone Quartet Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo -
Darin) - Saxophone Quartet
The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero - Saxophone Quintet
Bridge Over Troubled Water -
Saxophone Quartet My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Saxophone
Simon&Garfunkel - Saxophone Quartet
The Muppet Show Theme - Saxophone Quintet
Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Saxophone
Quartet On Broadway - George Benson - funky -
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - Saxophone Quintet
California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
Saxophone Quartet On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
the Papas - Saxophone Quartet
Viva la Vida - Cold Play - Saxophone Quartet Saxophone Quintet
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Saxophone Quintet
Saxophone Quartet
Saxophone Quartet Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing -
Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - Saxophone
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel Saxophone Quintet
Richie - Saxophone Quartet Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - default -
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Saxophone
White Christmas - Bossa Nova - Saxophone Saxophone Quintet
Quartet Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Saxophone Quintet
Flashdance - ...What A Feeling - Saxophone
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Saxophone Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led
Quartet Zeppelin - Saxophone Quintet
Goldfinger - James Bond - Saxophone Quartet
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Saxophone Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Saxophone
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Quartet Quintet
Cohen's Classic - Saxophone Quartet
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Saxophone
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
Wonder Classic - Saxophone Quartet Quintet
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Saxophone Quartet
Your Song - Elton John - Saxophone Quartet Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic -
Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Saxophone
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - Saxophone Quintet
Saxophone Quartet Thank you for the music - ABBA - Saxophone
I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony
25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Saxophone Quintet Quintet
Bennett - Saxophone Quartet
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad That Old Black Magic - Sinatra/Ella -
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco -
Jones - Saxophone Quintet Saxophone Quintet
Saxophone Quartet
All you need is love - Beatles - Saxophone The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Saxophone
Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Saxophone
Quintet Quintet
Angels - Robby Williams - Saxophone Quintet The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On
Jump - Van Halen - Saxophone Quartet
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles An Open Fire) - Saxophone Quintet
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! -
mortes - Saxophone Quintet The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra -
Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing -
Basin Street Blues - Jazz - Saxophone Quintet Saxophone Quintet
Saxophone Quartet
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) -
Libertango (shorter version) - Astor Piazolla -
famous Rumba - Saxophone Quintet Jobim - Bossa Nova - Saxophone Quintet
Tango Nuevo - Saxophone Quartet
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby The house of the rising sun - The Animals -
My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Saxophone
Darin) - Saxophone Quintet 1964 - Saxophone Quintet
Bridge Over Troubled Water - The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero -
My Way - Saxophone Quartet
Simon&Garfunkel - Saxophone Quintet Saxophone Quintet
On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Saxophone The Muppet Show Theme - Saxophone
Saxophone Quartet
Quintet Quintet

Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 | E-Mail | www | …

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - String
Saxophone Quintet Saxophone Trio Orchestra
Valerie - Amy Winehouse - Saxophone Quintet The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On
Viva la Vida - Cold Play - Saxophone Quintet String An Open Fire) - String Orchestra
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra - String
Saxophone Quintet
Quartet-Quintet-Trio Orchestra
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) -
25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - String Orchestra
Richie - Saxophone Quintet Jobim - Bossa Nova - String Orchestra
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong - The house of the rising sun - The Animals -
Jones - String Orchestra
Saxophone Quintet 1964 - String Orchestra
All you need is love - Beatles - String
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Saxophone The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero -
Quintet String Orchestra
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Saxophone The Muppet Show Theme - String Orchestra
mortes - String Orchestra
Quintet Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman -
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie String Orchestra
famous Rumba - String Orchestra
Wonder Classic - Saxophone Quintet Valerie - Amy Winehouse - String Orchestra
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Your Song - Elton John - Saxophone Quintet Viva la Vida - Cold Play - String Orchestra
Darin) - String Orchestra
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - String
Bridge Over Troubled Water -
Saxophone Quintet Orchestra
Simon&Garfunkel - String Orchestra
You've Got A Friend In Me (Db) - Toy Story - We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel
Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - String Orchestra
Saxophone Quintet Richie - String Orchestra
California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong -
the Papas - String Orchestra
Jones - Saxophone Trio String Orchestra
Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - String Orchestra
All you need is love - Beatles - Saxophone Trio Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - String
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - String
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles Orchestra
mortes - Saxophone Trio Yesterday - Beatles Classic - String Orchestra
Flashdance...What A Feeling - Irene Cara -
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie
String Orchestra
Darin) - Saxophone Trio Wonder Classic - String Orchestra
Goldfinger - James Bond - String Orchestra
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di - Your Song - Elton John - String Orchestra
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Saxophone Trio You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - String
Cohen's Classic - String Orchestra
Don't Worry, Be Happy! - Bobby McFerrin - Orchestra
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
Saxophone Trio
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - String Orchestra
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Saxophone Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - String
Hotel California - Eagles Classic - String
Trio Quintet
Flashdance - ...What A Feeling - Saxophone 25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - String Quartet
I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony
Trio A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
Bennett - String Orchestra
Goldfinger - James Bond - Saxophone Trio Jones - String Quartet
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco -
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of All you need is love - Beatles - String Quartet
String Orchestra
Cohen's Classic - Saxophone Trio Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - String
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of mortes - String Quartet
Cohen's Classic - Saxophone Trio Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
Jump - Van Halen - String Orchestra
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from famous Rumba - String Quartet
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! -
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Saxophone Trio Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing -
I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony Darin) - String Quartet
String Orchestra
Bennett - Saxophone Trio Bridge Over Troubled Water -
Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo -
Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Saxophone Simon&Garfunkel - String Quartet
String Orchestra
Trio Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - String Quartet
My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - String
Jump - Van Halen - Saxophone Trio California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Saxophone the Papas - String Quartet
On Broadway - George Benson - funky - String
Trio Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic - String Quartet
On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
Saxophone Trio Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - String Quartet
String Orchestra
Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Saxophone Trio Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - String
Rehab - Amy Winehouse - String Orchestra
Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Saxophone Quartet
Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing -
Trio Goldfinger - James Bond - String Quartet
String Orchestra
Thank you for the music - ABBA - Saxophone Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - default -
Trio Cohen's Classic - String Quartet
String Orchestra
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led
An Open Fire) - Saxophone Trio MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - String Quartet
Zeppelin - String Orchestra
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - Hotel California - Eagles Classic - String
Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - String
Saxophone Trio Quartet
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony
Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - String
Richie - Saxophone Trio Bennett - String Quartet
What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong - I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco -
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - String
Saxophone Trio String Quartet
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Saxophone Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - String
That Old Black Magic - default - String
Trio Quartet
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Saxophone Trio Jump - Van Halen - String Quartet

Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 | E-Mail | www | …

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Flashdance...What A Feeling - Irene Cara - A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing - String Quintet Jones - Wind Quintet
String Quartet Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of All you need is love - Beatles - Wind Quintet
Libertango (shorter version) - Astor Piazolla - Cohen's Classic - String Quintet Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles
Tango Nuevo - String Quartet Have yourself a merry little Christmas from mortes - Wind Quintet
My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - String MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - String Quintet Basin Street Blues - Jazz - Wind Quintet
Quartet Hotel California - Eagles Classic - String Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic - Quintet famous Rumba - Wind Quintet
String Quartet I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Rehab - Amy Winehouse - String Quartet Bennett - String Quintet Darin) - Wind Quintet
Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing - I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco - Bridge Over Troubled Water -
String Quartet String Quintet Simon&Garfunkel - Wind Quintet
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - default - Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - String Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - Wind Quintet
String Quartet Quintet California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - String Quartet Jump - Van Halen - String Quintet the Papas - Wind Quintet
Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
Zeppelin - String Quartet Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing - Wind Quintet
Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - String String Quintet Delilah - Tom Jones Classic - Wind Quintet
Quartet Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo - Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - Wind
Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - String String Quintet Quintet
Quartet My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - String Flashdance - ...What A Feeling - Wind Quintet
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - String Quintet Goldfinger - James Bond - Wind Quintet
Quartet On Broadway - George Benson - funky - String Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Thank you for the music - ABBA - String Quintet Cohen's Classic - Wind Quintet
Quartet Rehab - Amy Winehouse - String Quintet Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
That Old Black Magic - default - String Quartet Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - String Quintet MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS - Wind Quintet
The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - String Quartet Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led Hotel California - Eagles Classic - Wind Quintet
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On Zeppelin - String Quintet I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony
An Open Fire) - String Quartet Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - String Bennett - Wind Quintet
The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) - Quintet I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor - Ballad & Disco -
Jobim - Bossa Nova - String Quartet The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - String Quintet Wind Quintet
The house of the rising sun - The Animals - The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Wind
1964 - String Quartet An Open Fire) - String Quintet Quintet
The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero - The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra - String Jump - Van Halen - Wind Quintet
String Quartet Quintet Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! -
The Muppet Show Theme - String Quartet The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) - Christmas Song by Sammy Cahn - Swing -
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman - Jobim - Bossa Nova - String Quintet Wind Quintet
String Quartet The house of the rising sun - The Animals - Libertango - Astor Piazolla - Tango Nuevo -
Viva la Vida - Cold Play - String Quartet 1964 - String Quintet Wind Quintet
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - String The little drummer boy - Christmas Bolero - My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Wind
Quartet String Quintet Quintet
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel The Muppet Show Theme - String Quintet On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
Richie - String Quartet Valerie - Amy Winehouse - String Quintet Wind Quintet
White Christmas - Bossa Nova - String Quartet Viva la Vida - Cold Play - String Quintet Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Wind Quintet
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - String WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - String Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer - Swing -
Quartet Quintet Wind Quintet
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - String Quartet We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - default - Wind
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Richie - String Quintet Quintet
Wonder Classic - String Quartet What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong - Sleigh Ride - Easy Swing - Wind Quintet
Your Song - Elton John - String Quartet String Quintet Stairway to heaven - Rock-Classic by Led
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - String Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - String Zeppelin - Wind Quintet
Quartet Quintet Summertime - Gershwin - 11/8 - Wind Quintet
25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - String Quintet Yesterday - Beatles Classic - String Quintet Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Wind
A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Quintet
Jones - String Quintet Wonder Classic - String Quintet Summertime - Gershwin - Ballad - Wind
Autumn Leaves - Jazz Classic - Les feuilles Quintet
mortes - String Quintet Wind Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - Wind
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World Quintet
famous Rumba - String Quintet
Quartet-Quintet-Trio Thank you for the music - ABBA - Wind
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby Quintet
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
Darin) - String Quintet That Old Black Magic - default - Wind Quintet
Wind Quartet
Cabaret - Jazz - Liza Minelli - String Quintet The Boxer - Simon&Garfunkel - Wind Quintet
Goldfinger - James Bond - Wind Quartet
California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas & The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
the Papas - String Quintet An Open Fire) - Wind Quintet
Cohen's Classic - Wind Quartet
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di - The Christmas Waltz - Frank Sinatra - Wind
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Classic - Wind
String Quintet Quintet
Feliz Navidad - Christmas Classic - String The Girl From Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema) -
25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Wind Quintet
Quintet Jobim - Bossa Nova - Wind Quintet

Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 | E-Mail | www | …

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.
The house of the rising sun - The Animals -
1964 - Wind Quintet
The Muppet Show Theme - Wind Quintet
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman -
Wind Quintet
Viva la Vida - Cold Play - Wind Quintet
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel
Richie - Wind Quintet
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel
Richie - Wind Quintet
What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong -
Wind Quintet
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Wind
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Wind Quintet
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie
Wonder Classic - Wind Quintet
Your Song - Elton John - Wind Quintet
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - Wind

25 Or 6 To 4 - Chicago - Wind Trio

A Child Is Born - Christmas Jazz Waltz by Thad
Jones - Wind Trio
All you need is love - Beatles - Wind Trio
Besame Mucho ( Kiss me a lot ) - World
famous Rumba - Wind Trio
Beyond The Sea - Robby Williams ( Bobby
Darin) - Wind Trio
California Dreaming - Beach Boys, Mamas &
the Papas - Wind Trio
Candle in the Wind - Elton John for Lady Di -
Wind Trio
Flashdance - ...What A Feeling - Wind Trio
Goldfinger - James Bond - Wind Trio
Halleluja - sophisticated arrangement of
Cohen's Classic - Wind Trio
Have yourself a merry little Christmas from
I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Tony
Bennett - Wind Trio
Imagine - John Lennon's Classic - Wind Trio
My Funny Valentine - Jazz Ballad - Wind Trio
On the sunny side of the street - Jazz Classic -
Wind Trio
Rehab - Amy Winehouse - Wind Trio
Thank you for the music - ABBA - Wind Trio
The Christmas Song - (Chestnuts Roasting On
An Open Fire) - Wind Trio
Time to say goodbye - Bocelli/Brightman -
Wind Trio
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS - Queen - Wind Trio
We are the world - Michael Jackson/Lionel
Richie - Wind Trio
What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong -
Wind Trio
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton - Wind Trio
Yesterday - Beatles Classic - Wind Trio
You've Got A Friend In Me - Toy Story - Wind

Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 | E-Mail | www | …

Sheet Music Plus Order 3428707585. 1 copy purchased by ines correia on Jan 9, 2020.

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