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Cinema and TV


Time: 92 min.

Marks: 169 marks


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Candidate's Role

Your teacher will play the part of an employee and will speak first.

You should address the employee as vous.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? - you will have to ask a question.

Vous parlez avec l’employé(e) dans un cinéma en Suisse.

• Film – heure.
• Acteur favori / actrice favorite (deux détails).
• Nombre de personnes.
• !
• ? Fin du film – quand.


Candidate's Role

Your teacher will play the part of a television studio employee and will speak first.

You should address the employee as vous

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

Vous parlez avec un(e) employé(e) dans un studio de télévision en Belgique.

• Achat récent du billet – où et quand.

• ? Début de l’émission.
• Trajet au studio (deux détails)
• Genre d’émission préférée et une raison.
• !

Latest films

While in France, you find a review of new films in a local newspaper.

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Match the correct kind of film to the title. Write the correct letter in the box.

A A cartoon film for children

B A film set in the war

C A spy film

D A musical

E A science fiction film

1 Le bonheur pour tous


2 Arès


3 A deux, c’est mieux

(Total 3 marks)

Review of a film

You hear your French exchange partner and her friends talking about the film La famille

What did they think of the film?


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P for a positive opinion.
N for a negative opinion.
P+N for a positive and negative opinion.






Film reviews

You read a section of a French magazine which is reviewing new films.

Read some of the reviews it has published.

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What does the reviewer think of the films?

For a positive view, write P.

For a negative view, write N.
For a positive and a negative view, write P + N.

1 Un voyage acide


2 La plus belle saison


3 Le désert de douleur


4 Deux heures pour sauver le monde

(Total 4 marks)

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You read this article online about French cinema.

En France, c’est la crise, alors qu’on nous annonce une année

record pour les studios de production hollywoodiens. Sur 200
films français sortis l’année dernière, seuls 20 ont rapporté
de l’argent, c’est-à-dire 10%, selon une étude récente.

Cette étude prend en compte toutes les recettes d’un film,

qui sont multiples : entrées en salle, distribution à l’étranger,
ventes de DVD, vidéo à la demande et diffusion sur les
chaînes de télévision.

Gérard Depardieu est l’acteur le mieux payé en France.

Pourtant, il accumule les flops. C’est peut-être l’une des
raisons qui le poussent à vouloir arrêter le cinéma. On
comprend ainsi qu’une grande vedette ne suffit plus à faire
d’un film un succès assuré, loin de là.

For each of the sentences below, write T (true), F (false) ou NM (not mentioned).

1 American films are as popular as French films.


Last year, two hundred French films were not



3 Gérard Depardieu starred in three films last year.


4 His cinema career may be over.

(Total 4 marks)

Vous envoyez un email à votre ami(e) français(e) sur les médias

Mentionnez :

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• la télévision

• les films que vous aimez

• une description de votre acteur / actrice préféré(e)

• une visite typique au cinéma.

Ecrivez environ 40 mots en français.















(Total 16 marks)


News reports

While on holiday in France, you hear these news reports on the car radio.

A A road accident

B A fire

C A robbery

D A flood

E A murder

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F A strike

For each report, choose the topic from the list and write the correct letter in the box.




(Total 4 marks)


Candidate’s Photo card

• Look at the photo during the preparation period.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.
• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and about topics related to
free time activities.

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Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Quelle sorte de films aimes-tu ? ... Pourquoi ?
• Quel est le dernier film que tu as vu ?


Candidate’s Photo card

• Look at the photo during the preparation period.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.
• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and about topics related to
free time activities.

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Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Quelles sont les qualités d’un bon film ? ... Pourquoi ?
• Comment était le dernier film que tu as vu ?


Au cinéma

Lisez ces informations pour un cinéma à Strasbourg.

Les trois frères Kirikou 4

Film romantique français de Didier Dessin animé africain en

Bourdon. français.

Sortie dans tous les cinémas Première séance ce soir à

mercredi prochain. 18:30.

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Gratuit pour les moins de 10
Billets à réserver en ligne.

007 Spectre Halloween – le retour

Film d’action anglais (en version Film d’horreur américain.

En salle, après-demain.
A partir de demain partout en
France. Billets en caisse.

Billets à prix réduit l’après-midi.

Interdit aux moins de 12 ans.

Quel film recommandez-vous à ces personnes ?

A Les trois frères

B Kirikou 4

C 007 Spectre

D Halloween – le retour

Ecrivez la bonne lettre dans chaque case. Attention ! Vous pouvez utiliser la même lettre
plus d'une fois.

1 Une personne avec trois petits enfants.


2 Une personne qui adore avoir peur.


3 Une personne qui aime les histoires d’amour.


4 Une personne fana de langues étrangères.


5 Une personne qui veut regarder un film aujourd’hui.

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(Total 5 marks)


The contestants of a television dating programme are being introduced.

Choose the correct answer and write the letter in each box.


This person enjoys ...

A reading.

B listening to music.

C watching TV.

1 This person enjoys ...

A winter sports.

B water sports.

C team sports.

2 At the moment, this person cannot live without ...

A her mobile.

B her camera.

C her computer.

3 This person enjoys going ...

A to the cinema.

B to parties.

C shopping.

4 This person spends the most time with ...

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A to the cinema.

B to parties.

C shopping.
(Total 4 marks)

TV review

Read this review of a television programme.

Une émission-réalité filmée dans le collège d’un quartier difficile près de


Même si les bâtiments sont laids (et parfois un peu sales) et que les labos sont
mal équipés, le proviseur fait toujours de son mieux pour les élèves, qui ne
sont ni très sages ni trop polis. Les leçons sont parfois un peu bruyantes, car
les classes sont surchargées, mais les élèves ne s’ennuient pas – on leur donne
des tâches intéressantes pour les occuper. Le sens de l’humour des profs aide
à éviter les problèmes.

Choose the right answer to complete each sentence.

Write the correct letter in each box.

1 The buildings are ...

A well equipped but not very clean.

B old and dirty.

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C poorly equipped and ugly.

2 The head teacher is ...

A rude.

B helpful.

C strict.

3 The students are ...

A not very clever.

B badly behaved.

C polite.

4 The lessons are ...

A overcrowded but interesting.

B out of the teachers’ control.

C noisy and boring.

(Total 4 marks)

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Mark schemes


For general marking of this question please refer to the [Marking Guidance].


For general marking of this question please refer to the [Marking Guidance].


Accept Mark

1 D 1

2 E 1

3 A 1


Accept Mark

1 P 1

2 P+N, P/N, PN 1

3 P 1

4 N 1

5 P 1


Accept Mark

1 P+N 1

2 N 1

3 P 1

4 P 1


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Accept Mark

1 F 1

2 F 1

3 NM 1

4 T 1


For this question there are four compulsory bullet points, which are assessed for Content
(10 marks) and Quality of language (6 marks), as specified in the criteria below. The
maximum mark is 16. The student is expected to produce approximately 40 words over
the whole question. The number of words is approximate and you must mark all work
produced by the student.


Level Marks Response

A full coverage of the required information. Communication

5 9–10
is clear.

A good coverage of the required information.

4 7–8 Communication is mostly clear but perhaps with occasional

A reasonable coverage of the required information.

3 5–6 Communication is generally clear but there are likely to be

A partial coverage of the required information.

2 3–4 Communication is sometimes clear but there are instances
where messages are not conveyed.

A minimal coverage of the required information.

1 1–2 Communication is often not clear and there may be frequent
instances where messages are not conveyed.

The content does not meet the standard required for Level
0 0
1 at this tier.

Quality of language

Level Marks Response

Uses a variety of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical

3 5–6
structures. Generally accurate.

Vocabulary and grammatical structures generally

2 3–4 appropriate to the task, with some attempt at variety. More
accurate than inaccurate.

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Vocabulary and structures used may be limited, repetitive or
1 1–2
inappropriate. There may be frequent errors.

The language produced does not meet the standard

0 0
required for Level 1 at this tier.


A mark of zero for Content automatically results in a mark of zero for Quality of language,
but apart from that, the Content mark does not limit the mark for Quality of language.

The following indicative content is an example of the response that students may give to
this question.

Je regarde la télévision tous les soirs. J’aime les séries parce que c’est amusant. J’aime
les films d’horreur et les comédies. Mon acteur préféré est Bradley Cooper. Il est grand et
mince. Le week-end, je vais au cinéma avec mes amis. (41 words)

Salut ! Je suis à Benidorm dans l’est de l’Espagne. Il fait très chaud et il y a beaucoup de
soleil. L’hôtel est moderne et ma chambre est jolie avec une télévision et une douche. Je
vais à la plage et j’achète des souvenirs. (43 words)


Accept Mark

1 B 1

2 C 1

3 F 1

4 D 1


For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.


For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.


Accept Mark

1 B 1

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2 D 1

3 A 1

4 C 1

5 B 1


Accept Mark

1 A 1

2 B 1

3 C 1

4 A 1


Accept Mark

1 C 1

2 B 1

3 B 1

4 A 1

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Examiner reports

Task d
A surprisingly high number of students could not answer Vous avez quel âge ? Even
allowing for the formal address being less familiar, it would appear that more practice of
this basic question would have paid dividends.

Task e
Some students had difficulty producing a valid question.

Although some centres expressed concern at this scenario, each individual task was
within the capabilities of most students.

Task a
Récent was frequently overlooked or ignored and therefore some students spoke of
wanting to buy a ticket.

Task c
Trajet was not always known but, for those students who did know it, two marks were
usually earned.

Question 1 was the least successfully answered in this section (64.4% correct), with les
chansons not always known. Question 2 was correctly answered by the majority of
students (76.2%). Question 3 was by far the most successfully answered part (88.7%
correct), with animé and jeunes recognised.

This too was an overlap section and responses were of mixed quality. Only half of the
students scored one mark in each of the four questions. In part 1, the most popular
alternative was B. It was clear that students had recognised the expression ski nautique
but had not listened carefully to the whole utterance. The previous comment about the
necessity to listen to the whole utterance before choosing an answer is again relevant
here. Students should also be reminded to listen to the examples given, as these should
indicate to them what is required.

In multiple choice questions, students are required to have a precise comprehension of
the text, in this case a short review of a TV documentary. In Part 2 Le proviseur fait
toujours de son mieux pour les élèves (‘the head teacher always does his best for the
students’) was correctly identified as being ‘helpful’ by over half of the students. A similar
proportion understood that the students were ‘neither very well-behaved nor too polite’ in
part 3 (ni très sages, ni trop polis).

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• You begin the role-play.
• You should address the candidate as du.
• You may change the target language phrases given below only if the candidate’s
response makes them inappropriate.
• Remember that if you supply key vocabulary, candidates cannot be rewarded for it.

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: Vous parlez avec l’employé(e) dans un cinéma en Suisse. Moi, je suis

1 Greet the candidate.

Bonjour Monsieur / Mademoiselle.

2 Allow the candidate to say when he / she wants to see a film.

Ask the candidate about his / her favourite actor.

Vous avez un acteur favori ou une actrice favorite ?

3 Allow the candidate to give two details regarding his / her favourite actor.

Ask if the candidate is alone.

Très bien. Vous êtes seul(e) ?

4 Allow the candidate to say how many people there are.

! Ask the candidate his / her age.

Vous avez quel âge ?

5 Allow the candidate to give his / her age.

Bon. Il y a une réduction pour les jeunes à cette heure-ci.

? Allow the candidate to ask you about the time the film finishes.

Give an appropriate response.

• You begin the role-play.
• You should address the candidate as vous.
• You may change the target language phrases given below only if the candidate’s
response makes them inappropriate.
• Remember that if you supply key vocabulary, candidates cannot be rewarded for it.

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: Vous parlez avec un(e) employé(e) dans un studio de télévision en

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Belgique. Moi, je suis l’employé(e).

1 Greet the candidate.

Bonjour Monsieur / Mademoiselle. Je peux vous aider ?

2 Allow the candidate to say where and when he / she bought the ticket. (Elicit both

Oui, d’accord.

? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about the start time of the programme.

Give an appropriate response .

3 Ask the candidate about his / her journey.

Vous avez bien voyagé ?

4 Allow the candidate to speak about his / her journey. (Elicit two details).

Ask the candidate about his / her favourite type of programme and why.

Quel genre d’émission préférez-vous ? ... Pourquoi ?

5 Allow the candidate to say what type of programme he / she prefers and why. (Elicit
both details).

! Ask the candidate what he / she would like to eat and drink.

Vous avez droit à quelque chose à manger et à boire. Qu’est-ce que vous prenez à
manger ? ... Et à boire ?

Allow the candidate to give one food and one drink.

Alors, voilà.


1 F1 Je n’avais pas vu un si beau film depuis très longtemps. Les acteurs étaient

2 M2 Bof, je ne partage pas ton avis. Oui, c’était pas mal, mais rien de spécial,

3 F2 Tu es difficile ! Moi, je ne m’attendais pas à la fin. C’est toujours un grand

plaisir quand un film me surprend.

4 M3 Pour moi, c’était une perte totale de temps et d’argent.

5 F3 Tu crois ? Moi, je l’ai trouvé sensass. Je vais demander le DVD pour Noël.


1 M1 Deux personnes ont été grièvement blessées ce matin dans l'incendie d'un

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immeuble dont les 40 occupants ont dû être évacués par les pompiers.

2 M1 Ce matin, un homme masqué est entré dans une bijouterie à Paris et est
reparti après avoir volé des diamants.

3 M1 Des centaines d'ouvriers étaient en grève aujourd’hui à Paris pour protester

contre la fermeture de l’usine automobile.

4 M1 Dans le nord de la France, des milliers de personnes ont dû quitter leurs

maisons. En 24 heures, il est tombé six mois de pluie.


Teacher’s Notes

Theme: Identity and culture

Topic: Free time activities

The maximum time for this part of the test is two minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.

Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.

You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. You may paraphrase
the questions provided the same meaning is maintained, and you may repeat or
paraphrase a question that the candidate does not understand. You should allow the
candidates to develop their responses as well as they are able. However, do not go over
the maximum time of two minutes for the questions and answers on the Photo card.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Quelle sorte de films aimes-tu ? ...Pourquoi ?
• Quel est le dernier film que tu as vu ?
• Quand est-ce que tu regardes la télé normalement ?
• Est-ce que ta famille préfère regarder les films au cinéma ou à la télé ? ...Pourquoi ?

General Conversation

The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between three and five minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.

Themes for the General Conversation

• Local, national, international and global areas of interest

• Current and future study and employment


It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’

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Teacher’s Notes

Theme: Identity and culture

Topic: Free time activities

The maximum time for this part of the test is three minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.

Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.

You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. You may paraphrase
the questions provided the same meaning is maintained, and you may repeat or
paraphrase a question that the candidate does not understand. You should allow the
candidates to develop their responses as well as they are able. However, do not go over
the maximum time of three minutes for the questions and answers on the Photo card.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Quelles sont les qualités d’un bon film ? ...Pourquoi ?
• Comment était le dernier film que tu as vu ?
• Quels sont les avantages de regarder un film à la télé ?
• Voudrais-tu participer à une émission de télé-réalité ?

General Conversation

The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between five and seven minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.

Themes for the General Conversation

• Local, national, international and global areas of interest

• Current and future study and employment


It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’


M2 Elle n’est pas fana de musique. Regarder la télé ne l’intéresse pas. Elle préfère la

1 M2 Vous ne le verrez jamais en maillot de bain en train de faire du ski nautique.

Lui, ce qu’il aime c’est faire du sport seul, en hiver dans la neige.

2 M2 Quand elle était plus jeune, elle passait tout son temps libre sur son

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ordinateur. Après ça, elle est devenue accro à son portable. Maintenant, elle
va partout avec son appareil photo.

3 M2 Elle aime passer le week-end à faire les magasins avec ses amies. Pas
question d’aller dans les fêtes d’anniversaire ou de voir un film.

4 M2 Elle adore ses amis et sa sœur. Malheureusement elle ne les voit pas
souvent. Alors, elle fait tout avec sa mère qui est, pour elle, un peu comme sa
meilleure amie.

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