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The Bewildered Nightingale, 53 pomes pour piano

Disc 1 - Total Time (71:44)

I. Premire Suite
1 No.1
2 No.2
3 No.3


Disc 2 - Total Time (61:21)

II. Orient

Andromde rsigne ...................................1:40
Douloureuse Rverie dans un
bois de sapins...............................................8:07
Le Bouquet de Penses................................1:07
Soleil dautomne .........................................1:48
Gretchen .....................................................2:40
Les Deux charpes ......................................1:09
Liebe! Liebe! .................................................:53
ros cach dans les bois ..............................2:00
La Fausse Indiffrence.................................1:57
Chanson de Midi ........................................1:17
Never more..................................................1:38
Portrait ..........................................................:28
LEnfant au Perroquet..................................1:27
Les Rveries du Prince glantine ...............2:14
Ivresse ..........................................................1:47
LArome suprme ........................................1:37
Berceuse froce............................................3:55
Passante .........................................................:55
La Danse de lAmour et de lEnnui ............2:41
Ouranos .......................................................3:05
Les Hliotropes du Clos-Andr ..................1:33
Effet de nuit sur la Seine.............................1:34
Per i piccoli canali ......................................5:48
Mirage .........................................................1:19
La Danse de lAmour et du Danger ............2:55
Matine parisienne......................................3:18
Chrubin tragique .......................................1:49
Les Chnes enlacs .....................................3:07



En Caque....................................................2:50
Les Chiens de Galata ..................................3:51
Rverie nocturne sur le Bosphore...............3:05
La Rose de Blida..........................................1:33
LOasis .........................................................1:30

III. Carnet De Voyage

LAnge Verrier .............................................3:07
Le Jardin de Ptrarque ................................1:40
La Nativit ..................................................4:05
Faunesse dansante .......................................1:21
Les Noces du Duc de Joyeuse......................2:46
Le Petit Mail ...............................................1:23
Les Pages dlisabeth...................................2:32
La Jeunesse et lt ornent de fleurs
le tombeau de Pergolse..............................2:32
15 No.45 Vieux Bahuts ...............................................3:10


IV. Versailles


Hommage a Martius....................................1:21
La Reine au jardin.......................................1:10
Le Rveil de Flore .......................................2:45
Le Banc songeur ..........................................2:23
La Fte de Terpsichore ................................2:56
Adieux au soir tombant ..............................2:29
Le Plerinage inutile ...................................4:56

Recording Producer: Michael Rolland Davis

Recording Engineer: Ed Thompson
Original 24-Bit Master

2001 Ivory Classics All Rights Reserved.

Ivory Classics P.O. Box 341068
Columbus, Ohio 43234-1068 U.S.A.
Phone: 888-40-IVORY or 614-761-8709 Fax: 614-761-9799
e-mail@ivoryclassics.com Website: www.IvoryClassics.com

64405-72006 STEREO

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Pomes pour Piano


Earl Wild














- Le Rossignol perdu

(The Bewildered Nightingale) 53 Pomes pour piano, Earl Wild pianist

Disc 1
I. Premire Suite

No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 7
No. 8
No. 9
No. 10
No. 11
No. 12
No. 13
No. 14
No. 15
No. 16
No. 17
No. 18
No. 19
No. 20
No. 21
No. 22
No. 23
No. 24
No. 25
No. 26
No. 27
No. 28

Frontispice (Frontispiece) ..................................................................................2:56

Andromde rsigne (Andromeda resigned to her fate) ......................................1:40
Douloureuse Rverie dans un bois de sapins (pained musings in a pine wood)...8:07
Le Bouquet de Penses (cluster of thoughts) ......................................................1:07
Soleil dautomne (Autumn Sun) ........................................................................1:48
Gretchen ............................................................................................................2:40
Les Deux charpes (the two scarves)..................................................................1:09
Liebe! Liebe! (love! love!) ....................................................................................:53
Eros cach dans les bois (Eros hidden in the woods) ..........................................2:00
La Fausse Indiffrence (feigned indifference)......................................................1:57
Chanson de Midi (Song of midday)...................................................................1:17
Antiochus ...........................................................................................................2:27
Never more .......................................................................................................1:38
LEnfant au Perroquet (The child with a parrot) ................................................1:27
Les Rveries du Prince glantine (The musings of Prince Eglantine) .................2:14
Ivresse (Intoxication) .........................................................................................1:47
LArome suprme (sublime aroma) ....................................................................1:37
Berceuse froce (impatient cradle song) .............................................................3:55
Passante (Passer-by) .............................................................................................:55
La Danse de lAmour et de lEnnui (Dance of love and boredom) .....................2:41
Ouranos (Uranus) .............................................................................................3:05
Les Hliotropes du Clos-Andr...........................................................................1:33
Effet de nuit sur la Seine (Night impressions on the Seine)................................1:34
Per i piccoli canali (along the little canals) .........................................................5:48
La Danse de lAmour et du Danger (the dance of love and danger) ...................2:55
Matine parisienne (Morning in Paris)...............................................................3:18

Recorded at Fernleaf Abbey, Columbus, Ohio, April 30 - May 5, 2001.
Original 24-Bit Master Recorded direct to the Sadie Artemis 24-Bit High Resolution disk editor.
Recording Producer:
Michael Rolland Davis
Recording Engineer:
Ed Thompson
Piano Technician:
Edd Kolakowski
Generous assistance from the Ivory Classics and Michael Palm Foundations
Liner Notes and Title Translations by:
Lord Londonderry
Special thanks to:
Victor Ledin, Brian Masters, Thomas C. Sheffield Jr. and Donald Garvelmann
Samskara, Inc.
Cover photo and inside tray photo of Earl Wild courtesy of Michael Rolland Davis

To place an order or to be included on mailing list:

Ivory Classics P.O. Box 341068 Columbus, Ohio 43234-1068
Phone: 888-40-IVORY or 614-761-8709 Fax: 614-761-9799
e-mail@ivoryclassics.com Website: http://www.IvoryClassics.com


Ce projet de qualit naurait jamais pu voir le jour sans les efforts soutenus du
producteur dIvory Classics Michael Rolland Davis.
Les 53 dlicieux pomes pour piano inclus dans Le Rossignol perdu confrent
Reynaldo Hahn un rang unique et important dans lhistoire de la musique pour
piano franaise tout en sinscrivant dans une tradition mise en place par ses lointains prdcesseurs Lully et Rameau. Ils sont lexpression de la plus subtile des
formes de beaut. Le numro 52, Hivernale, se distingue des autres pices dans le
sens o il illustre parfaitement la singularit de lcriture musicale de Hahn. Il
comporte une combinaison rythmique de 7/4 plus 4/4, ce qui, dans le phras
de Hahn, donne 11/4. Cela ne fait quajouter la grande originalit de ses compositions.
Ce fut une joie immense pour moi dapprendre et denregistrer ces pices qui
sont de pures petites merveilles. Je les considre comme mon cadeau de remerciement tardif, mais combien personnel, la grande famille Polignac qui ma
introduit la socit musicale franaise daprs-guerre, cinquante ans aprs lavoir
fait pour Reynaldo Hahn.


29 No. 29 Chrubin tragique (Tragic Cherub) ...................................................................1:49

30 No. 30 Les Chnes enlacs (Entwined Oaks) .................................................................3:07

Disc One Total Playing time ...........................................................................................71:44

Disc 2
II. Orient

No. 31
No. 32
No. 33
No. 34
No. 35
No. 36

En Caque (in a caque/longboat) ......................................................................2:50

Narghil (The Hookah, waterpipe) ....................................................................2:23
Les Chiens de Galata (Dogs of Galata) ..............................................................3:51
Rverie nocturne sur le Bosphore (Nocturnal musings on the Bosphorus)..........3:05
La Rose de Blida (the rose at Blida) ...................................................................1:33
LOasis (the oasis) ..............................................................................................1:30

III. Carnet De Voyage (Travel Notes)


No. 37
No. 38
No. 39
No. 40
No. 41
No. 42
No. 43
No. 44

LAnge Verrier (the Glass Angel) ........................................................................3:07

Le Jardin de Ptrarque (the garden of Petrarch) .................................................1:40
La Nativit (the Nativity crib in Nuremberg).....................................................4:05
Faunesse dansante (dancing faun) ......................................................................1:21
Les Noces du Duc de Joyeuse (The Marriage of the Duke of Joyeuse)................2:46
Le Petit Mail (the little promenade)...................................................................1:23
Les Pages dElisabeth (the pages of Elizabeth) ....................................................2:32
La Jeunesse et lt ornent de fleurs le tombeau de Pergolse ..............................2:32
(Youth and summer adorn with flowers the tomb of Pergolesi)
15 No. 45 Vieux Bahuts (Old Furniture)............................................................................3:10

IV. Versailles

No. 46
No. 47
No. 48
No. 49
No. 50
No. 51
No. 52
No. 53

Hommage a Martius (Homage to Martial) ........................................................1:21

La Reine au jardin (The Queen in her garden) ..................................................1:10
Le Rveil de Flore (The awakening of Flora/Spring) ..........................................2:45
Le Banc songeur (bench dreamer)......................................................................2:23
La Fte de Terpsichore (The Feast of Terpsichore)...............................................2:56
Adieux au soir tombant (Farewell to the fading evening)....................................2:29
Hivernale (Winter ascent)..................................................................................3:39
Le Plerinage inutile (The futile pilgrimage) ......................................................4:56

Disc Two Total Playing Time............................................................................................61:21
















(1874 - 1947)
While it is true that Reynaldo Hahn lived most of
his life in the shadow of his more famous friend Marcel
Proust, the author of the famous A la Recherche du
Temps Perdu (In Search of Lost Time), a synonymity
which still exists, there was much more to Hahn than
his friendship with Proust, however important that was
to both of them. In this context the author of the great
biography of Marcel Proust, George Painter, has said
that Hahn was the most special of all Prousts friends.
Marcel once said of Reynaldo, "he was another me," he
was the only friend who was always welcome and who
could arrive unannounced. The intensity of their
friendship began to diminish after a year or so but
Reynaldo and Marcel always remained the dearest of
Reynaldo Hahn as a young man
friends, like brothers. Proust once said, "were I to discover that he had murdered someone, I would hide the
body in my bedroom, so that people might suspect that I had done the deed." Proust
also wrote to Hahn, your the person who together with Maman, I love the most in
the world. In fact during their friendship Hahn was for a time more famous than
Proust, having written one of his best known songs, Si mes vers avaient des ailes, at the
age of fifteen, three years or so before they met. Hahn was even better known than
Proust in the famous salons of that time he was responsible for introducing Marcel
to those of the Polignac and Daudet families. However it is true to say that today,
with the exception of connoisseurs of the human voice and those nostalgic for La Belle

fut aussi le nom dun ballet dans par la Pavlova sur une musique de Drigo.
Hahn fut un ami trs proche de Sarah Bernhardt, et en 1932, il publia un
livre intitul La grande Sarah Souvenirs. Dans son avant-propos, il crit : javais
six ou sept ans quand [mes parents] me menrent pour la premire fois la voir
jouer. Ce fut un vritable coup de foudre []. Bien des annes plus tard, je fus
prsent Sarah et laffection confiante dont, par la suite, elle daigna mhonorer
est une des plus grandes fierts de ma vie. Jusqu ses derniers jours, jeus la joie
de la frquenter assidment et le privilge de pouvoir lobserver sous les aspects
multiples et divers de sa prodigieuse et ingalable personnalit..
Un compositeur mineur, notre Reynaldo? A ct de pointures telles que Bach,
Mozart, Beethoven et Schubert, oui peut-tre, mais cela nenlve rien sa stature,
car la place quil occupait tait unique. Il naspira jamais faire autre chose, car ce
quil tait capable de faire, il le faisait la perfection. Il tait tout fait satisfait de
sinscrire dans la ligne de Gounod, Saint- Sans et Massenet et dans ce cadre, il
fut un artiste irrprochable, qui composa une musique mlodieuse et charmante,
rsistant bien lpreuve du temps. En dehors de la composition, il fut un personnage multiples visages, qui savait pratiquement tout faire dans le monde de
lesthtique. Reynaldo Hahn saligne incontestablement parmi les plus grands.
Traductuion par: Stphanie Marill Alliance Franaise de Chicago


poursuivre Baudelaire en justice pour outrage la morale publique et aux bonnes

murs. Heureusement, le pote ne fut pas
envoy en prison et sen tira avec une
amende et le retrait de certains pomes des
Fleurs du Mal. Les deux premiers couplets de
la pice sont tirs de la strophe suivante: Toi
qui, comme un coup de couteau, / dans
mon cur plaintif es entre; / Toi qui, forte
Reynaldo Hahn death notice
comme un troupeau / De dmons, vins, folle
et pare.
Les autres potes dont sinspira Hahn pour son Rossignol perdu furent
Flaubert, auteur de Madame Bovary (Ivresse!) et Lamartine (Chnes enlacs).
Lamartine fut lami et le mentor de Liszt dont luvre La Bndiction de Dieu
dans la solitude est inspire dun de ses pomes.
Le N48, intitul Le Rveil de Flore, est une des plus belles pices de la collection. Cette pice dbute sur un vers de Baf: Voici la saison joyeuse du dlicieux
printemps. Baf fut un pote du XVIe sicle dont la posie fut compare la
posie pastorale du pote grec Thocrite et du pote latin Virgile. Flora tait une
ancienne desse romaine qui avait le pouvoir de faire pousser les fleurs. Ovide
mla son nom un mythe grec: par un beau jour de printemps, la nymphe Flora
fut enleve par Zphyr, le dieu des Vents, qui tait fou damour pour elle. Pour se
faire pardonner, il lpousa et lui donna le pouvoir de rgner sur les fleurs. Le miel
fut le principal trsor quelle lgua lhumanit. Hahn capture tout le ravissement
et la joie que chacun ressent aux premiers signes du printemps. Le Rveil de Flore

poque, the music of Reynaldo Hahn is infrequently

performed and not widely known. He has been quite
generously recorded however many recordings of his
works are still available in the catalogue.
Reynaldo Hahn was born in Caracas on August 9,
1874, the son of Carlos Hahn, a businessman from a
Jewish family in Hamburg and Elena Maria
Echenagucia from a Catholic Basque family, which
had settled in Venezuela during the previous century.
Carlos Hahn for the same incomprehensible reasons
that impelled Nicholas Chopin, the father of the great
composer Frederick Chopin, to leave France for
Poland, left Hamburg for Venezuela where he soon
established himself and made his fortune. He became
Reynaldo Hahn at the age
the adviser to General Guzmn Blanco who was later
he entered the Paris
to become the President of the country. Carlos
Conservatory, 10 years old
Hahns financial expertise was soon benefiting his
adopted country and rapid industrial development ensued. Having made a successful
marriage and fathered twelve children Carlos Hahn might never have left Venezuela
had it not been for the political intrigues, which bedeviled Latin America at that time.
However Venezuelas loss was definitely Frances gain and one can only be thankful
that young Reynaldo survived the frightening journey by coach down the dangerous
road from Caracas to the Atlantic coast where he embarked for La Belle France, never
to return to his native land.
Although Reynaldo Hahn was three years old when his parents settled in France,
he was not to become a French citizen until 1909 -- his thirty-fifth year. The precocious talent he had evinced in Venezuela, strongly encouraged by his musical parents,

continued to burgeon and at the extraordinarily young

age of ten he enrolled in the Paris Conservatory. There
he studied the piano and composition under various
teachers among whom the most influential was Jules
Massenet, the composer of the operas Manon, Werther
and Thas. Of Massenet, Reynaldo wrote, he had
learned everything, not merely music which can scarcely
ever be taught, but life which cannot be taught.
Reynaldo Hahns early performing career began as a
singer in the famous Parisian salons of the day. He was a
good singer, if not trained to the highest professional
standards, he was the possessor of a light baritone voice.
He particularly liked composing for the voice, writing at
least one hundred and twenty-five songs. For Reynaldo
Reynaldo Hahn by Cocteau
singing was breathing and the voice was the natural
instrument of his choice. His love of vocal and theatrical
music came from his father who assiduously attended night after night productions at
the Opra Comique of Offenbachs operettas. Reynaldo could remember his father
bouncing him on his knee as a child while singing the different numbers. By todays
rigorous standards he must have cut an extraordinary figure when he sang in the various salons. Apparently he used to sing with his eyes half-closed, a cigarette always in
the corner of his mouth with its ash falling on the keyboard. One can just imagine
what would happen if he tried to do this in todays politically correct society. Passive
smokers would be down on him like a ton of bricks!
Hahn was also a conductor many times he conducted from the piano, once
incurring this criticism from Marcel Proust: "you use too many tricks, too many mannerisms, too many grimaces and that way of bouncing up and down on your bottom,

plupart ont un titre qui parle suffisamment de luimme. Certaines pices, en revanche, mritent des
explications. Les 53 pices du Rossignol perdu sont
rparties en quatre suites : I. Premire Suite, II.
Orient vous avez une odeur des parfums
dAssyrie, III. Carnet de voyage ose te tromper
et rver et IV. Versailles. Pour Les deux charpes et
Hahn with cigarette, accompanying
Portrait, dans la Premire Suite, Hahn sest inspir
himself at the piano
de pomes de Verlaine. Cette ide de mettre
Verlaine en musique lui tait dj venue auparavant avec dautres uvres du
pote. Verlaine aurait eu les larmes aux yeux en entendant ces chansons. Pour Les
deux charpes, Hahn sest inspir du pome Il Bacio, qui se trouve dans le recueil
des Pomes saturniens. Il est plus facile de comprendre lorsquon a le premier vers
en entier plutt que seulement les trois premiers mots: Baiser! rose trmire au
jardin des caresses ! Les couplets de Portrait sont encore plus difficiles comprendre si lon ne sait pas quils sadressent une jeune et jolie patineuse qui, de toute
vidence, avait attir lattention de Verlaine. Ces couplets sont tirs du troisime
vers du dixime pome du recueil Ftes galantes: Des jeux doptique prestigieux, /
un tourment dlicieux des yeux, / un clair qui serait gracieux.
La huitime pice de cette collection Liebe! Liebe! fut inspire du pome Le
Vampire de Baudelaire, qui fait partie des Fleurs du Mal. A la publication du
recueil de pomes, Baudelaire faillit tre jet en prison. En effet, la mme anne
o Les Fleurs du Mal furent publies, Flaubert stait fait acquitter pour le procs
de Madame Bovary et cela avait rendu furieux le Ministre de lIntrieur. Et lorsque
celui-ci tomba sur une critique des Fleurs du Mal dans le Figaro, il se rsolut

1893 Hahn navait alors que dix-neuf ans. On

sait peu de choses propos du Rossignol et celuici nest mentionn quune seule fois dans limmense correspondance de Proust avec Reynaldo.
En aot 1912, Cabourg, Proust crit dans
une lettre : Je nai pu jouer ton petit Rossignol
parce que je suis cousch mais jai lu titres,
pigraphes, indications (je ne sais si les pianistes
lendroit o il leur est prescrit de jouer occidenReynaldo hahn with tuba
talement ne te demanderont pas quelques explications. Il est vrai que les explications doivent
tre du genre de celles que tu crois bon pour plus de clarr dajouter entre parenthses, telles que (Rverie de Calvin adolescent) cela ne les avancera peuttre
pas grand chose mais en tout cas cela leur clora le bec. Et puis occidentalement a lavantage qu ct de lui qui songerait stonner d argentin, de
flneur de mlancolie moqueuse etc.. Nous navons quune seule remarque de
Reynaldo propos du Rossignol: cest avec les larmes rentres quil aurait compos.
Pour ce qui est des influences musicales, il y a dans ces pices quelque chose
de Faur, et mme de Debussy, dont Hahn ntait pourtant pas un grand admirateur. Mais cest surtout le propre style musical de Hahn qui transparat:
mlodieux, parfaitement construit, conservateur, certainement pas novateur, mais
quoi bon pinailler? Reynaldo Hahn venait sinscrire dans la ligne de Gounod,
Saint-Sans et son grand matre, Massenet.
Il nest pas ncessaire de commenter chacune des pices du Rossignol, car la

I dont find it at all joslie (pretty)." He was also

known for wearing white gloves while conducting!
He must have been a very good pianist, if not a
virtuoso. At the conservatoire he studied under
Descombes and Dimer three of his fellow students
were Alfred Cortot, Maurice Ravel and Edouard
Risler. The various piano accompaniments to his
songs as well as the piano writing in this extraordinary
set of pieces collected under the title of Le Rossignol
perdu along with his piano concerto show clearly
that he knew how to write for the piano.
He was also a music critic for Le Figaro, writing
under the pseudonym of Clarendon. He could be
severe in his criticisms but he always tried to be just
Reynaldo Hahn (center) during
and impartial. He also spoke from a position of
World War I
authority and knowledge, always from the composers
point of view. He once wrote, The United States is a great country in many
respects but its cooking is terrible. But what can we expect from those who serve their
Burgundy chilled and put mayonnaise on fruit salad.
Having endured the horrors of the First World War while fighting for his adopted
country (he was awarded both the Lgion d'Honneur and the Croix de Guerre),
Reynaldo found himself later in life caught up in another global conflagration.
Although he was, strictly speaking, not Jewish (since his mother was not Jewish), he
was inevitably a target for the Nazis and he would have undoubtedly have been subjected to considerable danger if he had decided to stay in Paris. He therefore moved to
Monte Carlo in the South of France, which was neutral. There he eked out a pretty
miserable existence in severely straitened circumstances, since his bank account in Paris

had been frozen. It was however relatively uneventful

until the fateful day when a torpedo from a British
submarine aimed at a German mine-layer moored in
the sea under the windows of Reynaldos hotel bedroom exploded and disintegrated his balcony while he
was working just inches away. He was severely shaken
but basically unharmed amid all the resultant carnage.
The shock may well have played no small part in causing the illness, which was to kill him two years later in
At the end of the Second World War Reynaldo
Hahn returned to Paris where he was appointed director of the Opra in June 1945. He was not to hold
this post for very long however. Various memory lapsHenri Georges Heugel (1841-1916)
es and moments of drowsiness behind his desk heraldHahns publisher on left, and
composer Jules Massenet (1842-1912
ed the onset of his brain tumor. The final warning
sign came while he was conducting a performance of
The Magic Flute, which by a prodigious effort of will he was able to conclude before
collapsing. He died on the January 28, 1947.
The set of fifty-three pieces, which comprise Le Rossignol perdu, recorded here in
its entirety for the first time, were published by Heugel & Co. in 1912. This extraordinary collection reflects varying states of mind, impressions, sketches, atmospheric
moments and thoughts during Hahns countless travels. Although some of the individual pieces are dedicated to luminaries such as Paderewski, Risler, and Princess de
Polignac, the set, when published, was dedicated to Joaquin Slva Diaz. The gestation
period of these fifty-three pomes pour piano was roughly twelve years between
1899 and 1911. Many of the pieces are very short, some not more than a page in

derrire son bureau marqurent le dbut dune

tumeur au cerveau. Tout devint trs clair au cours
dune reprsentation de La Flte enchante: Reynaldo
dut fournir un prodigieux effort de volont pour
mener le spectacle son terme et finit par seffondrer. Reynaldo Hahn steignit le 28 janvier 1947.
Le Rossignol perdu a t enregistr ici pour la
premire fois dans son intgralit. Il sagit dun
ensemble de 53 pices qui furent publies en 1912
par Heugel & Co. Cette collection extraordinaire
Reynaldo Hahn at the piano
reflte toutes sortes dtats desprit de Hahn, dimpressions, desquisses, dambiances et de penses au
cours de ses innombrables voyages. Les pices sont ddies Joaqun Slva Daz.
Ces cinquante-trois pomes pour piano furent crs sur une douzaine dannes
de 1899 1911. La plupart des morceaux sont trs courts, et ne font pas plus
dune page de long, et la plupart ont t inspirs de potes tels que Molire,
Goethe, Voltaire, Baudelaire, Musset, Verlaine, Flaubert, Hugo, etc. Hahn tait un
homme de lettres par excellence, au point que sil navait pas t musicien, il
aurait t crivain. Le titre de cet ensemble de pomes pour piano est quelque peu
nigmatique. perdu a pour synonyme boulevers, gar, frntique ou
mme exalt. Peut-tre que le rossignol est tout cela la fois. La collection peut
aussi tre considre comme le carnet de voyage dun mlancolique sensible et
sentimental. Les divers morceaux forment une aquarelle musicale qui aurait sans
aucun doute fait le bonheur de Madeleine Lemaire, aquarelliste amateur dans le
salon de laquelle Reynaldo et Proust se rencontrrent pour la premire fois, en

une fois: Les tats-Unis sont un grand pays de

nombreux gards mais la cuisine est terrible. Que pouvons-nous esprer de ceux qui servent le bourgogne
froid et mettent de la mayonnaise dans la salade de
Aprs avoir endur les horreurs de la Premire
Guerre mondiale en combattant pour son pays
dadoption, Reynaldo se trouva nouveau pris dans
un autre conflit international. Bien quil ne ft pas
juif proprement parler (sa mre ntant pas juive),
il reprsentait invitablement une cible pour les
Reynaldo hahn riding a camel on
Nazis et il se serait expos sans aucun doute de
a trip to Egypt
grands dangers sil avait dcid de rester Paris. Il
alla donc Monte Carlo qui tait neutre. Il y mena une vie de misre, axe sur la
subsistance, car son compte en banque Paris avait t bloqu. Sa vie se droula
cependant sans encombre, jusquau
jour fatidique o un sous-marin britannique
lana une torpille en direction dun mouilleur de mines allemand amarr juste en
dessous des fentres de sa chambre dhtel. La torpille explosa et dsintgra son
balcon alors quil tait en train de travailler non loin de l. Reynaldo fut plus que
secou, mais il sen sortit somme toute plutt bien, vu lampleur des dgts. Le
choc subi par Reynaldo fut probablement un des lments dclencheurs de la
maladie qui allait le tuer deux ans plus tard en 1947.
A la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Reynaldo rentra Paris o il fut
nomm Directeur de lOpra en juin 1945. Toutefois, il nallait pas occuper ce
poste pour trs longtemps. De nombreux trous de mmoire et moments dabsence

length, and most have been inspired by poets such as

Molire, Goethe, Voltaire, Baudelaire, Musset,
Verlaine, Flaubert, Hugo, etc. Hahn was a man of letters par excellence. In fact if he had not been a musician, he would surely have been a writer. The title of
this set of poemes for piano is a bit of a teaser too.
perdu can mean variously distraught, bewildered,
frantic or even ecstatic. Perhaps this nightingale is all
of these things. The collection can also be seen as a
travel journal kept by a sensitive and sentimental
melancholic. The various pieces are like musical
watercolors that would no doubt have pleased
Madeleine Lemaire, the amateur watercolourist in
whose salon Reynaldo and Proust met for the first
Raynaldo Hahn at the Salzburg
time in 1893 when Hahn was just nineteen. There
Festival (1906)
is very little information to be gleaned about Le
Rossignol and there is only one sole reference to it in Prousts many correspondences
with Reynaldo.
In a letter from Cabourg in August 1912, Proust writes: I havent been able to play
your little nightingale because I have been confined to bed, but I have, however, read
the titles, the inscriptions and indications. I have a feeling that in those places where
pianists are told to play in the Western style they will ask for explanations. It is true
that the explanations should be of the kind, which you judge best to place in brackets,
such as Musings of an adolescent Calvin. They wont get them very far but in most cases
will stop them asking further questions. Moreover in the Western style has the further
advantage of ensuring that no one could be surprised by descriptions such as silvery,
strolling, with a mocking melancholy', etc. Reynaldos only comment on his little

nightingale was that he had written it with, larmes rentres (with suppressed or held back tears).
As for the musical influences that can be detected
in the pieces there are definitely signs of Faur and even
Debussy of whom Hahn was not a great admirer.
However it is mainly his own musical style which is
apparent: melodic, perfectly crafted, conservative, certainly setting no trends, but why quibble? Reynaldo
Hahn was in the tradition of Gounod, Saint-Sans and
his great teacher Massenet.
While it would be unnecessary to comment on all
the pieces, many of whose titles are self-explanatory, it
is worth commenting on a few of the them. The 53
pieces of Le Rossignol perdu are comprised of four
suites, I. Premire Suite, II. Orient Vous avez une
odeur des parfums dAssyrie (you smell of Assyrian perRaynaldo Hahn in his library
fumes), III. Carnet de Voyage (Travel notes) ose te
tromper et rver (dare to deceive oneself and dream) and IV. Versailles.
No. 7 Les Deux charpes and No. 14 Portrait, from the Premire Suite, were
inspired by poems of Verlaine who had previously inspired Hahn to set other works of
his to music. Verlaine is said to have been moved to tears by these songs. Les Deux
charpes is inspired by Verlaines poem, Il Bacio, from the collection of Pomes
Saturniens. The first line in full makes more sense than just the first three words:
Baiser! rose trmire au jardin des caresses! (kiss! hollyhock in the garden of kisses!)
The lines from Portrait are even harder to comprehend unless one knows that it is
addressed to a handsome young skater who obviously caught Verlaines eye. The lines
in question come from the third verse of the tenth poem in the collection of love

ses genoux, en chantant des airs entranants. A en

juger par les critres rigoureux de notre poque,
cela devait tre un prodigieux spectacle que de voir
chanter Hahn dans les salons. Apparemment, il
chantait les yeux mi-clos, avec toujours au coin des
lvres une cigarette, dont la cendre tombait sur le
clavier. On peut simaginer un instant ce qui se
serait pass sil avait os se comporter ainsi dans la
socit politiquement correcte daujourdhui. Tous
Caricature of Reynaldo Hahn by
les non-fumeurs se seraient acharns contre lui!
Jean Cocteau
Reynaldo Hahn dirigea galement des
orchestres, souvent depuis son piano, ce qui lui valut une critique de Marcel
Proust : vous faites trop de blagues, trop de manires, trop de grimaces et cette
manire de vous lever et abaisser sur derrire que je trouve trs peu joslie. Il tait
aussi connu pour porter des gants blancs lorsquil dirigeait.
Reynaldo Hahn fut nen point douter un trs bon pianiste, sinon un virtuose. Au Conservatoire, il avait tudi avec Descombes et Dimer trois de ses
amis tudiants ntant autres quAlfred Cortot, Maurice Ravel et Edouard Risler. Il
savait parfaitement crire pour le piano. La preuve en est avec les divers accompagnements de ses chansons, lextraordinaire ensemble de pices intitul Le Rossignol
perdu et son concerto pour piano.
Il fut aussi critique musical pour le Figaro, crivant sous le pseudonyme de
Clarendon. Il pouvait tre dur dans ses critiques, mais il essayait toujours dtre
juste et impartial. De plus, quand il crivait, il se plaait dans une position dautorit et de savoir et donnait toujours le point de vue du compositeur. Il crivit

heureux que le jeune Reynaldo ait survcu au terrifiant

voyage en diligence quil fit, le long de la route dangereuse reliant Caracas la cte atlantique. L, il embarqua pour la belle France, pour ne plus jamais revenir
dans son pays natal.
Reynaldo Hahn avait trois ans lorsque ses parents
sinstallrent en France, mais ce nest quen 1909
lge de trente-cinq ans quil devint citoyen franais.
Dj au Venezuela, les dons de Reynaldo staient fait
remarquer. Fortement encourag par des parents musiciens, Reynaldo continua affirmer son talent, jusqu
Reynaldo hahn in 1898
lge particulirement prcoce de 10 ans, o il entra au
Conservatoire de Paris. Il tudia le piano et la composition avec plusieurs professeurs dont le plus important fut Jules Massenet, compositeur des opras Manon, Werther et Thas. A propos de Massenet, Reynaldo crivit: Il avait tout appris, non seulement de la musique, qui peut rarement tre
enseigne, mais aussi de la vie, qui ne peut pas tre enseigne.
Reynaldo Hahn fit ses dbuts dartiste en chantant dans les salons parisiens.
Hahn tait bon chanteur, on peut mme dire quil avait tout pour atteindre lexcellence ; il possdait une voix de tnor lger. Il aimait surtout composer pour la
voix, et crivit plus de cent vingt-cinq chansons. Pour Reynaldo, chanter tait tout
aussi naturel que de respirer et il avait fait de la voix son instrument dlection.
Son amour pour la musique lyrique et thtrale venait de son pre, qui allait voir
trs souvent, si ce nest tous les soirs, les productions des oprettes dOffenbach
lOpra Comique. Reynaldo pouvait se souvenir de son pre le faisant sauter sur

poems: Des jeux doptique prestigieux, / un tourment

dlicieux des yeux, / un clair qui serait gracieux (games
of visual acuity, / exquisite suffering for my eyes, / a
flash of lightening who would be graceful).
The eighth piece in this collection, Liebe! Liebe!,
was inspired by Baudelaires poem le Vampire from Les
Fleurs du Mal, the set of poems whose publication very
nearly caused the great poet to be sent to prison. A
hostile review of the poems in Le Figaro had come to
the attention of the Minister of the Interior who, furious at the acquittal of Flaubert at the trial of Madame
Bovary earlier in the year, was determined to prosecute
Baudelaire on the grounds of blasphemy and offences
Hahn with pianist Magda
Tagliaferro to whom he dedicated
against public morality. Luckily the poet escaped
his piano concerto in 1931
prison incurring only a fine and the censorship of some
of the poems contained in Les Fleurs. The whole stanza from which the two first lines
are quoted at the head of the pieces is as follows: Toi qui, comme un coup de couteau,
/ dans mon coeur plaintif es entre; / Toi qui, forte comme un troupeau / De
dmons, vins, folle et pare (you who have thrust your way into my grieving heart like
a knife; you who strong as a flock of Demons, wines, mad and richly attired).
Other poets who inspired the pieces in Le Rossignol perdu were Flaubert, the
author of Madame Bovary (No. 17, Ivresse) and Lamartine (No. 30, Les Chnes
Enlacs). The latter poet was a friend and mentor of Liszt whose great work La
Bndiction de Dieu dans la Solitude was inspired by one of Lamartines poems.
One of the most beautiful pieces in the collection is No. 48, Le Rveil de Flore
(The awakening of spring). As the poet Baf says in the preface to this piece: "Voici la
saison joyeuse du dlicieux printemps (now is the happy season of delicious spring 11

time). Baf was a sixteenth century poet whose poetry was compared to the rustic
poetry of the Greek poet Theocritus and the Roman Virgil. Flora was an ancient
Roman goddess whose power made the flowers grow. Ovid linked her name to a
Greek myth according to which she was a nymph who one spring day was abducted
by Zephyr, the god of the winds, who was smitten by her. To make amends for what
he had done he married her and empowered her to reign over the flowers. Honey is
the principal boon she has bestowed on humanity. Hahn captures all the rapture and
joyfulness which one feels at the first sign of spring. Le Rveil de Flore was also the
title of a ballet of Pavlova with music by Drigo.
Hahn was a very close friend of Sarah Bernhardt and in 1932 he published a book
entitled, Impressions memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt. He writes in his preface, I was six
or seven years old when my parents first took me to see Sarah Bernhardt act. It was an
absolute thunderbolt. Very many years later I was introduced to Sarah, and the confident affection with which from that time on she honoured me is one of the chief causes of pride in my life. Until her last days I had the joy and privilege of seeing her continuously, and of being able to note the varied aspects of that prodigious and peerless
A minor composer, our Reynaldo? Alongside the giants like Bach, Mozart,
Beethoven and Schubert perhaps somewhat, but that in no way lessens his stature
because he occupies his own niche. He never aspired to do anything else and what he
was capable of he did to perfection. He was perfectly happy to be in the tradition of
Gounod, Saint-Sans and Massenet and within those restraints he was an impeccable
craftsman who wrote charming, melodic music, which has stood up well to the test of
time. Composing apart he was a truly protean character who was able to turn his
hand to anything in the aesthetic world. By the highest standards he can be judged
and not found wanting.
2001 Alastair Londonderry (9th Marquess of Londonderry)

lpoque et il fut charg dintroduire Marcel aux

familles Daudet et Polignac. Il faut nanmoins reconnatre qu moins dtre un spcialiste de la musique
lyrique ou un nostalgique de la Belle poque, il est
rare que lon connaisse ou que lon joue la musique
de Reynaldo Hahn aujourdhui. Par contre, Hahn fut
enregistr assez souvent et certains enregistrements de
ses uvres sont encore disponibles dans le catalogue.
Reynaldo Hahn est n Caracas le 9 aot 1874.
Carlos Hahn, son pre, tait un homme daffaires issu
dune famille juive de Hambourg, et Elena Maria
Echenagucia, sa mre, venait dune famille de Basques
Reynaldo Hahn
catholiques, qui taient venus sinstaller au Venezuela
dans le sicle qui avait prcd. Carlos Hahn quitta
Hambourg pour le Venezuela, pour des raisons tout aussi incomprhensibles que
celles qui poussrent Nicolas Chopin, le pre du grand compositeur Frdric
Chopin, quitter la France pour la Pologne. Il ne tarda pas y prendre ses marques et faire fortune. Il devint en effet conseiller du gnral Guzmn Blanco, qui
devait devenir par la suite Prsident du Venezuela. Les connaissances en matire
financire de Carlos Hahn ne tardrent pas profiter son pays dadoption, car
un dveloppement industriel rapide sensuivit. Carlos Hahn eut un mariage
heureux, et fut le pre de douze enfants, et si lAmrique latine navait pas t corrompue par des intrigues politiques lpoque, comme elle lest encore aujourdhui, il naurait srement jamais quitt le Venezuela. Si ce dpart fut une perte
pour le Venezuela, il fut un gain certain pour la France, et lon peut sestimer

1945 recording of the Rhapsody in Blue with Paul Whiteman conducting as well as
his legendary solo piano transcriptions of Porgy and Bess and Seven Virtuoso Etudes.
He recently recorded three 20th century piano sonatas by Barber, Hindemith and
Stravinsky as well as a piano sonata he wrote of his own which was released in June of
2000 on Ivory Classics CD-71005 as a tribute to his 85th birthday year.











(1874 - 1947)

Reynaldo Hahn reste encore aujourdhui dans lombre de son ami Proust quil
a ctoy une bonne partie de sa vie. Aussi importante que ft lamiti entre les
deux hommes, Hahn fut bien plus quun simple ami de lcrivain. George Painter,
auteur dune biographie remarquable sur Marcel Proust, a affirm ce sujet que
Hahn tait le plus spcial de tous les amis de Proust. Marcel dit de Reynaldo :
cest un autre moi-mme ; le seul ami toujours tre le bienvenu et pouvoir
lui rendre visite sans prvenir. Leur amiti commena ne plus tre aussi intense
aprs un an environ, mais Reynaldo devait rester le plus cher de ses amis, si bien
que Proust dclara un jour : si je venais apprendre quil avait tu quelquun, je
cacherais le corps dans ma chambre, pour que les gens croient que jai commis lacte.
En fait, il fut un temps, au cours de leur amiti, o Hahn fut plus clbre que
Proust, Hahn ayant crit, lge de quinze ans, soit trois ans environ avant sa rencontre avec Proust, une de ses chansons les plus connues Si mes vers avaient des
ailes . Hahn tait mme plus connu que Proust dans les fameux salons de

I. Premire Suite
1. Frontispice - Penche un peu ton oreille cet oiseau qui pleure:
Cest moi! (Listen to this weeping bird: It is I!) (Desbordes-Valmore)
2. Andromde Resigne - ce vieillard tenivrant de son baiser jaloux.
(this old man intoxicating you with his jealous kiss) (Vigny)
3. Douloureuse rverie dans un bois de sapins. (pained musings in a pine wood)
Pour qui? pour une ingrate (For whom? for an ingrate) (Molire)
4. Le Bouquet de Penses (cluster of thoughts)
5. Soleil DAutomne - Ces beaux jours de cristal (those beautiful clear days
of crystalline clarity) (Mme. De Svign)
6. Gretchen - Heureuse faire mal au coeur (happy to cause someone heart-ache)
(Mot de dAlembert sur Mme. Denis)
7. Les deux charpes - Baiser, rose trmire. sans mme savoir quelles sont
pardonnes (kiss, hollyhockwithout even knowing they are forgiven)
8. Liebe! Liebe! - Toi qui, comme un coup de couteau, dans mon coeur plaintif
es entre (you who have thrust your way into my grieving heart like a knife)
9. Eros cach dans les bois (Eros hidden in the woods)
10. La Fausse Indiffrence (feigned indifference)
11. Chanson de Midi - Viens sous ces oliviers sauvages pour que je te dise
quelque chose (come beneath these olive trees, so I can tell you something)
12. Antiochus - Es schwindelt mir, es brennt Mein Eingeweide!
(my head reels, I feel gutted) (Goethe)

13. Never more

14. Portrait - Des jeux doptique prestigieux,
Un tourment dlicieux des yeux
(games of visual acuity, exquisite suffering for my eyes)
15. Lenfant au perroquet - The child with a parrot.
16. Les Rveries du Prince glantine (The musings of
Prince Eglantine)
17. Ivresse - Noie mon souffle de ton haleine! Que mes
lvres scrasent baiser tes mains (Drown my sigh
with your breath! May my lips be crushed through
kissing your hands) (Flaubert)
Reynaldo Hahn in
oriental costume
18. LArome suprme - respirant mutuellement leur
me (their souls breathing as one) (Crbillon fils)
19. Berceuse froce - Rplique une pice de Couperin (Reply to a piece
by Couperin)
20. Passante - Ses cheveux blonds taient nous ngligement derrire sa tte;
quelques-uns, chapps, flottaient sur son cou Elle navait quune robe lgre,
avec une ceinture qui la relevait un peu (her fair hair was tied carelessly
behind her head, a few tresses hung loose on her shoulders, she was only
wearing a thin dress with a belt which showed off her form) (Fnelon)
21. La Danse de lAmour et de lEnnui - (Dance of love and boredom)
22. Ouranus (Uranus) - Son me slanait dans linfini et contemplait, dtache
de ses sens, lordre immuable de lunivers (his soul rushed into eternity and
detached from reality, gazed upon the unchanging universe) (Voltaire)
23. Les Hliotropes du Clos-Andr
24. Effet de nuit sur la Seine (Night impressions on the Seine)
25. Per i piccoli canali (Along the little canals)

endary great artists of the past.

In addition to his distinguished concert career, which encompasses performances
with other eminent conductors such as Stokowski, Reiner, Maazel, Solti and
Mitropoulos, and artists such as Callas, Tourel, Pons, Melchior, Peerce and Bumbry,
Wild successfully shines as both a conductor and composer. The ABC-TV network
broadcast his Easter oratorio, Revelations, in 1962 and again in 1964. Mr. Wilds
recent orchestral composition, Variations on a Theme of Stephen Foster for piano and
orchestra (Doo-Dah Variations), was premiered with Mr. Wild as soloist with the Des
Moines Symphony Orchestra in 1992 it was also recorded that same year.
Earl Wild has been called the finest Transcriber of our time, and his many piano
transcriptions are widely known and respected.
He has built an extensive repertoire over the years, which includes both the standard and modern literature. He has become world renown in particular for his brilliant performances of the virtuoso Romantic works.
Today at 86, Mr. Wild continues to record and perform concerts throughout the
world. In 1997, he won a GRAMMY Award for his CD, The Romantic Master
Virtuoso Piano Transcriptions, which included thirteen piano transcriptions (nine of
them were his own). Praised by critics and music lovers around the world (and featured in Time Magazine on two separate occasions) it is available in its original
HDCD state-of-the-art audiophile sound on the Ivory Classics label CD-70907.
Along with the release of over 20 different CDs in the last 10 years, a few years
ago when he was 79, Earl Wild recorded a well received Beethoven disc which included the monumental Hammerklavier Sonata, as well as another disc composed of
Rachmaninovs Preludes and the Second Piano Sonata. Mr. Wild was recently included in the Philips newly released Great Pianists of the 20th Century series with a double CD devoted entirely to piano transcriptions. Another recent release on the Ivory
Classics label is a historic all Gershwin disc, CD-70702, which includes Mr. Wilds



Earl Wild has been hailed as the last of the great Romantic pianists. This eminent musicians legendary career has been so distinguished and long, lasting well over
seven decades. He is internationally recognized as one of the great virtuoso
pianist/composers of all time. Born in 1915, in Pittsburgh, PA., Earl Wilds technical
accomplishments are often likened to what those of Liszt himself must have had.
Born with absolute pitch he started playing the piano at three. Having studied with
great pianists such as Egon Petri, his lineage can be traced back to Scharwenka,
Busoni, Ravel, dAlbert and Liszt himself.
Earl Wilds career is dotted with musical legends. As a young pianist in 1942, he
was soloist with Arturo Toscanini and the NBC Symphony. Since then he has performed with virtually every major conductor and symphony orchestra in the world.
Rachmaninov was a personal friend and an important figure in his life. Its been said
of Earl Wild, Hes the incarnation of Rachmaninov, Lehvinne and Rosenthal rolled
into one! In 1986 after hearing him play three sold-out Carnegie Hall concerts
devoted to Liszt, honoring the centenary of that composers death, the New York
Times critic said, I find it impossible to believe that he played those millions of notes
with 70-year-old fingers, so fresh-sounding and precise were they. Perhaps he has a
worn-out set up in his attic, a la Oscar Wildes Picture of Dorian Gray.
Hes one of the few American pianists to have achieved international as well as
domestic celebrity. He has performed for six Presidents of the United States, beginning with Herbert Hoover, and in 1939, was the first classical pianist to give a recital
on the new medium of Television. At fourteen he was performing in the Pittsburgh
Symphony under Otto Klemperer as well as working at radio station KDKA, where he
performed many of his own compositions on the air. As a virtuoso pianist, composer,
transcriber, conductor, editor and teacher, Mr. Wild continues in the style of the leg 18

26. Mirage
27. La Danse de lAmour et du Danger Ces deux enfants divins, le Dsir et la
Mort (these two divine children, desire
and death) (Hrdia)
28. Matine Parisienne (Morning in Paris)
29. Chrubin Tragique (Tragic Cherub) les noirs sraphins (dark Seraphs)
30. Les Chnes Enlacs (Entwined Oaks) dans les bois sans chemin (in the
Reynaldo Hahn as Director of the
woods where there are no paths).
Paris Opra (1947)
II. Orient - Vous avez une odeur des parfums dAssyrie (you smell of Assyrian
perfumes) (Malherbe)
31. En Caque - (in a caque / longboat)
32. Narghil - La glycine, des vases bleus, pend (wisteria hangs from the blue
vases) (Moras)
33. Les Chiens de Galata - Effet de nuit sur la Corne dOr (night impressions
on the Golden Horn)
34. Rverie nocturne sur le Bosphore - (Nocturnal musings on the Bosphorus)
35. La Rose de Blida - Infinis bercements du loisir embaum (endless rocking
of scented leisure) (Baudelaire)
36. LOasis
III. Carnet de Voyage (Travel notes) - Ose te tromper et rver (dare to deceive
oneself and dream) (Schiller)
37. LAnge Verrier - The Glass Angel (stained glass angel at the Cathedral
at Bourges).

38. Le Jardin de Ptrarque - (The garden of Petrarch)

39. La Nativit - la crche de Nuremberg
(the crib in Nuremberg)
40. Faunesse Dansante - (Dancing faun)
(Le Rosso, Palace of Fontainebleau)
41. Les Noces du Duc de Joyeuse - (The Marriage
of the Duke de Joyeuse) (Muse de Versailles)
42. Le Petit Mail - (The little promenade)
Rveries de Calvin adolescent
(Daydreams of the young Calvin)
43. Les Pages dElisabeth - (the pages of Elizabeth)
Hahn at Versailles
(Statuary in the Temple Gardens)
44. La Jeunesse et lEt ornent de fleurs le tombeau
de Pergolse - (Youth and Summer adorn with flowers the tomb of Pergolesi)
45. Vieux Bahuts - (Old Furniture) (Muse dOrlans)
IV. Versailles
46. Hommage a Martius - C.Martius, de lordre questre, ami du dieu Auguste,
inventa lart de tondre les bosquets (Caius Martial, of the equestrian order,
friend of the divine Augustus, invented the art of coppicing) (Pline)
47. La Reine au Jardin - Un sceptre est inutile avec tant de beaut (A sceptre is
of no avail in the midst of such beauty) (La Harpe) Elle va par les escaliers
(She passes by the stairways) (Verlaine) (Memoires of Mme. Vige-Lebrun)
48. Le Rveil de Flore - Voici la saison joyeuse du dlicieux printemps (now is the
happy season of delicious springtime) (Baf )
49. Le Banc Songeur - (bench dreamer)
50. Le Fte de Terpsichore - (The Feast of Terpsichore)
51. Adieux au soir tombant - Ce quAlonso disait la tendre Imogne

(what Alonso said to the tender Imogene) (Coppe)

52. Hivernale - (Winter ascent)
53. Le Plerinage Inutile - Que peu de temps suffit changer toute chose!
(so little time is enough to change anything) - (Victor Hugo)


It was through the tireless efforts of Ivory Classics producer, Michael Rolland
Davis that this worthy project came to life.
The fifty-three exquisite poemes for piano, Le Rossignol perdu give Reynaldo
Hahn a unique and important position in the history of French piano music being
part of a tradition that stemmed from his early predecessors, Lully and Rameau. They
are expressions of the most intimate type of beauty. Number 52, Hivernale Winter
ascent must be singled out as a unique example of Hahns musical annotation. It contains a rhythmic combination of 7/4 plus 4/4, which becomes 11 quarter notes to
the measure. This only magnifies the great originality of his compositions.
Learning and recording these gem-like miniatures was a great joy. I would like
them to be a very late but personal thank you gift to the distinguished Polignac family,
who in 1949, introduced me to the post war French musical society fifty some years
after they presented Reynaldo Hahn.


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