Vous êtes sur la page 1sur 425


# Principes :
# L'�criture de la commande: Get + cha�ne au masculin avec majuscule + cha�ne au
f�minin avec majuscule
# Ajouter Cap � la fin pour avoir une majuscule dans le texte cible
# Ajouter Opp pour inverser le masculin et le f�minin
# L'apostrophe pour les �lisions n'est pas repr�sent� dans le nom des commandes
# Le param�tre "fallback_text" permet d'avoir une ligne de localisation utilis�e au
cas o� aucune condition n'est remplie, en l'occurrence la commande anglaise

# GetIlElle
# GetIlElleCap
# GetIlElleOpp
# GetIlElleCapOpp
# GetLeLa
# GetLeLaCap
# GetLeLaOpp
# GetLeLaCapOpp
# GetLuiElle
# GetLuiElleCap
# GetLuiElleOpp
# GetCeluiCelle
# GetCeluiCelleCap
# GetOnA (mon, ma, Mon, Ma, son, sa, Son, Sa)
# GetOnAOpp
# GetErEre
# GetErEreOpp
# GetEEtte
# GetEEtteOpp
# GetEtEtte
# GetXSe
# GetLLle
# GetEurRice
# GetEurRiceOpp
# GetXCe
# GetNNne
# GetRSe
# GetFVe
# GetEtEte
# GetEurEresse
# GetOuOlle (fou\folle, mou\molle)
# GetOuOlleOpp
# GetEauElle
# GetSSse (gros\grosse, las\lasse)
# GetEEsse (tra�tre\tra�tresse)
# GetIeuxIeille (vieux\vieille)
# Get_E (RIEN\e)
# Get_EOpp (e\RIEN)
# Get_EPreference
# GetNNnePreference
# GetEteEtesse (po�te\po�tesse)
# GetXSse (faux\fausse)
# GetTTte (sot\sotte)
# GetAuxAles
# Get_Eresse (devin\devineresse)
# GetLLa (l'\la )
# GetLLaOpp
# GetLLaCap
# GetDDe (d'\de )
# GetSilSielle (s'il\si elle)
# GetSilSielleCap
# GetEluiElle (e lui\'elle)
# GetAuAla
# GetAuAlaCap
# GetDuDela
# GetParrainMarraine
# GetSeigneurDameCap
# GetHerosHeroine
# GetGrecGrecqueOpp

# Get_only_du_RealmFull (du\de la\de l'\des devant GetFullName dans un scope de
titre ou GetFullBaseName) *TITLE
# Get_only_en_RealmFull (dans le\dans la\dans l'\chez les devant GetFullName dans
un scope de titre ou GetFullBaseName) *TITLE
# Get_only_le_RealmFull (le\la\l'\les devant GetFullName dans un scope de titre ou
GetFullBaseName) *TITLE
# Get_only_au_RealmFull (AuAlaAux devant GetFullName dans un scope de titre ou
GetFullBaseName) *TITLE
# Get_only_du_Realm (du\de la\de l'\des devant GetName) *TITLE
# Get_only_le_Realm (le\la\l'\les devant GetName) *TITLE
# Get_only_en_Realm (en\dans le\dans la\dans l'\dans les\chez les devant GetName)
# Get_only_du_Title (du\de la\de l' devant GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal|
GetTitledNameWithNick|GetLawProposer|GetRulerTitle) *TITLE
# Get_only_le_Title (le\la\l' devant GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal|GetTitledFirstName|
GetTitledNameWithNick|GetLawProposer|GetRulerTitle) *TITLE
# Get_only_Le_Title (Le\La\L' devant GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal|GetTitledFirstName|
GetTitledNameWithNick|GetLawProposer|GetRulerTitle) *TITLE
# Get_only_au_Title (au\� la\� l' devant GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal|
GetTitledNameWithNick|GetLawProposer|GetRulerTitle) *TITLE
# Get_only_Au_Title (Au\� la\� l' devant GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal|
GetTitledNameWithNick|GetLawProposer|GetRulerTitle) *TITLE
# Get_only_e_Title (e\' devant GetTitledFirstNameNoRegnal|GetTitledFirstName|
GetTitledNameWithNick|GetLawProposer|GetRulerTitle) *TITLE
# Get_only_du_Society (du\de la\de l'\des devant Society.GetName) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_le_Society (le\la\l'\les devant Society.GetName) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_Le_Society (Le\La\L'\Les devant Society.GetName) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_au_Society (au\� la\� l'\aux devant Society.GetName) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_le_SocietyRank (le\la\l' devant GetSocietyRank) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_Le_SocietyRank (Le\La\L' devant GetSocietyRank) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_au_SocietyRank (au\� la\� l'\aux devant GetSocietyRank) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_du_SocietyRank (du\de la\de l' devant GetSocietyRank) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_e_SocietyRank (e\' devant GetSocietyRank) *SOCIETY
# Get_only_le_JobTitle (le\la\l' devant GetJobTitle) *JOB TITLE
# Get_only_Le_JobTitle (Le\La\L' devant GetJobTitle) *JOB TITLE
# Get_only_du_JobTitle (du\de la\de l' devant GetJobTitle) *JOB TITLE
# Get_only_au_JobTitle (au\� la\� l' devant GetJobTitle) *JOB TITLE
# Get_only_on_JobTitle (on\a devant GetJobTitle) *JOB TITLE
# Get_only_e_JobTitle (e\' devant GetJobTitle) *JOB TITLE
# Get_only_du_SelectedIngredient_1 (du\de la\de l'\des devant
GetSelectedIngredient_1) *INGREDIENT
# Get_only_du_SelectedIngredient_2 (du\de la\de l'\des devant
GetSelectedIngredient_2) *INGREDIENT
# Get_only_le_SelectedIngredient_1 (le\la\l'\les devant GetSelectedIngredient_1)
# Get_only_le_SelectedIngredient_2 (le\la\l'\les devant GetSelectedIngredient_2)
# Get_only_e_SelectedIngredient_1 (e\' devant GetSelectedIngredient_1) *INGREDIENT
# Get_only_e_SelectedIngredient_2 (e\' devant GetSelectedIngredient_2) *INGREDIENT
# Get_only_du_HighGod (du\de la\de l' devant Religion.GetHighGodName) *RELIGION
# Get_only_au_HighGod (au\� la\� l' devant Religion.GetHighGodName) *RELIGION
# Get_only_le_HighGod (le\la\l' devant Religion.GetHighGodName) *RELIGION
# Get_only_Le_HighGod (Le\La\L' devant Religion.GetHighGodName) *RELIGION
# Get_only_du_HighGodTrue (du\de la\de l' devant TrueReligion.GetHighGodName)
# Get_only_au_HighGodTrue (au\� la\� l' devant TrueReligion.GetHighGodName)
# Get_only_le_HighGodTrue (le\la\l' devant TrueReligion.GetHighGodName) *RELIGION
# Get_only_du_HighGodSecret (du\de la\de l' devant SecretReligion.GetHighGodName)
# Get_only_le_Scripture (le\la\l'\les devant Religion.GetScriptureName) *RELIGION
# Get_only_du_Scripture (du\de la\de l'\des devant Religion.GetScriptureName)
# Get_only_du_ScriptureSecret (du\de la\de l'\des devant
SecretReligion.GetScriptureName) *RELIGION
# Get_only_le_ScriptureSecret (le\la\l'\les devant SecretReligion.GetScriptureName)

# Get_du_RealmFull
# Get_en_RealmFull
# Get_le_RealmFull
# Get_au_RealmFull
# Get_le_Realm
# Get_du_Realm
# Get_en_Realm
# Get_du_TitledFirstName
# Get_le_TitledFirstName
# Get_Le_TitledFirstName
# Get_au_TitledFirstName
# Get_Au_TitledFirstName
# Get_e_TitledFirstName
# Get_du_TitledName
# Get_le_TitledName
# Get_Le_TitledName
# Get_au_TitledName
# Get_Au_TitledName
# Get_e_TitledName
# Get_du_TitledFirstNameJ
# Get_le_TitledFirstNameJ
# Get_Le_TitledFirstNameJ
# Get_au_TitledFirstNameJ
# Get_Au_TitledFirstNameJ
# Get_e_TitledFirstNameJ
# Get_du_TitledNameJ
# Get_le_TitledNameJ
# Get_Le_TitledNameJ
# Get_au_TitledNameJ
# Get_Au_TitledNameJ
# Get_e_TitledNameJ
# Get_du_Society
# Get_le_Society
# Get_Le_Society
# Get_au_Society
# Get_le_SocietyRank
# Get_Le_SocietyRank
# Get_au_SocietyRank
# Get_du_SocietyRank
# Get_e_SocietyRank
# Get_le_JobTitle
# Get_Le_JobTitle
# Get_du_JobTitle
# Get_au_JobTitle
# Get_on_JobTitle
# Get_e_JobTitle
# Get_du_SelectedIngredient_1
# Get_du_SelectedIngredient_2
# Get_le_SelectedIngredient_1
# Get_le_SelectedIngredient_2
# Get_e_SelectedIngredient_1
# Get_e_SelectedIngredient_2
# Get_du_HighGod
# Get_au_HighGod
# Get_le_HighGod
# Get_Le_HighGod
# Get_du_HighGodTrue
# Get_au_HighGodTrue
# Get_le_HighGodTrue
# Get_du_HighGodSecret
# Get_le_Scripture
# Get_du_Scripture
# Get_du_ScriptureSecret
# Get_le_ScriptureSecret


# GetReligiousGroupMascFem (Religion.GetGroupName + MascFem) *RELIGION GROUP
# GetReligiousGroupMascPl (Religion.GetGroupName + MascPl) *RELIGION GROUP
# GetReligiousGroupFem (Religion.GetGroupName + Fem) *RELIGION GROUP
# GetReligionMascFem (Religion.GetName + MascFem) *RELIGION
# GetReligionMascPl (Religion.GetName + MascPl) *RELIGION
# GetReligionMasc (Religion.GetName + Masc) *RELIGION
# GetEvilGodLeLaLes (Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName + LeLaLes) *RELIGION
# GetEvilGodDuDelaDes (Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName + DuDelaDes) *RELIGION
# GetEvilGodAAuAux (Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName + AAuAux) *RELIGION
# GetCultureMasc (Culture.GetName + Masc) *CULTURE
# GetCultureMascFem (Culture.GetName + MascFem) *CULTURE
# GetCultureMascPl (Culture.GetName + MascPl) *CULTURE
# GetGovernmentFem (Government.GetName + Fem) *GOVERNMENT
# GetGovernmentMasc (Government.GetName + Masc) *GOVERNMENT


# GetCapitalHoldingDuDela (GetCapitalHolding + DuDela)
# GetCapitalHoldingAuAla (GetCapitalHolding + AuAla)
# GetHoldingDuDela (GetHolding + DuDela)
# GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela (GetHouseOfWorship + DuDela)
# GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne (GetHouseOfWorship + UnUne)
# GetReligiousPersonMascFem (GetReligiousPerson + MascFem)
# GetDWSettlementAuAla (GetDWSettlement + AuAla)
# GetDWDevilDuDela (GetDWDevil + DuDela)
# GetMatterOfImportanceOnA (GetMatterOfImportance + OnA)
# GetComplimentAdjectiveMascFem (GetComplimentAdjective + MascFem)
# GetDWReasonToJoinVariante (variante de GetDWReasonToJoin)
# GetHouseLeLa (GetHouse + LeLa)
# GetHouseDuDela (GetHouse + DuDela)
# GetRandomMythologicalCreatureVariante (de/d')
# Get_on_DuelWeapon (GetDuelWeapon + on/a)
# Get_on_BodyPartInjured (GetBodyPartInjured + on/a)
# Get_au_BodyPartInjured (GetBodyPartInjured + au/� la/� l')


# GetLegumeIncapable (l�gume/incapable)
# GetLarveVermisseau (vermisseau/larve)

# Get_juifs

# ********************************************************************************
defined_text = {
name = GetIlElle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIlElle_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIlElle_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetIlElleCap
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIlElleCap_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIlElleCap_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetIlElleOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIlElleOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIlElleOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetIlElleCapOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIlElleCapOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIlElleCapOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLeLa
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLeLa_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLeLa_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLeLaCap
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLeLaCap_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLeLaCap_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLeLaOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLeLaOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLeLaOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLeLaCapOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLeLaCapOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLeLaCapOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLuiElle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLuiElle_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLuiElle_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLuiElleCap
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLuiElleCap_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLuiElleCap_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLuiElleOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLuiElleOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLuiElleOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetCeluiCelle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetCeluiCelle_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetCeluiCelle_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetCeluiCelleCap
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetCeluiCelleCap_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetCeluiCelleCap_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetOnA
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetOnA_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetOnA_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetOnAOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetOnAOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetOnAOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes


defined_text = {
name = GetErEre
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetErEre_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetErEre_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetErEreOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetErEreOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetErEreOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes
defined_text = {
name = GetEEtte
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEEtte_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEEtte_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetEEtteOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEEtte_male
trigger = {
is_female = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEEtte_female
trigger = {
is_female = no

defined_text = {
name = GetEtEtte
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEtEtte_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEtEtte_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetXSe
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetXSe_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetXSe_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLLle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLLle_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLLle_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetEurRice
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEurRice_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEurRice_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetEurRiceOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEurRiceOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEurRiceOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = no

defined_text = {
name = GetXCe
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetXCe_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetXCe_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetNNne
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetNNne_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetNNne_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetRSe
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetRSe_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetRSe_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetFVe
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetFVe_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetFVe_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetEtEte
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEtEte_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEtEte_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetEurEresse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEurEresse_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEurEresse_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetOuOlle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetOuOlle_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetOuOlle_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetOuOlleOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetOuOlle_male
trigger = {
is_female = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetOuOlle_female
trigger = {
is_female = no

defined_text = {
name = GetEauElle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEauElle_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEauElle_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetSSse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetSSse_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetSSse_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetEEsse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEEsse_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEEsse_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetIeuxIeille
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIeuxIeille_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetIeuxIeille_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_E
text = {
localisation_key = "" # N'affiche rien
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_E_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_EOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_EOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = "" # N'affiche rien
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_EPreference
text = {
localisation_key = "" # N'affiche rien
trigger = { prefers_men_trigger = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_E_female
trigger = { prefers_men_trigger = no }

defined_text = {
name = GetNNnePreference
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetNNne_male
trigger = { prefers_men_trigger = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetNNne_female
trigger = { prefers_men_trigger = no }

defined_text = {
name = GetEteEtesse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEteEtesse_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEteEtesse_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetXSse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetXSse_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetXSse_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetTTte
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetTTte_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetTTte_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetAuxAles
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetAuxAles_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetAuxAles_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_Eresse
text = {
localisation_key = "" # N'affiche rien
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_Eresse_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes


defined_text = {
name = GetLLa
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLLa_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLLa_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLLaOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLLaOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLLaOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetLLaCap
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLLaCap_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLLaCap_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetDDe
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDDe_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDDe_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetSilSielle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetSilSielle_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetSilSielle_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetSilSielleCap
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetSilSielleCap_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetSilSielleCap_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetEluiElle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEluiElle_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEluiElle_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes


defined_text = {
name = GetAuAla
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetAuAla_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetAuAla_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetAuAlaCap
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetAuAlaCap_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetAuAlaCap_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetDuDela
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDuDela_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDuDela_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetParrainMarraine
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetParrainMarraine_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetParrainMarraine_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetSeigneurDameCap
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetSeigneurDameCap_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetSeigneurDameCap_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetHerosHeroine
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHerosHeroine_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHerosHeroine_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = GetGrecGrecqueOpp
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetGrecGrecqueOpp_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetGrecGrecqueOpp_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = { #2018.10.01
name = Get_only_du_RealmFull
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_
trigger = {
is_random_world = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
title = d_hurufi # Cheikat hurufite
title = d_ibadi # Califat ibadite
title = d_iconoclast # Patriarcat iconoclaste
title = d_kharijite # Califat kharidjite
title = d_monothelite # Patriarcat monoth�lite
title = d_nestorian # Patriarcat d'Orient
title = d_norse_pagan_reformed # Fylkirat
title = d_paulician # Patriarcat paulicien
title = d_shiite # Califat chiite
title = d_sunni # Califat sunnite
title = d_tengri_pagan_reformed # Temple du Ciel
title = d_yazidi # Cheikat y�zidi
title = e_china_west_governor # Protectorat des R�gions de
title = e_hre # Saint-Empire romain
title = e_shiite # Califat Chiite
title = e_sunni # Califat Sunnite
title = k_hellenic_pagan # Collegium Pontificum
title = k_orthodox # Patriarcat oecum�nique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
title = d_african_low # Bande de l'Hippopotame
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # Bande mandekalu
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # Compagnie haoussa
title = d_african_tiny # Compagnie du Crocodile
title = d_baltic_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation romuvienne
title = d_frisian_navy # Flotte de cogues de la mer du Nord
title = d_genoese_navy # Flotte de gal�res liguriennes
title = d_hanseatic_navy # Flotte de cogues de la Baltique
title = d_jewish # Grande Pr�trise juive
title = d_venetian_navy # Flotte de gal�res de l'Adriatique
title = d_west_african_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation africaine
title = k_papal_state # Papaut�
title = k_switzerland # Conf�d�ration suisse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = {
title = d_african_massive # Arm�e ton-tigi
title = d_african_mid # Infanterie k�l�-koun
title = d_aztec_reformed # �glise azt�que
title = d_livonian_order # Ordre de Livonie
title = d_manichean # �glise manich�enne
title = d_slavic_pagan_reformed # �glise slave
title = d_zoroastrian # �glise zoroastrienne
title = d_zun_pagan_reformed # �glise de Zun
title = e_arabia # Empire arabe
title = e_bengal # Empire bengalais
title = e_byzantium # Empire byzantin
title = e_deccan # Empire Deccan
title = e_latin_empire # Empire latin
title = e_mexikha # Empire azt�que
title = e_mongol_empire # Empire mongol
title = e_nicaea # Empire de Nic�e
title = e_persia # Empire perse
title = e_roman_empire # Empire romain
title = e_seljuk_turks # Empire seldjouk
title = e_wendish_empire # Empire wende
title = k_teutonic_state # �tat teutonique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = {
title = d_african_large # Cavaliers mandekalu
title = d_finnish_pagan_reformed # Bois sacr�s
title = d_han_junks # Jonques des Han
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # Corsaires jurchen
title = e_timurids # Timourides
title = k_papacy # �tats pontificaux
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
is_nomadic = yes # Khaganat, Khanat
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR
OR = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
tier = KING # Royaume, Khanat,
AND = {
tier = DUKE # Duch�, Raj,
Jarld�mr, Beylerbeylicat
NOT = {
culture_group = arabic #
culture_group = iranian
# Satrapie
culture = mongol #
Grande chefferie
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = COUNT # Comt�,
Cheikat, Thikana, Marzpanat, Beylicat
NOT = {
culture = mongol #
AND = {
tier = BARON
OR = {
culture = mongol #
culture = turkish #
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR
OR = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = KING # Royaume,
Khanat, Sultanat
NOT = {
culture = old_saxon #
Grande chefferie
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Raj
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Raj
culture = norse #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
OR = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Thikana
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Thikana
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
OR = {
religion_group = muslim
# Califat
religion = orthodox #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = muslim #
AND = {
tier = BARON # Temple,
Vahram, Khalwat
NOT = {
religion_group =
christian # �v�ch�
religion_group = muslim
# Mosqu�e
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
is_republic = yes # Cit�, Grande cit�,
R�publique, Principaut�, R�publique S�r�nissime, Ligue marchande, Ligue
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group = iranian
# Satrapie
culture = mongol #
Grande chefferie
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
OR = {
culture = mongol #
AND = {
tier = BARON # Baronnie
NOT = {
culture = mongol #
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Arg
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
OR = {
culture = old_saxon #
Grande chefferie
AND = {
tier = DUKE # Grande
NOT = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Raj
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Raj
culture = norse #
AND = {
tier = COUNT # Chefferie
NOT = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Thikana
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Thikana
tier = BARON # Tribu, Dama
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
NOT = {
religion = catholic #
religion_group =
pagan_group # Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
religion_group = muslim
# Th�ocratie
religion_group =
pagan_group # Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = pagan_group
# Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = BARON
religion_group = muslim #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR # Empire
NOT = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group = arabic #
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR # Empire
NOT = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = DUKE
religion_group = christian #
Archev�ch� princier
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = christian #
�v�ch� princier
AND = {
tier = BARON
religion_group = christian #
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_

defined_text = { #2018.10.01
name = Get_only_en_RealmFull
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_en_
trigger = {
is_random_world = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_le_
trigger = {
title = d_hurufi # Cheikat hurufite
title = d_ibadi # Califat ibadite
title = d_iconoclast # Patriarcat iconoclaste
title = d_kharijite # Califat kharidjite
title = d_monothelite # Patriarcat monoth�lite
title = d_nestorian # Patriarcat d'Orient
title = d_norse_pagan_reformed # Fylkirat
title = d_paulician # Patriarcat paulicien
title = d_shiite # Califat chiite
title = d_sunni # Califat sunnite
title = d_tengri_pagan_reformed # Temple du Ciel
title = d_yazidi # Cheikat y�zidi
title = e_china_west_governor # Protectorat des R�gions de
title = e_hre # Saint-Empire romain
title = e_shiite # Califat Chiite
title = e_sunni # Califat Sunnite
title = k_hellenic_pagan # Collegium Pontificum
title = k_orthodox # Patriarcat oecum�nique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
title = d_iconoclast # Patriarcat iconoclaste
title = d_kharijite # Califat kharidjite
title = d_monothelite # Patriarcat monoth�lite
title = d_nestorian # Patriarcat d'Orient
title = d_paulician # Patriarcat paulicien
title = d_shiite # Califat chiite
title = d_sunni # Califat sunnite
title = d_tengri_pagan_reformed # Temple du Ciel
title = e_china_west_governor # Protectorat des R�gions de
title = e_hre # Saint-Empire romain
title = e_shiite # Califat Chiite
title = e_sunni # Califat Sunnite
title = k_orthodox # Patriarcat oecum�nique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_la_
trigger = {
title = d_african_low # Bande de l'Hippopotame
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # Bande mandekalu
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # Compagnie haoussa
title = d_african_tiny # Compagnie du Crocodile
title = d_baltic_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation romuvienne
title = d_frisian_navy # Flotte de cogues de la mer du Nord
title = d_genoese_navy # Flotte de gal�res liguriennes
title = d_hanseatic_navy # Flotte de cogues de la Baltique
title = d_jewish # Grande Pr�trise juive
title = d_venetian_navy # Flotte de gal�res de l'Adriatique
title = d_west_african_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation africaine
title = k_papal_state # Papaut�
title = k_switzerland # Conf�d�ration suisse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_l
trigger = {
title = d_african_massive # Arm�e ton-tigi
title = d_african_mid # Infanterie k�l�-koun
title = d_aztec_reformed # �glise azt�que
title = d_livonian_order # Ordre de Livonie
title = d_manichean # �glise manich�enne
title = d_slavic_pagan_reformed # �glise slave
title = d_zoroastrian # �glise zoroastrienne
title = d_zun_pagan_reformed # �glise de Zun
title = e_arabia # Empire arabe
title = e_bengal # Empire bengalais
title = e_byzantium # Empire byzantin
title = e_deccan # Empire Deccan
title = e_latin_empire # Empire latin
title = e_mexikha # Empire azt�que
title = e_mongol_empire # Empire mongol
title = e_nicaea # Empire de Nic�e
title = e_persia # Empire perse
title = e_roman_empire # Empire romain
title = e_seljuk_turks # Empire seldjouk
title = e_wendish_empire # Empire wende
title = k_teutonic_state # �tat teutonique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_chez_les_
trigger = {
title = d_african_large # Cavaliers mandekalu
title = d_han_junks # Jonques des Han
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # Corsaires jurchen
title = e_timurids # Timourides
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_les_
trigger = {
title = d_finnish_pagan_reformed # Bois sacr�s
title = k_papacy # �tats pontificaux

text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
is_nomadic = yes # Khaganat, Khanat
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR
OR = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
tier = KING # Royaume, Khanat,
AND = {
tier = DUKE # Duch�, Raj,
Jarld�mr, Beylerbeylicat
NOT = {
culture_group = arabic #
culture_group = iranian
# Satrapie
culture = mongol #
Grande chefferie
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = COUNT # Comt�,
Cheikat, Thikana, Marzpanat, Beylicat
NOT = {
culture = mongol #
AND = {
tier = BARON
OR = {
culture = mongol #
culture = turkish #
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR
OR = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = KING # Royaume,
Khanat, Sultanat
NOT = {
culture = old_saxon #
Grande chefferie
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Raj
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Raj
culture = norse #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
OR = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Thikana
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Thikana
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
OR = {
religion_group = muslim
# Califat
religion = orthodox #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = muslim #
AND = {
tier = BARON # Temple,
Vahram, Khalwat
NOT = {
religion_group =
christian # �v�ch�
religion_group = muslim
# Mosqu�e
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
is_republic = yes # Cit�, Grande cit�,
R�publique, Principaut�, R�publique S�r�nissime, Ligue marchande, Ligue
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group = iranian
# Satrapie
culture = mongol #
Grande chefferie
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
OR = {
culture = mongol #
AND = {
tier = BARON # Baronnie
NOT = {
culture = mongol #
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Arg
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
OR = {
culture = old_saxon #
Grande chefferie
AND = {
tier = DUKE # Grande
NOT = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Raj
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Raj
culture = norse #
AND = {
tier = COUNT # Chefferie
NOT = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Thikana
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Thikana
tier = BARON # Tribu, Dama
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
NOT = {
religion = catholic #
religion_group =
pagan_group # Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
religion_group = muslim
# Th�ocratie
religion_group =
pagan_group # Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = pagan_group
# Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = BARON
religion_group = muslim #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_l
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR # Empire
NOT = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group = arabic #
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR # Empire
NOT = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = DUKE
religion_group = christian #
Archev�ch� princier
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = christian #
�v�ch� princier
AND = {
tier = BARON
religion_group = christian #
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_en_

defined_text = { #2018.10.01
name = Get_only_le_RealmFull
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
is_random_world = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
title = d_hurufi # Cheikat hurufite
title = d_ibadi # Califat ibadite
title = d_iconoclast # Patriarcat iconoclaste
title = d_kharijite # Califat kharidjite
title = d_monothelite # Patriarcat monoth�lite
title = d_nestorian # Patriarcat d'Orient
title = d_norse_pagan_reformed # Fylkirat
title = d_paulician # Patriarcat paulicien
title = d_shiite # Califat chiite
title = d_sunni # Califat sunnite
title = d_tengri_pagan_reformed # Temple du Ciel
title = d_yazidi # Cheikat y�zidi
title = e_china_west_governor # Protectorat des R�gions de
title = e_hre # Saint-Empire romain
title = e_shiite # Califat Chiite
title = e_sunni # Califat Sunnite
title = k_hellenic_pagan # Collegium Pontificum
title = k_orthodox # Patriarcat oecum�nique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
title = d_african_low # Bande de l'Hippopotame
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # Bande mandekalu
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # Compagnie haoussa
title = d_african_tiny # Compagnie du Crocodile
title = d_baltic_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation romuvienne
title = d_frisian_navy # Flotte de cogues de la mer du Nord
title = d_genoese_navy # Flotte de gal�res liguriennes
title = d_hanseatic_navy # Flotte de cogues de la Baltique
title = d_jewish # Grande Pr�trise juive
title = d_venetian_navy # Flotte de gal�res de l'Adriatique
title = d_west_african_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation africaine
title = k_papal_state # Papaut�
title = k_switzerland # Conf�d�ration suisse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
title = d_african_massive # Arm�e ton-tigi
title = d_african_mid # Infanterie k�l�-koun
title = d_aztec_reformed # �glise azt�que
title = d_livonian_order # Ordre de Livonie
title = d_manichean # �glise manich�enne
title = d_slavic_pagan_reformed # �glise slave
title = d_zoroastrian # �glise zoroastrienne
title = d_zun_pagan_reformed # �glise de Zun
title = e_arabia # Empire arabe
title = e_bengal # Empire bengalais
title = e_byzantium # Empire byzantin
title = e_deccan # Empire Deccan
title = e_latin_empire # Empire latin
title = e_mexikha # Empire azt�que
title = e_mongol_empire # Empire mongol
title = e_nicaea # Empire de Nic�e
title = e_persia # Empire perse
title = e_roman_empire # Empire romain
title = e_seljuk_turks # Empire seldjouk
title = e_wendish_empire # Empire wende
title = k_teutonic_state # �tat teutonique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = {
title = d_african_large # Cavaliers mandekalu
title = d_finnish_pagan_reformed # Bois sacr�s
title = d_han_junks # Jonques des Han
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # Corsaires jurchen
title = e_timurids # Timourides
title = k_papacy # �tats pontificaux
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
is_nomadic = yes # Khaganat, Khanat
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR
OR = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
tier = KING # Royaume, Khanat,
AND = {
tier = DUKE # Duch�, Raj,
Jarld�mr, Beylerbeylicat
NOT = {
culture_group = arabic #
culture_group = iranian
# Satrapie
culture = mongol #
Grande chefferie
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = COUNT # Comt�,
Cheikat, Thikana, Marzpanat, Beylicat
NOT = {
culture = mongol #
AND = {
tier = BARON
OR = {
culture = mongol #
culture = turkish #
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR
OR = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = KING # Royaume,
Khanat, Sultanat
NOT = {
culture = old_saxon #
Grande chefferie
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Raj
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Raj
culture = norse #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
OR = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Thikana
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Thikana
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
OR = {
religion_group = muslim
# Califat
religion = orthodox #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = muslim #
AND = {
tier = BARON # Temple,
Vahram, Khalwat
NOT = {
religion_group =
christian # �v�ch�
religion_group = muslim
# Mosqu�e
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
is_republic = yes # Cit�, Grande cit�,
R�publique, Principaut�, R�publique S�r�nissime, Ligue marchande, Ligue
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group = iranian
# Satrapie
culture = mongol #
Grande chefferie
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
OR = {
culture = mongol #
AND = {
tier = BARON # Baronnie
NOT = {
culture = mongol #
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Arg
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
OR = {
culture = old_saxon #
Grande chefferie
AND = {
tier = DUKE # Grande
NOT = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Raj
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Raj
culture = norse #
AND = {
tier = COUNT # Chefferie
NOT = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Thikana
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Thikana
tier = BARON # Tribu, Dama
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
NOT = {
religion = catholic #
religion_group =
pagan_group # Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
religion_group = muslim
# Th�ocratie
religion_group =
pagan_group # Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = pagan_group
# Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = BARON
religion_group = muslim #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR # Empire
NOT = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group = arabic #
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR # Empire
NOT = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = DUKE
religion_group = christian #
Archev�ch� princier
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = christian #
�v�ch� princier
AND = {
tier = BARON
religion_group = christian #
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = ""

defined_text = { #2018.10.01
name = Get_only_au_RealmFull
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
trigger = {
is_random_world = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
title = d_hurufi # Cheikat hurufite
title = d_ibadi # Califat ibadite
title = d_iconoclast # Patriarcat iconoclaste
title = d_kharijite # Califat kharidjite
title = d_monothelite # Patriarcat monoth�lite
title = d_nestorian # Patriarcat d'Orient
title = d_norse_pagan_reformed # Fylkirat
title = d_paulician # Patriarcat paulicien
title = d_shiite # Califat chiite
title = d_sunni # Califat sunnite
title = d_tengri_pagan_reformed # Temple du Ciel
title = d_yazidi # Cheikat y�zidi
title = e_china_west_governor # Protectorat des R�gions de
title = e_hre # Saint-Empire romain
title = e_shiite # Califat Chiite
title = e_sunni # Califat Sunnite
title = k_hellenic_pagan # Collegium Pontificum
title = k_orthodox # Patriarcat oecum�nique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = {
title = d_african_low # Bande de l'Hippopotame
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # Bande mandekalu
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # Compagnie haoussa
title = d_african_tiny # Compagnie du Crocodile
title = d_baltic_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation romuvienne
title = d_frisian_navy # Flotte de cogues de la mer du Nord
title = d_genoese_navy # Flotte de gal�res liguriennes
title = d_hanseatic_navy # Flotte de cogues de la Baltique
title = d_jewish # Grande Pr�trise juive
title = d_venetian_navy # Flotte de gal�res de l'Adriatique
title = d_west_african_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation africaine
title = k_papal_state # Papaut�
title = k_switzerland # Conf�d�ration suisse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = {
title = d_african_massive # Arm�e ton-tigi
title = d_african_mid # Infanterie k�l�-koun
title = d_aztec_reformed # �glise azt�que
title = d_livonian_order # Ordre de Livonie
title = d_manichean # �glise manich�enne
title = d_slavic_pagan_reformed # �glise slave
title = d_zoroastrian # �glise zoroastrienne
title = d_zun_pagan_reformed # �glise de Zun
title = e_arabia # Empire arabe
title = e_bengal # Empire bengalais
title = e_byzantium # Empire byzantin
title = e_deccan # Empire Deccan
title = e_latin_empire # Empire latin
title = e_mexikha # Empire azt�que
title = e_mongol_empire # Empire mongol
title = e_nicaea # Empire de Nic�e
title = e_persia # Empire perse
title = e_roman_empire # Empire romain
title = e_seljuk_turks # Empire seldjouk
title = e_wendish_empire # Empire wende
title = k_teutonic_state # �tat teutonique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_aux_
trigger = {
title = d_african_large # Cavaliers mandekalu
title = d_finnish_pagan_reformed # Bois sacr�s
title = d_han_junks # Jonques des Han
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # Corsaires jurchen
title = e_timurids # Timourides
title = k_papacy # �tats pontificaux
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
is_nomadic = yes # Khaganat, Khanat
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR
OR = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
tier = KING # Royaume, Khanat,
AND = {
tier = DUKE # Duch�, Raj,
Jarld�mr, Beylerbeylicat
NOT = {
culture_group = arabic #
culture_group = iranian
# Satrapie
culture = mongol #
Grande chefferie
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = COUNT # Comt�,
Cheikat, Thikana, Marzpanat, Beylicat
NOT = {
culture = mongol #
AND = {
tier = BARON
OR = {
culture = mongol #
culture = turkish #
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR
OR = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = KING # Royaume,
Khanat, Sultanat
NOT = {
culture = old_saxon #
Grande chefferie
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Raj
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Raj
culture = norse #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
OR = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Thikana
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Thikana
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
OR = {
religion_group = muslim
# Califat
religion = orthodox #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = muslim #
AND = {
tier = BARON # Temple,
Vahram, Khalwat
NOT = {
religion_group =
christian # �v�ch�
religion_group = muslim
# Mosqu�e
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
is_republic = yes # Cit�, Grande cit�,
R�publique, Principaut�, R�publique S�r�nissime, Ligue marchande, Ligue
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group = iranian
# Satrapie
culture = mongol #
Grande chefferie
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = COUNT
OR = {
culture = mongol #
AND = {
tier = BARON # Baronnie
NOT = {
culture = mongol #
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Arg
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
OR = {
culture = old_saxon #
Grande chefferie
AND = {
tier = DUKE # Grande
NOT = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Raj
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Raj
culture = norse #
AND = {
tier = COUNT # Chefferie
NOT = {
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Thikana
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Thikana
tier = BARON # Tribu, Dama
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = KING
NOT = {
religion = catholic #
religion_group =
pagan_group # Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
religion_group = muslim
# Th�ocratie
religion_group =
pagan_group # Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = pagan_group
# Th�ocratie
AND = {
tier = BARON
religion_group = muslim #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = {
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
AND = {
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR # Empire
NOT = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
tier = DUKE
OR = {
culture_group = arabic #
AND = {
is_tribal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = EMPEROR # Empire
NOT = {
culture_group = altaic #
culture = russian #
AND = {
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = {
tier = DUKE
religion_group = christian #
Archev�ch� princier
AND = {
tier = COUNT
religion_group = christian #
�v�ch� princier
AND = {
tier = BARON
religion_group = christian #
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT

defined_text = { #2018.10.01
name = Get_only_du_Realm
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_
trigger = {
is_random_world = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_amman # Bahre�n
title = d_berry # Berry
title = d_bhutan # Bhoutan
title = d_bourbon # Bourbon
title = d_brabant # Brabant
title = d_brandenburg # Brandebourg
title = d_cairo # Caire
title = d_cumberland # Cumberland
title = d_danes # Danemark
title = d_dauphine # Dauphin�
title = d_finnmark # Finnmark
title = d_ghana # Ghana
title = d_herat # H�rat
title = d_huitzilopochtli # Culte de Huitzilopochtli
title = d_hurufi # Cheikat hurufite
title = d_ibadi # Califat ibadite
title = d_iconoclast # Patriarcat iconoclaste
title = d_kabul # Kaboulistan
title = d_kashmir # Kashmir
title = d_kathmandu # Katmandou
title = d_khangai # Khanga�
title = d_kharijite # Califat kharidjite
title = d_khorasan # Khorassan
title = d_khotan # Hotan
title = d_khozistan # Khouzistan
title = d_kurdistan # Kurdistan
title = d_latium # Latium
title = d_lothian # Lothian
title = d_luristan # Loristan
title = d_luxembourg # Luxembourg
title = d_mazandaran # Tabaristan
title = d_mecklemburg # Mecklenbourg
title = d_medina # Hedjaz
title = d_monothelite # Patriarcat monoth�lite
title = d_nefoud # Nefoud
title = d_nestorian # Patriarcat d'Orient
title = d_norse_pagan_reformed # Fylkirat
title = d_northumberland # Northumberland
title = d_paulician # Patriarcat paulicien
title = d_poitou # Poitou
title = d_purang # Purang
title = d_ryazan # Ryazan
title = d_shiite # Califat chiite
title = d_sunni # Califat sunnite
title = d_tengri_pagan_reformed # Temple du Ciel
title = d_tyrol # Tyrol
title = d_yazidi # Cheikat y�zidi
title = d_zabulistan # Zaboulistan
title = e_china_west_governor # Protectorat des R�gions de
title = e_hre # Saint-Empire romain
title = e_maghreb # Maghreb
title = e_mali # Mali
title = e_rajastan # Rajasthan
title = e_shiite # Califat Chiite
title = e_sunni # Califat Sunnite
title = e_tibet # Tibet
title = k_afghanistan # Kaboulistan
title = k_bengal # Bengale
title = k_beni_helal # B�ni Helal
title = k_candar # Candar
title = k_denmark # Danemark
title = k_ghana # Ghana
title = k_gujarat # Gujarat
title = k_hellenic_pagan # Collegium Pontificum
title = k_kafsid # Kafside
title = k_kashmir # Kashmir
title = k_kham # Kham
title = k_khorasan # Khorassan
title = k_khotan # Hotan
title = k_magyar # Magyar
title = k_mauretania # Maghreb
title = k_nepal # N�pal
title = k_orthodox # Patriarcat oecum�nique
title = k_portugal # Portugal
title = k_punjab # Pendjab
title = k_saruhan # Saruhan
title = k_wales # Pays de Galles
title = k_xixia # Xia
title = k_yemen # Y�men
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abyssinian_band # Bande arm�e d'Abyssinie
title = d_african_low # Bande de l'Hippopotame
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # Bande mandekalu
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # Compagnie haoussa
title = d_african_tiny # Compagnie du Crocodile
title = d_alan_band # Bande de cavaliers alains
title = d_baltic_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation romuvienne
title = d_bektashi # Confr�rie bektachie
title = d_bengal_band # Bande arm�e bengalaise
title = d_bengal_company # Compagnie du Bengale
title = d_bodpa_low # Bande b�dpa
title = d_bon_reformed # Hi�rarchie b�n sacr�e
title = d_breton_band # Bande arm�e bretonne
title = d_breton_company # Compagnie bretonne
title = d_bulgarian_band # Bande arm�e bulgare
title = d_bulgarian_company # Compagnie bulgare
title = d_caspian_steppe # Steppe pontique
title = d_catalan_band # Bande arm�e catalane
title = d_catalan_company # Compagnie catalane
title = d_company_of_st_george # Compagnie de Saint-Georges
title = d_cuman_band # Bande arm�e coumane
title = d_cuman_company # Compagnie coumane
title = d_finnish_band # Bande arm�e finnoise
title = d_fraticelli # Papaut� fraticelle
title = d_frisian_navy # Flotte de cogues de la mer du Nord
title = d_genoese_navy # Flotte de gal�res liguriennes
title = d_ghanan_band # Bande arm�e ghan�enne
title = d_ghilman # Bande de ghulams
title = d_great_company # Grande Compagnie
title = d_han_large # Compagnie du Ph�nix
title = d_han_low # Bande de la Grue
title = d_han_mid # Compagnie du Qilin
title = d_han_mid_low # Compagnie de la Tortue
title = d_han_tiny_1 # Bande de la Pivoine
title = d_han_tiny_2 # Bande de l'Orchid�e
title = d_hanseatic_navy # Flotte de cogues de la Baltique
title = d_holy_sepulchre # Confr�rie du Saint-S�pulcre
title = d_irish_band # Bande arm�e irlandaise
title = d_jurchen_band # Bande jurchen
title = d_lappish_band # Bande arm�e sami
title = d_lithuanian_band # Bande arm�e lituanienne
title = d_little_hat_company # Compagnie du Chapeau
title = d_lombard_band # Bande arm�e lombarde
title = d_maghreb_corsairs # Marine barbaresque
title = d_mamluks # Compagnie mamelouk
title = d_marathi_band # Bande arm�e marathi
title = d_marathi_company # Compagnie marathi
title = d_miaphysite # Papaut� miaphysite
title = d_monophysite # Papaut� monophysite
title = d_mordvins # Mordovie
title = d_navarrese_company # Compagnie navarraise
title = d_nubian_band # Bande arm�e nubienne
title = d_pecheneg_band # Bande arm�e petch�n�gue
title = d_pecheneg_company # Compagnie petch�n�gue
title = d_rajput_band # Bande arm�e rajput
title = d_rajput_company # Compagnie rajput
title = d_rose_company # Compagnie de la Rose
title = d_rus_band # Bande arm�e russe
title = d_rus_company # Compagnie russe
title = d_sardinian_band # Bande sarde
title = d_sardinian_company # Compagnie sarde
title = d_saxon_band # Bande arm�e saxonne
title = d_scottish_band # Bande arm�e �cossaise
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company # Compagnie b�douine
title = d_shiite_berber_company # Compagnie touareg
title = d_shiite_cuman_company # Compagnie des steppes
title = d_shiite_turkic_company # Compagnie turkomane
title = d_silk_road_sentinels # Sentinelle de la Route de
la Soie
title = d_star_company # Compagnie de l'�toile
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company # Compagnie arabe
title = d_sunni_berber_company # Compagnie berb�re
title = d_sunni_cuman_company # Compagnie khazar
title = d_sunni_turkic_company # Compagnie turcm�ne
title = d_swiss_band # Bande arm�e suisse
title = d_swiss_company # Compagnie suisse
title = d_tamil_band # Bande arm�e tamoule
title = d_tangut_low # Bande tangoute
title = d_treasure_fleet # Flotte des Tr�sors
title = d_turkic_band # Bande arm�e turcique
title = d_turkic_company # Compagnie turcique
title = d_varangian_guard # Garde var�gue
title = d_venetian_navy # Flotte de gal�res de l'Adriatique
title = d_victual_brothers # Bande des fr�res vitaliens
title = d_west_african_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation
title = d_white_company # Compagnie Blanche
title = e_golden_horde # Horde d'Or
title = k_papal_state # Papaut�
title = k_switzerland # Conf�d�ration suisse
title = k_volga_bulgaria # Bulgarie de la Volga
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_d
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abakan # Abakan
title = d_abkhazia # Abkhazie
title = d_abydos # Abydos
title = d_achaia # Acha�e
title = d_adrar # Adrar
title = d_adrianopolis # Andrinople
title = d_afar # Afar
title = d_agder # Agder
title = d_air # Air
title = d_ajmer # Ajmer
title = d_akara_dasarna # Akara-Dasarna
title = d_alania # Alanie
title = d_albany # Alba
title = d_aleppo # Alep
title = d_alexandria # Alexandrie
title = d_algarve # Algarve
title = d_alger # Alger
title = d_alsace # Alsace
title = d_altay # Alta�
title = d_amalfi # Amalfi
title = d_anartta # Anartta
title = d_anatolia # Anatolie
title = d_ancona # Anc�ne
title = d_angria # Angrie
title = d_anjou # Anjou
title = d_antioch # Antioche
title = d_anupa # Anupa
title = d_apulia # Apulie
title = d_aqtobe # Aktioub�
title = d_aquitaine # Aquitaine
title = d_arabia_felix # Arabie Heureuse
title = d_arabia_petrae # Arabie p�tr�e
title = d_aragon # Aragon
title = d_armenia # Arm�nie
title = d_armeniacon # Arm�niakon
title = d_ascalon # Ascalon
title = d_aswan # Assouan
title = d_atyrau # Atyraou
title = d_auvergne # Auvergne
title = d_axum # Aksoum
title = d_azerbaijan # Azerba�djan
title = d_azov # Azov
title = d_bedford # Essex
title = d_dadhipadra # Avanti
title = d_edessa # �desse
title = d_el-arish # El Arish
title = d_el_rif # El Rif
title = d_emba # Emba
title = d_epirus # �pire
title = d_erzerum # Erzurum
title = d_esfahan # Ispahan
title = d_esthonia # Estonie
title = d_esztergom # Esztergom
title = d_iceland # Islande
title = d_ikh_bogd # Ikh Bogd
title = d_ili # Ili
title = d_irtysh # Irtysh
title = d_ishim # Ishim
title = d_itil # Itil
title = d_jazira # Alg�siras
title = d_nikaea # Opsikion
title = d_norfolk # East Anglia
title = d_ob # Ob
title = d_ohrid # Ohrid
title = d_oltenia # Olt�nie
title = d_om # Om
title = d_oman # Oman
title = d_oppland # Oppland
title = d_ostergotland # Ostrogothie
title = d_osterreich # Autriche
AND = {
title = d_ostrobothnia # Ostrobotnie
NOR = {
culture = finnish # Pohjanmaa
culture = lappish # Pohjanmaa
culture = ugricbaltic # Pohjanmaa
title = d_oultrejourdain # Outre-Jourdain
title = d_oxford # Oxford
title = d_sennar # Alodie
AND = { # Ivr�e (et non "Suse")
title = d_susa
start_date < 867.1.1
AND = { # Al�manie (et non "Souabe")
title = d_swabia
start_date < 865.1.1
title = d_turkestan # Aral
title = d_ubagan # Oubagan
title = d_udayagiri # Udayagiri
title = d_ulster # Ulster
title = d_ungvar # Ungvar
title = d_uppland # Uppland
title = d_ural # Oural
title = d_usturt # Oust-Ourt
title = d_uttaranchal # Uttaranchal
title = d_uvs # Uvs
title = d_wadai # Ouadda�
title = d_wild_fields # Etelk�z
title = d_york # York
title = e_abyssinia # Abyssinie
title = e_il-khanate # Ilkhanat
title = e_india # Inde
title = e_italy # Italie
title = e_outremer # Outremer
title = e_spain # Hispanie
title = k_abyssinia # Abyssinie
title = k_africa # Ifriqiya
title = k_alania # Alanie
title = k_amalfi # Amalfi
title = k_anatolia # Anatolie
title = k_andalusia # Andalousie
title = k_andhra # Andhra
title = k_antioch # Antioche
title = k_aquitaine # Aquitaine
title = k_arabia # Arabie
title = k_aragon # Aragon
title = k_armenia # Arm�nie
title = k_austria # Autriche
title = k_avaria # Avarie
title = k_aydin # Aydin
title = k_eastern_marches # Autriche
title = k_egypt # �gypte
title = k_england # Angleterre
title = k_epirus # �pire
title = k_eretnid # �retnide
title = k_estonia # Estonie
AND = { # Avarie (et non "Hongrie" ni "Pannonie")
title = k_hungary
start_date < 797.1.1
NOT = { has_global_flag = avar_khaganate_renamed }
title = k_iraq # Irak
title = k_ireland # Irlande
title = k_israel # Isra�l
AND = { # Italie (et non "Lombardie")
title = k_italy
OR = {
NOT = {
owner = {
culture = lombard
has_global_flag = fall_of_lombard_kingdom
start_date >= 774.1.1
title = k_mesopotamia # Al-Jaz�ra
title = k_orissa # Orissa
title = k_scotland # �cosse
title = k_yarlung # �-Tsang
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abbasid # Abbassides
title = d_abruzzo # Abruzzes
title = d_aegean_islands # �les Eg�es
title = d_african_large # Cavaliers mandekalu
title = d_arabs # Arabes
title = d_ashokas_chosen # �lus d'Ashoka
title = d_assassin # Assassins
title = d_asturias # Asturies
title = d_balearic # Bal�ares
title = d_bucellarian # Bucellaires
title = d_bulls_rishabha # Taureaux de Rishabhanatha
title = d_cherven_cities # Cit�s de Tcherven
title = d_chosen_perkunas # �lus de Perkunas
title = d_cornwall # Cornouailles
title = d_dralhas_children # Enfants de Dralha
title = d_estonia # Estoniens
title = d_finnish_pagan_reformed # Bois sacr�s
title = d_flanders # Flandres
title = d_followers_arjuna # Adeptes d'Arjuna
title = d_han_junks # Jonques des Han
title = d_ilmenians # Ilm�niens
title = d_immortals # Immortels
title = d_ingers # Ingriens
title = d_jomsvikings # Jomsvikings
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # Corsaires jurchen
title = d_kajaneborg # Kv�nes
title = d_khazars # Khazars
title = d_kryvians # Kryviens
title = d_lendians # Lendiens
title = d_lettigalians # Latgaliens
title = d_mali # Mandingues
title = d_muromians # Muromiens
title = d_myrmidons # Myrmidons
title = d_obotrites # Abodrites
title = d_optimatoi # Optimates
title = d_orkney # Orcades
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh # Hors-la-loi des Marais
title = d_papal_guards # Gardes papaux
title = d_persian_caravan_guards # Gardes de caravane
title = d_pruthenians # Pruth�niens
title = d_severians # S�v�rianes
title = d_sky_lords # Seigneurs du Ciel
title = d_sons_kaleva # Fils de Kaleva
title = d_sorbs # Sorabes
title = d_spirit_guardians # Gardiens des Esprits
title = d_turkic_guard # Gardes turciques
title = d_vlachs # Valaques
title = d_warriors_perun # Guerriers de P�roun
title = d_western_isles # H�brides
title = d_zealots # Z�lotes
title = d_zemigalians # Zemigaliens
title = d_zun_warriors # Chevaliers du Soleil
title = e_pirates # Pirates
title = e_rebels # Rebelles
title = e_timurids # Timourides
title = k_al-murabitids # Al-Mourabitides
title = k_almohad # Almohades
title = k_asturias # Asturies
title = k_cuman # Coumans
title = k_fatimids # Fatimides
title = k_hammadid # Hammadides
title = k_ottoman # Ottomans
title = k_papacy # �tats pontificaux
title = k_pechenegs # Petch�n�gues
title = k_turkestan # Oghouzes
title = k_zirid # Zirides
title = k_ziyanids # Ziyanides
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_african_massive # Arm�e ton-tigi
title = d_african_mid # Infanterie k�l�-koun
title = d_army_light # Arm�e de Lumi�re
title = d_aztec_reformed # �glise azt�que
title = d_han_massive # Arm�e du Dragon
title = d_knights_calatrava # Ordre de Calatrava
title = d_knights_hospitaler # Ordre hospitalier
title = d_knights_santiago # Ordre de Santiago
title = d_knights_templar # Ordre du Temple
title = d_livonian_order # Ordre de Livonie
title = d_manichean # �glise manich�enne
title = d_saint_addai # Ordre de saint Thadd�e
title = d_saint_anthony # Ordre de Saint Antoine
title = d_slavic_pagan_reformed # �glise slave
title = d_teutonic_order # Ordre teutonique
title = d_zoroastrian # �glise zoroastrienne
title = d_zun_pagan_reformed # �glise de Zun
title = e_arabia # Empire arabe
title = e_bengal # Empire bengalais
title = e_byzantium # Empire byzantin
title = e_deccan # Empire Deccan
title = e_latin_empire # Empire latin
title = e_lechczechrus # Union slave
title = e_mexikha # Empire azt�que
title = e_mongol_empire # Empire mongol
title = e_nicaea # Empire de Nic�e
title = e_persia # Empire perse
title = e_roman_empire # Empire romain
title = e_seljuk_turks # Empire seldjouk
title = e_wendish_empire # Empire wende
title = k_teutonic_state # �tat teutonique
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_

defined_text = { #2018.10.01
name = Get_only_le_Realm
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
is_random_world = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_amman# Bahre�n
title = d_benevento# B�n�vent
title = d_berry# Berry
title = d_bhutan# Bhoutan
title = d_bourbon# Bourbon
title = d_brabant# Brabant
title = d_brandenburg# Brandebourg
title = d_cairo# Caire
title = d_cumberland# Cumberland
title = d_danes# Danemark
title = d_dauphine# Dauphin�
title = d_finnmark# Finnmark
title = d_ghana# Ghana
title = d_gotland# Gotland
title = d_herat# H�rat
title = d_huitzilopochtli# Culte de Huitzilopochtli
title = d_hurufi# Cheikat hurufite
title = d_ibadi# Califat ibadite
title = d_iconoclast# Patriarcat iconoclaste
title = d_kabul# Kaboulistan
title = d_kashmir# Kashmir
title = d_kathmandu# Katmandou
title = d_kermanshah# Kermanshah
title = d_khangai# Khanga�
title = d_kharijite# Califat kharidjite
title = d_khorasan# Khorassan
title = d_khotan# Hotan
title = d_khozistan# Khouzistan
title = d_kurdistan# Kurdistan
title = d_lancaster# Lancastre
title = d_latium# Latium
title = d_lothian# Lothian
title = d_luristan# Loristan
title = d_luxembourg# Luxembourg
title = d_mazandaran# Tabaristan
title = d_mecklemburg# Mecklenbourg
title = d_medina# Hedjaz
title = d_monothelite# Patriarcat monoth�lite
title = d_nefoud# Nefoud
title = d_nestorian# Patriarcat d'Orient
title = d_norse_pagan_reformed# Fylkirat
title = d_northumberland# Northumberland
title = d_pamir# Pamir
title = d_paulician# Patriarcat paulicien
title = d_poitou# Poitou
title = d_purang# Purang
title = d_ryazan# Ryazan
title = d_shiite# Califat chiite
title = d_sunni# Califat sunnite
title = d_tengri_pagan_reformed# Temple du Ciel
title = d_the_isles# Man
title = d_tyrol# Tyrol
title = d_yazidi# Cheikat y�zidi
title = d_zabulistan# Zaboulistan
title = e_chagatai# Tchaghata�
title = e_china_west_governor# Protectorat des R�gions de
title = e_hre# Saint-Empire romain
title = e_maghreb# Maghreb
title = e_mali# Mali
title = e_rajastan# Rajasthan
title = e_shiite# Califat Chiite
title = e_sunni# Califat Sunnite
title = e_tibet# Tibet
title = k_afghanistan# Kaboulistan
title = k_bengal# Bengale
title = k_beni_helal# B�ni Helal
title = k_candar# Candar
title = k_denmark# Danemark
title = k_ghana# Ghana
title = k_gujarat# Gujarat
title = k_hellenic_pagan# Collegium Pontificum
title = k_kafsid# Kafside
title = k_kashmir# Kashmir
title = k_kham# Kham
title = k_khorasan# Khorassan
title = k_khotan# Hotan
title = k_magyar# Magyar
title = k_mali# Mali
title = k_mauretania# Maghreb
title = k_nepal# N�pal
title = k_orthodox# Patriarcat oecum�nique
title = k_portugal# Portugal
title = k_punjab# Pendjab
title = k_saruhan# Saruhan
title = k_wales# Pays de Galles
title = k_xixia# Xia
title = k_yemen# Y�men
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abyssinian_band# Bande arm�e d'Abyssinie
title = d_african_low # Bande de l'Hippopotame
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # Bande mandekalu
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # Compagnie haoussa
title = d_african_tiny # Compagnie du Crocodile
title = d_alan_band# Bande de cavaliers alains
title = d_armenia_minor# Cilicie
title = d_baltic_pagan_reformed# Congr�gation romuvienne
title = d_bavaria# Bavi�re
title = d_bektashi# Confr�rie bektachie
title = d_bengal_band# Bande arm�e bengalaise
title = d_bengal_company# Compagnie du Bengale
title = d_bjarmia# Biarmie
title = d_bodpa_low# Bande b�dpa
title = d_bohemia# Boh�me
title = d_bon_reformed# Hi�rarchie b�n sacr�e
title = d_bordeaux# Guyenne
title = d_bosnia# Bosnie
title = d_breton_band# Bande arm�e bretonne
title = d_breton_company# Compagnie bretonne
title = d_brittany# Bretagne
title = d_bulgarian_band# Bande arm�e bulgare
title = d_bulgarian_company# Compagnie bulgare
title = d_burgundy# Bourgogne
title = d_calabria# Calabre
title = d_campania# Campanie
title = d_carinthia# Carinthie
title = d_carniola# Carniole
title = d_caspian_steppe# Steppe pontique
title = d_castilla# Castille
title = d_catalan_band# Bande arm�e catalane
title = d_catalan_company# Compagnie catalane
title = d_catalonia# Catalogne
title = d_chaldea# Chald�e
title = d_champagne# Champagne
title = d_cibyrrhaeot# Cibyrrh�e
title = d_coloneia# Colon�e
title = d_company_of_st_george# Compagnie de Saint-Georges
title = d_corsica# Corse
title = d_crimea# Crim�e
title = d_croatia# Croatie
title = d_cuman_band# Bande arm�e coumane
title = d_cuman_company# Compagnie coumane
title = d_cyrenaica# Cyr�na�que
title = d_dioclea# Diocl�e
title = d_dorostotum# Silistra
title = d_finland# Finlande
title = d_finnish_band# Bande arm�e finnoise
title = d_franconia# Franconie
title = d_fraticelli# Papaut� fraticelle
title = d_frisian_navy# Flotte de cogues de la mer du Nord
title = d_galatia# Galatie
title = d_galicia# Galice
title = d_galilee# Galil�e
title = d_genoese_navy# Flotte de gal�res liguriennes
title = d_ghanan_band# Bande arm�e ghan�enne
title = d_ghilman# Bande de ghulams
title = d_granada# Grenade
title = d_great_company# Grande Compagnie
title = d_greater_poland# Grande-Pologne
title = d_han_large# Compagnie du Ph�nix
title = d_han_low# Bande de la Grue
title = d_han_mid# Compagnie du Qilin
title = d_han_mid_low# Compagnie de la Tortue
title = d_han_tiny_1# Bande de la Pivoine
title = d_han_tiny_2# Bande de l'Orchid�e
title = d_hanseatic_navy# Flotte de cogues de la Baltique
title = d_hereford# Mercie
title = d_holland# Hollande
title = d_holy_sepulchre# Confr�rie du Saint-S�pulcre
title = d_irish_band# Bande arm�e irlandaise
title = d_jewish# Grande Pr�trise juive
title = d_jurchen_band# Bande jurchen
title = d_kabylia# Kabylie
title = d_karelia# Car�lie
title = d_khiva# Khiva
title = d_kiev# Kiev
title = d_krakow# Cracovie
title = d_krete# Cr�te
title = d_kuyavia# Cujavie
title = d_laodikeia# Laodic�e
title = d_lappish_band# Bande arm�e sami
title = d_lesser_poland# Petite-Pologne
title = d_lithuanian_band# Bande arm�e lituanienne
title = d_lithuanians# Lithuanie
title = d_little_hat_company# Compagnie du Chapeau
title = d_livonia# Livonie
title = d_loire# Haute-Bretagne
title = d_lombard_band# Bande arm�e lombarde
title = d_lower_lorraine# Basse-Lorraine
title = d_lykia# Lycie
title = d_maghreb_corsairs# Marine barbaresque
title = d_mamluks# Compagnie mamelouk
title = d_marathi_band# Bande arm�e marathi
title = d_marathi_company# Compagnie marathi
title = d_mazovia# Mazovie
title = d_mesopotamia# M�sopotamie
title = d_miaphysite# Papaut� miaphysite
title = d_moldau# Moldavie
title = d_monophysite# Papaut� monophysite
title = d_moravia# Moravie
title = d_mordvins# Mordovie
title = d_murcia# Murcie
title = d_navarra# Navarre
title = d_navarrese_company# Compagnie navarraise
title = d_nikomedeia# Nicom�die
title = d_nobatia# Nobatie
title = d_normandy# Normandie
title = d_nubia# Makourie
title = d_nubian_band# Bande arm�e nubienne
title = d_paphlagonia# Paphlagonie
title = d_pecheneg_band# Bande arm�e petch�n�gue
title = d_pecheneg_company# Compagnie petch�n�gue
title = d_pomeralia# Pom�ralie
title = d_pommerania# Pom�ranie
title = d_provence# Provence
title = d_prussia# Prusse
title = d_rajput_band# Bande arm�e rajput
title = d_rajput_company# Compagnie rajput
title = d_romagna# Romagne
title = d_rose_company# Compagnie de la Rose
title = d_rus_band# Bande arm�e russe
title = d_rus_company# Compagnie russe
title = d_salamanca# Salamanque
title = d_sapmi# Laponie
title = d_sardinia# Sardaigne
title = d_sardinian_band# Bande sarde
title = d_sardinian_company# Compagnie sarde
title = d_savoie# Savoie
title = d_saxon_band# Bande arm�e saxonne
title = d_saxony# Saxe
title = d_scottish_band# Bande arm�e �cossaise
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company# Compagnie b�douine
title = d_shiite_berber_company# Compagnie touareg
title = d_shiite_cuman_company# Compagnie des steppes
title = d_shiite_turkic_company# Compagnie turkomane
title = d_sicily# Sicile
title = d_silesia# Sil�sie
title = d_silk_road_sentinels# Sentinelle de la Route de la
title = d_skane# Scanie
title = d_slavonia# Slavonie
title = d_slovakia# Slovaquie
title = d_spoleto# Spol�te
title = d_star_company# Compagnie de l'�toile
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company# Compagnie arabe
title = d_sunni_berber_company# Compagnie berb�re
title = d_sunni_cuman_company# Compagnie khazar
title = d_sunni_turkic_company# Compagnie turcm�ne
title = d_swabia# Souabe
title = d_swiss# Suisse
title = d_swiss_band# Bande arm�e suisse
title = d_swiss_company# Compagnie suisse
title = d_tamil_band# Bande arm�e tamoule
title = d_tangut_low# Bande tangoute
title = d_thessalonika# Thessalonique
title = d_thrace# Thrace
title = d_thracesia# Thrac�sie
title = d_thuringia# Thuringe
title = d_toscana# Toscane
title = d_transylvania# Transylvanie
title = d_treasure_fleet# Flotte des Tr�sors
title = d_tripolitania# Tripolitaine
title = d_turkic_band# Bande arm�e turcique
title = d_turkic_company# Compagnie turcique
title = d_turnovo# Mo�sie
title = d_upper_burgundy# Transjuranie
title = d_upper_lorraine# Haute-Lorraine
title = d_varangian_guard# Garde var�gue
title = d_vastergotland# Westrogothie
title = d_venetian_navy# Flotte de gal�res de l'Adriatique
title = d_victual_brothers# Bande des fr�res vitaliens
title = d_volga# Volga
title = d_volhynia# Volhynie
title = d_wallachia# Munt�nie
title = d_west_african_pagan_reformed# Congr�gation
title = d_white_company# Compagnie Blanche
title = d_zaragoza# Saragosse
title = e_britannia# Grande-Bretagne
title = e_carpathia# Carpathie
title = e_france# France
title = e_germany# Germanie
title = e_golden_horde# Horde d'Or
title = e_russia# Russie
title = e_scandinavia# Scandinavie
title = e_tartaria# Tartarie
title = k_bavaria# Bavi�re
title = k_bohemia# Boh�me
title = k_bosnia# Bosnie
title = k_brittany# Bretagne
title = k_bulgaria# Bulgarie
title = k_burgundy# Bourgogne
title = k_byzantium# Gr�ce
title = k_castille# Castille
title = k_croatia# Croatie
title = k_cyprus# Chypre
title = k_dacia# Valachie
title = k_finland# Finlande
title = k_georgia# G�orgie
title = k_germany# Germanie
title = k_hungary# Hongrie
title = k_karaman# Karamanie
title = k_khazaria# Khazarie
title = k_khiva# Transoxiane
title = k_lithuania# Lithuanie
title = k_lombardy# Lombardie
title = k_lotharingia# Francie m�diane
title = k_mongolia# Mongolie
title = k_moravia# Grande Moravie
title = k_navarra# Navarre
title = k_nenets # N�n�tsie
title = k_norway# Norv�ge
title = k_nubia# Nubie
title = k_papal_state# Papaut�
title = k_persia# Perse
title = k_poland# Pologne
title = k_pomerania# Pom�ranie
title = k_rum# Roum
title = k_ruthenia# Ruth�nie
title = k_sapmi# Laponie
title = k_sardinia# Sardaigne et Corse
title = k_saxon# Saxe
title = k_saxony# Saxe
title = k_serbia# Serbie
title = k_sicily# Sicile
title = k_spanish_galicia# Galice
title = k_sweden# Su�de
title = k_switzerland# Conf�d�ration suisse
title = k_syria# Syrie
title = k_trebizond# Tr�bizonde
title = k_trinacria# Trinacrie
title = k_volga_bulgaria# Bulgarie de la Volga
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abakan# Abakan
title = d_abkhazia# Abkhazie
title = d_abydos# Abydos
title = d_achaia# Acha�e
title = d_adrar# Adrar
title = d_adrianopolis# Andrinople
title = d_afar# Afar
title = d_african_massive # Arm�e ton-tigi
title = d_african_mid # Infanterie k�l�-koun
title = d_agder# Agder
title = d_air# Air
title = d_ajmer# Ajmer
title = d_akara_dasarna# Akara-Dasarna
title = d_alania# Alanie
title = d_albany# Alba
title = d_aleppo# Alep
title = d_algarve# Algarve
title = d_alger# Alger
title = d_alsace# Alsace
title = d_altay# Alta�
title = d_amalfi# Amalfi
title = d_anartta# Anartta
title = d_anatolia# Anatolie
title = d_ancona# Anc�ne
title = d_angria# Angrie
title = d_anjou# Anjou
title = d_antioch# Antioche
title = d_anupa# Anupa
title = d_apulia# Apulie
title = d_aqtobe# Aktioub�
title = d_aquitaine# Aquitaine
title = d_arabia_felix# Arabie Heureuse
title = d_arabia_petrae# Arabie p�tr�e
title = d_aragon# Aragon
title = d_armenia# Arm�nie
title = d_armeniacon# Arm�niakon
title = d_army_light# Arm�e de Lumi�re
title = d_ascalon# Ascalon
title = d_aswan# Assouan
title = d_atyrau# Atyraou
title = d_auvergne# Auvergne
title = d_axum# Aksoum
title = d_azerbaijan# Azerba�djan
title = d_azov# Azov
title = d_aztec_reformed# �glise azt�que
title = d_bedford# Essex
title = d_dadhipadra# Avanti
title = d_edessa# �desse
title = d_el-arish# El Arish
title = d_el_rif# El Rif
title = d_emba# Emba
title = d_epirus# �pire
title = d_erzerum# Erzurum
title = d_esfahan# Ispahan
title = d_esthonia# Estonie
title = d_esztergom# Esztergom
title = d_han_massive# Arm�e du Dragon
title = d_iceland# Islande
title = d_ikh_bogd# Ikh Bogd
title = d_ili# Ili
title = d_irtysh# Irtysh
title = d_ishim# Ishim
title = d_itil# Itil
title = d_jazira# Alg�siras
title = d_knights_calatrava# Ordre de Calatrava
title = d_knights_hospitaler# Ordre hospitalier
title = d_knights_santiago# Ordre de Santiago
title = d_knights_templar# Ordre du Temple
title = d_livonian_order# Ordre de Livonie
title = d_manichean# �glise manich�enne
title = d_nikaea# Opsikion
title = d_norfolk# East Anglia
title = d_ob# Ob
title = d_ohrid# Ohrid
title = d_oltenia# Olt�nie
title = d_om# Om
title = d_oman# Oman
title = d_oppland# Oppland
title = d_ostergotland# Ostrogothie
title = d_osterreich# Autriche
AND = {
title = d_ostrobothnia # Ostrobotnie
NOR = {
culture = finnish # Pohjanmaa
culture = lappish # Pohjanmaa
culture = ugricbaltic # Pohjanmaa
title = d_oultrejourdain# Outre-Jourdain
title = d_oxford# Oxford
title = d_saint_addai# Ordre de saint Thadd�e
title = d_saint_anthony# Ordre de Saint Antoine
title = d_sennar# Alodie
title = d_slavic_pagan_reformed# �glise slave
title = d_teutonic_order# Ordre teutonique
title = d_turkestan# Aral
title = d_ubagan# Oubagan
title = d_udayagiri# Udayagiri
title = d_ulster# Ulster
title = d_ungvar# Ungvar
title = d_uppland# Uppland
title = d_ural# Oural
title = d_usturt# Oust-Ourt
title = d_uttaranchal# Uttaranchal
title = d_uvs# Uvs
title = d_wadai# Ouadda�
title = d_wild_fields# Etelk�z
title = d_york# York
title = d_zoroastrian# �glise zoroastrienne
title = d_zun_pagan_reformed# �glise de Zun
title = e_abyssinia# Abyssinie
title = e_arabia# Empire arabe
title = e_bengal# Empire bengalais
title = e_byzantium# Empire byzantin
title = e_deccan# Empire Deccan
title = e_il-khanate# Ilkhanat
title = e_india# Inde
title = e_italy# Italie
title = e_latin_empire# Empire latin
title = e_lechczechrus# Union slave
title = e_mexikha# Empire azt�que
title = e_mongol_empire# Empire mongol
title = e_nicaea# Empire de Nic�e
title = e_outremer# Outremer
title = e_persia# Empire perse
title = e_roman_empire# Empire romain
title = e_seljuk_turks# Empire seldjouk
title = e_spain# Hispanie
title = e_wendish_empire# Empire wende
title = k_abyssinia# Abyssinie
title = k_africa# Ifriqiya
title = k_alania# Alanie
title = k_amalfi# Amalfi
title = k_anatolia# Anatolie
title = k_andalusia# Andalousie
title = k_andhra# Andhra
title = k_antioch# Antioche
title = k_aquitaine# Aquitaine
title = k_arabia# Arabie
title = k_aragon# Aragon
title = k_armenia# Arm�nie
title = k_austria# Autriche
title = k_avaria# Avarie
title = k_aydin# Aydin
title = k_eastern_marches# Autriche
title = k_egypt# �gypte
title = k_england# Angleterre
title = k_epirus# �pire
title = k_eretnid# �retnide
title = k_estonia# Estonie
title = k_iraq# Irak
title = k_ireland# Irlande
title = k_israel# Isra�l
title = k_italy# Italie
title = k_mesopotamia# Al-Jaz�ra
title = k_orissa# Orissa
title = k_scotland# �cosse
title = k_teutonic_state# �tat teutonique
title = k_yarlung# �-Tsang
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abbasid# Abbassides
title = d_abruzzo# Abruzzes
title = d_aegean_islands# �les Eg�es
title = d_african_large # Cavaliers mandekalu
title = d_arabs# Arabes
title = d_ashokas_chosen# �lus d'Ashoka
title = d_assassin# Assassins
title = d_asturias# Asturies
title = d_balearic# Bal�ares
title = d_bucellarian# Bucellaires
title = d_bulls_rishabha# Taureaux de Rishabhanatha
title = d_cherven_cities# Cit�s de Tcherven
title = d_chosen_perkunas# �lus de Perkunas
title = d_cornwall# Cornouailles
title = d_dralhas_children# Enfants de Dralha
title = d_estonia# Estoniens
title = d_finnish_pagan_reformed# Bois sacr�s
title = d_flanders# Flandres
title = d_followers_arjuna# Adeptes d'Arjuna
title = d_han_junks# Jonques des Han
title = d_ilmenians# Ilm�niens
title = d_immortals# Immortels
title = d_ingers# Ingriens
title = d_jomsvikings# Jomsvikings
title = d_jurchen_corsairs# Corsaires jurchen
title = d_kajaneborg # Kv�nes
title = d_khazars# Khazars
title = d_kryvians# Kryviens
title = d_lendians# Lendiens
title = d_lettigalians# Latgaliens
title = d_mali# Mandingues
title = d_muromians# Muromiens
title = d_myrmidons# Myrmidons
title = d_obotrites# Abodrites
title = d_optimatoi# Optimates
title = d_orkney# Orcades
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh# Hors-la-loi des Marais
title = d_papal_guards# Gardes papaux
title = d_persian_caravan_guards# Gardes de caravane perses
title = d_pruthenians# Pruth�niens
title = d_severians# S�v�rianes
title = d_sky_lords# Seigneurs du Ciel
title = d_sons_kaleva# Fils de Kaleva
title = d_sorbs# Sorabes
title = d_spirit_guardians# Gardiens des Esprits
title = d_turkic_guard# Gardes turciques
title = d_vlachs# Valaques
title = d_warriors_perun# Guerriers de P�roun
title = d_western_isles# H�brides
title = d_zealots# Z�lotes
title = d_zemigalians# Zemigaliens
title = d_zun_warriors# Chevaliers du Soleil
title = e_pirates# Pirates
title = e_rebels# Rebelles
title = e_timurids# Timourides
title = k_al-murabitids# Al-Mourabitides
title = k_almohad# Almohades
title = k_asturias# Asturies
title = k_cuman# Coumans
title = k_fatimids# Fatimides
title = k_hammadid# Hammadides
title = k_ottoman# Ottomans
title = k_papacy# �tats pontificaux
title = k_pechenegs# Petch�n�gues
title = k_turkestan# Oghouzes
title = k_zirid# Zirides
title = k_ziyanids# Ziyanides
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = ""

defined_text = { #2018.10.01
name = Get_only_en_Realm
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_en_
trigger = {
is_random_world = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_huitzilopochtli # Culte de Huitzilopochtli
title = d_hurufi # Cheikat hurufite
title = d_ibadi # Califat ibadite
title = d_iconoclast # Patriarcat iconoclaste
title = d_kharijite # Califat kharidjite
title = d_monothelite # Patriarcat monoth�lite
title = d_nestorian # Patriarcat d'Orient
title = d_norse_pagan_reformed # Fylkirat
title = d_paulician # Patriarcat paulicien
title = d_shiite # Califat chiite
title = d_sunni # Califat sunnite
title = d_tengri_pagan_reformed # Temple du Ciel
title = d_yazidi # Cheikat y�zidi
title = e_china_west_governor # Protectorat des R�gions de
title = e_hre # Saint-Empire romain
title = e_shiite # Califat Chiite
title = e_sunni # Califat Sunnite
title = k_hellenic_pagan # Collegium Pontificum
title = k_orthodox # Patriarcat oecum�nique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abyssinian_band # Bande arm�e d'Abyssinie
title = d_african_low # Bande de l'Hippopotame
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # Bande mandekalu
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # Compagnie haoussa
title = d_african_tiny # Compagnie du Crocodile
title = d_alan_band # Bande de cavaliers alains
title = d_baltic_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation romuvienne
title = d_bektashi # Confr�rie bektachie
title = d_bengal_band # Bande arm�e bengalaise
title = d_bengal_company # Compagnie du Bengale
title = d_bodpa_low # Bande b�dpa
title = d_bon_reformed # Hi�rarchie b�n sacr�e
title = d_breton_band # Bande arm�e bretonne
title = d_breton_company # Compagnie bretonne
title = d_bulgarian_band # Bande arm�e bulgare
title = d_bulgarian_company # Compagnie bulgare
title = d_caspian_steppe # Steppe pontique
title = d_catalan_band # Bande arm�e catalane
title = d_catalan_company # Compagnie catalane
title = d_company_of_st_george # Compagnie de Saint-Georges
title = d_cuman_band # Bande arm�e coumane
title = d_cuman_company # Compagnie coumane
title = d_finnish_band # Bande arm�e finnoise
title = d_fraticelli # Papaut� fraticelle
title = d_frisian_navy # Flotte de cogues de la mer du Nord
title = d_genoese_navy # Flotte de gal�res liguriennes
title = d_ghanan_band # Bande arm�e ghan�enne
title = d_ghilman # Bande de ghulams
title = d_han_large # Compagnie du Ph�nix
title = d_han_low # Bande de la Grue
title = d_han_mid # Compagnie du Qilin
title = d_han_mid_low # Compagnie de la Tortue
title = d_han_tiny_1 # Bande de la Pivoine
title = d_han_tiny_2 # Bande de l'Orchid�e
title = d_hanseatic_navy # Flotte de cogues de la Baltique
title = d_holy_sepulchre # Confr�rie du Saint-S�pulcre
title = d_irish_band # Bande arm�e irlandaise
title = d_jewish # Grande Pr�trise juive
title = d_jurchen_band # Bande jurchen
title = d_lappish_band # Bande arm�e sami
title = d_lithuanian_band # Bande arm�e lituanienne
title = d_little_hat_company # Compagnie du Chapeau
title = d_lombard_band # Bande arm�e lombarde
title = d_mamluks # Compagnie mamelouk
title = d_marathi_band # Bande arm�e marathi
title = d_marathi_company # Compagnie marathi
title = d_miaphysite # Papaut� miaphysite
title = d_monophysite # Papaut� monophysite
title = d_navarrese_company # Compagnie navarraise
title = d_nubian_band # Bande arm�e nubienne
title = d_pecheneg_band # Bande arm�e petch�n�gue
title = d_pecheneg_company # Compagnie petch�n�gue
title = d_rajput_band # Bande arm�e rajput
title = d_rajput_company # Compagnie rajput
title = d_rose_company # Compagnie de la Rose
title = d_rus_band # Bande arm�e russe
title = d_rus_company # Compagnie russe
title = d_sardinian_band # Bande sarde
title = d_sardinian_company # Compagnie sarde
title = d_saxon_band # Bande arm�e saxonne
title = d_scottish_band # Bande arm�e �cossaise
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company # Compagnie b�douine
title = d_shiite_berber_company # Compagnie touareg
title = d_shiite_cuman_company # Compagnie des steppes
title = d_shiite_turkic_company # Compagnie turkomane
title = d_silk_road_sentinels # Sentinelle de la Route de
la Soie
title = d_star_company # Compagnie de l'�toile
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company # Compagnie arabe
title = d_sunni_berber_company # Compagnie berb�re
title = d_sunni_cuman_company # Compagnie khazar
title = d_sunni_turkic_company # Compagnie turcm�ne
title = d_swiss_band # Bande arm�e suisse
title = d_swiss_company # Compagnie suisse
title = d_tamil_band # Bande arm�e tamoule
title = d_tangut_low # Bande tangoute
title = d_treasure_fleet # Flotte des Tr�sors
title = d_turkic_band # Bande arm�e turcique
title = d_turkic_company # Compagnie turcique
title = d_varangian_guard # Garde var�gue
title = d_venetian_navy # Flotte de gal�res de l'Adriatique
title = d_victual_brothers # Bande des fr�res vitaliens
title = d_west_african_pagan_reformed # Congr�gation
title = d_white_company # Compagnie Blanche
title = e_golden_horde # Horde d'Or
title = e_pontic_steppe # Steppe Pontique
title = k_papal_state # Papaut�
title = k_switzerland # Conf�d�ration suisse
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_l
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_african_massive # Arm�e ton-tigi
title = d_african_mid # Infanterie k�l�-koun
title = d_army_light # Arm�e de Lumi�re
title = d_aztec_reformed # �glise azt�que
title = d_han_massive # Arm�e du Dragon
title = d_knights_calatrava # Ordre de Calatrava
title = d_knights_hospitaler # Ordre hospitalier
title = d_knights_santiago # Ordre de Santiago
title = d_knights_templar # Ordre du Temple
title = d_livonian_order # Ordre de Livonie
title = d_manichean # �glise manich�enne
title = d_saint_addai # Ordre de saint Thadd�e
title = d_saint_anthony # Ordre de Saint Antoine
title = d_slavic_pagan_reformed # �glise slave
title = d_teutonic_order # Ordre teutonique
title = d_zoroastrian # �glise zoroastrienne
title = d_zun_pagan_reformed # �glise de Zun
title = e_arabia # Empire arabe
title = e_bengal # Empire bengalais
title = e_byzantium # Empire byzantin
title = e_deccan # Empire Deccan
title = e_latin_empire # Empire latin
title = e_mexikha # Empire azt�que
title = e_mongol_empire # Empire mongol
title = e_nicaea # Empire de Nic�e
title = e_persia # Empire perse
title = e_roman_empire # Empire romain
title = e_seljuk_turks # Empire seldjouk
title = e_wendish_empire # Empire wende
title = k_teutonic_state # �tat teutonique
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_dans_les_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abruzzo # Abruzzes
title = d_aegean_islands # �les Eg�es
title = d_asturias # Asturies
title = d_balearic # Bal�ares
title = d_bucellarian # Bucellaires
title = d_cherven_cities # Cit�s de Tcherven
title = d_cornwall # Cornouailles
title = d_finnish_pagan_reformed # Bois sacr�s
title = d_flanders # Flandres
title = d_orkney # Orcades
title = k_asturias # Asturies
title = k_papacy # �tats pontificaux
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_chez_les_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_abbasid # Abbassides
title = d_african_large # Cavaliers mandekalu
title = d_arabs # Arabes
title = d_ashokas_chosen # �lus d'Ashoka
title = d_assassin # Assassins
title = d_bulls_rishabha # Taureaux de Rishabhanatha
title = d_chosen_perkunas # �lus de Perkunas
title = d_dralhas_children # Enfants de Dralha
title = d_estonia # Estoniens
title = d_followers_arjuna # Adeptes d'Arjuna
title = d_han_junks # Jonques des Han
title = d_ilmenians # Ilm�niens
title = d_immortals # Immortels
title = d_ingers # Ingriens
title = d_jomsvikings # Jomsvikings
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # Corsaires jurchen
title = d_kajaneborg # Kv�nes
title = d_khazars # Khazars
title = d_kryvians # Kryviens
title = d_lendians # Lendiens
title = d_lettigalians # Latgaliens
title = d_mali # Mandingues
title = d_muromians # Muromiens
title = d_myrmidons # Myrmidons
title = d_obotrites # Abodrites
title = d_optimatoi # Optimates
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh # Hors-la-loi des Marais
title = d_papal_guards # Gardes papaux
title = d_persian_caravan_guards # Gardes de caravane
title = d_pruthenians # Pruth�niens
title = d_severians # S�v�rianes
title = d_sky_lords # Seigneurs du Ciel
title = d_sons_kaleva # Fils de Kaleva
title = d_sorbs # Sorabes
title = d_spirit_guardians # Gardiens des Esprits
title = d_turkic_guard # Gardes turciques
title = d_vlachs # Valaques
title = d_warriors_perun # Guerriers de P�roun
title = d_western_isles # H�brides
title = d_zealots # Z�lotes
title = d_zemigalians # Zemigaliens
title = d_zun_warriors # Chevaliers du Soleil
title = e_pirates # Pirates
title = e_rebels # Rebelles
title = e_timurids # Timourides
title = k_al-murabitids # Al-Mourabitides
title = k_almohad # Almohades
title = k_cuman # Coumans
title = k_fatimids # Fatimides
title = k_hammadid # Hammadides
title = k_ottoman # Ottomans
title = k_pechenegs # Petch�n�gues
title = k_turkestan # Oghouzes
title = k_zirid # Zirides
title = k_ziyanids # Ziyanides
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
OR = {
title = d_amman # Bahre�n
title = d_benevento # B�n�vent
title = d_berry # Berry
title = d_bhutan # Bhoutan
title = d_bourbon # Bourbon
title = d_brabant # Brabant
title = d_brandenburg # Brandebourg
title = d_cairo # Caire
title = d_cumberland # Cumberland
title = d_danes # Danemark
title = d_dauphine # Dauphin�
title = d_finnmark # Finnmark
title = d_ghana # Ghana
title = d_gotland # Gotland
title = d_herat # H�rat
title = d_kabul # Kaboulistan
title = d_kashmir # Kashmir
title = d_kathmandu # Katmandou
title = d_kermanshah # Kermanshah
title = d_khangai # Khanga�
title = d_khorasan # Khorassan
title = d_khotan # Hotan
title = d_khozistan # Khouzistan
title = d_kurdistan # Kurdistan
title = d_lancaster # Lancastre
title = d_latium # Latium
title = d_lothian # Lothian
title = d_luristan # Loristan
title = d_luxembourg # Luxembourg
title = d_mazandaran # Tabaristan
title = d_mecklemburg # Mecklenbourg
title = d_medina # Hedjaz
title = d_nefoud # Nefoud
title = d_northumberland # Northumberland
title = d_pamir # Pamir
title = d_poitou # Poitou
title = d_purang # Purang
title = d_ryazan # Ryazan
title = d_the_isles # Man
title = d_tyrol # Tyrol
title = d_zabulistan # Zaboulistan
title = e_chagatai # Tchaghata�
title = e_maghreb # Maghreb
title = e_mali # Mali
title = e_rajastan # Rajasthan
title = e_tibet # Tibet
title = k_afghanistan # Kaboulistan
title = k_bengal # Bengale
title = k_beni_helal # B�ni Helal
title = k_candar # Candar
title = k_denmark # Danemark
title = k_ghana # Ghana
title = k_gujarat # Gujarat
title = k_kafsid # Kafside
title = k_kashmir # Kashmir
title = k_kham # Kham
title = k_khorasan # Khorassan
title = k_khotan # Hotan
title = k_magyar # Magyar
title = k_mali # Mali
title = k_mauretania # Maghreb
title = k_nepal # N�pal
title = k_portugal # Portugal
title = k_punjab # Pendjab
title = k_saruhan # Saruhan
title = k_wales # Pays de Galles
title = k_xixia # Xia
title = k_yemen # Y�men
title = k_swabia # Souabe
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_en_

defined_text = { # 2018.10.30
name = Get_only_du_Title
use_first_valid = yes
text = { # Titre temporaire non nomm� (en r�volte, aventurier, ordre sacr�)
localisation_key = String_FR_de_
trigger = {
primary_title = { temporary = yes }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
AND = { # Prince, Rajkumar, Shahzada, C�sar
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = no
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = DUKE } # non si le
conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # Kaiserin
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother
culture = german
AND = { # Princesse, Rajkumari, Shahdokht, Caesarina
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = yes
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { # non si le conjoint a un titre non
temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
primary_title = { temporary = no }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = {
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother # Imp�ratrice douairi�re
NOT = { culture = german } # Kaiseri
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = { # homme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = no
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = { # femme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = yes
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPH Calife
title = e_shiite # CALIPH Calife
title = d_papal_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_white_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_great_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_victual_brothers # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_varangian_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_saxon_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_finnish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lappish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lithuanian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_abyssinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_nubian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_scottish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_irish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_alan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_mamluks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_venetian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_genoese_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_hanseatic_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_frisian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_maghreb_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghilman # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghanan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_massive # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_large # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_1 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tangut_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bodpa_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_treasure_fleet # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_junks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tamil_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_persian_caravan_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_silk_road_sentinels # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_company_of_st_george # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_star_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_little_hat_company # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_rose_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_navarrese_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_lombard_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_bektashi # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = d_haruriyyah # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = d_hashshashin # GRANDHEADMASTER
title = d_knights_templar # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_hospitaler # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_immortals # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zealots # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_holy_sepulchre # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_anthony # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_addai # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_santiago # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_calatrava # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_followers_arjuna # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_ashokas_chosen # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_dralhas_children # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_bulls_rishabha # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zun_warriors # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_army_light # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_kola # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_curonian # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_estonia # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ingers # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kajaneborg # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kexholm # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sami # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lettigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_muromians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_pruthenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sames # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_satakunta # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_tavasts # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meryas # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_veps # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meshcheras # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_drevlians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_votes # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_zemigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lendians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kryvians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ilmenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_severians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_vyatichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_dregovichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_radimichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_glomacze # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sorbs # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_obotrites # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_huitzilopochtli # HIGHPRIEST Grand pr�tre
title = d_teutonic_order # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_teutonic_state # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_israel # KING Roi
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGOS Megastrategos
title = d_durham_palatine # PRINCE_BISHOP Prince-
title = k_antioch # principality_title Prince
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE Recteur
title = e_india # SAMRAT_CHAKRAVARTIN
title = d_jomsvikings # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sky_lords # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_spirit_guardians # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_warriors_perun # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_chosen_perkunas # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sons_kaleva # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_massive # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_large # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_low # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_tiny # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = e_china_west_governor # WESTERN_GOVERNOR_MALE
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = { title = k_austria } # archduchy_title Archiduc
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPHA Califa
title = e_shiite # CALIPHA Califa
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGISSA Megastrategissa
title = k_antioch # principality_title_female
title = k_israel # QUEEN Reine
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE_FEMALE Rectrice
title = e_india # SAMRAJNI_CHAKRAVARTIN Samrajni
title = e_china_west_governor #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = k_austria # archduchy_title_female
text = {
trigger = { # Doit �tre apr�s les titres sp�ciaux. Pour les "Bande
[culture]". Le capitaine n'a pas de titre nomm�
mercenary = yes
localisation_key = String_FR_de_
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # cultures pour lesquelles le titre n'est pas
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = spouse } }
# le conjoint n'a pas un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
spouse = { #... et n'est donc pas donn� au conjoint
AND = {
higher_real_tier_than = spouse # le conjoint a
un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
AND = { # N'a aucun titre foncier et l'�ventuel conjoint
non plus
is_landed = no
OR = {
spouse = { is_landed = no }
is_married = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = { # titres qui commencent par une voyelle
OR = {
has_nickname = nick_the_elder # Ancien
AND = { # gouvernements f�odaux
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group #
Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu, Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl # Huetlatoani,
culture_group = altaic # Khagan,
culture = german # Kaiser, Kaiserin
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar, Tsarine
culture_group = dravidian_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group = indo_aryan_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Shahanshah
culture_group = arabic #
is_female = no
AND = { # Exarque
tier = KING
culture_group = byzantine
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty = yes }
NOT = { spouse = { real_tier =
EMPEROR } } # conjoint de rang empereur avec un titre non temporaire
AND = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
liege = { culture_group = arabic }
# �mir �mira
culture_group = arabic # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
culture = sogdian
is_female = no
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= DUKE } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = { # Earl
real_tier = COUNT
is_female = no
OR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish # Earl
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
NOT = {
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than =
COUNT } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � comte
liege = {
NOR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish #
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
AND = {
real_tier = BARON
is_female = no
culture_group = iranian # Argbadh
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= BARON } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � baron
AND = { # conjoint f�odal donne le titre (si
rang inf�rieur)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = EMPEROR
spouse = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group
# Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu,
Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl #
Huetlatoani, Huetlatoani
culture_group = altaic #
Khagan, Khatoun
culture = german # Kaiser,
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar,
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish
# Padishah
culture_group =
iranian # Shahanshah
culture_group =
arabic # Badshah
is_female = yes
AND = { # conjoint (Exarque)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = KING
spouse = {
tier = KING
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty =
yes }
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group =
liege = { culture_group =
byzantine }
AND = { # conjoint (�mir �mira Ikhshide)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = DUKE
spouse = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
AND = { # �mir �mira
independent = yes
culture_group = arabic
liege = { culture_group =
arabic } # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
independent = yes
culture = sogdian
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
liege = { culture =
sogdian }
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
liege = { culture_group
= iranian }
AND = { # conjoint (Earl)
is_female = no
OR = {
is_ruler = no
tier = BARON
spouse = {
real_tier = COUNT
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
liege = {
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
AND = { # conjoint (Argbadh)
is_ruler = no
is_female = no
spouse = {
real_tier = BARON
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
liege = { culture_group =
iranian }
AND = { # gouvernements th�ocratiques
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice
is_female = yes
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = EMPEROR
AND = { # Archipr�tre, Archipr�tresse
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = DUKE
AND = { # Ayatollah
is_female = no
religion = shiite
tier = COUNT
AND = { # �v�que
religion_group = christian
tier = BARON
NOT = {
has_minor_title = title_cardinal
has_minor_title =
AND = { # Ervad
religion = zoroastrian
tier = BARON
AND = { # gouvernements tribaux
is_tribal = yes
primary_title = { temporary = no }
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice (femme tribale rang
empereur non temporaire)
is_female = yes
tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group = dravidian_group
culture_group = indo_aryan_group
culture = russian
AND = { # conjoint empereur tribal non
temporaire donne son titre
spouse = {
is_female = no
real_tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group =
culture_group =
culture = russian
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = { # 2018.10.30
name = Get_only_le_Title
use_first_valid = yes
text = { # Titre temporaire non nomm� (en r�volte, aventurier, ordre sacr�)
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
primary_title = { temporary = yes }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
AND = { # Prince, Rajkumar, Shahzada, C�sar
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = no
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = DUKE } # non si le
conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # Kaiserin
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother
culture = german
AND = { # Princesse, Rajkumari, Shahdokht, Caesarina
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = yes
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { # non si le conjoint a un titre non
temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
primary_title = { temporary = no }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother # Imp�ratrice douairi�re
NOT = { culture = german } # Kaiseri
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = { # homme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = no
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = { # femme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = yes
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPH Calife
title = e_shiite # CALIPH Calife
title = d_papal_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_white_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_great_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_victual_brothers # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_varangian_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_saxon_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_finnish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lappish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lithuanian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_abyssinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_nubian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_scottish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_irish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_alan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_mamluks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_venetian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_genoese_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_hanseatic_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_frisian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_maghreb_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghilman # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghanan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_massive # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_large # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_1 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tangut_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bodpa_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_treasure_fleet # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_junks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tamil_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_persian_caravan_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_silk_road_sentinels # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_company_of_st_george # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_star_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_little_hat_company # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_rose_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_navarrese_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_lombard_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_bektashi # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = d_haruriyyah # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = d_hashshashin # GRANDHEADMASTER
title = d_knights_templar # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_hospitaler # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_immortals # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zealots # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_holy_sepulchre # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_anthony # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_addai # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_santiago # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_calatrava # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_followers_arjuna # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_ashokas_chosen # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_dralhas_children # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_bulls_rishabha # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zun_warriors # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_army_light # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_kola # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_curonian # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_estonia # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ingers # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kajaneborg # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kexholm # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sami # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lettigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_muromians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_pruthenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sames # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_satakunta # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_tavasts # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meryas # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_veps # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meshcheras # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_drevlians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_votes # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_zemigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lendians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kryvians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ilmenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_severians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_vyatichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_dregovichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_radimichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_glomacze # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sorbs # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_obotrites # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_huitzilopochtli # HIGHPRIEST Grand pr�tre
title = d_teutonic_order # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_teutonic_state # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_israel # KING Roi
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGOS Megastrategos
title = d_durham_palatine # PRINCE_BISHOP Prince-
title = k_antioch # principality_title Prince
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE Recteur
title = e_india # SAMRAT_CHAKRAVARTIN
title = d_jomsvikings # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sky_lords # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_spirit_guardians # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_warriors_perun # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_chosen_perkunas # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sons_kaleva # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_massive # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_large # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_low # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_tiny # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = e_china_west_governor # WESTERN_GOVERNOR_MALE
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = { title = k_austria } # archduchy_title Archiduc
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPHA Califa
title = e_shiite # CALIPHA Califa
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGISSA Megastrategissa
title = k_antioch # principality_title_female
title = k_israel # QUEEN Reine
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE_FEMALE Rectrice
title = e_india # SAMRAJNI_CHAKRAVARTIN Samrajni
title = e_china_west_governor #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = k_austria # archduchy_title_female
text = {
trigger = { # Doit �tre apr�s les titres sp�ciaux. Pour les "Bande
[culture]". Le capitaine n'a pas de titre nomm�
mercenary = yes
localisation_key = ""
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # cultures pour lesquelles le titre n'est pas
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = spouse } }
# le conjoint n'a pas un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
spouse = { #... et n'est donc pas donn� au conjoint
AND = {
higher_real_tier_than = spouse # le conjoint a
un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
AND = { # N'a aucun titre foncier et l'�ventuel conjoint
non plus
is_landed = no
OR = {
spouse = { is_landed = no }
is_married = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = { # titres qui commencent par une voyelle
OR = {
has_nickname = nick_the_elder # Ancien
AND = { # gouvernements f�odaux
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group #
Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu, Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl # Huetlatoani,
culture_group = altaic # Khagan,
culture = german # Kaiser, Kaiserin
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar, Tsarine
culture_group = dravidian_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group = indo_aryan_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Shahanshah
culture_group = arabic #
is_female = no
AND = { # Exarque
tier = KING
culture_group = byzantine
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty = yes }
NOT = { spouse = { real_tier =
EMPEROR } } # conjoint de rang empereur avec un titre non temporaire
AND = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
liege = { culture_group = arabic }
# �mir �mira
culture_group = arabic # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
culture = sogdian
is_female = no
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= DUKE } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = { # Earl
real_tier = COUNT
is_female = no
OR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish # Earl
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
NOT = {
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than =
COUNT } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � comte
liege = {
NOR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish #
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
AND = {
real_tier = BARON
is_female = no
culture_group = iranian # Argbadh
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= BARON } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � baron
AND = { # conjoint f�odal donne le titre (si
rang inf�rieur)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = EMPEROR
spouse = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group
# Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu,
Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl #
Huetlatoani, Huetlatoani
culture_group = altaic #
Khagan, Khatoun
culture = german # Kaiser,
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar,
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish
# Padishah
culture_group =
iranian # Shahanshah
culture_group =
arabic # Badshah
is_female = yes
AND = { # conjoint (Exarque)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = KING
spouse = {
tier = KING
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty =
yes }
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group =
liege = { culture_group =
byzantine }
AND = { # conjoint (�mir �mira Ikhshide)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = DUKE
spouse = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
AND = { # �mir �mira
independent = yes
culture_group = arabic
liege = { culture_group =
arabic } # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
independent = yes
culture = sogdian
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
liege = { culture =
sogdian }
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
liege = { culture_group
= iranian }
AND = { # conjoint (Earl)
is_female = no
OR = {
is_ruler = no
tier = BARON
spouse = {
real_tier = COUNT
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
liege = {
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
AND = { # conjoint (Argbadh)
is_ruler = no
is_female = no
spouse = {
real_tier = BARON
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
liege = { culture_group =
iranian }
AND = { # gouvernements th�ocratiques
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice
is_female = yes
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = EMPEROR
AND = { # Archipr�tre, Archipr�tresse
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = DUKE
AND = { # Ayatollah
is_female = no
religion = shiite
tier = COUNT
AND = { # �v�que
religion_group = christian
tier = BARON
NOT = {
has_minor_title = title_cardinal
has_minor_title =
AND = { # Ervad
religion = zoroastrian
tier = BARON
AND = { # gouvernements tribaux
is_tribal = yes
primary_title = { temporary = no }
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice (femme tribale rang
empereur non temporaire)
is_female = yes
tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group = dravidian_group
culture_group = indo_aryan_group
culture = russian
AND = { # conjoint empereur tribal non
temporaire donne son titre
spouse = {
is_female = no
real_tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group =
culture_group =
culture = russian
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = { # 2018.10.30
name = Get_only_Le_Title
use_first_valid = yes
text = { # Titre temporaire non nomm� (en r�volte, aventurier, ordre sacr�)
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
primary_title = { temporary = yes }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
trigger = {
AND = { # Prince, Rajkumar, Shahzada, C�sar
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = no
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = DUKE } # non si le
conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_La_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # Kaiserin
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother
culture = german
AND = { # Princesse, Rajkumari, Shahdokht, Caesarina
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = yes
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { # non si le conjoint a un titre non
temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
primary_title = { temporary = no }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_L
trigger = {
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother # Imp�ratrice douairi�re
NOT = { culture = german } # Kaiseri
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
trigger = { # homme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = no
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_La_
trigger = { # femme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = yes
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPH Calife
title = e_shiite # CALIPH Calife
title = d_papal_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_white_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_great_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_victual_brothers # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_varangian_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_saxon_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_finnish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lappish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lithuanian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_abyssinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_nubian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_scottish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_irish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_alan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_mamluks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_venetian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_genoese_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_hanseatic_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_frisian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_maghreb_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghilman # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghanan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_massive # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_large # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_1 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tangut_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bodpa_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_treasure_fleet # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_junks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tamil_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_persian_caravan_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_silk_road_sentinels # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_company_of_st_george # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_star_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_little_hat_company # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_rose_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_navarrese_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_lombard_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_bektashi # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = d_haruriyyah # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = d_hashshashin # GRANDHEADMASTER
title = d_knights_templar # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_hospitaler # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_immortals # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zealots # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_holy_sepulchre # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_anthony # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_addai # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_santiago # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_calatrava # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_followers_arjuna # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_ashokas_chosen # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_dralhas_children # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_bulls_rishabha # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zun_warriors # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_army_light # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_kola # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_curonian # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_estonia # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ingers # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kajaneborg # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kexholm # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sami # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lettigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_muromians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_pruthenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sames # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_satakunta # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_tavasts # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meryas # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_veps # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meshcheras # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_drevlians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_votes # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_zemigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lendians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kryvians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ilmenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_severians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_vyatichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_dregovichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_radimichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_glomacze # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sorbs # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_obotrites # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_huitzilopochtli # HIGHPRIEST Grand pr�tre
title = d_teutonic_order # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_teutonic_state # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_israel # KING Roi
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGOS Megastrategos
title = d_durham_palatine # PRINCE_BISHOP Prince-
title = k_antioch # principality_title Prince
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE Recteur
title = e_india # SAMRAT_CHAKRAVARTIN
title = d_jomsvikings # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sky_lords # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_spirit_guardians # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_warriors_perun # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_chosen_perkunas # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sons_kaleva # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_massive # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_large # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_low # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_tiny # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = e_china_west_governor # WESTERN_GOVERNOR_MALE
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_L
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = { title = k_austria } # archduchy_title Archiduc
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_La_
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPHA Califa
title = e_shiite # CALIPHA Califa
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGISSA Megastrategissa
title = k_antioch # principality_title_female
title = k_israel # QUEEN Reine
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE_FEMALE Rectrice
title = e_india # SAMRAJNI_CHAKRAVARTIN Samrajni
title = e_china_west_governor #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_L
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = k_austria # archduchy_title_female
text = {
trigger = { # Doit �tre apr�s les titres sp�ciaux. Pour les "Bande
[culture]". Le capitaine n'a pas de titre nomm�
mercenary = yes
localisation_key = ""
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # cultures pour lesquelles le titre n'est pas
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = spouse } }
# le conjoint n'a pas un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
spouse = { #... et n'est donc pas donn� au conjoint
AND = {
higher_real_tier_than = spouse # le conjoint a
un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
AND = { # N'a aucun titre foncier et l'�ventuel conjoint
non plus
is_landed = no
OR = {
spouse = { is_landed = no }
is_married = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_L
trigger = { # titres qui commencent par une voyelle
OR = {
has_nickname = nick_the_elder # Ancien
AND = { # gouvernements f�odaux
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group #
Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu, Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl # Huetlatoani,
culture_group = altaic # Khagan,
culture = german # Kaiser, Kaiserin
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar, Tsarine
culture_group = dravidian_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group = indo_aryan_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Shahanshah
culture_group = arabic #
is_female = no
AND = { # Exarque
tier = KING
culture_group = byzantine
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty = yes }
NOT = { spouse = { real_tier =
EMPEROR } } # conjoint de rang empereur avec un titre non temporaire
AND = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
liege = { culture_group = arabic }
# �mir �mira
culture_group = arabic # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
culture = sogdian
is_female = no
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= DUKE } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = { # Earl
real_tier = COUNT
is_female = no
OR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish # Earl
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
NOT = {
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than =
COUNT } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � comte
liege = {
NOR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish #
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
AND = {
real_tier = BARON
is_female = no
culture_group = iranian # Argbadh
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= BARON } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � baron
AND = { # conjoint f�odal donne le titre (si
rang inf�rieur)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = EMPEROR
spouse = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group
# Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu,
Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl #
Huetlatoani, Huetlatoani
culture_group = altaic #
Khagan, Khatoun
culture = german # Kaiser,
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar,
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish
# Padishah
culture_group =
iranian # Shahanshah
culture_group =
arabic # Badshah
is_female = yes
AND = { # conjoint (Exarque)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = KING
spouse = {
tier = KING
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty =
yes }
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group =
liege = { culture_group =
byzantine }
AND = { # conjoint (�mir �mira Ikhshide)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = DUKE
spouse = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
AND = { # �mir �mira
independent = yes
culture_group = arabic
liege = { culture_group =
arabic } # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
independent = yes
culture = sogdian
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
liege = { culture =
sogdian }
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
liege = { culture_group
= iranian }
AND = { # conjoint (Earl)
is_female = no
OR = {
is_ruler = no
tier = BARON
spouse = {
real_tier = COUNT
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
liege = {
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
AND = { # conjoint (Argbadh)
is_ruler = no
is_female = no
spouse = {
real_tier = BARON
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
liege = { culture_group =
iranian }
AND = { # gouvernements th�ocratiques
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice
is_female = yes
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = EMPEROR
AND = { # Archipr�tre, Archipr�tresse
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = DUKE
AND = { # Ayatollah
is_female = no
religion = shiite
tier = COUNT
AND = { # �v�que
religion_group = christian
tier = BARON
NOT = {
has_minor_title = title_cardinal
has_minor_title =
AND = { # Ervad
religion = zoroastrian
tier = BARON
AND = { # gouvernements tribaux
is_tribal = yes
primary_title = { temporary = no }
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice (femme tribale rang
empereur non temporaire)
is_female = yes
tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group = dravidian_group
culture_group = indo_aryan_group
culture = russian
AND = { # conjoint empereur tribal non
temporaire donne son titre
spouse = {
is_female = no
real_tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group =
culture_group =
culture = russian
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_La_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = { # 2018.10.30
name = Get_only_au_Title
use_first_valid = yes
text = { # Titre temporaire non nomm� (en r�volte, aventurier, ordre sacr�)
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
trigger = {
primary_title = { temporary = yes }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
AND = { # Prince, Rajkumar, Shahzada, C�sar
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = no
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = DUKE } # non si le
conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # Kaiserin
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother
culture = german
AND = { # Princesse, Rajkumari, Shahdokht, Caesarina
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = yes
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { # non si le conjoint a un titre non
temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
primary_title = { temporary = no }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = {
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother # Imp�ratrice douairi�re
NOT = { culture = german } # Kaiseri
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = { # homme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = no
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = { # femme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = yes
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPH Calife
title = e_shiite # CALIPH Calife
title = d_papal_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_white_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_great_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_victual_brothers # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_varangian_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_saxon_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_finnish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lappish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lithuanian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_abyssinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_nubian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_scottish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_irish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_alan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_mamluks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_venetian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_genoese_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_hanseatic_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_frisian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_maghreb_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghilman # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghanan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_massive # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_large # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_1 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tangut_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bodpa_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_treasure_fleet # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_junks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tamil_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_persian_caravan_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_silk_road_sentinels # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_company_of_st_george # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_star_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_little_hat_company # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_rose_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_navarrese_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_lombard_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_bektashi # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = d_haruriyyah # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = d_hashshashin # GRANDHEADMASTER
title = d_knights_templar # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_hospitaler # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_immortals # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zealots # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_holy_sepulchre # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_anthony # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_addai # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_santiago # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_calatrava # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_followers_arjuna # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_ashokas_chosen # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_dralhas_children # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_bulls_rishabha # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zun_warriors # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_army_light # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_kola # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_curonian # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_estonia # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ingers # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kajaneborg # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kexholm # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sami # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lettigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_muromians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_pruthenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sames # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_satakunta # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_tavasts # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meryas # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_veps # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meshcheras # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_drevlians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_votes # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_zemigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lendians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kryvians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ilmenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_severians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_vyatichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_dregovichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_radimichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_glomacze # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sorbs # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_obotrites # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_huitzilopochtli # HIGHPRIEST Grand pr�tre
title = d_teutonic_order # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_teutonic_state # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_israel # KING Roi
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGOS Megastrategos
title = d_durham_palatine # PRINCE_BISHOP Prince-
title = k_antioch # principality_title Prince
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE Recteur
title = e_india # SAMRAT_CHAKRAVARTIN
title = d_jomsvikings # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sky_lords # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_spirit_guardians # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_warriors_perun # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_chosen_perkunas # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sons_kaleva # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_massive # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_large # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_low # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_tiny # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = e_china_west_governor # WESTERN_GOVERNOR_MALE
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = { title = k_austria } # archduchy_title Archiduc
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPHA Califa
title = e_shiite # CALIPHA Califa
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGISSA Megastrategissa
title = k_antioch # principality_title_female
title = k_israel # QUEEN Reine
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE_FEMALE Rectrice
title = e_india # SAMRAJNI_CHAKRAVARTIN Samrajni
title = e_china_west_governor #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = k_austria # archduchy_title_female
text = {
trigger = { # Doit �tre apr�s les titres sp�ciaux. Pour les "Bande
[culture]". Le capitaine n'a pas de titre nomm�
mercenary = yes
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # cultures pour lesquelles le titre n'est pas
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = spouse } }
# le conjoint n'a pas un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
spouse = { #... et n'est donc pas donn� au conjoint
AND = {
higher_real_tier_than = spouse # le conjoint a
un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
AND = { # N'a aucun titre foncier et l'�ventuel conjoint
non plus
is_landed = no
OR = {
spouse = { is_landed = no }
is_married = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = { # titres qui commencent par une voyelle
OR = {
has_nickname = nick_the_elder # Ancien
AND = { # gouvernements f�odaux
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group #
Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu, Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl # Huetlatoani,
culture_group = altaic # Khagan,
culture = german # Kaiser, Kaiserin
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar, Tsarine
culture_group = dravidian_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group = indo_aryan_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Shahanshah
culture_group = arabic #
is_female = no
AND = { # Exarque
tier = KING
culture_group = byzantine
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty = yes }
NOT = { spouse = { real_tier =
EMPEROR } } # conjoint de rang empereur avec un titre non temporaire
AND = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
liege = { culture_group = arabic }
# �mir �mira
culture_group = arabic # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
culture = sogdian
is_female = no
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= DUKE } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = { # Earl
real_tier = COUNT
is_female = no
OR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish # Earl
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
NOT = {
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than =
COUNT } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � comte
liege = {
NOR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish #
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
AND = {
real_tier = BARON
is_female = no
culture_group = iranian # Argbadh
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= BARON } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � baron
AND = { # conjoint f�odal donne le titre (si
rang inf�rieur)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = EMPEROR
spouse = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group
# Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu,
Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl #
Huetlatoani, Huetlatoani
culture_group = altaic #
Khagan, Khatoun
culture = german # Kaiser,
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar,
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish
# Padishah
culture_group =
iranian # Shahanshah
culture_group =
arabic # Badshah
is_female = yes
AND = { # conjoint (Exarque)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = KING
spouse = {
tier = KING
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty =
yes }
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group =
liege = { culture_group =
byzantine }
AND = { # conjoint (�mir �mira Ikhshide)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = DUKE
spouse = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
AND = { # �mir �mira
independent = yes
culture_group = arabic
liege = { culture_group =
arabic } # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
independent = yes
culture = sogdian
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
liege = { culture =
sogdian }
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
liege = { culture_group
= iranian }
AND = { # conjoint (Earl)
is_female = no
OR = {
is_ruler = no
tier = BARON
spouse = {
real_tier = COUNT
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
liege = {
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
AND = { # conjoint (Argbadh)
is_ruler = no
is_female = no
spouse = {
real_tier = BARON
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
liege = { culture_group =
iranian }
AND = { # gouvernements th�ocratiques
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice
is_female = yes
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = EMPEROR
AND = { # Archipr�tre, Archipr�tresse
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = DUKE
AND = { # Ayatollah
is_female = no
religion = shiite
tier = COUNT
AND = { # �v�que
religion_group = christian
tier = BARON
NOT = {
has_minor_title = title_cardinal
has_minor_title =
AND = { # Ervad
religion = zoroastrian
tier = BARON
AND = { # gouvernements tribaux
is_tribal = yes
primary_title = { temporary = no }
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice (femme tribale rang
empereur non temporaire)
is_female = yes
tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group = dravidian_group
culture_group = indo_aryan_group
culture = russian
AND = { # conjoint empereur tribal non
temporaire donne son titre
spouse = {
is_female = no
real_tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group =
culture_group =
culture = russian
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = { # 2018.10.30
name = Get_only_Au_Title
use_first_valid = yes
text = { # Titre temporaire non nomm� (en r�volte, aventurier, ordre sacr�)
localisation_key = String_FR_A_ACCENT
trigger = {
primary_title = { temporary = yes }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_Au_
trigger = {
AND = { # Prince, Rajkumar, Shahzada, C�sar
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = no
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = DUKE } # non si le
conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_A_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # Kaiserin
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother
culture = german
AND = { # Princesse, Rajkumari, Shahdokht, Caesarina
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = yes
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { # non si le conjoint a un titre non
temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
primary_title = { temporary = no }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_A_l
trigger = {
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother # Imp�ratrice douairi�re
NOT = { culture = german } # Kaiseri
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Au_
trigger = { # homme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = no
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_A_la_
trigger = { # femme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = yes
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Au_
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPH Calife
title = e_shiite # CALIPH Calife
title = d_papal_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_white_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_great_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_victual_brothers # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_varangian_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_saxon_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_finnish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lappish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lithuanian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_abyssinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_nubian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_scottish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_irish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_alan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_mamluks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_venetian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_genoese_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_hanseatic_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_frisian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_maghreb_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghilman # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghanan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_massive # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_large # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_1 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tangut_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bodpa_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_treasure_fleet # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_junks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tamil_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_persian_caravan_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_silk_road_sentinels # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_company_of_st_george # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_star_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_little_hat_company # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_rose_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_navarrese_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_lombard_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_bektashi # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = d_haruriyyah # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = d_hashshashin # GRANDHEADMASTER
title = d_knights_templar # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_hospitaler # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_immortals # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zealots # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_holy_sepulchre # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_anthony # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_addai # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_santiago # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_calatrava # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_followers_arjuna # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_ashokas_chosen # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_dralhas_children # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_bulls_rishabha # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zun_warriors # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_army_light # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_kola # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_curonian # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_estonia # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ingers # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kajaneborg # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kexholm # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sami # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lettigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_muromians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_pruthenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sames # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_satakunta # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_tavasts # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meryas # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_veps # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meshcheras # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_drevlians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_votes # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_zemigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lendians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kryvians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ilmenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_severians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_vyatichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_dregovichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_radimichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_glomacze # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sorbs # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_obotrites # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_huitzilopochtli # HIGHPRIEST Grand pr�tre
title = d_teutonic_order # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_teutonic_state # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_israel # KING Roi
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGOS Megastrategos
title = d_durham_palatine # PRINCE_BISHOP Prince-
title = k_antioch # principality_title Prince
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE Recteur
title = e_india # SAMRAT_CHAKRAVARTIN
title = d_jomsvikings # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sky_lords # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_spirit_guardians # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_warriors_perun # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_chosen_perkunas # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sons_kaleva # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_massive # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_large # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_low # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_tiny # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = e_china_west_governor # WESTERN_GOVERNOR_MALE
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_A_l
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = { title = k_austria } # archduchy_title Archiduc
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_A_la_
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPHA Califa
title = e_shiite # CALIPHA Califa
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGISSA Megastrategissa
title = k_antioch # principality_title_female
title = k_israel # QUEEN Reine
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE_FEMALE Rectrice
title = e_india # SAMRAJNI_CHAKRAVARTIN Samrajni
title = e_china_west_governor #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_A_l
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = k_austria # archduchy_title_female
text = {
trigger = { # Doit �tre apr�s les titres sp�ciaux. Pour les "Bande
[culture]". Le capitaine n'a pas de titre nomm�
mercenary = yes
localisation_key = String_FR_A_ACCENT
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_A_ACCENT
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # cultures pour lesquelles le titre n'est pas
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = spouse } }
# le conjoint n'a pas un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
spouse = { #... et n'est donc pas donn� au conjoint
AND = {
higher_real_tier_than = spouse # le conjoint a
un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
AND = { # N'a aucun titre foncier et l'�ventuel conjoint
non plus
is_landed = no
OR = {
spouse = { is_landed = no }
is_married = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_A_l
trigger = { # titres qui commencent par une voyelle
OR = {
has_nickname = nick_the_elder # Ancien
AND = { # gouvernements f�odaux
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group #
Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu, Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl # Huetlatoani,
culture_group = altaic # Khagan,
culture = german # Kaiser, Kaiserin
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar, Tsarine
culture_group = dravidian_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group = indo_aryan_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Shahanshah
culture_group = arabic #
is_female = no
AND = { # Exarque
tier = KING
culture_group = byzantine
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty = yes }
NOT = { spouse = { real_tier =
EMPEROR } } # conjoint de rang empereur avec un titre non temporaire
AND = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
liege = { culture_group = arabic }
# �mir �mira
culture_group = arabic # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
culture = sogdian
is_female = no
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= DUKE } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = { # Earl
real_tier = COUNT
is_female = no
OR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish # Earl
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
NOT = {
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than =
COUNT } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � comte
liege = {
NOR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish #
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
AND = {
real_tier = BARON
is_female = no
culture_group = iranian # Argbadh
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= BARON } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � baron
AND = { # conjoint f�odal donne le titre (si
rang inf�rieur)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = EMPEROR
spouse = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group
# Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu,
Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl #
Huetlatoani, Huetlatoani
culture_group = altaic #
Khagan, Khatoun
culture = german # Kaiser,
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar,
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish
# Padishah
culture_group =
iranian # Shahanshah
culture_group =
arabic # Badshah
is_female = yes
AND = { # conjoint (Exarque)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = KING
spouse = {
tier = KING
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty =
yes }
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group =
liege = { culture_group =
byzantine }
AND = { # conjoint (�mir �mira Ikhshide)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = DUKE
spouse = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
AND = { # �mir �mira
independent = yes
culture_group = arabic
liege = { culture_group =
arabic } # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
independent = yes
culture = sogdian
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
liege = { culture =
sogdian }
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
liege = { culture_group
= iranian }
AND = { # conjoint (Earl)
is_female = no
OR = {
is_ruler = no
tier = BARON
spouse = {
real_tier = COUNT
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
liege = {
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
AND = { # conjoint (Argbadh)
is_ruler = no
is_female = no
spouse = {
real_tier = BARON
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
liege = { culture_group =
iranian }
AND = { # gouvernements th�ocratiques
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice
is_female = yes
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = EMPEROR
AND = { # Archipr�tre, Archipr�tresse
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = DUKE
AND = { # Ayatollah
is_female = no
religion = shiite
tier = COUNT
AND = { # �v�que
religion_group = christian
tier = BARON
NOT = {
has_minor_title = title_cardinal
has_minor_title =
AND = { # Ervad
religion = zoroastrian
tier = BARON
AND = { # gouvernements tribaux
is_tribal = yes
primary_title = { temporary = no }
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice (femme tribale rang
empereur non temporaire)
is_female = yes
tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group = dravidian_group
culture_group = indo_aryan_group
culture = russian
AND = { # conjoint empereur tribal non
temporaire donne son titre
spouse = {
is_female = no
real_tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group =
culture_group =
culture = russian
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Au_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_A_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = { # 2018.10.30
name = Get_only_e_Title
use_first_valid = yes
text = { # Titre temporaire non nomm� (en r�volte, aventurier, ordre sacr�)
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = {
primary_title = { temporary = yes }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = {
AND = { # Prince, Rajkumar, Shahzada, C�sar
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = no
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = DUKE } # non si le
conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # Kaiserin
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother
culture = german
AND = { # Princesse, Rajkumari, Shahdokht, Caesarina
has_minor_title = title_prince
is_female = yes
prisoner = no
NOT = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
trait = bastard # non si b�tard
spouse = { # non si le conjoint a un titre non
temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
primary_title = { temporary = no }
text = { # titres honorifiques
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE
trigger = {
has_minor_title = title_queen_mother # Imp�ratrice douairi�re
NOT = { culture = german } # Kaiseri
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = { # homme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = no
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = { # femme qui contr�le une religion
is_female = yes
controls_religion = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPH Calife
title = e_shiite # CALIPH Calife
title = d_papal_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sunni_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_berber_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_shiite_bedouin_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_white_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_great_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_sardinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_victual_brothers # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_varangian_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_swiss_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_breton_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_saxon_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_cuman_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rus_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_finnish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lappish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_lithuanian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_abyssinian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_nubian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_scottish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_irish_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_alan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_pecheneg_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bulgarian_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_mamluks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_venetian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_genoese_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_hanseatic_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_frisian_navy # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_maghreb_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghilman # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_ghanan_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_massive # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_large # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_mid_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_outlaws_of_the_marsh # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_1 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_tiny_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tangut_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bodpa_low # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_treasure_fleet # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_han_junks # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_jurchen_corsairs # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_tamil_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_marathi_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_bengal_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_company # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_rajput_band # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_persian_caravan_guards # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_silk_road_sentinels # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_turkic_guard # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_african_mid_low_2 # CAPTAIN Capitaine
title = d_company_of_st_george # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_star_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_little_hat_company # CONDOTTIERO
title = d_rose_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_navarrese_company # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_lombard_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_catalan_band # CONDOTTIERO Condottiere
title = d_bektashi # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = d_haruriyyah # DEDEBABA Dedebaba
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER Grand duc
title = d_hashshashin # GRANDHEADMASTER
title = d_knights_templar # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_hospitaler # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_immortals # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zealots # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_holy_sepulchre # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_anthony # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_saint_addai # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_santiago # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_knights_calatrava # GRANDMASTER Grand
title = d_followers_arjuna # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_ashokas_chosen # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_dralhas_children # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_bulls_rishabha # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_zun_warriors # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_army_light # GRANDMASTER Grand ma�tre
title = d_kola # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_curonian # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_estonia # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ingers # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kajaneborg # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kexholm # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sami # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lettigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_muromians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_pruthenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sames # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_satakunta # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_tavasts # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meryas # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_veps # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_meshcheras # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_drevlians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_votes # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_zemigalians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_lendians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_kryvians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_ilmenians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_severians # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_vyatichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_dregovichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_radimichi # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_glomacze # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_sorbs # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_obotrites # HIGH_CHIEF Grand chef
title = d_huitzilopochtli # HIGHPRIEST Grand pr�tre
title = d_teutonic_order # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_teutonic_state # HOCHMEISTER
title = k_israel # KING Roi
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGOS Megastrategos
title = d_durham_palatine # PRINCE_BISHOP Prince-
title = k_antioch # principality_title Prince
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE Recteur
title = e_india # SAMRAT_CHAKRAVARTIN
title = d_jomsvikings # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sky_lords # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_spirit_guardians # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_warriors_perun # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_chosen_perkunas # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_sons_kaleva # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_massive # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_large # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_mid_low_1 # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_low # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = d_african_tiny # WARCHIEF Chef de guerre
title = e_china_west_governor # WESTERN_GOVERNOR_MALE
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE
trigger = { # homme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = no
primary_title = { title = k_austria } # archduchy_title Archiduc
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = e_sunni # CALIPHA Califa
title = e_shiite # CALIPHA Califa
title = k_saxon # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_franconia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = k_swabia # GRAND_DUCHY_RULER_FEMALE Grande
title = d_myrmidons # MEGASTRATEGISSA Megastrategissa
title = k_antioch # principality_title_female
title = k_israel # QUEEN Reine
title = d_ragusa # RECTOR_TITLE_FEMALE Rectrice
title = e_india # SAMRAJNI_CHAKRAVARTIN Samrajni
title = e_china_west_governor #
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE
trigger = { # femme avec un titre sp�cial
is_female = yes
primary_title = {
OR = {
title = k_austria # archduchy_title_female
text = {
trigger = { # Doit �tre apr�s les titres sp�ciaux. Pour les "Bande
[culture]". Le capitaine n'a pas de titre nomm�
mercenary = yes
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # cultures pour lesquelles le titre n'est pas
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than = spouse } }
# le conjoint n'a pas un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
spouse = { #... et n'est donc pas donn� au conjoint
AND = {
higher_real_tier_than = spouse # le conjoint a
un titre non temporaire sup�rieur
OR = { # gouvernement f�odal ou tribal
is_feudal = yes
is_tribal = yes
OR = { # rang comte ou baron
real_tier = count
real_tier = baron
OR = { # culture
culture = bodpa
culture = frisian
culture = nepali
culture = norse
culture = old_saxon
culture = sumpa
culture = tangut
culture = zhangzhung
AND = { # N'a aucun titre foncier et l'�ventuel conjoint
non plus
is_landed = no
OR = {
spouse = { is_landed = no }
is_married = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE
trigger = { # titres qui commencent par une voyelle
OR = {
has_nickname = nick_the_elder # Ancien
AND = { # gouvernements f�odaux
is_feudal = yes
OR = {
AND = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group #
Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu, Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl # Huetlatoani,
culture_group = altaic # Khagan,
culture = german # Kaiser, Kaiserin
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar, Tsarine
culture_group = dravidian_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group = indo_aryan_group #
Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish #
culture_group = iranian
# Shahanshah
culture_group = arabic #
is_female = no
AND = { # Exarque
tier = KING
culture_group = byzantine
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty = yes }
NOT = { spouse = { real_tier =
EMPEROR } } # conjoint de rang empereur avec un titre non temporaire
AND = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
liege = { culture_group = arabic }
# �mir �mira
culture_group = arabic # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
culture = sogdian
is_female = no
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= DUKE } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � duc
AND = { # Earl
real_tier = COUNT
is_female = no
OR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish # Earl
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
NOT = {
spouse = { higher_real_tier_than =
COUNT } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � comte
liege = {
NOR = {
culture = saxon # Earl
culture = english # Earl
culture = scottish #
culture = irish # Earl
culture = pictish # Earl
AND = {
real_tier = BARON
is_female = no
culture_group = iranian # Argbadh
NOT = { spouse = { higher_real_tier_than
= BARON } } # si le conjoint a un titre non temporaire sup�rieur � baron
AND = { # conjoint f�odal donne le titre (si
rang inf�rieur)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = EMPEROR
spouse = {
real_tier = EMPEROR # Empereur,
NOT = { # Titres d'empereurs et
d'imp�ratrices f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
culture_group = tibetan_group
# Tsenpo, Tsenmo
culture = tangut # Thu Ghu,
Thu Ghu
culture = nepali # Maharani,
culture = nahuatl #
Huetlatoani, Huetlatoani
culture_group = altaic #
Khagan, Khatoun
culture = german # Kaiser,
culture = greek # Basileus,
culture = russian # Tsar,
culture_group =
dravidian_group # Samrat, Samrajni
culture_group =
indo_aryan_group # Samrat, Samrajni
AND = { # Titres d'empereurs
f�odaux commen�ant par une consonne
OR = {
culture = turkish
# Padishah
culture_group =
iranian # Shahanshah
culture_group =
arabic # Badshah
is_female = yes
AND = { # conjoint (Exarque)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = KING
spouse = {
tier = KING
primary_title = { is_vice_royalty =
yes }
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group =
liege = { culture_group =
byzantine }
AND = { # conjoint (�mir �mira Ikhshide)
OR = {
is_ruler = no
lower_tier_than = DUKE
spouse = {
real_tier = DUKE
OR = {
AND = { # �mir �mira
independent = yes
culture_group = arabic
liege = { culture_group =
arabic } # �mir �mira
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
independent = yes
culture = sogdian
AND = { # Ikhshide
is_female = yes
liege = { culture =
sogdian }
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
AND = { # �mira
is_female = no
liege = { culture_group
= iranian }
AND = { # conjoint (Earl)
is_female = no
OR = {
is_ruler = no
tier = BARON
spouse = {
real_tier = COUNT
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
liege = {
OR = {
culture = saxon
culture = english
culture = scottish
culture = irish
culture = pictish
AND = { # conjoint (Argbadh)
is_ruler = no
is_female = no
spouse = {
real_tier = BARON
OR = {
AND = {
independent = yes
culture_group = iranian
liege = { culture_group =
iranian }
AND = { # gouvernements th�ocratiques
is_theocracy = yes
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice
is_female = yes
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = EMPEROR
AND = { # Archipr�tre, Archipr�tresse
religion_group = pagan_group
tier = DUKE
AND = { # Ayatollah
is_female = no
religion = shiite
tier = COUNT
AND = { # �v�que
religion_group = christian
tier = BARON
NOT = {
has_minor_title = title_cardinal
has_minor_title =
AND = { # Ervad
religion = zoroastrian
tier = BARON
AND = { # gouvernements tribaux
is_tribal = yes
primary_title = { temporary = no }
OR = {
AND = { # Imp�ratrice (femme tribale rang
empereur non temporaire)
is_female = yes
tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group = dravidian_group
culture_group = indo_aryan_group
culture = russian
AND = { # conjoint empereur tribal non
temporaire donne son titre
spouse = {
is_female = no
real_tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { # sauf quand:
culture_group = altaic
culture_group =
culture_group =
culture = russian
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_Society
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = {
AND = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random }
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine #
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist #
Fervents Disciples
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican #
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain # Paisibles
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite #
Pieux Adeptes
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian #
Fervents Adorateurs
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox # Fid�les
society_member_of = secret_religious_cult # Fid�les
[nom de la religion]
society_member_of = the_cold_ones # Enfants du
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers # Adorateurs
du [tengri_pagan.GetRandomEvilGodName]
society_member_of = the_satanists # Adeptes du
society_member_of = the_vodouns # Mangeurs d'�me
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic # Marcheurs
de la For�t
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african #
Coureurs de la Pluie
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
AND = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random }
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu # Confr�rie
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali # Secte du
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish # Compagnie
de l'Ours
society_member_of = the_trollcrafters # Confr�rie du
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = hermetics # Herm�tistes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_aztec_reformed
# Enfants du Soleil
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan #
�lus de Dievas
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan_reformed # Enfants de Dievas
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bogomilist #
Fid�les bogomiles
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bon # Fid�les
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bon_reformed #
Fid�les b�n
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_cathar # Bons
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_druze # Sages
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan
# Haches d'Ukko
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan_reformed # Messagers d'Ukko
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_fraticelli #
Fid�les fraticelles
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hellenic_pagan
# Hell�nes
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_hellenic_pagan_reformed # Hell�nes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hurufi #
Fid�les hurufites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_ibadi #
Fid�les ibadites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_iconoclast #
Briseurs d'ic�nes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jain #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jewish #
Fid�les de Dieu
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_karaite #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_kharijite #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_khurmazta #
Fid�les khurmazta
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_lollard #
Fid�les lollards
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_manichean #
Fid�les manich�ens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_mazdaki #
Fid�les mazdakites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_messalian #
Fid�les messaliens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_miaphysite #
Fid�les miaphysites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_monophysite #
Fid�les monophysites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_monothelite #
Fid�les monoth�lites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_nestorian #
Fid�les nestoriens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_norse_pagan #
Gardiens de l'Ancien Serment
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_norse_pagan_reformed # Gardiens du Serment
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_orthodox #
Anciens Chr�tiens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_paulician #
Fid�les pauliciens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_samaritan #
Enfants d'Isra�l
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan #
Guerriers de P�roun
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_taoist #
Fid�les tao�stes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan #
Fl�ches de Tengri
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan_reformed # Chevaucheurs du Ciel bleu
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_waldensian #
Fid�les vaudois
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan # Esprits Guerriers
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan_reformed # Gardiens des Esprits
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_yazidi #
Enfants des Anges
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zikri #
Fid�les zikris
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zoroastrian #
Mages loyaux
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zun_pagan #
Flammes de Zun
society_member_of = the_assassins # Assassins
society_member_of = the_bacchants # Myst�res de Bacchus
society_member_of = the_cold_ones # Sangs Froids
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali # Adeptes de K�li
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers # Porteurs de la
society_member_of = the_satanists # Adeptes de Lucifer
society_member_of = the_vodouns # Mangeurs d'�me
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon # Sentinelles de la
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish # Fid�les d'Otso
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic # Champions de
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse # Guerriers loups
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic # Champions de
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri # Guerriers aigles
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african # Enfants de
la Temp�te
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun # Gardiens de la
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite # Communaut�
de saint Antoine
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian # Communaut�
de saint Abraham
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox # Communaut� de
saint Basile
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_aztec # Flamme
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_catholic #
Soci�t� de J�sus
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan_reformed # V�rit� de P�roun
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_sunni #
Confr�rie islamique
society_member_of = the_trollcrafters # Confr�rie de Hel
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic # Bande de Medeina
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist # Savaka-Sangha
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain # Sravaka-Samgha
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_buddhist #
Sentier Octuple
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hindu #
Sanatana Dharma
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_shiite # Parti
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_zun_pagan_reformed # Feu Vivant de Zun
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine # Ordre des
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican # Ordre des
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu # Advaita Matha
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics # Intelligentsia
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_le_Society
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = {
AND = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random }
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine #
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist #
Fervents Disciples
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican #
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain # Paisibles
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite #
Pieux Adeptes
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian #
Fervents Adorateurs
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox # Fid�les
society_member_of = secret_religious_cult # Fid�les
[nom de la religion]
society_member_of = the_cold_ones # Enfants du
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers # Adorateurs
du [tengri_pagan.GetRandomEvilGodName]
society_member_of = the_satanists # Adeptes du
society_member_of = the_vodouns # Mangeurs d'�me
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic # Marcheurs
de la For�t
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african #
Coureurs de la Pluie
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
AND = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random }
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu # Confr�rie
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali # Secte du
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish # Compagnie
de l'Ours
society_member_of = the_trollcrafters # Confr�rie du
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = hermetics # Herm�tistes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_aztec_reformed
# Enfants du Soleil
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan #
�lus de Dievas
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan_reformed # Enfants de Dievas
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bogomilist #
Fid�les bogomiles
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bon # Fid�les
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bon_reformed #
Fid�les b�n
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_cathar # Bons
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_druze # Sages
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan
# Haches d'Ukko
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan_reformed # Messagers d'Ukko
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_fraticelli #
Fid�les fraticelles
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hellenic_pagan
# Hell�nes
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_hellenic_pagan_reformed # Hell�nes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hurufi #
Fid�les hurufites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_ibadi #
Fid�les ibadites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_iconoclast #
Briseurs d'ic�nes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jain #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jewish #
Fid�les de Dieu
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_karaite #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_kharijite #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_khurmazta #
Fid�les khurmazta
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_lollard #
Fid�les lollards
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_manichean #
Fid�les manich�ens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_mazdaki #
Fid�les mazdakites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_messalian #
Fid�les messaliens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_miaphysite #
Fid�les miaphysites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_monophysite #
Fid�les monophysites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_monothelite #
Fid�les monoth�lites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_nestorian #
Fid�les nestoriens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_norse_pagan #
Gardiens de l'Ancien Serment
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_norse_pagan_reformed # Gardiens du Serment
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_orthodox #
Anciens Chr�tiens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_paulician #
Fid�les pauliciens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_samaritan #
Enfants d'Isra�l
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan #
Guerriers de P�roun
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_taoist #
Fid�les tao�stes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan #
Fl�ches de Tengri
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan_reformed # Chevaucheurs du Ciel bleu
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_waldensian #
Fid�les vaudois
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan # Esprits Guerriers
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan_reformed # Gardiens des Esprits
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_yazidi #
Enfants des Anges
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zikri #
Fid�les zikris
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zoroastrian #
Mages loyaux
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zun_pagan #
Flammes de Zun
society_member_of = the_assassins # Assassins
society_member_of = the_bacchants # Myst�res de Bacchus
society_member_of = the_cold_ones # Sangs Froids
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali # Adeptes de K�li
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers # Porteurs de la
society_member_of = the_satanists # Adeptes de Lucifer
society_member_of = the_vodouns # Mangeurs d'�me
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon # Sentinelles de la
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish # Fid�les d'Otso
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic # Champions de
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse # Guerriers loups
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic # Champions de
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri # Guerriers aigles
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african # Enfants de
la Temp�te
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun # Gardiens de la
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite # Communaut�
de saint Antoine
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian # Communaut�
de saint Abraham
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox # Communaut� de
saint Basile
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_aztec # Flamme
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_catholic #
Soci�t� de J�sus
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan_reformed # V�rit� de P�roun
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_sunni #
Confr�rie islamique
society_member_of = the_trollcrafters # Confr�rie de Hel
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic # Bande de Medeina
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist # Savaka-Sangha
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain # Sravaka-Samgha
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_buddhist #
Sentier Octuple
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hindu #
Sanatana Dharma
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_shiite # Parti
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_zun_pagan_reformed # Feu Vivant de Zun
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine # Ordre des
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican # Ordre des
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu # Advaita Matha
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics # Intelligentsia
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = ""

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_Le_Society
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Les_
trigger = {
AND = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random }
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine #
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist #
Fervents Disciples
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican #
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain # Paisibles
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite #
Pieux Adeptes
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian #
Fervents Adorateurs
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox # Fid�les
society_member_of = secret_religious_cult # Fid�les
[nom de la religion]
society_member_of = the_cold_ones # Enfants du
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers # Adorateurs
du [tengri_pagan.GetRandomEvilGodName]
society_member_of = the_satanists # Adeptes du
society_member_of = the_vodouns # Mangeurs d'�me
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic # Marcheurs
de la For�t
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african #
Coureurs de la Pluie
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_La_
trigger = {
AND = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random }
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu # Confr�rie
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali # Secte du
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish # Compagnie
de l'Ours
society_member_of = the_trollcrafters # Confr�rie du
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Les_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = hermetics # Herm�tistes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_aztec_reformed
# Enfants du Soleil
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan #
�lus de Dievas
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan_reformed # Enfants de Dievas
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bogomilist #
Fid�les bogomiles
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bon # Fid�les
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bon_reformed #
Fid�les b�n
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_cathar # Bons
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_druze # Sages
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan
# Haches d'Ukko
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan_reformed # Messagers d'Ukko
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_fraticelli #
Fid�les fraticelles
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hellenic_pagan
# Hell�nes
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_hellenic_pagan_reformed # Hell�nes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hurufi #
Fid�les hurufites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_ibadi #
Fid�les ibadites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_iconoclast #
Briseurs d'ic�nes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jain #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jewish #
Fid�les de Dieu
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_karaite #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_kharijite #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_khurmazta #
Fid�les khurmazta
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_lollard #
Fid�les lollards
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_manichean #
Fid�les manich�ens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_mazdaki #
Fid�les mazdakites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_messalian #
Fid�les messaliens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_miaphysite #
Fid�les miaphysites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_monophysite #
Fid�les monophysites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_monothelite #
Fid�les monoth�lites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_nestorian #
Fid�les nestoriens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_norse_pagan #
Gardiens de l'Ancien Serment
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_norse_pagan_reformed # Gardiens du Serment
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_orthodox #
Anciens Chr�tiens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_paulician #
Fid�les pauliciens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_samaritan #
Enfants d'Isra�l
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan #
Guerriers de P�roun
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_taoist #
Fid�les tao�stes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan #
Fl�ches de Tengri
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan_reformed # Chevaucheurs du Ciel bleu
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_waldensian #
Fid�les vaudois
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan # Esprits Guerriers
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan_reformed # Gardiens des Esprits
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_yazidi #
Enfants des Anges
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zikri #
Fid�les zikris
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zoroastrian #
Mages loyaux
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zun_pagan #
Flammes de Zun
society_member_of = the_assassins # Assassins
society_member_of = the_bacchants # Myst�res de Bacchus
society_member_of = the_cold_ones # Sangs Froids
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali # Adeptes de K�li
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers # Porteurs de la
society_member_of = the_satanists # Adeptes de Lucifer
society_member_of = the_vodouns # Mangeurs d'�me
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon # Sentinelles de la
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish # Fid�les d'Otso
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic # Champions de
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse # Guerriers loups
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic # Champions de
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri # Guerriers aigles
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african # Enfants de
la Temp�te
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun # Gardiens de la
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_La_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite # Communaut�
de saint Antoine
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian # Communaut�
de saint Abraham
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox # Communaut� de
saint Basile
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_aztec # Flamme
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_catholic #
Soci�t� de J�sus
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan_reformed # V�rit� de P�roun
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_sunni #
Confr�rie islamique
society_member_of = the_trollcrafters # Confr�rie de Hel
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic # Bande de Medeina
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist # Savaka-Sangha
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain # Sravaka-Samgha
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_buddhist #
Sentier Octuple
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hindu #
Sanatana Dharma
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_shiite # Parti
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_zun_pagan_reformed # Feu Vivant de Zun
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_L
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine # Ordre des
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican # Ordre des
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu # Advaita Matha
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics # Intelligentsia
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = ""

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_au_Society
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_aux_
trigger = {
AND = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random }
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine #
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist #
Fervents Disciples
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican #
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain # Paisibles
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite #
Pieux Adeptes
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian #
Fervents Adorateurs
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox # Fid�les
society_member_of = secret_religious_cult # Fid�les
[nom de la religion]
society_member_of = the_cold_ones # Enfants du
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers # Adorateurs
du [tengri_pagan.GetRandomEvilGodName]
society_member_of = the_satanists # Adeptes du
society_member_of = the_vodouns # Mangeurs d'�me
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic # Marcheurs
de la For�t
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african #
Coureurs de la Pluie
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = {
AND = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random }
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu # Confr�rie
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali # Secte du
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish # Compagnie
de l'Ours
society_member_of = the_trollcrafters # Confr�rie du
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_aux_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = hermetics # Herm�tistes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_aztec_reformed
# Enfants du Soleil
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan #
�lus de Dievas
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan_reformed # Enfants de Dievas
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bogomilist #
Fid�les bogomiles
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bon # Fid�les
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_bon_reformed #
Fid�les b�n
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_cathar # Bons
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_druze # Sages
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan
# Haches d'Ukko
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan_reformed # Messagers d'Ukko
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_fraticelli #
Fid�les fraticelles
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hellenic_pagan
# Hell�nes
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_hellenic_pagan_reformed # Hell�nes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hurufi #
Fid�les hurufites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_ibadi #
Fid�les ibadites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_iconoclast #
Briseurs d'ic�nes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jain #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jewish #
Fid�les de Dieu
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_karaite #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_kharijite #
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_khurmazta #
Fid�les khurmazta
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_lollard #
Fid�les lollards
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_manichean #
Fid�les manich�ens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_mazdaki #
Fid�les mazdakites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_messalian #
Fid�les messaliens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_miaphysite #
Fid�les miaphysites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_monophysite #
Fid�les monophysites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_monothelite #
Fid�les monoth�lites
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_nestorian #
Fid�les nestoriens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_norse_pagan #
Gardiens de l'Ancien Serment
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_norse_pagan_reformed # Gardiens du Serment
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_orthodox #
Anciens Chr�tiens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_paulician #
Fid�les pauliciens
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_samaritan #
Enfants d'Isra�l
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan #
Guerriers de P�roun
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_taoist #
Fid�les tao�stes
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan #
Fl�ches de Tengri
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan_reformed # Chevaucheurs du Ciel bleu
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_waldensian #
Fid�les vaudois
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan # Esprits Guerriers
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan_reformed # Gardiens des Esprits
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_yazidi #
Enfants des Anges
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zikri #
Fid�les zikris
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zoroastrian #
Mages loyaux
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zun_pagan #
Flammes de Zun
society_member_of = the_assassins # Assassins
society_member_of = the_bacchants # Myst�res de Bacchus
society_member_of = the_cold_ones # Sangs Froids
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali # Adeptes de K�li
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers # Porteurs de la
society_member_of = the_satanists # Adeptes de Lucifer
society_member_of = the_vodouns # Mangeurs d'�me
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon # Sentinelles de la
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish # Fid�les d'Otso
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic # Champions de
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse # Guerriers loups
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic # Champions de
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri # Guerriers aigles
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african # Enfants de
la Temp�te
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun # Gardiens de la
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite # Communaut�
de saint Antoine
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian # Communaut�
de saint Abraham
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox # Communaut� de
saint Basile
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_aztec # Flamme
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_catholic #
Soci�t� de J�sus
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan_reformed # V�rit� de P�roun
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_sunni #
Confr�rie islamique
society_member_of = the_trollcrafters # Confr�rie de Hel
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic # Bande de Medeina
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist # Savaka-Sangha
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain # Sravaka-Samgha
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_buddhist #
Sentier Octuple
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hindu #
Sanatana Dharma
society_member_of = secret_religious_society_shiite # Parti
society_member_of =
secret_religious_society_zun_pagan_reformed # Feu Vivant de Zun
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine # Ordre des
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican # Ordre des
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu # Advaita Matha
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics # Intelligentsia
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_le_SocietyRank
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = secret_religious_cult
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican
OR = {
society_rank == 2
AND = {
society_member_of = hermetics
OR = {
society_rank == 2
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist
OR = {
society_rank >= 3
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain
OR = {
society_rank == 4
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox
society_member_of = the_assassins
society_member_of = the_cold_ones
society_member_of = the_satanists
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics #
�tudiant, �tudiante
OR = {
society_rank == 1
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = the_vodouns
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 4
AND = { # H�ro�ne
OR = {
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic
society_rank == 4
is_female = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_Le_SocietyRank
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_L
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = secret_religious_cult
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican
OR = {
society_rank == 2
AND = {
society_member_of = hermetics
OR = {
society_rank == 2
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist
OR = {
society_rank >= 3
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain
OR = {
society_rank == 4
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox
society_member_of = the_assassins
society_member_of = the_cold_ones
society_member_of = the_satanists
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics #
�tudiant, �tudiante
OR = {
society_rank == 1
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = the_vodouns
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 4
AND = { # H�ro�ne
OR = {
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic
society_rank == 4
is_female = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_La_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_au_SocietyRank
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
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OR = {
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = secret_religious_cult
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican
OR = {
society_rank == 2
AND = {
society_member_of = hermetics
OR = {
society_rank == 2
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist
OR = {
society_rank >= 3
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain
OR = {
society_rank == 4
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox
society_member_of = the_assassins
society_member_of = the_cold_ones
society_member_of = the_satanists
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics #
�tudiant, �tudiante
OR = {
society_rank == 1
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = the_vodouns
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 4
AND = { # H�ro�ne
OR = {
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic
society_rank == 4
is_female = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_SocietyRank
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
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OR = {
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = secret_religious_cult
society_member_of = monastic_order_benedictine
society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican
OR = {
society_rank == 2
AND = {
society_member_of = hermetics
OR = {
society_rank == 2
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist
OR = {
society_rank >= 3
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain
OR = {
society_rank == 4
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox
society_member_of = the_assassins
society_member_of = the_cold_ones
society_member_of = the_satanists
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics #
�tudiant, �tudiante
OR = {
society_rank == 1
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = the_vodouns
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 4
AND = { # H�ro�ne
OR = {
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic
society_rank == 4
is_female = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_e_SocietyRank
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OR = {
AND = {
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society_member_of = monastic_order_dominican
OR = {
society_rank == 2
AND = {
society_member_of = hermetics
OR = {
society_rank == 2
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_buddhist
OR = {
society_rank >= 3
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_hindu
society_member_of = monastic_order_jain
OR = {
society_rank == 4
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = monastic_order_monophysite
society_member_of = monastic_order_nestorian
society_member_of = monastic_order_orthodox
society_member_of = the_assassins
society_member_of = the_cold_ones
society_member_of = the_satanists
society_member_of = monastic_order_stoics #
�tudiant, �tudiante
OR = {
society_rank == 1
AND = {
OR = {
society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 3
AND = {
society_member_of = the_vodouns
OR = {
society_rank == 1
society_rank == 4
AND = { # H�ro�ne
OR = {
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic
society_rank == 4
is_female = yes
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localisation_key = String_FR_e_

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localisation_key = String_FR_le_
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NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group # Eran
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek # Sacellaire
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culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han # Tr�sorier
culture = jurchen # Tr�sorier
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist # Tr�sorier
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
has_job_title = job_spymaster
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim # Imam de
la Cour
NOT = { religion = shiite } #
Mollah de la Cour
text = {
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AND = {
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liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # L�nchen
culture = tangut # L�nchen
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Banchenmo
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culture = tangut # Banchenmo
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
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has_job_title = job_treasurer
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OR = {
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
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localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
OR = {
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AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = { # hommes
is_female = no
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Astabadh
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Eran Spahbod
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
NOT = {
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek #
religion = aztec #
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han #
culture = jurchen #
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist #
religion_group =
zoroastrian_group # Darik-pat
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim
# Imam de la Cour
NOT = { religion =
shiite } # Mollah de la Cour
defined_text = {
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fallback_text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
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OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
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NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group # Eran
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek # Sacellaire
religion = aztec # Petlacalcatl
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han # Tr�sorier
culture = jurchen # Tr�sorier
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist # Tr�sorier
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
has_job_title = job_spymaster
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim # Imam de
la Cour
NOT = { religion = shiite } #
Mollah de la Cour
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_La_
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # L�nchen
culture = tangut # L�nchen
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Banchenmo
religion = norse_pagan # Voyante
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Voyante
culture = tangut # Banchenmo
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = tangut # Gnyer
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_L
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # femmes
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = { # hommes
is_female = no
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Astabadh
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Eran Spahbod
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
NOT = {
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek #
religion = aztec #
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han #
culture = jurchen #
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist #
religion_group =
zoroastrian_group # Darik-pat
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim
# Imam de la Cour
NOT = { religion =
shiite } # Mollah de la Cour
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OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
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NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group # Eran
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek # Sacellaire
religion = aztec # Petlacalcatl
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han # Tr�sorier
culture = jurchen # Tr�sorier
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist # Tr�sorier
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
has_job_title = job_spymaster
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim # Imam de
la Cour
NOT = { religion = shiite } #
Mollah de la Cour
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # L�nchen
culture = tangut # L�nchen
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Banchenmo
religion = norse_pagan # Voyante
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Voyante
culture = tangut # Banchenmo
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = tangut # Gnyer
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # femmes
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = { # hommes
is_female = no
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Astabadh
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Eran Spahbod
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
NOT = {
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek #
religion = aztec #
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han #
culture = jurchen #
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist #
religion_group =
zoroastrian_group # Darik-pat
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim
# Imam de la Cour
NOT = { religion =
shiite } # Mollah de la Cour

defined_text = {
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localisation_key = String_FR_au_
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OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
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NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group # Eran
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek # Sacellaire
religion = aztec # Petlacalcatl
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han # Tr�sorier
culture = jurchen # Tr�sorier
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist # Tr�sorier
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
has_job_title = job_spymaster
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim # Imam de
la Cour
NOT = { religion = shiite } #
Mollah de la Cour
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_la_
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # L�nchen
culture = tangut # L�nchen
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Banchenmo
religion = norse_pagan # Voyante
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Voyante
culture = tangut # Banchenmo
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = tangut # Gnyer
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # femmes
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = { # hommes
is_female = no
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Astabadh
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Eran Spahbod
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
NOT = {
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek #
religion = aztec #
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han #
culture = jurchen #
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist #
religion_group =
zoroastrian_group # Darik-pat
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim
# Imam de la Cour
NOT = { religion =
shiite } # Mollah de la Cour

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AND = {
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NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group # Eran
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek # Sacellaire
religion = aztec # Petlacalcatl
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han # Tr�sorier
culture = jurchen # Tr�sorier
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist # Tr�sorier
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
has_job_title = job_spymaster
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim # Imam de
la Cour
NOT = { religion = shiite } #
Mollah de la Cour
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # L�nchen
culture = tangut # L�nchen
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Banchenmo
religion = norse_pagan # Voyante
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Voyante
culture = tangut # Banchenmo
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = tangut # Gnyer
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_on_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # femmes
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = { # hommes
is_female = no
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Astabadh
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Eran Spahbod
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
NOT = {
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek #
religion = aztec #
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han #
culture = jurchen #
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist #
religion_group =
zoroastrian_group # Darik-pat
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim
# Imam de la Cour
NOT = { religion =
shiite } # Mollah de la Cour

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is_female = no
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group # Eran
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek # Sacellaire
religion = aztec # Petlacalcatl
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han # Tr�sorier
culture = jurchen # Tr�sorier
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist # Tr�sorier
religion_group = zoroastrian_group #
has_job_title = job_spymaster
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
NOT = {
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim # Imam de
la Cour
NOT = { religion = shiite } #
Mollah de la Cour
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # L�nchen
culture = tangut # L�nchen
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Banchenmo
religion = norse_pagan # Voyante
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Voyante
culture = tangut # Banchenmo
religion_group = indian_group # Upadhyaya
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
liege = {
OR = {
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = tangut # Gnyer
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = { # femmes
is_female = yes
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = { # hommes
is_female = no
OR = {
AND = {
has_job_title = job_chancellor
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Astabadh
AND = {
has_job_title = job_marshal
liege = { religion_group =
zoroastrian_group } # Eran Spahbod
AND = {
has_job_title = job_treasurer
NOT = {
liege = {
OR = {
culture = greek #
religion = aztec #
culture = bodpa # Gnyer
culture = han #
culture = jurchen #
culture = tangut # Gnyer
religion = taoist #
religion_group =
zoroastrian_group # Darik-pat
AND = {
has_job_title = job_spiritual
liege = {
OR = {
religion_group = indian_group
# Upadhyaya
AND = {
religion_group = muslim
# Imam de la Cour
NOT = { religion =
shiite } # Mollah de la Cour

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_SelectedIngredient_1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # hibiscus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # racine de gingembre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # mandragore
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # citronnelle
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # orties
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # absinthe
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # val�riane
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # violette
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # achill�e
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb9
#animal parts...
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # v�sicule biliaire
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # rein
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # yeux
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # sabots fendus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # bois de cerf
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # museau
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # coeur
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # foie
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # intestins
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal9
#metals... (powder?)
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # argent
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic1
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # mercure
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic2
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # eau r�gale
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic3
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # eau-forte
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # soufre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # or
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # cuivre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # fer
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # �tain
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic9

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_SelectedIngredient_2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # hibiscus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # racine de gingembre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # mandragore
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # citronnelle
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # orties
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # absinthe
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # val�riane
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # violette
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # achill�e
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb9
#animal parts...
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_ # v�sicule biliaire
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # rein
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # yeux
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # sabots fendus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # bois de cerf
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # museau
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # coeur
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # foie
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_ # intestins
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal9
#metals... (powder?)
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # argent
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic1
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # mercure
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic2
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # eau r�gale
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic3
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # eau-forte
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # soufre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # or
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # cuivre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_ # fer
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l # �tain
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic9

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_le_SelectedIngredient_1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # hibiscus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # racine de gingembre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # mandragore
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # citronnelle
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # orties
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # absinthe
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # val�riane
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # violette
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # achill�e
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb9
#animal parts...
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # v�sicule biliaire
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # rein
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # yeux
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # sabots fendus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # bois de cerf
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # museau
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # coeur
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # foie
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # intestins
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal9
#metals... (powder?)
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # argent
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic1
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # mercure
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic2
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_l # eau r�gale
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic3
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_l # eau-forte
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # soufre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # or
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # cuivre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # fer
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # �tain
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic9

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_le_SelectedIngredient_2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # hibiscus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # racine de gingembre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # mandragore
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # citronnelle
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # orties
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # absinthe
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # val�riane
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # violette
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # achill�e
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb9
#animal parts...
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_ # v�sicule biliaire
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # rein
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # yeux
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # sabots fendus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # bois de cerf
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # museau
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # coeur
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # foie
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_ # intestins
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal9
#metals... (powder?)
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # argent
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic1
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # mercure
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic2
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_l # eau r�gale
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic3
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_l # eau-forte
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # soufre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # or
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # cuivre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_ # fer
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l # �tain
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic9

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_e_SelectedIngredient_1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # hibiscus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # racine de gingembre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # mandragore
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # citronnelle
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # orties
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # absinthe
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # val�riane
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # violette
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # achill�e
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_herb9
#animal parts...
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # v�sicule biliaire
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # rein
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # yeux
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # sabots fendus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # bois de cerf
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # museau
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # coeur
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # foie
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # intestins
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_animal9
#metals... (powder?)
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # argent
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic1
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # mercure
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic2
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # eau r�gale
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic3
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # eau-forte
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # soufre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # or
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # cuivre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # fer
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # �tain
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_1
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic9

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_e_SelectedIngredient_2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # hibiscus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # racine de gingembre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # mandragore
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # citronnelle
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # orties
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # absinthe
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # val�riane
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # violette
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # achill�e
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_herb9
#animal parts...
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # v�sicule biliaire
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # rein
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # yeux
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal3
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # sabots fendus
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # bois de cerf
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # museau
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # coeur
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # foie
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # intestins
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_animal9
#metals... (powder?)
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # argent
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic1
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # mercure
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic2
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # eau r�gale
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic3
text = { #(liquid)
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # eau-forte
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic4
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # soufre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic5
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # or
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic6
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # cuivre
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic7
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_e_ # fer
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic8
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_APOSTROPHE # �tain
trigger = {
any_artifact = {
has_artifact_flag = selected_ingredient_2
artifact_type = ingredient_metal_exotic9

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_HighGod
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = buddhist # Brahma
religion = hindu # Brahma
religion = bogomilist # Dieu
religion = cathar # Dieu
religion = catholic # Dieu
religion = fraticelli # Dieu
religion = iconoclast # Dieu
religion = jewish # Dieu
religion = karaite # Dieu
religion = lollard # Dieu
religion = messalian # Dieu
religion = miaphysite # Dieu
religion = monophysite # Dieu
religion = monothelite # Dieu
religion = nestorian # Dieu
religion = orthodox # Dieu
religion = paulician # Dieu
religion = samaritan # Dieu
religion = waldensian # Dieu
religion = baltic_pagan # Dievas
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # Dievas
religion = aztec # Huitzilopochtli
religion = aztec_reformed # Huitzilopochtli
religion = slavic_pagan # P�roun
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # P�roun
religion = bon # Sangpo Bumtri
religion = bon_reformed # Sangpo Bumtri
religion = hellenic_pagan # Saturne
religion = yazidi # Shaytan
religion = tengri_pagan # Tengri
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # Tengri
religion = khurmazta # Zarvana
religion = zun_pagan # Zun
religion = zun_pagan_reformed # Zun
religion = manichean # Zurvan
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed #Jupiter
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_d
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = mazdaki # Ahura Mazda
religion = zoroastrian # Ahura Mazda
religion = druze # Allah
religion = hurufi # Allah
religion = ibadi # Allah
religion = kharijite # Allah
religion = shiite # Allah
religion = sunni # Allah
religion = zikri # Allah
religion = norse_pagan # Odin
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Odin
religion = finnish_pagan # Ukko
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # Ukko
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = { religion = taoist } # Ordre C�leste
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = { religion = jain } # T�rthankaras
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = pagan # Cr�ateur
religion = west_african_pagan # Cr�ateur
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # Cr�ateur
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_au_HighGod
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = buddhist # Brahma
religion = hindu # Brahma
religion = bogomilist # Dieu
religion = cathar # Dieu
religion = catholic # Dieu
religion = fraticelli # Dieu
religion = iconoclast # Dieu
religion = jewish # Dieu
religion = karaite # Dieu
religion = lollard # Dieu
religion = messalian # Dieu
religion = miaphysite # Dieu
religion = monophysite # Dieu
religion = monothelite # Dieu
religion = nestorian # Dieu
religion = orthodox # Dieu
religion = paulician # Dieu
religion = samaritan # Dieu
religion = waldensian # Dieu
religion = baltic_pagan # Dievas
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # Dievas
religion = aztec # Huitzilopochtli
religion = aztec_reformed # Huitzilopochtli
religion = slavic_pagan # P�roun
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # P�roun
religion = bon # Sangpo Bumtri
religion = bon_reformed # Sangpo Bumtri
religion = hellenic_pagan # Saturne
religion = yazidi # Shaytan
religion = tengri_pagan # Tengri
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # Tengri
religion = khurmazta # Zarvana
religion = zun_pagan # Zun
religion = zun_pagan_reformed # Zun
religion = manichean # Zurvan
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed #Jupiter
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = mazdaki # Ahura Mazda
religion = zoroastrian # Ahura Mazda
religion = druze # Allah
religion = hurufi # Allah
religion = ibadi # Allah
religion = kharijite # Allah
religion = shiite # Allah
religion = sunni # Allah
religion = zikri # Allah
religion = norse_pagan # Odin
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Odin
religion = finnish_pagan # Ukko
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # Ukko
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = { religion = taoist } # Ordre C�leste
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_aux_
trigger = { religion = jain } # T�rthankaras
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = pagan # Cr�ateur
religion = west_african_pagan # Cr�ateur
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # Cr�ateur
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
defined_text = {
name = Get_only_le_HighGod
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = buddhist # Brahma
religion = hindu # Brahma
religion = bogomilist # Dieu
religion = cathar # Dieu
religion = catholic # Dieu
religion = fraticelli # Dieu
religion = iconoclast # Dieu
religion = jewish # Dieu
religion = karaite # Dieu
religion = lollard # Dieu
religion = messalian # Dieu
religion = miaphysite # Dieu
religion = monophysite # Dieu
religion = monothelite # Dieu
religion = nestorian # Dieu
religion = orthodox # Dieu
religion = paulician # Dieu
religion = samaritan # Dieu
religion = waldensian # Dieu
religion = baltic_pagan # Dievas
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # Dievas
religion = aztec # Huitzilopochtli
religion = aztec_reformed # Huitzilopochtli
religion = slavic_pagan # P�roun
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # P�roun
religion = bon # Sangpo Bumtri
religion = bon_reformed # Sangpo Bumtri
religion = hellenic_pagan # Saturne
religion = yazidi # Shaytan
religion = tengri_pagan # Tengri
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # Tengri
religion = khurmazta # Zarvana
religion = zun_pagan # Zun
religion = zun_pagan_reformed # Zun
religion = manichean # Zurvan
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed #Jupiter
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = mazdaki # Ahura Mazda
religion = zoroastrian # Ahura Mazda
religion = druze # Allah
religion = hurufi # Allah
religion = ibadi # Allah
religion = kharijite # Allah
religion = shiite # Allah
religion = sunni # Allah
religion = zikri # Allah
religion = norse_pagan # Odin
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Odin
religion = finnish_pagan # Ukko
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # Ukko
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = { religion = taoist } # Ordre C�leste
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = { religion = jain } # T�rthankaras
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = pagan # Cr�ateur
religion = west_african_pagan # Cr�ateur
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # Cr�ateur
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = ""

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_Le_HighGod
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = buddhist # Brahma
religion = hindu # Brahma
religion = bogomilist # Dieu
religion = cathar # Dieu
religion = catholic # Dieu
religion = fraticelli # Dieu
religion = iconoclast # Dieu
religion = jewish # Dieu
religion = karaite # Dieu
religion = lollard # Dieu
religion = messalian # Dieu
religion = miaphysite # Dieu
religion = monophysite # Dieu
religion = monothelite # Dieu
religion = nestorian # Dieu
religion = orthodox # Dieu
religion = paulician # Dieu
religion = samaritan # Dieu
religion = waldensian # Dieu
religion = baltic_pagan # Dievas
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # Dievas
religion = aztec # Huitzilopochtli
religion = aztec_reformed # Huitzilopochtli
religion = slavic_pagan # P�roun
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # P�roun
religion = bon # Sangpo Bumtri
religion = bon_reformed # Sangpo Bumtri
religion = hellenic_pagan # Saturne
religion = yazidi # Shaytan
religion = tengri_pagan # Tengri
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # Tengri
religion = khurmazta # Zarvana
religion = zun_pagan # Zun
religion = zun_pagan_reformed # Zun
religion = manichean # Zurvan
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed #Jupiter
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = mazdaki # Ahura Mazda
religion = zoroastrian # Ahura Mazda
religion = druze # Allah
religion = hurufi # Allah
religion = ibadi # Allah
religion = kharijite # Allah
religion = shiite # Allah
religion = sunni # Allah
religion = zikri # Allah
religion = norse_pagan # Odin
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Odin
religion = finnish_pagan # Ukko
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # Ukko
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_L
trigger = { religion = taoist } # Ordre C�leste
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Les_
trigger = { religion = jain } # T�rthankaras
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Le_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = pagan # Cr�ateur
religion = west_african_pagan # Cr�ateur
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # Cr�ateur
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = ""

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_HighGodTrue
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
true_religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
true_religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = buddhist # Brahma
true_religion = hindu # Brahma
true_religion = bogomilist # Dieu
true_religion = cathar # Dieu
true_religion = catholic # Dieu
true_religion = fraticelli # Dieu
true_religion = iconoclast # Dieu
true_religion = jewish # Dieu
true_religion = karaite # Dieu
true_religion = lollard # Dieu
true_religion = messalian # Dieu
true_religion = miaphysite # Dieu
true_religion = monophysite # Dieu
true_religion = monothelite # Dieu
true_religion = nestorian # Dieu
true_religion = orthodox # Dieu
true_religion = paulician # Dieu
true_religion = samaritan # Dieu
true_religion = waldensian # Dieu
true_religion = baltic_pagan # Dievas
true_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # Dievas
true_religion = aztec # Huitzilopochtli
true_religion = aztec_reformed # Huitzilopochtli
true_religion = slavic_pagan # P�roun
true_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # P�roun
true_religion = bon # Sangpo Bumtri
true_religion = bon_reformed # Sangpo Bumtri
true_religion = hellenic_pagan # Saturne
true_religion = yazidi # Shaytan
true_religion = tengri_pagan # Tengri
true_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # Tengri
true_religion = khurmazta # Zarvana
true_religion = zun_pagan # Zun
true_religion = zun_pagan_reformed # Zun
true_religion = manichean # Zurvan
true_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed #Jupiter
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_d
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = mazdaki # Ahura Mazda
true_religion = zoroastrian # Ahura Mazda
true_religion = druze # Allah
true_religion = hurufi # Allah
true_religion = ibadi # Allah
true_religion = kharijite # Allah
true_religion = shiite # Allah
true_religion = sunni # Allah
true_religion = zikri # Allah
true_religion = norse_pagan # Odin
true_religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Odin
true_religion = finnish_pagan # Ukko
true_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # Ukko
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = { true_religion = taoist } # Ordre C�leste
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = { true_religion = jain } # T�rthankaras
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = pagan # Cr�ateur
true_religion = west_african_pagan # Cr�ateur
true_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # Cr�ateur
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_au_HighGodTrue
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
true_religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
true_religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = buddhist # Brahma
true_religion = hindu # Brahma
true_religion = bogomilist # Dieu
true_religion = cathar # Dieu
true_religion = catholic # Dieu
true_religion = fraticelli # Dieu
true_religion = iconoclast # Dieu
true_religion = jewish # Dieu
true_religion = karaite # Dieu
true_religion = lollard # Dieu
true_religion = messalian # Dieu
true_religion = miaphysite # Dieu
true_religion = monophysite # Dieu
true_religion = monothelite # Dieu
true_religion = nestorian # Dieu
true_religion = orthodox # Dieu
true_religion = paulician # Dieu
true_religion = samaritan # Dieu
true_religion = waldensian # Dieu
true_religion = baltic_pagan # Dievas
true_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # Dievas
true_religion = aztec # Huitzilopochtli
true_religion = aztec_reformed # Huitzilopochtli
true_religion = slavic_pagan # P�roun
true_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # P�roun
true_religion = bon # Sangpo Bumtri
true_religion = bon_reformed # Sangpo Bumtri
true_religion = hellenic_pagan # Saturne
true_religion = yazidi # Shaytan
true_religion = tengri_pagan # Tengri
true_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # Tengri
true_religion = khurmazta # Zarvana
true_religion = zun_pagan # Zun
true_religion = zun_pagan_reformed # Zun
true_religion = manichean # Zurvan
true_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed #Jupiter
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = mazdaki # Ahura Mazda
true_religion = zoroastrian # Ahura Mazda
true_religion = druze # Allah
true_religion = hurufi # Allah
true_religion = ibadi # Allah
true_religion = kharijite # Allah
true_religion = shiite # Allah
true_religion = sunni # Allah
true_religion = zikri # Allah
true_religion = norse_pagan # Odin
true_religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Odin
true_religion = finnish_pagan # Ukko
true_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # Ukko
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_l
trigger = { true_religion = taoist } # Ordre C�leste
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_aux_
trigger = { true_religion = jain } # T�rthankaras
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_au_
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = pagan # Cr�ateur
true_religion = west_african_pagan # Cr�ateur
true_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # Cr�ateur
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_a_ACCENT

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_le_HighGodTrue
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
true_religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
true_religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
true_religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = buddhist # Brahma
true_religion = hindu # Brahma
true_religion = bogomilist # Dieu
true_religion = cathar # Dieu
true_religion = catholic # Dieu
true_religion = fraticelli # Dieu
true_religion = iconoclast # Dieu
true_religion = jewish # Dieu
true_religion = karaite # Dieu
true_religion = lollard # Dieu
true_religion = messalian # Dieu
true_religion = miaphysite # Dieu
true_religion = monophysite # Dieu
true_religion = monothelite # Dieu
true_religion = nestorian # Dieu
true_religion = orthodox # Dieu
true_religion = paulician # Dieu
true_religion = samaritan # Dieu
true_religion = waldensian # Dieu
true_religion = baltic_pagan # Dievas
true_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # Dievas
true_religion = aztec # Huitzilopochtli
true_religion = aztec_reformed # Huitzilopochtli
true_religion = slavic_pagan # P�roun
true_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # P�roun
true_religion = bon # Sangpo Bumtri
true_religion = bon_reformed # Sangpo Bumtri
true_religion = hellenic_pagan # Saturne
true_religion = yazidi # Shaytan
true_religion = tengri_pagan # Tengri
true_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # Tengri
true_religion = khurmazta # Zarvana
true_religion = zun_pagan # Zun
true_religion = zun_pagan_reformed # Zun
true_religion = manichean # Zurvan
true_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed #Jupiter
text = {
localisation_key = ""
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = mazdaki # Ahura Mazda
true_religion = zoroastrian # Ahura Mazda
true_religion = druze # Allah
true_religion = hurufi # Allah
true_religion = ibadi # Allah
true_religion = kharijite # Allah
true_religion = shiite # Allah
true_religion = sunni # Allah
true_religion = zikri # Allah
true_religion = norse_pagan # Odin
true_religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Odin
true_religion = finnish_pagan # Ukko
true_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # Ukko
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = { true_religion = taoist } # Ordre C�leste
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = { true_religion = jain } # T�rthankaras
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
true_religion = pagan # Cr�ateur
true_religion = west_african_pagan # Cr�ateur
true_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # Cr�ateur
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = ""

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_HighGodSecret
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
secret_religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = buddhist # Brahma
secret_religion = hindu # Brahma
secret_religion = bogomilist # Dieu
secret_religion = cathar # Dieu
secret_religion = catholic # Dieu
secret_religion = fraticelli # Dieu
secret_religion = iconoclast # Dieu
secret_religion = jewish # Dieu
secret_religion = karaite # Dieu
secret_religion = lollard # Dieu
secret_religion = messalian # Dieu
secret_religion = miaphysite # Dieu
secret_religion = monophysite # Dieu
secret_religion = monothelite # Dieu
secret_religion = nestorian # Dieu
secret_religion = orthodox # Dieu
secret_religion = paulician # Dieu
secret_religion = samaritan # Dieu
secret_religion = waldensian # Dieu
secret_religion = baltic_pagan # Dievas
secret_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # Dievas
secret_religion = aztec # Huitzilopochtli
secret_religion = aztec_reformed # Huitzilopochtli
secret_religion = slavic_pagan # P�roun
secret_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # P�roun
secret_religion = bon # Sangpo Bumtri
secret_religion = bon_reformed # Sangpo Bumtri
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan # Saturne
secret_religion = yazidi # Shaytan
secret_religion = tengri_pagan # Tengri
secret_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # Tengri
secret_religion = khurmazta # Zarvana
secret_religion = zun_pagan # Zun
secret_religion = zun_pagan_reformed # Zun
secret_religion = manichean # Zurvan
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed #Jupiter
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_d
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = mazdaki # Ahura Mazda
secret_religion = zoroastrian # Ahura Mazda
secret_religion = druze # Allah
secret_religion = hurufi # Allah
secret_religion = ibadi # Allah
secret_religion = kharijite # Allah
secret_religion = shiite # Allah
secret_religion = sunni # Allah
secret_religion = zikri # Allah
secret_religion = norse_pagan # Odin
secret_religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Odin
secret_religion = finnish_pagan # Ukko
secret_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # Ukko
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_l
trigger = { secret_religion = taoist } # Ordre C�leste
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = { secret_religion = jain } # T�rthankaras
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = pagan # Cr�ateur
secret_religion = west_african_pagan # Cr�ateur
secret_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # Cr�ateur
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_le_Scripture
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = bon # Dodus
religion = bon_reformed # Dodus
religion = buddhist # Buddhacavana
religion = hindu # Mahabharata
religion = hurufi # Coran
religion = ibadi # Coran
religion = kharijite # Coran
religion = mazdaki # Grand Secret
religion = shiite # Coran
religion = sunni # Coran
religion = taoist # Dao de jing
religion = yazidi # Livre de l'Illumination
religion = zikri # Coran
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = bogomilist # Bible
religion = cathar # Bible
religion = catholic # Bible
religion = fraticelli # Bible
religion = iconoclast # Bible
religion = jewish # Torah
religion = karaite # Torah
religion = lollard # Bible
religion = miaphysite # Bible
religion = monophysite # Bible
religion = monothelite # Bible
religion = nestorian # Bible
religion = orthodox # Bible
religion = paulician # Bible
religion = samaritan # Torah
religion = waldensian # Bible
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = aztec # L�gendes
religion = aztec_reformed # L�gendes
religion = baltic_pagan # L�gendes
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = druze # �p�tres de la Sagesse
religion = finnish_pagan # L�gendes
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = hellenic_pagan # L�gendes
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = jain # Angas Sutras
religion = khurmazta # Gathas
religion = messalian # Asc�tes
religion = norse_pagan # Sagas
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Sagas
religion = pagan # L�gendes
religion = slavic_pagan # L�gendes
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = tengri_pagan # L�gendes
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = west_african_pagan # L�gendes
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = zoroastrian # Gathas
religion = zun_pagan # L�gendes
religion = zun_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
religion = manichean # �vangile de Mani
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_Scripture
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = bon # Dodus
religion = bon_reformed # Dodus
religion = buddhist # Buddhacavana
religion = hindu # Mahabharata
religion = hurufi # Coran
religion = ibadi # Coran
religion = kharijite # Coran
religion = mazdaki # Grand Secret
religion = shiite # Coran
religion = sunni # Coran
religion = taoist # Dao de jing
religion = yazidi # Livre de l'Illumination
religion = zikri # Coran
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = bogomilist # Bible
religion = cathar # Bible
religion = catholic # Bible
religion = fraticelli # Bible
religion = iconoclast # Bible
religion = jewish # Torah
religion = karaite # Torah
religion = lollard # Bible
religion = miaphysite # Bible
religion = monophysite # Bible
religion = monothelite # Bible
religion = nestorian # Bible
religion = orthodox # Bible
religion = paulician # Bible
religion = samaritan # Torah
religion = waldensian # Bible
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = {
OR = {
religion = aztec # L�gendes
religion = aztec_reformed # L�gendes
religion = baltic_pagan # L�gendes
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = druze # �p�tres de la Sagesse
religion = finnish_pagan # L�gendes
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = hellenic_pagan # L�gendes
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = jain # Angas Sutras
religion = khurmazta # Gathas
religion = messalian # Asc�tes
religion = norse_pagan # Sagas
religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Sagas
religion = pagan # L�gendes
religion = slavic_pagan # L�gendes
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = tengri_pagan # L�gendes
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = west_african_pagan # L�gendes
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
religion = zoroastrian # Gathas
religion = zun_pagan # L�gendes
religion = zun_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_d
trigger = {
religion = manichean # �vangile de Mani
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_du_ScriptureSecret
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
secret_religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_du_
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = bon # Dodus
secret_religion = bon_reformed # Dodus
secret_religion = buddhist # Buddhacavana
secret_religion = hindu # Mahabharata
secret_religion = hurufi # Coran
secret_religion = ibadi # Coran
secret_religion = kharijite # Coran
secret_religion = mazdaki # Grand Secret
secret_religion = shiite # Coran
secret_religion = sunni # Coran
secret_religion = taoist # Dao de jing
secret_religion = yazidi # Livre de l'Illumination
secret_religion = zikri # Coran
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = bogomilist # Bible
secret_religion = cathar # Bible
secret_religion = catholic # Bible
secret_religion = fraticelli # Bible
secret_religion = iconoclast # Bible
secret_religion = jewish # Torah
secret_religion = karaite # Torah
secret_religion = lollard # Bible
secret_religion = miaphysite # Bible
secret_religion = monophysite # Bible
secret_religion = monothelite # Bible
secret_religion = nestorian # Bible
secret_religion = orthodox # Bible
secret_religion = paulician # Bible
secret_religion = samaritan # Torah
secret_religion = waldensian # Bible
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_des_
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = aztec # L�gendes
secret_religion = aztec_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = baltic_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = druze # �p�tres de la Sagesse
secret_religion = finnish_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = jain # Angas Sutras
secret_religion = khurmazta # Gathas
secret_religion = messalian # Asc�tes
secret_religion = norse_pagan # Sagas
secret_religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Sagas
secret_religion = pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = slavic_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = tengri_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = west_african_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = zoroastrian # Gathas
secret_religion = zun_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = zun_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_d
trigger = {
secret_religion = manichean # �vangile de Mani
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_de_

defined_text = {
name = Get_only_le_ScriptureSecret
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
secret_religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
secret_religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = bon # Dodus
secret_religion = bon_reformed # Dodus
secret_religion = buddhist # Buddhacavana
secret_religion = hindu # Mahabharata
secret_religion = hurufi # Coran
secret_religion = ibadi # Coran
secret_religion = kharijite # Coran
secret_religion = mazdaki # Grand Secret
secret_religion = shiite # Coran
secret_religion = sunni # Coran
secret_religion = taoist # Dao de jing
secret_religion = yazidi # Livre de l'Illumination
secret_religion = zikri # Coran
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_la_
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = bogomilist # Bible
secret_religion = cathar # Bible
secret_religion = catholic # Bible
secret_religion = fraticelli # Bible
secret_religion = iconoclast # Bible
secret_religion = jewish # Torah
secret_religion = karaite # Torah
secret_religion = lollard # Bible
secret_religion = miaphysite # Bible
secret_religion = monophysite # Bible
secret_religion = monothelite # Bible
secret_religion = nestorian # Bible
secret_religion = orthodox # Bible
secret_religion = paulician # Bible
secret_religion = samaritan # Torah
secret_religion = waldensian # Bible
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_les_
trigger = {
OR = {
secret_religion = aztec # L�gendes
secret_religion = aztec_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = baltic_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = druze # �p�tres de la Sagesse
secret_religion = finnish_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = jain # Angas Sutras
secret_religion = khurmazta # Gathas
secret_religion = messalian # Asc�tes
secret_religion = norse_pagan # Sagas
secret_religion = norse_pagan_reformed # Sagas
secret_religion = pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = slavic_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = tengri_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = west_african_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
secret_religion = zoroastrian # Gathas
secret_religion = zun_pagan # L�gendes
secret_religion = zun_pagan_reformed # L�gendes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_l
trigger = {
secret_religion = manichean # �vangile de Mani
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_le_


defined_text = {
name = GetReligiousGroupMascFem
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetReligiousGroupMascFem
trigger = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_christian_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = christian is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_indian_group_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = indian_group is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_jewish_group_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_muslim_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = muslim is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_pagan_group_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = pagan_group is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_zoroastrian_group_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_christian_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = christian is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_indian_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = indian_group is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_jewish_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_muslim_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = muslim is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_pagan_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = pagan_group is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_zoroastrian_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group is_female = yes }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetReligiousGroupMascFem

defined_text = {
name = GetReligiousGroupFem
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetReligiousGroupFem
trigger = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_christian_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = christian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_indian_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = indian_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_jewish_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_muslim_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = muslim }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_pagan_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = pagan_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_zoroastrian_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetReligiousGroupFem

defined_text = {
name = GetReligiousGroupMascPl
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetReligiousGroupMascPl
trigger = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_christian_PlMasc
trigger = { religion_group = christian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_indian_group_PlMasc
trigger = { religion_group = indian_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_jewish_group_PlMasc
trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_muslim_PlMasc
trigger = { religion_group = muslim }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_pagan_group_PlMasc
trigger = { religion_group = pagan_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_zoroastrian_group_PlMasc
trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetReligiousGroupMascPl

defined_text = {
name = GetReligionMascFem
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetReligionMascFem
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_aztec_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = aztec NOT = { has_global_flag =
aztec_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_aztec_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = aztec has_global_flag =
aztec_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_aztec_reformed_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = aztec_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_baltic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = baltic_pagan NOT =
{ has_global_flag = baltic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_baltic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = baltic_pagan has_global_flag =
baltic_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_baltic_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = baltic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bogomilist_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = bogomilist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bon_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = bon NOT = { has_global_flag =
bon_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_bon_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = bon has_global_flag =
bon_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bon_reformed_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = bon_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_buddhist_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = buddhist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_cathar_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = cathar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_catholic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = catholic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_druze_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = druze }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_finnish_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = finnish_pagan NOT =
{ has_global_flag = finnish_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_finnish_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = finnish_pagan has_global_flag =
finnish_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_finnish_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = finnish_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_fraticelli_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = fraticelli }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hellenic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = hellenic_pagan NOT =
{ has_global_flag = hellenic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_hellenic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = hellenic_pagan has_global_flag =
hellenic_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hellenic_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hindu_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = hindu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hurufi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = hurufi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_ibadi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = ibadi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_iconoclast_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = iconoclast }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_jain_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = jain }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_jewish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = jewish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_karaite_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = karaite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_kharijite_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = kharijite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_khurmazta_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = khurmazta }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_lollard_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = lollard }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_manichean_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = manichean }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_mazdaki_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = mazdaki }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_messalian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = messalian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_miaphysite_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = miaphysite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_monophysite_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = monophysite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_monothelite_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = monothelite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_nestorian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = nestorian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_norse_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = norse_pagan NOT =
{ has_global_flag = norse_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_norse_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = norse_pagan has_global_flag =
norse_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_norse_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = norse_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_orthodox_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = orthodox }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_paulician_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = paulician }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_samaritan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = samaritan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_shiite_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = shiite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_slavic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = slavic_pagan NOT =
{ has_global_flag = slavic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_slavic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no religion = slavic_pagan has_global_flag =
slavic_reformation }
text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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{ has_global_flag = tengri_reformation } }
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tengri_reformation }
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text = {
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text = {
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{ has_global_flag = west_african_reformation } }
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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= zun_reformation } }
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zun_reformation }
text = {
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text = {
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aztec_reformation } }
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aztec_reformation }
text = {
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text = {
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{ has_global_flag = baltic_reformation } }
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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bon_reformation } }
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bon_reformation }
text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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{ has_global_flag = finnish_reformation } }
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finnish_reformation }
text = {
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{ has_global_flag = hellenic_reformation } }
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hellenic_reformation }
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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{ has_global_flag = norse_reformation } }
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text = {
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text = {
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{ has_global_flag = slavic_reformation } }
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{ has_global_flag = tengri_reformation } }
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tengri_reformation }
text = {
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text = {
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{ has_global_flag = west_african_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_west_african_pagan_Fem
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_west_african_pagan_reformed_Fem
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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{ has_global_flag = zun_reformation } }
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zun_reformation }
text = {
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fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetReligionMascFem

defined_text = {
name = GetReligionMascPl
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetReligionMascPl
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
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AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
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AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
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AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
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AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
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AND = {
religion = miaphysite
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AND = {
religion = monophysite
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AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
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AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
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AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
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trigger = { religion = aztec NOT = { has_global_flag =
aztec_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_aztec_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = aztec has_global_flag = aztec_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_aztec_reformed_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = aztec_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_baltic_pagan_PlMasc
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baltic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_baltic_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan has_global_flag =
baltic_reformation }
text = {
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trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bogomilist_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bon_PlMasc
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bon_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_bon_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = bon has_global_flag = bon_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bon_reformed_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = bon_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_buddhist_PlMasc
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text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_catholic_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_druze_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_finnish_pagan_PlMasc
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finnish_reformation } }
text = {
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trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan has_global_flag =
finnish_reformation }
text = {
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trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_fraticelli_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hellenic_pagan_PlMasc
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hellenic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_hellenic_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan has_global_flag =
hellenic_reformation }
text = {
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trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hurufi_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = hurufi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_ibadi_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_iconoclast_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = iconoclast }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_jain_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_jewish_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_karaite_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_kharijite_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_khurmazta_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_lollard_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = lollard }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_manichean_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_mazdaki_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_messalian_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_miaphysite_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_monophysite_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_monothelite_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_nestorian_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_norse_pagan_PlMasc
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norse_reformation } }
text = {
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trigger = { religion = norse_pagan has_global_flag =
norse_reformation }
text = {
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trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_orthodox_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_pagan_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_paulician_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_samaritan_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_shiite_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_slavic_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
slavic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_slavic_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan has_global_flag =
slavic_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_slavic_pagan_reformed_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_sunni_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_taoist_PlMasc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_tengri_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
tengri_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_tengri_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan has_global_flag =
tengri_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_tengri_pagan_reformed_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_waldensian_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = waldensian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_west_african_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
west_african_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_west_african_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan has_global_flag =
west_african_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key =
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_yazidi_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = yazidi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zikri_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = zikri }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zoroastrian_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = zoroastrian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zun_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
zun_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_zun_pagan_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan has_global_flag = zun_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zun_pagan_reformed_PlMasc
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetReligionMascPl

defined_text = {
name = GetReligionMasc
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetReligionMasc
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_aztec_Masc
trigger = { religion = aztec NOT = { has_global_flag =
aztec_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_aztec_Masc
trigger = { religion = aztec has_global_flag = aztec_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_aztec_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = aztec_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_baltic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
baltic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_baltic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan has_global_flag =
baltic_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_baltic_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bogomilist_Masc
trigger = { religion = bogomilist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bon_Masc
trigger = { religion = bon NOT = { has_global_flag =
bon_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_bon_Masc
trigger = { religion = bon has_global_flag = bon_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_bon_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = bon_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_buddhist_Masc
trigger = { religion = buddhist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_cathar_Masc
trigger = { religion = cathar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_catholic_Masc
trigger = { religion = catholic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_druze_Masc
trigger = { religion = druze }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_finnish_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
finnish_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_finnish_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan has_global_flag =
finnish_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_finnish_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_fraticelli_Masc
trigger = { religion = fraticelli }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hellenic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
hellenic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_hellenic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan has_global_flag =
hellenic_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hellenic_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hindu_Masc
trigger = { religion = hindu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hurufi_Masc
trigger = { religion = hurufi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_ibadi_Masc
trigger = { religion = ibadi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_iconoclast_Masc
trigger = { religion = iconoclast }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_jain_Masc
trigger = { religion = jain }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_jewish_Masc
trigger = { religion = jewish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_karaite_Masc
trigger = { religion = karaite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_kharijite_Masc
trigger = { religion = kharijite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_khurmazta_Masc
trigger = { religion = khurmazta }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_lollard_Masc
trigger = { religion = lollard }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_manichean_Masc
trigger = { religion = manichean }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_mazdaki_Masc
trigger = { religion = mazdaki }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_messalian_Masc
trigger = { religion = messalian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_miaphysite_Masc
trigger = { religion = miaphysite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_monophysite_Masc
trigger = { religion = monophysite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_monothelite_Masc
trigger = { religion = monothelite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_nestorian_Masc
trigger = { religion = nestorian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_norse_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = norse_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
norse_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_norse_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = norse_pagan has_global_flag =
norse_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_norse_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_orthodox_Masc
trigger = { religion = orthodox }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_paulician_Masc
trigger = { religion = paulician }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_samaritan_Masc
trigger = { religion = samaritan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_shiite_Masc
trigger = { religion = shiite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_slavic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
slavic_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_slavic_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan has_global_flag =
slavic_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_slavic_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_sunni_Masc
trigger = { religion = sunni }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_taoist_Masc
trigger = { religion = taoist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_tengri_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
tengri_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_tengri_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan has_global_flag =
tengri_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_tengri_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_waldensian_Masc
trigger = { religion = waldensian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_west_african_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
west_african_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_west_african_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan has_global_flag =
west_african_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_west_african_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_yazidi_Masc
trigger = { religion = yazidi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zikri_Masc
trigger = { religion = zikri }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zoroastrian_Masc
trigger = { religion = zoroastrian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zun_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan NOT = { has_global_flag =
zun_reformation } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_old_zun_pagan_Masc
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan has_global_flag = zun_reformation }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zun_pagan_reformed_Masc
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetReligionMasc

defined_text = {
name = GetEvilGodLeLaLes
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetEvilGodLeLaLes
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
aztec = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
bogomilist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon
bon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
buddhist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = cathar
cathar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = catholic
catholic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = druze
druze = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
finnish_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
finnish_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = fraticelli
fraticelli = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
hindu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hurufi
hurufi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
iconoclast = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jain
jain = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = jewish
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = karaite
karaite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = kharijite
kharijite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = khurmazta
khurmazta = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = lollard
lollard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = manichean
manichean = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = mazdaki
mazdaki = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = messalian
messalian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = miaphysite
miaphysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monophysite
monophysite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = monothelite
monothelite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = nestorian
nestorian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan
norse_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
norse_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = orthodox
orthodox = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = pagan
pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = paulician
paulician = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = samaritan
samaritan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
slavic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = sunni
sunni = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = taoist
taoist = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
tengri_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = waldensian
waldensian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_TLAZOLTEOTL
trigger = { religion = aztec }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_TLAZOLTEOTL
trigger = { religion = aztec_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_VELNIAS
trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_VELNIAS
trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = bogomilist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_GOD_THE_EVIL_ONES
trigger = { religion = bon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_GOD_THE_EVIL_ONES
trigger = { religion = bon_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_MARA
trigger = { religion = buddhist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = cathar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = catholic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = druze }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_TUONI
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_TUONI
trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = fraticelli }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_SATURN
trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_SATURN
trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_VINAYAKAS
trigger = { religion = hindu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = hurufi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = ibadi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = iconoclast }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_PUNISHERS
trigger = { religion = jain }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_SATAN
trigger = { religion = jewish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_SATAN
trigger = { religion = karaite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = kharijite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_AHRIMAN
trigger = { religion = khurmazta }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = lollard }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_AHRIMAN
trigger = { religion = manichean }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_AHRIMAN
trigger = { religion = mazdaki }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEMIURGE
trigger = { religion = messalian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = miaphysite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = monophysite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = monothelite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = nestorian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_LOKI
trigger = { religion = norse_pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_LOKI
trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
trigger = { religion = pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_SATAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = shiite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_GOD_VELES
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_GOD_VELES
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = sunni }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_KING_YAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_ERLIK
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_ERLIK
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
trigger = { religion = yazidi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_IBLIS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_AHRIMAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DARKNESS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodLeLaLes_THE_DARKNESS
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetEvilGodLeLaLes

defined_text = {
name = GetEvilGodDuDelaDes
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes
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OR = {
AND = {
religion = aztec
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AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
baltic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
baltic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = bogomilist
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AND = {
religion = bon
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AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
bon_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = buddhist
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AND = {
religion = cathar
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AND = {
religion = catholic
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AND = {
religion = druze
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AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan
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AND = {
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
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AND = {
religion = fraticelli
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AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
hellenic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
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AND = {
religion = hurufi
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AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = monothelite
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AND = {
religion = nestorian
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = samaritan
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AND = {
religion = shiite
shiite = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
slavic_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
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AND = {
religion = sunni
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AND = {
religion = taoist
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AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan
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AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
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AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan
west_african_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
yazidi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
zoroastrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
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trigger = { religion = aztec }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_TLAZOLTEOTL
trigger = { religion = aztec_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_VELNIAS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_VELNIAS
trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_GOD_THE_EVIL_ONES
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_GOD_THE_EVIL_ONES
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_MARA
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_IBLIS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_TUONI
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_TUONI
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_SATURN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_SATURN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_VINAYAKAS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_IBLIS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_IBLIS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_SATAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_SATAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_IBLIS
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text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_AHRIMAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_AHRIMAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEMIURGE
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_LOKI
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_LOKI
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_SATAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_IBLIS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_GOD_VELES
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_GOD_VELES
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_IBLIS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_KING_YAN
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_ERLIK
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_ERLIK
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DEVIL
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes_THE_DARKNESS
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localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetEvilGodDuDelaDes

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OR = {
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AND = {
religion = aztec_reformed
aztec_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan
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AND = {
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
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AND = {
religion = bogomilist
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AND = {
religion = bon
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AND = {
religion = bon_reformed
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AND = {
religion = buddhist
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = catholic
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = fraticelli
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AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan
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AND = {
religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed
hellenic_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = hindu
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AND = {
religion = hurufi
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AND = {
religion = ibadi
ibadi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = iconoclast
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = monothelite
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
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AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = samaritan
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan
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AND = {
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = taoist
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
tengri_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
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AND = {
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AND = {
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
west_african_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized =
yes }
AND = {
religion = yazidi
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AND = {
religion = zikri
zikri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zoroastrian
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AND = {
religion = zun_pagan
zun_pagan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
zun_pagan_reformed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
trigger = { religion = pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = paulician }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_SATAN
trigger = { religion = samaritan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = shiite }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_GOD_VELES
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_GOD_VELES
trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = sunni }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_KING_YAN
trigger = { religion = taoist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_ERLIK
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_ERLIK
trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_THE_DEVIL
trigger = { religion = waldensian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_THE_DARK_SPIRITS
trigger = { religion = yazidi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_IBLIS
trigger = { religion = zikri }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_AHRIMAN
trigger = { religion = zoroastrian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_THE_DARKNESS
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetEvilGodAAuAux_THE_DARKNESS
trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetEvilGodAAuAux

defined_text = {
name = GetCultureMasc
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetCultureMasc
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
culture = afghan
afghan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = alan
alan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = andalusian_arabic
andalusian_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = arberian
arberian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = armenian
armenian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ashkenazi
ashkenazi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = assamese
assamese = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = assyrian
assyrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = avar
avar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = baloch
baloch = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = basque
basque = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bear
bear = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bedouin_arabic
bedouin_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bengali
bengali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bodpa
bodpa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bohemian
bohemian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bolghar
bolghar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bosnian
bosnian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = breton
breton = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bulgarian
bulgarian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = carantanian
carantanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = castillan
castillan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = cat
cat = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = catalan
catalan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = coptic
coptic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = crimean_gothic
crimean_gothic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = croatian
croatian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = cuman
cuman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = daju
daju = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dalmatian
dalmatian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = danish
danish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dog_culture
dog_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dragon_culture
dragon_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = duck_culture
duck_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dutch
dutch = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = egyptian_arabic
egyptian_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = elephant_culture
elephant_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = english
english = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ethiopian
ethiopian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = finnish
finnish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = frankish
frankish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = frisian
frisian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = georgian
georgian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = german
german = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = greek
greek = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = gujurati
gujurati = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = han
han = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hausa
hausa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hedgehog_culture
hedgehog_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hindustani
hindustani = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = horse
horse = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hungarian
hungarian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ilmenian
ilmenian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = irish
irish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = italian
italian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = jurchen
jurchen = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kannada
kannada = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kanuri
kanuri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = karluk
karluk = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khanty
khanty = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khazar
khazar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khitan
khitan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kirghiz
kirghiz = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = komi
komi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kurdish
kurdish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lappish
lappish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lettigallish
lettigallish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = levantine_arabic
levantine_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lithuanian
lithuanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lombard
lombard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = maghreb_arabic
maghreb_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = manden
manden = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = marathi
marathi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = meshchera
meshchera = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = mongol
mongol = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = mordvin
mordvin = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nahuatl
nahuatl = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nepali
nepali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norman
norman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norse
norse = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norwegian
norwegian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nubian
nubian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = occitan
occitan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = old_frankish
old_frankish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = old_saxon
old_saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = oriya
oriya = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = outremer
old_saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = panjabi
panjabi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pecheneg
pecheneg = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = persian
persian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pictish
pictish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = polish
polish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pommeranian
pommeranian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = portuguese
portuguese = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = prussian
prussian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = rajput
rajput = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = roman
roman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = romanian
romanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = russian
russian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = saka
saka = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = samoyed
samoyed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = saxon
saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = scottish
scottish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sephardi
sephardi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = serbian
serbian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = severian
severian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sindhi
sindhi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sinhala
sinhala = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sogdian
sogdian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = somali
somali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = songhay
songhay = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = soninke
soninke = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = suebi
suebi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sumpa
sumpa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = swedish
swedish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tamil
tamil = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tangut
tangut = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = telugu
telugu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tocharian
tocharian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = turkish
turkish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ugricbaltic
ugricbaltic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = uyghur
uyghur = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = visigothic
visigothic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = volhynian
volhynian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = welsh
welsh = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = zaghawa
zaghawa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = zhangzhung
zhangzhung = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_afghan_Masc
trigger = { culture = afghan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_alan_Masc
trigger = { culture = alan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_andalusian_arabic_Masc
trigger = { culture = andalusian_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_arberian_Masc
trigger = { culture = arberian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_armenian_Masc
trigger = { culture = armenian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ashkenazi_Masc
trigger = { culture = ashkenazi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_assamese_Masc
trigger = { culture = assamese }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_assyrian_Masc
trigger = { culture = assyrian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_avar_Masc
trigger = { culture = avar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_baloch_Masc
trigger = { culture = baloch }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_basque_Masc
trigger = { culture = basque }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bear_Masc
trigger = { culture = bear }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bedouin_arabic_Masc
trigger = { culture = bedouin_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bengali_Masc
trigger = { culture = bengali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bodpa_Masc
trigger = { culture = bodpa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bohemian_Masc
trigger = { culture = bohemian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bolghar_Masc
trigger = { culture = bolghar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bosnian_Masc
trigger = { culture = bosnian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_breton_Masc
trigger = { culture = breton }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bulgarian_Masc
trigger = { culture = bulgarian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_carantanian_Masc
trigger = { culture = carantanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_castillan_Masc
trigger = { culture = castillan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_cat_Masc
trigger = { culture = cat }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_catalan_Masc
trigger = { culture = catalan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_coptic_Masc
trigger = { culture = coptic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_crimean_gothic_Masc
trigger = { culture = crimean_gothic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_croatian_Masc
trigger = { culture = croatian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_cuman_Masc
trigger = { culture = cuman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_daju_Masc
trigger = { culture = daju }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dalmatian_Masc
trigger = { culture = dalmatian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_danish_Masc
trigger = { culture = danish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dog_culture_Masc
trigger = { culture = dog_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dragon_culture_Masc
trigger = { culture = dragon_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_duck_culture_Masc
trigger = { culture = duck_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dutch_Masc
trigger = { culture = dutch }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_egyptian_arabic_Masc
trigger = { culture = egyptian_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_elephant_culture_Masc
trigger = { culture = elephant_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_english_Masc
trigger = { culture = english }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ethiopian_Masc
trigger = { culture = ethiopian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_finnish_Masc
trigger = { culture = finnish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_frankish_Masc
trigger = { culture = frankish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_frisian_Masc
trigger = { culture = frisian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_georgian_Masc
trigger = { culture = georgian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_german_Masc
trigger = { culture = german }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_greek_Masc
trigger = { culture = greek }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_gujurati_Masc
trigger = { culture = gujurati }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_han_Masc
trigger = { culture = han }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hausa_Masc
trigger = { culture = hausa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hedgehog_culture_Masc
trigger = { culture = hedgehog_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hindustani_Masc
trigger = { culture = hindustani }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_horse_Masc
trigger = { culture = horse }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hungarian_Masc
trigger = { culture = hungarian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ilmenian_Masc
trigger = { culture = ilmenian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_irish_Masc
trigger = { culture = irish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_italian_Masc
trigger = { culture = italian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_jurchen_Masc
trigger = { culture = jurchen }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kannada_Masc
trigger = { culture = kannada }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kanuri_Masc
trigger = { culture = kanuri }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_karluk_Masc
trigger = { culture = karluk }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khanty_Masc
trigger = { culture = khanty }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khazar_Masc
trigger = { culture = khazar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khitan_Masc
trigger = { culture = khitan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kirghiz_Masc
trigger = { culture = kirghiz }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_komi_Masc
trigger = { culture = komi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kurdish_Masc
trigger = { culture = kurdish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lappish_Masc
trigger = { culture = lappish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lettigallish_Masc
trigger = { culture = lettigallish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_levantine_arabic_Masc
trigger = { culture = levantine_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lithuanian_Masc
trigger = { culture = lithuanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lombard_Masc
trigger = { culture = lombard }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_maghreb_arabic_Masc
trigger = { culture = maghreb_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_manden_Masc
trigger = { culture = manden }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_marathi_Masc
trigger = { culture = marathi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_meshchera_Masc
trigger = { culture = meshchera }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_mongol_Masc
trigger = { culture = mongol }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_mordvin_Masc
trigger = { culture = mordvin }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nahuatl_Masc
trigger = { culture = nahuatl }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nepali_Masc
trigger = { culture = nepali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norman_Masc
trigger = { culture = norman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norse_Masc
trigger = { culture = norse }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norwegian_Masc
trigger = { culture = norwegian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nubian_Masc
trigger = { culture = nubian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_occitan_Masc
trigger = { culture = occitan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_old_frankish_Masc
trigger = { culture = old_frankish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_old_saxon_Masc
trigger = { culture = old_saxon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_oriya_Masc
trigger = { culture = oriya }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_outremer_Masc
trigger = { culture = outremer }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_panjabi_Masc
trigger = { culture = panjabi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pecheneg_Masc
trigger = { culture = pecheneg }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_persian_Masc
trigger = { culture = persian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pictish_Masc
trigger = { culture = pictish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_polish_Masc
trigger = { culture = polish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pommeranian_Masc
trigger = { culture = pommeranian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_portuguese_Masc
trigger = { culture = portuguese }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_prussian_Masc
trigger = { culture = prussian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_rajput_Masc
trigger = { culture = rajput }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_roman_Masc
trigger = { culture = roman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_romanian_Masc
trigger = { culture = romanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_russian_Masc
trigger = { culture = russian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_saka_Masc
trigger = { culture = saka }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_samoyed_Masc
trigger = { culture = samoyed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_saxon_Masc
trigger = { culture = saxon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_scottish_Masc
trigger = { culture = scottish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sephardi_Masc
trigger = { culture = sephardi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_serbian_Masc
trigger = { culture = serbian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_severian_Masc
trigger = { culture = severian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sindhi_Masc
trigger = { culture = sindhi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sinhala_Masc
trigger = { culture = sinhala }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sogdian_Masc
trigger = { culture = sogdian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_somali_Masc
trigger = { culture = somali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_songhay_Masc
trigger = { culture = songhay }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_soninke_Masc
trigger = { culture = soninke }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_suebi_Masc
trigger = { culture = suebi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sumpa_Masc
trigger = { culture = sumpa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_swedish_Masc
trigger = { culture = swedish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tamil_Masc
trigger = { culture = tamil }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tangut_Masc
trigger = { culture = tangut }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_telugu_Masc
trigger = { culture = telugu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tocharian_Masc
trigger = { culture = tocharian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_turkish_Masc
trigger = { culture = turkish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ugricbaltic_Masc
trigger = { culture = ugricbaltic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_uyghur_Masc
trigger = { culture = uyghur }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_visigothic_Masc
trigger = { culture = visigothic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_volhynian_Masc
trigger = { culture = volhynian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_welsh_Masc
trigger = { culture = welsh }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_zaghawa_Masc
trigger = { culture = zaghawa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_zhangzhung_Masc
trigger = { culture = zhangzhung }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetCultureMasc

defined_text = {
name = GetCultureMascFem
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetCultureMascFem
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
culture = afghan
afghan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = alan
alan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = andalusian_arabic
andalusian_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = arberian
arberian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = armenian
armenian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ashkenazi
ashkenazi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = assamese
assamese = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = assyrian
assyrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = avar
avar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = baloch
baloch = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = basque
basque = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bear
bear = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bedouin_arabic
bedouin_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bengali
bengali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bodpa
bodpa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bohemian
bohemian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bolghar
bolghar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bosnian
bosnian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = breton
breton = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bulgarian
bulgarian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = carantanian
carantanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = castillan
castillan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = cat
cat = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = catalan
catalan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = coptic
coptic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = crimean_gothic
crimean_gothic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = croatian
croatian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = cuman
cuman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = daju
daju = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dalmatian
dalmatian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = danish
danish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dog_culture
dog_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dragon_culture
dragon_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = duck_culture
duck_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dutch
dutch = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = egyptian_arabic
egyptian_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = elephant_culture
elephant_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = english
english = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ethiopian
ethiopian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = finnish
finnish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = frankish
frankish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = frisian
frisian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = georgian
georgian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = german
german = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = greek
greek = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = gujurati
gujurati = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = han
han = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hausa
hausa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hedgehog_culture
hedgehog_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hindustani
hindustani = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = horse
horse = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hungarian
hungarian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ilmenian
ilmenian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = irish
irish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = italian
italian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = jurchen
jurchen = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kannada
kannada = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kanuri
kanuri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = karluk
karluk = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khanty
khanty = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khazar
khazar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khitan
khitan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kirghiz
kirghiz = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = komi
komi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kurdish
kurdish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lappish
lappish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lettigallish
lettigallish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = levantine_arabic
levantine_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lithuanian
lithuanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lombard
lombard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = maghreb_arabic
maghreb_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = manden
manden = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = marathi
marathi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = meshchera
meshchera = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = mongol
mongol = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = mordvin
mordvin = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nahuatl
nahuatl = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nepali
nepali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norman
norman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norse
norse = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norwegian
norwegian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nubian
nubian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = occitan
occitan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = old_frankish
old_frankish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = old_saxon
old_saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = oriya
oriya = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = outremer
old_saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = panjabi
panjabi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pecheneg
pecheneg = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = persian
persian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pictish
pictish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = polish
polish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pommeranian
pommeranian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = portuguese
portuguese = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = prussian
prussian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = rajput
rajput = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = roman
roman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = romanian
romanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = russian
russian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = saka
saka = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = samoyed
samoyed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = saxon
saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = scottish
scottish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sephardi
sephardi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = serbian
serbian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = severian
severian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sindhi
sindhi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sinhala
sinhala = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sogdian
sogdian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = somali
somali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = songhay
songhay = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = soninke
soninke = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = suebi
suebi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sumpa
sumpa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = swedish
swedish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tamil
tamil = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tangut
tangut = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = telugu
telugu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tocharian
tocharian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = turkish
turkish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ugricbaltic
ugricbaltic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = uyghur
uyghur = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = visigothic
visigothic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = volhynian
volhynian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = welsh
welsh = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = zaghawa
zaghawa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = zhangzhung
zhangzhung = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_afghan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = afghan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_alan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = alan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_andalusian_arabic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = andalusian_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_arberian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = arberian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_armenian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = armenian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ashkenazi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = ashkenazi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_assamese_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = assamese }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_assyrian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = assyrian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_avar_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = avar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_baloch_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = baloch }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_basque_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = basque }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bear_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = bear }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bedouin_arabic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = bedouin_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bengali_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = bengali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bodpa_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = bodpa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bohemian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = bohemian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bolghar_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = bolghar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bosnian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = bosnian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_breton_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = breton }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bulgarian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = bulgarian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_carantanian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = carantanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_castillan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = castillan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_cat_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = cat }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_catalan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = catalan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_coptic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = coptic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_crimean_gothic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = crimean_gothic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_croatian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = croatian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_cuman_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = cuman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_daju_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = daju }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dalmatian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = dalmatian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_danish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = danish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dog_culture_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = dog_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dragon_culture_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = dragon_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_duck_culture_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = duck_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dutch_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = dutch }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_egyptian_arabic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = egyptian_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_elephant_culture_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = elephant_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_english_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = english }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ethiopian_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_finnish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = finnish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_frankish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = frankish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_frisian_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_georgian_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_german_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_greek_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_gujurati_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_han_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hausa_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = hausa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hedgehog_culture_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = hedgehog_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hindustani_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = hindustani }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_horse_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hungarian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = hungarian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ilmenian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = ilmenian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_irish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = irish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_italian_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_jurchen_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = jurchen }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kannada_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = kannada }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kanuri_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = kanuri }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_karluk_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = karluk }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khanty_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = khanty }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khazar_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = khazar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khitan_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = khitan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kirghiz_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = kirghiz }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_komi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = komi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kurdish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = kurdish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lappish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = lappish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lettigallish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = lettigallish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_levantine_arabic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = levantine_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lithuanian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = lithuanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lombard_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = lombard }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_maghreb_arabic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = maghreb_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_manden_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = manden }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_marathi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = marathi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_meshchera_Masc
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text = {
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_mordvin_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = mordvin }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nahuatl_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = nahuatl }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nepali_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = nepali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norman_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norse_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = norse }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norwegian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = norwegian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nubian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = nubian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_occitan_Masc
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_old_frankish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = old_frankish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_old_saxon_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = old_saxon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_oriya_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = oriya }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_outremer_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = outremer }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_panjabi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = panjabi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pecheneg_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = pecheneg }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_persian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = persian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pictish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = pictish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_polish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = polish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pommeranian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = pommeranian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_portuguese_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = portuguese }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_prussian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = prussian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_rajput_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = rajput }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_roman_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = roman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_romanian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = romanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_russian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = russian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_saka_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = saka }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_samoyed_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = samoyed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_saxon_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = saxon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_scottish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = scottish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sephardi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = sephardi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_serbian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = serbian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_severian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = severian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sindhi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = sindhi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sinhala_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = sinhala }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sogdian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = sogdian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_somali_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = somali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_songhay_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = songhay }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_soninke_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = soninke }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_suebi_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = suebi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sumpa_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = sumpa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_swedish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = swedish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tamil_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = tamil }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tangut_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = tangut }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_telugu_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = telugu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tocharian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = tocharian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_turkish_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = turkish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ugricbaltic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = ugricbaltic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_uyghur_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = uyghur }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_visigothic_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = visigothic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_volhynian_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = volhynian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_welsh_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = welsh }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_zaghawa_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = zaghawa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_zhangzhung_Masc
trigger = { is_female = no culture = zhangzhung }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_afghan_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = afghan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_alan_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = alan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_andalusian_arabic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = andalusian_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_arberian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = arberian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_armenian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = armenian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ashkenazi_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = ashkenazi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_assamese_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = assamese }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_assyrian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = assyrian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_avar_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = avar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_baloch_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = baloch }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_basque_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = basque }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bear_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = bear }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bedouin_arabic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = bedouin_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bengali_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = bengali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bodpa_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = bodpa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bohemian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = bohemian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bolghar_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = bolghar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bosnian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = bosnian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_breton_Fem
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bulgarian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = bulgarian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_carantanian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = carantanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_castillan_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = castillan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_cat_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = cat }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_catalan_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = catalan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_coptic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = coptic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_crimean_gothic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = crimean_gothic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_croatian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = croatian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_cuman_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = cuman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_daju_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = daju }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dalmatian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = dalmatian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_danish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = danish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dog_culture_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = dog_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dragon_culture_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = dragon_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_duck_culture_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = duck_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dutch_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = dutch }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_egyptian_arabic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = egyptian_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_elephant_culture_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = elephant_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_english_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = english }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ethiopian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = ethiopian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_finnish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = finnish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_frankish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = frankish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_frisian_Fem
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_georgian_Fem
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_german_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = german }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_greek_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = greek }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_gujurati_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = gujurati }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_han_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = han }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hausa_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = hausa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hedgehog_culture_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = hedgehog_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hindustani_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = hindustani }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_horse_Fem
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text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hungarian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = hungarian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ilmenian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = ilmenian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_irish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = irish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_italian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = italian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_jurchen_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = jurchen }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kannada_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = kannada }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kanuri_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = kanuri }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_karluk_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = karluk }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khanty_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = khanty }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khazar_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = khazar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khitan_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = khitan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kirghiz_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = kirghiz }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_komi_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = komi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kurdish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = kurdish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lappish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = lappish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lettigallish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = lettigallish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_levantine_arabic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = levantine_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lithuanian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = lithuanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lombard_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = lombard }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_maghreb_arabic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = maghreb_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_manden_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = manden }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_marathi_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = marathi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_meshchera_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = meshchera }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_mongol_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = mongol }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_mordvin_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = mordvin }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nahuatl_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = nahuatl }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nepali_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = nepali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norman_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = norman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norse_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = norse }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norwegian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = norwegian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nubian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = nubian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_occitan_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = occitan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_old_frankish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = old_frankish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_old_saxon_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = old_saxon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_oriya_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = oriya }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_outremer_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = outremer }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_panjabi_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = panjabi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pecheneg_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = pecheneg }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_persian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = persian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pictish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = pictish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_polish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = polish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pommeranian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = pommeranian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_portuguese_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = portuguese }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_prussian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = prussian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_rajput_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = rajput }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_roman_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = roman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_romanian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = romanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_russian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = russian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_saka_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = saka }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_samoyed_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = samoyed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_saxon_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = saxon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_scottish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = scottish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sephardi_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = sephardi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_serbian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = serbian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_severian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = severian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sindhi_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = sindhi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sinhala_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = sinhala }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sogdian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = sogdian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_somali_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = somali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_songhay_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = songhay }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_soninke_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = soninke }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_suebi_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = suebi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sumpa_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = sumpa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_swedish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = swedish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tamil_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = tamil }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tangut_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = tangut }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_telugu_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = telugu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tocharian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = tocharian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_turkish_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = turkish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ugricbaltic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = ugricbaltic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_uyghur_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = uyghur }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_visigothic_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = visigothic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_volhynian_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = volhynian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_welsh_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = welsh }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_zaghawa_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = zaghawa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_zhangzhung_Fem
trigger = { is_female = yes culture = zhangzhung }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetCultureMascFem

defined_text = {
name = GetCultureMascPl
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Random_GetCultureMascPl
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
culture = afghan
afghan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = alan
alan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = andalusian_arabic
andalusian_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = arberian
arberian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = armenian
armenian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ashkenazi
ashkenazi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = assamese
assamese = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = assyrian
assyrian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = avar
avar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = baloch
baloch = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = basque
basque = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bear
bear = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bedouin_arabic
bedouin_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bengali
bengali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bodpa
bodpa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bohemian
bohemian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bolghar
bolghar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bosnian
bosnian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = breton
breton = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = bulgarian
bulgarian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = carantanian
carantanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = castillan
castillan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = cat
cat = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = catalan
catalan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = coptic
coptic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = crimean_gothic
crimean_gothic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = croatian
croatian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = cuman
cuman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = daju
daju = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dalmatian
dalmatian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = danish
danish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dog_culture
dog_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dragon_culture
dragon_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = duck_culture
duck_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = dutch
dutch = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = egyptian_arabic
egyptian_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = elephant_culture
elephant_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = english
english = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ethiopian
ethiopian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = finnish
finnish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = frankish
frankish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = frisian
frisian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = georgian
georgian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = german
german = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = greek
greek = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = gujurati
gujurati = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = han
han = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hausa
hausa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hedgehog_culture
hedgehog_culture = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hindustani
hindustani = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = horse
horse = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = hungarian
hungarian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ilmenian
ilmenian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = irish
irish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = italian
italian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = jurchen
jurchen = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kannada
kannada = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kanuri
kanuri = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = karluk
karluk = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khanty
khanty = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khazar
khazar = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = khitan
khitan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kirghiz
kirghiz = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = komi
komi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = kurdish
kurdish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lappish
lappish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lettigallish
lettigallish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = levantine_arabic
levantine_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lithuanian
lithuanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = lombard
lombard = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = maghreb_arabic
maghreb_arabic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = manden
manden = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = marathi
marathi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = meshchera
meshchera = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = mongol
mongol = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = mordvin
mordvin = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nahuatl
nahuatl = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nepali
nepali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norman
norman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norse
norse = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = norwegian
norwegian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = nubian
nubian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = occitan
occitan = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = old_frankish
old_frankish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = old_saxon
old_saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = oriya
oriya = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = outremer
old_saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = panjabi
panjabi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pecheneg
pecheneg = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = persian
persian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pictish
pictish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = polish
polish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = pommeranian
pommeranian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = portuguese
portuguese = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = prussian
prussian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = rajput
rajput = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = roman
roman = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = romanian
romanian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = russian
russian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = saka
saka = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = samoyed
samoyed = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = saxon
saxon = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = scottish
scottish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sephardi
sephardi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = serbian
serbian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = severian
severian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sindhi
sindhi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sinhala
sinhala = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sogdian
sogdian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = somali
somali = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = songhay
songhay = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = soninke
soninke = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = suebi
suebi = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = sumpa
sumpa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = swedish
swedish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tamil
tamil = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tangut
tangut = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = telugu
telugu = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = tocharian
tocharian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = turkish
turkish = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = ugricbaltic
ugricbaltic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = uyghur
uyghur = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = visigothic
visigothic = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = volhynian
volhynian = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = welsh
welsh = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = zaghawa
zaghawa = { is_name_randomized = yes }
AND = {
culture = zhangzhung
zhangzhung = { is_name_randomized = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_afghan_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = afghan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_alan_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = alan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_andalusian_arabic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = andalusian_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_arberian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = arberian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_armenian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = armenian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ashkenazi_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = ashkenazi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_assamese_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = assamese }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_assyrian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = assyrian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_avar_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = avar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_baloch_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = baloch }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_basque_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = basque }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bear_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = bear }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bedouin_arabic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = bedouin_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bengali_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = bengali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bodpa_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = bodpa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bohemian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = bohemian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bolghar_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = bolghar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bosnian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = bosnian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_breton_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = breton }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_bulgarian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = bulgarian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_carantanian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = carantanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_castillan_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = castillan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_cat_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = cat }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_catalan_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = catalan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_coptic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = coptic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_crimean_gothic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = crimean_gothic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_croatian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = croatian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_cuman_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = cuman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_daju_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = daju }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dalmatian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = dalmatian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_danish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = danish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dog_culture_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = dog_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dragon_culture_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = dragon_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_duck_culture_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = duck_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_dutch_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = dutch }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_egyptian_arabic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = egyptian_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_elephant_culture_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = elephant_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_english_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = english }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ethiopian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = ethiopian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_finnish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = finnish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_frankish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = frankish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_frisian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = frisian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_georgian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = georgian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_german_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = german }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_greek_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = greek }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_gujurati_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = gujurati }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_han_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = han }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hausa_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = hausa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hedgehog_culture_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = hedgehog_culture }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hindustani_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = hindustani }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_horse_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = horse }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_hungarian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = hungarian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ilmenian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = ilmenian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_irish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = irish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_italian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = italian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_jurchen_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = jurchen }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kannada_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = kannada }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kanuri_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = kanuri }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_karluk_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = karluk }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khanty_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = khanty }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khazar_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = khazar }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_khitan_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = khitan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kirghiz_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = kirghiz }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_komi_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = komi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_kurdish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = kurdish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lappish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = lappish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lettigallish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = lettigallish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_levantine_arabic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = levantine_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lithuanian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = lithuanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_lombard_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = lombard }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_maghreb_arabic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = maghreb_arabic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_manden_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = manden }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_marathi_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = marathi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_meshchera_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = meshchera }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_mongol_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = mongol }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_mordvin_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = mordvin }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nahuatl_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = nahuatl }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nepali_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = nepali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norman_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = norman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norse_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = norse }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_norwegian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = norwegian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_nubian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = nubian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_occitan_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = occitan }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_old_frankish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = old_frankish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_old_saxon_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = old_saxon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_oriya_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = oriya }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_outremer_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = outremer }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_panjabi_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = panjabi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pecheneg_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = pecheneg }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_persian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = persian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pictish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = pictish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_polish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = polish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_pommeranian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = pommeranian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_portuguese_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = portuguese }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_prussian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = prussian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_rajput_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = rajput }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_roman_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = roman }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_romanian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = romanian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_russian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = russian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_saka_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = saka }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_samoyed_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = samoyed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_saxon_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = saxon }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_scottish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = scottish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sephardi_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = sephardi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_serbian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = serbian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_severian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = severian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sindhi_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = sindhi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sinhala_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = sinhala }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sogdian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = sogdian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_somali_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = somali }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_songhay_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = songhay }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_soninke_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = soninke }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_suebi_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = suebi }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_sumpa_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = sumpa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_swedish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = swedish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tamil_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = tamil }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tangut_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = tangut }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_telugu_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = telugu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_tocharian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = tocharian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_turkish_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = turkish }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_ugricbaltic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = ugricbaltic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_uyghur_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = uyghur }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_visigothic_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = visigothic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_volhynian_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = volhynian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_welsh_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = welsh }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_zaghawa_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = zaghawa }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Culture_zhangzhung_PlMasc
trigger = { culture = zhangzhung }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetCultureMascPl

defined_text = {
name = GetGovernmentFem
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetGovernmentFem
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_chinese_imperial_government
trigger = {
government = chinese_imperial_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_confucian_bureaucracy
trigger = {
government = confucian_bureaucracy
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_feudal_government
trigger = {
government = feudal_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_merchant_republic_government
trigger = {
government = merchant_republic_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_muslim_government
trigger = {
government = muslim_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_nomadic_government
trigger = {
government = nomadic_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_republic_government
trigger = {
government = republic_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_theocracy_government
trigger = {
government = theocracy_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_theocratic_feudal_government
trigger = {
government = theocratic_feudal_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_tribal_government
trigger = {
government = tribal_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentFem_order_government
trigger = {
government = order_government

defined_text = {
name = GetGovernmentMasc
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetGovernmentMasc
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_chinese_imperial_government
trigger = {
government = chinese_imperial_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_confucian_bureaucracy
trigger = {
government = confucian_bureaucracy
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_feudal_government
trigger = {
government = feudal_government
text = {
localisation_key =
trigger = {
government = merchant_republic_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_muslim_government
trigger = {
government = muslim_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_nomadic_government
trigger = {
government = nomadic_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_republic_government
trigger = {
government = republic_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_theocracy_government
trigger = {
government = theocracy_government
text = {
localisation_key =
trigger = {
government = theocratic_feudal_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_tribal_government
trigger = {
government = tribal_government
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GovernmentMasc_order_government
trigger = {
government = order_government


defined_text = {
name = GetCapitalHoldingDuDela # Returns a suitable name for the main
building of your capital
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetCapitalHoldingDuDela
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Castle_1
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = castle }
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Castle_2
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = castle }
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Castle_3
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = castle }
higher_tier_than = KING
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Temple_1
trigger = { capital_holding = { holding_type = temple } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Nomad_1
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = nomad }
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Nomad_2
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = nomad }
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Nomad_3
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = nomad }
higher_tier_than = KING
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Tribal_1
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = tribal }
NOT = { higher_tier_than = COUNT }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Tribal_2
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = tribal }
higher_tier_than = COUNT
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Tribal_3
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = tribal }
higher_tier_than = DUKE
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_City_1
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = city }
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_City_2
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = city }
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_City_3
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = city }
higher_tier_than = KING
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Fallback_1
trigger = {
NOT = {
capital_holding = {
OR = {
holding_type = castle
holding_type = temple
holding_type = nomad
holding_type = tribal
holding_type = city

defined_text = {
name = GetCapitalHoldingAuAla # Returns a suitable name for the main building
of your capital
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetCapitalHoldingAuAla
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Castle_1
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = castle }
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Castle_2
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = castle }
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Castle_3
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = castle }
higher_tier_than = KING
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Temple_1
trigger = { capital_holding = { holding_type = temple } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Nomad_1
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = nomad }
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Nomad_2
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = nomad }
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Nomad_3
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = nomad }
higher_tier_than = KING
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Tribal_1
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = tribal }
NOT = { higher_tier_than = COUNT }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Tribal_2
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = tribal }
higher_tier_than = COUNT
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Tribal_3
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = tribal }
higher_tier_than = DUKE
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_City_1
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = city }
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_City_2
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = city }
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_City_3
trigger = {
capital_holding = { holding_type = city }
higher_tier_than = KING
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingAuAla_Fallback_1
trigger = {
NOT = {
capital_holding = {
OR = {
holding_type = castle
holding_type = temple
holding_type = nomad
holding_type = tribal
holding_type = city

defined_text = {
name = GetHoldingDuDela # Returns a suitable name for a holding
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetHoldingDuDela
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Castle_1
trigger = {
holding_type = castle
county = { holder_scope = { NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE } } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Castle_2
trigger = {
holding_type = castle
county = {
holder_scope = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Castle_3
trigger = {
holding_type = castle
county = { holder_scope = { higher_tier_than = KING } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Temple_1
trigger = { holding_type = temple }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Nomad_1
trigger = {
holding_type = nomad
county = { holder_scope = { NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE } } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Nomad_2
trigger = {
holding_type = nomad
county = {
holder_scope = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Nomad_3
trigger = {
holding_type = nomad
county = { holder_scope = { higher_tier_than = KING } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Tribal_1
trigger = {
holding_type = tribal
county = { holder_scope = { NOT = { higher_tier_than =
COUNT } } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Tribal_2
trigger = {
holding_type = tribal
county = {
holder_scope = {
higher_tier_than = COUNT
NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_Tribal_3
trigger = {
holding_type = tribal
county = { holder_scope = { higher_tier_than = DUKE } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_City_1
trigger = {
holding_type = city
county = { holder_scope = { NOT = { higher_tier_than = DUKE } } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_City_2
trigger = {
holding_type = city
county = {
holder_scope = {
higher_tier_than = DUKE
NOT = { higher_tier_than = KING }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_City_3
trigger = {
holding_type = city
county = { holder_scope = { higher_tier_than = KING } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHoldingDuDela_settlement
trigger = {
NOT = {
OR = {
holding_type = castle
holding_type = temple
holding_type = nomad
holding_type = tribal
holding_type = city

defined_text = {
name = GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Pagan
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Christian
trigger = { religion_group = christian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Muslim
trigger = { religion_group = muslim }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Pagan
trigger = { religion_group = pagan_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Zoroastrian
trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Jewish
trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Hindu
trigger = { religion = hindu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Buddhist
trigger = { religion = buddhist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Jain
trigger = { religion = jain }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipDuDela_Taoist
trigger = { religion = taoist }

defined_text = {
name = GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Pagan
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Christian
trigger = { religion_group = christian }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Muslim
trigger = { religion_group = muslim }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Pagan
trigger = { religion_group = pagan_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Zoroastrian
trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Jewish
trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Hindu
trigger = { religion = hindu }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Buddhist
trigger = { religion = buddhist }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Jain
trigger = { religion = jain }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetHouseOfWorshipUnUne_Taoist
trigger = { religion = taoist }

defined_text = {
name = GetReligiousPersonMascFem
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_fidele
trigger = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_catholic_Masc
trigger = { religion = catholic is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_christian_Masc
trigger = {
religion_group = christian
is_female = no
NOT = { religion = catholic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_muslim_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = muslim is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_jewish_group_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_zoroastrian_group_Masc
trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_buddhist_Masc
trigger = { religion = buddhist is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_jain_Masc
trigger = { religion = jain is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hindu_Masc
trigger = { religion = hindu is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_taoist_Masc
trigger = { religion = taoist is_female = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_norse_pagan_Masc
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
religion = norse_pagan
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_slavic_pagan_Masc
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
religion = slavic_pagan
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_baltic_pagan_Masc
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
religion = baltic_pagan
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_finnish_pagan_Masc
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
religion = finnish_pagan
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_west_african_pagan_Masc
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
religion = west_african_pagan
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_tengri_pagan_Masc
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
religion = tengri_pagan
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zun_pagan_Masc
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
religion = zun_pagan
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_catholic_Fem
trigger = { religion = catholic is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_christian_Fem
trigger = {
religion_group = christian
is_female = yes
NOT = { religion = catholic }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_muslim_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = muslim is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_jewish_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_ReligionGroups_zoroastrian_group_Fem
trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_buddhist_Fem
trigger = { religion = buddhist is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_jain_Fem
trigger = { religion = jain is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_hindu_Fem
trigger = { religion = hindu is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_taoist_Fem
trigger = { religion = taoist is_female = yes }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_norse_pagan_Fem
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
religion = norse_pagan
religion = norse_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_slavic_pagan_Fem
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
religion = slavic_pagan
religion = slavic_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_baltic_pagan_Fem
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
religion = baltic_pagan
religion = baltic_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_finnish_pagan_Fem
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
religion = finnish_pagan
religion = finnish_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_west_african_pagan_Fem
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
religion = west_african_pagan
religion = west_african_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_tengri_pagan_Fem
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
religion = tengri_pagan
religion = tengri_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Religion_zun_pagan_Fem
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
religion = zun_pagan
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetReligiousPersonMascFem

defined_text = {
name = GetDWSettlementAuAla
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetDWSettlementAuAla
text = {
trigger = {
NOT = { society_member_of = the_plaguebringers }
localisation_key = String_FR_town_AuAla
text = {
trigger = {
society_member_of = the_plaguebringers
localisation_key = String_FR_camp_AuAla

defined_text = {
name = GetDWDevilDuDela

text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Satan
trigger = {
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
society_member_of = the_satanists
OR = {
religion_group = christian
religion_group = jewish_group
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Iblis
trigger = {
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
society_member_of = the_satanists
religion_group = muslim
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Ahriman
trigger = {
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
society_member_of = the_satanists
OR = {
religion_group = zoroastrian_group
religion = zun_pagan
religion = zun_pagan_reformed
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Chernobog
trigger = { society_member_of = the_cold_ones
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Kali
trigger = { society_member_of = the_cult_of_kali
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Erlik
trigger = { society_member_of = the_plaguebringers
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Hel
trigger = { society_member_of = the_trollcrafters
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Bacchus
trigger = { society_member_of = the_bacchants
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_DevilGodDuDela_Cagn
trigger = { society_member_of = the_vodouns
NOT = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names
value = random } }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetDWDevilDuDela

defined_text = {
name = GetMatterOfImportanceOnA
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA
text = {
trigger = { any_child = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_daughter
weight_multiplier = { factor = 3 }
text = {
trigger = { any_child = { is_female = no } }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_son
weight_multiplier = { factor = 3 }
text = {
trigger = { is_married = yes }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_GetHusbandWifeOpp
weight_multiplier = { factor = 3 }
text = {
trigger = { trait = greedy }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_investments
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
trigger = { trait = gardener }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_garden
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
trigger = { trait = architect }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_building_plans
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = strategist
trait = duelist
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_sword_practice
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
trigger = { is_learned_trigger = yes }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_tome_collection
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
num_of_friends = 1
trait = socializer
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_friends
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
trigger = { num_of_lovers = 1 }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_love
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_modifier = pet_hunting_dog
has_character_modifier = guide_dog
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_dog
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
trigger = { has_character_modifier = pet_cat }
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_cat
weight_multiplier = { factor = 6 }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetMatterOfImportanceOnA_health
weight_multiplier = {
factor = 1 #0.5
modifier = {
trait = craven
factor = 6

defined_text = {
name = GetComplimentAdjectiveMascFem
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_FALLBACK_GetComplimentAdjectiveMascFem
text = {
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
trait = intricate_webweaver
trait = elusive_shadow
trait = fortune_builder
trait = midas_touched
trait = scholarly_theologian
trait = mastermind_theologian
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
trait = charismatic_negotiator
trait = grey_eminence
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
trait = fortune_builder
trait = midas_touched
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
is_female = no
OR = {
trait = scholarly_theologian
trait = mastermind_theologian
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
trait = intricate_webweaver
trait = elusive_shadow
trait = fortune_builder
trait = midas_touched
trait = scholarly_theologian
trait = mastermind_theologian
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
trait = charismatic_negotiator
trait = grey_eminence
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
trait = fortune_builder
trait = midas_touched
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
is_female = yes
OR = {
trait = scholarly_theologian
trait = mastermind_theologian
localisation_key =

defined_text = {
name = GetDWReasonToJoinVariante # Returns a phrase along the lines of "cure
my lover" or "help me win on the battlefield"

text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDWReasonToJoinVariante_ill_lover
trigger = { has_character_flag = has_ill_lover_loc }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDWReasonToJoinVariante_ill_spouse
trigger = { has_character_flag = has_ill_spouse_loc }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDWReasonToJoinVariante_ill_child
trigger = { has_character_flag = has_ill_child_loc }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDWReasonToJoinVariante_money_troubles
trigger = { has_character_flag = has_money_troubles_loc }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDWReasonToJoinVariante_has_a_rival
trigger = { has_character_flag = has_a_rival_loc }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDWReasonToJoinVariante_illness
trigger = { has_character_flag = has_some_illness_loc }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetDWReasonToJoinVariante_battle_luck
trigger = { has_character_flag = has_need_of_winning_battles_loc }
text = {
localisation_key =
trigger = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = has_ill_lover_loc
has_character_flag = has_ill_spouse_loc
has_character_flag = has_ill_child_loc
has_character_flag = has_money_troubles_loc
has_character_flag = has_a_rival_loc
has_character_flag = has_some_illness_loc
has_character_flag = has_need_of_winning_battles_loc

defined_text = {
name = GetHouseLeLa

text = {
trigger = {
is_tribal = yes
localisation_key = String_FR_longhouse_lela
text = {
trigger = {
is_nomadic = yes
localisation_key = String_FR_pavillion_lela
text = {
trigger = {
is_tribal = no
is_nomadic = no
localisation_key = String_FR_palace_lela

defined_text = {
name = GetHouseDuDela

text = {
trigger = {
is_tribal = yes
localisation_key = String_FR_longhouse_dudela
text = {
trigger = {
is_nomadic = yes
localisation_key = String_FR_pavillion_dudela
text = {
trigger = {
is_tribal = no
is_nomadic = no
localisation_key = String_FR_palace_dudela

defined_text = {
name = GetRandomMythologicalCreatureVariante

text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
culture = norse
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
culture = norse
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
culture = norse
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
culture = norse
localisation_key =
text = {
trigger = {
culture = norse
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =
text = {
localisation_key =

defined_text = {
name = Get_on_DuelWeapon
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_long_sword
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_sword
NOT = { has_character_flag = mock_duel }
NOT = { trait = one_handed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_short_sword
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_sword
NOT = { has_character_flag = mock_duel }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_great_sword
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_sword
NOT = { has_character_flag = mock_duel }
NOT = { trait = feeble }
NOT = { trait = one_handed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_bastard_sword
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_sword
NOT = { has_character_flag = mock_duel }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_jian_sword
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_sword
NOT = { has_character_flag = mock_duel }
culture = han
culture = tangut
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_jewelled_sword
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_sword
NOT = { has_character_flag = mock_duel }
higher_tier_than = KING
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_dagger
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_sword
NOT = { has_character_flag = mock_duel }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_wooden_sword
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_sword
has_character_flag = mock_duel
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_scimitar
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_scimitar
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_axe
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_axe
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_battle_axe
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_axe
NOT = { trait = one_handed }
NOT = { trait = feeble }
NOT = { trait = weak }
has_character_flag = is_battlefield_duel
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_mace
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_mace
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_flail
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_mace
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_flanged_mace
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_mace
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_maul
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_mace
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_morning_star
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_mace
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_wooden_staff
trigger = {
has_character_flag = mock_duel
has_character_flag = weapon_is_staff
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_wooden_club
trigger = {
has_character_flag = mock_duel
has_character_flag = weapon_is_staff
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_practice_spear
trigger = {
has_character_flag = mock_duel
has_character_flag = weapon_is_spear
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_spear
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_spear
NOT = { has_character_flag = mock_duel }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_bare_hands
trigger = {
has_character_flag = weapon_is_hand
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_gun
trigger = {
is_using_gun_trigger = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_my_artifact_weapon_1
trigger = {
event_target:dueling_weapon_1 = {
artifact_owner = { character = PREVPREV }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_my_artifact_weapon_2
trigger = {
event_target:dueling_weapon_2 = {
artifact_owner = { character = PREVPREV }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_DuelWeapon_sword

defined_text = {
name = Get_on_BodyPartInjured
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_BodyPartInjured_eye
trigger = {
OR = {
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has_character_flag = injury_both_eyes
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_BodyPartInjured_hand
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_hand }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_BodyPartInjured_leg
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_leg }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_BodyPartInjured_face
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_face }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_BodyPartInjured_chest
trigger = {
has_character_flag = injury_mangled_body
has_character_flag = injury_maimed
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_BodyPartInjured_body
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_maimed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_on_BodyPartInjured_shoulder
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_could_be_lethal }
fallback_text = {
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defined_text = {
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text = {
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OR = {
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has_character_flag = injury_both_eyes
text = {
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trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_hand }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_au_BodyPartInjured_leg
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_leg }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_au_BodyPartInjured_face
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_face }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_au_BodyPartInjured_chest
trigger = {
has_character_flag = injury_mangled_body
has_character_flag = injury_maimed
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_au_BodyPartInjured_body
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_maimed }
text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_au_BodyPartInjured_shoulder
trigger = { has_character_flag = injury_could_be_lethal }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_Get_au_BodyPartInjured_chest


defined_text = {
name = GetLegumeIncapable
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLegumeIncapable_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLegumeIncapable_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes
defined_text = {
name = GetLarveVermisseau
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLarveVermisseau_male
trigger = {
is_female = no
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_GetLarveVermisseau_female
trigger = {
is_female = yes


defined_text = {
name = Get_juifs
use_first_valid = yes
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_juifs_normal
trigger = {
jewish = { is_name_randomized = no }
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_juifs_random
trigger = {
jewish = { is_name_randomized = yes }


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name = Get_du_RealmFull
text = {
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defined_text = {
name = Get_en_RealmFull
text = {
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defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
name = Get_Le_TitledName
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defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_Au_TitledFirstNameJ
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name = Get_e_TitledFirstNameJ
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defined_text = {
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_TitledNameJ
defined_text = {
name = Get_le_TitledNameJ
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_le_TitledNameJ
defined_text = {
name = Get_Le_TitledNameJ
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_Le_TitledNameJ
defined_text = {
name = Get_au_TitledNameJ
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_au_TitledNameJ
defined_text = {
name = Get_Au_TitledNameJ
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_Au_TitledNameJ
defined_text = {
name = Get_e_TitledNameJ
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_e_TitledNameJ

defined_text = {
name = Get_du_Society
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_Society
defined_text = {
name = Get_le_Society
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_le_Society
defined_text = {
name = Get_Le_Society
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_Le_Society
defined_text = {
name = Get_au_Society
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defined_text = {
name = Get_le_SocietyRank
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defined_text = {
name = Get_Le_SocietyRank
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_Le_SocietyRank
defined_text = {
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_au_SocietyRank
defined_text = {
name = Get_du_SocietyRank
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_SocietyRank
defined_text = {
name = Get_e_SocietyRank
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_e_SocietyRank
defined_text = {
name = Get_le_JobTitle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_le_JobTitle
defined_text = {
name = Get_Le_JobTitle
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_Le_JobTitle
defined_text = {
name = Get_du_JobTitle
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_JobTitle
defined_text = {
name = Get_au_JobTitle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_au_JobTitle
defined_text = {
name = Get_on_JobTitle
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_on_JobTitle
defined_text = {
name = Get_e_JobTitle
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_e_JobTitle
defined_text = {
name = Get_du_SelectedIngredient_1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_SelectedIngredient_1
defined_text = {
name = Get_du_SelectedIngredient_2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_SelectedIngredient_2
defined_text = {
name = Get_le_SelectedIngredient_1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_le_SelectedIngredient_1
defined_text = {
name = Get_le_SelectedIngredient_2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_le_SelectedIngredient_2
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name = Get_e_SelectedIngredient_1
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_e_SelectedIngredient_1
defined_text = {
name = Get_e_SelectedIngredient_2
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_e_SelectedIngredient_2
defined_text = {
name = Get_du_HighGod
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_HighGod
defined_text = {
name = Get_au_HighGod
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_au_HighGod
defined_text = {
name = Get_le_HighGod
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_le_HighGod
defined_text = {
name = Get_Le_HighGod
text = {
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defined_text = {
name = Get_du_HighGodTrue
text = {
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defined_text = {
name = Get_au_HighGodTrue
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_au_HighGodTrue
defined_text = {
name = Get_le_HighGodTrue
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_le_HighGodTrue
defined_text = {
name = Get_du_HighGodSecret
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localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_HighGodSecret
defined_text = {
name = Get_le_Scripture
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defined_text = {
name = Get_du_Scripture
text = {
localisation_key = String_FR_Get_du_Scripture
defined_text = {
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defined_text = {
name = Get_le_ScriptureSecret
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