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Présentée à la Faculté, pour obtenir

Le grade de Docteur
(Option : Mathématiques Appliquées)




(Url : www.geocities.com/hbouzahir)

Soutenue le 05 avril 2001 devant la commission d’examen

Président A. AITOUASSARAH : Professeur, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech

Examinateurs M. ADIMY : Professeur, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau (France)
E. AIT DADS : Professeur, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech
H. BOUSLOUS : Professeur, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech
K. EZZINBI : Professeur Habilité, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech
My L. HBID : Professeur, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech
A. RHANDI : Professeur, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech
A la mémoire de mon père
(rahimah ALLAH)

A ma très chère maman

A mon frère aîné Abdelhay

A toutes mes soeurs

A mes petits frères

A tous mes proches

A tous ceux qui me sont chèrs.

'' Ce ne sont pas des fleurs printanières sujettes au changement des

saisons, mais étant cueillies dans les plus beaux parterres de la
mathématique, ce sont plutôt des amarantes qui ne flétriront jamais ''

(Blaise Pascal)

Au terme de cette thèse, il m’est très agréable de m’acquitter d’une dette de reconnaissance
auprès de toutes les personnes dont l’intervention a favorisé son aboutissement.

Je voudrais d’abord exprimer ma grande gratitude à mon superviseur le Professeur Khalil

Ezzinbi pour son excellent encadrement, son constant encouragement et le fait d’être la
meilleure source continue de mes idées. C’est avec amitié et confiance qu’il m’a initié à la
carrière de recherche. Je le remercie de m’avoir bien accueilli dans son bureau et de m’avoir
transmis toutes ses expériences.

Je tiens à exprimer ma grande gratitude au Professeur Abderrahman Aitouassarah qui m’a

fait l’honneur et le plaisir de présider le jury.

J’adresse mes sincères remerciements aux Professeurs Elhadi Ait Dads de l’Université Cadi
Ayyad, Ovide ARINO de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l ‘Adour, Jack Kenneth
HALE de Georgia Institute of Technology et Jianhong WU de York University de me faire le
grand honneur d’avoir accepter de rapporter mon travail. Je leurs exprime aussi ma grande
gratitude pour leurs précieux conseils et discussions sur mon sujet de recherche.

Je suis très sensible à l’amitié et la gentillesse que j’ai trouvé auprès des Professeurs Mostafa
Adimy de l’Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour et Rachid Benkhalti de Pacific Lutheran
University. Leurs aides m’ont fait profiter des discussions et collaborations fructueuses qu’on a
eu ensemble.

L’amitié et la sympathie que le Professeur Abdelaziz Rhandi me témoigne me flattent toujours.

Je lui exprime ma grande gratitude pour son aide.

Les Professeurs Hammadi Bouslous et Moulay Lhassan Hbid ont toujours des conseils
judicieux à me prodiger. Qu’ils trouvent ici l’expression de ma profonde reconnaissance pour
leurs aides et leurs soutiens.

Mes remerciements vont aussi aux Professeurs Abdelilah Dahlane , Mohammed Elalaoui
Talibi, Mohammed Erraoui, Mohammed Khaladi, Salah Labhala, Lahcen Maniar,
Brahim Sadik, Youssef Ouknine pour leurs sens humain et leur soutien.

Je saisis l’occasion pour remercier les collègues avec qui j’ai partagé des moments de joie
comme ceux de peine tout au long de nos années de troisième cycle. Chacun de nous a été une
source d’idées et informations pour les autres. Je remercie également mes autres camarades
étudiants et enseignants du département de mathématiques.
Je témoigne aussi la gentillesse des personnels du département de mathématiques, service de
troisième cycle, service d’intendance, service des bourses, service de relations extérieures,
buvette et veilleurs. Je les remercie beaucoup.

Je n’oublierais jamais de prier la miséricorde pour mon père Elarbi Bouzahir qui a contribué
puissamment à la formation de mon esprit et n’a épargné aucun effort pour que je mène à bien
mes études. Qu’Allah aille son âme.

En fin, j’adresse mes remerciements à mes proches et amis pour leurs aides morales et
matérielles durant la préparation de cette thèse. Mes remerciements les plus vifs vont à mon
frère Abdelhay Bouzahir qui a été le sponsor principal de mes études de troisième cycle.
Avant Propos

-Nom et Prénom de l’auteur : BOUZAHIR Hassane

-Intitulé du travail :
Contribution à l’Etude des Aspects Quantitatif et Qualitatif pour une Classe
d’Equations Différentielles à Retard Infini, en Dimension Infinie

-Nom et Prénom du directeur de recherche : EZZINBI Khalil

-Laboratoire où les travaux ont été réalisés : (Intitulé et institution)

Laboratoire des Processus Stochastiques et Systèmes Dynamiques,
Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech (Maroc)

-Laboratoire avec lequel il y a eu collaboration pour ce travail :

Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées,
IPRA de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau (France).

-Date de commencement de ce travail : Novembre 1997

-Rapporteurs autres que l’encadrant :

El Hadi AIT DADS, Professeur à la Faculté des Sciences Semlalia,
Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech (Maroc)
Ovide ARINO, Chercheur à l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
(IRD), Bondy, Paris (France) et Professor at the Department
of Mathematics at Brigham Young University (USA)
Jack Kenneth HALE, Regents Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics
at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (USA)
Jianhong WU, Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
York University, North York, Ontario (Canada)

-Cadres de coopération-soutien financier :

-Bourse marocaine de troisième cycle
-Une bourse junior d’un mois du projet: Action Intégrée franco-marocaine
-Principales publications ou communications auxquelles ce travail a donné
lieu (en se limitant à celles qui se rapportent à ce travail uniquement):

1) Global Attractor for A Class of Partial Functional Differential Equations with
Infinite Delay. ''Topics in Functional Differential and Difference
Equations'', Edited by P. Freitas and T. Faria, Fields Institute
Communications, Vol. 29 , American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI,
(March, 2001). (En collaboration avec K. Ezzinbi).
2) Existence for a Class of Partial Functional Differential Equations with Infinite
Delay. A paraître au «Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and
Applications». (En collaboration avec M. Adimy et K. Ezzinbi).
3) Local Existence and Stability for Some Partial Functional Differential
Equations with Infinite Delay. A paraître au «Journal of Nonlinear Analysis,
Theory, Methods and Applications». (En collaboration avec M. Adimy et K.
4) Existence of Periodic Solutions for Some Partial Functional Differential
Equations with Infinite Delay. «Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications», Vol. 256, N. 1, 257-280, (April, 2001). (En collaboration avec
R. Benkhalti et K. Ezzinbi).

Articles en cours de rédaction

1) Existence and Stability for Some Partial Neutral Functional Differential
Equations with Infinite Delay. (En collaboration avec M. Adimy et K. Ezzinbi).
2) Critical Spectrum and Asymptotic Behavior for Linear Partial Functional
Differential Equations with Infinite Delay. (En collaboration avec K. Ezzinbi).

1) Sur les équations différentielles semi-linéaires de type retard infini. A «CIMPA
Summer School on Evolution Equations and Applications», Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso, 13-31 Juillet, 1998.
2) Local Existence and Stability for a Class of Partial Functional Differential
Equations with Infinite Delay. Au 4ièmes JAUCA, Marrakech, 27-29 Avril,
1999. La partie: «Local Existence and Semiflow for Some Partial Functional
Differential Equations with Infinite Delay» Soumise au numéro spécial du
Journal de la Société de Mathématiques du Maroc consacré au 4ièmes
JAUCA. (En collaboration avec K. Ezzinbi).
3) Existence de Solutions pour une Classe d’Equations aux Dérivées Partielles à
Retard. Au Colloque International sur les équations aux dérivées partielles,
Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mahraz, Fès, 4-8 Mai, 1999.
4) Semiflow Generated by a Class of Partial Functional Differential Equations
with Infinite Delay. A «International Conference on Functional Differential
and Difference Equations» Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa-Portugal, 26-
30 Juillet, 1999.
5) A Massera Type Criterion for Linear Partial Functional Differential Equations
with Infinite Delay. Au 6ièmes Journées d'Analyse Numérique et
Optimisation (JANO6) Facultés de Casablanca, 8-10 Mars, 2000. Paru aux
actes de JANO6.
6) Critical Spectrum and Asymptotic Behavior for Linear Partial Functional
Differential Equations with Infinite Delay. A «2nd European-Maghreb
Workshop on Semigroups Theory, Evolution Equations and Applications»,
L'Aquila-Italie, 25-30 Juin, 2000.
7) On Existence of Periodic Solutions for Some Partial Functional Differential
Equations with Infinite Delay. A CIMASI’2000, Ecole Hassania des Travaux
Publics, Casablanca, 23-25 Octobre, 2000.

0.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
0.2 Historique et modèles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
0.2.1 Modèle de prolifération cellulaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
0.2.2 Modèle de proie-prédateur avec di¤usion dans l’espace . . . . . . . . 6
0.2.3 Modèle de dynamique d’une population distribuée . . . . . . . . . . 7
0.3 Equations di¤érentielles à retard …ni en dimension in…nie . . . . . . . . . . 7
0.4 Equations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni en dimension in…nie . . . . . . . . . 8
0.5 Equations di¤érentielles à retard de type neutre en dimension in…nie . . . . 9
0.6 Description de la thèse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1 Phase Spaces and Integrated Semigroups 12

1.1 Phase space of di¤erential equations with in…nite delay . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2 Integrated semigroups and di¤erential operators with nondense domain . . 17

2 Global Existence and Regularity of Solutions for Some Partial Functional

Di¤erential Equations with In…nite Delay1 25
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 Existence and regularity of solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2.1 Local existence and global continuation of integral solutions . . . . . 28
2.2.2 Global existence and uniqueness of integral solutions . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.3 Existence of strict solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3 An application to partial integrodi¤erential equations with in…nite delay . . 40
This chapter is based on a paper in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi. The paper will appear
in Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, (2001).

3 Local Existence, Stability and Attractiveness for Some Partial Functional
Di¤erential Equations with In…nite Delay2 45
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2 Local existence and global continuation of integral solutions . . . . . . . . . 46
3.3 Existence of strict solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4 The solution semigroup and linearized stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.5 Attractiveness of solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.6 An application to a reaction di¤usion equation with in…nite delay . . . . . . 65

4 Existence and Stability for Some Partial Neutral Functional Di¤erential

Equations with In…nite Delay3 69
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.2 Existence and regularity of solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.3 The solution semigroup in autonomous case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.4 Linearized stability principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

5 Boundedness and Periodicity of Solutions for Some Partial Functional

Di¤erential Equations with In…nite Delay4 85
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2 Existence of periodic solutions in nonlinear case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.3 A Massera type criterion in nonhomogeneous case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.4 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

This chapter is based on two papers. The …rst one is in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi
and it will appear in Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, (2001). The second
one is in collaboration with K. Ezzinbi and it will appear in Fields Institue Communications Series, (2001).
This chapter is based on an ongoing work in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi.
This chapter is based on a paper in collaboration with R. Benkhalti and K. Ezzinbi. The paper will
appear in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (2001).


0.1 Introduction
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse se situe dans le cadre des équations di¤érentielles à
retard in…ni en dimension in…nie. Nous nous intéressons plus exactement aux équations de
type: 8
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (0.1)
: x = ' 2 B;

où A : D(A) ½ E ! E est un opérateur linéaire fermé sur un espace de Banach (E; j:j) ;
pour tout t ¸ 0; la fonction xt 2 B est dé…nie par:

xt (µ) = x(t + µ); pour ¡ 1 < µ · 0:

B est l’espace de phase constitué de fonctions dé…nies de ]¡1; 0] à valeurs dans E; véri…ant
certains axiomes (voir Chapitre 1). F : IR+ £ B ! E est une fonction continue.
Le long de cette thèse, nous supposons que D(A) 6= E et que la résolvante de A véri…e la
condition de Hille-Yosida: il existe ! 2 IR tel que l’ensemble résolvant ½(A) de A contient
]!; +1[ et que

© ° °ª
sup (¸ ¡ !)n °(¸I ¡ A)¡n ° < +1; (0.2)
n¸0; ¸>!

Notons que dans le cas où D(A) = E; le théorème de Hille-Yosida a¢rme que A engendre
un C0 semi-groupe (T (t))t¸0 sur l’espace E: Une solution (faible) de l’équation (0.1) est
donnée par la formule de variation de la constante suivante:
8 Z t
< T (t)'(0) + T (t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; pour t ¸ 0;
x(t; ') = 0 (0.3)
'(t); pour ¡ 1 < t · 0:

L’étude de l’équation (0.1) a fait l’objet de plusieurs travaux. Nous citons essentiellement
Hale et Kato [55]; Arino, Burton et Haddock [20]; Murakami [84]; Hino, Murakami et Naito
[66] et plus récemment, Henriquez ([58]-[60]); Hino, Murakami et Yoshizawa [67]; Liu et
Xu [77]; Naito, Murakami et Shin [91]; Shin [113]; Shin et Naito [114], et Shin, Naito et
Minh [115]. On cite aussi Milota et Petzeltova [82], [83], [98]-[100] et [101] dans le cas où A

engendre un semi groupe analytique dans E et Ruan et Wu [103]; Ruess [104]-[106]; Ruess
et Summers [107], [108]; Ruess, Summers et William [109], et Kartsatos et Parrott [69] dans
des cas plus généraus. La liste est loin d’être exhaustive.
Dans ce travail, nous traitons l’existence de solutions faibles ou intégrales et leurs régu-
larités. Nous utilisons la théorie des semi-groupes intégrés introduite par Arendt et al..
Nous entendons par solution faible ou intégrale toute fonction x : (¡1; T ] ! E; T > 0,
satisfaisant l’équation suivante:
8 Z t
< S 0 (t)'(0) + d S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; pour t 2 [0; T ] ;
x(t; ') = dt 0 (0.4)
'(t); pour ¡ 1 < t · 0:

où (S(t))t¸0 est le semi-groupe intégré engendré par l’opérateur A.

Dans ce travail, nous présentons des résultats sur les aspects quantitatif et qualitatif
pour les équations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni et de type neutre en dimension in…nie. Nous
étudions l’existence, l’unicité, la stabilité et la régularité. En suite, nous nous intéressons à
l’existence de solutions périodiques, lorsque F est périodique en t:

0.2 Historique et modèles

La modélisation mathématique de certains problèmes naturels conduit généralement à des
modèles qui sont continus ou discrets. Dans les modèles continus, on suppose que l’évolu-
tion au cours du temps se fait de manière continue. Ils sont présentés par des équations
di¤érentielles, des équations aux dérivées partielles ou par des équations intégrales.
Les équations di¤érentielles à retard surviennent dans certains modèles dont l’état à un
instant donné, est une fonction de son passé. On peut les rencontrer dans plusieurs domaines
d’applications, notamment en économie, physique, médecine, biologie et écologie,.... En
e¤et, dans certains phénomènes, on s’est aperçu que la connaissance de la solution en
un point ne su¢t pas pour décrire l’évolution sur un intervalle de temps donné. Des
retards surgissent à cause du temps nécessaire pour que le système réponde à une certaine
évolution, ou parce qu’un certain seuil doit être atteint avant que le système ne soit activé.
La signi…cation du retard dans un tel ou tel modèle peut être di¤érente : durée de gestion,
période d’incubation d’une maladie contagieuse, temps d’accumulation, temps nécessaire
pour la maturation des cellules ou la transformation d’un type de cellules en un autre,....
Les problèmes démographiques ont été les premiers grands incitateurs à l’introduction
des retards dans les modèles. Indiquons brièvement les facteurs qui ont conduit à ce type

d’équations. Au début, Malthus a présenté le modèle suivant:

N(t) = bN(t); (0.5)
où N(t) est le nombre d’individus à l’instant t et b est le taux de fécondité.
On s’aperçoit que N évolue exponentiellement par rapport à t, et par conséquent, ce
modèle ne re‡ète pas l’évolution exacte de l’espèce, d’où la nécessité d’introduire d’autres
modèles plus réalistes. Les modèles à retard ont pour objet de résoudre ce problème. Le
modèle “proie-prédateur” de Volterra est constitué de deux populations l’une prédateur se
nourrissant de l’autre, la proie. Volterra a supposé que la croissance des prédateurs en
contact avec la proie n’est pas instantannée, dûe par exemple à une période de gestation.
Parmi les modèles les plus classiques, on trouve le système à retard suivant:
> d
< N1 (t) = (b1 ¡ a1 N2 (t))N1 (t);
dt · Z t ¸ (0.6)
> d
: N2 (t) = ¡b2 + a2 N1 (t) + k(µ ¡ t)N1 (µ)dµ N2 (t);
dt t¡r

où k est une fonction qui décrit la manière dont le gain du prédateur à chaque instant t
dépend de l’abondance de la population des proies N1 dans un intervalle de temps passé
[t ¡ r; t] : On distingue deux cas: modèle avec retard …ni (0 < r < +1) et modèle avec
retard in…ni (r = +1): Le modèle peut s’écrire alors sous la forme:

N(t) = F (t; Nt ); t ¸ 0; (0.7)
avec la notation Nt (µ) = N(t + µ) pour chaque ¡1 < µ · 0 si r = +1 ou pour chaque
¡r · µ · 0 si 0 < r < +1: La fonction F : IR+ £ X ! E; où X est un espace vectoriel
approprié de fonctions allant de ]¡1; 0] à un espace de Banach E si r = +1 ou de [¡r; 0]
à E si 0 < r < +1: Dans l’exemple (0.6), la fonction F est dé…ne par
0 1
(b1 ¡ a1 Á2 (0))Á1 (0)
B · Z 0 ¸ C
F (t; Á) = @ A; (0.8)
¡b2 + a2 Á1 (0) + k(µ)Á1 (µ)dµ Á2 (0)

pour E = IR2 et Á = (Á1 ; Á2 ):

La modélisation mathématique de certains problèmes en dynamique de populations a
conduit à de nouveaux modèles qui sont représentés par des équations aux dérivées partièlles
à retard. Dans ces modèles, on tient compte aussi de l’évolution par rapport à d’autres
paramètres du système, par exemple l’espace, l’âge, ... Dans la suite, nous présentons

quelques modèles qui ont été obtenus dans la littérature et qui peuvent être transformés
en des équations de type (0.1) avec retard …ni ou in…ni. On se contente de donner trois
exemples de modèles de dynamique de populations structurées. Pour d’autres exemples,
nous renvoyons le lecteur aux livres de Wu [124] et Webb [122].

0.2.1 Modèle de prolifération cellulaire

C’est un modèle de production du sang proposé par Rey et Mackey en 1993 et étudié
par Dyson, Villella-Bressan et Webb en 1995. Ce modèle décrit la production des souches
prolifératives et le précurseur des cellules dans la moelle oseuse:
> @ @
< @t u(x; t) + @x (xu(x; t)) = ¹u(®x; t ¡ r)(1 ¡ u(®x; t ¡ r));
0 < x < 1; t > 0; (0.9)
u(x; µ) = Á(x; t); 0 · x · 1; ¡ r · µ · 0;

où u(x; t) est la densité de population des cellules dépendante de la maturité x; ou l’âge

biologique, et du temps t et ¹; ® et r des paramètres satisfaisant ¹ > 0; 0 < ® < 1 et r > 0:
La variable de maturité x est à valeurs dans [0; 1] et peut être reliée a l’hemoglobine qui se
trouve entre les cellules individuelles. Dans le terme de transport (xu(x; t)), on suppose
que toutes les cellules ont un même taux de maturation x. Le retard r et le facteur de
maturité ® surviennent lorsqu’on suppose que toutes les cellules se subdivisent exactement
en un même âge. La dépendance logistique non linéaire de la densité de population, dans
le terme ¹u(®x; t ¡ r)(1 ¡ u(®x; t ¡ r)); signi…e que le processus de division des cellules
n’est pas modélisé directement, mais il y’a une prodution de nouvelles cellules de toutes les
valeurs de maturité.

0.2.2 Modèle de proie-prédateur avec di¤usion dans l’espace

Pour l’étude d’une population proie-prédateur, Cohen, Hagan et Simpson [34] ont proposé
le modèle suivant:
µZ +1 ¶
u(x; t) = ®¢u(x; t) + h K(s)u(x; t ¡ s)ds
@t µZ0 +1 ¶ (0.10)
¡m H(s)u(x; t ¡ s)ds ;

où u(x; t) est la population de la proie au temps t et

µZà +1
la position x: K et¶H sont les
fonctions poids des e¤ets héréditaires. Le terme h K(s)u(x; t ¡ s)ds décrit les

µZ +1 ¶
processus de croissance et de décroissance de la proie et m H(s)u(x; t ¡ s)ds est
la consommation de la population de la proie par le prédateur.

0.2.3 Modèle de dynamique d’une population distribuée

Il s’agit du modèle à retard in…ni suivant:

8 · Z ¸
> @ @2
> N(x; t) = d 2 N(x; t) + cN(x; t) 1 ¡ G(µ)N(x; t + µ)dµ ;
> @t @x
< ¡1
0 < x < ¼; t > 0; (0.11)
> @ @
> N(0; t) = N(¼; t) = 0; t > 0;
> @x @x
: N(x; µ) = Á(µ)(x); 0 · x · ¼; ¡ 1 < µ · 0;

qui décrit les dynamiques d’une population distribuée d’une seule espèce. N(x; t) représente
la taille de la population totale à la position x et à l’instant t, les deux constantes d et c sont
positives mesurant, respectivement, le taux de di¤usion
Z 0 et la croissance intrinsèque et G :
]¡1; 0] ! IR est une fonction intégrable véri…ant G(µ)dµ = 1: La fonction Á est un
élément d’un espace vectoriel approprié de fonctions allant de ]¡1; 0] vers E := L2 ([0; ¼]):
Le modèle a été étudié par plusieurs auteurs, à savoir: Ruan et Wu [103], Bonilla et Linan
[27], et Britton [30].

0.3 Equations di¤érentielles à retard …ni en dimension in…nie

Dans le cas du retard …ni, l’équation (0.1) s’écrit sous la forme:
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (0.12)
: x = ' 2 C;

où xt est dé…nie par xt (µ) = x(t + µ), pour ¡r · µ · 0; r > 0; et C est l’espace des fonctions
continues de [¡r; 0] à valeurs dans E muni de la topologie de la convergence uniforme.
Lorsque A est générateur in…nitésimal d’un C0 -semi-groupe (T (t))t¸0 dans E, l’équation
(0.12) a fait l’objet de plusieurs travaux. Dans [118], Travis et Webb ont formulé tous les
aspects d’existence et stabilité pour l’équation (0.12). Dans le cas où F est autonome et
globalement Lipschitzienne, ils ont démontré que la solution:
8 Z t
< T (t)'(0) + T (t ¡ s)F (xs )ds; pour t ¸ 0;
x(t; ') = 0 (0.13)
'(t); pour ¡ r · t · 0;

dé…nit un semi-groupe non linéaire (U(t))t¸0 sur C. Lorsque le semi-groupe (T (t))t¸0 est
compact, ils ont démontré que le semi-groupe solution U(t) est compact pour t > r. Cette
dernière propriété a permis dans le cas linéaire d’étudier la stabilité en terme d’une équation
caractéristique qui caractérise le spectre ponctuel du générateur in…nitésimal de (U(t))t¸0 :
Cette hypothèse de compacité a permis aussi de formuler le théorème de variété centre
pour l’équation (0.12), à savoir que l’espace C s’écrit comme somme directe de trois parties
stable, centre et instable. Dans [23] et [24], Arino et Sanchez ont traité l’équation (0.12)
lorsque A = 0; et ont donné une formule de variation de la constante. Dans [80] et [81],
Memory a étudié le problème d’existence d’une variété stable et instable pour l’équation
(0.12). Il a aussi donné une formule de variation de la constante. Dans [76], Lin, So et Wu
ont étudié l’existence d’une variété centre pour l’équation (0.12). Dans le cas où l’espace
instable est réduit à f0g, ils ont montré que la variété centre obtenue est exponentiellement
attractive. D’autres résultats de base se trouvent dans [119], [120] et [121]. Par la suite,
d’autres travaux ont été faits par plusieurs auteurs: Kunisch et Schappacher ([72], [73]),
Grabosch et Moustakas [46] et Parrott [95] et [96]. Pour plus de détails sur ce sujet, nous
référons le lecteur au livre de Hale et Lunel [56] et à celui de Wu [124]. Récemment, dans
[1], [3], [7] et [45], Adimy et Ezzinbi ont repris l’étude de l’équation (0.12) dans le cas où
l’opérateur A est à domaine non dense et véri…e la condition de Hille-Yosida (0.2).

0.4 Equations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni en dimension in-

La théorie des équations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni en dimension …nie a été initiée par Hale
et Kato dans l’article [55]. Les auteurs ont formulé des axiomes sur l’espace de phase B, pour
pouvoir étudier les problèmes quantitatifs et qualitatifs. Cette approche a permis par la
suite à plusieurs auteurs de développer une théorie générale pour les équations di¤érentielles
à retard in…ni en dimension …nie et in…nie. Nous citons, entre autres, Arino, Burton et
Haddock [20]; Henriquez [58], [58] et [60]; Ruan et Wu [103]; Hino, Murakami et Yoshizawa
[67]; Naito, Shin et Murakami [91] et [92]; Shin et Naito [114]; et Shin, Naito et Minh [115].
La théorie des équations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni a connu un développement con-
sidérable. Plusieurs résultats ont été obtenus dans le cas où A engendre un C0 -semi-groupe
dans E. Dans ce qui suit, nous décrivons les résultats obtenus dans les travaux cités ci-
Dans [20], Arino et al. ont étudié l’équation (0.1) avec A = 0. Les auteurs ont démontré

moyennant le théorème du point …xe de Horn, l’existence de solutions périodiques lorsqu’il
y a existence de solutions ultimement bornées.
Dans [58]-[60], Henriquez a traité le problème d’existence de solutions pour l’équation (0.1)
et leur régularité. Dans [58] et [59], l’auteur a étudié aussi l’existence de solutions péri-
odiques dans le cas où F est périodique en t.
Dans [103], Ruan et Wu ont montré que sous certaines conditions sur la fonction F et sur
l’espace de phase, l’opérateur solution est une ®-contraction:
Dans [114], Shin et Naito ont étudié le problème d’existence de solutions périodiques dans
le cas où F est linéaire par rapport à la deuxième variable. Moyennant des hypothèses
de compacité, ils ont montré que l’opérateur de Poincaré associé a l’équation est une ®-
contraction. Ce qui a permis grâce à un théorème du point …xe de Chow et Hale [33], de
démontrer que l’opérateur de Poincaré admet un point …xe qui est la donnée initiale d’une
solution périodique.
Dans [91], [92] et [115], Shin, Naito, Minh et Murakami ont donné des propriétés de stabil-
ité pour le semi-groupe solution d’une équation di¤érentielle à retard in…ni en dimension
in…nie. Ils ont aussi caractérisé le générateur in…nitésimal du semi-groupe solution.
Dans [67], Hino, Murakami et Yoshizawa ont traité le problème d’existence de solutions
presque périodiques dans le cas où F est linéaire par rapport à la deuxième variable.

0.5 Equations di¤érentielles à retard de type neutre en di-

mension in…nie
Dans [53] et [54], Hale a proposé l’étude d’un modèle de circuits éléctriques. Ce modèle est
présenté par une équation aux dérivées partielles à retard …ni sous la forme:
< @ @2
Dvt = k 2 Dvt + F (vt ) ; t ¸ 0;
@t @x (0.14)
v0 = ' 2 C;
¡ ¢
avec k une constante positive, C := C [¡r; 0] ; H 1 (S 1 ) est l’espace des fonctions continues
sur [¡r; 0] à valeurs dans l’espace de Sobolev H 1 (S 1 ), S 1 est la boule unité, F : C ! H 1 (S 1 )
Z 0
est une fonction assez régulière et DÁ(s) := Á(µ)(0) ¡ [d´(µ)] Á(µ)(s) pour s 2 S 1 et
Á 2 C; où ´ est à variation bornée et atomique en 0, c’est à dire, il existe une fonction

croissante ± : [0; r] ! [0; +1) telle que ±(0) = 0 et
¯0 ¯
¯Z ¯
¯ ¯
¯ [d´(µ)] Ã(µ)¯ · ±(s) sup jÃ(µ)j ; Ã 2 C:
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¡r·µ·0

Hale a initié l’étude de l’existence, la stabilité, l’attractivité et la bifurcation pour les

équations de type (0.14). Il a considéré l’opérateur de Laplace A = k 2 avec domaine
H 2 (S 1 ); ce qui donne un générateur in…nitésimal d’un C0 semi-groupe sur E = H 1 (S 1 ):
Dans leur description d’un circuit éléctrique formé de plusieurs oscillateurs identiques,
connectés entre eux par une résistance et formant une boucle fermée, Wu et Xia [125] et
[126] ont aboutit à un système hyperbolique qui est équivalent à une équation di¤érentielle
de type neutre à retard …ni. Ils ont considéré des équations de la forme:

@ @2
[x(»; t) ¡ qx(»; t ¡ h)] = k 2 [x(»; t) ¡ qx(»; t ¡ h)] + f (xt (»; :)) ; » 2 S 1 ; t ¸ 0;
@t @»
où xt (»; µ) = x(»; t + µ), ¡h · µ · 0, t ¸ 0; » 2 S 1 ; k est une constante positive, f est une
fonction continue et 0 · q < 1.
Le livre de Wu [124] contient une analyse détaillée des résultats obtenus dans les articles
[53], [54], [125] et [126]. Puisque H 1 (S 1 ) ½ C(S 1 ); dans [124], l’auteur a également considéré
l’opérateur de Laplace A = k 2 avec domaine C 2 (S 1 ); qui est générateur in…nitésimal d’un
C0 semi-groupe sur E = C(S 1 ): Ce qui a permis d’obtenir des résultats analogues dans un
¡ ¢
cadre plus général : C := C [¡r; 0] ; C(S 1 ) .
Récemment, dans [10], [11] et [12], Adimy et Ezzinbi ont considéré la forme générale
suivante: 8
< d [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] = A [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
t t t
dt (0.16)
: x = ' 2 C;

avec G et F deux fonctions continues sur [0; +1[ £ C ! E. Les auteurs ont développé
des résultats sur l’existence, la régularité et la stabilité dans le cas où l’opérateur A est à
domaine non dense et véri…e la condition de Hille-Yosida (0.2).
Notre contribution à l’étude des équations de type neutre à retard in…ni concerne la
reproduction de quelques résultats concernant l’étude de l’équation (0.16) dans le cas où le
retard est in…ni. Plus précisément, nous nous intéressons à l’équation suivante:
< d [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] = A [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
t t t
dt (0.17)
: x(µ) = '(µ); ¡1 < µ · 0;

avec ' 2 B, la fonction G : [0; +1[ £ B ! E est continue et les mêmes notations que
l’équation (0.1).
Signalons que Hernandez et Henriquez [61], [62] et [63] ont étudié l’équation (0.17) dans
le cas où A est générateur d’un semigroupe analytique dans E et G est à valeurs dans le
domaine d’une puissance fractionnaire de ¡A; (D((¡A)¡® ); 0 < ® < 1):

0.6 Description de la thèse

Dans la suite, nous donnons un résumé des résultats développés dans chaque chapitre.
Dans le chapitre 1, nous avons présenté quelques résultats d’analyse fonctionnelle qui
seront utilisés le long de ce travail. La première section est une présentation axiomatique
de la théorie fondamentale de l’espace de phase pour l’étude des équations di¤érentielles à
retard in…ni. Dans la deuxième section, nous avons donné des résultats sur la théorie des
semi-groupes intégrés.
Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons étudié l’existence et la régularité des solutions pour
l’équation (0.1), dans le cas où F est continue et Lipschitzienne par rapport à la deuxième
Dans le chapitre 3, nous nous intéressons à l’aspect semi-groupe de la solution. Nous
avons étudié l’existence et la régularité des solutions dans le cas où F est localement Lip-
schitzienne. Dans le cas où l’existence globale est véri…ée, nous avons démontré que la
solution dé…nit un semi-groupe qui véri…e la propriété de translation. Ceci nous a per-
mis d’étudier la stabilité d’un point d’équilibre et de démontrer l’existence d’un attracteur
Dans le chapitre 4, nous avons donné des conditions su¢santes d’existence et de régu-
larité pour l’équation (0.17). Dans la cas autonome, nous avons étudié la stabilité d’un
point d’équilibre.
Dans le chapitre 5, nous avons traité l’existence de solutions périodiques pour l’équation
(0.1) dans le cas où F est périodique en t. Dans le cas où F est linéaire par rapport à la
deuxième variable, nous avons démontré que l’existence d’une solution bornée entraine
l’existence d’une solution périodique.


0.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
0.2 Historique et modèles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
0.2.1 Modèle de prolifération cellulaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
0.2.2 Modèle de proie-prédateur avec di¤usion dans l’espace . . . . . . . . 6
0.2.3 Modèle de dynamique d’une population distribuée . . . . . . . . . . 7
0.3 Equations di¤érentielles à retard …ni en dimension in…nie . . . . . . . . . . 7
0.4 Equations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni en dimension in…nie . . . . . . . . . 8
0.5 Equations di¤érentielles à retard de type neutre en dimension in…nie . . . . 9
0.6 Description de la thèse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1 Phase Spaces and Integrated Semigroups 12

1.1 Phase space of di¤erential equations with in…nite delay . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2 Integrated semigroups and di¤erential operators with nondense domain . . 17

2 Global Existence and Regularity of Solutions for Some Partial Functional

Di¤erential Equations with In…nite Delay1 25
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 Existence and regularity of solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2.1 Local existence and global continuation of integral solutions . . . . . 28
2.2.2 Global existence and uniqueness of integral solutions . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.3 Existence of strict solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3 An application to partial integrodi¤erential equations with in…nite delay . . 40
This chapter is based on a paper in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi. The paper will appear
in Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, (2001).

3 Local Existence, Stability and Attractiveness for Some Partial Functional
Di¤erential Equations with In…nite Delay2 45
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2 Local existence and global continuation of integral solutions . . . . . . . . . 46
3.3 Existence of strict solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4 The solution semigroup and linearized stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.5 Attractiveness of solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.6 An application to a reaction di¤usion equation with in…nite delay . . . . . . 65

4 Existence and Stability for Some Partial Neutral Functional Di¤erential

Equations with In…nite Delay3 69
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.2 Existence and regularity of solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.3 The solution semigroup in autonomous case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.4 Linearized stability principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

5 Boundedness and Periodicity of Solutions for Some Partial Functional

Di¤erential Equations with In…nite Delay4 85
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2 Existence of periodic solutions in nonlinear case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.3 A Massera type criterion in nonhomogeneous case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.4 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

This chapter is based on two papers. The …rst one is in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi
and it will appear in Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, (2001). The second
one is in collaboration with K. Ezzinbi and it will appear in Fields Institue Communications Series, (2001).
This chapter is based on an ongoing work in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi.
This chapter is based on a paper in collaboration with R. Benkhalti and K. Ezzinbi. The paper will
appear in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (2001).


0.1 Introduction
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse se situe dans le cadre des équations di¤érentielles à
retard in…ni en dimension in…nie. Nous nous intéressons plus exactement aux équations de
type: 8
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (0.1)
: x = ' 2 B;

où A : D(A) ½ E ! E est un opérateur linéaire fermé sur un espace de Banach (E; j:j) ;
pour tout t ¸ 0; la fonction xt 2 B est dé…nie par:

xt (µ) = x(t + µ); pour ¡ 1 < µ · 0:

B est l’espace de phase constitué de fonctions dé…nies de ]¡1; 0] à valeurs dans E; véri…ant
certains axiomes (voir Chapitre 1). F : IR+ £ B ! E est une fonction continue.
Le long de cette thèse, nous supposons que D(A) 6= E et que la résolvante de A véri…e la
condition de Hille-Yosida: il existe ! 2 IR tel que l’ensemble résolvant ½(A) de A contient
]!; +1[ et que

© ° °ª
sup (¸ ¡ !)n °(¸I ¡ A)¡n ° < +1; (0.2)
n¸0; ¸>!

Notons que dans le cas où D(A) = E; le théorème de Hille-Yosida a¢rme que A engendre
un C0 semi-groupe (T (t))t¸0 sur l’espace E: Une solution (faible) de l’équation (0.1) est
donnée par la formule de variation de la constante suivante:
8 Z t
< T (t)'(0) + T (t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; pour t ¸ 0;
x(t; ') = 0 (0.3)
'(t); pour ¡ 1 < t · 0:

L’étude de l’équation (0.1) a fait l’objet de plusieurs travaux. Nous citons essentiellement
Hale et Kato [55]; Arino, Burton et Haddock [20]; Murakami [84]; Hino, Murakami et Naito
[66] et plus récemment, Henriquez ([58]-[60]); Hino, Murakami et Yoshizawa [67]; Liu et
Xu [77]; Naito, Murakami et Shin [91]; Shin [113]; Shin et Naito [114], et Shin, Naito et
Minh [115]. On cite aussi Milota et Petzeltova [82], [83], [98]-[100] et [101] dans le cas où A

engendre un semi groupe analytique dans E et Ruan et Wu [103]; Ruess [104]-[106]; Ruess
et Summers [107], [108]; Ruess, Summers et William [109], et Kartsatos et Parrott [69] dans
des cas plus généraus. La liste est loin d’être exhaustive.
Dans ce travail, nous traitons l’existence de solutions faibles ou intégrales et leurs régu-
larités. Nous utilisons la théorie des semi-groupes intégrés introduite par Arendt et al..
Nous entendons par solution faible ou intégrale toute fonction x : (¡1; T ] ! E; T > 0,
satisfaisant l’équation suivante:
8 Z t
< S 0 (t)'(0) + d S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; pour t 2 [0; T ] ;
x(t; ') = dt 0 (0.4)
'(t); pour ¡ 1 < t · 0:

où (S(t))t¸0 est le semi-groupe intégré engendré par l’opérateur A.

Dans ce travail, nous présentons des résultats sur les aspects quantitatif et qualitatif
pour les équations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni et de type neutre en dimension in…nie. Nous
étudions l’existence, l’unicité, la stabilité et la régularité. En suite, nous nous intéressons à
l’existence de solutions périodiques, lorsque F est périodique en t:

0.2 Historique et modèles

La modélisation mathématique de certains problèmes naturels conduit généralement à des
modèles qui sont continus ou discrets. Dans les modèles continus, on suppose que l’évolu-
tion au cours du temps se fait de manière continue. Ils sont présentés par des équations
di¤érentielles, des équations aux dérivées partielles ou par des équations intégrales.
Les équations di¤érentielles à retard surviennent dans certains modèles dont l’état à un
instant donné, est une fonction de son passé. On peut les rencontrer dans plusieurs domaines
d’applications, notamment en économie, physique, médecine, biologie et écologie,.... En
e¤et, dans certains phénomènes, on s’est aperçu que la connaissance de la solution en
un point ne su¢t pas pour décrire l’évolution sur un intervalle de temps donné. Des
retards surgissent à cause du temps nécessaire pour que le système réponde à une certaine
évolution, ou parce qu’un certain seuil doit être atteint avant que le système ne soit activé.
La signi…cation du retard dans un tel ou tel modèle peut être di¤érente : durée de gestion,
période d’incubation d’une maladie contagieuse, temps d’accumulation, temps nécessaire
pour la maturation des cellules ou la transformation d’un type de cellules en un autre,....
Les problèmes démographiques ont été les premiers grands incitateurs à l’introduction
des retards dans les modèles. Indiquons brièvement les facteurs qui ont conduit à ce type

d’équations. Au début, Malthus a présenté le modèle suivant:

N(t) = bN(t); (0.5)
où N(t) est le nombre d’individus à l’instant t et b est le taux de fécondité.
On s’aperçoit que N évolue exponentiellement par rapport à t, et par conséquent, ce
modèle ne re‡ète pas l’évolution exacte de l’espèce, d’où la nécessité d’introduire d’autres
modèles plus réalistes. Les modèles à retard ont pour objet de résoudre ce problème. Le
modèle “proie-prédateur” de Volterra est constitué de deux populations l’une prédateur se
nourrissant de l’autre, la proie. Volterra a supposé que la croissance des prédateurs en
contact avec la proie n’est pas instantannée, dûe par exemple à une période de gestation.
Parmi les modèles les plus classiques, on trouve le système à retard suivant:
> d
< N1 (t) = (b1 ¡ a1 N2 (t))N1 (t);
dt · Z t ¸ (0.6)
> d
: N2 (t) = ¡b2 + a2 N1 (t) + k(µ ¡ t)N1 (µ)dµ N2 (t);
dt t¡r

où k est une fonction qui décrit la manière dont le gain du prédateur à chaque instant t
dépend de l’abondance de la population des proies N1 dans un intervalle de temps passé
[t ¡ r; t] : On distingue deux cas: modèle avec retard …ni (0 < r < +1) et modèle avec
retard in…ni (r = +1): Le modèle peut s’écrire alors sous la forme:

N(t) = F (t; Nt ); t ¸ 0; (0.7)
avec la notation Nt (µ) = N(t + µ) pour chaque ¡1 < µ · 0 si r = +1 ou pour chaque
¡r · µ · 0 si 0 < r < +1: La fonction F : IR+ £ X ! E; où X est un espace vectoriel
approprié de fonctions allant de ]¡1; 0] à un espace de Banach E si r = +1 ou de [¡r; 0]
à E si 0 < r < +1: Dans l’exemple (0.6), la fonction F est dé…ne par
0 1
(b1 ¡ a1 Á2 (0))Á1 (0)
B · Z 0 ¸ C
F (t; Á) = @ A; (0.8)
¡b2 + a2 Á1 (0) + k(µ)Á1 (µ)dµ Á2 (0)

pour E = IR2 et Á = (Á1 ; Á2 ):

La modélisation mathématique de certains problèmes en dynamique de populations a
conduit à de nouveaux modèles qui sont représentés par des équations aux dérivées partièlles
à retard. Dans ces modèles, on tient compte aussi de l’évolution par rapport à d’autres
paramètres du système, par exemple l’espace, l’âge, ... Dans la suite, nous présentons

quelques modèles qui ont été obtenus dans la littérature et qui peuvent être transformés
en des équations de type (0.1) avec retard …ni ou in…ni. On se contente de donner trois
exemples de modèles de dynamique de populations structurées. Pour d’autres exemples,
nous renvoyons le lecteur aux livres de Wu [124] et Webb [122].

0.2.1 Modèle de prolifération cellulaire

C’est un modèle de production du sang proposé par Rey et Mackey en 1993 et étudié
par Dyson, Villella-Bressan et Webb en 1995. Ce modèle décrit la production des souches
prolifératives et le précurseur des cellules dans la moelle oseuse:
> @ @
< @t u(x; t) + @x (xu(x; t)) = ¹u(®x; t ¡ r)(1 ¡ u(®x; t ¡ r));
0 < x < 1; t > 0; (0.9)
u(x; µ) = Á(x; t); 0 · x · 1; ¡ r · µ · 0;

où u(x; t) est la densité de population des cellules dépendante de la maturité x; ou l’âge

biologique, et du temps t et ¹; ® et r des paramètres satisfaisant ¹ > 0; 0 < ® < 1 et r > 0:
La variable de maturité x est à valeurs dans [0; 1] et peut être reliée a l’hemoglobine qui se
trouve entre les cellules individuelles. Dans le terme de transport (xu(x; t)), on suppose
que toutes les cellules ont un même taux de maturation x. Le retard r et le facteur de
maturité ® surviennent lorsqu’on suppose que toutes les cellules se subdivisent exactement
en un même âge. La dépendance logistique non linéaire de la densité de population, dans
le terme ¹u(®x; t ¡ r)(1 ¡ u(®x; t ¡ r)); signi…e que le processus de division des cellules
n’est pas modélisé directement, mais il y’a une prodution de nouvelles cellules de toutes les
valeurs de maturité.

0.2.2 Modèle de proie-prédateur avec di¤usion dans l’espace

Pour l’étude d’une population proie-prédateur, Cohen, Hagan et Simpson [34] ont proposé
le modèle suivant:
µZ +1 ¶
u(x; t) = ®¢u(x; t) + h K(s)u(x; t ¡ s)ds
@t µZ0 +1 ¶ (0.10)
¡m H(s)u(x; t ¡ s)ds ;

où u(x; t) est la population de la proie au temps t et

µZà +1
la position x: K et¶H sont les
fonctions poids des e¤ets héréditaires. Le terme h K(s)u(x; t ¡ s)ds décrit les

µZ +1 ¶
processus de croissance et de décroissance de la proie et m H(s)u(x; t ¡ s)ds est
la consommation de la population de la proie par le prédateur.

0.2.3 Modèle de dynamique d’une population distribuée

Il s’agit du modèle à retard in…ni suivant:

8 · Z ¸
> @ @2
> N(x; t) = d 2 N(x; t) + cN(x; t) 1 ¡ G(µ)N(x; t + µ)dµ ;
> @t @x
< ¡1
0 < x < ¼; t > 0; (0.11)
> @ @
> N(0; t) = N(¼; t) = 0; t > 0;
> @x @x
: N(x; µ) = Á(µ)(x); 0 · x · ¼; ¡ 1 < µ · 0;

qui décrit les dynamiques d’une population distribuée d’une seule espèce. N(x; t) représente
la taille de la population totale à la position x et à l’instant t, les deux constantes d et c sont
positives mesurant, respectivement, le taux de di¤usion
Z 0 et la croissance intrinsèque et G :
]¡1; 0] ! IR est une fonction intégrable véri…ant G(µ)dµ = 1: La fonction Á est un
élément d’un espace vectoriel approprié de fonctions allant de ]¡1; 0] vers E := L2 ([0; ¼]):
Le modèle a été étudié par plusieurs auteurs, à savoir: Ruan et Wu [103], Bonilla et Linan
[27], et Britton [30].

0.3 Equations di¤érentielles à retard …ni en dimension in…nie

Dans le cas du retard …ni, l’équation (0.1) s’écrit sous la forme:
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (0.12)
: x = ' 2 C;

où xt est dé…nie par xt (µ) = x(t + µ), pour ¡r · µ · 0; r > 0; et C est l’espace des fonctions
continues de [¡r; 0] à valeurs dans E muni de la topologie de la convergence uniforme.
Lorsque A est générateur in…nitésimal d’un C0 -semi-groupe (T (t))t¸0 dans E, l’équation
(0.12) a fait l’objet de plusieurs travaux. Dans [118], Travis et Webb ont formulé tous les
aspects d’existence et stabilité pour l’équation (0.12). Dans le cas où F est autonome et
globalement Lipschitzienne, ils ont démontré que la solution:
8 Z t
< T (t)'(0) + T (t ¡ s)F (xs )ds; pour t ¸ 0;
x(t; ') = 0 (0.13)
'(t); pour ¡ r · t · 0;

dé…nit un semi-groupe non linéaire (U(t))t¸0 sur C. Lorsque le semi-groupe (T (t))t¸0 est
compact, ils ont démontré que le semi-groupe solution U(t) est compact pour t > r. Cette
dernière propriété a permis dans le cas linéaire d’étudier la stabilité en terme d’une équation
caractéristique qui caractérise le spectre ponctuel du générateur in…nitésimal de (U(t))t¸0 :
Cette hypothèse de compacité a permis aussi de formuler le théorème de variété centre
pour l’équation (0.12), à savoir que l’espace C s’écrit comme somme directe de trois parties
stable, centre et instable. Dans [23] et [24], Arino et Sanchez ont traité l’équation (0.12)
lorsque A = 0; et ont donné une formule de variation de la constante. Dans [80] et [81],
Memory a étudié le problème d’existence d’une variété stable et instable pour l’équation
(0.12). Il a aussi donné une formule de variation de la constante. Dans [76], Lin, So et Wu
ont étudié l’existence d’une variété centre pour l’équation (0.12). Dans le cas où l’espace
instable est réduit à f0g, ils ont montré que la variété centre obtenue est exponentiellement
attractive. D’autres résultats de base se trouvent dans [119], [120] et [121]. Par la suite,
d’autres travaux ont été faits par plusieurs auteurs: Kunisch et Schappacher ([72], [73]),
Grabosch et Moustakas [46] et Parrott [95] et [96]. Pour plus de détails sur ce sujet, nous
référons le lecteur au livre de Hale et Lunel [56] et à celui de Wu [124]. Récemment, dans
[1], [3], [7] et [45], Adimy et Ezzinbi ont repris l’étude de l’équation (0.12) dans le cas où
l’opérateur A est à domaine non dense et véri…e la condition de Hille-Yosida (0.2).

0.4 Equations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni en dimension in-

La théorie des équations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni en dimension …nie a été initiée par Hale
et Kato dans l’article [55]. Les auteurs ont formulé des axiomes sur l’espace de phase B, pour
pouvoir étudier les problèmes quantitatifs et qualitatifs. Cette approche a permis par la
suite à plusieurs auteurs de développer une théorie générale pour les équations di¤érentielles
à retard in…ni en dimension …nie et in…nie. Nous citons, entre autres, Arino, Burton et
Haddock [20]; Henriquez [58], [58] et [60]; Ruan et Wu [103]; Hino, Murakami et Yoshizawa
[67]; Naito, Shin et Murakami [91] et [92]; Shin et Naito [114]; et Shin, Naito et Minh [115].
La théorie des équations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni a connu un développement con-
sidérable. Plusieurs résultats ont été obtenus dans le cas où A engendre un C0 -semi-groupe
dans E. Dans ce qui suit, nous décrivons les résultats obtenus dans les travaux cités ci-
Dans [20], Arino et al. ont étudié l’équation (0.1) avec A = 0. Les auteurs ont démontré

moyennant le théorème du point …xe de Horn, l’existence de solutions périodiques lorsqu’il
y a existence de solutions ultimement bornées.
Dans [58]-[60], Henriquez a traité le problème d’existence de solutions pour l’équation (0.1)
et leur régularité. Dans [58] et [59], l’auteur a étudié aussi l’existence de solutions péri-
odiques dans le cas où F est périodique en t.
Dans [103], Ruan et Wu ont montré que sous certaines conditions sur la fonction F et sur
l’espace de phase, l’opérateur solution est une ®-contraction:
Dans [114], Shin et Naito ont étudié le problème d’existence de solutions périodiques dans
le cas où F est linéaire par rapport à la deuxième variable. Moyennant des hypothèses
de compacité, ils ont montré que l’opérateur de Poincaré associé a l’équation est une ®-
contraction. Ce qui a permis grâce à un théorème du point …xe de Chow et Hale [33], de
démontrer que l’opérateur de Poincaré admet un point …xe qui est la donnée initiale d’une
solution périodique.
Dans [91], [92] et [115], Shin, Naito, Minh et Murakami ont donné des propriétés de stabil-
ité pour le semi-groupe solution d’une équation di¤érentielle à retard in…ni en dimension
in…nie. Ils ont aussi caractérisé le générateur in…nitésimal du semi-groupe solution.
Dans [67], Hino, Murakami et Yoshizawa ont traité le problème d’existence de solutions
presque périodiques dans le cas où F est linéaire par rapport à la deuxième variable.

0.5 Equations di¤érentielles à retard de type neutre en di-

mension in…nie
Dans [53] et [54], Hale a proposé l’étude d’un modèle de circuits éléctriques. Ce modèle est
présenté par une équation aux dérivées partielles à retard …ni sous la forme:
< @ @2
Dvt = k 2 Dvt + F (vt ) ; t ¸ 0;
@t @x (0.14)
v0 = ' 2 C;
¡ ¢
avec k une constante positive, C := C [¡r; 0] ; H 1 (S 1 ) est l’espace des fonctions continues
sur [¡r; 0] à valeurs dans l’espace de Sobolev H 1 (S 1 ), S 1 est la boule unité, F : C ! H 1 (S 1 )
Z 0
est une fonction assez régulière et DÁ(s) := Á(µ)(0) ¡ [d´(µ)] Á(µ)(s) pour s 2 S 1 et
Á 2 C; où ´ est à variation bornée et atomique en 0, c’est à dire, il existe une fonction

croissante ± : [0; r] ! [0; +1) telle que ±(0) = 0 et
¯0 ¯
¯Z ¯
¯ ¯
¯ [d´(µ)] Ã(µ)¯ · ±(s) sup jÃ(µ)j ; Ã 2 C:
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¡r·µ·0

Hale a initié l’étude de l’existence, la stabilité, l’attractivité et la bifurcation pour les

équations de type (0.14). Il a considéré l’opérateur de Laplace A = k 2 avec domaine
H 2 (S 1 ); ce qui donne un générateur in…nitésimal d’un C0 semi-groupe sur E = H 1 (S 1 ):
Dans leur description d’un circuit éléctrique formé de plusieurs oscillateurs identiques,
connectés entre eux par une résistance et formant une boucle fermée, Wu et Xia [125] et
[126] ont aboutit à un système hyperbolique qui est équivalent à une équation di¤érentielle
de type neutre à retard …ni. Ils ont considéré des équations de la forme:

@ @2
[x(»; t) ¡ qx(»; t ¡ h)] = k 2 [x(»; t) ¡ qx(»; t ¡ h)] + f (xt (»; :)) ; » 2 S 1 ; t ¸ 0;
@t @»
où xt (»; µ) = x(»; t + µ), ¡h · µ · 0, t ¸ 0; » 2 S 1 ; k est une constante positive, f est une
fonction continue et 0 · q < 1.
Le livre de Wu [124] contient une analyse détaillée des résultats obtenus dans les articles
[53], [54], [125] et [126]. Puisque H 1 (S 1 ) ½ C(S 1 ); dans [124], l’auteur a également considéré
l’opérateur de Laplace A = k 2 avec domaine C 2 (S 1 ); qui est générateur in…nitésimal d’un
C0 semi-groupe sur E = C(S 1 ): Ce qui a permis d’obtenir des résultats analogues dans un
¡ ¢
cadre plus général : C := C [¡r; 0] ; C(S 1 ) .
Récemment, dans [10], [11] et [12], Adimy et Ezzinbi ont considéré la forme générale
suivante: 8
< d [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] = A [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
t t t
dt (0.16)
: x = ' 2 C;

avec G et F deux fonctions continues sur [0; +1[ £ C ! E. Les auteurs ont développé
des résultats sur l’existence, la régularité et la stabilité dans le cas où l’opérateur A est à
domaine non dense et véri…e la condition de Hille-Yosida (0.2).
Notre contribution à l’étude des équations de type neutre à retard in…ni concerne la
reproduction de quelques résultats concernant l’étude de l’équation (0.16) dans le cas où le
retard est in…ni. Plus précisément, nous nous intéressons à l’équation suivante:
< d [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] = A [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
t t t
dt (0.17)
: x(µ) = '(µ); ¡1 < µ · 0;

avec ' 2 B, la fonction G : [0; +1[ £ B ! E est continue et les mêmes notations que
l’équation (0.1).
Signalons que Hernandez et Henriquez [61], [62] et [63] ont étudié l’équation (0.17) dans
le cas où A est générateur d’un semigroupe analytique dans E et G est à valeurs dans le
domaine d’une puissance fractionnaire de ¡A; (D((¡A)¡® ); 0 < ® < 1):

0.6 Description de la thèse

Dans la suite, nous donnons un résumé des résultats développés dans chaque chapitre.
Dans le chapitre 1, nous avons présenté quelques résultats d’analyse fonctionnelle qui
seront utilisés le long de ce travail. La première section est une présentation axiomatique
de la théorie fondamentale de l’espace de phase pour l’étude des équations di¤érentielles à
retard in…ni. Dans la deuxième section, nous avons donné des résultats sur la théorie des
semi-groupes intégrés.
Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons étudié l’existence et la régularité des solutions pour
l’équation (0.1), dans le cas où F est continue et Lipschitzienne par rapport à la deuxième
Dans le chapitre 3, nous nous intéressons à l’aspect semi-groupe de la solution. Nous
avons étudié l’existence et la régularité des solutions dans le cas où F est localement Lip-
schitzienne. Dans le cas où l’existence globale est véri…ée, nous avons démontré que la
solution dé…nit un semi-groupe qui véri…e la propriété de translation. Ceci nous a per-
mis d’étudier la stabilité d’un point d’équilibre et de démontrer l’existence d’un attracteur
Dans le chapitre 4, nous avons donné des conditions su¢santes d’existence et de régu-
larité pour l’équation (0.17). Dans la cas autonome, nous avons étudié la stabilité d’un
point d’équilibre.
Dans le chapitre 5, nous avons traité l’existence de solutions périodiques pour l’équation
(0.1) dans le cas où F est périodique en t. Dans le cas où F est linéaire par rapport à la
deuxième variable, nous avons démontré que l’existence d’une solution bornée entraine
l’existence d’une solution périodique.

Chapter 1

Phase Spaces and Integrated


This chapter serves as an introduction to the other chapters. It contains the essential
background materials required throughout this thesis. Its organization is as follows. In
Section 1.1, we discuss the axiomatic phase space to functional di¤erential equations with
in…nite delay. In Section 1.2, we collect some useful results on integrated semigroups’ theory
and di¤erential operators with nondense domain. We only state results and leave the details
to references.
We use (E; j:j) or simply E; to denote a Banach space with norm j:j.

1.1 Phase space of di¤erential equations with in…nite delay

In the literature devoted to functional di¤erential equations (FDEs) with …nite delay ( r ¸
0), the phase space, the space of initial data, is much of time the space of all continuous
functions on [¡r; 0], endowed with the uniform norm topology. However, when the delay
is in…nite, the selection of the phase space plays an important role in the study of both
qualitative and quantitative theory. Indeed, before 1966, every author chose a space that
thought that it implies interesting properties of the equation under investigation. But,
many repetitions have been pointed out. So, many trials have been done in order to avoid
repetitions and summarize results. The purpose was the discussion of FDEs with in…nite
delay in an abstract phase space de…ned by some axioms. These axioms are only some
properties of many concrete spaces used before. E¤ectively, the …rst axiomatic approach was
given by B. D. Coleman and V. J. Mizel in [35]-[37]. After those papers, many contributions

have been published by many authors until 1978 when J. K. Hale and J. Kato organized
the study of functional di¤erential equations with in…nite delay in [55]. Which leads to
many investigations on this theory. Our results are obtained as far as possible on the phase
space introduced by those latter. That is, a seminormed space satisfying suitable axioms
considered by Kappel and Schappacher [68], and Schumacher [111]. The book by Y. Hino
and al. [66] contains an exhaustive bibliography and a detailed discussion on this subject.
Following this book, we will assume that the phase space B is a linear space of functions
mapping (¡1; 0] into (E; j:j), endowed with a seminorm k:kB and satisfying the following
fundamental axioms :

(A) There exist a positive constant H and functions K(¢); M(¢) : [0; +1) ! [0; +1),
with K continuous and M locally bounded, such that for any ¾ 2 IR and a > 0, if
x : (¡1; ¾ + a] ! E, x¾ 2 B, and x(¢) is continuous on [¾; ¾ + a]; then for all t in
[¾; ¾ + a] the following conditions hold :
(i) xt 2 B,
(ii) kx (t)k · H kxt kB ;
(iii) kxt kB · K(t ¡ ¾) sup kx (s)k + M (t ¡ ¾) kx¾ kB .

(A1) For the function x(¢) in (A), t 7! xt is a B-valued continuous function for t in
[¾; ¾ + a].

(B) The space B is complete.

Remark 1.1.1 [66] (a) Axiom (A ¡ ii) is equivalent to

(A ¡ (ii)0 ) jÁ(0)j · H jjÁjjB , for every Á 2 B.
(b) Since jj:jjB is a seminorm, two elements Á,Ã 2 B can verify jjÁ ¡ ÃjjB = 0 without
necessarily Á(µ) = Ã(µ) for all µ · 0. But, from A ¡ (ii)0 ; we see that

Á; Ã 2 B and jjÁ ¡ ÃjjB = 0 implies that Á(0) = Ã(0):

Remark 1.1.2 n[66] Axiomo (B) is equivalent to saying that the space of equivalence classes
b : Á 2 B is a Banach space.
Bb := B = k:k = Á

Let C00 be the set of continuous functions Á : (¡1; 0] ! E with compact support

Theorem 1.1.1 [66] Any Á 2 C00 belongs to B . If supp(Á) is contained in [¡r; ¡s] ;
0 · s · r < 1; then there exists a constant ±(r; s) such that

kÁkB · ±(r; s) sup jÁ(µ)j :


Let us give some examples of concrete functional spaces that veri…es Axioms (A), (A1)
and (B).

Example 1.1.1 For any continuous function g : (¡1; 0] ! (0; +1), let

Cg0 := fÁ 2 C((¡1; 0] ; E) : lim = 0g;
µ!¡1 g(µ)

endowed with the norm

kÁkg := sup :
¡1<µ·0 g(µ)
³ ´
It was proved in Theorems 1.3.2 and 1.3.6 of [66] that if g is nonincreasing, then Cg0 ; k¢kg
satis…es Axioms (A), (A1) and (B).

Example 1.1.2 Consider the space Cr £L1 (g) of all functions Á : (¡1; 0] ! E such that Á
is continuous on [¡r; 0] ; for some r ¸ 0; Lebesgue measurable and g(:) jÁ(:)j is Lebesgue in-
tegrable on (¡1; ¡r) ; where g : (¡1; ¡r) ! IR is a positive Lebesgue measurable function.
A seminorm in Cr £ L1 (g) is de…ned by


kÁkr := sup jÁ(µ)j + g(µ) jÁ(µ)j dµ:


We suppose that g satis…es :

(i) g is integrable on (¡d; ¡r) for any d ¸ r; and
(ii) there exists a locally bounded function G : (¡1; 0] ! [0; +1) such that

g(» + µ) · G(»)g(µ); for all » · 0 and µ 2 (¡1; ¡r) nN» ;

where N» µ (¡1; ¡r) is a set with Lebesgue measure 0.

Thus, Theorem 1.3.8 in [66] asserts that Cr £ L1 (g) is a phase space which veri…es Axioms
(A); (A1) and (B).

To study the existence of periodic solutions in Chapter 5, we need to introduce an
additional axiom which is concerned with the realization of some elements in B. Recall
that Ã
a sequence of functions
! (Án )n2IN : (¡1; 0] ! E; is said uniformly bounded if

sup sup jÁn (µ)j < +1: We say that a sequence of functions (Án )n¸0 2 B converges
n2IN ¡1<µ·0
compactly on (¡1; 0] to Á if the sequence converges uniformly on compact subsets of
(¡1; 0] :
(C) If a uniformly bounded sequence (Án )n in C00 converges to a function Á compactly on
(¡1; 0] ; then Á is in B and kÁn ¡ ÁkB ! 0 as n ! +1:
Section 1.3 of the book [66] contains an exhaustive discussion on the standard spaces
that satisfy most axioms used in this thesis. For example, it is known in Theorem 1.3.2
of this book that the space Cg0 introduced in Example 1.1.1 satis…es Axiom (C) if g is
nonincreasing and g(s) ! 1 as s ! ¡1:
More recently, Ruess and Summers in [107] have considered another axiom that we use
in this thesis to deal with existence of strict solutions and characterization of the generator
of the linear solution semigroup.
(D1) For a sequence (Án )n¸0 in B, if kÁn kB ! 0 then jÁn (s)j ! 0 for each s 2 (¡1; 0] :

Example 1.1.3 As an example, we can verify without di¢culties that the above axiom is
satis…ed by the space Cg0 in the special case g(µ) = e¡°µ ; ° > 0 :
½ ¾
C°0 = Á 2 C((¡1; 0] ; E) : lim e°µ Á(µ) = 0 ; ° > 0;

with the norm kÁk° =sup e°µ jÁ(µ)j ; Á 2 C°0 : It is satis…ed, in general, by the space
½ ¾
C° = Á 2 C((¡1; 0] ; E) : lim e°µ Á(µ) exists in E ; ° > 0:

For Á 2 B, t ¸ 0 and µ · 0; we de…ne

Á(0) if t + µ ¸ 0
[W (t)Á] (µ) =
Á(t + µ) if t + µ < 0:

We can see that (W (t))t¸0 is a C0 -semigroup on B: We set

W0 (t) = W (t)=B0 ; where B0 := fÁ 2 B : Á(0) = 0g .

B is called a fading memory space if it satis…es the extra axiom (C) and

(D2) kW0 (t)ÁkB ! 0 as t ! +1 for all Á 2 B0 :
Let BC be the space of bounded continuous functions mapping (¡1; 0] into E; provided
with the uniform norm topology, then one has.

Proposition 1.1.2 [66] Assuming that B is a fading memory space, then BC ½ B and
there exists a positive constant J such that kÁkB · J kÁkBC : Moreover

kxt kB · J sup jx (s)j + (1 + JH) kW0 (t ¡ ¾)k kx¾ kB ; ¾ > 0;


for any function x arising in Axiom (A).

As a consequence of this proposition, the functions K(:) and M(:) can be chosen as
K(t) = J and M(t) = (1 + JH) kW0 (t)k : Note that (D2) implies sup kW0 (t)ÁkB < +1
by the Banach-Steinhaus theorem. Therefore , whenever B is a fading memory space, the
functions K(:) and M(:) can be assumed bounded on [0; +1) :
B is called a uniform fading memory space if it satis…es the extra axioms (C) and
(D3) kW0 (t)k ! 0 as t ! +1:
One can see that Axiom (D3) holds for B = Cg0 if and only if
½ ¾
g(s + t)
sup : s · ¡t ! 0 as t ! 1: Therefore, C°0 is a uniform fading memory space.
On the other hand, if g(s) = 1 + jsjk for some k > 0, then the space Cg0 is a fading memory
space, but not a uniform fading memory space.
We will use Axioms (C), (D2) and (D3) in studying existence of periodic solutions
(Chapter 5). One can see Chapter 7 of [66] for an earlier use in discussing stability and
existence of periodic solutions or almost periodic solutions to FDEs with in…nite delay.
(C1) If (Án )n¸0 is a Cauchy sequence in B with respect to the seminorm and if (Án )n¸0
converges compactly to Á on (¡1; 0], then Á is in B and kÁn ¡ ÁkB ! 0:
The above axiom is also concerned by the realization of elements in B. It is sometimes
considered in stability investigation additionally to the following axiom :
(C2) There exists a constant ° 0 such that the function ("¸ - u) : (¡1; 0] ! E de…ned by
e¸µ u for µ · 0, belongs to B for Re(¸) > ° 0 and u 2 E, and that

k"¸ k := sup fk"¸ - uk : u 2 E; juj · 1g

is …nite for each ¸ with Re(¸) > ° 0 ; and bounded for Re(¸) > ° 1 for some ° 1 ¸ ° 0 :
One of the important consequence of Axiom (C1) is that it allows computing the integral
in B from the integral in E ( see Lemma 2.2.6 in Chapter 2 or [91]). Here, we use Axiom

(C1) in studying existence of strict solutions.
Some applications of Axioms (C); (C1) and (C2) can be found in [56] and [66] and most
recently [91], [115], [92] and [114] where they were essentially used in studying stability and
periodicity of solutions to FDEs with in…nite delay.

1.2 Integrated semigroups and di¤erential operators with

nondense domain
In this section, we recall some materials about di¤erential operators with nondense domain,
integrated semigroups’ theory and its applications to abstract Cauchy problems. We will
only state results without proofs. See the references [18], [19], [32], [40], [64], [71] and [116]
for more details, and the articles by Adimy and Ezzinbi for a summary of this theory.
It is well known that the semigroup method permits treating a large class of Cauchy
problems such as :
< d u(t) = Au(t) + f(t); t ¸ 0;
dt (1.1)
: u(0) = x 2 E;

where A is an unbounded linear operator of domain D(A) µ E (f and x are given). In

order that this method can be useful, it is necessary that A be the in…nitesimal generator
of a C0 -semigroup, that is, it satis…es the two conditions of application of the Hille-Yosida
theorem :
(i) D(A) = E;
¹ ¸ 0, ! 2 lR such that if ¸ > ! then (¸I ¡ A)¡1 2 L(E) and
(ii) there exist M
° °
°(¸ ¡ !)n (¸I ¡ A)¡n ° · M
¹ ; for all n 2 IN;

where L(E) is the space of bounded linear operators from E into E.

However, nondensity of D(A) into E occurs in many situations due to restrictions on the
space where the problems are considered (for example, periodic continuous functions, Hölder
continuous functions) or due to boundary conditions (for example, the space C 1 with null
value on the boundary is non dense in the space of continuous functions) (see the examples
given in [40] at the end of this chapter).
It’s true that when the function f is equal to zero, the Cauchy problem (1.1) can still
be handled by using the classical semigroup theory because A generates a strongly contin-
uous semigroup in the space D(A): But, when f 6= 0 it is necessary to impose additional

restrictions, the simplest of which is that f takes its values in D(A). It is the integrated
semigroups theory that allows the range of the operator f to be a subset of E not necessarily
contained in D(A).
(Once) integrated semigroups are motivated by formally de…ning
S(t) = T (s)ds;

with a C0 -semigroup (T (t))t¸0 and discovering that

t+s Zs Zt
S(0) = 0 and S(s)S(t) = S(¿ )d¿ ¡ S(¿ ))d¿ ¡ S(¿ ))d¿ ; t; s ¸ 0:
0 0 0

The following de…nitions are due to Arendt.

De…nition 1.2.1 [18] A family (S(t))t¸0 ½ L(E) is called an integrated semigroup if the
following conditions are satis…ed :
(i) S(0) = 0;
(ii) for any x 2 E; S(t)x is a continuous
Z s function of t ¸ 0 with values in E;
(iii) for any t; s ¸ 0 S(s)S(t) = (S(t + ¿ ) ¡ S(¿ ))d¿ :

De…nition 1.2.2 [18] An integrated semigroup (S(t))t¸0 is called exponentially bounded,

¹ ¸ 0 and ! 2 IR such that
if there exist constants M
¹ !t ; for t ¸ 0:
kS(t)k · Me

Moreover, (S(t))t¸0 is called nondegenerate if S(t)x = 0; for all t ¸ 0; implies that x = 0.

If (S(t))t¸0 is an integrated semigroup, exponentially bounded, then the Laplace trans-

Z +1
form R(¸) := ¸ e¡¸t S(t)dt exists for all ¸ with Re(¸) > !: R(¸) is injective if and
only if (S(t))t¸0 is nondegenerate. R(¸) satis…es the following expression

R(¸) ¡ R(¹) = (¹ ¡ ¸)R(¸)R(¹):

It’s well known from [97] that if R(¸) is injective, then there exists a unique operator A
satisfying (!; +1) ½ ½(A) ( the resolvent set of A) such that

R(¸) = R(¸; A) := (¸I ¡ A)¡1 ; for all Re(¸) > !:

This operator A is called the generator of (S(t))t¸0 :

We have the following general de…nition.

De…nition 1.2.3 [18] A linear operator A : D(A) ½ E ! E is called a generator of an
integrated semigroup, if there exists ! 2 IR such that (!; +1) ½ ½(A), and there exists a
strongly continuous exponentially bounded family (S(t))t¸0 of linear bounded operators such
Z +1
that S(0) = 0 and (¸I ¡ A) = ¸ e¡¸t S(t)dt for all ¸ > !:

Similar results as for semigroups can be obtained for integrated semigroups.

Proposition 1.2.1 [18] Let A be the generator of an integrated semigroup (S(t))t¸0 : Then
for all x 2 E and t ¸ 0;
0t 1
Zt Z
S(s)xds 2 D(A) and S(t)x = A @ S(s)xdsA + tx:
0 0

Moreover, for all x 2 D(A); t ¸ 0

S(t)x 2 D(A); AS(t)x = S(t)Ax

S(t)x = S(s)Ax ds + tx:

Corollary 1.2.2 [18] Let A be the generator of an integrated semigroup (S(t))t¸0 : Then
for all x 2 E and t ¸ 0 one has S(t)x 2 D(A).
Moreover, let x 2 E. Then S(¢)x is right-sided di¤erentiable in t ¸ 0 if and only if
S(t)x 2 D(A). In that case
S 0 (t)x = AS(t)x + x:

One other result is useful.

Proposition 1.2.3 [64] Let A : D(A) ½ E ! E be a linear operator and (S(t))t¸0 ½ L(E)
an exponentially
Z t bounded family. The following
µZ t assertions
¶ are equivalent
(i) S(s)xds 2 D(A) and S(t)x = A S(s)xds + tx, ( t ¸ 0; x 2 E);
0 0
(ii) (S(t))t¸0 is an integrated semigroup on E generated by A.

An important special case is when the integrated semigroup is locally Lipschitz contin-
uous (with respect to time).

De…nition 1.2.4 [71] An integrated semigroup (S(t))t¸0 is called locally Lipschitz contin-
uous, if for all a > 0 there exists a constant l(a) > 0 such that

kS(t) ¡ S(s)k · l(a) jt ¡ sj ; for all t; s 2 [0; a] :

In this case, we know from [71], that (S(t))t¸0 is exponentially bounded.

De…nition 1.2.5 [71] We say that a linear operator A : D(A) ½ E ! E satis…es the
¹ ¸ 0 and ! 2 IR such that (!; +1) ½ ½(A)
Hille-Yosida condition (HY ) if there exist M
sup f(¸ ¡ !)n kR(¸; A)n k ; n 2 IN; ¸ > !g · M: (HY )

The following theorem shows that the Hille-Yosida condition (HY ) characterizes gen-
erators of locally Lipschitz continuous integrated semigroups.

Theorem 1.2.4 [71] The following assertions are equivalent.

(i) A is the generator of a locally Lipschitz continuous non degenerate integrated semigroup,
(ii) A satis…es the condition (HY ).
¹ 2 e!¿ :
In addition, l(¿ ) in De…nition 1.2.4 can be taken such that l(¿ ) · M

Proposition 1.2.5 [71] Let A : D(A) ½ E ! E be the generator of a locally Lipschitz

continuous integrated semigroup (S(t))t¸0 . If we set for all ¸ 2 IR;
B : D(A) ½ E ! E;
Bu = Au ¡ ¸u;
then B is the generator of the locally Lipschitz continuous integrated semigroup (S¸ (t))t¸0
given by
S¸ (t) = e S(t) + ¸ e¡¸s S(s) ds:
Moreover, in relation with the above theorem and De…nition 1.2.5, B satis…es (HY ) with
! B = !A ¡ ¸:

Theorem 1.2.6 Let A be a Hille-Yosida operator and (S(t))t¸0 be the locally Lipschitz
continuous integrated semigroup generated by A: It is well known from [117], that the deriv-
ative (S 0 (t))t¸0 on D (A) is a strongly continuous semigroup generated by the part A0 of
the operator A in D(A), which is de…ned by
8 n o
< D(A ) = x 2 D(A) : Ax 2 D (A) ;
: A0 x = Ax; for x 2 D(A0 ):

Throughout this text, a linear operator that satis…es the Hille-Yosida condition (HY )
without being necessarily densely de…ned is called a Hille-Yosida operator.
Next, we give some results for the existence of solutions to the following Cauchy problem
< d u(t) = Au(t) + f(t); t ¸ 0;
dt (1.2)
: u(0) = x 2 E;

where A is a closed linear operator on E.

The following results are due to Da Prato and Sinestrari.

De…nition 1.2.6 [40] We say that a function u : [0; a] ! E; a > 0, is a strict solution of
Equation (1.2) in [0; a] if the following conditions hold :
(i) u 2 C 1 ([0; a] ; E) \ C([0; a] ; D(A));
(ii) u satis…es Equation (1.2) on [0; a].

Theorem 1.2.7 [40] Let A : D(A) µ E ! E be a linear operator,

f : [0; a] ! E, x 2 D(A) such that
(i) A is a Hille-Yosida
Z t operator,
(ii) f (t) = f(0) + g(s) ds for some Bochner-integrable function g,
(iii) Ax + f(0) 2 D(A):
Then there exists a unique strict solution u of Equation (1.2) on the interval [0; a], and for
each t 2 [0; a] 0 1
¹ !t @jxj +
ju(t)j · Me e¡!s jf(s)j dsA : (1.3)

In the case where x is not su¢ciently regular (that is, x is just in D(A)) there may
not exist a strict solution u(t) 2 E but, following the work of Da Prato and Sinestrari [40],
Equation (1.2) may still have a so-called integral solution. This motivates the following
de…nition :

De…nition 1.2.7 [40] Given f 2 L1loc (0; +1; E) and x 2 E, we say that
u : [0; +1) ! E is an integral solution of Equation (1.2) if the following assertions are
(i) Zu 2 C([0; +1) ; E),
(ii) u(s)ds 2 D(A); for t ¸ 0;
0 µZ t ¶ Z t
(iii) u(t) = x + A u(s)ds + f(s)ds; for t ¸ 0:
0 0

From this de…nition, we deduce that for an integral solution u, we have u(t) 2 D(A);
Z Z t+h
1 t+h
for all t > 0, because u(t) = lim u(s)ds and u(s)ds 2 D(A). In particular,
h!0 h t t
x 2 D(A) is a necessary condition for the existence of an integral solution to Equation

Theorem 1.2.8 ([32], [40]) Suppose that A is a Hille-Yosida operator, x 2 D(A) and
f : [0; +1) ! E is a continuous function. Then the problem (1.2) has a unique integral
solution which is given by the following variation of constants formula
0t 1
u(t) = S 0 (t)x + @ S(t ¡ s)f(s)dsA ; for t ¸ 0; (1.4)

where S(t) is the integrated semigroup generated by A.

Furthermore, the function u satis…es the inequality (1.3).
Z t
The above theorem says also that S(t ¡ s)f(s)ds is di¤erentiable with respect to t:
The following result is needed throughout this thesis.

Proposition 1.2.9 ([1], [71] and [116]) Let A : D(A) µ E ! E be a Hille-Yosida operator,
(S(t))t¸0 be the integrated semigroup generated by A and G : [0; a] ! E ; a > 0, be a
Bochner-integrable function. Then, the function B : [0; a] ! E de…ned by

B(t) = S(t ¡ s)G(s) ds

is continuously di¤erentiable
Z t on [0; a] and satis…es for t 2 [0; a] ;
(i) B 0 (t) =lim S 0 (t ¡ s)S(h)G(s) ds;
h&0 h 0
(ii) B(t) 2 D(A); Z t
(iii) B 0 (t) = AB(t) + G(s) ds:
Z t 0

(iv) R(¸)B 0 (t) = S 0 (t ¡ s)R(¸)G(s) ds; for ¸ > !;

Z t 0
(v) jB (t)j · 2l jG(s)j ds,
(vi) B 0 (t) = lim S 0 (t ¡ s)B¸ G(s) ds;
¸!+1 0
where B¸ := ¸R(¸) and l = l(a) is the Lipschitz constant of S(:) on [0; a] :

Let us end with some classical examples of Hille-Yosida operators with nondense domain
( for more details, see [40]).
< E = C([0;
a] ; IR);
D(A) = u 2 C 1 ([0; a] ; IR); u(0) = 0 ;
: Au = ¡u0 :

> ®
< E = fu 2© C ([0; a] ; IR); u(0) = 0g ; 0 < ® < 1;ª
D(A) = u 2 C 1+® ([0; a] ; IR); u(0) = u0 (0) = 0 ;
: Au = ¡u0 ;

½ ¾
® ju(t) ¡ u(s)j
C ([0; a] ; IR) = u : [0; a] ! IR; [u]C ® ([0;a];IR) = sup <1 ;
0·t·s·a jt ¡ sj®
© ª
C 1+® ([0; a] ; IR) = u : [0; a] ! IR; u0 2 C ® ([0; a] ; IR) ;

kukC ® ([0;a];IR) = kukC([0;a];IR) + [u]C ® ([0;a];IR) :

< E = C([0;
a] ; IR);
D(A) = u 2 C 2 ([0; a] ; IR); u(0) = u(a) = 0 ;
: Au = u00 :

4) Let - be a bounded open set of IRn with regular boundary ¡. De…ne

< E = C(-;
D(A) = u 2 C(-; IR); u = 0 on ¡ and ¢u 2 C(-; IR) ;
: Au = ¢u;

here ¢ is the Laplacian in the sense of distributions on -:

5) Let

> E = W01;p (0; a; C(-; IR)); 1 · p < 1;
> ( )
< u 2 C([0; a] ; D(¢)) \ C 1 ([0; a] ; C 1 (-; IR));
D(A) = ;
> u(0) = 0 and ¢u ¡ u0 2 W01;p (0; a; C(-; IR))
Au = ¢u ¡ u0 :

½ Z t ¾
W01;p (0; a; E) = u : [0; a] ! E; u(t) = u0 (s)ds and u0 2 Lp (0; a; E) :

6) Let
> E = W01;p (0; a; C(-; IR));
> ( )
< u 2 C([0; a] ; D(¢)) \ C 1 ([0; a] ; C(-; IR));
D(A) = ;
> u(0) = 0 and ¢u ¡ u0 2 W01;p (0; a; C(-; IR))
Au = ¢u ¡ u0 :

One can also consider the periodic versions of examples 5 and 6.

> 1
< E = L (IR);
D(A) = fu 2 L1 (IR); u is absolutely continuous and u0 2 L1 (IR)g ;
: Au = ¡u0 :

Chapter 2

Global Existence and Regularity of

Solutions for Some Partial
Functional Di¤erential Equations
with In…nite Delay1

2.1 Introduction
Let (E; j:j) be a Banach space. In all this thesis, B is a linear space of functions mapping
(¡1; 0] into E, endowed with a seminorm k:kB and satisfying the fundamental axioms (A);
(A1) and (B) introduced in the previous chapter. Since, in Axiom (A) the functions K(:)
and M(:) are, respectively, continuous and locally bounded, we will use the notations Ka
and Ma to denote, respectively, max K(t) and sup M(t) for a …xed constant a > 0.
0·t·a 0·t·a
The present chapter is devoted to some existence results to the following class of partial
functional di¤erential equations (PFDEs) with in…nite delay
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (2.1)
: x = ';

where A : D(A) ½ E ! E is a closed linear operator, ' is an element of B; F is an

appropriate mapping de…ned on [0; +1)£B with values in E and, for each x : (¡1; b] ! E;
This chapter is based on a paper in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi. The paper will appear
in Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, (2001).

b > 0; and t 2 [0; b] ; xt represents the mapping de…ned from (¡1; 0] into E by

xt (µ) = x(t + µ); for µ 2 (¡1; 0] :

Surely there are works dealing with existence of solutions to Equation (2.1) with dense
domain D(A) ( cf., for instance, [56], [66], [124], [91] and [58]-[60]). However, most existing
results concern the case where A = 0 and the extension to the case of non-dense domain
looks quite natural. We state that we can solve Equation (2.1) without assuming necessarily
that A is densely de…ned. Some of our results are an extension of Henriquez’s ones ([58]-
[60]) to the situation where A satis…es the resolvent estimates of the well-known Hille and
Yosida theorem while the domain of A is not dense in E. Techniques employed in [1], [7]
and [45], have been generalized to the study of Equation (2.1). That is, under di¤erent
appropriate assumptions, existence and uniqueness of solutions (called integral solutions)
are …rst proved, using a …xed point argument. Then, the integral solutions are shown to be
strict solutions under more restrictive assumptions.
The main tool in the approach followed in our proves is the theory of integrated semi-
groups introduced in Section 1.2 in Chapter 1.

2.2 Existence and regularity of solutions

Throughout this text, we assume that
¹ ¸ 1 and ! 2 IR:
(H2:1) A : D(A) ½ E ! E is a Hille-Yosida operator with constants M
Suppose that F is continuous on [0; +1)£B with values in E. The initial value problem
associated with Equation (2.1) is the following : for given ' 2 B, …nd a continuous function
x : (¡1; a] ! E; a > 0; di¤erentiable on [0; a] such that x(t) 2 D(A), for t 2 [0; a] and x
satis…es Equation (2.1), i.e.,
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; x ); t 2 [0; a] ;
: x(t) = '(t); ¡1 < t · 0:

In [60], it has been shown the following result :

Theorem 2.2.1 [60] Assuming that A is the generator of a strongly continuous semigroup
(T (t))t¸0 on E, and F : [0; a]£B ! E is a continuous mapping in t and uniformly Lipschitz
continuous on B. Then, for given ' 2 B; the Cauchy problem (2.1) has exactly one mild

solution which is given by
8 Z t
< T (t)'(0) + T (t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; 0 · t · a;
x(t) = 0
'(t); ¡1 < t · 0:

We start by introducing the following de…nitions.

De…nition 2.2.1 Let ' 2 B. We say that a function x : (¡1; a] ! E, a > 0; is an

integral solution of Equation (2.1) in (¡1; a] if the following conditions hold :
(i) Zx is continuous on [0; a];
(ii) x(s)ds 2 D(A); for t 2 [0; a] ;
0 8 Z t Z t
< '(0) + A x(s)ds + F (s; xs )ds; 0 · t · a;
(iii) x(t) = 0 0
'(t); ¡1 < t · 0:

De…nition 2.2.2 Let ' 2 B. We say that a function x : (¡1; a] ! E is a strict solution
of Equation (2.1) in (¡1; a] if the following conditions hold :
(i) x 2 C 1 ([0; a] ; E) \ C([0; a] ; D(A));
(ii) x satis…es Equation (2.1) on (¡1; a].

From the closedness property of the operator A, we can prove the following.

Proposition 2.2.2 (i) If x is an integral solution of Equation (2.1) in (¡1; a] ; then for
all t 2 [0; a] ; x(t) 2 D(A): In particular '(0) 2 D(A):
(ii) If x is an integral solution of Equation (2.1) in (¡1; a] ; such that x : [0; a] ! E
belongs to C 1 ([0; a] ; E) or C([0; a] ; D(A)); then x is also a strict solution of Equation (2.1)
in (¡1; a].

Proof. (i) is an immediate consequence of the de…nition 2.2.1 of an integral solution x:

Z Z t+h
1 t+h
In fact, since x(t) = lim x(s)ds and x(s)ds 2 D(A) for all t > 0, we have for
h!0 h t t
all t 2 [0; a] ; x(t) 2 D(A): To prove (ii); suppose that x is an integral solution of Equation
(2.1) in (¡1; a] ; such that x : [0; a] ! E belongs to C 1 ([0; a] ; E): Then, from De…nition
2.2.1, for all t 2 [0; a] and h > 0;

t+h Z t+h
1 1 1
A x(s)ds = (x(t + h) ¡ x(t)) ¡ F (s; xs )ds:
h h h t

Since F is continuous, then the right side of the above equality tends to
x(t) ¡ F (t; xt ), as h tends to 0+ ; and
x(s)ds tends to x(t); as h tends to 0+ :
From the closedness of A; we get x(t) 2 D(A) and
Ax(t) = x(t) ¡ F (t; xt ):
From what we deduce that x is a strict solution.
On the other hand, if x belongs to C([0; a] ; D(A)): Again from De…nition 2.2.1, for all
t 2 [0; a] and h > 0;
t+h Z t+h
1 1 1
(x(t + h) ¡ x(t)) = Ax(s)ds + F (s; xs )ds:
h h h t

Since Ax(:) and F are continuous, the right side of the above equality tends to

Ax(t) + F (t; xt ); as h tends to 0+ :

Which implies that x is di¤erentiable at the right in t and

x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; xt ):
Since Ax(t) + F (t; xt ) is continuous on [0; a], we conclude that x is di¤erentiable on [0; a]
and x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; xt ): This …nishes the proof of the Proposition.

2.2.1 Local existence and global continuation of integral solutions

Let - be a nonempty open subset of B:

Observe that Theorem 1.2.4 implies that, under assumption (H2:1), A is the generator
of a locally Lipschitz continuous integrated semigroup (S(t))t¸0 on E: In addition, S 0 (t) :
D(A) ! D(A) is a C0 -semigroup satisfying
¯ 0 ¯
¯S (t)y ¯ · Me
¹ !t jyj , for all t ¸ 0 and y 2 D(A):

To obtain our …rst two results, we make the following

³ compactness
´ property of (S 0 (t))t¸0 .
(H2:2) The semigroup (S 0 (t))t¸0 is compact on D(A); j¢j : It means that the operator
S 0 (t) is compact on D(A) whenever t > 0, .

Theorem 2.2.3 Let F : [0; a] £ - ! E be a continuous mapping and suppose that the
conditions (H2:1) and (H2:2) hold. If ' 2 - with '(0) 2 D(A); then Equation (2.1) has
at least one integral solution x : (¡1; b] ! E; for some b 2 (0; a] : Moreover,
8 Z t
< S 0 (t)'(0) + d S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; 0 · t · b;
x(t) = dt 0
'(t); ¡1 < t · 0:

Proof. The main idea of the proof is to use the Schauder …xed point theorem.
Let ' 2 - with '(0) 2 D(A): First, there exist constants r1 > 0 and ¹ ¸ 0 such that
Br1 (') = fà 2 B : kà ¡ 'kB · r1 g µ - and jF (s; Ã)j · ¹ for all s 2 [0; r1 ] and à 2
Br1 ('): Consider the function y : (¡1; +1) ! E de…ned by
S 0 (t)'(0); for t ¸ 0;
y(t) =
'(t); for t · 0:

By virtue of Axioms (A ¡ i) and (A1), yt 2 B and for r2 2 ]0; r1 [, there exists b1 2 ]0; r1 ]
such that kyt ¡ 'kB · r2 for all t 2 [0; b1 ] :
Set M a := sup kS 0 (s)kD(A) and let b be a constant such that
½ ¾
r1 ¡ r2
0 < b · min b1 ; :
M M a Ka ¹
We introduce the space

Fb := fu : (¡1; b] ! E such that u0 2 B and

the restriction u : [0; b] ! E is continuousg ;

endowed with the seminorm k¢kFb ; de…ned by

kukFb := ku0 kB + sup ju(s)j :


We set also, for ' 2 B, the following subset of Fb

Fb (') := fu 2 Fb such that ku0 ¡ 'kB = 0 and

for any t 2 [0; b] ; kut ¡ 'kB · r1 g :

It is clear that the restriction of y to (¡1; b] is an element of Fb ('). Then, Fb (') is a


For any u 2 Fb ('); we have

kukFb = ku0 kB + sup ju(s)j ;

· ku0 ¡ 'kB + k'kB + sup H kus kB ;
· k'kB + H sup fk(us ¡ ') + 'kB g;
· k'kB + Hf sup k(us ¡ ')kB + k'kB g;
· k'kB + H(r1 + k'kB ):

Then, Fb (') is bounded.

By using the triangular inequality in B, we can clearly see that ®y1 + (1 ¡ ®)y2 2 Fb (') for
any y1 ; y2 2 Fb (') and ® 2 ]0; 1[ : Then, Fb (') is convex.
Finally, Fb (') is closed in Fb : To prove that, consider a convergent sequence (un )n¸0 of
Fb (') with lim un = u in Fb : Then, for any n in IN, we have

ku0 ¡ 'kB · ku0 ¡ un0 kB + kun0 ¡ 'kB ;

letting n to +1, yields ku0 ¡ 'kB = 0: In addition, Axiom (A ¡ iii) implies that for any
t 2 [0; b] ;

kunt ¡ ut kB · K(t) sup jun (s) ¡ u(s)j + M(t) kun0 ¡ u0 kB

· max(Ka ; Ma ) kun ¡ ukFb :

Then, for any t 2 [0; b] ; unt ! ut in B: From this together with the following inequality

kut ¡ 'kB · kut ¡ unt kB + kunt ¡ 'kB ,

· kut ¡ unt kB + r1 ; for any n 2 IN;

we deduce that kut ¡ 'kB · r1 . Consequently, u 2 Fb ('):

We have proved that Fb (') is a nonempty, bounded, convex and closed subset of Fb :
Consider now the mapping T de…ned on Fb (') by
8 Z t
< S 0 (t)'(0) + d S(t ¡ s)F (s; us )ds; t 2 [0; b]
(T u)(t) = dt 0 (2.2)
'(t); ¡1 < t · 0:

T maps elements of Fb (') into Fb ('): In fact, by (H2:2) and Axiom (A1), for every
u 2 Fb ('); the mapping s 7! F (s; us ) is continuous on [0; b] : So, for every u 2 Fb ('); the

Z t
mapping t 7! S(t ¡ s)F (s; us )ds is continuously di¤erentiable on [0; b] : From this, the
mapping v := T u is continuous on [0; b] : Then, v 2 Fb : To prove that v 2 Fb ('), we put
w = v ¡ y: Then, we get for any t 2 [0; b] ;

kvt ¡ 'kB · kwt kB + kyt ¡ 'kB

· kwt kB + r2 :

By Axiom (A ¡ iii), we have for any t 2 [0; b] ;

kwt kB · Ka sup jw(s)j :


From Proposition 1.2.9 we obtain for t 2 [0; b]

¯t ¯
¯Z ¯
¯ ¯
j¸R(¸; A)w(t)j = ¯¯ S (t ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )dt¯¯
¯ ¯
¸ ¹
· M M a ¹b;
¸¡! µ ¶
¸ r1 ¡ r2
· :
¸¡! Ka
r1 ¡ r2
Letting ¸ ! +1; we obtain jw(t)j · , and kvt ¡ 'kB · r1 for any t 2 [0; b] :
Which shows that v 2 Fb (').
We will prove now the continuity of T . Axioms (A1) and (A ¡ iii) imply that the mapping
G : [0; b] £ Fb ! B; de…ned by G(s; u) = us is continuous. On the other hand, if (un )n¸1 is
a convergent sequence in Fb (') with lim un = u1 ; then the set fu1 g fun : n ¸ 1g is
n!+1 S
compact in Fb : Hence, the set W = f(s; u1 s ) : 0 · s · bg f(s; uns ) : n ¸ 1; 0 · s · bg is
compact in [0; b] £ B and F is uniformly continuous in W: Since (un )n¸1 converges to u1 ;
(2.2) implies that (T un )n¸1 converges to T u1 :
We will show now that the range of T , Range(T ) := fT u; u 2 Fb (')g, is relatively compact
in Fb ('). By Arzéla-Ascoli’s theorem, it su¢ces to prove that Range(T )(t) is relatively
compact in E for each t 2 [0; b] ; and Range(T ) is equicontinuous on [0; b]. To prove the
…rst assertion, it is su¢cient to show that the set f(T u)(t) ¡ S 0 (t)'(0); u 2 Fb (')g is
relatively compact for each t 2 ]0; b]. Let 0 < " < t; we have for ¸ > !

Z t
¸R(¸; A) S(t ¡ s)F (s; us )ds
dt 0
Z t
= S 0 (t ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )ds;

Z t¡"
= S 0 (") S 0 (t ¡ s ¡ ")¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )ds
Z t
+ S 0 (t ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )ds:

Since S 0 (") is compact, there exists a compact set W" such that
½ Z t¡" ¾
0 0
S (") S (t ¡ s ¡ ")¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )ds : u 2 Fb ('); ¸ > ! µ W" :

¯Z t ¯
¯ ¯ ¸ ¹
¯ S (t ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (s; us ) ds¯¯ ·
M M a ¹"; for all u 2 Fb ('):
¯ ¸¡!

This implies, by letting ¸ to +1; that f(T u)(t) ¡ S 0 (t)'(0); u 2 Fb (')g is totally bounded,
that is uniformly bounded for u 2 Fb ('); and therefore Range(T )(t) is relatively compact.
On the other hand, for every 0 · t0 < t · b and ¸ > !; one has

¸R(¸; A) ((T u)(t) ¡ (T u)(t0 )) = ¸R(¸; A) (S 0 (t) ¡ S 0 (t0 )) '(0)

Z t
+ S 0 (t ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )ds
Z t00
+ (S 0 (t ¡ s) ¡ S 0 (t0 ¡ s)) ¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )ds:

This leads to

j¸R(¸; A) ((T u)(t) ¡ (T u)(t0 ))j

¸ ¹
· j¸R(¸; A) (S 0 (t) ¡ S 0 (t0 )) '(0)j + M M a ¹(t ¡ t0 ) (2.3)
¯ ¸¡! ¯
Z t0
¯ 0 ¯
+ ¯(S (t ¡ t0 ) ¡ I) S (t0 ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )ds¯¯ :

Besides, there exists a compact set W such that

½Z t0 ¾
S 0 (t0 ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (s; us )ds : u 2 Fb ('); ¸ > ! µ W:

Letting ¸ to +1 and using the equicontinuity of (S 0 (¢)x)x2W , we obtain

lim j(T u)(t) ¡ (T u)(t0 )j = 0: (2.4)


Using similar argument for 0 · t < t0 · b, we can conclude that Range(T )(t) is equicon-
Finally, the Schauder …xed point theorem implies that T has a …xed point x in Fb ('): The
fact that x is an integral solution of Equation (2.1) is a consequence of the same property
in Theorem 1.2.8. This ends the proof of Theorem 2.2.3.
In order to de…ne the integral solution to Equation (2.1) in its maximal interval of
existence, we add the following condition :
(H2:3) F is continuous from [0; +1) £ B into E and takes bounded sets of [0; +1) £ B
into bounded sets of E.

Theorem 2.2.4 Assume that the conditions (H2:1); (H2:2) and (H2:3) hold and let ' 2
B such that '(0) 2 D(A): Then, Equation (2.1) has at least one integral solution x(:; ') in
a maximal interval (¡1; b' ) : Moreover,
i) b' = +1 or
ii) b' < +1 and lim sup jx(t; ')j = +1:

Proof. Let x(:; ') be an integral solution of Equation (2.1) in (¡1; b1 ] : We know that
x(t) 2 D(A); for all t 2 [0; b1 ] : Repeating the procedure used in the local existence result.
This yields existence of b2 > b1 and a function x(:; xb1 (:; ')) : (¡1; b2 ] ! E which satis…es
for t 2 [b1 ; b2 ]

0 d
x(t; xb1 (:; ')) = S (t ¡ b1 )x(b1 ; ') + S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs (:; xb1 (:; ')))ds:

Proceeding inductively, we obtain the maximal interval of existence (¡1; b' ) of the solution
x(:; '). Assume that b' < 1 and lim sup jx(t; ')j is bounded. Then, from (H2:3)
there exists a constant ¹ > 0 such that jF (t; xt (:; ')j · ¹ for all t 2 [0; b' ) : As before,
let M b' = sup kS 0 (s)kD(A) and x : [t0 ; b' ) ! E; t0 2 (0; b' ) ; be the restriction of
x(:; ') to [t0 ; b' ) : Consider t0 · t · t0 < b' and 0 < " < t0 . Let ´1 > 0 be such that
j(S 0 (t0 ) ¡ S 0 (t)) '(0)j · " for jt ¡ t0 j < ´1 : For ¸ > !; one has

j¸R(¸; A) (x(t0 ) ¡ x(t))j · j¸R(¸; A) (S 0 (t0 ) ¡ S 0 (t)) '(0)j
Z t
+ j(S 0 (t0 ¡ s) ¡ S 0 (t ¡ s)) ¸R(¸; A)F (s; xs )j ds
Z t0
+ S 0 (t0 ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (s; xs )ds
Z t¡"
+ j(S 0 (t0 ¡ " ¡ s) ¡ S 0 (t ¡ " ¡ s)) S 0 (")¸R(¸; A)F (s; xs )j ds:

Moreover, S 0 (") f¸R(¸; A)F (s; xs ) : ¸ > !g is included in a compact set W . Since, the
family (S 0 (¢)x)x2W is uniformly equicontinuous in [0; b' ¡ "] ; there exists ´ 2 > 0 such that
¯¡ 0 0 ¢ ¯
¯ S (t ) ¡ S 0 (t) u¯ < "; for u 2 W;

whenever t; t0 2 [0; b' ¡ "] and jt ¡ t0 j < ´ 2 :

Consequently, if jt0 ¡ tj < inf(´1 ; ´ 2 ; "), then
¯ ¡ ¢¯ ¸ ¹¡ ¢
¯¸R(¸; A) x(t0 ) ¡ x(t) ¯ · M " + 3M b' "¹ + (t ¡ ")":
By letting ¸ to +1, we obtain
¯ 0 ¯
¯x(t ) ¡ x(t)¯ · (M
¹ + 3M
¹ M b' ¹ + b' )":

Using a similar argument for t0 · t0 · t < b' , we can conclude that

¯ 0 ¯
lim ¯x(t ) ¡ x(t)¯ = 0:
jt¡t0 j!0

Therefore, lim x(t; ') exists. If we de…ne x(b' ; ') := lim x(t; '); we can extend x(:; ')
t!b' t!b'
beyond b' and we contradict the maximality of (¡1; b' ). This …nishes the proof.

2.2.2 Global existence and uniqueness of integral solutions

Our objective here is to give su¢cient conditions for global existence and uniqueness of
integral solutions to Equation (3.2). We keep the assumption (H2:1) and instead of the
assumptions (H2:2) and (H2:3), we make the following condition :
(H2:4) F : [0; +1) £ B ! E is continuous and satis…es the Lipschitz condition : for each
a > 0 there exists a positive constant L such that jF (t; ') ¡ F (t; Ã)j · L k' ¡ ÃkB ; for all
t 2 [0; a] and '; Ã 2 B:

Theorem 2.2.5 Assume that the conditions (H2:1) and (H2:4) are satis…ed. Then, for
' 2 B such that '(0) 2 D(A), Equation (2.1) has a unique global integral solution x which
is given by 8 Z t
< S 0 (t)'(0) + d S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; t ¸ 0;
x(t) = dt 0 (2.5)
'(t); ¡1 < t · 0:
Moreover, x(t; ') is a continuous function of ', in the sense that if ' 2 B such that '(0)
2 D(A) and t ¸ 0, then there exists a positive constant ¯ such that, for à 2 B and Ã(0)
2 D(A), we have
jx(t; ') ¡ x(t; Ã)j · ¯ k' ¡ ÃkB :

Proof. Let a > 0 be …xed and ' 2 B such that '(0) 2 D(A). Consider the set
Za (') := fy 2 C([0; a] ; E) : y(0) = '(0)g and z 2 Za (').
Let z~ : (¡1; a] ! E be the mapping de…ned by
z(t); t 2 [0; a] ;
z~(t) =
'(t); ¡1 < t · 0:

By virtue of condition (H2:4) and AxiomZ (A1) the mapping s 7! F (s; z~s ) is continuous on
[0; a]. This implies that the mapping t 7! S(t¡s)F (s; z~s ) ds is continuously di¤erentiable
on [0; a].
Consider the operator P : Za (') ¡! Za (') de…ned by
0 d t
(P z)(t) := S (t)'(0) + S(t ¡ s)F (s; z~s )ds:
dt 0
Thanks to Proposition 1.2.5, we can assume without loss of generality that ! > 0. By
virtue of Proposition 1.2.9, we have for every y; z 2 Za ('); t 2 [0; a] and ¸ > !;
Z t
¸R(¸; A) ((P y)(t) ¡ (P z)(t)) = S 0 (t ¡ s)¸R(¸; A) (F (s; y~s ) ¡ F (s; z~s )) ds:

¸ ¹ 2 !a
j¸R(¸; A) ((P y)(t) ¡ (P z)(t))j · M e jF (s; y~s ) ¡ F (s; z~s )j ds:

Thus, from (H2:4) and by letting ¸ to +1; we obtain

¹ 2 e!a
j(P y)(t) ¡ (P z)(t)j · LM k~
ys ¡ z~s kB ds.

This yields
Z t
¹ 2 e!a
j(P y)(t) ¡ (P z)(t)j · LM K(s) sup jy(») ¡ z(»)j ds;
0 0·»·s
Z t
¹ 2 Ka e!a
· LM sup jy(») ¡ z(»)j ds:
0 0·»·s

Following the same reasoning, we can see that

Z t
¯ 2 ¯
¯(P y)(t) ¡ (P 2 z)(t)¯ · LM¹ 2 Ka e!a sup j(P y)(») ¡ (P z)(»)j ds;
0 0·»·s
Z t Z »
¹ 2 Ka e )
· (LM !a 2
sup sup jy(®) ¡ z(®)j dp ds;
0 0·»·s 0 0·®·p
Z t Z s
¹ 2 Ka e!a )2
· (LM ky ¡ zkZa (') dp ds;
0 0
¹ 2 Ka e!a )2
· a2 ky ¡ zkZa (') :
We can repeat the previous argument, and we obtain
¹ 2 Ka e!a )n
j(P n y)(t) ¡ (P n z)(t)j · an ky ¡ zkZa (') :
(LM ¹ 2 Ka e!a )m
Since there exists m 2 IN such that am < 1; it follows that P m is a strict
contraction on the closed subset Za (') of the Banach space C([0; a] ; E). Consequently, by
the Banach …xed point theorem, we deduce the existence and uniqueness of x := x(:; ') 2
Za (') such that P x = x: Finally, for all a > 0; Equation (2.5) has a unique solution which
is de…ned on the interval (¡1; a]. Then, x is a global solution of Equation (2.5).
On the other hand, if we consider two solutions x := x(:; ') and y := y(:; Ã) for ' 2 B with
'(0) 2 D(A) and à 2 B with Ã(0) 2 D(A); then for every t 2 [0; a] ; with a > 0 …xed
Z t
0 0 ¹ 2
jx(t) ¡ y(t)j · jS (t)'(0) ¡ S (t)Ã(0)j + LM e !a k~
xs ¡ y~s kB ds;

·M¹ e!a j'(0) ¡ Ã(0)j

Z tµ ¶
+LM e 2 !a K(s) max jx(») ¡ y(»)j + M(t) k' ¡ ÃkB ds;
0 0·»·s

¹ !a k' ¡ Ãk
· H Me B
Z t
+LM¹ 2 Ka e!a ¹ 2 Ma e!a k' ¡ Ãk :
max jx(») ¡ y(»)j ds + aLM B
0 0·»·s

By Gronwall’s lemma, it follows that

jx(t) ¡ y(t)j · ¯ k' ¡ ÃkB , for t 2 [0; a] ;

¹ !a (H + aLMM
¯ = Me ¹ a ) exp(aLM
¹ 2 Ka e!a ):

Hence the continuity of x(t; ') in term of ' and the uniqueness of the solution of Equation
(2.5) are guaranteed. This completes the proof .

2.2.3 Existence of strict solutions

Under more restrictive conditions, we obtain existence of strict solutions to Equation (2.1).
In order to compute the integral in B from the integral in E, we suppose that B is normed
and satis…es one of the following two extra axioms.
(C1) If (Án )n¸0 is a Cauchy sequence in B with respect to the seminorm and if (Án )n¸0
converges compactly to Á on (¡1; 0], then Á is in B and kÁn ¡ ÁkB ! 0; as n ! 1:
(D1) For a sequence ('n )n¸0 in B, if k'n kB ! 0; as n ! 1; then j'n (µ)j ! 0; as n ! 1;
for each µ 2 (¡1; 0] :

Lemma 2.2.6 [92] Let B be a normed space which satis…es Axiom (C1) and f : [0; a] ! B;
a > 0; be a continuous function such that f(t)(µ) is continuous for (t; µ) 2 [0; a] £ (¡1; 0].
·Z a ¸ Z a
Then, f(t)dt (µ) = f(t)(µ)dt; µ 2 (¡1; 0] :
0 0

We can obtain a similar result by using Axiom (D1):

Lemma 2.2.7 Let B satis…es Axiom (D1) and f : [0; a] ! B be a continuous function.
Then for all µ 2 (¡1; 0] ; the function f(:)(µ) is continuous and
·Z a ¸ Z a
f(t)dt (µ) = f(t)(µ)dt; µ 2 (¡1; 0] :
0 0
Z a
a n ka
Proof. We have f(t)dt = lim § f( ) in B: By use of Axiom (D1), we get
0 n!+1 n k=1 n
·Z a ¸
a n kn
f (t)dt (µ) = lim § f( )(µ); µ 2 (¡1; 0] :
0 n!+1 n k=1 a
On the other hand, the same axiom implies that the function f(:)(µ) is continuous on [0; a].
From what we infer that for all µ 2 (¡1; 0] ; the function f(:)(µ) is integrable on [0; a] and
Z a
a n kn
f(t)(µ)dt = lim § f( )(µ); µ 2 (¡1; 0] :
0 n!+1 n k=1 a

This ends the proof of the lemma.
To prove the strictness of solutions, we need also to make the following assumption.
(H2:5) F : [0; 1) £ B ! E is continuously di¤erentiable and the derivatives D1 F , D2 F
satisfy the following locally Lipschitz condition :
for any compact set Q ½ [0; 1) £ B, there exists a constant L > 0 such that
kD1 F (t; ') ¡ D1 F (t; Ã)k · L k' ¡ ÃkB ;
kD2 F (t; ') ¡ D2 F (t; Ã)k · L k' ¡ ÃkB ;
for all (t; '), (t; Ã) 2 Q:

Theorem 2.2.8 Assume that B is a normed space which satis…es Axiom (C1) or Axiom
(D1) and the conditions (H2:1); (H2:4) and (H2:5) hold. Let ' 2 B continuously di¤er-
entiable such that

'0 2 B; '(0) 2 D(A); '0 (0) 2 D(A) and '0 (0) = A'(0) + F (0; '):

Then, the integral solution of Equation (2.1) is a strict solution.

Proof. By Theorem 2.2.5, we know that Equation (2.1) has a unique global integral
solution x; which is given by
d t
x(t) = S 0 (t)'(0) +
S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; for t ¸ 0: (2.6)
dt 0
The assumption '(0) 2 D(A) implies that S 0 (t)'(0) = S(t)A'(0) + '(0); and x can be
written as Z
d t
x(t) = S(t)A'(0) + '(0) + S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds: (2.7)
dt 0
Consider the following equation
< d y(t) = Ay(t) + D F (t; x ) + D F (t; x ) y ; t ¸ 0;
1 t 2 t t
dt (2.8)
: y(t) = '0 (t); ¡1 < t · 0:

Using Axiom (A1), we can see that the mapping G : (¡1; 0] £ B ! E de…ned by
G(t; Ã) = D1 F (t; xt ) + D2 F (t; xt )Ã, satis…es (H2:4). By Theorem 2.2.5, Equation (2.8)
has a unique global integral solution y which is given by
> y(t) = S 0 (t)(A'(0) + F (0; '))
> Z
< d t
+ S(t ¡ s) (D1 F (s; xs ) + D2 F (s; xs ) ys ) ds; t ¸ 0;
dt 0 (2.9)
y(t) = '0 (t); ¡1 < t · 0:

Consider the mapping w : (¡1; +1) ! E; de…ned by
8 Z t
< '(0) + y(s) ds; t ¸ 0;
w(t) = 0 (2.10)
'(t); ¡1 < t · 0:

We will show that x = w: We have

> w(t) = S(t)(A'(0) + F (0; ')) + '(0)
> Z t
+ S(t ¡ s) (D1 F (s; xs ) + D2 F (s; xs ) ys ) ds; t ¸ 0;
0 (2.11)
w(t) = '(t); ¡ 1 < t · 0:
Z t
Lemma 2.2.6 or Lemma 2.2.7 implies that wt = ' + ys ds: Then, the mappings t 7! wt
Z t 0

and t 7! S(t ¡ s)F (s; ws )ds are continuously di¤erentiable and satisfy
Z t
S(t ¡ s)F (s; ws )ds = S(t)F (0; ')
dt 0
Z t (2.12)
+ S(t ¡ s) (D1 F (s; ws ) + D2 F (s; ws ) ys ) ds:

From (2.7), (2.11) and (2.12), we obtain

d t
x(t) ¡ w(t) = S(t ¡ s) (F (s; xs ) ¡ F (s; ws )) ds
dt 0
Z t
¡ S(t ¡ s) (D1 F (s; xs ) ¡ D1 F (s; ws )) ds
Z t
¡ S(t ¡ s) (D2 F (s; xs ) ¡ D2 F (s; ws )) ys ds:

Let 8 Z
> d t
> I1 = S(t ¡ s) (F (s; xs ) ¡ F (s; ws )) ds;
> dt 0
< Z t
I2 = ¡ S(t ¡ s) (D1 F (s; xs ) ¡ D1 F (s; ws )) ds;
> 0
> Z t
: I3 = ¡ S(t ¡ s) (D2 F (s; xs ) ¡ D2 F (s; ws )) ys ds;
and, for a > 0 …xed
½ ¾
° 0 ° ¡ ° 0° ¢
° ° ° °
b0 = max sup kS(s)k ; sup S (s) ; sup K(s) jy(s)j + M(s) ' B :
0·s·a 0·s·a 0·s·a

Let t 2 [0; a]. It’s easy to see that
Z t
kI2 k · b0 L kxs ¡ ws kB ds;

and by Axiom (A ¡ iii),

Z t
kI3 k · b20 L kxs ¡ ws kB ds:
Proceeding as in the previous proofs, we get
Z t
kI1 k · b0 ML kxs ¡ ws kB ds:

¡ ¢
¹ :
b1 = b0 L 1 + b0 + M

Then, we obtain Z t
sup jx(s) ¡ w(s)j · b1 kxs ¡ ws kB ds
0·s·t 0

Since x0 = w0 = '; Axiom (A ¡ iii) implies that

kxt ¡ wt kB · Ka sup jx(s) ¡ w(s)j :


Then, Z t
kxt ¡ wt kB · Ka b1 kxs ¡ ws kB ds:
Using Gronwall’s lemma, we conclude that

kxt ¡ wt kB = 0 for any t 2 [0; a] :

Consequently, x(t) = w(t) for all t 2 (¡1; a]. Hence, x is continuously di¤erentiable on
(¡1; a]. This ends the proof.

2.3 An application to partial integrodi¤erential equations

with in…nite delay
In this section, we make an attempt to apply some of the results obtained in the previous
sections. We consider the following partial integrodi¤erential equation :

8 Z t
> @
> w(t; ») = d¢w(t; ») + k(t; s; w(s; »))ds + f(t; w(t; »));
> @t ¡1
> t ¸ 0; » 2 -;
> w(t; ») = 0; t ¸ 0; » 2 @-;
: w(µ; ») = w (µ; »); ¡ 1 < µ · 0; » 2 - ;

@2 n
where d > 0, - is a bounded open set in IRn with regular boundary @-, ¢ = § 2 and
i=1 @³ i
k : IR+ £ IR £ IRn ! IRn ; f : IR+ £ IRn ! IRn and w0 : (¡1; 0] £ - ! IRn are functions.
¡ ¢
We choose E = C -; IRn ; and we consider the operator A : D(A) ½ E ! E de…ned
by ( © ª
D(A) = y 2 E : ¢y 2 E and y=@- = 0
Ay = d¢y:
© ª
It is known that D(A) = y 2 E : y=@- = 0 6= E and
< ½(A) = (0; +1) ;
° ° 1
: ° ¡1 °
°(¸I ¡ A) ° · ; for ¸ > 0:
This implies that A satis…es (H2:1) on E.
As a concrete phase space, we choose the space

B = Cg0 := fÁ 2 C((¡1; 0] ; E) : lim = 0g;
µ!¡1 g(µ)

endowed with the following norm

kÁkB := sup ;
¡1<µ·0 g(µ)

where g : (¡1; 0] ! (0; +1) is a continuous function satisfying

(g1) g(0) = 1:
(g2) The function G : [0; +1) ! [0; +1) de…ned by

g(t + µ)
G(t) = sup ;
¡1<µ·¡t g(µ)

is locally bounded.

From Theorems 1.3.2 and 1.3.6 of [66], this space satis…es Axioms (A), (A1), (B) and
In addition, we set for t ¸ 0 and » 2 -
> x(t)(») = w(t; »);
'(µ)(») = w0 (µ; »);
> Z 0
: F (t; Á)(») = f(t; Á(0)(»)) + k(t; t + µ; Á(µ)(»)) dµ; for Á 2 B:

Now it will be easy to adapt our previous results to solving Equation (2.13). The
properties of the mapping F depend on k, f and on the choice of the space B .
We assume that k : IR+ £ IR £ IRn ! IRn and f : IR+ £ IRn ! IRn are continuous
functions that satisfy :

(a) kk(t; s; v(¢))k · C(s ¡ t) jvj ; s · t ; v 2 E;

(b) kk(t; s; u(¢)) ¡ k(t; s; v(¢))k · N(s ¡ t) ju ¡ vj ; s · t; u; v 2 E;

(c) kf(t; u(¢)) ¡ f(t; v(¢))k · ´ ju ¡ vj ; t ¸ 0; u; v 2 E;

where ´ is a …xed positive constant, C; N : (¡1; 0] ! [0; +1) are two measurable functions
such that, C(¢)g(¢) and N(¢)g(¢) are integrable on (¡1; 0] :
Under the above conditions, F : [0; +1) £ B ! E satis…es condition (H2:4). In fact,
given t ¸ 0; Á 2 B and a sequence (tn )n¸0 of [0; +1) such that tn ! t ; we have

jF (tn ; Á) ¡ F (t; Á)j ·sup jf (tn ; Á(0)(»)) ¡ f(t; Á(0)(»))j

µZ 0 ¶ (2.14)
+ sup jk(tn ; tn + µ; Á(µ)(»)) ¡ k(t; t + µ; Á(µ)(»))j dµ ;
»2- ¡1

kk(tn ; tn + µ; Á(µ)(¢))k · C(µ) jÁ(µ)j ;
· C(µ)g(µ) sup ;
¡1<µ·0 g(µ)
= C(µ)g(µ) kÁkB :
By continuity of k, we have

lim k(tn ; tn + µ; Á(µ)(»)) = k(t; t + µ; Á(µ)(»)); uniformely on » 2 -:


Then, the Lebesgue convergence theorem allows us to assert that
µZ 0 ¶
sup jk(tn ; tn + µ; Á(µ)(»)) ¡ k(t; t + µ; Á(µ)(»))j dµ ! 0;
¡1 n

and by the continuity of f; we obtain

sup jf(tn ; Á(0)(»)) ¡ f(t; Á(0)(»))j ! 0:


Then, F is continuous in t 2 [0; +1) :

Furthermore, by Axiom (A ¡ ii), we have for every Á; Ã 2 B and t ¸ 0

kf(t; Á(0)(¢)) ¡ f (t; Ã(0)(¢))k · ´ jÁ(0) ¡ Ã(0)j ;

· ´H kÁ ¡ ÃkB ,

Z 0 Z 0
kk(t; t + µ; Á(µ)(¢)) ¡ k(t; t + µ; Ã(µ)(¢))k dµ · kÁ ¡ ÃkB N(µ)g(µ)dµ:
¡1 ¡1

This implies that

jF (t; Á) ¡ F (t; Ã)j · L kÁ ¡ ÃkB ;

where Z 0
L := ´H + N(µ)g(µ)dµ:

Hence, (H2:4) is satis…ed.

Assume also that
jw0 (µ; :)j
i) w0 2 C((¡1; 0] £ - ; IRn ), with lim = 0;
µ!¡1 g(µ)
ii) w0 (0; ») = 0, for » 2 @-:
Then all conditions of Theorem 2.2.5 are satis…ed, and Equation (2.13) has a unique
global integral solution on (¡1; +1).
Under more restrictive conditions, we obtain the strict solution.
¯ ¯
1 ¯¯ @ ¯
2 n
iii) w0 2 C ((¡1; 0] £ - ; IR ); with lim ¯ w0 (µ; :)¯¯ = 0;
µ!¡1 g(µ) @µ
iv) w0 (0; ») = 0; for » 2 @- ;

Z 0
v) w0 (0; ») = ¢w0 (0; ») + f(0; w0 (0; »)) + k(0; µ; w0 (µ; »))dµ;
@µ ¡1
for » 2 - ;

vi) f and k are continuously di¤erentiable, with the following conditions :

(a1) kD1 k(t; s; v(¢))k · C1 (s ¡ t) jvj, for s · t; v 2 E;

(b1) kD1 k(t; s; u(¢)) ¡ D1 k(t; s; v(¢))k + kD2 k(t; s; u(¢)) ¡ D2 k(t; s; v(¢))k
· N1 (s ¡ t) ju ¡ vj ; for s · t; u; v 2 E;

(c1) kD1 f(t; u(¢)) ¡ D1 f(t; v(¢))k · ´1 ju ¡ vj ; for t ¸ 0; u; v 2 E;

(a2) kD3 k(t; s; v(¢))k · C2 (s ¡ t) jvj ; for s · t; v 2 E;

(b2) kD3 k(t; s; u(¢)) ¡ D3 k(t; s; v(¢))k · N2 (s ¡ t) ju ¡ vj ;

for s · t; u; v 2 E;

(c2) kD2 f(t; u(¢)) ¡ D2 f(t; v(¢))k · ´ 2 ju ¡ vj ; for t ¸ 0; u; v 2 E;

where D1 ; D2 and D3 are the derivatives, ´ 1 and ´2 are two …xed positive constants, C1 ,
N1 , C2 , N2 : (¡1; 0] ! [0; +1) are measurable functions such that C1 (¢)g(¢); N1 (¢)g(¢);
C2 (¢)g(¢) and N2 (¢)g(¢) are integrable on (¡1; 0] : We can verify without di¢culties, that
all conditions of Theorem 2.2.8 hold. Then the integral solution w(t; ») = x(t)(») is a strict

Chapter 3

Local Existence, Stability and

Attractiveness for Some Partial
Functional Di¤erential Equations
with In…nite Delay1

3.1 Introduction
This chapter is concerned with local existence of solutions and stability to the autonomous
case of the PFDE with in…nite delay considered in the previous chapter
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (3.1)
: x = ' 2 B;

with the same notations as before.

Under di¤erent assumptions, we had proved in Chapter 2 that the density condition D(A) =
E, is not necessary to deal with existence of solutions to PFDEs with in…nite delay. Here,
…rst, we state the local existence and regularity of solutions under a local Lipschitz condition
on F . Then, in the case of global existence, we give some properties of the solution map.
Next, we investigate the stability near an equilibrium. Mainly, we prove that if the linearized
This chapter is based on two papers. The …rst one is in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi
and it will appear in Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, (2001). The second
one is in collaboration with K. Ezzinbi and it will appear in Fields Institue Communications Series, (2001).

semigroup around an equilibrium is exponentially stable, then the equilibrium of Equation
(3.2) is also exponentially stable. After that, we deal with existence of a global attractor.
Finally, we give an application to a reaction di¤usion equation with in…nite delay
We still assume that the phase space (B; k:kB ) is a seminormed linear space of func-
tions mapping (¡1; 0] into E, that satis…es the fundamental Axioms (A); (A1) and (B)
introduced in Chapter 1. We also keep the assumption (H2:1) on the operator A.

3.2 Local existence and global continuation of integral solu-

Throughout this section, we consider the autonomous case of Equation (2.1) :
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (3.2)
: x = ' 2 B:

Contrarily to the results obtained in Chapter 2, to prove the local existence of solutions to
Equation (3.2), we suppose a local Lipschitz condition on the nonlinear part F; that is,
(H3:1) F is Lipschitz continuous on the seminorm-balls of B, i.e., for each r > 0 there
exists a constant c0 (r) > 0 such that if '1 ; '2 2 B and k'1 kB ; k'2 kB · r then,

jF ('1 ) ¡ F ('2 )j · c0 (r) k'1 ¡ '2 kB :

Theorem 3.2.1 Assume that (H2:1) and (H3:1) hold. Let ' 2 B such that '(0) 2 D(A).
Then, there exists a maximal interval of existence (¡1; b' ) ; b' > 0, and a unique integral
solution x(:; ') of Equation (3.2), de…ned on (¡1; b' ) and either

b' = +1 or lim sup jx(t; ')j = +1:


Moreover, x(t; ') is a continuous function of ', in the sense that if ' 2 B; '(0) 2 D(A) and
t 2 [0; b' ) ; then there exist positive constants ® and " such that, for à 2 B; Ã(0) 2 D(A)
and k' ¡ ÃkB < "; we have t 2 [0; b' ) and

jx(s; ') ¡ x(s; Ã)j · ® k' ¡ ÃkB ; for all s 2 [0; t] :

Proof. Note that (H3:1) implies that, for each r > 0 there exists c0 (r) > 0 such that for
' 2 B and k'kB · r, we have

jF (')j · c0 (r) k'kB + jF (0)j · c0 (r)r + jF (0)j :

Let ' 2 B, '(0) 2 D(A), r = k'kB + 1 and c1 = c0 (r)r + jF (0)j : De…ne the function
S 0 (t)'(0); for t ¸ 0,
y(t) =
'(t); for t · 0.

By virtue of the axioms (A ¡ i) and (A1), we deduce that yt 2 B and the map t ! yt is
continuous. Then, for b1 2 (0; 1) ; there exists b2 2 (0; 1) such that

kyt ¡ 'kB · b1 , for all t 2 [0; b2 ] :

Without loss of generality, we can assume that ! > 0: Let 0 < b · b2 such that

¹ !b c1 b < 1 ¡ b1 :
Kb Me

Let us introduce again the space

Fb := fu : (¡1; b] ! E, such that u0 2 B and u : [0; b] ! E is continuousg ;

endowed with the seminorm k:kFb , de…ned by

kukFb = ku0 kB + sup ju(s)j :


We can see from Axiom (B), that (Fb ; k:kFb ) is complete.

Consider the following set
( )
b := u 2 Fb : ku0 ¡ 'kB = 0 and sup kut ¡ 'kB · 1 :

We can see as in the proof of Theorem 2.2.3 that F'

b is a nonempty closed subset of Fb :
Consider now the mapping T de…ned on F' b by
8 Z t
< (T u)(t) = S 0 (t)'(0) + d S(t ¡ s)F (us )ds; for t 2 [0; b] ;
dt 0 (3.3)
(T u)0 = ':

T maps elements of F' ' '

b into Fb : In fact, by (H3:1) and Axiom (A) for every u 2 Fb
the function s 7! F (us ) is continuous on [0; b]. Then, Proposition 1.2.9 implies that s 7!
Z t
S(t¡s)F (us )ds is continuously di¤erentiable on [0; b] : From this, v := T u is continuous
on [0; b] and v 2 Fb : To prove that v 2 F'
b , taking w = v ¡ y: We get, for any t 2 [0; b] ;

kvt ¡ 'kB · kwt kB + kyt ¡ 'kB · kwt kB + b1 :

Since kus ¡ 'kB · 1, for s 2 [0; b] and r = k'kB + 1, we deduce that kus kB · r, for
s 2 [0; b] : Then,
jF (us )j · c0 (r) kus kB + jF (0)j · c1 :

On the other hand, by Axiom (A ¡ iii) we see that for any t 2 [0; b]

kwt kB · Kb sup jw(s)j ;


¹ and !
and for suitable constants M
¯ ¯
¯ Zt ¯
¯d ¯
jw(t)j = ¯ S(t ¡ s)F (us )ds¯¯ ;
¯ dt ¯
¹ !t c1
· Me e¡!s ds;
¹ !t c1 b;
· Me
< (1 ¡ b1 ):
Then, we deduce that
kvt ¡ 'kB < 1, for any t 2 [0; b] :

Which implies that v 2 F'

To prove that T is a strict contraction in F' '
b , we consider u; v 2 Fb and t 2 [0; b] : Since

k(T u)0 ¡ (T v)0 kB = 0;

we obtain
kT u ¡ T vkFb = sup j(T u)(t) ¡ (T v)(t)j ,

and ¯ Z t ¯
¯d ¯
j(T u)(t) ¡ (T v)(t)j = ¯¯ S(t ¡ s)(F (us ) ¡ F (vs ))ds¯¯ ;
dt Z 0
·M ¹e !t jF (us ) ¡ F (vs )j ds;
0 Z
·M ¹ e!t c0 (r) kus ¡ vs kB ds;
¹ e!b c0 (r) Kb b ku ¡ vk :
·M Fb

¹ !b c0 (r) Kb b ku ¡ vk :
kT u ¡ T vkFb · Me Fb

Note that r ¸ 1, then
¹ !b c0 (r)Kb b · Me
Me ¹ !b c1 Kb b < 1:
³ ´
This means that T is a strict contraction in F'b ; k:k '
Fb . So, T has a …xed point x in Fb .
Let u be another …xed point of T . Then,
ku ¡ xkFb = 0;
u0 = x0 = ':

From the expression of the seminorm k:kFb , we obtain

u(t) = x(t), for t 2 [0; b] :

This means that T has one and only one …xed point x in F'
b . We conclude that Equa-
tion (3.2) has one and only one integral solution which is de…ned on the interval (¡1; b].
Let [0; b' ) ; b' > 0; be the maximal interval of existence of the integral solution x(:; ')
of Equation (3.2). Assume that b' < +1 and lim sup jx(t; ')j < +1. Then, from Axiom
(A ¡ iii), we can see that there exists a constant r > 0 such that kxs (:; ')kB · r, for all
s 2 [0; b' ). Consider t; t + h 2 [0; b' ) and h > 0;

jx(t + h) ¡ x(t)j · jS 0 (t + h)'(0) ¡ S 0 (t)'(0)j

¯ Z t+h Z ¯
¯d d t ¯
+¯ ¯ S(t + h ¡ s)F (xs (:; '))ds ¡ S(t ¡ s)F (xs (:; '))ds¯¯ ;
dt 0 dt 0
¯ Z t+h ¯
¯d ¯
0 0 ¯
· jS (t) (S (h) ¡ I) '(0)j + ¯ S(t + h ¡ s)F (xs (:; '))ds¯¯
¯ Z t dt t ¯
¯d ¯
+ ¯¯ S(s) (F (xt+h¡s (:; ')) ¡ F (xt¡s (:; '))) ds¯¯ ;
dt 0
¹ !b' j(S 0 (h) ¡ I) '(0)j + Me
· Me ¹ !b' c1 h
Z t
¹ !b' c0 (r)
+Me kxs+h (:; ') ¡ xs (:; ')kB ds;

¹ !b' jS 0 (h)'(0) ¡ '(0)j + M

· Me ¹ e!b' c1 h + b' Mb' kxh (:; ') ¡ 'k
Z t B
¹ !b' c0 (r)Kb'
+Me sup jx(¾ + h; ') ¡ x(¾; ')j ds:
0 0·¾·s

Using the same reasoning, one can show a similar result for h < 0: By applying the well-
known Gronwall lemma, we can deduce that x is uniformly continuous on [0; b' ). Conse-
quently, x(:; ') can be extended to b' , which contradicts the maximality of [0; b' ) :

We prove now that the solution depends continuously on the initial data. Let ' 2 B such
that '(0) 2 D(A) and t 2 [0; b' ) be …xed. Set

r = 1+ sup kxs (:; ')kB .


Let " 2 (0; 1) and

à 2 B; Ã(0) 2 D(A) such that k' ¡ ÃkB < ":

It is clear that
kÃkB · k'kB + " < r:

We put (
b0 = sup fs > 0 : kx¾ (:; Ã)kB · r, for all ¾ 2 [0; s]g ;
¡ ¢
c(t) = (Mb0 + HKb0 M ¹ e!t ) exp Kb Me¹ !t c0 (r)t :

We choose " small enough such that

c(t)" < 1.

Suppose that b0 < t. We obtain for s 2 [0; b0 ],

kxs (:; ') ¡ xs (:; Ã)kB · Mb0 k' ¡ ÃkB + Kb0 sup jx(»; ') ¡ x(»; Ã)j ;
©¯ ¯
· Mb0 k' ¡ ÃkB + Kb0 sup ¯S 0 (») ('(0) ¡ Ã(0))¯
¯ Z ¯¾
¯d » ¯
+ ¯¯ S(» ¡ ¾) (F (x¾ (:; ')) ¡ F (x¾ (:; Ã))) d¾¯¯ ;
d» 0

¡ ¢
· ¹ !t + Mb k' ¡ Ãk
HKb0 Me 0 B
Z s
¹ !t c0 (r)
+Kb0 Me kx¾ (:; ') ¡ x¾ (:; Ã)kB d¾:

By Gronwall’s lemma, we deduce that

kxs (; ') ¡ xs (; Ã)kB · c(t) k' ¡ ÃkB : (3.4)

This implies that

kxs (:; Ã)kB · c(t)" + r ¡ 1 < r, for all s 2 [0; b0 ] :

By continuity, there exists ± > 0 such that

kxs (:; Ã)kB · c(t)" + r ¡ 1 < r; for all s 2 [0; b0 + ±] :

It follows that b0 cannot be the largest number s > 0 such that kx¾ (:; Ã)kB · r; for
¾ 2 [0; s] : Thus, b0 ¸ t and t < bà . Furthermore, kxs (:; Ã)kB · r; for s 2 [0; t]. Then,
using the inequality (3.4), we deduce the continuous dependence on the initial data. This
completes the proof.

3.3 Existence of strict solutions

As in the previous chapter, we can obtain the strictness of the integral solution under similar
restrictive conditions : (H3:1) and
(H3:2) F : B ! E is continuously di¤erentiable and F 0 : B ! L(B; E) is locally
Lipschitz continuous ( in the sense of (H3:1)).

Theorem 3.3.1 Assume that the phase space B is a normed space which sati…es Axiom
(C1) or Axiom (D1) and the conditions (H2:1); (H3:1) and (H3:2) hold. Let ' 2 B be a
continuously di¤erentiable function with '0 2 B and

'(0) 2 D(A); '0 (0) 2 D(A) and '0 (0) = A'(0) + F ('):

If x(:; ') : (¡1; b' ) ! E is the integral solution of Equation (3.2) given by Theorem 3.2.1,
then x(:; ') is a strict solution of Equation (3.2).

Proof. Let ' 2 B such that '(0) 2 D(A); '0 (0) 2 D(A) and '0 (0) = A'(0) + F ('): Let
x := x(:; ') be the unique integral solution of Equation (3.2) on (¡1; b' ) and b1 2 (0; b' ).
Consider the following equation
< dy (t) = Ay(t) + F 0 (x )y ; t ¸ 0;
t t
: y = '0 2 B.

Using a similar argument as in the prove of Theorem 3.2.1, we can show that the above
equation has a unique integral solution y : [0; b1 ] ! E, which is given by
8 Z t
< S 0 (t)'0 (0) + d S(t ¡ s)F 0 (xs )ys ds; for t 2 [0; b1 ] ;
y(t) = dt 0
: 0
' (t); for t 2 (¡1; 0] :

De…ne the function z by

8 Z t
< '(0) + y(s)ds; for t 2 [0; b1 ] ;
z(t) = 0 (3.5)
'(t); for t 2 (¡1; 0] :

We will prove that x = z: Using the expression of y, we obtain

z(t) = '(0) + S(t)' (0) + S(t ¡ s)F 0 (xs )ys ds; for t 2 [0; b1 ] :

From '(0) 2 D(A); '0 (0) 2 D(A) and '0 (0) = A'(0) + F ('), we deduce

S(t)'0 (0) = S(t)A'(0) + S(t)F ('):

Using Corollary 1.2.2, we get

S(t)'0 (0) = S 0 (t)'(0) ¡ '(0) + S(t)F ('):

On the other hand, by use of Lemma 2.2.6 or Lemma 2.2.7, we can infer from (3.5) that

zt = ' + ys ds, for t 2 [0; b1 ] :
Z t
Consequently, the maps t 7! zt and t 7! S (t ¡ s) F (zs ) ds are continuously di¤eren-
tiable and we have
Zt Zt
S (t ¡ s) F (zs ) ds = S (t) F (') + S (t ¡ s) F 0 (zs ) ys ds:
0 0

So, we deduce that

Zt Zt
S (t) F (') = S (t ¡ s) F (zs ) ds ¡ S (t ¡ s) F 0 (zs ) ys ds:
0 0

Consequently, z satis…es for t 2 [0; b1 ]

z(t) = S (t)'(0) + S(t)F (') + S(t ¡ s)F 0 (zs )ys ds:

This implies that

d t
z(t) = S 0 (t) '(0) + S (t ¡ s) F (zs ) ds
Z t dt 0 Z t
¡ 0
S (t ¡ s) F (zs ) ys ds + S (t ¡ s) F 0 (xs ) ys ds:
0 0

Therefore, Z t
x (t) ¡ z (t) = S (t ¡ s) (F (xs ) ¡ F (zs )) ds
dtZ 0
¡ S (t ¡ s) (F 0 (xs ) ¡ F 0 (zs )) ys ds:
Then, we deduce
µZ t
jx (t) ¡ z (t)j · ¯e!b1 jF (xs ) ¡ F (zs )j ds
Z t 0 ¶
+ 0 0
kF (xs ) ¡ F (zs )kL(B;E) kys kB ds :

Let à !
r = max sup kxs kB ; sup kys kB ; sup kzs kB :
0·s·b1 0·s·b1 0·s·b1

There exist c0 (r); v0 (r) ¸ 0 such that if '1 ; '2 2 B and k'1 kB ; k'2 kB · r, then
jF ('1 ) ¡ F ('2 )j · c0 (r) k'1 ¡ '2 kB ;
kF 0 ('1 ) ¡ F 0 ('2 )kL(B;E) · v0 (r) k'1 ¡ '2 kB :

This implies that

sup jx(s) ¡ z(s)j · ¯e (c0 (r) + rv0 (r)) kxs ¡ zs kB ds:

Applying Axiom (A1 ¡ iii), we obtain

kxt ¡ zt kB · Kb1 sup jx(s) ¡ z(s)j :


Thus, we obtain

kxt ¡ zt kB · Kb1 ¯e (c0 (r) + r v0 (r)) kxs ¡ zs kB ds:

By Gronwall’s lemma, kxt ¡ zt kB = 0 for any t 2 [0; b1 ] : Using Axiom (A1 ¡ ii); we
conclude that x(t) = z(t), for all t 2 (¡1; b1 ] : Consequently, the integral solution x is
continuously di¤erentiable. Then, from Proposition 2.2.2 we conclude that x is a strict
solution of Equation (3.2). This completes the proof of the theorem.

3.4 The solution semigroup and linearized stability
In this section, we give some properties of the solution map associated to Equation (3.2).
We make the following autonomous version of (H2:4).
(H3:3) F is globally Lipschitz continuous on B :

jF ('1 ) ¡ F ('2 )j · L k'1 ¡ '2 kB ; for '1 ; '2 2 B:

Using this assumption and a …xed point theorem, we have shown in Theorem 2.2.5 that for
all ' 2 B such that '(0) 2 D(A), Equation (3.2) has a unique integral solution which is
de…ned on IR.
Let n o
X := ' 2 B : '(0) 2 D(A) :

De…ne the following operator U(t) on X , for t ¸ 0 by

U(t)' = xt (:; ');

where x(:; ') is the unique integral solution of Equation (3.2). We can prove the following

Proposition 3.4.1 The family (U(t))t¸0 is a strongly continuous semigroup on X , that is

(i) U(0) = I,
(ii) U(t + s) = U(t)U(s), for all t; s ¸ 0;
(iii) for all ' 2 X , U(t)' is a continuous function of t ¸ 0 with values in X .
(iv) (U(t))t¸0 satis…es, for t ¸ 0 and µ 2 (¡1; 0], the following translation property
(U(t + µ)') (0); if t + µ ¸ 0;
(U(t)') (µ) =
'(t + µ); if t + µ · 0;

(v) there exist two positive locally bounded functions m(:); n(:) : IR+ ! IR+ such that, for
all '1 ; '2 2 X and t ¸ 0;

kU(t)'1 ¡ U(t)'2 kB · m(t)en(t) k'1 ¡ '2 kB :

Proof. (i) and (ii) are consequence of the uniqueness of the integral solution of Equation

(iii) and (iv) can be proved by using the integral Equation (2.5) and some properties of B.
To prove (v); we can see that

kU(t)Á ¡ U(t)ÃkB = kxt (:; Á) ¡ xt (:; Ã)kB ;

· K(t) sup jx(s; Á) ¡ x(s; Ã)j + M(t) kÁ ¡ ÃkB ;
· K(t) sup jS 0 (s)(Á(0) ¡ Ã(0))j + M(t) kÁ ¡ ÃkB ;
0·s·t¯ ¯
¯d Z s ¯
+K(t) sup ¯ ¯ S(s ¡ ¾) (F (x¾ (:; Á)) ¡ F (x¾ (:; Ã))) d¾¯¯ :
0·s·t ds 0

From Proposition 1.2.9, we deduce that

¹ !t H kÁ ¡ Ãk + M(t) kÁ ¡ Ãk
kU(t)Á ¡ U(t)ÃkB · K(t)Me
Z t B B

+2K(t)l(t)L kx¾ (:; Á) ¡ x¾ (:; Ã)kB d¾:


This completes the proof by using Gronwall’s lemma.

We will now give another property of (U(t))t¸0 . We need to make the compactness
assumption (H2:2) :

Proposition 3.4.2 Assume that (H2:1) ; (H2:2) ; and (H3:3) hold. Then, the semigroup
(U(t))t¸0 is decomposed on X as follows

U(t) = U1 (t) + U2 (t); t ¸ 0;

where (U2 (t))t¸0 is the semigroup on X given, for ' 2 X , t ¸ 0 and µ 2 (¡1; 0], by
S 0 (t + µ)'(0); t + µ ¸ 0;
(U2 (t)') (µ) =
'(t + µ); t + µ · 0;

and U1 (t) is compact on X for t > 0:

Proof. Let (Ãn )n¸0 be a bounded sequence in X : First, we prove that the sequence
((U1 (t)Ã n )(µ))n¸0 ; t > 0; µ 2 (¡1; 0] ; is totally bounded in E and the sequence (U1 (t)Ã n )n¸0 ; t >
0; is equicontinuous in (¡1; 0] : Let t > 0 and µ 2 (¡1; 0] be …xed. We have
(U1 (t + µ)Ã n ) (0); t + µ ¸ 0,
(U1 (t)Ã n )(µ) =
0; t + µ · 0:
Let 0 < " < t + µ: Then, for ¸ > !; we have

¸R(¸; A)(U1 (t)Ãn )(µ) = S 0 (t + µ ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; Ãn ))ds;



= S 0 (") S 0 (t + µ ¡ " ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; Ã n ))ds;


+ S 0 (t + µ ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; Ã n ))ds;


where x(:; Ãn ) is the unique integral solution of Equation (3.2) for the initial condition Ãn .
Since S 0 (") is compact, there exists a compact set W" such that
8t+µ¡" 9
< Z =
0 0
S (") S (t + µ ¡ " ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; Ãn ))ds : n ¸ 0; ¸ > ! ½ W" :
: ;

Furthermore, for all n ¸ 0

¯ t+µ ¯
¯ Z ¯
¯ ¯ ¹
¯ S (t + µ ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; à n ))ds¯¯ ·
M t ®t ";
¯ ¯ ¸¡!

° °
®t = sup fjF (xs (:; Ã n )j : n ¸ 0g and M t = sup °S 0 (s)°D(A) :
s2[0;t] s2[0;t]

This shows, by letting ¸ to +1, that ((U1 (t)Ã n )(µ))n¸0 ; t > 0; µ 2 (¡1; 0] ; is totally
bounded. To establish the equicontinuity, let t > 0 and µ 0 2 (¡1; 0] be …xed. For
µ 2 (¡1; 0] such that jµ ¡ µ0 j small enough and µ0 < µ; we obtain

(U1 (t)Ã n )(µ) ¡ (U1 (t)Ã n )(µ 0 ) =

< (U1 (t + µ)Ãn ) (0) ¡ (U1 (t + µ0 )Ãn ) (0); t + µ 0 > 0;
(U1 (µ ¡ µ0 )Ãn ) (0); t + µ 0 = 0;
: 0; t + µ 0 < 0:
Therefore, for ¡t < µ0 < µ · 0 and ¸ > !, we obtain

¸R(¸; A) ((U1 (t)Ã n )(µ) ¡ (U1 (t)Ã n )(µ0 ))

Z t+µ0
= (S 0 (t + µ ¡ s) ¡ S 0 (t + µ 0 ¡ s)) ¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; Ãn ))ds
Z0 t+µ
+ S 0 (t + µ ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; Ãn ))ds:

Which leads to
j¸R(¸; A) ((U1 (t)Ãn )(µ) ¡ (U1 (t)Ãn )(µ0 ))j
¯ Z t+µ0 ¯
¯ 0 ¯
· ¯(S (µ ¡ µ0 ) ¡ I) S (t + µ 0 ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; à n ))ds¯¯
+ M t ®t (µ ¡ µ0 ):
Besides, there exists a compact set W such that
8t+µ 9
< Z 0¯ ¯ =
¯S 0 (t + µ0 ¡ s)¸R(¸; A)F (xs (:; Ãn ))¯ ds : n ¸ 0; ¸ > ! µ W:
: ;

Letting ¸ to +1 and using the fact that (S 0 (:)x)x2W is equicontinuous at the right in 0;
lim j(U1 (t)Ã n )(µ) ¡ (U1 (t)Ã n )(µ 0 )j = 0:
µ>µ 0

By a similar argument we deduce, for ¡1 < µ < µ 0 · 0; the claimed equicontinuity.

Proceeding by Arzéla-Ascoli’s theorem, there is a continuous function Á : (¡1; 0] ! E and
a subsequence Án of (U2 (t)Ã n )n¸0 which converges compactly to Á in (¡1; 0] : In addition
Á is continuous and Á(µ) = 0 if µ · ¡t; because Án (µ) = 0 for µ · ¡t and n ¸ 0: Hence Á
belongs to B by Axiom (A ¡ i), and moreover we get kÁn ¡ ÁkB ! 0 as n ! 1 because of
kÁn ¡ ÁkB · K(t) sup jÁn (µ) ¡ Á (µ)j by Axiom (A ¡ iii): In de…nitive, we have proved
that the image of any bounded sequence contains a converging subsequence in B with
respect to the seminorm.
We focus now our attention on the stability near an equilibrium of the nonlinear semi-
group (U(t))t¸0 on X . We keep the assumptions (H2:1) and (H3:3); and we add the
following :
(H3:4) F is di¤erentiable at 0 with respect to (B; k:kB ) and F (0) = 0.
Consider the linearized equation of (3.2) corresponding to the derivative F 0 (0) at 0 :
< dx (t) = Ax(t) + L(x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (3.6)
: x = ' 2 B;

where L := F 0 (0) and (T (t))t¸0 is the solution semigroup on X associated to Equation (3.6).

Proposition 3.4.3 Assume that (H2:1); (H3:3) and (H3:4) hold. Then, the derivative
at zero of the nonlinear semigroup (U(t))t¸0 , associated to Equation (3.2) is the linear
semigroup (T (t))t¸0 associated to Equation (3.6).

Proof. It su¢ces to show that for each t ¸ 0 and " > 0; there exists ± > 0 such that

kU(t)' ¡ T (t)'kB · " k'kB ; for k'kB · ±:

Note that
kU(t)' ¡ T (t)'kB = kxt (:; ') ¡ yt (:; ')kB ;
where x(:; ') ( respectively, y(:; ')) is the unique integral solution of Equation (3.2) ( respectively,
Equation (3.6)).
From Axiom (A ¡ iii), we see that for all t ¸ 0

kU(t)' ¡ T (t)'kB · K(t) sup jx(¾; ') ¡ y(¾; ')j ;

¯ ¯
¯ Z¾ ¯
¯ d ¯
· K(t) sup ¯ ¯ S(¾ ¡ s) (F (U(s)') ¡ L(T (s)')) ds¯¯ ;
0·¾·t ¯ d¾ ¯
Z t
· K(t)Me ¹ !t
e¡!s jF (U(s)') ¡ L(T (s)')j ds;
µZ t
· K(t)Me ¹ !t e¡!s jF (U(s)') ¡ L(U(s)')j ds
Z t 0 ¶
+ e¡!s jL(U(s)') ¡ L(T (s)')j ds :
By virtue of the di¤erentiability of F at 0 and from (v) of Proposition 3.4.1, we deduce
that for " > 0 there exists ± > 0 such that
Z t
e¡!s jF (U(s)') ¡ L(U(s)')j ds · " k'kB ; for k'kB · ±:
On the other hand, we …nd that
Zt Zt
e jL(U(s)') ¡ L(T (s)')j ds · kLkL(B;E) e¡!s kU(s)' ¡ T (s)'kB ds:
0 0

0 1
¹ !t @" k'k + kLk
kU(t)' ¡ T (t)'kB · K(t)Me e¡!s kU(s)' ¡ T (s)'kB dsA :
B L(B;E)

By Gronwall’s lemma, we deduce that

³ ´
¹ k'k exp (kLk
kU(t)' ¡ T (t)'kB · Kt M" Kt
¹ + !)t ; t ¸ 0:
B L(B;E)

Hence, we conclude that U(t) is di¤erentiable at 0 and (D' U(t))(0) = T (t); for each t ¸ 0:

De…nition 3.4.1 ( Desh and Schappacher [41]) Let (V (t))t¸0 be a strongly continuous
semigroup on a Banach space (Y; j:jY ). A point x0 2 Y is called an equilibrium of (V (t))t¸0
if V (t)x0 = x0 for all t ¸ 0: An equilibrium x0 2 Y is called locally exponentially stable if
there exist ± > 0, ¹ > 0 and k ¸ 1 such that

jV (t)x ¡ x0 jY · ke¡¹t jx ¡ x0 jY , for t ¸ 0 and x 2 Y with jx ¡ x0 jY · ±:

Theorem 3.4.4 [41] Let (V (t))t¸0 be a nonlinear strongly continuous semigroup in a Ba-
nach space Y . Assume that x0 2 Y is an equilibrium of (V (t))t¸0 such that V (t) is Fréchet-
di¤erentiable at x0 for each t ¸ 0, with W (t) the Fréchet-derivative at x0 of V (t): Then,
(W (t))t¸0 is a strongly continuous semigroup of bounded linear operators on Y: Moreover,
if (W (t))t¸0 is exponentially stable, then x0 is a locally exponentially stable equilibrium of
(V (t))t¸0 .

By using the above theorem in the Banach space of equivalence classes B = k:kB , we get
our main result concerning the stability of an equilibrium of (U(t))t¸0 .

Theorem 3.4.5 Assume that (H2:1); (H3:3) and (H3:4) hold. If (T (t))t¸0 is exponen-
¹ ¸ 1 and ! > 0 such that kT (t)k · Me
tially stable on X ; i.e., there exist constants M ¹ ¡!t ,
for t ¸ 0, then zero is a locally exponentially stable equilibrium of (U(t))t¸0 on X ; that is,
there exist ± > 0, ¹ > 0 and k ¸ 1 such that

kU(t)ÃkB · ke¡¹t kÃkB , for t ¸ 0 and à 2 X with kÃkB · ±:

To study the stability of solutions to the linearized equation (3.6), we need to charac-
terize the in…nitesimal generator of the linear semigroup (T (t))t¸0 on X : To do this, we
assume that B satis…es the additional axiom (D1) used in strictness of solutions.

Theorem 3.4.6 Assume that B is a subspace of C((¡1; 0] ; E) ( the space of continuous

functions from (¡1; 0] into E) satisfying Axioms (A), (A1), (B) and (D1): Then, the
in…nitesimal generator AT of (T (t))t¸0 is given by
D(AT ) = f' 2 X : '0 2 X ; '(0) 2 D(A) and '0 (0) = A'(0) + L(')g ;
AT ' = '0 .

Proof. Let ' 2 X be continuously di¤erentiable such that

'0 2 X ; '(0) 2 D(A) and '0 (0) = A'(0) + L('):

Let x(:; ') be the integral solution of Equation (3.2). In the proof of Theorems 2.2.8 and
3.3.1, we showed that there exists a continuous mapping y : IR ! E with y0 = '0 such
xt (:; ') = ' + ys ds; for t ¸ 0:
Which implies that lim (xt (:; ') ¡ ') exists and is equal to '0 : Then, ' 2 D(AT ).
Conversely, let ' 2 X such that
lim (xt (:; ') ¡ ') = Ã = AT '; exists in X :
t!0+ t
Axiom (D1) implies that
lim (xt (µ; ') ¡ '(µ)) exists for all µ · 0 and is equal to Ã(µ):
t!0+ t
Then, for µ 2 (¡1; 0), we have
Ã(µ) = lim ('(t + µ) ¡ '(µ)) = D+ '(µ);
t!0+ t

where D+ ' is the right derivative of '; and D+ ' = à in (¡1; 0) : Since à is continuous,
D+ ' is also continuous in (¡1; 0) : Let us introduce the following result.

Lemma 3.4.7 [97] Let ' be continuous and di¤erentiable on the right on [a; b). If D+ ' is
continuous on [a; b) ; then ' is continuously di¤erentiable on [a; b) :

From the above lemma, we deduce that the function ' is continuously di¤erentiable in
(¡1; 0) and '0 = Ã: On the other hand, for µ = 0; one has lim '0 (µ) exists and equals to
Ã(0): From this, we infer that the function ' is continuously di¤erentiable in (¡1; 0] and
'0 = Ã 2 X : Since t ! xt (:; ') is continuously di¤erentiable in [0; +1) and using Axiom
(D1), we can state that the map t ! x(t; ') is continuously di¤erentiable in [0; +1) : Then,
from Proposition 2.2.2, x is a strict solution of Equation (3.6), and for µ = 0; one has
'0 (0) = Ã(0) = lim (x(t) ¡ '(0)) = x0 (0) and x0 (0) = A'(0) + L('):
t!0 t
Form this we conclude that
'0 (0) = A'(0) + L('):

This completes the proof of the theorem.

In the sequel, we give a necessary and su¢cient condition to ensure the stability of the
linear semigroup (T (t))t¸0 on X . We need the following results.
Let H : Z ! Z be a closed linear operator with a dense domain D(H) in a Banach space
Z. We denote by ¾(H) the spectrum of H; and by ¾p (H) the point spectrum of H.
We call essential spectrum of H (denotation by ¾e (H)) the set of all ¸ in ¾(H) for which
at least one of the following holds :
(i) Im(¸I ¡ H) = f(¸I ¡ H)z : z 2 Zg is not closed,
(ii) the generalized eigenspace M¸ (H) = [ ker(¸I ¡ H)k of ¸ is in…nite dimensional;
(iii) ¸ is a limit point of ¾(H); that is, ¸ 2 ¾(H)= f¸g:

If we suppose that H is bounded then, we de…ne the Kuratowski measure of noncom-

pactness of H by :
© ª
®(H) = inf k 2 IR+ : ®(H(B)) · k®(B) for every bounded subset B of Z ;

where the Kuratowski’s measure of noncompactness of the bounded subset B of the Banach
space Z is de…ned by :

® (B) = inf fd > 0 : B has a …nite cover of diameter < dg :

The radius of ¾e (H) is given by

re (H) = sup fj¸j : ¸ 2 ¾e (H)g :

Nussbaum has proved in [94] that

re (H) = lim [®(Hn )]1=n : (3.7)


From the above formula, we deduce that re (H + K) = re (H) for any compact operator
K : Z ! Z; that is, re is invariant under compact perturbations.
Since ®(H) · kHk ; by the formula (3.7) one has

re (H) · kHk : (3.8)

Let ¸ 2 ¾(H) ¡ ¾e (H); it follows from [122] that ¸ is an isolate point, dim M¸ (H) < 1
and ¸ 2 ¾p (H).
De…ne the growth bound of the semigroup (T (t))t¸0 by
½ ¾
!((T (t))t¸0 ) := inf ! 2 IR : sup e kT (t)k < 1 :

s1 (AT ) = sup fRe ¸ : ¸ 2 ¾(AT ) ¡ ¾e (AT )g :

It is well-known that in general

¡1 · s1 (AT ) · !((T (t))t¸0 ) < 1:

De…ne the essential growth bound of (T (t))t¸0 by

½ ¾
1 1
! e ((T (t))t¸0 ) := lim log (®(T (t))) = inf log (®(T (t))) : t > 0 :
t!1 t t
According to [122], we have
!((T (t))t¸0 ) = max f! e ((T (t))t¸0 ); s1 (AT )g ;
re (T (t)) = exp(t! e ((T (t))t¸0 )); t > 0:

Now, let ° be a positive real constant and

½ ¾
C° = Á : (¡1; 0] ! E continuous such that lim e Á(µ) exists in E .

It is noted in Chapter 1 that C° together with the norm kÁk° = sup e°µ jÁ(µ)j ; Á 2 C° , is
a standard example of phase space B that satis…es axioms (A), (A1), (B) and (D1).
Assume the following hypothesis.
(H3:5) There exist two positive constants ¹ and ± such that
° 0 °
°S (t)° · ¹e¡±t ; t ¸ 0:

Proposition 3.4.8 Suppose that (H2:1), (H2:2), (H3:3), (H3:4) and (H3:5) hold, and
B = C° : If s1 (AT ) < 0; then zero is an exponentially stable equilibrium of (U(t))t¸0 :

Proof. From Proposition 3.4.2, the semigroup (T (t))t¸0 is decomposed as follows

T (t) = T1 (t) + T2 (t); t ¸ 0;

where (T2 (t))t¸0 is the semigroup on X given, for ' 2 X , t ¸ 0 and µ 2 (¡1; 0], by
S 0 (t + µ)'(0); t + µ ¸ 0;
(T2 (t)') (µ) =
'(t + µ); t + µ · 0;

and T1 (t) : X ! X is compact for t > 0: It therefore follows that

re (T (t)) = re (T2 (t)):

For every Á 2 X ; we have

kT2 (t)Ák° = sup e°s j(T2 (t)Á) (s)j ;

½ ¾
¡ °s ¯ 0 ¯¢
= max ¯ ¯
sup e S (t + s)Á(0) ; sup e jÁ(t + s)j ; °s
¡t·s·0 s·¡t
½ ³ ´ ¾
°s ¡±(t+s) ¡°t °(t+s)
· max sup ¹e e jÁ(0)j ; sup e e jÁ(t + s)j ;
¡t·s·0 s·¡t
½ ³ ´ ¾
¡±t ¡(±¡°)s ¡°t
· ¹ max e sup e ; e kÁk° ;

which implies that kT2 (t)Ák° · ¹e¡ min(±;°)t kÁk° : Using (3.8), we deduce that

re (T (t)) · ¹e¡ min(±;°)t ; t > 0:

Which implies that for t large enough, re (T (t)) < 1; and by (3.9) we get ! e ((T (t))t¸0 ) < 0.
So, we conclude that !((T (t))t¸0 ) < 0 and the semigroup (T (t))t¸0 is exponentially asymp-
totically stable. Consequently, from Theorem 3.4.5, we deduce that zero is an exponentially
stable equilibrium of (U(t))t¸0 : This completes the proof of the proposition.

3.5 Attractiveness of solutions

The present section gives conditions under which one has existence of a global attractor to
Equation (3.2).
The results of this section rely upon the main ideas described by J. Hale in [51] and [56]
to give conditions ensuring existence of global attractors for dissipative dynamical systems.
Namely, as a consequence of the results obtained in Section 3.4, we give su¢cient conditions
in order to have the asymptotic smoothness of the semi‡ow generated by Equation (3.2).
Which yields conditions of existence of a global attractor.
For convenience of the reader we recall the following de…nitions about dissipative equa-
tions. Let (Y; k:k) be a Banach space.

De…nition 3.5.1 [51] Let T= (T (t))t¸0 be a (nonlinear) strongly continuous semigroup

on Y .
(i) A set B ½ Y is said to attract a set C ½ Y under T if dist(T (t)C; B) ! 0 as t ! +1:
(ii) A set S ½ Y is said to be invariant under T if T (t)S = S for all t ¸ 0.
(iii) T is asymptotically smooth if, for any nonempty, closed, bounded set B ½ Y for which
TB ½ B; there is a compact set J ½ B such that J attracts B.

(iv) A compact invariant set A is said to be a maximal compact invariant set if every
compact invariant set of the semigroup belongs to A.
(v) An invariant set A is said to be a global attractor if A is maximal compact invariant
set which attracts each bounded set B ½ Y .
(vi) The semigroup T is said to be point dissipative (compact dissipative) if there is a
bounded set B ½ Y that attracts each point of Y (each compact set of Y ) under T.

Hereafter, we suppose hypothesis (H2:1) and (H3:3): We also suppose that the initial
function ' is an element of
n o
X := Á 2 B : Á(0) 2 D(A) :

Remark 3.5.1 It’s easy to see that the assertion (v) in Proposition 3.4.1 implies that for
all t ¸ 0, U(t) is a bounded operator on X .

Proposition 3.5.1 (Section 3.4) Under the conditions (H2:1) ; (H2:2) and (H3:3); let
U(t) = U1 (t) + U2 (t); t ¸ 0; where (U2 (t))t¸0 is the solution semigroup of the equation
x(t) = S 0 (t)'(0); t ¸ 0
x0 = ' 2 X :

Then U1 (t) is compact for t > 0:

To obtain our main results in this section, we suppose that

(H3:6) there exist two positive constants M ¹ and ´ such that

¹ ¡´t ; t ¸ 0:
kU2 (t)k · Me

According to Section 3.4, we can show that the abstract assumption (H3:6) is satis…ed
at least in the case where B =C° with ° > 0: In fact, without loss of generality, we can
assume that (H3:5) is veri…ed, otherwise, we consider A ¡ ¸I instead of A such that
S¸0 (t) := e¸t S 0 (t) is exponentially stable for ¸ properly chosen ( refer to Proposition 1.2.5).
As a consequence of Proposition 3.5.1, we obtain the following result.

Proposition 3.5.2 Assume that (H2:1) ; (H2:2); (H3:3) and (H3:6) hold. Then the
solution semigroup (U(t))t¸0 is asymptotically smooth on X .

The proof is based on the following lemma.

Lemma 3.5.3 [51] Suppose that T is decomposed as T (t) = T1 (t) + T2 (t) : Y ! Y; t ¸ 0;
such that (T1 (t))t¸0 is compact and there is a continuous function u : IR+ £ IR+ ! IR+
such that u(t; r) ! 0 as t ! +1 and kT2 (t)yk · u(t; r) if kyk · r: Then, the semigroup T
is asymptotically smooth on Y .

It follows from Hale [51] that

Theorem 3.5.4 If (H2:1) ; (H2:2); (H3:3) and (H3:6) hold, then each of the following
conditions implies the existence of a global attractor A for Equation (3.2).
(a) Equation (3.2) is compact dissipative.
(b) Equation (3.2) is point dissipative and orbits of bounded sets are bounded.

3.6 An application to a reaction di¤usion equation with in-

…nite delay
In this section, we apply some of our abstract results to the following reaction di¤usion
equation with in…nite delay
8 Z 0
> @ @2
> w(t; ») = a 2 w(t; ») + bw(t; ») + c G(µ)w(t + µ; »)dµ
< @t
> @» ¡1
+f(w(t ¡ ¿ ; »)); t ¸ 0; 0 · » · ¼; (3.10)
> w(t; 0) = w(t; ¼) = 0; t ¸ 0;
: w(µ; ») = w (µ; »); ¡ 1 < µ · 0; 0 · » · ¼:

where a; b; c and ¿ are positive constants, f : IR ! IR is a continuous function, G is a

positive integrable function on (¡1; 0] and w0 : (¡1; 0] £ [0; ¼] ! IR is an appropriate
continuous function.
System (3.10) can be written as the abstract equation (3.2). We choose E = C ([0; ¼] ; IR)
and we consider the operator A : D(A) µ E ! E de…ned by
( © ª
D(A) = y 2 C 2 ([0; ¼] ; IR) : y(0) = y(¼) = 0 ;
Ay = ay00 :

It is well-known, see [40], that

< (0; +1) ½ ½(A);
° ° 1
: ° ¡1 °
°(¸I ¡ A) ° · ; for ¸ > 0:

This implies that assumption (H2:1) is satis…ed. On the other hand, we can see that

D(A) = fy 2 E : y(0) = y(¼) = 0g 6= E:

Let, for ° > 0,

½ ¾
C° = ' 2 C((¡1; 0] ; E) : lim e '(µ) exists in E

with the norm kÁk° =sup e°µ jÁ(µ)j ; Á 2 C° : As noted in Examples 1.1.1 and 1.1.3, this
space satis…es Axioms (A), (A1), (B) and (D1). Set
> x(t)(») = w(t; »); t ¸ 0; » 2 [0; ¼] ;
'(µ)(») = w0 (µ; »); µ · 0; » 2 [0; ¼] ;
> Z 0
: F (Á)(») = bÁ(0)(») + f(Á(¡¿ )(»)) + c G(µ)Á(µ)(»)dµ; » 2 [0; ¼] ; Á 2 C° :

Then, Equation (3.10) can be transformed as follows

< dx (t) = Ax(t) + F (x ); t ¸ 0;
: x ='2C :
0 °

We suppose that
(i) f is locally Lipschitz continuous,
(ii) G(:)e¡°: is integrable on (¡1; 0], Ã !
(iii) w0 2 C((¡1; 0] £ [0; ¼] ; IR), with lim e°µ sup jw0 (µ; »)j exists, and w0 (0; 0) =
µ!¡1 0·»·¼
w0 (0; ¼) = 0:
We have, for every Á1 ; Á2 2 C° ,
Z 0
sup G(µ) jÁ1 (µ)(») ¡ Á2 (µ)(»)j dµ
0·»·¼ ¡1
Z 0
¡ ¢
= sup e¡°µ G(µ) e°µ jÁ1 (µ)(») ¡ Á2 (µ)(»)j dµ;
µZ 0 ¡1 ¶
· e¡°µ G(µ)dµ sup e°µ jÁ1 (µ)(») ¡ Á2 (µ)(»)j :
¡1 ¡1<µ·0

Let r > 0 and Á1 ; Á2 2 C° such that kÁ1 k° ; kÁ2 k° · r:

Then, jÁ1 (¡¿ )(»)j ; jÁ2 (¡¿ )(»)j · re°¿ , for every » 2 [0; ¼] : Thus, from assumption
(i); there exists a positive constant b(r) which depends only on r such that

sup jf(Á1 (¡¿ )(»)) ¡ f(Á2 (¡¿ )(»))j · b(r) sup jÁ1 (¡¿ )(») ¡ Á2 (¡¿ )(»)j ;
0·»·¼ 0·»·¼
· b(r)e°¿ kÁ1 ¡ Á2 k° :

We conclude that the assumptions (i), (ii) and (iii) imply that F is locally Lipschitz con-
tinuous and ' 2 C° with '(0) 2 D(A). Consequently, Theorem 3.2.1 ensures the existence
of a maximal interval of existence (¡1; bw0 ) and a unique integral solution w(t; ») on
(¡1; bw0 ) £ [0; ¼] .
To investigate that the integral solution w of Equation (3.10) is a strict one, we add the
following assumptions.
(iv) f is continuously di¤erentiable and f 0 is locally
à Lipschitz continuous,
µ ¶!
(v) w0 2 C 2 ((¡1; 0] £ [0; ¼] ; E), with lim e°µ sup w0 (µ; ») exists,
µ!¡1 0·»·¼ @µ
@ @
w0 (0; 0) = w0 (0; ¼) = 0 and
@µ @µ
@ @2
w0 (0; ») = a 2 w0 (0; ») + bw0 (0; »))
@µ Z @» 0
+c G(µ)w0 (µ; »))dµ + f(w0 (¡¿ ; »)); for » 2 [0; ¼] :

Then, F is continuously di¤erentiable on C° and for Á; Ã 2 C° ; » 2 [0; ¼], we have

F (Á)(Ã)(») = bÃ(0)(») + c G(µ)Ã(µ)(»)dµ + f 0 (Á(¡¿ )(»))Ã(¡¿ )(»):

F 0 is also locally Lipschitz continuous on C° : Consequently, all the conditions in Theorem

3.3.1 are satis…ed. Hence, w is a strict solution of Equation (3.10).
On the other hand, if instead of assumption (iv), we assume that
(vi) f is di¤erentiable at 0; f(0) = 0, f 0 (0) = 0 and f is globally Lipschitzian.
Then, F is di¤erentiable at 0 with F (0) = 0 and F is globally Lipschitzian on C° . We
consider the linearized equation of (3.10) corresponding to the derivative F 0 (0) at 0 :
8 Z 0
> @ @2
> w(t; ») = a 2 w(t; ») + bw(t; ») + c G(µ)w(t + µ; »)dµ;
< @t
> @» ¡1
t ¸ 0; 0 · » · ¼; (3.11)
> w(t; 0) = w(t; ¼) = 0; t ¸ 0;
: w(µ; ») = w (µ; »); ¡ 1 < µ · 0; 0 · » · ¼:

Let A0 be the part of the operator A in D(A) given by

( © ª
D(A0 ) = y 2 C 2 ([0; ¼] ; IR) : y(0) = y 00 (0) = y(¼) = y 00 (¼) = 0 ;
A0 y = ay 00 :

It is known from [43] that A0 generates a strongly continuous compact and exponentially
stable semigroup (T0 (t))t¸0 in D(A).
We deduce from Proposition 3.4.8 that the asymptotic behavior of the linearized semi-
group (T (t))t¸0 is completely determined by the point spectrum of its generator AT . In
order to characterize the eigenvalues of AT , let ¾p (AT ) denote the point spectrum of AT :
Then, ¸ 2 ¾p (AT ) if and only if there exists Á 2 D(AT ); Á 6= 0 such that AT Á = ¸Á: It
follows that Á(µ) = e¸µ u with u 6= 0; u 2 D(A) and ¸u = Au + F 0 (0)(e¸: u): On the other
hand, Á 2 C° . This is true only if Re ¸ ¸ ¡°. Then, ¸ 2 ¾p (AT ) if and only if there exists
u 2 D(A) and u 6= 0 such that
Re ¸ ¸ ¡° and ¸u = Au + bu + c G(µ)e¸µ udµ:

This means that

Re ¸ ¸ ¡° and ¸ ¡ b ¡ c G(µ)e¸µ dµ 2 ¾p (A) = ¾p (A0 ):

We know that the point spectrum ¾p (A0 ) of A0 is given by

© ª
¾p (A0 ) = ¡an2 : n 2 IN ¤ :

It follows that the exponential stability of solutions of Equation (3.11) is determined by the
following characteristic equation
< Re ¸ ¸ ¡°;
Z 0
: ¸¡b¡c G(µ)e¸µ dµ = ¡an2 ; n ¸ 1:

In [78], Lenhart and Travis established the following result.

Lemma 3.6.1 [78] All roots of System (3.12) have negative real part if
G(µ)dµ = 1 and c < a ¡ b: (3.13)

From this lemma, we conclude that if condition (3.13) is satis…ed, then the solution
semigroup associated to Equation (3.11) is exponentially stable. In that case, by Proposition
3.4.8 we conclude that zero is a locally exponentially stable equilibrium of the solution
semigroup associated to Equation (3.10).

Chapter 4

Existence and Stability for Some

Partial Neutral Functional
Di¤erential Equations with In…nite

This chapter establishes some extensions to the theory of existence and linearized stability
obtained in Chapters 2 and 3.
We start with a brief description of the equation under investigation. Then, in Section
4.2, we prove global existence and uniqueness of integral solutions by use of a …xed point
argument. We also prove that the integral solutions are strict solutions under more restric-
tive assumptions. Next, in Section 4.3, we state some properties of the solution operator
associated to the autonomous case. Finally, in Section 4.4, we investigate the stability near
an equilibrium. Mainly, we prove that the equilibrium of the solution semigroup associ-
ated to the semilinear autonomous case is locally exponentially stable when its linearized
solution semigroup around an equilibrium is exponentially stable.
This chapter is based on an ongoing work in collaboration with M. Adimy and K. Ezzinbi.

4.1 Introduction
In [10]-[12], Adimy and Ezzinbi dealed with some general equations of the type (0.14) or
(0.15) with …nite delay. The authors studied equations of the form (0.15) or :
< @ Dv = ADv + F (v ) ; t ¸ 0;
t t t
@t (4.1)
: v = ' 2 C;

where A is a nondensely de…ned linear operator that satis…es the Hille-Yosida condition on
a Banach space (E; j:j); C is the space of all continuous functions on [¡r; 0] with values in
E, provided with the uniform norm topology. D : C ! E is a bounded linear operator given
DÁ := Á(0) ¡ [d´(µ)] Á(µ);

where ´ is of bounded variation on [¡r; 0] and nonatomic at 0: F is a Lipschitz continuous

function from C to E: This last condition implies the well-posedness of Equation (4.1). The
authors have established several results concerning the existence and regularity of solutions.
They have also obtained several results concerning the stability and the asymptotic behavior
of the solution semigroup.
Recently, in [13], the authors have established some results about the local existence
and global continuation to Equation (4.1), when F is just completely continuous and the
semigroup generated by the part of A in D(A) is compact whenever t > 0.
However, Hernandez and Henriquez [61] and [62] established some results concerning
existence and qualitative properties of solutions to the following PNFDE with in…nite delay
< d [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] = Ax(t) + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
t t
dt (4.2)
: x = ' 2 B;

where A generates a strongly continuous semigroup on a Banach space (E; j:j) and B is the
space of functions mapping (¡1; 0] into E, which satis…es axioms (A); (A1) and (B): G
and F are continuous functions from [0; +1) £ B into E and for each x : (¡1; b] ! E;
b > 0; and t 2 [0; b], xt represents, as usual, the mapping de…ned from (¡1; 0] into E by

xt (µ) = x(t + µ); for µ 2 (¡1; 0] :

The authors have obtained some results about the existence and regularity by use of the
analytic semigroups theory.

In the previous chapters, we had developed many similar results on PFDEs with in…nite
delay under the condition that A only satis…es the usual Hille-Yosida conditions expect the
density of D(A) in E: In this chapter, we prove that the same results can be reproduced
for PNFDEs. We consider the case of in…nite delay for the equation considered by Adimy
and Ezzinbi in [12] :
< d [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] = A [x(t) ¡ G(t; x )] + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
t t t
dt (4.3)
: x = ' 2 B:

Equation (4.3) is the true generalization to the in…nite delay case of Equation (??). How-
ever, according to [10], Equation (4.2) can be written as Equation (4.3), if we suppose that
Range(G) µ D(A):
In this chapter, we suppose that A is nondensely de…ned and satis…es the Hille-Yosida
condition. As in [10]-[12], we will establish some results about existence of integral and
strict solutions to Equation (4.3). In autonomous case, we prove that the solutions de…ne
a nonlinear strongly continuous semigroup on B. As a consequence, we give a linearization
principle around an equilibrium.

4.2 Existence and regularity of solutions

We …rst study the existence and uniqueness of solutions to Equation (4.3). We suppose
that (B; k:kB ) is a seminormed abstract linear space of functions mapping (¡1; 0] into
E; which satis…es the fundamental axioms (A); (A1) and (B). We also assume that A
satis…es the condition (H2:1). Recall that under this condition, A is the generator of a
locally Lipschitz continuous integrated semigroup (S(t))t¸0 on E: It’s well known that the
derivative (S 0 (t))t¸0 of (S(t))t¸0 generates a C0 -semigroup on D(A) such that
¯ 0 ¯
¯S (t)x¯ · Me
¹ !t jxj , for all t ¸ 0 and x 2 D(A):

We start by introducing the following de…nitions.

De…nition 4.2.1 Let ' 2 B. We say that a function x : (¡1; a] ! E, a > 0; is an

integral solution of Equation (4.3) in (¡1; a] if the following conditions hold :
(i) x is continuous on [0; a] ;
(ii) x(t) = '(t); ¡1 < t · 0;
Z t
(iii) (x(s) ¡ G(s; xs ))ds 2 D(A); for t 2 [0; a] ;

(iv) for 0 · t · a;

Zt Zt
x(t) = G(t; xt ) + '(0) ¡ G(0; ') + A (x(s) ¡ G(s; xs ))ds + F (s; xs )ds:
0 0

De…nition 4.2.2 Let ' 2 B. We say that a function x : (¡1; a] ! E is a strict solution
of Equation (4.3) in (¡1; a] if the following conditions hold :
(i) x(t) ¡ G(t; xt ) 2 C 1 ([0; a] ; E) \ C([0; a] ; D(A));
(ii) x satis…es Equation (4.3) on (¡1; a].

Lemma 4.2.1 From the closedness property of the operator A, we have the following state-
ments :
(i) If x is an integral solution of Equation (4.3) in (¡1; a] ; then for all t 2 [0; a] ; x(t) ¡
G(t; xt ) 2 D(A): In particular '(0) ¡ G(0; ') 2 D(A):
(ii) If x is an integral solution of Equation (4.3) in (¡1; a] ; such that x(t) ¡ G(t; xt ) be-
longs to C 1 ([0; a] ; E) or C([0; a] ; D(A)); then x is also a strict solution of Equation (4.3)
in (¡1; a].

Proof. (i) it su¢ces to remark that for all t 2 [0; a] ; h > 0;

t+h Z
x(t) ¡ G(t; xt ) = lim (x(s) ¡ G(s; xs ))ds and (x(s) ¡ G(s; xs ))ds 2 D(A):
h!0 h
t t

(ii) From De…nition 4.2.1, for all t 2 [0; a] and h > 0;

1 t+h
A (x(s) ¡ G(s; xs ))ds =
h t
Z t+h
1 1
fx(t + h) ¡ G(t + h; xt+h ) ¡ x(t) + G(t; xt )g ¡ F (s; xs )ds:
h h t

If x(s) ¡ G(s; xs ) is di¤erentiable, since F is continuous, then the right side of the above
equality tends to
(x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) ¡ F (t; xt ), as h tends to 0+ ; and
(x(s) ¡ G(s; xs ))ds tends to x(t) ¡ G(t; xt ); as h tends to 0+ :

From the closedness of A; we get x(t) ¡ G(t; xt ) 2 D(A) and

A(x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) = (x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) ¡ F (t; xt ) for t 2 [0; a] :
From what we deduce that x is a strict solution.
On the other hand, if x(t)¡G(t; xt ) belongs to C([0; a] ; D(A)): Again from De…nition 4.2.1,
for all t 2 [0; a] and h > 0;
fx(t + h) ¡ G(t + h; xt+h ) ¡ x(t) + G(t; xt )g =
t+h Z t+h
1 1
A(x(s) ¡ G(s; xs ))ds + F (s; xs )ds:
h h t

Since A(x(s) ¡ G(s; xs )) and F are continuous, the right side of the above equality tends
to A(x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) + F (t; xt ); as h tends to 0+ : Which implies that x(t) ¡ G(t; xt ) is
di¤erentiable at the right in t and

(x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) = A(x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) + F (t; xt ):
It’s known that when the right derivative is continuous then the C 1 property holds. Then,
since A(x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) + F (t; xt ) is continuous on [0; a], we conclude that x(t) ¡ G(t; xt ) is
di¤erentiable on [0; a] and (x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) = A(x(t) ¡ G(t; xt )) + F (t; xt ): This …nishes
the proof of the lemma.
To obtain global existence and uniqueness of the integral solution, additionally to
(H2:1), we make the following hypothesis :
(H4:1) G : [0; +1) £ B ! E is continuous and there exists ®0 > 0 such that ®0 K(0) < 1
jG(t; '1 ) ¡ G(t; '2 )j · ®0 k'1 ¡ '2 kB for '1 ; '2 2 B and t ¸ 0:

(H4:2) F : [0; +1) £ B ! E is continuous and there exists ¯ 0 > 0 such that

jF (t; '1 ) ¡ F (t; '2 )j · ¯ 0 k'1 ¡ '2 kB for '1 ; '2 2 B and t ¸ 0:

Consider the mapping G : [0; +1) £ B ! E de…ned by

G(t; ') = '(0) ¡ G(t; '); (t; ') 2 [0; +1) £ B:

Before stating the results, we …rst rewrite Equation (4.3) in an integrated form, as follows.
For an initial value ' 2 B such that G(0; ') 2 D(A). From the integrated semigroup theory,

we know that x : (¡1; +1) ! E is an integral solution of Equation (4.3) if and only if x
solves the following system
8 Z t
< G(t; x ) = S 0 (t)G(0; ') + d S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; t ¸ 0;
dt 0 (4.4)
x0 = ':

Theorem 4.2.2 Assume that the conditions (H2:1); (H4:1) and (H4:2) are satis…ed.
Then, for given ' 2 B such that G(0; ') 2 D(A), Equation (4.3) has a unique integral
solution x(:; ') which is the unique solution of Equation (4.4) on (¡1; +1) :

Proof. Let a > 0 and C([0; a] ; E) be the space of continuous functions from [0; a] to E;
provided with the uniform norm topology. Let ' 2 B such that G(0; ') 2 D(A). Consider
the nonempty closed subset de…ned by

Za (') := fz 2 C([0; a] ; E) : z(0) = '(0)g :

For z 2 Za ('); we de…ne z~ : (¡1; a] ! E by

z(t); t 2 [0; a] ;
z~(t) =
'(t); ¡1 < t · 0:

Consider the operator J : Za (') ¡! Za (') de…ned by

d t
(Jz)(t) := G(t; z~t ) + S 0 (t)G(0; ') + S(t ¡ s)F (s; z~s )ds:
dt 0

Using the hypothesis and Axiom (A ¡ iii); we can see that for every z1 ; z2 2 Za (') and
t 2 [0; a] ;
¡ ¢
¹ !a a Ka kz1 ¡ z2 k
j(Jz1 )(t) ¡ (Jz2 )(t)j · ®0 + ¯ 0 Me Za (') :

¹ ¸ 1 and ! 2 IR. Since K is continuous and ®0 K(0) < 1, we can choose

for suitable M
¡ ¢
¹ !a a Ka < 1.
a > 0 small enough such that ®0 + ¯ 0 Me
Then J is a strict contraction in Za ('); and the …xed point of J gives a unique integral
solution x(:; ') on (¡1; a] :
Repeating similar arguments respectively in [a; 2a] ; ...,[na; (n + 1)a] ; n ¸ 2; we deduce that
the integral solution exists uniquely in (¡1; +1) : This ends the proof.
The following theorem asserts the strictness of the integral solution under more restric-
tive conditions. To prove it, we suppose, as in Chapters 2 and 3, that the phase space B is
normed and satis…es Axiom (C1) or Axiom (D1) and

(H4:3) G and F are continuously di¤erentiable and their partial derivatives are locally
Lipschitzian with respect to the second argument in the sense that for any compact set
Q ½ [0; 1) £ B, there exists a constant ¯ 1 > 0 such that
> kD' F (t; ') ¡ D' F (t; Ã)k · ¯ 1 k' ¡ ÃkB ;
< kD F (t; ') ¡ D F (t; Ã)k · ¯ k' ¡ Ãk ;
t t 1 B
> kD ' G(t; ') ¡ D ' G(t; Ã)k · ¯ k' ¡ ÃkB;
> 1
kDt G(t; ') ¡ Dt G(t; Ã)k · ¯ 1 k' ¡ ÃkB

for all (t; '), (t; Ã) 2 Q and t ¸ 0, where Dt F , D' F; Dt G and D' G denote the derivatives
with respect to t and '.

Theorem 4.2.3 Assume that B is normed and sati…es Axiom (C1) or Axiom (D1) and
the conditions (H2:1); (H4:1); (H4:2) and (H4:3) hold. Then, for each continuously
di¤erentiable function ' 2 B such that

'0 2 B; G(0; ') 2 D(A); D' G(0; ')'0 + Dt G(0; ') 2 D(A)

and D' G(0; ')'0 + Dt G(0; ') = AG(0; ') + F (0; ');

the integral solution asserted by Theorem 4.2.2, is a strict solution of Equation (4.3).

Proof. Let a > 0: Then, by Theorem 4.2.2, we know that Equation (4.3) has a unique
integral solution x := x(:; ') which is given by
d t
G(t; xt ) = S 0 (t)G(0; ') + S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds; for t 2 [0; a] : (4.6)
dt 0
By Lemma 4.2.1, it’s enough to show that x is continuously di¤erentiable on [0; a].
From Corollary 1.2.2, the assumption G(0; ') 2 D(A) implies that
S 0 (t)G(0; ') = S(t)AG(0; ') + G(0; '); and Equation (4.6) can be written as
d t
G(t; xt ) = G(0; ') + S(t)AG(0; ') + S(t ¡ s)F (s; xs )ds: (4.7)
dt 0
Consider the following equation
> @
> [D' G(t; xt )yt + Dt G(t; xt )] = A [D' G(t; xt )yt + Dt G(t; xt )]
< @t
+Dt F (t; xt ) + D' F (t; xt ) yt ; t 2 [0; a] ; (4.8)
: y = '0 :

Assumptions (H4:1) and (H4:2) imply respectively that,

kD' G(t; Ã)k · ®0 and kD' F (t; Ã)k · ¯ 0 for all à 2 B and t ¸ 0:

Then, using the same reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 4.2.2, one can show that
Equation (4.8) has a unique integral solution y on (¡1; a] given by
> D' G(t; xt )yt = ¡Dt G(t; xt ) + S 0 (t)(D' G(0; ')'0 + Dt G(0; '))
> Z
< d t
+ S(t ¡ s) (Dt F (s; xs ) + D' F (s; xs ) ys ) ds; t 2 [0; a] ;
dt 0 (4.9)
: y(t) = '0 (t); ¡ 1 < t · 0:

Let w : (¡1; a] ! E be the function de…ned by

< '(t) if t 2 (¡1; 0] ,
Z t
w(t) =
: '(0) + y(s) ds if t 2 [0; a] ,

then, we can see by use of Lemma 2.2.6 or Lemma 2.2.7 that

wt = ' + ys ds; for t 2 [0; a] : (4.10)

Next, we show that x = w on (¡1; a] : As in the proof of the preceding theorem, we proceed
by steps, that is, we …rst take a small enough such that ®0 Ka < 1; then we use the same
arguments to see the similar result on [a; 2a] ; :::; [na; (n + 1)a] for any n ¸ 2:
Using (4.9) and the expressions satis…ed by ', we obtain for 0 · t · a
Z t Z t
D' G(s; xs )ys ds = ¡ Dt G(s; xs ) ds + S (t) (AG(0; ') + F (0; '))
0 Z t0 (4.11)
+ S (t ¡ s) (Dt F (s; xs ) + D' F (s; xs ) ys ) ds:

On the other hand, from (4.10), the function t 7! wt is continuously di¤erentiable. It follows
that for t 2 [0; a] ; one has
d t
S (t ¡ s) F (s; ws ) ds = S (t) F (0; ')
dt 0 Z t
+ S (t ¡ s) (Dt F (s; ws ) + D' F (s; ws ) ys ) ds:

Consequently, for t 2 [0; a] ;
Z t
S (t) F (0; ') = S (t ¡ s) F (s; ws ) ds
dtZ 0 (4.12)
¡ S (t ¡ s) (Dt F (s; ws ) + D' F (s; ws ) ys ) ds:

Consider the functions z1 and z2 de…ned on [0; a] by

z1 (t) = G(t; xt ) and z2 (t) = G(t; wt ):

Using expression (4.7), we get for t 2 [0; a] ;

z1 (t) = G(0; ') + S(t)AG(0; ') + S (t ¡ s) F (s; xs ) ds; (4.13)

and Z t
z2 (t) = (G(s; ws ))ds + G(0; ');
Z 0 ds
= (Dt G(s; ws ) + D' G(s; ws )ys ) ds + G(0; '):
Then, we infer from expression (4.11)
Z t
z2 (t) = (Dt G(s; ws ) ¡ Dt G(s; xs )) ds
Z0 t
+ (D' G(s; ws ) ¡ D' G(s; xs )) ys ds
+G(0; ') + S (t) (AG(0; ') + F (0; '))
Z t
+ S (t ¡ s) (Dt F (s; xs ) + D' F (s; xs ) ys ) ds:

Z t
z1 (t) ¡ z2 (t) = S (t ¡ s) F (s; xs ) ds ¡ S (t) F (0; ')
Z 0
¡ (Dt G(s; ws ) ¡ Dt G(s; xs )) ds
Z 0
¡ (D' G(s; ws ) ¡ D' G(s; xs )) ys ds
Z 0
¡ S (t ¡ s) (Dt F (s; xs ) + D' F (s; xs ) ys ) ds:

Expression (4.12) yields
Z t
z1 (t) ¡ z2 (t) = S (t ¡ s) (F (s; xs ) ¡ F (s; ws )) ds
Z 0
¡ (Dt G(s; ws ) ¡ Dt G(s; xs )) ds
Z 0
¡ (D' G(s; ws ) ¡ D' G(s; xs )) ys ds
Z 0
+ S (t ¡ s) (Dt F (s; ws ) ¡ Dt F (s; xs )) ds
Z 0
+ S (t ¡ s) (D' F (s; ws ) ¡ D' F (s; xs )) ys ds:
Consequently, we deduce the existence of a positive constant ¾(a) such that
jz1 (t) ¡ z2 (t)j · ¾(a) kxs ¡ ws kB ds for t 2 [0; a] :

Since x0 = w0 = ', Axiom (A ¡ iii) implies that

kxt ¡ wt kB · Ka sup jx(s) ¡ w(s)j ;


jx(t) ¡ w(t)j · ®0 kxt ¡ wt kB + ¾(a) kxs ¡ ws kB ds
· ®0 Ka sup jx(s) ¡ w(s)j + ¾(a) kxs ¡ ws kB ds:
Therefore, one has

kxt ¡ wt kB · Ka sup jx(s) ¡ w(s)j

· Ka (1 ¡ ®0 Ka ) ¾(a) kxs ¡ ws kB ds:
Using the Gronwall lemma, we conclude that

kxt ¡ wt kB = 0 for any t 2 [0; a] :

Consequently, x(t) = w(t) for all t 2 (¡1; a] ; a = a0 . Repeating the same procedure in
[a; 2a] ; :::; [na; (n + 1)a] ; n ¸ 2, we deduce that x(t) = w(t) for all t 2 (¡1; +1) and x
is continuously di¤erentiable on (¡1; +1). Finally, by Lemma 4.2.1, we get that x is a
strict solution. Hence, the proof of Theorem 4.2.3 is complete.

4.3 The solution semigroup in autonomous case
In this section, we suppose that F and G are autonomous in t. In that case, Equation (4.3)
becomes 8
< d [x(t) ¡ G(x )] = A [x(t) ¡ G(x )] + F (x ) ; t ¸ 0;
t t t
dt (4.14)
: x = ' 2 B;

where F and G are Lipschitz continuous on B. We verify that the integral solutions of
Equation (4.14) satisfy the properties of a nonlinear strongly continuous semigroup on a
subset Y of B. We also prove that this semigroup satis…es the translation property and a
Lipschitz property.
Let G : B ! E be the mapping de…ned by G' = '(0) ¡ G' and Y be the set de…ned by
n o
Y = ' 2 B : G(') 2 D(A) :

For each t ¸ 0, de…ne the operator U(t) on Y by

U(t)(') = xt (:; ');

where x(:; ') is the integral solution of Equation (4.14). From Lemma 4.2.1, it follows that

U(t)(Y) µ Y for all t ¸ 0.

We have the following result :

Proposition 4.3.1 Assume that the conditions (H2:1); (H4:1) and (H4:2) hold. Then
(U(t))t¸0 is a nonlinear strongly continuous semigroup on Y, that is,
(i) U(0) = I,
(ii) U(t + s) = U(t)U(s) for all t; s ¸ 0;
(iii) for all ' 2 Y, U(t)(') is a continuous function of t ¸ 0 with values in Y.
(iv) for all t ¸ 0, U(t) is continuous from Y into Y.
(v) (U(t))t¸0 satis…es for t ¸ 0 and µ 2 (¡1; 0] the translation property
(U(t + µ)(')) (0) if t + µ ¸ 0;
(U(t)(')) (µ) =
'(t + µ) if t + µ · 0;

(vi) for all T > 0, there are two functions m; n 2 L1 ([0; T ] ; IR+ ) such that
for all '1 ; '2 2 Y;

kU(t)'1 ¡ U(t)'2 kB · m(t)en(t) k'1 ¡ '2 kB ; t 2 [0; T ] :

Proof. The proofs of (i) and (v) are straightforward. (iii) follows from Axiom (A1) and
the uniqueness of the integral solutions to Equation (4.14). To prove (vi); without loss of
generality we suppose that ! > 0: Let x1 := x(:; '1 ) and x2 := x(:; '2 ): Choose " > 0. For
t 2 [0; "]
° °
kU(t)'1 ¡ U(t)'2 kB = °x1t ¡ x2t °B ;
¯ ¯
· K(t) sup ¯x1 (s) ¡ x2 (s)¯ + M (t) k'1 ¡ '2 kB ;
©¯ ¯ ª
· K" sup ¯G(x1s ) ¡ G(x2s )¯ + jS 0 (s)(G('1 ) ¡ G('2 ))j
0·s·t ¯ Z s ¯
¯d ¡ ¢ ¯
+K" sup ¯ ¯ S(s ¡ ¾) F (x¾ ) ¡ F (x¾ ) d¾¯¯
1 2
0·s·t ds 0
+M" k'1 ¡ '2 kB ;
° ° £ ¤
kU(t)'1 ¡ U(t)'2 kB · ®0 K" sup °x1s ¡ x2s °B + K" Me
¹ !t (H + ®0 ) + M" k'1 ¡ '2 k
0·s·t ¯ Z s ¯
¯d ¡ ¢ ¯
+K" sup ¯ ¯ S(s ¡ ¾) F (x¾ ) ¡ F (x¾ ) d¾ ¯¯
1 2
0·s·t ds 0

Using Proposition 1.2.9, we have for 0 · s · t and ¸ > !;

¯ Z s ¯
¯ ¡ ¢ ¯
¯B¸ d S(s ¡ ¾) F (x¾ ) ¡ F (x¾ ) d¾ ¯¯
1 2
¯ ds
¯Z s
0 ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
· ¯¯ kS 0 (s ¡ ¾)k kB¸ k ¯F (x1¾ ) ¡ F (x2¾ )¯ d¾¯¯ :

Since from (H2:1);

kB¸ k · ¡! M¹; (4.15)
¸ ¡ ! ¸!+1
by letting ¸ to +1; we obtain
¯ Z ¯
¯d s ¡ ¢ ¯
¯ S(s ¡ ¾) F (x¾ ) ¡ F (x¾ ) d¾¯¯
1 2
¯ ds
0 Z s
° 1 °
¹ 2 !t
· M e ¯0 °x¾ ¡ x2¾ ° d¾:

Choose " > 0 such that 1 ¡ K" ®0 > 0; then for t 2 [0; "]
° ° ©
sup °x1s ¡ x2s °B · (1 ¡ ®0 K" )¡1 [K" Me
¹ !" (H + ®0 )
0·s·t ¾
Z t ° 1 °
¹ 2
+M" ] k'1 ¡ '2 kB + K" M e ¯ 0!" ° 2 °
sup xs ¡ xs B d¾ :
0 0·s·¾

By use of the Gronwall lemma, we get

° °
sup °x1s ¡ x2s °B · À 0 (") k'1 ¡ '2 kB ; (4.16)

© ª
¹ !" (H + ®0 ) + M" ] exp (1 ¡ ®0 K" )¡1 K" M
À 0 (") = (1 ¡ ®0 K" )¡1 [K" Me ¹ 2 e!" ¯ 0 " :

Repeating similar arguments, we obtain similar estimates for t 2 [n"; (n + 1)"] ; n ¸ 2:

Consequently, we get that (vi) is true. Finally, (iv) is an immediate consequence of (vi):
This ends the proof.

4.4 Linearized stability principle

In this section, we study the stability of an equilibrium of the following autonomous equation
< d (Dx ) = ADx + F (x ) ; t ¸ 0;
t t t
dt (4.17)
: x = ' 2 B;

where D satis…es the condition

(H4:4) The operator D : B ! E is de…ned by D' = '(0) ¡ D0 ', for any ' 2 B, where D0
is a bounded linear operator from B into E such that K(0) kD0 k < 1:
We mean by an equilibrium of Equation (4.17), a '0 2 B such that '0 (µ) = '(0) for all
µ · 0; D'0 2 D(A) and AD'0 + F ('0 ) = 0:
Without loss of generality, we can assume that '0 = 0 and F (0) = 0: We suppose that
(H4:5) F is Fréchet-di¤erentiable at 0:

Let L = F 0 (0); then the linearized equation of (4.17) around 0 is of the following form:
< d (Dx ) = ADx + Lx ; t ¸ 0;
t t t
dt (4.18)
: x = ' 2 B;

Let (U(t))t¸0 and (T (t))t¸0 be the semigroups on the space

n o
BD := ' 2 B : D' 2 D(A) :

associated, respectively, to the equations (4.17) and (4.18). We have the following result :

Theorem 4.4.1 Assume that (H2:1); (H4:2); (H4:4) and (H4:5) hold, then for every
t ¸ 0, the Fréchet-derivative at zero of U(t) is T (t).

For the proof of this theorem, the following lemma is needed.

Lemma 4.4.2 Assume that (H4:4) holds. Let ' 2 B and g : [0; +1) ! E be a continuous
function. Suppose that there exists a function x : (¡1; +1) ! E which is continuous on
[0; +1) and satis…es (
Dxt = g(t); t ¸ 0;
x0 = 0:
Then, for each T > 0; there exists a function b 2 L1 ([0; T ] ; IR+ ) such that

kxt kB · b(t) sup jg(s)j ; t 2 [0; T ] : (4.19)


Proof of the lemma. Let " > 0 small enough: Then, for t 2 [0; "]

x(t) = D0 (xt ) + g(t):

By Axiom (A ¡ iii), for t 2 [0; "]

kxt kB · K(t) sup jx(s)j

· K" kD0 k sup kxs kB + K" sup jg(s)j .
0·s·t 0·s·t

We choose " such that 1 ¡ K" kD0 k > 0. Then,

kxt kB · sup kxs kB · b0 (") sup jg(s)j ,

0·s·t 0·s·t

b0 (") = .
1 ¡ K" kD0 k
Similarly, by Axiom (A ¡ iii); for t 2 ["; 2"]

kxt kB · K(t ¡ ") sup jx(s)j + M(t ¡ ") kx" kB

· K" kD0 k sup kxs kB + K" sup jg(s)j
0·s·t 0·s·t
+M(t ¡ ")b0 (") sup jg(s)j
· b1 (") sup jg(s)j ,

K" + M" b0 (")
b1 (") =
1 ¡ K" kD0 k
M" b20 (")
= b0 (") + :

Using the same argument, we can see that for t 2 [2"; 3"]

K" + M" b1 (")

b2 (") =
1 ¡ K" kD0 k
M" b0 (")b1 (")
= b0 (") +
M" b0 (") M"2 b30 (")
= b0 (") + + ,
K" K"2

and inductively, for t 2 [n"; (n + 1)"] for any integer n such that (n + 1)" · T;

kxt kB · bn (") sup jg(s)j , with


n bp0 (") p
bn (") = b0 (") § M :
p=0 K"p "
Then, we obtain the inequality (4.19) for any T > 0. This completes the proof of the
Proof of Theorem 4.4.1. It su¢ces to show that for each t > 0 and " > 0; there exists
± > 0 such that
kU(t)(') ¡ T (t)'kB · " k'kB for all k'kB · ±:

We have
d t
D [U(t)(') ¡ T (t)'] = S(t ¡ s) (F (U(s)(')) ¡ F (T (s)')) ds
dt Z0
d t
+ S(t ¡ s) [F (T (s)') ¡ L (T (s)')] ds:
dt 0

Let v : (¡1; +1) ! E; w : (¡1; +1) ! E and g : [0; +1) ! E be de…ned by

( (
(U(t)(')) (0); if t ¸ 0; (T (t)') (0); if t ¸ 0;
v(t) = w(t) =
'(t); if t 2 (¡1; 0] ; '(t); if t 2 (¡1; 0] ;

and Z t
g(t) = S(t ¡ s) [F (T (s)') ¡ L (T (s)')] ds
dt 0Z
+ S(t ¡ s) (F (U(s)(')) ¡ F (T (s)')) ds:
dt 0
Then (
D [vt ¡ wt ] = g(t) for t ¸ 0;
v0 ¡ w0 = 0:

Using Lemma 4.4.2, we obtain

kvt ¡ wt kB · b(t) sup jg(s)j :


By virtue of the di¤erentiability of F at 0 and (vi) of Proposition 4.3.1, we deduce that for
" > 0; there exists ± > 0 such that
Z t
e¡!s jF (T (s)') ¡ L (T (s)') dsj · " k'kB ; for k'kB · ±:

µ Z t ¶
¹ !t " k'k + ¯ 0
jg(t)j · Me e¡!s kU(s)(') ¡ T (s)'kB ds

¹ ¸ 1 and ! ¸ 0 well chosen. It follows that

for M

kU(t)(') ¡ T (t)'kB ·
µ Z t ¶
b(t)Me !t " k'kB + ¯ 0 e¡!s kU(s)(') ¡ T (s)'kB ds :

By Gronwall’s lemma, we obtain

£¡ ¢ ¤
¹ k'k exp
kU(t)(') ¡ T (t)'kB · b(t)M" ¹ 0+! t :

We conclude that U(t) is di¤erentiable at 0 and D' U(t)(0) = T (t) for each t ¸ 0:
Basing on Proposition 4.3.1, Theorem 4.4.1 and Theorem 3.4.4, we obtain a principle
of linearized stability to Equation (4.17) as follows.

Theorem 4.4.3 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 4.4.1, if the zero equilibrium
of (T (t))t¸0 is exponentially stable, then the zero equilibrium of (U(t))t¸0 is locally expo-
nentially stable in the sense that there exist ± > 0, ¹ > 0 and k ¸ 1 such that

kU(t)'kB · ke¡¹t k'kB , for t ¸ 0 and ' 2 BD with k'kB < ±:

Chapter 5

Boundedness and Periodicity of

Solutions for Some Partial
Functional Di¤erential Equations
with In…nite Delay1

5.1 Introduction
The goal of this chapter is to discuss the existence of periodic solutions to the equation
with in…nite delay considered in Chapters 2 and 3 :
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + F (t; x ); t ¸ 0;
dt (5.1)
: x = Á 2 B;

with the same notations as before. Hereafter, the function F : [0; +1) £ B ! E is contin-
uous and p-periodic in t; for some constant p > 0.
To our knowledge, existence of periodic solutions to Equation (5.1) with A being densely
de…ned has been investigated by Henriquez [58]-[59], Hino, Murakami and Yoshizawa [67]
and recently, Shin and Naito [114]. The authors discussed the problem of existence of
solutions de…ned in the sense of classical semigroups’ theory. In [58], existence of periodic
solutions was obtained by application of the Sadovskii …xed point theorem on the well-
This chapter is based on a paper in collaboration with R. Benkhalti and K. Ezzinbi. The paper will
appear in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (2001).

known Poincaré map. In [59], a method of approximation of Equation (5.1) by a family of
similar equations with …nite delays was introduced. From which some results on existence of
periodic solutions and stability were deduced. In [67], assuming the existence of a bounded
solution which is BC-uniformly stable, the existence of an almost periodic solution was
established under the condition that A generates a compact C0 -semigroup. In [114], Shin
and Naito established the existence of periodic solutions to the nonhomogeneous linear
case of Equation (5.1). In some of their results, the linear part was assumed to generate a
compact C0 -semigroup. The authors obtained several criteria on the existence of periodic
solutions. The followed method is based on the perturbation theory of semi-Fredholm
operators and a …xed point theorem for a¢ne maps which has been obtained by Chow and
Hale [33].
In Chapters 2 and 3, we have considered Equation (5.1) with A being a not necessarily
densely de…ned operator satisfying the Hille-Yosida condition. Precisely, since D(A) is
not densely de…ned, we have addressed the problem of existence, uniqueness, regularity,
existence of a global attractor and local stability... by means of the integrated semigroups
It is our aim in this chapter to investigate the existence of periodic solutions for Equation
(5.1) with A satis…es the Hille-Yosida condition without being densely de…ned. Mainly,
we recuperate the announced results in [58]. Then, using a key property of the solution
operator, we prove the existence of a periodic solution under slightly di¤erent conditions.
Finally, in the case where B is a (uniform) fading memory space, we exhibit a Massera type
criterion for the nonhomogeneous linear case. Our main results in this chapter would be
considered as some extensions of [33], [58] and [114].
Note that, in the previous chapters, we have been considering a variation of constants
formula in the sense of integrated semigroups’ theory. Here, we use the formula given by
Thieme [117] to see that the two formulas are equivalent.
In Section 5.2, we establish some results on existence of periodic solutions in the non-
linear case. However, in Section 5.3, we deal with the nonhomogeneous linear case , we
prove the Massera criterion : the existence of a bounded solution implies the existence of a
periodic solution. The remaining section is devoted to an application of our abstract results
on a partial functional di¤erential equation with in…nite delay.

5.2 Existence of periodic solutions in nonlinear case
Suppose that (H2:1) is veri…ed and that (B; k:kB ) is a seminormed abstract linear space of
functions mapping (¡1; 0] into E; which satis…es the fundamental axioms (A); (A1) and
(B) introduced in Chapter 1 and used in the other previous chapters.
De…ne the part A0 of A in D(A) by
8 n o
< D(A ) = x 2 D(A) : Ax 2 D(A) ;
: A0 x = Ax for x 2 D(A0 )

Lemma 5.2.1 [117] A0 generates a C0 -semigroup (T0 (t))t¸0 on D(A).

It is known from [117] and Chapters 2 and 3 that for Á 2 B such that Á(0) 2 D(A), if
the associated integral solution x(:; Á) exists, then it is given by the following formula :
8 Z t
< T (t)Á(0)+ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; Á))ds; for t ¸ 0;
x(t; Á) = ¸!+1 0
Á(t); for t 2 (¡1; 0] ;

where B¸ = ¸R (¸; A) :
Set n o
X := Á 2 B : Á(0) 2 D(A) ;


E := fÁ 2 X : Equation (5.1) has a unique integral solution x(:; Á) de…ned on IRg :

Proposition 5.2.2 Assume that (H2:1) holds. If Á 2 E such that xp (:; Á) = Á then x(:; Á)
is a p-periodic solution of Equation (5.1).

Proof. Let x(:) := x(:; Á) and y(:) := x(: + p): Then for t ¸ 0
y(t) = T0 (t + p)Á(0)+ lim T0 (t + p ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds;

which gives that

y(t) = T0 (t)T0 (p)Á(0)+ lim T0 (t + p ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds

+ lim T0 (t + p ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds
2 3
= T0 (t) 4T0 (p)Á(0)+ lim T0 (p ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds5
+ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s + p; xs+p )ds
= T0 (t)x(p)+ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; ys )ds
= T0 (t)y(0)+ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; ys )ds:

Since y0 = xp = Á; by the uniqueness property of x(:; Á) we have y(t) = x(t) for all t 2 IR+ :
Which proves our claim.
De…ne the Poincaré map Pp : E ! X by Pp (Á) := xp (:; Á), where x(:; Á) is the integral
solution of Equation (5.1). By Proposition 5.2.2, it su¢ces to prove that Pp has a …xed
point in order to deduce existence of a p-periodic solution to Equation (5.1). To this end,
we study the continuity of Pp .
We make the following hypothesis.
(H5:1) The semigroup (T0 (t))t¸0 is compact on D(A); this means, T0 (t) is compact in D(A)
whenever t > 0:

Proposition 5.2.3 Assume that (H2:1) holds. Then each of the following conditions im-
plies the continuity of Pp :
(i) (H2:1) and (H2:4) are satis…ed.
(ii) (H2:1); (H2:3) and (H5:1) are satis…ed and for each à 2 E, there exists rà > 0 such
that the set fxs (:; Á) : s 2 [0; p]; Á 2 B(Ã; rà )g is bounded, where
B(Ã; rà ) := fÁ 2 E : kÁ ¡ ÃkB · rà g.

Proof. (i) The continuity of Pp follows from Proposition 3.4.1.

Suppose that condition (ii) is veri…ed. Let à 2 E and (à k )k ½ E be a convergent sequence
with lim à k = Ã: Set x(:) := x(:; Ã) and xk (:) := x(:; à k ). We prove that any subsequence
(´ n )n ½ (Ã n )n has a subsequence (´ nk )k such that Pp ´nk ! Pp Ã; as k ! +1. From which
© ª
we will conclude that Pp à k ! Pp Ã. In fact, we …rst prove that xk (:) : k 2 IN is relatively

© ª
compact in C([0; p] ; E): Using Axiom (A ¡ (ii)0 ); we can see that Ãk (0) : k 2 IN is rela-
° ° © ª
tively compact in E: Suppose that °Ãk ¡ à ° · rà . It is clear that T0 (t)à k (0) : k 2 IN
is relatively compact in E. Let 0 < t · p and 0 < " < t: Then
Z t Z t¡"
lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds = T0 (") lim T0 (t ¡ " ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xks )ds
¸!+1 0 ¸!+1 0
Z t
+ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xks )ds:
¸!+1 t¡"

Since T0 (") is compact, there exists a compact set W" such that
½ µ Z t¡" ¶ ¾
T0 (") lim T0 (t ¡ " ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds : k 2 IN µ W" :
¸!+1 0

From the boundedness of F , there exists a positive constant a such that

¯ Z t ¯
¯ ¯
¯ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds¯¯ · a"; uniformly in k 2 IN:
¯ ¸!+1 t¡"
© ª
We deduce that the set xk (t) : k 2 IN is totally bounded and therefore is relatively com-
pact in E: In order to prove the equicontinuity, let 0 < t0 < t · p: Then
¯ Z t ¯
¯ k ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯x (t) ¡ x (t0 )¯ · ¯(T0 (t) ¡ T0 (t0 ))Ã (0)¯ + ¯ lim
k k
T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds¯¯
¯ Z t0 t0 ¯
¯ ¯
+ ¯¯(T0 (t ¡ t0 ) ¡ I) lim T0 (t0 ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds¯¯ :
¸!+1 0

The semigroup (T0 (t))t¸0 is compact for t > 0, it follows from [97] that

lim jT0 (t) ¡ T0 (t0 )j = 0;


which implies that

¯ ¯
¯ ¯
lim ¯(T0 (t) ¡ T0 (t0 ))Ã k (0)¯ = 0; uniformly in k 2 IN:

On the other hand there exists a positive constant b such that

¯ ¯
¯ Zt ¯
¯ ¯
¯ lim k ¯
¯¸!+1 T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs )ds¯ · b(t ¡ t0 ); uniformly in k 2 IN:
¯ ¯
½ Z t0 ¾
Moreover W0 = lim T0 (t0 ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xks )ds : k 2 IN is relatively compact and
¸!+1 0
it’s well known that

lim (T0 (h) ¡ I)u = 0; uniformly in u 2 W0 :


¯ ¯
Which implies that lim ¯xk (t) ¡ xk (t0 )¯ = 0; uniformly in k 2 IN: Using a similar argument
¯ ¯
for 0 · t < t0 · p, we prove that lim ¯xk (t) ¡ xk (t0 )¯ = 0; uniformly in k 2 IN: It
¡ ¢
follows that xk (:) k2IN is equicontinuous. By Arzéla-Ascoli’s theorem, we deduce that
© k ª
x (:) : k 2 IN is relatively compact in C([0; p] ; E). Therefore, if ´n is a subsequence of
Ãk ; there exists a subsequence x(:; ´ nk ) of x(:; ´ n ) which converges to a certain function
u(:) 2 C([0; p] ; E) with u(0) = Ã(0): Set u(µ) = Ã(µ) for µ < 0, using Axiom (A ¡ iii), we
infer that for all s 2 [0; p] ; xs (:; ´nk ) ! us as k ! 1: Since fxs (:; ´ nk ) : 0 · s · p; k 2 INg
is a bounded set of B and F takes bounded sets into bounded sets, then we have
Z t
u(t) = T0 (t)Ã(0)+ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; us (:; Ã))ds; t ¸ 0:
¸!+1 0

As (´ n )n¸0 is an arbitrary subsequence of (Ã n )n¸0 , this shows that xp (:; Ãn ) ! xp (:; Ã) as

n ! +1; and Pp is continuous on E.
To our purpose, we assume that
(H5:2) there exists a nonempty closed bounded and convex subset D in E such that Pp (D) µ
D and the set fxs (:; Á) : s 2 [0; p]; Á 2 Dg is bounded.

Theorem 5.2.4 Assume that (H2:1); (H2:3); (H5:1) and (H5:2) hold. If

inf M(p ¡ ¾)[HK(¾) sup kT0 (t)k + M(¾)] < 1; (5.2)

0<¾<p 0·t·¾

then Equation (5.1) has at least one p-periodic solution.

In order to prove this theorem, we recall the following …xed point theorem.

Theorem 5.2.5 (Sadovskii’s theorem [110]) Let Z be a Banach space, D0 a convex closed
and bounded set of Z and P : D0 ! D0 an ®-condensing map, that is P is continuous and
for every bounded set D µ D0 with ®(D) > 0; where ®(:) is the Kuratowski’s measure of
®(P (D)) < ®(D):

Then P has at least one …xed point in D0 .

Proof of Theorem 5.2.4. It is clear that the condition (ii) in Proposition 5.2.3 is
veri…ed for E = D. Then the map Pp (Á) = xp (:; Á) is continuous from D to D. Moreover,

there exists an induced application P^p : D b that satis…es the condition P^p (^ [
') = P p (')
for all ' b
^ 2 D and every ' 2 ' ^
^ : We shall prove that Pp is condensing. Since for all C µ D; b
there exists V µ D such that C = Vb and ® (C) = ® (V) ; it su¢ces to estimate ®(P^p (G))
b only
for each subset G µ D with ® (G) > 0 . If we denote G [¾; p] ; 0 · ¾ · p; the set de…ned by
© ª
G [¾; p] := x(:; ')=[¾;p] : ' 2 G ;

then, using (H5:2) and Axiom (A ¡ ii); we can see that the conditions of Theorem 2.1 in
[112] are veri…ed. Hence

b · K(p ¡ ¾)®(G [¾; p]) + M(p ¡ ¾)®(Gb¾ );

®(P^p (G)) (5.3)

where G¾ = fx¾ (:; ') : ' 2 Gg :

On the other hand, for all ¾ > 0; G [¾; p] is relatively compact in C([¾; p] ; E): To prove this
assertion, we use the fact that T0 (t) is compact for any t > 0 and we can proceed as in the
proof of Proposition 4 in [5]. That is, we prove that the family G [¾; p] is equicontinuous
and G [¾; p] (t); for each t 2 [0; p] ; is relatively compact in E:
Thus, (5.3) becomes
b · M(p ¡ ¾)®(Gb¾ ):
®(P^p (G)) (5.4)

To estimate ®(Gb¾ ); we take [0; ¾] instead of [¾; p] in (5.3), we infer

®(Gb¾ ) · K(¾)®(G [0; ¾]) + M(¾)®(G):

b (5.5)

Next we prove that

®(G [0; ¾]) · H sup kT0 (t)k ®(G): (5.6)

In fact, if G(0) = f'(0) : ' 2 Gg then Axiom (A ¡ ii) gives

®(G(0)) · H®(G): (5.7)

Let d > 0 such that ®(G(0)) < d: By de…nition of ®(:); G(0) has a …nite cover (Ci )1·i·n µ E;
such that diam(Ci ) < d: Henceforth, for a subset C of E; we denote by C ¤ the set
© ª
C ¤ = T0 (:)u=[0;¾] : u 2 C ;

then it is clear that

diam(Ci¤ ) < sup kT0 (t)k d

G(0)¤ µ [ Ci¤ :

Hence, we deduce that

®(G(0)¤ ) < sup kT0 (t)k d:

From this together with (5.7) and the choice d := H®(G) + "; " > 0; we infer that

®(G(0)¤ ) · H sup kT0 (t)k ®(G):


Since n o
G [0; ¾] µ G(0)¤ + w(:; ')j[0;¾] : ' 2 G ;
Z t
where w(t; ') = lim T0 (t¡s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds; for t 2 [0; ¾] : Using similar arguments
¸!+1 0 n o
as in the proof of Proposition 5.2.3, we can see that w(:; ')j[0;¾] : ' 2 G is relatively
compact in C([0; ¾] ; E). In fact, let 0 < t · ¾ and 0 < " < t: Then
Z t
lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds
¸!+1 0
Z t¡"
= T0 (") lim T0 (t ¡ " ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds
¸!+1 0
Z t
+ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds:
¸!+1 t¡"

Since T0 (") is compact, there exists a compact set W" such that
½ µ Z t¡" ¶ ¾
T0 (") lim T0 (t ¡ " ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds : ' 2 G µ W" :
¸!+1 0

From the boundedness of F , there exists a positive constant a such that

¯ Z t ¯
¯ ¯
¯ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds¯¯ · a"; uniformly in ' 2 G:
¯ ¸!+1 t¡"
n o
We deduce that the set w(:; ')j[0;¾] : ' 2 G is totally bounded and therefore is relatively
compact in E: To prove the equicontinuity, let 0 < t0 < t · ¾: Then
¯ Z t ¯
¯ ¯
jw(t; ') ¡ w(t0 ; ')j · ¯ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds¯¯
¯ ¸!+1 t0 Z t0 ¯
¯ ¯
+ ¯(T0 (t ¡ t0 ) ¡ I) lim T0 (t0 ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds¯¯ :
¸!+1 0

There exists a positive constant b such that
¯ ¯
¯ Zt ¯
¯ ¯
¯ lim ¯
¯¸!+1 T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds¯ · b(t ¡ t0 ); uniformly in ' 2 G:
¯ ¯
½ Z t0 ¾
Moreover, W0 = lim T0 (t0 ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; '))ds : ' 2 G is relatively compact
¸!+1 0
and it’s well known that

lim (T0 (h) ¡ I)u = 0; uniformly in u 2 W0 :


Which implies that lim jw(t; ') ¡ w(t0 ; ')j = 0; uniformly in ' 2 G: Using a similar

argument for 0 · t < t0 · ¾, we prove that lim jw(t; ') ¡ w(t0 ; ')j = 0; uniformly in
n o
' 2 G: It follows that w(:; ')j[0;¾] : ' 2 G is equicontinuous. By Arzéla-Ascoli’s theorem,
n o
we deduce that w(:; ')j[0;¾] : ' 2 G is relatively compact in C([0; ¾] ; E). We complete
the proof of (5.6) by the properties of ®(:).
Thus the inequalities (5.4), (5.5) and (5.6) prove that for all 0 < ¾ · p;

b · (M(p ¡ ¾)[HK(¾) sup kT0 (t)k + M(¾)]®(G):

®(P^p (G)) b

Finally, condition (5.2) implies that P^p is ®-condensing.

By Theorem 5.2.5, we conclude that there exists ' ^2D b such that P^p ' ^.
^ ='
d ^ n
Then Pp ' = Pp (^
n ') = '^ for all n 2 IN. Since
° m ° ° °
°Pp ' ¡ Ppn '° = °
m' ¡ P n '°
p ° ; for m; n 2 IN;

(Ppn ')n is a Cauchy sequence of B. Which implies that there exists à 2 D such that
Ppk ' ! Ã; as k ! +1: Consequently Pp à = Ã: This completes the proof by use of
Proposition 5.2.2.

Remark 5.2.1 Assumption (H5:2) seems to be strong, but in nonhomogeneous linear case,
we will prove that the existence of a bounded solution implies that (H5:2) is true.

In the sequel, we suppose that (H2:4) is satis…ed.

De…ne U(t) on X for t ¸ 0 by
U(t)Á = xt (:; Á);

where x(:; Á) is the integral solution of Equation (5.1).
The following result on the solution operator U(t); t ¸ 0; is a key property to the
existence of periodic solutions.

Proposition 5.2.6 Assume that (H2:1) ; (H2:4) and (H5:1) hold. Then U(t) is decom-
posed as follows
U(t) = U1 (t) + U2 (t); t ¸ 0;

where (U1 (t))t¸0 is the solution semigroup of the following equation

x(t) = T0 (t)Á(0); t ¸ 0
x0 = Á 2 X ;

and U2 (t) is compact for t > 0:

Proof. We use similar arguments as in Chapter 3. Let (Ã n )n¸0 be a bounded sequence

in X : Then for t > 0 one has
(U2 (t + µ)Ã n ) (0) if µ 2 [¡t; 0]
(U2 (t)Ãn )(µ) =
0 if µ 2 (¡1; ¡t) :

In order to prove that for all µ 2 (¡1; 0] ; f(U2 (t)Ã n )(µ) : n ¸ 0g is relatively compact in
E. Let 0 < t + µ and choose " such that " < t + µ: Then
Z t+µ
(U2 (t)Ã n )(µ) = lim T0 (t + µ ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; Ã n ))ds
¸!+1 0
Z t+µ¡"
= T0 (") lim T0 (t + µ ¡ " ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; Ã n ))ds
¸!+1 0
Z t+µ
+ lim T0 (t + µ ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; Ã n ))ds:
¸!+1 t+µ¡"

By Proposition 3.4.1, fF (s; xs (:; Ãn )) : s 2 [0; t] ; n ¸ 0g is bounded. Since T0 (") is compact,

there exists a compact set W" such that
½ Z t+µ¡" ¾
T0 (") lim T0 (t + µ ¡ " ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; Ã n ))ds : n ¸ 0 µ W" :
¸!+1 0

Furthermore, there exists a positive constant c such that

¯ Z t+µ ¯
¯ ¯
¯ lim T0 (t + µ ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; Ãn ))ds¯¯ · c"; uniformly in n 2 IN:
¯ ¸!+1 t+µ¡"

Which gives that f(U2 (t)Ãn )(µ) : n ¸ 0g is totally bounded and therefore relatively compact:
To establish the second assertion, it is su¢cient to show that (U2 (t)Ã n )n¸0 is equicontinuous
in (¡1; 0] : Let µ 0 2 (¡1; 0] : For µ 2 (¡1; 0] enough close to µ 0 such that µ0 < µ; we see
< (U2 (t + µ)Ã n ) (0) ¡ (U2 (t + µ0 )Ãn ) (0) if µ 0 > ¡t
(U2 (t)Ã n )(µ) ¡ (U2 (t)Ã n )(µ 0 ) = (U2 (t + µ)Ã n ) (0) if µ0 = ¡t
: 0 if µ < ¡t:

For ¡t < µ0 < µ · 0, one has

(U2 (t)Ã n )(µ) ¡ (U2 (t)Ã n )(µ0 )

Z t+µ0
= lim (T0 (t + µ ¡ s) ¡ T0 (t + µ0 ¡ s)) B¸ F (s; xs (:; Ãn ))ds
¸!+1 0Z
+ lim T0 (t + µ ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; Ãn ))ds:
¸!+1 t+µ0

By the boundedness of fF (s; xs (:; Ãn ) : n ¸ 0; s 2 [t + µ0 ; t]g ; we deduce that there exists

a positive constant d such that

j(U2 (t)Ã n )(µ) ¡ (U2 (t)Ã n )(µ 0 )]j

¯ Z ¯
¯ t+µ0 ¯
· ¯(T0 (µ ¡ µ0 ) ¡ I) lim T0 (t + µ0 ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; à n ))ds¯¯
¸!+1 0
+d(µ ¡ µ0 ); for all n ¸ 0
½ Z t+µ0 ¾
On the other hand W1 = lim T0 (t + µ0 ¡ s)B¸ F (s; xs (:; Ãn ))ds : n ¸ 0 is rela-
¸!+1 0
tively compact in E, using the fact that (T0 (:)x)x2W1 is equicontinuous at the right in 0;
we get
lim j(U2 (t)Ãn )(µ) ¡ (U2 (t)Ãn )(µ0 )j = 0; uniformly in n 2 IN:
µ>µ 0

By a similar argument as above we prove

lim j(U2 (t)Ãn )(µ) ¡ (U2 (t)Ãn )(µ0 )j = 0; uniformly in n 2 IN:

µ<µ 0

We deduce the claimed equicontinuity. Proceeding by Arzéla-Ascoli’s theorem, there is a

continuous function Á : (¡1; 0] ! E and a subsequence Án of (U2 (t)Ãn )n¸0 which converges
compactly to Á in (¡1; 0] : In addition Á is continuous and Á(µ) = 0 if µ · ¡t; because
Án (µ) = 0 for µ · ¡t and n ¸ 0: Hence Á belongs to B by Axiom (A ¡ i), and moreover

we get kÁn ¡ ÁkB ! 0 as n ! 1 because of kÁn ¡ ÁkB · K(t) sup jÁn (µ) ¡ Á (µ)j by
Axiom (A ¡ iii): In de…nitive, we have proved that the image of any bounded sequence
contains a converging subsequence in B with respect to the seminorm.
We need to suppose that
(H5:3) There exists a nonempty closed bounded and convex subset D in X such that
Pp (D) µ D:

Theorem 5.2.7 Assume that (H2:1); (H2:4) ; (H5:1) and (H5:3) hold. If there exists a
positive constant ´ such that
kU1 (t)k · e¡´t ; t ¸ 0: (5.9)

Then Equation (5.1) has at least one p-periodic solution.

Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 5.2.4, we use Sadovskii’s …xed point theorem. Since
U2 (p) is compact, for each subset G µ D with ® (G) > 0; one has

cp (G))
®(P b = ®(U(p)
b G) b = ®(U
c1 (p)G)
· e¡´p ®(G)
< ®(G):

cp is ®-condensing on D,
From what we deduce that P b and Equation (5.1) has a p-periodic
In relation with the condition (5.9), we recall the following result.

Lemma 5.2.8 ( Chapters 1 and 3) The space C° ; ° > 0 de…ned in the previous chapters
with the norm kÁk° :=sup e°µ jÁ(µ)j ; Á 2 C° , satis…es Axioms (A), (A1); and (B). More-
over, if kT0 (t)k · e¡±t ; t ¸ 0; where ± is a positive constant. Then Condition (5.9) is

In the remaining of this section, we give some su¢cient conditions ensuring assumption
(H5:2) and, in particular, (H5:3). Consider the phase space Cr £ L1 (g); r > 0; de…ned in
Chapter 1, with the seminorm


k'kB := sup j'(µ)j + g(µ) j'(µ)j dµ:


From Chapter 1, if we suppose that g satis…es :
(i) g is integrable on (¡d; ¡r) for any d ¸ r; and
(ii) there exists a locally bounded function G : (¡1; 0] ! [0; +1) such that

g(» + µ) · G(»)g(µ); for all » · 0 and µ 2 (¡1; ¡r) nN» ;

where N» µ (¡1; ¡r) is a set with Lebesgue measure 0,

then Cr £ L1 (g) veri…es Axioms (A); (A1) and (B).
De…ne ½(t); t ¸ 0; by
Z ¡t¹
g(µ ¡ t)
½(t) := sup + ½0 (t) + g(µ)dµ
µ·¡r g(µ) ¡t¡r

where t¹ = maxfr; tg and ½0 := 1(¡1;r] :

In addition, we suppose that ½(t) ! 0; as t ! +1:

Proposition 5.2.9 Assuming that F : [0; +1) £ (Cr £ L1 (g)) ! E is continuous and
locally Lipschitzian with respect to the second variable and there exist N1 ; N2 > 0

jF (t; ')j · N1 k'kB + N2 ; ' 2 Cr £ L1 (g): (5.10)

If there exists !0 > 0 and k0 > 0 such that the following conditions hold :
(i) kT (t)k · exp(¡!0 t); t ¸ 0;
Z 0t¡r
(ii) g(s ¡ t) exp(! 0 (t ¡ r ¡ s))ds · k0 for t ¸ r;
(iii) N1 exp(! 0 r)(1 + k0 ) < ! 0 :
Then there exists R > 0 and ¾ > 0 such that P¾ (B(0; R)) µ B(0; R) and
the set fxt (:; Á) : Á 2 B(0; R); 0 · t · ¾g is bounded in Cr £ L1 (g):

The proof of this proposition is omitted here, it can be done similarly as in [58].

5.3 A Massera type criterion in nonhomogeneous case

In this section, we study the nonhomogeneous linear case :
< d x(t) = Ax(t) + L(t; x ) + f(t); t ¸ 0;
dt (5.11)
: x = Á 2 B;

where L is a continuous function form IR+ £ B into E, linear with the second argument
and p-periodic in t; f is a continuous p-periodic function.

For ' 2 B, t ¸ 0 and µ · 0; we de…ne
'(0) if t + µ ¸ 0
[W (t)'] (µ) =
'(t + µ) if t + µ < 0:

We can see that (W (t))t¸0 is a C0 -semigroup on B: We set

W0 (t) = W (t)=B0 ; where B0 := f' 2 B : '(0) = 0g .

Let C00 be the set of continuous functions ' : (¡1; 0] ! E with compact support and
recallÃthat a sequence!of functions ('n )n2IN : (¡1; 0] ! E; is uniformly bounded if

sup sup j'n (µ)j < +1:

n2IN ¡1<µ·0
We suppose that B is a fading memory space in the sense that B satis…es the additional
(C) If a uniformly bounded sequence ('n )n in C00 converges to a function ' compactly on
(¡1; 0] ; then ' is in B and k'n ¡ 'kB ! 0 as n ! +1:
(D2) kW0 (t)'kB ! 0 as t ! +1 for all ' 2 B0 :
It’s well known by the Banach Steinhaus theorem that (D2) implies sup kW0 (t)k < 1:
Now assume that
(H5:4) Equation (5.11) has a bounded solution y on IR+ in the sense that sup jy(t)j < +1:
As a consequence of Proposition 1.1.2, if B is a fading memory space, then the functions
K(:) and M(:) can be chosen bounded on [0; +1) : Hence, using Axiom (A¡ iii); we obtain
the existence of a positive constant N1 such that

sup kyt kB · N1 : (5.12)


Theorem 5.3.1 Assume that (H2:1); (H5:1); (H5:4); (C) and (D2) are satis…ed. If

inf M(p ¡ ¾)[HK(¾) sup kT0 (t)k + M(¾)] < 1; (5.13)

0<¾<p 0·t·¾

then Equation (5.11) has a p-periodic solution.

Proof. Set D := co fynp : n 2 INg where co denotes the closure of the convex hull: Then
D is a nonempty closed convex subset of X . D is bounded and xp (:; Ã) 2 D for all à 2 D.
In fact, let à 2 D; then there exists a sequence (à k )k ½ fynp : n 2 INg such that
nk nk ° °
° °
à k = § ®ki ynk p ; ®ki ¸ 0; § ®ki = 1 and °Ã ¡ Ãk ° ! 0 as k ! 1.
i=1 i i=1 B

Therefore, we get
° ° ° °
° ° ° °
kÃkB · °Ãk ° + °Ãk ¡ Ã °
nk ° ° °B °
k° ° ° k °
· § ®i °ynk p ° + °Ã ¡ ð ;
i=1 i B B

and (5.12) yields kÃkB < N1 . On the other hand, one has
xp (:; Ãk ) = § ®ki xp (:; ynki p )
= § ®ki ynki p+p ;
° °
then xp (:; Ãk ) 2 D: Since °xp (:; Ã) ¡ xp (:; Ãk )°B ! 0 as k ! +1; and D is closed we
deduce that xp (:; Ã) 2 D for all à 2 D: Which implies that assumption (H5:3) is true and
by Theorem 5.2.5, we conclude that Equation (5.11) has a p-periodic solution.

Corollary 5.3.2 Assume that B = C° ; ° > 0. Under the conditions (H2:1); (H5:1) and
(H5:4); Equation (5.11) has a mp-periodic solution, for a certain m 2 IN ¤ .

Proof. It was noted in Chapter 1 that if ° > 0; the phase space C° satis…es (C) and (D2):
Moreover one has K(¾) = 1 and M(¾) = e¡°¾ : Hence
½ ¾
inf M(p ¡ ¾)[HK(¾) sup kT0 (t)k + M(¾)]
0<¾<p 0·t·¾
½ ¾
= inf H sup kT0 (t)k e¡°(p¡¾) + e¡°p :
0<¾<p 0·t·¾

From what we can see that for a certain m 2 IN ¤ , (5.13) in Theorem 5.3.1 is satis…ed with
mp instead of p. Consequently, all conditions of Theorem 5.3.1 are veri…ed and Equation
(5.11) has a mp-periodic solution.
Next, we suppose that B is a normed uniform fading memory space, that means, B is
normed and satis…es the extra axioms (C) and
(D3) kW0 (t)k ! 0 as t ! +1:

In the following theorem, we prove existence of a periodic solution without supposing

condition (5.13).

Theorem 5.3.3 Suppose that B is a normed uniform fading memory space. Under condi-
tions (H2:1); (H5:1) and (H5:4); Equation (5.11) has a p-periodic solution.

The proof is based on the following two results.

Lemma 5.3.4 Let conditions (H2:1) and (H5:1) hold. Then, for any " > 0; there exists
a constant C" > 0 such that ®(U1 (t)) · C" M(t ¡ ") for t > ":

Proof. Let - be a bounded set in X such that ® (-) = ¯: For ± > 0; there exists a …nite
cover (-i )1·i·n of - such that diam(-i ) < ¯ + ±: Using Axiom (A ¡ iii), we have for t > "
and '; Á 2 -;

kU1 (t)' ¡ U1 (t)ÁkB · K(t ¡ ") sup jT0 (s)' (0) ¡ T0 (s)Á (0)j (5.14)
+M(t ¡ ") kU1 (")' ¡ U1 (")ÁkB :

On the other hand

kU1 (")' ¡ U1 (")ÁkB · K(") sup jT0 (s)' (0) ¡ T0 (s)Á (0)j + M(") k' ¡ ÁkB ;

which implies that

kU1 (")' ¡ U1 (")ÁkB · C" k' ¡ ÁkB ; (5.15)

where C" = K(")H sup kT0 (s)k + M("): Consequently we have


kU1 (t)' ¡ U1 (t)ÁkB · K(t ¡ ") sup jT0 (s)' (0) ¡ T0 (s)Á (0)j + M(t ¡ ")C" k' ¡ ÁkB :
- is bounded in B it follows by Axiom (A¡ (ii)0 ) that fà (0) : à 2 -g is bounded in E. Using
the compactness of the semigroup (T0 (t))t¸0 , we can prove that fT0 (:)Ã (0) : Ã 2 -g is rela-
tively compact in C (["; t] ; E) ; then there exists a …nite cover (¡i )1·i·m of fT0 (:)Ã (0) : Ã 2 -g
in C (["; t] ; E) such that diam(¡i ) < ±: Let -i;j = fà 2 -i : T0 (:)à (0) 2 ¡jg : Then - ½
i;j -i;j : For '; Á 2 -i;j by (5.16) we have

kU1 (t)' ¡ U1 (t)ÁkB · K(t ¡ ")± + M(t ¡ ")C" (¯ + ±) k' ¡ ÁkB ;

letting ± to zero we obtain

®(U1 (t)) · C" M(t ¡ "); for t > ":

This completes the proof of the lemma.

Theorem 5.3.5 [33] Let Z be a Banach space and P : Z ! Z a linear a¢ne map, that is
P x = Lx + y where L is a bounded linear map and y 2 Z is …xed. If Im(I ¡ L) is closed
and there exists an x0 2 Z such that (P n x0 )n¸0 is bounded, then P has at least one …xed

Proof of Theorem 5.3.3. Let x(:; '; f ) be the solution of Equation (5.11). Then
x(:; '; f) = x(:; '; 0) + x(:; 0; f ); where x(:; '; 0) and x(:; 0; f) are, respectively, the solutions
of Equation (5.11) with f = 0 and ' = 0: It follows that the Poincaré map Pp is given by
Pp ' = L' + Ã; with L' = xp (:; '; 0) and à = xp (:; 0; f ). According to Proposition 5.2.6, L
is decomposed as follows L = U1 (p) + U2 (p); where (U1 (t))t¸0 is the solution semigroup of
Equation (5.8) and U2 (p) is compact: By Proposition 1.1.2, K(:) and M(:) can be chosen
such that K(:) is bounded and M(t) ! 0 as t ! +1: Let " > 0; and t0 > 0 such that
C" M(t0 ¡ ") < 1: Then, by Lemma 5.3.4, we have

log (®(U1 (t0 )))

! e (U1 ) · < 0:
Hence (3.9)2 gives
re (U1 (p)) = ep!e (U1 ) < 1.

On the other hand, we have

Ln = U1n (p) + Vn ; for all n > 1;

where Vn is a compact operator. Using the formula (3.7) we get

re (L) = re (U1 (p)) < 1.

Consequently we obtain that Im(I ¡ L) is closed: Let y(:; Á; f ) be the bounded solution.
¡ ¢
Then Ppn Á n¸0 = (ynp (:; Á; f))n¸0 is bounded. Consequently, by Theorem 5.3.5, we deduce
that the map Pp has a …xed point in B, which gives a p-periodic solution to Equation (5.11).

5.4 Application
In order to apply the abstract result of the previous section, we consider the following
partial functional di¤erential equation with in…nite delay
8 Z 0
> @ @2
> w(t; ») = w(t; ») + b(t) G(µ)w(t + µ; »)dµ + g(t; »);
> @t @» 2
t ¸ 0; 0 · » · ¼; (5.17)
> w(t; 0) = w(t; ¼) = 0; t ¸ 0;
: w(µ; ») = w (µ; »); ¡ 1 < µ · 0; 0 · » · ¼;

where b : IR+ ! IR is a continuous p-periodic function, g : IR+ £ [0; ¼] ! IR is a continuous
function, p-periodic with respect to time, G is a positive function on (¡1; 0] and w0 :
(¡1; 0] £ [0; ¼] ! IR is a continuous function.
Equation (5.17) can be written as the abstract equation (5.11). Indeed, we choose E =
C ([0; ¼] ; IR) endowed with the uniform norm topology and we consider the operator A :
D(A) ½ E ! E de…ned by
( © ª
D(A) = y 2 C 2 ([0; ¼] : IR) : y(0) = y(¼) = 0 ;
Ay = y 00 :

From [40], we know that

¯ ¯ 1
¯ ¯
(0; +1) ½ ½(A) and ¯(¸I ¡ A)¡1 ¯ · ; for ¸ > 0:
This implies that assumption (H2:1) is satis…ed. Moreover one has

D(A) = fy 2 E : y(0) = y(¼) = 0g :

It is known from [66] that the space C° ; ° > 0; which is introduced in Lemma 5.2.8, is a
normed uniform fading memory space.
We suppose that :
(i) G(:)e¡°: is integrable on (¡1; 0], Ã !
(ii) w0 2 C((¡1; 0] £ [0; ¼] : IR), with lim e°µ sup jw0 (µ; »)j exists, and w0 (0; 0) =
µ!¡1 0·»·¼
w0 (0; ¼) = 0:
8 Z 0
< L(t; Á)(») = b(t) G(µ)Á(µ)(»)dµ; t ¸ 0; » 2 [0; ¼] ; Á 2 C° ;
: f(t)(») = g(t; »); t ¸ 0; » 2 [0; ¼] :

Then L is continuous from IR+ £ C° into E, linear with respect to the second argument
and p-periodic in t, f : IR+ ! E is continuous p-periodic. If we put
x(t)(») = w(t; »); t ¸ 0; » 2 [0; ¼] ;
'(µ)(») = w0 (µ; »); µ · 0; » 2 [0; ¼] :

Then Equation (5.17) is written in E as follows

< d x(t) = Ax(t) + L(t; x ) + f(t); t ¸ 0;
dt (5.18)
: x = ':

We can see that assumption (ii) implies that ' 2 C° and '(0) 2 D(A):
Let A0 be the part of the operator A in D(A) given by
( © ª
D(A0 ) = y 2 C 2 ([0; ¼] : IR) : y(0) = y 00 (0) = y(¼) = y 00 (¼) = 0 ;
A0 y = y 00 :

A0 generates a compact C0 -semigroup (T0 (t))t¸0 in D(A): Moreover kT0 (t)k · e¡t ; t ¸ 0.
Assume further that Z 0
(iii) there exists d 2 ]0; 1[ such that 0 < l G(µ)dµ < 1 ¡ d;
where l = sup jb(t)j :
Let ½ = 1 + ; where m = sup jf(t)j : Then we have
d 0·t·p

Lemma 5.4.1 Under the above assumptions, let ' 2 C° such that j'(µ)j < ½ for all
µ 2 (¡1; 0] : Then the integral solution of Equation (5.18) is bounded by ½ on IR+ :

Proof. Let x (:; ') be the integral solution of Equation (5.18). Then jx (t; ')j < ½ for t ¸ 0.
We proceed by contradiction. Suppose that there exists t0 > 0 such that jx (t0 ; ')j > ½.
t1 = inf ft > 0 : jx (t; ')j > ½g :
By continuity, it follows that
jx (t1 ; ')j = ½; (5.19)
and there exists ± > 0 such that jx (t; ')j > ½ for t 2 (t0 ; t0 + ±) : Since
x (t; ') = T0 (t)'(0)+ lim T0 (t ¡ s)B¸ (L(s; xs (:; ')) + f(s)) ds; for t ¸ 0:

We have
Zt1 Zt1
¡t1 ¡(t1 ¡s)
jx (t1 ; ')j · e ½+ e jL(s; xs (:; '))j ds + e¡(t1 ¡s) mds;
0 0

Since ¡1 < s + µ · t1 + µ · t1 for all µ 2 (¡1; 0] and s 2 [0; t1 ] ; we have

jL(s; xs (:; '))j = jb(s)j G(µ) jx(s + µ; ')j dµ
· ½l G(µ)dµ:

This gives by assumption (iii)
¡ ¢
jx (t1 ; ')j · e¡t1 ½ + (½ ¡ ½d + m) 1 ¡ e¡t1 :

¡ ¢
jx (t1 ; ')j · ½ ¡ d 1 ¡ e¡t1
< ½:

Which contradicts (5.19) by de…nition of t1 . This completes the proof of the lemma.
Finally, all conditions of Theorem 5.3.3 are satis…ed, and consequently, Equation (5.18)
has a p-periodic solution.


Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié des aspects quantitatif et qualitatif pour une classe
d’équations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni et de type neutre dans un espace de Banach. Nous
nous sommes intéressés dans un premier lieu aux problèmes d’existence, d’unicité et de
régularité des solutions. Puis, nous avons étudié des problèmes de stabilté et d’attractivité.
En…n, nous avous traité l’existence de solutions périodiques.
An terme de ce travail, nous avons pensé à un certain nombre de problèmes ouverts.
Dans la suite nous donnons quelques questions que nous projetons étudier dans le futur.
Dans le chapitre 3, nous avons étudié l’existence de solutions intégrales dans le cas où F
est continue et localement Lipschitzienne par rapport à la deuxième variable. Nous avons
l’intention de traiter l’existence sous les conditions de Carathéodory: F est mesurable par
rapport à la première variable et continue par rapport à la deuxième variable.
Nous avons aussi formulé un critère de stabilité dans le cas où la part de A dans D(A)
engendre un C0 semi-groupe compact (T0 (t))t¸0 . Nous projetons généraliser le résultat
obtenu dans le cas où (T0 (t))t¸0 n’est pas compact mais uniformément continu, à savoir
lim kT0 (t) ¡ T0 (t0 )kL(D(A)) = 0; pour tout t0 > 0:
Nous avons aussi donné des conditions su¢santes pour l’existence d’un attracteur global
pour une classe d’équations di¤érentielles à retard in…ni dissipatives. Nous comptons ex-
ploiter cette propriété pour étudier l’existence et la stabilté des solutions périodiques.
Nous avons étudié, dans le chapitre 4, l’existence de solutions intégrales et strictes pour
une classe d’équations di¤érentielles de type neutre à retard in…ni. Dans le cas autonome,
nous avons démontré que la solution dé…nit un semi-groupe (U(t))t¸0 sur l’espace de phase
B. Auquel cas, nous avons formulé un critère de stabilité. Par la suite, la question que nous
nous posons est la suivante: peut on décomposer le semi groupe (U(t))t¸0 sous la forme
suivante : U(t) = V (t) + W (t); t ¸ 0 où (V (t))t¸0 est un C0 semi-groupe exponentiellement
stable et W (t) est un opérateur compact pour t > 0? Une réponse positive à cette question
nous permettra d’examiner la stabilité du semi groupe solution dans le cas linéaire par
une équation caractéristique. Dans le cas non linéaire, nous étudierons l’existence d’un
attracteur global. Un autre volet auquel nous nous intéressons, est celui de l’existence de
solutions bornés et périodiques.
Dans le chapitre 5, nous avons étudié l’existence de solutions périodiques dans le cas où
F est périodique en t. Nous nous sommes intéressés par l’existence de solutions presque-
périodiques dans le cas où F est presque-périodique en t uniformément par rapport à la
deuxième variable. Nous avons l’intention de traiter une situation intermédiaire, à savoir, le

cas où F est quasi-périodique, c’est à dire, F = F1 + F2 , avec F1 et F2 sont respectivement,
p1 -périodique et p2 -périodique en t et satisfaisant la condition de noncommensurabilité,
c’est à dire 2
= IQ:


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“Ce à quoi l’un s’était failli, l’autre y est arrivé et ce qui était inconnu à un siècle, le
siècle suivant l’a éclairci, et les sciences et les arts ne se jettent pas en moule mais se forment
et …gurent peu à peu, en les maniant et polissant à plusieurs fois [:::] : ce que ma force ne
peut découvrir, je ne laisse pas de le sonder et essayer: et en retastant et pétrissant cette
nouvelle matière, la remuant et l’echaufant, j’ouvre à celui qui me suit quelque facilité et la
lui rends plus souple et plus maniable. Autant en fera le second au tiers qui est cause que
la di¢culté ne me doit pas désepérer, ni aussi peu mon impuissance...”

Montaigne, Les essaies, Livre II, Chapitre XII.

Louange a DIEU qui m’a aidé à atteindre ce résultat tant espéré


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