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BIOMETRICS 58, 540-547

September 2002

Integrating Mark-Recapture-Recovery and Census Data to

Estimate Animal Abundance and Demographic Parameters

P. Besbeas,' S. N. Freeman,' B. J. T. Morgan,'**and E. A. Catchpole3

'Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Kent at Canterbury,
Canterbury, Kent C T 2 7NF, England
2British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, England
3School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales
at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra ACT2600, Australia
* email: B.J.T.Morgan@ukc.ac.uk

SUMMARY.In studies of wild animals, one frequently encounters both census and mark-recapture-recovery
data. We show how a state-space model for census data in combination with the usual multinomial-based
models for ring-recovery data provide estimates of productivity not available from either type of data alone.
The approach is illustrated on two British bird species. For the lapwing, we calibrate how its recent decline
could be due to a decrease in productivity. For the heron, there is no evidence for a decline in productivity,
and the combined analysis increases significantly the strength of logistic regressions of survival on winter
KEY WORDS: Ardea cinerea; Birds; Census data; Herons; Kalman filter; Lapwings; Leslie matrix models;
Maximum likelihood; Prediction; Productivity; Ring-recovery data; State-space; Vanellus vanellus; Winter

1. Introduction rameter estimates that maximize the combined likelihood. At

Monitoring programs for populations of wild animals employ the center of our strategy is a state-space model for popula-
various types of survey data, designed to quantify the different tion data. An appealing feature of the joint analyses that we
stages of the life cycle. A primary aim of mark-recapture- shall present is that they do not require the census and ring-
recovery studies is to estimate the annual survival proba- ing periods to coincide exactly. We illustrate the performance
bility, Cp, of wild animals, which may vary with age and/or of the procedure with two extensive data sets.
time. Examples are provided by Catchpole et al. (1998, 2000). 2. Data
Other studies estimate population size and indices of popu- We analyze data on two important British bird species, the
lation size; we shall call the resulting data census data even northern lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, and the grey heron,
though the data do not always estimate total numbers in a Ardea cinerea. We provide two examples because they sup-
population. When census data are available, one might con- port models of differing complexity, illustrate the flexibility of
sider whether they are compatible with the estimated survival the modeling, and are representatives of two different kinds
probabilities (cf., Kanyamibwa and Lebreton, 1992; Burnham, of census data. The lapwing in Britain has been declining for
Anderson, and White, 1996). Integrated population models several years (Tucker, Davies, and Fuller, 1994) and has been
(Peach, Siriwardena, and Gregory, 1999; Siriwardena, Free- placed on the Amber list of species of conservation concern
man, and Crick, 2001) incorporate survival rates into popu- in Britain (Gibbons et al., 1996). It can be regarded as an
lation models in an attempt to explain population declines. indicator species for farmland birds. Although not declining,
However, these approaches are piecemeal and ignore the sam- the heron, as a top predator, is also an important bioindica-
pling variability of the estimators of the demographic rates. tor. For both of the species, we use national figures derived
Census data contain information on survival, and this ob- from data maintained by the British Trust for Ornithology
servation motivates our work. The advantages of our approach (BTO). Naturally, therefore, if we try to relate survival to
are that we model both data sets simultaneously, allowing ac- winter conditions, we can at best only expect an approximate
curate treatment of imprecision and correlation in the esti- relationship between estimates of survival and weather covari-
mators, and we permit stochastic, rather than deterministic, ates. This is in contrast with more geographically restricted
population evolution. We form a combined likelihood that in- studies using local weather conditions, as in Catchpole et al.
tegrates both census and ringing information and obtain pa- (2000).
Integrating Mark-Recapture-Recovery and Census Data 541

The recovery data are available from http: //stat.tamu.edu/

2.3 Weather Data
Because we are dealing with national ring-recovery data, we
500 1 I 0 5 I
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1960 1970 1960 1990 2000 shall investigate relationships between model probabilities
and measures of central England weather. There are several
0 02 06
of these that might be used (cf., Catchpole et al., 1999). For
instance, monthly temperatures are available from http ://
www.cru.uea,ac.uk/wmikeh/datasets/uk/cet .htm and daily
temperatures can be obtained from http: //nww .badc .rl .ac.
0 01

0 005
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 ?960 1970 1980 1990 2000 uk. We have undertaken detailed backward elimination of
weather variables separately for each of the species of this
article. The resulting picture is a complex one, which we shall


1950 1970 1980

1990 2000
1960 1970 1980
report in a separate article. Our objective in this article is to
demonstrate how well our combined analysis procedures work.
For simplicity, therefore, we shall just use for each species
the number of days in a year when the temperature was
below freezing, fdays. This measure is calculated for central
Figure 1. The result of fitting model #1 ( f d a y s ) ,#a(fdays)/ England and is mean centered for use in logistic regressions
A(year)/p(year)to the lapwing data. a. Observed census data in the article. For year i, fdays measures the number of days
(dotted line); fitted curve (solid line). b. #a (solid line); 41 below freezing between April of year i and March of year
(dotted line). c. A(year), with estimated 95% confidence +
(i 1) inclusive. Thus, e.g., the largest value of fdays for the
bands. d. p(year), with estimated 95% confidence bands. e. period is for the 1962/1963 winter. The weather regressions
Graph of f i 1 , t . f. Graph of f i a , t , equivalent to fitted curve in we present can be somewhat improved by the more detailed
(4. analysis mentioned above, especially regarding the timing of
cold periods.
3. Models and Results
2.1 B i d Census Data
For both of the species, we shall not conduct an extensive
A key difference between the two species is that, for the
model-selection exercise, which will be done in other articles.
more abundant lapwing, the census data we use are an index,
derived from the Common Birds Census (CBC) (Marchant 3.1 Lapwing Data
et al., 1990). Annual territory counts are made at a number We follow Catchpole et al. (1999), who analyzed the recovery
of survey sites, and from these an index is estimated from a data for the period 1963-1992. Their model incorporated
generalized linear model (Ter Braak et al., 1994); Fewster et separate first-year and adult annual survival probabilities, #1
al. (2000) have used a generalized additive model. Typically, and #a7 respectively, and a reporting probability A, which
most sites are not surveyed each year, resulting in many was a decreasing function of time; 41 and #a were logistic
missing observations. The lapwing index is available from 1965 functions of measures of autumn and winter weather, respec-
to 1998, and it is plotted in Figure la. By contrast, the heron tively. For the recovery data, the likelihood, Lr(41r4arA), is
census count estimates the total numbers of breeding pairs in a product of appropriate multinomial distributions.
England and Wales (Stafford, 1979). It was established in 1928 In order to model the census data, we shall construct a
(Nicholson, 1929a,b) and is the longest running bird census separate likelihood using the Kalman filter. The CBC index
in the world. We use the figures from 1928 t o 1998, which are is indicative of fluctuations in agricultural lowland England
plotted in Figure 5a. Both sets of census data are printed in (Fuller, Marchant, and Morgan, 1985); however, we can treat
Besbeas et al. (2001a). it as an estimate of the total population of lapwing territories
2.2 National Rang-Recovery Data for the 447 sites of the survey. Let N1,t denote the number of
Each year, birds of both species are ringed as young through- 1-year old female birds at time t and Na,t denote the number
out Britain, and records are kept of the total numbers ringed of female birds aged 2 2 years at time t. We shall assume that
each year and of when birds are reported dead. For both breeding starts at age 2 (Cramp and Simmons, 1983), that all
species, we ignore the negligible amounts of data from the breeding birds and no others are censused, and that there is
ringing of adult birds. We analyze the data on lapwings ringed no emigration. If p denotes the annual productivity of females
as chicks during the years 1963-1997. A subset of these data per female, then we can write the state-space transition equa-
corresponding t o the ringing years, 1963-1992, have been tion as
analyzed by Catchpole et al. (1999), and we shall mention
their findings later.
We also analyze the data on herons ringed as nestlings
during the years 1955-1997. Previous modeling of British The matrix used here is the familiar Leslie matrix (Leslie,
heron survival has been done by North and Morgan (1979) 1945) from population ecology. The annual indices, {yt},
and Freeman and North (1990), and we shall make compar- are related to the population level by the corresponding
isons with their results later. The analyses presented here measurement equation, which is given as yt = ( 0 , l ) x
are the first estimates of British heron survival since 1990. +
(Nl,t,Na,t)' vt. Thus, we denote the index at time t as
542 B i o m e t r i c s , September 2002

Table 1 example of this is provided in Besbeas et al. (2001b). For the

Maximum-likelihood parameter estimates f r o m fitting ring-recovery data alone, due to the long run of the data,
correlations between parameter estimators are typically quite
the model 41 ( f d a y s ) ,~ a ( f d a y s ) / X ( y e a r ) / p ( y e atro)
the lapwing data ( i )using ring-recovery data alone small, ranging from -0.20 to 0.29. The addition of the census
and (ii)using both the ring-recovery data and the data has little effect on those correlations. However, there are
census data. The estimated standard errors result now correlationsAof -0.49 between $0 and & and of -0.91
f r o m inverting a numerical approximation to the between $0 and So, where P O , 00,and 60 are defined in Table
Hessian matrix at the maximum-likelihood estimate. 1. These are sensible findings because increasing p requires
a decrease in survival to match the data. We would also
Parameter estimates standard errors expect a stronger result with the intercept estimate of the
adult survival, 60, as found here.
(9 (ii) (i) (ii) We show in Figure 1 the results from maximizing the
41 Intercept (Po) 0.5158 0.5231 0.0675 0.0672 combined likelihood L,. The confidence bands shown result
Slope -0.0241 -0.0228 0.0072 0.0070 from applying the &method. The decline of X with time agrees
$a Intercept (60) 1.5011 1.5210 0.0683 0.0690 with Catchpole et al. (1999) and more generally with Baillie
Slope -0.0360 -0.0279 0.0051 0.0045 and Green (1987). However, of greater interest to us is the
X Intercept -4.5668 -4.5632 0.0350 0.0350 time-varying behavior of 41, &, and p. We can see that the
Slope -0.5729 -0.5841 0.0641 0.0636 decline in lapwing numbers since 1980 is compatible with a
p Intercept ( P O ) - -1.1513 - 0.0880
Slope - - major drop in the productivity parameter p. An alternative
-0.4323 0.0743
U - 159.4691 - 21.8712 explanation of the recent decline in lapwing numbers is that
there is a decline in survival probability over time. There was
no evidence for this in Catchpole et al. (1999) or for the more
y t , assumed to be normally distributed with variance u&. extensive ring recovery data set analyzed here (see Table 2,
We shall assume that we can approximate N1,t and Na,t section (i)).
as independent normal random variables and evaluate the We can see from Table 2, section (ii) that, when we
variances of e1,t and E a , t by respective Poisson and binomial analyze the combined data, then alternative descriptions of
expressions. Thus, var(q,t) = p&N,,t-l and var(Ea,t) = the data result from constant p and declining probabilities of
&(I - $ta)(Nl,t-1 + Na,t-l). Sullivan (1992) and Newman survival over time. Detailed studies of breeding lapwings have
(1998) have also used this kind of approach. (For the examples shown a decrease in chicks produced over the period. This is
of this article, there is virtually no difference from using two usually attributed to the switch from spring to autumn sowing
binomial approximations.) This approximation prevents us of cereals and intensification of pasture management (see
from having to introduce unknown error variances, which Wilson, Vickery, and Browne, 2001, and references therein).
may not be estimable. In order to simplify and obtain a Thus, in order to demonstrate model performance, we shall
set of estimable parameters, we also restrict u : ~= U’ for here only consider the model $ l ( f d a y s ) , & ( f d a y s ) / X(year)/
all t. Thus, the likelihood for the census data is written p ( y e a r ) .
as Lc(p, $1, ( p a , 0).In this likelihood, the parameters p and We show in Figure 2 the regression of 4 1 and & on fdays
41 only appear as a product. However, 41 also occurs in combined with plots of 41,t and Ba,t resulting from a model
LT, and so we may obtain a full-rank model, in which all with separate 41 and parameters for each year, denoted by
parameters may in principle be estimated, from the joint ( $ 1 ~ )and { & , t } , respectively. These regressions are seen to
likelihood, L j ( 4 1 , 4 a , X , P , U ) = LT(~I,&,X)Lc(~,41,4a,o). provide a fair description of the relationship between annual
The assumption of independence made here is not likely survival and fdays. A model in which 41 and & share a
to be violated. The general specification of a census data common slope parameter produces virtually no change to the
likelihood by a Kalman filter is given in the Appendix. likelihood.
We have fitted to the lapwing data the model & ( f d a y s ) , Shown in Figure l e is the smoothed estimate of N1,t (see
&(fdays)/X(year)/p(year), which indicates that both 41 Appendix). This demonstrates the large decline in N1,t in
and q5a are logistic functions of the single covariate, fdays. recent years, in line with the predicted fall in p in this model.
Alternative link functions might also be used. Additionally, We do not provide a formal test of goodness-of-fit of the
we let X(year), p ( y e a r ) denote, respectively, logistic and model, but in Figure 3, we plot the observed numbers of
logarithmic regressions of X and p on year. The maximum- recoveries against the fitted numbers and also provide a Q-Q
likelihood point estimates from the joint data and also from plot of the prediction errors from the Kalman filter, which
the recovery data only are given in Table 1. are expected to have a normal distribution. In the latter case,
We can see that the joint analysis changes slightly the the single large prediction error is due to the initial census
maximum likelihood estimates, as now the estimates describe value and is to be expected because of the way in which the
both the data sets. There is little difference between the Kalman filter analysis is initiated. Overall, there is no serious
standard errors of the common parameters in the two analyses indication of lack of fit.
due to the dominance of the ring-recovery data. This will For any species, ecologists are interested in estimating rt =
also be seen to be the case for the heron data. If we repeat ( N t + l / N t ) (see Nichols and Hines, 2002), where Nf is the total
the analysis with a subset of the recovery data, we find that population size at time t. Whichever of the two alternative
the joint analysis produces substantially reduced estimates models we select for the data, we obtain the same estimate
of standard error compared with the ring-recovery ones. An of rt. We plot log(Ft) in Figure 4. Estimating the standard
Integrating MarkkRecapture-Recovery and Census Data 543

Table 2
The results from fitting b y maximum likelihood a range of models to the lapwing
data. I n (i), we fit only the ring-recovery data; in (ii),we fit both ring-recovery
and census data. Here t denotes the value of the log likelihood evaluated at the
maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters. The AIC denotes the Akaike
Information Criterion and A AIC indicates the difference between the model AIC
value and the smallest AIC value. In ( i i ) ,we show in bold type the AIC values
corresponding to alternative possible models for the combined data set, with A A I C 5 2.
No. of
Model -e parameters AIC AAIC

7156.33 6 14,325
7155.16 8 14,326

7409.54 8 14,835 52
7398.40 8 14,813 30
7382.37 9 14,783 -

7401.14 9 14,820 37
7381.45 10 14,783 -

7409.29 9 14,837 54
7383.38 9 14,785 2
7381.99 10 14,784 1
7383.36 10 14,787 3
7381.45 11 14,786 3

errors for the cnrves of Figure 4 is not straightforward, but allows us to fit a more complex survival age structure. The
these could be obtained from a bootstrap approach. transition equation is
3.2 Heron Data
For various reasons, such as their relative sizes, the reporting
rates for herons are greater than those for lapwings. This

1, I
mt=k Qoa) (3+(i) 0 P41


where N2.t is the number of female herons of age 2 at time

t-1 t ’

O8 x x x x iNn.

0 .


5 10 15
20 25 30 35

0 /lo
oo 0

ooo O oo O 0

0 0

5 10 15
20 25 30 35
0 -
0 5 10 15 20
/ -2 -1 0 1 2
obs wed quantiles of s ndard normal
&, k3
Figure 2. A graphical demonstration of the logistic re-
gressions of 41 and & in the model, h ( f d a y s ) , & ( f d a y s ) / Figure 3. Graphical checks of goodness-of-fit of the model
X(year)/p(year), for the lapwing data. In (a),we graph $1, $I( f d a y s ) , &( f d a y s ) / X ( y e u r ) / p ( y e u r ) for the lapwing data:
and in (b), we graph @a. Also plotted are the values { h , t ) (a)observed numbers plotted versus expected numbers for the
and {&,t}, respectively, corresponding to having a separate recovery data; (b)a Q-Q plot of the prediction errors from
value for 41 and for each year (see text). the Kalman filter.
544 Biometries, S e p t e m b e r 2002

il .-.1:_-;1
015r 01, 8000,
I I I /






-0 15 -

9 4000


1920 1940 1960
1980 2000

-0 I - 025-

-0.25 -

-0 15 ~

-0.3- 01
0 05
-0 2 -0.35 - 0
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1920 1940 1960 1980 l"950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
year year year year

Figure 4. Plots of log(ft) for (a) lapwings and (b) herons. Figure 5. The result of fitting model $ l ( f d a y s ) ,
& ( f d a y s ) , $ , ( f d a y s ) / X ( y e a r ) / p to the heron data. a.
Observed census data (dotted line); fitted curve (solid line).
t and Na,t is the number of female herons of age >2 at time
t. The same normal approximations are made here as for the
b. 4, (solid line); 4 2 (dash-dotted line); $1 (dotted line). c.
f i ( y e a r ) , with estimated 95% confidence bands. d. Graphs of
lapwing case.
The corresponding measurement equation is then yt = ga,t (solid line); N 2 , t (dash-dotted line); f i i , t (dotted line).
(O,l,l)(Nl,t, N z , t , N,,t)'+qt. Thus, in this model, we assume
that, in the annual census, what are counted are nests the point estimates, leading t o increased significance of the
constructed by birds aged 22. We also give the 2-year-old regressions. Likelihood-ratio test statistics of the hypothesis
and adult age classes equal productivity, p , which is again that y = 6 = 0 are 9.74 and 34.34 for just the recovery data
the number of females produced by a female. The analysis and for the combined data, respectively. Previous modeling
then follows the same lines as above. We fit a similar model of British heron survival (North and Morgan, 1979; Freeman
viz 41 ( f d a y s ) ,4 2 ( f d a w ) ,4, ( f d a y s ) / X ( y e a r ) / p ( y e a r )1 but and North, 1990) had y = 6 = 0. With the greater power
we now find that regression of p on year is not significant. resulting from the larger data sets of this article, we can
When this model is fitted with constant productivity, we get conclude that severe winters affect heron survival at all ages,
p = 0.9551(0.0671), in contrast with the much lower values and the significance of this result is greatly increased when
for the lapwings, shown in Figure 1. As a result, although the combined data are used.
the heron population is particularly susceptible to winters Similar comments can be made regarding goodness-of-fit
with long periods of freezing, it always rebounds quickly
when winters are less severe. The survival estimates, shown in
Figure 5 , are, by contrast, substantially lower for herons than Table 3
for lapwings. Although the fit to the census data is unable Maximum-likelihood parameter estimates from fitting
to match the full extent of the two major population crashes the model $ l ( f d a y s ) , $ 2 ( f d a y s ) , 4 a ( f d a y s ) / X ( y e a r ) / p
of the period, the general agreement is veryAgood.We can t o the heron data (i) using ring-recovery data
see from Figure 5d that, for all t , N a , t > N1,t > &,t. It alone and (ii) using both the ring-recovery data
is interesting to note from Figure 5d how N l , t , N2,t, and and the census data. T h e standard errors are
Na,t vary over time. We note especially how the particula.rly estimated as descmbed in the caption to Table 1.
cold winter of 1962/1963 affects the different fractions of the
population differentially, both in magnitude and in timing. Estimated
Parameter estimates standard errors
Regressions of $1, $2 and #a on fdays, together with {$l,t},
{&,,}, and { J a , t } , are in Besbeas et al. (2001a) and are (9 (ii) (9 (ii)
similar in appearance to those in Figure 2. $1 Intercept -0.2024 -0.1908 0.0480 0.0476
These new analyses reveal significant regressions of both $2 Slope ( p ) -0.0309 -0.0217 0.0054 0.0048
and 4 a on fdays. The parameter estimates and their estimates $2 Intercept 0.3745 0.3842 0.0725 0.0725
of standard error are given in Table 3. We note from Table 3 Slope (y) -0.0155 -0.0166 0.0068 0.0060
that IfiI > 171 > 181, indicative of a greater sensitivity t o fdays $, Intercept 1.1655 1.1871 0.0701 0.0701
in younger birds. However, as with lapwings, the change in Slope (6) -0.0110 -0.0140 0.0052 0.0038
log likelihood with the parallel regression model of p = y = 6 X Intercept -2.0309 -2.0294 0.0254 0.0254
is minimal (0.67). It is noticeable that the combined analysis Slope -0.8302 -0.8337 0.0461 0.0460
reduces the standard errors of p,?, and (cf., Table 1). For P 0.9551 - 0.0671
+ and 8, this combines with an increase in absolute terms in
- 464.7502 - 43.4774
Integrating Mark-RecaptureeRecovery and Census Data 545

and parameter estimators as was done for lapwings (Besbeas adding time trends to the model presented here. This suggests
et al., 2001a). The graph of log(Ft) is given in Figure 4b. The that, after the population crash of 1963, there may have been
contrast between the two populations is striking. an increase in 4 2 , but this possibility requires further study;
we can also give the work a full Bayesian context. There needs
4. Information
to be a study of when the normality approximation might
If one fits the $ ~ , $ ~ / model
p to the census data sets breakdown and the possible bias that may then result. We
alone, then it is possible t o obtain maximum-likelihood are aware also that treatment of nonlinear and nonnormal
estimates of the parameters, 4 a , u, and the product 8 = state-space models is an area of on-goiug research. However,
(p& ). However, this three-parameter model is near-singular
by far the most exciting development is to incorporate nest-
(Catchpole, Kgosi, and Morgan, 2001). At the maximum, the
record data, supplied by the BTO. This produces a third
Hessian matrix has eigenvalues (0.196, 12.398, 5100.159) and
likelihood component, making use of models such as those
(0.688, 30.015, 1709.015) for the lapwing and heron data,
of Pollock and Cornelius (1988) and Aebischer (1999), and
respectively. The presence of the small eigenvalues suggests
provides independent information on some components of the
that the corresponding likelihood surfaces are somewhat flat.
productivity, p . Such an analysis will provide an integrated
The profile likelihood contours for 8 and & indicate a close
population model, which unites three of the major national
relationship between the estimators of I3 and &. As the
surveys carried out at the BTO. All of the possibilities
census data likelihood does not provide strong information
mentioned here are topics of current research. The computer
on 8 and d a , it is therefore not surprising that we cannot
programs used in the work of the article are all written in
discriminate between alternative models for p for the lapv(ring
case. However, it is therefore particularly interesting that MATLAB and are available on request from the first author.
we can estimate p from the joint analysis. Furthermore, if The computational challenge of analyzing together data sets
one considers just the parameters in the survival parts of that singly would be analyzed by different programs and
the models illustrated in this article, then the ratio of the packages is solved by making appropriate multivariate normal
determinants of the generalized variance using only ring- approximations, described in Besbeas et al. (2001b).
recovery data to the same from the joint analysis is 1.37
for lapwings and 5.53 for herons. As there are 4 (6) survival ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
parameters for lapwings (herons), to obtain values on a per- We are grateful t o the BTO for permission to use the data
parameter basis, we may take 114 and 116 roots of these in this article. We acknowledge useful discussions with BTO
values, respectively, to get 1.0826 and 1.3298. For the longer staff, especially Stephen Baillie, Humphrey Crick, Jeremy
heron data set, therefore, there is an appreciable benefit in Greenwood, Chris Wernham, and Gavin Siriwardena, and
analyzing the combined data. The information in the census we thank the volunteer bird ringers and census workers,
data can be expected to depend on u as well as on the length whose dedication made the study reported in this article
of the data and how many fractions of the population are possible. The CBC was supported by a partnership of the
observed. We see from Tables 1 and 3 that & = 159.47 and BTO and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (on
& = 464.75 for lapwings and herons, respectively. These values
behalf of English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage, and the
appear to be the right order of magnitude because, after
Countryside Council for Wales and also on behalf of the
fitting a smoothing spline to the census data, the standard
Environment and Heritage Service in Northern Ireland). The
deviation of the residuals is 132 and 288 for lapwings and
work of P B was supported by the BBSRC/EPSRC grant
herons, respectively.
96/E09745. We thank two referees for their perceptive and
5 . Discussion helpful comments.
We have shown how one can combine in a single analysis
census and ring-recovery data. The work extends naturally to RESUME
encompass recapture and integrated recovery and recapture Dans les Btudes sur les animaux sauvages, on rencontre frB-
data (cf., Catchpole et al., 1998; Lebreton et al., 1995). The quemment des donnkes de marquage-recapture et de recense-
work has been illustrated on data from two major studies ment. Nous montrons comment un modkle B espace d’Btat
and has produced new and sensible results. We tried fitting pour les donnBes de recensement, combink B des rnodkles
a model containing a parameter t o link directly yt to Na,t classiques de type multinomial pour des donn6es de mar-
instead of assuming that E(yt) = Na,t. However, the linking quage-r&up&ation, fournit des estimations de productivitk
parameter was estimated at a boundary of the parameter qui ne pourraient Stre obtenus B partir d’un seul type de
space. It appears that it is not possible within the current donnBes. Cette approche est illustrBe h partir de deux espkces
framework to estimate parameters of this kind. We shall d’oiseaux d’Angleterre. Pour le vanneau, nous mesurons
investigate how t o use the fitted models to predict population comment son recent dBclin peut Btre du ?I une baisse de
productivitb. Pour le heron, il n’y a pas d’argument pour
developments in the future. However, the work presented here
une baisse de productivite, et l’analyse combinke accroi t
will also be extended in a large number of alternative ways. significativement la puissance des rBgressions logistiques de
For instance, we can undertake detailed variable selection la survie sur la rigueur hivernale.
rather than just using fdays; we can let p and X vary with age;
for lapwings, we can use a change-point approach t o detect the REFERENCES
time point at which the decline in productivity began, provide
separate analyses for sites of different habitat, and use raw Aebischer, N. J. (1999). Multi-way comparisons and gener-
site data rather than the results of a generalized linear model alized linear models of nest success: Extensions of the
fitted to the site data; for herons, we have experimented with Mayfield method. Bird Study 46(Suppl.), S22-S31.
546 Biometrics, September 2002

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APPENDIX Harvey, 1989, p. 162-165), although they may have to be

evaluated numerically using, e.g., the method of Kitagawa
Kalman Filter Theory
(1987). See also Durbin and Koopman (2000). However, if the
Suppose we observe the univariate time series, {yt, 1 5 t 2 transition and measurement errors in the model are normally
T } , to which we want to fit a model, with parameter vector distributed, the conditional distribution of yt given Yt-1 is
e. also normally distributed. It is therefore characterized by its
If we let YT = ( y l , y z , . . . ,y ~ )the
, likelihood L ( 8 ;YT)for first two moments, which are given directly by the usual form
the parameter vector 8 may be shown to be of the Kalman filter (Harvey, 1989, p. 105-106). Furthermore,
the likelihood function of ( A . l ) may be recast as follows:
L ( @I Y T ) = P(YT I No, 0)
h L ( @I Y T )

= E! 1
P(Yt I Yt-I,No,@) P(Y1 I No,O),

where No is the initial state vector and p(yt I &-1,No,O)

is the conditional distribution of yt given all the observations
(A.1) = -T.log27r
51 C l o g f t - -1
t= 1
(Yt - Y t , t - l Y

where ytlt(t-l and ft can also be obtained from the Kalman


at time t - 1, i.e., Yt-1. We make the customary vague prior filter. This expression is sometimes known as the prediction
assumptions with regard to No (Harvey, 1989, p. 121). error decomposition form of the likelihood.
In the general case, the conditional distributions in (A.l) The fitted values of Figures 1 and 4 result from smoothing
can be calculated recursively via the Kalman filter (see the Kalman filter estimates (Harvey, 1989, p. 154).

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