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=============================================================================== |Anomy's Mega Man X4 Walkthrough | ============================================================================='' | ,:W, || | ,,,, .#@+ ,,* || | ,,,,,,,,, ,,*#@@. +++++::.

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=============================================================================== |-LEGAL DISCLAIMER ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' This Walkthrough/FAQ is issued for Mega Man X4 by Capcom Inc. I do not endorse or make profit from or of this text file in any mannor. This text file may be reproduced for NON-PROFIT purposes only. No one however may display this in digital form or on paper without my approval. With my approval the proceeding group may display it on their website as they wish without alteration in

extremes. Those who wish to print this document may not display it in business places and may NOT make profit from it in any form or fashion of any way. The following site, WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM, has my full approval to display this on their website. Only this site (WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM) has my approval to display it. Any other group that wishes to display this document MUST conact me at my E-MAIL contact or IM contact. ---------------------------------------|-CONTACTS -----------------------------| --------------------------------------''' AIM INSTANT MESSEGE: An0my MySpace: www.myspace.com/specimen001a POLICY & GUIDELINES: Write to me on MySpace if you're so inclined... Do to not E V E R checking a commercial E-Mail source. They are always deleted from who-ever I use at the time. So write me at one of the two proper address above. These two are stable. - An0my | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=================================== |- Update History ::::::::::::::::: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 3.22.08: Oi.. Must of been drink'n on the last update. More info in - X4_CN 7.15.07: Updated contact Fixed errors. 8.12.05: Version 1.0 Complete. 8.31.05: Version FINAL | ----------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |-TABLE OF CONTENTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' I. INTRODUCTION........................................................X4_WI II. STORY...............................................................X4_WS III. CHARACTERS..........................................................X4_WC IV. TECHNIQUES & CONTROLS...............................................X4_WT V. WALKTHROUGH FOR X...................................................X4_WX //.SKY LAGOON.......................................................X4_SK //.VOLCANO-MAGMA DRAGOON............................................X4_VD //.SNOW BASE-FROST WALRUS...........................................X4_SW //.MARINE BASE-JET STINGRAY.........................................X4_MJ //.SUPPLY TRAIN-SLASH BEAST.........................................X4_SS //.MEMORIAL HALL-COLONEL............................................X4_MC //.AMAZON-WEB SPIDER................................................X4_AS //.BIO LABORATORY-SPLIT MUSHROOM....................................X4_BL //.CYBER SPACE-CYBER PEACOCK........................................X4_CC //.AIR FORCE-STORM OWL..............................................X4_AO //.ITEM & UPGRADE CHECK.............................................X4_IU

//.SPACE PORT-COLONEL...............................................X4_SC //.FINAL WEAPON STG1-????...........................................X4_F1 //.FINAL WEAPON STG2-????...........................................X4_F2 //.X SUMMERY........................................................X4_1S VI. WALKTHROUGH FOR ZERO................................................X4_WZ //.SKY LAGOON.......................................................X4_ZL //.AMAZON-WEB SPIDER................................................X4_ZS //.BIO LABORATORY-SPLIT MUSHROOM....................................X4_ZM //.VOLCANO-MAGMA DRAGOON............................................X4_ZD //.CYBER SPACE-CYBER PEACOCK........................................X4_ZC //.MEMORIAL HALL-COLONEL............................................X4_ZH //.AIR FORCE-STORM OWL..............................................X4_ZA //.SNOW BASE-FROST WALRUS...........................................X4_ZW //.MARINE BASE-JET STINGRAY.........................................X4_ZJ //.MILITARY TRAIN-SLASH BEAST.......................................X4_ZB //.SPACE PORT-COLONEL...............................................X4_ZP //.FINAL WEAPON STG1-????...........................................X4_Z1 //.FINAL WEAPON STG2-????...........................................X4_Z2 //.Zero SUMMERY.....................................................X4_ZQ VIII.MINI GUIDE..........................................................X4_MG IX. PARTS & ITEMS LOCATIONS.............................................X4_PI X. SECRETS.............................................................X4_SX XI. FAQ.................................................................X4_FQ XII. CLOSING NOTE........................................................X4_CN | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |I.INTRODUCTION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_WI /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Welcome to the most awesome thing you've ever blessed you vision balls with. This is the peniscle of my writing forte. I don't happen to be a very talented writer but.. I manufactured this fine peice of literature over two years ago. I think I started it when I was drinking. Alas it was eventually finished. I worked on this off and on for six months when I first started. I did over half of this then my old pc.o.s broke. Yes it was gone.. la - poof. But then a gleaming light glissened upon my depressed and sociopathic dementia riddin self. I had uploaded it on my file server. My genious once again, prevailed. I have though about writing for other games or even smearing a review on some digital white paper written in editpad lite. I picked this game just because of the one reason that I simply had it down to numbers. It's simply and not so rudely complex as a trying to exlpain a 3D game. I wouldn't know where to begin. This is simple a I didn't have to write entire articles explaining what the new part of chip does for your character. Like in X5 or X6. I did like X6 though. It was good fun. But after X4 they just became even more silly with the names. I mean, come, Toaster Man... He is next. Beware the singe of hot butter toast. I think the have completely hammered this franchise in the the mudd though. Crapcom will have to generate some new ideas for the story if they want to drive on with it. But i'm a Resident Evil fan too. I play a good game of RE4. I might write more stuff some day. But I'm far to busy for these excersizes in futility. My record time for beating both scenarios back to back is 4:20... and some change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |II.STORY ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_WS /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |-What Story!? There is more to X's story then it appears. :::::::::::::::: / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------'' In the era 21XX a one Dr.Cain discoveres a mysterious capsule, this capsule was the tank that was containing the hope of the future. This hope was not ment for the destiny which it has been given but chooses to do what it must for the sake of humanity and reploids alike, this hope is X. Created by Dr. Thomas Light a brilliant scientist and mechanic. Dr.Light who most know him by created X over a 30 years ago in 20XX. He feared that X may or may not follow his programming. Reason being Dr.Light also gave him the abi lity to think for himself, in other words will. He thought it was safest to contain him in hope that his abilities would be more useful and he could live a life of peace which Dr.Light intended for him. Alas if he chose to disobey he could be contained easier in the distant future if something happen to go wrong. In 21XX he is discovered by Dr.Cain and released, He becomes a Maverick Hunter and is aqainted with his partner Zero. Who is somewhat similar to X in more ways then it appears. And so begins the Maverick riots which the two must stop for the sake of humanity and existence itself. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

============================================================================== |III.CHARACTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_WC /| =============================================================================== |-The Partners :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------'' ===--------------|- MEGA MAN X /// ''''''''''''''''' Most know him by the name X although his full ID is MEGA MAN X. Created by Dr.Light in 20XX he is now a Maverick Hunter in 21XX. His goal is to rid earth of the Maverick threat and bring peace to the world. He hates the fact that he must fight but also knows that he has to. Although he hates fighting and destruction he does not hold back under any circumstances if put in to a situation which would cost his own life. He will not hesitate to end your life, But he may try to talk you out of your foolish decision. IE. "PLEASE! THERE IS NO SENSE IN FIGHTING!" ===--------|- ZERO /// '''''''''' Zero is quite a mysterious figure, With no real past and an unclear future. He is the leader of the Maverick Hunters and X's closest friend. Zero is almost a direct opposite of X as far as personalities. He doesn't tell you what you are doing is wrong, he isn't the second chance type and does enjoy dueling for any means. While he used his plasma cannon in previous appearances he has decided to yield his saber with pride. His skill with his saber is more than impressive as he punishes those who oppose him. IE. "You will die.. Do you understand?" |


=============================================================================== |IV.TECHNIQUES & CONTROLS ///////////////////////////////////////////// X4_WT /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |-Techniques to use and basic controls :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------'' |CONTROLS / --------'' D-PAD: Moves selected character in direction pressed. START: Enter status screen which displays characters special techniques & items that have been found. SQUARE: Normal attack, For X press and hold for several seconds for his charged blast. For Zero tap the button several times for his combo. X: TRI.: Press this to jump. This button is used to perform special attacks.

CIRCLE: Press this to dash across the ground and later dash in mid-air. L1/R1: Scroll back and forth between X's special techniques. R2: Perform GIGA Attack with either character when received.

L2: No use. SELECT: No use. | ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |TECHNIQUES / ----------'' This isn't really a technique but some friendly advice, ALWAYS KEEP THE | X-BUSTER CHARGED! I am not going to type "Keep the X-Buster charged." Every | other sentence through this guide just remember this if anything... | ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dash Jumping: The dash jump is the basics of the basics. Dashing which there are two methods of doing, either press circle or press the left or right direction on the D-PAD twice quickly. Onward, To dash jump, dash+jump in any horizontal direction. Wall Dash: Similar to the dash jump but ascending a wall or going back and forth between two walls. Dash+jump+Direction. for instance if you want to go up a wall faster than just jumping up it you would want to dash jump and press the direction you want to go. If you wish to stay on the same wall press against it with a diagnol up position. Like left+up. Same goes for going towards the opposing wall.

Hang Time: This technique I came across through my many years of playing this series. If an enemy is at the top of a ledge or close to it you can fire on him with X, Sorry Zero users he has his own field of techniques. X2___E___ (|////// (|//////

X1|////// X1 represents X's starting position and X2 represents him in air at that time you should begin firing on the enemy (E). The ( represents the jump(s). Do not go onto the edge just shoot while you are "floating" for the few seconds. Simple. You can also charge his cannon before hand for a more devastating blow. Turtle: Hide in a nearby pit or hang on a ledge. After the enemy has done its attack cycle. Begin the assualt or begin the hang time technique. This applies for Zero also, If enemy is reachable. If an enemy is partially showing on the edge of the screen. Charge X's cannon to destroy it before it can initiate an attack or notices your presence.


Fury Slash: Zero has an attack, or perhaps a glitch..? I entitle this move Fury Slash. Others know of it but call it by another name. I pref er this name for it. To perform this attack press in the prefered direction multiple times quickly, half way dashing, and press the attack button multiple times quickly at the same time. Zero will slash faster than the eye can see and obliviate any opposer. This is why he is such a bad-ass with a blade. He could kill you with a plastic butter knife with ease. Zero Info: Zero has many hidden abilities that you can discover your self. they are far to hard to explain so just experiment with him. Make him fluent to you. This includes many special weapon combos. I'd rather not tell you them because it would plain take the fun out of him. Just experiment, you will enjoy it. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |V.WALKTHROUGH FOR X ////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_WX /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Alrighty! ENOUGH OF THE FORMAL CHITTY CHAT AND ON WITH THE ACTION!!! >:) / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |As the above statement shows I'm going to be less formal now. The way I type| |and my choice of select words may be different. This is all about ripping | |this game a new ASS! / --------------------------------------------------------------------------'' ............................................................................... |- SKY LAGOON ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_SK /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- This intro stage is very very linear, but also good practice. -/ ----------------------------------------------------------------'' Alright, We're in, HURAH! As you teleport in proceed down the path. Destroy the units your way. You will come to a road block and the Mecha Dragon appears. If you wish to fight it you may, I'll give further strategy on that at Option A. If you choose to flee which is Option B is reasonable. Run until you come to a full wall on the road. The dragon will persist in destroying you. Dodge its attacks and continue blasting the wall. It will eventually fall and you will be able to proceed to the next area. In the next area go down the ramp destroying any enemies in your path. The tanks that have the spike wall trowel look intimadating but are easily dealt with. At the bottom of the path proceed through the vault doors. Here you meet Magma

Dragoon, an ally to the Maverick Hunters. He informs you of the situation and X teleports to AREA 2. ===------------|- OPTION A /// '''''''''''''' My option, Nice to see you don't run from fights too. When you encounter the Dragon proceed until you come to the complete wall blocking the road and stop. Do not destroy the wall yet, focus on the dragon. Watch its pattern, It will try to smash you and get its claws lodged into the road. This is your time to initiate an attack. Keep your plasma cannon charged and wait for the opportunities to attack. After a few turns it will lower under the bridge. It may attack from there and sometimes it will appear in the lower left corner, when this happens climb the wall to avoid its blasts. If possible shoot it before you climb the wall. Just keep the pattern going in this fashion and he will retreat. It can be done in 4 to 5 charged blasts. Continue down the path until you reach the vault doors. ===----------|- Area 2 /// '''''''''''' As you warp into this area notice the difference in terrain. You are in the lower city. Which terribly has been demolished because the generator was destroyed on the Sky Lagoon and it fell to this area and turned it into a parking lot. Ok, run down the path. There are two types of enemies here. One is the Mech Hornets which are easily disposed of. The other are the wall turrets which brake out of the walls and shoot at you the closer you get. Just shoot whatever gets in your face and proceed. Also be careful of your footing, some of the ground areas collapse as you step on them or before you get right on them. Some of the blocks overhead drop, keep an eye out. Once you get into a room that seems blocked off you can destroy the middle of the formation. Three or so units are in this section also, destroy the bottom one then the one on the upper left, the top right one is up to you, blast the wall and keep going forward. You will come to a section where the ground collapses as you are walking on it. At the bottom of this pit is a full-life recharge capsule and spare life, collect both and dash jump back to the surface and proceed. Here you will encounter the Mecha Dragon once more. ===-----------------......... |- Mecha Dragon /// X-Buster ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This freak just can't take a hint. The above strategy is void do to the fact that he changed his pattern, yay. But it is still easily destroyed. Just keep the cannon fully charged or even half charges work. Keep blasting on its torso area. When it flies towards you quickly dash under its legs to avoid getting cornered or smashed. If you are cornered it gives you the pimp hand. It will also shoot a row of blue plasma orbs towards you. Right before the first one hits you and can dash jump over the entire row, easily done. Just continue this pattern and it will be done. Sad entry fight. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

............................................................................... After the fight you meet Colonel, The stephord kid from the army, I hate him.

After their convorsation X teleports to HQ and learns that a total of 8 reploids have turned Maverick (Who would of guessed) and that Repliforce has also. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- VOLCANO.MAGMA DRAGOON ////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_VD /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - Upgrade Capsule -/ ------------------------------'' Proceed down the path until you come to the descending ramp. As you go down hill you will have to jump up to the upper ledges to avoid the flaming rocks rolling down the hill. There is also spike wheels rolling up the hill. Just hang onto the ledges until there is a pause between the former and upcoming batch of falling boulders and drop down and dash down the hill. Now you have to dash jump across the pits and dodge the falling rocks. You will encounter a few easily destroyed enemies, metools, bats and one rocket unit. To destroy the rocket unit wait until its firing sequence is over and open fire on it. You have to jump over its missile and dodge its tracking rockets. Dodge the falling rocks and continue to the end of the path, blast on the door and proceed. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' This part is a little more difficult, of course. You must dash jump with haste across the pit going from platform to platform. Be fast because these platforms will be destroyed after being hit twice with the flamming rocks. Now you come to another ramp, ascending, yay! Like the former ramp you have to hang from the above ledges to avoid taking damage; meet you topside. You will eventually encounter a repliforce ride armor unit. He will attack you if you get to close to him. Stay by the edge and fire on him, he is easily ruined. Watch out for the falling comets. Topside dash jump to the left side of the screen and grab the upper ledge and climb up to obtain your first HEART TANK. Once down seven to go. Proceed down the path. Further down the path after the two rocket units you will find a ledge in the upper corner, there is a wall which you cannot destroy. We will come back to this later. For right now hop into the ride armor, the ride armor is tolerant of high temperatures so it can go into the lava. Proceed down the path and destroy all enemy units and the Repliforce ride armor units. Stay on the bottom path all the way to the end, you will come to a path where the floor area is lava and the roof area has blocks. These blocks can be destroyed with the ride armors weapons. Destroy them and continue to fight MAGMA DRAGOON with the ride armor, making this fight considerably easier. He is quite alot more difficult without the ride armor. ===------------------............. |- MAGMA DRAGOON /// TWIN CYCLONE ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Use the Ride armors charged attack. Attack him as his attacks if possible. You can stay in the pits fighting area to avoid most of his attacks. If he pit you are in dash to the other side. If the ride destroyed before hand read option B.

hard as you can but avoid to the right or left of the throws the red orb in the armor is destroyed or it was

===------------|- OPTION B /// '''''''''''''' Jump over his fireballs and dash under him when he does his dive kick towards the ground. When he hunches over and opens his mouth dash jump to the closest wall and wait until his attack is over and continue firing on him until he resumes that position. Occasionaly he will raise his hand and a red orb will fly into one of the nearby pits to the right or left. Avoid that area because a pillar of lava shoots out of the pit for a few seconds. He then will resume his former cycle while this is happening. His desperation attack is quite difficult to avoid taking damage. He is covered by a red dome that is penetrable with plasma shots. Avoid the raining fire and continue firing on him and avoiding his attacks. You obtain RISING FIRE from Magma Dragoon | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

............................................................................... |- SNOW BASE.FROST WALRUS ///////////////////////////////////////////// X4_SW /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - EX Tank - W.Tank & E.Tank and Extra Life refill zone!!! -/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------'' Start by dash jumping up the wall to your left and then dash jumping to the wall to your right and going up the ledge and through the right path. This area is a good place to re-fill E-Tanks and your W-Tank later in the game. For now go back down to the area you teleported too. Continue down this path destroying the enemy units. The large gorrila like units deal moderate damage so avoid being hit by them. The little punks are quite irritating and require a large blast to be destroyed. Proceed down the path and watch the roof, you will eventually see a block of ice visibly sticking from the roof, position yourself under it and use Rising Fire to destroy it, You will get HEART TANK #2. Continue now going down into a pit and destroy the enemy units and climb up the wall. If you had an eye out you would of spotted the SPARE LIFE on a ledge on the upper left wall. Snatch it and proceed. Go towards the right until you come to a wall, use the appearing ladders to ascend up the pit and then get to the top ledge. Be careful as the forming ladders and platform will kill you if you happen to get in a spot where they appear, interesting. Here you will have to continue right destroying enemy units going down the path. You'll eventually come to an area that looks like a slide. You may see the spike pits under the slides, now, these slopes desenigrate so dash jump over the skiers and continue dashing. Dash jump over the enemy units and continue down the path. You will come to a wall, dash jump up this wall. You will see an item, it's the EX-TANK, it gives you a 2x spare life boost for the rest of the game, so instead of having 2 spare lifes you will have 4. This can't be obtained right now so slide down and proceed down the lower path. Once you get to the end of the second slope dash jump to the left wall and climb up, destroy the enemy units and grab the full life charge and return to the bottom of the pit. Go down the right path and destroy whoever gets in your way. You will eventually come to a ledge, this is rather easy. Jump down and dash from ascending ice block to ice block, it's not difficult, be fast though. Once you reach the end dash jump to the edge on the right and proceed through the vault doors.

===-------------......... |- MID BOSS /// X-BUSTER ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''' Just blast the hell out of the eye and dodge its attacks and the falling ice. ...Pathetic. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Ah, I love the soundtrack in this issue. Proceed through the lower path blasting the ice blocks. You will see two things inside these blocks, one is a bomb, which you can shoot and it will explode and make a blast go vertically in both directions destroying whatever it may. The other things are metools. Continue through the lower path blasting the ice blocks and enemies. Stay on the lower path until you can't go any further in that direction. Check and make sure there isn't another block of ice leading to another lower path. Once you get as far as you can you will come to a path going up. Ascend the wall and dash to the left side. You will see another area of blocks. This area was the upper path, the lower path is faster and makes it easier on all of us. Anyway, you should see an item frozen in one of the nearest blocks on your side of the screen, blast the block and grab the item, it is the W-TANK. The W-Tank is a energy storage device like the E-Tank. Go back towards the right path jump across the gap we crawled out of and continue. On this path you will encounter numerous enemy units. Every few screens you will encounter swans that will render the area frozen, not you nor enemies, just the surroundin area. Blast them before this happens to make it easier on yourself. Continue through this path and you will eventually come to a Vault Door leading to fat ass I mean Frost Walrus.

===-----------------............ |- FROST WALRUS /// RISING FIRE ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This guy, this guy.. Is really really pathetic m'kay. He's very slow and weak. Although you have to get quite close to him to use Rising Fire it's not that difficult. Use a combination of your cannon and rising fire to quickly slice some bacon of his back. When he starts sliding pop a few normal shots or a mid charge in him and dash up a wall then dash jump over him and repeat. Get in close and light him up, rinse and repeat. You receive FROST TOWER from fat ass I mean Frost Walrus... I mean fat ass. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

............................................................................... |- MARINE BASE.JET STINGRAY /////////////////////////////////////////// X4_MJ /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - E.Tank -/ ---------------------'' Yay ride chaser... It's actually quite hard. I can't really tell you where to go, Just shoot the enemy units that get in your way. Occasionally you'll see a row of bombs on the floor jump or jump air dash over them. AFTER the second pit you will want to just ride of the ledge of the third pit to go to the

block of ground and get a HEART TANK and then quickly jump back up to the former level. Continue down the path shooting enemy units and jumping holes. You will see walls blocking the path, you must shoot these to avoid crashing. This level is very fast moving so keep a sharp eye.

===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' You'll have the privledge of meeting Jet Stingray before actually having to fight him, he's quite bothersome. You can dash him and he will go away. On the third ramp, its the one that drops back off into the water you'll actually want to jump to a seperate platform infront of it and then air dash to the next platform. You'll crash through some crates and obtain the first E-TANK! Once you hit the water again jump and air dash to avoid death. This item is very helpful, you will get one more later. Once off the Ride Chaser continue on right, get the full-life charge and keep going.

===-----------------............ |- JET STINGRAY /// FROST TOWER ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This is one tough ass fish... When he stops above the water on either side of the screen you will want to jump up and use FROST TOWER to deliver the maximum amount of damage. His attack cycle is quite vivacious also. The little stingray he lets out are quite hard to hit with X. So jump up and use Frost Tower fast as possible to cancel his attack. After he does that once or twice he will either do his desperation attack or his whirlpool att, the cyclone dash, which is what I call it, not "them", is impossible to cancel. Just dodge him and wait until the cycle is over. The whirlpool attack can be by using Frost Tower, jump behind him and use it. I prefer baked trout..m'yes... You receive GROUND HUNTER from Jet Stingray. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- SUPPLY TRAIN.SLASH BEAST /////////////////////////////////////////// X4_SS /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank -/ -------------'' My favorite boss be here. This is a pretty fun level I think. Lots of enemy units here. Just proceed down each segment of the train. You can jump on the links unless the grenader unit destroys them. If this happens dash jump to the next platform. The turrets arn't as bad as they look, just avoid the giant beam they shoot and you'll be just fine. Watch the skies, the bats will drop explosives on you, they can be taken out via a few shots from trusty cannon. Continue blasting your way through and you will eventually encounter the fun mid boss.

===-------------......... |- MID BOSS /// X-BUSTER ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''' This one is actually quite difficult because you are also cornered, for now. You will want to jump over the middle lance, while shooting the top lance. The rail will not harm you just the head of the lance, the spike. You want to concentrate on the middle one then the top one then the bottom one, after you destroy the upper two you can feel free to hope right on down to that platform and blast the bottom lance. After thats taken care of destroy the pesky turret operator. You will then warp to AREA 2. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Proceed up the conga line destroying the metools and other enemies. You will encounter the Repliforce Ride Armor units here. These guy are a little harder since you don't happen to have a ride armor laying around at the moment. Sometimes they may just stand there, open fire on them and proceed. If they do attack it's almost a defenit you will get hit with the first attack. Just blast away at them and do the best you can to avoid taking to much damage, nobodies perfect y'know. Continue down the way and you will finally get yourself a ride armor. With this you can destroy the metal crates and the segments of the train. Continue on the path destroying the segments of the train. Keep an eye out for the HEART TANK. It will be on top of one of the segments of the train don't worry if you accidently destroy the segment it's on because it will fall to the floor and you still have an opportunity to get it. Once you get to the end of the train it slows down and comes to a stop. Watch your back because three enemy units come trucking behind you as soon as the train stops, turn to your six (9) and blast them, hop off and proceed. You'll be jumping over some holes, blasting some foes, the usual. Continue down the path shooting the enemy units and the bomb bats and you will reach another train. Grab the full life charge and get on. Destroy the enemy gunners and the bomb bats on the path and turrets on the path and you will reach the one and only Slash Beast. ===----------------.............. |- SLASH BEAST /// GROUND HUNTER ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' With Ground Hunter, the beast bites off more then he can chew. Just dash jump over him and fire a Ground Hunter at him, he will bust his ass on the floor. He quickly gets up and continues his attack. Just repeat this sequence; don't give him time to breath. As soon as he dashes into the next wall dash jump over him fire one, climb the wall, dash jump over him, fire, easy. I on the other hand use another strategy. Because I have more respect for such a badass opponent. [ ALT. STRATEGY ] With this strategy you will use the X-Buster. Dash jump over him when he dashes across the floor and fire a full charged blast on him, remember, always go in with a max charge into every area, and in boss fights. When he raises into the air he is going to fire three blades on the side of the screen you are on. One goes straight horizontaly and the other two go diagnoly. So stay on the floor in the corner and dash jump over the bottom one between the two and

fire on him quickly. His desperation attack is seriously dangerous. Avoid getting hit by this like avoiding a shot in the pills. He will dash back and forth extremely fast and phsyqo like. So it's easier to stay on the ground because if he hits the wall you just fall to the floor and get hurt very very bad m'kay. Just keep your cannon charged and fire on him when it's opportune. This is why I choose to do it this way, this fight is quite exciting. You receive TWIN SLASHER from Slash Beast. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

================================================================================ |- MEMORIAL HALL.COLONEL ////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_MC /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------|- Four stage intermission, Item & Upgrade Check point. ----------------------/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------'' This isn't going to be easy, but then again this is the way I play the game remember? This fight is all about timing. His attack cycle is as follows. If he disappears you will have to time a jump to avoid being hit. He will be open for a few seconds when you hit the ground again, so you can quickly fire a blast. Remember to keep your X-Buster charged! Then he will retire to either side of the screen and fire three beams. You can jump over each of them, even the high one. High, low, high, thats how he shoots them. When you jump over the first one and hit the ground again, shoot. Jump over the second one, hit the ground, shoot, repeat repeat. Give yourself a good pat on the back once it's over. :) From this point on we are going to be collecting the Upgrades and the rest of the items. But before you go any further go back to the Snow Base and fill your E-Tank. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

.............................................................................. |- AMAZON.WEB SPIDER ///////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_AS /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - Upgrade Capsule -/

------------------------------'' Jump down off the waterfall into the creek, proceed down this path killing the winged fish and the fish-men. Continue down the path until you come to a pit. Jump down the pit and into another. Go to the right wall and you can pass through the water into a cave. This cave contains the Leg Upgrade, with it you can hover for a few seconds, hey, X likes them. Exit the cave and go down the chasm to the left and continue right. Along this path you will encounter the same groups of enemy units you previously dealt with. Just blast them and continue through. You will come to a ledge and see a water-fall. The object of this challenge is to jump from log to log without falling to your death, simple ^_^. And what do we have next, oh you have to do it again! YAY! After that you have to ascend up to the upper level of the area. You will encounter more of the same enemies so destroy them as you encounter them. Once your topside proceed to the right. Here two of the fish guys perform a pincer attack! UH OH! Just deliver them and blow down the door big bad wolf. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' This area holds a few new enemies to obliterate. The electric spider-webs can be dealt with by shooting the two spiders on it. Watch out for falling serpents along the way. You'll come to a ledge jump on the wall infront of you and slide down and continue along the path. Keep going left and you will come to another ledge, jump down and proceed right. Here you will see the hornet hives. These are easily taken out with a charged blast and most of the hornets are also destroyed. Continue along the path and descend down the chasm destroying any enemies you come across. Once you get to the bottom there is platform jumping to be done. The wood part in the pillars holding the platforms can be burnt with the RISING FIRE sub-weapon. The second one you see contains a HEART TANK. Proceed through jumping from platform to platform until you reach the vault doors to face Web-Spider. ===---------------............. |- WEB SPIDER /// TWIN SLASHER ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This guy is quite easy. Dodge the webs he throws by climbing a nearby wall and dash jumping over them. Watch for the spot which he will descend from via the falling leaves. The mini spiders he dispatches are easily taken out by the Ground Hunter sub-weapon if you run out of Twin Slasher. His desperation move is more or less the same he just stays in the middle of the room, wait for him to resume his cycle and continue firing on him. You Receive Lightning Web from Web Spider. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

............................................................................... | A little backtracking. Go back to the Snow Base to obtain the EX-Tank now | | that we have Lightning Web we can get to it. Fill your E-Tank if it happens| | to be empty. Continue through the level as you would until you reach the | | ski slope area, at the end of the first slopes dash jump and climb up the | | wall. You should remember this item from last visit, I did point it out. | | Use lighting web to create a wall so you can dash jump onto the ledge and |

| get the item. This Item will give you a 2x bonus on spare lives, giving you| | a total of 4 instead of 2. Handy item. REFILL ALL ENERGY TANKS. | '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- BIO LABORATORY.SPLIT MUSHROOM ///////////////////////////////////// X4_BL /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank -/ -------------'' Ahhh, I love the soundtrack in this game. Once you warp in start going up the spiral staircase delivering any enemy units you come across. The shielded enemies are quite a hassle, I recommend just going past them. Continue up the path until you reach the teleporter, hop in to warp to another area, not AREA 2 though. Proceed down this path until you reach an area. You must climb up this path. The enemies on the wall respawn but are also easily destroyed. It's easiest to be quick through here since you may get swarmed with the beetle like enemies and then on top of those the respawning wall lasers. Further up the path you will have to time yourself wisely or be crushed between the two shooting spikes. There are a few rows of these, along with some enemy units. Be hasteful but careful. Meet you at the top ;P. Once at the top prepare for a Mid-Boss. Oh.. Run to your left to the next area... ===-------------............ |- MID BOSS /// FROST TOWER ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This is the leader of the other beetle like units I guess.. This one can be tricky if you don't know what you are doing. It will jet right and left from your position several times then stop and prepare an attack. It's attack is easily avoided, but it also destroys the part of the platform you are/where standing on. I would say start at the right most part of the platform and work to the left. It will be destroyed before you get to the side anyhow. Before it shoots up towards you deploy Frost Tower so that it will jet up into it. This sub-weapon seems to cause most damage. If you happen to die you warp back right at this fight so no worries. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Another spiral staircase, This enemy group a bit different. Time where the spike wheels will land and continue up the staircase dashing. That be the quickest way. Once you reach the top a teleporter is in place for your transpo' to the next area. In the next area you will see a HEART TANK. The spike jets will drill each side of the portion of the hallway you are on causing it to fall. Quickly move to a solid part to avoid death. Afterwards air dash back across the pit then back once more to your origional location. that as you should of seen made the jet spikes descend into the pit trying to end your existence. Now use LIGHTNING WEB to create a wall so you can jump to get the HEART TANK. Sorry if that was to wordy. Now continue down the path. In the next area you will be put on an elevator. This part of the level can be difficult, just be careful. The first section is simple, the wall mounted enemies will shoot out of the walls on bars laced with spikes. Destroy them and the elevator will destroy the mounts they are on. Further up aerial units will come in, just avoid their fire. THEN you will have to dodge chunks of destroyed platforms, timing is the key. When the elevator stops prepare for

a fight with SPLIT MUSHROOM ===---------------.................. |- SPLIT MUSHROOM /// LIGHTNING WEB ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Split Mushroom is extremely easy with Lightning Web in hand. When he jumps to either wall he will deploy several copies of himself. Shoot him with Lightning web before he can deploy to many, Lightning Web stuns him. Afterwards he will jump to the alternate wall. Just repeat the last step and he will be easily delivered. On the other hand he can make a solid copy of himself. You will have to figure out which is the real copy and shoot him with lightning web. His desperation move is quite irritating but if you are quick enough he will not have time to do it. The spores do not cause damage. Just use the above strategy and he will be easily overcome. You recieve SOUL BODY from Split Mushroom | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- CYBER SPACE.CYBER PEACOCK ///////////////////////////////////////// X4_CC /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - E.Tank - Upgrade Capsule -/ -----------------------------------------'' Before you jump into this area it is a must to fill all energy tanks, weapon tank is a must. This level is all about timing. Be as fast as possible going through AREA 1. Once you step on the platform infront of X a timer will start. It's best that you avoid all enemy units and just dash and jump as fast as possible. The YELLOW ORBS can be destroyed with SOUL BODY. They are destroyed instantly so DO NOT STOP to wait for it to disappear from the screen. BE QUICK!!! YOU MUST GET S RANKING ON THESE THREE AREAS IN AREA 1 TO GET THE ITEMS AND THE UPGRADE MODULE. ! 1st. Test: HEART TANK ! 2nd. Test: E.TANK ! 3rd. Test: UPGRADE CAPSULE ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' This area is simple, no need to rush. In this area just go down the paths stepping on the orange buttons on the floor, it's clockwork really. You will come to a section where the purple orbs must fall to the floor from the ceiling to destroy a portion of the floor so you can continue. If it is already as it should be continue, if not backtrack to a previous button and step on it and go back to your previous location and proceed. At the end continue through the warp gate to face Cyber Peacock.

===---------------............. |- CYBER PEACOCK /// SOUL BODY ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' You want to use SOUL BODY on this boss. The easiest way to do this is to cling to a nearby wall and wait for him to appear, deploy soul body and dash/jump in his direction and hit him/it with it. With the new module you should have it easy. It's best to stay on the walls until he appears. If you happen to be on the floor he will appear at or close to your location and you will more than likely receive damage. This fight is somewhat like Colonels. You receive AIMING LASER from Cyber Peacock. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- AIR FORCE.STORM OWL /////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_AO /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - Upgrade Capsule -/ -------------------------------'' Proceed down the right path, you will encounter enemy air ships which you can destroy. Also, you can jump on the silver portion of the ships and jump over the rest of the ship, watch out for their fire. Continue forward and hop into the RIDE ARMOR. This model has the ability to fly and has a charged blast available for your use. Mounted turrets and Rocket units await you. They are no challenge though. Further down this path you will reach a ramp. At the bottom is a HEART TANK, you must quickly dash jump to its location. Which is a stack of obsolete air ships being destroyed. And quickly dash off the stack you are on. The large air ship or machine above head will destroy it and yourself if you are not fast enough. Continue down the path destroying the enemy units. Your ride armor may get destroyed, no matter. Continue down the path. You will reach another few stacks of obsolete ships. Either wait for them to be destroyed or dash jump across. You will come too a dead end and teleport to AREA 2. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Strut down this path, once in the room quickly dash jump to the right wall. Below is an enemy that shoots a very large and powerful beam. After its attack is over drop down and deliver a blast and quickly jump back up on the wall, Repeat. Once it's destroyed continue through to a room full of them! Y E A H! Quickly destroy the units forward from you. Don't worry about the units above for they are harmless, take cover if needed. At the end of the room destroy the two units and wait for the platform to come to you. Hop on and ride it over the spikes. At the end jump and air dash over the spike wall. Above you can see a tunnel with spikes on both sides. In that area you can recieve one of two X-Buster modules.

To get up there use LIGHTNING WEB to creat a wall over the spikes, dash jump to the web and jump up to the nearby ledge. It may take a few tries, no worries, you can continue at the start of the area if you happen to fail. Once in the above room you have two options, One capsule will give you 4 smaller blasts, Option A. Option B which is most of you which have played this would choose. Option B gives you what I prefer to call the ULTIMATE BLAST, THE RECKONING ect.. If you want option B you must go to the back of this room and get it. Once you get it Jump over the first capsule because if you step into it' changes it back to Option A, so avoid that. If you do want the four mini blasts do so, it makes the game alot harder. Once you make your choice drop down and air dash into the pit with the vault doors, go through to face a MID-BOSS. ===-------------............ |- MID BOSS /// X-BUSTER ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' The object is to shoot the "eye" of this generator. The room is filled with the previous type of enemy units. The second X-Buster module makes this fight extremely easy. The charged blast leaves behind spare plasma charges on the eye so it will damage it when it opens and you can still defend yourself against the enemy units. With the other X-Buster module you should do fairly. Once its destroyed proceed to the next room and up the ladders to face STORM OWL. ===--------------............. |- STORM OWL /// AIMING LASER ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This Maverick can be quite tough. hit him with it to deliver the max to him or he will swoop down, grab the corsair to direct the beam, it against him so direct it, fire it, weapons to max potential.

Use aiming laser to lock onto him and then amount of damage. Avoid getting close you, and smash you onto the ground. Use locks on. Aiming laser is quite powerful repeat. You can now charge all your

You recieve DOUBLE CYCLONE from Storm Owl. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |- ITEM & UPGRADE ROUND-UP POINT!!! ////////////////////////////////// X4_IU /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- List of possibly overlooked goods. -/ -------------------------------------'' We need to go back to the Volcano now, Go through the level to where the ride armor is, use it to get to the above ledge that I mentioned in that portion of the walkthrough. Use a charged TWIN SLASHER to destroy the wall. Proceed through to the upgrade capsule to get the BODY MODULE and the NOVA STRIKE. Now I'm going to list all the Items and Upgrades that you may have missed. - 8x Heart Tanks Through The 8 Stages. - Leg Module- Amazon: - Arm Module- Air Force: - Body Module- Volcano: Area 1 Area 2. Area 2.

Head Module- Cyber Space: E.Tank- Marine Base: E.Tank- Cyber Space: W.Tank- Snow Base: EX.Tank- Snow Base:

Area Area Area Area Area

1. 2 1. 2. 1

If you think you missed a heart tank, your life bar should be even with your weapons energy and touching the weapon icon tab. With all of this X is 100% complete. From here you will finish the game. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- SPACE PORT.COLONEL //////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_SC /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Round Two with Colonel. -/ --------------------------'' When you teleport in go right, force your way though the grenade and shooter units. Dash and jump over the pits and from platform to platform. Once you get into the bunker areas continue through. Spike wheels are numerous so just watch yourself. Continue through and you will eventually have to start climbing up. At the top of the area check the top left corner for energy. Go through the Vault doors to face Colonel. ===------------............ |- COLONEL /// FROST TOWER ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This round is somewhat similar to your last encounter. His attack pattern now includes a move which he will resolve in the center of the room and thrust his saber upwards. Stay in between the green tiles and jump over the initial sparks, you will not be harmed by the lightning bolts. Hover over Colonel and drop FROST TOWERS on him to deliver max damage. You will want to hover alot in this fight. When he disappears he may reappear below you, drop a Frost Tower on him and he will be done. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- FINAL WEAPON STG1.???? //////////////////////////////////////////// X4_F1 /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Going in shooting, Don't Know about you guys.. -/ ---------------------------------------------------'' This Area is straight forward. Go right blasting the enemy units and you will reach a wall, at the top are the boss doors, go through to fight DOUBLE. ===-----------.......................... |- DOUBLE /// X-BUSTER / DOUBLE CYCLONE ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This guy can be frigin' hard. You want to avoid contact with his attacks. Dash over and under his physical attacks. DESTROY - DEVA SLASH - DEVA SLIDE, seems to be his pattern. This fight is another which you can use timing to avoid all of his attacks. DOUBLE CYCLONE make the fight much harder, but faster. When you hit him with double cyclone he deploys aerial units that fire laser at you, making it that much more difficult. You would want to use max plasma charges to fight him. This way is alot longer, but you will live. And you want to live do you not? I had to use an E-Tank :(. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Go striaght, drop down, avoid the enemy unit, drop down once more, Destroy this unit, drop down again and continue up the ladder. Now you have two paths, the pit is the prefered path, which I am going to take. The other is actually ment for your partner. Drop down and continue forward. Dash jump from platform to platform, destroy any enemy units that get in your path. Once you see the missile unit destroy it and drop down. Jump to the left wall and slide down just a little bit. A bottomless pit, Capcom tries to keep it interesting no? Hover or air dash across and continue. On the next platforms you will get a Ride Armor, take it or leave it and continue. Release any units in your way and proceed up to the doors in the upper right corner and prepare for the boss fight in this Area.

===------------........................ |- GENERAL /// X-BUSTER / TWIN SLASHER ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Keep your Plasma Cannon charged... Climb the left wall, once at the top fire your max charged blasts at his head, You will have confirmation if his health descends. Once he rises into the air he will release his hands. These fly around the room, avoid them. They will also release blue plasma cells that damage you. If his hands get to close to you slide down, once the coast is clear ascend up the wall once more to deliver another blow. With Twin Slasher You would want to do the same more or less but you will have to jump on his hands to gain leverage on him to deliver the blows. Remember, shoot his head. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- FINAL WEAPON STG2.???? //////////////////////////////////////////// X4_F2 /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Still gunnin and runnin!!! -/ ------------------------------'' This level more straight forward than the last, you will have to fight all 8 of the Mavericks again, no hard task. Use the above strats if you have any problems. Web Spider Cyber Peacock INACTIVE Jet Stingray Split Musroom Frost Walrus Slash Beast Magma Dragoon Storm Owl

There is also a life energy and weapon energy capsule in the room. After you defeat the 8 Mavericks once more the golden teleporter activates. Get on it to teleport to the next area and meet the final boss.

===-----------------............ |- REAPER SIGMA /// RISING FIRE ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This part of the fight, yes there's another round(s), is easy. He will move back and forth across the room. Climb the wall and dash jump over his dashing scythe attack. afterwards when he appears above you use RISING FIRE. No other weapon works in this fight. This fight is very simple. ===----------.............. |- SIGMA /// LIGHTNING WEB ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Use LIGHTNING WEB to inflict the most damage. You can also use it to evade most of his attacks by using it to dash to the proceeding wall. Just pumble him with it, it's a rather quick fight. When he throws his Scythe into a wall he will retire to the opposite. Use lightning web to dash jump above him and onto the wall. Until his attacks over stay high.

===-----------------........................ |- DUO SIGMA(S) /// SOUL BODY.GROUND HUNTER ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' You will face two forms this time, in the same fight, along with some heads that use three elements in their attacks. For the Form of Sigma thats mounted on the wall you will want to use SOUL BODY. When this form of him appears dash to the left most wall and hitch a ride on the heads towards him, don't worry. If you can manage to get on top of the head it can't hurt you. Once the heads stop you will want to climb up them and then dash jump and deploy SOUL BODY and hit him with it in the head or upper area. In between the cycle of the two

forms the three heads will have their own set of attacks. Red Head: This head will appear on the left side of the room. You would want to jump to the top of the other set up heads and drop down and climb back up avoid the waves of fire. You will learn its pattern. Yellow Head: It will appear in the upper center of the room and shoot electric orbs towards your direction, avoid these. Once the make contact with the floor or wall they will convert into lightning bolts. Blue Head: This one will appear on the right most side of the screen and move left blowing a wave of ice, this one is the easiest to evade. Just move left and hop over it. The form of Sigma that sits in the left lower corner is quite hard, you will want to use GROUND HUNTER on this form. It will either perform two attack s a blowing action, v_v. To avoid being thrusted into the spike wall dash toward it while trying to fire ground hunters in it mouth area. If it does the sucking action, ^.^ , dash away if possible. Avoid the blue head with the spikes by the way, that things not fun at all trust me... This trategy should suffice. I can't do it for ya'. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ............................................................................... |- X SUMMARY ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_1S /| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' So you've beaten the game playing through as X following my advice. Well ask yourself, Are you satisfide? WELL ARE YOU!?!! Just kidding. I hope you enjoyed playing through this session with X. Now I'm happy that it's over and I'm done writting for right now... Oh wait, there is still Zero! Hehe, I didn't really forget, just messing around. Ok punks lets do this again but Zero style! **Real Summary** I believe X's game is far easier than Zero's. With X you have range and quite alot more power, and that nova dash, phew. But with my walk-through you should of got all the items if you were paying attention. I prefer Zero's session more, because he's just the superior of the two; and not such a whinner. Like I said in the Bio's, He is the direct opposite of X. Let us begin shall we? | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |VI.WALKTHROUGH FOR ZERO ///////////////////////////////////////////// X4_WZ /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Zero's session , No upgrade tanks, pure combat. --/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------'' ............................................................................... |- SKY LAGOON //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZL /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Slice and dice the mice. -/ ----------------------------'' Now we're talkin'. With Zero's abilities you will be going alot quicker. Proceed right using the Z-Saber to dispatch enemy units. Zero is a melee oriented character, As I stated above in the techniques section learn Zero's abilities as you progress through the game. Back on subject, the enemy units in this area are no threat. Once you get through the tunnel you will encounter

the Mecha Dragon. You can run or fight it (Option A/B). ===------------|- Option A /// '''''''''''''' If you choose to fight this thing continue down the path juming over the road blocks. Once you reach the full wall stop here to commence combat. It's attack pattern is simple. It will slash and get his claws lodged into the road. When this happens jump slash its hand. It will also go under the bridge and attack from the bottom. When it retires to the lower left corner climb the wall to avoid its fire. Once it's defeated destroy the wall and proceed. ===------------|- Option B /// '''''''''''''' Run. Oh look your trapped, have fun. Nah, choose to flee run down the path. You will road. It can be destroyed by attacking it. continue beating on the door, it will fall.

I wouldn't do that to ya'. If you come to a full wall blocking the Avoid the Dragons onslaught and Continue down the path.

Once in the next area you will encounter a tank with a large spike trowl infront of it. It will start moving towards you, it looks more intimidating than it is. A few jump slashes are needed, continue forward. Going further down are a few more units, dispatch them and continue down and through the vault doors. After the convorsation Zero teleports to AREA 2. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Proceed right, enemy units break through the wall when you get to close. Jump slashing these is the best way to dispose of them. The wasp units are also easily dealt with. Watch out for falling debri. In a few screens you will get in a spot that seems like a dead end. The middle part of the block infront of you can be destroyed. You will also face a few units, quickly destroy the wall and continue forward. You will reach an unstable platform and it will collapse, grab the spare life and energy charge and quickly dash jump out of the pit before it closes. Continue forward to face the boss. ===-----------------........ |- Mecha Dragon /// Z-Saber ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Stail old antics of the old green dragon... Jump slash its torso area to deliver maximum damage. When it takes flight dash under its legs to avoid being cornered. If you get cornered you get the pimp hand. When it takes to the right or left portion of the screen you can jump over its beam attack right before the first orb hits you, dash jump over the entire row. It's easily defeated. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- AMAZON.WEB SPIDER ///////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZS /|

------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank -/ -------------'' Jump off the water fall down to the lower area, start hiking right. You will encounter winged fish and some Mermen/Fishmen weilding tridents. I go through this portion dash-jumping while slashing, this disposes of most units clearing you a path. Once you reach the end drop off into the chasm. Descend down the path destroying the enemy units. Once you reach an area with a water fall on the right wall go through it into an empty cave, here you can get X's Leg Module in his session. Exit the cave and go down. Continue to the right, here you will face more of the same enemy units. Going forward you will reach pits, the winged fish dart out of these and try to attack you. Once you reach a water fall you will have to jump from log to log to cross the pit, Loads of fun eh.. Once across go forward, you get to do it over again, fun fun fun, Continue onward. Here you have to climb up. If your at the top of a ladder you can attack an enemy if you can reach it without have to climb all the way up. You will fight the fishmen some more, they fight in groups a little further on, Hurah. Continue up and then once topside to the right. You will reach a dead end here. The mermen will drop on both sides and attack, Just smite them mighty smiter. Destroy the fake wall and continue onward. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' The terrain here is similar to the previous area. Proceed to the right, snakes are taken out with a good combo, like most enemy units. The electric spider webs are taked out by destroying the spiders on them. At the end you will reach a ledge *** To days broadcast, Mostly raining snakes with a chance of death.*** Just dash off the ledge into the chasm. Oh look a lone slinky unit on the ceiling, how sad, poor thing, Now kill it! KILL IT! In the next area you will encounter wasps, and some more wasps. Destroy them and drop down. Hives of the hornets await you. These are destroyed with a jump slash. Continue onward until you reach an area which you, YES YOU! have to descend. Go down this section and drop to the floor, grab the energy charge to your left and turn around and go right. Nearing the boss now. The spider webs are in this area. See the dark brown tree portion between the platforms? These can be destroyed later on with a special weapon, for now continue right. You will see a full-life charge in the lower left corner of the next area, go around and pinch it. Go forward to face the boss. ===---------------........ |- WEB SPIDER /// Z-Saber ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''' I hate spiders... His attack pattern is pretty simple. Dash under or over the webs he deploys, you may have to climb a wall to avoid them. You can get two good swipes at spider while he is visible, watch for where he will drop via the falling leaves. Eventually he will start releasing 5 or 6 small spiders, these are taken out by a combo. His desperation attack makes this fight a bit easier. He will be visible at all times so let him have it. You receive RAIJINGEKI from Web Spider. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... |- BIO LABORATORY.SPLIT MUSHROOM ///////////////////////////////////// X4_ZM /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank -/ -------------'' A spiral staircase, neet music, continue forward. the enemy units in this area are a bit irritating because of the staircase. A shielded group and some aerial units, easily taken out. Once you reach the end a teleport is waiting for you, hop in and warp to the next area. In this part some aerial units fly into the screen rather fast so make yourself have good reflex. Moving on go through the wall into the next area. Here you will have to climb, so start climbing. Here you will encounter mounted wall turrets that respawn shortly after being destroyed, that stinks... You will also see giant mechanical bugs. As if the real ones weren't irritating enough... They are also easily defeated by a combo. Further up the path you will reach an area which spinning spikes jet out of the walls and collide with each other, unfortunatly they do not destroy each other and you have to time it and quickly get between them to the next ladder, have fun. A few rows of these and you will be at the top. Once topside continue left to fight the Mid-Boss. ===-------------........... |- MID BOSS /// RAIJINGEKI ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This fight is simple and quick. As soon as the fight starts and you can control Zero dash to the right end of the screen. It will come to your location, below you. After it stops it would be wise to move to the left. Turn around and hit it with RAIJINGEKI. It will take of a huge chunk of its energy. Now, The portion which you where on was destroyed by it. It will move to your new location and do the same thing, so when it stops move to the left and shoot it when its a good time. If you get trapped your pretty screwed, better luck next time, no worries. If you fail you start right before this fight. After it's over go left and up through the door to AREA 2. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Another spiral staircase, continue forward. Spike wheels are coming your way. Jump slash them and time their drops. Further up aerial units and a large shielded enemy unit get in your way. The shielded enemy isn't really a threat if you are quick. Dash and jump to the top and hop into the teleporter. Once in the next area you will start in a hallway. You will see some hovering spikes, once you move these will crack the ceiling and cause the whole column to fall. Dash to a solid portion to avoid falling as well. Now turn around and dash jump to the other side, this will cause the spikes to jet into the pit trying to destroy you. Since they are out of the way we have room to operate now. Now look up, you can see the HEART TANK ya? Do you think we can get it? Hmmm... Yup. See the orange tiles? Well, you can jump ontop of the highest one of them, the little wall. Hang on it and dash jump to the ledge that the H.TANK is resting on. Keep trying, it can be done, pat yourself on the back. Drop down and dash/D.Jump through to the next area. In the next area we have elevator fun.. This is an irritating part. As its going up and you will have to destroy enemy units. The group that respawned from before has come along, but now are mounted and rails with spikes that shoot out of the wall. Along with some fun aerial units. Timing is everything. Further along you will have to dodge old formations while the elevator destroys them. The first set is passible once the largest block is destroyed, dash to its former position to avoid being killed. The next part the spike rails will jet out of the walls

at you. Go inbetween them, Keep your eyes open for the open spots. Continue upward to meet Split Mushroom. ===------------------............ |- Split Mushroom /// RAIJINGEKI ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' He will jump to either wall and deploy several holograms of himself, these are destroyeed with RAIJINGEKI. Wait until the 4th or 5th copy drops to use this attack so he will fall into the attack as well. If you miss he will leap into the center of the room and create a solid copy of himself, the fake will flash when the two seperate and go to the right and left. Attack the real copy with RAIJINGEKI, the two will alternate positions, keep your eyes on the real copy. You can also get a few swipes in while he's deploying the hologram units. You recieve SHROOMS from Split Mushroom... I mean KUUENBUU/KUUENZAN. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- VOLCANO.MAGMA DRAGOON ///////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZD /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank -/ -------------'' This level is up and down. When Zero teleports in go forward. At the hill going down you will have to jump up to the top ledges and cling to them. Wait for a clear spot and drop down. Quickly dash down the hill. Here you will have to jump over holes, The same flaming rocks are shooting out of the holes, time your jumps wisely. Further on you will have to avoid the magma shooting out of the ground, these shoot at an ark so avoid being hit by them. Some bats and a rocket unit or two await you. The bats will drop bombs on you so watch the sky. The rocket units shoot rockets and the tracking missile, jump over both and then attack. Continue forward until you reach a dead end. Avoid the rocks and destroy the door and continue into AREA 2. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' This part is a little more difficult, of course. You must dash jump with haste across the pit going from platform to platform. Be fast because these platforms will be destroyed after being hit twice with the flamming rocks. Now you come to another ramp, ascending, yay! Like the former ramp you have to hang from the above ledges to avoid taking damage; meet you topside. You will eventually encounter a repliforce ride armor unit. Get in close, try to avoid getting to much damage. Use KUUENZAN to destroy him easily. Watch out for the falling rocks. At the top use KUUENBUU to get to the left ledge. Climb up and get the HEART TANK. Get back to the other side and conitune on the former path. You will encounter a few enemy units. Use the same strategy for the rocket units as before. Once you reach a ledge you can KUUENBUU to an upper ledge with an undestroyable wall. The area contains X's Body Module. Jump down and get in the Ride Armor. The Ride Armor is tolerant of high temperatures, So don't worry about the lava, just the lava thats shooting over the platforms. On this path you will have to

fight the pesky Repliforce units. With the ride armor you can use the charged attack. Once at the end of this path you will reach an area where it drops off into the lava, overhead you will see brown blocks. These can be destroyed by attacking the with the Ride Armor. Continue forward to fight Magma Dragoon. ===------------------...................... |- MAGMA DRAGOON /// KUUENZAN / RAIJINGEKI ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If you had lost the Ride Armor before you got here or lose it in the fight go to option B. When the fight starts you may be able to charge the main attack to deliver a stronger blow. You can use jump attacks also, the Ride Armor has great air control so you can fall back to avoid his attacks. There is no real avoiding his fireballs so try the best you can. Dash and attack while he's on the ground. You can also stay in the lava pits to the right or left of the fighting area to avoid most of his attacks. If he throws the red orb into the pit you are in jump out and dash to the other side. ===------------|- Option B /// '''''''''''''' Use RAIJINGEKI while he is in his red dome or in a prone position. Use KUUENZAN as much as possible. He will throw three fireballs, high, low, high. You can jump all of these. He will also do a few melee attacks. When he raises into the air he will quickly kick towards the ground. You can dash under him or run back to avoid this. He will do an uppercut also, this is easily avoided. When he raises his hand a red orb will go into one of the nearby pit. Avoid the side it goes to. When he bends over dash to a nearby wall and climb up to avoid this attack, it is very damaging. Continue attacking with Raijingeki and Kuuenzan to defeat him. You recieve RYUENJIN from Magma Dragoon. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

............................................................................... | Go back to Area 2 of the Amazon level. Burn the brown parts between the | | platforms I pointed out in that portion of the walkthrough to get your | | Heart Tank. | ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- CYBER SPACE.CYBER PEACOCK ///////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZC /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - E.Tank -/ ----------------------'' In this level you have to rush through. As soon as you step onto the platform infront of Zero a timer will start. This timer determines your score and the prize you get. You want to get RANK S to get all the items. Use KUUENZAN to destroy the yellow orbs.

! 1st. Test: Spare Life ! 2nd. Test: Heart Tank ! 3rd. Test: E.Tank ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' This part of the level is simple. Continue forward stepping on the orange buttons. These make the purple balls drop and roll to different spots. Sometimes you have to step on a button to make the ball roll to a position where it will drop onto the purple blocks blocking your path. You will come to spots where the purple balls are dropping from the pits you have to go through. Find the button and push it to make them stop. Continue through here to reach Cyber Peacock. ===------------------......... |- CYBER PEACOCK /// RYUENJIN ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Peacock will appear next to you. Dash away from him and then approach him and use RYUENJIN. He will then appear at a different location, do the same as before. He sometimes will appear in the air somewhere to the right or left. Quickly dash to him and use RYUENJIN again. If you fail to hit him in time he will use tracking rockets if in air. If he is on the ground he will do an attack with extremely wide range. You receive RAKUHOUHA from Cyber Peacock. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |- MEMORIAL HALL.COLONEL ///////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZH /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|- Intermission. -------------------------------------------------------------/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------'' FMV, Ok attack him with kuu... nah nah :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- AIR FORCE.STORM OWL /////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZA /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank -/ -------------'' Proceed down the right path, you will encounter enemy air ships which you can destroy. Also, you can jump on the silver portion of the ships and jump over the rest of the ship, watch out for their fire. Continue forward and hop into the RIDE ARMOR. This model has the ability to fly and has a charged blast available for your use. Mounted turrets and Rocket units await you. They are no challenge though. Further down this path you will reach a ramp. At the bottom is a HEART TANK, you must quickly dash jump to its location. Which is a stack of obsolete air ships being destroyed. And quickly dash off the stack

you are on. The large air ship or machine above head will destroy it and yourself if you are not fast enough. Continue down the path destroying the enemy units. Your ride armor may get destroyed, no matter. Continue down the path. You will reach another few stacks of obsolete ships. Either wait for them to be destroyed or dash jump across. You will come too a dead end and teleport to AREA 2. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Go right into the next room off the flight deck. You will here a charge noise. Quickly jump to the upper right wall to avoid the enemy units beam. Once the beam is gone drop down and give the door a combo and quickly jump back up to avoid another beam. Drop down and destroy the unit. Go forward into the next room. You will be in a room full of the previous unit. Destroy the group infront of you and continue forward. You can use Kuuenbuu and Kuuenzan to destroy the units faster. At the end wait for the lift and jump on. Ride it over the spikes and go across. Kuuenbuu over the spikes wall and continue forward. ===--------.............. |- MID BOSS /// KUUENZAN ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''' You have to move fast in this fight. When the eye opens in the middle of the machine jump up and attack it. The former units are filling the room as you fight so quickly dispose of the ones that could harm you. Continue this to destroy the generator. After the fight continue through and up the ladders to fight Storm Owl. ===--------------.......... |- STORM OWL /// RAKUHOUHA ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' RAKUHOUHA is the prefered weapon of the fight. It's not going to be helpful for very long m'kay. You can use is four to five times and it will be completely depleted. But also refills as you take damage. I use it when the bird gets to close. If he gets close enough he will grab you and hammer you into the floor, not very fun. His attacks are easily avoided. You can also KUUENZAN him after you use Rakuhouha for more damage. You receive TENKUUHA from Storm Owl. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- SNOW BASE.FROST WALRUS //////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZW /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - EX Tank - W.Tank - E.Tank and Extra Life refill zone!!! -/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------'' Start by dash jumping up the wall to your left and then dash jumping to the wall to your right and going up the ledge and through the right path. This area is a good place to re-fill E.Tanks and your W.Tank later in the game. For now go back down to the area you teleported too.

Continue down this path destroying the enemy units. The large gorrila like units deal moderate damage so avoid being hit by them. The little punks are quite irritating and require a combo to be destroyed. Proceed down the path and watch the roof, you will eventually see a block of ice visibly sticking from the roof, position yourself under it and use RYUENJIN to destroy it, You will get a HEART TANK. Continue now going down into a pit and destroy the enemy units and climb up the wall. If you had an eye out you would of spotted the SPARE LIFE on a ledge on the upper left wall. Snatch it and proceed. Go towards the right until you come to a wall, use the appearing ladders to ascend up the pit and then get to the top ledge. Be careful as the forming ladders and platform will kill you if you happen to get in a spot where they appear, weak. Here you will have to continue right destroying enemy units going down the path. You'll eventually come to an area that looks like a slide. You may see the spike pits under the slides, now, these slopes desenigrate so dash jump over the skiers and continue dashing. Dash jump over the enemy units and continue down the path. You will come to a wall, dash jump up this wall. You will see an item, it's the EX.TANK, it gives you a 2x spare life boost for the rest of the game, so instead of having 2 spare lifes you will have 4. This can be obtained by using KUUENBUU in mid air to grab the ledge. Once you get it drop down and go down the lower path. Once you get to the end of the second slope dash jump to the left wall and climb up, destroy the enemy units and grab the full life charge and return to the bottom of the pit. Go down the right path and destroy whoever gets in your way. You will eventually come to a ledge, this is rather easy. Jump down and dash from ascending ice block to ice block, it's not difficult, be fast though. Once you reach the end dash jump to the edge on the right and proceed through the vault doors. ===-------------......... |- MID BOSS /// RYUENJIN ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''' Use Ryuenjin while it's open for attack. It will fly up and disappear from the screen. It will then drop to your position, dash out of the way. It changes forms, one more damamging than the other. When it collides with a surface the ice sickles drop, dodge em' mate. Keep using Ryuenjin whill its open for an attack. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Proceed through the lower path destroying the ice blocks. You will see two things inside these blocks, one is a bomb, which you can shoot and it will explode and make a blast go vertically in both directions destroying whatever it comes into contact with. The other things are metools. Continue through the lower path slashing the ice blocks and enemies. Stay on the lower path until you can't go any further in that direction. Check and make sure there isn't another block of ice leading to another lower path. Once you get as far as you can you will come to a path going up. Ascend the wall and dash to the left side. You will see another area of blocks. This area was the upper path, the lower path is faster and makes it easier on all of us. Anyway, you should see an item frozen in one of the nearest blocks on your side of the screen, blast the block and grab the item, it is the WEAPON TANK. The W.Tank is a energy storage device like the E.Tank. Go back towards the right path jump across the gap we crawled out of and continue. On this path you will encounter numerous enemy units. Every few screens you will encounter swans that will

render the area frozen, not you nor enemies, just the surroundin area. Blast them before this happens to make it easier on yourself. Continue through this path and you will eventually come to a Vault Door leading to lard ass I mean Frost Walrus. ===-----------------......... |- FROST WALRUS /// RYUENJIN ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' So lard ass approaches you pretty slow. Use RYUENJIN and a combination of KUUENZAN to damage him. When he does a belly slide kuuenbuu and kuuenzan over him at the same time for added damage. When he raises up start a Ryuenjin/Kuuenzan combo attack. Keep it up guy! You receive HYOURETSUZAN from Frost Walrus. ...fat ****| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- MARINE BASE.JET STINGRAY ////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZJ /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank - E.Tank -/ ----------------------'' Yay ride chaser... It's actually quite hard. I can't really tell you where to go, Just shoot the enemy units that get in your way. Occasionally you'll see a row of bombs on the floor jump or jump air dash over them. AFTER the first pit you will want to just ride off the ledge of the third pit to go to the block of ground and get a HEART TANK and then quickly jump back up to the former level. Continue down the path shooting enemy units and jumping holes. You will see walls blocking the path, you must shoot these to avoid crashing. This level is very fast moving so keep a sharp eye. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' You'll have the privledge of meeting Jet Stingray before actually having to fight him, he's quite bothersome. You can dash him and he will go away. On the third ramp, its the one that drops back off into the water after you encounter Jet Stingray once more you'll actually want to jump to a seperate platform infront of it and then air dash to the next platform. You'll crash through some crates and obtain the first E.TANK! Once you hit the water again jump and air dash to avoid death. This item is very helpful, you will get one more later. Once off the Ride Chaser continue on right, get the full-life charge and keep going. ===-----------------............. |- JET STINGRAY /// HYOURETSUZAN ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' When the fight starts he will go to the left or right above the water. Quickly dash to him and use Hyouretsuzan behind him to freez him. You will want to press away while making contact with this attack as you get very close to him. You may receive some damage using this. Use a combo of that and kuuenzan. After that he may do his desperation attack, which is hard to avoid. Dash back

and forth to avoid getting hit by him. When he stands under water quickly dash to him and jump up and come down with Hyouretsuzan again while falling back from him. When he dashes across the floor kuuenzan over him to get some extra hits. You receive HIENKYAKU from Jet Stingray. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- SUPPLY TRAIN.SLASH BEAST ////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZB /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- 1x H.Tank -/ -------------'' The crates can be destroyed with a combo, except the metallic ones. Continue forward destroyed the enemy units, watch out for bats. Further down you will encounter the mounted turrets from the air base. These are dangerous if you get a direct hit. You can jump on the barrels of them by the way. Once their attack is over give the a good combo and kuuenzan to destroy them. Once you reach the end of one of the segments a grenader unit will come out and destroy the link between the two segments of the train, quickly dash jump to the other segment to a Mid Boss. ===-------------......... |- MID BOSS /// KUUENZAN ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''' I'm pretty reckless with this fight. If you have full life dash jump over the top two rails down to the platform the boss is on. Once down there use the Fury Slash technique from before to quickly destroy the bottom lance. Use Kuuenzan on the upper two. If you do not have extra life jump over the lances and use RAIJINGEKI to destroy the heads of the lance. Jump down and use it on the third. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// ''''''''''''' Same idea as the last area. Continue forward destroying the enemy units and crates. You will eventually encounter a Repliforce unit, which is no threat with Zero's new abilities. Dispose of them and continue forward to fight more. You will eventually get yourself a Ride Armor and then the fun starts. You can now destroy the metallic crates and also segments of the train. Three or four cars up you will see the HEART TANK on top of the segment of the train. Do not worry if that segment is destroyed because it drops to the floor of the car. Further up you will have to ditch your armor and climb up. The train will then stop. Dash forward turn around and use Raijingeki on the three stooges, hop off and continue forward jumping over the pits and killing enemy units. Jump on the new train and keep the same theme going. You will eventually come to Slash Beast. ===----------------.............. |- Slash Beast /// O H Y E A H! ]

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Just up a can of beat down on him. His attack pattern is quite random. Use Kuuenzan and Hienyaku to avoid his dashing attack. He later will growl and leap toward you, if he grabs you he will smash you into the wall. You can stay on the floor the entire fight. He will do an attack where two crescent beams go in two directions, one horizontal and the other up diagnoly. You can kuuenbuu over the bottom one. Keep up this theme, Have fun. You receive SHIPPUUGA from Slash Beast. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

.................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| ''''''''''''''''''''

............................................................................... | Checkpoint: You should have all items and heart tanks for Zero. 2x E.Tanks| | and the W.Tank. Eight Heart Tanks, If you think you are missing one your | | life bar should be even with your weapons energy and touching the weapons | | icon tab. | | | | HEART TANK LOCATIONS: | | No.1 - Amazon: Area 2 No.5 - Air Force: Area 1 | | No.2 - Bio Laboratory: Area 2 No.6 - Snow Base: Area 1 | | No.3 - Volcano: Area 2 No.7 - Marine Base: Area 1 | | No.4 - Cyber Space: Area 1 No.8 - Supply Train: Area 2 | | | | The Two E.Tanks: One is in Marine Base AREA 2 and the other is Cyber Space | | AREA 1. The EX.Tank is in Snow Base AREA 1 and the W.Tank is AREA 2. | ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- SPACE PORT.COLONEL ///////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZP /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- You get to fight this punk for keeps this time. -/ ---------------------------------------------------'' Force your way through destroying the grenade units, you can dash and kuuenzan through the entire level. Jump and dash from platform to platform until you reach the bunkers. The bouncing spike wheel units are everywhere in here. Kuuenzan through and keep dashing. Jump up and destroy the shooter and continue through into the next bunker. Same old hubcaps trying to stop you, kuuenzan through and up the ladder. Three more hubcaps are bouncing around, destroy them and continue climbing. Once at the top jump to the upper right corner for a energy charge, continue through the doors to fight Colonel. ===------------......... |- COLONEL /// KUUENZAN ] '''''''''''''''''''''''' You can get through this fight without getting a single hit. I literaly beat

the living **** out of Colonel and only got hit once. I beat him in about 45 seconds seriously. You can to use all of Zero's abilities in this fight and Kuuenzan on top of that. When he disappears kuuenbuu and then kuuenzan while you are falling towards him. Just get all over him with Kuuenzan. When he thrusts his saber up jump over the sparks and stay inbetween the green tiles. You will not receive any damage. Use the ability to climb to your advantage. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- FINAL WEAPON STG1.???? //////////////////////////////////////////// X4_Z1 /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Like warm butter. -/ ---------------------'' Dash dash dash, dash dash dash, dash yo' bootay! To the boss doors punk. ===---------.................. |- IRIS /// RYUENJIN/KUUENZAN ] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Give the trader a peice of what Zero has to offer. You want to use RYUENJIN and KUUENZAN on her until the purple crystal appears. Attack this with the same techniques. Once it falls below the floor and stops following you dash j0' ass off to the closest wall and climb to the top and cling for life. Once that attack is over return to combat. As you attack her other units come out out of her armor so avoid trying to hit her directly as you attack the diamond. Zero screams like a little girl. ===----------|- AREA 2 /// '''''''''''' Continued after the fight with Iris. Go forward and hop down, Avoid the units if possible and keep going and climb up the ladder, over the hole and through the doors. Kuuenbuu over the wall and keep going. Destroy any units that get in your way and keep truckin'. You will encounter multiple units. At the end grab the full life charge and go through the doors. Drop down and go right. ===------------.......................... |- GENERAL /// Another can of beat down. ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This can be a tough fight. Use his hands to get up to his head. These hands also will hurt you if you get hit with the flames. He can climb all of them so don't worry to much. To avoid the blue orbs use the walls. When he is approaching you use the walls and if he starts raising up slash his head. Just keep this attack up and keep hitting his head. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .................... |- REFILL E.TANKS -| '''''''''''''''''''' ............................................................................... |- FINAL WEAPON STG2.???? //////////////////////////////////////////// X4_Z2 /|

------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- No sense in turning back now eh? -/ ------------------------------------'' Here you have to fight the 8 fun boys again. No hard task, use the strategies above if you do encounter problems. Web Spider Cyber Peacock INACTIVE Jet Stingray Split Musroom Frost Walrus Slash Beast Magma Dragoon Storm Owl

Thats how the layout is in the level. Once you defeat the eight mavericks again the golden portal opens. ===-----------------.......... |- REAPER SIGMA /// RYUENJIN ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' When he appears above you use RYUENJIN to destroy him. After he does this once or twice he will appear opposite side of you. Climb the wall and dash jump over him to avoid his attack. Reapeat this and he will be easily overcome. Prepare for another round, yay yay............. ===----------........... |- SIGMA /// Whoop ass. ] '''''''''''''''''''''''' When he starts throwing the scythe scale a wall, when it gets close to you drop down. It should get stuck in the wall. If it gets stuck on the floor its going to be pretty damn impossible to avoid the boomerang like things and the eletricity bolts at the same time. When it gets lodged in the wall drop down and dash to the other wall. Get in an attack like a combo or kuuenzan on Sigma. When he jumps back to one of the walls climb on of the free ones to avoid his eye laser attack. ===-----------------......................... |- DUO SIGMA(S) /// TWO CANS OF WHOOP ASS!!! ] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' You will face two forms this time, in the same fight, along with some heads that use three elements in their attacks. For the Form of Sigma thats mounted on the wall you will want to use KUUENZAN. When this form of him appears dash to the left most wall and hitch a ride on the heads towards him, don't worry. If you can manage to get on top of the head it can't hurt you. Once the heads stop you will want to climb up them and then dash jump and KUUENZAN and hit him with it in the head or upper area. In between the cycle of the two forms the three heads will have their own set of attacks. Red Head: This head will appear on the left side of the room. You would want to jump to the top of the other set up heads and drop down and climb back up avoid the waves of fire. You will learn its pattern. Yellow Head: It will appear in the upper center of the room and shoot electric orbs towards your direction, avoid these. Once the make contact with the floor or wall they will convert into lightning bolts.

Blue Head: This one will appear on the right most side of the screen and move left blowing a wave of ice, this one is the easiest to evade. Just move left and hop over it. The form of Sigma that sits in the left lower corner is quite hard, you will want to use everything you have on this form. It will either perform two attacks a blowing action, v_v. To avoid being thrusted into the spike wall dash toward it while trying to attack in it mouth area. If it does the sucking action, ^.^ , dash away if possible. Avoid the blue head with the spikes by the way, that things not fun at all trust me... This trategy should suffice. This fight is a bit hard with Zero. Just stay sharp and stay ready for the next attack. Think on your feet and go with your gut. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ............................................................................... |- ZERO SUMMERY ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_ZQ /| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Well, Not much to say. I enjoy Zero's session much more than X's. Zero is the superior of the two in many ways in the issue. He just seems to go through the game faster. Although upgrading X is fun being able to pick it up and just hack -n- slash to the end is a bit fun. Along with his close range style of fighting I dig the guys attitude most of the time. X is quite naive as the characters through the series quote. He is such a whinner. Zero on the other hand doesn't hesitate. He may give you that second chance but he will not repeat himself. Stay on the mans good side. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |-VIII.MINI GUIDE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_MG /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Here's a Mini walkthrough I constructed. ---/ ----------------------------------------------''................................ |ABBREVIATIONS: H.T. = HEART TANK / E.T. = ENERGY TANK / W.T. = WEAPON TANK/ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ===----------------------|- MINI X WALKTHROUGH /// '''''''''''''''''''''''' (1) Volcano. Magma Dragoon:-===-[MOD:Body]-====-[WEAK:X-Buster/Double Cyclone] Items: 1x H.T. [WIN: Rising Fire] (2) Snow Base. Frost Walrus:-=======----=======-[WEAK:Rising Fire] Items: 1x H.T. - EX.T. - W.T. [WIN: Frost Tower] (3) Marine Base. Jet Stingray:-======----======-[WEAK:Frost Tower] Iems: 1x H.T. - E.T. [WIN: Ground Hunter] (4) Supply Train. Slash Beast:-======----======-[WEAK:Ground Hunter] Items: 1x H.T. [WIN:Twin Slasher] (*) Memorial Hall. Colonel:-=======-----========[WEAK:X-Buster] (5) Amazon. Web Spider:-=======-[MOD:Legs]-====-[WEAK:Twin Slasher] Items: 1x H.T. [WIN:Lightning Web] (6) Bio Laboratory. Split Mushroom:-=====-=====-[WEAK:Lightning Web]

Items:1x H.T.

[WIN:Soul Body]

(7) Cyber Space. Cyber Peacock:-[MOD:Helmet]-==-[WEAK:Soul Body] Items: 1x H.T. - E.T. [WIN:Aiming Laser] (8) Air Force. Storm Owl:-====-[MOD:X-Buster]-=-[WEAK:Aiming Laser] Items: 1x H.T. [WIN:Double Cyclone] (9) Space Port:-============------============-[WEAK:Frost Tower] (10) Final Weapon STG.1: BOSS 1. [WEAK:X-Buster/Double Cyclone] BOSS 2. [WEAK:X-Buster/Twin Slasher] | (11) Final Weapon STG.2: BOSS 1. [WEAK:Rising Fire] BOSS 2. [WEAK:Lightning Web] CYBORG HEAD BOSS [WEAK:Ground Hunter] MECHA BOSS [WEAK:Soul Body] | ===---------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- MINI ZERO WALKTHROUGH /// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (1)Amazon. Web Spider:-==========---===========-[WEAK:Z-Saber] Items:1x H.T. [WIN:Raijingeki] (2)Bio Laboratory. Split Mushroom:-====----====-[WEAK:Raijingeki] Items: 1x H.T. [WIN:Kuuenbuu/Kuuenzan] (3)Volcano. Magma Dragoon:-=========---========-[WEAK:Z-Saber/Raijingeki] Items: 1x H.T. [WIN:Ryuenjin] (4)Cyber Space. Cyber Peacock:-=====------=====-[WEAK:Ryuenjin] Items: 1x H.T. - E.T [WIN:Rakuhouha] (*)MEMORIAL HALL (5)Air Force. Storm Owl:-========------========-[WEAK:Rakuhouha] Items: 1x H.T. [WIN:Tenkuuha] (6)Frost Base. Frost Walrus:-=======----=======-[WEAK:Ryuenjin] Items: 1x H.T. - EX.T - W.T [WIN:Hyouretsuzan] (7)Marine Base. Jet Stingray:-=======----======-[WEAK:Hyouretsuzan] Items: 1x H.T. - E.T [WIN:Hienkyaku] (8)Supply Train. Slash Beast:-=======----======-[WEAK:Z-Saber/Kuuenzan] Items: 1x H.T. [WIN:Shippuuga] (9)Space Port: (10)Final Weapon STG.1: [WEAK: A Can of Whoop Ass!]

BOSS 1. [WEAK: Another Can, ATT. The Orb] BOSS 2. [WEAK:Kuuenzan, ATT. The Head] | (11)Final Weapon STG.2: BOSS 1. [WEAK:Ryuenjin] BOSS 2. [WEAK:Kuuenzan/Rakuhouha] CYBORG HEAD BOSS [WEAK:Kuuenzan] MECHA BOSS [WEAK:Kuuenzan, ATT. The Head] | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |-IX.PARTS & ITEMS LOCATIONS ////////////////////////////////////////// X4_PI /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- List of all the parts and items in the game. ---/ -------------------------------------------------'' I'll start with the HEART TANKS then move onto ENERGY TANKS and then X's upgrade modules. ===-----|- X /// ''''''' No.1 - Volcano: No.2 - Frost Base: No.3 - Marine Base: No.4 - Supply Train:

Area Area Area Area

2 1 1 2

No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8

Amazon: Bio Laboratory: Cyber Space: Air Force:

Area Area Area Area

2 2 1 1

===--------|- ZERO /// '''''''''' No.1 - Amazon: No.2 - Bio Laboratory: No.3 - Volcano: No.4 - Cyber Space:

Area Area Area Area

2 2 2 1

No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8

Air Force: Snow Base: Marine Base: Supply Train:

Area Area Area Area

1 1 1 2

===--------------|- 2x E.Tanks /// '''''''''''''''' No.1 - Cyber Space: Must get Rank S on Test 2. No.2 - Marine Base: Area 2. ===--------------------|- W.Tank & EX.Tank /// ''''''''''''''''''''''' Snow Base: Area 1, End of top level ski slopes. Climb the right wall. Snow Base: Area 2, At the end of the ice blocks in the top of the last row. ===------------------|- UPGRADES FOR X /// '''''''''''''''''''' Leg Module: Amazon : Area 1 Body Module: Volcano : Area 2 Arm Module: Air Force : Area 2 Head Module: Cyber Space : Area 1 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |-X.SECRETS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_SX /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- o.O; A few cheat codes and some misc. stuff. ---/ ---------------------------------------------------''

Ultimate Armor: While at the character select screen highlight X. Press Circle 2x, Left 6x, Hold R1 & L1 and Press START. Continue hold R1 & L1 unitl you are in the game. You should notice X has a darker tint. After you finish the Sky Lagoon go to Web Spiders level and go to the location of the Leg Module. Black Armor Zero: At the character select screen highlight Zero. Press and hold R1, Right 6x and release R1. Press and hold Cirlce and press START. Continue holding circle until the game starts. This isn't a cheat code. There is a translation error on Magma Dragoons profile when you select his level. It says "He betrayed the Irregular Hunters and hid himself in a volcano." This is a translation error. Irregular Hunters are what the Maverick Hunters are called in the Japanese version of the game. As you should guess the Mavericks are called Irregulars. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |-XI.FAQ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_FQ /| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS... ---/ ----------------------------------'' Q. Oh AN0MY you're so awesome. Will you teach me how to FAQ? A. Maybe. Q. Are you interested in a joint-deal on a FAQ? A. Maybe. Q. How long did this take? A. It's been a terrible procession. Q. Whats the best character to use in MegaMan X4? A. I prefer Zero. I like close range combat! With X you have range and more power and you get to upgrade him. Flip a coin. Q. You suck! A. Whatever, fellow. Q. Why didn't you reply to my email!? A. My former account was deactivated because I never checked it! | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

=============================================================================== |-XII.CLOSING NOTE //////////////////////////////////////////////////// X4_CN /| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |- Closing --/ -----------'' - 2008: Corrected errors in my one and only succesful Walkthrough. If it were so easy to create? I updated the contacts once more. These are stable and should not be going anywhere anytime soon. I lack the proper

motivation to start any projects like this right now. Maybe in a year or two! Later, guys and gals. - 2007: My bad on all the errors. My e-mail was deactivated a long time ago. I simply forgot about my little peice of gamefaqs right here until a few days ago! So I fixed what I could! Life gets pretty complex later on, kids. I really love GAMEFAQS. I'm not even kissing ass. It's a great community. Sorry about that whole e-mail thing. I may write more stuff eventually. I started several but life and my job kind of get in the way. Cheers! - 2005: So ends this guide! I would like to thank you for reading it. If I have left out anything or made an error feel free to inform me. Thanks to Capcom, You guys just keep pumping them out and I keep playing. I would like the thank CJAYC for creating a great website for helping others. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

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