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a bit un peu
a few quelques
a little bit un petit peu
a single un seul
abandoned abandonn
abbey lbbaye
about propos de
above au-dessus
abreviation abrviation
abroad l'tranger
absence absence
absolute absolu
acceleration acclration
accent accent
accident accident
accidental accidentel
accomplishment oeuvre
according to selon
acid acide
across travers
act fait
action action
actor acteur
addition addition
additional additionnel
address adresse
adjective adjectif
adjoining attenant
admiral amiral
admiration admiration
adolescence adolescence
advantage avantage
adverb adverbe
advertisement publicit
advice conseil
after aprs
after all aprs tout
afternoon aprs-midi
afterwards ensuite
again encore
against contre
age ge
agony agonie
agreeable aimable
agreement accord
agressive agressif
air air
alive vivant
all tous
all day toute la journe
all the men tout les hommes
all the money tout l'argent
all the time tout le temps
all this tout a
allergy allergie
allied alli
almond amande
almost presque
alone seul
along long de
already dj
also aussi
although bien que
always toujours
amazement tonnement
amazing tonnant
ambassador ambassadeur
ambiguous ambigu
ambitious ambitieux
American Amricain
American Amricaine
among parmi
amount montant
amusement divertissement
amusing drle
anaemia anmie
analysis analyse
and et
anemia anmie
angel ange
anger colre
angry fch
animal animal
ankle cheville
anniversary anniversaire
annoyance ennui
annoyed contrari
another un autre
another un autre
answer rponse
ant fourmis
anxiety inquitude
anxious inquiet
anybody n'importe qui
anyone quelqu'un
anything n'importe quoi
anyway de toute faon
anyway de toute manire
apartment appartement
apparition apparition
appearance air
appendicitis appendicite
appendix appendice
apple pomme
appointment rendez-vous
approval consentement
April avril
apron tablier
Arabic arabe
architect architecte
area surface
Argentina Argentine
argument dispute
arm bras
armchair fauteuil
armpit aisselle
army arme
aroma arme
around autour
arrival arrive
arrogance arrogance
arrow flche
art art
as quand
as long as pourvu que
as soon as aussi tt que
as soon as possible aussitt
que possible
as well De la mme manir
as well as ainsi que
asleep endormi
asparagus asperge
assignment devoir
astonished tonn
at all du tout
at home chez soi
at last enfin
at least pour le moins
at once tout de suite
at present au prsent
at the same time la fois
at X's house chez X
Atlantic Ocean ocan
atmosphere atmosphre
attack attaque
attentive prvenant
attraction attraction
attractive attractif
audible audible
August aot
aunt tante
Australia Australie
Austria Autriche
Austrian Autrichien
authority autorit
authorization autorisation
autonomous autonome
autumn automne
available disponible
away du loin
away parti
awful affreux
axe hache
baby bb
back de retour
back dos
back en arrire
background arrire plan
bacon lard
bad grave
bad mauvais
bad luck malchance
bag sac
bald chauve
bale balle
ball balle
ball ballon
banana banane
bang fracas
bank banque
banquet banquet
bar bistro
barbarous barbare
barber coiffeur
bare chauve
bargain occasion
barn grange
barrier barrire
base base
basil basilic
Bask Country Pays
basket panier
Basque basque
Basque Basque
bat chauvesouris
bath bain
bathroom salle de bain
battle bataille
bay baie
beach plage
beam poutre
bean haricot
bearable supportable
beard barbe
bearded barbu
beast bte
beautiful beau
beautiful belle
beauty beaut
beaver castor
because parce que
because of cause de
because of that pour cela
bed lit
bedroom chambre
bee abeille
beef boeuf
beer bire
before avant de
begger mandiant
beginning dbut
behaviour comportement
behind derrire
behind en arrire de
beige beige
bell cloche
belly ventre
belt ceinture
bench banc
benefit avantage
benefit intrt
bent doubl
bent pli
beside ct de
besides en dehors de
best meilleur
bet pari
Bethlehem Bethlem
better meilleur
better mieux
between entre
beyond au dela de
bible bible
bicycle vlo
big grand
biggest plus grand
bilingual bilingue
bill facture
biography biographie
bird oiseau
birth naissance
birthday anniversaire
biscuit biscuit
bishop vque
bit petit morceau
bitter aigre
bitter amer
black noir
blackbird merle
blackboard tableau
blackish noirtre
blacksmith forgeron
bladder vessie
blade lame
blame blme
blanket couverture
blasphemy blasphme
blessing bndiction
blind aveugle
blood sang
bloody sanglant
blow coup
blue bleu
boat bateau
body corps
bold hardi
bolt boulon
bone os
book livre
bookshelf tagre
boot botte
border frontire
boredom ennui
boring ennuyeux
boss chef
both tous les deux
bottle bouteille
bottom fond
bow arc
bowl bol
box bote
boy garon
brain cerveau
branch branche
brass airain
brave courageux
bravery courage
bread pain
breakfast petit djeuner
breast poitrine
breath haleine
breath respiration
breeze brise
Breton breton
bride marie
bridge pont
brief bref
bright brillant
brilliant brillant
Brittany Bretagne
broken bris
bronchitis bronchite
broom balai
brother frre
brought up lev
brown brun
brutal brutal
bucket seau
bug bestiole
building difice
bull taureau
bunch paquet
bundle faisceau
burnt brl
bush arbuste
business affaires
busy occup
but mais
butcher boucher
butter beurre
butterfly papillon
buttocks fesses
buyer acheteur
by a ct de
by foot pied
by two o'clock pas plus
tard que deux heures
cabinet armoire
cage cage
cake gteau
calculator calculatrice
calf veau
calmness tranquilit
can pouvoir
Canada Canada
Canadian Canadien
cancer cancer
candle bougie
candy bonbon
cap casquette
capable capable
captivating captivant
captive captif
car voiture
cardboard box carton
Cardiff Cardiff
care soin
career carrire
careful prudent
Carhaix Carhaix
carnation oeillet
carp carpe
carpenter charpentier
carrot carotte
case procs
case cas
case tui
cash espces
castle chteau
cat chat
catholic catholique
cattle btail
cause cause
cave grotte
ceasefire cess de feu
ceiling plafond
celebration clbration
cemetary cimetire
central central
centre centre
century sicle
certain certain
certainly certainement
chain chane
chair chaise
chalkboard tableau
challenge dfis
champagne champagne
change changement
chapel chapelle
chapter chapitre
cheap bon march
checkers dames
cheek joue
cheeky insolent
cheese fromage
chemistry chimie
cherry cerise
chess checs
chest poitrine
chest of drawers
chicken poulet
chicken pox varicelle
child enfant
childhood enfance
chilly frais
chin mchoire
Chinese chinois
Christmas Nol
Christmas Eve veille de
church glise
cigar cigare
cinnamon cannelle
circulation circulation
circumstance occasion
citizen citoyen
citizenship citoyennet
city ville
clamp pince
class classe
claw griffe
clean propre
clever habile
clock horloge
close proche
cloth tissu
cloth torchon
clothes vtements
cloud nuage
cloudy nuageux
clover trfle
club baton
clumsy maladroit
coal carbon
coast cte
coat manteau
cockroach cafard
cod cabillaud
coffee caf
coffin arc
coin pice
cold froid
cold froid
cold rhume
collection collection
college collge
Cologne Cologne
color couleur
colored color
colorful color
colour couleur
coloured color
colourful color
colt poulain
column colonne
comb peigne
comfortable confortable
comma virgule
command ordre
commerce commerce
commercial publicit
commitment engagement
common commun
common commun
communion communion
community communit
companion camarade
company entreprise
comparison comparaison
competitive comptitif
complaint plainte
complete complet
completely fond
complicated compliqu
compliment compliment
computer ordinateur
comrade camarade
concerning concernant
concert concert
condition condition
confederated confder
conference confrence
confession confession
confident hyderus
conflict conflit
congratulations flicitations
conscience conscience
consistent consistent
consonant consonne
consultant consultant
contagious contagieuse
contagious contagieux
container rcipient
contents contenu
contest concours
continent continent
contractions contractions
contribution contribution
controversial contrevers
conversation conversation
cook cuisinier
cooking cuisine
coolness fracheur
coop poulailler
cooperation coopration
copper cuivre
copy copie
coriander coriandre
corn mas
corner coin
corpse cadavre
correct correct
corrosive corrosif
corrupt corrompu
cost cot
costly coteux
cosy abrit
cottage chlet
cotton coton
cough toux
country pays
countryside campagne
courage courage
course cours
court cour
courtyard cour
cousin cousine
cousin cousin
cover couvercle
cow vache
crab crabe
crack fissure
cracked gerc
cranky grincheux
crazy fou
cream crme
crease pli
creation cration
creative cratif
creek ruisseau
crib berceau
criminal criminel
crisis crise
crooked oblique
crops rcolte
cross croix
crow corbeau
crowd foule
crowded encombr
crown couronne
crude grossier
cruel cruel
cruelty cruaut
crutch bquille
crying pleurs
cultivation culture
culture culture
cup tasse
cupboard armoire
cure remde
curious curieux
curly fris
current courant
curtain rideau
curve courbe
custody garde
customer client
cut coupure
cute mignon
daily quotidien
damage degats
damaged abm
damp humide
dance danse
dancer danseuse
dandruff pellicules
dangerous dangereux
dark sombre
darkness obscurit
date date
daughter fille
dawn aube
day jour
dead mort
deaf sourd
death mort
debt dette
decade dcennie
deceleration dclration
December dcembre
decline dclin
deed action
deep profond
deer cerf
defective dfectueux
deformed dform
delay dlai
delicious dlicieux
delight grand plaisir
delight joie
delighted ravi
delighted rjoui
delightful ravissant
demand xigence
demented insens
democracy dmocratie
den tanire
dense dense
dent dent
dentist dentiste
departure dpart
deposit acompte
depression dpression
depression dpression
depth profondeur
descent descente
desire dsir
desk bureau
desolation dsolation
despite malgr
dessert dessert
destiny destin
destruction destruction
detailed dtaill
details dtails
development dveloppement
deviation dviation
devil diable
dialect dialecte
dictionary dictionnaire
difference diffrence
differently diffrement
difficult difficile
difficulty difficult
dignified plein de dignit
diligent assidu
dimension dimension
dining room salle manger
dinner souper
dip dclivit
diplomatic diplomatique
direction direction
dirt salet
dirty sale
disappointed du
disaster dsastre
discovery dcouverte
discussion discussion
disease maladie
disgraceful honteux
dish plat
dishes vaisselle
dismantling dmontage
distance distance
distant loign
distinct distinct
district rgion
ditch foss
division division
divorce divorce
doctor mdecin
dog chien
doll poupe
dolphin dauphin
donation donation
done fait
donkey ne
don't! faut pas!
door porte
doubt doute
doubtless sans doute
dough fric
dove colombe
down en bas
downstairs en bas
downtown centre ville
drawing dessin
dress robe
dresser buffer
dressing gown robe de
drill perceuse
drink boisson
drive entrain
driver conducteur
drop baisse
drop goutte
drought secheresse
drum tambour
drunk ivre
drunkenness ivresse
dry sec
duchess duchesse
duck canard
due to cause de
duke duque
during pendant
dust poussire
Dutch hollandais
each chaque
each one chacun
each other un l'autre
eager avide
eagle aigle
ear oreille
early tt
earnest assidu
earth terre
earthquake tremblement de
ease facilit
east est
Easter Pques
easy facile
echo cho
economic situation
situation conomique
economy conomie
edge bord
education ducation
effort effort
effortless sans peine
egg oeuf
eggshell coquille
eight huit
eighteen dix-huit
eighty quatre-vingts
either one un des deux
either one un ou l'autre
eitheror soitsoit
elbow coude
election lection
electricity lctricit
elegance lgance
element lment
eleven onze
embarassed gn
embassy ambassade
emergency urgence
employee salari
employer employeur
empty vide
end bout
end fin
enemy ennemi
energy nergie
England Angleterre
English anglais
English Anglaise
Englishman Anglais
enjoyment plaisir
enormous enorme
enough assez
enthousiasm enthousiasme
entirely compltement
envelope envelope
envious envieux
environment environnement
envy envie
equal gal
equality galit
equipment quipement
error erreur
especially surtout
essence essence
eternal terne
even mme
even though bien que
evening soir
event venement
ever jamais
every chaque
every time chaque fois
everybody tout le monde
everyone tout le monde
everything tout
everywhere partout
evil mchant
exact exacte
exactly exactement
examination examen
example exemple
excellent excellent
except sauf
exceptional exceptionnel
excessive excessif
excitement exaltation
exciting amusant
exclusive exclusif
exhausted puis
expense cot
expensive cher
expert expert
explosion explosion
express train TGV
extensive extensif
external externe
extravagant extravagant
extremely extrmement
extremity bout
eye oeil
eyebrow sourcil
eyelid paupire
face visage
facing en face
fact fait
factory usine
failure chec
faint lger
fair juste
faith foi
faithful fiel
false faux
fame dignit
familiar usuel
family famille
famous clbre
far loin
farewell adieu
farm ferme
farmer agriculteur
fascination fascination
fashion mode
fast rapide
fat graisse
fat gros
fatal mortel
fate destin
father pre
fatigue fatigue
fault dfaut
favour faveurs
fear peur
feasible faisable
feat succs
feather plume
February fvrier
fed up ras le bol
federal fdral
fee frais
feeble dbile
feeling sentiment
female femelle
fence clture
fern fougre
ferocious froce
festival festival
fever fievre
fiction fiction
field champ
fierce froce
fifteen quinze
fifth cinquime
fifty cinquante
fight combat
filth salet
final dernier
finally enfin
finance finance
fine raffin
finger doigt
fingernail ongle
finish fin
finish fin
Finnish finnois
fire feu
firewood bois de chauffage
firm entreprise
first premier
fish poisson
fisherman pcheur
fissure fissure
fist poing
five cinq
flag drapeau
flame flamme
flashing clignotant
flat appartement
flat plat
flattery flatterie
flavour parfum
flaw dfaut
flawed dfectueux
flesh chair
flight vol
flock brebis
floor plancher
flow courant
flower fleur
flu grippe
fluent couramment
fly mouche
fog brouillard
food nourriture
foot pied
football football
for pendant
for car
for pour
for a while pendant quelque
for example par exemple
forest fort
forever pour toujours
fork fourchette
form forme
formal official
former ancien
fortunate chanceux
forty quarante
fountain fontaine
four quatre
fourteen quatorze
fourth quatrime
fox renard
fragment fragment
fragrance parfum
fragrant fragrant
frame cadre
France France
free gratuit
free libre
freedom libert
French franais
French Franaise
Frenchman Franais
frequent frquent
fresh frais
Friday vendredi
Friday morning vendredi
dans l'aprs-midi
Friday night vendredi soir
fridge frigo
friend ami
friendly amical
fright terreur
frightened effray
frightful pouvantable
frog grenouille
from de
from here d'ici
from time to time de temps
en temps
from where d'o
front en avant
frost givre
fruit fruits
frustrating frustrant
frying pan pole frire
fulfilling enrichissant
full plein
full rempli
full-time temps plein
fun amusement
funeral enterrement
funny amusant
fur fourure
furious furieux
furnished meubl
furniture meubles
fury rage
fussy tatillon
gadget machin
gadget truc
game jeu
garbage ordures
garbage can poubelle
garden jardin
garlic ail
gate porte
gearbox boite vitesse
general gnral
generosity gnrosit
generous genreux
Geneva Genve
genius gnie
gentle timor
gentleman monsieur
geography gographie
German Allemand
German allemand
German Allemande
Germany Allemagne
get avoir
ghost fantme
giant gant
gift cadeau
ginger gingembre
girl fille
gladly volontiers
glass verre
glasses lunettes
gloomy lugubre
glory gloire
glove gant
glutinous gourmand
go aller
goat chvre
God Dieu
gold dor
gold or
good bon
goodbye auxrevoirs
goose oie
grace grace
grain grain
grammar grammaire
grandchild petit enfant
grandeur grandeur
grandfather grand-pre
grandmother grand-mre
grass herbe
gratitude gratitude
grave tombe
graveyard cimetire
great gnial
greedy gourmand
green vert
greeness verdure
greenish verdtre
greetings salutations
grey gris
grief chagrin
groan gmir
groove sillon
ground sol
group groupe
growth croissance
guard veille
guidance conduite
guilty coupable
Guingamp Guingamp
gun pistolet
habit habitude
hair cheveux
hair poil
hairy poilu
half moiti
halibut fltan
hall halle
hammer marteau
hand main
handkerchief mouchoir
handle poigne
handsome beau
happiness bonheur
happy heureux
hard dur
hardly peine
harm tort
harmless innocent
harshness rudesse
harvest moisson
hat chapeau
hatred haine
hay foin
head tte
headache mal de tete
headquarters siege social
health sant
healthy en bonne sant
healthy sain
hearing oue
heart coeur
heart attack crise cardiaque
heat chaleur
heaven ciel
heavy lourd
hedge haie
hedgehog hrisson
heel talon
height hauteur
hell enfer
helmet casque
hen poule
hen coop poulailler
hepatitis hpatite
her too elle aussi
here ici
here is voici
heritage patrimoine
hero hro
hidden cach
high haut
hill colline
him too lui aussi
hip hanche
history histoire
hit coup
hole trou
holiday cong
holidays vacances
hollow creux
home chez soi
homeward vers la maison
homework devoirs
honest honnte
honey miel
honor honeur
honorable honorable
honour honeur
honourable honorable
hope espoir
hopefully esprons
horizon horizon
horrible horrible
horrifying horrifiant
horse cheval
horse shoe fer cheval
hospital hpital
host hte
hostile hostile
hot chaud
hour heure
house maison
how comment
how ~ ! si ~ !
how many combien
how much combien
however cependant
howl hurlement
Huelgoad Huelgoad
humid humide
hump bosse
hundred cent
hunger faim
hungry affam
hunter chasseur
husband mari
hut cabane
hydrogen hydrogne
hyphen trait d'union
ice glace
ice cream glace
idea ide
if si
ill malade
illness maladie
image image
imagination imagination
imitation imitation
immense immense
impact impact
impatience impatience
impolite grossier
importance importance
important important
impossible impossible
impression impression
improvement amlioration
in dans
in a dans un
in fact en fait
in favor of d'accord
in favour of pour
in front devant
in order to afin de
in that way de cette manire
in the mean time entre temps
in the middle of au milieu de
inaudible inaudible
inch pouce
income revenus
independence indpendence
independent indpendant
indication trace
indifferent indiffrent
individual individual
industry industrie
infected infect
infectious infectieux
inferior infrieur
inflamed enflamm
inflammation inflammation
influence influence
influenza grippe
information information
innocent innocent
insane fou
inside l'intrieur
inside dedans
inside dedans
instead of au lieu de
institution institution
insult insulte
intelligence intelligence
intelligent intelligent
intense intense
intention intention
intentionally exprs
interest intrt
interest rate taux d'intrt
interesting intressant
internal interne
intonation intonation
intoxicated ivre
invisible invisible
invitation invitation
Ireland Irlande
Irish irlandais
iron fer
is est
island le
Italian Italien
Italian italien
Italy Italie
itchy qui dmange
ivy lierre
jacket veste
jail prison
jam confiture
January janvier
Japanese japonais
jar pot
jaw machoire
jealous jaloux
jealousy jalousie
job position
joke blague
journey voyage
joy joie
joyful joyeuse
joyful joyeux
judge juge
jug pot
juice jus
July juillet
June juin
jury jury
justice justice
keen avide
kept up bien entretenu
kettle marmite
key cl
kid enfant
kidney rein
kind aimable
kind espce
king roi
kingdom royaume
kitchen cuisine
knapsack sac dos
knee genou
knife couteau
knight cavalier
knock coup
knowledge connaissance
lad gamin
lady dame
lair repaire
lake lac
lamb agneau
lame boiteux
lamp lampe
landing atterissage
landscape paysage
language langue
lantern lanterne
last dernier
last dernier
last night nuit dernire
last year anne dernire
late en retard
late tard
laughter rire
launching lancement
law loi
lawyer avocat
lazy paresseux
leaf feuille
lean maigre
leap saut
leather cuir
lecture confrence
lecturer confrencier
left gauche
left-handed gaucher
leg jambe
leg pied
legend lgende
leisure loisir
length longueur
lens lentille
less moins
lesson leon
let's see! voyons!
letter lettre
letter lettre
library bibliothque
lid couvercle
life vie
light lger
light lumire
lighter briquet
lighting clairage
like comme
like this comme a
likeness image
likewise De la mme
line ligne
lip lvre
lipstick rouge lvre
list liste
literature litrature
liver foie
livestock cheptel
loan emprunt
loan prt
loathsome rpugnant
lobster homard
local local
lock serrure
log bche
London Londres
loneliness solitude
lonely solitaire
long long
long term long terme
longing nostalgie
look air
lord seigneur
Lorient Lorient
loud fort
love amour
lovely agrable
low bas
loyal fiel
loyalty loyaut
luck chance
lumberjack bcheron
luminous lumineux
lunch djeuner
lung poumon
luxurious de luxe
machine machine
mackrel maquereau
madness folie
magazine revue
magic magie
magical magique
magnificence magnificence
majestic majestueux
male mle
malicious malicieux
man homme
management gestion
manager grant
manner manire
manufacturer fabricant
many plusieurs
many times plusieurs fois
map carte
maple rable
March mars
market march
marriage mariage
married marri
mass messe
material toile
may pouvoir
May mai
may pouvoir
maybe peut-tre
mayor maire
meal repas
mean mchant
meaning signification
meanwhile entre temps
measles rougeole
measurement mesure
measuring tape mtre
meat viande
medicine medicament
meditation mditation
meeting runion
member membre
memory memoire
meningitis mningite
merchant commerant
merchant marchand
mercy piti
mermaid sirne
mess dsordre
message message
messy dsordonn
metal mtal
meter mtre
metre mtre
middle milieu
midnight minuit
milk lait
mind esprit
minute minute
miracle miracle
mirror miroir
misfortune malchance
mistake faute
moan gmir
modest modeste
moisture humidit
moment moment
momentary momentann
Monday lundi
Monday morning lundi
Monday night lundi soir
money argent
monk moine
monkey singe
monster monstre
month mois
moon lune
morality moralit
more plus
Morlaix Morlaix
morning matin
mosquito moustique
most plupart
mostly pour la plupart
moth mite
mother mre
mother tongue langue
motion mouvement
mountain montagne
mouse souris
moustache moustache
mouth bouche
movement mouvement
movie film
much beaucoup de
mud boue
mula fric
multiple multiple
mumps oreillons
murderous meurtrier
museum muse
mushroom champignon
music musique
musician musicien
must devoir
mutation muta tion
mutlipication mutlipication
mutton mouton
mutual commun
mysterious mystrieux
mystery mystre
nail clou
naked nue
name nom
namely soit
Nantes Nantes
nap sieste
narrow troit
nasty mchant
nation peuple
national national
nationality nationalit
natural naturel
nature nature
naughty insolent
near prs
nearby tout prs
nearly presque
necessity ncessit
neck cou
necklace collier
need besoin
neighbor voisin
neighboring avoisinant
neighbour voisin
neighbouring avoisinant
neither non plus
neithernor nini
nephew neveu
nest nid
network rseau
never jamais
nevertheless quand mme
new nouveau
New Year's Saint Sylvestre
newspaper journal
next prochain
next day lendemain
nice gentil
niece nice
night nuit
nightmare cauchemar
nine neuf
nineteen dix-neuf
ninety quatre-vingt-dix
noble noble
noble noble
noise bruit
noisy bruyant
none at all pas du tout
none at all pas un seul
nonetheless quand mme
noon midi
north nord
nose nez
nostril narine
not any pas de
notch encroche
notebook cahier
nothing rien
noticeable visible
noun nom
novel roman
November novembre
now maintenant
nowhere nullepart
nude nu
numb engourdi
number nombre
number numro
nun soeur
nut crou
nut noix
oak chne
oar rame
oath serment
oats avoine
object objet
observant observateur
observatory observatoire
obstacle obstacle
obvious visible
occasional occasionnel
occasionally parfois
occupation mtier
October octobre
odor mauvaise odeur
odour mauvaise odeur
of the same opinion d'accord
office bureau
official official
often souvent
oil huile
old vieux
old age vieillesse
on sur
on fire en feu
on purpose exprs
on that side de ce ct-l
on this side de ce ct-ci
once une fois
one un
onion oignon
only seul
only seulement
open ouvert
opening ouverture
opinion opinion
opportunity occasion
opposite en face
oppression opression
oppressive oppressif
or ou
orange orange
orange orange
order ordre
order ordre
ordinary ordinaire
oregano origan
oscillation oscillation
otherwise sinon
ought to devoir
outside en dehors
outstanding exceptionnel
outstanding remarquable
ovation ovation
over dessus
overcoat manteau
overseas outre-mer
owl hibou
own propre
owner propritaire
oxygen oxygne
Pacific Ocean ocan
package colis
packet colis
page page
pain douleur
pain peine
painful douleureux
painted peint
pair paire
palace palais
pale ple
pamphlet tract
pants pantalon
paper papier
paprika paprika
parasite parasite
park parc
part partie
particular particulier
partition cloison
part-time temps partiel
party fte
party soire
passage passage
passenger passager
past pass
path sentier
patience patience
patient patient
patriot patriote
pea petit pois
peace paix
peaceful paisible
peach pche
pear poire
pedestrian piton
pen stylo
pencil crayon
penetrating pntrant
peninsula presqu'le
penny sou
people gens
people peuple
pepper poivre
perch perchoir
perfect parfait
perhaps peut-tre
period priode
period point
permission permission
persecution perscution
persistent persistant
person personne
photo photo
phrase phrase
physics physique
picture photo
pie tourte
piece morceau
piercing perant
pig cochon
pigeon colombe
pile tas
pillow oreiller
pink rose
pipe tuyau
piston piston
pitcher pichet
pity piti
place endroit
plan plan
plane avion
plant plante
plaster pltre
plate assiette
pleasant plaisant
pleasure plaisir
plentiful copieux
plenty assez
plough charrue
plum prune
plural pluriel
pocket poche
poem pome
poet barde
poetry posie
pointed pointu
pointless futile
poison poison
poisonous toxique
Poland Pologne
policeman policier
Polish polonais
polite courtois
politics politique
pomp pompe
pond tang
poor pauvre
pope pape
porcupine porc pic
pork porc
Portuguese portugais
position position
positive positif
possession possession
possible possible
poster affiche
pot marmite
potato pomme de terre
pouch pochette
pound livre
poverty pauvret
power force
powerful puissant
practical practique
praise louange
prayer prire
precisely prcisement
pregnant enceinte
preposition prposition
presence prsence
president prsident
pressing urgent
presumption prsomption
pretty jolie
previous dernier
prey proie
price prix
pride fiert
priest cur
prince prince
princess princesse
prison prison
prisoner prisonnier
privilege honeur
process processus
production production
profession mtier
profit profit
project projet
promise promesse
promotion promotion
pronoun pronom
proof preuve
property proprit
proportion proportion
prosperity prosprit
protection protection
proud fier
proud fire
provincial provincial
prudent prudent
pub bistro
public publique
public notice affiche
pumpkin citrouille
punctual ponctuel
punctuation ponctuation
pure pur
purpose but
pursuit pursuite
quality qualit
quarter quart
queen reine
question question
quick vite
quiet tranquille
Quimper Quimper
quite assez
rabbit lapin
race course
race race
radio radio
raft radeau
rag lambeau
rage rage
rain pluie
raincoat impermable
rake rteau
ramp rampe
rank rang
rapidity rapidit
rare rare
rascal galopin
rash ruption
raspberry framboise
rat rat
rate taux
rather assez
rational prudent
raw cru
ray rayon
razor rasoir
ready prt
real ral
really vraiment
reason raison
reasonable raisonable
rebellion rebellion
recognition recognition
red rouge
reddish rougetre
reduction rduction
refined cultiv
reflection reflection
refusal refus
region rgion
regional rgional
regret regret
regular regulier
relationship relation
relative parent
relevant pertinent
reliable fiable
religion religion
remnant vestige
remote cart
remote lointain
Rennes Rennes
report report
reprise rprise
reputation rputation
request demande
requirement xigence
research recherche
respect respect
response rponse
responsibility responsabilit
responsible rsponsable
rest repos
result rsultat
retirement retraite
revaluation rvaluation
revolution revolution
rice riz
rich riche
right droite
right droit
right away tout de suite
right now en ce moment
rim ras
ring bague
ripe mr
river rivire
road chemin
rock roche
rocket fuse
rocket roquette
rod barre
Rome Rome
roof toit
room pice
rooster coq
root racine
rope corde
rotten pourri
rough rche
round rond
row file
rubbish ordures
rude grossier
rumour rumeur
rural rural
Russia Russie
Russian russe
sack sac
sacrifice sacrifice
sad triste
sadness tristesse
safe sauf
said dit
said she dit-elle
salary salaire
salesperson vendeur
salmon saumon
salt sel
sand sable
satisfied satisfait
Saturday samedi
sauce sauce
saucepan casserole
savage brutal
savage froce
saw scie
saying expression
scale caille
scar cicatrice
scarf foulard
scary qui donne des frissons
scent fumet
scented parfum
scholar savant
school cole
science science
scorching brlant
Scotland Ecosse
Scotsman Ecossais
screw vis
screwdriver tournevis
script scripte
sea mer
seal phoque
season saison
seat sige
second deuxime
second seconde
secret secret
secretary secrtaire
security scurit
seed semance
seldom rarement
selfish goste
senate snat
sense sens
sentence phrase
September septembre
serious grave
serious srieux
servant domestique
service service
service service
set jeu
seven sept
seventeen dix-sept
seventy soixante-dix
several plusieurs
shade ombre
shadow ombre
shallow peu profond
shame honte
shameful honteux
shape forme
share partie
shark requin
sharp aigu
sharp bien aiguis
sheep mouton
sheet feuille
shelf tagre
shelter abri
sheltered abrit
shepherd berger
shiny brilliant
ship navire
shirt chemise
shiver frisson
shoe chaussure
shop magasin
shore cte
short court
should devoir
shoulder paule
shout cri
shovel pelle
show spectacle
shower averse
shy timide
sick malade
side ct
sight vue
sign panneau
sign trace
signature signature
silent silent
silicon silicone
silly bte
silver argent
similar semblable
sin pch
since depuis
since puisque
singer chanteur
singing chant
sink vier
sink lavabo
sinusitis sinusite
sister soeur
sitting assis
six six
sixteen seize
sixty soixante
size grandeur
skilful adroit
skill habilet
skilled adroit
skin peau
skinny mince
skirt jupe
sky ciel
slab dalle
slave esclave
sleep sommeil
sleeve manche
slender mince
slice tranche
slim mince
slippery glissant
slow lent
slum taudis
smack coup
small petit
smart dgourdi
smell odeur
smelly malodorant
smoke fume
smooth lisse
snack casse-crote
snail escargot
snake serpent
snow neige
so big si grand
so much autant
so that afin que
so that pour que
soap savon
soccer football
society socit
sock chaussette
sofa canap
soft doux
soil sol
soiled souill
soldier soldat
sole semelle
solid solide
solitary solitaire
some des
some quelques
somebody quelqu'un
somehow n'importe
someone quelqu'un
something quelque chose
sometimes quelquefois
somewhere quelquepart
son fils
song chanson
son-in-law beau-fils
soon bientt
sore douloureux
sore sensible
sorrow chagrin
sort espce
soul me
sound son
soup soupe
sour acide
south sud
space espace
spacious spacieux
Spain Espagne
Spaniard Espagnol
Spanish espagnol
special spcial
speech parler
speed vitesse
spelling orthographe
spending dpense
spice pice
spicy pic
spider araigne
spinning wheel rouet
spirit entrain
splendid splendide
splendour splendeur
spoiled gat
spoon cuiller
sports sport
spot pois
spring printemps
spring source
squared carr
squirrel cureuil
stable table
stairs escaliers
standing rputation
standing standing
start dbut
state tat
station gare
status prestige
status standing
steel acier
steep pique
stench puanteur
step action
step pas
stick baton
stick bton
still toujours
sting piqre
stitch point
stomach estomac
stone pierre
stool tabouret
stop light feu
stormy orageux
story histoire
stove cuisinire
straight tout droit
strange trange
stranger extra-terrestre
strap courroie
straw paille
strawberry fraise
stream ruisseau
street rue
strength force
stretcher brancard
string corde
stroke attaque
stroll promenade
strong fort
stubborn ttu
student tudiant
stupidity stupidit
style style
subject sujet
substantial substantiel
subtraction subtraction
suburb banlieue
subway mtro
success succs
such as comme
sudden soudain
suddenly tout coup
sugar sucre
suggestion suggestion
suit complet
suitable convenable
summer t
sun soleil
sunburn coup de soleil
Sunday dimanche
sunny ensoleill
sunrise lever du soleil
sunset coucher du soleil
sunshine clart du soleil
superb superbe
superior suprieur
superstitious superstitieux
supper souper
sure certain
surely srement
surface surface
surprise surprise
surprised tonn
suspicion mfiance
suspicious suspect
swan cigogne
sweat sueur
sweet bonbon
sweet sucr
swimming pool piscine
swollen gonfl
sword pe
syllable syllabe
system systme
table table
tail queue
take off dcollage
talent talent
talkative bavard
tall grand
tame apprivois
tank rservoir
tanned bronz
target cible
task tache
taste got
tasty savoureux
tattered mis en lambeaux
tax taxe
tea th
teacher institurice
teacher professeur
team quipe
teapot thire
tear larme
tedious ennuyeux
television tlvision
temper mauvais
temperate tempr
ten dix
ten years ago il y a dix
tenderness tendresse
tension tension
termite termite
terrace terrasse
terrible terrible
territorial territorial
terror terreur
tetanus ttanos
Thanksgiving action de
that que
that cela
that there ce-l
the one celui
the same mme
the whole day toute la
theater thatre
theatre thatre
then ensuite
then puis
there l-bas
there is voil
therefore donc
thick pais
thickness paisseur
thief voleur
thigh cuisse
thin mince
thing chose
third troisime
thirst soif
thirsty assoiff
thirteen treize
thirty trente
thirty two trente deux
this ceci
this one celle-ci
this one celui-ci
this time cette fois-ci
thorn pin
thought pense
thousand mille
thread fil
threat menace
three trois
thrill tressaillement
throat gorge
throne trne
through travers
through here par l
thumb pouce
thunder tonnerre
Thursday jeudi
thus alors
thyme thym
tide mare
tidy ordonn
tiger tigre
tilted pench
time temps
timetable horaire
timid timide
tin boite de conserve
tiny tout petit
tip cme
tip pourboire
tired fatigu
tiresome agaant
tiring fatigant
title titre
to abandon abandonner
to abound abonder
to abstain s'abstenir
to abuse maltraiter
to accompany accompagner
to accomplish accomplir
to accuse accuser
to achieve achever
to act agir
to admire admirer
to admit admettre
to advance avancer
to advise conseiller
to affect affecter
to afford se payer
to agitate agiter
to agree tre d'accord
to aim viser
to allow permettre
to amaze tonner
to amount to s'lever
to anger mettre en colre
to announce annoncer
to annoy contrarier
to answer rpondre
to appear apparatre
to apply appliquer
to approach aborder
to approach dborder
to approve approuver
to arise se produire
to arrange arranger
to arrest arrter
to arrive arriver
to ask demander
to assault assaillir
to assert oneself s'affirmer
to assign assigner
to assume assumer
to assure assurer
to attach attacher
to attack attaquer
to attack attaquer
to attain atteindre
to attract attirer
to avenge venger
to avoid viter
to bake cuire
to bang claquer
to baptize baptiser
to bark aboyer
to base baser
to be tre
to be able to pouvoir
to be amazed tre tonn
to be born natre
to be called s'appeler
to be fond of aimer bien
to be late tre en retard
to be mistaken se tromper
to be seated tre assi
to be situated se trouver
to be worth valoir
to be worth it valoir la
to beat battre
to become devenir
to become devenir
to beg mendier
to begin commencer
to behave se comporter
to believe croire
to belong to appartenir
to bend plier
to besiege assiger
to betray trahir
to bewilder affoler
to bite mordre
to blame blamer
to blaze resplendir
to bless bnir
to blind aveugler
to bloom fleurir
to blossom fleurir
to blow souffler
to blunder faire une gaffe
to blunder gaffer
to boast se vanter
to boil bouillir
to boo huer
to bore ennuyer
to borrow emprunter
to bother dranger
to bounce rebondir
to brake freiner
to break casser
to break down torri i lawr
to breathe respirer
to bribe corrompre
to bring apporter
to bring in apporter
to bring in introduire
to brush brosser
to brush your teeth se laver
les dents
to bubble bouillonner
to build btir
to bump se cogner
to burn se brler
to burp roter
to burrow se terrer
to burst clater
to bury enterrer
to button up boutonner
to buy acheter
to buzz bourdonner
to call appeler
to call nommer
to call up tlphoner
to calm down se calmer
to cancel annuler
to capture capturer
to caress caresser
to carry porter
to carry out effectuer
to catch attraper
to catch attrapper
to catch attraper
to catch capturer
to catch a cold
to catch up ratrapper
to cause causer
to caution avertir
to caw croasser
to cease cesser
to challenge dfier
to change changer
to char caboniser
to charge faire payer
to charm enchanter
to chase chasser
to chase poursuivre
to chat causer
to chew mcher
to choke touffer
to choke trangler
to choose choisir
to chop off hacher
to chop off taillader
to chop up hacher
to circle encercler
to clash choquer
to clash heurter
to clean nettoyer
to clear up ranger
to climb grimper
to clink cliqueter
to close fermer
to cloud over se couvrir
to collect ramasser
to comb se peigner
to combine combiner
to come venir
to come again venir de
to come along venir aussi
to come back revenir
to come by passer
to command commander
to communicate
to compare comparer
to compel contraindre
to compete concourrir
to complain se plaindre
to complete complter
to comprise comprendre
to confirm confirmer
to connect brancher
to consider considrer
to consider rflchir
to console consoler
to constitute constituer
to consume consumer
to contact contacter
to contain contenir
to continue continuer
to control restreindre
to converse converser
to convey expdier
to convince convaincre
to cook faire la cuisine
to cooperate cooprer
to cope with matriser
to copy copier
to correct corriger
to cost coter
to cough tousser
to count compter
to cover couvrir
to crack fler
to crack fissurer
to crash craquer
to crave avoir un besoin
to crawl ramper
to creak grincer
to create crer
to creep ramper
to creep se glisser
to criticize critiquer
to cross traverser
to crunch croquer
to crush craser
to cry pleurer
to curse jurer
to curse maudir
to cut couper
to dam up endiguer
to damage abmer
to dampen mouiller
to dance danser
to dangle pendiller
to dare oser
to dazzle blouir
to deal with s'occuper
to decide se dcider
to declare dclarer
to decompose dcomposer
to decorate dcorer
to decrease dcrotre
to decrease diminuer
to dedicate ddier
to defeat vaincre
to defend dfendre
to define dfinir
to delay tarder
to delight ravir
to demolish dmolir
to demonstrate dmontrer
to denounce dnoncer
to deny nier
to depart partir
to depend on dpendre de
to describe dcrire
to deserve mriter
to desire dsirer
to despise mpriser
to destroy dtruir
to detach dtacher
to deteriorate dgnrer
to detest dtester
to develop se dvelopper
to develop dvelopper
to devote consacrer
to devour dvorer
to dial the wrong number
se tromper de numro
to die mourir
to dig creuser
to dig up piocher
to dirty salir
to disappear disparatre
to discover dcouvrir
to discuss discuter
to disdain ddaigner
to disgust dgouter
to dismantle dmanteler
to dismiss congdier
to dismiss renvoyer
to dismount dmonter
to dispense dispenser
to dissuade dissuader
to distinguish diffrencier
to distribute rpartir
to distrust se dfier de
to dive plonger
to divide diviser
to do faire
to doubt s'en douter
to drag remorquer
to drain drainer
to drain puiser
to drain vider
to draw dessiner
to draw retirer
to dream rver
to drench inonder
to dress se vtir
to drift driver
to drink boire
to drip goutter
to drive conduire
to drown noyer
to dry secher
to dry up se desscher
to dry up se tarir
to earn gagner
to eat manger
to eat manger
to edit diter
to elapse s'couler
to elude luder
to emanate maner
to embellish embellir
to emerge merger
to emit mettre
to emphasize accentuer
to emphasize insister
to emprison emprisonner
to empty vider
to empty vider
to enchant enchanter
to enchant fasciner
to encircle encercler
to encourage encourager
to end terminer
to endure endurer
to enjoy s'amuser
to enquire s'enqurir
to enter entrer
to entertain accueillir
to entertain recevoir
to entrust charger
to entrust confier
to erase ffacer
to escape s'chapper
to establish tablir
to estimate estimer
to exagerate exagrer
to examine examiner
to exhibit dmontrer
to expect exiger
to expect exiger
to expel expulser
to experience prouver
to expire expirer
to explain expliquer
to explode exploser
to explore explorer
to express exprimer
to exterminate exterminer
to extinguish teindre
to face faire face
to fail chouer
to faint s'vanouir
to fall tomber
to fall asleep s'endormir
to fall ill tomber malade
to falter chanceler
to fart peter
to fascinate fasciner
to favor prferer
to favour prferer
to fear craindre
to feel sentir
to fetch aller chercher
to fight se battre
to file down rasper
to fill remplir
to fill remplir
to find trouver
to find appealing plaire
to finish finir
to fire renvoyer
to fish pcher
to fit aller bien
to flatter flatter
to flee fuir
to flex flchir
to flirt flirter
to flood inonder
to flutter voleter
to fly voler
to foam mousser
to fold plier
to follow suivre
to force forcer
to forfeit forfaire
to forget oublier
to forgive excuser
to forgive pardonner
to freeze geler
to frighten faire peur
to frown froncer les sourcils
to fry frire
to gape bayer
to gather rassembler
to gaze guetter
to get devenir
to get along s'entendre
to get angry with se fcher
to get better gurir
to get by se dbrouiller
to get cloudy se couvrir
to get dark se faire noir
to get dressed se vtir
to get drunk se bourrer
to get drunk se souler
to get fat engraisser
to get going se mettre en
to get in entrer
to get lost se perdre
to get mad with se fcher
to get married se marier
to get out sortir
to get rid of se dbarasser
to get sick tomber malade
to get up se lever
to get used to s'habituer
to give donner
to give birth donner
to give in cder
to give in se rendre
to give way flchir
to glow flamboyer
to glow s'embraser
to gnaw ronger
to go aller
to go devenir
to go back home rentrer
to go down descendre
to go for a walk se
to go get aller chercher
to go off sonner
to go out sortir
to go through passer par
to go to bed se coucher
to go up monter
to grasp saisir
to grease barbouiller
to greet saluer
to grind broyer
to groan grogner
to groom astiquer
to groom panser
to grow grandir
to grumble grogner
to grunt grogner
to guard garder
to guess deviner
to gush jaillir
to hail grler
to handle manier
to handle manipuler
to handle s'occuper
to hang accrocher
to happen arriver
to happen arriver
to happen se produire
to harass harasser
to harvest rcolter
to hatch clorer
to hate dtester
to haunt hanter
to have avoir
to have fun s'amuser
to have to devoir
to have to falloir
to heal gurir
to heal se cicatriser
to hear entendre
to heat chauffer
to help aider
to hem ourler
to hesitate hsiter
to hide cacher
to hide se cacher
to hike faire une
to hike randonner
to hinder gner
to hiss siffler
to hit battre
to hit frapper
to hitchhike faire du stop
to hold tenir
to honor honorer
to honour honorer
to hop sauter cloche-pied
to horrify horrifier
to hug treindre
to humiliate humilier
to hunt chasser
to hurry se dpcher
to hurt faire mal
to idolize idoltrer
to ignore ignorer
to illuminate iluminer
to imagine imaginer
to immerse immerger
to immunize immuniser
to implore implorer
to implore supplier
to imply insinuer
to impress impressionner
to improve amliorer
to incapacitate incapaciter
to incite inciter
to include inclure
to increase accrotre
to increase augmenter
to indicate indiquer
to inhabit habiter
to initiate initier
to injure blesser
to insist insister
to inspect inspecter
to install installer
to insult insulter
to integrate intgrer
to interfere se mler
to interrogate interroger
to introduce prsenter
to invade invahir
to invent inventer
to invest investir
to invite inviter
to iron repasser
to irrigate irriguer
to join joindre
to jolt cahoter
to jolt secouer
to jostle cahoter
to jostle secouer
to judge juger
to jump sauter
to keep garder
to keep quiet se taire
to kidnap kidnapper
to kill tuer
to kiss embrasser
to know connatre
to know savoir
to last durer
to latch onto s'emparer
to laugh rire
to lay pondre
to laze about traner
to lead ammener
to lead mener
to learn apprendre
to leave s'en aller
to lend prter
to lengthen allonger
to let laisser
to lick lcher
to lie mentir
to lie down s'allonger
to lift lever
to like aimer bien
to limp boiter
to limp clocher
to listen to couter
to live habiter
to live vivre
to live vivre
to load charger
to lock barrer
to lock fermer clef
to lock verrouiller
to lodge berger
to look regarder
to look around regarder
to look at regarder
to look on tre spectateur
to look up chercher
to loosen deserrer
to loosen lcher
to lose perdre
to love aimer
to lower baisser
to lubricate lubrifier
to lurk tre aux aguets
to lurk se tapir
to maintain entretenir
to make faire
to make a mistake se
to make an effort faire un
to make fun of se moquer de
to make the most of en
to manage trouver moyen
to marry s'pouser
to mash brasser
to mash triturer
to match s'accorder
to mean signifier
to mean vouloir dire
to measure mesurer
to meet faire connaissance
to meet up rencontrer
to meet up se rencontrer
to melt fondre
to mend raccommoder
to mention mentionner
to migrate migrer
to misapply mal appliquer
to miscalculate mal calculer
to misinform mal informer
to misinterpret malentendu
to misjudge mal juger
to misplace mal placer
to mispronounce mal
to miss manquer
to miss rater
to misspell malcrire
to mistake se tromper
to misunderstand mal
to mix mlanger
to moan geindre
to moan gmir
to mock singer
to move bouger
to move mouvoir
to move away from
s'loigner de
to move house dmenager
to multiply multiplier
to murder assassiner
to nag gronder
to nag harceler
to nail clouer
to name nommer
to narrate raconter
to need avoir besoin
to need to il faut que
to neglect nliger
to nibble grignoter
to nod hocher la tte
to notice remarquer
to nourish nourrir
to nurture duquer
to nurture lever
to obey obir
to object objecter
to observe observer
to obstruct obstruer
to obtain obtenir
to occur se passer
to offend vexer
to offer offrir
to open ouvrir
to order commander
to overcome surmonter
to overestimate sur-estimer
to overthrow culbuter
to own possder
to paint peindre
to pant halter
to parch desscher
to park stationner
to park stationner
to participate participer
to pass by passer
to pay payer
to peel plucher
to peel peler
to penetrate pntrer
to perceive percevoir
to perform effectuer
to permit permettre
to persuade persuader
to pick up ramasser
to pierce percer
to pillage piller
to pinch pincer
to pity avoir piti
to place mettre
to plan planifier
to plant planter
to play jouer
to play jouer
to plead plaider
to please plaire
to plug in brancher
to plunge plonger
to pocket empocher
to pour verser
to practise s'entrainer
to pray prier
to predict prdire
to prepare prparer
to present prsenter
to preserve protger
to pretend faire semblant
to prevent prvenir
to print imprimer
to proceed enfoncer
to proclaim proclamer
to produce produire
to promise promettre
to prosper prosprer
to protect proteger
to prove prouver
to provide fournir
to publish publier
to pull tirer
to pull out arracher
to punish punir
to purchase acheter
to purify purifier
to pursue poursuivre
to push pousser
to put mettre
to put away ranger
to put in place mettre en
to qualify qualifier
to question interroger
to quit quitter
to raid faire un coup de force
to rain pleuvoir
to raise augmenter
to read lire
to realize rendre compte
to reappear reparatre
to recall se rappeler
to receive recevoir
to receive recevoir
to recite rciter
to recognise reconnaitre
to recollect se rappeler
to recommend conseiller
to reconcile rconcilier
to record enregistrer
to recover rcuprer
to reduce rduire
to refer to faire rfrence
to reflect rflchir
to reflect refleter
to refuse refuser
to register enregistrer
to register s'inscrire
to regret rgreter
to reject repousser
to relax relcher
to relieve soulager
to remember se souvenir
to remind rappeler
to rent louer
to repair rparer
to represent reprsenter
to request prier
to require exiger
to require exiger
to require requrir
to rescue sauver
to resemble ressembler
to reside habiter
to resist rsister
to resound rsonner
to respect respecter
to respond rpondre
to rest se reposer
to restrain contenir
to retreat rtrocder
to retreat se retirer
to return retourner
to return revenir
to reverse faire marche
to reverse reculer
to revive ranimer
to ride chevaucher
to ring sonner
to rip dchirer
to rip out ventrer
to rise se lever
to rise se lever
to roam errer
to roar mugir
to rob dvaliser
to rock bercer
to roll rouler
to rot pourrir
to row ramer
to rub frotter
to ruffle froisser
to ruin abbimer
to rummage fouiller
to run courir
to run away s'enfuir
to run into tomber sur
to run out of tre court de
to rush s'empresser
to rush up to accourir
to sacrifice sacrifier
to satiate assouvir
to satiate rassasier
to save conomiser
to save sauver
to savour savourer
to say dire
to say goodbye dire au
to scamper se glisser
to scar balafrer
to scare faire peur
to scatter disperser
to scatter rpandre
to scold gronder
to scold rprimander
to scratch griffer
to scream hurler
to search for chercher
to see voir
to see again revoir
to seem sembler
to select selectionner
to sell vendre
to send envoyer
to sense percevoir
to sense sentir
to separate sparer
to set fire to mettre le feu
to set off se mettre en route
to set out se mettre en route
to sew coudre
to shake agiter
to shake secouer
to sharpen aiguiser
to shatter dlabrer
to shatter se briser en
to shave se raser
to shear tondre
to shelter abriter
to shift dcaller
to shine briller
to ship embarquer
to shiver frissonner
to shoe a horse chausser
to shoot tirer
to shorten raccourcir
to shout crier
to shove bousculer
to shovel pelleter
to show montrer
to shuffle mler
to sigh soupirer
to simulate simuler
to sing chanter
to sink couler
to sit down s'asseoir
to sizzle ptiller
to skate patiner
to slander calomnier
to slap gifler
to slap soufleter
to sleep dormir
to slide glisser
to slither glisser
to slither onduler
to slow down ralentir
to smash fracasser
to smash pulvriser
to smell sentir
to smile sourire
to smoke fumer
to sneeze ternuer
to sniff renifler
to snore ronfler
to snow neiger
to soak tremper
to soften adoucir
to soothe apaiser
to soothe soulager
to sound sonner
to sound sonner
to spare se passer de
to sparkle tinceller
to speak parler
to speed up acclerer
to spend dpenser
to spend passer du temps
to spill renverser
to spin filer
to spit cracher
to split fendre
to split morceler
to spring up se produire
to sprout pousser
to squeeze serrer
to stab donner un coup de
to stagger chanceler
to stain tacher
to stand tre debout
to stand supporter
to stare regarder fixement
to start commencer
to start small talk dborder
to stay rester
to steal voler
to steer conduire
to step pitiner
to sting piquer
to stink puer
to stir remuer
to stock emmagasiner
to stock up ravitailler
to stoke chauffer
to stop arrter
to store approvisionner
to storm faire la tempte
to strangle trangler
to stretch s'tendre
to stride enjamber
to study tudier
to stuff fourrer
to stumble faire un faux pas
to stumble trbucher
to subscribe s'abonner
to succeed russir
to suck sucer
to suffer suffrir
to suggest suggrer
to suit convenir
to sulk bouder
to summarize rsumer
to supply fournir
to suppress supprimer
to surrender capituler
to survive survivre
to suspect souponner
to swallow avaler
to swap troquer
to sway ballotter
to sweat suer
to sweep balayer
to swim nager
to swindle escroquer
to swing se balancer
to take mettre du temps
to take prendre
to take advantage en
to take away emporter
to take care of s'occuper
to take off ter
to tap tapoter
to taste goter
to teach enseigner
to tear dchirer
to tear dchirer
to tease taquiner
to tell conter
to tell dire
to terrify terroriser
to test prouver
to thicken paissir
to think penser
to thrash rosser
to throw lancer
to throw away jeter
to throw out jeter
to thunder tonner
to tickle chatouiller
to tidy up ranger
to tie attacher
to tie nouer
to tie up emballer
to tip over basculer
to tolerate tolrer
to torment tourmenter
to torture torturer
to touch mouvoir
to touch toucher
to tow remorquer
to trace tracer
to track traquer
to transfer transfrer
to transform transformer
to translate traduire
to travel voyager
to tread pitiner
to treat traiter
to tremble frmir
to tremble trembler
to trigger dclencher
to trip trbucher
to trouble troubler
to trust faire confiance
to try essayer
to try out essayer
to tumble dgringoler
to turn tourner
to turn down repousser
to turn off teindre
to turn on allumer
to twist tordre
to twitch se convulser
to twitch se crisper
to underestimate sous-
to understand comprendre
to undertake entreprendre
to undo dfaire
to undress se dshabiller
to unfold dplier
to unite unir
to urge exhorter
to urge presser
to use utiliser
to vaccinate vacciner
to vibrate vibrer
to visit rendre visite
to visit visiter
to vomit vomir
to vote voter
to wag remuer
to wait attendre
to wake up rveiller
to wake up se rveiller
to walk marcher
to wander rder
to want vouloir
to want to say vouloir dire
to warn avertir
to warn prvenir
to wash laver
to wash in hot water
to waste gaspiller
to watch regarder
to watch out faire attention
to watch TV regarder la
to water arroser
to wave faire signe
to wear porter
to wear off se dissiper
to wear out user
to weave tisser
to weave tresser
to weigh peser
to wet mouiller
to where jusqu'o
to whisper murmurer
to whistle siffler
to widen largir
to win gagner
to wind up enrouler
to wind up remonter
to wipe up essuyer
to wish dsirer
to withstand rsister
to wobble tituber
to wobble vaciller
to wonder se demander
to work travailler
to worry troubler
to worship adorer
to wound blesser
to wrap emballer
to write crire
to yank out arracher
to yawn bailler
to yearn dsirer
to yearn languir
to yell crier
to yield cder
tobacco tabac
today aujourd'hui
toe orteil
together ensemble
tomato tomate
tomorrow demain
tongue langue
tonight ce soir
too aussi
too trop
too much trop de
tool outil
tooth dent
toothpaste dentifrice
top sommet
torture torture
total total
totally totalement
towards vers
towel serviette
tower tour
town petite ville
toy jouet
track voie
tractor tracteur
tradition tradition
traffic circulation
traffic jam embouteillage
traffic light feu
train train
travels voyages
treasure trsor
tree arbre
trouble ennui
trough auge
trout truit
truce trve
truck camion
true vrai
truncheon gourdin
trunk tronc
trust confiance
truth vrit
truthful vridique
truthfulness veracit
Tuesday mardi
Tuesday afternoon mardi
dans l'aprs-midi
Tuesday night mardi soir
tuna thon
turkey dinde
turkey dinde
twelve douze
twenty vingt
twenty one vingt et un
twin jumeau
two deux
type espce
type espce
typical typique
ugly moche
umbrella parapluie
unbelievable incroyable
uncle oncle
under sous
underarm aisselle
undergound mtro
unemployment chomage
unique unique
united uni
United States tats-Unis
university universit
unjust injuste
unpleasant dsagrable
until jusqu'
upstairs en haut
urban urbain
urgent urgent
us too nous aussi
use utilisation
useful util
useless inutile
usual normal
vacation vacances
valley vall
valuable de valeur
value valeur
vanity vanit
Vannes Vannes
variety variet
various divers
vase vase
veal veau
vegetables lgumes
vein veine
vengeance vengeance
verb verbe
veritable vritable
very trs
very little trs peu
vibration vibration
vicinity voisinage
vicious vicieux
victor vainqueur
victory victoire
Vienna Vienne
view vue
village village
vine vigne
violence violence
violent violent
virgin vierge
virtue vertu
vision vision
visit visite
vocabulary vocabulaire
voice voix
void vide
vowel voyelle
wage salaire
waist taille
Wales Pays de galles
wall mur
war guerre
wardrobe armoire
warehouse entrept
warm tide
warning avertissement
warp gauchissement
warp voilure
warped voil
warrior guerrier
washing linge
waste gaspillage
waste basket poubelle
watch veille
water eau
waterfall chtes d'eau
wave vague
wax cire
way chemin
way manire
weak faible
weakness faiblesse
wealth richesse
wealthy riche
weapon arme
weariness fatigue
weather temps
weather forecast meto
wedding mariage
wedge cale
wedge coin
Wednesday mercredi
Wednesday afternoon
mercredi dans l'aprs-midi
Wednesday night mercredi
week semaine
weekend fin de semaine
weight poids
weird bizarre
well puit
Welsh Galloise
Welsh gallois
Welshman Gallois
west ouest
wet mouill
whale baleine
what ce que
wheat bl
wheel roue
wheelbarrow brouette
when quand
when ? quand ?
where ? o ?
which quel
while lorsque
whip fouet
whisper murmure
whistle sifflet
white blanc
who ? qui ?
why pourquoi
wide large
widow veuve
width largeur
wife pouse
wild sauvage
wilderness tendue dserte
will do fera
willing content
wind vent
window fentre
windy venteux
wine vin
wing aile
wink clin d'oeuil
winter hiver
wise sage
wish voeu
witch sorcire
with avec
with regards to concernant
within l'intrieur de
within two weeks d'ici
deux semaines
without sans
witness tmoin
wizard sorcier
wolf loup
woman femme
wonder merveillement
wonderful merveilleux
wood bois
wool laine
word mot
work travail
worker travailleur
working day journe de
workshop atelier
world monde
worm vers
worn us
worry angoisse
worry proccupation
worse pire
worship vnration
worthy digne
wound blessure
wrench cl crous
wrinkle ride
wrist poignet
writer crivain
writing scripte
wrong erron
yard jardin
year anne
yellow jaune
yesterday hier
young jeune
young lady jeune fille
youth jeunesse
zealous plein de zle

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