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Bulletin bibliographique des tudes sur les littratures et le film populaires n 94



dcembre 2017

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COLLECTIF, Le Pardaillan, no 3, septembre
GNRALITS 2017, 204 pages.
Populaire, moi ?
Pour son troisime numro, Le Pardaillan se
Rappel : la rubrique intitule Gn- propose de retourner la notion de
ralits prsente des ouvrages dans
populaire , pour la lire diffrem-
lesquels on mlange les genres, les ment, dsancre de son domaine habituel. On
inclassables, les tudes sur le roman et le
sest en effet habitu considrer lusage du
film daventures, lhumour et le comique, terme populaire comme lgitime dans
la culture populaire en gnral, ainsi que
certains champs culturels (le jeu vido est
certaines curiosits ditoriales...
populaire), et scandaleux dans dautres
(Rembrandt ne lest pas) : il ne peut tre que
fructueux dessayer de rflchir en sens
BELK, Patrick Scott, Empires of print; Editorial : Et on tuera tous les ditos
Adventure Fiction in the Magazines, 1899- Les Cahiers Zvaco
1919, New York & London, Routledge, 2017, Luce Roudier Rcriture populaire dun mythe
xiii, 247 pages. littraire : le Don Juan de Michel Zvaco
Focusing on adventure fiction published from Dossier : Populaire, moi ?
1899 to 1919, Patrick Scott Belk looks at Flicit de Rivasson Paul Fval ou la filiation
authors such as Joseph Conrad, H.G. Wells, du populaire. Lgendes et conteurs dans
Conan Doyle, and John Buchan to explore how les Romans du Mont Saint-Michel.
writers of popular fiction engaged with foreign Pierre Troullier Joyce pote : comme une
markets and readers through periodical chanson populaire ?
publishing. Belk argues that popular fiction, Gilles Losseroy Dada la soupe populaire
particularly the adventure genre, developed in Nicolas Frry De toge et de glaive. La
ways that directly correlate with authors rfrence Plutarque dans le roman de cape et
experiences, and shows that popular genres of dpe.
the late nineteenth and early twentieth Emmanuelle Guittet Des prfrences
centuries emerged as one way of marketing littraires au choix des livres : quelles formes
their literary works to expanding audiences of populaires de la lecture lre de lclectisme
readers worldwide. des gots ?
Isabelle Rachel Casta Nous abattrons
BIRO, Adam, Dictionnaire amoureux de Robespierre Maximilien de Robespierre :
l'humour juif, Paris, Plon, (Dictionnaire une figure populaire de limpopularit ?
amoureux), 2017, 785 pages. Dessins d'Alain Sandrine Caroff-Urfer Le personnage du duc
Bouldouyre. de Beaufort du XVIIe au XXIe sicle :
variations esthtique, thique et politique de
BUSSE, Kristina, Framing Fan Fiction: lide de populaire
Literary and Social Practices in Fan Fiction Marine Deregnoncourt La figuration populaire
Communities, Iowa City, University of Iowa louis-quatorzienne dans Versailles, la srie et le
Press, 2017, 254 pages. livre driv Versailles, le rve dun roi
Framing Fan Fiction argues that understanding Alice Jacquelin Quand les classiques
media fandom requires combining literary littraires sont consacrs par Hollywood :
theory with cultural studies because fan les teen movies des annes 90.
artifacts are both artistic works and cultural Chlo Galibert-Lan Vous vous souvenez
documents. de Titanic ? Le film populaire, entre souvenir
intime et mmoire collective
BRETIN, Marie-Line, Christine LAMOTHE, Emmanuelle Roug Culture savante et art
Gilbert GUISLAIN L'Aventure en 10 disser- populaire : lexemple du comic strip
tations: Homre, L'Odysse, Conrad, Au Varia
coeur des tnbres, Janklvitch, Paul Bleton La novellisation et ses premiers
L'Aventure, l'ennui, le srieux, Paris, formats Cinroman, pisode 1.
Dunod, 2017, 171 pages. [Ouvrage Les Oublis
pdagogique de prparation aux grandes Pauline Meyer-Besanceney De Ioannis
coles] Papadiamandopoulos Jean Moras, parcours

dun illustre inconnu. Popkulturforschung in unterschiedlichen
Tous les numros sur le site : Wissenschaftsdisziplinen sowie den Medien und
http://lataupemedite.michelzevaco.com/index. Gattungen der Popkultur - vom Rock 'n' Roll
php/numeros-parus/ ber Soul, Punk, Techno bis hin zu Pop-Art, TV-
Serien, B-Movies, Social Media u.v.a. Das
EAGLE, Chris (ed.), Philosophical Handbuch bietet international erstmalig einen
Approaches to Cormac Mc Carthy: Beyond systematischen berblick ber das gesamte
Reckoning, New York & London, Routledge, Wissensfeld der Popkultur und stellt die
(Routledge Studies in Contemporary Literature, Popkulturforschung auf ein historisches und
20), 2017, vi, 233 pages. theoretisches Fundament.

EMING, Jutta & Ralf SCHLECHTWEG-JAHN HILL, Richard J., Robert Louis Stevenson
(dir.), Aventiure ( sic) und Eskapade: Nar- and the Pictorial Text: A Case Study in the
rative des Abenteuerlichen vom Mittel- Victorian Illustrated Novel, New York &
alter zur Moderne, Gttingen, V & R Press, London, Routledge, 2017, xi, 219 pages.
2017, 258 pages.
This volume deals with stories of adventure. HORNUNG, Alfred, Jack London: Abenteuer
They describe a universal form of episodic des Lebens, Darmstadt, Lambert Schneider,
appropriation of the world, which, at the same 2016, 320 pages.
time, show great historical variation in
combination with changing patterns of A SIGNALER
narratives and genres. Adventures only come
alive once narrated. As a narrative, adventure LETOURNEUX, Matthieu, Fictions la chane
is represented in numerous text forms and - Littratures srielles et culture
discourses: as a novel or as an adventure mdiatique, Paris, Seuil, (Potique), 2017,
sequence in a text that subscribes to entirely 560 pages.
different genres, as an adventurous stylisation De Fantmas James Bond, du rcit policier la
of the world in commodity aesthetics and mass science-fiction, d'Harlequin la Srie noire, la culture
media up to everyday forms of communication populaire moderne obit une dynamique srielle : la
that stylise certain experiential moments. Such production et la rception de l'uvre sont ressaisies
diversity of the adventuresome is exemplified dans un ensemble plus vaste de textes qui en
in this book by taking a closer look at this dtermine la signification. Profondment lies la
diversity from the Middle Ages up to the culture mdiatique et aux logiques de consommation
culturelle, ces formes et ces pratiques fictionnelles
present day, from books to computer games,
sont au cur de notre modernit, dont elles
from literature to poetics.
constituent l'une des expressions principales.C'est
cette " potique de la srialit " que l'auteur tudie
FABBRI, Paolo, et al., Le letteratura di Eco, dans ce passionnant essai, suivant des axes
Milano, Ed. del Verri, 2017, 164 pages. thorique, historique, mdiatique et culturel.

GOODRIDGE, John & Bridget KEEGAN (eds.), MARQUETTE, Caroline & Tanya TROMBLE-
A History of British Working Class GIRAUD (dir.), Joyce Carol Oates, Paris,
Literature, Cambridge, Cambridge University ditions de l'Herne, (L'Herne, 119), 2017, 325
Press, 2017, xxiv, 473 pages. pages.
This authoritative and comprehensive History
explores a wide range of genres such as travel MAUGARS, Graldine, L'Aventure [dossier
writing, the verse-epistle, the elegy and novels, pdagogique], Levallois-Perret, Studyrama,
while covering aspects of Welsh, Scottish, (Principes: culture gnrale), 2017, 114 pages.
Ulster/Irish culture and transatlantic Trois oeuvres: Homre, L'Odysse, Joseph
perspectives. Conrad, Au coeur des tnbres, Vladimir
Janklvitch, L'Aventure, l'ennui, le srieux.
HAWKINS, Ty, Cormac McCarthy's
Philosophy, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, MERRELL, Douglass, Umberto Eco, The Da
2017, vii,145 pages. Vinci Code, and the Intellectual in the Age
of Popular Culture, New York, Palgrave
HECKEN, Thomas & Marcus S. KLEINER (eds.), Macmillan, 2017, vi, 296 pages.
Handbuch Popkultur, Stuttgart, J. B. Metzler, This book provides a philosophical overview of
2017, 375 pages. Umberto Eco's historical and cultural
Die Beitrge widmen sich den Begriffen und development as a unique, internationally
Konzepten der Popkultur, der Bedeutung der recognized public intellectual who

communicates his ideas to both an academic AUMONT, Marc & Henri-Olivier THEGARID,
and a popular audience. Atlas des sries cultes: les cartes et
infographies pour tout savoir, Paris,
OATES, Carol Joyce, Paysage perdu, Paris, Hachette Pratique, (Heroes), 2017, 128 pages.
Philippe Rey, 2017, 425 pages. Quelles sries se passent New York ? O se
Les premiers mmoires de Joyce Carol Oates, situent les appartements dans Friends ou dans
une fascinante plonge dans la formation d'une HIMYM ? O trouve-t-on les plus grands
auteure majeure et mystrieuse truands du petit cran ? Et les mdecins, les
C'est avec un mlange d'honntet brute et policiers ou les extraterrestres ?
d'intuition acre que Joyce Carol Oates revient Cet atlas rpond toutes vos questions, en
sur ses jeunes annes. Son enfance pauvre prsentant des cartes, des tableaux, des
dans une ferme de l'tat de New York fourmille graphiques... des infographies lisibles en un
de souvenirs : ses parents aimants, ses coup d'oeil.
grands-parents hongrois, les animaux, la
vgtation, le monde ouvrier, l'cole. BESAND, Anja, Mark ARENHVEL & Olaf
SANDERS (dir.), Vter allerlei Geschlechts:
O'SULLIVAN, Emer, The Fall of the House of Generationenverhltnisse und Autoritts-
Wilde: Oscar Wilde and his Family, Oxford, figuren in Fernsehserien, Wiesbaden,
New York et al., Bloomsbury, 2017, xiv, 495 Springer Verlag, 2017, v, 159 pages.
BLISS, Michael, Laurel and Hardy's Comic
PAOLUCCI, Claudio, Umberto Eco: tra ordine Catastrophes: Laughter and Darkness in
e avventura, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2017, 237 the Features and Short Films, Lanham,
pages. Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, xiv,157 pages.
One of Americas most beloved comic duos, Stan
SELLNOW, Deanna D., The Rhetorical Power Laurel and Oliver Hardy have entertained generations
of Popular Culture: Considering Mediated of viewers with their unique, heartwarming brand of
Texts, Los Angeles, London, et al., SAGE, slapstick comedy. The pairs teamwork and friendship
2017, xx, 323 pages. [Deuxime dition] set their films apart, softening both pratfalls and
hardships, and earning them a cherished place in
VIOTTE, Michel & Marianne POURTAL cinema history. From their first joint on-screen
appearance in 1921s The Lucky Dog through their
SOURRIEU, Jack London dans les mers du
work at the Hal Roach studios, their comic signature
Sud: l'odysse du Snark, 1907-1908, Paris,
remained unique. But what made the films of Laurel
La Martinire, 2017, 191 pages.
and Hardy so enduring? In Laurel and Hardys
Ce livre est une invitation au voyage et
Comic Catastrophes: Laughter and Darkness in the
l'aventure, symboles de la vie et de l'uvre de
Features and Short Films, Michael Bliss illustrates
London. Mettant en scne de multiples objets
why these films continue to make audiences laugh.
et documents, des uvres d'art, il donne BOCQUET, Jos-Louis, Conversations avec
revivre l'un des paris les plus audacieux de Georges Lautner, Paris, La Table Ronde, (Hors
l'crivain : son voyage dans les mers du Sud collection), 2017, 336 pages.
entre 1907 et 1909 bord de son voilier
le Snark, en compagnie de sa femme BONNEFILLE, Eric, Maurice Tourneur: une vie au
Charmian. long cours, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Champs visuels),
2017, 425 pages.
WOOLF, Virginia, Joseph Conrad, Toulouse,
Gwen Catala diteur, (Entre les lignes), 2017, CARRAZ, Alain & Romain NIGITA, Serie's
47 pages. Texte bilingue. Anatomy: le 8e art dcrypt, Paris, Fantask
ditions, 2017, 488 pages.
Qui connat vraiment les dessous des sries
tant comments ? Qui sait comment, du pitch
CINMA & TLVISION initial leur diffusion, ces prcieuses histoires
sont peu peu labores, amendes,
abandonnes, renouveles ? Partant de 19
AUBERT, Benot & Benot MEYRONIN, De clichs et ides reues, Alain Carraz et
MacGyver Mad Men - Quand les sries Romain Nigita dcortiquent comme jamais
TV nous enseignent le management, Paris, toute la mcanique crative, mais aussi
Dunod, (Hors collection), 2017, 224 pages. lindustrie des feuilletons contemporains.

CARRAZ, Alain, Les Nouveaux feuilleton- encore Fu Manchu et le Docteur Mabuse, les
nistes: ils ont rvolutionn les sries TV, mchants sont des figures incontournables de
Paris, Fantask, 2016, 653 pages. Avec la la pop culture. Cinma, tlvision, dessins
collaboration de Romain Nigita. anims, jeux vido... les antagonistes y
Cocrateur et prsentateur de l'mission culte tiennent une place primordiale dans des
Destination: Sries, directeur de magazines, uvres trs diffrentes les unes des autres.
auteur d'ouvrages de rfrence, Alain Carraz Nmsis des hros, ils apportent la part
est un spcialiste reconnu des sries tlvises. obscure et dangereuse qui permet aux
Avec l'aide de Romain Nigita, il livre ici une protagonistes de briller dans tous les genres
impressionnante anthologie, fruit de 40 ans de narratifs. Portraits des 200 des plus grands
travail et de rencontres, et runissant pour la mchants du cinma et de la pop culture,
premire fois les tmoignages et les rflexions rinterprts ici par 50 artistes nous offrant
des plus grands crateurs du 8e art. leur vision de ces personnages dans des
illustrations originales et indites.
CHANOIR, Yohann, Las Vegas mis en scne,
Paris, Espaces et Signes, (Cin voyages), 2017, DELCROIX, Olivier, Le Cinma d'action
79 pages. amricain, Paris, Hobeke, 2017, 192 pages.
De Buster Keaton Fast and Furious, de
COLLECTIF, Hrones: les figures fminines L'Inspecteur Harry Rambo, en passant par
de la pop culture, Paris, Hachette pratique, Rocky, Terminator, L'Arme fatale ou Pige de
2017, 272 pages. cristal, le cinma d'action amricain est devenu
Plus de 70 portraits dhrones sont rassembls au fil des dcennies un pilier de la pop culture,
ici, explorant tous les mdias, du cinma la voire de la culture tout court. Dsign pour la
bande dessine, sans oublier la littrature, les premire fois comme tel en 1982 la sortie de
jeux vido ou encore les sries Rambo, l'action movie remonte pourtant la
tlvises. Wonder Woman, Lara Croft, naissance mme du cinma, ayant nourri la
Hermione Granger, Emma Peel et bien dautres plupart des genres hollywoodiens : films
ont t analyss et dcryptes par un pool burlesques, westerns, science-fiction, polar ou
dauteurs et dillustratrices exclusivement film-catastrophe... Parce qu'il est le lieu de tous
fminin. les dfis technologiques, le cinma d'action
reste l'un des supports les plus efficaces pour
COURCOUX, Charles-Antoine, Des machines dtecter chez un cinaste des talents de
et des hommes: masculinit et technologie metteur en scne. Quentin Tarantino n'a-t-il
dans le cinma contemporain, Chne-Bourg pas dit : "J'ai toujours considr que les
(Suisse), Georg diteur, 2017, 120 pages. ralisateurs de films d'action sont les meilleurs
En examinant des films emblmatiques tels que cinastes du monde" ?
Terminator, Rambo II, Gladiator, I, Robot,
Alexandre, Le Prestige, Casino Royale ou 2012, EIBEL, Alfred, Fritz Lang ou le dernier bond
l'auteur propose de faire l'histoire de la du tigre, Paris, Klincksieck, 2017, 160 pages.
masculinit amricaine l're postindustrielle
et de montre combien le cinma tats-unien EVIN, Guillaume, Dix pour cent: les dessous
forme alors un espace privilgi de d'une srie sur le cinma, Paris, La
restructuration imaginaire des masculinits Martinire, 2017, 192 pages.
dominantes dans leurs relations la Une plonge, en dessins et en photos, dans les
technologie. coulisses de la srie succs de France 2, Dix
pour cent, inspire largement des savoureux
DA SILVA, David, La Boxe Hollywood: de souvenirs de Dominique Besnehard, le plus
Chaplin Scorsese, La Madeleine, Lettmotif, fameux ex-agent de stars en France.
2017, 203 pages.
FAKRIKIAN, David, James Cameron:
DE BAECQUE, Antoine, Jean-Pierre Melville, l'odysse d'un cinma, Paris, Fantask, 2017,
une vie, Paris, Seuil, (Beaux livres), 2017, 224 337 pages.
FOLENS, Chlo, Les Mtamorphoses
DOBBS, Mchants: les grandes figures du d'Henri-George Clouzot, Paris, Vendmiaire,
mal au cinma et dans la pop culture, (Cin Patrimoine Concept), 2017, 300 pages.
Paris, Hachette Pratique, 2017, 320 pages.
DHannibal Lecter Dark Vador, en passant par GANZO, Fernando, Jacques Tourneur, Paris,
Hans Gruber, Scar, Christine, Norman Bates ou Capricci, 2017, 224 pages.

GIACOVELLI, Enrico, Il tait une fois la MINI-DOSSIER
comdie l'italienne: l'histoire, les lieux, SAMUEL FULLER
les auteurs, les acteurs, les films, Saint-
Denis-sur Sarthon, Gremese, 2017, 415 pages. LAFOND, Frank, Samuel Fuller - Jusqu'
Cet ouvrage se consacre essentiellement la l'puisement, Aix-en-Provence, Rouge
comdie litalienne proprement parler : Profond, (Raccords), 2017, 416 pages, 664
celle compte des ralisateurs tels que Mario images. Prface de Jim Jarmusch.
Monicelli, Dino Risi, Ettore Scola, Luigi Avec une audace peu commune, Samuel Fuller
Comencini, Pietro Germi ; des metteurs en a ralis des films noirs (Le Port de la drogue),
scne tels que Age et Scarpelli, Benvenuti et des westerns (Quarante tueurs) et des films de
De Bernardi ; et des acteurs comme Vittorio guerre (Au-del de la gloire), genre quil nourrit
Gassman, Nino Manfredi, Alberto Sordi, Ugo de sa longue exprience de soldat durant la
Tognazzi, Marcello Mastroianni, Catherine Seconde Guerre mondiale. De lensemble de sa
Spaak, Monica Vitti et Claudia Cardinale. Le filmographie, il est bien entendu question
livre contient 127 fiches monographiques dans Samuel Fuller, jusqu lpuisement, mais
ddies aux principaux auteurs et acteurs du aussi de diffrents textes pulp fictions crites
genre et plus de 400 photographies tires des dans les annes 1930 et 1940, nouvelles et
films cits. Mais surtout il est crit, sans articles qui ont pos les jalons de son
compromettre le srieux de lapproche cinma. Il a eu en effet plusieurs vies : il a t
historique et critique, dans le style de la journaliste, romancier, scnariste, producteur
comdie litalienne classique, courageux, et ralisateur, mais aussi attach de presse,
anti-conformiste, polmique, amusant, amer. dessinateur politique et bien dautres choses
encore. Ce sont donc les multiples facettes dun
GRIERSON, Tim, Martin Scorsese en 10 homme infatigable que Frank Lafond a mis en
scnes cultes, Paris, Larousse, (Hors lumire grce un patient travail de recherche.
collection), 2017, 144 pages. Tout au long de Samuel Fuller, jusqu
lpuisement, les analyses formelles et
GRIFFIN, Sean, Free and Easy ? A Defining thmatiques sentremlent une approche
History of the American Film Musical historique et gntique.
Genre, Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2018, 368
pages. NARBONI, Jean, Samuel Fuller, un homme
A History of the American Musical narrates the fables, Nantes, Capricci ditions, (premire
evolution of the film musical genre, discussing collection), 2017, 144 pages.
its influences and how it has come to be Le Port de la drogue, Shock Corridor, Dress
defined; the first text on this subject for over pour tuer... Les films de Samuel Fuller,
two decades, it employs the very latest l'instar de sa vie, ont prt bien des
concepts and research. malentendus : sur la violence, la politique, la
guerre, les hommes, les femmes, les tats-
HAMILTON, Charles R. & Allen H. REDMON Unis. Des cinastes de sa gnration (Robert
(eds.), Clint Eastwood's Cinema of Aldrich, Richard Brooks ou Nicholas Ray), Fuller
Trauma: Essays on PTSD in the Director's est en effet celui qui a suscit au fil du temps
Films, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, vii, les valuations et les jugements les plus
192 pages. contradictoires.
In this collection of new essays, contributors
examine his films--from The Outlaw Josey
Wales to Sully--as studies on PTSD that expose HEFFERNAN, Niall, After the Bomb Became
the social conditions that tolerate or trigger God: The Legacy of the Cold War in Dr
traumatization and (in his more recent work) Strangelove, End Zone, Crash and The
imagine a way through individual and collective Wire, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2018, 277
trauma. pages.
The Cold War, with its promise of imminent,
HAMUS-VALLEE, Rjane, Effets spciaux: purposeless doom, profoundly shaped the
crevez l'cran !, Paris, La Martinire, postmodern world in ways not yet fully
(Muses), 2017, 192 pages. appreciated. This study examines the Cold War
zeitgeist and its aftermath as represented in
HAMUS-VALLEE, Rjane, Derrire l'cran: fiction, film and television.
les effets spciaux du cinma, Arles
Coditions Actes Sud Junior, 2017, 72 pages.

KELLETER, Frank (ed.), Media of Serial candid behind the scenes photos, film frame
Narrative, Colombus, The Ohio State enlargements, trade magazine advertisements,
University Press, 2017, viii, 301 pages. lobby cards, stage photographs, artists
Paying close attention to the affordances of renderings and caricatures, and casting guide
individual media, as well as to their historical entries.
interactions, the fourteen chapters survey the
forms, processes, and functions of MAYER, Geoff, Encyclopedia of American
popular serial storytelling. With individual Film Serials, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017,
chapters by Frank Kelleter, Jared Gardner, 308 pages.
Daniel Stein, Christina Meyer, Scott Higgins, From their heyday in the 1910s to their
Shane Denson, Ruth Mayer, Kathleen Loock, lingering demise in the 1950s, American film
Constantine Verevis, Jason Mittell, Sudeep serials delivered excitement in weekly
Dasgupta, Sean OSullivan, Henry Jenkins, installments for millions of moviegoers, despite
Christine Hmmerling, Mirjam Nast, and minuscule budgets, nearly impossible shooting
Andreas Sudmann, Media of Serial Narrative is schedules and the disdain of critics. Early
an exciting and broad-ranging intervention in heroines like Pearl White, Helen Holmes and
the fields of seriality, media, and narrative Ruth Roland broke gender barriers and ruled
studies. the screen. Through both world wars, such
serials as Spy Smasher and Batman were
LAMBERT-PERREAULT, Marie-Christine,Jrme- vehicles for propaganda. Smash hits like Flash
.Olivier ALLARD, Elaine DESPRS et Simon Gordon and The Lone Ranger demonstrated the
HAREL (dir.), Tl en sries, Montral, XYZ enduring mass appeal of the genre. Providing
diteur, (Thorie et Littrature), 2017, 464 insight into early 20th century American
pages. culture, this book analyzes four decades of
Cette publication gnraliste sadresse autant productions from Pathe, Universal, Mascot and
aux tlspectateurs passionns qui souhaitent Columbia, and all 66 Republic serials.
enrichir leur rflexion quaux chercheurs en
qute de perspectives nouvelles. Traitant de MORIN, Ccile, Les Hrones de sries
sries contemporaines amricaines, amricaines: de Ma Sorcire bien-aime
qubcoises, autochtones, franaises ou The Good Wife, Tours, Presses Universitaires
britanniques, les chapitres de louvrage Franois-Rabelais, 2017, 288 pages.
proposent des analyses formelles, gnriques, Cette enqute passe soixante annes de fiction
politiques, culturelles et philosophiques. tl amricaines au crible dune analyse des
Prfac par Stphane Garneau, Tl en sries relations amoureuses et des ingalits de
contient des textes de spcialistes reconnus, genre. La fiction amricaine a ceci
dont un rapport denqute indit de Danielle dextraordinaire quelle met en scne tout la
Aubry. fois les idologies et fantasmes de lamour, les
conflits entre hommes et femmes, les motions
MacEACHERN, James A., Mickey Rooney: A et les intimits vcues. Louvrage noue un
Show Business Life, Jefferson (NC), dialogue complexe avec les thories fministes
McFarland, vii, 214 pages. sans mettre de ct une sociologie de la
conjugalit et de lindividualisme qui donne les
MASSA, Steve, Slapstick Divas: the Women moyens de penser les variations de sens dans
of Silent Comedy, Albany (GA), BearManor les sries tudies.
Media, 2017, 633 pages.
Mabel Normand, Marie Dressler, Bebe Daniels, NATHAN, Ian, Tim Burton: itinraire d'un
Dorothy Gish, Constance Talmadge, Marion enfant particulier, Paris, San Francisco,
Davies, and Colleen Moore brought riotous Huginn & Muninn, 2016, 176 pages.
laughter to millions around the world, yet their
hilarity may seem hidden to those only familiar NATHAN, Ian, Les Frres Coen: 30 ans de
with Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Laurel and films cultes, Paris, Gallimard Loisirs, 2017,
Hardy, and Harold Lloyd. Discover the women 176 pages.
of wit, from the supporting players to the stars.
Author Steve Massa covers their contributions NESSELHAUF, Joseph & Markus LEICHT, Banal,
to comedy with in-depth analyses of the most trivial: Spielarten des Trash, Darmstadt,
hilarious heroines of humor, followed by 459 Bchner, 2017, 236 pages.
biographies of other droll divas from the Der vorliegende Band will sich dem
famous to the forgotten. Illustrated with 440 postmodernen Phnomen des Trash
rare movie scene shots, formal portraits, annehmen und den Fokus sowohl auf

theoretische Anstze wie auf einzelne TESSIER, Bertrand, Jean-Pierre Melville
Fallbeispiele richten. Anhand dieser medialen le solitaire, Paris, Fayard, (Documents),
Spielarten lsst sich der Trash von 2017, 272 pages.
verwandten Phnomenen wie Kitsch und
Camp abgrenzen oder auch die spielerische
TRAUSCH, Tim, Affekt und Zitat: zur
Kategorie des Meta-Trash untersuchen. Damit
soll der bisherige Fokus auf den Film, wo sich sthetik des Martial-Arts Films,
Trash schon als Genre etabliert hat, auch auf Wiesbaden, J. B. Metzler, 2017, 424
Literatur, Fernsehserien, Comics, pages.
Computerspiele, Popmusik und die Bildende
Kunst erweitert sowie auch performative VINCENOT, Emmanuel, Nanar Wars.
Elemente in die Debatte mit einbezogen Une anthologie du cinma de
werden. contrefaon, Paris, Wombat, 2017, 160
RODE, Alan K., Michael Curtiz: A Life in
Du Star Wars turc au Harry Potter mexicain,
Film, Lexington (KY), University Press of
une anthologie du cinma de contrefaon.
Kentucky, 2017, 704 pages. (Screen Classics).
Connaissez-vous le King Kong indien ?
L'Indiana Jones polonais ? La Batwoman
SHEPARD, Jim, The Tunnel at the End of
mexicaine ? Nanar Wars prsente les plus
the Light: Essays on Movies and Politics,
tonnants piratages de grands succs
Portland (OR), Tin House Books, 2017, xxii,
hollywoodiens hors des tats-Unis, soit trente-
261 pages.
cinq films tous plus dlirants, fauchs et kitsch
Badlands and the "innocence" of American
les uns que les autres : le Rambo argentin, un
innocence -- The Pianist and Schindler and the
E.T. espagnol, la version bollywoodienne de
hero in disguise -- No regrets: Goodfellas and
Zorro (avec ses numros danss), la copie
American hardball -- Lawrence, Aguirre, and
hongkongaise de Robocop, mais aussi Tijuana
the American imperial movement -- Zane Grey
Jones, Rambito y Rambn et Jarry Putter
and the Borgias: The Third Man and the 2004
Entre autres titres, car l'nergie des faussaires
Republican ticket -- Babette's Feast and the
est sans limites et leur production
weepie -- Fool me twice, shame on me: Saving
surabondante. En s'appuyant sur la
Private Ryan and the politics of deception --
connaissance universellement partage de
Sacrifice and rage from Nosferatu to Pat
totems cinmatographiques tels que Zorro,
Tillman -- Chinatown and the tunnel at the end
Superman, Rocky ou Star Wars, les textes font
of the light -- The Vanishing and American
saisir au lecteur l'incongruit et le caractre
sociopathy: just because you did something
savoureusement inattendu des imitations
doesn't mean you're capable of doing it.
auxquelles se sont livres, sans aucun
scrupule, des gnrations de cinastes fauchs
STRECKER, Ingo, Gorillawood: das grosse
mais inventifs, de Bombay Rio, en passant
Buch der Hollywood-Gorillas, Hamburg,
par Dacca, des annes 1950 aux annes 2000.
Tredition Verlag, 2017, 515 pages.
Illustr d'affiches et de documents originaux
rares, ce livre cocasse, color et hilarant offre
en filigrane une rflexion amuse sur les
chemins surprenants que peut prendre la
Want to receive Marginalia (free) ? mondialisation culturelle, ainsi qu'un vibrant
Send e-mail adress to plaidoyer pour l'adhsion du Bangladesh
l'Union europenne.
ZIEMNAK, Pierre, Exception franaise: de
Vidocq au Bureau des lgendes, 60 ans de
S. v. p n'oubliez pas de signaler
sries, Paris, Vendmiaire, (L'univers des
tout changement d'adresse sries), 2017, 213 pages.
Dix pour cent, Les Revenants, Un village
Marginalia et disponible gratuitement franais, Engrenages, Profilage, Le Bureau des
sur simple demande: pas de frais, de Lgendes... Si quelques sries franaises
pubs ou autre nuisances ! semblent annoncer un renouveau cratif, la
production nationale souffre encore de la
comparaison avec les sries amricaines,
crire l'adresse courriel ci-dessus britanniques et scandinaves. Y aurait-il en ce
domaine une maldiction franaise ?

essays in this collection pay detailed attention
ROMANS ET FILMS to both the genuine artistry and the cultural
significance of crime fiction in the United
POLICIERS States. It emphasizes American crime fictions
inquiry into the nature of democratic society
and its exploration of injustices based on race,
class, and/or gender that are specifically
located in the details of American experience.

BROWN, Michelle & Nicole RAFTER (eds.), The

Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and
Popular Culture, New York, Oxford University
Press, 2018, 2162 pages [en trois volumes].

CORDLE, Daniel, Late Cold War Literature

and Culture: The Nuclear 1980s, New York,
LITTRATURE Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, ix, 229 pages.
This book analyses the 1980s as a nuclear
ARNTFIELD, Michael A, & Marcel DANESI, decade, focusing on British and United States
fiction. Ranging across genres including literary
Murder in Plain English: from Manifestos
to Memes -- Looking at Murder through fiction, science fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction,
graphic novels, childrens and young adult
the Words of Killers, New York, Prometheus
Books, 2017, 325 pages. literature, thrillers and horror, it shows how
This is the first book to examine murder pressing nuclear issues were, particularly the
through the written word--not only the writings possibility of nuclear war, and how deeply they
of the killers themselves, but also the story of penetrated the culture. It is innovative for its
discussion of a nuclear transatlantic, placing
murder as told in literary fiction and the crime
dramas that are now a staple of film and British and American texts in dialogue with one
television. The authors--a criminologist another, for its identification of a vibrant young
specializing in cold cases, written evidence, and adult fiction that resonates with more
forensic science, and an anthropologist who conventionally studied literatures of the period
has dealt with the signs and ciphers of and for its analysis of a politics of
organized crime and street gangs in his vulnerability animating nuclear debates.
previous work--are widely recognized experts
in this emerging specialty field. Based on CASTAGNINO, Angelo, Investigating
extensive research and interviews with Fascism: Crime, Mystery, and the Fascist
convicted murderers, the book emphasizes the Ventennio in the Historical Novel, New
often-overlooked narrative impulse that drives York, et al., Peter Lang, 2017, 202 pages.
killers, with the authors explaining how both Investigating Fascism offers an original
mass and serial murderers perceive their approach to the historical novel and its
connection to crime fiction. The study of
crimes as stories and why a select few are
compelled to commit these stories to writing contemporary novels set during Mussolinis
whether before, during, or after their horrific rule, with specific attention to the topics of
acts. violence, justice, mystery, and personal
identity, leads to a discussion about, among
BENDIXEN, Alfred & Olivia Carr EDENFIELD others, Leonardo Sciascia, Maurizio De
(eds.), The Centrality of Crime Fiction in Giovanni, Carlo Lucarelli, and Andrea Camilleri.
This text is based on two intertwining
American Literary Culture, New York &
London, Routledge, 2017, vi, 303 pages. approaches: (1) an analysis of the machine of
This collection of essays by leading scholars the novel, focused on such aspects as
insists on a larger recognition of the characterization, the construction of the
importance and diversity of crime fiction in U.S. setting, and the narrative use of fantastic and
literary traditions. Instead of presenting the subversive elements and (2) an analysis of the
genre as the property of Dashiell Hammett and sociohistorical Fascist context. This book is a
valuable reference for those who study
Raymond Chandler, this book maps a larger
territory which includes the domains of Mark Fascism, the social function of crime novels,
Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, and the connection between historical events
Richard Wright, Flannery OConnor, Cormac and fiction.
McCarthy and other masters of fiction.The

GUZMAN JATIVA, David, Detectives en la in his Foreword: the thrill of immersion in a
vanguardia, [Ecuador] : Centro de Publica- fast and gaudy world.In Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang,
ciones, Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Ripley examines the rise of the thriller from the
Ecuador, 2016, 293 pages. austere 1950s through the boom time of the
Swinging Sixties and early 1970s, examining
HOLDENRIED, Michaela, Barbara KORTE & some 150 British authors (plus a few notable
Carlotta von MALTZAN (dir.), Kulturbe- South Africans). Drawing upon conversations
gegnung und Kulturkonflikt im (post) with many of the authors mentioned in the
kolonialen Kriminalroman, Frankfurt am book, he shows how British writers, working
Main, Wien, et al., Peter Lang, 2017, 239 very much in the shadow of World War II,
pages. [Contient une entrevue avec Deon came to dominate the field of adventure
Meyer] thrillers and the two types of spy story spy
fantasy (as epitomised by Ian Flemings James
PATYK, Lyn Ellen, Written in Blood: Bond) and the more realistic spy fiction created
Revolutionary Terrorism and Russian by Deighton, Le Carr and Ted Allbeury, plus
Literatury Culture, 1861-1881, Wisconsin, the many variations (and imitators) in
University of Wisconsin Press, 2017, 349 between.
SANCHEZ SAPATERO, Javier & Alex Martin
RIPLEY, Mike, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang: The ESCRIBA, Continuara...: sagas literarias en
Boom in British Thrillers fom Casino el genero negro y policiaco espanol,
Royale to The Eagle has Landed [How Barcelona, Alvers, 2017, 217 pages.
Britain lost an empire but its secret agents Continuar Sagas literarias en el gnero
saved the world], London, HarperCollins negro y policiaco espaol repasa la historia de
Publishers, 2017, xx 428 pages. la novela negra y policiaca en la literatura
An entertaining history of British thrillers from espaola. A partir del anlisis de las principales
Casino Royale to The Eagle Has Landed, in series detectivescas y policiales, se expone el
which award-winning crime writer Mike Ripley desarrollo del gnero a lo largo del siglo XX y
reveals that, though Britain may have lost an su situacin actual, caracterizada por la
empire, her thrillers helped save the world. eclosin de ttulos, la diversidad de variantes y
With a foreword by Lee Child.When Ian Fleming la presencia de hitos como Eugenio Fuentes,
dismissed his books in a 1956 letter to Alicia Gimnez Bartlett o Lorenzo Silva.
Raymond Chandler as straight pillow fantasies Adems de ofrecer un panorama completo que
of the bang-bang, kiss-kiss variety he was recoge los principales autores y personajes, el
being typically immodest. In three short years, libro trata de explicar y contextualizar las
his James Bond novels were already principales caractersticas de la narrativa serial,
spearheading a boom in thriller fiction that as como su influencia en la evolucin del
would dominate the bestseller lists, not just in gnero en la literatura espaola.
Britain, but internationally.The decade following
World War II had seen Britain lose an Empire, STEWART, Victoria, Crime Writing in
demoted in terms of global power and status Interwar Britain: Fact and Fiction in the
and economically crippled by debt; yet its Golden Age, Cambridge, Cambridge University
fictional spies, secret agents, soldiers, sailors Press, 2017, vii, 207 pages.
and even (occasionally) journalists were now The interwar period is often described as the
saving the world on a regular basis. 'Golden Age' of detective fiction, but many
other kinds of crime writing, both factual and
From Ian Fleming and Alistair MacLean in the fictional, were also widely read during these
1950s through Desmond Bagley, Dick Francis, years. Crime Writing in Interwar Britain: Fact
Len Deighton and John Le Carr in the 1960s, and Fiction in the Golden Age considers some
to Frederick Forsyth and Jack Higgins in the of this neglected material in order to provide a
1970s. richer and more complex view of how crime
and criminality were understood between the
Many have been labelled boys books written wars. A number of the authors discussed,
by men who probably never grew up but, as including Dorothy L. Sayers, Marie Belloc
award-winning writer and critic Mike Ripley Lowndes and F. Tennyson Jesse, wrote about
recounts, the thrillers of this period provided crime in essays, book reviews, newspaper
the reader with thrills, adventure and articles and works of popular criminology, as
escapism, usually in exotic settings, or as well as in novels and short stories. Placing
todays leading thriller writer Lee Child puts it debates about detective fiction in the context of

this largely forgotten but rich and diverse MINI-DOSSIER
culture of writing about crime will give a unique SIMENON
new picture of how criminality and the legal
process were considered at this time. ALAVOINE, Bernard, Georges Simenon et le
monde sensible, de la perception
WALTON, Samatha, Guilty but Insane: Mind l'criture, Amiens, AARP-Centre Rocambole,
and Law in Golden Age Detective Fiction, Encrage dition, (Les Papiers du Rocambole, no
Oxford (UK), Oxford University Press, 2015, 1), 2017, 162 pages.
xiv, 304 pages. Depuis les annes 1950, Georges Simenon est
Guilty But Insane takes an historical approach reconnu par la critique pour son don particulier
to golden age detective fiction by Margery rendre les atmosphres et crer des
Allingham, Christianna Brand, Agatha Christie, ambiances laide des sensations. Cependant,
Dorothy L. Sayers, and Gladys Mitchell. It le romancier ne se contente pas de la vue et de
examines how writers and readers of detective loue mais sapproprie aussi lodorat, le got et
fiction during the 1920s to 1940s understood le tactile. Comme le commissaire Maigret,
guilt, responsibility, and the workings of the Simenon se compare volontiers une
mind as they related to the commission, the ponge , parce quil enregistre plus ou
investigation, and the punishment of crime. moins consciemment les sensations. Cette
Under the lens of psychology, the detective capacit simprgner, puis reproduire dans
novel is revealed as a site for the negotiation of ses romans le monde sensible est
competing interpretations of sanity and probablement unique.
insanity. An unexplored depth and subtlety is
revealed in detective novels that address major BARONIAN, Jean-Baptiste, Le Paris de
controversies in legal and psychiatric theory Simenon, Paris, Editions Alexandrines, 2016,
and practice, while significant resonances with 102 pages.
specific concerns of modernist fiction come into
focus for the first time. COLLECTIF, Simenon, Le Kremlin-Bictre, Les
Belles Lettres, in Cahiers de l'Association
Internationale des tudes Franaises, no 68,
mai 2016, 353 pages
WENGER, Murielle & Stephen TRUSSEL,
Maigret's World: A Reader's Companion to
AGOSTINI, Pierre, James Hadley Chase: le Simenon's Famous Detective, Jefferson
matre de l'inexorable: profil, Paris, BoD- (NC), McFarland, 2017, 244 pages.
Books on Demand, 2015, 300 pages. Georges Simenon's 75 novels and 28 short
stories that feature Chief Inspector Jules
BLACKWELL, Laird D., H. C. Bailey's Reggie Maigret provide us with a great deal of
Fortune and the Golden Age of Detective information about the French police detective--
Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, vii, but only in small, episodic doses. As readers
179 pages. become acquainted with Maigret one detail at a
H.C. Bailey's detective Reggie Fortune was one time, he slowly takes on a flesh-and-bone
of the most popular protagonists of the Golden realism--not merely a character in a story, but
Age of detective fiction. Fortune appeared in someone we would like to meet in real life. This
nine novels yet it was in a series of 84 short book presents all the canonical facts and
stories that were published from 1920 to 1940 details about the detective and his world in one
where he truly shone, combining elements of place, presented with tabulations and analyses
several popular archetypes--the eccentric that enable a better understanding of the
logician, the forensic investigator, the hard- works and of Maigret himself.
boiled interrogator, the psychological profiler,
the defender of justice.
This critical study examines the Fortune stories
BETZ, Phyllis M., Katherine V. Forrest: A
in the context of other popular detective fiction
Critical Appreciation, Jefferson (NC),
of the era. Bailey's classics are distinguished by
McFarland, 2017, vii, 194 pages.
well-clued puzzles, brilliant sleuthing, vivid
Best known for her Kate Delafield detective
description and social critique, with Fortune
series, Katherine V. Forrest is recognized as
evoking images of Don Quixote.
one of the preeminent figures in lesbian
popular literature. Yet her work has received
little scholarly attention. This critical study

explores Forrest's entire body of work, Sherlock Holmes and the Fiction of Agency
including her fiction and (perhaps more Wagner, Martin
importantly) her writing about writing, popular The Savage Subtext of The Hound of the
genres and her readers. Baskervilles: Grylls, David
Holmes into Challenger: The Dark Investigator
BLOCH, Peter Andr, Friedrich Drrenmatt - Kerr, Douglas
Visionen und Experimente: Werkstatt- Modernizing Holmes: Location and Bringing
gesprche - Bilder - Analysen - Interpre- Sherlock into the Twenty-First Century
tationen, Gttingen, Wallstein Verlag, Garside, Emily
(Drrenmatt Studien, Band 2), 2017, 389
pages. PAOLI, Marco, Giorgio Scerbanenco: Urban
Space, Violence and Gender Identity in
KALIFA, Dominique, Tu entreras dans le Post-War Italian Crime Fiction, New York,
sicle en lisant Fantmas, Paris, et al, Peter Lang, 2016, 239 pages.
Vendmiaire, 2017, 252 pages. An indepth analysis of Scerbanencos Duca
Trente-deux volumes. Un univers baroque, Lamberti series constitutes the critical focus of
d'une inimaginable noirceur, qui s' panouit this study, and in particular the psychological
aussi bien dans les salons des beaux quartiers resonances of the role played by the authors
que dans la zone au-del des fortifications controversial representation of the urban
Des aventures extraordinaires, qui emmnent space, its violence, (in)justice and gender
le lecteur des plaines dsoles du Transvaal roles.
aux faubourgs de Londres. Surtout, une
cartographie de Paris, la fois imaginaire et SNYDER, Robert Lance, John Le Carr's
raliste, hausmannienne et sordide, splendide, Post-Cold War Fiction, Columbia, University
inquitante, une ville-labyrinthe, foisonnante, of Missouri Press, 2017, xiii, 189 pages.
nigmatique,qui n'avait plus t dcrite avec This book challenges distinctions between
autant de verve et de prcision depuis Balzac popular and serious literature by
ou Zola. Et la figure tutlaire d'un Gnie du recognizing le Carr as one of the most
crime aux mille visages, aux mille apparitions, significant ethicists in contemporary fiction,
disparitions et stratagmes, que les contributing to an overdue reassessment of his
surralistes liront comme une cration literary stature. Le Carrs ten postCold War
littraire sans prcdent, que Cendrars novels constitute a distinctive subset of his
clbrera aussi bien que Magritte et Queneau. espionage fiction in their response to the
Pour aborder ce monument, un abcdaire en momentous changes in geopolitics that began
32 entres, de A comme Apollinaire Z in the 1990s. Through a close reading of these
comme Zigomar . Sans oublier F comme novels, Snyder traces howamid the War on
Filmographie , O comme Outrances ou U Terror and transnationalismle Carr weighes
comme Ubiquit Un voyage au coeur what is at stake in this conflict of deeply
d'une mythologie contemporaine invested ideologies.

NAIDU, Sam (ed.), Sherlock Holmes in YOUNG, Laurel A., P. D. James: A

Context, London & New York, Palgrave Companion to the Mystery Fiction, Jefferson
Macmillan, 2017, x, 206 pages. (NC), Mc Farland, 2017, 288 pages.
Introduction British National Health Service employee Phyllis
Naidu, Sam Dorothy James White (1920-2014) reinvented
All that Matters is the Work: Text and herself at age 38 as P.D. James, crime novelist.
Adaptation in Sherlock : McClellan, Ann She then became long known as England's
Clients Who Disappear and Colleagues Who "Queen of Crime." Sixteen of her 20 novels
Cannot Compete: Female Characters in the feature one or both of her series detectives,
BBCs Sherlock : Turner, Benedick Adam Dalgliesh of Scotland Yard and private
I, Too, Mourn the Loss: Mrs. Hudson and the eye Cordelia Gray. Stand-alone works include
Absence of Sherlock Holmes : Beyer, Charlotte the dystopian The Children of Men (1992) and
The Trickster, Remixed: Sherlock Holmes as Death Comes to Pemberley (2011), a sequel to
Master of Disguise : Poore, Benjamin Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. James's
Holmes and his Boswell in Cosplay and careful plotting has earned comparison with
Roleplay : Duffy, Lynn Golden Age British detective writers such as
A Horrific Breakdown of Reason: Holmes and Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers. Yet
the Postcolonial Anti-Detective Novel, Lost James's work is thoroughly modern, with
Ground: Naidu, Sam realistic descriptions of police procedures and

the echoes and aftereffects of crime. This HUTCHINSON, Pamela, Pandora's Box,
literary companion includes more than 700 London, British Film Institute, 2018, 102
encyclopedic entries covering the characters, pages.
settings and themes of her published writing,
along with a career chronology, chronological KOCH, Gertrud, Breaking Bad, Breaking
and alphabetical listings of her works, and an Out, Breaking Even, Zrich, Diaphanes,
exhaustive index. 2017, 93 pages.

LEWIS, Nathaniel & Stephen TATUM, Morta

Las Vegas: CSI and the Problem of the
CINMA & TLVISION West, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press,
2017, 281 pages.

ABRAMS, Jonathan, All the Pieces Matter: MANGOLINI, Claudio & Flaminia BOLZANI
The Inside Story of The Wire, New York, (dir.), Passione nera. Il volti della violenza
Crown Archetype, 2018, 352 pages. nel cinema italiano d'autore, Piombino, Ass.
Culturale il Foglio, 2017, 460 pages.
CHAPMAN, James, Hitchcock and the Spy
Film, London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, 304 pages. NAVARRO, Antonio Jos, Choque de titanes:
Film historian James Chapman has mined 50 peliculas fundamentales sobre la
Hitchcock's own papers to investigate fully for Guerra Fria, Barcelona, Editorial UOC, 2017,
the first time the spy thrillers of the world s 222 pages.
most famous filmmaker. Hitchcock made his
name as director of the spy movie. He returned RICHTER-HANSEN, Tullio-Hansen, Friktionen
repeatedly to the genre from the British des Terrors : sthetik und Politik des Us-
classics of the 1930s, including The 39 Steps Kinos nach 9/11, Marburg, Schren Verlag,
and The Lady Vanishes, through wartime 2017, 313 pages.
Hollywood films Foreign Correspondent and
Saboteur to the Cold War tracts North by ROSENZWEIG, Laura B., Hollywood's Spies:
Northwest, Torn Curtain and his unmade film The Undercover Surveillance of Nazis in
The Short Night. Los Angeles, New York, New York University
Press, 2017, xiii, 285 pages.
COLLECTIF, Le Mystre Clouzot, Paris, In April 1939, Warner Brothers studios released
Codition Lienart, 2017, 215 pages. the first Hollywood film to confront the Nazi
Outre son talent de raconteur d'histoires, il y a threat in the United States. Confessions of a
chez Henri-Georges Clouzot un vertige et une Nazi Spy, starring Edward G. Robinson, told the
folie qui n'appartiennent qu' lui : la recherche story of German agents in New York City
d'une forme idale, une forme que l'artiste working to overthrow the U.S. government.
matriserait totalement et qui deviendrait la The film alerted Americans to the dangers of
figure mme de la vrit. Cette ambition Nazism at home and encouraged them to
insense, il l'a ctoye dans ses portraits films defend against it. Confessions of a Nazi
de grands artistes, comme Picasso ou Karajan ; Spy may have been the first cinematic shot
mais elle est dj prsente dans le cinma qui fired by Hollywood against Nazis in America,
l'a rendu clbre, du Corbeau aux Diaboliques, but it by no means marked the political
en passant par Le Salaire de la peur. awakening of the film industrys Jewish
executives to the problem. Hollywoods
FOUBERT, Frdric, Les Sopranos : L'Am- Spies tells the remarkable story of the Jewish
rique dsenchante, Paris, Presses Univer- moguls in Hollywood who paid private
sitaires de France, 2017, 180 pages. investigators to infiltrate Nazi groups operating
in Los Angeles, establishing the first anti-Nazi
GANZO, Fernando, Jacques Tourneur, Jewish resistance organization in the country
Nantes, Capprici, 2017, 207 pages. the Los Angeles Jewish Community Committee
COBO-DURAN, et al., Sons of Anarchy: SANTE, Luc, Mario TURSI 7 Martin SCORSESE,
Estudio ideologico, narrativo y mitologico Gangs of New York: l'aventure d'un film,
de la serie de television, Barcelona, Laertes Paris, Cahiers du Cinma, 2017, 288 pages.
Editorial, 2017, 310 pages.

BLACK, Jeremy, The World of James Bond:
The Lives and Times of 007, Lanham (MD),
Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, xv, 185 pages.

COSTES, Jean-Philippe, Le Monde selon

James Bond: portaits secrets d'un monstre
sacr, Montral, Liber, 2017, 173 pages.

DELOEUVRE, Guy, James Bond 007,

Independently Published, 2017, 118 pages.

EGAN, Sean, James Bond, The Secret

History, London, John Blake, 2016, xiv, 353
LVY, Frdric-Albert, Bond, l'espion qu'on
aimait, Paris, Hors Collection, 2017, 300

LOMBARTEIX, Pierre-Olivier, La France de LITTRATURE

Fleming: James Bond, une passion
franaise, Pornic, Le Temps diteur, 2017,
224 pages. ALDANA REYES, Xavier, Spanish Gothic:
National Identity, Collaboration and
Cultural Adaptation, New York, Palgrave
SIPIRE, Dominique, Le Bien et le mal: les Macmillan, 2017, 241 pages.
sries policires anglo-saxonne, Paris, This book presents the first English introduction
Vendmiaire, 2017, 228 pages. to the broad history of the Gothic mode in
Spain. It focuses on key literary periods, such
STACHE, Lara C., Breaking Bad: A Cultural as Romanticism, the fin-de-sicle, spiritualist
History, Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield, writings of the early-twentieth century, and the
2017, 236 pages. cinematic and literary booms of the 1970s and
As one of the most critically acclaimed shows of 2000s. With illustrative case studies, Aldana
all time, Breaking Bad explored the life and Reyes demonstrates how the Gothic mode has
crimes of a high school chemistry teacher been a permanent yet ever-shifting fixture of
turned meth kingpin of the American the literary and cinematic landscape of Spain
Southwest. As Walter White and his former since the late-eighteenth century. He proposes
student Jesse Pinkman become deeply that writers and filmmakers alike welcomed the
entwined in the drug world, their narrative Gothic as a liberating and transgressive artistic
leaves a trail of bodies strewn across the language.
shows five seasonsa story that resulted in
more than 15 Emmy awards. ASHCROFT, Bill, Utopianism in Postcolonial
Literature, London & New York, Routledge,
TSIKOUNAS, Myriam, La Camra explore le 2017, xii, 225 pages.
crime: les causes clbres du XIXe sicle Postcolonial Studies is more often found
la tlvision, Rennes, Presses universitaires looking back at the past, but in this brand new
de Rennes, 2017, 286 pages. book, Bill Ashcroft looks to the future and the
irrepressible demands of utopia. The concept of
N.D.L.R : Les ditions Classiques Garnier et utopia whether playful satire or a serious
Lettres Modernes Minard annoncent la cration proposal for an ideal community is examined
d' une srie de la Revue des Lettres Modernes in relation to the postcolonial and the
intitue "Sries policires". La direction de la communities with which it engages. Studying a
chose a t confie Isabelle Rachel Casta. very broad range of literature, poetry and art,
Le premier volume portera sur Enqutes et with chapters focussing on specific regions
rels. Une affaire suivre... Africa, India, Chicano, Caribbean and Pacific
this book is written in a clear and engaging

prose which make it accessible to interdisciplinary approach sets an example for
undergraduates as well as academics. those who, like us, have been busy assessing
the ways in which fictional attempts to fathom
ATALLAH, Marc & Frdric JACCAUD, Le the possibilities of science and technology
Posthumain, Chambry, ditions ActuSF & speak to central concerns about what it means
Yverdon, Maison d'ailleurs, (Les collections de to be human in a contemporary world of
la Maison d'ailleurs), 2017, 95 pages. technology and which ethical dilemmas it
Les deux articles qui composent ce volume ne brings along.
visent pas rflchir aux drives d'une science
que certains postulent tre devenue folle, mais BEANEY, Tara, Metamorphosis in Modern
montrer comment l'imaginaire science- German Literature: Transforming Bodies,
fictionnel, en mettant en scne diffrentes Identities and Affects, Cambridge, Legenda,
conceptions du corps, invite les lecteurs et les 2016, 185 pages.
spectateurs amorcer une rflexion sur leur Ranging from canonical texts by E.T.A.
identit. Hoffmann and Franz Kafka to the work of post-
war and post-Wende writers Marie Luise
AUBRY-MORICI, Marine & Sylvia CUCCHI (dir.), Kaschnitz and Jenny Erpenbeck, as well as the
Spectralits dans le roman contemporain: cross-cultural writer Yoko Tawada, this study
Italie, Espagne, Portugal, Paris, Presses shows how narratives of metamorphosis help
Sorbonne nouvelles, 2017, 180 pages. us negotiate the social and political changes,
L'ambition de ce volume, qui rassemble des and the experience of shifting boundaries and
tudes sur des crivains de la deuxime moiti identities, that are so pertinent to modern
du XXe sicle (Italo Calvino, Antonio Tabucchi) Germany.
et du dbut du XXIe sicle (Bruno Arpaia,
Rafael Chirbes, Julio Llamazares, Walter Siti, BISHOP, William, Angela TENGA (eds.), The
Gonalo M. Tavares, Giorgio Vasta), est Written Dead: Essays on the Literary
d'interroger le retour du refoul historique dans Zombie, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, (Contri-
la littrature contemporaine de l'Italie, de butions to Zombie Studies), 2017, 228 pages.
l'Espagne et du Portugal partir du concept de Introduction: The Rise of the Written Dead
spectralit forg par Jacques Derrida. (Angela Tenga and Kyle William Bishop) 2
Section One: Zombie Literature--First Words,
BACZKO, Bronislaw, Michel PORRET & Franois Baby Steps
ROSSET (dir.), Dictionnaire critique de Trailing the Zombie Through Modern and
l'utopie au Temps des lumires, Chne- Contemporary Anglophone Literature (Kevin
Bourg, Georg diteur, 2016, 1406 pages. Alexander Boon) The Attributes and Qualifiers
of Literary Zombies (Bernard Perron) 27
BARRET, J. K., Untold Futures: Time and Love, Connection and Intimacy in Zombie Short
Literary Culture in Renaissance England, Fiction (Laura Hubner) 40
Ithaca & London, Cornell University Press, Section Two: Max Brooks--Rite of Passage
2016, xiv, 249 pages. Analyzing Late Modernity with a Corpse: Max
Chapters on Philip Sidney's Old Arcadia, Brooks Zombie Understanding of Modernity
Edmund Spensers The Faerie Queene, William (Marcus Leaning) 55
Shakespeares Titus Andronicus, Antony and Dispatches of the Dead: World War Z and the
Cleopatra, and Cymbeline, and John -Post-Vietnam Combat Memoir (W. Scott
Miltons Paradise Lost trace instead a persistent Poole) 67
interest in an indeterminate, earthly future Section Three: The Zombie Novel--Coming of
evident in literary constructions that Age
foreground anticipation and expectation. Carrie Ryans Romance of the Forest: Mudos,
Young Adult
BARON, Christian, Peter Nicolas HALVERSON & Novels and the Gothic (Cory James Rushton)
Christine CORNEA (eds.), Science Fiction, Toward a Genealogy of the American Zombie
Ethics and the Human Condition, Cham, Novel: From Jack London to Colson Whitehead
Springer Verlag, 2017, 246 pages. (Wylie Lenz) 98
This book explores what science fiction can tell "Systems Die Hard": Resistance and
us about the human condition in a Reanimation in Colson Whiteheads Zone One
technological world, with the ethical dilemmas (Kelli Shermeyer) 120
and consequences that this entails. This book is Section Four: Revisionist Novels--Entering
the result of the joint efforts of scholars and Maturity
scientists from various disciplines. This "Condemned to history by the Hate": David J.

Moodys Hater and Postmillennial Rage (Dawn Sind Erzhlungen von E.T.A. Hoffmann oder
Keetley) 133 E.A. Poe, sind Geschichten von Vampiren,
The Psychosomatic Zombie Man: The Werwlfen und Spukhusern nur etwas fr
Postmodern Subject in Warm Bodies (Steven kindliche Gemter?Die Germanistin und
Holmes) 145 Anglistin Reinhild Bhnke fhrt den Leser durch
Feeding the Frenzy: Mira Grants Feed (Arnold die Zeiten von der Franzsischen Revolution bis
T. Blumberg) 156 zum Wirtschaftswunder und durch Lnder und
Teaching Zombies, Developing Students: Kontinente mit den Schwerpunkten
Pedagogical Success in The Girl with All the Deutschland, England, Frankreich, Russland
Gifts (Kyle William Bishop) 167 und Amerika, um das Kaleidoskop unheimlich-
Desiring Machines: Zombies, Automata and phantastischer Erzhlungen zu zeigen.
Cormac McCarthys The Road (Jesse Stommel)
Afterword: The Zombie Is Dead: Long Live the BREUER, Heidi & Nathalie WILSON, Feminist
Zombie (Robert G. Weiner) 194 Perspectives on Contemporary Zombies,
Filmography 197 / Bibliography 199. Vampires, and Witches: Radical Monstro-
sity in Literature, Film, TV, New York,
BLAIM, Artur, Utopian Visions and Revi- Routledge, 2018, 244 pages.
sions: or the Uses of Ideal Worlds, New This book explores three monstrous figures
York, Peter Lang, 2017, 285 pages. prominent in contemporary popular
The book focuses on different uses of the culturezombies, vampires, and witchesfrom
concepts of utopia, dystopia, and anti-utopia. a feminist perspective, visiting a range of
The author analyses literature, cinema, and novels, television series, and films from the
rock music, as well as scientific and legal 1990s-2010s. Though some popular
motifs in utopian fiction. He also considers the mainstream texts (from Harry
functions of Jewish characters in early modern Potter to Twilight) still participate in historically
utopias and looks at the utopian aspects of inherited conventions, feminist analysis reveals
scientific claims of literary and cultural that many millennial texts utilize monster-
theories. Utopian models are also applied to figures to critique regressive patriarchal
the practice of literature (socialist realism) and ideologies and/or champion female monstrosity
current socio-political affairs. Among the texts and (human) female agency. Rather than using
and films discussed are "Utopia", "New zombies, vampires, and witches to conserve
Atlantis", "Gullivers Travels", "Memoirs of the status quo, millennial monsters and human
Signor Gaudentio di Lucca", "Nineteen Eighty- heroes, especially female ones, are often
Four", "A Minor Apocalypse", "Lord of the deployed to envision a more feminist,
Flies", and "Even Dwarfs Started Small". egalitarian future with less violence and more
social justice.
BLOUIN, Genevive, Isabelle LAUZON & Carl
ROCHELEAU, crire et publier au Qubec: BRODERICK, Damien, Pscience Fiction: The
les littratures de l'imaginaire, Sherbrooke, Paranormal in Science Fiction Literature,
Les Six Brumes, (Lgion des Brumes), 2017, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 202 pages.
280 pages. Prface de Jean Pettigrew.
Trois crivains (sappuyant sur les tmoignages BRONFEN, Elisabeth and Beate NEUMEIER
de quarante-neuf collaborateurs issus (eds.), Gothic Renaissance: A Reasses-
principalement du milieu de la science-fiction et sment, Manchester, Manchester University
du fantastique qubcois) rpondent toutes Press, 2017, xi, 272 pages.
ces questions et plusieurs autres. Ce manuel This collection of essays by experts in
dmystifie les ralits de lcriture et de Renaissance and Gothic studies tracks the lines
ldition des littratures de limaginaire au of connection between Gothic sensibilities and
Qubec et tente daider les auteurs atteindre the discursive network of the Renaissance. The
leurs objectifs personnels et professionnels. texts covered encompass poetry, epic
narratives, ghost stories, prose dialogues,
BOLANO, Robert, El espiritu de la ciencia- political pamphlets and Shakespeare's texts,
ficcion, Barcelona, Penguin Random House read alongside those of other playwrights.
Grupo Editorial, 2016, 223 pages.
BLOW, Ralf, Der knstliche Mensch, das
BHNKE, Reinhild, Die Lust am Umheim- unbekannte Wesen: kleine Geschichte der
lichen: ein Streifzug durch Literatur und Automaten, Androiden, Golems, Homun-
Kunst, Leipzig, Passage-Verlag, 2017, 224 culi und Cyborgs, Wetzlar, Phantastische
pages. Bibliothek, 2016, 24 pages.

CHASSAY, Jean-Franois, Hlne MACHINAL & DRAKE, Kimberly, Paranoia, Fear and
Myriam MARRACHE-GOURAUD (dir.), Signa- Alienation, Ipswich (Mass.), Grey House
tures du monstre, Rennes, Presses Publishing, (Critical Inights), 2017, xxx, 230
Universitaires de Rennes, 2017, 338 pages. pages.
Cet ouvrage analyse de quelles manires les Paranoid fiction is described as "literature that
diffrents arts semparent de laltrit explores the subjective nature of reality and
monstrueuse pour en penser les signes, et pour how it can be manipulated by forces in power."
pousser ceux-ci vers leurs limites : littrature, This essay compilation investigates common
sculpture, peinture, cinma, bande dessine, motifs found in paranoid literature-such as
sries tlvises, jeux vidos, installations et dystopian settings and unreliable narrators-and
performances ont vocation mettre en scne studies the work of prominent authors in the
et interroger les formes du monstrueux. genre, including Philip K. Dick, William S.
Burroughs, Thomas Pynchon, and more.
CORDLE, Daniel, Late Cold War Literature
and Culture: The Nuclear 1980s, New York, ENCABO FERNANDEZ, Eduardo, Marianno
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, xi, 229 pages. URRACO SOLANILLA & Aitana MARTOS GARCIA
This book analyses the 1980s as a nuclear (eds.), Sagas, distopias y transmedia:
decade, focusing on British and United States ensayos sobre ficcion fantastica, Leon,
fiction. Ranging across genres including literary Universidad de Leon, 2016, 459 pages.
fiction, science fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction,
graphic novels, childrens and young adult ETHUIN, Philippe, Une autre histoire du
literature, thrillers and horror, it shows how monde: 2500 ans d'uchronies: premires
pressing nuclear issues were, particularly the uchronies et uchronies exhumes,
possibility of nuclear war, and how deeply they Montpellier, Publie.net, 2017, 156 pages.
penetrated the culture. [anthologie runie et prsente par Philippe
DAVIS, James Colin, Alternative Worlds
Imagined, 1500-1700: Essays on Radi- FERSTL, Paul, Thomas WALACH & Stefan
calism, Utopianism and Reality, Glasgow, ZAHLMANN (eds.), Fantasy Studies, Wien,
Lanarkshire (UK), Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, Ferst & Perz Verlag, 2016, 402 pages.
viii, 246 pages.
This book closely examines non-violence in FUSO, Silvano, Savants fous, visionnaires
Gerrard Winstanleys thought; millennialism et charlatans: les errances de la science
and utopianism as mutual critiques; form and du XVIIIe sicle nos jours, Paris,
substance in early modern utopianism/ Vendmiaire, 2017, 372 pages.
radicalism; Thomas Mores utopian theatre of Depuis le XVIIIe sicle, les avances
interests; and James Harrington and the scientifiques ont provoqu une vritable course
political necessity of narrative fiction. This aux hypothses et aux inventions, o se
detailed analysis underpins observations about retrouvent aussi bien les plus illustres
the longer term historical significance and chercheurs que les pires charlatans. Si l'histoire
meaning of both radicalism and utopianism. se souvient des russites, les checs furent
nombreux. Erreurs personnelles, aveuglements
DOMINGUEZ LEIVA, Antonio, Les Clowns collectifs ou escroqueries spectaculaires, ils
malfiques, Neuilly-le-Dijon, Le Murmure, nous rvlent combien la recherche scientifique
(Borderline), fvrier 2018, 80 pages. est influence par les ambitions et les
Plus que jamais, figures inquitantes la lisire du faiblesses de ceux qui en sont les acteurs.
rel et du cauchemar, les clowns malfiques sont
parmi nous. La Grande Peur Clownesque de GOBLED, Karine, Le Guide de la science-
2016, dernire dune longue srie, en fut la preuve fiction et de la fantasy, Chambry, ActuSF,
clatante. Cette observation est devenue prophtique, 2017, 344 pages.
le psycho-clown ayant pris dassaut linconscient Les littratures de l'imaginaire sont multiples,
pop au vu des lgendes urbaines relatives aux protiformes, innovantes... En mouvement
phantom clowns et de la prodigieuse quantit de constant, elles ne cessent de se renouveler et
crations mettant en scne, dans divers mdias, des de voir de nouveaux auteurs, modes et
clowns malveillants ou franchement psychopathes. courants apparatre. Quels sont les principaux
Force est de constater que nous sommes-l face genres, quels sont dsormais les
une vritable pidmie de limaginaire quil incontournables de la science-fiction, la fantasy
nous faut ici interroger. et du fantastique, mais aussi les prix, les
diteurs, les sites consulter, les festivals ou

encore la place de ces littratures dans la 'Ab-human' to 'Zombie' - as well as the main
recherche universitaire ? Ce guide vous theories, including ecocriticism, queer theory
propose un grand tour d'horizon de l'imaginaire and Postcolonial theory, which any student of
en France. the Gothic is likely to encounter. This book will
be a reliable companion for students of the
GOLUB, Adam, & Heather Richardson HAYTON genre from school and through university.
(eds.), Monsters in the Classroom: Essays
on Teaching What Scares Us, Jefferson LABARRE, Nicolas, Heavy Metal, l'autre
(NC), McFarland, 2017, 264 pages. Foreword Mtal Hurlant, Bordeaux, Presses Univer-
by W. Scott Poole. Afterword by Jeffrey Jerome sitaires de Bordeaux, (SF Incognita), 2017, 236
Cohen. pages. Prface de Gilles Poussin.
Exploring the pedagogical power of the En 1977, aux Etats-Unis, l'diteur de la revue
monstrous, this collection of new essays satirique The National Lampoon quelque part
describes innovative teaching strategies that entre Actuel et Hara-Kiri lance Heavy Metal,
use our cultural fascination with monsters to une dition amricaine de la mythique revue
enhance learning in high school and college franaise de science-fiction Mtal Hurlant. Trs
courses. The contributors discuss the proches initialement, ces deux revues vont
implications of inviting fearsome creatures into diverger la fois sur le plan des contenus et de
the classroom, showing how they work to la fortune commerciale. Mtal Hurlant disparat
create compelling narratives and provide en 1987, malgr quelques soubresauts depuis,
students a framework for analyzing history, tandis que Heavy Meta/ continue de paratre
culture, and everyday life. ce jour. Chacune des deux revues a
profondment marqu son pays et cet ouvrage
s'efforce d'en trouver les raisons.
HAMNER, Everett, Editing the Soul: Science
and Fiction in the Genome Age, University LORCH, Mark & Andy MIAH (eds.), The Secret
Park (PE), Penn State University Press, 2017, Science of Superheroes, London, Royal
280 pages. Society of Chemistry, 2017, xvi, 227pages.
Looking closely at the work of Margaret The Secret Science of Superheroes looks at the
Atwood, Richard Powers, and other authors, as underpinning chemistry, physics and biology
well as at film, comics, and serial television needed for their superpowers. Individual
such as Orphan Black, Everett Hamner shows chapters look at synthesising elements on
how the genome age is transforming both the demand, genetic evolution and what superhero
most commercial and the most sophisticated suits could be made of. By exploring these
stories we tell about the core of human topics, the book introduces a wide range of
personhood. As sublime technologies garner scientific concepts, from protein chemistry to
public awareness beyond the genre fiction particle physics for a general scientifically
shelves, they inspire new literary categories interested audience.
like slipstream and shape new definitions of
the human, the animal, the natural, and the McPARLAND, Robert, Science Fiction in
artificial. Classic Rock: Musical Explorations in
Space, Technology and the Imagination,
HIGGINS, Nadia, Robots in Fiction, Mankato 1967-1982, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017,
(MN), Amicus High Interest/Amicus Ink, 2018, 277 pages.
32 pages. As technology advances, society retains its
mythical roots--a tendency evident in rock
HUGHES, William, Key Concepts in the music and its enduring relationship with myth
Gothic, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, and science fiction. This study explores the
(Key Concepts in Literature), mars 2018, 224 mythical and fantastic themes of artists from
pages. the late 1960s to the mid-1980s, including
Key Concepts in the Gothic provides a one-stop David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Jefferson Airplane,
resource which details and defines, in Blue Oyster Cult, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin
accessible language, those contexts essential and Black Sabbath. Drawing on insights from
for the study of the Gothic in all periods and Joseph Campbell, J.G. Frazer, Carl Jung and
media. The volume is divided into three Mircea Eliade, the author examines how
sections: Concepts and Terms; Theories of the performers have incorporated mythic
Gothic; and Key Fictional Texts. Bibliographies archetypes and science fiction imagery into
are provided with the last two sections. The songs that illustrate societal concerns and
book clearly explains the critical terms - from futuristic fantasies.

NITZKE, Solvejg & Nicolas PETHES (eds.),
Imagining Earth: Concepts of Wholeness
in Cultural Constructions of Our Home
Planet, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2017, 172 SOLARIS
pages. Lanthologie permanente des littratures
de limaginaire
PALMA RODAN, Manuel Jesus, La estirpe de no 204, (vol. 43, no 2) automne 2017,
Fausto: los pactos con el diablo a traves 160 pages.
de la historia, Cordoba, Almuzara, 2017, 216
Des textes de fiction: Mathieu Ars, Yves
PERNOT, Franois & ric VIAL (dir.), Meynard, Frdric Parrot, Mario Tessier, Jean-
Uchronie: l'histoire telle qu'elle n'a pas Louis Trudel.
t, telle qu'elle aurait pu tre, Montreuil, Des articles de Mario Tessier: Le Chants de
les ditions de l'Oeil, (La bibliothque la science-fiction lointaine" [les Carnets du
fantme), 2016, 346 pages. Futurible] - Ariane Glinas: Voyage en pays
intrieur "Espaces de la revenance".
PETRUCCIOLI, Stefano, Il miglioratori del + les rubriques habituelles : Littranautes,
mondo: utopia e democrazia tra lette- Lectures et, en ligne Sci-nma, de Christian
ratura, fumetto, filosofia, Bergamo, Moretti Sauv
& Vitali, 2017, 112 pages. Avec des illustrations Laurine Spehner,
(couverture), de Marc Pageau, Suzanne Morel
PLUTCHAK, Beth, Boundaries, Border et Ariane Glinas.
Crossings, and Reinventing the Future,
Seattle (WA), Acqueduct Press, (Conversation http://www.revue-solaris.com/
Pieces), 2017, 134 pages.
The personal is political, and the political is
personal. This collection of essays and an sf
tale explores the intersections of ROAS, David (dir.), El monstruo fantastico:
representation, science fiction, feminism, social visiones y perspectivas, Madrid, Aluvion
justice, and fandom, specifically in relationship Editorial, 2016, 363 pages.
to the feminist sf convention WisCon.
ROBERTS, Robin, Subversive Spirits: The
REICHWALD, Anika, Das Phantasma der Female Ghost in British and American
Assimilation: Interpretationen des Popular Culture, Jackson, University Press of
"Jdischen" in der deutsche Phantastik, Mississippi, 2018, 192 pages.
1890-1930, Gttingen, V & R unipress & Roberts's analysis begins with comedic female
Vienna University Press, 2017, 374 pages. ghosts in literature and film and moves into
Die deutschsprachige phantastische Literatur horror by examining the successful play The
um die Jahrhundertwende verhandelt das Woman in Black and the legend of the weeping
Phnomen der jdischen Assimilation im woman, La Llorona. Roberts then situates the
auerjdischen Diskurs auf vielfltige und canonical works of Maxine Hong Kingston and
uerst reflektierte Weise. Phantastik erscheint Toni Morrison in the tradition of the female
als prdestiniertes Genre, um jdische ghost to explore how the ghost is used to
Assimilation in ihrem historischen, sozio- und portray the struggle and pain of women of
kulturpolitischen Kontext zu begreifen. color. Roberts further analyzes heritage sites
Gegenber dem zeitgenssischen Diskurs that use the female ghost as the friendly and
offenbart sie ein reflektiertes Verstndnis von inviting narrator for tourists. The book
Assimilation. Der Blick in ausgewhlte Beispiele concludes with a comparison of the British and
phantastischer Literatur nichtjdischer Autoren American versions of the television hit Being
zeigt die Vielfalt der Motivik und Human, where the female ghost expands her
Darstellungsformen sowie ihr subversives influence to become a mother and savior to all
Potential. Die Studie untersucht, wie humanity.
unterschiedliche Transformationsprozesse ber
Motive wie den Doppelgnger, Vampir oder die ROZELLE, Lee, Zombiescapes and Phantom
Chimre beschrieben werden, und zeichnet Zones: Ecocriticism and The Liminal from
dabei auch die gesellschaftlichen Debatten um the Invisible Man to The Walking Dead,
jdische Assimilation nach. Tuscaloosa, The University of Alabama Press,

2016, x, 147 pages. suspension of disbelief. This depends both on
Rozelle focuses on literary works from 1950 to the author and his skilled composition of the
2015the zombiescapes and monsterscapes of world and all its aspects, as well as on the
postWorld War II literaturethat portray in reader's acceptance of this invented fictional
troubling and often devastating ways the world.
brownfields that have been divested of much
of their biodiversity and ecological viability. SIMMONS, David, American Horror Fiction
However, he also highlights how these literary and Class: from Poe to Twilight, London
works suggest a new life and new potential for (UK), Palgrave Macmillan, (Palgrave Gothic),
such environments. With an unlikely focus on 2017, ix, 201 pages.
places of ruination and an application of In this book, Simmons argues that class, as
interdisciplinary, transnational approaches to a much as race and gender, played a significant
range of fields and texts, Rozelle advances the role in the development of Gothic and Horror
notion that places of distortion might become a fiction in a national context. From the classic
nexus where revelation and advocacy are texts of Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel
possible again. Hawthorne right through to contemporary
examples, such as the novels of Stephen King
SCHENK, Klaus & Ingold ZEISBERG (dir.), and Stephenie Meyers Twilight Series, class
Interkulturalitt und Semiotik des remains an ever present though understudied
Phantastischen, Dortmund, Knigshausen & element.
Neumann, 2017, 279 pages.
SLOTKIN, Joel Elliot, Sinister Aesthetics:
SCHMEINK, Lars, Biopunk Dystopias : The Appeal of Evil in Early Modern English
Genetic Engineering, Society and Science Literature, New York, Palgrave Macmillan,
Fiction, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2017, xi, 289 pages.
2016, viii, 272 pages. This engrossing volume studies the poetics of
Biopunk Dystopias' contends that we find evil in early modern English culture, reconciling
ourselves at a historical nexus, defined by the the Renaissance belief that literature should
rise of biology as the driving force of scientific uphold morality with the compelling and
progress, a strongly grown mainstream attractive representations of evil throughout
attention given to genetic engineering in the the periods literature. The chapters explore a
wake of the Human Genome Project (1990- variety of texts, including Spensers Faerie
2003), the changing sociological view of a Queene, Shakespeares Richard III, broadside
liquid modern society, and shifting discourses ballads, and sermons, culminating in a new
on the posthuman, including a critical reading of Paradise Lost and a novel
posthumanism that decenters the privileged understanding of the dynamic interaction
subject of humanism. The book argues that between aesthetics and theology in shaping
this historical nexus produces a specific cultural seventeenth century Protestant piety.
formation in the form of "biopunk", a subgenre
evolved from the cyberpunk of the 1980s. The SPOONER, Catherine, Post-Millenial Gothic:
analysis deals with dystopian science fiction Comedy, Romance and the Rise of the
artifacts of different media from the year 2000 Happy Gothic, London, Bloomsbury Academic,
onwards that project a posthuman intervention 2017, x, 213 pages.
into contemporary socio-political discourse Surveying the widespread appropriations of the
based in liquid modernity in the cultural Gothic in contemporary literature and
formation of biopunk. culture, Post-Millennial Gothic shows
contemporary Gothic is often romantic, funny
SCHULT, Stefanie, Subcreation: Fictional- and celebratory. Reading a wide range of
World Construction from J.R.R. Tolkien to lepopular texts, from Stephenie
Terry Pratchett and Tad Williams, Berlin, Meyer's Twilight series through Tim Burton's
Logos Verlag, 2017, 242 pages. Gothic film adaptations of Sweeney Todd, Alice
The doctorial thesis argues that the term in Wonderland and Dark Shadows, to the
Subcreation with its revised and broadened appearance of Gothic in fashion, advertising
definition, in part differing from J.R.R. Tolkien's and television, Catherine Spooner argues that
original term sub-creation, may be used for the conventional academic and media accounts of
discussion of the making of fictional worlds in Gothic culture have overlooked this celebratory
literary discourse. The successful conception of strain of 'Happy Gothic'.
a fictional world depends on the reader's willing

This collection of essays analyzes global
depictions of the devil from theological, Biblical,
No 133 and literary perspectives, spanning the late
vol. 44, no 3, november 2017 Middle Ages to the 21st century. The chapters
explore demonic representations in the literary
works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Fyodor
Dostoyevsky, Dante Alighieri, Charles
Jeremy Withers: Bicycles Across the Galaxy:
Baudelaire, John Milton, H.P. Lovecraft, and
Attacking Automobility in 1950s Science Fiction
Cormac McCarthy, among others. The text
Connor Pitetti. Uses of the End of the World:
examines other media such as the operas
Apocalypse and Postapocalypse as Narrative
Orfeo and Erminia sul Giordano and the
television shows Breaking Bad, The Sopranos,
Valentina Fulginiti : Degenerate Utopias:
and Mad Men.
Two Dystopian Rewritings of Disneyland in
Early Twenty-first-century Italian Fiction
WEGNER, Philip E., Shockwaves of Possi-
Joy Sanchez-Taylor: Fledgling, Symbiosis, and
bility: Essays on Science Fiction, Globa-
the Nature/Culture Divide
lization, and Utopia, New York, et al., Peter
Lisa Dowdall: Treasured Strangers: Race,
Lang, 2017, 308 pages.
Biopolitics, and the Human in Octavia E.
Shockwaves of Possibility explores the deep
Butlers XENOGENESIS Series
utopianism of one of the most significant
J.P. Telotte: Hollywood on the Moon:
modern cultural practices: science fiction. The
Scientifilm, the Pulps, and the SF Imagination
author contends that utopianism is not simply a
Duy Lap Nguyen: Alternative Histories of
motif in SF, but rather is fundamental to its
Korean National Sovereignty in 2009: Lost
narrative dynamics. Drawing upon a rich array
of theory and criticism in SF and utopian
Amadine H. Faucheux : Race and Sexuality in
studies, the book opens with a global
Nalo Hopkinsons Oeuvre; or, Queer
periodizing history that shows the inseparability
of SF from developments in other cultural
fields. It goes on to examine literature, film,
Stephen R. Dougherty. Adam Roberts, Readers
television, comics, and animation in order to
Writer: Callow/ McFarlanes Adam Roberts:
demonstrate SFs unique effectiveness for
Critical Essays
grappling with the upheavals brought about by
Tamara C. Ho. Articulating Asia in SF:
globalization. Shockwaves of Possibility proves
Roh/Huang/Nius Techno-Orientalism:
SFs vitality in the brave new world of the
Imagining Asia in Speculative Fiction, History,
twenty-first century, as it illuminates the
and Media
contours of the present and educates our
Brooks Landon. Doubling Down on Double
desire for a radically other future.
Vision: Telotte/ Duchovnays Science Fiction
Double Feature: The Science Fiction Film as
WHITSON, Roger, Steampunk and Nine-
Cult Text
teenth-Century Digital Humanities:
Literary Retrofuturism, Media Archeo-
logies, Alternate Histories, New York,
Routledge, 2017, xiv, 229 pages.
STREERUWITZ, Marlene, Das Wundersame Steampunk is more than a fandom, a literary
in der Unwirtlichkeit: neue Vorlesungen, genre, or an aesthetic. It is a research
Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer, 2017, 122 methodology turning history inside out to
pages. search for alternatives to the progressive
technological boosterism sold to us by Silicon
SUSSAN, Rmi, Les Utopies posthumaines: Valley. This book turns to steampunk's quirky
une histoire des contre-cultures. Comment temporalities to embrace diverse genealogies
la fiction rejoint la ralit, Mouans-Sartoux, of the digital humanities and to unite their
Omniscience, 2017 [rdition: 2005], 288 methodologies with nineteenth-century
pages. literature and media archaeology. The result is
nineteenth-century digital humanities, a
THUSWALDNER, Gregor & Daniel RUSS (eds.) retrofuturist approach in which readings of
Hermeneutics of Hell: Visions and steampunk novels like William Gibson and
Representations of the Devil in World Bruce Sterling's The Difference Engine and Ken
Literature, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Liu's The Grace of Kings collide with
Macmillan, 2017, xi, 332 pages. nineteenth-century technological histories like

Charles Babbage's use of the difference engine MINI-DOSSIER
to enhance worker productivity and Isabella TOLKIEN
Bird's spirit photography of alternate history
China. CLINTON, Greg, Reading and Interpreting
the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien, New York,
A signaler: les numros 2 et 3 de la revue en Enslow Publishing, 2017, 112 pages.
ligne Fantasy Art & Studies sont publies:
https://fantasyartandstudies.wordpress.com/jo DAY, David, Tolkien. Encyclopdie illustre,
urnalrevue/ Paris, Hachette Pratique, 2017, 280 pages.
Le no 2: Cities and Wonders/ Villes et
merveilles DAY, David, The Heroes of Tolkien, Vacaville
Le no 3: Science Fantasy. (CA), Bounty Books, 2017, 256 pages.

FALCONER, Daniel, Middle-Earth from Script

A PROPOS DES AUTEURS to Screen: Building the World of The Lord
of the Rings, New York, Harper Design, 2017,
512 pages.

ABRAHAM, Carlos Enrique, Borgs y la ciencia FLIEGER, Verlyn, There Would Always be a
ficcion, Buenis Aires, CICCUS, 2017, 208 Fairy Tale: Essays on Tolkien's Middle-
pages. Earth, Kent (Ohio), Kent State University
Press, 2017, 304 pages.
ALEFELD, Yvonne-Patricia, E.T.A. Hoffmann,
Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2017, 241 pages. JUDD, Walter & Graham, Flora of Middle-
Earth: Plants of J.R.R. Tolkien's
ALTAMIRO, Oscar Xavier, Poe: The Trauma Legendarium, New York, Oxford University
of an Era, New York, et al, Peter Lang, 2017, Press, 2017, xv, 406 pages.
396 pages.
KIRNER-LUDWIG, Monika, Stefan KSER &
ANDERSON, James Arthur, The Linguistics of Sebastian STREITBERGER (eds.), Binding
Stephen King: Layered Language and them All. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Meaning in the Fiction, Jefferson (NC), J.R.R. Tolkien and His Work, Zollikoffen
McFarland, viii, 241 pages. (Suiss), Walking Tree Publishing, 2017, 339
BISHOP, Jim (ed.) with ALPERT, Michael, ,
David BRIGHT, Keith CARREIRO & Stephen MORROW, Jeffrey L., Seeking The Lord of
KING, Hearts in Suspension, Orono, Middle-Earth: Theological Essays on J.R.R.
University of Maine Press, 2016, 373 pages. Tolkien, Eugene (OR), Cascade Books, 2017,
HEARTS IN SUSPENSION includes a substantial xix, 168 pages.
essay by Stephen King on his college
experience in the late 1960s, when the effort to
end the War in Vietnam was at its height. The
book also includes King s novella Hearts in BORUS, Audrey, Reading and Interpreting
Atlantis (set on the University of Maine the Works of George Orwell, New York,
Enslow Publishing, 2017, 128 pages.
campus during King s college years); four
installments of King s early newspaper column, BURCH, Aaron, Stephen King's "The Body"
Bookmarked, New York, Ig Publishing, 2016,
King s Garbage Truck ; relevant photographs
vi, 129 pages.
from the period; and twelve personal
narratives by classmates and friends who knew CANOS, Luis, Los Espiritus de la ciencia
Stephen King during his college years and were ficcion: espiritismo, periodismo y cultur
his fellow student writers and political activists. popular en las novelas de Eduardo
Holmberg, Francisco Miralles y Pedro
Castera, Chapell Hill, Department of Romance
Studies, 2017, 264 pages.

COLLECTIF, Harry Potter: A Journey

Through a History of Magic, London & New

York, Bloomsbury, 2017, 144 pages. [Ouvrage Heftromanserie, Bielfeld, transcript Verlag,
pour la jeunesse publi par la British Library] 2017, 342 pages.

FRANKEL, Nicholas, Oscar Wilde: The PREZ MIGUEZ, Claudio & Raul Manrique
Unrepentant Years, Cambridge (Mass.), GIRON, El infinito Borges: un recorrido
Harvard University Press, 2017, 374 pages. iconografico, Madrid, Del Centro, 2017, 2 vol.
136 et 140 pages.
FRAYLING, Christopher, Frankenstein: First
Two Hundred Years, Marylebone (UK), Reel PHILLIPS, Thomas, T.E.D. Klein and the
Art Press, 2017, 230 pages. Rupture of Civilization: A Study in Critical
Horror, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 196
KLINGER, Leslie (ed.), The New Annotated pages.
Frankenstein, New York, Norton/Liveright,
2017, 432 pages. Introduction: Guillermo del PIERCE, Tamora, Julie HOLDERMAN, Timothy
Toro. Afterword: Anne K.Mellor. LIEBE & Megan MESSENGER, Tortall: A Spy's
Guide, New York, Random House, 2017, 320
KOWALCZYK, Andrzej Slawomir, Forms and pages.
Shadows: A Cognitice-Poetic Reading of
Charles William's Fiction, New York, Peter PIERCE, Alex & Mimi MONDAL (eds.),
Lang, 2017, 334 pages. Luminescent Threads: Connections to
Octavia E. Butler, Yokine (WA), Twelfth
KRAJEWSKI, Bruc & Joshua HETER (eds.), The Planet Press, 2017, 434 pages.
Man in the High Castle and Philosophy:
subversive reports from Another Reality, SAMSON, Regina, Innovation und Tradition:
Chicago, Open Court, 2017, vii, 260 pages. Der junge Borges und die Avantgarde:
Literarische Entwrfe zwischen euro-
KUZNICKI, Slawomir, Margaret Atwood's pascher und argentinischer Moderne,
Dystopian Fiction, Newcastle upon Tyne, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, (Hispano-
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, vi, 218 Americana, 55), 2017, 402 pages.
SICHTERMANN, Barbara, Mary Shelley:
LUCKHURST, Roger (ed.), The Cambridge Leben und Leidenschaftten der Schpferin
Companion to Dracula, Cambridge, Cam- des Frankenstein: Romanbiographie,
bridge University Press, 2017, 260 pages. Freiburg, Basel, Wien, Verlag Herder, 2017,
273 pages.
MAY, Markus, et al., Die Welt von Game of
Thrones: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspek- SFFNER, Jan, Nachdenken ber Games of
tiven au George R.R. Martin A Song of Ice Thrones: George R. R. Martin's A Song of
and Fire, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2016, Ice and Fire, Padeborn, Fink Verlag, 2017,
400 pages. 152 pages.

MENEGALDO, Gilles, Christophe GELLY (dir.) WHELAN, Michael, Beyond Science Fiction:
Lovecraft au prisme de l'image, Cadillon, le The Alternative Realism of Michael
Visage Vert, 2017, 350 pages. Des textes de Whelan, Van Nuys (CA), Baby Tatoo Books,
Christophe GELLY, Denis MELLIER, Lauric 2017, 120 pages.
Julien SCHUH, Christophe CHAMBOST, Gilles WILSON, Eric Michael, The Republic of
MENEGALDO, Pierre JAILLOUX, Jrme DUTEL, Chtulhu: Lovecraft, The Weird Tales, and
Karen VERGNOL-RMONT, Isabelle PRIER, Conspiracy Theory, Goleta (CA), Punctum
Rmi CAYATTE, ArnaudMOUSSART, Christopher Books, 2016, 183 pages.
Sommaire sur le site de noosfere.org.

MERABET, Lahoucine El, L'criture du

temps dans Sylvie, de Grard de Nerval,
Saint-Denis Edilivre, 2016, 212 pages.

NAST, Mirjam, Perry Rhodan lesen: zur CINMA & TLVISION

Serialitt der Lektrepraktiken einer

BROOKS, Max, et al (eds.), Strategy Strikes
ABAD, Jos, Dracula: la realidad y el deseo, Back: How Star Wars Explains Military
Asociacion Shangrila Textos Aparte, Modern Conflict, Sterling (VA), Potomac
(Fantasmagoria), 2017, 168 pages. Books, mai 2018, 280 pages.

ALINGER, Brandon, Star Wars: tout l'art de BUKATMAN, Scott & Diane LECERF, Blade
Ralph McQuarrie, vol.1, Paris Huginn & Runner, Talence, Akileos, BFI Le classiques du
Munnin, 2016, 399 pages. cinma, 2017, 112 pages.

ATALLAH, Marc (dir), avec Alain BOILLAT & BUSHMAN, David & Arthur SMITH, Buffy the
Frdric JACCAUD, Je suis ton pre. Origines Vampire Slayer FAQ, Applause Theatre Book,
et hritages d'une saga intergalactique, 2017, 400 pages.
Paris, Fantask, 2017, 216 pages.
CARTER, Chip, Star Trek: The Book of Lists,
BALMAIN, Colette, Introduction to Japanese New York, Harper Design, 2017, 224 pages.
Horror Film, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University
Press, juin 2108, 240 pages CATALANO, Walter, Andrea LAZZERETTI & Gian
Filippo PIZZO, Guida al cinema fantasy,
BARR, Tricia, Adam BRAY et Cole HORTON, Bologna, Odoya, 2017, 335 pages.
Star Wars: l'encyclopdie visuelle, Vanves,
Hachette Heroes, 2017, 199 pages. CHAPUS, Jean-Vic & Axel CADIEUX, La saga
HBO; dans les coulisses de la chane qui a
BEAHM, Georges, The Military Science of rvolutionn les sries, Nantes, Capricci,
Star Wars, New York, Tor Books, mai 2018, 2017, 200 pages.
320 pages.
COLLECTIF, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,
BENAM, Stphane, Les Extraterrestres au l'histoire d'un film, Paris, Huginn & Muninn,
cinma, La Madeleine, Lettmotif, 2017, 222 2017, 256 pages.
COLLECTIF, Vampire Diaries, tous les
BENSON, Michael, Space Odyssey: Stanley secrets de Mystic Falls, Paris, Huginn &
Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke and the Making Muninn, 2017, 159 pages.
of a Masterpiece, New York, Simon &
Schuster, april 2018, 320 pages. COLLECTIF, Harry Potter, l'art des films,
Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2017, 364 pages.
BLAUVELT, Christian, Star Wars pour les
novices: le guide ultime pour les COLLECTIF, Geektionnaire de Star Wars,
dbutants et ceux qui veulent rviser, Paris, Hachette Pratique, 2017, 360 pages.
Paris, Hachette Pratique, 2017, 200 pages.
COLLECTIF, Sries tl de l'imaginaire, dans
BOGUE, Mike, Apocalypse Then: American Otrante: SF et fantastique, no 42, 2007,
and Japanese Atomic Cinema, 1951-1967, publie par ditions Kim,Paris. , 204 pages.
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, viii, 305
pages. COX, Alex, I Am (Not) a Number: Decoding
American science fiction movies of the 1950s The Prisoner, Harpenden (UK), Oldcastle
and 1960s generally proclaim that it is possible Books, mai 2018, 160 pages.
to put the nuclear genie back in the bottle.
Japanese films of the same period assert that CURTIS, Barry, Dark Places: The Haunted
once freed the nuclear genie can never again House in Film, London, Reaktion Books, 2016,
be imprisoned. This book examines genre films 240 pages.
from the two countries released between 1951 Curtis draws his examples from numerous
and1967--including Godzilla (1954), The iconic films including "Nosferatu", "Psycho",
Mysterians (1957), The Incredible Shrinking "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" and "The
Man (1957), On the Beach (1959), The Last Shining" as well as lesser-known international
War (1961) and Dr. Strangelove (1964)--to works. Japanese horror films and their
show the view from both sides of the Pacific. Hollywood remakes such as "Ringu" and "The
BROOKER, Will, Star Wars, Talence, Akileos, Ring", or "Juon" and "The Grudge" come under
BFI Les classiques du cinma. 2017, 96 pages. particular scrutiny, as he explores Japanese
cinema's preoccupation with malevolent forces

from the past. Whether you love the splatter of On How to Overcome Nonfunctional
blood or prefer to hide under the couch, "Dark Attachment Bonds in Outer Space (Nadine
Places" cuts to the heart of why we are drawn Farghaly) 54
to carnage. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations: The
Representation of Transgender Identities in
DESBOIS, Erwan, J. J. Abrams ou l'ternel Star Trek (Jack Fennell) 72
recommencement, Playlist Societ, 2017, Deep Space Gender: Miles -OBrien, Julian
160 pages. Bashir and Masculinity (Andrew Howe) 90
From Supercrip to Assimilant: Normalcy,
DIXON, Wheeler Winston, The Films of Bioculture and Disability in the Star Trek
Terence Fisher: Hammer Horror and Universe (Ken Monteith) 106
Beyond, Leighton Buzzard, Auteur, 2017, viii, Mothering the Universe on Star Trek (Ericka
417 pages. Hoagland) 126
Photons and Phantoms: Kathryn Janeway as
DUKES, Brad, Retour Twin Peaks: toutes Gothic Heroine (Eleanor Dobson) 143
les coulisses d'une srie culte par ceux qui Strange New Worlds: Gender Disparity in Star
l'ont faite, Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2017, 340 Trek: TOS (Michael Pringle) 156
pages. Female Leadership, Sacrifice and Technological
Mastery on Star Trek: Voyager (Lorrie Palmer )
EDWARDS, Matthew (ed.), Twisted Visions: "This is me cargo": The Commodification and
Interviews with Cult Horror Filmmakers, Hyperreality
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, viii, 269 of Women in "Mudds Women" (Haley M. Fedor
pages. and Derek Frasure) 189
Horror and exploitation films have played a Hybrids: Interspecies Intercourse and Biracial
pioneering role in both American and world Identity in Star Trek (Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr.)
cinema, with a number of controversial and Where No Girl Has Gone Before? Teenage Girls
surreal movies produced by renegade in Star Treks Strong Female Future (Zara T.
filmmakers. This collection of interviews sheds Wilkinson) 219
light on the work of 23 directors from across To Boldly Go Where No Undead Have Gone
the globe who defied the conventions of Before: Comparisons between Gene
Hollywood and commercial cinema. They Roddenberrys Star Trek and Bram Stokers
include Alfred Sole (Alice, Sweet, Alice), Dracula (Simon Bacon) 236
Romano Scavolini (Nightmares in a Damaged
Brain), Stu Segall (Drive-in Massacre), Joseph FAVAR, Florent, Aux frontires du futur:
Ellison (Dont Go in the House), David Paulsen mythologie des sries de science-fiction,
(Savage Weekend, Schizoid), Jrg Buttgereit Paris, Vendmiaire, 2017, 180 pages.
(Nekromantik, Schramm), Jack Sholder (Alone [Note: cette collection ayant cess de paratre,
in the Dark, The Hidden), Marinao Baino (Dark il est possible que cet ouvrage ne soit plus/pas
Waters), Yoshihiko Matsui (Noisy Requiem) and disponible]
Jamil Dehlavi (Born of Fire). More than 90
photographs are included, with many rare FLEINER, Carey & Dene OCTOBER (eds.),
behind-the-scenes images. Doctor Who and History: Critical Essays on
Imagining the Past, Jefferson (NC),
FABRIS, Angela, Horror-Kultfilme, Marburg, McFarland, 2017, vii, 214 pages.
Schren Verlag, 2017, 197 pages. When Sydney Newman conceived the idea for
Doctor Who in 1963, he envisioned a show in
FARGHALY, Nadine & Simon BACON (eds.), To which the Doctor and his companions would
Boldly Go: Essays on Gender and Identity visit and observe, but not interfere with, events
in the Star Trek Universe, Jefferson (NC), in history. That plan was dropped early on and
McFarland, 2017, vi, 260 pages. the Doctor has happily meddled with historical
Introduction 1 events for decades. This collection of new
The Bad Boy and Feminism: Analyzing Captain essays examines how the Doctor's engagement
Kirk (Suzan E. Aiken) 9 with history relates to Britain's colonial past,
Reinscribing Patriarchy in the Star Trek Films, nostalgia for village life, Norse myths, alternate
1979-1994 (Andrew M. Butler) 27 history, and the impact of historical decisions
What We See When We Look in the Mirror: Star on the present.
Treks Alternative Sexuality (Teresa -Cutler- FRINZI, Joe R., Kubrick's Monolith: The Art
Broyles) 41 and Mystery of 2001: A Space Odyssey,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 213 pages.

FRYER, Ian, British Horror Film: From the HAIMSON, LUSHKOV, Ayelet, You Win or You
Silents to the Multiplex, Oxford (UK), & Die: The Ancient World of Game of
Charleston (SC), Fonthill Media, January 2018, Thrones, London & New York, I.B. Tauris,
240 pages. 2017, xiii, 238 pages.
The British Horror Film from the Silent to the
Multiplex is your guide to the films, actors, and HUTCHINGS, Peter, Historical Dictionary of
filmmakers who have thrilled and terrified Horror Cinema, Lanham (MD), Rowman &
generations of movie fans. In just one book, Littlefield, 2017, 446 pages.[2e dition]
you will find the literary and cinematic roots of
the genre to the British films made by film INGUANZO, Ozzy, Les Zombies au cinma:
legends such as Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff, l'histoire ultime des morts-vivants
Hammers accomplishments starring l'cran, Hobeke, (Cinma), 2017, 224 pages.
Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, and the Prface de Max Landis.
post-Hammer horrors such as Peter A travers plus de 300 photos et affiches de
Walkers Frightmare and huge British-made films ou autres clichs de tournages, Ozzy
successes such as Alien and the zombie craze Inguanzo explore un sicle de classiques du
of the twenty-first century. cinma, de White Zombie (1932) avec Bela
Lugosi au succs international de World War Z
GALLO, Leah, Tout l'art de Miss Peregrine (2013), en passant par le monument qu'est La
et les enfants particuliers: un film de Tim Nuit des morts-vivants (1968) de George A.
Burton, Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2016, 192 Romero et la srie incontournable The Walking
pages. Dead (2010-).

GERRARD, Steven, The Modern British JANUS, G. H., Voluptuous Terrors: 120
Horror Film, New Brunswick, Rutgers Horror and SF Film Posters from Italy, San
University Press, (Quick Takes), 2017, 192 Francisco (CA), Deicide Press, 2017, 128
pages. pages.

GRANT, Barry Keith, Monster Cinema, New JONES, Brian Jay, George Luvas, une vie,
Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, (Quick Paris, Hachette Pratique, 2017, 560 pages.
Takes), 2018, 200 pages.
KEEN, Helen, Science & Magie dans Game
GROSS, Edward & Mark ALTMAN, Slayers and of Thrones, Paris, Albin Michel, 2017, 262
Vampires: The Complete Uncensored pages.
Unauthorized Oral History of Buffy the
Vampire Slayer & Angel,New York, Tor KLASTORIN, Michael & Randal ATAMANIUK,
Books, 2017, 520 pages. Retour vers le futur: toute l'histoire d'une
saga culte, Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2015, 222
GROSS, Edward & Mark ALTMAN, So Say We pages.
All: The Complete, Uncensored,
Unauthorized Oral History of Battlestar KUSHINS, Josh et al., , Tout l'art de Rogue
Galactica, New York, Tor Books, aot 2018, One : A Star War Story, Paris, Huginn &
656 pages. Muninn, 2016, 252 pages.

GREENE, Richard & Rachel ROBINSON GREENE LAPOINTE, Tanya, The Art and Soul of Blade
(eds.), American Horror Story and Philo- Runner 2049, London, Titan Books, 2017, 224
sophy: Life is but a Nightmare, Chicago, pages.
Open Court, (Popular Culture and Philosophy),
2017, 256 pages. LEHOUCQ, Roland, Faire des sciences avec
In American Horror Story and Philosophy, Star Wars, Saint Mamms, Le Blial, 2017,
philosophers with varying backgrounds and 176 pages.
interests explore different aspects of this
popular erotic thriller TV show, with its LEITNER, Florian, Medienhorror: Mediale
enthusiastic cult following and strong critical Angst im Film, Paderborn, Fink Verlag, 2017,
approval. The result is a collection of intriguing 303 pages.
and provocative thoughts on deeper questions MAFE, Diana Adesola, Where no Black
prompted by the creepy side of the human Woman has Gone Before: Subversive
imagination. Portrayals in Speculative Film and TV,

Austin, University of Texas Press, 2018, 184 Covering the entire series from its debut
pages. through the second feature film, this book
Writing for fans as well as scholars, Diana examines how creator Chris Carter and his
Adesola Mafe looks at representations of black team of writers turned a scrappy cult favorite
womanhood and girlhood in American and on Fox into a global phenomenon.
British speculative film and television,
including 28 Days Later, AVP: Alien vs. MUSSET, Alain, Autant embrasser un
Predator, Children of Men, Beasts of the Wookie ! - 100 rpliques cultes de la saga
Southern Wild, Firefly, and Doctor Who: Series Star Wars, Paris, Dunod, (Hors collection),
3. Each of these has a subversive black female 2017, 224 pages.
character in its main cast, and Mafe draws on
critical race, postcolonial, and gender theories PELOSATO, Alain, Supernatural: intertex-
to explore each film and show, placing the tualit cinmatographique: 13 saisons,
black female characters at the center of the Givors, SFM ditions, 2017, 264 pages.
analysis and demonstrating their agency. The
first full study of black female characters in PHILLIPS, Kendall, A Place of Darkness: The
speculative film and television, Where No Black Rhetoric of Horror in Early America
Woman Has Gone Before shows why heroines Cinema, Austin, University of Texas Press,
such as Lex in AVP and Zo in Firefly are 2018, 268 pages.
inspiring a generation of fans, just as Uhura Horror is one of the most enduringly popular
did. genres in cinema. The term horror film was
coined in 1931 between the premiere
MALLET, Christian, Encyclopdie des of Dracula and the release of Frankenstein, but
produits drivs spcial Star Wars, monsters, ghosts, demons, and supernatural
Bordeaux, Cote--Cas ditions, 2017, 250 and horrific themes have been popular with
pages. American audiences since the emergence of
novelty kinematographic attractions in the late
McDOWELL, John C., The Gospel According 1890s. A Place of Darknessilluminates the
to Star Wars: Faith, Hope, and the Force, prehistory of the horror genre by tracing the
Louisville (KY), Westminster John Knox way horrific elements and stories were
Press,2017, xxviii, 224 pages. portrayed in films prior to the introduction of
Star Wars is one of the most beloved movie the term horror film.
series of all time, and in this book John
McDowell explores the many spiritual themes RAGER, Marc, Cinephilosophie des Mondes
that weave throughout the six films. From the infinis, La Mouette de Minerve, 2017, 134
Force to the dark side, the issues discussed in pages. https://lamouettedeminerve.jimdo.com
the films have a moral and spiritual complexity Avec un esprit form par une longue pratique
that, if paid attention to, can help us better de la pdagogie, Marc Rager nous invite
understand our place in the world and our philosopher autour de squences cls de films
relation to others and to God. George Lucas, grand public. Au sein de Men in black, Pi, la
the creator of Star Wars, did not intend for his Famille Addams, Spider- man, les X-Men,
films to be mere entertainment, McDowell Daredevil, le Sixime sens ou encore le
argues. Rather, he hoped his films would be Seigneur des anneaux, se trouvent, en effet,
used as a vehicle for moral education. quelques scnes percutantes, ayant l'immense
vertu philosophique d'veiller les consciences
MOONEY, Darren, Opening the X-Files: A sur des faces inconnues de la ralit.
Critical History of the Original Series,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, vii, 228 pages. RHODES, Gary D., The Birth of the
Foreword by Kumail Nanjiani. American Horror Film, Edinburgh, Edinburgh
More than 20 years after it was first University Press, 2018, 384 pages.
broadcast, The X-Files still holds the public Using thousands of primary sources and long-
imagination. Over nine seasons and two unseen illustrations, 'The Birth of the American
feature films, agents Mulder and Scully pursued Horror Film' examines a history that begins in
monsters, aliens, mutants and shadowy colonial Salem, taking an interdisciplinary
conspirators across the American landscape. approach to explore the influence of horror-
Running for more than 200 episodes, the series themed literature, theatre and visual culture in
transformed television, crafting a postmodern America, and how that context established an
mythology that spoke to the anxieties and amorphous structural foundation for films
uncertainties of the end of the 20th century. produced between 1895 and 1915.

Exhaustively researched, bridging scholarship esoteric arts within the latter half of the
on Horror Studies and Early Cinema, 'The Birth twentieth century and beyond, using theories
of the American Horror Film' is the first major of psychogeography, hauntology, and
study dedicated to this vital but often topography to delve into the genre's output in
overlooked subject. film, television, and multimedia as its "sacred
demon of ungovernableness" rises yet again in
RIBERI, Paolo, Pillola rossa o loggia nera ? the twenty-first century.
Messagi gnostici nel cinema tra Matrix,
Westworld and Twin Peaks, Torino, Lindau, TRIGG, Dylan, The Thing: une phnom-
(Le Frecce), 2017, 213 pages. nologie de l'horreur, MF ditions, 2017, 160
RICHARDS, Justin & Georg MANN, Dalek: The Qu'est-ce que le corps humain ? A la fois la
Astounding Untold Story of the Greatest plus familire et la plus mconnue des choses,
Enemies of the Universe, London, BBC le corps est au centre de l'exprience mais
Books, 2017, 320 pages. reprsente galement le lieu d'une prhistoire
antrieure toute exprience. Etrange et
RICHTER-HANSEN, Tullio, Friktionen des inconnu, cet autre aspect du corps a bien trop
Terrors: sthetik und Politik des US-Kinos souvent t nglig par la phnomnologie. En
nach 9/11, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2017, se confrontant cette ngligence, La Chose
313 pages. redfinit la phnomnologie en tant qu'espce
du ralisme, nomme phnomnologie
RODRIGUEZ SERRANO, Aaron, Ghost in the inhumaine.
Shell: nostalgia de la encarnacion,
Santander, Asociacion Shangrila Textos Aparte, WEAVER, Tom, Universal Terrors, 1951-
(Fantas-magoria), 2017, 174 pages. 1955: Eight Classic Horror and Science
Fiction Films, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, vii,
ROSENBERG, Willow, Buffy the Vampire 430 pages.
Slayer: The Official Grimoire : A Magickal This over-the-top history is the definitive
History of Sunnydale, San Rafael (CA), retrospective on Universals horror and science
Insight Editions, 2017, 160 pages. fiction movies of 19511955. Standing as a
sequel to Tom Weaver, Michael Brunas and
SALVESEN, Britt & Jim SHEDDEN, Guillermo John Brunass Universal Horrors (Second
del Toro: dans l'antre avec les monstres: Edition, 2007), it covers eight films: The
mes muses, reliques et autres ftiches, Strange Door, The Black Castle, It Came from
Paris, Huginn & Muninn, , 2016, 151 pages. Outer Space, Creature from the Black Lagoon,
This Island Earth, Revenge of the Creature,
SCHUBART, Rikke, Mastering Fear: Women, Cult of the Cobra and Tarantula. Each receives
Emotions, and Contemporary Horror, a richly detailed critical analysis, day-by-day
London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 336 production history, interviews with filmmakers,
pages. release information, an essay on the score, and
many photographs, including rare behind-the-
SCHWEITZER, Dahlia, Going Viral: Zombies, scenes shots.
Viruses, and the End of the World, New
Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 2018, 256 WINDHAM, Ryder & Peter WILMUR, Star
pages. Wars: tout Dark Vador, Paris, Huginn &
Looking at everything from I Am Legend to The Muninn, 2016, 183 pages.
X Files to World War Z, this book examines
how outbreak narratives both excite and horrify
us, conjuring our nightmares while letting us
indulge in fantasies about fighting infected
Others. Going Viral thus raises provocative
questions about the cost of public paranoia and
the power brokers who profit from it.

SCOVELL, Adam, Folk Horror: Hours

Dreadful and Things Strange, Leighton
Buzzard, Auteur Publishing, 2017, 215 pages.
Folk Horror: Hours Dreadful And Things
Strange charts the summoning of these

BARBOUR, Chad A., From Daniel Boone to Gremese, (Les meilleurs films de notre vie),
Captain America: Playing Indian in 2017, 139 pages.
American Popular Culture, Jackson,
University Press of Mississippi, 2016, x, 212 HAMILTON, Emma, Unbridling the Western
pages. Film Auteur: A Hyper-Linear History, New
The Indian Male Body and the Heroic Ideal : York, et al., Peter Lang, 2017 [ paratre]
Tecumseh and the Indians of Parkman and
Cooper -- The White Frontiersman, Manhood, HARRIS, Scott, 52 Western Novels: Old
Domesticity, and Loyalty -- From the Favorites and New Discoveries, Create
Nineteenth to the Twentieth Century : The Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2017,
Frontier Mythos in Comics Adaptations -- 136 ages.
"White Blood Turns Red" : Playing Indian in US
Comics -- When Superheroes Play Indian : HUGUES, Howard, Death in the Desert: The
Heroic Masculinity, National Identity, and Complete Guide to Spaghetti Westerns,
Appropriation. London, I. B. Tauris, june 2018, 400 pages.

BORSZIK, Aurica E. & Hanna MATEO (dir.), B. LeSUEUR, Charlie, The Westerns: Creating
Traven - der unbekannte Schriftsteller, the Myth for Films and Television,
Hamburg, Igel Verlag, 2017, 195 pages. CreateSpace Independently Publishing
Platform, (Short Shots), 2017, 88 pages.
CHAMPCLAUX, Christophe, Le Western, Le
Courrier du Livre, 2017, 176 pages. MAYER, Herv, La Construction de l'Ouest
amricain dans le cinma hollywoodien,
COLLECTIF, La Construction de l'Ouest Paris, Atlande, 2017, 250 pages. [Ouvrage
amricain (1865-1895) dans le cinma pdagogique]
hollywoodien, Paris, Ellipses Marketing,
(CAPES/Agrgation), 2017, 224 pages. POWELL, Larry & Jonathan H. AMSBARY,
Becoming John Wayne: The Early
DESMARAIS, Mary-Dailey & Thomas Brent Westerns, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2018,
SMITH (dir.), Il tait une fois le Western: 277 pages.
une mythologie entre art et cinma, Milan, Exploring the early westerns of John Wayne
5 Continents & Montral, Muse des Beaux- from his first starring role in the The Big
Arts, 2017, 304 pages. [Catalogue Trail (1930) to his breakthrough as the Ringo
d'exposition]. Kid in John Fords Stagecoach (1939)the
authors trace his transformation from Marion
ETULAIN, Richard W., Ernest Haycox and Mitchell Morrison, movie studio prop man, into
the Western, Norman, University of Oklahoma John Wayne, a carefully crafted film persona of
Press, 2017, xiii, 184 pages. his own invention that made him world famous.
Prologue: The rise of the western -- The early Waynes years of training went well beyond
years, 1899-1920 -- At the University of honing his acting skill, as he developed the
Oregon, 1920-1923 -- Apprenticeship in the ability to do his own stunts, perfected his
pulps, 1924-1930 -- The early years in technique as a gun handler and became an
Collier's, 1931-1937 -- The historical western, expert horseman.
1937-1943 -- A period of revolt, 1944-1950 --
Epilogue: A career in perspective. RHODES, Gary Don, ReFocus: The Films of
Buddy Boetticher, Edinburgh, Edinburgh
FRANKLIN, Wayne, James Fenimore University Press, 2017, x, 246 pages.
Cooper: The Early Years, New Haven
(Conn.), Yale University Press, 2007, 752 SCHOENBERGER, Nancy, Wayne and Ford:
pages. The Films, The Frienship, and The Forging
of an American Hero, New York, Nan A.
FRANKLIN, Wayne, James Fenimore Talese Doubleday, 2017, 240 pages.
Cooper: The Later Years, New Haven
(Conn.), Yale University Press, 2017, 840

FRASCA, Giampero, La Porte du Paradis, de

Michael Cimino, Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon,

Front: representations of the First World War in
RCITS DE Germany / Wolfgang Natter -- Challenges and
contradictions in teaching French Great War
literature / Nancy Sloan Goldberg -- Teaching
GUERRE representations: the Jewish experience in
Eastern Europe during the First World War /
LITTRATURE - CINMA - TV - BD Glenda Abramson -- South Asian literature of
the First World War / Santanu Das -- The Great
War in the Middle East: two perspectives T. E.
ALLISON, Tanine, Destructive Sublime: Lawrence's lessons / Stephen E. Tabachnick --
World War II in American Film and Media, Fictional representations of the war and of its
New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, (War consequences / Amaya Martin -- Shell shock as
Culture), 2018, 250 pages. a narrative paradigm in Great War psychiatry
and fiction / Wyatt Bonikowski -- Resisting the
BARRON, Colin M., Battles on Screen: World call to serve: mutiny, pacifism, and
War II Action Movies, Sterling (UK), conscientious objection in the First World War /
Extremis Publishing, 2017, 514 pages. Meg Albrinck -- The ties that bind: modernist
From the author of Planes on Film, Battles on cultures and the rise of Fascism / Bonnie Roos
Screen offers both an analysis and celebration -- Inside and outside sexual identity:
of cinemas engagement with World War II, queerness, history, and the First World War /
discussing the actors, the locations, the Laura Doan -- Thinking about space: mapping
vehicles and the production teams responsible and perception in World War I literature / Eve
for bringing these epics to life. Reaching across Sorum -- Teaching the 1918 Influenza
the decades, the impact and effectiveness of Pandemic as part of a World War I curriculum /
many classic war films are examined in detail, Jane Elizabeth Fisher --
complete with full listings of their cast and The First World War in consumer culture / Celia
crew. Ranging from the reallife figures and Marshik -- Mud, machines, and madness:
historical events which lay behind many of teaching the art of the First World War /
these features to the behind-the-scenes Marguerite Helmers -- A "school of arms":
challenges that confronted the film crews at the teaching children's book culture of the First
time of their production, Battles on World War / Elizabeth A. Galway -- Staging the
Screen contains facts, statistics and critical First World War / Andrew Maunder -- Life and
commentary to satisfy even the most stalwart death at the front: life writing, literature, and
fan of the war movie genre. the language of war / Carol Acton --
Representations of time: film and Great War
BATY-DELALANDE, Hlne & Maxime DECOUT writing / David Williams -- Memorials as text:
(dir.), crits de guerre: laboratoires debating the war's meaning through
esthtiques, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Septentrion, monuments / Deborah D. Buffton -- In their
2017, 202 pages. time: teaching First World War short stories
and the case of Richard Harding Davis's "The
COHEN, Debra Rae & Douglas HIGBEE (eds.), Man Who Had Everything" / Scott D. Emmert
Teaching Representations of the First and Steven Trout -- The new Great War novels:
World War, New York, The Modern Language revisiting the war's myths through
Association of America, 2017, viii, 378 pages. contemporary fictions / Marlene A. Briggs --
What is war? / Anne E. Fernald -- The "world" Graphic novels and the First World War / Jan
in World War I: learning to think globally / Baetens and Hugo Frey -- From Brel to black
Claire Buck -- What is the relation of the First metal: the First World War in popular music
World War to modernism? / Vincent Sherry -- and music videos / Peter Grant -- From the
Rupture or continuity? The myth(s) of the war / global archive: teaching World War I with
Patrick Deer -- Code switching and digital tools / Jeffrey Drouin -- Teaching the
representations of the Great War / Margaret R. First World War through community-based
Higonnet -- World War I regenders America / learning / Elizabeth Outka -- Bild und Text im
Pearl James -- The impact of the First World Ersten Weltkrieg: a genre-based approach to
War on Pan-Africanism: the transcendence of the First World War for intermediate-advanced
national and imperial boundaries / Richard students of German / Laura McLary -- World
Smith -- For king and/or country: British War I landscapes at the United States Naval
dominions and the literary interplay between Academy / Mark D. Larabee -- First World War-
imperial and national identities / Stephen related web sites: a bibliography / Douglas
Cloutier -- Beyond All Quiet on the Western Higbee.

FARRELL, Susan Elizabeth, Imagining Home: NIEMI, Robert, 100 Great War Movies: The
American War Fiction from Hemingway to Real History Behind the Films, Santa
9/11, Rochester, New York, Camden House, Barbara (CA), ABC-Clio, 2018, 425 pages.
2017, 223 pages. This book serves as a fascinating guide to 100
Chapters on Hemingway and the First World war films from 1930 to the present. Readers
War, Kurt Vonnegut and the Second World interested in war movies will learn surprising
War, and Tim O'Brien and the Vietnam War anecdotes about these films and will have all
place these writers in their particular historical their questions about the films' historical
and cultural contexts while tracing similarities accuracy answered.
in their depiction of gender relationships,
imagined domestic spaces, and the SEYBERT, Gislinde (dir.), Gtzendm-
representability of trauma. The book concludes merung: der Zweite Weltkrieg im
by examining post-9/11 American literature, Kollektiven Gedchtnis Europas in Kunst,
probing what happens when the front lines in Literatur - Kunst - Geschichte -
actually come home to Americans. Philosophie, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang,
2017, 610 pages.
EINHAUS, Anne-Marie & Katherine Isobel
BAXTER (eds.), The Edinburgh Companion
to The First World War and the Arts,
Edinburgh University Press, xi, 460 pages.
GIERLAK, Maria, Malgorzata KLENTAK-
ZABLOCKA (eds.), Literarische Erinnerung
an den Ersten Weltkrieg in Regionen
Mitteleuropas, Frankfurt am Main, Peter
Lang, 2017, 292 pages.

LAROCHE, Josepha, La Deuxime Guerre

Mondiale au cinma: le jeu trouble des
identits, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Chaso
International), 2017, 188 pages.
Les vingt oeuvres cinmatographiques,
(Allemagne anne zro, Jeux Interdits, La
Traverse de Paris, Le Criminel, Au revoir les
enfants. . .) prsentes ici permettent de
souligner combien le septime art a pris sa part
dans la sensibilisation aux violences
paroxystiques qui ont t commises et BELHADJ, Linda, Le Thriller rotique, Le
endures durant la Deuxime Guerre mondiale. Vernet, Aedon Livres, 2017, 220 pages.
L'accent est surtout mis sur le dsarroi Incroyablement populaire dans les annes 80
identitaire, l'ambivalence des conduites, la et 90, le thriller rotique amricain demeure
perte de repres et l'tat de drliction pourtant msestim. Amalgam aux films no-
sociopolitique chez un grand nombre noirs et mlodramatiques, il se voit souvent
d'individus prsents l'cran. nier son historicit et son impact socio-culturel
par une critique qui ne sest principalement
McGILL, Robert, War is Here: The Vienam
intresse qu Basic Instinct, de Paul
War and Canadian Literature, Montral,
McGill University Press, 2017, x, 325 pages. Verhoeven, et sa femme fatale, interprte
par Sharon Stone.
MEID, Volker, Der Dreissigjhrige Krieg in En plus de 200 pages, cet ouvrage, le premier
der deutsche Barockliteratur, Ditzingen, en langue franaise offrir un panorama des
Reclam Verlag, 2017, 261 pages. films qui le composent, semploie le dfinir et
lui apporter un nouvel clairage. De Liaison -
MHR, Patricia, Soldatenkrper unter fatale Jade, en passant par Sliver et Body, il
Beschuss: (trans-)nationale Narrationen a pour ambition de montrer que sa porte est
und Geschechtkonstruktionen im US- plus importante que certains se limaginent :
amerikanischen Kriesgfilm, Bielefeld,
recelant de trsors insouponns, le thriller
transcript Verlag, 2017, 441 pages.
rotique raconte en creux toute une poque de

lindustrie cinmatographique, de la cration Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press,
la production, tout en dressant un portrait 2017, 311 pages.
indit et saisissant des tats-Unis des annes Introduction: "Coy leericism" -- Producing
Reagan et Clinton. permissiveness: censorship, obscenity law, and
the trials of spectatorship -- Peek snatchers:
BLANK, Juliane & Anja GERIGK (dir.), corporeal spectacle and the wages of looking,
Erregungsmomente: Funktionen des Eroti- 1960/1965 -- Girls with hungry eyes:
schen in der Literatur, Berlin, Ch. A. consuming sensation, figuring female lust,
Bachmann Verlag, 2017, 247 pages. 1965/1970 -- Watching an "audience of
voyeurs:" adult film reception -- Conclusion:
CHARLET, Nicolas & Bruno LAVAINE, A la Skin flicks without a future?
recherche de l'ultra-sex: le flimvre (sic) de
Nicolas et Bruno, ditions Nova, 2016, 208 KERR, Darren & Donna PEBERDY (eds.),
pages. Tainted Love: Screening Sexual
Tout l'univers narratif de Nicolas & Bruno dans Perversion, London, I. B. Tauris, 2017, x, 289
un livre-ovni hilarant et jouissif en forme de pages.
qute philosophique et potique, travers les Tainted Love is the first critical anthology to
contres dj cultes de l'Ultra-Sex. Un offer extended analysis of the representation of
monument de rire-sexe ! sexual perversities on screen. Interrogating the
recent shift towards the mainstream in the
FOUZ-HERNANDEZ, Santiago (ed.), Spanish cinematic representation of previously
Erotic Cinema, Edinburgh, Edinburgh marginalised sexual practices, it challenges the
University Press, 2017, xiv, 249 pages. discourses and debates around sexual taboo,
The first comprehensive scholarly study of moral panics, degeneracy, deviance and
Spanish erotic cinema, this book covers a disease, which present those who enact such
significant part of the history of Spanish film, sexualities as modern folk devils.
from the 1920s until the present day. Starting
with a study of the kiss in silent films, the MUDGE, Bradford K. (ed.), The Cambridge
volume explores homoerotic narratives in the Companion to Erotic Literature, Cambridge
crusade films of the 1940s, the (UK), Cambridge University Press, 2017, xx,
commodification of bodies in the late Franco 270 pages.
period, and the so-called destape (literally In fifteen chapters that range from ancient
'undressing') period that followed the abolition Greece and Rome to twentieth-century
of censorship during the democratic transition. American, English, French, and Dutch
literature, experts in the field confront a variety
GIACOVELLI, Enrico, Le Dsir infini: et le of related topics, such as the definition and
cinma cra la femme, Saint-Denis-sur- scope of erotic literature, the nature of textual
Sarthon, Gremese, (Eros et...cinema), 2016, pleasure, historical shifts in the understanding
190 pages. of the normal and the perverse, the
En partant des clbres essais de lthologue et relationship between gender and genre, sexual
anthropologue Desmond Morris (Le Singe nu, violence, homosexuality, sadomasochism,
La femme nue), le premier ouvrage de la necrophilia, satire, pornography, etc.
collection examine de fond en comble, ou
plutt de la tte aux pieds, le corps de la
femme comme il a t reprsent au cinma
partout et toutes les poques. Il analyse les
modalits avec lesquelles ce corps a sduit
limagination de milliers de ralisateurs et de
milliards de spectateurs, crant une vritable
mythologie moderne.
roman - cinma - tv
GODON, Nuria & Michael J. HORSWELL (eds.), !
Sexualidas perifericas: consolidaciones
literarias y filmicas en la Espana de fin de ALEXANDER, J. H., Walter Scott's Books:
siglo XIX y fin de milenio, Madrid, Editorial Reading the Waverley Novels, New York &
Fundamentos, 2016, 297 pages. London, Routledge, 2017, xiii, 234 pages.

GORFINKEL, Elena, Lewd Looks: American

Sexploitation Cinema in the 1960s,

ANDERER, Paul, Kurosowa's Rashomon: a Les sries tlvises, phnomne culturel et
Vanished City, A Lost Brother, and the social incontournable des quinze dernires
Voice Inside his Iconic Films, New York, annes, accordent l'Histoire une place de
Pegasus Books, 2016, 248 pages. premier plan. Mettant en scne des empereurs
de la Rome antique aussi bien que des narco
ECHOLS, Katherine Barnes, King Arthur and trafiquants des annes 1980, les intrigues
Robin Hood on the Radio: Adaptations for situes dans un pass proche ou lointain
American Listeners, Jefferson (NC), reprsentent l'une des catgories les plus
McFarland, 2017, 207 pages. prises du public. Entre reconstitutions
Before stories of King Arthur and Robin Hood minutieuses et anachronismes assums, ces
were adapted and readapted for film, television relectures contemporaines offrent une vision
and theater, radio scriptwriters looking for sans cesse renouvele du pass.
material turned to Thomas Malory's Le Morte Pour expliquer le succs de ces sries et la
Darthur (1485) and Howard Pyle's The Merry manire dont elles recomposent notre
Adventures of Robin Hood (1883). Throughout imaginaire, ce livre donne la parole des
the 1930s to the mid-1950s, their legends historiens qui dcortiquent cinq sries
inspired storylines for Abbott and Costello, historiques : Kaamelott, Vikings, The Tudors,
Popeye, Let's Pretend, Escape, Gunsmoke, The The Knick et Masters of Sex
Adventures of Superman and others. Many of
these adaptations reflect the moral and ethical BUCHANAN, David, Acts of Modernity: The
questions of the day, as characters' faced Historical Novel and Effective Commu-
issues of gender relations, divorce, citizenship, nication, New York, Routledge, 2017, xii, 238
fascism, crime and communism in a medieval pages.
setting. In Acts of Modernity, David Buchanan reads
nineteenth-century historical novels from
BARRIOS, Aguilera, Falsarios de novela: Scotland, America, France, and Canada as
sobre historia y literatura, Granada instances of modern discourse reflective of
Universidad de Granada, 2016, 200 pages. community concerns and methods that were
transatlantic in scope. Following on revolu-
BLANC, William, Le Roi Arthur, un mythe tionary events at home and abroad, the unique
contemporain: de Chrtien de Troyes combination of history and romance initiated by
Kaamelot en passant par les Monty Walter Scotts Waverley (1814) furthered
Python, Paris, Libertalia, 2016, 572 pages. interest in the transition to and depiction of the
BOUTAGHOU, Maya, Occidentalismes,
romans historiques postcoloniaux et CASTAGNINO, Angelo, Investigating
identits nationales au XIXe sicle : Juan Fascism: Crime, Mystery, and the Fascist
Antonio Mateos, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Ventennio in the Historical Novel, New
Marcus Clarke, Jurji Zaydan, Paris, Honor York, Peter Lang, 2017,
Champion, 2016, 523 pages. Investigating Fascism offers an original
approach to the historical novel and its
BRANTLY, Susan, The Historical Novel, connection to crime fiction. The study of
Transnationalism, and the Postmodern contemporary novels set during Mussolinis
Era: Presenting the Past, New York, rule, with specific attention to the topics of
Routledge, 2017, 200 pages. violence, justice, mystery, and personal
The historical novel as a genre occupies a identity, leads to a discussion about, among
problematic, yet significant space in Cold War others, Leonardo Sciascia, Maurizio De
literary currents, torn between claims of Giovanni, Carlo Lucarelli, and Andrea Camilleri.
authenticity and the impossibility of accessing This text is based on two intertwining
the past. Historical novels from England, approaches: (1) an analysis of the machine of
America, Germany, and France are compared the novel, focused on such aspects as
and contrasted with historical novels from characterization, the construction of the
Sweden, testing a variety of theoretical setting, and the narrative use of fantastic and
perspectives in the process. subversive elements and (2) an analysis of the
sociohistorical Fascist context. This book is a
BRERO, Thalia, The Historians, saison 1: les valuable reference for those who study
sries tv dcryptes par les historiens, Fascism, the social function of crime novels,
Chne-Bourg, Georg, (Maison de l'histoire), and the connection between historical events
2017, 142 pages. and fiction.

CASTLE, Alison, Stanley Kubrick's COPIER, Laura & Caroline VANDER STICHELE
Napoleon: The Greatest Movie Never (eds.), Close Encounters between Bible
Made, Taschen, 2017, 860 pages. and Film: an Interdisciplinary Engage-
ment, Atlanta, SBL Press, 2016, viii, 333
CAVALLERO, Dani, The Chivalric Romance pages.
and the Essence of Fiction, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2017, 218 pages. CUFF, Paul, A Revolution for the Screen:
Ranging from Chrtien de Troyes to Abel Gance's Napoleon, Amsterdam, Ams-
Shakespeare, this study proposes that the terdam University Press, 2015, 272 pages.
chivalric romance is characterized by a
centerless structure, self-conscious fictionality DAHLEM, Johannes, Kritisches historisches
and a propensity for irony. Erzhlen im franzsischen Gegenwarts-
The form is tied to historical reality, yet roman: Forest, Rouaud, Kaddour,
represents the archetype of imaginative Heidelberg, Universittsverlag Winter, 2017,
literature, declaring its fictional status without 337 pages.
claiming to embody fixed truths.
DELON, Gaspard & Sandra PROVINI, Chreau,
CHAMPCLAUX, Christophe & Linda TAHIR, Le La Reine Margot, Neuilly, Atlande, 2015, 286
Pplum, Paris, Le Courrier du livre, (Cin pages.
Vintage), 2016, 176 pages.
DEROIDE, Ioanis, Dominer le monde: les
CHAMPCLAUX, Christophe & Linda TAHIR, sries historiques anglo-saxonnes, Paris,
Akira Kurowasa - Les films historiques, Vendmiaire, (L'univers des sries), 2017, 213
Sirius diteur, 2017, 176 pages. pages.
Qu'elles mettent en scne des temps antiques,
CLAVEL-LVQUE, Monique, Laure LVQUE, des rois en costumes, le quotidien des marines
Rome et l'histoire: quand le mythe fait ou l'insouciance des annes 1970, qu'elles
cran, Paris, l'Harmattan, 2017, 302 pages. soient comiques, ralistes ou mlodramatiques,
Le mythe de Rome charrie d'ternels les sries historiques anglo-saxonnes rgnent
fantasmes, qui sont exploits Cinecitt en matre sur nos crans. D'Ivanho Mad
comme Hollywood par la fconde veine du Men ou The Tudors, en passant par La Petite
pplum, qui revivifie l'pope en la Maison dans la prairie, Les Mystres de l'Ouest,
reprsentant. "Qu'est-ce que Rome" quand Rome ou encore Downton Abbey, elles
l'cran s'en saisit, question lancinante qui fascinent, toutes gnrations confondues,
hante les trois films ici interrogs perptuant les codes du genre tout en les
: Spartacus, La Chute de l'Empire romain et renouvelant. Et attirent des cinastes aussi
Gladiator ? prestigieux que Steven Spielberg (Band of
Brothers) ou Martin Scorsese (Boardwalk
CONIAM, Matthew, Egyptomania Goes to Empire).
the Movies: from Archeology to Popular
Craze to Hollywood Fantasy, Jefferson (NC), DOLSKI, Michael, Sam EDWARDS & Faye
McFarland, 2017, x, 187 pages. SAYER (eds.), Histories on Screen: The
Egyptomania, the Wests obsession with the Past and Present in Anglo-American
strange and magnificent world of Ancient Cinema and Television, New York,
Egypt, has for centuries been reflected in Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 352 pages.
architecture, literature and the performing arts. [annonc mais pas encore paru]
But the discovery of Tutankhamens tomb in
1922, by a sensation-hungry world newly DOMINAS, Konrad, Bogdan TROCHA & Pawel
united by mass media, created a wave of WALOWSKI (eds.), Die Antike in der
fascination unlike anything before. They called populren Kultur und Literatur, Berlin,
it Tutmania and its influence was felt Frank & Timme Verlag, 2016, 210 pages.
everywhere from fashion to home decor to
popular musicand notably in the new medium DUMONT, Herv, Napolon, l'pope en
of film. This study traces the origins of 20th 1000 films: cinma et tlvision, Lausanne,
century cinemas obsession with Ancient Egypt Ides et calendes, 2015, 688 pages. Prface de
through previous eras and relates its recurring Jean Tulard.
themes and ideas to the historical reality of the
land of the Pharaohs.

FERLAMPIN-ACHER, Christine & Denis HE, KLINGER, Judith, Robin Hood: auf der
Mythes et ralits, histoire du roi Arthur, Suche nach einer Legende, Darmstadt,
Rennes, ditions Ouest France, 2017, 127 Lambert Schneider, 2015, 208 pages.
KNIGHT, Stephen, Reading Robin Hood:
HFNER, Ulrike, Geschichtephilosophische Content, Form and Reception in the
Implikationen im historischen Roman des Outlaw Myth, Manchester, Manchester
frhen 20. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt am Main, University Press, 2015, viii, 285 pages.
Peter Lang, 2016, 294 pages. While a few books have described the outlaw
myth, usually in its earlier forms, and
HNILICA, Irmtraud, Marcel LEPPER (dir.), occasional academic essays have commented
Populren Piraten: Vermessung eines on elements of the Robin Hood story, this is the
Feldes, Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos Berlin, first in-depth analysis of the whole sequence
(Kaleidogramme), 2017, 240 pages. and the varying elements of the adventures of
Robin Hood. First, it explores the medieval
JAMES, Andrew (ed.), The Return of the tradition from early poems into the long-
Historical Novel ? Thinking about Fiction surviving sung ballads - and also two major
and History after Historiographic early developments, the Scottish version of the
Metafiction, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University outlaw hero, here called Rabbie Hood, and then
Press, (Key Concepts in Contemporary Popular around 1600 the gentrified Robin, the exiled
Fiction), 2017, 150 pages. Earl of Huntington, created by socially
The articles in this collection seek to probe aspirational writers and partnered by Lady
deeply into the historical novel's potential for Marian.
providing readers not simply with an
understanding of how the image of the past is LAURY-NURIA, Andr, Game of Rome.
constructed but also of how attempts to chart l'Antiquit vidoludique, Paris, ditions
forms of historical otherness constitute a Passage, (Essais), 2016, 110 pages.
specific mode of cultural experience mediated
by literature. This desire for a literary LEIGH, John, Touch : the Duel in
experience of historical otherness has recently Literature, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard
increased in urgency, even if the historical University Press, 2015, viii, 334 pages.
authenticity one might nostalgically associate
with such a project must always elude us. LETOURNEUX, Matthieu & Isabelle SAFA (dir.),
Authors discussed include Walter Scott, John Mousquetaires !, in Cahiers Alexandre
Fowles, Graham Swift, M. J. Vassanji, J. M. Dumas, no 43, Paris, ditions Delcourt, 2017.
Coetzee, Peter Ackroyd, Alan Massie, Julian Lessor du roman historique au XIXe sicle
Barnes, Ian McEwan, Hilary Mantel and Jim engage la reprsentation de lhistoire dans un
Crace. dialogue avec les imaginaires contemporains de
la culture mdiatique. En convoquant des
KINNARD, Roy & Tony CRNKOVICH, Italian personnages du pass, les crivains les
Sword and Sandal Films, 1908-1990, redfinissent pour en faire des strotypes
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 250 pages. romanesques tout en leur associant des traits
Produced in Italy from the turn of the 20th attendus qui construisent une reprsentation
century, sword and sandal or peplum films de lHistoire. Lun des exemples les plus
were well received in the silent era and frappants de cette reconfiguration par la
attained great popularity in the 1960s following littrature est la figure du mousquetaire
the release of Hercules(1959), starring Mr. immortalise par le roman dAlexandre Dumas,
Universe Steve Reeves. A global craze for qui participe de la construction dune identit
Bronze Age fantasy-adventures ensued and the collective. Cet imaginaire voluera en fonction
heroic exploits of Hercules, Maciste, Samson des mutations sociales, politiques et culturelles
and Goliath were soon a mainstay of American qui redfinissent le personnage et les
drive-ins and second-run theaters (though significations qui lui sont
mainly disparaged by critics). By 1965, the associes.Contributeurs : Julie Anselmini,
genre was eclipsed by the spaghetti western, Thomas Conrad, Lise Dumasy, Grard
yet the 1960s peplum canon continues to Gengembre, Brigitte Krulic, Franois Lagrange,
inspire Hollywood epics. This filmography Matthieu Letourneux, Sarah Mombert,
provides credits, cast and comments for dozens Jacqueline Razgonnikoff , Isabelle Safa, Angels
of films from 1908 through 1990. Santa et Claude Schopp.

LINDSAY, Richard A., Hollywood Biblical MELLEN, Joan, Les 7 samouras, Talence,
Epics: Camp Spectacle and Queer Style Akileos, (BFI, Les Classiques du cinema, 5),
from the Silent Era to Modern Day, Santa 2016, 95 pages.
Barbara (CA), Praeger, an Imprint of ABC-
CLIO, xxxv, 2015, 193 pages. MENTZ, Steven & Marta Elena ROJAS (eds.),
Introduction: "It is as it was" -- Part 1. The The Sea and Nineteenth-Century Anglo-
scripturalization of the King of Kings and The phone Literary Culture, London & New York,
passion of the Christ -- The camp King of kings Routledge, 2017, xi, 197 pages.
and the monstrous passion -- Part 2. The
orgies of God: anti-communist gospel, the MERIWETHER, Nicholas G. & David W.
gospel of the production code, and the gospel NEWTON (eds.), Pirates & Devils : William
of spectacle in postwar biblical films -- "You're Gilmore Simms's Unfinished Postbellum
not a well woman, honey": effeminate villains Novels, Columbia, University Press of South
in biblical films -- Ben-Hur and the beefcake Carolina, 2015, 189 pages.
bible -- Afterword.
MEYER, Stephen C., Music in Epic Films:
MADRID GONZALEZ, Jose, Titanic : historia Listening to Spectacle, London & New York,
de un fenomeno, Madrid, T & B Editores, Routledge, 2017, 244 pages.
2017, 232 pages. [ propos du film de As both a distinct genre and a particular mode
Cameron] of filmmaking, the idea of the epic has been
central to the history of cinema. Including
MAURICE, Lisa (ed.), Rewriting the Ancient contributions from both established and
World: Greek, Romans, Jews and emerging film music scholars, the ten essays
Christians in Modern Popular Fiction, in Music in Epic Film: Listening to
Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2017, xii, 338 pages. Spectacle provide a cross-section of contem-
Introduction: The ancient world and popular porary scholarship on the subject. They explore
fiction / Lisa Maurice -- Part 1. Rewriting the diverse topics, including the function of music
classics in crime fiction and thrillers -- From I, in epic narratives, the socio-political
Claudius to private eyes : Rome and the implications of cinematic music, and the use of
detective in popular fiction / Lisa Maurice -- A pre-existing music in epic films. Intended for
Roman and a foreigner : Lindsey Davis's new students and scholars in film music, film
Roman detective series / Anat Koplowitz-Breier appreciation, and media studies, the wide
-- "An open account from the past always range of topics and the diversity of the films
needs to be settled" : Chimaira (2001), The that the authors discuss make Music in Epic
ancient curse (2010) and receiving the past / Film: Listening to Spectacle an ideal
Claudia Fratini -- Part 2. Rewriting the ancient introduction to the field of music in epic film.
world in a modern setting -- Going home :
Xenophon's Anabasis in Sol Yurick's The MHLETHALER, Jean-Claude, Ene le mal-
warriors (1965) / Eran Almagor -- The eagle aim, du roman mdival la bande
and the mockingjay : reality television as dessine, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2016, 404
Roman gladiator culture / Dor Yaccobi -- pages.
"Atalanta just married" : a case study in Greek
mythology-based fan fiction / Amanda Potter -- MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE BOOKS, 99 Amazing
Part 3. Rewriting myths of classical literature -- Books and Films Inspired by the Bible,
The loves of Achilles : from epic to popular Washington (DC), Museum of the Bible Books,
fiction / Anne Sinha -- "Home is behind, the 2017, 112 pages.
world ahead" : reading Tolkien's The hobbit as
a story of Xenia or Homeric hospitality / OLIVESI, Jean-Marc, Raphal LAHLOU, Jean-
Hamish Williams -- Cupid and psyche : a love Pierre MATTEI (dir.), Napolon vu par Abel
story (?) in comics and children's literature / Gance, Ajaccio, Albania, 2016, 68 pages.
Lily Glasner -- Part 4. Rewriting Jews and
Christians in the ancient world -- Sadducee and PRICE, Fiona L., Reinventing Liberty:
pharisee in "The antagonists" by E.K. Gann / Nation, Commerce and the Historical
Haim Perlmutter -- Emotion and reception of Novel from Walpole to Scott, Edinburgh,
the ancient world in Lew Wallace's Ben-Hur : a Edinburgh University Press, 2016, vi, 241
tale of the Christ (1880) / Emily Chow- pages.
Kambitsch -- Jewish women writing historical
novels based on rabbinic sources / Tal Ilan --
Some concluding thoughts.

RAMSDEN, Maureen Anne, Crossing Borders: iberoamericana 2000-2012, Leiden,
The Interrealtion of Fact and Fiction in Brill/Rodopi, 2016, 225 pages.
Historical Works, Travel Tales, Autobio- [Construcciones del passado colectivo en
graphy and Reportage, New York, Peter series]
Lang, 2016, xii, 184 pages.
REDIKER, Marcus, Les Hors-la-loi de Deutsche Geschichte im Spielfilm, Bielefeld,
l'Atlantique, Paris, Le Seuil, 2017, 304 pages. Kerber Verlag, 2016, 248 pages.

REDIKER, Marcus, Pirates de tous les pays: SABIRON, Cline, crire la frontire: Walter
l'ge d'or de la piraterie atlantique (1716- Scott ou les chemins de l'errance, Aix-en-
1726), Paris, Libertalia, 2017, 310 pages. Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence,
2016, 218 pages.
RICE, Tom, White Robes, Silver Screens:
Movies and the Making of the Ku Klux SCHOPP, Marianne, Dumas fils ou l'anti-
Klan, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, Oedipe: biographie, Paris, Phbus, 2017, 325
2016, 328 pages. pages.
White Robes, Silver Screens highlights the
ways in which the Klan used, produced, and SINGER, Jefferson A., The Proper Pirate:
protested against film in order to recruit Robert Louis Stevenson's Quest for
members, generate publicity, and define its Identity, New York, Oxford University Press,
role within American society. 2017, xxii, 200 pages.

ROSENSTONE, Robert A., History on Film/ SINGER, Michael, Les Pirates Disney: rcits
Film on History, New York & London, et aventures des plus grands bandits des
Routledge, 2017, 206 pages. mers, Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2017, 191
Rosenstone argues that to leave history films pages. Prface de Johnny Depp.
out of the discussion of the meaning of the past
is to ignore a major factor in our understanding SOLOMON, Jon, Ben Hur: The Original
of past events. He examines what history films Blockbuster, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University
convey about the past and how they convey it, Press, 2016, xvii, 910 pages.
demonstrating the need to learn how to read
and understand this new visual world. SUMPF, Alexandre, Rvolutions russes au
cinma - Naissance d'une nation, Paris,
ROUSSELOT, Elodie (ed.), Exorcizing the Armand Colin, 2015, 240 pages.
Past in Contemporary Neo-Historical
Fiction, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, STURTEVANT, Paul, The Middle Ages in
xi, 197 pages. Popular Imagination: Memory, Film and
Medievalism, London, I. B. Tauris, 2018, 336
RICHTER, Daniela (dir.), The German
Historical Novel since the Eighteenth TAGUCHI, Noriko, Comment la fiction fait
Century. More than a Bestseller, l'histoire: emprunts, changes, croise-
Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ments, Paris, Honor Champion, 2015, 353
2016, 270 pages. pages.
The articles investigate historical novels from
writers such as Benedikte Naubert, the mother TAKORS, Jonas, Henry VIII in Twenty-
of German historical fiction, nineteenth-century First-Century Popular Culture, New York &
popular writers Georg Ebers and Hermann London, Lexington Books, 2017, xi, 237 pages.
Sudermann, modern writers such as Alfred
Dblin, Hermann Hesse, and Hermann Broch, TAYLOR, Helen, Gone with the Wind, London
post-Wende works such as those by Thomas & New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 117
Brussig, Christa Wolf, and Ingo Schulze, and pages.
contemporary historical fiction by Sabine
Weigand, Eveline Hasler and Petra Durst- WILLIAM, Jennifer Marston, Cognitive
Benning. Approaches to German Historical Film:
Seeing is not Believing, New York, Palgrave
RODRIGUEZ CADENA, Maria de Los Angeles, Macmillan. 2017, ix, 200 pages.
La ficcion historica en la television

BRUNET, Vincent, Les Super-Hros, Paris,
BANDES Robert Laffont, (Nouvelles mythologies), 2017,
160 pages.
En convoquant des penseurs tels que
DESSINES Nietzsche, avec son concept de surhomme, ou
Lvi-Strauss, avec les mythes primitifs, Vincent
Brunner analyse l'volution de la figure du
super-hros et dmontre que Wonder Woman
BOSSER, Frdric (dir.), Blake et Mortimer: ou les X-Men constituent dornavant une
mythes et consquences, Boulogne vritable mythologie contemporaine.
Billancourt, DBD ditions (Hors srie DBD),
2017, 114 pages. CAMPBELL, Hayley, Tout l'art de Neil
L'anne du 70e anniversaire de la cration de Gaiman, Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2015, 320
Blake et Mortimer et trente ans aprs la pages. Avant-Propos d'Audrey Niffenegger.
disparition de son auteur, Edgar P. Jacobs, dBD
publie un numro spcial sur Jacobs et ses COLLECTIF, Gaston: au-del de Lagaffe,
personnages qui, par la magie des reprises, Paris, Dupuis & Bibliothque du Centre
continuent de vivre des aventures de papier. Pompidou, 2017, 208 pages. [Catalogue
BOUDREAUX, Armond & Coray LATTA, Titans:
How Superheroes Can Help Us Make Sense COLLECTIF, L'Art d'Astrix, in L'Express
of a Polarized World, Eugene (OR), Cascade Hors Srie, 2017, 124 pages.
Books, 2017, xxvii, 134 pages.
It's easy to complain that people should be CURTI, Roberto, Diabolika: Super Criminals,
more willing to meet each other half-way, that Superheroes and the Comic Book Universe
politicians should be more willing to in Italian Cinema, Parkville (MD), Midnight
compromise in order to get things done, but Marquee Press, 2016, 264 pages.
there are plenty of important issues on which DIABOLIKA lists the Italian films and TV series
compromise really isn't possible. We see this based on (or inspired by) comics, graphic
problem dramatized in comics like Marvel's novels and photonovels, as well as movies not
Civil War and Avengers vs X-Men; in DC's directly adapted from comic books sport a
Kingdom Come and The Dark Knight Returns; distinct comics feel in style, characters and
and in film media like Daredevil, Batman v plot. Included are the 1960s adaptations of the
Superman, and Captain America: Civil War. lurid fumetti neri such as DANGER:
The consequences of the conflicts that arise in DIABOLIK, the two KRIMINAL movies,
these stories can serve as warnings about our AVENGER X and SATANIK. And we couldnt
current political environment. forget the comic-inspired superheroes
BOUHMADI, Fabrice, Herg - Le passager du FANTASTIC SUPERMEN as well as films based
XXe sicle, Paris, Honor Champion, (Passeur on erotic and adults-only comics including MS.
d'ides), 2017, 247 pages. STILETTO. DIABOLIKA also provides listings for
adaptations of popular comic characters such
BROWN, Jeffrey A., The Modern Superhero as VALENTINA, TEX and DYLAN DOG and
in Film and Television: Popular Genre and many, many more. Also included is an essay on
American Culture, New York, Routledge, Turkish films inspired by Italian comics written
(Routledge Avances in Comic Studies), 2017, by Turkish film scholar Kaya zkaracalar.
181 pages.
Introduction: the live action superhero genre -- DACHEUX, ric (dir.), La Planche et le billet:
Hollywood superheroes: commercial economy, la monnaie au miroir de la BD, Paris,
spectacle and the universe -- Supermen and Connaissances et savoirs, 2017, 166 pages.
wonder women: gender ideals and live-action BD et monnaie sont des mdias, des supports
superheroes -- Superheroes rewriting 9/11 and facilitant et nourrissant le lien social. Cest, en
remasculinizing America -- America, nostalgia tout cas, ce que montre cet ouvrage collectif.
and exceptionalism -- Diversity and Ce dernier rassemble des chercheurs qui
marginalization -- Spoofs, parody and camp -- analysent comment des albums du neuvime
Conclusion: superhero fatigue? art nous aident mieux comprendre ce quest
le phnomne montaire.

DITTMAR, Jakob F., Comic-Analyse, Kln, analyse la construction du rcit et la potique
Halem, 2017, 220 pages. de limage pour plonger le lecteur dans
limaginaire graphique jacobsien.
DOMINGUEZ LEIVA, Antonio & Gabriel
TREMBLAY-GAUDETTE (dir.), Le Crpuscule FRESNAULT-DERUELLE, Pierre, Les Rves de
des superhros, Les ditions Ta Mre, Pop en Tintin: entre mtaphores et mtamor-
Stock, 2017, 233 pages. phoses, Chne-Bourg (Suisse), Georg diteur,
Mme sil a t dmontr maintes fois que, 2017, 224 pages.
pour le superhros, la mort est une condition Dans cette tude, Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle
rversible, il nempche quen raison de son emmne le lecteur dans une exploration des
ge, lusure des annes se fait de plus en plus rves de Tintin, ponctue de quelques
sentir chez le justicier masqu. Les huit vignettes du matre de Bruxelles mais
auteurs de cet ouvrage mettent en lumire les galement de dessins d'hritiers de la ligne
diffrents signes de cette dgradation morale claire, dans lesquelles le fantastique, tout le
et thique. moins le fantasque, fait systme avec les
cauchemars du hros la mche blonde.
FERTIG, Mark, Take That, Adolf ! The
Fighting Comic Books of the Second World GARCIA, Bob, Tintin, le Diable et le Bon
War, Seattle (WA), Fantagraphics, 2017, 176 Dieu, Paris, Descle de Brouwer, fvrier 2018,
pages. 240 pages.
This is a comprehensive history and
compilation of more than 500 stunningly GROVE, Laurence & Michael SYROTINSKI
restored comics covers published during World (eds.), Thinking Outside the Boxes, in
War II, featuring the world's greatest Yales French Studies, no 131-132, New
supervillain. Haven, (Conn), Yale University Press, 2017,
Between 1941 and 1945, Hitler was pummeled 241 pages.
on comic book covers by everyone from This special issue of Yale French
Captain America to Wonder Woman. Studies on bande dessine is a multifaceted
reflection on its newfound academic status. It
FRANKEL, Valerie Estelle, Superheroines and goes beyond the question, settled long ago, of
the Epic Journey: Mythic Themes in its artistic legitimacy but aims to think "outside
Comics, Film and Television, Jefferson (NC), the boxes," or cases, themselves in order to
McFarland, 2017, 289 pages. Foreword by explore the mutually enriching relationship
Trina Roberts. between BD and the wider francophone cultural
The heroines journey echoes throughout and intellectual world. Contributions thus
ancient legend. Each young woman combats intersect with art history, literary theory,
her dark side and emerges stronger. This quest cinema studies, postcolonialism, semiotics, and
is also a staple of American comic books. political sociology.
Wonder Woman with semi-divine powers gives
us a new female-centered creation story. JOURET, Jean-Claude, Herg : de l'abb
Batgirl, Batwoman and Black Widow discover Wallez Steven Spielberg, Neufchteau,
their enemy is the dark mother or shadow twin, Weyrich ditions, (tude et recherche), 2017.
with the savagery theyve rejected in
themselves. Supergirl similarly struggles but JOUSSET, Frdric (dir.), Les Secrets des
keeps harmony with her sister. chefs d'oeuvre de la BD de science-fiction,
in Beaux-Arts Magazine (Hors Srie), 2017,
FRESNAULT-DERUELLE, Pierre, Edgar P. 154 pages.
Jacobs ou l'image inquite, Tours, Presses
de l'Universit Franois Rabelais, 2017, 251 KORTE, Hermann & Andreas C. KNIGGE (dir.),
pages. Prface de Benoit Peeters. Graphic Novels, Mnchen , Text und Kritik,
Comment sest construit le style de lauteur de 2017, 330 pages.
Blake et Mortimer ? Quelles sont ses influences
? Smancipant de la matrice du space-opera LOPEZ LOY, Manuel, El universo de los
amricain pour forger sa propre ligne au superheroes, Barcelona, Ma Non Troppo,
contact dHerg, Edgar-Pierre Jacobs dveloppe 2017, 288 pages.
un style la tension dramatique
exceptionnelle, marque par une inquitude MARICQ, Dominique, Yves MOREAU & Jacques
captivante. La Guerre des Mondes, Le Rayon U, HIRON, Tous les secrets de "La Licorne",
Blake et Mortimer : Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle

Paris, Gallimard Loisirs, (Albums Hors
Collection), 2017, 180 pages.
MICHAUD, Nicolas & Jacob Thomas MAY (ed.),
Deadpool and Philosophy: My Common FILMS
Sense is Tingling, Chicago, Open Court, une brve slection
(Popular Culture and Philosophy), 2017, x, 334
Deadpool is the super-anti-hero who knows BROWN, Jeffrey A., The Modern Superhero
he's in a comic book. His unique situation and in Film and Television: Popular genre and
blood-stained history give rise to many American Culture, Londes & New York,
philosophical puzzles. A group of philosophical Routledge, 2017, 181 pages.
Deadpool fans delve into these puzzles
in Deadpool and Philosophy. For instance, if DAVIS, Blair, Movie Comics: Page to
you know that someone is writing the script of Screen/Screen to Page, New Brunswick,
your life, can you really be a hero? Rutgers University Press, 2017, 256 pages.

MILLER, Giulia, Studying Waltz with Bashir, DIXON, Wheeler W., A Brief History of
Leighton Buzzard, Auteur Publishing, 2017, 111 Comic Book Movies, New York, Palgrave
pages. Macmillan, 2017, xi, 98 pages.

NATTIEZ, Renaud, Le Dictionnaire Tintin, DRU, Jeffries, Comic Book Film Style:
Paris, Honor Champion, 2017, 444 pages. Cinema at 24 Panels per Second, Austin,
University of Texas Press, 2017, 259 pages.
POLLONE, Matteo & Roberto GUARINO (dir.),
Sentieri di carta west: Quaranta interviste DUDENHOEFFER, Larrie, Anatomy of the
ad autori italiani di fumetti western, Superhero Film, New York, Palgrave
Torino, Allagalla, 2017, 604 pages. Macmillan, 2017, 319 pages.

ROBERT, Pascal, De l'incommunication au FLANAGAN, Martin, The Marvel Studios

miroir de la Bande Dessine, Clermont- Phenomenon: Inside a Transmedia
Ferrand, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, Universe, New York, Bloomsbury Academic,
avril 2017, 144 pages. 2016, xii, 268 pages.

TABACHNICK, Stephen E. (ed.), The MASSUET, Jean-Baptiste, Le Dessin anim

Cambridge Companion to the Graphic au pays du film [Quand l'animation graphique
Novel, Cambridge, Cambridge University rencontre le cinma en prises de vues relles],
Press, 2017, 228 pages. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes,
2017, 393 pages.
Bellisime e perverse. Le sexy eroine del PINON, Matthieu, 1 Sicle d'animation
fumetto horror ed erotico italiano, La japonaise, Paris, Ynnis ditions, 2017, 208
Spezia, Cut-Up, 2016, 240 pages. pages.

TUCKER, Reed, Slugfest: Inside the Epic VALIRE, Laurent, Cinma d'animation: la
Fifty-Years Battle between Marvel and DC, French Touch, Paris, ditions de la Martinire
New York, Da Capo Press, 2017, xviii, 286 & Issy-les-Moulinaux, Arte ditions, 2017, 253
pages. pages.

WEBER, Angela & Katharina MORITZEN (dir.), YAZBEK, Elie, Le Super-hros l'cran:
Tausend Bilder und eins: Comic als mutations, transformations, volutions,
sthetische Praxis in der postmi- Paris, Orizons, 2017, 243 pages.
grantischen Gesellschaft, Bielefeld,
transcript Verlag, 2017, 479 pages.

That's All Folks !


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