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Bulletin bibliographique des tudes sur les littratures et le film populaires n 78


septembre 2013
Marginalia est publi 4 fois par an par NORBERT SPEHNER 565, rue de Provence, Longueuil, J4H 3R3 (Qubec/Canada) nspehner@sympatico.ca

Rappel : la rubrique intitule Gnralits prsente des ouvrages dans lesquels on mlange les genres, les inclassables, les tudes sur le roman et le film daventures, lhumour et le comique, la culture populaire en gnral, ainsi que certaines curiosits ditoriales...

BOULERIE, Florence (dir.), Le hros populaire, un hros politique ? , Pessac, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, (Eidlon, no 98), 2012, 330 pages. Quel est le point commun entre Superman et Melina Mercouri ? Entre Tom Cruise et Pougatchov ? Entre le baron de Mnchausen et Napolon ? Les articles rassembls dans ce volume confrontent les figures hroques de la fiction aux femmes et aux hommes qui ont fait l'Histoire afin d'interroger sur le plan politique leur clbrit internationale. En dcrivant les processus qui transforment une crature anonyme en hros adul, c'est--dire en une figure qui se distingue du commun des hommes par des exploits unanimement admirs, il s'agit de mettre au jour la faon dont l'idal collectif charge - ou non - ces personnages populaires d'intervenir dans l'organisation des pouvoirs. CAPOZZI, Rocco (dir.), Tra Eco & Calvino : relazioni rizomatiche, Milano, EncycloMedia, 2013, 448 pages. [Atti del Convegno Eco & Calvino : rhizomatic relationships : University of Toronto, aprile 2012]. COLLADO-RODRIGUEZ, Francisco (ed.), Chuck Palahniuk : Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Choke, London, Bloomsbury, 2013, viii, 218 pages. Fight club: Violence, spaces, and a fragmenting consciousness in Fight club / James R. Giles ; The avatars of masculinity: how not to be a man / Eduardo Mendieta; Body contact: acting out is the best defense in Fight club / Laurie Vickroy -- Invisible monsters: Introduction / Francisco Collado-Rodri_guez; Invisible monsters and Palahniuks perverse sublime / Andrew Slade; The opposite of a miracle: trauma in Invisible monsters / Richard Viskovic and Eluned Summers-Bremner; From solid to liquid: Invisible monsters and the blank fiction road story / Sonia Baelo-Allue_ -- Choke: Introduction / Francisco Collado-Rodri_guez; Chuck Palahniuks edible complex / Jesse Kavadlo; Anger, anguish, and art - Choke / David Cowart; Addiction in Choke / Nieves Pascual.

KLOESTER, Jennifer, Georgette Heyer , Napier, Sourcebooks, 2013, 442 pages. [The grounbreaking biography of one of the worlds best-loved and bestselling authors] Though Kloesters is not the first biography of Heyercredit for that literary achievement goes to Jane Aiken Hodge, whose The Private World of Georgette Heyer (1984) was recently reprinted by SourcebooksKloester, the author, too, of Georgette Heyers Regency World (2010), spent 10 years researching Heyer. Granted unlimited access to private papers, Kloester also mined a newly discovered archive of Heyers early letters for insight into this very private writer. MSTOWSKA, Joanna, Various Aspects of Mimesis in Selected Sea Novels of Frederick Marryat, James F. Cooper and Richard H. Dana, Frankfurt am Main, et al. , Peter Lang, 2013, 143 pages. Frederick Marryats The Phantom Ship (1839), James F. Coopers The Red Rover (1828) and Richard H. Danas Two Years Before the Mast (1840) may be regarded as simulacra of reality imitating the then extremely popular literary conventions of the Gothic sea novel, the nautical romance and the sea diary, respectively. PHILLIPS, Lawrence, The South Pacific Narratives of Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London : Race, Class, Imperialism, London, Continuum, 2012, 215 pages. NOL-GAUDREAULT, Monique & Romain GAUDREAULT, Dictionnaire de limagination : pour lire ou crire des histoires de science-fiction, dhorreur, maritimes, merveilleuses, hroques, policires et sentimentales , Qubec, ditions du Bgonia Voyageur, 2013, 293 pages. NOL-GAUDREAULT, Monique & Romain GAUDREAULT, Outils pour crire des rcits daventures, de science-fiction et daventures exotiques, Qubec, ditions du Bgonia Voyageur, 2013, 75 pages. RODOLPHE, Tusitala : la vie aventureuse de Robert Louis Stevenson , Paris, LHarmattan, 2013, 226 pages. Tusitala, le raconteur d'histoires est le nom de guerre qu'on prtait Stevenson. Rodolphe nous raconte un homme gnreux, sensible, profondment humaniste, dont la vie toute entire sera consacre aux voyages et l'criture. Pour un peu, on croirait lire un roman ; le style de Rodolphe y est pour quelque chose, plein de verve, chaleureux. C'est un ami qu'il nous fait rencontrer, un ami qui mritait bien ce beau livre. Bernard Gnis, Le Monde. (Rdition). SANTA, Angels, La Literatura popular francesa : folletines y melodramas, Universitat de Lleida, Pags Editors, (El Fil dAriadne), 2012, 198 pages.

Louvrage est destin aux tudiants espagnols en littrature franaise. La priode tudie va de 1836 1914 avec, pour le mlodrame, lvocation de la priode antrieure (17971836). Avec 18 reproductions de couverures dditions franaises ou espagnoles, dont, sur la couverture, celle du Chevalier de Lagardre (Paul Fval), ditions Fayard, 1948. [Info: Jean-Luc Buard].

A PROPOS DE JACQUES STERNBERG : BERNARD FRENCH KEOGH NOUS INFORME La parution de la biographie de Lionel Marek va grandement satisfaire les lecteurs clairs de l'uvre de Jacques Sternberg, tout comme ceux et celles qui la dcouvre. Cette biographie devient tout naturellement l'actualit du site web qui lui aussi tente d'enrichir l'exgse (chapitre ACTUALITE la longue vue dun fils, ainsi quun entretien avec Lionel Marek, au mme endroit). Le temps d'une reconnaissance d'un uvre littraire est venu et l'on peut esprer sans fausses illusions que les rditions bien diffuses en librairie seront d'ici peu accessible au plus grand nombre. Les romans parus chez Albin Michel ont t numriss et sans doute accessible sur e-book. En cette priode d'adaptation du roman de Boris Vian, L'Ecume des jours, un film comme celui de Michel Gondry peut lui aussi aider les nouveaux lecteurs de Sternberg dcouvrir l'univers restitu travers le nonsense et les gags qui est celui de L'Employ (d. de Minuit). L'un des chapitres limin la parution la demande de l'diteur, a fait l'objet d'une premire publication dans la revue de cinma Positif, puis dans le roman Attention Plante habite (d Le Terrain Vague). Le voici nouveau sur le site web (chapitre DOCUMENTATION/Reproduction , au paragraphe Attention Plante habite). Des indits parviennent jusqu' nous, fruit d'une srieuse collaboration avec la Bibliothque Nationale de France o sont dposes les archives de l'crivain. Il s'agit surtout de proses refuses par les diteurs, les tapuscrits des romans dits sont introuvables. C'est donc une nouvelle tape que nous vous proposons, celle de la dcouverte des indits sur lesquels nous reviendront bientt.

BAUER, Sebastian, Welten im Untergrund : Das Motiv der U-Bahn im Film, Darmstadt, Bchner-Verlag, 2013, 213 pages. [tude thmatique : le mtro au cinma]. BEAUVILLARD, Ariane, Les Croulants se portent bien : les reprsentations fictionnelles de la vieillesse au grand et petit cran, de 1949 nos jours, Lormont, Le Bord de leau, (Penser les mdias), 2012, 185 pages. BETTS, Raymond F., A History of Popular Culture : More of Everything, Faster and Brighter , London & New York, Routledge, 2013, 185 pages. BINDER, Sarah, et al., How I Got Lost Six feet under Your Mother : Ein Serienbuch, Wien, Zaglossus Verlag, 2013, 208 pages. BIRKENSTEIN, Jeff, Anna FROULA & Karen RANDELL (eds.), The Cinema of Terry Gilliam : Its a Mad World, London & New York, Wallflower, (Directors Cut), 2013, 174 pages. BOWMAN, Paul, Beyond Bruce Lee : Chasing the Dragon through Film, Philosophy, and Popular Culture, London & New York, Wallflower Press, 2013, ix, 209 pages. Beyond Bruce Lee -- Bruce Lee between popular culture and cultural politics -- Bruce Lee beyond pedagogy -- Bruce Lee film in cultural translation -- Bruce Lee in the post : post-colonial, post-modern, post-protestant, post-human -Spectres of Bruce Lee -- Re-enter the Dragon, beyond Bruce Lee. BRUSCHINI, Antonio & Antonio TENTORI, Nudi e crudeli. Il mondo movies italiani, Milano, Bloddbuster Edizioni, 2013, 192 pages. CARNARVON, Grfin von, Lady Almina und das whare Downtown Abbey : das Vermtchtnis von Highclere Castle , Mnchen, mvg Verlag, 2013, 300 pages. CESAREOA, Rosanna, Lumorismo nel cinema ebraico, Roma, Prospettiva Edizioni, 2013, 168 pages. [lhumour juif au cinma] DAHLQUIST, Marina, Exporting Perilous Pauline : Pearl White and Serial Fim Craze, Urbana (IL), University of Illinois Press, 2013, 233 pages. Exceptionally popular during their time, the spectacular American action film serials of the 1910s featured exciting stunts, film tricks, and effects set against the background of modern technology, often starring resourceful female heroines who displayed traditionally male qualities such as endurance, strength, and authority. The most renowned of these "serial queens" was Pearl White, whose career as the adventurous character Pauline developed during a transitional phase in the medium's evolving production strategies, distribution and advertising patterns, and fan


AGEE, James, Der Tramp und die Bombe : der Film, den Chaplin nie drehte, Berlin, Diaphanes Verlag, 2013, 208 pages. ANDREW, Dudley & Ann GILLAIN (eds.), A Companion to Franois Truffaut, Malden (Mass.), Wiley-Blackwell (Wiley-Blackwell Companions to Film Directors), 2013, xxii, 615 pages. ANG, Ien, Watching Dallas : Cultura di massa e imperialismo culturale, Roma, Armando Editore, 2013, 128 pages.

culture. In this volume, an international group of scholars explores how American serials starring Pearl White and other female stars impacted the emerging cinemas in the United States and abroad. DALY, Steven, Johnny Depp, une rtrospective, Paris, La Martinire, 2013, 288 pages. DLUGO, Marvin (ed.), A Companion to Pedro Almodovar , Malden (Mass.), WileyBlackwell, (Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Film Directors), 2013, 568 pages. DUREAU, Christian, Burt Lancaster Le P r o f e s s i o n n e l , Paris, ditions Didier Carpentier, 2013, 144 pages. EICHNER, Susanne (dir.), Transnationale Serienkultur : Theorie, sthetik, Narration und Rezeption Neuer Fernsehserien, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2013, 420 pages. FRIEDKIN, William, The Friedkin Connection : A Memoir, New York, Harper, 2013, x, 497 pages. GHEZZI, Enrico, Stanley Kubrick, Roma, Il Castoro (Il Castoro Cinema), 2013, 181 pages. GOLDMAN, Michael, John Wayne : The Genuine Article, San Rafael, Insight Editions, 2013, 160 pages. GREVEN, David, Psycho-Sexual : Male Desire in Hitchcock, De Palma, Scorcese, and Friekin, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2013, 297 pages. GRIEB, Markus & Stefan LSSE, Gert Frbe, Mnchen, Belleville Verlag, 2013, 1000 pages. HOHMANN, Tobias, Action Stars 3 : Chuck Norris, Leipzig, Mpw, 2013, 352 pages. HALL, Kenneth E. (ed.), John Woo : The Films, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, x, 218 pages. Foreword by Tony Williams 1_Introduction: Painting the True Colors of the Hero _1. Woo and the Asian and Western Traditions _2. Influences, Parallels, Inspirations _3. A Unique "Action Director" _4. The Early Films: A Selected Treatment _5. A Better Tomorrow and A Better Tomorrow II: A Flawed Saga _6. The Killer : Heroism Defeated _7. A New Independence: Bullet in the Head and Once a Thief _8. Hard Boiled Heroic Cops _9. Move to Hollywood: Hard Target, Broken Arrow, Face/Off _10. Hollywood Success: Mission: Impossible II _11. Frustrated in Hollywood: Windtalkers, Paycheck _12. Music in the Films _13. From Hollywood to China HARROW, Kenneth W., Trash : African Cinema from Below, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2013, 327 pages. Highlighting what is melodramatic, flashy, low, and gritty in the characters, images, and plots of African cinema, Kenneth W. Harrow uses trash as the unlikely metaphor to show how these films have depicted the globalized world. Rather than focusing on topics such as national liberation

and post-colonialism, he employs the disruptive notion of trash to propose a destabilizing aesthetics of African cinema. HUNTER, Ian, British Trash Cinema, London, British Film Institute, 2013, 232 pages. Beginning by outlining the definitions of trash films and their place in British film history, Hunter explores topics including: Hammer's overlooked fantasy films, the emergence of the sexploitation film in the 1950s and 60s, the sex industry in the 1970s, Ken Russell's high camp Gothic and erotic adaptations since the 1980s, gross-out comedies, revenge films, and contemporary straight-toDVD horror and erotica. JAHNKE, Wolf & Michael SCHOLTEN, Die 199 besten Action-Filme & Serien, Marburg, Schren, 2012, 288 pages. KAMALZADEH, Dominik & Michael PEKLER, Terrence Malick , Marburg, Schren, 2013, 205 pages. KAUL, Susanne & Jean-Pierre PALMIER, Quentin Tarantino. Einfhrung in seine Filme und Filmsthetik , Mnchen, Wilhlm Fink Verlag, 2013, 162 pages. KHAN, Sarah, Dr House, Berlin, Diaphanes Verlag, 2013, 112 pages. KOEBNER, Sascha (dir.), Ich kenne dich besser als mich selbst : Serienromane amerikanischer Herkunft, Mnchen, Ed. Text + Kritik, 2013, 96 pages. [srie TV amricaines] So sind die Spielarten und Genres auch zahlreich und disparat. Von Einzelgngern wie dem Serienmrder Dexter in der gleichnamigen Serie und Jack Bauer, der in 24 als letzte Barriere zwischen Terror und der amerikanischen Gesellschaft steht, ber Gemeinschaften wie die der letzten Menschen, die im Battlestar Galactica um ihr berleben kmpfen, den Werbern von Mad Men oder dem Brderpaar von Prison Break, das sich dem Serientitel entsprechend immer wieder aus der Gefangenschaft befreien muss. All diesen Serien ist dabei nicht nur das Format gemein, sondern auch ein Typus Zuschauer, der die Ausstrahlung als festen Termin wahrnehmen muss, um sich den Sinn der Erzhlung in voller Gnze erschlieen zu knnen. Der Sammelband mit dem Titel Ich kenne dich besser als mich selbst, ein Zitat aus Dexter, beleuchtet die verschiedenen Aspekte dieser Serienromane amerikanischer Herkunft. LEBRUN, Sbastien, Les Perles cultes du cinma, Paris, City, 2013, 190 pages. Des Tontons Flingueurs au Dner de cons en passant par Pirates des Carabes, Les bronzs, La Cage aux Folles, Pulp Fiction, Le pre Nol est une ordure ou La grande vadrouille, le cinma regorge de perles. Subtils, grinants ou franchement grossiers, ces dialogues sont devenus cultes et font partie de notre patrimoine. Ce livre rassemble ces rpliques qui font notre bonheur lorsque nous les entendons ou les lisons. Installez-vous, la sance commence !

LONGWORTH, Karina, Al Pacino , Paris, Cahiers du cinma, (Anatomie dun acteur), 2013, 186 pages. MANZOLI, Giacomo, Da Ercole a Fantozzi. Cinema popolare e societa italiana dal boom economica alla neotelevisione ( 1 9 5 8 - 1 9 7 6 ) , Roma, Carocci, 2013, 254 pages. MARTIN, Brett, Difficult Men , New York, Toronto, The Penguin Press, 2013, 303 pages [sur les sries tv The Sopranos, The Wire, Mad Men, etc.] MENNEL, Barbara Caroline, Queer Cinema : Schoolgirls, Vampires and Gay Cowboys, London & New York, Wallflower, 2012, 136 pages. The origins of queer cinema : schoolgirls, vampires and cross-dressers -- Camp : where art meets trash -- Stonewall and the positive identification figure -- New queer cinema : a new aesthetic language -- Gay cowboys, fabulous femmes and global queers. METELMANN, Jrg & Scott LOREN, Imitations of Life : The Subversive Melodrama of Michael Haneke, David Lynch and Lars von Trier , Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2013, 210 pages. MIRABEL, Vincent. Hollywood Crime Stories : sexe, mensonges et violence dans le monde du c i n m a, Paris, Pocket, (Document/rcit/essai), 2013, 222 pages. MORSIANI, Alberto, Rebelles on the Road : motos et bikers du cinma, Rome, Gremese, 2013, 127 pages. NEIBAUR, James L. & Terri NIEMI, Buster Keatons Silent Shorts : 1920-1923 , Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, 2013, 253 pages. NOCHIMSON, Martha, David Lynch Swerves : Uncertainty from Lost Highway to Inland Empire , Austin, University Press of Texas, 2013, 275 pages. NRENBERG, Sarah Ulrike & Karl-Martin POLD (dir.), Das ultime Spencer/Hill Fanbuch, Klagenfurt am Wrthersee, Wieser Verlag, 2013, 200 pages. PAPAZIAN, Gretchen (ed.), Game on, Hollywood : Essays on the Intersection of Video Games and Cinema, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 226 pages. PRASCHL, Peter, Sex and the City, Berlin, Diaphanes Verlag, 2013, 112 pages. RUSSELL, Phil, Shock Movies : A Guide to Controversial & Disturbing Films, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2013, 338 pages. SANNWALD, Daniela, Lost in the Sixties : ber Mad Men, Berlin, Bertz + Fischer, 2013,

144 pages. SEPINWALL, Alan, The Revolution was Televised : The Cops, Crooks, Slingers, and Slayers who Changed TV Drama Forever, New York, Touchstone, 2013, 400 pages. SOCCI, Stefano, Fritz Lang, Roma, Il Castore, (Il Castore Cinema), 2013, 160 pages. WALT DISNEY COMPANY, Violetta : le making of. Tous les secrets de la srie TV, Paris, Hachette Jeunesse, 2013, 64 pages. WEINGRTNER, Till, Comedy-Boom in Japan : performative und mediale Rahmung von Humor in der aktuellent Popular Kultur, Mnchen, Ludicium Verlag, 2013, 430 pages. WIESMLLER, Klaus, Zwischen Samura und Helden des Alltags : Leben und Werk des japanischen Regisseur Akira Kurosawa , Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2013, 200 pages.


BERG-EHLERS, Luise, Mit Miss Marple aufs Land : englische Krimischriftstellerinnen zwischen Tearoom und Tatort, Mnchen, Elisabeth Sandmann Verlag, 2013, 144 pages. Die englische Idylle mit Pfarrhaus, Pub, Tearoom, Cottage Garden und Dorfladen ist, wenn man den Ladies of Crime, von Agatha Christie bis P.D. James, glauben darf, immer wieder in Gefahr. Doch zum Glck gibt es so couragierte Damen wie Miss Marple oder mit trockenem Humor ausgestattete Ermittler wie Inspector Barneby, die beim Tee im Herrenhaus oder beim Cricket auf dem Land die entscheidenden Indizien zur Lsung des Falles finden. Luise Berg-Ehlers nimmt ihre Leser mit auf eine unterhaltsame Reise durch englische Drfer und Universittsstdte, die zu Schaupltzen krimineller Energie wurden. Dabei erzhlt sie nicht nur von den groartigen Krimischriftstellerinnen und ihren unvergesslichen Heldinnen und Helden, sondern auch von zuweilen skurrilen typisch englischen Eigenheiten. Mit zahlreichen Fotografien und Illustrationen und einer liebevollen Gestaltung ist dieses Buch ein Must have fr alle, die

England, eine gute Tasse Afternoon Tea und eine spannende Lektre lieben. BOHN, Nicolette, Realistischer Mrder in Krimis und Thrillern [Schreibratgeber], Reinheim, Sieben-Verlag, 2013, 200 pages. Hannibal Lector, Jack the Ripper und Norman Bates haben Krimi- und Thrillergeschichte geschrieben und erzeugen bei Generationen von Lesern immer aufs Neue ein Gnsehautgefhl. Es sind Figuren, die man nicht mehr vergisst, die sich ihren Lesern einprgen. Doch welche Vorbilder hatten sie in der Realitt und sind diese Figuren in dieser Form tatschlich vorstellbar oder wurde hier die Realitt zu Gunsten von Spannungseffekten verfremdet und bersteigert? An welchen Aspekten tatschlicher Mrdertypen knnen sich Thriller- und Krimiautoren orientieren, um ihren Kunstfiguren den Odem des Lebens einzuhauchen ohne dabei die Realitt vllig aus den Augen zu verlieren? Frei nach dem Motto Das Leben schreibt immer noch die besten Geschichten wird in diesem Schreibratgeber der Versuch unternommen, reale Tterfiguren Tathergnge, Motive und Tatorte so darzustellen, dass Autoren von Spannungsliteratur daraus Anregungen zur dramaturgischen Gestaltung eigener Krimiund Thrillerideen entnehmen knnen und um diese so spannend, aber gleichzeitig auch so realittsgetreu wie mglich an die Leser zu vermitteln. DOSSIER : Quand lart devient un polar, in Beaux-Arts Magazine , no 350, aot 2013, pp. 41-115. Quand l'art devient un polar /Superbe et original : L'espion qui aimait trop Poussin ( propos de sir Anthony Blunt). / Crimes & Btiments (criminels et architectes)./ Ces artistes qui mnent l'enqute (le crime comme source d'inspiration artistique)./ Les folles tribulations de l'Agneau mystique (avatars subis par ce tableau des frres Van Eyck, depuis 1432). / Le choix des armes (des armes comme oeuvres d'art). /Weegee, photographe et criminologue./ L'affaire du faux Corto Maltese (BD d'Etienne Lcroart)./ Les Greenhalgh, une famille aux (vrais) airs de faussaires ( et trois autres affaires de faux). / Meurtres en srie autour des 7 pchs capitaux de Jrme Bosch (nouvelle indite par Harry Bellet)./ Dans la peau d'un flic de l'art (sur le chef de l'office central de lutte contre le trafic de biens culturels). / Vols, vandalismes... Mais que fait la police ? (8 affaires de vols)./ Et le cinma inventa le polar artistique (sur le giallo, et l'art au cinma). / La saga des Wildenstein, grandeur et dcadence d'une dynastie de marchands d'art. / Quand l'inspecteur est un archologue (2 cas examins). / Les polars arty de l't (bibliographie de 20 romans policiers sur des thmes artistiques, et une BD)./ Aprs le polar historique, le polar artistique... [Le PolArt? NDLR] [Info Jean-Luc Buard] ESSER, Angela (dir.), Der Krimi-Kalender 2014 , Cadolzburg, Verlag ars vivendi, 2013, 128 pages.

GRUESSER, John Cullen, Race, Gender and Empire in American Detective Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 216 pages. Introduction: Manipulation, Malleability and Metaction in American Detection 6_One "Having defeated him in his own castle": Character Rivalry, Authorial Sleight of Hand and Generic Fluidity in Edgar Allan Poes Dupin Tales 25_Two Expanding on Poe: Varieties of Detection in Key American Literary Texts, 1850-1882 55_Three Subverting and Re-Entrenching Traditional Gender Roles: Female Sleuths, Dangerous Women and the Imperial Origins of Hard-Boiled Fiction 80_Four Detecting Empire Abroad and at Home: Interrogations of United States Overseas Expansion and Jim Crow in Early African American Detective Writing 107_Coda: Black Freedom, Mythic _Heroism and Hard-Boiled Motherhood in Contemporary American Detective Fiction 139_Appendix: Interviews with Valerie Wilson Wesley (May 2003, January and February 2013) 163. FACIES, Marlies, Erfolgsfaktor Buchcover. Aspekte der Covergestaltung und Semiotik am Beispiel des Genre Krimi Thriller, AV Akademikerverlag, 2013, 100 pages. GEHERIN, David, The Dragon Tattoo and its Long Tail : The New Wave of European Crime Fiction in America, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 198 pages. The enormous popularity of Stieg Larssons Millennium trilogy has raised awareness of other contemporary European authors of crime fiction. As a result, several of these novelists now reach a receptive American audience, eager for fresh perspectives in the genre. This critical text offers an introduction to current European crime writing by exploring ten of the best new crime and mystery authors from Sweden (Stieg Larsson and Henning Mankell), Norway (Karin Fossum and Jo Nesbo), Iceland (Arnaldur Indridason), Italy (Andrea Camilleri), France (Fred Vargas), Scotland (Denise Mina and Philip Kerr), and Ireland (Ken Bruen), who are reshaping the landscape of the modern crime novel. HEUER, Imke Wiebe, Mein is die Tat ! . Attenttterinnen in der Literatur, Wrzburg, Knigshausen & Neumann, 2013, 650 pages. HOFFMANN, Josef, Philosophien der Kriminalliteratur , Wien, Passagen Verlag (Passagen Philosophie), 2013, 280 pages. NITZSCHE, Enrico, Krimi auf der ganzen Welt Die ganze Welt im Krimi : eine komparatische Auseinandersetzung mit Krimis aus drei Kontinenten , Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2013, 100 pages. QUERRET, David, Rouen rive noire : lagglomration rouennaise travers le polar , Oissel, Cogito ergo Sum, 2013, 158 pages.

OED, Anja & Christine MATZKE (dir.), Life is a Thriller. Investigating African Crime Fiction, Kln, Rdiger Kppe Verlag, (Mainzer Beitrge zur Afrikaforschung), 2012, 246 pages Anj Oed & Christine Matzke: Introduction / 1. Southern Afrika: Ranka Primorac: Nation, detection and time in contemporary Southern African fiction / Matthias Krings: Meet Lance Spearman your favourite crime-buster / Geoffrey V. Davis: Old loyalties and new aspirations The post-apartheid crime fiction of Deon Meyer / Doris Wieser: Parody in Angolan crime fiction - Pepetelas Jaime Bunda / 2. West and Central Afrika: Matthew J. Christensen: Violable states - Postcolonial sovereignty, neoliberalism, and generic failure in Tony Marinhos biothriller The Epidemic / James Gibbs: Crime and punishment in fact and fiction in the Gold Coast during the 1940s F. Kwasi Fiawoos Toko Atclia / Susanne Gehrmann: On crime without justice Investigative patterns and the quest for truth in Boubacar Boris Diops novels / Anja Oed: The world has changed Modernity in Kl Aknlds detective novel Ow j / Katja Meintel: Francophone crime novels from Sub-Saharan Africa Generic conventions and the legitimisation of violence / Manfred Loimeier: Life is a thriller Crime fiction in Nigeria / 3. East Africa: Mikhail D. Gromov: Generic innovation in recent Swahili crime fiction by Ben Mtobwa and Aristablus Elvis Musiba / Said Khamis: Is Abdullas Bwana Msa in Mzimu wa Watu wa Kale Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes in disguise? / Uta ReusterJahn: Police and judiciary corruption in Tanzanian crime novels / Alina N. Rinkamya: Rewriting gender in Kenyan crime fiction / Karola Hoffmann: Crime fiction as a means of political propaganda and ideologisation / 3. Bibliography: Christine Matzke: Of guns, ghosts, and gangsters a preliminary checklist of African and AfricanDiasporic crime novels in English / 4. Interviews: Manfred Loimeier: Interview with Deon Meyer / Mikhail D. Gromov: Interview with Ben R. Mtobwa / Manfred Loimeier: Interview with Ben R. Mtobwa / Christine Matzke: Girls with guts Writing a South African thriller. Angela Makholwa in conversation / Manfred Loimeier: Interview with Angela Makholwa / Manfred Loimeier: Interview with Meshack Masondo. SCHARDL, Viktoria, Tter und Opfer im deutschsprachigen Kriminalroman. Eine Analyse anhand ausgewhlter Beispiele, AV Akademiker Verlag, 2012, 88 pages. SPRING, Michelle & Laurie KING, The Arvon Book of Crime and Thriller Writing, London, Bloomsbury, 2012, xvii, 279 pages. TIMM, Christian & Francisco UZCANGA (dir.), Mord und Motiv. Krimis als Lesenstoff und Objekt der Betrachtung , Ulm, Verlag Dr. Kovac, (Ulmer Sprachstudies, Bd. 20), 2012, 190 pages. Vorwort / Christian Timm: Von License to Kill to Skyfall das Zentrum fr Sprachen und Philologie wird 20 Jahre alt / Robert Brack: Gretchen hat blutige Hnde Erzhlen und Reflektieren im Kriminalroman / Natalija

Baur: Zeitgenssischer russischer Kriminalroman / Maria Concetta Martorana-Frank: Giallo contemporaneo e mafia / Chiara Santucci Ganzert: Boccaccio und seine kriminell guten Novelen / Francisco Uzcanga: La novela policaca y el elemento aadido la serie Carvalho de Manuel Vzques Montalbn / Regina Dengel: Ein dnischer Thriller Christian Jungersens Ausnahmen. Es geht auch anders als bei Wallander und Co. / Joachim Ankerhold & Evangelia Karagiannakis: Von Trumern, Mord und Wissenschaft Oder: Warum Fred Vargas schtig macht / James Quartley: Then more trees and beyond everything the solid, uneven, comfortable line of the foothills. Fragment (consider revising), Mr. Chandler? A concise assessment of the value of using spelling and grammar checkers in editing written work / Die Kurzkrimis: Tatjana Kruse: Cool-Man und der zweite Frhling / Gnther Klotz: Navigare necesse est Ein wahrer Bericht ber Tunnel, Takelage und Tuscher / Pia Daniela Volz: Mittagspause.


ABOUALI, Youssef, Yasmina Khadra ou La Recherche de la vrit : tude de la trilogie sur le malentendu entre lOrient et lOccident , Paris, LHarmattan, (Approches littraires), 2013, 389 pages. BAILLARGEAT, Tony, Arsne Lupin, propos de lE(s)toile, Paris, La Compagnie littraire, 2013, 56 pages. [le compte-rendu dun rendezvous mystriosophique du 21 juin 2010 entre Jean Parvulesco, Arnnaud de lEstoile & Tony Baillargeat]. BORAIS, Alexander, Karel Capeks Poetik der noetischen Detektion im Kontext seiner Pragmatismus-Rezeption , Hamburg, Disserta-Verlag, 2011, 271 pages. COOK, Cathy, The Agatha Christie Miscellany , Charleston, The History Press, 2013, 192 pages. Examining her place in literary history, her books and her iconic characters, including Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, this unique collection will feature all of the facts, trivia and quotes that feature in Christie's legendary stories and the subsequent film and television adaptations. The Agatha Christie Miscellany will also delve into the secrets, mysteries and tricks that made her the most sensational and successful mystery writer of her time. HUTCHISSON, James M. (ed.), Conversations with Paul Auster, Jackson, University Pres of Mississippi, 2013, xiii, 220 pages. KERR, Douglas, Conan Doyle : Writing, Profession and Practice , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, 273 pages.

DAN BROWN...CEST LENFER ! Mini-dossier INFERNO HAAG, Michael, Inferno Decoded, New York, Gallery Books, 2013, 272 pages. In this illuminating unofficial companion to Dan Browns Inferno, popular historian Michael Haag, author of the bestselling Rough Guide to the Da Vinci Code, unpacks Dantes allegorical poetic masterpiece of the same name, delivering fascinating, crucial background for the characters, settings, and riddles in Browns controversial and compel_ling world. How do the clues unveiled in symbology professor Robert Langdons daring quest from Florence to Venice and Istanbul overlap with history? What codes and symbols did Dante employ in the Divine Comedy and which secret religious, philosophical, and scientific themes are hidden within his work? What lies behind Botticellis La Mappa dellInferno? And what are the cult scientists known as transhumanists really up to? PARKER, Deborah & Mark, Inferno Revealed : From Dante to Dan Brown , New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 256 pages. Theauthors will focus on and analyze how Dan Brown has repurposed Inferno in his newest book--noting what he gets right and what errors are made when he does not. Of course, Dan Brown is not the first author to base his work on Dante. The Comedy has elicited many adaptations from major canonical writers such as Milton and Keats to popular adaptationslike David Finchers Se7en and Tim Burtons Beetlejuice-- all of which will be discussed in detail withinInferno Revealed.

per promuovere i suoi libri e per incontrare parenti e amici e dove arriva lei arriva anche il delitto! MACDONALD, Kate & Nathan WADDELL (eds.), John Buchan and the Idea of Modernity, London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013, 270 pages. Introduction Kate Macdonald and Nathan Waddell 1 The Roots that Clutch: John Buchan, Scottish Fiction and Scotland Douglas Gifford 2 A Civilizing Empire: T. H. Green, Lord Milner and John Buchan Simon Glassock 3 A Very Modern Experiment: John Buchan and Rhodesia Stephen Donovan 4 The Ministry of Information: John Buchans Friendship with T. E. Lawrence Simon Machin 5 Masculinities in the Richard Hannay War Trilogy of John Buchan Joseph A. Kestner 6 John Buchan and the Emerging Post-Modern Fact: Information Culture and the First World War Rebecca Borden 7 The Spy-Scattered Landscapes of Modernity in John Buchans Mr Standfast Christoph Ehland 8 The Souls Queer Corners: John Buchan and Psychoanalysis John Miller 9 John Buchan, Myth and Modernism Douglas Kerr 10 John Buchan and the American Pulp Magazines Patrick Scott Belk 11 What Kind of Heritage? Modernity versus Heritage in Huntingtower Pilvi Rajamae 12 Living Speech, Dying Tongues and Reborn Language: John Buchan and Scots Vernacular Poetry Ryan D. Shirey 13 John Buchan in Canada: Writing a New Chapter in Canadas Constitutional History J. William Galbraith PIKE, Barry, The Short Stories of Margery Allingham. A Definitive Listing , in CADS (Crime and Detective Stories), supplement no 15 [Geoffrey Bradley, 9 Vicarage Hill, South Benfleet, Essex SS7 1PA, UK]. SCHERPE, Cornelia, Ich war tot : linguistische Analyse literarischer Texte. Am Beispiel Sebastian Fitzeks Roman Die Therapie , Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2013, 105 pages. SICHROVSKY, Heinz, Mozart, Mowgli, Sherlock Holmes : die knigliche Kunst in Musik und Dichtung der Freimaurer, Wien, Lcker Verlag, 2013, 321 pages. SULITZER, Paul-Loup, Monstre sacr, Paris & Monaco, ditions du Rocher, 2013, 229 pages. [Lhomme aux 60 millions de livres se raconte sans tabou.] Biographie. A SIGNALER LE SITE DE JOHN BARNETT
nouveau bestseller mondial

KRAMER, Bianca, Emil und die Detektive : Kstners meistverfilmtes Kinderbuch : eine Analyse der deutsche Literaturadaptionen , Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2013, 99 pages. A SIGNALER MARCHETTI, Federica, La Signora in giallo. Che fine ha fatto Jessica Fletcher ?, Chieti, Tabula Fati, 2013, 216 pages. Nella storia delle serie TV c' un personaggio universalmente conosciuto che rassicura e inquieta allo stesso tempo: quel personaggio Jessica Fletcher meglio nota in Italia con "La signora in giallo". Nella realt fittizia delle serie televisive Jessica Beatrice Fletcher (J.B. per i suoi lettori) un'icona. Rassicurante nella sua immagine di signora perbene, vedova non pi giovanissima, Jessica vive a Cabot Cove, nel Maine, senza figli ma circondata da numerosi nipoti, in visita o al seguito, da amici sparsi per il mondo, da vicini impiccioni e soprattutto da cadaveri e assassini. Rassicurante, dunque, ma anche inquietante perch Jessica sembra portarsi dietro l'omicidio, ovunque lei vada. Da supplente del liceo di Cabot Cove diventa autrice di bestseller acclamata in tutto il mondo e viaggia



ADAMS, Guy, The Sherlock Files : The Official Companion to the Hit Television Series, London, IT Books, 2013, 160 pages. ASIMOV, Michael & Shannon MADER, Law and Popular Culture, New York, Bern, et al., Peter Lang, (A Course Book), 2013, 376 pages. This book explores the interface between law and popular culture, two subjects of enormous current importance and influence. Exploring how they affect each other, each chapter discusses a legally themed film or television show, such as Philadelphia or Dead Man Walking, and treats it as both a cultural and a legal text, illustrating how popular culture both constructs our perceptions of law, and changes the way that players in the legal system behave. Written without theoretical jargon, Law and Popular Culture: A Course Book is intended for use in undergraduate or graduate courses and can be taught by anyone who enjoys pop culture and is interested in law. COBO, Sergio, Breaking Bad : 530 gramos (de papel) para serie adictos no r e h a b i l i t a d o s , Madrid, Errata Naturae Editores, 2013, 360 pages. CORBIJN, Anton, A Most Wanted Man : das Buch zum Film, Darmstadt, Schirmer Verlag, 2013, 160 pages. DOMINGUEZ LEIVA, Antonio & Simon LAPPERIRE, Snuff Movies : Naissance dune lgende urbaine, Neuilly-ls-Dijon, Le Murmure, (Borderline), 2013, 61 pages. DREHER, Christoph & Christine LANG, Breaking Down Breaking Bad. Dramaturgie und sthetik einer Fernsehserie, Mnchen, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013, 150 pages. DUNCAN, Paul, 100 Classiques du film noir, Paris, Taschen France, 2013, 760 pages. DUNCAN, Paul & Steve SCHAPIRO, The Godfather Album , Paris, Taschen France, 2013, 600 pages. Fotiade, Ramona, A Bout de souffle, London, I.B. Tauris, (The French Film Guides), 2013, 128 pages. FREEDMAN, Carl Howard, Versions of Hollywood Crime Cinema : Studies in Ford, Wilder, Coppola, Scorsese and others, Bristol, Intellect, 2013, x, 189 pages. GERAGHTY, Christine, Bleak House, London, British Film Institute, (BFI TV Classics), 2012, 139 pages. Bleak House is one of Charles Dickens's darker works: a vision of London as the polluted, diseased heart of an industrialising nation. This great novel of inheritance, corruption and mystery, published in the serial form now associated with television drama, was also one of the first

successful detective stories. In 2005, the BBC announced a major new adaptation, scripted by Andrew Davies, produced by double-BAFTA winner Nigel Stafford-Clark, and starring Gillian Anderson as Lady Dedlock. Broadcast over eight hours in fifteen episodes, this Bleak House, in an appeal to youthful audiences, controversially combined the suspense of soap opera with visual innovation, careful attention to period detail, and outstanding performances. Christine Geraghty's revealing study traces the double narrative in which the youthful protagonists grow into adulthood while the doomed Lady Dedlock is hunted to death in a tele-noir adaptation of the British novel's first detective story. She examines how the different styles of acting relate to Dickens's own vivid characterisation, taking issue with Davies's attitude to Dickens's most complex heroine, Esther Summerson. She explores the series' settings, including a London styled as a soap-opera set, and the great country houses where secrets are kept under wrap. And, using illustrations from the novel, she looks at how the traditional Dickensian 'pictures' were innovatively combined with HD visuals to powerful effect. GIUSTI, Marco, 007 allitaliana, Milano, Isbn Edizioni, 2013, 299 pages. GLYNN, Ruth, Giancarlo LOMBARDI and Alan OLEARY (eds.) Terrorism, Italian Style : Representations of Politicla Violence in Contemporary Italian Cinema , London, Institute of Fermanic and Romance Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2012, 244 pages. HASELHORST, Hauke, Die Ewige Nachtfahrt : mythologischen Archetypen und ihre Reprsentationen im Film L o s t H i g h w a y von David Lynch, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2013, 348 pages. HINRICHSEN, Klaus, Das grosse NCIS Navy CIS Buch , Books on Demand, 2013, 224 pages. [Saisons 1-10] HINRICHSEN, Klaus, CSI Las Vegas Den Tter auf der Spur : das Buch zur TV-Serie CSI : Las Vegas, Books on Demand, 2013, 136 pages. HINRICHSEN, Klaus, CSI New York : Das Buch zur TV-Serie, Books on Demand, 2013, 104 pages. HINRICHSEN, Klaus, CSI Miami : Das Buch zur TV-Serie, Books On Demand, 2013, 100 pages. KOEBNER, Filmgenres : Thriller, Ditzingen, Reclam verlag, 2013, 480 pages. MARELLI, Monica & Emiliano RICCI, La fisica de 007. Il segretti della scienza al servizio di Sua Maesta , Trieste, Scienza Express, 2013, 176 pages. MAGNI, Daniele, Segretissimi. Guida agli spy-movie italiani anni60 , Milano. Bloddbuster, 2013, 228 pages.

Tutti conoscono James Bond, l'agente 007. Ma quanti si ricordano dell'agente 077, o dell'agente Jo Walker, o ancora dell'agente 3S3, emuli poveri made in Italy del celeberrimo personaggio inventato da Ian Fleming? Eppure, ognuno di questi personaggi ha avuto tanto successo da essere stato protagonista non di uno, ma di una serie di film. Nel giro di poche stagioni cinematografiche, tra il 1965 e il 1968, l'Italia produsse (o meglio co-produsse, dato che sono rarissimi i film completamente made in Italy) poco meno di duecento pellicole riconducibili al genere spionistico, sull'onda del successo dei film di 007. Una mole di prodotti che non pu, per la legge dei grandi numeri, non contenere almeno una manciata di titoli meritevoli di riscoperta. Seguiteci in questo viaggio in uno dei generi meno indagati del cinema popolare italiano, e vi sorprenderete nello scoprire quanti (e quali!) agenti con licenza di uccidere sono partiti da Cinecitt alla conquista del mondo. MOREL, Max-Philippe, Sherlock Holmes au cinma et la tlvision : les apocryphes, Strasbourg, Les vads de Dartmoor, 2013, 265 pages. NAUMANN, Gerd & Joachim KRAMP (dir.), Das grosse Album der Edgar-Wallace Filme, Berlin, Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, 2013, 472 pages. NICOL, Bran, The Private Eye : Detectives in the Movies, London, Reaktion Books, 2013, 258 pages. Since its earliest days the private detective has been a constant presence in cinema. This book traces the history of the private-eye movie, from its emergence in a handful of influential film noirs in the 1940s, through its slow and brilliant decline in 1970s 'neo-noir' cinema, to the passing of its central figure into present-day movie mythology. The private eye is usually seen as a romantic hero, a 'lone wolf' who confronts and makes sense of a violent and chaotic modern world on behalf of the viewer. In his discussion of classic films such as The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, and Out of the Past, acclaimed 1970s movies like Chinatown, The Long Goodbye and Klute, and many lesser-known examples, Bran Nicol challenges these stereotypes, arguing that the job of the private eye is not about solving crimes so much as uncovering private worlds, and private lives. Although ostensibly thrillers, such films are actually preoccupied by 'domestic' issues such as work, home, and love. The private eye is revealed as a figure that investigates the concealments of others, at the expense of his own private life. The Private Eye combines a lucid introduction to an under-explored tradition in movie history with a new approach to the detective in fiction and film. Moving away from the detective as hero, it focuses instead on the dramas and places that feature in private-eye movies. OSTERIED, Peter, Im Auftrag ihrer Majestt James Bond und der Eurospy-Film, Nrberg, Mpw Verlag, 2013, 610 pages. Der Erfolg von James Bond lste in den 60er Jahren eine ganze Welle von hnlich gelagerten Filmen, den so genannten Eurospy-Produktionen, aus. Diese europischen

Filme nahmen sich James Bond zum Vorbild, kopierten ihn recht dreist und schafften es teilweise sogar zu stattlichen Serien, so z.B. der aus Frankreich stammende OSS 117. Dieses Buch gibt Einblick in die wechselhafte Geschichte von mehr als 50 Jahren James Bond, aber auch in die turbulente Welt des Eurospy. Der Kalte Krieg mag vorbei sein, im (Heim)Kino findet er weiterhin statt. PAUCARD, Alain, La France de Michel Audiard : le demi-sicle des tontonsflingueurs , Sion, Xenia Editions (Indigo), 2013, 164 pages. Michel Audiard a eu le sort posthume quil mritait : rcompens par le public et honni de la critique de son vivant, il est dsormais lev au rang de gloire nationale, y compris et surtout par ceux qui lavaient dnigr. Cest justice : Audiard fixe sur la toile de la vie franaise, entre 1949 et 1985, le temprament gaulois avec, en dominante, lesprit frondeur du Parigot-tte-de-veau. Gabin, Ventura, Blier, Lefebvre, Biraud et bien dautres sont les instruments dune partition qui sonne juste. Le monde a chang, mais pas les ressorts humains qui fondent lternelle comdie des passions. Audiard en est le vivant exemple. Une belle et gouailleuse introduction lunivers d'Audiard par un frre en esprit parisien, assortie dune filmographie : le parfait "vademecum" audiardien. PORTER, Lynnette (ed.), Sherlock Holmes for the 21st Century : Essays on New Adaptations, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, vi, 211 pages. 1. The Noble Bachelor and the Crooked Man: Subtext and Sexuality in the BBCs Sherlock_CARLEN LAVIGNE _2. Sex and the Single Sleuth_ANISSA M. GRAHAM and JENNIFER C. GARLEN _3. "Bromance is so Bromance is so passe": Robert Downey, Jr.s Queer Paratexts_KAYLEY THOMAS _4. The Watson Effect: Civilizing the Sociopath_APRIL TOADVINE _5. "Dont Make People into Heroes, John": (Re/De) Constructing the Detective as Hero_FRANCESCA M. MARINARO and KAYLEY THOMAS _6. Making the Transition: The Modern Adaptation and Recreation of the Scientist Detective Hero_ANA E. LA PAZ _7. A Singular Case of Identity: Holmesian Shapeshifting_RHONDA HARRIS TAYLOR _8. The Process of Elimination: The Americanization of Sherlock Holmes_LYNNETTE PORTER _9. The "Great Game" of Information: The BBCs Digital Native_RHONDA HARRIS TAYLOR _10. Detecting the Technocratic Detective_SVETLANA BOCHMAN _11. Investigating Victorian Propriety in Money Matters_SVETLANA BOCHMAN _12. Welcome to London: The Role of the Cinematic Tourist_LYNNETTE PORTER _13. True to Their Victorian Roots: The House of Silk_LYNNETTE PORTER _14. Bookends of the Great Detectives Life: Neil Gaimans Award-Winning Pastiches_LYNNETTE PORTER


SCHWIEN, Anke, Derrick und Harry : Ein deutsches Krimiphnomen, AV Akademikerverlag, 2012, 128 pages. SKERRY, Philip J., Dark Energy : Hitchcocks Absolute Camera and the Physics of Cinematic Spacetime , London & New York, Continuum, 2013, 208 pages. Philip Skerry's book applies the theories of dark energy and neurocinematics to Hitchcock's technological genius and camera aesthetics, helping to explain the concept of "pure cinema" and providing verification for its remarkable power. Including interviews with physicists and neuroscientists, this study opens up new ways of analyzing Hitchcock's art. TURNBULL, Sue, The Crime Drama , Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press (TV Genres), 2013, 192 pages. As a genre, the television crime drama has long been a constant of the television landscape since it first migrated from film and radio onto the small screen in the 1950s. Since then, from Dixon of Dock Green to The Wire , from Minder to The Sopranos or Cracker to Dexter and The Killing , it has continued to attract large audiences even as the depiction of the crime, the perpetrators and the investigators may have changed. In order to track these changes, this book provides an historical analysis of the TV crime series as a genre by paying close attention not only to the nature of TV dramas themselves, but also to the context of production and reception. VOLLMICKE, Stephan, 40 Jahre Leichenshow Leichenschau. Die Vernderung der audiovisuelle Darstellung des Todes im Fernsehkrimi Tatort vor dem Hintergrund des gesellschftlichen Wandels im Umgang mit Sterben und Tod, Frankfurt, et al, Peter Lang, 2013, 376 pages. VITIELLO, G. (dir.), In nome della legge. La giustizia nel cinema italiano, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino Edizioni, 2013, 177 pages.




ATALLAH, Marc, JACCAUD, Frdric et Francis VALRY (dir.), Souvenirs du Futur. Les Miroirs de la Maison dAilleurs, Lausanne, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2013, 223 pages. Les quelques 100000 objets qui constituent les collections de la Maison dAilleurs, muse de la science-fiction, de lutopie et des voyages extraordinaires bas Yverdon-lesBains en Suisse, sont dune richesse ingale en Europe. Paradoxalement, ils nont t que peu prsents jusqu maintenant. Publi loccasion du vernissage de lexposition permanente Souvenirs du Futur, cet ouvrage propose un point de vue indit sur une culture la fois rpandue et mconnue: celle de la science-fiction et de ses origines. Constitu de neuf textes et de neuf encarts thmatiques, trs richement illustr, ce recueil offre une succession de regards singuliers sur lhistoire de limaginaire conjectural. Contenu: Avant-propos Les Souvenirs du Futur de la Maison dAilleurs, Marc Atallah. Partie I. Prdire le monde: avant la science-fiction: Les Utopies, ces miroirs distancis de la Modernit, Marc Atallah Temptes opportunes et dragons vritables: les voyages imaginaires, Franois Rosset La science anime: vulgarisation et littrature de fiction, Danielle Chaperon Les inventeurs dunivers: lmergence du merveilleux scientifique dans les annes 1850-1900, Michel Viegnes. Partie II. Dire le monde: la science-fiction moderne, une lecture du rel: Linluctable apparition dun genre littraire: la science-fiction (1900-1950), Frdric Jaccaud Lunivers des pulps, Francis Valry A la dcouverte dautres mondes: voyage autour de la bande dessine franco-belge de science-fiction,Alain Boillat Images du corps technologique dans le cinma de sciencefiction, Laurent Guido

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Un discours venu dailleurs (ou presque), Vincent Verselle Postface. Laboureur..., Pierre Bordage Annexes/ Biographies /Remerciements et crdits Lhistoire de la science-fiction selon Ward Shelley BASU, Balaska, Katherine R. BROAD & Carrie HINTZ (dir.), Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults : Brave New Teenagers , New York, Routledge, (Childrens Literature and Culture), 2013, xi, 214 pages. IntroductionBalaka Basu, Katherine R. Broad, and Carrie Hintz Part I: Freedom and Constraint: Adolescent Liberty and Self Determination 1. What Faction Are You In?: The Pleasure of Being Sorted in Veronica Roths Divergent Balaka Basu 2. Coming of Age in Dystopia: Reading Genre in Holly Blacks Curse Workers Series Emily Lauer 3. Embodying the Postmetropolis in Catherine Fishers Incarceron and Sapphique Carissa Turner Smith Part II: Society and Environment: Building a Better World 4. Hope in Dark Times: Climate Change and the World Risk Society in Saci Lloyds The Carbon Diaries 2015 and 2017 Alexa Weik von Mossner 5. Educating Desire, Choosing Justice? Susan Beth Pfeffers Last Survivors Series and Julie Bertagnas Exodus Claire P. Curtis 6. On the Brink: The Role of Young Adult Culture in Environmental Degradation Elaine Ostry Part III: Radical or Conservative? Polemics of the Future 7. "The Dandelion in the Spring": Utopia as Romance in Suzanne Collinss The Hunger Games Trilogy Katherine R. Broad 8. The Future is Pale: Race in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Novels Mary J. Couzelis 9. Technology and Models of Literacy in Young Adult Dystopian Fiction Kristi McDuffie Part IV: Biotechnologies of the Self: Humanity in a Posthuman Age 10. Dystopian Sacrifice, Scapegoats, and Neal Shustermans Unwind Susan Louise Stewart 11. The Soul of the Clone: Coming of Age as a Posthuman in Nancy Farmers The House of the Scorpion Erin T. Newcomb 12. Parables for the Postmodern, Post-9.11, and Posthuman World: Carrie Ryan's Forest of Hands and Teeth Books, M. T. Anderson's Feed, and Mary E. Pearson's The Adoration of Jenna Fox Thomas J. Morrissey. BENNETT, Alice, Afterlife and Narrative in Contemporary Fiction, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, vi, 228 pages. BLAIM, Artur, Gazing in Useless Wonder : English Utopian Fictions, 1516-1800, Oxford & New York, et al., Peter Lang, (Ralahine Utopian Fictions), 2013, 356 pages. BLOUIN, Michael J., Japan and the Cosmopolitan Gothic : Specters of Modernity , New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, xii, 208 pages. BUTLER, Erik, The Rise of the Vampire, London, Reaktion Books, 2013, 175 pages. In The Rise of the Vampire, Erik Butler seeks to explain our enduring fascination with the creatures of the night.

Exploring why a being of humble origins has achieved success of such monstrous proportions, Butler considers the vampire in myth, literature, film, journalism, political cartoons, music, television, and video games. He describes how and why they have come to give expression to the darker side of human lifethough vampires evoke age-old mystery, they also embody many of the uncertainties of the modern world. Butler also ponders the role global markets and digital technology have played in making vampires a worldwide phenomenon. CORBEAU-PARSONS, Caroline, Prometheus in the Nineteenth-Century : from Myth to Symbol, London, Legenda, 2013, 196 pages. DEWITT, Anne, Moral Authority, Men of Science, and the Victorian Novel , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, 273 pages. DOUGHTY, Amie A., Throw the Book Away : Reading versus Experience in Childrens Fantasy, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 197 pages. This book examines the role that books, reading and writing play in childrens fantasy fiction, from books that act as artifacts of power (The Abhorsen Trilogy, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Harry Potter ) to interactive books (T h e Neverending Story, Malice, Inkheart) to books with character-writers (Percy Jackson, Captain Underpants). The author finds that although books and reading often play a prominent role in fantasy for children, the majority of young protagonists gain self-sufficiency not by reading but specifically by moving beyond books and reading. DOWHAM, Mark, Cyberpunk, Paris, Allia, 2013, 64 pages. Loin de n'tre qu'un sous-genre de la science-fiction, le Cyberpunk est un vritable phnomne culturel. Il essaime dans tous les modes d'expression, de la musique la bande dessine en passant par le jeu vido ou mieux encore le cinma, o il excelle. Dans cet univers, "le dingue d'informatique et le rocker se rejoignent". Mark Downham cartographie cette nbuleuse en effervescence. Il en dessine l'esthtique et dissque la gense du phnomne, en le rapportant la critique du spectacle de Debord, ici tendue l'emprise de la technologie sur la vie quotidienne. Pour Downham, l'individu n'est plus dtermin par les seuls mdias mais par l'ensemble des nouvelles technologies qui entranent une vritable virtualisation du rel et de l'avenir. L'essentiel pour lui n'est pas tant de les remettre en cause, mais de critiquer l'utilisation qui en a t faite. cet gard, Blade Runner offre une illustration magistrale de cette drive, film dont Downham livre une analyse passionnante l'aune de cet empire de l'hybride. Le lecteur est entran un rythme effrn, syncop, dans ce monde o le rel et le virtuel ne font qu'un. DUROT-BOUC, Elisabeth, Introduction la fiction gothique : identit et altritlcriture des frontires, Paris, Publibooks,


2013, 138 pages. Ses racines et les sources qui les ont nourries, ses thtres de prdilection, ses chteaux et ses labyrinthes, ses personnages et son rapport au secret et laltrit, sa formidable diffusion et les raisons de sa prennit et de ses rsurgences Ce sont notamment ces traits et ces caractristiques du roman gothique que souligne E. DurotBouc dans cet essai qui dresse le profil de ce type doeuvres, et qui, par-del, inocule chez le lecteur le dsir de se confronter aux textes fondateurs dun mouvement artistique aux tnbreuses efflorescences. ELBERT, Monika & Bridget M. MARSHALL, Transnational Gothic : Literary and Social Exchanges in the Long Nineteenth Century , Burlington (VT), Ashgate, 2013, x, 269 pages. A transnational perspective on American gothic criticism / Sin Silyn Roberts -- Transcultural gothic: Isaac Mitchell's Alonzo and Melissa as an early example of popular culture / Christian Knirsch -- The old gothic and the new: the Trollopes' Wild West / Tamara Wagner -- Frontier bloodlust in England: American captivity narratives and Stoker's Dracula / Roland Finger -- Demonizing the Catholic other: religion and the secularization process in gothic literature / Diane Long Hoeveler -- A woman with a cross: the transgressive, transnational nun in anti-Catholic fiction / Nancy F. Sweet -- The paradox of Catholicism in New England women's gothic / Monika Elbert -- The haunted transatlantic libertine: Edmund Kean's American tour / Melissa Wehler -- Gothic prosody: Monkish perversity and poetics of weird form / Daniel Robinson -Transnational war gothic from the American Civil War to World War I / Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet -- "At rest now": child ghosts and social justice in nineteenth-century women's writing / Roxanne Harde -- All this difficult darkness: lynching and the exorcism of the black other in Theordore Dreiser's "Nigger Jeff" / Keith B. Mitchell -"Duppy know who fi frighten": laying ghosts in Jamaican fiction / Candace Ward -- Stranger fiction: the Asian ghost tales of Rudyard Kipling and Lafcadio Hearn / Mary Goodwin. ENGLIBERT, Jean-Paul, Apocalypses sans frontires : politique des fictions de la fin du monde, XXe et XXIe sicles , Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 204 pages. ESSELN, Anne-Christine, Evil Women and Helpless Men : The Femme Fatale in English Literature and European Arts, Trier, Wiss. Verlag, 2013, 192 pages. FRAUNHOLZ, Uwe, et al., (dir.), Technology Fiction : technischen Visionen und Utopien in der Hochmoderne , Bielfeld, transcript Verlag, 2012, 304 pages. GIACOMO, Jacqueline de, Gothic Twilight : zeitgenssische Gothic Horror Fiction als Texte einer Epochenschwelle, Trier, WVT Wiss. Verlag, 2011, 288 pages. GIBSON, Marion, Imagining the Pagan Past : Gods and Godesses in Literature and

History since the Dark Ages , London, Routledge, 2013, 257 pages. This book shows how important these stories are to the history of British culture, taking the reader on a lively tour from prehistory to the present. From the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century, Marion Gibson explores the ways in which British pagan gods and goddesses have been represented in poetry, novels, plays, chronicles, scientific and scholarly writing. From Geoffrey of Monmouth to Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare to Seamus Heaney and H.G. Wells to Naomi Mitchison it explores RomanoBritish, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon deities and fictions. The result is a comprehensive picture of the ways in which writers have peopled the British pagan pantheons throughout history. GLOT, Claudine, Mlusine : fe, femme, dragon, Rennes, ditions Ouest France, 2013, 69 pages. GALLE, Heinz J., Fehlstart ins Atomzeitalter Die strahlende Zukunft der fnziger Jahre im Spiegel der deutschsprachigen populren Medien , Lneburg, Dieter von Reeken Verlag, 2012, 149 pages. Ein illustrierter Rckblick auf die technikglubigen fnfziger Jahre, in denen der Menschheit ein Goldenes Atomzeitalter versprochen wurde. Das Buch dokumentiert u. a. die damals erschienenen utopischen Romane und Filme, in denen es um atomare Katastrophen und ihre Folgen ging. GRAY, Mike, Transfiguring Transcendence in Harry Potter , His Dark Materials and Left Behind : Fantasy Rhetoric and Contemporary Visions of Religious Identity, Gttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012, 320 pages. Three recent and commercially successful series of novels employ and adapt the resources of popular fantasy fiction to create visions of religious identity: J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter books, Phillip Pullmans Dark Materials and Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins Left Behind series. The act of creating fantasy counter-worlds naturally involves all three stories in the creation of what Mike Gray terms transfigurations of transcendence: hopeful albeit paradoxical encodings of the ambiguous, non-observable reality whose primary locus in modern society is the societally extra-systemic human individual. Popular fantasy fiction turns out to involve acts of world-creation that are inherently religious and inherently paradoxical. HASSELT, Jasmin, Religion und Philosophie im Spiegel zeitgenssischer ScienceFiction , Mnster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2013, 192 pages. HEINECKE, Berthold (dir.), Science Fiction im Barock, Berlin, Weidler Buchverlag, 2013, 244 pages. JAMES-RAOUL, Danile & Peter KUON (dir.), Le Monstrueux et lhumain, Pessac, Presses


Universitaires de Bordeaux, (Eidlon, no 100), 2012, 490 pages. JUNG, Werner, Raumphantasien und Phantasierame : Essays ber Literatur und Raum , Bielfeld, Aisthesis Verlag, 2013, 209 pages. Inwiefern stellt erzhlende Literatur Raumreprsentationen und Reprsentationsrume dar? In neun Essays, die literarische Beispiele vom 17. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert diskutieren, wird der Frage nach Raummodellierungen und -konstellationen nachgesprt: von Orten der Liebe und des Begehrens ist da ebenso die Rede wie von entlegenen Sttten des Verbrechens, von Utopien ebenso wie von (Natur-)Landschaften, von Metropolen und auch der Provinzialitt. KLOCZKO, douard, LEncyclopdie des elfes : daprs loeuvre de J. R. R. Tolkien, Paris, le Pr aux Clercs, 2012, 182 pages. KRGER, Liza & Melanie R. ANDERSON (eds.), The Ghostly and The Ghosted in Literature and Film : Spectral Identities, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2013, xvi, 168 pages. Haunted narratives: women writing the ghostly in early Gothic fiction / Lisa Krger -- City of ghosts: Elizabeth Bowen's wartime stories / Stefania Porcelli -- Those "whose deaths were not remarked": ghostly other women in Henry James's The turn of the screw, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The yellow wallpaper, and Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping / Jana M. Tigchelaar -- These ghosts will be lovers: the "cultural haunting" of class consciousness in Ian McEwan's Atonement / Karley K. Adney -- The spectral queerness of white supremacy: Helen Oyeyemi's White is for witching / Amy K. King -- In the spirit of reconciliation: migrating spirits and Australian postcolonial multiculturalism in Hoa Pham's Vixen / Jessica Carniel -Haunting mothers: alternative modes of communication in Geographies of home and Soledad / Betsy A. Sandlin -Aesthetics of haunting as diasporic sensibility: Julie Dash's Daughters of the dust / Yu-yen Liu -- Women as cultural wound: Korean horror cinema and the imperative of Han / Andrew Hock Soon Ng -- "Help me": interrogating capitalism, the specter of Hiroshima, and the architectural uncanny in Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Pulse / Paul Petrovic. LEDOUX, Ellen Malenas, Social Reform in Gothic Writing : Fantastic Forms of Change, 1764-1834 , New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 238 pages. Breaking with traditional analyses of Gothic literature that limit its influence to a reactive critique of current events, Social Reform in Gothic Writing argues for a new political reading of Gothic writing from England, America, and colonial Jamaica - one that recognizes the transformative power of this popular literature. Authors examined include Horace Walpole, Charlotte Smith, Ann Radcliffe and William Godwin.

LEHTONEN, Sanna, Transforming Invisibility and Age-Shifting in Childrens Fantasy Fiction Since the 1970s, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 222 pages. This book explores representations of girlhood and young womanhood in recent English language childrens fantasy by focusing on two fantastic body transformation types: invisibility and age-shifting. Drawing on recent feminist and queer theory, the study discusses the tropes of invisibility and age-shifting as narrative devices representing gendered experiences. The transformations offer various perspectives on a girls changing body and identity and provide links between real-life and fantastic discourses of gender, power, invisibility and aging. LUOKALLA, Barry B., Exploring Science through Science Fiction, New York, Springer, 2013, 240 pages. Exploring Science Through Science Fiction addresses these and other interesting questions, using science fiction as a springboard for discussing fundamental science concepts and cutting-edge science research. The book is designed as a primary text for a college-level course which should appeal to students in the fine arts and humanities as well as to science and engineering students. It includes references to original research papers, landmark scientific publications and technical documents, as well as a broad range of science literature at a more popular level. With over 180 references to specific scenes in 130 sci-fi movies and TV episodes, spanning over 100 years of cinematic history, it should be an enjoyable read for anyone with an interest in science and science fiction. MATTHEWS, John & Matt DANGLER, Faeryland : The Secret World of the Hidden Ones , New York, Abrams, 2013, 64 pages. MEILLASSOUX, Quentin, Mtaphysique et fiction des mondes hors-science, Paris, Les ditions Aux Forges de Vulcain, 2013, 108 pages. Dans sa nouvelle La Boule de billard, lcrivain Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) raconte comment un clbre physicien, Edward Bloom, fait le pari de fabriquer un dispositif qui quivaudrait crer le mouvement perptuel. Le jour de sa dmonstration, il dvoile une sorte de fontaine dlectrons qui dforme lespace-temps. Pour humilier un de ses collgues sceptiques, James Priss, son rival de toujours, il fait installer lappareil sur une table de billard, jeu dont ils sont tous deux amateurs. Il propose alors Priss dy jouer_Quentin Meillassoux offre une lecture de cette nouvelle, reproduite en annexe de cet essai, qui lamne questionner les concepts qui nourrissent la fiction, la science et la science-fiction. MILLER, Sean, Strung Together : The Cultural Currency of String Theory as a Scientific Imaginary, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2013, 256 pages.


NOVIAN, Michael, Von Ariern und Aliens : vlkische Weltanschauung in der Science Fiction Literatur vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg , Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2013, 192 pages. OTTO, Eric C., Green Speculations : Science Fiction and Transformative Environmentalism , Colombus, Ohio State University Press, 2012, 152 pages. The books receiving ecocritical treatment in Green Speculations include George R. Stewarts Earth Abides (1949), Frank Herberts Dune (1965), Ursula K. Le Guins The Word for World Is Forest (1972), Joan Slonczewskis A Door into Ocean (1986), Kim Stanley Robinsons Mars trilogy (1993, 1994, 1996), and Paolo Bacigalupis The Windup Girl (2009). Otto reads these and other important science fiction novels as educative in their representations of environmental issues and the environmental philosophies that have emerged in response to them. PAGETTI, Carlo, Il senso del futuro. La Fantascienza nella letteratura americana, Milano, Mimesis Edizioni, (Degenere), 2013, 335 pages. La fantascienza ha ispirato il cinema, soprattutto nell'epoca degli effetti speciali. Ma questo affascinante genere ha le sue origini nobili nella letteratura. Questo libro ci guida alle radici della fantascienza, nei romanzi soprattutto di lingua anglosassone. Il primo romanzo del genere "I Viaggi di Gulliver" di Jonathan Swift. Questa la tesi di Carlo Pagetti, uno dei pi brillanti esperti del settore che ha il merito di aver portato studio della fantascienza nelle universit italiane. Da Swift si passa poi a Herbert George Wells, fino ai classici dei nostri tempi come Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick e William Burroughs. Un affascinante viaggio che scopre genere nei suoi ingredienti artigianali, nella struttura narrativa pi genuina, cui la macchina tecnologica del cinema ha solo aggiunto elementi spettacolari. Questo libro l'opportunit di immergersi in un'arte che parla direttamente alla nostra immaginazione, che scava nell'idea sempre in movimento del futuro possibile. PETZOLD, Dieter (dir.), Inklings : Jahrbuch fr Literatur und sthetiK : The Inheritance of the Inklings Zeitgenssische Fantastik und Phantastik , Frankfurt, et al., Peter lang, 2013, 378 pages. Inhalt/Contents: Josef Schreier/Gabriele Heintz: Ist die Wirklichkeit wirklich wirklich? Phantasie und Fantasy eine phnomenologische Annherung Stefanie Giebert: Tolkien or (Celtic) Twilight? Influences on Contemporary Elf Fantasy Kati Voigt: The Inheritance of the Mabinogion: Welsh Mythology in Tolkiens Works and in Recent British Fiction Thomas Fornet-Ponse: Die Immanenz des Transzendenten bei Neil Gaiman Franziska Burstyn: Alice and Mowgli Revisited: Neil Gaimans Coraline and The Graveyard Book Klaudia Seibel: Literatecs, Nursery Crimes, and Dragonslayers: The Fantastic Fictional Universes of Jasper Fforde Dieter Petzold: Fischzge im Meer der Geschichten: Salman

Rushdies postmoderne All-Age-Meta-Fantasy-Fiction Ricarda Schultchen: A Game of Thrones, Indeed: A Lot of Politics and Just a Bit of Magic in George R. R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire Heidi Weig: Rebuilding Yesterday to Ensure Our Tomorrow: An Overview of Steampunk Aesthetics and Literature Matthias Hurst: Unschuld, Gewalt, Verdrngung: Pans Labyrinth und die Schrecken der spanischen Geschichte Laura Muth und Pascal Klenke Pantheon: Reloaded und Pantheon: Revolutions: Darstellungen der griechischen Gtterwelt im zeitgenssischen Film Johannes Rster: Sie sind unter uns: Augmented Reality als missing link zwischen Phantasie und Realitt Axel Koehler: Seumas Bn MacMhuirich - James MacPherson (1736 - 96): Gle und Urvater der heroischen und der unheimlichen Fantasy Anna Wille: Gender and Male Domesticity in G. K. Chestertons The Club of Queer Trades Gerd Strohmeier: Ein Ring ... Gewaltenteilung zu unterbinden: J. R. R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings aus Sicht der Gewaltenteilungslehre Ingmarie Flimm: But cruel is she! Der nicht-menschliche Blick in Matthew Arnolds The Forsaken Merman Elmar Schenkel: Rumnische Phantastik, oder wie ich Mircea Eliade wieder entdeckte. RAYNARD, Sophie (ed.), The Tellers Tales : Lives of the Classic Fairy Tale Writers, New York, University of New York Press, 2013, 192 pages. This book offers new, often unexpected, but always intriguing portraits of the writers of classic fairy tales. For years these authors, who wrote from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, have been either little known or known through skewed, frequently sentimentalized biographical information. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were cast as exemplars of national virtues; Hans Christian Andersens life becamewith his participationa fairy tale in itself. Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, the prim governess who wrote moral tales for girls, had a more colorful past than her readers would have imagined, and few people knew that nineteen-year-old Marie-Catherine dAulnoy conspired to kill her much-older husband. Important figures about whom little is known, such as Giovan Francesco Straparola and Giambattista Basile, are rendered more completely than ever before. Uncovering what was obscured for years and with newly discovered evidence, contributors to this fascinating and much-needed volume provide a historical context for Europes fairy tales. REBHANN, Anja, Von Innen und Aussenrame. Eine Analyse zeitgenssischer deutschsprachiger ScienceFiction Literatur, Bielfeld, Aisthesis Verlag, 2013, 221 pages. Deutschsprachige Science-Fiction-Literatur existiert im literaturwissenschaftlichen Diskurs so gut wie nicht. Sie gilt als trivial; zuweilen wird sogar ihre Existenz bezweifelt. Eine Intention des vorliegenden Bandes ist es daher, Science-Fiction-Texte deutschsprachiger Autoren berhaupt als Thema der Literaturwissenschaft wahr- und ernstzunehmen. Die Untersuchung enthlt umfangreiche Romantextanalysen, die in Verbindung mit auerliterarischen Aspekten Aufschluss geben ber


thematische Tendenzen des Genres. Das Ineinandergreifen von Text und Kontext untermauert nachdrcklich die zugrundeliegende These, dass Science-Fiction-Texte vor allem Aussagen treffen ber die Gegenwart und nicht ber losgelste Konstrukte einer fernen Zukunft. Zeitgenssische Fiktionen weisen eine thematische Flle auf, die von einem hohen Ma an Sachkunde und erzhlerischem Einfallsreichtum flankiert wird. Die Autoren denken Entwicklungen weiter und fungieren als sensible Seismografen ihrer Gegenwart. ROTTENSTEINER, Franz, Im Labor der Visionen : Anmerkungen zur phantastichen Literatur : 19 Aufstze und Vortrgen aus den Jahren 2000-2012, Lneburg, Dieter von Reeken Verlag, 2013, 268 pages. SCARF, Christopher, The Ideal of Kingship in the Writing of Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien : Divine Kingship is Reflected in MiddleEarth, Cambridge, James Clark, 2013, 200 pages SCHFKE, Werner, Wertesysteme und Raumsemantik in den islandischen Mrchen und Abenteuersagas, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter lang, 2013, x, 261 pages. SCHWARTZ, Matthias, Expeditionen in anderen Welten. Sowjetische Abenteuerliteratur und Science Fiction von der Oktoberrevolution bis in die Stalinzeit , Kln. Bhlau Verlag, 2013, 712 pages.[parution reporte en fvrier 2014] Abenteuerliteratur und Science Fiction gehrten in der Sowjetunion zu den beliebtesten Literaturgattungen. Hier konnten die Wunsch- und Schreckensbilder der eigenen Gegenwart in ferne und exotische Welten projiziert werden. Zugleich war diese Boulevardliteratur umstritten. Abenteuerliteratur galt als ideologisch problematische Koloniallektre, whrend Science Fiction den offiziellen Wissenschafts- und Zukunftsoptimismus herausforderte. Erstmals wird dieser vernachlssigte Bereich populrer Literatur hier betrachtet. Der Autor rekonstruiert die publizistischen und internen Debatten um die Genese und arbeitet an exemplarischen Lektren die sich wandelnde Poetik heraus. Er gibt damit auch grundlegende Einblicke in die Funktionsmechanismen und Aporien sowjetischer Kulturpolitik. SIMS, Christopher, Tech Anxiety : Artificial Intelligence and Ontological Awakening in Four Science Fiction Novels, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 242 pages. This project examines the representation of anxiety about technology that humans feel when encountering artificial intelligences in four science fiction novels: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Neuromancer, 2001: A Space Odyssey , and Cloud Atlas. By exploring this anxiety, something profound can be revealed about what it means to be a person living in a technologically saturated society.

While many critical investigations of these novels focus on the dangerous and negative implications of artificial intelligence, this work uses Martin Heideggers later writings on technology to argue that AIs might be more usefully read as catalysts for a reawakening of human thought. A SIGNALER SMITH, Andrew & William HUGHES (eds), Ecogothic, Manchester, Manchester University Press, (International Gothic), 2013, 224 pages. This book will provide the first study of how the Gothic engages with ecocritical ideas. Ecocriticism has frequently explored images of environmental catastrophe, the wilderness, the idea of home, constructions of 'nature', and images of the post-apocalypse images which are also central to a certain type of Gothic literature. By exploring the relationship between the ecocritical aspects of the Gothic and the Gothic elements of the ecocritical, this book provides a new way of looking at both the Gothic and ecocriticism. Writers discussed include Ann Radcliffe, Mary Shelley, Ambrose Bierce, Algernon Blackwood, Margaret Atwood, Cormac McCarthy, Dan Simmons and Rana Dasgupta. The volume thus explores writing and film across various national contexts including Britain, America and Canada, as well as giving due consideration to how such issues might be discussed within a global context.

URBANEK, Hermann, Die Perry Rhodan Chronik : Biographie der grssten Science Fiction Serie der Welt : 1981-1995, Innsbrck, Hannibal Verlag, 2013, 656 pages. UTZ, Peter, Kultievierung der Katastrophe : literarische Untergangsszenarien aus der Schweiz , Paderborn, Fink Verlag, 2013, 295 pages. VOIGHT, Kati & Elmar SCHENKEL (dir.), Sonne, Mond, und Ferne. Der Weltraum in Philosophie, Politik und Literatur, Frankfurt am main, et al., Peter Lang, 2013, x, 167 pages. Inhalt: Ernst Peter Fischer: Der Blick an den Himmel. Die wissenschaftliche Eroberung des Kosmos Peter Enders: Welt, Weltall, Weltenraum Lutz Clausnitzer: Astronomieunterricht und sein Beitrag fr eine vernetzte Allgemeinbildung Gisa Bauer: Weltall im real existierenden Sozialismus. Die Bedeutung des Jugendweihebegleitbuchs Weltall - Erde - Mensch in den 1950er Jahren Rainer Eisfeld: Expansion in den Kosmos Heilserwartungen aus dem Kosmos. Das Weltall als Projektionsflche fr Hoffnungen und ngste Thomas Schipperges: Ein Stndchen ins Weltall an einen unerreichbaren Stern. Bruno Madernas Serenata per un satellite (1969) Elmar Schenkel: Wie der Mensch ein Auerirdischer wurde. Aliens in der frhen Science Fiction 1880-1940 Claudia Dupp: Schwarze Lcher zwischen Science und Fiction. Oder das kosmische Grinsen der


Cheshire-Katze Finn Harder: Zwei Schriftsteller durchqueren den Weltraum. Douglas Adams und Olaf Stapledon Tino Dallmann/Kati Voigt: Sigmund Jhn im Gesprch. WIESER, Veronika, Abendlndische Apokalyptik : Kompendium zur Genealogie der Endzeit, Berlin, Akademischer Verlag, (Kulturgeschichte der Apokalypse, 1). 2013, 738 pages. WRIGHT, Angela, Britain, France and the Gothic, 1764-1820 : The Import of Terror, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism), 2013, 214 pages. Angela Wright explores the development of Gothic literature in Britain in the context of the fraught relationship between Britain and France, offering fresh perspectives on the works of Walpole, Radcliffe, 'Monk' Lewis and their contemporaries.


Vol. 40, no 2, no. 120 July 2013 Alan C. Elms : Building Alpha Ralpha Boulevard David M. Higgins : Psychic Decolonization in 1960s Science Fiction Carter F. Hanson : Memorys Offspring and Utopian Ambiguity in Ursula K. Le Guins The Day Before the Revolution and The Dispossessed Jaak Tomberg : On the Double Vision of Realism and SF Estrangement in William Gibsons Bigend Trilogy Arthur B. Evans : The Apocalyptic Science Fiction of Jacques Spitz Andrea L. Bell : The Critique of Chilean Industrialization in Hugo Correas Avatar Stories M. Elizabeth Ginway : A Paradigm of the Tropical: Brazil in Contemporary AngloAmerican Science Fictin and Fantasy Umberto Rossi : Valerio Evangelisti: The Italian Way to Slipstream REVIEW-ESSAYS Neil Easterbrook : Cognitive Estrangement is Us: Youngquists Cyberfiction After the Future John Huntington : Future Wars: Kromes An Anthology of Science Fiction War Stories, 19141945 and Seeds Future Wars

DES NOUVELLES DU SITE DE BERNARD GOORDEN Au fur et mesure des demandes de certains amateurs, le site www.idesetautres.be exhume certains volumes de la collection IDES ET AUTRES, qui peuvent tre tlchargs GRATUITEMENT. Les Monikins de Fenimore COOPER (1789-1851) a t publi en 1835 et, selon Pierre VERSINS, relve du domaine utopique. En 1993, ce livre a t repris dans IDES ET AUTRES hors commerce N43 (IEAhc43). Il avait t slectionn pour nous par Robert Van Bel, qui avait mis notre disposition la traduction de A. J. B. Defauconpret publie en 1839 Paris par Furne, Charles Gosselin & Perrotin, diteurs.La seconde partie du Cercle hermtique, de Miguel SERRANO(1917-2009; Chili), a fait lobjet de IDES ET AUTRES N11 (IEA11) dbut 1976. El crculo hermtico (Cartas originales de dos amistades) a t publi, une premire fois, en langue espagnole, en 1965. La version franaise tait sous-titre Testaments littraires de Hermann Hesse et Carl-Gustav Jung. IDES ET AUTRES N11 ne prenait en compte que ce qui tait relatif Carl-Gustav JUNG; pour des raisons techniques, il a lui-mme d tre scind en 6 pour cette publication sur INTERNET. On trouve, entre les pages 80 et 81 (quatrime volet du N11 sur INTERNET) la reproduction cette fois intgrale dune lettre (de 10 pages) manuscrite dune extraordinaire importance, crite par le professeur Jung, alit, peu avant sa mort et qui constitue pratiquement son testament idologique. Il y fait allusion la science-fiction la deuxime page.La revue belge MAGORIE (1974) sera galement disponible intgralement.


BR, Jochen (dir.), Die Brder Grimm : Pioniere deutscher Sprachkultur des 21 Jahrhunderts , Gtersloh & Mnchen, Brockhaus/Wissenmedia, 2013, 160 pages. BARANELLI, Luca (dir.), Sono nato in America... : interviste 1951-1985/Italo Calvino, Milano, Mondodari, 2012, xxxiv, 668 pages. BARTOLINI, Simonetta, Il fanciullino nel bosco di Tolkien : la fiaba, lepica e la lingua, Firenze, Polistampa, 2013, 80 pages. BENATTI, Francesca, Sean RYDER & Justin TONRA (eds.), Thomas Moore, Oxford, et al., Peter Lang, (Reimagining Ireland, vol. 24), 2013, 208 pages.


COLLECTIF, Tolkiens Einfluss auf die Fantasie, in Hither Shore, no 9 [Interdisciplinary Journal on Modern fantasy Literature], Jahrbuch 2012 der Deutschen Tolkien Gesellschaft, Scriptorum Oxoniae im Atelier fr Textaufgabe, 2013, 300 pages. COLLECTIF, Jules Verne aujourdhui : Julien Gracq, Michel Serres et Rgis Debray Conversations avec Jean-Paul Dekiss , Paris, le Pommier, (Essais et documents), 2013, 368 pages. Trois conversations entre un spcialiste de Jules Verne et trois de ses amoureux nous permettent de redcouvrir ce grand crivain de la modernit. Julien Gracq, tout en voquant lmerveillement de sa dcouverte, enfant, des Voyages extraordinaires, analyse les vertus littraires et montre laspect gographique de luvre. Michel Serres claire le pan scientifique, la communication, mais aussi les mythes, les religions, la littrature, la philosophie, etc. Rgis Debray sattache au ct humain, social, politique de luvre et son rapport la dmocratie. FUCHS-GAMBCK, Michael & Thorsten SCHATZ, Tolkien in 60 Minuten, Wien & Mnchen, Thiele & Brandsttt Verlag, 2013, 112 pages. GARY, Raymond, 3-Minute Tolkien, Lewes (East Sussex, UK), Ivy Press, 2013, 160 pages. GIULIANO, Stefano, J.R.R.Tolkien. Tradizione e modernita nel Signore degli Anelli, Milano, Bietti, 2013, 346 pages. HANSON, Ingrid, William Morris and the Uses of Violence, 1856-1890, New York Anthem Press, 2013, 230 pages.

feminine in relation to the masculine God - a theological feminism which crosses gender lines - means that qualities we tend to gender as feminine, such as humility, are the qualities essential to being fully human. JAMES, Simon, Maps of Utopia : H.G.Wells, Modernity, and the End of Culture, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, xiv, 230 pages. LAVERGNE, Isabelle, Italo Calvino : crivain du paradoxe , Paris, Hermann, 2012, 300 pages. Aussi importante soit-elle, l'oeuvre de Calvino n'a t jusqu'ici que peu tudie en France. Le prsent livre pallie cette lacune et propose un parcours clairant, autour de la notion de paradoxe, toujours centrale, qui permet de comprendre pourquoi, selon Calvino, les fables sont vraies. LINDOW, Sandra J., Dancing the Tao : Le Guin and Moral Development, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2012, 285 pages. This book covers all of Le Guin's major works such as The Left Hand of Darkness, The Dispossessed, The Earthsea Series, Always Coming Home, The Telling and Lavinia, and it also looks in depth at work that is rarely discussed such as Le Guin's early work, her poetry, and her picture books. McGRATH, Alister E., C. S. Lewis : A Life. Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet, Carol Stream (IL), Tyndale House Publishers, 2013, 431 pages. MEDIC, Bojan, The Guardians of the Fallen Kingdom : Serbias Great Drama in J.R.R.Tolkiens The Lord of the Ring, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013, 190 pages. MEYER, Thomas, Das Grauen im konstruierten Erzhltext : zu E.T.A. Hoffmanns N a c h t s t c k e n , Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2012, 140 pages. MIRTANI, Laura, Les trois visages du Chat Bott : Perrault, Straparola, Basile , Clermont-Ferrand, Editions Paleo, (La collection de Sable), 2012, 114 pages. PANTIN, Isabelle, Tolkien et ses lgendes : une exprience en fiction , Paris, CNRS, (Biblis : littrature), 2013, 320 pages. Etudiant de prs sa vie et ses crits, interrogeant ses amitis, ses gots littraires et ses choix esthtiques, revenant sur les tapes de sa formation universitaire et littraire, analysant ses ractions aux vnements de son temps, Isabelle Pantin replace Le Seigneur des anneaux dans le contexte des annes de sa cration. Elle tudie galement la dynamique de l'oeuvre mme, entreprise d'une vie, entre la Premire Guerre mondiale et les annes 1960, mettant en lumire son


Morris and the Uses of Violence, 18561890 combines a close reading of Morriss work with historical and philosophical analysis in order to argue, contrary to prevailing critical opinion, that his writings demonstrate an enduring commitment to an ideal of violent battle. The work examines Morriss representations of violence in relation to the wider cultural preoccupations and political movements with which they intersect, including medievalism, Teutonism, and the visionary, fractured socialism of the fin de sicle. HILDER, Monika B., The Gender Dance : Ironic Subversion in C. S. Lewiss Cosmic Trilogy , New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2013, 237 pages. The Gender Dance: Ironic Subversion in C. S. Lewiss Cosmic Trilogy, the second volume in a triad, proposes that Lewiss highly nuanced metaphorical view of gender relations has been misunderstood precisely because it challenges Western chauvinist assumptions on sex and gender. Instead of perpetuating sexism, Lewis subverts the culturally inherited chauvinism of masculine classical heroism with the biblically inspired vision of a surprisingly feminine spiritual heroism. His view that we are all


caractre singulier et moderne, ses dimensions multiples, de la posie au mythe, du conte au roman d'aventure. SMIDT, Thorsten (dir.), Expedition Grimm, Dresden, Sandstein-Verlag, 2013, 279 pages. [Erscheint anlsslich der Hessischen Landesaustellung 2013 Expedition Grimm in der Documenta-Halle, Kassel]. SNYDER, Christopher, Tolkiens Reise nach Mittelerde : ein neuer Blick in die Welten J.R.R. Tolkiens , Knigswinter, Heel Verlag, 2013, 352 pages. SZABO, Lucian V., The Facts in the Case of Edgar Allan Poe : Fantasy, Real Life, Science Fiction, Journalism, Saarbrcken, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013, 92 pages. TONKIN, Maggie, Angela Carter and Decadence , New York, Palgrave Macmillan, (Critical Fictions/Fictional Critiques), 2012, vi, 223 pages. Through a series of juxtaposed readings of Carter's fictions alongside the canonical texts to which she alludes, and a discussion of the critical debates surrounding these texts, Angela Carter and Decadence offers a re-examination of Carter's writing practice. Individual chapters examine her intertextual allusions to Hoffmann, Proust, Poe, Baudelaire and Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, with sections on the representation of Woman as doll, Muse and femme fatale. WANG, Liping, Figur und Handlung im Mrchen : die Kinder und Hausmrchen der Brder Grimm im Licht der daoistischen Philosophie, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2013, 320 pages. WILLIAMS, Rowan, The Lions World : A Journey into the Heart of Narnia, New York, Oxford University Press, 2012, xiii, 152 pages. WAUGH, Robert H. (ed.), Lovecraft and Influence : His Predecessors and Successors , Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, (Studies in Supernatural Literature), 2013, 210 pages. In Lovecraft and Influence: His Predecessors and Successors, Robert H. Waugh has assembled essays that are vast in scope, ranging from the Bible through the Edwardian period and well into the present. This collection is devoted to authors whose work had an impact on LovecraftAlexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, and Lord Dunsanyand those who drew inspiration from him, including William S. Burroughs, Ramsey Campbell, Thomas Ligotti, and Stephen King. WYNNE, Catherine, Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Victorian Stage, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 195 pages.

Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Victorian Gothic Stage addresses this lacuna, examining how Stoker's fictions respond to and engage with Victorian theatre's melodramatic climate and, in particular, to supernatural plays, Gothic melodramas and Shakespearean productions that Henry Irving and Ellen Terry performed at the Lyceum. Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Victorian Gothic Stage locates the writer between stage and page. It reconsiders his literary relationships with key actors, and challenges the biographical assumption that Henry Irving provided the model for the figure of Count Dracula. ZANIN, Sergey, Socit idale et horizon dutopie chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau , Paris, Classiques Garnier (LEurope des Lumires), 2012, 327 pages.


ASTON, James & John WALLIS (eds.), To See The Saw Movies : Essays on Torture Porn and Post 9/11 Horror , Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 208 pages. Introduction (James Aston and John Walliss) _"Ive never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them": Ethical Guidance and the Turn Toward Cultural Pessimism (James Aston and John Walliss) _Body Horror (Ben McCann) _The Spectacle of Correction: Video Games, Movies and Control (Evangelos Tziallas) _From Jigsaw to Phibes: God, Free Will and Foreknowledge in Conict (Fernando G. Pagnoni Berns and Amy M. Davis) _A Voice and Something More: Jigsaw as Acousmetre and Existential Guru (Brian H. Collins) 86_Twisted Pictures: Morality, Nihilism and Symbolic Suicide (Steve Jones) _The Jigsaw Assemblage (Jacob Huntley) _Work Is Hell: Life in the Mannequin Factory (Dean Lockwood) _Monstrous Bodies and Gendered Abjection (Madeleine Smith) _Hearing the Game: Sound Design (Jeffrey Bullins) BARKMAN, Adam & Ashley, & Nancy KANG (ed.), The Culture and Philosophy of Ridley Scott, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013, 300 pages. Introduction / Nancy Kang, Ashley Barkman, and Adam Barkman -- Part I. Responsibility, Remembering, Revision: 1. "Good badmen": reading race in Black rain, American gangster, and Body of lies / Nancy Kang; 2. A doubleedged sword: honor in The duellists / James Edwin Mahon; 3. The trans-religious ethics of Kingdom of Heaven / Michael Garcia; 4. Levinasian responsibility in Someone to watch over me, Black rain, and White squall / Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns; 5. Re-membering Vietnam in Somalia: Black Hawk down and ethical militarism in American historical memory / David Zietsma; 6. 1492 and the ethics of remembering / Silvio Torres-Saillant -- Part II. Real Lives, Alienated Lives, Ideal Lives: 7. What's wrong with building replicants? artificial intelligence in Blade


runner, Alien, and Prometheus / Greg Littmann; 8. A villainous appetite: ers, madness, and the food analogy in Hannibal and Legend / Antonio Sanna; 9. Detecting puzzles and patterns in Numb3rs: no one escapes "Scott Free" / Janice Shaw; 10. Celebrating historical accuracy in The duellists / Carl Sobocinski; 11. Conceptions of happiness in Matchstick men and A good year / Basileios Kroustallis; 12. Techno-totalitarianism in Alien / Dan Dinello -- Part III. Gender, Identity, Selfhood: 13. Through space, over a cliff, and into a trench: the shifting. Feminist ideologies of Alien, Thelma & Louise, and G.I. Jane / Aviva Dove-Viebahn; 14. Why doesn't Hannibal kill Clarice? the philosophy of a monstrous romantic in Hannibal / Matthew Freeman; 15. In the guise of character: costumes, narrative, and the reality of artifice in Thelma & Louise / Lorna Piatti-Farnell; 16. Becoming authentic in Matchstick men through the ultimate con / Elizabeth Abele; 17. Virginity in Alien: the essence of Ripley's survival / Sydney Palmer; 18. Gladiator, gender, and marriage in Heaven: a Christian exploration / Adam Barkman. BERTUZZI, Valentina & Antonio F. FAMILIARI, Nuclear Movies. Percorsi del nucleare del cinema di fantascienza, Napoli, Citta del Sole Edizioni, (Lo specchio scuro), 2013, 72 pages. BLAKE, Marc, Writing The Horror Movie, New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 272 pages. BLOUIN, Michael J., Japan and the Cosmopolitan Gothic : Specters of Modernity, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 222 pages. In American discourse, Japan is routinely imagined as a supernatural entity. Gothic tales from these cultures are exchanged, adapted, and consumed. By analyzing this phenomenon, in texts ranging from those of Lafcadio Hearn to the films of Shimizu Takashi, Blouin explores the relationship between the two countries as well as the layers of complexity that accompany constructions of foreignness. Specifically, in response to the rise of a "Global Gothic," Blouin interprets these unsettling works to be evidence of a "cosmopolitan Gothic," one that refuses satisfactory enclosure and advocates a turn inward to re-invigorate dialogues upon the world stage. BOCCIA, L u i g i , The Walking Dead. Levoluzione degli zombie in tv, nel fumetto e nel videogioco, Bari, Universitalia, (Horror Project), 2013, 120 pages. BOTTE, Raphalle, et al, Il tait une fois Tim Burton, Paris, ditions Arola, (Dada), 2013, 56 pages. BOUDOU, Nadine, Les Imaginaires cinmatographiques de la menace : mergence du hros moderne , Paris, LHarmattan (Logiques sociales. tudes culturelles), 2013, 263 pages. Prface de Jean-Bruno Renard. Ce livre montre comment les imaginaires cinmatographiques de la menace d origine naturelle, technologique ou sociale traduisent le climat mental qui se

dveloppe notre poque. L mergence d un hros postmoderne semble tre le signe d une mutation du social. La recherche s appuie sur diffrentes analyses sociologiques du cinma, sur l analyse du contenu d un corpus de trente films raliss durant la premire dcennnie du XXIe sicle, sur des rponses des sondages d opinion auprs de jeunes et sur des textes d observateurs du monde contemporain. CHILESE, Viviana & Heinz-Peter PREUSSER (dir.), Technik in Dystopien, Heidelberg, Carl Winter Verlag, 2013, 272 pages. CLARK, Mark, Star Trek FAQ 2.0. Everything Left to Know about the Next Generation, the Movies and Beyond , Milwaukee (WI), Applause Theater and cinema Book Publishers, 2013, 400 pages. COHEN, David, Pacific Rim : des hommes, des machines et des monstres, Paris, Hugginn & Munninn, 2013, 160 pages. COTTA VAZ, Mark, Guide officiel du film Sublimes cratures, Paris, Hachette, (Black moon), 2013, 142 pages. DESINGER, Bernd & Matthias KNOP (dir.), Frsten der Finsternis : Vampirkult im Film , Mnchen, Belleville Verlag, 2013, 234 pages. DISTELMEYER, Jan, Katastrophe und Kapitalismus : Phantasien des Untergangs , Berlin, Bertz und Fischer, 2013, 138 pages. DOTTORINO, Daniele, Filmare dallabisso. Sul cinema di James Cameron, Pisa, ETS, 2013, 126 pages. FALCONER, Daniel & Andy SERKIS, L e Hobbit : Un Voyage inattendu : chroniques, cratures et personnages , Paris, Fetjaine, 2013, 220 pages. FERRARI, Lucia, La soggettivita cyborg : filosofia e cinema cyberpunk , Trento, Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche, 2013, 158 pages. FISHER, Jude, Le Hobbit : un voyage inattendu : le livre du film, Paris, Fetjaine, 2012, 75 pages. FLENDER, Jana, Ellen Ripley : Arbeiterin, Killermaschine : die Entsetzung und Entwicklung der Actionheldin am Beispiel der Ellen Ripley in der Filmen der Auswirkung auf das Kino der Neuzeit, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2013, 88 pages. FLINTROP, Michael & Marcus STIGLEGGER (dir.), Dario Argento : Anatomie der Angst, Berlin, Bertz & Fischer, 2013, 304 pages. GINN, Sherry, The Worlds of Farscape : Essays ont eh Groundbreaking Television Series , Jefferson (NC), McFarland, (Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy),


2013, 220 pages. Introduction: Through the Wormhole and What Crichton Found There (Sherry Ginn) _Farscape, the Impossible and the Accident (J. P. Telotte) _War and Peace by Woody Allen or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wormhole Weapon (Ensley F. Guffey) _Into the Uncharted Territories: Exploring the Nature of Evil (Robert L. Lively) _The Emperors New Farts: Socioeconomic Disenfranchisement and "Colonic Miasma" (Michael G. Cornelius) _Scaping the Mythic Triad into Uncharted Territories: Hero, Antihero and Villain (Billie Jo Mason) _Friends, Enemies, Partners, Mates: Examining Relationships in the Uncharted Territories (Sherry Ginn) _Joining the Conversation: Ben Browder Writes John Crichton (Jessie Carty) _Friend ... Enemy ... Alien ... Ally: Female Community Aboard Moya (Sherry Ginn) _Sentient Space: Moya as Homeplace (Michael G. Cornelius) 123_Of Big Blue Butts and Bias: The Problem Body (Elizabeth Leigh Scherman) _The Ballad of John and Aeryn (Sherry Ginn) _"Winona has been very reliable": Female Gendering of Weapons in Fiction and Fact (Ensley F. Guffey) _A Legendary Tale: Scapers and the Myth of Fan Power (Tanya R. Cochran) _Primal Scream--With Accompaniment (Jessie Carty) _Appendix A: Farscape Character List _Appendix B: Series Episode List _Appendix C: Farscape Bibliography and Filmography GRANT, Barry Keith, 100 Science Fiction Films, London, British Film Institute, (BFI Film Guides), 2013, 224 pages. HOWDEN, Martin, Game of Thrones A Z, London, John Blake, 2013, 266 page. ISAJA, Peter, Inferno nella stratosfera. Il cinema apocallitico di Hinoshiro Honda, Roma, Profondo Rosso, 2012, 160 pages. JAMES, Paula, Ovids Myth of Pygmalion on Screen : in Pursuit of the Perfect Woman, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, x, 235 pages. Bringing together anexciting range of literary, cinematic, and televisual texts as diverse as Pygmalion, Vertigo, Pretty Woman, Miss Congeniality and Buffy the VampireSlayer, James offers an insightful discussion of the perennial cultural need tofashion and re-fashion women into a fantasy ideal. KOLHFER, Christoph, Markus LHNERT & Mark WEILAND, Phnomen Star Wars, Macht, Religion und Gesellschaft in einem Science Fiction Universum, Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 89 pages. LEHMAN, Jrg, Splatterfilm und Torture Porn. Politische und soziokulturelle Parallele zu dem Amerika der 70er , Mnchen, Diplomica Verlag, 2013, 112 pages. MATTHEW, Michael, et al., World War Z : The Art of the Film, London, Titan Books, 2013, 160 pages.

MIGNON, Olivier & Raphal PIRENNE (dir.), Alphaville Alfaville : Jean-Luc Godard , Bruxelles, SIC, 2013, 110 pages. MOEN, Kristian, Film and Fairy Tales : The Birth of Modern Fantasy , London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, 279 pages. NATHAN, Ian, Terminator Anatomie dun m y t h e , Paris, Huginn Muninn, 2013, 176 pages. OCONNOR, Mimi, Mortal Instrument : L a Cit des tnbres : le guide officiel du film, Paris, Hachette, 2013, 122 pages. OKRAN, Mark & Lieve LITAER, Star Trek : das officielle Wrterbuch Klingonisch Deutsch / Deutsch Klingonisch, Knigswinter, Heel Verlag, 2013, 192 pages. PEIRSE, Alison & Daniel MARTIN (eds.), Korean Horror Cinema , Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2013, xv, 240 pages. Beginning in the 1960s, it traces a path through the history of Korean horror, offering new interpretations of classic films, demarcating the shifting patterns of production and consumption across the decades, and acquainting readers with films rarely seen and discussed outside of Korea. It explores the importance of folklore and myth on horror film narratives, the impact of political and social change upon the genre, and accounts for the transnational triumph of some of Koreas contemporary horror films. While covering some of the most successful recent films such as Phone and A Tale of Two Sisters, the collection also explores the obscure, the arcane and the little-known outside Korea, including detailed analyses of The Devils Stairway and Womans Wail. PPIN, Amlie, Zombie : le mort-vivant autopsi, Qubec, les Intouchables, 2013, 122 pages. Le zombie nest pas une mode. Cr par lhomme pour tre dabord son esclave, ensuite le reflet de ses peurs les plus sombre, il vit enfoui au plus profond de chacun. Au fil du temps, il est parvenu se librer des chanes qui le liaient son crateur. Il parade maintenant dans les rues, crve les crans de cinma, se cache dans les pages de livres et de bandes-dessines exposant, de ce fait, cette crainte viscrale que chaque homme a de lui-mme. De White Zombie 28 Days Later en passant par Down of the Dead, Zombie : le mort-vivant autopsi dpeint le portrait de ce mort qui, pardel la fin du monde, nous survivra. PEZZOTA, Alberto, Mario Bava , Roma, Il Castoro, 2013, 164 pages. PIPER, Bianca, Kulturanalyse des Katastrophenfilms, Hamburg, Dr. Kovac Verlag, 2012, viii, 302 pages. Hurrikane, Vulkanausbrche, Seebeben oder Terrorrangriffe - wann immer Menschen bedroht sind, wird darber exzessiv berichtet. Das mit Katastrophen


verbundene Grauen erschttert, doch es geht auch eine groe Faszination von ihm aus. Nicht umsonst bilden Schreckens_szenarien hufig die Grundlage fr ausgesprochen erfolgreiche Filme, wie Earthquake (1974), Armageddon (1998) oder 2012 (2009). Die Attraktivitt der Katastrophenfiktion liegt vor allem in der mit Angstlust gepaarten Schaulust des Publikums begrndet. Katastrophenfilme affizieren viele Sinne im selben Moment und machen Angst und Lust zugleich. Hufig wird den spektakulren Blockbustern jedoch Wirklichkeitsfremde vorgeworfen. Doch die Popularitt der Filme lsst darauf schlieen, dass abgesehen von den Spezialeffekten, durchaus weitere Faktoren erfolgsentscheidend sind. PRAWER, Siegbert S., Il figli del dottor. Il film come racconto del terror , Milano, Ghibli, 2013, 356 pages. ROMANELLO, Elena, Buffy & Angel. Il senso della vita per cacciatrici e vampiri, Torino, Seneca Edizioni, (Hinomaru), 2013, 232 pages. ROTHHLER, Simon, Battlestar Galactica, Berlin, Diaphanes Verlag, 2013, 112 pages. SALISBURY, Mark, Elysium : lunivers du film, Talence, Akileos, 2013, 176 pages. VILOTIC, Zorica, Atmosphre im Spielfilm : Exemplarische Analyse der Evokation von Angst in Horrorfilm , Mnchen, Diplomica Verlag, 2013, 168 pages. VOIVONA, Natalia, The Cold War in Science Fiction : Soviet and American Science Fiction Films in the 1950s, Anchor Academic Publishing, 2013, 44 pages. For this period, the themes for American science fiction are hyperbolised monsters and invasion, and reflect the fear of the otherness of the Soviet Union, and its threat on domestic ideals. These themes are reflected in movies as 'Angry Red Planet', and 'Them!'. On the other hand, Soviet science fiction movies focus on the heroic Soviet man who frequently receives calls for help from outer space, and overcomes great trials to save those not living in utopia. This storyline is represented in 'Towards a Dream', and 'The Sky is calling'. The author gives special attention to the Soviet movie 'The Sky is calling' and the subsequent redubbed American version 'Battle beyond the Sun'. Further, she addresses alterations or plot, and subtle propaganda messages in the Soviet movies 'Planet of Storms', and the Hollywood remake 'Journey to the Prehistoric Planet'. WHELAN, Andrew, Ruth WALKER & Christopher MOORE (eds.), Zombies in the Academy : Living Death and Higher Education, Bristol, Intellect (UK), 2013, 312 pages. Zombies in the Academy taps into the current popular fascination with zombies and brings together scholars from a range of fields, including cultural and communications studies, sociology, film studies, and education, to give a critical account of the political, cultural, and pedagogical state of the university through the metaphor of zombiedom. The contributions to this volume argue that the increasing

corporatization of the academy - an environment emphasizing publication, narrow research, and a vulnerable tenure system - is creating a crisis in higher education best understood through the language of zombie culture: the undead, contagion, and plague, among others. WRIGHT, Alexa, Monstrosity : the Human Monster in Visual Culture, London, Tauris, 2013, 214 pages. From the Classical Monstrous Races to the Elephant Man , Myra Hindley and Ted Bundy, the visualisation of monsters has always played a part in how society sees itself. But what is their function? This book investigates the human monster in Western culture, both historically and in our contemporary society, arguing that images of 'real' (rather than fictional) monsters help us both to identify and to interrogate what constitutes normality.



ARMANET, Michle, Jean Mardikian et la bande dessine dAngoulme au Mont Ararat, Saintes, Le Croit Vif, 2013, 256 pages. BD, Angoulme et le mont Ararat dont l'arche de No et les neiges ternelles constituent le plus bel horizon d'Erevan, capitale de l'Armnie, voil qui rsume au mieux Jean Mardikian. Sans lui, Angoulme ne serait pas devenue la ville BD par excellence. Sans lui, Erevan n'aurait jamais_lanc un festival de la BD. BELLANO, Marco, Giovanni RICCI & Marco VANELLI, Animazione in cento film, Recco, Le Mani Microarts, (Storia del cinema), 2013, 336 pages. BENOIT, Ted, Camera obscura : vers la ligne claire et retour, Bruxelles, Champaka Brussels, (Bande dessine), 2013, 223 pages. 18 mars 1981. Assis sur des gradins dans le studio de la


tlvision belge en compagnie des autres invits, je regarde, en dessous de moi dans la lumire, Herg, Tchang, Brtcher et les autres intervenants. On s'apprte leur montrer le sujet "Ligne Claire", dont j'ai enregistr, l'aprsmidi mme, le commentaire o je fais dfinitivement allgeance ce style dont Herg est l'initiateur. - Vous connaissez Ted Benoit ?, demande l'animateur. - Non. Ce livre leur dit tout. BOUISSOU, Jean-Marie, Manga : histoire et univers de la bande dessine japonaise, Paris, Philippe Picquier, (Picquier poche), 2012, 459 pages. Ecrit par un passionn de manga depuis plus de trente ans, qui se trouve tre galement un universitaire dont les travaux sur le Japon contemporain font autorit, voici un livre qui prend au srieux le manga et fait le tour (pour y rpondre avec allgresse et pertinence) de toutes les questions que l'on peut se poser son sujet. Il montre comment, partir de ses lointaines origines, le manga a su devenir une puissante industrie et un mdia part entire qui reflte les volutions de la socit et des mentalits collectives japonaises. Il en dchiffre les spcificits graphiques et narratives, les univers imaginaires avec leurs codes et leur morale, et analyse les principaux genres du manga, depuis les sries pour adolescents jusqu'au manga d'horreur en passant par la science-fiction, le postapocalyptique, la pornographie, le politique, le manga d'auteur et bien d'autres encore. CERUSO, Tommaso, Tra Disney e Pixar. la maturazione del cinema danimazione americano , Roma, Sovera Edizioni, (Ciak si scrive), 2013, 160 pages. CIRIKOVIC, Andreas, Sozialkritik in amerikanischen Zeichentrickserien : Am Beispiel der Simpsons , South Park und Futurama , Mnchen, Grin Verlag, 2013, 108 pages. COLLECTIF, Les Personnages de Lucky Luke et la vritable histoire de la conqute de lOuest, Historia (Hors Srie), 2013, 60 pages. COLLECTIF, Superman, lencyclopdie , Paris, Huginn Muninn, 2013, 208 pages. Aprs Batman en 2012, voici la seule encyclopdie officielle sur Superman. A loccasion de ses 75 ans, ce manuel richement illustr rvle toute lhistoire du clbre homme de fer. De ses dbuts dans Action comics en 1938, jusquau relaunch de 2012 et lactualit 2013, voici louvrage essentiel pour connatre et comprendre la naissance et lessor dun vritable mythe plantaire. Avec de nombreux clairages sur ses amis (Lois Lane, Supergirl, La Ligue de Justice) et ses redoutables ennemis (Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Doomsday, etc). CONDRY, Ian, The Soul of Anime : Collaborative Creativity and Japans Media Success Story, Durham, Duke University Press, (Experimental Futures), 2013, 264 p. p

In The Soul of Anime, Ian Condry explores the emergence of anime, Japanese animated film and television, as a global cultural phenomenon. Drawing on ethnographic research, including interviews with artists at some of Tokyo's leading animation studiossuch as Madhouse, Gonzo, Aniplex, and Studio GhibliCondry discusses how anime's fictional characters and worlds become platforms for collaborative creativity. DARIUS, Julian, The Weirdest Sci-Fi Comic Ever Made : Understanding Jack Kirbys 2001 : A Space Odyssey , Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2013, 90 pages. DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FR ANIMATIONSFILME, Traumschmelze : der deutsche Animationsfilm 1930-1950 /German Drawn Animation Film 1930-1950 , Dresden, Sandstein Verlag, 2013, 46 pages. DUNCAN, Randy & Matthew J. SMITH (eds.), Icons of American Comic Books : from Captain America to Wonder Woman, Santa Barbara (CA), Greenwood, 2013, 2 volumes. Icons of the American Comic Book: From Captain America to Wonder Woman contains 100 entries that provide historical background, explore the impact of the comicbook character on American culture, and summarize what is iconic about the subject of the entry. Each entry also lists essential works, suggests further readings, and contains at least one sidebar that provides entertaining and often quirky insight not covered in the main entry. This two-volume work examines fascinating subjects, such as how the superhero concept embodied the essence of American culture in the 1930s; and the ways in which comic book icons have evolved to reflect changing circumstances, values, and attitudes regarding cultural diversity. The book's coverage extends beyond just characters, as it also includes entries devoted to creators, publishers, titles, and even comic book related phenomena that have had enduring significance. EIZYKMAN, Boris, Plates bandes part : esthtique de la bande dessine, Bruxelles, La Lettre vole, (Essais), 2013, 302 pages. Aujourd'hui, alors que le "neuvime art" fait l'objet de cours, de colloques et de publications universitaires, "libert" est bien le matre mot permettant de comprendre l'intrt que nous pouvons porter son univers htroclite, non pas seulement parce que la bande dessine nous donnerait son contact l'illusion de rester en marge de la culture officielle, mais surtout parce que ses recherches plastiques et narratives tmoignent, dans le meilleur des cas, d'une libert radicale de cration, rebelle au formatage de l'industrie culturelle, trangre l'ordre de la communication et ses codes lmentaires. ENGELMAN, Jonas, Gerahmter Diskurs : Gesellschaftsbilder im IndependentComic, Mainz, Ventil-Verlag, 2013, 333 pages.


Es werden Arbeiten von in Deutschland weitestgehend unbekannten Gruppen wie dem sdafrikanischen Bitterkomix-Kollektiv oder den unter dem Namen OuBaPo (Ouvroir de Bande dessine Potentielle) arbeitenden franzsischen ZeichnerInnen untersucht, aber auch Werke von kanonisierten KnstlerInnen aus dem Bereich des Autorencomics wie Marjane Satrapi, Charles Burns, Art Spiegelman, Julie Doucet, David B. oder Joann Sfar. FABBRESCHI, Mirko & Fabio BARTOLI, Cartoon Heroes. Gli artisti di trentanni di sigle TV, Bologna, Kappalab, 2013, 140 pages. GALARDINI, Michele, I Simpsons e il cinema, Pisa, Felici Edizioni, 2013, 186 pages. HEINZE, Ulrich, Japanische Blickwelten : Manga, Medien und Museen im Zeichen knstlicher Realitt , Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2013, 260 pages. HENRY, Matthew A., The Simpsons, Satire, and American Culture , New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, xi, 296 pages. Introduction -- "Entertain and subvert": Fox Television, satirical comedy, and The Simpsons -- "You're an American now": race, ethnicity, and nationality on The Simpsons -"Don't ask me, I'm just a girl": feminism, female identity, and The Simpsons -- "The whole world's gone gay!": gay identity, queer culture, and The Simpsons -- "Upper-lowermiddle-class types": socioeconomic class on The Simpsons --Gabbin' about God: religiosity and secularity on The Simpsons -- Conclusion: American culture, satire and The Simpsons. HOFFMAN, Eric & Dominik GRACE (eds.), Dave Sim : Conversations, Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2013, xxvi, 244 pages. IRVING, Christopher, Des Comics et des artistes, Paris, Muttpop, 2013, 240 pages. Cest dabord par le travail du photographe Seth Kushner que vous rentrez en contact avec les visages de ces hommes et femmes. Ensuite il y a les mots de Christopher Irving pour crire les 50 portraits. Tous ces artistes sont unis par ce dsir de crer des histoires dans un pays qui na eu de cesse de sinventer des hros et des mythologies populaires. Stan LEE le pre des super hros Marvel, Harvey KURZMAN pape de la BD indpendante, Neal ADAMS, Steve DITKO le crateur de Spiderman, Jim LEE, Frank MILLER, Joe KUBERT, Jack KIRBY, Gene COLAN, Jules FEIFFER, Dennis ONEIL, Art SPIEGELMAN, Jaime HERNANDEZ, Chris CLAREMONT, Howard CHAYKIN, Larry HAMA, Grant MORRISON, Mike ALLRED, Joe QUESADA, Davis MACK, Brian Michael BENDIS, Ben TEMPLESMITH, Chris WARE, Paul POPE, Brian AZARELLO LAFARGUE, Jean-Nol, Entre la plbe et llite : les ambitions contraires de la bande dessine, Gap, Atelier Perrousseaux, (Perousseaux BD), 2012, 176 pages. La bande dessine semblait ne pour devenir un genre

littraire visuel exigeant, apte raconter des histoires d'une manire totalement neuve. Il a pourtant fallu prs d'un sicle pour qu'elle devienne consciente de sa propre existence et qu'on la nomme : illustrs, bandes dessines, comics, funnies, fumetti, tebeos, historiettas ou mangas ... Un peu partout, ce succs populaire s'est accompagn de condescendance, de mfiance ou de mpris. Des gnrations de collectionneurs et de passionns ont peu peu cherch dmontrer les qualits de la bande dessine, en l'amenant dans les salles de ventes ou les muses, en fondant des clubs ou des revues. Des auteurs se sont attach traiter des thmes adultes ou importants et produire des oeuvres d'une qualit artistique impossible nier, tandis que des thoriciens se sont passionns pour l'extraordinaire potentiel technique de son langage. Paradoxalement, ces dmonstrations se sont parfois faites au prix d'un dnigrement de la culture populaire de la bande dessine. LEONG, Tim, Super Graphic : A Visual Guide to the Comic Books, San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 2013, 196 pages. Super Graphic offers readers a unique look at the intricate and sometimes contradictory storylines that weave their way through comic books, and shares advice for navigating the pages of some of the most popular, longest-running, and best-loved comics and graphic novels out there. From a colorful breakdown of the DC Comics reader demographic to a witty Venn diagram of superhero comic tropes and a Chris Ware sadness scale, this book charts the most arbitrary and monumental characters, moments, and equipment of the wide world of comics. LEVITZ, Paul, The Golden Age of DC Comics, 1935-1956 , Kln, Taschen, 415 pages. MADISON, Nathan Vernon, Anti-Foreign Imagery in American Pulps and Comic Books, 1 9 2 0 - 1 9 6 0 , Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, vi, 233 pages. In this thorough history, the author demonstrates, via the popular literature (primarily pulp magazines and comic books) of the 1920s to about 1960, that the stories therein drew their definitions of heroism and villainy from an overarching, nativist fear of outsiders that had existed before World War I but intensified afterwards. These depictions were transferred to Americas "new" enemies, both following U.S. entry into the Second World War and during the early stages of the Cold War. MAIGRET, ric & Matteo STEFANELLI (dir.), La Bande dessine : une mdiaculture, Paris, Armand Colin, INA ditios, 2012, 271 pages. De Tintin Titeuf, dAstrix Asterios Polyp, de Superman LAssociation et Death Note, que nous dit enfin la bande dessine sur elle-mme au sortir dun sicle de pollinisations croises entre cultures nationales, de transformations chrysalidiques et de pluralisation authentique ? Je est un autre. Cest bien la formule rimbaldienne qui simpose : je ne suis pas cet ensemble dhistoires destines un public d'enfants ou d'adolescents


auquel vous me destiniez. Sil faut le dire avec force cest que nous sortons peine de deux discours prdominants sur la bande dessine. Lun dnonant une forme dgrade de Culture. Lautre, apologique et militant dont le prix payer en a t une nouvelle essentialisation du mdium qui mimait parfois les positions des dnonciateurs (en les inversant). Pour rompre avec ces discours hrits du sicle pass et finalement assez sclrosants, cet ouvrage aborde une troisime voie, constructiviste . Elle est propose ici par des auteurs qui ne partagent pas toujours les mmes opinions et les mmes ancrages thoriques, mais qui croient en la diversification et en la richesse explosive dune constellation culturelle en expansion. NOLAN, Christopher, Man of Steel : dans lunivers lgendaire de Superman, Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2013, 192 pages. OLIVER, Jorge Flores, Apuntes sobre literatura barata : comics, novela grafica y literatura visual , Mexico, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2012, 131 pages. PANHUIS, Erwin in het, Hinter den schwulen Lachern : Homosexualitt bei den S i m p s o n s , Berlin-Kreutzberg, Archiv der Jugenkulturen, 2013, 205 pages. PIERRE, Michel (dir.), Corto Maltese, 19041925 Rcits du Monde, escales du t e m p s , in LHistoire (Hors Srie) Marianne, 2013, 112 pages. Confronter les historiens au monde de Corto Maltese: la rencontre s'impose tant le hros cr par Hugo Pratt nous plonge, travers ses aventures, au cur des convulsions du XXsicle commenant. Contributions de Jean-Pierre Adam, Annette Becker, Bruno Cabanes, Pierre Chuvin, Jennifer Heurley, Catherine rmen, Pascal ory, Dominique Petifaux, Didier Platteau, Michel Porret, Yves Saint-Geaours, Pierre-Franois Souyri, Oliveir Thomas, Sylvain Venayre, Nicolas Werth, Jean Wirth, Andr Zysberg. RICCA, Brad, Super Boys : The Amazing Adventures of Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster, the Creators of Superman, New York, St Martins Press, 2013, xxi, 423 pages. A comprehensive literary biography of the creators of the Superman character draws on a decade of research and new discoveries to provide coverage of such lesser-known topics as the real inspiration for Lois Lane, Siegel's secret work during World War II and the story behind Siegel's father's suspicious death. Distant planet. The eyes ; The dreamer ; The education of Jerry Siegel ; How to meet your best friend ; Cosmic ; Reign -- Rocket. Into the air ; Morning ; Major ; Next ; Muscle and power ; Frankenstein's monster ; The muse ; The works ; New frontiers ; Top of the world ; How to kill a superman ; Private ; Superboy ; Fifties ; Invisible kid ; Bizarro No. 1 ; 'Nuff said -- Steel. Fortress of Solitude ; Motion ; Bachelor No. 2 ; Both sides ; The House of El.

SCRIMITORE, Raffaella, Le origini dellanimazione italiana : la storia, gli autori e i film animati in Italia, 1911-1949, Latina, Tunu. 2013, 219 pages. Prface de Giannalberto Bendazzi. SPAGNOLETTI, Giovanni & Alessandro IZZI (dir.), Comic Book Movies. Percorsi nel cinema dei supereroi a stelle strisce , Universitalia, (Blow Up), 2013, 224 pages. STEIN, Daniel & Jan-Nol THON (eds.), From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels : Contributions to the Theory and the History of Graphic Narrative, Berlin, et al., De Gruyter, (Narratologia), 2013, vi, 416 pages. STRMBERG, Frederik, Jewish Images in the Comics : A Visual History, Seattle (WA), Fantagraphic Books, 2012, 424 pages. VANIN, Laurence, Tintin & Herg : une aventure de la pense , Albi, La Hutte, (Essais), 2013, 180 pages. Prface de Philippe Allard. Pouvons-nous voquer une tintinsophie, cest--dire dfendre lide que les aventures de Tintin contiennent une sophia ou sagesse? La philosophie, en qualit de discipline autonome, peut-elle clairer loeuvre dHerg et mettre en lumire la prsence dune certaine sagesse dissimule dans les albums de Tintin? Lauteur fait-il rfrence des philosophes ou des courants de pense? En ce cas, cela signifierait que le philosophe tend faire une relecture, certes subjective mais bien relle, des albums de Tintin et des indices que Herg a bien voulu laisser la disposition de ses lecteurs, par le prisme de lhistoire des ides. WALLACE, Daniel, Man of Steel : Inside the Legendary World of Superman, San Rafael, Insight Editions, 2013, 184 pages. YOKOTA, Masao & TZE-YUE, G. Hu (eds.), Japanese Animation : East Asian Perspectives , Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 3013, 256 pages. "Japanese Animation: East Asian Perspectives makes available for the first time to English readership a selection of viewpoints from media practitioners, designers, educators, and scholars working in the East Asian Pacific. This collection not only engages a multidisciplinary approach in understanding the subject of Japanese animation but also shows ways to research, teach, and more fully explore this multidimensional world. Presented in six sections, the translated essays cross-reference each other. The collection adopts a wide range of critical, historical, practical, and experimental approaches. This variety provides a creative and fascinating edge for both specialist and nonspecialist readers. Contributors works share a common relevance, interest, and involvement despite their regional considerations and the different modes of analysis demonstrated. They form a composite of teaching and research ideas on Japanese animation"



La Socit des super-hros : conomie sociologie politique Paris, Ellipses, (Culture Pop) 2013, 192 pages. Prface de Martin Winckler
Des super-hros pour comprendre lconomie, la sociologie, la science politique ? Le super-hros est une figure universelle : n dans les pages des comicbooks les bandes dessines amricaines , devenu par le cinma et les jeux vidos un des symboles de la culture de masse mondialise, il a su mme franchir les frontires de la culture populaire pour passer dans la littrature et lart moderne. Aujourdhui il descend dans la rue, sous la forme des RealLife Superheroes, des citoyens qui portent le masque et la cape pour donner laction sociale une nouvelle lgitimit. Le super-hros, finalement, est le reflet de la socit qui la cr : conomie, culture, politique, on retrouve dans ses aventures tous les traits du modle occidental industriel libral et dmocratique, exposs, parfois de faon mtaphorique, par des auteurs qui le plus souvent ne font que reporter inconsciemment les valeurs et les normes de la socit globale.Quest-ce que lducation selon mile Durkheim ? Rponse avec les aventures de Hellboy. Comment comprendre la thorie des avantages comparatifslabore par David Ricardo ? Batman peut nous y aider. Les X-Men sont-ilsdes dviants au sens de lapproche interactionniste dHoward Becker ? Le pouvoir de Superman peut-il driver vers ce quHannah Arendt appelait un systme totalitaire ? Ce sont quelques-unes des questions que ce livre aborde de faon ludique et didactique.

Aneignung sowie die politischen, knstlerischen und ideologischen Faktoren, die diese beeinflusst haben, werden anhand von Filmen wie "Bull Arizona, der Wstenadler" (1919), "Die Geier der Goldgruben" (1919), "Der Schatz im Silbersee" (1962), "Die Shne der groen Brin" (1965), "Beloe solnce pustyni" ("Weie Sonne der Wste", 1969), "Jaider, der einsame Jger" (1971), "Fr ein paar Dollar mehr" (1965), "Touche pas la femme blanche" (1973), "Quin sabe" ("Tte Amigo", 1966) oder "Le vent d est" ("Ostwind", 1969/70) hervorgehoben. BOSSLER, Carola, Frauenbilder im Wandel ? Weibliche Hauptfiguren im USamerikanischen Frauenwestern der 1990er Jahre, Diplome, Postdam Babelsberg, 2013, 115 pages. FUNKE, Klaus, Die Geistesbrder : Roman einer Knstlerfreunschaft : Karl May und Sascha Schneider , Husum, Husum Dr. und Verlag. Ges., 2013, 428 pages. JAKAB, Manuel, The Ubiquituous Frontier : generalisierte Werte der zivilen Religion und der Kultur der Moderne der USA im Western, Mnchen, AVM, 2012, 1745 pages. KILLING, Uwe, Dreckige Spaghetti : die glorreiche Geschichte des Italowestern, Hfen, Hannibal Verlag, 2013, 242 pages.


BOCK, Hans-Michael, Jan DISTELMEYER, & Jrg SCHNING (dir.), Europa im Sattel : Western zwischen Sibirien und Atlantik, Mnchen, ditions Text + Kritik, (Ein Cinegraph Buch), 2012, 175 pages. Film-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftler aus Deutschland, sterreich, Italien, England, Russland und Tschechien analysieren die Auseinandersetzung europischer Filmschaffender mit dem Genre von den ersten Wildwest-Szenen der Stummfilmzeit, ber den vlkerverbindenden Idealismus der westdeutschen KarlMay-Verfilmungen bis zu den postmodernen Adaptionen der Gegenwart. Verschiedene Formen und Strategien der LIANDRAT-GUIGUES, Suzanne, Rio Bravo, de Howard Hawks : Just the Memory of a Song , Paris, LHarmattan, (Le parti pris du cinma), 2013, 122 pages. Rio Bravo (1959) constitue pour nombre de spectateurs une rfrence absolue en matire de western. La musique de Dimitri Tiomkin et les chansons ayant pour interprtes Dean Martin et Ricky Nelson participent grandement au plaisir procur. Avec ses cow-boys pris dans les contradictions humaines de l'ge et des sentiments, cette histoire offre une prise de conscience sur l'Ouest mythique laquelle la reprsentation cinmatographique contribue.


LACOUE-LABARTHE, Mathieu, Les Indiens dans le western amricain, Paris, Presses Universitaires de la Sorbonne, (Mondes anglophones), 2013, 510 pages. L'tude de 600 films raliss entre 1930 et 2005 permet Mathieu Lacoue-Labarthe d'valuer, pour la premire fois, l'importance relle des Indiens au sein du western en tenant compte de la nette domination, jusqu'au milieu des annes 1950, de sa version de srie B. Son ouvrage associe l'tude quantitative du genre et des analyses prcises de certains films. Il fait une large place aux Indiennes et aux Mtis, aborde l'ensemble des aspects de la reprsentation des Indiens et les confronte aux tmoignages d'auteurs blancs et indiens. Les mutations de la socit et du cinma amricains sont ainsi mises en lumire en mme temps que l'volution de l'image des Indiens dont elles sont la cause. MAIER, Katharina, Nscho-Tschi und ihre Schwestern. Frauengestalten im Werk Karl Mays , Bamberg, Karl-May Verlag, 2012, 460 pages. ROTHHLER, Simon & Tom HOLERT, Deadwood , Berlin, Diaphanes Verlag, 2013, 112 pages. SINGER, Michael, et al, The Lone Ranger : Behind the Mask. On the Trail of an Outlaw Epic , San Rafael, Insight Editions, 2013, 168 pages. Taking in the dust-blown sets in Albuquerque, the epic vistas of Monument Valley, and the sound stages of Los Angeles, this is the complete story of a truly epic production augmented by stunning photography and concept art, along with candid snapshots from the crew. Also featuring afterwords by Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer, an introduction by Gore Verbinski, and a special photo foreword from Jerry Bruckheimer, The Lone Ranger: Behind the Mask is the ultimate companion to the most exciting film of 2013. SMITH, Dean, Cowboy Stuntman : from Olympic Gold to the Silver Screen, Lubbock, Texas Tech University Press, 2013, xviii, 249 pages. [Dean Smith with Mike Cox. Foreword by James Garner]. Dean Smith has taken falls from galloping horses, engaged in fistfights with Kirk Douglas and George C. Scott, donned red wig and white tights to double Maureen OHara, and taught Goldie Hawn how to talk like a Texan._ Hes dangled from a helicopter over the skyscrapers of Manhattan while clutching a damsel in distress, hung upside down from a fake blimp 200 feet over the Orange Bowl, and replicated one of the most famous scenes in movie history by climbing on a thundering team of horses to stop a runaway stagecoach._ Cowboy Stuntman chronicles the life and achievements of this colorful Texan and Olympic gold medal winner who spent a half century as a Hollywood stuntman and actor, appearing in ten John Wayne movies and doubling for a long list of actors as diverse as Robert Culp, Michael Landon, Steve Martin, Strother Martin, Robert Redford, and Roy Rogers.

Rcits de guerre

BULTRINI, Nicola & Antonio TENTORI, Il cinema della grande guerra , Chiari, Nordpress, 2013, 160 pages. CAMARADE, Hlne, et al (dir.) le Nationalsocialisme dans le cinma contemporain, Villeneuve dAsq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, (Mondes germaniques), 2013, 285 pages. Hitler fait-il vendre ? On peut se poser la question face la recrudescence de films sur le national-socialisme raliss dans l'Allemagne runifie : La Chute, Opration Walkyrie, Rosenstrasse, Sophie Scholl. Ces films ont pour thmes principaux les dernires heures du rgime, la rsistance allemande ou la perscution des Juifs. Partant du constat que le cinma se fait le reflet des interrogations et des aspirations qui travaillent une socit un moment donn de son histoire, les auteurs ont tudi les fictions cinmatographiques et tlvisuelles allemandes des deux dernires dcennies. DOCHARTAIGH, Pol O & Christiane SCHNFELD, Representing the Good German in Literature and Culture after 1945, Rochester (NY), Camden House, 2013, viii, 261 pages. This volume of new essays explores postwar and recent representations of "good Germans" during the Third Reich, analyzing the logic of moral behavior, cultural and moral relativism, and social conformity found in them. It thus draws together discussions of the function and reception of "Good Germans" in Germany and abroad. Contributors: Eoin Bourke, Manuel Bragana, Maeve Cooke, Kevin De Ornellas, Sabine Egger, Joachim Fischer, Coman Hamilton, Jon Hughes, Karina von Lindeiner-Strsky, Alexandra Ludewig, Pl O Dochartaigh, Christiane Schnfeld, Matthias Uecker.


Johnny Chien Mchant est le roman-tmoignage d'Emmanuel Dongala sur la guerre civile dans son pays, le Congo-Brazzaville. La trame de Johnny Mad Dog, adapt du roman de Dongala, est construite autour de la guerre civile librienne. Le film, tourn Monrovia, est prsent comme une thrapie pour ses acteurs, eux-mmes d'anciens enfants-soldats libriens. Mais cette vocation humanitaire proclame est en ralit le prtexte une falsification de l'histoire rcente du Congo-Brazzaville. LIARDET, Didier, L e s Ttes brles : les corsaires du Pacifique, Draguignan, ditions Yris, (Tlvision en sries), 2013, 286 pages. Ouvrage de rfrence sur la seule srie culte ayant pour sujet principal l'aviation. Histoire romance de l'pope des pilotes hors pair de l'escadrille 214. Tmoignages exclusifs d'acteurs et du crateur Stephen J.Cannell. Biographie du colonel " Pappy" Boyington et des acteurs. Mise en parallle des avions Corsair et des Zro. + de 500 photos, couleur et N&B MACHTANS, Karolin & Martin A. RUEHL (ed.), Hitler Films from Germany : History, Cinema and Politics since 1945, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, xvi, 251 pages. Introduction; K.Machtans & M.Ruehl _PART I TOTEM AND TABOO_The Fhrer's Fake: Presence of an Afterlife; E.Rentschler _'Hitler's shadow still looms over us': G.W. Pabst'sThe Last Ten Daysas Film and Event; M.Tteberg _ Our Hitler: A Film by Hans-Jrgen Syberberg; T.Elsaesser _PART II ANOTHER HITLER_Entombing the Nazi Past: On Downfall and Historicism; S.Hake_Tragedy and Farce: Dani Levy's M e i n Fhrer; M.D.Richardson_ Man, Demon, Icon: Hitler's Image between Cinematic Representation and Historical Reality; M . E l m _ Hitler Wars: Guilt and Complicity from Hirschbiegel to Harald Schmidt; M.Butter _PART III APPROXIMATIONS_Hitler Nonfictional: On Didacticism and Exploitation in Recent Documentary Films; K.Stutterheim _Encountering Hitler: Seductive Charisma and Memory Spaces in Heinrich Breloer's Speer& Hitler; A.Bangert_Conclusion: Far Away So Close: Loving to Hate Hitler; J.von Moltke STEVENSON, Randall, Literature and the Great War, 1914-1918 , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, 262 pages. STROMDRFER, Hans, Watching the Enemy : Propagandafilme in Zweiten Weltkrieg , Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2013, 106 pages. SSELBECK, JAN, Im Angesicht der Grausamkeit : emotionale Effekte literarischer und audiovisueller Kriegsdarstellung vom 19 bis zum 21 Jahrhundert , Gttingen, Wallstein, 2013, 520 pages.

GJELSVIK, Anna & Rikke SCHUBART (eds.), Eastwoods Iwo Jima : Critical Engagements with Flags of Our Fathers a n d Letters from Iwo Jima, New York, Wallflower Press, 2013, 256 pages. With Flags of Our Fathers (2006) and Letters from Iwo Jima (2006), Clint Eastwood made a unique contribution to film history, being the first director to make two films about the same event. Eastwood's films examine the battle over Iwo Jima from two nations' perspectives, in two languages, and embody a passionate view on conflict, enemies, and heroes. Together these works tell the story behind one of history's most famous photographs, Leo Rosenthal's "Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima." GWERDER, Philip, Gothic Identities : War, Atrocities and Doubles in Philip Caputos Fiction, Tbingen, Francke, 2013, 294 pages. HAAK, Sebastian, The Making of the Good War : Hollywood, das Pentagon und die amerikanische Deutung des Zweiten Weltkriegs, Padeborn & Mnchen, Schningh Verlag, 2013, 331 pages. JNGER, Ernst, Kriegstagebuch, 19141918, [Hrsg. von Helmuth KIESEL], Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 2013, 655 pages. KALSCHEUER, Daniela, Sieg Heil ? Strategien zur mentalen Aufrstung im deutschen Weltkriegsfilm 1931-1939, Mnchen, Text + Kritik, 2013, 620 pages. KAPPELHOFF, Hermann, David GAERTNER & Cilli POGODDA (dir.), Mobilisierung der Sinne : der Hollywood-Kriegsfilm zwischen Genrekino und Historie, Berlin, Vorwerk 8, 2013, 384 pages. KADI, Germain-Arsne, De Johnny Chien mchant dEmmanuel Dongola Johnny Mad Dog de Jean-Stphane Sauvaire, Paris, LHarmattan, 2013, 210 pages.


BIASIN, Enrico, Oscenita di brand. LIndustria culturale della pronografia audiovisia, Milano, Mimesis Edizioni, 2013, 71 pages. CHEVAILLIER, Flore, The Body of Writing : An Erotics of Contemporary American Fiction , Colombus, Ohio State University Press, 2013, x, 161 pages. Erotic etudes : theory of the self and language -- Semiotics and erotics in Joseph McElroy's Plus -- "A certain pulsing" : the erotic page in Carole Maso's AVA -- Erotics and corporeality in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's DICTEE -Bodily and literary modifications in Steve Tomasula's VAS: an opera in Flatland. DE LA CROIX, Arnaud, Lrotisme au Moyen-ge : le corps, le dsir et lamour, Paris, Tallandier, (Texto : le got de lhistoire), 2013, 168 pages. La civilisation mdivale, taxe tort d'obscurantisme, fut extrmement inventive dans les domaines du dsir et de la sexualit. A la fin du XIe sicle, les premiers troubadours chantent la sensualit, la femme, l'adultre, et influencent progressivement les comportements amoureux en Occident, en rupture avec l'hritage antique. Au XIIIe sicle, le Roman de la Rose signe avec clat la fin du grand rve courtois et, dans les fabliaux, le sexe s'affiche crment. Nombre de sculptures figurent l'obscnit, tandis que les rites carnavalesques voquent une sexualit pulsionnelle, lie des traditions populaires trs peu chrtiennes. En dfinitive, l'rotisme mdival, riche et contrast, ne cesse de nous surprendre et de nous interroger. DI MARINO, Bruno, Hard Media. La pornografia nelle arti visive, nel cinema e nel web , Milano, Johan & Levi, 2013, 182 pages. GARRANDES, Alberto, Sexo de cine : visitaciones y goces de un peregrino , Ciuadad de la Habana, Ediciones ICAIC, 2012, 260 pages. GIARD, Agns, Les histoires damour au Japon : des mythes fondateurs aux fables contemporaines, Grenoble, Glnat, 2012, 510 pages. GWYNNE, Joel, Erotic Memoirs and Postfeminism : The Politics of Pleasure, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, vi, 126 pages. "While books such as Belle de Jour's "The Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl " and Catherine Millet's

"The Sexual Life of Catherine M." captured the imagination of the reading public and marked the contemporary erotic memoir as a publishing phenomenon, the genre has received comparatively scarce scholarly attention. Through examining the cultural dominance of the figure of the 'phallic girl' (or 'ladette') in the early 21st century, this pioneering study explores the conflict that arises when the female-authored erotic memoir - a genre that holds enormous feminist potential - is co-opted by postfeminist cultural praxis. By analyzing the impact of the mainstreaming of pornography and the emergence of new communication technologies on conceptualizations of intimacy, agency and feminine sexual subjectivities, "Erotic Memoirs and Postfeminism" presents a broad critical survey of the genre and positions contemporary women's erotic memoirs as contradictory spaces in which female sexual autonomy is both actively celebrated and perniciously disavowed. The book also offers the first sustained critical analysis of a range of contemporary memoirs, including Abby Lee's "Girl with a One Track Mind", Melissa P.'s "One Hundred Strokes of the Brush Before Bed" and Tracy Quan's "Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl", amongst others." MADDISON, Stephen & Federico ZECCA, Gli estremi dellhard. Due saggi sul porno contemporaneo , Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 58 pages. SMITH, Clarissa, Recitare il porno. Il sesso e l il corpo performante, Milano, Mimesis, 2013, 50 pages.

RCITS HISTORIQUES littrature -cinma

BOURGET, Jean-Loup, Cecil B. De Mille, le gladiateur de Dieu , Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2013, 207 pages. EVIN, Guillaume, LHistoire fait son cinma : en 100 films, de La Guerre du f e u D m i n e u r s , Paris, ditions de la Martinire, 2013, 239 pages. Depuis l'invention du cinma muet, l'histoire a toujours fait son cinma. Autrement dit, l'industrie cinmatographique s'est souvent empare d'un phnomne historique, pour le magnifier, souvent ; pour le revisiter, aussi, prenant parfois quelques liberts par rapport la ralit des vnements. De la prhistoire la guerre en Irak, de Cloptre Napolon, en passant par Jeanne d'Arc, certaines priodes, certains vnements, certaines figures ont ainsi t capts avec brio par l'oeil averti de cinastes du monde entier (Kubrick, Visconti, Eisenstein, Lean, Renoir, Mankiewicz, Tavernier, Malle, Spielberg, Malick, Coppola, Bertolucci). Ce livre richement illustr, prfac par Costa-Gavras, offre un panorama des cent meilleurs films historiques - oeuvres alliant la fois qualit artistique et rfrence au pass -, de


La Guerre du feu Dmineurs, via Spartacus, Barry Lyndon, La Grande Illusion ou encore Lincoln. Chaque analyse est maille de propos d'historiens, d'historiens du cinma ou des cinastes eux-mmes et complte des dates essentielles pour apprhender vnement, priode ou personnage historique. FRIEDRICH, Hans-Edwin (dir.), Der historische Roman : Erkundung einer populren Gattung , Frankfurt, et al, Peter Lang, 2013, 334 pages. Inhalt: Hans-Edwin Friedrich: Die Wiederkehr des historischen Romans seit den 1980er Jahren ClausMichael Ort: Handlungshemmung und Werkstiftung. Joseph Victor von Scheffels Ekkehard. Eine Geschichte aus dem zehnten Jahrhundert (1855) und die fingierte Selbsthistorisierung des historischen Erzhlens Hermann Knebel: Literatur und Geschichte in Felix Dahns Ein Kampf um Rom Michael Dring: Henryk Sienkiewicz, Quo vadis? Ole Petras: Eine unumgngliche Gegenwart. Zu Christoph Ransmayrs Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis Stephan Opitz: Gisbert Haefs, Hannibal. Der Roman Karthagos Hans-Edwin Friedrich: Ich mute mich endlich den Enigmata stellen, die mir das Buch meiner Kindheit auferlegt hatte. Peter Berling, Die Kinder des Gral Ulrich Kinzel: Wilde Historie. Thomas Pynchon, Mason & Dixon (1997) Ingo Irsigler: World Gone Wrong. Christian Krachts alternativhistorische Antiutopie - Ich werde hier sein im Sonnenschein und im Schatten Albert Meier: Noah Gordon: The Physician / Der Medicus Silke Gttsch-Elten: Tanja Kinkel, Die Puppenspieler (1993) Kristin Eichhorn: Der historische Roman als antiinstitutionelle Bildungsquelle. Zur Funktion des Historischen in Rebecca Gabls Das Lcheln der Fortuna (1997) Christoph Rauen: Spektakulre Geschichtsverbesserung Iny Lorentz: Die Wanderhure (2004) Maike Schmidt: Der historische Regionalkrimi Nikolas Buck: Der deutschsprachige historische Roman 1985-2010/2011. GOTTLIEB, Evan, Walter Scott and Contemporary Theory, London, Bloomsbury, 2013, 187 pages. KOLLER, Wolfgang, Historienkino im Zeitalter der Weltkriege : Revolutions und napoleonische Kriege in der europische Erinnerung, Paderborn, Schningh, 2013, 342 pages. KOVAL, Marta, We search the past...for our own lost selves : Representations of Historical Experience in Recent American Fiction , Frankfurt am Main, New York et al., Peter Lang, 2013, 255 pages. LIPTAY, Fabienne & Matthias BAUER (dir.), Filmgenres : Historien und Kostumfilm, Ditzinger, Reclam , Philip, jun. Gmbh, 2013, 428 pages. OTERO-BLANCO, Angel, El enves de la trama : el segundo plano en la literatura de Arturo Prez-Reverte, Vigo, Academia del Hispnismo, 2012, 230 pages.

PAUL, Joanna, Film and the Classical Epic Tradition , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, x, 334 pages. VANDEN BERGHE, Kristine, Las novelas de la rebellion zapatista , Oxford, et al., Peter Lang, 2012, 163 pages. WELDT-BASSON, Helene (ed.), Redefining Latin American Historical Fiction : The Impact of Feminism and Postcolonialism, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, viii, 263 pages. 1. Redefining Latin American Historical Fiction: The Impact of Feminism and Postcolonialism; Helene Carol Weldt-Basson_2. Ashes of Izalco : Female Narrative Strategies and the History of a Nation; Patricia Varas_3. In Search of the Absent Revolution: Edgardo Rodrguez Julia's Novels of Invented History; Vctor Figueroa _4. The Galleys of History: Mirages and Madness of a Journey; Fernando Burgos_5. Archaeologies of Identity: Revisions of the City and the Nation in Two Novels by Ana Mara Torres; Elda Stanco_6. Santa Evita, History, Fiction, and Myth: A Narrative from Another Side; Marcelo Coddou _7. Chaos and Simulations of History in Mujer en traje de batalla ; Ftima R. Nogueira_8. The Plural History of Memory: A Polyphonic Novel by ngela Hernndez; Ester Gimbernat Gonzlez_9. Unsubmissive Imaginaries in the Contemporary Brazilian Historical Novel: A Reading of Um defeito de cor by Ana Maria Gonalves; Maria Josele Coehlo_10. El sueo del celta: Postcolonial Vargas Llosa; Helene Carol Weldt-Basson_ WANGER, Walter, My Life with Cleopatra : The Making of a Hollywood Classic, New York, Vintage, 2013, 340 pages. ZERNIK, Cllia, Les Sept Samouras , de Akira Kurosowa : chorgraphies, Crisne, Yellow Now, (Ct Films), 2013, 110 pages. MINI-DOSSIER : PIRATES !

COLLECTIF : En mer avec les pirates et les corsaires , dans le Figaro Histoire, no 9, aot-septembre 2013,pp. 44-106.


PROUST TANGUAY, Julie, Pirates ! La Lgende du drapeau noir, Lyon, Les Moutons lectriques, (La Bibliothque des miroirs, no 21), 2013, 228 pages. Long John Silver, Barbe Noire, Jack Sparrow Jambes de bois, perroquets, rhum, trsors Autant dimages qui tissent, dans nos esprits, la figure du pirate. tonnante vitalit que celle de ce rufian qui, de lAntiquit nos jours, sest toujours illustr dans nos imaginaires, quel quen soit le support dexpression! Jadis barbare, hors-la-loi, source de terreur et de cruaut; aujourdhui, symbole de libert, de rsistance et daventure. Comment expliquer une telle volution? Embarquez sous le pavillon noir pour dcouvrir les distorsions de la lgende de ces bandits qui, aprs avoir parcouru les sept mers, hantent dsormais le cyber-espace


Jahrhunderts, Gtersloh, Wissenmedia, 2013, 160 pages. BARON, Andrea & Kai SPLITTGERBER (dir.), Helden der Kindheit : aus Comic, Film und Fernsehen , Frankfurt, Edition Bchergilde, 2013, 320 pages. BITTNER, Christian, Literarizitt und Komplexitt der Jugendliteratur zur Jahrtausenwende, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2012, 390 pages. CVIN, Evelyne (dir.), Du ct des frres Grimm et dAlexandre Afanassiev : quelques collectes de contes europens, Paris, BNF, Centre national de la littrature jeunesse, 2013, 139 pages. CHEISSOUX, Denis & Vronique CORGIBET, Les Indispensables de Las-tu lu mon ptit loup ?, Paris, Gallimard Jeunesse, 2012, 101 pages. Prface dErik Orsenna. CLERMONT, Philippe, Laurent BAZIN & Danile HENKY (dir.), Esthtique de la distinction : gender et mauvais genres en littrature de jeunesse , Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2012, 351 pages. COLIN, Mariella (dir.), La Littrature jeunesse italienne du XXe sicle , Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2011, 233 pages. CORBETT, Sue, Gary Paulsen , New York, Marshall Cavendish, (Spotlight on Childrens Authors), 2013, 48 pages. CORBETT, Sue, Cornelia Funke, New York, Marshall Cavendish, (Spotlight on Childrens Authors), 2013, 48 pages. CROSETTO, Alice & Rajinder GARCHA, Death, Loss, and Grief in Literature for Youth : A Selective Annotated Bibliography for K-12, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, 2013, 266 pages. DOUGLAS, Virginie (dir), Littrature pour la jeunesse et diversit culturelle, Paris, LHarmattan, 2013, 194 pages. A travers des tudes de cas analysant des ouvrages (romans, albums, traductions de contes) publis du XIXe sicle nos jours dans diffrentes aires gographiques et culturelles, ce volume montre quel point les textes destins l'enfance et la jeunesse s'inscrivent dans une dmarche de transmission et d'ducation lorsqu'il s'agit d'aborder la diversit culturelle. La relation l'autre culture, de la colonisation la mondialisation, reste au coeur de la socialisation du jeune. EWERS, Hans-Eino, Literatur fr Kinder und Jugendliche : eine Einfhrung in Grundbegriffe der Kinder und Jugendliteraturforschung , Paderborn, Fink, 2012, 267 pages.

ALSTON, Ann & Catherine BUTLER (eds.), Roald Dahl, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, xiii, 202 pages. ANDERSON, Nancy A., Elementary Childrens Literature : Infancy through Age 13 , Boston, Pearson, xvii, 393 pages. ATTIKPO, Kodjo & Jean FOUCAULT (dir.), LImage de lenfant dans les conflits, Paris, LHarmattan, (Rfrences critiques en littrature denfance et de jeunesse), 2013, 270 pages. BALAZARD, Simone (dir.), La Comtesse de Sgur et nous , Paris, Le Jardin dEssai (Femmes dartistes), 2013, 175 pages. BR, Jochen (dir.), Die Brder Grimm : Pioniere deutscher Sprachkultur des 21.


FORAN, Jill, Dr Seuss, New York, AV2 by Weigl, (Remarkable Writers), 2013, 32 pages. FORGERON, Michel, M i c h e l de Georges Bayard : une srie jeunesse emblmatique des Trente Glorieuses, Janz, Cotquen, 2013, 297 pages. GAVIN, Adrienne E. (ed.), Robert Cormier, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, (New Casebooks), 2012, xi, 181 pages. Series Editor's Preface_Notes on Contributors_Introduction; A.E.Gavin _Fade to Black: Adolescent Invisibility in the Works of Robert Cormier; K.Huenemann_ 'So many disguises': Questions of Identity in Robert Cormier's After the First Death and Heroes; A.F.Humphries_Fascinated by Evil: Robert Cormier as a Catholic Novelist; P.Pinsent_ 'Nobody out of context': Representations of Child Corruption in Robert Cormier's Crime Novels; S.Ciocia_ 'You have to outlast them': Bullying in The Chocolate War and Beyond the Chocolate War ; A.Cummins_ Mannerbund and Hitler-Jugend: Queer Perceptions of Nazis In and Beyond Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War; H.Blackford_Inducing Despair?: A Study of Robert Cormier's Young Adult Fiction; C.Walsh_Facing the Truth: Robert Cormier, His Readers, and 'Reality'; S.Clancy_ Interactive Texts and Active Readers: Robert Cormier's 'Adolescent Poetics' in the Light of Wolfgang Iser's Theory of Aesthetic Response; D . P o l i t i s _ Bibliography of Robert Cormier's Work and Suggested Further Reading_Index GIORGI, Cyndi, Literature for Young Children : Supporting Emergent Literacy, Ages 0-8, Upper Saddle River (NJ), Pearson, 2013, 312 pages. GUILLEMETTE, Lucie & Claire LE BRUN (dir.), La Littrature pour la jeunesse et les tudes culturelles : thories et pratiques, Qubec, ditions Nota Bene, (Sciences humaines/littrature), 2013, 225 pages. GYMNICH, Marion & Imke LICHTERFELD (eds.), A Hundred Years of The Secret Garden : Frances Hodgson Burnetts Childrens Classic Revisited, Gttingen, V & R Unipress, & Bonn, Bonn University Press, 2012, 187 pages. HAMILTON-HONEY, Emily, Turning the Pages of American Girlhood : The Evolution of Girls Series Fiction, 1865-1930, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2013, 264 pages. Introduction 1_One. Learning to Be an Angel: Religion and Reading for Nineteenth-Century American Girls 25_Two. Angels in the House: Christian Womanhood and Community Power in Postbellum Girls Series 54_Three. A Revolution in Series Production: Edward Stratemeyer and the Commodication of Series Books 84_Four. Communities of Friends: Series Heroines as Consumers, 1901-1930 104_Five. Two Miles Forward, One Mile Back: Gender Battles During the Great War 135_Six. Running the

Gamut and the Gauntlet: World War I Series Fiction as a Catalyst for Change in the Cultural Landscape of American Girlhood 169_Seven. Taking Advantage of New Markets: Ruth Fielding as a Motion Picture Screenwriter, Producer, and Executive 201_Conclusion: Nancy Drew and a New Era 223_Appendix: Series Books in Order of Publication 233_Bibliography 237 KISSOCK, Heather, Robert Munsch , New York, AV2 by Weigl, (Remarkable Writers), 2013, 32 pages. KMMERLING-MEIBAUER, Bettina, Kinder und Jugendliteratur : eine Einfhrung , Darmstadt, WBG Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2012, 156 pages. KURWINKEL, Tobias & Philipp SCHMERHEIM, Kinder und Jugendfilmanalyse , Konstanz, UTB, 2013, 320 pages. LANGE, Gnter (dir), Kinder und Jugendliteratur der Gegenwart : ein Handbuch, Baltmannsweiler, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2012, 550 pages. LEDWELL, Jane & Jean MITCHELL (eds.), Anne Around the World : L. M. Montgomery and her Classic, Montral, McGill-Queens University Press, 2013, 302 pages. LUKENS, Rebecca J., Jacquelin J. SMITH & Cynthia MILLER COFFEL (eds.), A Critical Handbook of Childrens Literature, Boston, Pearson, 2013, xxxiii, 373 pages. MALKOVITCH, Amberyl, Charles Dickens and the Victorian Child : Romantizing and Sozializing the Imperfect Child, New York, Routledge, (Childrens Literature and Culture), 2013, 160 pages. MAIRBURL, Gunda (dir.), Kinderliterarische Mythen-Translation : zur Konstruktion phantastischer Welten bei Tove Jansson, C. S. Lewis und J. R. R. Tolkien, Wien, Praesens Verlag, 2013, 310 pages. MAZZONE, Fanny & Clarisse BARTHE-GAY, Le Sexisme dans le livre jeunesse, Toulouse, Presses de lUniversit Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2012, 91 pages. MLLER, Anja, Adapting Canonical Text in Childrens Literature, New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 256 pages. MUSHENGYEZI, Aaron, Oral Literature for Children : Rethinking Orality, Literacy, Performance, and Documentation Practice, Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi, 2013, XLI, 2013, 311 pages.

Thats All, Folks !


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