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Sorbonne Université
École doctorale de sciences mathématiques de
Paris, centre 386
Equipe Analyse Algébrique, IMJ-PRG - UMR7586

– Théorie microlocale des faisceaux pour la

transformation de Radon –

Par Mehdi Benchoufi

Thèse de doctorat de Mathématiques

Dirigée par Julien Grivaux

Présentée et soutenue publiquement le 27 Novembre 2020

Devant un jury composé de :

Mme Aline Bonami, Université d’Orléans, Examinateur
Mme Teresa Monteiro Fernandes, Université de Lisbonne, Rapporteur
M. Grégory Ginot, Université Paris 13, Examinateur
M. Julien Grivaux, Sorbonne Université, Directeur de thèse
M. Alexandru Oancea, Sorbonne Université, Examinateur M. Claude Sabbah, Centre
de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz, Rapporteur
M. Pierre Schapira, Sorbonne Université, Président du Jury

Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu Paris Sorbonne Université

Rive gauche. UMR 7586 École doctorale de sciences
Boı̂te courrier 247 mathématiques de Paris centre
4 place Jussieu Boı̂te courrier 290
75 252 Paris Cedex 05 4 place Jussieu
75 252 Paris Cedex 05
A Gennadi,

Je remercie Pierre Schapira et Julien Grivaux d’avoir accepté de diriger les travaux
ci-exposés et pour leur support constant tout au long de ces deux dernières années. Je
croisai il y a quelques années, bien avant cette thèse, Julien et je l’écoutais évoquer
avec vigueur la force des outils de la cohomologie, tout à fait nébuleux pour moi à
l’époque et dont j’ai pu entrapercevoir le relief à l’occasion de ce travail. J’aurai un
mot tout particulier pour Pierre auprès duquel j’ai pu découvrir un bestiaire d’objects
mathématiques fascinants. Je lui suis profondément reconnaissant de m’avoir ouvert la
porte. Son sens de l’exigence et sa vivacité balistique m’auront définitivement marqué.

Je remercie les rapporteurs, Claude Sabbah et Teresa Monteiro Fernandes, pour le

soin qu’ils ont pris à la relecture vigilante de ce travail. Je remercie chacun des ex-
aminateurs, Aline Bonami, Grégory Ginot, et Alexandru Oancea qui ont accepté de
participer au jury.

Je voudrais évoquer de ceux qui me sont particulièrement chers et sans lesquels je

n’aurais pas été en mesure de soutenir cette thèse, le soutien constant qui commande
la gratitude. Je rencontrai Philippe Ravaud il y a 5 ans et je ne serai jamais assez gré
de la confiance qu’il m’a accordée. Personnage s’il en fût, il a mis en place au sein de
l’Hôpital Hôtel Dieu, un lieu improbable de créativité, de stimulation, un havre pour
la liberté d’esprit dont je n’aurai osé caresser la possibilité, une ı̂le. Aline Bonami aura
été le pivot principal dans l’histoire d’une thèse interrompue par le décès de celui qui
l’avait initié, Gennadi Henkin. Aline m’a apporté une attention vigilante, m’a guidé
sur le chemin des nécessaires rigueur et précision et a permis d’incuber les conditions
mathématiques pour que cette thèse vienne à être formulée et que la rencontre d’avec
Pierre puisse espérer être fructueuse.

J’aurai un mot pour ceux dont j’ai la chance de partager le quotidien à l’Hôpital
Hôtel Dieu: Aı̈da pour ses encouragements sincères à ce que je devienne épidémiologiste,
Raphaël et Isabelle B, les chief of staff, par lesquels je comprenais rapidement le chemin
à parcourir, de quoi vite tempérer l’enthousiasme d’Aı̈da, Stéphanie et sa bienveillante
patience que je ne suis pas (encore) parvenu à éreinter, Isabelle P et son je-ne-sais-quoi
de rassurant, de constant, en fait d’équilatéral, Audrey, et la clarté si particulière de
ses éclats de rires, Elise et son flegme impeccable qui cède aussitôt l’opportunité d’une
blague se présenta, le vif François à l’enthousiasme mathématique communicatif. Tous
ont suivi les tribulations de cette thèse, avec toujours bienveillance. Je remercie aussi
Aurélien Alvarez d’avoir pris le soin de m’orienter alors que je cherchais à donner suite
à une thèse interrompue par le décès de Gennadi, Sami Mustafa et Elisha Falbel pour
leur soutien et leur confiance alors que ma situation administrative a donné lieu à de
nombreuses complications, circonvenues chaque fois à force de leur patience pour ne
pas dire endurance.

J’ai pensée et tendresse particulières à l’endroit de mes amilles d’echOpen : Olivier,

Benoı̂t, Bruno et Bruno, Jérôme, Clément, Marie-Laure, Mathilde, Christian, Elisabeth

auprès desquels je goûte une aventure humaine qui n’a pas d’égal.

J’ai une pensée pour mes parents, ma mère, Sam, Mon, Wil, Karim et Hedi, neveux
et nièces, amis et amies les plus chers qui se reconnaı̂tront immédiatement, qui ont
toujours supporté mes activités, quelque fût absente ma présence.
Olivier, encore, et Frédéric pour leur infrangible amitié, Benjamin C pour sa con-
stante invitation au voyage. Et aussi Guillaume, Bertrand, Thomas, Stephan-Eloı̈se et
Benjamin S.

A Jonathan Aı̈dan, à la source, qui m’a montré un chemin.

Enfin, je me rappelle Gennadi Henkin, qui commença à superviser cette thèse et

qui malheureusement décédait voilà quelques années. Je garde un souvenir cher de sa
gentillesse et d’une humilité toute en profondeur.

Le sujet de cette thèse est une approche microlocale de la transformation de Radon.
Il s’agit d’appliquer à la dualité projective complexe et réelle les techniques initiées
dans l’article fondateur de Sato-Kashiwara-Kawai de 1972 et de retrouver, reformuler,
améliorer des travaux d’analyse plus classiques sur ce sujet, en particulier ceux de G.
Henkin ou S. Gindikin. La dualité projective vue sous l’angle microlocal et faisceautique
est apparue pour la première fois dans un travail important de J-L. Brylinski sur les
faisceaux pervers, travail repris ensuite par D’Agnolo et Schapira dans le cadre des D-
modules. Notre travail est de reprendre systématiquement cette étude avec les nouveaux
outils de la théorie microlocale des faisceaux (théorie qui n’existait pas à l’époque de
Ce travail se compose essentiellement de deux parties.
Dans la première, nous commençons par rappeler dans un cadre général la con-
struction des transformations canoniques quantifiées, sous l’hypothèse de l’existence
d’une section simple non-dégénérée (introduite sous un autre nom par J. Leray). Cette
construction n’avait jamais été faite dans un cadre global hors du cas projectif. Nous
montrons alors que ces transformations commutent à l’action des opérateurs microd-
ifférentiels. Il s’agit là d’ un résultat fondamental sans qu’aucune preuve consitante
n’existe dans la littérature, ce résultat étant plus ou moins sous-entendu dans SKK72.
La deuxième partie de la thèse traite des applications à la transformation de Radon
“classique”. L’idée de base est que cette transformation échange support des hyper-
fonctions (modulo analyticité) et front d’onde analytique. Nous obtenons ainsi des
théorèmes de prolongement ou d’unicité sur les ouverts linéellement concave. Nous
obtenons aussi un théoréme des résidus pour les valeurs au bord de classes de coho-
mologie définies sur les cones de signatures (1, n − 1), clarifiant substantiellement des
travaux de Cordaro-Gindikin-Trèves.

Mots Clés
Géométrie intégrale, Transformée de Radon, Analyse Algébrique, D-modules, E-modules,
Transformations de Contact, Dualité Projective, Géométrie Symplectique, Lagrangien,
Catégorie Dérivée.

The subject of this thesis is a microlocal approach to the transformation of Radon. It is
a question of applying to real and complex projective duality the techniques initiated in
the founding article of Sato-Kashiwara-Kawai of 1972 and to find, reformulate, improve
more classic analytical work on this subject, in particular those of G. Henkin or S.
Gindikin. Projective duality seen from the microlocal and sheaf point of view appeared
for the first time in an important work by J-L. Brylinski on perverse sheaves, work
then taken up by D’Agnolo and Schapira in the framework of D-modules. Our work is
to systematically resume this study with the new tools of the microlocal sheaf theory
(theory which did not exist at the time of SKK72).
This work essentially consists of two parts.
In the first, we begin by recalling in a general framework the construction of quan-
tized canonical transformations, under the hypothesis of the existence of a simple non-
degenerate section (introduced under another name by J. Leray). This construction had
never been done in a global framework outside the projective case. We then show that
these transformations exchange the action of the microdifferential operators. This is a
fundamental result without any consistent proof existing in the literature, this result
being more or less implied in SKK72.
The second part of the thesis deals with the applications to the ‘ ‘classical ” Radon
transform. The basic idea is that this transform exchanges the support of hyperfunc-
tions (modulo analyticity) and the analytic wavefront set. We thus obtain theorems of
continuation or uniqueness on linearly concave domain. We also get a residue theorem
for the boundary values of finite cohomology classes defined on cones with (1, n − 1)
signature, substantially clarifying the work of Cordaro-Gindikin-Trèves.

Integral geometry, Radon transform, Algebraic Analysis, D-modules, E-modules, Con-
tact transformations, Projective duality, Symplectic geometry, Lagrangian, Derived

1 Introduction 11
1.1 Short introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Classical results for Radon transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3 Announcement of the results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2 Reminders on Algebraic Analysis and complements 25

2.1 Sheaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 O-modules and D-modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.3 E -modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.4 Hyperfunctions and microfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5 Integral transforms for sheaves and D-modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.6 Microlocal integral transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.7 Complements on the functor µhom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3 Complex quantized contact transformations 37

3.1 Kernels on complex manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.2 Main theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4 Radon transform for sheaves 45

4.1 Projective duality: geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2 Projective duality for microdifferential operators . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.3 Projective duality for microfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.4 Main results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5 Applications 57
5.1 Geometrical preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.2 An application of the Holmgren-Kashiwara theorem . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.3 Hyperfunctions whose Radon transfom vanishes in linearly concave do-
mains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.4 Radon transform for quadratic cones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

6 Appendix 73
6.1 Radon transform of the structure sheaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.2 Associativity for the composition of µhom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76


1 Introduction 83
1.1 Some facts on the classical Radon transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
1.2 The problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

2 The case n = 2 95
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.2 Kernel of the Radon transform in strongly linearly concave domain of R2 . 98
2.3 Characterization of the image of the Radon transform . . . . . . . . . 104
2.4 Kernel of Radon transform through ∂¯ technic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

3 The case n ≥ 2 121

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
3.2 Definition of residues in strongly linearly concave domains . . . . . . . 126
3.3 Residues as kernel of Radon transform in strongly linearly concave domains132
3.4 Inversion formula for n ≥ 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3.5 ¯
Estimates for solution of ∂−solution in polydisc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

References 141
Chapter 1


1.1 Short introduction

In this thesis, we will study the microlocal Radon transform, understood as a quanti-
zation of projective duality, both in the real and the complex case.
In the real case, denote by P the real projective space (say of dimension n), by P ∗
its dual and by S the incidence relation:

(1.1.1) S := {(x, ξ) ∈ P × P ∗ ; hx, ξi = 0}.

In this setting, there is a well-known correspondance between distributions on P and

P ∗ due to Gelfand, Gindikin, Graev [GGG82] and to Helgason [Hel80]. However, it is
known since the 70s under the influence of the Sato’s school, that to well-understand
what happens on real (analytic) manifolds, it may be worth to look at their complexi-
Hence, denote by P the complex projective space of dimension n, by P∗ the dual
projective space and by S ⊂ P × P∗ the incidence relation. Denoting by T ∗ X the

cotangent bundle to a manifold X and T ∗ X the bundle T ∗ X with the zero section
removed, we get the correspondence

(1.1.2) T ∗S (P × P∗ )
∼ ∼

• y % •
T P ∗ ∼ / T ∗ P∗

This contact transformation induces an equivalence of categories between perverse

sheaves modulo constant ones on the complex projective space and perverse sheaves
modulo constant ones on its dual, as shown by Brylinski [Bry86], or between coherent
D-modules modulo flat connections, as shown by D’Agnolo-Schapira [DS94].
In this thesis, we will focus on the real projective duality for microfunctions. This
is part of the continuation of the work of [Bry86] and [DS96]. We shall consider the


contact transform induced by (1.1.2)

• • •
(1.1.3) T ∗S (P × P∗ ) ∩ (T ∗P P × T ∗P ∗ P∗ )
∼ ∼

• u ) •
T ∗P P
∼ / T ∗ ∗ P∗

The above contact transformation leads to the well-known fact that the Radon trans-
form establishes an isomorphism of sheaves of microfunctions on P and P ∗ (see [KKK86]).
In fact, we will work in the more general framework of integral transforms and then
specialize our results to the case of projective duality. We will consider the following
situation. Consider two complex manifolds X and Y of the same dimension, a closed
• •
submanifold Z of X × Y , open subset U ⊂ T ∗ X and V ⊂ T ∗ Y and assume that the

conormal bundle T ∗Z (X × Y ) induces a contact transformation

(1.1.4) T ∗Z (X × Y ) ∩ (U × V a )
∼ ∼

u ) •
T X⊃U∗ ∼ /V ⊂ T ∗ Y.

Moreover, assume that X and Y are complexification of real analytic manifolds M and
N respectively. Then, it is known that, under suitable hypotheses, one can quantize

this contact transform and get an isomorphism between microfunctions of U ∩TM X and

microfunctions on V ∩ TN Y [KKK86]. One of our main results will be the commutation
of this isomorphism to the action of microdifferential operators. Although considered as
well-known, the proof of this commutation does not appear clearly in the literature (see
[SKK, p. 467]), and is far from being obvious. In fact, we will consider a more general
setting, replacing sheaves of microfunctions with sheaves of the type µhom(F, OX ).
Next, we will specialize our results to the setting of projective duality.
Finally, we will provide some applications of our results to the study of the real
Radon transform of hyperfunctions. Precisely, we will get a Holmgren-type vanishing
theorem describing the vanishing set of a hyperfunction whose wave-front set is subject
to special geometrical conditions. From there, we will recover vanishing theorems of
Kolm-Nagel [KN68] and Boman [Bom92]. Moreover, we will give an answer to a problem
formulated by Henkin [Hen04a], namely the description of the kernel of the real Radon
transform in linearly concave domains. To treat this geometrical situation, a microlocal
treatment will be peculiarly well-suited.

1.2 Classical results for Radon transform

We will use the langage of sheaves and D-modules and we refer the reader to [KS90]
and [Kas03] for a detailed developement of these topics.

We will denote by k a commutative unital ring of finite global dimension. Let X

be a good topological space, i.e. Hausdorff, locally compact, countable at infinity, of
finite cohomological dimension. We denote by Db (kX ) the bounded derived category
of the category of sheaves of k vector spaces on X and we shall freely make use of the
six Gronthendieck operations. For a locally closed subset Z of X, we denote by kZ the
constant sheaf on Z with stalk k, extended by 0 on X \ Z. For F ∈ Db (kX ), we denote
DX F := RH om (F, kX )
the dual of F . Assuming X is a manifold, we denote by SS(F ) the micro-support of
For manifolds Mi , Mj we denote by Mij their cartesian product. We denote by qi
the projection Mij → − Mi , pi the projection T ∗ Mij →
− T ∗ Mi . We add a subscript a
to pj to denote by paj the composition of pj and the antipodal map on T ∗ Mj . Also,
for diagonal embedding, we denote for instance by δ2 the natural diagonal embedding:
M123 ,→ M1223 .
On a complex manifold (X, OX ), we denote by dX its complex dimension, by ΩX
the sheaf of holomorphic dX -forms, by DX the sheaf of rings of finite order holomorphic
differential operators, by Db (DX ) the bounded derived category of the category of left
DX -modules.
For a holomorphic line bundle F on X, one sets
F ∗ := Hom OX (F, OX )
the dual line bundle of F, and
DF := DX ⊗OX F
the natural left D-module attached to F.
For a morphism f : Y → − X, we denote by f −1 and f ∗ , the functors of inverse and
direct images for D-modules.
If Z is a closed complex submanifold of X of codimension d, we set
BZ|X := H[Z]
(OX )
(in the sense of algebraic cohomology). For S a complex submanifold of X × Y , we
(dX ,0)
denote by BS|X×Y the following (DY , DX )-bimodule
(d ,0)
:= q1−1 ΩX ⊗q−1 OX BS|X×Y

Integral transform for sheaves and D-modules Let X, Y be complex manifolds

and S a closed submanifold X × Y . Consider the diagrams

(1.2.1) S Se X ×Y
f g g f q1 q2

  | "
X Y, Y X, X Y

Se being the image of S by the map r : X × Y → − Y × X, (x, y) 7→ (y, x). Let us fix
some notations that we will detail later.
Let G ∈ Db (CY ) and K ∈ Db (CX×Y ). The integral transform of G with respect to
the kernel K is defined to be

(1.2.2) ΦK (G) := Rq1 ! (K ⊗ q2−1 G)

We will denote ΦSe(G) the integral transform of G with respect to the kernel CS [dS −dX ].
For M ∈ Db (DX ) with coherent cohomology, one defines the integral transform of

ΦS (M) := g ∗ f −1 M

Assuming M coherent and that f is non-characteristic for M and g is proper on

f −1 (supp M), then we have the adjunction formula stated and proven in [DS94]

(1.2.3) RHom DX (M, ΦSe(G) ⊗ OX )[dX ] ' RHom DY (ΦS M, G ⊗ OY )[dY ]

We can use (1.2.3) to derive interesting computation of the integral transform of

special D-modules. Assume that X, Y are of equal dimension, and that f, g are smooth
and proper. Let F and G be holomorphic line bundles. Then it is proven in [DS94]
that, under specific hypotheses involving existence of global contact transformations,
(dX ,0)
namely a global section of q1−1 F ⊗q−1 OX BS|X×Y ⊗q−1 OY q2−1 G, non-degenerate on some
1 2
open subset of TS∗ (X × Y ), and some additional topological conditions, there is an


Applying (1.2.3) to the D-module M = DX F, f being non-characteristic for DX since

f is smooth, we get the formula

RΓ(X; ΦSe(G) ⊗ F ∗ ) ' RΓ(Y ; G ⊗ G ∗ )

Radon transform for sheaves and D-modules In the context of projective duality,
we have the following situation

TS∗ (P × P∗ )
p1 p2

x &
T ∗P T ∗ P∗
• •
Denoting by Λ the Lagrangian manifold T ∗S (P × P∗ ) ∩ (T ∗ P × T ∗ P∗ ), one can prove that
• •
p1 |Λ , resp. p2 |Λ , is an isomorphism on T ∗ P, resp. on T ∗ P∗ . Then a theorem of [Bry86]
asserts the equivalence of categories between perverse sheaves on P modulo constant
sheaves and perverse sheaves on P∗ modulo constant sheaves.
It is proven in [DS94] that there is an equivalence of categories between coherent
D-modules on P modulo flat connections and coherent D-modules on P∗ modulo flat

connections. At the heart of the proof, fixing an integer k such that −n − 1 < k < 0,
and denoting by OP (k) the −k-th power of the tautological line bundle, the following
isomorphism of D-modules is proven

(1.2.4) ΦS (OP (k)) ' OP∗ (k ∗ )

with k ∗ = −n − 1 − k. From these results,we get the classical result, for F ∈ Db (CP ),

RΓ(P; F ⊗ OP (k)) ' RΓ(P∗ ; ΦS (F ) ⊗ OP∗ (k ∗ ))

Microlocalization of (1.2.4) Now, is there a microlocal counter-part of (1.2.4) ?

At the germ level, the answer given in [KS90, Theo. 11.4.9] is positive.
Let us consider again the diagram (1.2.1) and related notations. It is proven in
[SKK] that given a homogeneous symplectic isomorphism between open sets U ⊂ T ∗ X
and V ⊂ T ∗ Y , there is locally a (non unique) ring isomorphism between the sheaf of
microdifferential operators on X and the sheaf of microdifferential operators on Y . This
isomorphism is called a quantized contact transformation.
Also, let M, N be two real analytic manifolds, X, Y respective complexifications,
and S a hypersurface of X × Y . Consider the diagram:

(1.2.5) (U × V a ) ∩ T ∗S (X × Y )
p1 p 2a

u )

U ∩ TM X V ∩ TN∗ Y

Assume that p1 , p2a are isomorphisms. Then it is proven in [KKK86, Theo. 4.2.3]

that there is a local isomorphism between the sheaf of microfunctions on TM X and the

sheaf of microfunctions on TN Y . We will prove in this work a global version of this
isomorphism in the context of real projective duality. We will have to twist the sheaf
of microfunctions by some power of the tautological line bundle.
Following [KS90], let X, Y be two complex manifolds of same dimension n, Λ be
a closed complex Lagrangian submanifold of T ∗ (X × Y ), such that the natural mor-
phisms T ∗ X ← −Λ→ − T ∗ Y are isomorphisms. Let K ∈ Db (CX×Y ) be cohomologically
constructible, simple with shift 0 along Λ and let SS(K) be its micro-support. We
suppose that SS(K) ⊂ Λ.
Let p = (pX , paY ) ∈ Λ and consider a non-degenerate section s ∈ H 0 (µhom(K, ΩX×Y /Y )p ),
where ΩX×Y /Y := OX×Y ⊗q−1 OX q1−1 ΩX . This defines a natural morphism

(1.2.6) ΦK[n] (OX ) →

− OY

in Db (CY ). This morphism is an isomorphism in the category Db (CY ; pY ), the localiza-

tion of Db (CY ) by the subcategory of sheaves whose singular support do not intersect
pY . Moreover, given the isomorphism between microdifferential operators in Db (CX ; pX )
and microdifferential operators in Db (CY ; pY ) [SKK], the morphism (1.2.6) is compat-
ible with their respective action on OX in Db (CX ; pX ) and OY in Db (CY ; pY ) [KS90,
Theo. 11.4.9, Coro. 11.4.8].

This is, at a germ level, a microlocal version of (1.2.4) with a precision related to
the action of microdifferential operators. The main result of our work will be to give

a global version of this result for an open set U ⊂ T ∗ Y . From there, we will deduce
a correspondence result between solutions of systems of microdifferential equations on
the projective space and solutions of systems of microdifferential equations on its dual.

1.3 Announcement of the results

In this work, we will make the link between sheaf and D-module theory and results
related to the Radon transform, formulated or conjectured in the setting of several
variable complex analysis. Contact transformations between cotangent bundles of the
projective space and its dual play a key role to establish correspondance between relative
behaviour of objects in P and objects in P ∗ : hyperfuctions, D-modules, microfunctions,
E-modules. We will investigate specifically relations between microfunctions in TP∗ P
and in TP∗ ∗ P∗ not only as sheaves but as E-modules. From there, we will establish an
isomorphism between microfunction solutions of a system of micro-differential equations
on the projective space and the counterpart solutions on its dual. As an application of
sheaf theory, we will get a Holmgren-type vanishing theorem describing the vanishing
set of a hyperfunction whose wave-front set is subject to special geometrical conditions.
Moreover, we will describe the kernel of the real Radon transform in linearly concave
domains as conjectured by Henkin [Hen04a].

Results on the functor µhom

To establish our main results, we will need the following complement on the functor
For (Mi )i=1,2,3 , three manifolds, we consider the operation of composition of kernels:
◦ : Db (kM12 ) × Db (kM23 ) →
− Db (kM13 )
−1 −1
(1.3.1) (K1 , K2 ) 7→ K1 ◦ K2 := Rq13 ! (q12 K1 ⊗ q23 K2 )
' Rq13 ! δ2−1 (K1  K2 ).
We define the composition of kernels on cotangent bundles (see [KS90, Prop. 4.4.11])
◦ : Db (kT ∗ M12 ) × Db (kT ∗ M23 ) →
− Db (kT ∗ M13 )
(1.3.2) a
(K1 , K2 ) 7→ K1 ◦ K2 := Rp13 ! (p−1 −1
12a K1 ⊗ p23 K2 )

Let Fi , Gi , Hi respectively in Db (kM12 ), Db (kM23 ), Db (kM34 ), i = 1, 2. Let Ui be an open

subset of T ∗ Mij (i = 1, 2, j = i + 1) and set
U3 = Ui ◦ Uj = p13 (p−1 −1
12a (U1 ) ∩ p23 (U2 ))

In [KS90], a canonical morphism in Db (kT ∗ M13 ) is constructed

(1.3.3) µhom(F1 , F2 )|U1 ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )|U2 →
− µhom(F1 ◦ G1 , F2 ◦ G2 )|U3 .
2 2 2

We will see that the composition ◦ is associative and we will see also that the morphism
(1.3.3) is compatible with associativity with respect to ◦.

Complex contact transformations

Consider now two complex manifolds X and Y of the same dimension n, open C× -
• •
conic subsets U and V of T X and T Y , respectively, Λ a smooth closed submanifold of
U × V a and assume that the projections p1 |Λ and pa2 |Λ induce isomorphisms, hence a
homogeneous symplectic isomorphism χ : U − ∼

Λ⊂U ×Va
∼ ∼
w pa
2 '
• •
T X⊃U∗ ∼ / V ⊂ T ∗Y

Let us consider a perverse sheaf L on X × Y satisfying

a −1
1 (U ) ∪ p2 (V )) ∩ SS(L) ⊂ Λ

and a section s of µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X ) on Λ, where

ΩX×Y /X := OX×Y ⊗q−1 OY q2−1 ΩY


Recall that one denotes by EXR sheaf of rings:

(1.3.4) EXR := µhom(C∆X , ΩX×X/X )[dX ]

and EX the subsheaf of EXR of finite order microdifferential operators. We will prove
our main theorem:
Theorem 1.3.1. Let G ∈ Db (CY ) and assume to be given a section s of µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X ),
non-degenerate on Λ.
(i) For W ⊂ U , P ∈ EX (W ), there is a unique Q ∈ EY (χ(W )) satisfying P · s = s · Q
(P, Q considered as sections of EX×Y ). The morphism induced by s

χ−1 EY |V →
− EX |U
P 7→ Q

is a ring isomorphism.

(ii) We have the following isomorphism in Db (CU )

(1.3.5) ∼
χ−1 µhom(G, OY )|V −→ µhom(ΦL[n] (G), OX )|U

(iii) The isomorphism (1.3.5) is compatible with the action of EY and EX on the left
and right side of (1.3.5) respectively.

We will see that the action of microdifferential operators in Theorem 1.3.1 (iii) is
derived from the morphism (1.3.3) given the definition (1.3.4). We refer to (1.2.2) for
the definition of ΦL[n] . The first part of this theorem is well-known, see [SKK], but
the fact that isomorphism (1.3.5) is compatible with the action of microdifferential
operators was announced for microfunctions in various papers but no detailed proof
exists to our knowledge.

Projective duality for microfunctions

For M a real analytic manifold and X its complexification, we might be led to identify

TM X with i · T ∗ M . We denote by

AM := OX |M

BM := RH om (D0X CM , OX )

CM := µhom(D0X CM , OX )

the sheaves of real analytic functions, hyperfunctions, microfunctions, respectively.

We denote by sp the isomorphism

sp : BM −→ π∗ CM

Let U an open subset of M . For u ∈ BM (U ), we denote by W F (u) its analytic

wave front set:

W F (u) := supp(sp(u)) ⊂ TU X

All through this thesis, we will quantize the contact transform associated with the

Lagrangian submanifold T ∗S (P × P∗ ), where S is the hypersurface of P × P∗ defined by
the incidence relation hξ, xi = 0, (x, ξ) ∈ P × P∗ .
• • •
We denote by T ∗P P, resp. T ∗P ∗ P∗ , the conormal space to P in T ∗ P, resp. to P ∗ in

T ∗ P∗ , and we will construct and denote by χ the homogeneous symplectic isomorphism
• •
between T ∗ P and T ∗ P∗ .
For ε ∈ Z/2Z, we denote by CP (ε) the following sheaves: for ε = 0, we set

CP (0) := CP

for ε = 1, CP (1) is the sheaf defined by the following exact sequence:

(1.3.6) 0 → CP (1) → q! CPe −
→ CP → 0

where q is the 2 : 1 map from the universal cover Pe of P , to P and tr the integration
morphism tr : q! CPe ' q! q ! CP →
− CP .
Let an integer p ∈ Z, ε ∈ Z/2Z, we define the sheaves of real analytic functions,
hyperfunctions on P resp. P ∗ twisted by some power of the tautological line bundle,

AP (ε, p) := AP ⊗OP OP (p) ⊗C CP (ε)


BP (ε, p) := BP ⊗AP AP (ε, p) ' RH om (D0P CP , OP (p)) ⊗ CP (ε)

We define the sheaves of microfunctions on P resp. P ∗ twisted by some power of

the tautological bundle,

CP (ε, p) := H 0 (µhom(DP0 CP , OP (p))) ⊗ CP (ε)

and similarly with P ∗ instead of P . We notice that for n odd, DP0 CP ' CP (0) = CP ,
and for n even DP0 CP ' CP (1).
For X, Y either the manifold P or P∗ , for any two integers p, q, we note OX×Y (p, q)
the line bundle on X × Y with homogenity p in the X variable and q in the Y variable.
We set

ΩX×Y /X (p, q) := ΩX×Y /X ⊗OX×Y OX×Y (p, q)

EXR (p, q) := µhom(C∆X , ΩX×X/X (p, q))[dX ]

and we define accordingly EX (p, q). Let us notice that EXR (−p, p) is a sheaf of rings.
Let n be the dimension of P , (of course n = dP ). For an integer k and ε ∈ Z/2Z,
we note

k ∗ := −n − 1 − k

ε∗ := −n − 1 − ε mod(2)

We have:

Theorem 1.3.2. (i) Let k be an integer such that −n − 1 < k < 0 and let s be a

global non-degenerate section on T ∗S (P × P∗ ) of H 1 (µhom(CS , ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ ))).
For P ∈ EP (−k, k), there is a unique Q ∈ EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ ) satisfying P · s = s · Q.
The morphism induced by s

χ∗ EP (−k, k) →
− EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )

P 7→ Q

is a ring isomorphism.

(ii) There exists such a non-degenerate section s.

In fact, we will see that the non-degenerate section of Theorem 1.3.2 is provided by
the Leray section.
Now, from classical adjunction formulas for E -modules, we get a correspondance
between solutions of systems of microdifferential equations on the projective space and
solutions of systems of microdifferential equations on its dual. We will prove our main

Theorem 1.3.3. Let k be an integer such that −n − 1 < k < 0. Let N be a coherent
EP (−k, k)-module and F ∈ Db (P). Then, we have an isomorphism in Db (CT ∗ P∗ ) •

χ∗ RH om EP (−k,k) (N , µhom(F, OP (k))) '

RH om EP∗ (−k∗ ,k∗ ) (ΦµS (N ), µhom((ΦCS [−1] F, OP∗ (k ∗ )))

where ΦµS it is the counterpart of ΦS for E -modules, and will be defined in Section

Corollary 1.3.4. Let k be an integer such that −n − 1 < k < 0 and ε ∈ Z/2Z. The
section s of theorem 1.3.2 defines an isomorphism:

χ∗ CP (ε, k)|T ∗ P ' CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗

• •
P P∗

Moreover, this morphism is compatible with the respective action of χ∗ EP (−k, k) and
EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ ).

Application I : the wave-front set of hyperfunctions We will obtain a descrip-
tion of the kernel of the Radon transform in linearly concave domain, generalizing some
results announed in [Hen04a]. Consider the diagram:

(1.3.7) P × P∗
q1 q2

{ $
P P∗

For a set A ⊂ P , we set

b := q2 (q1−1 (A) ∩ S)

and similarly for B ⊂ P ∗ . In some sense, A

b represents the Radon transform of A.

Definition 1.3.5. A set A ⊂ P is said to be linearly concave if there exists a set

B ⊂ P ∗ such that A = B.
b Moreover, if B is connected, A is said to be strongly linearly

Let Ω be a non empty linearly concave domain, strictly contained in P . Let us


denote by Ω the set:

P ∗ \ (P
\ \ Ω)

i.e. the set of hyperplanes contained in Ω. As it will be seen in Section 4, S may be

identified to P ∗ P the projectivization of the cotangent bundle of P . Let us denote

by ρP the projection T ∗ P → − P ∗ P and similarly ρP ∗ . Let us consider the following

T ∗S (P × P ∗ )
p1 pa

• •

T ∗P χ T ∗P ∗

ρP PS∗ (P × P ∗ ) ρP ∗

∼ ∼
pe1 pe2
P ∗P P ∗P ∗

P P∗

We will identify S to PS∗ (P × P ∗ ). Let Ω be a non empty linearly concave domain


strictly contained in P . The set (Ω × Ω) ∩ S is decribed by:

(Ω × Ω) ∩ S = {(x, ξ) ∈ P × P ∗ ; x ∈ Ω, ξb ⊂ Ω}

We set

Ω := ρ−1 p1 ((Ω × Ω) ∩ S)) ⊂ T ∗ P

P (e
• •
We denote by Ω∗ the set χ(Ω) ⊂ T ∗ P ∗ . We will see that Ω∗ = T ∗ P∗ . V

Definition 1.3.6. Let U an open subset of P . For a section f of BP (ε, k)(U ), we
define the Radon transform Rad(f ) as the image of f by the sequence of morphisms:
• •
Rad : BP (ε, k)(U ) CP (ε, k)(T ∗ U ) CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )(χ(T ∗ U ))

For f ∈ BP (ε, k)(Ω), we will see that Rad(f )|Ω∗ may be viewed as an element of
BP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )/AP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )(Ω). We will denote this element by Rad(f )| .

As an application of Theorem 1.3.1, we have
Proposition 1.3.7. Let f ∈ BP (ε, k)(Ω). Then, we have

W F (f ) ∩ Ω = χ−1 (W F (Rad(f )| )) V

In the case where n = 2 and Ω is a strongly linealry concave domain, we denote
by ΩC the union of complex lines, complexification of real lines contained in Ω. Let us
consider an affine chart R2 . Then, there are 2 connected components of (ΩC \ Ω) ∩ R2 ,
which we denote by Ω± . In this condition, we get the following corollary:
Corollary 1.3.8. Assume that W F (Rad(f )| ) = ∅. Then, f is the boundary value of

(f+ , f− ) respectively holomorphic in Ω± .

Let V be a real finite dimensional vector space, V ∗ its dual, V its complexification,

and set V ∗ = V ∗ \ {0}. Let us denote by S the incidence hypersurface in V × V ∗ . For
an open set U ⊂ V , we set

B(U ) := Γ(U ; BV )

We will deduce an analytic-continuation type theorem below from an Hölmgren-type

theorem of Kashiwara, (whose proof is published in [Hör83, Th. 8.5.6’]), stating that
the normal cone of a support of a distribution is contained in its wave-front set. Let Ω
be a convex open subset of V and ω ⊂ Ω an open convex subset. Let us consider the

Z = {(x, iξ) ∈ V × i.V ∗; (x, ξ) ∈ S, Hx,ξ ∩ Ω 6= ∅, Hx,ξ ∩ ω = ∅}

where, for (x, ξ) ∈ V × V ∗ , we denote by Hx,ξ the hyperplan passing through x and of
conormal ξ.
Then one have the following theorem
Theorem 1.3.9. Let u ∈ B(Ω). Assume that u = 0 on ω and that W F (u) ∩ Z = ∅.
Then u = 0.

Application II : residues of homolomorphic forms in tubes Let us denote by A

the real affine space and by A its complexification. For q an integer such that 0 ≤ q < n,
we denote by γq the cone of signature (q, n − q) in A:
γq := {(x1 , . . . xn ) ∈ A; x2j < x2j }
1≤j≤q q+1≤j≤n

About a result announced by Henkin in [Hen04a].

Let γ ⊂ A be an open cone of signature (1, n − 1). Then, the complementary set
of γ is the union of two closed convex cones, denoted by λ1 and λ2 . Recall that we
denote by CA the sheaf of microfunctions on TA∗ A and by λ◦i , i = 1, 2 the polar cones of
λi considered here as closed subsets of TA∗ A. We notice that
λ◦1,2 := {(x1 , . . . xn ) ∈ A; x21 ≥ x2j , ±x1 ≥ 0}

Let Int(λi◦ ), i = 1, 2 be the interior of the polar sets λi◦ .

Let K be a compact convex subset of A, we set as usual

B(K) := lim

B(U )
U ⊃K

The following Theorem brings a proof to a variant of a conjecture by Henkin in

[Hen04a], which was formulated, without the assumption that K is a convex compact,
in the following way: the wave-front set of a hyperfunction has no intersection with
λi◦ , i = 1, 2 if and only if it is the residue of a ∂-closed (0, n − 2)-form defined on
K + i · γ.

Theorem 1.3.10. There exists a exact sequence

0 / lim H n−2 (K + iγ 0 ; OA )
Res / B(K) /

/ CA (K + i · Int(λ1◦ )) CA (K + i · Int(λ2◦ )) /
where γ 0 ranges over the family of open convex cones of signature (1, n − 1), with
γ ⊂ γ 0.
Residue in cones of signature (q, n − q)
Proposition 1.3.11. We have the natural morphism:

H n−q−1 RΓA+i.γq (OA ) Res / BA

This residue was constructed in [CGT95] through several variables complex analysis
technics. Our approach provides a natural construction of this residue.
Residue diagram for Radon Transform
In the following, we see how cones of signature (1, n − 1) in A rise naturally from
the Radon transform of strip-like sets in P∗ and we explicit the diagram 1.3.8 showing
how residues and Radon transforms commutes.
Let δ be a strictly positive real number. Let us consider the open subset U of
P ∗ ,→ P∗ ,
U := {ξ ∈ A∗ , ( | ξj |2 ) 2 < δ}

Let us set
b ∩P
Z := U
K := P \ Z

We will see that U b \ P is a cone of signature (1, n − 1). Let LZ (ε∗ ) be the object of
Db (CP∗ ), defined, up to an isomorphism, by the distinguished triangle:

LZ (ε∗ ) / CP ∗ (ε∗ ) / CKb [n − 1]

+1 /

Recalling that we denoted by χ the homogeneous symplectic isomorphism between

• •
T P and T ∗ P∗ , we have

Theorem 1.3.12. Given a section s of µhom(CS [−1], ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ )), the following
diagram commutes:
(1.3.8) Res /
χ∗ H n−2 (µhom(CUb \A (ε), OP (k)))|T ∗ P • χ∗ H n (µhom(CZ (ε), OP (k)))|T ∗ P •

Rad Rad
H n−2 (µhom(ΦS (CUb \A (ε)), OP∗ (k ∗ )))|T ∗ P∗ • / H n (µhom(LZ (ε∗ ), OP∗ (k ∗ )))|T ∗ P∗ •

Assuming that s is non-degenerate on T ∗S (P × P∗ ), the vertical arrows Rad are isomor-

Let us consider a complex neighborhood ω ⊂ A∗ of U such that, denoting by π the

natural projection A∗ →
− A∗ , π(ω) = U .

Proposition 1.3.13. We have

(1.3.9) SS(CUb \A (ε)) ∩ χ−1 T ∗ ω = ∅

We deduce the following

Corollary 1.3.14. We have

µhom(CUb \A (ε), OP (k))|χ−1 T ∗ ω ' 0

Chapter 2

Reminders on Algebraic Analysis

and complements

In this chapter, we recall classical results of Algebraic Analysis, with the exception of
section 2.7.

2.1 Sheaves
2.1.1 Notations for manifolds
(i) Let Mi (i = 1, 2, 3) be manifolds. For short, we write Mij :=Mi ×Mj (1 ≤ i, j ≤ 3),
M123 = M1 × M2 × M3 , M1223 = M1 × M2 × M2 × M3 , etc.
(ii) δMi : Mi →
− Mi × Mi denote the diagonal embedding, and ∆Mi the diagonal set of
Mi × Mi .
(iii) We will often write for short ki instead of kMi and k∆i instead of k∆Mi and
similarly with ωMi , etc., and with the index i replaced with several indices ij, etc.
(iv) We denote by πi , πij , etc. the projection T ∗ Mi →
− Mi , T ∗ Mij →
− Mij , etc.
(v) For a fiber bundle E →− M , we denote by Ė →
− M the fiber bundle with the
zero-section removed.
(vi) We denote by qi the projection Mij → − Mi or the projection M123 →− Mi and
by qij the projection M123 →
− Mij . Similarly, we denote by pi the projection
T ∗ Mij →
− T ∗ Mi or the projection T ∗ M123 →
− T ∗ Mi and by pij the projection
T ∗ M123 →
− T ∗ Mij .
(vii) We also need to introduce the maps pj a or pij a , the composition of pj or pij and
the antipodal map a on T ∗ Mj . For example,
p12a ((x1 , x2 , x3 ; ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 )) = (x1 , x2 ; ξ1 , −ξ2 ).

(viii) We let δ2 : M123 →

− M1223 be the natural diagonal embedding.


2.1.2 Sheaves
We follow the notations of [KS90].
Let X be a good topological space, i.e. separated, locally compact, countable at
infinity, of finite global cohomological dimension and let k be a commutative unital ring
of finite global dimension.
For a locally closed subset Z of X, we denote by kZ , the sheaf, constant on Z with
stalk k, and 0 elsewhere.
We denote by Db (kX ) the bounded derived category of the category of sheaves of
k-modules on X. If R is a sheaf of rings, we denote by Db (R) the bounded derived
category of the category of left R-modules.
Let Y be a good topological space and f a morphism Y → − X. We denote by
Rf∗ , f −1 , Rf! , f ! , RH om , ⊗ the six Grothendieck operations. We denote by  the ex-
terior tensor product.
We denote by ωX the dualizing complex on X, by ωX the sheaf-inverse of ωX and
by ωY /X the relative dualizing complex
ωY /X := f ! (kX ) ' ωY ⊗ f −1 (ωX )

In the following, we assume that X is a real manifold. Recall that ωX ' orX [dim X]
where orX is the orientation sheaf and dim X is the dimension of X. We denote by
DX ( • ) resp. D0X ( • ) the duality functor

DX ( • ) = RH om ( • , ωX )
D0X ( • ) = RH om ( • , kX )

For F ∈ Db (kX ), we denote by SS(F ) its singular support, also called micro-
support. For a a subset Z ⊂ T ∗ X, we denote by Db (kX ; Z) the localization of the
category Db (kX ) by the full subcategory of objects whose micro-support is contained
in T ∗ X \ Z.
For a closed submanifold M of X, we denote by

νM : Db (kX ) →
− DbR+ (kTM X )

the functor of specialization along M ,

µM : Db (kX ) →
− DbR+ (kTM∗ X )

the functor of microlocalization along M , and by

µhom : Db (kX ) × Db (kX )op →

− DbR+ (kT ∗ X )

the functor of microcalization of RH om . The subscript R+ stands for conic objects of

Db (kT ∗ X ), i.e. objects locally constant with respect to the natural action of R+ on the
fibers of T ∗ X → − X. We recall that µM is the Fourier-Sato transform of νM and that

µM ( • ) = µhom(kM , • )

Let Mi (i = 1, 2, 3) be manifolds. We shall consider the operations of composition

of kernels:
◦ : Db (kM12 ) × Db (kM23 ) →
− Db (kM13 )
−1 −1
(2.1.1) (K1 , K2 ) 7→ K1 ◦ K2 := Rq13 ! (q12 K1 ⊗q23 K2 )
' Rq13 ! δ2−1 (K1  K2 )

◦ : Db (kM12 ) × Db (kM23 ) × Db (kM34 ) →

− Db (kM14 )
(2.1.2) L L
(K1 , K2 , K3 ) 7→ K1 ◦ K2 ◦ K3 := Rq14 ! (q12 −1 K1 ⊗q23 −1 K2 ⊗q34 −1 K3 )
2 3

Let us mention a variant of ◦:

∗ : Db (kM12 ) × Db (kM23 ) →
− Db (kM13 )
(K1 , K2 ) 7→ K1 ∗ K2 := Rq13 ∗ q2−1 ω2 ⊗ δ2! (K1  K2 )


There is a natural morphism K1 ◦ K2 →

− K1 ∗ K2 .
2 2
We refer the reader to [KS90] for a detailed presentation of sheaves on manifolds.

2.2 O-modules and D-modules

We refer to [Kas03] for the notations and the main results of this section.
Let (X, OX ) be a complex manifold. We denote by dX its complex dimension and
by DX the sheaf of rings of finite order holomorphic differential operators on X.
For an invertible OX -module F, we note
F := Hom OX (F, OX )

the inverse of F. Denote by Mod(DX ) the abelian category of left DX -modules and
Mod(DX ) of right DX -modules. We denote by ΩX the right DX -module of holomorphic
dX forms. There is an equivalence of category between left and right DX -modules
provided by
Db (DX ) →
− Db (DX ), M 7→ ΩX ⊗OX M
op ⊗−1
Db (DX − Db (DX ), N 7→ N ⊗OX ΩX

Let Db (DX ) be the bounded derived category of the category of left DX -modules,
Dbcoh (DX ) its full triangulated subcategory whose objects have coherent cohomology.
Let us recall the notion of good D-modules due to Kashiwara [Kas03].
Definition 2.2.1. An OX -module F is good if for any relatively compact open subset
U ⊂⊂ X, there exists a small and filtrant category I and an inductive system {Fi }i∈I
of coherent OU -modules such that lim ∼
Fi −→ F|U . A coherent DX -module is good if it

is good as an OX -module.

Let Dbgood (DX ) be the triangulated subcategory of Db (DX ), whose objects have all
cohomologies consisting in good DX -modules (see [Kas03] for a classical reference).
For M ∈ Dbcoh (DX ), the complex of holomorphic solutions of M is defined by

Sol(M ) := RH om DX (M , OX )

Operations on D-modules
We refer in the following to [Kas03]. Let f : Y →− X be a morphism of complex
manifolds. We denote by DY →
− X the transfer bimodule, i.e. the (DY , f DX )-bimodule
DY →
− X := OY ⊗f −1 OX f DX

We shall be aware that the action of DY on DY →

− X is not given by the action on OY .
We denote by DX ←−Y the (f DX , DY )-bimodule
DX ← − X ⊗OY ΩY ) ⊗f −1 OX f ΩX
−Y := (DY →

We define the pull-back and the direct image of D-modules. Let M ∈ Db (DX ),
N ∈ Db (DY )
f −1 M := DY → −1
− X ⊗f −1 DX f M, f ∗ N := Rf∗ (DX ←
−Y ⊗DY N )

The following results are proven in [KS96, Prop 2.4]. Let M ∈ Dbgood (DX ), N ∈
Db (DY ), F ∈ Db (CX ), G ∈ Db (CY ). We assume that f is non-characteristic for M.
We have

Rf∗ RH om DY (f −1 M, N ) ' RH om DX (M, f ∗ N ),

f −1 RH om DX (M, OX ) ' RH om DY (f −1 M, OY ),

Rf! RH om DY (f −1 M, G ⊗ OY ) ' RH om DX (M, Rf! G ⊗ OX )

Assume M ∈ Db (DX ), N ∈ Dbgood (DY ). We no longer assume that f is non-

characteristic for M. We assume that f is proper on supp(N ). Then, we have

Rf∗ RH om DY (N , f −1 M[dY /X ]) ' RH om DX (f ∗ N , M),

Specializing this isomorphism to the case M = F ⊗ OX , we get

Rf! RH om DY (N , f −1 F ⊗ OY )[dY /X ] ' RH om DX (f ∗ N , F ⊗ OX )

2.3. E -MODULES 29

2.3 E -modules
We refer in the following to [SKK] (see also [Sch85] for an exposition). For a complex
manifold X, one denotes by EX the sheaf of filtered ring of finite order holomorphic
microdifferential operators on T ∗ X. We denote by Dbcoh (EX ) the full triangulated sub-
category of Db (EX ) whose objects have coherent cohomology.
For m ∈ Z, we denote by EX (m) the abelian subgroup of EX of microdifferential
operators of order less or equal to m. For a section P of EX , we denote by σ(P ) the
principal symbol of P .
− X. Let us recall that EX is flat over
Let πX denote the natural projection T ∗ X →
π −1 (DX ). To a DX -module M , we associate an EX -module defined by

E M := EX ⊗π−1 DX πX

Let us notice that

M ' E M |TX∗ X

To a morphism of manifolds f : Y →
− X, we associate the diagram of natural mor-
Tf fτ
(2.3.1) TY / Y ×X T X / TX
τ τX
%  f 
and the dual diagram
fd fπ
(2.3.2) T ∗Y o Y ×X T ∗ X / T ∗X
π πX
&  f

where fd is the transposed of the tangent map T f : T Y →− Y ×X T X.
We denote by EY → − X , EX ←
−Y the transfer bimodules and for M, N objects of re-
spectively D (EX ) and D (EY ), one defines the functors f −1
b b
and f E∗ by

f −1
− X ⊗fπ−1 EX fπ M)
(M) := Rfd ∗ (EY →

f E∗ (N ) := Rfπ ∗ (EX ← −1
−Y ⊗f −1 EY fd N ) d

Under specific assumptions, the extension of D-modules to E -modules commutes with

the push forward and the pull-back operation of E -modules ([SS94]).
Let M ∈ Dbcoh (DX ). We assume that f is non-characteristic for M, then we have

E (f −1 M) ' f −1
(E M)

Let N ∈ Dbgood (DY ), and assume f is proper on supp(N ), then we have

E (g ∗ N ) ' g E∗ (E N )

For M a left coherent EX -module generated by a section u ∈ M , we denote by IM

the annihilator left ideal of EX given by:
IM := {P ∈ EX ; P u = 0}
and by I M the symbol ideal associated to IM :
I M := {σ(P ); P ∈ IM }
Definition 2.3.1 ([Kas03]). Let M be a coherent EX -module generated by an element
u ∈ M . We say that (M , u) is a simple EX -module if I M is reduced and I M = {ϕ ∈
OT ∗ X ; ϕ|supp(M ) = 0}.
• •
Consider two complex manifolds X and Y , open subsets U and V of T ∗ X and T ∗ Y ,
p1 p2
− U ×Va −
respectively, and denote by p1 and p2 the projections U ← → V . Let Λ be a
smooth closed submanifold Lagrangian of U × V a . We will make use of the following
result from [SKK, Th. 4.3.1], [Kas03, Prop. 8.5]:
Theorem 2.3.2 ([SKK],[Kas03]). Let (M , u) be a simple EX×Y -module defined on
U × V a such that supp M = Λ. Assume Λ →
− U is a diffeomorphism. Then, there is
an isomorphism of EX -modules:

EX |U −→ (p1 |U ×V a )∗ M
P 7→ P · u
Assume that the projections p1 |Λ and pa2 |Λ induce isomorphisms. We denote by χ
the homogeneous symplectic isomorphism χ := p2 |Λ ◦ p1 |−1
Λ ,

(2.3.3) Λ⊂U ×Va

∼ ∼
w p1 |Λ pa
2 |Λ '
• •
T ∗X ⊃ U ∼ /V ⊂ T ∗Y

Corollary 2.3.3. Let (M , u) be a simple EX×Y -module defined on U × V a . Assume

supp M = Λ. Then, in the situation of (2.3.3), we have an anti-isomorphism of algebras
χ∗ EX |U ' EY |V

2.4 Hyperfunctions and microfunctions

Let M be a real analytic manifold and X a complexification of M . We denote by AM
the sheaf of complex valued real analytic functions on M :
AM := OX ⊗ CM

by BM the sheaf of hyperfunctions on M:

BM := RH om (D0X CM , OX )

and by CM the sheaf of microfunctions on TM


CM := µhom(D0X CM , OX )

Let us notice that BM and CM are concentrated in degree 0. Let us denote by sp,
the isomorphism

(2.4.1) ∼
sp : BM −→ RπM ∗ CM

There is a natural action of the sheaf of microdifferential operators EX on CM .

Given that, D0X CM ' ωM/X ' ωM , and denoting by orX/M the relative orientation
sheaf, we get that

BM ' RΓM (OX ) ⊗ ωM/X ' HM n

(OX ) ⊗ orM/X ,
CM ' µM (OX ) ⊗ ωM/X ' H (µM (OX )) ⊗ orM/X .

If Z is a closed complex submanifold of X of codimension d, we note

BZ|X := H[Z]
(OX )

the algebraic cohomology of OX with support in Z.

2.5 Integral transforms for sheaves and D-modules

2.5.1 Integral transforms for sheaves
Let X and Y be complex manifolds of respective dimension dX , dY . Let S be a closed
submanifold X × Y of dimension dS . We set dS/X := dS − dX . Consider the diagram
of complex manifolds

(2.5.1) S Se
f g g f

X Y, Y X

where the second diagram is obtained by interchanging X and Y .

Let F ∈ Db (CX ), G ∈ Db (CY ), we define

ΦS (F ) := Rg! f −1 F [dS/Y ], ΦSe(G) := Rf! g −1 G[dS/X ]

ΨS (F ) := Rg∗ f ! F [dX/S ], ΨSe(G) := Rf∗ g ! G[dY /S ]


q1 q2
For K ∈ Db (CX×Y ), and given the diagram X ←
− X ×Y −
→ Y , we define the Radon
transform of F with kernel K

ΦK (F ) := Rq2 ! (K ⊗ q1−1 F )

When K = CS [dS/Y ], we recover the functor ΦS .

We have the adjunction formulae:

RHom (ΦSe(G), F ) ' RHom (G, ΨS (F )),

RΓc (X; ΦSe(G) ⊗ F )[dX ] ' RΓc (Y ; G ⊗ ΨS (F ))[dY ]

2.5.2 Integral transforms for D-modules

Let X, Y be complex manifolds of equal dimension n > 0, and S a complex manifold.
Consider again the situation (2.5.1).
We suppose

f, g are smooth and proper,
S is a complex submanifold of X × Y of codimension c > 0

Let M ∈ Db (DX ), N ∈ Db (DY ). Let us denote by Se the image of S by the map

r :X ×Y →
− Y × X, (x, y) 7→ (y, x). One sets

ΦS (M) := g ∗ f −1 M, ΦSe(N ) := f ∗ g −1 N

Let M ∈ Dbgood (DX ), assume that f is non characteristic for M and let G ∈ Db (CY ).
The functorial properties of inverse and direct image of D-modules leads to the following
adjonction formulae, proven in [DS94, Prop. 2.6.],

ΦS RH om DX (M, OX ) 'RH om DY (ΦS M, OY )

(2.5.3) RHom DX (M, ΦSe(G) ⊗ OX )[dX ] 'RHom DY (ΦS M, G ⊗ OY )[dY ]
RHom DX (M ⊗ ΦSe(G), OX )[dX ] 'RHom DY (ΦS M ⊗ G, OY )[dY ]

Let us recall that we denote by ΩX the sheaf of holomorphic n-forms and let
BS|X×Y := q1−1 ΩX ⊗q−1 OX BS|X×Y

This (DY , DX )-bimodule allows the computation of ΦS because of the isomorphism,

proven in [DS94, Prop 2.12]
DY ←
−S ⊗DS DS → ∼
−X −
→ BS|X×Y

leading to
(n,0) L
ΦS (M) ' Rq2 ! (BS|X×Y ⊗q1−1 DX q1−1 M)

2.6 Microlocal integral transforms

2.6.1 Integral transforms for E -modules
Let X, Y be complex manifolds and S is a closed submanifold of X × Y . We consider
again the diagram (2.5.1) under the hypothesis (2.5.2).
We define the functor

− Db (EY ), ΦµS (M) := g E∗ f −1

Db (EX ) → E

We define the EX×Y -module attached to BS|X×Y ,

CS|X×Y := E BS|X×Y

and we consider the (EY , EX )-bimodule

(n,0) L
(2.6.1) CS|X×Y := π −1 q1−1 ΩX ⊗π−1 q1−1 OX CS|X×Y

One can notice that

EY ←
−S ⊗ES ES → ∼
−X −
→ CS|X×Y

and hence, we have

(n,0) L
(2.6.2) ΦµS (M) ' Rpa2! (CS|X×Y ⊗p−1 p−1 M)
1 EX 1

Let M ∈ Dbgood (DX ). The functors ΦµS and ΦS are linked through the following
isomorphism in Db (CT ∗ Y ), (see [SS94])

(2.6.3) E (ΦS (M)) ' ΦµS (E M)

2.6.2 Microlocal integral transform of the structure sheaf

Consider two open subsets U and V of T ∗ X and T ∗ Y , respectively and Λ a closed
complex Lagrangian submanifold of U × V a

(2.6.4) U ×Va
p1 p2a

w '
T ∗X ⊃ U V ⊂ T ∗Y

As detailed in Section 11.4 of [KS90], let K ∈ Db (CX×Y ), SS(K) its micro-support

and let us suppose that

− U and pa2 |Λ : Λ →
(i) p1 |Λ : Λ → − V are isomorphisms

(ii) K is cohomologically constructible


(iii) (p−1 −1
1 (U ) ∪ p2 (V )) ∩ SS(K) ⊂ Λ

(iv) K is simple with shift 0 along Λ

Let p = (pX , paY ) ∈ Λ and let us consider some section s ∈ H 0 (µhom(K, ΩX×Y /Y ))p ,
where ΩX×Y /Y := OX×Y ⊗q−1 OX q1−1 ΩX . The section s gives a morphism K → − ΩX×Y /Y
in D (CX×Y ; p). Then, we get the sequence of morphisms
ΦK[dX ] (OX ) = Rq2 ! (K[dX ] ⊗ q1−1 OX )
− Rq2 ! (ΩX×Y /Y ⊗ q1−1 OX [dX ])


− Rq2 ! ΩX×Y /Y [dX ]

− OY
the last morphism being the integration morphism. We have:
Theorem 2.6.1 ([KS90, Th.11.4.9]). There exists s ∈ H 0 (µhom(K, ΩX×Y /Y ))p such
that the associated morphism ΦK[dX ] (OX ) →− OY is an isomorphism in the category
Db (CY ; pY ). Moreover, this morphism is compatible with the action of microdifferential
operators on OX in Db (CX ; pX ) and the action of microdifferential operators on OY in
Db (CY ; pY )
This is a microlocal version of (1.2.4) with a precision related to the action of
microdifferential operators.

2.7 Complements on the functor µhom

2.7.1 Associativity for the composition of kernels
The next result is well-known although no proof is written down in the literature, to
our knowledge.
Lemma 2.7.1. Let M1 , M2 , M3 be real manifolds, and K, L, M be objects respectively
of Db (kM12 ), Db (kM23 ), Db (kM34 ), then the composition of kernels ◦ defined in 2.1.1 is
associative. We have the following isomorphism

(2.7.1) ∼
(K ◦ L) ◦ M −→ K ◦(L ◦ M )
2 3 2 3

such that for any N ∈ Db (kM45 ), the diagram below commutes:

(2.7.2) ((K ◦ L) ◦ M ) ◦ N / (K ◦ L) ◦(M ◦ N)

2 3 4 2 3 4

(K ◦(L ◦ M )) ◦ N
2 3 4

K ◦((L ◦ M ) ◦ N ) / K ◦(L ◦(M ◦ N )).
2 3 4 2 3 4

Proof. Consider the following diagram

q124 2

M124 23
q14 M134
q12 1
q14 3
q13 q14 1
M123 M14 M234
3 1
q23 4
q23 2
q12 2 3
q13 q24
  ~ ( v   
M12 M13 M23 M24 M34

where the thick squares are cartesian, and where for clarity we enforced the notation:
− Mij by qijk (independently of order of appearence of the indices),
the projection Mijk →
− Mij by qijkl . We now have:
and the projection Mijkl →
3 4 −1 2 3 1 1−1 −1
3 2 34 −1
14 1 −1 −1 −1
Rq14! (q13 (Rq13! (q12 K ⊗ q23 L)) ⊗ q34 M ) ' Rq14! (Rq134! (q12 K ⊗ q23 L) ⊗ q34 M)
23 34 −1 14 −1 12 −1
' Rq14 ! (q12 K ⊗ q23 L ⊗ q34 M )
:= K1 ◦ K2 ◦ K3
2 3

The same way, we get the isomorphism

2 4 1 3 −1 4 2 −1 −1 −1
K1 ◦ K2 ◦ K3 ' Rq14! (q12 K ⊗ (q24 (Rq24! (q23 L ⊗ q34 M ))))
2 3

which proves the isomorphism (2.7.1). And, it follows immediately that given N ∈
Db (kM45 ), the diagram (2.7.2) commutes.

2.7.2 Associativity for the composition of µhom

We define the composition of kernels on cotangent bundles (see [KS90, section 3.6,
◦ : Db (kT ∗ M12 ) × Db (kT ∗ M23 ) →
− Db (kT ∗ M13 )
(2.7.3) (K1 , K2 ) 7→ K1 ◦ K2 := Rp13 ! (p−1 −1
12a K1 ⊗ p23 K2 )
' Rp13a ! (p−1 −1
12a K1 ⊗ p23a K2 ).

There is a variant of the composition ◦, constructed in [KS14]:

∗ : Db (kM12 ) × Db (kM23 ) →
− Db (kM13 )
(2.7.4) L
(K1 , K2 ) 7→ K1 ∗ K2 := Rq13 ∗ q2−1 ω2 ⊗ δ2! (K1  K2 ) .


There is a natural morphism for K1 ∈ Db (kM12 ) and K2 ∈ Db (kM23 ), K1 ◦ K2 →

K1 ∗ K2 .
Let us state a theorem proven in [KS90, Prop. 4.4.11] refined in [KS14].

Theorem 2.7.2. Let Fi , Gi , Hi respectively in Db (kM12 ), Db (kM23 ), Db (kM34 ), i = 1, 2.

Let Ui be an open subset of T ∗ Mij (i = 1, 2, j = i + 1) and set U3 = U1 ◦ U2 . There
exists a canonical morphism in Db (kT ∗ M13 ), functorial in F1 (resp. F2 ):
(2.7.5) µhom(F1 , F2 )|U1 ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )|U2 →
− µhom(F1 ∗ G1 , F2 ◦ G2 )|U3 .
2 2 2

and hence
(2.7.6) µhom(F1 , F2 )|U1 ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )|U2 →
− µhom(F1 ◦ G1 , F2 ◦ G2 )|U3 .
2 2 2

We state the main theorem of this section.

Theorem 2.7.3. Let Fi , Gi , Hi respectively in Db (kM12 ), Db (kM23 ), Db (kM34 ), i = 1, 2

then we have:


µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 ) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 ) −→
2 3

µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 ) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 )
2 3

(b) The above isomorphism is compatible with the composition ◦ in the sense that the
following diagram commutes
a a a a
(µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 )
∼ / µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦(µhom(G1 , G2 ) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 ))
2 3 2 3

a a
µhom(F1 ◦ G1 , F2 ◦ G2 ) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 ) µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 ◦ H1 , G2 ◦ H2 )
2 2 3 2 3 3

µhom((F1 ◦ G1 ) ◦ H1 , (F2 ◦ G2 ) ◦ H2 )
∼ / µhom(F1 ◦(G1 ◦ H1 ), F2 ◦(G2 ◦ H2 ))
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

Proof. (a) This is a direct application of Lemma 2.7.1 with X, Y, Z taken to be respec-
tively T ∗ M12 , T ∗ M13 , T ∗ M34 .

(b) We refer the reader to 6.2 in Appendix for a sketch of proof.

Chapter 3

Complex quantized contact


3.1 Kernels on complex manifolds

Consider two complex manifolds X and Y of respective dimension dX and dY . We shall
follow the notations of Section 2.1.1.
For K ∈ Db (CX×Y ), we recall that we defined the functor ΦK : Db (CY ) → Db (CX ),
ΦK (G) = Rq1! (K ⊗ q2−1 (G)), for G ∈ Db (CY ). With regards to the notation of Sec-
tion 2.1.1, let us notice that ΦK (G) is K ◦ G.
We set
ΩX×Y /X := OX×Y ⊗q−1 OY q2−1 ΩY

EXR := µhom(C∆X , ΩX×X/X )[dX ]
We recall that EX is a subring of EXR .
We recall the
Lemma 3.1.1. There is a natural morphism
ΩX×Y /X ◦ OY [dY ] →
− OX .

Proof. We have
ΩX×Y /X ◦ OY [dY ] = Rq1 ! (ΩX×Y /X ⊗ q1−1 OY [dY ])
→ → OX ,
− Rq1 ! (ΩX×Y /X [dY ]) −
where the last arrow is the integration morphism on complex manifolds.
The following Lemma will be useful for the proof of Lemma 3.1.3. Let us first denote
by Mi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) four complex manifolds, Li ∈ Db (CMi,i+1 ), 1 ≤ i ≤ 3. We set for
(0,d )
di = dimC Mi , dij = di + dj , Ωij/i = ΩMij /Mi = ΩMij j .


Set for 1 ≤ i ≤ 3,

Ki = µhom(Li , Ωi,j/i [dj ]), j = i + 1

Lij = Li ◦ Lj j = i + 1, L123 = L1 ◦ L2 ◦ L3 ,
e ij = µhom(Lij , Ωi,j/i [dj ] ◦ Ωj,k/j [dk ]) j = i + 1, k = j + 1
e 123 = µhom(L123 , Ω12/1 [d2 ] ◦ Ω23/2 [d3 ] ◦ Ω34/3 [d4 ])
Kij = µhom(Lij , Ωi,k/i [dk ]) j = i + 1, k = j + 1,
K123 = µhom(L123 , Ω14/1 [d4 ]).

We recall that we have t

he sequence of natural morphisms:
−1 −1
Ωi,j/i ◦ Ωj,k/j = Rqi,k ! (qi,j Ωi,j/i ⊗ qj,k Ωj,k/j )

− Rqi,k ! (Ωi,j,k/i )
(3.1.1) →
− Ωi,k/i [−dj ]

Lemma 3.1.2. The following diagram commutes:

K1 ◦ K2 ◦ K3
w '
e 12 ◦ K3
K / e 123 o
K K1 ◦ K
e 23
K12 ◦ K3 / K123 o K1 ◦ K23

Proof. Diagram labelled A commutes by the associativity of the functor µhom (see
Theorem 2.7.3). Let us prove that Diagram B and C commute. Of course, it is enough
to consider Diagram B. To make the notations easier, we assume that M1 = M4 = pt.
We are reduced to prove the commutativity of the diagram:

µhom(L2 , Ω2 ◦ Ω2,3/2 [d23 ]) ◦ µhom(L3 , O3 ) / µhom(L23 , Ω2 ◦ Ω2,3/2 [d23 ] ◦ O3 )

2 2
µhom(L2 , Ω3 [d3 ]) ◦ µhom(L3 , O3 ) / µhom(L23 , Ω3 [d3 ] ◦ O3 )

For F, F 0 ∈ Db (k12 ), G, G0 ∈ Db (k23 ), we saw in Theorem 2.7.3 (b) that the morphism
µhom(F, F 0 ) ◦ µhom(G, G0 ) → − µhom(F ◦ G, F 0 ◦ G0 ) is functorial in F, F 0 , G, G0 . This
fact applied to the morphism

Ω2 ◦ Ω2,3/2 [d23 ] →
− Ω3 [d3 ]

gives that the above diagram commutes and so diagram B commutes.


Let Z be a complex manifold and let Λ ⊂ T ∗ (X × Y ) and Λ0 ⊂ T ∗ (Y × Z) be two

conic Lagrangian smooth locally closed complex submanifolds.
Let L, L0 , be perverse sheaves on X × Y , Y × Z, with microsupport SS(L) ⊂ Λ,
SS(L0 ) ⊂ Λ0 respectively. We set

L00 := L[dY ] ◦ L0

Assume that

(3.1.2) − T ∗ Y and p2 |Λ0 : Λ0 →

pa2 |Λ : Λ → − T ∗ Y are transversal

and that

(3.1.3) the map Λ ×T ∗ Y Λ0 →

− Λ ◦ Λ0 is an isomorphism.

Let us set

L := µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X )

Note that L ∈ Db (T ∗ (X × Y )) is concentrated in degree 0. Indeed, it is proven in

[KS90, Th. 10.3.12] that perverse sheaves are the ones which are pure with shift zero at
any point of the non singular locus of their microsupport. On the other hand, Theorem
9.5.2 of [KS85] together with Definition 9.5.1 of [KS85] show that the latter verify the
property that, when being applied µhom(•, ΩX×Y /X ), they are concentrated in degree
0. Moreover, L is a (EX , EY )-bimodule. Indeed, such actions come from morphism
(2.7.6) and the integration morphism (3.1.1). We define similarly L 0 and L 00 .
• • •
Now consider two open subsets U ,V and W of T ∗ X, T ∗ Y , T ∗ Z, respectively.

KU ×V a the constant sheaf on (U × V a ) ∩ Λ with stalk H 0 RΓ(U × V a ; L ), extended by 0 elsewhere

KV0 ×W a the constant sheaf on (V × W a ) ∩ Λ0 with stalk H 0 RΓ(V × W a ; L 0 ), extended by 0 elsewhere
KU00 ×W a the constant sheaf on (U × W a ) ∩ Λ ◦ Λ0 with stalk H 0 RΓ(U × W a ; L 00 ), extended by 0 elsewhere

Let s, s0 be sections of Γ(U × V a ; L ) and Γ(V × W a ; L 0 ) respectively. We define the

product s · s0 to be the section of Γ(U × W a ; L 00 ), image of 1 by the following sequence
of morphisms

CΛ◦Λ0 ←− CΛ ◦ CΛ0
:= Rp13 ! (p−1 −1
12a CΛ ⊗ p23 CΛ0 )
− Rp13 ! (p12a KU ×V a ⊗ p−1
→ −1
23 KV ×W a )
− Rp13 ! (p12a µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X ) ⊗ p−1
→ −1 0
23 µhom(L , ΩY ×Z/Y ))
:= µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X ) ◦ µhom(L0 , ΩY ×Z/Y ) → − L 00

where the first isomorphism comes from the assumption 3.1.3.

Lemma 3.1.3. Assume that conditions 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 are satisfied. Let s, s0 be sections
of Γ(U × V a ; L ) and Γ(V × W a ; L 0 ) respectively, and let G ∈ Db (CY ), H ∈ Db (CZ ).

(i) s defines a morphism

αG (s) : CΛ ◦ µhom(G, OY )|V →

− µhom(L[dY ] ◦ G, OX )|U

(ii) Considering the morphism

αH (s · s0 ) : CΛ◦Λ0 ◦ µhom(H, OZ )|W →

− µhom(L[dY ] ◦ L0 [dZ ] ◦ H, OX )|U

we have the isomorphism

αH (s · s0 ) ' αL0 [dZ ]◦H (s) ◦ ΦCΛ (αH (s0 ))

Proof. (i) Given s and two objects G1 , G2 ∈ Db (CY ), we have a morphism

CΛ ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )|V →
− µhom(L ◦ G1 , ΩX×Y /X ◦ G2 )|U

corrresponding to the composition of morphisms:

Rp1 ! (CΛ ⊗ p−1 − Rp1 ! (KU ×V a ⊗ p−1

2a µhom(G1 , G2 )|V ) → 2a µhom(G1 , G2 )|V )
(3.1.4) →
− Rp 1! (µhom(L, Ω X×Y /X ) ⊗ p2a µhom(G1 , G2 )|V )

− µhom(L ◦ G1 , ΩX×Y /X ◦ G2 )|U

where the second morphism comes from the natural morphism KU ×V a →

− µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X ).
We conclude by choosing, G1 = G, G2 = OY and by using Lemma 3.1.1:

µhom(L ◦ G1 , ΩX×Y /X ◦ OY ) → ∼
− µhom(L ◦ G1 , OX [−dY ]) −→ µhom(L[dY ] ◦ G1 , OX )

(ii) Let H ∈ Db (CZ ). We denote by H := µhom(H, OZ ). It suffices to prove that the

following diagram commutes:

(CΛ ◦ CΛ0 ) ◦ H
' / CΛ ◦ (CΛ0 ◦ H )


CΛ ◦ CΛ0 ◦ H CΛ ◦ K 0 ◦ H
ΦCΛ (αH (s0 ))

K ◦ K0 ◦ H CΛ ◦ µhom(L0 , ΩY ×Z/Y ) ◦ H

A CΛ ◦ µhom(L0 ◦ H, ΩY ×Z/Y ◦ OZ )
α(s·s0 ) ! 
CΛ ◦ µhom(L0 [dZ ] ◦ H, OY )

K ◦ µhom(L , ΩY ×Z/Y ) ◦ H
0 Z
/ K ◦ µhom(L0 [dZ ] ◦ H, OY )
αL0 [d (s)
Z ]◦H
µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X ) ◦ µhom(L , ΩY ×Z/Y ) ◦ H
0 Z
/ µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X ) ◦ µhom(L0 [dZ ] ◦ H, OY )

C µhom(L ◦ L0 [dZ ] ◦ H, ΩX×Y /X ◦ OY )

µhom(L ◦ L0 ◦ H, ΩX×Y /X ◦ ΩY ×Z/Y ◦ OZ )
/ µhom(L[dY ] ◦ L0 [dZ ] ◦ H, OX )

where we omitted the subscript U × V a and V × W a , H, L0 [dZ ] ◦ H for KU ×V a ,

KV0 ×W a , αH , αL0 [dZ ]◦H , respectively.

We know from Theorem 2.7.2 that the operation ◦ is functorial, so that diagram

A and B commute. For instance, diagram A decomposes this way:

CΛ ◦ CΛ0 ◦ H ' / CΛ ◦ (CΛ0 ◦ H )

CΛ ◦ K 0 ◦ H / CΛ ◦ µhom(L0 , ΩY ×Z/Y ) ◦ H ' / CΛ ◦ (µhom(L0 , ΩY ×Z/Y ) ◦ H )

CΛ ◦ µhom(L0 [dZ ] ◦ H, OY )

K ◦K ◦H0 /K ◦ µhom(L , ΩY ×Z/Y ) ◦ H
0 Y / K ◦ µhom(L0 [dZ ] ◦ H, OY )

Besides, diagram C commutes by Lemma 3.1.2.

Finally, the bottom diagonal punctured line correponds to α(s · s0 ), since the
following diagram commutes

' / CΛ ◦ CΛ0
α(s·s0 )

KU00 ×W a / µhom(L ◦ L0 [dY ], ΩX×Z/X )

Remark 3.1.4. In the following of this thesis, unless necessary, we will omit the sub-
sript for α.
Theorem 3.1.5. Let s ∈ Γ(U × V a ; L ), G ∈ Db (CY ). Then,
(i) s defines a morphism

(3.1.5) α(s) : CΛ ◦ µhom(G, OY )|V →

− µhom(L[dY ] ◦ G, OX )|U .

(ii) Moreover, if P ∈ Γ(U ; EX ) and Q ∈ Γ(V ; EY ) satisfy P · s = s · Q, then the diagram

below commutes
(3.1.6) CΛ ◦ µhom(G, OY ) / µhom(L[dY ] ◦ G, OX )
ΦCΛ (α(Q)) α(P )
CΛ ◦ µhom(G, OY ) / µhom(L[dY ] ◦ G, OX ).

Proof. (i) is already proven in Lemma 3.1.3.


(ii) With regards to the notation of Lemma 3.1.3, we consider the triplet of manifolds
X, X, Y , Λ = C∆X , L := µhom(C∆X [−n], ΩX×X/X ). Then, the assumption 3.1.2 is
satisfied and noticing that ΦC∆X ' IdX , we conclude by Lemma 3.1.3 that

α(P ) ◦ α(s) ' α(P · s) ' α(s · Q) ' α(s) ◦ ΦCΛ (α(Q))

3.2 Main theorem

In this section, we will apply Theorem 3.1.5 when we are given a homogeneous sym-
plectic isomorphism. Consider two complex manifolds X and Y of the same dimension
• •
n, open subsets U and V of T ∗ X and T ∗ Y , respectively, Λ a smooth closed Lagrangian
submanifold of U × V a and assume that the projections p1 |Λ and pa2 |Λ induce isomor-
phisms, hence a homogeneous symplectic isomorphism χ : U − ∼

(3.2.1) Λ⊂U ×Va

∼ ∼
w pa
2 '
• •
T X⊃U∗ ∼ / V ⊂ T ∗Y

We consider a perverse sheaf L on X × Y satisfying

a −1
(3.2.2) (p−1
1 (U ) ∪ p2 (V )) ∩ SS(L) = Λ.

and a section s in Γ(U × V a ; µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X )).

Let G ∈ Db (CY ). From Theorem 3.1.5 (i), the left composition by s defines the
morphism α(s) in Db (CU ):

(3.2.3) CΛ ◦ µhom(G, OY )|V −−→ µhom(L[n] ◦ G, OX )|U

The condition (3.2.2) implies that supp(µhom(L, ΩX×Y /X )|pa2 −1 (V ) ) ⊂ Λ. Since, p1

is an isomorphism from Λ to U and that χ ◦ p1 |Λ = pa2 |Λ , we get a morphism in Db (CU )

(3.2.4) χ−1 µhom(G, OY )|V −−→ µhom(ΦL[n] (G), OX )|U

Theorem 3.2.1. Assume that the section s is non-degenerate on Λ. Then, for G ∈

Db (CY ), we have the following isomorphism in Db (CU )

(3.2.5) ∼
χ−1 µhom(G, OY )|V −→ µhom(ΦL[n] (G), OX )|U

Moreover, this isomorphism is compatible with the action of EY and EX on the left and
right side of (3.2.5) respectively.

Proof. Let us first prove the following lemma, whose proof is available at the level of
germs in [KS90, Th. 11.4.9].
Let us prove that the morphism (3.2.4) is an isomorphism. Let L∗ be the perverse
sheaf r−1 RH om (L, ωX×Y /Y ) where r is the map X × Y →− Y × X, (x, y) 7→ (y, x). Let
0 ∗
s be a section of µhom(L , ΩY ×X/Y ), non-degenerate on r(Λ), then we apply the same
precedent construction to get a natural morphism

χ∗ µhom(ΦL[n] (G), OX )|U →

− µhom(ΦL∗ [n] ◦ ΦL[n] G, OY )|V ' µhom(ΦL∗ ◦L[n] G, OY )|V

We know from [KS90, Th. 7.2.1] that C∆X ' L∗ ◦ L, so that we get a morphism in
D (CV )
α(s0 )
(3.2.6) χ∗ µhom(ΦL[n] (G), OX )|U −−→ µhom(G, OY )|V

We must prove that (3.2.4) and (3.2.6) are inverse to each other. By Lemma 3.1.3(ii),
we get that the composition of these two morphisms is α(s0 · s), with s0 · s ∈ EX .
For any left EX -module M , corresponds a right EX -module ΩX ⊗OX M . Fixing a
non-degenerate form tX of ΩX |U (resp. tY of ΩY |V ), we apply now Theorem 2.3.3: s
and s0 are non-degenerate sections so that (EX×Y |U ×V a , tX ⊗s) and (EY ×X |V a ×U , s0 ⊗tY )
are simple and so isomorphic to (p−1 1 EX |U , 1) ' (p2 EY |V , 1). ΩX resp. ΩY being
a −1

invertible OX -module resp. OY -module, we get as well for the left-right (EX |U , EY |V )
bi-module, resp. left-right (EY |V , EX |U ) bi-module generated by s resp. s0 , that they
are both isomorphic to p−1 1 EX |U ' p2 EY |V .
a −1

Then, following the proof of [KS90, Th. 11.4.9], s and s0 , define ring isomorphisms
associating to each P ∈ EX (U ), P 0 ∈ EX (U ), some Q ∈ EY (V ), Q0 ∈ EY (V ), such
that P · s = s · Q, s0 · P 0 = Q0 · s0 , respectively. Hence, we get that α(s0 ) ◦ α(s) is an
automorphism µhom(G, OY )|V , defined by the left action of s0 · s ∈ EX . Hence, we can
choose s0 so that α(s0 ) ◦ α(s) is the identity.
We are now in a position to prove Theorem 3.2.1: we constructed in the proof of
the lemma, for each P ∈ p−1 1 EX |U , some Q ∈ p2a EY |V such that P · s = s · Q and we

can apply Theorem 3.1.5 to conclude.

Chapter 4

Radon transform for sheaves

We are going to apply the results of the last chapter to the case of projective duality.

4.1 Projective duality: geometry

4.1.1 Notations
We refer to the notations of the sections 1.3 and 2.1. We recall that we denote by

V , V, an (n + 1)-dimensional real and complex vector space, respectively,

P , P, the n−dimensional real and complex projective space, respectively,
S, S, the real and complex incidence hypersurface in P × P ∗ , P × P∗ , respectively.

When necessary, we will enforce the dimension by noting Pn , resp. P∗n .

In this section, k denotes either the field R or C.
Let X, Y be complex manifolds, we recall that we denote by q1 and q2 the respective
projection of X × Y on each of its factor.
For K ∈ Db (CX×Y ), we recall that we defined the functor:

ΦK : Db (CX ) → Db (CY )
F 7→ Rq2! (K ⊗ q1−1 F )

For an integer k and ε ∈ Z/2Z, we note k ∗ = −n−1−k and ε∗ = −n−1−ε mod(2).

We refer to Section 1.3 for the definition of the sheaves of twisted microfunctions
CP (ε, k), CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ ).

4.1.2 Geometry of projective duality

For a manifold X, we denote by P ∗ X the projectivization of the cotangent bundle of
X. Let us prove the following:


Proposition 4.1.1. There is an homogeneous complex symplectic isomorphism

• •
(4.1.1) T ∗ P ' T ∗ P∗
and a contact isomorphism
(4.1.2) P ∗ P ' S ' P ∗ P∗
Proof. We have the natural morphism
V \ {0} →
− P
According to 2.3.2, this morphism, after removing the zero section, induces the following
t ρ0
T ∗ (V \ {0}) o V \ {0} ×P T ∗ P / T ∗P

V \ {0} / P

We notice that t ρ0 is an immersion. Let us denote by H, H∗ , the incidence hypersurfaces:

H = {(ξ, x) ∈ V∗ × (V \ {0}); hξ, xi = 0}
H∗ = {(x, ξ) ∈ V × (V∗ \ {0}); hx, ξi = 0}
Noticing that for x ∈ V \ {0}, ρ is constant along the fiber above ρ(x), we see that t ρ0 is
an immersion into the incidence hypersurface H. Besides, t ρ0 is a morphism of fibered
space and so, by a dimensional argument, we conclude that this immersion is also onto.
Removing the zero sections, we get the diagram

? _H o
• •
(4.1.3) T ∗ (V \ {0}) o V \ {0} ×P T ∗ P / T ∗P

' ' '

? _ H∗ o
• •

T (V ∗
\ {0}) o (V \ {0}) ×P∗ T ∗ P∗
∗ / T ∗ P∗

where the isomophism between H and H∗ follows from the following symplectic isomor-
• •
T ∗ (V \ {0}) ' T ∗ (V∗ \ {0})
(x, ξ) 7→ (ξ, −x)
Now, taking the quotient by the action of C∗ on both sides of the isomorphism between
• •
(V \ {0}) ×P T ∗ P and (V∗ \ {0}) ×P∗ T ∗ P∗ , we get the isomorphism:
• •
T ∗ P ' (V∗ \ {0}) ×P∗ P ∗ P∗ ' T ∗ P∗
This gives (4.1.1).
Besides, passing to the quotient by the action of C∗ × C∗ on the two central columns
of diagram (4.1.3), we get (4.1.2).

Proposition 4.1.2. Consider the double fibrations

T ∗S (P × P∗ )
(4.1.4) ∼ ∼
p1 pa
• •

T ∗P χ T ∗ P∗

Then, p1 and pa2 are isomorphisms and χ = pa2 ◦ p−1

1 is a homogeneous symplectic

Proof. In the proof Proposition 4.1.1, we have proved that (V\{0})×P T ∗ P is isomorphic
to the incidence hypersurface of (V∗ \ {0}) × (V \ {0}). Taking the quotient on the
incidence hypersurface with respect to V, we get the tautological line bundle over S
with respect to the V variable. Hence, we have

T ∗ P ' (V \ {0} × P) ×S S
and similarly, taking the quotient with respect to V∗ , we get tautological line bundle
over S with respect to the V∗ variable, we get

T ∗ P∗ ' S ×S (V∗ \ {0} × P∗ )

But these tautological line bundles are both isomorphic to T ∗S (P × P∗ ).
Now, we are going to prove the following
Proposition 4.1.3. The diagram 4.1.4 induces
• • •
T ∗S (P × P∗ ) ∩ (T ∗P P × T ∗P ∗ P∗ )
∼ ∼
p1 pa
• •

T ∗P P χ T ∗P ∗ P∗
Proof. The embedding of P, P ∗ into their compexification P, P∗ induces an isomorphism
• • • •
T ∗P P ' iT ∗ P, T ∗P ∗ P∗ ' iT ∗ P ∗
Besides, we have the isomoprhism
• • • •
T ∗S (P × P∗ ) ∩ (T ∗P P × T ∗P ∗ P∗ ) ' iT ∗S (P × P ∗ )

Indeed, let (z0 , ξ0 ) ∈ P × P ∗ and ϕ ∈ (T ∗S (P × P∗ ))z0 ,ξ0 . In local coordinates (z, ξ) ∈ P ×
P∗ , ϕ vanishes on any vector (u, v) belonging to the kernel of the 1-form, ω = ξdz +xdξ.
• •
Then (<u, <v) ∈ T S, and (Im u, Im v) ∈ T S. Assume now, ϕ ∈ (T ∗P P)z0 × (T ∗P ∗ P∗ )ξ0 ,
then ϕ vanishes on vector of type (<(u), <(v)) and so is pure imaginary and vanishes

on (Im u, Im v) ∈ T S. Hence, ϕ ∈ iT ∗S (P × P ∗ ). From Proposition 4.1.2, we get the
• • • • • • •
T ∗P P ' iT ∗ P ' iT ∗S (P × P ∗ ) ' T ∗S (P × P∗ ) ∩ (T ∗P P × T ∗P ∗ P∗ ) ' T ∗P ∗ P∗

4.2 Projective duality for microdifferential opera-

Let k, k 0 be integers and ε ∈ Z/2Z. We follow the notations of the sections 1.3 and 4.2.
(n,0) (n,0)
We define similarly a twisted version of BS|P×P∗ and CS|P×P∗ .
We set
BS (k, k 0 ) := q2−1 OP∗ (k 0 ) ⊗q−1 OP∗ BS|P×P∗ ⊗q−1 OP q1−1 (OP (k) ⊗OP ΩP )
2 1

and the (EP (−k, k), EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ ))-module

(n,0) (n,0)
CS|P×P∗ (k, k 0 ) := E BS|P×P∗ (k, k 0 )

We notice that EP (−k, k) is nothing but OP (−k)D ⊗ πP −1 DP EP ⊗ πP −1 DP DOP (k).

According to the diagram 4.1.4, we denoted by χ the homogeneous symplectic isomor-

χ := pa2 |T ∗ (P×P∗ ) ◦ p1 |−1∗

• •
S T S (P×P∗ )

We have:
Theorem 4.2.1 ([DS96, p. 469]). Assume −n − 1 < k < 0. There exists a section s of

µhom(CS [−1], ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ )), non-degenerate on T ∗S (P × P∗ ).
Proof. From the exact sequence:

(4.2.1) 0 −→ C(P×P∗ )\S −→ CP×P∗ −→ CS −→ 0

we get the natural morphism

RΓ((P × P∗ ) \ S; ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ )) →

− RΓS (P × P∗ ; ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ ))[1]
' RΓ(P × P∗ ; RH om (CS ; ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ )))[1]
' RΓ(T ∗ (P × P∗ ); µhom(CS ; ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ )))[1]

− RΓ(T ∗ (P × P∗ ); µhom(CS [−1]; ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ )))

Let z = (z0 , ..., zn ) be a system of homogeneous coordinates on P and ζ = (ζ0 , ..., ζn )

the dual coordinates on P∗ . As explained in [DS96], a non-degenerate section is provided
by the Leray section, defined for (z, ξ) ∈ (P × P∗ ) \ S by

ω 0 (z)
(4.2.2) s(z, ζ) =
hz, ζin+1+k
where ω 0 (z) is the Leray form ω 0 (z) = k=0 (−1)
zk dz0 ∧ . . . ∧ dzk−1 ∧ dzk+1 ∧ . . . ∧dzn ,
Leray [Ler59].

Let s be a section of H 1 (µhom(CS [−1], ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ ))), non-degenerate on T ∗S (P×
P∗ ).

Theorem 4.2.2. Assume −n−1 < k < 0. Then, we have an isomorphism in Db (CT ∗ P ) •

ΦµS (EP (−k, k)|T ∗ P ) ' EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ P∗

• •

χ∗ EP (−k, k)|T ∗ P ' EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ P∗

• •

Proof. Let F, G be line bundles on P, and P∗ respectively. We know from [SKK] that
• •
(n,0) ⊗−1
a global non-degenerate section s ∈ Γ(T ∗ P × T ∗ P∗ ; CS|P×P∗ ⊗p−1 EP E F ⊗p−1 EP∗ G E)
1 2
induces an isomorphism of E -modules

ΦµS (E F|T ∗ P ) ' E G|T ∗ P∗

• •

Now, let us set F = OP (k), G = OP∗ (k ∗ ). Then, 4.2.1 provides such a non-degenerate
• •
(n,0) ⊗−1
section in Γ(T ∗ P × T ∗ P∗ ; CS|P×P∗ ⊗p−1 EP E OP (k) ⊗p−1 EP∗ OP∗ (k ∗ ) E ). So that, we
1 2
have an isomorphism

ΦµS (EP (−k, k)|T ∗ P ) ' EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ P∗

• •

On the other hand s is a non-degenerate section of CS|P×P∗ (−k, k ∗ ), hence we can apply
Theorem 2.3.3. Let us denote by

EP×P∗ (k, k ∗ ) := EP (−k, k) π−1 OP×P∗ EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )

Theorem 2.3.3 gives the following isomorphisms

EP (−k, k)|T ∗ P ' p1 ∗ (EP×P∗ (k, k ∗ ).s)|T ∗ P

• •

p2 ∗ (EP×P∗ (k, k ∗ ).s)|T ∗ P∗ ' EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ P∗

• •

And so

χ∗ EP (−k, k)|T ∗ P ' EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ P∗

• •

4.3 Projective duality for microfunctions

• •
Let U and V be open sets of respectively T ∗ P and T ∗ P∗ such that χ(U ) = V . Let us
denote by Λ the conic lagragian set

Λ := (U × V a ) ∩ T ∗S (P × P∗ )

In order to prove Proposition 4.3.3 below, we will use the following theorem proven
in [KS90, Th. 7.2.1], stated inthere for smooth manifolds.
Theorem 4.3.1 ([KS90, Th. 7.2.1]). Let K ∈ Db (P × P∗ ) and assume that
(i) K is cohomologically constructible
(ii) (p−1 a −1
1 (U ) ∪ (p2 ) (V )) ∩ SS(K) ⊂ Λ

(iii) the natural morphism CΛ −→ µhom(K, K)|Λ is an isomorphism.

Then for any F1 , F2 ∈ Db (P; U ), the natural morphism

χ∗ µhom(F1 , F2 ) −→ µhom(ΦK (F1 ), ΦK (F2 ))

is an isomorphism in Db (P∗ ; V ).
In the following, we will denote by K the object CS [n − 1]. In order to prove
Proposition 4.3.3, we will need to compute ΦK (CP (1)). Though we provide an alternate
proof, the following Lemma is also proved in [DS96].
Lemma 4.3.2. We have

CP ∗ (1) , for n odd
ΦK (CP (1)) '
CP∗ \P ∗ [1] , for n even


 CP∗ , for j = n − 1
CP∗ \P ∗ , for j = −1 and n odd

H j (ΦK (CP (0))) '

 CP ∗ (1), for j = 0 and n even
0 in any other case

Proof. We will only treat the computation of ΦK (CP (ε)), ε = 1. We have:

K ⊗ q1−1 (CP (1)) ' CS [n − 1] ⊗ CP ×P∗ (1)

' C(P ×P∗ )∩S (1)[n − 1]

where CP ×P∗ (1) denotes the exterior product CP (1)  CP∗ , and C(P ×P∗ )∩S (1) :=
CP ×P∗ (1) ⊗ CS .
Let us compute the stalks of ΦK (CP ). For ξ ∈ P ∗ , we have

ΦK (CP )ξ ' (Rq2! (C(P ×P∗ )∩S )[n − 1])ξ

Noticing that (P × {ξ}) ∩ S is the (n − 1)-dimensional real projective space, we have

RΓc (q2−1 ({ξ}); C(P ×P∗ )∩S ) ' RΓc (q2−1 ({ξ}); C(P ×{ξ})∩S )
' RΓc (Pn ; CPn−1 )
' RΓc (Pn−1 ; CPn−1 )

For ξ ∈ P∗ \ P ∗ , (P × {ξ}) ∩ S is the intersection of two real projective spaces of

dimension (n − 1), so that

RΓc (q2−1 ({ξ}); C(P ×P∗ )∩S ) ' RΓc (Pn ; CPn−2 )
' RΓc (Pn−2 ; CPn−2 )

We conclude by using real projective spaces cohomology classical computation: all

constant sheaf cohomology groups vanish for degree ranging from 1 to n − 1, and one
have to distinguishes between n being even or odd.

For n even, we have

RΓc (Pn−1 ; CPn−1 ) ' C[0] ⊕ C[1 − n]

RΓc (Pn−2 ; CPn−2 ) ' C[0]

so that
C[0] ⊕ C[n − 1], for ξ ∈ P ∗

ΦK (CP )ξ '
C[n − 1], for ξ ∈ P∗ \ P ∗

For n odd, we have

RΓc (Pn−1 ; CPn−1 ) ' C[0]

RΓc (Pn−2 ; CPn−2 ) ' C[0] ⊕ C[2 − n]

so that
C[n − 1], for ξ ∈ P ∗

ΦK (CP )ξ '
C[1] ⊕ C[n − 1], for ξ ∈ P∗ \ P ∗

We recall that the sheaf of CP (1) is defined by the following exact sequence
0 → CP (1) → q! CPe −
→ CP → 0

where Pe is the n-sphere, q is the 2 : 1 fibered map Pe →

− P.
We note i the embedding P ,→ P. We have the following diagram:

Pe × P∗
qe1 qe

Pe P × P∗
q q1 q2

P P × P∗ P∗
q1 q2
i id

P P∗

Let us compute ΦK (i∗ q! CPe )ξ , ξ ∈ P∗ . Still denoting S ∩ (P × P∗ ) by S and denoting

qe−1 S by S,
e we have

ΦK (i∗ Rq! CPe ) := Rq2! (CS [n − 1] ⊗ q1−1 i∗ Rq! CPe )

' Rq2! (CS [n − 1] ⊗ j∗ q1−1 Rq! CPe )
' Rq2! j∗ (CS [n − 1] ⊗ q1−1 Rq! CPe )
' Rq2! j∗ (CS [n − 1] ⊗ Re q! qe1−1 CPe )
' Rq2! j∗ (CS [n − 1] ⊗ Re q! CPe×P∗ )
' Rq2! j∗ Re
q! (CSe [n − 1])
' R(q2 ◦ j ◦ qe)! (CSe [n − 1])

where we used that for the closed embedding i, j, the push-forward and proper direct
image are isomorphic. Now, S e ∩ (q2 ◦ j ◦ qe)−1 ({ξ}) are the real (n − 1)-sphere and the
real (n − 2)-sphere, when ξ ∈ P ∗ and ξ ∈ P∗ \ P ∗ , respectively. From the well-known
cohomology of spheres, we get that:

C[0] ⊕ C[n − 1], for ξ ∈ P ∗

ΦK (Rq! CPe )ξ '
C[1] ⊕ C[n − 1], for ξ ∈ P∗ \ P ∗

Consider the distinguished triangle,

ΦK (CP (1)) ΦK (Rq! CPe ) ΦK (CP )

we deduce that, for n even,

0, for ξ ∈ P ∗

ΦK (CP (1))ξ '
C[1], for ξ ∈ P∗ \ P ∗

For n odd,

C[0], for ξ ∈ P ∗

ΦK (CP (1))ξ '
0, for ξ ∈ P∗ \ P ∗

So that, for n even, ΦK (CP (1)) is a locally constant sheaf, with stalks C on P∗ \ P ∗ ,
concentrated in degree 1, and for n odd, a locally constant sheaf with stalks C on P ∗ ,
concentrated in degree 0.
Now, to conclude, we refer to [DS96, Coro. 5.15], where it is shown in particular that
Hom(ΦK (CP (1)), CP (1)) is isomorphic to 0 for n even and C for n odd. And so, since
there are only 2 locally constant sheaves on P ∗ , namely CP ∗ and CP ∗ (1), we conclude
that for n odd, ΦK (CP (1)) is precisely CP (1). Besides, for n > 2 and even, P∗ \ P ∗ is
contractible, so that ΦK (CP (1)) is precisely CP∗ \P ∗ [1].

Theorem 4.3.3. Assume −n − 1 < k < 0. Recall that any section s ∈ Γ(P ×
P∗ ; BS (−k, k ∗ )), defines a morphism in Db (CT P ) •

(4.3.2) χ∗ CP (ε, k)|T ∗ P →

• − CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ •
P P∗

Assume s is non-degenerate on T ∗S (P×P∗ ). Then (4.3.2) is an isomorphism. More-
over, there exists such a non-degenerate section.
Remark 4.3.4. (i) This is a refinement of a general theorem of [SKK] and is a
microlocal version of Theorem 5.17 in [DS96].

(ii) The classical Radon transform deals with the case where k = −n, k ∗ = −1.
Proof. We will deal with the case ε = 1 and n even, the complementary cases being
proven the same way. Let us apply Theorem 4.3.1 in the following particular case
• • •
- U = T ∗ P, V = T ∗ P∗ , Λ = T ∗S (P × P∗ ).

- K is CS [n − 1].
- F1 = CP (1) and F2 = OP (k)
K verifies conditions (i),(ii),(iii) of Theorem 4.3.1
(i) is fulfilled as the constant sheaf on a closed submanifold of a manifold is coho-
mologically constructible.
(ii) is fulfilled since SS(CS ) is nothing but TS∗ (P × P∗ ).
(iii) CTS∗ (P×P∗ ) −→ µhom(CS , CS ) is an isomorphism on TS∗ (P × P∗ ) (this follows from
the fact that for a closed submanifold Z of a manifold X, µZ (CZ ) − ∼
→ CTZ∗ X , see [KS90,
Prop. 4.4.3]).
By a fundamental result in [DS96, Th 5.17], we know that for −n − 1 < k < 0,

a section s ∈ Γ(P × P∗ ; BS (−k, k ∗ )), non-degenerate on T ∗S (P × P∗ ), induces an

ΦK (OP (k)) ' OP∗ (k ∗ )

(see Appendix 6.1.1 for a sketch of the proof). Formula (4.2.2) provides an example of
such a non-degenerate section. Hence, applying Lemma 4.3.2, Theorem 4.3.1 gives:
χ∗ µhom(CP (1), OP (k))|T ∗ P ' µhom(CP∗ \P ∗ [1], OP∗ (k ∗ ))|T ∗ P∗
• •

We have the exact sequence:

(4.3.3) 0 −→ CP∗ \P ∗ −→ CP∗ −→ CP ∗ −→ 0

Now, for any F ∈ Db (CP∗ ), we have

supp(µhom(CP∗ , F )|T ∗ P∗ ) ⊂ (SS(CP∗ ) ∩ T ∗ P∗ ) ∩ SS(F ) = ∅

and hence,

µhom(CP∗ , F )|T ∗ P∗ ' 0 •

Applying the µhom functor to 4.3.3, we get

µhom(CP∗ \P ∗ , F )|T ∗ P∗ [−1] ' µhom(CP ∗ , F )|T ∗ P∗

• •

Hence, we have proved in particular that

χ∗ µhom(CP (1), OP (k))|T ∗ P ' µhom(CP ∗ , OP∗ (k ∗ ))|T ∗
• •
P P∗

4.4 Main results

We follow the notations of Section 1.3 and Section 2.1.
Let us consider the situation (4.1.4), where we denoted by χ the homogeneous
• • •
symplectic isomorphism between T ∗ P and T ∗ P∗ through T ∗S (P × P∗ ). We set

L := CS [−1]

Then L is a perverse sheaf satisfying

• • •
a −1
(4.4.1) (p−1 ∗
1 (T P) ∪ p2 (T ∗ P∗ )) ∩ SS(L) = T ∗S (P × P∗ )

Recall Theorem 4.2.1, and let s be a section of µhom(CS [−1], ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ )),

non-degenerate on T ∗S (P × P∗ ). We are in situation to apply Theorem 3.2.1.
Theorem 4.4.1. Let G ∈ Db (CP∗ ), k an integer. Assume −n − 1 < k < 0. Then, we
have an isomorphism in Db (CT ∗ P ): •

(4.4.2) ∼
χ−1 µhom(G, OP∗ (k ∗ )) −→ µhom(ΦCS [n−1] (G), OP (k))

This isomorphism is compatible with the action of EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ ) and EP (−k, k) on the
left and right side of (4.4.2) respectively.
Proof. The isomorphism is directly provided by Theorem 3.2.1 in the situation where,
• • •
using the notation inthere, U = T ∗ P, V = T ∗ P∗ and Λ = T ∗S (P × P∗ ) and where we
twist by homogenous line bundles of P, P∗ as explained below.
Let us adapt (3.2.5) by taking into account the twist by homogeneous line bundles.
We follow the exact same reasoning than sections of 3.1 and 3.2.
We have the natural morphism

ΩP∗ ×P/P (−k ∗ , k) ◦ OP∗ (k ∗ ) [n] →

− OP (k).

Indeed, we have

ΩP∗ ×P/P (−k ∗ , k) ◦ OP∗ (k ∗ ) [n] = Rq1 ! (OP∗ ×P (−k ∗ , k) ⊗q−1 OP∗ q2−1 ΩP∗ ⊗ q2−1 OP∗ (k ∗ )[n])
→ OP (k)
− Rq1 ! (OP∗ ×P (k, 0) ⊗q−1 OP∗ q2−1 ΩP∗ )[n] −


Given this morphism and considering L := µhom(CS [−1], ΩP∗ ×P/P (−k ∗ , k)), we
• •
mimic the proof of Theorem 3.1.5 so that for a section s of L on T ∗ P × T ∗ P∗a and
• •
for P ∈ Γ(T ∗ P; EP (−k, k)) and Q ∈ Γ(T ∗ P∗ ; EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )) satisfying P · s = s · Q, the
diagram below commutes:


CS ◦ µhom(G, OP∗ (k ∗ ))|T ∗ • / µhom(CS [n − 1] ◦ G, OP (k))|T ∗ P •

P∗ α(s) P

ΦCS (α(Q)) α(P )

CS ◦ µhom(G, OP∗ (k ∗ ))|T ∗ • / µhom(CS [n − 1] ◦ G, OP (k))|T ∗ P . •
P∗ α(s) P

From there, given a non-degenerate section of L on T ∗S (P×P∗ ), Theorem 3.2.1 gives
the compatible action of micro-differential operators on each side of the isomorphism

χ−1 µhom(G, OP∗ (k ∗ ))|T ∗ •

−→ µhom(ΦCS [n−1] (G), OP (k))|T ∗ P •
P∗ P

It remains to exhibit a non-degenerate section so that, for P ∈ Γ(T ∗ P; EP (−k, k)),

there is Q ∈ Γ(T ∗ P∗ ; EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )) such that P · s = s · Q. Precisely, s is given by
Proposition 4.2.1.
Specializing the above proposition, we get
Corollary 4.4.2. Let ε ∈ Z/2Z. In the situation of Proposition 4.4.1, we have the iso-
1 EP (−k, k) and p2
morphism, compatible with the respective action of p−1 EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )
a −1

χ∗ CP (ε, k)|T ∗ P ' CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗

• •
P P∗

Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Proposition 4.4.1, where we consider the

special case G = CP ∗ (ε∗ ). Indeed, we have, from Lemma 4.3.2, the isomorphism in

Db (CP∗ ; T ∗ P∗ )

CS [n − 1] ◦ CP ∗ (ε∗ ) ' CP (ε)

We can state now

Corollary 4.4.3. Let k be an integer. Let N be a coherent EP (−k, k)-module and
F ∈ Db (P). Assume −n − 1 < k < 0. Then, we have an isomorphism in Db (CT ∗ P ) •

χ∗ RH om EP (−k,k) (N , µhom(F, OP (k))) '

RH om EP∗ (−k∗ ,k∗ ) (ΦµS (N ), µhom((ΦCS [n−1] F, OP∗ (k ∗ )))

Proof. It suffices to prove this statement for finite free EP (−k, k)-modules, which in
turn can be reduced to the case where N = EP (−k, k). By Theorem 4.2.2, we have

ΦµS (EP (−k, k)|T ∗ P ) ' EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ P∗

• •

Then, by applying Proposition 4.4.1, we have

χ∗ µhom(F, OP (k))|T ∗ P∗ ' RH om EP∗ (−k∗ ,k∗ ) (EP∗ (−k ∗ , k ∗ ), µhom((ΦCS [n−1] F, OP∗ (k ∗ )))|T ∗ P∗
• •

which proves the corollary.

Chapter 5


5.1 Geometrical preliminaries

5.1.1 Radon transform for sets
Let q1 , q2 denote the first and second projection of P × P ∗ on each of its factor. For A
and B subsets of P and P ∗ , we denote by A b and Bb the subsets of P ∗ and P respectively

b := q2 (q1−1 (A) ∩ S)
b := q1 (q −1 (A) ∩ S)
B 2

Of course, for ξ ∈ P ∗ , {ξ}

d is the hyperplane of P associated to ξ. We denote by A the

A := P ∗ \ (P

\ \ A)

and similarly for B .

We will say that A is affine if it is contained in a local chart of P . If A is affine, we
denote by Conv(A) the convex hull of A.

We have the following description of A b and A:

Lemma 5.1.1. For A ⊂ P , we have

b = {ξ ∈ P ∗ ; {ξ}
(i) A d ∩ A 6= ∅}

(ii) A = {ξ ∈ P ∗ ; {ξ}
d ⊂ A}

Proof. (i) By definition, ξ ∈ Ab if and only if there exists x ∈ A, such that (x, ξ) ∈ S,
and so if and only if there exists x ∈ A, such that x ∈ {ξ}.

(ii) Indeed, from (i), we have that ξ ∈ A if and only if {ξ}

d ∩ (P \ A) = ∅.

We have the following properties.

Lemma 5.1.2. For A ⊂ P , the following statements hold


(i) If A 6= ∅, then A = P.

Assume now that A is affine and connected. Then:

(ii) A \
b = Conv(A).

b = Conv(A).
(iii) A
(iv) A
b = A.

Proof. (i) Let x, y be two distinct element of P with x ∈ A. Let H ⊂ P be any

d for ξ ∈ P ∗ , we have {ξ} ⊂ {x}.
hyperplane containing both x and y. Setting H = {ξ} d
d we get that y ∈ {x}.
Since, y ∈ {ξ},
\ and denote by
(ii) Assume A is a subset of E, a local chart of P . Let ξ ∈ Conv(A)
H be the hyperplan {ξ}. d There exists z ∈ Conv(A) such that z ∈ H. Let x, y ∈ A be
such that z ∈ [x, y]. Since A is connected, [x, y] ∩ H 6= ∅ implies H ∩ A 6= ∅, so that
we have ξ ∈ A. b
We have thus proved that, for any x, y ∈ A, and any z ∈ [x, y], zb ⊂ A, b so that
\ ⊂ A.
Conv(A) b Now since,bis increasing in the sense that A ⊂ B implies A b ⊂ B,
b we
have A \
b ⊂ Conv(A).

(iii) The inclusion Conv(A) ⊂ A b follows immedialtely from (ii) and lemma 5.1.1
(ii). Let us prove the converse inclusion. Let x ∈/ Conv(A) and consider H a separation

hyperplane of {x} and A. There exists ξ ∈ P such that {ξ} d = H. Again by Lemma
5.1.1 (ii), it suffices to prove that {ξ} ∈ d ∩ (P ∗ \ A)
b Indeed, in that case, {x}
/ A. b 6= ∅

since it would contain {ξ} implying that x ∈ /Ab.

Suppose that ξ ∈ A. b Then, then there exists y ∈ A such that ξ ∈ {y}.
d However, the
latter fact means that y ∈ H, implying that H ∩ A 6= ∅, which leads to a contradiction.
(iv) Follows from (ii) and (iii).

Remark 5.1.3. (i) Let H∞ be a hyperplane in P . For any non empty affine set

A ⊂ P \ H∞ , we have A = ∅. Indeed, for any ξ ∈ P ∗ , ξb has non empty

intersection with H∞ .

(ii) For two sets A, B ⊂ P , we have the obvious relation A

\ ∪ B = A∪
b B.
b However, the
b operation does not commute with the set-intersection operation. For instance,
consider x, y distinct elements of P , {x}
d ∩ {y}
d is non empty since it contains any

ξ ∈ P whose associated hyperplane contains x and y.
In the following, we will be essentially interested in linearly concave domains.
Definition 5.1.4. A set A ⊂ P is linearly concave if there exists a set B ⊂ P ∗ such
that A = B.
b Moreover, if B is connected, A is said to be strongly linearly concave.

We have the simple lemma:


Lemma 5.1.5. Let A be a subset of P . Then A is a linearly concave if and only if


A = A.

Proof. Let B ⊂ P ∗ such that A = B.

b By lemma 5.1.2 (iv), we have the follwing
V b

The converse statement is obvious.

5.1.2 Sheaves associated with some locally closed subsets

Let X, Y be two real analytic manifolds of dimension n, S a closed submanifold of
q1 q2
X × Y of codimension c. We note X ← − X×Y − → Y the projections, j the closed
embedding S ,→ X × Y . We denote by f, g the restrictions of q1 , q2 to S:

f g

We assume that f and g are smooth and proper. For A ⊂ X, B ⊂ Y , we still note
A := g(f −1 (A)), B
b b := f (g −1 (B)).
Definition 5.1.6. [DS96] Let Z be a locally closed subset of X. One says that Z is
b g −1 ({y}) has trivial cohomology in the sense that
S-trivial if for any y ∈ Z,

(5.1.1) ∼
k−→ RΓ(g −1 ({y}); kf −1 (Z) )

Refering to the notations of section 2.5, recall that for F ∈ Db (CX ), we defined

ΦS (F ) := Rg! f −1 F [dS/Y ]

Lemma 5.1.7. For F ∈ Db (kX ), we have

ΦS (F ) ' Rq2 ! (kS ⊗ q1−1 F )[n − c]

Proof. We have
Rg! f −1 F ' Rg! (j −1 q1−1 F )
' Rq2 ! (Rj! j −1 )q1−1 F
' Rq2 ! ((q1−1 F )j∗ S )
' Rq2 ! (kj∗ S ⊗ q1−1 F )

Here are some conditions under which the Radon transform of locally constant
sheaves on some locally closed set A ⊂ X, is the constant sheaf on A
b with some shift
in degrees.

Lemma 5.1.8 ([DS94, Lem 2.8]). (i) Let U be an S-trivial open subset of X, then
(5.1.2) ΦS (kU ) ' kUb [c − n]

(ii) Let K be a S-trivial compact subset of X, then

(5.1.3) ΦS (kK ) ' kKb [n − c]

5.2 An application of the Holmgren-Kashiwara the-

Let M be a real analytic manifold, X a complexification of M . In the sequel, we
identify the conormal bundle TM ∗
X and iT ∗ M . We denote by BM the sheaf of Sato’s
hyperfunctions on M, by B(M ) the vector space Γ(M ; BM ), and for u ∈ B(M ), we

denote by W F (u) its analytic wave front set, a closed conic subset of TM X. Let us first
recall an unpublished result due to M. Kashiwara, proven in Hormander [Hör83] Th.
Theorem 5.2.1. Let M be a real analytic manifold and let f : M → − R be a C 1
function. Let x0 ∈ M with f (x0 ) = 0 and df (x0 ) 6= 0 and let U = {x ∈ M ; f (x) < 0}.
Let u ∈ B(M ) satisfying u|U = 0 and x0 ∈ supp(u). Then ±i.df (x0 ) ∈ W F (u).
From this result, we deduce the following. Let V be a real finite dimensional vector

space, V ∗ its dual, and set V ∗ = V ∗ \ {0}. We denote by S the incidence variety of

V × V ∗ . Let ω ⊂ Ω be convex open subsets of V . For (x, ξ) ∈ V × V ∗ , we denote by
Hx,ξ the hyperplane passing through x and of conormal ξ. Let us consider the set

Z = {(x, iξ) ∈ V × iV ∗; (x, ξ) ∈ S, Hx,ξ ∩ Ω 6= ∅, Hx,ξ ∩ ω = ∅}
Then one have the following theorem
Theorem 5.2.2. Let u ∈ B(Ω) and assume that u = 0 on ω and that W F (u) ∩ Z = ∅.
Then u = 0.
Proof. We will mimic the proof of [Hör83, Th. 8.6.8]. Let y ∈ Ω and x ∈ ω and denote
by I the segment joining y and x. Then, as explicited in [Hör83, Th. 8.6.8], one can find
an open convex set X b ω such that for any (z, ξ) ∈ W F (u) ∩ Z such that Hz,ξ ∩ I 6= ∅,
then Hz,ξ ∩ X 6= ∅. For t ∈ [0, 1], let us denote by Yt the convex hull of X and the point
yt = tx + (1 − t)y. For small enough t, yt ∈ X, so that Yt = X and u|Yt = 0. Let T be
supt∈[0,1] {u|Yt = 0}. We want to prove that T = 1. We have that u|YT = 0 with yT ∈ / ω.
Let us consider a supporting hyperplane H of YT . If yT ∈ H, then W F (u) ∩ Z = ∅,
since H does not intersect X. If yT ∈ / H, then H ∩ YT b U . It follows from [Hör83, Th.
8.5.8] and Theorem 5.2.1 that ∂YT ∩ supp(u) = ∅, and so that T = 1 and u vanishes
in the neighborhood of y.

We are going to apply Theorem 5.2.2 to prove a refinement of the “edge-of-the-

wedge” theorem, due to Kolm and Nagel [KN68], (we refer also to Vladimirov [Vla61],
Martineau [Mar68]).
Let K be a convex compact set of V and let a, b ∈ V , we define

ΓaK := V \ {a}
d ∩K

which is the affine cone, union of hyperplanes passing through a with empty inter-
section with K.
Let A be a subset of V . We define

Γa,b a b
K , the connected component of ΓK ∩ ΓK containing the segment ]a, b[,

ConvK A = ∪a,b∈A Γa,b

K ,

Z = {(x, iξ) ∈ V × iV ∗; (x, ξ) ∈ S, Hx,ξ ∩ K = ∅}

Corollary 5.2.3. Let ω be an open convex set in V \ K. Let u ∈ B(V ) such that
u|ω = 0. We assume that W F (u) ∩ Z = ∅. Then u vanishes on ConvK (ω).

Proof. This is a direct application of theoreom 5.2.2 where we set Ω = Conv˚K (ω) since
we verify that for any x ∈ ConvK (ω) and (x, iξ) ∈ Z, Hx,ξ ∩ ω = ∅.

5.3 Hyperfunctions whose Radon transfom vanishes

in linearly concave domains

5.3.1 Notations
Let us fix some notations. Let k be an integer, ε ∈ Z/2Z. We will assume in this
chapter that 0 < k < −n − 1. For a real analytic manifold M and its complexfication

X, let πM denote the projection TM X → M . Denote by P ∗ M the projectivisation of

the cotangent bundle of M , and by ρM the projection T ∗ M → − P ∗M .
As usual, P and P ∗ will denote the real dimension projective space and its dual,
and S the incidence submanifold of P × P ∗ . We denote by pe1 and pe2 the isomorphisms
P ∗ P ' PS∗ (P × P ∗ ) ' P ∗ P ∗ , and we will identify S to PS∗ (P × P ∗ ) (cf. remark following

Proposition 4.1.1). Let us consider the following situation:

T ∗S (P × P ∗ )
p1 pa

• •

T ∗P χ T ∗P ∗

ρP PS∗ (P × P ∗ ) ρP ∗

∼ ∼
pe1 pe2
P ∗P P ∗P ∗

P P∗

Let Ω be a non empty linearly concave domain strictly contained in P . We denote by

Ω := ρ−1 p1 ((Ω × Ω) ∩ S)) ⊂ T ∗ P

P (e

Ω∗ := ρ−1 p2 ((Ω × Ω) ∩ S)) ⊂ T ∗ P ∗

P ∗ (e

We notice that

Ω = ρ−1 p1 ({(x, ξ) ∈ S; x ∈ Ω, {x} ⊂ ξb ⊂ Ω}))

P (e

Ω∗ = χ(Ω)

In the following, we will identify i.T ∗ P ' TP∗ P and i.T ∗ P ∗ ' TP∗ ∗ P∗ .

5.3.2 Application of projective duality for microfunctions

We shall follow the notations of Section 1.3. Let k be an integer with −n − 1 < k < 0.
In all this section, we will set

s ∈ Γ(T ∗S (P × P∗ ); µhom(CS [−1], ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ )))

Assume s is non-degenerate on T ∗S (P × P∗ ). Theorem 4.2.1 provides such a section.
Let U an open subset of P . Let f be a section of BP (ε, k)(U ). As defined in 1.3.6,
Rad(f ) is the image of f by the sequence of morphisms:
• •
BP (ε, k)(U ) CP (ε, k)(T ∗U P) CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )(χ(T ∗U P))

Lemma 5.3.1. Let Ω ( P be a non empty linearly concave domain. Then,


(i) πP (Ω) = Ω

(ii) Ω∗ = T ∗ P∗V


Proof. (i) By lemma 5.1.5, we have Ω = Ω, so that for any x ∈ Ω, there exists an

element ξ ∈ Ω such that x ∈ ξb and ξb ⊂ Ω. And so, x ∈ πP (Ω)

(ii) For ξ ∈ Ω, the fiber Ω∗ξ is ρ−1

p2 ({(ξ, x) ∈ P ∗ P ∗ ; {x} ⊂ ξb ⊂ Ω})) which is T ∗ Pξ∗ .

P ∗ (e

So, after identifying In the following i.T ∗ P ∗ ' TP∗ ∗ P∗ , we get Ω∗ = T ∗ P∗ . V

Remark 5.3.2. Let f ∈ BP (ε, k)(Ω). It follows immediately from (ii) of the above
lemma that Rad(f )|Ω∗ may be viewed as an element of BP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )/AP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )(Ω). We

will denote this element by Rad(f )| . V

We have:

Proposition 5.3.3. Let Ω ( P be a non empty linearly concave domain and let f ∈
BP (ε, k)(Ω). Then, we have

W F (f ) ∩ Ω = χ−1 (W F (Rad(f )| ))

Proof. For any integer −n − 1 < k < 0, Theorem 4.3.3 gives a sheaf isomorphism
between χ∗ CP (ε, k)|T ∗ P and CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ P∗ . Thus, we have an isomorphism of C-
• •
P P∗
modules CP (ε, k)|T ∗ P (Ω) ' CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )|T ∗ P∗ (Ω∗ ). Recalling the isomorphism sp in
• •
P P∗
2.4.1, we have

W F (f ) ∩ Ω = supp(sp(f )) ∩ Ω = χ−1 (W F (Rad(f )) ∩ Ω∗ ) = χ−1 (W F (Rad(f )| )) V

In the particular case of dimension n = 2, we denote by ΩC , the union of complexi-

fication of the real lines contained in Ω. Assume Ω is strongly linearly concave domain
and let us consider an affine chart R2 . Then, there are 2 connected components of
(ΩC \ Ω) ∩ R2 , which we denote by Ω± . In this condition, we deduce immediatly:

Corollary 5.3.4. Assume that n = 2 and that W F (Rad(f )| ) = ∅. Then, f is the


boundary value of (f+ , f− ) respectively holomorphic in Ω± .

Remark 5.3.5. We recover a variant of a result of [Ben11, Th 1.4]. Indeed, it was

proven therein that, if the Radon transform of a function f in R2 with O( |x|1 2 ) growth
at infinity, vanishes in a strongly linearly concave domain, then f is the boundary value
of holomorphic functions, verifying in their respective domains some growth conditions
at O( |z|12 ) rate at infinity.

5.4 Radon transform for quadratic cones

5.4.1 Residues of forms on cones of signature (1, n − 1)
Let n ≥ 2 and let A be an affine chart of P . For a cone γ in A, we denote by γ ◦ the
polar cone of γ:

γ ◦ := {x ∈ A; hx, ui ≥ 0, ∀u ∈ γ}

Let x = (x1 , ..., xn ) be a system of linear coordinates on A, u = (u1 , ..., un ) the dual
coordinates on A∗ . For q an integer such that 0 ≤ q < n, we denote by γq the cone of
signature (q, n − q) in A:
(5.4.1) γq := {(x1 , . . . xn ) ∈ A; x2j < x2j }
1≤j≤q q+1≤j≤n

λq := A \ γq

γq∗ := {(u1 , . . . un ) ∈ A∗ ; u2j < u2j }
q+1≤j≤n 1≤j≤q

λ∗q := A∗ \ γq∗

We denote by λq the complementary of γq in A and similarly for λ∗q in A∗ .

Let us denote by DbR+ (CA∗ ), the subcategory of Db (CA∗ ) consisting of conic objects
with respect to the natural action of R+ . For F ∈ DbR+ (CA∗ ), we denote by F ∧ ∈
DbR+ (CA ) its Fourier-Sato transform.

Topological boundary morphism for cones of signature (q, n − q)

Proposition 5.4.1. There is a natural morphism in Db (CA )

(5.4.2) C{0} →
− Cγq [q + 1]

Proof. We have a natural mophism

CA∗ →
− Cλ∗q

Let us apply on both sides the Fourier-Sato functor using [KS97, Lem. 6.2.1], we

(CA∗ )∧ ' C{0} [−n]

(Cλ∗q )∧ ' Cλq [−n + q]

Hence, we get the natural morphism

C{0} →
− Cλq [q]
Given the distinguished triangle,

Cγq / CA / Cλ +1 /

we have:
C{0} →
− Cλq [q] →
− Cγq [q + 1]

Remark 5.4.2. The case of cones of signature (1, n − 1) can be handled in a more
constructive way. Indeed, the complementary set λ1 of γ1 is the union of two closed
convex sets, let us say λ11 and λ21 .
We have the two distinguished triangles:

/ / +1 /
(5.4.3) Cλ11 ∪λ21 Cλ11 Cλ21 C{0}

(5.4.4) Cγ1 / CA / Cλ11 ∪λ21

+1 /

From the triangles (5.4.3), (5.4.4), we get the morphisms:

C{0} → − Cλ11 ∪λ21 [1]
Cλ11 ∪λ21 →
− Cγ1 [1]
Hence, we get:
(5.4.5) C{0} →
− Cγ1 [2]

Application to hyperfunctions with wave-front set in (n-1,1)-signature cones

We recall that we denote by CA the sheaf of microfunctions on TA∗ A. For K be a compact
convex subset of A, we set
B(K) := lim

B(U )
U ⊃K

In the following, let us denote by γ = γ1 the cone of signature (1, n − 1) defined by

5.4.1, and by λ = λ1 its complementary set in A, union of two closed convex sets, λ1
and λ2 . Let Int(λi◦ ), i = 1, 2 be the interior of the polar sets λi◦ .
Lemma 5.4.3. Let W be an open convex neighborhood of K in A. There exists a
natural exact sequence
/ H n−2 (W + iγ; OA ) / B(W ) / Hn n /
0 W +iλ1 (A; OA ) HW +iλ2 (A; OA ) 0

Proof. From (5.4.3), we get

/ / CW +1 /
CW +i(λ11 ∪λ21 ) CW +iλ11 CW +iλ21

Applying the functor RHom (•, OA ) to this distinguished triangle, we get the long
exact sequence:

/ H n−1 n−1 / H n−1 /

(5.4.7)· · · W +iλ1 (A; OA ) HW +iλ2 (A; OA ) W +i(λ1 ∪λ2 ) (A; OA )

n / Hn n / Hn /
HW (A; OA ) W +iλ1 (A; OA ) HW +iλ2 (A; OA ) W +i(λ1 ∪λ2 ) (A; OA ) ···

From the distinguished triangle (5.4.4), and taking into account that W + iA is
convex, RH om (CW +iA , OA ) ' OW +iA is concentrated in degree 0, and we get the

H n−2 (W + iγ; OA ) − n−1
→ HW
(5.4.8) +i(λ1 ∪λ2 ) (A; OA )


H n−1 (W + iγ; OA ) − n
→ HW +i(λ1 ∪λ2 ) (A; OA )

Since, γ is a cone of signature (1, n − 1), H n−1 (W + iγ; OA ) ' 0, and so

(5.4.9) HW +i(λ1 ∪λ2 ) (A; OA ) ' 0

Noticing that RΓW +iλi (OA ), i = 1, 2, is concentrated in degree n, and applying 5.4.8,
5.4.9 to 5.4.7, we get the exact sequence (5.4.6)
Theorem 5.4.4. Let K be a compact convex subset of A. There exists a natural exact

0 / lim H n−2 (K + iγ 0 ; OA )
Res / B(K) /


CA (K + i · Int(λ1◦ )) CA (K + i · Int(λ2◦ )) /

where γ 0 ranges over the open convex cones of signature (1, n − 1), with γ ⊂ γ 0 .
Proof. Let W be an open neighborhood of K in A.
Following [KS90, Th.4.3.2], we know that for an open convex cone V ⊂ T ∗W A, we
have the isomorphism

CA (V ) ' lim

HZ∩U (U ; OA )

where Z and U range over respectively, the closed sets whose normal cone is contained
in the polar set of V , and the open subsets U of A such that π(V ) = U ∩ W , π being
the natural projection of T ∗ A onto A.

Let U be an open neighborhood of K in A, γ 0 an open cone of signature (1, n − 1),

with γ 0 ⊃ γ and λi , i = 1, 2, the two convex closed sets the union of which, is the
complementary of γ 0 . Then, we get by the same steps as above the exact sequence:

0 / H n−2 ((W + i.γ 0 ) ∩ U ; OA ) / B(W ) /

n n /
H(W +i.λ1 0 )∩U
(A; OA ) H(W +i.λ2 0 )∩U
(A; OA ) 0

Passing to the inductive limit on W ⊃ K in A, U complex neighborhood of K, and γ 0

ranges over the open convex cones of signature (1, n − 1), with γ ⊂ γ 0 , which consiti-
tutes a fundamental system of neighborhoods, we deduce from the above sequence the
following exact sequence:

0 / lim H n−2 ((K + iγ 0 ) ∩ U ; OA ) / B(K) /

γ 0 ,U

CA (K + i.Int(λ1◦ )) CA (K + i.Int(λ2◦ )) /


CA (K + i.Int(λi◦ )) ' lim

CA (W + i.Int(λi◦ ))
W ⊃K
' lim

H(W +i.λ0 )∩U
(A; OA )
W ⊃K,γ 0 ,U
' →
lim H(W +i.λ0i )∩U (A; OA )
W ⊃K,γ 0 ,U

Remark 5.4.5. Theorem 5.4.4 brings a proof to a variant of a conjecture by Henkin in

[Hen04a], which was formulated, without the assumption that K is a convex compact,
in the following way: the wave-front set of a hyperfunction has no intersection with
λi◦ , i = 1, 2 if and only if it is the residue of a (0, n − 2)-form defined on K + iγ and
∂-closed inthere.

5.4.2 Residue diagram for Radon Transform and application

Residue on cones of signature (q, n − q)
Let F ∈ Db (CP ) and suppose we are given a topological boundary morphism

CP (ε)[−n] →
− F

Then, we get the analytic boundary morphism

(5.4.10) µhom(F, OP (k)) →

− µhom(CP (ε)[−n], OP (k)) := CP (ε, k)

Let k be an integer with −n − 1 < k < 0. Let us set,

s ∈ Γ(T ∗S (P × P∗ ); µhom(CS [−1], ΩP×P∗ /P (−k, k ∗ )))

The following diagram commutes

(5.4.11) χ∗ µhom(F, OP (k))|T ∗ P •

Res / χ∗ CP (ε, k)|T ∗ P •

Rad Rad
µhom(ΦS (F ), OP∗ (k ∗ ))|T ∗ P∗ • / CP ∗ (ε∗ , k ∗ )| •
Res T ∗ P∗

Assume s is non-degenerate on T ∗S (P × P∗ ), then the vertical arrows Rad above are
Throughout the rest of this section, we will set s the section of 4.2.1, which provides
such a non-degenerate section.
We recall we denoted by A an affine chart of P .
Proposition 5.4.6. We have the natural morphism:

H n−q−1 RΓA+i.γq (OA )

Res / BA

Proof. We already constructed the natural morphism (5.4.2):

(5.4.12) C{0} →
− Cγq [q + 1]
We deduce the morphism
CA →
− CA+i.γq [q + 1]

Remark 5.4.7. The residue 5.4.12 was constructed in [CGT95] through several vari-
ables complex analysis technics. Our approach provides a natural construction of this

The special case of cones of signature (1, n − 1)

Throughout the end of this section, we will see how cones of signature (1, n − 1) in A
rise naturally from the Radon transform of strip-like sets in P∗ . We will then provide
the residue diagram 5.4.17.

Setting the geometric context Let δ > 0 be a real number. Let A be the affine
chart relative to {(z0 : z1 : . . . : zn ) ∈ P; z1 = 1}, and A∗ the affine chart related to
{(ξ0 : ξ1 : . . . : ξn ) ∈ P∗ ; ξ0 = 1}. We set:
H := {(z0 :Az∗1 =
: . A. .∗ :∩zP ∗
n ) ∈ P; z1 = 0}
H := {(x0 : x1 : . . . : xn ) ∈ P ; x1 = 0}
We will consider the following sets
(5.4.13) U := {ξ ∈ A∗ ; ( ξj2 ) 2 < δ} ,→ P∗

(5.4.14) b ∩P
Z := U
We have

Lemma 5.4.8. The following assertions hold

(i) U is S-trivial,

b \ H is a cone of signature (1, n − 1),

(ii) U

(iii) There exists an affine S-trivial compact set K ⊂ P such that Z = P \ K

Proof. (i) is related to a more general and obvious fact: convex sets, either open or
closed, are S-trivial.
b \H. There exists ξ ∈ U such that hz, ξi = 0, so that z0 +ξ1 + P zj ξj =
(ii) Let z ∈ U
0. Taking the imaginary part, and denoting y = Im(z), we have
(5.4.15) | y0 |= | yj ξj |< δ( yj2 ) 2
2≤j≤n 2≤j≤n

Let γ be the cone of signature (1, n − 1)

γ := {y = (y0 , y2 . . . , yn ) ∈ A; | y0 |< δ( yj2 ) 2 }

We have

b \ H = A + iγ

b \ H ⊂ A + iγ. For the converse inclusion, let z =

Indeed, (5.4.15) proves that U
x + iy ∈ A + iγ. Let us choose ξ ∈ A∗ such that
ξ1 = −z0 − zj ξj
y0 .yj
ξj = P 2 , j 6= 2

Then ξ ∈ U and hz, ξi = 0.

P 2 x20
(iii) Let us notice that Z ∩ H is described by {(x0 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ∈ A; xj > δ2
the complement of which in H is a ball of radius 1δ . Indeed, for x ∈ Z ∩ H and any
ξ ∈ U such that (x, ξ) ∈ S, we have:
| x0 |= | xj ξj |< δ( x2j ) 2
2≤j≤n 2≤j≤n

The Residue diagram Let ε ∈ Z/2Z. We recall the defintion of Z by 5.4.14, and
K in 5.4.8 (iii).

Lemma 5.4.9. There is a natural morphism in Db (CP∗ )

CP ∗ (ε∗ ) →
− CKb [n − 1]

Denoting by LZ (ε∗ ) the object in Db (CP∗ ) defined up to an isomorphism by the

distinguished triangle:

(5.4.16) LZ (ε∗ ) / CP ∗ (ε∗ ) / CKb [n − 1]

+1 /

we have in Db (CP∗ ; T ∗ P∗ )

ΦS (CZ (ε∗ )) ' LZ (ε∗ )

Proof. Let us compute ΦS (CZ (ε)).

We have the exact sequence

0 / CZ (ε) / CP (ε) / CK (ε) / 0

Applying Lemma 4.3.2 and Lemma 5.1.8, we get the distinguished triangle in

D (CP∗ ; T ∗ P∗ ):

ΦS (CZ (ε∗ )) / CP ∗ (ε∗ ) / CKb [n − 1]

+1 /

Theorem 5.4.10. Given a section s of H 1 (P × P∗ ); µhom(CS [−1], ΩP×P∗ /P∗ (−k, k ∗ ))

The following diagram commutes:

χ∗ H n−2 (µhom(CUb \A (ε), OP (k)))|T ∗ P •
Res / χ∗ H n (µhom(CZ (ε), OP (k)))|T ∗ P •

Rad Rad
H n−2 (µhom(ΦS (CUb \A (ε)), OP∗ (k ∗ )))|T ∗ P∗ • / H n (µhom(LZ (ε∗ ), OP∗ (k ∗ )))|T ∗ P∗ •

Assuming that s is non-degenerate on T ∗S (P × P∗ ), the vertical arrows Rad are isomor-
b \ Z is a cone of signature (1, n − 1), (5.4.2) gives a morphism:
Proof. Since U

CA →
− CUb \Z [2]

and so,

(5.4.18) CZ →
− CUb \A [2]

Let us now apply (5.4.11) 5.4.9. The following diagram commutes:


χ∗ H n−2 (µhom(CUb \A (ε), OP (k)))|T ∗ P•

Res / χ∗ H n (µhom(CZ (ε), OP (k)))|T ∗ P

' '
H n−2 (µhom(ΦS (CUb \A (ε)), OP∗ (k ∗ )))|T ∗ P∗
• / H n (µhom(LZ (ε∗ ), OP∗ (k ∗ )))|T ∗ P∗


Application to Radon transform for microfunctions residues

Now, let us consider a complex neighborhood ω ⊂ A∗ of U such that, denoting by π the
natural projection A∗ →
− A∗ , π(ω) = U .

Proposition 5.4.11. We have

(5.4.20) SS(CUb \A (ε)) ∩ χ−1 T ∗ ω = ∅

Proof. For any ξ ∈ ω, the set {ξ} d ∩ (U b \ A) is homeomorphic to Pn−1 \ An−1 . Hence,
the stalks of ΦS (CUb \A (ε)) are constant over ω. Since ω is simply connected, there is
L ∈ Db (mod(C)) such that ΦS (CUb \A (ε))|ω is is the constant sheaf Lω .
Hence, we have
• •
SS(CUb \A (ε)) ∩ χ−1 T ∗ ω = χ−1 (SS(ΦS (CUb \A (ε))) ∩ T ∗ ω) = ∅

As an immediate corollary,

Corollary 5.4.12. We have

µhom(CUb \A (ε), OP (k))|χ−1 T ∗ ω ' 0 •

Chapter 6


6.1 Radon transform of the structure sheaf

6.1.1 Notations
In the following, let X, Y be two complex manifolds of dimension n, S a closed sub-
manifold a codimension c, we set
• •
Λ := TS∗ (X × Y ) ∩ T ∗ X × T ∗ Y )

S̃ = r(S) ⊂ Y × X

where r is the natural morphism X × Y → − Y × X, (x, y) 7→ (y, x). We denote by

q1 q2
X← −X ×Y − → Y the projections. We denote by f, g the restrictions of q1 , q2 to S:

f g p 1 |Λ pa
2 |Λ

 } !
• •

X Y, T X T ∗Y

In the following, we also assume that,

(i) f and g are smooth and proper
(ii) p1 |Λ and pa2 |Λ are isomorphisms

b := g(f −1 (A)), B
For A ⊂ X, B ⊂ Y , we note A b := f (g −1 (B)).
We denote by BS|X×Y the DX×Y -module H[S] d
(O(X × Y )) and we set
BS|X×Y := q1−1 ΩX ⊗q−1 OX BS|X×Y

For F , G line bundles over X and Y respectively, one denotes by

BS|X×Y (F , G ) := q2−1 G D ⊗q−1 DY BS|X×Y ⊗q−1 DX q1−1 D(F ⊗OX ΩX )
2 1


where G D and DF are the natural DY -modules and DX -modules associated with G
and F respectively.
For F ∈ Db (CX ), G ∈ Db (CY ), we set

ΦS (F ) := Rg! f −1 F [n − c]

ΦS̃ (G) := Rf! g −1 G[n − c]

Let Db (DX ) be the derived category of DX -modules. For M ∈ Db (DX ), and N ∈

Db (DY ), we set

ΦS (M ) := g ∗ f −1 M

ΦS̃ (N ) := f ∗ g −1 N

It can be seen easily that

ΦS (M ) ' Rq2 ! (BS|X×Y ⊗q−1 DX q1−1 M )

− X the natural projection, one associates to any M ∈

Denoting by π : T ∗ X →
D (DX ), the EX -module

E M := EX ⊗π−1 DX π −1 M

One can define a microlocal version of ΦS . For M ∈ Db (EX ), we set

1 M)
ΦµS (M ) := Rpa2! (CS|X×Y ⊗p−1 EX p−1

where CS|X×Y := q1−1 ΩX ⊗q−1 OX CS|X×Y and CS|X×Y := EX BS|X×Y .

6.1.2 Integral transform for D-modules associated to line bun-

There is an isomorphism

Γ(X × Y ; BS|X×Y (F , G ∗ )) ' Hom DY (DG , ΦS DF )

So that to any s ∈ Γ(X × Y ; BS|X×Y (F , G ∗ )), one can associate a DY morphism
α(s) : DG →
− ΦS DF . We then have
Theorem 6.1.1 ([DS96]). For s a non-degenerate section of Γ(X ×Y ; BS|X×Y (F , G ∗ ))
over Λ, the induced morphism H 0 (α(s)) : DG →
− H 0 (ΦS DF ) is a DY -linear isomor-

Proof. We reproduce the proof of [DS96]. It is shown in [SKK] that this morphism is an

isomorphism on T ∗ Y . It can be shown that α(s) induces an EY -linear morphism E G →

ΦµS (E F ). Let πY be the projection T ∗ Y →
− Y , we have the following distinguished
triangle for conic objects of Db (CT ∗ Y )

RπY ! (.) RπY ∗ (.) Rπ̇Y ∗ (.)

So that we have

RπY ! (E G ) RπY ∗ (E G ) Rπ̇Y ∗ (E G )
α̃(s) α(s) α̇(s)
RπY ! (ΦµS (E F )) RπY ∗ (ΦµS (E F )) Rπ̇Y ∗ (ΦµS (E F ))

It suffices to prove that α(s) is an isomorphism at the 0 cohomology degree. From the
theory of [SKK], we know that α̇(s) is an isomorphism. It is easily seen that
RπY ! (ΦµS (E F )) ' Rg! (OX×Y |S ⊗f −1 OX f −1 F )[−c]
RπY ! (E G ) ' OY ×Y |Y ⊗OY G [−n]
The 0-degree cohomology of these last two terms are null since c > 0. So the long exact
sequence induced by 6.1.1 gives

+1 (n,0)
0 πY ∗ (E G ) H 0 (Rπ̇Y ∗ (E G )) H −n+1 (OY ×Y |Y ⊗OY G )
H 0 (α(s)) ' H 1 (α̃(s))

+1 (n,0)
0 πY ∗ (ΦS (E F )) H 0 (Rπ̇Y ∗ (ΦµS (E F ))) H −c+1 (Rg! (OX×Y |S ⊗f −1 OX f −1 F ))

The result is immediate for n, c > 1 and we refer to [DS96] for the cases n = 1 or
n > 1, c = 1.
Let n > 0 be the dimension of the complex projective space. Let k ∈ Z such that
−n − 1 < k < 0. We denote by k ∗ = −n − 1 − k. Specializing theorem 6.1.1 for the
projective space and its dual, we get
Corollary 6.1.2 ([DS96]). There is an isomorphism in Db (CP∗ ):
ΦS (OP (k)) ' OP∗ (k ∗ )

6.2 Associativity for the composition of µhom

We will make use of the notations defined in section 2.1.1 and prove Theorem 2.7.3.
Theorem. Let Fi , Gi , Hi respectively in Db (kM12 ), Db (kM23 ), Db (kM34 ), i = 1, 2 then
the following isomorphism
µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 ) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 ) −∼→
2 3  
a a
µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 ) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 )
2 3

is compatible with the ◦ bifunctor in the following sense

a a a a
(µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 )
∼ / µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ (µhom(G1 , G2 ) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 ))
2 3 2 3

a a
µhom(F1 ◦ G1 , F2 ◦ G2 ) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 ) µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 ◦ H1 , G2 ◦ H2 )
2 2 3 2 3 3

µhom((F1 ◦ G1 ) ◦ H1 , (F2 ◦ G2 ) ◦ H2 ) ∼ / µhom(F1 ◦(G1 ◦ H1 ), F2 ◦(G2 ◦ H2 ))
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

Proof. To lighten the notation, we won’t mention in the following the subscript of ◦, ◦,
i i
and simply denote it ◦. Let us first recall the construction of the natural morphism in
Db (kT ∗ M13 )
Lemma 6.2.1 ([KS90, Prop. 4.4.11]). There is a natural morphism
µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 ) →
− µhom(F1 ◦ G1 , F2 ◦ G2 )
2 2 2

Proof. Let us consider the following situation:

(6.2.1) T ∗ M12 ×M2 T ∗ M23 o δ ? _ T ∗ M123

tj0 p213
p̃12  p̃23 
T ∗ M123 o t p0
M2 × T ∗ M13
}  u #
∗ ∗
T M12 T M13 T ∗ M23
→ M12 × M23 , and by p13 the
Let us denote by j the diagonal inclusion M123 ,−
∗ p13 ∗
projection T M123 −−→ T M13 . We have the natural morphisms :

? _ T ∗ M123
T ∗ M123 o T ∗ M12 ×M2 T ∗ M23 o

t p0
T ∗ M123 o M2 × T ∗ M13 / T ∗ M13

Let Y, X, S be 3 manifolds and let Gi ∈ Db (kY ), Fi ∈ Db (kX ), i = 1, 2. Assume we

are given morphims of manifolds X →− S, Y →− S and that the fiber product X ×S Y
is submanifold of X × Y . Let us denote by j the embedding X ×S Y ,−
→ X × Y , and
consider the induced natural morphisms
tj0 jπ
T ∗ (X ×S Y ) o T ∗ X ×S T ∗ Y / T ∗X × T ∗Y

It is proven in [KS90, Prop 4.4.8.], that there is the natural morphism

Rt j 0 ! (µhom(F1 , F2 ) S µhom(G1 , G2 )) / µhom(F1 S G1 , F2 S G2 )

In the case where X = M12 , Y = M23 , S = M2 , we get

(6.2.2) Rt j 0 ! (µhom(F1 , F2 ) M2 µhom(G1 , G2 )) / µhom(F1 M2 G1 , F2 M2 G2 )

Now, if we apply Rt p13π ! ◦t p0−1

13 to both side of the latter morphism, we get the

Rt p13π ! ◦t p0−1 t 0 /
13 ◦ R j ! (µhom(F1 , F2 ) M2 µhom(G1 , G2 ))

Rt p13π ! ◦t p−1
13 (µhom(F1 M2 G1 , F2 M2 G2 ))

so that

Rt p13π ! ◦t p0−1 t 0
13 ◦ R j ! (µhom(F1 , F2 ) M2 µhom(G1 , G2 ))

−→ R p13π ! ◦ Rp213! ◦ δ −1 (µhom(F1 , F2 ) M2 µhom(G1 , G2 ))

(6.2.3) − ∼→ Rp13 ! ◦ δ −1 (µhom(F1 , F2 ) M2 µhom(G1 , G2 ))

− ∼→ Rp13 ! (p−1 −1
12 µhom(F1 , F2 ) ⊗ p23 µhom(G1 , G2 ))
:= µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )

and on the other hand, from (6.2.2) and from [KS90, Prop. 4.4.7.(ii)]

Rt p13π ! ◦t p0−1 t 0
13 ◦ R j ! (µhom(F1 , F2 ) M2 µhom(G1 , G2 ))
− Rt p13π ! ◦t p0−1
→ 13 (µhom(F1 M2 G1 , F2 M2 G2 ))
(6.2.4) →
− µhom(Rp13 ! (F1 M2 G1 ), Rp13 ! (F2 M2 G2 ))
− ∼→ µhom(F1 ◦ G1 , F2 ◦ G2 )

so that we constructed a natural morphism

(6.2.5) µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 ) →

− µhom(F1 ◦ G1 , F2 ◦ G2 )

Considering the following diagram, with j the embedding M1234 ,→ M12 ×M23 ×M34
and j23 the natural diagonal embedding T ∗ M1234 ,→ T ∗ M12 × T ∗ M23 × T ∗ M34

(6.2.6) T ∗ M1234  j23
/ T ∗ M12 ×M2 T ∗ M23 ×M3 T ∗ M34

 p̃12 t p014  p̃34

M2 × M3 × T ∗ M14 / T ∗ M1234 p̃23
ws p14π * % ∗
T ∗ M12 T ∗ M23 p14 T M34

' z
T ∗ M14

Lemma 6.2.2. We have the isomorphism in Db (kT ∗ M13 )

(µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 )

' Rp14π ! ◦t p0−1 t 0 −1 −1 −1
14 ◦ R j ! (p̃12 µhom(F1 , F2 ) ⊗ p̃23 µhom(G1 , G2 ) ⊗ p̃34 µhom(H1 , H2 ))

Proof. From Lemma 2.7.1, we have

(µhom(F1 , F2 ) ◦ µhom(G1 , G2 )) ◦ µhom(H1 , H2 )

' Rp14 ! (p−1 −1 −1
12 µhom(F1 , F2 ) ⊗ p23 µhom(G1 , G2 ) ⊗ p34 µhom(H1 , H2 ))

Rp14 ! (p−1 −1 −1
12 µhom(F1 , F2 ) ⊗ p23 µhom(G1 , G2 ) ⊗ p34 µhom(H1 , H2 ))
' Rp14π ! ◦t p0−1 t 0 −1 −1 −1
14 ◦ R j ! (p̃12 µhom(F1 , F2 ) ⊗ p̃23 µhom(G1 , G2 ) ⊗ p̃34 µhom(H1 , H2 ))

We decompose j in k ◦ h, as follows:

 h  k
T ∗ M1234  / T ∗ M123 × T ∗ M34  / T ∗ M12 × T ∗ M23 × M34

Let us denote by p3π and t p03 the morphisms

t p0
T ∗ M134 o 3
M3 × T ∗ M14 / T ∗ M14

Lemma 6.2.3. We have the isomorphism in Db (kT ∗ M14 )

(6.2.7) Rp14π ! ◦t p14 ◦ Rt j 0 ! ◦ jπ−1
' Rp3π ! ◦t p0−1
3 ◦ Rp134π ! ◦t p0−1 t 0 −1 t 0 −1
134 ◦ R h ! ◦ hπ ◦ R k ! ◦ kπ


We denote by l the inclusion T ∗ M134 ,→ T ∗ M1334 and by p1334 the projection

− T ∗ M1334 .
T M12334 →
Lemma 6.2.4. We have the isomorphism in Db (kT ∗ M14 )
Rp3π ! ◦t p0−1
3 ◦ Rp134π ! ◦t p0−1
2 ◦ Rt h0 ! ◦ h−1 t 0 −1
π ◦ R k ! ◦ kπ
t 0−1 t 0−1
' Rp3π ! ◦ p3 ◦ R l ! ◦ lπ ◦ Rp1334π ! ◦ p1334 ◦ R k ! ◦ kπ−1
t 0 −1 t 0

After having “separating the variables”, the associativity of the diagram of Theorem
6.2 comes essentially from the following lemma:
Lemma 6.2.5. The following diagram of canonical morsphims commutes:
(6.2.8) (νM (F )  νN (G))  νL (H) ∼ / νM (F )  (νN (G))  νL (H))

(νM ×N (F  G))  νL (H) νM (F )  (νN ×L (G  H))

νM ×N ×L ((F  G)  H) ∼ / νM ×N ×L (F  (G  H))
Proof. The proof relies on the following description of the speacialization sheaf given
in [KS90] th.4.2.3. Let V a conic open subet of TM X, then for an integer j
H j (V ; νM F ) ' lim

H j (U ; F )

where U range through the open subsets of X such that CM (X \ U ) ∩ V = ∅.

The natural morphism νM (F )  νN (G) → − νM ×N (F  G) is exposed in [KS90, Prop.
4.2.6]. We are going to explicit this morphism at the germ level and it will then
be sufficient to prove that the diagram 6.2.8 commutes at the germ level. Let p, p0
respectively be in TM X, TN Y and let U resp. U 0 be open subsets of X resp Y , such
/ CM (X \ U ), resp. p0 ∈
that p ∈ / CN (Y \ U 0 ). For a topological space Z, we note aZ the
natural morphism Z → − {pt}.
We have (νM (F )  νN (G))p×p0 ' (νM (F ))p ⊗ (νN (G))0p , so that
H j ((νM (F )  νN (G))p×p0 ) ' H j
L ((νM (Fk))p ⊗ (νN (G))p ) l
' k+l=j H ((νM (F ))p ) ⊗ H ((νN (G))0p )
k l
' lim
→ k+l=j H (RaU ∗ F ) ⊗ H (RaU 0 ∗ G)
U,U 0

− lim

H j (RaU ×U 0 ∗ (F  G))
U,U 0

− H (νM ×N (F  G)p×p0 )
Now, let p00 ∈ TL Z and the open subsets U 00 such that p00 ∈ / CL (Z \ U 00 ), the diagram
6.2.8 corresponds to nothing but the commutation of inductive limits when it is taken
first through the family of open sets U, U 0 then U × U 0 , U 00 , or taken first through
the family of open sets U 0 , U 00 then U, U 0 × U 00 (we notice that for such families U, U 0 ,
(p, p0 ) ∈
/ CM ×N (X \ (U × U 0 ))).
Addendum: Explicit formulae for
the affine Radon transform - To Be
Reviewed & Completed

Chapter 1


The first part of this thesis clarified the geometric structure of the kernel of the Radon
transform in the geometry of strongly linearly concave domains of the euclidian space
Rn , n ≥ 2. However this did not provide explicit formulae. In the second part of this
thesis, we will develop explicit formulae for the kernel of Radon transform in strongly
concave domains. The starting point of the theory goes back to Cormack [Cor63]
who gave an inversion formula in the affine space. Relations between the behaviour
of the Radon transform of a distribution and its analytic wave-front were investigated
by Guillemin, Sternberg [GS77] and Boman [Bom92]. Then, Henkin announced in
[Hen04a] that a function whose real Radon transform vanishes in a strongly linearly
concave domain can be described as the residueof a ∂-closed (0, n − 2) form.
In particular, in dimension 2, such a function can be explicitely described as bound-
ary values of holomorphic functions verifying some O( |z|12 ) asymptotic behaviour at
infinity. We also give some information when the assumption that the Radon trans-
form vanishes is relaxed. In this thesis, started under the supervision of G. Henkin, we
clarify this statement by giving explicit formulae, and describing conditions of validity.

1.1 Some facts on the classical Radon transform

In view of explicit inversion formulae of the Radon transform, we have to distinguish
between the case of even and odd dimension of the underlying space. In the latter
case, the inversion formula is local in the sense that one can recompose a function in
the neighborhood of a point by averaging its integrals along the hyperplanes locally
intersecting this neighboorhood. In the even dimension case, one has to consider the
Radon transform globally.

1.1.1 Affine Radon transform

Let n be the dimension of the dual real projective space P ∗ , let (ξ0 : . . . : ξn ) the related
homogeneous coordinates and let ξ∞ = (1 : 0 . . . : 0), corresponding to a hyperplane
at infinity of an affine local chart Rn . For (ξ, x) ∈ P × P ∗ , we note hξ, xi =
ξi .xi ,
x0 = 1.


Definition 1.1.1 (Funk, [Fun15], Radon [Rad17]). For f a function on Rn , integrable

on all affine hyperplanes of Rn , we define the affine Radon transform Rf as the function
defined on P ∗ \ {ξ∞ } by
Rf (ξ) = f (x)dµξ (x), ξ ∈ P ∗ \ {ξ∞ }

where dµξ is the Euclidian measure on that hyperplan.

This definition can be rewritten in a more invariant way. Namely, for a volume form
ω, we may consider (n − 1)-forms ϕ such that such that x ∈ Rn , dhξ, xi ∧ ϕ(x) = ω(x),
noted dhξ, xicω. These forms are uniquely determined on {hξ, xi = 0}. For instance
dµξ is such a form. Precisely, considering the volume form ω(x) = ∧ni=1 dxi , and noting
dµ̃ξ (x) = (n−1)! det(ξ, dx, . . . , dx), then one can see that, for ξ ∈ P ∗ \ {ξ∞ }, dµξ (x) =
| {z }
n−1 times
n 1
dµ̃ξ (x)
| ξi |2 ) 2 , (noticing of course that for ξ ∈ P ∗ \ {ξ∞ } | ξ |6= 0).
, where | ξ |= (
So, more explicitely we have in this case

(−1)i−1 ξi
Z j=1,...,n;j6=i dxj
(1.1.1) Rf (ξ) = f (x)
hξ,xi=0 | ξ |2

This expression is of degree −1 in ξ, then we have to fix a choice of homogeniza-

ξi2 = 1 to get the classical affine Radon
tion, classically we homogeneize through
Historically, this transform was introduced by Radon in 1917, in [Rad17]. In the
latter article, Radon explicited an inversion formula that we will remind later. In 1938,
John [Joh35] developed a theory of integral transforms over lines in R3 , proving that the
image space consisting of integrals of a function along lines is constrained by a system
of differential equations, namely a hyperbolic system and the image space exhausts all
the solutions of this PDE. Let us indicate that the classical affine Radon transform
relates to the hyperbolic wave equation
∂ 2ϕ X ∂ 2ϕ
− =0
∂t2 i=1

The solutions of this PDE may be written as a superposition of plane waves. Then,
for any smooth function f , noting Rf the affine Radon transform defined below

Rf (ω, t + hω, xi − p)
ϕ(t, x) = dpdω
|ω|=1,p∈R p
is a solution of the wave equation. The above integrand has to be considered in the
principal value sense.

1.1.2 Projective Radon transform

For an integer p, we denote by CP∞ (p) the C ∞ section of the −p−th tensor power of
the tautological bundle on P . A section f of CP∞ (p) may be viewed as a function of
C ∞ (Rn+1 \ {0}) such that, for any x ∈ Rn+1 \ {0} and λ ∈ R \ {0}, f (λx) = λp f (x).
Also, we define the n-form, ω 0 (x) = (n−1)!
det(x, dx, . . . , dx).
| {z }
n times

Definition 1.1.2 (Gelfand, Gindikin, Graev [GGG82]). For f a section of CP∞ (−n), we
define the projective Radon transform Rf to be the section of CP∞∗ (−1) defined by
Rf (ξ) = f (x)dhξ, xicω 0 (x), ξ ∈ P

As we said before, we can choose dhξ, xicω 0 (x) to be any (n − 1)-form of the type
, where u is an element chosen such that hξ, ui =6 0.
Let us note that on the local chart {x0 = 1} and considering for x ∈ Rn , f˜(x) =
f (1, x), we get back on {hξ, xi = 0} ∩ {x0 = 1} the affine Radon transform. To see this,
let us take for the above element u = (ξ0 , . . . , ξn ), so that on {hξ, xi = 0} ∩ {x0 = 1}
det(x, ξ, dx, . . . , dx) (n − 1)! X
= (−1)i (ξ0 xi − ξi ) ∧j6=0,i dxj
| ξ |2 | ξ |2 i=0
Then noticing that

X n
((−1)i (ξ12 +. . .+ξn2 )xi ∧k6=0,i dxk = (−1)i ((ξ12 +. . .+ξn2 )xi − (−1)j det(x, ξ)i,j )ξj ∧k6=0,i dxk
i=0 i=0 j=1,...n,j6=i

= −ξ0 (−1)i ξi ∧j6=0,i dxj

where we noted det(x, ξ)i,j := xi ξj − xj ξi . We deduce from there that dhξ, xicω 0 is
precisely the integration form of (1.1.1).
Integrating in the above defintion on {hξ, xi = 0} ∩ { x2i = 1}, we get the John
transform, which is the Radon transform on the sphere. We see the projective Radon
transform provides a common point of view for the affine Radon and the John transform.

1.1.3 Radon transform inversion formulae Affine radon transform inversion formula
A problem which naturally arises consists in reconstructing a function f from its real
Radon transform. When the Radon transform is given along all hyperplanes of Rn ,
it is possible to reconstruct pointwise f through Radon’s formula discovered in 1917
[Rad17]. Radon first formulated this inversion formula in the 2-dimensional case, which

was generalized in 1934 by John [Joh35]. Namely, for a complex valued function f ∈
C ∞ (Rn , C), and denoting by L the Laplacian, then

1 n−1
(1.1.2) f (x) = n−1
(Lx ) 2 Rf (θ, hθ, xi)ω(θ), for n odd
2(2πi) θ∈S 1

1 n dt Rf (θ, t)
(1.1.3) f (x) = (Lx ) 2 ω(θ)p.v. dt, for n even
2(2πi)n−1 θ∈S 1 t∈R t − hθ, xi

where we parametrize here hyperplanes in Rn with (θ, t) ∈ S n−1 × R and where ω(θ) =
θ1 dθ2 − θ2 dθ1 The last integral is taken in the sense of principal value.
The next question was the following: Does there exist an inversion formula when the
Radon transform is only known along hyperplanes contained in some concave domain
of Rn ? In 1963, Cormack [Cor63] was able to reconstruct a function from the data
of real Radon transform given in the complement of a compact ball. The work of
Cormack, together with the design of a specific medical computer by Hounsfield, led to
the medical X-ray computed tomography. Inversion through Cauchy-Leray formula

Cauchy-type Radon transform inversion formula was given by John [Joh35]. It was re-
covered by Henkin [Hen04b] by means of Cauchy-Leray formula. For v a n-dimensional
vector of functions of the ξ variable, we note ω 0 (v) = (n−1)!
det(v, ∂¯ξ v, . . . , ∂¯ξ v ).
| {z }
n−1 times
Let a function f ∈ C 1 (Rn ) such that | f (x) |= O( (1+|x|) 2n−2 ) when | x | tends to

infinity. Then by the Cauchy-Leray formula applied to some extension of f in some

neighborhood of the real space, {ξ ∈ Cn , | Im(ξ) |2 ≤ ε} for ε > 0 , and letting ε tends
to 0, we have:

(n − 1)!
f (y)
(1.1.4) f (x) = limε−→0 ω 0 (θ) ∧ dy
(2iπ)n y∈Rn θ∈S n−1 (hθ, y − xi + iε)n

and so
(−1)n−1 dn−1
(1.1.5) f (x) = limε−→0 Kε ( Rf (θ, p))(hθ, xi)ω 0 (θ)
2(2iπ)n−1 θ∈S n−1 dpn−1
where KεR is the operator that takes each integrable real function ϕ to the function
Kε ϕ(t) = iπ1 p∈R p−t+iε dp.
Distinguishing on the parity of the dimension n, we get the formulae (1.1.2) and
It will be an essential fact to notice that the form
Rf (θ, p)
dp ∧ ω 0 (θ)
p∈R p − hθ, zi

provides through Cauchy formula an extension of the integrand of 1.1.5 which depends
holomorphically on z in the domain {z ∈ Cn ; ±hθ, Im(z)i > 0}. For z ∈ Cn \ Rn ,
the above form may be not integrable on S n−1 . We will see that under cancellation
properties of the Radon transform and restrictions on the domain, this form will be
integrable. Projective radon transform inversion formula

We follow here [GGG82]. Let us note for ξ, ξ∞ ∈ P and λ ∈ C, Im(λ) > 0:
˜ Rf (ξ + pξ∞ )
f (ξ, ξ∞ , λ) = dp
p∈R p−λ

For z ∈ P such that Im hξhξ,zi

∞ ,zi
< 0, let us define the form

1 dn−1 ˜
G(Rf )(ξ, ξ∞ , z) = (f (ξ, ξ∞ , λ))λ=− hξ,zi det[ξ, ξ∞ , dξ, . . . , dξ]
hξ∞ , zin λn−1 hξ∞ ,zi

Let us consider any cycle γ(ξ∞ ) such that any ray out of ξ∞ intersects γ only once,
and let us note P∞ = {z ∈ P; hξ∞ , zi = 0} then assuming that G(Rf )(ξ, ξ∞ , z) has
boundary value for x ∈ (P \ P∞ ) ∩ P , then we have the inversion formula:
f (x) = k G(Rf )(ξ, ξ∞ , x)
γ(ξ∞ )

for some constant k ∈ C. This is the projective invariant inversion formula of the
projective Radon transform. We will notice that the inversion formula of the affine
Radon transform for the particular choice of ξ∞ = (1, 0, . . . , 0).

1.1.4 Cormack’s formula

Let us consider a Schwartz function f ∈ S(R2 , C) and its Radon transform, which is
also a Schwartz function, Rf ∈ S(S 1 × R, C). We decompose each of these functions
in spherical harmonics. In polar coordinates, denoting θ = (cos(ϕ), sin(ϕ)), there are
radial fonctions fn ∈ C ∞ (R, C) and Rfn ∈ C ∞ (R, C) such that
f (θ, r) = fn (r) exp(inθ)
Rf (θ, r) = Rfn (r) exp(inθ)

It was shown in [Cor63] that it is then possible to decompose fn with the help of Rfn

1 ∞ 2
1 s
fn (r) = − (s − r2 )− 2 T|n| ( )(Rfn )0 (s)ds
π r r
where Tn (.) = cos(n arccos(.)) are Chebyshev polynomials of first kind.

So, the critical remark about this formula is that fn (r) depends only on the data
Rfn (s), s > r, so that we can deduce that f can be reconstructed with the help of Rf
given in the complement of a compact ball. It appears that the reconstructability of the
function in complementary of compact balls depend critically on the decay conditions
at infinity. For instance, one can consider in R2 \ {0}, the 2-variables function (x, y) 7→
. Viewing this function as holomorphic one of the complex variable, we see that
Cauchy theorem gives that its Radon trasform is null though it is not null on R2 \ {0}.
Here, the non Schwartz behaviour at infinity explains that Radon transform given in
the complement of a compact ball is not enough to reconstruct the function. In this
thesis, we will be interested in caracterizing the functions whose Radon transform is
null in strongly linearly concave domain, which are complementary in the projective
space of compact affine convex sets and will be described later.

1.2 The problem

1.2.1 Announcement of results
As a second part of this thesis, we will concentrate on explicit formulas of kernel of
the Radon transform in strongly linearly concave domains. Up to now, we saw that
the isomorphism between microfunctions gives a characterisation in terms of wave-front
sets of hyperfunctions whose Radon transform is analytic in strongly linearly concave
domains. However, this does not give us explicit formulae. Explicit results on the kernel of Radon transform on some concave

We will establish explicit formulae for the kernel of affine Radon transforms in strongly
linearly concave domains and some inversion formula. Besides, what plays a key role in
Cormack’s approach to reconstruct a function from its Radon transform is the strong hy-
pothesis on the behaviour of the function at infinity, namely fast decay in all directions.
When the Radon transform is not given globally, this asymptotic type informations can
lead to informations related to the global support and existence of an inversion formula.
Let us give some results about injectivity of the affine Radon transform. Cormack’s
results for the ball could partly be generalised to the complement of a compact convex
set D: Cormack proved that a function f vanishes on D if Rf is identicaly 0 on D and if
f is a Schwartz function [Cor63]. One can find all the details in Natterer [Nat01]. This
last condition was relaxed by Boman [Bom92], deducing from the Schwarz type growth
conditions restricted to a cone, that vanishing of the Radon transform of a function f
outside a compact convex set, together with the vanishing of f on a small open set U
at infinity, induce vanishing of the function in some kind of convex hull of U .
Technics used by Boman are related to microlocal analysis, now widely applied to
the study of the Radon transform. The starting point of this approach goes back to
the seminal paper of Guillemin and Sternberg [GS77]. In the latter, it is shown that
the Radon transform is an elliptic Fourier integral operator, the composition of which

with its adjoint operator provides an elliptic pseudo-differential operator. But given
a pseudo-differential operator P and char(P ) its characteristic variety, then for any
distribution f , the analytic wave-front set noted W FA verifies W FA (f ) ⊂ W FA (P f ) ∪
char(P ), we see here the interplay between microlocal analysis and Radon transform.
Hörmander [Hör83] showed that the vanishing of such an operator along some subset
of the function support, produces strong constraints on the regularities of this very
function, expressed in terms of wave-fronts (see also [GQ00]), which in turn may give
information on the support of the function according to a microlocal extension theorem
proved by Kawai, Kashiwara and Hörmander [Hör83]: the latter theorem tells us that,
given a distribution defined on some neighborhood of a C 2 hypersurface S in Rn , given
some x ∈ S, assuming that f is ”null on one side of S” in some neighborhood of x, and
such that for any ξ in the conormal (TS∗ Rn )x of S at x, (x, ξ) does not belong to the
analytic wave-front set of f , then f is null in some neighborhood of x.
As for the surjectivity, as said above, growth at infinity is Schwartz implies that
a function may be reconstruted from the data of its Radon transform in the comple-
mentary of a compact convex set. A natural question arises whether it is possible
to reconstruct a function from its Radon transform when the hypothesis of fast de-
cay is restricted to a limited cone of directions. We will see that the answer is that
a reconstruction formula exists but up to a kernel that we will explicit. In general,
the Radon operator is not injective when restricted to functions on linearly concave
domains, which are domains unions of hyperplanes. As an example, we can set as a
linearily concave domain {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 , min(x1 + | x2 |, −x1 + | x2 |) > −1}, then take
any function ϕ ∈ Cc (R, C) of the x2 variable to define f (x1 , x2 ) = ϕ(x2 ) in the strip
{(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 , | x2 |< η} and f (x1 , x2 ) = −ϕ(x2 ) in {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 , | x2 − 2η |< η} ,
for some η > 0, and 0 elsewhere. Then we check easily that the real Radon transform
of f is null in this domain while f is not null. Hence, we can not hope for a general
inversion formula deducing uniquely a function from its Radon transform data in a
linearily concave domain.

(a) The 2-dimensional case.

In this section, we study the affine Radon transform on Rn , n = 2. In order to
formulate such explicit formulae, let us give some definitions and notations.

Definition 1.2.1. We say that a domain D ⊂ Rn is linearly concave domain if it

is a union of hyperplanes. We say that D is a strongly linearly concave domain if
it is linearly concave and if it is equipped with a continuous determination of its
hyperplanes by its points.

The exact same definition is still valid when considering strongly linearly concave
domain of the complex space. Let Ω be a proper strongly linearly concave do-
main of R2 . We suppose Ω has C 1 boundary, we denote by Ω∗ its dual consist-
ing of lines contained in Ω, parameterized by elements (θ, t) ∈ S 1 × R. We note
Ω∗x = {(θ, t) ∈ Ω∗ ; t + θ1 x1 + θ2 x2 = 0}. Also, we define ΩC consisting of the com-
plexification of each line contained in Ω. We will then note Ω± the two connected
components of ΩC \ Ω.

Let ω be the 2-form in C2 , ω(ξ) = dξ1 ∧ dξ2 . Let C l,m (R2 , C), l, m ∈ N, be the
space of functions f of class C l , such that | f (x) |= O( (1+|x|)m ) at infinity, for all

derivatives of f up to order m.
We will prove the existence of explicit operators BR , K± , respectively with values in
the space of continuous functions on Ω and with values in the space of holomorphic
functions in Ω± . Moreover, K± will verify in their respective definition domain
the growth condition O( |z|12 ) at infinity, allowing the decomposition f = B(Rf ) +
Im(z2 ) Im(z1 )
K+ f − K− f . We note, for z ∈ Ω± , ϑ(z) = (ϑ1 (z), ϑ2 (z)) = ( |Im(z)| , − |Im(z)| ).

Theorem 1.2.2. Let be f in C 1 (R2 , C) and integrable on any line contained in Ω.

Let us assume that the Radon transform vanishes on Ω∗ . Then f can be written
as the boundary value of two holomorphic functions f± defined respectively in the
domains Ω± , such that | f± (z) |= O( |z|12 ) when | z | tends to infinity. We have for
z ∈ Ω±
1 Im(ξ)
f± (z) = − f (<(ξ)) det(ϑ(z), )(ϑ(z)dξ)cω(ξ))
2πi hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0,Im(ξ)= |Im(z)|
Im(z) hIm(ξ), <(ξ) − zi

The argument of the proof consists in computing ∂f¯ ± and linking it to the Radon
transform of f . We have the following proposition, interesting by itself:

Proposition 1.2.3. We have for z ∈ Ω±

(ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 + ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 )f± (z) =

i ∂ ∂
(ϑ1 (z) + ϑ2 (z) )Rf (ϑ(z), hϑ(z), <(z)i).
| Im(z) | <(z1 ) <(z2 )

We no longer assume that Radon transform vanishes on Ω∗ , then have the following
theorem, which is the first important result of this part:

Theorem 1.2.4. We assume Ω has C 3 regularity. Let f ∈ Cc3 (R2 , C), then f can
be decomposed in Ω
f = B(Rf|Ω∗ ) + K+ f − K− f.
K+ f − K− f is the difference of boundary values of K± respectively holomorphic in
Ω± , and verifying the growth condition in their respective domain K± f (z) = O( |z|12 )
when | z | tends to infinity and we have R(K+ f − K− f ) ≡ 0 in Ω∗ .

Remark 1.2.5. B is an operator defined on the space of functions ϕ ∈ C 3 (Ω∗ , C),

satisfying ϕ(θ, t) = ϕ(−θ, −t) for (θ, t) ∈ Ω∗ , with values in the space of C 3 (Ω, C).
This will follow immediately from the construction of B: the latter is no more than
the classical Radon transform inversion formula applied to some extension to R2∗ of
Rf defined on Ω∗ . K± are operators defined in the space of holomorphic functions
in Ω± , with C 3 regularity at the boundary. Indeed, K± are no more defined through
Plemjl-Sohotsky formula.

Let us recall some result of Boman that can be deepened in the perspective of a
theorem of Kolm-Nagel [KN68] expressed in dimension n > 1.

Theorem 1.2.6 ([Bom92]). Let K be a compact subset of Rn and Γ an open conic

set of Rn . Let f ∈ C(Rn \ K), integrable on any hyperplans of Rn \ K. Suppose
that f is Schwartz in the Γ-direction, i.e. decaying faster than any negative power
of | x | at infinity in the Γ-direction, and that the real Radon transform of f is null
on any hyperplaneof Rn \ K, then f is null in ∩x∈K (x + (Γ ∪ −Γ)).

In dimension 2, this result can be clarified in view of theorem 1.2.4: we prove that a
function whose Radon transform vanishes in a strongly linearly concave domain Ω
translates into decomposition of the function into jumps of functions holomorphic
in wedges of edge Ω. However, it is known since the work of Kolm-Nagel [KN68]
that, given an open convex cone Γ, any two functions f± holomorphic in some
wedges U ± iΓ, U open set of Rn , for some integer n > 1, such that the derivatives
(m) (m)
coincide, for any m ∈ N, f+ = f− on a so called Γ-like curve γ (for any cone Γ,
a C 1 −class curve is Γ-like, if at each point of the curve, the tangent vector belongs
to the set of directions of Γ), then f+ = f− on a convex hull C(γ) of γ. Putting
together this result and the Kolm-Nagel theorem, we deduce that any function
whose Radon transform vanishes in Ω and all of which derivatives is on a segment
I whose supported line is contained in Ω , vanishes in some convex hull C(I), which
is precisely theorem of Boman.

(b) Relating complex Radon transform and real Radon transform

There is another way to get to explicit formula of the kernel of Radon Transform,
namely by considering the complex Radon transform and relating it to the real
Radon trasform. The idea is that we can link those two, considering the complex
Radon transform of some (2, 1)-currents on some complex neighborhood of Ω. It
is known that for complex strongly linearly concave domains, the degree (p, q)
Dolbeault cohomology, for 0 ≤ p ≤ n, q 6= n − 1 is zero and for the (p, n − 1) degree,
the cohomology is precisely non zero if and only if the complex Radon transform
is non zero [Hen77]. So that, proving that the vanishing of real Radon trasform
implies the vanishing of the complex Radon transform for some (2, 1)-form, will
give us a solution to the ∂-problem that will translates into the decomposition of
the function belonging to the kernel of the real Radon transform into boundary
values of holomorphic functions in the wedges of edge Ω.
We note for ε > 0 and x ∈ Ω,

Ωx,ε = ∪θ∈π(Ω∗x ) {z ∈ C2 |<(z) = x, | hθ, Im(z)i |< ε}, Ωε = ∪x∈Ω Ωx,ε

Ωε is strongly linearly concave domain of C2 , and we note Ω∗ε the complex lines
contained in Ωε . Besides, it is known that for a strongly linearly concave domain,
there is a C 1 mapping, called Section of Leray, from ΩC to S 1 , noted ϑ , such that
hϑ(z), ξ − zi =6 0, for z ∈ Ωε , ξ ∈ ∂Ωε , we also note ϑ(z)⊥ = (−ϑ2 (z), ϑ1 (z)).

Let f a function of C 2,2 (R2 , C), and f˜ an extension of f to C2 such that, ∂¯f˜ = O(|
Im(z) |N ), for some integer N > 1, in some complex neighborhood of the real plane.
And we note F = f˜ω. We also consider some family of C 1 functions (χε )ε>0 : R → − R,
such that χε (x) = 0 for x ≤ 0, χε (x) = 1 for x ≥ ε and | χ0ε (x) |< 1ε for 0 ≤ x ≤ ε.
We consider the function defined for z ∈ C2 , by χε (hϑ⊥ (<(z)), Im(z)i), also noted
this function χε . We define the complex Radon transform of a non necessarily
∂-closed (2, 1) form G in Ωε , to be
1 1
(1.2.1) RC G(ξ) = G(z), ξ ∈ Ω∗ε
2πi z∈∂Ωε hξ, zi
We have the following lemma
Lemma 1.2.7. For ξ ∈ Ω∗ such that Im(ξ) = 0, we have
¯ ε )(ξ) = Rf (ξ)
limε−→0 RC (F ∧ ∂χ

We will see that this leads to the following explicit formula

Theorem 1.2.8. Let be f belonging to C 1 (R2 , C) and integrable on any line con-
tained in Ω. Let us assume that the Radon transform is vanishes on Ω∗ . Then f can
be written as the boundary value of holomorphic functions f± defined respectively in
the domains Ω± , and satisfying in their respective domain a growth is O( |z|12 ) when
| z | tends to infinity. We have for z ∈ Ω±
ξ¯ − z̄
f± (z) = − f (<(ξ)) det(ϑ(z), )(ϑ(z)dξ)cω(ξ)
2πi hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0∩Im(ξ)=0 | ξ − z |2

(c) The n-dimensional case.

Ω is a proper strongly linearly concave domain of Rn , with C 1 boundary, and Ω∗ its
dual consisting of hyperplanes contained in Ω, parameterized by elements (θ, t) ∈
S n−1 × R, those hyperplanes will be noted Rn−1
θ,t . ΩC is again the complexification of
each hyperplane contained in Ω. Ω± are the two connected components of ΩC \ Ω.
Let the projection π : (θ, t) → θ ∈ S n−1 , π n+1 : (θ, t) → t ∈ R. For θ ∈ π(Ω∗ ), we
denote Ωθ the set described by hyperplanes of Ω∗ having common direction θ.
We say that a (0, p)-form F , ∂-closed in Cn \ Rn has polynomial growth of index
m ∈ N around Ω, if there is some real constant k > 0 and a complex neighborhood
V of Ω such that for z ∈ (V ∩ ΩC ) \ Ω, | F (z) |< |Im(z)| m.

We will define the residue through the following proposition

Proposition 1.2.9. Let m a positive integer, F an (0, n − 1)-form, ∂-closed in
n n n
C \ R with polynomial growth around R of index m ∈ N. Then one can define a
distribution by
hRes(F ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈Rn +i.Sεn−1

ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn , C), and this limit exists.

For F an (0, n − 2)-form, ∂-closed in ΩC \ Ω and (θ, t) ∈ Ω∗ , we will denote by
Res(F|Rn−1 ) the following residue taking value in 1-forms:

hRes(F|Rn−1 ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
θ,t ε−→0 n−1
z∈Rθ,t n−1
+i.(Sεn−1 ∩Rθ,0 )

where ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn , C). Again this limit exists.

This may be compared to the construction of the residue by Cordaro, Gindikin,

Treves [CGT95]. More precisely, with the authors notations, let U an open of Rn ,
C a convex cone, and δ > 0, noting Wδ (U, Γ) = {z ∈ Cn , z ∈ U + iΓ, 0 <| z |< δ},
the authors define the residue of a (0, q)-form F , ∂−closed on Wδ (U, Γ) through
the analytic functional on entire functions ϕ ∈ O(C ) :

(1.2.2) hRes(F ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(z) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈U +iε.C

We will have the:

Definition 1.2.10. Let F a (0, n − 2)-form ∂-closed with polynomial growth on
ΩC \ Ω of index m ∈ N, and satisfying asymptotically O( |z|2n−2 ), for | z |−→ ∞.
Then, we define f the distribution residue of F : let ϕ ∈ Cc (Ω, C) and θ ∈ π(Ω∗ ),

such that supp(ϕ) ⊂ Ωθ

hf, ϕi = hRes(F|Rn−1 ), ϕidt
t∈π n+1 (Ωθ )
= lim F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈Ωθ +i.(Sεn−1 ∩Rθ,0

Let ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Ω, C) of compact support K, and a finite partition of K by compacts

(Ki )i∈I , such that for each Ki there exists θi ∈ π(Ω∗ ), tel que Ki ⊂ Ωθi . We then
define the residue of F from a partition of the unity (ui ), i ∈ I, supp(ui ) ⊂ Ki , by
(1.2.3) hf, ϕi = hf, ϕ.ui i

Theorem 1.2.11. Definition 1.2.10 does not depend on the choice of the partition
of the unity. Under these conditions, the Radon transform of f , in the sense of
distributions, vanishes along all hyperplanes of Ω.

Up to some linear transform, we may suppose that the hyperplane {x ∈ Rn , xn =

0} is contained in Ω. Let us proceed to a change of variables: for ϕ ∈ [0, π[,
(α1 , . . . , αn−1 ) ∈ S n−2 , and for j = 1, . . . , n − 1, we note (θ1 , . . . , θn ) ∈ S n−1 :

θj := αj sin(ϕ), θn := cos(ϕ), j=1,. . . ,n-1


So here is a theorem expressing the kernel of the Radon transform as a residu of

(0, n − 2)−form F ∂−closed in ΩC \ Ω.

Theorem 1.2.12. Let f ∈ C 1,2n−2 (Rn , C) such that the affine Radon transform of
f vanishes on Ω∗ , then there exists a (0, n − 2)−form F , ∂−closed in ΩC \ Ω ,
satisfying an estimate in O( |z|2n−2 ). For z ∈ ΩC \ Ω
f (y)
F (z) = n
dy ∧ cos(ϕ)dϕ ∧ ω 0 (Im(z))
y∈Rn ,ϕ∈]0,π[ h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zi

h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zi = Im(zi ) sin(ϕ)(yi − zi )+ | Im(z) | cos(ϕ)(yn − zn )

| Im(z) |= ( | Im(zj ) |2 ) 2

ω (Im(z)) = det(Im(z), ∂¯ Im(z), . . . , ∂¯ Im(z))

| {z }
n−2 fois

We then have Z
f (x) = lim F (z)
ε−→0 Im(z)∈Sεn−2

where Sεn−2 is (n − 2)−sphere of radius ε in the hyperplane {z ∈ Cn , Im(zn ) = 0}.

Theorem 1.2.13. Consider a convex K of Rn and H a hyperplane with no empty

intersection with K. In the local chart U where H is a hyperplane at infinity, we
note Ω the complement of K ∩ U . Let f a function of Ccn+1 (Rn , C), whose affine
Radon transform is not necessarily null in Ω∗ . Then f decomposes :

f = B(Rf ) + res(F )

where B is an operator from C ∞ (Ω∗ , C) to C ∞,n (Ω, C), where F is an (0, n−2)−form
∂−closed in ΩC \ Ω and satisfying an estimate O( |z|2n−2 1
Chapter 2

The case n = 2

2.1 Introduction
We mean to study the kernel, the image and a possible inversion formula for the real
Radon transform in linearly concave domains in dimension 2. We know how to recon-
struct a function globally from its Radon transform when the latest is known all along
every hyperplanes of the space [Rad17]. Our purpose will be somehow to establish
a semi-global analogue of this result. In this way, we will see that, modulo a kernel
we will precise, consisting of jumps of holomorphic functions, each of which is defined
upon a wedge and submitted to an estimation in O( |z|12 ) when | z | tends to infinity, an
inversion formula is reachable as soon as the Radon transform is known in a strongly
linearly concave domain.
Let Ω be a domain of Rn , and Ω∗ the dual domain consisting in hyperplanes contained
in Ω. To get a feeling of what could be the kernel of the Radon transform in linearly
concave domain, let us recall some result related to the complex Radon transform. As
usual, let denote P , resp. P, the n-dimensional real, resp. complex, projective space.
Definition 2.1.1 ([Mar67],[GH78]). Let K be a strongly linearly convex compact in P
¯ = 0. The complex Radon transform of f is
and Ω = P\K, f ∈ Cn,n−1 (Ω), such as ∂f
defined by Z
1 ξ0 .z0
RC f (ξ) = ∂¯z ( ) ∧ f, ξ ∈ K̃.
2πi z∈Ω hξ, zi
Here K̃ defined in section ?? as elements of P such as {z ∈ P; hξ, zi = ξ0 z0 + ... + ξn zn =
0} ⊂ P \ K and Cn,n−1 (Ω) is the space of (n, n − 1)−continuous forms on Ω.
Henkin and Polyakov [HP86] proved the remarkable fact that a (n, n − 1) form
f , whose complex Radon transform vanishes on a strongly linearly concave domain is
exact. Let us notice here that this definition is consistent with (1.2.1) given in the
precedent section.
Theorem 2.1.2 ([GH78], [HP90a]). Let Ω be a strongly linearly concave domain of P.
For any ∂-closed 1
form f in Cn,n−1 (Ω), the space of (n, n − 1) forms of class C 1 on Ω,
there are explicit operators Ξ and H allowing the following representation:
f = Ξ(RC f ) + ∂Hf


The results of Henkin and Polyakov tell us that on a strongly linearly concave
domain, the Dolbeault cohomology of (p, n − 1) degree in Ω, p 6= n − 1, is described by
the complex Radon transform.
We can deduce from this result some heuristic to link this result, involving complex
Radon transform, to one related to the real Radon transform. So heuristically, we may
get here the intuition of some function f defined in some concave domain Ω ⊂ R2
and extend it to a suitable (2, 1) integration current in some neighboorhood ΩC,ε of
the complexification ΩC of Ω, the current being supported in some hypersurface Γ of
ΩC,ε , where let say Γ = {z = (z1 , z2 ) ∈ C2 ; Im(z2 ) = 0} ∩ ΩC,ε . If there is a way to
bind the complex Radon transform of this current to the real Radon transform of f ,
then we might hope that the vanishing of real Radon transform induces the vanishing
of the complex Radon transform of the current. The above theorem tells us that the
current would then be exact so that it could lead us to the fact that f is in some sense
the residue of a holomorphic function in ΩC \ Ω, the latter consisting in 2 connected
components Ω± .

2.1.1 Notations
Let Ω̃ be a proper strongly linearly concave domain of P , with C 1 boundary. We note
for some local chart R2 , Ω = Ω̃ ∩ R2 and denote by Ω∗ ⊂ P ∗ its dual consisting of lines
contained in Ω, parameterized by a subset of S 1 × R. Precisely, (θ, t) in S 1 × R will
parametrize the line {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 ; h(θ, t), xi = t + θ1 x1 + θ2 x2 = 0}. We will note π
the projection of Ω∗ on S 1 . For θ ∈ S 1 , we note θ⊥ = (−θ2 , θ1 ).
In addition, we define ΩC to be the union of the complexification of lines contained
in Ω, namely

ΩC = ∪(θ,t)∈Ω∗ {z ∈ C2 , t + θ1 z1 + θ2 z2 = 0}

and Ω± the two connected components of ΩC \ Ω.

For x = (x1 , x2 ) ∈ Ω, we consider the union of all lines passing through x and
contained in Ω:
Ω∗x = {(θ, t) ∈ Ω∗ ; t + θ1 x1 + θ2 x2 = 0}
We will note C l,m (R2 , C), l, m ∈ N, the space of functions f with values in C,
belonging to C l (R2 , C), such that

m ∂k
sup (1+ | x |) | f (x) |< ∞
x∈R2 ∂xi1 ∂xj2
k = 0, 1, .., m; i + j = k.
For an open set U ⊂ S 1 × R, we will note C l,m (Ū, C), l, m ∈ N, the space of functions
f with values in C, belonging to C l (Ū, C), such that

mdi dj
sup t | i j f (θ, t) |< ∞
t∈R dθ dt
i + j = m, uniformly with regards to θ ∈ π(Ū ).

Also, we note ω designates the 2-form in C2 , ω(ξ) = dξ1 ∧ dξ2 , and ϑ the continuous
Im(z2 ) Im(z1 )
mapping from ΩC to S 1 defined for z ∈ Ω± , ϑ(z) = (ϑ1 (z), ϑ2 (z)) = ( |Im(z)| , − |Im(z)| ).

We note ϑ(z) is the element (−ϑ2 (z), ϑ1 (z)).
We want to show that, for such a domain Ω, and for some integrable function f
with some regularity conditions, there exists an operator B, with value in the space
of continuous functions in Ω and operators K± with value in the space of holomorphic
functions in Ω± , satisfying in their respective definition domain the growth condition
O( |z|12 ) when | z | tends to infinity, allowing for the decomposition

f = B(Rf ) + K+ f − K− f
The purpose of this work is not just to show the existence of such operators but to
give explicit formulae.
Precisely, we first try to get a characterization of the kernel of the Radon transform
in strongly linearly concave domain. We will show that it consists of boundary values
of wedge-defined holomorphic functions, satisfying in their respective definition domain
an asympototic behaviour of O( |z|12 ) when | z | goes to infinity. This will bring us to a
statement announced by Henkin with no proof in [Hen04a], the result of which all the
beginning of this work consists in advancing a proof.
Theorem 2.1.3. Let f a function of C 1 (R2 , C) and integrable on any line contained in
Ω, let us assume that the Radon transform vanishes on Ω∗ . Then f can be written as
the boundary value of holomorphic functions f± defined respectively in the domains Ω± ,
and satisfying in their respective domain a growth is O( |z|12 ) when | z | tends to infinity.
We have for z ∈ Ω±
1 Im(ξ)
f± (z) = − f (<(ξ)) det(ϑ(z), )(ϑ(z)dξ)cω(ξ))
2πi hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0,Im(ξ)=ϑ(z)⊥ hIm(ξ), <(ξ) − zi

The boundary value of f± is understood in the sense that, for x ∈ Ω and any θ ∈ S 1
such that there exists t ∈ R such that (θ, t) ∈ Ω∗x , then it is set to be limε→0 f± (x±iεθ⊥ ).
Theorem 2.1.3 can be seen as a precision of the Boman’s microlocal regularity the-
orem [Bom92] studying analysis of microlocal solutions of the equation Rf =0.
In addition, we will establish a characterization of the image of Radon transform.
Proposition 2.1.4. Let g ∈ C 3,2 (Ω̄∗ , C), such that g verifies g(θ, t) = g(−θ, −t), then
there exists f ∈ C 1 (Ω, C), integrable on any line contained in Ω, such that Rf = g
Finally, we no longer assume that Radon transform vanishes on Ω∗ . We will see
in the proof of the below theorem that given the Radon transform of a function f in
]), an extension
a strongly linearly concave domain Ω, we can construct a function R(f
with compact support of Rf to S × R, such that we have the following theorem
Theorem 2.1.5. We assume that Ω has C 3 boundary. Let f be a function in Cc3 (R2 , C).
Then we have the following decomposition of f in Ω

f = B(Rf ) + K+ f − K− f.

K+ f, K− f are functions respectively holomorphic in Ω+ et Ω− , and satisfying the growth

condition in their respective domain K± f (z) = O( |z|12 ) when | z | tends to infinity.
K+ f − K− f is understood in the sense of the difference of boundary value of K± : if
x ∈ Ω, and given any θ ∈ S 1 such that there exists t ∈ R such that (θ, t) ∈ Ω∗x , then
K± f (x) is set to be limε→0 K± f (x ± iεθ⊥ ).
And we have, for x ∈ Ω,

Z Z ])(θ, t)
B(Rf )(x) = limε−→0 ω 0 (θ) ∧ dt
(2πi)2 t∈R θ∈S 1 (t − hθ, xi + iε)2

where ω 0 (θ) = θ2 dθ1 − θ1 dθ2 , and for z ∈ Ω±

K± f (z) = −
2πi hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0,Im(ξ)=ϑ(z)⊥

(f (<(ξ)) − B(R(f ))(<(ξ))) det(ϑ(z), )(ϑ(z)dξ)cω(ξ))
hIm(ξ), <(ξ) − zi
Moreover, R(K+ f − K− f ) vanishes in Ω∗ .

2.2 Kernel of the Radon transform in strongly lin-

early concave domain of R2.
2.2.1 Application of the Sohotski-Plemelj formula
Im(z2 ) Im(z1 )
For any z = (z1 , z2 ) of ΩC \ Ω, the element of S 1 ( |Im(z)| , − |Im(z)| ), is the real slope
of the complex line passing by (z1 , z2 ) and by (<(z1 ), <(z2 )), and we noted it ϑ(z) =
(ϑ1 (z), ϑ2 (z)). For z ∈ ΩC \ Ω, the line {ξ ∈ C2 |hϑ(z), ξ − zi = 0}, is entirely contained
in ΩC . By the strongly linear concavity of Ω and the C 1 assumption about its boundary,
there is a C 1 parametrization of the lines of Ω by its points. We note also ϑ a C 1 mapping
from Ω to S 1 such that for any x ∈ Ω, {ξ ∈ R2 |hϑ(x), ξ − xi = 0} ⊂ Ω.
For a function h, integrable on R with complex values, Plemelj-Sohotski’s formula
gives, for x ∈ R:

1 h(y) 1 h(y)
(2.2.1) h(x) = lim( dy − dy)
ε→0 2πi y∈R y − x + iε 2πi y∈R y − x − iε

This formula can be directly derived from the one complex variable Cauchy formula.
Let f a fonction in C 1 (R2 , C) integrable on lines contained in Ω and let x ∈ Ω. By
applying Plemelj-Sohotski’s fomula on each real lines <({ξ ∈ C2 |hϑ(x), ξ − xi = 0})
embedded in complex lines {ξ ∈ C2 |hϑ(x), ξ − xi = 0}, we get:

(2.2.2) Z
1 f (<(ξ))
f (x) = lim( (ϑ(x)d<(ξ))cω(<(ξ))
ε→0 2πi hϑ(x),ξ−xi=0,Im(ξ)=0 hϑ(x)⊥ , <(ξ) − xi + iε
1 f (<(ξ))
− (ϑ(x)d<(ξ))cω(<(ξ)))
2πi hϑ(x),ξ−xi=0,Im(ξ)=0 hϑ(x)⊥ , <(ξ) − xi − iε
This is the formula (2.2.1) where we proceed to the change of variable ξ10 := hϑ(x)⊥ , ξ−xi
and ξ20 := hϑ(x), ξ − xi.
We will transform this expression to make it more convenient, as we will see in
section 2.2.2. Indeed, if one define f± on Ω± such that for z ∈ Ω± :
f± (z) = −
2πi hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0,Im(ξ)=ϑ(z)⊥
f (<(ξ)) det(ϑ(z), )(ϑ(z)d<(ξ))cω(<(ξ)))
hIm(ξ), <(ξ) − <(z)i − ihIm(ξ), Im(z)i
then, the formula (2.2.2) gives, for x ∈ Ω :

f (x) = lim(f+ (x + iεϑ(x)⊥ ) − f− (x − iεϑ(x)⊥ )


2.2.2 ¯ ± with the help of Radon transform

Computing ∂f
A change of variable gives for z ∈ Ω± :

f (<(z1 ) + ϑ1 (z)⊥ s, <(z2 ) + ϑ2 (z)⊥ s)

f± (z) = ds
s∈R s − ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i
To lighten the notation, we will note f () or ∂i f (), i = 1, 2, the following expression
f (<(z1 ) + ϑ1 (z)⊥ s, <(z2 ) + ϑ2 (z)⊥ s) or ∂i f (<(z1 ) + ϑ1 (z)⊥ s, <(z2 ) + ϑ2 (z)⊥ s).
We have the following result relating the ”tangential” component of the ∂¯ of f± and
the Radon transform.

Proposition 2.2.1. We have the formula

(ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 + ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 )f± (z) =

i ∂ ∂
(ϑ1 (z) + ϑ2 (z) ) f (<(z1 ) + ϑ1 (z)⊥ s, <(z2 ) + ϑ2 (z)⊥ s)ds
| Im(z) | <(z1 ) <(z2 ) s∈R
Proof. We have

(2.2.3) (ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 + ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 )f± (z) =

ϑ1 (z)(1 + ∂¯z1 ϑ1 (z)⊥ s)∂1 f () + ϑ1 ∂¯z1 ϑ2 (z)⊥ s∂2 f ()

(2.2.4) ds
s∈R s − ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i

ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 ϑ1 (z)⊥ s∂1 f () + ϑ2 (z)(1 + ∂¯z2 ϑ2 (z)⊥ s)∂2 f ()

(2.2.5) + ds
s∈R s − ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i

iϑ1 (z)(h∂¯z1 ϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i + iϑ1 (z)⊥ )f ()

(2.2.6) + ds
s∈R (s − ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i)2

iϑ2 (z)(h∂¯z2 ϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i + iϑ2 (z)⊥ )f ()

(2.2.7) + ds
s∈R (s − ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i)2

Let us replace in the two first integrals the variable s by s − ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i +
ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i. We then obtain:

(2.2.4) + (2.2.5) =

(ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 ϑ1 (z)⊥ +ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 ϑ1 (z)⊥ )∂1 f ()+(ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 ϑ2 (z)⊥ +ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 ϑ2 (z)⊥ )∂2 f ()ds

(ϑ1 (z)(1 + i∂¯z1 ϑ1 (z)⊥ hϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i) + iϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 ϑ1 (z)⊥ hϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i)∂1 f ()
+ ds
s∈R s − ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i

(iϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 ϑ2 (z)⊥ hϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i + ϑ2 (z)(1 + i∂¯z2 ϑ2 (z)⊥ hϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i))∂2 f ()
+ ds
s∈R s − ihϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i

Besides, since hϑ(z), ϑ(z)⊥ i = 0, and Im(z1 )ϑ2 (z)⊥ = Im(z2 )ϑ1 (z)⊥ , we have by
h∂¯z ϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i = h∂¯z ϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i = 0
1 2

We thus obtain

(2.2.6) + (2.2.7) = 0.
We also have,

ϑ1 (z)(1 + i∂¯z1 ϑ1 (z)⊥ hϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i) + iϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 ϑ1 (z)⊥ hϑ(z)⊥ , Im(z)i = 0

Indeed, by elmentary calculus, the term above, (ϑ1 (z)⊥ , ϑ2 (z)⊥ ) = (−ϑ2 (z), ϑ1 (z))
Im(z1 ) Im(z2 )
being ( |Im(z)| , |Im(z)| ), cancels out. Thus, in the sum (2.2.9) + (2.2.10), the number that
multiplies ∂1 f is zero, as well for the number that multiplies ∂2 f .
We can conclude that

(ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 + ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 )f± (z) =

(ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 ϑ1 (z)⊥ +ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 ϑ1 (z)⊥ )∂1 f ()+(ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 ϑ2 (z)⊥ +ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 ϑ2 (z)⊥ )∂2 f ()ds

Now, we deduce from the relations Im(z1 )ϑ2 (z)⊥ = Im(z2 )ϑ1 (z)⊥ and (ϑ1 (z)⊥ )2 +
(ϑ2 (z)⊥ )2 = 1, that

¯ ⊥ ¯ ⊥ ϑ2 (z)⊥ ϑ1 (z)
ϑ1 (z)∂z1 ϑ1 (z) + ϑ2 (z)∂z2 ϑ1 (z) = i =i
| Im(z) | | Im(z) |
The same way,

ϑ1 (z)⊥ ϑ2 (z)
ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 ϑ2 (z)⊥ + ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 ϑ2 (z)⊥ = −i =i
| Im(z) | | Im(z) |

We thus have:
(2.2.11) = ϑ1 (z)∂1 f () + ϑ2 (z)∂2 f ()ds
Im(z) s∈R

But this last term is nothing but:

i ∂ ∂
(ϑ1 (z) + ϑ2 (z) ) f (<(z1 ) + ϑ1 (z)⊥ s, <(z2 ) + ϑ2 (z)⊥ s)ds
| Im(z) | <(z1 ) <(z2 ) s∈R

Supposing that the Radon transform vanishes for any line contained in Ω, this last
term is zero and we have

(ϑ1 (z)∂¯z1 + ϑ2 (z)∂¯z2 )f± (z) = 0

Now, if we use Plemelj-Sohotsky’s formula (2.2.1), we see that what we noted h
breaks down into the difference of two functions respectively holomorphic on the half-
plane of the positive (resp. negative) imaginary parts of the ”complex line” C, (we
simply replace x with z).
Here, the equation (2.2.2) shows that f breaks down on the complex line hϑ(x), ξ −
xi = 0, into the difference of two holomorphic functions with respect to complex
variable Z = hϑ(x), zi. Likewise for f± , we express these functions according to a
Cauchy representation for the complex variable Z = hϑ(z), zi on the complex line
{ξ ∈ C2 ; hϑ(z0 ), ξ − z0 i = 0}, for some z0 ∈ Ω± . So that the ”radial” component of the
¯ (−ϑ2 (z)∂¯z + ϑ1 (z)∂¯z )f± (z) cancels out. So we deduce that ∂f
∂, ¯ ± =0 on Ω± .
1 2
We are now in a position to establish the theorem:

2.2.3 Proof of theorem 2.1.3

¯ ± = 0 on Ω± . Moreover, f± verifies some estimation O( 12 ).
We have just proved that ∂f |z|
Indeed, by developing the following expression
f± (z) =
hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0,Im(ξ)=(−ϑ2 (z),ϑ1 (z))

f (<(ξ)). det(Im(ξ), ϑ(z))

−ϑ2 (z)(<(ξ1 ) − z1 ) + ϑ1 (z)(<(ξ2 ) − z2 )

Let us expand by power series the above kernel

−ϑ2 (z)(<(ξ1 ) − z1 ) + ϑ1 (z)(<(ξ2 ) − z2 )
Let us set X := ϑ2 (z)<(ξ1 ) − ϑ1 (z)<(ξ2 ), Z := ϑ2 (z)z1 − ϑ1 (z)z2 , the kernel is so Z−X
And the term in Z1 , is nothing but
f (<(ξ))ϑ(z)dξcω(ξ). det(ϑ⊥ (z), ϑ(z)).
hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0,Im(ξ)=(−ϑ2 (z),ϑ1 (z))

This term cancels out since it is nothing more than the Radon transform of f on the
line <(hϑ(z), ξ − zi) = 0. The expansion of f± , is hence in O( |z|12 ).

The following result, known as the theorem of support, can be found in John [Joh35]
and then generalized by Cormack[Cor63] and Helgason[Hel64].

Corollary 2.2.2. Let f be a function in C 2 (R2 , C) with non empty compact support
K. Let us assume that the Radon transform vanishes in a strongly linearly concave
domain Ω. We also assume that there is a line D of R2 entirely contained in Ω such as
D ∩ K = ∅. Then f vanishes in Ω.

Proof. f decomposes into difference of 2 functions respectively holomorphic in Ω+ and

Ω− . Now, we have that f+ and f− coincide on Ω \ K.
Let us note F = f+ on Ω+ and F = f− on Ω− , then we get a function defined on
Ω+ ∪ Ω− ∪ (Ω \ K).
We assumed there was a line D entirely contained in Ω such as D∩K = ∅. Consider
the two connected components of Ω \ D, Ω1 and Ω2 . In addition, there is a line D0 ,
parallel to D, for example contained in Ω2 , with parameter (θ, t) ∈ S 1 × R, such that,
if A is the set {α ∈ R|(θ, α) ∈ Ω∗ , {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 |α + θ1 x1 + θ2 x2 = 0} ∩ K = ∅},
then t ∈ {inf(A), sup(A)}. (It is possible that the lines of parameters (θ, inf(A)) and
(θ, sup(A)) do not belong to the open set Ω∗ , so this means that all the lines of Ω∗
parallel to D have an empty intersection with K. To avoid this case, it suffices to
consider the line D as the line at infinity in P , then considering a point in Ω ∩ K
and, by linear concavity, a line passing through x and contained in Ω then the set
A considered above, for a parameter θ corresponding to the slope of D0 , provides the
suited line D0 ).
We consider a neighbourhood of V (D0 ) of lines around D0 , included in Ω∗ . We
are now able to apply to F the edge-of-the-wedge theorem on ∪x∈V (D0 )\(V (D0 )∩K) Ωx,± ,
with Ωx,± = {x} ∪ {z ∈ Ω± |<(z) = x}. So F extends locally holomorphically around
V (D0 ) \ (V (D0 ) ∩ K) on a set ∆. By complexifying the lines of V (D0 ), we now have
a family of parallel complex lines putting us under the conditions of application of the
continuity principle of Hartog’s or Kontinuitatsatz. So that, on V (D0 ), the functions
f+ and f− coincide. Step by step, we deduce that F extends to Ω, (this process is
possible since the f support is compact). Finally f vanishes on Ω.

Remark 2.2.3. (i) This result is the one demonstrated by John [Joh35] and then
generalized by Cormack [Cor63] and Helgason [Hel64]. Indeed, just take the line D
mentioned in the above corollary, i.e. contained in Ω and with empty intersection
with the support of f , and consider it as the line at infinity in P . We are then in
the conditions of the theorem demonstrated by the above authors.
(ii) If f is a function with compact support in a strongly linearly concave domain Ω
of R2 , and if we assume that its Radon transform vanishes in Ω∗ , then f vanishes.
(iii) Let us mention some result of Boman [Bom92] sharper than corollary 2.2.2: let
S be a real analytic hypersurface S of Rn , let f be a distribution defined in some
neighborhood of S, assume that no point of the conormal bundle to S lies in the
analytic wave-front set of f , and suppose that f and all its derivative’s restriction
to S vanishes, then f vanishes on some neigborhood U of S. When f is supposed
to be a continuous function, then one gets the same vanishing result by imposing
the following flatness condition: for x ∈ U tending to S, f (x) decays to 0 faster
than any negative power of the distance of x to S.
The following result is an application of a refinement of the “edge-of-the-wedge”
theorem, which is due to Kolm and Nagel [KN68]. But it is Boman’s in [Bom92], whom
we owe the formulation of the following proposal, here demonstrated in the light of
theorem 2.1.3. It should be noted here that Boman exposes a proof which essentially
relies on a theorem of microlocal regularity of the solutions of the equation R(f ) =0.
Proposition 2.2.4. Let’s say a K a proper convex compact of R2 , and f a function of
C 2,2 (R2 ). Let us suppose that there is a I bounded segment of R2 , such as the line D that
it generates belongs to (R2 \ K)∗ . Suppose, moreover, that the Radon transform of f
vanishes on all lines of R2 \ K and that all derivatives at all orders of f on I vanishes.
Then, f vanishes in the neighborhood of I.
Proof. Let a,b be the elements of the edge of I. We consider V and V 0 , (always
parametrized by S 1 × R), subsets of (R2 \ K)∗ corresponding to lines passing through
a respectively b. Note C = π(V ) ∩ π(V 0 ), where π is the projection on S 1 . This
intersection is not empty. Let the cones C± = {y ∈ R2 |∃λ ∈ R∗ , c ∈ C, y = λc}.
We are then able to apply a refinement of the edge-of-the-wedge theorem, by Kolm
and Nagel [KN68]), stating that given an analytical curve J, parametrized by x(t), t ∈ R,
an open convex cone C, such that x0 (t) ∈ C, for any t, V(J) a neighbordhood of J, and
two functions respectively holomorphic on V(J) ± iC± such that all their derivatives, to
all orders coincide on J, then there is a analytical extension common to both functions,
holomorphic on a complex neighborhood of J. In our case, the Radon transform of f
cancelling out on (R2 \ K)∗ , f is broken down into the difference of two holomorphic
functions f = f+ − f− , and derivatives of f cancelling each other out orders on I,
derivatives of f+ and f− coincide on I. We are then in the conditions of application of
the generalized, ”edge-of-the-wedge” theorem demonstrated in [KN68].

Remark 2.2.5. This proposition may still be improved. With the same assumptions
as in proposition 2.2.4, one may conclude that f vanishes in the C-convex envelope

C(I) of the segment I, thanks to an improvement of the theorem of edge-of-the-wedge

due to Vladimirov [Vla61]. We defines C(I) as the smallest open set that contains I
and which has the property that, if x0 and x00 can be joined by a ”C-like curve” (see
definition below) entirely contained in C(I), then all C-similar curves joining x0 and x00
are contained in C(I). (A curve of class C 1 is called C-similar, for a cone C, if, at each
point of the curve, the direction of the tangent vector is contained in C). Geometrically,
the C-convex envelope of I corresponds to, denoting by Ω the complementary of K,
a parallelogram determined by the extremal directions of Ω∗x , for x belonging to the
boundary set of the I segment.

2.3 Characterization of the image of the Radon trans-

To fully characterize the Radon transform, we have the

Proposition 2.3.1. Let Ω a strongly linearly concave domain of R2 with C 3 boundary.

Let g ∈ C 3,2 (Ω̄∗ , C) such that g(θ, t) = g(−θ, −t), then there exists an explicit extension
ge ∈ C 3,2 (R2,∗ , C) of g such that ge(θ, t) = ge(−θ, −t).

Proof. Let us choose to point the frame of R2 at some point of Ω. Suppose that the
complementary Ω is made up of two connected components. The boundary of π(Ω∗ )
is then consisting of four elements we will note ±θ0 and ±θ0 . The set S 1 \ π(Ω∗ ) is
composed of two components, let say A with boundary the elements θ0 and −θ0 and
B with boundary the elements −θ0 and θ0 . There is no loss of generality to suppose
0 0
θ0 , θ0 are represented by angles ϕ0 , ϕ0 in [0, π[
g is known for (θ, t) ∈ S 1 × R, such that θ ∈ π(Ω∗ ) and t ∈ [aθ , bθ ], here aθ , bθ ∈ R̄
depending on θ. We will extend successively g on the whole (θ, t) ∈ π(Ω∗ )×(]−∞, aθ ]∪
[bθ , ∞[) then on the whole of (θ, t) ∈ A × [0, ∞[ and on all (θ, t) ∈ B×] − ∞, 0]. Finally,
we will complete with parity argument. We will note ge this extension.
Let us note c the real number 2 maxθ∈π(Ω∗ ) (| aθ |, | bθ |). Let Pa,b;αi ,βi the poly-
nomial interpolator of degree 8, such that, for real a, b, αi , βi , i = 0, 1, 2, 3, P (i) (a) =
αi , P (i) (b) = βi . These polynomials are chosen for that the extension built below is C 3 .
Then we set, for bθ ≤ t ≤ c,

ge(θ, t) = Pb d d2 d3
θ ,c;g(θ,bθ ), dt g(θ,bθ ), dt2 g(θ,bθ ), dt3 g(θ,bθ ),0,0,0,0

and for t ≥ c, ge(θ, t) = 0. For −c ≤ t ≤ aθ ,

ge(θ, t) = Pa d d2 d3
θ ,−c;g(θ,aθ ), dt g(θ,aθ ), dt2 g(θ,aθ ), dt3 g(θ,aθ ),0,0,0,0

and ge(θ, t) = 0 for t ≤ −c.

We complete then, for t ∈ R and θ ∈ A, h(θ, t) = Pt ◦ arccos(θ) where

Pt = Parccos(θ0 ),arccos(−θ00 );G(θ0 ,t),G(−θ00 ,t) .


0 d d 2 d 3
where we noted G(θ0 , t), resp. G(−θ0 , t), the quadruplet (g(θ0 , t), dθ g(θ0 , t), dθ 0 0
2 g(θ , t), dθ 3 g(θ , t)),
0 d 0 d2 0 d 3 0
resp. (g(−θ0 , t), dθ g(−θ0 , t), dθ 0 0
2 g(−θ , t), dθ 3 g(−θ , t)), where we noted for θ ∈ S ,

d i d
and ϕ such that θ = (cos(ϕ), sin(ϕ)), dθ i g(θ, t) = dϕ g((cos(ϕ), sin(ϕ)), t), i = 1, 2, 3.

We proceed the same way for θ ∈ B. Of course, the extension above belongs to C 3,2
since it cancels for any (θ, t), with t big enough.
If the complementary Ω is made up of only one connected component, then it is
necessary to distinguish the case where this one is compact and the other case where
it is not limited. In the second case the extension is the same as above, except that
for aθ = −∞ or bθ = +∞, it is useless to extend g(θ, t) for t < aθ (resp. t > bθ ).
The extension is still C 3,2 since, for all t, the norm of the polynomial interpolator Pt is
bounded above by a polynomial combination of partial derivatives to order 3 of g(θ0 , t)
and g(−θ0 , t), the result will follow a behaviour in O( t12 ).
At last, in the case where the complementary of Ω is compact, we point the frame
of R2 in the latter compact. Then we have to extend g for (θ, t) ∈ S 1 × [aθ , bθ ]. Then
we note c = 12 minθ∈S 1 (| aθ |, | bθ |). And we set, for c ≤ t ≤ bθ ,
ge(θ, t) = Pb d d2 d3
θ ,c;g(θ,bθ ), dt g(θ,bθ ), dt2 g(θ,bθ ), dt3 g(θ,bθ ),0,0,0

and null for 0 ≤ t ≤ c and for aθ ≤ t ≤ −c,

ge(θ, t) = Pa d d2 d3
θ ,−c;g(θ,aθ ), dt g(θ,aθ ), dt2 g(θ,aθ ), dt3 g(θ,aθ ),0,0,0

and ge null for −c ≤ t ≤ 0.

Proof of proposition 2.1.4

Proof. We recall a theorem established by Radon[Rad17] : If g is a function of C 3,2 (S 1 ×
di dj
R, C), (i.e. C 3 (S 1 ×R, C), and satisfying, uniformly in θ ∈ S 1 , for i+j ≤ 3, dθ i dtj g(θ, t) =
O( t2 ) when t tends to infinity), and such that g(θ, t) = g(−θ, −t), then there exists
f ∈ C 1 (R2 , C), integrable on the lines of R2 , such that Rf = g.
Let g be as given by the assumptions of theorem 2.1.4 then we extend g by ge
in accordance with proposition 2.3.1, then we apply to ge the Radon theorem stated
above, to get f in C 1 (R2 , C), integrable on all lines contained in Ω, such that its Radon
transform on Ω∗ is g. QED.
We are now able to establish the:

Proof of theorem 2.1.5

Proof. Now, f is a function belonging to Cc3 (R2 , C). After proposition 2.3.1, there exists
f , defined on S 1 × R and from Radon’s theorem [Rad17],
an extension of Rf , noté Rf
there exists a function G, noted B(Rf ), C 1 , such that RG = Rf f . Let us apply to
B(Rf ) Radon inversion formula. We have
1 Rf
f (θ, t)
B(Rf )(x) = lim ω 0 (θ) ∧ dt
ε−→0 (2πi)2 t∈R θ∈S 1 (t − hθ, xi + iε)2

The Radon transform of f and B(Rf ) coincide on Ω∗ , and so, R(B(Rf ))(θ, t) =
Rf (θ, t), for any (θ, t) de Ω∗ . Now,

f − B(Rf ) = (f − B(Rf ))+ − (f − B(Rf ))− ,

with for z ∈ Ω± :
(f − B(Rf ))± (z) =

2πi hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0,Im(ξ)=ϑ(z)⊥
(f (<(ξ)) − B(Rf )(<(ξ))) det(ϑ(z), )(ϑ(z)dξ)cω(ξ))
hIm(ξ), <(ξ) − zi
Let us note K± f = (f − B(Rf ))± and writing f = f − B(Rf ) + B(Rf ), one obtain the
theorem 2.1.5.

2.4 Kernel of Radon transform through ∂¯ technic

2.4.1 Some properties of the complex Radon transform
Let us first define the complex Radon transform. Let Cn,n−1 (Ω) is the space of (n, n −
1)−continuous forms on Ω and we recall that, for a subset A of P, we defined in (??)
à the subset of P∗ , {ξ ∈ P∗ ; {z ∈ P; hξ, zi = 0} ⊂ P \ A}.
Definition 2.4.1. Let K be a compact strongly linearly convex in P and Ω = P\K, f ∈
¯ = 0. The complete complex Radon transform of f is the 1-form
Cn,n−1 (Ω) such as ∂f
on K̃, defined by
RC f = RfC,j dξj

where Z
1 zj
RC,j f (ξ) = ∂¯z ( ) ∧ f, ξ ∈ K̃.
2πi z∈Ω hξ, zi
We have the following first properties

(i) The complex Radon transform is well defined

(ii) It is holomorphic in K̃
(iii) It is closed 1-form in K̃

For (i), by Stokes, we have

zj zj
∂¯z ( )∧f = f
z∈Ω hξ, zi z∈∂Ω hξ, zi
(ii) is obvious.
For (iii), we can write

dRC f =
P ¯
(∂ + ∂)(Rf C,j dξj )

= ∂ξk
RfC,j dξj ∧ dξk
P R −zk zj f
= z∈∂Ω hξ,zi2
dξj ∧ dξk
P R (zj zk −zk zj )f
= z∈∂Ω hξ,zi2
dξj ∧ dξk
We have the follwing expression of RC f in terms of integration through complex
Proposition 2.4.2. For ξ ∈ K̃, we have
X Z 
RC f (ξ) = hξ, dziczj f dξj
0≤j≤n hξ,zi=0

Proof. We are going to prove that for any j, 0 ≤ j ≤ n

RfC,j (ξ) = hξ, dziczj f

Up to a permuation of indices, we can reduce to the situation where we consider a

change of variable Z = ψ(z), with Z0 = hξ, zi, and Zi = zi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, some linear
combinations of the (zi )0≤i≤n in a such way that ψ = (ψ0 , . . . , ψn ) is a diffeomorphism
of Cn+1 . We note ϕ = (ϕ0 , . . . , ϕn ) the inverse diffeomorphism of ψ. The case where
hξ, zi = zj is straightforward since RfC,j (ξ) would be null.
First we have by stokes, for ε small enough:

zj zj
f= f
z∈∂Ω hξ, zi |hξ,zi|=ε hξ, zi
Then, noting fi the dzi k6=i (dzk ∧ dz¯k ) term of f . by a change of variable, we get
zj ϕj (Z) ∗ ϕj (Z) ^
f= ϕ f (Z) = fi (ϕ(Z))dϕi (Z) (dϕk (Z) ∧ dϕk (Z
|hξ,zi|=ε hξ, zi |Z0 |=ε Z0 0≤i≤n |Z0 |=ε
Z0 0≤k≤n

For 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ϕi (Z) = Zi , ϕ0 (Z) = hη, Zi, for η ∈ Cn+1 , with η0 = 1

and ηk = − ξξk0
for 1 ≤ k ≤ n,

Zj ^
f0 (ϕ(Z))d(hη, Zi) (dZk ∧ dZk )+
|Z0 |=ε Z0 1≤k≤n

X Z Zj ^
fi (ϕ(Z))dZi ∧ d(hη, Zi) ∧ d(hη̄, Z̄i) (dZk ∧ dZk ) =
1≤i≤n |Z0 |=ε Z0 1≤k≤n

Zj 1 X ^
(f0 (ϕ(Z)) − η̄i fi (ϕ(Z)))dZ0 (dZk ∧ dZk )
|Z0 |=ε Z0 ξ0 1≤i≤n 1≤k≤n

We apply Cauchy formula, and the last term is

1 X ^
Zj (f0 (ϕ(Z 0 )) − η̄i fi (ϕ(Z 0 ))) (dZk ∧ dZk )
Z0 =0 ξ0 1≤i≤n 1≤k≤n

where Z 0 = (0, Z 1 , . . . , Z n ). Now, by definition of the inner product hξ, dziczj f , it

remains to prove that for z in the hypersurface hξ, zi = 0, we have

1 X ^
hξ, dzi ∧ zj (f0 (z) − η̄i fi (z)) (dzk ∧ dzk ) = zj f
ξ0 1≤i≤n 1≤k≤n

We have

hξ, dzi ∧ zj ξ10 (f0 (z) −

η̄i fi (z)) (dzk ∧ dzk )
P 1≤i≤n V 1≤k≤n
= zj (f0 (z) − η̄i fi (z))dz0 (dzk ∧ dzk )
1≤i≤n 1≤k≤n
P ξ̄i V
= zj (f0 (z) + f (z))dz0 ∧ dzi ∧ dz¯i
ξ̄0 i
(dzk ∧ dzk )
1≤i≤n 1≤k≤n
P ¯
For the last term, we have on the hypersurface hξ, zi, dz̄i = − ξ̄1i ξk dz̄k , so that
the last term of the preceeding equalities is

( ξ̄ξ̄0i fi (z) ξ̄ξ̄0i dzi ∧ dz0 ∧ dz0

zj f0 (z)dz0 (dzk ∧ dzk ) + zj (dzk ∧ dzk ))
1≤k≤n 1≤i≤n 1≤k≤n
= zj f (z)

2.4.2 Relating complex and real Radon transform

In the following, we will restrict ourselves to the study to the affine 2-dimensional Radon
Ω is a strongly linearly concave domain with C 1 boundary. We also note for ε > 0
and x ∈ Ω,

Ωx,ε = ∪θ∈π(Ω∗x ) {z ∈ C2 ; <(z) = x, | hθ, Im(z)i |< ε}, Ωε = ∪x∈Ω Ωx,ε , ΩC = ∩ε>0 Ωε

Ωε is strongly linearly concave domain of C2 , and we note Ω∗ε the complex lines
contained in Ωε .
Let f a function of C 2,2 (R2 , C), and f˜ an extension of f to C2 so that, there exists
a neighborhood U of 0 so that for z ∈ R2 + iU , | ∂¯f˜(z) |< C (1+<(z)) 2 , for some C > 0,

and some integer N > 1 (cf. [HW69] for a reference, and also for section for an
example of such an extension). And we note F = f˜ω, where ω is as always (2, 0)-form
dz1 ∧ dz2 . We also consider some family of C 1 functions (χε )ε>0 : R → − R, such that
χε (x) = 0 for x ≤ 0, χε (x) = 1 for x ≥ ε and | χ0ε (x) |< 1ε for 0 ≤ x ≤ ε. Ω being with
C 1 boundary, there exists some C 1 application from Ω to S 1 noted ϑ = (ϑ1 , ϑ2 ), such
that for x ∈ Ω, {ξ ∈ R2 , hϑ(x), ξ − xi = 0} ⊂ Ω and hϑ(x), ξ − xi 6= 0, for ξ ∈ ∂Ω. Let
ϕ1,x < ϕ2,x ∈]0, π[ be the angles parametrizing the 2 limits lines contained in Ω passing
by x. Since Ω is proper, there is Λ ∈]0, π[ such that | ϕ1,x − ϕ2,x |< Λ.
We note ϑ⊥ = (−ϑ2 , ϑ1 ), and consider the function C → − C, defined by z ∈ C2 ,
χε (hϑ⊥ (<(z)), Im(z)i), we also note this function χε . Let Γε be the domain {z ∈ C2 ; |
hϑ⊥ (<(z)), Im(z)i |< ε}, and Γ0 = {z ∈ C2 ; hϑ⊥ (<(z)), Im(z)i = 0}.
Now, we will define the complex Radon transform of a non necessarily ∂-closed ¯ (2, 1)
form G to be

1 1
RC G(ξ) = G(z), ξ ∈ Ω∗ε .
2πi z∈∂Ωε hξ, zi
To avoid confusion, we note RR f the real Radon transform. We are going to prove
the following
Lemma 2.4.3. For ξ ∈ Ω∗ , we have

(2.4.1) ¯ ε )(ξ) = (Rf )R (ξ)

limε−→0 RC (F ∧ ∂χ

Proof. First, by Stokes, we have:

1 ¯ ε (z) =
(2.4.2) F (z) ∧ ∂χ
z∈∂Ωε hξ, zi

1 ¯ ¯ ε (z) + 1 ¯ ε (z)
∂F (z) ∧ ∂χ F (z) ∧ ∂χ
z∈Ωε ,|hξ,zi|>ε hξ, zi |hξ,zi|=ε hξ, zi

(where for z ∈ Ωε and out of simplicity, we put in the integrand | hξ, zi |> ε rather
than considering some δ > 0 such that the integrand is | hξ, zi |> δε). For the first term
¯ ε (z) is 0 for | hϑ⊥ (<(z)), Im(z)i |> ε. A simple calculus
of (2.4.2), we notice that ∂χ
gives that, for z ∈ Γε , there is a k > 0, such that | Im(z) |< kε, for instance we can
take k = (1+sin(Λ/2)) ¯ ε (z) |< k0 ,
. And we can also find a constant k 0 > 0, such that | ∂χ
cos(Λ/2) ε
for z ∈ Γε

1 ¯ ¯ ε (z) |=| 1 ¯ ¯ ε (z) |
| ∂F (z) ∧ ∂χ ∂F (z) ∧ ∂χ
z∈Ωε ,|hξ,zi|>ε hξ, zi z∈Ωε ∩Γε ,|hξ,zi|>ε hξ, zi

1 C | Im(z) |N k 0
< ω(z)
<(z)∈<(Ωε );|Im(z)|<kε ε (1 + <(z))2 ε

The last term is O(εN ).

Then, for the second term of the righ-hand side of the equality (2.4.2), we apply
the exact same reasonning than proposition (2.4.2). So, the change of variables that
we used there leads us to consider the simplest case of (ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2 ) = (0, 1, 0). Then, we

1 ¯ ε (z) = 1 ¯ ε (z)
F (z) ∧ ∂χ F (z) ∧ ∂χ
|hξ,zi|=ε hξ, zi {|hξ,zi|=ε}∩Γε hξ, zi

1 ˜ ¯ ε (z) = 1 ˜ ∂
= f (z) ∧ ∂χ f (z) ∧ χε (z)dz1 ∧ dz2 ∧ dz¯2
|z1 |=ε,z∈Γε z1 |z1 |=ε z2 ∩Γε,z1 z1 ∂ z¯2

where Γε,z1 = {z2 ∈ C; (z1 , z2 ) ∈ Γε }. This last term gives

¯ 1 ˜ 1
dz1 ∧ ( ∂z2 ( f (z) ∧ χε (z)dz2 ) − ( ∂¯z2 f˜(z) ∧ χε (z)dz2 ))
|z1 |=ε z2 ∩Γε ,z1 z1 z2 ∩Γε ,z1 z1

Let α(z1 ) be, of the two real numbers of Im ∂(Γε,z1 ), the one on which χε equals 1,
we get by Stokes
¯ 1 ˜ 1 ˜
dz1 ∧ ∂z2 ( f (z) ∧ χε (z)dz2 ) = dz1 ∧ ( f (z1 , x2 + iα(z1 ))dz2
|z1 |=ε z2 ∩Γε ,z1 z1 |z1 |=ε x2 z1

= f˜(0, x2 )dx2 + O(ε)

Besides, the term z2 ∩Γε ( z11 ∂¯z2 f˜(z) ∧ χε (z)dz2 ) is controlled by so is O(εN −1 ).
|z1 |
So that we have obtained that
1 ¯ ε (z) = lim 1 ¯ ε (z)
lim F (z) ∧ ∂χ F (z) ∧ ∂χ
ε→0 |hξ,zi|=ε hξ, zi ε→0 {|hξ,zi|=ε}∩Γε hξ, zi
= hξ, d<(z)icF (<(z))

We thus proved that

¯ ε )(ξ) =
RC (F ∧ ∂χ hξ, dzicF (z) + O(ε) = RR f (ξ) + O(ε)

2.4.3 ¯
∂-formulae in concave domains Notations
dξi . Let the form ω 0 (v) = k
As usual ω(ξ) is the (n, 0)-form k=1 (−1) vk dv1 ∧ . . . ∧
dvk−1 ∧ dvk+1 ∧ . . . ∧dvn , where v is a coordinate vector vk . We can represent this form
by (n−1)! det(v, dv, . . . , dv) with n − 1 columns dv. Suppose now that v is an application
dependent on complex variables ξ, z and real variable λ, we then note
q n−1
ωq0 (v) = (−1)q det(v, (∂¯ξ + dλ )v, . . . , (∂¯ξ + dλ )v , ∂¯z v, . . . , ∂¯z v )
(n − 1)! | {z } | {z }
n−q−1 q

Let Ω a linearly concave domain of the n-dimensional P with a smooth boundary,

such that Ω ∩ Cn = {z ∈ C2 , ρ(z) > 0}, for a some convex function ρ, C 1 on a neigh-
borhood of Ω̄ ∩ Cn , and such that ∂Ω ⊂ Cn . For a point z ∈ ∂Ω, we note ξ(z) the
hyperplane passing through z P and tangent to Ω : ξ(z) = (ξ0 (z), ξ1 (z), . . . , ξn (z))where
ξk (z) = ∂zk (z), and ξ0 (z) = − nk=1 zk ∂z
∂ρ ∂ρ
112 CHAPTER 2. THE CASE N = 2 Reminder on Henkin’s formulae

Theorem 2.4.4 ([Hen77]). Let an integer q > 0, g ∈ C0,q1 ¯ = 0. Let us
(Ω̄), such that ∂g
note for z ∈ Ω ∩ Cn ,

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄
H g(z) = − g(ξ)∧ω ( )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n ξ∈∂Ω q−1
| ξ − z |2

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄ (z)
0 ∂ξ
(2.4.3) + g(ξ)∧ωq−1 ((1 − λ) + λ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂Ω×[0,1] | ξ − z |2 h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi

¯ g(z) = g(z).
then, if q 6= n − 1, H g satisfies ∂H
In the case q = n − 1, we have for z ∈ Ω ∩ Cn
¯ g(z) = g(z) + (−1)n (n − 1)!
0 ∂ξ
∂H g(ξ) ∧ ωn−1 ( ∂ρ ) ∧ ω(ξ)
(2πi)n ξ∈∂Ω h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi

A residue calculus leads to the following representation of H g:

Lemma 2.4.5 ([NH87],[HP90b]). Let the (0, 1)-form g =

P ¯ = 0,
gj dz̄j , such that ∂g
n 1
null on P\C such that | gj (z) |= o( 1+|z|+|zj |2 ) at infinity, where gj are the coordinates
of g. Then the precedent solution H g of the ∂-problem verifies H g(z) = − (2πi)1n−1

ξ¯ − z̄ ¯ ξ¯ − z̄ ¯
¯ξ ξ − z̄ ) ∧ ( ∂ρ (z)dξ)cω(ξ)
g(ξ). det( (z), , ∂ξ , . . . , ∂
h ∂ρ
(z),ξ−zi=0 ∂ξ | ξ − z |2 | ξ − z |2 | ξ − z |2 ∂ξ

We are going to derive the same formula as (2.4.3), in the case the form is not
supposed closed anymore.
Proposition 2.4.6. Let an integer q > 0. Let f ∈ C0,q (Ω̄).

(i) For 0 < q < n − 1, we have for z ∈ Ω

(2.4.4) ¯ )(z) + ∂H
f (z) = −H(∂f ¯ f (z)

¯ (z) = (n − 1)! ¯ (ξ)∧ω 0 ( ξ − z̄ )∧ω(ξ)
H(∂)f ∂f
(2πi)n ξ∈Ω
| ξ − z |2

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄ (z)
¯ 0 ∂ξ
+ ∂f (ξ)∧ωq ((1 − λ) + λ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂Ω∩×[0,1] | ξ − z |2 h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄
H f (z) = f (ξ)∧ωq−1 ( )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n ξ∈Ω | ξ − z |2

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄ (z)
0 ∂ξ
+ f (ξ)∧ωq−1 ((1 − λ) + λ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂Ω×[0,1] | ξ − z |2 h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi

(ii) For q = n − 1, we have for z ∈ Ω

¯ )(z) + ∂H
f (z) = Lf (z) − H(∂f ¯ f (z)

(n − 1)!
0 ∂ξ
Lf (z) = f (ξ)ωn−1 ( ∂ρ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n ξ∈∂Ω h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi

and where H and H are defined above.

Proof. In the local chart where ∂Ω ⊂ Cn , let BR the complex ball for radius R > 0. For
R large enough, let DR = Ω ∩ BR . We suppose that | fj (z) |= o( 1+|z|+|z j|
2 ) at infinity.

Then, from Ajrapetyan-Henkin formulas for convex-concave domains [AH84], we

have for z ∈ DR
¯ )(z) + ∂H
f (z) = LR f (z) − HR (∂f ¯ R f (z)


(n − 1)!
0 ∂ξ
LR f (z) = f (ξ)ωq ( ∂ρ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n ξ∈∂Ω∩D̄R h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi

(n − 1)! ξ¯
+ f (ξ)ωq0 ( ¯ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n ξ∈∂BR ∩D̄R hξ, ξ − zi

(n − 1)! ξ¯ (z)
+ f (ξ)ωq0 ((1 − λ) ¯ + λ ∂ρ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈(∂Ω∩∂BR )×[0,1] hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi

¯ (z) = (n − 1)! ¯ (ξ)∧ω 0 ( ξ − z̄ )∧ω(ξ)
HR (∂)f ∂f
(2πi)n ξ∈Ω∩D̄R
| ξ − z |2

(n − 1)! ¯ ξ¯
¯ (ξ)∧ω 0 ((1 − λ) ξ − z̄ + λ
+ ∂f ¯ ξ − zi )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂BR ∩D̄R ×[0,1]
| ξ − z |2 hξ,

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄ (z)
¯ (ξ)∧ω 0 ((1 ∂ξ
+ ∂f − λ) + λ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂Ω∩D̄R ×[0,1]
| ξ − z |2 ∂ρ
h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi

(n − 1)! ¯
¯ (ξ)ω 0 ((1 − λ − µ)(1 − λ) ξ − z̄ +
+ ∂f
(2πi)n (ξ,λ,µ)∈(∂Ω∩∂BR )×[0,1]2 ,λ+µ=1
| ξ − z |2

ξ¯ ∂ξ
λ ¯ + µ ∂ρ )∧ω(ξ)
hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi


(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄
H R f (z) = f (ξ)∧ωq−1 ( )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n ξ∈Ω∩D̄R | ξ − z |2

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄ ξ¯
+ f (ξ)∧ωq−1 ((1 − λ) + λ ¯ ξ − zi )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂BR ∩D̄R ×[0,1] | ξ − z |2 hξ,

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄ (z)
0 ∂ξ
+ f (ξ)∧ωq−1 ((1 − λ) + λ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂Ω∩D̄R ×[0,1] | ξ − z |2 h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄
+ ωq−1 ((1 − λ − µ)(1 − λ) +
(2πi)n (ξ,λ,µ)∈(∂Ω∩∂BR )×[0,1]2 ,λ+µ=1 | ξ − z |2

ξ¯ ∂ξ
λ ¯ + µ ∂ρ )∧ω(ξ)
hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi

(i) We first consider q < n − 1

Let us consider the expression of LR f . First, we have that ωq0 ( h ∂ρ ∂ξ
) is essen-

∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ
(z) ∂ξ
(z) ∂ξ
det( , ∂¯ξ , . . . , ∂¯ξ ,
h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi
| {z }

∂ρ ∂ρ
(z) ∂ξ
∂¯z , . . . , ∂¯z )
h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi
| {z }

Then, since n − q − 1 > 0, ∂¯ξ ( h ∂ρ ∂ξ
) = 0, so that the first term of LR f is zero.

For the second term of LR f , ωq0 ( hξ̄,ξ−zi ) is essentially

ξ¯ ξ¯ ξ¯ ξ¯ ξ¯
det( ¯ , (∂¯ξ + dλ ) ¯ , . . . , (∂¯ξ + dλ ) ¯ , ∂¯z ¯ , . . . , ∂¯z ¯ )
hξ, ξ − zi hξ, ξ − zi hξ, ξ − zi hξ, ξ − zi hξ, ξ − zi
| {z } | {z }
n−q−1 q

Then, since q > 0, ∂¯z ( hξ̄,ξ−zi

) = 0, so that the second term of LR f is zero.
ξ̄ (z)
Now, the third term of LR f , ωq0 ((1 − λ) hξ̄,ξ−zi + λ h ∂ρ ∂ξ
), can be controlled

ξ¯ ∂ξ
det((1 − λ) ¯ + λ ∂ρ ,
hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi

∂ρ ∂ρ
¯ ξ¯ ∂ξ
¯ ξ¯ ∂ξ
(∂ξ + dλ )(1 − λ)( ¯ + λ ∂ρ ), . . . , (∂ξ + dλ )((1 − λ) ¯ + λ ∂ρ ),
hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi
| {z }

∂ρ ∂ρ
ξ ∂ξ
(z) ¯
ξ ∂ξ
∂¯z ((1 − λ) ¯ + λ ∂ρ ), . . . , ∂¯z ((1 − λ) ¯ + λ ∂ρ ))
hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi
| {z }

which is essentially

ξ¯ ∂ξ
det((1 − λ) ¯ + λ ∂ρ ,
hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi

¯ ξ¯ ¯ ξ¯ ξ¯ ∂ξ
∂ξ (1 − λ)( ¯ ), . . . , ∂ξ ((1 − λ) ¯ ), dλ ((1 − λ)( ¯ + λ ∂ρ ),
hξ, ξ − zi hξ, ξ − zi hξ, ξ − zi h ∂ξ (z), ξ − zi
| {z }

∂ρ ∂ρ
(z) ∂ξ
∂¯z (λ ), . . . , ∂¯z (λ ))
h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi
| {z }

The last term is controlled at infinity by

max | ( hξ̄,ξ−zi , h ∂ρ ∂ξ ) |ij ¯ ∂ρ (z)) |ij
max | (ξ,
1≤i,j≤n (z),ξ−zi 1≤i,j≤n ∂ξ
¯ ξ − zi |n−q−2 | h ∂ρ (z), ξ − zi |q
| hξ, ¯ ξ − zi |n−q−1 | h ∂ρ (z), ξ − zi |q+1
| hξ,
∂ξ ∂ξ

ξ̄ ∂ξ
where we note, the | . |ij the (2, 2)-minor of , ∂ρ
hξ̄,ξ−zi h (z),ξ−zi
. Now, for ξ ∈ ∂Ω,

| ξ |= R, there exists some K > 0 such that | h ∂ρ

(z), ξ − zi |> K.R and also, there
¯ ξ − zi |=| R − hξ, zi |> K .R , so that the last
exists some K 0 > 0 such that | hξ, 2 ¯ 0 2

term stated above tends to 0 when R tends to infinity.

Applying the same reasonning, the terms involving ∂BR tends to 0 when R tends
to infinity, so that letting R tends to infinity, we get for z ∈ Ω and 0 < q < n − 1:

¯ (z) = (n − 1)! ¯ (ξ)∧ω 0 ( ξ − z̄ )∧ω(ξ)
¯ (z) = H(∂)f
lim HR (∂)f ∂f
R→+∞ (2πi)n ξ∈Ω
| ξ − z |2

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄ (z)
¯ 0 ∂ξ
+ ∂f (ξ)∧ωq ((1 − λ) + λ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂Ω∩×[0,1] | ξ − z |2 h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄
lim H R f (z) = H f (z) = f (ξ)∧ωq−1 ( )∧ω(ξ)
R→+∞ (2πi)n ξ∈Ω | ξ − z |2

(n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄ (z)
0 ∂ξ
+ f (ξ)∧ωq−1 ((1 − λ) + λ )∧ω(ξ)
(2πi)n (ξ,λ)∈∂Ω×[0,1] | ξ − z |2 h ∂ρ
(z), ξ − zi

so that (2.4.4) is valid.

(ii) For q = n − 1, the exact same steps leads to, for z ∈ Ω, (2.4.5) is valid. Indeed,
0 (z)
we can no longer use the fact that ωn−1 ( h ∂ρ ∂ξ
) is zero.

2.4.4 Solving ∂¯ problem in Ωε

We refer to the notations of section 2.4.2. We suppose that the real Radon transform
of f vanishes on Ω∗ .
We apply the proposition 2.4.6 to F ∧ ∂χ¯ ε . We are in the situation where n = 2,
q = 1. Ωε is a strongly linearly concave domain to which one attach some leray section
ϑε so we can replace in the precedent formulae ∂ρ∂ξ
by ϑε . So, we have on Ωε

¯ ε = L(F ∧ ∂χ
F ∧ ∂χ ¯ ε ) − H(∂(F
¯ ∧ ∂χ
¯ ε )) + ∂H
¯ (F ∧ ∂χ
¯ ε)

where for z ∈ Ωε ,

¯ ε )(z) = 1 ¯ ε (ξ)ω 0 ( ϑε (z)
L(F ∧ ∂χ F ∧ ∂χ 1 )
(2πi)2 ξ∈∂Ωε hϑε (z), ξ − zi

¯ ε )(ξ)∧ω 0 ( ξ − z̄ )
¯ ∧ ∂χ
¯ ε ))(z) = 1 ¯ ∧ ∂χ
(2.4.5) H(∂(F ∂(F 1
(2πi)2 ξ∈Ωε | ξ − z |2

¯ ε (ξ)∧ω 0 ( ξ − z̄ )
¯ ε )(z) = 1
H (F ∧ ∂χ F ∧ ∂χ 0
(2πi)2 ξ∈Ωε | ξ − z |2

¯ ε (ξ)∧ω 0 ((1 − λ) ξ − z̄ + λ
1 ϑε (z)
+ F ∧ ∂χ 0 )
(2πi)2 (ξ,λ)∈∂Ωε ×[0,1] |ξ−z | 2 hϑε (z), ξ − zi
¯ ∧ χε )) = 0. Indeed, noting vol the volume form dξ1 ∧
We have that limε→0 H(∂(F
¯ ¯
dξ1 ∧ dξ2 ∧ dξ2 ,

¯ ∧ ∂χ
¯ ε )(ξ)∧ω 0 ( ξ̄−z̄ 2 ) | = | ¯ (z) ∧ ∂χ
¯ ε (ξ)∧ω 0 ( ξ̄−z̄ 2 ) |
| ξ∈Ωε
∂(F 1 |ξ−z| ξ∈Ωε ∩Γε
∂F 1 |ξ−z|

R C|Im(z)|N k0 ξ̄−z̄ ¯ ξ̄−z̄

≤ ξ∈Ωε ∩Γε 1+<(z)2 ε
. . | det( |ξ−z| 2 , ∂z |ξ−z|2 ) | vol(ξ)

≤ (kε)N kε 1 ξ̄−z̄ ¯ ξ̄−z̄
ξ∈Ωε ∩Γε 1+<(z)2
| det( |ξ−z| 2 , ∂z |ξ−z|2 ) | vol(ξ)

ξ̄−z̄ ¯ ξ̄−z̄
Classically, the expression for a compact K, ξ∈K | det( |ξ−z| 2 , ∂ |ξ−z|2 ) | vol(ξ), which
is ξ∈K |det(|ξ−z| 1
4 vol(ξ) < ∞. Here the integrand 1+<(z) 2 garanties the integrability

on the real part, the integration on the imaginary part being bounded by some constant
times vol(Im(Ωε ∩ Γε )), so that the expression (2.4.5) tends to 0 whith ε tending to 0.
We remember we obtained in the precedent section that for v ∈ Ω∗ε such that
Im(v) = 0, we have
1 1 ¯ ε (u) = RR f (v) + O(ε)
F (u) ∧ ∂χ
2πi u∈∂Ωε hv, ui


¯ ε )(z) = 1 ¯ ε (ξ)ω 0 ( ϑε (z)
L(F ∧ ∂χ 2 F ∧ ∂χ 1 )
(2πi) ξ∈∂Ωε hϑε (z), ξ − zi
1 1 ¯ ε (ξ) det(ϑε (z), ∂¯z ϑε (z))
= F ∧ ∂χ
(2πi) ξ∈∂Ωε hϑε (z), ξ − zi2

det(ϑε (z), ∂¯z ϑε (z))

∂ ∂ 1 ¯ ε (ξ)
= 2 (ϑε,1 (z) + ϑε,2 (z) )[( F ∧ ∂χ
∂z1 ∂z2 ξ∈∂Ωε hϑε (z), ξ − zi
(2πi) | ϑε (z) | 2

(ϑε,1 (z) ∂z∂ 1 + ϑε,2 (z) ∂z∂ 2 )ϑε,1 (z)(ξ1 − z1 ) + (ϑε,1 (z) ∂z∂ 1 + ϑε,2 (z) ∂z∂ 2 )ϑε,2 (z)(ξ2 − z2 )
+ + ¯ ε (ξ))]
F ∧ ∂χ
hϑ (z), ξ − zi 2
ξ∈∂Ωε ε

The first term of this equality gives

det(ϑε (z), ∂¯z ϑε (z)) ∂ ∂

2 (ϑε,1 (z) + ϑε,2 (z) )RR f (ϑε (z)) + O(ε)
(2πi) | ϑε (z) |2 ∂z1 ∂z2

where we noted RR f (ϑε (z)) the Radon transform of f along the line directed the vector
ϑε (z) by passing through z (this ε-approximation is obtained reproducing step by step
the proof of 2.4.3). For z ∈ Ωε , let δε be the element Im(Ωε ∩ Im{hϑε (z), ξ − zi} ∩ Γ0 )
(cf.(2.4.2) for the definition of Γ0 ). By a simple coordinate translation, equation (2.4.1)
gives that

1 1 ¯ ε (ξ) = (RF (., δε ))R (ϑε (z)) + O(ε)
F (ξ) ∧ ∂χ
2πi ξ∈∂Ωε hϑε (z), ξ − zi

where we noted (RF (., δε ))R (ϑε (z)) the Radon transform of the F (., δε ) along the line di-
rected by ϑε (z) passing <(z)+iδε . The Radon transform of f being null on Ω∗ and given
∂ ∂
the choice of ϑε , the component ∂ Im(z 1)
(RF (., δε ))R (ϑε (z)), ∂ Im(z 2)
(RF (., δε ))R (ϑε (z))
tend to 0 with ε.
1 ¯ ε (ξ).
The last term of the above equality is essentially ξ∈∂Ωε hϑε (z),ξ−zi F (ξ) ∧ ∂χ
Im(z2 ) Im(z1 )
Indeed, ϑε is forced to converge to ϑ0 = ( |Im(z)| , − |Im(z)| ) with ε (it parametrizes the
only complex line passing trough z and contained in ΩC ), so that

(ϑε,1 (z) ∂z∂ 1 + ϑε,2 (z) ∂z∂ 2 )ϑε , 1(z)(ξ1 − z1 ) + (ϑε,1 (z) ∂z∂ 1 + ϑε,2 (z) ∂z∂ 2 )ϑε,2 (z)(ξ2 − z2 )
ε→0 hϑε (z), ξ − zi2

hϑ0 (z), ξ − zi

so that we can apply to the second term of (2.4.6) reasoning as for its first term.

¯ ε )(z) tends to 0 for z ∈ Ω.

We thus have that L(F ∧ ∂χ
Applying lemma (2.4.5), we have

¯ ε )(z) = (n − 1)! ξ¯ − z̄
H (F ∧ ∂χ ¯ ε (ξ) ∧ det(ϑε (z),
F ∧ ∂χ ) ∧ (ϑε (z)dξ)cω(ξ)
(2πi)n hϑε (z),ξ−zi=0 | ξ − z |2

Putting all this together, we get:

¯ ε (z) = lim ∂H
lim F ∧ ∂χ ¯ ε )(z)
¯ (F ∧ ∂χ
ε→0 ε→0

¯ ε ), H(∂(F
As we may notice, the different estimation of L(F ∧ ∂χ ¯ ∧ ∂χ
¯ ε )), are uniform
with regards to z. Taking some test function, a smooth (0, 1)-form, ϕ ∈ Cc0,1 (R2 ), with
support K, and extending it to C2 , with the condition that ∂ϕ¯ is O(| Im(z) |N ),

lim ¯ ε (ξ) ∧ ϕ(ξ) = lim
F ∧ ∂χ ¯ (F ∧ ∂χ
∂H ¯ ε )(ξ) ∧ ϕ(ξ)
ε→0 ξ∈Ωε ε→0 ξ∈Ωε

¯ ε ) is holomophic on ΩC \ Ω. By Stokes,
From there, we have that limε→0 H (F ∧ ∂χ

noting ∂Γε = Γ+
ε ∪ Γε , we have

¯ ε (ξ) ∧ ϕ(ξ) =
F ∧ ∂χ F ∧ χε (ξ) ∧ ϕ(ξ) − ¯ ∧ χε (ξ) ∧ ϕ(ξ) −
∂F ¯
F ∧ χε (ξ) ∧ ∂ϕ(ξ)

ξ∈Γε ξ∈Γ+
ε ∪Γε ξ∈Γε ξ∈Γε

The two last terms tends to 0 with ε. On the other hand,

¯ (F ∧ ∂χ
∂H ¯ ε )(ξ) ∧ ϕ(ξ) = ¯ ε )(ξ) ∧ ϕ(ξ) +
H (F ∧ ∂χ ¯ ε )(ξ) ∧ ∂ϕ(ξ)
H (F ∧ ∂χ ¯

ξ∈Γε ξ∈Γ+
ε ∪Γε ξ∈Γε

¯ ε )(z), for
The last term tends to 0 with ε. Let us note H ± (f )(z) = limε→0 H ± (F ∧ ∂χ
z in Ω , the two connected components of ΩC \ Ω. Putting all this together, we get
that f is the boundary value of H ± (f ).
Besides, we apply lemma (2.4.5) to get a nice expression of

ξ¯ − z̄
± 1
H (f )(z) = − f (<(ξ)) det(ϑ(z), )(ϑ(z)dξ)cω(ξ)
2πi hϑ(z),ξ−zi=0∩Im(ξ)=0 | ξ − z |2

pour z ∈ Ω± .
Chapter 3

The case n ≥ 2

3.1 Introduction
In this section, we mean to study the kernel, the image and a possible inversion formula
for the affine Radon transform in strongly linearly concave domains, in any dimension
greater than 2. The results we will prove were announced by Henkin in [Hen04a].
We will see that the kernel of the affine Radon transform in these domains, can
be expressed as ∂−closed forms residues. Cordaro, Gindikin, Treves caracterized in
[CGT95], at the germ level, residues of ∂−closed forms by means of their wave-front
set. We will broaden this result in a semi-global context (i.e. in a strongly linearly
concave domain context), and we will obtain an explicit expression, for any function
whose affine Radon transform vanishes in a strongly linearly concave domain, of a
∂−closed form of which it is the residue.

3.1.1 Brief story of the problem . . .

Henkin, in [HP90a], announced that the kernel of the Radon transform in a strongly
linearly concave domain Ω of Rn , n ≥ 2, is the residue of a (0, n − 2)-form, ∂-closed in
ΩC \ Ω where ΩC is the union of complexification of all hyperplanes contained in Ω. On
the other hand, it is announced in the same article that, when the Radon transform is
not necessarily zero, an inversion formula is available :

f = Res(Ef ) + κ(Rf ),

where Ef represents a cohomology class iof H 0,n−2 (ΩC \ Ω), and where κ is an inversion
operator of the incomplete Radon transform (we mean incomplete in the sense that
Radon transform is given only in hyperplanes contained in Ω).
As usual, P, P ∗ resp. P, P∗ designates the n-dimensional real resp. complex projec-
tive space and its dual. In the complex case, the following result was established.

Theorem 3.1.1 (Gindikin,Henkin[GH78], Henkin,Polyakov[HP90a]). Let Ω a strongly

linearly concave domain of P. For any ∂-closed 1
form f in Cn,n−1 (Ω), the space of
(n, n − 1)-forms of classe C on Ω, there exists explicit operators Ξ and H, that allow


the following representation :

f = Ξ(RC f ) + ∂Hf

This is the result that led Henkin[Hen04a] to announce a similar decomposition in

the case of affine Radon Transform. Let us set some notations.

3.1.2 Notations
We refer the reader to notations of section 2.1.1. We note Ω a strongly linearly concave
domain of Rn , Ω∗ ⊂ P ∗ the set of hyperplanes contained in Ω. Elements (θ, t) =
(θ1 : . . . : θn : t) of P ∗ , uniformised by 1≤i≤n θi2 = 1, will parametrise hyperplanes

{x ∈ Rn |hθ, xi = t}, noted Rn−1 θ,t .

Denote by π the projection (θ, t) → θ ∈ S n−1 , π n+1 the projection (θ, t) ∈ Ω∗ →
t ∈ R. For θ ∈ π(Ω∗ ), we also denote Ωθ the set described by hyperplanes of Ω∗ having
common direction θ and we will designate by Ωθ,C the set described by complexification
of the hyperplanes of Ωθ . We will note ΩC , the set of complexification of all real
hyperplanes contained in Ω. For x ∈ Rn , we still note x b the closed subset of P ∗ ,

consisting of hyperplanes passing through x, i.e. {ξ ∈ P , x ∈ ξ}.
For an integer m > 0 and a real number δ > 0, we note Sεm the sphere of dimension
m and of radius ε.
Let us recall the definition of the Radon transform of a distribution [Rad17], [Hel80]:
let Φ be a function of C(P ∗ , C), then we note RΦ
b the function of Rn such that for x ∈ Rn
: Z
b = Φ(ξ)dµ(ξ)

where dµ is the measure on x b, invariant under orthogonal transformation fixing x and

of total measure 1. We will note ω(θ) ∧ dt the natural measure which carries S n−1 × R,
where ω(θ) is the usual sphere’s metric induced by the euclidian metric.
We define then the Radon transform of a distribution thanks to the following propo-

Proposition-definition 1 (Helgason[Hel80]). Let f ∈ Cc (Rn , C) et Φ ∈ C ∞ (P ∗ , C), we

1 ∗
(Rf )R (θ, t)Φ ((θ, t))ω(θ) ∧ dt = f (x)RΦ(x)dx
2Ωn−1 (θ,t)∈S n−1 ×R x∈Rn

where Φ∗ is the pull-back of Φ by the natural mapping S n−1 × R → − P ∗ , Ωn−1 is the

volume of the unit (n − 1)−sphere. For any distribution D of compact support, we
define the affine Radon transform RD by a linear form over the space C ∞ (P ∗ , C) which
associates to a function Φ ∈ C ∞ (P ∗ , C):

(3.1.1) RD(Φ) = D(RΦ)


For our purpose, we will consider the restriction of this transform to a linear concave
domain. For x ∈ Ω, we still note x b = {ξ ∈ Ω∗ , x ∈ ξ}. We define the same way as
b Φ being function C(Ω∗ , C), and x ∈ Ω, by
above in (3.1.1), RΦ,
RΦ(x) =
b Φ(ξ)dµ(ξ)

We then have

Proposition-definition 2. Let f ∈ Cc (Rn , C) and Φ ∈ C ∞ (P ∗ , C), then

1 ∗
Rf (θ, t)Φ ((θ, t))dω ∧ dt = f (x)RΦ(x)dx
Ωn−1 (θ,t)∈Ω∗ x∈Ω

For any distribution D of compact support, we define the affine Radon transform

RD on Ω as the linear form on the space of functions C ∞ (Ω , C) which associates to a
function Φ,

RD(Φ) = D(RΦ)

3.1.3 Main results

Definition 3.1.2. Let p ∈ N∗ . We say that a (0, p)-form F , ∂-closed in Cn \ Rn has
polynomial growth of index m ∈ N around Ω, if there is some real constant k > 0 and
a complex neighborhood V of Ω such that for z ∈ (V ∩ ΩC ) \ Ω

| F (z) |<
| Im(z) |m
where z = (z1 , . . . , zn ), | Im(z) |= ( nj=1 | Im(zj ) |2 ) 2 and | FP
(z) |= max#I=p | FI (z) |,
with I uplets of distinct integers between 1 and n, F = #I=p FI dz̄I , and dz̄I =
∧k=i1 ,...,ip dz̄ik .
Proposition-definition 3. Let m a positive integer. Let F an (0, n−1)-form, ∂-closed
in Cn \ Rn with polynomial growth around Rn of index m ∈ N. The residue of F is then
the distribution defined by the linear form on Cc∞ (Rn , C), associating to each function
hRes(F ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈Rn +i.Sεn−1

and this limit exists.

For F an (0, n − 2)-form, ∂-closed in ΩC \ Ω and (θ, t) ∈ Ω∗ , we will denote by
Res(F|Rn−1 ) the following residue taking value in 1-forms:
hRes(F|Rn−1 ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
θ,t ε−→0 z∈Rn−1 n−1 n−1
θ,t +i.(Sε )

where ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn , C). Again this limit exists.

124 CHAPTER 3. THE CASE N ≥ 2 Cordaro, Gindikin and Treves results

The latter definition is close with the one set by Cordaro, Gindikin, Treves [CGT95].
More precisely, using their notations, let U an open of Rn , Γ a convex cone, (in fact we
can take it to be not necessarily convex), and δ a strictly positive real number, we note
Wδ (U, Γ) = {z ∈ Cn , z ∈ U + iΓ, 0 <| z |< δ}. Then, Cordaro, Gindikin, Treves define
the residue of a (0, q)-form F , ∂−closed on Wδ (U, Γ) with the functional:
(3.1.2) hRes(F ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(z) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈U +iε.C

where C is a q−cycle of Γ \ {0} non homologous to 0, ϕ ∈ H(Cn ), the space of entire

functions on Cn . It is then shown that this limit exists and that the support for this
residue is contained in Ū . In fact, applying Stokes theorem, we see that this residue is
defined for F in the cohomology space H 0,q (Wδ (U, Γ)).
Cordaro, Gindikin and Treves then establish a caracterisation of hyperfunctions
obtained as residues of closed forms, in term of wave-front. Let us precise this point.
Still using the notations of [CGT95], let Γ0 the cone of Rn \{0} generated by a q−sphere
C included in Γ \ {0} and let Γ0c the dual {ξ ∈ Rn , ∀y ∈ C, hξ, yi 6 0}. Then we say
that a direction ξ belongs to the wave-front W FA of a hyperfunction, if and only if
there exists r cones Γi , 1 6 i 6 r, such that hξ, yi 6 0, ∀y ∈ ∪16i6r Γi , a strictly
Pr positive
number δ and r holomorphic functions fi on Wδ (U, Γi ) such that f = i=1 Res(fi ),
where Res is the usual boundary value operator. Precisely, Cordaro, Gindikin, Treves
obtain that hyperfunctions residues of (0, q)-form F , ∂-closed on Wδ (U, Γ) for δ > 0,
are characterized by a wave front W F1 such that W F1 ∩ Γ0c = ∅.
There exists a strong link between functions expressed through residues of ∂-closed¯
forms and the nature of their wave front on the one hand and, as we mentionned earlier,
informations on vanishing of affine Radon transform leads to informations on the wave-
front set on the other hand, see Boman [Bom92], Quinto [Qui01]. Here, we will explicit
the link between residues of ∂-closed forms and the kernel of the affine Radon transform
operator in strongly linearly concave domains.
In the following, we will study residues of (0, n−2)-forms in strongly linearly concave
domains by means of the Radon transform. In the following theorem, we give the
definition of the residue of a ∂−closed form in ΩC \ Ω, and we assert that its affine

Radon transform vanishes on Ω .
Definition 3.1.3. Let F a (0, n − 2)-form ∂-closed¯ with polynomial growth on ΩC \ Ω
of index m ∈ N, and satisfying asymptotically O( |z|2n−2 ), for | z |−→ ∞.

For (θ, t) ∈ Ω , let’s consider Res(F|Rn−1 ), as defined in the proposition-definition
3. Let ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Ω, C) and θ ∈ π(Ω∗ ), such that supp(ϕ) ⊂ Ωθ , then we define f the
distribution residue of F :
hf, ϕi = hRes(F|Rn−1 ), ϕidt
t∈π n+1 (Ωθ )
= lim F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈Ωθ +i.(Sεn−1 ∩Rθ,0

refering to section 3.1.2 for the definition of π n+1 .

Let ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Ω, C) of compact support K, and a partition of K by compacts (Ki )i∈I ,
such that for each Ki there exists θi ∈ π(Ω∗ ), tel que Ki ⊂ Ωθi , we define the residue
of F from a partition of the unity (ui ), i ∈ I, supp(ui ) ⊂ Ki , to be
(3.1.3) hf, ϕi = hf, ϕ.ui i

Theorem 3.1.4. The definition 3.1.3 does not depend on the choice of the partition of
the unity. Under these conditions, the Radon transform of f , in the sense of distribu-
tions, vanishes along all hyperplanes of Ω.
Modulo linear transformation transformation, we can suppose that the hyperplane
{x ∈ Rn , xn = 0} is contained in Ω. We make a convenient change of variables, and we
set, for ϕ ∈ [0, π[, and for j = 1, . . . , n − 1, and (θ1 , . . . , θn ) ∈ S n−1 .
θj := αj sin(ϕ), θn := cos(ϕ)
where (α1 , . . . , αn−1 ) ∈ S n−2 .
Then, the following theorem asserts that a function whose Radon transform vanishes
in Ω∗ , can be explicitely expressed as a residu of (0, n − 2)−form F ∂−closed in ΩC \ Ω.
Theorem 3.1.5. Let f ∈ C 1,2n−2 (Rn , C) such that the affine Radon transform of f
vanishes in Ω∗ , then there exists a (0, n − 2)−form F , ∂−closed in ΩC \ Ω , satisfying
an estimate in O( |z|2n−2 ). For z ∈ ΩC \ Ω
f (y)
F (z) = n
dy ∧ cos(ϕ)dϕ ∧ ω 0 (Im(z))
y∈R ,ϕ∈]0,π[ h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zi
h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zi = Im(zi ) sin(ϕ)(yi − zi )+ | Im(z) | cos(ϕ)(yn − zn )
Pn−1 1
where | Im(z) | designates ( i=1 | Im(zj ) |2 ) 2 , and where
ω 0 (Im(z)) = det(Im(z), ∂¯ Im(z), . . . , ∂¯ Im(z))
| {z }
n−2 fois

We then have Z
f (x) = lim F (z)
ε−→0 Im(z)∈Sεn−2

where Sεn−2 is (n − 2)−sphere of radius ε in the hyperplane {z ∈ Cn , Im(zn ) = 0}.

Theorem 3.1.6. Consider a convex K of Rn and H a hyperplane with no empty inter-
section with K. In the local chart U where H is a hyperplane at infinity, we note Ω the
complement of K ∩ U . Let f a function of Ccn+1 (Rn , C), whose affine Radon transform
is not necessarily null in Ω∗ . Then f decomposes :
f = B(Rf ) + res(F )
where B is an operator from C ∞ (Ω∗ , C) to C ∞,n (Ω, C), where F is an (0, n − 2)−form
∂−closed 1
in ΩC \ Ω and satisfying an estimate O( |z|2n−2 ).

3.2 Definition of residues in strongly linearly con-

cave domains
3.2.1 the residue is well defined Res(F ) is well defined
Let two real numbers δ > ε > 0, F a (0, n − 1)−form, with temperate growth near Rn ,
with index growth m. ∂-closed 1
on {z ∈ Cn ; 0 <| Im(z) |< δ}, O( |z|2n−2 ) at infinity, and
∞ n
let ϕ ∈ Cc (R , C).
We are going to prove that

(3.2.1) hRes(F ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈Rn +i.Sεn−1

is well defined.
Using the notations of, let us remind a result obtained in [CGT95]: it is
shown there, using q−spheres, i.e. boundary of (q + 1)−dimensional polyhedron, that
for any ∂−closed (0, q) form F , the residue

(3.2.2) hRes(F ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(z) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈U +iε.C

exists, where U is open set of Rn , C is a q−cycle non homologous to 0 of Γ \ {0}, an

open convex cone. To prove (3.2.1) exists, we will make use of the fact, also proved in
[CGT95], that the residue (3.2.2) can be expressed as the sum of boundary values of q
functions (fi )i=1,...,q respectively holomorphic in wedges Wη (U, Γi ), where the union of
cones (Γi )i=1,...,q covers Γ.
So let us focus on the boundary value of holomorphic functions. It is a well-known
fact that the boundary value (in the sense exposed below) of holomorphic function with
polynomial growth in the neighborhood of the null imaginary part, is correctly defined.
We recall here some quick proof:

Lemma 3.2.1. Given an open convex cone Γ of Rn , an integer m ∈ N, a function

f holomorphic in some wedge Wδ (Rn , Γ), with polynomial growth index m, and γ any
vector in Γ \ 0, we consider, for ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn , C), the function δ defined by

(3.2.3) δ(ε) = f (<(z) + i.ε Im(z))ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 d<(zj )
z∈Rn +i.γ

then limε−→0 δ(ε) exists.

Proof. Given the slow growth condition, consider g the (m + 1)−th order primitive of
f , then g is still holomorphic. We then have

∂ m+1 K
| f (x + iεγ) |=| m+1
g(x + iεγ) |<
∂ε | ε |m
for some constant K > 0. Now, let’s integrate m + 2 times this expression and we
get that g is continuous on Rn + iΓ̄.
Now, we can write for (3.2.3)

∂ m+1
(3.2.4) δ(ε) = (g(<(z) + i.εγ))ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 d<(zj )
z∈Rn +i.γ ∂εm+1

XZ ∂ m+1
δ(ε) = im+1 Im+1 !γ Im+1 g(<(z) + i.εγ)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 d<(zj )
Im+1 z∈Rn +i.γ ∂ Im(z)Im+1

where we noted Im+1 the set of n−uplets of integers (i1 , . . . , in ) such that nj=1 ij =
∂ m+1 i
m + 1, ∂X = Πnk=1 ∂ kik , here X = (X1 , . . . , Xn ) stands for Im(z), Im+1 ! = Π(m+1)!
n ik !
I m+1 ∂Xk k=1

with usual convention that 0! = 1, and γ Im+1 = Πnk=1 γkik .

Now, the Cauchy Riemann equation applied to f , gives for any integer k between 1
and n,

∂ ∂
f = −i f
∂<(zk ) ∂ Im(zk )
So that, we have

XZ ∂ m+1
δ(ε) = (−1)m+1 Im+1 !γ Im+1 g(<(z) + i.εγ)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 d<(zj )
Im+1 z∈Rn +i.γ ∂<(z)Im+1

and at last, by integration by parts

XZ ∂ m+1
(3.2.6) δ(ε) = Im+1 !γ Im+1 g(<(z) + i.εγ) ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 d<(zj )
Im+1 z∈Rn +i.γ ∂<(z)Im+1

which exists when ε goes to 0.

So, (3.2.3) exists, we are therefore in a position to prove that (3.2.1) exists. Indeed,
as said before, we can from [CGT95], decompose the residue of F the (0, n − 1)−
∂−closed form in a sum of boundary values of holomorphic functions. So, given a
compact K, there are n − 1 functions (fi )i=1,...,n−1 holomorphic in wedges Wδ (K, Γi ),
where the union of cones (Γi )i=1,...,n−1 covers Γ and such that for any entire function ϕ

(3.2.7) lim F (z)ϕ(z) ∧nj=1 dzj = lim fi (z)ϕ(z) ∧nj=1 dzj
ε−→0 z∈K+i.Sεn−1 ε−→0 z∈K+i.εγi

where γi is some element of Γi .

Now, we are able to prove even more: (3.2.7) remain valid for ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn , C). Indeed,
reproducing the exact same steps than Cordaro, Gindikin and Treves in [CGT95]th.
4.2 (see also [Trè95] p.14 for a more readable proof), the proof of (3.2.7) when ϕ is
an entire function relies essentially on solving the ∂¯ problem in some wedge. To prove
(3.2.7) when ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn , C), we have to take care that first, the fi which are in the
precited proofs have slow growth near K to ensure that


(3.2.8) lim fi (z) ϕ(z) ∧nj=1 dzj = 0, 1 ≤ k ≤ n
ε−→0 z∈K+i.εγi ∂ z̄k

¯ = O(| Im(z) |( m + 1)), as

where we still note ϕ its extension to Cn satisfying ∂ϕ
we construted it in lemma 3.2.1, and second that

(3.2.9) lim fi (z)(ϕ(z) − ϕ(<(z))) ∧nj=1 dzj = 0
ε−→0 z∈K+i.εγi

For the above two statements, the first one follows immediately from the fact that
one may take fi to have slow growth near K. And this is proved in the section 3.5. For
the second statement, consider the Taylor expansion of ϕ, we have ϕ(z) − ϕ(<(z)) =
Im(z)I ∂I
ϕ(<(z)) + O(Im(z)m+1 ), where we noted I a set of p−uplets, 0 ≤
#I≤m I! ∂ Im(zI )
∂ I ∂
p ≤ m, of integers between 1 and n, ∂ Im(z I)
= Πi∈I ∂ Im(zi)
, I! = Πi∈I multI (i)!, and
Im(z) = Πi∈I Im(zi ). Now, according to Cauchy-Riemann equations, fi (z)(ϕ(z) −
ϕ(<(z))) ∧nj=1 dzj , only involves Im(z)I fi (z) ∂<(z I)
ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj terms, which we
have precedently has a limit when ε tends to 0, knowing that Im(z)I tends to 0 with ε,
so that this limit is 0. R
Finally, putting to gether (3.2.7), (3.2.9) and (??), we get that limε−→0 z∈Rn +i.Sεn−1 F (z)ϕ(<(z))∧
dzj exists for ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn , C). Res(F|Rn−1 ) is well defined


Suppose that (0, n−2)−form F is a ∂-closed 1
in ΩC \Ω, satisfying the estimate O( |z|2n−2 ),
for | z |−→ ∞ and with polynomial growth of index m ∈ N.
We want to prove that, for ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn−1 , C)
hRes(F|Rn−1 ), ϕi = lim F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
θ,t ε−→0 z∈Rn−1 n−1 n−1
θ,t +i.(Sε )

This comes from the following. Let’s consider a hyperplane H, (here parametrised
by real parameters (θ, t)) contained in ΩC , F the (n − 2)-closed form on ΩC \ Ω, and
an orthonormal coordinate system (Z1 , . . . , Zn ) where (Z1 , . . . , Zn−1 ) is an orthonormal
frame of H, then F expressed in dZ̄1 , . . . , dZ̄n coordinates is ∂¯Z -closed, since the ∂- ¯
closeness property is closed under holomorphic coordinates change transformation (here

a unitary transform). Besides, F decomposes into α + β ∧ dZ̄n , where α and β are

(0, n − 2) respectively (0, n − 3) forms on H. The projection π of (0, n − 2) forms on
Cn onto (0, n − 2) forms of H, that is forms generated by dZ̄1 , . . . , dZ̄n−1 , commutes
with the ∂¯ operator, so that α is ∂-closed,
¯ and closeness of the restriction of F on H
is preserved. In total, it suffices to show that the residue of (0, n − 2)-form closed on
Cn−1 \ Rn−1 , is well defined, which was done in the preceding section. The residue f in (3) is well defined

We want to show that the definition we gave in introduction of the residue f of F is
correctly defined. Consider ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Ω, C) and θ, θ0 ∈ π(Ω∗ ), such that its support is
included in some open set U included in Ωθ ∩ Ωθ0 . We remind that we defined in 3.1.2
Ωθ to be the set of hyperplanes of Ω∗ having common direction θ. We want to show

(3.2.10) Z Z
lim ( F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj − F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj ) = 0
ε−→0 n−2
z∈Ωθ +i.Sε,θ n−2
z∈Ωθ0 +i.Sε,θ 0

where we note Sε,θ = Sεn−1 ∩ Rn−1
θ,0 . In [HW69], Hörmander and Wermer shows that
for fixed integer m and the above ϕ, there is an extension of ϕ, still noted ϕ, null for z
such that <(z) ∈ / U , and a positive real number K such that for z ∈ Cn ,

(3.2.11) ¯
| ∂ϕ(z) |≤ K | Im(z) |m+1

Now, let’s apply Stokes formula to some domain Dε ⊂ {z ∈ Cn , <(z) ∈ U, 0 <|

n−2 n−2
Im(z) |< ε} of Cn of edge (U + i.Sε,θ ) ∪ (U + i.Sε,θ 0 ) ∪ (∂U + i.Kε ), for some n − 1

dimensional set Kε . Then

F (z)ϕ(z)∧nj=1 dzj − F (z)ϕ(z)∧nj=1 dzj = ¯
F (z)∂ϕ(z)∧n
j=1 dzj
n−2 n−2
z∈U +i.Sε,θ z∈U +i.Sε,θ 0 z∈Dε

R From the polynomial growth condition controlling F and (3.2.11), it follows that
¯ n
F (z)∂ϕ(z) ∧j=1 dzj tends to 0 with ε.
We decompose ϕ(<(z)) = ϕ(z) + ϕ(<(z)) − ϕ(z). (3.2.10) will follow from the fact
lim F (z)(ϕ(z) − ϕ(<(z))) ∧nj=1 dzj = 0
ε−→0 n−2
z∈Ωθ +i.Sε,θ
If we develop the Taylor expansion of ϕ, we have ϕ(z)−ϕ(<(z)) = #I≤m Im(z)
I! ∂ Im(zI )
O(Im(z) ). Now, we are going to construct explicitely the extension ϕ in order to
deal with the terms ∂ Im(z I)
Let’s find a candidate ϕ̃ by decomposing into a sum of homogenous polynomials of
degree less than m in the Im(z) variable

ϕi1 ,...,in Πnk=1 Im(zk )ik
j=0 (i1 ,...,in )∈Nn
i1 +...+in =j

where ϕi1 ,...,in are functions of <(z).

So, we have for 1 ≤ l ≤ n

∂ X X ∂
ϕ̃ = ( ϕi ,...,i + i.(il + 1)ϕi1 ,...,il +1,...,in Πnk=1 Im(zk )ik
∂ z̄l ∂<(zl ) 1 n
j=0 (i1 ,...,in )∈Nn
i1 +...+in =j

so that, requiring that | ∂¯ϕ̃ |≤ K | Im(z) |m for a strictly positive K, it suffices to

consider for any n-uplet of integers (i1 , . . . , in ) such that i1 + . . . + in ≤ m − 1,

i ∂
(3.2.12) ϕi1 ,...,il +1,...,in = − ϕi ,...,i
il + 1 ∂<(zl ) 1 n

Since, ϕ̃|Rn = ϕ|Rn , we get ϕ0,...,0 (z) = ϕ(<(z)). Now, by induction all the functions
are constrained to be, for any n-uplet of integers (i1 , . . . , in ) such that i1 + . . . + in ≤ m,
I the uplet (i1 , . . . , in )

i(i1 +...+in ) ∂ I
(3.2.13) ϕi1 ,...,in (z) = ϕ(<(z))
Πnk=1 ik ! ∂<(z)I

Now, going back to the Taylor expansion of ϕ, from the construction of the extension,
we have to deal with terms of the type ∂<(z I)
ϕ(<(z)). But, we have shown that each
R ∂ I
term limε−→0 z∈Ωθ +i.S n−2 F (z) ∂<(z I)
ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj exists. Taking care of the Im(z)I
which converges to 0 with ε, we deduce that the Taylor expansion converges to 0, so
that we get (3.2.10). So, the proof of proposition-definition (3) is complete.
Then, it remains to prove that the residue (3.1.3) as we defined it in introduction
when we consider ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Ω, C) with compact support K ⊂ Ω, is indeed well defined.
Let’s take open sets Ui , i ∈ I, #I finite, such that for each Ui , there exists θi ∈ π(Ω∗ ),
such that Ui ⊂ Ωθi , and ∪i∈I Ui ⊃ K. We defined the residue from the partition of unity
(ui ), i ∈ I, supp(ui ) ⊂ Ui , by
hf, ϕi = hf, ϕ.ui i

By induction, we only have to handle the case #I = 2. Suppose having an other

open covering of K with U10 ∪ U20 ⊃ K, Ui0 ⊂ Ωθi0 , and a partition of unity (u0i ), i ∈ I,
supp(u0i ) ⊂ Ui0 , i = 1, 2, then

hf, ϕ.u01 i + hf, ϕ.u02 i = hf, ϕ.(u1 + u2 ).u01 i + hf, ϕ.(u1 + u2 ).u02 i
= F (z)ϕ(<(z))u1 u01 ∧nj=1 dzj + F (z)ϕ(<(z))u1 u02 ∧nj=1 dzj
n−2 n−2
z∈U1 ∩U10 +i.Sε,θ z∈U1 ∩U20 +i.Sε,θ
1 1

+ F (z)ϕ(<(z))u2 u01 ∧nj=1 dzj + F (z)ϕ(<(z))u2 u02 ∧nj=1 dzj
n−2 n−2
z∈U2 ∩U10 +i.Sε,θ z∈U2 ∩U20 +i.Sε,θ
2 2

where we used what we shown above, i.e. for any compact support function ϕ,
whose support is in Ωθ ∩ Ωθ0 , for some θ and θ0
F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧j=1 dzj = F (z)ϕ(<(z)) ∧nj=1 dzj
n−2 n−2
z∈Ωθ +i.Sε,θ z∈Ωθ +i.Sε,θ 0

Besides, Ui ∩ U10 ∩ K and Ui ∩ U20 ∩ K, i = 1, 2, form a partition of respectively

Ui0 ∩ K, i = 1, 2, so that the above expression equals
F (z)ϕ(<(z))u1 .(u01 +u02 )∧nj=1 dzj + F (z)ϕ(<(z))u2 .(u01 +u02 )∧nj=1 dzj
n−2 n−2
z∈Ωθ1 +i.Sε,θ z∈Ωθ2 +i.Sε,θ
1 2

which is finally
hf, ϕ.u1 i + hf, ϕ.u2 i

3.2.2 The Radon transform of f vanishes

Now, we are going to prove that the affine Radon transform of f , distribution of compact
support, vanishes in Ω∗ .
Recalling our notations set in the introduction, the Radon Transform of a distribu-
tion f is Rf such that for Φ ∈ Cc (Ω∗ , C),
hRf, Φi = hf, Φi

We suppose the Radon transform distribution has compact support. Using partition
of unity relatively to the compact support of f , (ui )i∈I with supp(ui ) ⊂ Ωθi , for some
θi ∈ S 1 , we need to prove that
lim F (z)ui (<(z))Φ(<(z))
b ∧nj=1 dzj = 0
ε−→0 n−2
z∈Ωθi +iSε,θ
i∈I i

Noting Ω∗θ ∗
= {ξ ∈ Ω , ξ ∩ Ωθ 6= ∅}, then this expression equals
lim F (z)ui (<(z))Φ(ξ) ∧nj=1 dzj ∧ dµ(ξ)
ε−→0 ξ∈Ω∗ n−2
z∈ξ∩Ωθi +iSε,θ
i∈I i

Let ξ ∈ Ω and (Z1,ξ , . . . , Zn−1,ξ ) a positively oriented orthonormal basis of the
complexification of ξ, then applying Stokes formula to the unbounded domain of edge
n−2 1
(ξ + i.Sε,θ ), and taking into account that F = O( |z|2n−2 ), the following integral tends
to 0 Z
F (z) ∧n−1
j=1 dZj,ξ
We deduce, using i∈I ui = 1, that the Radon transform of f vanishes.

3.3 Residues as kernel of Radon transform in strongly

linearly concave domains
In the following, we consider f a Cc1 (Rn , C) function whose affine Radon Transform
vanishes in Ω∗

3.3.1 Inversion formula for the affine Radon trasform

We note as usual
ω 0 (v) = det(v, ∂¯ξ v, . . . , ∂¯ξ v )
(n − 1)! | {z }
n−1 times

Let’s consider ε > 0 and Bε the ball {ξ ∈ Cn , | Im(ξ) |2 ≤ ε}. Let’s take a function
¯ (z) |= O(
f ∈ C 1 (Bε ) such that | f (z) | + | ∂f 1
) when | z | tends to infinity.
With classical notations, we get some Cauchy-type Radon transform inversion for-
mula that was formulated by John [Joh35], and recovered by Henkin [Hen14] by means
of Cauchy-Leray formula, for f ∈ C 1,2n−2 (Rn ) :

(n − 1)!
f (y)
(3.3.1) f (x) = limε−→0 ω 0 (θ) ∧ dy
(2iπ)n y∈Rn θ∈S n−1 (hθ, y − xi + iε)n

and so
(−1)n−1 dn−1
f (x) = limε−→0 Kε ( n−1 Rf )(θ, s)s=hθ,xi ω 0 (θ)
2(2iπ)n−1 θ∈S n−1 ds
where Kε designates Rthe operator that takes each integrable real function ϕ to the
function Kε ϕ(t) = iπ1 s∈R s−t+iε ds.

3.3.2 ¯
Affine Radon transform’s kernel as residue of ∂−closed
(n − 2)-form
First, we are going to proceed to a change of variables. For x ∈ Ω, let Ω∗x = {(θ, t) ∈
Ω∗ , hθ, xi = t}, i.e. the set of hyperplanes of Ω passing through x, and Ωx the set of
points of these very hyperplanes. The affine Radon transform of f vanishing on Ω∗ ,
there exists for any element θ in π(Ω∗x ) (cf. notations in the introduction section) real
numbers s1,θ , s2,θ ∈ R̄ such that for any s1,θ < s < s2,θ , affine Radon transform of f
vanishes on each hyperplane {y ∈ Rn , hθ, yi = s}.
We get from (3.3.1)

(n − 1)!
f (y)
(3.3.2) f (x) = limε−→0 ω 0 (θ) ∧ dy
(2iπ)n y∈Rn ,θ∈S n−1 \π(Ω∗x ) (hθ, y − xi + iε)n

(n − 1)!
f (y)
(3.3.3) + limε−→0 ω 0 (θ) ∧ dy
(2iπ)n y∈Rn ,θ∈π(Ω∗x ),hθ,yi∈]s
/ 1,θ <s<s2,θ [ (hθ, y − xi + iε)n

Now, let’s perform a change of variables. π(Ω∗x ) is composed of connected compo-

nents that are symmetric since if (θ, t) ∈ Ω∗x then (−θ, −t) ∈ Ω∗x . Since Ω is a strongly
linearly concave domain, there are at most 2 such connected components. Let’s sup-
pose Ω proper so that there is 2 connected components (of course the case of a single
connected component corresponds to Ω being the whole Rn and there is no work, the
inversion of the Radon Transform being given by the classical formula).

Case when proper // Check the labelling 000-001

Set for i = 1, . . . , n − 1, and (θ1 , . . . , θn ) ∈ S n−1

θi := αi sin(ϕ), θn := cos(ϕ)
where (α1 , . . . , αn−1 ) ∈ S n−2 , ϕ ∈ [0, π[.
For α ∈ S n−2 , there exists ϕ1,α,x , ϕ2,α,x ∈ [0, π[ such that (α, ϕ1,α,x ), (α, ϕ2,α,x ) ∈
∂π(Ω∗x ). (Indeed, the image of the open π(Ω∗x ) is union of two connected open set S n−1 ,
symetric to each other, so that the intersection of the circle described by the elements
(α, ϕ), with α fixed reduces to 4 elements and therefore two by symetry when we reduce
our parameter circle to the half-circle ϕ ∈ [0, π[).
We have
(n − 1)!
f (y)
(3.3.2)+(3.3.3) = limε−→0 n
( n
cos(ϕ)dϕ∧ω 0 (α)∧dy
(2iπ) α∈S n−2 n
,y∈R ,ϕ∈]ϕ1,α,x ,ϕ2α,x [ (h(α, ϕ), y − x) + iε)
f (y)
+ n
cos(ϕ)dϕ∧ω 0 (α))∧dy)
α∈S n−2 ,ϕ∈]0,ϕ1,α,x [∪]ϕ2,α,x ,π[,h(α,ϕ),yi∈]s
/ 1,(α,ϕ) <s<s2,(α,ϕ) [ (h(α, ϕ), y − xi + iε)
where h(α, ϕ), y − xi stands for i=1 αi sin(ϕ)(yi − xi ) + cos(ϕ)(yn − xn ).

3.3.3 Where we explicit the residue

Let ΩC,x the union of the complexification of real hyperplanes in Ω passing through x.
Now, for z ∈ ΩC,x \ Ωx , we define

(n − 1)!
f (y)
(3.3.4) F (z) = cos(ϕ)dϕ ∧ ω 0 (Im(z)) ∧ dy
(2iπ)n y∈Rn ,ϕ∈]ϕ1,z ,ϕ2,z [ h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zin

(n − 1)!
f (y)
(3.3.5) + cos(ϕ)dϕ ∧ ω 0 (Im(z)) ∧ dy
(2iπ)n y∈Rn ,ϕ∈]0,ϕ1,z [∪]ϕ2,z ,π[ h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zin

where we note

h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zi = Im(zi ) sin(ϕ)(yi − zi )+ | Im(z) | cos(ϕ)(yn − zn )

2 21
where | Im(z) | is ( n−1 0
i=1 | Im(zj ) | ) , and Im(z) = (Im(z1 ), . . . , Im(zn−1 )), ω (Im(z)) =
¯ ¯
det(Im(z), ∂ Im(z), . . . , ∂ Im(z)) and where ϕ1,z and ϕ2,z are elements corresponding
respectively to ϕ , ϕ ^ designating the vector ( Im(z1 ) , . . . , Im(zn−1 ) ),
, Im(z)
1,Im(z),x ^
1,Im(z),x |Im z| |Im(z)|
(corresponding to the element α ∈ S n−2 used above).
^ ϕ), y − xi, we have
Let’s find out the domain of definition of F . Let s = h(Im(z),

f (y)
Z ^ ϕ), s)
Rf ((Im(z),
dy = ds
y∈Rn h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zin s∈R | Im(z) |n .(s − ih(Im(z),
^ ϕ), Im(z)i)n

where ((Im(z), ϕ), s) parametrize the hyperplane {y ∈ Rn , h(Im(z), ϕ), yi = s}. For
(3.3.5), considering z ∈ ΩC,x \Ωx , ϕ ∈]0, ϕ1,z [∪]ϕ2,z , π[, then Rf ((Im(z), ϕ), h(Im(z), ϕ), xi) =
0, because the hyperplane is in Ω∗ . In the integrand of (3.3.5), h(Im(z), ϕ), y − xi is
not null for x ∈ Ω. As for (3.3.4), h(Im(z), ϕ), Im(z)i = 6 0. Indeed ΩC is the complexifi-
cation of all hyperplanes contained in Ω, so for ϕ ∈]ϕ1,z , ϕ2,z [, the complex hyperplane
{Z ∈ Cn , h(Im(z), ϕ), Z − xi = 0} is by definition not contained in ΩC (cf. definition
at the beginning of (3.3.2)) and, taking the imaginary part h(Im(z), ϕ), Im(z)i = 6 0} for
z ∈ ΩC \ Ω.
Finally, from the above expression of (3.3.2) + (3.3.3) on one hand and of (3.3.4) +
(3.3.5) on the other, we have
f (x) = limε−→0 F (z)

where Sεn−2 is the (n − 2)−sphere of radius ε of the plan Im(zn ) = 0. ¯
Where we show F is ∂-closed
The ∂-closedness comes from the following
Lemma 3.3.1. The form
Pn−1 det(Im(z), ∂¯ Im(z), . . . , ∂¯ Im(z))
( Im(zj )zj + | Im(z) | .zn )n | {z }
n−2 fois

¯ 2 12
where we still note | Im(z) | pour ( n−1
is ∂-closed, i=1 | Im(zj ) | ) , and Im(z) =
(Im(z1 ), . . . , Im(zn−1 ))
Proof. The ∂¯ of this form is
X i.zk + i. Im(z k ).zn
|Im(z)| n−1
−n (n − 1)! Im(zk ) ∧l=1 dz̄l
( n−1
P n+1
k=1 j=1 Im(z )z
j j + | Im(z) | .zn )

X 1 n−1
+ Pn−1 i.(n − 1)! ∧l=1 dz̄l
( Im(zj )zj + | Im(z) | .zn )n
k=1 j=1

But this is nothing different than

( n−1
j=1 Im(zj )zj + | Im(z) | .zn )
−n!.i Pn−1 . ∧n−1
l=1 dz̄l
( j=1 Im(zj )zj + | Im(z) | .zn ) n+1

1 n−1
+n!.i Pn−1 ∧l=1 dz̄l = 0
( j=1 Im(zj )zj + | Im(z) | .zn )n

From this lemma, we deduce that the integrand of F

f (y)
dy ∧ cos(ϕ)dϕ ∧ ω 0 (Im(z))
h(Im(z), ϕ), y − zin

is a (n − 2)-form ∂¯z −closed.

According to the derivation rules under the integral, we have ∂¯z F = 0 and theorem
3.1.5 is proven.

3.4 Inversion formula for n ≥ 2

Proposition 3.4.1. Let Ω the complementary of a convex compact K in Rn . Let g
belongs to schwartz space S(Ω̄∗ , C) (the set of fast decaying function in the directions
pointing to infinity in Ω̄∗ ), such that g verify g(θ, t) = g(−θ, −t), then there exists
f ∈ C ∞,n (Ω, C), integrable on any lines of Ω∗ , such that Rf = g.

Proof. Let us take K proper, otherwise there is no work to provide, and the extension
is trivial. Let us note K ∗ the dual of K, i.e. the set of hyperplanes with no empty
intersection with K. Let’s take a frame pointed in K. We must extend g, known for
hyperplanes in the complementary of K, to the set of hyperplanes crossing K. Let ϕ0
be the positive valued function of S n−1 such that (θ, ϕ(θ)) parametrizes the hyperplane
tangent to ∂K.
Now, for θ ∈ S n−1 , set for 0 < t < ϕ(θ), g̃(θ, ϕ(t)) = g(θ, ϕ(θ)) (since we took K
containing 0, and since it is proper, ϕ(θ) 6= 0), and g̃(θ, 0) = 0. Then, consider two
open intervals B 0 ( B, neighborhoods of 0, such that {(θ, t), θ ∈ S n−1 , t ∈ B} ⊂ K ∗
and a C ∞ test function χ of support included in S n−1 ×R\B 0 , which is 1 on S n−1 ×R\B,
such that χ(θ, t) = χ(−θ, −t) (it suffices to take an even bump function, whose support
is included in R \ B 0 , 1 on R \ B, not depending on θ). Now considering g̃.χ, we get
the sought extension because being null in {(θ, t), θ ∈ S n−1 , t ∈ B 0 }, this extension is
correctly defined. Hence we constructed an extension g̃ ∈ S(S n−1 × R, C).
Now, following [Nov02], it is proved that if g belongs to the schwartz space S(S n−1 ×
R, C), if g(θ, t) = g(−θ, −t), (θ, t) ∈ S n−1 × R, then there exists f ∈ C∞,n (Rn , C), such
that Rf = g.

3.4.1 Proof of 3.1.6

Proof. The proof is now straightforward. Recalling the hypothesis : we embed Ω in P
with respect to the hyperplane at infinity H, and Ω can then be viewed as complement
of a convex compact K in an Rn local chart. In this picture, Rf is given in a comple-
mentary of a compact convex of Rn which we suppose pointed in 0 and, for simplicity,
we suppose that 0 ∈ H. From the previous proof, we get an extension of Rf which
vanishes in the neighborhood of S n−1 × {0}. Considering again H as the hyperplane
at infinity, we get back to the local chart where f is given, and there, the extension
of Rf has compact support. Accordingly to the precedent proposition, Rf belongs in
particular to S(Ω̄∗ , C). So we can construct a function f˜ such that (Rf˜)R = Rf on Ω∗ .
Now, writing f = (f − f˜) + f˜, we decompose f into a sum of null radon transform
function on Ω∗ , which is, from theorem 3.1.5, a residue of a (n−2)-form closed in ΩC \Ω,
and of a function f˜ to which we apply the classical Radon transform inversion formula,
expressing it with the help of Rf in Ω∗ .

check the é typos

3.5 ¯
Estimates for solution of ∂−solution in polydisc
In the proof of proposition XXX, we will need the following statement which is inter-
esting by itself. Namely, given a (0, p)-form f in the polydisc with slow growth at the
¯ = f in the polydisc such
boundary, then one can find a solution to the d-bar problem ∂u
that u has also slow growth at the boundary. We follow the work and the notations of
Bo Berntsson XXX

3.5.1 Notations
Let p ∈ N. Let f be a (0, p)-form which is ∂-closed in the n-dimensional unit polydisc
D and has polynomial growth of index m ∈ N at the boundary ∂Dn , meaning that there

is some real constant k and a complex neighborhood V of ∂Dn such that for z ∈ V ∩ Dn
| F (z) |< .
(1 − min | zi |)m

First, let us recall the construction ofVa kernel K through Henkin-type homotopy
formula. We note, for η ∈ Cn ω(η) = dηi . We define a Leray section to be an
n n n
application s : D̄ × D̄ → − C , such that hs(ξ, z), ξ − zi 6= 0. We suppose also that s is
of class C 1 , verifies, uniformly with respect to ξ ∈ D̄n and z in any compact subset of
Dn , | s(ξ, z) |≤ C1 | ξ − z |, | hs(ξ, z), ξ − zi |≥ C2 | ξ − z |2 .
We define also a map Q = (Q1 , . . . , Qn ) : D̄n × D̄n →− Cn , holomorphic in z ∈ Dn for
ξ ∈ D fixed. From there, we define the homotopy mapping ψ : D̄n × D̄n \ ∆D̄n ×]0, ∞[−

n n
C × C , ψ(ξ, z, t) = (Q(ξ, z) + ts(ξ, z), ξ − z).

Let A be the form exp(hξ, ηi)ω(ξ) ∧ ω(η). The kernel K will be part of the pull-
back ψ ∗ A. We decompose ψ ∗ A = (ψ ∗ A)t + (ψ ∗ A)ξ,z so that (ψ ∗ A)t is the component
involving dt, then we define
Z ∞
K= (ψ ∗ A)t
Then it can be proven that
X (n − 1)! s ∧ (dQ)k ∧ (ds)n−1−k
K = −C.ehQ,ξ−zi
k! hs, ξ − zin−k
for some positive constant C.
To produce a weighted kernel, Berndtson XXX proceeds to some Laplace transform.
Let us consider, for some positive parameter λ, the parametric Kλ obtained by replacing
Q by λQ, and g be distribution on [0, ∞[. Then the new kernel is
Z ∞
K̃ := C Kλ .e−λ g(λ)dλ
with C some normalisation constant. The, a simple calculation leads to
X (n − 1)! (k) s ∧ (dQ)k ∧ (ds)n−1−k
K̃ = −C G (hQ, z − ξi + 1)
k! hs, ξ − zin−k

where G is the laplce transform of g and G(k) is its k-th derivative and where C is some
positive constant.
Then one has the following Koppleman formula,
Proposition 3.5.1. For f a (p, q)-form, q > 0, in C 1 (D̄n ), we have
f =C f ∧ K̃p,q + (−1)p+q+1
( ¯
∂f ∧ K̃p,q − ∂z ¯ f ∧ K̃p,q−1 )
∂Dn Dn Dn
where Kp,q is of degree (p, q) in z, (n − p, n − q − 1) in ξ, and C a positive constant
depending exclusively on p, q, n.
This formula is valid on any domain in Cn , with supplementary assumptions on f
¯ to be integrable. See XXX for the formula q = 0.
and ∂f

3.5.2 Estimate of solution d-bar problem for slow growing

(0, q)-forms
One can produce more general kernels by proceeding to a multi-dimensional Laplace
transform. Let Kλ1 ,...,λn be the kernel K where we replace the above Qλ1 ,...,λn =
(Q1 , . . . , Qn ) by Q = (λ1 Q1 , . . . , λn Qn ), for λ1 , . . . , λn positive real numbers. Let g
be a distribution on [0, ∞[n and G the multidimensional Laplace transform.

Z λi
K̃ := C Kλ1 ,...,λn e 1≤i≤n
g(λ1 , . . . , λn )dλ1 ...dλn
(λ1 ,...,λn )∈[0,∞[n

so that

∧ (dQ)k ∧ (ds)n−1−k
(n − 1)! −
Z λi s
˜ := −C

hQλ1 ,...,λn ,ξ−zi
e e 1≤i≤n
dλ1 ...dλn
k! (λ1 ,...,λn )∈[0,∞[n hs, ξ − zin−k


˜ := −C X (n − 1)! ∂ k G s ∧ (dQi1 ,...,in )k ∧ (ds)n

K̃ (hQ1 , z1 −ξ1 i+1, . . . , hQn , zn −ξn i+1)
k! ∂λi11 . . . ∂λinn hs, ξ − zin−k
i1 +...+in =k
ij =0,1;1≤j≤n

where (dQi1 ,...,in )k is the (j1 , . . . , jk )-minor determinant of (dQ)k , where (j1 , . . . , jk ) is
the k-uplet such that ijl = 1, 1 ≤ l ≤ k.
−ξ̄ Q 1
Now, let us choose, Q with Qj = 1−|ξjj |2 , g such that G(x1 , . . . , xn ) = Kj .
j=1,...,n xj
This way we get:

∂kG Y  1− | ξj |2 Kj +ij

(hQ1 , z1 − ξ1 i + 1, . . . , hQn , zn − ξn i + 1) = C k
∂λi11 . . . ∂λinn j=1,...,n
1 − ξ¯j zj

and so:

˜ := −C X (n − 1)!Ck Y  1− | ξj |2 Kj +ij s ∧ (dQi ,...,i )k ∧ (ds)n−1−k
1 n
K̃ ¯j zj
k! j=1,...,n
1 − ξ hs, ξ − zin−k
i1 +...+in =k
ij =0,1;1≤j≤n

We then have

Proposition 3.5.2. For f a (p, q)-form, q > 0, in C 1 (D̄n ), we have

f =C ˜
f ∧ K̃p,q + (−1)p+q+1
( ∂f ˜ − ∂¯
¯ ∧ K̃ ˜
f ∧ K̃
p,q z p,q−1 )
∂Dn Dn Dn

where Kp,q is of degree (p, q) in z, (n − p, n − q − 1) in ξ, and C a positive constant

depending exclusively on p, q, n.

From there, we infer the following proposition

Proposition 3.5.3. For f a (p, q)-form, q > 0, in C 1 (Dn ), with slow growth at the
boundary ∂Dn , the ∂¯ equation ∂u
¯ = f in Dn has a solution with slow growth at the

Proof. One apply proposition (3.5.2) in Dnε , the ε-radius polydisc, with 0 < ε < 1, so
that the integrands are well-defined, and then we let ε tends to 1 to get
u = (−1) p+q ˜
f ∧ K̃ p,q

a solution of the ∂¯ problem, since the weights are null at boundary,

lim ˜ =0
f ∧ K̃ p,q
ε→1 ∂Dn

Besides, in (3.5.1), the kernel is governed by

Y  1− | ξj |2 Kj +ij
¯j zj (dQi1 ,...,in )k
1 − ξ

And since (dQi1 ,...,in )k is governed by

Y 1
(1− | ξj |2 )ij

The kernel in is governed

Y  1− | ξj |2 Kj +ij 1 Y (1− | ξj |2 )Kj
1 − ξ¯j zj (1− | ξj |2 )ij j=1,...,n
(1 − ξ¯j zj )Kj +ij

So that u is a solution with slow growth.


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