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À Père Noël

Le Noël in a Comprehensible Input Classroom

L a L ibre L anguage L earning
Merci pour votre téléchargement!
Instructions for Use:
Teachers in a comprehensible input classroom need an engaging reading and writing practice during the busy Christmas and
holiday season-what better way to get your students excited about writing than to have them write their own letters to Santa?
Students needing more input-based practice can start with the letter template, choosing the fun responses that reflect their
own personality. This requires a high degree of focus, but students will only notice how much fun it is to pick out their presents in
French. This pack also includes a free-write letter to Santa, for semester students in French 1 or French 2 students.
1 free-write template for French 1
1 input-based letter for French 1 or 2

NO PREP-print pages 3-4 in black & white or color, and enjoy!

visit my blog for proficiency-based classroom ideas

You may also like:

French and Francophone
Christmas Traditions French 1 CI Curriculum Kit -Growing Bundle Francophone Country Labels

About the teacher-author:

Salut! ¿Qué lo que? I’m Devon, a world language teacher at a Title 1 high school in SC. I dove
head-first into teaching for proficiency/Comprehensible Input last year, and I want to help you do the
same. I teach intro level Spanish and French to mixed classes that include high-achievers and high-
risk learners in the same room, and I struggled to find resources when I started out. I want to make
the daunting switch to proficiency as easy as possible for you with resources, tips, and encouragement
to keep doing this work that matters so much.

Let’s Get Social: Let’s Get Social:

ma carte
à Père Noël

les phrases utiles:

Ecris une carte a Père Noël. Dis ce que tu veux pour le Noël et

Cher Père Noël,

décris pourquoi tu mérites ces cadeaux.
un jouet une biscuit un bas un cadeau
de noël

un sac une un sapin de une étoile

renne noël

Merci beaucoup et joyeux Noël!

A bientôt,

© La Libre Language Learning

ma carte
à Père Noël

les phrases utiles:

Ecris une carte a Père Noël. Dis ce que tu veux pour le Noël et
décris pourquoi tu mérites ces cadeaux. Choisis les réponses

Cher Père Noël,

un cadeau qui te représentent.
un jouet une biscuit un bas
de noël

Pour le Noël. J’ai besoin de...

un sac une un sapin de une étoile beaucoup de cadeaux quelques cadeaux un cadeau
renne noël

Cette année, je me suis comporté(e)...

parfait(e) très bien comme ci, comme ça mal meilleur que mon frère

je te laisse pour le Noël...

des biscuits avec du lait des biscuits pour toi et les carottes pour les rennes un chocolat

S’il te plaît, je voudrais comme cadeau:

un nouveau jeux vidéo un vélo un animal en peluche une poupée

un train un casse-tête un tablet un livre

une voiture du chocolat un chien une magazine des sports

un ballon de foot du maquillage de l’argent un livre de dessin

je ne veux pas:
de chaussures d’une règle de crayons de cire d’ananas

de serpents d’une guitarre d’une bougie de savon

d’un moped de légumes de charbonne d’une boulette à viande

d’un sac à dos d’une brosse á dents d’un robot d’une orage de neige

Merci beaucoup et joyeux Noël!

A bientôt,

© La Libre Language Learning

hey! wolang

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It’s your free guide to everything teaching in 2020
from distance learning and linguistics to
Comprehensible Input and relationship building

to get the ebook!
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This resource part of your classroom. If you have questions,
is for your requests, (for this resource or a new one) find
an error, or want to say hi, send me an email at
classroom lalibrelanguagelearning@gmail.com.

Terms of Use:
t’ It cannot be altered, posted on a publicly accessed
website, or claimed as your own under the Digital
Millenium Copyright Act- DMCA. Please respect
my work by using only in your classroom and
sharing the link when others ask.
e My phone’s in Spanish, my Netflix is in French, and I’m
c honestly not sure what language my brain is in. I’m a
curriculum designer for Spanish and French teachers who
believe that students should USE language rather than learn
about language.

I’m also a recovering burnt-out teacher who quit my job.

This resource is to share with you how I transformed my life
and returned to teaching more inspired than ever.

Now, I’m a teacher who helps others flip the script from
#teachertired to #teacherfiredup! You don’t have to put out
your own flame to ignite the fire for learning in others.

If you know your students deserve real-life proficiency and

you’re done with burning the candle at both ends to do it,
then you’re in the right place, my friend.
Welcome to the WoLangClan.
lessons you’ll Love:

s pa n i s h french

© la libre language learning llc

Brittney Murphy Fonts
Adobe Fonts
Cherry workshop

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