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EUROPEAN Agnan/Aignan/Agnel: du grec Amédée/Amadis: des mots Armel: du celtique arz qui Benjamin: d'origine au combat ; doublet de Louis

FRENCH agnê qui signifie chaste, latins ama et deus signifiant signifie ours et moel voulant hébraïque, biblique et de Ludovic
Aaron: de l'hébreu aharôn innocent aimé de Dieu dire prince, c'est-à-dire le Benoît: du latin benedictus Colin: diminutifs de Nicolas
qui signifie celui qui vient Agrippin: du latin agripeta qui Amélien: masculin d'Amélie, Prince Ours. qui signifie béni, béni par Côme
après signifie propriétaire du grec aïmulos, rusé Armin: vient du sanskrit Arya Dieu Constant/Constantin:
Abdon: de l'hébreu abdon qui Aimable: du latin amabilis Amiel: du latin aemulus qui qui veut dire aryen Béranger: du germanique masculin de Constance
signifie serviteur signifiant qui mérite d'être signifie émule Arnould/Arnoud/Aroult/Ar- beran, ours et gari, lance Corentin: prénom originaire
Abel: de l'hébreu habel qui aimé Amour: du latin amor qui nout/Arnalde : variantes Bérard: du germanique berth, de la ville de Quimper en
signifie le fils Aimé: du latin amatus qui signifie amour d'Arnaud brillant et hard, fort Bretagne
Abélard: variante d'Abel sous-entend amatus dei, Anaël: de l'hébreu ana qui Arnaud/Arnauld/Arnault/ Bernard: du germanique Cyprien: signifie homme
Abelin: variante d'Abel l'aimé de Dieu signifie a répondu et de el, Arnaut: du germanique arn beran qui signifie ours et venant de Chypre
Abondance: du latin Alain: de l'indo-européen Dieu. L'étymologie semble qui signifie aigle et walden, hard qui signifie fort Cyriaque
abundantia qui signifie alun qui signifie beau, vouloir le distinguer de celui qui gouverne, soit Bertrand: du germanique Cyril/Cyrille: du grec kyrillos
opulence harmonieux l'Anaël (avec tréma), plus l'Aigle qui gouverne hramm qui signifie corbeau qui signifie Seigneur
Abraham: de l'hébreu Alban/Albin/Aubin: du latin répandu de nos jours, qui Arolde: du germanique hart et de behrt qui signifie Damien: du perse daëmon
abraham qui signifie le père albus qui signifie : blanc serait la forme celtique de qui signifie force et hrod, la brillant, c'est-à-dire Corbeau qui signifie ange
d'une multitude de nations Albéric/Aubérie: du Anne-Ange gloire ; variante d'Harold brillant Daniel: de l'hébreu dan qui
Absalon: de l'hébreu abba germanique adal qui signifie Anastase: du grec anastasis Arsène: du grec arsênios qui Blaise: vient du latin blaesus signifie juger et El qui signifie
qui signifie le père et shalom, noble, de behrt, célèbre et rik qui signifie renaissance, signifie mâle signifie qui bégaie, qui Dieu, c'est-à-dire Jugement
la paix, soit le Père de la voulant dire puissant résurrection Arthaud: du germanique hard balbutie ; ou du breton bleiz de Dieu
Paix Albert/Albertet/Aldebert/ Anatole: du grec anatolios qui signifie dur et ald, ancien signifiant loup David: de l'hébreu dawîd qui
Acace: du grec acacia qui Aubert/Aubertin: du qui signifie celui qui vient du Arthème: masculin d'Artémis Boniface: du latin bonifacies, signifie probablement Bien-
signifie l'innocence germanique adal qui signifie Levant Arthur: du celtique arz qui celui qui a bonne mine Aimé
Achaire: du grec akos qui noble et behrt, célèbre Ancelin: du latin ancillus qui signifie Ours Bouchard Delphin
signifie le remède Alcibiade: sans doute en signifie serviteur Ascelin: du francique azzelin Brice: issu du latin Brictius, Denis: du grec Dionysos, le
Achille: du nom du héros de partie du grec alke qui Andéol: variante d'André qui signifie noble basé sur le celtique brictia dieu du théâtre, du vin et des
l'épopée homérique signifie confiant dans sa Andoche: du grec andros, Athanase: du grec qui veut dire magie, plaisirs
Adalard: du germanique adal force viril athanastos qui signifie enchantement Désiré
qui signifie noble et hard, dur Alcide/Alcée: du grec alke Angilbe/Angilbert/Angle-bert: immortel Brieuc: du breton brieg Didier: du latin Desiderius,
Adalbald: du germanique qui signifie confiant dans sa du germanique engil qui Aubry voulant dire digne dernier roi des lombards
adal qui signifie noble et force signifie ange et behrt, brillant Audebert: du germanique Bruno/Brunon: du Dieudonné: variante
bald, hardi Alcime: du latin alcimus qui Angilran: variante alda qui signifie ancien et germanique brun qui signifie d'Adéodat
Adalberon: du germanique signifie vaillant d'Enguerrand, du behrt, célèbre armure Dorian: du grec doron qui
adal qui signifie noble et Aldonce: du germanique ald germanique engil, ange et Audouin: du germanique alda Calixte/Calliste signifie le don
bern, ours qui signifie ancien hramm, corbeau qui signifie ancien et win, ami Carmélien Edgard/Edgar: du
Adalbert: du germanique Aldric/Aldéric: du germanique Angoustan: variante Audran/Audric: variantes Camillien germanique od, richesse et
adal qui signifie noble et ald qui signifie ancien et rik, d'Auguste d'Aldric Candide gari, lance
behrt, illustre le puissant, le roi Anicet: du grec aniketos qui Auguste/Augustin: du latin Caribert: du germanique hari Edmond: du germanique od,
Adalric: du germanique adal Aleaume: du germanique signifie invincible augustus qui signifie qui signifie « armée » (cf. richesse et mund, protection
qui signifie noble et rik, adal qui signifie noble et Annibal: de l'hébreu hannah consacré par les augures, allemand heer) et de berth Edouard: de l'anglo-saxon
puissant helm voulant dire heaume, qui signifie grâce et baal, vénérable qui signifie brillant formé sur les racines ed qui
Adam: de l'hébreu adam qui casque. seigneur Aurèle/Aurélien: du latin Carloman signifie richesse et wardan
signifie homme ou d'adama Alexandre: du grec alexein, Ansbert: du germanique ans aureolus qui signifie couvert Cassien qui signifie garder, protéger,
qui signifie terre. repousser et andros, qui signifie divinité et behrt, ou orné d'or Cédric: du vieil anglais kad soit le Gardien des richesses
Adegrin/Aldegrin: du l'homme, le guerrier, soit brillant Aurian: du latin aurum qui qui signifie guerre et rik qui Eleuthère: du grec eleutheria,
germanique adal qui signifie Celui qui repousse l'ennemi Anselme: du germanique ans signifie or signifie roi, seigneur, soit liberté
noble et grin, cruel ou Celui qui surmonte la qui signifie divinité et helm, Auxence: du latin auxi qui Seigneur de guerre Elie: de l'hébraïque El-Yah,
Adel: du germanique adal qui volonté des hommes protection signifie parfait Célestin Seigneur Dieu
signifie noble Alimine: du latin almus qui Anthelme/Antheaume/An- Axel: de l'hébreu abba qui Célien Elisée: de l'hébreu Eli, mon
Adelin/Andelin: du signifie bienfaisant thime: variantes de Anselme signifie père et shalom qui Césaire Dieu, et yesah, sauve
germanique adal qui signifie Almire: du germanique helm Antide: du latin antidus qui signifie paix, c'est-à-dire le César: vient du latin Emeric: du germanique halm
noble et de lind, doux qui signifie casque et mar, signifie qui surpasse, qui Père de la Paix caesarius signifiant qui signifie maison et ric qui
Adelphe: du grec adelphos célèbre excelle Aymard: du germanique halm « chevelure » ou du verbe signifie roi
qui signifie le frère Aloïs: du germanique al qui Antoine/Anthoine: du latin qui signifie clan familial et caedo signifiant trancher, Emile/Emilien: du latin
Adenet: variante d'Adam signifie tout et wis, qui veut Antonius qui signifie mar, illustre couper aemulus, signifiant le rival
Adéodat: du latin deus dedit dire sage, savant, lettré ; Inestimable Aymeric: variante Charles: du germanique karl Emmanuel: de l'hébreu
qui signifie Dieu a donné variante d'Aloïse Antonin: variante d'Antoine méridionale d'Émeric qui signifie homme immanou El qui signifie Dieu
Adhémar/Aldémar: du Alphée: du grec alpha, Apollinaire: du grec Aymon/Aymond: variante de Charlemagne: du latin est avec nous.
germanique adal qui signifie première lettre de l'alphabet apollinaris, référence à Raymond Carolus Magnus signifiant Enguerrand
noble et mar, illustre grec ou d’Alphée, dieu-fleuve Apollon Balthazar: référence au roi Charles le Grand, référence Epiphane: du grec epi, sur et
Adjutor: du latin adjutor qui dans la mythologie grecque Aquilin: du grec aquilin qui biblique Balthazar à l'empereur Charlemagne phainem, paraître
signifie celui qui aide Alphonse: du germanique al signifie aigle Baptiste: du grec baptizein Childebert Eric: du germanique rik qui
Adolphe: du germanique adal qui signifie tout et funs, Arcade: du grec Arkadia, qui signifie plonger dans Chilpéric signifie roi, seigneur et ehre
qui signifie noble et de wolf, prompt, vif région de l'ancienne Grèce, l'eau, immerger Chrétien qui signifie honneur, c'est-à-
loup, soit le noble loup Alpinien: du latin alpinianus, au centre du Péloponnèse Barnabé: vient du latin Christian: du grec kristos qui dire le Seigneur honorable ou
Adonis/Adon: du phénicien nom porté par un Saint Archambaud/Archambeau Barnabas, nom d'homme en signifie messie Riche d'honneur
adôn qui signifie prince Alverède: du germanique alb variantes d'Archibald grec ancien Christodule Ernest: du germanique
Adrien: du latin Hadria, ville qui signifie elfe et rad, Archibald: du germanique Barthélémy: d'origine Christophe: du grec ernest qui signifie sérieux,
de Vénétie qui a donné son conseil erken qui signifie tenace et hébraïque, biblique christophoros, Qui porte le fermeté.
nom à la mer Adriatique Amalric/Amaury: du de bald voulant dire Bartimée: de l'araméen bar, Christ. Etienne: du grec stéphanos
Agapet: du grec agapê qui germanique amal qui signifie audacieux fils et timée, l'honneur Clarence qui signifie Couronné
signifie l'amour noble, puissant et de rik, Arian: masculin d'Ariane Basile: du grec basileos qui Claudien Eubert: du germanique berht,
Agathange: du grec agathos seigneur, roi, soit Puissant Ariste/Aristion: du grec signifie roi, royal Cléandre brillant
qui signifie bon, brave au Seigneur aristos qui signifie le meilleur Bastien: du grec sebastos Clément: masculin de Eudes: cas sujet du prénom
combat et agellos, messager Amandin: du latin amandus Aristide: du grec aristos qui qui signifie honoré Clémence Odon, lui-même du
Agathon: masculin d'Agathe, qui signifie aimable signifie le meilleur et eidès, Baudouin: du germanique Clotaire germanique od qui signifie
du grec agathos, bon Amant: du latin amans qui fils bald qui signifie audacieux et Clovis: du germanique Richesse
Agilbert/Agénor: du signifie qui aime Armand: du germanique hart win qui signifie ami, c'est-à- Hlodowig, composé des Eudoxe: du grec eu, bien, et
germanique ghil, otage et Ambroise: du grec ambrotos qui signifie fort et mann, dire Ami audacieux racines hlod qui signifie doxa, la doctrine
berht, brillant qui signifie immortel homme, c'est-à-dire Homme Bénigne: du latin benignus, renommé et wig qui signifie Eugène: du grec eugenes qui
Fort bienveillant combat, c'est-à-dire Illustre signifie Bien-né
Eusèbe: du grec eusebé, Girart Lambert: du germanique Mathias/Matthias Paul: du Latin Paulus qui Samuel: de l'hébreu shamu'
pieux Gislebert land, pays et berht, brillant Mathieu/Matthieu: de signifie petit faible El qui veut dire qui procède
Eustache: du grec Godefroi/Godefroy Landry: du germanique land, l'hébreu matith qui signifie Pépin de Dieu
eustachios, bon épi Gondebaud pays et rik, roi don et Yâh qui signifie Dieu, Perceval Sandra/Sande: de l'hébreu
Evariste: du latin : evagor, se Gonthier Laurent: du latin laurus, c'est-à-dire Don de Dieu Philémon sandadou soit bonté divine
propager Gontran « couronné de lauriers » Maugis Philibert Sauveur: du latin salvator,
Evrard: du germanique eber, Gonzague Lazare: de l'hébraïque El- Maurice, Mauricet: du latin Philippe: du grec philippos titre donné au Christ
sanglier et hard, dur Grégoire: du grec gregorein azar, « Dieu a secouru », maurus qui signifie d'origine qui signifie ami des chevaux Savin
Fabien: du latin fabius se signifiant veiller ou être référence à saint Lazare de maure Pie: du latin pius, pieux Sébastien: du latin
référant à la gens Fabia ; éveillé Béthanie Maxence Pierre: du grec Petros qui sebastianus issu du grec
faba signifiant fève Guérin Lazlo Maximilien signifie caillou, roche sebastos, honoré, glorieux
Fabrice: du latin faber qui Gui/Guy Léandre: du latin leo, lion et Mayeuf Prosper Séraphin: de l'hébreu saraph,
signifie forgeron Guillaume: du germanique grec andros, homme Médéric Quentin: du latin quintus soit qui signifie brûler
Falba: du latin falvus qui veut Protecteur résolu Léon: du latin leo qui Melchior: référence à l'un des cinq, le cinquième Serge: du latin sergius, nom
dire fauve clair, pâle Gustave: du vieux suédois signifie : lion Rois mages Raoul: du germanique rad, d'une très ancienne famille
Félicité: du latin felicitas, götstaf qui signifie « le Léonard: du latin leo, lion et Mence conseil et wolf, loup romaine
chance et felix, bonheur soutien des dieux » du germanique hard, Merlin Raphaël: de l'hébreu rapha, Séverin: du latin severus ou
Félix: du latin felix qui signifie
Guyot courageux Mérovée guérir et El, dieu, soit Dieu grave
joyeux, chanceux Hardouin Léopold: du germanique liut, Michel seul guérit Sidoine
Ferdinand: du germanique Hector: prénom d'origine peuple et bald, audacieux Moïse Raymond: du germanique Sigebert
courageux, aventurier grecque Leu: de l'ancien français leu, Morgan: du breton mor, la ragin, conseil et mundo, Sigismond: du haut
Fiacre: prénom d'origine Hédelin: variante d'Adelin loup mer et ganet, né, soit né de protection, soit celui qui germanique Sigu qui signifie
celtique Hélier Leufroy la mer, masculin de Morgane protège par conseil éclairé victoire et Munt, protection
Fidèle: du latin fides, la foi Henri: du germanique heim Libère: du latin Liberius, Nathan: de l'hébraïque Régis: du latin rex, regis qui Silvère, du latin silva qui
Firmin: du latin firmus, solide qui signifie maison et rik, roi « davantage », référence au nathan, signifie « il a signifie le roi signifie forêt
Flavien: du latin flavus, qui Herbert: du germanique hari saint pape Libère donné », référence au Réjean Simon/Siméon: de l'hébreu
veut dire blond qui veut dire armée et berht Liétald: du germanique hlod, prophète Nathan Rémi/Rémy: soit du latin Sim’ôn soit Dieu a entendu
Flodoard signifiant brillant gloire et wig, combat, Nathanaël: de l'hébraïque remigius signifiant le rameur ; Sixte: du latin Sixtus, qui veut
Florent/Florentin: du latin Herluin originaire de Bretagne nathanaël, signifie « Yahvé a soit du latin remidius dire six, le sixième
florens, signifiant florissant, Hervé Lionel donné », référence à l'apôtre signifiant le porte-remède ; Stanislas: des mots slaves
en fleur Hilaire Loïc: du latin force Nathanaël soit de la tribu des Remes stan qui signifie se dresser et
Florian: du latin floraison Hildebert Longin: du latin longus, long, Narcisse: du grec narkissos, (tribu de gaulois issus de slaw qui veut dire gloire
Fortune Hincmar référence à saint Longin le narcisse Belgique installés dans la Stéphane/Stéphan: du grec
Foulques: prénom d'origine Honoré: du latin honoratus Centurion Naudet: variante d'Arnaud région de Reims) stephanos, couronné
germanique Hubert: du germanique hug Loris Néhémie: de l'hébraïque Renaud: du germanique Sylvain/Sylve: du latin silva
Francisque: dérivé de qui veut dire intelligent et Lorrain: du latin lenire, Ne'hemya, « YHWH a ragin, conseil et waldan, ou forêt
François behrt signifiant brillant adoucir, référence à la consolé », référence au gouverner, soit celui qui Sylvestre: du latin silvanus
François: forme ancienne du Hugues: du germanique hug Lorraine personnage biblique conseille le chef qui veut dire de la forêt ou de
mot français, du latin qui signifie intelligent Lothaire Néhémie René: du latin renatus silva signifiant forêt
franciscus (germanique Innocent Louis: du germanique Chlod, Nestor: du grec nestor, retour signifiant né une nouvelle Tancrède: du germanique
frankisk), qui signifie de Isidore glorieux et Wech, combat, à la maison, référence au roi fois, allusion au sacrement Tank signifiant pensée et rad
France, du pays des Francs Jacquelin nom royal, popularisé par mythologique Nestor chrétien du baptême qui veut dire conseil
Frédéric: du germanique frid Jacquemin Saint Louis Nicéphore: du grec nikê- Reybaud: du germanique rag Tanguy: du celtique tan, le
qui signifie paix et rik qui Jacques Loup phoros, « porteur de la signifiant conseil et bald qui feu et ki, le guerrier, gardien,
signifie roi, seigneur, c'est-à- Jaqui Luc: du latin Lux qui signifie victoire » veut dire audacieux soit le gardien du foyer
dire le Seigneur de la Paix Japhet lumière Nicolas: du grec niko-laos qui Richard: du germanique rih Taurin
Fulbert: du germanique fulc Jean et tous ses dérivés Lucas: du latin Lux qui signifie « peuple victorieux » qui veut dire roi et Théodore: du grec thêos,
qui signifie peuple et bert qui composés signifie lumière ; forme latine Noé: de l'hébraïque ‫נֹוַח‬, hartsignifiant fort Dieu et doron, don, cadeau
signifie brillant, c'est-à-dire Jeannel: composé de Jean et du nom de saint Luc, consolation, référence au Robert: du germanique hrod Théodose: du grec thêos,
Peuple brillant de Michel Lucien: du latin lux soit patriarche Noé voulant dire gloire et behrt Dieu et dosis, don, cadeau
Fulcran Jeannot lumière Noël: de l'hébraïque qui signifie brillant, soit celui Théophile: du grec thêos,
Fulgence Jérémie: de l'hébreu ‫ ִיְרְמָיהּו‬Ludolphe emmanouel, Dieu avec nous, dont la gloire resplendit dieu et philein, aimer
Gabin (Yirməyāhū) signifiant Dieu Ludovic: du germain hold qui référence à la fête de Noël Roch: soit du germanique Théophraste: du grec thêos,
Gabriel: de l'hébreu Force de élève signifie illustre glorieux et de Norbert: du germanique hrok signifiant tunique Dieu, et phrazein, expliquer
Dieu Jérôme wig qui signifie bataille et north, nord et berth, brillant courte ; soit du germanique Thibault: du germanique
Gaël Joachim: de l'hébreu joaquim combattant ; doublet de Normand: du germanique hruk qui veut dire corneille theud, peuple et bald,
Garnier qui signifie Dieu a établi Clovis et de Louis, formé sur north et mann, homme du Rodolphe: du germanique audacieux
Gaston: de saint Vaast Joanny: du latin Johannes ou la variante latine ; prénom nord, référence aux hrod signifiant gloire et wolf Thibert/Théodebert: du
Gaspard Jean d'origine médiévale Normands qui veut dire loup germanique theud, peuple et
Gatien Job: de l'hébreu iyyôb qui Macaire: du grec makarios, Octave: du latin octavus, le Rodrigue: du germanique behrt, illustre
Gaud signifie celui qui se repent, bienheureux, référence aux huitième hrod signifiant gloire et ric qui Thierry/Théodoric: du
Gautier qui revient vers Dieu Béatitudes Odilon veut dire pouvoir germanique theud, peuple et
Gédéon: de l'hébraïque Jocelyn Malo: du gallois mach qui Odon Roger: du germanique hrod rik, roi
Guide'on, référence au juge Joël: de l'hébreu yoel qui signifie gage et lou qui Oger qui veut dire gloire et gari Thomas: de l'araméen toma,
biblique Gédéon signifie Jéhovah est Dieu signifie lumière, c'est-à-dire Olivier signifiant la lance du guerrier jumeau
Geoffroy/Geoffrey Johan Otage de la Lumière Oury: du germanique uodal, Roland: du germanique hrod Tibère
Georges Jonas Mamert patrimoine, ou du latin qui signifie gloire et nand ou Tiburce
Géraud: vient de l'ancien Jonathan Manassé, référence à la tribu Wulfricus, loup, et ric, homme courageux Timoléon
germanique ger qui veut dire Jordan de Manassé. puissant Romain: du latin romanus Timothée: du grec timao,
lance et de wald, gouverner, Joris/Jorisse Marc Oxlène soit romain honorer, et thêos, Dieu.
soit maître de la lance Joseph Marceau : Dédié à Mars, Pacôme: du copte Pa qui Romuald: du germanique Titien: de l'italien Tiziano
Gérard: formé d'après gari Josse dieu romain de la guerre signifie père et Côme rum et de walden qui signifie Tonnin
(lance) et hard (dur) Josselin Marcel Palémon: du grec Paloemon, régner Toussaint: prénom inspiré de
Gerbert: du germanique: gar, Jourdain Marcelin personnage mythologie Roméo: du latin signifiant la Toussaint
lance et berht, brillant Jude Marius divinisé pèlerin de Rome Trajan: du prénom latin
Germain: du latin germen, du Judicaël Martial: du latin martius, Pascal: du latin pasqualis Ronan: du breton signifiant Traianus
même sang Jules guerrier signifiant Qui se rapporte à la petit phoque Tristan: du celtique drest,
Gervais Julien Martin: du latin Martinus, fête de Pâques Roselin: forme masculine de tumulte
Ghislain Juste/Justin: du latin juste dérivé de Mars, dieu romain Paterne Roseline Turold
Gilbert Ladislas de la guerre. Patrice: du latin patricius soit Salomon: de l'hébreu shalom Ulysse: du latin Ulysse, lui-
Gilles Laërte Mathurin Patricien soit paix même du grec Ulysse
(Οὐλίξης / Oulízês), variante Adolph Apollinaire Bertrand Cosme Enrique
d’Ulysse (Ὀδυσσεύς /
Odusseús), héros de
Adolphe Aquilin Bill Crépin Enzo
l’Odyssée d'Homère. Adrien Arcadi Bjorn Cyprien Éphrem
Urbain Æmile Archibald Bjørn Cyr Epvre
Valentin: du latin valens qui Æmilien Ariel Bob Cyran Êrane
signifie vigoureux, plein de
force Agathon Ariste Bon Cyril Erdoğan
Valère: du latin Valère qui Agnan Aristide Boniface Cyrille Éric
signifie se montrer D
Agrippin Armael Boris Érik
courageux et être bien Dagobert
portant ; dérivé de Valéry Ahmad Armand Boson Ermel
Valérian Ahmadou Armel Boutros Ernest
Valéry: du germanique Ahmed Armelin Bovick Ervan
Walaric Daniel
Venance: du latin venit, celui
Aignan Arnaud Brian Erwan
qui vient Aimé Arnold Brice Estève
Venceslas Alain Arnoult Brock Estienne
Vianney: prénom inspiré du Dariouch
Alban Arsène Bruce Ethan
patronyme de saint Jean- Dariush
Marie Vianney, dit le Curé Albéric Arthur Bruno Éthan
Bryan David
d'Ars. Albert Arun Étienne
Victor: du latin victor qui C Dédé
Albertin Arzel Eugène
signifie victorieux Cæsaire Delphin
Victorien Albin Arzhel Eusèbe
Cæsar Demenge
Victorin Alcée Astruc Eustache
Vigile: du latin vigil, « éveillé, Caïn Denis
Alde Athanagor Eutrope
gardien ». Calixte Dennis
Vincent: du latin vincere qui
Aldric Athanagore Évariste
Calvin Denys Ezequiel
signifie vaincre Alec Athanase
Caprais Déodat F
Virgile Alexandre Aubin
Vital/Vitalien: issus du latin Carl Déogratias Fabien
Alexis Aubry
vitalis, signifiant le souffle Carlos Derc’hen Fabrice
vivifiant, ce qui entretient la Alfred Audry
Carmichael Désiré Fanch
vie, ce qui est vital Aliptien Auger
Vivien: du latin vividus qui Casimir Dick Fañch
Almaric Auguste
signifie dynamique, ardent Cassien Didi Fédor
Waléran/Walérand Aloïs Augustin
Castor Didier Félicien
Wandrille Aloys Aurel
Xavier: du basque etchebani Cédric Dieudonné Félix
Alphonse Auréle
qui signifie la maison neuve Célestin Dieunedort Féodor
Xénophon: du grec xenos,
Alvare Aurélian
Celian Dimitri Ferdinand
étranger et phônê, voix Amace Aurélien
Célian Dion Féréol
Yves: nom francique, peut- Amadou Austin
être en rapport avec le nom Césaire Djamel Fernand
Amadour Avit
de l'if, germanique īwa ou César Dodo Ferréol
celtique ivos ou īvos Amalric Axel
Chadrack Dominic Fidèle
Zacharie: de l'hébreu Amance Aylan
zukharya(h) qui signifie Charles Donald Firmin
Amand Aymeric
Jéhovah se souvient Ayoub Childéric Donat Flavien
Zache Amandio
B Chlodovig Donatien Florent
Zéphirin/Zéphir/Zéphyr: issu Amans
du grec zephuros, vent du Babacar Chrétien Dorian Florentin
Nord-Ouest dans les pays Bachar Christian Duncan Florian
Amaury Dylan
helléniques Bali Christophe Fortunat
Aaron Ambigatos E
Balthazar Chrysophile Foucault
Abd Allah Ambroise Eden
Barnabé Cléandre Foulques
Abdallah Amédée Edgar
Barthélemy Clément Fraimbault
Abdel Amel Edgard
Barthélémy Cléry Francelin
Abdellah Amerigo Edmond
Baruch Cloclo Francis
Abdon Amos Édouard
Basile Clotaire Francisque
Abdoul Anastase Édouard-Josse
Bastien Clovis Franck
Abdoulaye Anastasie Edwin
Baudouin Colas François
Abdullah Anatole Eliacin
Bawer Colin Frank
Abel André Éliacin
Bébert Collart Frañsez
Abel-François Andy Élie
Bélisaire Collin Fred
Abélard Ange Élisée
Bénigne Colomban Frédéric
Abelin Anicet Éloi Fulbert
Benito Côme
Abraham Anselme Conon Émeric G
Achille Anthelme C Émile Gabriel
Adalbert Anthony Conrad Émilien Gaël
Adam Antoine Constant Emmanuel Gaëlic
Adel Antoni Constantin Enguérand Gaëlig
Adelphe Antonin Corentin Enguerrand Gaétan
Adémar Antonio Corneille Enoha Gaëtan
Gaspard Herbert Jean-Marie Kumar Mario Mitch
Gaston Hercule Jean-Michel Kurdy Marius Mitchell
Gaultier Héritier Jean-Noël Marjolain Mithridate
Gauthier Hermel Jean-Pascal Martial Moana
Gautier Hermelin Jean-Paul Martien Mohamed
Gauvain Herménégild Jean-Philippe Martin Mohammed
Gaylord Hervé Jean-Pierre Martinien Momo
Gégé Hilaire Jean-Yves Marty Montagu
Gélase Hippolyte Jean-Vincent Mary Mort
Genès Homère Jeannot Matéo Morvan
Honoré Lazare
Genest Jefferson Mathéis Mourad
H Lédy
Genet Jehan Mathéo Moussa
Hortens Léger
Gengoul Jérémie Mathéys Moustapha
Hrant Léo
Gengoult Jérémy Mathias Muhammad
Hubert Léon
Genis Jérôme Mathieu Mustafa
Hugo Léonard Mustapha
Geoffroy Jésus Mathis
Hugues Léonid N
Geogeo Jihu Mathisse
Humbert Léonidas Nabil
Georges Ji-hu Mathurin
Hyacinthe Léopold Nabor
Georgie Hydulphe
Jihun Mathys
Lev Nacer
Gérald I Ji-hun Matisse
Lévi Nahel
Géraldo Ignace Jinping Matthias
Libert Naïm
Géraldy Igor Joachim Matthieu
Lincoln Nanard
Gérard Ilan Jocelyn Matthis
Linus Napoléon
Géraud Ilia Joé Matthys
Lionel Nasser
Germain Ilya Joël Mattis
Lizier Natalis
Gerry Ilyas Johnny Mattys
Loïc Matys Nathan
Gervais Ingomer Jonas
Lorédan Maurice Nathanael
Ghislain Isaac Jonathan M
Lorenzo Nathanaël
Gilbert Isaïe Jordan Max
Lothaire Nathanel
Gildas Isidore Jordane Maxim
Louis Nathaniel
Godefroy Issa Jordann Maximilien
Louis-Ferdinand Nazaire
Gontran Ivan Jordany Maximin
Louis-Philippe Nectaire
Gontrand Ivo Jordi Mayeul
J Loulou Nephtali
Gonzague Jory Médard
Jabeur Loup Népomucène
Goropius José Mehdi
Jac Luc Nestor
Gratien Joseph Melchior
Jackson Luca Nicaise
Greg Joslin Melvin
Jacob Lucas Nicéphore
Grégoire Josquin Melvine
Jacques Luce Nico
Grégory Josse Melvyn
Jacquot Luciano Nicodème
Guénaël Josselin Melvyne
Jae-in Lucien Nicolas
Guerin Josué Melvynn
James Ludovic Nicomède
Guilhem Jourdain Menahem
Jamet Luitvin Noam
Guillain Jourdan Lycaon Merlin
Jammes Noël
Guillaume Judas M Mesmin
Jaouad Norbert
Guislain Jude Macaire Méthode
Jason Nordahl
Günther Jul Maclou Micaël
Jawad Nouredinne
Guoqing Jules Mahamadou Michael Numa
Gustave Jean Julian Mahé Michaël O
Guy Jean-Baptiste Julien Mahmoud Michaeli Octave
Guylain Jean-Bernard Julius Maixent Michaelis Octavien
Gwenaël Jean-Charles Junior Maleaume Michel Odet
H Jean-Christian Junot Malo Michka Odon
Habib Jean-Christophe Just Mamadou Mickael Ogier
Hanne Jean-Claude Justin Mamert Mickaël Okon
Harlem Jean-François K
Manuel Mikaël Oleg
Haroun Jean-Guy Kéké
Marc Mikhael Olivier
Hébert Jean-Jacques Kenji
Marcel Mikhaylov Omar
Hector Jean-Joël Kenkichi
Marcelin Milo Omer
Hégésippe Jean-Louis Kevin
Marcellin Mimile Onésime
Hélie Jean-Loup Kévin
Marcien Minjun Oscar
Hélion Jean-Luc Kiki
Mari Min-jun Osman
Henri Jean-Marc kisra
Marine Miroslav Oswald
Héraclite Koffi
Othon Rémy Sigurdur Trudon Zachée Aleth: du latin alitis qui
Otton signifie celle qui a des ailes
Renan Silvain Tugdual Zakaria Alexandrine/Alexandra
P Tu’iuvea
Renard Silvère Zayd Alexine/Alexane/Alexiane:
Pablo U
Renart Simon Zayzay féminins d'Alexis
Pacôme Ulysse Alice: du grec ancien alêtheia
Renaud Soheil Zébédée
Page Urbain (ἀλήθεια) qui signifie vérité.
René Soliman Usain
Zizi Aliénor: variante occitane
Reuel Sören V Zlatan d’Eléonore, dont l'étymologie
Panthée est mal éclaircie.
Reynald Søren Vaast Zoltan
Paolo Aliette: variante d'Aleth
Rhys Sosthène Valentin Zorba Aline: variante d'Adeline (du
Riad Souleymane Valère Zosime germain noble et douce)
Parker Zuwzuw Alizé: du castillan alisios (lui-
Ricardo Stanislas Valérien
Pascal même issu du latin alisus,
Ricbert Stefani Valéry régulier) qui signifie vents
Richard Steve Vallier Abdonie/Abdonise: féminins tropicaux
Riri Steven Vauquelin d'Abdon Aloyse: variante d'Aloïse
Paul Abeline/Abélie/Abelle Alphonsine(Alphonsie:
Riton Sulpice Venceslas
Paul-Olivier féminins d'Abel féminins d'Alphonse
Robert Suzan Vénuste Abigaelle/Abigaëlle/Abigaïl: Althée: du latin althea qui
Robin Sylvain Vénustien de l’hébreu abigahel qui signifie mauve
Paulo signifie joie du père ou Amaliane: du germanique
Roch Sylvestre Véran
Pavel Symphorien source de joie amal qui signifie puissant et
Rodolphe Victor Acacie/Acaciane/Acanthe: liut, peuple
Peio T
Rodrigue Victorien féminins d'Acace Amalthée: du grec kepas
Pélage Tancrède Adalbaude: féminin amaltheas qui signifie corne
Roger Vidal
Pépin Ta-Nehisi d'Adalbald d'abondance
Roland Vincent Adalsinde: du germanique Amande: de l'hébreu em
Perrin Tanguy
Romain Virgile adal qui signifie noble et lind, gdola qui signifie grande
Persian Tariq
Roman Vivien doux Mère
Peter Thaddée Adegrine: féminin d'Adegrin Amandine: féminin
Roméo Vladimir
Philibert Thaddeus Adélaïde: variante d'Adèle d'Amandin
Romuald Vladislas Adèle: féminin d'Adel Amante: féminin d'Amant
Philippe Thadée
Ronan Vladislav Adélie/Adélice: variantes Amarande/Amaranthe: du
Philippon Théo d'Adèle grec amaranthos qui signifie
Roy Vor
Philippoté Ruben Théodebert W Adeline: féminin d'Adelin qui ne se flétrit pas
Phiphi S Théodose Waël Adeltrude: du germanique Amaryllis: du grec
adal qui signifie noble et trud, amaryssein qui signifie
Pierre Sabin Théodule Wahib fidèle resplendir
Pierre-Chanel Sabri Théophile Wail Adolphie: féminin d'Adolphe Ambre/Ambrine: variantes
Pierre-Louis Sacha Théophraste Waleed Adonise: féminin d'Adonis d'Ambroisie
Adrastée: du grec adrásteia Ambroisie/Ambroisine:
Pierre-Marie Saïd Thibaud Walid qui signifie de qui on ne peut féminins d'Ambroise
Pierre-Olivier Salîm Thibault Walter échapper Améliane: variante d'Amélie
Pierre-Yves Salmane Thibaut Walther Adrehilde: du germanique Amélie: du grec amalè qui
Pierrot Salmène Thibert adal qui signifie noble et hild, signifie tendre.
Warner combat Ameline: du germanique
Polycarpe Sam Thiébaud Washington Adrienne: féminin d'Adrien amal, qui signifie labeur
Polydore Sami Thierry Wenceslas Agathe: du grec agathos qui Améthyste: du grec
Pons Samir Thimoté Wilfrid signifie bon, brave au combat améthystos qui signifie
Agilberte: féminin d'Agilbert littéralement ne pas être ivre
Popaul Sammy Thimothé Wilfried Aglaé: du grec aglaia qui ou, plus librement, protégé
Popo Samson Thimothée William signifie éclat, rayonnante de de l'ivresse
Prétextat Samuel Thomas Wilson beauté, parure Aminte: sans doute du latin
Agnane/Aignane: féminins amor, qui signifie amour ou
Procope Saturnin Thre Wladislav d'Aignan amans, qui aime ; prénom de
Prosper Sauvan Tilio Wladislaw Agneflète: du grec agnê qui la belle, amante de Tircis,
Q Sava X
Timothé signifie chaste, innocent et dans la pastorale Aminta de
Timothée Xavier fletus, pleuré Torquato Tasso
Savinien Xyxy Agnès: du grec pure Anaëlle: féminin d'Anaël
Rached Timothey Y Agrippine: féminin d'Agrippin Anaïs: variante d'Anne
Rachid Tino Yahia Aimée: féminin d'Aimé Anastasie/Anastasiane:
Sébastien Alaine: féminin d'Alain féminins d'Anastase
Racim Tite Yahyah
Sémion Albane/Albine: féminins Anatolie/Anatoline: féminins
Rafael Titien Yanis d'Alban d'Anatole
Rafi Tobie Yann Albérade Anceline: féminin d'Ancelin
Rainier Tof Yasser Alberte/Albertine: féminins Andrée: féminin d'André
Sergueï d'Albert Anémone: du grec anemos
Raoul Tognon Yimyim signifiant le vent (l'anémone
Servais Alcidie: féminin d'Alcide
Raphaël Toinou Yo-Yo Alcine: sans doute issu du renvoyant à la fleur du vent
Raymond Tom Yoann grec alke qui signifie confiant en français)
Séverin dans sa force ; célèbre fée Angadrême: du germanique
Réal Tony Yung-yung
Shermichael redoutable dans Orlando angil qui signifie lame et
Redouane Toto Yves furioso de Ludovico Ariosto drugan, combattre
Régis Totor Yvon Alcyone: du grec háls qui Angèle: du grec agellos qui
Shlomo Z signifie la mer et de kyôn, signifie messager
Remi Toussaint
Sid Zacchée concevoir Angeline: variantes d'Ange
Rémi Trémeur Aldegonde: du germanique Angélique: variante d'Ange
Sidoine Zacharie
Remy Tristan adal qui signifie noble et Angilberte: féminin
Sigismond Zachary gund voulant dire guerre
Trond d'Angilbert
Anicette: féminin d'Anicet Athénaïs: variante Capucine: de la fleur référence à la prophétesse ou du gotique awi qui signifie Jehanne/Jehane/Johane:
Annabelle: variante d'Anne, d'Athanasie éponyme Débora grâce, merci formes anciennes (vieux
signifiant Anne la Belle Athina Carine: du latin carinus, Delphine Fanny français) de Jeanne
Anne Aube/Aubane: variantes signifiant cher, aimé Denise: féminin de Denis. Fantine Jocelyne: féminin de Jocelyn
Annette/Annick/Annie: d'Albane Caroline: dérivé féminin en - Diane: du latin Diane, déesse Faustine Joëlle: féminin de Joël
variantes d'Anne Aubertine: variante d'Alberte ine de la forme latine de de la chasse. Félicie: du latin felix qui Johana/Johanna
Annonciade, référence aux Aude/Aulde: du germanique Charles (Carolus) Dieudonnée: féminin de signifie joyeux, chanceux ; Josépha/Joséphine
Sœurs de l'Annonciade alda qui signifie l'ancienne, Cassandre: dans la Adéodat et Dieudonné. féminin de Félix Judith
Ansberte: féminin de Ansbert l'expérimentée. mythologie grecque, Doriane: féminin de Dorian. Fernande: féminin de Julie/Julia: de Iulius (Iule), le
Anstrudie: du germanique Audeline/Audette: variantes Cassandre (en grec ancien Dorine Fernand fils d'Enée et de la famille
ans qui signifie divinité et d'Aude Κασσάνδρα / Kassándra) est Douce Flavie: du latin flavius, qui romaine Iulia (cf. Julius
trud, fidèle Audrey: du celtique alt qui la fille de Priam et d'Hécube. Edith: prénom germanique signifie jaune, blonde ; Caesar)
Anthelmette/Anthelmine: signifie haut, puissant et de Catherine: du grec katharos signifiant richesse, courage féminin de Flavien Juliette: variante de Julie
féminins d'Anthelme roen, qui veut dire royal, soit qui signifie pur et prospérité Fleur Justine: du latin juste
Antigone: du grec anti la Haute Reine. Cécile: du latin caecili qui Edmée: du germanique : Flore/Florence: féminin de Laura
signifiant qui s'oppose et Augustine: féminin signifie aveugle ; Caecilii est "ed", richesse et "mund", Florent Laurane/Lorane: composé de
gónê, la semence d'Auguste. le patronyme d'une illustre protection Florie: floraison en latin ; Laure (du latin laurus, laurier)
Antoinette: féminin d'Antoine Aure: du latin aurum qui famille romaine du IIIe siècle Eléonore: (variante occitane : féminin de Florian et d'Anne
Antonine: féminin d'Antonin signifie brise av. J.-C. Aliénor). Fortunée: féminin de Fortuné Laure: du latin laurus, laurier
Aphélie: du grec apo qui Aurélie/Aurélia: du latin Célestine Eliane Francia: variante de France Laureline: composé de Laure
signifie loin et hêlios, soleil aurum qui signifie or Céline: du grec Séléné qui Elia/Eliette: féminins d'Élie Françoise: féminin de et de Line (lui-même diminutif
Apolline/Apollinie: féminins Aurélienne: féminin signifie la lune Elisabeth: de l'hébreu François d'Adeline, noble et doux) ; ou
d'Apollinaire d'Aurélien Charlaine/Charlène/Charline: elicheva qui signifie Dieu est Gabrielle: féminin de Gabriel petite plume en breton
Aquiline: féminin d'Aquilin Aurelle: féminin d'Aurèle dérivés de Charles (du promesse ou Dieu est ma Gaëlle Laurence: féminin de Laurent
Arabelle: du latin orabilis qui Auriane: variante d'Oriane germanique karl, qui signifie demeure. Garance Laurène/Lorène/Lauren
signifie céder à la prière, Aurore: du nom de la déesse force, vigueur, hardeur) Elise Geneviève Lauriane/Loriane: du latin
exaucer latine du jour Aurora, l'aurore Charlotte: dérivé de Charles Ella: de l'hébreu Elyah, Georgette laurus, laurier
Arcadie/Arcadiane: féminins Auxane: féminin d'Auxence (du germanique karl, qui Seigneur-Dieu ; ou de Georgina Laurine: variante de Laure,
d'Arcade Aveline: du latin abellana qui signifie force, vigueur, l'anglo-saxon ælf qui signifie Gerberge du latin laurus, laurier
Argine: du latin regina signifie aveline, noisette hardeur), avec le suffixe elfe Germaine Léa: mot hébreu qui signifie
signifiant la reine Avigaëlle/Avigaïl: variantes diminutif -otte Elodie: prénom d'origine Gertrude élevée ou mot latin qui
Ariane: du grec ariandanein de Abigaëlle Chloé: du grec signifiant la grec, du mot Ελοδιη / Elodiê, Ghislaine signifie la lionne.
qui signifie être séduisant Avoye: dérivé du prénom jeune pousse, la verdure signifiant fleur des champs Gisèle/Giselle/Gisela: du Léna: soit du breton ancien
Aricie: du grec aristos qui Aure nouvelle, la verdoyante, Eloïse: des germaniques germanique gisl qui signifie grand troupeau, riche, soit
signifie le meilleur Axeline/Axellane/Axelle: l'herbe naissante hlod qui signifie glorieux et otage dérivé du grec Héléna, éclat
Arielle: féminin d'Ariel féminin d'Axel Christelle/Chrystèle wig qui signifie le combattant, Guenièvre de soleil
Arlette Aymardine: féminin d'Aymard Christiane: féminin de c'est-à-dire la Glorieuse Guilhemine: féminin de Léopoldine: du germanique
Armance: variante Aymonde: variante de Christian Combattante ; ou des Guilhelm liut, peuple et bald,
d'Armande Raymonde Christine: du latin christianus germaniques hail, qui signifie Guillemette: féminin de audacieux
Armande: féminin d'Armand Azalée: du grec azaleos qui qui signifie disciple du robuste ou sain et wid qui Guillaume Léonie: du latin qui signifie la
Amandine/Armandie: signifie desséché Christ ; féminin de Christian veut dire bois ; variante Gustavine/Gustaphine: lionne, le courage et la force.
variantes d'Armande Azélie/Azelle: variantes Claire: du latin clara qui d'Héloïse féminins de Gustave Léonne/Léontine: féminins de
Armeline: variante d’Armelle d'Adèle signifie claire, lumineuse ; Elsa Gwenaëlle: féminin de Léon
Armide: prénom de la Azeline: variante d'Adeline variante de Clara Emeline/Emmeline/Emelyne: Gwenaël Lorraine
célèbre magicienne Barbe: du grec barbara qui Clara: du latin clara qui pure, sans ennemi, sans Hélène: du grec hélé, qui Lucie: du latin lumière
sarrasine, amante de signifie la barbare, signifie claire, lumineuse ; problème ; ou variante signifie éclat du soleil Lucienne: féminin de Lucien
Renaud, dans l'épopée la l'étrangère (N.B. : le mot variante de Claire d'Ameline, du germanique Héloïse: des germaniques Lucille/Lucile: variantes de
Jérusalem Délivrée de barbaros vient à la base Claudine: variante de Claude amal, labeur hlod qui signifie glorieux et Lucie
Torquato Tasso d'une onomatopée qui avait Clémence: du latin clemens Emilie: du latin aemula, wig qui signifie le combattant, Ludivine/Ludovine: du
Armelle: féminin d'Armel pour but de désigner le qui signifie bon, indulgent signifiant la rivale c'est-à-dire la Glorieuse germanique "lind", doux et
Armine/Arminie: féminins langage incompréhensible Clémentine: variante de Emma: du germanique Combattante ; ou des "win", ami
d'Armin des étrangers) Clémence maison ; ou diminutif germaniques hail, qui signifie Lydie: ancien pays d'Asie
Arnaude/Arnaudine: féminin Basilisse: du grec basileus Clotilde: vient d'un ancien d'Emmanuelle (de l'hébreu robuste ou sain et wid qui Mineure, du latin ludia, le
d'Arnaud qui signifie roi prénom germanique Dieu est avec nous) veut dire bois ; variante lilas, propagé en hommage à
Arsénie: féminin d'Arsène Bathilde: du germanique Hlothilda signifiant gloire et Emmanuelle: de l'hébreu d'Éloïse sainte Lydie de la pourpre
Artémis: du grec artemia qui bald', audacieux et hild, combat Dieu est avec nous ; féminin Henriette: féminin d'Henri Madeleine
signifie l'intégrité physique, la combat Coline d'Emmanuel Hermine/Hermione Maéva
santé éclatante. Béatrice/Béatrix: du latin Conception: du latin Emmelie: variante latine Honorine: du latin honoratus, Magali/Magalie: forme
Arthurine: féminin d'Arthur beatus qui signifie conceptio, grossesse, d'Harmonie « honorée, digne dérivée de Marguerite
Asceline: féminin d'Ascelin bienheureux référence à l'Immaculée Ernestine: Féminin de d'honneurs » Maguelone: forme dérivée de
Ascension: prénom inspiré Bénédicte: du latin Conception Ernest. Hortense: du latin Madeleine en occitan (Sud
par l'Ascension du Christ benedictus, qui signifie béni Constance Esmée Hortensius, d'une grande France)
Assomption: prénom inspiré Bérangère: féminin de Cora/Coralie/Coraline Esther: prénom biblique qui famille romaine, dérivé du Mahaut/Mahault : formes
par l'Assomption de Marie Béranger Corentine: féminin de signifie étoile mot hortus, le jardin dérivées de Mathilde
Astarté: variante d'Esther qui Bernadette: féminin de Corentin. Estelle: du latin stella qui Huguette: féminin de Hugues Mallaury/Malaury/Malhaury
signifie étoile Bernard Corinne: du celte carent qui signifie étoile Inès: de l'arabe sympathique, Manon: de l'hébreu mar-van
Astérie: du grec asteria qui Berthe: du germanique berht signifie parenté ou de kar qui Eudoxie: du grec eu, bien, et généreuse qui signifie goutte de mer
signifie étoile qui signifie brillant, illustre signifie ami. Korinna était doxa, la doctrine Irène: du grec irini qui signifie Marceline: féminin de Marcel
Astrée: du grec astron qui Bertille: variante de Berthe une poétesse grecque du Eugénie: féminin d’Eugène paix Margot/Margaux : diminutifs
désigne tous les corps Beuve VIe siècle av. J.-C.. Eulalie Irina: du grec eirênê qui de Marguerite
célestes Blanche: vient de la couleur Cosette Euphrasie signifie paix Marguerite
Astride: du germanique asa blanc Cyrielle Eusébie Iris Marianne/Mariane,
(pluriel æsirs) qui signifie Blandine: du latin blandus qui Danielle/Danièle: féminins de Evangéline: des grecs Isabelle: forme ibérique de composés des prénoms
divinité et de trud qui signifie signifie caressant, doux Daniel. evagghelia qui signifie bonne l'hébreu elischeba qui signifie Marie et Anne
fidélité, c'est-à-dire Qui est Brigitte: du celtique briga qui Daphné/Daphnée: du grec nouvelle et evagghelismos Dieu est mon serment. Marie
fidèle aux dieux signifie élevée ; prénom qui daphnê, laurier ; Daphné est qui signifie annonciation. Iseult/Isolde Marie-Chantal
Athalie: de l'hébreu athalia provient de la déesse celte une nymphe de la mythologie Eva Jacinthe Marie-Claire
qui signifie rosée de Dieu Brigantia grecque Eve Jacqueline Marie-Josée
Athanasie: féminin Brunehaut Débora/Déborah: de Evelyne: de l'hébreu havvah Jade Marie-Laurence
d'Athanase Brunehilde l'hébraïque ‫ְּד בֹוָר ה‬, abeille, qui signifie vie source de vie ; Janine/Jeanine/Jeannine Marie-Lydie
Jeanne Marie-des-Neiges
Marine: vient du latin mar, la Prisca/Prisque: du latin Sylvie: du latin silva qui Camille: du latin camillus,
ANGELA f English, Italian, elements ans "god" and
mer priscus, antique signifie la forêt l'assistant du prêtre romain
German, Dutch, Romanian, helm "helmet, protection"...
Marion Pulchérie: du latin pulcher, Tatiana: du grec Τατιανή qui pendant qu'il faisait le Slovene, Slovak, Russian, [more]
Marlène pulcheris qui signifie beau signifie la fondatrice sacrifice Macedonian, Late Roman ANSELMA f German,
Marthe Quiéta/Quitterie: du latin Thaïs: du grec thaïs, Céleste Feminine form of Angelus Italian, Spanish
Martine: féminin de Martin quietus, paisible bandeau sur la tête Chantal: cas singulier d'un
(see ANGEL)... [more] Feminine form of ANSELM
Mathilde: du germanique Quintia/Quintilla: féminins de
Théodora: féminin de nom de famille français ANGELIKA f German, ANSGAR m German,
maht et hild, qui signifient Quentin Théodore devenu prénom : Chantal est
Polish, Slovak, Czech Swedish, Norwegian,
force et combat. Rachel: de l'hébreu rahel, Thérèse: du grec Therasia, le patronyme de Jeanne Cognate of ANGELICA Danish, Ancient Germanic
Maud/Maude: du germanique brebis habitant de l'île de Tarnre, en Frémyot de Chantal, grand-
ANGELINA f Italian, Derived from the Germanic
maht et hild, qui signifient Raphaëlle: féminin de Mer Méditerranée centrale mère de la marquise de English, Russian, German, elements ans "god" and gar
force et combat Raphaël Tiphaine: du grec Sévigné Dutch, Polish, Spanish, "spear"... [more]
Maureen: de l'hébreu celle Raymonde: féminin de Theophaneia, Theophanie ou Claude: du latin claudius qui
Macedonian ANTJE f Low German,
qui élève Raymond (du germanique épiphanie c'est-à-dire signifie boiteux Latinate diminutive of Dutch
Mauricette: féminin de ragin, conseil et mundo, apparition, manifestation de Dominique: du latin ANGELA... [more] Low German and Dutch
Maurice. protection soit celui qui Dieu dominicus qui signifie qui est
ANIKA f German, Dutch, diminutive of ANNA
Mégane protège par conseil éclairé).Ursule relatif au seigneur. Danish, Slovene ANTON m German,
Mélanie: du grec melanos, Rébecca: de l'hébreu ribqah Valentine: féminin de Valentin Dorothée: du grec doron qui
German, Dutch, Danish Russian, Swedish,
signifiant noir qui signifie celle qui a eu ce
Valérie: du latin valère qui signifie cadeau et thêos qui
and Slovene diminutive of Norwegian, Danish,
Mélissa: du grec melissa qui qu'elle désirait signifie être bien portant. signifie Dieu, soit Don deANNA or ANA. Bulgarian, Ukrainian,
signifie abeille ou de 'meli' Régine: du latin regina, reine
Valerius était le nom d'une Dieu. ANINA f German Slovene, Macedonian,
qui veut dire 'miel' Reine: transposition famille romaine célèbre au France: du latin francus, Diminutive of ANNA Croatian, Romanian,
Mélissandre/Mélisandre/ française de regina IIe siècle signifiant libre ANJA f Swedish, Estonian, Finnish, Dutch
Mélysandre Réjeanne Véronique: du grec phérô, je Hippolyte: du grec Norwegian, Danish, Form of Antonius (see
Mélisande/Mélisende Renée: féminin de René porte et nikê, la victoire hippólutos, qui signifie qui
Finnish, Slovene, Croatian, ANTHONY).
Mélodie Rita: diminutif du latin Victoire/Victorine: du latin délie les chevaux Serbian, German ANTONIA f Italian,
Michèle/Michelle/Micheline: margarita, pureté, référence victor qui signifie victorieux, Isabeau Form of ANYA Spanish, English, German,
féminins de Michel à sainte Rita victorieuse Maxime ANKE f Low German, Swedish, Norwegian,
Mireille Rolande: féminin de Roland Vinciane: même racine que Philomène Dutch Danish, Dutch, Polish,
Miriam/Myriam/Meriam Romane: féminin de Roman Vincent Philothée Low German diminutive of Romanian, Ancient Roman
Moïsette: féminin de Moïse ou Romain Violette: du latin viola qui Scholastique ANNA and other names Feminine form of Antonius
Monique Rosalie: du latin rosaria, qui
signifie la violette ENGLISH beginning with An. (see ANTHONY).
Morgane: du breton mor, la signifie jardin des roses. Virginie: du latin virgo qui WELSH ANNA f English, Italian, AREND m Dutch, German
mer et ganet, né, soit née de Rose: du latin rosa, rose ; signifie vierge SCOTTISH German, Dutch, Swedish, Dutch and German variant
la mer ; féminin de Morgan Sainte Rose était le symbole Viviane: du latin viviana qui IRISH Norwegian, Danish, of ARNOLD... [more]
Muriel/Murielle de l'amour et de la pudeur. signifie ardente, ou de vivo, GERMAN Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, ARIANE f French,
Mylène: forme contractée de Roseline/Roselyne: composé vivere qui Achim=Joachim Greek, Hungarian, Polish, German, Dutch
Marie-Hélène de Rose et de Line (lui- Xavière: féminin de Xavier Adalbert/Adelbert: Old Russian, Ukrainian, French form of ARIADNE
Nadège même diminutif de Caroline Yolande: du germanique vel Germanic & Dutch var. of Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, ARMIN m German
Nadine ou Adeline) qui signifie habileté et laud, Albert Bulgarian, Icelandic, Modern form of ARMINIUS
Nathalie/Natalie: du latin Sabine: du latin sabinus, quipatrie ; ou du latin viola, la Adam: Biblical “Man” Catalan, Occitan, Breton, ARNDT m German
natalis qui signifie naissance signifie appartenant au violette Adolf: “noble wolf” Biblical, Old Church Slavic, German short form of
Nicole/Nicolette: féminins de peuple des Sabins, voisins Ysaline: étymologie Adrian=Hadrian Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek ARNOLD
Nicolas des premiers Romains au incertaine, peut-être une Alban: “from Alba” Form of Channah (see ARNE (2) m German
Nine temps de la fondation de forme dérivée d'Élisabeth ou Albert: “noble & bright” HANNAH) used in the Diminutive of ARNOLD
Noëlle/Noëlie/Noëlla: Rome d'Eusébie Albrecht=Albert Greek and Latin Old ARNFRIED m German
féminins de Noël Salomé: de l'hébreu shalom, Yseult: variante d'Iseult Alexander: “defender of men” Testament... [more] From a Germanic name
Noémie: de l'hébreu naomi, paix Yvette: féminin d'Yves Alfons ANNE (1) f French, derived from the elements
qui signifie aimable, Sandrine: hypocoristique Yvonne: féminin d'Yvon Alfred: “Elf counsel” English, Swedish, arn "eagle" and frid
agréable, gracieuse d’Alexandrine Zélie/Zéline: variantes de Alois=Aloysisus Norwegian, Danish, "peace".
Océane/Océanne: féminin de Sarah: de l'hébreu sarah, Solène Aloysius: from Occitan for Finnish, German, Dutch, ARNOLD m English,
Océan princesse ou reine Zita: du grec zêta, lettre de “Louis” Basque German, Ancient Germanic
Odette Ségolène: des germaniques l'alphabet grec Alwin: from Alfwin/Adalwin French form of ANNA... From a Germanic name
Odile: du germanique sego, victoire et lean, Zoé: du grec zoï qui signifie Amand [more] meaning "eagle power",
richesse récompense la vie Andreas ANNEGRET f German derived from the elements
Olive/Olivia Séverine: du latin severus, Alexis: du grec alexein qui Ada=Adelaide Combination of ANNA and arn "eagle" and wald
Olympe grave. Severus est aussi le signifie repousser, protéger, Abigail: “my father is joy” GRETE "power"... [more]
Ophélie: du grec ophelia qui nom d'une famille ibéro- c'est-à-dire : Celui qui se Adelaide/Adelheid ANNELIE f German, ARTHUR m English,
signifie celle qui aide romaine qui a donné à Rome défend avec succès Adele: Swedish, Norwegian, French, German, Dutch,
Oriande et à Byzance plusieurs Alix: variante d'Alice Adelina: dim. of Adela Danish Swedish, Norwegian,
Oriane empereurs. Aloïse: du germanique al qui Agathe=Agatha Short form of ANNELIESE Danish, Welsh Mythology,
Orlane: dérivé de Rolande Sibylle: les sibylles étaient signifie tout et wis, qui veut Agnes: “chaste” ANNELIES f German, Arthurian Romance
Ozanne: de l'hébreu dans le monde grec des dire sage, savant, lettré Albertina Dutch The meaning of this name
hosannah, cri d'acclamation personnes aux dons André/Andoche: du grec Albina/Albine Variant of ANNELIESE is unknown... [more]
relatif au dimanche des prophétiques et divinatoires andros, viril Aleida/Aleit=Adelaide ANNELIESE f German, ARTUR m German,
Rameaux. Simone: féminin de Simon Ange/Angelin: du grec Alena=Magdalena/Helena Dutch Portuguese, Galician,
Pascale/Pascaline: fém de Sixtine: du latin sixtus, le agellos qui signifie messager Alexandra Combination of ANNA and Russian, Slovene, Polish,
Pascal sixième Anicée: variante d'Anicet et Alexandrine LIESE Czech, Romanian,
Paule: féminin de Paul Solange: du latin solemnis, Anicette Alexia ANNEMARIE f Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian,
Paulette: diminutif de Paule solennel Anne: de l'hébreu hannah qui Alfreda German Danish
Pauline: dérivé de Paule Soline/Solène/Solenn signifie grâce Alida: dim. of Adelaide Combination of ANNA and Form of ARTHUR
Pécine Sophie: du grec sophia, Archange: du grec ancien Alina MARIE ASTRID f Swedish,
Pélagie sagesse arkhê (ἀρχή) qui signifie Aloisia ANNIKA f Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish,
Pénélope Stéphanie: féminin de commencement, Amalia/Amalie/Amelia/ Finnish, German, English German, French
Perrine Stéphane commandement et angelos Amelie=Amala: “work” (Modern) Modern form of ÁSTRÍÐR...
Pétronille Suzanne/Suzon: de l'hébreu (ἄγγελος), messager. Amanda Swedish diminutive of [more]
Philippine: féminin de suschan, le lis, symbole de la Ariel: de l'hébreu ari qui Andrea ANNA AUGUST m German,
Philippe pureté signifie lion et el, Dieu Alex ANSELM m German, Polish, Swedish,
Primerose Sylviane/Sylvaine: féminin de Arsinoé: variante d'Arsène ou Alexis: “defender” English (Rare), Ancient Norwegian, Danish,
Priscille Sylvain féminin d'Arsène. ANELIE f German Germanic Catalan, English
Short form of ANNELIESE Derived from the Germanic German, Polish,
Scandinavian and Catalan Latin name Viator which German form of Bonifatius Feminine form of CHRISTOPHER Romanian, German
form of AUGUSTUS meant "voyager, traveller"... (see BONIFACE). CAROLUS CLARA f Italian, German, Feminine form of DANIEL
AUGUSTA f German, [more] BORIS m Bulgarian, CAROLIN f German Spanish, Portuguese, DANIEL m English,
Italian, Portuguese, Polish, BEN (1) m English, Russian, Slovene, German feminine form of Catalan, Romanian, Hebrew, French, German,
Dutch, English, Ancient German, Dutch Croatian, Serbian, CAROLUS English, Late Roman Swedish, Norwegian,
Roman Short form of BENJAMIN or Macedonian, Georgian, CAROLINE f French, Feminine form of the Late Danish, Polish, Czech,
Feminine form of BENEDICT... [more] German, History English, German, Swedish, Latin name Clarus which Spanish, Portuguese,
AUGUSTUS... [more] BENEDIKT m German, From the Turkic name Norwegian, Danish, Dutch meant "clear, bright, Romanian, Slovene,
AUGUSTE (2) f German Russian, Czech, Icelandic Bogoris, perhaps meaning French feminine form of famous"... [more] Croatian, Macedonian,
German form of AUGUSTA Form of Benedictus (see "short" or "wolf"... [more] CAROLUS CLAUDIA f English, Armenian, Georgian,
AUGUSTINE (2) f French, BENEDICT). BRIGITTA f German, CARSTEN m German German, Dutch, Italian, Biblical, Biblical Greek
German BENEDIKTA f German, Dutch, Hungarian Variant of KARSTEN Spanish, Romanian, From the Hebrew name
French feminine form of Czech German, Dutch and CASSANDRA f English, Biblical, Ancient Roman ‫( ָּד ִנֵּיאל‬Daniyyel) meaning
Augustinus (see German and Czech Hungarian form of Spanish, Portuguese, Feminine form of "God is my judge"... [more]
AUGUSTINE (1)). feminine form of BRIDGET Italian, French, German, CLAUDIUS... [more] DANIELA f German,
AUREL m German, BENEDICT BRIGITTE f German, Greek Mythology CLAUS m German, Danish Polish, Czech, Romanian,
Romanian, Czech, Slovak BENJAMIN m English, French (Latinized) German short form of Italian, Portuguese,
German, Romanian, Czech French, German, Dutch, German and French form of From the Greek NICHOLAS Spanish, Slovene, English
and Slovak form of Biblical BRIDGET Κασσανδρα (Kassandra), CLEMENS m German, Feminine form of DANIEL
AURELIUS From the Hebrew name BRÜNHILD f German, which possibly meant Late Roman DAVID m English, Hebrew,
AURORA f Italian, ‫( ִּב ְנָיִמ ין‬Binyamin) which Germanic Mythology "shining upon man", Original Latin form of French, Scottish, Spanish,
Spanish, Portuguese, means "son of the south" or Derived from the Germanic derived from κεκασμαι CLEMENT, as well as the Portuguese, German,
English, German, "son of the right hand"... elements brun "armour, (kekasmai) "to shine" and German form. Swedish, Norwegian,
Romanian, Finnish, Roman [more] protection" and hild ανηρ (aner) "man" (genitive CONRAD m English, Danish, Dutch, Czech,
Mythology BENNO m German "battle"... [more] ανδρος)... [more] German, Ancient Germanic Slovene, Russian,
Means "dawn" in Latin... Short form of German BRUNHILDE f German, CATHRIN f German Derived from the Germanic Croatian, Serbian,
[more] names containing the Ancient Germanic German short form of elements kuoni "brave" and Macedonian, Romanian,
AVA (3) f German, Ancient element bern "bear". Variant of BRÜNHILD KATHARINA rad "counsel"... [more] Biblical, Biblical Latin
Germanic BERND m German BRUNO m German, CATRIN f Welsh, German CONSTANZE f German From the Hebrew name ‫ָּדִוד‬
Originally a short form of Short form of BERNHARD Italian, Spanish, Welsh form of KATHERINE, German form of (Dawid), which was
Germanic names beginning BERNHARD m German, Portuguese, French, as well as a German short CONSTANTIA probably derived from
with the element avi, of Dutch, Swedish, Croatian, Polish, Ancient form of KATHARINA. CORA f English, German Hebrew ‫( דוד‬dwd) meaning
unknown meaning, possibly Norwegian, Danish, Ancient Germanic CECILIA f English, Italian, Created by James "beloved"... [more]
"desired"... [more] Germanic Derived from the Germanic Spanish, Swedish, Finnish, Fenimore Cooper for his DEBORA f Italian,
AXEL m Danish, Swedish, German, Dutch and element brun meaning Dutch, German novel 'The Last of the German, Dutch
Norwegian, German Scandinavian form of "brown"... [more] Latinate feminine form of Mohicans' (1826)... [more] Italian, German and Dutch
Medieval Danish form of BERNARD BURCHARD m German, the Roman family name CORBINIAN m German form of DEBORAH
ABSALOM BERT m English, German, Ancient Germanic Caecilius, which was Variant of KORBINIAN DENIS m French, Russian,
BALDUR m German, Dutch Variant of BURKHARD derived from Latin caecus CORD m Low German English, German, Czech,
Icelandic Short form of ALBERT and BURKHARD m German, "blind"... [more] Low German contracted Slovak, Slovene,
German and Icelandic form other names containing the Ancient Germanic CHARLOTTE f French, form of CONRAD Romanian, Croatian
of BALDER element bert, often derived Derived from the Germanic English, German, Swedish, CORDULA f German From Denys or Denis, the
BAPTIST m German from the Germanic element elements burg meaning Norwegian, Danish, Dutch Late Latin name meaning medieval French forms of
German form of beraht meaning "bright". "protection" and hard French feminine diminutive "heart" from Latin cor, DIONYSIUS... [more]
BAPTISTE... [more] BERTA f Polish, Czech, "brave, hardy"... [more] of CHARLES... [more] cordis... [more] DENNIS m English,
BARBARA f English, Hungarian, German, BURKHART m German, CHRISTA f German, CORINA f English, German, Dutch
Italian, French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Ancient Germanic Danish, English German, Romanian Usual English, German and
Polish, Hungarian, Slovene, Slovene Variant of BURKHARD Short form of CHRISTINA Variant of CORINNA Dutch form of DENIS
Croatian, Late Roman Form of BERTHA CÄCILIA f German CHRISTEL f German CORINNA f English, DETLEF m Low German
Derived from Greek BERTHA f German, German form of CECILIA German diminutive of German, Ancient Greek Low German name
βαρβαρος (barbaros) English, Ancient Germanic CÄCILIE f German CHRISTINE (Latinized) meaning "people heritage",
meaning "foreign"... [more] Originally a short form of German form of CECILIA CHRISTIAN m English, Latinized form of the Greek derived from the Germanic
BÄRBEL f German Germanic names beginning CAECILIA f German, French, German, Swedish, name Κοριννα (Korinna), elements þeud "people"
German diminutive of with the element beraht Ancient Roman Norwegian, Danish which was derived from and leib "heritage".
BARBARA meaning "bright, famous"... German form of CECILIA, From the Medieval Latin κορη (kore) "maiden"... DIANA f English, Spanish,
BARNABAS m German, [more] as well as the original Latin name Christianus meaning [more] Italian, Portuguese,
English (Rare), Biblical, BERTHOLD m German form. "a Christian" (see CORNELIA f English, Catalan, German, Dutch,
Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek (Archaic) CARA f English, German CHRISTOS)... [more] Italian, German, Dutch, Romanian, Russian,
Greek form of an Aramaic Means "bright ruler" from From an Italian word CHRISTIANE f German, Romanian, Ancient Roman Bulgarian, Lithuanian,
name... [more] the Germanic element meaning "beloved"... [more] French Feminine form of Roman Mythology
BARTHOLOMÄUS m beraht "bright" combined CARINA (1) f English, German and French CORNELIUS... [more] Probably derived from an
German with wald "rule". German feminine form of CORNELIUS m Ancient old Indo-European root
German form of BERTRAM m English, Elaborated form of CARA... CHRISTIAN Roman, English, Dutch, meaning "heavenly, divine",
BARTHOLOMEW German, Ancient Germanic [more] CHRISTIN f Swedish, German, Biblical related to dyeus (see
BASTIAN m German Means "bright raven", CARINA (2) f Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Roman family name which ZEUS)... [more]
Short form of SEBASTIAN derived from the Germanic Norwegian, Danish, German possibly derives from the DIDI m German
BEAT m German (Swiss) element beraht "bright" German Variant of KRISTIN Latin element cornu Diminutive of DIETER
Swiss German form of combined with hramn Variant of KARINA CHRISTINA f English, "horn"... [more] DIEDERICH m German
BEATUS "raven"... [more] CARL m German, German, Swedish, CRESCENTIA f German, (Archaic)
BEATA f Polish, German, BETTINA (1) f German Swedish, Norwegian, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch Late Roman Older German form of
Swedish, Norwegian, Diminutive of ELISABETH Danish, English From Christiana, the Latin Feminine form of DIETRICH
Danish, Late Roman BIANKA f German, German form of feminine form of CRESCENTIUS DIERK m German
Derived from Latin beatus Hungarian, Polish CHARLES... [more] CHRISTIAN... [more] DAGMAR f Danish, Variant of DIRK
meaning "blessed"... [more] German, Hungarian and CARLA f Italian, CHRISTINE f French, Swedish, Norwegian, DIETER m German
BEATE f German Polish form of BIANCA Portuguese, Spanish, English, German, Swedish, Icelandic, German, Czech, Means "warrior of the
German form of BEATA BJÖRN m Swedish, Catalan, English, German, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch Finnish people", derived from the
BEATRIX f English, Icelandic, German, Ancient Dutch French form of From the Old Norse name Germanic elements þeud
German, Dutch, Late Scandinavian Feminine form of CARLO, CHRISTINA, as well as a Dagmær, derived from the "people" and hari "army".
Roman From an Old Norse byname CARLOS or CARL variant in other languages. elements dagr "day" and DIETFRIED m German
Probably from Viatrix, a meaning "bear". CAROLA f Italian, CHRISTOPH m German mær "maid"... [more] Means "peace of the
feminine form of the Late BONIFAZ m German German, Dutch, Swedish German form of DANA (1) f Czech, people" from the Germanic
elements þeud "people" blessed" and gyð "war"... helm meaning "helmet, ERIKA f Swedish, From a Roman cognomen FRIEDA f German, English
and frid "peace, protection". [more] protection"... [more] Norwegian, Danish, meaning "lucky, successful" Variant of FRIDA
DIETHELM m German EDMUND m English, ELSA f English, German, Finnish, German, in Latin... [more] FRIEDE f German
Derived from the Germanic German, Polish Swedish, Finnish, Italian Hungarian, Czech, FELIZITAS f German Short form of names
elements þeud "people" Means "rich protector" from Short form of ELISABETH Slovene, Croatian, English German variant of containing the element
and helm "helmet, Old English ead "rich, ELSE f Danish, Feminine form of ERIK FELICITAS (1) fried, derived from the
protection". blessed" and mund Norwegian, German, Dutch ERMENTRUD f German FERDI m German, Dutch Germanic element frid
DIETLINDE f German "protector"... [more] Diminutive of ELISABETH (Archaic) Short form of FERDINAND meaning "peace".
From the Germanic name EDUARD m German, EMANUEL m Swedish, German form of FERDINAND m German, FRIEDEMANN m German
Þeudelinda, derived from Russian, Czech, Slovak, Norwegian, Danish, ERMENDRUD French, Dutch, English, Means "man of peace" from
the elements þeud "people" Croatian, Catalan, Dutch, German, Romanian, ERNA f German Czech, Slovene, Finnish, the Germanic elements frid
and linde "soft, tender"... Estonian, Romanian, Portuguese, Czech, German feminine form of Ancient Germanic "peace" and man "man".
[more] Georgian, Armenian Croatian ERNEST From Ferdinando, the old FRIEDERIKE f German
DIETMAR m German Form of EDWARD Form of EMMANUEL ERNESTINE f French, Spanish form of a German feminine form of
Means "famous people", EGON m German EMIL m German, Swedish, German, English Germanic name composed FREDERICK
derived from the Germanic Derived from the Germanic Norwegian, Danish, Czech, Feminine form of ERNEST of the elements farði FRIEDHELM m German
elements þeud "people" element eg, which means Polish, Slovene, Hungarian, ERNST m German, Dutch "journey" and nanð "daring, Derived from the Germanic
and meri "famous". "edge of a sword". Romanian, Bulgarian, German and Dutch form of brave"... [more] elements frid "peace" and
DIETRICH m German EKKEHARD m German, Serbian, Croatian, ERNEST FERDINANDA f Italian, helm "helmet, protection".
German form of Ancient Germanic Macedonian, English ERWIN m German, Dutch, German FRIEDHOLD m German
THEODORIC Derived from the Germanic From the Roman family Ancient Germanic Feminine form of Means "peaceful ruler",
DIRK m Dutch, German, elements ekka "edge" and name Aemilius, which was Derived from the Germanic FERDINAND derived from the Germanic
English hard "brave, hardy". derived from Latin aemulus name Hariwini, composed FESTER m Low German elements frid "peace" and
Short form of DIEDERIK... EKKEHARDT m German meaning "rival". of the elements hari "army" Low German short form of wald "rule".
[more] Variant of EKKEHARD EMILIE f German, and win "friend"... [more] SILVESTER FRIEDRICH m German
DOMINIK m Czech, ELENA f Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, EUGEN m German, FIETE m German German form of
Slovak, Slovene, Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Danish Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Diminutive of FRIEDRICH FREDERICK... [more]
German, Hungarian, Macedonian, Croatian, German and Scandinavian Croatian FILIBERT m German, FRITZ m German
Croatian Slovene, Lithuanian, feminine form of Aemilius Form of Eugenius (see Dutch, Ancient Germanic German diminutive of
Cognate of DOMINIC Russian, German, Medieval (see EMIL). EUGENE). Means "much brightness" FRIEDRICH
DORIS f English, German, Slavic EMMA f English, French, EVA f Italian, Spanish, from the Germanic FRITZI f German
Croatian, Ancient Greek, Cognate of HELEN, and a Italian, Swedish, Portuguese, English, elements filu "much" and German diminutive of
Greek Mythology variant Russian Norwegian, Danish, German, Dutch, Swedish, beraht "bright". FRIEDERIKE
From the ancient Greek transcription of YELENA. Finnish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Danish, Czech, FLORA f English, German, GABI f & m German,
name Δωρις (Doris) which ELEONORA f Italian, Ancient Germanic Slovene, Bulgarian, Italian, Roman Mythology Romanian, Hungarian
meant "Dorian woman"... German, Dutch, Swedish, Originally a short form of Croatian, Macedonian, Derived from Latin flos German diminutive of
[more] Norwegian, Danish, Germanic names that Russian, Georgian, Old meaning "flower"... [more] GABRIELE (2) (feminine),
DOROTHEA f German, Finnish, Polish, Croatian began with the element Church Slavic, Biblical Latin FLORETTA f English, Romanian diminutive of
Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Cognate of ELEANOR ermen meaning "whole" or Latinate form of EVE... German (Rare) GABRIEL (masculine) or
English, Late Greek ELEONORE f German "universal"... [more] [more] Latinate diminutive of GABRIELA (feminine), and
Feminine form of the Late German form of ELEANOR EMMERICH m German, EVELYN f & m English, FLORA Hungarian diminutive of
Greek name Δωροθεος ELFRIEDE f German Ancient Germanic German FLORIAN m German, GÁBOR (masculine) or
(Dorotheos), which meant German form of ELFREDA Germanic name, in which From an English surname Polish, French GABRIELLA (feminine).
"gift of God" from Greek ELIAS m Greek, the second element is ric which was derived from the From the Roman name GABRIEL m French,
δωρον (doron) "gift" and Portuguese, German, meaning "power"... [more] given name AVELINE... Florianus, a derivative of German, Swedish,
θεος (theos) "god"... [more] Swedish, Norwegian, ENGEL m German (Rare), [more] FLORUS... [more] Norwegian, Danish,
DÖRTHE f Low German Danish, Finnish, English, Ancient Germanic EVERT m Low German FRANK (1) m English, Finnish, Spanish,
Low German short form of Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek Originally this was a short Low German form of German, Dutch, French Portuguese, Catalan,
DOROTHEA Cognate of ELIJAH... form of Germanic names EVERARD From a Germanic name English, Romanian, Polish,
EBBA (1) f German, [more] beginning with the element EWALD m German, which referred to a member Czech, Slovak, Biblical,
Swedish, Norwegian, ELISA f German, Italian, Angil, the name of a Ancient Germanic of the Germanic tribe, the Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Danish Spanish, Portuguese, Germanic tribe (known in From a Germanic name Franks... [more] From the Hebrew name
Feminine form of EBBE Finnish, English English as the Angles)... which was composed of the FRANZ m German ‫( ַגְבִר יֵא ל‬Gavri'el) meaning
EBBE m German, Short form of ELISABETH [more] elements ewa "law, German form of Franciscus "strong man of God"...
Swedish, Norwegian, ELISABETH f German, ENGELBERT m German, custom" and wald "rule". (see FRANCIS)... [more] [more]
Danish Dutch, Swedish, Ancient Germanic FABIAN m German, Dutch, FRÄNZE f German GABRIELA f Portuguese,
Diminutive of EBERHARD Norwegian, Danish, Germanic name composed Polish, History Diminutive of FRANZISKA Polish, Romanian, Spanish,
and other names beginning English, Biblical, Biblical of the elements Angil, the From the Roman FRANZI f German German, Czech, Slovak,
with the Germanic element Latin name of a Germanic tribe cognomen Fabianus, which Short form of FRANZISKA Croatian, Bulgarian
eber meaning "wild boar"... German and Dutch form of known in English as the was derived from FABIUS... FRANZISKA f German Feminine form of GABRIEL
[more] ELIZABETH... [more] Angles, and beraht [more] German feminine form of GABRIELE (2) f German
EBERHARD m German, ELISE f German, Swedish, "bright"... [more] FABIOLA f Italian, Franciscus (see FRANCIS). German feminine form of
Ancient Germanic Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, ERDMANN m German Spanish, French, German, FRAUKE f German GABRIEL
German form of EVERARD English Variant of HARTMANN Ancient Roman Means "little lady", derived GEBBERT m Low German
ECKART m German Short form of ELIZABETH ERHARD m German, Diminutive of FABIA... from German frau Low German form of
Variant of EKKEHARD ELKE (1) f Dutch, German, Ancient Germanic [more] combined with a diminutive GEBHARD
ECKBERT m German Frisian Means "honour and FALK m German, Yiddish suffix. GEBHARD m German,
German cognate of Frisian diminutive of bravery", derived from the Means "falcon" in German FRED m English, Dutch, Ancient Germanic
EGBERT ADELHEID Germanic elements era and Yiddish. German, French, Derived from the Germanic
ECKEHARD m German ELLI (1) f German "honour, respect" and hard FELICIE f German Portuguese element geb "gift"
Variant of EKKEHARD German diminutive of "brave, hardy". German form of FELICIA Short form of FREDERICK combined with hard "brave,
ECKHARD m German ELIZABETH ERICH m German FELICITAS (1) f German, or other names containing hardy"... [more]
Variant of EKKEHARD ELMA f Dutch, German German form of ERIC... Late Roman the same element... [more] GEERT m Low German,
ECKHART m German Short form of WILHELMINE [more] Late Latin name which FREJ m Danish, Swedish, Dutch
Variant of EKKEHARD or names ending in elma, ERIK m Swedish, meant "good luck, German Low German and Dutch
EDITH f English, German, such as ANSELMA. Norwegian, Danish, fortune"... [more] Danish, Swedish and contracted form of
Swedish, Norwegian, ELMO m English, German, Finnish, Czech, Slovak, FELIX m German, Dutch, German form of FREYR GERHARD
Danish, Dutch Italian Slovene, Croatian, Swedish, Norwegian, FREJA f Danish, Swedish, GEORG m German,
From the Old English name Originally a short form of Hungarian, German, Dutch, Danish, English, Romanian, German Swedish, Norwegian,
Eadgyð, derived from the Germanic names that English Ancient Roman, Biblical, Danish, Swedish and Danish, Estonian
elements ead "rich, began with the element Form of ERIC... [more] Biblical Latin German form of FREYA German form of
GEORGE... [more] Ancient Germanic Diminutive of GRETE... a German and Dutch short Diminutive of HEINRICH Armenian
GEORGINA f English, German form of [more] form of JOHANNA... [more] HEINO m German, Form of HENRY
Dutch, German, Spanish GERVASIUS GUDRUN f Norse HANNE (2) f German, Finnish, Estonian HENRIKE f German,
Feminine form of GEORGE GILBERT m English, Mythology, Swedish, Swedish, Norwegian, German form of Haimo Swedish, Norwegian,
GERALD m English, French, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Danish, Danish (see HAMO). Danish
German Ancient Germanic German Variant of HANNA (1) HEINRICH m German, German and Scandinavian
From a Germanic name Means "bright pledge", From the Old Norse name HANNELORE f German Ancient Germanic feminine form of HENRY
meaning "rule of the spear", derived from the Germanic Guðrún meaning "god's Combination of HANNE (1) German form of HENRY... HERBERT m English,
from the elements ger elements gisil "pledge, secret lore", derived from and ELEONORE [more] German, French, Slovene,
"spear" and wald "rule"... hostage" and beraht the elements guð "god" and HANNES m Dutch, HEINRIKE f German Polish
[more] "bright"... [more] rún "secret lore"... [more] German, Finnish Feminine form of Derived from the Germanic
GERD (1) m German, GISA f German GUIDO m Italian, German Short form of JOHANNES HEINRICH elements hari "army" and
Dutch German short form of Latinized form of WIDO... HANS m German, Dutch, HEINZ m German beraht "bright"... [more]
Short form of GERHARD GISELLE [more] Swedish, Norwegian, Diminutive of HEINRICH HERIBERT m German
GERDA (1) f German, GISBERT m German, GUNDA f German, Danish HELENA f German, Dutch, German form of HERBERT
Dutch Ancient Germanic Swedish, Norwegian, German, Dutch and Swedish, Norwegian, HERMANN m German
Feminine form of GERD (1) From a Germanic name in Danish, Ancient Germanic Scandinavian short form of Danish, Portuguese, Polish, German form of HERMAN
GEREON m German, Late which the second element Short form of names JOHANNES... [more] Czech, Slovak, Finnish, HERMENEGILD m
Roman is beraht "bright"... [more] containing the Germanic HARALD m Swedish, Estonian, Slovene, German
Possibly derived from GISELA f German, Dutch, element gund which means Norwegian, Danish, Croatian, English, Ancient German form of
Greek γερων (geron) Spanish, Portuguese "war". German Greek (Latinized), Greek HERMENEGILDO
meaning "old man"... [more] German, Dutch, Spanish GUNDULA f German Scandinavian and German Mythology (Latinized) HERMINE f German,
GERFRIED m German and Portuguese form of Elaborated form of GUNDA cognate of HAROLD... Latinate form of HELEN French
Derived from the Germanic GISELLE GÜNTER m German [more] HELENE f German, German feminine form of
elements ger "spear" and GITTA f German Variant of GÜNTHER HARTMANN m German Swedish, Norwegian, HERMAN
frid "peace". German short form of GUNTER m German Means "brave man", Danish, Ancient Greek, HERTA f German
GERHARD m German, BRIGITTA Variant of GÜNTHER derived from the Germanic Greek Mythology Variant of HERTHA
Dutch, Swedish, Ancient GITTE f German GÜNTHER m German, element hard "brave, Ancient Greek form of HERTHA f German
Germanic German short form of Germanic Mythology hardy" combined with man. HELEN, as well as the Form of NERTHUS...
German, Dutch and BRIGITTE From the Germanic name HARTMUT m German, modern German and [more]
Swedish form of GERARD GLORIA f English, Italian, Gundahar, derived from the Ancient Germanic Scandinavian form. HIERONYMUS m
GERHARDT m German Spanish, Portuguese, elements gund "war" and Means "brave mind", HELFRIED m German German, Dutch (Archaic),
German form of GERARD German, Polish hari "army, warrior"... derived from the Germanic Variant of HELMFRIED Ancient Greek (Latinized)
GERHILD f German, Means "glory" in Latin... [more] elements hard "brave, HELGA f Swedish, Latin form of JEROME
Ancient Germanic [more] GUNTHER m German hardy" and muot "mind, Norwegian, Danish, used in Germany and the
Derived from the Germanic GOTTFRIED m German Variant of GÜNTHER spirit". German, Ancient Netherlands... [more]
elements ger "spear" and German form of GUNTRAM m German HARTWIG m German, Scandinavian HILBERT m German
hild "battle". GODFREY... [more] Means "war raven" from the Ancient Germanic Feminine form of HELGE Variant of HILDEBERT
GERHOLD m German GOTTHARD m German Germanic elements gund Derived from the Germanic HELGE m Swedish, HILDA f English, German,
(Archaic) German form of "war" and hramn "raven"... elements hard "brave, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Swedish,
German form of GERALD GODEHARD [more] hardy" and wig "battle". German Norwegian, Danish,
GERLINDE f German GOTTHILF m German GUSTAF m Swedish, HARTWIN m German, From the from Old Norse Spanish, Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Germanic Derived from German Gott German Ancient Germanic name Helgi, derived from (Latinized), Ancient
element ger "spear" "God" and hilf "help"... Swedish and German Means "brave friend" from heilagr meaning "holy, Germanic
combined with linde "soft, [more] variant of GUSTAV the Germanic elements blessed". Originally a short form of
tender". GOTTHOLD m German GUSTAV m Swedish, hard "brave, hardy" and win HELLA f Swedish, names containing the
GERNOT m German, Derived from German Gott Norwegian, Danish, "friend". Norwegian, Danish, Germanic element hild
Ancient Germanic "God" and hold "lovely"... German HEDWIG f German German "battle"... [more]
Derived from the Germanic [more] Possibly means "staff of the From the Germanic name Variant of HELGA HILDE f German, Dutch
elements ger "spear" and GOTTLIEB m German Goths", derived from the Hadewig, derived from the HELMA f German, Dutch German and Dutch variant
hnod "crush". German form of GOTELEIB Old Norse elements Gautr Germanic elements hadu Short form of WILHELMINA of HILDA
GERO m German, Ancient GOTTLOB m German "Goth" and stafr "staff"... "battle, combat" and wig HELMFRIED m German HILDEBERT m German
Germanic Derived from German Gott [more] "war"... [more] Derived from the Germanic Means "bright battle" from
Short form of names "God" and lob "praise"... HAGEN (1) m German HEDY f German, Dutch elements helm "helmet" the Germanic elements hild
beginning with the [more] Derived from the Germanic Diminutive of HEDWIG and and frid "peace". "battle" and beraht "bright".
Germanic element ger GOTTSCHALK m German element hagan meaning other Germanic names HELMINE f German HILDEBRAND m German
meaning "spear". (Archaic) "enclosure". beginning with the element Short form of WILHELMINE (Archaic), Ancient
GEROLD m German, Derived from the Germanic HANKE m Low German hadu meaning "battle, HELMUT m German, Germanic
Ancient Germanic elements god "god" and Low German diminutive of combat". Ancient Germanic Means "battle sword",
German form of GERALD scalc "servant"... [more] JOHAN HEIDA f German Derived from the Germanic derived from the Germanic
GERT m German, Dutch GRATIA f German HANNA (1) f Swedish, German diminutive of elements helm "helmet" element hild "battle"
German and Dutch short Means "grace" in Latin. Norwegian, Danish, ADELHEID and muot "spirit, mind". combined with brand
form of GERHARD GREGOR m German, Finnish, Polish, Ukrainian, HEIDI f German, Swedish, HELMUTH m German "sword"... [more]
GERTRAUD f German Scottish, Slovak, Slovene German, Dutch, Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish, Variant of HELMUT HILDEGARD f German,
German form of German, Scottish, Slovak Hungarian Finnish, English HENDRIK m Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian,
GERTRUDE and Slovene form of Cognate of HANNAH German diminutive of German, Estonian Danish, Ancient Germanic
GERTRUD f German, GREGORY... [more] HANNA (2) f German, ADELHEID... [more] Dutch and Estonian Derived from the Germanic
Ancient Germanic GRETA f Swedish, Swedish, Norwegian, HEIKE f & m Low German, cognate of HENRY elements hild "battle" and
German form of German, English Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Frisian, Dutch HENNING m German, gard "enclosure"... [more]
GERTRUDE Short form of Hungarian Low German diminutive of Danish, Norwegian, HILDEGARDE f German,
GERTRUDE f English, MARGARETA... [more] Short form of JOHANNA HENRIKE or HEINRICH Swedish Swedish, Norwegian,
German, Dutch GRETCHEN f German, HANNAH f English, HEIKO m Low German, Diminutive of HENRIK Danish
Means "spear of strength", English Hebrew, French, German, Frisian, Dutch HENRIETTE f French, Variant of HILDEGARD
derived from the Germanic German diminutive of Dutch, Biblical Low German diminutive of German, Dutch, Danish, HILTRAUD f German
elements ger "spear" and MARGARETA From the Hebrew name HEINRICH Norwegian Means "strength in battle",
þruþ "strength"... [more] GRETE f German, Danish, ‫( ַח ָּנה‬Channah) meaning HEILWIG f German French feminine diminutive derived from the Germanic
GERULF m German, Norwegian "favour" or "grace"... [more] Derived from the Germanic of HENRY elements hild "battle" and
Ancient Germanic German, Danish and HANNE (1) f & m Danish, elements heil "happy, HENRIK m Swedish, þruþ "strength".
Derived from Germanic ger Norwegian short form of Norwegian, German, Dutch hearty, healthy" and wig Norwegian, Danish, HILTRUD f German
"spear" and wulf "wolf". MARGARET Danish and Norwegian "war". German, Hungarian, Variant of HILTRAUD
GERVAS m German, GRETEL f German short form of JOHANNE, or HEINER m German Slovene, Croatian, HILTRUDE f German
Variant of HILTRAUD Norwegian, Danish, Germanic element ermen, Form of JOHANNES... Swedish, Norwegian, GEORGE
HINRICH m Low German Finnish, German, Russian, which meant "whole, [more] Danish, German JUSTINE f French,
Low German form of Ancient Scandinavian, universal"... [more] JANA (1) f Dutch, German, Spanish form of English, Dutch, German
HEINRICH Ancient Germanic IRMENTRUD f German Czech, Slovak, Slovene, JONATHAN, as well as a French feminine form of
HORST m German Strictly feminine form of (Archaic) Catalan Scandinavian and German Iustinus (see JUSTIN)...
Means "wood, thicket" in INGE German form of Feminine form of JAN (1) variant form. [more]
German... [more] INGE m & f Swedish, ERMENDRUD JANINA f Polish, Finnish, JONATHAN m English, JUSTUS m German,
HUBERT m English, Norwegian, Danish, IRMGARD f German German, Swedish, German, Swedish, Dutch, Late Roman
German, Dutch, French, German, Dutch Contracted form of Lithuanian Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Latin name which meant
Polish, Ancient Germanic Short form of Scandinavian IRMINGARD Latinate form of JEANNINE French, Biblical "just". This name was borne
Means "bright heart", and German names IRMHILD f German JASMIN (1) f German, From the Hebrew name by at least eight saints.
derived from the Germanic beginning with the element Derived from the Germanic English ‫( ְיהֹוָנָת ן‬Yehonatan) JUTTA f German
elements hug "heart, mind" ing, which refers to the elements ermen "whole, German form and English (contracted to ‫יֹוָנָת ן‬ German form of JUDITH...
and beraht "bright"... [more] Germanic god ING... [more] universal" and hild "battle". variant of JASMINE (Yonatan)) meaning [more]
HUBERTUS m Dutch, INGEBORG f Swedish, IRMINGARD f German JEREMIAS m German, "YAHWEH has given"... JUTTE f German
German, Ancient Germanic Norwegian, Danish, Derived from the Germanic Portuguese, Finnish [more] Variant of JUTTA
(Latinized) German elements ermen meaning German, Portuguese and JÖRDIS f German KAI (1) m Frisian, German,
Latinized form of HUBERT From the Old Norse name "whole, universal" and gard Finnish form of JEREMIAH German form of HJÖRDÍS Swedish, Norwegian,
HUGO m Spanish, Ingibjörg, which was meaning "enclosure". JESSICA f English, JÖRG m German Danish, Finnish, Dutch
Portuguese, Catalan, derived from the name of IRMTRAUD f German French, German, Swedish, German short form of Meaning uncertain,
English, Dutch, German, the Germanic god ING Contracted form of Norwegian, Danish, Italian GEORGE possibly a Frisian
Swedish, Norwegian, combined with björg IRMENTRUD This name was first used in JOSEF m German, diminutive of GERHARD,
Danish, Ancient Germanic meaning "protection, help". IRMTRUD f German this form by Shakespeare Swedish, Norwegian, NICOLAAS, CORNELIS or
(Latinized) INGEBURG f German, Variant of IRMTRAUD in his play 'The Merchant of Danish, Czech GAIUS.
Latinized form of HUGH... Ancient Germanic ISA (2) f German, Dutch, Venice' (1596), where it German, Scandinavian and KAREN (1) f Danish,
[more] German form of Italian, Spanish belongs to the daughter of Czech form of JOSEPH Norwegian, German,
HULDA (1) f Swedish, INGEBORG Short form of ISABELLA Shylock... [more] JOSEFINE f German English
Norwegian, Danish, INGO m German, Ancient ISAAK m Russian, JESSIKA f German, German form of Danish short form of
German, Norse Mythology Germanic German, Biblical Greek English (Modern) JOSÉPHINE KATHERINE... [more]
Derived from Old Norse German masculine form of Russian and German form German and English JOSEPH m English, KARIN f Swedish,
hulda meaning "hiding, INGE of ISAAC, as well as the variant of JESSICA French, German, Biblical Norwegian, Danish,
secrecy"... [more] INGOLF m Swedish, form used in the Greek Old JO f & m English, German, From Ioseph, the Latin form German, Dutch, Finnish,
HUMBERT m German, Norwegian, Danish, Testament. Dutch of Greek Ιωσηφ (Ioseph), English
French, English (Rare), German ISABEL f Spanish, Short form of JOAN (1), which was from the Hebrew Swedish short form of
Ancient Germanic From the Old Norse name Portuguese, English, JOANNA, JOSEPHINE, or name ‫( יֹוֵס ף‬Yosef) meaning KATHERINE
Means "bright warrior", Ingólfr, which was derived French, German other names that begin with "he will add"... [more] KARINA f Swedish,
derived from the Germanic from the name of the Medieval Occitan form of Jo... [more] JOSEPHA f German Danish, Norwegian, Polish,
elements hun "warrior, bear Germanic god ING ELIZABETH... [more] JOACHIM m French, (Archaic), English (Rare) German, Russian, English
cub" and beraht "bright"... combined with úlfr meaning ISABELL f German German, Polish, Judeo- Feminine form of JOSEPH Elaborated form of KARIN
[more] "wolf". German variant of ISABEL Christian Legend JOSEPHINE f English, KARL m German,
HUPPERT m Low German INGOMAR m German, ISABELLA f Italian, Contracted form of German Swedish, Norwegian,
Low German form of Ancient Germanic German, English, Swedish, JEHOIACHIN or English and German form Danish, English, Finnish,
HUBERT German form of INGEMAR Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, JEHOIAKIM... [more] of JOSÉPHINE Ancient Germanic
IDA f English, German, INGRID f Swedish, Romanian JOCHEM m German, JUDITH f English, Jewish, German and Scandinavian
Swedish, Norwegian, Norwegian, Danish, Latinate form of ISABEL... Dutch French, German, Spanish, form of CHARLES... [more]
Danish, Dutch, Italian, German [more] German and Dutch form of Biblical KARLA f German,
Spanish, Portuguese, From the Old Norse name ISABELLE f French, JOACHIM From the Hebrew name Swedish, Norwegian,
Hungarian, Slovene, Ingríðr meaning "Ing is English, German, Dutch JOCHEN m German ‫( ְיהּוִד ית‬Yehudit) meaning Danish, Croatian
Croatian, Ancient Germanic beautiful", derived from the French form of ISABEL German form of JOACHIM "woman from Judea", German, Scandinavian and
Derived from the Germanic name of the Germanic god ISIDOR m German, JOCHIM m German Judea being an ancient Croatian feminine form of
element id meaning "work, ING combined with fríðr Russian, Macedonian German form of JOACHIM region in Israel... [more] CHARLES
labour"... [more] "beautiful"... [more] German, Russian and JOHAN m Swedish, JULIA f English, German, KARLMANN m German
IGNATZ m German INKA f Frisian, Finnish, Macedonian form of Norwegian, Danish, Low Swedish, Norwegian, German form of
German form of IGNATIUS German ISIDORE German, Dutch, Czech Danish, Dutch, Spanish, CARLOMAN
ILONA f Hungarian, Frisian and Finnish ISOLDE f English (Rare), Scandinavian, Low German Polish, Finnish, Ancient KAROLA f Hungarian,
German, Finnish, Latvian, feminine form of INGE, and German, Celtic Mythology and Czech form of Roman, Biblical German
Lithuanian, Polish, Czech a German variant. The origins of this name Iohannes (see JOHN). Feminine form of JULIUS... Hungarian and German
Possibly a Hungarian form IRENE f English, Italian, are uncertain, though some JOHANN m German [more] feminine form of CAROLUS
of HELEN Spanish, Portuguese, Celtic roots have been German form of Iohannes JULIAN m English, Polish, KAROLINA f Polish,
ILSA f German Swedish, Norwegian, suggested... [more] (see JOHN)... [more] German Swedish, Norwegian,
Variant of ILSE Danish, Finnish, German, IVO (1) m German, Dutch, JOHANNA f German, From the Roman name Danish, Hungarian,
ILSE f German, Dutch Ancient Greek (Latinized), Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Swedish, Norwegian, Iulianus, which was derived Slovene, Croatian,
German and Dutch Greek Mythology Ancient Germanic Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, from JULIUS... [more] Macedonian, Lithuanian,
diminutive of ELISABETH (Latinized) Germanic name, originally Finnish, Estonian, English, JULIANA f Dutch, German, German
IMKE f German From Greek Ειρηνη a short form of names Late Roman English, Spanish, Feminine form of
Diminutive of IMMA (Eirene), derived from a beginning with the Latinate form of Ioanna Portuguese, Ancient CAROLUS
IMMA f Low German word meaning "peace"... Germanic element iv (see JOANNA). Roman KAROLINE f German,
Low German form of IRMA [more] meaning "yew"... [more] JOHANNES m German, Feminine form of Iulianus Danish, Norwegian
IMMANUEL m German, IRIS f Greek Mythology, IVONNE f German Dutch, Swedish, (see JULIAN)... [more] Feminine form of
Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical English, German, Dutch, German variant of Norwegian, Danish, JULIANE f French, CAROLUS
Hebrew Swedish, Norwegian, YVONNE Finnish, Estonian, Late German KARSTEN m Low German
Form of EMMANUEL used Danish, Finnish, French, JAKOB m German, Roman French and German Low German form of
in most translations of the Spanish Swedish, Norwegian, Latin form of Ioannes (see feminine form of JULIAN CHRISTIAN
Old Testament... [more] Means "rainbow" in Danish, Dutch, Slovene, JOHN)... [more] JULIUS m Ancient Roman, KASIMIR m German
INA f English, German, Greek... [more] Estonian, Croatian JONAS (2) m Swedish, English, German German form of CASIMIR
Swedish, Norwegian, IRMA f German, Cognate of JACOB (or Norwegian, Danish, From a Roman family name KASIMIRA f German
Danish, Dutch, Limburgish, Hungarian, Finnish, JAMES). German, Dutch, Biblical which was possibly derived (Archaic)
Croatian Spanish, Italian, Slovene, JAN (1) m Dutch, Swedish, From Ιωνας (Ionas), the from Greek ιουλος (ioulos) Feminine form of KASIMIR
Short form of names ending English, Ancient Germanic Norwegian, Danish, Czech, Greek form of JONAH... "downy-bearded"... [more] KASPAR m German
with ina. German short form of Polish, Slovene, German, [more] JÜRGEN m Low German German form of JASPER
INGA f Swedish, names beginning with the Catalan JONATAN m Spanish, Low German form of KATARINA f German,
Swedish, Norwegian, short form of NICHOLAS Scandinavian and German Croatian German diminutive of Norwegian, Danish,
Danish, Hungarian, KLARA f Swedish, form of CHRISTINA Form of LEAH ELISABETH Romanian, Slovak, Ancient
Croatian, Serbian, Slovene Norwegian, Danish, KRISTINA f Swedish, LEBERECHT m German LIESELOTTE f German Roman
Cognate of KATHERINE German, Russian, Norwegian, Danish, Means "live rightly" from Variant of LISELOTTE Feminine form of LUCIUS...
KATARINE f German Ukrainian, Polish, Slovene, Russian, German, Slovene, German lebe "live" and LIESL f German [more]
German form of Croatian Czech, Lithuanian, Serbian, recht "right"... [more] German short form of LUDGER m Low German,
KATHERINE Form of CLARA Croatian, English, LENA f Swedish, ELISABETH Dutch
KATHARINA f German, KLAUS m German, Bulgarian Norwegian, Danish, LILI f German, French, Low German and Dutch
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish Cognate of CHRISTINA, German, Polish, Russian, Hungarian form of LUITGER... [more]
Danish German short form of and a Bulgarian variant of English, Italian, Portuguese German, French and LUDOLF m German,
German form of NICHOLAS HRISTINA. Scandinavian, German and Hungarian diminutive of Dutch, Ancient Germanic
KATHERINE KLEMENS m German, KRISTINE f Swedish, Polish short form of ELISABETH, also From the Germanic name
KATHARINE f English, Danish, Swedish, Polish Norwegian, Danish, HELENA or MAGDALENA, sometimes connected to Hludwolf which was
German German, Danish, Swedish German and a Russian short form of the German word lilie composed of the elements
English variant of and Polish form of Clemens Scandinavian and German YELENA. meaning "lily"... [more] hlud "fame" and wolf "wolf".
KATHERINE and German (see CLEMENT)... [more] form of CHRISTINE LENE f German, Danish, LILLI f German, Finnish LUDWIG m German
variant of KATHARINA... KNUT m Swedish, KUNIBERT m German, Norwegian German variant of LILI and From the Germanic name
[more] Norwegian, Danish, Ancient Germanic German, Danish and a Finnish variant of LILJA. Chlodovech which meant
KÄTHE f German German Means "brave and bright" Norwegian short form of LILO f German "famous warrior",
German diminutive of Derived from Old Norse from the Germanic HELENE or MAGDALENE Short form of LISELOTTE composed of the elements
KATHERINE knútr meaning "knot"... elements kuni "clan, family" LENI f German LINDA f English, Dutch, hlud "fame" and wig
KATHERINA f English [more] and beraht "bright". German diminutive of German, Swedish, "warrior"... [more]
(Rare), German KOLMAN m German KUNIGUNDE f German HELENE or MAGDALENA Norwegian, Danish, LUISE f German
Latinate form of (Rare) Derived from the Germanic LENNART m Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Italian, German form of LOUISE
KATHERINE... [more] Variant of KOLOMAN element kuni "clan, family" Norwegian, Danish, Low Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, LUITGARD f German,
KATHRIN f German KOLOMAN m German, combined with gund "war"... German, Finnish Bulgarian, Croatian, Ancient Germanic
German short form of Czech, Slovak [more] Swedish and Low German Ancient Germanic From the Germanic name
KATHARINA German, Czech and Slovak KUNO m German, Ancient form of LEONARD Originally a medieval short Leutgard which was
KATINKA f German, Dutch form of COLMÁN... [more] Germanic LENZ m German form of Germanic names derived from the elements
German form of KATENKA KONRAD m German, Derived from Germanic Short form of LORENZ... containing the element leud "people" and gard
KATJA f German, Swedish, Norwegian, kuni meaning "clan, family". [more] linde meaning "soft, "enclosure"... [more]
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Slovene KURT m German LEO m German, Dutch, tender"... [more] LUITGER m German
Danish, Dutch, Slovene German, Scandinavian, German contracted form of Swedish, Norwegian, LINUS m Greek Mythology From the Germanic name
German, Scandinavian, Polish and Slovene form of CONRAD Danish, Finnish, English, (Latinized), Ancient Greek Leudagar which was
Dutch and Slovene form of CONRAD LAMBERT m German, Croatian, Late Roman (Latinized), German, derived from the elements
KATYA KONSTANTIN m German, Dutch, French, English, Derived from Latin leo Swedish, Norwegian, leud "people" and ger
KATRIN f German, Hungarian, Russian, Ancient Germanic "lion", a cognate of LEON... Danish "spear".
Swedish, Estonian Serbian, Bulgarian, Derived from the Germanic [more] From the Greek name LUITPOLD m German
German, Swedish and Macedonian elements land "land" and LEON m English, German, Λινος (Linos) meaning German variant of
Estonian short form of Cognate of CONSTANTINE beraht "bright"... [more] Polish, Slovene, Croatian, "flax"... [more] LEOPOLD
KATHERINE KONSTANZE f German LAMMERT m Dutch, Low Dutch, Ancient Greek LISA f English, German, LUKAS m German,
KATRINA f English, German form of German Derived from Greek λεων Dutch, Swedish, Swedish, Norwegian,
German, Swedish, Dutch CONSTANTIA Dutch and Low German (leon) meaning "lion"... Norwegian, Danish, Italian Danish, Lithuanian
Variant of CATRIONA... KORA f German form of LAMBERT [more] Short form of ELIZABETH, German, Scandinavian and
[more] German variant of CORA LAMPRECHT m German LEONA f English, German ELISABETH, ELISABET or Lithuanian form of LUKE
KAY (3) m Frisian, KORBINIAN m German (Archaic), Ancient Feminine form of LEON ELISABETTA... [more] LULU (1) f German
German, Swedish, Derived from Latin corvus Germanic LEONARD m English, LISBETH f German Diminutive of names that
Norwegian, Danish meaning "raven"... [more] German form of LAMBERT Polish, Dutch, German, German short form of begin with Lu, especially
Variant of KAI (1) KÖRBL m German LANZO m German, Ancient Germanic ELISABETH LUISE.
KAYETAN m German Diminutive of KORBINIAN Ancient Germanic Means "brave lion", derived LISELOTTE f German, LUTGARD f German
German form of Caietanus KORD m Low German German form of LANCE from the Germanic Danish (Archaic)
(see GAETANO). Low German contracted LARA (1) f Russian, elements levon "lion" and Contraction of LISA and Variant of LUITGARD
KERSTIN f Low German, form of CONRAD English, German, French, hard "brave, hardy"... CHARLOTTE LUTZ m German
Swedish KORNELIA f German, Italian, Spanish, [more] LORE (1) f German German diminutive of
Low German and Swedish Polish Portuguese, Dutch, LEONHARD m German German diminutive of LUDWIG
form of CHRISTINA German and Polish form of Hungarian, Slovene, German form of ELEONORE LUZIA f Portuguese,
KEVIN m English, Irish, CORNELIA Croatian LEONARD... [more] LORENZ m German German
French, German, Dutch, KRESZENTIA f German Russian short form of LEONIE f German, Dutch German form of Laurentius Portuguese and German
Swedish, Norwegian, German feminine form of LARISA... [more] German and Dutch (see LAURENCE (1)). form of LUCIA
Danish CRESCENTIUS LARS m Swedish, feminine form of LEONIUS LOTHAR m German, LYDIA f English, German,
Anglicized form of the Irish KRESZENZ f German Norwegian, Danish, LEONORE f German Ancient Germanic Finnish, Biblical, Old
name Caoimhín, derived German feminine form of Finnish, Dutch, German German short form of From the Germanic name Church Slavic, Biblical
from the older Irish CRESCENTIUS Scandinavian form of ELEANOR Chlodochar meaning Latin, Biblical Greek
Cóemgein, composed of KRIEMHILD f German, LAURENCE (1) LEOPOLD m German, "famous army", derived Means "from Lydia" in
the Old Irish elements Germanic Mythology LAURA f English, Spanish, Dutch, English, Slovene, from the elements hlud Greek... [more]
cóem "kind, gentle, Derived from the Germanic Italian, Portuguese, Polish "fame" and hari "army"... MAGDA f German, Dutch,
handsome" and gein elements grim "mask" and Romanian, Finnish, Derived from the Germanic [more] Swedish, Norwegian,
"birth"... [more] hild "battle"... [more] Estonian, Hungarian, elements leud "people" and LOTTE f German, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Polish,
KIKI f English, German, KRIEMHILDE f German Polish, Slovene, Croatian, bald "bold"... [more] Danish Croatian, Romanian,
Greek Variant of KRIEMHILD Swedish, Norwegian, LIANE f German Short form of LISELOTTE Portuguese
Diminutive of names KRIMHILDE f German Danish, German, Dutch, Short form of JULIANE or CHARLOTTE Short form of MAGDALENA
beginning with or Variant of KRIEMHILD Late Roman LIES f German, Dutch LOUISA f English, MAGDALENA f German,
containing the sound K. KRISTA f German, Feminine form of the Late German and Dutch German, Dutch Dutch, Swedish,
KILIAN m Irish, German English, Finnish Latin name Laurus, which diminutive of ELISABETH Latinate feminine form of Norwegian, Spanish,
Irish variant and German Short form of KRISTINA meant "laurel"... [more] LIESA f German LOUIS Occitan, Slovene, Czech,
form of CILLIAN KRISTIANE f German LAURENZ m German German diminutive of LUCA (1) m Italian, Polish, Bulgarian,
KINGE f German German form of German form of Laurentius ELISABETH Romanian, German Macedonian, Croatian,
Diminutive of KUNIGUNDE CHRISTINA (see LAURENCE (1)). LIESE f German, Dutch Italian and Romanian form Serbian, Romanian,
KLAAS m Low German, KRISTIN f Swedish, LEA f German, Dutch, German and Dutch of LUKE... [more] Finnish, English
Dutch Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, diminutive of ELISABETH LUCIA f Italian, German, Latinate form of
Low German and Dutch German, English Danish, Finnish, Slovene, LIESEL f German English, Swedish, MAGDALENE
MAGDALENE f German, MARGARETHA f Dutch, German [more] Finnish short form of Slovak, Croatian, Serbian
Danish, English, Biblical, German French and German form of MAXIMILIANE f German VILHELMIINA. Short form of names that
Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek Dutch and German form of MARTHA German feminine form of MIRIAM f Hebrew, English, end in nina, such as
From a title which meant MARGARET MARTIN m English, MAXIMILIAN German, Biblical, Biblical ANTONINA or GIANNINA...
"of Magdala"... [more] MARGARETHE f German, French, German, Swedish, MECHTHILD f German Hebrew [more]
MAIKE f Frisian, German Danish Norwegian, Danish, German variant of Original Hebrew form of NORA f Irish, English,
Frisian diminutive of MARIA German and Danish form of Russian, Romanian, MATHILDE MARY... [more] Swedish, Norwegian,
MAJA (1) f German, MARGARET Czech, Slovak, Slovene, MECHTILDE f German MIRJAM f Dutch, German, Danish, German, Dutch,
Swedish, Norwegian, MARGRIT f German Croatian, Hungarian, German variant of Finnish, Estonian, Slovene, Italian
Danish, Polish, Slovene, German variant form of Bulgarian, Macedonian, MATHILDE Serbian, Croatian Short form of HONORA or
Croatian, Serbian MARGARET Finnish MEIKE f German, Dutch Form of MIRIAM ELEANOR... [more]
Form of MAIA (1) MARIA f & m Italian, From the Roman name German and Dutch MITZI f German NORBERT m German,
MAJA (2) f German, Portuguese, Catalan, Martinus, which was diminutive of MARIA German diminutive of English, Dutch, French,
Swedish, Norwegian, Occitan, German, Swedish, derived from Martis, the MEINARD m German MARIA Hungarian, Polish, Ancient
Danish, Polish, Slovene, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, genitive case of the name Variant of MEINHARD MONIKA f German, Germanic
Croatian, Serbian, Czech, Frisian, Greek, Polish, of the Roman god MARS... MEINE m Frisian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Derived from the Germanic
Slovak Romanian, English, [more] German Danish, Czech, Slovak, elements nord "north" and
Diminutive of MARIA Finnish, Icelandic, MARTINA f German, Originally a short form of Polish, Slovene, Croatian, beraht "bright"... [more]
MALTE m Danish, Corsican, Basque, Biblical Swedish, Norwegian, Germanic names beginning Lithuanian, Latvian ODA f German, Ancient
Swedish, German Greek, Biblical Latin, Old Danish, Dutch, Italian, with the element magan Form of MONICA Germanic
Short form of the Germanic Church Slavic Spanish, Catalan, meaning "strength". MORITZ m German Feminine form of Odo (see
name HELMOLD Latin form of Greek Μαρια, Portuguese, English, MEINHARD m German German form of MAURICE OTTO).
MALTHE m Danish, from Hebrew ‫( ִמְרָים‬see Czech, Croatian, Slovak, German form of MOSE m German ODILIE f German (Archaic)
German MARY)... [more] Slovene, Ancient Roman MEGINHARD German variant of MOSES Variant of ODILIA
Variant of MALTE MARIANNE f French, Feminine form of Martinus MEINO m German, Dutch, NADJA f German, Slovene OLAF m Norwegian,
MANFRED m German, English, German, Dutch, (see MARTIN)... [more] Ancient Germanic German and Slovene form Danish, German, Dutch,
Dutch, Polish Swedish, Norwegian, MARVIN m English, Variant of MEINE of NADYA (1) Polish
Derived from the Germanic Danish, Finnish German MEINRAD m German, NATALIE f French, From the Old Norse name
elements magan "strength" Originally a French Probably from an English Ancient Germanic English, German Áleifr meaning "ancestor's
and frid "peace"... [more] diminutive of MARIE... surname which was derived Derived from the Germanic From the Late Latin name descendent", derived from
[more] from the given name elements magan "strength, Natalia, which meant the elements anu
MARIE f French, Czech, MERVYN... [more] might" and rad "counsel"... "Christmas Day" from Latin "ancestor" and leifr
MANFRIED m German German, English, Swedish, MARWIN m German [more] natale domini... [more] "descendent"... [more]
German form of MANFRED Norwegian, Danish German variant of MARVIN MELANIE f English, NATHALIE f French, OLGA f Russian, Swedish,
MANUEL m Spanish, French and Czech form of MARZELL m German German, Dutch German Norwegian, Danish,
Portuguese, German, MARIA... [more] German variant of From the French form of French and German variant German, Hungarian, Polish,
Romanian, English, Italian, MARIELE f German MARCELLUS the Latin name Melania, of NATALIE Romanian, Czech,
Late Greek (Latinized) German diminutive of MATHIAS m French, derived from Greek μελαινα NELE f German Slovene, Serbian, Croatian,
Spanish and Portuguese MARIA German, Swedish, (melaina) meaning "black, Diminutive of CORNELIA Bulgarian, Macedonian,
form of EMMANUEL... MARINA f Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Danish dark"... [more] NICKOLAUS m German Portuguese, Spanish
[more] Portuguese, German, Variant of MATTHIAS MELITTA f Ancient Greek, Variant of NIKOLAUS Russian form of HELGA...
MANUELA f Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, MATHILDE f French, German NICO m Italian, Dutch, [more]
Portuguese, Romanian, Danish, Dutch, Greek, German, Dutch, Ancient Attic Greek variant German, Spanish, OLIVER m English,
German, Italian Russian, Romanian, Norwegian, Danish of MELISSA Portuguese German, Swedish,
Feminine form of MANUEL Bulgarian, Croatian, Cognate of MATILDA MENNO m Dutch, German Short form of NICHOLAS Norwegian, Danish,
MARCEL m French, Serbian, Macedonian, MATHIS m German, Diminutive of MEINE (or sometimes Finnish, Estonian, Serbian,
Catalan, Romanian, Polish, Georgian, Ancient Roman French MERTEN m Low German NICODEMUS). Croatian, Macedonian,
Czech, Slovak, Dutch, Feminine form of German and French form of Low German form of NICOLA (2) f German, Czech, Slovak
German MARINUS MATTHIAS MARTIN Czech, English From Olivier, a Norman
Form of MARCELLUS MARITA (1) f German, MATTHÄUS m German META f German, Swedish, Latinate feminine form of French form of a Germanic
MARCELL m Hungarian, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish German form of Norwegian, Danish NICHOLAS... [more] name such as ALFHER or
German Diminutive of MARIA MATTHEW, used to refer to German and Scandinavian NICOLAUS m German, an Old Norse name such
Hungarian and German MARIUS m Ancient the evangelist and apostle short form of MARGARET Ancient Greek (Latinized) as Áleifr (see OLAF)...
form of MARCELLUS Roman, German, Dutch, also known as Levi. MIA f Swedish, Norwegian, Latinized form of Nikolaos [more]
MARCELLA f Italian, Norwegian, Danish, MATTHIAS m Greek, Danish, Dutch, German, (see NICHOLAS)... [more] OLIVIA f English, Italian,
German, Ancient Roman French, Romanian German, Swedish, English NICOLE f French, English, Spanish, German, Finnish,
Feminine form of Roman family name which Norwegian, Danish, Scandinavian, Dutch and Dutch, German, Czech Swedish, Norwegian,
MARCELLUS was derived either from French, Dutch, Biblical, German diminutive of French feminine form of Danish
MARCELLUS m Ancient MARS, the name of the Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek MARIA... [more] NICHOLAS, commonly This name was first used in
Roman, German Roman god of War, or else Variant of Matthaios (see MICHAEL m English, used in the English- this spelling by William
Roman family name which from the Latin root mas, MATTHEW) which appears German, Swedish, speaking world since the Shakespeare for a
was originally a diminutive maris meaning "male"... in the New Testament as Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, middle of the 20th century... character in his comedy
of MARCUS... [more] [more] the name of the apostle Czech, Biblical, Biblical [more] 'Twelfth Night' (1602)...
MARCO m Italian, MARKUS m German, chosen to replace the Latin, Biblical Greek NIKLAUS m German [more]
Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, traitor Judas Iscariot... From the Hebrew name (Swiss) ORAL m German (Swiss)
German, Dutch Danish, Finnish [more] ‫( ִמ יָכֵא ל‬Mikha'el) meaning Swiss German form of Swiss form of AURELIUS
Italian form of MARK... German, Scandinavian and MATTIAS m German, "who is like God?"... [more] NICHOLAS ORTRUN f German
[more] Finnish form of MARK Swedish MICHAELA f German, NIKOLA (2) f German, Derived from the Germanic
MAREIKE f Frisian, MARLEN (2) f German Variant of MATTHIAS Swedish, English, Czech, Polish, Czech, Slovak elements ort "point" and rún
German Variant of MARLENE MAX m German, English, Slovak German, Polish, Czech and "secret".
Frisian and German MARLENE f German, Swedish, Norwegian, Feminine form of MICHAEL Slovak feminine form of ORTWIN m German,
diminutive of MARIA English Danish, Dutch MICHEL m French, NICHOLAS Ancient Germanic
MARGARETA f German, Blend of MARIA and Short form of MAXIMILIAN German, Dutch NIKOLAUS m German, Derived from the Germanic
Swedish, Norwegian, MAGDALENE... [more] (or sometimes of French form of MICHAEL... Swedish (Rare), Danish elements ort "point" and
Danish, Romanian, MARLIES f German, Dutch MAXWELL in English). [more] (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), win "friend".
Slovene, Dutch, Finnish, Combination of MARIA and MAXIMILIAN m German, MICHI (2) m & f German Finnish (Rare) OSKAR m Swedish,
Croatian LIES English, Swedish, German diminutive of German form of Norwegian, Danish,
Cognate of MARGARET MARLIS f German Norwegian, Danish MICHAEL or MICHAELA NICHOLAS German, Polish, Slovene
MARGARETE f German Combination of MARIA and From the Roman name MINNA f German, Finnish NINA (1) f Russian, Italian, Scandinavian, German,
German form of LIESE Maximilianus, which was German short form of English, German, French, Polish and Slovene form of
MARGARET MARTHE f French, derived from MAXIMUS... WILHELMINA and a Polish, Slovene, Czech, OSCAR
OSWALD m English, PETER m English, Ancient Germanic RENATE f German, Dutch, ROMAN m Russian, the original Welsh name of
German, Anglo-Saxon German, Dutch, Swedish, German form of RAYMOND Norwegian Polish, Czech, Slovak, the River Severn... [more]
Derived from the Old Norwegian, Danish, RAIMUNDE f German German, Dutch and Ukrainian, Slovene, SALOME f English,
English elements os "god" Slovene, Slovak, Biblical German feminine form of Norwegian feminine form of Croatian, German German, Biblical, Biblical
and weald "rule"... [more] Derived from the Greek RAYMOND RENATUS From the Late Latin name Latin, Biblical Greek
OTHMAR m German, Πετρος (Petros) meaning RAINER m German, RENÉ m French, German, Romanus which meant From an Aramaic name
Ancient Germanic "stone"... [more] Ancient Germanic Spanish, Slovak, Czech "Roman". which was related to the
From the Germanic name PETRA f Greek, German, German form of RAYNER French form of RENATUS... ROMY f German, English Hebrew word ‫ָׁש לֹום‬
Audamar, which was Swedish, Norwegian, RALF m German, [more] Diminutive of ROSEMARIE (shalom) meaning
derived from the elements Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, RETO m German (Swiss) or ROSEMARY "peace"... [more]
od "wealth, fortune" and Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Danish, English (Rare) Means "of Rhaetia"... ROSA (1) f Spanish, SANDRA f Italian, English,
meri "famous". Bulgarian, Croatian, Variant of RALPH [more] Italian, Portuguese, French, Portuguese,
OTMAR m German, Serbian, Macedonian, RALPH m English, RIA f German, Dutch Swedish, Norwegian, German, Dutch, Swedish,
Czech, Ancient Germanic Hungarian, English Swedish, Norwegian, Short form of MARIA Danish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Danish,
Variant of OTHMAR Feminine form of PETER... Danish, German RICARDA f Spanish, English Finnish, Latvian,
OTTILIE f German [more] Contracted form of the Old German Generally this can be Lithuanian, Slovene,
German form of ODILIA PETRONELLA f Dutch, Norse name RÁÐÚLFR (or Spanish and German considered a Latin form of Croatian, Serbian,
OTTMAR m German German, Swedish its Norman form Radulf)... feminine form of RICHARD ROSE, though originally it Macedonian, Romanian
Variant of OTHMAR Dutch, German and [more] RICHARD m English, may have come from the Short form of
OTTO m German, Swedish form of RAPHAEL m German, French, German, Czech, Germanic name ROZA ALESSANDRA... [more]
Swedish, Norwegian, PETRONILLA French, English, Biblical, Dutch, Ancient Germanic (2)... [more] SARA f Greek, Spanish,
Danish, Dutch, English, PETRUS m Dutch, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek Means "brave power", ROSALIE f French, Italian, Portuguese,
Finnish, Ancient Germanic German, Biblical Latin From the Hebrew name derived from the Germanic German, English Catalan, Swedish,
Later German form of Audo Latin form of PETER used ‫( ָרָפֵא ל‬Rafa'el) which elements ric "power, rule" French and German form of Norwegian, Danish,
or Odo, originally a short in Dutch and German. meant "God has healed"... and hard "brave, hardy"... ROSALIA... [more] Finnish, German, Dutch,
form of various names PHILIPP m German [more] [more] ROSEMARIE f German, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian,
beginning with the German form of PHILIP RAPHAELA f German RIKE f German Swedish, Norwegian, Macedonian, Polish,
Germanic element od PHILIPPA f English Feminine form of German short form of Danish English, Arabic, Iranian,
meaning "wealth, fortune"... (British), German RAPHAEL FRIEDERIKE, HENRIKE, Combination of ROSE and Bosnian
[more] Latinate feminine form of REBEKKA f German, and other names ending in MARIE Form of SARAH
OTTOKAR m German PHILIP Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, rike. ROSWITHA f German SARAH f English, French,
German form of PHILIPPINA f German Finnish, Biblical Greek RITA f Italian, English, Means "famous strength" German, Hebrew, Arabic,
ODOVACAR (Rare) German, Dutch, Danish Swedish, Norwegian, from the Germanic Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
OTTOMAR m German Elaborated form of and Norwegian form of Danish, German, elements hrod "fame" and Means "lady" or "princess"
Variant of OTHMAR PHILIPPA REBECCA... [more] Hungarian, Spanish, swinþ "strength"... [more] in Hebrew... [more]
PANKRAZ m German PHILOMENA f English, REGINA f English, Italian, Portuguese RUDI m German, SASCHA m & f German
German form of German, Late Greek Polish, German, Swedish, Short form of Hungarian German form of SASHA
PANCRATIUS Means "friend of strength" Norwegian, Danish, MARGHERITA or other Diminutive of RUDOLF SASKIA f Dutch, German
PARSIFAL m German from Greek φιλος (philos) Lithuanian, Late Roman names ending in rita... RÜDIGER m German From the Germanic
German form of PERCIVAL "friend, lover" and μενος Late Latin name meaning [more] German form of ROGER element sachs "Saxon"...
PASCAL m French, (menos) "strength"... [more] "queen"... [more] ROBERT m English, RUDOLF m German, [more]
German, Dutch PHYLLIS f Greek REGINE f German, French, Swedish, Dutch, Swedish, SCHWANHILD f German
From the Late Latin name Mythology, English, Norwegian Norwegian, Danish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Variant of SWANHILD
Paschalis, which meant German German and Norwegian German, Dutch, Czech, Czech, Hungarian, SEBASTIAN m German,
"relating to Easter" from Means "foliage" in Greek... form of REGINA Polish, Russian, Slovene, Slovene, Croatian, English, Swedish,
Latin Pascha "Easter", [more] REGULA f German, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, Armenian Norwegian, Danish, Polish,
which was in turn from PIA f Italian, Swedish, Ancient Roman Ancient Germanic From the Germanic name Finnish, Romanian
Hebrew ‫( ֶּפַס ח‬pesach) Norwegian, Danish, Feminine form of From the Germanic name Hrodulf, which was derived From the Latin name
"Passover"... [more] German, Polish, Slovene, REGULUS... [more] Hrodebert meaning "bright from the elements hrod Sebastianus which meant
PATRICIA f English, Late Roman REIMUND m German fame", derived from the "fame" and wulf "wolf"... "from Sebaste"... [more]
Spanish, German, Late Feminine form of PIUS German form of RAYMOND Germanic elements hrod [more] SELMA f English, German,
Roman POLDI m German REIN m German, Frisian, "fame" and beraht "bright"... RUEDI m German (Swiss) Swedish, Norwegian,
Feminine form of Patricius German diminutive of Dutch [more] Swiss diminutive of Danish
(see PATRICK)... [more] LEOPOLD Originally a short form of ROCHUS m German, RUDOLF Meaning unknown, possibly
PATRICK m Irish, English, PRISKA f German, Biblical Germanic names beginning Dutch, Ancient Germanic RUPERT m Low German, a short form of ANSELMA...
French, German Greek with the element ragin (Latinized) Dutch, English, Polish [more]
From the Latin name German form of PRISCA, "advice, counsel". Latinized form of ROCCO, Low German form of SENTA f German
Patricius, which meant as well as the form used in REINER m German, used in German and Dutch. ROBERT... [more] Diminutive of KRESZENTIA
"nobleman"... [more] the Greek New Testament. Ancient Germanic RODOLF m German RUPRECHT m Low SEPP m German
PAUL m English, French, QUIRIN m German German form of RAYNER (Rare), Dutch (Rare) German (Archaic) German diminutive of
German, Dutch, Swedish, German form of QUIRINUS REINHARD m German, German form of RUDOLF Low German form of JOSEPH
Norwegian, Danish, RACHEL f English, Ancient Germanic ROGER m English, ROBERT SEPPEL m German
Romanian, Biblical Hebrew, French, German, German cognate of French, German, Swedish RUT f Spanish, Swedish, German diminutive of
From the Roman family Dutch, Biblical, Biblical REYNARD Means "famous spear" from Icelandic, German, Italian, JOSEPH
name Paulus, which meant Latin, Biblical Greek, REINHILD f German the Germanic elements Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew SERAPHINA f English
"small" or "humble" in Biblical Hebrew From a Germanic name hrod "fame" and ger Cognate of RUTH (1) (Rare), German (Rare),
Latin... [more] From the Hebrew name which was composed of the "spear"... [more] RUTH (1) f English, Late Roman
PAULA f German, English, ‫( ָרֵח ל‬Rachel) meaning elements ragin "advice" ROLAND m English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Feminine form of the Late
Finnish, Spanish, "ewe"... [more] and hild "battle". French, German, Polish Norwegian, Danish, Latin name Seraphinus,
Portuguese, Catalan, RAFAEL m Spanish, REINHILDE f German Means "famous land" from Spanish, Biblical, Biblical derived from the biblical
Romanian, Hungarian, Portuguese, German, Variant of REINHILD the Germanic elements Latin word seraphim which was
Polish, Dutch, Swedish, Hungarian, Slovene, REINHOLD m German, hrod "fame" and land... From a Hebrew name Hebrew in origin and meant
Norwegian, Danish, Macedonian Ancient Germanic [more] which was derived from the "fiery ones"... [more]
Croatian, Ancient Roman Form of RAPHAEL German cognate of ROLF m German, Hebrew word ‫( ְר עּות‬re'ut) SEVERIN m German,
Feminine form of Paulus RAFFAEL m German REYNOLD Swedish, Norwegian, meaning "friend"... [more] Swedish, Norwegian,
(see PAUL)... [more] German variant of RENATA f Italian, Spanish, Danish, English SABINE f French, German Danish
PAULINE f French, RAPHAEL Portuguese, German, From the Germanic name French and German form of German and Scandinavian
English, German, Swedish, RAFFAELA f German Polish, Czech, Croatian, Hrolf (or its Old Norse SABINA form of SEVERINUS
Norwegian, Danish German feminine form of Slovene, Late Roman cognate Hrólfr), a SABRINA f English, Italian, SEVERINA f Italian,
French feminine form of RAPHAEL Feminine form of contracted form of Hrodulf German Portuguese, Croatian,
Paulinus (see PAULINO). RAIMUND m German, RENATUS (see RUDOLF)... [more] Latinized form of Habren, German, Ancient Roman
Feminine form of SILVIUS... [more] SUSANNE TEODOR... [more] [more] Feminine form of
SEVERINUS SIMON m English, French, SVEN m Swedish, THEOPHIL m German TORBEN m Danish, VALERIUS... [more]
SIBYLLA f Greek, Swedish, Norwegian, Norwegian, Danish, German form of German VALERIE f English,
German, Swedish, Late Danish, German, Dutch, German, Dutch THEOPHILUS Danish form of TORBJÖRN German, Czech
Roman, Late Greek Hungarian, Slovene, From the Old Norse THERESA f English, TORSTEN m Swedish, English and German form
Greek and Latinate form of Romanian, Macedonian, byname Sveinn which German, Swedish, Danish, German of VALERIA and Czech
SIBYL Georgian, Biblical, Biblical meant "boy". Norwegian, Danish From the Old Norse name variant of VALÉRIE.
SIBYLLE f German, Latin, Biblical Greek SVENJA f German From the Spanish and Þórsteinn, which meant VALESKA f German
French From Σιμων (Simon), the German feminine form of Portuguese name Teresa... "Thor's stone" from the Diminutive of VALERIA
German and French form of New Testament Greek form SVEN... [more] [more] name of the Norse god Þórr VANESSA f English,
SIBYL of the Hebrew name ‫ִׁש ְמ עֹון‬ SWANHILD f German THERESE f German, (see THOR) combined with Italian, Portuguese,
SIDONIA f Late Roman, (Shim'on) which meant "he Derived from the Germanic Swedish, Norwegian, steinn "stone". German, Dutch
German has heard"... [more] elements swan and hild Danish TRAUGOTT m German Invented by author
Feminine form of SOFIA f Norwegian, "battle". German and Scandinavian Derived from German trau Jonathan Swift for his poem
SIDONIUS Swedish, German, Italian, SWANHILDA f German variant of THERESA "trust" and Gott "God"... 'Cadenus and Vanessa'
SIEGBERT m German Portuguese, Catalan, Variant of SWANHILD THERESIA f German, [more] (1726)... [more]
Derived from the Germanic Greek, Finnish, Estonian, SWANHILDE f German Dutch, Swedish TRUDI f German, English VEIT m German
elements sigu "victory" and Slovak, Romanian Variant of SWANHILD German, Dutch and Diminutive of GERTRUDE German form of VITUS or
beraht "bright"... [more] Form of SOPHIA SYBILLE f German, Swedish form of THERESA UDO (1) m German WIDO
SIEGFRIED m German, SOFIE f German, Danish, French THIEMO m German, Newer form of Odo (see VERA (1) f Russian,
Germanic Mythology Dutch, Czech German and French form of Dutch, Ancient Germanic OTTO). English, German, Swedish,
Derived from the Germanic Form of SOPHIE SIBYL Variant of TIMO (2) UELI m German (Swiss) Norwegian, Danish, Dutch,
elements sigu "victory" and SONJA f German, SYLVIA f English, THILO m German Swiss diminutive of Slovene, Serbian, Croatian,
frid "peace"... [more] Swedish, Norwegian, Swedish, Norwegian, Variant of TILO ULRICH Macedonian, Portuguese
SIEGHARD m German Danish, Finnish, Slovene, Danish, Finnish, German THOMAS m English, ULRICH m German, Means "faith" in Russian,
Derived from the Germanic Serbian, Croatian, Variant of SILVIA... [more] French, German, Dutch, French, Ancient Germanic though it is sometimes
elements sigu "victory" and Macedonian TABEA f German Swedish, Norwegian, From the Germanic name associated with the Latin
hard "brave, hardy". Form of SONYA German short form of Danish, Greek, Biblical, Odalric meaning "prosperity word verus "true"... [more]
SIEGHILD f German SONJE f German TABITHA Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek and power", from the VERENA f German, Late
Derived from the Germanic German variant of SONJA TANJA f German, Finnish, Greek form of the Aramaic element uodal "heritage" Roman
elements sigu "victory" and SOPHIA f English, Greek, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene name ‫( ָּת אֹוָמ א‬Ta'oma') combined with ric "power"... Possibly related to Latin
hild "battle". German, Ancient Greek Variant of TANYA which meant "twin"... [more] [more] verus "true"... [more]
SIEGLINDE f German, Means "wisdom" in Greek... TATIANA f Russian, THORA f Swedish, ULRIKA f Swedish, VERONIKA f Russian,
Germanic Mythology [more] Slovak, Bulgarian, Norwegian, Danish, Norwegian, Danish, Czech, Slovak, Slovene,
Derived from the Germanic SOPHIE f French, English, Romanian, Polish, Greek, German German, Finnish Bulgarian, Croatian,
elements sigu "victory" and German, Dutch Georgian, Spanish, Modern form of ÞÓRA Scandinavian and German Macedonian, Swedish,
linde "gentle, soft"... [more] French form of SOPHIA Portuguese, Italian, THORBEN m Danish, feminine form of ULRICH... Norwegian, Danish,
SIEGMUND m German SÖREN m Swedish, Finnish, Swedish, German [more] German, Hungarian,
German variant of German Norwegian, Danish, Variant of TORBEN ULRIKE f German, Danish Lithuanian, Latvian
SIGMUND Swedish and German form German, Dutch, English, THORSTEN m Swedish, German and Danish Cognate of VERONICA
SIEGWARD m German of SØREN Ancient Roman Danish, German feminine form of ULRICH VESTER m German
German form of SIGURD STEFAN m German, Feminine form of the Variant of TORSTEN URBAN m Danish, Short form of SILVESTER
SIGI m & f German Swedish, Norwegian, Roman name Tatianus, a TIEDEMANN m German Swedish, German, Polish, VIKTOR m Swedish,
Diminutive of SIEGFRIED, Danish, Dutch, Polish, derivative of the Roman (Archaic) Slovene, Biblical, History Norwegian, Danish,
SIEGLINDE, and other Bulgarian, Macedonian, name TATIUS... [more] Germanic name derived From the Latin name German, Hungarian,
Germanic names beginning Serbian TATJANA f Serbian, from the elements þeud Urbanus which meant "city Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian,
with the element sigu which Form of STEPHEN Croatian, Slovene, "people" and man "man". dweller"... [more] Russian, Ukrainian,
means "victory". STEFANIE f German, Macedonian, German, TILL m German URS m German Croatian, Serbian, Slovene,
SIGISMUND m German, Dutch, Danish Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish From Tielo, a Medieval Low German form of the Latin Macedonian
Ancient Germanic Variant of STEPHANIE Form of TATIANA German diminutive of name Ursus, which meant Form of VICTOR
Form of SIGMUND in which STEFFEN m Low German, TERESA f Spanish, names that began with Diet "bear"... [more] VIKTORIA f German,
the first element is sigis, an Danish, Norwegian, Dutch Portuguese, Italian, (for example DIETRICH), URSEL f German Swedish, Norwegian,
older form of sigu... [more] Low German form of Finnish, Polish, German, originally from Germanic German diminutive of Danish
SIGMUND m German, STEPHEN Swedish, Norwegian, þeud meaning "people". URSULA German and Scandinavian
Swedish, Norwegian, STEFFI f German Danish, English TILLO m German (Rare) URSULA f English, form of VICTORIA (1)
Danish, English Diminutive of STEPHANIE Cognate of THERESA... Variant of TILO Swedish, Norwegian, VILMA f Spanish,
Derived from the Germanic STEFFIE f German (Rare) [more] TILO m German Danish, German, Dutch, Hungarian, German,
elements sigu "victory" and Diminutive of STEPHANIE THEA f German, Swedish, From Tielo, a Low German Finnish, Late Roman Swedish, Finnish, Czech,
mund "protector" (or in the STEPHAN m German, Danish, Norwegian, English diminutive of names that Means "little bear", derived Slovak, Croatian
case of the Scandinavian Dutch Short form of DOROTHEA began with Diet (for from a diminutive form of Form of WILMA
cognate, from the Old German and Dutch form of or THEODORA example DIETRICH)... the Latin word ursa "she- VINZENT m German
Norse elements sigr STEPHEN THEDA f German [more] bear"... [more] German form of VINCENT
"victory" and mundr STEPHANIE f English, Short form of TIM m English, German, USCHI f German VINZENZ m German
"protector")... [more] German THEODORA... [more] Dutch, Slovene, Swedish, Diminutive of URSULA German form of VINCENT
SILKE f German, Dutch Feminine form of THEKLA f German, Greek, Norwegian, Danish UTE f German VOLKER m German
German and Dutch STEPHEN Late Greek Short form of TIMOTHY Feminine form of UDO (1) Derived from the Germanic
diminutive of CELIA or SUSANN f German, From the ancient Greek TIMO (1) m Finnish, UTZ m German element folk "people"
CECILIA Swedish, Norwegian, name Θεοκλεια German, Dutch Diminutive of ULRICH combined with hari "army".
SILVESTER m German, Danish (Theokleia), which meant Finnish, German and Dutch UWE m German VRENI f German
English, Slovene, Slovak, German and Scandinavian "glory of God" from the short form of Timotheus German form of OVE Diminutive of VERENA
Late Roman short form of SUSANNE Greek elements θεος (see TIMOTHY). VALENTIN m Swedish, WALBURGA f German
From a Roman name SUSANNE f German, (theos) meaning "god" and TIMOTHEUS m Biblical Norwegian, Danish, Means "rule of the fortress"
meaning "of the forest" Swedish, Norwegian, κλεος (kleos) meaning Latin, German, Dutch German, French, Czech, from the Germanic
from Latin silva "wood, Danish "glory"... [more] Latinized form of Timotheos Russian, Bulgarian, elements wald "rule" and
forest"... [more] German and Scandinavian THEODOR m German, (see TIMOTHY). Slovene, Croatian, burg "fortress"... [more]
SILVIA f Italian, Spanish, form of SUSANNA Swedish, Norwegian, TOBIAS m Biblical, Macedonian, Romanian WALDEMAR m German,
Portuguese, Romanian, SUSE f German Danish, Czech, Romanian German, Swedish, Form of Valentinus (see Swedish, Norwegian,
Slovak, English, German, German diminutive of German form of Norwegian, Danish, VALENTINE (1)). Danish, Polish
Late Roman, Roman SUSANNE THEODORE, as well as a English, Biblical Latin, VALERIA f Italian, Germanic derivative of the
Mythology SUSI f German Scandinavian, Czech and Biblical Greek Spanish, Romanian, Slavic name VLADIMIR (or
Feminine form of German diminutive of Romanian variant of Greek form of TOBIAH... German, Ancient Roman perhaps a cognate
composed of the Germanic meaning "war". German diminutive of Portug. F Djanira stirs up great blossoming
elements wald "rule" and WIEBKE f Frisian, German CECILIA F Beneditablessed Portug. passionsPortug. Portug.
meri "famous")... [more] Feminine form of WIEBE ZISKA f German M Benedito blessed M Donato given F Fortunata
WALDO m English, WIELAND m German, Short form of FRANZISKA Portug. by God Portug. fortunate Portug.
German, Ancient Germanic Germanic Mythology ZITA (1) f Italian, F Berberia the stranger F Dores sorrowful Portug. F Francisca free;
Originally a short form of Derived from the Germanic Portuguese, German, Latin F Doroteia gift of God Portug. from France Portug.
Germanic names elements wela possibly Czech, Slovak M Berengár bear- F Edite fortune and strife M Francisco free;
containing the element meaning "skill" and land Means "little girl" in Tuscan spear Portug. Portug. from France Portug.
wald meaning "rule"... meaning "land"... [more] Italian... [more] M Bernardo M Edmundo F Fryda peaceful ruler
[more] WILFRIED m German PORTUGUESE courage of a bear protector of Teutonic
WALTER m English, German cognate of M Abilio German prosperity Portug. F Gabriela God is my
German, Swedish, WILFRED proficient; skillful M Bonifácio good F Eduarda guardian of strength Hebrew
Norwegian, Danish, Polish, WILHELM m German, Portug. destiny Portug. prosperity Portug. M Gabrielo God is
Italian, Ancient Germanic Polish, Ancient Germanic M Adao earth F Branca white Portug. F Efigenia well-spoken my strength Hebrew
From a Germanic name German cognate of Portug. M Bras talks Portug. F Germana from
meaning "ruler of the WILLIAM... [more] F Adriana of the Adriatic sea with a lisp Portug. M Elder slanting Germany French
army", composed of the WILHELMINA f Dutch, Latin M Breno king surface Portug. M Germano from
elements wald "rule" and German, Polish, English M Affonso noble Portug. F Elivra white; fair Germany French
hari "army"... [more] Dutch, German and Polish and ready Portug. F Brites strength Celtic Spanish F Gertrudes
WALTHER m German, feminine form of WILHELM M Albano white; F Calisto most beautiful M Eloi to strength of a spear
Ancient Germanic WILHELMINE f German fair-skinned Latin Portug. choose Portug. Portug.
German form of WALTER... German feminine form of F Albertinanoble; bright F Candelaria candle F Elzira consecrated to M Giacinto
[more] WILHELM German Portug. God Hebrew hyacinth Portug.
WALTRAUD f German WILLI m German M Alberto F Caozinha little M Emerico work- M Gil kid;
Means either "strong rule" Diminutive of WILHELM courage of a bear dog Portug. power Portug. young goat Portug.
or "strong foreigner" from WILLY m & f English, German M Carlito strong F Emilia industrious F Gilda gilded English
the Germanic element wald German, Dutch M Alexandre and manly Portug. Teutonic F Glaucia bluish-gray
"rule" or walha "foreign" Diminutive of WILLIAM, defender of M Carlitos strong M Emilio rival Portug.
combined with thrud WILHELM or WILLEM... mankind Portug. and manly Portug. Portug. M Glaucio bluish-
"strength". [more] F Alexandrina M Carlos strong M Eneas praise gray Portug.
WANDA f Polish, English, WILMA f German, Dutch, defender of and manly Portug. Portug. M GodofredoGod's
German, French English mankind Greek F Carmo garden; vineyard M Erico ever- peace Portug.
Possibly from a Germanic Short form of M Alexio Portug. ruler Portug. M Goncalo battle
name meaning "a Wend", WILHELMINA... [more] defender of M Casimiro great M Ermenegildo genius; war elf Portug.
referring to the Slavic WIM m Dutch, German mankind Greek destroyer Portug. immense tribute M Goncalvo battle
people who inhabited Dutch and German short F Alice noble; kind F Catina pure Portug. Portug. genius; war elf Portug.
eastern Germany... [more] form of WILLEM or German F Cecília blind Portug. M Estevao M Graciano
WENDEL m German, WILHELM M Aloisio famous M Cecilio blind crowned with pleasing;
Dutch WINFRIED m German warrior Portug. Portug. laurels Greek agreeable Portug.
Old short form of Germanic German form of WINFRED F Amanda beloved Latin M Chico free; F Estrela star Hebrew F Gracinha
names beginning with the WITOLD m Polish, F Amelia work Portug. from France Portug. F Estrelinha star graceful Latin
element wandal meaning "a German F Ana grace Hebrew F Cintia woman from Hebrew F Guidinhaa pearl Portug.
Vandal"... [more] Polish form of VYTAUTAS... M André strong Kynthos Portug. F Eugenia well-born Greek M Guilherme
WENDELIN m German, [more] and manly Greek M Claudio lame M Eugenio well- determined
Dutch, Ancient Germanic WOLF m German, Jewish, F Andréa strong; brave Portug. born Portug. guardian Portug.
Old diminutive of Germanic English (Rare), Ancient Portug. F Conceisao F Eulália well-spoken M Gustavo
names beginning with the Germanic M Andre strong; conception Portug. meditation staff
element wandal (see Short form of WOLFGANG, manly Greek Portug. M Eustaquio good Portug.
WENDEL)... [more] WOLFRAM or other names F Angelina messenger F Connie conception harvest; stability Portug. M Helder a
containing the Germanic Greek Portug. F Eva life Hebrew slanting surface Portug.
element wulf meaning M Angelo M Cornelio horn- M/F Portuguese Baby F Helena light Greek
WENZEL m German "wolf"... [more] heavenly colored Portug. Name Meaning of Name M Heliodoro gift of
Medieval German form of WOLFGANG m German, messenger Greek M Cristiano follower Origin the sun Portug.
VÁCLAV, via the Latinized Ancient Germanic, History M António of Christ Portug. M Fabio bean M Henriques ruler of
form Venceslaus. Derived from the Germanic invaluable; F Cristina follower of Christ farmer Portug. the household Portug.
WENZESLAUS m German elements wulf meaning inestimable Portug. Portug. F Fatima Our Lady of F Henriqueta ruler of
German form of VÁCLAV, "wolf" and gang "path"... F Antonia invaluable; M Damiáno to Fatima Portug. the household Portug.
via the Latinized form [more] inestimable Latin subdue Portug. F Fatinha Our Lady of F Hermínia army
Venceslaus. WOLFRAM m German M Antonio M Daniel God is Fatima Portug. man Portug.
WERNER m German, Derived from the Germanic invaluable; my judge Hebrew M Fausto fortune; M Hermínio army
Dutch, Swedish, element wulf meaning inestimable Latin M Davi beloved good luck Portug. man Portug.
Norwegian, Danish "wolf" combined with hramn M Armando soldier Portug. M Felciano fortune; M Hermenegildo
From a Germanic name "raven". Teutonic M David beloved good luck Portug. immense tribute
derived from warin "guard" WULF m German M Arnaldo strong Hebrew F Felecidade fortune; Portug.
combined with hari "army". Variant of WOLF and manly Portug. F Deébora bumble bee good luck Portug. M Hipolito horse-
WERTHER m German XAVER m German M Artur noble; Portug. F Felisberta freer Portug.
Derived from the Germanic German form of XAVIER bear man Celtic F Deolindabeautiful God fortunate and F Horacia timekeeper
elements wert "worthy" and YVO m German, Dutch M Augusto Portug. noble Latin Latin
hari "army"... [more] Variant of IVO (1) venerable Latin F Desidéria longing F Fernanda M Horacio
WESSEL m Frisian, Dutch, YVONNE f French, M Balduíno brave Portug. adventurous; timekeeper
German English, German, Dutch, friend Portug. M Desidério longing brave Teutonic Latin
Diminutive of WERNER Swedish, Norwegian, M Baltasar an Portug. M Ferrao M Humberto brilliant
WETZEL m German Danish ancient name Portug. M Dimas sunset prepared for a strength Portug.
Diminutive of WERNER French feminine form of F Barbara the stranger Portug. journey Portug. M Hunfredo
WIBKE f German YVON... [more] Latin M Dinis follower M Filipe lover of peaceful
Feminine form of WIEBE ZELLA f German M Bartolmeu son of of Dionysos Portug. horses Portug. Teutonic
WIEBE m Frisian, Dutch, German diminutive of Talmai Portug. M Diogo F Filomena a F Ilda heroine
German MARCELLA M Batista is doctrine; teaching strong love Portug. Teutonic
Medieval short form of ZENZI f German baptized Portug. Portug. M Flávio yellow F Ines gentle; pure
Germanic names Diminutive of KRESZENZ M Belmiro M Dionisio follower hair Portug. Greek
containing the element wig ZILLA f German beautiful view of Dionysos Portug. M Florencio F Inez gentle, pure
Greek woman German of God Portug. M Teodósio God- Dorte: god’s gift
F Isabela consecrated to F Lurdes from Lourdes, M Otavio eighth giving Portug. Edvard: wealthy guard
God Hebrew France Portug. Portug. F Tereza harvester Greek Edvin: wealthy friend
M Isidoro a gift of F Luzia light Portug. M Ovídio sheep F Terezinha Egil: respect, honor
ideas Greek F Lygia shrill whistling herder Portug. harvester Portug.
Elnar: lone fighter
M Isidro a gift of voice Portug. M Pascoal child of M Thiago of the Elin: torchlight
ideas Greek F Mae bitter Hebrew Easter Portug. Saint Iago Portug.
Elise: promise of god
M Jacinto M Manoel God is F Paula little Latin M Tiburcio of the Ellinor: sympathy, com-
hyacinth flower with us Portug. F Paulina little Latin Tiber river Portug.
Portug. M Manuel God is M Paulino small M Timoteo to Else: promise of god
M Jaco with us Hebrew Portug. honor God Portug.
Eluf: eternal heir
substitute Portug. F Marcárcia warlike F Pedra rock Greek F Tina constant Latin Embla: elm tree
M Januario born in Portug. M Pedro stone M Tomas twinEnok: dedicated, faithful
January Portug. M Marcelino warlike Greek Hebrew Erling: nobleman’s off-spring
M Jaoquim God Portug. M Pio pious M Tomaz twinEsben: god of bears
will establish Hebrew M Marcelo warlike Portug. Hebrew Espen: god of bears
M Jayme Portug. M Plinio flat; M Tonio Folke: from the people
substitute Hebrew M Marco warlike uninteresting Portug. inestimable Frans: French man
M Joaão God's Latin F Priscila ancient Portug. Latin Frederikke: calm queen
is gracious gift Hebrew M Marcos warlike M Raimundo wise M Ulisses to be Freja: lady-like
F Joana God's gracious gift Latin protectorPortug. angry Portug. Fritjof: one who steals peace
Hebrew F Margarida pearl M Ramiro F Ursula little she-bear Gerd: enclosed
M Jordao Greek supreme judge Portug. Gregers: aware, watch-ful
descendant M Mariário male; Spanish M Valentim healthy;
Grete: pearl
Hebrew virile Portug. F Raquel ewe; innocent strong Portug. Gudbrand: divine sword
M Jorge famer M Mario warlike Portug. M Valerio healthy;Gudmund: God protects
Greek Latin F Rebeca snares or traps strong Portug. Gull: goddess
M Josefa God M Markes Portug. F Vera truth; belief Gunda: war-like
shall addPortug. nobleman Portug. M Reinaldo wise Portug. Gunhild: battle in war
M Josué God is M Marques ruler Portug. F Veronica bringer of victory
Gunne: army
salvationPortug. nobleman Portug. M Remigio Portug. Gunvor: alert in war
F Jovita God is salvation M Marquez oarsman Portug. M Victorino Gyda: God is gorgeous
Portug. nobleman Portug. M Renato reborn conquer; victoryHagen: the highest son
F Julia youthful Latin F Marta bitter Hebrew Portug. Portug. Hege: divine woman
M Julio M Martial warlike M Ricardo M Vinícius vine Hella: divine woman
youthful; soft- Latin powerful ruler Portug. Helle: divine woman
bearded Latin M Martins warlike German M Vincente Hemming: changing shapes
M Laudalino praised Latin M Roberto of conquer; victoryHolger: island of spears
Latin M Mateus gift of shining fame Latin Ingolf: Ing’s wolf
M Laurencho God Portug. Teutonic M Virgilio Isabella: promise of god
crowned with M Maximiano M Rodolfo famous meaning staff- Jannik: god is merciful
laurels Latin the greatest wolf Portug. bearer Portug. Jeppe: following after
F Laurinda crowned with Portug. M Rodrigo famous F Xuxa lily Portug.
Jerrik: king forever
laurels Greek M Maximiliano power Portug. M Zacarias God Jesper: king of the trea-sure
F Leocádia bright, the greatest M Rolando famous remembered Portug.
Jonna: god is merciful
clear; light Portug. Portug. in the land M Zeé God Jorg/Jorgen: farmer
M Leonaldo bold M Maximino the Teutonic shall addPortug. Jytte: Judea woman
lion Teutonic greatest Portug. M Roldao famous F Zenaide daughter of Greek Kare: curvy
M Leonardo lion- F Micaela who is like God? in the land Portug. god Zeus Greek
Karina: chaste, pure
strong Teutonic Portug. M Ronaldo advisor F Zetta rose Portug.
Katrine: chaste, pure
M Leopoldo people- M Migel who is to the king Portug. DANISH Keld/Kjeld: large pot
bold Portug. like God? Portug. F Rosa rose Latin Agnete: sacred, chaste Kennet: handsome one
F Leticia happiness Portug. M Miguel who is M Rosario rosary Agnetha: sacred, chaste Kirstine: Christian wo-man
F Lidiaídia of Lydia Portug. like God? Hebrew Portug. Alberte: wise & beautiful Knud: knot
M Lidio M Moise saved F Rute friendship Portug. Aleksander: defender of man Kresten: Christian man
province in Asia from the water Portug. M Sabio wise Alvilda: battle of elves Kristian: Christian man
Minor Greek M Moises saved man Portug. Ane: gracious, merciful Lasse: city of laurels
F Ligia shrill whistling from the water Hebrew M Sabion wise Anja: gracious, merciful Lene: woman from Magdala
voice Portug. F Natalia born at Christmas man Portug. Ansgar: spear of gods Lone: woman from Magdala
F Liliana lily flower Portug. Latin M Salomao man of Asbjorn: god of bears Lovise: well-known fighter
F Linda beautiful M Natanael God peace Portug. Ase: god-like Lykke: fortunate woman
Spanish has given Portug. M Saturnino to sow Asger: spear of god Mads: god’s present
M Lino praise F Nathalia born on Christmas Portug. Aslog: engaged to god Magdalone: woman from
Latin day Portug. F Senda path; the way Asmund: divine protec-tion Magdala
F Lizete consecrated to F Neves snows Portug. Portug. Asta: divine beauty Maiken/Majken: rebel-lious
God Hebrew M Nicodemo victory M Serafino fiery; Bendt: blessed one woman
M Lorenco of the people Portug. burning Portug. Bente: who is blessed Margareta: pearl
crowned with M Nicolao victory M Sergio servant Birger: one who helps Margit pearl
laurels Latin of the people Greek Portug. Birte: strong, powerful Mari: rebellious woman
M Lourenco M Nuno ninth- M Silvio of the Bjarke: bears Marna: from the shore
crowned with born Portug. forest Latin Bodil: battle will cure Mathilde: powerful in battle
laurels Latin F Ofélia help Portug. M Simao God is Borghil: defense in battle Merete: pearl
F Luúcia light Portug. F Olga holy heard Hebrew Britt: strong, powerful Mikaela: which man is like
F Lucille bringer of light Russian F Sonia wisdom Greek Casper: king of treasure God?
Latin F Olginha holy F Suzana lily Portug. Christen: Christian man Mikkel: which man is li-ke
M Lucioúcio light Russian M Tacito mute; Christer: Christian man God?
Portug. F Olimpia from mount silent Portug. Cille: blinded Mikkeline: which man is like
M Luis OlympusGreek M Tadeu given of Dag: day God?
renowned warrior F Olivia olive tree Latin God Portug. Ditte: fighting to be rich Mogens: greatness
German F Olivinha olive tree Portug. M Teobaldo people- Dorete: god’s gift
F Luisa famous warrior M Osvaldo power bold Portug. Dorit: god’s gift
Serbian M Josip God Croatian Czech-Slov. M Dalibor distant F Evuska alive; living
Veseo shall addCroatian M Velimir great F Barka foreign; strange battle Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov.
cheerful one M Jozo God peace Croatian Czech-Slov. F Dalibora distant battle M Evžen well
Serbian shall addCroatian M Vinko M Bartolomìj son of Czech-Slov. born Czech-Slov.
dra otter Serbian M Juraj earth- conquering Talmai Czech-Slov. F Dalka distant battle M Filip lover of
sina elevated one worker; farmer Croatian F Baruna foreign; strange Czech-Slov. horses Czech-Slov.
Serbian Croatian F Visnja cherry Czech-Slov. M Damek of the F Filipa lover of horses
stan excellent one M Jure earth- Croatian F Barunka foreign; strange earth Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov.
Serbian worker; farmer M Vjeko glory of Czech-Slov. M Danes God is M Frantisek free
Vuk wolf Croatian the ages Croatian F Baruska foreign; strange my judge Czech- Czech-Slov.
Serbian M Kesten M Vjekoslav glory of Czech-Slov. Slov. F Frantiska free
Vukasin wolf chestnut the ages Croatian M Beda M Danousek God is Czech-Slov.
Serbian Croatian F Vjekoslava glory of peaceful ruler my judge Czech- M Gába strong
ahvala gratitude Serbian M Kristijan follower the ages Croatian Czech-Slov. Slov. man of God Czech-
Zaklon of Christ Croatian M Vlaho talks M Bedoich M Dobromil kind; Slov.
protection; shelter M Ljubomir loves with lisp Croatian peaceful ruler gracious Czech-Slov. M Gabek strong
Serbian peace Croatian M Zelimir desires Czech-Slov. M Dominik belongs man of God Czech-
Zlogonje expels F Lucija light peace Croatian M Bedrisek to the Lord Czech- Slov.
il Serbian Croatian M Zeljko desires peaceful ruler Slov. M Gabirel strong
OATIAN F Mare beloved peace Croatian Czech-Slov. F Dominika belongs man of God Czech-
Andrija manly; Croatian F Zlata golden M BeneS blessed to the Lord Czech- Slov.
arrior Croatian F Marija beloved Croatian Czech-Slov. Slov. M Georg earth-
Andro manly; Croatian M Zlatan golden- F Berta bright Czech- F Dorota gift of God Czech- worker; farmer Czech-
arrior Croatian M Marijan warlike; haired Croatian Slov. Slov. Slov.
Ante martial Croatian M Zlatko golden- F Blanka white Czech- M Drahomír F Hana God is gracious
invaluable F Marijana warlike; martial haired Croatian Slov. precious peace Czech-Slov.
Croatian Croatian M Zvonimir sound M Blažej talks Czech-Slov. M Havel rooster
ntonija invaluable M Miho who is of peace Croatian with lisp Czech-Slov. F Drahomíra Czech-Slov.
Croatian like God? F Zvonimira sound M Bohdan God- precious peace F Hedvika contending war
Antun Croatian of peace Croatian gift Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov.
invaluable M Mihovil who is CZECH F BohdanaGod-gift Czech- M Drahoslav M Holic barber
Croatian like God? F Adéla noble Czech- Slov. precious glory Czech-Slov.
Baldo Ba'al Croatian Slov. M Bohumil God- Czech-Slov. M Honza God is
otect the king F Mirjana beloved F Adéle noble Czech- favor Czech-Slov. F Drahoslava gracious Czech-Slov.
Croatian Croatian Slov. F Bohumila God- precious glory M Ignác fiery;
Branimir M Mirko work- F Agáta chaste; holy favor Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. alight Czech-Slov.
peaceful power Croatian Czech-Slov. M Bohumír peace F Dusa soul; spirit Czech- M Imrich ruler of
otection F Mirna peaceful woman F Aigneis chaste; holy of God Czech-Slov. Slov. the household Czech-
Croatian Croatian Czech-Slov. M Bohuslav glory of M Dusa soul; Slov.
apeka little stork F Mojca beloved F Alžbeta consecrated to God Czech-Slov. spirit Czech-Slov. F Irenka peace Czech-
Croatian Croatian God Czech-Slov. F Bohuslava glory of M Dusan soul; Slov.
Dmitar loves F Natalija born on Christmas M Ales God Czech-Slov. spirit Czech-Slov. F Iva God is gracious
e earthCroatian Day Croatian defender of M Bonifác good F Dusana soul; spirit Czech- Czech-Slov.
Dragan dear; F NataŠa born on Christmas mankind Czech-Slov. destiny; fate Czech- Slov. M Ivan God is
loved Croatian Day Croatian M Alexandr Slov. M Dusanek soul; gracious Czech-Slov.
agana dear; beloved M Pavao small defender of F Bora foreign; strange spirit Czech-Slov. F Ivana God is gracious
Croatian Croatian mankind Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. F Dusankasoul; spirit Czech- Czech-Slov.
Drevan ancient M Pero rock; M Alexej F Božena divine gift Czech- Slov. F Ivanka God is gracious
e Croatian stone Croatian defender of Slov. M Dusek soul; Czech-Slov.
ubravka oak M Petar rock; mankind Czech-Slov. M Božidar divine spirit Czech-Slov. F Izabela God is my oath
ove Croatian stone Croatian F Alica noble Czech- gift Czech-Slov. F Dusièka soul; spirit Czech- Czech-Slov.
Dubravko grove F Rijeka river Slov. M Branislav glorious Slov. M Ján God is
Croatian Croatian F Alina of Magdala protectorCzech-Slov. F Duska soul; spirit Czech- gracious Czech-Slov.
Emerik work- F Silvija from the forest Czech-Slov. F Branislava glorious Slov. F Júlia youthful Czech-
wer Croatian Croatian M Alojz famous protectorCzech-Slov. F Edita fortune; strife Slov.
milija rival M Slavco glory warrior Czech-Slov. F Branka glorious protector Czech-Slov. M Július youthful
Croatian Croatian F Alžbìta God is my oath Czech-Slov. M Eduard Czech-Slov.
Franjo free; F Snjezana snow Czech-Slov. M Bronislav glorious guardian of M Jakub
om France woman Croatian M Andìl angel; protectorCzech-Slov. prosperity Czech- substitute Czech-
Croatian F Sofija wisdom messenger Czech- F Bronislava glorious Slov. Slov.
Goran Croatian Slov. protectorCzech-Slov. M Edvard M Jarek spring
mountain man M Srecko luck F Andìla angel; messenger F Capeka little stork Czech- guardian of Czech-Slov.
Croatian Croatian Czech-Slov. Slov. prosperity Czech- F Jarka spring Czech-
ordana from Gordium M Stjepan a crown F Aneta favor; grace M Cenck Slov. Slov.
Croatian of laurels Czech-Slov. conquering M Eliás the M Jarmil spring-
Grgur Croatian M Antonín Czech-Slov. Lord is my God Czech- favor Czech-Slov.
watchful; vigilant F Suzana lily invaluable Czech- M Cenek Slov. F Jarmila spring favor
Croatian Croatian Slov. conquering F Eliska God is my oath Czech-Slov.
dranka from F Svjetlana light F Antonie invaluable Czech- Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. M Jaromír peace;
adria Croatian Croatian Slov. M Ctibor battle F Elita God is my oath spring Czech-Slov.
Jadranko from F Tatjana father's daughter M Arnost battle of honor Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. M Jaromil spring-
adria Croatian Croatian to the death Czech- M Dal distant F Emília rival Czech- favor Czech-Slov.
goda strawberry F Tihana quiet Slov. battle Czech-Slov. Slov. M Jaroslav glory of
Croatian Croatian M Augustín M Dalek distant F Evièka alive; living spring Czech-Slov.
Jakov M Toma twin venerable Czech- battle Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. F Jaroslava glory of
supplanter Croatian Slov. F Daleka distant battle F Evinka alive; living spring Czech-Slov.
Croatian M Tvrtko hard F Bára foreign; strange Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. M Jindoich ruler of
lena torch or moon Croatian Czech-Slov. F Dalena distant battle F Evka alive; living the household Czech-
Croatian F Valerija strong F Barbora foreign; strange Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. Slov.
lka torch or moon Croatian Czech-Slov. F Dalenka distant battle F Evulka alive; living F Jindoiska ruler of
Croatian F Vedrana jolly; merry F Barèinkaforeign; strange Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. the household Czech-
Slov. M Libor free F Nadeja hope Czech- Czech-Slov. M Vojtìch happy Albanian
M Jioí earth- Czech-Slov. Slov. M Simeèk soldier Czech-Slov. M Besmir has
worker; farmer Czech- F Libuse love Czech- F Nadìžda hope Czech- hearkening F Zdìnka of Sidon Czech- good faith
Slov. Slov. Slov. Czech-Slov. Slov. Albanian
F Jioina earth-worker; F Lída of Lydia Czech- F Nastenka M Sionek M Zdenìk of M Besnik faithful;
farmer Czech-Slov. Slov. resurrection hearkening Sidon Czech-Slov. loyal Albanian
F Jitka woman of Judea F Lidmila people's favor Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. M Zdislav here is M Blerim
Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. M Oldoich M Slavomír glory- glory Czech-Slov. verdure; greenery
M Johan God is M Lubomír love's prosperity power peace Czech-Slov. F Zofie wisdom Czech- Albanian
gracious Czech-Slov. peace Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. F Sobeska appropriate-glory Slov. F Blerina green
F Johana God is gracious F Lubomíra love's M Ondoej man; Czech-Slov. F Zoja life Czech- Albanian
Czech-Slov. peace Czech-Slov. warrior Czech-Slov. M Sobìslav Slov. F Blerta green
F Jolana violet flower M Lubos love's M Otakar appropriate-glory F Zuzana lily flower Czech- Albanian
Czech-Slov. peace Czech-Slov. watchful of wealth Czech-Slov. Slov. F Bora snow
M Josef God F Ludmila favorite person Czech-Slov. F Sobìslava ALBANIAN Albanian
will add Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. F Otilie wealthy Czech- appropriate-glory F Aferdita dawn; morning M Brahim father
F Josefa God will add M Ludvik famous Slov. Czech-Slov. Albanian of multitude
Czech-Slov. warrior Czech-Slov. M Otokar M Stépán crown M Agim early Albanian
F Judita woman of Judea M Lukás from watchful of wealth of laurels Czech- riser; dawn M Bujar
Czech-Slov. Lucania Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. Slov. Albanian generous
M Juraj earth- F Mária beloved Czech- M Patrik F Stìpánkacrown of laurels M Agon dawn Albanian
worker; farmer Czech- Slov. nobleman Czech- Czech-Slov. Albanian F Bujare generous
Slov. F Madlenka of Slov. F Svìtlana light Czech- M Agron kingly; Albanian
F Kája strong; brave Magdala Czech-Slov. M Pavel small Slov. royal Albanian F Bukuroshe beauty
Czech-Slov. F Magdaléna of Czech-Slov. F Svìtla light Czech- F Albana original Albanian Albanian
M Kája Magdala Czech-Slov. F Pavla small Czech- Slov. name Albanian F Burbuqe bud; sprout
chicken; domestic F Magdalina of Slov. F Svìtlanka light M Arben of the Albanian
bird Czech-Slov. Magdala Czech-Slov. F Pavlina small Czech- Czech-Slov. forest Albanian M Burim
M Kajíèk M Marek warlike; Slov. F Svìtluse light Czech- F Arberie of the forest fountain; the
chicken; domestic martial Czech-Slov. M Pavol small Slov. Albanian source Albanian
bird Czech-Slov. M Marik warlike; Czech-Slov. F Svìtluska light M Ardi valley M Dalmat of the
M Kajík martial Czech-Slov. M Petr rock; Czech-Slov. of the eagle Dalmatian tribe
chicken; domestic F Markéta pearl Czech- stone Czech-Slov. F Tatána father's daughter Albanian Albanian
bird Czech-Slov. Slov. M Radek happy Czech-Slov. M Ardian valley M Dardan juicy
M Kájin F Marta lady Czech- Czech-Slov. F Tereza harvester Czech- of the eagle pear Albanian
chicken; domestic Slov. M Radim happy Slov. Albanian F Dardana sweet pear
bird Czech-Slov. M Matìj gift of peace Czech-Slov. M Tomás twin F Ardiana valley of the eagle Albanian
M Kajínek God Czech-Slov. F Radka happy Czech- Czech-Slov. Albanian F Dashurieintimacy; love
chicken; domestic M Matous gift of Slov. F Vìra faith; truth Czech- M Ardit golden Albanian
bird Czech-Slov. God Czech-Slov. M Radko happy Slov. day Albanian M Defrim
M Karel manly; M Matús gift of Czech-Slov. M Václav more F Ardita golden day entertainment
strong Czech-Slov. God Czech-Slov. M Radomil happy glory Czech-Slov. Albanian Albanian
M Karol manly; F Matylda mighty in battle favor Czech-Slov. F Václava more gloryCzech- M Arian bright M Dhimiter good
strong Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. F Radomila happy Slov. and shining day day Albanian
F Karolína strong; brave M Michal who is favor Czech-Slov. M Vavrinec of Albanian F Diellza sunny
Czech-Slov. like God? Czech- M Radomir happy Laurentum Czech- F Ariana golden life Albanian
F Katarína pure Czech- Slov. peace Czech-Slov. Slov. Albanian M Ditmer good
Slov. M Mikolás victory F Radomira happy M Vìnceslav more M Arjan golden day Albanian
F Kateoinapure Czech- of the people Czech- peace Czech-Slov. glory Czech-Slov. life Albanian F Donieta zest for life
Slov. Slov. M Rados happy M Vilem F Arjana golden life Albanian
M Koloman dove M Mikula victory glory Czech-Slov. determined Albanian F Donjeta zest for life
Czech-Slov. of the people Czech- M Radoslav happy guardian Czech-Slov. M Arlind gold Albanian
M Konstantin Slov. glory Czech-Slov. M Viliam Albanian F Drita light
steadfast Czech- M Mikulás victory F Radoslava happy determined F Arlinda gold Albanian
Slov. of the people Czech- glory Czech-Slov. guardian Czech-Slov. Albanian M Dritan light
M Kopecky hill Slov. M Oehoo M Vinca to M Armend golden Albanian
Czech-Slov. F Milada favor; grace watchful; vigilant conquer Czech-Slov. mind Albanian M Driton light
M Kornel horn Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. M Vincenc to F Arta from the city of Albanian
Czech-Slov. M Milan favor; M Oeznik butcher conquer Czech-Slov. gold Greek F Earta the golden one
M KriStof follower grace Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. M Vincenck to M Bardhyl white Albanian
of Christ Czech-Slov. F Milana favor; grace M Rostek usurp- conquer Czech-Slov. star Albanian M Edi
F Kristýna follower of Christ Czech-Slov. glory Czech-Slov. M Vinck to M Bashkim guardian of
Czech-Slov. F Milena favor; grace M Rostik usurp- conquer Czech-Slov. alliance; union prosperity
M Krystof follower Czech-Slov. glory Czech-Slov. M Vít life Albanian Albanian
of Christ Czech-Slov. M Milos favor; F Rostinka usurp-glory Czech-Slov. M Behar M Edon he
F Kveta flower blossom glory Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. M Vladimír famous summer loves Albanian
Czech-Slov. M Miloslav favor; M Rostislav usurp- ruler Czech-Slov. Albanian F Edona she loves
F Lýdie of Lydia Czech- glory Czech-Slov. glory Czech-Slov. F Vladimíra famous M Bekim Albanian
Slov. F Miloslava favor; F Rostislava usurp- ruler Czech-Slov. blessing M Eduart
M Ladislav rules glory Czech-Slov. glory Czech-Slov. M Vladislav rules Albanian guardian of
with glory Czech- M Mirek peace- F Rùžena rose flower with glory Czech- F Besa oath prosperity
Slov. glory Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. Slov. Albanian Albanian
F Ladislava rules M Miroslav peace- F Sárka maiden who aids F Vladislava rules M Besart golden M Egzon
with glory Czech- glory Czech-Slov in battle Czech-Slov. with glory Czech- oath Albanian enjoyment
Slov. F Miroslava peace- M Simon Slov. F Besiana oath Albanian
F Lenka of Magdala glory Czech-Slov. hearkening F Vlasta maiden who aids Albanian F Egzona enjoyment
Czech-Slov. M Mstislav Czech-Slov. in battle Czech-Slov. F Besijana city oath Albanian
M Leos lion vengeance-glory F Simona hearkening M Vlastimil power- Albanian F Elira to be free
Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. Czech-Slov. favor Czech-Slov. M Besim faith Albanian
F Libena love Czech- F Nada hope Czech- M Siek M Vlastislav power- Albanian M Endrit light
Slov. Slov. hearkening glory Czech-Slov. M Besin oath Albanian
F Endrita light M Jeton life Albanian M Zamir good M Benedik blessed Hungarian
Albanian Albanian F Qendrese voice Albanian Hungarian F Etel noble
M Engjell angel M Jorgji earth- attitude; bearing M Zamira good M Benjámin son of Hungarian
Albanian worker; farmer Albanian voice Albanian the right hand F éva alive, living
M Enver radiant Albanian F Qendresea HUNGARIAN Hungarian Hungarian
Albanian F Kaltrina blue girl bearing; pose M ábel F Bernadett bold as F Evie alive, living
F Era wind Albanian Albanian herdsman a bear Hungarian Hungarian
Albanian M Konstandin M Qendrim Hungarian F Berta courageous M Fábián bean
M Erion our steadfast bearing; pose M Adam man of Hungarian farmer Hungarian
wind Albanian Albanian Albanian the red earth M Berti F Fani free
M Erjon our M Konstandini M Rezar golden Hungarian ploughman Hungarian
wind Albanian steadfast ray Albanian M Adelbert noble; Hungarian F Felícia fortunate or lucky
M Ermir good Albanian M Rezart golden bright Hungarian F Bertus courageous Hungarian
wind Albanian M Kostandin ray Albanian M Adolf noble Hungarian F Felicitás fortunate or lucky
M Ervin honor steadfast F Rezarta golden ray wolf Hungarian F Bianka Blanche, white Hungarian
friend Albanian Albanian Albanian F Adrienn from Hadria Hungarian M Ferenc free
F Fatime abstainer M Kreshnik knight M Rilind birth; Hungarian M Boldizsár Ba'al Hungarian
Albanian Albanian reincarnation F ágnes chaste, holy protect the king M Ferkó free
F Fatjeta lucky M Kushtim Albanian Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian
Albanian dedication; F Rilinda birth; reincarnation F Ágota venerable; good M Boris battler; F Flora flower
M Fatjon our devotion Albanian Albanian Hungarian stranger Hungarian Hungarian
destiny Albanian M Kushtrim battle M Rinor M Ákos name F Boske consecrated to F Franciska free
F Fatjona our destiny cry; slogan adolescent; youth white falcon God Hungarian Hungarian
Albanian Albanian Albanian Hungarian F Brigitta exalted one F Frederica
M Fatlind lucky M Leka F Rovena holy lance M Albert noble; Hungarian peaceful ruler
birth Albanian defender of Albanian bright Hungarian F Cili blind Hungarian
F Fatlinda lucky birth mankind Albanian F Rozafa castle in Shkodra, F Alexandra Hungarian F Frida elf strength
Albanian M Leotrim brave Albania Albanian defender of M Dániel God is Hungarian
M Fatlum Albanian F Rozafati beautiful rose mankind Hungarian my judge F Fruzsina joy, mirth
fortunate M Leutrim brave Albanian F Alida noble sort Hungarian Hungarian
Albanian Albanian M Shkodran from Hungarian M Dávid beloved M Fülöp lover of
M Fatmir lucky F Lindita daybreak; birth of Shkoder Albanian F Aliz noble sort Hungarian horses Hungarian
Albanian day Albanian M Shpend poultry Hungarian M Dénes follower F Gabor God is my
F Fatmire lucky M Liridon free- Albanian F Amália work; industrious of Dionysos strength Hungarian
Albanian willed; desire M Shpetim rescue; Hungarian Hungarian M Gábriel God is
M Faton our Albanian salvationAlbanian F Anastasia M Dezsö longing my strength
destiny, our fortune F Liridona free-willed; desire F Shpresa hope resurrection Hungarian Hungarian
Albanian Albanian Albanian Hungarian M Domonkosbelongs M Gáspár
M Fatos daring M Lorenc F Shqipe eagle M Anasztáz to the lord treasure master
Albanian Laurence; of Albanian resurrection Hungarian Hungarian
F Fetije lucky Laurentum F Shtjefen crown Hungarian M Donát gift of M Gellért spear
Albanian Albanian Albanian F Anci gracious God Hungarian strength Hungarian
M Fisnik gallant; M Luan lion M Skender Hungarian F Dorika gift of God M Gergõ
noble; generous Albanian defender of M András man; Hungarian watchful; vigilant
Albanian F Lule flower mankind Albanian warrior Hungarian F Dorottya gift of God Hungarian
M Fitim gain; Albanian M Taulant tribe F Angyalka angelic Hungarian M Géza name
profit Albanian M Lulezim name. Albanian Hungarian F Duci of Magdala button Hungarian
M Fitore victory blooming; F Tefta queen of the F Anna grace Hungarian F Gizi pledge
Albanian floweringAlbanian Illyrians Albanian Hungarian F Edit fortune and strife Hungarian
M Flamur flag F Luljeta flower of life F Teuta queen M Antal Hungarian M Gusztáv
Albanian Albanian Albanian invaluable F Edna rejuvenation venerable
F Flori a martyr F Majlinda born in May F Valbona wave Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian
Albanian Albanian Albanian M Arisztid M Edvárd M Gyoergy earth-
F Flutura butterfly F Manjola magnolia tree F Valbone vale; wave excellence guardian of worker, farmer
Albanian Albanian Albanian Hungarian prosperity Hungarian
M Gazmend joy F Marigona an M Valdete blue; M árpád a Hungarian F Gyöngyi name pearl
Albanian historical figure sea Albanian Magyar national M Elek Hungarian
F Genta the gentian flower Albanian M Valdrin vale; Hungarian defender of M György earth-
Albanian M Mergim foreign; wave Albanian M Attila little mankind Hungarian worker, farmer
M Genti the stranger Albanian M Valmir good father Hungarian M éliás Hungarian
gentian flower F Mimoza mimosa tree wave Albanian M Balázs talks Jehovah is God F Györgyike earth-
Albanian Albanian F Valmira good wave with a lisp Hungarian worker, farmer
F Gentijana the F Mirjeta good life Albanian Hungarian M Emánuel God is Hungarian
gentian flower Albanian F Venera love M Bálint strong with us Hungarian M Gyula soft-
Albanian M Mirlind born Albanian and healthy M Emil bearded, youthful
F Gezim joy well; birth F Veton lightning Hungarian energetic Hungarian
Albanian Albanian Albanian M Bandi man; Hungarian M Gyuszi soft-
M Gjergj earth- F Mirlinda born well; birth F Visare depository warrior Hungarian F Enéh deer bearded, youthful
worker; farmer Albanian Albanian M Barnabás son of Hungarian Hungarian
Albanian M Nderim honor; M Vjollca viola exhortation M Enre man; F Hajnal dawn
M Gjon God is respect Albanian Albanian Hungarian warrior Hungarian Hungarian
gracious Albanian M Pellumb dove M Vjosa a river M Bartal son of F Erna serious M Harold war
M Ilir to be Albanian Albanian Talmai Hungarian Hungarian chief Hungarian
free Albanian M Perparim M Xhemail highest M Bartó son of M Ernö serious M Herbert bright
M Jak progress honor Albanian Talmai Hungarian Hungarian warrior Hungarian
supplanter Albanian F Xhevahire jewel F Beáta blessed M Ervin friend F Ida she who is active
Albanian M Pjeter rock; Albanian Hungarian of the sea Hungarian
F Jehona echo stone Albanian M Ylli star F Bella noble, bright Hungarian F Ila light
Albanian F Pranvera spring Albanian Hungarian F Erzsi consecrated to Hungarian
M Jetmir good Albanian F Yllka star M Benci blessed God Hungarian F Ildikó battle
life Albanian M Prek touch Albanian Hungarian F Eszter star Hungarian
F Ili torch or moon F Klarika brilliant; illustrious like God? F Sárika princess Lithuan. Lithuan.
Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian F Agné chaste; holy M Eugenijus well
M Illés F Klotild famous battle F Mónika advise, counsel F Sasa princess Lithuan. born Lithuan.
Jehovah is God Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian M Alexandras F Gabija goddess of fire
Hungarian M Konrád bold M Moricz dark- M Simon God is defender of Lithuan.
F Ilonka torch or moon counsel Hungarian skinned Hungarian heard Hungarian mankind Lithuan. M Galeti one
Hungarian M Kornel horn F Nancsi grace M Soma horn M Algimantas who is able
M Imrus power Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian wages; wealth Lithuan.
of work Hungarian F Kornélia horn F Natália born at Christmas M Szilveszter Lithuan. F Gamta nature
F Irén peace Hungarian Hungarian from the forest M Algimas wealthy Lithuan.
Hungarian M Kristóf follower M Niki Hungarian Lithuan. M Gelynas flower
F Irma war god of Christ Hungarian victorious people F Sziszi consecrated to M Algis wealthy garden Lithuan.
Hungarian F Krisztina follower of Christ Hungarian God Hungarian Lithuan. F Giedre serene
F István crowned with Hungarian M Nikko M Tamás twin M Anatolijus from Lithuan.
laurels Hungarian M Laci rules victorious people Hungarian the East Lithuan. M Giedrius serene
M Ivan God's with glory Hungarian F Teca harvester M Andrius manly Lithuan.
gracious gift Hungarian F Nikolett victorious people Hungarian Lithuan. M Gintaras amber
Hungarian M László famous Hungarian F Tercsa harvester F Angelika angel Lithuan.
M Izidor gift of warrior Hungarian F Nusa grace Hungarian Lithuan. F Gintare amber
ideas Hungarian M Lecso guide Hungarian F Tereza harvester F Anikke grace Lithuan.
M Izsák he will Hungarian M ödi wealthy Hungarian Lithuan. M Henrikas home-
laugh Hungarian M Lenci protectorHungarian F Teri harvester M Antanas ruler Lithuan.
M János God is crowned with F Olga holy Hungarian inestimable M Herkus home-
gracious Hungarian laurels Hungarian Hungarian M Tiborc of the Lithuan. ruler Lithuan.
M Jákob M Levi F Onelia light Tiber (river) F Aras intelligence of an F Jadvyga refuge in battle
substitute governor, guide Hungarian Hungarian eagle Lithuan. Lithuan.
Hungarian Hungarian M Orbán born in M Tivadar gift of M Aras M Jonas God's
M Jani God is F Lilike lily flower the city Hungarian God Hungarian intelligence of an gracious gift
gracious Hungarian Hungarian F Orzsebet M Tomi twin eagle Lithuan. Lithuan.
F Janka God is gracious M Lipot patriotic consecrated to Hungarian M Arturas noble F Julija youthful
Hungarian Hungarian God Hungarian M Tóni soldier Lithuan. Lithuan.
M Jenci born to M Lojze famous M Ottó inestimable F Atei the future M Juozapas God
nobility Hungarian brillianceHungarian prosperous Hungarian Lithuan. will add Lithuan.
M Jenõ born to M Lóránt Hungarian F Tünde fairy M Atei the M Juozas God
nobility Hungarian crowned with F Pali little Hungarian future Lithuan. will add Lithuan.
F Jola violet flower laurels Hungarian Hungarian F Valéria strong F Ateitis the future M Jurgis farmer
Hungarian M Lorencz F Panni favor; grace Hungarian Lithuan. Lithuan.
F Jolánka violet flower crowned with Hungarian M Vencel more F Audra storm F Justina fair; just
Hungarian laurels Hungarian F Paula little glory Hungarian Lithuan. Lithuan.
M Joszef God F Lucia bringer of light Hungarian F Vica life, alive M Augustas M Justinas fair;
will add Hungarian Hungarian F Perszi consecrated to Hungarian venerable just Lithuan.
F Jozsa God will add F Lujza famous warrior God Hungarian M Vidor Lithuan. M Karolis strong
Hungarian Hungarian M Péter rock; cheerful M Augustinas and manly
M Józsi God's M Maco God is stone Hungarian Hungarian venerable Lithuan.
gracious gift with us Hungarian M Peti rock; F Viktória victorious Lithuan. M Kazimerasgreat
Hungarian M Maks stone Hungarian Hungarian F Ausra dawn destroyer
F Juci blessed be the greatest F Piroska ancient F Vilma resolute guardian Lithuan. Lithuan.
Lord Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian M Azuolas oak M Konstantinas
F Judit woman of Judea F Malika industrious; queen M Pisti M Vince victor, Lithuan. constant
Hungarian Hungarian crowned with conquering M Benejaminas Lithuan.
F Juli youthful attendant M Mano God is laurels Hungarian Hungarian son of the right M Krystupas follower
Hungarian with us Hungarian F Ráhel ewe M Vincze victor, hand Lithuan. of Christ Lithuan.
F Julianna youthful attendant M Marcell warlike Hungarian conquering M Bronislovas F Kuryba creative force
Hungarian Hungarian F Renáta reborn Hungarian glorious protector Lithuan.
F Juliska youthful attendant M Marcilka martial, Hungarian M Walter Lithuan. M Kuryba creative
Hungarian warlike Hungarian F Rez copper; redhead powerful warrior M Bronius glorious force Lithuan.
M Kálmán strong F Margaréta pearl Hungarian Hungarian protectorLithuan. F Laima goddess of fortune
and manly Hungarian F Rezi harvester M Zako God F Daina song Lithuan.
Hungarian F Mária beloved Hungarian remembered Lithuan. F Laime happiness
M Karcsi strong Hungarian M Richárd Hungarian M Danielius God is Lithuan.
and manly F Marika beloved powerful and F Zita mistress my judge M Leonas lion
Hungarian Hungarian brave Hungarian Hungarian Lithuan. Lithuan.
F Karola strong and manly F Marja bitter M Róbert of M Zoltán life F Dora honesty M Linas flax
Hungarian Hungarian shining fame Hungarian Lithuan. Lithuan.
F Karoly son of joy F Márta lady Hungarian F Zsanett God is gracious F Dorota gift of God M Liudvikas famous
Hungarian Hungarian F Róza rose flower Hungarian Lithuan. warrior Lithuan.
F Kata all pure F Mártuska lady Hungarian M Zsiga F Dovana gift F Luidvika famous warrior
Hungarian Hungarian F Rózsa rose flower victorious Lithuan. Lithuan.
F Katalin all pure F Mathild brave in battle Hungarian protectorHungarian F Drasa courage F Magdalena woman
Hungarian Hungarian F Rozsika rose flower F Zsizsi God is my oath Lithuan. of Magdala
F Kati all pure M Mátyás gift of Hungarian Hungarian F Edita fortune and strife Lithuan.
Hungarian God Hungarian M Salamon man of F Zsófika wisdom Lithuan. M Malone grace
F Kató all pure M Micu peace Hungarian Hungarian F Egle married a sea from God
Hungarian belonging to the M Sámuel God M Zsolt sultan snake Lithuan. Lithuan.
F Katus all pure Lord Hungarian has hearkened Hungarian M Elada of F Margrytapearl
Hungarian M Mika who is Hungarian F Zsuzsanna lily Greece Lithuan. Lithuan.
M Kelemen gentle like God? M Sándor flower Hungarian F Elzbieta consecrated to F Marija sea of bitterness
and merciful Hungarian defender of F Zsuzsi lily flower God Lithuan. Lithuan.
Hungarian M Miksa the mankind Hungarian Hungarian F Erelis eagle F Marijona sea of bitterness
F Kitti all pure greatest Hungarian F Sára princess LITHUANIAN Lithuan. Lithuan.
Hungarian M Miska who is Hungarian F Adelyte of good cheer M Erelis eagle M Marijus male;
virile Lithuan. ruler, general M Alphaios Greek M Dorus gift god; sun Greek
F Morta noble lady Lithuan. changing Greek M Athanasios Greek F Hera wife of Zeus; vital
Lithuan. M Vandeny the F Althaia healing Greek immortal Greek M Efstathios good force Greek
F Motina mother ocean Lithuan. M Amenophis F Athena goddess of stability Greek M Heracles glory of
Lithuan. F Vasara summer he who works for wisdom Greek F Efthalia blooming; Hera Greek
M Moze saved Lithuan. Aton Greek F Athenais of the goddess flourishing Greek M Heraclitus glory of
from the water F Vatalija life; vital F Aminta defender Greek Athena Greek F Eileithyiagoddess of Hera Greek
Lithuan. Lithuan. F Amintah defender Greek M Bakchos to childbirthGreek F Hermia of the earth
M Mykolas who is M Viktoras F Anaitis immaculate shout Greek F Elektra bright; shining Greek
like God? conqueror Greek F Barbara chatter of Greek F Hermione of the
Lithuan. Lithuan. M Anakletos called foreigners Greek F Elene torch Greek earth Greek
F Narsa courage F Viktorija victorious back; invoked Greek M Barnabars son of F Eleni torch Greek M Hermogenes
Lithuan. Lithuan. M Ananias exhortation Greek F Elissa wanderer Greek born of Hermes
M Narsa M Vilhelmas compassion of M Caiaphas to raise M Eliud my God Greek
courage determined God Greek up; set up Greek has helped Greek M Herodotos hero-
Lithuan. guardian Lithuan. M Andonis F Calisto most beautiful F Elpida hope Greek given Greek
F Nastusche born at M Vincentas invaluable Greek Greek F Eos goddess of dawn M Hesiod to send
Christmas conquering M Andreas manly F Callidoragift of beauty Greek song Greek
Lithuan. Lithuan. warrior Greek Greek M Epaphroditos M Hesiodos to send
F Ona favor; grace M Virgilijus staff- M Androkles glory of F Celandine a goddess of love song; ode Greek
Lithuan. bearer Lithuan. a warrior Greek swallow bird Greek Greek M Hippokrates
M Paulinus little M Vladislava M Angelos angel; M Chaos M Epiktetos newly horse power
one Lithuan. possesses glory messenger Greek substance of the acquired Greek Greek
M Paulius little Lithuan. M Aniketos universe Greek F Eris strife; discord F Hippolyte to set
one Lithuan. M Vytautas driving unconquerable F Chara happiness Greek Greek horses free Greek
M Petras small the people Greek F Chloris goddess of M Eros god of M Hippolytos to set
rock Lithuan. Lithuan. M Annas vegetation Greek love and fertility Greek horses free Greek
M Pranciskus F Zuzane lily compassion of F Chrysanthe golden M Errikos hard M Hykinthos
free Lithuan. God Greek flower Greek working; industrious hyacinth flower
Lithuan. GREEK F Antiope counter; or set M Chrysanthos Greek Greek
M Raimondas M Achaikos from against Greek golden flower M Euclid good F Hypatia most high;
wise protector Achaia Greek M Antipatros against Greek glory Greek supreme Greek
Lithuan. M Achilleus pain the father Greek F Cybele goddess of fertility F Eudne good and holy M Hypatios most
F Rami calm one Greek M Antonios Greek wife Greek high; supreme Greek
Lithuan. M Actaeon the invaluable Greek F Cymone hearkening F Eudokia to seem well F Ianthe violet flower
M Ramunas calm hunted one Greek M Aphrodisios Greek Greek Greek
one Lithuan. F Adonia my lord Greek risen from the M Daidalos cunning M Eukleides good F Ianthina violet flower
M Ramus calm M Adonis foam Greek worker Greek glory Greek Greek
one Lithuan. beautiful youth F Aphrodite to rise M Damokles glory of F Eumelia good melody; M Iason to heal
F Rasa dew Greek above Greek the people Greek beautiful song Greek Greek
Lithuan. F Adrasteia stands M Apollinaris M Damon to F Eunike good victory F Io a princess loved
M Raulas her ground Greek destroyer Greek tame; to subdue Greek Greek by Zeus Greek
crowned with M Aesop hump- M Apostolis apostle; F Danae mother of Perseus F Eupraxiato exercise or M Ioannes God is
laurels Lithuan. backed slave Greek messenger Greek Greek practice well Greek gracious Greek
M Raulo M Aether god of M Apostolos apostle; F Delia birthplace of M Euripides good M Ioannis God is
crowned with the pure Greek messenger Greek Artemis Greek throw; accurate aimGreek gracious Greek
laurels Lithuan. M Agamemnon F Apphia increasing Greek F Delphinia place of F Eurybia goddess of the F Iole loved by Herakles;
F Rozalija rose very resolute M Archimedes Artemis' shrine Greek seas Greek violet Greek
Lithuan. Greek master of thought F Demeter goddess of M Eustathios good F Ionanna God is gracious
F Roze rose F Agathe good Greek Greek agriculture Greek stability Greek Greek
Lithuan. M Agathon good M Archippos master M Demosthenes F Euterpe giver of pleasure; F Iphigenia is born
F Ruta rue (the herb) Greek of horses Greek strength of the delight Greek of strength Greek
Lithuan. F Agaue illustrious; noble M Ares battle people Greek F Euthalia well-blooming; M Isokrates equal
M Rytas Greek strife; ruination Greek M Demostrate verdant Greek power Greek
morning F Aikaterina pure F Ariadne utterly pure army of the people M Eutychos M Jonas dove
Lithuan. Greek Greek Greek fortunate Greek Greek
F Saule sun goddess F Aikaterine pure M Aristaios F Desma pledge; vow M Evangelos good M Josias God
Lithuan. Greek excellenceGreek Greek tidings; good news Greek supports Greek
F Sofija wisdom M Aineias praise M Aristarchos F Diantha flower from the F Evdokia to seem well M Kallikrates the
Lithuan. Greek excellenceGreek gods Greek Greek power of beauty Greek
F Stanislava star M Aischylos shame F Aristomache F Dianthe flower from the F Gaia goddess of earth F Kalliope beautiful voice
Lithuan. Greek excellence in gods Greek Greek Greek
M Steponas crown M Aison nimble; battle Greek M Dimitrios loves M Gennadios F Kallisto most beautiful
Lithuan. quick-moving Greek M Ariston the earthGreek noble Greek Greek
F Svajone dream M Aisopos hump- excellenceGreek M Diogenes born of M Georgios farmer; M Kapaneus
Lithuan. backed slave Greek M Aristophanes Zeus; born Greek earth worker Greek arrogant of one
F Tiesa truth F Alcestis might of the home emerging M Diokles glory of M Haemon bloody Greek
Lithuan. Greek excellence Greek Zeus; glory Greek Greek M Karpos fruit;
M Tomas twin F Alcmene might of the moon M Artemidoros M Diomedes cunning F Hagne chaste; pure profits Greek
Lithuan. Greek gift of goddess as Zeus; to think Greek Greek F Kassandra
F Upe river F Alekto unceasing Artemis Greek M Dionysodoros M Haides unseen entangles men
Lithuan. Greek F Artemis butcher; or safe gift of the god Greek Greek
M Upe river M Alexio Greek Dionysos Greek F Hebe goddess of youth M Kerberos demon
Lithuan. defender of F Artemisia M Dionysos Greek of the pit Greek
M Vadimas mankind Greek butcher; or safe intoxicating effect F Hecuba far off Greek M Khristophoros
knowing one M Alexios Greek of wine Greek F Hekabe far off Greek follower of Christ
Lithuan. defender of F Aspasia to welcome F Dorcas gazelle Greek M Heli ascend Greek
M Valter army mankind Greek Greek M Doros gift Greek M Khristos
ruler, general F Alexis defender of F Astarte goddess of fertility Greek M Heliodorosgift of anointed Greek
Lithuan. mankind Greek Greek M Dorotheos gift of the sun Greek F Kleio glory of history;
M Vanda army F Alkyone kingfisher Greek F Astraia goddess of justice God Greek M Helios sun poetry Greek
M Kleisthenes angry; to hate Greek warlike Greek F Zinovia life of Zeus Lucian: light
glorious strength M Oedipus knows F Rhea menstruation; Greek Marian: bitter, rebel-lious
Greek the Sphinx's riddle Greek birth-waters Greek F Zoe full of life Greek Marin: from the sea
M Kleitos glory M Oidipous knows F Rhoda mother of John; M Zotikos full of Marius: hammer
Greek the Sphinx's riddle Greek rose Greek life Greek Marku
F Klytie famous Greek M Olympiodoros M Seleukos the ROMANIAN Mazonn
M Konstantinos gift of Olympos; conqueror Greek Abel: breath Mihai/Mihaita: like the Lord
steadfast Greek gift Greek F Semele from the Adi Mircea
F Kore goddess of the M Olympos home underworld Greek Adrian: black Mitica
underworld Greek of the gods Greek M Simonides flat- Alexandru: defender of men Nandru
M Kreon master; M Olysseus to be nosed; type Greek Alin: rock Neculai
ruler Greek angry; to hate Greek F Sofia wisdom Greek Anatolie: from the East Nic: victory of the people
M Krios master; M Orestes of the F Sophronia self- Andrei: masculine Nicolæ/Nicu
ruler Greek mountains Greek controlled Greek Anghel: divine messenger Nicusor/Nicu
M Kronos horn M Origen M Sophronios Anton: priceless Octavian: eighth
Greek mountain-born self-controlled Apostol Ovidiu: worker
M Kyriakos of the Greek Greek Aurel: golden Paul: small
lord Greek M Origenes F Sousanna lily Baduna Pereteanu
F Kyrillos of the lord Greek mountain-born Greek Bela: pike Petre/Petrica: rock
M Kyros like the Greek M Spiridion little Beniamin Petru
sun Greek M Oulixeus to be spirit Greek Beryx Pompiliu
F Leda womanly Greek angry; to hate Greek M Spyros spirit Bogdan: gift of God Radu
M Lefteris the F Ourania muse of Greek Boian Rares
liberator Greek astronomy Greek F Stamatiastop Greek Calin Razvan
M Leonidas lion's M Ouranos muse M Stelios pillar Carol Rica: dominant ruler
son Greek of astronomy Greek Greek Cătălin Sandu: defender of mankind
M Lykouros wolf F Pallas to wield a weapon M Stephanos Cezar: long-haired Serban
king Greek Greek crowned with Ciodaru Serghei/Sergiu
M Lysandros freer; M Pamphilos friend laurels Greek Ciprian Shaithis
liberator Greek of all Greek M Tarasios of Claudiu: sword Silviu
M Lysimachos M Pan god of Tarentum Greek Codrin Simu: listening in-tently
freeing; loosening shepherds Greek F Tasoula resurrection Constantin/Costel/Costica/ Skender
Greek F Pandora all-encompassing Greek Costi(n): firm, steady Sorin: thunder; red haired
M Makarios blessed gift Greek F Tersichore Cornel Stefan: crowned
Greek M Pankratiosall- enjoying the Corneliu Stelian
M Makednos the powerful Greek dance Greek Cosmin Teo
high or tall ones Greek M Panos all-holy M Thaddeus given of Cristi/Cristian: Christian Tiberiu
M Makedon the Greek God Greek Dan: God is my Judge Traian
high or tall one Greek F Paraskeve M Thanos Danut Tudor: gracious gift
M Matthias gift of preparation immortal Greek Decebal Valeriu/Valieriu: strong;
God Greek Greek F Thecla glory of God Dimitrie: follower of Demeter healthy
F Medeia cunning Greek F Parthenia virgin Greek Dorin: stranger Vali
F Medousa Greek M Theodotosgod- Doru Vasile: regal, kingly
guardian Greek F Parthenope virgin given Greek Dracul: devil; dragon Vasilica
F Melina honey-beeGreek voice Greek M Theodoulos Dragomir/Dragos Victor: conqueror
F Melissa honey-bee F Penelope weaver god-slave; Dumitru
Greek of cunning Greek bondage to God Greek Eftemie
F Melita honey-beeGreek M Perikles M Theophylaktos Emil(ian): excellent
M Methodios method surrounded by God's guard Eugen: well-born
Greek glory Greek Greek Fane = Stefan
M Metrophanes M Phanes to M Therapon Ferka
elements from the appear Greek servant; worshiper Flaviu
Mother Greek F Phanessa golden- Greek Florin
M Midas the winged god; appear M Timaios honor Flaviu(s): blonde
golden touch Greek Greek Greek Florentin: flowering
F Mneme of the three M Philokrates F Timo honor Greek Gabi/Gabriel/Gavril: herald of
Muses; memory Greek power of M Triton god of God
F Mnemosyne mother friendship Greek the sea Greek Geza
of the Muses Greek F Philomela sweet F Tryphaina Ghendie
M Morpheus god of and melodious song delicate; soft G(h)eorg(h)e: farmer
dreams Greek Greek Greek Ghita: pearl
F Natasa resurrection F Phoibe shining one M Vangelis good Glad: happy
Greek Greek tidings Greek Gogu
F Nemesis goddess of justice M Phoibos shining F Vasiliki queen Greek Grigore
Greek one Greek F Xanthia yellow Greek Haralamb
M Neoptolemos F Phyllis almond tree; F Xanthippe yellow Horatiu: timekeeper
new war Greek foliage Greek horse Greek Horia
M Nicolaos victory M Platon broad M Xenon Iancu/Ioan/Ionut
of the people Greek and flat; plateau Greek foreigner; Ilie
M Nidon victory M Polydorus bears stranger Greek Ioan: gift from God
Greek many gifts Greek M Xenophon Ion/Ionel/Nelu
M Nikandros victory M Polykarpos foreigner; Ionatan
of a man Greek fruitful; abundant stranger Greek Iorghu
M Nikolaos victory Greek M Yiorgos earth- Iosif
of the people Greek M Praxiteles action; worker; farmer Greek Iulian: youthful
F Nikoleta victory of the or exercise Greek M Yorgos earth- Ivan: glorious
people Greek M Priamos worker; farmer Greek Ivantie: glorious gift
M Nikomachos ransomed Greek M Zenobios life of Iuliu
victory battle F Psykhe animating spirit; Zeus Greek Jan: Lord be gracious
Greek soul Greek M Zenon of Zeus Laurentiu: laurel
M Odysseus to be F Ptolema aggressive; Greek Liviu: olive
AFRICA me Nnamdi: my father is alive Bouna Khadir Niokhor (S)*
WEST AF.—Yoruba Omobolanle: a child who met Nneka: my mother is Bourkhane * Khalifa Nouh
Abeni: we asked for her and wealth at home supreme Bransan (PT)* Khamby Nouha
beholde she is Omolara: a child is family Nnenna: father’s mother Cheickh Khary Npaly (SK)*
Abidemi: born during father’s Oni: born in sacred abode Nnenne: mother’s mother Chérif Khoudia Ogo *
absence Opeyemi: I should give Nwanneka: my siblings are Daby Khoule (W*) Omar
Abimbola: born wealthy praise supreme Daly Kor* Opa*
Abiodun: born on a festival Simisola: rest in wealth Obi: heart Damé Koutoubo (D*) Oumar
Abioye: born into royalty Temitope: enough to give Ogechi/Ogechukwukama: Daouda Lamine Oury (SK)*
Adebowale: my crown has thanks God’s time is the best Daour Lamp* Ousmane
come home Titilayo: eternal happiness Oluchi: God’s work Demba Landing* O(u)sseynou
Adegoke: the crown has Yejide: image of the mother Onyeka=Onyekachi/O- Dényanké (PT)* Lat* Papa
been exalted Yewande: mother has nyekachukwu: greater than Dethie Latif* Pape
Adetokunbo: the crown came returned God Diakhou (PT)* Latsouck (S)* Papis
from over the sea West Af. Igbo Udo: peace Dial* Latyr (M)* Pathé
Adisa: clear one Adaeze: king’s daughter Uzochi: God’s way Dialamba* Lémou * Racine
Afolabi: born into wealth Adanna: father’s daughter Uzoma: good way Dialegueye (D*) Léou (SK)* Sadibou
Alaba: 2nd child after twins Adannaya: her father’s Senegalese Dianco * Leyti (PT)* Sacoura
Amadi: seemed destined to daughter Abba Dicko Libasse Saër (S) *
die at birth Akachi: hand of God Abdallah Dicory Limane Sahaba
Ayo: joy Akuchi: wealth from God Abdou Diégane (S)* Loumboul Saïdou/Seydou
Ayodele: joy has come home Amadi: free man Abdoulatif Diène (S)* Maba (PT)* Sakhir
Ayokunle: joy has filled the Amaka/Chiamaka: beautiful Abdoulaye Diewo (PT)* Macky* Salam
home Goddess Abdourahmane Diokel (S)* Macodou* Salif
Ayomide: my joy has arrived Amara: grace Abdourakhane Diokine (D*) Madia Saliou
Ayotunde: joy has returned Amarachi: God’s grace Ablaye Diomaye (S)* Madické Saloum *
Babajide: father has returned Anuli: joy Abou Djadji Madior Samba
Babatunde: father has Azubuike: the past is your Adama Djibo (PT)* Mady Samori (M)*
returned strength Adamar Djibril Mactar Samsidine
Bamidele: follow me home Chi: god, spirit Adiouma Djiby Maffal Sandigui
Bolanle: finds wealth at home Chibueze: God is king Agouloubene (D*) Doudou Mahécor (S)* Sankoun (M)*
Bosede: born on Sunday Chibuike: God is strength Aïdara Dramane (M)* Makan (SK*) Sanokho (M)*
Dada: curly hair Chibuzo: God lead the way Aïnina El Hadj Makha Sécouba
Dayo: joy arrives Chichi: Aladji Elimane Malal (W*) Sédar (S)*
Ekundayo: sorrow becomes Chidi/Chukwudi: God exists Alassane Facourou (SK) Malamine Sega
joy Chidiebere: God is merciful Albouri (W)* Fadel Malang/Malanh Sékou
Eniola: wealth person Chidiebube: God is glorious Aldemba Falilou Malaw/Malick Semou
Enitan: storyteller Chidiegwu: God is wonderful Alfa* Fal(l)ou Mallé (PT)* Senghane (S) *
Femi/Olufemi: Chidike: God is strong Alfousseyni (D)* Famara Mamadou Serigne
Folami: respect and honour Chidimma: God is good Aliou Fara Mamour Seyba (M)*
me Chidubem: guided by God Alioune Farba Mansour Seydina
Gbemisola: carry me into Chiemeka: God has Allé (PT)* Fatel * Maodo Sibiloumbaye (D)*
wealth performed great deeds Almamy Fodé Mapaté Sidate*
Idowu: born after twins Chijindum: God holds my life Amadou Fodey Mar Sidy
Ife: love Chika: God is greatest Amar(a) Fodié Massamba Siéka (D*)
Ige: born feet first Chike: God’s power Amath Foulah (PT)* Massar/Masse Sihalébé (D)*
Kayin: celebrated child Chikelu/Chikere: God Amidou Galaye Masseck Sihounke (D*)
Kayode: he brought joy created Ansoumane Gaoussou (W*) Massogui Silly
Lanre/Olanrewaju: my future Chima/Chukwuma: God Arfang* Gnokhor Massou Socé
wealth knows Arona Gora* Mbagnick Sogui
Lekan/Olamilekan: my wealth Chinasa: God answers Assane Gorgui* Mbagnie Soireba
has increased Chinedu: God leads Asse Goumbo * Mbakhane (S) * Solal
Mojisola: wake up to wealth Chinonso: God is nearby Aziz Goundo (SK*) Mbamoussa Sonar(S)*
Monifa: I’m lucky Chinwe: God knows Baaba (PT)* Guidado (SK)* Mbar Souleymane
Olabode: wealth returns Chinweike: God owns power Babacar Habib Mbaye Soundjata (M)*
Olamide: my wealth has Chinwendu: God owns life Babou Hadiya (SK)* Mébok* Sounkarou *
arrived Chinweuba: God owns Badara Hady Médoune Souty*
Olayinka: wealth surrounds wealth Badou Hamidou Modou/Modu Tafsir
me Chinyelu/Chinyere: God gave Bacar Hammel (P)* Mody Talla
Olubunmi: gift of God Chioma: good God Baïdi/Baidy (SK)* Hatab (D*) Moktar/Moctar Tamsir
Olufemi: God loves me Chizoba: God protects us Baila (PT)* Iba Momar Tanor (S)*
Olufunke: God has cared for Chuks m: Bakari* Ibra(hima) Mor(y) Tayfor
Olufunmilayo: God gave me Chukwuemeka m: God has Ballago* Ibou Mountaga Tekheye *
joy done sth great Bamba Idrissa Moussa Tété (D*)
Olufunmilola/ Ebele: mercy Banta (SK)* Insa (D)* Moustapha Thiawlo*
Oluwafunmilayo: God gives Ekene: praise Bara Ismaïl Namori (M)* Thierno
me wealth Ekenedilichukwu: all praise Bassirou Ismaïla Ndane (S) * Thione
Olujimi: God-given to God Bathie * Issa Ndiack * Thioro
Olukayode: God brings Ekwueme: he says, he does Bayo (P)* Isshaga (PT) Ndiaga* Tijane/Tidjane/Tidiane
happiness Emeka: great deeds Becaye* Jankebay (D)* Ndiankou* Toumani (M)*
Olumide: God’s come Enyinnaya: his father’s friend Bilal (M) Jamuyon (D)* Ndiaw * Vieux*
Oluwakanyinsola: God has Fumnanya: love me Birahim Kader Ndiawar * Wagane (S) *
added sweetness to my Funanya: love Biram Kainack (S)* Ndiaya** Waly*
wealth Ikenna: father’s power Birane Kalidou Ndiogou* Wandifing (D)*
Oluwasegun: God has been Ndidi: patience Birima Kalilou Ndiouga Wasis
victorious Ngozi: blessing Biry (SK)* Kambia (SK)* Ndongo* Woula (S)*
Oluwaseun: we thank God Nkechi/Nkechinyere: gift of Bocar Kao* Ngagne * Woury* (PT)
Oluwaseyi: God made this God Bolikoro (W*) Kaourou (SK)* Ngor (S) * Yacouba
Oluwatoyin: God is worthy to Nkemdilim: let mine be mine Boubacar Karamo (SK*) Nguénar (S)* Yafaye (D*)
be praised Nkiru/Nkiruka: the best is still Boubou (SK)* Kéba* Niakar (S)* Yakou*
Oluwayemisi: God honours to come Bouly (SK)* Khadim Niankou (D*) Yankhoba
Yerim* Diouma Nafi(ssatou) Thiabe Leke Safi
Yero Djaly* Nakhe Thiame* Leynywy Ivory Coast
Yoro Djébou Nbieumbet Thile Lysinge Abouo
Yougo Djeynaba Ndack Thiomba (S)* Mafany Adagra
Younouss* Dkikel (PT*) Ndagou Thiony* Masango Adagra
Youssou Djilane (S)* Ndella (S)* Thioro (S) Mballe Adjoussou
Youssouf Enfadima Ndeye/Ndiaye Thioumbane * Mbe Agnimel
Youssoufa Fabala (T) Ndiarenioul* Tocka (SK)* Moka Ahibo
Abibatou Fabinta Ndiarka*(PT) Tokoselle (PT)* Mvondo Aka
Aby Fadima Ndiasse Toly (PT)* Nde Akadjé
Absa (*) Fakane (S)* Ndiaty Touty Ndedi Akpa
Adama Fama N'diémé Walty Ndifor Akpess
Adamar Fanta* Ndiéma/Ndiouma Wore Ndikum Alpha
Adiouma Farmata (T) Ndioba Wouley Ndzenywy Amandja
Adji Fary Ndiolé Woury Neba Amatcha
Adja Fatima Ndioro Yadicone * Nembo Assaye
Aïcha Fatou Ndombo* Yandé Nenge Atchô
Aïda Fatoumatou Ndoumbe Yaye Nforbi Atchori
Aïssatou Fily* Néné Adama Ngotso Attagba
Akinumelob (D)* Garmi (W)* Neyba Anta Ngu Ayo
Alarba Ghagna/Gnagna* Ngenar Birame Ngwa Bian
Alima Gnilane (S)* Ngoné Bodiel (PT)* Niba Digbeu
Alimatou Gnima Ngosse (S) Bougouma Njah Djêdj
Alinsiitowe (D)* Gouya Nguenar Ciré Nji Essis
Aliou Guignane (S)* Nguissaly/Ngissaly * Diéry/Diary/Dierry Njitor Essoh
Aloendisso (D)* Guissaly (S)* Niakuhufosso (D)* Khar Njongai Fotê
Altine Haby (SK) Niali Lika Nkeng Gnagne
Ama Hawa Nialine (D)* Magatte/Maguette Nufi Gnahoré
Amina Heinda (SK)* Ningou* Maïssa/Meïssa Nyenty Gnangra
Aminata Holèl (PT)* Nini Sagar Oudoa Kassi
Amincta Issate * Niouma (SK)* Sanou Sakeh Konan
Amy Kaba Oulèye (Ouly) Yacine Sociga Kouadio
Ana Kankou* Oulimata/Ouly Cameroonese Soli Kouamé
Anta Karimatou (PT) Oumou Acha Sone Kouassi
Arame Kenbougoul * Oumy Adze Tabuwe Lasme
Assa Kéwé (L*) Oureye Akang Taleh Lat
Assietou Kadiali Pelshery Akem Tanyi Mel
Astou Khadija Penda* Bongsisi Tanzetanau Melagne
Ata (T) Khadijatou Peye-Peye* Beza Teghen Mèmel
Atia (T) Khady Raby (PT*) Ambe Wiyghan Moriféré
Awa Khar Raki* Amosa Yembe N'guessan
Awentorébé (D)* Khardiatou Rama/Ramatta Anomah Yenka Ningbé
Ayimpen (D)* Khary Ramatoulaye Anu Acha Okan
Banel (T)* Khayfatte Rokhaya Anye Akem Okou
Batouly (PT*) Khoudia Roubba (W*) Asong Angu Sess
Bigué (W)* Khoudjedji (SK) Roughy/Rougi Ateh Anu Siaka
Billé (SK)* Khoumbaré (SK)* Sadio Atem Anyi Sofiany
Bincta Kiné Safiétou/Safi Atüh Asong Soori
Binette Korka (W*) Sahaba (S)* Awa Atabong Soufiane
Binta Korite Salimata Awasom Ateh Tapé
Bin(e)tou Lafia/Laffia Saliou Azah Atem Tiécoura
Boirika Lala Salamata (SK) Babila Azah Yedes
Boury (S) Lama Sally Che Babila Yedo
Bousso Léna Sanakha (M)* Chi Beza Adiow
Ciramadi (SK)* Lissah Sarratou Dahirou Bezia Adjoua
Cod(o)u Liwane (S)* Saoudatou Djal Bih Affoué
Comba/Coumba* Mada Sawdiatou Entekele Eposi Afla
Combé Madior (W*) Selbé (S) Fai Evenye Afo
Coudouution Madjiguène (W & S)* Sell (W) Fobinyam Fen Ahou
Coumboye (SK)* Mahawa Seynabou Fodje Fua Akissi
Coura Maimouna Seyni Fon Kouma Amlan
Daba Mame Sibett (D)* Fondzenywy Leke Amouin
Dado (SK)* Mamina Siga Forcolo Liyshisha Assamala
Daka (P)* Manthita (SK)* Sindiely Fru Lun Assopka
Debbo (T) Marème/Marieme Siny Fua Malun Brou
Défa (PT)* Mariama Sipy Gana Mambo Do'ingn
Dewel * Mamassa (SK) Sira Jong Mankap Edée
Dewene * Mane (S)* Sirabiry (SK)* Jotaku'uh Manyi Ekpoti
Diakher Maty* Soda (PT)* Kaytuhn Mbong Eyi
Diakhou Mayatta* Sofiatou/Sofiétou Kemajou Nadjela Faitai
Dialikatou (PT*) Maymouna Sokhna Kenjo Namondo Hawa
Diama Mbacké Souadou* Ketu Naghen Katio
Dianké/Dianka Mbarou (S)* Soukeye Kimbu Nayah Macény
Diariatou/Diariétou Mbayeng Soukeyna Kouam Ndolo Malinka
Diarra/Diara Mbissine (S)* Tabara Kouodjou Nforbi Mayeni
Diatou Mbore Tacko (SK)* Kouomegui Ngu Mdjou
Dibor (S)* Mbossé* Taki (Bassari)* Kubri Ngumabih Melem
Dieourou Mingue Tening (S)* Kwamba Ngun Meliane
Dieynaba Mintou Téwa (S)* Lafon Ngwi Meliou
Diodio Mouskéba/Muskeba* Tiné* Langke Njweng Oklomin
Dior Mousty Therietou Lawal Nkeng Sali
Wandja M Agymah one luminousArabic conqueror Arabic Wednesday Ewe M Owusu
Wottey who leaves his community M Azzam M Gyasi M Kwaku born on unknown Akan
Yedei Fante determined; wonderful child Wednesday M Owusuwao
Yediane F A'ishah life; prosperity resolved Arabic Akan Ghanan unknown Akan
Yediow Arabic F Baba born on Thursday F Hani-Ah of happiness; bliss M Kwame born on F Ozigbodipatience Ewe
Ghana F Ajoba born on Monday Fante Arabic SaturdayAkan M Panyin elder of
Aba Ghanan M Badu tenth M Haytham young M Kwamena born on twins Akan
Dofi F Akosua born on Sunday born child hawk Arabic SaturdayGhanan F Panyin elder of twins
Akosua Ewe Ghanan M Hilal M Kwami born on Fante
M/F Ghanaian Baby F Aku born on F Bashirahbringer of good happiness Arabic SaturdayGhanan M Prah Prah
Names Meaning of Name Wednesday tidings Arabic F Huda right guidance M Kwasi born on river Ghanan
Origin Ghanan M Boadi Arabic Sunday Akan F Qadriyah to
F Aba born on Thursday F Akua born on unknown Akan F Ikhlas sincerity Arabic M Kweben born on believe in God's willArabic
Fante Wednesday Ewe F Boahinmaa has left F I'timad reliance; Tuesday Ghanan F Qamar full moon Arabic
F Abal wild rose Arabic F Akuba born on her community Ewe dependence Arabic M Kweku born on M Qasim divider;
F Abam second child after Wednesday M Bobo born on M Jabbar mighty Wednesday distributor Arabic
twins Twi Ghanan Tuesday Fante Arabic Ghanan F Ra'idah leader Arabic
M Aban old M Akwasi born on M Bodua an M Jabir M Kwesi born on F Ra'ifah merciful Arabic
Arabic name Arabic Sunday Ghanan animal's tail Akan consoler; Sunday Ghanan F Riham lasting; fine rain
M Abdul-Karim F Akwete elder of twins M Bour a rock comforter Arabic M Kyere Arabic
servant of the Ga Ghanan M Jojo born on unknown Akan F Rihana sweet basil
Noble One Arabic M Akwetee M Coblah born on Monday Fante F Lu'lu pearls Arabic Arabic
M Abdul-Samad younger of twins Tuesday Ewe F Juhanah young girl Arabic M Lumo born M Sabir patient
servant of the Ga M Coffie born on F Kakra younger of twins face downward Ewe Arabic
Eternal Arabic F Akwokwo Friday Ewe Fante F Lumusi born face F Sa'dah happiness Arabic
M Abeeku born on younger of twins M Coujoe born on M Kareem downward Ewe F Sa'diyah fortunate Arabic
Wednesday Fante Ga Monday Ewe precious and M Majid glorious F Samihahgenerous Arabic
F Abena born on Tuesday F Ama born on Saturday F Dhakirahremembers God distinguished Arabic Arabic F Samirah entertaining
Fante Ewe frequently Arabic M Kaseem divided F Malikah queen Arabic companion Arabic
F Abina born on a M Ametefe born F Do first child after Arabic F Mama born on Saturday F Serwa noblewoman
Thursday Akan after father's death Ewe twins Ewe M Kesse fat at Fante Ewe
F Abla born on F Ameyo girl born on F Dofi second child after birth Fante M Manu M Shafiq
Wednesday SaturdayEwe twins Ewe F Kessie fat at birth Fante second-born compassionate;
Ghanan F Ami born on Saturday M Dommie born on F Kifah struggle Arabic Akan tender Arabic
M Abla born on Ghanan SaturdayEwe F Kisi born on Sunday M Mawulawde F Shams sun Arabic
Wednesday M Amin, Ameen M Donkor humble Ghanan God will provide F Sharifah noble; honored
Ghanan faithful; person Akan M Kobby born on Ewe Arabic
M Addae trustworthy Arabic M Ebo born on Tuesday Ghanan M Mawuli there is M Siisi born on
morning sun M Amir, Ameer Tuesday Fante M Kobena born on a God Ewe Sunday Ghanan
Akan prince Arabic F Effia born on Friday Tuesday Ghanan F Mawusi in the hands of F Sisi born on Sunday
M Adeben twelfth- F Amma born on Saturday Ghanan M Kobina born on God Ewe Fante
born Akan Ghanan F Efia born on Friday Tuesday Ghanan F Mayyasah walk M Sisi born on
M Adika first M Amoa Akan M Kodwo born on with a proud gait Arabic Sunday Fante
child of second husband unknown Akan F Efie born on Friday Monday Twi M Mensah third M Sono
Ewe M Amoani Ghanan M Kofi born on son Ewe elephant Akan
F Adjo born on Monday unknown Akan F Efua born on Friday Friday Ghanan M Minkah justice F Suhaimah small
Ghanan M Ampah trust Ghanan M Kojo born on Akan arrow Arabic
F Adjua born on Monday Akan F Ejo born on Monday Monday Ghanan F Morowa queen Akan F Suhair proper name
Ghanan M Anane the Ghanan M Komnan born on M Msrah sixth- Arabic
M Adofo warrior fourth son Akan M Ekow born on Monday Fante born Akan M Tano Tano
Akan F Anbarin of ambergris Thursday M Kontar an only M Muhsin river Ghanan
M Adom help Arabic Ghanan child Akan beneficent; F Tasnim fountain in
from God Akan F Antobamposthumous child F Ekuwa born on M Kpodo elder of charitable Arabic paradise Arabic
M Adusa Fante Wednesday twins Ewe F Mushirah giving F Tawbah repentance
thirteenth- born F Araba born on Tuesday Ghanan M Krobo name counsel; advising Arabic Arabic
Akan Ghanan F Enyonyam it is of river in Ghana M Naim ease; F Tawiah first child after
M Adwin creative M Asamoah good for me Ewe Ghanan tranquility Arabic twins Ga
Ghanan unknown Akan M Esam M Kufuo father F Najla of wide eyes F Thema queen Akan
F Adwoa born on Monday M Ashon safeguard Arabic shared birth pangs Fante Arabic M Tse
Fante seventh-born son F Esi born on Sunday F Kukua born on F Nana mother of the younger of twins
F Adzo born on Monday Akan Ghanan Wednesday earth Ghanan Ewe
Ghanan M Ata twin M Essien sixth- Ghanan F Nanyamka God's M Tuaco
F Afafa first child of Fante born son Ochi F Kunto third child Twi gift Ewe eleventh-born
second husband Ewe F Atiyah gift; present M Fadi M Kuuku born on F Nibras lamp; light Arabic child Ghanan
F Afi born on Friday Arabic redeemer Arabic Wednesday F Nida' call Arabic M Tuako
Ewe M Ato born on F Farhanah happy Ghanan M Nkrumah ninth- eleventh-born
M Afram Afram SaturdayGhanan Arabic F Kuukuwa born on born Akan child Ga
river in Ghana M Atoapem born on M Fenuku born Wednesday M Nsoah M Twia born
Ghanan SaturdayGhanan after term Fante Ghanan seventh-born after twins Fante
F Afryea born during good M Atsu M Fifi born on M Kwabena born on Akan M Ubadah servant
times Ewe younger of twins Friday Fante Tuesday Akan M NyamekyeGod's of god Arabic
F Afua born on Friday Ewe M Fodjour fourth M Kwabla born on gift Akan F Wafaa' faithfulness
Ewe M Atu born on born Ghanan Tuesday Ghanan F Nyankomago second Arabic
M Agyei SaturdayFante M Fram ofram M Kwadwo born on child after twins Twi F Wafiqah successful Arabic
messenger from M Atwotwe eighth- tree Ghanan Monday Ghanan M Odom oak F Yaa born on Thursday
God Akan born Akan M Fynn Offin M Kwadz born on tree Ghanan Ewe
M Agyeman F Awo born on Saturday river Ghanan Monday Ghanan M Oko the F Yaaba born on Thursday
fourteenth-born Ghanan F Gharam love Arabic M Kwak born on elder one of twins Ghanan
Akan F Awusi born on a Sunday M Ghassan old Wednesday Ghanan F Yaayaa born on Thursday
M Agyemang Akan Arabic name Arabic Ghanan M Osei noble Ghanan
unknown Akan M Azhar shining; M Ghazi M Kwakou born on Fante M Yafeu bold
Ibo Egbichi crown has turned to joy M/F Agbapuonwu of all goodness Igbo the best Igbo
F Yakootah Ezima Yoruba plea for longevity M/F Anazonwu Mother M/F Chikezie God's
emerald Arabic Monrènikè M Adedeji the Igbo Earth gives longevity will is supreme Igbo
F Yamha dove Arabic Ngozi crown has become two M/F Agbebiyi last Igbo M/F Chilotam God
M Yao born on Nnenna Yoruba name ; surname Yoruba M/F Aniegbunam remembered me Igbo
Thursday Ewe Olabisi F Adedoyin the M Agbonkhina Mother Earth M Chimaobi God
M Yasin one of Olubumi crown is now sweet Yoruba welcome to life saves the family Igbo knows the heart Igbo
Muhammad's names Oluchi F Adefolake your Benin M/F Anigekwu Mother M/F Chimbuchim
Arabic Omolola wealth supports us Yoruba M Agbonserema Earth saves the innocent God is my God
M Yaw born on Omovin M Adejola king of welcome to the Igbo Igbo
Thursday Omowumi kings; God Yoruba world Benin M Aniyan one M Chimezie let God
Ghanan Onyejiuwa M Adekola the M Aghirigha second who cares Yoruba done it Igbo
M Yawo born on Toyin crown gathers wealth of the twins Igbo M Anuli joy F Chinenyenwa God
Thursday Akan Yetunde Yoruba M/F Agu Ibo gives child Igbo
F Ye elder of twins M/F Abadom plea F Adeleke the crown brings leopard; agility F Anwilichukwu God' s F Chinechezirim God
Ewe not to be chastised Igbo happiness Yoruba and strength Igbo joy Igbo thinks good of me Igbo
M Yokow born on M Abaeze branch M Adeleye the M/F Agusiobo calm a M/F Anyagaligbo F Chinelo God remembers
Thursday of the kings Igbo crown is honorable Yoruba volatile situation Igbo overseer; me Igbo
Ghanan F Abayomi she brings me joy F Adenike the crown is M/F Aguzani land is watchman Igbo M/F Chinmakodim
M Yoofi born on Yoruba cherished; wealth of the free from all evil Igbo M/F Anyaora high God knows my
Friday Akan M Abayomrunkoje crown Yoruba M Aigbekaenwe position gives a better view conditionIgbo
M Yooku born on God won't F Adeola wealth of the can't kill the clan Benin Igbo F Chinwe God is the owner
Wednesday Fante allow humiliation Yoruba crown Yoruba M Aigbokai thou M/F Arah Mother Igbo
M Yorkoo born on F Abebi we asked for a girl M/F Adeolu you shalt not kill Benin Earth protects our name F ChinyereChi is the giver
Thursday Fante child Yoruba figure it out; I don't know M Aisosa no one Igbo Ibo
F Zuhrah brightness Arabic M Abegunde born Yoruba is above God benin F Aretta charming; M/F Chisomaga
Guinea during holiday Yoruba F Aderinola wealth F Aisosa no one is above enchanting God is always with
Abou F Abeni we asked for a girl of the crown Yoruba God benin Nigerian me Igbo
Diaba child Yoruba F Aderiyike the M/F Ajaka God is M Ariwoope the F Chuku of God Igbo
Ibrahimasory M Abeo pampered crown Yoruba praised Igbo shout of praise Yoruba M/F Chukwudimma
Kaba happiness bringer M Adesehinwa M Ajala victory M Asagwara God is good
Khalidou Yoruba the crown is back at last Yoruba unreliable Yoruba Igbo
Ladji F Abidemi born during Yoruba M Ajeigbe our M/F Asomughadon't M Chukwuemeka
Laye father's absence Yoruba F Adesewa the investment is not lost regret anything Igbo God has done well
Madifing M Abidugun born crown of beauty Yoruba Yoruba M/F Atuona like Igbo
Mamoudou before the war Yoruba M Adesola M Ajibola awake precious metal Igbo M Chukwuma
Ousmane M/F Abiodun born in crowned with to richness Yoruba M/F Ayanti will you God knows
Saïdou a festive period Yoruba wealth Yoruba M Akamere live remember me? Igbo
Samory M/F Abioye we M/F Adesola with the consequences Efik/Ibibio M Dada curly
Seinkoun have royalty Yoruba crowned with Igbo F Ayobami blessed with joy haired child Yoruba
Souleymane M Abioye born wealth Yoruba M Akande first Yoruba F Daraja valuable;
Toriki during a coronation Yoruba M/F Adetokunbo born Yoruba M Ayodele joy important Hausa
Kesso M/F Abolanle met the crown from M Akarachi divine d arrives home Yoruba M Debare born
Khadija wealth at home Yoruba abroad Yoruba estiny Igbo F Ayoluwa the joy of our during good times Yoruba
Mabinty M/F Abomeli Abo F Adetokunbo father M Akeju over people Yoruba F Diola what will tomorrow
Yanka was victorious Igbo has returned from a trip pamper Yoruba M/F Ayoola the joy bring? Yoruba
Nigeria M/F Achebe Yoruba F Akiakeme go on of wealthYoruba M Dubem lead
Abiona goddess protects M Adetosoyecrown before me Benin M Ayotunde joy has me on Igbo
Adébayo Igbo is entitled to the throne M Akin brave returned Yoruba M Durojaiye wait for
Adeyemi M/F Achike slow Yoruba one; strong man Yoruba M Azikiwe the joy of life Yoruba
Akinwumi and steady wins the race F Adetowumi the M/F Akingbadestrong vigorous Ibo M Ebhaleleme
Asisola Igbo crown that I wished for man of the crown Yoruba M/F Azubogu support you won't follow
Ayodeji M/F Achutebe limit Yoruba M Akinjide strong of my kinsmen Igbo my lead Benin
Ayodele one can be pushed around F Adewemimo the one has returned Yoruba M Babafemi father F Ebunoluwa God
Babatunde Igbo crown washed me clean M Akinola strong loves meYoruba gift Yoruba
Bamidele F Ada-afo born on third day Yoruba one has wealth Yoruba M Bako guest M/F Edidiong
Chinua Igbo M Adewole royalty M Akinrinadebrave Hausa blessing
Ilesanmi F Adammadaughter of enters the house Yoruba like a warrior Yoruba M Banjoko don't Efik/Ibibio
Kayode beauty Igbo M Adeyemi the M Akinsheye valor ever leave me Yoruba F Efe beautiful; pretty
Kolade F Adankwo born on crown suits me well Yoruba acts honorably Yoruba F Bengongelsule my wife Benin
Korede fourth day Igbo M Adeyemo the M Akinshiju valor is our home Igbo M/F Egbede cannot
Nwankwo F Adaoma good lady Ibo crown befits this child awakes Yoruba M Bisi the first buy your family's love
Okwonkwo F Adaora daughter of all Yoruba M Akintunde brave child Yoruba Benin
Olaoyé Igbo M Adigun one returns Yoruba F Bolanile the wealth of this M Egharevba
Olarewaju M/F Adebambo righteous Yoruba M Akoni brave house Yoruba enemies cannot
Olawale the crown came M Adimabua now I warrior Yoruba M/F Busayo add to bother me Benin
Olugbenga with me Yoruba am two Igbo M/F Akpom don't the joy Yoruba M/F Egwuchi the fear
Olusegun M Adebamgbe F Adodoola criticize me unfairly Igbo M Chetachukwu of God Igbo
Oluseyi royalty dwells with beautiful flower F Akuziem God has taught remember God M/F Ejikeme divine
Olusola me Yoruba Yoruba me a lesson Igbo Igbo intervention Igbo
Tadjou M/F Adebisi we M/F Aduba resents F Alkana wheat Hausa M Chibueze God is F Ekemmaborn on Eke
Temidayo added to the crown Yoruba the family Igbo F Amadia lightning-spirit king Igbo market day Igbo
Temitope M Adebiyi royal F Adunola sweetness of Ibo F Chichima sweet M Ekong war
Todjou one Yoruba wealth Yoruba F Amarachukwu God's and precious girl Igbo Efik/Ibibio
Uché M Adebowale F Afafa first child of grace Igbo M Chidubem God M/F Ekwuaju
Abebi the crown has second husband Yoruba M/F Amenawon lead me on Igbo agreeing for the
Aina come home Yoruba M Afiba by the water that we M Chiemeka God sake of peace Igbo
Bolanle M/F Adeboye the sea Yoruba drink Benin has done well Igbo M Elochukwu
Bosede crown has brought title M/F Afoaka the F Amogechukwu all in M/F ChigoziemGod God's will Igbo
Buchi Yoruba cause of our difficulties God's time Igbo has blessed me Igbo M/F Elumelu to
Dupe M Adedayo the Igbo M/F Anah source M/F Chikanma God is obtain one's rightful position
Igbo M/F Ikponmwosa F Mofoluwakemi given F Ogonnaya father's God has touched M/F Osayuwamen
M/F Emecheta thank God benin for the Lord's blessing in-law Igbo me Yoruba God has given me
violence is not F Ileara healthy child Yoruba M Ogun M/F Oluwalanni wealth BENIN
easily forgotten Igbo Yoruba F Mojisola awake into fortune mythological god God is ours M Osinachi comes
M Emem peace M Ilozumba our Yoruba of war Nigerian Yoruba from God Igbo
Efik/Ibibio distant home is forgotten M Mongo famous M Oisaghie this is M/F Oluwanifemi M Osuofia bush
M/F Emengo unfair Igbo Yoruba the child of God Benin God loves me cutter Igbo
solicitation Igbo F Imbiana unity song Ibo M/F Monjolaoluwa F Ojuolapeeye of wealth is Yoruba F Otuekongabasi warrior
F Emilohi only God is M Inegbedion enjoying the complete Yoruba M Oluwarogbayi Efik/Ibibio
greater Yoruba family supports wealth of God Yoruba M Okechuku God's God is all around M Owodunni to have
M/F Eniafe beloved me Benin M/F Morenikeji this gift Ibo me Yoruba wealth is a blessing Yoruba
Yoruba F Inumidun I am child resembles me Yoruba M Okonkwo born on M/F Oluwaseun M Oyakhirome
M Enofe one happy Yoruba F Mosunmoluwa closer Nkwo market day Igbo God is thankful God has come to
who is rich benin F Iretomiwa to God Yoruba M Okpere arrived Yoruba help me Benin
M/F Enwonwu God blessing has come M Munachimso a long time ago Benin M Oluwashinaayo M Oyewole honor
has the power of death to me Yoruba agree with God M Okwute rock God has opened has come in Yoruba
Igbo M Isamotu Olalekan Igbo Igbo my joy Yoruba F Oyinlola wealth is sweet
M/F Esosa God's without God I'm M/F Nagodeallah F Olabisi joy is multiplied M/F Oluwasoromiyo Yoruba
gift Benin destitute Yoruba I thank God Yoruba God made my life F Ozioma the message
F Etoro praise F Isoken contented with my Hausa M/F Oladele wealth joyful Yoruba Ibo
Efik/Ibibio destiny benin F Ndidi patience Igbo has reached home Yoruba M Oluwatobatayin M Popoola
F Eya my tribe Yoruba F Itunu consolation M Ndudiosiso M Oladosu wealth God is worthy to intelligent people
M/F Ezediugwu Yoruba life is hidden has become a new moon be praised Yoruba love GodYoruba
prestigious king M/F Iwenjiora angry Igbo Yoruba M/F OluwatokeGod is F Rayowa life Hausa
Igbo at the family Igbo M Ndulue hope M Olajide wealth worthy to be adored F Ronke I have someone to
M Ezesinachi F Iyabo mother has come this one makes it Igbo has resurfaced Yoruba Yoruba pamper Yoruba
the chief is from Yoruba F Ngozichukwuka God's M Olalekan wealth M/F Oluwatomiwa M Sangodelegod of
God Igbo F Iyawa ability; skillHausa blessings are best Igbo has increased Yoruba God searched for thunder has returned
M/F Ezinwa good F Izukanne family M/F Niyilolawa wealth F Olaniyi there is joy in me Yoruba Yoruba
child Igbo keeps your secrets Igbo is here Yoruba wealth Yoruba M/F OluwatoseGod is F Shanumihave mercy on me
F Fehintola back M/F Jaiyesimi enjoy F Nkem mine; my own M Olaoluwajuwon able Yoruba Yoruba
wealth Yoruba world and rest Yoruba Igbo God's wealth is M Oluwatumishe M/F Sobechi follow
F Feyisetan use this F Jesutise Jesus has done it F Nkeoma the good child greater Yoruba God has put me God Igbo
as history Yoruba Yoruba Igbo M Olaseni wealth right Yoruba M Somadina I should
F Fola honorable Yoruba M Jideofor you are F Nmasinachi beauty comes easily Yoruba M/F Oluwayomibo not be alone Igbo
F Folashade honor justified Igbo is from God Igbo F Olatundun God as pull me M/F Sopuruchi
bestows a crown Yoruba F Juba respect Yoruba M Nnaji my tomorrow's wealth Yoruba reverence God
F Fowoke pampered with M Kalu young father Igbo is sweet Yoruba M/F Omenukor poverty Igbo
money Yoruba king Yoruba M Nnanna my M/F Olayemi I am is Gods will Igbo M Sunkanmi draw
M Ganiru good M Kaodinakachi father's father Igbo worthy of wealth Yoruba M/F Omodele child close to me Yoruba
luck Igbo leave your destiny F Nnedimma mother M Olisa God has come home Yoruba F Tambara girl at ease
F Ginikachukwu who is to God Igbo is good Igbo Igbo F Omolade child of Hausa
greater than God? Igbo M/F Kayin long F Nneoma beautiful mother M/F Olorunyomi the crown Yoruba M/F Tejumola look
F Hassanafemale of Hassan awaited child Yoruba Igbo God has saved F Omolola child of wealth forward to better days
Hausa M Kelechi glorify F Nsedu of a good me Yoruba Yoruba Yoruba
M/F Ibekwe our God Igbo character F Oluchi the work of god F Omorinsola child M/F Temidire mine
agreement is God's wish M Kentoroabasi Efik/Ibibio Igbo walks into wealth Yoruba has turned to blessings
Igbo I am glorifying M Nwabuezechild is F Olufemi God loves me M/F Omotanwa Yoruba
M/F Iberedemobong God Efik/Ibibio king Igbo Yoruba child we searched M/F Temitope mine is
God's support or F Kokumo this one will not M Nwachukwu M Olugbala God of for Yoruba worthy for praise Yoruba
strength Efik/Ibibio die Yoruba God's child the people Yoruba M/F Omowale child F TimilehinGod is with you
F Ibironke family will love this M Kristibueze Igbo M OlukayodeGod has come home Yoruba Yoruba
child Yoruba Christ is a king F Nwakaego children brings joy Yoruba F Omoyemwen I love F Tiwa who owns the
F Idaramfon Igbo are my wealth Igbo M/F Olumoroti I stand children Benin kingship Yoruba
happiness is free M/F Kufreabasido not F Nwamaka fine with GodYoruba M Onipede the M Toben praise
Efik/Ibibio forget God daughterIgbo M Olusegun this is consoler will come Yoruba God Ibo
M Idogbe second Efik/Ibibio F Nwaomapretty baby God's victory Yoruba M Onuoha mouth M Tochukwu praise
child born after twins M/F Kwento protect Igbo M/F Olusola God of the people Igbo God Igbo
Yoruba our name from destruction M Oba king has blessed me Yoruba M/F Onwuazo death M/F Toluwalogo
F Ife love Yoruba Igbo Yoruba M Oluwa God is has snatched another glory to God
M Ifechi the light F Lewa pretty; beautiful M Oban king the praised creator Yoruba Igbo Yoruba
of God Igbo Yoruba Yoruba F Oluwabusola God M Onyedi this F Tujuka cheerful Yoruba
F Ifede love is here M/F Machie M/F Obi from adds to my wealth Yoruba special child is mine M/F Uchechukwu
Yoruba replacement of a the heartIgbo M Oluwadamilare Ibo God's will Igbo
M/F Ifekristi light of lost gem Igbo F Obianauju came in God has M Onyemachi M/F Ucheoma good
Christ Igbo M/F Maduenu the peace Igbo vindicated me Yoruba who knows God's will Igbo
F Ifeoluwapo Gods impermanence of life M Obiefune do not M/F Oluwadunmininu will? Ibo F Udo peace Ibo
love is plenty Yoruba Igbo loose hope Igbo God has gladden M/F Onyinyechi F Udoka peace Ibo
F Ifetundun love is M/F Maka F Obioma kindness Ibo my heart Yoruba God's gift Igbo F Udumelue
sweet Yoruba advantageous M Obumneme M/F Oluwafeyisayo M/F Oreoluwa gift crowned with
M/F Igitioluwotilaiye goodwill Igbo I belong to God God has given joy from God Yoruba honor & pride Igbo
God's tree is M/F Mbaekwe Igbo Yoruba F Orisa an angelic F Ugochukwu eagle
rooted & strong Yoruba agreement by the M Odiche one F Oluwafunbi God manifestation Yoruba of God Igbo
M/F Ihekristi light of people Igbo who is special Ibo gave this to me Yoruba F Osa ocean Yoruba M Ugoulo pride of
Christ Igbo M Mfoniso good M Odogwu victor; M Oluwafunso M Osaloni God a home Igbo
F Ijeoma good journey in luck Efik/Ibibio leader Igbo God has given this has people Yoruba F Uloaku bank or house of
life Igbo M Mobo M Ogbonna looks child Yoruba F Osarogie God is wealth Igbo
M IkechukwuGod's freedom Yoruba like his father Ibo M/F Oluwagbenga king benin F Umeala coolness Ibo
power Igbo M/F Modupeore M/F Ogechukwukana God has lifted me M Osasumwen M Utibe
F Ikeoluwain care of God thank you God for God time is the up Yoruba God guides and marvelous;
Yoruba this gift Yoruba best Igbo M Oluwakanmi protects benin wonderful
Efik/Ibibio Sitti Murahidzi M Ashon M Duma F Inira to sing Kikuyu
F Uwailomwan God's Zimbabwe Natashe seventh-born son cheetah Swahili F Inithia leads in song and
promise will come to pass Chenjeraï Nehanda Swahili F Elea floating; clear dance Kikuyu
benin Chimbetu Netsaï F Ashonti tribe in West Swahili F Issa the Lord is my
M Uyobong God's Chinamano Nomusa Africa Swahili M Elea floating; salvationSwahili
voice Efik/Ibibio Chitepo Nyachide F Ashura born during month clarity Swahili M Issa God is
M Uzodimmathe Danisa Paida of Ashur Swahili F Elewa understands our salvation Swahili
goodly road Igbo Dumisani Rukudzo F Asya born during time Swahili F Itanya hope Kikuyu
M Wafor born on Dumiso Rumbidzaï of grief Swahili M Elim M Jafari creek
Afor market day Ibo Garikaï Runetso F Atiena guardian of the knowledgeSwahili Swahili
M Yabani God Gombarashé Rutendo night Swahili F Elimisha teaches F Jaha dignity Swahili
gave me Hausa Gotoré Salike M Atieno knowledge Swahili F Jahaira dignified Swahili
F Yejide looks like her Isheanupa Sarudzaï guardian of the F Endana to love F Jama friend Swahili
mother Yoruba Ishemunyoro Senzeni night Swahili unconditionally Kikuyu F Jamaa kin; relation
M/F Yetunde mother Jaro Senzile F Ayah bright Swahili F Endelea becomes famous Swahili
has come back Yoruba Jonasi Serina M Ayo joy Swahili M Jamal
M Zaki lion Joramu Shamiso Swahili F Fanaka prospers and handsome;
Hausa Kaguvi Shananguraï F Ayubu patience in succeeds Swahili beautiful Swahili
F Zauna to be alive Hausa Karikoga Sharaï suffering Swahili M Fanaka F Jamani friend Swahili
M Zikorachukwudi Khathibheti Shingairaï M Azima success; valuable F Jamba a hero Kikuyu
show God to the Khosilati Shuvaï magically Swahili M Jamba a hero
world Igbo Khulumani Sibongile charmed into motion F Faraji consolation Kikuyu
F Zoputa protector Yoruba Kudzanaï Sikhangezile Swahili Swahili M Jata
M Zoputan Kudzi Simbiso M Azizi M Faraji celestial star
protector Yoruba Kuziva Sipho precious Swahili consolation Kikuyu
Tchad Machanga Sipike M Badru born Swahili F Jehlani strong; mighty
Acyl Madhla Solani during a full moon Swahili F Farijika console and help Swahili
Faiz Mazanu Sosana F Bahati luck Swahili Swahili M Jela father
Gali Mubatsiri Tadzeï F Bakari noble promise M Farijika console suffers during wife's labor
Kemass Muchanga Tambudzaï Swahili and help Swahili Swahili
Kosnaye Muchengeti Tanaka F Baraka blessing; fortune F Fatuma weaned Swahili F Jina baby with a name
Modji Munyaradzi Tatenda Swahili F Fikira with deep Swahili
Romadji Muranda Tendaï M Baraka thoughts Swahili M Jina name
Saleh Muravhu Thembe blessing; fortune F Gethera harvest Kikuyu Swahili
Ansar Muzorodzi Thlonipo Swahili F Goma joyful dance F Jiona to glow with pride
Bintou Ndabingui Tipeï M Barasa Swahili Swahili
Dangara Rangariraï Tombilani meeting people M Habib beloved F Julisha the advisor; gives
Haoua Runesu Tombizodha Kikuyu Swahili advice Swahili
Kaltouma Sekuru Tshobani F Barika success Swahili F Hadiya present; gift M Juma born on
Raouda Tadika Tsitsi F Bavana clear knowledge Swahili Friday Swahili
Ronel Tamirirashé Vimbaï Swahili M Hali M Jumaane born on
Solkem Tanaka Vimbiso M Bayana clear authentic; genuine Tuesday Swahili
Tamara Tangakamira Kenya knowledge Swahili Swahili F Kakena the happy one
Toma Tankanda M Abasi stern F Bayinika manifest clarity F Halima gift Swahili Kikuyu
Zenaba Tapika Swahili Swahili F Halina gentle Swahili F Kalere short woman
Benin Tatenda F Abbo vegetable Dama M Beno one of F Halisi authentic; genuine Swahili
Agbatan Tazvida M Abdalla servant a band Mwera Swahili F Kaluwa forgotten one
Ayelerou Temba of God Swahili F Budhya enlightened one M Hamadi praised Swahili
Brewa Tinani M Abdu Swahili Swahili F Kamara moonlight Swahili
Isseyon Tinashé worshipper of God M Busar M Hamidi M Kamari
Manfoya Tinevimbo Swahili practical wisdom admired Kenyan moonlight Swahili
N'tishegun Tinodashé F Adhama glory Swahili Swahili M Hamisi born on F Kamaria like the moon
Okambawa Tinotenda M Adhama glory F Busara practical wisdom Thursday Swahili Swahili
Assiba Tondéraï Swahili Swahili M Hanif believer F Kanene important thing
Eyecotan Tongaï F Adia a gift from God M Busara sense; Kiswahili Swahili
Kanan Tongarepi Swahili foresight Swahili F Haoniyao born F Kanika black clothMwera
Kaoui Tongogara F Afiya health Swahili M Bwana Mkubwa during a quarrel Swahili F Kanisa a church Swahili
Olukêmi Tongoona F Aisha life; woman great master M Haoniyao born F Karama honor Swahili
Sénami Tunga Swahili Swahili during a quarrel Swahili M Keambiroiro
Wefa Vangiraï F Aishia life; woman F Chagina brave one Swahili F Hasana she arrived first mountain of
Gabon Chakanaka Swahili M Chane touch Swahili blackness Kikuyu
Awanjo Cherima F Akina relations Swahili leaf for weaving Kenyan F Hasanatigood Swahili M Keanjaho
Kumb Chimeza F Aleela she cries Swahili F Chanua blossom Swahili F Hasina good Swahili mountain of beans
Lembani Chipo F Aluna come hereMwera F Chiku chatterer Swahili F Hawa longing Swahili Kikuyu
Obame Chiratidzo F Amana to believe Swahili M Chilemba turban F Heshimarespect; honor F Kenithia happy; joyful one
Ongombo Faraï M Amani trust; Mwera Swahili Kikuyu
Pedio Goladi safety Swahili F Chinira God receives F Himaya protection Swahili F Kenura joy Kikuyu
Kumb Hazvineï F Amanika trustworthy Swahili F Hodari strong; powerful M Kereenyaga
Njukami Itaï Swahili M Chitundu bird's Swahili mountain of
Zaza Kakananzo M Anasa joy nest Mwera M Hodari strong; mystery Kenyan
Comores Khelike Swahili F Chriki blessing Swahili powerful Swahili F Kesi born during
Alheri Kolike F Andaiye daughter comes F Dafina treasure Swahili F Huseina she arrived first difficult times Swahili
Hofforany Kudzaï home Swahili F Dalia gentle Swahili Swahili F Khadija born prematurely
Nawed Kuziva F Angalia alert and F Dalila gentle Swahili M Ikeno joy Swahili
Ramadan Marinereï observant Swahili M Darweshi saintly Kikuyu M Khalfani
Shanna Mariya F Arusi born during a Swahili F Imani belief; trust destined to rule
Soidiki Miriraï wedding Swahili M Daudi beloved Swahili Swahili
Fanhyda Miriro F Ashante tribe in West one Swahili F Imara strong one; F Kiama magic Kikuyu
Gallice Moyana Africa Swahili F Dhamiriathoughtful aim resolute Swahili M Kiama magic
Raïhata Munashe F Ashanti tribe in West Swahili F Imarisha establish and Kikuyu
Shanna Munoreï Africa Swahili F Dinka people Swahili stabilize Swahili F Kiania the dawn Kikuyu
F Kibibi little lady Swahili F Mkiwa orphaned child guided Swahili F Ujana youth Swahili Runyoro M Engemu light
F Kichea brightness; the Swahili F Rashida rightly guided F Umija unity; F Baingama people eater Ateso
sun Swahili M Mosi first- Swahili togetherness Swahili are equal M Galabba talking
M Kifeda only born child Swahili F Rasida rightly guided M Umoja unity; Rutooro Lugwere
boy born among sisters M Moyo heart Swahili harmony Swahili F Balikuraira takes F Gonza love
Luo Swahili F Raziya agreeable Swahili F Usia wisdom Swahili ages to mature mentally Rutooro
F Kiira the dawn Kikuyu M Mpenda lover; F Rehema compassion M Usian wisdom Rutooro M Gonza love
M Kiira the fond Mwera Swahili Swahili M Balinda Rutooro
dawn Kikuyu M Mshindi F Risala messenger F Waseme let them talk fortitude and M Gwandoyamet
F Kijakazi your life is owed to champion Swahili Swahili Swahili patience Rutooro with misery
us Swahili F Msia wise woman F Rukiya she rises up F Winda hunter Swahili M Balondemu Luganda
F Kilinda guard; protector Swahili Swahili M Yahya God's chosen one M Hiryangana
Swahili M Msia wise F Saada help Swahili gift Swahili Musoga susceptible to
F Kinaya independence man Swahili F Safika to set right Swahili F Zahra flower; white F Bategeka people harm Lunyole
Swahili F Mtupeni not very welcome F Safiri a journey Swahili Swahili plan Runyoro M Irumba born
F Kinjia the path; the way Swahili M Safiri a M Zahur flower M Bategeka people after twins
Swahili M Muhammed journey Swahili Swahili plan Runyoro Rutooro
F Kito precious stone praised Swahili F Salama peaceful one F Zaida the better one M Batte totem is M Isabirye father
Swahili M Mune the Swahili Swahili an elephant of twins Lusoga
M Kito jewel; rules Kikuyu M Salehe good F Zakia smart; chaste Luganda M Isingoma
precious child Swahili F Muraty friend Kikuyu Swahili Swahili M Bbale firstborn of twin
M Kitwana M Muraty friend M Salene good M Zakia legendary home of boys Rutooro
pledged to live Kikuyu Swahili intelligent Swahili the Mutima F Jendyose this
Swahili M Musa saved F Sanura kitten Swahili F Zakiya intelligent one Luganda child is my honor
M Kobe turtle from the water Swahili F Sauda beautiful and dark- Swahili F Beesigye they Luganda
Swahili F Mwaminihonest Swahili skinned Swahili F Zawadi a gift; a present have trust in God Rukiga M Jimiyu born in
F Koffi born on Friday F Mwanahamisi born on M Sefu sword Swahili M Beesigye they a dry season
Swahili Thursday Swahili Swahili M Zawadi gift have trust in God Rukiga Abaluhya
M Koman the F Mwanaidi born F Shani marvelous; Swahili M Begumisa F Kabiite love
understanding one Swahili during Idd festival Swahili wonderful Swahili F Zawati gift Swahili inexhaustible Ugandan
F Kudio born on Monday F Mwasaa timely Swahili M Shani F Zuri beautiful Swahili Runyan. M Kabilito born
Swahili F Mwatabu born marvelous; F Zuwena good Swahili M Bikutwala while foreigners visit
F Kuende growth; evolution during sorrow Swahili wonderful Swahili Uganda problems make Rutooro
Swahili M Mwinyi one F Shanny marvelous; F Abbo vegetable you seek help M Kabonero sign
M Kuende growth; who summons Swahili wonderful Swahili Mudama Luganda Runyan.
evolutionSwahili M Mzuzi F Shauri counsel; advise F Abothi surprisingly useful F Birungi something nice; F Kabonesa trouble
F Kwanzaa feast of inventive Swahili Swahili Jopadhola pretty Luganda being born
first fruits Swahili F Nadira rare Swahili F Shauriana F Acanit hard times Ateso M Birungi Rutooro
M Kwanzaa feast of F Najuma abounding in joy counsel; advise F Achen one of the twins something nice; M Kabonesa trouble
first fruits Swahili Swahili Swahili Ateso perfect Luganda being born
F Kwashi born on Thursday F Nbushe the godly one M Shomari forceful F Adongo firstborn of twin M Bitalo finger- Rutooro
Swahili Swahili Swahili sisters Ateso licking good F Kabornero sign
F Lindana the defender F Neema born during F Sikudhani a M Adroa God's Luganda Runyan.
Swahili prosperous times Swahili surprise; unusual Swahili will Luganda M Brahma the M Kacancu
F Lindia the defender M Neema born M Simba lion; a F Afiya health Creator Hindi firstborn
Swahili during prosperous times strong person Kiswahili M Bwanbale Rukonjo
F Lisha to nourish and Swahili Kiswahili F Ajaruva unfortunate second-born male M Kadokechi bitter
cherish Swahili F Nigesa born during F Siti respected woman Alur Rukonjo soup Mudama
M Madaadi name harvest season Swahili M Akello I have M Bwire born at M Kaikara god of
of an age group Kikuyu Lumasada M Siwazuri not nice bought Alur night Bakedi the Banyoro
F Madini a gem Swahili M Njowga shoes people; conflict Swahili M Akia F Byaitaka born to die Runyoro
F Mahiri skillful and clever Mwera F Siwazuru not nice firstborn Ateso Rutooro F Kajuga baby that cries a
Swahili F Nurisha give light; people; conflict Swahili M Akiiki friend M Byaitaka born to lot Runyan.
F Majda glorious Swahili enlighten Swahili F Subira patience Swahili Runyan. die Rutooro M Kakuru
F Maji water Swahili M Nyo star M Sultan ruler M Alanyo born M Byangireeka firstborn of twins
F Majida honor; excellent Swahili Swahili when parents were apart doomed to failure Runyan.
glory Swahili F Nyota star Swahili F Taabu troubles Swahili Luo Rutooro M Kakyomya god of
F Malika angel Swahili M Okapi related F Tabara prosperity Kikuyu M Alikuraira takes M Byanruhanga the Banyoro
F Maliza accomplishment to the giraffe Swahili M Tabia one of ages to mature mentally related to God Runyoro
Swahili F Onyeshaclear; sight good character Swahili Rutooro Rutooro M Kamirakwo
F Malkia queen Swahili Swahili F Taji a crown Swahili M Allopu born M Byarugaba born during famine
F Maridhia content; satisfied F Otesha cultivate the earth M Taji a crown after period of famine related to God Runyan.
Swahili Swahili Swahili Ateso Rukiga M Kamoga
F Marijani coral Swahili F Oyana uplift and inspire M Tambo M Angorit last- M Byembandwa ancestral and
F Marini healthy; pretty Kikuyu vigorous Swahili born son Ateso for a God royal name
Swahili F Panya mouse; tiny baby F Tamu sweet & delightful M Anjait born on Runyoro Luganda
F Mashika born during rainy Swahili Swahili grass Ateso M Damba boy of M Kamukama
season Swahili F Pasua born by cesarean M Tamu sweet F Apio second-born of peace Luganda protected by God
F Masika born during rainy section Swahili & delightful Swahili twin sisters Ateso F Dembe peace Runyan.
season Swahili F Penda loved Swahili F Theraniabright shine F Babirye firstborn of twins Luganda M Kamya born
F Maskini poor Swahili F Radhiya agreeable one Kikuyu Luganda M Dembe peace after twin brothers
F Maulidi born in Islamic Swahili F Tia respect Kikuyu F Bacia devastating Luganda Luganda
month Maulidi Swahili M Rajabu born in M Tian respect deaths in the family M Ejau we M Karilisa son of
M Maulidi born in seventh Muslim month Kikuyu Lugbara have received Ateso a herdsman
Islamic month Maulidi Swahili F Tisa ninth-born Swahili F Bagamba ignore F Ekellot girl born after Runyan.
Swahili M Ramadhani F Tuliza one who's calm the ill-talk of enemies twins Ateso M Karutunda little
M Mbita born on born during month Swahili Rutooro F Emojungthe old one person Runyan.
a cold night Swahili of Ramadan Swahili M Tuwife death is M Bagamba they Karamojong M Karwana born
M Mhina F Rashedarightly guided inevitable Mwera went Lusoga M Enani during wartime
delightful Swahili Swahili F Ujamaa fellowship; M Bahemukapeople bewitched when Rutooro
F Milima mountain Swahili M Rashid rightly brotherhood Swahili are equal pregnantLugbara M Kasozi
mountain F Lwango hatred; jealousy M Mukiibi enters Luganda M Nkalubbo hard M Rokani born
Luganda Runyan. through the back door M Najja born times Luganda after siblings died Madi
M Kasumba servant M Madongo Luganda after Muganda M Nkunda I love M Ruhakana
Luganda uncircumcised M Mukisa good F Nakagwa those who hate me argumentative
M Kato Luganda luck Luganda following twins Runyan. person Rukiga
second-born of F Mangeni fish M Mulindwa the Luhya M Nsubuga clan M Rwakaikara
twins Runyan. Musamia protected one F Nakakande jungle totem is a fish god of Banyoro
M Katungi rich F Masani has gap between Rutooro Luganda Luganda people Runyoro
person Runyan. teeth Luganda M Mulogo wizard F Nakamya third- F Nsungwa born F Sabiti born on Sunday
M Katuramu born F Masiko the invincible Musoga born after twins after twins Rutooro
after a long pregnancy Runyan. M Mulumba one Luganda Rutooro M Sabiti born on
Rutooro M Mawagali who attacks F Nakato second-born of M Ntege clan Sunday Rutooro
M Kayonga great numerous Luganda twins Luganda totem is a skunk M Sadiki faithful
warrior of Ankole clan Abaluhya M Munanire he has F Nakimera gift to Luganda Kiswahili
Runyan. M Mayanga sailor of more than his share God Luganda M Nuwamanya F Sanyu happiness
F Kenyangi white lakes Luganda Luganda M Nakisisa child of omniscient Luganda
egret Rukiga M Mbabazi mercy M Munyiga one the shadows Runyan. M Sanyu
F Kibibi beautiful fat girl Rukiga who presses others Mukiga Muganda M Nyakoojo fifth- happiness
Runyan. F Mbaziira tailor M Musaazi one F Nalongo mother of twins born son in row Luganda
M Kibuuka brave Luganda who jokes Luganda Rutooro M Sebowa born in
warrior in Buganda M Mbazira tailor Luganda F Nalunga mushroom totem F Nyangoma one of Bowa, Uganda
Luganda Luganda M Musabingo Luganda the twinsRutooro Luganda
F Kigongo born before twins F Mirembe peace savior Lukonjo F Nalwanga fist M Nyatui fights M Semanda clan
Luganda Ugandan M Musembwa totem Luganda tigers Abaluhya totem is a cow
M Kigongo born M Mirembe peace clan totem is a F Namakula very M Ocan hard Luganda
before twins Ugandan monkey Luganda pretty girl times Luo M Sempala born
Luganda M Mori born to M Musisi Luganda M Ochen one of during prosperity
F Kiho born on a foggy indebted parents Madi pregnant during F Namata clan totem is milk the twinsAteso Luganda
day Rutooro M Mpagi pillar of earthquake Luganda M Ochieng born in M Senyange white
M Kiho born on the community Luganda F Namataka the only the daytime Luo egret Luganda
a foggy day Luganda M Musoke born survivor Luganda M Ochola one of M Sera
Rutooro M Mpoza tax while rainbow was in sky F Namazzi water the twinsLuo goddess in Lugisu
F Kijai first girl born in a collector Luganda Rukonjo Luganda M Odongo born tradition Lugisu
family Ateso M Mubiru totem is M Musubaho F Nambogo totem after twins Luo M Setimba River in
M Kintu first an eel Luganda survived after clan is the buffalo M Ogwambi always Uganda Luganda
man Ugandan F Mugaba given by God siblings died Luganda unfortunate M Taamiti bravery
F Kisembo baby is a gift from Runyan. Rukonjo F Namirembe peace Luganda Lunyole
God Rutooro M Mugaba given M Mutebi clan Luganda M Oidu sharp- M Tayebwa God
F Kissa born after twins by God Runyan. totem is a freshwater fish F Namono younger of twins eyed person Ateso never forgets
Ugandan M Mugamba Luganda Luganda M Ojore man of Runyan.
M Kizza born talkative person M Mutongole clan F Namukasa war Ateso F Tibyangye
after twins Runyoro totem is a heart goddess M Okello born everything
Ugandan F Mugisa luck Luganda Luganda after twin brothers Ateso belongs to God
M Klintu Rutooro M Muwanga the F Namusisi M Okoth born Runyan.
legendary first M Mugisa luck Creator Luganda pregnant during when it was raining Luo M Tibyangye
man of Buganda Rutooro M Muwemba people earthquake M Okware born at everything
Luganda F Mugisha luck Rukiga of the sorghum clan Luganda night Ateso belongs to God
F Komuntale born in M Mugisha luck Luganda F Namusobiya has M Okwayi God Runyan.
a lion country Rukiga M Muyingo clan offended Musoga Ateso M Tombe village
Rutooro F Muhairwe God- totem is a cow M Nangila born M Okwonga cursed in northern Uganda Kakwa
F Komushana born given child Luganda when parents traveled Alur F Tukesigahopeful Rukiga
when sun was shining Runyan. M Mwaka born on Abaluhya M Olupot born M Tukesiga hopeful
Runyan. M Muhairwe God New Year's Eve F Nangoma throne; after brother died Ateso Rukiga
F Kugonzalove given child Luganda a princess M Omoit F Tumushabe we pray
Rutooro Runyan. M Mwanje leopard Luganda stranger Ateso to God Rukiga
M Kugonza love M Muhangi related Luganda F Nanjala born during M Oneka born to M Tumushabe
Rutooro to God Runyan. M Mwesige trust famine Lugisu die Luo we pray to God
F Kulabako pretty F Muhenda painful Rutooro F Nankunda M Onyait born on Rukiga
girl; easy to look at delivery Rutooro F Nabaasaomnipotent someone loves the grass Ateso M Tumusiime
Luganda M Muhenda painful Runyan. me Runyan. M Onyango born in we thank God
M Kusemererwa delivery Rutooro F Nabirye one who produces F Nantale clan totem is a lion the morning Rukiga
happiness M Muhindo first- twins Luganda Luganda Lusamia F Tumusilime we
Runyoro born son Rukonjo F Nabossasheep totem F Nantumbwe girl with M Onzi bad thank God Rukiga
F Kusmemererwa M Muhoozi Luganda big legs Luganda Lugbara F Turyahumura we will
happiness avenger of the F Nabukenya F Nanziri clan totem is a fish F Onzia bad see God Rukiga
Runyoro innocent Rukonjo antelope totem Luganda Lugbara F Tusuubira we
F Kutaaka born after sibling F Muhumuza brings Luganda F Nasiche born in the locust M Opio have hope Rukiga
died Lugisu peace and calm F Nabukwasi bad season Musoga firstborn of twin M Tusuubira we
M Kutaaka born Runyan. housekeeper F Nasikye born during locust boys Ateso have hope Rukiga
after sibling died Ligusu M Muhumuza Luganda swarm Lumasaba M Otem born F Twesigye we are
F Kwehangana brings peace and F Nabulungi F Nassunaclan totem is a fish away from home Luo powerful Rukiga
enduranceRukiga calm Runyan. beautiful one Luganda M Othiamba born in M Twesigye let's
F Kyagaza beauty is in one's M Mukasa God's Luganda F Natukunda God the afternoon Luo trust in God Rukiga
deeds Luganda chief administrator F Nafula born during the loves us Runyan. M Othieno born in M Twinamaani
F Kyaligonza God's Luganda rainy season M Natukundo the evening Luo we are powerful
will be done F Mukhwana Abaluhya God loves us M Ouma born Rukiga
Rutooro firstborn of twins F Nafuna delivered feet first Runyan. with Caesarian surgery M Waarwe born to
M Lutalo warrior Lugisu Luganda M Ndahura savior Luo die Runyan.
Luganda M Mukhwana F Nagesa born during Runyan. M Owole not M Waloga
M Luzige locust born as a twin harvest season Lugisu M Nkalati very expected to live long bewitched Lunyole
Mugwere Abaluhya F Najja second-born hard treeLuganda Madi M Wamukotaleft-
handed Abaluhya Yeleen (West Af.) Nbango M Abai the Nile F Desse town in the Eritrea Ethiopian
M Wanzala born Abegue (Guinée équ.) Ndome river Ethiopian region Ethiopian M Kaleb
during famine Lugisu Nsué (Guinée équ.) Ngonde F Abeba flower F Desta happy reference biblical
M Wasswa given to Kofi (Zaïre) Niélé Ethiopian Ethiopian Cain Amharic
twins Luganda Komla (Togo) Orphanie M Abebe he has F Dilla town in southern F Kayla ethnic group and
M Wemusa never Kossi (Togo) Sanata flourished Ethiopia Ethiopian their language
satisfied Luganda Afi (Togo) North Af. Berber Amharic M Eremias God Ethiopian
F Wesesa careless Arhimba (Togo) F Abrihet she had made it will uplift Ethiopian M Kelile my
Musoga Dounyo (Togo) West Af. Akan light Ethiopian M Ezana fourth brother; my protector
F Zesiro elder of twins Kouly (Togo) Abena: born on Tuesday F Adanechshe a rescued century Christian king Amharic
Luganda Yawa (Togo) Adjoa/Adwoa: born on them Amharic Ethiopian F Kelile protected
M Zesiro elder of Koffi (Congo) Monday F Adina she has saved F Falasha landless ones; Ethiopian
twins Luganda Mivek (Congo) Afia/Afua/Efua: born on Amharic Ethiopian Jews M Kelyle
M Zilaba born Binéka (Congo) Friday F Afework speaks of pleasing Amharic protected
while sick Emérancy (Congo) Akosua: born on Sunday things Ethiopian F Falashina Ethiopian
Luganda Mujinga (Congo) Akua/Ekua: born on M Afework speaks language spoken F Kelyle protected
Madagascar Ndenga (Congo) Wednesday of pleasing things by Falashas Ethiopian
Hery-zo N'tumb (Congo) Ama: born on Saturday Ethiopian Amharic F Keren town in Eritrea
Mwana Sanza (Congo) Anan: 4th child F Alam world F Fana light Ethiopian
Niry Tissina (Congo) Awotwi: 8th child Ethiopian Ethiopian F Kess priest of an
Tovo Bene (Rép Dém Congo) Baako: firstborn F Alitash may I not lose you F Fannah fun Ethiopian church
Adidjaly Wamba (Rép D Congo) Berko: firstborn Amharic Ethiopian Ethiopian
Anja Malaïka (Rep D Congo) Dubaku: 11th child M Aman M Fasilidas historic F Kifle my class
Antsa Lwei (Angola) Enu: 5th child peaceful king of Ethiopia Ethiopian
Balkiara Nzila (Angola) Esi: born on Sunday Amharic Ethiopian M Kifle my
Diamondra Sisoli (Angola) Kobina/Kwabena: born on F Amhara the Amhara M Fethee share Amharic
Fatima Yoli (Angola) Tuesday people Ethiopian judgment M Lebna spirit;
Haingo Chango (Uganda) Kofi m: born on Friday M Assefa enlarge Ethiopian heart Ethiopian
Hanta Kaguta (Uganda) Kojo/Kwadwo: born on Ethiopian M Gabra an F Lebna spirit; heart
Holitiana Machyo (Uganda) Monday M Atoberhan sunny offering Amharic Ethiopian
Laimé Yoweri (Uganda) Kunto: 3rd child Ethiopian M Gebereal God is M Lema
Lydia Maraki (Ethiopie) Kwaku/Kweku: born on F Ayana beautiful flower my strength cultivated
Mirana Songea (Tanzanie) Wednesday Ethiopian Ethiopian Amharic
Tantely Tabora (Tanzanie) Kwame: born on Sat M Azmera harvest M Gebre an F Lishan award; medal
Tiana Jwan (Sud Soudan) Kwasi/Kwesi: born on Ethiopian offering Amharic Amharic
Valy Achimov Sunday F Bathsheba F Genat heaven F Louam sleep well
Veromanitra Amoukallel Nkruma: 9th child daughter of an Ethiopian Ethiopian
Voahangy Andry Nsia: 6th child oath Hebrew M Gondar royal M Louam sleep
Voahirana Badgi Nsonowa: 7th child M Bekele he has town in Ethiopia well Ethiopian
Vololona Bakary Thema: queen grown Ethiopian Ethiopian F Louama sleep well
Zoelisoa Bokary Yaa: born on Thursday F Bekele she has grown F Habeshaof the Ethiopian Ethiopian
South Afr. Coudou Yaw: born on Thursday Ethiopian highlands F Magdala central highland
Bantu Daroes East Af. Luo F Belkis the Queen of Ethiopian town Ethiopian
Duma Daye Achieng/Ochieng: born in Sheba Ethiopian M Hackeem doctor F Maharene forgive
Jabulani Djafary sunlight M Benaim son of Ethiopian us Ethiopian
Kabeli Dotia Adhiambo/Odhiambo: born in the right hand M Haeran F Makda woman of
Khotso Fangnan Akinyi: born in the morning Ethiopian masculine; virile Magdala Ethiopian
Makhosini Gourane Atieno/Otieno: born at night F Berhane my light Ethiopian F Makeda beautiful
Matimpula Hammadoun Awiti: thrown away Amharic M Hagos happy Ethiopian
Nkhosinati Harifidy East Af. Swahili M Berhanu your Ethiopian M Mamo my
Sandile Issa Asha/Eshe: life light Ethiopian F Hagos happy friend or buddy
Serese Issiaka Chausiku: born at night M Berhanua his light Ethiopian Ethiopian
Sipho Kalé Faraji: consolation Amharic M Hakeem doctor F ManderaEthiopian border
Thabo Kassoum Furaha: joy M Berihun let him Ethiopian town Ethiopian
Thami Kenfack Imamu: spiritual leader be our guide M Hakiem doctor M Mekonnen
Tsiesti Kesi Imani: faith Amharic Ethiopian respected; elite
Nkhele Koniba Jelani: mighty F Berta people of Ethiopia M Hakim doctor; Ethiopian
Pukhazi Kouakou Jengo: building and Sudan medicine man M Melaku the
Puzela Koudou Jumaane: born on Tues Ethiopian Amharic angel Amharic
Sikhelele Makan Kamaria: M Berta be M Hakym doctor; F Melesse eternal
Sindiwe Ndongo Khamisi: born on Thur strong; persevere medicine man Ethiopian
Thlabathi Molaye Kibwe: blessed Amharic Ethiopian F MellesseEternal
Thlonipa Rivo Marjani: coral M Bworo people M Iskander Ethiopian
Vuvuzela Siale Mchumba: sweetheart of Ethiopia defender of M Mengesha
Zanele Tiassarama Mosi: 1st child Ethiopian mankind Ethiopian kingdom
African Miscellaneous Wôlo Mwanajuma: born on Friday F Cheren town in Eritrea M Iskinder Ethiopian
Imbali (Guinée Bissau) Adebusola Mwenye: lord Ethiopian defender of F Mengesha
Bagnomo (Burkina Faso) Anani Nia/Nyah: purpose F China Thursday mankind Ethiopian kingdom
Tabsoba (Burkina-Faso) Annara Nuru: light Ethiopian M Iyasu Ethiopian
Manjou (Burkina) Bailli Sanaa: art M Daniachew Christian emperor M Merille a
Salif (Mali et Afrique) Bayé Sauda: dark-skinned you will be judged of Ethiopia people of Ethiopia
Bentadia (Mali) Bayi Sefu: sword Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian
Coumba (Mali) Bia Simba: lion M Dawit beloved F Jahzara beloved princess M Miruts has
Teenemba (Mali) Emilola Subira: patience Ethiopian Ethiopian been chosen
Jomo (Kenya) Fanta Tendaji: mover F Debre mountain; hill F Jazarah beloved princess Ethiopian
Kimaati (Kenya) Kabibi Zuberi: strong Ethiopian Ethiopian F Misrak east
Kimemia (Kenya) Kadjalli Zuri: beautiful F Debtera priest who is in M Jima town in Amharic
Ngugi (Kenya) Meïbye East Afr. Ethiopia training Amharic southwest Ethiopia M Nazaret town
Wambararia (Kenya) Meitamei M/F Ethiopian Baby M Demissie Ethiopian named for Nazareth
Sekou (West Af) Nassoumi Names Meaning of Name destructor M Kafa area in Ethiopian
Keshia (West Af) Nayanka Origin Ethiopian southwestern Ethiopia M Negash next in
line for the throne M Tefer seed Babavana: tall & slender Lethu: ours Nothembi: faith found
Amharic Ethiopian Bakabaka: pretty Lindidwe: waited for Noxolo: mother of peace Thulile: we are peaceful
M Negasi he will M Tefere seed Balungile: righteous Linduthando: waiting to be Nozibusiso: mother of Thulisile: she who made
be crowned Ethiopian Bekebeke: glittering loved blessings things quiet
Ethiopian M Teferi is Bhekisisa: careful Londiwe: she is preserved Nozipho: of many gifts Thuthuka: to progress
F Negasi she will be feared Amharic Bhekisile: helped to search Lungile: the good one Nozizwe: mother of nations Thuthukile: improved
crowned Ethiopian M Teka he has Bikwaphi: where should the Lungelo: rights Nqobile: conquered Uluthando: he is love
M Negus king or replaced Amharic report be sent Luvo: opinion Ntokozo: happiness Uminathi: God with us
emperor Ethiopian M Tekle my Bongiwe: asked for girl child, Makhosazana: princess Ntombenhle: beautiful girl Unathi: he is with us
F Nishan award; medal plant Ethiopian we are grateful Mbalenhle: beautiful flower Ntombifuthi : girl Velile: come to sight
Ethiopian M Tengene my Buhlebenkosi: gracious God Mbali: flower again Vemvane: butterfly
F Nyala rare mountain protectorEthiopian Busisiwe: she has been Mbhali: rose Ntombikanina: mother’s girl Vumela: in harmony
goat Ethiopian F Teru good blessed Minenhle: good day Ntombikayise: father’s girl Vumile: she has agreed
M Ogbae don't Ethiopian Buyisiwe: blessed Mpendulo: reply Ntombikhona: we have a girl Vuyiswa: made happy
take him away M Teruworq good Cabanga: think Mpumelelo: success Ntombiyesizwe: girl of the Welile: we have crossed over
Ethiopian gold Ethiopian Cebile: rich Nandi: her father’s child earth Winile: winner
M Ogbai don't M Tesfaye my Cebisile: advise giver Naledi: star Ntombizanele: enough girls Xabanisile: initiator of dispute
take him away hope Ethiopian Celukuthula: ask for peace Ncamisile: she has caused Ntombizodwa/Zodwa: girls Xolile: made happy
Ethiopian M Tessema he has Celukwazi: looking for us to give up only Xolisile: (we are) sorry
M Ogbay don't been heard knowledge Ndabezinhle: good news Ntuthuko: prosperity Zama: try
take from me Amharic Cwazimula: shine Ndonsa: morning star Phakamile: proud Zamafuthi: try again
Ethiopian M Tewodros gift of Dade: sister Nelisiwe: satisfied Philile: spirited Zamani: try again
M Oromo large God Ethiopian Dandalaza: in the open Nhlahla: luck Philisile: she has given life Zamile: tried
ethnic group; herdsmen F Totit female monkey Dansa: dance Njabulo: happy Phindile: repetition Zandile: they have multiplied
Ethiopian Ethiopian Davathi: beaded anklet Nkazimulo: glory Phumelela: prosperity Zanele: girls are enough
F Qwara people of Ethiopia F Tsage happiness Dazuluka: shout Nkosazana: princess Phumzile: rest Zibu: water Lily
Ethiopian Ethiopian Deliwe: forsaken Nkosingiphile: the Lord gave Qiniso: thankful Zibuyile: already back
M Rahad river in F Wagaye my price Didiza: flutter, tingle me Samkelisiwe: received Zinhle: girls are beautiful
Ethiopia Ethiopian Amharic Dodakazi: daughter Nkosiphendule: God has Samukelisiwe: endowment Zintwezinhle: beautiful things
M Ras leader; M Yacob Duduzile: consoled answered Sibahle: we are beautiful Ziphozonke/Zonke: they are
equivalent to duke substitute Dumazile: she disappoints Nobantu: mother of people Sibongile: thank you all gifts
Ethiopian Ethiopian Dumile: renowned Nobuhle: mother of beauty Sibongiseni: help us to say Zondlile: nourished herself
F Retta won F Yehudit a Falasha queen; Dumisile: praised Nobuntu: mother of human thank you Zongile: preserved
Ethiopian praise Hebrew Ejaj: jovial, merry kindness Sihle: good Zula: brilliant
M Sarsa Dengei F Yeshi Emebet Ekuseni: in the morning Nokubonga: grateful Simangele: surprise Zimbabwe
penetration by mistress of a Elethu: it is ours Nokukhanya: light Simphiwe: given Adashe Shona Boy
osmosis Ethiopian thousand people Enama: happy Nokulunga: faithfulness Simosihle: beautiful feeling He loves God
F Seble autumn Ethiopian Enanela: rejoice Nokuthokoza: gratitude Sindisiwe: saved Aizivaishe Shona Girl
Ethiopian M Yohannas God's Enezezelo: addition Nokuthula: mother of peace Sinegugu: our treasure God knew
F Seble Wengel harvest gracious gift Esasa: happy Nokwazi: wise Sinehlanhla: we have luck Akashinga Shona
of the New Testament Ethiopian Ethuka: surprise Nokwanda: expansion Sinethemba: we have hope Boy He is
Ethiopian M Yonas dove Ethulo: gift Nolwandle: mother of oceans Siphephelo: shelter strong/brave
F Selam peaceful Ethiopian Ethwasa: start anew Nolwazi: the wise one Siphesihle: beautiful gift Akatendeka Shona
Ethiopian F Zala people of Ethiopia Fahlasi: tall person Nomabhongo: with pride Siphiwe: gift Girl He is
M Selam Ethiopian Fakazi: Jehovah’s witness Nomagugu: precious mother Siphokazi: gift faithful
peaceful F Zauditu she is the crown Fikile: she has arrived/is born Nomakholwa: mother of Sithokozile: we are happy Akhumzi Ndebele Boy
Amharic Amharic Fudu: tortoise believers Siyanda: we are growing build a home
F Selamawit she is F Zeina new; woman Fula: gather crops Nomalanga: mother of sun Sizakele: helped Akudzwe Shona Girl
peaceful Ethiopian Ethiopian Funani: what is her intention Nomandla: mother of Sizamile: we have tried praise
F Selassie trinity F Zena new; woman Futhi: again, more than once strength Sizani: you all help Akudzweishe Shona
Amharic Ethiopian Gabisile: sing own praises Nomasonto: mother of Slindile: waiting Boy May
M Selassie trinity F Zenia new; woman Gagasi: ocean wave Sundays Sonto: sunday God be praised
Ethiopian Ethiopian Gede: honey guide Nomathalente: mother of Sphesihle: precious gift Amahle Ndebele Boy
M Semer farmer M Zere the Gonothi: tall, slender talents Sthembile: we have hope the beautiful ones
Ethiopian descendent of Gqamile: stand among Nomathemba: with hope Sthokozile: thank you Amandlenkosi
M Semere farmer Amharic others Nombulelo: mother of prayer Thabile: happy Ndebele Girl
Ethiopian F Zere Kelile the Gugu: precious Nombuso: ruling over Thabisa: bring joy the power/strength
F Semhar country descendent of Kelile Halalisiwe: celebrated Nombuyiselo: mother of Thabisile: has brought joy of God
Ethiopian Ethiopian Hlengiwe: redeemed restoration Thalente: gift from God Anashe Shona Girl
F Senalat happy M Zere Mamo Hleziphi: whereupon is she? Nomcebo: treasure Thandazile: have prayed With God
Ethiopian the descendent of Hlobisile: decorative Nomfundo: mother of Thandeka: beloved Anatsa Shona Girl
F Sheba from the Queen of Mamo Ethiopian Hloniphile: respectful education Thandekile: loved one He has perfected
Sheba Ethiopian M Zere Tesfaye Hluphekile: destitute Nompilo: mother of health Thandie: beloved or he has made right (God)
F Shinasha people the descendent of Jabhile: saddened Nompumelelo: success Thandiswa: she who had to Anatswanashe Shona
of Ethiopia Tesfaye Ethiopian Jabulile: happy Nomthandazo: prayer be loved Girl
Ethiopian M Zere Yacob Jezile: she’s been punished Nomthimba: wedding Thandiwe: beloved Perfected by God
F Sisay omen of good the descendent of Khangezile: our hands are Nomusa: grace Thando: love Andile Ndebele Girl
things Amharic Jacob Ethiopian open Nomvula: rain Thathani: take there are enough
M Sisay omen M Zula port Khanya: light Nomzamo: struggle Thembeka: be reliable be (boys or girls)
of good things town in Eritrea Khanyisile: she has brought Nonhlanhla: good luck trustworthy andisiwe Ndebele Girl
Ethiopian Ethiopian light / happiness Nonhle: mother of beauty Thembekile: trustworthy They are more
M Tamirat miracle South African Zulu Khethiwe: chosen one Nonjabulo: mother of joy Thembelihle: good hope girls
Amharic Abusiswe: be blessed Khethukuthula: choose to be Nonkululeko: freedom Thembeni: what do you Andiswa Ndebele Girl
M Tariku events Amahle: beautiful ones quiet Nontethelelo: washed from trust? more girls/boys
surrounding his birth Amukelani: accept Kholiwe: religious sin Thembile: hopeful andokuhle
Ethiopian Andile: become many Khule: beautiful Nontobeko: humility Thembisile: she has Ndebele Boy
F Tavavich wife of Ethiopian Anele: they are enough Khulelaphi: where should she Nosakhele: build for us promised search
emperor Ethiopian Anelisa: satisfied grow up? Nosipho: mother of a gift Thenjiwe: trusted Anele Ndebele Girl
M Taye he has Aphiwe: we are given Khululiwe: exonerated Nosiphiwo: with a gift Thoko: happiness they are enough
been seen Ayanda: the family argue Khwezi: morning star Nothando: mother of love Thokozile: thank you (girls or boys)
Ethiopian Ayize: let it happen Lethiwe: she’s been brought Nothemba: hope Tholakele: she has been Anengoni Shona Boy
He has Mercy Girl has Boy coat invade that which notorious person,
Aneni Shona Girl come with love Afrikaans-baadjie Bvumira [Old Shona] Shona emerged, came from the the dreaded one
God is with me Awakiwe Ndebele Girl Bhasvi [Old Shona] Shona Boy agree, ground germinated Chebundo [Old Shona]
anenyasha Shona we are building Boy hair in concede Chakoma that which Shona Boy
Girl god awande Ndebele Girl the nose? CACILE Ndebele Girl refuses parental orders) of the forest,
has mercy may love/ Bheka Ndebele Boy CLEAR/PERFECT Chamai Shona Boy robber, and highway man.
Anerudo Shona Girl kindness grow behold/ watch/ Cebile Ndebele Girl Belonging to Checnjerai Shona
He is love Ayanda Ndebele Girl take care of rich mother (or Mother's) Boy Be
anesu Shona Girl we are having Bhekithemba Cebisile Ndebele Boy Chamboko Sjambok careful
he is with us more girls Ndebele Boy have guided Afrikaans [Old Shona] Chekure [Old Shona]
Anesu Shona Girl Ayibongwe look for or look Celani Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Shona Boy
is with us Ndebele Girl after hope Ask for a whip a foreigner,
anesuishe Shona may He be Bhekizizwe Celesile Ndebele Girl Chamunorwa Shona Chemedzai [Old Shona]
Girl God thanked (God) Ndebele Boy we have rejoiced Boy What Shona Girl
with us Ayibongwinkosi look after the Chabarwa Shona are you fighting for? Cause them to
Anochengeta Shona Ndebele Girl nations Boy The Chandagwinyira Shona weep, cry, mourn, and
Girl The may God be Bhekizulu Ndebele Boy long awaited has been born Girl grieve.
Lord keeps thanked looking out to the Chabata [Old Shona] Perseverence Chemhere [Old Shona]
Anodiwa Shona Girl Ayitaishe Shona Girl heavens Shona Boy Chandakaita [Old Shona] Shona Boy
The Loved One THANKS BE TO Bhiridha [Old Shona] Shona that which holds Shona Boy of hue and cry ,
anodya Shona Boy THE LORD Boy builder fast what I did or Chemhuru [Old Shona]
one who eats azile Ndebele Girl Bhobho [Old Shona] Shona Chabvonga [Old Shona] whatever I did, committed Shona Boy
anogona Shona Girl The girls have Boy bob Shona Boy chandakasarira Shona of the anti-hill,
God is able come Bhokiseni [Old Shona] that which mixes Boy why conceived by the grassy
Anogonashe Shona Babandiishe Shona Shona Boy up things or gatherings. was i remain anti-hill, an illegitimate child
Girl God is Boy a father boxing Chadamwari Shona Chandavengerwa [Old Chemwandoita [Old Shona]
able is the head of the house Bhuresi [Old Shona] Shona Girl Loved Shona] Shona Boy Shona Boy
Anokosha Shona Girl Badza [Old Shona] Shona Boy bless by god what I am hated whatever you do,
He is important Boy a Bingwa [Old Shona] Shona for Chemwapiwa Shona
Anoona Shona Girl hoe ,'t-Garandichauya, Boy one Chandiregera [Old Shona] Girl Thank
God sees Bakhile Ndebele Boy who is treated against Chagwanda Shona Shona Girl what you have been given
Anopa Shona Boy they have built charms Boy The what has released Chenai Shona Girl
God gives Bambanani Bobo [Old Shona] Shona last crop me Cleanse
Anopaishe Shona Ndebele Boy Boy bob Chagwiza [Old Shona] Chanetsa [Old Shona] Chenai [Old Shona],-moyo)
Girl God unite Bonani Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Shona Girl Shona Girl
gives Bandamukombe [Old Shona] see/watch or what that which rubs that which be kind, tolerant.
Anoshamisa Shona Shona Boy wrong have they done against a tree or wall bothers. Chenaimwoyo Shona
Girl God is breaker/eater of Bongani Ndebele Girl Chaipa Shona Boy Charumbira [Old Shona] Girl Get a
amazing ladle made from gourd we are grateful What has gone Shona Boy clean heart
anotendwa Shona BANDILE Ndebele Girl bongile Ndebele Girl wrong that which runs or Chenayi Shona Girl
Girl THERE WERE thanks Chairikira [Old Shona] runs after To purify
THANKED FOR MORE Bonginkosi Shona Boy Chasakara [Old Shona] Chendafira [Old Shona]
Anotida Shona Girl Banele Ndebele Boy Ndebele Boy one who wears Shona Boy Shona Boy
we are loved they are enough Thank the Lord one piece of clothing on top that which is worn what I die for
Anotidaishe Shona (boys) Bongiwe Ndebele Girl of another out Chenesa [Old Shona]
Girl God Banga [Old Shona] Shona We give thanks. CHAITAMWARI Shona CHATAMBUDZA Shona Shona Girl
loves us Boy knife, Bonisiwe Ndebele Girl Girl WHAT Boy one who cleanses,
Anozivashe Shona Sword Enlightened THE LORD HAS DONE troublesome cleans,
Girl Nice Bangamuseve [Old Shona] Bope [Old Shona] Shona Chaitezvi [Old Shona] Chatambudza [Old Shona] Chenesai Shona Girl
name for both girls and Shona Boy Boy Shona Boy Shona Boy Make clean
boys keeper of arrow snappishness, that which has that which has Chenga [Old Shona] Shona
Ariko Shona Boy Bantu Ndebele Boy pugnacity, riotous done this bothered, trouble maker, Girl
There is a God People Buhle Ndebele Girl Chakadini [Old Shona] frustrated, disillusioned preserve, protect,
Arikoshe Shona Girl Bastirai Shona Boy beauty Shona Boy Chatigiji Shona Boy keep jealously and/or
God is there or Help each other Buhlebenkosi what, how is it- positively falling amorously
God exists. Batamoyo [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl what is the nature of its into place [IDEOPHONE] Chengaose [Old Shona]
Asanda Ndebele Girl Shona Boy God's beauty existence? Chatikobo [Old Shona] Shona Girl
The boys/girls are hold-your- Bukhosi Ndebele Boy Chakafukwa [Old Shona] Shona Boy preserve, protect,
increasing heart=control yourself royalty or Shona Girl that which has keep jealously and/or
Ashandaishe Shona Batanai Shona Boy princehood that which is struck amorously
Girl God Unite Bukhosibezulu covered, concealed, hidden chatunga Shona Boy chengetai Shona Girl
showed His power. He Batsirai Shona Girl Ndebele Boy Chakandida [Old Shona] fighter look after
worked Help Heavens Shona Boy Chatungwa [Old Shona] Chengetai [Old Shona]
Ashirai Shona Boy baxolile Ndebele Boy Royalty/Kingship/Glory that which liked, Shona Boy Shona Girl
To Receive they have forgiven BumHolia Shona Girl loved, selected, chose me the pierced one guard, protect
Asinya Ndebele Boy Beafeaboscabonaviena one who had Chakandiwana [Old Shona] Chauke [Old Shona] Shona Chengetanai Shona
arrived long ago svinurai Shona Boy diarhea Shona Boy Boy that Boy take
Atidaishe Shona Girl Strong Warrior Busani Ndebele Girl that which found which is looked at, gazed care each other
God has loved us Open Your Eyes rule or possess me at, watched, admired Chengeto Shona Girl
Atikudzashe Shona Benyu [Old Shona] Shona Busisiwe Ndebele Girl Chakanetsa Shona Chauruka [Old Shona] Having security
Girl The Boy huge, blessed Boy Shona Boy and assuarance
Lord has honoured us alive and active Butholezwe PLEASE the jumper Cheninga [Old Shona]
Atinzwa Shona Girl Benyumundiro [Old Shona] Ndebele Boy ANYONE WITJ A Chawasarira [Old Shona] Shona Boy
He has heard our Shona Boy Soldier or warrior MEANING UPDATE THIS Shona Boy of the deep and
prayers huge and alive in of the nation NAME what you survived dark mine or cave
Atinzwaishe Shona the plate=gourmand Buumi Ndebele Boy Chakanetsa [Old Shona] for Chenjerai Shona Boy
Girl God Bererashama Shona Life Shona Girl Chayu [Old Shona] Shona Be wise/Be
has heard our prayers Boy The Bvekerwa [Old Shona] that which Girl of this carefull
Atipaishe Shona Girl enemy/hyena is ready to Shona Boy bothered one Chenjerai [Old Shona]
Given by God attack the one who is Chakanyuka [Old Shona] Chazezesa [Old Shona] Shona Boy
Auyanerudo Shona Bhachi [Old Shona] Shona pushed in and made to Shona Boy Shona Boy be cautious,
watchful, careful ,'t- Shona Boy Chikosha [Old Shona] sufferer, Troubled, a He who makes it
Nyarawo Kani small whip-snare Shona Boy plight conlosation/formality happens.
Chenzira Shona Girl for birds, wood-pecker one who is Chinhoi [Old Shona] Shona Chitehwe [Old Shona]
The one born on Chigonda [Old Shona] important, appreciated, Boy dust or Chirango [Old Shona] Shona Boy
the road(to the hospital etc) Shona Boy valued mote in the eye Shona Boy animal skin
Chenzira [Old Shona] trust, musculature Chikova [Old Shona] Shona Chinjekure [Old Shona] token service, Chitokwadzima [Old Shona]
Shona Girl at base of spine of Boy rivulet Shona Girl punishment Shona Girl
of the path, quadruped Chikumi [Old Shona] Shona one who goes Chiratidzo Shona Girl one of the faces of
road ,born by the road side Chigunduru [Old Shona] Boy around, gads about wonder the four wooden divining
or path) Shona Boy October, the tenth Chinonyanya [Old Shona] Chirenje [Old Shona] Shona pieces, hakata used by
Cheukai Shona Boy that which falls month, the small ten Shona Boy Boy small n'anga, said to refer to
To look back, and rolls, the strong one Chikuyiro [Old Shona] one who overdoes desert manhood or aged man
reflect Chigwaku [Old Shona] Shona Girl Chinowaita Shona Chirichena [Old Chitsamatore [Old Shona]
Chichoni [Old Shona] Shona Girl the grindstone Boy This Shona],shirichena) Shona Shona Boy
Shona Boy short-handled Chikwaira [Old Shona] time you have done it Boy white grinder of oldish
ukushona-to get spoon, 't Shona Girl Chinyaradzo [Old Shona] bird, animals, animal tamer,
stuck-Zulu, an urban Chigwenhure [Old Shona] the dancer, Shona Girl Chirigwido [Old Shona] breaker
worker who does not go Shona Boy performer pacifier/comforter Shona Boy Chitsamatoro [Old Shona]
back to the village black-eyed bulbul chikwama Shona Girl Chinyazanda [Old Shona] the tough one Shona Boy
chidadiso Shona Girl Chihaka [Old Shona] Shona purse Shona Boy chirikure Shona Boy grinder of rice-
nddddddddddd Boy Chikwaturo [Old Shona] the possessor of old shona name fields
Chidaga [Old Shona] Shona pangolin Shona Boy land, species of scorpion Chirikure [Old Shona] Chitsidzo Shona Girl
Boy the Chiherere [Old Shona] the expert, Chinyekunye [Old Shona] Shona Boy Promise
soiled one , Shona Boy exposer, revealer Shona Boy object in the Chitsvamumeso [Old Shona]
Chidange Shona Girl the ululator Chikwereti [Old Shona] scintilator distance, Shona Boy
First of twins Chihombe [Old Shona] Shona Boy Chioniso [Old Shona] Chirimubhachi [Old Shona] burnt in the face
Chidanhikira [Old Shona] Shona Boy loan Shona Girl Shona Boy something new to the eyes.
Shona Boy the big one Chikweya [Old Shona] torch bearer, something hidden Chitsvuku [Old Shona]
the hopper Chihuku [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy indicator, omen, sign in a jacket Shona Boy
Chidehenya [Old Shona] Girl fowl, the crippled, Chipanera [Old Shona] Chirisamhuru [Old Shona] the one who is ill-
Shona Boy hen Chimuko [Old Shona] Shona Boy Shona Boy tempered, the red one
the ugly skull Chihute [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy spanner calf herder 't, Chivako [Old Shona] Shona
Chidhabgurosi [Old Shona] Girl young utility, profit, Chipendo [Old Shona] Chiriseri [Old Shona] Shona Boy
Shona Boy mukute tree advantage Shona Boy Boy that building, binding
dumb Chihuyo [Old Shona] Shona Chimupoto [Old Shona] that which bends, which hides behind Chivhimaushe [Old Shona]
bells=stupid, dull person Girl upper Shona Boy flexible Chirodzero [Old Shona] Shona Boy
Chidiwa Shona Girl grindstone held in hands tin-like Chipeneti [Old Shona] Shona Boy searcher for
Adorable Chihwerure [Old Shona] Chimusoro [Old Shona] Shona Both the grind-stone kingship
Chido Shona Girl Shona Girl Shona Boy safety Chirombo [Old Shona] Chivindi [Old Shona] Shona
wish threshing beer- big head, 't pin ,'t=Sajeni Shona Boy Boy
Chidochangu Shona party lampoons Chimutezu [Old Shona] Chipezvero [Old Shona] fearful creature courage, bravery,
Girl My Chihwiza [Old Shona] Shona Boy Shona Boy Chiromo [Old Shona] Dutch-courage
most precious and needed Shona Girl part of body, the man who Shona Boy Chiwaraidzo Shona
one the ugly member of excites, big, ugly mouth, Girl
chidochashe Shona grasshopper Chimuti [Old Shona] Shona Chipinduka Shona the forefront, the beginning someone who
Girl the will Chiiko Shona Girl Boy short Boy The Chirongo [Old Shona] gives company
of God WHAT NOW? tree, stick, stump returner Shona Girl chiwoniso Shona Girl
Chidochemoyo Shona Chijaka [Old Shona] Shona Chimwecho [Old Shona] Chipiwa Shona Girl the water pot, the light
Girl The Girl the one Shona Girl God Given one , preserved, arranged, Chiwoniso [Old Shona]
heart's desire who goes around the same one, Chipo Shona Girl Chiroodza [Old Shona] Shona Girl
Chidyamakono [Old Shona] Chijikwe [Old Shona] Shona similar Gift .. .. . Shona Boy torch light
Shona Boy Boy dancing Chinaniso Shona Girl Chipochashe Shona pledger of Chiwororo [Old Shona]
eater of the male shave spirit Mirror Girl The daughter in marriage Shona Boy
ones=fighter, defeater Chikaponya [Old Shona] Chindora [Old Shona] Lord's gift! Chiroto [Old Shona] Shona destroyer, one
chidzidzo Shona Girl Shona Boy Shona Boy Chipochedenga [Old Shona] Boy dream, who is severe
PROMISE the one who young and Shona Girl 't. Chizarira [Old Shona]
Chiedza Shona Girl throws, the thrower immature pumpkin. gift from heaven, Chisakaitwa [Old Shona] Shona Boy
Morning Light/ sun Chikarihachiomi [Old Shona] Chindori Shona Boy Chipungu [Old Shona] Shona Girl the last one, trap
rise Shona Girl The round one Shona Boy that which is not for large game
Chiedza [Old Shona] Shona a pot of beer Chinengundu [Old Shona] bateleur eagle done, a rarity Chizuva [Old Shona] Shona
Girl dawn, never dries up a shebeen Shona Boy Chipunza [Old Shona] Chiseko [Old Shona] Shona Girl short
light brightness queen that which wears a Shona Girl Boy the day
Chifendekete [Old Shona] Chikavhanga [Old Shona] crown the breaker, laughing stock Choga [Old Shona] Shona
Shona Boy Shona Boy chingasiyeni Shona destroyer Chisepe Shona Girl Boy the only
the chubby or that which mixes Girl what Chipuvira [Old Shona] love one, loner
portly one up things might leave me Shona Girl Chisese [Old Shona] Shona chogugudza Shona
Chigaduro [Old Shona] Chikengezha [Old Shona] Chingosho [Old Shona] the diver, one who Girl of good Boy the
Shona Boy Shona Boy Shona Boy plunges into or get disposition, of dregs persistant one
the cutter, chopper old, worn out, a device or toy for entangled with problems chishamiso Shona Chokuda [Old Shona]
Chigaramudenga [Old cracked object making a rattling sound, a Chiradza [Old Shona] Girl miracle Shona Girl
Shona] Shona Boy Chikofa [Old Shona] Shona person who rattles Shona Boy Chishanu [Old Shona] heart's desire
he who dwells in Boy cyst Chinguwani [Old Shona] the drunkard Shona Girl Chokudya [Old Shona]
the sky=self opinionated Chikombo [Old Shona] Shona Girl Chiramwiwa Shona fiver, Friday Shona Boy
Chigerwe [Old Shona] Shona Girl the ugly hat of Girl Chitanya [Old Shona] food, edibles
Shona Girl small piece of leaves, Rejected, Shona Boy Chokumarara [Old Shona]
what is sat on virgin land Chingweru [Old Shona] abandoned one who sits legs Shona Boy
Chigiya [Old Shona] Shona Chikomborero Shona Shona Girl Chiramwiwa [Old Shona] stiff and wide apart of the compound
Boy to Boy beast without Shona Girl Chitate [Old Shona] Shona Chomunorwa [Old Shona]
speak boastfully, to dance Blessing horns the forsaken, Boy in the Shona Boy
vigorously Chikonzi Shona Boy Chinhamo [Old Shona] rejected, manner of fatherhood what you fight for
Chigogodza [Old Shona] The messenger Shona Girl Chirango Shona Boy Chitavati Shona Boy Chomutiriwemhanza [Old
Shona] Shona Boy thicket, jungle Boy lifting Fadza [Old Shona] Shona Gambiza [Old Shona] Boy hawk
of luck, fortune Dhazibhomu [Old Shona] up heavy weight, Girl make Shona Boy Godzore [Old Shona]
Chonjo [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy Dzanza [Old Shona] Shona happy, please water ditches, Shona Boy
Boy disselboom- Boy a Fadzai Shona Girl vleis, marshes one who fits cf
creeper, Abrus Afrikaans, handful Make happy/ Gamuchirai Shona kodzera
precatorius, squatting on Dhibha [Old Shona] Shona Dzapasi [Old Shona] Shona Please Girl Gogoti [Old Shona] Shona
one's heels Boy dip- Boy of the Fadzai [Old Shona] Shona Receive Boy one
Chowapiwa Shona tank or go through the earth, ground, Girl make Gandidze [Old Shona] who scrapes with fingers
Girl What process of dipping Dzasukwa [Old Shona] happy, please, cause to Shona Boy food remains cf kokota
you have been given Dhongijena [Old Shona] Shona Boy rejoice, 't/K thrown about Gombwe [Old Shona]
Churu [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy they ,the beer Fadzanai Shona Girl Gangaidzo [Old Shona] Shona Boy
Girl anti-hill white horse pots) have been washed, make each other Shona Boy guardian spirit,
Dadai Shona Girl Dhorizhu [Old Shona] dried up happy puzzler especially of tribe, bracken
Be proud Shona Boy dzidzai Shona Boy fadzayi Shona Girl Gangazha [Old Shona] Gomo [Old Shona] Shona
Dadai [Old Shona] Shona soot learn happiness Shona Boy Boy hill,
Girl be Dhudhuza [Old Shona] Dzikamayi Shona Fadzwai Shona Boy worn-out, cracked mountain
conceited, be vain Shona Boy Girl Be made happy object Gondai Shona Boy
Dadirai Shona Girl thump, strike with [everyone] be Fambai Shona Boy Garandichauya [Old Shona] Trust in God
be a show off a blunt object, strike with a calm; relax; calm/settle (all of you) walk Shona Girl Gondayi Shona Girl
Dadisai Shona Girl thumping sound cf dudluza down Fani [Old Shona] Shona wait, I shall return, trust
Make us proud Zulu Dzimbanhete Shona Boy Fanuel Garapo [Old Shona] Shona Gondo [Old Shona] Shona
Dadiso Shona Girl Dillish Shona Girl Boy weak Fanyana Ndebele Boy Girl settle, Boy large
make proud We are Happy households little boy sit there bird of prey
Dakarai Shona Boy Dindikwa [Old Shona] Dzimbanhete [Old Shona] Farai Shona Girl Gararirimo [Old Shona] Gondoharishari [Old Shona]
Rejoice Shona Boy Shona Boy Rejoice Shona Boy Shona Boy
dalitso Ndebele Girl uncompleted weak families, 't Farai [Old Shona] Shona it ,beer) is always the bird of prey
blessinggs work, journey or legal case Dzinesu [Old Shona] Shona Boy rejoice, in does not select
Dambanemhuka [Old Shona] Dingani Ndebele Boy Girl be happy, be pleased, Garati [Old Shona] Shona Gondongwe [Old Shona]
Shona Boy what are you misfortune is with Farasiya [Old Shona] Boy huge Shona Boy
one who plays looking for? us Shona Girl mukarati ,burkea africana) bird of prey is like
with animals, hunter Diwa Shona Girl dzingai Shona Boy Felicia tree, huge, edible catepillar a leopard, 't
Dambanemuswe [Old Shona] to be loved, The Chase away... Farirai Shona Girl found on mukarati tree Gonhokadzi [Old Shona]
Shona Boy beloved Dzingire [Old Shona] Shona find joy Garikai Shona Boy Shona Girl
one who plays Diwai [Old Shona] Shona Boy Farisai Shona Girl Live in huge woman who
with the tail Girl be expulsion Peace/wealth/ comfort looks like a man, an
Dambanevana [Old Shona] loved, liked Dzinodzangu [Old Shona] Happiness/Greeting Garikai [Old Shona] Shona amazon/bold
Shona Boy Dobvu [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy Farisai [Old Shona] Shona Boy be at Gore [Old Shona] Shona
one who plays Boy heavy these which are Girl be peace, be settled and be Boy year,
with children lead mine, exceedingly happy, glad, prosperous cloud2
DAMBANYIKA Shona Dombo [Old Shona] Shona Dzinoreva [Old Shona] Feso [Old Shona] Shona Garikayi Shona Boy Gorembeu [Old Shona]
Boy Boy stone, Shona Boy Boy devil stay/live well Shona Boy
POWER rock representative in they confess, thorn. Garwe [Old Shona] Shona yearly seedlings.
DRAGON marriage negotiations Dzodyepi [Old Shona] Fikile Ndebele Girl Boy 't/K.
Dambaza [Old Shona] Dongo [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl she has arrived crocodile Goremucheche [Old Shona]
Shona Boy Girl clay, where shall they Foto [Old Shona] Shona Garwedema [Old Shona] Shona Boy
hopper of earth, deserted village graze, eat? Boy of Shona Boy a child every year
migratory locust. Donhodzo Shona Dzokera Shona Boy deflation, collapsing, dying black crocodile Goriyati [Old Shona] Shona
Dambudziko Shona Girl Return/ Go back down Gasa [Old Shona] Shona Boy Goliath
Boy Comfort (meaning bride return to Fudzayi Shona Girl Boy cease Goronga [Old Shona]
Problem Donsekhaya your father's house) Be shepherds raining, 't Shona Boy
Dambudzo Shona Ndebele Boy Dzokeranai [Old Shona] Fumandiwe [Old Shona] gashirai Shona Boy pit, trench
Girl bring us home Shona Girl Shona Boy accept Gotora [Old Shona] Shona
Problem child Dova Shona Girl reconcile, re-unite you get rich, Gashirayi Shona Boy Boy
Danai Shona Girl Morning Dew Dzungu [Old Shona] Shona enrich yourself Build (manyika) uncastrated he-
Love each other Duduza Ndebele Boy Boy dizzy, Fungai Shona Girl Gasva [Old Shona] Shona goat, big calabash
Dananai Shona Girl comfort aberration Think Boy less Gudomunhu [Old Shona]
love one another Duduzile Ndebele Girl Dzungudzai [Old Shona] Fungai [Old Shona] Shona than full quantity Shona Boy
Danda [Old Shona] Shona consoled/ Shona Boy Both you Gezai [Old Shona] Shona good morning a
Boy log comforted shake, disturb think, reason, 't Girl wash baboon is a human being
Danisa Ndebele Boy Dudzai Shona Girl Dzvinyu [Old Shona] Shona Funganayi Shona please, 't Gudza [Old Shona] Shona
make sad Be truthful Boy lizard Boy Giresi [Old Shona] Shona Boy blanket
Danisani Ndebele Boy Duma [Old Shona] Shona Dzvombi [Old Shona] Remember each Girl grace woven from bark-fibre
make sad Boy fame, Shona Boy other Givhiti [Old Shona] Shona Gugu Ndebele Girl
Danisile Ndebele Boy notoriety of Zulu udumo common house Fungisai Shona Girl Boy gift precious/ treasure
you have made us Dumbujena [Old Shona] skink, lizard Think deeply Goba [Old Shona] Shona Gugulabazali
sad Shona Boy Dzvova [Old Shona] Shona Fungiso [Old Shona] Shona Boy quiver Ndebele Girl
Davidzo Shona Boy white loin-cloth Boy roar, Girl Gobo [Old Shona] Shona Precious child for
Answer to a Dumisani Ndebele Boy belch reminder, that Boy parents, Love of parents
prayer praise Edzai Shona Girl which causes to recall, Stamped-out tree Gugulethu
Dekenye [Old Shona] Dumisiwe Ndebele Boy Try symbol, sign or tree-stump Ndebele Girl
Shona Boy He is praised Ega Shona Boy Funiso [Old Shona] Shona Godi [Old Shona] Shona our precious one
vast number of (God) the only one Girl that Boy of Gumai Shona Girl
people Dumiso Ndebele Boy Elikulwayo which enriches climbing End / last (last
Deliwe Ndebele Girl praise Ndebele Boy Funye [Old Shona] Shona Godobo [Old Shona] Shona born)
have earned Dumolwenkosi what you are Boy one Boy expert Gumai [Old Shona] Shona
respect Ndebele Boy fighting who presses down, diviner, healer Boy
Dendera [Old Shona] The glory of God Esami Ndebele Boy Gadzirai Shona Boy Godobori [Old Shona] butt/knock against
Shona Boy Durai [Old Shona] Shona Mine to create, Innovate Shona Boy and bruise, come to an end
ground hornbill, 't Girl Esamiisipho Gakava [Old Shona] Shona ,expert diviner, Gumbo [Old Shona] Shona
Denhere [Old Shona] confess, say it Ndebele Boy Boy dispute, healer 't Boy leg
Shona Boy Dzaku [Old Shona] Shona My gift argument Godzi [Old Shona] Shona Gumburai [Old Shona]
Shona Boy Haatsari Shona Girl Hatiwande Shona Idi Shona Girl Girl to Kaguchu [Old Shona]
make sad, annoy He(God ) is not Boy We will Truth cause to get used to, Shona Boy
Gumisa Shona Boy selective not be many Imanathi Ndebele Boy familiarize small calabash
cause to stop, Hakata [Old Shona] Shona Hatizivi Shona Boy Be with us dear Jakwara [Old Shona] Shona Kagwee [Old Shona] Shona
end, shake well and hard Boy We don't know Lord Boy Boy small
Gunja [Old Shona] Shona wooden/shell Hazviitwi [Old Shona] Impela Ndebele Girl threshing beer bush-baby
Boy black divining pieces Shona Girl For real party Kamoto [Old Shona] Shona
bellied Hama [Old Shona] Shona it's not done Imuli Ndebele Girl Jangwa [Old Shona] Shona Boy a small
Gunyana [Old Shona] Boy relative Hazvinei Shona Girl Family Boy white- fire
Shona Boy Hamadziripi Shona It Doesdn`t matter Inathinkosi tailed mongoose, Kamuchacha [Old Shona]
September, small Boy Where Hazvinei [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl Jarata [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy
ten is everybody? Shona Boy God is with us Boy small creeping
Gura [Old Shona] Shona Hamandishe Shona it does not matter, Ingidzai Shona Boy Roofless shrub whose leaves are
Boy an old Boy 't Add more enclosure, tumbled-down cooked as spinach,
agricultural land, deserted family/relatives Hazvipere [Old Shona] Inkosiivumile building Kamunda [Old Shona]
or still in use are royal Shona Boy Ndebele Girl Jasi [Old Shona],Afrikaans- Shona Boy
Guramatunhu [Old Shona] Hamandishe [Old Shona] it wo'tcome to an The Lord has jas) Shona Boy small piece of
Shona Boy Shona Boy end, agreed/said yes greatcoat land, field,
cross-country a relative is a Hazvirehwe [Old Shona] Inosizi Ndebele Girl Javangwe [Old Shona] Kamutondoro [Old Shona]
walker, traveller king=is important Shona Girl God has mercy for Shona Boy Shona Boy
Gutsa [Old Shona] Shona Hamunda [Old Shona] it is not said, us light brown small walking
Boy large Shona Boy revealed, disclosed Inothando Ndebele Girl leopard stick, small wooden shaft of
stump, satiate, satisfy, strong person Hazvisekwi [Old Shona] has love Jayaguru Shona Boy spear
Guuriro [Old Shona] Shona Hamundide [Old Shona] Shona Boy Inzwirashe Shona The big dude Kamvalethu
Girl one Shona Girl it is not laughed at Girl God's Jekanyika [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl
who is handed old clothes you do not love Hazviyemurwi [Old Shona] voice Shona Boy our future
Gwanyanya [Old Shona] me Shona Boy Ipai [Old Shona] Shona one who cuts Kandeya [Old Shona]
Shona Boy Hamunyari Shona it is not admired, Girl you across the country- Shona Boy
it ,death) is too Girl Are you appreciated give ,to the Lord), get bad, traveller/explorer, 't one who goes
much, excess of anything not ashamed! Heya [Old Shona] Shona Ipaishe Shona Girl Jekesai Shona Girl round, rotation
Gwara [Old Shona] Shona Hamunyari [Old Shona] Boy is that Give it to God be clear/ bring Kangoma [Old Shona]
Boy coward Shona Girl so ipesu Shona Girl light to a situation Shona Boy
Gwati [Old Shona] Shona you have no Hlanganani behind Jeko [Old Shona] Shona small drum .
Boy tree shame, you do not get tired Ndebele Boy Irikidzayi Shona Boy Boy sickle, Kanhiyo [Old Shona] Shona
bark, a boat Handidiwe [Old Shona] unite Add another one. cutter, motor-car jack, Girl small
Gwatiringa [Old Shona] Shona Girl Hlengiwe Ndebele Girl Isheanesu Shona Jekuche Shona Boy chick
Shona Boy I am not loved, redeemed Boy God is Very old Shona Kanyadzo Shona Girl
it ,death) is facing liked, 't, Hlosukwazi with us Jemedza [Old Shona] the shy/respectiful/
us, Handisumbe [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl Isheanopa Shona Shona Boy or humble one, or one who
Gwatirisa [Old Shona] Shona Boy I want to know Girl God that which causes embraces social and
Shona Boy I do not hesitate, 't hluphekile Ndebele Girl gives. crying/mourning, sorrow, cultural values with deep
it ,death) is Haripotse [Old Shona] Suffering Ishearipo Shona Girl unhappiness, respect
herding us, Shona Boy Hodzeko [Old Shona] God is there. Jenjedza [Old Shona] Kapadu [Old Shona] Shona
Gwejegweje [Old Shona] it ,the spear) does Shona Boy Ishemunyoro Shona Shona Girl Boy light
Shona Boy not miss vessel in which Boy The ,that which makes slapping of face or head
of rattling, rattler Harubvi Shona Girl milk is set to thicken kindhearted one wise, Kapfumvuti [Old Shona]
Gwekwerere [Old Shona] it ,death), does not Hofu [Old Shona] Shona ISHEWANATSA Shona Jeranyama [Old Shona] Shona Both
Shona Boy go away, Boy hollow, Girl THE Shona Boy small brachystegia
the dragger haruperi Shona Girl hollowed out space, LORD HAS DONE WELL he who craves for boehmii tree
Gwenhure [Old Shona] it never ends Hoi [Old Shona] Shona Itai Shona Boy meat, Kapomba Shona Boy
Shona Boy Haruvhunzwi [Old Shona] Girl of keep doing your Jeranyika [Old Shona] very old shona
black-eyed bulbul, Shona Girl urging oxen to stop, 't. thing. Shona Boy name
Gwenzi [Old Shona] Shona it ,death) cannot Horiya [Old Shona] Shona Itai [Old Shona],-zvenyu) one who digs up Karakadzai [Old Shona]
Boy shrub, be Boy hollier Shona Boy the land, a farmer. Shona Boy
bush Hatidane [Old Shona] Hunidzanaiwa [Old Shona] do ,as you Jesenga [Old Shona] make a statement
Gweshe [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl Shona Boy please), Shona Boy whose truth one is not sure
Boy old and we do not love or firewood is rained, Itainashe Shona Boy weaverbird of, argue, speak loudly in
worn-out knife, call each other wet Do it with the Lord Jetu [Old Shona] Shona self-defense
Gwevera [Old Shona] HATIDANI Shona hupenyu Shona Boy Itayi Shona Boy Boy the Karibha [Old Shona] Shona
Shona Boy Boy life Go ahead, do it cutter Boy small
he who moves RELATIONSHIPS Hurevana [Old Shona] ivainesu Shona Girl Jetura [Old Shona] Shona trap
along the ground in sitting ARE STRAINED Shona Boy be with us Girl a huge Karikoga Shona Boy
position, on behalf of, he hatikanganwi Shona universality of Iyanayi Shona Girl cutter One who is on his
who attracts Girl we will back-biting, gossiping Love Jinda [Old Shona] Shona own
Gwewe [Old Shona] Shona never forget Hwapuro [Old Shona] Iyandainjabulo Boy sub- Karikoga [Old Shona]
Boy an, Hatikuri [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy Ndebele Girl chief/headman Shona Boy
uncastrated he-goat, body Boy we the act of stripping the joy is Jindaguru Shona Boy the one who is
odour do'tgrow up Hwendere [Old Shona] abounding The king's alone, a loner.
Gwidzai [Old Shona] Shona Hatineti [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy Izwirashe Shona Girl righthand man Karumekangu [Old Shona]
Boy fight for Boy we huge and strong the voice/word of Johani [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy
Gwikwi [Old Shona] Shona do'tget tired person, the Lord Boy 't. my
Boy owl-like Hatirwuzeze [Old Shona] Hwerure [Old Shona] Jabu Ndebele Girl Jongwe [Old Shona] Shona small/diminutive husband
bird, , Shona Girl Shona Boy joy Boy the Karuva Shona Girl
Gwinyai Shona Boy we do not dread threshing beer- Jabulani Ndebele Boy cock Little flower
Have strength and it , party lampoons. rejoiced Jukwa [Old Shona] Shona Kasirina [Old Shona] Shona
togetherness. Hatitye Shona Boy Idai Shona Girl Jabulile Ndebele Boy Girl a Girl
Gwinyai [Old Shona] Shona We are not afraid Love them .. we have rejoiced dancing spirit Catherine
Boy be Hatiugare [Old Shona] Idaishe Shona Girl Jacha [Old Shona] Shona Kachori [Old Shona] Shona Kaswa [Old Shona] Shona
strong, determined Shona Boy Love God Boy small Boy the little Boy
Gwinyayi Shona Boy we do'tinherit Idanayi Shona Girl shelter, one in frenzy, one who makes signs with little/small bundle
Be determined, it,chieftainship) love each other Jaidzai [Old Shona] Shona an eye or eyes of grass,
Katerere [Old Shona] has been searched for, Shona Boy Girl Sunrise broad beans A lot of happiness
Shona Boy vagabond to pick up, to find
Kwiripi [Old Shona] Shona Mabvanei Shona Boy Mafaune [Old Shona]
little ochre kudzai Shona Girl Kununa [Old Shona] Shona Girl where Why have you left Shona Boy
kazana Shona Boy Respect Boy to be is it? Mabvura [Old Shona] he who dies
100 percent Kudzaishe Shona fat, stoutness Kwirirai [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy easily, intentionally.
Khanyisa Ndebele Girl Girl Kupakwashe Shona Boy one who scorches Mafidibo [Old Shona]
source of light Respect God Boy The prosper, take machichinha Shona Shona Girl
Khanyisile Kudzanai Shona Boy giving of the Lord somebody to court Girl quick one with face-
Ndebele Girl show respect to Kupukai [Old Shona] Shona Lahliwe Ndebele Girl Machinga [Old Shona] wrinkles,
she has brought each other Boy abandoned Shona Girl Mafirakureva [Old Shona]
light / happiness Kudzanai [Old Shona] become rich, be Lalapanzi Ndebele Boy the interceptor Shona Boy
Khathazile Shona Girl wealthy, Lie down Machingura [Old Shona] he who dies
Ndebele Girl respect each other Kurai Shona Boy Lalelani Ndebele Girl Shona Boy for ,someone) person, who
Troubled Kudzwai Shona Girl Grown/We have Listen to/ Pay one who meets, tells the truth regardless of
khaya Ndebele Boy May you be grown attention to Machipisa [Old Shona] the consequences
Home honoured KURATIDZA Shona
Langa Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Mafurambwa [Old Shona]
Khayalethu Kufahakupere [Old Shona] Boy to be the sun one who sells Shona Boy
Ndebele Girl Shona Boy shown lathe Ndebele Boy cheaply, one who shoots
Our home death is eternal, kurauone Shona Boy to love and too Machona [Old Shona] dogs,
Khayelihle does not come to an end Grow up and care Shona Boy Mafusire [Old Shona]
Ndebele Girl Kufahakurambwe [Old assume responsibility Lethokuhle one who works far Shona Boy
Beatiful home Shona] Shona Boy Kurauone [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl from one's native village or the coverer,
khazimulisa . Shona Boy Bringer of good home, you are broke peacemaker,
Ndebele Girl Kufahakutane Shona grow up and you things Machoronga [Old Shona] Magamba [Old Shona]
illuminate, bring Boy Dead see, learn Linda Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Shona Boy
light always comes kurayi Shona Girl to guard disturber of peace, war
Khetiwe Ndebele Girl Kufakunesu [Old Shona] kukura Lindani Ndebele Boy Madamombe [Old Shona] heroes/heroines.
the chosen one Shona Boy Kurimahufamba [Old Shona] wait Shona Boy Magereje [Old Shona]
Kholiwe Ndebele Girl death is with us, 't Shona Boy Lindelani Ndebele Girl lover of cattle Shona Boy
satisfied with what kufakwakauyanezuro ploughing wait Madanha Shona Boy contour ridges
we have Shona Girl Kurimakwaramba [Old lindeni Ndebele Boy To do with Maguri Shona Boy
kholwa Ndebele Girl death came Shona] Shona Boy wait excitement... maize cob
Believe yesterday farming is not for watch over Madanyaya [Old Shona] Mahanisi [Old Shona]
Khulekani Ndebele Girl Kufara Shona Girl us-it has refused us Lindiwe Ndebele Girl Shona Girl Shona Boy
pray Happiness Kurumidzo [Old Shona] we have waited one who loves harness
Kokoriyo [Old Shona] Kugarakunzwana Shona Shona Boy Londisizwe stories, news, gossip Maheruheru [Old Shona]
Shona Boy Girl To live the act of hurrying Ndebele Boy Madezvipi [Old Shona] Shona Boy
cock-crowing together is to find peace Kusasana [Old Shona] protect/look after Shona Girl one who snatches
sound Kugariranhamo [Old Shona] Shona Boy the nation which do you want Maheu [Old Shona] Shona
Komboni [Old Shona] Shona Boy ,to enjoy life, to
Londiwe Ndebele Girl or have you chosen? Boy sweet
Shona Boy to stay, live for feel free, The protected one Madhunduru [Old Shona] beer made from left-over
government or misfortune kushinga Shona Boy Luba Ndebele Girl Shona Boy sadza, water and malt and
public property Kuitakwashe Shona peservere. the act flower contour ridges left to stand overnight
komborero Shona Boy The of perseverance Lubelihle Ndebele Girl Madhuve [Old Shona] Mahunwepi [Old Shona]
Girl Lord's doing Kutenda Shona Boy beautiful flower Shona Girl Shona Boy
blessing Kukunda Shona Girl Faith Lulama Ndebele Girl women of zebra where did you
Kondo [Old Shona] Shona VICTORY Kutiwa Shona Girl The humble one totem, drink the beer? 't.
Girl Kumbirai Shona Boy being soft/humbleLumbidzani madiba Ndebele Boy Maidei Shona Girl
hammer-head bird Ask ... Kutyauripo [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl no meaning What did you
Kotsai Shona Boy Kumbirai [Old Shona],- Shona Boy Praise (Kalanga) Madiro [Old Shona] Shona want?
To hide something kunashe) Shona to fear when you Lunga Ndebele Girl Girl do as Maidei [Old Shona] Shona
Kotsanai Shona Boy Girl ask are present The righteous one you like, please Girl what
Take care of one for ,ask the Lord) Kuurayamombedzambuyand Lungani Ndebele Boy Madovi [Old Shona] Shona did you want, what were
another Kumwaya [Old Shona] ozvadii Shona Girl be good Boy peanut you after9)?
Kubvoruno Shona Shona Boy doing wrong to Lungile Ndebele Girl butter Maidza [Old Shona] Shona
Girl Very gossip, spread, your grandmother. one who is good Madyiwa [Old Shona] Boy you
Old Shona throw about Kuuyakwashe Shona
Luthando Ndebele Boy Shona Boy have attempted, tried,
Kubvoruno [Old Shona] Kunaishe Shona Girl Boy The One conceived one who gives Mainetsa [Old Shona]
Shona Girl There is God or To coming of the Lord out of love. easily, one eaten up Shona Girl
to be rid of God Kuyana [Old Shona] Shona Luyanda Ndebele Girl Madzamure [Old Shona] you were
this ,plight), go away from kunaka Shona Girl Boy to be It is increasing Shona Boy troublesome
this ,plight) nice one friendly, co-operative, Lwandile Ndebele Girl one who takes a Maingeni [Old Shona]
kudairakwashe Shona Kunaka [Old Shona] Shona reconciliatory, more luv handful Shona Girl
Boy God Boy the Kuziva Shona Boy Lwandle Ndebele Girl Madzinga Shona Boy you have come for
has answered good, pleasant, beautiful Knowing Sea the expeller me,
kudakwake Shona one Kuzivakwashe Shona
Lwandlelwenkosi Madzingesu [Old Shona] maita Shona Girl
Girl his Kunashe Shona Girl Girl Gods Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Thank you Lord
will(god) there is God knowledge-will---In His God's Ocean, ,you have maitaishe Shona Girl
Kudakwashe Shona Kundai Shona Girl order. usually given to indicate the expelled us, thank you lord
Girl God's Succeed/Success Kuziwa/ Kuziva Shona good qualities of the ocean Madzivadondo [Old Shona] Maitei [Old Shona] Shona
will; the wil of God kundainashe Shona Girl ie its calm but also fierce Shona Boy Girl what
kudashe Shona Girl Girl Lwazi Ndebele Boy the defender of have you done? 't.
love god conquer through Knowing,knowledge, to knowledge the forest Maizivei [Old Shona] Shona
Kudenga Shona Boy God know Mabasa [Old Shona] Shona Madzivo [Old Shona] Shona Girl what
in Heaven Kundiso Shona Girl kwanele Ndebele Girl Boy acts, Boy did you know? .
Kudiwanashe Shona We have enough jobs, works troublemaker majaha Ndebele Boy
Boy To be conquered Kwanhurai [Old Shona] mabasashe Shona Madzudzo [Old Shona] boys (a boy)
loved by God kundza ishe jesu Shona Shona Girl Boy gods Shona Boy Majaira Shona Girl
Kudyazvokupara [Old Shona] Girl prais split it open, pluck work one who leaks, You are getting
Shona Boy god off, Mabhinzi [Old Shona] problems, used to this (meant as an
to eat that which Kunonga [Old Shona] Kwayedza Shona Shona Boy Mafaro Shona Girl admonition)
Majika [Old Shona] Shona recalling minding what have you Manhembe [Old Shona] Girl squeezes,
Girl with regret seen in me, 't? Shona Boy Blessings Maswera [Old Shona]
junctions, 't Makuni [Old Shona] Shona mandipa Shona Girl loin skin Marunjeya [Old Shona] Shona Boy
Makagona [Old Shona] Boy huge given Manhivi [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl he who spends
Shona Girl firewood Mandipanyasha Shona Boy ugly one who gads the day doing the same
you made it, you Makura [Old Shona] Shona Girl You sides, paddling pools, about thing,
succeeded Boy you are have been merciful Manjowa [Old Shona] Maruza [Old Shona] Shona Matakanure [Old Shona]
Makaita Shona Girl aged, old fields lying fallow. Mandipfuvisa [Old Shona] Shona Boy Boy you Shona Boy
We are thankfull Makwara [Old Shona] Shona Girl one who throws have come for it ,death) he who removes
Makaitireni [Old Shona] Shona Boy you have brought things about carelessly Marwei Shona Girl that which grips
Shona Girl cowards, paths unrest to me Manondo Shona Boy Why are you Matakuro [Old Shona]
you did it for me, 't Malibongwe Mandirasa [Old Shona] seedlings fighting Shona Boy
makaitwanei Shona Ndebele Boy Shona Girl Manqoba Ndebele Boy Masaga [Old Shona] Shona beer offered to
Girl what may His name be you have the one who Girl sacks one carrying a beer pot to
did u praised (God) abandoned me, thrown me conquers Masakasa [Old Shona] the party
Makakosha Shona Mambara [Old Shona],- away Manukuna [Old Shona] Shona Boy Matambanadzo [Old Shona]
Boy Lord dhemeti) Shona Mandirunga [Old Shona] Shona Boy one who talks Shona Boy
you are precious. Boy damn Shona Girl 't. entertainingly one who plays,
Makanaka Shona it, stubborn you have made Manuwere [Old Shona] Masango [Old Shona] dances with them ,animals)
Girl being Mambiri [Old Shona] Shona me suffer intensely, you Shona Boy Shona Girl Matambanepfumo [Old
good Boy two- have salted me/seasoned Emmanuel woodlands, Shona] Shona Boy
Makanaka [Old Shona] some, fame me Manyandi [Old Shona] forests one who plays
Shona Girl Mambo Shona Boy Mandisema [Old Shona] Shona Boy Masare [Old Shona] Shona with the spear, a warrior
you are beautiful, King Shona Girl one who holds Boy one left Matambudziko [Old Shona]
generous, perfect, 't manana Shona Girl you detest, tightly, behind Shona Boy
MakanakaIshe Shona miracle abhore, prick me Manyanga [Old Shona] Masasa [Old Shona] Shona plight, 't
Girl you are Mandebvu [Old Shona] Mandisembura [Old Shona] Shona Boy Girl species Matanda [Old Shona]
wonderful oh Lord Shona Boy Shona Girl ,ugly horns, magic of tree, huge doors, Shona Boy
Makandionei [Old Shona] whiskers, bearded you annoy me, horns, you stalked Masawi [Old Shona] Shona logs, timber, one
Shona Girl Mandega [Old Shona] you are making a lot of Manyengavana [Old Shona] Boy weeds who runs after, pursuer,
what did you see Shona Boy noise to me Shona Boy Masekeni [Old Shona] expeller, chaser
in me? 't. the solitary one, Mandivavarira Shona one who courts or Shona Girl Matapurani [Old Shona]
Makanyara Shona egoist, individualist Girl you sleeps with children you laugh at me, Shona Boy
Girl you we Mandichenjedza [Old Shona] are, after me, determined to Manyowa Shona Boy Masemeni [Old Shona] multiply
humiliated Shona Girl do me harm Usually given after Shona Girl Matare [Old Shona] Shona
Makanyara [Old Shona] you have made Mandivenga [Old Shona] loosing many children to you despise, Boy courts,
Shona Girl me wise, you have alerted Shona Boy death abhore me, iron bells
you were me you hate me Manzira [Old Shona] Shona Masenda [Old Shona] Matenzeni [Old Shona]
embarrassed Mandida Shona Girl Mandizvidza [Old Shona] Boy big Shona Boy Shona Girl
Makasa Shona Girl You have loved Shona Girl paths the wood worker, ,one who imitates,
End of a bad me you despise me Manzungu [Old Shona] carver resembles me,
omen or incident Mandidzamira [Old Shona] Mandla Ndebele Boy Shona Boy Masendeke [Old Shona] Matichaya [Old Shona]
Makatendeka Shona Shona Girl strength big peanuts Shona Boy Shona Both
Girl God is you have made Mandlenkosi Maonei [Old Shona] Shona one who lies off you have hit,
faithfull me uncomfortable Ndebele Boy Girl what Masengwe [Old Shona] beaten, defeated us
Makatukura [Old Shona] Mandiedza Shona power of God have you seen Shona Girl Matida Shona Girl
Shona Boy Girl You Mandure [Old Shona] Maonzeni [Old Shona] species of duck You have loved us
you are have tried me* Shona Girl Shona Girl Masese [Old Shona] Shona (God)
comfortable, Mandigona [Old Shona] one who stings, you make me thin Boy Matidadisaishe Shona
Makhosazana Shona Girl stinger Maovera [Old Shona] sediments of beer Girl God
Ndebele Girl you have dealt me Maneji [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl Mashiri [Old Shona] Shona has made us proud
princesses a blow Boy omen, stage in the Boy huge Matidaishe Shona
Makhosi Ndebele Girl mandigonera Shona 't development of mealies birds, 't Girl You
princess Girl you Manenji Shona Boy Mapengo [Old Shona] Mashizha [Old Shona] have loved us Lord
Makhosini Ndebele Boy have blessed me miracle Shona Boy Shona Girl Matidashe Shona
A prince / one of Mandiisepi [Old Shona] Maneta Shona Girl the mad one, the leaves Girl God
royalty Shona Girl You are tired insane, Mashongedze [Old Shona] has loved us
Makina [Old Shona] Shona where have you (enemies) Mapinga [Old Shona] Shona Boy Matifadza Shona Girl
Boy fruit of placed me? 't. Maneto [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy one who adorns You have made us
mukina tree Mandikora [Old Shona] Boy fatigue, thick forest, treat Mashumba [Old Shona] happy
Makiwa [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy tiredness with protective medicine Shona Girl Matigimu [Old Shona]
Girl white you have bored Mangapa [Old Shona] Mapitse [Old Shona] Shona big lions, 't Shona Boy
people, Europeans, me Shona Girl Boy Mashura Shona Girl one who destroys
Makombe [Old Shona] Mandinema [Old Shona] draping over competition surprise Matikudza Shona
Shona Boy Shona Girl shoulder, Mapiya [Old Shona] Shona mashwita Shona Girl Girl You
he who surrounds you have abused Mangaza [Old Shona] Boy you you have done it have honoured us
makomborero Shona me jokingly Shona Boy have barred Masimba Shona Boy Matinatsa Shona Girl
Boy Mandinetsa [Old Shona] one who looks Mapondera [Old Shona] Powers You have fulfilled
blessing Shona Girl longingly, Shona Boy Masimba [Old Shona] our wishes (God)
Makoni [Old Shona] Shona you have bothered Mangunguma [Old Shona] 't One who breaks Shona Boy Matinetsa Shona Boy
Boy the me. Shona Boy into. power, 't You have caused
able one, of the buffalo, Mandinonga [Old Shona] lying dead and Maposa [Old Shona] Shona masimbaashe Shona us trouble
nyati totem Shona Girl decomposing Boy one Boy powers Matinzwa Shona Girl
Makopa Shona Boy you have picked Mangwanamangwana [Old who throws, praise name of the lord you heard us.
you have copied me up, Shona] Shona Boy for the Ngara, porcupine Masiyiwa [Old Shona] Mationesa [Old Shona]
English, Mandinyeya [Old Shona] day after day totem, Shona Boy Shona Girl
Makumba [Old Shona] Shona Girl Mangwanya [Old Shona] Mapuratsapi [Old Shona] you have been left you have caused
Shona Boy you have back- Shona Boy Shona Boy behind/out us to see, 't
the gatherer bitten me one without one who threshes Masvinyange [Old Shona] Matiotsa [Old Shona]
Makungudza [Old Shona] Mandionei [Old Shona] personality or one who is a storage hut Shona Boy Shona Girl
Shona Girl Shona Girl unorderly Maropafadzo Shona one who you have softened
us, Boy swish MAZWI Ndebele Boy Ndebele Girl Minenhle Shona Girl Mthandazo
Matipa Shona Girl tail Wisdom words Trust in him (God) Beautiful Ndebele Boy
You have given us Mavhu Shona Girl Mbaimbai [Old Shona] MFEZI Ndebele Girl afternoon, Masikati prayer
(God) sand Shona Boy The accomplisher/ akanaka Mthokozisi
Matipaishe Shona Mavhunga [Old Shona] bye and bye acheiver Mirai Shona Girl Ndebele Boy
Girl God Shona Boy English, Mfundo Ndebele Boy Wait one who brings joy
has given us one who causes Mbalenhle education (one Mirirai [Old Shona] Shona Mthulisi Ndebele Boy
matipanyasha Shona things to lose strength and Ndebele Girl who is educated) Boy wait for, comforter
Girl we become weak good history Mgcini Ndebele Boy stand for, symbol, Mubaiwa [Old Shona]
have been blessed Mawanda Shona Girl Mbali Ndebele Boy keeper Miriro [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy
Matiparadza [Old Shona] You are now many flower Mgcinikababa Girl one who is
Shona Boy of you. (Not lonely Mbangura Shona Boy Ndebele Boy significance, stabbed, hurt,
you have anymore) The big one fathers keeper symbolism Muchaanzei Shona
preached, talked to/about Mawaya [Old Shona] Shona Mbekezeli Ndebele Boy Mhandu Shona Boy Misi Shona Girl Girl What
us Boy wires The patient one The enemy Days are you still hiding
matipashe Shona Mawere [Old Shona] Shona Mbengo [Old Shona] Shona Mhandu [Old Shona] Shona Misiyashe Shona Girl Muchachechuka [Old Shona]
Girl God Boy Boy Boy an God's timing/In Shona Girl
has given us precipice, steep madness, insanity, enemy God's days you will remember,
Matiperura [Old Shona] descent, hatred, Mhangiri [Old Shona] Misodzi [Old Shona] Shona realize, be surprised
Shona Girl Mayibongwe Mberikunashe [Old Shona] Shona Boy Girl tears Muchadii? [Old Shona]
you have enraged Ndebele Girl Shona Boy 't Mhangwa mitsidzo Shona Girl Shona Girl
us, may God be ahead is the chief, Mharadze [Old Shona] promises what will you do?
Matirasa [Old Shona] thanked Mbijana Ndebele Boy Shona Boy Mkhokheli Ndebele Boy Muchadura Shona
Shona Girl Mazana [Old Shona] Shona little one who Leader Girl You
you have Boy Mbiri [Old Shona] Shona separates, spreads, Mkhuhlane shall confess
abandoned us hundreds, ugly Boy fame, scatters, destroyer Ndebele Girl Muchadura [Old Shona]
Matiroya Shona Girl children, two. Mhariwa [Old Shona] disease (HIV) Shona Girl
yeah you fixed us. Mazarandanda [Old Shona] Mbirimi [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl MKUDZEYI Shona you will confess
matoenda Shona Girl Shona Boy Boy the perched on Girl Muchafara Shona
YOU HAVE GONE full of capacity industrious Mhere [Old Shona] Shona HONOUR HIM Girl You
ALREADY with people person, champion Boy shout, Mlungisi Ndebele Boy shall be happy
Matohwe [Old Shona] Mazarira Shona Girl Mbogo [Old Shona] Shona scream one who puts Muchafunga Shona
Shona Boy Last born Girl ripe Mhesvamukono Shona things right Girl In due
fruit of the Mazarura [Old Shona] wild zhanje ,loquat) that Boy The Mncedisi Ndebele Boy time, you will remember
matohwe tree, Shona Boy has not fallen from trees spoiler helper Muchakundwa Shona
Matsika [Old Shona] Shona he who opens up, Mbombi [Old Shona] Shona Mhike [Old Shona] Shona Mnqobi Ndebele Boy Boy You will
Boy he who pioneers, uncovers Boy pump Boy the one who be defeated
treads on or steps over Maziti [Old Shona] Shona Mbongeni Ndebele Boy promise conquers Muchaneta Shona
Matsikanhiyo [Old Shona] Boy huge give thanks to Him Mhindudzapasi [Old Shona] Mombedzeumhayihadzidyiw Girl you will
Shona Boy tree-like figures or Mbozha bourgeois French Shona Boy e Shona Girl get weary
one who steps apparitions [Old Shona] Shona 't. Lobola cows for Muchaneta [Old Shona]
over the chickens, flat MAZODAANI Shona Girl Mhirimo [Old Shona] Shona mum cannot be Shona Both
footed person Girl WHOM gentlemen in the Boy slaughtered for beef you will get
Matsvamoyo [Old Shona] DO YOU LOVE western sense, rich man earthenware pot Mombeshora [Old Shona] tired ,of her)
Shona Girl Mazomba Shona Boy Mbudu [Old Shona] Shona for Shona Boy Muchanyara [Old Shona]
your heart is hurt, The Great One. Boy pocket, Mhiringa [Old Shona] straw-coloured Shona Girl
dejected Mazorera, an animal pouch, carrier bag, Shona Boy beast, you will be
Matsvuku [Old Shona] character) Shona Mbungo [Old Shona] Shona one who trips Mombeyarara [Old Shona] embarrassed, get tired
Shona Boy Boy one Boy stalk Mhizha [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy Muchanyuka [Old Shona]
the red ones who smears borer, small softball, Boy an the beast is Shona Boy
Matuka [Old Shona] Shona Mazorodze [Old Shona] Mbuso Ndebele Boy expert ironmonger asleep, fallen you will emerge
Boy you Shona Boy Leader Mhlengi Ndebele Boy Motsi [Old Shona] Shona Muchaparara [Old Shona]
have insulted, scolded, one who brings Mbuyadzakare [Old Shona] Redeemer Boy one, Shona Boy
Matumba [Old Shona] about rest, comfort, death Shona Girl Mhofu [Old Shona] Shona the first one you will disperse,
Shona Boy Mazungunye [Old Shona] old fashioned Boy eland Moyo [Old Shona] Shona separate, die
huge drums Shona Boy women Mhofuyomukono [Old Shona] Boy heart, Muchapareva Shona
Matura [Old Shona] Shona the restless, fretful Mbwadzavo [Old Shona] Shona Boy of the heart totem Girl you will
Boy one Shona Boy a male eland, Moyounotsva Shona confess
granaries, you Mazviereka [Old Shona] their dogs Mhondiwa [Old Shona] Girl Deeply Muchapawana [Old Shona]
have off-loaded Shona Girl Mduduzi Ndebele Boy Shona Boy felt Shona Girl
Maukazuva [Old Shona] you are on target, comforter the killed, the Mphokuhle you will find I
Shona Boy you have aimed directly Mehluli Ndebele Boy murdered, Ndebele Girl Muchape [Old Shona]
collector of the Mazvikokota [Old Shona] Victor Mhosva Shona Girl given a good thing Shona Boy
sun, Shona Boy Meja major [Old Shona] Fault Mpilo Ndebele Girl administerer of
Maunga [Old Shona] Shona expert Shona Boy Mhurai [Old Shona] Shona Life/ the way of life laxative to detect criminals
Girl the Mazvinyanya [Old Shona] sickness of Girl despise Mpini Ndebele Boy Muchapera [Old Shona]
collector, gatherer Shona Girl poultry, sheep you War Shona Boy
Mauruka [Old Shona] you have gone MELIWAMI Mhuru [Old Shona] Shona Mpumelelo you will be
Shona Boy beyond limits, excessive Ndebele Boy Boy calf Ndebele Boy destroyed, die, perish
the jumper Mazvipi [Old Shona] Shona OUR SHIELD Mhurushomana [Old Shona] success Muchapondwa [Old Shona]
Mauya Shona Boy Girl what? /OUR PROTECTOR Shona Boy Mqhelewenkosi Shona Boy
Welcome/You Mazvironda [Old Shona] Melusi Ndebele Boy few calves Ndebele Girl you will be
have arrived Shona Girl sheperd Mhute [Old Shona] Shona The Lord God's murdered
Mavende [Old Shona] you have traced, meminkosi Boy mist, 't crown Muchati [Old Shona] Shona
Shona Girl tracked them down Ndebele Girl Mihlakayifani Mqondisi Ndebele Boy Boy bride,
gap between Mazvita Shona Girl we invite God Ndebele Boy deadliest soccer bridegroom
teeth, thank you menzi Ndebele Boy days are not the player :) Muchawanda [Old Shona]
Mavhininge [Old Shona] Mazvitireni [Old Shona] God's will same....indicating things direct Shona Girl
Shona Boy Shona Girl meso Shona Girl will change. Mthabisi Ndebele Boy you will multiply
the fast one you have done it face or eyes Minana Shona Girl The one who Muchayeuka [Old Shona]
Mavhiza [Old Shona] Shona for me, Methembe Miracle brings joy Shona Girl
you will recall, who cuts through with a Girl share, Munana Shona Girl you like? Shona Boy
remember stroke portion Miracle Munodawafa [Old Shona] the murdered
Muchayiwa [Old Shona] Mudimuri [Old Shona] Mugovi Shona Boy Munanawashe Shona Shona Boy Muponisi Shona Boy
Shona Boy Shona Boy He who shares Girl Miracle you like the dead, The one who
beer made from one who cuts Muguri [Old Shona] Shona of God Munodeyi Shona Boy saves
resoaked straining across the path Boy the Munashe Shona Girl What do you want Murambadoro [Old Shona]
Muchazoona [Old Shona] Mudiwa Shona Girl mealie-cob, cutter, divider, In the Lord on him? Leave and let be. Shona Boy
Shona Girl My darling judge Munatsi Shona Girl Munodiwa Shona he who refuses
you will find out, Mudiwaishe Shona Mugwagwa, Shona (S)he has made Girl you are beer, teetotaller
discover Girl The Boy road, us right loved Murambatsvina [Old Shona]
Muchazoonei [Old Shona] lover of God Mugwazo [Old Shona] Mundawaro [Old Shona],- munodiwanashe Shona Shona Girl
Shona Girl Mudori [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy jambwa) Shona Girl you are one who objects to
what will you Boy hopper, a portion to Boy its loved by the Lord dirt, clean, clean person
see?, trotter, runner complete, misfortune, own field Munokomborera Shona Murambiwa [Old Shona]
Muchazviona [Old Shona] Mudyanegava [Old Shona] Mugweni [Old Shona] Mundindi [Old Shona] Girl Shona Boy
Shona Girl Shona Boy Shona Boy Shona Girl Blessing the rejected one, 't
you will find out, one who eats with one who kindles the stable, firm Munondidii [Old Shona] Muranzi Shona Boy
discover or who eats jackals, the fire, fire-maker one Shona Girl Ray of Hope
Muchazvirega Shona greedy one Muhwati [Old Shona] Shona Mundo [Old Shona] Shona what can you do Murapa [Old Shona] Shona
Girl You will Mudyanyama [Old Shona] Boy one Boy the to me, Boy the
stop this. Shona Boy who walks stealthily, giver Munonzwa Shona healer
Muchazvirega [Old Shona] the one who is Mujaho [Old Shona] Shona Mundogara [Old Shona] Boy You Murapakamwe [Old Shona]
Shona Girl after meat 't Boy Shona Boy hear (God) Shona Boy
you will stop it, Mudzimiri [Old Shona] competition, race one who insists on Munopa Shona Girl one who cures
Muchazvireva Shona Shona Boy Mujere [Old Shona] Shona staying, is sitting apparently He Gives only once, an expert
Boy u wil he who Boy doing nothing Munopashe Shona Murapanemhandu [Old
say it extinguishes creeper, in gaol Munemo [Old Shona] Girl God Shona] Shona Boy
Muchazvisiya [Old Shona] Mudziwepasi [Old Shona] Mujubheki [Old Shona] Shona Boy gives he who cures
Shona Girl Shona Boy Shona Boy playful talk, Munopiwa Shona even his enemies
you shall leave, the root of the one from decorator, Boy you are Murape [Old Shona] Shona
abandon it earth, land Johannesburg, also MUNENYASHA Shona given Girl the
Mucheka [Old Shona] Mudzonga [Old Shona] generally means one who Girl YOU munoshamisa Shona healer
Shona Boy Shona Boy has been to South but HAVE mercy Girl you are Murauki [Old Shona] Shona
the cutter, a long strip of meat specially to Johannesburg Munesu Shona Girl amazing(Lord) Girl pone
chequered cloth Mufadza Shona Girl Mukai Shona Girl God is with us Munotidaishe Shona who is able to be fished out
Muchemi [Old Shona] Has brought joy, Wake up.. Munesu [Old Shona] Shona Boy God Mureche [Old Shona]
Shona Girl bringer of joy Mukandawire [Old Shona] Girl you are loves us Shona Girl
one who cries, the Mufandaidza [Old Shona] Shona Both after, with us Mununuri Shona Boy one who hangs
bereaved, the mourner Shona Boy he who throws Munetsi Shona Boy Saviour over things,
Muchena [Old Shona] he who dies after and falls in Troublesome one Munyaradzi Shona Murekandafa Shona
Shona Girl trying Mukandazema [Old Shona] Munetsi [Old Shona] Shona Boy Boy ,an
the poor one Mufaro Shona Girl Shona Boy Boy the Comforter animal character), one who
Muchengeti Shona Happiness one who has a botherer Munyonga [Old Shona] stops when one is dead,
Boy the Mufirazvevamwe [Old Shona] strong, unpleasant body Mungofa [Old Shona] Shona Boy steadfast,
protector Shona Boy odour Shona Boy the disturber Murenga Shona Boy
Muchengeti [Old Shona] he who dies for Mukanga [Old Shona] you will die Munyongani [Old Shona] Uprising
Shona Boy other people's problems, Shona Boy Munhamo [Old Shona] Shona Boy Murerwa [Old Shona]
the keeper, causes one who roasts, Shona Girl the crooked Shona Girl
guardian, Mufudzi Shona Boy fries, one who is in a Munyoro [Old Shona] the raised one,
Muchero Shona Girl Shepard Mukaro [Old Shona] Shona plight, 't Shona Boy one who has been looked
Fruit mugabe Shona Boy Boy nose- Munhuirema [Old Shona] the gentle, soft after
Muchinapo [Old Shona] The strongest one rope, ridge Shona Girl one, polite, Murindagomo [Old Shona]
Shona Girl Mugadza [Old Shona] Mukombahasha Shona a person is a fool, Mupakaviri [Old Shona] Shona Boy
you still behave in Shona Boy Boy The human beings never learn Shona Boy one who guards
the same manner the one who fortress guardian! from experiences one who gives the hill
Muchineripi? [Old Shona] installs, crowns Mukombwe [Old Shona] Munhukwatsva [Old Shona] twice, open-handed Muringazuva [Old Shona]
Shona Boy Mugadzi [Old Shona] Shona Boy Shona Boy Mupambawashe [Old Shona] Shona Boy
do you still have Shona Boy the surrounded a person when the Shona Boy he who faces the
anything to say? What he who crowns or Mukomondera [Old Shona] going gets tough he who robs the sun,
more/else have you to places an object in a stable Shona Boy Munhukwaye [Old Shona] chiefs muriritiri Shona Boy
say?, position war, battle, violent Shona Boy Mupamombe [Old Shona] the provider
Muchochonyi [Old Shona] Muganhu [Old Shona] cold wind a good person Shona Boy Murishe Shona Girl
Shona Boy Shona Boy Mukonoweshuro [Old Shona] Munhumurombo [Old Shona] he who gives You are God!
the Hatcher clay pot for Shona Boy Shona Boy cattle, Murisi Shona Boy
Muda [Old Shona] Shona cooking meat, inside the male rabbit a poor person is a Mupawose m Shona Sherpheard
Boy the one clay pot Mukudzei Shona Girl human being Boy one Murombo [Old Shona]
who loves, likes Mugeza [Old Shona],- praise him Munhuwepi [Old Shona] who gives all, everybody Shona Boy
Mudadi [Old Shona] Shona richakwata) Shona Mukundi Shona Boy Shona Boy Mupezino [Old Shona] poor person,
Boy the Boy the Victor what kind of a Shona Girl indignant,
conceited greedy one Mukurunguru [Old Shona] person, one who gives the Muronda Shona Boy
mudadisi Shona Boy Mugombo [Old Shona] Shona Boy Munjai [Old Shona] Shona tooth, smiler Old shona name
the one to make Shona Boy the gambler Girl one MUPINDISHE Shona Murovasango [Old Shona]
us proud on the virgin land, Mumbamarwo [Old Shona] who gads about Girl GOD IS Shona Boy
Mudazvavamwe [Old Shona] land owner Shona Boy Munjoro [Old Shona] Shona OUR GIVER he who beats the
Shona Boy Mugoni Shona Girl the house of Boy an Mupindu [Old Shona] forest, travels, hunts in the
admirer of other One who does death, a family of instrument for digging holes Shona Boy forest
people's things well misfortune Munobvanei Shona one who changes, Murowi [Old Shona] Shona
mudikani Shona Girl mugove Shona Girl Munaki Shona Boy Girl What erratic, Boy a witch,
loved one (the Lord is) my The good one will you take from here? Mupiwa Shona Girl an expert
Mudimu [Old Shona] Shona portion (from the Lord) Munamato Shona Munodaani Shona Given Musa Ndebele Girl
Boy one Mugove [Old Shona] Shona Boy Prayer Girl who do Mupondwi [Old Shona] mercy
Musafare Shona Boy black one, hard-hearted, Shona Boy Heart known ,regret) does not nestai Shona Girl
Dont be happy evil one who supports mzariko Ndebele Boy lead the way, bother us/ difficult
Musafare [Old Shona] musvinu Shona Boy with a stone house is build Ndambo [Old Shona] Netsai Shona Girl
Shona Boy bright Mutsvanzva [Old Shona] enough Shona Boy be a bother
do't,you) rejoice, Musvodazvaitwa [Old Shona] Shona Boy Mzekisi Ndebele Boy one who refuses Nevanji Shona Boy
be merry Shona Boy the mutsvanzva loose woman Ndamuka [Old Shona] The prince
Musaka [Old Shona] Shona one who is tree, Mzwandile Shona Boy Nevanji [Old Shona] Shona
Boy natural embarrassed after the Mutumwa Shona Boy Ndebele Boy I am up, awake, I Boy first-
gap between teeth, the event Angel the family/home have seen reason born child, heir
causer Muswewembizi [Old Shona] Mutumwa [Old Shona],-pavi) has increased Ndanatsei Shona Girl Ngaakudzwe Shona
Musandibate [Old Shona] Shona Boy Shona Boy Naishe Shona Girl What good did i Girl Praise
Shona Boy the zebra's tail, one who is sent With God do? the lord
do'ttouch me, Mutandawachingama [Old on dangerous errands, Naishewedu Shona Ndanatsei? [Old Shona] Ngaatendwe Shona
leave me alone Shona] Shona Boy mission Girl With Shona Girl Girl give
Musara [Old Shona] Shona Mr. stumbling Mutungamiri Shona our God what is it I have thanks
Girl one block, the log is lying Boy Leader Nakai Shona Girl done well ,now)? Ngaatendweishe Shona
who is left, playfulness across, Mutusva [Old Shona] Be beautiful ndanatsiwa Shona Girl Thank
Musarapasi [Old Shona] Mutandwa [Old Shona] Shona Boy Girl i've the Lord.
Shona Boy Shona Boy whipper Nakiso Shona Girl been blessed Ngibongiseni
one who remains one who is chased Mutyandasvika [Old Shona] The beautiful one Ndanatswa Shona Ndebele Boy
on the ground, earth away, the expelled one Shona Boy Nakisoyashe Shona Girl i`ve Help me to thank
Musarurwa [Old Shona] Mutangadura [Old Shona] one who fears Girl God been purified him (God)
Shona Boy Shona Boy after he has arrived has made us beautiful Ndarapei? [Old Shona] Ngizakujebha
the selected one, one who begins Mutyavanhu [Old Shona] NAMATAI Shona Girl Shona Boy Ndebele Girl
the chosen with the granary, who Shona Boy PRAY what have I I WILL STAB YOU
Musasa [Old Shona] Shona attacks the granary first one who is afraid Nandi Ndebele Girl cured? Ngoma [Old Shona] Shona
Boy the Mutara [Old Shona] Shona of the people, he who Pretty Ndatenda Shona Girl Boy drum
musasa tree, shelter, Boy the respects people, Naniso Shona Girl I thank God Ngomayarira [Old Shona]
Musatye Shona Girl mutara tree, one who Mutyavaviri [Old Shona] something Ndavenaye Shona Shona Boy
Dont be afraid* searches, demarcator, Shona Boy marvelous, spectacular. a Girl I now the drum is played
Musawenkosi Shona delineator one who is afraid miracle have upon
Girl the Mutasa [Old Shona] Shona of two people nanziwe Ndebele Girl Ndawana [Old Shona] Ngoni Shona Boy
grace of God Boy the Muwengwa Shona Loved one Shona Boy mercy
Musekiwa [Old Shona] upright, honest Boy the Nashe Shona Boy I have found it Ngoni [Old Shona],-dzaishe)
Shona Girl Mutemachihwe [Old Shona] hated, disliked one With God alias remember ye Shona Boy
the one who is Shona Boy Muzaraweto [Old Shona] natalia Shona Girl Nderera [Old Shona] Shona mercy,
laughed at, one who cuts the Shona Boy beautiful and Boy kindness ,of God)
Mushai [Old Shona] Shona stone, stonecutter one who is full of amazing oversized Ngonidzashe Shona
Boy one Mutemo [Old Shona] Shona beer froth, drunkard Natsai Shona Girl Ndichafa [Old Shona] Girl Mercy
with nothing, poor man Boy law, Muzivabani Shona Make good Shona Boy of God/God's mercy
Mushambanhaka [Old rule, regulations Boy Old Natsirai Shona Girl I will die ngqabutho
Shona] Shona Boy Mutemwa [Old Shona] Shona Name doing something Ndinashe Shona Girl Ndebele Boy
one who bathes in Shona Boy Muzvondiwa [Old perfect. I am with God First born of the
inheritance the one who is Shona],Ndebele zonda, Nayai Shona Girl Ndinatsei Shona Girl family
Mushayabasa [Old Shona] slashed, cut, appointed hate Shona Boy Rain cleanse me or
Shona Boy Mutinha [Old Shona] Shona one who is hated, Ndabezinhle purify me God Ngqobile Ndebele Boy
one without work, Boy the disliked Ndebele Boy NDINEVIMBO Shona Victor...victorious
the lazy one animal driver Mwaita Shona Girl Good news Boy I HAVE nguvayake Shona
Mushayavanhu [Old Shona] Mutiro [Old Shona] Shona Thank you Ndadiwa Shona Girl HOPE OR FAITH Girl in His
Shona Boy Boy the (Manyika) I have been loved Ndingoveni [Old Shona] time
one who is without baboon, 't Mwakawashe Shona Ndadzoka Shona Girl Shona Girl Ngwerume [Old Shona]
the people, deserted one Mutitimanja [Old Shona] Girl Gods i am back I shall be or let me Shona Boy
Mushayazano [Old Shona] Shona Boy Time Ndafadzwa Shona be the only one, selfish male leopard
Shona Boy mutiti Mwakazozwenyi [Old Shona] Girl He person Nhaka [Old Shona] Shona
one without plans, tree ,erythrina abyssinioca) Shona Girl (God) has made me happy Ndochii Shona Girl Boy
the lazy one Mutizwa [Old Shona] Shona what did you then Ndafara Shona Boy what is this - inheritance
Mushonga [Old Shona] Boy the hear, ? I have been made name usually given to a Nhamburo Shona
Shona Girl deserted one Mwanyara [Old Shona] happy fourth or fifthy child of the Girl Many
medicine, one Mutonhodzazvinopisa [Old Shona Girl ndaizivei Shona Girl same sex troubles
who adorns oneself Shona] Shona Boy you have been SUPRISE Ndomupei Shona Nhamburo [Old Shona]
Musiyadzasukwa [Old one who cools embarrassed, tired Ndaizivei [Old Shona] Girl What Shona Boy
Shona] Shona Girl that which is hot Mwapa Shona Girl Shona Girl will I give to God for giving superstitious fear,
one who Mutowembwa [Old Shona] You have given what did I know?, me a baby girl tribulation, worry, plight
leaves ,the party) after Shona Boy Mwara [Old Shona] Shona a feeling of regret Ndoro [Old Shona] Shona Nhamo Shona Girl
the ,beer) pots have been dogs Boy of Ndakabayiwa [Old Shona] Boy shell- troubled
washed, drunkard Mutsa Shona Girl falling of grain on floor and Shona Girl like white ornament, Nhamo [Old Shona],-inesu)
Musiyapachena [Old Shona] Merciful scattering I was stabbed, emblem, insignia, mark Shona Boy
Shona Boy Mutsa [Old Shona] Shona Mwarewangei [Old Shona] killed, hurt Ndudzo [Old Shona] Shona tribulation, worry,
one who exposes, Boy mercy, Shona Boy Ndakaitei [Old Shona] Boy anvil misfortune, calamity,
the exposer kindness why did you have Shona Girl Ndumiso Ndebele Boy adversity
Musora [Old Shona] Shona Mutsanai Shona Boy to say that, ? what did I do ,to praise Nhamoinesu Shona
Boy in the Honour each other Mwayarika [Old Shona] deserve this)3)? Nduru [Old Shona] Shona Boy We
grass, one who provokes always Shona Boy Ndakanatswa [Old Shona] Boy bile have serious problems
Musorowegomo Shona Mutsare [Old Shona] Shona one who is Shona Girl Ndyire [Old Shona] Shona Nhanga [Old Shona] Shona
Boy The tip Boy a line, unstable, I was treated well Boy greedy, Girl girl's
of a mountain one who makes a line, Mwayemurei Shona Ndakasharwa Shona avaricious, covetous, dormitory, pumpkin,
Musuruvari [Old Shona] demarcator, delineator Girl What Girl I have eagerly desirous Nhango [Old Shona] Shona
Shona Boy mutsawashe Shona did you admire been chosen nelisiwe Ndebele Girl Boy pieces,
one who is sad Girl house Mwenje [Old Shona] Shona Ndakaziva [Old Shona],- satisfied internodes
Musvibe [Old Shona] Shona of the Lord Boy light haitungamiri) Shona Nenyasha Shona Girl Nhanha [Old Shona] Shona
Girl the Mutsigavamwe [Old Shona] Mwoyo Shona Girl Girl had I By God's grace Girl a baby
Nharo [Old Shona] Shona mother of Mother of crowns conquer owner of the field Girl Star
Boy kindness Nomsa Ndebele Girl Nqobile Ndebele Boy Nyamunetsa [Old Shona] Nzwisisayi Shona
argumentative, Nokudakwashe Shona One with grace or conquered Shona Boy Girl
obstinacy, Girl By the kindness. Derived from nqobisile Ndebele Boy one who causes Discern,
Nharu [Old Shona] Shona will of God Nkosinomusa which means victor trouble appreciate, understanding
Boy step Nokukhanya the Lord is kind/graceful. Nqobizitha Nyamunhu [Old Shona] Omberaitenzi Shona
Nhau [Old Shona] Shona Ndebele Girl Nomthandazo Ndebele Girl Shona Girl Boy Clap
Boy news mother of light Ndebele Girl one who possessor of the hands to the Lord
Nhava [Old Shona] Shona Nokulunga mother of prayer overcomes person, slave owner, Omhle Ndebele Girl
Boy small Ndebele Girl Nomunamato Shona nsukuhazifani ordinary person Beautiful
woven bag made of bark mother of Girl By Ndebele Boy Nyandoro [Old Shona] Ona Shona Girl
fibre goodness Prayer days are not the Shona Boy See
Nhengure [Old Shona] Nokuphila Ndebele Girl Nomusa Ndebele Girl same possessor of Onai Shona Girl
Shona Boy The mother of mother of mercy Nsukukazifani shell-like white ornament, Watch/Look
fork-tailed drongo, health Nomuteuro Shona Ndebele Boy chief, king onashe Shona Boy
Nherera [Old Shona] Shona Nokutenda Shona Girl with Days are not the Nyangadzo [Old Shona] To see the lord
Boy orphan, Boy with prayer same: said to remind Shona Girl Ongai [Old Shona],Vongai)
't thanks Nomutsa Shona Girl people that things do one who disturbs, Shona Girl
Nhika [Old Shona] Shona Nokutendaishe Shona WITH GRACE change spoiler be thankful,
Boy ,edible Boy We are Nomvelo Ndebele Girl Ntando Ndebele Girl Nyanisi [Old Shona] Shona grateful
mouse, valley grateful God Mother Nature choice Girl truly, Owami Ndebele Girl
Nhindi [Old Shona] Shona Nokuthaba Nomvula Ndebele Girl ntandoyenkosi surely ,Ndebele), She is mine.
Boy piece of Ndebele Girl mother of rains Ndebele Boy Nyanye Shona Girl owethu Ndebele Girl
meat Mother of (the one who brings rains) Godswill Second of twins OURS
Nhlanhla Ndebele Boy Happiness Nomxolisi Ndebele Girl Ntokozo Ndebele Girl Nyaradzai Shona Girl PADAISHE Shona
Lucky Nokuthula Ndebele Girl Mother of joy console Boy Gods
Nhokodzembudzi [Old mother of peace forgiveness Ntombenhle Nyaradzo Shona Girl will
Shona] Shona Boy nokwanda Nonhlanhla Ndebele Girl comfort Pafamunhumashokoanowan
goat's droppings, Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl beautiful girl/lady Nyaradzo [Old Shona] da Shona Boy
Nhowa [Old Shona] Shona increasing (girls) Godess of luck Ntombezinhle Shona Girl When someone
Boy edible Nolwandle Nonhlanla Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl comforter. dies, there is too much talk
caterpillar, the young one of Ndebele Girl Mother of Good Beautiful girls Nyarai Shona Girl Pafunge Shona Girl
a duiker mother of oceans Fortune Ntombi Ndebele Girl Be ashamed/ To think or
NIKELWA Ndebele Girl Nolwazi Ndebele Girl Nonjabulo Ndebele Girl Girl contrite contemplate on things; to
gift mother of mother of joy Ntombifuthi Nyarai [Old Shona] Shona meditate
Njabulo Ndebele Boy knowledge Nonkululeko Ndebele Girl Girl shame Paidamoyo Shona
Joy Nomagugu Ndebele Girl another girl on you, feel embarrassed, Girl Where
Njanji [Old Shona] Shona Ndebele Girl mother of freedom Ntombikababamkhulu be ashamed the heart desired*
Boy railway mother of Nonsikelelo Ndebele Girl Nyarutema [Old Shona] Paidamoyo [Old Shona]
line treasures/precious things Ndebele Girl grandfathers Shona Boy Shona Girl
Njapa Shona Girl Nomalanga Blessings girlfriend one is dark, where the heart
Very Old Shona Ndebele Girl Nontobeko Ntombikayise crocodile desired, what the heart
Njerere [Old Shona] Shona mother of Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl Nyasha Shona Girl wanted and yearned for,
Boy black sunshine Mother of peace Daddy's girl Mercy Paidamwoyo Shona
kite 't. Nomaqhawe nontokozo Ntombiyomuzi Nyasha [Old Shona],- Girl My
Njuma [Old Shona] Shona Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl dzashe) Shona Girl heart's desire
Boy poll 't. Mother of heroes mother of Our home mercy, grace ,of paidashe Shona Girl
Nkazimulo Nomasizwe happiness princess the Lord) what God desired
Ndebele Boy Ndebele Girl Nosipho Ndebele Girl Ntombizodwa nyashadzashe Shona Pamhidzai Shona
glory mother of a nation mother of a gift Ndebele Girl Boy mercy Girl Add
nkosana Ndebele Boy Nomasonto Nosizi Ndebele Girl girls only of God/Blessing of God more in particular blessings
Prince Ndebele Girl Mother of mercy Nunurai Shona Girl Nyashayashe Shona or children
Nkosikhona mother of Nosizo Ndebele Girl Save/rescue/help Girl god's Pamhidzai [Old Shona]
Ndebele Boy Sundays Mother of help Nyachide [Old Shona] grace :) Shona Girl
god's here / the Nomathalente Nothabo Ndebele Girl Shona Girl Nyatwa [Old Shona] Shona do, say it again,
lord's here Ndebele Girl Mother of joy. the loved one Boy repeat
Nkosinathi mother of talents Nothando Ndebele Girl Nyachoto [Old Shona] misfortune, plight Pamugere [Old Shona]
Ndebele Boy Nomathamsanqa With love Shona Boy Nyaya [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy
God is with us Ndebele Girl Nothani Ndebele Girl the fire-place's Girl stories where you are
Nkosinesisa mother of fortune be wealthy! owner, Nyeesai [Old Shona] Shona seated, settled
Ndebele Girl or goodluck nothuba Ndebele Girl Nyakanyaka [Old Shona] Girl you Panaishe Shona Girl
God has mercy Nomathemba mother of chance Shona Boy gossip intensely Where the Lord is
Nkosinomusa Ndebele Girl Noxolo Ndebele Girl provocation, Nyembezi [Old Shona] Pananai/Panai Shona
Ndebele Girl mother of trust mother of peace public Shona Girl Girl Give
god's kind / the Nombeko Ndebele Girl Nozimanga disturbance ,Ndebele), 't tears ,Ndebele) each other
lord's kind mother of Ndebele Girl Nyakudzivinga [Old Shona],- Nyemudzai [Old Shona] Panashe Shona Girl
Nkosinothando obedience with miracles mhaka) Shona Girl Shona Girl Where the Lord is
Ndebele Boy Nombuso Ndebele Girl Nozipho Ndebele Girl one who comes you tantalize, Panganai Shona Boy
God has love mother of a mother of gifts for them ,crimes) raise false hopes, 't No
nkosiphile Ndebele Girl kingdom nozithelo Ndebele Girl Nyamaropa [Old Shona] Nyemwerai [Old Shona] Panganayi Shona
the lord has given Nomcebo Ndebele Girl mother of Shona Boy Shona Girl Girl Guide
Nkululeko Ndebele Boy mother of wealth fruitfulness...someone that the bloody one smile or teach each other
freedom Nomfundo causes or assists healthy Nyamayaro [Old Shona],- Nyemwererai Shona Panofamunhukutaurakunowa
Nobantu Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl growth:D gora) Shona Boy Girl Smile nda Shona Boy
With the people mother of Nozizwe Ndebele Girl meat for it ,the Nyenge [Old Shona],-dzai), When someone
Nobuhle Ndebele Girl education mother of nations vulture) Shona Girl dies talks increases
Mother of beauty Nompumelelo nqabenhle Nyamayedenga Shona court a while, you Paradzai [Old Shona]
Nobukhosi Ndebele Girl Ndebele Boy Boy Food deceive. Shona Boy
Ndebele Girl Success a good provider, for the heavens Nyengeterai Shona disperse them,
mother of royalty Nomqhele shelter( as in god) Nyamunda [Old Shona] Girl Pray for destroy,
Nobuntu Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl Nqobani Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Nyenyedzi Shona Paraziva [Old Shona]
Shona Boy Phumuyo Shona Boy Ratidzai Shona Girl Rufaro Shona Girl mislead, harmony
where ,it- To rest Show Happiness misinform Ruware [Old Shona] Shona
misfortune) has known, pirai Shona Boy Ratidzo Shona Girl Rufaro [Old Shona] Shona Runzirwai [Old Shona] Boy bare
frequents send to vision Boy joy, Shona Boy expanse of rock
Pasi [Old Shona],-panodya) pokolina Shona Boy REMEKEDZO Shona happiness be misled Ruzivo Shona Girl
[Old Shona],-pamire) [Old look with love Girl Rufarorwashe Shona Ruparanganda [Old Shona] Knowledge
Shona],-harigute) Shona Pomerai [Old Shona] Shona RESPECT & Boy God Shona Boy Ruzivorwashe Shona
Boy the Girl accuse HONOUR given happiness flash of lightning, Girl God\'s
earth eats up, the earth is falsely Rerutsai Shona Girl Rufu [Old Shona] Shona Ruponeso Shona knowledge
cruel, the earth is not Pondai [Old Shona] Shona Lighten the Boy death, Girl healing Ruzvidzo Shona Boy
satisfied Girl ,you) burden Rugadzo [Old Shona] Ruramai Shona Girl Shame on you
Pasipanodya [Old Shona] murder Rindai [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl be holy, pure, Ruzvidzo [Old Shona]
Shona Boy Ponderai [Old Shona] Girl be on installation, act of righteous Shona Boy
the eat eats, Shona Boy the watch, guard, look out crowning Ruramisai Shona Girl despising, looking
devours, break into Rindi [Old Shona] Shona Rugare Ndebele Girl make to survive down upon
Pawanaka [Old Shona] Popotai [Old Shona] Shona Boy white peace Ruregerero Shona Rwaenda [Old Shona]
Shona Boy Boy vlei sand, hole in the Rugare [Old Shona] Shona Girl Shona Boy
,he who gives to grumble ground Boy peace, Forgiveness its ,death) gone,
good people Porozozo [Old Shona] rindirai Shona Boy comfort. Luxury, settlement Rusere [Old Shona] Shona moved away
Pazvakavambwa [Old Shona Boy secure, protect, Rujahanye [Old Shona] Boy eight Rwarandaenda [Old Shona]
Shona] Shona Boy messy wait, Shona Girl times Shona Boy
where it started Punha [Old Shona] Shona Risai [Old Shona] Shona 't. Rushambo [Old Shona] fall sick after I am
Pedzai [Old Shona] Shona Girl young Boy herd Rujekese [Old Shona] Shona Girl gone
Boy finish girl not yet reached the age livestock Shona Girl bracelet of painted Rwaringeni [Old Shona]
up, complete of puberty Risipambi [Old Shona] to make things grass, Shona Girl
Pedzeni [Old Shona] Shona QEDINDABA Shona Boy clear, enlightenment Rutendo Shona Girl it, death,
Boy finish Ndebele Boy that which does Rujeko Shona Girl Thankful misfortune stares me in the
me, kill me FINISH THE not plunder or take by force Light Rutendo [Old Shona] face,
pedzisai Shona Girl STORY Rombo [Old Shona] Shona Rujeko [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl Rwatirera [Old Shona]
finish qhelisiwe Ndebele Girl Boy luck, Girl light, faith, belief Shona Boy
Pedzisai [Old Shona] we are many/we fortune dawn Rutunga [Old Shona] it ,death),
Shona Boy are blessed with many Rondo [Old Shona] Shona Rukudzo Shona Girl Shona Boy misfortune) has bred us
finish off, kill, bring Qina Ndebele Boy Boy clay pit, Honor small animal Rwauya [Old Shona] Shona
to a close, terminate Be strong clay, order of succession Rumba [Old Shona] Shona enclosure Boy
Pengesai [Old Shona] Qubhekani Rongedzai [Old Shona] Girl run, ruva Shona Girl it ,death,
Shona Boy Ndebele Boy Shona Girl growl Flower misfortune) has come
cause to go mad go ahead make order, pack, Rumbidzai Shona Ruvangu [Old Shona] Rwendo [Old Shona] Shona
Penzura [Old Shona] Shona Rabudahweta [Old Shona] arrange Girl Praise Shona Girl Boy journey,
Boy English Shona Boy Roodza [Old Shona] Shona God. hawk trip
pencil clear obstacles dried foam of Boy marry, Rumbidzai,she) Shona Ruvarangu Shona Rwezhara [Old Shona]
Pepukai Shona Girl fermenting beer, a brewing give away in marriage Girl praise Girl My Shona Boy
Be aware stage=a drunkard ropa Shona Girl ye ,the Lord), flower of starvation,
Pepukai [Old Shona] Shona Radzai [Old Shona] Shona means strong in Rumbidzaimusiki Shona Ruvarashe Shona hunger
Girl wake Girl bury, the blood Girl Praise Girl God's Rwiriko [Old Shona] Shona
up, be aware cause to sleep God flower Boy shaft of
Pesvani [Old Shona] Shona Radzaimakura [Old Shona] Ropafadzo Shona Rumbidzaishe Shona Ruvarashe [Old Shona] spear
Boy incite, Shona Girl Girl Girl Praise Shona Girl Rwizi [Old Shona] Shona
sharpen lazy fallow old Blessing from God God chief's flower Boy river
Pfidzai [Old Shona] Shona agricultural land Roparashe Shona Rumbidzwai Shona ruvheneko Shona Rwodzi [Old Shona] Shona
Boy give up rafara Shona Girl Girl Christ's Girl May Girl light Boy strip of
a course of action or habit, loved un a certain blood your name be praised Ruvhunambwa [Old Shona] inner bark
be contrite way with personalitty Roparembwa [Old Shona] rumbisai Shona Girl Shona Boy S'khubekiso
Pfimbi [Old Shona] Shona Rambakupetwa [Old Shona] Shona Boy CHILD OF GOD that which breaks Ndebele Girl
Boy hole in Shona Boy dog's blood the dog that is, the hare overcome
the ground to store or to be folded, Rowai [Old Shona] Shona that runs very fast S'phamandla
mature fruit refuse to be defeated Girl bewitch Ruvimbo Shona Girl Ndebele Girl
Pfocho [Old Shona] Shona Ranganai Shona Boy Rowesai [Old Shona] Runako Shona Girl Faith give us strength
Girl Discipline one Shona Girl Handsome/Beauty Ruvimbo [Old Shona] sabelo Ndebele Boy
provocative way of another cause to bewitch Runako [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl to give
speaking, run away, go out Ranganai [Old Shona] Rudadiso Shona Girl Girl beauty trust, honesty, Sadzamari Shona
of sight Shona Boy Our pride Runesu [Old Shona] Shona confidence, Girl Inome
Pfuma Shona Girl conspire, plot Rudado Shona Girl Boy Ruvirai [Old Shona] Shona incentive produced from
Wealth against one another Pride it ,death, Girl you major idejinous food
Pfungwa Shona Boy Rangarirai Shona Rudairo Shona Girl misfortune) is with us, 't work, act for product
Brains Boy Faith Rungamirai [Old Shona] Ruvirayi Shona Girl Sakhile Ndebele Girl
Pfupajena [Old Shona] Remember or rudaviro Shona Girl Shona Girl An old Shona we have built
Shona Boy reminisce an answer be honest, upright name meaning work Sakurema [Old Shona]
white bone Rangarirai [Old Shona] Rudo Shona Girl Rungano Shona Girl hardfor a reward Shona Boy
Pfuvisi [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl Love Story Ruviro [Old Shona] Shona the possessor of
Boy that remember, recall Rudo [Old Shona],-rwashe) Runyararo Shona Boy power, the respected one
which spoils, harasses, Rangariraishe Shona Shona Girl Girl Peace fermenting Samukele Ndebele Girl
Phenyo Shona Girl Girl love ,of the Lord) Runyararo [Old Shona] Ruwa [Old Shona] Shona To
Victory Remember God Rudorwashe Shona Shona Girl Girl welcome/receive
Phephelaphi Rangazvukai [Old Shona] Girl Gods peace, silence, countryside Samuriwo [Old Shona]
Ndebele Girl Shona Girl love quietness, Ruwadzano Shona Shona Boy
Where do we seek walk quickly with Rudorwedu Shona Runyepo [Old Shona] Girl possessor of
refuge? arms swinging Girl our Shona Girl Togetherness vegetables, vegetable
Philani Ndebele Boy Rango [Old Shona] Shona love back biting, the art Ruwadzano [Old Shona] grower
live Boy Rudzura [Old Shona] of lying, Shona Girl Sandanga [Old Shona]
Phindile Ndebele Girl punishment, Shona Boy Runzirai [Old Shona] Shona fellowship, Shona Boy
has done it again penance, atonement cause to return Girl peaceful association, ox-drawn
container Shona Boy Shona Girl Ndebele Girl we are lucky we have trust
Sande [Old Shona] Shona barter, spread decorate, adorn We are happy/ Sinesipho Ndebele Girl Sithembile
Boy Sunday around gossip Shonhiwa Shona Boy one who brings joy we have a gift Ndebele Girl
Sandile Ndebele Girl Shambamuto [Old Shona] The one who is Sidanisile Ndebele Girl Sinethemba we are trusting
We have Shona Boy not respected sadness Ndebele Girl Sithembiso
increased in number he who washes in Shonhiwa [Old Shona] Siduduzo Ndebele Girl we have hope Ndebele Girl
Sando [Old Shona] Shona the soup, hunter Shona Boy comforter Sinikiwe Ndebele Girl A promise made
Boy Shambaropa [Old Shona] the despised Sidumisile Blessing Sitheni Ndebele Girl
hammer, 't Shona Boy Shoperai [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl Sinothando what have we said
Sangare [Old Shona] wash in blood- Shona Boy we praise (God) Ndebele Girl sithobekile
Shona Boy hunter, divinate Sifiso Ndebele Girl we have love Ndebele Girl
possessor of the Shamiso Shona Girl Shorai Shona Girl what we have sinothile Ndebele Girl polite
porcupine-a member of the Miracle criticize wished for we are rich Siyabonga
Ngara totem. In Manyika it Shamiso [Old Shona] Shorai [Old Shona] Shona Sihle Ndebele Girl Sinqandamathe Ndebele Girl
refers to those of the hyena Shona Girl Boy despise Beauty Ndebele Girl thank you (Lord)
totem. They are at times an astonishing Showerai [Old Shona] sikhanyiso beloved one who Siyanda Ndebele Girl
referred to as Ngare 't. event, marvel Shona Girl Ndebele Girl catches my saliva (when we are growing
Sanyore [Old Shona] Shona Shamuyarira [Old Shona] jeer at LIGHT we kiss) (the family)
Boy Shona Boy Shumba [Old Shona] Shona Silibaziso Ndebele Girl Siph'esihle Siyapi Ndebele Girl
possessor of whipping stick, Boy lion, 't Ndebele Girl Where are we
easiness cracking whip Shumbayamuka [Old Shona] Entertainment/Distraction A beautifull gift going?
Sarai [Old Shona] Shona Shamwari Shona Girl Shona Boy Simakahle Siphathisiwe Sizabantu Ndebele Boy
Girl stay FREIND the lion has Ndebele Boy Ndebele Girl Help people
behind Shamwariyeropa [Old Shona] awakened We stand well/firm God has assisted Siziwe Ndebele Girl
Saraoga [Old Shona] Shona Boy shumirai Shona Girl Simanga Ndebele Girl us We have been
Shona Boy friend of blood, To give good Wonder Siphatho Ndebele Boy saved/Blessed
he who is left blood friend, comrade, counsel(advice) Simangaliso Caring Sizolwethu
alone fellow combatant, one who Shumirai [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl
Sarirambi [Old Shona] kills easily, a guerilla Shona Girl Miracle Siphephile our helper
Shona Boy shanangurai Shona dedicate, offer, Simapi Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl Sizwe Ndebele Boy
he who remains to Girl serve and introduce Where do we We have been nation
join the army Explain/elaborate Shungu Shona Girl stand? consoled Sobantu Ndebele Boy
Sarudzai Shona Girl Shandu [Old Shona] Shona Ambitious simba Shona Boy siphilisiwe Ndebele Girl With the people
the chossen one Boy shungudzemwoyo Shona power we have been Soneni Ndebele Girl
Sarudzai [Old Shona] change, reverse, Boy the Simbai Shona Boy given life what have we
Shona Boy turn over, yearnings of the heart be strong Siphiwe Ndebele Girl done wrong
take your pick, Shangahaidonhi [Old Shona] Shupai [Old Shona] Shona simbainashe Shona we have been Sukai [Old Shona] Shona
you select and make your Shona Boy Boy you Boy be given Girl
choice a grain does not bother strong in God Sipho Ndebele Boy cleanse, wash
Sarururo [Old Shona] fall Shupikai Shona Girl simbarashe Shona gift Sukoluhle Ndebele Girl
Shona Boy Sharai Shona Girl To have problems Boy power Sipho Sami beautiful day
the act of Choose Shupikai [Old Shona] of god Ndebele Girl (when she was born)
remaining behind, lagging Shelton Ndebele Boy Shona Girl Simbarashe [Old Shona] My Gift, Precious, Sukuzukuduma
behind Im knew in tis suffer, worry3) Shona Boy Treasure Ndebele Boy
Saunyama [Old Shona] page need gud lady Shuvai Shona Girl God's power Siqamulamayezi behold the tremor
Shona Boy Sherekete [Old Shona] Wish Simbisai Shona Girl Ndebele Girl Sunganai [Old Shona]
possessor of Shona Boy Shuvai [Old Shona] Shona Strenght he who breaks the Shona Girl
darkness, blackness. In playful, Girl ,yearn, Simbisai [Old Shona] clouds(by beauty-can make unite, cooperate
Manyika it means great mischievous long for 't Shona Girl a cloudy day sunny) Svinurai [Old Shona] Shona
hunters, providers of a lot Sheunopa Shona Sibabili Ndebele Girl ,strengthen, Siqondile Ndebele Girl Boy wake
of meat, Boy The We are twins encourage we are straight up
Sekai Shona Girl Lord gives (blessings). Sibangilizwe Simbisanai Shona Sisasenkosi svodai Shona Girl
Laugh SHEVANEWE Shona Ndebele Boy Girl Ndebele Girl be embarassed
Sekai [Old Shona],-zvenyu) Boy GOD IS We are fighting for Strengthen each God's grace Svorai Shona Girl
Shona Girl WITH YOU the land other in all situations Sithabile Ndebele Girl Despise or look
laugh mockingly, Shingai [Old Shona] Shona Sibongile Ndebele Girl simbisayi Shona Girl we are happy down upon us.
Sekesai [Old Shona] Shona Girl be Thank you strengthen us Sithabisile Svorai [Old Shona] Shona
Girl cause courageous, be determined Sibonginkosi Simelokuhle Ndebele Girl Girl look,
to laugh Shingai / Shingirirai Shona Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl Made them happy down, despise
Sema [Old Shona] Shona Girl We thank God We stand for what sithabisiwe Swera [Old Shona] Shona
Girl Perseverance sibongumusa is beautiful Ndebele Girl Boy spend
despise, Shingaidzo [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl simiso Ndebele Girl we are happy the day
abominate, detest, loath Shona Girl thanking grace our aim Sithabiso Ndebele Girl Taanashe Shona Girl
Semaura [Old Shona] one who thwarts sibonile Ndebele Girl we are thankful we now live in one
Shona Boy and frustrates we have seen Simphiwe Ndebele Girl Sithandinkosi ness with the Lord
shrike Shingairai [Old Shona] Sibonisiwe We have been Ndebele Girl Tadada Shona Girl
Senele Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Ndebele Girl given We love the Lord He loves us (god)
We have be brave, be We have been simukai Shona Girl SITHANDIWE tadairwa Shona Boy
increased in number persistent, enlightened arise Ndebele Girl Our prayer has
Sengamo Ndebele Boy Shingayi Shona Girl sibonokuhle Simukai [Old Shona] Shona WE ARE LOVED been answered
Source of strength Be strong,don't Ndebele Girl Boy you sithandweyinkosi Tadana Shona Girl
to lean on give up. We behold stand up Ndebele Girl We have called /
Senzokuhle Shingirai Shona Boy something beautiful or good Sindani Ndebele Boy the lord has loved We are in love
Ndebele Girl Perseverance sibusisiwe We have survived us Tadenhwa [Old Shona]
done well Shingisai Shona Girl Ndebele Girl Sindisiwe Ndebele Girl Sithelo Ndebele Girl Shona Boy
Shairashe [Old Shona] perseverance blessing one who has been Friut we have been
Shona Boy Shona Shona Girl Sibusiso Ndebele Girl saved Sithelwesihle provoked,
the chief's One of the Blessing Sindiso Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl Tadikanwa Shona
wandering and dancing indegenous Zimbabwean sicelo Ndebele Boy one who saves nice friut Girl We
spirit languages asked from God Sinenhlanhla sithembekile have been loved
Shambadza [Old Shona] Shongedzai [Old Shona] Sichelesile Ndebele Girl Ndebele Girl Tadisa Shona Girl
We have loved Taimbosekwa [Old Shona] surrounded Tamuwana Shona all Shona Boy
tadiswa Shona Girl Shona Girl Takomborerwa Shona Boy We taonga Shona Boy we are even,
we are loved we used to be Boy We have found him (the Lord) thanks equal
Tadiswanashe Shona laughed at have been blessed Tanaka Shona Boy Tapedza Shona Girl Taringwanashe Shona
Girl We Taireva [Old Shona] Shona Takuda Shona Girl We are good We are done/we Girl The
have been loved by God Boy we To be loved tanakaishe Shona have completed/we have Lord has seen us
Tadiwa Shona Girl used to say, warn you, Takudza Shona Girl Boy we are finished (usually for the last Tarirai Shona Girl
We have been Taita Shona Girl We have grown good Lord child or implying there is no Look
loved We have done Takudzwa Shona Boy Tanaswa Shona Girl intent to have any other Tarirai [Old Shona] Shona
Tadiwanashe Shona Taitikutamba Shona We have been we have been children) Boy you
Girl God Girl We honoured gathered Tapera Shona Boy look, watch, behold,
has loved us thought it was a game Takunda Shona Boy Tanatsa Shona Girl We are finished Tariro Shona Girl
Tadiwannashe Shona Taitirwa Shona Girl We have We did good. Tapera [Old Shona] Shona Hope
Girl We HE HAS DONE IT overcome/conquered. Tanatsirwa Shona Boy we are Tariro [Old Shona] Shona
have been loved by God Taitirwanashe Shona Takunda [Old Shona] Girl We finished, we have had it Girl hope,
Tadzei [Old Shona] Shona Boy THE Shona Girl have been Favoured Tapererwa [Old Shona] expectation
Girl LORD HAS DONE IT FOR we have defeated, Tanatswa Shona Girl Shona Boy Tarisai Shona Girl
misdemeanor, 't US overcome We have bee we are at a loss here it is , take a
Tadzimirwa [Old Shona] Taitirwanyasha Shona Takundwa [Old Shona] purified for ideas, 't look , everyboby see this
Shona Boy Girl God Shona Boy Tanaya Shona Girl tapfuma Shona Boy Tarisai [Old Shona] Shona
we are in the dark, has blessed us we have been We have done it we are rich Boy behold,
at a loss Taitivanhu [Old Shona] defeated, overcome Tandeka Ndebele Girl Tapfuma [Old Shona] look at
Tadziripa Shona Girl Shona Boy Takura Shona Boy We are loved/ Shona Boy Tarisia Shona Girl
We have paid we used to think We have grown. Beloved we are ,now) rich It means look
Tadziripa [Old Shona] they were human beings Takura [Old Shona] Shona Taneta [Old Shona] Shona Tapfumanei [Old Shona] I shows this name because
Shona Girl that are good people, Boy we are Girl we are Shona Boy it is common and people
we have repaid taizivei Shona Girl old, experienced, tired, weary what makes us call me that.
atoned, made reparation . we knew nothing, Takurai [Old Shona] Shona Tangai Shona Boy rich, Taropafadzwa Shona
Tadzoka Shona Boy what did we know Girl you Start/ begin Tapfumaneyi Shona Girl We
We have returned Taizivei [Old Shona] Shona carry Tangai [Old Shona] Shona Boy What have been blessed.
Tafa [Old Shona] Shona Girl what Takurasei [Old Shona] Boy you has made us rich? Tarovedza [Old Shona]
Boy we are did we know, 't? Shona Boy initiate, begin Tapfuwa [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy
dead Takadiwanashe Shona how have we Tangaikupashe Shona Boy we cause to become
Tafadzwa Shona Girl Boy Loved grown, Boy Give to have reared, we are accustomed, train
We are pleased by God Takwana Shona Boy the Lord first bothered Tarubva [Old Shona] Shona
Tafadzwa [Old Shona] Takaedza Shona Girl We are enough Tangainashe Shona Tapitapi [Old Shona] Shona Boy we are
Shona Boy We tried now Girl Boy tasty, out of it ,death),
we are pleased, Takaidza [Old Shona] Tamai Shona Boy consider God first sweet misfortune), 't
made happy Shona Girl To move to a in everything you do Tapiwa Shona Boy Taruchera [Old Shona]
Tafambanashe Shona we tried, better place Tanganeropa [Old Shona] We have been Shona Boy
Girl We attempted Tamai [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy given we have dug
have journeyed with God Takakunda Shona Girl you begin by shedding Tapiwa [Old Shona] Shona it ,death), we have brought
Tafara Shona Boy Boy We emigrate, 't blood Boy we death to ourselves
We are happy; We have conquered / we are Tamama Shona Girl Tangwarirana [Old Shona] have been given, 't Tarumbidzwa Shona
rejoice victorious We have suffered Shona Boy Tapiwanashe Shona Girl to be
Tafataona Shona Boy Takamiranashe Shona Tambaoga [Old Shona] we are both alert Girl We are blessed
We can now die Boy We are Shona Boy to each others given by God Taruona Shona Boy
coz we have seen it all. with God play alone Tanonoka Shona Girl Tapona Shona Boy We have seen it
Tafirei [Old Shona] Shona Takamudaishe Shona Tambudzai Shona we are late We have been (God's hand)
Boy what do Girl we Girl trouble Tanunurwa Shona saved Taruona [Old Shona] Shona
we die for, 't? have loved the Lord Tamburai [Old Shona] Boy we Taponeswa Shona Boy we
Tafirenyika Shona Takaneta Shona Boy Shona Girl have been saved Girl We have seen, experienced
Boy We die We are tired you suffer, worry Tanyangana [Old Shona] have been redeemed it ,death, misfortune), 't
for our country Takanongwa [Old Shona] tamiranashe Shona Shona Boy Tarurera [Old Shona] Shona
Tafungwanashe Shona Shona Girl Girl we we have stalked Tapuwa Shona Girl Boy we
Boy God we were have stood with God each other we have been have raised it ,death,
has thought of us. discovered, picked up Tamirira Shona Girl Tanyanyiwa Shona given misfortune)
TAGAMUCHIRA Shona TAKARUZA Shona we're waiting Boy It is to Tarangarirwa Shona Taruvinga [Old Shona]
Girl WE Boy We Tamuda Shona Boy much Girl we've Shona Boy
HAVE ACCEPTED have had a loss we love him tanyaradza Shona been remembered we have come for
Tagarika [Old Shona] Takashanda [Old Shona] Tamugwa Shona Boy Girl good Tarasa Shona Boy it ,death, misfortune),
Shona Boy Shona Boy Tashorwa, messege to people can call we have los Taruza [Old Shona] Shona
we are settled, we worked hard despised yet great the bay that name too Tarema [Old Shona] Shona Boy we
comfortable Takavarasa [Old Shona] Tamuka Shona Boy Tanyaradzwa Shona Girl we are have come for it ,death,
Tagashira Shona Boy Shona Boy We have risen** Girl We with child, respected, misfortune), we have lost
We receive we buried them, Tamuka [Old Shona] Shona have been comforted feared Tasara Shona Boy
Taguma Shona Boy threw them away Boy we are Tanyarwadwa Shona Taremba [Old Shona] We are left
We completed, we takawira Shona Boy awake, aware, arisen, Girl Shona Boy Tasariranhamo [Old Shona]
are done usually for the last we have tamukudzaishe Shona COMFORTED... we are tired, Shona Boy
child and when there is no fallen/failed Girl We tanzwana Shona Girl weary we have been left
intention to have any other Takawira [Old Shona] have honoured GOD we have Taremedzwa [Old Shona] to experience and endure
child Shona Boy tamuona Shona Boy understood each other Shona Boy misfortune
Taguta [Old Shona] Shona we fell into it We have seen him Taona Shona Boy we have been Tashamiswa Shona
Boy we are Takazvida [Old Shona] tamupa Shona Boy seen burdened Girl We are
satisfied, satiated, Shona Girl we have given all Taonashe Shona Boy Taremekedzwa Shona amazed
Tagutswa Shona Boy we asked for it, Tamupiwa Shona Girl We have seen the Boy We Tasharhwa Shona
We are satisfied that's what we chose, liked, we have been Lord have been honored Girl We
Taida Shona Girl loved given taonatose Shona Boy Taremeredzwa Shona have been chosen
What we wanted Takomberwa [Old Shona] Tamutswa Shona Boy we have all seen Girl We Tashinga Shona Boy
Taidza Shona Boy Shona Boy We have been Taonezvi Shona Boy have been respected We have
We have tried we have been awakened. We have seen it Taringana [Old Shona] persevered
Tashongedzwa Shona Tavengwa [Old Shona] we have Thandiwe Ndebele Girl out-come, Girl God is
Boy Shona Boy accomplished the task, 't Beloved Tichareva [Old Shona] gracious
beautification we are hated, 't Tazvirega [Old Shona] Thando Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Tineropafadzo Shona
Tasiiwa Shona Girl Tavimba Shona Boy Shona Boy love we will confess Boy We
we have been left We have faith we have given up, thandolenkosi Ticharwa [Old Shona] have a blessing.
(usually given immediately Tavirimirwa [Old Shona] stopped it Ndebele Boy Shona Boy Tinerudo Shona Girl
after the death of a beloved Shona Boy Tazvishaya [Old Shona] god s will we will fight, 't We have love
family member) we have been Shona Boy Thandolwenkosi Tichatonga Shona Tinesu [Old Shona] Shona
Tasima Shona Girl insulted, we ca'tfind them, Ndebele Girl Boy We will Boy we are
We have sown Tavonga Shona Boy there is no sense or The love of God rule this country ourselves
Tasimba Shona Boy with thanks meaning to this thandolwethu Tichatonga [Old Shona] tinetariro Shona Girl
We have been tawaka Shona Boy Tazvitya Shona Boy Ndebele Girl Shona Boy we have hope
strengthened WE HAVE BUILT It has made us our love we will rule, 't Tinevimbo Shona
Tasimbamunashe Shona tawakashe Shona afraid/ We are afraid Tichaungana [Old Shona] Girl We
Boy We Boy WE Tazvitya [Old Shona] Shona Themba Ndebele Boy Shona Boy have faith
have been strengthened in HAVE BUILT with God Boy we are Hope we shall gather Tingarwa [Old Shona]
God tawana Shona Girl frightened of them, Thembalami together Shona Boy
Tasimbanashe Shona we have Tenda Shona Girl Ndebele Boy Tichaurawa [Old Shona] we can fight, 't.
Boy We are Tawanaishe Shona to give thanks My Trust Shona Boy Tinoda [Old Shona] Shona
strong with God Girl Well Tendai Shona Girl Thembalethu we will be killed, Boy we
Tasimbiswa Shona done Be thankful Ndebele Boy murdered want, love, like, wish, ,
Girl We Tawananyasha Shona Tendai [Old Shona],- Our hope Tichauya [Old Shona] Tinoda-Ishe Shona
have been strengthened Girl we kunashe) Shona Thembani Ndebele Girl Shona Girl Boy We
Tasimudzwa Shona have found grace/mercy Boy be Trust we will come, 't love the Lord
Girl God Tawanda Shona Girl grateful, thankful ,to the Thembekile Tichawona Shona Tinodiwa Shona Girl
has lifted us up we are many Lord) Ndebele Girl Boy We Loved
Tatadzei Shona Girl Tawanda [Old Shona] TendaiIshe Shona Trust worthy shall see (manyika version) Tinodiwanashe Shona
what went wrong Shona Boy Girl Thank Thembekile Tichayana Shona Girl God
Tatadzeiko Shona we have The Lord Ndebele Girl Boy We loves us
Girl what increased in number, 't Tendayi Shona Girl one who is trusted shall agree (reconcile) Tinofadzwanashe Shona
wrong have we done Tawanirwanyasha Shona We Are Grateful Thembelani Tichayeva Shona Girl God
Tatenda Shona Girl Girl We Tendeka Shona Boy Ndebele Boy Girl we will makes us happy
We are thankful have found grace with God The trusted one Trust be surprised with what Tinofambanashe Shona
Tatendah Shona Boy Tawedzegwa Shona tendekai Shona Boy Thembelihle happens in the future Boy We
WE ARE Boy there is be faithful Ndebele Girl Tichaziva [Old Shona] walk with GOD
GREATFUL more of us tendesai Shona Boy good hope Shona Boy Tinokuda Shona Boy
tatendaisshe Shona tawona Shona Boy thanking Thembinkosi we will know as We love you
Girl thank we have seen (the Tendesayi Shona Girl Ndebele Girl time passes Tinomudaishe Shona
you god power of the lord) usually Thank Him more Trust in the Lord Tichinashe Shona Boy We
tatonga Shona Boy when you were praying for Tendeukai Shona Thembumenzi Boy God is love the lord
We have ruled a particular gender Boy Born Ndebele Girl still with us Tinomutenda Shona
Tatonganashe Shona Tawonaishe Shona Again Trust in the Tigere [Old Shona] Shona Girl We
Boy We are Boy We Tendwai Shona Girl creator Boy we are thank Him
ruling together with God. have seen the Lord God be thanked Thenjiwe Ndebele Girl settled, comfortable, Tinomuvonga Shona
Tatoraushe [Old Shona] TAWONANYASHA Shona Teramai Shona Girl trusted seated, 't Girl We
Shona Boy Girl WE Repent/Dzikamai THOBEKA Tikaidzai [Old Shona] thank God
we have usurped HAVE SEEN THE GRACE Tererai Shona Girl Ndebele Girl Shona Boy Tinopiwanashe Shona
the chieftaincy 't. , OF THE LORD Listen HUMBLE cause to move Girl We are
Taudzai Shona Boy tawonga Shona Girl Terereai Shona Boy Thobekile Ndebele Girl Timukudzei Shona given by God
Make one speak to love god Listen A humble person Girl Let's Tinorumbidza Shona
Taundi Ndebele Girl Tayambutswa Shona Tese Shona Girl Thoko Ndebele Girl priase the Lord Girl we
Beloved one Girl Helped Together joy Tinaishe Shona Girl praise the Lord
Taunzwa Shona Girl to cross Teuraiishe Shona Thokozile Ndebele Girl With God Tinoruvimbo Shona
We have been Tayana Shona Girl Girl ~Praise rejoiced Tinarwo [Old Shona] Shona Girl We
brought We are united God/Pray to God Tholakele Ndebele Girl Boy we are have hope
Taurai Shona Boy Tayanana Shona Boy tevenya Shona Girl has been found with it, death, misfortune, 't Tinotenda Shona Girl
Speak We are united hrhthrh65 wore and given us Tinash Shona Girl We are grateful
Taurai [Old Shona] Shona tayananiswa Shona borh Thubalami we are with the Tinotendaishe Shona
Boy you say Girl We Teveraiishe Shona Ndebele Boy Lord Boy We
it, 't have been brought together Girl Follow my chance Tinashe Shona Girl thank the lord
Taurainashe Shona Taylor Shona Boy God Thulani Ndebele Boy we are with the Tinotendaisheanesu Shona
Boy Talk to 11-Sep Thabani Ndebele Boy be still Lord Girl We
God Taziva Shona Boy rejoice, be Thumelo Ndebele Girl Tinatsei Shona Girl thank God for he is with us
Tauya Shona Girl We have known happy/glad God sent Bless us/cleanse Tinotendashe Shona
We are here. We Tazivashe Shona Boy Thabisile Ndebele Girl Tichaenzana Shona us Girl We
have arrived. We have known has brought joy Boy We will Tinatseishe Shona thank the lord
Tavada [Old Shona] Shona the Lord Thabiso Ndebele Boy grow to be the same. Girl Make Tinotonga Shona Boy
Boy we Tazoziva Shona Boy joy Tichafara Shona Boy us righteous We rule/ we judge
have liked/loved them, We have now Thabo Ndebele Boy We will Rejoice Tinavo Shona Girl Tinovonga Shona
Tavanashe Shona known Joy Tichakunda Shona We are with them Boy Thank
Girl God in Tazvida Shona Girl Thandazani Boy We will tinaye Shona Girl you
us We have liked this Ndebele Boy conquer we are with Him Tinozivaishe Shona
Tavarwisa [Old Shona] Tazvikudza Shona pray Tichanetswa [Old Shona] Tinayeshe Shona Girl As a
Shona Boy Boy we give Thandazile Shona Girl Boy We are family we know God
we have fought honour for what he has Ndebele Girl we will be with God Tiripo Shona Girl
them, we provoked to fight done have prayed bothered, Tinei Shona Boy Usually given to a
Tavaziva Shona Boy Tazvinzwa Shona Thandeka Ndebele Girl Tichaona Shona Boy What do we have baby born in a family where
We know them, Boy We LOVEABLE We shall see.. Tinei [Old Shona] Shona there are many wifes or
we now know them. have heard Thandekile Tichaona [Old Shona] Boy what polygamy
tavengwa Shona Boy Tazvipedza [Old Shona] Ndebele Girl Shona Boy have we ,got) Tirivai [Old Shona] Shona
we have been hurt Shona Boy Loved one we will see the tinenyasha Shona Boy what
are we tomupaishe Shona plant with Tungamirai Shona woken/revived THE ONE YOU
Tirivangani Shona Girl We aromatic root stalk Girl take Vhunzai [Old Shona] Shona REALLY LOVED
Boy how commit her to God Tsanganayi Shona lead Boy ask, watida Shona Girl
many are we? Tomupeishe Shona Boy Unite tuso Shona Girl inquire He has loved us
Tirivanganiwo [Old Shona] Girl What Tsava [Old Shona] Shona blessing Vhuramayi [Old Shona] watidaishe Shona
Shona Boy shall we give God Boy apply a Tutsirai Shona Girl Shona Boy Girl the
how many are we, Tomutendanei Shona compress to reduce Add more. Other bad, ugly, bitter Lord has loved us
Tirivashe Shona Girl Girl What swelling or an urban area names that have the same water, Watifadza Shona Boy
We belong to God can we thank God with? dance form called tsaba- meaning are Wedzerai and Vhusindlu Ndebele Girl We are happy
Tirivashoma Shona Tomuvonga Shona tsaba, 't. Pamidzai The village keeper because of you
Boy we are Girl we Tshepiso Ndebele Girl uitsile Ndebele Girl vimbai Shona Girl Watinoda Shona Girl
few praise/thank him Promise yes have faith The one we love
Tirivatatu Shona Girl Tonderai Shona Boy Tsikidzi [Old Shona] Shona Vimbai [Old Shona],-nashe), Watipa Shona Boy
We are three/ Remember Boy bed Shona Girl God has given
there is three of us. Tonderai [Old Shona] bug Unami Ndebele Girl trust, have faith ,in watipaishe Shona
Tiriwashe Shona Boy Shona Boy Tsikira [Old Shona] Shona God is with me the Lord) Girl GOD
We are of the holy recall, remember Boy stamp Unashe Shona Girl Vimbainashe Shona HAS GIVEN US
one Tondo [Old Shona] Shona on, 't. You are with God Girl Trust in Waurai Shona Boy
Tivanzwe [Old Shona] Boy of Tsitsi Shona Girl Unathi Ndebele Girl God Dribbler in life
Shona Boy being tall Grace God is with us Vimbayi Shona Girl Wedu Shona Boy
shall we sound, tongai Shona Boy Tsitsi [Old Shona],-dzashe) Unonzwa Shona Boy Have faith Ours
hear, feel them, shall we be rule Shona Girl He hears us Vimbiso Shona Girl Wedzerai Shona Girl
hidden from them 't. Tongai [Old Shona] Shona mercy, pity, Unopa Shona Girl Promise Add more
Tivongeshe Shona Boy you sit grace ,of God), you are a giver Vimbo Shona Boy Wedzerayi Shona
Boy Let us in judgment, tsitsidzamwari Shona (God) Having faith Boy Add
thank God Tonganai [Old Shona] Girl THE Upenyu Shona Girl Vongai Shona Girl Wejongwe [Old Shona]
tiyamike Ndebele Girl Shona Boy MERCY OF GOD life cherish Shona Boy
praise god judge one another Tsitsidzashe Shona Urayai [Old Shona] Shona Vukhani Ndebele Boy of the cock
Tobaiwa [Old Shona] Shona Tongesai Shona Boy Girl The Boy you kill, rise up Wiriyamu Shona Girl
Boy we are Judge them grace of God murder, destroy, vulindlela Ndebele Boy Loving man
killed, stabbed Tsombori [Old Shona] Ushehwashe Shona the leader Wonai Shona Girl
Todii Shona Girl Tongofa [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy Boy The Vusimuzi Ndebele Boy Behold!
What shall we do? Boy we die fruit of mutsombori Holiness of the Lord Home/Clan starter Wongai Shona Girl
Todyei? [Old Shona] Shona easily, simply plant, Ushendibaba Shona (given to first born boys Tendai - Thank
Girl what Tongoona Shona Boy Tsungai Shona Girl Boy Our mostly) Wongedzai [Old Shona]
shall we eat?, 't We shall see be brave position/ possessions are Vuyolwethu Shona Girl
TOENDEPI Shona Tongoona [Old Shona] Tsungamidzanisanaipanyikap from the Lord Ndebele Girl cause to be
Girl Shona Boy ano Shona Girl Ushendibaba [Old Shona] Our joy grateful, thankful
WHERE SHALL we will see, meet together Shona Boy Wadiwa Shona Girl Xola Ndebele Boy
WE GO observe, Tsungapamberi [Old Shona] You are loved Forgive
Tofara Shona Boy Toonegumo Shona Shona Boy kingship/chieftainship is Wadyazheve [Old Shona] Xolani Ndebele Girl
we are happy now Boy we will determination and father Shona Boy forgive
Tofatabaiwa [Old Shona] see the end, 't. perseverance ahead Uzazibonela one who has Xolisani Ndebele Girl
Shona Boy Torega [Old Shona] Shona Tsungi Shona Girl Ndebele Girl eaten one's ear Apologise
we die after being Boy we Same meaning as You will see Wadzanai Shona Girl Xoliso Ndebele Boy
stabbed 't. leave it, let go "Tsungirirai" : Perseverance Uzwile Ndebele Girl Live in harmony apology
Togara Shona Boy Torevasei [Old Shona] Tsungirirai Shona God has heard Wadzanai [Old Shona] xoliswa Ndebele Girl
We can relax. Shona Boy Girl vambo Shona Girl Shona Girl forgiveness
Togara [Old Shona] Shona how shall we say Peserverance new beginnings reconcile, live in Yamurai Shona Boy
Boy we now it, 't Tsungirirai [Old Shona] Vanesu Shona Girl harmony, Dont know. Can
settle, live, sit , Toringepi [Old Shona] Shona Girl They are with us wadzanayi Shona anyone help
Togarasei? [Old Shona] Shona Girl be determined, Varaidzo Shona Girl Girl come Yamuranayi Shona
Shona Boy where shall we you persevere caring about together Girl Help
how shall we live turn to, Tsuri Shona Boy others Wakatendeka Shona each other
Togarepi Shona Boy Toro [Old Shona] Shona Growth Vavariro Shona Girl Girl God is Yanai Shona Girl
Where shall we Boy tall, Tsvagirai [Old Shona],-kuno) My desire faithful Get along
live Tovera [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy VELEMPNI wakisai Shona Boy Yananai Shona Girl
Togarika Shona Girl Boy reduce search, look ,here, Ndebele Boy Build (manyika) Become one
We shall now swelling by applying a this way), FROM THE WAR Wamukelwe Yananiso Shona Girl
become prosperous compress on behalf of, 't/K Tsvakai [Old Shona] Shona Veneka Shona Girl Ndebele Girl Binding the family
Toitasei Shona Girl Toverengwa Shona Girl look, illuminate Welcomed together
what do we need Boy We are search for Vengai Shona Boy Wanangwa Shona Yanano Shona Girl
to do being counted Tsvimbonyoro Shona hate me and see if Boy God Harmony
Tokudza Shona Boy Towanda Shona Girl Boy The i care has chosen you Yemurai Shona Girl
Praise we grow big, silent one Vengai [Old Shona] Shona wanashe Shona Girl Admire
Tom Shona Boy Tozonziani Shona Tugogo [Old Shona] Shona Boy hate, Find God Yeukai Shona Girl
Benefits Girl What Girl small dislike, abhor, Wandida Shona Girl Remember
Tomtenda Shona Boy will they call us?* high-heeled shoes, old vezubuhle He/She loved me Yevai Shona Girl
We thank Him Tozvipei [Old Shona] Shona ladies Ndebele Girl Wangu Shona Girl Look on, with awe
tomuda Shona Girl Boy what Tukiso [Old Shona] Shona To show beauty My own Yevedzo Shona Girl
we love him/her shall we offer, give them or Girl cause Vhandu [Old Shona] Shona Wanzwikwa Shona an object of
Tomudana Shona what shall we give for scorn, scolding, Boy of Boy Our beauty, that which can be
Girl We call ourselves, swearing being unstable, chaotic, prayer has been heard. looked upon with envy
unto Him (God) Tozvireva [Old Shona] Tulani Ndebele Girl insane Washaya [Old Shona] Yevedzo [Old Shona]
TOMUKUDZA Shona Shona Boy Keep quiet/Keep Vheneka Shona Girl Shona Boy Shona Girl
Boy WE we will say, reveal cool Enlighten the deceased, he an object of
PRAISE AND HONOUR it, Tumai Shona Girl vhenekerayi Shona who ca'tfind it admiration, attraction,
HIM tsanangurai Shona Send us. Girl Washe Shona Girl fascination, pleasure
tomukudzaishe Shona Boy explain Tunei [Old Shona] Shona Illuminate God's (belonging Yolanda Ndebele Girl
Girl we Tsangamidzi [Old Shona] Boy what vhukile Ndebele Boy to God) The go getter
honour the lord Shona Boy have these little things, have been WATAIDA Shona Boy zadzisai Shona Girl
fullfiment Zimunya [Old Shona] Zizi [Old Shona] Shona God has given temptations Bomkazi Greatest life
Zadziso Shona Girl Shona Boy Boy owl zvarevashe Shona Zvikomborero Shona Bonelwa seen for
God has fulfilled eater, glutton, Zodwa Ndebele Girl Boy what Girl Bongani be thankful
Zama Ndebele Boy devourer, eater of leftovers I always wondered the Lord has said Blessings Bongeka be thankful
try Zimuto [Old Shona] Shona what this name means? Zvarevashe [Old Shona] zvinaiye Shona Girl Boniswa show
Zamani Ndebele Boy Boy thick zorodzai Shona Boy Shona Boy its all up to God Buhle Beauty
try soup Let them rest what the chief has Zvinashe Shona Girl Bukeka Pretty or Beautiful
Zambarara [Old Shona] Zimwai [Old Shona] Shona Zororo Shona Girl decreed, the chief's decree It's with God Bukelwa be admirable
Shona Boy Boy gossip Rest Zvashe Shona Girl Zvinei [Old Shona] Shona Buyiswa be returned
entrance, gateway Zimwaya [Old Shona] Zothile Ndebele Girl Belonging to God Girl does it
Zanda [Old Shona] Shona Shona Girl One who is ZVATAIDA Shona matter C
Boy egg, broadcaster, humble Girl THATS Zvinesu [Old Shona] Shona Cawekazi Born on a Sunday
wide field gossiper Zuda [Old Shona] Shona WHAT WE WANTED Girl it is Cebisa give advise
Zandile Ndebele Girl Zindoga [Old Shona] Shona Boy Zvauyanepi?: Zvinei [Old with us, after us and will not Celiwe asked for
there are enough Boy the only Afrikaans Shona] Shona Boy leave us alone Choka Polite, Refined
(girls) one, solitary suide ,South) how has it come zvinodaishe Shona Chuma God Understands,
Zanele Ndebele Girl Zingizi [Old Shona] Shona Zumbani [Old Shona] about? 't. Girl what Flourish, Be Fruitful,
There are enough Boy wasp, Shona Boy Zvavamwe [Old Shona] God wants Prosper
girls (izintombi!) Zingwena [Old Shona] shrub whose Shona Boy Zvinotorimwa [Old Shona] Chwayita Rejoice Loudly,
Zango [Old Shona] Shona Shona Boy leaves are used in the for other Shona Boy Happy Joyful
Boy cloth- big crocodile preparation of a cough people's ,property) they have to be Cikizwa Pretty
wrapped charm Zinhle Ndebele Girl mixture Zvega [Old Shona] Shona grown alias internode, Coca Cleansed, Purified
Zano Shona Boy the girls are Zungunde [Old Shona] Boy on their pieces of advice, Coceka cleanliness
good advice beautiful Shona Boy own or by themselves zvinowanda Shona Cokisa Selective
Zanovaviri [Old Shona] Zinwamhanga [Old Shona] body odour Zvekure [Old Shona] Shona Boy IN
Shona Boy Shona Boy Zuva Shona Girl Boy of EXCESS D
two heads are one who drinks The Sun distance, far-off, far-away Zvinowanda [Old Shona] Damba Calm
better than one fermented beer zuvarashe Shona Zvemoyo [Old Shona] Shona Boy DangazelaDesire
Zarira [Old Shona] Shona Zinyemba [Old Shona] Girl the day Shona Girl they will increase, Dedela To release
Boy close Shona Boy god loved of the heart, multiply, be plentiful Deliwe Looked down to
door, entrance big/broad cow Zuweni [Old Shona] Shona heart's content, Zvionere Shona Boy Dharuba Storm
Zembe [Old Shona] Shona pea, 't Boy Zvemusi [Old Shona] Look after yourself Domboza Overwhelmingly
Boy Zinyimotenderera [Old speak ,in praise of Shona Girl Zvirege [Old Shona] Shona thankful
charcoal Shona] Shona Boy me), of the changes of Girl leave Dulu Expensive
Zenda [Old Shona] Shona dice go round, Zvadashe Shona Girl days, time, moody them alone, stop dealing Dungu to disperse
Boy Zinyoni [Old Shona] Shona what Gods wants Zvenyika [Old Shona],-dzino) with them
husband or wife Boy big bird Zvadiwanashe Shona Shona Boy Zvirevo [Old Shona] Shona E
to-be, hunting spirit Zinyoro Shona Boy Girl What of this world, Girl Ela Flowing river
zendaya Shona Girl The silent one God has loved country, people proverbs, correct Entla Of the north
to give thanks Zinzile Ndebele Girl Zvafadza Shona Girl Zverudo Shona Girl procedure, Esihle beautiful
Zengezai [Old Shona] Many Girls Made us happy about love/of love Zvitendo Shona Boy Esona The very best gift
Shona Boy Zipfende [Old Shona] Zvaitwa Shona Girl Zveshiri [Old Shona] Shona offerings
the dreaded, Shona Girl It has been done ( Boy of the Zvituko Shona Girl F
murmur against sedge with small used a a form of thanks) birds, in the manner of Insults Fana Resemble
Zenze [Old Shona] Shona tubers underneath zvakaora Shona Girl birds Zvizoregwa [Old Shona] Faniswa Resemblance
Boy mane, Zirema [Old Shona] Shona rotten staff Zvichabuda [Old Shona] Shona Girl Fezeka Fulfilled
dorsal fin Boy Big Zvamada Shona Girl Shona Girl so that it will be Fundiswa Educated
Zenzele Ndebele Girl fool, cripple What you want it ,truth) will come stopped, let go, set free Funeka Needed
Do it yourself Zivaishe Shona Girl Zvamaita Shona Girl to light, emerge Zwelakhe Ndebele Boy
Zevezeve [Old Shona] To know god What you have Zvichadzokera [Old Shona] The world is his G
Shona Boy Zivanai Shona Boy done (God) Shona Girl zwelempi Ndebele Boy Gcobisa Exciting
a whisper get to no one Zvanaka Shona Girl it will return or country of war Gende Queen of the ant
Zhaka [Old Shona] Shona another It is well come back Zwelibanzi community
Boy of Zivanai [Old Shona] Shona Zvandibva [Old Shona] Zvichaipa [Old Shona] Ndebele Boy Gugulethu Our Pride
walking heavily, that is in Boy get to Shona Girl Shona Girl Wide world
the sand know each other, 't I am rid of it things will be bad, Zwelihle Ndebele Boy I
zhizha Shona Girl Zivei [Old Shona],Ndai- [Old Zvanetsa Shona Girl awful, Good world Imitha Ray of sunshine
season of the year Shona],-zivei) Shona trouble has arisen Zvichanzii Shona Girl zwelikhethabantu Inam God is with us
(magutwa) Boy what Zvangazvoda Shona What shall/will Ndebele Boy Indla Autumn
Ziboniso Ndebele Girl did I know what, knowing a Boy We they say the earth choses Jongiwe Look at me
Miracles. little almost got this Zvichapera [Old Shona] people Khanyiswa light up
Zibusiso Ndebele Girl Zivisai [Old Shona] Shona Zvangazvodamidzimuikaram Shona Boy zwelithini Ndebele Boy Khethiwe Chosen
A blessing Girl inform, ba Shona Boy it ,they) will come speak justly and Kholeka to please
Zikomu [Old Shona] Shona make known, know We nearly got this to an end, come to pass swiftly Kholiwe believed
Boy Chewa intensely but the gods said no. Zvichatiriga [Old Shona] South Af. Xhoza Khunjulwa remembered
excuse me Ziviso Shona Girl Zvanguzvauya [Old Shona] Shona Boy Abongile thankfulness Khuselwa Being protected
Zimbangura [Old Shona] Notice Shona Boy this will bring our Akhona present Khuthala diligent
Shona Boy zivo Shona Girl my things have downfall, death Akua Born on a Kuhle wellness
large door going knowledge come, that is a feeling of Zvichatiwanawo [Old Shona] Tuesday Kungayoimithandazi It is
backwards and forwards zivorashe Shona Boy being possessed Shona Boy Anathi they are with us because of prayers
Zimbwembwe [Old Shona] the lord's zvanyadza Shona it will catch up with Andisiwe more increase
Shona Girl knowledge Girl us too Andiswa Increase L
running, mouth- Zivorinashe Shona ashamed Zvichemo [Old Shona] Anele Enough Langalibalele born
drooping Girl The Zvanyadza [Old Shona] Shona Boy Aphiwe they are given during a drought
Zimhunze [Old Shona] knowledge that God has Shona Girl grievances, Asanda still increasing Likamva It’s up to you
Shona Girl Ziwa [Old Shona] Shona it has troubles Aviwe been heard Likhona We’ve got a hope.
destroyer, Boy know, embarrassed/disgraced, 't Zvidzai [Old Shona] Shona Avu Dove Lindani Await
destructor be informed Zvapera Shona Boy Girl Ayabonga They are grateful Lindelwa Awaited
Zimondi [Old Shona] Shona Ziyanda Ndebele Girl The is it despise, look Babalwa be graced Lindiwe Awaited
Boy eater, There are more Zvapiwanashe Shona down upon, Bathandwa Lithitha The eyes of the
glutton, devour, and more girls (izintombi!) Girl What Zviedzo Shona Girl Beloved Lord can see
Liyabona The eyes of the Happiness Zanele enough M Banele boys F Felleng beyond the end;
Lord can see Nomhle With beauty P Zika To understand are enough exposed Basotho
Lulama Someone who is NomkhithaDignity Phatheka Controllable thoroughly, to get to the Ndebele M/F Fhulufhuwani
kind and sweet Nomkhululi To Phathiswa handle bottom of F Basetsana ladies forget it!
Lumka Be careful release Phelisa to end Zimkhitha dignity Basotho Tshivenda
Luniko A gift Nomphelo The end Phozisa cool off Zintle they are beautiful M Bezile first of F Fikile she has arrived
Nompucuko Phumeza fulfil; success Zinzi Comfortably twins; the have come Ndebele
M Civilization Phumla rest [in singular] settled Xhosa M Filemone kiss;
Mafungwashe first girl Nompumelelo Phumza Relieve Ziyanda Increasing M Bheka watch; lover's kiss
Mandisa Increaser Success Phumzile Rested Zodwa girls only take care of Basotho
Nomqondiso Caution Zola Quietness Ndebele M/F Funi love
N Nomsa with mercy Q Zoleka The meek one M Bhekithemba one another
Nandipha Good taste Nomthandazo Mother Qamata Great Spirit Zukelwa calmed for look after hope Tshivenda
Nceba Mercy of prayer Qaqamba bright South Africa Ndebele F Gugu precious Zulu
Ndileka Dignity Nomzamo with attempt F Aizivaishe God M Bhekizizwe M/F Hangwani has
Ndiliswa Respected Nonceba with mercy S knew Shona look after the forgottenTshivenda
Neliswa Satisfied Nonkonzo Service Sanele We are enough M/F Akani to build nations Ndebele M/F Hulisani give
Nesiwe Nursed Nonkosi Lordship now Xitsonga F Bokang praise or rejoice respect to
Nikelwa Offering Nonkululeko Sesethu Ours M/F Alu be Basotho Tshivenda
Nkosazana Freedom Sibongiseni praise prosperous F Bongani we are grateful M/F Humbe ask
Princess Nonqaba With fortress with us Tshivenda Ndebele Tshivenda
Nkosiphendule Lord NontasasaBorn in the early Simthandile we M/F Aluwanip be M Bongani be M/F Humbelaniask
has answered morning have loved her prosperous thankful Zulu Tshivenda
Nobantu Mother of Nontathu Third girl Sindiswa saved Tshivenda F Bongile thanks M Jakobo
humanity Nontobeko with Sinethemba We are M Amose Ndebele substitute
Nobomi Life humbleness trusting burdened; F Bophelo life Basotho
Nobuhle Beauty Queen Nontshaba Mother Sisa Compassion troubled Basotho Basotho M Jeremia God
Nobuntu Mother of of enemies Sisipho gift M/F Amukelani F Boreng where the enemy will uplift Basotho
kindness Nontsikelelo with Sithandiwe we acceptance lies Basotho M Jeso God is
Nocawe Sunday Girl blessings have been loved Xitsonga F Botle beauty my salvation
Nocwaka Quietness Nonyameko with Siyamthanda We F Anashe with God Shona Basotho Basotho
Nofanele Suitable endurance love you F Anatswanashe F Buang speak; chat M Josefa God
Nofoto Like her NonyanisoTruth Songezwa Fold perfected by God Basotho will add Basotho
grandmother Nonzukiso Glorification Shona M Butholezwe M Kabelo
Nokhanyo With Lightness NosakheleBuild for us T F Anesu is with us Shona warrior of the inheritance; given
Nokonwaba Nosine Born on Thursday Thandeka She is loved F Anesuishe God nation Ndebele Basotho
Happiness Nosiphiwo with gift Thandile Beloved with us Shona F Buyisiweblessed Zulu F Kagiso peace
Nokresimesi Born on Nosisi endearment for Thandiswa She is F Anodiwa the loved one F Cebile rich Setswana
Christmas Day little sister in love Shona Ndebele F Katleho success
Nokukhanya The NosopholoBorn at supper Thandiwe She is loving F Anokosha he is M Cebisile have Basotho
light time Thanduxolo Lover important Shona guided Ndebele M Katleho
Nokuthula Quiet person Notumato Beautiful at birth of peace M/F Athiambiwied M/F Dali cannot success
NokwandaWith increase Noxolo with peace Thembekatrustworthy should not be be satisfied Basotho
Nokwayiyo It is Nozibele Kindness Thembela hope for talked about Tshivenda M Kealebogathank
also a girl Nozibusiso Thembisa A promise Tshivenda M Daniele God is you Setswana
Nolitha Beam of light Blessings Thenjiwe trusted F Atidaishe God my judge F Keneuwe I've
Nolubabalo With Nozuko with glory Thobeka humbleness has loved us Shona Basotho been given
grace Nqabisile Hidden Thobela Obey M/F Avhadali cannot M Danisa make Basotho
Nolukholo Faith Ntando Will Thotyelwa to be obeyed be satisfied sad Ndebele M Kerefese English
Nolusindiso with Ntatu Born on Thozama calmness Tshivenda M Danisani make Griffiths Basotho
Salvation Wednesday Thulisa keep quiet M/F Avhapfani they do sad Ndebele F Keromang one
Noluthando With Ntinga Reach up for the Thumeka sendable not get along F Dikeledi tears who was sent
Love heights Tshivenda Basotho Basotho
Noluvo Opinion Ntombebhongo Girl of V F Awande may love; F Dikgang arguments M/F Khathu
Noluvuyo With joyfulness pride Vathiswa Clothed kindness grow Basotho forgiveness
Nomabhongo with Ntombekhaya Vela Appear Ndebele M Dikotsi Tshivenda
pride Homegirl Veliswa Revealed F Ayanda we are having accidents M/F Khathutshelo
Nomakhephu Snowy Ntombentsha vuya Delighted, more girls Basotho forgiveness
girl Ntombentsha Rejoicing Ndebele M Dingani what Tshivenda
Nomakhwezi Star Ntombifikile The girl Vuyelwa Joy; Child that M Ayanda the are you looking for? F Khauhelo
Nomalizo alms has arrived brings great joy family is growing Zulu Ndebele compassion; pity
Nomantombazana Little Ntombikayise Vuyokazi happiness F Ayibongwe may F Dintle beauty Basotho
girls Father’s girl God be thanked Basotho M/F Khumbu remind
Nomathamsanqa Good Ntombiyoxolo Girl of W Ndebele F Dipalesa flowers me Tshivenda
luck peace Wazini what do you know M/F Azwihangwisi Basotho M Khuthala second
Nomathemba hopes Ntombizanele Girls Weziwe Taken over it is unforgettable F Dova morning dew of twins; be diligent Xhosa
Nomathyhifilili ugly are enough Wonga Taken over Tshivenda Shona F Koketso addition Sepedi
and unappetizing Ntombizodidi M/F Azwimmbavhi M/F Dowe get M Kutloisiso
Nomawethu Our Precious girls X I am not bothered used to it understanding
own people Ntombizodwa girl’s Xola Stay in Peace Tshivenda Tshivenda Basotho
Nomaxabiso only Xolelwa A child of peace M/F Azwinaki brings M/F dowelani get F Kutloisiso
Valuable Ntombokuqala first girl shame to the family used to it understanding
Nombeko Respect Ntombomzi Home Y Tshivenda Tshivenda Basotho
Nombini Second girl girl Yandiswa make more M/F AzwinndiniI am M Dzingai chase M Kutlwano mutual
NombuleloMother of thanks / Nwabisa Entertainer Yola Delightful, not bothered away Shona understanding
gratitude Agreeable Tshivenda F Edzai try Shona Basotho
NomfazweBorn during a war O Yoliswa Delight M Bambanani M Esaia God is M Kwanele it is
Nomfundiso Olwethu Our own Yonela enough unite my salvation enough Zulu
Doctrine Onele enough Ndebele Basotho F Langalibalele born
Nomfundo Education Ongezwa Addition to the Z M Bandile the F Farai rejoice Shona during a drought Xhosa
Nomgcobo family Zandile increased family is growing Zulu F Farirai find joy Shona M Leabua you
speak courteously season Basotho is talked about M Nthofeela thing praise Tshivenda M Thebe shield
Basotho M/F Masingita Tshivenda Basotho F Reneilwe given Basotho
F Lebohang be miracles M/F Mutshutshudzi F Ntombentsha new girl Setswana M Themba trust;
thankful Basotho Xitsonga encourages bad Xhosa M Rethabile we are hope Zulu
M Lebona the one F Masoabi shame behavior Tshivenda F Ntombifikile the girl happy Basotho F Thembeka to be
who sees Basotho M Muzikayise has arrived Xhosa M/F Rotshidzwa reliable Xhosa
Basotho M Masopha builds his father's F Ntombifuthi another we have been M Thilivhali does
M Lefa chieftain; leader of house Zulu girl Zulu saved Tshivenda not forget
inheritance the tribe Basotho M Mzwamadoda M/F Ntsako happy M/F Rudzani console Tshivenda
Basotho F Matshediso family where men Xitsonga the suffering M/F Thina I have
M Lemohangtake consolation dominate Xhosa F Ntsebo whispers; rumors Tshivenda no body Tshivenda
cognizance Basotho F Nana baby; infant Basotho M/F Rudzi console M/F Thinawanga
Basotho M Mattheu gift of Basotho M/F Ntshengedzeni the suffering I have no body
M Lenka taker God Basotho F Nandi sweet Zulu torture me Tshivenda Tshivenda
Basotho F Mbali flower Zulu M Nathi God is Tshivenda M Sandile M Thuso help
M Lentswe voice F Mmaabo their mother with us Zulu M/F Ntsumi angel increased our Basotho
Basotho Setswana M/F Ndiyafhi where Xitsonga family Zulu M Thuto lesson
F Lerato love F Mmalefu mother of death; do I go? Tshivenda F Ntswaki only sister among M Sanele Basotho
Basotho illness Basotho M/F Nduvho praise brothers Basotho satisfied; we have F Thuto lesson
M Lereko F Mmalesotho mother Tshivenda M/F Nṱungufhadzeni enough Zulu Basotho
abundance; of Lesotho F Neo gift; talent makes me sad; M S'bu F Tlhokomelo being
merciful Basotho Basotho Basotho hurts me Tshivenda blessing Zulu careful Basotho
M Lesebo gift F Mncedisihelper Xhosa F Nkhetheleng choose M/F Nyeleti star M Sehlolo disaster M Tlholo victory
from the ancestors M Moshe saved for me Basotho Xitsonga Basotho Basotho
Basotho from the water M/F Nkhumbudzeni M Oagile firmly M/F Sei they M Tlotliso honor
M Letsie Basotho remind me built household are not amused Basotho
chieftain; leader of M Moeketsi Tshivenda Basotho Tshivenda M Tsebo
the tribe Basotho multiplier; M/F Nkhumbuleni F Oarona ours M Sekgolokhane knowledge
M Letsoalo fear; proliferate remember me Basotho wanderer Basotho
apprehension Basotho Tshivenda F Palesa flower Basotho M T'sehla yellow
Basotho F Mohau pity; mercy F Nkosiphendule the Basotho M Setjhaba nation man; lion's cub
M Letswalo fear; Basotho Lord has answered Xhosa M Paolosi little Basotho Basotho
apprehension M Mohlomi wisest M Nkosiphendule one Basotho M/F Shandu change M Tsela path
Basotho of leaders God has M Paseka born on Tshivenda Basotho
F Likengkeng tears Basotho answered Zulu Easter Basotho M/F Shandukani M/F Tshanduko
Basotho F Moipone self-admirer M Nku sheep M Phahamo change change
F Likhang Basotho Basotho eminence Tshivenda Tshivenda
arguments M Molahlehi the lost M/F Nnyadzeni Basotho M Sibusiso M Tshawe from
Basotho one Basotho disrespectful M/F Phathu blessing Zulu the Nomatshawe clan
F Likhapa tears M Molapo stream; Tshivenda blessings M Sifiso what Xhosa
Basotho river Basotho M/F Nnyawedzeni Tshivenda we wished for Zulu M Tshediso
M/F Lindelani be M Molatodi one recover after M/F Phaṱhutshedzo M Sihle consolation
patient; wait who denies everything suffering Tshivenda blessings beautiful feeling Basotho
Tshivenda Basotho M/F Nnyaweleni Tshivenda Zulu F Tshepo hope
F Lindidwewaited for Zulu F Moratuoa darling recover after M Phetoho change F Sinethemba we Basotho
F Lineo gifts; talents Basotho suffering Tshivenda Basotho have hope Zulu M/F Tshiananeo
Basotho F Moratuwa darling F Nofoto like her M Phila I'm in M Siphelele we are a tale; a story
F Litšehoana little Basotho grandmother Xhosa good health Zulu complete Zulu Tshivenda
laughter Basotho M Moreri F Nokresimesi born on M Philani we are F Siphephelo refuge M/F Tshidino bothers
F Litsoanelo suitable preacher Christmas day Xhosa in good health Zulu Zulu or annoys
things Basotho Setswana F Nokwayiyo it is M Polo alligator F Sizani you all help Tshivenda
M/F Livhu M Mosemodi boy also a girl Xhosa Basotho Zulu M/F Tshinyalani
thankful; grateful from the legends F Nomathyhifilili ugly M Poloko safety M Sizwe nation damaged; cursed
Tshivenda Basotho and unappetizing Xhosa Basotho Zulu Tshivenda
F Lulama meek; soft-spoken M Mosemotsane F Nombulelo F Pont'so exhibition; F Slindile we are waiting M Tsie locust
Xhosa boy from the gratitude Xhosa revelation Zulu Basotho
M/F Lutendo faith legends; twin F Nomfazwe born Basotho M/F Taki be M Tsietsi
Tshivenda Basotho during a war Xhosa M Qhonqholotsane happy Tshivenda predicament;
M/F Luvhengo hatred M Moshanyana F Nomsa caring one; faithful traditional name M/F Tanga accept dilemma Basotho
Tshivenda boy Zulu Basotho me Tshivenda M Tumisang give
M Mahlubandile Basotho F Nomthandazo prayer M Qukeza first of M Tau lion praise Basotho
the clan has M Mosiuoa Xhosa twins; be diligent Xhosa Basotho M/F Tungu makes
increased Xhosa abandoned one F Nomusa grace and M/F Rabe prayer M Teboho me sad; hurts me
F Majobo mother of job Basotho kindnessZulu Tshivenda gratitude Tshivenda
Basotho M Mothusi helper F Nonkululeko F Ratu love of mine Basotho M Unathi he is
M Makalo Setswana freedom Zulu Basotho M Tefo with us Zulu
bewilderment M Motlalentwa F Nontasasa born in F Reabetsoe we payment; reward F Vuyo happiness Xhosa
Basotho brings war; fighter the early morning Xhosa have been provided for Basotho M Wandile you are
F Maletsatsi Basotho F Nontshaba mother Basotho M/F Tendani believe extra Zulu
daylight; sunshine M/F Mpfareleli forgive of enemies Xhosa F Reabetswe we Tshivenda M Wushe from
Basotho me Tshivenda F Nosopholo born at have been provided for F Thabisa bring joy Zulu the Nomawushe clan
M Mamello M Mphafane praises supper time Xhosa Basotho F Thabisco Xhosa
perseverance God Basotho F Nothembi faith; M Refiloe we gladness Sepedi M Zifihlephi where
Basotho M/F Mphedziseni hope Zulu have been given M Thabiso joy- can you hide? Xhosa
F Mamello perseverance finish me off F Notumato Basotho bringer Basotho F Zinhle beautiful child
Basotho Tshivenda beautiful at birth F Refiloe we have been M Thando love Zulu
M Mareka warlike; M Msizi helper Xhosa given Basotho Zulu M Zithembe trust
martial Basotho Zulu F Nthati one to love me M Refilwe we F Thanduxolo lover of yourself Zulu
F Maria sea of bitterness F Mthobeli the obedient one Basotho have been given peace Xhosa South Af. Tswana
Basotho Xhosa F Nthatisi historical female Basotho M/F Thanyani be BOIPELO m & f Southern
F Mariha winter; cold M/F Muambiwa name Basotho M/F Rendi give careful Tshivenda African, Tswana
Means "proud" in Tswana. IFU f Zulu Zulu name meaning Bakr m: Ibibio Zulu
BOITUMELO f & m Zulu feminine given name "happiness" or "joy" ALEMAYEHU m & f Means "patience" in Ibibio. Means "flower" in Zulu.
Southern African, Tswana derived from ifu meaning NTOMBIFUTHI f African, Eastern African, Amharic ISINGOMA m Eastern MEKLIT f Eastern African,
Means "joy" in Tswana. "cloud". Zulu Means "I have seen the African, Ganda Amharic
DIKELEDI f Southern INYONI f Zulu Meaning "another girl" in world" in Amharic. Means "first of twins" in Means "gift to God" in
African, Tswana Feminine Zulu given name Zulu, from the name AMEQRAN m Northern Luganda. Amharic.
Means "tears" in Tswana. derived from inyoni Ntombi meaning 'lady' African, Berber ITRI m Northern African, MELISIZWE m Southern
ITUMELENG m & f meaning "bird". NTOMBIZANELE f African, Means "eldest" in Berber African, Xhosa
Southern African, Tswana JABULILE f Zulu Zulu Tamazight. Means "star" in Tamazight. Means "leader of the
Means "joy" in Tswana. Zulu feminine name Zulu name meaning ANDILE m Southern ITUMELENG m & f nation" in Xhosa.
KAGISO f Southern meaning "be cheerful, be "enough girls" from the African, Zulu Southern African, Tswana MIREMBE f Eastern
African, Tswana happy". name Ntombi meaning Means "they have Means "joy" in Tswana. African, Ganda
Means "peace" in Tswana. KGABU m & f African, 'lady' extended" in Zulu. IZEM m Northern African, Means "peace" in Luganda.
KATLEGO m & f Southern Zulu NTOMBIZODWA f African, BABIRYE f Eastern Berber MUDIWA f & m Southern
African, Tswana A Zulu name meaning "to Zulu African, Ganda Means "lion" in Tamazight. African, Shona
Means "success" in decorate richly" Meaning "only girls" from Means "first of twins" in KAGISO f Southern Means "beloved" in Shona.
Tswana. KHANYISILE f Zulu the Zulu name Ntombi Luganda. African, Tswana MUNASHE m & f Southern
KEFILWE m & f Southern (Modern) meaning 'lady' BERHANU m Eastern Means "peace" in Tswana. African, Shona
African, Tswana KHETHIWE f African, Zulu PHILA f & m Southern African, Amharic KAHINA f Northern Means "with God" in
Means "I was given" in Zulu female name meaning African, Xhosa, Zulu Means "light" in Amharic. African, Berber Shona.
Tswana. "chosen", "the one who is South African, Nguni name BOIPELO m & f Southern Derived from Arabic ‫الكاِهنة‬ NAKATO f Eastern African,
KGOSI m Southern chosen" meaning "live" or "get well". African, Tswana (al-Kahinah) meaning "the Ganda
African, Tswana KHULEKANI f Zulu SAMUKELISIWE f African, Means "proud" in Tswana. diviner, the fortuneteller"... Means "second of twins" in
Means "king, chief" in Feminine Zulu given name Zulu BOITUMELO f & m [more] Luganda.
Tswana. meaning "salute". Zulu meaning "we have Southern African, Tswana KATLEGO m & f Southern NEO (1) f & m Southern
LESEDI f Southern LUNGELO m & f Zulu been welcomed" Means "joy" in Tswana. African, Tswana African, Tswana
African, Tswana LWANDLE f & m African, SFISO m Zulu, Swazi, BONGANI m Southern Means "success" in Means "gift" in Tswana.
Means "light" in Tswana. Zulu Ndebele, Xhosa African, Zulu Tswana. NKOSANA m Southern
MASEGO f Southern Meaning "ocean" in Zulu... Means "Wish" Means "be grateful" in Zulu. KATO m Eastern African, African, Xhosa
African, Tswana [more] SINENHLANHLA f African, CHARLIZE f Southern Ganda Means "prince" in Xhosa.
Means "blessings" in MHAMBI f Zulu Zulu African, Afrikaans Means "second of twins" in NKOSAZANA f Southern
Tswana. Feminine Zulu given name Zulu meaning "we have Feminine form of Luganda. African, Xhosa
NEO (1) f & m Southern meaning "traveller". luck" CHARLES using the KEFILWE m & f Southern Means "princess" in Xhosa.
African, Tswana MPILO m Xhosa, Zulu, SIYANDA m Zulu popular Afrikaans name African, Tswana NOMUSA f Southern
Means "gift" in Tswana. Southern African Masculine Zulu name suffix ize... [more] Means "I was given" in African, Ndebele
REFILWE m & f Southern Means Life in Xhosa & Zulu meaning "we are CHIPO f Southern African, Tswana. Means "merciful" in
African, Tswana MSIZI m Zulu increasing". Shona KGOSI m Southern Ndebele.
Means "we were given" in Masculine Zulu given name SIZANI f Zulu Means "gift" in Shona. African, Tswana NONTLE f Southern
Tswana. derived from umsizi Feminine Zulu given name CHIUMBO m Eastern Means "king, chief" in African, Xhosa
SETHUNYA f Southern meaning "helper, aide". meaning "aid, be African, Mwera Tswana. Means "mother of beauty"
African, Tswana MTHUNZI f Zulu advantageous". Means "small" in Mwera. KIRABO m & f Eastern in Xhosa.
Means "bloom, flower" in Zulu feminine given name STHENJWA m Zulu DAKARAI m Southern African, Ganda NOSIPHO f Southern
Tswana. meaning "shade". THABISA f Zulu African, Shona Means "gift" in Luganda. African, Zulu
TAU m Southern African, NANDI f Zulu Feminine Zulu name Means "rejoice" in Shona. LERATO f Southern Means "mother of a gift" in
Tswana, Sotho Allegedly means "sweet" in derived from thabisa DEJEN m Eastern African, African, Sotho Zulu.
Means "lion" in Tswana and Zulu... [more] meaning "delight". Amharic Means "love" in Sotho. NOSIZWE f Southern
Sotho... [more] NHLAKANIPHO f Zulu THANDEKA f Zulu Means "foundation, LESEDI f Southern African, Xhosa
THABO m Southern Feminine Zulu given name Zulu feminine name support" in Amharic. African, Tswana Means "mother of the
African, Tswana derived from inhlakanipho meaning "be likeable, be DESTA f & m Eastern Means "light" in Tswana. nation" in Xhosa.
Means "joy" in Tswana. meaning "wisdom". loveable, be welcome". African, Amharic LINDIWE f Southern NTHANDA m & f Southern
TSHOLOFELO f Southern NKANYEZI m Zulu, THANDO f & m Zulu Means "joy" in Amharic. African, Zulu African, Tumbuka
African, Tswana Southern African Zulu unisex name derived DIKELEDI f Southern Means "have waited" in Means "star" in Tumbuka.
Means "hope" in Tswana. South African Zulu name from the word thando African, Tswana Zulu. NTOMBI f Southern
TUMELO m & f Southern meaning 'star' meaning "love". Means "tears" in Tswana. LUMUSI f Western African, African, Zulu
African, Sotho, Tswana NKOSINGIPHILE f African, THOBEKA f Southern DUMISANI m & f Southern Ewe Means "lady" in Zulu.
Means "faith" in Sotho and Zulu African, Zulu African, Zulu Means "born face down" in NYARAI f Southern
Tswana. Meaning, "Lord, I am in it is an isizulu name, one of Means "give praise" in Ewe. African, Shona
South Af. Zulu good health" in Zulu the languages in south Zulu. LUNGILE f Southern Means "be humble" in
AMAHLE m & f African, NKOSIYABO m African, africa. it means 'humble' EMEM m & f Western African, Zulu Shona.
Zulu Ndebele, Zulu THULA f Zulu African, Ibibio Means "the good one" in PAKI m Southern African,
Zulu for "the beautiful ones" Their King. Name given to Means "peace". Means "peace" in Ibibio. Zulu. Xhosa
ANELE m & f African, Zulu children parents believe will THULIE f Zulu FARAI m & f Southern MAKENA f & m Eastern Means "witness" in Xhosa.
Zulu of South Africa excel. Short form of Nokuthula, or African, Shona African, Kikuyu REFILWE m & f Southern
meaning 'enough' NOKUTHULA f Zulu Thula... [more] Means "rejoice" in Shona. Means "happy one" in African, Tswana
BUHLE f Zulu Means "peace and THULISILE f African, Zulu FUNGAI m & f Southern Kikuyu. Means "we were given" in
Feminine Zulu name either tranquillity". Zulu for "she who made African, Shona MANYARA f Southern Tswana.
derived from ubuhle NOLWAZI f Zulu (Rare) things quiet" Means "think" in Shona. African, Shona RUDO m & f Southern
meaning "beauty, Means "knowledgeable". ULWAZI m Zulu GWANDOYA m Eastern Means "you have been African, Shona
loveliness, goodness" or NOMVULA f African, Zulu Masculine Zulu name African, Ganda humbled" in Shona. Means "love" in Shona.
buhle meaning "it is good". Meaning "after the rain" in derived from the word Means "met with misery" in MASAMBA m Eastern RUFARO f Southern
FUNANI f African, Zulu Zulu ulwazi meaning Luganda. African, Yao African, Shona
Meaning "What are we NOMZAMO f African, Zulu "knowledge". HIWOT f Eastern African, Means "leaves, vegetables" Means "happiness" in
searching for?" in Zulu. Meaning "struggle" in Zulu ZOBUHLE f Zulu Amharic in Yao. Shona.
GATSHA f Zulu NONHLANHLA f African, Lady of beauty Means "life" in Amharic. MASEGO f Southern RUMBIDZAI f Southern
Feminine Zulu name Zulu ZODWA f Zulu, Southern HLENGIWE f Southern African, Tswana African, Shona
derived from igatsha Zulu name meaning "luck" African African, Zulu Means "blessings" in Means "praise" in Shona.
meaning "branch". NONJABULO f Zulu South African Zulu name Means "nursed" in Zulu. Tswana. RUTENDO f & m Southern
ICICI f Zulu nonjabulo african name meaning only girls IDIR m Northern African, MASOZI m & f Southern African, Shona
Feminine Zulu name from Jabula it means Miscellaneous Af. Berber African, Tumbuka Means "faith" in Shona.
derived from icici meaning "happiness" Aberash f: giving off light Means "alive" in Tamazight. Means "tears" in Tumbuka. SEBLE f Eastern African,
"earring". NTOKOZO f African, Zulu Aboubacar/Abu Bakar/Abu IME m & f Western African, MBALI f Southern African, Amharic
Means "harvest" in comforted" in Zulu. bird Hausa fights for what he wants Lord has washed me Amharic
Amharic. THULILE f Southern M Abiade born of Yoruba Nyakyusa M Bobo born on
SEKAI f Southern African, African, Zulu royal parents Yoruba M Ajani takes M Ata twin Tuesday Fante
Shona Means "is quiet" in Zulu. F Abidemi born when father's possession after struggle Fante M Bodua an
Means "be humourous" in TICHAONA m Southern away Yoruba Yoruba F Atiena guardian of the animal's tail Akan
Shona. African, Shona M Abidugun born M Ajayi born night Swahili F Bolade honor has come at
SETHUNYA f Southern Means "we will see" in before the war Yoruba face down Yoruba M Atieno last Yoruba
African, Tswana Shona. F Abimbola born to M Aje wizard guardian of the M Bolade honor
Means "bloom, flower" in TIDIR f Northern African, be wealthy Yoruba Yoruba night Swahili will come Yoruba
Tswana. Berber M Abimbola born to M Akinkawon F Ayelen joy F Bolanile she is the wealth
SIBONAKALISO f Feminine form of IDIR be wealthy Yoruba bravery pacified Mapuche of house Yoruba
Southern African, Zulu TIFAWT f Northern African, M Abiodun born them Yoruba M Ayinde we M Bomani warrior
Means "sign" in Zulu. Berber during the festival Yoruba M Akinlabi we praised him and he came Ngoni
SIPHO m Southern Means "light" in Tamazight. F Adanna father's daughter have a boy Yoruba Yoruba M Bwana Mkubwa
African, Xhosa TINASHE m & f Southern Nigerian M Akinlana valor F Ayinhual beloved; darling great master
Means "gift" in Xhosa. African, Shona F Adanne mother's daughter Yoruba Mapuche Swahili
SITHEMBILE f & m Means "God is with us" in African M Akinlawon bravery F Ayiqueo soft-spoken; M Bwire born at
Southern African, Zulu Shona. F Adaoma good lady Ibo sustains them Yoruba pleasant Mapuche night Bakedi
Means "we trust" in Zulu. TITRIT f Northern African, M Addae M Akins brave F Ayme significant M Byarugaba
SIZWE m Southern Berber morning sun boy Yoruba Mapuche God's ownRukiga
African, Xhosa Feminine form of ITRI Akan M Akinsanya the M Ayo joy M Byaruhanga
Means "nation" in Xhosa. TSHOLOFELO f Southern M Addi the new valor avenges Yoruba Swahili God's own
SSANYU f Eastern African, African, Tswana Amharic M Akwetee M Azikiwe Rutooro
Ganda Means "hope" in Tswana. M Ade royal younger of twins vigorous Ibo M Byembandwa
Means "joy" in Luganda. TUMELO m & f Southern Yoruba Ga M Azima God's own
TAFADZWA m & f African, Sotho, Tswana M Adeagbo brings F Alaba second child after magically Runyoro
Southern African, Shona Means "faith" in Sotho and royal honor Yoruba twins Yoruba charmed into motion F Calfuray blue violet flower
Means "we are pleased" in Tswana. M Adegoke the F Alake she is to be Swahili Mapuche
Shona. UDUAK m & f Western crown has been exalted fussed over Yoruba F Aziza precious one M Chenzira born on
TAFARI m Eastern African, African, Ibibio Yoruba M Alanyo born Swahili the roadside Shona
Amharic Means "will, desire" in M Adejola the while parent were apart M Azizi M Cherika the
Possibly means "he who Ibibio. crown feeds on honors Luo precious Swahili moon Amharic
inspires awe" in Amharic... UNATHI m & f Southern Yoruba M Ali exalted M Azmera harvest M Chi
[more] African, Xhosa M Adelabu the Swahili Ethiopian personal guardian
TAJEDDIGT f Northern Means "God is with us" in crown overcame trouble M Alin F Azubah born on Monday angel Nigerian
African, Berber Xhosa. Yoruba perfection Hausa M Chijoke God
Means "flower" in WASSWA m Eastern M Adelaja the Quechua M Bahemuka gives talent Ibo
Tamazight. African, Ganda crown settles a quarrel F Amadia lightning-spirit resembles father F Chika Chi is supreme
TAMRAT m Eastern Means "first of twins" in Yoruba Ibo Runyoro Ibo
African, Amharic Luganda. F Adeleke the crown brings M Aman peace F Bahiti fortune M Chikosi neck
Means "miracle" in WEKESA m Eastern happiness Yoruba Amharic Egyptian Ngoni
Amharic. African, Luhya M Ademola the F Amana to believe Swahili M Baingana people F ChinyereChi is the giver
TAONGA f & m Southern Means "born during crown is added to my M Amani trust; are equal Ibo
African, Tumbuka harvest" in Luhya. wealth Yoruba safety Swahili Runyoro M Chioke gift of
Means "we are thankful" in WERKNESH f Eastern F Adeola the crown brings F Amaziah a place to rest F Bakari noble promise God Ibo
Tumbuka. African, Amharic honor Yoruba Hausa Swahili F Chione daughter of the
TAPIWA f Southern Means "you are gold" in F Adeyemi the crown benefits M Ambakisye M Bakari Nile Egyptian
African, Shona Amharic. me Yoruba God has been promise M Chitundu bird's
Means "given" in Shona. WORKNESH f Eastern M Adeyemi the merciful Ndali Kiswahili nest Mwera
TARIRO f Southern African, Amharic crown suits me well Yoruba M Anasa joy M Balikurairatime to M Chiumbo small
African, Shona Possibly means "you are F Adhama glory Swahili Swahili mature mentally creation Mwera
Means "hope" in Shona. like gold" in Amharic. M Adhama glory F Andaiye my daughter Runyoro F Chuku-Meneka thank
TATENDA m & f Southern XOLANI m Southern Swahili comes home Swahili F Baraka blessing; fortune God Ibo
African, Shona African, Zulu F Adia a gift from God F Anella content; satisfied Swahili F Cuyen moon
Means "thank you" in Means "peace" in Zulu. Swahili Zulu M Baraka Mapuche
Shona. ZEPHANIA m Southern M Adigun M Anella blessing; fortune M Dada child
TAU m Southern African, African righteous Yoruba content; satisfied Swahili with curly hair Yoruba
Tswana, Sotho Variant of ZEPHANIAH... M Adika first Zulu F Barika success Swahili M Dahnay to be
Means "lion" in Tswana and [more] child of second husband M Angorit last- M Bashiri can safe; wellness
Sotho... [more] ZOLA (2) f Southern Ewe born child Ateso foretell the future Shona Amharic
TENDAI m & f Southern African, Zulu M Adunbi born to F Anillang stable altar; M Bategeka people M Dakarai
African, Shona Means "quiet, tranquil" in be pleasant Yoruba decisive Mapuche who plan well happiness Shona
Means "be thankful" in Zulu. M Adusa M Apara child Runyoro F Dalila gentle Swahili
Shona. M Abai of the thirteenth-born that comes and goes M Batte clan F Dalmar versatile African
TEWODROS m Eastern Nile River child Akan Yoruba totem is an elephant F Dayo joy arrives Yoruba
African, Amharic Amharic F Afafa first child of F Ara mistress of the sky Luganda M Dayo joy
Amharic form of F Abam second child after second husband Yoruba African M Benaim son of arrives Yoruba
THEODORE twins Twi M Afework speaks M Aramde the the right hand M Deg
THABO m Southern M Abasi stern pleasant things walker Amharic Ethiopian generous
African, Tswana one Swahili Ethiopian M Aren eagle F Bennu eagle kindnessAmharic
Means "joy" in Tswana. F Abayomi brings happiness M Afiba by the Nigerian Egyptian F Deka pleasing Somali
THANDIWE f Southern Yoruba sea Yoruba F Aretta charming; M Beno one of M Dembe peace
African, Xhosa M Abdalla servant F Afiya health Swahili enchanting a band Mwera Luganda
Means "loving one" in of God Swahili M Afram from Nigerian M Berhan light; M Desta joy
Xhosa. M Abdu Afram river region F Arusi born during a illumination Amharic
THEMBA m & f Southern worshipper of God Ghanan wedding Swahili Amharic F Duma cheetah; swift
African, Zulu Swahili F Aiyetoro peace on earth F Ashura born during month M Berhanua light; Swahili
Means "trust" in Zulu. M Abede he has Yoruba of Ashur Swahili illumination M Duma
THULANI m Southern flourished M Ajagbe he M Assefa enlarge Amharic cheetah; swift
African, Zulu Amharic carries off the prize Yoruba Ethiopian M Berihun let him Swahili
Means "be quiet, be F Abia friend; small as a M Ajamu he M Asukile the be our guide M Dumaka help
me with hands Ibo Swahili moon Amharic M Fasilidas historic Quechua F Kamaria like the moon
M Dumisa praise M Hamidi M Chi king of Ethiopia F Imani belief; trust Swahili
& honor Zulu commendable personal guardian Ethiopian Swahili M Kamau quiet
F Duniya earth Hausa Swahili angel Nigerian F Fatia weans an infant M Imaran strong warrior Kikuyu
M Dunsimi don't M Hamisi born on M Chijoke God African one Swahili F Kamba tortoise African
die before me Yoruba Thursday Swahili gives talent Ibo F Fayola walks with honor F Ipi harvester M Kami people
F Ejubane swift one Zulu M Hanif believer F Chika Chi is supreme Yoruba Mapuche of eastern Tanzania
M Ejubane swift Kiswahili Ibo F Fazana womankind M Ipyana grace Tanzanian
one Zulu M Haoniyao born M Chikosi neck Zulu Nyakyusa F Kamilah perfect African
M Ekundayo sorrow during a quarrel Swahili Ngoni F Femi love me Yoruba F Iracema from where the F Kanya beautiful ebony
becomes happiness M Hasani F ChinyereChi is the giver F Foluke place in God's honey comes Tupi Hausa
Yoruba handsome Swahili Ibo hands Yoruba M Iroagbulam F Kapuki first-born daughter
F Elea floating; clarity F Iara lady Tupi M Chioke gift of M Foluke place in let enmity destroy Swahili
Swahili M Iben God Ibo God's hands Yoruba me Ibo M Kariisa
M Elea floating; harmony Ibo F Chione daughter of the M Fram of the M Irumba first- herdsman
clarity Swahili M Bakari Nile Egyptian Ofram tree born after twins Runyank.
F Elewa understands promise M Chitundu bird's Ghanan Rutooro M Karutunda little
Swahili Kiswahili nest Mwera M Funsani request M Isabirye he who person Runyank.
F Enyonyam she is M Balikurairatime to M Chiumbo small Ngoni gives birth to twins Lusoga M Karwana born
good for me Ewe mature mentally creation Mwera M Fynn Offin M Itembe trust; during wartime
M Eremias God Runyoro F Chuku-Meneka thank river Ghanan confidence Zulu Rutooro
will uplift Ethiopian F Baraka blessing; fortune God Ibo F Gabela confident; F Iverem good fortune; F Kasinda our last baby
F Eshe life Swahili Swahili F Cuyen moon determined Zulu blessing Tiv Umbundu
M Essien sixth- M Baraka Mapuche M Gebereal God is F Iyabo mother is M Kayin long-
born son Ga blessing; fortune M Dada child my strength reincarnated in me Yoruba hoped for child Yoruba
F Evae a tribal name Swahili with curly hair Yoruba Ethiopian M Iyapo many M Kayode he
Ewe F Barika success Swahili M Dahnay to be M Gebre an trials Yoruba brought joy Yoruba
M Ewansiha secrets M Bashiri can safe; wellness offering Amharic F Iyara swift one Yoruba M Kayonga great
are not for sale Benin foretell the future Shona Amharic F Gela happiness Lenape F Iyarina never forgets Ankole clan warrior
M Farijika will M Bategeka people M Dakarai M Geta lord Quechua Runyank.
comfort Swahili who plan well happiness Shona Amharic M Jafari creek M Keambiroiro
M Fasilidas historic Runyoro F Dalila gentle Swahili F Gethera harvest Kikuyu Swahili mountain of
king of Ethiopia M Batte clan F Dalmar versatile African M Gezan the one F Jahaira dignified Swahili blackness Kikuyu
Ethiopian totem is an elephant F Dayo joy arrives Yoruba in charge M Jahi M Keanjaho
F Fatia weans an infant Luganda M Dayo joy Amharic dignified Swahili mountain of beans
African M Benaim son of arrives Yoruba M Gonza love M Jaja Kikuyu
F Fayola walks with honor the right hand M Deg Rutooro honored Ibo M Keanyandaarwu
Yoruba Ethiopian generous M Goredenna F Jalia God's gracious mountain of hides
F Fazana womankind F Bennu eagle kindnessAmharic black cloud favor Swahili Kikuyu
Zulu Egyptian F Deka pleasing Somali Shona F Jama friendly Swahili F Kenura to have joy
F Femi love me Yoruba M Beno one of M Dembe peace M Gowon F Japera offer thanks Kikuyu
F Foluke place in God's a band Mwera Luganda rainmaker Tiv Zimbabwe M Kereenyaga
hands Yoruba M Berhan light; M Desta joy M Gyasi F Jarunta courage Hausa mountain of
M Foluke place in illumination Amharic wonderful child F Jata celestial star mystery Kenyan
God's hands Yoruba Amharic F Duma cheetah; swift Akan Kikuyu F Kesi born during
M Fram of the M Berhanua light; Swahili M Habib beloved M Jata difficult times Swahili
Ofram tree illumination M Duma Swahili celestial star F Kesia favorite African
Ghanan Amharic cheetah; swift F Hafsa young lioness Kikuyu M Kesse chubby
M Funsani request M Berihun let him Swahili Muslim F Jehlani strong; mighty baby Fante
Ngoni be our guide M Dumaka help M Hamadi praised Swahili M Khalfani
M Fynn Offin Amharic me with hands Ibo Swahili M Jela born destined to rule
river Ghanan M Bobo born on M Dumisa praise M Hamidi when father's in prison Swahili
F Gabela confident; Tuesday Fante & honor Zulu commendable Swahili F Kibibi little lady Swahili
determined Zulu M Bodua an F Duniya earth Hausa Swahili F Jivuna to glow with pride M Kibuuka brave
M Gebereal God is animal's tail Akan M Dunsimi don't M Hamisi born on Swahili Bugandan warrior
my strength F Bolade honor has come at die before me Yoruba Thursday Swahili M Jojo born on Luganda
Ethiopian last Yoruba F Ejubane swift one Zulu M Hanif believer Monday Fante F Kichea sun appears after
M Gebre an M Bolade honor M Ejubane swift Kiswahili F Juba born on Monday the storm Swahili
offering Amharic will come Yoruba one Zulu M Haoniyao born Ashanti M Kidusa the
F Gela happiness Lenape F Bolanile she is the wealth M Ekundayo sorrow during a quarrel Swahili M Juba respect many sacred
M Geta lord of house Yoruba becomes happiness M Hasani Yoruba Amharic
Amharic M Bomani warrior Yoruba handsome Swahili M Jubane is swift M Kifeda only
F Gethera harvest Kikuyu Ngoni F Elea floating; clarity F Iara lady Tupi Zulu boy among sisters Luo
M Gezan the one M Bwana Mkubwa Swahili M Iben M Juma born on F Kifimbo very thin child
in charge great master M Elea floating; harmony Ibo Friday Swahili Swahili
Amharic Swahili clarity Swahili F Icess supreme goddess M Kadonkechi F Kika what is greater
M Gonza love M Bwire born at F Elewa understands Egyptian bitter soup than God? Ibo
Rutooro night Bakedi Swahili M Idi born Mudama F Kilinda guard; protector
M Goredenna M Byarugaba F Enyonyam she is during the Idd festival M Kafa Swahili
black cloud God's ownRukiga good for me Ewe Swahili Ethiopian province F Kilinya mountain of God
Shona M Byaruhanga M Eremias God M Idin unity Ethiopian Kamba
M Gowon God's own will uplift Ethiopian Ibo M Kaikara God in F Kinjia the path; the way
rainmaker Tiv Rutooro F Eshe life Swahili F Idina unity Ibo Bayoro tradition Swahili
M Gyasi M Byembandwa M Essien sixth- M Ikeno joy Runyoro F Kinshasa capital
wonderful child God's own born son Ga Kikuyu F Kakena the happy one city of D.R.Congo African
Akan Runyoro F Evae a tribal name F Ilchahueque Kikuyu M Kintu first
M Habib beloved F Calfuray blue violet flower Ewe unmarried woman M Kakuru first of man Ugandan
Swahili Mapuche M Ewansiha secrets Mapuche twins Runyank. M Kiva unity
F Hafsa young lioness M Chenzira born on are not for sale Benin M Ilom my M Kakyomya ancient Swahili
Muslim the roadside Shona M Farijika will enemies are many Yoruba God Runyoro M Kizza born
M Hamadi praised M Cherika the comfort Swahili F Ima great beauty F Kamara moonlight Swahili after twins
Ugandan Ibo talkative Zezuru arrives at home Yoruba F Pazima lightning and
M Kobe turtle M Madzimoyo Runyank. F Njere clevernessShona M Olafemi wealth; thunder Zulu
Swahili water of life M Mugisa luck M Njere honor favors me Yoruba F Poni second daughter
M Kodwo born on Ngoni Rutooro clevernessShona M Olamina I am African
Monday Twi F Magani remedy; medicine M Mugisha luck M Njowga shoes wealthy Yoruba M Prah from
F Koffi born on Friday Hausa Rukiga Mwera M Olaniyan honors the Prah river region
Swahili M Magomu M Muhairwe God- M Nkalati a very surround me Yoruba Ghanan
M Kofi born on younger one of given child hard treeLuganda M Olugbala savior F Qadesh an Egyptian
Friday Twi twins Luganda Runyank. F Nkeka tenderness of the people Yoruba goddess Egyptian
M Kosana a F Makeda beautiful M Muhammed Ibo M Olugbodi child M Qawe brave
leader Zulu Ethiopian praised Swahili F Nkosazana born with extra finger Zulu
M Kovan owl M Makker wise M Muhangi God's princess Xhosa Yoruba M Qaweyn brave
Zulu man Amharic own Runyank. F Nobantu popular Xhosa M Olujimi God Zulu
M Kpodo elder of F Malaika an angel Swahili M Mulumba has F Nombeko respect gave me this Yoruba F Qaza a seeker Zulu
twins Ewe F Malika an angel Swahili more than his share Xhosa M Olukayodemy lord F Quetroman
M Krobo river in F Malindi city in Kenya Luganda F Nomble beauty Xhosa brings happiness Yoruba restrained soul
Ghana Ghanan African F Munay loving power F Nomusa merciful M Olumide my Mapuche
F Kuasa strength; power F Malkia queen Swahili Quechua Ndebele fortune has come Yoruba F Quintuqueo
Shona F Marjani beautiful coral F Munaya rainmaker Shona F Nonyameko M Olumiji my lord searches for
M Kuda its Swahili M Mune the patience Xhosa awakensYoruba wisdom Mapuche
God's intention Shona F Marrakesh city in rules Kikuyu M Nosakhere M Oluwa a F Quisa sister of twins
F Kumisa woman's word for Morocco African M Munyiga presses God's way is the praise name for the Creator Egyptian
courage Zulu M Masamba leaves others Mukiga only way Benin Yoruba F Radhiya agreeable one
M Kunaka Yao F Murata friend Kikuyu M Nwabudike M Oluyemi Swahili
handsome one F Masani gap between the M Musisi sons are the fulfillment from M Rahad a river
Shona teeth Luganda pregnant during father's power Ibo God Yoruba in Ethiopia
M Kunle home is F Masara magic Shona an earthquake M Nyakoojo fifth- M Omari God is Ethiopian
filled with honors Yoruba M Mashama you are Luganda born son Rutooro highest Kiswahili F Rai life Hausa
F Kunto third-born child surprised Shona M Musoke born M NyamekyeGod's F Omnira liberation Yoruba F Rasida rightly guided
Twi M Mawagali with under a rainbow gift Akan F Omodele my Swahili
M Kusemererwa numerous Rukonjo F Nyana baby bird Shona child follows me back home M Raviro gift
happiness Abaluhya M Mutebi clan F Nyanza the sea Shona Yoruba from God Shona
Runyoro M Mawalawde totem is a perch M Nyatui tiger M Omodele my F Rayen flower
F Kushinda God will provide Luganda fighter Abaluhya child follows me back home Mapuche
success; victory Ewe M Mutongole clan M Oban king Yoruba F Raziya agreeable Swahili
Swahili M Mawuli there is totem is a heart Yoruba M Onipede the F Rehema compassion
M Kwame born on a God Ewe Luganda M Obaseki the consoler will come Yoruba Swahili
SaturdayAkan M Mayanga sailor of M Muwanga the king's influence goes far M Onuwachi God's M Rehema
F Kwanzaa feast of lakes Luganda creator Luganda Benin world Ibo second-born child
the first fruits Swahili M Mazi sir M Muweba clan M Obataiye king of M Ony leader Kiswahili
M Kwanzaa feast of Ibo totem is sorghum the world Yoruba of the people Ibo F Rukiya she rises up
first fruits Swahili M Mbabazi mercy Luganda M Obawole the king F Onya warning vision Swahili
F Kwashi born on Thursday Rukiga F Nadifa born between two enters the house Yoruba Swahili M Ruko river of
Swahili M Mengesha seasons Somali M Obayana the king M Onyait born on life Shona
M Kwasi born on kingdom F Nadira rare one Hausa warms at the fireplace the grassland Ateso F Rukova river; river of life
Sunday Akan Ethiopian F Nafula born during rainy Yoruba M Onyango born in Shona
M Kwayera dawn M Mensah third season Abaluhya M Obi the morning M Rukundo victory
Ngoni son Ewe F Nafuna born feet first kindness Yoruba Lusamia Shona
M Laniyan F Meria rebellious African Luganda M Odion the F Orma respect Wolof M Runako
thoughtful one M Merille people F Najuma abounding in joy elder one of twins Benin M Oromo an handsome Shona
Yoruba of Ethiopia Swahili M Odom oak ethnic group; herdsmen M Rundo love
F Laumalie full of Ethiopian F Naki first female child tree Ghanan Ethiopian Shona
spirit Tongan F Mesi water Adangbe M Odongo born M Orun sun M Safiri born
M Lauzel can Egyptian F Nasiche born during locust after twins Luo Yoruba while on a journey Swahili
prophesize Zulu M Mhina season Mugosa M Ogbay don't M Orunjan midday F Sakima wise; chief Lenape
F Lauzela dream; vision delightful Swahili M Nassor take from me sun Ibo F Salama peace Swahili
Zulu M Mobo victorious Swahili Ethiopian M Osa ocean M Salehe good
F Laveni lavender freedom Yoruba M Natron lake in M Ogbonna looks Yoruba Swahili
fragrance Tongan M Modupe thank the Rift Valley exactly like his father M Osagboro there is M Salim peace
F Lavenita lavender you Yoruba Tanzanian Ibo only one God Benin Swahili
fragrance Tongan F Moema sweet Tupi M Natukundo M Ogonna father- F Oshun goddess of the F Sama heaven sky
F Lisha to nourish; to M Moja God loves us in-law Ibo Oshun River Yoruba Hausa
cherish Swahili satisfaction Runyank. M Ojore warrior M Oson M Sekayi
F Llanquipan fallen Shona F Naunet goddess of the Ateso summer Yoruba laughter Shona
branch; solitary lioness M Mongo famous underworld M Okafor born on M Osumare rainbow F Sekelaga rejoice
Mapuche Yoruba Egyptian Afor market day Ibo Yoruba Nyakyusa
F Loanda an African city F Monifa I have my luck F Nayo we have joy M Okanlawon M Otem born M Selam peace
African Yoruba Yoruba son born after during traveling Luo Amharic
M Lobengula M Mpasa mat F Neemesha several girls Yoruba F Otesha cultivate the earth M Selassie trinity
historical Ngoni blessings Swahili M Okechuku God's Swahili Amharic
Matabele king M Mpenda fond F Nefertari most beautiful gift Ibo M Othiamba born in M Semanda clan
Zimbabwean lover Mwera Egyptian M Okeke born on the afternoon Luo totem is a cow
F Londa to protect; keep M Mposi M Negash next in the market day Ibo M Ozoama the Luganda
safe Zulu blacksmith line for the throne M Okello born good road in life Yoruba M Semere farmer
F Louam sleep well Nyakyusa Amharic after twins Ateso F Paka kitten Swahili Ethiopian
Ethiopian M Mpoza tax M Negasi he will M Okwayi F Pamojantogetherness M Shani
M Madaadi name collector Luganda be crowned referring to the Swahili marvelous Swahili
of an age group Kikuyu F Mshauri good advisor Amharic Almighty Ateso F Panya mouse; a tiny F Shanira warmed by the
M Madhane savior Swahili M Negus king or M Ola wealth; baby Swahili sun Shona
Amharic F Mshindi champion Swahili emperor Ethiopian riches Ibo F Pasua born by Cesarean F Shany marvelous;
M Madu people M Mugamba F Nehanda strong M Oladele wealth Swahili wonderful Swahili
F Sharia justice Hausa inevitable Mwera present Swahili Aurora African Light
F Shauri counsel; advise M Twesigye let's F Zawati gift; present Dawn Chibeka Afrikaan
Swahili trust in God Rukiga Swahili Latin, Hispanic Bright one, shining as the Fanta
F Shauriana M Twia born F Zinyeza consciousness Averey sun, bright as the sun, Beautiful day
counsel; advise after twins Fante Zulu Strong, wise, desired one. shiny Afrikaan
Swahili F Udoka makes peace with M Zinyeza Afrikaan Afrikaan Faraji
M Simba others Ibo consciousness Azizi Chicha Consolation
strength of a lion M Udoka makes Zulu Precious one Grated coconut African
Shona peace with others Ibo F Zira path; the way Afrikaan Afrikaan Gobad
M Sisay omen M Ujama Shona Azland Chike Fruit
of good things fellowship; M Zira path; Powerful Power of God Africanhausa
Amharic brotherhood Swahili the way Shona Azmera African Godana
M Sisi born on F Ujamaa fellowship; M Ziwa lake Harvest Chiku Male child
Sunday Fante brotherhood Swahili Swahili Afrikaan Chatterer Afrikaan
F Siti respected woman F Ujana noble; excellent F Zoputa protector Yoruba Azuka Afrikaan Gogo
Swahili African Bantu Past glory Chimelu Grandmother
M Siwatu born F Ulu second-born child Amachi Afrikaan Made of god Africanhausa
during conflict Swahili Ibo Who knows what God has Azy Afrikaan Guban
M Siwazuri not M Useni tell me brought us through this Precious China: Thursday Burnt
nice; contentious Swahili Yao child Afrikaan Afrikaan Africanhausa
M Taamiti bravery F Usia wisdom Swahili Afrikaan Baba Chinaka Gure
Lunyole M Usian wisdom Amadi Born on thursday God decides Left handed
F Tabara prosperity Kikuyu Swahili General rejoicing Afrikaan Afrikaan Africanhausa
F Tabea talented Swahili F Utaba song; melody Nigerian Bacia Chinara Gzifa
F Tabia talented Swahili Zulu Aman Family deaths ruined the May God receive Peaceful one
M Tabia one of M Vinza people Trustworthy home Afrikaan Africanhausa
good character Swahili of Tanzania Afrikaan Ugandan Dela eden Haben
F Tadiwa we have been Tanzanian Amandla Badu Saviour Pride
favored Shona M Vuai savior Power. Tenth born child Afrikaan Africanhausa
M Tamu sweet Swahili Afrikaan Afrikaan Dela o kande Habiba
and delightful Swahili F Wanyika of the bush Amani Bahari Girls born after many males Beloved, Sweetheart
F Tana source of the Blue Swahili Peace Sea man Afrikaan Africanhausa
Nile River African M Wanzala born Afrikaan Afrikaan Delu Habika
F Tanisha born on Monday during a famine Lugisu Amanishakhete Bahati The only girl Sweetheart
Hausa F Waseme let them talk Peace Luck, Fortune Afrikaan Africanhausa
M Tano from Swahili Afrikaan Afrikaan Dembe Hada
Tano river region M Wasswa name Andikan Baina Peace Salty place
Ghanan given to twins Conqueror Sparkling Ugandan Africanhausa
F Tany we are comforted Luganda Afrikaan Afrikaan Desta Hadiya
Shona M Watende there Andromeda Bayo Happiness Arabic
M Tany we are shall be no revenge Ruler of men, African To find joy Ethiopian Hirsi
comforted Shona Nyakyusa princess Afrikaan Diallo Amulet
M Tefere seed M Wayanay swallow Afrikaan Bayode Bold Africanhausa
Ethiopian bird Quechua Anisa He Comes With Joy Afrikaan Hola
M Teka he has M Yacob Joy, pleasure Afrikaan Diara Saviour
replaced Amharic substitute Arabic Bela Gift Africanhausa
M Tekle my Ethiopian Annakiya To Perch Afrikaan Hova
plant Ethiopian M Yafeu bold Sweet face Czech Diata Middle class
F Teleza slippery Ngoni Ibo Afrikaan Belay Lion Africanhausa
F Tendai to give thanks M Yahcay Anulka Above, superior Afrikaan Huso
Shona knowledge; Happiness is the best Afrikaan Drama Sadness of the Bride
M Tendai to give wisdom Quechua Afrikaan Bella To be full of Africanhausa
thanks Shona M Yahya God's Ashaki Slave, Freed slave Afrikaan Ibeamaka
F Themba trusted Zulu gift Swahili Beautiful French Duka The agnates are splendid
M Thenga bring M Yanapay helpful Afrikaan Bem All Africanhausa
him Yao one Quechua Ashia Peace Afrikaan Ice
F Theraniabright shine M Yao born on The prophet Muhammad's Nigerian Eshe Supreme Goddess
Kikuyu Thursday Ewe wife Berhane Life Africanhausa
M Tian respect M Yonas dove Afrikaan My light Afrikaan Ifama
Kikuyu Ethiopian Ashon Afrikaan Esi All is well
F Tiana respect Kikuyu M Yoofi born on Seventh-born son Bibi Born on Sunday Africanhausa
F Tianira respect Kikuyu Friday Akan Ghanese Daughter of a king, Lady, Afrikaan Ife Wide, love hausa
M Tombe village M Yooku born on Ashur Grandmother Esiankiki Ifeoma It's a good thing,
in Uganda Kakwa Wednesday Fante Born during the month Afrikaan Young maiden Beautiful hausa
F Tonde listen to usShona M Yorkoo born on Afrikaan Bikita Afrikaan Ifiok Wisdom hausa
M Tonde God Thursday Fante Asis Anteater Esinam Ifrah Pretty hausa
please listen to our cry M Yusuf He Sun Afrikaan God has heard Isis Supreme Goddess
Shona shall add to my powers Afrikaan Bina Afrikaan Egyptian
M Tongo we will Kenyan Assaggi Freshness Essien Ismitta
stay the same Shona M Zafan melody Strong Hindu Sixth-born son Daughter of the Mountains of
M Tor king Amharic Afrikaan Binta African the Moon
Tiv M Zamy strives Asura With God Fabunni Afrikaan
F Tripaileo passionate to attain Zulu Female children born during Afrikaan God has given me this Isoke
woman Mapuche F Zano well-thought plans the Muslim month of Ashur Chatha Afrikaan Satisfying gift
M Tumusiime Shona Afrikaan An ending Faizah African
we thank God M Zaramo people Atsukpi Afrikaan Victorious Issa
Rukiga of Tanzania Female twin Cheche African Grateful
F Tusa prairie dogZuni Tanzanian Afrikaan Small thing Falala Afrikaan
M Tusuubira we F Zawadi gift; present Audi Afrikaan Born in abundance Issay
have hope Rukiga Swahili Last daughter Chiamaka Afrikaan Hairy
M Tuwile death is M Zawadi gift; Afrikaan God is splendid Fana Afrikaan
Iverem Afrikaan Beautiful eyes Unusual
Blessing, Favor Karimah Afrikaan Africanhausa
Africanhausa Generous Mahari Nadra
Iyangura African Forgiver Unusual
To arbitrate, To perform Karna Afrikaan Africanhausa
ceremonies for the birth of Horn of an animal Mahdi Naeem
twins Afrikaan The expected one Benevolent
Africanhausa Keasha Afrikaan North African
Izefia Pretty Maisha Nafisa
I have no child Afrikaan Life Unknown
Africanhausa Keb Afrikaan Africanhausa
Izza Earth Maizah Nafuna
Grateful Afrikaan Discerning Delivered feet-first
Africanhausa Keeya African Africanhausa
Ja Garden flower Makalo Nagesa
Magnetic Afrikaan Wondering Born in the harvest season
Africanhausa Kehinde Afrikaan Africanhausa
Ja'Leesa Second of tiwns Makda Rashid
Sweet person Yoruban Woman from Magdala, One Wise adviser
Afrikaan Kei who is elevated, A high Swahili
Jendyose Sandy, white tower Rashida
Have done good to produce Japanese Afrikaan Righteous
a child Keisha Makeda African
Ugandan Favourite Beautiful armrest Razi
Jengo African Afrikaan Secret
One with reddish complexion Kemiah Makemba African
Afrikaan Queen A Congolese Goddess. Raziya
Jifunza Afrikaan Afrikaan Sweet, Agreeable
Teach oneself Kendi Makena African
Afrikaan The loved one The happy one Rehema
Jira Afrikaan Afrikaan Compassion
Related by blood Kengi Mariama Africanhausa
Afrikaan Whose child? - Taken from Gift of God Reth
Johari the subject of a Loma Africanhausa King
Jewel folktale Mariatu Africanhausa
Afrikaan Afrikaan Pure Rhaxma
Juba Kenya Africanhausa Sweet
Born on Monday Artist Marjani Africanhausa
Afrikaan Afrikaan Coral Roho
Juji Kenyangi African Soul
Heap of love White egret Marka Africanhausa
Afrikaan Ugandan Steady rain Zalika
Julisha Kiden Africanhausa Well-born.
To make known Female born after 3+ boys. Markabo African
Afrikaan Africanhausa Ship
Juma Kifle Africanhausa
Born on Friday My class Mashaka
African Africanhausa Trouble
Jumoke Kiho Africanhausa
Everyone loves the baby Fog Massassi
Yoruban Africanhausa Makoni of Zimbabwe legend
Jwahir Kijana name for first woman on
Golden lady Youth earth
Afrikaan Africanhausa Africanhausa
Kamili Kima Mawunyaga
Perfection Love God is great
Afrikaan Africanhausa Africanhausa
Kamwimbile Kimmy Meria
Sing or praise God ?Origin: From the name kimberly Rebellious one
Bemba, Zambia Africanhausa Africanhausa
Afrikaan Kimoni Messina
Kande Great man The spoiler
Firstborn daughter Africanhausa Latin, Hispanic
Afrikaan Kinfe Mhina
Kanelo Wing Delightful
Enough Africanhausa Africanhausa
Afrikaan Kione Mutia
Kanene Someone who comes from Honored one
A little thing in the eye is big nowhere Africanhausa
African Africanhausa Myeisha
Kanika Kirabo One who is loved greatly
Black cloth Gift from god Nabelung
Kenyan Africanhausa Beautiful one
Kanoni Kiros African
Little bird The king Nabulung
Afrikaan Africanhausa Do not receive
Kapera Maeika African
This child will die too Pronounced mah-e-ka i is Nadifa
African kinda silent Born between two seasons
Karasi Afrikaan Africanhausa
Life and wisdom Maha Nadira
MIDDLE-EAST Asmaa: names Faysal: judge Houssam/Husam: sword Mansoor/Mansour/Mansur: Rahman: merciful
ARABIC Asra: night travel Fidda/Fizza: silver Husna: more beautiful victorious Rais: leader, chief
Aali: high, sublime Ata: gift Fihr: stone pestle Husniya: excellence Maram: wish Raisa/Raissa: leader
Aaliyah: lofty Atallah/Ataullah: gift of God Fikri: intellectual Ibraheem/Ibrahim Mariam/Maryam: Maria Raja: hope
Aamina/Aaminah/Aminah: Atifa: kindness Fikriyya: intellectual Ibthaj: joy Marwa: fragrant plant Rajab/Rajib: respect
feel safe Atiya: gift Firdaus/Firdos: paradise Ibtisam: smile Masood/Masoud/Masud: Rajiya/Rajya: hopeful
Abbas: austere Atuf: loving Fouad/Fuad: heart Ihab: gift lucky Ramadan:
Abd Al-Aziz: servant of the Ayman: lucky Gabir/Jabir: comforter Ihsan: charity Masuma: innocent Ramla/Ramlah: sand
powerful Azhar: shining, bright Gabr/Jabr: consolation Ikraam/Ikram: honour Mazin: rain clouds Rana: eye-catching object
Abd Al-Hamid: servant of the Aziz: beloved Gafar/Jafar/Jaffar/Jaffer: Ilham: inspired dream Midha/Midhat: praise Randa: scented tree
praised Azra: virgin stream Ilyas: Elijah Miraj: place of ascent Raniya/Ranya: looking at
Abd Al-Kader/Abd Al-Qadir: Badr: full moon Galal/Jalal: greatness Imad: support, pillar Mirza: prince Rasha: young gazelle
servant of the powerful Baha: glory Galil/Jalil: exalted Imam: leader Mis’id/Mus’ad: lucky Rashad: good sense
Abd Al-Karim: servant of the Bahadur: hero Galila/Jalila: exalted Iman/Imen: faith Mona/Mouna/Mounya/ Rashed/Rasheed/Rashid:
generous Bahiga/Bahija: happy Gamal/Jamaal/Jamal: beauty Imtiyaz: distinction Muna/Munya: wishes rightly guided
Abdallah/Abdullah: servant of Bahij: happy Gamil/Jameel/Jamil: beautiful Inam: giving Mostafa/Mustafa/Mustapha: Rashida: rightly guided
God Bahiyya: beautiful Gamila/Jameela/Jamila/ Inas: friendliness chosen one Rasim: planner
Abd Al-Latif: servant of the Baki/Baqi: eternal Jamillah: beautiful Iqbal: fortunate Mubin: clear Rasima: planner
gentle Bakr: young camel Gathbiyya/Gazbiyya/ Irfan: knowledge Mubina: clear Rasul: prophet
Abd Al-Malik: servant of the Baqir: to rip open Jathbiyya/Jathibiyya: charm Isam: security Mufaddal: preferred Rauf: compassionate
king Barack/Barak: blessing Gauhar/Gawahir/Jawahir: Iskandar: Alexander Muhsin: beneficent Rawiya/Rawya: storyteller
Abd Al-Rahman: servant of Barakat: blessings jewels Ismat: safeguarding Muhsina: beneficent Rayhana/Rihanna: basil
the merciful Basil: brave Gawdat/Jawdat: Isra: travel by night Mukhtar: chosen Raza/Rida/Ridha: satisfaction
Abd Al-Rashid: servant of the Basim/Bassam/Bassem: Ghada: graceful woman Itidal: temperance Mumina: believer Reem/Rim: white antelope
rightly guided smiling Ghadir: stream Itimad: reliance Mumtaz: distinguished Riad/Riaz: meadows
Abd Al-Wali: servant of the Basima: smiling Ghalib: conqueror Izdihar: blossoming Munir: bright Ridwan/Rizwan: satisfaction
guardian Basir: wise Ghaliya: precious Izz Al-Din/Izz Ud-Din: glory of Munira: bright Ridwana/Rizwana:
Abdul: servant Basira: wise Ghassan: youth religion Murad: wish, desire satisfaction
Abla: full-figured Basit: one who enlarges Ghayth: rain Jabbar: powerful Murtada/Murtaza: chosen Ruba: hill
Abu: father of Basma: smile Ghufran: forgiveness Jabril/Jibril: Gabriel Musa: Moses Ruh: spirit
Abu Al-Fadl/Abul-Fazl: Batul: virgin Ghulam: servant boy Janan: heart, soul Mutamid/Tamid: relying on Ruqayya/Ruqayyah: rise
Abu Bakr: Bilal: wetting Guda/Juda: goodness Jawdat: goodness Mutasim: faithful to God Rusul: prophets
Adel/Adil: fair, just Botros/Boutros/Butrus: Peter Habib: beloved Jinan: garden, Eden Nabil: noble Ruwa: beauty
Adnan: settler Boulos/Bulus: Paul Habiba: darling Jumana/Jumanah: pearl Nabila: noble Ruya: vision, sight
Afaf: chastity Budur: full moon Hadi: leader, guide Junaid/Junayd: small army Nada: generosity; dew Sa’adat: luck, happiness
Afif: chaste Dalal: coquettishness Hadia/Hadiya: guide Kader/Qadir: Nader/Nadir: rare Sabah: morning
Afra: whitish red Daniyah: close Hadil: cooing Kamal: perfection Nadia/Nadiyya/Nadya: moist, Sabeen: follower of another
Afzal: better Daud/Dawud: David Hadiyya: gift Kamil: perfect tender religion
Ahmad/Ahmed: more Dema/Dima: downpour Hadjara/Hagar/Hagir/Hajar: Kamila: perfect Nadim: drinking buddy Sabri: patient
commendable Diya/ Zia/Ziya: light Hadya/Hadiya: Karam: generosity Nadira: rare Sabriyya: patient
Aida/Ayda: returning visitor Djamila/Jamila: Hafeez/Hafiz: custodian Kareem/Karim: generous Nadra: radiance Sa’d: good luck
Aisha/Aicha/Ayesha/Ayishah: Dua: prayer Hafsa/Hafsah/Hafza: Karima: generous Nagi/Naji: safe Sadaf: seashell
alive Duha: morning gathering Khadiga/Khadija/Khatijah: Nagib/Najib: noble Saddam: one who confronts
Akeem: Ebrahim/Ibrahim: Haidar/Haider/Hayder: lion child Nail: attainer Sa’di: fortunate
Akilah/Aqila: Esmail/Ismail: Haifa/Hayfa: Khaled/Khalid: eternal Naila: attainer Sa’dia: fortunate
Akram: most generous Essa/Isa/Issa: Jesus Hakeem/Hakim: wise Khaleel/Khalil: friend Na’im: tranquil Safi: pure
Ala: excellence Fadi: savior Hala: moon halo Khalida: eternal Na’ima: tranquil Safiya/Safiyyah: pure
Ala Al-Din: excellence of Fadia: savior Halim: patient Khalifa: successor Najwa: secret, whisper Sahar: dawn
religion Fadil: generous Halima: patient Khalilah: friend Naseer/Nasir: Sa’id: happy, lucky
Ali: sublime Fadila: generous Hameed/Hamid: praised Khaliq: creator Nashwa: ecstasy Sa’ida: happy, lucky
Alia/Alya: heaven Fadl/Fazl: generosity Hamza: strong Khayrat: good deed Nasib: noble Saif: sword
Alim: scholar Fahd: panther Hana/Hanaa: bliss Khayri: charitable Nasim: breeze Saif Al-Din: sword of the faith
Alina: noble Fahim: scholar Hanan: mercy Khayriyya: charitable Nasir/Nasser: helper Saiful: sword of
Aliya/Aliyah/Aliyya/Aliyyah: Fahima: scholar Hani: happy Khayyam: tent maker Nasira: helper Saifullah: sword of God
sublime Fairuz/Fayruz: Hania/Haniyah/Haniyya: Laila/Layla/Leila/Leyla: night Naveed/Navid: good news Sajjad: kneeling in prayer
Almas: diamond Faiz: victorious pleasant Lamia: radiant Nawal: gift Sakhr: solid rock
Amal: hope Faiza/Fayza: victorious Hanif: true, upright Lamis: soft Nawra: blossom Sakina: calmness
Amani: wishes Faizel/Faysal: Hanifa: true Lamya: beautiful dark lips Nazih: honest Salah m: righteousness
Amin: truthful Fajr: dawn Harith: good provider Lateefah/Latifa: kind Nazli: delicate Salah Al-Din: righteousness
Amina/Aminah: truthful Fakhri: honourary Haroun/Harun: Aaron Latif: gentle, kind Nima: blessing in faith
Amir: prince Fakhriyya: honourary Hasan/Husain/Husayn/ Lawahiz: glances Nimat: blessings Saleem/Salim: safe
Amira/Amirah: princess Farag/Faraj: remedy Hussein: handsome Lina: palm tree; tender Nizar: little Saleh/Salih: virtuous
Amjad: more glorious Farah: joy Hashim: crusher Lubna: storax tree Noor/Nour/Nur: light Salha: virtuous
Ammar m: virtuous Fareed/Farid: unique Hasib: noble Lujayn: silver Nuha: wisdom Saliha: virtuous
Amna: safety Farida: unique Hasim: decisive Lulu: pearl Nura: light Salil: sword; son
Amram/Imram/Imran: Fariha: happy Hasna: beauty Lutfi: kind, gentle Omar/Umar: flourishing Salima/Salma/Selima: safe
Anas/Anass: friendliness Faris: knight Hassan: beautifier Maalik/Malik: owner Osama/Usama: lion Salman: safe
Anis: friendly Farooq/Faruq/Farouk: person Hatim: determined Maha: oryx Qadir: capable Salwah: comfort
Anisa:friendly who can tell right from Hawa: Eve Mahdi: guided one Qamar: moon Samad: eternal
Anwar/Anwer: brighter wrong Hayfa: slender Mahfuz: safeguarded Qasim: one who divides Samar: evening talk
Aqil: wise Farrah: joy Haytham: young eagle Mahir: skilled goods among his people Sameer/Samir:
Aqila: wise Fathi: conqueror Hesham/Hisham: Mahmood/Mahmoud/ Qismat: fate Sameera/Samira:
Arij: fragrance Fathiyya: conqueror Hiba: gift Mahmud/Mahomet/ Qusay: distant Sami: sublime
Arwa: mountain goat Fatima/Fatimah/Fatma: to Hikmat: wisdom Mihammad/Mohamed/ Rabab: musical instrument Samia/Samiya: sublime
As’ad: luckier abstain Hind: group of camles Muhammad: praiseworthy Rabi: springtime Samina/Thamina:
Asad: lion Fatin: charming Hisein/Husayn: Majid: glorious Rabi’a: springtime Samir: companion in evening
Ashfaq: compassion Faudel/Fawdl: Hisham: generous Makram: generous Ra’d: thunder talk
Ashraqat: brightness Fawzi: triumph Hooda/Houda/Huda: right Malaika: angels Rafiq: friend; gentle Samira:
Asif: forgiveness Fawziya/Fawziyya: triumph guidance Malak: angel Rafiqa: friend; gentle Sana: brilliance
Asim: protector Fayiz: victor Hosni/Husni: beauty, Malik: king Rahat: comfort Sani: splendid
Asma: supreme Fayruz: turquoise excellence Malika: queen Raheem/Rahim: kind Saniyya/Sanya: splendid
Sara/Sarah: princess Yasmeen/Yasmin/Yasmine: the Arbitrator Abdul-Rahman - Servant of Alhasan - The handsome, luminous
Sawsan: Susanna Jasmine Abdul-Hakim - Servant of the the Beneficent the good; name of the Azeem, Azim - Defender,
Sayyid: lord, master Yousef/Youssef/Yusef/Yusuf: Wise One Abdul-Rashid - Servant of Prophet's grandson referring to one of God's
Sayyida: lady, mistress Joseph Abdul-Halim - Servant of the the Rightly Guided One Alhusain, Alhusayn - ninety-nine qualities
Shad: happy Yunus: Jonah Patient One Abdul-Ra'uf - Servant of the Diminutive of the Aziz, 'Aziz - Powerful (dear)
Shadi: singer Yushua: Joshua Abdul-Hamid - Servant of the Compassionate handsome, the good; name Azzam, 'Azzam -
Shadiya/Shadya: singer Yusra: wealth Praised One Abdul-Razzaq - Servant of of the Prophet's grandson Determined, resolved
Shafaqat: pity Zaahir: to shine Abdul-Haqq - Servant of the the Maintainer, the Provider Ali, 'Ali, 'Aliyy - The highest, Badi – Marvelous
Shafiq: compassionate Zaahir: to become clear Truth Abdul-Sabur - Servant of the greatest, excellent, noble; Badi al Zaman - The marvel
Shafiqa: compassionate Zaahira: to shine Abdul-Hasib - Servant of the Patient name of the Prophet's son- of time
Shahd: honey Zahi: beautiful Respected, Esteemed Abdul-Salam - Servant of the in-law and the fourth Caliph Badr - Full moon
Shahid: witness Zahia: beautiful Abdul-Hayy - Servant of the Peace Alim - Wise or learned Badr al Din - Full moon of the
Shahira: renowned Zahid: pious, devout Living Abdul-Samad - Servant of Almahdi - Guided to the right faith
Shahnaz: pride of the kind Zahida: pious Abdul-Jabbar - Servant of the the Eternal path Badri - One who took part in
Shahrazad/Shahrizad: free Zahir: helper Compeller Abdul-Sami - Servant of the Al Safi - Clear, pure, fine the battle of Badr
city Zahira: helper Abdul-Jalil - Servant of the All-Hearing Altaf – Kindness Baha, Baha' - Beautiful,
Shahzad: prince Zahra: bright Great, Revered One Abdul-Sattar - Servant of the Altair - The flying eagle; also magnificent
Shaimaa/Shayma: Zahrah/Zaray: bloom Abdul-Karim - Servant of the Protector refers to a first magnitude Baha al Din, Bahiyy al Din -
Shakeel/Shakil: handsome Zaid/Zayd: to increase Noble, Generous One Abdul-Shahid - Servant of star in the constellation Magnificence of the faith
Shakeela/Shakila: beautiful Zaida: to increase Abdul-Khabir - Servant of the the Witness Lyra Bahij – Cheerful
Shakir/Shakur: thankful Zain/Zayn: grace Aware Abdul-Shakur - Servant of Al Tayyib - The good one Bahir - Dazzling, brilliant
Shakira/Shakura: thankful Zaina/Zayna: grace Abdul-Khaliq - Servant of the the Most Thankful Al Tijani – Crowning Bakr - Old Arabic name
Sham’a: lamp, candle Zainab/Zaynab: grace Creator Abdul-Tawwab - Servant of Al Tufail, Al Tufayl - Old Bakri - One who starts work
Shams Al-Din/Shamsuddin: Zakaria/Zakariyya: Zack Abdul-Latif - Servant of the the Forgiver Arabic name early
sun religion Zaki: pure Kind One Abdul-Wadud - Servant of Amid – General Baligh – Eloquent
Shareef/Sharif/Sherif: Zakiah/Zakiyya: pure Abdul-Malik - Servant of the the Loving 'Amid – Support Bandar - Seaport, district
virtuous Zaman: time, era Master (or King) Abdul-Wahhab - Servant of Amin, Ameen - Faithful, capital
Shariah: divine law Ziad/Ziyad: growth Abdul-Majid - Servant of the the Giver trustworthy Barakah – Blessing
Sharifa: virtuous Ziauddin/Ziya Al-Din: Glorious One Abdul-Wahid - Servant of the Amir, Ameer - Ruler, prince, Barir – Faithful
Shayma: to look out splendor of religion Abdul-Matin - Servant of the Unique One leader Bashir - Bringer of glad
Shazi: fragrant Zubaida: elite Firm, Strong Abdul-Wajid - Servant of the 'Amir - Prosperous, populous tidings
Shihab: shooting star Zulayha/Zuleika/Zulekha: Abdul-Mubdi' - Servant of the Finder Amjad - More glorious Bashshar - Bringer of many
Shukri: thanking Zulfaqar/Zulfikar/Zulfiqar: Originator Abdul-Wakil - Servant of the Ammar, 'Ammar - Builder, glad tidings
Shukriya/Shkriyya: thanking cleaver of the spine Abdul-Mughni - Servant of Trustee constructor Basil – Brave
Shula: flame Aban - Old Arabic name the Enricher Abdul-Wali - Servant of the 'Amro - Old Arabic name Basim, Bassam – Smiling
Suha: forgotten Abbas - Description of a Abdul-Muhaimin - Servant of Governor Anas - Very sociable; name Bayhas - Name of the lion
Suhail/Suhayl: Canopus star lion the Supervising, the Abdul-Waliy - Servant of the of one of the Prophet's Bilal - Satisfies thirst; name
Sulaimain/Sulayman/ Abbud – Worshipper Guardian, the Protector Protecting companions of the Prophet's Muezzin
Suleyman: Abbudin – Worshippers Abdul-Muhsi - Servant of the Abdul-Warith - Servant of the Anis - Close friend (one who calls for prayer)
Sultan: ruler Abdul, Abdel, 'Abd al - Reckoner Supreme Inheritor 'Antarah - Heroic; name of an Bishr – Joy
Sultana: ruler Servant (of Allah) Abdul-Muhyi - Servant of the Abdul-Zahir - Servant of the Arab folk hero Boulos - Arabic form of "Paul"
Sumayya: high above Abdul-'Adl - Servant of the Giver of Life Manifest Anwar - Radiant, full of light Budail, Budayl - Name of a
Suraya/Surayya/Thurayya: Just Abdul-Mu'id - Servant of the Abdullah - Servant of God 'Aqil - Old Arabic name companion of the Prophet
the Pleiades Abdul-Ahad - Servant of the Restorer 'Abid - Worshipper, adorer Arfan – Gratitude Burhan – Proof
Tabassum: smiling One Abdul-Mu'izz - Servant of the 'Abidin - Worshippers, Arif – Corporal Bushr - Joy, happiness
Taha: Abdul-Alim - Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory adorers 'Arif - Aquainted, Butrus - Arabic form of
Tahir: virtuous Omniscient Abdul-Mujib - Servant of the Abu Bakr - Name of one of knowledgable "Peter"
Tahira: virtuous Abdul-Aliyy - Servant of the Responder the Prophet's companions Asad – Lion Dabir – Secretary
Tahmid: praising Most High Abdul-Mu'min - Servant of Abu al Khayr - One who does As'ad - Happy, fortunate, Dani - Near, close
Taj: crown Abdul-Azim - Servant of the the Giver of Faith good lucky Darwish – Dervish
Talaat/Tal’at: face Mighty Abdul-Muqaddim - Servant of Adan - (Garden of) Eden Asadel - Most prosperous Da'ud, Dawud - Beloved; a
Talib: student Abdul-Aziz - Servant of the the Expediter Adel, 'Adil – Just one Prophet's name (David)
Taliba: student Powerful (Dear) One Abdul-Muqtadir - Servant of Adham - Black or dark Ashraf - Most honorable Dhakir - One who remembers
Tarek/Tarik/Tariq: he who Abdul-Badi - Servant of the the Powerful Adib - Cultured, well Asif – Forgiveness God frequently
knocks at the door Incomparable Abdul-Musawwir - Servant of mannered one Asim, 'Asim - Protector, Dhakiy - Intelligent, bright
Tasnim: a spring in paradise Abdul-Ba'ith - Servant of the the Fashioner 'Adli - Judicial, juridicial defender Dhakwan – Intelligent
Tawfiq: good fortune Resurrector Abdul-Muta'al - Servant of Adnan, 'Adnan - Old Arabic Aswad – Black Dhul Fiqar - Name of the
Tayeb/Tayyib: pleasant Abdul-Baqi - Servant of the the Most High name Ata', 'Ataa – Gift Prophet's sword
Thamina: healthy Everlasting Abdul-Nafi' - Servant of the 'Afif, Afeef - Chaste, modest Ata' Allah - Gift of God Dirar - Old Arabic name
Thamir: fruitful Abdul-Bari - Servant of the Benefactor Ahmad, Ahmed - Most highly Ata' al Rahman - Gift of the Diya - Brightness, light
Thana: praise Creator Abdul-Nasser - Servant of adored, or most praised; Beneficent Diya al Din - Brightness of
Tuba: heavenly tree Abdul-Barr - Servant of the the Victorious One variation of the name Athil - Firmly rooted the faith
Tufayl: small child Source of All Goodness Abdul-Nasir - Servant of the "Muhammad" Athir - Favored, preferred Duqaq
Usman/Uthman: baby Abdul-Basir - Servant of the Helper, Protector 'Ajib – Wonderful Atif, 'Atif - Compassionate, Fadi – Redeemer
bustard All-Seeing Abdul-Nur - Servant of the 'Akif – Focused sympathetic Fadil - Generous, honorable,
Uzma: supreme Abdul-Basit - Servant of the Light Akil - Intelligent, thoughtful, Awad, 'Awad - Reward, superior
Wadud: lover Extender Abdul-Qadir - Servant of the one who uses reason compensation Fadl - Favor, surplus
Wafai: loyalty Abdul-Fattah - Servant of the Capable Akram - Most generous 'Awf - A plant with a nice Fadl Allah - Favor of Allah
Wafi: trustworthy Opener (of the gates of Abdul-Qahhar - Servant of Ala' - Nobility, excellence smell Fahd, Fahad - Leopard, lynx
Wafiya: trustworthy sustenance) the Subduer, the Almighty Ala' al Din - Excellence of Aws - To give Fahmi – Understanding
Waheed/Wahid: unique Abdul-Ghaffar - Servant of Abdul-Qawi - Servant of the faith Awwab - Returning (to Allah) Faisal, Faysal – Decisive
Waheeda/Wahida: unique the Forgiver Most Strong Al 'Abbas - Description of a Ayham – Brave Fa'iz – Winner
Walid: newborn Abdul-Ghafur - Servant of the Abdul-Qayyum - Servant of lion; name of the Prophet's Ayman - Lucky; on the right Fakhir - Proud, excellent
Waqar: majesty Forgiving the Self-Subsisting uncle Ayser - Easy in dealing, Fakhr al Din - Pride of the
Wasi: broad-minded Abdul-Ghani - Servant of the Abdul-Quddus - Servant of Aladdin, Ala' al din - Nobility wealthy faith
Wasim/Wassim: handsome Self-Sufficient the Most Holy of faith Ayyub, Ayoob - A Prophet's Fakhri, Fakhry – Honorary
Widad: love Abdul-Hadi - Servant of the Abdul-Rafi' - Servant of the Al Bara' - Wholesome with name (Job) Fakih - Legal expert; one
Yacine/Yasin: Guide One Who Raises, Elevates innocence Aza – Comfort who recites the Qu'ran
Yahya: John Abdul-Hafiz - Servant of the (intellect, esteem) Al Hakam - The arbitrator, the 'Azab - Touring, travelling, Falah – Success
Yakub/Yaqub: Jacob Protector Abdul-Rahim - Servant of the judge wandering Falih – Successful
Yasir/Yasser: to be rich Abdul-Hakam - Servant of Merciful Al Harith - The plowman Azhar - Most shining, Faraj, Farraj - Relief, freedom
from grief Hassan - Beautiful, Jaul – Choice Mahbub - Beloved, dear Sword Najid - Lion, brave
Farhan – Happy handsome Jaun - Kind of plant Mahdi - Guided to the right Muhib - Noble, respected Najjar – Carpenter
Farid, Fareed - Unique, rare Hatim – Judge Jawad - Open-handed, path Muhibb – Loving Najm al Din - Star of the faith
Fariq, Fareeq - Lieutenant Haydar – Lion generous Mahfuz - Safe, protected by Muhsin - Beneficient, Na'man - Old Arabic name
General Haytham - Young hawk Jawdah - Heavy rain, God charitable Namir - Good, pure, dear
Faris - Horseman, knight, Hayyan - Old Arabic name benevolent deed Mahir – Skilled Muhtadi - Rightly guided Nash'ah, Nash'at - Growing
cavalier Hazim – Resolute Jawhar - Jewel, essence Mahjub - Concealed, veiled Muhyi al Din - Reviver of the up, youth
Faruq, Farooq - One who Hilal, Hilel - The new moon Jibran - Old Arabic name Mahmud, Mahmoud - The faith Nashwan - Exultant, elated
distinguishes truth from Hilmi - Gentle, calm Jibril - Archangel of Allah praised one; variation of the Mu'in - Supporter, helper Nasib - Noble, relative
falsehood Hisham – Generosity (Gabriel) name "Muhammad" Mu'izz – Comforter Nasih - Advisor, counselor
Fath – Victory Hud, Houd - A Prophet's Jihad - Struggle, holy war Mahrus - Protected (by God) Mujab - One whose prayers Nasim - Fresh air
Fathi - Victorious one name Jubair, Jubayr - Old Arabic Maimun, Maymun – Lucky were answered Nasir - Protector, helper,
Fatih – Conqueror Hudad - Name of a pre- name Majd – Glory Mujahid - Fighter (in the way supporter
Fatin, Fateen - Clever, smart Islamic Arabic king Jul - Resolution, firm will Majdy – Glorious of Allah) Nasir al Din - Protector of the
Fawwaz - Most successful Hudhafah - Old Arabic name Jumah, Jumu'ah - (Born on) Majd al Din - Glory of the Mukarram – Honored faith
Fawzan – Victorious Hudhaifah, Hudhayfah - Old Friday Faith Mukhlis - Faithful, sincere Nasr, Nasser – Victory
Fawzi - To do with success Arabic name Junaid, Junayd - Young Majid – Glorious Mukhtar – Chosen Nasri - Of victory
Fayyad - Overflowing, Humam - Brave, noble, fighter Makin - Strong, firm, well- Mulham – Inspired Nasuh - Sincere, faithful
generous courageous, generous Juwain, Juwayn - Sibling founded Mulhim – Inspiring Nawaf, Nawwaf - High, lofty
Ferran – Baker Husain, Husayn, Hussein - Kadar, Kedar – Powerful Malik - Master, king Mu'mmar - Given or granted Nawfal - Generous; old
Fida - Redemption, sacrifice Beautiful, doer of good Kadeen, Kadin - Friend, Mamdouh, Mamduh - One long life Arabic name for the sea
Fikri - Thought, ideas deads; a descendent of the companion, confidant who is commended, Mu'min – Believer Nayif, Naif - High, excellent;
Firas – Perspicacity Prophet Kadeer, Kadir - Green or praised, glorified Mumtaz – Excellent surplus, abundance
Fouad, Fu'ad – Heart Husam – Sword green crop (connoting Ma'mun - Trustworthy, Munahid – Strong Nazih, Nazeeh - Pure, chaste
Fudail - Excellent in Husam al Din - Sword of the freshness and innocence) trusted Mundhir - Warner, cautioner Nazim, Nazeem - Arranger,
character faith Kahil - Friend, lover Ma'n, Ma'in – Benefit Munib – Repentent adjuster
Gamal, Gamali – Camel Ibrahim - Father of a Kaliq - Creative, refers to a Mandhur - Vowed, Munif - Exalted, excellent Nazmi - Arranger, organizer
Ghaith, Ghayth – Rain multitude; a Prophet's quality of God consecrated to God Munir, Muneer - Brilliant, Nibras - Lamp, light
Ghali - Valuable, dear, name (Abraham) Kamal - Beauty, perfection Mansur - Divinely aided, shining Nidal – Struggle
beloved, expensive 'Id - Feast, festival Kamil, Kameel - Perfect; one victorious Mu'nis - Pleasant companion Nijad - Tall, dominant
Ghalib – Victor Idris - A Prophet's name of the ninety-nine qualities Marghub - Desirable, Munjid – Helper Nimr – Tiger
Ghanim – Successful Ihsan - Kindness, of God coveted Munsif - Just, right Nizar - Old Arabic name
Ghassan - Ardor, vigor (of beneficence; highest level Karam – Generosity Marid – Rebellious Muntasir – Victorious Nu'aim, Nu'aym - Name of
youth) of Iman Kardal - Mustard seed Ma'ruf - Well-known, good Murad - Wanted, desired several of the Prophet's
Ghawth - Succor, to help Ihtisham - Modesty, decency Karif, Kareef - Born in Marwan - Old Arabic name Murshid – Guide companions
Ghazi – Conqueror 'Ikrimah - Old Arabic name Autumn Marzuq - Blessed by God, Murtada, Murtadi, Murtadhy - Nuh, Nooh - A Prophet's
Ghazwan - One on Ilias - A Prophet's name Karim, Kareem - Generous, fortunate Satisfied, contented, name (Noah)
expedition, to conquer (Elijah) noble, friendly, precious Mash'al – Torch pleased Nuhaid, Nuhayd – Big
Ghiyath - Succorer Imad, 'Imad - Support, pillar and distinguished Mashhur – Famous Musa, Moosa - A Prophet's Numair – Panther
Habbab - Affable, lovable Imad al Din - Pillar of the Kasib, Kaseeb – Fertile Masrur - Happy, joyful name (Moses) Nu'man - Blood, red
Habib – Beloved faith Kaseem, Kasim – Divided Mas'ud - Fortunate, happy, Mus'ab - Old Arabic name Nur al Din - Brightness of the
Hadad - Syrian god of fertility Imam - Leader (of prayer or Kateb, Katib - Writer, scribe lucky Mus'ad - Unfettered camel; faith
Haddad – Smith community) Kazim - Well-tempered, cool, Masun - Well-protected, favored by fortune, lucky Nuri, Noori - Shining,
Hadi - Guiding to the right Imran, 'Imran - Long-lived; a patient sheltered Musa'id - Helper, supporter brightness
(truth) Prophet's name Khalaf - Descendent, Maysarah - Of comfort, ease Mushtaq - Longing, yearning Nusrah, Nusrat - Help,
Hafiz - Protector, one who Imtiyaz - Mark of distinction successor Mazhar – Appearance Muslih - Conciliator, reformer support
has memorized the Qur'an or excellence Khaldun, Khaldoon - Old Mazin - Old Arabic name Muslim - Submitting oneself Qasim - Divider, distributor
Hakem - Ruler, governor In'am - Act of benefaction, Arabic name Mihran - Name of a to God Qays, Qais – Firm
Hakim, Hakeem - Wise, one bestowal Khalid, Khaled – Eternal companion of the Prophet Mustafa - Chosen; one of the Qudamah – Courageous
of God's ninety-nine Iqbal - Prosperity, good Khalifah – Caliph Mihyar - Name of a famous Prophet's names Qusay - Old Arabic name
qualities fortune Khalil, Khaleel, Kalil - poet Muta' – Obeyed Qatadah - Name of a
Halim - Mild, gentle, patient Irfan, 'Irfan – Thankfulness Beautiful, good friend Mika'il - Name of an Angel Mu'tasim - Adhering (to faith, companion of the Prophet
Hamal – Lamb Isa, 'Isa, Eisa - A Prophet's Khalil al Allah - Friend of (Michael) to God) Qutaybah, Qutaibah -
Hamas – Enthusiasm name (Jesus) God; title given to Prophet Miqdad - Name of a Sahabi Mutawalli – Entrusted Irritable, impatient
Hamdan - The praised one; Isam, 'Isam, Issam – Ibrahim Misbah – Lamp Mu'tazz - Proud, honorable Qutb – Leader
variation of the name Safeguard Khalis - Pure, clear Mishaal, Mish'al - Torch, light Muthanna - Old Arabic name Qutuz
"Muhammad" Ishaq - A Prophet's name Khatib - Religious Minister Miyaz - Distinguished, Muti – Obedient Rabah - Gainer, winner
Hamdi - Of praise (Isaac) Khair al Din - Goodness of preferred Muwaffaq – Successful Rabi - Spring, breeze
Hamid - The praised one; Isma'il - A Prophet's name the faith Mu'adh - Protected; name of Muyassar - Fortunate, Radi - Satisfied, content
variation of the name (Ishmael) Khairi, Khairy, Khayri - a companion facilitated Rafi – Exalting
"Muhammad" Iyad – Pigeon Charitable, beneficent Mu'awiyah - Young fox (first Muzaffar – Victorious Rafid – Support
Hamim - Intimate, close Iyas – Consoling Khoury – Priest Umayyad Caliph) Muzzammil - One who is Rafiq - Kind, friend
friend Izz al Din - Might of the faith Khulus - Clearness, purity Mu'ayyad - Supported (by wrapped up; a title of the Raghib, Ragheb - Desirous,
Hamzah - Lion; name of the Jabalah - Mountain, hill Khuzaimah, Khuzaymah - God) Prophet willing
Prophet's uncle Jabbar, Jabr - Mighty, brave Old Arabic name Mubarak - Happy, blessed Nabhan, Nabih - Noble, Raghid – Pleasant
Hana - Arabic form of "John" Jabir - Consoler, comforter Kutaiba Mubin - Clear, evident outstanding Rahman - Compassionate,
Hana'i - Of happiness Jad Allah - Gift of God Labib, Labeeb - Sensible, Mudar - An Arabian tribe; Nabighah – Intelligent merciful; referring to
Hanbal – Purity Jafar, Ja'far - Rivulet, little intelligent name of a great- Nabih – Smart qualities of God listed in the
Hani - Happy, delighted, creek Lablab – Ivy grandfather of the Prophet Nabil, Nabeel – Noble Qu'ran
joyful Jal - Resolution, firm will Latif - Gentle, kind, pleasant, Muddaththir - Covered; a title Nadhir – Warner Ra'id – Leader
Hanif - True believer Jalal – Glory friendly of the Prophet Nadim, Nadeem - Friendly, Ra'if - Merciful, gentle
Hannad - Old Arabic name Jalal al Din - Glory of the faith Layth – Lion Mufid, Mufeed - Useful, entertaining Rais – Captain
Haris - Guardian, protector Jalil, Jaleel - Great, revered Lu'ay – Shield helpful Nadir - Dear, rare, precious Raja – Hope
Harith - Ploughman, Jamal – Beauty Lubaid, Lubayd - Old Arabic Muflih – Successful Nafi' – Useful Rajab - Seventh month of the
cultivator Jamal al Din - Beauty of the name Muhab – Dignified Nahid – Generosity Muslim lunar calendar
Haroun, Harun - Lofty or faith Luqman - A Prophet's name Muhair, Muhayr – Skilled Na'il - Aquirer, earner Raji - Hoping, full of hope
exalted; A Prophet's name Jamil, Jameel – Beautiful Lut - A Prophet's name (Lot) Muhammad, Mohammed - Na'im - Comfort, ease, Rajih - Having the upper
(Aaron) Jarir - One who can pull; Lutfi - Kind, gentle Praised, praiseworthy; the tranquility hand, more acceptable
Hashim - Broker, destroyer of name of a famous Arab Ma'd - Old Arabic name name of the Prophet Naji - Safe, survivor Rakin - Respectful, firm,
evil; name of the Prophet's poet Madani - Urban, civilized, Muhanna - Happy, delighted Najib, Najeeb - Of noble confident
great-grandfather Jasim - Great, big, huge modern Muhannad, Muhanned – descent Ramadan - Ninth month of
the Muslim lunar calendar; Sakhr - Rock companion of the Prophet child decent, pure Ashwaq - Love, affections
month of fasting Salah - Righteousness Su'ud, Suoud - Good luck Walif - Befriending 'Afifah - Chaste, modest Asil - Smooth
Rami - Marksman Salah al Din - Tahir - Pure, clean, chaste, Waliy Allah - Supporter of Afnan - Tree branches or Asilah - Noble origin, pure
Ramih - Arcturus (brightest Righteousness of the Faith; modest God twigs 'Asimah, Asima - Protector
star in constellation Bootes) name of the Muslim leader Tahsin - Beautification Waliy al Din - Supporter of 'Afra', Afraa - White Asiya, Asiyah - One who
Ramiz - Honored, who liberated Jerusalem Taim Allah, Taym Allah - the faith Afrah - Celebrations, tends to the weak, one who
respected from the Crusaders Servant of God Waqar - Dignity, sobriety festivals heals, comforts, consoles
Ramzi - Symbolic Salamah - Safety Taj - Crown Waqqas - Old Arabic name Afya - Shadows 'Asma', Asma, Asmaa -
Rani - To gaze, gazing Saleh, Salih - Good, right; a Taj al Din - Crown of the Ward - Blossoms, flowers 'Ahd - Pledge, commitment, Excellent, lofty, eminent,
Rashad - Integrity of Prophet's name faith Wasif - Describer delegation precious; daughter of Abu
conduct, maturity, wisdom Salim, Saleem - Safe, Talal - Nice, admirable Wasil - Considerate, Ahlam - Witty, imaginative; Bakr
Rashid - One of good healthy, whole, flawless Talib - Seeker (of truth) inseperable friend one who has pleasant Asra - Travel by night
council; rightly guided, Salman - Healthy, safe, Tamim - Strong, complete Wasim, Waseem - dreams Asrar - Secrets
wise, having true faith wholesome; name fo the Tamir - Rich; one who owns Graceful, good looking 'A'idah, Aida - Visiting, 'Asriyah - Modernist
Rasil - Messenger first Persian to embrace date palm trees Wazir - Minister returning; reward Athir - Favored, preferred
Rasin - Composed Islam Tamam - Generous Yahya - A Prophet's name Ain - Eye, thus "precious" 'Atifah, Atifa - Affectionate,
Rasmi - Formal, official Sami - High, lofty, elevated Tammam - Perfection, (John) Aini - Spring, flower, compassionate,
Rasul - Messenger Samih - Forgiver strength Yaman - Good tidings source, choice sympathetic
Ratib - Regular, arranger Samir, Sameer - Taqiy - Devout, God-fearing Ya'qub - A Prophet's name 'A'ishah, Aisha, Ayishah - 'Atikah, Atika - Virgin, pure,
Ra'uf - Compassionate Entertaining companion Tarif, Tareef - Rare, (Jacob) Living, prosperous; clear
Rayhan - Sweet basil; Samman - Grocer uncommon Yasar, Yasser - Wealth, youngest wife of the 'Atiyah, Atiya - Gift, present
favored by God Saqr - Falcon Tariq - Name of a star comfort, ease Prophet Atyaf - Fantasies
Rayyan - Luxuriant; one of Sariyah - Clouds at night; Taslim - Submission Yasin, Yaseen - The two Akilah - Intelligent, logical, 'Awatif - Emotions
the gates of paradise name of a companion of Tawfiq - Success (granted opening letters of Surah 36 one who reasons Ayah, Ayeh - Qur'anic
Razin - Composed, subtle the Prophet by God), reconciliation in the Qur'an; one of the Ala', Aalaa - Signs of Allah verse, clear evidence, sign
Reda, Rida, Ridha - (In Sati - Shining, bright Tawhid - Believing in one Prophet's names Alhena - A ring; (A star in of God
God's) favor; contentment, Saud - Fortunate God Yasir - Wealthy the constellation Gemini) Ayat - Qur'anic verses,
satisfaction Sayyid - Master Taymullah - Servant of God Yazan - Od Arabic name Alima - Wise clear evidences, signs of
Ridwan - Acceptance, Sha'ban - Eighth month of Taysir - Facilitation (granted Yazid, Yazeed - God will Alimah - Skilled in music or God
satisfaction; name of the the Muslim lunar calendar by God) increase, enhance dance Azhar, Azhaar - Flowers,
keeper of the gates of Shadi - Singer, enchanter Tayyib - Good or delicate Youssef, Yusef, Yusuf - To 'Aliyah, Aliyyah, Alia, A'lia - blossoms
Heaven Shadin - Fawn, young deer Thabit - Firm increase (in power and Exaulted, elevated, highest 'Azizah, Aziza, Azeeza -
Rihab - Vastness Shafi - Mediator Thamer, Thamir - Fruitful, influence); a Prophet's social standing Precious, cherished,
Riyad, Riyadh - Gardens Shafiq, Shafeeq - Kind, productive name (Joseph) Almas - Diamond beloved, dear
Rizq - Subsistence, compassionate, tender Thaqib - Shooting Star Yunus, Yoonus - A Altaf - Kindness, politeness 'Azzah, Azza - Young,
blessing of God Shahid - Witness Thawab - Reward Prophet's name (Jonah) Aludra - Virgin female gazelle
Ruhi - Spiritual Shahin - Hawk Thawban - Name of a Yushua - God saves 'Alya' - Loftiness Badi'ah, Badi'a -
Rushd - Maturity, wisdom, Shahir - Well-known, companion of the Prophet Yusri - Well-to-do, wealthy Al Zahra - The illuminated; Unprecedented, amazing,
sensible conduct famous 'Ubaidah, 'Ubaydah - Servant Yusuf - A Prophet's name nickname of the Prophet's admirable, unique
Rushdi - Mature, wise Shakib - Present, gift, of God (Joseph) daughter, Fatimah Badra - Full moon
Ruwaid, Ruwayd - Walking reward Ubaid - Faithful Zafar - Victory Alzubra - (A star in the Badriyah, Badriyyah,
gently Shakir - Thankful Ubayy - One with high self- Zafir - Victorious constellation Leo) Badriya - Resembling the
Saad - Good luck Shams al Din - Sun of the esteem Zahid - Self-denying, Amal, A'mal, Aamal, Amala full moon
Sa'adah - Happiness faith 'Udail, 'Udayl - Old Arabic abstentious, ascetic - Hope, aspiration Bahijah - Magnificent,
Sab - Lion Shamal - Wind that comes name Zahir - Bright, shining, Aman - Security, peace, splendid
Sabih, Sabeeh - Beautiful, from the north 'Uday - One who runs fast flowery safety Bahirah, Bahira, Baheera -
pleasant, fond Shamil - All comprehensive 'Umar, Omar - Name of the Zaid, Zayd - Increase, Amani - Wishes, Dazzling, brilliant, noble
Sabir, Sabeer - Patient, Shamim - Fragrant second Caliph growth, abundance aspirations lady
persevering Sharaf - Honor Umarah - Old Arabic name Zaim - Brigadier General Amatullah - Female servant Bahiyah, Bahiya, Bahiyaa -
Sabri - Of patience, Sharif, Shareef - Honest, Umayr, Umair - Old Arabic Zain, Zayn - Beauty of Allah Beautiful, radiant
perseverence honorable, noble, name Zarif - Nice, graceful, Amber - Jewel Balqis - Name of the Queen
Sa'd - Good luck distinguished Umayyah - Famous humorous Aminah, Amineh, Ameena - of Sheba
Sa'd al Din - Good of the Shawqi - Affectionate Arabian tribe Zakariyya - A Prophet's Trustworthy, faithful, Balsam - Balsam, balm
Faith Shihab - Flame, blaze 'Urwah - Support, handle name (Zakaria) secure; name of the mother Ban - a kind of tree
Sadad - Right thing to do, Shihab al Din - Star of the Usaim, Usaym - lion cub Zaki, Zaky - Pure of the Prophet Banan - Delicate, finger tips
lucky hand Faith Usama, Usamah - Zakwan - Intuitive Amirah, Ameera - Princess, Bara'ah - Innocence
Sadid - Relevant, correct, Shihad - Honey Description of a lion Ziad, Ziyad - Super leader Barakah, Baraka -
right Shu'aib, Shu'ayb - A 'Utbah - Old Arabic name abundance Amjad - Magnificence, Blessing; white one
Sadiq - Sincere, truthful Prophet's name Uthal - Name of a mountain Zubair, Zubayr - Strong, splendor Bari'ah, Baraa'a - Excelling
Sa'dun - Happy Shukri - Thankfulness Uthman - Name of the third powerful, smart Amsah - Friendly; of good Barika - Bloom, be
Sa'eed, Sa'id - Happy Shumayl - Complete Caliph Zuhair, Zuhayr - Bright, company successful
Safi - Pure, clear Siddiq - Truthful, upright Waddah - Bright, brilliant having flowers 'Anan, Anaan - Clouds Barirah - Faithful and
Safiy - Best friend Sinan - Spearhead Wadi - Calm, peaceful 'Abal - Wild rose 'Anbar - Perfume, devoted
Safiy al Din - Best friend of Siraj - Lighted torch Wadid - Favorable, Abia - Great ambergris Basha'ir - Good news, good
the faith Siraj al Din - Light of the devoted, fond 'Abidah, Abida - Worshipper 'Anbarin - of ambergris omens
Safuh - Forgiving faith Wafiq, Wafeeq - Successful 'Abir, Abeer - Fragrance, Anisah, Aneesa - Close, Bashirah, Basheera -
Safwah, Safwat - The best, Sofian - Devoted Wahab - Giving perfume intimate, good friend Bringer of good tidings, joy
the chosen Subhi - Early morning Wahhab - To give, to 'Ablah, Abla', Ablaa - Anjum - Stars Basilah - Brave
Safwan - Rock, solid, pure Sufyan - Old Arabic name donate Perfectly formed Anmar - Leopard Basimah, Baseema -
Sahib - Companion Suhaib, Suhayb - Of Wahid - Singular, exclusive, Abra - Example, lesson Anwar, Anwaar - Rays of Smiling
Sahir - Wakeful reddish hair or complexion; unequalled Abrar - Devoted to God light, blossoms Basinah - Kitty, kitten
Sahl - Easy to deal with name of the first Roman to Wa'il - Coming back (for A'dab, Aadab - Hope and 'Aqilah - Wife, spouse; the Basmah, Basma - A smile
Sa'ib - Appropriate, correct embrace Islam Shelter); one of the need best, the pick Batul, Batool - Ascetic
Saif, Sayf, Seif - Sword (of Suhail, Suhayl - Gentle, companions of the Prophet Adara - Virgin Ara - Opinions virgin
religion) easy; the name of a star Wajdi - Of strong emotion, 'Adawiyah - Summer plant Aram - Signs, flags Bayan - Clearness,
Saif al Din - Sword of the Suhaim, Suhaym - Arrow passion and love Adiba - Well-mannered, Areebah - Witty, smart eloquence
faith Sulaiman, Sulayman - A Wajid - Smooth land cultured, polite; writer Arij, Areej - Fragrance, Baysan - to walk with pride
Sajid - One who worships Prophet's name (Solomon) Wajih - Noble, notable, 'Adilah, Adila, Adeela - sweet smell Bilqis, Bilqees - Queen of
God Sultan - Sultan, king distinguished Equal, just, honest 'Arub, Aroob - Loving to her Sheeba
Sajjad - One who worships Sumrah - Brownness Wakil - Lawyer 'Adn - Paradise husband Bisar - Adolescent
a lot Suraqah - Name of a Walid, Waleed - Newborn 'Afaf - Chaste, virtuous, Asalah - Nobility of descent Budur - Full moons
Buhaysah, Buhaisah - Firyal - Old Arabic name Hijrah - Migration (of the Jabirah - Comforter, consoler Lubab - The best part Maysarah - Left-hand side
Walking with pride Furat - Sweet water Prophet, from Makkah to Jada - Gift, present Lubabah, Lubaaba - The Maysun, Maysoon - To walk
Buhjah - Joy, delight Futun - Fascinations Madinah) Jadwa - Gift, present innermost essence with a proud, swinging gait
Buhthah - Happy, delighted Ghadah, Ghaada - Beautiful Hikmah, Hikmat - Wisdom Jala', Jala - Clarity, Luban - Pine tree; denotes Mayyadah, Mayyada - To
when seeing others Ghadir - Stream Hind - Old Arabic name elucidation long neck walk with a swinging gait
Bushra - Good omen, good Ghaliyah, Ghaaliya - Dear, Hiyam - Love Jalilah - Splendid, lofty Lubanah - Wish, desire Mayyasah - To walk with a
news beloved, fragrant, Hubab - Aim, goal Jamilah, Jameela - Lublubah - Affectionate, proud gait
Busr - Unripened dates; expensive Huda, Hooda - Right Beautiful, graceful, lovely tender Masahir - Ancient Arabic
star, height Ghaniyah - Pretty girl, guidance Jana - Harvest Lubna - Kind of tree lute
Buthaynah, Buthainah, beautiful woman, beauty Hudun - To become quiet Janan, Janaan - Heart, soul Luja - of great depth Mina - a place near Makkah
Buthayna - Of beautiful and Gharam - Love Hulyah - Jewelry, Jannah - Garden, paradise Lujain, Lujayn - Silver Minnah - Kindness, grace,
tender body Ghayda', Ghaydaa - Young ornament, finery Jawa - Passion, love Lu'lu' - Pearls blessing
Cala - Castle and delicate Huma - Bird who brings joy Jawahir - Jewels Lu'lu'ah, Lulwa - Pearl Mirah - Provisions, supply
Cantara - Small bridge Ghazal - Flirt, words of love Humairah, Humayrah - Of Jawharah - Jewel Lunah - Date palm Mishael - Torch, light
Da'd - Old Arabic name Ghazalah - Female gazelle reddish complexion; Jawl - to move freely Lutfiyah - Delicate, graceful Mu'azzaz - Powerful, strong
Dahab - Gold Ghufran - Forgiveness, nickname the Prophet gave Jawna' - The sun Ma'ab - Place to which one Mubin - Clear, obvious
Dalal - Treated or touched pardon to his wife 'A'ishah Jihan - A river in Iran returns Mufi'ah - Obedient,
in a kind and loving way Ghunwah or Ghunyah - Hunaidah, Hunaydah - Jilan - Courtier Ma'ali - Noble things compliant
Daliyah - Grape vine Indispensible Diminutive of Hind Jinan - Gardens, paradise Mada - Utmost point, Mufidah, Mufeeda - Useful,
Daniyah - Closer, nearer Ghusun, Ghusoon - Hur - Virgins of paradise Johara - Jewel degree helpful, beneficial
Dhakirah - One who Branches of a tree Huriyah, Huriyyah, Hooriya Jud - Generosity Madihah, Madeeha - Muhibbah - Loving
remembers God frequently Habibah, Habeeba - - Angel; a Houri, virgin of Judi - Name of a mountain Praiseworthy, Muhjah, Muhja - Heart's
Dhakiyah - Bright, Beloved, sweetheart, paradise mentioned in the Qur'an commendable blood, soul
intelligent darling; a wife of the Husn - Beauty Juhanah - Young girl Maha - Wild cow; has Muhsinah - Charitable,
Dhuka' - Name of the sun Prophet Husna - Most beautiful Juhainah, Juhaynah - beautiful eyes benevolent
Dimah - Cloud which Hadeel - to coo (like a Husniyah - Beautiful Name of an Arab tribe Mahabbah - Love, affection Mukarram - Honored
carries rainwater dove) Hutun - Clouds with rain Juman - Pearl Mahasin - Beauties Mukhlisah - Devoted,
Du'a' - Prayer Hadiyah, Haadiya - Guide Huwaidah, Huwaydah - Jumanah, Jumaana - Silver Mahbubah - Beloved faithful
Duha, Dhuha - Forenoon to righteousness, calm Gentle pearl Mahdiyah - Rightly guided Mumayyaz - Distinguished
Dunya - World Hadiyyah - Gift Iba' - Pride, sense Jun - Inlet, bay, gulf Mahibah - Noble, respected Mu'minah - Pious believer
Dunyana - Our world Hafa - Gentle rain 'Ibadah - Worship Junah - The sun Maimoona, Maymunah - Muna, Mona - Wish, desire
Durar - Pearls Hafizah - Heedful, mindful Ibtihaj, Ibtihaaj - Joy, delight Juwairiyah, Juwayriyah - Auspicious, blessed; a wife Munawwar - Radiant,
Durrah - Pearl Hafsah, Hafsa - Wife of the Ibtihal - Supplication, Wife of the Prophet of the Prophet illuminated
Durriyah - Shining, bright Prophet prayer Juwan - Perfume Ma'isah, Maisa - Walking Munirah, Muneera -
Fadilah, Fadheela - Virtuous, Hafthah - Preserved, Ibtisam - Smiling Kalila - Sweetheart, beloved with a proud, swinging gait Illuminating, brilliant
outstanding, superior, protected 'Idhar - Fluff Kamilah - Perfect, complete Maizah - Discerning Mu'nisah - Friendly
cultured and refined Haifa, Hayfa' - Slender, of 'Iffah, 'Iffat - Chaste Karam - Generosity Majidah, Majida - Glorious Muntaha - The utmost,
Fadiyah - Redeemer, self- beautiful body Iftikar - Thought, karawan - Variety of plover Makarim, Makaarim - Of highest degree
sacrificing Hajar - Name of the wife of contemplation birds good and honorable Murjanah - Small pearl
Fadwa - Name derived the prophet Ibrahim Iftikhar - Pride, glory Karida - Untouched character Murshidah - Guide
from self-sacrifice Hala - Sweetness I'jaz - Inimitability of the Karimah, Kareema - Makkiyah - From Makkah Muruj - Meadows
Fahdah, Fahada - Halah, Haala - Aureole Qur'an Generous, noble Maladh - Protection, shelter Mushirah, Musheera -
Leopardess Halimah, Haleema - Gentle, Ijlal - Respect, honor Kawakib - Satellites Malak - Angel Giving counsel, advising
Fahimah - Intelligent patient, mild-tempered; 'Inayah, 'Inayat - Care, Kawkab - Satellite Malakah - Talent Muslimah - Devout
Fa'iqah - Surpassing, name of the Prophet's concern Kawthar - River in Paradise Maliha - Praising believer; submitting oneself
excellent nursing mother Ikhlas - Sincerity Khadijah, Khadeeja - First Malikah - Queen to God
Fa'izah, Faiza - Victorious, Hamdiyah - One who Ikram, Ikraam - Honor, wife of the Prophet Manab - Deputyship, share Musn - Rain, clouds
winner praises a lot hospitality, generosity Khalidah, Khalida - Manal, Manaal - Musnah - Rain, clouds
Fajr - Dawn, morning Hamidah, Hameeda - Ilham, Ilhaam - Intuition Immortal, everlasting Attainment, achievement Muyassar - Facilitated,
prayer Praiseworthy Iman - Faith, belief Khalisah - Sincere, pure Manar, Manaar - Guiding wealthy, successful
Fakhriyah - Honorary Hana', Hana - Happiness, Imtithal - Polite obedience Khawlah - Female deer light Nabihah, Nabeeha -
Falak - Star bliss In'am, Inaam - Kindness, Khayriyah, Khayriyyah, Maram, Maraam - Intelligent
Fanan - Tree branch or twig Hanan - Mercy; benefaction, bestowal Khairiya - Charitable, Aspiration Nabilah, Nabeela - Noble
Farah - Joy, cheerfulness affectionate, loving, tender Inas - Sociability beneficent, good Mariam, Maryam - Arabic Nada - Generousity, dew
Farhah - Lively Hani'ah - of happiness, Inaya - Concern; solicitude Khitam - Conclusion form of "Mary"; Mother of Nadia - The beginning, first
Farhanah - Happy bliss Insaf - Justice, equity Khulud, Khulood - Jesus Nadidah, Nadeeda - Equal,
Faridah, Fareeda - Unique, Hanifah, Hanifa, Haneefa - Intisar, Intisaar - Triumph Immortality, eternity, infinity Mariyah - Fair complexion; rival
matchless, precious pearl True believer Isa' - Spacious, generous Khuzama - Lavender name of the wife of the Nadirah, Nadira - Rare,
or gem Hanin - Longing, yearning Is'ad - To bring happiness, Kifah - Struggle Prophet precious
Farihah, Fareeha - Happy, Haniyyah, Haniya - to provide help Kulthum, Kulthoom - Marwah - a mountain in Nadiyah - Announcement
joyful, cheerful, glad Pleased, happy Is'af - Relief, help Daughter of the Prophet Makkah (Al Safa wa al Nadwah, Nadwa - Council,
Farizah - Arch Hasibah - Respected, noble Isar - Fascinating Kulus - Clearness, purity Marwah) generosity
Fathiyah - Beginning Hasnah, Hasna', Hasna - Ishfaq - Compassion, Labibah - Sensible, intelligent Marzuqah - Blessed by Nafisah, Nafeesa -
Fatimah, Fatima - Beautiful affection Lama - Darkness of lips God, fortunate Precious thing, gem
Accustom; daughter of the Hawa', Hawwa - Eve Ishraq - Radiance Lam'ah - Brilliancy Masarrah - Delight, joy Naflah - Surplus,
Prophet Hawadah - Pleasant 'Ismah, 'Ismat - Purity, Lami'ah - Shine Mas'udah, Mas'ouda - overabundance
Fatin or Fatinah - Hawazin - Name of an modesty, infallibility Lamis, Lamees - Soft to the Happy, lucky, fortunate Nahid - One with full, round
Fascinating, captivating, Arabic tribe Isra' - Nocturnal journey; touch Mawaddah - Affection, love, breasts
alluring, enchanting Hawra' - Having eyes with night journey of the Prophet Lamya', Lamya - Of dark friendliness Nahidah, Naheeda - Big
Fawz - Victory or success a marked contrast of black from Makkah to Jerusalem lips Mawahib - Talents Nahlah, Nahla - A drink of
Fawzah, Fawza - Success and white Istilah - Agreement Lana - to be gentle, soft, Mawiyah, Mawiya - The water
Fawziyyah, Fawziya, Fazia Hayah, Hayat - Life 'Itab - Censure tender essence of life; clear mirror Na'ilah, Naila - Acquirer,
- Successful, victorious Hayam, Hayaam - 'Itaf - Clock Latifah, Lateefa - Gentle, May - Old Arabic name obtainer, one who
Fayha' - Fragrant Deliriously in love Ithar - Preference kind, pleasant, friendly Maymunah - Fortunate, succeeds
Fayruz - Turquoise Hayed - Movement, motion I'tidal - Straightness, Layali - Nights blessed; name of the wife Na'imah, Na'ima - Comfort,
Fellah - Arabian jasmine Hayud - a mountain tautness Layan - Gentle and soft of the Prophet amenity, tranquility, peace;
Fida' - Redemption Hazar - Nightingale I'timad - Reliance, Layla, Leila - (Born at) Mays, Mais - Proud gait living a soft, enjoyable life
Fiddah - Silver Hessa - Destiny dependencen night; rapture, elation Maysa', Maysaa - Walking Najah, Najaah - Success
Fikriyah - Intellectual Hibah - Gift, present Izdihar, Izdihaar - Lazim - Essential, with pride Najat - Safety
Firdaws, Firdoos - Highest Hibat Allah - Gift of God Flourishing, blossoming imperative Maysam - Beautiful Najibah, Najeeba -
garden in Paradise Hidayah - Guidance 'Izzah - Might, power Linah, Lina, Leena - Tender Maysan - a star Distinguished; of noble birth
Najiyah - Safe Rabi'ah, Rabeea - Garden, Saba' - Sheba, a town in famous Thana', Thanaa' - Yasirah - Lenient
Najla - Of wide eyes springtime Yemen Shahlah - Blush Thankfulness, Yumn - Good fortune,
Najmah - Star Rabiyah - Hill Sabaa - a nice wind Shahrazad - Teller of "Tales commendation, praise success
Najwa - Confidential talk, Radiyah, Radhiya - Sabah - Morning of 1,001 Nights" Thara', Tharaa' - Wealth Yumnah, Yumna - Right
romantic talk, secret Content, satisfied Sabihah - Beautiful Shakirah - Thankful Tharwah - Wealth side
conversation Radwa, Radhwaa - a Sabirah, Saabira - Patient Shamilah - Complete, Thawab - Reward Yusra, Yusraa - Most
Najya - Victorious mountain in Medina Sabr - Patience, self-control comprehensive Thuraiya, Thurayya - Star, prosperous
Namar - Name of a Rafa', Rafa - Happiness, Sabriyah - Patient Shams - Sun constellation Pleiades Yusriyah - Most prosperous
mountain prosperity Sadad - Right thing to do, Sharifah, Shareefa, Thuwaibah, Thuwaybah - Zafirah, Zaafirah - Victorious,
Narjis - Narcissus Rafah - Pleasant, luxurious lucky hand Sherrifah - Noble, honored Deserving of God's reward; successful
Nashida - Student life Sa'dah - Happiness Shawq - Longing name of a female Zahidah - Ascetic,
Nashita Energetic, full of Ra'fah, Ra'fat - Mercy Sa'diyah - Fortunate Shayma, Shaymaa - to look companion of the Prophet abstentious
life Rafal - to trail a garment Safa' - Pure out Tibah - Goodness, Zahirah - Shining, luminous
Nashwa - Fragrance, Rafi'ah - Sublime, exquisite Safaa - Clarity, purity, Shifa' - Curing, healing kindness Zahra', Zahraa' - White
perfume, that which Rafidah - Support serenity; name of a hill in Shimah - Nature, habit Tuba, Tubaa - Zahrah - Flower, beauty,
intoxicates Rafif - to gleam, shimmer Makkah Shiyam - Nature, character Blessedness, beautitude star
Nasiha - One who gives Raghad or Raghda' - Saffanah - Pearl Shudun - Powerful, straight Tuqa, Tuqaa - Heedfulness Zahwah - Beauty, pretty
valuable advice Pleasant Safiyyah, Safiya - Shuhrah - Fame, reputation of God Zain, Zayn - Beauty
Nasim - Fresh air, breeze Raghidah - Pleasant Untroubled, serene, pure, Shukrah - Thankfulness 'Ubab, 'Ubaab - Waves, Zainab, Zaynab - an
Nasira - Victorious, helper Raha - Peaceful best friend; wife of the Shukriyah - Of thanks heavy rain ornamented tree; name of
Nasmah - Breeze Rahaf - Delicate, fine Prophet Shuruq - Rising, shining 'Uhud - Commitment, the daughter of the Prophet
Nasrin - Eglantier Rahimah - Merciful, Safun - Breezing Sibal, Sibaal - Eyes with pledge, delegation Zakiyah - Pure
Nathifa - Clean, pure compassionate Sahar - Dawn long lashes 'Ula - Uppermost, highest Zanubiya - Name of a great
Nawal - Gift Rahiq - Nectar Sahlah, Sahla - Smooth, Siddiqah - Upright, very Ulfah - Harmony, intimacy Syrian queen
Nawar - Flower; one who Rahmah - Mercy soft, fluent, flowing truthful Umamah - Young mother; Zaynah, Zaina - Beautiful
dislikes bad deeds Ra'idah, Raaida - Leader Sa'idah - Happy, fortunate Siham, Sihaam - Arrows name of the Prophet's Zinah, Zinat - Adornment,
Nawrah - Blossom, flower, Ra'ifah - Merciful Saihah - Good, useful Simah - Sign, granddaughter ornamentation
happiness Raja', Raja - Hope Saja - to be calm and quiet characteristic, expression Umaymah - Young mother Zubaidah - Excellent; name
Nawwar - May Ramlah - Old Arabic name Sajidah - Prostrating to God Sirah - See "Sarah" Umm Kalthum - Name of of the wife of Caliph Harun
Nazahah, Nazaaha - Purity, Ramziyah - Symbolic Sakinah, Sakeena - God- Sirin, Sireen - Wife of the Prophet's daughter Al Rashid
righteousness, honesty Rana - To gaze, look inspired peace of mind, Prophet's companion Umniyah - a wish, an Zuha, Zuhaa - Adornment
Nazihah, Nazeeha - Honest Rand - Bay laurel tranquility Hassan ibn Thabit aspiration Zuhrah - Brightness
Nazirah, Nazeera - Like, Randa - Tree of good scent Salihah - Correct, Su'ad, Souad - Good Usaimah, Usaymah - Old Zuhur - to flower, to
equal, matching Ranim, Raneem - To recite agreeable fortune Arabic name blossom, to glow
Nibal, Nibaal - Arrows in a sing-song voice Salimah, Saleema - Subhah - in the morning Uwaisah, Uwaysah - Zumurrud - Emerald
Nibras - Lamp, light Raniyah, Raniya - Gazing Peaceful, flawless, Subhiyah - of the morning Bilberry, whortleberry EGYPTIAN
Nida' - Call Rasha - Young gazelle faultless, safe, healthy Su'da - Happy, lucky Wa'd - Promise Abasi: Stern
Nihad - Height Rashad - Straight Salma - Peaceful, safe, Suha - Name of a star Wadha, Wadhaa - Bright Abayomi: Brings joy
Nihal - Drink Rashidah, Rasheeda - healthy; a wife of the Suhailah, Suhaylah - Wadi'ah - Calm, peaceable Abubakar: Noble
Ni'mah, Naeema - Wise, mature Prophet Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing Wafa', Wafaa' - Adeben: Twelfth born
Blessing, loan Rasmiyah - Official, formal Salsabil, Salsabeel - Spring Suhaimah, Suhaymah - Faithfulness Adio: Righteous.
Ni'mat, Nimaat - Blessings, Raw'ah - Charm, beauty, in Jannah Small arrow Wafiqah, Wafeeqa - Adjo: treasure
loans splendor Salwa - Solace; quail Suhair, Suhayr - Proper Successful Adofo: Fighter
Nisrin - Kind of aromatic Rawdah, Rawdha - Garden Samah, Samaah - name Wafiyah - Loyal, faithful Adom: Receives help from
plant Rawhah - Nice Generosity Sukainah, Sukaynah - Wahbiyah - Giving the gods
Niyaf - Tall and pretty Rawhiyah - Spirituality Samar - Evening Charming, likable Wahibah - Giver, donor Ahmose: son of Iah
Noor, Nur - Light Rawiah, Raawiya - conversation Sulafah - Choicest Wahidah - Exclusive, Akhenaten: devoted to Aten
Nouf - Highest point on a Transmitter of ancient Samarah - Soft light Sultanah - Sultaness unique Akhenaton: devoted to Aton
mountain Arabic poetry Samawah - Summit, height Sumaira, Sumayra - Wajd - Passion, strong Akhom: eagle
Nudar, Nudhar - Gold Rayhanah - Aromatic sweet Sameh - Forgiver Diminutive of Samra' emotion Akiiki: Friendly
Nuha - Intelligence basil Samihah, Sameeha - Sumaiyah, Sumayyah - Wajihah - Eminent, Akil: Intelligent
Nujud, Nojood - Noble, Rayya, Rayyaa - Sated with Generous Name of a lady companion distinguished, notable Akins: Brave
wise drink Samirah, Sameera - of the Prophet — the first Wala', Walaa' - Loyalty Ako: tired; weary
Nu'ma - Beautiful and Razan, Razaan - Sensibility Entertaining female martyr in Islam Walidah - Newborn Amen: the Hidden One (Ra
pleasant; happiness and respect companion Sunbul - Spikes of grain Walladah - Frequently as universal power, god of
Nunah - Dimple in the chin Rida - Favored by God Samiyah, Saamiya - Sundus - Silk brocade producing, prolific a united Egypt)
Nurah, Noorah - Corolla, Rihab - Vastness, expanse Elevated, exhalted, lofty Sura, Suraa - to travel by Wardah, Wordah - Rose Amenemhat/Amenemhet:
blossom Riham - Lasting, fine rain Samra' - Soft, light tanned night Warqa', Warqaa' - Pigeon Amun is foremost
Nur al Huda - Light of the Rihana - Sweet basil color Tabassum - Smiling Wasfiyah - Depictive Amenhotep: Peace of Amun
faith Rim, Reem - Gazelle Sana, Sanaa - Brilliance, Taghrid - Singing (as a bird) Wasimah - Pretty, beautiful Amenophis: pharaoh name
Nuriyah - Radiant, brilliant Rima, Reema - White splendor Tahani - Congratulations Wi'am - Harmony, Ammon: God of united Egypt
Nusaibah, Nusaybah - Old antelope Sana', Sanaa' - Eminence, Tahirah, Taahira - Pure, agreement Amo(u)n: god of wind and air
Arabic name Ru'a - Dreams, visions sublimity chaste Wid - Loving, affectionate Amsi/Amsu: Life force; re-
Nuwairah, Nuwayrah - Rubaa - Hills, height Saniyah - Resplendence, Tahiyah - Greeting Widad, Widaad - Love, production
Small fire Rubadah - Ash-colored brilliance Tahiyat - Greetings friendship Amun: God of mystery
Nuwwar - Blossoms, Rudainah, Rudaynah - Old Sarah - Name of the wife of Taima', Tayma' - Oasis in Wifaq - Harmony, consent Anhur: sky god
flowers Arabic name the Prophet Ibrahim Northwest Arabia Wijdan - Ecstacy, sentiment Ankhenaten: devoted to Aten
Nuwwarrah - Blossom, Rufaidah, Rufaydah - Sauda, Sawdah - Wife of Takiyah - Pious, righteous Wisal, Wisaal - Reunion, Ankhenaton: devoted to Aton
flower Support the Prophet Talah, Taalah - Young palm being together, communion Anpu: jackal-headed under-
Nuzhah - Pleasure trip, Rukan - Steady, confident Sawsan - Lily of the valley tree in love world god
promenade Rumailah, Rumaylah - Old Sayyidah - Lady, woman Talibah - Seeker after Wisam, Wisaam - Medal, Anubis: god of death
Qadr - Fate, destiny Arabic name Sfiyah - Righteous knowledge badge of honor Anum: born fifth
Qadriyah - to believe in Rumaithah, Rumaythah - Shadan - Young gazelle Tamadur - Brilliant Wurud - Roses Anzety: God of Busiris
God's will Old Arabic name Shadha, Shadhaa - Aroma Taqiyah - Heedful of God Yafiah - High Apis: Mythical dead bull
Qamar - Full moon Ruqayyah, Ruqayya - Shadhiyah - Aromatic Taqwa, Taqwaa - Piety, Yakootah - Emerald thought to be Osiris
Qismah - Destiny, fate, Gentle; name of the Shadiyah - Singer devoutness, heedfulness of Yamha - Dove Asar: god of the underworld
ordained by God daughter of the Prophet Shafiqah - Compassionate, God Yaminah - Right and Ashai: abundant
Qubilah - Concord Rushd - Sensible conduct sympathetic Tarub - Merry proper; blessed Asim: Protector
Qudsiyah - Glorious, Ruwaidah, Ruwaydah - Shahd - Honey, honeycomb Tasnim - Fountain in Yarah - Warm Astennu: God of the moon
sacred Walking gently Shahidah - Witness paradise Yasmin, Yasmeen - Aswad: Black
Rabab - White cloud Ru'yah - Dream, vision Shahirah - Well-known, Tawbah - Repentence Jasmine Ata: Twin
Atemu: Great god of Annu. Jafari: Creek Okpara: First born Wati: rebel Khait: crowned Quisa: sister of twins
Aten: Sun disk Jahi: Dignified Omari: High born Yafeu: Bold Khepri: Morning sun Rabiah: Born in the spring
Aton: creator of the universe Jibade: Related to royalty Onuris: Brings back the Yahya: Given by God Kifi: bosom of a woman Ramla: Prophetess
Atsu: Twin Jumoke: Loved by all distant one Zahur: Flower Kissa: Sister of twins Rashida: Righteous
Atum: Whole Kafele: Would die for Osahar: God hears me Zaid/Ziyad: He shall add Lapis: lapis stone Raziya: Agreeable
Ausar = Osiris. Kambythet: handsome king Osaze: Loved by God Zuberi: Strong Layla: Born at night Rehema: Compassionate
Awan: quality Kamenwati: dark rebel Osiris: god of the underworld Zuka: grave; high tomb Lotus: Lotus flower Renenet: Goddess of fortune
Awi: glory Kamuzu: Medical Ottah: Third born Acenath: Daughter (Bibl: Jo- Maat: Goddess of order and Sabah: Born in the morning
Azibo: Earth Kaphiri: Hill Paki: Witness seph’s Egyptian wife) justice Safiya: Pure
Azizi: Precious Karawan: averts the evil eye Panahasi the barbarian Afrikaisi: from the hills Mafuane: Soil Sagira: Little one
Baba/Babu/Beb(ti): Osiris’s Kasiya: Departs Psamtic: pharaoh name Ain: Priceless Maibe: Grave Sahkmet/Sehkmet: Lioness-
firstborn Kazemde: Ambassador Psusennes: pharaoh name Akana: bowl; vessel Mandisa: Sweet Goddess of vengeance
Babafemi: Beloved of his Keb: ancient earth god Ptah: god of art and creation Akila: Intelligent Masika: Born during rain Salama: peaceful
father Kek: god of darkness Ptolemy: pharaoh name Aloli: grapes Meht urt: Represented by a Salidji: fruit tree
Badru: Born during full moon Kemosiri: black Osiris Qeb: Father of the earth Amisi: flower cow Salihah: Agreeable
Bakari: Noble oath Khafra: pharaoh name Quasshie: Born on Sunday Amunet: Goddess of myste- Merit: beloved Sanura: Kitten
Baniti: Teacher Khaldun: Immortal Ra: The sun ry, guardian of pharaohs Mert (ekert): Lover of silence Sekhet: Wife of Ptah
Bankole: help me to build the Khalfani: Shall rule Radames: Egyptian hero of Anat: A wife of Seth Mesi: Water Selk/Serq/Serqet = Isis as
house Khalid: Immortal Puccini’s opera Aida. Anippe: Daughter of the Nile Meskhenet: Destiny Goddess of scorpions
Baraka: blessing; gift Khentimentiu: God of tbe Ram(e)ses: Begotten by Ra Asenath/Azenath: She be- Metit: righteous Selma: Secure
Bastet/Oub(a)stet: A cat dead’s destiny Rashidi: Wise longs to her father Miu: gentleness Shai-nefer: good luck
Bes: Brings joy Khnemu: To model Rasui: dream Astarte: A wife of Seth Miw-sher: kitten Shamisé: first born
Biti: king of the north Kneph: spirit Re: Midday sun; supreme Ati: cushion Monifa: Lucky Shani: Wonderful
Bomani: Warrior Khnurn: Reborn sun god of the sun Auset = Isis. Moswen: White Sharifa: Respected
Bubu: gives light Khonsu: God of the moon Remmao: rich man Aziza: Precious Mukamutara: Daughter of Shashai(ti): necklace
Buikhu: the best Khufu: pharaoh name Runihura: Destroyer Bahiti: Fortune Mutara Shemei: desire
Busiris: king who killed Kontar: Only son Saa: Nature’s god Bast: Personification of the Mukantagara: Born during Shepsit: honorable lady
visitors Kosey: Lion Sabola: Pepper heat of the sun war Sheriti: little girl or maiden
Chafulumisa: Fast Lateef: Gentle Sadiki: Faithful Bastet: cat-headed perfume Mukarramma: Revered Shukura: Grateful
Chaths: Ends Lisimba: Lion Salih: Upright goddess Muminah: Pious Siti: Lady
Chatuluka: Departs Lukman: A prophet Seb: God of the earth Bennu: Eagle Mut: mother Subira: Patient
Chenzira: Born on a journey Luzige: Locust Sebak: Companion of Set Bahiti: fortune Nabirye: Mother of twins Suma: Ask
Cheops: pharaoh name Madu: Of the people Sefu: sword Banafrit: beautiful soul Naeemah: Benevolent. Tabia: Talented
Chibale: Kinsman Makalani: Clerk Sekani: laughs Chione: daughter of the Nile Nafré: goodness Tafne: goddess of light
Chigaru: Hound Manu: Born second Semni: to establish oneself Cleopatra: glory of the father Nafretiri: beautiful creation Tahirah: Pristine
Chike: Power of God Maskini: Poor Senusnet: pharaoh name Dalila: Gentle Nafrini: she brings beauty Tale: Green
Chisisi: Secret Masud: Lucky Serapis = Apis Dendera: From Dendera Nafrit: virgin Talibah: seeks knowledge
Chuma: Wealthy Matsimela: Root Set: Son of Seb & Nut, God Djabenusiri: the goddess Nailah: Successful Tameri: my beloved land
Dakarai: Happy Mbizi: Water of Chaos; to dazzle Venus Nané: nice Tanafriti: she of the beautiful
Darius: pharaoh name Mdjai: soldier Seth: Osiris’s murderer, God Ebé: wonderful Nanu: beautiful land
Darwishi: Saint Memphis: From Memphis of Chaos; to dazzle Ebio: honey Nathifa: Pure Tauret: Goddess of pregnant
Djoser: pharaoh name Menes: Horus of the reeds Sethos: prince Ebonee/Eboni/Ebonique/ Naunet: Goddess of the women
Donkor: Humble Menetnashté: power Shabaka: Name of a king Ebony: Black ocean/underworld Tefnut: atmospheric moisture
Ebo: Born on Tuesday Menkaura: pharaoh name Shakir: Grateful Echidna: Mythical monster; Nebibit: panther Thema: Queen
Edfu: From Edfu Mensah: Born third Shenti: hairy wild boar Nebit: leopardess Theoris: Great
Fadil: Generous Meti: righteous Shu: Air Edjo: Another form of Uadjit Nebthet/Nebt-het/Nebt het: Uadjit/Wadjet: cobra-headed
Fenuku: Born late Mhotep: peace Shushu: braggart Ekibé: bosom of a woman lady of the house, nature Goddess of protection
Fenyang: Conquers Min: God of fertility Sinuhé: son of the sycamore Emu: cat goddess Uatchit = Hathor
Funsani: A request Minkabh: Justice tree Eshe: Life Neema: Born to wealthy Umayma: Little mother
Gahiji: Hunter Mkhai: fight Sneferu: Name of a pharaoh Femi: Love parents Umm: Mother
Garai: Settled Month: God of Thebes Sobk: Crocodile god Fukayna: Intelligent Nefertari: the most beautiful Urbi: Princess
Geb: earth god Mosegi: Tailor Sokkwi: little fool Habibah: Loved Nefertiti: the beautiful one Walidah: Newly born
Gyasi: Wonderful Moses/Moshe/Moss: Son Sudi: Lucky Hafsah: Married to the has come Woserit: mighty woman
Haji: Born during pilgrimage Moswen: Light skin Sutekh: Son of Seb and Nut prophet Neith/Net: The divine mother Zahra: Flower
Hakizimana: God saves Msamaki: Fish Tarik: Name of a warrior Hagar: forsaken Nekhbet: vulture goddess Zalika/Zaliki: Well born
Hamadi: Praised Msrah: Sixth born Tau: Lion Halima: Gentle Nenet: born near the sea Zesiro: twin
Hanbal: Pristine Mudada: Provider Tehuti: God of earth; sky; air Haqikah/Haquicah: honest Nephthys: lady of the house, Mosi: Born first
Hanif: Believes Mukhwana: Twin and sea Haréré: flower nature goddess, daughter Nuru: Born during the day
Hapi: god of the Nile Musa: Of the water Teremun: loved by his father Hasina: Good of Nut and Geb Pili: Second born
Hapu: pharaoh name Muslim: Believer Thabit: Strong Hathor/Het-heru: cow-head- Netikerty: she who is IRANIAN
Harakhty: Disguise of Horus Naeem: Benevolent Thoth: god of magic and ed Goddess of love excellent Ahriman: devil; evil spirit
Hasani/Husani: Handsome Nakhti: powerful science Hatshepsut/Hetshepsit: first Nile: From the Nile Ahura Mazda: divinity of
Heh: God of the immeasura- Narmer: Name of a king Thutmose: born of Thoth among noble women Niut: goddess of nothingness wisdom
ble Nassor: Victor Tor: King Hebony: ebony Nourbese: Wonderful Ahuramazda/Aramazd: di-
Heru: falcon-headed god of Neb er tcher: God of the Tsekani: Closed Hehet: Goddess of the Nubia: mother of a nation vinity of wisdom
the sky universe. Tum: Great god of Annu immeasurable Nubit: golden lady Akbar: great
Hondo: War Nebibi: leopard Tumaini: Hope Heqet: frog-headed goddess Nuri: gypsy woman Alborz/Alburz/Elburz:
Horemheb: pharaoh name Nefertum: cultured in Mem- Tutankhamon/Tutankhamun: Iboni: ebony Nut: sky goddess mountain in northern Iran
Horus: the distant one phis image of the life Ife: Love Ode: From the road Angra Mainyu: evil spirit,
Hu: A nature god Ngozi: Blessed Ubaid: Faithful Irisi: fashioned by Isis Odjit: wicked devil
Iabi: weak Niu: God of nothingness Ufa: Flour Isis/Icess: goddess of magic OJufemi: Beloved of the Ardashir: righteous ruler
Iah: god of the moon Nizam: Disciplined Umi: Life Jamila: Beauty gods Artakhshathra: righteous
Idogbe: Brother of twins Nkosi: Rules Unika: shining Jendayi: Thankful Olabisi: Brings joy ruler
Ikhnaton: devoted to Aton Nkrumah: Ninth born Un nefer: God of the dead Kakra: A twin Olufemi: Beloved of the gods Ashtad: justice
Imenand: the hidden one Nkuku: Rooster Ur (Atum): Great Kamilah: Perfection Omorose: Beautiful Babak: ittle father
Imhotep: he comes in peace Nun: God of the ocean Usi: Smoke Kanika: Black Oni: Wanted Bahadur: warrior
Ini-herit: He who brings back Nuri: gypsy man Uthman: A friend of Kebi: honey Oseye: Happy Bahman: legendary angel:
the distant one Nuru: born during the day Muhammad Keket: Goddess of darkness Paniwi: the bringer avalanche
Ishaq: Laughs Oba: scepter holder; king Wakhakwi: little fool Kepi: tempest Panya: mouse Bahram: of the planet Mars:
Issa: God saves Odion: Born of twins Wakhashem: little fool Kesi: Born of a troubled Qadesh: goddess victory
Jabari: Brave Odji: wicked Wamukota: left-handed father Quibilah: peaceful Baraz : exalted
Behnam: reputable Maha: crystal; wild cow Nasim: breeze; fresh air Adergazuz Feriel: rénom de Numidie, la Akmin
Behram: victory Mahdokht: daughter of the Oroncio: runner Adhughmas: sou-riant fille du roi Gaïa Aksel: léopard
Behruz: fortunate; good day moon Saeed/Said: happiness Adum Kahina: reine berbère Aksim: tiré d'un ethnonyme
Dara(wesh)/Darayavahush: Mahnaz: glory of the moon Sargon: sun prince Afalawas/Aflawas: souriant Massiliya: Provin-ce de Aktula
wealthy Mahsheed: moonlight Sayeh: shadow Afellan: sauvage l’ancienne Numidie Akuc: Dieu chez les
Delshad/Dilshad: happy Mahtab: like moonlight Shah: king Agdada Massiva: sœur de Berghwata du Maroc
heart Mahvash: moon-like Shahroukh: regal Ajeder/Igider Massinissa. Akudad
Faridoon: thrice strong Minoo/Minu: heaven: Soroush: happy Akatelaji Numidia: Premier état Akunad
Feroze/Firoz/Firuz: fortuna- paradise Iranian Tabor: drummer; Akawel/Akli: noir berbère Amazigh constitué Akutla
te; successful Mojgan: eyelashes encampment Akorakor par Massinissa Akwli
Fravardin: guardian spirit Morvarid: pearl Tallis: wise Amastan: brute, nuisance Sofines; reine berbère Akzer
Gul: rose Naheed: immaculate Xerxes: ruler; king of Persia Amattaken/Antaken: petite Tajeddigt Akziz
Gulbahar: spring rose Nasrin: wild rose Xesús: savior chose Taneit: Athéna Alenas
Heydar: lion Niga: sight: vision Zooran: power Amestan/Mastan: Tidir Alernas
Hormazd/Hormizd/Hormuzd: Nilofer/Niloofar/Niloufar: Anahit: the immaculate one défenseur/protecteur Tfawt Ales: Du berbère qui veut
divinity of wisdom water-lily Andaruna: within; inside; Amma: Touareg Titrit dire l'homme ou l'être
Jahan: world Nousha: pleasant: sweet heart Amulas: visage pâle Kabyle Alsan
Jahangir: world-conqueror Pari: fairy Aniqa: elegant; beautiful Annaber/Enneber Abhau: blond Amadsu
Jamshad/Jamshe(e)d: Parisa: like a fairy Anis(i): friend Awinagh: aux yeux bleus Adal: algue Amadur
shining river Parvana: butterfly Anis(s)a: friendly one Awlagh: petit lapin Adan Amagan
Javaid/Javed: eternal Parveen/Parvin: the Arazou: wishful Awragh: jaune, or Adas Amalu: ombre
Kambaujiya/Kamboujiya/ Pleiades; heavenly Armani/Armineh: desire; goal Axamukw/Axamux/Axamuk: Aderbal/Adherbal Amanar: Constel-lation
Kambujiya: handsome king Roshan: bright: light Ayesha/Aysha: life: woman actuel Aminocal des Aderfi: affranchi d’Orion
Khodadad: given by the Roshanak: lustrous woman Azora: sky blue Touaregs du kel-Ahaggar Adgum Amawal: Peut être Am:
father or lord Roshanara: light of the Azura/Azure: blue Ayuba: dérivation possible du Adi contient + Awal: des mots
Khorvash: like the sun assembly semiprecious stone prénom biblique Ayub Adid Amayas/Amayaz: guépard
Khshayarsha: ruler over Roshni: lustrous Darice: queen: ruler (Job) Adidet Amaynu: nouveau
heroes Sanaz: full of grace Est(h)er: star Ayyur-aghali Adinseg: courageux Amazuz: benjamin ou
Kianoush: royal Shabnam: dew Farah: happiness Immeghar: vieux (Canaries) chouchou
Koroush/Kurush: like the sun Shahnaz: king/shah’s pride Farideh: glorious Thinhinane: reine touarègue Adiusi: vigoureux (Canaries) Amazzal: dévoué, émissaire
Mehrdad: gift of the sun Shahrazad/Shahrizad: city Farzana: learned; intelligent qui serait originaire de Adjan Amdegh
Mirza : prince dweller Gasparina: treasure Tafilalet, Son nom veut Admer: poitrine Amedras
Mithra: covenant: treaty Shereen/Shireen/Shirin: Golnar: center of flame; red dire en tamachek “celle qui Adrikan Amellal: le blanc
Naveed/Navid: good news sweet flower se déplace” ou “celle qui Adrir/Adghigh Amen
Ohrmazd/Ormazd: divinity of Simin: silvery Guity: world vient de loin” Adza Amen(n)ay: cava-lier,
wisdom Tahirih: chaste: pure Hestia: star Berber/Amazigh Afagis seigneur
Papak: little father Yara: courage Jandari: lively one Aksil: guépard (fils du lion), Afalkay: le beau Amenzu: premier
Parvaiz/Parwiz: fortunate Yasamin/Yasmin: jasmine Jasma(n)/Jasmain/ prénom berbère de Afalku: faucon Ameqran/Amuqran: aîné,
Payam: message Zainab/Zaynab: child of Ali Jasmeen/Jasmeet/ Koceila Afaraj grand, sage, respecté
Rashne: judge Zareen: golden Jasmina/Jasmine/Jasmyn/ Ales: l'homme Afaw: le lumineux Amergiw
Roshan: bright: light Ziba: beautiful Jassi/Jazman: jasmine Amazigh: homme libre Afekay: généreux Amermus
Sarosh: prayer Zuleika/Zulekha: brilliant flower (=Berbère) Afennich Amesakul: voya-geur
Shadi: happiness beauty Larmina: blue sky Ameqran Afennis Amesan: savant
Shahpur: son of the king Khorshed/Khurshid: sun Marjan: coral Aureb/Awreb: D'où les Afer: arrière-grand-oncle de Amesfal
Shahriar: lord Omid: hope Mehri: kind; lovable Aureba, cités par Ibn Septime Sévère/ Amesggin: tiré d'un
Shahrivar: desirable power PERSIAN Minau: heaven Khaldun : tribu de Koceila “l'Africain” ethnonyme
Shahrokh: royal face Aban: mythological figure Mitra: name of an angel Aylimas: Roi amazigh (IVè / Afesdiyas Amezian/Amezyan/Amzin/
Shahzad: prince Amir: king Nahid: Goddess Venus IIIè s. av. J.-C.), dont Affi Mezyane: cadet
Sher: lion Andarun: within, inside; heart Nazanin: delightful l'autorité s'exerçait sur la Afkal Amezwar: guide, premier
Shahjahan: king of the world; Arash: hero Paradise: the garden of Eden Numidie orientale. Allié Aflis Amezza
shah Behras: beautiful as the day Parveneh: butterfly puis opposé à Agathocle. Il Afra: paix Amghar: vieux
Siavush: possesses black Behrooz: lucky Roxana/Roxane/Roxann(e)/ est l'un des fondateurs de Afsahi Ammuc
stallions Behzad: lucky Roxie: sunrise la dynastie des Massyles Afsan Amnas
Sin(d)bad: legendary sailor; Bijan: ancient hero Sadira: lotus tree; star (Massinissa). Il est le père Aftas Amray: amoureux
lord of sages Casper/Jasper: horseman; Shabnan: raindrop d'Ilès et de Narawas ; sa Afulay: Apulée Amri
Sohrab: bright: shining treasure master Shahdi: happy capitale fut l'antique Agafay: région du sud Amruc
Urvakhsha: cheerful Cyrus: king: sun Shideh: sun Thugga (Dougga) marocain connue pour la Amrus
Zarathustra: one who owns Darioush: Darius Shirina/Shirinada: singing Ayur: lune beauté de ses femmes Amsag
golden camels Durward: doorkeeper sweetly Azal: valeur Agag: lettré, cultivé Amud
Amardad: immortality Faridun: unique stone; Sholeh: flame Azref: le droit Agama: naturel Amur : flèche
Ameretat: goddess of precious gem Soraya: princess Badis: nom porté par Ahras: lion Amyaz
immortality Faruk(h): happy; fortunate Souzan: burning fire plusieurs rois amazighs, Ahsiku Amzal: de forgeron
Anahita: goddess of fertility Farzan: learned; intelligent Vashti: lovely notamment Badis " le Ajan Amzar
and water Feroz: fortunate, successful Vassy: beautiful Hammadite " Ajdir Amzun
Arzu: desire Garamon: champion Taran(eh): melody Idir Ajeddig: fleur Anaba
Atefeh: affection Gev: brave warrior Tariqa: the spiritual way Itri Ajis Anamar: heureux
Azar fire Hormisdas: great wise one Yasemin/Yasmeen/ Izem Akaday Anaruz
Banu: lady Jadu: magic Yasmina/Yazmin/Yesmin: Juba/Y(o)uba: “il porte” ou “il Akakus Anazâr: défi
Darya: ocean: sea Jiaan: strong jasmine flower supporte”. Le plus connu Akar: ancien Aguellid du Andara
Firuza: fortunate; successful Kasper: treasurer; imperial Yegane: incomparable fut Juba II. Sahara, dont le tombeau Andaz
Ghoncheh: flower bud Kaveh: ancient hero beauty Massinissa qui veut dire se trouve au pied du mont Anebdad: soutien
Gulistan: rose-land Kurush: throne Zarina: golden Massina, le roi de la Atakor, dans l'Ahaggar Anegmar
Gulzar: rose garden Majeed: great; one of the Zebara: adorning beauty Numidie la capitale du (Algérie) Anes
Haurvatat: goddess of health: gods Zebba: pretty girl royaume de la afrique du Akbabu Angad: région d’Oujda
perfection Majnoon: historical or Zena: a woman nord Akensus: tiré d'un Anir: ange
Jala: brightness; clarity legendary figure Zenda: sacred; feminine Mastinas: fils de Massinissa. ethnonyme Annaz
Jaleh: dew Mardonio: the male warrior Zohreh: happy Menad: chevalier nom Akenza: rayon lu-mineux Annira: guide (Canaries)
Khordad: health: perfection Mehr: sun; love Jasmin: jasmine flower berbère Aker Annun
Kohinoor: mountain of light Nard: chess player Shahin: eagle Ania: reine berbe-re Akersim: caracal Anqa
Laleh: tulip Narses: gift martyrs brought Touareg Dihya: prénom de la reine Akli: esclave Antalas: chef des
Layan: bright; shining from Persia Adal: tigre Kahina Akluf montagnards de la
Dorsale tunisienne qui durant les années 1880 Hayda: espiègle; Elle aime Abdul-Halim/Haleem: Abdul-Raqib/Raqeeb: highborn, pure
s'allie aux Nomades Ayura être aimée et le rend bien Servant of the all element Servant of Observer (God) Askar: Troop
Luwata venus de Ayyur: lune ldjouher: perle (God) Abdul-Razaq: Servant of all Aslam: Safer, Freer
Cyrénaïque, pour Azaggagh: rouge Ines: sociable, ai-mable Abdul-Hameed/Hamid: provider (God) Atar: Perfumer, perfume
combattre les Byzantins Azarug: indépendance Kahina: ancienne reine du Servant of the all laudable. Abdul-Saboor: Servant of the vendor
Anwal (Guanche, Iles Canaries) kabyle (God) Patient (God) Ataullah: Gift of God
Anzar: Dieu de la pluie, Azayku: ancestral Kehyna Abdul-Hanan: Slave of the Abdul-Salam: Servant of all Atef/Atif: Compassionate,
maître de l'eau. Azday Lehna : paix, bonheur Merciful Forgiving peaceable (God) affectionate, sympathetic
Anzer Azêllay: pendentif Louiza Abdul-Haq: Servant of the Abdul-Samad: Servant of the Atiq/Ateeq: Older, Ancient,
Aqnuc Azem Malha: petite princesse Truth (God) Eternal (God) Noble
Aqzer Azenkwed: gazelle (mâle) Mekioussa Abdul-Haseeb/Hasib: Abdul-Sami: Servant of all Ayob/Ayub: Job
Arafu Azenzêr: rayon de lumière Melxir Servant of Reckoner hearing. (God) Azam: Greater, greatest,
Araken Azerwal: aux yeux bleus Nélia: petite fleur Abdul-Hai/Hay: Servant of Abdul-Satar: Servant of the more importan
Aramsu Aziki: tiré d'un ethnonyme Ouardia the Living (God) Veiler of sin (God) Azim: Great, Mighty
Aras: beau brun, élégant Azmer Siniman: union de deux Abdul-Jabar: Servant of the Abdul-Shahid/Shaheed: Aziz: Dear
Arezki Aznag: Lignée d'Iznagen (cf. âmes (du père et de la Omnipotent. (God) Servant of the Witness Azizullah: Dear to God
Argan Ibn Khaldoun) mère) Abdul-Jalil: Servant of Abdul-Shahed: Servant of Badi: Wondrous
Arim Azregh Sofines: intelligente Exalted (God) the Witness Bahadur: Brave, Bold,
Ariuc: Prêtre héré-tique Azrur: le beau Syra : allure d'un cheval Abdul-Jamil: Servant of Abdul-Tawab: Servant of the Magnanimous
Libyen (Arius) Azûlay: aux beaux yeux Taos Beautiful (God) most forgiving Bahaudin: Glow of the
Arkam Azum Tamazuzt: benjamine, petite Abdul-Jawad: Servant of Abdul-Zaher/Zahir: Servant religion
Arris Azur chérie most Bountiful (God) of the overt, manifest Baqer/Baker: Fierce lion,
Arsan Azuz Taxlent: léopard femelle Abdul-Kabir/Kabeer: Servant Abdul-Wadood: Servant of abounding in knowledge,
Artemit: chef Guanche, au Azwaw Thafsouth/Tafsut: printemps of the Great (God) the Vast learned
début du XVè siècle Azwu Thanina Abdul-Karim: Servant of most Abdul-Wahab: Servant of all Baaqi: Permanent,
Asaf Azzad Thasaadhith: chanceuse, generous (God) give. (God) everlasting, eternal
Asafar: remède Buna: sérieux, timide et heureuse Abdul-Khabir/Khabeer: Slave Abdul-Wahed: Servant of the Barakat: Blessings, good
Asafu: flambeau généreux Thilleli: liberté of the one who is aware One (God) fortunes prosperities
Asafuk: Jour du soleil Darris Thiziri: clair de lune Abdul-Khaleq/Khaliq: Servant Abdul-Wakil/Wakeel: Servant Barakatullah: Blessing of
=Sunday Faredj Wezna of the Creator (God) of Implementor God
Asagh Fattah: la clé du bonheur Amia Abdul-Latif/Lateef: Servant of Abdul-Wali: Servant of the Basel: Brave, bold, valiant
Asama: sabre Fayed: aventurier Ania Gracious (God) Comrade Baser: Seeing, wise
Asaru: beau et de grande Frawsen Asama Abdul-Maalek/Malik: Servant Abdul-Wares: Servant of the Baset: Stretches, enlarges
taille Gwafa: fils du sommet AFGHAN of the Owner. (God) Survivor Bashir/Basheer: Bringer of
Asaruf Gwasila: fils de la plaine Arabic Abdul-Majid/Majeed: Servant Adam: Name of first man/first Good News
Asbaku Heddi Aalem: Learned, Learned of the all glorious (God) mankind Basim/Baseem: Smiling
Asemidhan: honorable Kenna: meneur; prédestiné à man, Scholar, scientist Abdul-Malek: Servant of the Adel: Righteous, Just, Basir/Baseer: Perspicacious,
Asenneflay: généreux, bon, la politique Aaqel/Aaqil: Wise, Intelligent Sovereign/King (God) Equitable Sage , Sagacious
prodigue Lalla: terme de respect Abas: Frowning, looking Abdul-Manan: Servant of the Afzal: Better, Superior, Belal: Water, moisture,
Aserdhil Maqrin: toujours de bonne austere, also means lion Benefactor (God) Prominent freshness, river, sea
Asfar/Aspar: Conseiller de humeur. Personne facile à Abed/Abid: Worshipper, Abdul-Matin/Mateen: Servant Ahmad/Ahmed: Benyamin: Name of brother
Yughurthen. Prénom vivre adorer, devout of the Strong (God) Commendable, of prophet Yousus / josef
d'origine punique? Mohand/M'hand Abdul-Ahad: Servant of the Abdul-Muhsen: Servant of Praiseworthy, Greatly Besharat: Good news, glad
Asfru: poème Neffus only One (God) the Benefactor. (God) Praised tidings
Asifnazidan: Fleuve de Nguna Abdul-Alim/Aleem: Servant of Abdul-Mujib/Mojeeb: Servant Ahmad-Ullah: Praise God BulBul: Nightingale
douceur (Asif n'Azidan) Sekla: très ambitieux all knowing (God) of Answerer (God) Ajmal: More beautiful, Burhan: Proof, evidence
Asirem : espoir Sifax Abdul-Ali: Servant of the Abdul-Momen: Servant of all extremely beautiful Burhanudin: Proof of the
Asker Silyan most High faithful (God) Akbar: Greater, Bigger religion
Aslal: rayon de miel Yaid Abdul-Azim/Azeem: Servant Abdul-Mutaleb: Grandfather Akram: More generous, Dawood/Daud: David
Asmil Zillasen of the Mighty ( God) of Muhammad nobler, bountiful Din Muhammad: Religion of
Asmun: âme soeur Adidi Abdul-Aziz/Azeez: Servant of Abdul-qadeer/Qadir: Servant Alaudin: Glory of religion, Muhammad
Asnani Aldjya: poupée the Almighty of the Powerful (God) excellence of religion Ebadullah: Worshipers of
Asrag Anella: plante produisant le Abdul-Bari: Servant of the Abdul-Qader: Servant of the Ali: Elevated, High Status God
Astrag henné Creator powerful (God) Allah-Bakhsh: Gift of God Ebrahim: Abraham
Asulil: rocher Anida: douce, dévouée, forte, Abdul-Badi/Badee: Servant Abdul-Qahar: Servant of the Aman/Amman: Trust, safety, Edris/Edrees: A Prophet’s
Aszar fidèle of the originator Subduer, Dominant security, protection, name
At'isi Anissa Abdul-Baqi: Servant of the Abdul-Qaher: Servant of the tranquility Ehsan/Ihsan: Goodness
Atanawsu: héros Guanche Arrida: invitation Everlasting (God) Subduer. (God) Amanudin: Trust of religion Elham: Revelation,
de la résistance contre les Asma: esprit vif Abdul-Bari: Slave of the Abdul-Qayom: Servant of Amanullah: Trust, care of Inspiration , Infusion
Espagnols Awina Creator Eternal (God) God, protection of God Emad: Pillar, Support
Atbir: colombe Awlima Abdul-Basir/Baseer: Servant Abdul-Qudos: Servant of all Amin: Honest Elias: Name of a Prophet
Aten Awrigha: dorée, ensoleillée of sagacious (God) Holy (God) Amir: King Enayat: generosity, Favour
Atisi Badira: aussi lumineuse que Abdul-Baset/Basit: Servant of Abdul-Rashid/Rasheed: Anis/Anees: Friend, close Eqbal: Destiny, Fortune, Luck
Atrar: moderne la pleine lune the Expander (God) Servant of Right-minded companion, companion Esmail/Ismail: Son of
Aurigh/Awragh: or Baya: distinguée Abdul-Fattah: Servant of the (God) Ansar: Helpe, friend, patron, Ebrahim Prophet
Autas Beninna: délicieuse conqueror (God) Abdul Shakor: Servant of all supporter Esmat/Ismat/Asmat: Chastity,
Autit Djédjiga: fleur Abdul-Ghafar: Servant of Thankful (God) Anwar/Anvar: Beams of Light Dignity, Pride
Awdia Djouhar forgiving (God) Abdullah: Servant of God Aref: Wise, intelligent Ezatullah: Attributed, honour,
Awras Doress: froide et directe Abdul-Ghafoor/Ghafur: Abdul-Naser: Servant of the Aroon/Aaron/Haroon: Lofty, Glory to God
Awreg: de rêve Elkaissa: la posée Servant of the Forgiving Helper (God) Superior, Aaron Was Fahim: Of understanding,
Awsim Fariza : sage, disciplinée (God) Abdul-Noor: Servant of Light Moses’ Older Brother intelligent, wise
Awzal: tiré d’un ethnonyme Fella Abdul –Ghani: Servant of all Abdul-Rab: Servant of Lord Asad: Lion Faisal: The judge
Aydril/Ayedril/Ayidril Feriel: prénom numidien, la sufficient (God) Asadullah: Lion of God Faiz: Blessing , Bounty,
Ayigig fille du roi Gaïa Abdul-Hafez: Servant of Abdul-Rafi: Servant of Asef/Asif: Forgiveness Profusion, profit
Ayitift Feroudja Guardian (God) Exalted (God) Asghar: Smaller Faizudin: Bounty of religion
Aylal: oiseau Fetta Abdul-Hadi: Servant of guide Abdul-Rahim: Servant Asheq/Ashiq: Adorer, lover, Faizullah: Abundance from
Aylan: bouclier Gemala (God) Merciful (God) suitor God
Ayrad/Irat: grand félin Guraya: nom d'une sainte en Abdul-Hafeez/Hafiz: Servant Abdul-Rahman: Servant of Ashequllah: Adore of God Fakhrudin: Pride of the
Aytarel: prétendant au titre Kabylie, qu'ont chantée of Guardian (God) Beneficent (God) Ashraf: More honourable, religion
d'Aminoukal du Hoggar. A beaucoup de chanteurs Abdul-Hakim/Hakeem: Abdul-Raof/Rauf: Servant of most distinguished Faqir/Faqeer: Poor, Meek,
combattu les Français kabyles Servant of All wise (God) Compassionate (God) Asil/Aseel: Of noble origin, Poor fellow
Faraj: Vulva, Relief Hares: Guardian Jaber: Healer Mahfooz/Mahfuz: Protected, Mukhtar/Mokhtar: Free in NeamatUllah: Blessing of
Farid: Unique Harif/Hareef: Rival, Jafar: Small river Secure, Reserved one’s action, empowered God
Farooq: One who can opponent, match Jahid/Jahed: Diligent, Mahmood/Mahmoud: Mumtaz: Distinguished, Nesar: To strew, To sacrifice
differentiate Harir/Hareer: Silk, silk cloth Hardworking, Striving Praised, Commendable, excellent Nezam: Order, Arrangement,
Farhat: Calm, satisfaction, Hasan: Beauty, goodness, Jalal: Majesty, Grandeur, Praiseworthy, Laudable Munawar/Monawar: Discipline, Ruler, System
happiness virtue Glory Majid/Majeed: glorious, no- Illuminated, bright NezamUdin: Discipline of
Fateh: Conqueror Hashem: Grandfather of JalalUdin: The majesty of ble, exalted; honourable Muqim/Moqim: Resident, religion
Fathullah: Victory granted by Muhammad religion Makhdom: Served, waited on residing Niamat/Nemat: Blessing,
God Hashmat: Retinue, pomp, Jalil: Great, Exalted, Malek: Reigning, Ruling Murshed/Murshid: Spiritual Boon, Favour, Grace,
Fattah: The one who opens magnificence Magnificent Malem: Teacher guide or preceptor, sheikh Comforts of life
Fawad/Fuad: Heart HashmatUllah: Beloved of Jamal: Beauty Mamnon/Mamnoon: Obliged, Musadeq: One who confirms Noor: Light, illumination
Fayaz: Bountiful God JamalUdin: Beauty of the Grateful or certifies NoorAhmad: Light of the
Fayeq/Faiq: Excellent, Hasib/Haseeb: Noble, religion Manan: Munificent or Musawer: Portraitist, painter Praised
outstanding, distinguished respected, highborn Jamil: Handsome, Beautiful, beneficent, epithet of God Musharaf: Imminent, Noor Muhammad: Light of
Faazel: Learned man, Hassam: Sword Good, Reputable Manshoor: Charter, firman, overlooking Muhammad
scholar HassamUdin: Sword of Jawad/Javad: Generous, patent, prism Mushfeq: Kind, tender NoorUdin: Light of religion
Fazel: Favour, grace, religion Liberal, Open-handed Mansoor/Mansour: Assisted, Mushtaq: Eager, anxious NoorUlhaq: Light of the truth
excellence, merit, learning Hayat: Life Jazeb: Attractive, absorbent Aided by God, Victorious, Muslim: Follower of islam Nouman: Flower Beds
FazelRabi: Bounty of my Hazrat: Excellency, highness, Jenab: Excellency Triumphant Mustafa/Mostafa: Chosen, Obaid/Ubaid: Little servant
Lord majesty Juma/Joma: Friday Manzoor: Intention, Selected (Mohammad) Obaidullah/Ubaidullah: Little
FazlulHaq: Bounty of the Hedayat: Guidance Kafil/Kafeel: Personal surety expectation, provided for, Mutawakel: Trusting servant of God
Truth Hedayatullah: Guidance of or bail, Guarantor considered Muzafar: Victorious Omar: Long-Lived
Fazlullah: Bounty of God God Kabir/Kabeer: Great, Elder, Maqbool/Maqbul: Accepted, MuzafarUdin: Victorious of Omid: Hope
Ferdaws/Ferdows: Heaven, Hekmat: Wisdom Major, Capital, Mortal Granted, Pretty the religion Omran: Improvement,
Paradise Helal: Crescent, new moon Kamal: Perfection, Maroof/Maruf: Favour, Nabi: Prophet sent by God Reconstruction
Ghafar/Ghaffar: Most Hemat: Ambition, aspiration, Completion, Integrity Kindness, Famous, Noted for the guidance of Orfan/Orfaan: Knowledge,
forgiving lofty purpose Kamel: perfect; complete, Mashaal: Torch, Light mankind gnosticism
Ghafoor/Ghafur: Most Humayon: Auspicious, thorough, full Mashooq/Mashuq: Man who Nabil/Nabeel: Noble, Osman/Uthman: Honest,
forgiving fortunate Karam: Generosity, is loved by a woman Honourable, Intelligent, Caring and Sincere
Ghaleb/Ghalib: Prevailing, Husain/Husein: Strong, greatness of heart Maseeh/Maseh: Jesus Dexterous Qader: Able, Capable,
conquering secure, immune KaramUllah: Bounty of God Masror: Glad, Happy, NabiUllah: Prophet of God Powerful
Ghani: Free from want, Rich, Ibn-Sina: Ibn-Sina balkhi was Karim: Generous, great, Pleased Nader: Extraordinary, Rare, Qadeer/Qadir: Able,
Rich man a Afghan-Persian Scholar noble, bountiful Massood/Massoud: Happy, Exceptional Powerful, Mighty
Gharib/Ghareeb: Poor, and commonly known in Kashef/Kashif: Discoverer Prosperous Nafis/Nafees: Refined, Pure, Qaed/QaaEd: Leader
needy, humble; stranger, English by his Latinized Kasir/Kaseer: Numerous, Massom: Innocent, Exquisite, Precious, Qaem/QaaEm: Independent,
foreign name Avicenna great, much immaculate, chaste, Invaluable upright
Ghaws/Ghaus: Assistance, Ibrahim: As Abraham Kateb: Writer, Scribe, impeccable Nadim: Intimate friend, Boon Qaher: Forcible, powerful,
Help, Companionship Idris/Idress/Edris: A Prophet's Amanuensis Mati: Obedient companion, Courtier subduing
Ghayoor: Zealous, jealous, name Kawkab/Kavkab: Star, planet MatiUllah: Obedient to God Naieb: Depudy Qais: Measure,
intolerant of rivalry Iftekhar: Honour Kawsar/Kavsar: Abundant, in Matin/Mateen: Strong, Naim/Naeem: Luxury, Measurement, Firm,
Ghazanfar: Lion IftekharUdin: Pride of the great supply Powerful, Solid, Durable Pleasure, Blessing Example
Ghazi: Warriors who fought religion Kazem/Kazim: One who Meraj: Ascension (to Naji: Saved, Liberated, Safe Qaisar: Caesar
for Islam Ihteram: Respect, honour represses his anger Heaven) Najib: Excellent, Noble, Qasem: Distributor, Divider
Ghazwan: Warrior Ikhlas: Devotion, sincerity Kefayat: Sufficiency, Meskin/Meskeen: Poor, Distinguished, Qaseem/Qasim: Distributor
Ghias/Ghiaas: Redress of Ikhtiar: Authority, option, efficiency beggar Praiseworthy, Denerous, Qayoom: Eternal, Everlasting
grievances choice, control, free will Khabir/Khabeer: Well- Milad/Meelad: Birth Aristocratic Qiam: Rising, insurrection,
GhiasUdin: Helper of the Ikram: Honouring, glory, informed, omniscient, Misaq: Pact, covenant Najibullah: Distinguished, revolt
religion esteem learned Moawen/Maawen: Assistant, servant of God Qudos: Very holy
Ghullam/Ghulam: slave, lad, Ikramullah: Glory of God Khadem: Servant assistant director.(or chief) Najm: Star Qudrat: Power, ability
servant Ilham: inspiration Khaiam: Tent-maker Mohammad/Muhahmmad: NajmUdin: Star of religion QudratUallah: Power of God
Habib: Friend, Darling, Lover, Ilias/Ilyas: A Prophet Khaiat: Tailor Praised, Lauded, Naqi/Naqee: Pure, clean Quraish: The tribe of the
Beloved Imad: Pillar Khair: Welfare, benefit, good, Commended, Praiseworthy Naqib/Naqeeb: President, Prophet Muhammad
Hadad: Blacksmith, Iron ImadUdin: Pillar of the charity, blessing Moheb/Muheb: Loving, Head, Chief Qurban: Sacrifice, offering,
Smith religion KhairUdin: Welfare of religion Affectionate, Friend Nasib/Naseeb: Portion, victim
Hadi: Guide Iman: Faith, Believe Khaled: Immortal, Eternal Mohebullah: Loving of God share, lot, destiny Qutb: Pole, axis, pivot
Hakem: Governor, Imdad: Assistance,support, Khaleq: Creator Mohsen/Muhsen: Benefactor, Nasir/Naseer: Helper, Aid, QutbUdin: Pole of religion
magistrate, judge help Khales: Pure, true, clear Beneficent Defender Rabaani: Divine
Hafez: Keeper, Retaining, Imtiaz: Distinction, privilege, Khalil: Friend Moin/Moein: Assistant, Naser: Assister, Friend, Rabi/Rabee: Spring,
Retentive concession KhalilUllah: Friend of God adjutant Defender Springtime
Hafiz/Hafeez: Guard Inayat: Favour Khateb: Suitor Mojib/Mojeeb: Replier, NaserUdin: Protector of Rafi/Rafee: High Ranking,
Haidar: Short, Short Stature Inayatullah: Care of God Khater: Mind, heart, memory, Answerer, one who grants religion Noble, Eminent, Exalted,
Haji: Title of someone who Insaf: Equity, justice idea Mojtaba/Mujaba: Chosen, Nasher: One who publishes Sublime
has performed haj (pilgri- Intekhab: Choice Kheial: Phantom, Selected, Elected Nasim/Naseem: Gentle wind, Rafiq: Associate, Intimate
mage to Mecca) Intezar: Waiting, expectation hallucination, thought, Momen: Believer, Pious man Fresh air, zephyr, A cool friend, Companion
Hakim/Hakeem: Sage, Iqbal: Fortune, luck intention Mones: Companion, friend breeze Rahim: Merciful,
Philosopher, Doctor Irshad: Guidance, Showing Latif: Fine, Pure, Delicate, Monir/Munir/Moneer: Nasrat/Nusrat: Help, Aid, Compassionate
Halim/Haleem: Meek, the right way Tender, Thin, Elegant, Splendid, Shining, Assistance, Support Rahman: The most Gracious
forbearing Isar: Giving in abundance, Gentle Something that reflects NasrUdin: Victory of religion Rahmat: Mercy,
Hamed: Praiser excessive generosity Layeq: Worthy, Fit, light NasrUllah: Help of God commiseration,
Hamid/Hameed: Islah: Correction, Meritorious Morad/Murad: Will, Intention, Nateq: Speaker, orator pardon,grace, blessing
Praiseworthy improvement, reform, Luqman: Eastern fabulist Desire, Intended Nawab: Deputy, secretary RahmatUallah: Mercy of God
HamidUllah: Servant of adjustment often identified with Aesop Mortaza/Murtaza: Chosen, Nazem: Superintendent, Rajab: The seventh month of
laudable Islam: Submitting to God's Lutf: Kindness, grace, Approved, Agreeable, Regulator the arabic calendar
Hamza: Lion will amenity, elegance Acceptable Nazer: Spectator, observer, Ramazan: Ninth Arabic lunar
Hanan: Compassionate, Ismail: son of Abraham Lutullah/Lotfollah: Kindness Moosa/Musa: Moses controller, overseer month. Fasting month
merciful, affectionate Ismat: Chastity, modesty of God, favour of God Mubarak/Mobarak: Blessed, Nazif/Nazeef: Pure, Clean, Ramez: One who indicates
Hanif/Haneef: True believer Israr: Secret, mystery Maalek/Maalik: Owner, Auspicious Neat and clean, Chaste by signs
Haq: Truth, God, just, true;, Ishaq/Issac: Son of Abraham Landlord, Proprietor Mubasher: Harbinger of good Nazir/Nazeer: Precedent, Raof/Raouf: Merciful, Kind,
egitimate Itemad: Confidence, trust, Mahdi/Mehdi: Rightly guided news, foreunner Alike, Equal to Compassionate
Haqani: Correct, rightful, reliance Mahboob: Belived, Loved, MuhaiUdin: Reviver of the Neamat: Affluence, riches, Raqib/Raqeeb: Rival,
proper Jabar: Powerful, Mighty Favourite, Popular, Darling religion easy life, blessing, gift antagonist, competitor
Rasekh: Established, stable, Shafi: Intercessor, mediator WasimUllah: Handsome of ripe years, elderly Husna: Beautiful. Fem. of sacred hill near Mecca
steady Shafiq/Shafeeq: Affectiona- the religion Aroos: Bride Hassan Nabila/Nabeelah: Noble,
Rashed: Orthodox te, compassionate Wasiq: Firm, sure Asal: Honey Husnia: Beautiful generous, highborn. Fem.
Rasheed/Rashid: Major, Shahab: shooting-star, Wazir: Minister Asefa: Pure, virtuous, Ilham/Ilhaam: Inspiration of Nabil
Adult, Orthodox, Guided, meteor Yahia: To love, Will live. spotless. Fem. of Asef Iman: Faith Nadera: Rarity, curiosity,
Intelligent Shahabudin: Meteor of the John, son of Zakaria Atiqa/Ateeqa: Antique, relic, Jabin/Jabeen: Forehead, anecdote. Fem. of Nader
Rasool: Messenger, religion Yasin/Yaseen: The opening old or antique. Fem. of Atiq brow Nadia: Caller, announcer
messenger of God Shaker: Thankful, grateful, letters of the first verse of Atefa: Feeling, kind feeling, Jahedah: Diligent, Nadima: Boon companion,
Rateb: Arrange contented surat Ya Sin (36:1) sentiment. Fem. of Atef industrious. Fem. of Jahed king’s jester. Fem. of
Razaaq: Provider Shakoor/Shakur: Very Yasar/Yassar: Wealth, Aziza: Dear, honoured, Jalila/Jaleela: Great, Nadim
Razi: Satisfied, pleased grateful affluence, ease powerful, darling. Fem. of gtorious, honourable. Fem. Naderah: Rarity, curiosity,
Reshad: To come true,to be Shamim/Shameem: Fragrant, Yaser/Yasir: Easy, wealthy, Aziz of Jalil rare. Fem. of Nader
Fulfilled scent affluent Bashira: Bringer of good Jamilah/Jameela: Nafisa/Nafeesa: Precious,
Reza: Wish, Assent, Good Shams: Sun Yaqoob/Yaqoub: Jacob, son news; Fem. of Bashir Handsome, beautiful, exquisite. Fem. of Nafis
Will, Desire ShamsUdin: Sun of the of Isaac Basira: Sagacious, endowed reputable. Fem. of Jamil Naghma: Melody
Rooh: Spirit, soul, ghost, life, religion Yonos/Yones/Younos: Jonah with insight, fem. of Basir Jannat: Paradise Naima/Naeema: Luxury,
essence ShamsUlhaq: Sun of the Yousuf/Yousef: Joseph, son Belqis/Belqees: Queen of Kamelah: Perfect, complete. pleasure, blessing. Fem. of
RoohUallah: Spirit of God truth of Yaqub/Jacob Saba Fem. of Kamel Naim
Saber: Patient, Tolerant Sharaf: Honour, dignity; Zabi: Sacrificed or Bolour: Crystal, cut glass, Karimah: Precious, perfect, Najia: One who escapes or is
Sabet: Fixed, firm, moral distinction, slaughtered (animal or flint-glass noble. Fem. of Karim saved. Fem. of Naji
immovable, steady, superiority person) Cobra/Kobra: Major Kawkab/Kaukab: Star Najiba: Noble, gentle,
constant, proved, SharafUdin: Honour of the Zabiullah: Sacrificed for God Donya/Dunia: World Khadija/Khadeeja: First wife chaste , soft, quiet. Fem. of
invariable religion Zafar: Victory, triumph Ehteram: Respect, honour of Muhammed Najib
Saboor/Sabur: Patient, Sharif/Shareef: Noble, Zahed/Zahid: Devout or Elaha: Goddess Khaterah: Reminiscence, Naqiba/Naqeeba : Mind,
Tolerant, Forebearing Honourable, Highborn, ascetic (person) Elham: Inspiration remembrance, memory chief, leader, apostle. Fem.
Saadaat: The descendants of Eminent Zaher/Zahir: Apparent, Fahima: Intelligent, wise. Latifa/Lateefa: Pretty, gentle, of Naqib
the Prophet Shayeq: Hopeful, Wisher, outward, external Fem. of Fahim sweet, pleasantry, Fem. of Nsera: Assister, friend,
Sadeq: True, Truthful, Lover, Needy Zahoor: Appearance, advent, Fakhri: Glory Latif defender. Fem. of Naser
Honest, Sincere Shekib: Patient outburst, presentation Fakhriah: Proud, honorary, Laila/Leila: Of the night Nasima: Breeze, zephyr
Sadi: Good influence of the ShoAib: Jethro: father-in-law Zaid: Increase, increment, glory, pride. Fem. of Fakhri Laily/Leily: Nocturnal, of the Nazifa/Nazeefa: Clean, neat,
stars, lucky. Sadi was a of Moses addition, excess, surplus Farah: Joy, hapiness, night chaste, pure. Fem. of Nazif
great persian poet Sohail: Canopus, King, Zain: Beautiful, pretty, cheerfulness Lina/Leena: Tender Nazira/Nazeera: Equal, like,
SadUdin: Star of religion Emperor, Ruler, Authority, beauty, grace Faridah/Fareeda: Unique or Madina/Madeena: The holy alike, resembling, match,
SadUllah: Joy of God Power. second brightest ZainUdin: Grace of the precious pearl. Fem. of city of islam Fem. of Nazir
Saeid/Said/Saeed: star in the sky religion Farid Mahbooba: Dear, sweet- Neda: Proclamation, voice,
Venerable, dignified, Sulaiman: Solomon, son of ZainulAbudin: Ornament of Fatemah: Muhammad’s heart. Fem. of Mahboob call
happy, lucky Dawood the worshippers Daughter Mahdia: Rightly guided. Fem. Noria/Nooria: Light, lustre.
Safdar: Valiant Sultan: King, Emperor, Ruler, Zakaria: Zacharia Fattanah: Beautiful, of Mahdi Fem. of Noor
Sahel: Shore, bank Authority, Power Zaker: Remember of God charming, captivating Mahfooza: Safeguarded, Noshin/Nosheen: Sweet
Safi: Pure, Choice Taher/Tahir: Virtuous, Pure, Zaki: keen, intelligent, Fawzia: Triumphant, protected. Fem. of Obaida/Ubaidah: Little ser-
SafiUllah: The pure of God Pious, Modest, Clean, sagacious successful, victorious Mahfooz vant. Fem. of Obaid/Ubaid
Saif: Sword Chest Zameer: Heart, mind, Fayeqah: Excellent, Maimana: Right side, right Oranos: Uranus
SaifUdin: Sword of the Taj: Crown conscience, pronoun outstanding, Fem. of wing Ozra: Virgin, maiden
religion Tajamul: Luxury, articles of Zarif/Zareef: Elegant, nice, Fayeq Maimoona: Auspicious, Qamar: Moon
SaifUallah: Sword of God luxury delicate, miniature, subtle, Fazela: Learned,scholarly, prosperous, lucky, Qandi: Candy
Sajad: Worshiper of God TajUdin: Crown of the religion witty, clever victory surplus. Fem. of Fazel fortunate Qasima/Qaseema:
Sajed: kneeling, prostrate, Tamim Zia: Light, glow, illumination, Ghamzah: Ogling, amorous Majida/Majeeda: Greal, Participant, distributor.
bowing Tareq/Tariq: Nocturnal visitor splendour glance honourable, exalted. Fem. of Qasim
Sakhaa: Generosity, liberality Tawab: Merciful, Forgiving ZiaUdin: Light of the religion Ghazal: Gazelle Femof Majid Qodisa/Qudsia: Holy,
Sakhi: Generous Tawfiq: Success, grace ZiaUlhaq: Light of the Truth Ghazalah: Gazelle Malekah: Queen celestial
Salaah: Goodness, moral Toofan: deluge, flood, Zubaid/Zubd: Cream, butter Habibah: Beloved, Maliha: Beautiful Rabia/Rabea: Spring
soundness, well-being, hurricane, storm Zubair: Small piece of iron, a sweetheart. Fem. of Habib Mariam/Maryam: Mary Rafia/Rafeeia: elevated,
advisable, expedient Ulfat: Familiarity, friendship brave and wise person Haidah/Haedah: repentant Marjan/Marjaan: Small noble, sublime. Fem. of
SalaahUdin: Interest of the Umar: The second successor Zulfaqar: Name of a sword Hamidah/Hameeda: Praise- pearls, coral Rafi
religion of Muhammad presented to Ali worthy. Fem. of Hamid Maroofa/Marufa: Famous, Raihana/Rayhana: sweet
Salam: Peace, safety, Uqaab: Eagle Aadela/Aadila: Hadiah/Hadyah: Gift known. Fem. of Maroof basil
security Urooj: Ascension Fair,reasonable, just, Hafizah/Hafeezah: Marzia: Agreeable, laudable Rahela: One who travels
Saleh: Pious, sighteous, Usman/Uthman: Honest, upright. Fem. of Adel Guardian , protector. Fem. Mashal: Torch, light, bright Rahil/Raheel: Rachel, wife of
upright caring and sincere Aaela/Aaila: Family of Hafeez fire Yaqub (Jacob)
Salem: Healthy, safe, intact Vafa/Wafa: Fidelity members, also used as a Hakimah/Hakeemah: Wise, Masooma: Innocent, imma- Rahima/Raheema: Merciful.
Salim/Saleem: Sound, Vahid/Wahid/Waheed: name sage, philosopher. Fem. of culate, chaste, impecca- Fem. of Rahim
affable, healthy, guarded, Unique, Matchless, Abeda/Abida: Worshipper, Hakim ble. Fem. of Masoom Razia: Satisfied, pleased,
perfect Singular, Unparallelled pious, devout. Fem. of Haliah: Aware, knowing Massouda/Masooda: Happy, content, willing
Salman: Safety Vakil/Wakil: Advocate, Abed Halimah/Haleemah: Gentle, prosperous. Fem. of Rowaida/Ruwaida: Walking
Samad: Eternal, High counselor, attorney, lawyer; Adiba/Adeeba: Man of patient, mild-tempered Massoud gently
Sami: Hearing, Listening representative, proxy, letters, literary man. Hamedah: Praiser. Fem. of Mastoora/Mastura: Chaste Saba: Zephyr, a gentle
Samim: Genuine, pure, true, agent Female of Adib Hamed Mohsena/Muhsena: breeze
essence Vali/Valy/Wali/Waly: guardian, Afia: Good health, welfare Hanifah/Haneefah: True Benevolent, beneficent. Sabera/Sabira: Patient. Fem.
Saraj: Lamp, light warden, tutor; saint Afifa: Chaste believer. Fem. of Hanif Fem. of Mohsen of Saber
SarajUdin: Lamp of religion Valid/Walid/Waleed: new, Aliah: High, excellent. Fem. Hasibah/Haseebah: Noble, Momena: Believer Saboora/Sabura: Patient,
Satar: Screen, Cover, Curtain newborn, nascent of Ali respected, highborn. Fem. Monira/Muneera: Shining, Tolerant, Forbearing. Fem.
wall, Pretext Vares/Wares: Heir Alima/Aleema: Exalted, of Hasib bright, brilliant. Fem. of of Saboor
Sebghat: Dye, color Wadood: Very affectionate omniscient. Fem. of Alim Hasinah/Haseenah: Pretty, Monir Sadaf: Mother of pearl, sea
SebghatUallah: Color of God Waez/Waiz: Preacher Amena: Safe beautiful Monesa: Companion, friend. shell
Sedaqat: Truth Wahab/Wahaab: Bestower, Amina/Ameena: Trustee, Hawa: Eve Fem. of Mones Sadeqa/Sadiqa: Truthful,
Sediq: Righteous, Very giver (God) honest. Fem. of Amin Homaira: One who strives to Muslima: Follower of Islam. true. Fem. of Sadeq
truthful, Hones, Sincere Wahed: Single, unique, unit Anisa/Aneesa: Companion, achieve her utmost Fem. of Muslim Sadia: happiness, luck, bliss-
Shabab: Youth Wase: Liberal assoclate, comrade, Hoor: A virgin maiden of Mursal/Morsal: Sent on a ful, fortunate. Fem. of Sadi
Shaban: Eighth lunar month Wasef: Describer, praiser famillar, friendly. Fem. of Paradise mission Safia/Safiya: Pure, Choice.
Shabir: Son of prophet Wasim/Waseem: Handso- Anis Hooria: Name comes from Marwa/Marva: Al-Marwa is Fem. of Safi
Haroon me, beautiful, graceful Aqela: Wise, intelligent, of hoor of heaven one of the name of a Sahar: Dawn
Saeida/Saeeda: Happy, sagacious. Fem. of Zaki Fardin/Fardeen: Extenuating Shahnamah prophet Muhammad Farnaz: Splendid coquetry,
lucky, prosperous. Fem. of Zarifa/Zareefa: Elegant, nice, of first month of Spring Manoochehr: A character in Yawar: Assistant or supporter glorious coquetry
Said delicate, miniature, subtle, Farhad: A character in Shahnamah Zaman: Epoch, age, tense, Farukh: Auspicious
Sakina/Sakeena: Comfort, witty, clever victory. Fem. Shahnameh Mazdak: Zoroastrian Prophet time Fereshtah: Angel
ease, tranquillity, repose of Zarif Farhang: Good-breeding, Maziar: a devout Zoroastrian, Zaryab: Rich, wealthy Firoozah/Feroza: Turquoise
Saleha/Saliha: Pious, Zinat/Zeenat: Ornament, Culture revolted against the Arab Aaina/Aina: Mirror Forogh: Brightness
sighteous, upright. Fem. of decoration Fariborz: A character in Muslim occupation of Afarin: Praise, applause, well Forozan: Luminous, bright
Saleh Zohra/Zuhrah: Venus Shahnamah Iranian lands done! Forozendah: Luminous,
Salma: To be safe, peaceful Zubaida: Marigold, prime Farokh/Farukh: Happy, Mehrab: A character in Afrooz: Illuminate shining
Salima/Saleema: Sound, Zulaikha/Zuleikha: The name Fortunate Shahnamah Afsana: Fable, myth, by-word Geeso/Gisoo: Woman’s hair;
affable, healthy, guarded. of the ancient Egyptian Farshad: Happy Mehran: A character in Afshan: Scatter, sprinkle, ringlet, tress
Fem. of Salim prime minister (Potiphar) in Farman: Order, decree Shahnamah shake off, brandish Giti/Geti: World, universe
Samar: Story, story at night, ancient times who Farshid/Farsheed: Sunshine, Merza/Mirza: Son of a prince Afsoon: Incantation, charm Ghonchah/Ghunchah: Bud of
by-word afterwards fell in love with Splendour or the pomp of Mir/Meer: King, Governor, Ahoo/Ahu: Deer, gazelle flower
Samia: Hearing, Listening. Josef the sun Leader, extenuating of Anar/Anaar: Pomegranate, Gul Badan: Beauty body,
Fem. of Sami Dari/Persian Farzad: Splendid birth Amir used as female name resemble rose
Samin/Semin/Sameen: Aaban: 8th Persian month, Farzan: Learned, Wise MirJahan: King of world Anahita: Goddess of rivers Gulbahar/Golbahar: Spring
Precious, expensive angel of iron Farzin/Farzeen: Learned, Mullah: A person versed in and water flower
Samira/Sameerah: Aabdar: Juicy Queen of chess theoiogy and sacred law Andisha: Thought, reflection, Gul-Chehrah: Rose-cheeked
Entertaining female Abtin/Abteen: A character in Feraidoon: A character in Namavar/Namawar: Famous fear, apprehensiveness Guli/Goli: Rose-coloured,
companion Shahnamah (Feraidon’s Shahnamah Namdar: Famous Anosha/Anoosha: Delighted Rosy
Sanam: Idol; charming, father) Firooz: Victorious Nawid/Navid: Happy tidings, Ara: Ornament, decoration Gul-Jan: Flower life
sweetheart Afrooz: Lighting, Enlightening Gawhar: Gem, jewel, pearl, Good news Arezo/Arezu/Arzu: Wish, Gulnar: Flower of the
Sanowbar: Spruce-fir, pine, Afsar: Lightening essence, origin Nawin/Navin: New, Modern desire, aspiration, ideal, Pomegranate tree
cone bearing tree Afshin: A persian army Gulab: Rose-Water Niaz: Need, necessity hope Gulnaz: Cute like a flower
Sayarah/Saiarah: Planet, commander in old times GulShan: Flower-Garden Nik/Nek: Good, Well Arghawan: Judas tree; purple Gulnessa: Look as a flower
galaxy Almas: Diamond Gulyar: Flower’s friend Paiman/Payman: Promise Armaghan: Souvenir, Gulpari: Flower angel
Sediqa/Sedeeqa: Friend, Arash: A heroic archer of Gulzar: Rose-Garden Parsa: Pure, Chaste, Devout, present, gift Gulriz/Gulrez: Rose-sprinkler
truthful, pious. Fem. of Persian tradition and Hamayoon: Auspicious, Holy, Persian Atoosa: Name of an ancient Gulshan: Flower-garden
Sediq folklore Fortunate Parwiz/Parviz: A character in persian princess Gulzar: Flower-garden
Shafiqa/Shafeeqa: affectio- Arjomand/Arjomand: Hamdast: Collaborator, aid, Shahnamah Awa/Ava: Voice, call Hangamah: Uproar, scene,
nate, compassionate. Fem. Bountiful accomplice, companion Payam: Message Awiza: (Earring with a) great crowd
of Shafiq Arman: Ideal, hope, Hamraz: Intimate, confidant Pazhman/Pajman: Dejected, pendant, vermiform Hasti: Existence
Shafia: Intercessor, mediator. aspiration Hamzad: Twin, co-walker, Desire, Wish appendix Homa: Phoenix, A bird of
Fem. of Shafi Armin: A character in wraith or double Pirooz/Perooz: Victorious, Azadah: Free (born), noble, good omen
Shahla/ShahLaa: Having Shahnamah Iraj: A Character in Also a character in free from care Jahan-Ara: Adornment of the
bluish-black eyes Ashkan: The founder of an Shahnamah Shahnamah Azin: Decoration world
Shakera: Thankful, grateful, Persian dynasty Jahan: World Pooya: To Search, Searcher Azita: Name of an ancient Jahan-Khatoon: Name of a
contented. Fem. of Shaker Atash: Fire Jahangir/Jagangeer: World PurDel: Courageous persian princess Persian poet
Shamila/Shameela: Comple- Azad: Free Conqueror Ramesh: Rest, cheerfulness Bahar: Spring Jawana: Sprout, bud
te, comprehensive Bahram: Planet Mars Jamshid: A King in Ramin: Warrior Baharak: Small spring Katayon: A female character
Shaqayeq: corn-poppy Bakht-Awar/Bahtiar: Lucky, Shahnamah Rozbeh: Fortunate Baharah: (wool) produced in in Shahnamah
Sharara/Shararah: Single fortunate Jan: Life, soul Roshaan/Roushaan: Bright, the spring Khandan: Laughing, smiling
spark Behnam: Reputable Janan: Sweethearts Lighted Bano/Banoo: Lady Khurshid/Khorsheed: The
Sharifa/Shareefa: Noble, Behrang: Good Color Jawan: Young person, youth Rustam/Rostam: A hero in Behbood: Well-being, sun
honourable. Fem. of Sharif Behrooz: Fortunate, lucky Jawid/Javid: Eternal, Shahnama welfare, improvement, Khushbakht: Lucky; happy;
Shola/Sholah: Flame Behzad: Good race, Of noble Immortal, Eternity Salar: Leader recovery presperous
Shohra/Shuhra: Famous, ce- birth Jubran/Jebran: Sangar : Rifle-pit Behnaz: Best coquetry Khojasta: Happy, auspicious
lebrated (person or thing) Bidar/Bedar: Wakeful, Compensation, amends Sarban: Camel-driver Behrukh/Behrokh: Nice face Kimia/Keemia. Alchemy,
Sohaila/Sohila/Sohela: attentive, enlightened Kaawa: A great hero in Sardar: Chief, Noble man, Benafsha: Violet philosopher’s stone
Canopus. Fem. of Sohail Bijan/Bizhan: A character in Shahnamah Officer of rank Beta/Bita: Unique Ladan/Laadan: Nasturtium
Soraya/Soraia/Suraya: Shahnameh Kaihan/Keyhan: solar system SarFeraz: Honoured BiBi: Matron, venerable lady, flower
Pleiades Bina/Beena: Wise, sighted Kaiwan/Kaivan: Saturn Sarwar/Sarvar: Leader, grandmother Lalah/Laalah: Tulip
Tabasum: Smile Bostan: Garden Kalan: Huge, enormous, Chief, Master Bina/Beena: That can see, Lajwadrd/Lajvard: Azure,
Taherah: Clean, pure, Chaman-Gul: Lawn of Flower greator, bigger Sayed: Lord, Master, Chief not blind, clear-sighted cobalt blue
chaste. Fem. of Taher Cirus/Cyrus: Kourosh, Kambiz: Fortunate Sepehr: World, Sky Boosah: Kiss Lila: Lilac (flower/tree)
Tamana/Tamanna: Desire, Ancient King of Iran Kamran: Successful, Shahbaz: Royal falcon Boostan: Garden, orchard Mahdokht: Daughter of the
wish, request Daana: Wise, learned Fortunate Shahin/Shaheen: Falcon Chaman: Lawn, grass moon
Tayeba/Tayebah: Good deed. Daanesh/Daanish: Wisdom, Kamshad: Happy Wish, ShahJahan: King of the world Chehrah: Face, cheek, Mahin/Maheen: Greatest
Fem. of Tayeb Learning, Science Desire Shahrukh: Face of the king countenance Mahrooz: Who has face like
Tooba: Name of a tree in Dalir/Delir/Deleer: Brave, Kamyar/Kamiar: Successful ShahNawaz: King’s friend Darya: Sea moon
paradise; blessedness valiant Kardar: Chargé-d’affaires, ShahZad: Prince. Son of king Delara: Beloved, who Mahrukh/Mahrokh: Whose
Uzma: Greatest, magnificent. Daraa: Possessor, sovereign Prime minister ShahZadah: Prince decorates heart face is like the moon,
Fem. of Azam Darioush: Darius Kavah/Kawah: A character in Shaian/Shayan: Worthy, Delaram: Sweetheart, lovely beautiful
Vahida/Waheeda/Wahida: Darwish/Darwesh: Poor, Holy Shahnamah, a great hero deserving Delbar: Charming, Mahnaz: The moon’s glory
Unique, Matchless. Fem. man Khesrow/Khesraw: A Shapoor/Shapour: A coquettish, sweetheart Mahnoosh: Drink of the moon
of Vahid/Wahid Dastgir/Dastgeer: Arrested, character in Shahnamah character in Shahnamah Delkash: Fascinating, Mahparah: Piece of moon
Wajiha/Wajeeha: Eminent, captured; who gives relief KhodaBakhsh: Gift of God Sher: Lion winsome, attractive Mahshid/Mahsheed:
distinguished, honoured, to others Khodadad: God-given Siamak: Black haired man Delruba: Charming Moonlight
illustrious Dawar/Davar: Ruler, judge Khuram: Fresh, green, Sina: Explorer of knowledge Diba/Deeba: Fine silk or Mahsa: Like the moon
Wasima/Waseema: Del/Dil: Heart pleasant, cheerful Sohrab: Rustam’s son in brocade Mahta:Like moon
Handsome, beautiful, DelAfrooz: Captivating, KhoshBakht: Lucky, happy, Shahnamah Dorakhshan/Durakhshan: Mahtab: Moon
graceful. Fem. of Wasim attractive presperous Sorosh : Messenger angel Bright, brilliant Mahwash/Mahvash: As a
Yaqoot/Yaqut: Ruby Delawar: Warrior, knight; Kianosh: A character in Tabaan: Shining, luminous Dorakhshenda: Shining, beautiful, as the moon
Zahra: White gallant, brave, hero Shahnamah Tabesh/Tabish: Radiation, luminous Manija/Manizha: Afrasiab’s
Zainab: A fragrant flowering Deldaar: Charming, beloved Kochi: To migrate, To radiancy, shining, glow, Farangiz: A female character daughter in Shahnamah
plant DelNawaz: Soothing heart decamp heat in Shahnamah Mina/Meena: Enamel, blue
Zaitoon: Olive Didar: Meeting, view, sight Kosha: Diligent TajBakhsh: Crown division Fariba: Charming, enticing glass, blue decanter, azure
Zakera/Zakira: Reminder of Durokhshan: Bright, shining Lashkar: Army Yar: Friend, companion, Farkhonda: Happy, Minoo: Paradise
God. Fem. of Zaker Faraz: Above,On the Top, Maher: Affection, Sun partner, aid, mate auspicious Mitra/Meetra: in Zoroastria-
Zakia: keen, intelligent, Summit Mahyar: A character in Yar Mohammad: Friend of Farzana: Wise or learned nism angel of light and
affection Sarwenaz/Sarvenaz: Name Lailuma/Lailoma: Bright, Indian
Morwarid/Morvarid: Pearl of a tall, slender tree; also moonlight Lida/Leeda: Beloved by all.
Muzhgan: Eyelash a beautiful woman Lemar: Sun, sunrise Russian
Nehal/Nahal: A young plant Sayah/Saiah: Shade, Limah Lily/Lili: A flower (‫ )زنبق‬or (
Nahid/Naheed/Nahida / shadow Malalay: Friendly ‫)سوسن سفید‬. Latin
Naheeda: Venus Sima/Seema: Face, mine, Marghalay Lina/Leena: (लीना) "united"
Narges: Narcissus physiognomy Palwasha: Fresh grass
in Sanskrit. Indian
Nastaran: like a wild rose Sapidah: Dawn (the first Pashtoon/Pashtun:
MahJabin/Mahjabeen: One
Nasrin/Nasreen: wild rose appearance of light in the Pashtoon, Afghan
who has a forehead like a
Nava: Tune morning) Pashtoon-Gul: Flower of
moon. Persian-Arabic
Naz-Afarin: Producing Setara/Sitarah: Star Pashtoon
coquetry Shabana: Nightly, nocturnal, Torpekay/Torpikai: Black hair
Maria: Bitter. French
Nazanin: Nice, fine, lovely, by night, overnight Miscellaneous
Mary/Mari: Maria. English
tender, precious, Shabnam: Dew Afshar
Moska/Muska: Smile.
sweetheart Shahzadah: Princess Arian/Aryan: Aryan nation.
Nilam/Neelam: Sapphire.
Nazgul: Mincing flower, cute Shahnaz: pride of the King Persian/English
flower Shahr-Banoo/Shahrbano: Arsalan: Lion. Turkish
Qamar-Gul: Flower of moon.
Nazi: charming, cute lady of the town Baktash: Servant of king or
Nazia: Mincing, lackadaisical, Shahr-Naz. pride of town chief of tribe. Turkish
Qandi-Gul: Candy-flower.
Friend Shahr-Zad: City-born Bahman: Name of the 11th
Nazilla: Cute, coquette Shalizah: A Persian woman month of the persian
Robina/Robeena: Bright
Negah: Look name calendar. Persian
fame. English
Negar: Sweetheart, mistress Shamail: Portrait, icon, Changiz: Mongol Empire
Sabrina: Name of A Princess
Negin/Negeen: The precious character sketch Cheragh-Ali: Light of
in Ireland legend. Irish
stone on a ring or other Shifta/Shefta/Sheefta: honourable. Dari-Arabic
Sara/Sarah: Princess, lady.
jewelry Enamoured, fascinated, Dost Muhammad: Friend of
Arabic & Hebrew
Niki: Goodness, kindness charmed, captivated Muhammad. Persian-
Sita/Seeta: Goddess of the
Niko: Good, nice, well, proper Shaida/Shayda: Frenzied Arabic
Land. Indian
Nilofar/Niloofar: water-lily (with love), lovesick Farmanullah: Order of God.
Tara/Taaraa: Rocky hill,
Noshafarin/Nosh-Afarin: Shiwa/Shiva: Charming, Persian-Arabic
tower; Star. Indian
Creator of joy eloquent Iskandar: Alexander, Greek
Tina/Teena: River. English
Padida/Padeeda: Shima/Sheema: Girl’s name Jan Muhammad: Life of
Phenomenon in Persian literature Muhammad. Persian-
Venus: Venus. English
Pakiza/Pakeeza: Neat, clean, Shireen/Sherin: Sweet, Arabic
Vida: Life. Latin
proper melodious Karmal
Parand: Plain or painted silk Shirin-Banoo: Sweet lady Khan: Leader, Ruler. Turkish
Parasto/Parastoo: a swallow Shirin-Gul: Melodious flower,Maiwand: Battle of Maiwand,
Pari/Paree: Fairy, fullness Lovely flower The principal battles of the
PariChehr: Fairy-faced Shokofa/Shugofa: Blossom Second Anglo-Afghan War.
Pariro/Pareero: Having a Shokoh: Splendour, Dari/Pashto
face like fairy magnificence MirBacha: An Afghan hero of
Parisa: Like a fairy Simin/Simeen/Seemeen: second afghan-anglo war.
Pariwash/Parivash: Fairy- Silvery; made of silver; Dari/Pashto
like, fairy-faced silver-white, fair MirPasha
Parishad: Happy fairy, angel Sodabah: A legendary female Mirwais: Noble Ruler.
Parwana/Parvana: Butterfly character in Shahnamah Dari/Pashto
Parwin/Parveen: Pleiades Soozan/Sozan/Suzan: Noorzad: Light-born. Arabic-
Pegah/Pagah: Dawn Burning, smarting, fervent. Persian
Paimanah/Paymanah: Sussan: Lily (of the valley).Pasha/Pacha: King. Turkish
Measure Taban: Shining, luminous, Qalandar: Calendar,
Paiwand/Payvand: Graft, glittering, splendid. mendicant or wandering
scion, grafting, union (by Tahminah: A character in dervish.
marriage), relationship, Shahnameh (Rustam’s Qubad/Qobad
joint wife) Samir/Sameer: Wind. Indian
Poonah: A flower, pennyroyal Tanaz/Tannaz: Coquettish Samsor
Pooran: Female name Tarana/Taranah: Song, trill, Sekandar: Alexander
Pooran-dokht: A female melody ShadGul: Happy Flower.
character in Shahnama Tela: Gold Dari/Pashto
Raha/Reha: Free Telaya/Telaayah: vanguard; ShamShad: Box-tree
Rana: Of an elegant stature, golden ray of sun Siyar
elegant, tender, foolish Yagana: Unique, single, one, Timur/Timor
Rasa: Audible, loud, only Wais
expressive Yalda: Name of the longest Yama: The lord of death in
Robabah: Stringed musical night of the year Hinduism, first recorded in
instrument Yasaman/Yasamin/ the Vedas. Yama belongs
Rodaba: A female character Yasameen/Yass: Jasmine to an early stratum of Indo-
of Shahnama flower Iranian theology. Indian?
Rokhsar/Rukhsar: cheek, Zari: Brocaded Silk Zalmay/Zulmay
face Zarin/Zarrin: Golden Zelgay
Rokhshan/Rukhshan: Bright, Zhala/Zhalah: Dew Begum: Lady of rank. Turkish
brilliant Ziba/Zeba: Beautiful Camella: Camellia. English
Rokhshana/Rukhshana: Pashto Camila: Free born. French
Bright, brilliant Akhtar: Star, good luck, Eid Dina/Deena: From the valley,
Roshan: Bright, lighted, that Barialay: Succesful biblical Dinah. English
can see Beltoon: Separation Durdana/Dordana: Pearl-
Roya: Dream, vision Eimal grain. Arabic-Persian
Saghar: Wine-cup Ezmaray/Zemaray Elnaz
Saman: Jasmine Nangialay Farahnaz: Joy. Arabic-
Sanaz/Sannaz: Full of grace; Roomal/Romal. Pashto? Persian
A flower name Toorialay. Gita/Geeta: (Hinduism) the
Gulalay: Gorgeous? Pashto? sacred 'song of God'.
NORTH AMERICA Annice/Annis Belinda Carolan(nne) Claudine
AMERICAN Annissa/Anyssa Bella Carolann Cleva
Abigail April(le)/Apryl Bertilda/Bertilde Caroliana Clover
Abilene Ardeen Bertrade Carolina/Caroline/ Codee
Ada(line) Ardelia Beryl Carolyn(n)/Carolyne Codier
Adriana Ardella/Ardelle Bess(ie)/Bessy Caryl Codyr
Adrienne Arden(a)/Ardene/Ardine/ Beth(any) Caryn(n) Colleen
Aida Ardyne Betsey/Betsy Cassandra Connie
Alaina Aria Betty Cassi(e)/Cassy Constance
Alanis Arianne Beverlee Cassidy Constancia
Alarice Ariyana Beyonce Catherine/Cathi(a)/Cathie/ Cora
Alberta Ariyanah Bianca Cathy Coral
Alberteen/Albertina/ Arla Birdena/Birdine/Byrdine Catrice Coralee
Albertine/Albertyna/ Arl(e)ana/Arleen/Arleena/ Birdie/Birdy Cecilia Coralia/Coralie
Albertyne Arleene/Arlen(na)/Arlene/ Blaire Cedra Coraline/Coralyn
Aldora Arlina/Arline/Arlyn(e) Blessing Cedrica Cordelia
Aldys Arlinda Blisse/Blyss(e) Cedrina Corella
Aleda Arnelle Blithe Celest Coretta
Alejandra Ashla Blondell(e) Celine Cori
Aleta Ashleah Blondene Cerelia/Cerella Coriann(e)
Alexa Ashlee Blossom Chandelle Corie
Alexandra Ashleen Blysse Chandra Coris(s)a
Alexandrea Ashleena Bobbi Chanel
Alexandria Ashleigh Bon(n)ie/Bonny Chantal
Alexandrina Ashlen Branda/Brande Charis(ma)
Alexi/Alexia Ashlie Brandee Charissa
Alexina/Alexine Ashlinn Brandelyn Charity
Alfrida Ashlyn(n) Brandi(e)/Brandy Charla
Alice Ashlynne Brandice Charlee/Charli
Alicia Ashten Brandie Charlene/Charlyn(n)
Alisanne Ashtyn Brandilyn Charlotte
Alison/Allison Asia Brandyce Charmaine
Alissa/Alisse Aspen Breanna Chastity
Alita Astrid Brenda Chatlie
Allaryce Athena Brenna Chelsa
Allura/Alura Athilda Bretta(ny)/Brette Chelsea/Chelsee/Chelsey/
Allyse/Alyse Atilda Brian(n)a/Briann(e)/ Chelsi(e)/Chelsy
Allyson/Alyson Aubree Briannah/Bryan(n)/ Cher
Alma Aubriana Bryanna/Bryani/Bryanne Cheres(s)e
Alondra Aubrianne Briannon Cherice
Altha Aubrie Bridget Cherilyn(n)
Altheda Audene Brienna/Brienne/Brione/ Cherisa/Cheris(s)e
Althia Audra Brioni/Briony/Bryony Cherrell/Cherrill
Alurea Audre Brionna/Brionne Cherri(e)/Cherry
Alvina Audrea Brisa Cheryl(l)
Alyssa/Alysse Audreana Brit(t)ani(e)/Brittan(e)y Chesna
Alyssia Audreanna Brit(t)ney/Brittnee/Brittni Cheyenne
Alyx Audrey Brooklyn(n) China
Amalia/Amelia Audri Brooklynne Chloe
Amanda Audria Bryana Christa
Amari Audriana Bryn Christabel
Amber Audrianna Byrdene Christan(ne)
Amberlee Audrie Cadee/Cadi(e)/Cady Christana
Amberly Audrielle Cadena/Cadyna Christeen(a)
Amberlyn(n) Audrina Cadence Christen(a)
America Audris Calandra Christene
Ametta/Amette Aura Calinda/Calynda Christina
Amia/Amie Aurora Calista Christy
Amity Austina Calla Christyn
Amorica Austine Calli(e) Chrystina
Amy Autumn Came Chyn(n)a
Anastasia Ava Camell(i)a Ciara
Anda Avah Cameo Cibil
Andee/Andi(e) Avalee Camilla/Camille Cicely/Cicily
Andena Avelina/Aveline Candace/Candice/Candiss/ Cidney/Cydnee/Cydney
Andrea Avelyn Candyce Cim(berleigh)/Cym(berly)
Aneisha Averyl/Avriel/Avril(l)/Avryl Candy Cinda
Anessa Avia Cara Cindel
Angela Avian(n)a Caralyn Cindi/Cindy/Cyndee/Cyndi/
Angelica Aviance Caree/Carey/Carree/Carrie/ Cyndy
Angelina Avis Cary Cindia
Angelique Avlynn Carilyn(n) Cirilla/Cyrilla
Anisha Azura/Azure Carissa Claire
Anissa Azurine Carla Clara
Anita Baby Carlir Claressa
Anna Bailee/Baylee Carlotta Claresta
Annabeth Bambi Carmia/Carmya Clarice
Annalee Barbara/Barbi(e)/Barbie/ Carmina/Carmine Clarissa/Clarrisa
Annamarie Barbra Carmita Claudelle
Anne Baylie Caro Claudette
Annette Becca/Becki/Becky/Rebecca Carol Claudia
SOUTH AMERICA Sonco: he who has a good Waylla: plain, prairie F Arely brave; courageous Spanish Spanish
Quechuan and noble heart Wayna: young Hebrew M Clodoveo famous F Estefania
Achic: resplendent Suhay: he who is like yellow Waytamayu: river flower M Aristeo best warrior Spanish crowned with
Anca: black eagle corn; fine Yachay: know, take notice Greek F Concelia the Immaculate laurels Spanish
Anta: copper-like Suri: fast like an ostrich Yachaya: wisdom F Armada armed warrior Conception F Estefany crowned with
Antay: copper-co-loured Suyai: hope Yana: helpful one Spanish Spanish laurels Greek
Apo/Apu: he who moves Taquiri: he who creates much Amarú: sacred serpent, boa F Armonda man in M Conrado M Estevan
forward mu-sic and dance Mexican the army Germanic experienced crowned with
Apurimac: elo-quent master Taua: fourth child Abejundio: bee M Arsenio virile advisor Germanic laurels Greek
Asto/Astu: bird of the Andes Titu: difficult Abila: skilled expert Greek F Consuela M Eustacio rich of
Atahualpa: bird of fortune Topa/Tupa: title of honour Abrille: born in April F Asalia ascension Latin consolation corn Greek
Atau: good fortu-ne Uchu: hot like pepper Acalan: canoe F Asella ascension Latin Spanish M Ezio sharp
Atauchi: he who makes good Ucumari: he who is strong Acilino: like an eagle F Asunta ascension M Cordero lamb beak Latin
for-tune like the bear Adalcira: Ada + Alcira Spanish Spanish M Faroh ruler
Atoc/Atuc: sly as a fox Umaq: traitor, be-trayer Adana: man; earth M Atreo a king F Crescensia to grow Latin
Auqui: prince Unay: remote, un-derlying; Adelia: noble and serene Greek Latin F Felicidadhappy Latin
Ayar: wild quinoa shepherd Adelmo: noble protector M Avellino M Crisóstomo F Felicisima
Caiya: nearby Usco: wild cat Adolfina: noble wolf uncertain French mouth of the fortunate; happy
Catequil: ray of light Usuy: brings abundance Afrika: sunny; not cold M Azael made Cross Greek Spanish
Cauac: he who guards Yacu: river Agraciana: to pardon of God Hebrew M Damario calf M Felix
Cayua: he who follows Yananayu: black river Agusto: venerated; majestic F Baldomera bold; Greek fortunate; happy
Chaupi: he who is in the Yauri: needle Alamar: an adornment of famous Spanish F Damasiaof the Adriatic sea Latin
middle of everything Yupanqui: he who honors his alms M Basilio kingly Spanish M Fermín strong;
Chican: unique ancestors Alazne: miracle Latin M Dasio firm Spanish
Choque/Chuqui: lance Yurac: white Alberto: noble and bright M Bebe baby; landowner Latin M Fidencio
Chuya: pure Achiq: light, bright F Aldonza noble war; battle little one Spanish M Decarlos prefix trusting; fearless
Coique: silver Achiyaku: clear water Spanish F Begona type of flower De + Carlos Latin
Colla/Culla: ex-cellent Akllasisa: chosen flower F Aleja defender of English Spanish M Filadelfo
Collana: best Akllasumaq: beautiful chosen mankind Spanish F Belarmina M Decoroso brotherly love
Com: warm one M Alejandro beautiful armor practical Latin Greek
Coniraya: heat from the sun Alliyma: good defender of Spanish F Deina religious holiday F Florisel blooming;
Cunac: counsellor Ch’ayña: siskin (bird) mankind Spanish F Belia beautiful French Spanish floweringSpanish
Cuntur: condor Golotina: sweet-ness F Alfonsa noble and ready F Belinda beautiful serpent M Democles glory of M Focio
Curi: golden Hamk’a: brunette Germanic Latin his people Greek illuminated;
Cusi: prosperous man Huch’uykilla: small moon M Alfonso noble M Benicio to F Denis follower of shining Latin
Cuyuchi: he who makes us Huchuysisa: little flower and ready speak well of Latin Dionysus M Fortunato
move Ima/Yma: great beauty Germanic M Bertín Spanish fortunate Latin
Fauacuaipa: he who flies Imasumaq: how beautiful! F Almudena refers distinguished M Deocaro loved M Fraterno
Guaina: young Inkasisa: royal flower to Virgin Mary friend Spanish by God Latin brotherhood
Guaman: falcon Inti: sunshine Spanish M Blasios M Dexter Latin
Guanca: rock Ivarina: never forgets M Alonso noble stuttering; dexterous; adroit F Fructuosa fruitful;
Guari: untameable Izhi: fog, mist and ready stammering Latin Latin fertile Spanish
Guayra: fast as the wind Karwasisa: yellow flower Germanic F Bricia strong F Dinora judged Hebrew M Fructuoso fruitful;
Guayasamin: hap-py white Killasisa: moon flower F Alta tall Spanish M Dionisio follower fertile Spanish
bird Killasumaq: beautiful moon Spanish F Briseida to bristle Greek of Dionysus Greek M Ganimedes
Hacan: splendo-rous Kusiya: joy F Altagracia grace F Calala candelabra F Dita truth and pure beautiful mortals
Hastu: bird of the Andes Kusi-Quyllur: joyful star of Virgin Mary Spanish Spanish Spanish
Imasu: great beauty Miski: honey; sweet Spanish M Calixto most M Donaldo world F Gaspara treasure
Inca: prince Ninasisa: fire flower M Amancio rival; beautiful Greek leader Spanish Spanish
Kuzco Pilpintu: butterfly emulating Latin F Cancianila of M Eberto clever M Gencio loves
Llacsa: he who is the colour Qhawa: one who watches F Amora love Anzio; Italy English his family Latin
of bronze Qhispe/Qhispi: free, freedom Spanish Spanish F Edelmera noble F Georgina earth
Maicu: eagle Q(h)ora/Qura: grass F Amparo protected F Caparina people Germanic worker Greek
Maiqui: tree Qocha: mountain lake Spanish regarding the goat M Edgardo M Gilberto brilliant
Manay: love Qori/Quri: gold F Anahi immaculate Spanish successful pledge Spanish
Mayna: purple Q’orianka: golden sparrow Persian M Carlos free spearman F Gorane holy cross
Mayta: where are you? Qullqi: silver F Analena gracious man German Spanish Spanish
Mullu: jewel Quriquyllur: gold star Spanish F Carmen garden; orchard F Efenia born to nobility M Graciano
Otoronco/Uturuncu: jaguar Qurit’ika: golden flower F Anatalia from Anatolia Hebrew Spanish recognized by
Pachacutec: he who changes Quya: queen Greek F Castel to the castle M Eladio the God Latin
the world Quyakusi: happy queen F Andrea strong; resolute Spanish Greek Greek M Grau brave
Panti: species of brush Quyllurit’i: snow star Greek M Catarino pure F Eldora gift of sun Greek spearman
Paucar: very refi-ned Sachasisa: jungle flower M Andrés man; Greek F Elfelda tall; powerful Spanish
Pichiu: baby bird Sisa: flower warrior Greek F Celadonia Spanish F Guadalupe valley
Puric: walker Sumaq: beautiful F Anelina Ana + Lima swallow; bird M Elonzo noble + of the woodlands
Quispe: jewel Sumat’ika: beau-tiful flower Spanish Latin eager Spanish Spanish
Quenti/Quinti: hummingbird Suyana: hope M Angilberto M Cezar long- F Encarnación F Guillerma
Raimea/Raimee/Raim(e)y/ Taki: song heavenly warrior haired child Latin incarnation determined
Raimi(e):celebration Tamaya: in the center Spanish M Chago Spanish guardian Spanish
Rimac: eloquent Tamiasisa/Tamyasisa: rain F Anitra gracious supplanter F Engraciagood will Latin M Hector holding
Rimachi: he who makes us flower Spanish Spanish M Epifanio fast Greek
speak Tamya: rain M Anton F Chela consolation manifestation F Henriqua ruler of
Rufay: warm Tanitani: gentian praiseworthy Spanish Greek the household
Rumi: stone Taruka: doe Spanish M Chenche M Ermano noble Spanish
Samin: lucky Tuta: night F Apolinaria God conqueror soldier Spanish M Heraclio
Sapay: unique Umiña: emerald Apollo Greek Spanish F Ernesta serious grandiose gift
Sayani: I stay on foot Urpi: dove M Apolonio God M Chilo from Spanish Greek
Sayri: prince Urpikusi: cheerful dove Apollo Greek France Spanish F Espiridiana basket M Herculano of God
Sinche/Sinchi: leader Wamani: sacred mountain F Aracely sky altar Latin M Cid lord maker Spanish HerculesLatin
Siuca: youngest son peak M Arcadio one Spanish M Estévan F Hidalgo noble one
Somac: handsome Waqar: heron born in Arcadia Greek F Clarita clear and bright crowned Spanish
M Hipolito F Lur earth M Onésimo that wolf Spanish M Xusto fair; just F Artemelagoddess of the
horseman Spanish which is us M Rogelio famous Latin hunt Greek
Spanish F Macarena martial; Spanish warrior Spanish F Yncarnación M Artemio gift of
M Huberto bright warlike Spanish F Orfalinda M Rolando famous incarnation goddess Artemis
mind Spanish M Macario happy; feminine and country Germanic Spanish Spanish
M Ignacio fiery blessed Spanish beautiful Spanish M Romulus citizen M Zacarís God F Aspasia welcome Greek
Latin M Maciel very M Osías God is of Rome Latin remembered F Atala young Greek
F Incarnazión slender Latin my strength F Rosalind fair rose Spanish F Athena goddess of
incarnation F Mahogany rich Spanish Spanish F Zaina God is gracious wisdom Greek
Spanish and strong M Oswaldo God's F Rosemaria Rose + Spanish M Audacto bold
M Incencio white Spanish power German Maria Spanish F Zarita little princess Latin
Spanish F Maite loveable F Pabiola small; humble F Rudencinda Spanish M Badilón
F Infantita immaculate child Spanish Latin excellent lady F Zimena she heard courageous
Spanish M Malaquías my F Pabla small Spanish Spanish Spanish
F Isabel consecrated to messenger Hebrew Spanish F Salinas salt mine Puerto Rican M Basilio royal;
God Spanish M Manuel God is M Palemón Spanish M Abelardo noble; kingly Greek
F Isobel consecrated to with us Hebrew adorned with F Savana savannah; plain resolute Spanish F Belarmina
God Spanish M Marceliano palms Spanish Spanish F Acindina safe Greek beautiful armor
F Itzel protected martial; warlike M Pancho free; F Savannah F Adalcira Ada + Alcira Spanish
Spanish Spanish from France savannah; plain Spanish M Bembé prophet
F Jaeda wise; jade F Maribel Maria + Isabel Spanish Spanish M Adolfo noble Spanish
Spanish Spanish F Pascuala born on M Segundinothe wolf Spanish F Benita blessed
M Jaguar jaguar F Maricruz Maria + Cruz Easter Spanish family's second son Latin F Adoncia sweet Spanish
Spanish Spanish M Patricio F Senalda sign Spanish M Bernbe son of
F Jaidyn wise; jade F Marisabela Maria + nobleman Spanish F Aganetha pure the missionary
Spanish Isabella Spanish Spanish M Sereno Greek Spanish
M Jaime F Marita sea M Pedro stone attendant Latin F Agathe good and kind M Bibiano small
supplanter Spanish Greek M Sergio servant Greek man Spanish
Spanish F Maritza bitter Hebrew F Pefilia from the Spanish Latin F Agnelia pure Greek M Bonifacio does
M Jair God F Marquetta martial; Spanish F Sevilla from Seville; F Alazne miracle good deeds
enlightens warlike Spanish M Pepe God Spain Spanish Spanish Spanish
Spanish M Martese martial; will add Spanish M Siervo serves F Aleesha truthful; noble F Cailida adoring
M Jairo he will warlike Spanish F Pepita God will add God Spanish Greek Spanish
light up Hebrew M Martez of the Spanish F Silvia wooded; forest M Alejándro M Calisto most
F Jamecia island in the god Mars Latin F Pilar pillar; column Latin defender of beautiful Greek
Caribbean M Maximiano Spanish M Socorro helper mankind Spanish F Cancianila of
Spanish son of Maximus M Pilar pillar; Spanish F Aleja defender of Anzio, Italy
F Jayde wise; jade Latin column Spanish F Sorya eloquent mankind Spanish Spanish
Spanish F Mayte loveable M Porfirio purple Spanish F Aletha truth Greek M Carlito Carl's
M Jenaro born in Spanish stone Spanish M Taciano quiet F Alexanderia town Spanish
January Latin F Melibea looking after F Presencia Spanish defender of F Castora brilliant
M Jesus God Spanish presence F Tararia reaper mankind Greek Spanish
rescues Hebrew M Mique who is Spanish Spanish F Aleyda of the goddess M Cedro strong
F Jesusa God rescues like God? M Primitivo first M Tatius king; Athena Greek gift Spanish
Hebrew Spanish one Spanish ruler Latin F Allita the earth Greek M Ché God
M José God F Mireia wonderful F Prudenciana F Tequilla kind of spirit F Alondra defender of will add Spanish
will add Spanish Spanish prudence; Spanish mankind Spanish F Charo beauty flower
M Josemanuel M Montego cautious Spanish F Teresa harvester Greek M Alonza noble Spanish
Jose + Manuel mountainous M Quintilianoborn in M Teyo God and eager M Chaves popular
Spanish Spanish the fifth month Spanish Spanish surname Spanish
M Juan God is F Morganda Spanish F Tiburcia place of pleasures F Alysa rational Greek M Cheche God
gracious Hebrew seashore F Raimunda wise Spanish F Amada beloved will add Spanish
F Julia down-bearded Spanish protectorSpanish M Tino Spanish M Chepe God
youth Latin F Nalleli brilliant eyes M Ramírez venerable; M Amador loves will add Spanish
F Justiniana Spanish judicious majestic Spanish God Spanish M Chumo twin
righteous M Naolin sun Spanish F Trella star in F Amara eternally beautiful Spanish
Spanish God of Mexico M Ramiero constellation Greek M Cisco from
M Karlos farmer Spanish powerful in battle Spanish F Amrita beloved; loving France Spanish
Spanish F Necha pure Germanic M Turi noble Spanish F Clarita clear and bright
F Karyme the attractive one Spanish F Regla rule and lofty hill F Analena gracious Spanish
Spanish M Nelo God is Spanish Spanish Spanish M Cleto chosen
F Landa of the Virgin Mary my judge M Remedio M Valien brave F Andreinacourageous to fight Greek
Spanish Spanish medicine Latin man Spanish Greek F Concepcion
M Laszio God is M Nemesio gives F Remedios that M Varian variable F Andria courageous Immaculate
my help Hebrew justice Greek which cures Latin Greek Conception
F Legarre of the Virgin Mary M Nestor wise Spanish F Ventura good fortune F Aneeshapure Greek Spanish
Spanish traveler Spanish M Reymundo Spanish F Anesia pure Greek M Cordaro little
M Lelio F Nicolasa victorious people decision M Victor victor; F Angel angel; messenger lamb Spanish
talkative Latin Spanish Germanic conqueror Greek F Coro chorus
F Libia born in Libya M Niguel F Ria river Spanish F Angella angel; messenger Spanish
Greek champion Spanish M Vincente victor; Greek F Damasiaof the Adriatic Sea
M Libio born in Spanish M Ricardo rich & conqueror Latin F Antania flourishing Greek Spanish
a dry place Latin F Nuela hard working powerful ruler F Vitoria victorious F Antifona different M Decarlos prefix
F Llesenia consecrated to Spanish Spanish Spanish complexion Greek De + Carlos
God Spanish M Oalo small M Rigaberto bright M Vladimiro famous M Anton Spanish
M Lorenzo Spanish wealth Germanic prince Spanish praiseworthy F Delfia dolphin
crowned with a F Ofelia help; aid Greek F Rio river M Xeneroso Spanish Spanish
laurel Spanish F Oleda one of God's own Spanish generous Latin F Antoninaflourishing Greek M Desiderio desired
F Luminosa Spanish M Roberto bright F Xevera owner of new F Ariesa god of war Greek Spanish
resplendent M Olivero olive fame Germanic house Spanish M Arlo fortified F Diega supplanter
Spanish tree Latin M Rodolfo shield F Xochitl flower Aztec hill Spanish Spanish
M Duardo F Gorane holy cross M Jordan forbidden land Spanish M Rusk twisted
prosperous Spanish descending Spanish F Osita divinely strong bread Spanish
guardian Spanish F Graciela graceful Hebrew M Martez martial; Spanish M Ryan little
F Edelira noble heritage Spanish M Jose God warlike Spanish M Ostiano king Irish
Spanish M Grau brave will add Spanish M Martice martial confessor M Sabelio from
M Edmundo spearman F Josefina God will add warlike Spanish Spanish Sabine, Italy
prosperous Spanish Spanish M Mateo gift of M Ovidio Spanish
protectorSpanish M Guillermo M Josemanuel God Spanish shepherd F Salinas salt mine
M Eladio from determined Jose + Manuel M Matthew gift of Spanish Spanish
Greece Greek guardian Spanish Spanish God Hebrew M Pablo little M Salvador savior
F Elisa consecrated to F Hailey hay meadow M Josué God is M Maximo one Spanish Spanish
God Spanish English my salvation greatest F Palmira palm tree F Samantha listener
M Elon noble M Hayden hedged Spanish Spanish Spanish Latin
and eager valley English M Juaquin God F Maya the material M Pancho from M Samuel asked
Spanish F Henar hay field will establish universe Arabic France Spanish of God Hebrew
M Emeterio Spanish Spanish F Melosa sweet; tender M Pascual born on M Santiago
deserves affection M Hernández F Julia youthful Latin Spanish Easter Spanish supplanter
Greek daring; M Juliano youthful F Michelle who is like God? F Pascuala born on Spanish
F Enricua ruler adventurous Spanish French Easter Spanish F Santina little aunt
Spanish Spanish F Kalid warm; ardent M Miguelangelo M Patrick Spanish
M Epifanio shines M Hilario Spanish Miquel + Angelo nobleman Latin M Santos saint
brightly Greek cheerful F Katelyn pure Irish Spanish M Pedro small Spanish
M Ermano noble Spanish F Kayla crowned with M Mincho son of rock Spanish F Savana treeless plain
soldier Spanish M Hospicio is laurels Arabic my right hand F Pepita God will add Spanish
M Espartaco accommodating M Kevin kind Spanish Spanish F Senalda sign
gardener Greek Spanish and gentle Irish M Mique who is M Peter stone Spanish
F Estefania M Iago M Kyle narrow like God? Greek M Servando to
crowned with supplanter piece of land Irish Spanish M Pigmalio sculptor serve Spanish
laurels Spanish Spanish F Landrada F Mirana strange; wonderful Spanish F Sevilla from Seville, Spain
M Eterio pure as F Idoya pond counselor Spanish F Pilar pillar; column Spanish
heaven Greek Spanish Spanish M Mirco assures Spanish M Shawn God is
M Eudendro forest F Inca ruler M Lao stand the peace M Pitin gracious Irish
of many trees Greek Spanish of glory Spanish Spanish fortunate; happy F Sierra black; saw-toothed
M Eufrasio uses M Incencio white F Leah weary Hebrew M Monolo God is Spanish Irish
words well Greek Spanish M Leandro brave with us Spanish F Prudenciana M Silverio god of
M Eumenio M Indro the as a lion Spanish M Montenegro cautious; discreet trees Greek
favorable; victor Spanish M Lerenzo black mountain Spanish F Sofia wise Greek
opportune Greek F Iquerne visitation crowned with Spanish M Pueblo from F Sonsoles suns;
M Euquerio sure Spanish laurels Spanish M Montez of the the city Spanish sunshineSpanish
handed Greek F Isabel consecrated to F Lily of the night mountains F Quesare long-haired F Sorya is eloquent
M Eustorgio well God Spanish Arabic Spanish Spanish Spanish
loved Greek M Isaiah God is F Lluvia rain F Morganda M Quito fifth in M Spencer
M Euxenio born my salvation Hebrew Spanish seashore order Spanish dispenser of
into nobility Greek F Isi consecrated to M Lobo wolf Spanish F Rachel female sheep provisions English
M Evaristo God Spanish Spanish F Nalda strong Hebrew F Summer summertime
excellent one F Itxaro hope M Lucío bringer Spanish F Ramira judicious English
Greek Spanish of light Spanish M Naldo king's Spanish M Tácito is quiet
F Ezmeralda bright F Jacinthe beautiful; F Lucelia Luz + Celia advisor Spanish M Ramon wise Spanish
green gemstone attractive Spanish M Natal day of protectorSpanish M Tacito is quiet
Spanish Spanish M Luis famous Christ's birth M Raymundo Spanish
M Fanuco free M Jacob warrior Spanish Spanish wise protector M Tano camp
Spanish supplanter Hebrew M Luisenrique F Natalie born on Christmas Spanish glory Spanish
M Federico F Jade precious Luis + Enrique day Latin F Reina queen's advisor F Tararia reaper
peaceful ruler gemstone Spanish F Necha pure Spanish Spanish
Spanish Spanish F Luz light Spanish M Renaldo king's M Tejano Texan
M Fernán daring; F Jadzia precious Spanish M Nemesio just advisor Spanish man Spanish
adventurous gemstone M Macerio blessed Spanish M Reynaldo king's F Tequila a kind of liquor
Spanish Spanish Spanish M Neron strong advisor Spanish Spanish
M Filiberto brilliant M Jaime F Mackenzie child of Spanish M Riley valiant M Teyo God
Spanish supplanter the wise leader Irish M Neto Irish Spanish
F Floramaria flower Spanish F Madelon high tower earnest; sincere M Roano reddish F Tina majestic
of Mary Spanish M Jake Spanish Spanish brown skin Spanish
M Floriano supplanter Hebrew F Mahogony rich F Neva snow; new Spanish M Tino
flowering F Jakinda beautiful; and strong Spanish F Rocio dewdrops majestic
Spanish attractive Spanish M Nicholas victory Spanish Spanish
M Garcia mighty Spanish M Manolito God is of the people Greek M Rodrigo famous M Toli
with a spear M Jared with us Spanish F Nicolasa victorious people ruler Spanish plowman
Spanish descending F Manuela God is with us Spanish M Rolán famous Spanish
F Georgia farmer Greek Hebrew Spanish M Noah in the land F Tranquilla tranquil
M Gerardo brave F Jasmine jasmine flower M Marcus martial; peaceful; restful Spanish Spanish
spearman Persian warlike Latin Hebrew F Romula great strength M Tristan a bold
Spanish F Jenna small bird Arabic F Marianela M Nolan famous Spanish knight Welsh
F Gezana the Incarnation of M Jerardo brave Mariana + Estela nobleman Irish F Rosalinda fair M Valien brave
Jesus Spanish spearman Spanish F Novia sweetheart rose Spanish man Spanish
M Gimoaldo Spanish F Mariposa Spanish F Rosio fair rose F Vallia strong protector
confessor F Jesusa God is my butterfly M Oalo small Spanish Spanish
Spanish salvationSpanish Spanish Spanish M Rudecindo F Ventura good fortune
M Goliard the M Jimeno He F Marissa sea Latin F Oihane from the forest excellent master Spanish
rebel Spanish heard Spanish F Marquetta martial; Spanish Spanish M Venturo good
M Gonzalo wolf M John God is warlike Spanish M Orlán F Ruperta famous brilliance fortune Spanish
Spanish gracious Hebrew M Marr renowned in the Spanish M Vicente victor;
conqueror Greek F Coro chorus peaceful ruler beautiful; Spanish
Spanish F Angella angel; messenger Spanish Spanish attractive M Mincho son of
M Vidan life Greek F Damasiaof the Adriatic Sea F Fructuosa sweet Spanish my right hand
Spanish F Antania flourishing Greek Spanish as fruit Spanish M Javiero owner Spanish
F Vinita beloved F Antifona different M Decarlos prefix M Fulco village of a new house M Mingo born on
Spanish complexion Greek De + Carlos Spanish Spanish Sunday Spanish
M Viviano small M Anton Spanish M Ganimedes F Jesusa God is my F Mirana strange; wonderful
man Spanish praiseworthy F Delfia dolphin beautiful mortals salvationSpanish Spanish
M Xalbador savior Spanish Spanish Spanish M Jimeno He M Mirco assures
Spanish F Antoninaflourishing Greek M Desiderio desired M Gavin white heard Spanish the peace
F Xantina little saint F Ariesa god of war Greek Spanish hawk Welsh M Jorgeluis Jorge + Spanish
Spanish M Arlo fortified F Diega supplanter M Geraldo mighty Luis Spanish M Montego
M Ximén hill Spanish Spanish spearman M Joseantonio mountainous
obedient F Artemelagoddess of the M Duardo Spanish Jose + Antonio Spanish
Spanish hunt Greek prosperous M Geroncio little old Spanish M Montez of the
M Yago M Artemio gift of guardian Spanish man Greek F Juaneta God is gracious mountains
supplanter goddess Artemis F Edelira noble heritage F Gertrudes beloved Spanish Spanish
Spanish Spanish Spanish warrior woman M Juanjose Juan + F Mora blueberry
F Ynes pure F Aspasia welcome Greek M Edmundo Spanish Jose Spanish Spanish
Spanish F Atala young Greek prosperous M Gimoaldo M Julio youthful F Nalda strong
F Yuliana youthful F Athena goddess of protectorSpanish confessor Spanish Spanish
Spanish wisdom Greek M Eladio from Spanish M Kosmo M Naldo king's
M Zachary God M Audacto bold Greece Greek F Godalupe of the harmonious; advisor Spanish
remembered Hebrew Latin F Elisa consecrated to mother Mary universe Greek M Natividad nativity
F Zantina little saint M Badilón God Spanish Spanish F Landa of the Virgin Mary Spanish
Spanish courageous M Elon noble M Goliard the Spanish F Necha pure
F Zoe life Greek Spanish and eager rebel Spanish M Lao stand Spanish
CUBAN M Basilio royal; Spanish M Gorgonio the of glory Spanish M Nectario nectar
M Abelardo noble; kingly Greek M Emeterio violent one Greek M Learco judge of life Greek
resolute Spanish F Belarmina deserves affection M Grimoaldo of his village Greek M Neo new
F Acindina safe Greek beautiful armor Greek confessor M Lerenzo life; gift Greek
F Adalcira Ada + Alcira Spanish F Enricua ruler Spanish crowned with M Nerio sea
Spanish M Bembé prophet Spanish F Guillerma laurels Spanish traveler Greek
M Adolfo noble Spanish M Epifanio shines determined F Leya the constellation M Nestor wise
wolf Spanish F Benita blessed brightly Greek guardian Spanish Leo Spanish traveler Spanish
F Adoncia sweet Spanish M Ermano noble M Gutierre army M Lidio ancient M Nicéforo brings
Spanish M Bernbe son of soldier Spanish ruler Spanish Greek victory Greek
F Aganetha pure the missionary M Espartaco M Heliodoro gift of F Lola sorrowful F Nicanoravictorious army
Greek Spanish gardener Greek the sun god Greek Spanish Spanish
F Agathe good and kind M Bibiano small F Estefania M Hermilo little M Luís famous M Nicho of the
Greek man Spanish crowned with Hermes Greek warrior Spanish god of wine
F Agnelia pure Greek M Bonifacio does laurels Spanish F Hermosa M Luisangel Luis + Spanish
F Alazne miracle good deeds M Eterio pure as beautiful Angel Spanish M Nino young
Spanish Spanish heaven Greek Spanish F Lur earth child Spanish
F Aleesha truthful; noble F Cailida adoring M Eudendro forest M Herodoto the Spanish M Normando man of
Greek Spanish of many trees Greek sacred talent Greek M Macario happy; the northSpanish
M Alejándro M Calisto most M Eufrasio uses M Hilario blessed Spanish F Novia sweetheart
defender of beautiful Greek words well Greek cheerful M Macerio blessed Spanish
mankind Spanish F Cancianila of M Eumenio Spanish Spanish F Oleda of God
F Aleja defender of Anzio, Italy favorable; M Homero F Madeira sweet wine Spanish
mankind Spanish Spanish opportune Greek hostage; pledge Spanish M Olo famous
F Aletha truth Greek M Carlito Carl's M Euquerio sure Spanish F Maita sorrowful lady in the land
F Alexanderia town Spanish handed Greek M Huberto bright Spanish Spanish
defender of F Castora brilliant M Eustorgio well mind Spanish M Mango God is M Orfeo has a
mankind Greek Spanish loved Greek F Idurre of the Virgin Mary with us Spanish good voice Greek
F Aleyda of the goddess M Cedro strong M Euxenio born Spanish F Mar sea F Oriole black-and-orange
Athena Greek gift Spanish into nobility Greek M Incencio white Spanish bird Latin
F Allita the earth Greek M Ché God M Evaristo Spanish F Mariposa F Orquidea
F Alondra defender of will add Spanish excellent one F Infantita immaculate child butterfly beautiful as a
mankind Spanish F Charo beauty flower Greek Spanish Spanish flower Italian
M Alonza noble Spanish F Ezmeralda bright M Ireneo lover of M Markos martial; F Osanna praise the Lord
and eager M Chaves popular green gemstone peace Greek warlike Spanish Latin
Spanish surname Spanish Spanish F Isabel consecrated to F Marquesa works M Osbaldo God's
F Alysa rational Greek M Cheche God M Fanuco free God Spanish with a hammer power Spanish
F Amada beloved will add Spanish Spanish M Isidoro the Spanish M Oswaldo God's
Spanish M Chepe God M Federico goddess Isis Greek M Martez martial; power Spanish
M Amador loves will add Spanish peaceful ruler F Itxaro hope warlike Spanish F Ovia egg Latin
God Spanish M Chumo twin Spanish Spanish M Martinez martial; M Pabla little
F Amara eternally beautiful Spanish M Fernán daring; F Jacynthebeautiful; warlike Spanish one Spanish
Greek M Cisco from adventurous attractive M Mauricio dark M Pafnucio rich in
F Amrita beloved; loving France Spanish Spanish Spanish skinned; moor merits Greek
Spanish F Clarita clear and bright M Filiberto brilliant F Jadzia precious Spanish F Palmira palm tree
F Analena gracious Spanish Spanish gemstone F Mayte loveable Spanish
Spanish M Cleto chosen F Floramaria flower Spanish Spanish M Panfilo friend
F Andreinacourageous to fight Greek of Mary Spanish F Jaidyn precious M Melecio careful to all Greek
Greek F Concepcion M Floriano gemstone and attentive Greek M Parodio imitates
F Andria courageous Immaculate flowering Spanish M Mendo offers the singing Greek
Greek Conception Spanish M Jair God sacrifices to God M Paterio born in
F Aneeshapure Greek Spanish M Francisco from enlightens Spanish Pateria Greek
F Anesia pure Greek M Cordaro little France Spanish Spanish M Miguel who is F Patrocinio
F Angel angel; messenger lamb Spanish M Fredo F Jaquinda like God? sponsorship
Spanish F Salud healthy conqueror Chus: God is salvation (Spa.) Hans Plinio has many skills
M Paz Spanish Spanish Cisco Hector Latin
peaceful F Samara elm-tree seed F Vinita beloved Citlali star Native Helario: joyful; happy (Spa.) Ponce fifth son
Spanish Latin Spanish Claus lame Latin Henry Spanish
M Pello stone M Sandro M Virgilio staff Clemente: gentle and Herberto bright army Porfirio purple stone
Greek defender of bearer Spanish merciful (Spa.) Spanish Spanish
F Perpetua mankind Greek M Vuno of the Colbert Hieronimo holy name Rafael God has healed
perpetual F Santanna saint mountains Greek Coyotl coyote Native Spanish Spanish
Spanish Spanish M Xalbador savior Cristiano: follower of Christ Hipolito horse-freer Rainerio wise warrior
M Perseo the M Santino city in Spanish (Spa.) Spanish Spanish
destroyer Greek Texas Spanish F Xandria defender of Cristopher Honoré honored Latin Ramiro: wise and famous
M Philo love M Saturnín gift of mankind Greek Cuahutemoc eagle Icnoyotl friendship Native (Spa.)
Greek Saturn Spanish F Xanthippe yellow; that falls Native Ignacio: internal light (Spa.) Renzo
M Pirro flaming F Savana treeless plain blond haired Greek Curció courteous Isac Reyes Magi who visited
hair Greek Spanish M Xeronimo holy; Spanish Isandro freer; liberator baby Jesus
M Placido serene F Savina ancient tribe in pure Greek Curtis courteous French Spanish Spanish
Spanish Italy Latin F Yadra mother Custodio: guardian; keeper Ismael God will hear Ricardo: powerful and brave
M Plutarco rich F Secundila second Spanish (Spa.) Spanish (Spa.)
prince Greek daughterLatin M Yago Daniel/Danny Itotia dance Native Richard
M Polidoro having F Seleste celestial; heavenly supplanter Dario: wealthy (Spa.) Itztli obsidian knife Roberto famous
virtues Greek Latin Spanish David Native Spanish
M Pompeyo heads F Semele once Latin F Yocelin joyous Latin Desi longing Jean-Baptiste Rubén behold a son
the procession Greek M Servando to F Yoselyn joyous Latin Spanish Jefry Spanish
M Posidio serve Spanish M Zacarís God Dezi longing Jeremias God will uplift Rufo red-haired
devoted to F Severa severe remembered Spanish Spanish Spanish
Poseidon Greek Spanish Spanish Didier: desired; beloved (Fr.) Jerome: holy (Latin) Sabas: man (Spa.)
M Procopio he who M Silverio god of F Zanna God is gracious Diego Jesus Salvador
progresses Greek trees Spanish Spanish Edouard: wealthy guardian Jheremy Sandro
M Protasio M Socorro helper F Zelia sunshine (Eng.) Joaquin Sans holy
preferred one Spanish Spanish Eduardo Jose Spanish
Greek F Solana sunshine M Zotico of a Efrain fruitful Juan(ito): God is gracious Santiago Saint Iago
F Prudenciana Spanish long life Greek Spanish (Spa.) Spanish
cautious; discreet F Soterrana burial PERUVIAN Egecatl: wind serpent Julio soft-bearded Saturnin: of the god Saturn
Spanish site Spanish Aaron (Native) youth Spanish (Spa.)
M Pueblo from M Tácito he who Adáaucte;n: earth (Spa.) Elmer Kanyon canyon Latin Selestino
the city Spanish is quiet Spanish Adolpho: noble wolf (Spa.) Elpidio hope Leoncio lion-like Severiano stern
F Quesara youthful Latin M Tajo day Adriano: dark one (Spa.) Spanish Spanish Spanish
F Quillen woman of the Spanish Albert Emigdio half-god; demigod Lino: a cry of grief (Spa.) Severo stern
heights Spanish M Teb Alejandro/Alex(ander) Spanish Lucio Spanish
F Quintessa crowned with Alfredo: elf counsel (Spa.) Emilien friendly; Luigi Temotzin one who descends
essence Latin laurels Spanish Alois industrious Latin Luis Native
F Quirita citizen Latin M Teodosio gift of Alvaro: guard of all (Spa.) Emilio: friendly; industrious Mahuizoh glorious person Tenyoa of a good family
M Quito fifth in God Greek Anbessa: lion (Spa.) (Spa.) Native name Native
order Spanish F Tequila a kind of liquor Anderson Ernesto Manauia: defend (Native) Tezcacoatlreflecting serpent;
F Ramira judicious Spanish Andre Esteban crowned with Manuel king Native
Spanish M Terencio smooth Angel laurels Spanish Marcial warlike Theodore gift of God Greek
M Raymón mighty; Spanish Anibal: grace of Ba'a (Spa.) Etalpalli wing Native Spanish Tiburcio of the Tiber River
wise protector M Theo God Annie Eurico all-powerful ruler Marco(s): warlike (Spa.) Spanish
Spanish Greek Anselmo: God-protection Spanish Mario: male; virile (Spa.) Tlanextic the light of dawn
F Regla rule F Tiburcia place of pleasures (Spa.) Fabián bean farmer Martin Native
Spanish Spanish Anthony Spanish Mateo: gift of God (Spa.) Tlanextli radiance, brilliance
M Reinaldo king's M Ticiano giant; Arniano lamb; little one Fabricio craftsman Matias Native
advisor Spanish hero Spanish Latin Spanish Maverick Tlatecuhtli gentleman of the
F Retha virtuous Greek M Tirso Atilio high above Faustino fortunate or lucky Maximiano the earth Native
M Reymundo crowned with fig Spanish Spanish greatest Spanish Tochtli rabbit Native
mighty; wise leaves Greek Atl water Native Fidel faithful Maximino: the greatest Toltecatl artist Native
protectorSpanish M Tolomeo Basilio king Spanish (Spa.) Tomas twin
F Rhody rose Greek powerful in battle Spanish Flavio yellow hair Michael/Miguel Spanish
M Riel Greek Beltran bright raven Spanish Mordred painful Latin Tulio lively
devoted to God F Tranquila tranquil Spanish Florentin: flowering (Latin) Nacho internal light Spanish
Spanish Spanish Benigno kind Frank Spanish Urbain of the city Latin
F Rio river M Trasíbulo daring Spanish Fulgencio shining Nahuatl four waters Urbano city dweller
Spanish counselor Greek Bolívar riverbank mill Spanish Native Spanish
F Riza reaper Greek M Tutu just; Spanish Gabriel: God is my strength Necuamatl: king Native Victor(ino): to conquer;
M Rodolfo shield righteous Bourne: brook, stream (Latin) (Spa.) Nero stern; cruel victory (Spa.)
wolf Spanish Spanish Brayan Gael emperor Latin Vinicio: vine (Spa.)
M Rogelio famous F Umbelina gives Bruno: brown (Ger.) Gaétan from Gaeta, Italy Nicolao victory of the Wilton
warrior Spanish protective shade Latin Bryant French people Spanish Xihuitl year; comet
M Rolon famous F Urbana city dweller Carlos Galo native of Galilee Nopaltzin cactus; king Native
wolf Spanish Latin Casimiro great destroyer Latin Native Ximenez hearkening
F Romula great strength M Valor man of Spanish Gildas gilded English Ollin: movement (Native) Spanish
Spanish valor Spanish Cayo rejoice GodofredoGod's peace Omar Xolotl: precious twin (Native)
F Rosalyn fair rose F Ventana window Spanish Spanish Ordell beginning Latin Yefferson
Spanish Spanish Cecilio blind, gray eyes Graciano pleasing; Orlando: from the famous Zolin quail Native
M Rudi famous F Veradis truthful Latin Spanish agreeable Spanish land (Spa.) Abigail
wolf Spanish F Veredigna earned Celino heaven Guido life Oscar Adalina noble
M Ruyan little great honor Latin Spanish Spanish Pastor shepherd Spanish
king Spanish F Verita the truth Latin Chimalli shield Native Guillermo determined Spanish Adoncia sweet
M Salamon F Vernisha bringer of victory Chipahua clean Native guardian Spanish Paulino: small (Spa.) Spanish
peaceful Latin Christian Gustavo: meditation staff Pedro/Piero Agnés gentle; pure
Spanish M Vicente victor; Chu (Spa.) Percy Greek
Agota good Spanish Cualli good Native Laka Rebecca servant of God; Juan David etc.
Aiko Cuicatl song Native Laurelle crown of laurels binding Hebrew Luis: glorious war hero Jean-Pierre: Yahweh is
Alessa/Alessandra/ Custodia: guardian; keeper Latin Regina: queen’s advisor Andrew: Manly; brave. In the gracious
Alexandrine: defender of (Spa.) Leocadia: bright; clear (Spa.) (Latin) Bible the first of the twelve Jorge: farmer or
mankind (Latin) Cynthia Lesli Rocio apostles chosen was husbandman
Alicia noble sort Daniela Liana youthful Rollande fame of the land Andrew. The name comes Andrey/Andrew: Brave;
Spanish Desideria desire Spanish Teutonic from the Greek word andros, Manly.
Aline all Spanish Lina light Rosa beautiful rose which means "strong, manly Diego: he heel grip
Teutonic Desirée: desire (Fr.) Spanish Spanish and courageous." Andrew is Dilan: Born near the sea.
Amalia persuasive Diane Lisbeth/Liz Rosalind: rose; beautiful patron saint of Scotland and Ferney
Spanish Docila gentle; docile Liseta: consecrated to God (Spa.) Russia. See also Jedrick and Freddy: Diminutive of
Amaranta unfading flower Latin (Spa.) Roseangelo Kendrick. Frederic: From the Old
Spanish Durene enduring Latin Lola sorrowful Rosemary David: David is a both used German name Frithuric,
Amedée: love of God (Fr.) Edelmira noble and famous Spanish Ruth as a male given name and a meaning peaceful ruler.
Andrea Spanish Lorena of Laurentum Salud health surname, and is mostly a Giovanny: God is with us
Angélica angelic Elena torch; moon Spanish Spanish given name in English and Jean Paul: Yahweh is
Spanish Spanish Lucia/Lucila/Lucita light Salvadora savior French Hebrew origin. The gracious
Angelina: heavenly Elvira foreign; true Spanish Spanish name was derived from the Jimmy: son of Demeter
messenger (Spa.) Spanish Luisa famous warrior Samaria: elm-tree seed (Lat.)Hebrew name "Dawid", which Joseph: May the Lord add
Anica graceful Emelina rival Spanish Sandra means "Darling" or Cristian: Anointed, bearer of
Spanish Spanish Luna moon Latin Sara "Beloved". David is often Christ
Aracely: altar of the sky Emeline industrious; Lurdes: light (Spa.) Shirley shortened to Dylan: Son of the wave, born
(Spa.) persuasive Latin Malinalxochitl grass Sidra: bright star (Lat.) "Dave/Davey/Davie/Davy". near the sea, influence.
Ariane Encarna incarnation flower Native Sofia David was the second and Famous bearers: Welsh poet
Asela small donkey Spanish Manauia defend Native Stephany greatest of the kings of Israel Dylan Thomas, American folk
Latin Encarnita incarnation Manola: God is with us (Spa.) Suniva radiant; in the 10th century BC. singer Bob Dylan.
Assumpcio Spanish Marcielo enlightened Latin
Heiner: ruler King Leonardo: lion, hard
assumption Enriqueta ruler of the Margarita: bitter (Spa.) Susan/Susana: lily (Spa.) Jeremy: with a holy name Mauricio: Moor
Spanish household Spanish Maria Taylor Andres: manlike, manly, Miguel: Hebrew for "Who is
Atl water Native Erendira princess Mariangela: beloved-angel Teófila God's friend brave like God"
Auda old; rich French Spanish (Spa.) Spanish Brayan: Noble Nilson
Aurelia: gold (Spa.) Eufemia: well-spoken (Spa.) Marilyn Teressa harvester Greek Niray Oscar: Divine spear; God's
Azucena Eunice Marisa famous warrior Teuicui younger sister Juan: Yahweh is gracious spear. Famous Bearer: poet
Beatriz Eva: life (Spanish) woman Spanish Native Steven: Variant of Stephen Oscar Wilde (1854-1900),
Belinda pretty Evelyn Marisol bright as the sun Teyacapan first-
'Crown; wreath.'. who was put on trial and
Spanish Evita: alive; living (Spa.) Spanish born child Native Carlos: Free imprisoned for
Belle beautiful Latin Evy Maritza: beloved (Spa.) Tlacotl oiser twig Native
Derian: Luxury good homosexuality.
Benedicta blessed Latin Felisa fortunate or lucky Marjoree Tlahutli sir Native
Henry: ruler King Sander: Protector of men
Berta bright; glorious Spanish Martirio: martyrdom (Spa.) Tlalli earth Native
Naren: The best of men Alexander: Guardian
Spanish Fidéle: faithful (Latin) Mayra Tonatzin goddess of the Brandon: Derived from a Bryan: Bryan is a name that
Bibiana alive Fiorella Melisa/Melosa: honey like; earth Native surname and place name is usually given to boys. It is
Spanish Gabriela/Gabie/Gaby: God is sweet (Spa.) Tonia: invaluable (Spa.) based on the Old English for a variant of the name Brian. It
Blanca white my strength (Heb.) Meztli moon Native Treysi 'hill covered with broom'. comes from an Old Celtic
Spanish Gala from Gaul Mignon: darling (Fr.) Trinada divine trinity of Broom is a prolific weed. language word meaning
Brigida strength; Spanish Mishael God Latin Also, 'From the beacon hill'. "high", or "noble".
protecting Spanish Galetée: white (Fr.) Momoztli altar Native Valorie strong Latin
Edwin: rich friend Duvan
Brynn: from the boundary Gina Mora little blueberry Verdad truthful Ihan: God's grace Edier
line (Latin) Gladys Spanish Spanish Mike: Hebrew for "Who is like Edison: son of edward
Carito Gracia pleasing; Moyolehuani: enamored one Veridiana: truthful (Latin) God" Fredy: By Mighty Peace,
Carla manly agreeable Spanish (Native) Veronica Felipe: Horses friend Peaceful ruler
Spanish Grimalda happiness Latin Naida Vivian full of life Latin
Jaider Gabriel: Man of God. God's
Carmela vineyard Guadalupe of the Necahual survivor; left Xiloxoch flower Native
Nicolas: victor by the people, able-bodied one. Famous
Spanish Virgin Mary behind Native Xochiquetzal most
loved by all bearer: The archangel
Carmen vineyard Spanish Nenetl: doll (Native) beautiful flower Native
Anthony/Antony: a given Gabriel, who appears several
Spanish Heloise famous warrior Nicole Yesenia: God sees (Spa.) name for men. It originates times in the Bible.
Catherina pure woman German Ninon grace French Yessica from a Roman family name Jefferson: Peace of God
Spanish Ihuicatl sky Native Nochtli prickly pear fruit Ynes chaste; holy 'Antonius'. Its full name is Jhon: God is gracious
Ceciliane blind, gray eyes Ilhuitl day Native Native Spanish Marcus Antonius means John-David: God's grace
Latin Imaculada immaculate Noelia/Noely: born on Yolanda violet Mark Antony in English. The Jose: Variant of Josepha.
Cenobia life of Zeus Spanish Christmas Day (Latin) Spanish name appears in many Feminine form of Joseph.
Spanish Isabel God is my oath Ofelia help Yoyotli bell of the treecountries in different forms May Jehovah give increase.
Centehua only one Native Spanish Spanish Native like Antoine in French, Julian: The young man,
Cerella springtime Latin Isbel God is my oath Ohtli road Native Zarita: princess (Spa.) Antonio in Spanish and dedicated to Jupiter
Chelo consolation Spanish Olga holy Zoila Italian, António or Antônio in Kevin: male name of
Spanish Isolda ice ruler Russian Nelli: truth (Native) Portuguese, Anton in Gaelic/Irish origin. On of the
Chipahua: clean (Native) Spanish Paciencia patience COLOMBIAN Russian, etc. Anthony means earliest people who carried
Chio Izel unique Native Spanish Jean-Paul: Yahweh is "flower", which came from a the name was Saint Kevin,
Chita conception Jacinta hyacinth flower Paloma dove; pigeon gracious Greek word "anthos". although it is not a biblical
Spanish Spanish Spanish Elkin: Variant of Elkanah: Camilo: Assistant to the name.Kevin in Irish is:
Clarabelle bright and Jacquline: God's gracious gift Papan flag Native God creates. priest Caoimhghín. Caoimhghín
beautiful Latin (Heb.) Pepita God will add Anderson: Son of Andrew. James: English language comes from the Irish caomh
Clareta brilliant Jahaira Spanish Daniel: God is my judge name for boys. It came from which means: "kind, honest,
Spanish Janet/Janeth Perla pearl Santiago: he heel grip the Old French variation of handsome".
Constanzasteadfast Joviana majestic Latin Spanish Holman: Man from the valley. the late Latin name Mateo: Gift
Spanish Juana God is gracious Pomposa lavish; magnificent Faber: bean 'Iacomus'. In Hebrew it is Robinson: Shining with fame
Consuelo consolation Spanish Latin Hans: Yahweh is gracious Yaʻaqov (Jacob) meaning Sammy: the heard by God
Spanish Judit: praised (Spa.) Priscila Priscilla; ancient Javid: alive living supplanter. James is a Wilson: son
Coralee: coral (Fr.) Karen Spanish Danny: God is my judge common name in many Yulian: The young man,
Cristiana Karla Prissy ancient Latin Sebastian: Masculinity countries like the United dedicated to Jupiter
Cruz cross Katherin/Katia Raquel ewe Wilmar: Resolute or famous. States, Northern Ireland, Brayden: Broad hillside.
Spanish Keyla Spanish Alejandro: Defender Australia, Wales, England, Dominic/Dominick: Lord
Dominik: Lord 'God is gracious' Abbreviation "strong, firm '(see hard-). form of Donn. In mythology Yuliana: Youthful, Downy Luisa: glorious war hero
Emel: Desire of John often used in Hoover: Large farm the Irish Donn was known as Laura: The laurel tree or Omaira: Flower
Ender: Extremely Rare combination with other Ivan: Yahweh is gracious king of the underworld. sweet bay tree symbolic of Liseth: Dedicated to god
Esteban: Crown names. Gianni is equivalent Jair: May God shine forth Dorlan honor and victory. Old name Nicoll: Victorious people
Geovanny: Yahweh is to Johnny. Jannier Dwayne: Dark with many variants. Paola: Klein;
gracious Gustavo: Staff Of The Goths Jarlan: Man Of Control Eduardo: Variant of Edward: Stephany: Crowned Paula: From the Latin
Harold: ruler King Isai: Masculinity Jeison Wealthy guardian. From the Geraldine: spear Paulus, meaning "humble."
Harvey: From Celtic words Ithan Jensen: Son of John Old English name Eadweard, Karen: the ever pure, pure Sammy: the heard by God
for battle, strong, worthy, and Jareth: Blend of Jar or Jer Johanny: God is gracious meaning rich or happy, and Valentina: Brave. Shirley: Bright wood; bright
ardent. Used commonly and Gareth. Jonny: Yahweh is gracious guardian. Famous bearer: Emely: Rival; meadow; from the white
during the middle ages. Javed: immortal Jorge Alexander King Edward the Elder, son Diana: From the Greek meadow. Famous Bearers:
Jander: protector of the Jean Pierre: Yahweh is Juan Camilo of Alfred the Great; Edward goddess of the moon. child star Shirley Temple.
people gracious Juan Jose VIII, who abdicated in 1936 Anny: Prayer. Yaritza: water
Jhojan John: given name used for Juan Sebastian to be with the divorced Angely Danny: God is my judge
Leonid: Son of the lion boys in the English language Kenner: Brave chieftain. woman he loved. Alejandra: Defender Jenny: fruitful
Thomas: male given name. It but it originated from a latin Luigi: glorious war hero Edward: wealth, guardian of Alexandra: Defender of Jessica: Rich. God beholds.
was formed from a Greek form of The Greek name Manuel: God is with us the property mankind. The daughter of Shylock in
word of the Aramaic name "Ioannes and Iohannes". At Nikolai: Victory Eliana: The Lilibeth: Lily Shakespeare's play 'The
"Ta'oma'" meaning "twin". first, it was known as Osmin: Godly protection. Elmer: Noble Shadia: she sings, beatiful Merchant of Venice'.
After Saint Thomas Becket, it Hellenized Jews then Pablo: Klein; Emery: Brave; powerful. voice Maritza: Sea Of Bitterness
became popular in England. transfered to Hebrew name Paul: small or modest From the Old German name Katherine: Pure Mishel: Light.
This name also has some Yohanan meaning "Graced Ricardo: strong, brave Emmerich, derived from Valerie: Strong; valiant. Valeria: On
female versions such as by God" or Yehohanan Ronald: Guides, ruler 'amal', meaning labour and Feminine of the Roman Wendy: Literary; a created
Thomasina, Tamsyn, Tamsin, meaning "God is Gracious". Samuel: the heard by God 'ne', meaning ruler. Variant of family clan name Valerius. name that first appeared in
Tasmina, Tasmino, Joseth: God will increase Sebastián Amory. Commonly used as a Lizeth: God Is My Oath James Banie's Peter Pan.
Thomaida/Thomais, or Kenny: Diminutive of Wilmer: Resolute or famous. surname. Tatiana The name is believed to
Tammy. Kenneth: Handsome. Yan: Swallow (bird). Emil: Rival; Marly: Full fame warrior come from the Welsh name
Ademir: Noble protector Livan Yeider Engelbert: Bright as an Melany: black, dark in color Gwendydd (Gwendith).
Alen: beautifully by noble Lyam: Form of William. Yein: kind gentle angel. Brigitte: Variant of Bridget: Yoselin: Little Goth
behavior Marcel: Dedicated to Mars, Yeison Ericson: son of eric ever Derived from the Irish name Deysi: Day's eye. A flower
Andrés Roman god of war, warrior Yordi: editor of the Earth kingly Brighid, meaning 'the high name.
Aymer/Elmer: Noble Miller: One who grinds grain Youssef: God will increase, Erle: Nobleman. Based on one' or 'strength.' Brighid was Evangeline: Well
Donovan: Brown-haired Nel: The horned Jozef the English title of Earl. a mythological Celtic Ginary
chieftain. From an Irish Neves: Snowy Aiden: Little Fire Famous bearer:American goddess of fire and poetry. Heidy: Of noble birth
surname meaning dark Nicolay: Victory Aldair author Erle Stanley Gardner. This name has been used Saidy
brown. Rayner: Guides of the Army Aldrin: Old and wise ruler. Erlin regularly in the British Isles Johanna: Yahweh is gracious
Eliam: People Of God Richard: powerful, strong Alexis: Helper; defender. Erny: Ernst / determination, since the 17th Juliana: the juvenile or
Evan: the archer army Variant of Alexander. Eagle century.'Strength. dedicated to Jupiter
Faiber Shemuel: appointed by god Alfonso: willing, subservient Estiven Leidy Marlin: shapely clean
Franky: Diminutive of Frank Stevenson: Stephen 'Crown; Alvaro: Truth-speaker or Evangeline: Well Natalia: birthday Sandy: Protector
'Free; a free man.' Frankie is wreath.'. guardian. Fabio: Grower of beans, from Eimy Adriana: coming from or
occasionally used for girls. Yerson Andersson the city Fabiae, Boon Nicolle: Conqueror of the resident of Adria
Hamilton: A Scottish surname Yesid Andrus: Warrior Frank: A diminutive of the people Angeli: Messenger
and place name of one of the Alirio: Natural Angelith Latin Francis, meaning Kelly: War. Lively. Ketty: Ruler.
great noble families of Amer: Prince Anko: Derived from the Frenchman or free one. Aggressive. An Irish surname Lorena: Variant of Laura or
Scotland, and used as a Arian: Originating from Adria Germanic tribal names with Famous bearer: American that has only been used as a Lora referring to the laurel
given name since the 19th (Venice) dull black, dark meanings form arn eagle singer Frank Sinatra. first name (either gender) in tree or sweet bay tree
century. Arles: Promise. Antonio: The invaluable Frey: god of weather the latter half of the 20th symbolic of honor and
Jarlinson Bruce: Thick brush. Surname Austin: Honoured German: Brother century. victory.
Johan: Yahweh is gracious since medieval times; now a Barnaby: A variant of the Giampaolo: God is gracious Sara Isabella Maria: shapely clean
Jorman: Exalted by God common given name. Hebrew Barnabas meaning Gilbert: Bright pledge. From Sofia: Wisdom Mayerlin
Jovan: God is with us Folklore tale of 14th century son of consolation, son of the Old German name Andrea: manlike, manly, Darcy: Derived from a
Juan Esteban Robert King of Scotland: (the exhortation, or son of Gisilbert. Famous bearer: brave surname introduced into
Lubin: heart of a man, heart Bruce) who learned the value comfort. Famous bearer: Twelfth century British St. Kamila: Perfect Britain during the Norman
of the sea of perseverance from Barnaby Rudge, a character Gilbert founded the Gilbertine Lauren: Feminine form of Conquest, based on the the
Sergio: Servant watching a spider spin a in 19th century Charles order, Sir W. S. Gilbert was Lorin: Variant of Laurence: French place name Arcy.
Wilder: Wild Animal web. Dickens' novel Barnaby half of the musical From the place of laurel Erika: ruler of the Law
Alam: world universe Daney: From Denmark. Also Rudge. composing team Gilbert and trees. Evelyn: From a surname
Aldemar: Germanic name a feminine variant of Daniel: Boniface: benefactor Sullivan. Magaly: A Pearl derived from the Old French
meaning "about famous by God will judge. Braidon: Bradan `s heir Gildardo Alix: Noble 'aveline' meaning hazelnut.
his maturity, skill. Off-ald (see Dayan Cesar: Thick Head Of Hair Gilmar: Famous hostage. Camila: Free-born; noble. Famous bearer: Evelyn
ALD) and March (see- Demian: tame César Giovanni: Yahweh is gracious Variant of Camilla. Waugh.
March). It can also form a Denilson Christian: anointed Haider: Lion, Lion Carolina: means the same as Juanita: God is gracious
metathesis (metathesis: Dick: powerful among the Craig: Dwells at the crag. Haley: Field of hay. Usually a guy Kimberly: Forest meadow
transposition of the people From the Celtic word surname. Sara: princess Cyneburg
consonants) of his Adelmar. Edwar: Blessed Protector meaning rock or crag. Hansel: God is with us Gina: farmer or husbandman Ludy: Specified as callsign at
Aran: Mountain of strength Esly Dairis Harrison: son Hanny: God is gracious Ludgardis (Hoofddorp 1967).
Charly: A man. Variant of Evans: West-Brabant name Dairon Harwin: friend Karol: a non-noble freeman Nasly
Carl. Francisco: Frenchman Danier Hernan: adventurous derived Mariam: shapely clean Nathaly: Birthday; especially
Darwin: Dear Gary: Strong with the spear Danilo: God is with us from ferdinand Maylin: Beautiful Jade the birthday of Christ.
Davian/David 'beloved.'. Hammer: Maker Of Hammers Darien: To maintain Jackson: God has been Nelly: Diminutive of Ellen or Nicol: Conqueror of the
Diemer: famous among the Helmer: Frisian and Davidson: beloved gracious; has shown favor. Eleanor: A variant of the people
people Groninger name. The first Dax: water Based on John or Jacques. Greek Helen, meaning Yulieth
Eyvind: Island of the Wends member may Helm- Dayton: A town that is full of Jairo: Variant of the Hebrew shining light, or most Danna: Feminine variant of
Fabian: Derived from the `bedekker, protector, helmet" sunshine. Jairus 'Jehovah enlightens.'. beautiful woman. Daniel: God will judge.
Roman clan name Fabius; a (see helmet-) or-hild 'battle' Deimer Angie: Messenger Of God Elizabeth: God has sworn Darlyn
name given several Roman (see-hild-); also Heil Dinael Hillary: cheerful Liz: God has sworn Gillian: The youthful and
emperors and 16 saints. "happiness" is not excluded Diogo: The Cheater Eliana: The Mariana: shapely clean dedicated to Jupiter
Fernando/Ferdinand: (see salvation-). The second Donny: Diminutive of Donald: Francy: Frenchman Samantha: Listen; name of Monica: Variant of Mona.
adventurer member-March "famous, From the Gaelic Domhnall, Julieth God. Yuli: Youthful
Gian: Italian form of John famous" (see-March) or hard meaning world mighty. Also a Daniela: God is my judge Sheryl: Dear Dayan
Derly Enith: Meaning uncertain, grove. second and favoured wife of Walter French
Katerine: Pure possibly bosleeuwerik Asly Jacob in the Old Testament. Xavier: New house M Ambroise
Keidy Jennifer: fruitful Astrid: divine beauty Sahian Alejandra: Defending men immortal; divine
Marla: Noble (nobility) Nazli: delicate, beautiful Claudia: lame Shannon: Little old wise one. Alicia: Noble kind Greek
Melissa: Bee Olga Lucia Dary: abundant Surname and river name. Andrea: Man F Amélie industrious;
Yahaira: Strength, teaching Saskia: Protector Of Mankind Ellen: A variant of the Greek Sonia: Wisdom Angela: Messenger persuasive Latin
god Stephania: Crown Helen, meaning shining light, Suri: Red Rose Beatriz: Voyager, traveler M Amilcar friend
Yenifer Viviana: lively, full of life or most beautiful woman. Tania Belen of Melqart
Aileen: Pleasant, Beautiful, Xiomara: shapely, clean Famous bearer: British Tiffany: Appearance Of God Bernita: Brave like the bear Spanish
The shining Arianna: Form of the Greek actress Dame Ellen Terry. Yolaine Blanca: White M Anbessa lion
Angelica: Messenger Of God Ariadne, meaning very holy. Fergie: Rock Yolima Britty: Pulli Kutty Spanish
Anyi Brittany: country Grace: From the word Addy: Diminutive of Adelaide: Brunilda: Battle armor, pro- F Ange heavenly
Chelsea: Seaport. Place Cielo: Sky 'grace', derived from the Latin Nobility. French form of the tection in battle messenger French
name; a London district. Elis: Yahweh is (my) God 'gratia', meaning God's favor. Old German Adalheidis, a Camila F Angeline heavenly
Cindy: Dimunitive of Cynthia, Glenis: Variant of Glenda. Famous bearer: American compound of 'athal' (noble) Concepción: Conception messenger French
Lucinda, and Cinderella. Fair, good, holy. actress Grace Kelly became and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, Daniela: God is my Judge F Anne grace Hebrew
Daney: From Denmark. Also Hari: A Princess Grace of Monaco. the capital of South Australia,
Edith F Anneloregrace Hebrew
a feminine variant of Daniel: Isabel: God has sworn Jania: god is gracious was named after Queen Elena: wicker, reed; torch M Anselmo God-
God will judge. Katheryn: Pure Jasbleidy Adelaide, 19th century King Elisa Rivera protection
Dayana: The Litzy: Joy Johana: God is with us William IV's consort. Eva: Life, live Spanish
Evelin: shapely, clean Lizbeth: God has sworn Julissa: People of Julus Albany: White Evita: Life F Antoinette
Georgette: farmer or Marianne: shapely clean July: The young man, BOLIVIAN Guadalupe: valley of wolves; inestimable
husbandman Nashua: Land Between Two dedicated to Jupiter Adolfo: noble wolf river of black stones Latin
Hilary: cheerful Rivers Katerin Alberto: noble and bright Irene: F Antonineinestimable
Isabella: God has sworn Nubia: From Nubia, Africa Liesel: Variant of Elisabeth: Alejandro: Defending men Isabel: Latin
Janny: Yahweh is gracious Salome: Peace. Tranquil. In From Elisheba, meaning Alfonso: Jakelyn F Aracelis altar of the sky
Katiana: Combination Name the Bible, Salome was the either oath of God, or God is Alfredo: Elf counsel Jennifer Spanish
Maira: shapely, clean granddaughter of Herod the satisfaction. Angelo: Messenger Jhosselin F Ariane holy one Greek
Malory: Variant of Mallory: Great who asked for the Liliana: Lilies Arsenio: Virile Kamila Cabrera Mende M Arnald eagle;
Unfortunate; ill fated. Derived head of John the Baptist in Manuela: God is with us Arturo Komani power German
from an Old French surname. return for dancing for her Silena Ascención: Ascension Manuela: God In Us M Arnoll eagle;
Maria Jose stepfather on his birthday. Tiana Basilio: King Mariana power German
Sara Isabel Sandra: Unheeded Veronica: bringer of victory Benicio: Blessed Mayra M Arséne strong
Vanessa: Butterfly. prophetess. A diminutive of Yaira Benigno: Nice, friendly, kind Mayra Dalia Greek
Ximena: Listen Casirnir, Cassandra, or Yelitza Benjamin Mónica M Asdrubal Ba'al
Yeraldine Catherine. In Homer's 'The Zenith: the highest point Carlos: Free man, man Olive helps Spanish
Brenda: sword Iliad' Cassandra's prediction Audrey: Variant of Carlos Manuel Oswald F Asuncion Virgin
Catalina: clean or pure of the fall of Troy was Etheldreda: From the Old Catunta: conqueror of other Pabla: Pauline Mary's assumption
Delsy: Variant of Delsin: He unheeded. Also used as an English name Aethelthryth, land Pilar: Pillar, Divine Power Spanish
is so. independent name. Also a meaning noble and strength. Cruz: Cross Raquel: Ewe F Aude old; rich French
Dulfay feminine of Alexander Famous bearer: St Den Sara: princess M Aurélien golden
Lina: Derived from ending of (defender of man). Etheldreda, later known as St Diego: Supplanter Teylor Latin
Carolina. Shaira: Poet, visionary Audrey, founded a monastery Dong Hyun Vanessa F Aurelie gold Latin
Marcela: Little Shara: The at Ely. Eduardo: Blessed guard Veronica F Austine venerable Latin
Marlyn: Blend of Marie or Aliana: Noble & Gracious Claire: bright, shiny, glossy Edwardo: Blessed guard Xaviera M Balduino brave
Mary and Lyn. Ana: Grace; favor. Variant of Dayanis Edwin Silver ARGENTINAN friend Spanish
Michelle: Hebrew for "Who is Anna. Often used in blended Debby: Bee. Deborah was Ernesto: Serious M Aarón high M Barthelemy
like God" names like Analee and the Biblical prophetess who Esteban: Crown mountain ploughman
Sari: Princess Anarosa. summoned Barak to battle Fede-Lo Spanish Aramaic
Stefany: wreath Angela: Feminine form of against an army of invaders. Fernando: daring F Abegail father rejoices F Bétrice she blesses
Valery: On Angelo: Messenger of God; After the battle she wrote a Fernando Flores Spanish Latin
Yelena: clear angel. victory song which is part of Flore F Abelia breath Hebrew F Bee courage of a bear
Zharick Cataleya the Book of Judges. Gerardo: He who rules by the F Adelina noble German
Angy: Heavenly Crystal: Crystal Dolly: Gift spear Spanish F Belette beautiful Latin
Ashley: Lives in the ash tree Eida: sword Eva Luna Hector: steadfast M Adrián from F Benita blessed
grove. Derived from a Estefania: crown or wreath Hary Jhonnny Hadria Spanish Spanish
surname and place name Gabriela: God is with us Ivonne: Variant of Yvonne. Joel F Agathe good Greek M Benoit blessed
based on the Old English Kaori: Fragrant Yew. Archer. John M Agustin Latin
word for ash wood. Famous Karina: Clean / pure Jihan: the universe Jose venerable F Bernardina
bearer: Ashley, the male Karolay Kizzy: Cinnamon Jose Luis Quisbert Spanish courage of a bear
character in Margaret Laudy Leana: Derived from an Irish Juan F Aimee beloved French German
Mitchell's popular 'Gone with Loraine: Originally the Gaelic of Helen: Juan Pablo F Aldonza sweet; nice F Bernette courage of a bear
the Wind'. Both a male and French name Lorraine (light;beautiful woman); Julio: down-bearded youth Spanish German
female name. Madeleine: Diminutive of variant of Liana: Lawrence F Alexandrine F Bertille heroine
Britney: Originally the ancient Madeleine: Woman of (youthful;bond). Luis defender of Teutonic
duchy of Bretagne in France. Magdala. Tower. Liceth Manuel: God in Us mankind Latin F Bethaniahouse of figs
Celtic Bretons emigrated Maria Camila Lindsay: From the island of Mauricio F Alexis defender of Spanish
from France to become the Marinette the lime tree. Although in the Michael mankind Latin M Blaize
Bretons of England. Marisol: shapely, clean past, Lindsay was a common Pablo: borrowed ; small M Alfonso noble stammererLatin
Danitza: Feminine variant of Nataly: Christmas days boys' name, today it is used Pedro: stone and ready F Brigitte strength Celtic
Daniel: God will judge. Nicole: Conqueror of the more often for girls. Rafael: God has Healed Spanish M Buenaventura
Daylin: Rhyming variant of people Maria Alejandra Raul: Wolf counselor F Aliénor light Greek good fortune
Waylon - a historical Shary: Beloved Plain Maribel: Combination Of Ricardo F Alissandre Spanish
blacksmith with supernatural Sindy: Moon Maria And Isabel Richard defender of F Camille ceremonial
powers. Xiomy Maureen: Variant of Mary: Riky mankind Latin attendant Latin
Emily: female name coming Yesenia: The Gypsy title Wished-for child; rebellion; Roberto: Bright fame F Alondra defender of F Capucine cape
from the Roman name character of a Spanish soap bitter. Rolando mankind Spanish French
Aemilia. This Latin name opera from the 1970s. Melina: Honey; Sasuke M Amancio loving F Carmela vineyard
"Aemilia" comes from the Yiseth Nilsa: Champion Sebastian: majestic Spanish Spanish
latin word "aemulus" which Yulitza Patricia: Aristocrat Sergio: attendant F Amarante F Carol song of joy
means "rival". Ashly: Lives in the ash tree Rachel: Ewe. Rachel was the Victor: beautiful flower French
F Caroline farmer French M Eleuterio the strength Spanish F Laurence crown French F Rosine rose French
F Catalina pure liberator Spanish F Ghislaine sweet of laurels Latin F Natalie born at Christmas M Rudolph famous
Spanish F Elisabeth pledge German F Laurentine crown French wolf Teutonic
F Ceciliane blind; consecrated to M Gilles of laurels Latin M Neville from F Sabria from Cyprus
gray eyes Latin God Hebrew shieldbearer F Leocádia bright; the new town French French
F Celestine F Elizé consecrated to Greek clear Spanish M Nicolas victory F Salut health
heavenly Latin God Hebrew F Gladys lame Latin M Leon lion of the people Greek Spanish
F Celine hammer French M Elpidio hope F Graciela pleasing; French M Nicole victory F Sandrinedefender of
F Cerise cherry French Spanish agreeable M Leopoldo people- of the people Greek mankind Greek
F Chantal song French F Emigdia half-god; demigod Spanish bold Spanish F Nicoline victory of the F Sarita princess
F Charlaine petite; Spanish M Gregorie vigilant F Lise consecrated to people French Spanish
feminine French M Emile Greek God Hebrew F Ninon grace French M Sebastien
F Charlotte petite; energetic M Guga F Lison consecrated to M Noel born at venerable; revered
feminine French Teutonic meditation staff God French Christmas French Greek
F Christelle follower F Emilianne Spanish M Lorencio of M Norbert brilliant M Severiano stern
of Christ Greek industrious M Guilbert trusted Laurentum hero Norse Spanish
M Christophe Teutonic French Spanish M Octavien eighth- F Sibyl wise old woman
follower of Christ F Emmélie universal M Gustave staff of F Louise famous warrior born child Latin French
Greek Teutonic the gods Teutonic woman German F Odette rich M Silvain of the
F Claire bright and clear F Emygdia half-god; demigod M Harold war M Lovell little German forest Latin
Latin Spanish chief Norse wolf French F Ofelia help F Silvaine from the forest
F Claudette lame F Enora light Greek F Heloise famous warrior M Lowe little Spanish Latin
Latin M Ermest serious woman German wolf French F Olympe from Mount F Silvia from the forest
M Claudio lame German M Herbert bright F Luce bringer of light OlympusGreek Latin
Spanish M Espiridion little warrior Teutonic French F Orlena golden French F Simone God is heard
M Clement merciful spirit Spanish M Hervé army M Lucien bringer M Pablo small Hebrew
Latin M Esteban crown warrior Teutonic of light Latin Spanish M Sosimo likely to
F Clotilde heroine Spanish M Hubert bright M Lucius bringer M Partait perfect survive Spanish
German F Estrella star mind Teutonic of light Latin French F Susanita lily flower
M Colas victory Spanish F Hyacinthe F Lydie province in Asia M Patrice noble Spanish
of the people Greek M Eugene noble hyacinth plant Minor Greek Latin F Susannelily flower Hebrew
F Colette victory of the Greek Greek F Madeline woman F Patricia noble; well-born M Sylvestre of the
people Greek M Eutimio good- M Ildefonso battle- of Magdala Hebrew Latin forest Latin
M Conrad honest spirited Spanish ready Spanish F Mado woman of M Paul little M Tanguy warrior
counselor M Fabián like F Ines gentle; pure Magdala French Latin Celtic
German Fabius Spanish Greek F Maite bitter harvester M Paulin little M Teodulo owned
M Constant F Fanchon free French F Ingrid hero's daughter French Latin by God Spanish
constant Latin M Faustino Teutonic F Manuela God is with us F Perla pearl M Theodore gift of
F Coralee coral French fortunate or lucky F Irénée peaceful Greek Spanish Spanish God Greek
F Corine maiden Greek Spanish M Isandro freer; M Marceau warlike F Petronelle stone F Theresa harvester Greek
M Courtney of the F Felicité fortunate or lucky liberator Spanish French Greek M Thomas twin
queen's court French Latin M Isidore a gift of F Marcelina warlike F Pierrette stone Greek Hebrew
M Cristobal follower M Fermin firm; ideas Greek Spanish F Pilar pillar F Tiphanie divine
of Christ Spanish steadfast M Jacinto F Marcelline warlike Spanish manifestation Greek
M Curt of the Spanish hyacinth flower Latin F Prisca the ancient one F Trini trinity
queen's court French F Fidéle faithful Latin Spanish F Marcie warlike Latin Latin Spanish
M Cyprien of the F Fifi God will add F Janine God's gracious gift F Margaux a pearl Greek F Prudencia M Urbain of the
island of Cyprus Latin French Hebrew F Marianela cautious city Latin
M Cyrillus lordly F Fifine God will add F Janine God's gracious gift beloved-star Spanish M Valentín healthy;
Greek French French Spanish M Rafael God strong Spanish
F Damia patron saint of F Fleurettebeautiful flower M Jaques F Mariette bitter Hebrew has healed M Valentin strong;
surgeons French French supplanter Hebrew F Marion bitter Hebrew Spanish brave Latin
F Damien patron saint of M Florentin M Jaye blue jay F Marita beloved M Raoul wise F Verónica bringer of victory
surgeons French flowering Latin French Spanish counselor Spanish
M Dani God is M Fons noble F Jeanne God's gracious gift M Marlin little Teutonic M Victor
my judge Hebrew and ready Hebrew falcon French M Raymundo conqueror Latin
M Davey beloved Spanish M Jerémie God M Marshal steward wise protector M Vincent
Hebrew F France from France will uplift Hebrew French Spanish conqueror Latin
F Delfine flower name French F Jesusa God is salvation F Marthe bitter Hebrew F Reina queen F Violaine violet Latin
Greek F Francique from Spanish M Martinien warlike Spanish F Violette violet Latin
F Denice Greek god of wine France French F Jocelyn supplanter Hebrew French M Remigio F Virge pure Latin
Greek M Francois free F JoellianeJehovah is God F Mathilde brave in battle oarsman F Virginie pure Latin
M Denis Greek French Hebrew Greek Spanish F Xaviére owner of the new
god of wine Greek M Franscico from F Joséphine God M Matthew gift of F René reborn Latin house Basque
F Desir desire French France Spanish will add Hebrew God Hebrew M Reynaldo wise F Yolande violet French
M Didier beloved F Gabie God is my M Joseph God M Matthieu gift of ruler Spanish F Yvette archer French
French strength Hebrew will add Hebrew God Hebrew M Richelieu F Zoelie life Greek
F Dina of the LordLatin M Gaeétan from F Jovita Jovita; God M Maxime powerful ruler Jamaica
F Dominica of the Gaeta, Italy French Spanish greatest Latin French M Adio be
Lord Latin F Gallia from Gaul French M Juanito God is F Mayte beloved-harvester M Robers of righteous Yoruba
M Donald proud F Gemma precious one gracious Spanish Spanish shining fame French M Aduke
chief Celtic French F Julie youthful Latin F Michaelawho is like God? M Robin famous competes to
M Donatien gift F Genie well-born; noble F Juliette youthful Latin French brillianceFrench cherish Yoruba
French Greek M Juste just F Mimi resolute; strong M Rogelio prayed F Africa sunny; not cold
F Dorine golden French M George farmer Latin Teutonic for; wished for Latin
M Eberardo strong Greek M Kevin kind F Monique advisor Latin Spanish F Afton from Afton,
as a boar M Geraldo spear Celtic M Nacio internal M Roldan famous England English
Spanish ruler Spanish F Laura crown of laurels light Spanish land Spanish F Agape love Latin
M Edmont M Germain from Latin M Narcisse daffodil F Rosalie beautiful rose F Aiída noble and serene
prosperous Germany French F Laure crown of laurels Greek French Latin
protectorEnglish F Gertrudis spear Latin F Nataleneborn at Christmas F Rosette rose French M Akoni brave
warrior Yoruba F Clover fortunate English F Gracie graceful English M Lawrence F Omnira liberation Yoruba M Scottie from
F Alonsa noble and eager M Dalbert bright, M Grover form crowned with a F Ora prayer; gold Scotland English
English shining English the grove English laurel Latin Latin M Sean God
F Alvina friend of the elves F Dale valley English M Hadley heather F Leigh poetic English M Oswin divine gracious gift Irish
English F Dalena valley English meadow English F Leoma brilliant English friend English M Sebastian
F Alyshia truthful, noble F Dana from Denmark M Hanford high M Libano white M Overton town venerable; revered
English English ford English Latin high on a hill English Greek
F Amancia lover Latin F Daralis beloved English M Hanley high M Liber M Pelham tannery F Shandi God is gracious
M Apace swift M Delbert bright meadow English spreads town English English
one English as day English M Harcourt fortified abundance Latin M Pelton town by F Sharee beloved, dearest
F Arabella beautiful altar M Delton town in dwelling English F Lizabeth consecrated to a pool English English
Latin the valley English M Harford ford of God English M Penley F ShariannShari + Ann
M Archer F Delwyn from the valley the hares English F London fortress of the enclosed meadow English
bowman English English F Heaven eternal happiness moon English English F Sharron desert plain
F Arden valley of the eagle F Delyse delightful English English M Loren M Perry English
English F Denver green valley F Henna ruler of the crowned with a traveler, falcon M Sheldon farm on
M Arley hare's English household English laurel Latin English the ledge English
meadow English F Duette two of kindEnglish M Hewson son of M Lorimer F Pipina God will add M Shelton town on
F Audree noble strength M Dunton hilly Hugh English harness maker English a ledge English
English town English M Hobson son of Latin F Pippa lover of horses M Shep
M Badrick axe M Durward Robert English M Loritz laurel English shepherd English
ruler English gatekeeper M Hodgson son of Latin F Placencia M Sherlock light
M Baker pastry English Roger English M Lyndal valley pleasant woman haired English
maker English M Dusty valiant M Hollis grove of the lime trees English Latin M Sonny names
M Beaman fighter English of holly trees English M Lyndon hill of F Pollyanna Polly + ending in -son English
beekeeperEnglish F Dymond precious gem M Ife love linden trees English Anna English M Southwell south
M Bede prayer Latin Yoruba F Lynn pool below a M Quentin fifth in well English
English F Edwina prosperous friend M Imo waterfall English order English M Speedy
F Benedicta blessed English knowledgeYoruba F Lynnell pretty English M Rad advisor; successful English
Latin F Egypt an African country F Iria lady English F Mabel loveable Latin happy English F Stacia resurrection
F Beryl sea green jewel English F Ivy ivy tree English M Macfarlane M Radbert brilliant English
English M Eldon old M Jas son of Farlane advisor English M Stanway stony
M Blakely dark farm English supplanter English English M Radcliff cliff road English
meadow English M Eldridge wise M Javaris skilled F Marden meadow with a with reeds English M Stanwick stony
M Bo counselor English with a spear English pool English F Ramsey ram's island village English
handsome English M Elgin noble; M Jaxon son of F Maresa sea Latin English M Stanwood stony
M Brantley proud white English Jack English F Marge pearl English F Randee protected English woods English
English F Ernestina M Jeff divinely F Martisha martial, warlike F Randi protected English F Star star English
M Brawley on the earnest, sincere peaceful English Latin F Raveen blackbird English F Starleen star English
hillside English English F Jill youthful English F Marty lady, sorrowful M Rayce swift, F Starling musical bird
F Braxton Brock's town F Erundinaswallow Latin F Jo God will add English adroit English English
English F Erwina sea friend English English F Marvelle awe and wonder M Rayford stream M Stowe packed
F Brighton bright town F Essence life; essence F Joann God is gracious English crossing English away English
English English English M Masel manse M Raymon wise M Stratford bridge
M Buckminster M Ethan strong F Kady Katy; pure English English protectorEnglish over the river English
preacher English of purpose Hebrew F KaralanaKara + Lana M Matt gift of M Read red- M Stroud thicket
M Burdan birch M Evan young English God English haired English English
tree valley English warrior Irish F Karalyn Kara + Lynn M Maven is M Richard rich M Studs
M Burgess M Evelyn English knowledgeable English and powerful ruler English rounded nail
shopkeeper hazelnut English M Karson son of M Miles M Richie rich heads English
English M Everley where Carr English millstone; merciful and powerful ruler English F Tacey gazelle English
F Camilla unblemished boars dwell English M Kayin long- English M Rickey rich F Taelor tailor English
character Latin F Felicity fortunate, happy hoped for child Yoruba M Millard miller; and powerful ruler English F Taite cheerful English
F Cara dear one; friend English M Kayode he grain grinder English M Rider M Talcott cottage
Latin F Femi love me Yoruba brought joy Yoruba F Millicent industrious horseman English near the lake English
F Caralyn little and strong F Fiorel flower Latin M Keldon port English M Rock rocky M Talen claw,
English M Fisher town English M Mills mills spring English nail English
F Caridad love, affection fisherman English F Kendra magical power English M Rockland rocky M Talmadge lake
Latin M Fitzgerald son of English M Miner miner land English between two towns English
M Carnell Gerald English F Kenise beautiful English English M Rockley rocky M Tandie team
defender of the M Fuller cloth F Kennice beautiful English F Misti shrouded by mist field English English
castle English thickener English M Kim hollow English M Rod famous F Tayla tailor English
M Carson son of M Fulton field vessel English F Nellie horn colored, ruler English M Thatcher repairer
Carr English near town English M King king yellow English F Romola from Rome, Italy of roofs English
M Cartland cart F Garnet dark and red gem English F Nellwyn Nellie's friend Latin M Thel upper
builder's land English English M Kingsley king's English F Ronica true imageLatin story English
M Carver wood F Garyn spear carrier meadow English M Newman F Ros fair rose English M Thomas twin
carver English English M Kinsey newcomer English F Rosalie fair rose English Greek
F Charlaine little F Gayla merry, lively victorious royalty M Newton new M Rutherfordcattle F Tinble sound bells make
and strong English English English town English ford English English
F Chasity pure Latin F Gayna white phantom M Kyler narrow M Nick M Rutledge red F Tiwa who owns the
M Chilton farm by English piece of land English victorious people ledge English kingship Yoruba
the spring English M Gerome Jerome F Kyndal ruler of the valley English M Ryan little F Tiyanna tailor English
M Chip farmer - holy English English M Niles son of king Irish M Toller tax
English M Gerrod brave F Kyndra water baby Neil English M Ryder collector English
M Churchill church spearman English English F Nollie flowering tree horseman English M Tolman tax
on a hill English M Gerson son of F Landon grassy meadow English F Sabreena man English
F Clemence merciful Gershom English English M Ogden oak princess English M Tom twin
Latin M Gifford bold M Laurie valley English F Sabrina princess English English
F Clementine merciful giver English crowned with a M Ojise divine F Sabryna princess English M Torey tower
Latin F Goldie golden English laurel English messenger Yoruba F Sage wise English English
M Trip traveler Adenilton Bepkei Divino Gilmar Johnathan
English Adham Berinaldo Donizetti Gilson Johnny
M Trot trickling Adilson Bernardo Dorival Gilvan Jonas
stream English Adler Bonfim Douglas Giovane Jonatan
M Truman honest Adonaldo Braian Dulcimar Giovani Jônatas
English Adrian Brayan Dyarllison Giovanni Jonathan
F Twyla woven of double Adriani Brayon Dyego Gislando Jorge
thread English Adriano Brendo Dylan Giuliano José
F Ty tailor English Adryan Brendon Eder Glauco Josivaldo
F Tylar tailor English Adson Brener Ederson Gleibson Josué
F Tyne river English Afonso Brenno Edigleison Gleison Juan
M Urbane city Aimé Breno Edimilson Gleuber Juarês
dweller, courteous English Airton Brian Edinaldo Glincon Julho
M Usher Aislan Bruce Edinilson Gregorio Juliano
doorkeeper Akyn Brunno Edivaldo Guilherme Júlio
English Alan Bruno Edmundo Guimar Junior
M Vance from Albert Bryan Édson Guismoney Juscelio
the marshland English Alberto Cael Eduardo Gustavo Juvenal
F Viktoria victorious Latin Alecsander Caetano Edvaldo Hanry Kadson
M Vinny bald Álefe Caian Edylan Hávila Kaik
English Alejandro Caick Edyson Heber Kaike
F Virtudes blessed spirit Alessandro Caike Efraim Hector Kaiky
Latin Alex Caiky Efrain Heidryan Kaio
F Virtue virtuous Latin Alexander Caio Egrinaldo Heitor Kaíque
F Vivian full of life Latin Alexandre Caique Eidryan Hélio Kaliel
M Walwyn Welsh Alexandro Calebe Eike Henri Kalil
friend English Alexei Carlos Elano Henrico Kalyel
M Warburton fortified Alexsander Cassiano Élcio Henrique Karlos
town English Alexsandro Cássio Elias Henry Kassio
M Ward Alexssandro Cauã Eliel Henzo Kauã
watchman; Alfonso Cauan Elinaldo Hércules Kauan
guardian English Aliandro Cauê Elizeu Herick Kauê
M Ware wary; Alih Cédric Elloah Herique Kawã
cautious English Alison Celso Eloah Hermes Kawan
M Weldon hill near Alisson César Elton Heytor Kayc
the well English Allan Charles Emanuel Hiago Kayk
M Welford ford Allancid Charlie Emerson Hígor Kayky
near the well English Allerson Chen Eminem Hudson Kayo
M Wells springs Allison Christian Endrel Hugo Kayque
English Allisson Christiano Endrew Humberto Kelvin
M Welton town Allysson Christophe Enrico Iago Kelwin
near the well English Almerio Christopher Enzo Ian Kenmuel
M Whitelaw small Alvaroa Chrystopher Enzzo Icaro Kesley
hill English Alyson Cícero Eraldo Igor Keven
M Whitey white- Alysson Claudemir Eric Ihuri Kevin
skinned English Amadeu Cláudio Erick Ihury Kleber
M Whitfield white Amarildo Clayton Erielton Ilton Kleverson
field English Amauri Cléber Erik Ire-ê Laerte
M Whitlock white Ander Cleiton Ernandes Irebeiti Lázaro
lock of hair English Anderson Cris Eros Isaac Leandro
F Willie determined André Cristhian Esdras Isac Lemuel
guardian English Andrea Cristian Evandro Isaías Leonardo
F Willow willow tree English Andrew Cristiano Evaristo Isaque Leônidas
M Windell windy Andrey Cristofer Everson Israel Leontino
valley English Angelo Cristopher Everton Italo Leopoldino
F Windy windy English Annry Daniel Ewerton Iury Levi
M Winfred friendly Anrry Danillo Ezekiel Ivan Levy
field English Anry Danilo Ezequiel Ivo Lindomar
M Winslow friend's Anthonny Danniel Fabian Jaaziel Lohran
hill English Anthony Danyel Fabiano Jailson Loren
F Winter winter English Anton Dario Fábio Jairo Lorenzo
M Wybert shining Antoni Davi Fabricio Jales Lorran
in battle English Antônio Daviv Fabriny Janne Luan
M Wylie Antony Dayvid Felipe Jean Luander
charming; cunning Ariel Dayvson Fellipe Jeferson Luca
English Ariele Dclemenson Fernando Jefferson Lucas
M Wyman fighter; Arielton Deivisson Filipe Jerônimo Lucca
warrior English Aroldo Demerson Filipy Jeversson Luciano
M Yardley Arthur Denilson Flávio Jhon Luigi
enclosed meadow Artur Denis Francisco Jhonanthan Luís
English Aryan Derick Fred Jhonatan Luiz
Brazilian Asafe Derik Fyllipe Jhonattan Lukas
Aaron Audryk Deryck Gabriel Jhonny Mac
Abiel Augusto Deyvid Gabryel Jhulio Magno
Abimael Avelino Deyvison Geisse Jian Maicom
Abner Aylson Dhefersson Genivaldo João Maicon
Abraão Ayslan Dhereck Geovane Joaquim Maik
Adam Azer Dhionatan Geovanne Joaquin Maikon
Adan Benedito Dhon Gesiel Joel Manuele
Adeilton Benjamim Diego Gian Joelson Marcel
Ademir Bep-oreiti Diogo Gilberto John Marcelo
Márcio Richardson Weslen Anne Cladejania Emanuele
Marco Riquelme Wesley Anniely Clara Emanueli
Marcos Riquelmi Wesli Anny Clarice Emanuelle
Marcus Robert Weslley Anthonia Clarissa Emanuelly
Marllon Roberto Wherlleysonn Antonela Clarisse Emanuely
Marlon Robsvaldo William Antonella Cláudia Emely
Mateus Rodolfo Willian Antoniele Cleani Emelyn
Matheus Rodrigo Wilmar Any Cledejania Emi
Mayck Roger Yago Anyka Cleunice Emiley
Maycky Rogério Yan Anylise Cristal Emili
Maycon Romar Ygor Ariadne Cristhine Emilly
Maykon Ronald Yohan Ariadnny Cristieli Emillyn
Maylon Ronaldo Yuri Ariadny Cristina Emily
Mentore Ronei Abella Ariane Crystal Emmilly
Micael Roque Acsa Ariede Daffiny Erica
Michael Ruan Adriana Arielle Daiane Erika
Michel Rubens Adriane Arielly Daiani Eslaine
Mickael Rudson Adriany Ariely Daiara Estefane
Miguel Rurik Adriele Asheley Daiemylly Estefani
Mikael Ruy Adrieli Ashelley Dalia Estefany
Mikhael Ryan Adrielle Ashley Dallity Esteffani
Miquéias Ryarley Adrielly Audrey Dalva Estela
Mohammad Rychard Adriely Ávila Damares Estella
Moisés Said Agata Aycha Dandara Estephanny
Murillo Samuel Ágatha Ayisha Dandhara Ester
Murilo Saul Agda Ayla Daniela Esther
Murylo Saymon Agnes Ayslla Danieli Estrela
Mykael Sérgio Aimée Barbara Daniella Eufrosina
Nasser Silas Aira Barbarah Danielli Eugênia
Natan Silvio Aisha Beatriz Danielly Eva
Natanael Simon Alana Betina Dannah Evelin
Nathan Stéfane Alanis Betris Dany Evelly
Neder Tairan Alanna Bianca Daphine Evellyn
Neilson Tamyres Alany Bianka Daphini Evelyn
Neilton Tárcio Alanys Brena Daphne Evili
Neyton Thales Alessandra Brenda Dayana Evilin
Nhákok Thalison Alexandra Brendha Dayra Evillyn
Nhákuê Thalisson Alexia Brhenda Débora Eyshila
Nicholas Thallyson Alexsandra Bruna Deborah Fábia
Nichollas Thamires Alexssandra Brunna Deise Fabiana
Nickolas Thamyllan Alexya Byanca Deisiany Fabiele
Nicolas Thamyres Aliane Caina Denise Fabielli
Nicollas Thiago Alice Camila Devily Fabíola
Nikola Thierry Alícia Camile Deydila Fabrícia
Nikolas Thiery Aline Camili Deyene Fernanda
Nilmar Thomas Allana Camilla Dhandara Flaira
Nilson Thomaz Alline Camille Dhully Flávia
Noanderson Tiago Alyce Camilli Diana Franciana
Nycolas Tito Alycia Camilly Diandra Franciel
Nykolas Tomas Amabille Camily Dieniffer Franciele
Ocitonio Vagner Amabily Camylla Dimilly Francieli
Octávio Valdeci Amanda Carla Djenifer Francielle
Oliver Vanderlam Ami Carolaine Dunia Francielly
Otávio Venilson Amilly Carolainy Dyannyne Franciely
Otto Vicente Aminy Carolina Dyeniffer Francineide
Paulo Victor Amy Caroline Edilaine Gabriela
Pedro Vinicios Amyle Carolini Edlaine Gabriele
Peterson Vinícius Ana Caroliny Eduarda Gabriella
Phillip Vinnicius Anahy Carolline Eileen Gabrielle
Pietro Vitór Analice Carollini Eliana Gabrielli
Rafael Volgran Analy Cassia Eliane Gabrielly
Rai Wagner Anamim Cassiane Eliara Gabriely
Raik Walisson Ananda Cassiely Eliene Gabryelle
Raimundo Wallas Andreia Catarina Elis Gabryelli
Rameses Wallison Andreina Catharina Elisa Geane
Ramon Wandeilso Andressa Catherine Elisabeth Geovana
Raphael Wanderson Andreza Cauane Elisangela Geovanna
Raul Wang Andrieli Cauani Elivani Gianna
Raylon Warley Andrielle Cauany Elizabeth Giordanna
Reginaldo Washington Andriely Caylane Elizandra Giovana
Renan Watila Andry Cecília Ellem Giovanna
Renato Welison Ane Celinne Ellen Gisele
Rennor Wellington Anelise Chaieny Ellyzabele Gislaine
Rhaul Wellisom Anelize Cheila Ellyzo Giulia
Rhennan Welliton Anelyse Chrislaine Eloá Giuliana
Rhonaldson Wellyton Ângela Cibele Eloíne Giullia
Rhuan Welyngthon Angélica Cibeli Eloisa Gleici
Rhyan Wendrik Angelina Cidia Eloise Gleiciane
Rian Wenzlly Angeline Cidy Eloiza Gleiciely
Ricardo Werick Anna Cíntia Emanoely Glenda
Richard Weslei Annaliz Cirlei Emanuela Grace
Gracieli Jeniffer Kauâne Mara Nayara Stefany
Grasiely Jennifer Kauani Marcela Nayra Stela
Graziela Jennyfer Kauanne Marcella Nichole Stella
Graziele Jenyfer Kauanny Marcelle Nicole Stephani
Grazielle Jessica Kauany Marcelly Nicoli Stephanie
Grazielly Jhaddyla Kawanny Marcia Nicolli Stephanny
Grazziely Jhenifer Kayane Maria Nicolly Stephany
Guiomar Jhenis Kaylane Mariah Nicoly Sthefany
Gyovana Jhenyfer Kayllane Mariana Nikoly Suelen
Halany Jhenys Keila Mariane Nilza Suiane
Hanna Jhessy Keillane Mariani Nithiely Suyane
Hannah Jhianiffer Keity Marianna Nivea Suzam
Hayane Jhienifer Kelita Marianne Noemia Suzany
Hayani Jhonata Kelly Marianny Nycolle Taina
Helen Joana Kelyeny Mariany Nycolly Tainara
Helena Joelma Kemilly Marielle Ohara Taís
Helenise Joicy Kemoly Marileide Olivia Taislani
Hellen Jonatha Keren Marina Paloma Talita
Helloar Joseane Kerollyn Marjory Pamela Tamara
Heloá Josiane Kesia Mary Pamella Tania
Heloísa Joyce Ketelen Maryana Pamelly Tathiane
Heloise Joycimara Ketellen Mayana Paola Tatiane
Hemilly Júlia Ketelyn Mayara Paolla Tatiani
Hendrica Juliana Kethellyn Maynara Patrícia Tatyana
Hevelyn Juliane Kethelyn Maysa Paula Tayna
Hevillyn Juliani Ketlen Maytê Pietra Thacyla
Hilary Juliany Ketlyn Meily Piettra Thaiane
Hillary Jullia Kevelin Meiry Poliana Thailla
Hyngryd Jullie Kevelyn Melissa Pollyanna Thailyne
Iani Jullyana Keveny Mellyssa Pollyanne Thaina
Iara Jullyane Kevilin Michele Polyana Thainna
Iasmin Julya Kevilyn Micheline Pricila Thaís
Ilda Kaely Kimberlly Michelle Priscila Thalia
Ingrid Kaeny Kimberly Mikaela Pyetra Thalita
Ingridy Kaiane Klara Mikaele Rafaela Thalya
Iran Kailaine Lafayette Mikaelle Rafaella Thamara
Iraneide Kailainy Laiane Mikaelli Rafaelly Thamyris
Iris Kailany Laila Mikaelly Raiane Thamys
Isabel Kailayne Lairis Milayni Raiany Thatyana
Isabela Kalini Laís Milena Railaine Thauane
Isabele Kalyne Laisa Millena Raine Thauany
Isabeli Kamila Laisla Millene Raissa Thayanne
Isabella Kamile Laissa Mirela Raphaely Thayná
Isabelle Kamille Laiza Mirella Raquel Thaynara
Isabelli Kamilly Lana Mirelli Rayane Thaysa
Isabelly Kamily Lanna Miria Rayanne Thelianna
Isabely Kamyla Lara Monalisa Rayssa Thiciane
Isadora Kananda Larissa Monica Rebeca Thiffany
Isaine Karen Larissi Monielly Rebecca Tifany
Isaura Karina Laryssa Monique Regiane Tuany
ísis Karine Lauana Monize Regielly Valentina
Izabel Karinni Lauanda Morgana Regina Vanessa
Izabela Karinny Lauane Morganna Renata Vânia
Izabeli Kariny Lauanny Mykaely Rhillary Vera
Izabelle Karita Laura Myrela Riara Verônica
Izabelli Karitta Lauren Naiany Rillary Victoria
Izabely Karla Lavinia Nainara Roberta Vitória
Izadora Karolayne Lavinya Naira Sabrina Vivian
Jackeline Karoline Layla Nata Sabrine Viviane
Jacqueline Karolini Laynara Natacha Samara Wanda
Jacynelia Karollen Lays Natali Samilla Wendy
Jade Karolliny Laysla Natália Samira Willyane
Jady Karolyne Leandra Natalielly Samiyah Yara
Jaiany Karyda Leidiane Natally Samyra Yasmim
Jaina Kassiany Leonice Nataly Sandra Yasmin
Jaini Katarina Lethicia Natasha Sara Yngrid
Jamile Katarine Letícia Nathalia Sarah Yohana
Jamilli Katelyn Letycia Nathalie Sayuri Yolanda
Jamilly Kathellin Maiara Nathaly Shayane Ysabeli
Jamily Kathellyn Maira Nathalya Shenalti Yudy
Janaina Katherine Maísa Nathiele Silvana Cellio
Janayne Kathleen Maitê Nathielly Silvia Daniele
Janny Kathlyn Maiza Natielly Sofia Darien
Jaqueline Katielle Manoela Natyele Sophia Nayan
Jauvana Katielly Manuela Naya Stefani Rayane
Jeffelley Katlyn Manuella Nayan Stefanie
Jenifer Kauana Manuelly Nayani Stefanny
Chinese names Bai: pure Chao: surpass Chun: springtime Fu: wealthy; lotus He: river; lotus
Ah: Bao: precious Chen: morning Da: achieve Gang: strong Heng: permanent
Ai: love Bo: wave Cheng: sincere Dong: east Guo: country Hong: great
An: peace Chang: prosperous Chin/Jin: Fen: fragrance Hai: sea Hua: magnificent
Hua: flower Ayako: kimono design Kiyoko: pure child Sakurako: blossom child Ajeet/Ajit(h): invincible Devi: goddess
Huan: happy Ayame: iris Kiyoshi: pure Satomi: beautiful wise Akanksha: desire Devika: little goddess
Huang: bright Ayane: design +sound Kohaku: amber Sayuri: small lily Akash: sky Dhananjay: wealth
Hui: wise Ayano: design Koharu: spring heart Setsuko: melody child Akhil: complete Dhaval: dazzling
Jia: fine; family Ayumu m: dreamwalk Kokoro: heart, spirit Shichiro/Shichirou: 7th son Amala: pure Dilip(a)/Duleep: protector of
Jian: strong Chika: 1,000 flowers Kotone: harp sound Shin: true Amar: immortal Dehli
Jiang: river Chikako: 1,000 child perfume Kouki: light of hope Shinju: pearl Amit: infinite Dinesh: day lord
Jin: money, gold Chinatsu: 1,000 summers Kouta: great peace Shinobu: endurance Amita: infinite Dipika: light
Jing: essence Chiyo: 1,000 worlds Kumiko: child of enduring Shion: Amitabh: infinite splendor Divya: divine
Ju: chrysanthemum Chiyoko f: 1,000 children beauty Shiori: poem Amrit: immortal Draupadi: daughter of
Jun: ruler Cho/Chou: butterfly Kuro/Kurou: 9th son Shiro/Shirou: 4th son Amrita: immortal Drupada
Kun: earth Chouko: butterfly child Kyo/Kyou: apricot Shizuka: quiet perfume Anand: bliss Drishti: sight
Lan: orchid Daichi: great wisdom Mai: dance Sho/Shou: to fly Ananda/Anandi: bliss Drupada: wooden pillar
Li: reason Daiki: great tree Makoto: sincerity Shota/Shouta: big soar Anant(h)a: infinite Durai: leader
Li: strength Daisuke: great help Mami: true beauty Shun: talented Ananth: infinite Durga: unattainable
Li: beautiful Emi: blessed in beauty Manami: love of sea Sora: sky Anil: air, wind Esha: desire
Lim/Lin: forest; jade Etsuko: joy child Mao: true blossom Sota/Souta: smooth big Anila: wind Ganesh(a): lord of hordes
Ling: spirit; bell Goro/Gorou: 5th son Mariko: village child Souma: smoothly true Anima: minuteness Gauri/Gowri: white
Mei: beautiful; plum Hachiro/Hachirou: 8th son Masami: beautifying Sumiko: clear child Aniruddha: clear Gautam(a)/Gotam(a): the
Min: clever Hana: flower Masaru: victory Susumu: advance Anish: supreme best ox
Ming: bright Hanako: flower child Masuyo: benefit Suzu: bell Anjali: offering Geevarghese/Varghese
Mu: admire; wood Haru: sunlight Mayu: full evening Suzume: sparrow Ankita: marked Girish(a): mountain lord
Ning: peaceful Haruka: distant sun Megumi: blessing Taichi: big one Ankur: sapling Gita: song
Nuan: warm, genial Haruki: sun life Mei: living bud Taiki: great shine Anuj: younger Gobind/Govind(a): cow finder
Nuo: graceful Haruko: sun child Michi: path Takahiro: noble & prosperous Anuja: younger Golshan/Gulshan:
Ping: peaceful Haruna: distant greens Michiko: beautiful mind Takako: pious child Anupam: matchless Gopal(a): cow protector
Qiang: strength Haruto: sun star Midori: green Takara: treasure Anupama: matchless Gopinath(a): leader of the
Qing: greenish blue Hayate: smooth Mika: beautiful perfume Takashi: noble & reverend Aparajita: unconquered gopis
Qiu: autumn Hayato: falcon Miki: beautiful chronicle Takehiko: warrior prince Aradhana: worship Harendra/Harinder
Rong: flourish Hibiki: echo Miku: beautiful sky Takeshi: warrior Aravind(a): lotus Hari: tawny; lion
Rong: to tolerate Hideaki: excellent Minako: beauty child Takuma: real pioneer Archana: praising Harish(a): lord of monkeys
Ru: scholar Hideki: excellent Minato: harbor Takumi: skilled Arjun(a): white Harsha: happiness
Shi: history Hideyoshi: luckiest Minoru: truth Tamiko: many beautiful Arun(a): red brown Harshad: happiness
Shu: gentle Hikari: light Mio: cherry blossom children Arundhati: free Harshal: happiness
Shui: water Hikaru: radiance Misaki: beautiful blossom Taro/Tarou: big son Arya: noble Ila: earth; speech
Shun: agreeable Hina: day greens Mitsuko: light child Tomiko: wealthy child Aseem/Asim: limitless Inderjit/Indrajit: conqueror of
Su: respectful Hinata: sunflower Miu: beautiful feather Tomoko: wise child Asha: hope Indra
Tai: great Hiraku: expand Miyako: beautiful night child Tomomi: beautiful friend Ashok/Ashoka: without Inderpal: protector of Indra
Tu: chart Hiroko: generous child Miyu: beautiful truth Tsubaki: camellia sorrow Indira: beauty
Wei: power Hiroshi: generous Mizuki: beautiful moon Tsubame: swallow Avani: earth Indra: possessing rain
Wen: culture Hiroto: Ursa Major Moe: bud Tsubasa: wing Avanti: Indrani: queen of Indra
Wu: business Hitomi: eye pupil Momoka: 100 peach trees Tsukasa: Avinash: indestructible Indu: moon
Wu: martial Honoka: harmony Momoko: 100 peach tree Tsukiko: moon child Bala: young Isha: master, lord
Xiang: lucky Hoshi: star child Ume: plum Baladeva/Baldev: god of Jagannath(a): master of the
Xiang: fragrant Hoshiko: star child Moriko: forest child Umeko: plum child strength world
Xiu: beautiful Hotaka: grain fall Nana: veggies Wakana: complete harmony Basant/Vasanta: Jagdish: world ruler
Xue: snow; learning Hotaru: firefly Nanami: seven seas Yamato: Basu/Vasu: Jagjit: world conqueror
Xun: fast Ichiro/Ichirou: 1st son Naoki: honest tree Yasu: peaceful Bharat(a): being maintained Jai/Jay: victory
Ya: elegant Isamu: courage Naoko: honest child Yoko/Youko: sea child Bhaskar(a): shining Jaidev: divine victory
Yi: justice Itsuki: tree Naomi: honest beauty Yori: trust Bijay/Bijoy/Vijay(a): victory Jaswinder: Indra of the
Yi: ceremony Izumi: fountain Natsuki: moon vegs Yoshi: righteous Bipin:Vipin: forest thunderbolt
Yin: silver; sound Jiro/Jirou: 2nd son Natsuko: summer child Yoshiko: joy child Bishen/Vishnu: great all Jaya: victory
Yong: brave Junko: obedient child Natsumi: summer beauty Yoshiro/Yoshirou: righteous Brahma: prayer Jayant(a)/Jayanti: victorious
Yu: jade; rain Juro/Jurou: 10th son Noa: one’s love son Brijesh/Brijesha: ruler of Brij Jayashri: victory goddess
Yun: cloud Kaede: maple Noboru: rise Youta: big sun Buddha: enlightened Jayendra: victory lord
Zan: support Kai: Nobu: prolong Yua: tie of love Chanda: fierce Jaywant: having victory
Zhen: precious Kaito: sea Noburu: expand Yui: gentle bond Chandan: sandalwood Jeetendra/Jitendra/Jitender/
Zheng: just Kanon: flower Nobuyuki: happy truth Yuina: tied greens Chandana: sandalwood Jitinder: conqueror of Indra
Zhi: will; wisdom Kaori: perfume Nori: ceremony Yuki: happiness Chander/Chandra: moonlight Iyoti: light
Zhong: loyal Kaoru: fragrance Noriko: ceremony law Yukiko: happy child Chandrakant: beloved by the Jyots(a)na: moonlight
Zhou: boat Kasumi: mist Osamu: discipline Yuko: gentle child moon Kailash:
Japanese names Katashi: hard Ran: orchid Yumi: archery bow Chandrakanta: beloved by Kajal: kohl
Ai: love Katsu: victory Rei: tinkling of jade Yumiko: reasonable child the moon Kala: virtue
Aiko: child of love Katsuo: victor hero Ren: lotus Yuri: lily Chetan: soul Kali: black one
Aimi: beautiful love Katsuro/Katsurou: victorious Riko: jasmine child Yuu: gentleness Chetana: soul Kalidas(a): servant of Kali
Aina: love for vegs son Riku: land Yuudai: great hero Chiranjeevi/Chiranjivi: long- Kalpana: fantasy
Airi: love for jasmine Kazue: blessing of harmony Rikuto: land person Yuuka: gentle flower lived Kalyan(a): beautiful
Akane: deep red Kazuki: harmonious hope Rin: dignified Yuuki: gentle life Damayanti: subduing Kalyani: lovely
Akemi: bright & beautiful Kazuko: harmony child Rina: jasmine Yuuko: gentle child Damodar(a): belt rope Kama: love, desire
Aki: bright Kazuo: one man Rio: village centre Yuuma: truly gentle Darshana: seeing Kamal: lotus
Akiko: bright child Kei: respect Rokuro/Rokurou: 6th son Yuuna: gentle lemon Dayaram: compassion of Kamala: lotus
Akio: bright male Keiko: respectful child Rui: Yuuta: brave & gentle Rama Kamini: desirable
Akira: bright Ken: strong Ryo/Ryou: refreshing Yuuto: distant person Debdan/Deodan/Devdan: gift Kanchana: golden
Ami: Asia Kenichi: strong one Ryoichi/Ryouichi: clear one Indian names of the Gods Kanta: desired
Aoi: blue Kenji: two studies Ryota/Ryouta: great clear Abha: splendor Deepak/Dipak(a): inflaming Kanti: beauty
Arata: fresh Kenshin: modest truth Ryuu: dragon Abhay: fearless Deepali/Dipali: row of lamps Kapil(a): red brown
Asami: Kenta: strong & big Ryuunosuke: noble dragon Abhilasha: desire Deepti/Dipti: light Karan/Karna: ear
Asuka: perfume of tomorrow Kentaro/Kentarou Saburo/Saburou: 3rd son Aditi: freedom Deo/Dev: god Karishma: miracle
Atsuko: warm child Kichiro/Kichirou: lucky son Sachiko: happy child Aditya: belonging Dev(a)das: servant of the Kas(h)i:
Aya: colour Kiku: chrysanthemum Saki: blossom Agni: fire gods Kaur: princess
Ayaka: coloured petal Kimiko: empress child Sakura: cherry blossom Aishwarya: prosperity Dev(a)raj(a): king of gods Kausalya: of the Kosala
people Niraj: illuminate Rishi: sage, poet Susheela/Sushila/Sushil:
Kaveri: river Nirav: quiet Ritika: stream good-natured
Kavi: wise man Nirmala: pure Riya: singer Swapan: dreaming
Kavita: poem Nirupama: unequaled Rohan: ascending Swapna: dream
Kiran: sunbeam Nisha: night Rohit: red Swapnil: dreamlike
Kirtida: one who bestows Nishant: dawn Roshan: bright Swaran/Swarna: good colour
fame Nithya/Nitya: Roshanara: light Swati: Arcturus
Kishan/Kishen/Kistna/ Nitika: moral Roshini: brilliance Tara: star
Krishna: dark Nitin: ethical Rukmini: adorned with gold Trishna: desire
Kishor(e): colt Nitya: eternal Rupinder: greatest beauty Uma: flax
Kishori: filly Om: Sachin: pure Upsana: worship
Kshitij: born of the earth Padma: lotus Samir: wind Urvi: wide
Kshitija: born of the earth Padmavati: having lotuses Sandeep/Sandip: blazing Usha(s): dawn
Kumar(a): son Padmini: full of lotuses Sandhya: twilight Vasant(a)/Vasanti: brilliant
Kumari: daughter Pallab/Pallav: bud Sanjana: creator Vasu: bright
Kunal(a): lotus Pallavi: bud Sanjay(a): triumphant Vasuda: granting wealth
Kunti: spear Pankaj(a): born of mud Sanjeet/Sanjit: invincible Vasudha: producer of wealth
Lakshman(a)/Laxman: Parth(a): son of Pritha Sanjeev/Sanjiv: living Vasundhara: possessor of
having lucky marks Parvati: daughter of the S(h)ankar(a): lucky wealth
Lakshmi/Laxmi: sign mountains Saral/Sarala: straight Veda: knowledge
Lal: to caress Pitambar(a): yellow garments Saraswati: possessing water Vena: yearning
Lalit/Lalita: desirable Poornima/Purnima: Sarika: myna bird Venkat(a):
Lata: vine Prabhakar(a): light maker Sarita: flowing Vidya: knowledge
Lavanya: beauty, grace Prabhat: morning S(h)ashi: having a hare Vikram(a): valour
Leela/Lila: play Prabhu: mighty Sati: truthful Vimal/Vimala: clean
Lilavati: playful Parbodh: awakening Satish: lord of Sati Vina: lute
Lina: united Pradeep/Pradip: light Savitr: rouser Vinay: leading
Lochan: eye Prakash: light Savitri: sun-related Vipul: large
Lochana: eye Pramod(a): joy Seema/Sima: limit
Madhav(a): vernal Pran: breath Seet(h)a/Sita: furrow
Madhavi: vernal Pranav: leader in love S(h)ekar:
Madhu: sweet honey Prasad: brightness Shahrukh/Shahrokh:
Madhukar: bee Prasanna: clear Shailaja: daughter of the
Madhur: sweet Pratap: glory mountain
Madhuri: sweetness Pratibha: light Shakti: power
Mahavir(a): great hero Pratima: image Shakuntala: bird
Mahendra/Mahinder/ Pravin: skilled Shanta: calm
Mohinder: great Indra Preeti/Priti: pleasure Shantanu: wholesome
Mahesh(a): great lord Prem/Prema: love Shanti: peace
Mala: necklace Pritha: palm of the hand Sharma: protection
Malati: jasmine Priya: beloved Sharmila: comfort
Malini: fragrant Punit: purified Sheela/Shila: conduct
Mandeep: lamp of the mind Purnima: full moon Shekhar: crest
Mani: jewel Purushottam(a): the best Shiva/Sib: auspicious
Maninder/Manish: lord of the man Shivali: beloved of Shiva
mind Pushpa: flower Shobha: brilliance
Manisha: thought Rabindra/Ravindra: Shresth: best
Manju(la): lovely Rach(a)na: creation Shreya: lucky
Manjusha: small box Radha: success Shri/Sri: radiance
Manu: wise Raghu: swift Shrinivas: abode of Shri
Maya: illusion Rahul: able Shripati: husband of Shri
Mayur: peacock Raj/Raja: king Shrivatsa: favourite of Shri
Meena/Mina: fish Rajani: dark one Shweta: white
Meera/Mira: ocean Rajender/Rajendra/Rajinder: Shyam(a): dark blue
Minali: fish catcher lord of kings Shyamal/Shyamala: black
Mitul: mearured Rajesh: ruler of kings Siddhart(h)a: one who has
Mohan/Mohana: charming Rajiv: striped accomplished a goal
Mohandas: servant of Rajkumari: princess Singh: lion
Mohana Rajneesh/Rajnish: lord of the Sitara: star
Mohini: infatuating night Skanda: spilling
Mridula: soft Rajni: queen Sona(l): gold
Mukesh(a): ruler of Muka Rakesh: lord of the full-moon Subhash: eloquent
Mukta: liberated day Sudarshan/Sudarshana:
Mukul: blossom Ram(a): pleasing beautiful
Murali: flute Ramachander/Ramachandra Sudhir: wise
Nagendra: lord of snakes m: Rama moon Sujay: great victory
Nala: stem Ramakrishna: Sulabha: easy
Nalini: lotus Ramesh(a): ruler of Rama Suman: good mind
Nanda: joy Rameshwar: lord Rama Sumantra: good advice
Nandita: happy Rani: queen Sumati: good mind
Narayan(a): path of man Ranj(it)/Ranjeet: pleased Sundar(a)/Sunder: beautiful
Narendra/Narinder: lord of Rashmi: sunbeam Sunil: deep blue
men Ratan/Ratna/Ratnam: jewel Sunita: polite
Naveen/Navin: new Rati: pleasure Sunitha: righteous
Neela/Nila: dark blue Ravi m: sun Sunit: good conduct
Neelam/Nilam: sapphire Ravinder/Ravindra: lord of Suniti: good conduct
Neha: loving the sun Suraj: born of the Gods
Nikhil: entire Reena/Rina: Surendra/Surinder: lord of
Nikhila: entire Reshmi: silk Gods
Nilima: blue Reva: one that moves Suresh(a): ruler of the gods
Ninad: sound Rina: melted Surya: sun
Theodor Marfa: Martha Spartak Zinoviya
Fedora/Feodora Margarita Stanimir Zlata
Fedot Marina Stanislav/Stas Zlatan
Feliks Mark Stanislava Zoya
Feodosiy Marlen Stepan
Feofan Martin Susanna/Syuzanna
Feofil Maryana Svetlana/Sveta/Lana
Feofilakt/Filat Matfey/Matvei/Matvey/Motya: Svyatopolk
Ferapont Matthew Svyatoslav
Filipp Matrona/Matryona/Motya Taisiya/Thais
Filippa Mefodiy Tamara
Fima/Yefim Mikhail/Misha Tanya/Tatiana/Tatyana
Foka Milan Taras
Foma: Thomas Milena Tekla
Gala/Galina/Galya Miloslav/Miroslav Terenti/Terentiy
Gavriil: Gabriel Miloslava/Miroslava Tikhon
Gavriila Miron Timofei/Timofey
Gena/Gennadiy/Gennadi/ Mitrofan/Mitya Timur
Gennady/Genya Modest/Modya Tit
Gennadiya Moisey Toma
Georgiy/Georgy Mstilslav Tsetsiliya: Cecilia
Gerasim Nadejda/Nadezhda/Nadya Uliana
German: Herman Natalya/Nataliya/Nata/ Ustinya
Germogen Natasha/Tasha Vadim/Vadik
Gleb: heir Naum Valentin
Grigori/Grigoriy/Grigory/ Nazar/Nazariy Valentina
Grisha Nestor Valeri/Valeriy/Valery
Ignatiy Nikifor Valeria/Valeriya
Igor Nikita Valerian
Ilari Nikodim Varfolomei/Varfolomey
Ilia/Ilya: Elijah Nikolai/Nikolay/Kolya Varlaam/Varlam
Illarion Nikon Varnava
Inga Nina Varvara/Varya
Inge Ninel Vasili/Vasiliy/Vasily/Vaska/
Inna Nonna Vasya
Innokenti/Innokentiy/Kenya Oksana/Oxana Vasiliva
Ioann Oleg Venera
Iona: Jonah Olga/Olya Vera/Verochka/Verusha
Iosif/Iosip/Osip Onisim Veronika/Nika
Ipati/Ipatiy/Patya Pankrati/Pankratiy Veniamin/Venyamin
Ippolit Pavel/Pasha Vikenti/Vikentiy
Irakliy Pelageya/Pelagiya Viktor/Vitya
Irinei/Iriney Petra/Petia/Petya Viktoriya
Isaak Pyotr/Petia/Petya Vilen=Vladimir Ilych Lenin
Isay Platon Violetta
Isidor Praskoviya/Praskovya Vissarion
Isidora Prokhor Vitali/Vitaliy/Vitaly/Vitya
Ivan/Vanya Prokopiy/Prokopy Vitaliya
Ivanna Rada Vlad
Karina/Karin Radimir/Radomir Vladilen
Karp Radoslav/Radoslaw Vladimir/Volodya/Vova
Kazimir Radoslava Vladimira
Khariton Raisa/Raissa Vladislav
Kir: Cyrus Renat Vladislava
Kira Renata Vladlen
Kirill Robert Vlasi/Vlasiy
Klara Rodion/Rodya Volya
Klava/Klavdiya Roksana/Roxana Vsevolod
Klim/Kliment Rolan Vyacheslav/Vaclav
Konstantin/Kostya Roman/Roma Yakim
Kristina/Hristina Rotislav Yakov/Yasha
Kseniya Roza Yana
Kuzma Rozaliya Yaromir
Lara/Larisa Rudolf Yaropolk/Jaropelk
Lavrenti/Lavrentiy/Lavrenty Ruf: Ruth Yaroslav/Jaroslav
Lazar Rufina Yaroslava
Leonid Rurik Yefim
Leonti/Leontiy/Leonty Ruslan Yefrem
Lev/Lyova Sabina Yegor
Lidiya/Lidochka Samuil Yemelyan
Lilia/Liliya/Lilya Saveli/Saveliy/Savely Yevdokiya
Liouba/Lyuba/Luba/ Savva Yuli/Yuliy
Lyubochka/Lyubov Selena Yulia/Yuliya
Ludmila/Ludmilla/Lyudmila Semen/Semyon Yulian
Luka Serafim Yuliana/Yulianna
Magdalena/Lena Serafima Yuri/Yuriy
Makar/Makari/Makariy Sergei/Sergej/Sergey Yustina
Maksim/Maks/Maxim Sevastian/Sevastyan Zakhar: Zachariah
Maksimilian Slava: glory Zenaida/Zinaida/Zina
Maria/Manya/Mariya/ Snezhana/Snjezana Zhanna/Zhannochka
Marya/Masha Sofiya/Sofya/Sonya Zinoviy
Thai names Manee: jewel Sarathoon: tiger Hathai: heart
A-gun: grape Mathawee: sugar Sarut: famous Kamon m/f: from the heart
Ampawn: sky Mayura: peacock Saruta: famous Kanda: darling
Amphorn: sky Mukda: pearl Sasi: moon Kanya: woman with youth
Anan: singer Napatsorn: cloud Sasikarn: beloved moon Khajee: green
Anna: rice Napha: Satayu: 100-y-o Klahan: courageous
Anon: no debt Narissa: Savitree: Kulap m/f: rose blossom
Anuthat: opinion Napha: Sawinee: river Kwanjai: sweetheart
Apsorn: angel Narissa: Shalisa: lucky Lawan: gorgeous
Arinya: beautiful & knowing Natee: flowing water Siam: Malai: flower garland
woman Natthawut: Solada: hearkens Malee: flower
Arom: emotions Neeramphorn: skywater Som: orange (fruit) Mali: flower plant
Ashwin: the Hindu Ashwin Neung: number one Sopa: meaning Manee: precious stone
twin gods Neungluthai: Sroy: chain Mongkut: crowned man
Atchara: angel Ngam-Chit: good heart Suchada: beautiful Naak: golden
Athiti: education Nidnoi: little Suchitra/Sujitra: a good
Baenglum: Nim: painting
Bannarasee: lotus Nisa: night Suda: daughter
Baveethran: Nisarra: tranny Sujin:
Bodesta: Nittaya: Sukhon: fragrance
Budsaba: flower Nom: Sumniang:
Bundarik: white lotus Nopjira: always fresh Supharang: moon
Buppha: flower Nuanjan: Sura: brave
Bussaba: flower Nugoon: person Surat: Thai city
But: lotus Olan: enormous Suree: sun
Chailai: pretty Orarat: Sureeporn:
Chamnian: Osathee: Venus Taeng: melon
Chantara: moonwater Pada: Teerana:
Chatchawee: brave Padma/Pathma: lotus Thailah: Thai queen
Chimlin: cute Pakpao: female fighter-kite Thanee: land
Chomkwan: beloved Pasuta: hardworking Thara: water
Chon: water Patcharee: Theera: philosopher
Chonnanee: mother Pen-Chan: full moon Theetika: doll
Chonthicha: born near the Pensri: beauty & good-ness Thikhamphorn: sky
sea of moon Thongyip: pudding
Chuenchai: refreshing Pensria: Thunyarat:
Cintna: dream Phailin: sapphire Toptim: ruby
Daeng: red Phairoh: sweet, pleasant Touraine:
Danai: son sounding Trintawat:
Dao: star Phajee: speech Tuani:
Darika: star Phannee: Tui:
Darin: great star Phanthittra: love Tunlaya: fair
Dauenphen: full moon Phatchara: diamond Tuptim: pomegranate
Deng: frog Phathu: girl Urairat: glass & gold
Fon: rain Phatson: raining Uthai: rise
Hathai: heart, mind Phawta: pleasant to the eye Vanida: girl
Hiran: silver Phayao: Vitchu:
Hom: fragrant Phitchaya: philosopher Vitchuda:
Hpr: moon, beautiful Phueng: bee Waan: sweet
Inthurat: pearl Phuri: land Waen: ring
Isaree: freedom Piano: Wan:
Jaew: Pim: Wansa: rain
Jirattikarn: night Piyapat: Waralee: moon
Jittramas: April Praewphan: Warun: rain
Kalya: Belle Pranee: Watchara: diamond
Kamlai: bracelet Preet/ Pritti: Wayo: wind
Kamonrat: lotus jewelry Preeya: pretty Weera: brave
Kanok: gold Pummie: Wilasinee: beautiful
Kantima: moon Puran: sea Wimon: pure
Kanya: girl Putsaya: clean Witthawat: clever
Karawek: bird Rachanee: queen Witthaya: knowledge
Karn: beloved Rada: delight Wonnapa: sky
Kasika: bird Rampha: angel Yada: philosopher
Keerati (m/f): famous Rand: Yaowaman: looker
Khakkhang: sky Rangsiman: sun Yrita:
Khantharot: perfume Ratana: crystal Yupin:
Khem: needle Ratchanichon: dew Akara: alphabet
Khouane: Ratree/Ratri: Anong: gorgeous woman
Kimhan: summer Rattana: jewelry Apinya m/f: magical power
Kimuk: Rawe: sun Arthit: man of the sun
Kitti: honor Rudet: Boonsri: beautiful
Kosum: flower Ruethai: mind Busarakham: yellow sapphire
Kulap: rose Rung: Chakrii: king
Kusuman: flower Saengdao: starlight Chanchai: skilled winner
Kwang: deer Sairung: rainbow Chaow: quick mind
Lamai: soft Samorn: beloved Chati: life
Lawan: beautiful Sanoh: sweet, pleasant Dang m/f: red
Mai: tomorrow sounding Duangkamol: from the heart
Maladee: jasmine Saowakhon: fragrance Duanphen: full moon
Malee/Mali: jasmine Saowatharn: perfume Dusit: 4th land of heaven
Malisa: jasmine Saranyu: cloud, wind Gamon m/f: from the heart
happiness Thai M Kukrit great adorable Thai F Si Mok mist color Thai M Thapthim ruby
F Hanuman monkey power; authority Thai F Phloi precious stones M Sin money Thai
god; dance Thai F Kulap flower rose Thai Thai M Thinnakorn
F Hom fragrant Thai Thai F Phueng bee Thai F Sinn treasure Thai sun Thai
F Isra freedom Thai M Kusa heart M Pichai older F Solada hearkens Thai F Thong gold Thai
F Ittiporn power Thai Thai brother Thai F Som orange (the fruit) M Thong Daeng
F Kaew gem Thai M Kwanchai F Pimchan like the moon Thai red gold Thai
F Kalaya good lady Thai essential heart Thai F Som Chai living F Thong Dam black
F Kamala of the heart Thai M Piyabutr father's up to heart's desire Thai gold Thai
Thai F Kwang deer Thai son Thai F Som Kid living up to M Thong Di good
F Kamlai jewelry bracelet F Kwanjai sweetheart M Pravat history intention Thai gold Thai
Thai Thai Thai M Som Phon F Thong Khao white
M Kamnan village F Lamai soft Thai M Prayut to fight blessing Thai gold Thai
headman Thai M Lamon gentle Thai M Som Phong Thong Kon gold
F Kanchana gold Thai M Pricha clever chip off the old lump
Thai F Lawan beautiful Thai Thai block Thai Thong Thaem gold to
F Kannika a flower Thai M Lek small F Prija intelligence F Som Wang living be added
F Kanok design Thai person Thai Thai up to hope Thai Thong Thaeng ingots
F Kanya girl Thai F Madee good beginning F Prisana question Thai M Somchair manly of gold
F Karawek bird Thai Thai M Pu Yai Bahn Thai Thong Thao gold
F Karnchana F Mae Noi little mother big man about M Son Chai victory being inset
beautiful girl Thai town Thai weapon Thai Thuanthong golden
Thai F Malee flower Thai M Puenthai gun M Sonchai spear
M Kasem F Mali flower jasmine Thai masculine Thai Ti Nung Cha first
happiness Thai Thai F Pundit the learned F Songsuda class cat
M Kasemchai F Malee jasmine Thai Thai beautiful girl Tida daughter
victorious F Malivalaya M Rama king Thai Totsaken Ramakien
celebration Thai climbing jasmine Thai F Sopa very pretty Thai character
M Khemkhaeng Thai F Ratana crystal Thai F Sroy jewelry chain Tukata doll
strong Thai F Maliwan climbing jasmine F Ratanaporn crystal Thai Ubol lotus flower
F Khiew Wan green Thai blessing Thai M Su Suk enemy Udom full of
sweet Thai F Mani gem Thai M Ritthirong good in resisting Thai Vanida girl
F Khun Mae F Mayuree beautiful Thai fighting Thai F Suchadagood sister Vidura precious gem
honorable mother M Mee Noi little F Rochanasweet words Thai Virote power
Thai bear Thai Thai F Suchin beautiful thought Waan sweet
M Kiet honor F Mekhala goddess of the M Rom Ran to fight Thai Waen jewelry ring
Thai moon Thai in battle Thai M Sud tiger Wila feline
M Kit deed; M Mongkut crown M Ruang Rit mighty Thai Winai discipline
businessThai Thai Thai M Sud Saming Wipa beautiful girl
M Kitti F Muan Nang ladylike M Ruang Sak spiritual form of Xuwicha excellent
renown; famous Thai mighty; powerful tiger Thai education
Thai M Narong to Thai F Suda daughter or girl Ya Chai sweetheart
M Kittibun famous make war Thai M Runrot Thai Yindee pleasure
fortune Thai F Ngam-Chit good prosperous F Sukhon lovely fragrance Ying or feminine
M Kittichai famous heart Thai Thai Thai Yod Rak beloved
victory Thai M Ngoen silver F Saengdao starlight F Sukonta beautiful perfume Yong-Yut good in fighting
M Kittichat famous Thai Thai Thai Yu-Pha young girl
clan Thai F Nin sapphire Thai M Sajja truth M Sum Yu-Phin beautiful girl
M Kla brave M Niran eternal Thai appropriate Yuthakon warrior
Thai Thai M Sakda power Thai Vietnamese
M Kla Han very F Nong Yao young Thai F Sumaleebeautiful flower An m: peace
brave Thai lady Thai F Samorn beautiful and Thai BẢO: protection
M Klaew Kla daring F On soft or youthful beloved Thai F Sumana good-hearted BÍCH: jade
and brave Thai Thai F Sanan Nam famous Thai BÌNH: peace
M Klahan brave F On Choi gracefulness for nameThai M Sumatra peak of CAM: an orange
Thai Thai F Sanoh pleasant sounding excellence Thai CHÂU: pearl
M Kob Chai full of M Paitoon Thai M Sunan good CHI: branch
thanks Thai moonstone F Sanouk enjoyable; festival word Thai CHÍ: purpose, will
M Kob Khun full of Thai Thai F Sunee good thing Thai CÚC: chrysanthemum
thanks Thai F Pakpao fighter-kite Thai M Santichai F Sunstra beautiful eyes DINH: palace
M Kob Sinn full of F Pen-Chan full peaceful victory Thai ĐỨC: desire
treasure Thai moon Thai Thai M Sunti peace DŨNG: brave
M Kob Sook full of F Pensri beauty of the M Sanun happy Thai DƯƠNG: male
happiness Thai moon Thai Thai F Sup treasure Thai HOA: flower
F Kohsoom lotus F Phaibun to prosper Thai M San'ya F Taeng melon Thai HỒNG: pink; rose
Thai F Phailin sapphire Thai promise; pledge F Tansanee HUỆ: lily; intelligence
F Kosum flower Thai F Phairoh pleasant sounding Thai beautiful view HÙNG: brave
M Kovit expert Thai M Sap wealth Thai HƯỜNG: pink; rose
Thai M Phanumassun Thai F Tha Kai Bok willow KIM: gold
M Kraisee lion Thai F Sarai seaweed Thai Thai LAN: orchid
Thai M Phassakorn F Sarakit every mentionable M Thahan soldier LÀNH: happy
M Kraisinghafamous sun Thai deed Thai Thai LIÊN: lotus
lion Thai F Phawta pleasing to the M Sataheep a town F Thai free freedom LINH: spirit
M Kriang Krai eye Thai Thai Thai MAI: apricot blossom
well versed in M Phet M Satra weapon M Thaklaew militant MINH: bright
victory Thai diamond Thai Thai Thai NGẢI: herb
M Kriang Sak M Phichai F Sawatdi greeting Thai M Tham-Boon NGỌC: gem, jade
full of power triumphantThai M Seni military merit making NGUYÊN: first
Thai M Phichit to win Thai Thai NGUYỆT: moon
M Kris dagger Thai F Si color Thai M Thanom with NHUNG: velvet
Thai F Phitsamai F Si Fah blue Thai care Thai PHƯƠNG: direction
PHƯỢNG: phoenix Kaleigh Bima/Bhima: M Bong M Hak-Kun rooted M Kwang-Sun
QUÂN: army Kaleikaumaka Buana: the world mythical bird - in intelligence Korean wide goodness
QUANG: clear Kalena Budi: reason phoenix Korean F Haneul heaven; sky Korean
QUÝ: precious Kaloni Bulan/Wulan: moon F Bong-Cha ultimate Korean F Kyong brightness Korean
QUYỀN: power Kamea Cahaya/Cahya: light girl Korean M Haneul M Kyong
THANH: pure; sound; azure Kanoa Cinta: love M Bon-Hwa glorious heaven; sky brightness Korean
sky Kapono Citra: image Korean Korean M Kyu
THI: poem Kawailani Darma: good deed M Chin F Hea grace Korean standard Korean
THU: autumn Kawena Dian: candle precious Korean F Hee pleasure Korean F Kyung respect Korean
THUẦN: tamed Keahi Dwi: 2, 2nd F Chin precious Korean M Hee M Kyung respect
THÙY: gentle, modest Keala Eka/Eko: 1, 1st M Chin-Hae truth; brightness Korean Korean
TIÉN: spirit Keanu Guntur: thunder ocean depth Korean F Hee-Young joy and F Kyung-Hu girl in
TRAI: oyster Keiki Harta: treasure M Chin-Hwa most prosperity Korean capital Korean
TRÚC: bamboo Keilana Iman: faith wealthy Korean F Hei grace Korean F Kyung-Soon
TÚ: elite, stellar Kekiokolanee Indah: beautiful M Chin-Mae truth M Hei wisdom honored and
TUÂN: obedient Kekona Intan: diamond Korean Korean gentle Korean
TUYẾN: ray Kelea Iskandar: Alexander F Chin-Sun truth F Hei-Ran grace and orchid M Mal-Chin persists
TUYẾT: snow Kelii Kasih: love and goodness Korean Korean to end Korean
VÂN: cloud Kiana Krisna: F Cho beautiful Korean F Ho goodness; lake M Man-Shik deep
VĂN: knowledge Kiele Kusuma: flower M Cho Korean rootedness Korean
VIÊN: complete Kieli Kuwat: strong handsome Korean M Ho M Man-Young
VINH: glory Kimo Lestari: eternal F Choon-Hee spring goodness; lake ten-thousand
XUÂN: spring Kina Mawar: rose girl Korean Korean prosperous years Korean
YÊN: peaceful Kimpela Mega: cloud F Chul firmness Korean F Ho-Sook clear lake Korean F Mee beauty Korean
Laotian Konane Melati: jasmine bloom M Chul-Moo iron M Hwan shining; F Mi-Cha beautiful girl
Akamu Lahela Nirmala: clean weapon Korean bright Korean Korean
Analu Laina Purnama: full moon F Chun spring Korean F Hwa-Young F Mi-hi beautiful joy
Gladi Lanai Putra: son M Chun spring beautiful flower Korean
Haimi Lani Putri: daughter Korean Korean F Min clever Korean
Kale Lanikai Raharjo: plentiful F Chung-Ae F Hye intelligent Korean M Min
Kalei Leigha Raj/Raja righteous love F Hyo filial duty Korean clevernessKorean
Kalia Leilana Ratu: queen Korean F Hyo-Sonn filial F Mi-Ok beautiful pearl
Kawaii Leilani Sari: essence F Chung-Cha and gentle Korean Korean
Keola Liko Setiawan: faithful man righteous girl M Hyun virtuous F Moon learned Korean
Keon Lilo Sinta/Sita: Korean Korean M Moon learned
Keona Lokelani Slamet: saved M Chung-Hee F Hyun wisdom Korean Korean
Koa Lulani Suharto: treasure righteous Korean F Hyun-Ae clever and loving F Mun-Hee literate
Kye Mahina Sukarno: good & M Chung-Ho Korean girl Korean
Loe Maik gentlemanly righteous Korean M Hyun-Ki wise M Mun-Hee literate;
Makaio Maile Surya: sun M Dae foundation Korean shiny Korean
Mauli Makala Susila/Susilo: good character greatness Korean M Hyun-Ki wise M Myung bright;
Mele Makan Tirta/Tirto: holy water F Dae great Korean clear Korean
Palani Makana Tri: 3, 3rd righteousness Korean F Hyun-Okwise pearl Korean F Myung brightness Korean
Aelan Makani Utari: patient M Dak-Ho deep M Hyun-Shik M Myung-Dae
Ailani Makenna Wahyu: revelation lake Korean rooted in great
Akela Malana Wangi: fragrant M Doh cleverness Korean righteousness Korean
Alana Malia Wibawa: authority accomplishment M Il F Myung-Hee bright
Alani Malo Wira: hero Korean superiority Korean and shiny Korean
Alanna Malu Yuda: war M Dong east F In humanity; wise F Myung-Ok bright
Alaula Mei Korean names Korean Korean pearl Korean
Alika Meka Dong: pillar F Dong east Korean M In M Myung-Suck
Alli Milani Eun: charity; silver M Dong-Sun eastern humanity; wise foundation of ages
Aloha Mily Gi/Ki: foundation integrity Korean Korean Korean
Alohi Moana Gyeong/Kyong: respect M Dong-Yul eastern M In-Su F Nam south Korean
Alohilani Mya Haneul: heaven passion Korean preserving M Nam south
Alona Nalani Hwan: shining F Du head Korean wisdom Korean Korean
Anani Nani Hye: wisdom M Duck-Hwan M Iseul dew F Ryung brightness Korean
Ani Napua Hyeon/Hyun: virtuous integrity returns Korean M Ryung
Aolani/Aulani Noelani Iseul: dew Korean F Iseul dew Korean brightness Korean
Aulii Noma Jeong: quiet; chaste M Duck-Young F Ja attractive; fiery F Sam third in order
Bane Okalani Ji: wisdom integrity lasts Korean Korean
Edena Okelani Jin: precious Korean M Ja M Sam third in
Haleah Olina Jong/Jung: quiet; chaste F Eui righteousness attraction; order Korean
Halia Onaona Joon: Korean magnetism Korean M Sang mutual
Havika Palila Jun: ruler F Eun silver Korean M Jae-Hwa rich Korean
Hina Pekelo Myeong/Myung: bright F Eun-Kyung and prosperity Korean F Sang always Korean
Hôku Pelialoha Sang: mutual graceful gem F Ji wisdom Korean M Sang-Ook always
Ikaika Peni Seok/Suk: stone Korean M Ji wisdom well Korean
Inoke Pualani Seong: complete F Gi brave; foundation Korean M Seung
Inokina Ulani Seung/Sung: rise Korean F Jin jewel; truth successor;
Iolana Ululani Uk/Wook: dawn M Gi brave; Korean winning Korean
Iolani Wanika Yeong/Young: brave foundation Korean M Jin jewel; F Shik planting Korean
Ipo Alaina Yong: brave; perpetual F Goo completeness truth Korean M Shik planting
Iwalani Alamea Yoon/Yun: soft Korean F Joo jewel Korean Korean
Kahoku Kai F Ae-Cha loving daughter F Gook nation Korean F Jung chaste Korean F Shin belief Korean
Kailani Konala Korean M Gook nation M Jung M Shin belief
Kailea Indonesian F Bae inspiration Korean Korean righteous Korean Korean
Kaipo Adi: superior M Bae F Hae ocean Korean M Kang-Dae strong F So smile Korean
Kalaina Agung: great inspiration Korean F Hae-Won and big Korean M So smile
Kalama Bambang: knight F Bong mythical bird - graceful garden F Ki arisen Korean Korean
Kalani Batari/Bethari: goddess phoenix Korean Korean F Kwan strong Korean F Soo excellence; long
life Korean F Anchali hand scholar Cambod. Cambod. F Neary gentle girl Cambod.
M Soo Cambod. F Chanvatey M Khemera from Cambod. M Rachana artistic
excellence; long M Anchaly hand educated person; Cambodia M Nhean decoration
life Korean Cambod. scholar Cambod. Cambod. instinctive Cambod.
F Sook pure Korean M Arun F Chariya good character M Kiri Cambod. F Rachanaartistic decoration
M Sook light; morning sun Cambod. mountain peak M Nimith Cambod.
clear Korean Cambod. M Charya good Cambod. transformation F Rachanynight
F Soon-Bok gentle F Arunny morning sun character F Kolab pretty rose flower Cambod. Cambod.
and blessed Korean Cambod. Cambod. Cambod. M Nimol M Rainsey rays of
F Suck hardness Korean F Ary knowledge F Chavy little angel Khmer F Kolthida noble-born woman flawless the sun Cambod.
M Suck Cambod. F Chaya glorious; praise Cambod. Cambod. M Raksmei ray of
hardness Korean M Atith sunny Khmer M Kong Kea big M Nisay loved light Cambod.
M Suck-Chin solid day; Sunday M Chea to be water Cambod. from afarCambod. F Rangsei ray of light
foundation Korean Cambod. well; healthy M Kosal clever; M Noreakseygreat Cambod.
M Suk rock; M Bona boy; Cambod. magical Cambod. power Cambod. M Rathana
stone Korean man Cambod. F Chea to be well; healthy M Kravann tiny F Nuon soft and tender precious stones;
F Sun obedient Korean F Bopha flower Khmer Cambod. golden brown flower Cambod. jewels Cambod.
M Sung M Bora ancient F Chenda thought; Cambod. M Oudom M Rathanak
completed; Cambod. intelligence F Kravann tiny golden brown supreme; precious stones;
finished Korean M Boran ancient Cambod. flower Cambod. magnificent jewels Cambod.
F Sung successor; Cambod. F Chhaiya image; beautiful F Kun Thea sweet Cambod. F Reach beautiful
winning Korean M Borey light Cambod. smelling; good deed F Peou youngest one Cambod.
F Sun-Hi good; joyful country; great city M Chhay Cambod. Cambod. F Reaksmey shining
Korean Cambod. attractive; F Kunthea beautiful fragrance M Phala and sparkling
M U F Botum a princess charming Khmer prosperous Cambod.
gentleness Cambod. Cambod. F Leakena characteristic; Cambod. M Reasmey
Korean F Boupha like a flower M Chhaya image; quality Cambod. F Phally prosperity sunshine
F Whan enlargement Cambod. beautiful light F Leap good fortune; Cambod. Cambod.
Korean M Bourey Cambod. success Cambod. F Phary beautiful flower F Reasmey
M Whan country; great city F Chhean meditation M Leap good Cambod. sunshine
enlargement Cambod. Cambod. fortune; success M Pheakdei loyalty; Cambod.
Korean M Bunroeun the F Chhorvinglamorous Khmer Cambod. honesty Cambod. M Rith
M Won-Shik head of country Cambod. F Chhorvon F Mach: melodious F Pheakdei loyalty; strength; courage
root Korean M Chakara center glamorous Khmer Cambod. honesty Cambod. Cambod.
M Wook dawn; of energy F Chivy life M Makara F Pheakkley to have M Rithipol
rising sun Korean Cambod. Cambod. January faith Cambod. mystical powers
F Woong magnificence M Chakra center F Choum refreshingly Cambod. F Phhoungwreath Cambod.
Korean of energy beautiful Cambod. F Makara January Cambod. M Rithisak
M Woong Cambod. F Da rock; stone Cambod. M Phirum powerful
magnificence F Champeifrangipani flowers Khmer F Malis Southeast Asian peacefulness Cambod.
Korean Cambod. F Daevy angel jasmine Cambod. Cambod. M Rithy
M Yeo F Champey Cambod. F Maly blossom Khmer M Phirun drizzle powerful strength
mildness Korean frangipani flowers F Dara star Khmer M Many Cambod. Cambod.
M Yon lotus Cambod. M Dara star precious stone; F Pich diamond F Rom Chang water
blossom Korean F Chamroeun Cambod. gem Cambod. Cambod. flower Cambod.
F Yon lotus blossom prosperity M Darany stars M Mao dark M Pich F Rotha beautiful country
Korean Cambod. Cambod. skin Cambod. diamond Cambod.
M Yong brave M Chamroeun F Darareaksmey bright F Mau dark skin Cambod. M Rothanak
or perpetual Korean prosperity star Khmer Cambod. M Piseth rare in precious stones;
F Yong brave or perpetual Cambod. F Davi angel M Meaker power or quality jewels Cambod.
Korean F Chan moon; Monday Cambod. greatest Cambod. F Roumduol type of
M Yong-sun dragon Khmer M Davuth money Cambod. M Pisey little flower Cambod.
in first position Korean F Chankrisna a Cambod. F Mealea flower garland darling; beloved F Roumjong water
F Yoon allow; consent sweet-smelling tree M Devi angel Cambod. Cambod. plant with bluish flower
Korean Cambod. Cambod. F Mean wealthy F Pisey little darling; Cambod.
M Young forever; M Chankrisna M Heng lucky Cambod. beloved Cambod. M Sakngea
unchanging Korean a sweet-smelling Cambod. M Mittapheap M Poeu greatness
F Young-Il most prosperous tree Cambod. F Jorani radiant jewel friendship youngest one Cambod.
Korean F Chanlinamoonlight Cambod. between nations Cambod. F Saley plant used in beer
M Young-Jae Cambod. F Kalianne sweet darling Cambod. M Ponleak Cambod.
mountains of F Chanmony shines Cambod. F Mliss Cambodian flower strength; M Samang lucky;
prosperity Korean like the moon F Kaliyanei Cambod. endurance fortunateCambod.
M Young-Soo Cambod. beautiful; lovely M Montha Cambod. M Samay
keeping prosperity M Chann the Cambod. charming M Ponleu light; modern;
Korean moon Cambod. F Kalliyan classy woman Cambod. illumination contemporary
F Young-Soon flowery F Channary moon Cambod. F Mony precious stone; Cambod. Cambod.
and mild Korean faced Khmer F Kanleakhana gem Cambod. M Ponlok darling; M Sambath great
Cambodia F Chanthavy possessing M Munny smart dear Cambod. wealth; fortune
F Achariya wonderful; beautiful moon girl character Cambod. F Ponlok darling; dear Cambod.
marvelous Cambod. Cambod. F Nakry night-blooming Cambod. M Samlain buddy;
Cambod. M Chanthou flower F Kannareth a flower Cambod. F Ponnleu light; illumination friend Cambod.
M Acharya Cambod. beautiful quality M Narin Cambod. F Samnang lucky in
wonderful; F Chantou flower Cambod. superior M Prak silver life Cambod.
marvelous Cambod. F Kannithaangels Cambod. Cambod. M Samnang good
Cambod. F Chantrea moon Cambod. M Narith M Pros boy; fortune Cambod.
F Akara letter Cambod. F Kanya beauty; virgin girl masculine man man Cambod. M Samphy hard
Cambod. M Chantrea Cambod. Cambod. F Punthea gentle spirit working; busy
M Akra letter moonlight F Kesor heavenly lady F Nary small beautiful Cambod. Cambod.
Cambod. Cambod. Cambod. bird Cambod. M Puthyrith merciful F Samphy hard working;
M Amara deity M Chanvatey M Khean type of F Nearidei white four-leafed power Cambod. busy Cambod.
Cambod. educated person; flute; panpipe flower Cambod. F Putrea Cambodian plum M Samrin
Cambodian F Sopheary F Suorsdey joyful F Aclan from AklanFilipino M Banta threat kingdom Filipino
political leader attractive; greeting Cambod. F Aganad to be careful Tagalog F Calagos waray plant
Cambod. beautiful Cambod. F Taevy angel; angelic Ilocano F Bantay sentry Tagalog Filipino
M Sangha F Sophon beauty Cambod. F Agas medicine Ilocano M Bantog famous F Calajati half Filipino
handsome Cambod. F Thavary an angel; good F Agbayani to be Tagalog M Calaycay rake
Cambod. F Sophorn glamour spirit Cambod. heroic Ilocano M Baon Tagalog
M Sann quiet; Cambod. F Theary helper; aide F Agbulos to let go Ilocano provision Tagalog F Calibugan
comfortable F Soportevy Khmer F Agdamag to ask M Bareng maybe joyousness
Cambod. beautiful; angelic M Thom oldest for news Ilocano Ilocano Cebuano
M Sathea Cambod. one; large F Agdeppato spread one's M Basa read; M Calipusan to be
compassion F Soriya sun Cambod. hands Ilocano wet Tagalog drowned Ilocano
Cambod. Cambod. F Thom oldest one; large M Aglipay to play M Batac my F Caliso to turn
F Savady Thai greeting F Sorpheny Cambod. with lipay seeds Ilocano child Ilocano Cebuano
Cambod. beautiful F Thyda girl born of royalty F Agpalo to strike Ilocano F Batacan pull Tagalog F Calomaysoft as muddy
F Sawatdee Thai Cambod. Cambod. M Agui god of M Bathala ground Ilocano
greeting Cambod. M Sorya sun F Tina where fire Filipino supreme god of F Calumpang a kind
F Seda wife of Rama Cambod. Cambod. M Aguimbag get well the sky Filipino of tree Tagalog
Cambod. F Sotear compassion F Toch young one; small Ilocano M Bathla M Camcam to claim
F Seyha august Cambod. Cambod. M Agwe god of supreme god of as one's own Ilocano
Cambod. M Sotha pure F Tola born in October waters Filipino the sky Filipino F Caoili fellow admirer
F Sikha peaceful; content Cambod. Cambod. F Akiaten to climb Tagalog M Batongbacal Tagalog
Cambod. M Sothea F Vanna golden M Alindogan beauty metallic stone F Capulong fellow
F Sinuon a type of flower compassion Cambod. Filipino Tagalog organizer Tagalog
Cambod. Cambod. M Vanna golden M Alinsangan F Batongmalaque large M Capuno fellow
F Sita wife of Rama M Sothear clean; Cambod. hot weather stone Tagalog leader Tagalog
Cambod. pure Cambod. M Vannak having Tagalog F Bayanai hero Filipino M Carunungan
F Soboen dream F Sotheara sweet class Cambod. M Amaganacan M Bayani hero knowledgeFilipino
Cambod. flower Cambod. F Veasna destiny; fate relative Tagalog Tagalog M Casama
F Socheat well-born M Sothiya pure Cambod. M Amanikable M Bayoa god of companion
Cambod. soul Cambod. M Veasna luckily god of sea Filipino facts Filipino Tagalog
F Sok well; peaceful M Sothy Cambod. F Ampon foster child M Biabas guava M Catacataca
Cambod. intelligence; F Veata clever Khmer Tagalog Boholano amazing Tagalog
M Sokha scholar Cambod. M Veha sky M Anak child F Bigayan act of giving F Catacutan scary
peaceful; content F Sothy intelligence; Cambod. Filipino Tagalog Tagalog
Cambod. scholar Cambod. M Vibol in F Anitun Tabu F Biglang-Awa quick F Catapang brave
F Sokha peaceful; content F Sourkea heaven abundance goddess of wind care Tagalog fellow Filipino
Cambod. Cambod. Cambod. Filipino M Binaohan hit by a M Catig
F Sokhanya M Sourkeat heaven M Vichear M Aoanan to coconut Tagalog outrigger Tagalog
peaceful lady Cambod. knowledge or deplete Ilocano M Bitao to let M Cayabyab fellow
Cambod. M Sov education F Apolake guardian of the go Filipino grain pounder Tagalog
M Sokhem hope Saturday Cambod. sun Filipino F Bohulano from F Caylao fellow light bearer
Cambod. Cambod. M Vichet F Araw sun Filipino Bohol Aklanon Filipino
M Sokhom safe; F Sovanara dream magnificent; F Atangan support Tagalog M Bolongan a kind F Corotan pinching Tagalog
happy Cambod. Cambod. colorful Cambod. F Atay liver Tagalog of fish Ilocano F Cuyuganto accompany
F Sokhom safe; happy F Sovandary gold F Vimean royalty; grandeur F Ayuyang gathering place M Bondoc Kapamp.
Cambod. star Cambod. Cambod. Ilocano mountain Tagalog M Dacquel big
F Sok Mean happy F Sovaneary golden M Vireak M Bañaga M Bongon pomelo Ilocano
and wealthy girl Cambod. absence of desire foreigner Filipino tree Cebuano M Dagdag
Cambod. M Sovann like Cambod. F Babalatoto share Tagalog F Booc hair Ilocano additional Filipino
M Sokun good gold Cambod. M Vireakbothbrave; M Babaylan F Bual fallen Filipino F Dajao Visayan name
smelling Cambod. F Sovannagolden; dream noble son spiritualist F Bugnos spill; breakTagalog Filipino
F Sombo full of wealth Cambod. Cambod. Visayan M Bugtong riddle M Dakila noble
Cambod. F Sovannai golden; M Visal M Baboyan place Tagalog Tagalog
M Somnang lucky; dream Cambod. excellent; large for pigs Filipino M Bulalayao rainbow F Dalawampu twenty
fortunateCambod. M Sovannar golden; Cambod. M Baga lung Ilocano Tagalog
F Sonisay good first dream Cambod. M Viseth Tagalog F Bulanadi sister moon F Dalisay pure Tagalog
impression M Sovannarith excellent; superb F Bagaman Ilocano F Dalogdog thunder
Cambod. golden boy Cambod. perchance Filipino M Bunga fruit Cebuano
M Sonith good Cambod. M Visna destiny; F Bagasbas Tagalog F Danao lake Filipino
conduct or manners F Sraem beautiful brown fate Cambod. blessing Tagalog F Buñi great; outstanding M Dasig to put
Cambod. skin Cambod. M Visoth F Bagay object Filipino Filipino away Tagalog
M Sopath soft; F Srey girl; feminine heavenly; pure F Bagong-Gahasa newly F Butac identifying mark F Datingginoo former
gentle Cambod. Cambod. Cambod. sharpened Tagalog Ilocano chief Filipino
M Sophaep clever; F Srey Doung young M Visothirith M Bagsic fierce F Caacbaycomrade-in-arms M Dayap lime
wisdom Cambod. coconut girl heavenly; pure Tagalog Tagalog Filipino
F Sophal cultivation Cambod. Cambod. M Bahande F Cabalatongan place F Dayea goddess of
Cambod. F Srey Leak perfect M Vithara treasure; rich with beans Ilocano secrets Filipino
F Sophea clever; wisdom girl Cambod. spacious; Boholano M Cabasa fellow F Detinos god of evil Filipino
Cambod. F Srey Mom beloved expansive F Baitan goodness Filipino reader Tagalog M Dian Masalanta
M Sopheaktra girl Cambod. Cambod. M Balagot a type F Cabungcal dug up goddess of love
gentle face F Sreymaublack girl M Vithu of hat Tagalog Filipino Filipino
Cambod. Cambod. intelligent; M Balagtas trail F Cacananta sibling M Dimaaliw not
F Sopheapgentle; proper F Sreynuon tender scholarlyCambod. blaze Tagalog Ilocano easily entertained Tagalog
Cambod. girl Cambod. Phillipines M Baliad to arch M Caeg a M Dimaano
M Sopheap proper F Sreypich diamond girl F Abalahin to disturb Tagalog oneself Cebuano boastful person Ilocano untouchable
and gentle Cambod. F Abay next to Ilocano M Balingit to M Cagampang Tagalog
Cambod. M Sros F Abiog swinging Tagalog shake Ilocano frivolousness F Dimacuha
M Sopheara charmingly M Abog sudden F Balot wrapped Tagalog Ilocano unobtainable
handsome; beautiful Cambod. Tagalog M Balubal cashew F Cahambing similar Tagalog
attractive F Sros charmingly M Acda author Tagalog Tagalog M Dimaculangan
Cambod. beautiful Cambod. Filipino F Banayat calm Tagalog M Caharian not easily cheated
Tagalog heavenly Tagalog to experience Kapamp. over Cebuano HIGALIK f Inuit
F Dimaisip unfathomable M Kalaw hornbill Tagalog F Namoc mosquito F Tumangan to hold (Anglicized)
Tagalog Tagalog F Macasaet diligent; Boholano Tagalog Means "Ice House"...
F Dimalaluan F Kan-Laon ancient hardworking Ilocano F Obana with gray hair F Ulap cloud Filipino [more]
unsurpassable god; king of time Filipino M Macatulad imitator Filipino F Una first Tagalog ILA m & f Inuit
Tagalog F Kanlungan a Tagalog F Omictin to jump F Yabut to hand over; to Inuit meaning "companion."
M Dimaporo not refuge Filipino M Macatunao Cebuano give Tagalog ILANNAQ m & f Inuit
easily directed Tagalog M Katigbak fellow one who melts M Ontog to F Ysip thinking Tagalog Inuit meaning "friend."
F Dimaranan member Tagalog things Tagalog bump Tagalog Inuit INNUGATI m & f Inuit
impassable M Katindig fellow F Madamba one F Pacaon to feed AARIAK m & f Inuit Inuit meaning "friend,
Tagalog stander Tagalog who is loud Tagalog Cebuano AASSANAAQ m Inuit companion."
M Dimasuay F Kilubansa god of M Madarang to burn F Padayaoto give praise AIPPAQ m & f Inuit IQALUK f Inuit
unstoppable healing Filipino Ilocano Ilocano Inuit meaning "companion" IRNIQ m Inuit
Tagalog M Kuntalapa F Madlabayan masses F Pagaspas flutter AKLAQ m & f Inuit Inuit meaning "son."
M Dimasupil goddess of Ilocano Tagalog Meaning "black bear." ITIGAITUK m & f Inuit
unvanquished childbirthFilipino F Madlangawa all F Paglinawan to clear ALUKI f Inuit Means "has no feet" in
Tagalog F Lacaden to walk Filipino mercies Filipino Cebuano AMAQJUAQ m Inuit, Inuit.
M Dimawili M Lacanilao to skip F Magana ravenous Tagalog F Pagsanghan place Popular Culture KANGUQ m & f Inuit
unsatisfiedTagalog over Filipino M Maganda pretty that forks Filipino Inuit name meaning "the Inuit meaning "snow
F Dimayuga F Lacdao to rise above Filipino F Pagtalunan fight strong one"... [more] goose."
unshakeable Filipino F Magbojos to pour over; argue Tagalog AMARUQ m & f Inuit KATAKTUAQ m & f Inuit
Tagalog F Lacsamana 10;000 Tagalog F Pahate for sharingFilipino Inuit meaning "grey wolf." Inuit meaning "falls down."
F Domagas inheritances Filipino F Magbuhat to lift M Palicpic fin AMMAGARUQNIK m & f KAYUQTUQ m & f Inuit
unyielding Tagalog F Lagac deposit Tagalog Tagalog Inuit Inuit meaning "red fox."
M Doon there Cebuano M Maghuyop to blow F Pamintuan one for Inuit meaning "Arctic KEEDTAPECK m & f Inuit
Tagalog M Lagatoc clicking Cebuano door Filipino Wolves" (Anglicized, Archaic)
F Ducut to pull out Filipino sound Tagalog F Magkawas to M Panaligan devout ANAAYA f Inuit Churchill Manitoba Canada
M Dumadag lots of M Laing dried escape Tagalog wish Tagalog ANIK m Inuit KISSARVIARSUK m & f
root crops Filipino Filipino M Magpantay F Panganiban aware Inuit; means "seer" Inuit
F Dumlao to be surprised F Lakan-Ilaw man of to equalize of danger Tagalog ANNIAGRUK f Inuit Inuit meaning 'kiss.'
Ilocano light Tagalog Tagalog M Pantig a APAATA m Inuit KUMAGLAK m Inuit,
F Dungo loved one Ilocano F Lalahon goddess of fire M Magpatoc to syllable; cry Filipino APAAY f Inuit Popular Culture
M Galang respect Filipino hammer Cebuano M Pilapil rice APUT m & f Inuit, The name of the tribal chief
Tagalog M Lalamunan M Magpuri to paddy dike Tagalog Greenlandic in the 2001 Canadian film
M Galasinao clear throat Tagalog praise Tagalog M Potot short Inuit meaning "Snow." 'Atanarjuat: The Fast
Ilocano F Lamug mashed Tagalog F Magpusao to person; dwarf APUTI m & f Inuit Runner', the first feature
M Gapusan chained F Landas path Tagalog wallow Filipino Cebuano Means "snow on the film ever to be written,
Tagalog M Laxa 10,000 M Magsino to look M Puno head ground" in Inuktitut (an Inuit directed and acted entirely
M Gubatan woods inheritances Filipino closely Tagalog Tagalog language). in Inuktitut... [more]
Tagalog F Laylay wilted Ilocano M Magsombol F Puzon abdomen Tagalog AQAKUKTUQ m & f Inuit KUNIK m & f Native
M Gulay M Ligaya joy to spring up F Quitain to see Ilocano Inuit meaning "catches a American, Inuit
vegetable Tagalog Tagalog Tagalog F Rasalan prayer book fish." Inuit meaning "Kiss."
M Gumabay to hold M Ligid to roll M Magtubo to grow Tagalog AQILLUTAQ m & f Inuit KUNIKPAA m & f Inuit
on Tagalog Cebuano Tagalog M Sacay ride Inuit meaning "new snow." Inuit meaning "Kiss
F Habagat god of winds F Litao exposed Tagalog M Ma-item dark Filipino AQPALIBAAQTUQ m & f him/her."
Filipino M Liwanag light Filipino F Sakay ride Tagalog Inuit LUAVA f Inuit
M Habalo to say Tagalog F Malaki big Tagalog M Salangsang Inuit meaning "runs a race." MALINA f Inuit
Filipino F Lukban grapefruit Filipino M Malaya free; defender Filipino AQUYITTUQ m & f Inuit Malina is a solar deity in
M Halimaw beast M Lumaban to fight freedom Filipino F Salop unit of measure Inuit meaning "sits down." Inuit mythology... [more]
Tagalog Filipino F Malinsangan hot (volume) Tagalog ARNAQ f Greenlandic, NAAQTUUQ f Inuit
F Halina come join us M Lumanta to wilt weather Tagalog F Sapin underwearIlocano Inuit NANOUK m & f Inuit
Tagalog Tagalog M Mana-ay M Sayoc hungry Greenlandic feminine name Variant of Nanuq.
M HapayHariking M Lumapas to Visayan name Tagalog taken from the vocabulary NASAK m & f Inuit
Filipino clear; to absolve Filipino F Sicat famous; well- word arnaq meaning Means "hat" or "hood" in
F Hari king Filipino Cebuano M Manalili to known Tagalog "woman, girl"... [more] Inuit.
M Hinagpis sorrow F Lumungsub to operate bellows Ilocano M Sirenha ARNAUYQ m Inuit NATSIQ m & f Inuit
Tagalog advance Tagalog M Manas bloated goddess of fishes Inuit translated "imitation of Inuit meaning "seal," as in
F Hinahon to hold on Tagalog F Luna god of moon Tagalog Filipino woman." the animal.
M Huyla July Filipino M Mangahas to be M Sugcang to stir ASUILAAK m & f Inuit NAUJA m & f Inuit
Filipino M Mabalo to be bold Tagalog Filipino Inuit meaning "That which Inuit for "seagull."
M Ibabao on top widowed Ilocano F Mangay-ayam to play M Sumagaysay is expected has arrived." NIRLIQ m & f Inuit
Cebuano M Mabalot Ilocano to comb hair ATANARJUAT m & f Inuit Inuit meaning "snow
F Igcasan escapade wrapped Filipino M Manibog not Ilocano Inuit name meaning "the goose."
Cebuano M Mabayag a long easily moved Tagalog M Tabil fast runner". NULIAJUK f Inuit
M Ikapati time Ilocano F Manlapaz to set talkative Tagalog ATIQTALAAQ m & f Inuit Inuit goddess of the sea
goddess of fields M Mabilangan free Tagalog M Taer Meaning "Polar bear cub." and sea animals.
and lands Filipino counted Tagalog M Mapanao to leave handsome Ilocano ATIQTALIK f Inuit NUNIQ f & m Inuit
M Ilagan to F Mabunga fruitful Ilocano F Talao coward Inuit meaning "Polar bear Inuit meaning "female
dodge Filipino Tagalog F Maralit noble Filipino Kapamp. mother." seal."
F Ilanan to dodge Filipino F Macaalay M Marikit M Tandang rooster ATUAT f Inuit NUVUK m & f Inuit
M Inabayan charitable Tagalog beautiful Filipino Tagalog ATUQTUAQ m & f Inuit Means "headland" in Inuit.
escorted Tagalog M Macabuhay M Masaya happy M Tanguilig Inuit meaing "sings." OKI m Inuit
M Irong nose life giver Tagalog Filipino patronage Tagalog AUJAQ m & f Inuit OPIK f Inuit
Filipino F Macadengdeng M Matanguihan F Tapay comb on a rooster Inuit meaning "summer." PAKAK m Inuit
M Jabol chase vegetable cook one who refuses Cebuano AVAILUK f Inuit PALLUQTUQ f Inuit
Filipino Ilocano Tagalog M Taupo hail; AVIQMING m & f Inuit Inuit meaning "Falls flat on
F Jalili vice-chief Filipino M Macalintal to be F Maturan mentionable hello Tagalog Inuit meaning "walrus." her face."
M Juni sound marked Tagalog Tagalog M Timbancaya ELISAPIE f Inuit (Modern) PAMIUQ m & f Inuit
Tagalog M Macalipat F Mayari lunar goddess lifter of weight Inuit variation of the English Inuit meaning "seal tail."
F Kabaitankindness Tagalog forgetful Ilocano Filipino Tagalog name Elizabeth... [more] PANIKPAK f Inuit
F Kalangitan M Macaranas F Mungcal to till M Toyhacao to peer ESTUUYA f Inuit PATUKTUQ m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "ice crystals." Greenlandic
PAULOOSIE m Inuit Means "arctic hare" in Inuit.
The name of an Inuit tribal UJURAK m Inuit
elder... [more] Variant of Ujarak.
PETUWAQ m Inuit UKI f Inuit
PIMNIQ m & f Inuit UKIUK m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "seal", Inuit meaning "winter."
specifically a twelve month ULURIAQ f Inuit
old seal. UNNUK m & f Inuit
PIQQALUYUNGMIK m & f Inuit meaning "evening"...
Inuit [more]
Inuit meaning "iceburg." UPUTSI f Inuit
PIQUURAQ f Inuit USUIITUK m & f Inuit
PUJA f Inuit Means "Red Aurora".
PUKAJAAK m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "Snow", but
specifically sugar-like snow,
as alaskan natives often
have many words for all the
various types of snow...
Churchill Manitoba Canada
QAJAK m & f Inuit
Means "kayak" in Inuit.
QAMMUTIQ m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "sled."
QAMUT m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "sledge
QANNIK m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "snowflake."
QAUMANIQ m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "beam of
QAUSIQTUK m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "wet."
QIMMIABRUK m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "puppy."
QIMMIQ m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "dog."
SAURI m Inuit
SIGHNA m Inuit
SILUK m Inuit
SIVOY m Inuit
SUQI f Inuit
TAKTUQ m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning 'fog.'
TALIRIKTUG m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "strong arm."
TIKAANI f & m Inuit
An Inuit word literally
meaning "wolf".
Inuit meaning "Arctic Fox."
& f Inuit
Inuit meaning "I want to
TULIMAK m & f Inuit
Means "rib" in Inuit.
TULIMAQ m Popular
Culture, Inuit
TULUGAQ m & f Inuit
Meaning Raven. Ravens
are often considered gods
in many Native Alaskan
TUPIQ m & f Inuit
Means "tent" in Inuit.
TUUQ m & f Inuit
Inuit meaning "Ice Pick."
UGALIK m & f Inuit,

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