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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx431\tx431\tx431\tx158
4\tx1584\cf1\b\f0\fs24 Debra R. Ritchie\b0\par
\pard\sl240\slmult1\cf0\b P.O. Box 3913\par
Mansfield, Ohio 44907 \par
(419-756-6763 leave msg) 419-961-9414\par
Objective\b0 : To obtain a challenging growth oriented position utilizing skills
in medical assisting\b\par
\b Education:\par
\b0 Sanford Brown College- Middleburg Heights, OH \tab Graduated April 2010\par
Medical Assistant Diploma\par
North Central State College-Mansfield, Ohio September 2003 to 2005\par
Nursing perquisites\par
\b Skills:\par
\b0 *\tab Urinalysis Testing
Performing EKG's\par
\pard\ri-1620\sl240\slmult1 *\tab Venipuncture
Notations for Documentation\par
\pard\sl240\slmult1 *\tab HIPAA/ OSHA/ JHACO Trained
Typing 65 WPM\par
*\tab Obtaining Vital Signs Cus
tomer Service\par
* ICD-9/ CPT Coding Rapid St
rep Test\par
*\tab Capillary Punctures Me
disoft Billing\par
*\tab Glucose Testing M
edical Terminology\par
*\tab Appointment Scheduling PT-IR T
esting \par
*\tab Patient Triaging
Setting up Procedure Trays\par
*\tab Administering Injections Heal
th Insurance\par
\pard\ri-1800\sl240\slmult1 *\tab Immunization Schedules
Office, Word Excel, Power Poin\tab\par
\b Externship:\par
\pard\sl240\slmult1\b0 Ohio Cancer Specialist, Shelby, Ohio March to April 2010\
Medical Assistant Externship- Completed 180 clinical hours \par
\b Duties\b0 : Obtaining vital signs, blood draws and using the CBC machine, pat
ient check in/check out using EMR, answering phones, and other various office du
\b Employment History:\par
\b0 Anesthesia Associates\tab , Office Assistant\tab Apri
l 2008-September 2008\par
\b Duties\b0 : Data entry, posting payments, and insurance verification\b\par
State of Ohio Home and Energy Assistant Program October 2007-April
Customer Service, (temporary position)\par
\b Duties\b0 : Data entry and customer education on program requirements\b\par
\b0 stocking\par
Hampton Inn & Suites, Front Desk Night Auditor\tab April 2007-Septemb
er 2007\par
\b Duties:\b0 Customer service, balancing cash drawers and daily transactions\b
JC Penny Department Store, Sales Associate\tab\tab November 2003-Dec
ember 2006\par
\b Duties:\b0 Customer Service, cashiering, processing shipments, and stock mer

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