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Table des matières

I. DEFINITION................................................................................................................................3
II. ORIGIN , HISTORY AND TYPES OF FASHION :.............................................................3
1. Origin and history of fashion;.....................................................................................................3
2. Types of fashion;...........................................................................................................................4
III. POSITIVE IMPACTS OF FASHION :..................................................................................4
1. Social impact ;...........................................................................................................................4
2. Industrial impact;.....................................................................................................................5
3. Individual impact......................................................................................................................5
IV. NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF FASHION :................................................................................5
1. Social impact ;...........................................................................................................................5
2. Industrial impact......................................................................................................................6
3. Individual impact......................................................................................................................6

Exposé sur « Fashion » du groupe des élèves de la 3è2 du Goupe Scolaire Segbe 2022-2023 1

Nowadays, we can’t help hearing here and there people, namely scholars in the domain of
sociology, psychology and philosophy trying to analyze and understand phenomenon such as
fashion. This very phenomenon causes many people to behave extremely different over time.
Fashion seems to be a technical tool to tell people attitudes from one generation to another,
from one social class to another, from one language to another so on so forth. Fashion in
dressing, fashion in cosmetic, fashion in cooking, and fashion in tourism… we can assimilate
it to what a scholar once called social “drug”. Therefore, being curious about it, we decide to
undertake some studies to better understand or have, at least, a clear idea about fashion and
how important it is in our social sphere. Our findings will be dealt with in the following part
of our presentation.

Exposé sur « Fashion » du groupe des élèves de la 3è2 du Goupe Scolaire Segbe 2022-2023 2

As said earlier in our introduction, fashion has been addressed in different perspectives by
specialists, but to find an appropriate definition should sound too pretentious. However,
let’s give some common things in the definitions;
Fashion goes hand in hand with “lifestyle”, “creation”, and “change”. So we can define
it as follows;
 As lifestyle ; It is the way people live,
 As creation; it’s the way to create an image of our person through the way to
dress, to make-up, to walk, in nutshell, our behavior …
 As change; it is desire to follow modern trends, comfort oneself with new things,

From all this, we can simply put it; fashion is the most general term and applies to any
way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that favored at any one time or place.


1. Origin and history of fashion;

Known as the father of fashion from 1825-1895, Charles Frederick Worth was English
fashion designer who founded the House of Worth, one of the foremost fashion houses of the
19th and early20th centuries.

Although, the nouns dress and fashion are often used interchangeably, scholars usually
define them much more precisely. Based on the definition developed by researchers Joanne
Eicher and Mary Ellen Roach Higgins, dress should encompass anything individuals do to
modify, add to, enclose, or supplement the body. In some respects dress refers to material
things or ways of treating material things, whereas fashion is social phenomenon. Under this
definition, examples of dress include body treatments such as tattooing. Wearing perfume,
applying paint or make-up, or undergoing cosmetic surgery, in addition to enclosing or
supplementing the body or parts of the body with any kind of garment or device. Body
supplements and body enclosures can be made of almost anything. The usual examples that
come to mind are textiles, leathers or furs, and precious and semiprecious stones, but the
historical record also includes such diverse substances as metal (used in items such as suit of
armor or belts), straw, paper, feathers, and wood.

Exposé sur « Fashion » du groupe des élèves de la 3è2 du Goupe Scolaire Segbe 2022-2023 3
Another word that has multiple and sometimes confusing meanings is costume. Costume
can refer to the dress worn in theatrical, film, or television productions and for masquerade.
The context usually clarifies this usage. But within museum and communities, the dress that is
collected, exhibited, and

2. Types of fashion;

There exist many types of fashion according to different perspectives. But, let’s mention the
five primary types of fashion design:

2.1. Haute couture;

2.2. Luxury fashion;
2.3. Ready-to-wear fashion;
2.4. Economy fashion;
2.5. Fast fashion;


Talking about impact of fashion, it is good to hold back the effects of that on the society,
industry and people.
1. Social impact ;

No matter how you look, at it, it’s something that’s going to be around forever.

It is very important to know that our society is composed different classes thence fashion
allows to identify people within the same society. But the most poignant ones; rich people and
poor ones which help demographers and our specialist to carry out socio-psychological
surveys. Moreover, the new trend makes even an ordinary person into a special person. It
gives an identity to wearer, or else people get unnoticed. It also an opportunity to amalgamate
different cultures and traditions.

2. Industrial impact;

By industrial impact, the first element of local development is addressed here; economic
aspect. The clothing, footwear, cosmetics products, transport, medical… industries play huge
role in the global economy. It employs indirectly 300 million people around the world, many
of them in the poorest countries. Therefore, we can see that fashion industries permit to push
back unemployment problem.

Exposé sur « Fashion » du groupe des élèves de la 3è2 du Goupe Scolaire Segbe 2022-2023 4
3. Individual impact

From the pre-mentioned, we do understand the reasons why people like fashion; it is loved all
around the world as you can reinvent, express, create and standout from the rest of the crowd.

Fashion gives confidence, as you look good, you feel good inside.so individuals are
influenced by the idea to look cool, follow the tendencies not to be left behind. Thus, they pay
attention to their ways of … with regard to their communities as far as dress code, good
manners, conventions... are concerned.


We all do agree on the fact fashion rimes with dressing, ways of behaving, speaking… But
the opened questions are all these ways are they approved ethically? People always follow the
mass, is the always right to follow?

It is believed that certain people don’t respect the norms, they are said anti-conformists;
they don’t care, don’t respect any related to social values; they want to express themselves by
shocking they mates. No matter how bad their acts influence negatively their communities.
We can notice all these at social, industrial and individual levels.

1. Social impact ;

Fashion trends are influenced by several factors, including cinema, celebrities, climate,
creative exploration, innovations, and designs, economic, social and technological.

Most our young people do copy what they see on the screen, no matter what it may imply.

They blindly ape the western countries; tattooing, dropping pan, piercing, necklace on the
feet, homosexuality… not knowing that all these ways have social, spiritual and psychological
background. Let’s take these cases below:

 Tattooing dates back from slavery when to be allow to recognize their cows, ranches
owners mark their cows with some tattooing hot marks.
 Pan dropping on the buttock level; in the jails, in America; this way was a code of
pedophile, calling for sexual intercourse in relation to money. The jail guards could
not understand this code when the prisoners at that time behaved like this.
 Necklace = prostitution, slavery…

Other reasons are when they can’t afford the fashionable items, they feel bad even try at
all cost to get money to buy them; delinquency, prostitution, violence, perversity,

Exposé sur « Fashion » du groupe des élèves de la 3è2 du Goupe Scolaire Segbe 2022-2023 5
sometimes, they feel like identifying themselves with bandies actors in movies watched
just create terror.

2. Industrial impact

Fashion has some harmful impact on our environment. Fashion production makes up 10%
of humanity’s carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams.
What’s more. 85% of all textiles go to the dump each year (UNECE, 2018) and washing
some types of clothes sends significant amount of micro plastics into the ocean.

3. Individual impact

The issue of fast fashion can be traced back to the unethical business practices of
corporations and companies. The preceding reason as to why companies are primarily
responsible for fast fashion is because not every consumer can avoid it. Many consumers
cannot afford to buy ethically produced fashion. People are forced to be on fashion
through the social pressure of their fellows. Not having means to keep moving with new
trends, individuals seemed frustrated, belittled even said to old fashionable.

Exposé sur « Fashion » du groupe des élèves de la 3è2 du Goupe Scolaire Segbe 2022-2023 6

In the term of our presentation, we can say that fashion is nowadays like drug that addicts
everyone directly or not. In that regard to no one could escape from that social “epidemic”,
but the change aspect of that notion may help in human quest to avoid monotony then
development. However, although its positive side, it can also be the cause of many social
plights as developed in our presentation.

So dear, classmates, you don’t need to follow any fashionable actions which are against
certain social values prompt to deviation. You need to be modest and stay natural.

Exposé sur « Fashion » du groupe des élèves de la 3è2 du Goupe Scolaire Segbe 2022-2023 7

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