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Journal Officiel Amtsblatt
du Grand-Duché de des Großherzogtums
Luxembourg Luxemburg

A –– N° 151 6 octobre 2008



Règlement grand-ducal du 19 août 2008 portant modification du règlement grand-ducal du

18 mars 1995 concernant les limitations des temps de vol et de service et fixant les exigences
en matière de repos applicables aux membres d’équipage de conduite des aéronefs exploités
sous licence d’exploitation luxembourgeoise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2152
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Règlement grand-ducal du 19 août 2008 portant modification du règlement grand-ducal du 18 mars

1995 concernant les limitations des temps de vol et de service et fixant les exigences en matière
de repos applicables aux membres d’équipage de conduite des aéronefs exploités sous licence
d’exploitation luxembourgeoise.
Nous Henri, Grand-Duc de Luxembourg, Duc de Nassau,
Vu la loi modifiée du 31 janvier 1948 relative à la navigation aérienne;
Vu la loi modifiée du 19 mai 1999 ayant pour objet a) de réglementer l’accès au marché de l’assistance en escale à
l’aéroport de Luxembourg b) de créer un cadre réglementaire dans le domaine de la sûreté de l’aviation civile, et c)
d’instituer une Direction de l’Aviation Civile;
Vu le règlement (CE) n° 1899/2006 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 12 décembre 2006 modifiant le
règlement (CEE) n° 3922/91 du Conseil relatif à l’harmonisation de règles techniques et de procédures administratives
dans le domaine de l’aviation civile, et notamment la sous-partie Q de son annexe;
Vu l’article 2 (1) de la loi du 12 juillet 1996 portant réforme du Conseil d’Etat, et considérant qu’il y a urgence;
Vu les avis de la Chambre de Commerce, de la Chambre des Employés privés et de la Chambre du Travail;
Sur le rapport de notre Ministre des Transports et après délibération du Gouvernement en Conseil;
Art. 1er. A l’article 1er, le paragraphe 2 est remplacé par le paragraphe libellé ci-après:
«2. Les limitations et les exigences mentionnées au paragraphe précédent sont celles énoncées dans le code JAR-
OPS 1, sous-partie Q, sections 1 et 2, élaboré par les Autorités conjointes de l’aviation (JAA: Joint Aviation
Authorities) et dénommé «sous-partie Q» ci-après. La sous-partie Q figure en annexe au présent règlement dont
elle fait partie intégrante.»
Art. 2. Il est inséré un article 1 bis libellé comme suit:
«Art. 1 bis. Le directeur de l’aviation civile peut accorder des dérogations aux limitations et aux exigences
énoncées à la sous-partie Q en cas de circonstances opérationnelles imprévues et urgentes ou pour des besoins
opérationnels d’une durée limitée.
Nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe précédent, le directeur de l’aviation civile peut accorder une
dérogation aux limitations et aux exigences énoncées à la sous-partie Q dans les cas où un niveau de sécurité
équivalent à celui atteint par l’application des règles précitées peut être garanti.
Les entreprises de transport aérien concernées, aux fins de bénéficier desdites dérogations, soumettent un
catalogue de mesures détaillées à la Direction de l’aviation civile contenant toutes les données justificatives sur
lesquelles elles se fondent, notamment une analyse économique, scientifique et médicale démontrant les
incidences sur la sécurité aérienne. Ce catalogue doit recueillir au préalable l’avis écrit de la délégation du
personnel de l’entreprise concernée.»
Art. 3. Au paragraphe 3 de l’article 1er, l’expression «par le projet de code JAR-OPS» est remplacée par l’expression
«par la sous-partie Q».
Art. 4. Aux paragraphes 3 et 4 de l’article 1er et au paragraphe 2 de l’article 2, les références au «Ministère des
Transports» sont remplacées par une référence à la «Direction de l’aviation civile».
Art. 5. L’article 5 est remplacé par le libellé suivant:
«Art. 5. Notre Ministre des Transports est chargé de l’exécution du présent règlement qui sera publié au
Art. 6. Notre Ministre des Transports est chargé de l’exécution du présent règlement qui sera publié au Mémorial.
Le Ministre des Transports, Château de Berg, le 19 août 2008.
Lucien Lux Henri
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Sous-partie Q


JAR-OPS 1.1075 General

(See IEM OPS 1.1075)

(a) An operator shall establish a flight and (d) Block time - The time between
duty time limitations and rest scheme for an aeroplane first moving from its parking
crew members. place for the purpose of taking off until it
comes to rest on the designated parking
(b) An operator shall ensure that: position or until all engines are stopped.

1.The flight and duty time limitations (e) Break - A period free of all duties,
and rest scheme is in accordance with the which counts as duty, being less than a rest
provisions of this Subpart; period.

2.Flights are planned to be (f) Day - A 24 hour period

completed within the allowable flight duty commencing at 0000 UTC.
period taking into account the time necessary
for pre-flight duties, the flight and the (g) Duty - Any task that a crew
turnaround times and the nature of operation member is required to carry out and which is
(See IFM OPS 1.1075(b)(2)); and associated with the business of an AOC
3.Duty rosters are prepared and
published (See IEM OPS 1.1075(b)(3)). (h) Duty period - A period which
starts when the crew member is required by
(c) An operator may elect to adopt one, or an operator to report for a duty and ends
more as appropriate, of the Appendices to when the crew member is free from all
this Subpart which give variations to the duties.
basic requirements for specific types of
operation. An operator shall ensure that, if (i) Flight duty period (FDP) - A period
such an option is chosen, the Appendix is which commences when an operating crew
applied in its entirety. member is required to report for a duty period
that includes a flight and which finishes at the
(d) A crew member shall not operate on an end of the block time on the final flight on
aeroplane if he knows or suspects that he is which the crew member is an operating crew
suffering from or is likely to suffer from member.
fatigue, or feels unfit to the extent that the
flight may be endangered. (j) Home base - The place nominated
by the operator to the crew member from
(e) An operator shall nominate a home base where the crew member normally starts and
for each crew member. ends a duty period or a series of duty periods
and at which place, under normal conditions,
the operator is not responsible for the
JAR-OPS 1.1080 Terminology accommodation of the crew member
(a) Actual flight operation - Actual
flight operation starts at the reporting time (k) Local day - A 24 hour period
and ends when the crew goes off duty. commencing at 0000 local time.

(b) Adequate facilities - A quiet and (l) Notification time - The period of
comfortable place not open to the public. time that an operator allows between the time
a crew member on standby receives a call
(c) Augmented flight crew - A flight requiring him to report for duty and the time
crew which comprises more than the he is required to report for that duty.
minimum number required for the operation
of the aeroplane and in which each flight (m) Operating crew member - A crew
crew member can leave his post and be member who carries out his duties in an
replaced by another appropriately qualified aeroplane during the flight or during any part
flight crew member. of the flight.
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(n) Option of the Authority - The right individual flight crew member is assigned as
of the Authority to choose an alternative an operating crew member do not exceed:
prescribed in the requirements on a general, (i) 900 hours in any 12 consecutive
country-wide, basis or on a months: and
non-discriminatory basis for individual
operators. (ii) 100 hours in any 28 consecutive
(o) Positioning - The transferring of a
crew member from place to place, excluding (2) An operator shall ensure that the
"travelling" as defined in sub-paragraph (v) maximum uninterrupted block time to which
below, at the behest of an operator. a flight crew of two is assigned in one flight
duty period does not exceed the following:
(p) Reporting time - The time at
which a crew member is required by an
operator to report for any duty. Reporting time Max. interrupted
between block time
(q) Rest period - An uninterrupted 0700-1359 11 hrs
and defined period of time during which a 1400-1759 10 hrs
crew member is free of all duties and/or 1800-0459 9 hrs
standby. 0500-0659 10 hrs
(r) Split duty - A flight duty period
which consists of two duties separated by a Table 1 - Maximum uninterrupted block times
break. - Flight crew of 2
(s) Standby - A defined period of
time during which a crew member has not (b) Duty periods
been assigned to any duty, but during which
he is required by the operator to be available (1) An operator shall ensure that the
to receive an assignment for duty without an total duty periods to which a flight crew
intervening rest period. member is assigned do not exceed:

(t) Suitable accommodation - A (i) 1800 hours in any 12 consecutive

suitably furnished bedroom, with single months;
occupancy if required by the crew member,
which is subject to minimum noise, is well (ii) 190 hours in any 28 consecutive
ventilated and should have the facility to days; and
control the levels of light and temperature.
(iii) 55 hours in any 7 consecutive
(u) Time difference - The number of days. However, this figure can be increased
hours separating local standard time at two to 58 hours when a rostered duty consisting
locations (disregarding "daylight saving of a series of duty periods has commenced
time"). and is subject to unforeseen delays.

(v) Travelling - All reasonably (2) Crew members not primarily

planned travelling time spent by a crew engaged on flying duties are exempt from the
member in transit between his place of rest limitations prescribed in sub-paragraph (b)(1)
provided by the operator and the place of above other than for the 7 days prior to and
duty and vice versa. during an FDP or series of FDPs.

(c) Flight duty periods

JAR-OPS 1.1085 Limitations - Flight Crew
(1) The allowable flight duty period,
(a) Block times depending on the reporting time and the
number of landings, is given in the following
(1) An operator shall ensure that the Tables. The reporting time is expressed in
total block times of the flights on which an the local time at the reporting place.
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Reporting Number of landings as operating flight crew member

1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >=9
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
0700 – 1159 1400 1315 1230 1145 1100 1015 0930 0900
1200 – 1359 1330 1245 1200 1115 1030 0945 0900 0900
1400 – 1559 1300 1215 1130 1045 1000 0915 0900 0900
1600 – 1759 1230 1145 1100 1015 0930 0900 0900 0900
1800 – 0359 1200 1115 1030 0945 0900 0900 0900 0900
0400 – 0459 1230 1145 1100 1015 0930 0900 0900 0900
0500 – 0559 1300 1215 1130 1045 1000 0915 0900 0900
0600 – 0659 1330 1245 1200 1115 1030 0945 0900 0900

Table 2 - Allowable flight duty periods - Multi-pilot operations

Reporting time Number of landings as operating flight crew member

1-4 5 6 >=7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
0700 – 1159 1000 0915 0830 0800
1200 – 1359 0930 0845 0800 0800
1400 – 1559 0930 0815 0800 0800
1600 – 1759 0830 0800 0800 0800
1800 – 0359 0800 0800 0800 0800
0400 – 0459 0830 0800 0800 0800
0500 – 0559 0900 0815 0800 0800
0600 - 0659 0930 0845 0800 0800

Table 3: Allowable flight duty periods - Single Pilot Operations

(2) The reporting times in Tables 2 (4) The figures derived from Table 2
and 3 may be shifted, as a whole, earlier or may be increased by the use of either:
later by one whole hour at the option of the
(i) Split duty as prescribed in
JAR-OPS 1.1105; or
(3) At the option of the Authority, a (ii) Augmented flight crew as
third landing may be permitted within the prescribed in sub-paragraph (e) below.
flight duty period calculated in accordance
with column (a) of Table 2 subject to a (5) The figures derived from Table 3
maximum of two occasions within any 7 may be increased by the use of split duty.
consecutive days.
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(6) For flights operated by a single (2) An augmented flight crew is

pilot and conducted wholly under VFR, scheduled to carry out no more than 2
allowable flight duty periods must be derived landings within a flight duty period or, at the
from column (a) of Table 3 although, in this option of the Authority 3 landings, provided
case, there is no limit to the number of that at least the following conditions are met:
landings. However, where the number of
landings exceeds an average of 4 per hour a (i) The block time for one sector is 2
break of at least 30 minutes must be taken hours or less; and
within any period of 3 consecutive hours.
(ii) The rest period immediately
(d) Mixed flying/types of operation following this flight duty period, initially
calculated in accordance with JAR-OPS
(1) Aeroplanes and Helicopters - 1.1110, is increased by 6 hours; and
When a flight crew member operates on both
aeroplanes and helicopters, an operator must (3) Rest facilities are available on
submit a flight and duty time limitations and board for resting flight crew members (See
rest scheme based upon Subparts Q in AMC & IEM OPS1.1085(e)(3)/1.1090(c)(1)(i)).
JAROPS Parts 1 and 3 for approval by the

(2) Flight simulator and JAR-OPS 1.1090 Limitations – Cabin Crew

conversion/recurrent training flights - An
operator shall ensure that, where a flight crew (a) Duty periods
member carries out either flight simulator or
training flights prior to a commercial air (1) An operator shall ensure that the
transportation flight within the same flight total duty periods to which a cabin crew
duty period, then the duration of flight member is assigned do not exceed:
simulator or training flights must be doubled
for the purpose of calculating flight duty (i) 1800 hours in any 12 consecutive
period limits in accordance with months;
sub-paragraph (c) above. The number of
landings during flight simulator and training (ii) 190 hours in any 28 consecutive
flights need not be taken into account. days; and

(3) Single pilot/multi pilot operations (iii) 60 hours in any 7 consecutive

Where a pilot flies both a single pilot days. However, this figure can be increased
operation and a multi-pilot operation in one to 63 hours when a rostered duty consisting
flight duty period then the more restrictive of a series of duty periods has commenced
limits in Tables 2 or 3 above apply. and is subject to unforeseen delays.

(e) Augmented Flight Crew – An operator (2) Crew members not primarily
shall ensure that: engaged on flying duties are exempt from the
limitations prescribed in sub-paragraph (1)
(1) Irrespective of the reporting time; above other than for the 7 days prior to and
during an FDP or series of FDPs.
(i) If a flight crew comprising at least
2 pilots is augmented in order to increase the (b) Flight duty periods
flight duty period derived from Table 2,
above, in such a way that every flight crew (1) The allowable flight duty period,
member can leave his post for at least 50% depending on the reporting time and the
of the total block time of all flights within the number of landings, is given in the following
flight duty period, the flight duty period does Table. The reporting time is expressed in the
not exceed 18 hours (See IEM OPS local time at the reporting place.
1.1085(e)(1)); or

(ii) If flight crew augmentation is less

than in sub-paragraph (1) above, the flight
duty period does not exceed 16 hours;
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Reporting Number of landings as operating cabin crew member

1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >=9
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
0700 - 1159 1400 1315 1230 1145 1100 1015 0930 0900
1200 – 1359 1330 1245 1200 1115 1030 0945 0900 0900
1400 – 1559 1300 1215 1130 1045 1000 0915 0900 0900
1600 – 1759 1230 1145 1100 1015 0930 0900 0900 0900
1800 – 0359 1200 1115 1030 0945 0900 0900 0900 0900
0400 – 0459 1230 1145 1100 1015 0930 0900 0900 0900
0500 – 0559 1300 1215 1130 1045 1000 0915 0900 0900
0600 - 0659 1330 1245 1200 1115 1030 0945 0900 0900

Table 4 - Allowable flight duty periods - Cabin Crew

(2) The reporting times in Table 4 (c) Extension of allowable Flight Duty Periods
may be shifted, as a whole, earlier or later by - An operator shall ensure that, if extending
one whole hour at the option of the Authority. the allowable flight duty periods for cabin
(3) At the option of the Authority, a
third landing may be permitted within the (1) Irrespective of the reporting time,
flight duty period calculated in accordance the flight duty period does not exceed 18
with column (a) of Table 4 subject to a hours, provided that:
maximum of two occasions within any 7
consecutive days. (i) Rest facilities are available on
board for resting cabin crew members (See
(4) The figures derived from Table 4 IEM OPS 1.1085(e)(3)/1.1090(c)(1)(i); and
may be increased by the use of either:
(ii) Each cabin crew member is
(i) Split duty as prescribed in relieved of all tasks during a part of the flight
JAR-OPS 1.1105; or (See AMC OPS 1.1090(c)(1)(ii)); and

(ii) Extension of the allowable flight (2) No more than 2 landings are
duty period as prescribed in subparagraph (c) carried out within a flight duty period or, at
below. the option of the Authority 3 landings.

(5) If the reporting time for the cabin

crew is up to 1 hour earlier than that for flight JAR-OPS 1.1095 Positioning
crew members assigned to the same flight or
series of flights within the same flight duty An operator shall ensure that all time
period, the operator may base the allowable spent on positioning is counted as duty.
flight duty period and subsequent rest period
upon the flight crew's reporting time.
JAR-OPS 1.1100 Reporting Times
(6) If the difference between the
reporting time for a cabin crew member and An operator shall specify reporting
a flight crew member starting a flight duty times that realistically reflect the time
period for the same flight is more than one required for pre-flight duties of not less than
hour, the flight duty period must be based 60 minutes prior to the beginning of the
upon the cabin crew member's reporting time planned block time unless otherwise
and calculated in accordance with Table 4 approved by the Authority.
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JAR-OPS 1.1105 Split Duty (3) Only one break is used within one
(See IEM OPS 1.1105) flight duty period;

(a) When a flight duty period consists of 2 (4) If the total travelling time in both
duties separated by a break defined and directions between the place of duty and the
notified to the crew member in advance, an adequate facilities or suitable
operator may increase the allowable planned accommodation exceeds one hour, any
flight duty period prescribed in Tables 2 and travelling time in excess of the 1 hour total is
3 in JAR-OPS 1.1085 or Table 4 in JAR-OPS deducted from the break for the purposes of
1.1090, as appropriate, in accordance with calculating the increased flight duty period;
Table 5 below, subject to the conditions and
prescribed in sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (d)
below. (5) The time difference between the
place of the beginning of the duty and the
place at which the break is taken is not
Consecutive hours Increase in FDP greater than two hours.
Break (a) (b)
0 – 2 hrs 59 mins NIL
3 hrs – 6 hrs 59 mins ½ length of break JAR-OPS 1.1110 Rest Requirements
7 hrs – 10 hrs 59 mins 2/3 length of break or 1
½ length of break if at (a) An operator shall ensure that:
least 7 hours of the
break fall between (1) Before the start of a flight duty
2000-0800 local time period a crew member has completed a rest
where the break occurs period at least as long as the preceding duty
period, or 11 hours, whichever is the greater
(See IEM OPS 1.1110(a)); and
Table 5 - Split duty credit
(2) The minimum rest period
following a flight duty period in which split
(b) An operator shall ensure that the parts of duty credit has been used is at least as long
the flight duty period before and after the as the total flight duty period including the
break do not exceed 10 hours, and the total break, except that, if suitable accommodation
flight duty period, as increased in accordance was provided, the duration of the break need
with Table 5 above, does not exceed 20 not be included in the rest period calculation.
(b) An operator may reduce the rest period
(c) An operator shall ensure that split duty is calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph
not combined with augmented flight crew or, (a)(1) above by not more than 3 hours but to
for cabin crew, extension of the allowable not less than 11 hours except as provided for
flight duty period. in sub-paragraph (f) below, subject to the
following conditions:
(d) An operator shall ensure that:
(1) The previous rest period must
(1) If the break is 6 hours or more, or have been completed in accordance with
covers 3 hours or more of the period 2200 - sub-paragraph (a)(1) above;
0600 local time at the place where it occurs,
suitable accommodation is provided. In all (2) The amount by which the rest
other circumstances adequate facilities must period is reduced must be added to the next
be provided; rest period which cannot be reduced;

(2) With regard to the cumulative (3) The amount of time by which the
duty periods prescribed in JAR-OPS rest period is reduced must be deducted from
1.1085(b) and 1.1090(a), if the break is less the subsequent allowable Flight Duty Period;
than 8 hours, the full period of the break is and
accountable. If the break is 8 hours or more,
50% of the period of the break is (4) Reduced rest must not be used
accountable: prior to or following split duty.
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(c) An operator shall ensure that the option prescribed in sub-paragraph (c)(1)
minimum rest periods prescribed in sub- above is increased to 48 hours although
paragraphs (a) and (b) above are increased the additional 12 hours which increases the
to at least: rest period to 48 hours need not fall within
the 7 day period.
(1) One 36 hour period within 7
consecutive days: or (h) If sub-paragraph (g) above applies, an
operator shall not apply the 60 hour rest
(2) One 60 hour period within 10 period option prescribed in sub-paragraph
consecutive days (See IEM OPS 1.1110(c)). (c)(2) above.

(d) An operator shall ensure that a crew

member is given days free of all duty and JAR-OPS 1.1115 Intentionally blank
standby, which are notified in advance, as
follows (See IEM OPS 1.1 110(d)):

(1) 7 local days in each calendar JAR-OPS 1.1120 Time difference

month which may include required rest (See AMC OPS 1.1120)
periods; and
When the time difference between
(2) At least 24 local days in each the places where a duty period begins and
calendar quarter which may include required ends is 4 hours or more, an operator shall
rest periods. take into account the effects this may have
on crew members by specifying increased
(e) An operator shall provide suitable rest.
accommodation when rest periods are
required away from the home base.
JAR-OPS 1.1125 Standby
(f) An operator shall ensure that:
(a) When an operator elects to place crews
(1) If the total travelling time in both on standby, he shall:
directions between the place of duty and
suitable accommodation provided by the (1) Apply the following limits on
operator exceeds 2 hours, then any excess is standby periods for crew members;
added to the minimum rest period; or

(2) If the total travelling time in both Notification time Maximum standby
directions between the place of duty and (a) (b)
suitable accommodation provided by the 0 - 5 hrs 59 mins 12 hrs
operator is less than 1 ½ hours, then the time 6 hrs or more 18 hrs
difference may be deducted from the
minimum rest period but the time at the
Table 6 - Standby limits
accommodation shall not be less than 10

(g) An operator shall ensure that if, during (2) Ensure that suitable
any period of 7 consecutive days: accommodation is provided if:

(1) Any part of three or more planned (i) A crew member is required to be
duty periods falls within 0100 - 0659 local on standby away from the homebase; or
time at the reporting place, which at the
option of the Authority may be shifted earlier (ii) Standby is undertaken at an
by one whole hour; and airport;

(2) The time difference between any (3) Notify the crew member of the
two places at which crew rest was taken is time of start and end of standby period, and
less than 4 hours, the 36 hour rest period the minimum notification time;
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(4) Ensure that the following are (i) The flight crew has been
counted towards the total duty periods augmented, in which case the allowable flight
prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1085(b) or duty period may be increased by not more
JAR-OPS 1.1 090(a), as appropriate: than 3 hours: or

(i) 50% of the amounts of standby (ii) For cabin crew, the allowable
undertaken by each crew member (excluding flight duty period has been extended in
the first 4 hours of any standby undertaken at accordance with JAR-OPS 1.1090(c), in
home): and which case the allowable flight duty period
may be extended by not rnore than 3 hours;
(ii) If notified for duty, 50% of any
notification time of less than 10 hours; (2) If on the final sector within a flight
duty period unforeseen circumstances occur
(5) Ensure that if a crew member is after take-off that will result in the permitted
assigned standby immediately after a duty increase being exceeded, the flight may
period and without intervening rest, the duty continue to the planned destination or
and the subsequent time on standby are alternate; and
totalled and are included in:
(3) The rest period may be reduced
(i) A n y i m m e d i a t e I y by a maximum of 2 hours but to not less than
subsequent flight duty period; or 10 ½, hours provided that a crew member's
previous rest period was not reduced. The
(ii) A n y i m m e d i a t e I y amount by which a rest period is reduced
subsequent duty period; and must be added to the next rest period which
must not be reduced.
(6) Ensure that when a crew member
completes standby without being called for (b) If after the start of a flight duty period an
duty he completes a rest period of at least 10 unforeseen situation arises, as a result of
hours before commencing a subsequent duty which the operator requires a crew member
or standby period. to take a break, the crew member(s)
concerned must be informed before the
(b) An operator shall ensure that if a flight is break commences and the split duty
delayed on the day of operation before a requirements prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1105
crew member leaves his place of rest, the applied accordingly.
crew member is considered to be on standby
from the originally scheduled reporting time. (c) An operator shall ensure that when, due
In such an event, the operator must specify a to unforeseen circumstances, a duty period
notification time. which was planned outside the period 0100 -
0659 local time at the reporting place falls
more than 1 hour within that period, the
JAR-OPS 1.1130 Unforeseen circum- requirements prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1110
stances in actual flight operations (g) and (h) are applied accordingly.

(a) During the actual flight operation, which (d) An operator shall ensure that:
starts at the reporting time, the limits on flight
duty, duty and rest periods prescribed in this (1) The commander submits a report
Subpart may be modified in the event of to the operator whenever a flight duty period
unforeseen circumstances. Any such is increased or when a rest period is reduced
modifications must be acceptable to the in actual flight operation; and
commander after consultation with all other
crew members and must, in all (2) Where the increase of a flight
circumstances, comply with the following: duty period or reduction of a rest period
exceeds one hour, a copy of the report, to
(1) The allowable flight duty period which the operator must add his comments,
may not be increased by more than 2 hours is sent to the Authority no later than 28 days
unless: after the event.
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JAR-OPS 1.1135 Flight duty, duty and rest APPENDIX A TO JAR-OPS 1 SUBPART Q
period records (See AMC OPS 1.1135) Air Taxi Operations

(a) An operator shall ensure that sufficiently When conducting air taxi operations, an
detailed records of crew member's: operator shall not make use of the variations
contained within this Appendix unless the
(1) Block times; Authority has accepted the relevant entry in
the Operations Manual. Flight crew members
(2) Flight duty periods; operating in accordance with this Appendix
may not operate to any other flight and duty
(3) Duty periods; and time limitations and rest requirements
contained in JAR-OPS without complying
(4) Rest periods and local days free with transition periods acceptable to the
of all duties, Authority.
are maintained to ensure compliance with the
requirements of this Subpart.

(b) A crew member who is self-employed

and/or working on a freelance or private
basis shall maintain an individual record, as
appropriate, of his:

(1) Block times;

(2) Flight duty periods;

(3) Duty periods; and

4) Rest periods and local days free of

all duties,

which must be presented to any operator who

employs his services before he commences
a flight duty period (See AMC OPS
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AR-OPS 1.1075 General (d) Block time - The time between an

(See IEM OPS 1.1075) aeroplane first moving from its parking place
for the purpose of taking off until it comes to
(a) An operator shall establish a flight and rest on the designated parking position or
duty time limitations and rest scheme for until all engines are stopped.
crew members.
(e) Break - A period free of all duties,
(b) An operator shall ensure that: which counts as duty, being less than a rest
(1) The flight and duty time
limitations and rest scheme is in accordance (f) Day - A 24 hour period
with the provisions of this Subpart; commencing at 0000 UTC.

(2) Flights are planned to be (g) Duty - Any task that a crew
completed within the allowable flight duty member is required to carry out and which is
period taking into account the time necessary associated with the business of an AOC
for pre-flight duties, the flight and the holder.
turnaround times and the nature of operation;
and (h) Duty period - A period which
starts when the crew member is required by
(3) Duty rosters are prepared and an operator to report for a duty and ends
published (See IEM OPS 1.1075(b)(3)). when the crew member is free from all
(c) An operator shall ensure that, if he elects
to adopt this Appendix, the Appendix is (i) Flight duty period {FDP) - A period
applied in its entirety. which commences when an operating crew
member is required to report for a duty period
(d) A crew member shall not operate on an that includes a flight and which finishes at the
aeroplane if he knows or suspects that he is end of the block time on the final flight on
suffering from or is likely to suffer from which the crew member is an operating crew
fatigue, or feels unfit to the extent that the member.
flight may be endangered.
(j) Home base - The place nominated
(e) An operator shall nominate a home base by the operator to the crew member from
for each crew member. where the crew member normally starts and
ends a duty period or a series of duty periods
and at which place, under normal conditions,
JAR-OPS 1.1080 Terminology the operator is not responsible for the
accommodation of the crew member
(a) Actual flight operation - Actual concerned.
flight operation starts at the reporting time
and ends when the crew goes off duty. (k) Local day - A 24 hour period
commencing at 0000 local time.
(b) Adequate facilities - A quiet and
comfortable place not open to the public. (l) Notification time - The period of
time that an operator allows between the time
(c) Augmented flight crew - A flight a crew member on standby receives a call
crew which comprises more than the requiring him to report for duty and the time
minimum number required for the operation he is required to report for that duty.
of the aeroplane and in which each flight
crew member can leave his post and be
replaced by another appropriately qualified
flight crew member.
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(m) Operating crew member - A crew member in transit between his place of rest
member who carries out his duties in an provided by the operator and the place of
aeroplane during the flight or during any part duty and vice versa
of the flight.
(w) Air Taxi Operations - An
(n) Option of the Authority - The right operation of aeroplanes with a maximum
of the Authority to choose an alternative approved passenger seating configuration of
prescribed in the requirements on a general, not more than 19, or MTOM of less than 10
country-wide, basis or on a tonnes, in which an operator provides an
non-discriminatory basis for individual on-demand service to customers.

(o) Positioning - The transferring of a

crew member from place to place, excluding
"travelling" as defined in sub-paragraph (v) JAR-OPS 1.1085 Limitations - Flight Crew
below, at the behest of an operator.
(a) Block times
(p) Reporting time - The time at
which a crew member is required by an (1)
operator to report for any duty. (i) 800 hours in any 12 consecutive
months; and
(q) Rest period - An uninterrupted
and defined period of time during which a (ii) 80 hours in any 28 consecutive
crew member is free of all duties and/or days.
standby. (2) An operator shall ensure that the
maximum uninterrupted block time to which a
(r) Split duty - A flight duty period flight crew of two is assigned in one flight
which consists of two duties separated by a duty period does not exceed the following:

(s) Standby - A defined period of Reporting time Max. uninterrupted

time during which a crew member has not between block time
been assigned to any duty, but during which 0700 - 1359 11 hrs
he is required by the operator to be available 1400 - 1759 10 hrs
to receive an assignment for duty without an 1800 - 0459 9 hrs
intervening rest period. 0500 - 0659 10 hrs
(t) Suitable accommodation - A
suitably furnished bedroom, with single Table 1 - Maximum uninterrupted block times
occupancy if required by the crew member, - Flight crew of 2
which is subject to minimum noise, is well
ventilated and should have the facility to
control the levels of light and temperature.
(b) Duty Periods
(u) Time difference - The number of
hours separating local standard time at two
(1) An operator shall ensure that the
locations (disregarding "daylight saving
total duty periods to which a flight crew
member is assigned do not exceed:
(v) Travelling - All reasonably (i) 1800 hours in any 12
planned travelling time spent by a crew consecutive months;
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(ii) 190 hours in any 28 consecutive limitations prescribed in sub-paragraph (b)(1)

days: and above other than for the 7 days prior to and
during an FDP or series of FDPs.
(iii) 65 hours in 7 consecutive days.
However, this figure can be increased to 68 (c) Flight Duty Periods
hours when a rostered duty consisting of a
series of duty periods has commenced and is (1) The allowable flight duty period,
subject to unforeseen delays. depending on the reporting time and the
number of landings, is given in the following
(2) Crew members not primarily Tables. The reporting time is expressed in
engaged on flying duties are exempt from the the local time at the reporting place.

Reporting Number of landings as operating flight crew member

1-4 5 6 7 8 >=9
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
0700-1159 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 0900
1200-1359 1330 1230 1130 1030 0930 0900
1400-1559 1300 1200 1100 1000 0900 0900
1600-1759 1230 1130 1030 0930 0900 0900
1800-0359 1200 1100 1000 0930 0900 0900
0400-0459 1230 1130 1030 0930 0900 0900
0500-0559 1300 1200 1100 1000 0900 0900
0600-0659 1330 1230 1130 1030 0930 0900

Table 2 - Allowable flight duty periods - Multi-pilot operations

Reporting time Number of landings as operating flight crew member

1-4 5 6 >=7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
0700-1159 1000 0915 0830 0800
1200-1359 0930 0845 0800 0800
1400-1559 0900 0815 0800 0800
1600-1759 0830 0800 0800 0800
1800-0359 0800 0800 0800 0800
0400-0459 0830 0800 0800 0800
0500-0559 0900 0815 0800 0800
0600-0659 0930 0845 0800 0800

Table 3: Allowable flight duty periods - Single Pilot Operations

(2) (Not applicable to air taxi (i) Split duty as prescribed in

operations) JAR-OPS 1.1105; or

(3) (Not applicable to air taxi (ii) Augmented flight crew as

operations) prescribed in sub-paragraph (e) below.

(4) The figures derived from Table 2 (5) The figures derived from Table 3
may be increased by the use of either: may be increased by the use of split duty.
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(6) For flights operated by a single (2) An augmented flight crew is

pilot and conducted wholly under VFR, scheduled to carry out no more than 3
allowable flight duty periods must be derived landings within a flight duty period or, at the
from column (a) of Table 3 although, in this option of the Authority 4 landings, provided
case, there is no limit to the number of that at least the following conditions are met.
landings. However, where the number of
landings exceeds an average of 4 per hour a (i) The block time for one sector is 2
break of at least 30 minutes must be taken hours or less: and
within any period of 3 consecutive hours.
(ii) The rest period immediately
(d) Mixed flying/types of operation following this flight duty period, initially
calculated in accordance with JAR-OPS
(1) Aeroplanes and Helicopters - 1.1110, is increased by 6 hours; and
When a flight crew member operates on both
aeroplanes and helicopters, an operator must (3) Rest facilities are available on
submit a flight and duty time limitations and board for resting flight crew members (See
rest scheme based upon Subparts Q in JAR- AMC & IEM to App. A & B to Subpart Q,
OPS Parts 1 and 3 for approval by the JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(3)).

(2) Flight simulator and

conversion/recurrent training flights - An JAR-OPS 1.1090 Limitations - Cabin Crew
operator shall ensure that, where a flight crew
member carries out either flight simulator or (Not applicable to air taxi operations)
training flights prior to a commercial air
transportation flight within the same flight
duty period, then the duration of flight
simulator or training flights must be doubled
for the purpose of calculating flight duty JAR-OPS 1.1095 Positioning
period limits in accordance with
sub-paragraph (c) above. The number of An operator shall ensure that all time
landings during flight simulator and training spent on positioning is counted as duty.
flights need not be taken into account.

(3) Single pilot/multi pilot operations -

Where a pilot flies both a single pilot
operation and a multi-pilot operation in one JAR-OPS 1.1100 Reporting times
flight duty period then the more restrictive
limits in Tables 2 or 3 above apply. An operator shall specify reporting
times that realistically reflect the time
required for pre-flight duties of not less than
(e) Augmented Flight Crew - An operator 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the
shall ensure that: planned block time unless otherwise
approved by the Authority.
(1) Irrespective of the reporting time;

(i) If a flight crew comprising at least

2 pilots is augmented in order to increase the JAR-OPS 1.1105 Split duty
flight duty period derived from Table 2, (See IEM OPS 1 1105)
above, in such a way that every flight crew
member can leave his post for at least 50% (a) When a flight duty period consists of 2
of the total block time of all flights within the duties separated by a break defined and
flight duty period, the flight duty period does notified to the crew member in advance, an
not exceed 18 hours (See IEM OPS operator may increase the allowable planned
1.1085(e)(1)); flight duty period prescribed in Tables 2 and
3 in JAR-OPS 1 .1085 in accordance with
(ii) If flight crew augmentation is less Table 4 below, subject to the conditions
than in sub-paragraph (1) above, the flight prescribed in sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (d)
duty period does not exceed 16 hours; below.
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Consecutive hours Increase in FDP JAR-OPS 1.1110 Rest requirements

break (b)
(a) (a) An operator shall ensure that:
0 – 2 hrs 59 mins NIL
3 hrs – 6 hrs 59 ½ length of break (1) Before the start of a flight duty
mins period a crew member has completed a rest
period at least as long as the preceding duty
7 hrs – 10 hrs 59 2/3 length of break or
period, or 11 hours, whichever is the greater
mins 1 ½ length of break if
(See IEM OPS 1.1110 (a)); and
at least 7 hours of the
break fall between
(2) The minimum rest period
2000 – 0800 local
following a flight duty period in which split
time where the break
duty credit has been used is at least as long
as the total flight duty period including the
break, except that, if suitable accommodation
Table 4 - Split duty credit was provided, the duration of the break need
not be included in the rest period calculation.
(b) An operator shall ensure that the parts of (b) An operator may reduce the rest period
the flight duty period before and after the calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph
break do not exceed 10 hours, and the total (a)(1) above by not more than 3 hours but to
flight duty period, as increased in accordance not less than 11 hours except as provided for
with Table 4 above, does not exceed 20 in sub-paragraph (f) below, subject to the
hours. following conditions:
(c) An operator shall ensure that split duty is (1 ) The previous rest period must
not combined with augmented flight crew or, have been completed in accordance with
for cabin crew, extension of the allowable sub-paragraph (a)(1) above;
flight duty period.
(2) The amount by which the rest
(d) An operator shall ensure that: period is reduced must be added to the next
rest period which cannot be reduced;
(1) If the break is 6 hours or more, or
covers 3 hours or more of the period 2200 - (3) The amount of time by which the
0600 local time at the place where it occurs, rest period is reduced must be deducted from
suitable accommodation is provided. In all the subsequent allowable Flight Duty Period;
other circumstances adequate facilities must and
be provided;
(4) Reduced rest must not be used
(2) With regard to the cumulative prior to or following split duty.
duty periods prescribed in JAR-OPS
1.1085(b), if the break is less than 8 hours,
the full period of the break is accountable. If (c) An operator shall ensure that the
the break is 8 hours or more, 50% of the minimum rest periods prescribed in sub-
period of the break is accountable; paragraphs (a) and (b) above are increased
to at least one 36 hour period within 7
(3) No more than two breaks are consecutive days (See IEM to App A & B to
used within one flight duty period; Subpart Q, JAR-OPS 1.1110(c)).

(4) If the total travelling time in both (d) An operator shall ensure that a crew
directions between the place of duty and the member is given days free of all duty and
adequate facilities or suitable standby, which are notified in advance, as
accommodation exceeds one hour, any follows (See IEM OPS 1.1110(d)):
travelling time in excess of the 1 hour total is
deducted from the break for the purposes of (1) 7 local days in each calendar
calculating the increased flight duty period; month which may include required rest
and periods: and
(5) The time difference between the
place of the beginning of the duty and the (2) At least 24 local days in each
place at which the break is taken is not calendar quarter which may include required
greater than two hours. rest periods.
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(e) An operator shall provide suitable JAR-OPS 1.1125 Standby

accommodation when rest periods are
required away from the home base. (a) When an operator elects to place crews
on standby, he shall:
(f) An operator shall ensure that:
(1) Apply the following limits on
(1) If the total travelling time in both standby periods for crew members;
directions between the place of duty and
suitable accommodation provided by the
operator exceeds 2 hours, then any excess is Notification time Maximum standby
added to the minimum rest period; or (a) (b)
0 – 5 hrs 59 mins 12 hours
(2) If the total travelling time in both
6 hrs or more 18 hours
directions between the place of duty and
suitable accommodation provided by the
operator is less than 1 ½ hours, then the time Table 5 - Standby limits
difference may be deducted from the
minimum rest period but the time at the the
accommodation shall not be less than 10
(2) Ensure that suitable
accommodation is provided if:
(g) An operator shall ensure that if, during
any period of 7 consecutive days: (i) A crew member is required to be
on standby away from the homebase; or
(1) Any part of three or more planned
duty periods falls within 0100 - 0659 local (ii) Standby is undertaken at an
time at the reporting place, which at the airport;
option of the Authority may be shifted earlier
by one whole hour; and
(3) Notify the crew member of the
(2) The time difference between any time of start and end of standby period, and
two places at which crew rest was taken is the minimum notification time:
less than 4 hours,

the 36 hour rest period option prescribed in (4) Ensure that the following are
sub-paragraph (c)(1) above is increased to counted towards the total duty periods
48 hours although the additional 12 hours prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1085(b):
which increases the rest period to 48 hours
need not fall within the 7 day period. (i) 50% of the amounts of standby
undertaken by each crew member (excluding
(h) If sub-paragraph (g) above applies, an the first 4 hours of any standby undertaken at
operator shall not apply the 60 hour rest home): and
period option prescribed in sub-paragraph
(c)(2) above. (ii) If notified for duty, 50% of any
notification time of less than 10 hours;

JAR-OPS 1.1115 Intentionally blank (5) Ensure that if a crew member is

assigned standby immediately after a duty
period and without intervening rest, the duty
JAR-OPS 1.1120 Time difference and the subsequent time on standby are
totalled and are included in:
When the time difference between
the places where a duty period begins and (i) Any immediately subsequent flight
ends is 4 hours or more, an operator shall duty period; or
take into account the effects this may have (ii) Any immediately subsequent duty
on crew members by specifying increased period; and
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(6) Ensure that when a crew member (b) If after the start of a flight duty period an
completes standby without being called for unforeseen situation arises, as a result of
duty he completes a rest period of at least 10 which the operator requires a crew member
hours before commencing a subsequent duty to take a break, the crew member(s)
or standby period. concerned must be informed before the
break commences and the split duty
(b) An operator shall ensure that if a flight is requirements prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1105
delayed on the day of operation before a applied accordingly.
crew member leaves his place of rest, the
crew member is considered to be on standby (c) An operator shall ensure that when, due
from the originally scheduled reporting time. to unforeseen circumstances, a duty period
In such an event, the operator must specify a which was planned outside the period 0100 -
notification time. 0659 local time at the reporting place falls
more than 1 hour within that period, the
requirements prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1110
(g) and (h) are applied accordingly.
JAR-OPS 1.1130 Unforeseen circum-
stances in actual flight operation (d) An operator shall ensure that:
(a) During the actual flight operation, (1) The commander submits a report
which starts at the reporting time, the limits to the operator whenever a flight duty period
on flight duty, duty and rest periods is increased or when a rest period is reduced
prescribed in this Subpart may be modified in in actual flight operation; and
the event of unforeseen circumstances. Any
such modifications must be acceptable to the (2) Where the increase of a flight
commander after consultation with all other duty period or reduction of a rest period
crew members and must, in all exceeds one hour, a copy of the report, to
circumstances, comply with the following: which the operator must add his comments,
is sent to the Authority no later than 28 days
(1) The allowable flight duty period after the event.
may not be increased by more than 2 hours
unless the flight crew has been augmented,
in which case the allowable flight duty period
may be increased by not more than 3 hours; JAR-OPS 1.1135 Flight duty, duty and rest
period records (See AMC OPS 1.1135)
(2) If on the final sector within a flight
duty period unforeseen circumstances occur (a) An operator shall ensure that sufficiently
after take-off that will result in the permitted detailed records of crew member's:
increase being exceeded, the flight may
continue to the planned destination or (1) Block times;
alternate: and
(2) Flight duty periods;
(3) The rest period may be reduced
(3) Duty periods; and
by a maximum of 2 hours but to not less than
10 ½ hours provided that a crew member's (4) Rest periods and local days free
previous rest period was not reduced. The of all duties,
amount by which a rest period is reduced
must be added to the next rest period which are maintained to ensure compliance with the
must not be reduced. requirements of this Subpart.
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(b) A crew member who is self-employed JAR-OPS 1.1075 General

and/or working on a freelance or private (See IEM OPS 1.1075)
basis shall maintain an individual record, as
appropriate, of his: (a) An operator shall establish a flight and
duty time limitations and rest scheme for
(1) Block times; crew members.

(2) Flight duty periods; (b) An operator shall ensure that:

(3) Duty periods; and (1) The flight and duty time
limitations and rest scheme is in accordance
(4) Rest periods and local days free with the provisions of this Subpart;
of all duties,
(2) Flights are planned to be
which must be presented to any operator who completed within the allowable flight duty
employs his services before he commences period taking into account the time necessary
a flight duty period (See AMC OPS 1.11 for pre-flight duties, the flight and the
35(b)). turnaround times and the nature of operation;
(3) Duty rosters are prepared and
published (See IEM OPS 1.1075(b)(3)).

(c) An operator may elect to adopt one, or

more as appropriate, of the Appendices to
this Subpart which give variations to the
Emergency Medical Service operations
basic requirements for specific types of
operation. An operator shall ensure that, if
When conducting Emergency Medical such an option is chosen, the Appendix is
Service (EMS) operations, an operator shall applied in its entirety.
not make use of the variations contained
within this Appendix unless the Authority has (d) A crew member shall not operate on an
accepted the relevant entry in the Operations aeroplane if he knows or suspects that he is
Manual. Flight Crew members operating in suffering from or is likely to suffer from
accordance with this Appendix may not fatigue, or feels unfit to the extent that the
operate to any other flight and duty time flight may be endangered.
limitations and rest requirements contained in
JAR-OPS without complying with transition (e) An operator shall nominate a home base
periods acceptable to the Authority. for each crew member.
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JAR-OPS 1.1080 Terminology (i) flight duty period (FDP) - A period which
commences when an operating crew member
(a) Actual flight operation - Actual flight is required to report for a duty period that
operation starts at the reporting time and includes a flight and which finishes at the end
ends when the crew goes off duty. of the block time on the final flight on which
the crew member is an operating crew
(b) Adequate facilities - A quiet and member.
comfortable place not open to the public.
(j) Home base - The place nominated by the
(c) Augmented flight crew - A flight crew operator to the crew member from where the
which comprises more than the minimum crew member normally starts and ends a
number required for the operation of the duty period or a series of duty periods and at
aeroplane and in which each flight crew which place, under normal conditions, the
member can leave his post and be replaced operator is not responsible for the
by another appropriately qualified flight. crew accommodation of the crew member
member. concerned.

(d) Block time - The time between an (k) Local day - A 24 hour period commencing
aeroplane first moving from its parking place at 0000 local time.
for the purpose of taking off until it comes to
rest on the designated parking position or (l) Notification time - The period of time that
until all engines are stopped. an operator allows between the time a crew
member on standby receives a call requiring
(e) Break - A period free of all duties, which him to report for duty and the time he is
counts as duty, being less than a rest period. required to report for that duty.

(f) Day - A 24 hour period commencing at (m) Operating crew member - A crew
0000 UTC. member who carries out his duties in an
aeroplane during the flight or during any part
(g) Duty - Any task that a crew member is of the flight.
required to carry out and which is associated
with the business of an AOC holder. (n) Option of the Authority - The right of the
Authority to choose an alternative prescribed
(h) Duty period - A period which starts when in the requirements on a general,
the crew member is required by an operator country-wide, basis or on a
to report for a duty and ends when the crew non-discriminatory basis for individual
member is free from all duties. operators.
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(o) Positioning - The transferring of a crew (x) Emergency Medical Service operations -
member from place to place, excluding Operations in which the purpose of the flights
"travelling" as defined in sub-paragraph (v) is to provide air transportation directly
below, at the behest of an operator. connected with:

(p) Reporting time - The time at which a crew (1) Seriously ill or injured persons,
member is required by an operator to report together with their relatives and medical
for any duty. personnel, to a place where facilities urgently
needed for their treatment can be provided;
(q) Rest period - An uninterrupted and
(2) Medical personnel required to
defined period of time during which a crew
provide urgently needed services connected
member is free of all duties and/or standby.
with their professional skills;
(r) Split duty - A flight duty period which
(3) Medical supplies such as
consists of two duties separated by a break.
equipment, blood, organs and drugs that are
urgently needed.
(s) Standby - A defined period of time during
which a crew member has not been assigned
to any duty, but during which he is required
by the operator to be available to receive an JAR-OPS 1.1085 Limitations - Flight Crew
assignment for duty without an intervening
rest period. (a) Block times

(t) Suitable accommodation - A suitably (1) An operator shall ensure that the
furnished bedroom, with single occupancy if total block times of the flights on which an
required by the crew member, which is individual flight crew member is assigned as
subject to minimum noise, is well ventilated an operating crew member do not exceed:
and should have the facility to control the
levels of light and temperature. (i) 900 hours in any 12 consecutive
months: and
(u) Time difference - The number of hours
separating local standard time at two (ii) 80 hours in any 28 consecutive
locations (disregarding "daylight saving days.
(2) An operator shall ensure that the
(v) Travelling - All reasonably planned maximum uninterrupted block time to which
travelling time spent by a crew member in a flight crew of two is assigned in one flight
transit between his place of rest provided by duty period does not exceed the following:
the operator and the place of duty and vice
versa Reporting time Max. uninterrupted
(w) Air Taxi Operations - An operation of between block time
aeroplanes with a maximum approved 0700-1359 11 hrs
passenger seating configuration of not more 1400-1759 10 hrs
than 19, or MTOM of less than 10 tonnes, in 1800-0459 9 hrs
which an operator provides an on-demand 0500-0659 10 hrs
service to customers
Table 1 - Maximum uninterrupted block times
- Flight crew of 2
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(b) Duty Periods (2) Crew members not primarily

engaged on flying duties are exempt from the
(1) An operator shall ensure that the limitations prescribed in sub-paragraph (b)(1)
total duty periods to which a flight crew above other than for the 7 days prior to and
member is assigned do not exceed: during an FDP or series of FDPs.
(i) 1800 hours in any 12 consecutive
months; (c) Flight Duty Periods
(ii) 190 hours in any 28 consecutive
days; and (1) The allowable flight duty period,
depending on the reporting time and the
(iii) 65 hours in any 7 consecutive number of landings, is given in the following
days. However, this figure can be increased Tables. The reporting time is expressed in
to 68 hours when a rostered duty consisting the local time at the reporting place.
of a series of duty periods has commenced
and is subject to unforeseen delays.

Reporting Number of landings as operating flight crew member

1-4 5 6 7 8 >=9
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
0700-1159 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 0900
1200-1359 1330 1230 1130 1030 0930 0900
1400-1559 1300 1200 1100 1000 0900 0900
1600-1759 1230 1130 1030 0930 0900 0900
1800-0359 1200 1100 1000 0930 0900 0900
0400-0459 1230 1130 1030 0930 0900 0900
0500-0559 1300 1200 1100 1000 0900 0900
0600-0659 1330 1230 1130 1030 0930 0900

Table 2 - Allowable flight duty periods - Multi-pilot operations

Reporting time Number of landings as operating flight crew member

1-4 5 6 >=7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
0700-1159 1000 0915 0830 0800
1200-1359 0930 0845 0800 0800
1400-1559 0900 0815 0800 0800
1600-1759 0830 0800 0800 0800
1800-0359 0800 0800 0800 0800
0400-0459 0830 0800 0800 0800
0500-0559 0900 0815 0800 0800
0600-0659 0930 0845 0800 0800

Table 3: Allowable flight duty periods - Single Pilot Operations

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(2) (Not applicable to EMS (e) Augmented Flight Crew - An operator

operations) shall ensure that:

(3) (Not applicable to EMS (1) Irrespective of the reporting time;

(i) If a flight crew comprising at least
(4) The figures derived from Table 2 2 pilots is augmented in order to increase
may be increased by the use of either: the flight duty period derived from Table 2,
above, in such a way that every flight crew
(i) Split duty as prescribed in member can leave his post for at least 50%
JAR-OPS 1.1105; or of the total block time of all flights within
the duty period, the flight duty period does
(ii) Augmented flight crew as not exceed 18 hours; or
prescribed in sub-paragraph (e) below.
(ii) If flight crew augmentation is
(5) The figures derived from Table 3
less than in sub-paragraph (1) above, the
may be increased by the use of split duty.
flight duty period does not exceed 16 hours;
(6) (Not applicable to EMS
operations) (2) An augmented flight crew is
scheduled to carry out no more than 3
(7) Subject to JAR-OPS 1.1110(g), landings within a flight duty period or, at the
the figures in Table 1 (column (a)) may be option of the Authority 4 landings, provided
increased by 3 hours. that at least the following conditions are met:

(d) Mixed flying/types of operation (i) The block time for one sector is 2
hours or less; and
(1) Aeroplanes and Helicopters -
When a flight crew member operates on both (ii) The rest period immediately
aeroplanes and helicopters, an operator must following this flight duty period, initially
submit a flight and duty time limitations and calculated in accordance with JAR-OPS
rest scheme based upon Subparts Q in JAR- 1.1110. is increased by 6 hours; and
OPS Parts 1 and 3 for approval by the
Authority. (3) Rest facilities are available on
board for resting flight crew members (See
(2) Flight simulator and AMC & IEM to Appendix A & B to Subpart Q,
conversion/recurrent training flights - An JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(3)).
operator shall ensure that, where a flight crew
member carries out either flight simulator or (4) Subject to JAR-OPS 1. 1110(9), a
training flights prior to a commercial air maximum of 3 hours may be added to the
transportation flight within the same flight flight duty periods derived in accordance with
duty period, then the duration of flight sub-paragraph (1) above.
simulator or training flights must be doubled
for the purpose of calculating flight duty
period limits in accordance with sub- JAR-OPS 1.1090 Limitations - Cabin Crew
paragraph (c) above. The number of landings (Not applicable to EMS operations)
during flight simulator and training flights
need not be taken into account.

(3) Single pilot/multi pilot operations -

Where a pilot flies both a single pilot JAR-OPS 1.1095 Positioning
operation and a multi-pilot operation in one
flight duty period then the more restrictive An operator shall ensure that all time
limits in Tables 2 or 3 above apply. spent on positioning is counted as duty.
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JAR-OPS 1.1100 Reporting times (d) An operator shall ensure that:

An operator shall specify reporting (1) If the break is 6 hours or more, or

times that realistically reflect the time covers 3 hours or more of the period 2200 -
required for pre-flight duties of not less than 0600 local time at the place where it occurs,
30 minutes prior to the beginning of the suitable accommodation is provided. In all
planned block time unless otherwise other circumstances adequate facilities must
approved by the Authority. be provided;

(2) With regard to the cumulative

JAR-OPS 1 .1105 Split duty duty periods prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1085
(See IEM OPS 1.1105) (b), if the break is less than 8 hours, the full
period of the break is accountable. If the
(a) When a flight duty period consists of 2 break is 8 hours or more, 50% of the period
duties separated by a break defined and of the break is accountable;
notified to the crew member in advance, an
operator may increase the allowable planned (3) Only one break is used within one
flight duty period prescribed in Tables 2 and flight duty period;
3 in JAR-OPS 1.1085 in accordance with
Table 4 below, subject to the conditions (4) If the total travelling time in both
prescribed in sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) directions between the place of duty and the
below. adequate facilities or suitable
accommodation exceeds one hour, any
Consecutive hours Increase in FDP travelling time in excess of the 1 hour total is
break (b) deducted from the break for the purposes of
(a) calculating the increased flight duty period;
0 – 2 hrs 59 mins NIL and
3 hrs – 6 hrs 59 ½ length of break
(5) The time difference between the
place of the beginning of the duty and the
7 hrs – 10 hrs 59 2/3 length of break or
place at which the break is taken is not
mins 1 ½ length of break if
greater than two hours.
at least 7 hours of the
break fall between
2000 – 0800 local
time where the break
JAR-OPS 1.1110 Rest requirements
(a) An operator shall ensure that:
Table 4 - Split duty credit
(1) Before the start of a flight duty
period a crew member has completed a rest
(b) An operator shall ensure that the parts of period at least as long as the preceding duty
the flight duty period before and after the period, or 11 hours, whichever is the greater
break do not exceed 10 hours, and the total (See IEM OPS 1.1110(a)); and
flight duty period, as increased in accordance
with Table 4 above, does not exceed 20 (2) The minimum rest period
hours. following a flight duty period in which split
duty credit has been used is at least as long
(c) An operator shall ensure that split duty is as the total flight duty period including the
not combined with augmented flight crew or, break, except that, if suitable accommodation
for cabin crew, extension of the allowable was provided, the duration of the break need
flight duty period. not be included in the rest period calculation.
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(b) An operator may reduce the rest period (2) If the total travelling time in both
calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph directions between the place of duty and
(a)(1) above by not more than 3 hours but to suitable accommodation provided by the
not less than 11 hours except as provided for operator is less than 1 ½ hours, then the
in sub-paragraph (f) below, subject to the time difference may be deducted from the
following conditions: minimum rest period but the time at the the
accommodation shall not be less than 10
(1) The previous rest period must hours.
have been completed in accordance with
sub-paragraph (a)(1) above; (g) An operator shall ensure that if, during
any period of 7 consecutive days:
(2) The amount by which the rest
period is reduced must be added to the next (1) Any part of three or more planned
rest period which cannot be reduced; duty periods falls within 0100 - 0659 local
time at the reporting place, which at the
(3) The amount of time by which the option of the Authority may be shifted earlier
rest period is reduced must be deducted from by one whole hour; and
the subsequent allowable Flight Duty Period;
and (2) The time difference between any
two places at which crew rest was taken is
(4) The extension of the maximum less than 4 hours, the 36 hour rest period
flight duty periods as prescribed in JAR-OPS
option prescribed in sub-paragraph (c)(1)
1.1085(c)(7) and/or JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(1),
(e)(2) and (e) (5) are used. above is increased to 48 hours although
the additional 12 hours which increases the
(c) An operator shall ensure that the rest period to 48 hours need not fall within
minimum rest periods prescribed in sub- the 7 day period.
paragraphs (a) and (b) above are increased
to at least one 36 hour period within 7
consecutive days (See IEM to Appendix A & (h) If sub-paragraph (g) above applies, an
B to JAR-OPS 1 Subpart Q, JAR-OPS 1.110 operator shall not apply the 60 hour rest
(c)). period option prescribed in sub-paragraph (c)(2)
(d) An operator shall ensure that a crew
member is given days free of all duty and (i) If the extension of the maximum flight
standby, which are notified in advance, as duty periods, as prescribed in JAR-OPS
follows (See IEM OPS 1.1110(d)): 1.1085(c)(7) and/or JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(1),
(e)(2) and (e)(5) are used, the minimum rest
(1) 7 local days in each calendar periods prescribed in (a) above shall be
month which may include required rest increased by the extension of the flight duty
periods; and period multiplied by a factor of 4.

(2) At least 24 local days in each

calendar quarter which may include required
rest periods. JAR-OPS 1.1115 Intentionally blank

(e) An operator shall provide suitable

accommodation when rest periods are
required away from the home base.
JAR-OPS 1.1120 Time difference
(f) An operator shall ensure that: (See AMC OPS 1.1 120)

(1) If the total travelling time in both When the time difference between the places
directions between the place of duty and where a duty period begins and ends is 4
suitable accommodation provided by the hours or more, an operator shall take into
operator exceeds 2 hours, then any excess is account the effects this may have on crew
added to the minimum rest period; or members by specifying increased rest.
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JAR-OPS 1.1125 Standby (6) Ensure that when a crew member

completes standby without being called for
(a) When an operator elects to place crews duty he completes a rest period of at least 10
on standby, he shall: hours before commencing a subsequent duty
or standby period.
(1) Apply the following limits on
standby periods for crew members; (b) An operator shall ensure that if a flight is
delayed on the day of operation before a
Notification time Maximum standby crew member leaves his place of rest, the
(a) (b) crew member is considered to be on standby
0 – 5 hrs 59 mins 12 hours from the originally scheduled reporting time.
6 hrs or more 18 hours In such an event, the operator must specify a
notification time.
Table 5 - Standby limits

(2) Ensure that suitable JAR-OPS 1.1130 Unforeseen circum-

accommodation is provided if: stances in actual flight operations
(i) A crew member is required to be
on standby away from the homebase; or (a) During the actual flight operation, which
starts at the reporting time, the limits on flight
(ii) Standby is undertaken at an duty, duty and rest periods prescribed in this
airport; Subpart may be modified in the event of
unforeseen circumstances. Any such
(3) Notify the crew member of the modifications must be acceptable to the
time of start and end of standby period, and commander after consultation with all other
the minimum notification time; crow members and must, in all
circumstances, comply with the following:
(4) Ensure that the following are
(1) The allowable flight duty period
counted towards the total duty periods
may not be increased by more than 2 hours
prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1085(b):
unless the flight crew has been augmented,
(i) 50% of the amounts of standby in which case the allowable flight duty period
undertaken by each crew member (excluding may be increased by not more than 3 hours;
the first 4 hours of any standby undertaken at
(2) If on the final sector within a
home): and
flight duty period unforeseen circumstances
occur after take off that will result in the
(ii) If notified for duty, 50% of any
permitted increase being exceeded, the flight
notification time of less than 10 hours;
may continue to the planned destination or
(5) Ensure that if a crew member is
assigned standby immediately after a duty (3) Ensure that any extension of the
period and without intervening rest, the duty Flight Duty Period to complete an EMS
and the subsequent time on standby are operation is strictly limited to the purely
totalled and are included in: emergency part of that operation; and
(i) Any immediately subsequent flight
duty period; or (4) The rest period may be reduced
by a maximum of 2 hours but to not less than
(ii) Any immediately subsequent duty 10 ½ hours provided that a crew member's
period; and previous rest period was not reduced. The
amount by which a rest period is reduced
must be added to the next rest period which
must not be reduced.
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(b) If after the start of a flight duty period an JAR-OPS 1.1135 Flight duty, duty and rest
unforeseen situation arises, as a result of period records (See AMC OPS 1.1 135)
which the operator requires a crew member
to take a break, the crew member(s) (a) An operator shall ensure that sufficiently
concerned must be informed before the detailed records of crew member’s:
break commences and the split duty
requirements prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1105 (1) Block times;
applied accordingly.
(2) Flight duty periods
(c) An operator shall ensure that when, due
to unforeseen circumstances, a duty period (3) Duty periods; an
which was planned outside the period 0100 -
0659 local time at the reporting place falls (4) Rest periods and local days free
more than 1 hour within that period, the of all duties
requirements prescribed in JAR-OPS
1.1110(g) and (h) are applied accordingly. are maintained to ensure compliance with the
requirements of this Subpart.
(d) An operator shall ensure that:
(b) A crew member who is self-employed
(1) The commander submits a report and/or working on a freelance or private
to the operator whenever a flight duty period basis shall maintain an individual record, as
is increased or when a rest period is reduced appropriate, of his:
in actual flight operation; and
(1) Block times;
(2) Where the increase of a flight
duty period or reduction of a rest period (2) Flight duty periods;
exceeds one hour, a copy of the report, to
which the operator must add his comments, (3) Duty periods; and
is sent to the Authority no later than 28 days
after the event. (4) Rest periods and local days free
of all duties,
which must be presented to any operator who
employs his services before he commences
a flight duty period (See AMC OPS
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IEM OPS 1.1075

See JAR-OPS 1.1075

1 Operators are expected to appreciate the relationship between the frequency and pattern of flight duty
periods and rest periods and give due consideration to the cumulative effects of undertaking long duty hours
interspersed with minimum rest.

2 Other factors that should be considered by operators when planning duty periods include:

a. The allocation of duty patterns which avoid such undesirable practices as alternating day/night duties or the
positioning of crew members so that a serious disruption of established sleep/work patterns occurs; and

b. Planning local days free of duty and notifying crew members in advance.

IEM OPS 1.1075(b)(2)

Planned operations
See JAR-OPS 1.1075(b)(2)

If maximum permitted flight duty periods are exceeded in practice on more than 25% of occasions on a particular
route then the planning is considered unrealistic.

IEM OPS 1.1075(b)(3)

Duty rosters
See JAR-OPS 1.1057(b)(3)

Duty rosters, taking account of the effect of disturbing circadian rhythms and sleep deprivation, should be published
sufficiently in advance to provide the opportunity for crew members to plan adequate rest.

IEM OPS 1.1085(e)(1)

Augmented flight crew - division of time away from controls
See JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(1)

The sharing of time away from controls between those flight crew members leaving their posts should be kept in

AMC OPS 1.1085(e)(3)

Augmented flight crew
See JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(3)

1 If the planned flight duty period of the augmented flight crew exceeds 16 hours then bunks for the resting
flight crew members, separated and screened from the flight deck and the passengers, should be available.
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2 If the planned flight duty period of the augmented flight crew is between 14 and 16 hours, a comfortable
reclining seat for the resting flight crew member(s), separated from the flight deck and screened from the passengers,
should be available.

3 If the planned flight duty period of the augmented flight crew is 14 hours or less, a comfortable reclining seat
for the resting flight crew member(s), separated and screened from the passengers, should be available.

AMC to Appendices A & B, JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(3)

Augmented flight crew
See Appendix A or B (as appropriate), JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(3)

If the flight duty period is extended by augmenting the flight crew, a comfortable reclining seat for the resting flight
crew member(s), separated and screened from the passengers, should be available.

IEM OPS 1.1085(e)(3) and 1.1090(c)(1)(i)

On board rest facilities
See JAR-OPS 1.1085(e)(3) and 1.1090(c)(1)(i)

If possible, on board rest facilities for crew members should be located well away from designated smoking areas.

AMC OPS 1.1090(c)(1)(ii)

Extension of allowable flight duty periods
See JAR-OPS 1.1090(c)(1)(ii)

1 When allocating flight duty periods above 16 hours for cabin crew members, an operator should ensure that
the following conditions are met:

a. Each cabin crew member is free of duties for a period of time equal to one third of the period calculated by
subtracting one hour for each planned block time from the total block time in the flight duty period; and

b. For at least one third of the number of cabin crew members, bunks for the resting cabin crew members,
separated and screened from the flight deck and the passengers, are available.

2 When allocating flight duty periods above 14 hours, but not exceeding 16 hours, for cabin crew members, an
operator should ensure that the following conditions are met:

a. Each cabin crew member is free of duties for a period of time equal to one quarter of the period calculated by
subtracting one hour for each planned block time from the total block time in the flight duty period; and.

b. For at least one quarter of the number of cabin crew members, comfortable reclining seats for the resting
cabin crew members, separated from the flight deck and screened from the passengers, are available.

3 When allocating flight duty periods for cabin crew members, which are above the maximum flight duty
periods prescribed in JAR-OPS 1. 1090, but not exceeding 14 hours, an operator should ensure that each cabin crew
member is free of duty for one hour.

4 The periods free of duty should preferably be consecutive.

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IEMOPS 1.1105
Split duty
See JAR-OPS 1. 1105

The following three examples illustrate the application of the split duty system:

Period 1 Break Period 2 Debriefing Rest period

Total FDP

(max. see JAR-OPS 1.1105(a))

Total duty period Determines rest period

Example 1:

Period 1 1400-2100 = 7 hrs

Break 2100-0400 = 7 hrs, all falling between 2000-0800
Period 2 0400-1100 = 7 hrs
Total FDP = 21 hrs
Debriefing 1100-1130 = 30 mins
Total duty period = 21:30 hrs

Normal maximum FDP is 13 hrs for 1400 reporting time and 2 landings.
JAR-OPS 1.1105(a), Table 5: Max. FDP in this case is: 13 + (1 x 7) = 23:30

JAR-OPS 1.1105(b): Max. FDP is 20 hrs, therefore this schedule is not permissible.

Example 2:

Period 1 2200-0230 = 4:30 hrs

Break 0230-1030 = 8 hrs, 5:30 falling between 2000-0800
Period 2 1030-1430 = 4 hrs
Total FDP = 16:30 hrs
Debriefing 1330-1400 = 30 mins
Total duty period = 17 hrs

Normal maximum FDP is 12 hrs for 2200 reporting time and 2 landings.

JAR-OPS 1.1105(a), Table 5: max. FDP in this case is: 12 + ((2/3 x 8) = 17:20 hrs

JAR-OPS 11.1105(d)(1) requires suitable accommodation to be provided as the break is 6 hrs or more and covers 3 hrs or more
of the period 2200-0600 local time. The minimum rest period required by JAR-OPS 1.11 10(a)(2) in this example is:

17 (total time) - 7 (break) = 10 hrs, however minimum is 11 hrs (JAR-OPS 1.1110(a)(1)).

In accordance with JAR-OPS 1.1105(d)(2), 4hrs of the break are accountable and are added to the total period actually spent on
duty (See JAR-OPS 1.1085(b) or 1.1090(a), as appropriate).
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Example 3:

Period 1 0800-1800 = 10 hrs

Break 1800-2200 = 4 hrs, no suitable accommodation
Period 2 2200-2400 = 2 hrs
Total FDP = 16 hrs
Debriefing 2400-0030 = 30 mins
Total duty period = 16:30 hrs

Normal maximum FDP is 14 hrs for 0800 reporting time and 2 landings.

JAR-OPS 1.11105(a), Table 5: max. FDP in this case is: 14 + (1/2 x 4) = 16 hrs.

JAR-OPS 1.11110(a)(1); minimum rest period at least as long as the preceding duty period = 16:30 hrs.

In accordance with JAR-OPS 1.11105(d)(2), 4hrs of the break are accountable and are added to the total period actually spent on
duty (See JAR-OPS 1.1085(b) or 1.1090(a), as appropriate).

IEM OPS 1.1110(a)

Rest requirements
See JAR-OPS 1. 1110(a)

Crew members should make optimum use of the opportunities and facilities for rest provided, and plan and use their rest periods

IEM OPS 1. 1110(c)

Rest requirements
See JAR-OPS 1. 1110(c)

The 7 or 10 consecutive day periods start at 0000 hrs on the day following that on which the crew member first reports for duty
having completed a rest period of at least 36 hours or 60 hours as appropriate.

IEM to Appendices A & B, JAR-OPS 1. 1110(c).

Rest requirements
See Appendix A or B (as appropriate), JAR-OPS 1. 11100(c)

The 7 consecutive day periods start at 0000 hrs on the day following that on which the crew member first reports for duty having
completed a rest period of at least 36 hours.

IEM OPS 1. 1110(d)

Rest requirements
See JAR-OPS 1. 1110(d)

1 Days free of all duties, as prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1110(d) should be included in the planned roster and published in
advance, as prescribed in JAR-OPS 1.1075(b)(3). Days free of all duties may be altered to take account of disruption to the plan
that occurs after publication of the roster but should be notified at least 24 hours in advance.

2 Days free of all duties should be allocated so that they may be taken at the home base.
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AMC OPS 1.1120

Time difference
See JAR-OPS 1.1120

1 An operator should ensure that when the time difference between the beginning and the
end of a duty period is 4 hours or more and:

a. The time difference between the places at which a Flight Duty Period begins and ends is 6 hours or less, the
subsequent rest period is at least as long as the preceding duty period or 14 hours, whichever is the greater; or

b. The time difference between the places at which a Flight Duty Period begins and ends is more than 6 hours,
the subsequent rest period is at least as long as the preceding duty period or 16 hours, whichever is the greater.

2 An operator should ensure that, for a crew member who has carried out one or more duty periods in which
the time difference between the places at which the duties began and ended was 4 hours or more (as in paragraph 1
above), and who ends a Flight Duty Period at a place with a time difference of no more than 1 hour from his home
base, the rest period is calculated as follows:

a. When the time away from home base was 42 hours or less, rest is calculated in accordance
with sub-paragraph 1 (a) or 1 (b) above as applicable.

b. When the time away from home base was more than 42 hours but less than 60 hours, the time difference
between the home base and the place with the greatest time difference at which a rest period was taken (up to 12
hours maximum), should be multiplied by the factor 4 and applied as the minimum rest period.

C. When the time away from home base was 60 hours or more, the time difference, between the home base
and the place with the greatest time difference at which a rest period was taken (up to 12 hours maximum), should be
multiplied by the factor 8. However, if the last rest period before returning to home base was 48 hours or more, and
was taken at a place separated by less than 4 hours time difference from the home base, the factor 8, used to
calculate the rest period above, may be reduced to 4.

3 If the end of the Flight Duty Period mentioned in paragraph 2 above is not at the home base, the crew
member is permitted to undertake only one single FDP ending at the home base before commencing a rest period
calculated in accordance with sub-paragraphs 2a to 2c above as applicable.

4 Where 2 successive rotations are undertaken in the same east or west direction, the rest period following the
first rotation (covered by sub-paragraphs 2b and 2c above) may be reduced to 14 or 16 hours in accordance with
sub-paragraphs la and lb above. However, this rest period should include at least 8 hours between 2200 and 0800
local time at the place of rest. Following the second rotation, the minimum rest should be 8 times the maximum time
difference between home base and the place at which a rest period was taken and should include at least two periods
of 8 hours between 2200 and 0800 local time at the place of rest.

Note: For the purposes of paragraph 4 above, "Rotation" means a trip involving no more than 2 FDPs which starts
and finishes at a place where there is no time difference with the home base.
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AMC OPS 1.1135

Flight duty, duty and rest period records
See JAR-OPS 1.1135

1 The records of crew member's flight duty, duty and rest periods should contain:

a. For flight crew members: Daily, 28 consecutive day, and 12 consecutive month block times.

b. For crew members:

i. The start, duration and end of each duty or flight duty period.

ii. The duration of each rest period.

iii. Dates of days off.

iv. Total of duty for 7 consecutive day, 28 consecutive day, and 12 consecutive month


2 The above mentioned records should include copies of all reports of increased flight duty
and reduced rest periods following unforeseen circumstances in actual flight operations.

AMC OPS 1.1135(b)

Accountable flying
See JAR-OPS 1.11135(b)

The expression "working on a private basis" encompasses all work and flying for which a professional pilot's licence is required,
but which is not confined to the business of any specific AOC holder.

Editeur: Service Central de Législation, 43, boulevard F.-D. Roosevelt, L-2450 Luxembourg
Imprimeur: Association momentanée Imprimerie Centrale / Victor Buck

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