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Les 10 règles de grammaire

à connaître ABSOLUMENT

en Anglais
Les 12 temps des verbes
(Verb tenses)
Les temps « simple »
Present Simple: S+V

I read everyday

Past Simple: S+V

Yesterday, I read a book

Future Simple: S+AUX+V

Tomorrow, I will read a book

Les temps « progressive »
Present Progressive: S+BE(présent)+V-ing

I am reading a novel at the moment

Past Progressive: S+BE(passé)+V-ing

I was reading a novel when it happened

Future Progressive: S+ Will be + V-ing

I will be reading this book soon

Les temps « Perfect »
Present Perfect: S + Have/has + V-pp

I have read many books in my life

Past Perfect: S + Had + V-pp

I had read 100 books by the time I was15 years old

Future Perfect: S +Will Have + V-pp

I will have read 100 books by the end of the year

Les temps « perfect progressive »
Present Perfect Progressive: S + Have/Has been + V-ing

I have been reading for 3 hours

Past Perfect Progressive: S + Had been + V-ing

I had been reading for 3 hours when he nally arrived

Future Perfect Progressive: S + Will have been + V-ing

I will have been reading for 3 hours before dinner tonight.

Les pronoms
Les pronoms sujets
(se placent en début de phrase, avant le verbe ou l’auxiliaire)

Pronoms Traduction Exemple

I like fish
I Je
(J’aime le poisson)
You called me this morning
You Tu
(Tu m’as appelé ce matin)
He left the early today
He Il (Personne)
(Il est parti tôt aujourd’hui)
She will go to the cinema tomorrow
She Elle (Personne)
(Elle ira au cinéma demain)
It has to stop
It Il - Elle - Cela - C’
(Cela doit cesser)
We can come later if you want
We Nous
(Nous pouvons venir plus tard si tu veux)
You are very kind
You Vous
Vous êtes très gentils
They’re always very well dressed
They Ils - Elles
Ils - Elles sont toujours très bien habillé(e)s
Les pronoms compléments
(se placent après un verbe)
Pronoms Traduction Exemples
He likes me / Come with me
Me Me - M’ - Moi
(Il m’aime bien / Viens avec moi)
I like you / Can I go with you?
You Te - T’ - Toi
Je t’aime bien / Puis-je aller avec toi?
Look at him / Give it to him
Him Le - L’ - lui
Regarde-le / Donne-le-lui
Talk to her / Look at her
Her La - L’ - Elle - Lui
Parle-lui / Regarde-la
Le - La - L’ - Lui Look at it, please
(objet ou animal) (Regarde-le, s’il te plaît)
Come with us if you want
Us Nous
(Venez avec nous si vous voulez)
I like you / Can I go with you?
You Vous
Je vous aime bien / Puis-je venir avec vous?
Ask them / Go with them
Them Leur - Eux -Elles
Demandez-leur / Allez avec elles/Eux
Les adjectifs possessifs
(se placent devant un nom)
Traduction Exemples
This is my book
My Mon - Ma - Mes
(C’est mon livre)
Is this your car?
Your Ton - Ta - Tes
(Est-ce ta voiture?)
Son - Sa - Ses This is his idea
(possesseur masculin) C’est son idée (à lui)
Son - Sa - Ses This is her idea
(possesseur féminin C’est son idée (à elle)
Son - Sa - Ses The cat eats in its bowl
(possesseur neutre) Le chat mange dans sa gamelle
Our train leaves at 5 p:m
Our Notre - Nos
Notre train part à 17h
Your taxi is here
Your Votre - Vos
Votre taxi est là
The students didn’t know their lesson
Their Leur - Leurs
Les étudiants ne connaissaient pas leur leçon
Les pronoms possessifs
(remplacent le nom)
Traduction Exemples
Le(s) mien(s) - La(les) mienne(s) - à moi These books are mine.
(Ces livres sont à moi)
Le(s) tien(s) - La(les) tienne(s) My coat is blue, yours is red.
- à toi (Mon manteau est bleu, le tien est rouge)
I showed him my car, he showed me his.
His Le(s) sien(s) - La(les) sienne(s) - à lui
(Je lui ai montré ma voiture, il m’a montré la sienne)
My umbrella is black, hers is blue.
Hers Le(s) sien(s) - La(les) sienne(s) - à elle
(Mon parapluie est noir, le sien est bleu)

Le(s) sien(s) - La(les) sienne(s) My cat eats in its bowl, her cat eats in its.
- à lui - à elle (Mon chat mange dans sa gamelle, son chat mange dans la sienne)
The house you can see over there is ours.
Ours Le nôtre - La nôtre - Les nôtres - à nous
(La maison que vous voyez là-bas est la nôtre)
Our children are younger than yours.
Yours Le vôtre - La vôtre- Les vôtres - à vous
Nos enfants sont plus jeunes que les vôtres
Our car is beautiful, but theirs is faster
Theirs Le leur - La leur - Les leurs - à eux
(Notre voiture est belle, mais la leur est plus rapide.)
Les pronoms réfléchis
(se placent après le verbe)
Traduction Exemples
Let me introduce myself
Myself Me - M’ - Moi-même
(Permettez-moi de me présenter)
Do it yourself
Yourself Te - T’ - Toi-même
(Fais-le toi-même)
He asked himself if it was a good idea
Himself Se - S’ - Lui-même
(Il s’est demandé si c’était une bonne idée)
She saw herself in the mirror
Herself Se - S’ - Elle-même
(Elle s’est vue dans le miroir)

The cat came near the fire and burnt itself

Itself Se - S’ - Lui-même - Elle-même
(Le chat est venu près du feu et s’est brûlé)
We don’t need a plumber, we can fix the leak ourselves
Ourselves Nous - Nous-mêmes (Nous n’avons pas besoin de plombier, nous pouvons réparer la fuite
You should look at yourselves before criticizing other people
Yourselves Vous - Vous-mêmes
(Vous devriez vous regarder avant de critiquer les autres)
Why did they put themselves in this situation?
Themselves Se - S’ - Eux-mêmes - Elles-mêmes
(Pourquoi se sont-ils mis dans cette situation?)
Les prépositions
Lieu, position, direction
Préposition Usage - Traduction Exemple
in dans in the street, in the book, in the house
at à, au (position) I’m at work / at school / at the party
on sur on the wall, on the table
to à, au (direction) I’m going to the cinema / to the party
under sous The cat is under the table
below en-dessous The fish is below the surface
over par-dessus Put a jacket over your shirt!
above au-dessus Look above your head!
across à travers Let’s take a walk across the park
through à travers (espace fermé) I’m driving through the tunnel
by, next to, beside à côté, près de Sit next to me
from de (origine) I come from France
Préposition Usage Exemple
in Mois, saisons, année, In september, in winter, in 2018
at à un moment donné at night, at the week-end, at 7 a:m
on Jours de la semaine I will be here on Monday
since depuis un moment donné since 2010, since my wedding
for Depuis une certaine durée I’ve been working for 2 hours
ago il y a un certain temps I saw this movie 10 years ago
before avant I wake up before 6 a:m every morning
to/till/until jusqu’à The store is open from Monday to/till Friday
by d’ici un certain moment I will be back by 6 o’clock.
Les comparatifs
1.Comparatifs de supériorité
3.Comparatifs d’égalité
4.Comparatifs d'infériorité
Comparatifs de supériorité
Adjectifs courts

Adjectifs courts Adjectif + er + than

Winter is colder than summer
ex:cold colder than
Adjectifs courts se terminant par _e Adjectif + r + than My sister is nicer than my
ex: nice nicer than brother
Adjectifs courts se terminant par _y Adjective - y + ier + than My father is funnier than my
ex: funny funnier than mother
Adjectifs courts consonne-voyelle- Adjectif + dernière consonne x2 + er + Summer is hotter than spring
consonne than
ex: sad, big, hot sadder than, bigger than, hotter
Adjectifs courts se terminant par _i + Adjectif + dernière consonne x2 + er + My sister is thinner than my
une consonne than mother
ex: thin thinner than
Comparatifs de supériorité
Adjectifs longs
More + Adjectif + than

Girls are more serious than boys

Cars are more expensive than motorbikes

This book is more interesting than that one

Beyonce is more famous than Rihanna

She is more nervous than me before an exam

A rose is more beautiful than a daisy

Adjectifs courts

Adjectifs courts The + Adjectif + _est Winter is the coldest season of

ex:cold the coldest the year
Adjectifs courts se terminant par _e The + Adjectif + _st My sister is the nicest person in
ex: nice the nicest the world!
Adjectifs courts se terminant par _y The + Adjectif + _iest My father is the funniest man in
ex: funny the funniest the family
Adjectifs courts consonne-voyelle- The + Adjectif + _est Summer is the hottest season
consonne (on double la consonne finale) of the year
ex: sad, big, hot the saddest, the biggest the hottest

Short adjectives se terminant par _i + The + Adjectif + _est My sister is the thinnest girl in
une consonne (on double la consonne finale) her school
ex: thin the thinnest
Les superlatifs
(adjectifs longs)

The most + Adjective

He is the most serious guy I know

This is the most expensive car we sell

This book is the most interesting I’ve ever read

Beyonce is the most famous singer in the world

She is the most nervous woman I’ve ever met!

Roses are the most beautiful flowers that exist.

As + adjectif + as

He’s grown so much. He’s as tall as his father now.

The team is still as good as it was five years ago.

The second game didn’t go as well as the first one.

We tried as hard as we could.

Comparatifs d’infériorité
Not as + adjectif + as Less + adjectif + than
Mont Blanc is not as high as Mount Mont Blanc is less high than Mount
Everest. Everest.

Norway is not as sunny as Thailand. Norway is less sunny than Thailand.

Scotland is not as big as France. Scotland is less big than France.

Lucy is not as tall as Luke. Lucy is less tall than Luke.

My book is not as interesting as yours My book is less interesting than yours

Les modaux
(Modal verbs)
Modaux: Récap général
Modal Usage Exemple
can Pouvoir - être capable de au présent I can’t help you, sorry
could Pouvoir au passé -conditionnel I couldn’t work yesterday because I was sick
must devoir - obligation - règle You must wear gloves here
will futur - prédiction I think it will rain tomorrow
shall futur (avec I et We) Shall I start without you?
Proposition Shall we go together?
would conditionnel -requête - offre Would you like some tea?
should suggestion - recommandation I don’t think you should stay here
ought to Recommandation formelle For this project we ought to know everything
about marketing
might probabilité faible It might rain, but I’m not sure
may probabilité importante / permission I may arrive around 7 p:m
May I sit down?
Les mots de liaison
(Linking words - Connectors)
Les types de mots de liaison
Cause Conséquence Contraste Addition Séquence Résumer

because thus but and the former, the in short

because of therefore yet also firstly in brief

as as a result in spite of, despite in addition, in secondly in summary

addition to
since as a result of on the contrary moreover finally in a nutshell

for so however besides the first point, the to summarize

second point…
due to that’s why ,which although / though furthermore the following to conclude,
is why in conclusion
Les Phrasal Verbs
(Phrasal Verbs)
Les 4 types de Phrasal Verbs
Transitive separable phrasal verbs:
I turned off the water / I turned the water off

Transitive inseparable phrasal verbs:

I am working on this project

Intransitive phrasal verb

He came back

Three-word phrasal verbs

I am looking forward to working with you
Un seul verbe, plusieurs sens!

Verbe Phrasal verbs

go (aller) go by (passer par)
go through with (finir)
go on (continuer)
look (regarder) look at (regarder quelque chose)
look for (chercher)
look after (surveiller)
come (venir) come in (entrer)
come forward (se porter volontaire) come up with (proposer, innover)
run (courir) run away (s’enfuir)
run for (se présenter (à des élections)
run into (tomber par hasard sur quelqu’un)
L’ordre des mots dans une phrase
(Word order in a sentence)
La structure de base d'une phrase

Affirmative Négative Interrogative Interro-négative

S + (AUX) + V S + AUX + NOT + V AUX + S + V AUX + NOT + S + V

I like cookies I do not (don’t) like cookies Do you like cookies? Why don’t you like cookies?

I played tennis I did not (didn’t) play tennis Did you play tennis? Didn’t you play tennis yesterday?

I will go with you I will not (won’t) go with you Will you go with me? Won’t you go with me next time?

I can help you I cannot (can’t) help you Can I help you? Why can’t you help me?
La règle SVOMPT

S+V Object Manner Place Time

Qui (Quoi, qui) (Comment) (où) (Quand)
I met him

I met him randomly

I met him randomly at the conference

I met him randomly at the conference last week

I met him randomly last week

I met him at the conference last week

Adjectifs _ed / _ing
Adjectifs: _ing ou _ed?
-ed adjective -ing adjective
How is it? How does it make you
An interesting book makes you feel interested
Doing something annoying makes you feel annoyed

Seeing something amusing makes you feel amused

Hearing some amazing makes you feel amazed

Watching a boring movie makes you feel bored
Zero conditional

if condition resultat

Present Simple Present Simple

If I miss the 8 o'clock bus, I am late for work.

If I am late for work, my boss gets angry.

If people don't eat, they get hungry.

If you heat ice, does it melt?

First conditional

if condition resultat

Present Simple will + base verb

If I see Mary, I will tell her.

If Tara is free tomorrow, he will invite her.

If they do not pass their exam, their teacher will be sad.

If it rains tomorrow, will you stay at home?

If you lose your keys, what will you do?

Second conditional

if condition resultat

Preterit would + base verb

If I saw Mary, I would tell her.

If you were free tomorrow, he would invite you.

If they didn't pass their exam, their teacher would be sad.

If it rained tomorrow, would you stay at home?

If you lost your keys, what would you do?

Third conditional

if condition resultat

Past Perfect would have + past participle

If I had seen Mary, I would have told her.

If Tara had been free yesterday, I would have invited her.

If they had not passed their exam, their teacher would have been sad.

If it had rained yesterday, would you have stayed at home?

If you had lost your keys, what would you have done?
Well done!!!

J’espère que la grammaire anglaise te semble maintenant

moins obscure.

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