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Lutte anti-bruit
avec NF
Combating noise
with NF



Les rfrences
de la scurit
et sant au travail
H&S references

Agir pour le
Committing to
sustainable development

en pratique
Practical Eco-label

clients en bref/ clients in brief/

Un train davance
pour Saint-Lazare

en bref/
in brief/

Cest en prsence dAnne-Marie

Idrac, Prsidente de la SNCF,
que la Gare Saint-Lazare sest vu
remettre le certificat NF Service
pour ses services en gare (accueil,
information, disponibilit des
quipements). Une dmarche
dautant plus mritoire pour la gare
qui a entrepris de grands chantiers

de rnovation depuis 2003.

Saint-Lazare devient ainsi
la 50me gare en France obtenir
cette distinction et la cinquime

Le groupe Pelletreau

Full steam ahead for


The Pelletreau Group

In the presence of Anne-Marie

Idrac, the President of the SNCF,
Saint-Lazare station was awarded the
SF service certificate for its station
services (reception, information,
availability of equipment). This is all
the more impressive for a station
which has undertaken such extensive
renovation work since 2003.
Saint-Lazare thus becomes the
50th station in France to receive this
distinction, and the fifth in France.

Linformation, un des engagements

de la gare Saint-Lazare.
Information, one of the Gare Saint-Lazares


Opration collective
NF Service Nautisme
10 entreprises de CharenteMaritime ont t slectionnes
pour tre accompagnes vers la
certification NF Service Nautisme
par A2C. Cette opration collective
a t ralise avec le soutien de la
Fdration des Industries Nautiques
(FIN), de la Chambre des Mtiers
et a reu un financement via
la Direction rgionale du travail,
de lemploi et de la formation professionnelle. Le premier groupe
dentreprises de ngoce, maintenance et de location maritime devrait
tre audit en juin 2007, alors
quun second groupe dune dizaine
dentreprises devrait tre slectionn
en mai pour participer une
dmarche similaire.

Group NF Nautical Services

10 companies in Charente-Maritime
(France) have been selected to be
accompanied by A2C towards
NF Nautical Services certification.
This group operation has been carried
out with the support of the Nautical
Industries Federation (FIN) and the
Chamber of Trade and has received
finance the regional labour,
employment and vocational training
department. The first group of maritime
trading, maintenance and hire
companies should be audited in June
2007, and a second group of ten
companies should be selected in May
to take part in a similar exercise.

tend sa certification ISO 9001

la scurit et obtient le certificat
OHSAS 18001 pour lensemble
de ses activits demballage et de
logistique, soit 6 socits.

has extended its ISO 9001

certification to safety and obtained
the OHSAS 18001 certificate
for all its packing and logistics
activities, i.e. 6 companies.

Certification et
ont sign un accord
pour la promotion de la
certification HOTELcert .
Cette coopration doit permettre
de dtecter les besoins des
tablissements hteliers afin
de mieux y rpondre, notamment
par une bonne information des
offices de tourisme et syndicats
dinitiative ; lobjectif tant
dencourager les htels volontaires
accder la certification.
*Fdration nationale des offices de tourisme
et syndicats dinitiative.

Certification and
have signed
an agreement
to promote HOTELcert
certification. This partnership
should help to detect the needs of
hotels in order to best respond to
them, particularly through good
information for tourist offices,
the aim being to encourage
interested hotels to gain access
to certification.
*National Tourist Offices Federation.


rencontre/ a meeting

fvrier/february 2007

Scurit et sant au travail

Safety and health at work
Le management de la scurit et de la sant au travail est un enjeu majeur pour
tout organisme qui sengage dans une dmarche de progrs. De nombreux
rfrentiels ont t dvelopps ces dernires annes. Parmi eux, lOHSAS 18001 et
lILO-OSH 2001 figurent en tte des rfrentiels de certification les plus reconnus. Les
entreprises saccordent pour tmoigner dun intrt rel sur leur organisation et leurs performances.
The management of health and safety at work is a major issue for any organisation that commits itself to
a progressive approach. A large number of reference frameworks have been developed in recent years.
Of these, OHSAS 18001 and ILO-OSH 2001 are amongst the leaders of the most recognised certification
reference frameworks. Companies agree that they offer real advantages for their organisation and

Bodycote :
le dialogue est interactif
avec les partenaires sociaux
>>>> Avec 33 sites certifis reprsentant 900 personnes, Bodycote est la premire
socit industrielle du secteur de la mcanique obtenir un certificat AFAQ ILO-OSH
2001 au niveau mondial. Une distinction qui salue laction participative du personnel.

Bodycote: an interactive dialogue with the unions

>>>>>>>>> With 33 certified sites representing 900 people, Bodycote is the first
manufacturing company in the mechanical engineering sector to obtain an AFAQ ILO-OSH
2001 certificate worldwide: a distinction that bears testimony to strong employee participation.

Bodycote ajoute une

nouvelle corde son arc.
Bodycote is adding another
string to its bow.

Pour mener notre projet de

double certification environnement et scurit en France
et en Belgique, nous avons su
imposer notre choix pour
le rfrentiel ILO-OSH 2001,
et son modle de management
participatif se souvient la
Le traitement thermique
direction QSE. Si la dcision
est une activit industrielle
de favoriser le rfrentiel
qui ncessite le management
du BIT* repose en partie sur la
de la scurit et de la sant au notorit de lorganisme auprs
travail. Aussi, quand la direction dtablissements de prvention
de Bodycote Western Europe (CRAM, INRS), cest avant tout
dcide de lancer une grande
la composante participation
campagne de certification, elle des travailleurs qui sduit
capitalise sur son exprience
lentreprise. Pour rduire
les accidents du travail et
de gestion de la scurit.


Heat treatment is an
industrial activity that requires
management of health and
safety at work. So, when the
management of Bodycote
Western Europe decided to
launch into a major certification
campaign, it capitalised on its
safety management experience.




fvrier/february 2007


Bodycote : le dialogue est interactif

avec les partenaires sociaux
Bodycote: an interactive dialogue with the unions

Le dernier maillon dun

systme de management

Le groupe Bodycote,
prestataire de services
dans les domaines
des procds thermiques,
des essais et laboratoires,
exerce ses activits
dans plus de 30 pays,
sur prs de 300 sites
dans le monde. La division
Bodycote Western Europe,
qui regroupe la France
et la Belgique est le leader
franais en traitement
CA 2006 : 104,5 M
Effectif :
833 collaborateurs
dont 763 en France
Implantation : 33 sites
dont 30 en France
The Bodycote Group,
a service provider in
the field of heat processes,
tests and laboratories,
operates in over
30 countries and on nearly
300 sites worldwide. The
Bodycote Western Europe
division, which includes
France and Belgium,
is the French market
leader for heat treatment.
Sales 2006: 104.5 M
Employee numbers:
833 employees, 763 of
whom are in France
Location: 33 sites,
30 of which are in France


dvelopper une politique de

management global, la
direction QSE opte volontairement pour une certification
corporate. Des outils de
performance sont alors mis
en place : prvention des
risques, amlioration continue,
formation, rapport dinspection
priodique de scurit et environnement

Avec cette dimension sant/

scurit, Bodycote ajoute
une nouvelle corde son arc.
Titulaire de nombreuses
certifications (qualit, environnementale, aronautique,
automobile), lindustriel
renforce sa rputation de
fiabilit et dexpertise, et sen
flicite : prcurseurs dans
la dmarche, nous sommes
persuads aujourdhui davoir
choisi le bon rfrentiel ! .
*Les travaux du
Bureau International du Travail
ont contribu dvelopper
le rfrentiel ILO-OSH 2001.

Formaliser le dialogue
avec les salaris
La richesse du rfrentiel est
de placer lhomme au centre
de lorganisation.
Les salaris les plus exposs,
qui oprent dans des ateliers
risque, taient jusqualors
lobjet de toutes les attentions.
Dsormais, chaque collaborateur trouve sa place et devient
partie prenante dans notre
organisation . Pour que
ladhsion du personnel soit
totale, la direction QSE nhsite
pas se tourner vers les
partenaires sociaux. Quand
on entre dans une approche
systmique comme limpose
le rfrentiel on recherche les
points damlioration. Pour
viter que ces aspects napparaissent comme des dfauts
de la structure et soient mal
perus, on attend beaucoup
dun dialogue interactif avec
les partenaires sociaux .
Cest pourquoi des actions sont
mises en place, comme lordre
du jour des runions avec
les reprsentants du personnel
qui senrichit dun chapitre

To complete our dual
environment and safety
certification project in France
and Belgium, we managed
to impose our preference for
the ILO-OSH 2001 reference
framework and its participative
management model said the
QSE department. Though
the decision to favour the BIT*
reference framework was based
partly on the organisations
reputation amongst the
prevention bodies (CRAM,
INRS), it was the worker
participation component that
attracted the company.
To reduce accidents in the
workplace and develop a global
management policy, the QSE
department opted purposely
for corporate certification.
Performance tools were
put in place: risk prevention,
continuous improvement,
training, periodical safety and
environment inspection report,

Formalising dialogue with

The value of the reference
framework is that it places people
at the centre of the organisation.
The most exposed employees,
who work in high-risk
workshops, were, up to that
point, the subject of every
attention. Now, every employee
has his place and is involved
in our organisation. To ensure
total employee support,
the QSE department had no
hesitation in calling in union
representatives. When you start
out with a systemic approach,
as imposed by the reference
framework, you look for points
for improvement. To ensure that
these aspects dont appear to
be defects in the organisation
and are therefore wrongly
perceived, we expect a great
deal from interactive dialogue
with the unions. Actions
were thus introduced, such as
an environment/safety item
on the agenda for meetings with
employee representatives.

The last link in the QHSE

management system chain
With this health and safety
dimension, Bodycote is adding
another string to its bow.
As holder of a number of
certifications (quality,
environment, aeronautics,
automobile), the manufacturer
is reinforcing his reputation
for reliability and expertise,
and is delighted: as forerunners
in this approach, we are now
convinced that we chose the
right reference framework!.
*The work of the International
Labour Organisation has
helped to develop the ILO-OSH 2001
reference framework.

rencontre/ a meeting
Scurit et sant au travail
Safety and health at work

Trois questions :
Trois questions Paula Kennedy, responsable HSE
de Dornan Engineering Ltd, socit dingnierie irlandaise
certifie OHSAS 18001.
Three questions to:
Three questions to Paula Kennedy, HSE Manager at Dornan Engineering Ltd,
an Irish engineering company with OHSAS 18001 certification.

LOHSAS 18001 place la
dmarche S&ST au cur
des activits et des
installations prsentes
sur les lieux de travail.
The OHSAS 18001
standard places the
occupational health and
safety approach right
at the heart of the
activities and facilities
found in workplaces.

Action&Perfomance (A&P) :
Comment obtient-t-on une certification
OHSAS 18001 en sept mois peine ?
Paula Kennedy (PK) : En qualit de
responsable HSE, jai consacr 80 %
de mon temps travailler sur le
dveloppement et la mise en place
du rfrentiel OHSAS 18001 sur les trois
sites de Dornan Engineering Ltd : Cork,
Limerick et Dublin. La tche la plus
difficile a t de rviser le Manuel et de
dterminer son impact rel sur les lieux
de travail. Si le systme documentaire
est incompatible avec les tches
ralises, son application savre
extrmement difficile !
Action&Perfomance (A&P):
How did you manage to obtain OHSAS
18001 certification in just seven
Paula Kennedy (PK): Paula Kennedy
(PK). As HSE Manager, I spent 80% of
my time working on developing and
introducing the OHSAS 18001 reference
framework on Dornan Engineering Ltds
three sites: Cork, Limerick and Dublin.
The most difficult job was to revise the
Manual and work out its actual impact
on the workplace. If the document
system isnt compatible with the work
being done, it becomes extremely
difficult to apply!

A&P : Quel est limpact dune telle
dmarche sur lesprit des collaborateurs ?
PK : Le fait davoir un systme de
management de la scurit certifi
a contribu ce que nos collaborateurs
prennent conscience de limportance
de la scurit. Ils sont dsormais dots
dun systme structur dans lequel ils
sinsrent pour travailler. Laudit ralis
chaque anne par AFAQ EAQA Ltd [NRDL :
filiale dAFAQ AFNOR International],
devrait permettre de renforcer le respect
des exigences en matire de sant/scurit.
A&P: What impact does this kind of
approach have on the minds of
PK: The fact of having a certified safety
management system has helped our
employees to become aware of the
importance of safety. They now have a
structured system within which they
work. The audit carried out every year
by AFAQ EAQA Ltd [Editors note: a
subsidiary of AFAQ AFNOR International]
should help to ensure that people make
greater efforts to comply with health and
safety requirement.

A&P : Quelles sont les perspectives
de Dornan en matire de politique HSE ?
PK : Le certificat OHSAS 18001 sest
rvl un outil forte valeur ajoute
pour nos relations commerciales,
nous le prsentons systmatiquement
dans le cadre dappel doffres.
prsent, notre objectif est dobtenir
la certification environnementale
ISO 14001 qui sintgre en toute logique
dans notre systme OHSAS 18001.
A&P: What does Dornan intend to do in
future with regard to HSE policy?
PK: The OHSAS 18001 certificate has
been shown to offer great added value
in our commercial relations. We mention
it as a matter of routine in our replies
to tender invitations. For the time being,
we are aiming to obtain ISO 14001
environmental certification, which fits
logically into our OHSAS 18001 system.



fvrier/february 2007

Tecumseh Europe

Un titulaire innovant
pour la marque NF
Performance Acoustique
>>>>>> Premier fabricant autoris utiliser la marque NF Performance
Acoustique pour ses groupes de condensation air destins la rfrigration
commerciale, Tecumseh Europe confirme sa position de prcurseur sur le march.

An innovative holder of the NF Acoustic

Performance mark
>>>> The first manufacturer authorised to use the NF Acoustic Performance mark for its air
condensation units used in commercial refrigeration, Tecumseh Europe has confirmed its
position as a forerunner in its market.

Les groupes de condensation air placs lextrieur

des btiments sont souvent
synonymes de nuisances
sonores : plus de 50 % des
plaintes des utilisateurs sont
lies ce problme.

Demander la marque NF,

cest sinscrire dans la demarche
de progrs dune enterprise.
By requesting the NF mark
we are totally in keeping with
the companys approach.


Gilbert Marchiol, Prsident

Directeur gnral de Tecumseh
Europe, car notre positionnement est clair : diminuer les
nuisances sonores ! Et nos
quipes ont travaill avec des
organismes spcialiss comme
pour mettre en place des tests
dans notre division R&D pour
amliorer de faon significative
la performance acoustique
de nos produits .

En moins dun an, la nouvelle

gamme Silensys a vu le jour,
et 11 produits ont obtenu
la marque NF Performance
Acoustique : les nuisances
sonores sont rduites
7 Dcibels, par rapport aux
12 Db dun systme standard
Lobtention de la certification explique Gilbert Marchiol.
NF Performance Acoustique
Pour mesurer la performance
des groupes de condensation
accomplie, il suffit davoir en
air destins la rfrigration
tte la comparaison suivante :
commerciale pour notre
quand vous avez limpression
nouveau Silensys sinscrit
quune puissance sonore a
compltement dans la stratgie doubl, votre oreille subit une
augmentation de 3 Dcibels.
de lentreprise se rjouit
Avec la volont de rpondre
de manire proactive aux
attentes de ses clients,
Tecumseh amliore en permanence sa capacit intgrer
les avances technologiques
les plus rcentes.


Air condensation units placed

outside buildings are often
the cause of noise pollution:
over 50% of complaints from
users are linked to this problem.
Out of a concern to offer its
customers a proactive response
to their expectations, Tecumseh
is constantly improving its ability
to incorporate the very latest
technological advances.
Obtaining NF Acoustic
Performance certification for
our air condensation units used
in commercial refrigeration with
our new Silensys is central to
the companys strategy said
Gilbert Marchiol, Chief Executive
of Tecumseh Europe, as our
position is clear: to reduce
noise levels! And our teams
have worked with specialist
organisations such as the CIDB,
ATITA and UNICLIMA to set up


rencontre/ a meeting

Gilbert Marchiol, Prsident

Directeur gnral de Tecumseh
Europe sest vu remettre le
certificat par Jacques Beslin,
Directeur Gnral Dlgu A2C
lors du dernier salon IKK.
Gilbert Marchiol, Chief Executive of
Tecumseh Europe is presented with
the certificate by Jacques Beslin,
Executive Managing Director A2C
at the latest IKK show.

Une dmarche qualit
inscrite de longue date
Tecumseh Europe est
convaincue de lapport de la
certification volontaire pour
dmontrer son engagement
valoriser produits et processus.
Demander la marque NF pour
ses produits, cest sinscrire
dans la dmarche de progrs
dune entreprise confirme
Gilbert Marchiol, et nous
avons fait ce choix ds 1985,
date laquelle notre marque
LUnit Hermtique a obtenu
le droit dutiliser la marque NF
pour ses moteurs de compression . Et les processus
ne sont pas en reste, puisque
Tecumseh est certifie AFAQ
ISO 9001 depuis 1996.
Nos dmarches de certification prouvent bien la volont
de Tecumseh de faire
progresser le march de
la rfrigration commerciale
affirme Gilbert Marchiol
et nous ne comptons pas
nous arrter l, la marque NF
Performance Acoustique
obtenue pour Silensys ntant
que la premire dune longue
liste venir .

tests in our R&D division in
order to significantly improve
the acoustic performance of our
In under a year, the new Silensys
range has been created and
11 products have obtained the
NF Acoustic Performance mark:
noise levels are down to
7 Decibels, compared to 12 Db
with a standard system,
explained Gilbert Marchiol.
To measure the performance
achieved, simply bear the
following comparison in mind:
when you have the impression
that a sound level has doubled,
your ear has suffered an increase
of 3 Decibels.

the NF mark for our products,

we are totally in keeping with the
companys progress approach,
confirmed Gilbert Marchiol, and
we made this decision in 1985,
when our Hermetic Unit brand
obtained the right to use the
NF mark for its compression
motors. And processes have
not been forgotten, as Tecumseh
has been AFAQ ISO 9001
certified since 1996.
Our certification approaches
demonstrate Tecumsehs
desire to see progress in the
commercial refrigeration
market, said Gilbert Marchiol
and we dont intend to stop
there. The NF Acoustic
Performance mark obtained for
Silensys is only the first in a
long list to come.

Tecumseh Europe
est une filiale de Tecumseh
Products Company, entreprise
bnficiant de plus de 70 ans
dexprience dans la fabrication
de compresseurs et le
dveloppement de solutions
de refroidissement.
Tecumseh Europe compte
1 900 personnes rparties entre
4 sites industriels en France,
4 sites commerciaux en Europe,
1 filiale dassemblage et
1 joint-venture en Asie. Avec plus
de 1 400 distributeurs dans
plus de 120 pays, Tecumseh
dispose de lun des plus grands
rseaux du monde.
Tecumseh Europe
is a subsidiary of Tecumseh
Products Company, which has
over 70 years experience in
manufacturing compressors and
developing cooling solutions.
Tecumseh Europe has
1,900 employees spread between
4 manufacturing sites in France,
4 sales sites in Europe, 1 assembly
subsidiary and 1 joint venture in
Asia. With over 1,400 distributors
in over 120 countries, Tecumseh
has one of the largest networks in
the world.

A long-standing quality approach

Tecumseh Europe is convinced
that voluntary certification helps
to demonstrate its commitment
to improving its products
and processes. By requesting



AFAQ AFNOR Certification actus

fvrier/february 2007

AFAQ AFNOR Certification

renforce sa position
auprs des professions juridiques
La certification ISO 9001 du tribunal de commerce de Lyon, confirme la volont dAFAQ
AFNOR Certification daccompagner lensemble des professions rglementes dans leur
dmarche de certification.

Lyon ouvre la voie

de la certification
des tribunaux
de commerce.
Lyon paves the
way for civil court

Depuis septembre 2006,

le tribunal de commerce de
Lyon arbore le certificat AFAQ
ISO 9001. Une premire en
France. La volont damliorer
la qualit et la performance
de la justice commerciale,
de poursuivre le mouvement
entrepris et limplication
du prsident du tribunal mais
galement de tous les juges
bnvoles ont permis la certification de toutes les activits
du tribunal, et ce en moins
dun an. Dans ce domaine,
la ville de Lyon est exemplaire,
lordre des avocats et le greffe
du tribunal de commerce
tant certifis depuis plus dun
an dj. Une tendance qui
se gnralise, les professions
juridiques sengageant volontairement dans cette voie.
linstar des administrateurs
et mandataires judiciaires,
qui au travers de lIFPPC*
lanaient en 2000, avec
le soutien de la Caisse des
Dpts une dmarche
Qualit avec cinq pionniers.
Aujourdhui sur 58 tudes
accompagnes, reprsentant
76 professionnels, 45 sont
certifies. En 2007, les
ambitions de lIFPPC sont de
faire partager cette exprience
collective en favorisant une
chane de progrs avec des
juridictions pilotes.
*Institut Franais des Praticiens des
Procdures Collectives


AFAQ AFNOR Certification

strengthens its
position amongst
the legal professions
The ISO 9001 certification
of the commercial court
in Lyon illustrates AFAQ
AFNOR Certifications wish
to support all the regulated
professions in their
certification approaches.
The commercial court in Lyon
was awarded its AFAQ ISO
9001 certificate in September
2006, a first in France. The
desire to improve the quality
and performance of commercial
justice, to carry on with
the work that had been started
and the commitment of the
president of the court and all
the justices of the peace meant
that every aspect of court
activity was certified in
less than a year. Lyon
is an outstanding
example in this
domain, as
the order of
barristers and
the office

of the clerk of the commercial

court have been certified for
over a year now. And the trend
is spreading as the legal
professions have begun to
submit themselves voluntarily to
certification, following the
examples of the official
receivers and legal trustees
who, in 2000, launched a
Quality approach with five
pioneers via the IFPPC*
and with the support of the
Caisse des Dpts. Today, of
the 58 firms being supported,
representing 76 professionals,
45 are certified. In 2007, the
IFPPC is aiming to share this
collective experience by
supporting a progress chain
with pilot jurisdictions.

Carton plein au Prix

Franais de la Qualit et
de la Performance

Le 20 novembre dernier
a eu lieu la remise du Prix Franais
de la Qualit et de la Performance 2006.
Une dition dexception pour A2C,
les quatre laurats tant tous certifis AFAQ.

Full house at the French Quality

and Performance Prize awards
The 2006 French Quality and Performance
Prize Awards took place on 20 November.
This was an outstanding event for A2C, as the
four prize-winners were all AFAQ certified.

AFAQ AFNOR Certification actus

des auditeurs

Un rfrentiel de service
pour laccueil public local
En certifiant la qualit de laccueil du service public local,
AFAQ AFNOR Certification ddie un nouvel outil aux collectivits.
linitiative de trois
Conseils gnraux
(Bouches-du-Rhne, Hrault,
et Vaucluse) soucieux
dapporter une relle valeur
ajoute aux utilisateurs des
services publics en matire de
premier accueil, les exigences
certifiables portent sur quatre
modules : accueils sur site
et tlphonique, gestion des
courriers, services en ligne ;
ces deux derniers tant
optionnels. Pour lusager,
cest la garantie dun accueil
courtois, confidentiel et
dune coute permanente aux
suggestions damlioration.
Issu de la famille AFAQ
Service Confiance, le rfrentiel Accueil Service Public
Local sarticule parfaitement
avec Qualiville et sapplique
tous les services publics
locaux dsireux de faire
certifier la Qualit de leur

A reference framework
for local public service
AFAQ AFNOR Certification
is offering a new resource to
local authorities by certifying
the quality of reception in local
public services. On the initiative
of three Departmental Councils
(Bouches-du-Rhne, Hrault,
and Vaucluse) concerned to
provide real added value for
public service users in terms of
initial reception, certification
requirements cover four
modules: on-site and telephone
reception, dealing with mail
and on-line services. The last
two are optional. For the user,
this guarantees courteous,
confidential reception and
an ongoing concern to listen to
suggestions for improvement.
Part of the AFAQ Service
Reliability family, the Local
Public Service Reception
reference framework fits in
perfectly with Qualiville
and applies to all local public
services interested in having
the quality of their reception

Les quelques 1 300

auditeurs/valuateurs qui
composent le socle dA2C ont
t rassembls lors de leur
colloque annuel le 2 fvrier
Cette journe reprsente un
temps fort de la vie dA2C, en
crant un espace privilgi
dchange dinformations et
de partage des meilleures
pratiques. Tables rondes et
tmoignages permettent de
faire le point sur les retours
dexprience, les attentes
clients satisfaire, mais aussi
de se projeter dans lavenir
pour une rflexion sur lvolution du mtier dauditeur dans
les 10 annes venir.

2007 audit seminar

The some 1,300
auditors/assessors who are
the mainstay of A2C gathered
at their second annual seminar
on 2 February.
The meeting was a milestone
in the life of A2C, creating
as it did a space for the
exchange of information and
sharing best practice. Round
tables and speeches allowed
contributors to give feedback
on their experiences and
discuss customer expectations
to be met, but also to look
to the future and consider
developments to the audit
profession in the next 10 years.



clients en bref/ clients in brief/

fvrier/february 2007

galit et mixit professionnelles

sinstallent dans les entreprises
Le Crdit Lyonnais, issus du
secteur des services, et Laine
Delau, PME du btiment.

Avec plus de 174 000 collaborateurs exerant leur

activit dans une entreprise
labellise, le label galit
professionnelle simpose
incontestablement en France.
En tmoignent les trois
dernires dmarches labellises : AXA France et LCL-

Les entreprises labellises

sengagent faciliter la vie
de leurs collaborateurs,
notamment celles des
femmes. AXA France a ainsi
dbloqu une enveloppe
budgtaire pour les femmes
afin de corriger les carts
de rmunration !
Une version adapte du
cahier des charges pour les
entreprises de moins de
50 personnes, permet aujourdhui aux PME de faire
reconnatre leur exemplarit.

Le 11 octobre dernier, Catherine Vautrin

Ministre dlgue la Cohsion Sociale
et la Parit, remettait le label Egalit
Franois Pierson, Prsident dAxa France.
On 11 October 2006, Catherine Vautrin,
Minister of State for Social Cohesion and
Parity, handed over the Equality label to
Franois Pierson, Chairman of Axa France.

SFR, deuxime oprateur

de tlcommunications
mobiles en France, obtient
la certification ISO 14001
pour trois sites pilotes :
Champlan (91), Rennes (35)
et Vitrolles (13). SFR mne
depuis plusieurs annes une
politique environnementale
volontariste pour matriser
les impacts de ses activits
sur lenvironnement. Cest
dans cette logique damlioration continue que loprateur
a souhait formaliser
ses engagements travers
la certification ISO 14001.
Forte de ses premiers
rsultats, la dmarche devrait
tre tendue en 2007 sur
lensemble des activits
de dploiement et de mainte-


Workplace equality
and co-existence
is becoming part of
company life

the Workplace Equality label is,

without doubt, becoming
part of the employment scene
in France. As can be seen from
the three latest applicants to
receive the label: AXA France
and LCL-Le Crdit Lyonnais,
from the services sector, and
Laine Delau, a small building
Labelled companies agree to
make the lives of their
employees easier, especially
those women. For example,
AXA France has provided a
budget for women in order to
correct differences in salary!
There is an adapted version of
the terms and conditions for
firms with less than 50
employees, which means that
small firms can be recognised
for setting the example.

With over 174,000 employees

working in a labelled company,

SFR certifie pour son

management environnemental
nance du rseau (sites
techniques et antennes-relais)
et sur deux sites tertiaires

SFR certified for

its environmental
SFR, Frances second largest
mobile telecommunications
operator, has been awarded
ISO 14001 certification for
three pilot sites: Champlan (91),
Rennes (35) and Vitrolles (13).
For a number of years, SFR
has been operating a pro-active
environmental policy to control

the impacts of its activities

on the environment. As part
of this drive for continuous
improvement, the operator
was looking to formalise its
commitments through ISO
14001 certification. Following
its initial results, the approach
should be extended in 2007
to the whole networks
deployment and maintenance
activities (technical sites
and relay masts) and two other
service sites.

ISO 9001
La BNI-Crdit Lyonnais,
filiale du LCL Madagascar,
certifie ISO 9001 pour sa
gestion des crdits documentaires, tend avec succs
sa dmarche de certification
la branche Crdits aux
particuliers. Un dispositif qui
couvre au total 20 agences
commerciales, rparties sur
lensemble du territoire. Cette
action volontaire engage
par la banque malgache pour
amliorer le service rendu
ses clients, a bnfici de
lappui du LCL France. Il sagit
l de la plus importante
certification jamais mene par
AFAQ AFNOR International
Madasgacar ; et la preuve
de lengagement certain
des entreprises locales pour
les dmarches Qualit.

A bank certified in
BNI-Crdit Lyonnais, an LCL
subsidiary in Madagascar,
already ISO 9001 certified
for its documentary credit
management, has successfully
extended its certification
approach to the Individual loans
branch, which covers a total of
20 branches across the country.
This voluntary action undertaken
by the Madagascan bank to
improve its service to customers,
has been supported by LCL
France. This is the biggest
certification exercise ever
carried out by AFAQ AFNOR
International in Madagascar,
and proof of the strong
commitment of local companies
to quality procedures.


dossier/ special

fvrier/february 2007

Dveloppement durable
Sustainable development

Relever les dfis

du dveloppement durable
Rising to the challenges of sustainable



fvrier/february 2007

Dveloppement durable
Sustainable development

Relever les dfis

du dveloppement durable
>>>>>>>>Vision de plus en plus partage, le dveloppement durable associe des
composantes multiples. Approche par domaine ou vision stratgique globale, AFAQ AFNOR
Certification dveloppe des solutions adaptes aux besoins des entreprises, quil sagisse
de valoriser des dmarches volontaires ou de rpondre aux exigences rglementaires.

Rising to the challenges of sustainable development

>>>>>>>> The vision of sustainable development, which brings together many different
components, is increasingly divided. AFAQ AFNOR Certification, adopting a field-based
approach or a global strategic vision, is developing solutions meeting the needs of companies,
whether they are seeking to highlight voluntary actions or comply with regulatory requirements.

Lenvironnement, un socle du
dveloppement durable.
The environment, the linchpin
of sustainable development.

rfrentiels europens*, dont

le guide AFNOR SD 21000,
montre quils ont en commun
davoir dfini les tapes gnriques incontournables de la
mise en uvre dune stratgie.
Le processus se dcompose
en 9 tapes : dfinition des
valeurs et de la vision de
lentreprise, identification des
La question de la contribuenjeux (en particulier ceux lis
tion des entreprises un
aux domaines de lenvironnedveloppement durable (DD)
ment et du social), identification
est trs rcente (fin des annes
des attentes des parties
90) et les rponses sont encore
intresses, hirarchisation
en pleine construction, faisant
des enjeux, rvision des valeurs
merger des visions diffrentes,
et de la politique, objectifs
voire opposes, dans les
sur les enjeux, dfinition du
diffrentes rgions du monde.
plan dactions et mise en
La ncessit pour chacun
uvre, vrification, reporting
de clarifier ce concept a prsid et communication.
la cration de nombreux
Si le dveloppement durable
guides, rfrentiels ou autres
est un sujet de plus en plus
documents. Certains bnfipartag, les modalits de
cient dj dune forte reconlengagement de lentreprise
naissance, comme la GRI
restent multiples, et un nces(Global Reporting Initiative) ou
saire quilibre doit tre trouv
le Global Compact (Pacte
entre ce qui relve du lgislatif
mondial des Nations Unies).
ou rglementaire et ce
Ltude compare de diffrents


qui est du domaine volontaire.

The issue of companies

contribution to sustainable
development (SD) is a very
recent (end of the 1990s)
and ways of addressing it are
still under preparation, but
we are seeing the emergence
of different or even opposing
visions in the worlds different
The need for each entity to
clarify this concept has led to the
production of numerous guides,
reference frameworks and such
other documents. Some have
already gained wide recognition,
such as the GRI (Global
Reporting Initiative) and the
Global Compact (United Nations
World Pact).
The comparative study of the
various European reference
frameworks*, including the
AFNOR SD 21000 guide, shows
that they all define inevitable
generic stages in the
implementation of a strategy.
The process can be broken
down into 9 stages: definition of
the firms values and vision,
identification of the stakes
(in particular those linked to
environmental and social fields),

dossier/ special

Construire son systme

Socle du DD, lenvironnement
constitue un champ sur
lequel A2C sinvestit depuis
longtemps. Quil sagisse de
systme de management
ou de la prise en compte de
lenvironnement dans les
produits, les outils dvelopps
par A2C sont nombreux.
Systme de management
environnemental efficace,
la certification selon la norme
ISO 14001 est parfois difficile
daccs pour les PME.
Avec la certification AFAQ
Environnement par tapes,
les petites structures trouvent
une solution progressive
damlioration de leur organisation et de leurs performances
environnementales. La marque
NF Environnement ou lcolabel europen garantissent
aux utilisateurs un produit ou
un service dont limpact sur
lenvironnement est rduit tout
au long de son cycle de vie,
valeur dusage quivalente.
la rencontre dattentes spcifiques, A2C est galement
prsente dans le domaine de
la gestion durable des forts,
avec la certification PEFC, ou
dveloppe une offre permettant
de rpondre aux exigences
rglementaires ( arrt
Vhicules hors dusage ,
vrification des missions de
gaz effet de serre).
Cest plus rcemment quA2C
a largi son offre sur le volet
Socital du dveloppement
durable. Avec la cration
en 2004 du Label galit,
A2C sinscrit dans une volont
politique forte : valoriser
lgalit homme-femme et la
mixit professionnelle au cur
des organisations. Le Label
galit, comptant aujourdhui
24 titulaires, sarticule autour
des actions menes dans
lorganisme en faveur de
lgalit professionnelle,
de la gestion des ressources

En matire de dveloppement
durable, les modalits de
lengagement de lentreprise
restent multiples.
In sustainable development
terms, there are still multiple
procedures involved in
commitment by businesses.

identification of the interested

parties expectations, ranking of
stakes according to priority,
review of values and policy,
targets linked to the stakes,
action plan definition and
implementation, verification,
reporting and communication.
Whilst sustainable development
is a subject on which opinions
are increasingly divided, there
are many ways in which firms
can commit themselves and
it is essential to find a balance
between what falls within laws
and regulations, and what
falls within the area of voluntary

Gradually putting together

a system
The environment, the linchpin
of SD, is a field on which A2C
has worked for a long time.
It has developed many tools,
both management systems and
products taking the environment
into account. Certification
according to the ISO 14001
standard, an efficient
environmental management
system, is sometimes difficult
for SMEs to obtain. With the
AFAQ Environment by Stages
certification, small structures
find a progressive solution for
improving their organisation
and performance in the
environmental field. The NF
Environnement mark and the
European Eco-label guarantee
users a product or a
service whose impact on the
environment is reduced

throughout its life cycle,

with equivalent usage value.
A2C also wishes to meet specific
expectations and is present
in the field of sustainable forest
management with PEFC
certification and has developed
an offer enabling regulatory
requirements to be met
(decree on out-of-use vehicles,
greenhouse gas verification,
More recently A2C has widened
its offer in the Societal section
of sustainable development.
With the creation in 2004 of the
Equality Label, A2C is in line
with a strong government stance:
to underline the importance of
equality between men and
women and professional coexistence within organisations.
The Equality label, with a total
of 24 holders today, takes into
account actions within the entity
in favour of professional equality,
how human resources are
managed and how parenthood
is taken into account in the
professional context.
Finally, services such as
AFAQ Global Performance
and EFQM make it possible
to evaluate a firms global
performance, an undeniable
component of economic
efficiency, a cornerstone of SD.

or obtaining a global
evaluation of a sustainable
development approach
The organisations that are
gradually integrating the SD
approach need to be able to



fvrier/february 2007


Relever les dfis

du dveloppement durable
Rising to the challenges of sustainable

humaines, et de la prise en
compte de la parentalit dans
le cadre professionnel.
Enfin, des prestations comme
AFAQ Global Performance ou
lEFQM permettent dvaluer
la performance globale
de lentreprise, composante
indniable du pilier Efficacit
conomique du DD.

ou valuer globalement
sa dmarche de
dveloppement durable
Les organisations, qui intgrent
progressivement la dmarche
de DD, ont besoin de pouvoir
valuer leurs pratiques afin
de les amliorer. A2C cr
cette fin le premier outil de
notation extra-financire :
AFAQ 1000NR.
Parfaitement compatible
avec les grands rfrentiels
internationaux, AFAQ 1000NR
permet lentreprise de
valoriser et amliorer lintgration des grands principes
du DD. AFAQ 1000NR a dj
t mis en uvre auprs
de cinq entreprises pilotes,
en France et linternational.
AA1000 (Grande-Bretagne),
Q-RES (Italie),
VMS (Allemagne)

evaluate their practices so that
they can be improved. A2C has
created for this purpose the
first non-financial grading tool:
AFAQ 1000NR.
Perfectly compatible with
major international reference
frameworks, AFAQ 1000NR
enables firms to evaluate and
improve their integration of

the main SD principles. AFAQ

has already been implemented
in five pilot firms in France
and abroad.

*SIGMA and
AA1000 (Great Britain),
Q-RES (Italy)
and VMS (Germany)

Les tapes cls de la dmarche

de dveloppement durable
The key stages in the sustainable development approach

1 Les valeurs et la vision

The values and the vision
implicite / implicit
explicite / explicit

2 Dtermination
des enjeux substantifs
Determination of substantive

3 Dtermination
des attentes des parties
Determination of interested
parties expectations

4 Hirarchisation des enjeux

Ranking of stakes by priority

6 Objectifs
sur les enjeux
Targets for the stakes

5 Rvision des valeurs,

de la vision
et de la politique
Review of values,
vision and policy

7 Dfinition du plan dactions et mise en uvre

Action plan definition and implementation

8 Assurance (vrification) interne et externe

Internal and external insurance (verification)

9 Reporting et communication externe

Reporting and external communication

Processus gnrique de management de

la responsabilit socitale des entreprises.
Generic process for the management of firms societal

Source : CE/CELE Agreement VS/2003/0580



dossier/ special

Sustainable development
and societal responsibility:

Schma des prestations selon les 3 piliers

du dveloppement durable
Diagram showing services broken down according to the mainstays
of sustainable development

Equit sociale - S&ST

Social equity Health and Safety at Work

Label galit
ILO-OSH 2001
OHSAS 18001

Efficacit conomique
Economic efficiency

AFAQ Global Performance


Dveloppement durable
Sustainable development


Prservation de lenvironnement
Protection of the environment

ISO 14001
AFAQ Environnement par tapes
NF Environnement
co-label europen
NF Ouvrages Dmarche HQE
Vrification de gaz effet de serre

All actions taken by an organisation

or a body to assume responsibility
for the impact of its activities on society
Dveloppement durable
the environment, insofar as these
et responsabilit socitale : and
are coherent with the interests of society
un lien indissociable
and sustainable development, based on
ethical behaviour, the respect of current
Ensemble des actions dune
laws and intergovernmental instruments
organisation ou dun organisme pour
and integrated into its usual activities:
assumer la responsabilit de limpact
this is how societal responsibility
de ses activits sur la socit et
is currently defined by the committee
lenvironnement, pour autant quelles
responsible for preparing the future
soient cohrentes avec les intrts de
la socit et du dveloppement durable, ISO 26000 standard.
Two types of approach emerge from a
fondes sur un comportement thique,
comparison of the reference frameworks
le respect des lois en vigueur et des
in Europe relating to the area of SD
instruments intergouvernementaux, et
and societal responsibility. The first
intgres ses activits habituelles :
is based on dialogue with the interested
telle est actuellement dfinie la
parties whereas the second, defended,
responsabilit socitale par le comit
in particular, by the French delegation,
en charge dlaborer la future norme
combines this with the stake-based
ISO 26000.
approach. The interested parties
En comparant les rfrentiels existants
approach is undeniably necessary,
en Europe en matire de DD et
explained Karen Delchet, Doctor
de responsabilit socitale, deux types
in environmental sciences and A2C
dapproche se dgagent : la premire
Development Engineer, but it is not
repose sur la concertation avec les
enough to cover all the stakes of
parties prenantes alors que la seconde,
sustainable development (biodiversity,
dfendue notamment par la dlgation
etc.) and repercussions on weak
franaise, y associe lapproche par
interested parties (future generations).
les enjeux. Lapproche parties
This remark leads to the identification
prenantes est indniablement
of three families of principles:
ncessaire , explique Karen Delchet,
Docteur s-sciences de lenvironnement general (respect of the law, etc.),
substantial (relating to human rights,
et ingnieur Dveloppement A2C,
the environment, governance, etc.)
mais elle nest pas suffisante pour
couvrir tous les enjeux du dveloppement and operational (transparency, etc.).
durable (biodiversit), ou ceux ports The last two closely resemble the
approach by stakes and the approach
par des acteurs faibles (gnrations
by interested parties.
futures) .
The generic nature of the future
Cette rflexion conduit identifier
ISO 26000 certification should make
trois familles de principes : gnraux
it possible to cover all SD stakes,
(respect de la loi), substantiels
from the spheres of complementary
(relatifs aux droits de lhomme,
responsibility of the different bodies
lenvironnement, la gouvernance)
and synergy between players.
et oprationnels (transparence),
The group of highly motivated French
les deux dernires rejoignant
respectivement lapproche par les enjeux experts defend the link between societal
responsibility and sustainable
et lapproche par les parties prenantes.
Le caractre gnrique de la future
ISO 26000 permettrait de couvrir
lensemble des enjeux du DD,
partir des sphres de responsabilit
complmentaire des diffrents
organismes et de la synergie entre les
acteurs. Le groupe des experts franais,
trs fortement mobiliss, dfend
le lien entre responsabilit socitale
et dveloppement durable.



fvrier/february 2007


Relever les dfis

du dveloppement durable
Rising to the challenges of sustainable

durable : enjeux et
ralits en PME-PMI
Pour aider les PME-PMI
sassurer des bonnes
pratiques dans la mise en
place dune dmarche
de dveloppement durable,
les Editions AFNOR publient
la premire tude sur
ses enjeux et ses ralits.
Illustre de tmoignages
de chefs dentreprise qui ont
bti une politique intgrant
le DD, ltude alterne retours
dexprience et recommandations dexperts et constitue
un outil pdagogique
recensant les bonnes
pratiques de onze PME-PMI
Pour toute information :
AFNOR Editions,
01 41 62 76 44.
Collection Les tudes AFNOR,
200 pages environ,
ISBN : 978-2-12-469901-8
stakes and realities
for SMEs-SMIs
To help SMEs-SMIs
ensure good practices in
the implementation of
a sustainable development
approach, Editions AFNOR
is publishing the first study
of the stakes and realities.
Containing interviews
with company bosses who
have put together a policy
integrating SD, the study
alternates feedback on
experience with recommendations by experts and
constitutes a teaching aid
listing the good practices of
eleven French SMEs-SMIs.
Only available in
a French version
For further information:
AFNOR Editions,
01 41 62 76 44.
Collection Les tudes AFNOR,
roughly 200 pages,
ISBN: 978-2-12-469901-8


Cher CCI: setting the example

We are here to serve the economic
development of our department:
we need some powerful ideas to make
it more attractive. Anne-Lucie Thizeau,
Director of the Education/Training
Department (DEF) at Cher CCI is
Le Dpartement
convinced that introducing a sustainable
development (SD) approach in her
de la CCI du Cher sapplique
les principes pour mieux
sector is an effective and educational
les dployer.
means of deploying good practices
amongst local firms.
The Chamber of Commerce
This training officer believes that you
and Industry of the Cher
should apply to yourself what is taught
regions DEF (Request for
Financial Commitment)
at the CCI. Our activity implies setting
applies the principles to itself
the example: its up to us to show
in order to improve their
our students and companies that
we have a legitimate right to talk about
sustainable development. Economic
development, environmental protection,
risk management, social and company
values all these aspects form
part of the DEFs responsibilities
reposent toutes les actions menes.
CCI du Cher :
and programmes. A glance at the quality
Nous aurions pu aborder les choses
jouer lexemplarit
manual shows that these values have
progressivement, mais nous ne voulons
long been part of the daily life of the
pas empiler les certificats explique
Nous sommes au service du
organisation: innovation, usefulness,
Anne-Lucie Thizeau, la dmarche
dveloppement conomique de notre
encouraging each industry to fall
dvaluation AFAQ 1000NR nous a paru
dpartement : pour accrotre
particulirement adapte nos objectifs, into line with local and national issues,
lattractivit de notre territoire, il nous
dautant que nous souhaitions vraiment ethics, citizenship, these are the
faut des ides fortes . Anne-Lucie
poursuivre notre partenariat avec A2C . powerful ideas on which all its initiatives
Thizeau, Directrice du Dpartement
plusieurs mois, les collaborateurs are based.
Enseignement/Formation (DEF)
We could have taken things
dAnne-Lucie Thizeau passent au crible
de la CCI du Cher en est convaincue :
progressively, but were not interested
la mise en uvre dune dmarche
matrices des 34 enjeux du DD au regard in piles of certificates explained
de dveloppement durable au sein de
Anne-Lucie Thizeau, We felt that the
de leurs parties prenantes. Nous
son ple est un moyen efficace, car
AFAQ 1000 NR evaluation was
pdagogique, de dployer des bonnes
particularly suited to our objectives,
pratiques auprs des entreprises locales. nous allons regarder o nous en sommes
especially as we are keen to pursue
Pour cette responsable de formation,
nous nous soumettrons lvaluation . our partnership with A2C. Over the
il est normal de sappliquer soi-mme
last few months Anne-Lucie Thizeaus
Mme si lquipe est consciente des
ce qui est enseign la CCI. Notre
colleagues have been going through
difficults quil reste franchir, elle
activit suggre lexemplarit : nous
the FD X 30-023 with a fine tooth comb,
mobilise son nergie pour arriver aux
de dmontrer aujourdhui nos
rsultats quelle sest fixs. Et elle reoit and are drawing up their grids
diffrents publics, tudiants comme
containing the 34 SD issues in respect
tout le soutien du Directeur de la CCI,
entreprises, que nous sommes lgitimes Michel Clausse, qui aime le rappeler
of the people directly involved.
quand nous parlons de dveloppement
Were now deciding on the priorities
nous savons ici relever les dfis.
durable . Dveloppement conomique,
and well see where we are on each
Notre rle est de porter linnovation :
prise en compte de lenvironnement,
issue. And next June well go in for the
alors apportons nos entreprises notre
gestion des risques, valeurs sociales et
exprience pour les aider tre toujours evaluation. Even though the team is
socitales : toutes ces dimensions
aware of the difficulties that it still has
plus performantes .
comptent parmi les missions mais
to overcome, it has channelled its energy
aussi les programmes du DEF. Il suffit
towards achieving the results that it
de lire le manuel qualit pour voir que
has set itself. And it has the full support
ces valeurs sont inscrites de longue
of the CCI Director, Michel Clausse,
date dans le quotidien de la structure :
who likes to note that we know how to
innovation, utilit, mise en adquation
take up a challenge here. Our role
de chaque filire avec les enjeux locaux
is to offer innovation: so lets offer our
ou nationaux, thique, citoyennet
companies our experience and help
them to be even more effective.
sont les ides-force sur lesquelles

en pratique/ in practice/

NF Environnement & co-label europen

NF Environment & European Eco-label

Les labels cologiques :

comment a marche ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pour apporter la preuve de leur engagement en faveur de
lenvironnement, les entreprises ont leur disposition des labels officiels avec
NF Environnement et lco-label europen.

Ecological labels: how do they work?

>>>>>> To prove their commitment to the environment, companies can opt to
use official labels, such as NF Environment and the European Eco-label.

Marques volontaires de
certification, la marque NF
Environnement et lco-label
europen attestent quun
produit ou un service est plus
respectueux de lenvironnement, tout en tant aussi
efficace et aussi performant
quun produit ou service
semblable destin au mme
NF Environnement ou colabel europen, les procdures
pour obtenir un colabel sont
identiques explique Patricia
Proa, Responsable du ple
environnement A2C, une
entreprise dsireuse dobtenir
lco-label europen ne
pouvant sadresser A2C,
organisme notifi franais, que
si son site de production est
en France .
Comme toute certification,
la dmarche pour lentreprise
souhaitant afficher un label
cologique commence par la
connaissance du rfrentiel.

partir de cette base, elle peut

constituer son dossier de
demande. Il comporte obligatoirement des pices techniques apportant la preuve du
respect des critres environnementaux commente Patricia
Proa tels que des rsultats
dessais, des dclarations
sur lhonneur de fournisseurs,
des fiches de donnes de
scurit .
Pour la marque NF
Environnement Cahiers par
exemple, le fabricant fournira
les dclarations de fournisseurs
relatives la teneur en mtaux
lourds des pigments ou en
solvants des colles. Dans
le cas de lco-label europen
Hbergement touristique,
la preuve du respect du critre
relatif la consommation
dnergie (au moins 22 %
partir dnergies renouvelables)
pourra tre apporte par
le contrat pass avec le(s)

The NF Environment mark

and European Eco-label
are voluntary certification marks
that certify that a product or
service is more environmentally
friendly and, at the same time,
just as efficient and effective
as a similar product or service
intended for the same purpose.
The procedures for obtaining
an Eco-label such as NF
Environment or the European
Eco-label are identical,
explained Patricia Proa, head
of the environment section A2C.
A company that wants to obtain
the European Eco-label can only
come to A2C, the notified
French body, if its production
site is in France.
Like any certification, the
procedure for any company that
wants to use an ecological label
begins with gaining an in-depth
knowledge of the reference
framework, which it can then use
to draw up its application.


Sur pices et sur site

la rception du dossier,
A2C en commence linstruction
et fixe rapidement une date




fvrier/february 2007


Les labels cologiques :

comment a marche ?
Ecological labels: how do they work?

Il nexiste pas
dcolabel pour mon
produit ou service.
Que faire ?
Vous souhaitez faire
labelliser NF Environnement
votre produit ou service,
mais le rfrentiel nexiste
pas. Contactez le Ple
Environnement dA2C
pour le dvelopper.
Le dossier constitu avec
A2C est soumis au Comit
Franais des colabels
pour avis et validation
des intentions de critres
issues des ngociations
entre toutes les parties
concernes. LADEME propose
ensuite les exigences en
matire dimpacts environnementaux et de qualit dusage.
There isnt an
eco-label for my
product or service.
What do I do?
If you would like to qualify
to use the NF Environment
label for your product
or service, but there is no
reference framework for it,
contact A2Cs Environment
Section to talk about
developing one. Having
worked with you to draw up
an application, A2C will
submit it to the French
Eco-labels Committee,
which will offer an opinion
on the feasibility of
the project and ratify the
intended criteria drawn up
during negotiations between
representatives of the
professionals concerned,
consumer and environmental
protection associations,
distributors and French
government authorities.
ADEME will put forward
requirements relating
to environmental impacts
(including an analysis of the
life cycle of the product or
service) and usage quality.


daudit lentreprise : laudit
va permettre dvaluer les
systmes de management de
la qualit et de lenvironnement
de lentreprise prcise
Patricia Proa ainsi que les
points relatifs lensemble
des critres, y compris les
composantes lies au traitement des dchets, des rejets
dans lair, dans leau .
Un audit dans le cadre de la
marque NF Environnement
Cahiers va par exemple porter
une attention particulire aux
filires de recyclage (dchets
de papier) et aux circuits de
retraitement (chiffons de
nettoyage des postes dimpression, produits chimiques
utiliss pour limpression).
Dans un htel, lauditeur sintressera au respect des critres
relatifs linformation dans les
chambres, mais aussi au plan
de formation du personnel :
il vrifiera par des questions
auprs des employs quils
sont bien sensibiliss la
dmarche et quils ont eu les
formations ncessaires, sur le
tri des dchets par exemple.
lissue de laudit, A2C
dlivre lattestation, et notifie
la dcision la Commission
europenne dans le cas
de lco-label europen.
La progression moyenne de
35 % du nombre dcolabels
dlivrs par A2C au cours des
trois dernires annes prouve,
sil en est encore besoin,
la prise en compte de plus en
plus aigu de lenvironnement
par les entreprises.

Des produits et
services plus
respectueux de
Products and
services are more

systems, said Patricia Proa,

and issues related to all the
criteria, including components
linked to the treatment of waste,
discharges into the air and water,
etc.. For example, an audit
It must contain technical
as part of the NF Environment
documents providing proof
Notebooks mark procedure
that the company is complying
will pay particular attention to
with environmental standards,
recycling circuits (waste paper)
commented Patricia Proa,
and reprocessing circuits
such as test results, sworn
(cloths used for cleaning printing
statements from suppliers and
machines, chemicals used for
safety information sheets.
printing, etc.). In a hotel,
the auditor will be interested in
For example, for the NF
seeing evidence of compliance
Environment Notebooks mark,
with criteria relating to
the manufacturer must provide
information in the bedrooms,
supplier statements relating
and of the staff training plan:
to the heavy metal content of
pigments and the solvent content he will question staff to check
that they are well aware of
of glues. For the European
the approach and that they have
Tourist Accommodation
had the necessary training,
Eco-label, proof of compliance
for example in waste sorting.
with the criterion relating to
energy consumption (at least
At the end of the audit, A2C
issues the certificate and, in the
22% using renewable energies)
may be provided by the contract case of the European Eco-label,
informs the European
signed with the supplier(s).
Commission of the decision.
Documents and site visits
The average 35% increase in
On receipt of the application,
the number of Eco-labels issued
by A2C in the last 3 years proves
A2C starts to examine it
conclusively that companies are
and quickly fixes a date for the
taking a much closer interest in
company audit: the audit
the environment.
will enable us to evaluate the
companys quality and
environmental management


veille sur lactualit/ monitoring new

Normes, rfrentiels

Bonjour la 17021,
adieu la 45012 !
>>>>>>>>> La nouvelle norme dexigences applicables aux organismes de
certification introduit des nouveauts majeures dans le paysage de laudit des
systmes de management. tat des lieux.

Hello 17021, farewell 45012!

>>>>>>>> The new standard applied to certification organisations introduces
major innovations into management system audits. Special report.

norme NF EN
ISO/CEI 17021

The NF EN ISO/CEI 17021

standard setting out the
requirements for organisations
involved in auditing and
certifying management systems
was published in late 2006,
replacing the NF EN 45012
Ltape 2, ralise obligatoirestandard and documentation
ment sur le(s) site(s) du client,
correspond la logique connue manuals FD ISO/CEI Guide 62
and Guide 66. The document,
de laudit. Les conclusions
drawn up by ISO CASCO
font bien sr la synthse des
and applied to all certification
deux tapes.
and accreditation organisations,
now covers every type of
Autre nouveaut, lexigence
management system: quality,
relative aux comptences
environment, health and safety at
de lauditeur : un valuateur
work, information security, etc.
comptent doit observer
rgulirement les performances There are two major changes
in the text concerning the audit
de chaque auditeur sur site,
durant un audit, afin de sassurer process and the competence
of the auditors.
tant de ses qualits personThe process requirements
nelles que de sa capacit
mettre en uvre les connais- specify that the audit programme
should include an initial twosances et savoir-faire requis.
stage audit. The first stage,
organised to meet 7 objectives
Des modalits dfinir
set out clearly in the standard,
Les nouvelles exigences
should generally take place on
de la norme seront applicables the clients premises.

pour rpondre 7 objectifs

dfinis prcisment dans la
norme, doit la plupart du temps
se drouler dans les locaux
du client.
Publie fin 2006, la norme NF
EN ISO/CEI 17021 dfinissant
les exigences pour les organismes procdant laudit et
la certification de systmes
de management remplace
la norme NF EN 45012 et les
fascicules de documentation
FD ISO/CEI Guide 62 et
Guide 66. Ce document,
dvelopp par lISO CASCO
et sappliquant tous les
organismes certificateurs et
daccrditation, couvre
dsormais tous les systmes
de management : qualit,
environnement, mais aussi
scurit et sant au travail,
scurit de linformation

Deux volutions majeures

caractrisent ce texte, relatives
au droulement de laudit et aux
lautomne 2008. Les
comptences des auditeurs.
nouveauts introduites dans
Les exigences de processus
le texte ncessitent une
spcifient que le programme
rflexion de fond de la part
daudit doit comprendre
des organismes certificateurs,
un audit initial en deux tapes. notamment sur lintervalle
La premire tape, organise
de temps prvu entre les deux





fvrier/february 2007


Prsidence franaise
pour lISO Casco
Olivier Peyrat, Directeur
gnral du Groupe Afnor.
Afnor Group Managing
Director .

Olivier Peyrat, Directeur gnral du Groupe

Afnor, a t nomm Prsident du Casco
lors du Conseil de lISO, en septembre 2006
Ottawa (Canada) et a pris ses fonctions
au 1er janvier 2007.
Le Casco (Conformity assessment committee)
est le comit de lISO qui dtermine les
orientations politiques et stratgiques sur
lvaluation de la conformit. Le Casco
est lauteur du corpus de normes de la srie
ISO/CEI 17000, reconnues par lOrganisation
Mondiale du Commerce comme des outils
assurant la mise en place de pratiques
dvaluation de la conformit transparentes,
fiables et efficaces, assurant une protection
quilibre du public et une concurrence

French Chairmanship
Afnor Group Managing Director, Olivier
Peyrat, was appointed Chairman of CASCO
at the ISO Council meeting in Ottawa
(Canada) in September 2006 and took over
his functions on 1st January 2007.
CASCO (Conformity Assessment Committee)
is the ISO committee that decides on
political and strategic orientations for
evaluating compliance. CASCO is the author
of the body of standards in the ISO/CEI
17000 series, recognised by the World Trade
Organisation as resources for introducing
open, reliable, effectives compliance
evaluation practices that provide balanced
protection for the public and fair




tapes de laudit initial et leur

dure. Et surtout, sur les
modalits dvaluation des
auditeurs. Cette dimension
est particulirement importante
un organisme comme A2C,
qui compte 1 300 auditeurs,
dont un tiers ltranger,
sachant que ce choix a t
fait pour proposer aux
entreprises un plus grand
nombre dexpertises et de

Stage 2, which must take place

on the clients site(s),
corresponds to the known logic
of the audit. The conclusions
are obviously a summary of the
two stages.
Another innovation is
the requirement relating to the
competence of the auditor:
a competent assessor should
regularly observe each auditors
performance on site during
an audit to ensure that he has
the personal qualities and
the ability to use the required
knowledge and expertise.

En attendant dventuelles
prcisions de la part du
Cofrac sur le programme
daccrditation, le Dpartement
Gestion des Expertises et
Comptences Extrieures,
en charge des auditeurs au
sein du Groupe Afnor,
dveloppe de premiers axes
de rponse.

Arrangements to be defined
The standards new
requirements will apply from
autumn 2008. The innovations
inserted into the text require
considerable discussion
on the part of the certifying
organisations, particularly
regarding the time interval
between the two stages of the
initial audit and their duration,
and the arrangements for
assessing the auditors. This
aspect is particularly important
to an organisation like A2C,
which has 1,300 auditors, a third
of whom are abroad, bearing in
mind that this decision has been
taken in order to offer companies
a wider range of skills and
While we wait for clarification
from COFRAC concerning
the accreditation programme,
the External Competence
Administration Department,
which is responsible for auditors
in the Afnor Group, is drawing
up some initial responses.

duo/ duo/

Total E&P Congo

Rassembler par le
management environnemental
>>>>>> 2006 est une anne dexception pour Total Exploration et Production
Congo : elle obtient pour la premire fois la certification AFAQ ISO 14001 pour son
site de NKossa. Une performance qui sinscrit tout droit dans lobjectif de la
direction de certifier lensemble des activits de la filiale Total E&P Congo.

Bringing people together in support of

environmental management
>>>>>> 2006 was an outstanding year for Total Exploration and Production Congo: for the
first time, it obtained AFAQ ISO 14001 certification for its NKossa site, a performance that
forms part of the management objective to certify all the activities of the Total E&P Congo


Auditeur AFAQ AFNOR Certification.
AFAQ AFNOR Certification Auditor.

Chef du dpartement environnement et systme
de management HSE chez Total E&P Congo.
Head of the Environment and HSE management
system department at Total E&P Congo.

Situe 60 km des ctes

congolaises, NKossa est lun
des plus importants sites
dexploitation ptrolire du
Congo. Il permet Total E&P
Congo de raliser environ
60 % de la production totale
de ptrole du pays. Le slectionner comme site pilote pour
la certification ISO 14001,
est loin dtre anodin, comme
lexplique Jules Mynyngou,
Chef du dpartement environnement et systme de management HSE chez Total E&P
Congo : parmi les quatre sites
oprationnels que compte Total
au Congo, NKossa prsentait
toutes les conditions pour
tre certifi dans les meilleurs
dlais et rpondre ainsi
lengagement de la direction
et aux objectifs du groupe .
Consciente que le projet repose

essentiellement sur limplication du personnel, la direction

dveloppe des moyens
importants sur les aspects
techniques de matrise des
processus, mais surtout
en matire dinformation et de
communication vers les quipes.
Le programme de formation
et de sensibilisation est ainsi
adapt lorganisation du
travail de la plate-forme. La
vie sur NKP, cest en moyenne
160 personnes qui cohabitent
en mer, 24h/24, pendant
15 jours ou un mois rappelle
Jules Mynyngou nous les
avons dabord sensibiliss
des gestes simples de la vie
quotidienne tels que le tri
slectif. Pour leur fixer ensuite
des objectifs de performance
environnementale .
Laudit de certification a
permis de constater que les
exigences environnementales
taient parfaitement intgres
et assimiles. La barge de


60 km from the Congolese

coast, NKossa is one of the
largest oil exploitation sites in
the Congo, enabling Total E&P
Congo to achieve around 60% of
the countrys total oil production.
Its selection as a pilot site for
ISO 14001 certification has
considerable significance, as
explained by Jules Mynyngou,
Head of the Environment
and HSE management system
department at Total E&P Congo:
of total four operational sites
in the Congo, NKossa appeared
to be the one likely to achieve
certification in the shortest
possible time and thus fulfil
management commitments and
group objectives. Management
is aware that the project relies
mainly on the involvement of
employees and has developed
a whole range of means relating
to the technical aspects of




fvrier/february 2007


production NKP est la fois le
cur nvralgique de NKossa
avec ses units de production,
et le centre de laudit avec le
quartier vie , explique Claude
Champigny, auditeur A2C
cest dans ce contexte technologique de scurit active,
volue et omniprsente,
que chaque collaborateur
devient acteur du systme .

Prparer laudit de
Total E&P Congo
est la filiale congolaise
du groupe Total. Le site
NKossa comprend trois
plate-formes puits (NKF1,
NKF2 et TBIF1) et une
barge de production
(NKP) permettant de
traiter le ptrole brut la
spcification commerciale.
Avec un peu plus dune
quarantaine de puits
fors, le site de NKossa
contribue dune manire
significative atteindre
environ 60 % de la
production totale de
ptrole du pays opre
par Total E&P Congo.
Total E&P Congo
is the Total Groups
Congolese subsidiary.
The NKossa site has three
well platforms (NKF1,
NKF2 and TBIF1) and an
NKP production barge used
to process crude oil to
commercial specifications.
With just over forty wells
drilled, the NKossa site is
making a significant
contribution to achieving
around 60% of total
production by Total E&P
Congo in the country.

Pour mettre niveau leur

performance environnementale,
les quipes oprationnelles
bnficient dune visite dvaluation. Ce diagnostic profite
essentiellement la socit
audite , prcise Claude
Champigny elle lui permet
dviter de gros carts lors
de laudit de certification,
mais surtout, dajuster le SME
sur des bases amliores,
ce qui lui donne de meilleures
chances de progrs rapides .
En sengageant dans un
processus de gestion rigoureuse de lenvironnement,
Total E&P Congo affiche sa
volont de consolider ses
relations avec ltat congolais.
Lexploitation du ptrole
a des impacts notables sur
lenvironnement. Le brlage
du gaz en excdent la torche,
ou encore le rejet deau de
production en mer peuvent
savrer nuisibles sils ne sont
pas matriss, et les autorits
congolaises y sont de plus
en plus sensibles. Ds lors la
reconnaissance de notre
SME au niveau international
est indispensable reconnat
Jules Mynyngou.
Si la certification ISO 14001
de NKP est une russite pour
le groupe Total, selon Claude
Champigny : nul doute
quelle va avoir un effet boule
de neige sur les socits
installes au Congo, ainsi que
sur celles oprant dans le Golfe
du Congo ou en Angola ! .


La barge de production NKP est lune des

plus importantes installations ptrolires :
sa surface est de 220 m x 46 m.
NKP is one of the largest production barge
(220 m long and 46 m wide).

The diagnostic is of particular
value to the company being
audited, said Claude Champigny
it allows the company to avoid
The training and awareness
major discrepancies during
programme was adapted to the
the certification audit and,
way in which work is organised
in particular, to place the EMS
on the platform. Life on
on an improved footing, thus
NKP involves an average of
giving it a better chance to make
160 people living together out
rapid progress.
at sea, 24 hours a day for
committing itself to a rigorous
2 weeks or a month, said Jules
environmental management
Mynyngou we first of all talked
process, Total E&P Congo has
to them about a few simple
daily gestures such as recycling, shown its desire to consolidate
its relations with the Congolese
and then began to set them
government. Oil exploitation
environmental performance
has considerable impacts on the
environment. Using flares to
The certification audit
burn excess gas and discharging
demonstrated that environmental water used in production into
requirements had been fully
the sea can be harmful if they
integrated and assimilated.
are not properly controlled, and
The NKP production barge is
the Congolese authorities have
both NKossas nerve centre,
become increasingly sensitive.
with its production units, and the In this context it is vital to have
centre of the audit, with its living our EMS recognised at an
quarters, explained Claude
international level said Jules
Champigny, A2C auditor
It is against this technological
Though NKPs ISO 14001
background of active, advanced, certification is a success for the
ever-present safety that every
Total Group, Claude Champigny
employee becomes a part of the believes that is no doubt
that it will have a domino effect
on companies operating
To prepare for the certification
in the Congo, the Congo Gulf
and Angola!.
To bring the environmental
performance up to the required
level, operational teams first had
ans evaluation visit.
process control, and particularly
to employee information
and communication systems.

changes/ exchanges/

Le Groupe Afnor
fait escale au Maroc

aux prochains
salons :

MED-ALLIA, Casablanca les 7, 8 et 9 fvrier 2007.

6 au 8 mars 2007 CFIA :

The Afnor Group stops off

in Morocco

Le Groupe Afnor
tait partenaire du Forum
Mditerranen de
Dveloppement des
Entreprises MED-ALLIA.
Cette premire dition,
organise conjointement par
la Chambre franaise de
commerce et dindustrie
du Maroc (CFCIM) et
franaise pour le dveloppement international des
entreprises), a runi plus
de 200 PME franaises et
200 entreprises algriennes,
tunisiennes, libyennes, mauritaniennes et gyptiennes.
La convention daffaires
avait pour objectifs daider
les dirigeants dentreprise
dvelopper des partenariats
et prciser leurs projets
internationaux sur ces
marchs euro-mditerranens . Organis autour de
rendez-vous cibls, un village
de partenaires et dexperts
offrait la possibilit de rencontrer des professionnels
spcialiss dans lapproche
des marchs de la zone.

MED-ALLIA, Casablanca
7, 8 and 9 February 2007
The Afnor Group is a partner
to the Mediterranean Forum
for Company Development,
MED-ALLIA. This first event,
organised jointly by the French
chamber of commerce and
industry in Morocco (CFCIM)
and UBIFRANCE (the French
agency for international
company development), will
bring together over 200 French
firms and 200 Algerian,
Tunisian, Libyan, Mauritanian
and Egyptian companies.
The aims of the business
convention are to help
company executives to develop
partnerships and clarify their
international projects in the
Euro-Mediterranean markets.
Organised around targeted
appointments, a partners
and experts village offers an
opportunity to meet
professionals specialising in
approaches to markets in
the region.

stand et confrences (management

de la scurit des denres
alimentaires, de la scurit des
biens et des personnes, sant et
scurit au travail) au 10e Carrefour
des fournisseurs des industries
agroalimentaires (Parc des Expos
Rennes Aroport).

13-14 mars Ecorismo 2007 :

confrences sur lco-label
europen au premier forum/salon
des coproduits et des solutions
environnementales pour lhtellerie
et le tourisme (Palais des Congrs

28-29 mars Securfood 2007 :

confrence sur les retours
dexprience des premiers audits
ISO 22000 dans le cadre de cette
5e convention daffaires de
la scurit alimentaire et de la
traabilit (Palais des Papes,

Certification will be
taking part in the
following shows:
6 to 8 March CFIA:
stand and conferences (perishable
food safety management, security
of property and people, health
and safety at work) at the 10th
Food Industry Suppliers Show
(Rennes Airport Exhibition Centre).

13-14 March Ecorismo 2007:

conferences on the European
Eco-label at the first forum/show
for eco-products and environmental
solutions for hotels and tourism
(Conference Centre, Arles).

28-29 March Securfood 2007:

conference on feedback from the
first ISO 22000 audits as part
of this 5th trade convention on food
safety and traceability (Palais
des Papes, Avignon).



Directrice de la publication / Publisher : Florence Maux

Rdactrice en chef / Editor : Anouk Thebault
Rdaction / Staff : Anouk Thebault, Anne-Sophie Morinet
Graphisme / Graphic artist : Perrine Gretener
Imprim par / Printed by : DBA

AFAQ AFNOR Certification

Bureaux : 116 avenue Aristide Briand BP 40 92224 Bagneux Cedex
Tl. : +33 (0)1 46 11 37 37 Fax : +33 (0)1 46 11 37 77
www.afaq.org / www.marque-nf.com
Tous droits de reproduction, textes et illustrations mme partiels, restent soumis
laccord pralable de la directrice de la publication. La rdaction nest pas responsable
des documents qui lui sont adresss spontanment.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission
of the publisher. The editor accepts no responsability for any unsolicited material submitted.

AFAQ AFNOR Certification. SAS au capital de 18187000 . RCS Bobigny B 479 076 002. Sige : 11 rue Francis de Pressens - 93571 La Plaine Saint Denis cedex.


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