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Robert P. Chapuis
Département des Génies civil, géologique et des mines
École Polytechnique de Montréal

Novembre 2007

References on Field Permeability Tests

Performed in Boreholes and Monitoring Wells

Robert P. Chapuis
Département des génies civil, géologique et des mines
École Polytechnique de Montréal

Novembre 2007
©2007 Dépôt légal :
Robert P. Chapuis Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, 2007
Tous droits réservés Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2007

References on Field Permeability Tests Performed in Boreholes and Monitoring Wells
par : Robert P. Chapuis
Département des génies civil, géologique et des mines
École Polytechnique de Montréal

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Ce rapport technique peut-être repéré par auteur et par titre dans le catalogue de la Bibliothèque :

References on Field Permeability Tests

Performed in Boreholes and Monitoring Wells
This alphabetical list was prepared by Robert P. Chapuis, October 2007

1. AFNOR, 1992. Norme NF P94-132. Essai d’eau Lefranc. Association Française de normalisation,
2. AFNOR, 2002. Norme NF X 30-424. Détermination du coefficient de perméabilité d’un terrain par
essais d’infiltration à charge constante en forage. Association Française de normalisation, Paris.
3. AFNOR, 2002. Norme NF X 30-425. Détermination du coefficient de perméabilité d’un terrain par
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Science, 107(1): 17-21.
6. Alfaro, M.C., and Wong, R.C.K. 2001. Laboratory studies on fracturing of low-permeability soils.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 38: 303-315.
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Klute, A. Ed., American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wis., pp. 735-770.
10. ASTM D4044. Standard test method (field procedure) for instantaneous change in head (slug) tests
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11. ASTM D4050. Standard test method (field procedure) for withdrawal and injection well tests for
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12. ASTM D4104. Standard test method (analytical procedure) for determining transmissivity of
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Annual book of standards, vol. 04.08, ASTM, West Conshohocken, Penn.
13. ASTM D4631. Standard test method for determining transmissivity and storativity of low
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14. ASTM D5092. Standard practice for design and installation of ground water monitoring wells in
aquifers. Annual book of standards, vol. 04.08, ASTM, West Conshohocken, Penn.
15. ASTM D5521. Standard Guide for development of groundwater monitoring wells in granular aquifers.
Annual book of standards, vol. 04.08, ASTM, West Conshohocken, Penn.
16. ASTM D5785. Standard test method (analytical procedure) for determining transmissivity of
confined nonleaky aquifers by underdamped well response to instantaneous change in head
(slug test). Annual book of standards, vol. 04.09, ASTM, West Conshohocken, Penn.
17. ASTM D5881. Standard test method (analytical procedure) for determining transmissivity of
confined nonleaky aquifers by critically damped well response to instantaneous change in head
(slug test). Annual book of standards, vol. 04.09. ASTM, West Conshohocken, Penn.
18. ASTM D5912. Standard test method (analytical procedure) for determining hydraulic conductivity
of an unconfined aquifer by overdamped well response to instantaneous change in head (slug).
Annual book of standards, vol. 04.09, ASTM, West Conshohocken, Pa.
19. ASTM D6286. Standard Guide for selection of drilling methods for environmental site
characterization. Annual book of standards, vol. 04.09, ASTM, West Conshohocken, Penn.
20. Audoin, O. and Bodin, J. 2007. Analysis of slug tests with high-frequency oscillations. Journal of
Hydrology, 334(1-2): 282-289.

21. Avci, C.B. 1994. Analysis of in-situ permeability in non penetrating wells. Ground Water, 32(2):
22. Ayers, J., and Gosselin, D.C. 1995. Design of a multi-level monitoring well for continuous sample
collection. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 15(4): 119-124.
23. Baird A.J, and Gaffney, S.W. 1994. Cylindrical piezometer responses in a humified fen peat. Nordic
Hydrology, 25: 167-182.
24. Baird, A.J., Surridge, B.W.J. and Money, R.P. 2004. An assessment of the piezometer method for
measuring the hydraulic conductivity of a Cladium mariscus—Phragmites australis root mat in a
Norfolk (UK) fen. Hydrological Processes, 18: 275-291.
25. Banton, O. 1993. Field-determined and laboratory-determined hydraulic conductivities considering
anisotropy and core surface area. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 57(1): 10-15.
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saturée à l'aide de l'infiltromètre à charge constante de Côté : théorie et approximations
mathématiques. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 71: 119-126.
27. Barker, J.A. 1988. A generalized radial flow model for hydraulic tests in fractured rock. Water
Resources Research, 24(10): 1796-1804.
28. Barker, J.A., and Black, J.H. 1983. Slug tests in fissured aquifers. Water Resources Research, 5(2):
29. Barker, J.A., and Herbert, R. 1989. Nomograms for the analysis of recovery tests on large diameter
wells. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 22: 151-158.
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31. Bauer, C., Homand, F., and Henry, J.P. 1995. In situ low permeability pulse test measurements. Int.
J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 32(4): 357-363.
32. Beckie, R., and Harvey, C.F. 2002. What does a slug test measure: An investigation of instrument
response and the effect of heterogeneity. Water Resources Research, 38(12): 26.1-14.
33. Belitz, K.W., Dripps, W., and Fairchild, J.E. 1995. Slug tests in elastic, unconfined aquifers:
incorporating the free surface. Water Resources Research, 31(12): 3329-3336.
34. Benson, C.H., Hardianto, F., and Motan, E. 1994. Representative specimen size for hydraulic
conductivity of compacted clay. In Hydraulic conductivity and waste contaminant transport in soil.
Edited by D.E. Daniel and S.J. Trautwein. ASTM, Philadelphia, Penn. Special Technical Publication
STP 1142, pp.3-29.
35. Benson, C.H., Gunter, J., Boutwell, G., Trautwein, S., and Berzanskis, P. 1997. Comparison of four
methods to assess hydraulic conductivity. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, 123(10): 929-937.
36. Belitz, K., and Dripps. W. 1999. Cross-well slug testing in unconfined aquifers: A case study from
the Sleepers River Watershed, Vermont. Ground Water, 37(3): 438-447.
37. Binkhorst, G.K., and Robbins, G.A. 1988. Conducting and interpreting slug tests in monitoring wells
with partially submerged screens. Ground Water, 36(2): 225-229.
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41. Black, J.H. 1978. The use of slug tests in groundwater investigations. Water Services, March, 174.
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No.9, pp. 222-233.

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48. Boutwell, G.P., and Tsai, C.N. 1992. The two-stage field permeability test for clay liners.
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52. Bouwer, H. 1996. Discussion of Bouwer and Rice slug test review articles. Ground Water, 34(1):
53. Bradbury, K.R., and Muldoon, M.A. 1990. Hydraulic conductivity determination in unlithified glacial
and fluvial materials. In Ground water and vadose zone monitoring. Edited by D.M. Nielsen and
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61. Bromhead, E.N. 1996. Interpretation of constant head in situ permeability test in soil zones of
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62. Brown, D.L., Narasimhan, T.N., and Demir, Z. 1995. An evaluation of the Bouwer and Rice method
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63. Bureau of Reclamation 1977. Ground Water Manual. U.S. Department of the Interior,
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64. Burger, R.L., and Belitz, K. 1997. Measurement of anisotropic hydraulic conductivity in
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66. Burns, W.A. Jr. 1969. New single-well test for determining vertical permeability. Transactions
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68. Butler, J.J. Jr. 1998. The design, performance, and analysis of slug tests. Lewis Publishers, CRC
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72. Butler J.J. Jr., and Zhan, X. 2004. Hydraulic tests in highly permeable aquifers. Water Resources
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74. Butler J.J. Jr., Dietrich, P., Wittig, V., and Christy, T. 2007. Characterizing hydraulic conductivity
with the direct-push permeameter. Ground Water, 45(4): 409-419.

75. Butler J.J. Jr., Garnett, E.J., and Healey, J.M. 2003. Analysis of slug tests in formations of high
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97. Chapuis, R.P. 1998a. Overdamped slug test in monitoring wells: Review of interpretation methods
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