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En fermant les yeux

Des Grieux's aria from the opera Manon (tenor)

Text by Henri Meilhac and Philippe Gille
Set by Jules Massenet (1842-1912 )

Manon (hearing Des Grieux, she tries to dry her tears.)

C'est lui! Que ma pâleur ne me trahisse pas!
[s li k ma p.lœ n m ta.i.s p]
It-is he! Let my pallor not me betrays ever!

Des Grieux (with spirit)

Enfin, Manon, nous voilà seuls ensemble!
[.f ma.no nu vwa.la sœ. l.s.bl1]
At-last, Manon, we are-here alone together

Eh quoi?... des larmes?

[e kwa d la.m]
Ah what?... with tears?


Des Grieux
Si fait, ta main tremble...
[si f ta m tr.bl]
(Undeniably,) your hand trembles…

Voici notre repas.
[vwa.si n.t .p]
Here-is our supper.

Des Grieux
C'est vrai, ma tête est folle!
[s v ma t. t f.l]
It-is true, my head is mad!

Mais le bonheur est passager,

[m l b.nœ.  p.sa.e]
But [the] happiness is temporary,

Et le ciel l'a fait si léger

[e l sjl la f si le.e]
and the heaven it-has made-it so light
The elision seuls ensemble [sœl. z.s.bl] is possible.

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qu'on a toujours peur qu'il s'envole! A table!
[ko. na tu.u pœ kil s.v.l a ta.bl]
that-one has always the-fear that-it will-fly-away! To-the table!

A table!
[a ta.bl]
To-the table!

Des Grieux
Instant charmant |où la crainte fait trêve,
[.st a.m u la k.t f t.v]
Moment charming when the fear makes interruption,
(Charming moment when all fear is set aside,)

où nous sommes deux seulement!

[u nu s.m dø sœ.l.m]
when we are both alone!
(when we can be alone together!)

Tiens, Manon, |en marchant, je viens de faire un rêve.

[tj ma.no  ma.  vj d f. œ .v]
Listen, Manon, while walking, I came to have a dream.
(Listen, Manon, while I was walking, I had a dream.)

Hélas! qui ne fait pas de rêve?
[e.ls ki n f p d .v]
Alas! who does not have – dreams!

Des Grieux
En fermant les yeux, je vois là-bas |une humble retraite,
[ f.m le. zjø  vwa la.b y. nœ.bl .t.t]
While closing my eyes I saw over-there a humble retreat,

une maisonnette toute blanche |au fond des bois!

[y.n m.z.n.t tu.t bl o fo d bwa]
a little-house all white in-the depths of-the woods!

Sous ses tranquilles ombrages

[su s t.ki.l. zo.ba.]
Under its peaceful shades

les clairs et joyeux ruisseaux,

[l kl. ze wa.jø i.so]
the clear and joyous streams,

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où se mirent les feuillages,
[u s mi. l fœ.j.]
where are reflected the leaves,

chantent avec les oiseaux! C'est le paradis!

[.t. ta.vk l. zwa.zo s l pa.a.di]
(the-stream)-sings with the birds! It-is [the] paradise!

Oh! non! tout est là triste et morose,

[o no tu. t la tis. te mo.o.z]
Oh! no! everything is there sad and gloomy.

car il y manque une chose, 3

[ka. i. li m. ky.n oz]
for there is missing one thing,

|il y faut encor Manon!

[i. li fo. t.k ma.no]
there is needed still Manon!

C'est un rêve, une folie!
[s. tœ .v y.n f.li.]
It-is a dream, a madness!

Des Grieux
Non! Là sera notre vie!
[no la s.a n.t vi.]
No, there will-be our life!

Si tu le veux, ô Manon!
[si ty l vø o ma.no]
If you it want, oh Manon!

(Literal translation and IPA transcription © by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC)

En fermant les yeux (Manon) Massenet - Page 3 of 3

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