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Vocabulary - Grade 9

September 2022

Qu’est-ce que tu prends?

* Le petit-déjeuner- breakfast

* Le déjeuner- lunch

* Le dîner- dinner

Manger- to eat Prendre- to have/to take Boire- to drink

Je Mange Prends Bois

Tu Manges Prends Bois
Il, Elle, On Mange Prend Boit
Nous Mangeons Prenons Buvons
Vous Mangez Prenez Buvez
Ils, Elles Mangent Prennent Boivent

Les aliments

* la banane - banana

* le melon - melon

* l’orange (m)- orange

* la pastèque - watermelon

* la pomme - apple

* la carotte- carrot

* le concombre- cucumber

* l’oignon (m)- onion

* le maïs- corn

* les petits pois (m)- peas

* la pomme de terre- potato

* la tomate-tomato

* le beurre-butter

* le fromage-cheese

* la glace-ice cream

* le lait- milk

* le jambon- ham

* le poisson- fish

* le porc- pork

* le poulet- chicken

* le saucisson- sausage

* le chocolat- chocolate

* les fruits (m)- fruit

* le gâteau- cake

* la confiture- jam

* le croissant- croissant

* un œuf, des œufs- egg, eggs

* le pain- bread

* le riz- rice

* le sel- salt

* le sucre- sugar

Boire- to drink

- Du thé- tea

- De la bière- beer
- Du l’eau- water

- Du vin- wine

- Du café- coffee

- Du jus d’orange- orange juice

- Du lait- milk

Le Partitif

In French, the partitive articles du, de la, de l' and des can all be used to give information about

the amount or quantity of a particular thing, depending on whether the noun is masculine or

feminine, singular or plural. They are often translated into English as some or any. We often use

these articles when stating what we eat and drink.

Eg. Le pain-> du pain

* La glace-> de la glace

* Les petits pois-> des petits pois


1. Je mange du pain

I eat bread.

2. Louis prend des petits pois

Louis eats peas.

3. Marie et moi mangeons de la glace.

Marie and I eat ice cream.

October 2022
Qu’est-ce qu’on achète à…? - What does one buy at the…?

On achète… à …- One can buy…at the…


Question- Qu’est-ce qu’on achète à la boulangerie?

What do we buy at the bakery?

Réponse- On achète du pain et des croissants à la boulangerie.

We buy bread and croissants at the bakery.

Les Magasins Francais Les Produits

French Stores Products

La boulangerie du pain, du croissant, de la baguette

La boucherie de la viande, du poulet, du boeuf
La bijouterie des boucles d’oreilles, des colliers
Le magasin des vêtements des robes, des chemises
La pâtisserie des gateaux, des tartes
La floriste des fleurs
Le bureau de tabac des cigarettes
L’opticien des lunettes
La charcuterie du jambon, des saucisses
La pharmacie des médicaments
La librairie des livres
Le magasin de jouets des jouets
La poissonnerie du poisson
L’épicerie du riz, de la farine
La crèmerie de la yaourt, du lait
La fromagerie du fromage
Comparative Adverbs
Adverbs can be used to make comparisons in French. There are three ways of constructing a
comparison in French.
- Plus…que…- More…than…
- Moins…que…- Less…than..
- Aussi…que…- As…as…

1. Je suis plus rapide que mon père
I am faster than my father.

2. Il est moins bavard que ta mère.

He is less talkative than my mother.

3. Nous sommes aussi intelligentes que nos parents.

We are as intelligent as our parents.

*Note that the adjective agrees with the subject in each sentence.

November 2022
Thème: Le présent- Present tense

Le présent is the present tense in French which is used with the three categories of French verbs.

They are -ER verbs, -IR verbs, and -RE verbs. We use the present tense to talk about:

- Current actions and situations

- Habitual actions

- Actions that will occur immediately

-ER verbs

The endings for regular -ER verbs are: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent. Let us look at an example of

these endings being used with the verb ‘manger’.

Manger- To eat

Je mange- I eat/I am eating

Tu manges- you eat/ you are eating

Il, elle, on mange- he, she, one eats/ is eating

Nous mangeons- we eat/ we are eating

Vous mangez- you eat/ you are eating

Ils, Elles mangent- they eat/ they are eating

Here are some more -ER verbs:

1. Aimer (to like, to love)

2. Adorer (to adore)

3. Changer (to change)

4. Chanter (to sing)

5. Cuisiner (to cook)

6. Danser (to dance)

7. Demander (to ask)

8. Écouter (to listen)

9. Fabriquer (to make)

10. Habiter (to live)

11. Jouer (to play)

12. Manger (to eat)

13. Nager (to swim)

14. Parler (to talk)

15. Regarder (to watch)

16. Rester (to stay, to remain)

17. Signer (to sign)

18. Téléphoner (to téléphone/call)

19. Trouver (to find)

20. Visiter (to visit a place)

-IR verbs

The endings for regular -IR verbs are: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent. Let us look at an

example of these endings being used with the verb ‘choisir’.

Choisir- to choose

Je choisis

Tu choisis

Il, elle, on choisit

Nous choisissons

Vous choisissez
Ils, Elles choisissent

Here are some regular -IR verbs:

1. Agir (to act) loool ml

2. Choisir (to choose)

3. Definir (to define)

4. Finir (to finish)

5. Investir (to invest)

6. Nourrir (to nourish, to feed)

7. Obéir (to obey)

8. Punir (to punish)

9. Rougir (to blush)

10. Reflicher (to reflect, to think)

-RE verbs

The endings for regular -re verbs are: -s, -s, -, -ons, -ez, -ent. Let us look at an example of these

endings being used with the verb ‘prendre’.

Prendre- to have, to take

Je prends

Tu prends

Il, Elle, On prend

Nous prenons

Vous prenez

Ils, Elles prennent (this one is slightly different as it has an extra ‘n’.

Exemple: Je prends des céréales et du lait pour mon petit-déjeuner.

I’m having cereal and milk for breakfast.

Les vêtements

1. Une chemise

2. Un pantalon

3. Des chaussures

4. Un manteau

5. Un pull

6. Un blouson

7. Des tennis/des basket

8. Un chapeau

9. Une jupe

10. Un chemisier

11. Un tee shirt

12. Une casquette

13. Une robe

14. Un foulard

15. Une ceinture

16. Des chaussettes

Les Verbes Réfléchis

Reflexive verbs (les verbes réfléchis) describe an action that you do to yourself or something that

reflects back to yourself. They have to include a reflexive pronoun, which changes depending on

who is doing the action. In French, the reflexive pronouns are “me, te, se, nous, vous”. When

they appear before vowels, they become “m’, t’, s’, nous, vous”

Here are some examples of reflexive verbs in French:

1. se baigner (to bathe, swim)

2. se brosser [les cheveux, les dents] (to brush [one’s hair, one’s teeth])

3. se casser [la jambe, le bras] (to break [one’s leg, one’s arm])

4. se coiffer (to fix one’s hair)

5. se coucher (to go to bed)

6. se dépêcher (to hurry)

7. se déshabiller (to get undressed)

8. se doucher (to take a shower)

9. se laver [les mains, la figure] (to wash oneself [one’s hands, one’s face])

10. se lever (to get up)

11. se peigner (to comb one’s hair)

12. se promener (to take a walk)

13. se regarder (to look at oneself)

14. se reposer (to rest)

15. se réveiller (to wake up)

The formula for conjugating reflexive verbs is

- Subject pronoun + Reflexive pronoun + conjugated verb

Par exemple: Je + me + lève = Je me lève -> I get up

Exemple 2: Tu + te + reposes = Tu te reposes-> you relax

Exemple 3: Nous + nous + brossons les dents= Nous nous brossons-> we brush our teeth
Body Parts- Les parties de corps

the head — la tête

the neck — le cou

the arm — le bras

the finger — le doigt

the foot — le pied

the face — le visage

the eyes — les yeux

the hand — le main

the nose — le nez

the mouth — la bouche

the leg — la jambe

the knee — le genou

the tooth— la dent

In French, to say that you are hurting somewhere on your body, you use the expression “Avoir +

mal + body part”.

Avoir mal a la- used with singular feminine nouns

Avoir mal au- used with singular masculine nouns

Avoir mal a l’- used with singular nouns beginning with a vowel Avoir mal aux- used with plural


Chez le docteur

Je vais bien- I am well

Je vais mal/Je suis malade- I am sick

Je me sens bien- I fell well

Je me sens mal- I feel unwell

Je suis fatigué(e)- I am tired

J’ai de la fièvre- I have a fever

J’ai (un rhume, la grippe, une infection, l’asthme, un cancer, une sinusite)- I have (a cold, the flu,

an infection, asthma, cancer, sinusitis)

J’ai envie de vomir- I feel like I want to vomit

Des médicaments- medication

Des antibiotiques- antibiotics

Le vaccin- vaccine

L’ordonnance- prescription

Des antidouleurs- painkillers

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