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Single Collector Analysis of Collection

Mechanisms in Water Filtration

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Syracuse University,
Syracuse, New Y m k 13210

A complete trajectory analysis of particle collection on single On prbente, sujette h une verification experimentale subsk-
spheres, which includes all the known collection mechanisms quente, une analyse compltSte basbe sur des trajectoires de la
and forces, is presented here for later experimental verification. collection de particules SUI de simples spheres; cette analyse
The results show that the surface interactions between the embrasse toutes les forces et mkcanismes connus de collection.
collector and the particles have negligible influence on col- Les resultats obtenus indiquent que les interactions superfi-
lection rate except to determine whether the surface condi- cielles entre le collecteur et les particules ont une influence
tions are favorable or unfavorable for collection. It is also negligeable sur le taux de collection; cependant, elles permet-
evident that the hydrodynamic retardation of the particle in tent de determiner si les conditions de la surface sont favora-
the neighborhood of the collector can reduce deposition sig- bles ou non B la collection. I1 est aussi hident que le retarde-
nificantly (by 50% or more), but such effects may be negli- ment hydrodynamique des particules h proximite du collecteur
gible in view of the usually wide scatter of filtration data. peuvent diminuer leur sedimentation d'une manitre impor-
This paper also provides examples of how the single collector tante (50% ou plus), mais des effets de ce genre peuvent &re
analysis can be directly applied to modelling retention in negligeables &ant donnk la diffusion gknkralement considerable
packed beds. To make the work easily accessible to the readers, des donnkes sur la filtration. On fournit aussi, dans le present
all the basic concepts necessary for future application of the travail, des exemples de la manitre avec laquelle on peut a p
trajectory analysis are presented clearly along with a table pliquer l'analyse avec simple collecteur pour simuler la rkten-
containing all the relevant forces and torques acting on the tion dans des lits garnis. Pour rendre la presente etude faci-
particle. An experimental analysis of the results repdrted here lement accessible aux lecteurs, on prksente clairement tous les
is presented in a subsequent publication. concepts fondamentaux qui sont requis pour toute application
future de l'analyse baske sur les trajectoires; cette presentation
comprend kgalement toutes les forces et tous les couples perti-

T heoretical modelling of deep bed filtration has

often been made from a phenomenological point
of view (for example, see Ives")). Such an approach
nents qui agissent sur les particules. On prksentera, dans une
publication subskquente, une analyse expkrimentale des rksnl-
tats rapportks dans le present travail.
involves the use of a macroscopic rate expression for
the rate of retention of particulate matters in the
filter bed and empirical equations to relate the in- settled. In particular, the exact role of the inter-
crease in pressure gradient with the extent of par- molecular forces between the particle and the col-
ticle retention. Conservation equations for the con- lector, the significance of the charge concentration of
centration of the particulates and flow equations the suspending medium, and their effects on particle
based on the Darcy's law complete the method. The deposition all require experimental verification.
disadvantage of this approach is that it provides little To test the validity of trajectory analysis in the
information about the exact mechanisms of particle study of deep bed filtration a number of investiga-
collection, their relative significance and possible in- tors"2.3,4) have compared theoretically calculated filter
teractions. Such details are, however, desirable or coefficients (obtained through trajectory calcula-
even necessary in order to permit a rational design tions) with experimental filtration data. These com-
of the filtration process through a proper selection parisons, however, do not provide definitive conclu-
of operating variables. sions as to the accuracy of the trajectory calculations
An alternative and more exact way of studying as they inevitably require further assumptions and
deep bed filtration is to consider a filter medium a s approximations ; for example, the representation of
an assembly of collectors and to treat the problem of the filter bed by porous media models as outlined
particle collection on filter grains as one of trans- above. Consequently, it is not possible to separate
porting the suspended particles toward the grains, the errors due to one source from those due to the
where they become deposited upon contact. The prob- others. Since trajectory analysis using single col-
lem then reduces to one of setting up the equation lectors of well-defined geometry can be simulated
of motion for the suspended particles. Such an equa- experimentally rather easily, we present in this paper
tion of motion, in principle, can be formulated to results of such trajectory calculations. In a subse-
include contributions from all possible collection quent publication an experimental examination will
mechanisms. We refer to this method of analysis as be presented.
trajectory analysis, since the equation of motion so Trajectory analysis based on single collectors serves
formulated yields trajectories of the suspended par- other purposes as well. F o r instance, i t provides valu-
ticles. Although this technique is conceptually simple, able information on the proper selection of porous
the manner in which certain mechanisms should be media models to represent the filter and on the pro-
represented in the equation of motion remains un- jected behavior of the collection mechanisms in a n
- --
_. actual filter, In view of these, we have also presented
*Presently a t : Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineer- in this paper, whenever appropriate, comparisons with
ing, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
12181. the trends shown by filtration experiments so t h a t

246 The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5 5 , June, 1977




I o-~,


b) 7] vs. NRtd

Figure 2-Effect of London interaction on the collection ef-


Figure ISingle (spherical) collector model (not to scale).

to this definition, the Brinkman model used by
Payatakes, Rajagopalan, and Tien‘s) and the sphere-
in-cell model used by Rajagopalan and TienC4)are of
( i ) the proper way to account for surface interac- the unit collector type.
tions can be studied, (ii) the relative influence of In contrast, the term ‘single collector^ will refer to
the various collection mechanisms may be analyzed, a collector of well-defined geometry, the flow field
and (iii) the desirable features of the necessary around (or, through) which does not recognize any-
porous media models can be identified. thing other than the collector itself. The spherical
The trajectory concept used here has been common collector we use in this work and also used by Yao“)
in a i r filtration studies for some time (see Lang- is an example of the above.
m u i P ) ; its introduction into liquid filtration is The term ‘model filtration system’ will denote an
largely due to the success of Yao’s analysis‘” of deep idealized filtration system where the filter bed is
bed filtration using this technique, The trajectory described by a unit or single collector and where the
equation used in this paper is in fact an extension fluid to be filtered is assumed to be a homogeneous
of Yao’s work; more specifically, the analysis pre- suspension containing monodispersed particles of
sented here incorporates all the important forces into smooth spherical geometry.
the trajectory equation including London attraction, The ‘limiting trajectory’ or the ‘critical trajectory’
double layer interaction, and non-Stokesian behavior of the suspended particle is the trajectory of the
of drag forces on the particle in the vicinity of the particle that just manages to be captured by the
collector. Furthermore, the effect of electromagnetic collector (see Figure 1).Thus, the particles approach-
retardation on the London attractive force is also ing the collector on one side of the limiting trajec-
considered. tory are captured, and those on the other side escape.
Before presenting the theoretical study and the The ‘collection efficiency’ is defined a s the ratio of
discussion of the results, we introduce definitions of the rate of particles captured to the rate of particles
certain terms that will be used in the subsequent aproaching the collector. In the case of single col-
discussions. Some of these, such as ‘limiting trajec- lectors, the rate of particles approaching the collector
tory’ (or critical trajectory), are already well-estab- is usually defined as the rate of particles passing
lished in the literature, but others are less common through the projected area of the collector on a
and might require clarification. plane perpendicular to the direction of flow. In the
case of unit collectors, however, this may depend on
Definitions of the terms used the nature of the model used (see, for example,
In what follows, the term ‘particle’ will always re- Rajagopalan and Tien‘l’).
fer to the suspended particle to be filtered. Cor-
respondingly, the term ‘grain’ will be reserved for The trajectory mutlysis
the material which makes up the filter bed. When When a suspension flows through a packed bed, the
the reference is to the geometrical model which rep- suspended particles are transported toward the sur-
resents the filter bed in the theoretical analysis, we faces of the grains o f the bed. This motion is caused
shall use collector^ instead of ‘grain’. by various mechanisms, the four most important
By a ‘unit collector’ we shall refer to a geometrical among them being Brownian motion, gravitational
entity that, in representing the filter bed in the sedimentation, influence of intermolecular surface
theoretical studies on filtration, accounts for both forces, and forces arising from charges on the sur-
the porous nature of the bed and the resultant change face of the particles and grains. Apart from these,
in the (hydrodynamic) flow field around (or, through) the finite size of the particles causes interception
the collector through appropriate means. According with the grain surface, thus promoting deposition,

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 55, June, 1977 247
and furthermore, when the particle is in the close TABLE1
vicinity of the grains, the hydrodynamic drag on
the particle increases due to the presence of the FORCES AND TORQUES
grains and hinders deposition. If the particles are
assumed to be collected on the grains on contact, I. Znerl~alForce and Torque:
the rate of deposition will be equal to the rate at
which the particles make contact with the grains
due to the influence of the above forces, Since
Brownian motion, which manifests itself as diffusion
in the macroscopic sense, is of significance only where - D =
for submicron particles, for large particles one can Dt
'follow', a t least in principle, the particle trajectories -t.' = -0
to compute what fraction of the particulate matter is
collected by the grains. Computation of the fraction 11. Gravitational Force and Torque:
impacted is simplified by the fact that the particle
-f G = (4/3)Uaig(pp - PI)
trajectories do not intersect each other in the ab-
sence of inertia, which has already been shown to = (4/3)?rai (P, - P , ) g [-cos e? + sin et81
be negligible in water filtration by Yao"). Thus the -
10 = -
concept of 'limiting trajectory' defined earlier can g = ILI
be used to determine the collection efficiency (see
111. Surface Force and Torque:
Figure 1 ) .
Even when the random force that induces Brownian a) Molecular Dispersion Force and Torque
motion is included in the analysis, the 'paths' of the (London Force and Torque)
particles can be determined analytically. However,
due to the random nature of the resulting differential
-Po = [ - 2 H a (6;u p , A,) 4 / 3 6 ? (20, + 6)'I1e,
equation, one can obtain the position of the particle where a(6 ; up, A,) is the retardation correction factor
only in the probabilistic sense. Although technically
the 'solution' would still be known as the 'trajectory' -
tL0 = 0
of the particle, such a solution is clearly not deter- b) Double Layer Interaction Force and Torque*
ministic, but is characterized by probability distribu-
tions. The appropriate setting for this analysis would -
fDL = {[L'apK(l; +
1,2)/21 x
then be the theory of diffusion processes, a s shown +
1(21clp/(13 l d ) ) - e-861
by Rajagopalan"). A detailed discussion of this is be- [e-Na/(l - e-zrb)])2
yond the scope of this paper, and for our purpose 0
here, it is expedient and sufficient to treat the -1DL = -
Brownian motion separately, That such an analysis IV. Drag Forces and Torques: #, @
is adequate enough for the consideration of diffusion
in filter beds has been shown by Yao"' and, more Due to the Translation of the Particles:
recently, by Prieve and Ruckenstein"". +
(f")' = - G?TPapbg:(6+)e, uefle(6+) 581
Figure 1 presents a schematic representation of - = 8 ~ ue 4h (a+) 3
the single collector model used in this work. The
trajectory equation for the particle is simply a mathe- (BrennerW; Goren and O'Neill(Z1); o"ei11(22)]
matical expression of the dynamic equilibrium of the Due to the Rotation of the Particle:
suspended particle under the action of various forces.
The forces considered in the present paper are due
CLDY = 6?r~a,2w f i ( 6 + ) ee-
to gravity, buoyancy of the particle, fluid motion - = - 87rP4 w g i (6+)3

(convection), drag on the particle, and surface in- wherew = IwI

teractions (London attraction and double layer re- (Goldman, G x , and BrennerW)
pulsion or attraction). Apart from these, there are
two phenomena (not caused by any force) that con- Due to the Fluid Velocity in the Presence of the Sta-
tionary Particle:
tribute to the modification of three of the above
forces. One of these is the socalled 'electromagnetic +
ED)"'= h ~ a 1p- A Y ' ~ Y ( S + )2 [B~ f i (a+)
" ~
retardation' of the London attractive force (see +D P f r e (6+)1e
Israela~hvili'~')caused by the finite propagation (c)" = 87r~ai?[BgPe (6+) +
D Y gF+ (&+)I 9
velocity of the electromagnetic waves. (Goren and O'Neill(21);Goldman, Cox and
Of more significance, however, is the socalled 'hy-
drodynamic retardation' caused by the increase in
the drag forces acting on the suspended particle *The potentials, lcand lp,in the expression for fDL are actually
when it is in the vicinity of the collector surface. the socalled 'surface otentials' [see, for instance, Hogg, Healy
The analytical formulas necessary for correcting for and Fuerstenau(W1. gut it is a common practice to equate them
these increases in drag forces (due to both the to the corresponding zeta potentials. In computing the force due
fluid velocity and the motion of the particle) are to the double layer interaction, the unit of the zeta potentials
should be in electrostaticunits.
already available in the literature and are referred #See Rajagopalan(') for the tabulationof all correction factors.
to in Table 1. (See also Happel and Brenner"") @Thereferences following the entries may be consulted for fur-
The formation of the trajectory equation is based ther details.
on the assumption t h a t the particle concentra-
tion is sufficiently low so that the motion of any
given particle does not interfere with t h a t of the force and torque balance that results in the equation
others. We further note that the motion of the par- of motion f o r t h e particle has already been presented
ticles is axisymmetric. (This is a consequence of by Payatakes, Rajagopalan, and Tien"' in connection
the axisymmetry of the flow field of the liquid.) The with the capillaric and Brinkman models. Hence we

248 The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5 5 , lune, 1977

present here only the final equation. However, 'for the of interest would be
sake of convenience, easy reference and clarification
of the notations used we have summarized the var- .......................... , (9)
ious forces and torques in Table 1.
The limiting trajectory thus obtained joins a stream-
The trajectory equation line (denoted by +*) far away from the collector -
Since we are interested in the axisymmetric flow usually 3 to 4 collector radii from the collector sur-
around the collector, the azimuthal component (i.e., face - on the upstream side as shown in Figure 1.
+-directional component; see Figure 1) of the force The collection efficiency is then given by
due to fluid motion does not exist. Thus, we have 11 = (Zm-$lC Co)l[.K(a, + UP)* v co1
only r and 6 components; If the particle inertia and
the random force due to molecular fluctuations are
= 2+rt/(a. + up)2 v.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10)
ignored, one has, for the r-component of the force The initial value problem posed by Equations (7) and
balance : (9) was solved in this work with an Adams-Moulton
4 predictor-corrector scheme. The integration was
~ ;6 s ~ a p j:'
~ . K P U ,= 5 - 7 7 r ~ (i P , - PI) g cos 0 stopped when the trajectory coincided with a stream-
- 12Ha,3a(6; X e , ~ p ) / [ 3 6(2ap ~ + 61'11 + line far away on the upstream side of the collector.
As mentioned earlier, the efficiency calculated us-
I(%K (c:
f S2)/2) x ing Equation (10) does not include the deposition
I ( X J p / ( C l3) - e -la x] due to Brownian motion. To account for Brownian
x [e - ~ ~ / -( 1e - z ~ a ) ] } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , (1) diffusion, one can simply add the efficiency due to
diffusion to Equation (10). The collection efficiency
In dimensionless form, this becomes: based on convective diffusion follows from Levich's
U:ff = Vf': - NQCOS t? - "LO a(&+;
NRtd)/ analysis"~"' and is given by
((6+)'-(2 + + NEI[NEZ-
e -NDL6+l X q ~ i f =
j 4.04 N6'I3... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(11)
le - N D L ~/ (+I - e - ~ N D L ~ +.). ]. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(2)
where NPc is the Peclet number given by
Similarly, the &component gives : Npe = 1 2 . ~ / . i a ~ ~ , V / k. T
. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(12)
sI u: = B: sz + B$ y+ s3 + NOsin 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(3) In Equation (12), R is the Boltzmann constant, and
where we have taken the 6'-component of the fluid T is the absolute temperature of the suspension.
velocity 2 to be The total collection efficiency is, therefore, given
vg = B l y + B z y Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- (4) q T o l o l = VTroj + T D j f f . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13)
1 dr
dl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
The trajectory equation (Equation (7)), when expressed
- V . (5) in terms of dimensionless variables, gives rise to certain
dimensionless groups which signify the various collection
ue* = 1 r d d0
- l ................................ mechanisms. Notable among these are No (gravity and
- . (6)
buoyancy), N R (ratio of particle size to collector size;
by dividing Equation (2) by Equation ( 3 ) , we get signifies the importance of interception), Nel, Nsz, and
the socalled trajectory equation : N D L(double layer interaction), and NLo and NW ( I m -
don attraction and the extent of electromagnetic retarda-
dr+/dB = (& + y + ) X { -A+y+'f? - N Q C O S ~ +
tion). The role of diffusion is represented by the Peclet
number, NP,,which, due to its exclusion from the analysis,
does not appear in the trajectory equation. Apart from the
~ - e -NDL6+] X [e -NDL6+ / above dimensionless numbers, certain other dimensionless
(1 - -2NDL6+)] groups such as Nol, N D ~N, D ~and, f? also enter the tra-
- NLO f f ( 6 ' ; NRtd)/[(6')' (2 + 6+)z11 jectory equation to account for the hydrodynamic re-
f { N DB: ~ y+ NDZ + B$y+' + N DNO
~ sin 0 ) . . .(7)* tardation. However, as we shall see shortly, the hydro-
dynamic retardation is of importance only when the
The solution of Equation (7) requires an initial distance of separation between the particle and the collect-
condition, namely, the starting position of the par-
ticle whose trajectory is desired. Since the trajectories TABLE2
of only those particles that are captured are of in- *
terest, it is convenient to start from the surface of BASICSET OR VALUES OF VARIABLES AND PARAMETERS
the collector. For example, use of a condition such as USED IN THEORETIDAL CALCULATIONS

d, = 1.2 cm Dimensionless Parameters

d , = 5.7 um NR = 0.475 X
P p = 1.05 g/cm3 N R ~= 3.3 (based on d )
in the integration scheme would result in the trajectory o P I = 0.9973 g/ml NQ = 0.4 X 10-2
a particle that eventually intercepts the collector a t the / I = 0.9142 mN.s/mZ N E ~= 0.475 X 10'
position ro+. Notice that Equation (8) has incorporated v = 1.5 cm/min NEZ = 0.63
collectiozdue to interception by accounting for the finite T = 24°C NDL = 0.1140 X 10'
size of the particle [i.e., ro # &/up = 1/NR,but rather
H = 0.3 x 10-20 J ivLO= 0.56 x 10-4
i c = -lOmV(= -10 x 10-31
(a, + a,)/a, = 1 l/NR]. +
However, since we need to 300 e.s.u.) N ~ t d= 0.1791 X lo3
compute only the limiting trajectory, the initial condition I , = - 4mV ( = -4 x: 10-31
300 e.s.u.) Np. = 0.366 X 10'
K = 400 pm-l
*Notice that u, is taken to be of the form ' -Ay".
The Cunudim Journal of Chemical Engineering, VoZ. 55, lune, 1977 249
, 10
I:. 1 I I , , ( I I I I 1 I I l I O
dp = 3.5 p m

V =03*0.lcmhr UNFAVORABLE
I .
2x M NoCl h $0

$ 5 5

;t 1
t (UNRETARDEDI V = 0.029 crnh
p = 9 1 4 2 ~ 1 0 - ~s/m2
i-zo I

I I I I 1 1 1 , I I I I 1 1 1 1 I
10 I00

Figure 3-Surface interaction forces (for the sphere-plane sys- I
tem). Corresponding to the parameter in Table 2. I
or surface is about lOa,. Consequently, the relative size I
group, NR, can effectively characterize the importance of I
hydrodynamic retardation as well, and the above-men-
tioned groups such as Nol are necessary only to introduce lo-' lo-' 10'' I00
the appropirate correction in the trajectory equation.
(NEI/ N D ~ )
The discussion in the previous paragraph in- Figure 4-Effect of unfavorable surface interaction on filter
dicates that the relative influence of the various col- coefficient (Data of FitzPatrick"").
lection mechanisms may be studied by changing the
pertinent dimensionless groups individually Therefore,
the results of the analysis are presented below as attraction corresponding to the parameters in Table 2
functions of Nc, Ng, N E I ,NEZ,N D , NLO, and N R t d . are shown in Figure 3. I t is clear that the net force
The basic set of the values of the above groups used is attractive for all 6 > 0, and thus there is no barrier
in the following discussion is presented in Table 2. against the particle-collector contact. In the light of
this, the results of Figure 2 suggest that the surface
Results of the trajectory analysis interactions, when considered as transport mechan-
isms, are unimportant as long as their net effect is
Role of Surface Interactions attractive in the vicinity of the collector, However,
The influence of particle-collector surface interac- when the dimensionless groups are varied, the repul-
tions in liquid filtration has been the subject of sive force may exceed the London attraction and, in
analysis by many investigators. Ives and Gregory"*) fact, may become strong enough to overcome the
have attempted to analyze this experimentally. An gravitational and hydrodynamic forces in the im-
excellent introduction to this area (as applied to mediate neighborhood of the collector. When such is
water filtration) may be found in the review article the case the predicted collection efficiency drops to
by Wnek(ls). The surface interactions arise due to zero. The regions where this happens are shown in
the socalled London interaction between the molecules the figure by the shaded portions. In fact, even when
of the particle and the collector and due to the in- NEz < 0 , i.e., double layer interaction is also attractive,
teraction between the electric double layers surround- there is no enhancement of collection (see reference
ing the particle and the collector. In most cases, as in 7).
liquid filtration, the London interaction is attractive, Payatakes, Tien, and Turian") observed that the
although under special circumstances it may be repul- influence of London attraction and the electromag-
sive (see Israelach~ili'~)). On the other hand, the netic retardation may be significant. In this con-
double layer interaction may be repulsive or attractive nection, the information presented in Figure 2 is re-
depending on whether the particle and the collector levant. The variation of NLO can be considered as due
have like charges or opposite charges, respectively. The to the variation of the Hamaker constant, H, since
NLo a H. As is evident from the above figure, in
model used in this work to account for double layer in-
teraction is based on the socalled Derjaguin-Landau- the case of single collectors even large changes in H
Verwey-Ovrebeek theory (DLVO theory), and the de- do not affect the collection as long as the London at-
tails on this may be found in Hogg, Healy, and traction dominates the double layer repulsion. I t is
Fuerstenau"+'. The dimensionless group, NEe, which true that the effect may be different in the case of
varies from -1 to +1, determines whether the double unit collectors. A case in point is the work of Rajago-
layer interaction is attractive (non-positive values of palan and Tien'4' which uses the sphere-in-cell porous
NEz) or repulsive (positive N E B ) The
. group NDL sig- media model. In this case, an increase of six orders
nifies the relative thickness of the double layer (with of magnitude in NLo increases the collection effici-
respect to the particle radius). Figure 2 presents encies by one order of magnitude. Since in practice
the collection efficiency as a function of NLO and a change in JH by six orders of magnitude is un-
NRtd.* The electrokinetic repulsion and the London likely, the change in NLO may be viewed as a decrease
of up by 10' (notice that NLO a a:). However, when
the particle radius reaches such low values, diffu-
*Figures similar to Figure 2 can be constructed for other dimensionless groups sional deposition increases by a factor of lo2 (see
( N E ~N, g z , and N D L ) to demonstrate that remains constant (see reference 7). Equation (11)) , thus out-weighing the increase due

250 The Canadimz Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5 5 , June, 1977


to the London attraction. Consequently, there is no Figure 6-Variation of t with N G for N G > 10'.
need to consider London force as a major factor.
To assess the effect of retardation (of the Lon-
don attraction) on the collection efficiency, consider is clear. For low values, is practically constant."
a case corresponding to NLO equal to, say 5 x lo4 in In spite of the above concurrence with experi-
Figure 2. A five-fold decrease in NLO (NLo = lo-') will mental observation, it is worthwhile remembering
reduce the London force to (1/6) of the original that the surfacei charge distribution on the grain
value for all 8 > 0. In spite of this, the change of q surfaces (or collector surface) and the possibility of
in Figure 2 is extremely small. Since the retardation having a wide range of zeta potentials for the par-
correction, a, changes gradually from 1 to about 0.2 ticles in the suspension may affect the results ob-
for a change in S from 0 to approximately 200 nm served in filtration practice. Indeed, the very need
(where the gravitational force usually starts dominat- to examine the method of analysis implicit in the
ing)', the effect of a five-fold reduction in NLOon formulation of the trajectory equation is motivated
the collection efficiency, q, should be more severe by considerations such as these.
than the inclusion of the retardational correction.
Since, as mentioned above, the reduction in NLo Role of Sedimentation
hardly affects q,i t follows that the effect of retarda-
tion should also be negligible. In fact, the theoretical
computations performed in this work confirm the
Figures 5 and 6 show the influence of sedimentation
on collection. For low values of N G (i.e., pp p t ) , the
collection efficiency is essentially constant a t a value
above conclusion. Moreover, since the London at- dictated by the combined effects of interception and
traction itself is important only insofar as eliminating
any repulsive barrier created by the double layer in- surface interactions. For larger values of N G ( N o 5
teraction, it is unlikely that the retardation of the lo4), however, there is a first order dependence on
London attraction can be any more important. N G as evident from Figure 6 , thereby suggesting
In general, i t is logical to expect the contribution that q due to sedimentation alone is approximately
due to the surface interactions to be proportional to equal to N G . The usual range of N o in typical fil-
the increase in collection due to interception if the tration systems lies above and consequently this
collector boundary is enlarged to accommodate the observation has important implications with respect
range of the surface forces. We have observed this to filtration practice a s well. In particular, it may
to be true over a wide range of N R . Nevertheless, indicate a strong influence of flocculation of the
Wnek"" points out that there have been reports in suspended particles on filtration rates. We shall post-
literature which seem to indicate a substantial en- pone this discussion to a later section and concentrate
hancement in collection due to increased favorable here on its relevance to single collector studies.
surface interactions. These increases, however, are Since NO a ag, the need for stable suspensions in single
usually only about 200 to 300% (i.e,, by a factor of collector experiments is clear. More importantly, the fact
2 or 3) and could have been caused by even minor that q a NO indicates that collection may be sensitive
increases in flocculation of the particles due to the to the exact magnitude of the density difference between
addition of electrolytes (as we shall see shortly). the particle and the fluid. This clearly follows from the
Moreover, many of these investigations have used par- fact that NO cc ( p p - p j ) . For instance, consider a case
ticle-grain systems that cannot be characterized well where pw = 1 g/ml and pp = 1.05 g/cm3. An increase in
for mathematical analysis. Although it is true that p, of about 5% causes an increase of 100% in No and
the peculiar hydrodynamical situation in packed beds consequently a 100% increase in q . Our experimental ob-
may affect the relative influence of the surface in- servations regarding this are discussed in a subsequent
teractions, it is interesting to note that the results paper.( 6 ,
obtained by F i t z P a t r i ~ k " ~using
) well-controlled par-
ticle-grain surfaces do support our contention re-
garding the role of surface forces. As a n example, *Thin comparison, however, is only approximate since it is not always feasible
to vary N s r , while keeping N E Zand N D L constant simultaneously, in ex-
Figure 4 presents some of FitzPatrick's data for periments. The data in Figure 4 have been correlated as a function of ( N ~ l l
various Ntii/NoL. An almost sudden decrease in the N D L ) ,since ( N E ~ I N D Lis) a measure of the magnitude of the zeta potentials of
filter coefficient X ( X a q ) for high values of N ~ N D L the particle and the collector.

The Canadian Iournal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 55, June, 1977 251
10' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I , , I ) , I On the other hand, when the drag corrections a r e
included in the trajectory analysis, a drastic decrease
in collection rate results for N R $ 6 x lo*. As evident
from the figure, the hydrodynamic retardation causes
SET OF PARAMETERS. a monotonic reduction in r] as NRincreases. We shall
,, . '--*' see in a later section that such a behavior is a charac-
\ -
teristic of the single collector models and may not
necessarily be desirable for porous media models
- chosen for studying deep bed filtration. Figure 7
also indicates that the influence of drag corrections
varies as a function of N R . This follows from the fact
that the hydrodynamic retardation introduced by the
presence of the collector is effectively negligible when
the particle is beyond a distance of about 10 ap from
the collector surface (see Reference 7, Appendix A ) .
To obtain an intuitive picture, notice that the flow
Figure 7-Effect of interception and drag corrections on the rate of the suspension through an annular region
collection efficiency: TI vs NR. of thickness ( y l a , ) around the collector (at 0 = n / 2 )
is given by
Role of Interception and Drag Corrections
The behavior of r] as a function of N R is of con-
siderable importance since N R characterizes two of
the most important effects influencing the capture of Consequently, the ratio of this rate to the rate of
the particle by the collector. The first of these is suspension approaching this collector is given by
interception, and when the particle diameter is large
as compared to the collector diameter (i.e., large N R )
one would expect substantial collection due to inter-
ception. More importantly, the increase in drag re-
sistance in the neighborhood of the collector is a Since, as mentioned earlier, drag corrections extend
function of the diameter of the particle and is also
represented by NR. This point may not be imme- their influence only over y ? 10 ap (i.e., y + -? l o ) ,
diately clear and requires the examination of the Equation (17) demonstrates that the region over
theoretical results shown in Figure 7. which wall-effects are important affects decreasing
Figure 7 shows the collection efficiency a s a func- percentage of particles and, therefore, the drag cor-
tion of N R . The upper line corresponds to the case rections should have less and less effect on collection
when the drag corrections are ignored, and the one as NR decreases. Figure 7 attests to this observa-
immediately below represents the efficiency under tion.
the influence of drag corrections. The efficiency due
to interception alone can be computed easily from Discussions of the results
the flow field around the collector (since the ex- Results as Applied to Filtration Data
clusion of other mechanisms implies that the particle The results presented above have been examined
simply follows the streamline until intercepted by
the collector). Since the streamlines are closest to mainly from the single collector model thus far. How-
the collector surface at 0 = n / 2 , it follows from Equa- ever, these results have larger significance than
tion (10) that t h e efficiency due to interception suggested by the above discussion. Before examining
(when the drag corrections a r e not considered) * is the theory from the point of view of experimental
given by filtration data, we notice that an important conse-
quence of the trajectory analysis is that the tra-
T I =

y+= (1 +&+)]
+ raZV

1.5 N i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(14)
jectory collection efficiency can be obtained as the
sum of contributions due to sedimentation and in-
terception when the drag corrections are ignored
(see Equation (15))" and when the surface inter-
actions are favorable. For the range of N R encoun-
Equation (14) indicates the increasing influence of tered in deep bed filtration, the drag corrections re-
interception for increasing values of N R , and the duce the trajectory efficiency t o approximately one-
total collection efficiency shown in Figure 7 (upper third or one-fourth of the uncorrected value. How-
curve) registers a corresponding increase. In fact, ever, since the variations in the experimental data
it turns out that sedimentation and interception act under 'identical' conditions are usually much higher,
independently under these circumstances, and the the exclusion of the drag corrections may be un-
total efficiency in this case (as computed from tra- important. On the other hand, although the theory
jectory analysis) can be obtained as the sum of ef- predicts no collection under unfavorable surface in-
ficiencies due t o sedimentation and interception, i.e., teractions, a s mentioned earlier, experimental data
suggest a gradual decline in r]. Thus, it appears that
V T =~ V Q~ + ~~1 = NQ + 1.5Nl ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15) in principle the total efficiency can be expressed as
(Efficiency due to diffusion, r]Diff, is negligible in
this range of N R . )
V'Z'otczt = P1 [ T D z l / + P2 ( V O + VI)] .. . .. .. (18)
where PI corrects for the gradual decline in r] due t o
'Since the drag resistance on the particle increasea indefinitely as
the distance of separation from the particle and the collector dimin-
ishes. inclusion of drag resistance in the computation would lead to *In fact, we have observed this to he true for certain unit collector
zero collection efficiency unless an attractive force (such as the models such 88 the Brtnkman model (Rajagopalan and Tien (un-
London force) is included in the computation. published) and the sphere-in-cell model (Rajagopalan and Tien(4)).

252 The Canadian Iournal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5 5 , June, 1977

unfavorable surface conditions, and pa accounts for Figures 5 and 6 show a linear dependence of 7 on No
drag corrections. (Notice that PI I:1 and p8 5 1.) and since A* is equaI to r] by Equation (21) i t fol-
It is indeed possible that the fraction pl can be em- lows that A* a Nc. Thus, the predictions of the
pirically related to the repulsive barrier in the vicinity single collector model support the experimental ob-
of the collector, the distribution of zeta potentials servations.
of the particles in the suspension, and the distribu- Another important observation of Ison and Ives is
tion of potentials on the collector surface.* Before that the dimensionless (experimental) filter coef-
this can be done, experimental studies examining the ficient, A*, decreased with increasing (d,ld.) (equal
exact role of surface interactions are necessary. One to the relative size group, N R , of this work). This led
such investigation will be reported in a subsequent them to speculate that the reduction in h* could be
paper. due to the wall-effects of the grains on the motion
The filtration data are usually reported in terms of the suspended particles. Notice that the discussion
of the socalled 'filter coefficient', A, defined by in the previous section following Figure 7 provides
a theoretical basis for this observation by Ison and
ac - XC., Ives. As we show in the above Section, the increase
az in N R increases the wall-effects, and consequently
where C is the concentration of the suspension in the collection efficiency and A* decrease (see the
the filter a t depth z. A can be related to r] by'B37' discussion following Equation (9) ) .
When the filtration data are obtained through well-
X ~ ~ =t ~ [3(1
- i - 4/2d,] X In (1 - q n t a i ) .. . . . . . . .(20) controlled experiments the single collector analysis
where E is the porosity of the filter bed. Since q T o t o i
is normally very low (- lo-') and c 0.4, Equation
(20) becomes
- does more than provide mere qualitative agreement.
For instance, FitzPatrick"" conducted filtration ex-
periments using glass beads and suspensions contain-
ing polystyrene latex particles. Figures 8 and 9
present some of his data corresponding to negligible
X ~ ~ ct q~~ ,i, l ~ l / d. ~. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21) double layer repulsions. Also shown on the figures are
Consequently, the individual filter coefficients (due the theoretical results based on Equations (131, (151,
to diffusion, gravity, and interception) can be de- and (21) of this paper. I t is evident that the tra-
fined similarly. Thus it follows that jectory analysis presented in this work does ex-
ceptionally well in modeling the filtration experi-
(22) ments of FitzPatrick. Certain observations based on
XO d.-' v-' d: p-'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23) these figures seem worthwhile. For smaller collector
diameters the theoretical predictions are lower than
XI a d8-3 V O d," p o .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24) the experimental values. This could be the result of
two important effects. Firstly, Rajagopalan"' pointed
The review of Ives and Sholji"" demonstrates that out that the conditions used in the above experi-
the various experimental investigations on deep bed ments could introduce flocculation of the suspended
filtration result in the following dependence of h particles, thus resulting in a suspension with ag-
on V , p, and d.: gregates whose effective diameters would be larger
X a va d,fl p7 than the ones used in the figures. Consequently, re-
tention by sedimentation and interception would be
a=--1 higher than predicted. This would be especially true
in the case of interception since smaller grain diame-
- 12 p2 - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25)
ters give rise to smaller pore 'diameters' in the filter.
,y= - 2 Secondly, the role of interception is usually much
higher in packed beds than i t is for the case of single
Thus it is clear from Equations (221, (23), and (24) collectors. This is in fact one of the drawbacks of
that depending on the relative importance of the the single collector models. On the other hand, with
collection mechanisms the experimentally observed the grains of large diameters the effect of intercep-
results represented by Equation (25) can be modeled tion is very low, and in this range the single col-
well by trajectory analysis. lector model seems to over-estimate the collection rate
That the trajectory analysis presented in this paper (see Figure 9 ) . However, normally deep bed filters
agrees qualitatively with the experimental observa- use grains of diameter around 0.1 cm, and for d.
tions is supported further by the results of Ison and around this value the predictions of Figures 8 and 9
Ives'18'. Ison and Ives conducted filtration experi- are indeed excellent.
ments using reasonably well-defined systems con-
sisting of suspensions of kaolinite in tap water and Possible Choices of P o r k Media Models
beds of randomly packed, nearly mono-sized ballotini
(glass beads). They conclude from their results that We mentioned earlier that the results of trajectory
the dimensionless filter coefficient defined by analysis using single collectors could be utilized in
the selection of appropriate porous media models for
X* = Xd, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (26) studying deep bed filtration. One such benefit of the
present analysis was alluded to in the previous para-
is almost linearly dependent on the gravitational graph when we discussed the role of interception in
group (corresponding to our dimensionless group, packed beds.
,"c). The role of sedimentation had been held under Although the single collector model predicts the
doubt by previous investigators, and Yao") and Ison collection efficiency in filters within experimental
and Ives"*' thus provided the experimental evidence variations, i t suffers from two major drawbacks.
to show the significance of sedimentation, Recall that Firstly, it is ineffective in modeling the pressure drop
increase due to collection, and secondly, i t underes-
*In fact, p, is the socalled collision efficiency defined aa number of timates the influence of interception in packed beds.
particles captured by the collector divided by the number colliding
with the collector surface. Both these drawbacks result from the fact that the

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, VoZ. 55, June, 1977 253
Figure 8-Comparison with FitzPatrick's experimental data: Figure 9-Comparison with FitzPatrick's experimental data:
X vs d,. vs ds.

single collector model excludes the influence of the bed filters. The goals have been to present the re-
presence of other grains in the filter. The discussion sults for subsequent verification of the trajectory
of the results shown in Figure 7 indicated that the analysis'"' and to explore the relevance of single
single collector model predicts a monotonic reduction collector models in filtration. The paper presents the
in q as N R increases; this reduction being caused by drawbacks of the model and suggests possible rem-
increasing dominance of hydrodynamic retardation. edies.
On the other hand, in packed beds such a monotonic
reduction is unlikely since increase in N R may cause Acknowledgment
a large 'increase' in interception due to the fact that
This work was performed under Grant No. GK-33876 and ENG 76-
the particles would be unable to pass through the 08576, National Science Foundation.
pores for large d,. Needless t o say, whether the in-
crease in interception can off-set the decrease in Nomenclature
due to hydrodynamic retardation or not would depen
on the other variables; however, i t is obvious that
7 UP = particle radius
= collector radius (see Figure 1)
these two effects work against each other. In fact,
Weber"" (see Chapter 4) shows that the efficiency
2 = coefficient in the expression for v,
A+ = dimensionless A defined by A a:/ V
of a filter may in fact increase during the initial B I ,B2 = coefficients in Equation (4)
period of filtration. This is possibly due to a decrease B:, B$ = dimensionless Bi defined by BT = Blap/V and
in pore diameters as collection proceeds and can be B t = Baa,2/V
C = concentration of the Darticles in the sumension.
represented by a corresponding increase in Ng. A number/unit volume *(in general a function of
single collector model would indicate only a decrease spatial variables)
in q under these conditions. Thus i t is clear that the C O = original concentration of the suspension
d, = particle diameter
model used should be capable of being flexible in d, = collector diameter
this regard. These considerations have led the present DBM = Brownian diffusion coefficient
authors to examine a cell which has been -e,, 5 0 , c& = unit vectors in r, and @Jdirections
very successful in extending the single collector ap- f!,fe, fi",fie,fps andfi = drag correction factors in Table 1;
proach. functions of 6
L = force vector acting on the particle: superscript
specfies the source of the force; for example fDL is
We have presented in this paper a complete model the force due to double layer interaction (seeTable
for the prediction of collection efficiencies in deep !i = magnitude of the vector, g

254 The C2anadian Iournal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5 5 , June, 1977

gi, 8,gr6 andC+ = torque correcth factors in Table 1; VTmj = efficiency computed from trajectory analysis
functions of 6 e = angular coordinate (see Figure 1)
= acceleration due to gravity eo = 6 corresponding to the start of the integration
= Hamaker constant (- 1 X 10+’0 J) K = Debye-Huckel reciprocal length
= Blotzmann constant (1.38048 X J/K) x = filter coefficient
= mass of the suspended particle x e = wavelength of electron oscillation; A, = 100 nm
= f! SdS1 cc = viscosity of the liquid
= f:sa/si T = 3.14159. . radians
= fVSl PI = density of the liquid
= double layer group; DDL= ~a~ PP = density of the particle
= electrokinetic group #l; u = dielectric constant of the medium ( w 81)

NE= +
~ V K ( C l’3/127tccV
electrokinetic group #2;
lk = streamfunction for creeping flow around the
NEa = ~ C C { P / f( { l’’)
~ PI1 = streamfunction that coincides with the limiting
= ravity group; NG = 2a2 ( p , - pf)g/&V trajectory on the upstream side (see Figure 1)
= fondon group; NLO = fi/9rpa; V

w = magnitude of the angular velocity of the particle
= Peclet number: NpS = Vd#/DBM w_ = angular velocity of the particle
= relative size group; N R = a /a,
= retardation group; = &rap/As
= constants in Equation (18) References
= radial coordinate (see Figure 1) (1) Ives, K. J CRC Review in Environ. Control 2. 293 (1971).
= r/ap ( 2 ) Pavatakea.”A. C.. Tien. C. a n d Turian. R. M.. AIChE J. 20. 900
= dimensionless radial coordinate; r* = r/a, ’ (1974). .
(3) Payatakes. A. C., Rajagopalan, R. and Tien. C.. Can. J. Chem.
= r+ corresponding to the start of integration of the Eng. 62. 722 (1974).
trajectory equation ( 4 ) Rajagopalan, R. and Tien, C.. AIChE J. 22. 623 (1976).
= positionvector; r = (r, 6 ) (6) L a n m u i r , I., “Filtration of Aerosols and the Development of
Filter Materiala”, Office of Scient. Res. Develop., Rept. 866
= dimensionlessposition vector; r* = (r/a8, 8 ) (1942).
(6) Yao K-M., “Influence of Suspended Particle Size on the
= (ro/ap, 6J TraAsport Aspect of Water Filtration”, Ph.D. Diss.. Univ. North
= (figlb -fm4 Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1968).
= (fig?+ + y+flegt)/+ (7) Rajagopalan. R., “Stochastic Modeling and Experimental Anal-
ysis of Particle Transport in Water Filtration”. Ph.D. Diss.,
cf‘egP++ Y+fPeg+)/g+
time variable
Syracuse Univ., Syracuse. N.Y. (1974).
(8) Prieve D. C. and Ruckenstein E., AIChE J. 20, 1178 (1974).
(9) Israela’chivili, J. N., Contemp.’ Phys. 16, 169 (1974).
= torque vector acting on the particle; superscript (10) Happel, J and Brenner H.,“Low Reynolds Number Hydrody-
namics”, Prentice-Hall knglewood Cliffs N.J. (1966).
specifiesthe sourceof the torque (11) Levich, V. G., “Physicb-Chemical Hydrodhamics”. Prentice-Hall,
= temperature of the suspension in K Englewood Cliffs, N.J. (1962).
= particle velocity vector; subscript denotes the (12) Ives. K. J. and Gregory, J., Proc. SOC. Water Treat. Exam. 16.
93 (1966).
particular component (13) Wnek. W. J., Filtr. Sep. 11, 237 (1974).
= liquid velocity field; subscripts denote the com- (14) Hogs, R., Healy, T. W. and Fuerstenau. T. W., Trans. Faradav
ponents SOC.62, 1638 (1966).
= approach velocity of the liquid (16) FitzPatrick, J. A., “Mechanisms of Particle Capture in Water
Filtration”, Ph.D. Diss., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. (1972).
= ( r - as),see Figure 1 (16) Rajagopalan, R. and Tien, C., Can. J. Chem. Eng. 66, 246. (1977.
= y/p, (17) Ives, K. J. and Shobi, I., J. Sanit. Eng. Div., Proc. ASCE 94
= axial variable in a filter [(seeEquation (19)l (SA4) 1 (1966).
(18) Ison, b. R. and Ives, K. J., Chem. Eng. Sci. 24, 717 (1969).
= retardation correction; a function of 6, a, and A. (19) Weber, W. J., Jr. (Ed ) “Physicochemical Processes for Water
(see Table 1) Quality Control” Wile; interscience, New York. N.Y. (1972).
= surface-to-surface se aration between the collector (20) Brenner, H., Chim. Eng. Sci. 16. 242 (1961).
(21) Goren, S. L. and O”eil1, M. E., Chem. Eng. Sci. 26, 326 (1971).
and the particle (seehgure 1) (22) O’Neill, M. E., Mathemtatika 11 67 (1964).
= 6/a, (23) Goldman, A. J., Cox, R. G., an’d Brenner, H.,Chem. Eng. sci.
= initial porosity of the filter bed 22. 637 (1967a).
(24) --, Chem. Eng. Sci. 22, 663 (1967b).
= zeta potential of the collector
= zeta potential of the particle
= initial collection efficiency Manuscript received June 28, 1976 ; accepted f o r publication Jan-
= efficiency due to diffusion alone uary 31. 1977.
collection efficiencies due to sedimentation and
interception, respectively * * *

The Camdim Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 55, June, 1977 255

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