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Fonds de Solidarité pour les Artistes et les Organisations culturelles en

Afrique (SOFACO)

Lot n°5 : Structuration des organisations culturelles


Les champs suivis d’un astérisque (*) doivent obligatoirement être remplis

Informations sur le porteur de projet

Informations sur l’organisation

Nom de l’organisation*


Acronyme (si possible)*


Année de création*

 2020

Pays de localisation*


Secteur d’activité*

En un mot ou deux, quel est le domaine général de travail/activités de votre organisation ?


Mission et objectifs de l’organisation*

Énumérez les buts, objectifs et missions de votre organisation.

 GOAL : Engage local community in developmental action as a tool to nation building,
one community at a time
 MISSION : Developing holistic approaches to community development, social justice
and peace
 OBJECTIVE : Engage local crisis hit communities in Cameroon in developmental efforts
aimed at nation building

Membres du Bureau Directeur ou du Conseil d’Administration*

Veuillez indiquer au moins trois membres du Bureau directeur du Conseil d'administration de

votre organisation (ou de tout autre organe de direction)

Nom et Prénom Fonction Email Téléphone

Kilem Bongwa Director tamfukilem08@gmail.com. +237 6808-999-16
Nasang Blessing Project manager blessingnasang@gmail.com +237 6756-445-44
Tamfu .
Shey Achi-Nyu Secretary general sheynyu@gmail.com. +237 6977-595-44
Kimah Debora Accountant kimahdeborah@gmail.com. +237 6747-136-03

Nom du responsable de l’organisation


Biographie du Responsable de l’Organisation*

Maximum 150 mots

 Tamfu Kilem Bongwa a holder of a Bsc in Logistic and Transport Management from the
Cameroon Petroleum Academy started his profession career as a volunteer in the service
of creative and cultural enterprises at the Regional Delegation of Arts and Culture
Northwest; a deconcentrated service of the Ministry of Arts and Culture from 2019 to
2021, working closely in the structuration movement of the arts and culture sector in
Cameroon. In 2022, he became Assistant Project Manager at La Liberte Arts Group,
doubling as Producer of Black Swagger Poetry Slam; a monthly poetry event under Black
Swagger Inc.
With his deep understanding of the creative sector of the Region, Kilem created Direct
Action for Rights, Equity and Development as a tool to directly contribute to nation

Page Facebook, LinkedIn ou blog du Responsable


Références de l’Organisation*

Veuillez indiquer au moins une personne qui peut présenter l'institution (autre qu'un membre du
conseil d'administration, un bénévole ou un employé de l'institution).

Nom et Prénom Fonction Email Téléphone

HARIET YURI ACCOUNTANT yuri@lalig.org. +237 6784-992-25

Contact de l’organisation*

Numéro de téléphone*

(Inscrire l’indicatif du pays précédé de 00 suivi du numéro. Exemple : 00223 20 20 43 45)

 237 651 882 999

Autre numéro de téléphone*

(Même consigne que ci-dessus)

 237 651 882 999

Adresse Email*

(Merci de vous relire afin de vous assurer qu’il n’y a pas d’erreur dans l’e-mail)

 contact@lalig.org

Site web de l’organisation (ou blog ou page Facebook)*

 www.lalig.org

Boîte Postale*

 0000


 Bamenda

 Cameroon

Projets précédents

Ce projet est-il votre premier projet ? * YES

(Répondez par OUI ou NON. Si ce n'est pas votre premier projet, veuillez ajouter les
informations requises dans le tableau ci-dessous pour au moins un de vos projets précédents.)

Titre du projet Type de projet Lieu de réalisation Année de réalisation

Cultural Jamboree Community Bamenda, Cameroon 2024
Engagement through

Avez-vous déjà bénéficié d’une subvention de l’ACF * NO

Si OUI, merci de remplir le tableau ci-dessous.

Si NON, passez directement à la partie suivante.

Projet subventionné Année Intitulé de l’appel à projet de l’ACF

Information sur votre projet

Discipline artistique *

Inscrire ci-dessous le nom de votre discipline artistique (choisir entre Arts visuels, Arts de la
scène, Patrimoine, ou autre. Si vous choisissez Autre, merci de préciser le nom de votre
 Arts and craft

Catégorie *
Choisir entre les 2 catégories suivantes :
Catégorie 1 : Création / production de biens et services de qualité à un coût compétitif, et en
quantité accrue dans une dynamique de professionnalisation/ Catégorie 2 : Accès aux marchés
nationaux, régionaux, internationaux, circulation / diffusion / promotion de biens et services le
plus largement possible.

 Category 2

Titre du projet ou de la demande*

Building an Online Marketplace for Locally Produced Arts and Crafts in Cameroon

Résumé du projet ou de la demande *

(Pas plus de 100 mots).

Create a marketing website and mobile app that serves as a platform for the sales of locally
produces arts and crafts. This aims at bridging the gap between local producers and buyers,
increasing visibility for locally made products in line with the government’s recent efforts to
promote import substitution through the promotion of locally produced products. Additionally, it
aims at preparing our local markets for future pandemics such as the just ended covid-19
pandemic as it promotes e-commerce. By connecting local buyers and sellers and later the sub-
region, it will stimulate the local economy, promote sustainability and foster a sense of

Description du projet ou de la demande *

Veuillez expliquer votre projet ou votre demande (Entre 250 et 500 mots).

The proposed project aims to create an innovative online platform that connects local
artisans and craft makers with a wider audience, both domestically and internationally.
This initiative responds to the need to promote local markets, support import substitution,
and prepare for potential future lockdowns, such as those experienced during the COVID-
19 pandemic. By leveraging the power of technology and social media, the project seeks
to establish an online website and mobile app market for locally produced arts and crafts
in Cameroon, starting with measure towns and cities such as BAMENDA, YAOUNDE,
BUEA, DOUALA AND FAR NORTH REGIONS. This platform will serve as a meeting
place between buyer and seller, allowing customers to identify locally made products that
they can purchase to replace imported products and also producers closest to them. Using
global positioning system, customers will be able to identify local producers closest to
them, producers within their prize range and within their delivery timeframe.
Engaging with inter-urban and local transport agencies, producers will be able to send
good to customers in safe and a trusted environment, promoting fairness and smooth
business transactions.
For producers, through bots constant sharing of their posted contents across all social
media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, tweeter and threads, their products will be
targeted to ride on the social media algorithm, identifying and advertising their diverse
products to persons most likely interested in purchasing from them.
This platform will serve as a tool to supporting government recent efforts in import
substitution through the promotion and support of locally produced goods and services.
Also, in-line with the structurisation movement of the arts and culture sector through the
creation of federations representing each and every arts and cultural sector in Cameroon,
the project will through partnership, engage all these stakeholder to provide a more
rounded market for local products
Furthermore this platform will serve as a means of economic sustainability in case of
future lockdowns such as the Covid-19 pandemic. In a region in crisis due to the ongoing
Anglophone crisis in the English Speaking Northwest and South west Regions of
Cameroon that started in 2016 and became violent in 2017, with separatist constant
institution of ghost towns and lockdowns, this platform will serve as meeting place for
buyers and sellers within the confines of their homes.
It will also promote and protect local producers who lack capital for renting business
offices and shops as the can produce within their homes and advertise and sell on the
online market.

The creation of an online marketplace for locally produced arts and crafts in Cameroon
represents a significant opportunity to promote import substitution, empower local
artisans, and prepare for future uncertainties. By leveraging technology and social media,
this project aims to connect talented artisans with a wider customer base, foster economic
growth, and contribute to the development of a vibrant local arts and crafts industry.

Objectifs du projet ou de la demande *

Veuillez énumérer sous forme de points les objectifs de votre projet ou de votre demande.

 Objective 1 : Increase the number of registered artisans and craft markers on the online
marketplace platform by 50% within the first year
 Objective 2 : Achieve a 30% increase in monthly sales revenue generated through the
online marketplace platform within the next 06 months
 Objective 3 : Establish partnership with at least 10 inter-urban transport agencies to
provide local logistics for efficient and reliable product delivery within the first 04
months of the project

Résultats attendus *
Veuillez indiquer brièvement quel sera le produit final de votre projet et expliquez comment vous
comptez impliquer/atteindre votre objectif ou votre public ou la communauté au sens large.

 RESULT 1 : At least 500 artisans and craft makers across the country will be registered
on the platform within the first 06 months of the project for the beta testing, contributing
to a diverse range of locally produced craft available for sales
 RESULT 2 : Monthly sales revenue through the platform will increase from baseline by
30%, indicating a growing customer base and increased demand for locally produced
arts and craft
 RESULT 3 : the project will have established partnerships with reputable logistics
providers, ensuring timely and secure delivery of product to customers, thereby
enhancing customer satisfaction and repeat purchases

Méthodologie du projet *
Veuillez décrire comment vous allez exécuter le projet (avec quelles ressources, quel
chronogramme d'activités, pour quels résultats, etc.), ou à quoi sera destiné le financement de
l'ACF ainsi que tout autre élément d'information pertinent.

1. Project Planning and Analysis:

- Conduct a detailed analysis of the market for locally produced arts and crafts in
Cameroon, including an assessment of the target audience, competitors, and market
- Define project goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure
- Develop a comprehensive project plan outlining the scope, timeline, budget, and
resource requirements.

2. Stakeholder Engagement:
- Identify and engage relevant stakeholders, including local artisans, craft makers,
logistics providers, social media influencers, and potential customers.
- Conduct consultations and gather feedback from stakeholders to ensure their needs and
expectations are considered throughout the project.

3. Platform Development:
- Design and develop the online marketplace website and mobile app, ensuring a user-
friendly interface, secure payment options using MTN Mobile Money/ Orange Money
widely used in the country, and seamless navigation.
- Implement features such as product listings, search functionality, seller profiles,
customer reviews, and social media integration.
- Conduct rigorous testing and quality assurance to identify and resolve any technical
issues before launching the platform.

4. Artisan Onboarding and Training:

- Develop an onboarding process for artisans and craft makers, including registration,
verification of credentials, and product listing guidelines.
- Provide training and support to artisans on product presentation, pricing strategies,
customer service, and order fulfillment.
- Establish a system for monitoring and maintaining the quality and authenticity of
products featured on the platform.

5. Marketing and Promotion:

- Create a comprehensive marketing and promotion strategy to raise awareness about
the online marketplace and attract customers.
- Leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and trends to
advertise products, engage with the target audience, and drive traffic to the platform.
- Implement targeted marketing campaigns, influencer collaborations, and content
creation to showcase the uniqueness and cultural significance of locally produced arts and

6. Logistics and Delivery:

- Establish partnerships with reliable local logistics providers to ensure efficient and
timely delivery of products to customers.
- Develop a robust supply chain management system to handle order processing,
inventory management, packaging, and shipping data

7. Customer Support and Engagement:

- Establish a dedicated customer support team to address inquiries, resolve issues, and
provide assistance to buyers and sellers.
- Implement a feedback mechanism to gather customer input, suggestions, and reviews
to continuously improve the platform and enhance customer satisfaction.
- Engage with customers through newsletters, promotions, and loyalty programs to
foster long-term relationships and encourage repeat purchases.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation:

- Regularly monitor and evaluate project progress against the defined goals, objectives,
and KPIs.
- Collect and analyze data on key metrics such as sales revenue, website traffic,
customer feedback, and social media engagement.
- Use the insights gained to make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement,
and adjust strategies as needed.

9. Continuous Improvement:
- Continuously seek feedback from stakeholders, artisans, and customers to identify
opportunities for enhancement and innovation.
- Stay updated on market trends, emerging technologies, and customer preferences to
adapt the platform and marketing strategies accordingly.
- Regularly assess the scalability and sustainability of the project, exploring
opportunities for expansion and partnerships with relevant organizations or platforms.

By following this implementation methodology, the project can ensure a systematic and
effective approach to establishing the online marketplace for locally produced arts and
crafts in Cameroon, maximizing its impact and long-term success.

Lieu du projet *
Veuillez indiquer dans quel (le) pays et ville le projet sera mis en œuvre.

Bamenda, Cameroon

Date de début *
Veuillez indiquer quand les activités de ce projet vont commencer (ou ont commencé).

1st August, 2024

Date de fin *
Veuillez indiquer quand les activités du projet seront terminées.

31st July 2025

Coût du projet
Budget total de votre projet (en euros) *
Chiffres uniquement. N'utilisez pas de lettres ni de signes de ponctuation, de séparation.
N'utilisez pas d'espaces.
 6000

Montant demandé à l'ACF (en euros) *

Chiffres uniquement. N'utilisez pas de lettres ni de signes de ponctuation, de séparation.
N'utilisez pas d'espaces. Veuillez noter que le montant maximum demandé ne doit pas dépasser
5 000 euros.

 5000

Détail des dépenses au titre de la subvention*

Veuillez fournir une ventilation des postes de dépenses du budget couvert par la subvention ACF
sollicitée (pas du budget total de votre projet).
Chiffres uniquement. N'utilisez pas de lettres ni de signes de ponctuation, de séparation.
N'utilisez pas d'espaces.
Veuillez noter que si votre projet a été sélectionné pour recevoir une subvention, celle-ci
couvrira uniquement les dépenses engagées après la signature du contrat avec l'ACF.

Rubrique Description Coût

website Web developer for building of website 960
App developer Develop mobile app 556
hosting Hosting of website over a period of 12 122
Site management Management and maintenance of website 456
over a period of 12months
Business analyst Consultancy firm for business analysis, 490
market trend mapping and design
transportation Project staff local, urban and inter-urban 328
Volunteer stipend Volunteer teams in each town, engaging 632
and registering artisans and crafts men on
the site over a period of 06 months
advertisement Radio, TV, newspaper articles, social 1000
media influencers and billboards
Customer support Standby customer support team after the 456
launch of app, helping customers become
familiar with user interface.

Recevez-vous (ou avez-vous déjà demandé) du financement d'autres sources ? *

Si OUI, merci d’énumérer dans le tableau ci-dessous, tout financement supplémentaire que vous
avez reçu ou prévoyez de recevoir pour ce projet.

Si NON, passez directement à la partie suivante.

Source Montant accordé Statut (confirmé /

non confirmé)
Orgnization’s 1000 confirmed

Le demandeur est responsable de la mise à jour auprès de l'ACF de tout changement apporté
aux fonds de soutien jusqu’à l’annonce des subventions, en écrivant à l’adresse électronique

Matériel de support
Liens de soutien *
Veuillez donner un maximum de trois liens (blog, site web, dossier google drive, vidéos sur
youtube ou vimeo, etc.) montrant des exemples de vos projets précédents ou d’œuvres relatives
au projet en cours. Veuillez ne pas soumettre de lien nécessitant un mot de passe pour y accéder.

Lien N°1 :

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