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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Books\par

Listed by AEG reference number in parentheses followed by title\par
First Edition\par
(3001) Legend of the Five Rings \endash Roleplaying in the Emerald Empire (firs
t edition core rule book)\par
(3002) Game Master\rquote s Pack: The Hare Clan\par
(3003) Way of the Dragon (Way of the Clans: Book One)\par
(3004) City of Lies box set (L-1 City of Lies)\par
(3005) Way of the Unicorn (Way of the Clans: Book Two)\par
(3006) Book of the Shadowlands\par
(3007) Way of the Crab (Way of the Clans: Book Three)\par
(3008) Way of the Scorpion (Way of the Clans: Book Five)\par
(3009) Way of the Crane (Way of the Clans: Book Four)\par
(3010) Way of the Lion (Way of the Clans: Book Six)\par
(3011) Walking the Way: The Lost Spells of Rokugan\par
(3012) Tomb of Iuchiban box set (S-1 Shadowlands Series)\par
(3013) Way of Shadow\par
(3014) Way of the Naga (Way of the Clans: Book Eight)\par
(3015) Game Master\rquote s Survival Guide\par
(3016) Winter Court: Kyuden Seppun\par
(3017) Way of the Phoenix (Way of the Clans: Book Seven)\par
(3018) Unexpected Allies\par
(3019) Bearers of Jade: The Second Book of the Shadowlands\par
(3020) Otosan Uchi: The Imperial City box set (O-1 The Imperial City)\par
(3021) Way of the Minor Clans (Way of the Clans: Book Nine)\par
(3022) Game Master\rquote s Pack (Revised): The Silence Within Sound\par
(3023) Merchant\rquote s Guide to Rokugan\par
(3024) Winter Court: Kyuden Kakita\par
(3025) Way of the Wolf (Way of the Clans: Book Ten)\par
(3028) Way of Shinsei (Way of the Clans: Book Eleven)\par
(4001) Honor\rquote s Veil (I-1 Intrigue Series)\par
(4002) Night of a Thousand Screams (L-2 City of Lies)\par
(4003) Code of Bushido (B-1 Bushido Series)\par
(4004) Twilight Honor (S-2 Shadowlands Series)\par
(4005) Midnight\rquote s Blood (M-1 High Magic Series)\par
(4006) Legacy of the Forge (B-2 Bushido Series)\par
(4007) Void in the Heavens (M-2 High Magic Series)\par
(4008) Lesser of Two Evils (S-3 Shadowlands Series)\par
(4500) Character Travelogue: Crab\par
(4501) Character Travelogue: Crane\par
(4502) Character Travelogue: Dragon\par
(4503) Character Travelogue: Lion\par
(4504) Character Travelogue: Phoenix\par
(4505) Character Travelogue: Ronin\par
(4506) Character Travelogue: Scorpion\par
(4507) Character Travelogue: Unicorn\par
Second Edition\par
(3026) Secrets of the Lion\par
(3027) Secrets of the Scorpion\par
(3029) Secrets of the Unicorn\par
(3030) Way of the Shadowlands *\par
(3030) Winter Court: Kyuden Asako *(both marked 3030, there is no 3031)\par
(3032) Way of the Ratling\par
(3033) Time of the Void\par
(3034) Secrets of the Mantis\par
(3035) Secrets of the Phoenix\par

(3036) Secrets of the Crab\par

(3037) Secrets of the Crane\par
(3038) Secrets of the Dragon\par
(3039) Secrets of the Shadowlands\par
(3040) Complete Exotic Arms Guide supplement\par
(3041) Legend of the Five Rings Live-Action Roleplaying\par
(3042) Way of the Open Hand\par
(3043) Way of the Daimyo\par
(3044) Way of the Thief\par
(3046) Complete Exotic Arms Guide\par
(3047) The Hidden Emperor\par
(3101) Legend of the Five Rings \endash Player\rquote s Guide (second edition c
ore rules)\par
(3102) Legend of the Five Rings \endash Game Master\rquote s Guide (second edit
ion core rules)\par
(3103) Rokugan \endash Oriental Adventures Campaign Setting\par
(3104) Creatures of Rokugan\par
(3105) Magic of Rokugan\par
(3106) Way of the Samurai\par
(3107) Way of the Ninja\par
(3108) Way of the Shugenja\par
(3109) Fortunes & Winds\par
(4009) Bells of the Dead\par
(4010) Mimura: The Village of Promises\par
Non-AEG second edition compatible books\par
(WTC 12015) Oriental Adventures (d20 System)\par
(PCI 2101) Bloodspeakers (d20 System)\par
Third Edition\par
(3200) Legend of the Five Rings \endash Third Edition (Revised) (core rules)\pa
(3201) The Four Winds: The Toturi Dynasty from Gold to Lotus\par
(3202) Creatures of Rokugan\par
(3203) Art of the Duel\par
(3204) Emerald Empire: The Legend of the Five Rings Companion\par
(3205) Masters of War\par
(3206) Prayers and Treasures\par
(3207) Masters of Court\par
(3208) Legend of the Burning Sands Roleplaying Game\par
(3209) Masters of Magic\par
(3210) Fealty and Freedom\par
(3211) The Vacant Throne\par
Fourth Edition\par
(3300) Legend of the Five Rings \endash 4th Edition (core rules)\par
(3301) Legacy of Disaster\par
(3302) Game Master\rquote s Screen and Adventure\par
(3303) Strongholds of the Empire\par
(3304) Enemies of the Empire\par
(3305) Emerald Empire\par
(3306) The Great Clans\par
(3307) Imperial Histories\par
(3308) The Book of Air\par
(3309) Second City box set\par
(3310) The Book of Earth\par
(3311) Imperial Histories 2\par
(3312) The Book of Fire\par
(3313) Naishou Province\par
(3314) Secrets of the Empire\par

(3315) The Book of Water\par

(3316) Sword and Fan\par
(3317) Book of the Void\par
Unexpected Allies 2 (pdf)\par

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