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Home Sufism Miracles of saints (Karamat-e-Awliya Allah) Home


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Miracles of saints (Karamat-
e-Awliya Allah)
Date published: 16 December 2021
Topic: Sufism



What is

There are people who freak out when they see ecstasy (wajd). About u

Alhamdullilah, ecstasy is a miracle. And is proved from The

Holy Quran, hadith and the narrations.
There are common persons, Muslims, and saints (Awliya Allah).  
In regards to the common persons, Allah Ta'ala states in The
Holy Quran:

'And no doubt, We honoured the children of Adam, and got them

ride in the land and sea, and provided them with clean things,
and preferred them over many of Our creations'
(Surah Bani Israel. verse 70)

The humans are superior and nobel in all creation, for this reason
he is called the noblest creation. Prophets and saints are found in
humans. It is the mankind who have been blessed with fairest
features, control over everything, intelligence and judgement.
Explore Topics
Allah Ta'ala has granted respect, honour and sanctity to all
humans, irrespective of race, colour, religion and their place of

Prophet Ta'ala has granted the children of Adam(alaihis salaam)
intelligence, judgement, and control of over everything. With
• Celebrating the birth of Prophet
such respect, honour and sanctity, mankind are able to perform
 Aqeeda activities, e.g. the technological and scientific
advancements and much more that we see nowadays.
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If Allah Ta'ala wishes to give respect, honour, and sanctity to any
 He makes astounding things to appear from his hands.
Deviants Home

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When people see other people making or developing
 things,
Female Islamic they become obedient to them. They
personalities What is
submit to them with obedience and accept the astonishing
 Fiqh New articles About u
products and services. Hence, Allah Ta'ala grants ordinary
 Hajj extraordinary abilities. The Molvis and Mullas of Insights
nowadays submit with obedience and accept these phenomena
 Imaan  
but sadly they refuse to believe and submit in the miracles
 Islamicby the saints (Awliya Allah).

Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:

 Islamic events

 Wepersonalities
Male Islamic have created man in the best nature'
(Surah At-Teen. verse 04)
 Prayer

 Ta'ala has granted human beings a unique appearance, a
straight stature and a beautiful face. Allah Ta'ala has made the
 The Holy Quran
human being the best of all the creation.
 Some might think that non-Muslims also possess the
miraculous power (Sahib e karamat) that the saints possess. The
 Supplementary articles
answer is that they did possess the miraculous power, as long as
they kept their promise made to Allah Ta'ala:
'O children of Adam, had I not made a promise with you that you
should not worship shaitaan. Certainly he is your open enemy'
(Surah Yaseen. verse 60)

To worship anyone besides Allah Ta'ala is equal to worshipping

the devils as this is due to his deception.
Hence, some people (non-Muslims) have broken that promise Home
and became worshippers of shaitaan. Those who kept their
promise are worshippers of Allah Ta'ala.

What is
All the children of Adam(alaihis salaam) made a promise to Allah
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'And (O Beloved Prophet) remember when your Lord brought
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forth from the loins of Adam's(alaihis salaam) children their seed and
made themselves witnesses against their own selves saying. 'Am
I not your Lord?' All will say, 'why not, we all bear witness'. Lest
you should say on the Day of Resurrection, that we were not
aware of it'
(Surah Al-Ra'aaf. verse 172)

The covenant and agreement was taken from all the souls, which
included the Prophets, Saints, believers, infidels and hypocrites.
All those who have kept their promise are worshippers of Allah
Ta'ala and possessors of miraculous power (Sahib e karamat).
Those who broke this promise became worshippers of devil and
lost this respect, honour, sanctity and miraculous power.
So, the possessors of miraculous power are those who worship
Allah Ta'ala. And those who are in denial of 'possessing
miraculous power' became part of the group worshipping the

Hazrat Abu Hurairah(Radi Allaahu Anhu) narrates that Prophet said,

'every child is born with a true faith (i.e. to worship Allah Ta'ala)
but their parents convert them to infidelity'. (Bukhari)
Till a person worships Allah Ta'ala, he is a possessor of the Home
miraculous power, but loses this miraculous power when he
moves away from Islam.

What is
Hazrat Data Ali Hajweri(Rahmatullah Alaih) made the people see Kabah
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in front of them' while sitting in their mosque in Lahore India.
Hazrat Khwaja Gareeb Nawaz(Rahmatullah Alaih) gazed at the Hindus in Insights
India, and ninety thousand of them recited kalima.
 
Hazrat Khwaja Peer Mehar Ali Shah(Rahmatullah Alaih) placed his
tasbeeh on the foot of a dead person; he became a bird and
started flying.
Hazrat Khwaja Akhundzada Saif Ur Rahman(Rahmatullah Alaih)
activated the hearts of hundreds of thousands of disciples to do
silent dhikr (Qalbi dhikr).
So the miracles (karamat) the saints are able to perform is
because they are steadfast to the promise they made to Allah
Ta'ala, and are very faraway from the path of the shaitaan.

Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:

'And certainly, he (Isa) is a sign of the Hour. So do not have
doubts about it and follow Me. This is the Straight Path'
'And let not Shaitaan misdirect you. Undoubtedly, he is your
open enemy'
(Surah Al-Zukhraf. Verse 61,62)

Allah Ta'ala has shown the straight path. To follow the straight Home
path, one has to be obedient to Prophet because obedience to
Prophet is obedience to Allah Ta'ala. And if you deviate from
the straight path, shaitaan will lure you in its path. But the What is
shaitaan does not seduce the saints.
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Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:

'Undoubtedly, those who say: 'Our Lord is Allah', then remain
 
firm on it, the angels descend upon them saying ' Fear not, nor
grieve and be glad in Paradise, which you were promised'.'
(Surah HaMeem Sajdah. verse 30)

Those who say our Lord is Allah, then remain firm on it. And
angels descend on them saying 'fear not nor grieve'. We are your
friends in this world and in the hereafter. And you will be
bestowed with Paradise.
From this we learn that those who remain steadfast on the
promise made to Allah Ta'ala are possessors of miraculous
power to perform karamat. They are given the glad tidings on
the Day of Judgement. On the Day of Judgement, everyone will
be for himself or herself, the sun will be brought near to
mankind, and mankind will drown in their sweat. But the angels
will descend upon on the pious (Awliya Allah), will get them
under the shade of their wings and say, 'do not fear'. These
conditions are for those who broke their promise and were on the
path of the shaitaan.

The miracle of the Saints on the Day of Judgement will be as

stated in The Holy Quran:

'We are your friends in the life of this world and in the Hereafter.
And for you therein is that which you yourselves desire, and you
shall get therein that which you may ask for' What is
(Surah HaMeem Sajda. verse 31)
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The angels will provide help for the friends of Allah Ta'ala, and Insights
receive every kind of bounty in Paradise, which they would
 

' 'Hospitality' from the Forgiving, the Merciful'

(Surah HaMeem Sajda. verse 32)

The possessors of miraculous power (sahib e karamat), the

honoured, the respected, and the righteousness in Paradise would
be the eternal guests of Allah Ta'ala.
On the Day of Judgement, the Friends of Allah will be granted
three miracles; protection from the hardship of the Day of
Judgement, protection from anxiety and the fear of the Day of
Judgement, and the help of the angels and assurance of 'not to
fear nor grieve'. A divine voice would be heard by them that 'We
were friends in the world, and will be friends in the hereafter too.
So, Allah Ta'ala would grant them miracles in the hereafter too.
Hence, the miracles (karamat) of the Awliya Allah are indeed
real and based upon right.' (Bar Haqq)

Allah Ta'ala says that He created mankind by His Divine abilities

(kudrat). But all other creations Allah Ta'ala created by saying
'be' (kun), and it came into existence immediately.

'Surely, His command is that whenever He intends to create
anything, He says to it: 'be' and it comes into existence
immediately' What is
(Surah Yaseen. verse 82)
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The earth, the sky, Arsh, Kursi, Loh o Qalam, the angels, and the Insights
entire creation were created by Allah Ta'ala by saying 'be' (kun),
 
and it came into existence immediately. But to create the human,
pure clay was gathered from all over the world, mixed with pure
water, and then a human body was created by the Divine power
of Allah Ta'ala. This was the body of Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam).
Then, how come the deviant sects deny the miracle of human
beings. Allah Ta'ala made the human body by His Divine power.
If any body kisses the hands and the feet of this body, which
Allah Ta'ala created from His Divine power, how can it become
idolatry (shirk)?
What is their opinion of the angels who performed sajda before
Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam)? :

'Therefore, the angels fell down in prostration, all of them

'Except Iblees, who became boastful that he was among the
(Surah Swaad. verse 73, 74)

The prostration was for Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam) only. It was only
in the form of prostration of respect. Those who believe in the
leadership of Hazrat Jibreel(alaihis salaam), do kiss the hands and feet Home
of the children of Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam). And those who oppose
kissing the hands and feet of the pious, are the followers of
Iblees, since it was Iblees who opposed prostration of Hazrat What is
Adam(alaihis salaam).
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The sajda of respect was for Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam), and durood
and salutations (salaam) is for Prophet Muhammad . Iblees Insights
opposed the prostration of respect to Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam), and
 
the followers of Iblees oppose standing in respect, and sending
salutations upon Prophet .

It has to be remembered that Allah Ta'ala did not prostrate to

Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam), but, Allah Ta'ala did recite salutations
(salaam) upon Prophet Muhammad .
So, the one who refused to prostrate Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam)
became kafir and was thrown out of the court of Allah Ta'ala.
Now! What will be the punishment to those who refuse in the
command of Allah Ta'ala, the command in which Allah Ta'ala
also participated with the angels (sending durood and salutations
upon Prophet ?)

The greatest miracle, respect, honour and virtue granted to

human being is that Allah Ta'ala made His creation to prostrate
the mankind (Hazrat Adam(alaihis salaam)). That is the reason Allah
Ta'ala gave knowledge (ilm) to the mankind.

'He created (the soul of) mankind (Muhammad)'

'He taught expression regarding whatever had already happened
and whatever will happen'
(Surah Ar-Rahmaan. verse 03,04 ) Home

Allah Ta'ala created the human being, and taught him the
knowledge (ilm). What is
So, all the children of Adam(alaihis salaam) are possessors of
About u
miraculous power (sahib e karamat) Now! If this were the status
of ordinary persons, what would be status and position of the Insights
Friends of Allah Ta'ala, the Wali? To increase the respect, honour
 
and sanctity of the saints, Allah Ta'ala granted them the ability to
perform miracles (karamat). The miracles are by the divinity of
Allah Ta'ala but through the hands of the saints. Allah Ta'ala
states that He bestowed respect, honour and sanctity to the
children of Adam(alaihis salaam).

'Undoubtedly, We have created man in the best nature'

(Surah At-Teen. verse 04)

Allah Ta'ala granted human beings a unique appearance, a

straight stature, and a beautiful face. These are the premiers of
the humans, the Awliya Allah.

Allah Ta'ala praises the magnificence, respect, honour and the

sanctity of the Friends of Allah Ta'ala (Wali). But the deviant sect
Mulla says that all humans are equal. They even call Prophet
Muhammad as their elder brother. Ma'az Allah.
Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:

'Listen carefully! No doubt, there is no fear nor grief, upon the

friends of Allah'
'They are those who believe and keep up their duty' Home
'For them are glad tidings, in the life of this world and in the
Hereafter. The words of Allah are not changeable. That indeed is
the supreme triumph' What is
(Surah Yunus. verse 62,63,64)
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On the Day of Qayamat, these deviant Mullas who refer the Insights
Awliya Allah as being petty and insignificant, will flee from each
 
other, and regret for their words.
Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:
'Friends on that day shall be foes to one another, except the pious
(Surah Al-Zukhraf. verse 67)

The friendships and relationships of the believers will be

beneficial on the Day of Judgement but only for the believers.
Thus, closeness to Prophet and the Awliya Allah will definitely
be beneficial.

Alhamdulillah, one will be our group (Ahlus Sunnah Wa

Jama'ah), who believes in the intercession of Prophet , and
believe in and accept the karamat of the Awliya Allah.
Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:
'The day when We shall call every people with their leaders, then
whosoever is given his record in his right hand, they shall read
their records and their rights shall not be suppressed a single
(Surah Bani Israel. verse 71)

The people who have pious leaders (Awliya Allah) in this world
through bayet in the path of Sufism will be called with their
leaders, and Prophet . So, who will get the respect and honour? What is
Obviously, the Awliya Allah and their followers. These people
About u
will be with the pious that possess miraculous powers, the saints.
Thus, Allah Ta'ala continues to grant miracles to the children of Insights
Adam(alaihis salaam). It is the divine power of Allah Ta'ala, mojaza of
 
the prophets, and the karamat of the saints (Wali).

Hazrat Mariam(Radi Allaahu Anha) giving birth to Hazrat Isa(alaihis salaam)

without a father is the divine power of Allah Ta'ala. Mojaza of
Hazrat Isa(alaihis salaam), and the karamat of Hazrat Mariam(Radi Allaahu
Hazrat Asif Ibne Barkhiya(Rahmatullah Alaih) brought the throne of
Queen Bilkis in the blink of the eye. This is the divine power of
Allah Ta'ala, mojaza of Hazrat Sulaiman(alaihis salaam), and the
karamat of Hazrat Asif Ibne Barkhiya(Rahmatullah Alaih).
There are people who say that these miracles are stories. They
don't realize that they are denying The Holy Quran. The reality is
that such people have grudge and enmity towards the saints. If
these are stories, then Allah Ta'ala stated these stories in The
Holy Quran.
Allah Ta'ala said to Hazrat Yusuf(alaihis salaam), 'this is a beautiful
If these are stories, can the deviant sects explain why Allah
Ta'ala is stating these stories in The Holy Quran? The twentieth
para of The Holy Quran, a Surah is named as Surah Al-Qasas-
the verses with stories. And the deviants who are against these
stories, can they take out the Surah from The Holy Quran. Home
Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:

'We relate to you the best narration, in that We revealed to you What is
this Quran, though no doubt, you had no knowledge before'
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(Surah Yusuf. verse 03)

The story of Hazrat Yusuf(alaihis salaam) is declared by The Holy
 
Quran as the best of the stories-(best narration). In this story, the
shirt belonging to Hazrat Yusuf(alaihis salaam) is mentioned, the shirt
Hazrat Yusuf(alaihis salaam) gave to his brothers and said:

'Go with this shirt of mine, put it on my father's face, he shall

recover his sight, and bring all your family together'
(Surah Yusuf. verse 93)
'Then when the bearer of glad tidings came, he laid that shirt on
the face of Yakub forthwith his sight came back. He said did I
not say to you that I know those glories of Allah which you
know not'
(Surah Yusuf. verse 96)

Allah Ta'ala told this story to Prophet Muhammad .

Hence, the divine power of Allah Ta'ala, the mojaza of the
Prophets, and the karamat of the saints (Awliya Allah) are indeed
real, and based upon the right. (Bar Haqq)

This article is an abridged English translation of an Urdu sermon Home
delivered by his eminence, Peer Syed Imroz Dean Saifi, Hanfi,
Maturidi of Masjid Anwaar e Madina, Surrey BC Canada
If there is an inaccurate translation, please pardon it and not let it What is
be a means to negatively reflect on the honoured presenter.
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