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EPHEC NOM : ............................................

LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE Prénom : .........................................


(Bacheliers : Comptabilité - Droit - E-business)

Date : 17/01/2022

Durée de l’examen : 1H
Matériel autorisé : -
Nombre de pages : 6 (1 feuille de brouillon comprise)

Acquis d’apprentissage :

1) Epreuve écrite : l’étudiant pourra manipuler le vocabulaire relatif au monde de l’entreprise vu

au cours et mettre en application les bases grammaticales vues et/ou consolidées au cours. (Niveau
2) Expression orale: l’étudiant pourra prendre part et interagir sans préparation à une
conversation et développer ses idées et arguments sur des sujets relatifs au monde de l’entreprise
vus au cours. L’étudiant pourra raconter des expériences et des évènements, ses espoirs ou ses
buts. Il pourra expliquer et argumenter un projet personnel ou relatif au monde de l’entreprise. Il
pourra raconter une histoire ou relater des faits actuels, passés, futurs, hypothétiques. (Niveau B1)

Pondération :

Pondération des Points de l’étudiant


Epreuve écrite Question 1 Vocabulaire QCM /10

Question 2 Vocabulaire Fill in /20
Question 3 Grammaire QCM /10
Question 4 Grammaire Fill in /20
Epreuve orale


Examen blanc p.1

Rédacteurs : M. Cooremans – M. Van Melkebeke - L. Lambert – C. Buts – AK Pirotton
Question 1 : VOCABULAIRE : QCM /10
Lis les phrases dans la colonne de gauche et note la lettre de la meilleure option en
fonction du contexte. Il n’y a qu’une réponse possible par phrase !

Contexte QCM Réponse /10

A. workaddict
1. My father is a ……… . He starts B. workaholic
working at 8 a.m. and leaves the /1
office around 9 p.m.. C. workanimal
D. no answer is correct
A. goal market
2. The ………… of Nike is students B. market share
between 17 and 25 years old. C. target market
D. no answer is correct
A. discount
3. If you buy clothes on Black Friday, B. sales
you usually have a …… of 20%. C. concessionary rate
D. no answer is correct
A. accountant
4. My ………. keeps a record of the B. countable
money my company received and /1
C. analyst
D. no answer is correct
A. the mother company
Meta is ………… of Facebook, B. the father company
Instagram, WhatsApp and C. the head office /1
Messenger. D. the parent company
E. no answer is correct
A. by 25 of age
B. by the age of 25
6. …………….. she had two bachelor’s C. at 25 of age /1
degrees and one master’s degree.
D. at the age of 25
E. no answer is correct
A. a company plan
7. When creating …………. you have B. a business plan
to think about your strategy, funding, /1
C. a financial plan
market, expenses, marketing…
D. no answer is correct
A. supplier
8. In our small village, it was difficult to B. deliverer
find a ……… who could provide car /1
C. furnisher
parts of Tesla.
D. no answer is correct
A. retailers
9. The ………… in H&M can help you B. salespersons
to find the right clothes. C. salespeople
D. no answer is correct
10. In order to ……………, we spend A. reduce costs /1
less money on marketing. B. deduct costs
C. decrease costs

Examen blanc p.2

D. no answer is correct
Question 2 : VOCABULAIRE : Fill in (and adapt the words if needed) /20

Augmenter – compétences - concurrent - contrat d’apprentissage - courant, fréquent (frequent) - définir un

objectif – déménager - envisager de - être destiné à - mériter une prime - passer une commande - perte de
temps – polluer - problèmes de liquidité – rappeler - sortir de sa zone de confort / se plier en quatre pour -
souscrire à un prêt bancaire - travailler en relais/ rotation/ pauses – usine - vol à l’étalage.

1. Teleworking has become a …(1)… practice on the workplace.

2. The price of oil has …(2)… sharply these days.

3. The website of this company is not user-friendly: it’s really difficult to …(3)… .

4. These employees have been doing a great job, I think they …(4)… !

5. They have received a letter to …(5)… them to pay before the end of the month.

6. When you start a project, it is really important to …(6)… : so that you know where
you are going.

7. Without people …(7)… you can’t deal with customers, you need to be outgoing.

8. You need a good business plan when you go to the bank and want to …(8)… .

9. You need to have an advantage over you …(9)… to survive in this market.

10. You should …(10)… changing school if you prefer IT.

11. This placement was a real …(11)… I didn’t do or learn anything.

12. As I can’t find a good job in communication, I think I will change career and look
for an …(12)…: a more technical job could suit me.

13. If you want to be a nurse, you have to be prepared …(13)….

14. This training …(14)… the people who already have an intermediate level.

15. Studying abroad should be encouraged because employers appreciate that: it

shows you …(15)… in order to develop.

16. The Supermarket chain Carrefour declared that 1% of its turnover (chiffre
d’affaires) was lost because of …(16)….

17. After her divorce, she decided to …(17)… England. She really needed this change
to start a new life.

18. According to this newspaper, this …(18)… (= sujet de la phrase)

19. …(19)… (verbe) for 5 years without even trying to stop this damage on the

20. This company went bankrupt because it had …(20)…. Although there are

Examen blanc p.3

customers, the company didn’t have enough money at the bank to pay for its bills.

Question 3 : GRAMMAIRE : QCM /10

MULTIPLE CHOICE: choose THE right answer!

1 a) I had to call him for instructions, because I didn’t knew the way.
b) I had to call him for instructions because I didn’t know the way.
c) I had to call him for instructions because I hadn’t known the way.

2 a) We don’t want to tell investors something about the merger

b) We don’t want to tell investors nothing about the merger
c) We don’t want to tell investors anything about the merger

3 a) I work easier when I work from home: I am more focused.

b) I work more easily when I work from home: I am more focused.
c) I work more easy when I work from home: I am more focused.

4 a) He is working from home due to the pandemic, but otherwise he usually works in the
b) He has working from home due to the pandemic, but otherwise he usually works in the
c) He was working from home due to the pandemic, but otherwise he usually works in
the office

5 a) This year was a tough year for most retailers, especially small ones.
b) This year has been a tough year for most retailers, especially small ones.
c) This year had been a tough year for most retailers, especially small ones.

6 a) Sales were bad last year, but this year is even worst.
b) Sales were bad last year, but this year is even worse.
c) Sales were bad last year, but this year is even more bad.

7 a) How long have you been studying business?

b) How long were you studying business?
c) How long had you been studying business?

8 a) Are you often going on business trips?

b) Go you often on business trips?
c) Do you often go on business trips?

9 a) The grey car is their car and the white one is our (we bought it last year)
b) The grey car is their car and the white one is us (we bought it last year)
c) The grey car is their car and the white one is ours (we bought it last year)

10 a) I was talking to a customer when we heard the blast.

Examen blanc p.4

b) I had talked to a customer when we heard the blast.
c) I have talked to a customer when we heard the blast.
Question 4 : GRAMMAR : Fill in /20
Lis les phrases dans la colonne de gauche et trouve la meilleure option en fonction du contexte.

Grammaire : points divers :

1. Marc loves his job. He loves (pronom) __________ so much that he often
sleeps at the office.
2. They have always blamed (pronom réfléchi) ________________ for not
saving their little dog on time.
3. She trusts her husband completely; she would follow him (pronom –
n’importe où) ____________.
4. Winters were cold in the past, but they tend to get warmer now. As a
result, snow falls (rarely – comparatives de supériorité? Superlatif?)
________________________ before.
5. The job title is not (important – comparatif de supériorité? Superlatif?)
_________________________ factor when looking for a job: the
schedules, tasks and salary are actually crucial.
6. Please contact me for (far – comparatif de supériorité? Superlatif?)
_____________________ information.
7. I would like to ask you some more questions but I have (quantifiers)
__________ time left before my train arrives.
8. I need to take a break but I don’t have (quantifiers) ______________
money to spend on my holidays at the moment.
Les temps:
1. (To leave – the robbers - already) ___________________ when you
arrived home?
2. As you can hear, Tom and Ben (to speak) ______________ English with
each another.
3. My brother can’t find his keys. He (to look) ________________________
for them everywhere for hours and hours.
4. My dad was listening to the radio while he (to eat)
_____________________ his breakfast.
5. (To be - you) ___________________________ here before? No, it is my
first time in the USA.
6. The police has never been seen (depuis) _______________ then.
7. Before moving to California, I (to hear - never) ____________________
about the Yosemite National Park.
8. (To enjoy - you) __________________________ living abroad when you
were in England? Yes, it was great! I enjoyed it very much.
9. I (to meet) _________________ my new boyfriend when I was visiting
10. We (to go - usually) ____________________ to the restaurant once a
11. Are you hungry? (you - to want) __________________ something to eat?
12. Helen learned to play the guitar because her sister (to suggest)

Examen blanc p.5

____________________ her to discover her creativity skills.

Examen blanc p.6

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