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Eco-friendly cities

Final task: giving an oral presentation of an eco-friendly city.

Giving an oral presentation of an eco-
friendly city.
 Choose one of the following cities: San Francisco, Singapore, Curitiba
( Brazil), Helsinki, Copenhagen …
 There are some YT videos to help you make your choice and
gather ideas.
 Research why it is considered eco-friendly.
 List what it has already done / achieved.
 List what they will do in the future and indicate the deadline ( by
2030 …)
 Prepare a power-point to illustrate your ideas.
Layout of your work

 Your oral presentation must last 4 minutes and your power-point

presentation should include 5 slides at least.
 You can start by a quick general presentation of the city you have
 You can then explain what an eco-friendly city is.
 Now give examples of what the city has done
 And examples of what the city will do in the future.
Respect des consignes 0–1–2
Prise de parole  Ne produit pas => 0
en continu  Oral court, pas assez développé => 1
 Oral simple, peu d’informations => 2
 Oral développé et complet => 3 – 4
Correction & fluidité de la  Ne s’exprime pas en anglais => 0
 Langue partiellement compréhensible et saccadée => 1
 Langue au vocabulaire limité et répétitif => 2
 Langue correcte, compréhensible malgré des erreurs => 3
 Langue correcte, fluide et non répétitive => 4
Qualité de la présentation  Se détacher des notes => 0 – 1
 Regarder le public => 0 – 0.5 – 1
 Se montrer convaincant => 0 – 0.5 – 1
 Qualité du diaporama => 0 – 1 – 2 – 3
Prononciation  Ne s’exprime pas => 0
 Parle avec un accent français très prononcé => 1
 Tombe dans quelques pièges => 2
 Fait des efforts (mots nouveaux, lettres muettes, -ed, -s, -th …) =>3-4

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