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ministre de lducation nationale


6e LV 1 / 4e LV 2
Rdaction et Relecture pdagogique
Sylvie Beuzon Paul Cody Frdric Duc Odile Malavaux

Livret de corrigs

Expertise pdagogique
Alain Rossignol, IA-IPR danglais

Coordination pdagogique
Olivier Immoune
Ce cours est la proprit du Cned. Les images et textes intgrs ce cours sont la proprit de leurs auteurs et/ou ayants droit respectifs. Tous ces lments font lobjet dune protection par les dispositions du code franais de la proprit intellectuelle ainsi que par les conventions internationales en vigueur. Ces contenus ne peuvent tre utiliss qu des fins strictement personnelles. Toute reproduction, utilisation collective quelque titre que ce soit, tout usage commercial, ou toute mise disposition de tiers dun cours ou dune uvre intgre ceux-ci sont strictement interdits. Cned 2009

Directeur de la publication Serge Bergamelli

Achev dimprimer le 30 juin 2011 Dpt lgal 3e trimestre 2011 3, rue Marconi - 76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan

Squence 1

Step 8
Complete the table now. (Maintenant complte le tableau.) Daniel
Fathers name

Emma Peter Mary


David Nicola Hannah, Ellen

Mothers name Sisters Brothers Pets

Ben Max (a dog)

Step 9
Exercise 10
Now, write the names. (Maintenant donne le prnom des gens suivants.) Hannahs sister: Ellen Bens sister: Emma Hannahs brother: Daniel Script: Daniel: This is a photo of my family in Dublin. Jack: Jack: Whos the girl with the red pullover? How old is she? Daniel: Thats my sister, Hannah. Daniel: Shes 10. Emma: Whos the girl with the blue T-shirt? Daniel: Thats Ellen. Shes my sister too. Shes 8. Jack: Whos that with the green dress? Daniel: Thats my mother. Her name is Nicola. And thats my father with the black jeans. His name is David. Emma: Is that your dog? Daniel: Yes, thats our dog, Max! Emma: This is my family. Thats my Mum with the yellow pullover. Her name is Mary. Thats my Dad with the orange trainers. His name is Peter. Daniel: And whos this boy with the blue jacket? Emma: Hes my brother. His name is Ben. Daniel: How old is he? Emma: Hes 18. Hes a student in Chicago now.

Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 1

Sance 5

Exercise 16
Listen again and circle the letter you hear. (coute de nouveau et entoure la lettre que tu entends.)

c Exercise 17

Write down the letters you hear and find the names. (cris les lettres que tu entends et trouve les prnoms pels.) 1- Daniel 2- Hannah 3- Ellen 4- Emma 5- Jack

Exercise 18
Write down the letters and find the countries. (coute et note les noms des pays qui vont tre pels.) 1- Britain 2- Ireland 3- Australia 4- Canada

Exercise 19
Now write down the cities. (Maintenant coute et note les villes qui vont tre peles.) 1- London 2- Dublin 3- Liverpool 4- New York 5- Sydney 6- Toronto

Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 1

Step 14
Exercise 20

Tu vas complter cette fiche didentit pour Daniel. Utilise les notes que tu as prises pour la complter. Quand tu auras termin, identifie les lments qui manquent. coute ton CD STEP 14 de nouveau en te concentrant sur ces lments, et essaie de complter les dernires informations manquantes. First Name: Daniel Nationality: Irish City: Dublin Age: 13 Family : 2 sisters and no brothers Sisters names: Hannah and Ellen Ages: 11 and 8 Daniels favourite subjects: Maths and French His favourite football team: Liverpool Colour of their shirts: Red Daniels dogs name: Max Dogs age: 3 years old Script : Family name: Ford


Hello ! My name is Daniel Ford. Thats F-O-R-D. Im Irish. I live in Dublin. Im thirteen years old. Ive got two sisters but no brothers. My sisters are called Hannah and Ellen. Hannah is 11 and Ellen is 8. In school my favourite subjects are Maths and French. My Maths teacher is Mr Brown and my French teacher is Miss Robinson. There are 25 pupils in my class. School is from 8 oclock in the morning to 3 oclock in the afternoon. At three oclock its time for sport. Sport is fun. My favourite sport is football. My favourite football team is Liverpool. Do you know Liverpool? Theyre great! They wear red shirts. I like animals. Ive got a pet dog. His name is Max. He is black. He is very nice. He is three years old.

Sance 6

Step 16
Exercise 21
coute attentivement le CD et cris le cours qui dbute lheure mentionne : 1- Maths: Monday, twenty past eleven. 2- English: Tuesday, twenty-ve to nine. 3- Science: Wednesday, twenty past nine. 4- Drama: Thursday, ve past one. 5- Art: Friday, ten to two.
Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 1

Exercise 25 a
Listen to your CD and fill in the nationalities. (coute ton CD et complte le tableau.) Name Brian Susie George Scott Tim Barbara Lucy script: Hi. My name is Brian. Im American. Im from New York. Hello! This is Susie. Im from New Zealand. This is George speaking. Im British. Im from London. My name is Scott. Im Australian. Hi! Im Tim. Im Canadian. Im from Toronto. My name is Barbara. Im Jamaican. My name is Lucy. Im Irish. Im from Dublin. The USA New Zealand Britain Australia Canada Jamaica Ireland Country Nationality American a New Zealander British Australian Canadian Jamaican Irish Dublin Toronto London

City (ville) New York


Exercise 25 b
Listen to your CD again and circle the stressed syllable. (coute ton CD de nouveau et entoure la syllabe accentue.) American Australian Canadian Irish

Sance 8
Exercise 1
Listen to your CD and write the letters you hear. (coute ton CD et cris les lettres que tu entends. Tu devras trouver trois prnoms anglais.) 1- Sarah 2- Rebecca 3- Christopher

Exercise 2
Listen to your CD and write the numbers you hear. Listen again and repeat the numbers.Then do the calculations! (coute ton CD et note les chiffres. Puis fais les calculs.) 1- 4 + 3 = 7 2- 11 + 5 = 16 3- 16 + 4 = 20 4- 22 + 7 = 29
Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 1

Exercise 3
Listen to your CD and circle the stressed syllable. (Maintenant coute et entoure la syllabe accentue.) January August November Canada Australia Manchester

Exercise 4
Complete as in the example. (Complte comme dans lexemple.) Im from Australia. = Im Australian. Im from Britain. = Im British. Shes from France. = Shes French. Theyre from Ireland. = Theyre Irish.

Exercise 5
Recite the months aloud. Dont forget the names of the missing months! Then complete in writing. (Rcite les mois haute voix et noublie pas dinclure les mois qui manquent. Ensuite complte la liste lcrit.) January February March April May June July August September October November December.

Exercise 6
Find the question. (Retrouve la question qui correspond la rponse.) 1- Whats your name? My name is Robert. 2- How old are you, Robert? Im thirteen. 3- Where are you from? Im from New Zealand.

Exercise 7
Complete the sentences. (Complte les phrases suivantes.) 1- Benjamin is French. 2- He is from Paris. 3- Paris is the capital of France. 4- Lucie is his sister. 5- She is 12. 6- They are in my class.

Exercise 8
What time is it? (Quelle heure est-il ?) 11.20: its twenty past eleven. 06.30: its half past six. 07.45: its a quarter to eight. 22.10: its ten past ten.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 1

Exercise 9
Que dis-tu en anglais quand : 1- Tu rencontres un copain ? Hi! My names... I am 11/12/13 etc 2- Tu te prsentes quelquun que tu ne connais pas ? 3- Tu donnes ton ge ?


Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 2

SQUENCE 2 Sance 1

Step 1
Regarde ce tableau. laide de tes notes essaie de la complter. Number of speakers: 3 Names : Laura, Simon, Daniel Daniels pets: a dog, Max. Simons pets : Total number : 8 Number dogs: 1 Number cats: 2 Hamsters: 1 Rabbits: 1 Fish: 1 Mice: 1 Ponies: 1 Daniels house: small Simons house: big Rponds en franais aux questions suivantes :

that horrible boy Non pet Script: Laura : Oh no! Its that horrible boy Simon Johnson with his horrible dog! Simon : Hello, Laura. Whos this? Laura : Hello Simon, this my cousin Daniel. Hes from Ireland. Daniel: Hello. Simon: Hello Daniel. This is my dog, Star. Hes very nice, isnt he? And hes very intelligent. Have you got a pet, Daniel? Daniel: Yes, I have. Ive got a dog. His name is Max. Simon: Have you got a cat? Daniel: No, I havent. Simon: Have you got a rabbit? Daniel: No I havent.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 2

Simon: Have you got a hamster? Daniel: No, I havent. rabbit, a sh, a mouse and a pony. Daniel: Well, my parents have got a very small house so weve only got one pet.

Simon: Poor Daniel! Just one pet!! Ive got eight pets. Ive got a dog, two cats, a hamster, a


Simon: My parents have got a very big house. My father has got a lot of money! Weve got three cars, weve got a swimming-pool and a tennis court and Ive got a big bedroom. Ive got two computers and a TV in my bedroom and Ive got Laura: Goodbye, Simon, Im sorry but we havent got time to chat now. Goodbye!

Exercise 1
Use the words to make sentences. (Utilise les mots pour faire des phrases et cris-les la forme pleine.) 1- Simon has got two cats. 2- Daniel has got a dog. 3- Daniel hasnt got a hamster.

Exercise 2
Tu rencontres Laura. 1- Have you got a dog? 2- Have you got a hamster?

Exercise 3
Listen to your CD and answer the questions. Give short answers. 1- Have you got a dog ? 2- Have you got a cat ? 3- Have you got a hamster ? 4- Have you got an elephant ? yes, I have. No, I havent.

Exercise 4
Put the words in the right order. (Mets les mots dans le bon ordre.) 1- Emma has got two dogs. 2- Have you got a hamster? 3- Ben has not got a kangaroo. 4- We have got six pets.

Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 2

Step 3
Exercise 8
Complete with some, no or any. (Complte avec some, no ou any.) 1- Emma hasnt got any pets. 2- Peters got some glue in his pencil case. 3- Have you got any brothers? 4- Ive got some money! ($$) 5- Ive got some pencils in my pencil case but I havent got any chocolate!


Sance 3

Step 4
Ensuite essaie de complter le tableau. Repre les blancs qui restent dans ton tableau. Rflchis aux rponses possibles. Rcoute en essayant de les complter. Number of speakers (nombre dinterlocuteurs): 2 Names of speakers (nombre dinterlocuteurs): Emma - Daniel Subject of the conversation (le sujet de la conversation, coche 1, 2 ou 3): 1- a film on TV 2- a project for school (une recherche pour lcole) 3- a family problem Country (le pays concern): Ireland Capital city: Dublin Number of inhabitants: 5 million. (inhabitants: habitants) Girls problem: (coche 1, 2 ou 3) 1- not much telephone credit 2- no computer 3- no pens Boys solution: (coche 1, 2 ou 3) 1- a letter 2- an e-mail 3- a book

Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 2

Script: Emma : Daniel : Emma : Daniel: Emma: Daniel: Emma: Daniel: Emma: Daniel: Emma: Daniel: Emma: Hello, is that Daniel? Yes, this is Daniel. Whos that? This is Emma, from England. How are you, Daniel? Im fine thanks, Emma. How are you? Im fine too. Daniel, can you help me? I have to do a project for school, about Ireland. Sure, no problem! What do you want to know? Well, whats the capital city of Ireland? Its Dublin. And how many inhabitants are there in Ireland? There are 5 million people in Ireland. Oh no! I havent got much credit left on my mobile. Thats ok. Ill send you an e-mail with lots of information tomorrow. Thank you Daniel, bye!

Step 5

Exercise 9
Put these sentences in the correct order. (Mets les phrases suivantes dans le bon ordre.) 1b/2d/3c/4a

Exercise 10
Listen and note the numbers. (coute et note les numros de tlphones portables.) 1- 087 651 22 65 2- 086 515 17 42 3- 0777 602 16 64 4- 0784 587 35 24

Exercise 11
Script: 1- Have you got a mobile? 2- Whats your number? 3- This is Emma. Whos that? 4- How are you?

Exercise 12
Complete the sentences with much or many or lots/a lot of. (Complte les phrases avec much ou many ou lots/a lot of.) 1- How many pencils have you got? 2- Daniel has got a lot of homework ou Daniel has got lots of homework 3- Emma hasnt got much credit. 4- Emma hasnt got much information about Ireland. 5- How much money have you got? 6- How many cats has Simon got?


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 2

Sance 5

Step 8
Peux-tu faire la prsentation de lIrlande la place dEmma ? Rponse possible :


Ireland is an island. Ireland has got 5 million inhabitants. The Irish ag is green, white and orange. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. Dublin has got a river, the Liffey. There are 2 big stadiums in Dublin.

Exercise 17
Fais lexercice suivant pour savoir si tu sais tout sur lIrlande. 1- Dublin is the capital of Ireland. 2- There is a river in Dublin. The name of the river is the Liffey. 3- There are 5 million inhabitants in Dublin. 4- The inhabitants of Dublin are called Dubliners.

Exercise 18
Put the letters in the right order and find the places in the house. (Mets les lettres dans le bon ordre et trouve les endroits de la maison.) bedroom kitchen garage upstairs

Exercise 19
Listen to Daniel and take a few notes in your exercise book. (coute Daniel et prends quelques notes dans ton cahier.) In my house theres a kitchen, a living-room and a small bathroom downstairs. There are three bedrooms and a big bathroom upstairs. Theres a garage at the side of the house There isnt a garden.

Sance 6

Step 10
Exercise 22
Listen to Daniel describe his room and tick the things he mentions. (coute Daniel et coche les choses quil mentionne.) armchair desk radio

bed goldfish shelves

chairs lamp table


posters TV
Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 2

Script: Ive got a nice bedroom. In my bedroom theres a bed, of course. Theres a desk and a lamp on the desk. There are two chairs. There are some posters on the wall. Ive got two posters of Liverpool Football Club. There are lots of shelves for my books. Ive got a computer. Its my Dads old computer. My computer is on my desk, near the lamp.

Exercise 25
Tu vas entendre un dialogue. coute une premire fois sans crire pour essayer de comprendre le sens gnral. coute une deuxime fois et prends quelques notes. Ensuite essaie de complter la grille ci-dessous. Sil reste des blancs dans ta grille, rflchis aux rponses possibles et rcoute en essayant de les complter. 1- Speakers (interlocuteurs) Mum Daniel - Hannah 2- Subject (sujet de la conversation) Daniels room (bedroom) 3- Mum is a) happy b) sad c) angry

Circle the right answer. (Entoure la bonne rponse.) 4- Problems : a) pencils on the floor (par terre) b) Books on the bed c) A lamp on the chair 5- The pencils are: a) Mums pencils b) Daniels pencils b) Hannah c) Hannahs pencils c) Ellen

6- Who has got Daniels pencils?: Script: Mum: Daniel: Mum: Daniel: Mum: Daniel: Mum: Daniel Look at your room! What about it Mum? Its a mess! No it isnt.

a) Daniel

Oh yes it is. Look! Your pencils are on the floor. Your books are on the bed! Your lamp is on the chair! No, theyre not my pencils Mum. Well whose pencils are they?

Hannah: Where are my pencils? Mum: Daniel: Mum: Theyre in Daniels bedroom, on the floor! Daniel, why have you got her pencils? WellIve got a lot of homework and Ellen has got my pencils so. These children! Really!


Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 2

Emma: Well Daniel, I cant remember. Whats the name of the river in Dublin? Daniel: The river? Oh, its the River Liffey. Thats L-I-F-F-E-Y. Emma: Thank you Daniel. Now, Ive got another question. Are there any interesting monuments or places to visit in Dublin? Daniel: Hmm. Just a minutelets see. Well, theres Temple Bar. Its great for shopping. There are no cars. The Wall of Fame is in the Temple Bar. Emma: Whats the Wall of Fame? Daniel: Its a wall with lots of photographs of rock stars and musicians. Emma: Ok, anything else? Daniel: Yes of course, theres Trinity College. Its a famous university. Emma: Thank you so much Daniel! Daniel: Its a pleasure! Any time!

Sance 8
Exercise 1
1- Have you got any pets ? Yes, I have ou no, I havent. 2- Have you got a pencil case? Yes, I have ou no, I havent. 3- How many pencils have you got? Ive got pencils. 4- How many sisters have you got? Ive got sisiter(s) / I havent got a sister. 5- Is there a TV in your bedroom? Yes, there is ou no, there isnt.

Exercise 2
Name the rooms ! The kitchen The bedroom The bathroom

Exercise 4
Find the missing question word. (Trouve le mot interrogatif qui manque.) 1- What is the capital city of Ireland? 2- What are the colours of the Irish flag? 3- Who was Bram Stoker? 4- How many inhabitants are there in Ireland? Now write the answers to the questions! 1- Dublin 2- green, white and orange. 3- an Irish writer 4- 5 million


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 2

Exercise 5
1- Complete the sentences with: (Complte les phrases avec :) some b) Ive got some chocolate in my bedroom. c) Have you got any sisters? d) Oh no! Ive got no rubber! 2- Complete the sentences with: (Complte les phrases avec :) lots of/ a lot of a) How many hamsters are there in the cage? b) How much credit have you got on your mobile? c) Ive got lots of/ a lot of pets: hamsters, rabbits, cats much many any no a) My father hasnt got any credit on his mobile.


Exercise 6
Mthodologie pour la comprhension orale Lis ces conseils et mets-les dans le bon ordre : 1-F2-EAvant dcouter, regarde bien les illustrations, sil y en a. Essaie dimaginer qui sont les gens sur les illustrations les photos. Note leurs noms si tu peux. coute sans prendre de notes. Repre des lments (y compris des bruits, des sons) qui taident imaginer la scne. Essaie de savoir combien de gens parlent et quel est le sujet de la conversation. coute une deuxime fois et prends des notes. Essaie de complter la fiche, le tableau... Repre les blancs qui restent dans ton tableau. Rflchis aux rponses possibles. Rcoute en essayant de trouver les informations qui te manquent.


Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 3

SQUENCE 3 Sance 1

Step 1
3- Tu vas maintenant essayer de reprer les informations. Question 1 : Charlie. Question 2 : Le texte est sign Charlie en bas droite. Question 3 : Le texte parle de Charlie. Question 4 : Cest un extrait dun journal intime. Charlie parle de sa vie jour aprs jour.

Step 2
2- Complete Charlies identity card. ( partir de ce que tu as soulign, complte la carte didentit de Charlie.) First names: Charlotte, Abigail Family name: Thackeray Nicknames: Charlie, CAT Age: 11 Address: Great Skellig Island, Ireland Occupation: A witch Pets: Duncan the dragon

Step 3
2- Complete Duncans identity card. ( partir de ce que tu as soulign, complte la carte didentit de Duncan. Certains points resteront sans rponse.) First names: Duncan Family name: X Nicknames: X Age: X Address: Great Skellig island, Ireland Occupation: A dragon Pets: X Friends: Charlie


Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 3

Sance 3

Step 10
2- Quels sont les mots transparents que tu as souligns ? October, terrible, disappeared 3- Quels sont les mots que tu connais que tu as souligns ? Charlie, Duncan, bedroom, between 4- Trouve dans le texte une phrase quivalent de He has disappeared. I cant find Duncan anywhere 5- Essaie dinfrer le sens du mot find ?

nd signie trouver
6- Quel est le problme de Charlie ? Charlie ne trouve pas Duncan. Il a disparu.

Step 11
1- Observe dabord ces trois exemples dannonce. A Reward: 25 pounds Missing since July 13th. Cheekie, a big cockatoo. Green with white cheeks and an orange neck. He readily sings Yankee Doodle as a greeting. Quite tame and fearless. If found, please call 353 52 98445 B Reward: 50 pounds Missing since February 2nd. Mariah a black dog with long hair. She is very happy and loves people! I miss her very much and I want her home! If found please call 353 52 475 98, thank you. C Reward: 30 pounds Missing since January 30th. Sweetie, an indoor cat. She is a female, 8 years old, VERY affectionate. She is black with a white spot on her neck. She has also white whiskers. If found PLEASE CALL 353 64 35996

2- Reward pounds If found, please call

3- Tout ce qui na pas t soulign concerne : lanimal (son nom, sa description, ses capacits, ses qualits) et son propritaire (sentiments exprims). Reward : 20 pounds 4- Missing since November 26th. Duncan, a green dragon with large wings and a pointed tail. He is my best friend. If found, please call 353 64 35996. Thank you.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 3

Step 12
Tick the right telephone number. Message 1: 353 45 78 558 Message 2: 353 12 44 887 Message 3: 353 45 77 445 Message 4 : 353 45 37 394


Step 13
can Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Message 4 X X X cant X

Message 1 : Hello, this is 353 45 78 558, Mrs Smith speaking. Im sorry, dear, I havent seen your little green dragon, but I just wanted to say I like him very much, he is such a dear. I hope you nd him. Sorry I cant help. Bye ! Message 2 : Hello, dear, this is 353 12 44 887, Mr. Burke speaking. I can help you, I have seen Duncan. He had a backpack attached to his wings, he was at the grocers, doing some shopping. Hope you nd him soon. Bye ! Message 3 : Hello, this is 353 45 77 445, Mrs Green speaking. You must be Charlie, the dragons friend. I can help you. I saw Duncan. He was ying over the Atlantic Ocean. Is this of any help ? Give me a call. Bye. Message 4. Er Hi ! This is er 353 45 37 394, Greg speaking. Er... Well, I just wanted to know How much is the reward ? Bye...

Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 3

Step 16
2- Souligne en bleu les trois indices. November 27th


Hi, its me again. I dont know where Charlie is, but Ive got some clues: on November 26th he was seen doing some shopping at the grocers with a backpack on his back. Then he was seen ying over the Atlantic Ocean. Where is he now? Maybe he is on a trip to the United States of America, right across the Atlantic Ocean. Charlie Le mot qui indique que Charlie nest pas sre est maybe. Peut-tre que Duncan est parti aux tats-Unis, peut-tre pas. 3- et 4- : Right across signie juste de lautre ct.

Step 17
On the rst day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me A hoot owl in a dead tree. On the second day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me Two black cats And a hoot owl in a dead tree. On the third day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me Three skeletons Two black cats And a hoot owl in a dead tree On the fourth day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me Four pumpkins glowing Three skeletons Two black cats And a hoot owl in a dead tree On the fth day of Halloween, my Swamp Thing gave to me Five monsters shrieking Four pumpkins glowing Three skeletons Two black cats And a hoot owl in a dead tree
Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 3

Sance 5

Step 20
1- Underline all the words or expressions related to Halloween. witch table ghost black cat lion lamp pencil jeans skeleton pumpkin October bike car school book

Ireland chair

trick or treat! bat flower

3- Read the following text and complete it. Halloween Halloween is a festival. It originated in Ireland (7). It is celebrated on october (7) 31st. It is a night of witches and ghosts (6). Children play games and go from door to door, house to house (5), asking for sweets. They say Trick or treat (5)!. They light candles in pumpkins (8).

Step 21
Ingredients Brown sugar Vegetable oil Canned pumpkin Eggs Flour Salt Baking powder Baking soda Vanilla Cinammon Ginger Quantity 2 cups 1 cup 1 cup 2 3 cups 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp


Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 3

2- Match the English verbs with their French translation. English Preheat Beat Add Combine Drop Bake Cool Enjoy Mix Franais Incorpore Laisse refroidir Mlange Cuis au four Prchauffe Bats Rgale-toi Ajoute Dpose Answers Preheat/ prchauffe

Beat/ Bats Add/ Ajoute Combine/Incorpore Drop/ Dpose Bake/ Cuis au four Cool/ Laisse refroidir Enjoy/ Rgale-toi Mix/ Mlange

Exercise 17
Charlie imagine quelle est un grand chef cuisinier avec du personnel. 1- Beat the eggs! 2- Mix two eggs with brown sugar! 3- Preheat oven to 350! 4- Add salt! 5- Bake the cookies !

Sance 6
Exercise 18
1- You are a very good detective. A backpack attached to his wings. Shopping at the grocers. Flying over the Atlantic Ocean. A song for Halloween. A recipe for Duncans Halloween Cookies. 2- You know how to express a hypothesis. You have to use an adverb beginning with the letter M. In your opinion, where is Duncan? Have a guess. Maybe Duncan is in the United States. 3- In your opinion, why has he gone to this mysterious place? Have another guess. Maybe he is in the United States to celebrate Halloween. 4- What is Charlies opinion? Read a page from her diary. Underline the sentence expressing a hypothesis. November 29th Hello, thanks for your help with the clues. Maybe Charlie is in the United States of America to celebrate Halloween. But why the recipe of the Pumpkin cookies? Why shopping at the grocers? Ive got an idea. I remember an article in an old magazine Let me have a look! Ah, here it is! Charlie


Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 3

2- Cest trs bien. Maintenant tu vas lire attentivement le texte, crayon de papier la main pour souligner tout ce que tu comprends, comme tu as pris lhabitude de le faire. un synonyme pour jack-o-lanterns : glowing pumpkins

un nombre : 28,952 une date : October 31st, 2003

deux consignes : Come and do it !

Exercise 19
[i] Party- pumpkin- cityGuinness- festival- it [i:] Magazine- KeeneHalloween- street

Les syllabes accentues sont soulignes dans le tableau qui prcde.

Sance 7

Step 27
1- Observe trois des messages que tu as entendus. Message 1 : Hello, this is 353 45 78 558, Mrs Smith speaking. Im sorry, dear, I havent seen your little green dragon, but I just wanted to say I like him very much, he is such a dear. I hope you nd him. Sorry I cant help. Bye ! Message 2 : Hello, dear, this is 353 12 44 887, Mr Burke speaking. I can help you, I have seen Duncan. He had a backpack attached to his wings, he was at the grocers, doing some shopping. Hope you nd him soon. Bye ! Message 3 : Hello, this is 353 45 77 445, Mrs Green speaking. You must be Charlie, the dragons friend. I can help you. I saw Duncan. He was ying over the Atlantic Ocean. Is this of any help ? Give me a call. Bye. 2- Les mots ou expressions que tu as reprs te permettent de commencer et de finir ton message. Mets-toi la place de Charlie. Que diras-tu pour commencer le message. Retrouve le numro de tlphone de Charlie sance 3 ? Hello, this is 353 64 35996, Charlie speaking. Que diras-tu pour finir le message ? Bye ! Tu penses savoir o il est. Choisis : Maybe you are in Keene

Tu poses une question sur la possibilit de venir le rejoindre. Choisis : Can I come to Pumpkin city, too?

Demande-lui de tappeler. Tu trouveras cette expression dans le message N 3. Give me a call


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 3

3- Tu peux prendre des notes sur la page de calepin ci-dessous si tu le souhaites. Exerce-toi

ensuite plusieurs fois loral en regardant tes notes, puis sans les regarder. Enregistre-toi si possible et rcoute-toi.


Je commence le message :
Hello, this is 353 64 35996, Charlie speaking.

Je pense savoir o est Duncan :

Maybe you are in Keene

Je lui demande si je peux venir :

Can I come to Pumpkin city, too?

Je lui demande de mappeler :

Give me a call

Je dis au revoir :
Bye !

Exercise 20
2- You are the best, so what clues did you find about this postcard? Duncan is in the United States. He is not in Keene, so he is not in New Hampshire He is in a big city in the Massachusetts. There is a Halloween Festival in this big city. This big city has now the Guinness World Record for the most glowing pumpkins lit in one place at one time.

Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 3

She is between two pumpkins. She is in a cauldron. She is between two brooms. She is next to Duncan. She is behind Duncan. Charlie is on her broom. She is under a large witchs hat.

Exercise 4
Sais-tu dire si tu sais faire les choses suivantes ?
I can dive under the water. / I cant dive under the water. I can y on a broom. / I cant y on a broom. I can bake cookies. / I cant bake cookies. I can leave a message in English / I cant leave a message in English.

Exercise 5 Sais-tu reprer la diffrence entre [kn], [kn] et [kant] ?

[kn] A B C D E Script: A- I can play tennis. B- He cant dive under the water. C- Can you make cookies? D- Yes, I can. E- They cant go to Keene X X X X X [kn] [kant]

Exercise 6

Sais-tu rdiger une petite annonce ?

REWARD : 20 euros Missing since September 10th. Sweety, a nice black and white cat. She is my best friend. If found, please call 03 81 45 76 07. Thank you.

Exercise 7 Connais-tu bien le lexique du thme de Halloween ?



Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 3

Exercise 8 Connais-tu bien les nombres ordinaux en anglais ?

Julian : 18/08/1966 Meredith : 21/12/1977 Chris : 5/10/1988 August the eighteenth, nineteen sixty-six December the twenty-rst, nineteen seventy-seven October the fth, nineteen eighty-eight


Exercise 9 Connais-tu bien le lexique ncessaire pour raliser les Halloween Cookies ?
Dans chaque liste, il y a deux intrus, lesquels ? Entoure-les. 1- Ingredients: vanilla 2- Instructions: heat bake cake drop cool pool mix flour flower sugar baking powder soda vegetable oil

Exercise 10 Sais-tu utiliser les lments paratextuels dun document pour en anticiper le contenu ?
1- Cite les 3 lments paratextuels du texte sur lequel tu as travaill lors de la sance 6 qui sont prsents sur le document ci-dessous. une photo une carte le titre du document do est extrait larticle 2- Le titre

Exercise 11 Connais-tu bien tes adverbes interrogatifs ?

This is Charlie. She lives on Great Skellig Island. She can make pink potions. Halloween is on October 31st. Because there is a festival there

Who Where What When Why

Exercise 12 Sais-tu reprer une information dans un texte ?

There is a Halloween festival in this big city because it has the Guinness World Record for the most Jack-O-Lanterns in one place at one time.

Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 4

SQUENCE 4 Sance 1

Exercise 2 Comment donne-t-on une consigne ?

1- Read the following sentences and tick the instruction.(Lis les trois phrases suivantes et coche celle qui est une consigne.) I can make cookies Add four eggs! There are three eggs on the table CHANGE THE PLANET WITH YOUR PEN Join our competition! Make a poster! Draw three pictures of your local wild life or place you live in! Write three short paragraphs about it! Imagine a slogan! Dont forget to describe the place you live in!

2- Les consignes donnes dans le document qui ont attir lattention de Charlie.

Exercise 3
Match each instruction to a picture. DRAW : dessin D WRITE : dessin C IMAGINE : dessin B DONT FORGET : dessin A

Step 1
Une consigne nest pas construite comme les autres : 1- Dont forget to describe the place you live in! 2- La base verbale est prcde de dont. 3- Dont +base verbale indique ce quil ne faut pas faire.

Exercise 4
Choose between the Verb base and Dont + Verb base. Make a nice poster to win the rst prize! Dont write two paragraphs, but three! Colour your pictures! Dont forget to send the poster before November 30th! Go to Great Skellig Island, its a fantastic place!


Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 4

Step 3
1- Lis cette phrase extraite de lannonce : You must send your poster to Wildlife Magazine before November 30th. 2- La phrase qui a la signication la plus proche de celle que tu viens de lire est : Dont forget to send your poster to Wildlife Magazine before November 30th 3- La valeur exprime par la phrase est : lobligation 4- Une autre phrase de lannonce exprime cette mme valeur. You must respect the rules. 5- Must est le mot commun aux deux phrases qui exprime cette valeur.

Exercise 7
Choisis entre lexpression de lobligation (must) ou de la possibilit (can) 1- Charlie must respect the rules to win a prize. 2 In Florida, you can swim with dolphins. 3- In Burma, you can visit a panda family. 4- You must send your poster before November 30th to participate in the competition. 5- What animals can you see in Kenya?

Exercise 8
Find, in this list of words or expressions. (Trouve, dans cette liste de mots ou dexpressions.) 1- a synonymous expression for rules: instructions 2- a synonymous expression for endangered species: animals in danger 3- a synonymous expression for wild life: fauna 4- a synonymous expression for protection: preservation 5- a synonymous expression for join: participate 6- a synonymous expression for a trip to: to go fromto

Sance 2

Step 4
CHANGE THE PLANET WITH YOUR PEN You feel concerned by the protection of endangered species, by the preservation of your local wild life, join our competition! Make a poster! You must respect the rules: Draw three pictures about your local wild life or the place you live in Write three short paragraphs about it Imagine a slogan Dont forget to describe the place you live in


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 4

Exercise 16
Relis la premire page du journal de Charlie. Elle utilise des verbes au prsent simple pour nous informer de ses caractristiques. Souligne-les :

Hello, my name is Charlie. OK, my full name is Charlotte Abigail Thackeray, but everybody calls me Charlie, except my best friend who calls me CAT (just note my initials). Im 11. I live in one of the wildest and most beautiful part of Ireland, the Great Skellig Island, on the South West Coast. I have a pet, it isnt a black cat, its a dragon, a little green Irish dragon with a pointed tail and large wings. In fact, he is my best friend. His name is Duncan. Well, maybe youve guessed, Im a witch, a real witch. Of course I wear a black pointed hat, but I usually wear a purple T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and pink trainers because Im a young witch. Bye for now, Ill write again tomorrow.


Sance 4
Japprends exprimer la frquence dune action

Step 10
1- Duncan: Hi, Charlie, come and meet my friend Puff-Puff the Pufn. Charlie: Hi, Duncan! Hello, Puff-Puff! Are you a real pufn? Puff-Puff: Of course I am, a real pufn from Great Skellig! Charlie: Thats great! Can I ask you questions? I need information about pufns for a competition. Puff-Puff: Of course, you can, no problem, anything better than playing with this stupid dragon! Duncan: He does not like my company! Did you hear that? Charlie: Oh, stop it, Duncan! Right, so tell me Puff-Puff, do you like sh? Puff-Puff: Of course, I do, (I always eat sh, sea-shells, plankton), anything which comes from the ocean, (I never eat meat!) Charlie: And what do you do all day? Puff-Puff: (I often y in the Irish sky), I sometimes play with Duncan, or (dive to collect food in the ocean.) Charlie: And what do pufns do at night? Puff-Puff: At night? They sleep on the grassy cliffs, dreaming of sh! Duncan: Stop talking about sh! I dont like sh, I dont like meat either, Im a vegetarian dragon, I love pumpkins! Charlie: Oh, Duncan, stop it, please! You are being jealous!
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Squence 4

2- Dcide de la frquence reprsente par ces adverbes en fonction du contexte et associe les adverbes anglais leur traduction franaise. NEVER: JAMAIS SOMETIMES: QUELQUEFOIS OFTEN: SOUVENT ALWAYS: TOUJOURS Ils sont placs entre le sujet et le verbe.

Les syllabes accentues ont t soulignes. Exercise 17

Underline the frequency adverbs. The Atlantic pufn is a seabird species. Pufns are black above and white below, with white cheeks and red-orange legs. They always have a large and triangular bill, and during the breeding season it is bright orange with a patch of blue bordered by yellow at the rear. Pufns collect and eat small sh, zooplankton and crustaceans. They never eat meat. Atlantic pufns often nest in burrows on grassy cliffs. They sometimes nest amongst rocks. They lay one egg each year, and incubation responsibilities are shared between both parents. Total incubation time is around 3945 days, and the baby pufn takes about 49 days to edge, and then it ies away above the ocean.

Step 11
1- Les informations que Charlie avait dj trouves sur les macareux sont mises entre parenthses dans le dialogue de STEP 10. 2- Toutes les informations nouvelles ont t surlignes. 3- Les questions poses par Charlie pour les obtenir sont en rouge dans STEP 9 4- Complte ce tableau avec les verbes au prsent simple. Forme affirmative I need information I always eat fish I never eat meat I often fly I sometimes playor dive I love pumpkins Do you like fish ? What do you do all day? Anything which comes He does not like Forme interrogative Forme ngative

1e pers. du sing.

I dont like fish I dont ike meat

2e pers. du sing. 3e pers. du sing. 1e pers. du pluriel 2e pers. du pluriel 3e pers. du pluriel They sleep

What do puffins do at night ?


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 4

5- Tu viens de dcouvrir les diffrentes formes du prsent simple. a. il y a un auxiliaire, do ou does, selon les personnes. b. la forme interrogative, lauxiliaire est plac aprs le sujet. c. la forme interrogative, lauxiliaire est plac devant le sujet. d. la forme ngative, cest lauxiliaire qui porte la marque de la ngation. e. la forme ngative, cest le verbe qui porte la marque de la ngation.


f. la troisime personne du singulier, lauxiliaire est does. Le verbe ne se termine pas par s. g. la troisime personne du singulier, lauxiliaire est do. Le verbe se termine par s.

Exercise 18
Cross the odd-man out. 1- I- always- eat- eats- sh. 2- Puff-Puff- sometimes- play- plays-with-Duncan. 3- Puff-Puff- doesnt-dont- like- Duncans company. 4- does- do- you- like- sh? 5- What- do- does- pufns- do- at- night?

Exercise 19
Put the verbs in the simple present. 1- Pufns always eat sh. 2- Puff-Puff always eats sh. 3- Pufns do not like meat. 4- Puff-Puff does not like meat. 5- Where do pufns sleep at night? 6- Where does Puff-Puff sleep at night?

Sance 5

Step 12
2- Look at the instructions given by Wildlife Magazine and check. Rules Draw three pictures Write three short paragraphs Imagine a slogan Dont forget to describe the place you live in Correct or not? not correct not correct not correct correct
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Squence 4

Step 13
1- Listen to their reactions on your CD. Rules Draw three pictures Write three short paragraphs Imagine a slogan Dont forget to describe the place you live in Correct or not? not correct not correct not correct correct Why? Because There are only two of them There are only two paragraphs You need a slogan

2- Read the script of their conversation. Puff-Puff: Wahoo, you know a lot of things about pufns, but there are only two paragraphs on your poster and you need to write three. And I think the second one is too long, you copied whats on the Internet, and its not YOUR text! Duncan: I like your text about the place you live in. Your paragraph about Skellig Islands isnt too long; I think its both short and interesting. Puff-Puff: Dont forget, you need a slogan! Duncan: I like your pictures, Charlie, but there are only two of them, you need to draw three. Its in the rules! Charlie: Oh, noooooo! 3- Read the underlined words or expressions in the script. One of them is used to give an opinion. Write it down. I think One of them is used to express a necessity. Which one? you need One of them is the English word for trop. What is this word? too One of them is the English word for seulement. What is this word? only 4- Read the script of the conversation once more and check your answers in the justification column.

Exercise 20
1- Rule number two is not respected because there are only two paragraphs and Charlie needs to write three. Rule number three is not respected because there is not a slogan and Charlie needs to write one. Rule four is respected because Charlie describes the place she lives in. 2- Jutilise because pour introduire ma justication.


Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 4

Sance 6

Mots entendus dans le monologue de Charlie : always / teeth/ carrot cake/ play/ twelve/ blow re/ never/ vegetables/ barbecue/ grassy cliffs/ ocean/ dolphins/ hour/ Charlie/ work/ dragon/ usually/ sometimes/often Duncan: Right, now then, I always wake up at 9.00 a.m. Yes, I know, its late. Then I wash my wings and brush my pointed teeth. At 9.30 a.m, I have breakfast; I usually have an orange juice and a big carrot cake. At 10.00 a.m, I often go and play with Puff-Puff. At twelve, I have lunch, I usually blow re and light a barbecue to grill vegetables, and its delicious. I sleep on the grassy cliffs from 1.00 p.m to 3.00 p.m. Then, I go and dive in the ocean, playing with dolphins for an hour. After playing with the dolphins, I sometimes play with you, Charlie. I never work! Its great to be a dragon on Great Skellig Island!

2- Listen to Duncan again. Number the pictures from 1 to 6 in chronological order. 3- Listen to Duncan again and write the time in the appropriate boxes.


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Squence 4


a. n3 - 10.00 am

d. n4 - 12.00

b. n 1 - 9.00 am

e. n2 - 9.30 am

c. n5 - 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm

f. n6 - 4.00 pm

1- Le script du monologue de Duncan est dans STEP 14. Les adverbes de frquence sont souligns. Le nouvel adverbe de frquence est en bleu. 2- Never, sometimes, often, usually, always. 3- Every day, Duncan wakes up at 9.00 am, then he washes his wings and brushes his pointed teeth. At 9.30 a.m, he has breakfast, he usually has orange juice and a big carrot cake. At 10 a.m, he often goes and plays with Puff-Puff. At twelve, he has lunch, he usually blows re and lights a barbecue to grill vegetables, its delicious. He sleeps on the grassy cliffs from 1.00 p.m to 3.00 p.m. Then, he goes and dives in the ocean, playing with the dolphins for an hour. After playing with the dolphins, he sometimes plays with Charlie. He never works!
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Squence 4

2- Now write 5 sentences describing Charlies daily routine. a) Charlie often plays with Duncan. b) Charlie never washes her broom. c) Charlie usually wakes up at 7.00 a.m. d) Charlie sometimes makes magic potions. e) Charlie often flies in the Irish sky.


Sance 7

Step 17
Tu peux rcouter ton CD et lire le script en mme temps. 1- Script PART 1 Duncan: Oh, Charlie,thats nice, fantastic ! I like your slogan: I can do more to protect Great Skellig Island. Its an excellent idea! Tu auras crit le slogan : I can do more to protect Great Skellig Island. 2- Script Listen to Part 2 and draw the rst picture. PART 2 Puff-Puff: And there is a nice picture of Great Skellig Island under the slogan. I love it! The ocean is beautiful and the cliffs are great! Tu auras dessin Great Skellig Island : une le constitue de falaises au milieu de locan. 3- Script PART 3 Puff-Puff: Lets have a look at your text: The Skellig Islands are two small islands lying about 16 kilometers west of the South coast of Ireland. There is a small island called Little Skellig and a larger one called Great Skellig. That is where I live. Both are famous for their pufn population. Thats OK. Same as last time, not too short, not too long! 4- Script PART 4 Duncan: Hey, look at the second picture, Puff-Puff, its you, ying in the sky! I love the colours ! You look fabulous! What about the text? Did you change it, Charlie? Oh, yes, good! The Atlantic Pufn is a seabird species. Pufns are black and white, with white cheeks and redorange legs. They always have a large and triangular beak, and during the breeding season it is bright orange with a patch of blue bordered by yellow. Pufns collect and eat small sh, zooplankton and crustaceans. They never eat meat. Well done, Charlie! Tu auras fait le deuxime dessin. Il sagit dun macareux. Tu auras colori le macareux ainsi : le dos noir et le ventre blanc, les pattes oranges, les joues blanches, un bec orange bord larrire de bleu et jaune.
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Squence 4

5- Script PART 5 Puff-Puff: Hey, look, Duncan, its you, blowing re. You look ridiculous! Your wings are too small, the ames are too short, and your tail is not pointed. And look, there is a text next to the drawing! I like that! Oh, Duncan is a little green dragon. He always plays but he never works. Duncan: Well, thank you, Charlie. You must change that! I think your drawing is horrible and your text is stupid and too short! You need a new drawing and a new text! Tu auras crit Duncan is a little green dragon. He always plays but he never works en dessous du dessin que Charlie a fait de Duncan.

1- Les mots ou expressions indiquant une apprciation positive ou ngative ont t souligns dans STEP 17. 2- Classify them and complete the following grid. Classe-les et inscris-les dans le tableau ci-dessous. Positive opinion Nice, fantastic, I like , excellent, I love, beautiful, great, thats OK, not too short, not too long, fabulous, good, well done. Negative opinion Ridiculous, too small, too short, horrible, stupid.

Exercise 27
Now you can complete this grid. Rules Correct or not? Why? Because There are three pictures but Duncan looks ridiculous: his wings are too small, the flames are too short and his tail is not pointed. The drawing is horrible. There are three texts but the paragraph about Duncan is stupid and too short. There is a slogan: I can do more to protect Great Skellig Island The text is OK, not too long, not too short.

Draw three pictures

Write three short paragraphs Imagine a slogan Dont forget to describe the place you live in

Rcapitule, laide dune phrase complte. Rule number two is respected because there are three paragraphs, but the paragraph about Duncan is stupid and too short. Charlie needs to write a new paragraph. Rule number three is respected because there is a good slogan, I can do more to protect Great Skellig Island. Rule number four is respected because the paragraph about Great Skellig Island is OK, not too long, not too short.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 4

Sance 8
Exercise 1 Sais-tu exprimer des interdictions, des obligations, des possibilits, des consignes ?
Relis attentivement lannonce de concours de la sance 1.


Puis essaie, sans le regarder, de complter de mmoire, ce mme document auquel il manque beaucoup dlments que tu dois tre capable de retrouver. Change the planet with your pen You can do more to protect the planet You feel concerned by the protection of endangered species, by the preservation of your local wildlife, join our competition! Make a poster! You must respect the rules: Draw three pictures about your local wildlife or the place you live in Write three short paragraphs about it Imagine a slogan Dont forget to describe the place you live in You can win fantastic prizes: first prize, a five-day trip to Burma to meet a panda familysecond prize, a three-day trip to Florida to swim with the dolphins- third prize, a two-day trip to Kenya to take photos of lions and giraffes. You must send your poster to Wildlife Magazine before November 30th.

Exercise 2
Connais-tu bien le lexique de la sance 1 ?
Retrouve dans le poster les mots de vocabulaire correspondant ceux lists ci-dessous par ordre dapparition dans le texte. PRESERVATION ANIMALS WHICH ARE IN DANGER FAUNA PARTICIPATE INSTRUCTIONS TO GO FROM TO Protection Endangered species Wildlife Join Rules A trip
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Squence 4

Exercise 3 Sais-tu exprimer linterdiction, lobligation et la possibilit ?

Complte les phrases. 1- Dont forget to send your poster before November 30th! 2- You can win fantastic prizes.

3- You must respect the rules.

Exercise 4
Sais-tu quelles questions te poser pour trouver des informations dans un document ?
who what where why when how

Exercise 5 Sais-tu donner les caractristiques dun personnage ?

Dragons always have wings. They often y in the sky and blow re. They sometimes eat meat but they never eat sh. Duncan does not eat meat, he eats sh and vegetables. He is a vegetarian dragon! He is a very special sort of dragon: he sends e-mails, writes postcards, and plays with his best friend Charlie. He also loves carving pumpkins for Halloween.

Exercise 6 Sais-tu utiliser les adverbes de frquence ?

Mrs Green always has delicious fruit in her shop. Do you play with Charlie every day? Puffins never eat meat. I sometimes wake up at 9.00 a.m.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 4

Exercise 7 Sais-tu donner une opinion, la justifier et donner un conseil ?

Rdige 4 phrases faisant le bilan du respect ou non respect des 4 rgles. Noublie pas dexprimer la ncessit lorsque la rgle na pas t respecte. Rules 1- Draw three pictures 2- Write three short paragraphs 3- Imagine a slogan 4- Dont forget to describe the place you live in Correct or not? Why? Because Only 2 pictures Only 2 paragraphs No slogan


Rule number 1 is not respected because there are only two pictures and you need to draw three. Rule number 2 is not respected because there are only two paragraphs and you need to write three. Rule number 3 is not respected because there is no slogan and you need to write one. Rule number 4 is respected because there is a paragraph to describe the place you live in.

Exercise 8 Sais-tu dcrire la vie quotidienne en utilisant le prsent simple et des adverbes de frquence ?
Puff-Puff is a pufn on Great Skellig Island. He often ies in the Irish sky. He always eats sh, sea-shells, crustaceans and plankton. He sometimes plays with his friend Duncan. At night, he sleeps on the grassy cliffs and usually dreams of sh.

Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 5

SQUENCE 5 Sance 1

Step 1
Exercise 1
Answer the questions. 1- Britain is famous for its pop stars: - The Beatles - Madonna - Michael Jackson - The Queen - Victor Hugo - J.K.Rowling - William Shakespeare - Molire 3- Britain is famous for its - yellow taxis (cabs) - black cabs - red buses - blue buses

2- Britain is famous for its writers:

Exercise 2
Complte avec ladjectif possessif qui convient : his 1234her its I like this book about English cooking. Its title is Be a chef!. Give that dog its food! The Queen is called Elizabeth but her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. Prince William has got a brother: his name is Harry.

Step 2
Exercise 5
Observe et note la consonne qui suit le T : Christmas : la consonne qui suit le T est un M Chestnut : la consonne qui suit le T est un N Mustnt : la consonne qui suit le T est un N Mistletoe : la consonne qui suit le T est un L Les mots qui se terminent par sten ou stle sont dans ce cas aussi ! Peux-tu donner des exemples ? Listen Thistle - Fasten


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Squence 5

Exercise 8
Can you name the following places in Great Britain?

Cned Big Ben Tower Bridge Stonehenge

Cned Windsor Castle Loch Ness Stonehenge

Cned Windsor Castle Big Ben Buckingham Palace

Cned Cned Westminster Abbey Big Ben Tower Bridge Westminster Abbey Tower Bridge Big Ben

Cned Piccadilly Circus Big Ben Stonehenge

Step 4
Exercise 9
Can you now write a few sentences about Britain and its cultural places? Great Britain is famous for its pop stars: the beatles and Queen. It is also famous for its writers like J.K. Rowling or William Shakespeare. Do you know its famous black cabs or its red buses ?

Sance 2

Step 6
2- Voici les dates que tu as entendues :1330 1330 1414 1414 1789 1789 1576 1576


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 5

Je retiens
Ex : 1264 se dit Twelve sixty-four 1789 se dit seventeen eighty-nine 1313 se dit thirteen thirteen 2004 se dit two thousand (and) four 2008 se dit two thousand (and) eight 2001 se dit two thousand (and) one

Tu te souviens quen anglais, on dit les nombres deux par deux, pour les dates avant 2000.


Exercise 11
2- Maintenant coute les nombres qui vont tre dits et cris-les en chiffres ci-dessous. A- 40 B- 13 C- 30 D- 14 E- 90 F- 19

Step 7
Inscris ci-dessous les dates qui sont mentionnes dans les phrases : 1157 1190 1189 1199 1194

Respecte les dates lorsque tu remettras les phrases dans lordre !

Autre indice : As-tu remarqu une particularit de ponctuation la fin de certaines phrases ? oui non Si oui, laquelle ? Certaines phrases se terminent par un point ; dautres ne se terminent par aucun signe de ponctuation. Que peux-tu en conclure ? Jen conclus que les phrases qui ne se terminent par aucune marque de ponctuation sont inacheves ; quelles se poursuivent la ligne. Voici un autre indice li la ponctuation qui peut taider. Dans la phrase :

on his way home from the crusade he was captured in 1194.

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Squence 5

Tu remarques labsence de majuscule au premier mot de la phrase : on . Cela signifie que la phrase ne dbute pas cet endroit ! Sois logique et tu auras un accs plus facile au sens des textes anglais ! Check and correct Donc il te faut reprer le dernier mot de certaines phrases et le premier mot dautres phrases, qui vont ensemble.

Dernier indice : Sois logique !

Daprs toi est-il logique que lhistoire de Richard commence par He ? Sait-on de qui il sagit dans ce cas ? oui non Conclus : Une histoire ne peut dbuter par le pronom personnel he , car on ne sait pas encore de qui lon parle. On peut utiliser he pour remplacer un nom de personne dj mentionne.

Ex : Richard I was the son of Henry II. He was born in 1157. (On sait de qui lon parle ici : de
Richard). Logiquement, pour raconter lhistoire dun personnage : je commence par le prsenter sous son nom complet. je commence par un pronom personnel. je commence par parler de quelquun dautre.

Je remets les phrases dans lordre chronologique :

He was born in 1157 He joined the Third Crusade in 1190 but Richard I was the son of Henry II. and he was King of England from 1189 to 1199. on his way home from the crusade (croisade) he was captured in 1194.

Exercise 13
Write the sentences below. Richard I was the son of Henry II. He was born in 1157 and he was King of England from 1189 to 1199. He joined the Third Crusade in 1190 but on his way home from the crusade he was captured in 1194. Peux-tu dire la mme chose, mais dune autre manire ? Richard was Henry IIs son.

Exercise 14
Have you got a good memory? (As-tu une bonne mmoire des dates ?) Answer the following questions orally but dont look at the text above. (Sans regarder les phrases ci-dessus, rponds oralement en anglais aux questions.) 1- When was Richard I born? He was born in the 10th century in the 12th century in the 14th century


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Squence 5

2- When did he become King of England? (Attention au verbe irrgulier become, il devient became au pass!) He became King of England 3- When was he captured? He was captured 4- When did he die? He died in 1119 in 1190 in 1199 in 1194 in 1190 in 1185 in 1066 in 1089 in 1189


In the 20th century = in the twentieth century In the 12th century = in the twelfth century

Exercise 15
Entrane-toi rdiger des phrases sur dautres personnages historiques. 1- Henry VI (1421-1471) : He lived from 1421 to 1471. 2- Richard III (1452-1485) : He lived in the 15th century. 3- Princess Diana (1961-1997) : She was born in 1961 and she died in 1997. 4- Richard I (the Lion-Heart) (1157-1199) : He lived from 1157 to 1199.

Step 8
Exercise 16
Look at the following dates and write them as you would read them. (Entrane-toi avec ces dates. cris-les comme tu les dirais loral.) Jan.7: January the seventh Feb. 10: February the tenth Jul. 13: July the thirteenth Aug. 31: August the thirty-first Sept. 9: September the ninth Oct.20: October the twentieth

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Squence 5

Step 13
Exercise 21
Production possible On my fathers side : My grandfathers name was ..and my grandmother was called.They got married in 19.. and they had .children: my father/mother (name), my uncle/aunt (name) and my other uncle(name). My dad married my mum in 19.. and they had their first child (me!) in 19.. I have two brothers called .They were born in 20.. On my mothers side: .

Sance 4

Step 14
Exercise 23
How do you say? Oreille : ear Yeux : eyes Nez : nose Bouche : mouth Cheveux : hair Joues : cheeks Cou : neck Menton : chin

Step 15
Exercise 24
Now change your sentences as in the previous activity. 1- His nose is short 2- Her eyes are blue 3- He has got curly hair 4- Their ears are pointed 5- Theyve got pink cheeks He has got a short nose. She has got blue eyes. His hair is curly. They have got pointed ears. Their cheeks are pink.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 5

Exercise 29
Can you describe him? Use the past! His hair was brown and short. He wore (portait) a crown on his head And he held (tenait) a sword in his left hand.


Step 19
Which century did Richard I live in? He lived in the: ( quel sicle Richard vivait-il ? Il vivait au :) He lived in the 12th century. So what period did Richard live in? ( quelle poque Richard vivait-il ?) It is called: the Middle Ages. What is the French equivalent? (Comment dirais-tu en franais ?) Le Moyen ge Where did Richard live? He lived in a castle. Fortresses: forteresses Conflict: conflits They were not just buildings: Ce ntaient pas seulement des difices (des btiments). They were fortresses made to protect people : Ctaient des forteresses construites pour protger les gens.

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Squence 5

tape 2 : Je mobilise mes connaissances Je trie les mots que je connais en relation avec le thme du Moyen ge. verbes have wear hold become live die le corps hair (short/ long) eyes ears chin (pointed) head lieux dhabitation castle (towers, walls, courtyard) beautiful/ damp/smelly/ cold/not comfortable liens de parent son/ daughter mother/ father nice/ nephew sister/ brother only child lexique : rois royaut king sword crown nobles knights lords ladies peasants Henry II Richard I crusade expressions : les dates in the 12th century from to was born in. died in.

tape 3 : Je vrifie mes connaissances Clbre pour : famous for Au onzime sicle : In the 11th century Il est n en 1102 : He was born in 1102. Il mourut en 1566 : He died in 1566. Il pousa Berengaria : He married Berengaria. Il portait une barbe : He wore a beard. Grand : Tall Une forteresse : A fortress Des hautes tours : High towers il y avait des murs autour des chteaux : There were walls around castles. tape 4 : Jorganise mes ides. Nous te proposons plusieurs pistes logiques. A- 1- The Middle Ages 2- The Kings 3- One King B- 1- The Middle Ages 2- Its castles 3- A Medieval King C- 1- Medieval kings 2- Medieval castles 3- Medieval times


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 5

tape 5 : Jopre des transferts La Grande-Bretagne est clbre pour ses rois = Great Britain is famous for its kings. Richard was the son of Henry II. He reigned from 1189 to 1199. His hair was long.

Le moyen-ge est clbre pour ses chteaux = The Middle Ages are famous for their castles.


Sance 7

Step 23
Exercise 32
Proposition de corrig. The Middle Ages are famous for their beautiful castles and their kings. Medieval castles were beautiful from the outside but they were often damp and smelly on the inside! They were not made to be comfortable but they were made to protect the lords and ladies from invaders. In medieval castles there were towers, bridges, walls, Richard I was a medieval king. He was born inand he died in.He was Henry IIs son and he married Berengaria, but they had no children. Henry had many nephews and nieces!

Sance 8
Exercise 1
Peux-tu citer des personnes ou des choses qui ont rendu la Grande-Bretagne clbre dans les domaines suivants ?
POP MUSIC : Great Britain is famous for its pop stars, such as The Beatles, Queen and David Bowie. LITERATURE : It is famous for its authors, such as J.K. Rowling, William Shakespeare or Agatha Christie. FOOD : Britain is famous for its porridge, fish and chips and tea. CASTLES : Britain is famous for its beautiful castles, such as Windsor Castle and Balmoral Castle, two of the Queens residences.

Exercise 2
Sais-tu utiliser ladjectif possessif qui convient ?
Henry II had a wife. HER name was Eleanor of Aquitaine. Richard had a brother HIS name was John. England is a beautiful country ! ITS castles are fantastic ! MY father had no sister. He was an only child ! Londoners (Les Londoniens) are lucky. I love THEIR red buses !
Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 5

Exercise 12

Sais-tu tappuyer sur lhistoire dun roi, rsume en quelques phrases simples, pour rdiger ton tour lhistoire dun autre roi ?
Remets les phrases dans lordre.


Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Ann Boleyn, and she was Queen of England from 1558 to 1199. She became queen at the age of 25, after her sisters death. She had no husband or children to succeed her. She was born on September 1533 and she died in 1603.

Exercise 13
Exemple de production crite possible : Queen Elizabeth II She was born on 21 April, 1926. Her father was George VI and her mother was Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She became Queen of England after her fathers death/after her father died, on 6 February 1952. She married Prince Philip/ Prince Philip was her husband. They had four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward.


Step 2
Exercise 3
Windsor Castle - Windsor Castle Buckingham Palace - Buckingham Palace Balmoral Castle - Balmoral Castle -

Phonologie Exercise 4
Windsor Castle - Windsor Castle

Exercise 5
Listen (x2) - Christmas (x2) chestnut (x2) mistletoe (x2) thistle (x2) mustnt (x2)

Exercise 6
stones bridge tower castle
Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 5

Step 6
1- Listen to the following dates and repeat them. 1066 1157 1199- 1485 1819 1901 1939 - 1969 You will hear each date twice. (tu endendras chaque date 2 fois). 1330 1330 1414 1414 1789 1789 1576 1576 2- Now listen to the following dates and write them down.

Exercise 11
1- coute les nombres qui se terminent en TEEN et en TY. Rpte-les. Attention ! La diffrence est peine perceptible ! 14 40 30 13 16 60 80-18 90 19 17 70 2- Maintenant coute les nombres qui vont tre dits et cris-les en chiffres ci-dessous. a) 40 b) 13 c) 30 d) 14 e) 90 f) 19

Exercise 12
1678 1440 1334 1999 2001

Lexique sance 3
Daughter- niece nephew- mum/mummy -grandmother -grandfather -husband -dad/daddy brother- son -sister -granddaughter -grandson -aunt uncle- wife -mother -father

Step 12
1- coute. Richard I was Henrys son. (x2) 2- coute et entrane-toi bien entendre les formes faibles de [was] et [were] : Henry was an only child.(x2) Henry was Richards nephew. (x2) Matilda, Leonora and Joan were Richards sisters. (x2)


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 5

Step 16
eyes ears chin nose mouth lips cheeks neck Long hair short hair curly straight Tall- Small- thin pointed a beard glasses a moustache -


Exercise 26
My little sister is adorable. She is blonde. She has short curly hair and green eyes. Her nose is very small and her cheeks are always pink. She has got small ears too!

Exercise 27
Now children. You must be very impatient to know more about the mysterious project I have in mind. Let me tell you that it has to do with the Middle Ages. That is to say medieval England. And it also has to do with a famous King, who went on Crusades. He was the son of Henry II, remember?

Step 18
1- coute et rpte ce nouveau mot : A sword a sword 2- coute et rpte : sword sword - answer answer two two.

Sance 8
Exercise 10 Phonologie
1- Castle whistle pestle mistletoe Answer two sword 2- Sais-tu prononcer les mots suivants ? a) eyes ears chin nose mouth lips cheeks neck - curly straight b) Tall- Small- thin pointed a beard glasses a moustache
Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 6

Step 2
Exercise 5
Tu as certainement trouv les mots anglais dans le texte qui correspondent ces mots transparents franais ? - riche : rich - paysans : peasants - mdival : medieval - bataille : battle - difficile : difficult - servir : serve


Exercise 6
Maintenant, tu sais de quels types de personnages mdivaux il est question dans le texte. Utilise le tableau ci-dessous pour rcapituler. Revois lexercice 2 et les illustrations ! - Lords and ladies People in the Middle Ages - Knights - Peasants

Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 6

Exercise 8
Maintenant rcapitule qui faisait quoi en associant sujet / verbe / complment. The lords/had/a lot of land They/ were /very rich The peasants/ lived/ on the lords land. The peasants/ were obliged/ to work for the Lords The lords/ protected/ the peasants. The knights/ served /their lords The peasants/obeyed/ their lords The peasants/ had/ a difficult life.


Exercise 9
The lords The lords/had/a lot of land The lords/protected/the peasants. They/were/very rich The peasants/ lived/ on the lords land. The peasants/ were obliged/ to work for the Lords The peasants/obeyed/ their Lords The peasants/ had/ a difficult life.

The peasants

The knights - The knights/ served /their lords

Exercise 10
Now match the verbs with the people concerned. There were rich They were called nobles They owned the lands They were obliged to work They served the king They died young They had a short and hard life They lived on the lords lands They owned the peasants They had many duties They served the lords during times of battle The lords The lords and ladies The lords The peasants The peasants, the lords, the knights The peasants, the lords and ladies, the knights The peasants The peasants The lords The peasants The knights
Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 6

Sance 2

Step 3
Exercise 12
Match the following adjectives with their French equivalent. sad sleepy disappointed happy interested enthusiastic excited triste endormi du gai, joyeux intress enthousiaste excit

Exercise 13
How do Miss Walters pupils look? Sad? Excited?

sad sleepy bored disappointed Exercise 14

happy interested enthusiastic excited

Maintenant que tu as identifi ltat desprit des lves, essaie dinterprter leur attitude : Pourquoi semblent-ils aussi motivs ? Can you imagine why the pupils look interested and enthusiastic? Il fallait cocher la case qui correspondait ce que tu pensais! Si cela peut taider mieux comprendre ce que lon te demandait, voici ce que ces phrases signifient : They like history lessons: ils aiment les cours dhistoire They like the history teacher: ils aiment le professeur dhistoire They enjoy the middle ages: ils aiment le Moyen ge They are fond of kings and knights: ils aiment les rois et les chevaliers.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 6

As-tu remarqu dans les phrases 1-2 et 3 les verbes pour dire ce que lon aime ? Recopie-les ici : (1-2) like (3) enjoy Dans la phrase 4, quel est le verbe ? Are (be) Quel mot le suit ? Fond Quel petit mot vient juste aprs fond ? of Im fond of cakes: I like cakes. Theyre fond of games: They like games. Hes fond of classical music: He likes classical music. Maintenant, dis le contraire : Im fond of kangaroos but I am not fond of giraffes. Hes fond of Maths but he is not fond of Art. Theyre fond of London but they are not (they arent) fond of Liverpool.


Maintenant, dis ce que tu aimes et ce que tu naimes pas ! Utilise plusieurs verbes diffrents ! Voici des exemples de phrases possibles : I like pizza but I dont like hamburgers. I am fond of chocolate but I am not fond of sweets. Im fond of vegetables and fruit but Im not fond of meat.

Step 4
Exercise 15
Quels mots penses-tu entendre dans le document sonore ?

medieval knight owned


served poor cinema

animals peasants hard

lords lesson happy

America Middle Ages died

Miss Walter: Good morning children ! Pupils: Good morning Miss Walter! Sit down please. Lets start our new lesson. Stop chatting please Meg, Lucy! Sorry Miss! Ok. Who can tell me what our new lesson is about today? HHmmmm yes, Kevin? I think our lesson is abouthmmthe Middle Ages! Right! Very good Kevin. Ok, what do you know about the Middle Ages, then? YesMegan? In the Middle Ages life was very hard and many people were very poor. Yes! And who were the poorest? The peasants miss!
Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 6

Right! Who did they serve? Michael? They served the lords and ladies, miss. They were obliged to work very hard on the lands owned by the nobles. They died very young. Well done Michael! You are right. There were many poor people in the Middle Ages. Let me introduce you children to a very famous character in English History or should I say LEGEND! Waouh!, great! etc

Exercise 17
Voici les mots que tu as probablement entendus dans lenregistrement :

served owned

lords hard

poor died


Middle Ages

Sance 3

Step 5
Exercise 18
Script: Part2 Bruits de fond de classe. Miss Walter : So children. Can you guess the name of the famous character I have in mind? He is a legend! Ask me questions. Only yes/no questions please. Pupil : Was he a lord ? Miss W. : No, he wasnt. P : Was he a knight? M: No, he wasnt. P: Was he English? M: Yes, he was! P: Was he very tall? M.: Hmmmm no I dont think he was. P: Was he poor? M: Oh, no he wasnt indeed!! But he wasnt rich either! P: Did he live in the Middle Ages? M: Yes, he did! P: (silence) M: You dont seem to know the answer! P: No, Miss, we dont know! We have no idea! M: Ok, here is a clue. Look!


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 6

Exercise 19
Listen to your CD once again and tick the correct answers. Was the famous character : - a lord? - English? - a knight? - tall? - poor? - rich?


yes, he was yes, he was yes, he was yes, he was yes, he was yes, he was

no, he wasnt no, he wasnt no, he wasnt no, he wasnt no, he wasnt no, he wasnt

Observe les questions que les lves ont poses pour deviner le personnage mystre : Ex : Was he English?

yes, he was

no, he wasnt

Quel type de rponse attend-t-on lorsque lon pose ce type de questions ? Des rponses courtes ou brves. Observe par quels mots les rponses commencent et recopie-les : Yes ou No Cest pourquoi on appelle ce type de question : Yes/no question. Les rponses des Yes/No questions commencent toujours par Yes ou No. Cest simple et logique ! Quelle courbe intonative as-tu identifie dans les Yes/no questions ? Coche :

Was he a peasant ?

Was he a peasant?

Was he a peasant?

Exercise 20
Rponds aux questions en Yes/no. Fais des rponses compltes. Was Richard I a medieval king? Yes, he was. Were the peasants obliged to serve their lords? Yes, they were. Were the knights often at war? Yes, they were. Was life hard for the poor? Yes, it was.
Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 6

Step 6
Exercise 21
Listen and tick the name you hear.

Warren Boot

Little Red Riding Hood

Robin Hood

Rowling Wood

Step 8
Mthodologie sance 3
Pour dcrire Robin Hood, dire ce quil portait lpoque, tu vas utiliser les verbes suivants : Wear Have Quel est le temps qui convient ici pour dire ce que Robin portait lpoque ? Le pass.

Exercise 23
Tu peux maintenant dcrire Robin Hood : les vtements quil portait lpoque et ses objets favoris ! Robin Hood wore a hood, a tunic and boots. He always had a bow and arrows. He had a dagger too!

Sance 4

Step 9
Mthodologie sance 4
Robin habitait-il dans la ville de Nottingham ? Tu nas pas trouv ? Observe cette phrase : Robin Hood didnt live in the city of Nottingham itself. Le verbe est soulign. La terminaison NT dans DIDNT tindique que :



Laction a eu lieu

laction na pas eu lieu

He didnt live indique donc que Robin :

a vcu

na pas vcu dans la ville de Nottingham. (in the city of Nottingham)

He supposedly lived in Sherwood Forest, in Nottinghamshire, making a living by stealing from rich travellers and distributing the loot among the poor of the area.


Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 6

Sance 5

Step 10
Exercise 25
A-6 B-5 C-4 D-3 E-2 F-1

Step 11
Exercise 26
Les phrases rdiges par les lves de Miss Walter sont toutes mlanges ! Peux-tu les rorganiser dans un ordre plus logique et cohrent ? Numrote les phrases, selon lordre dans lequel elles doivent apparatre dans larticle. cris les numros dans la colonne, selon leur ordre dapparition. 2 4 While Richard was away, John Richards brother ruled England. Robin was an outlaw. He lived in Sherwood Forest. The Major Oak was his favourite hideout. Robin had two enemies: the Sheriff of Nottingham, who was cruel and John. He was fond of Richard and supported him all his life. Robin had many friends, called his merry men. They were always happy! His two best friends were Friar Tuck and Little John who was a giant! Richard I, known as The Lionheart or Richard the Good went on the Third Crusade in Holy Land in 1190 (and he came back to England in 1194). John was a cruel man and a tyrant, as a king. His nickname was Bad King John.

Exercise 27
Robin was an outlaw who lived in Sherwood Forest. The Major Oak was his favourite hideout. Que remarques-tu ? Des mots ont t ajouts dans les phrases rdiges partir des notes prises au brouillon.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 6

Step 12
Robin was an outlaw. Quelle est la nature des 2 mots ajouts ? Mot n1 : VERBE Mot n2 : DTERMINANT Robin lived in Sherwood Forest. Quelle est la nature des 3 mots ajouts ? Mot n1 : NOM PROPRE Mot n2 et 3 : VERBE - PRPOSITION Robin had two enemies: the Sheriff of Nottingham and John. As-tu repr le verbe ? HAD


Step 13
Quel est le type de relation introduit par le mot because : une relation de cause effet

une relation de consquence

Que veut dire le mot because en franais ? PARCE QUE

Exercise 28
cris le mot qui convient le mieux daprs toi : and ou but entre les deux phrases quils ont rdiges. Robin was an outlaw AND he was Johns enemy too! King John: Bad King John - Richard: Richard the Good John was called Bad King John BUT Richard was called Richard the Good. RobinYRichard Robin L John Robin was fond of Richard BUT he hated John! Robin /Sherwood Forest Major Oak = favourite hideout Robin lived in Sherwood Forest AND the Major Oak was his favourite hideout.
Cned, Anglais 6e


Squence 6

Exercise 31
ils sont galit. ROBIN La taille Loyaut envers le roi Richard Le talent darcher (tir larc) Maniement du poignard La dfense des pauvres Le talent au combat La haine du Roi Jean La force physique chaque fois, cris ladjectif qui convient. Loyaut envers le roi Richard : LOYAL Le talent darcher (tir larc) : FABULOUS-GOOD La dfense des pauvres : DEDICATED (to) Le talent au combat : GOOD AT FIGHTING La force physique : STRONG Maniement du poignard : GOOD = = ++ ++ = = ++ = ++ LITTLE JOHN ++ =

Pour chaque rubrique, indique ++ quand lun des deux amis est suprieur lautre et = quand


Sance 7

Step 15
La terminaison de ladjectif qui sert comparer Robin et Petit Jean est : -ER Lexception est : GOOD Il sagit en effet de GOOD (bon) qui devient BETTER (meilleur) Quel petit mot accompagne toujours un comparatif en anglais ? THAN Ex : Little John is stronger than Robin. Traduction en franais : Little John (Petit Jean) est plus fort que Robin. As-tu observ la transformation de ladjectif BIG au comparatif ? Quy a-t-il de particulier ? Le comparatif de BIG est BIGGER (la consonne G est double).
Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 6

Exercise 32
1- Turn the following adjectives into comparatives. Dont look at the activities above. - young YOUNGER - old OLDER - hot HOTTER - cold COLDER - tall TALLER

2- Now write full sentences, using comparatives. 1- old LITTLE JOHN ++ / ROBIN Little John was older than Robin. 2- slim ROBIN ++ / LITTLE JOHN Robin was slimmer than Little John. 3- strong LITTLE JOHN ++ / ROBIN Little John was stronger than Robin. 4- fat LITTLE JOHN ++ / ROBIN Little John was fatter than Robin. 5- big LITTLE JOHN ++ / ROBIN Little John was bigger than Robin. 6- short ROBIN ++ / LITTLE JOHN Robin was shorter than Little John.

Step 16
Que remarques-tu ? On najoute pas ER ladjectif, mais on le fait prcder de MORE. THAN est utilis l aussi. Entrane-toi ! Intelligent Stupid Comfortable Interesting Polite Dangerous more intelligent MORE STUPID MORE COMFORTABLE MORE INTERESTING MORE POLITE MORE DANGEROUS


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 6

Exercise 33
Now write full sentences, using comparatives. 1- dedicated to the poor ROBIN +++ / King John Robin was more dedicated to the poor than King John. 2- famous ROBIN +++ / ALAN A DALE (one of Robins Merry Men) Robin was more famous than Alan A Dale, one of Robins Merry Men. 3- popular ROBIN and his merry men +++ / King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham Robin and his Merry Men were more popular than King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham 4- cruel King John +++ /Richard The Lionheart King John was more cruel than Richard The LionHeart 5- romantic ROBIN +++ / LITTLE JOHN Robin was more romantic than Little John !


Sance 8
Exercise 1 : Bilan lexical

Cned, Anglais 6e



Squence 6

(Numro colonne verticale, numro colonne horizontale, direction) Directions : SE : South East (Sud Est) N : North (Nord) NE : North East (Nord Est) NW : North West (Nord Ouest) Etc ARCHER(2,1,SE) ARROW(14,14,N) BAILEY(6,8,SE) BATTLE(1,7,E) BOOTS(9,10,N) BOW(4,9,W) CASTLE(2,6,NE) CROWN(13,6,S) CRUSADE(11,5,S) DAGGER(15,15,NW) HOOD(15,8,N) KING(1,15,E) KNIGHT(6,10,W) LADY(12,3,E) LORD(12,15,NE) LOYALTY(7,13,W) NOBLES(15,10,SW) NOTTINGHAM(1,4,SE) OUTLAW(12,6,S) PEASANT(1,1,SE) POOR(4,14,W) QUEEN(5,6,NW) RICHARD(9,5,E) ROBIN(9,5,NE) SHERWOOD(8,1,S) SWORD(6,15,N) Phrase mystre: In the Middle Ages life was not a bed of roses. (Au Moyen ge la vie ntait pas un fleuve tranquille/ntait pas agrable). Nombre de mots que tu devais te rappeler : 15 mots au minimum.


Cned, Anglais 6e

Squence 6

Exercise 2 : Bilan phonologique

Rcoute ton CD aux plages suivantes : - exercice 4 - exercice 2 - sance 4 Coin des curieux


Exercise 3 : Les comparatifs

Je sais former le comparatif partir dadjectifs usuels.

Nombre de COMPARATIFS corrects : 5 au minimum.

Exercise 4 : Les comparatifs

Je sais comparer des personnes au pass (et utiliser le comparatif de supriorit).
Robin / King John (cruel) King John was more cruel than Robin. King Richard / his brother John (popular) King Richard was more popular than his brother John. Robin/the Sheriff of Nottingham (sincere) Robin was more sincere than the Sheriff of Nottingham. Richard The Lionheart / John (a good king) Richard The Lionheart was a better king than King John. The outlaws in Sherwood Forest / The Sheriff of Nottingham (respected) The outlaws in Sherwood Forest were more respected than The Sheriff of Nottingham. Nombre minimum de formes correctes: 3

Exercise 5
Je sais dcrire une illustration.
Cite 2 expressions qui permettent de dcrire une image : There is/are I can see
Cned, Anglais 6e


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