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How? Comment? komon Id like to buy ... Je voudrais acheter ... zher voodray ashtay ...
What? Quoi? kwa How much is it? Cest combien? say kombyun
When? Quand? kon I dont like it Cela ne me plat pas serla ner mer play pa
Where? O? oo May I look at it? Est-ce que je peux le voir? esker zher per ler vwar
Who? Qui? kee Im just looking Je regarde zher rergard
Why? Pourquoi? poorkwa Its cheap Ce nest pas cher ser nay pa shair
Its too expensive Cest trop cher say tro shair
CONVERSATION & ESSENTIALS Ill take it Je le prends zher ler pron
Hello Bonjour bonzhoor Can I pay by credit card? Est-ce que je peux payer esker zher per payyay
Goodbye Au revoir orervwa avec ma carte de crdit? avek ma kart der kraydee
Yes Oui wee
No Non no PLACES
Please Sil vous plat seel voo play the church lglise laygleez
Thank you Merci mairsee the embassy lambassade de ... lambasahd der ...
Youre welcome Je vous en prie zher voozon pree the market le march ler marshay
De rien (inf ) der reeen the museum le muse ler mewzay
Excuse me Excusez-moi ekskewzaymwa old city (town) la vieille ville la vyay veel
Im sorry Pardon pardon the post office le bureau de poste ler bewro der post
Whats your name? Comment vous komon voo a public toilet les toilettes lay twalet
appelez-vous? (pol) zapaylay voo the tourist office loffice de lofees der tourisme tooreesmer
Comment tu komon tew
tappelles? (inf ) tapel TRANSPORT
My name is ... Je mappelle ... zher mapel ... What time quelle heure a kel er
Where are you from? De quel pays tes-vous? der kel payee etvoo does ... leave/arrive? part/arrive ...? par/areev ...
De quel pays es-tu? (inf ) der kel payee etew boat le bateau ler bato
Im from ... Je viens de ... zher vyen der ... bus le bus ler bews
I like ... Jaime ... zhem ... plane lavion lavyon
I dont like ... Je naime pas ... zher nem pa ... train le train ler trun
Just a minute Une minute. ewn meenewt Id like a ticket Je voudrais un billet zher voodray un beeyay
I want to go to ... Je voudrais aller ... zher voodray alay a ...

DIRECTIONS The train has been delayed Le train est en retard ler trun et on rertar
Where is ...? O est ...? oo e ... The train has been cancelled Le train a t annul ler trun a aytay anewlay
Go straight ahead Continuez tout droit konteenway too drwa platform de quai der kay
Turn left ticket office

Tournez gauche toornay a gosh le guichet ler geeshay
Turn right Tournez droite toornay a drwat timetable lhoraire lorair
at the corner/at traffic lights au coin/aux feux o kwun/o fer train station la gare la gar
Do you speak English? Parlez-vous anglais? parlayvoo onglay Help! Au secours! o skoor
French is one of the most widely taught languages How do you say ... in French? Comment est-ce quon komon eskon Im lost Je me suis gar/e (m/f ) zhe me sweezaygaray
in the world chances are you already know a few dit ... en franais? dee ... on fronsay Leave me alone! Fichez-moi la paix! feeshaymwa la pay
What does ... mean? Que veut dire ...? ker ver deer ... Call ...! Appelez ...! aplay ...
phrases. Thanks to an invasion of England in the I dont understand Je ne comprends pas zher ner kompron pa a doctor un mdecin un maydsun
11th century, its also been a major cont ributor the police la police la polees
to the vocabulary of English (so if you missed out SIGNS
What time is it? Quelle heure est-il? kel er e til
on the French lessons, youre still sure to know in the morning du matin dew matun
many French words). After enjoying the practical in the afternoon de laprs-midi der lapraymeedee Entrance Entre
advantages of speaking French (being told of a cosy in the evening du soir dew swar Exit Sortie
today aujourdhui ozhoordwee Information Renseignements
vineyard way off the tourist track, discovering that Open Ouvert
tomorrow demain dermun
theres little merit in the cliched reference to the yesterday hier yair Closed Ferm
French being rude), youll find the reasons to speak Monday lundi lundee Prohibited Interdit
French just keep growing. Tuesday mardi mardee Rooms Available Chambres Libres
Wednesday mercredi mairkrerdee Full/No Vacancies Complet
Thursday jeudi zherdee Police Station Commissariat de Police
Friday vendredi vondrerdee Toilets Toilettes/WC
Saturday samedi samdee Men Hommes
Sunday dimanche deemonsh Women Femmes

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