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Get in  rentrer

Get on  s’entendre avec

Get over  surmonter

Get through  me passer une personne au telephone

I can't stand +V-ing = je ne peux pas supporter

Prior to = avant de

to acquaint with: être familier avec

to stem from: découler de

to refrain from: s'abstenir de

to charge for = faire payer / inculper

to cater for = pourvoir aux besoins

to be engrossed in = être captivé par

to hint at = faire allusion à

to be eligible for = avoir le droit

Grateful TO = reconnaissant de
During = au cours de
For + durée
Beside = de plus
Responsible for
Beyond = au dela
Capable OF + ving/ nom = capable de
Commuters = banlieusards
To be bored WITH = être ennuyé par
To occure = arriver (lieu)
liable for : responsable de

liable to: assujetti à

Training = formation
Claimed for = sue for/ prosecute
Legally binding = juridiquement contraignant
Genuire = authentique
Commitment = engagement
Basic income: Revenu minimum

Charitable = sharing = generous: Généreux

Income tax: Impôt sur le revenu

Endowment: Une dotation

Hard blow= twist of fate: Un coup du sort

Mean = miserly = stingy = tight: Avare, pingre

Means-tested benefits: Prestations soumises à des conditions de ressources

Needy = penniless = badly-off = poverty-stricken = destitute = underprivileged: Les pauvres

Poverty line: Le seuil de pauvreté

Purchasing power: Pouvoir d’achat

Working poor: Les travailleurs pauvres

Scarcity: Rareté, pénurie

Subsidies: Des subventions différent de subsidiary = filiale

The haves / the have-nots: Les nantis / ceux qui n’ont rien

Performance-related pay: Rémunération au rendement

Perks: Des plus, des bonus

Regardless of = irrespective of = no matter: Sans rapport avec

Reduced working-time days off: RTT

To bear the brunt of technological change: Faire les frais des évolutions technologiques

To carry out = to conduct: Mener

A trade-off: Une contrepartie

To ease the stress / to relieve the pressure : Soulager de la pression

To supplement one’s income: Compléter ses revenus

Well-off = affluent = wealthy = rich: Les riches

To live on benefits = to depend on allowances = to live on welfare: Vivre des allocations

Aid recipients: Bénéficiaires d’aides

Expenses: Dépenses

Grant: Une bourse

Poor targeting of funds= misallocation of funds : Mauvais ciblage des fonds

To provide for one’s needs: Subvenir à ses besoins

To curb: Réduire

To entice someone into doing something: Inciter qq à faire qc

To squander money: Dilapider l’argent

To resume one’s studies: Reprendre ses études

To live from hand to mouth: Vivre au jour le jour

To impel somebody to do something: Pousser, encourager qq à faire qc

Skilled or unskilled jobs: Métiers qualifiés ou non

(Social) welfare: Aide sociale

agenda = ordre du jour  

 proxy vote = vote par procuration

to wrap up = conclure   

show of hands = vote à main levée

to adjourn = suspendre   

promptly = précisément, ponctuellement

deadline = délai, date limite  

AGM = assemblée générale annuelle

attendance = présence

board of directors = conseil d’administration

Inspite of / despite : malgré + nom

Comme j’ai dit = has i said


Annexe: he was prevented from signing the contract

1- le verbe 'empêcher' se traduit par stop/ prevent sb from doing stg; on emploie parfois keep avec la même construction
dans le même sens.

Ex : he was prevented from cheating.

2- Les autres verbs ayant la même construction ont un sens proche de celui de prevent. Il s'agit en particulier de :

Ban, bar, deter sb from doing stg.

Deter, dissuade, discourage sb from doing stg

3- Notez de plus la traduction de la tournure : 'je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que... ' I can't help thinking that...

Universal Basic Income is the most ambitious social policy of our times. In 2017, basic income is gaining momentum around the

A growing number of countries consider UBI as an alternative to welfare.

Some want to use it to eliminate welfare and bureaucracy.

Others want it as a free extra for existing programs, or even want it supply that work itself becomes optional.

Minimum UBI = It’s Enough money to be above the poverty line

In the US : 1000$ per month or 12000$ per year.

No tax

TO do whatever you want.

Transfering the wealth of a society while still keeping the free market intact.

In finland : They receive 560€/670$ per month, tax free

To tackle the inegality  relieve property and reject work.

how do “the poor” behave?

- borrow more
- save less
- eat less

Dauphin : In 1974 in Dauphin in Canada, everybody was guaranteed a basic income for four years. Everything went well for four
years then there was a new government. There was no more money to conduct a research so researchers went away. 25 years after
a researcher studied the data. During the experience, people got richer, smarter and healthier. Domestic violence decreased, school
performance increased substantially.

When it comes to poverty, rich stop pretending we know best : we stop sending shoes or things to the poor. UBI is venture capital
for the people. Poverty cost lot of money for the country (500$ billion for a child poverty). TO put USA at the end of poverty cost
115$ billion. Only new mothers stopped working and students who stayed in school longer.

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