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Civilisation Américaine 1

I/America before the USA

1/America before the english colonies

15/16 century, the Aztec built a city → mexico city today

Inca → 12 billion people

13th cahokia, ohio river valley → tribes: The Mound Builders and Olmecs
Cahokia= st louis today

Hopi and Zuni tribes= developped: irrigation systems

Common points tribes: land can’t be own, religious ceremonies, spiritual powers, gift
exchange=potlach, matrilineal societies
BUT many differences such as religions, politics, languages→ not 1 tribe

2/How Europeans considered NA

Justifiation of colonization
Spain Portugal → tribes must convert to Christianism to be “saved” (Florida now was colonised by
the spanish)
Other European countries→ NA do not own the land, women were “mistreated” because they
worked in the fields and men were “having fun” hunting, fishing…
→ christian liberty, private property
→ Mercamtilism: countries to get positive results (economic POV)

Early settlements in the Americas:

The Vikings arrived in Newfoundland (1000)

Christopher Columbus (italian) arrived in the Bahamas (1492) 3 ships, went back to Europe then
came back with more ships/men
Amerigo Vespucci (italian), gave his name to the continent, arrived on the coast of south america
Hernan Cortes, Aztec Empire
Francisco Pizarro, Inca Kingdom

→ killed with gunpowder(military technology), diseases(ex smallpox): mexico from 20M to 2M etc

no african slaves in spanish colonies because they “used” NA

spanish colonies had to include tribes in they way of life because the spanish were outnumbered
(few spanish women), then autorized mariage between them

The French and America in the early 17th:

1534: Jacques Cartier→ Canada
french would trade fur with the tribes but didn’t settled
Settle for the french government= weakness that’s why many tribes sided with the french when
things went bad

The Dutch in America:

Henry Hudson(english) found New York Harbor, the Hudson river→ New Amsterdam (then New
York in 1664)
developped a colonial empire
freedom was more important than in other colonies (religious freedom in their country)

II/From British colonies to American states

1/The 13 British colonies

were private enterprises, get somes agreements with the king (charters)
from 1607 to 1732: creation of 13 colonies( the “old thirteen”)
1st: 1607 Jamestown(John Smith→ Pocahontas)
2nd: Plymouth( Pilgrim Fathers, the Mayflower compact=contract)
3rd: Massachusetts Bay(John Winthrop)
Bosses would hire servants to work for them (similar to slavery)
Sir Walter: first failed attempt in America (the Roanoke colony)

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