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French Grammar Topics:

1. Conditionnel du Présent (Conditional Present):


The conditional present tense in French is formed by adding the appropriate endings to
the future stem of regular verbs. The future stem is the infinitive form of the verb.

Regular Verb Endings:

 For -er verbs: infinitive root + -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient
 For -ir and -re verbs: infinitive root + -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient

Irregular Verbs:

Irregular verbs have unique stems. Common irregular verbs include être, avoir, faire, and
aller. Their stems are used with the same endings as regular verbs.


 Parler (to speak):

 Je parlerais
 Tu parlerais
 Il/elle/on parlerait
 Nous parlerions
 Vous parleriez
 Ils/elles parleraient
 Avoir (to have):
 J'aurais
 Tu aurais
 Il/elle/on aurait
 Nous aurions
 Vous auriez
 Ils/elles auraient

2. Futur Antérieur (Future Perfect):


The future perfect tense is formed by using the future tense of the auxiliary verb "avoir"
or "être" (depending on the main verb) followed by the past participle of the main verb.


 Parler (to speak):

 J'aurai parlé
 Tu auras parlé
 Il/elle/on aura parlé
 Nous aurons parlé
 Vous aurez parlé
 Ils/elles auront parlé
 Aller (to go):
 Je serai allé(e)
 Tu seras allé(e)
 Il/elle/on sera allé(e)
 Nous serons allé(e)s
 Vous serez allé(e)(s)
 Ils/elles seront allé(e)s

3. Plus-que-Parfait (Pluperfect):

The pluperfect tense is formed by using the imperfect tense of the auxiliary verb "avoir"
or "être" (depending on the main verb) followed by the past participle of the main verb.


 Parler (to speak):

 J'avais parlé
 Tu avais parlé
 Il/elle/on avait parlé
 Nous avions parlé
 Vous aviez parlé
 Ils/elles avaient parlé
 Venir (to come):
 J'étais venu(e)
 Tu étais venu(e)
 Il/elle/on était venu(e)
 Nous étions venu(e)s
 Vous étiez venu(e)(s)
 Ils/elles étaient venu(e)s

4. Subjonctif (Subjunctive):

The subjunctive mood is formed using the present tense of the third person plural
(ils/elles) with specific endings for -er, -ir, and -re verbs. Irregular verbs often have
unique conjugations.


 Parler (to speak):

 Que je parle
 Que tu parles
 Qu'il/elle/on parle
 Que nous parlions
 Que vous parliez
 Qu'ils/elles parlent
 Avoir (to have):
 Que j'aie
 Que tu aies
 Qu'il/elle/on ait
 Que nous ayons
 Que vous ayez
 Qu'ils/elles aient

5. Pronom Relatif Simple et Composé (Relative

Pronouns Simple and Compound):
Pronom Relatif Simple:
Masculine Feminine Plural

Qui Qui Qui

Pronom Relatif Composé:

Masculine Feminine Plural

Lequel Laquelle Lesquels/Lesquelles

6. Pronom Personnel (Personal Pronouns):

COD (Complément d'Objet Direct):

Singular Plural
Me (me) Nous (us)
Te (you) Vous (you)
Le (him, it - masculine) / La (her, it - feminine) Les (them)

COI (Complément d'Objet Indirect):

Singular Plural
Me (to me) Nous (to us)
Te (to you) Vous (to you)
Lui (to him, to her) Leur (to them)

Y and En:

Y (there) En (some, any)

J'y J'en
Tu y Tu en
Il/elle/on y Il/elle/on en
Nous y Nous en
Vous y Vous en
Ils/elles y Ils/elles en

Pronom Tonique (Emphatic Pronouns):

Singular Plural
Moi (me) Nous (us)
Toi (you) Vous (you)
Lui/Elle (him/her) Eux/Elles (them)

7. Trouvez la Question (Question Formation):

In French, questions are often formed by inverting the subject and the verb.
Interrogative words such as "qui," "quoi," "où," "quand," "comment," and "pourquoi" are
used to form more complex questions.


 Statement: Tu parles français. (You speak French.)

 Question: Parles-tu français? (Do you speak French?)

8. Discours Direct et Indirect (Direct and Indirect

Discours Direct:

In direct speech, the exact words spoken are enclosed in quotation marks.

Discours Indirect:

In indirect speech, the reported words are introduced by a conjunction, and there is no
need for quotation marks.


 Direct Speech: Il a dit, "Je viens demain." (He said, "I am coming tomorrow.")
 Indirect Speech: Il a dit qu'il viendrait demain. (He said that he would come tomorrow.)

9. Négatifs (Negatives):
Negatives in French are formed by placing "ne" before the conjugated verb and "pas"
after it.


 Affirmative: Il parle français. (He speaks French.)

 Negative: Il ne parle pas français. (He doesn't speak French.)

10. Possessifs - Adjectifs et Pronoms (Possessives -

Adjectives and Pronouns):
Possessive Adjectives:

Singular Plural
Mon (my) Notre (our)
Ton (your) Votre (your)
Son (his/her/its) Leur (their)

Possessive Pronouns:

Singular Plural
Le mien / La mienne (mine) Les miens / Les miennes (mine)
Le tien / La tienne (yours) Les tiens / Les tiennes (yours)
Le sien / La sienne (his/hers/its) Les siens / Les siennes (his/hers/theirs)

11. Démonstratifs - Adjectifs et Pronoms

(Demonstratives - Adjectives and Pronouns):
Demonstrative Adjectives:

Masculine Feminine Plural

Ce (this) Cette (this) Ces (these)

Demonstrative Pronouns:

Masculine Feminine Plural

Celui-ci / Celui-là (this one / that Celle-ci / Celle-là (this one / that Ceux-ci / Ceux-là (these ones / those
one) one) ones)
12. Verbes (Verbs):
Présent (Present):

Present tense conjugations vary for -er, -ir, and -re verbs.


 Parler (to speak):

 Je parle
 Tu parles
 Il/elle/on parle
 Nous parlons
 Vous parlez
 Ils/elles parlent

Futur Simple (Simple Future):

The simple future tense is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive.


 Parler (to speak):

 Je parlerai
 Tu parleras
 Il/elle/on parlera
 Nous parlerons
 Vous parlerez
 Ils/elles parleront

Impératif (Imperative):

The imperative mood is used for giving commands.


 Parler (to speak):

 Parle (Speak - singular)
 Parlons (Let's speak - plural)
 Parlez (Speak - plural)
Futur Proche (Near Future):

The near future tense is formed by using the present tense of the verb "aller" followed
by the infinitive of the main verb.


 Parler (to speak):

 Je vais parler
 Tu vas parler
 Il/elle/on va parler
 Nous allons parler
 Vous allez parler
 Ils/elles vont parler

Passé Composé (Past Perfect):

The passé composé is formed using the auxiliary verb "avoir" or "être" and the past
participle of the main verb.


 Parler (to speak):

 J'ai parlé
 Tu as parlé
 Il/elle/on a parlé
 Nous avons parlé
 Vous avez parlé
 Ils/elles ont parlé

Imparfait (Imperfect):

The imperfect tense is used for ongoing actions, descriptions, and habitual actions in the


 Parler (to speak):

 Je parlais
 Tu parlais
 Il/elle/on parlait
 Nous parlions
 Vous parliez
 Ils/elles parlaient

Adjectifs Démonstratifs
(Demonstrative Adjectives):
Demonstrative adjectives in French agree in gender and number with the noun they

Masculine Feminine Plural

Ce (this) Cette (this) Ces (these)

1. Ce livre (This book)
2. Cette chaise (This chair)
3. Ces enfants (These children)

Trouvez la Question (Question

Questions in French are often formed by inverting the subject and the verb.
Interrogative words such as "qui," "quoi," "où," "quand," "comment," and "pourquoi" are
used to form more complex questions.

1. Statement: Tu parles français. (You speak French.)
 Question: Parles-tu français? (Do you speak French?)
2. Statement: Il aime le cinéma. (He likes the cinema.)
 Question: Aime-t-il le cinéma? (Does he like the cinema?)

Négatifs (Negatives):
Negatives in French are formed by placing "ne" before the conjugated verb and "pas"
after it.

1. Affirmative: Il parle français. (He speaks French.)
 Negative: Il ne parle pas français. (He doesn't speak French.)
2. Affirmative: Nous avons du temps. (We have some time.)
 Negative: Nous n'avons pas de temps. (We don't have any time.)
Pronoms (COD, COI):
Pronom COD (Complément d'Objet Direct):
Singular Plural
Me (me) Nous (us)
Te (you) Vous (you)
Le (him, it - m) / La (her, it - f) Les (them)

Pronom COI (Complément d'Objet Indirect):

Singular Plural
Me (to me) Nous (to us)
Te (to you) Vous (to you)
Lui (to him, to her) Leur (to them)

1. COD: J'aime ce livre. (I like this book.)
 COI: Je lui donne ce livre. (I give him/her this book.)
2. COD: Tu vois les chiens. (You see the dogs.)
 COI: Tu leur donnes à manger. (You give them food.)

Verbes (Verbs):
Présent (Present):
Present tense conjugations vary for -er, -ir, and -re verbs.
Parler (to speak) Finir (to finish) Vendre (to sell)
Je parle Je finis Je vends
Tu parles Tu finis Tu vends
Il/elle/on parle Il/elle/on finit Il/elle/on vend
Nous parlons Nous finissons Nous vendons
Vous parlez Vous finissez Vous vendez
Ils/elles parlent Ils/elles finissent Ils/elles vendent

Futur Simple (Simple Future):

The simple future tense is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive.

Parler (to speak) Finir (to finish) Vendre (to sell)

Je parlerai Je finirai Je vendrai
Tu parleras Tu finiras Tu vendras
Il/elle/on parlera Il/elle/on finira Il/elle/on vendra
Nous parlerons Nous finirons Nous vendrons
Vous parlerez Vous finirez Vous vendrez
Ils/elles parleront Ils/elles finiront Ils/elles vendront

Impératif (Imperative):
The imperative mood is used for giving commands.

Parler (to speak) Finir (to finish) Vendre (to sell)

Parle (Speak - singular) Finis (Finish - singular) Vends (Sell - singular)
Parlons (Let's speak) Finissons (Let's finish) Vendons (Let's sell)
Parlez (Speak - plural) Finissez (Finish - plural) Vendez (Sell - plural)

Futur Proche (Near Future):

The near future tense is formed by using the present tense of the verb "aller" followed
by the infinitive of the main verb.

Parler (to speak) Finir (to finish) Vendre (to sell)

Je vais parler Je vais finir Je vais vendre
Tu vas parler Tu vas finir Tu vas vendre
Il/elle/on va parler Il/elle/on va finir Il/elle/on va vendre
Nous allons parler Nous allons finir Nous allons vendre
Parler (to speak) Finir (to finish) Vendre (to sell)
Vous allez parler Vous allez finir Vous allez vendre
Ils/elles vont parler Ils/elles vont finir Ils/elles vont vendre

Passé Composé (Past Perfect):

The passé composé is formed using the auxiliary verb "avoir" or "être" and the past
participle of the main verb.

Parler (to speak) Finir (to finish) Vendre (to sell)

J'ai parlé J'ai fini J'ai vendu
Tu as parlé Tu as fini Tu as vendu
Il/elle/on a parlé Il/elle/on a fini Il/elle/on a vendu
Nous avons parlé Nous avons fini Nous avons vendu
Vous avez parlé Vous avez fini Vous avez vendu
Ils/elles ont parlé Ils/elles ont fini Ils/elles ont vendu

Imparfait (Imperfect):
The imperfect tense is used for ongoing actions, descriptions, and habitual actions in the

Parler (to speak) Finir (to finish) Vendre (to sell)

Je parlais Je finissais Je vendais
Tu parlais Tu finissais Tu vendais
Il/elle/on parlait Il/elle/on finissait Il/elle/on vendait
Nous parlions Nous finissions Nous vendions
Vous parliez Vous finissiez Vous vendiez
Ils/elles parlaient Ils/elles finissaient Ils/elles vendaient

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