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LEcole Nationale Polytechnique

et lAssociation des Diplms de lENP (AD

le jeudi 16 Novembre 201
2017 lENP - Amphithtre A.Ouabdesselam
La Cinqu
Cinquime Journe de la Fiabilit

La fiabilit constitue un maillon essentiel pour les matres douvrages en ce qui concerne les enjeux de scurit, de performance des structures au sens large. Le Laboratoire
de Gnie Sismique et de Dynamique des Structures (LGSDS) propose une mise en application de la thorie de la fiabilit au cas des structures et celui des sols et
fondations, avec des exposs focaliss sur les approches mthodologiques utilises, les difficults rencontres ainsi que les solutions proposes.
8h30-9h30 Accueil
9h30 Mot douverture de la Journe par Pr Mohamed DEBYECHE Directeur de l'ENP
Mot de M. Belkacem BENNIKOUS Prsident de l'A l'AD-ENP
9h45 Introduction de la Journe par Pr Ahmed
hmed BOUBAKEUR Hommage Monsieur Abdelaziz Ouabdesselam
10h00 Prsentation des Confrences modre par Pr Mahmoud BENSAIBI Directeur de lEcole Nationale Suprieure des Travaux Publiques (ENSTP)
10h00 - Mise en application de concepts fiabilistes sur quelques cas concrets en Gnie-Civil. Pr. Boualem TILIOUINE
10h45 - Fiabilit en gotechnique : Application au cas des fondations. Pr. Malek HAMMOUTENE (ENP-LGSDS) LGSDS)
11h30 Dbat gnral
12h30 -14h00 Collation et clture de la Journe
Courtes Biographies des Confrenciers :
B. Tiliouine ; Civil Engineer (Distinction) (EcoleNationalePolytechnique, Algiers) 1975 ; Certificate of English proficiency 1976 ; MSc. (Stanford U., USA) 1977 ; PhD. in Civil Engineering (Stanford U., USA) 1982.
Former research fellow at the John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center of Stanford University. Presently working as full ttime ime Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of research at the Ecole Nationale
Polytechnique, Algiers. He has published over 200 papers in reputed international Journals and Conferences. He has been Chief investigator of several nation
ally and internationally funded research and cooperative projects
and has over 300 years of experience in teaching, research and consultancy.
Previous positions and work experience include General Director of EcoleNationalePolytechnique, Structural Engineering Expe Expert
rt and Technical Adviser, Chairman of several national Ad Hoc Committees for the
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) of Algeria and Chairman of Scientific Committees of several nati national
onal and international Conferences. Current areas of interest include Engineering
Seismology, Soil Structure
cture interaction, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics and Optimization.
Prof. B. Tiliouine is an active member of the French Association of Earthquake Engineering ; Honorary fellow of the National Academ
Academicic Committee (MESRS) and one of the founding members of the Algerian Association
of Earthquake Engineering.

M. Hammoutne ; Civil Engineer (Ecole Nationale Polytechnique (ENP), Algiers) 1978 ; MSc (ENP, Algiers) 1980 ; Doctorate in Civil Engineering (ENP, Algiers) 1995. He is currently working as full time Professor of
Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic National School in Algiers (E. N. P.). A forme Alumnus, he publishe
d several research papers in well known national and international Journals and World Conferences. He worked as a
researcher at the Internal Geophysics and Tectonophysics Laboratory in Grenoble (LGIT) in partnership with the LCPC Paris (France). Team leader der of the strong motion and seismic hazard team at the Earthquake
Engineering and Structural Dynamics Laboratory (LGSDS), he initiated several nationally and internationally funded research aand
nd cooperative projects and has over 30 years of extensive experience
exper in teaching, research v
and consultancy.
Previous positions and work experience include Head of the Civil Engineering Department at the Polytechnic National School, E Engineering
ngineering and Seismology Expert. Current areas of interest include Strong Motion
Seismology, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.
Professor M. Hammoutne is also member of several Ad hoc committees for the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Algeria, member of several Scientific Committees
Committe of national Conferences and life
member of the ENP Alumni Association.

Lensemble des membres de la Communaut et des Diplms de lEcole - ainsi que toute personne intresse sont cordialement invits
Pr A. Boubakeur Organisateur

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