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Th. Vourdon


- un dictionnaire bilingue :
Le Robert & Collins (et aussi la version numérique, consultable dans les Ressources
Documentaires numériques de l’université de Rouen)
Le Hachette Oxford.
- deux dictionnaires unilingues :
Pour le français : Le Petit Robert ou Le Petit Larousse, http://www.e-dico.fr/
Pour l'anglais : The Longman Dictionary of the English Language ou The Concise Oxford
Dictionary ou Cobuild English Learner's Dictionary.
- un dictionnaire des synonymes en français :
Thesaurus, Larousse
http://elsap1.unicaen.fr/cgi-bin/cherches.cgi , ou bien la plateforme Lexilogos (Internet)
- des grammaires :
Pour le français : Bescherelle, Conjugaison 1 (Hatier) et Bled, Cours Supérieur d'Orthographe
Pour l'anglais : Bescherelle ou Grammaire Raisonnée (soit au lycée soit 2, Ophrys.)
- un manuel de vocabulaire :(à acquérir et conserver tout au long de vos études de licence)

English in the Media

(Words, in
English Universités, par par
the Media, Florent Gusdorf,et
Lepioufle Robin, Belin (3e é d. 2018)


- disponibles au Pôle Langues :

-Lucienne-Garel, Odile : L’anglais des médias : La version de presse et ses difficultés. PU de Rennes,
-Grellet, Françoise : The word against the word : Initiation à la version anglaise, Hachette, 1985.
- J. REY, Dictionnaire Sélectif et Commenté des Difficultés de la Version Anglaise, Ophrys.

- disponibles à la BU Lettres :
- M. Ballard, La traduction de l’anglais au français, Paris, Nathan, 1994.
- M. Ballard, Versus : La version réfléchie, Paris, Ophrys, 2003.

A lire, voir, écouter


• CNN Headlines : • Time Magazine :

http://www.europe.cnn.com http://www.pathfinder.com
• The Guardian : • USA Today :
http://www.guardian.co.uk http://www.usatoday.com
• The Times : http://www.the- • The Daily Mirror :
times.co.uk www.mirror.co.uk
• The Sunday Times : • The New-York Times :
http://www.sunday-times.co.uk www.nytimes.com/learning
• The Daily Telegraph : • The International Herald Tribune :
http://www.telegraph.co.uk www.iht.com
• The Irish Times : • The Washington Post :
http://www.irish-times.ie www.washingtonpost.com

Etc… les sites web de tous les journaux étrangers sont réunis dans la rubrique “planète
presse” de Courrier International http://www.courrierinternational.com/sources_overview


• BBC News : news.bbc.co.uk • CSPAN (US TV) :

• ITN Online : www.itn.co.uk http://www.c-spanclassroom.org/
• Sky News : www.sky.com/skynews • CNN Student News :
• Euronews : www.euronews.net learning.turner.com/newsroom
• Worldnet (US TV) : • TV Commercials: Featuring TV
www.ibb.gov/worldnet commercials past and present:


• Radio Days : Des extraits sonores des programmes des radios américaines de 1930 à

1960, des liens vers d'autres sites consacrés à la radio : www.otr.com

• Radio Now: All sorts of UK radio stations : www.radio-now.co.uk/live.htm

• Voice of America (VOA) : www.voanews.com/specialenglish

• Air America : http://www.airamerica.com/

• ABC Radio National : http://www.abc.net.au/

• Canadian Brodcasting Corporation : http://www.cbc.ca/radio/


Elles sont bien sûr une source inestimable si vous les regardez en VO et surtout avec les
sous-titres en VO afin de bien faire le rapport entre la prononciation et ce que vous lisez.


Gratuits, vous les trouverez sur des plateformes de streaming et vous pouvez moduler la
Ainsi Welcome to Night Vale est un chef d’œuvre d’humour décalé. D’autres sont trouvables
ici : https://time.com/5837424/best-podcasts-2020-so-far/

Pour les versions audios (lectures de romans), elles sont payantes et la plupart sont
trouvables (avec un grand nombre de romans français) sur www. audible.com.
Gratuites, de nombreuses « radio plays » sont aussi disponibles sur les plateformes de
streaming également, notamment la chaîne AUDIOPHILE:

Le tableau indique le nombre de « points-faute » (ptf) comptabilisé pour chaque type de faute. Le
nombre de points-faute total qui correspond à la moyenne varie selon les textes.
Par exemple, si la moyenne est fixée à 100 points-faute (100 ptf = 10/20) :
-pour une traduction qui cumule moins de 100 ptf, la note sera supérieure à 10/20 ;
-pour une traduction à plus de 100 ptf, la note sera inférieure à 10/20.
1ptf p ponctuation Une erreur de ponctuation peut s’avérer grave et aller
jusqu’au contresens, voire au non-sens
o orthographe Orthographe lexicale mineure (redoublement de consonnes,
majuscules, accents…)

2ptf o orthographe Orthographe plus grave (lexique)

inex inexact Faux-sens léger (ex : sous-traduction ou sur-traduction)
imp impropre Elément(s) ne convenant pas au contexte (style, registre,
(t)md (très) mal Maladresses, lourdeurs plus ou moins graves

3ptf fs Faux-sens Erreur commise sur le sens d’un mot (Faux sens grave,
surtout sur le vocabulaire de base)
gram grammaire Aspect, articles, prépositions, modaux (faute mineure),
conjugaison (fautes d’accord, -s oubliés, participe passé…)
clq calque Faute due à la conservation d’un mot français ou d’une
structure française en anglais de manière non idiomatique.

4ptf cs contresens Le texte n’a pas été compris (un mot voire une partie de
tps temps Faute grave sur le temps
synt syntaxe Faute grave sur la syntaxe
Mod modaux Faute grave sur les modaux

5ptf cs contresens Contresens grave

6ptf ns non-sens Comme le nom l’indique, faute la plus grave sur le sens :
aucun rapport avec l’original.
barb barbarisme Mot n’existant pas en anglais, forme inventée
6 - om omission Plus ou moins lourdement sanctionnée selon le(s) mots(s)
8 omis.

+ bonification Indique des points de bonification accordés à un mot ou à

un passage particulièrement bien traduits.

Procédés de Traduction

Plusieurs solutions s’offrent à l’étudiant pour traduire un passage :


- l’emprunt : on ne traduit pas le mot anglais, car il est entré dans la langue
française :
ex. scanner, vidéo clip, bulldozer, motel.
Attention : « rugbyman » = rugby player, « parking » = car park ;
au “Franglais”
aux emprunts maladroits lorsque l’équivalent existe en français,
ex. : traduire a challenge par “un challenge” au lieu de « défi » (calque)
traduire a politician par “un politicien”, au lieu de “homme politique” (faux-

- le calque : on utilise un nom de lieu ou d’organisme tel quel.

ex : the Grand Canyon / le Grand Canyon, the Empire State Building /
l’Empire State Building/ Oxford Street / Oxford Street.
Attention, certains problèmes se posent parfois (voir plus loin).

- le mot à mot : parfois, la traduction littérale est possible pour une phrase / un
élément de phrase.
ex : As the door was open, I called her : comme la porte était ouverte, je
l’appelai ;
in a restaurant / dans un restaurant ;
this summer : cet été…

N.B. : mais ce n’est pas valable pour tout!! Il faut se méfier du mot à mot.


- la transposition : On traduit en employant un mot à une autre catégorie

grammaticale que le mot d’origine :

Nom -> Verbe : Is this your first visit ? C’est la première fois que vous venez ?
Adjectif -> Nom : They were irritatingly polite : leur politesse était irritante.
Medical students : des étudiants en médecine

In the early 19th century : au début du XIXe siècle

-il peut aussi y avoir un chassé-croisé complet :

He ran out. She tiptoed across the room.

Il est parti en courant Elle a traversé la pièce sur la pointe des

Attention : chaque langue a tendance à privilégier certaines catégories

grammaticales. Le français a une prédilection pour les tournures nominales; l’anglais,
pour les tournures verbales.

ex : He explained to us what he believed in and what he hoped for :

il nous exposa ses convictions et ses espoirs.

- La modulation : On exprime la même idée en voyant les choses sous un angle

ex : on passe du concret à l’abstrait :
He is always using words a yard long : il utilise toujours des mots qui n’en
finissent plus.
affirmation —> négation :
She’s rather plain : elle est sans grande beauté
No vacancies : Complet
une partie pour une autre :
His head bent over his work : le front courbé sur son travail


- L’équivalence : La traduction n’est possible qu’en ayant recours à une expression

équivalente dans la langue d’arrivée. C’est le procédé couramment utilisé pour
traduire les proverbes, dictons, expressions idiomatiques, les expressions figées (ex.
sur panneaux, pancartes…), etc. :
ex : The more, the merrier : plus on est de fous, plus on rit
When pigs fly : quand les poules auront des dents
Keep off the grass : défense de marcher sur la pelouse / pelouse interdite

- L’étoffement : Pour traduire un mot, l’on doit faire appel à toute une expression ou
du moins à plusieurs mots, un seul ne suffisant pas. C’est souvent le cas pour les
prépositions, les adverbes, les particules adverbiales, et certains noms.
ex: A small island off New York : une petite île au large de NY
This text is intended for… : le présent manuel s’adresse à …
This may reach you before I arrive : il se peut que ce mot vous parvienne…

Exercice : Les procédés de traduction

La transposition
La transposition consiste à traduire certains mots ou expression en changeant leur
catégorie grammaticale dans la langue d’arrivée. On peut, par exemple,
transformer un verbe en nom, ou un adverbe en verbe.

Exercice 1 : Traduisez les phrases suivantes en prêtant particulièrement attention aux

expressions soulignées. Expliquez le changement qui s’est produit.
Exemple : This house is for sale. => Cette maison est à vendre. (Nom => verbe)

1) As soon as he gets up, he drinks 6) He merely smiled.

black coffee. 7) Do you happen to have seen John ?
2) He is a medical student. 8) I met him in late autumn.
3) She plainly prefers to stay with me. 9) Do not open before the train stops.
4) I threatened him with dismissal. 10) When we arrived, we found everything
5) There has been an attempted unprepared

Parfois, la transposition est double. On parle alors de chassé-croisé.

Exercice 2 : Traduisez les phrases suivantes en prêtant particulièrement attention aux

expressions soulignées. Expliquez les changements qui se sont produits. Le
complément de manière est-il indispensable en français ?
Exemple: Ross swam across the river. => Ross traversa le fleuve à la nage. (Verbe =>
complément de manière et préposition => verbe. « A la nage » exprime la manière et
ne peut être omis.)

1) They were irritatingly polite. 4) The fish swam past the rock.
2) He tiptoed down the stairs. 5) She sneaked in.
3) Achilles charged across the plain. 6) Show them in.

La modulation
La modulation est un changement de point de vue. On peut passer du positif au
négatif, concret à l’abstrait, du contenant au contenu, de la partie au tout, etc.

Exercice 3 : Traduisez les phrases suivantes en prêtant particulièrement attention aux

expressions soulignées. Expliquez le changement qui s’est produit.
Exemple : He was swimming in shallow waters. => Il nageait dans des eaux peu
profondes. (Positif => négatif)

1) Leave your bag at the left-luggage 6) He may be right.

office. 7) We’ve been told you were ill.
2) The crowd raised their faces. 8) He was standing there with his hat
3) Have another drink!
drawn over his eyes.
4) She slammed the door in his face.
5) You keep out of this. 9) Mary won a goldfish at the fair!
10) (At the end of a visit.) Remember
the guide
Quand une expression idiomatique ou un proverbe de la langue d’arrivée correspond à
l’expression de la langue de départ.

Exercice 4 : Faites correspondre les phrases suivantes à leur équivalent français.

1) It’s raining cats and dogs. a) Plus on est de fous, plus on rit.
2) Employees only. b) Comme on fait son lit, on se couche.
3) As you brew, So you must c) Ce n’est pas à un vieux singe qu’on
drink. apprend à faire des grimaces.
4) Pigs might fly! d) Interdiction de faire demi-tour.
5) You’re welcome! e) Quand les poules auront des dents.
6) The more, the merrier. f) Il pleut des cordes.
7) To kill two birds with one stone. g) Chat échaudé craint l’eau froide.
8) Charity begins at home. h) Faire d’une pierre deux coups.
9) Let sleeping dogs lie. i) De rien !
10) No U-turns. j) Il ne faut pas réveiller le lion qui dort.
11) Don’t teach your granny how k) Charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-
to suck eggs. même.
12) A burnt child dreads fire. l) Réservé aux employés.

L’étoffement consiste à traduire un mot par toute une expression ou au moins plusieurs mots, un
seul ne suffisant pas.

Exercice 5 : Traduisez les phrases suivantes en prêtant particulièrement attention aux expressions

1) All flights to England were 6) Did you ask him round?

cancelled. 7) Hold on! I’ll put you through.
2) Let’s stop for gas. 8) If you could put in a good word for
3) An action against the rules. him, I’d be grateful.
4) She checked the dress for stains. 9) His nephew has taken over.
5) He came for me. 10) He awoke to her call.

Les jeux de mots

Exercice 5 : Le passage suivant est tiré de Through the Looking Glass, de Lewis Caroll, la suite d’Alice
in Wonderland. Un moustique (gnat) demande à Alice d’énumérer des noms d’insectes. Proposez
une traduction du jeu de mots “Bread-and-butter-fly”.

“And then there’s the Butterfly,” Alice went on. [...]

“Crawling at your feet,” said the Gnat (Alice drew her feet back in some alarm), “you may observe
a Bread-and-butter-fly. Its wings are thin slices of bread-and-butter, its body is a crust, and its head
is a lump of sugar.”

Exercice : correction de traduction

La traduction suivante, faite à l'aide d'un dictionnaire anglais-français, comporte pourtant

encore de nombreuses erreurs: fautes de français, contresens, maladresses… Corrigez-en
autant que possible.

Finding a job taking longer in this Trouver un job prenant plus longtemps dans
downturn cette récession

Workers who are out of jobs for a year Les travailleurs qui sont sans travail pendant
struggle with finances and staying une lutte d'un an avec des finances et rester
motivated. motiver.

Unemployed Americans are now Les américains aux chomages sont

facing the longest job searches in 40 maintenant en face des recherches des plus
years. longs emploies en 40 ans.

While the high rate of unemployment Pendant que le taux haut de chomage obtient
gets headlines, less attention has been les titres, moins d'attention fût donné à la
paid to the length of unemployment, longueur du chomage, ce qui en Janvier était
which in January was more than six plus que six mois:
an average of 30.2 weeks compared une moyenne de 30.2 semaines, comparé à
with 19.8 a year ago, according to 19.9 un an plus tôt, d'après l'information du
government data. gouvernment.
Half a billion jobless workers, Un demi-millier de travailleurs sans travail,
including about 20,000 a week in incluant environ 20,000 par semaine en Floride,
Florida, start exhausting their benefits commencent à épuiser leurs allocations en
beginning Monday if lawmakers don't commençant Mardi si ceux qui font les lois
act early this week. n'agissent pas plus tôt cette semaine.

Faux-amis anglais commençant par A
To accommodate – loger ..........................................................accommoder – to arrange
Actual – réel .............................................................................actuel – current
Actually – en réalité ..................................................................actuellement – currently
An agenda – un ordre du jour ...............................................un agenda – a diary
The allure – l’attrait ...............................................l’allure – the pace, the look
An application – une demande ..................................................l’application de la loi – enforcement of the law
Apt – approprié..........................................................................apte – able
Apt to – susceptible de...............................................................apte à – able to, capable of
Arts – sciences humaines ...........................................................l’art – art
To assist – aider........................................................................assister à – to attend
Faux-amis anglais commençant par B
A bachelor – un célibataire ........................................................le bac – A-levels
A benefit – un avantage ............................................................un bénéfice – a profit
A bias – un préjugé ...................................................................un biais – a means
Faux-amis anglais commençant par C
Candid – franc...........................................................................candide – naive
A cave – une grotte ...................................................................une cave – a cellar
A chance – une opportunité .......................................................la chance – luck
College – la fac .........................................................................le collège – secondary school
Competition – la concurrence ....................................................une compétition – a sporting event
Comprehensive – global ...........................................................compréhensif – understanding
Concurrent – simultané.............................................................un concurrent – a competitor
To contemplate – envisager ......................................................contempler – to contemplate
To contend – soutenir, prétendre ...............................................contenir – to contain
Convenient – commode, pratique...............................................convenable – suitable
A corpse – un cadavre...............................................................un corps – a body
A courier – un messager............................................................le courrier – mail
Faux-amis anglais commençant par D
To demand – éxiger ..................................................................demander – to ask (for)
A deputy – un adjoint ................................................................un député – an MP
A dispute – un conflit ................................................................une dispute – an argument
A don – un professeur d’université ..............................................un don – a gift
Dramatic – spectaculaire ...........................................................dramatique – tragic
deception – supercherie ............................................................déception – disappointment

Faux-amis anglais commençant par E
Engaged – fiancé, occupé (téléphone).........................................engagé – committed
An estate – un domaine.............................................................un état – a state
Eventual – final.........................................................................éventuel – possible
Eventually – finalement.............................................................éventuellement – possibly
Evidence – les preuves ..............................................................l’évidence – obviousness
An elector – un grand électeur (US) ...........................................un électeur – a voter
Faux-amis anglais commençant par F
Fabric – tissu ............................................................................une fabrique – a manufacture
Facilities – des installations........................................................la facilité – easiness / des facilités – talent
Figure – chiffre, silhouette..........................................................la figure – the face
Faux-amis anglais commençant par G
Global – mondial .......................................................................global – comprehensive
Faux-amis anglais commençant par H
To harass – harceler..................................................................harasser – to exhaust
To hurl – lancer.........................................................................hurler – to scream, to howl
Faux-amis anglais commençant par I
Inhabited – habité ....................................................................inhabité – uninhabited
Intoxicated – ivre, grisé............................................................intoxiqué – poisoned
To introduce – présenter...........................................................introduire – to insert
An issue – un problème.............................................................l’issue – the outcome
Faux-amis anglais commençant par L
Large – grand ...........................................................................large – wide, broad
A lodger – un locataire...............................................................un logeur – a landlord
Lunatic – fou ............................................................................lunatique – temperamental
Faux-amis anglais commençant par P
To pass un exam – être reçu.....................................................passer un examen – to take an exam
A patron – un client...................................................................un patron – a boss
Petrol – de l’essence..................................................................du pétrole – oil
A physician – un médecin..........................................................un physicien – a physicist
Prejudice – préjugé...................................................................préjudice – damage
A public school – une école privée .............................................une école publique – a state school
Politics – la politique (la matière)................................................les politiques (les personnes) – politicians
Faux-amis anglais commençant par R
Rampant – qui sévit ..................................................................rampant – crawling
A recipient – un destinataire......................................................un récipient – a container
To resume – reprendre, recommencer ........................................résumer – to sum up
Faux-amis anglais commençant par S
Sensible – sensé, raisonnable.....................................................sensible – sensitive
Spectacles – des lunettes..........................................................un spectacle –a show
Surname – nom de famille.........................................................un surnom – anickname
Susceptible to – sensible à (unemélodie)...................................susceptible – touchy /susceptible de – likely to
A syndicate – unconsortium......................................................les syndicats– trade unions
society – la société(française)....................................................une société (uneentreprise) – a company
Faux-amis anglais commençant par T
To traduce –calomnier..............................................................traduire– to translate
To vex – contrarier....................................................................vexer– to upset
Faux-amis anglais commençant par V
Vicious –méchant.....................................................................vicieux– depraved / a vicious circle
Faux-amis anglais commençant par Z
Zest – l’enthousiasme................................................................zest –zest, peel

(source: http://www.integrersciencespo.fr)

- Les règles de conjugaison du futur ?
- Les règles de conjugaison du conditionnel ?
- Les règles de l’accord du participe passé ?

Toute réponse négative empêchera d’obtenir de

bonnes notes en version. Votre français est aussi
important que votre anglais.

L’accord du participe passé avec l’auxiliaire avoir
Règle 1 : Le participe passé employé avec l’auxiliaire avoir ne s’accorde pas avec le
sujet mais avec le COD lorsqu’il est placé avant lui. Exemples :

Ils ont construit une voiture dans le garage (le COD « voiture » est placé derrière le
participe passé de construire donc on n’accorde pas)

Ils ont retrouvé la voiture qu’ils avaient construite dans le garage (cette fois-ci
« voiture » est placé avant le participe passé, on l’accorde donc)

Règle 2 : lorsque le COD placé avant le participe passé est un pronom personnel
(le ou l’), on peut accorder (cette commode, il l’a trouvée chez un brocanteur) mais le
participe passé ne s’accorde pas quand le pronom l’ équivaut à une proposition :

Règle 3 : On n’accorde jamais le participe passé lorsque le COD est le

pronom en comme dans l’exemple suivant :

Des hommes, elle en a rencontré !

Des femmes, il en a salué toute la journée

Thème du S2
Vocabulaire et textes

- Society on the move (p.303)

- Travel and transport (p.372)
- Crime and punishment (p.140)

VOS mots posant problème. Notez-les, révisez-les,
éliminez-les :

Working from home has changed the lives of many of India’s women
The coronavirus pandemic has caused something of a revolution in the way people work and this may be benefiting
the women of India, writes Saritha Rai. But more needs to be done to change attitudes

The Independent
Friday 04 December 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has hit women worldwide with job losses and closures of childcare centres. Yet
a surprising bright spot is emerging: India’s $200bn technology services industry, where new rules are
expected to provide female workers with a broad swathe of flexible work arrangements and fresh
employment opportunities.

On the outskirts of New Delhi, Teena Likhari, 45, quit her job running operations for the Indian back office
of a Silicon Valley company in 2018 because of a family medical emergency. Looking to rejoin this year, she
expected a market stunted by lockdowns. Instead, the pandemic had made work-from-home mainstream
in her industry, which had long shunned the practice.

Not only did the operations manager quickly land a job with Indian outsourcer WNS Global Services, but
working from her home in the city of Gurgaon, she began overseeing a 100-member team in the city of
Pune, about 900 miles away.

Traduisez :

Mots problématiques et procédé à utiliser.


Structures problématiques et procédé à utiliser.


Faux-amis :


Erreurs récurrentes :


Vocabulaire :

The Newest Challenge for Europe’s Parks: A Surge of New Nature Lovers

Lockdown-weary city dwellers across the continent are visiting parks and other protected areas for the first
time, overwhelming staff and generating pleas for more support.

New York Times

Paige McClanahan
Dec. 10, 2020

Lockdown-weary Europeans have sought out nature in record-breaking numbers this year, putting sudden
and substantial pressure on national parks and other natural areas across the continent.

“You could see this increase in irresponsible behavior, and in a lot of parks it felt like this was out of
control,” said Nikoleta Jones, a principal research associate at the University of Cambridge and an author
of a recent study of the pandemic’s effect on protected areas in Europe. “The resources they had were not
enough. It was just so much more than what they had experienced in the past.”

A telling episode occurred in Germany in November, not long after the country had gone into a partial
lockdown. Three young adults went on a day trip to the Bavarian Forest National Park, 60,000 acres of
woodlands, bogs and boulder fields about an hour’s drive from their home in Straubing. As they neared the
end of their hike, a young man in the group realized that he had left behind his smartphone. The sun was
low on the horizon, but they all turned around to look for it — and ended up lost in the dark, and very cold.

“It was a marked trail, but they were disoriented and they did not have the right clothing,” said Teresa
Schreib, the park’s manager of regional development and tourism. The local police and mountain rescue
service mounted a search and found the hikers just before midnight, a local news outlet reported. They
were taken to a hospital for hypothermia.

The incident was typical, Ms. Schreib said, of what the park’s employees had seen since the pandemic hit: a
new crowd of people — many of them young city dwellers — visiting for the first time, and often
unprepared and uninformed. It was, she said, a challenge to manage all of these new visitors, some of
whom were aggressive toward rangers and other guests, while also allowing for social distancing and
protecting the health of the park’s small staff.

If the trend of nature-seeking tourism persists after the pandemic — and there’s evidence that it will — then
experts say the continent’s protected areas will require a significant increase in investment to deal with a
surge in nature-based tourism that could bring jobs and income into Europe’s rural areas, which have been
steadily emptying out for more than half a century. The trick will be accommodating all of those visitors
sustainably — and finding a way to finance the work.

Mots problématiques et procédé à utiliser.


Structures problématiques et procédé à utiliser.


Faux-amis :


Erreurs récurrentes :


Vocabulaire :

How cruises will change after coronavirus

As cruises resume, Dave Monk looks at some of the ways cruising will change post-Covid?

The Independant
Thursday 22 October 2020

The multibillion-pound cruise industry, which normally carries 30 million people a year on the world’s oceans and
rivers, has been becalmed by the coronavirus pandemic.

More than 300 ships have been docked, or kept floating aimlessly at sea, after ports were shut, countries locked
down and international travel frozen.

The US no-sail ban has recently been extended to 31 October, while the UK government still advises against
travelling by ocean ship.

Shares in the major operators – Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Group and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings –
have plummeted by up to 80 per cent during the crisis as they collectively burned through $1bn a month.

Despite all that, cruising is showing signs of coming back in countries such as France, Germany and now Italy, where
MSC Cruises and Costa have restarted services. In Taiwan, Dream Cruises has already carried more than 25,000 locals.
But there are changes afoot.

Among the measures already announced, the industry body Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) has pledged
that all passengers and crew will be tested before boarding.

With ships taking years to plan and build, existing fleets will have to be adapted to ensure a safe environment, with
new measures on board to maintain social distance and hygiene.

Here's a look at how coronavirus might affect the look and feel of cruising as well as future design.

Pre-boarding testing
A key factor in the safe resumption of cruising will be the availability of rapid and reliable testing for Covid-19 at
Masks and social distancing
Even half-full cruise ships can carry thousands of guests, so measures have been taken to ensure venues, such as
theatres and lounges, have areas cordoned off to maintain social distancing.
Social bubbles
In port, the chance to go ashore on the likes of MSC Cruises is being restricted to official excursions where hygiene,
distancing and masks can be enforced.
Better ventilation
Upgraded filters will be fine enough to capture coronavirus aerosols.
Improved hygiene
Cruising has always been known for having hand sanitisers at every restaurant. They will now be everywhere.
Changes in dining
The free-for-all buffet, a beloved part of many people’s cruise experience, is being replaced by table service to cut
down the risk of contamination and opportunities for close contact.
More use of technology
Cards to open cabin doors and pay for drinks on board were already being replaced on many lines with wearable
technology. Now it’s being used to control the spread of contagious diseases such as coronavirus.
Wider trends in cruising
Despite innovations to appeal to younger holidaymakers, cruising still largely attracts older clientele who are more
likely to be affected by – or worried about – coronavirus.

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Here is an article and the corresponding online translation. Correct when necessary and explain.

The Flight Goes Nowhere. And It’s Sold Out.

In August, Nadzri Harif, a D.J. at Kristal FM radio station in Brunei, set foot in an airport for the first time in six months.
The experience, he said, was exhilarating. Sure, moving through Brunei International Airport was different, with masks,
glass dividers and social-distancing protocols in place, but nothing could beat the anticipation of getting on a plane

His destination: nowhere.

Mr. Harif is one of thousands of people in Brunei, Taiwan, Japan and Australia who have started booking flights that
start and end in the same place. Some airlines call these “scenic flights”; others are more direct, calling them “flights to

“I didn’t realize how much I’d missed traveling — missed flying — until the moment the captain’s voice came on the
speaker with the welcome and safety announcement,” said Mr. Harif of his 85-minute experience on Royal Brunei
Airlines. On its flight to nowhere, which the airline calls the “dine and fly” program, Royal Brunei serves local cuisine
to passengers while flying over the country.

At a time when most people are stuck at home and unable to travel, and the global airline industry has been decimated
by the pandemic, flights that take off and return to the airport a few hours later allow airlines to keep staff working. The
practice also satisfies that itch to travel — even if it’s just being on a plane again. Although most people may think of
flying as a means to an end, existing solely to get them from one place to the next, some say that it is an exciting part of
the travel experience.

Criticism of these flights has been intense, with environmental groups and travelers taking to social media to express
their frustrations. They argue that an industry that had already negatively affected the environment before the
pandemic is continuing to do so with these unnecessary trips.

Le vol ne mène nulle part. Et c’est complet.

En août, Nadzri Harif, D.J. de la station de radio Kristal FM à Brunei, a mis le pied dans un aéroport pour la première
fois en six mois. L’expérience, a-t-il dit, a été exaltante. Bien sûr, se déplacer à travers l’aéroport international de Brunei
était différent, avec des masques, des séparateurs de verre et des protocoles de distanciation sociale en place, mais rien
ne pouvait battre l’anticipation de monter dans un avion à nouveau.

Sa destination: nulle part.

M. Harif est l’une des milliers de personnes au Brunei, à Taiwan, au Japon et en Australie qui ont commencé à réserver
des vols qui commencent et se terminent au même endroit. Certaines compagnies aériennes appellent ces « vols
panoramiques »; d’autres sont plus directs, les qualifiant de « vols vers nulle part ».

« Je ne savais pas à quel point j’avais manqué de voyager — un vol manqué — jusqu’au moment où la voix du
commandant de bord est venue sur le haut-parleur avec l’annonce de bienvenue et de sécurité », a déclaré M. Harif au
sujet de son expérience de 85 minutes sur Royal Brunei Airlines. Sur son vol vers nulle part, que la compagnie appelle
le programme « dîner et voler », Royal Brunei sert une cuisine locale aux passagers tout en survolant le pays.

À une époque où la plupart des gens sont coincés à la maison et incapables de voyager, et l’industrie mondiale du
transport aérien a été décimée par la pandémie, les vols qui décollent et retournent à l’aéroport quelques heures plus
tard permettent aux compagnies aériennes de continuer à travailler. La pratique satisfait également cette démangeaison
de voyager - même si c’est juste être dans un avion à nouveau. Bien que la plupart des gens puissent penser à voler
comme un moyen d’atteindre une fin, existant uniquement pour les amener d’un endroit à l’autre, certains disent que
c’est une partie passionnante de l’expérience de voyage.
Les critiques à l’égard de ces vols ont été intenses, les groupes environnementaux et les voyageurs s’en prenant aux
médias sociaux pour exprimer leurs frustrations. Ils soutiennent qu’une industrie qui avait déjà eu des répercussions
négatives sur l’environnement avant la pandémie continue de le faire avec ces voyages inutiles.

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Rose Ayling-Ellis's Strictly Come Dancing victory raised awareness
about deafness. Now it's time to teach sign language in schools
– Christine Jardine MP
At some point this week the decorations will come down, I’ll head back to parliament and another Christmas
and New Year will be consigned to memory.

By Christine Jardine
Monday, 3rd January 2022
The Scotsman
But this year there is something I want to take with me. It is a realisation, and a determination, rooted
in a moment of television magic.
It is the image of Rose Ayling-Ellis and Giovanni Pernice dancing in the silence on Strictly Come
Dancing that was a surprise to most of us watching, but normality for Rose, which is my stand-out moment
of 2021.
It brought home, to many of us for the first time, how different life would be if we were to lose its
Its immediate impact was even greater than that of their spectacular victory in a Strictly final that
was a visual representation of the diversity we would all want to see in boardrooms and workplaces up and
down the country. Entertainment television which conveyed the most powerful of messages.
Too often we are only aware of an issue when it affects us or a loved one personally. Or we are swept
up in a moment and say “oh something must be done”, only to let our good intentions slip away again.
So it has sadly been with deafness.
When Penny Morduant, as minister for equalities, presented a statement to the house
simultaneously in English and British sign language (BSL) there was universal praise and predictions of great
change. I have not noticed very much.
In the immediate aftermath of Rose’s win, there was a massive increase in interest in learning about
hearing impairment. The number of inquiries to deaf charities rocketed. The demand from those wanting to
learn British sign language increased several hundred-fold.
But there is a danger that all of that genuine, heart-felt support and recognition will be allowed to
fade with the memories of Christmas.
That is where we all have our part to play in ensuring that the momentum is not lost and that
politicians like myself are constantly reminded of the need for action to match public sentiment.
[Christine Jardine is Scottish Liberal Democrat MP for Edinburgh West]

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I-95 reopens in Virginia after winter storm forced closure that stranded
Highway crews had spent much of the day towing dozens of vehicles that had been abandoned or run out
of gas

By Dana Hedgpeth, Hannah Natanson, Meagan Flynn, Michael Laris and Katherine Shaver
The Wahsington Post, Jan. 4, 2022

Interstate 95 in Virginia reopened Tuesday evening after a winter storm paralyzed vehicles for 48
miles south of Washington, leaving hundreds of motorists stranded — many for more than 24 hours without
food or water — as temperatures fell into the teens.
The storm, which dropped about 12 inches of snow in the area beginning Monday morning, quickly
overwhelmed snow-removal crews on a hilly stretch of interstate, slowing traffic before crippling a section
of the East Coast’s busiest highway already known for gridlock. Transportation officials cited multiple crashes
in the Fredericksburg area, some involving jackknifed tractor-trailers, and closed the highway Tuesday
Southbound lanes reopened after 7 p.m., followed soon after by the northbound lanes, Virginia
Department of Transportation officials said. Highway crews spent much of the day clearing interstate off-
ramps and towing dozens of vehicles that were abandoned or ran out of gas. Officials warned that travel
remained hazardous on parts of I-95 and should be avoided, if possible.
Sophia Colson, 34, of Farmville, Va., who spent 19 hours stuck in her vehicle, said she heard motorists
scream in the dark in frustration Monday night. Some abandoned their vehicles and tried to walk along the
highway, including people she saw fall in the snow and ice.
“We’re trying to stay positive,” Colson said Tuesday after being stuck with her 63-year-old aunt, who
has one lung and needs supplemental oxygen, a diabetic brother and her 13-year-old son. “But it feels like
we’ve been abandoned […].”
They missed a family funeral in New York and subsisted on Diet Dr Pepper, cheese crackers and
gingersnap cookies while their gas tank neared empty.
Colson was among the hundreds of motorists, including a U.S. senator and families with children and
elderly relatives, who spent a freezing day and night stuck in their vehicles worried about running low on gas
and medicine and wondering how the state hadn’t been better prepared.
Motorists were left to form their own support system, offering one another extra food and bottled
water, and turning off their headlights to grant others privacy when relieving themselves along the road as
the hours dragged on. Throughout the night, many travelers said, state officials offered no help.
“I do believe that the Virginia Department of Transport (VDOT) was prepared prior to this storm,”
said VDOT district engineer Marcie Parker. “We got more snow than what was initially predicted, and the
rate was falling harder. Could we have kept up with a snowfall rate of that amount? No.”

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Alabama cop charged in girlfriend’s murder after claiming she shot
herself: report
By Audrey Conklin | Fox News

A Huntsville, Alabama, police officer has been charged with capital murder in connection to a Friday
shooting, according to local reports. Jail records show David McCoy, 28, was charged on Friday with capital
murder of a person in a vehicle and is being held without bond. The Huntsville Police Department did not
immediately respond to inquiries from Fox News. McCoy is on administrative leave from the force.
Authorities arrested the officer over his involvement in the shooting that occurred on Lawsons Ridge Drive
while he was off-duty, FOX 54 in Huntsville reported.
Sources told the outlet that McCoy shot his girlfriend in the head and then called police to report the
death, apparently telling authorities she shot herself. The sources also said the female victim, who has yet
to be identified, had just told McCoy that she was pregnant, according to WAAY 31.
The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) is taking over the
investigation after Huntsville police initially question McCoy after the Friday shooting, the outlet reported.

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Search for wanted West Kelowna man yields vehicle, say police

By Doyle Potenteau Global News

Posted January 8, 2022

A search for a wanted West Kelowna man has yielded his vehicle, RCMP said on Saturday morning.
On Wednesday, police announced that Dayton Lloyd McAlpine was wanted in connection to an
alleged violent assault on the morning of Dec. 31.
McAlpine, 34, has been charged with assault causing bodily harm and a warrant for his arrest was
RCMP sought the public’s help to locate McAlpine, advising people to call 9-1-1 if he was spotted and
to not approach him.
Police said McAlpine, who has a long criminal history, was believed to be driving a white 2009 Ford
Focus. The car was located Wednesday night around 11 p.m., along the 3700 block of 27th Avenue in Vernon.
“A witness observed a male and female depart the vehicle on foot,” RCMP said on Saturday.
“Frontline officers, with assistance from Police Dog Services, searched the area but did not locate the
individuals. The vehicle was confirmed to be the 2009 white Ford Focus and has since been recovered.”

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