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L1 S1

Niveau Intermédiaire

Modalités d’évaluation L1 semestre 1

L'évaluation de ce cours se fera sur le régime du 100% contrôle continu, par 3 contrôles continus qui compteront
chacun pour 1/3 de la note finale. Pas d'examen final en session 1.
Pour tous les groupes :
2 tests de vocabulaire, grammaire et, le cas échéant, expression écrite
1 test de compréhension orale (qui pourra être remplacé en cas de confinement par 1 test de
vocabulaire, grammaire et, le cas échéant, expression écrite)


A la fin de l'année scolaire, après prise en compte des compensations inter-matières et inter-semestres, si l'UE
d'anglais n'a pu être validée en session 1, un examen de rattrapage (session 2) est prévu dans le courant du mois
de juin 2024. Il y a un examen de session 2 prévu pour l'UE d'anglais du semestre 1 et un autre examen de session
2, également en juin 2024, pour l'UE d'anglais du semestre 2.
Le cours est dispensé en présentiel.

Apple and Google submit plan to fight AirTag stalking
Companies join forces to tackle unwanted tracking via Apple’s gadget and similar devices such as Tile

Apple and Google are teaming up to thwart unwanted tracking through AirTags and similar gadgets.

The two companies behind the iPhone and the software that powers Android phones on Tuesday submitted a
proposal to set standards for combatting secret surveillance on Bluetooth devices that were created to help people 5
find lost keys, keep tabs on luggage or to locate other things that have a tendency to be misplaced.
The concept also has the backing of Samsung – which sells the most Android smartphones worldwide – and the
makers of tracking products similar to the AirTag, such as Tile, Chipolo, and Pebblebee.

The $30 AirTag has become a popular item since its 2021 release. But the devices have proven easy to abuse,
with police reporting stalkers using them to shadow former love interests and other people who don’t realize they are
10 being tracked.
“Bluetooth trackers have created tremendous user benefits, but they also bring the potential of unwanted
tracking, which requires industrywide action to solve,” said Dave Burke, Google’s vice-president of engineering for

Apple, too, has recognized the potential for the devices to be misused. The company has responded by introducing
various features, including notifications that warn iPhone owners if a location tag that is not associated with their 15
devices is traveling with them and an app to detect unwanted AirTag tracking for Android devices.
But Apple and Google now want to go further with a new industry standard that they say will help combat
surveillance. The companies hope to have a plan in place by the end of this year. The solution, of which the two
companies submitted a draft to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), an organization that creates standards
for the internet, would be distributed through software updates to iPhones and Android phones.

20 Erica Olsen, the senior director of National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Safety Net Project, applauded the
effort to set an industry standard that she believes will help protect survivors of abusive relationships and other
people that have been targets of stealth technology. “These new standards will minimize opportunities for abuse of
this technology and decrease the burden on survivors in detecting unwanted trackers,” Olsen said.

The draft is open to comment from interested parties for the next three months, after which the two companies will
25 work to address and incorporate feedback.

Benefits : advantage, profits, gain

to require: necessitate, to demand (exiger), need,
to solve(résoudre): fix, sort out
to reconize: concede, acknowledge, admit (conséder)
misused: abuse, exploit, pervert
to respond: answer, react
include: contain, comprise, encompass, embody

notification: warning, message
to warn: alert, notify
owners: holders, possessors
senior: superior, master, boss
to applaud (saluer, faire le loge de qlq chose, ils ont fait du bon boulot): hail, cheer, praise, acclaim, salute
survivors: sparedones (épargner)

Targets: cible, contexte général (objectif) objectives, aims, ambitions, goals

minimize (minimiser): play, down, belittle

open to comment: (ouvrir la discussion)

incorporate (incorporer): integrate (something

Circle the stressed premier degré (accentuer) syllable industry incorporate associated location
companies associated opportunities

devices is the same sound as in fight feet fit

through is the same sound as in rough thought blue throw

keys is the same sound as in days bees kiss

engineering is the same sound as in time Tim team

recognized is the same sound as in tip type meet

survivors is the same sound as in sky kit Steve

Android is the same sound as in toy do it wall

powers is the same sound as in know now true

VOCABULARY (underlined words)

Find a synonym or antonym ( ≠ )
huge gigantic, immense, enormous lost misplaced (mal placé), disoriented
worsen (empirer) ≠ improve (améliorer), (désorientée)
better, enhance focus on concentrate, pay attention to
characteristics (traits, aspects, peculianties) (être attentif à)
qualities encourage ≠discourage
invisible unseen anxiety worry
followed pursed (pursuivi), tracked (suivi) fight against contest, war, battle
final version ≠ work in progress, draft (projet)

luggage: compare luggage, travel bags, suitcases, baggage… Which ones are countable? Which ones

are not? Do you know other examples? worldwide: decompose and rephrase.

School : pen, notebook, book, pencil, handbook (manuel), schoolbag

Rephrase in your own words
devices that were created to [store] keep tabs on
The concept also has the (least used) backing (suppord)of
Samsung. (l. 5)
stalkers using them to (film) shadow (ombre) former love
interests. (l. 8)
[the problem] requires (requérir) (bank account) industrywide (l'industrie) action to solve. (l. 11)
Apple and Google now want to (for sale) go further (aller plus loin) . (l. 15)

Right or Wrong? Justify with a quotation from the text

Apple is the biggest phone seller. R W line 6
The AirTag has been available for 2 years. R W line ……
Today, we can know if someone is spying on us with an AirTag. R W line ……
We sill have to get new phones for the changes on Android and Apple to work. R W line 19
Few customers bought an AirTag. R W line 8
Check out the relevant Grammar section at the end!

Use the correct relative pronouns

The house where I live is on a hill (colline).
The customer whose (dont, à qui) luggage is lost says they put an AirTag in it.
The keys, which I left on a hook, are on a blue key-ring.
Compare these sentences:
The two companies […] submitted a proposal.
Okey but we don’t know which companies have proposed
Apple and Google now want to go further.
they want to do something new, but we don’t know what precisely
The draft is open to comment […] for the next three months, after which the two companies will work to address
and incorporate feedback.
(un projet est disponible les gens donnent leur avis pendant trois mois. Après cela, les deux entreprises vont
prendre en compte leur avis pour améliorer le projet.) The project est available that the people can give their
opinions during 3 months, and after that the 2 companies will solve with the opinion for improve their project.
The $30 AirTag has become a popular item since its 2021 release.

it mean to say that the people buy 30 dollars and become popular so that’s means a many people buy the
Find the verbs. What are their tenses? Can you explain their use?
Fill in the blanks:
“We (to track) verbe à l’infinitif (surveiller) forme de base our cows thanks to their GPS tags all through the day
so we (not lose) them.”
“Look, Daisy the cow (to wander) présent simple near the river!”
The court (sentence) passé simple the stalker to six months in jail yesterday.
The perpetrator (to talk) verbe à l’infinitif to his lawyer when the judge (knock) passé simple her gavel and (read)
passé simple the sentence.

Write grammatically correct questions or answers

1/ “Where did you purchase (acheter) this tag from?”
“I purchased this tag from Apple.”
2/ “How often (souvent) do you travel abroad (à l’étranger)?”
“I travel abroad once or twice a year.”
3/ “Why did you get a home security system?”
“I got a home security system to feel safer.”

Can we trust big companies like Amazon, Google, Apple, etc with our online safety? Why?
oui peut faire confiance à ces grandes entreprises pour notre sécurité en ligne, car elles ont beaucoup de ressources
et compétence pour protéger nos données. Elles veillent à ce que nos informations personnelles soient en sécurité et
utilisent des technologies pour nous protéger des problèmes en ligne. Cependant, il est toujours important de rester
vigilant et de prendre des mesures de sécurité supplémentaires pour nous protéger également.

Ce reportage vidéo produit par BBC News traite d'un gadget appelé Apple airbags utilisé pour retrouver des effets
personnels grâce à la localisation. Dans ce document, 3 femmes témoignent de la façon dont cet objet a été utilisé pour les
suivre et du peu de soutien qu'elles ont reçues de la société Apple.

I think Yes can trust these companies for our online security because they have a lot of resources and competence to
protect our data. They ensure that our personal information is secure and use technologies to protect us from online
problems. However, it is always important to remain vigilant and take additional security measures to protect ourselves
as well.

This video report produced by BBC News discusses a gadget called Apple airbags used to track personal
belongings(affaires) using location. In this document, 3 women testify about how this object was used to track them and the
little support they received from Apple. (Amber Norsworthy, Eva Galpelin and Anna Mahaney) Apple has stated that they will
take security measures of their customers and respect everyone's privacy and security very seriously.

made up : ne sont les histoires inventés, c’est réel
wolfe: budget

Date test-vocabulaire 1 et 2 : le 6 novembre 2023

test 3 : 13 novembre (comphréhension orale (audio)

P. 16/19/25/26

Removing 70 of Pablo Escobar’s hippos to cost Colombia $3.5m

Animals to be sent overseas (au délà de la mer) in effort to contain growing population that risks upsetting local
Colombia has said that the cost of transferring 70 hippos that belonged to deceased drug lord Pablo Escobar to
overseas sanctuaries will be $3.5m.
The cocaine baron brought a small number of the animals from Africa to Colombia in the late 1980s. But after
5 his death in 1993 the animals were left to roam freely in a hot, marshy area of Antioquia department, where
environmental authorities have been helpless to curb their numbers.
Authorities said they plan to capture and move nearly half of the hippopotamuses in the coming months, with
10 bound for the Ostok Sanctuary in northern Mexico, and 60 destined for an as-yet unnamed facility in India.
“The whole operation should cost aro²und $3.5m,” Ernesto Zazueta, the owner of the Ostok Sanctuary said.
10 He and the local governor of the Colombian region that is home to the hippos say they plan to lure the animals with
bait into pens, where they will remain confined before being put in special crates for the transfer.
Since the hippos escaped after Escobar’s death, the government has repeatedly failed to tame the booming
population who have made the Magdalena River basin their home.
In 2009 it tried culling the animals but stopped after a graphic photo caused national outrage. A sterilization
15 programmed remains in place but the hippos breed faster than local experts can find, catch and castrate them.
From the original four hippos that escaped from Escobar’s country estate about 130 exist today – the largest
population outside Africa. With no natural predators to keep them in check their population will keep growing
exponentially. One study estimated (évalue, assess) that by 2034 the hippos will number 1,400.
Studies have warned (alerter, caution) that the hippos are damaging (endommager,destroy, harm) the ecosystem
in the Magdalena – the largest river in one
20 of the most biodiverse countries in the world. Each hippo eats (syno: consume) about 40kg of grass (l’herbe) a
night meaning their excrement (poo, faeces) alone is poisoning (intoxicate, pollute, contaminate) the water, killing
fish and jeopardising the river’s rich biodiversity.
The hippos are also increasingly (more and more) coming into conflict with the local people and hippo attacks
have become more common in recent years.

The environment ministry declared the hippos an invasive (intrusive) species (espèces) last year, which
opened the door (pave, clear the way) to an 25 eventual (qql chose qui est possible) cull, but the hippo transfer
plan is seen as a final life-saving (carte vitale(vital,essential, fundamental, indispensable) measure.(actions)

Thème principale: espèces invasive (invasive spaces)


VOCABULARY (underlined words)

Match words in italics with their correct synonym. Focus on the meaning of the word in the text. There are
decoys ;-) culling – curb – bait – helpless – breed – estate – lure – bound – upsetting – pens – tame – roam
without friends – reproduce – bat – destined – country – killing – unable – writing tools – domesticate – bend –
property – control – making sad or angry – tied – enclosures – lower – walk about – lair – pedigree – connect –
calling – attract – enticement – disturbing

Decompose the word overseas. Can you deduce the meaning?

Species: is it a singular or plural word in the text? What is the clue? What about fish? Give different
examples of plurals in English.

From the context, can you deduce the meaning of crates in the text, and give a synonym?

Marshy: look up pictures of marshes. What type of environment is it?


Listen the words online. What is the stressed syllable?
cocaine department authorities hippopotamuses biodiversity environment ministry eventual operation governor
government predators sanctuaries facility
Is …
deceased pronounced like … miss nice lease

cocaine pronounced like … die may can

hippos pronounced like … hyper hi hit

bound pronounced like … country doubt cousin

studies pronounced like … few soup cup

destined pronounced like … steel tin tie

outrage pronounced like … village stay rag

environment pronounced like … lie stir dip

invasive pronounced like … van far ray

biodiverse pronounced like … bin bee by

confined pronounced like … fin fine fee

Rephrase in your own words The cocaine
baron (l. 3) the booming population (ll. 11/12) no
natural predators to keep them in check (l. 16)
jeopardising the river’s rich biodiversity (l. 20)

Right or Wrong? Justify with a quotation from the text

The hippos’ dung is detrimental to the river’s health R W l.

A leaked picture of a sterilization procedure shocked the public. R W l.

Write out in letters
70 – $3.5m – 1993 (year) – 2009 (year) – 130 – 2034 (year) – 1,400 – 40kg
- Since the hippos escaped (past simple) after Escobar’s death, the government has repeatedly (past simple) failed
( past simple) to tame the booming population who have made (pretérit, past simple) the Magdalena River basin
their home.
- hippo attacks have (present perfect) become more common in recent years.
to grow = past simple (grew)
Find the verbs and their tenses. Why are they used?
Fill in the blanks
The hippo herd (to grow) has grown for decades. When they (to arrive) arrived in the année 1980s, Escobar (to
be) was proud of them.
The hippos (attacked) have attacked the local residents several times in the last few years.
Tourism (to boom) has boomed since (present perfect) Escobar’s death.

Are some animals or plants a danger for the environment? Why? How can we deal (négocier) with them?
Certaines espèces peuvent être dangereuses pour l'environnement car elles perturbent les écosystèmes et
menacent la biodiversité. On peut les gérer en surveillant les populations et en prévenant l'introduction d'espèces
envahissantes. Sensibiliser le public et travailler ensemble sont essentiels pour trouver des solutions durables.

UK plan to replace fossil gas with blue hydrogen ‘may backfire’
Academics warn ‘fugitive’ emissions from producing hydrogen could be 20% worse for climate than using gas –
Jillian Ambrose – Thu 12 Aug 2021

The government’s plan to replace fossil gas with “blue” hydrogen to help meet its climate targets could
backfire after US academics found that it may lead to more emissions than using gas.
In some cases blue hydrogen, which is made from fossil gas, could be up to 20% worse for the climate than
using gas in homes and heavy industry, owing to the emissions that escape when gas is extracted from the ground 5
and split to produce hydrogen.
The process leaves a byproduct of carbon dioxide and methane, which fossil fuel companies plan to trap
using carbon capture technology. However, even the most advanced schemes cannot capture all the emissions,
leaving some to enter the atmosphere and contribute to global heating.
Professors from Cornell and Stanford universities calculated that these “fugitive” emissions from producing
10 hydrogen could eclipse those associated with extracting and burning gas when multiplied by the amount of gas
required to make an equivalent amount of energy from hydrogen.
Robert Howarth, a Cornell University professor and co-author of the study, said the research was the first to
be published in a peer-reviewed journal to lay bare the “significant lifecycle emissions intensity of blue hydrogen”.
The paper, which will be published in Energy Science and Engineering, warned that blue hydrogen may be “a
15 distraction” or “something that may delay needed action to truly decarbonise the global energy economy”.
The researchers recommended a focus on green hydrogen, which is made using renewable electricity to
extract hydrogen from water, leaving only oxygen as a byproduct.
“This is a warning signal to governments that the only ‘clean’ hydrogen they should invest public funds in is
truly net zero, green hydrogen made from wind and solar energy,” Howarth said.
20 A spokesperson for the UK government said hydrogen would be “essential for meeting our legally binding
commitment to eliminating the UK’s contribution to climate change by 2050” and promised further details in the
government’s forthcoming hydrogen strategy, which is expected next month.
“Independent reports, including that from the Climate Change Committee, show that a combination of blue
and green hydrogen is consistent with reaching net zero but alongside the strategy, we will consult on a new UK
25 standard for low-carbon hydrogen production to ensure the technologies we support make a real contribution to our

goals,” the spokesperson said.


Circle the stressed syllable
hydrogen climate equivalent academics industry universities dioxide intensity government oxygen strategy
What is the common point between universities and intensity? Can you find a similar word in the previous
text’s word stress exercise? What can you deduce? Do you know other words following the same rule?

/i/ or /ai/ ?
hydrogen fossil climate byproduct dioxide cycle wind promise bind multiplied

Compare: there is a lot of wind today / you should wind a bandaid (plaster, bandage) around that cut on your
finger. What do you notice?

gas is the same sound as in pass Asia gaze

heavy is the same sound as in heal health heart

schemes is the same sound as in skin shin sin

amount is the same sound as in country counter moon

equivalent is the same sound as in kick quick

VOCABULARY (underlined words)

Find a synonym in the text
quantity – designs – guarantee – stall – fail – expected – cracked – huge – goals – catch
Decompose spokesperson : what words do you recognize? Can you give your own definition?

Fossil gas: what is it? Why do we call it fossil? Do you know other fossil energies?

US academics: from the context, can you deduce the meaning?

Explain in your own words the difference between blue and green hydrogen.

Rephrase in your own words

lay bare the “significant lifecycle emissions…” (l.
13) net zero, green hydrogen (l. 20) legally binding
commitment (ll. 21/22)
these “fugitive” emissions from producing hydrogen could eclipse those associated with […] gas (ll. 9/10)

Right or Wrong? Justify with a quotation from the text

- It is possible blue hydrogen production and use release more greenhouse gases than using fossil
gas - Carbon capture technology works on 100% of emissions.

the only ‘clean’ hydrogen they should invest public funds in is truly net zero, green
hydrogen it may lead to more emissions the most advanced schemes cannot capture all the
emissions we will consult on a new UK standard
Can you rephrase these sentences without using the underlined words? What are they called?
- blue hydrogen, which is made from fossil gas

- gas is extracted from the ground…
- the paper, which will be published in Energy Science and Engineering… What is the common point between
these sentences?
Fill in the blanks:
Engineers (ask) … to develop greener energies.
New windfarms (to build) … by electricity companies in the North Sea.
The government (to criticise) … for his new plans.

Team up to promote one type of energy against your opponents!


En Anglais il existe 2 façons d’exprimer le présent : le présent simple et le présent en be+v-ing.

•Le présent simple : avec le présent simple on énonce un fait habituel ou permanent.
-Le présent simple sert à exprimer des vérités permanentes :
Ex : The moon revolves around the earth. (La Lune tourne autour de la Terre.)
-Il traduit la permanence d’une situation, ou à quelque chose d'habituel. Les adverbes de fréquence
(always, usually, sometimes…) sont généralement associés au présent simple.
Ex : They live in Budapest. I often drive to work.
-On s’en sert aussi pour un sentiment ou une opinion:
Ex : He likes his job.
-Certains verbes, en particulier relatifs à la pensée et aux goûts, comme remember, forget, understand,
agree, believe, want, know, love, like ou hate ne s’emploient qu’à la forme simple du présent.
Ex : She believes in God. They know my parents. I agree with her.

•Le présent en be+v-ing : avec le présent en be+v-ing l’action présente est montrée en cours de
-Le présent be+v-ing exprime une action en cours :
Ex : They are watching TV now.
-Il peut s’employer pour une action prévue dans un futur proche :
Ex : We are leaving tonight.
-Il peut exprimer l’insistance :
Ex : You’re bothering me ! Leave me alone.
-Il s’utilise avec des verbes de position :
Ex : They are standing. He is sitting. We are lying.

Négations: I don’t like chocolate. She doesn’t live in Beijing.

We aren’t going to New York this year. He isn’t eating with us today.
Questions: Do you work a lot? Does he own a car?
Are they coming? Is she paying?


Circle the correct alternative

Hi Karen,
I’m having / have a good time here in England. My college term isn’t starting / doesn’t start until next month, so
I’m taking / take the opportunity to earn some money. I’m staying / stay with my English friend, Robbie. His parents
are owning / own a software business. I’m making / make a lot of new friends.

I’m thinking / think my pronunciation is better than when I arrived, and I’m understanding / understand almost
everything now. On weekdays I’m helping / help Robbie’s dad. At the moment, he’s working / works on a new
website and he’s needing / needs help with it.
Do you come / are you coming soon to visit me? I’m spending / spend the winter holiday here at Robbie’s. His
parents are wanting / want to meet you . But you must bring warm clothes, it’s getting / gets colder here in winter.
Let me know as soon as you’re deciding / decide. And tell me what you’re doing / do these days.
Love, Pedro.

Put the verbs into the correct form : present continuous or present simple
Tony Hunt is a journalist, he is interviewing Leila Marham, an environmental scientist.
Tony : So tell me Leila, why is it important to save the rainforests (forêts humides)?
Leila : There are number of reasons. One is that many plants which could be useful in medicine are growing
(grow) in the rainforests. We don’t know (not know) all the plants, but there are thousands of them. Researchers
(chercheurs) are trying (try) to discover their secrets before they’re all destroyed.
Tony : I see. What other reason?
Leila : well, have you heard that the world is getting (get) warmer?
Tony : Do you mean what scientists call “global warming”?
Leila : that’s right. The rainforests are disappearing (disappear) at a terrifying rate (tarif) and people aren't doing
(not do) enough to save the them.
Tony : I enjoying (enjoy) warm sunshine. Is global warming really such a problem?
Leila : You know that the polar regions consist (consist) of millions of tons of ice. If they melt (melt (fondre)), the
level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods (inondations). Many scientists believe (believe) that temperatures
are already rising (already/rise (augmentation)). We must do everything we can to prevent (empêcher) global
Tony : thanks Leila and good luck in your campaign!

Past Simple
Il décrit une action passée et révolue, une rupture avec le présent. Il peut aussid écrire une suite d'actions dans
le passé. Ses pincipaux marqueurs sont ago, last (year, week...), yesterday...
Formes interrogative et négative : did + BV.
Il correspond en général au passé composé ou au passé simple
She called me to minutes ago. They didn't manage to arrive on time.
Did you ask him to come?
He went out, got on the bus, sat down and started to read his newspaper.

Past continuous
Il décrit une action passée en cours et correspond en général à l'imparfait.
auxiliaire BE au preterit + Ving
I saw him while he was crossing the road What were you doing there?

Underline the correct form.

1) Dave arrived / was arriving at Sue’s house at 19.30, but she wasn’t there. She did / was doing at the market.
2) At this time last week, we lay / were lying on a beach in the sun.
3) A : I phoned / was phoning you yesterday after school. Where were you?
B : Oh. My mobile was off because I rehearsed / was rehearsing for the concert on Saturday.
4) I watched / was watching the episode on TV when the electricity went off. Can you tell me what happened / was
5) What a coincidence! When you called / were calling I thought / was thinking about you.
6) The Titanic crossed / was crossing the Atlantic when it hit / was hitting an iceberg.
7) My uncle lived / was living in Berlin for two years. In fact he lived / was living there in 1999 when the Berlin wall
came down.

Complete the dialogue with the present simple, past simple or past continuous
A : Excuse me, we’re doing a survey about time use. Have you got time to answer some questions?
B : Yes, but not too long.
A : No, don’t worry, just a couple of minutes. I want to ask you about your activities yesterday. For example, at eight
in the morning (sleep) were you sleeping or were you awake?
B : I was up. At eight o’clock I (have) had my breakfast.

A : (have) do you have breakfast at the same time every day?
B : Yes, I usually get up at half past seven.
A : Okay, mid morning, at eleven, (work) were you working?

B : No, I (study) was studying I’m still at school. I (do) was doing an experiment
in the science lab.

A : At one o’clock, (have) did you have lunch?

B : Yes. We have an hour an a half for lunch and then classes again in the afternoon.
A : Were you at school at five o’clock?
B : No, I (walk) was walking home.
A : And at eight o’clock?
B : I (do) was doing my homework. After that I watched TV for a bit and then I (go) went to bed.
A : So at midnight…
B : …I was asleep.

Rephrase using AGO

I left my country in 2005. i left my country 18 years ago
It’s already October. They got married in June. it’s already october. They got married 4 months ago.
Queen Elizabeth died in the XVIIth century. Queen Elisabeth died in centuries ago.
We visited her last week. We visited her a week ago
It’s five o’clock. I think she called at half past three (trois heures et demie). It’s five o’clock. i think she called a
1.5 hours ago.

Fill in the blanks using the right tense.

> What did you do (you / do) last weekend?
> I wasn’t thirsty. I didn’t drink (not / drink) anything.
> I was reading (read) when I was fell (fall) asleep.
> My neighbour broke (break) his arm (bras) while he was painting (paint) his house.
> The phone didn’t ring (not / ring) at all last night.
> The accident happened (happen) although he wasn’t drive (not / drive) fast.

How do you pronounce the final -ed? Classify those verbs.

Married – snoozed – stopped – arrived – waited – tried – looked – divorced – escaped – opened – invited – liked
– jumped – watched – budged – enjoyed – died – wanted – received – stayed – added – bagged – dabbed –


Don’t mix up : 18 eighteen / 80 eighty

14 fourteen / 40 forty 19 nineteen / 90 ninety
15 fifteen/ 50 fifty 21: twenty-one
16 sixteen / 60 sixty 32: thirty-two
17 seventeen / 70 seventy 75: seventy-five
100 a hundred / one hundred 200 two hundred 250 two hundred and fifty (GB) / two hundred fifty (US)
1,000 a thousand / one thousand 2,000 two thousand
1,000,000 a million
5,241 five thousand two hundred (and) forty-one
1,000,000,000 a billion

1965 nineteen sixty-five 2010 two thousand (and) ten / twenty ten

There were a lot of people, a few thousands I suppose. (not a precise number)
There are billions of people on earth. (not a precise number)

2, 10, 100 are even numbers (nombres pairs) but 1, 7, 15 are odd numbers. (nombres impairs)
1, 3, 7, 11, 13 are prime numbers. (nombre premier)

[square brackets]crochets (brackets) ∑ a sum

π = 3.1416… pi equals three point one four one six… /pai/ like a pie!
47.201 forty-seven point two oh one

4.528: four point 528

4,528: four thousands …

An addition: two plus one equal (/kw/) three (to add)

A subtraction: three minus (/ai/) one equal two (to subtract)
A multiplication: three times two equal six (to multiply /ai/)
A division: four divided (/ai/) by two equal two (to divide /ai/)

an equation /ɪˈkweɪʒən/ Percent – percentage

22 two squared (/kw/) > √2 the square root 23 two cubed > √3 the cubic root
27 two to the seventh power / two to the power of seven

5 ½ a half (moitié) ⅓ a third ¼ a fourth

9/452 nine over four hundred (and) fifty-two

Ways of telling time. (Façons de dire l’heure.)

8.30 a.m → We say eight thirty a.m or eight thirty in the morning or half past eight.
3.15 p.m → we say three fifteen p.m or three fifteen in the afternoon or quarter past three.
7.50 p.m → we say seven fifty or seven fifty in the evening or ten to eight.
Using a 24h system to tell time is called “military time” in the US.

Numbers and quantities

1) There are several different words to represent 0. we say “nought” in British English for arithmetic. (“nought” or
“zero” in American English) 2-2=0 (two minus two equals zero)
We say “oh” for telephone and administrative numbers, when each digit is given individually, also after a decimal
Ex : room 202 (two o two) Telephone: 72 05 67 00 (seven two o five six seven double o)
We say zero for temperatures, count-downs, and generally in science: 3 degrees below zero
We say “nil” (nul) for sports scores, except in tennis where we say “love”.
2) In British English, we always say “and” before the tens. In American English “and can be dropped.


Pour une action commencée dans le passé mais non achevée ou ayant une incidence sur le présent.
Pour une action située dans le passé immédiat : action qui vient de se produire.
Il n’est pas daté : accent mis sur l'événement, l'action et non le moment où il se déroule.
Marqueurs : for, since, recently, until now, (not) yet, ever (questions), already, just, over the past few years...
He has gone shopping (and he still is in the shop). He has just arrived. Where have you been?
He has worked for 30 years (and he still works) BUT he worked for 30 years

Present perfect continuous

Pour des verbes d’action quand on insiste plus sur la notion de durée. On peut aussi l’utiliser pour une
action récente avec une nuance d’agacement / reproche. he has been working in this bank for 5 years. He's
been playing tennis (instead of doing his homework). What have you been doing? (you're very dirty)

où étais-tu hier?
where were you?
Il n’a pas pris de petit déjeuner ce matin he didn’t take the breakfast
Il n’a jamais appris l’anglais He never learned English
Il a vécu 5 ans en Angleterre He lived 5 years in England
Il vit aux États-Unis depuis 10 ans
He has lived in the United States for 10
Elle a écrit une vingtaine de romans
She wrote about twenty novels
je lui ai envoyé un mail il y a deux jours
I sent him an email two days ago
je n’ai pas encore fini mon rapport
I haven’t finished my report yet
quand l’as-tu vue pour la dernière fois
when was the last time you saw her
il vient de partir he just left


All passive sentences are formed in the same way. The tense of the verb to be changes to give the different
tenses in the passive.

Subject + to be + past participle

It is made in Spain
is being sent to the
was was broken by my brother.
being has
been had
will be is
going to be
can be
In the following sentences the person or the thing responsible for the action is:
- unknown Someone stole my bicycle yesterday.
- obvious They arrested the terrorist early this morning.
- not important Someone services the car every year.
Sometimes who or what causes an action is not important and we are not interested in what happens to a thing
or a person. In the above situations the important information concerns the bicycle, the man and the car, and what
happens or has happened to them. We can emphasize this using the passive.
My bicycle was stolen yesterday. The terrorist was arrested early this morning.
The car is serviced every year.

If necessary we can use by to say who or what is responsible for the action.
The equipment is damaged by exposure to water.

The passive is more common in written than spoken English. It sounds more formal and impersonal, and for this
reason is often used in
 Reports of crimes or legal procedures:
He was sentenced to two years in
prison;  Newspaper reports :
63 people were killed and 45 injured in the accident.
• Scientific writing :

Three millimetres of water are added to the mixture.
• Announcements :
Flight IB 302 to London is delayed by two hours.
• Notices:
Customers are requested not to smoke.
- Be est l’auxiliaire de la voix passive, le verbe est au participe passé.
Be porte la marque du temps et de l’aspect.

Complete these sentences using the correct form. Use the passive form of the Present or Past Simple.
– check – found – hold (tenir) – make – produce – repair – sell – speak - write
Scotch whisky is produced in Scotland. present tense
The car was repaired last week. past simple
The Olympic Games are held every four years. present tense
English is spoken in many countries. present tense
‘Yesterday’ was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. past simple = preterit
Car speeds are checked by radar. present tense
The Channel Tunnel was built to connect Britain with Europe. past simple
Souvenirs are sold at all popular tourist places. present tense
The first Volkswagen Beetles were made in 1937. past simple
The Times newspaper was founded in 1785. past simple

Complete the second sentence.

The crowd was slowly filling the stadium. > The stadium was filled by the crowd. (foule)
The waitress will bring your drinks in a moment. > Your drinks will be brought in a moment.
The police have issued a description of the wanted man. > A description of the wanted man has been issued
You have to fill an application form. > An application form needs to be filled

Modal Verbs

Les auxiliaires modaux sont suivis d’une base verbale, et comme tous les auxiliaires portent la négation.

Can (can’t / cannot)

(in)capacité, (im)possibilité. We can send probes on the moon. We can’t live without oxygen.
See: be able to

Could (couldn’t)
Demander une permission: Could I borrow your pen?
Suggérer: We could try it again.
Capacité dans le passé: He could run very fast when he was younger.
Possibilité future: We could go to the beach tomorrow.

May (may not)

Permission (polie): May I have a coffee?
See: be allowed to
Possibilité future: Elephants may disappear in a few years.

Might (might not)

Possibilité faible future: We may revive dinosaurs.

Probabilité forte: it must be dark in the basement
Obligation: We must leave before it’s dark.
See: have to
ATTENTION absence d’obligation: We don’t have to finish today.

Interdiction: We mustn’t leave the windows open.

Should (shouldn’t)
Conseil: You should start again from scratch.

See: ought to, (ha)d better
Probabilité future moyenne: Profits should increase next year (if all goes well)
Will (won’t)
Futur: Temperatures will rise all over the globe.
Volonté: Will you marry me?
Habitude: Rats will bite when threatened.

Would (wouldn’t)
Habitude passée: My brother would ride a bike to school. See: used to
Demander poliment: Would you like to come with me? Would you mind waiting a few minutes?

Change the tenses

-He can do the job now. He ............................... tomorrow.
-She must call now. She ............................... tomorrow.
-They must go to bed now. They ............................... early last night.

Transform with a modal.

-I want him to do his work. He ..............................................................
-I advise her to come early. She ..............................................................
-They are authorized to leave now. They ..............................................................
-Perhaps he is on holiday. He ..............................................................
-He is not capable of repairing the engine ...............................................................

Peut-il venir maintenant? Dois-je rester plus longtemps ?
Tu devrais me dire la vérité. J'ai dû attendre le train suivant.
Elle ne sait pas nager. Nous devrons nous lever tôt.
Il pourra terminer avant demain. Pourrais-tu me dire si j’ai raison ?


We put an auxiliary verb before the subject :
Are they busy? Have they gone? Will they win?
With Present Simple verbs, we put do or does before the subject :
Does she work in Paris? (Be careful “work” NOT “works”) Do they live in New York?
With Past Simple verbs, we put did before the subject :
Did she visit Paris? Did he take a taxi? (Be careful “take” NOT “took”)

Question word (who, where, when …) + Auxiliary + Subject + Verb :
What is Kittie doing? Where have you put the map? When did you meet her?
But, be careful, you say :
How many people did you see? How much oil did you buy? Whose car is it?

Subject questions
Who and What can be the subject of a question. The word order is the same as in the statement.
Who is helping you? What will happen next? Who rang you? What happened next?

Prepositions in wh-questions
The preposition normally comes in the same place as in a statement: What are you looking for?
But in more formal English : In which warehouse were the goods stored?

What or which?
We use which when there is a limited number of possible answers : What sport do you play? Which finger did
you break? Which phone shall I use, this one or the one in the office?

Write a question about the words in bold beginning by what, when, how or where.
What did he see ? He saw the accident. Where did they open a new shop? They opened a new shop in Paris.
How did they go there ? They went there by car. when did you go ? He went to the doctor’s on Friday.
When did they arrive ? They arrived at 9.30. What did they buy ? They bought a new sofa.
Who want you speak to?
What time did arrive he?
Correct the question. Where did they go yesterday?
Where you live? Who did tell you that? Where is he working?
Write the questions for these answers.
1) …………………………………………………………………………………… ? My name is John.
2) ……………………………………………………………………………………? I play football.
3) ……………………………………………………………………………………? It’s five past four.
4) ……………………………………………………………………………………? They study engineering.
5) …………………………………………………………………………? The university is in Manchester.
6) ……………………………………………………………………………………? My boss is in the office.
7) ……………………………………………………………………………………? We travelled here by bus.
8) ……………………………………………………………………….? The football match starts at 14.30.
9) ………………………………………………………………………? She’s not well so she couldn’t come.

10) ……………………………………………………………………………………? He is twenty.
11) ……………………………………………………………………………? He is tall and has got blue eyes.
12) ……………………………………………………………………………………? He is very friendly.


Fonction Personne Objet

Sujet who which

COD that / who(m) that / which

C. circonstanciel (préposition +) whom (préposition +) which

Possession (génitif) whose Whose / N / N of which

Ils peuvent renvoyer à un nom : I want to know who did it.

Un groupe nominal : it's the last thing (that) I want to hear
Un complément circonstanciel de lieu : this is the place where they're going to build a particle accelerator.
Un complément circonstanciel de temps : It happened at a time when electricity didn't exist
yet Un complément circonstanciel de cause : That's the reason why I can't agree with you.
Une proposition : she cheated which is why she failed her exam.

On peut supprimer le relatif s'il n'est ni sujet, ni génitif (possession): The man I told you about... The first thing
he said…
On ne peut pas l'enlever s'il est précédé d'une virgule (on met une virgule lorsqu'il s'agit d'une relative non
définissante, c'est-à-dire qu'on peut l'enlever sans altérer le sens de la phrase car elle n'apporte qu'une
information supplémentaire mais non nécessaire :
comparer my brother who is in London is a trader (I have other brothers) et My brother, who is in London (by the
way), is a trader.
The first, the only, the last, all sont généralement suivis de that.

Whose remplace aussi l'article : this is the man whose phone was stolen

When: si l’antécédent est un moment (day, time, night…) Where: si l’antécédent est un lieu.
This is the place (where) I was born. On the year (when) I got my degree…

Why: après the reason. This is the reason why we left.

All that he said was true: tout ce qui / que.

ce qui, ce que, ce dont… information à venir: what >> What I’m going to tell you is important.
Which après une virgule reprend ce qui précède: That piece of information, which will help you solve that
problem, in on page 40.

Fill in the blanks
The scientists who discovered the new planet are excited.
The telescope with they work can detect very remote objects.
The planet they saw is the same size as Earth.
The universe, which is huge, could harbour many forms of life.
That is the most remote planet they have discovered so far.
The chair on which I am sitting is very uncomfortable.
The people who do research in this lab work a lot.
They sell the vegetables that they grow in their garden.
The picture in which I am was taken in London.
The book that you are reading is absolutely fantastic.

Link the sentences with a relative pronoun. There can be more than one answer!
James was a spy. He led a dangerous life. James who was a spy, led a dangerous spy.

James was British. His (possession) best friend was Russian. James whose best friends was british.

Ravi’s roommate (colocation) has a dog. His roommate is called Major. The dog is called Minor.
Ravi’s roommate, whose dog is calles minor/major


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