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35 Professional Vocabulary Phrases

Meetings and Presentations

Let's begin the meeting.

Please introduce yourself briefly.
I would like to talk about our current projects.
Can we discuss the agenda for today?
Let's focus on the main points.
I'll provide a short overview of the topic.
Could you please repeat that more slowly?
Are there any questions so far?
I suggest we move on to the next item.
Please share your thoughts on this matter.
I need your input on this decision.
Let's review the budget for this project.
I appreciate your efforts in this regard.
Can you give a brief summary of your report?
I propose a short break before we continue.
I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on this.
Could you explain that in simpler terms?
Let's make a decision on this issue.
I recommend we consider alternative solutions.
Can we finalize the agenda for the next meeting?
Your feedback is important to us.
Please make a note of the action items.
Let's go through the key points again.
I'll send you the meeting minutes afterward.
Could you please elaborate on this point?
I suggest we schedule a follow-up meeting.
It's crucial to meet the project deadline.
We should work together to achieve our goals.
I'd like to thank everyone for their contributions.
Any ideas on how we can improve our processes?
Let's ensure everyone is on the same page.
I encourage you to share your suggestions.
Please complete the task by the end of the week.
I appreciate your cooperation on this matter.
Our next meeting is scheduled for [date].
1. Mon prénom est Marie.

2. J'ai dix ans.

3. Ma couleur préférée est le bleu.

4. J'aime jouer au football avec mes amis.

5. Mon école s'appelle École Sainte-Marie.

6. Le français est ma matière préférée.

7. J'ai un chat noir qui s'appelle Minou.

8. Mon anniversaire est en juillet.

9. Mon père travaille dans un bureau.

10. Ma mère est enseignante.

11. J'aime lire des livres d'aventure.

12. Le weekend, je vais souvent au parc.

13. Mon plat préféré est la pizza.

14. Je parle français et un peu d'anglais.

15. Nous habitons dans une petite maison.

16. Il y a quatre saisons dans l'année.

17. Mon sport préféré est la natation.

18. Je fais mes devoirs après le dîner.

19. J'aime écouter de la musique pop.

20. Quand je serai grand(e), je veux être médecin.

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