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Examens du groupe A 07-lec-A1 Circuits 07-lec-A2 Systmes et commande 07-lec-A3 Signaux et communications 07-lec-A4 Systmes numriques et ordinateurs 07-lec-A5 lectronique 07-lec-A6 Rseaux et machines lectriques 07-lec-A7 lectromagntisme - Propagation Examens du groupe B 07-lec-B1 Traitement numrique des signaux 07-lec-B2 Systmes de commande avancs 07-lec-B3 Systmes de communications numriques 07-lec-B4 Rseaux de technologies de linformation 07-lec-B5 lectronique avance 07-lec-B6 Ingnierie des circuits intgrs 07-lec-B7 Ingnierie des systmes de puissance 07-lec-B8 lectronique de puissance et entranements 07-lec-B9 Champ lectromagntique, lignes de transmission et rayonnement 07-lec-B10 Ingnierie optolectronique

La liste de manuels a t tablie seule fin d'aider les candidats se prparer convenablement aux examens de l'Ordre. Cependant, tant donn qu'il peut arriver que ces manuels, ou les chapitres recommands de ces manuels, ne couvrent pas toute la matire sujette l'examen, nous rappelons aux candidats que ce sont les descriptions des examens qui dfinissent la matire sur laquelle ils peuvent tre interrogs et non les bibliographies. Rgle gnrale, les manuels principaux couvrent la majeure partie ou la totalit de la matire des examens, alors que les manuels complmentaires peuvent servir de source additionnelle de rfrence. Lorsque deux ou plusieurs manuels principaux sont relis par un "et", cela signifie que chacun de ces manuels ne couvre qu'une partie de la matire de l'examen. Dans plusieurs cas, les chapitres (ch.) des manuels principaux couvrant la matire ou partie de la matire de l'examen sont indiqus, mais le candidat doit quand mme vrifier si toute la matire de l'examen est bien couverte dans les chapitres en question. Lorsque tous les chapitres d'un manuel sont au programme, on indique "le manuel au complet". Enfin, l'absence de telles indications signifie que le candidat doit lui-mme identifier les chapitres couvrant la matire dfinie dans les descriptions d'examens. On notera que le (A) plac en marge des bibliographies indique le ou les manuels principaux recommands en langue anglaise, alors que le (F) indique le ou les manuels principaux recommands en langue franaise. L'absence de ces lettres signifie que le choix complet n'est pas offert dans les deux langues ( moins que cette possibilit soit indique autrement). Les descriptions d'examens de 2007 demeurent en vigueur jusqu' ce que le programme d'examens soit rvis. Les manuels recommands peuvent cependant changer, soit parce qu'ils ont t mis jour ou qu'ils ne sont plus disponibles. En gnral, il faut prsumer que la plus rcente dition d'un manuel recommand peut remplacer l'ancienne dition. Dans le doute, il est conseill de s'adresser ladjointe aux examens de l'Ordre pour obtenir la liste jour des manuels recommands.


(English next page)


Group A Examinations 07-Elec-A1 Circuits 07-Elec-A2 Systems and Control 07-Elec-A3 Signals and Communications 07-Elec-A4 Digital Systems and Computers 07-Elec-A5 Electronics 07-Elec-A6 Power Systems and Machines 07-Elec-A7 Electromagnetics - Propagation Group B Examinations 07-Elec-B1 Digital Signal Processing 07-Elec-B2 Advanced Control Systems 07-Elec-B3 Digital Communications Systems 07-Elec-B4 Information Technology Networks 07-Elec-B5 Advanced Electronics 07-Elec-B6 Integrated Circuit Engineering 07-Elec-B7 Power Systems Engineering 07-Elec-B8 Power Electronics and Drives 07-Elec-B9 Electromagnetic Field, Transmission Lines, Antennas, and Radiation 07-Elec-B10 Electro-Optical Engineering

The list of textbooks has been compiled solely to assist candidates in preparing for OIQ examinations. However, since these textbooks or recommended chapters may not completely cover the material on which the examination is based, we remind candidates that it is the examination descriptions that define what may be tested, not the bibliography. As a rule, the prime texts cover most or all the examination subject matter, while the supplementary texts may be used as additional sources.When two or more prime texts are linked by the word "et", it is an indication that each of these textbooks covers only a portion of the examination subject matter. In a number of cases, chapters (ch.) of prime texts covering all or a portion of the examination subject matter are noted. However, candidates should check whether all the examination subject matter is in fact covered by the specific chapters. When all chapters of a textbook are relevant, the words "le manuel au complet" appear. Finally, the absence of such information means that the candidates must themselves locate the chapters covering the subject matter contained in the examination description.

The letter (A) appearing in the margin of the bibliography indicates the English prime texts recommended, while (F) indicates the French prime texts recommended. When neither letter appears, a full choice is not available in both languages (unless this possibility is indicated in some other way). The descriptions of the 2007 examinations are valid until the examination program is revised. There may be changes in recommended textbooks, however, because there have been updates or the books are no longer available. It can be generally assumed that the latest edition of a recommended textbook replaces the older edition. In case of doubt, consult the OIQ Examination Officer to obtain an updated list of recommended textbooks.


07-LEC-A1 CIRCUITS 07-ELEC-A1 CIRCUITS DESCRIPTION Composantes des circuits lectriques : modles Electric circuit components: lumped parameter models. Nodal and mesh analysis of linear, paramtres localiss. Analyse par la mthode des mailles et des nuds des circuits linaires et passive circuits; equivalent networks. Steady state passifs; rseaux quivalents. Analyse en rgime analysis of lumped parameter, time-invariant permanent des circuits paramtres localiss et circuits: differential equation formulation, invariants dans le temps : formulation sinusoidal inputs, frequency response, impulse dquation diffrentielle, entres sinusodales, response, and transfer functions. Laplace rponse en frquence, rponse impulsionnelle et transform analysis and circuit transient response. fonction de transfert. Analyse par transforme Two-port circuit models and analysis. de Laplace et rgime transitoire des circuits. Modles et analyse de quadriples. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-17) Manuel principal Prime Text Electric Circuits, 9th Edition, James W. Nilsson, Susan A Riedel, Prentice-Hall, 2010. ISBN 0136114997. Manuels complmentaires Supplementary Texts Electric Circuits, 7th Edition, James W. Nilsson, Susan A Riedel, Prentice-Hall, 2004. ISBN 0131465929. Electric Circuits, 6th Edition, James W. Nilsson, Susan A Riedel, Prentice-Hall, 2000. ISBN 0130321206. Electric Circuits, 6th Edition, James W. Nilsson, Susan A Riedel, Prentice-Hall, 1999. ISBN 0201436531. Electric Circuits, 5th Edition, James W. Nilsson, Susan A Riedel, Addison-Wesley, 1995. ISBN 020155707X. Electric Circuit Analysis, 5th Edition, David E. Johnson, John L. Hilburn, Johnny R. Johnson, Peter D. Scott, John Wiley & Sons, 1997, ISBN 0132524791.

07-LEC-A2 SYSTMES ET COMMANDE 07-ELEC-A2 SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DESCRIPTION Modles de systmes, relation entre-sortie de System models, impulse response functions, systmes; rponse impulsionnelle, convolution and transfer functions. System input-output and convolution. Root locus analysis and et fonction de transfert. Analyse et conception par la mthode des ples et des zros. Contredesign. Feedback and stability: Bode raction et stabilit : diagrammes de Bode. diagrams. Nyquist criterion, frequency domain Critre de Nyquist, conception dans le domaine design. State variable representation. Simple des frquences. Reprsentation l'aide des PID control systems. variables d'tat. Systmes de commande PID (Proportionnelle Intgrale Drive) simples. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-19) Manuels principaux Prime Texts (F) Systmes asservis, E. Boukas, ditions de lcole Polytechnique de Montral, 1995, (ch. 1 8.4 inclus). Modern Control Engineering, 5th Edition, K. Ogata, Prentice-Hall, 2010, (ch. 1 to 8.5 but the following pages could be skipped: 22, 23, 40 to 45, 100 to 158, 183 to 211, 417, 418, 422 to 427, 432, 577 to 589, as well as all Matlab explanations and examples).


Manuels complmentaires Supplementary Texts (F) Dynamique de la commande linaire, J.C. Gille, P. Decaulne, M. Plegrin, Dunod, 1989, (ch. 1 14, sauf ch. 6). Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 6th Edition, G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell, A. Emami-Naeini, 2010, (ch. 1 to 7.4 but Matlab explanations and examples could be skipped).


07-LEC-A3 SIGNAUX ET COMMUNICATIONS 07-ELEC-A3 SIGNALS AND COMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION Analysis of continuous-time signals: Fourier series Analyse des signaux analogiques: sries et and Fourier transform; magnitude, phase, and transformes de Fourier; spectres damplitude, power spectra. Analysis of discrete-time signals: de phase et de puissance. Analyse des signaux temporels discrets : thorme dchantillonnage Nyquist sampling theorem; the Z-transform. de Nyquist; transforme en Z. Systmes de Analog communication systems: amplitude and communications analogiques : modulation et frequency modulation and demodulation. Digital dmodulation damplitudes et de frquences. communication systems: pulse code modulation; bandpass modulation and demodulation Systmes de communications numriques : modulation par impulsions codes; techniques techniques. de modulation et de dmodulation passe-bande. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-26) Manuels principaux Prime Texts Communication Systems, 5e dition, A.B. Carlson, P.B. Crilly, McGraw-Hill, 2010, (ch. 1 8, 11, 14). ISBN-10: 0073380407. OU Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 7e dition, L.W. Cough II, Prentice Hall, 2007, (ch. 1 5). ISBN 0-13-1424920. Manuel complmentaire Supplementary Text Communication Systems, 5e dition, S. Haykin, John Wiley & Sons, 2009 (ch. 1 8). ISBN 978-0-471-69790-9.

Livre en franais couvrant partiellement la matire Introduction aux communications numriques, Michel Joindot, Alain Glavieux, Collection: Sciences Sup, Dunod, 2007, 352 pages. EAN13 : 9782100513345.

07-LEC-A4 SYSTMES NUMRIQUES ET ORDINATEURS 07-ELEC-A4 DIGITAL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS DESCRIPTION Circuits logiques combinatoires et squentiels Combinational, sequential, and synchronous logic circuits. Register level design of digital systems. synchrones. Conception de registres pour Computer arithmetic, central processing unit, systmes numriques. Arithmtique informatique, units centrales de traitement, memory systems and peripherals. Assembly systmes de mmoire et priphriques. language programming, interrupts, and interfacing Programmation en langage d'assemblage, and communication. Computer architecture. interruptions, interfaces et communications. Architecture des ordinateurs. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-08-02) Manuels principaux Prime Texts Digital Design : Basic Concepts and Principles, Mohammad A. Karim, Xinghao Chen, CRC Press, 2007. ISBN 978-142006131-4. ET Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware/Software Interface, 4th Edition, David Patterson, John Hennessy, Elsevier / Morgan Kaufman, 2009. ISBN 978-0-12-374493-75. ET The HCS12 / 9S12: An Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing, 2th Edition, Han-Way Huang, Delmar Publishers Inc., 2009. ISBN-13: 978-1435427426. OU Mc 68Hc11 an Introduction: Software and Hardware Interfacing, Han-Way Huang, West Group, 1998. ISBN-13: 978-0314067357.

07-LEC-A5 LECTRONIQUE 07-ELEC-A5 ELECTRONICS DESCRIPTION Semi-conducteurs; diodes et thyristors. Semiconductor devices; diodes and thyristors. Transistors bipolaires et effet de champ (FET) Bipolar and field effect transistors as linear comme composants linaires et commutateurs. devices and switches. Bias circuits, basic Circuits de polarisation, amplificateurs amplifiers, small-signal equivalent circuits, fondamentaux, circuits quivalents pour signaux transfer functions, and frequency response. faibles et fonctions de transfert. Amplificateurs Operational amplifiers and comparators. Digital oprationnels et comparateurs. Circuits intgrs integrated circuits and logic families: TTL, TTLnumriques et familles logiques : TTL-LS et LS, and CMOS. CMOS. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-27) Manuel principal Prime Text Microelectronic Circuits, 6th Edition, Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN : 9780195323030 (ch. 1 to 7, 13 et 14). Manuels complmentaires Supplementary Texts Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 10th Edition, Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Prentice Hall, 2009, ISBN : 9780135026496 (ch. 1 to 11). Electronic Design - From Concept to Reality, 4th Edition, Martin S. Roden, Gordon L. Carpenter and William R. Wieserman, Discovery Press, 2002, ISBN : 9780964696983 (ch. 1 to 7, 9, 10). Electronic Principles, 7th Edition, Albert Paul Malvino and David J. Bates, McGraw-Hill, 2007, ISBN : 9780073222776 (ch. 1 to 11, 13, 14, 18, 20). Principes dlectronique, 7e dition, Albert Paul Malvino et David J. Bates, Dunod, 2008. EAN13 : 9782100516131 (ch. 1 11, 13, 14, 18, 20).

07-LEC-A6 RSEAUX ET MACHINES LECTRIQUES 07-ELEC-A6 POWER SYSTEMS AND MACHINES DESCRIPTION Circuits magntiques et transformateurs. Magnetic circuits and transformers. Wye and delta Systmes triphass en toile et en triangle. connected three-phase systems. Generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power. Production, transport et distribution dlectricit. Transformateurs triphass. Three-phase transformers. AC and DC machines. Machines courant alternatif (c.a.) et courant Three-phase synchronous machines and three continu (c.c.). Machines synchrones triphases phase induction motors. et moteurs asynchrones triphass. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-20) Manuels principaux Prime Texts lectrotechnique, 2e dition, Ral-Paul Bouchard et Guy Olivier, ditions de lcole Polytechnique de Montral. 1999, (ch. 1 4, 7, 9). ISBN 978-2-553-00720-0. ET Electric Machinery, Fundamentals, 5th Edition, S. J. Chapman, McGrawHill, 2012. ISBN-13 : 9780073529547. Manuels complmentaires Supplementary Texts Electric Machinery, 6th Edition, A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D. Umans, McGraw Hill, 2003. ISBN-13 9780073660097. Principes dlectrotechnique, Marty et al., Dunod, 2005. ISBN 21004855504. lectrotechnique Industrielle, 3e dition, TecDoc Lavoisier, 2006. ISBN 9782743007911.
Manuels de rfrence de base Basic refeference textbooks

lectrotechnique, 4e dition, Thodore Wildi. ISBN 2-7637-8185-3. Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems, 6th Edition, Theodore Wildi, Prentice Hall.
ISBN-13: 9780131776913.

07-LEC-A7 LECTROMAGNTISME - PROPAGATION 07-ELEC-A7 ELECTROMAGNETICS - PROPAGATION DESCRIPTION Champ lectromagntique. quations de Field concepts. Maxwell's equations, integral and Maxwell, formes intgrale et diffrentielle. differential forms. Free space and guided wave Propagation en espace libre et propagation propagation, transmission lines. Radiation from guide, lignes de transmission. Rayonnement current elements. d'lments de courant. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-24) Manuel principal Prime Text Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, 6th Edition, Fawaz T. Ulaby, Eric Michielssen, Umberto Ravaioli, Prentice Hall, 2010. (ch. 1 2, ch. 6 10.) Manuel complmentaire Supplementary Text Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics, David K. Cheng, Addison Wesley, 1993. (ch. 6 10.)

07-LEC-B1 TRAITEMENT NUMRIQUE DES SIGNAUX 07-ELEC-B1 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING DESCRIPTION Signaux et systmes temporels discrets : entre- Discrete-time signals and systems: system inputsortie de systmes et convolution, transformes output and convolution, Z-transform and transfer functions. Discrete-time Fourier transform (DFT) en Z et fonctions de transfert. Transforme de Fourier discrte (TFD) et transforme de Fourier and Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Design of finite rapide (TFR). Conception de filtres rponses impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse impulsionnelles finie et infinie. Implantation response (IIR) filters. DSP implementation matrielle du traitement numrique des signaux considerations. (DSP). BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2010-12-13) Manuels principaux Prime Texts Signals, Systems, Transforms and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB, M. Corinthios, Taylor and Francis (CRC), Boca Raton, Fl., 2009. OU Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Edition, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor et Barrie W. Jervis, Prentice Hall, 2001.

07-LEC-B2 SYSTMES DE COMMANDE AVANCS 07-ELEC-B2 ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION Modlisation de systmes en ingnierie; Modelling of engineering systems; state variables and transfer function representations. Analytical reprsentation par variables dtat et fonctions de transfert. Solutions analytique et numrique and numerical solutions of state variable dquations avec variables dtat. Observabilit, equations. Observability, controllability, stability; contrlabilit, stabilit; conception classique, classical design, stabilization by pole assignment. stabilisation laide des ples. Systmes Systems with delay. Systems with noise. retard. Systmes bruits. Commande par Computer control, discrete systems. System ordinateur : systmes discrets. Identification de identification; least squares. systmes; mthode des moindres carrs. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-21) Manuels principaux Prime Texts (F) Cours d'automatique 1 - Signaux et systmes, M. Rivoire et J.-L. Ferrier, Eyrolles, 1995, (ch. 19 22). ISBN 2-212-09547-3. ET Cours d'automatique 3 -Commande par calculateur. Identification, M. Rivoire et J.-L. Ferrier, Eyrolles, 1997, (ch. 15 22 et 24) ISBN 2-212-09580-5. (A) Feedback Control Systems, 5th Edition, Charles L. Phillips, John Parr, Prentice Hall, 2011, 784 p. (ch. 1 14). ISBN-10: 0131866141. ISBN-13: 9780131866140. ET Identification of Dynamic Systems - An Introduction with Applications, 1st Edition, Rolf Isermann and Marco Mnchhof, Springer, 2011, 705 p. (ch. 1 et section 9.1).ISBN: 978-3540-78878-2.

07-LEC-B3 SYSTMES DE COMMUNICATIONS NUMRIQUES 07-ELEC-B3 DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION Conversion analogique / numrique (A/N), A/D conversion, source coding; signal sets, line codage de source; ensembles de signaux, codes codes, modulation, optimal reception, demodulation, performance in noisy channels, de lignes, modulation, rception optimale, dmodulation, performance dans les canaux error detecting and correcting codes. Radio bruits, codes dtecteurs et correcteurs communications; link analysis and performance, derreurs. Radiocommunications; bilan de terrestrial and satellite communications. liaisons et performance, communications terrestres et par satellites. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-26) Manuels principaux Prime Texts Communication Systems, 5e dition, S. Haykin, John Wiley & Sons, 2009. ISBN 978-0-471-69790-9. OU Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 7e dition, L.W. Cough II, Prentice Hall, 2007. ISBN 0-13-1424920. Manuel complmentaire Supplementary Text Communication Systems, 5e dition, A.B. Carlson, P.B. Crilly, McGraw-Hill, 2010. ISBN-10: 0073380407.

Manuel en franais couvrant partiellement la matire Tlcommunications Principes, infrastructures et services, 3e dition, Daniel Battu, InfoPro, Dunod/01 Informatique, 2002. EAN13 : 9782100068906.


Architecture en rseaux, rseaux de commutation de circuits, protocoles entre entits homologues (peer to peer) et couche liaison de donnes, protocoles de contrle daccs au support, rseaux locaux, rseaux commutation de paquets, protocoles de la pile TCP/IP, rseaux ATM, rseaux cellulaires, rseaux de tlavertisseurs, rseaux ad hoc, rseaux de senseurs et autres rseaux sans fil, rseaux, rseaux tlphoniques. Layered architecture, circuit-switching networks, peerto-peer protocols and data link layer, medium access control protocols, local area networks, packetswitching networks, TCP/IP, ATM networks, cellular networks, paging, Ad hoc networks, sensor networks and other wireless networks, telephone networks.

BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-26)

Manuels principaux Prime Texts Computer Networks, 5e edition, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN-100132126958. ET Digital Telephony, 3e edition, John C. Bellamy, Wiley, 2000. ISBN: 978-0-471-34571-8. Manuels complmentaires Supplementary Texts Data and Computer Communications, 9e edition, William Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN -100131392050. Telecommunications Transmission Handbook, 4e edition, Roger L. Freeman, Wiley, 1998. ISBN: 978-0-47124018-1. Manuel en franais couvrant partiellement la matire Les rseaux, P.Rollin, G.Martineau, L.Toutain,A. Leroy, ditions Hermes,Paris, 1997. ISBN 2-86601-568-1.

Note aux candidats La matire couverte par le syllabus de lexamen 07-lec-B4 est trs vaste et il est par consquent trs difficile de trouver un seul livre qui couvre convenablement cette matire. De plus, les technologies associes aux rseaux tlphoniques filaires classiques ont atteint un grand degr de maturit et il est difficile de trouver un livre trs rcent qui couvre cette matire un niveau adquat. L'examinateur tiendra toutefois compte de llment additionnel de difficults que reprsente cet examen. Note for the candidates
The 07-Elec-B4 syllabus covers a wide range of knowledge in Telecommunications and therefore, it is very difficult to find only one book that will cover this material at the required level. Also, the technologies associated with the classical wired telephone system are now very mature and it is very hard to find a recent text that covers this material at an appropriate level. The examiner will nevertheless take into account this additional difficulty associated with this exam.

07-LEC-B5 LECTRONIQUE AVANCE 07-ELEC-B5 ADVANCED ELECTRONICS DESCRIPTION Modles de composants : comportement des Device models: circuit behaviour, high frequency, and feedback. Multi-stage amplifiers, oscillators, circuits, haute frquence et rtroaction. Amplificateurs tages multiples, oscillateurs, current mode op-amps, non-linear circuits. Power amplificateurs oprationnels en mode non amplifiers and linear regulators. Instrumentation: satur, circuits non linaires. Amplificateurs de differential amps, optical isolators, and analogpuissance et rgulateurs linaires. Instruments digital and digital-analog converters. de mesure : amplificateurs diffrentiels, isolateurs optiques, convertisseurs analogiquesnumriques et numriques-analogiques. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-27) Manuels principaux Prime Texts (F) Principes dlectronique, 7e dition, Albert Paul Malvino et David J. Bates, Dunod, 2008, EAN13 : 9782100516131. Electronic Principles, 7th Edition, Albert Paul Malvino and David J. Bates, McGraw-Hill, 2007, ISBN : 9780073222776.


Manuel complmentaire Supplementary Text Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design, Donald Neamen, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010, ISBN : 9780073380643.

07-LEC-B6 INGNIERIE DES CIRCUITS INTGRS 07-ELEC-B6 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION Integrated Circuit Design: MOS circuit design Conception de circuits intgrs : mthodes de methods; specification; use of CAD design tools. conception des circuits MOS; spcifications; utilisation de logiciels de conception assiste par Non-ideal effects. Mask level layout. Integrated ordinateur. Effets non idaux. Trac des niveaux Circuit Fabrication: basic knowledge of IC des masques. Notions lmentaires de processing techniques. Digital and analog IC's: fabrication de circuits intgrs. Circuits intgrs basic building blocks. Design considerations for submicron CMOS and bipolar devices. numriques et analogiques : modules de base. Considrations pour la conception de circuits CMOS submicroniques et de dispositifs bipolaires. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-10) Manuels principaux Prime Texts CMOS : Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 3rd, R. Jacob Baker, Wiley-IEEE Press Series on Microelectronic Systems, 2010 (ch. 1 7). ET VLSI Fabrication Principles, 2nd Edition, Sorab K. Ghandi, Wiley and Sons, 1994 (manuel au complet complete text). ET CMOS VLSI design : A Circuits and Systems Perspective, 4th Edition, Neil Weste, David Harris, Addison-Wesley, 2010 (chapitres 1 3- chapters 1 to 3).

07-LEC-B7 INGNIERIE DES SYSTMES DE PUISSANCE 07-ELEC-B7 POWER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION Reprsentation et analyse des systmes de Power system representation and analysis. puissance. Composants : lignes de transport, Components: power transmission lines, transformateurs, machines synchrones. transformers, synchronous machines. Distribution: Distribution : dbit de puissance, exploitation et power flow, operations, and control. Fault analysis commande. Analyse des dfauts et protection and power system protection. System stability. des systmes de puissance. Stabilit des systmes. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-25) Manuel principal Prime Text Power System Analysis, John J. Grainger and William D. Stevenson, McGraw-Hill, 1994, (le manuel au complet, sauf ch. 13 et 15). ISBN 0-07-061293-5 Manuel complmentaire Supplementary Text Elements of Power System Analysis, 4th Edition, William D. Stevenson, McGraw-Hill, 1982, (le manuel au complet, sauf ch. 9).

07-LEC-B8 LECTRONIQUE DE PUISSANCE ET ENTRANEMENTS 07-ELEC-B8 POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES DESCRIPTION Principes et modlisation de machines Principles and modelling of electric machines: dc lectriques : machines courant continu (c.c.), machines, induction machines, and synchronous machines. Power electronic devices and machines induction et machines synchrones. Dispositifs et convertisseurs lectroniques de converters: choppers, inverters, cycloconverters, puissance : hacheurs, onduleurs, and switched power supplies. Electric drives: cycloconvertisseurs et alimentations commutes. torque and speed control, and field and vector Entranements lectriques : rgulation de couple oriented control techniques. et de vitesse, techniques de commande vectorielle et de champ. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-19) Manuels principaux Prime Texts Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems, 6th Edition, T. Wildi, Prentice Hall, 2006. ISBN : 9780131776913. (Chap. 13 to 23.) ET Power Electronics, 3rd Edition, M.H. Rashid, Prentice Hall, 2004. ISBN: 9780131011403. (Chap. 1 to 14.) ET Electric Machines, M.S. Sarma, West Publishing Company, 1994. (Chap. 7 to 12.)

07-LEC-B9 CHAMP LECTROMAGNTIQUE, LIGNES DE TRANSMISSION ET RAYONNEMENT 07-ELEC-B9 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD, TRANSMISSION LINES, ANTENNAS, AND RADIATION DESCRIPTION quations des champs de rayonnement. Circuits Field radiation equations. Distributed circuits: distribus : quations des lignes de transmission steady-state transmission line equations; impedance transformation, Smith charts, en rgime permanent; transformation et adaptation dimpdance, abaque de Smith. matching. Transients. Coaxial lines, waveguides. Transitoires. Lignes coaxiales, guides dondes. Antennas: infinitesimal elements, linear antennas, Antennes : lments infinitsimaux, antennes radiation resistance, antenna patterns, gain. liniques, rsistance de rayonnement, diagrammes dantennes, gain. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-25) Manuel principal - Prime Text Field and Wave Electromagnetics, 2nd Edition, David K. Cheng, Addison Wesley, 1989. (ch. 7-11) Manuel complmentaire - Supplementary Text Electromagnetics,4th Edition, John D. Kraus, McGraw-Hill, 1992. (ch. 11-15)

07-LEC-B10 INGNIERIE OPTOLECTRONIQUE 07-ELEC-B10 ELECTRO-OPTICAL ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION Transmission optique : modes des ondes Optical transmission: waveguide modes, fibre guides, caractristiques de propagation dans optic propagation characteristics. Optoelectronics: une fibre optique. Optolectronique : lasers, lasers, sources and detectors, couplers, sources et dtecteurs, coupleurs, modulateurs, modulators, guided wave devices. Applications. dispositifs ondes guides. Applications. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (M.A.J. 2011-01-17) Manuels principaux Prime Texts (F) Optolectronique, R. Maciejko, Presses Internationales Polytechnique, 2002, 548 pages (le manuel au complet). ISBN : 978-2-553-01028-6. Fundamentals of Photonics, 2nd Edition, B.E.A. Saleh, M.C. Teich, Wiley-Interscience, 2007, 1200 pages (ch. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14.1, 15.1, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24). ISBN: 978-0-47135832-9.


Manuels complmentaires Supplementary Texts Semiconductor Devices for High-Speed Optoelectronics, G. Ghione, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 480 pages (le manuel au complet). ISBN: 978-0-521-76344-8. Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, 2nd Edition, P. Bhattacharya, Prentice-Hall, 1996, 613 pages (le manuel au complet). ISBN: 978-0-134-95656-5.

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