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Rappel sur les pronoms relatifs et les propositions relatives

Fonction de la proposition relative :

Elle permet d'apporter un complément d'information sur un nom dans une phrase (on
appelle ce nom l'antécédent) ; et plutôt que d'avoir deux phrases distinctes sur la même
personne, le même objet, animal lieu.. ; on n'en fait qu'une en les reliant par le pronom

Formation de la relative :
.. donc la proposition relative est reliée à la proposition principale par le pronom relatif.
On choisit le pronom relatif selon la nature de l'antécédent (humain / non humain) qui
comme son nom l'indique est placé juste devant le pronom relatif et de sa fonction (sujet /
complément) ou du lien qu'on cherche à établir.

Donc quel relatif choisir ?

Sujet Complément
Antécédent humain WHO / THAT WHOM / THAT / ø
Antécédent non humain WHICH / THAT WHICH / THAT / ø

Si l'antécédent est un lieu : WHERE

Si l'antécédent est un moment : WHEN
Si l'antécédent permet d'établir un lien de possession (dont) : WHOSE

A/ Complétez avec who/ when / which/ where/ whose

1. John lives in a house ….........is 100 years old.

2. A watch is a device …..........tells the time.

3. This is a book ….............is about earth pollution.

4. The high-crime areas …............. streets are patrolled have become safer.

5. I don't remember the year …...........the film was released.

6. Firefighters are real life heroes …............ help people in danger.

7. A fridge is a machine …................keeps food fresh.

8. Could you tell me the day …............ we are expected to hand the paper in ?

9. An airplane is a vehicle..................flies in the air.

10. A volunteer is a person …............works for nothing.

11. This is the hairdresser …............... free job is very useful for the homeless.

12. The parcel................contains your present is on the table.

13. Look ! That's the lake ….........we used to go swimming when we were kids.

14. This is a charity …............. famous campaign helps raise millions to help
uneducated children all over the world.

B/ Transformez les deux phrases en une seule, comme dans l'exemple :

> A robot is a machine. It can replace human workers.
Réponse : A robot is a machine which can replace human workers.

15. A tin-opener is a tool. It is used for opening tins and cans.

16. Here is the boy. I don't remember his name.

17. A sewing machine is a machine. It is used for sewing clothes.

18. Neil Armstrong is a man. He landed on the moon first.

19. Antalya is a wonderful city. You can visit a lot of historical places there.

20. Mrs Elen is a teacher. She loves her students so much.

21..They decided to move to a country. They will be happier there.

22. Here is the book. I've just read it.

23. Jenny is a girl. She sat next to me.

24. This is the orphan. Her parents died when she was 9 years old.

25 I didn't know the people. They helped me.

26. I don't like the dog. The dog scared me.

27. A vet is a doctor. He treats animals.

28. Pets are animals. They are kept at home as companions.

29. I live in a village. I play football there.

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