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Le Passif

1. Comparez les phrases (1) et (2) :

1) Thousands of viewers watched the match last night.

(des milliers de spectateurs ont regardé le match hier).

2) The match was watched by thousands of viewers last night.

(le match a été regardé par des milliers de téléspectateurs).

- Les phrases (1) et (2) expriment bien la même idée, le même fait, mais de deux façons
différentes, de deux points de vue différents =

(1) : ‘thousands of viewers’ est le sujet grammatical du verbe WATCH (au prétérit: watched);
mais c’est aussi le sujet de l’action. (Il est source de l’action, agent de l’action). L’information
principale, c’est le nombre de téléspectateurs.

(2) : La personne qui parle a choisi de commencer sa phrase par l’objet de l’action (the match)
‘the match’ est le point de départ de la phrase, il est le sujet grammatical. La personne qui
parle a choisi de mettre en valeur l’objet de l’action en le choisissant comme point de départ
(sujet grammatical) de la phrase. Ici, on parle du match, et on ajoute (information secondaire)
qu’il a été regardé par des milliers de téléspectateurs.

Donc, le passif permet de mettre en valeur l’objet de l’action.

- Le passif est souvent employé quand on ne mentionne pas la source de l’action :

 « My watch has been stolen. » : “On m’a volé ma montre.”  

on ne connaît pas la source de l’action (le voleur).

« Clinton was elected President in 1992. » : source de l’action évidente

(il a été élu par …… des électeurs, il n’est pas nécessaire de le mentionner)

«I’ve been told that Lucy is lazy » : « On m’a dit que Lucy était feignante ».
On ne veut pas mentionner l’auteur des propos rapportés.

“You are wanted on the phone” : On te demande au téléphone.

On ne connaît pas le nom de la personne au téléphone.

“Your car will be washed in no time” : On lave votre voiture en un clin d’oeil . Il n’est pas
important pour le client de préciser qui va laver votre voiture (machine ou personnel). Seul le
résultat et le temps sont importants.

Donc, le passif sera très souvent utilisé pour traduire la tournure impersonnelle ‘on’ en
2. Examinez les phrases suivantes. Expliquez les différences et les similitudes.

1. a. The doctor examines the patient.  

1. b. The patient is examined.(by the doctor)

2. a. The doctor is seeing a patient.

2. b. The patient is being seen (by the doctor).

3.a. The doctor asked the patient(s) to complete a questionnaire.

3.b. The patient was asked to complete a questionnaire. (by the doctor)
3.c. The patients were asked to complete a questionnaire. (by the doctor)

4. a. The doctor showed the results to the patient.

4. b. The patient was shown the results.
4. c. The results were shown to the patient.

5. a. The doctor will guide the patient through the session.

5. b. The patient will be guided through the session. (by the doctor)

Les phrases 1a,2a,3a,4a et 5a sont à l’actif.

Les phrases 1b, 2b, 3 b et c, 4 b et c, 5 b sont au passif. Il n’est pas obligatoire de mentionner
le complément d’agent, c’est pourquoi (by the doctor) est entre parenthèses.

Que remarque-t-on ? Que se passe-t-il pour les différents temps ?

Prenons l’exemple du présent simple : 1. a. The doctor evaluates the patient.  

1. b. The patient is evaluated.

Il s’agit du verbe ‘evaluate’. Au passif, il est précédé de l’auxilaire ‘be’, conjugué au présent et suivi
de participe passé du verbe : evaluted. (c’est identique au français, « le patient est examiné).

Au prétérit : The doctor showed the results to the patient.

The patient was shown the results. (by the doctor)

Il s’agit du verbe ‘show’ = showed au prétérit; participe passé : shown.

Au passif, l’auxiliaire ‘be’ sera au prétérit : was ou were (pluriel).
Et suivi du participe passé du verbe : shown.

La transformation passive peut se décrire ainsi :

- Le sujet de la phrase à l’actif devient le complément d’agent au passif (by the doctor).
- Le complément d’objet de la phrase à l’actif (the patient) devient le sujet de la phrase
au passif.
- Au passif, l’auxiliaire ‘be’ est conjugué au temps de la phrase à l’actif et il est suivi du
participe passé du verbe.
D’autres examples :

- A crocodile ate my grandmother : (verbe ‘eat’, au prétérit)

→ My grandmother was eaten by a crocodile. (auxiliaire ‘be’ au prétérit: was + eaten, participe
passé du verbe ‘eat’.

Au futur, “A crocodile will eat my grandmother”. (verbe ‘eat’, au futur)

→ “ My grandmother will be eaten by a crocodile”.(auxiliaire ‘be’ au futur : will be + participe
passé du verbe ‘eat’ : eaten).

Au présent perfect : “A crocodile has eaten my grandmother”. (verbe ‘eat’,au présent perfect)
→ « my grandmother has been eaten by a crocodile. » (auxiliaire ‘be’ au présent perfect : has
eaten + participe passé du verbe ‘eat’ : eaten.)

3. Soulignez les formes passives, puis traduisez-les.

1. The concert was sponsored by the European Broadcasting Union and was being transmitted
live to hundreds of countries.
2. (in a hotel) : The rooms are cleaned everyday.
3. For the past twenty years I have been a nurse in this hospital where children with chronic
diseases are cared for. Two months ago I was asked if I wanted to be promoted Head-Nurse.
3. She was born in 1890, but the maternity ward was only built in 1904.
4. Children need to be played with and talked to.

4. Transposez ces phrases au passif en prenant pour sujet l’élément souligné.

Ex. They have changed the date → The date has been changed.

1. Millions of viewers will watch our programme.

2. Somebody has cleaned the room.

3. Somebody is using the scanner at the moment.

4. He rarely punished anyone but everyone obeyed him.

5. They are building a new hospital near the airport.

6. They have discovered a new planet.

7. The police arrested fifteen people.

8. A famous psychologist wrote the article.

9. Scientists at the University of Ottawa have carried out several experiments in that field.
5. Transformez les phrases suivantes au passif :

1. In this clinic, the doctors take care of the patients well.

2. They asked the subjects to sit down.

3. They will expect the participants to react quickly.

4. People say Einstein is a genius.

5. We found a solution.

6. They allow prisoners one visit a week.

7. Doctors think that stress is the cause of many illnesses.

8. Scientists will invent an AIDS vaccine before 2010.

9. They are working on the vaccine right now.

10. They have not discovered the vaccine yet.

6. Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant un des verbes de la liste  :

show - cause – write - elect – invite - translate

1. Many accidents ………………………………………………………………………….by dangerous driving.
2. A cinema is a place where films …………………………………………….
3. You ………………………………………………..to the party. Can you come?
4. In the United States, the president ……………………………………………………. every four years.
5. Originally the book ………………………………………..………………………… in English and a few years ago it
……………………………. into French.

7. Put the following sentences in the passive voice.

1. In the treatment of OCD, cognitive behavioural therapy replaces psychoanalysis.

2. The new treatment will replace the old treatment.
3. Doctors are trying new therapies.
4. Scientists are discovering new remedies everyday.
5. Experimenters asked participants to evaluate their level of fear.
6. The doctor diagnosed lung cancer.
7. His wife is nursing him at home.
8. Experimenters have asked subjects to rate their own level of addiction.
9. One could consider internet addiction as serious as any other addiction.
10. Other experimenters will seek more extensive data.
8. Employez le verbe entre parenthèses à l’ACTIF ou au PASSIF, au temps demandé.

Présent simple :

1. It’s a big hospital. Five hundred people ……………………………….……………(employ) there.

2. It’s a big clinic. Twenty psychologists ……………………………………………….(work) here.
3. In the United States, most schools ………………………………..…………… (start) at 8 every morning
and classes ………………………………….…………… (not / finish) until 3 or 4 in the afternoon.
4. Each year the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) …………………………….. (take) by more than 2
million American students.

Présent en –ING :

“Gifted children in Britain …………………………………(neglect) by schools,” said the director of the

National Association for gifted children recently declared. The association …………………………
(press) the education minister to publish a report on the subject. It is also concerned that
gifted children …………………………….……..( overlook). Many parents of gifted children ……………………..
(opt) for private education.


1. I was born in London but I ………………………(grow) up in Australia.

2. Ron’s parents …………………… (die) when he was very young. He …………………………………….. (bring) up
by his grandparents.
3. The letter …………………………..(post) a week ago, and it ……………………….(arrive) yesterday.
4. I ………………………………………….. (write) this article on Post-Traumatic Shock Disorder four
months ago and it ………………………………………………. (publish) only this week.
5. I saw an accident last night. Somebody ……………………………………………(call) an ambulance but
nobody ………………………………………………….(injure) so the ambulance ……………………………………..(not need).

Present perfect :

1.These researchers ……………………………………(spend) years studying children who are exceptionally

gifted in mathematics.

2. English …………………………………(largely replace) French as the language of diplomacy.

3. An effective treatment for post-traumatic shock disorder ………………………… (not discover)


4. Little progess ………………………………………. (make) in schizophrenia treatment.

5. No evidence …………………………………………….(find) that Attention Deficit Disorder has genetic

9. Traduisez les phrases suivantes.

1. On a montré aux sujets des images effrayantes.

2. On a demandé aux participants d’évaluer leur propre peur.

3. L’expérience peut être menée sur de petits groupes.

4. On a donné aux participants des questionnaires à remplir.

5. De nombreuses études ont été menées sur les troubles obsessionnels compulsifs.

6. Ce laboratoire fut créé en 2002.

7. Une solution n’a toujours pas été trouvée.

8. Les résultats ne seront pas publiés.

9. Le scanner est en train d’être réparé.

1O. On dit que la dépendance au crack est immédiate.

11. Dans ce labo, des rats sont utilisés pour étudier le conditionnement.

12. On s’attend à ce que le groupe de contrôle ne réagisse pas.

13. Cette variable doit être étudiée.

14. On lui a dit d’aller consulter un psychiatre.

15. Il est strictement interdit de fumer dans le labo.

16. Dans le traitement de la dépression, les antidépresseurs sont en train d’être remplacés par
des séances de psychothérapie.

17. Certaines patients atteints de phobies peuvent être soignés en suivant une thérapie

18. Lors de ces sessions, les phobiques sont exposés à l’objet de leur peur.

19. Au cours de ces sessions, on rapproche progressivement le patient et l’objet effrayant.

20. Plus l’objet de leur peur est rapproché, plus l’angoisse du phobique augmente.

3. Soulignez les formes passives, puis traduisez-les.

1. The concert was sponsored by the European Broadcasting Union and was being transmitted
live to hundreds of countries. (est sponsorisé)
2. (in a hotel) : The rooms are cleaned everyday. (les chambres sont nettoyées tous les jours).
3. For the past twenty years I have been a nurse in this hospital where children with chronic
diseases are cared for. Three months ago I was asked if I wanted to be promoted Head-
Nurse. ( Ces vingt dernières années, je fus employée comme infirmière dans cet hôpital où l’on
soigne des enfants atteints de maladies chroniques. Il ya 3 mois, on m’a demandé si je voulais
être promue responsable du service).
3. She was born in 1890, but the maternity ward was only built in 1904. (Elle est née en 1890,
mais la maternité ne fut construite qu’en 1904. )
4. Children need to be played with and talked to. (On doit jouer et parler aux enfants).

4. Transposez ces phrases au passif en prenant pour sujet l’élément souligné.

1. Million of viewers will watch our programme.

Our progamme will be watched by millions of viewers.

2. Somebody has cleaned the room.

The room has been cleaned. (by somebody : pas nécessaire, c’est le résultat qui compte;
l’origine de l’action importe peu, ou est évident : la femme de ménage).

3. Somebody is using the scanner at the moment.

The scanner is being used. (on ne sait peut-être pas qui est en train d’utiliserle scanner, et
peut importe, on ne peut pas l’utiliser ; c’est cela qui importe).

4. He rarely punished anyone but everyone obeyed him.

He was obeyed by everybody.

5. They are building a new hospital near the airport.

A new hospital is being built. (C’est la construction qui importe).

6. They have discovered a new planet.

A new planet has been discovered. (Seule la découverte importe, peu importe qui a découvert
la nouvelle planète.)

7. The police arrested fifteen people.

Fifteen people were arrested.

8. A famous psychologist wrote the article.

The article was written by a famous psychologist. (dont le nom vous échappe.

9. Scientists at the University of Ottawa have carried out several experiments in that field.
Several experiments in that field have been carried out by scientits at the University of
5. Transformez les phrases suivantes au passif :

1. In this clinic, the doctors take care of the patients well.

The patients are well taken care of.

2. They asked the subjects to sit down.

The subjects were asked to sit down.

3. They will expect the participants to react quickly.

The participants will be expected to react quickly.

4. People say Einstein is a genius.

Einstein is said to be a genius.

5. We found a solution.
A solution was found.

6. They allow prisoners one visit a week.

Prisoners are allowed one visit a week.

7. Doctors think that stress is the cause of many illnesses.

Stress is thought to be the cause of many illnesses. (by doctors).

8. Scientists will invent an AIDS vaccine before 2010.

An AIDS vaccine will be invented before 2010.

9. They are working on the vaccine right now.

The new vaccine is being worked on right now.

10. They have not discovered the vaccine yet.

The vaccine has not been discovered yet.

6. Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant un des verbes de la liste  :

show - cause – write - elect – invite - translate

1. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.
2. A cinema is a place where films are shown
3. You are invited to the party. Can you come?
4. In the United States, the president is elected every four years.
5. Originally the book was written in English and a few years ago it was translated into
7. Put the following sentences in the passive voice.

1. In the treatment of OCD, cognitive behavioural therapy replaces psychoanalysis.

In the treatemnt of OCD, psychoanalysis is replaced by cognitive behavioural therapy.

2. The new treatment will replace the old treatment.

The old treatment will be replaced by the new treatment.

3. Doctors are trying new therapies.

New therapies are being tried.

4. Scientists are discovering new remedies everyday.

New remedies are being discovered everyday.

5. Experimenters asked participants to evaluate their level of fear.

Participants were asked to evaluate their level of fear.

6. The doctor diagnosed lung cancer.

Lung cancer was diagnosed.

7. His wife is nursing him at home.

He is being nursed at home.

8. Experimenters have asked subjects to rate their own level of addiction.

Subjects have been asked to rate their own level of addiction.

9. One could consider internet addiction as serious as any other addiction.

Internet addiction could be considered as serious as any other addiction.

10. Other experimenters will seek more extensive data.

More extensive date will be sought (by other experimenters).

8. Employez le verbe entre parenthèses à l’actif ou au passif, au temps demandé.

Présent simple :

1. It’s a big hospital. Five hundred people are employed there.

2. It’s a big clinic. Twenty psychologists work here.
3. In the United States, most schools start at 8 every morning and classes don’t finish until
3 or 4 in the afternoon.
4. Each year the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is taken by more than 2 million American

Présent en –ING :

“Gifted children in Britain are being neglected by schools,” said the director of the National
Association for gifted children recently declared. The association is pressing the education
minister to publish a report on the subject. It is also concerned that gifted children are being
overlooked. Many parents of gifted children are opting for private education.

1. I was born in London but I grew up in Australia.

2. Ron’s parents died when he was very young. He was brought up by his grandparents.
3. The letter was posted a week ago, and it arrived yesterday.
4. I wrote this article on Post-Traumatic Shock Disorder four months ago and it was published
only this week.
5. I saw an accident last night. Somebody called an ambulance but nobody was injured so the
ambulance was not needed.

Present perfect :

1.These researchers have spent years studying children who are exceptionally gifted in
2. English has largely replaced French as the language of diplomacy.
3. An effective treatment for post-traumatic shock disorder has not been discovered yet.
4. Little progess has been made in schizophrenia treatment.
5. No evidence has been found that Attention Deficit Disorder has genetic causes.

9. Traduisez les phrases suivantes.

1. On a montré aux sujets des images effrayantes.

Subjects were shown frightening pictures.

2. On a demandé aux participants d’évaluer leur propre peur.

Participants were asked to evaluate their level of fear.

3. L’expérience peut être menée sur de petits groupes.

The experiment can be carried out on small groups.

4. On a donné aux participants des questionnaires à remplir.

Participants were given questionnaires to complete.

5. De nombreuses études ont été menées sur les troubles obsessionnels compulsifs.
Numerous studies have been carried out on OCDs.

6. Ce laboratoire fut créé en 2002.

This laboratory was created in 2002.

7. Une solution n’a toujours pas été trouvée.

A solution has still not been found. A solution has not been found yet.

8. Les résultats ne seront pas publiés.

The results will not be published.

9. Le scanner est en train d’être réparé.

The scanner is being repaired.
1O. On dit que la dépendance au crack est immédiate.
Crack addition is said to be immediate.

11. Dans ce labo, des rats sont utilisés pour étudier le conditionnement.
In this lab, rats are used to study conditioning.

12. On s’attend à ce que le groupe de contrôle ne réagisse pas.

The control group is expected not to react.

13. Cette variable doit être étudiée.

This variable must be studied.

14. On lui a dit d’aller consulter un psychiatre.

He / She was told to go and see a psychiatrist.

15. Il est strictement interdit de fumer dans le labo.

It is strictly forbidden to smoke in this lab.

16. Dans le traitement de la dépression, les antidépresseurs sont en train d’être remplacés par
des séances de psychothérapie. = In the treatment of depression, antidepressants are being
replaced by psychotherapy sessions.

17. Certaines patients atteints de phobies peuvent être soignés en suivant une thérapie
comportementale. = Some patients suffering from phobia can be cured by following
behavioural therapy.

18. Lors de ces sessions, les phobiques sont exposés à l’objet de leur peur.
During these sessions, phobics are exposed to the object of their fear.

19. Au cours de ces sessions, on rapproche progressivement le patient et l’objet effrayant.

During these sessions, the patient is brought closer to the frightening object.

20. Plus l’objet est rapproché, plus la peur du phobique est grande.
The closer the object is brought, the bigger the phobic’s fear is.

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