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Written by L.Blamont, M.Boulin, and K.Thievin

GETTING READY................................................................................................................................4
UNIT 1 – ALCATRAZ........................................................................................................................10
UNIT 2 – AUSTRALIA.......................................................................................................................31
Final task..............................................................................................................................................49
IRREGULAR VERBS.........................................................................................................................54

Durée du semestre 1: _______________________________________

Vacances du ____________________ au _______________________

Dates des DST : __________________________________________________________________

Date du devoir final : dernière semaine de cours, soit le ____________________________________

Modalités d’évaluation

- Contrôle continu : 50% (composé des différents DST du semestre)

- Devoir final : 50% (épreuve écrite d’1h30)

L’usage du téléphone est interdit pendant les épreuves. Prévoyez une montre ou un réveil.

Absences et retards

L’assiduité est obligatoire. Au-delà de 3 absences (même justifiées), l’étudiant.e est noté.e ABI (=
défaillant.e) et ne peut pas valider son semestre.

Toute absence un jour de DST doit être signalée dans un délai de 48h à l’enseignant.e, afin de
permettre l’organisation d’un rattrapage de l’épreuve manquée. Une absence lors du devoir final
n’est pas rattrapable et vous envoie directement à la session de rattrapage.

Il est impératif d’arriver à l’heure afin de ne pas perturber le déroulement du cours. Si vous avez trop
de retard, votre enseignant.e est autorisé.e à ne pas vous accepter en cours.


- La brochure

- L’EPI qui s’intitule : ______________________________________

- EPIGRAM : https://cours.univ-paris1.fr/fixe/EPIGRAM

- Wordreference.com

Ice breaker

A. Get to know your neighbour: take this personality quiz together, helping each other if you
don’t understand some of the questions.

What kind of escapist are you?

1) Do you have brothers or sisters?

a. I do, and I spend a lot of time with them.

b. I do, but I rarely interact with them.

c. No, I don’t. I am an only child.

2) Which way of thinking describes you best?

a. Practical

b. Independent

c. Methodical

3) When you are put in a group project, what role do you play?

a. I make sure everyone has a good time.

b. I forget deadlines and Zoom meetings.

c. I set goals and make sure everyone sticks to them.

4) Has anyone ever told you you were too loud?

a. Yes, but it is a good thing!

b. No way – if anything, people have to tell me to speak up.

c. Maybe once or twice. I am usually more on the mellow side.

5) If you are frustrated with someone, what do you tend to do?
a. I make fun of them.
b. I ignore them.
c. I tell them to respect my boundaries.

6) When you try something new, what is your first thought?

a. I’m going to make this fun!
b. Sweet, I’m going to be awesome at this!
c. OMG, I’m going to embarrass myself!

7) What best describes your relationships with your friends?

a. I organise outings, trips and parties.
b. I sometimes cancel plans at the last minute.
c. I am loyal and reliable.

8) What sentence are you most likely to say?

a. “I’m in. Let’s do this!”
b. “Sorry, I wasn’t listening.”
c. “Ah, those were the good old days!”

9) What do you prefer reading?

a. Lifestyle magazines and blogs
b. Fantasy sagas
c. Classics

10) What is your dream holiday?

a. Lying on the beach all day and partying all night.
b. Backpacking off the beaten tracks
c. Enjoying some peace and quiet in the countryside.

You got mostly As: You are the epicurean escapist

When life gets too boring, you spice it up! You love good food and drinks – nothing is too good for
you. You never spend your weekends at home and when you go out, you are the life of the party!
You never run out of ways to escape the monotony of everyday life.

You got mostly Bs: You are the wandering escapist.

When you are in an unpleasant situation, you use the strength of your imagination to travel to distant
lands and times. Sometimes you daydream so much that you completely forget about the people
around you. If necessary, you can just close your eyes and escape the real world.

You got mostly Cs: You are the nostalgic escapist

When things get tough, you take refuge in familiar places and surround yourself with old friends.
Thinking of happy memories helps you make it through a hard day. You often wish you could escape
the present and go back to the past.

B. In pairs, read and compare your results, saying whether you agree with them or not. Take a
few notes about each other’s reactions.










Basic vocabulary

This term, we will study different forms of escape: physical escape from a place, from danger, but
also mental escape to step back from reality and recharge one’s batteries.

The verb “escape” can be used in different contexts but there are many synonyms that we will use
throughout the term. /!\ They are not always interchangeable.

/!\ Many of them are irregular verbs so check them out in the irregular verb list on page 54.

A. Verbs: match each verb with its French equivalent. Write its irregular forms when necessary.

1. Flee a. S’évader

2. Fly b. Fuir

3. Run away c. Eviter

4. Break out d. Filer

5. Get away e. Eluder

6. Avoid f. S’entirer / s’échapper

7. Evade g. Fuguer

B. Nouns: fill in the blank under each picture with the right word(s).

evasion escapism prison break

1) a _________________ 2) tax _____________ 3) _________________________

Translate those words/expressions into French. Is there anything that strikes you?


C. Idioms: cross out the wrong answer, and then guess the meaning of each expression. (You
can write the explanation in French if you wish.)

1) That insect doesn’t seem to know his only (a) street/(b) avenue of escape is the window.


2) The building exploded because of a gas leak. Thankfully the workers escaped by the skin (a)
of their teeth / (b) of their arms.


3) The fiscal arrangement contains an escape(a) clause / (b) term for countries to suspend their
repayments in case of an economic emergency.


4) I doubt you will escape people’s(a) attention / (b) notice if you show up at the party in that


5) I turned right to avoid a red light, but I ended up stuck in traffic because of an accident. I
escaped (a) the bear / (b) the cat and fell to the lion!


6) That guy barely made it over the tracks before the train came. What a (a) narrow/ (b) close

7) The robber made (a)good his escape / (b) well his escape through a secret door unknown to
the police.


Write your own escape scenario

Get into groups of 3 or 4. Imagine that the four of you are trapped somewhere together. You might
be trapped in an imaginary world, in prison, on a deserted island, or you might be trying to escape a
natural disaster, a shipwreck, a hostage situation. Or you might simply have locked yourselves in in a
bathroom or be stuck at a very boring dinner party. Use your imagination!

Tell us what your situation is:

- Where are you?

- Who are you?
- Do you know one another?
- When does the whole situation take place?
- How did you come to be trapped?
- How do you feel? Why do you desperately want to escape?
- Are you in danger? What is your most pressing fear?
- How long do you have before the situation becomes really unbearable?

If you don’t have time to complete the task in class, you should finish it before next class. Use the
Etherpad Lite on the EPI or get together to work on it and take notes below.

You will take up this story again later in the semester, so don’t forget who’s trapped with you!

Get ready

Alcatraz Island was, in turn, a military fort (late 19th century), a military prison (early 20th century) and Federal Penitentiary (1934-1963).

Brainstorm about Alcatraz. Do you know:

1) where it is located? ___________________________________________________________


2) why it is so famous?__________________________________________________________

3) who was incarcerated there? ____________________________________________________


4) what it is nicknamed? _________________________________________________________

Document 1

The Toughest Prison in America

Susan Sloate and Josh Cochran, The Secrets of Alcatraz, 2008.

In 1934, the operation of Alcatraz was transferred to the USA Department of Justice. The country
was in an economic slump called the Great Depression, and the cost of running the island had
become too high for the Army. At the same time, America was experiencing a remarkable wave of
violent crime, so the Department of Justice decided to turn Alcatraz into a maximum-security
prison. But first, it would have to modify the facility. The criminals sent there would be the worst of
the worst, the toughest, the most difficult, the hardest to control. […]

In April, security experts went to work on Alcatraz. The soft cell bars of the army days were replaced
with hard steel bars that could not be cut through. The cells were arranged so that none adjoined an
outside wall. To prevent escape from the building itself, every window in areas that convicts could
enter was covered with a sheet of iron. Tear gas canisters that could be activated by remote control
were hidden in the ceilings. Electromagnetic detectors were placed all over the island to detect the
presence of guns or other weapons. Special elevated galleries built during the renovation now held
24-hour guards with rifles that could see into every cell and utility tunnels were filled with cement.

Although Alcatraz had a total of 600 cells for individual prisoners, it never held more than 300
inmates at any one time. The ratio of prisoners to guards was three to one. In fact, the prison
population prison was so small that the guards knew all the inmates by name.

Under Johnston’s command1, prisoners were not allowed visitors for their first 90 days on the island.
Once that time had passed, they were permitted one visitor a month. The inmates’ knowledge of the
outside world was carefully curbed. No newspapers, magazines, or radios were allowed, and the
prisoners were given only the barest necessities: food, clothing, medical and dental care. One
particularly harsh rule in the early years was a strict code of silence. Some considered this the
greatest hardship of all. Some, desperate to talk to someone and hear a human voice, emptied the
water from the toilets in their cells and spoke into the bowls. The effect was an echo in the next
inmate’s cell, which allowed prisoner to converse in whispers. […]

The right to work was the first privilege the inmates could earn, and it was important. It meant that a
convict could leave his cell during the day and have something to occupy his mind. In spite of their
ability to work in several prison locations, the convicts’ time was so well monitored that that the
inmates never had a chance to see the entire prison building. This was intended to keep them from
making escape plans. If they didn’t know the entire layout of the prison and the island, it would be
difficult to organize an escape.

James Johnston was Alcatraz’s first and longest-serving warden (head of the prison)

A. Comprehension

1) Global comprehension: present the text in a few words (type, title, author, date, topic).


2) Vocabulary

a. Find two synonyms of the word “prisoner” in the text: _____________ ________________

b. Match the French words below with one of the bolded words.

1. Un établissement _________________________________
2. Les plafonds _____________________________________
3. Une télécommande ________________________________
4. Des fusils _______________________________________
5. Sévère _________________________________________
6. Vider __________________________________________
7. La disposition, le plan ______________________________
8. Gagner _________________________________________
9. Une récession _____________________________________
10. Transformer ______________________________________
11. Acier ___________________________________________
12. Les cuvettes ______________________________________
13. Limiter __________________________________________
14. Essentielles, de base ________________________________
15. Des bombes lacrymogènes ___________________________
16. Surveiller _________________________________________
17. Feuille ___________________________________________
18. Empêcher ________________________________________

19. La gestion ________________________________________
3) Give three reasons why it was so hard to physically escape Alcatraz.


4) List the various methods that were used to mentally confine the prisoners.


B. Language

1) Grammaire : le pluriel

a. Consultez cette liste de mots au pluriel et répondez aux questions qui suivent.

babies books boys buses potatoes chairs crises

churches echoes foxes keys radios tomatoes tables

pianos taxes families classes shops stimuli wives

parents ways volcanoes bushes computers faces watches

oases kilos president countries cities places cinemas


bridges analyses halves heroes phenomen boxes -selves

1.Quelle est la marque du pluriel en anglais? ____________________________________________

2. Comment se forme le pluriel d’un nom qui finit par une consonne+ –y? ____(ex:____________)

3. Comment se forme le pluriel d’un nom qui finit par une voyelle+ –y? ______(ex:____________)

4. Après quelle lettre ou quel groupe de lettres ajoute-t-on –esau pluriel (et non –s seulement)?
__________________________(ex : __________________________________________________)

5. Quels sont les trois mots de la liste qui ne suivent pas cette règle? A votre avis, pourquoi ?

6. Quel est le singulier de “oases”? Trouvez deux autres mots de la liste qui fonctionnent pareil.

NB.A l’oral, comment distingue-t-on le pluriel du singulier de ces mots ? _____________________

7. Comment se forme le pluriel d’un nom qui finit par –f/-fe? _______(ex:____________________)

8. Quel est le singulier de “phenomena”et“stimuli” ? _____________________________________

b. Passez les noms ci-dessous au pluriel.

brush > poppy > witch > video >

shelf > tree > guy > lady >

veto > worry > kiss > thief >

cherry > life > diagnosis > embargo >

peach > loss> criterion> play >

c. Phonologie: faites entendre la marque du pluriel !

A l’oral, la marque du pluriel peut se prononcer de trois façons différentes : /s/ (ss), /z/ (z), /iz/ (éz).

Dans le tableau qui suit, classez une quinzaine des pluriels que vous avez revus en fonction de la
prononciation de cette marque.

/s/ /z/ /iz/

d. Autres cas : notez ces quatre autres types de nom.

Cette liste n’est pas
exhaustive. Vous
1. Noms avec–ooau singulierdevenant–ee au pluriel : pourrez ajouter d’autres
exemples de pluriels
irréguliers quand vous
foot > feet – goose > geese – tooth >teeth
en rencontrerez de
nouveaux !

2. Noms qui finissent par– sau singulier et qui ne changent pas au pluriel :

a series > series – a species > species – a means > means

3. Noms indénombrables singuliers qui finissent par– s (et qui n’ont pas de pluriel):

news – economics – politics - mathematics

4. Autresirréguliersfréquemmentemployés:

child > children – man > men – woman > women – mouse > mice

2) Vocabulary: crime and punishment

Read the story of Mr Smith. When necessary look up the bolded words in a dictionary and then fill
in the blanks with the words or expressions below:

a. jail b. good conduct c. charged d. returned e. released f. defendant

g. caught h. cellmate i. served j. appeared l. second offence m. arrested

n. evidence o. court p. condemned

1. Mr Smith was____________________ in the act of illegally selling alcohol.

2. He was ________________________ by the police.
3. He was ___________________________with smuggling.
4. The case was taken to __________________.
5. He _________________________ before court.
6. The Court heard many witnesses give__________________________.
7. The Court _________________________ the verdict.
8. The ____________________________ was found guilty.
9. He was _________________________ to two years’ imprisonment.
10. He was sent to ______________________________.
11. He had a _________________________ and could often go to the visiting room.
12. His sentence was reduced for ____________________________.
13. He only ________________________a one-year sentence.
14. When he was ______________________, he joined a reintegration programme.
15. He never committed a __________________________________.

C. Discussion

What are the various purposes (≈ objectives, goals) of incarceration, for prisoners as well as for
society? Did Alcatraz fulfill these purposes?

In pairs, discuss these questions and take notes. Then share with the class.



Document 2

• 55 Years Later, Daring Prison Break Still Baffles Experts

KPIX CBS SF Bay Area, 2017[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOJ28hkT6xo]

A. Comprehension

1) Global comprehension: watch once and say what you have understood about this legendary
prison break.

a. When did it happen? _________________________________________________________

b. Who were the escapees? ______________________________________________________
c. What happened to them? ______________________________________________________

2) Part 1 (00’00-1’16): watch this part again and note down the main facts and figures below.

a. Number of visitors to the island a day: ___________________________________________

b. Number of escapes: __________________________________________________________
c. 23 were: ___________________________________________________________________
d. 6 were: __________________________________________________________________
e. 2: ______________________________________________________________________
f. 3: _______________________________________________________________________
g. Famous film and actor: ______________________________________________________

3) Part 2 (1’17-3’03): watch this part again and take notes about the prisoners’ journey.

Check this vocabulary list before you begin:

dig = creuser ; drill = percer ; climb up = grimper ; scramble = se précipiter ; paddle = pagayer ;
dummy = faux, factice

a. Step 1: _____________________________________________________________________
b. Step 2: ____________________________________________________________________
c. Step 3: ____________________________________________________________________
d. Step 4: _____________________________________________________________________

e. Methods/strategies used: ______________________________________________________


4) Part 3 (3’03-end): watch this part again and fill in the table below.

Speakers Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3

(name/occupation) ____________________ _________________ ___________________
_ _________________ ___________________
_____________________ _
about the escape

B. Language

1) Vocabulary: numbers

a. How do you say…?

100: _______________________________ %: __________________________________

1,000: ______________________________ +: ___________________________________

1,000,000: ___________________________ -: ___________________________________

1,000,000,000: ________________________ X: __________________________________

A date (e.g 1962): __________________________________________________________________

/ (eg. 20miles/hour; $5/gallon): _______________________________________________________

NB: Remember numbers are NOT pluralised, e.g. four hundreds four hundred

b. Now write these dates and figures in full.

352: ________________________________________________________________________

11,584: _________________________________________________________________________

3,700,291: ______________________________________________________________________

5/day: ___________________________________________________________________________

6x4 inches: _______________________________________________________________________

3.5%: ___________________________________________________________________________

2020: ____________________________________________________________________________

2009: ____________________________________________________________________________

2) Grammaire: le préterit simple

Fifty-five years ago, three men managed the impossible.

They ran to the shore, inflated their raft and paddled away.

a. Utilisez les exemples ci-dessus pour rappeler dans quels cas on emploie le prétérit simple.


b. Comment se forme-t-il ?

Forme affirmative : ________________________________________________________________

Forme négative : ___________________________________________________________________

Forme interrogative : _______________________________________________________________

Spécificités de « be » : ______________________________________________________________

Spécificités de « have » : ____________________________________________________________

c. Conjuguez les verbes ci-dessous au prétérit, à la forme et à la personne indiquées.

Verbes à l’infinitif Forme affirmative Forme négative Forme interrogative

Talk (I)
Understand (You)
Do (She)
Go (We)
Listen (They)

d. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit simple.

Mark: ________________________________ (you/go) to San Francisco yesterday?

Tom: Yes, I __________________________ (réponsecourte). I _______________________ (take)

the train and I __________________________ (arrive) at King Street Station. I _________________
(meet) some old friends there. They ____________________ (be) all very happy to see me.

Mark: And what ______________________________________ (you/do)?

Tom: I _________________________ (visit) the town with them and we ________________ (have)
lunch together. Unfortunately we ____________________________________ (not/have) time to go
to Alcatraz Island.

Mark: That’s a shame! I _______________ (go) there five years ago and I __________ (be) very

C. Discussion

What was your overall impression of the TV report? Was the escape presented as fact or as fiction?
Discuss this with your neighbour, taking notes in the table below. Then share with the class.

What made the report sound like fact? What made the report sound like fiction?

Document 3

Everybody Likes Escape Stories

T.M Martin and Gilles Chantraine (ed.), Prison Breaks: Toward a Sociology of Prison Escape, 2018.

(§1) In cinematic fiction as well as in the media spectacularization of the prison, escape is a central
theme. […] Escapes fascinate people, not only because they put the prison and state power to the
test, but possibly also because they echo our everyday desires of freedom. Prison escape narratives
whisper to our soul and spirit how free we would be if we were more courageous. The mise enscène
of the prison escape (either through news or fiction) can often be interpreted as a metaphor for the
process through which someone tries to free himself – from an assigned gender, a caste position,
misery, a bad job situation, an authoritarian society, a calamitous marriage and so on. It is precisely
because the literal escape and the metaphorical escape are, explicitly or not, deeply interlinked that
prison escape movies are so compelling.

(§2) One could easily identify certain images of the typical escapee in movies. First, there is the
“dangerous escapee”. Here the film offers a representation of the primary aim of the prison to protect
society, by neutralizing and possibly transforming the “dangerous few”, or the otherwise irreparable
habitual delinquents. Another image is the “political escapee”. In this case, the prisoner continues his
or her struggle by escaping. These films present the prison as a fundamentally political institution,
and highlightthe continuity of political strugglesbeyond the walls of prison. Thirdly, there is the
“romantic escapee”, who presents and embodies an unrelenting desire for freedom. In this case,
resistance against an established order is less political and more existential.

(§3) Through such imagery, these films often describe a totalitarian and deadly institution whose real
functions are the annihilation of non-compliant individuals and the reproduction of social
inequalities and class relations. Yet the focus on escape in TV series like The Prisoner and Prison
Break can also drive the focus away from institutional violence, relegating escape to pure individual
action, undetermined by its social and structural context. In some cases, representations of escape
reinforce the status quo; in other cases, they agitate for change. Occasionally they lead the viewer
into reflection about their own power and responsibility. This can be an uncomfortable, even
disturbing experience, one that many will want to escape, but ultimately following this route offers
a path towards greater freedom.

A. Comprehension

1) Global comprehension: present the text in a few words (type, title, source/author, date, topic).


2) Match the French expressions below with one of the bolded words.

a. Perturbant h. Processus

b. Murmurer i. Lutte, combat

c. Autrement j. Incarne

d. Au bout du compte k. Liés, connectés

e. Eloigner l. Captivant

f. Mettre à l’épreuve m. Implacable

g. Au-delà n. Rebelles

3) Use Paragraph 1 to sum up the reason why everybody likes escape stories. Write one
sentence in your words.


4) Use Paragraph 2to explain the difference between a “political escapee” and a “romantic
escapee”. Use “whereas”, “while” and/or “contrary to”.



5) True or false? Give your answer and justify it with a quote from Paragraph 3.

a. All films/series about escapees denounce the prison institution and social inequalities.


b. Watching a film about a prison break necessarily makes you feel better about your own


B. Language

1) Vocabulary: film genres

Read the vocabulary list above and find the English for the following words:

a. un personnage (principal) d. le public

b. le cadre e. le récit
c. l’intrigue f. fictif (x2)

g. réaliste i. faire peur
h. se dérouler, avoir lieu j. faire rire

2) Grammaire: les pronoms personnels et déterminants possessifs.

Prison escape narratives fascinate us and whisper to our soul and spirit how free we could be.

a. Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, identifiez : le pronom sujet (__________), le pronom complément

(__________) et le déterminant possessif (______________).

b. Maintenant complétez le tableau ci-dessous.

Pronom sujet Pronom complément Déterminant

1e pers. du singulier
2 pers. du singulier

3e pers. du singulier

1e pers. du pluriel Us

2e pers. du pluriel Your

3e pers. du pluriel

c. Complétez les blancs avec les déterminants possessifs qui conviennent.

1. He makes interesting films  _________ films are interesting.

2. She writes thought-provoking articles  ________ articles are thought-provoking.

3. They love watching science fiction  ____________ favourite film genre is science fiction.

4. We have a busy week  __________ week is very busy.

5. You have economics next  _______ next class is economics.

6. I spent a short time in prison  _______ time in prison was short.

7. This jail has a huge library  _________ library is huge.

d. Traduisez les phrases ci-dessous.

1. Vous les avez vus.


2. Nous l’avons rencontrée.


3. C’est mon film préféré, même si je n’aime pas ses acteurs.


4. Ta prestation nous a fascinés !


5. Je suis votre ami.


6. Hier, ils ont invité leurs parents.


7. Henry et sa femme t’ont téléphoné ce matin.


8. Sa montre fonctionne bien : elle l’a réparée hier.


9. Nos enfants nous manquent.


10. Elles attendent la nouvelle saison de leur série préférée.


C. Final tasks

1) Speaking (escape project)

Get into your groups of 3 or 4, and read the notes you had taken together on page 9 or on the
Etherpad Lite. Once everybody’s memory has been refreshed, imagine your escape plan.

Make a list of 10 steps to indicate when (day/time) and how (tools/strategies) you plan to escape.
Then share your action plan with the rest of the class.

 Write in the future : We will + V-inf or We are going to + V-inf

 Use the vocabulary you have learnt so far and look up the other words you might need on

 Practise saying the plural of nouns, figures and dates at home.

 Share your ideas using your notes if necessary, but remember you should be speaking to the
class and not reading an essay!











2) Writing

Write a newspaper article about a

failed attempt to escape Alcatraz
(200-250 words).

Use your imagination and entertain

the reader!

make sure you tick all the boxes in
this checklist!





Get ready

A. In teams, take this quiz about Australia. Don’t use online resources to find the answers!

1. A Dutch explorer gave his name to a location in Australia. Was

a) Charles Darwin?
b) Abel Tasman?
c) Thomas Townshend, Viscount Sydney?

2. James Cook mapped the Australian east coast of Australia in…

a) 1770
b) 1788
c) 1901

3. Indigenous people have been living in Australia for…

a) 1,000 to 1,500 years.
b) 40,000 to 60,000 years.
The Captain Cook statue was vandalised overnight. Credit: Supplied, David Swift
c) 700 to 900 years.

4. The first Europeans who came to settle in

Australia were…
a) merchants belonging to a trade company.
b) people fleeing religious persecution.
c) people convicted of crimes in Great

5. Australia gained its independence from the

UK in…
a) 1891
b) 1942
c) 1965

6. What is the capital city of Australia?

a) Sydney
b) Camberra
c) Melbourne
7. What is the name of the sacred red rock that sits in the centre of Australia?

a) Uluru

b) Nanya
c) Khao Ta-Pu

8. What percentage of Australians live on the coast?

a) 45 %
b) 75 %
c) 90%

9. Voting in elections is compulsory in Australia if you are 18 or older.

a) True
b) False

10. In Australian English, the word barbie refers to:

a) A famous plastic doll
b) A barbecue
c) A laidback bar where you can get cheap beer

11. Which of these famous actors is not Australian?

a) Nicole Kidman
b) Hugh Jackman
c) Cate Blanchett
d) Mel Gibson

B. Do you speak Aussie?

Can you match the following Australian words with their English equivalents?

1) Barbie a) Pepper (vegetable)

2) Arvo b) Sweets
3) No worries c) Waterhole
4) Capsicum d) Friend
5) Lollies e) Round (of drinks)
6) Billabong f) No problem
7) Shout g) Afternoon
8) Mate h) Barbecue

C. Pair work

Discuss the following questions with your neighbour and take notes about his or her answers.

a) Have you been to Australia? Tell your neighbour about your traveling experience.
b) If not, have you seen movies about Australia? What image of Australia did they convey?
c) If you wanted to escape somewhere for a holiday or for a year abroad, would you choose
Australia? Why/why not?


Document 1A
A. Listening comprehension

• Australia: Paradise on Earth? [00’00  1’34]

1) Watch this video once (to 1’34 only) and take as many notes as possible about Australia.
What is the general tone of this introduction?


2) Part 1 - 00’00  00’14 - Watch this part again and answer these questions:
a) The narrator uses an Australian greeting. What is it?
b) What is the nickname given to Australia by the narrator?
c) Is it true that you can see kangaroos running around freely in Australia ?
d) In this clip, the narrator speaks with two different accents. Can you identify them?

3) Part 2 - 00’15  00’43 – Watch this part again and:

a) Say if Australia is the largest country in the world:
b) Give the size of Australia:
c) List the 5 examples of diverse nature and wildlife given by the narrator.
- _________________________________
- _________________________________
- _________________________________
- _________________________________
- _________________________________

4) Part 3 - 00’431’34 – Watch this part again and fill in the blanks.

But not only is the nature ____________________, Australia’s also home to a few highly advanced
cosmopolitan cities, with the two biggest cities, ____________________ and
____________________, ____________________ ranking among the top ____________________
best cities to live in the world.

____________________, let’s hit ____________________ likes and I’ll do a video on the top 10
best cities to live in the world.

Anyways, it isn’t hard to see why the ____________________ and ____________________

peoples have lived here for over ____________________ .

Of course, ____________________ also did their imperialist thing and claimed the continent in
____________________ as a penal colony for their ____________________ , but Australia
____________________ gained independence in ____________________ . And since then, the
____________________ has become a country with one of the highest qualities of life, a great
____________________ and education system, ____________________ low crime, vibrant and
welcoming residents, and an excellent economy with ____________________ any poverty.

B. Grammaire : les articles a/an ; the ; Ø (absence d’article ou « article zéro »)

Today we’re talking about the land down under: Australia. Is it a country? Is it a continent? Do
kangaroos really roam freely about? Sounds like fake news to me.

This strange geographic location is what makes Australia such an ecological and biological
anomaly with so much diverse nature and wildlife unique only to the country.

a) Lisez ces extraits et essayez d’expliquer pourquoi the est utilisé dans certains groupes
nominaux soulignés et a/an dans d’autres.

b) Relevez les groupes nominaux soulignés dans lesquels aucun article (Ø) n’est utilisé.
Expliquez pourquoi aucun article n’est utilisé.

c) Maintenant lisez et complétez

Pour savoir quel article choisir en anglais, il faut prendre en compte 2 choses.

D’abord, le type de nom. Il y a deux types de noms :

- Les noms dénombrables (ou comptables) qui peuvent être singuliers ou pluriels (land,
country, continent, kangaroo, anomaly…). S’ils sont singuliers, ces noms prennent forcément
un article : soit a/an, soit the.

- Les noms indénombrables (ou non comptables) qui sont toujours au singulier, même s’ils
finissent en -s. Il s’agit souvent d’une matière (water, air, blood, sand…) ou d’un concept
(talent, loneliness, happiness, justice, politics, science…). Comme on ne peut pas les
compter, ces noms ne prennent jamais l’article a/an.

Ensuite, le contexte dans lequel le nom apparaît :

- Contexte indéfini : le sens du nom n’est pas précis car il apparaît pour la première fois sans
être défini par ce qui vient après dans la phrase, ou parce qu’il s’agit d’une généralité. Dans
ce cas on utilise un article indéfini (a/an ou Ø). Ex : Is it a country? Is it a continent? Do Ø
kangaroos really roam freely about? Sounds like Ø fake news to me.

- Contexte défini : le sens du mot est précis car il a déjà été mentionné, car il est défini par le
contexte, ou bien car il est unique et/ou que tout le monde le connaît. Dans ce cas on utilise
l’article défini the. Ex : Today we’re talking about the land down under: Australia. This
strange geographic location is what makes Australia such an ecological and biological
anomaly with so much diverse nature and wildlife unique only to the country.

- On utilise ____________________ avec un nom singulier dénombrable lorsque l’on
mentionne quelque chose pour la première fois. Ex : _______________________________
- Dans ces deux cas, on utilise ____________________ devant un nom qui commence par le
son d’une voyelle (ex : ____________________) et ____________________ devant un nom
qui commence par le son d’une consonne (ex : ____________________).
- ⚠C’est le son qui compte, et pas la lettre. Attention donc aux « h » muets (ex :
____________________/____________________) et aux «u» (ex :
____________________ /____________________).
- On utilise ____________________ devant les noms pluriels ou indénombrables lorsqu’ils
désignent des gens ou des choses en général. Ex : _______________________________ ;
- On utilise ____________________ pour parler d’un nom qui désigne quelque chose de connu
(ex : ____________________) ou d’unique (ex : ____________________).

Complétez ce tableau récapitulatif avec a/an, the ou Ø :

Nom dénombrable Nom dénombrable Nom indénombrable

singulier pluriel singulier

⚠ Attention, les noms propres ne suivent pas ces règles et sont généralement précédés de l’article

Ex : Ø Donald Trump ; Ø Microsoft; Ø Australia, Ø France, Ø Great Britain (BUT the US, the

Par contre, quand on fait référence de façon générique aux habitants d’un pays, on utilise l’article
the. Ex : The French, the British, the Germans, , the Portuguese, the Chinese.

⚠ Dans quels cas le nom ne prend-il pas de -s ?


⚠ Contrairement au français, on utilise a/an devant un nom de métier. Ex :I am a teacher / a
student / a firefighter.

d) Exercice – Choisissez le bon article :a / an / the / Ø.

1. ______ dogs are friendly animals.
2. Sarah has ______ new girlfriend.
3. I don’t like this place. _______ coffee here is disgusting.
4. I want to buy _________ new shoes.
5. This is ______ wonderful idea!
6. Have you followed ______ war in ______ Ukraine? Do you think that ______ Russians
are going to give up?
7. Do you prefer ______ tea or _______ coffee?
8. You should eat _______ apple every day.
9. I want to be _____ architect. One day, I will design _____ university.
10. Fred wants to find _______ girlfriend. He believes in ______ love.
11. My table is broken and my bed is crooked. I really need to buy _______ new furniture.
12. Look ! _______ man on that bench is sleeping!
13. Dan has ________ unique house. He built it himself.
14. Are you thirsty? There is _______ juice if you want.
15. Did you see _______ moon last night? It was beautiful!
16. I like _______ children, I just don’t want to have any.
17. I am going outside, I need _______ air!

C. Discussion

After watching this video clip, what is your impression of Australia? Do you think it is a nice place
to live? What would you say are the drawbacks of living in Australia? Try to name at least 3.








Document 1 - B

Australia: Paradise on Earth? [1’35  3’27]


A. Listening comprehension

1) Part 1 - 1’35  2’18 - Watch this video clip and explain what is one of the main reasons
why few Americans emigrate to Australia according to the narrator.


2) Part 2 – 2’18  3,27 - Watch this bit and write the three major consequences of this issue.


B. Discussion

Is the issue discussed in the video enough to discourage you from moving to Australia? Why/why





Document 2
Australia: After the bushfires came the floods

17 Mar 2022, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

In the past three weeks, tens of thousands of Australians have had to (1) ______________________
their homes after devastating floods struck the eastern part of the country.

Some regions experienced their worst flooding in decades, as torrential rain submerged residential
areas, cut power lines and caused reservoirs to swell past the bursting point, resulting in tens of
millions of dollars in damage.

New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet called the floods a “once-in-a-thousand-year event.”
But experts say climate change is fuelling an increase in extreme weather across Australia,
threatening to make bushfires, floods and droughts more common.

A report published last month by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and GRID
Arendal predicts that wildfires will become more frequent and intense, with a global increase of
extreme fires by 50 per cent (2) _____________________ the end of the century. The increase in
wildfires renders land (3) _______________________which leads to increased run-off and,
therefore, floods and, later, drought.

It’s a trend that is happening around the world, says Alvin Chandra, an expert in climate change
adaptation with UNEP. And many countries, he warns, are not prepared.

We spoke with Chandra about the flooding in Australia and what states need to do to ready
themselves for the new ‘climate normal’.

Globally, the number of flood-related catastrophes has more than doubled since 2000. Is
Australia seeing a (4) _______________________in flooding as well?

Alvin Chandra (AC): Scientists are united in the view that extreme flooding is becoming more
prevalent in Australia, which can be attributed to warmer oceans that increase the amount of
moisture moving from the sea to the atmosphere. This will most likely increase the intensity of
extreme rainfall, extreme bushfires and extreme heatwaves. The recent floods in Australia are some
of the worst the country has ever experienced and have caused (5)
_______________________devastation. To give just one example, Brisbane has experienced 80 per
cent of its annual rainfall in just three days. These are the same communities where we saw massive
bushfires in 2019 and 2020 which resulted in the loss of shrubs and trees setting the scene for
extreme flooding.

Many people view climate change as a future problem. But has Australia’s climate already

AC: Australia – along with the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia region – is in one of the most
vulnerable regions [in the world to climate change]. Many of the communities dealing with this
recent flooding have already had to deal with a range of cascading climate events in recent years.
These droughts, bushfires, powerful storms and heat waves amplify the scientific evidence predicted
by IPCC reports that we are already living in a changed climate.

Are we likely to see a wave of climate refugees in the near future?

AC: We are already seeing displaced people at the frontlines of climate change in (6)
_______________________ such as Mozambique, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. We are also seeing
temporarily displaced populations, such as those from floods in Australia and hurricanes in the
United States. These incidences are linked to climate events alongside poverty and conflict. If we
look at the figures since 2010, weather emergencies have displaced about 21.5 million people.

Are you optimistic that humanity can properly prepare for climate change?

AC: The clock is ticking on successfully dealing with the climate crisis. My work is about giving
hope to communities and I am optimistic. At UNEP we have seen many great initiatives and many
governments are making drastic (7) _______________________. These pledges have to be realized.
[But] we have reasons to give optimism and hope to people. If commitments are turned into concrete
actions, we can adapt and prepare.

A. Comprehension

1) Vocabulary
a) Fill in the gaps in the text with words from the list below:

barren, widespread, developing countries, commitments, evacuate, spike, by

b) Find the English equivalents for the following words in the text:
Inondations : _______________________, _______________________
Sécheresse : _______________________
Ruissellement : _______________________
Précipitations : _______________________
Vagues de chaleur : _______________________
Réfugiés climatiques : _______________________
Ouragans, tempêtes : _______________________, ______________________

2) Global comprehension: present the text in a few words (type, date, topic).


3) Explain the link between fires, floods and droughts.


4) True or False? Justify each answer with a quote from the text.

a) Australia’s climate hasn’t really shifted yet.

b) A lot of people in the world have had to flee to escape extreme weather.
c) Alvin Chandra is pessimistic about the future.

B. Grammaire : le present perfect

In the past three weeks, tens of thousands of Australians have had to evacuate their homes
after devastating floods struck the eastern part of the country.

Globally, the number of flood-related catastrophes has more than doubled since 2000.

The recent floods in Australia are some of the worst the country has ever experienced and
have caused widespread devastation. To give just one example, Brisbane has experienced 80
per cent of its annual rainfall in just three days.

Has Australia’s climate already shifted?

If we look at the figures since 2010, weather emergencies have displaced about 21.5 million

At UNEP we have seen many great initiatives.

a. Soulignez les verbes au present perfect dans les phrases ci-dessus et rappelez les règles de
conjugaison de ce temps. Essayez d’expliquer pourquoi dans chaque cas on a utilisé ce temps
du présent et non le prétérit.


b. Comment conjuguer un verbe au present perfect?

Forme affirmative (verbe régulier) : ____________________________________________________

Forme affirmative (verbe irrégulier) : __________________________________________________
Forme négative : ___________________________________________________________________
Forme interrogative : _______________________________________________________________

c. Complétez les blancs dans la leçon ci-dessous.

Comme son nom l’indique, le present perfect s’emploie pour marquer un lien avec le _________.
On l’utilise notamment pour parler :

- d’événements qui ont commencé dans le _______________et continuent dans le présent,

souvent avec les marqueurs de temps « for » et « since » ;
Ex : I have lived in Paris for 5 years. Joe Biden has been president since January 2020.

- d’un _____________ jusqu’au moment présent, souvent avec les marqueurs “never”,
“ever”, “already”, “not…yet”, “always”.
Ex : Australia’s weather has already shifted ; The recent floods in Australia are some of the
worst the country has ever experienced ; He hasn’t lost hope yet ; I’ve never seen that film ;
She’s always lived here.

- d’événements finis mais qui ont encore un ________________ important sur le moment
présent, souvent sans marqueur de temps ;
Ex : I have lost my keys.  résultat : maintenant je ne peux plus rentrer chez moi

In the past three weeks, tens of thousands of Australians have had to evacuate their homes
after devastating floods struck the eastern part of the country.  Ces personnes se retrouvent
sans maison.

- d’une action qui vient de se produire, donc très ____________ du moment présent, avec
le marqueur « just » ;
Ex : He has just arrived ; I’ve just heard the good news.

Par contraste, le prétérit s’emploie pour parler d’un événement passé, révolu et sans lien avec le
présent. Lorsque, dans la phrase, un marqueur temporel nous indique que l’événement est bien
fini, on utilise le prétérit. Ex : two years ago, last week, when I was a child, in 1660, on Monday..

Exercice 1 : Conjuguez les verbes ci-dessous au present perfect.

1. I ___________________________ (study) in the United States and in Australia.

2. The firefighters ___________________________ (not / arrive) yet.
3. ___________________________ (you / decide) where you want to go for the holidays?
4. My parents ___________________________ (build) a new house.
5. She ___________________________ (try) to tell him, but he won’t listen!

Exercice 2 : Conjuguez les verbes ci-dessous soit au present perfect, soit au prétérit.

1. I _______________________ (live) in Tasmania since 2015.

2. Sammy _______________________(move) to Sydney last year. I _____________
__________ (not / see) him since.
3. Lizzie and Paul __________________________ (never / see) a kangaroo.
4. I _______________________________ (be) captain of the soccer team for 2 years now.
5. ________________________________ (you / go) to the party last night?
6. ______________________________ (Sarah / ever / travel) to Australia?
7. Gus_______________________ (drop) out of college two weeks ago, but he
___________________________________ (not / tell) anybody yet.

8. I _____________________________ (never / see) my dad cry, but when he
_____________________________ (see) our house completely destroyed after the flood, he
_______________________ (be) in shock.
9. ___________________________________ (you / not / try) scuba diving when you
____________________ (be) to Sydney last year? // No, I am afraid of deep waters so I
___________________________________ (never / dive).


Quelle est la différence entre for et since?

FOR: __________________________

SINCE: ________________________

Exercice 3 : Conjuguez le verbe au present perfect et complétez l’autre blanc avec for ou since.

1. I _________________________________ (have) a lot of opportunities to work abroad

________ I started my career.
2. I _________________________________ (know) him ______ a few years.
3. Who _________________________________ (live) in this town ______ over 10 years?
4. I _________________________________ (not / see) her _________ my birthday.
5. He _________________________________(be) sick _________ Tuesday.
6. _________________________________ (she / tell) you about the fires in Australia
________ last time?
7. I _________________________________ (say) this _______ months ! No one listens!

Exercice 4 :

These are pictures of the floods in Sydney in 2022, as well as pictures of landscapes destroyed by
fires. Use the present perfect to describe the changes in the second picture.

1) Here is Camden Showground before and after the

floods. In the second picture, you can see that the park
_____________________________ (be flooded). The
tables and
chairs___________________________(disappear). The
sky __________________________ (turn) grey.

2) Here is Mackellar Girls Campus.

Verbs : reach, engulf, …


3) Here is Kangaroo Island.

Verbs: burn, fade, disappear, etc.






4) Here is the Remarkable Rocks lookout.

Verbs: destroy, turn, leave, etc.

C. Speaking (escape project)

Remember how you made a plan to escape from a difficult situation? (p.27)

Get into your groups of 3 or 4, and read the notes you had taken together on page 9 and 27 or on the
Etherpad Lite. Once everybody’s memory has been refreshed, write about your experience!

You have escaped and it is time for you to assess your strategy! Using the present perfect, describe
the outcome of your escape plan: have you succeeded? What have you learnt? What has this
experience changed for you?

D. Writing

You are Australian and you have decided to move to Europe. Write a letter to your family to explain
why you don’t want to live in Australia anymore. Use the preterit to talk about what happened to

you, the present perfect to explain the consequences for you today, and will / be going to to discuss
the future.






















Final task

Get back into your groups and use the scenario you wrote during the semester to do one of the
following things:

- Make a short movie to tell your escape story. It might be an adventure movie, a thriller, a
horror movie, a documentary, a series of interviews, a parody, a game show, a candid camera
show, reality TV – the sky is the limit! It should be 5 to 8 minutes long. Make it as fun and
original as possible.

- Design an escape game based on the scenario you wrote and get the whole class to play! The
game should last for about 20 minutes. It might take place in the classroom, in the building or
in the courtyard. Work on the story you’ll tell the players at the beginning of the game. Think
about the props and clues you will use to help the players escape.

Here are some resources to help you design the game:



Organising your thoughts

INTRODUCTION First and foremost: tout d’abord, en premier

First / Firstly / First of all: tout d’abord lieu
To begin / to start with: pour commencer


Secondly, thirdly In this respect: à cetégard

Then: ensuite To someextent: dans unecertainemesure
At first sight: à première vue As far as … isconcerned: ence qui concerne…
As a matter of fact / In fact: en fait (ex. as far as Rhett isconcerned)
On second thoughts: à la réflexion From a … point of view: d’un point de vue…
Actually: effectivement, vraiment, en fait (ex. from a political point a view)


Besides: d'ailleurs That is to say: c'est-à-dire

Furthermore / Moreover / What is more: de plus For example / For instance: par exemple
On top of that: de plus …, such as: tel que, comme
Similarly: de même On the one hand … on the other hand:
In other words: end'autrestermes d’une part… d’autre part


Instead of (+N/V-ing): au lieu de Contrary to / Unlike (+N/V-

Yet / However / Nevertheless / ing): contrairement à
Notwithstanding: néanmoins On the contrary: au contraire
Whereas: tandis, alors que


Because of: en raison de This isbecause: c'estparce que

Thanks to: grâce à This is the reason why / That is
Giventhat: étantdonné que why: c’estpourquoi
Since: puisque As a consequence / Therefore: enconséquence


To conclude / In conclusion: en conclusion On the whole / Generally / Overall:

To sum up / In a nutshell: pour résumer dans l’ensemble


In my opinion / To my mind: selonmoi I strongly believe that…: je suispersuadé que
It makes me think of / It reminds me of: cela It seems to me that….: il me semble que
me fait penser à I agree with (this argument) / I don’t agree
I am convinced that: je suisconvaincu que with / I disagree with: je suisd’accord / je ne
Personally, I think / I believe…

suis pas d’accord avec….(NB. use “to agree”, To be honest / Frankly
not “to be agree”

Writing an argumentative essay

1) Structure

a. The introduction which is composed of three parts:

1. A catchphrase (general statement/quote/reference to a document studied in class)
2. Your key question (insert the essay question in a non-artificial way)
3. Your outline (very briefly explain what you intend to prove and how you plan to do so)

E.g. It is often said that ………………………… That is why one may wonder
if/when/what…………………………………… To answer this question, I will first deal
with…………………………, and then I will discuss the problem of …………………………/ I will weigh the
pros and cons of….

b. The development:
1. Make two or three paragraphs
2. Illustrate each point with a precise example
3. Avoid self-contradiction and confusion (“yes but no but maybe”)

c. The conclusion which is also composed of three parts:

1. A summary of your 2 or 3 main points
2. Your final answer to the essay question
3. An opening statement

2) Writing conventions

a. Use the pronoun “I” (and not “we” which is very awkward in English)
b. Start each paragraph with a link word

d. Marking scheme

a. Content (have you answered the question convincingly in a personal or knowledgeable way?)
b. Structure (have you respected the structure above and expressed you ideas clearly?)
c. Correction (have you only made few and minor mistakes?)
d. Range (have you used a great variety of vocabulary and grammar forms?)

Commenting on a picture
A commentary involves four steps:

1) Introducing the document (type / source / author / date and historical, political or artistic

This document is entitled... / It dates back to... / It deals with... / It comes from... / It was
published in/on...

a photograph, drawing, painting, poster, advert, book/magazine cover, map, diagram,

table/grid, cartoon, still (image tirée d'un film), pie chart, video report

aphotographer, artist, painter, adman, cartoonist, designer, creator, cameraman,


2) Describing the document (elements, layout, colours...)

The document shows..., there is a contrast between..., the focus of attention is..., it is composed
of..., it consists of + N..., it illustrates...

in the foreground (premier plan)/ at the front, in the middle, in the background (arrière-plan)/ at the
back, on the left/right, at the top/bottom, in the lower/upper part, in the bottom right-hand corner, in
the top left-hand corner

a portrait, a landscape, a seascape

cool/warm colours, soft/bright colours, black and white, sepia

a slogan, catchphrase, caption (légende), bubble/balloon, box, pun

3) Analysing the purpose (message, author’s intentions, means and tools used)

It is aimed at + N/V-ing
We can infer / guess / conclude that . . .
The problem/issue illustrated here is…
What the artists wants to point out / suggest / symbolize is. . .
The photographer highlights/ shows/ criticizes the fact that. .
The goal of the cartoonist is to inform us about/ sensitize us to / make fun of ...

4) Giving your personal opinion (impressions, reactions)

In my opinion. . . / to my mind / personally

I agree/disagree with...
I find it funny / strange / (un)convincing / beautiful / alarming / shocking / irritating. . .
It reminds me of / It inspires me to think about / It makes me aware of…

Speaking to the class

1) Verbal-communication

a. Introduce yourself and your work before you start

b. Speak loud enough and at an adequate pace (don’t rush it!)
c. Stress the words that matter and don’t speak in a monotonous drone
d. Use gap fillers (huh, let me think/ give me second / please bear with me / let me rephrase
this / let me start again) and don’t speak French or stop abruptly
e. Tell the class when you have reached the end and invite them to ask questions

2) Non-verbal communication

a. Hold your head up and don’t read your notes

b. Make eye-contact with everyone in the room and don’t look only at the teacher
c. Mind stress-related habits (playing with your hair or a pencil) and don’t distract the listener

3) Digital tools

a. Save your document with various tools (USB, email, Cloud…)

b. Make sure the format of your file is compatible with other devices than your own
c. Be concise and write short key phrases
d. Use big enough letters and adequate colours so people can read from a distance



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